naLnP4Qzz4u-00000-00000536-00000736 Click file > Open > and locate your image > double click or click open naLnP4Qzz4u-00001-00000736-00001823 On your left screen, find and click magic wand tool and click the area where you want to delete niL7p5v4Jby-00000-00000428-00000990 Like you and I, instruments have families too. In this video, we will be discussing niL7p5v4Jby-00001-00000990-00001262 the types of instrumental families. niL7p5v4Jby-00002-00001366-00002032 The first family we will be discussing is the string family. The string family is composed of four main instruments. niL7p5v4Jby-00003-00002144-00002570 The string bass is the lowest voice of the string family. The bass can be bowed or niL7p5v4Jby-00004-00002570-00003012 plucked and is commonly played in the orchestra, wind band, and in jazz. niL7p5v4Jby-00005-00003038-00003365 The cello is one of the middle voices in the string family. niL7p5v4Jby-00006-00003365-00003814 It is popular as a solo, chamber, or orchestral instrument. niL7p5v4Jby-00007-00003886-00004442 The viola contributes a unique sound to the string family. It is often mistaken for the violin, niL7p5v4Jby-00008-00004452-00004874 but is a little larger and produces a deeper and darker tone quality. niL7p5v4Jby-00009-00004874-00005206 The viola can be found in orchestras and chamber ensembles. niL7p5v4Jby-00010-00005282-00005928 The violin is the highest voice in the string family. The violin has become one of the most important niL7p5v4Jby-00011-00005928-00006246 chamber, solo, and orchestral instruments and nearly niL7p5v4Jby-00012-00006258-00006686 every composer has written or featured the violin in a composition. niL7p5v4Jby-00013-00006802-00007208 The woodwind family was traditionally crafted from wood. However, niL7p5v4Jby-00014-00007208-00007672 in the modern day can be made from metal or plastic. The woodwind family includes niL7p5v4Jby-00015-00007672-00008200 the flute, the oboe, the clarinet, the bassoon, and more recently the saxophone. niL7p5v4Jby-00016-00008234-00008876 The bassoon is one of the lowest voices in the woodwind family. The bassoon is a double reed instrument and has one of the niL7p5v4Jby-00017-00008876-00009418 largest pitch ranges. The bassoon typically compliments the cello or other low voices. niL7p5v4Jby-00018-00009490-00009804 The clarinet is one of the more popular instruments in the woodwind niL7p5v4Jby-00019-00009804-00010238 family. It typically carries the melodic line in a song and is common in niL7p5v4Jby-00020-00010238-00010486 orchestra, wind band, and jazz. niL7p5v4Jby-00021-00010562-00010970 The oboe shares similar qualities with the bassoon, being a double reed instrument. niL7p5v4Jby-00022-00010970-00011588 The oboe looks similar to the clarinet, but produces a high crisp and clean sound that soars over any ensemble. niL7p5v4Jby-00023-00011654-00012064 The flute is a member of the woodwind family, but is typically made from metal. niL7p5v4Jby-00024-00012064-00012354 It provides a bright and cheerful sound, performing niL7p5v4Jby-00025-00012354-00012712 large and diverse varieties of literature and solos. niL7p5v4Jby-00026-00012712-00013194 The saxophone is a relatively new and unique instrument to the woodwind family. niL7p5v4Jby-00027-00013208-00013616 It is made from brass, but uses a reed like woodwinds.The saxophone provides an niL7p5v4Jby-00028-00013616-00014206 important connection between the woodwind family and the brass family and is well known for its use in jazz. niL7p5v4Jby-00029-00014280-00014676 The brass family are metal instruments that produce sound through the vibration of the niL7p5v4Jby-00030-00014676-00015144 lips using a mouthpiece. The brass family has several members and are popular in niL7p5v4Jby-00031-00015144-00015482 orchestras, wind bands, military bands, and jazz. niL7p5v4Jby-00032-00015550-00016247 The tuba is the largest and lowest voice in the brass family. It provides the foundational sound for most ensembles. niL7p5v4Jby-00033-00016302-00016580 The euphonium is the middle voice of the brass family. niL7p5v4Jby-00034-00016580-00017312 It is similar looking to the tuba, but much smaller. Its timbre or sound is similar to that of the trombone. niL7p5v4Jby-00035-00017428-00017706 The trombone is a popular instrument brass family and niL7p5v4Jby-00036-00017706-00018206 unique because it uses a slide instead of valves or keys to change pitches. niL7p5v4Jby-00037-00018242-00018808 The french horn is capable of producing sounds as low as the tuba and melodies similar to the trumpet. niL7p5v4Jby-00038-00018808-00019418 In addition, it is a versatile instrument being able to perform with both brass and woodwind ensembles. niL7p5v4Jby-00039-00019480-00019870 The trumpet is the highest voice in the brass family and typically carries niL7p5v4Jby-00040-00019870-00020292 the melodic line of music. It is a very important instrument in the orchestra, niL7p5v4Jby-00041-00020292-00020574 wind band, jazz, and soloistic repertoire. niL7p5v4Jby-00042-00020610-00020992 The keyboard family is one of the most well known instrumental families. The niL7p5v4Jby-00043-00020992-00021496 keyboard has developed significantly over centuries and range from acoustic to electric. niL7p5v4Jby-00044-00021578-00022104 The piano is an extremely popular instrument in western culture, and comes in a variety of shapes and niL7p5v4Jby-00045-00022104-00022552 sizes such as; the upright piano or the grand piano. There is a vast amount of niL7p5v4Jby-00046-00022552-00022768 musical literature written for the piano. niL7p5v4Jby-00047-00022856-00023356 The organ is a very powerful member of the keyboard family. It is typically seen in churches niL7p5v4Jby-00048-00023356-00023784 or theaters. The most commonly recognized organ is the pipe organ. niL7p5v4Jby-00049-00023814-00024198 It has large metal pipes scaling a wall that produces the sound. niL7p5v4Jby-00050-00024236-00024778 The percussion family is one of the largest instrumental family and is constantly expanding. niL7p5v4Jby-00051-00024794-00025278 It includes standard instruments such as the snare drum or bass drum. However, niL7p5v4Jby-00052-00025278-00025656 the percussion family is filled with unique instruments you may have never heard of. niL7p5v4Jby-00053-00025692-00026170 The marimba is a percussion instrument similar to the keyboard, but it is struck with the a mallet. niL7p5v4Jby-00054-00026192-00026839 The marimba spans a range of five and a half octaves and is commonly in a wind band or chamber ensembles. niL7p5v4Jby-00055-00026883-00027426 The timpani includes five different sized copper kettle drums with a wide variety of pitches. niL7p5v4Jby-00056-00027439-00027936 The timpani is common in orchestral playing and is well known for its powerful sound. niL7p5v4Jby-00057-00027972-00028444 The bass drum is an important member of the percussion family. The bass drum is a very large niL7p5v4Jby-00058-00028444-00028783 drum and provides a strong and steady beat for the ensemble. niL7p5v4Jby-00059-00028876-00029413 The snare drum is one of the most popular instruments of the percussion family. Contributing long and niL7p5v4Jby-00060-00029414-00029910 fast passages of complex rhythms. The snare drum is common in orchestras, wind niL7p5v4Jby-00061-00029910-00030058 bands, and military bands. niL7p5v4Jby-00062-00030116-00030672 In summary, the instrumental families come in a variety of shapes, sizes, materials, and sounds. niL7p5v4Jby-00063-00030672-00031083 Although they are all members of different families, when performed together, niL7p5v4Jby-00064-00031083-00031448 they produce incredibly powerful and emotional music. nkjzcDYBk6Y-00000-00000153-00000284 Subscribe oofWinK6I9Y-00000-00000635-00001136 >JONATHAN DAVIS: The mission critical operations grant was a 2013 United States Department of oofWinK6I9Y-00001-00001136-00001568 Labor TAACCCT grant. It's twenty three point two million dollars awarded to our oofWinK6I9Y-00002-00001568-00001976 consortium. Our consortium consists of five schools, four of those are in North oofWinK6I9Y-00003-00001976-00002414 Carolina: Cleveland Community College, Wake Tech, Nash Community College, oofWinK6I9Y-00004-00002414-00002699 University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and then there's a school in oofWinK6I9Y-00005-00002699-00003052 Georgia called Southern Regional Technical College. >TONY ROSSI: Cleveland Community oofWinK6I9Y-00006-00003052-00003527 College is the leader of the consortium and has been from from the award of the oofWinK6I9Y-00007-00003527-00004096 grant and have been spearheading largely the development of all the pieces that oofWinK6I9Y-00008-00004096-00004601 the grant has put in place. >DAVIS: We provide project and fiscal oversight over all oofWinK6I9Y-00009-00004601-00004961 schools and also we lead the National Consortium for Mission Critical oofWinK6I9Y-00010-00004961-00005471 Operations with the ultimate goal of sustaining that project post grant oofWinK6I9Y-00011-00005471-00006010 funds. >ROSSI: The department labor awarded that amount of money to the schools here in oofWinK6I9Y-00012-00006010-00006448 North Carolina initially to build this training pipeline focusing specifically oofWinK6I9Y-00013-00006448-00006941 on the overall mission critical operator. That's the individual that we need times oofWinK6I9Y-00014-00006941-00007322 hundreds; times thousands. >SKYLER HACKETT: They made a good choice when they did select oofWinK6I9Y-00015-00007322-00007664 Cleveland Community College. The instructors here are good, the classes oofWinK6I9Y-00016-00007664-00008120 are good, the school overall is good in itself and I enjoy it thoroughly. >DR. SHANNON KENNEDY: Cleveland oofWinK6I9Y-00017-00008120-00008515 Community College is located in Shelby North Carolina which is centrally oofWinK6I9Y-00018-00008515-00008867 located between Asheville, Greenville-Spartanburg in South Carolina, and oofWinK6I9Y-00019-00008867-00009311 Charlotte >DAVIS: We have an abundance of land; the power infrastructure is very good oofWinK6I9Y-00020-00009311-00009940 here. So we're very appealing to data centers >ROSSI: Within a 20 to 50 mile oofWinK6I9Y-00021-00009940-00010238 radius there's several billion dollars worth of oofWinK6I9Y-00022-00010238-00010757 enterprise data centers >RODNEY COBB: We've got T5 in Kings Mountain, Disney, Duke Power, AT&T oofWinK6I9Y-00023-00010757-00011318 WiPro, Boeing. We have Facebook. We also have Google, which is probably about an oofWinK6I9Y-00024-00011318-00011815 hour away. So we're a hotbed for those those mission critical facilities right oofWinK6I9Y-00025-00011815-00012095 here in the county. >DAVIS: The movement to create a mission-critical operations oofWinK6I9Y-00026-00012095-00012529 program actually came out of industry with a partnership with the 7 by 24 oofWinK6I9Y-00027-00012529-00012980 Exchange Carolina's chapter. 7 by 24 Exchange is a group of end users in oofWinK6I9Y-00028-00012980-00013291 mission critical operations. These are the folks that are actually doing the oofWinK6I9Y-00029-00013291-00013597 job every day. They were noticing that there was a lot of gray hair in the oofWinK6I9Y-00030-00013597-00013976 industry and that those people were retiring and they were not able to oofWinK6I9Y-00031-00013976-00014434 replace them with qualified candidates. >DR. KENNEDY: So there was definitely a need to have oofWinK6I9Y-00032-00014434-00014791 qualified workforce and we developed a program so that we can have a qualified oofWinK6I9Y-00033-00014791-00015181 workforce. >ROSSI: We've been looking for this training pipeline to come from the oofWinK6I9Y-00034-00015181-00015740 education system so Cleveland recognized and heard our call that we need to train oofWinK6I9Y-00035-00015740-00016379 some some new generation of operators >PAUL WEEKS: We also provide employees that will attract oofWinK6I9Y-00036-00016379-00016787 other manufacturing companies into our area. So it's a cycle that we want to oofWinK6I9Y-00037-00016787-00017257 just continue to grow >BRUCE MACK: My vision for every program here, within Cleveland oofWinK6I9Y-00038-00017257-00017635 Community College, is that every student is employed in the area that they oofWinK6I9Y-00039-00017635-00017975 studied. >DR. KENNEDY: We were able to do something really unique because we had the funds oofWinK6I9Y-00040-00017975-00018445 to do it and that was the hire subject matter experts from the field to really oofWinK6I9Y-00041-00018445-00018893 come in and vet this and make sure that we were meeting the competencies that oofWinK6I9Y-00042-00018893-00019231 are needed in the workforce. >ROSSI: Everybody involved in the MCO program at Cleveland oofWinK6I9Y-00043-00019231-00019784 has been very receptive to the feedback and the comments that we in the industry oofWinK6I9Y-00044-00019784-00020179 have given them to make sure that we are creating the right degree, the right oofWinK6I9Y-00045-00020179-00020620 certifications, the right content. >DAVIS: They have written course content they have oofWinK6I9Y-00046-00020620-00021128 written questions for industry recognized exams they have worked with oofWinK6I9Y-00047-00021128-00021665 us to conduct like a LinkedIn workshop day for students. >MACK: The majority of our oofWinK6I9Y-00048-00021665-00022087 programs are career ready programs, job ready programs, to prepare people to go oofWinK6I9Y-00049-00022087-00022513 to work. >DAVIS: So we offer certificates that can be completed in a semester or two. We oofWinK6I9Y-00050-00022513-00022894 offer a diploma in mission critical operations that can be completed in one oofWinK6I9Y-00051-00022894-00023260 year and we offer an associate's degree that takes a full two years to complete oofWinK6I9Y-00052-00023260-00023609 that program. >DR. KENNEDY: In our mission-critical operations program we have two tracks oofWinK6I9Y-00053-00023609-00024082 one is an IT track and one is OT which is operations technology. So those who oofWinK6I9Y-00054-00024082-00024497 really are interested in IT and may be working in a true data center they have oofWinK6I9Y-00055-00024497-00024985 that track and then OT is what we're finding more demand for because that's oofWinK6I9Y-00056-00024985-00025475 learning the automation and a little HVAC and those other areas to keep oofWinK6I9Y-00057-00025475-00025828 everything up and operating not just computers. >DAVIS: As part of the oofWinK6I9Y-00058-00025828-00026182 mission critical operations program we also developed two, new, oofWinK6I9Y-00059-00026182-00026569 industry-recognized certifications called Certified Mission Critical oofWinK6I9Y-00060-00026569-00027019 Operator, CMCO, and Certified Mission Critical Professional, CMCP. oofWinK6I9Y-00061-00027019-00027338 Industry-recognized certifications are a way to show employers oofWinK6I9Y-00062-00027338-00027800 that you have the skills necessary to do the job. >SCOTT PAGE: The mission critical program here oofWinK6I9Y-00063-00027800-00028627 at CCC encompasses hydraulics, pneumatics, robotics, computer engineering. It just oofWinK6I9Y-00064-00028627-00029114 gives you a really good wide base of knowledge. >WEEKS: Along with the book-work, we oofWinK6I9Y-00065-00029114-00029486 want to provide as much hands-on training as we can so that the students oofWinK6I9Y-00066-00029486-00029855 will know what to do when they get into a manufacturing plant and they've had oofWinK6I9Y-00067-00029855-00030191 experience of doing some of the tasks they're going to have to oofWinK6I9Y-00068-00030191-00030512 complete. >MACK: And we would like for the students to be able to go and work for a oofWinK6I9Y-00069-00030512-00030995 data center for a semester to gain some experience and then possibly land a job oofWinK6I9Y-00070-00030995-00031370 >HACKETT: You need to have a little bit experience under your belt as you're going forward oofWinK6I9Y-00071-00031370-00031777 to make a better decision in the end. >DAVIS: Cleveland Community College used our oofWinK6I9Y-00072-00031777-00032324 funds for personnel to develop content, for supplies, instructional supplies, for oofWinK6I9Y-00073-00032324-00032752 in the classroom for students to use, for instructors to use instructional oofWinK6I9Y-00074-00032752-00033299 technology.We purchased new equipment. We did over a 1 million dollar renovation oofWinK6I9Y-00075-00033299-00033794 to a data center classroom. >PAGE: The technology that they employ in the labs oofWinK6I9Y-00076-00033794-00034382 here are pretty state-of-the-art with Fanuc robots that cost hundreds of oofWinK6I9Y-00077-00034382-00034796 thousands of dollars. >WEEKS: The goal of the Community College is to provide oofWinK6I9Y-00078-00034796-00035393 education to the masses and support the local community that we live in. >PAGE: I would oofWinK6I9Y-00079-00035393-00035864 say if somebody was considering entering into the MCO field that this would be a oofWinK6I9Y-00080-00035864-00036491 very good start and give you a very good base of knowledge to be employable >WEEKS: We're oofWinK6I9Y-00081-00036491-00036956 very in tune with what the local manufacturing needs are in this area and oofWinK6I9Y-00082-00036956-00037433 they're constantly involved in improving the program and turning out the types of oofWinK6I9Y-00083-00037433-00037844 education that they want in employees when they're looking for people to hire. oofWinK6I9Y-00084-00037844-00038315 >COBB: The growth is huge in this area and if someone gets you know get in as a oofWinK6I9Y-00085-00038315-00038759 technician, there's no level that they couldn't you know work up to. >HACKETT: We need oofWinK6I9Y-00086-00038759-00039197 more people, we need more experience, we need more technical skills, we need oofWinK6I9Y-00087-00039197-00039563 more people that care about the country and care about the infrastructure. >PAGE: To be oofWinK6I9Y-00088-00039563-00039968 able to keep the lights on, be able to keep the phones on, be able to keep your oofWinK6I9Y-00089-00039968-00040394 computers on and it just deals with the entire economy oofWinK6I9Y-00090-00040394-00040895 of our country. >DR. KENNEDY: So it is a great time to get a two-year degree and get out in the oofWinK6I9Y-00091-00040895-00041363 workforce and make very good wage. >ROSSI: If a student gets out of the MCO program what oofWinK6I9Y-00092-00041363-00041891 we've built into it they can get a job starting at 40 to 50 thousand dollars a year almost oofWinK6I9Y-00093-00041891-00042305 anywhere they want. >MACK: We believe this is a program that will be around for a long oofWinK6I9Y-00094-00042305-00042761 time. >ROSSI: The people that commit to this path will set themselves apart and there will oofWinK6I9Y-00095-00042761-00043190 be plenty of jobs for as far as we can see into the future. >COBB: It makes me very oofWinK6I9Y-00096-00043190-00043805 happy to see my students succeed and to be able to gain successful employment oofWinK6I9Y-00097-00043805-00044126 and none of that would have been possible without the DOL grant we oofWinK6I9Y-00098-00044126-00044772 received. o19J446-yN0-00000-00000241-00000832 Good morning, mr. Lynch. o19J446-yN0-00001-00000832-00002173 It's August 16th, 2021 and it's a Monday and here in Naples 86 fahrenheit around 30-31 o19J446-yN0-00002-00002173-00002560 celsius and this means that o19J446-yN0-00003-00002560-00003432 it's a hot day, very, very, very, very hot day like in these days and in this period o19J446-yN0-00004-00003432-00004005 but it's a good day, obviously a total sunny day. o19J446-yN0-00005-00004005-00004748 And today I speak a little in English and a little in Italian. o19J446-yN0-00006-00004748-00004942 Now I speak in Italian. o19J446-yN0-00007-00004942-00005855 Today I was thinking about the fact that last night in the late evening, as happened a few o19J446-yN0-00008-00005855-00006428 days before, now I don't remember exactly when, his Blue Velvet was broadcasting on o19J446-yN0-00009-00006428-00006550 another Italian channel. o19J446-yN0-00010-00006550-00007102 But I have already explained, I carry the link in the description if I remember what o19J446-yN0-00011-00007102-00007811 video it is and these are things that I also wrote in one of his Weather Report a few days o19J446-yN0-00012-00007811-00007911 ago, o19J446-yN0-00013-00007911-00008492 seeing films like this on television, especially films like yours and films on the same line, o19J446-yN0-00014-00008492-00008640 is absolutely not the case. o19J446-yN0-00015-00008640-00009139 I'll see it again as soon as I can, but of course the way I say. o19J446-yN0-00016-00009139-00010145 And then today I was thinking about the fact that even today there are beautiful blue skies o19J446-yN0-00017-00010145-00010535 and golden sunshine but o19J446-yN0-00018-00010535-00010686 it should rain from Wednesday. o19J446-yN0-00019-00010686-00012399 In fact, already in Northern Italy this morning it started to rain o19J446-yN0-00020-00012399-00013081 while here in the south it should cool down and therefore it should rain from Wednesday. o19J446-yN0-00021-00013081-00013354 And so this scorching heat should start to subside. o19J446-yN0-00022-00013354-00014232 And we hope that the temperature will remain with these lower degrees until the time to o19J446-yN0-00023-00014232-00014332 follow. o19J446-yN0-00024-00014332-00015044 Because this heat is not an African heat but it is certainly an incredible heat. o19J446-yN0-00025-00015044-00015348 Winter is always preferable to summer. o19J446-yN0-00026-00015348-00015856 Winter is always more manageable than summer in my opinion. o19J446-yN0-00027-00015856-00017219 Then another thing: today I am two weeks with a shaved head and I think that in short, this o19J446-yN0-00028-00017219-00017319 can be seen from the head, o19J446-yN0-00029-00017319-00017862 you see that the hair is starting to grow. o19J446-yN0-00030-00017862-00018473 And now I speak afain in English. o19J446-yN0-00031-00018473-00019614 So as he can see from the mythical window with the colored courtains today we have o19J446-yN0-00032-00019614-00020361 those beautiful blue skies and golden sunshine all along the way. o19J446-yN0-00033-00020361-00021890 Anyway from the mythical window with the colored courtains and from my mythical keyboard o19J446-yN0-00034-00021890-00022300 make a great day him and everyone too! o2bAkIdkGWU-00000-00000000-00000400 Welcome to my fortress. It lies deep within a mountain. Here we are looking at the peak of the mountain. o2bAkIdkGWU-00001-00000400-00000582 Now we are descending level by level through the mountain. The rocksalt bridge to the entrance is partially visible. o2bAkIdkGWU-00002-00000582-00001150 The bridge provides protection against invaders, which are common as there are numerous hostile civilizations nearby. This is the only entrance into the fortress from the surface. Traders regularly visit and will use the trade depots visible here. o2bAkIdkGWU-00003-00001150-00002470 As we descend into the fortress, notice just how deep it goes. The elevation level is indicated at the top right. o2bAkIdkGWU-00004-00002470-00003580 The topmost level of the inner fortress contains the bedrooms for the numerous dwarves. At one point, 200 dwarves lived in the fortress. The numerous, and ongoing forgotten beast problem has reduced the population greatly. o2bAkIdkGWU-00005-00003674-00004581 Next is the workshop level. Almost all of the goods that the fortress creates are produced here. A close supply of plump helmets are kept at the top area, to ensure there is always plenty of alcohol for the dwarves. o2bAkIdkGWU-00006-00004606-00005600 The next level is a vast storage area for most types of items. Certain items will go to special areas, like alcohol that has been brewed or food that has been prepared going to taverns. Otherwise the item is stored here. This area is kept very close to the production level to ensure maximum efficiency. o2bAkIdkGWU-00007-00005600-00005988 This is the rock and tree storage level. It is deliberately sized to ensure trees and rocks are always on hand, but not too many. If they were larger, dwarves would spend excessive amounts of time keeping unnecessarily large stockpiles of these items, rather than doing valuable and important tasks. o2bAkIdkGWU-00008-00005993-00007132 This area is the heart of the fortress. A tavern at the top serves most of the dwarves food and drink. A well-equipped hospital is located at the far left. It is in near-constant use from conflicts with invading creatures. Switches which control each of the security bridges throughout the fortress are located in the hallway for quick access. o2bAkIdkGWU-00009-00007132-00007339 There are many animals roaming around the fortress. I let them breed freely and train the dogs into war dogs and hunting dogs. o2bAkIdkGWU-00010-00007339-00007758 To the left is a large temple for dwarves to practice worship for a number of deities. To the right are two barracks for soldiers to train, sleep, and store their equipment so they are ready to defend against invaders. o2bAkIdkGWU-00011-00007967-00008177 More rock storage. o2bAkIdkGWU-00012-00008177-00008275 Only ore which could be smelted into iron was stored here. The storage area has moved to be closer to the magma-powered workshops. o2bAkIdkGWU-00013-00008275-00008400 Storage area for corpses and other refuse. The purple clouds are Miasma, which will make dwarves unhappy if they come into contact with it. By keeping this area secluded from the fortress and staircase, contact is minimized. o2bAkIdkGWU-00014-00008400-00008537 Underground drinking wells. Most dwarves get their water here as it is close to the other levels. o2bAkIdkGWU-00015-00008630-00008892 Farm plots. All of these are used to grow plump helmets, which can be brewed into alcohol or cooked for food. o2bAkIdkGWU-00016-00009070-00009475 Now we descend much deeper into the fortress... o2bAkIdkGWU-00017-00009787-00010000 A vast cavern underground emerges. o2bAkIdkGWU-00018-00010000-00010856 Within the walls of the underground cavern, a tavern has been built. Because the fortress continues much further downward, this tavern ensures dwarves are never too far from food and drink. o2bAkIdkGWU-00019-00010862-00011159 This is one of several security bridges. As you can see from the blood, when the bridge is raised, you want to be on the other side. o2bAkIdkGWU-00020-00011759-00012838 More security bridges. Notice how the lower bridge is over a vast pit (still under construction). As you can see from the blood, this hasn't worked yet, but the intent is to raise the bridge and drop invaders down the pit, making them fall so far they explode upon impact. o2bAkIdkGWU-00021-00013974-00014171 Here we reach another underground cavern. o49M5bJahFQ-00000-00000196-00000541 - We are an organization that builds homes o49M5bJahFQ-00001-00000541-00000775 through volunteerism, and so it's great o49M5bJahFQ-00002-00000775-00001013 when the two organizations of Fleet Week o49M5bJahFQ-00003-00001013-00001190 and Habitat can come together, o49M5bJahFQ-00004-00001190-00001494 because we're doing something to improve our community. o49M5bJahFQ-00005-00001748-00001964 (drilling) o49M5bJahFQ-00006-00001964-00002179 This is actually the sixth year of our partnership. o49M5bJahFQ-00007-00002179-00002561 You guys have been coming out to our sites for quite a bit. o49M5bJahFQ-00008-00002561-00002791 This is the third Fleet Week that I've personally done o49M5bJahFQ-00009-00002791-00003051 with you, and like I said, it's always a great time. o49M5bJahFQ-00010-00003834-00004065 - The most rewarding part about Habitat for Humanity o49M5bJahFQ-00011-00004065-00004250 is the fact that we get to participate o49M5bJahFQ-00012-00004250-00004443 in the community, and since we have that brotherhood, o49M5bJahFQ-00013-00004443-00004672 and we all are part of one family, o49M5bJahFQ-00014-00004672-00004838 giving back to the community makes it feel like o49M5bJahFQ-00015-00004838-00004993 our family is that much bigger. o49M5bJahFQ-00016-00005305-00005467 We get so much support from the community, o49M5bJahFQ-00017-00005467-00005816 and knowing that they're out there supporting us, o49M5bJahFQ-00018-00005816-00006006 they don't really see everything that we do for them. o49M5bJahFQ-00019-00006006-00006254 This way, we're able to show them o49M5bJahFQ-00020-00006254-00006486 exactly what we're doing, they're able to see us o49M5bJahFQ-00021-00006486-00006709 here, in person, helping everybody o49M5bJahFQ-00022-00006709-00006801 and giving back to the community o49M5bJahFQ-00023-00006801-00007014 the way that we wish we could every single day. o79dGZnhI60-00000-00000039-00000554 This is the elevator at the Lord & Taylor store at Fair Oaks Mall in Fairfax, Virginia. o79dGZnhI60-00001-00000751-00000951 This is a long walk! o79dGZnhI60-00002-00001122-00001322 It's a DOVER! o79dGZnhI60-00003-00001362-00002256 (GASP) DOVER! Rainbow Dash gets to experience it. Look how nice it is! o79dGZnhI60-00004-00002644-00002844 LL. o79dGZnhI60-00005-00003003-00003203 It's a DOVER! o79dGZnhI60-00006-00003526-00004275 Drops hard! Can you go to PH? No, it's locked. Did you try already? o79dGZnhI60-00007-00004671-00004931 It's locked. UL o79dGZnhI60-00008-00005187-00005387 It's a DOVER! o79dGZnhI60-00009-00005732-00006198 Let's get a cab you ADA compliant phone right there. It's a nice one! o79dGZnhI60-00010-00006436-00006867 Listen to that motor! I taking 2 rides on this this; thing's got an awesome motor! o79dGZnhI60-00011-00007018-00007218 I'd like to go on my own this time. o79dGZnhI60-00012-00007261-00007497 Rainbow Dash gets the press LL this time! o79dGZnhI60-00013-00007622-00008175 Let's go for another ride. Whoa. Yes, Lower Lobby. I mean lower level. o79dGZnhI60-00014-00008327-00008527 Door close button works! o79dGZnhI60-00015-00008774-00008974 Listen to that motor! o79dGZnhI60-00016-00009314-00009609 That's a terrible buzzer! PH is locked. o79dGZnhI60-00017-00009979-00010179 This is an awesome elevator! o79dGZnhI60-00018-00010279-00010479 UL. o79dGZnhI60-00019-00010514-00011061 Disclaimer, if anyone makes fun of me just because I like My Little Pony, I will remove your comment. Here we go! o79dGZnhI60-00020-00011861-00012327 Awesome elevator! Traditional, hands-free ADA code compliant phone over there. o79dGZnhI60-00021-00012503-00012703 I'm going to film the doors closing now. o79dGZnhI60-00022-00013078-00013449 There it goes and, that's it! (LENS COVER CLOSING) o7rXscPAdfY-00000-00002990-00003347 The problem that I have found with these platforms and I've been looking at them o7rXscPAdfY-00001-00003347-00003721 quite a lot because I study complex systems theory. o7rXscPAdfY-00002-00003721-00004643 In the world of these platforms within, sort of, social networks and systems is that the moment you input o7rXscPAdfY-00003-00004643-00005448 something digitally on to an online platform it's too easy to lose the human o7rXscPAdfY-00004-00005448-00006086 elements of that and also the nuances, which comes from real life engagement o7rXscPAdfY-00005-00006086-00006274 and human contact. o7rXscPAdfY-00006-00006274-00006790 So, if you were to look at Opendesk, which is a fantastic online platform o7rXscPAdfY-00007-00006800-00007150 for sharing creative commons designs for digital fabrication. o7rXscPAdfY-00008-00007150-00007667 The idea is that you share designs globally, so that you can make locally and I think o7rXscPAdfY-00009-00007667-00008407 that's a beautiful idea but what it lacks is those interesting kind of o7rXscPAdfY-00010-00008407-00009089 unpredictable nuances that happens when a person downloads a file and then they o7rXscPAdfY-00011-00009089-00009506 go off screen into the real world into the workshop and all of a sudden they o7rXscPAdfY-00012-00009506-00009925 tweak something by a millimeter or they twist a joint or they speak to the o7rXscPAdfY-00013-00009925-00010336 client and she says: "Well it's for my husband and he has a medical condition." o7rXscPAdfY-00014-00010530-00011435 Those day-to-day challenges and transformations are often the seeds of o7rXscPAdfY-00015-00011435-00011990 the most interesting and innovative approaches to problem-solving, to design thinking, o7rXscPAdfY-00016-00012010-00012644 to fabrication and I've found it quite difficult to translate those o7rXscPAdfY-00017-00012644-00013084 tiny little moments in time to an online platform because you lose that o7rXscPAdfY-00018-00013084-00013330 granularity and you lose that detail. o7rXscPAdfY-00019-00013400-00013569 So, in thinking about what these o7rXscPAdfY-00020-00013574-00014177 platforms could be in the future, I would hope that they would grow and become o7rXscPAdfY-00021-00014177-00014750 sophisticated enough, so that they could manage and disseminate the complexity of o7rXscPAdfY-00022-00014750-00015080 everyday making. o9W-B6mCSME-00000-00001800-00002300 We have a large caliber and we are shooting at priority targets. o9W-B6mCSME-00001-00002300-00003000 We shoot at warehouses, at cannons... o9W-B6mCSME-00002-00003000-00003400 There were shots from there. The radar detected them. o9W-B6mCSME-00003-00003900-00004100 Do you have five self-propelled howitzers? o9W-B6mCSME-00004-00004100-00005100 Six. Valkyrie, Bunny, Thor, Fury, Bitch and Antares. o9W-B6mCSME-00005-00005200-00005600 We received them in October, and have been preparing them since October. o9W-B6mCSME-00006-00005600-00006100 We have four Ukrainian vehicles and two Russian trophy vehicles. o9W-B6mCSME-00007-00006100-00006900 We prepared them, literally slept around them for two and a half months. o9W-B6mCSME-00008-00007100-00007700 This one was taken near Kharkiv, and the other one was taken near Chernihiv. o9W-B6mCSME-00009-00007800-00008400 It took a long time to prepare, check, test, and maintain them. o9W-B6mCSME-00010-00008400-00009200 Other units also have them, but they are not registered, they do not belong to the Armed Forces. o9W-B6mCSME-00011-00009200-00009500 Maybe they've recovered it somewhere. And now they work. o9W-B6mCSME-00012-00009500-00009800 Is this a post-Soviet generation of self-propelled howitzers? o9W-B6mCSME-00013-00009800-00010400 We have one vehicle made in 1991. o9W-B6mCSME-00014-00010500-00011000 It is the last of the Soviet Union's production. o9W-B6mCSME-00015-00011000-00011400 And these... these are from 1990. o9W-B6mCSME-00016-00011400-00011900 But in Russia, they are now producing new modifications. o9W-B6mCSME-00017-00011900-00012400 They look the same, but they have more electronics. o9W-B6mCSME-00018-00012400-00012800 They work like AHS Krab, but with coordinates. o9W-B6mCSME-00019-00012800-00013000 No aiming circle, right? o9W-B6mCSME-00020-00013000-00013200 Yeah. o9W-B6mCSME-00021-00013200-00013700 They are firing a missile guided by a drone. o9W-B6mCSME-00022-00013700-00014300 The drone lights up the target with a laser, they shoot at the target. o9W-B6mCSME-00023-00014300-00014600 They still have another shell. o9W-B6mCSME-00024-00014600-00015200 We are shooting with conventional high-explosive, rocket-propelled munitions. o9W-B6mCSME-00025-00015200-00015400 Valkyrie, do you copy? o9W-B6mCSME-00026-00015400-00015700 We have reached the target for today. o9W-B6mCSME-00027-00015800-00016100 Everyone is tired of it. o9W-B6mCSME-00028-00016100-00016500 Now the drones will confirm the target, o9W-B6mCSME-00029-00016500-00016900 the headquarters will give the command, then we will shoot. o9W-B6mCSME-00030-00016900-00017300 I'm Valkyrie. o9W-B6mCSME-00031-00020300-00020900 If it stands still, it consumes 70-80 liters per hour. o9W-B6mCSME-00032-00020900-00021500 On a good frozen road, it consumes 450-500 liters. o9W-B6mCSME-00033-00021500-00022200 Therefore, a gasoline tanker must travel with every 6 vehicles. o9W-B6mCSME-00034-00022200-00022600 They have a 1350-liter tank. o9W-B6mCSME-00035-00022600-00023300 This is the electronics of the tower. You can rotate it, raise it, so you don't have to do it manually. o9W-B6mCSME-00036-00023300-00023700 Because these guns have no barrel stabilization. o9W-B6mCSME-00037-00023700-00024200 And if it works with the engine on, there will be vibration. o9W-B6mCSME-00038-00024200-00024600 If the vehicle is running on an autonomous power supply system it is set to 40 thousand rpm. o9W-B6mCSME-00039-00024600-00024800 This is a real helicopter engine. o9W-B6mCSME-00040-00024800-00025200 And when there is a vibration. Tanks have gun stabilization, o9W-B6mCSME-00041-00025200-00025400 they can even shoot on the move. o9W-B6mCSME-00042-00025400-00025600 This cannon fires only from a standstill. o9W-B6mCSME-00043-00025600-00025900 Because it has a higher return. o9W-B6mCSME-00044-00025900-00026200 The tank has a smooth barrel. o9W-B6mCSME-00045-00026200-00026400 There, the shell is flying out of the cannon without recoil. o9W-B6mCSME-00046-00026400-00026700 And here is a rifled barrel. o9W-B6mCSME-00047-00026700-00027100 Now we used the aiming circle to orient the gun on the ground. o9W-B6mCSME-00048-00027200-00027800 And we are waiting for the target command. o9W-B6mCSME-00049-00027800-00028200 That is, the X and Y coordinates of the target. o9W-B6mCSME-00050-00028200-00028700 And then we'll be aiming, turning the barrel to the coordinates. o9W-B6mCSME-00051-00028700-00029300 And when the gun is fully oriented on the target, we wait for the command. o9W-B6mCSME-00052-00029300-00029700 Or there will be a command to open fire when ready, o9W-B6mCSME-00053-00029700-00029800 or on command. o9W-B6mCSME-00054-00029800-00030100 If on command, then we will wait for the command. o9W-B6mCSME-00055-00030100-00030400 If you're ready, we'll get set up and recharge, o9W-B6mCSME-00056-00030400-00030600 then we'll take the shot. o9W-B6mCSME-00057-00030600-00030800 Did you sign the shell? o9W-B6mCSME-00058-00030800-00031000 Revenge for the Director. o9W-B6mCSME-00059-00031000-00031200 Now we will send greetings to the Russians. o9W-B6mCSME-00060-00031400-00031800 We have a wounded guy lying in Kyiv. o9W-B6mCSME-00061-00031800-00032000 Wounded by rocket fragments. o9W-B6mCSME-00062-00032400-00032700 So promised first shell - revenge for the director. o9W-B6mCSME-00063-00032700-00033100 I suspect that in three or four days the front will come here. o9W-B6mCSME-00064-00033100-00033300 It's on its way. o9W-B6mCSME-00065-00033300-00033600 They are shooting with cluster shells, and then with Grads. o9W-B6mCSME-00066-00033600-00033800 Or with Grads, and then with cluster shells. o9W-B6mCSME-00067-00038600-00038800 Well, what's the result? o9W-B6mCSME-00068-00038800-00039000 We allegedly hit an ammunition depot. o9W-B6mCSME-00069-00039000-00039200 And the house where the enemies were sitting. o9W-B6mCSME-00070-00039200-00039400 This is what was seen. o9W-B6mCSME-00071-00039400-00039600 The warehouse was smashed to pieces. o9W-B6mCSME-00072-00039600-00039800 We hit it right in the middle of it. o9W-B6mCSME-00073-00039800-00040000 We have a video. o9W-B6mCSME-00074-00040000-00040300 I saw smoke coming out of the building, o9W-B6mCSME-00075-00040300-00040600 I sad: there was definitely ammunition there. Because the building itself does not smoke. o9W-B6mCSME-00076-00040600-00040800 And this one was smoking. o9W-B6mCSME-00077-00040800-00041000 Two of the shells hit exactly. o9W-B6mCSME-00078-00041000-00041200 The third one hit a little bit behind. o9W-B6mCSME-00079-00041200-00041400 The shooting is breathtaking. o9W-B6mCSME-00080-00042600-00042800 Everything is emotionaly as dry as possible. o9W-B6mCSME-00081-00042800-00043000 Emotions will come later. o9W-B6mCSME-00082-00043000-00043400 The enemy army will be thrown beyond the borders of Ukraine. o9W-B6mCSME-00083-00043400-00043600 Until then, we have a lot of work. o9W-B6mCSME-00084-00043800-00044000 How was your work today? o9W-B6mCSME-00085-00044000-00044200 With good results. o9W-B6mCSME-00086-00044200-00044400 Glory to God, the team and the command o9W-B6mCSME-00087-00044400-00044600 we have worked effectively. o9W-B6mCSME-00088-00044600-00044800 Congratulations on your baptism of fire! o9W-B6mCSME-00089-00044800-00045000 There you go. o9W-B6mCSME-00090-00045000-00045200 Yeah, yeah. o9W-B6mCSME-00091-00045200-00045400 That's not enough. o9W-B6mCSME-00092-00045400-00045600 That's it. Now you're a real gunner. o9W-B6mCSME-00093-00045600-00046000 Loaded, ready, and firing! o9W-B6mCSME-00094-00046200-00046500 It deformed her well. o9W-B6mCSME-00095-00046600-00046800 Well done. o9W-B6mCSME-00096-00048900-00049200 We shoot first from the rope, the rest - from the cover. o9W-B6mCSME-00097-00049500-00049700 You were probably here to cheer? o9W-B6mCSME-00098-00049700-00049900 Yes, very much so. o9W-B6mCSME-00099-00050300-00050400 We've send one into the trench! o9W-B6mCSME-00100-00050400-00050600 Look! - Shot fired! oqyLlvFkh6I-00000-00000000-00001728 How to Design a 3D House key logo in Solidworks? oqeDYflD_ay-00000-00000352-00000935 We are going into an experience where we're starting to see that all the things of the world, the oqeDYflD_ay-00001-00000950-00001542 images, and the people, and the stars, and the planets, and the jobs, and the oqeDYflD_ay-00002-00001584-00002098 mother nature, and everything we perceive in the cosmos are all effects oqeDYflD_ay-00003-00002230-00002494 and they're effects of oqeDYflD_ay-00004-00002568-00002755 an unreal cause. oqeDYflD_ay-00005-00002755-00003407 Yes, that's right, God did not create this world, and God didn't create time and space, and God didn't create the body. oqeDYflD_ay-00006-00003407-00003914 These are all projections or effects of an unreal cause. And the Holy Spirit oqeDYflD_ay-00007-00003982-00004580 hears the prayers of our hearts, which really it is to wake up from this dream and come home oqeDYflD_ay-00008-00004648-00004848 and remember Heaven. oqeDYflD_ay-00009-00005287-00005471 Come with me, oqeDYflD_ay-00010-00005471-00005928 so deeply into the mind that you start to have oqeDYflD_ay-00011-00006017-00006436 a feeling and experience of the power of true causation. oqeDYflD_ay-00012-00006497-00007183 Because God is the Love, God is the Cause, God is the Creator of Reality and oqeDYflD_ay-00013-00007309-00007650 everything that Is, lives and moves in God. oqeDYflD_ay-00014-00007726-00008488 That's the whole point of all this, is if you have the faintest glimmering of that idea of who you are, the faintest oqeDYflD_ay-00015-00008530-00008730 glimmering of love is worth everything. ormg6NMqR2o-00000-00000000-00000098 Good morning, Hank. It's Tuesday. ormg6NMqR2o-00001-00000098-00000342 I've been thinking a lot about my friend Amy Krouse Rosenthal, ormg6NMqR2o-00002-00000342-00000710 who, Hank, has written a lot of amazing picture books that I'll be sending you in the coming months. ormg6NMqR2o-00003-00000710-00000956 She also wrote the brilliant book, Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life, ormg6NMqR2o-00004-00000956-00001218 and, as it happens, gave me one of my first big breaks. ormg6NMqR2o-00005-00001218-00001592 By the way, Hank, this video is like Plato's theory of the soul; it comes to you in three parts. ormg6NMqR2o-00006-00001592-00001742 Part One: My Big Break ormg6NMqR2o-00007-00001742-00002058 So way, way back in 2002, I was working at Booklist Magazine, ormg6NMqR2o-00008-00002058-00002298 and Amy emailed me in a professional capacity ormg6NMqR2o-00009-00002298-00002580 and then I replied in a mostly professional capacity, ormg6NMqR2o-00010-00002580-00002872 while also acknowledging that I was a massive fan of hers. ormg6NMqR2o-00011-00002872-00003284 We struck up a correspondence, and then one day she asked me if I had ever written anything about two minutes long ormg6NMqR2o-00012-00003284-00003586 that might work for WBEZ, Chicago's public radio station. ormg6NMqR2o-00013-00003586-00003914 I didn't have anything two minutes long, but I went home that night, wrote a little essay, ormg6NMqR2o-00014-00003914-00004098 and then Amy invited me in to record it. ormg6NMqR2o-00015-00004098-00004412 And over the next few years, I got to record dozens of essays for WBEZ, ormg6NMqR2o-00016-00004412-00004682 and a few for the national NPR show, All Things Considered, ormg6NMqR2o-00017-00004682-00004972 and that was definitely very helpful to me when I was trying to ormg6NMqR2o-00018-00004972-00005236 get my foot in the publishing door to sell Looking For Alaska. ormg6NMqR2o-00019-00005236-00005682 But looking back, getting me on the radio wasn't actually the big break that Amy gave me. ormg6NMqR2o-00020-00005682-00005954 The real break was that, as both a writer and a person, ormg6NMqR2o-00021-00005954-00006420 Amy taught me that for stories to work, readers and writers must both be generous. ormg6NMqR2o-00022-00006420-00006786 Like, when I read Persuasion as a 15 year old and declared it to be crap, ormg6NMqR2o-00023-00006786-00007012 the problem was not with Jane Austen. ormg6NMqR2o-00024-00007012-00007336 I wasn't reading generously, I was looking for things to dislike, ormg6NMqR2o-00025-00007336-00007628 which meant that I was going to find them, even if they weren't there. ormg6NMqR2o-00026-00007628-00007940 And writing is the same way, I think what makes Amy's books so special ormg6NMqR2o-00027-00007940-00008234 is that she's not trying to wow or impress the reader, ormg6NMqR2o-00028-00008234-00008406 she's trying to make a gift for them. ormg6NMqR2o-00029-00008406-00008574 Okay, Part Two: 8/8/08. ormg6NMqR2o-00030-00008574-00008886 So, Hank, flash forward a few years to August 8th, 2008. ormg6NMqR2o-00031-00008886-00009204 That was a big day in our lives, Hank. We had our first huge nerdfighter gathering, ormg6NMqR2o-00032-00009204-00009522 assisted by the fact that it happened to coincide with the Harry Potter convention. ormg6NMqR2o-00033-00009522-00009808 That was also the day I first met Rosianna, who at the time was a high school student, ormg6NMqR2o-00034-00009808-00010082 but is now my production partner in movie stuff. ormg6NMqR2o-00035-00010082-00010608 And that evening, Amy hosted an event at The Bean in Chicago's Millennium Park called the Beckoning of Lovely. ormg6NMqR2o-00036-00010608-00010898 It was a really special gathering, and a lot of that day has stuck with me, ormg6NMqR2o-00037-00010898-00011324 but I think what stuck with me the most is being in the dusk at Millennium Park, ormg6NMqR2o-00038-00011324-00011862 with hundreds of other people and singing a song that English soldiers sang a hundred years ago ormg6NMqR2o-00039-00011862-00012328 to the tune of Auld Lang Syne: We're here because, we're here because, we're - ormg6NMqR2o-00040-00012328-00012534 You're not watching this video to hear me sing. ormg6NMqR2o-00041-00012534-00012704 Point being: The Beckoning of Lovely was amazing. ormg6NMqR2o-00042-00012704-00012966 Okay, Part Three: 8/9/16 ormg6NMqR2o-00043-00012966-00013276 So it's now eight years later and Amy has just finished a new book, Textbook, ormg6NMqR2o-00044-00013276-00013540 which is a companion to Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life. ormg6NMqR2o-00045-00013540-00013880 She wrote, "It's not a prequel or a sequel; hopefully it's an equal." ormg6NMqR2o-00046-00013880-00014196 The book comes out next Tuesday and she's hosting another gathering at The Bean ormg6NMqR2o-00047-00014196-00014680 on 8/9/16, and if you live near Chicago, you should really stop by. ormg6NMqR2o-00048-00014680-00014984 You can find out more by watching this video or there is a link in the dooblydoo below. ormg6NMqR2o-00049-00014984-00015430 But it's gonna be special and fascinating and generous like everything Amy does. ormg6NMqR2o-00050-00015430-00015769 Also, even if you don't live in Chicago, I hope you'll join me in reading Textbook. ormg6NMqR2o-00051-00015769-00015913 There are links to get it in the dooblydoo. ormg6NMqR2o-00052-00015913-00016232 Hank, I think we all have people in our lives whose generosity has lifted us up ormg6NMqR2o-00053-00016232-00016388 or helped hold us together. ormg6NMqR2o-00054-00016388-00016742 And I guess I've just been thinking a lot about those people in the context of your big news, Hank. ormg6NMqR2o-00055-00016742-00017182 Nerdfighters, I'd love to hear about who those people have been in your lives in the comments. ormg6NMqR2o-00056-00017182-00017548 I know it's easy to forget amidst the torrent of bad news that we are here for each other ormg6NMqR2o-00057-00017548-00017864 and lucky to have each other. But, we are. So thank you. ormg6NMqR2o-00058-00017864-00018236 Hank, I will actually see you tomorrow, because it will be Esther Day. ormg6NMqR2o-00059-00018236-00018412 Speaking of which, I love you. os2mcpx-ZSu-00000-00000040-00000496 Use the thesaurus before you start to have a good idea of what some of the synonyms for your terms os2mcpx-ZSu-00001-00000496-00001072 are but oftentimes you'll pick up more text words as you go along with your search. Text words are os2mcpx-ZSu-00002-00001072-00001536 located in the content of the article. They're located in fields like the title the abstract os2mcpx-ZSu-00003-00001536-00002032 and the author supplied keywords. When searching we should tell the database which fields to search os2mcpx-ZSu-00004-00002032-00002672 in. Fields are where information in a database is stored, for example the title field or the os2mcpx-ZSu-00005-00002672-00003152 abstract field. If we were to click search without telling the database where to search it would os2mcpx-ZSu-00006-00003152-00003600 search in fields that we did not want it to like the author's affiliation or the reference list. os2mcpx-ZSu-00007-00003688-00004152 Since we want to control our search let's tell the database to look for our terms in the title os2mcpx-ZSu-00008-00004152-00004720 or abstract. To do this we enter what are called search field codes at the start of our search. os2mcpx-ZSu-00009-00004784-00005272 The field codes vary by database and can be found by looking in the databases help section, os2mcpx-ZSu-00010-00005272-00005600 which in ERIC is located here in the top right corner of the screen. os2mcpx-ZSu-00011-00005736-00006392 In ERIC, title is described by the field code ti and abstract is described by the field code ab. os2mcpx-ZSu-00012-00006528-00007008 You can combine these two by adding them together and typing it manually with your search terms in os2mcpx-ZSu-00013-00007008-00007856 parentheses. To search for this we'll enter t i a b and small classes in parentheses. Now we os2mcpx-ZSu-00014-00007856-00008512 can click search. Alternatively, you can select your field code from the drop down menu next to os2mcpx-ZSu-00015-00008512-00008992 the search bar. After you select search, the code will appear in the search bar with your results. os2mcpx-ZSu-00016-00009080-00009472 To search within author supplied keywords we use the field code if. os2mcpx-ZSu-00017-00009528-00010024 We can combine this with tiab by using OR like this. os2mcpx-ZSu-00018-00010448-00010888 This is a good start but we're risking missing relevant articles by not searching alternate os2mcpx-ZSu-00019-00010888-00011328 word endings. Remember, ERIC does not search alternate word endings for any os2mcpx-ZSu-00020-00011328-00011752 of your search terms like Google does so we have to use what we call truncation os2mcpx-ZSu-00021-00011848-00012408 in our query. For example, searching small classes would miss small classroom small class etc. os2mcpx-ZSu-00022-00012544-00013047 To capture variations in word endings truncate your word by adding an asterisk where you consider os2mcpx-ZSu-00023-00013047-00013568 the end of the word's root to be. In our small classes search truncation might look like this. os2mcpx-ZSu-00024-00013776-00014216 It's important to be careful when using truncation, if you truncate too early in os2mcpx-ZSu-00025-00014216-00014647 the word you will retrieve results where the truncated word has irrelevant endings os2mcpx-ZSu-00026-00014647-00015176 and if you truncate too late other important variations might be missed. A good rule of thumb os2mcpx-ZSu-00027-00015176-00015712 is to keep at least four letters of a word. After running this new search we've increased os2mcpx-ZSu-00028-00015712-00016280 our results to over 14 000, these could be really important outliers and we don't want to miss them. os2mcpx-ZSu-00029-00016432-00017000 But we're not done yet, if I only search for small classes regardless of the word endings os2mcpx-ZSu-00030-00017000-00017448 ERIC still won't show me any articles where a different term is used to describe that concept. os2mcpx-ZSu-00031-00017560-00018200 Small classes could be related to class size which could be related to teacher student ratio and any os2mcpx-ZSu-00032-00018200-00018800 results with these terms could be relevant to your topic. To capture as much relevant information as os2mcpx-ZSu-00033-00018800-00019440 we can we search using synonyms so I should search for class size as well and remember to truncate. os2mcpx-ZSu-00034-00019720-00020016 There are certainly many more ways of describing this concept that os2mcpx-ZSu-00035-00020016-00020304 should be included before this search is complete. ourP3sKOwjI-00000-00000032-00000128 hey guys right ourP3sKOwjI-00001-00000648-00000696 this is ourP3sKOwjI-00002-00000927-00001616 ddr4 installation so you've got these pins and it goes in one way don't ever try doing it the ourP3sKOwjI-00003-00001616-00002504 wrong way and try pushing down hard so here we go so you line them up one two and you push down ourP3sKOwjI-00004-00002720-00003368 give you a click and then you do it again like that ourP3sKOwjI-00005-00003704-00004008 and both sides click ourP3sKOwjI-00006-00004320-00004784 so that's how you do it this is richard from welshytech ovBnJcwh-AE-00000-00016900-00017200 Thank you all for joining us. ovBnJcwh-AE-00001-00017200-00017600 We can begin perhaps. ovBnJcwh-AE-00002-00017600-00017700 In a moment or ovBnJcwh-AE-00003-00017700-00018000 Would you like us to ovBnJcwh-AE-00004-00018000-00019000 Start or should we wait for a few more people to join us? ovBnJcwh-AE-00005-00019000-00019100 I think you can start. ovBnJcwh-AE-00006-00019200-00019600 Let's start. ovBnJcwh-AE-00007-00019600-00019900 Welcome everybody who is here. ovBnJcwh-AE-00008-00019900-00020600 My name is Dina and I have here with me: ovBnJcwh-AE-00009-00020600-00020800 Reef ovBnJcwh-AE-00010-00020800-00021560 We also have Ahmed in the background here, and we'd like to welcome all to our space here in Amman, Jordan ovBnJcwh-AE-00011-00021629-00022500 and we'd like to just start by saying thank you to OpenScape for inviting us to be a part of ovBnJcwh-AE-00012-00022500-00023000 your network today to share a little bit about our experience and our stories ovBnJcwh-AE-00013-00023000-00024200 with Taghmees, which is how we experience and practice the planetary care where we are today in our place. ovBnJcwh-AE-00014-00024200-00025400 To be honest, we like to work from a place where our friend says that the world can do without theories, but it can't do without stories. ovBnJcwh-AE-00015-00025400-00026100 So for us our place of trajectory, our point of motion is stories. ovBnJcwh-AE-00016-00026100-00026300 We're grounded in stories. ovBnJcwh-AE-00017-00026300-00027800 So today we wanted to take this opportunity to share a little bit about our story here with Taghmees, and to hear a little bit more from each of you about your stories ovBnJcwh-AE-00018-00027800-00028080 and again, how you are experiencing ovBnJcwh-AE-00019-00028080-00029000 Planetary Care in your lives and your practices and to see what kind of ovBnJcwh-AE-00020-00029000-00029400 things we can bridge together through and weave together through our stories. ovBnJcwh-AE-00021-00029400-00030000 So welcome again and it's really great to be here. ovBnJcwh-AE-00022-00030000-00030400 So maybe we can start with ovBnJcwh-AE-00023-00030400-00030900 With the very word Taghmees because for us we started Taghmees ovBnJcwh-AE-00024-00030900-00031000 10 years ago ovBnJcwh-AE-00025-00031000-00031700 10 years ago. Yeah, around 10 years ago and ovBnJcwh-AE-00026-00031700-00032800 It started in a place of movement and born in a place of movements, because if you recall, maybe 12 years ago in our region of the world ovBnJcwh-AE-00027-00032800-00034000 We were experiencing a lot of movements through the Arab Spring and a lot of the uprisings and people's movements that were happening in our ovBnJcwh-AE-00028-00034000-00034500 Territories and on like neighboring territories. ovBnJcwh-AE-00029-00034500-00035500 And that's where our story with Taghmees actually began, where we were at that time, working in NGO's, working with the ovBnJcwh-AE-00030-00035500-00036500 Let's say the typical way of trying to move in the world through, institutions through organizations. ovBnJcwh-AE-00031-00036500-00036900 And that's where we were in 2011. ovBnJcwh-AE-00032-00036900-00037600 OK, so as Dina mentioned, this is like ovBnJcwh-AE-00033-00037600-00037900 12 years ago. ovBnJcwh-AE-00034-00037900-00038300 The region was moving and ovBnJcwh-AE-00035-00038300-00039300 Same day like yesterday, it's the 25th of January, which marks the 12 years of the Egyptian revolution. ovBnJcwh-AE-00036-00039300-00039800 We say it's the Egyptian revolution, but actually it moved everyone in the region. ovBnJcwh-AE-00037-00039800-00040000 It moved us from inside. ovBnJcwh-AE-00038-00040000-00040200 It gave us hope. ovBnJcwh-AE-00039-00040200-00040800 It gave meaning to what we do and the idea that we as individuals. ovBnJcwh-AE-00040-00040800-00042300 Can do something, can say no to what we don't like and we can imagine a new or a different way of living where we all can exist and be together. With what happened in the region, ovBnJcwh-AE-00041-00042300-00042800 We have other very intimate personal story that happened at the same time. ovBnJcwh-AE-00042-00042800-00043100 Which is: ovBnJcwh-AE-00043-00043100-00043300 Jordan, I don't know if would like ovBnJcwh-AE-00044-00043300-00043500 To say more about Jordan where ovBnJcwh-AE-00045-00043500-00043600 We are located. ovBnJcwh-AE-00046-00043600-00044000 Jordan is part of the Levant area and Levant is ovBnJcwh-AE-00047-00044000-00044100 Part of the ovBnJcwh-AE-00048-00044100-00045100 Arab countries and Jordan was divided into... the (inaudible) was like a bigger piece of land. ovBnJcwh-AE-00049-00045100-00045500 We were divided ovBnJcwh-AE-00050-00045500-00045900 actually because of colonization and occupation, and we are left with a small piece of ovBnJcwh-AE-00051-00045900-00046000 Land that is called ovBnJcwh-AE-00052-00046000-00046500 Jordan now. ovBnJcwh-AE-00053-00046500-00047000 The natural forests in Jordan. They make less than 1% of the ovBnJcwh-AE-00054-00047000-00047400 Total land area ovBnJcwh-AE-00055-00047400-00047700 We're mostly semi arid desert. ovBnJcwh-AE-00056-00047700-00047900 As most people would say. Yes, but you can do a lot ovBnJcwh-AE-00057-00047900-00048200 of the desert, by the way, so... ovBnJcwh-AE-00058-00048200-00048800 So at that time in 2011 Dina and I, we were part of a movement that happened. ovBnJcwh-AE-00059-00048800-00050300 Saying no to cutting trees in the north of Jordan, they wanted to cut thousands of indigenous old trees to build Military Academy in the north of Jordan. ovBnJcwh-AE-00060-00050300-00051000 And at that time we were working with an NGO that used to protect. ovBnJcwh-AE-00061-00051000-00051600 I met her in Jordan and the NGO did not move and they were ovBnJcwh-AE-00062-00051600-00052000 They said this is this piece of land is not part of our nature ovBnJcwh-AE-00063-00052000-00052900 Deserts and there's nothing we can do and our role is not to say no to development every time. ovBnJcwh-AE-00064-00052900-00054400 So at that time we went into the streets as individuals and we met a lovely group of people who were passionate about the cause and they were passionate about ovBnJcwh-AE-00065-00054400-00055400 Like we are done with the issue of cutting trees, with destruction and nobody to hear our voices. ovBnJcwh-AE-00066-00055400-00055900 And we started a campaign. ovBnJcwh-AE-00067-00055900-00056400 As individuals, we collected money, we went to ovBnJcwh-AE-00068-00056400-00057300 We took people on trips to actually see the forest because we realized that not many people here in the cities, especially. ovBnJcwh-AE-00069-00057300-00058900 Were aware that we had forests, so this was the basic story that we've always been told, and the basic narrative that seemed to dominate our lives through textbooks and through the public narrative is that ovBnJcwh-AE-00070-00058900-00059500 We are a land, a desert land, that is a void of forests and greenery. ovBnJcwh-AE-00071-00059500-00060100 Avoid of resources and all of their natural forms, so that was the narrative that we had. ovBnJcwh-AE-00072-00060100-00060500 So we thought the first thing was to get people to ovBnJcwh-AE-00073-00060500-00060700 To know, to meet the forest, to know ovBnJcwh-AE-00074-00060700-00060900 The land ovBnJcwh-AE-00075-00060900-00061700 And to meet the people of the forest, the communities that lived around them and to engage directly and ovBnJcwh-AE-00076-00061700-00062100 Even we said like even we're not going to ovBnJcwh-AE-00077-00062100-00062300 Win the skills ovBnJcwh-AE-00078-00062300-00063600 At least we can say goodbye to this piece of land in a way where we celebrate and then where we learn about our land and in the way in the future we can say that we did something or like ovBnJcwh-AE-00079-00063600-00064100 This area was different. ovBnJcwh-AE-00080-00064100-00064300 Yeah so. ovBnJcwh-AE-00081-00064300-00064400 So that's where ovBnJcwh-AE-00082-00064400-00065000 Our beginnings of learning with community and what it meant to learn with the land as well. ovBnJcwh-AE-00083-00065000-00065500 That's where it was seated for us. ovBnJcwh-AE-00084-00065500-00065900 After that or during that campaign ovBnJcwh-AE-00085-00065900-00066700 I left my job with the NGO first and I decided that ovBnJcwh-AE-00086-00066700-00067000 This is not where real change was happening. ovBnJcwh-AE-00087-00067000-00067400 This isn't, it was actually a lot of work that was assuaging my feelings. ovBnJcwh-AE-00088-00067400-00068200 Giving me leverage in society but not actually making a real impact on any other level. ovBnJcwh-AE-00089-00068200-00068600 And I did something that was kind of ovBnJcwh-AE-00090-00068600-00068800 Hypocritical of what I'd learned. ovBnJcwh-AE-00091-00068800-00069700 Actually I went back to university and I went to study sustainable development to try to ovBnJcwh-AE-00092-00069700-00070900 To understand and to assuage my disillusionment from the institutions that I had been working in for the past 10 years. ovBnJcwh-AE-00093-00070900-00071400 And through my education I learned ovBnJcwh-AE-00094-00071400-00072300 I learned a lot more tools and skills to benefit from how messed up the system ovBnJcwh-AE-00095-00072300-00073200 Is so I felt like I had become more equipped to take more advantage of this failing ship. ovBnJcwh-AE-00096-00073200-00073800 And nothing really that brought me closer to healing and to healing with my community. ovBnJcwh-AE-00097-00073800-00074200 And I came back to Jordan ovBnJcwh-AE-00098-00074200-00074400 With this sense of ovBnJcwh-AE-00099-00074400-00075200 Of wanting to continue and actually so simultaneously to this, Reef I were very good friends. ovBnJcwh-AE-00100-00075200-00075500 Even outside of work and through the campaign of (inaudible). ovBnJcwh-AE-00101-00075500-00076400 So a lot of the conversations we were having were about how do we leave these spaces and try to start something that we agree ovBnJcwh-AE-00102-00076400-00076600 With the values of ovBnJcwh-AE-00103-00076600-00077000 That we felt like we're More aligned with who we are as people. ovBnJcwh-AE-00104-00077000-00077600 So I came back from my studies and university and I felt like I was loaded with all ovBnJcwh-AE-00105-00077600-00077800 Again all of these tools, all of this language, ovBnJcwh-AE-00106-00077800-00078900 All of these words that alienated me completely from the people and communities around me that I belong to, that I wanted to work with and be rooted in. ovBnJcwh-AE-00107-00078900-00079900 And from there we began this long journey with words, with this, trying to rediscover words and what they mean in our lives. ovBnJcwh-AE-00108-00079900-00081700 And how we're experiencing them first hand and not just through textbooks and not just through catchphrases and not just through these kind of Band-Aid soothing words. So in a way, ovBnJcwh-AE-00109-00081700-00083800 What we think about as care today is completely different than what I learned as care when I was studying sustainable development, I felt like it was a softer, kinder kind of capitalism, a softer, kinder way of doing things that are not wise and not for the well-being of myself or my community. ovBnJcwh-AE-00110-00083800-00084000 And that's been our journey. ovBnJcwh-AE-00111-00084000-00084400 That's been our path and ovBnJcwh-AE-00112-00084400-00085300 Basically, when we started to question our lives and to question how can we go about learning and again we... a lot of people talk about unlearning. ovBnJcwh-AE-00113-00085300-00086400 But here we kind of have this kind of discussion that I don't know if we can ever like unlearn anything like this, like when you delete something you always have this kind of ovBnJcwh-AE-00114-00086400-00086600 Memory in your trash, right? ovBnJcwh-AE-00115-00086600-00087200 So it doesn't ever get unlearned completely, but like how can we learn beyond our conditioning. ovBnJcwh-AE-00116-00087200-00087500 How can we learn beyond this ovBnJcwh-AE-00117-00087500-00088700 Just this reflexive way that we are through modernity, through capitalism that makes us these unconscious and sometimes very conscious consumers. ovBnJcwh-AE-00118-00088700-00089200 That's constantly moving us away from our connection to ovBnJcwh-AE-00119-00089200-00089900 To each other, to the earth, to everything that is... even our consumption through food like where is it coming from? ovBnJcwh-AE-00120-00089900-00090100 Who's making it, like where? ovBnJcwh-AE-00121-00090100-00090200 How do we trace these things? ovBnJcwh-AE-00122-00090200-00091100 And through these questions, we began to discover Taghmees as we walked. ovBnJcwh-AE-00123-00091100-00091500 So that's a little bit of our story around Taghmees. ovBnJcwh-AE-00124-00091500-00092000 Yeah, maybe we can give you ovBnJcwh-AE-00125-00092000-00092400 Hand of what Taghmees actually means: Taghmees ovBnJcwh-AE-00126-00092400-00092600 Is an Arabic word. ovBnJcwh-AE-00127-00092600-00093400 And most of the Arabic words if you go back they come from a verb. ovBnJcwh-AE-00128-00093400-00093600 And Taghmees ovBnJcwh-AE-00129-00093600-00093800 Is a verb in Arabic. ovBnJcwh-AE-00130-00093800-00094100 And it's in the present tense. ovBnJcwh-AE-00131-00094100-00094300 Which means, like we're always moving. ovBnJcwh-AE-00132-00094300-00094800 It's not in the past or in the future, we're in the moment, and Taghmees it carries more than one meaning ovBnJcwh-AE-00133-00094800-00095000 And this is the beauty of Arabic language. ovBnJcwh-AE-00134-00095000-00095100 The same word can give you more ovBnJcwh-AE-00135-00095100-00095300 Than one meaning. ovBnJcwh-AE-00136-00095300-00095600 The first meaning it's related to ovBnJcwh-AE-00137-00095600-00096000 Food, it's just like when I ovBnJcwh-AE-00138-00096000-00096300 Dip a piece of bread ovBnJcwh-AE-00139-00096300-00097100 In a plate of hummus or other different food that we're going to share and eat together later on. ovBnJcwh-AE-00140-00097100-00097600 This action is called in Arabic, Taghmees, and usually we do it with ovBnJcwh-AE-00141-00097600-00098300 a group and we share the same plate or the same dish. ovBnJcwh-AE-00142-00098300-00098900 Another meaningful Taghmees is just like when you immerse deeply in something to understand it. ovBnJcwh-AE-00143-00098900-00099600 Like you completely connect with something on different levels. ovBnJcwh-AE-00144-00099600-00099800 And you go ovBnJcwh-AE-00145-00099800-00100100 Deep, deep I mean deep into the roots of the thing ovBnJcwh-AE-00146-00100100-00100400 In order to fully understand what's happening. ovBnJcwh-AE-00147-00100400-00100800 So Taghmees basically it combines both. ovBnJcwh-AE-00148-00100800-00101000 The food aspect. ovBnJcwh-AE-00149-00101000-00102100 And the thinking and the learning aspect that is ongoing and never stops. ovBnJcwh-AE-00150-00102100-00102800 What we learned also is that we are far from our sources of knowledge, and when we talk about sources of knowledge we see ovBnJcwh-AE-00151-00102800-00103800 that we're just consuming, the same as we are consuming food right now, we just buy our food from the supermarket. ovBnJcwh-AE-00152-00103800-00105100 The same thing with knowledge, we consume knowledge because most of our knowledge comes from textbooks and that we learn that which we get through schools and ovBnJcwh-AE-00153-00105100-00105600 Institutional... academic institutions. ovBnJcwh-AE-00154-00105600-00105900 So basically we said OK. ovBnJcwh-AE-00155-00105900-00106600 We went through different experiences and the knowledge we we learned, it did not exist in books. ovBnJcwh-AE-00156-00106600-00107400 And as Dina shared her personal experience and our journey with like defending the... defending, maybe it's a big word. ovBnJcwh-AE-00157-00107400-00107600 But just like. ovBnJcwh-AE-00158-00107600-00107700 Speaking up for.... ovBnJcwh-AE-00159-00107700-00108500 Exactly, we learned that we don't know about our land. ovBnJcwh-AE-00160-00108500-00109400 Everything that we learn is just to give us this perception that where we live is a poor country. ovBnJcwh-AE-00161-00109400-00109900 We lack resources, we lack water. ovBnJcwh-AE-00162-00109900-00110100 We lack the land. ovBnJcwh-AE-00163-00110100-00110600 Basically we should be dependent. ovBnJcwh-AE-00164-00110600-00111000 On other people to feed us or even ovBnJcwh-AE-00165-00111000-00111800 Give us the knowledge because what we learned through textbooks is far away from our environment. ovBnJcwh-AE-00166-00111800-00112600 And Taghmees we questioned, and we said, OK, where does our food come from and where does our knowledge come from? ovBnJcwh-AE-00167-00112600-00113200 And we said like we want to question what enters our bodies in terms of food. ovBnJcwh-AE-00168-00113200-00113700 And in terms of knowledge, it's all connected. ovBnJcwh-AE-00169-00113700-00114000 We can't separate them from each other, we can't ovBnJcwh-AE-00170-00114000-00114100 Separate what we eat. ovBnJcwh-AE-00171-00114100-00114600 From how we think and if we talk about our well-being. ovBnJcwh-AE-00172-00114600-00114800 This is ovBnJcwh-AE-00173-00114800-00114900 Like this is ovBnJcwh-AE-00174-00114900-00115900 Like an important thing of our well-being and starting from there ovBnJcwh-AE-00175-00115900-00116000 Maybe we went to ovBnJcwh-AE-00176-00116000-00117000 We started to see like maybe use our hands in a way to learn and through Taghmees we went back to the land. ovBnJcwh-AE-00177-00117000-00117400 And if you want to talk about different meanings of care. ovBnJcwh-AE-00178-00117400-00118900 In Taghmees we had the opportunity to engage in different experiences and different real life experiences, and one of them was going back to the land and we started to farm and we farm ovBnJcwh-AE-00179-00118900-00119300 We talking about small pieces of land. ovBnJcwh-AE-00180-00119300-00119600 Where we can practice ovBnJcwh-AE-00181-00119600-00121300 Our maybe natural ways of farming and how our ancestors used to farm, not through modern ways of farming and the plants taught us a lot, and the soil taught us a lot and the insects taught us a lot that basically ovBnJcwh-AE-00182-00121300-00121600 We need everything. ovBnJcwh-AE-00183-00121600-00121900 In order to come up with a ovBnJcwh-AE-00184-00121900-00122200 Healthy or ovBnJcwh-AE-00185-00122200-00122300 How we say it? ovBnJcwh-AE-00186-00122300-00122900 Balanced, harmonious, exactly. ovBnJcwh-AE-00187-00122900-00123200 Ecology if we want to say that. ovBnJcwh-AE-00188-00123200-00123900 We were told that with all the land we should plant it with the idea of monocrops. ovBnJcwh-AE-00189-00123900-00124600 But when we learned about the land, it's just like no, it needs diversity. ovBnJcwh-AE-00190-00124600-00125300 I need, for example, it's to plant a sunflower to protect other short ovBnJcwh-AE-00191-00125300-00125700 Plants to protect it from direct sun exposure. ovBnJcwh-AE-00192-00125700-00126700 I need plants that grow horizontally to keep the soil humid and protect the insects. ovBnJcwh-AE-00193-00126700-00127300 Isn't this care in its simplest ways that ovBnJcwh-AE-00194-00127300-00127600 Nature can take care of it. ovBnJcwh-AE-00195-00127600-00129300 Without us being really involved in reshaping, how can nature evolve and grow? ovBnJcwh-AE-00196-00129300-00129400 So we wanted to open a ovBnJcwh-AE-00197-00129400-00129500 Little bit of the space to ovBnJcwh-AE-00198-00129500-00129800 See and hear from other ovBnJcwh-AE-00199-00129800-00130300 Voices and for all of you to hear each other as well. ovBnJcwh-AE-00200-00130300-00131400 And to share some of your stories around planetary care and what that looks like in your context, in your own language, in your own experience. ovBnJcwh-AE-00201-00131400-00132100 Because we found like for example, when we were thinking about planetary care, we couldn't find the equivalent and words in Arabic for example. ovBnJcwh-AE-00202-00132100-00133000 But we could find it in spirit from what we understood when speaking to the rest of the OpenScape team and hearing their stories about it. ovBnJcwh-AE-00203-00133000-00134200 And as we understood that this is a theme that's been running that you've been walking with and contemplating and reflecting on and working with, we wanted to hear some of those stories as well. ovBnJcwh-AE-00204-00134200-00134300 And we also ovBnJcwh-AE-00205-00134300-00134500 Wanted to give the space for ovBnJcwh-AE-00206-00134500-00134800 Each to ovBnJcwh-AE-00207-00134800-00135100 Say their name or to put where they're from ovBnJcwh-AE-00208-00135100-00136400 Even if we don't get to speak them out loud, but like in your name boxes, maybe like where you are, what piece of land has significance to you or where you feel connected? ovBnJcwh-AE-00209-00136400-00136500 What body of ovBnJcwh-AE-00210-00136500-00136600 Of water what ovBnJcwh-AE-00211-00136600-00137200 Mountain, what desert, whatever it is that you feel that you resonate with and ovBnJcwh-AE-00212-00137200-00138400 And maybe from there start to weave together some of our stories. And as we hear each other's stories, we'll start to remember and move different things so... ovBnJcwh-AE-00213-00138400-00139100 We would like to open the space for anybody who would like to share something. ovBnJcwh-AE-00214-00139100-00139941 Take it from there. ovBnJcwh-AE-00215-00141500-00142200 I'm happy to share something. ovBnJcwh-AE-00216-00142200-00142600 Hi, I'll move my microphone so you can hear me. ovBnJcwh-AE-00217-00142600-00142900 My name is Kim. ovBnJcwh-AE-00218-00142900-00143600 I'm based in Glasgow, in Scotland and I think my first connection with ovBnJcwh-AE-00219-00143600-00144500 With land, because I'm from a city, so it's, you know, very much urban tenement ovBnJcwh-AE-00220-00144500-00145200 Flats that I grew up in or high rises you know it was very kind of like concrete and ovBnJcwh-AE-00221-00145200-00145700 Lots of buildings around, but ovBnJcwh-AE-00222-00145700-00147700 From a young age, spending time in the countryside, which is easy to get to from Glasgow, it's a small city and my uncle had a Croft in the north of Scotland and I remember that being the first time I'd encountered a really very remote ovBnJcwh-AE-00223-00147700-00148200 Place where he worked for the Forestry Commission. ovBnJcwh-AE-00224-00148200-00148700 So it was all sort of managed forest. ovBnJcwh-AE-00225-00148700-00149400 Took me a long time to understand that the way that the country looks in Scotland isn't actually that natural. ovBnJcwh-AE-00226-00149400-00150100 It's very much kind of managed land for ovBnJcwh-AE-00227-00150100-00150400 You know timber or for agriculture. ovBnJcwh-AE-00228-00150400-00151000 And then I remember being in ovBnJcwh-AE-00229-00151000-00152900 Maybe the start of my secondary education and there was a motorway being built through a section of a park that was very special to us when we were growing up, a park near the high flats that we lived in, that was once ovBnJcwh-AE-00230-00152900-00154200 the European Park of the Year, I think in 2008 or something. A big Country Park and we spent a lot of our time there as children and then again, that was when I first understood ovBnJcwh-AE-00231-00154200-00154500 That our relationships to ovBnJcwh-AE-00232-00154500-00156500 natural land are not equal. The motorway that was being built would cut off a particular community from being able to access this park and it was really to support the development of you know shopping centres and things like that in the South of the city. ovBnJcwh-AE-00233-00156500-00157000 So I've been interested in this area alongside ovBnJcwh-AE-00234-00157000-00158100 My other area of interest, which is that I'm disabled and work in equalities and I'm very interested in the relationships between ovBnJcwh-AE-00235-00158100-00160400 And our relationship to land or access to land and to space and to a protected environment and inequality so both within and, you know, as a context like Scotland and also between the context like Scotland ovBnJcwh-AE-00236-00160400-00160800 and Jordan, and where those kind of inequalities lie. ovBnJcwh-AE-00237-00160800-00161600 And I'm also interested in how these things connect with decolonization. ovBnJcwh-AE-00238-00161600-00162000 Neoliberalism, globalisation? ovBnJcwh-AE-00239-00162000-00163000 You know the kind of bigger forces that are at play and how these different issues sort of connect with each other. ovBnJcwh-AE-00240-00163000-00163200 Yeah, I'm not sure. ovBnJcwh-AE-00241-00163200-00163300 What else to say? ovBnJcwh-AE-00242-00163300-00163700 But it's been wonderful listening to ovBnJcwh-AE-00243-00163700-00164400 I really love this idea of immersion and long loved food as a way to connect with people. ovBnJcwh-AE-00244-00164400-00164900 And I feel like when you share a meal with someone you have a ovBnJcwh-AE-00245-00164900-00165800 A connection that's deeper than it would be if you were just having a drink or going for a walk or having a meeting. ovBnJcwh-AE-00246-00165800-00166700 And so food has always been something that I'm really interested in, and I love this idea of immersion as well and kind of being with and in something. ovBnJcwh-AE-00247-00166700-00167800 And I have, I'm neurodivergent, so I need to be in things to learn and I don't learn particularly well from reading, so it's definitely from time spent ovBnJcwh-AE-00248-00167800-00168500 And being in a space together and sort of sharing and exchanging in that way. ovBnJcwh-AE-00249-00168500-00169300 So thank you for hosting us. ovBnJcwh-AE-00250-00169300-00169700 Thank you very much for sharing, Kim. ovBnJcwh-AE-00251-00169700-00170900 I think listening to your story we definitely find the intersects whenever we share, we find that there's many things ovBnJcwh-AE-00252-00170900-00171400 That intersect in our lives and in our places. ovBnJcwh-AE-00253-00171400-00173200 For us here, when we thought Taghmees and how we design our learning space and why we use food is exactly for the reason that you just mentioned... we found that one of the things... our narratives here is... so we come from a region that's full of a lot of ovBnJcwh-AE-00254-00173200-00173700 Conflict again through colonization and occupation. ovBnJcwh-AE-00255-00173700-00174500 And one of the narratives that we've been fed is that we come from (speaks arabic) ovBnJcwh-AE-00256-00174500-00175100 They say it, which is that we come from different roots and different origins, so that we're all different. ovBnJcwh-AE-00257-00175100-00175300 And we have reasons. ovBnJcwh-AE-00258-00175300-00175800 So it's like divide and conquer, and the basic form. ovBnJcwh-AE-00259-00175800-00176700 So always focusing on the differences and one of the main concerns that we had when we were first sharing with our families and our friends. ovBnJcwh-AE-00260-00176700-00177200 What it is we intended to do because what we intended to do was to go out into streets and ovBnJcwh-AE-00261-00177200-00177500 To the public ovBnJcwh-AE-00262-00177500-00178700 And invite perfect strangers to come together and to share their stories around food and to see how these stories would help us create shared meaning. ovBnJcwh-AE-00263-00178700-00179200 And one of the main concerns and the main questions were always like how are you going to avoid the fighting? ovBnJcwh-AE-00264-00179200-00179500 And the conflict? ovBnJcwh-AE-00265-00179500-00180200 And we pretty much pictured it like our our basic Friday ovBnJcwh-AE-00266-00180200-00180600 Morning breakfast where we're all together sitting around the big table. ovBnJcwh-AE-00267-00180600-00180800 And yes, we disagree. ovBnJcwh-AE-00268-00180800-00182200 And yes, we have different kinds of like vying for space to be present fully to share of ourselves and to receive the others. ovBnJcwh-AE-00269-00182200-00182400 That are here with us. ovBnJcwh-AE-00270-00182400-00182700 And in that space, is the space of learning. ovBnJcwh-AE-00271-00182700-00183100 It's where we learned ovBnJcwh-AE-00272-00183100-00183400 The family and what ovBnJcwh-AE-00273-00183400-00183700 The relationships that fed us. ovBnJcwh-AE-00274-00183700-00184600 That were love, caution and generosity of spirit and humor and hospitality. ovBnJcwh-AE-00275-00184600-00184900 And in these spaces, ovBnJcwh-AE-00276-00184900-00185400 If we could find a way to make it so that we all could speak. I don't know about the rest of you, but ovBnJcwh-AE-00277-00185400-00185500 I have a ovBnJcwh-AE-00278-00185500-00186500 Very loud spoken family, especially my elders, so it was always like a struggle to find a space to share my truth, my world, my ovBnJcwh-AE-00279-00186500-00188300 Experience so Taghmees was a way to provide that for each of us, to have a space to be present to be, let's say the experts of knowledge of our own lives, the experts of our own world and our own truth, so that we would be able to share that and have it ovBnJcwh-AE-00280-00188300-00188600 Be received with hospitality as any other world ovBnJcwh-AE-00281-00188600-00188800 That is shared by every other ovBnJcwh-AE-00282-00188800-00189100 Person in this space. ovBnJcwh-AE-00283-00189100-00190400 And through that, the idea of difference has become something that we celebrate, not something that we fear. It becomes something that like you said, like what we learned from the land is that diversity is necessary. ovBnJcwh-AE-00284-00190400-00191000 It's actually like, without diversity we're slowly becoming extinct and ovBnJcwh-AE-00285-00191000-00191300 And that's something that we want to revive. ovBnJcwh-AE-00286-00191300-00191600 It's part of what we want to celebrate and ovBnJcwh-AE-00287-00191600-00192800 to again learn with joy, to again like - cause learning, and anybody who's in this field of learning knows that learning is not a ovBnJcwh-AE-00288-00192800-00193900 It's not always an easy thing, it's actually one of the hardest things that we learn is that learning is hard, especially when we're trying to learn something different or unlearn. ovBnJcwh-AE-00289-00193900-00194200 Learn beyond. ovBnJcwh-AE-00290-00194200-00194600 So yes, we found that these were mediums that really helped us and again going ovBnJcwh-AE-00291-00194600-00194700 Back to our ovBnJcwh-AE-00292-00194700-00196600 Roots, so thank you very much for that story, and again I'd like to open the space for anybody who would like to share. ovBnJcwh-AE-00293-00196600-00197100 And if I may. ovBnJcwh-AE-00294-00197100-00198000 One thing you said that interested me - so I'm Hermann Lugan, I'm half German, half French and I live in ovBnJcwh-AE-00295-00198000-00198200 Belgium on the ovBnJcwh-AE-00296-00198200-00198700 border between France and Belgium and ovBnJcwh-AE-00297-00198700-00199900 You were saying that there is no Arabic equivalent for planetary care, and that reminds me of a story ovBnJcwh-AE-00298-00199900-00200700 I don't know if you know the French anthropologist called Philippe Descola, in the 60s he went to. ovBnJcwh-AE-00299-00200700-00201200 South America and he went to Amazonia, he wanted to ovBnJcwh-AE-00300-00201200-00201700 understand what kind of relation ovBnJcwh-AE-00301-00201700-00202900 The local people had to nature because it seemed that they had a very different relation to nature than ovBnJcwh-AE-00302-00202900-00203300 Here or we have in our Western context. ovBnJcwh-AE-00303-00203300-00204600 And in fact, the first disturbing thing he discovered is that there is no equivalent for the word nature among the people he met in Amazonia and ovBnJcwh-AE-00304-00204600-00205500 In fact, he had to face the fact that there were other words that we find the kind of relation to ovBnJcwh-AE-00305-00205500-00205900 To the ovBnJcwh-AE-00306-00205900-00207900 Animals, to the plants but that this division between nature and culture didn't exist in that context, and which brought him later on to reflect on the way the Western modernity was built around the distinction between nature and ovBnJcwh-AE-00307-00207900-00208000 Culture and that ovBnJcwh-AE-00308-00208000-00208300 In fact, it led to ovBnJcwh-AE-00309-00208300-00208800 To the possibility for our Western civilization to put ovBnJcwh-AE-00310-00208800-00209500 What we call nature apart and to exploit it and that it was the basis for ovBnJcwh-AE-00311-00209500-00210200 For our modernity and the current ecological disaster, and ovBnJcwh-AE-00312-00210200-00210700 Yeah, so I just popped up this ovBnJcwh-AE-00313-00210700-00211000 Information that there is no ovBnJcwh-AE-00314-00211000-00211400 No equivalent of planetary care in the Arabic context and the other thing ovBnJcwh-AE-00315-00211400-00211700 I would ovBnJcwh-AE-00316-00211700-00212000 I wanted maybe to ask you a little bit more about it. ovBnJcwh-AE-00317-00212000-00212300 This journey you made ovBnJcwh-AE-00318-00212300-00212400 To go and ovBnJcwh-AE-00319-00212400-00213100 Study abroad about sustainable development and then coming back and ovBnJcwh-AE-00320-00213100-00213600 Having the impression that what you learned ovBnJcwh-AE-00321-00213600-00214700 Made you a stranger among your community, or that the world you had learned didn't have much sense in this. ovBnJcwh-AE-00322-00214700-00215000 This is something I'm just ovBnJcwh-AE-00323-00215000-00216800 Reflecting a lot on just to tell you last year, so I'm working in the cultural field, I've been working for 20 years in the cultural field and last year I launched a European forum on ovBnJcwh-AE-00324-00216800-00218100 On the necessary ecological shift we see, I think we should go to in the cultural field as well, and ovBnJcwh-AE-00325-00218100-00218600 In this journey we organized the program where we'll go together ovBnJcwh-AE-00326-00218600-00219000 A lot of people from all over Europe to reflect on how the ovBnJcwh-AE-00327-00219000-00219900 Cultural field is organized and how unsustainable it is in a way and how we could make it more ovBnJcwh-AE-00328-00219900-00220100 And now that I ovBnJcwh-AE-00329-00220100-00220200 That in this ovBnJcwh-AE-00330-00220200-00220400 Collective learning process ovBnJcwh-AE-00331-00220400-00221100 I learned a lot and now I'm going back to people who weren't part of this journey and ovBnJcwh-AE-00332-00221100-00221400 I also realized that in a way ovBnJcwh-AE-00333-00221400-00222900 All what I learned makes me a stranger in this community of people of the cultural field who haven't reflected that way on ecological sustainability. ovBnJcwh-AE-00334-00222900-00223000 So I ovBnJcwh-AE-00335-00223000-00223400 Would just... because you said you went through this journey through work and ovBnJcwh-AE-00336-00223400-00223700 So just to understand also how ovBnJcwh-AE-00337-00223700-00224300 I suppose in a way you also kept in mind something to learn from the study ovBnJcwh-AE-00338-00224300-00224600 and maybe ovBnJcwh-AE-00339-00224600-00225700 Maybe you want to make the world more sustainable from an ecological or from social or all this point of view that are in the idea of accountability. ovBnJcwh-AE-00340-00225700-00225800 So how? ovBnJcwh-AE-00341-00225800-00226100 How did you build this journey when you went back? ovBnJcwh-AE-00342-00226100-00227300 That was something that would interest you. ovBnJcwh-AE-00343-00227300-00227600 Thank you, thank you for the question and for the ovBnJcwh-AE-00344-00227600-00228200 Story as well. ovBnJcwh-AE-00345-00228200-00228500 The thing is that I studied sustainable development. ovBnJcwh-AE-00346-00228500-00228800 Yeah, so. ovBnJcwh-AE-00347-00228800-00229600 When I think about sustainability and sustainable developments, I have a lot of the textbook theory things that I can say. ovBnJcwh-AE-00348-00229600-00230900 But then I think about it simply, I think about a Bedouin and Bedouin life, and I don't know if you know about Bedouin life, but Bedouins live mostly ovBnJcwh-AE-00349-00230900-00231400 They're nomads, they live and they cross deserts with ovBnJcwh-AE-00350-00231400-00232400 Their sheep mostly, and they find different seasons where they graze their stock, and then they move on ovBnJcwh-AE-00351-00232400-00233700 And they sleep in tents that they make from the wool of the sheep that they herd, and they follow the seasons, and they find ovBnJcwh-AE-00352-00233700-00234200 They use the land until it's basically, their presence is no longer friendly ovBnJcwh-AE-00353-00234200-00235500 Towards the land, and then they move on and for me when I think about this lifestyle, which many would call backwards and barbaric, and especially in the modern sense, what I learned from modern ovBnJcwh-AE-00354-00235500-00235700 This is where I say sustainability. ovBnJcwh-AE-00355-00235700-00236500 This is true sustainable, like living, and that's where we're moving away from and not towards so. ovBnJcwh-AE-00356-00236500-00237600 These are the contradictions that I encountered through my education that I found that in my lived experience was completely different. ovBnJcwh-AE-00357-00237600-00238000 There's a completely different one point in context. ovBnJcwh-AE-00358-00238000-00238200 So it made me question many other things. ovBnJcwh-AE-00359-00238200-00240000 It made me question again if you think about how indigenous people live who still live with this sense of connection with the land and their place and a connection to their history and who they are really from where we are. ovBnJcwh-AE-00360-00240000-00240100 There's a lot more wisdom in the ovBnJcwh-AE-00361-00240100-00240300 Way that we live. ovBnJcwh-AE-00362-00240300-00240700 But a lot of bad publicity. ovBnJcwh-AE-00363-00240700-00241100 Let's put it that way or a lot of ovBnJcwh-AE-00364-00241100-00242100 The narrative again, that exists within the modern world and through education and through these different institutions that have pulled this ovBnJcwh-AE-00365-00242100-00242700 Modernity in this modern narrative ovBnJcwh-AE-00366-00242700-00242900 These paths are ovBnJcwh-AE-00367-00242900-00243400 These are the paths of wisdom, and these are the paths of ovBnJcwh-AE-00368-00243400-00243900 Again, what I would understand is the conversation around planetary care. ovBnJcwh-AE-00369-00243900-00244600 I think these are ways of living planetary care embodied in action, and in the way that ovBnJcwh-AE-00370-00244800-00245300 That has been handed over through generation, so it's still like this ovBnJcwh-AE-00371-00245300-00246600 This generational memory that exists and I fear that this is a part of the knowledge that we're losing, that we're trying to in a way reroute again and to find what that looks like in our lives. ovBnJcwh-AE-00372-00246600-00246800 Because, again, we're not ovBnJcwh-AE-00373-00246800-00247200 I've never lived a Bedouin life. ovBnJcwh-AE-00374-00247200-00247700 And I don't know if I could do that, if I fit for it really, but that's ovBnJcwh-AE-00375-00247700-00247800 Not the point. ovBnJcwh-AE-00376-00247800-00249300 Going back is not the point, but the idea of how do we learn from the wisdom that still exists that has existed, and what does that look like for us in our lives as we're facing so many challenges as ovBnJcwh-AE-00377-00249300-00249800 As a being within ovBnJcwh-AE-00378-00249800-00250100 Because in the end, yes species are going extinct. ovBnJcwh-AE-00379-00250100-00250400 Forests are becoming (inaudible) ovBnJcwh-AE-00380-00250400-00251000 Through all of the changes that are happening. ovBnJcwh-AE-00381-00251000-00252400 We're at the heart of it and how we live and how we are today matters and this is what Taghmees is teaching us: it's teaching us hope when we face a lot of hopelessness. ovBnJcwh-AE-00382-00252400-00254300 Because I don't know about what you see around you, but we see things deteriorating and not just in nature but also in the relationships within our communities and our societies that ovBnJcwh-AE-00383-00254300-00255000 Make the stewards of the land and allow us to live in this kind of ovBnJcwh-AE-00384-00255000-00256300 Sense of planetary care. This sense that we are one being and one body that we need to take action to actually ovBnJcwh-AE-00385-00256300-00256800 To be well for each other. ovBnJcwh-AE-00386-00256800-00257600 So yeah the education and this experience of studying sustainable development ovBnJcwh-AE-00387-00257600-00258500 like I said, I felt like I was just being taught a softer, kinder way to go about the same old dirty business. ovBnJcwh-AE-00388-00258500-00259300 And that's why I went back to trying to teach myself and to learn with my community from a different path. ovBnJcwh-AE-00389-00259300-00259600 And I'm still learning, and that's I think that's one of my ovBnJcwh-AE-00390-00259600-00259700 Greatest learnings is ovBnJcwh-AE-00391-00259700-00260400 That I always want to continue learning because things will always be changing. ovBnJcwh-AE-00392-00260400-00260600 And yeah. ovBnJcwh-AE-00393-00260600-00261169 I think I can stop there. ovBnJcwh-AE-00394-00262300-00263500 If anybody else? ovBnJcwh-AE-00395-00263500-00263700 Sorry about that. ovBnJcwh-AE-00396-00263700-00264500 So if anybody else would like to share a story as well. ovBnJcwh-AE-00397-00264500-00264600 Might not be a story. ovBnJcwh-AE-00398-00264600-00264700 I can back you up. ovBnJcwh-AE-00399-00264800-00265100 Reef would like to share something. ovBnJcwh-AE-00400-00265100-00265400 When Dina talked about ovBnJcwh-AE-00401-00265400-00265800 the bedouin lifestyle ovBnJcwh-AE-00402-00265800-00266600 I was lucky to work closely with ovBnJcwh-AE-00403-00266700-00267900 With Bedouins in the West part of Jordan in 2017, and to be honest this was my first encounter. ovBnJcwh-AE-00404-00267900-00268400 Even though we say, so Jordan is desert but ovBnJcwh-AE-00405-00268400-00269600 I never thought getting closer and really learn from them until I went to Mexico (inaudible). ovBnJcwh-AE-00406-00269600-00270800 From Jordan to Mexico to learn about the indigenous people there and what's happening in terms of the struggles with the indigenous people and the (inaudible). ovBnJcwh-AE-00407-00270800-00271200 And then, after spending two months there, I said ovBnJcwh-AE-00408-00271200-00271700 OK, I went all the way to Mexico but I never saw ovBnJcwh-AE-00409-00271700-00271900 What is there around? ovBnJcwh-AE-00410-00271900-00272100 And when I came ovBnJcwh-AE-00411-00272100-00272200 Back I said OK, what I ovBnJcwh-AE-00412-00272200-00272400 Want to do is ovBnJcwh-AE-00413-00272400-00272800 To push myself to learn ovBnJcwh-AE-00414-00272800-00273000 And to know more about ovBnJcwh-AE-00415-00273000-00273200 Bedouins here in Jordan. ovBnJcwh-AE-00416-00273200-00273400 And then in 2017, as I said, ovBnJcwh-AE-00417-00273400-00274300 I worked closely with them. ovBnJcwh-AE-00418-00274300-00274900 Each word counts. Bedouins, or as we say, ovBnJcwh-AE-00419-00274900-00276600 Al Badu in Arabic. ovBnJcwh-AE-00420-00276600-00276700 OK, sorry. ovBnJcwh-AE-00421-00276700-00277600 Can you hear me now? ovBnJcwh-AE-00422-00277600-00277800 Yes, we can hear you. ovBnJcwh-AE-00423-00277800-00278000 We can hear you better now. ovBnJcwh-AE-00424-00278000-00278200 OK, good so as ovBnJcwh-AE-00425-00278200-00278300 I said in ovBnJcwh-AE-00426-00278300-00278700 Arabic, Bedouin, it's called in Arabic ovBnJcwh-AE-00427-00278700-00279500 Al Badu and the Arabic birth word is (arabic), which means it's the beginning of things. ovBnJcwh-AE-00428-00279500-00279800 So even from scarcity it's the beginning. ovBnJcwh-AE-00429-00279800-00280000 How we live there, how we survive. ovBnJcwh-AE-00430-00280000-00280800 How we managed and actually when I first thought about the word and the meaning of the word in Arabic, I was wow. ovBnJcwh-AE-00431-00280800-00280900 I never thought about it ovBnJcwh-AE-00432-00280900-00282000 in such a way. Because we always see the forest as a source of living, we see the river, we see the ocean, we see the sea, but we never thought of the desert as a different way. ovBnJcwh-AE-00433-00282000-00282300 And it's the beginning of things. ovBnJcwh-AE-00434-00282300-00282400 Things start from ovBnJcwh-AE-00435-00282400-00282600 There, and this is the actual meaning ovBnJcwh-AE-00436-00282600-00282700 Of the word in ovBnJcwh-AE-00437-00282700-00282900 Arabic and as Dina said, ovBnJcwh-AE-00438-00282900-00283400 Bedouins keep on moving from one place to another. ovBnJcwh-AE-00439-00283400-00284100 It's basically they leave the land now for it and allowing the land to nourish again and for the plants ovBnJcwh-AE-00440-00284100-00285400 To grow and they move to another area and then in the next season they come back to the same area which basically ovBnJcwh-AE-00441-00285400-00285600 Giving the space. ovBnJcwh-AE-00442-00285600-00285800 And the time ovBnJcwh-AE-00443-00285800-00286000 For the area to ovBnJcwh-AE-00444-00286000-00286300 To allow to grow again. ovBnJcwh-AE-00445-00286300-00286900 So basically this is a different way of living that ovBnJcwh-AE-00446-00286900-00287100 When I lived it ovBnJcwh-AE-00447-00287100-00287600 First hand, I was like wow, it's ovBnJcwh-AE-00448-00287600-00289400 It's like basically I don't consume the resources, I don't consume what is there, I use what I'm allowed to use, and then I leave and I move to another place and there is a saying in Arabic it's called (arabic), which is like the Bedouin ovBnJcwh-AE-00449-00289400-00289500 He plucks the flowers. ovBnJcwh-AE-00450-00289800-00290000 And this is my mission, it's just like ovBnJcwh-AE-00451-00290000-00290200 I go from one area to another. ovBnJcwh-AE-00452-00290200-00290500 To pluck the ovBnJcwh-AE-00453-00290500-00290900 flowers and then I leave it and then I go to ovBnJcwh-AE-00454-00290900-00291000 The other area. ovBnJcwh-AE-00455-00291000-00292300 So basically yeah, it's there around us, but as I said, and as Dina mentioned with modernity and the modern way of living right now ovBnJcwh-AE-00456-00292300-00292400 We're not seeing this as a ovBnJcwh-AE-00457-00292400-00292600 Way of living or learning from. ovBnJcwh-AE-00458-00292600-00293400 And as we said, with each engagement, we make a different meaning of care that we do not see. ovBnJcwh-AE-00459-00293400-00294300 It's more of an action rather than a word that we keep on saying, but I think we need the eyes to see and ovBnJcwh-AE-00460-00294300-00294500 The heart ovBnJcwh-AE-00461-00294500-00294800 open heart to receive ovBnJcwh-AE-00462-00294800-00295376 To receive and demand to reflect. ovBnJcwh-AE-00463-00296300-00296500 So the question is still out there for you as well. ovBnJcwh-AE-00464-00296500-00298369 Anybody who would like to share a story around this and maybe that'll be our last one before we take a break to get our foods in order and start to dip as we dip. ovBnJcwh-AE-00465-00299500-00300200 No question, sorry. ovBnJcwh-AE-00466-00300200-00300700 I'm a part of this piece of the family since ovBnJcwh-AE-00467-00300700-00301600 10 years, I was very young, I was 14 years old when I start. ovBnJcwh-AE-00468-00301600-00302100 Actually, Taghmees I would love to talk about it as what it ovBnJcwh-AE-00469-00302100-00302400 Did for me but what I ovBnJcwh-AE-00470-00302400-00303000 Learned from Taghmees actually. ovBnJcwh-AE-00471-00303000-00303200 I learned more about ovBnJcwh-AE-00472-00303200-00303600 How to be connected to the land, how to be acceptance? ovBnJcwh-AE-00473-00303600-00303900 How to accept ovBnJcwh-AE-00474-00303900-00304400 Yourself, how to accept people, how to accept difference ovBnJcwh-AE-00475-00304400-00304900 Around us. ovBnJcwh-AE-00476-00304900-00305000 And ovBnJcwh-AE-00477-00305000-00305200 I remember ovBnJcwh-AE-00478-00305200-00307100 It was my favorite time per week, we were going to Taghmees to share our stories and to talk about what we did this week and how we were running around to prepare the event that we were doing, it was a super ovBnJcwh-AE-00479-00307100-00307400 A very, very beautiful part of my childhood ovBnJcwh-AE-00480-00307400-00308000 when I was young. ovBnJcwh-AE-00481-00308000-00308700 One of my favorite Taghmees, let's say, when we talk about memories. ovBnJcwh-AE-00482-00308700-00309600 If you remember it was one of the most ovBnJcwh-AE-00483-00309600-00309700 Close to the heart. ovBnJcwh-AE-00484-00309700-00310200 Close to the heart, it was one of the most close to the heart to me, actually because ovBnJcwh-AE-00485-00310400-00310500 I still have ovBnJcwh-AE-00486-00310500-00311000 Friends from this session after 10 years because ovBnJcwh-AE-00487-00311000-00311100 it let us ovBnJcwh-AE-00488-00311100-00312000 Open to each other to talk more about our memories, about something that affect us in the past and how we passed through it. ovBnJcwh-AE-00489-00312000-00312200 And it helps me actually to ovBnJcwh-AE-00490-00312200-00312400 Pass through a lot of things ovBnJcwh-AE-00491-00312400-00312800 When I was young. ovBnJcwh-AE-00492-00312800-00313500 So that's it. And one more thing. ovBnJcwh-AE-00493-00313500-00314100 How I started playing music actually was like, I was always passionate about music, but really ovBnJcwh-AE-00494-00314100-00315300 the place that was supporting me somehow about music and like yeah, try this, listen to this, let's sing together, let's play something together, it's Taghmees. ovBnJcwh-AE-00495-00315300-00316200 It was a place where I could share a lot of things so it's really a family and it's a very, very important concept it should ovBnJcwh-AE-00496-00316200-00317000 It should be shared all over the world because ovBnJcwh-AE-00497-00317000-00318100 Let's say food and good people is always a nice and amazing combination ovBnJcwh-AE-00498-00318100-00318500 Thank you. ovBnJcwh-AE-00499-00318500-00318700 OK. ovBnJcwh-AE-00500-00318700-00319200 So perhaps let's take 10 minutes to stretch your legs. ovBnJcwh-AE-00501-00319200-00319300 Move around. ovBnJcwh-AE-00502-00319300-00319500 And you can ask the question again. ovBnJcwh-AE-00503-00319700-00320400 We can post the question again for you to think about a story while you prepare your food. ovBnJcwh-AE-00504-00320400-00320800 Anything you want to bring back to the ovBnJcwh-AE-00505-00320800-00321900 Table, but around how you see and experience planetary care in your lives and what does that look like? ovBnJcwh-AE-00506-00321900-00322500 It would be really great to hear your stories, so let's ovBnJcwh-AE-00507-00322500-00322800 Come back together at 6:10 ovBnJcwh-AE-00508-00322800-00323000 We're here preparing. ovBnJcwh-AE-00509-00323000-00323300 Our table, so we hope you'll be preparing your table as well. ovBnJcwh-AE-00510-00323300-00323800 And let's try to (...) ovBnJcwh-AE-00511-00323800-00324100 I'll see you in 10 minutes. ovBnJcwh-AE-00513-00342400-00342700 Welcome back everybody. ovBnJcwh-AE-00514-00342700-00343400 I hope that, like ourselves, you've set yourself up with a nice ovBnJcwh-AE-00515-00343400-00343800 Light meal just to share. ovBnJcwh-AE-00516-00343800-00344200 Awesome, so we've got our hummus here. ovBnJcwh-AE-00517-00344200-00344400 Our falafels. ovBnJcwh-AE-00518-00344400-00344600 Our olives ovBnJcwh-AE-00519-00344600-00345000 And of course, our bread. ovBnJcwh-AE-00520-00345000-00345800 And we have eggplants. ovBnJcwh-AE-00521-00345800-00346300 But now we're gonna start. ovBnJcwh-AE-00522-00346300-00347400 While we dip, we can still continue with our stories and share again if whoever would like to share what they have ovBnJcwh-AE-00523-00347400-00347900 Going on as a meal today that would be lovely. ovBnJcwh-AE-00524-00347900-00348000 But also maybe. ovBnJcwh-AE-00525-00348000-00348500 Before we get started, it's worth noting that ovBnJcwh-AE-00526-00348500-00349200 Today actually in India right now there is ovBnJcwh-AE-00527-00349200-00350700 A call for a climate fast and we realize the irony that we invited you all to come and share a meal together on this day and we weren't aware of it until last minute, unfortunately, but it's really worth noting. ovBnJcwh-AE-00528-00350700-00352700 Sonam Wangchuk, I don't know if anybody has heard of them, but a person who has been working a lot in the Ladakh community and to raise awareness around the global warming and what's happening in the mountains and the forests and the rivers. ovBnJcwh-AE-00529-00352700-00353000 In Himalayan mountains. ovBnJcwh-AE-00530-00353000-00354100 Especially now that they're going to start allowing for mining and resource exploitation, and these ovBnJcwh-AE-00531-00354100-00354600 Still, natural areas that are untouched. ovBnJcwh-AE-00532-00354600-00355500 And he will be doing a five day fast at 18,000 feet. ovBnJcwh-AE-00533-00355500-00356500 And he has invited the people all over India to do one fast today so that ovBnJcwh-AE-00534-00356500-00357500 there would be more pressure on the government to be more aware of what's happening to the mountains, and these natural areas of the Himalayas. ovBnJcwh-AE-00535-00357500-00358600 So perhaps since we are not fasting today, we can eat with the intention to nourish all of these people who are fasting for ovBnJcwh-AE-00536-00358600-00359600 For our natural places, with the hope that they'll feel this energy and feel the sustenance, that comes through us as a collective body. ovBnJcwh-AE-00537-00359600-00360000 So thank you for ovBnJcwh-AE-00538-00360000-00360300 Your support! ovBnJcwh-AE-00539-00360600-00362000 So perhaps we can again open the space to share stories around what planetary care looks like for you and your places and your languages, in your contexts. ovBnJcwh-AE-00540-00362000-00362300 We shared a little bit about what we feel it looks like ovBnJcwh-AE-00541-00362300-00362400 For us here ovBnJcwh-AE-00542-00362400-00362700 And as we continue to connect with you ovBnJcwh-AE-00543-00362700-00362800 All it would ovBnJcwh-AE-00544-00362800-00363100 Be really lovely to hear your stories ovBnJcwh-AE-00545-00363100-00363500 So if anybody would like to share please. ovBnJcwh-AE-00546-00363500-00364700 Go ahead. ovBnJcwh-AE-00547-00364700-00364900 I would just start with a ovBnJcwh-AE-00548-00364900-00365800 Small connection also to something that Herman was mentioning, but ovBnJcwh-AE-00549-00365800-00367800 Yesterday I went to the cinema and I saw a film called the Eight Mountains and it's basically the story of somebody who comes as a child from Turin from a city as a 11 year old child to a small village ovBnJcwh-AE-00550-00367800-00368300 In the Italian mountains and ovBnJcwh-AE-00551-00368300-00370300 And he's meeting there accidentally, like the only child that's still living in this place because from a little village of 250 or even more people there was, now it shrink to 12. ovBnJcwh-AE-00552-00370300-00370700 And there was one child and these two children become friends and ovBnJcwh-AE-00553-00370700-00370900 Also they keep ovBnJcwh-AE-00554-00370900-00371200 The friendship and the ovBnJcwh-AE-00555-00371200-00371600 The one from the city is ovBnJcwh-AE-00556-00371600-00373500 When he turned 30 or something he comes with friends and they're having this romantic feeling on the table, sharing food like we do and they were talking about the beautiful landscape and then the person living in the mountains ovBnJcwh-AE-00557-00373500-00373700 He said, like ovBnJcwh-AE-00558-00373700-00374300 And we don't speak about the landscape, we just speak about the things we can touch. ovBnJcwh-AE-00559-00374300-00374900 Like we can we speak about the tree and the green herbs and whatever. ovBnJcwh-AE-00560-00374900-00375300 But this abstract thing we don't ovBnJcwh-AE-00561-00375300-00375600 We don't have a word or we don't use ovBnJcwh-AE-00562-00375600-00375900 We don't use the passion to speak about it. ovBnJcwh-AE-00563-00375900-00376400 We probably, because we are already there. The whole film ovBnJcwh-AE-00564-00376400-00377100 I will not develop further, but the whole film resonated with me because I was ovBnJcwh-AE-00565-00377100-00378200 I'm coming from a small city in Germany and now I'm based in Berlin, but when I was 18, 19 after school I was living ovBnJcwh-AE-00566-00378200-00379100 Now I was working for three summers on a Swiss farm in the mountains because I like to work with my body and outside. ovBnJcwh-AE-00567-00379100-00379500 And they were haymakers. ovBnJcwh-AE-00568-00379500-00380100 And so I enjoyed cutting the grass and for me this was really something. ovBnJcwh-AE-00569-00380100-00381600 Also, I was romanticizing deeply probably, but they were living in a house that was built by the trees cut from the region. ovBnJcwh-AE-00570-00381600-00381800 not like here ovBnJcwh-AE-00571-00381800-00382300 Like we produce, we buy materials and they come from whatever and then we build a house. ovBnJcwh-AE-00572-00382300-00383100 But it's really built with the people from there with the material from there and ovBnJcwh-AE-00573-00383100-00383500 so I enjoyed it ovBnJcwh-AE-00574-00383500-00384700 3 summers. They stopped having this hay and cows, but at that time I was not thinking about what precisely we were doing. ovBnJcwh-AE-00575-00384700-00384900 Because of course the Swiss little farms ovBnJcwh-AE-00576-00384900-00385100 They get a lot of subvention money ovBnJcwh-AE-00577-00385100-00385900 To take care of the mountain landscape, so to cut the grass if it's ovBnJcwh-AE-00578-00385900-00387300 If it's very remote, then you just cut it once in a year, and you can cut it up to three times per year and you cut it and you keep it in your "Heuschober" (hay loft) whatever in your place. ovBnJcwh-AE-00579-00387300-00388100 And because this is food for the cows and they had three cows. ovBnJcwh-AE-00580-00388100-00389400 It was such an amount of work that was actually just for feeding the cows for at least let's say six or seven months ovBnJcwh-AE-00581-00389400-00390300 And now when we were talking about what we eat and what is ovBnJcwh-AE-00582-00390300-00391400 Is it sustainable to eat meat or to feed cows and whatever? It's something that just reoccurs now, I mean 20 years or 25 years later that ovBnJcwh-AE-00583-00391600-00392000 I mean for me it is very down to Earth. ovBnJcwh-AE-00584-00392000-00392300 It's very like small circles, ovBnJcwh-AE-00585-00392300-00392500 Regional, it makes completely ovBnJcwh-AE-00586-00392500-00394100 Sense, but on the other hand it's a lot of work to produce the cheese and the milk and the butter, and maybe some meat out of three cows that also die from time to time. ovBnJcwh-AE-00587-00394100-00394500 And then you have to buy new cows and whatever, it's just ovBnJcwh-AE-00588-00394500-00395000 It's more connected to the ovBnJcwh-AE-00589-00395000-00396400 Also the change of perception and the development of what used to be a practice maybe or might have been a practice of planetary care is now ovBnJcwh-AE-00590-00396400-00396600 Yeah, maybe we've ovBnJcwh-AE-00591-00396600-00397200 There's a different perspective on that, and we ovBnJcwh-AE-00592-00397200-00398100 just wanted to share this, yeah? ovBnJcwh-AE-00593-00398100-00398300 There's one more thing just left ovBnJcwh-AE-00594-00398300-00399300 Lastly, I wanted to express how much I enjoyed the format of sharing stories without teaching ovBnJcwh-AE-00595-00399300-00399800 Others, because when I was a kid, people used to tell me stories ovBnJcwh-AE-00596-00399800-00400400 To convey a message so "you don't have to" or ovBnJcwh-AE-00597-00400400-00400700 You know this is Jesus or whatever you know. ovBnJcwh-AE-00598-00400700-00401300 I just wanted to thank you for this format. ovBnJcwh-AE-00599-00401300-00402600 Bringing up the format of Taghmees really resonates a lot. ovBnJcwh-AE-00600-00402600-00403100 Thank you for that Wolfram. ovBnJcwh-AE-00601-00403100-00403800 Actually, I think the idea of stories has been something that we're ovBnJcwh-AE-00602-00403800-00403900 We're starting to ovBnJcwh-AE-00603-00403900-00404200 Find a lot more appreciation with. ovBnJcwh-AE-00604-00404200-00405100 The more that we sink into them, the more appreciation we have, it's because a lot of our learning has become about ovBnJcwh-AE-00605-00405100-00407100 Really connecting with people in different contexts, like the story that Reef shared about her time in Mexico and we find that when we have a live story that we share, whether it's somebody else's that we receive or one that we live in experience ovBnJcwh-AE-00606-00407100-00408500 and reflecting on these experiences and these stories that what we're finding that we're becoming a lot more rich in our appreciations for the relationships that we have. ovBnJcwh-AE-00607-00408500-00408800 And not just with each other, with ourselves and ovBnJcwh-AE-00608-00408800-00409100 With the world. ovBnJcwh-AE-00609-00409100-00410100 And I find one of the relationships that we've always found a cradle in has been ovBnJcwh-AE-00610-00410100-00410300 Has been with the art world because I've been ovBnJcwh-AE-00611-00410300-00411600 I was sitting here thinking to myself what would bring and what would be the connection between openscape and how we would resonate with each other and what we do ovBnJcwh-AE-00612-00411600-00411900 And in our practice and ovBnJcwh-AE-00613-00411900-00412500 And I was just thinking about how living is... it's art. ovBnJcwh-AE-00614-00412500-00412700 It's an art of, I guess that is a thing ovBnJcwh-AE-00615-00412700-00412800 The art of living. ovBnJcwh-AE-00616-00412800-00413300 But I'm not quoting any book, but the idea of ovBnJcwh-AE-00617-00413300-00413700 How do we ovBnJcwh-AE-00618-00413700-00414400 go back to finding the beauty in everything that we experience in our everyday life ovBnJcwh-AE-00619-00414400-00414800 And again try to share that. ovBnJcwh-AE-00620-00414800-00416100 And I find stories is a beautiful medium and I think that because we're probably part of a very oral culture here, so for us ovBnJcwh-AE-00621-00416100-00416800 Stories are a big part of how we learn. ovBnJcwh-AE-00622-00416800-00417300 Like we said our histories, our traditions, our ovBnJcwh-AE-00623-00417300-00417700 Our different ways of being. ovBnJcwh-AE-00624-00417700-00418400 So I was curious to hear more a little bit about ovBnJcwh-AE-00625-00418400-00419000 What the mediums are in the different parts of the world where you are all in? ovBnJcwh-AE-00626-00419000-00420000 Because like I said, in the Arab world, storytelling is a big part of our, it's in our blood. ovBnJcwh-AE-00627-00420000-00420300 So in our culture. ovBnJcwh-AE-00628-00420300-00421800 1001 Nights is a perfect example of that. Sheherazade survived 1001 nights just telling stories every night so that she wouldn't be killed. ovBnJcwh-AE-00629-00421800-00422500 Yeah, so she had to tell stories just to live and we find that that's ovBnJcwh-AE-00630-00422500-00422600 Part of what ovBnJcwh-AE-00631-00422600-00423100 we're doing here right now is that ovBnJcwh-AE-00632-00423100-00423300 We tell stories to live. ovBnJcwh-AE-00633-00423300-00424700 So as this our medium I don't know if you share the same medium or perhaps there are other mediums that you have in your contexts that you would be able to share with us. ovBnJcwh-AE-00634-00424700-00425000 That would be really lovely to hear. ovBnJcwh-AE-00635-00425000-00425400 I'm gonna speak really quickly because I'll need to go in a second. ovBnJcwh-AE-00636-00425400-00425900 I'm so sorry a meeting came in after the ovBnJcwh-AE-00637-00425900-00426200 Kim, we don't hear you very well, I'm sorry. ovBnJcwh-AE-00638-00426200-00426900 Because I still don't have this microphone thing going on, Glasgow has really ovBnJcwh-AE-00639-00426900-00428800 Unique, uniquely strong history of collectivism and community networks and so much so that other cities in the UK that have a similar socioeconomic background or post industrial cities. ovBnJcwh-AE-00640-00428800-00429000 with a similar types of community ovBnJcwh-AE-00641-00429000-00429200 They don't have the same ovBnJcwh-AE-00642-00429200-00429400 Resilient community networks ovBnJcwh-AE-00643-00429400-00431300 So when you were talking about practices of planetary care, the things that immediately come to mind are, you know, we have this Facebook group called Brilliant Bartering where people exchange you know someone came to pick up two benches that we don't need anymore and took them and brought us some plants in exchange for it. ovBnJcwh-AE-00644-00431300-00431400 So it's about ovBnJcwh-AE-00645-00431400-00432100 You know keeping these social connections, but also trying to reduce the amount of ovBnJcwh-AE-00646-00432100-00434000 You know things that we buy, and since moving into the building that I live in, I've set up a WhatsApp group and we are putting together a directory of the kinds of tools and skills that we have in the building so that you know not everyone needs to buy a tall ladder ovBnJcwh-AE-00647-00434000-00434100 Because we have one. ovBnJcwh-AE-00648-00434100-00434500 Not everyone needs to buy a hedge trimmer because we know the woman downstairs has one. ovBnJcwh-AE-00649-00434500-00434600 That sort of thing. ovBnJcwh-AE-00650-00434600-00436000 And this is actually something that is not my idea, I came across it when I was doing some research in Australia some years ago, and a woman who does a sustainability festival in a small part of Perth ovBnJcwh-AE-00651-00436000-00436700 and Fremantle has been doing this sustainability festival for years and it's because her street ovBnJcwh-AE-00652-00436700-00437400 have all signed up to this way of living and way of you know, being in community with one another. ovBnJcwh-AE-00653-00437400-00438100 So I think the strength in Glasgow is that sense of community that really long standing reliance that we have on each other. ovBnJcwh-AE-00654-00438100-00438300 We go to each other for support. ovBnJcwh-AE-00655-00438300-00439100 We have huge mutual aid networks, you know there's a real spirit of that kind of collaboration and activism. ovBnJcwh-AE-00656-00439100-00440600 But I wanted to also mention one thing which was related to what I was talking about earlier around the relationship between sustainability, planetary care, and care when we're dealing with our personal challenges. ovBnJcwh-AE-00657-00440600-00441400 So for me it's disability and one of the things that I've had to really connect with much more than some of my peers ovBnJcwh-AE-00658-00441400-00441900 From a younger age is mindfulness and embodied practices. ovBnJcwh-AE-00659-00441900-00443000 really connecting with myself and what's happened is it's given me a much stronger sense of empathy. ovBnJcwh-AE-00660-00443000-00444000 I can name and understand the physical experiences that I have and that people describe to me ovBnJcwh-AE-00661-00444000-00445200 I can then put myself physically into how someone else might be feeling about something because I've cultivated this and it's also about cultivating your sensitivity, your awareness. ovBnJcwh-AE-00662-00445200-00445800 Doing a sound bath once a week cultivates my attention. ovBnJcwh-AE-00663-00445800-00446700 It helps me become more aware of my environment, so I think there's something about those kind of personal embodied practices as well as how we're in relationship with each other. ovBnJcwh-AE-00664-00446700-00446900 That feels very strong in Glasgow. ovBnJcwh-AE-00665-00446900-00447200 These are both things that seem very ovBnJcwh-AE-00666-00447200-00447500 alive here. ovBnJcwh-AE-00667-00447500-00449100 I will leave it there. ovBnJcwh-AE-00668-00449100-00450100 Thank you very much for that, and we're still leaving this space open for anybody who would like to tell us about what ovBnJcwh-AE-00669-00450100-00450500 What practices, what mediums ovBnJcwh-AE-00670-00450500-00450800 Of care exist in your contexts, in your languages. ovBnJcwh-AE-00671-00450800-00451803 In your experiences. ovBnJcwh-AE-00672-00454400-00454700 We're OK with silence. ovBnJcwh-AE-00673-00454700-00454800 We're OK with silence. ovBnJcwh-AE-00674-00454800-00455700 Usually we're in the same space together, so silence actually feels perfectly comfortable. ovBnJcwh-AE-00675-00455700-00456300 Again, usually we don't do Taghmees on a virtual medium, so we're not really sure how silence works ovBnJcwh-AE-00676-00456300-00456800 Virtually, so we're trying to feel our way into it. ovBnJcwh-AE-00677-00456800-00457200 But if you feel like there are no stories that come to mind, is there anything you'd like to share or ovBnJcwh-AE-00678-00457200-00457500 Do you have questions or anything? ovBnJcwh-AE-00679-00457500-00457700 Also, please feel free to ovBnJcwh-AE-00680-00457700-00457800 To take us where you ovBnJcwh-AE-00681-00457800-00459100 Are so that we can connect because that's how we learn. ovBnJcwh-AE-00682-00459100-00459500 I mean connecting to the medium question. ovBnJcwh-AE-00683-00459500-00461000 There is one thing that I'm currently busy with is what do you do when you're living in a big city and you don't have a garden because not many people that I know in Berlin have access to a garden. ovBnJcwh-AE-00684-00461000-00461600 Or if there's a garden, it's outside a bit and it's mostly a shared one and they are also the very ovBnJcwh-AE-00685-00461600-00462100 privileged people, but we have a court. ovBnJcwh-AE-00686-00462100-00463000 A very shadowy court where I work and what we are trying to do now is to transform the court. ovBnJcwh-AE-00687-00463000-00463500 The backyard actually to kind of a garden. ovBnJcwh-AE-00688-00463500-00463800 It starts ovBnJcwh-AE-00689-00463800-00464200 Pretty much now, like in February, we are beginning to plant and ovBnJcwh-AE-00690-00464200-00465700 In March we are continuing to plant and then hopefully in June we will already see some of the green and the herbs and the flowers. ovBnJcwh-AE-00691-00465700-00466200 So this is something that we do because ovBnJcwh-AE-00692-00466200-00466500 Nature or the big ovBnJcwh-AE-00693-00466500-00466900 The bigger picture is hardly accessible, ovBnJcwh-AE-00694-00466900-00467700 So we look at what we have and then we try to do something with that and it's an experiment. ovBnJcwh-AE-00695-00467700-00468000 So it can also ovBnJcwh-AE-00696-00468000-00469542 Be the case that in summer we say oh it was a lot of work and it didn't work out well, but we are pretty confident, and at least we take a try. ovBnJcwh-AE-00697-00470200-00470400 That's amazing for you to share with us. ovBnJcwh-AE-00698-00470400-00470700 Thank you. ovBnJcwh-AE-00699-00470700-00472700 Yeah, I think we can actually speak to similar experiences here in terms of how we're trying to see hope, and we find people seeing a lot of hope in growing and seeing and cultivating the Earth. ovBnJcwh-AE-00700-00472700-00474200 And a part of how we've been trying to go about that has been through a lot of community farming and some that's been inspired in Palestine through (?) and Reef has experience with ovBnJcwh-AE-00701-00474200-00474300 That, so you can share about. ovBnJcwh-AE-00702-00474300-00474500 And the ladies. ovBnJcwh-AE-00703-00474500-00474600 And a man. ovBnJcwh-AE-00704-00474900-00476000 Another one of the experiences that we've tried to share in community happened to be when a friend of mine was coming to visit from Argentina. ovBnJcwh-AE-00705-00476000-00477300 And actually, she does some pretty interesting work in learning, and she created her own journey for learning. ovBnJcwh-AE-00706-00477300-00478500 Through different experiences and more of a journey from going from place to place like through South America and she came to Jordan, Palestine, Uganda. ovBnJcwh-AE-00707-00478500-00478900 She planned this learning journey for herself. ovBnJcwh-AE-00708-00478900-00480100 And she started to learn about different farming, mud building, different dance, movement therapy, different things that she found interesting and that she wanted to come together and put her own school. ovBnJcwh-AE-00709-00480100-00480800 When she went back to Argentina and when she was here, we happened to be visiting ovBnJcwh-AE-00710-00480800-00481400 A mosque because this was something that she wanted to get an experience of. ovBnJcwh-AE-00711-00481400-00483300 And we have to visit this mosque that was in the eastern part of the city and in that mosque there was a community of women who would gather in the mosque and we happen to be taking a tour with ovBnJcwh-AE-00712-00483300-00483500 One of the people who plans activities ovBnJcwh-AE-00713-00483500-00483600 For the women ovBnJcwh-AE-00714-00483600-00484100 In the mosque and we saw a piece of land that was there ovBnJcwh-AE-00715-00484100-00485100 And when we saw the land and we saw a group of women who were part of this community, and we saw that there was no activity. ovBnJcwh-AE-00716-00485100-00485300 It wasn't being ovBnJcwh-AE-00717-00485300-00485500 It wasn't being cultivated, it was barren. ovBnJcwh-AE-00718-00485500-00486300 It was a part of the city where nutrition from things that we grow is ovBnJcwh-AE-00719-00486300-00486900 Agriculture is not abundant there yet. ovBnJcwh-AE-00720-00486900-00487400 Not very long ago most of this city area was agricultural lands. ovBnJcwh-AE-00721-00487400-00487800 So the shift has been very rapid. ovBnJcwh-AE-00722-00487900-00488300 Even the name of the area is called (speaks arabic) ovBnJcwh-AE-00723-00488300-00488600 In Arabic it means like the hell of roses. ovBnJcwh-AE-00724-00488600-00489800 Yeah and most of our areas actually have the names of different plants and different things that used to be grown in these different areas. ovBnJcwh-AE-00725-00489800-00489900 And now all we have ovBnJcwh-AE-00726-00489900-00490400 we have just an urban setting. ovBnJcwh-AE-00727-00490400-00490600 So one of the ovBnJcwh-AE-00728-00490600-00491000 social kitchens that we ovBnJcwh-AE-00729-00491000-00491800 Tried to design in collaboration with this group of women in the mosque was to try to put together... ovBnJcwh-AE-00730-00491800-00492200 Now our aspirations were for a natural food forest. ovBnJcwh-AE-00731-00492200-00492600 to plant it ovBnJcwh-AE-00732-00492600-00493200 basically an edible forest to rejuvenate the land, to plant it, ovBnJcwh-AE-00733-00493200-00493800 to have things grow and over the long run come together and ovBnJcwh-AE-00734-00493800-00494400 Have an edible forest. ovBnJcwh-AE-00735-00494400-00495100 Actually we started to go there on a weekly basis. ovBnJcwh-AE-00736-00495100-00495600 We were a group of maybe 8 to 9 women. ovBnJcwh-AE-00737-00495600-00495800 We had basic tools. ovBnJcwh-AE-00738-00495800-00496000 And at that time we had ovBnJcwh-AE-00739-00496000-00496400 Little knowledge about farming and ovBnJcwh-AE-00740-00496400-00497400 We started to learn from each other, some women had more experience and as we say in Arabic (...) which means ovBnJcwh-AE-00741-00497400-00498500 Their hand is green. Whatever they plant, it goes and ovBnJcwh-AE-00742-00498500-00499300 It lasted for around a year and a half to two years, but ovBnJcwh-AE-00743-00499300-00499400 We were not ovBnJcwh-AE-00744-00499400-00500600 Able to create the edible forest also due to reasons that had to do with governmental issues like we're not allowed to use the land anymore. ovBnJcwh-AE-00745-00500600-00500900 But I can say that. ovBnJcwh-AE-00746-00500900-00502100 What we weaved together in terms of relationships, in terms of the knowledge that was learned and exchanged... ovBnJcwh-AE-00747-00502100-00502200 I think without the land ovBnJcwh-AE-00748-00502200-00502700 We wouldn't have gotten the chance to meet with ovBnJcwh-AE-00749-00502700-00503900 These ladies, because on our daily basis we wouldn't get the chance to be friends with them, but what brought us together is the land, is our passion ovBnJcwh-AE-00750-00503900-00504200 to farm and to learn. ovBnJcwh-AE-00751-00504200-00504500 And it's interesting how ovBnJcwh-AE-00752-00504500-00504700 Land bring us back ovBnJcwh-AE-00753-00504700-00505100 To our core... ovBnJcwh-AE-00754-00505100-00505500 Maybe our true selves? ovBnJcwh-AE-00755-00505500-00506400 Yeah, because in the modern way of how we live, our (...) wouldn't cost at all. ovBnJcwh-AE-00756-00506400-00506700 And this is our ovBnJcwh-AE-00757-00506700-00507100 First experiences with farming and going back to the land ovBnJcwh-AE-00758-00507100-00507300 And using our ovBnJcwh-AE-00759-00507300-00507900 Fingers and hands and dip them in the soil. ovBnJcwh-AE-00760-00507900-00508200 I think it's also worth noting, to speak about context ovBnJcwh-AE-00761-00508300-00508500 We said Bedouins are a ovBnJcwh-AE-00762-00508500-00508900 Part of our ovBnJcwh-AE-00763-00508900-00510900 Roots, but we're also farmers, so our society is made of Bedouins or farmers or city dwellers, but they're the minority and we're not talking about generations like old generations. No, we're talking about our parents ovBnJcwh-AE-00764-00510900-00511600 Generations or grandparents generations so ovBnJcwh-AE-00765-00511600-00513000 This knowledge of working the land and being rooted, is something that we've been losing amongst ourselves in this age group. ovBnJcwh-AE-00766-00513000-00513300 And that's where we find that ovBnJcwh-AE-00767-00513300-00513600 This idea is that we see extinction happening before ovBnJcwh-AE-00768-00513600-00513900 our eyes and how do we? ovBnJcwh-AE-00769-00513900-00514400 How do we again try to see what we have around us and to work with this ovBnJcwh-AE-00770-00514400-00515700 concept of abundance because in the end we are desert people and abundance is how we survive because if we saw things in terms of scarcity we wouldn't be here. ovBnJcwh-AE-00771-00515700-00515900 We wouldn't be able to survive in a place ovBnJcwh-AE-00772-00515900-00516300 Like this. ovBnJcwh-AE-00773-00516300-00517900 And I feel a lot of what working with the land and actually being present where we are and grounded and rooted in our place ovBnJcwh-AE-00774-00517900-00518400 It's giving us the means to again look to ovBnJcwh-AE-00775-00518400-00519200 The smallest plot, the smallest opportunity to grow again. ovBnJcwh-AE-00776-00519200-00520400 So I feel like the story that you shared Wolfram is very important in the sense of this concept of how do we look at abundance and see things in sense of what is available. ovBnJcwh-AE-00777-00520400-00520600 So yeah, thank you for bringing ovBnJcwh-AE-00778-00520600-00522200 That into the space. ovBnJcwh-AE-00779-00522200-00522900 So we're kind of reaching towards where we have space for maybe another story or ovBnJcwh-AE-00780-00522900-00523000 Two brief ones ovBnJcwh-AE-00781-00523000-00523400 and give some space to listen to some music. ovBnJcwh-AE-00782-00523400-00523700 So I'd like to ovBnJcwh-AE-00783-00523700-00523900 Open the space to anybody who would like to ovBnJcwh-AE-00784-00523900-00524300 Share a story or ovBnJcwh-AE-00785-00524300-00525100 have a question and ask you to share that before we wind up so... ovBnJcwh-AE-00786-00525100-00526000 Give the space to you. ovBnJcwh-AE-00787-00526000-00526100 Yeah, maybe ovBnJcwh-AE-00788-00526100-00526700 It's not a story, it's more again a question. ovBnJcwh-AE-00789-00526700-00527300 Thank you very much for all this chatting. ovBnJcwh-AE-00790-00527300-00528000 It gives the opportunity to think a lot, I think. ovBnJcwh-AE-00791-00528000-00528100 The question I have ovBnJcwh-AE-00792-00528100-00528700 or maybe I'll start with the small story, I now live in the countryside, ovBnJcwh-AE-00793-00528700-00529300 I have a small garden so I'm going to grow my own vegetables and ovBnJcwh-AE-00794-00529300-00530900 the dry toilet to save water and so on, to use it as in the compost or the vegetables and so on but ovBnJcwh-AE-00795-00530900-00532700 The thing is, when we think about the ecological redirection we should go to, what we will do as individuals will not be enough if we just think it on an individual basis and ovBnJcwh-AE-00796-00532700-00533400 I've been working for a year and a half on questions on how we could rethink the ovBnJcwh-AE-00797-00533400-00533800 Economical model of the artistic field in ovBnJcwh-AE-00798-00533800-00534100 Europe and ovBnJcwh-AE-00799-00534100-00534500 It quickly comes to the question of ovBnJcwh-AE-00800-00534500-00535300 competition versus coordination versus cooperation ovBnJcwh-AE-00801-00535300-00535900 So I was just wondering how you articulate this very individual ovBnJcwh-AE-00802-00535900-00536000 I mean ovBnJcwh-AE-00803-00536000-00536600 I understand that you're in a way building a community through this story. ovBnJcwh-AE-00804-00536600-00537400 But also you told at the very beginning that your practice was rooted in ovBnJcwh-AE-00805-00537400-00537600 The Arab Spring and so on. ovBnJcwh-AE-00806-00537600-00537800 So how do you? ovBnJcwh-AE-00807-00537800-00538300 How do you link? ovBnJcwh-AE-00808-00538300-00540200 What you do on a small scale with the bigger picture of maybe systemic change if it makes sense. ovBnJcwh-AE-00809-00540200-00540600 Thank you for the question. ovBnJcwh-AE-00810-00540600-00541700 So I'm going to answer the way I would answer and it's another way. ovBnJcwh-AE-00811-00541700-00541800 I think a part ovBnJcwh-AE-00812-00541800-00542400 Of what I've been learning is that ovBnJcwh-AE-00813-00542400-00542500 The way I see the world is not ovBnJcwh-AE-00814-00542500-00543300 It's not fixed and it's not exactly as I've been taught to see it. ovBnJcwh-AE-00815-00543300-00543600 I feel like ovBnJcwh-AE-00816-00543600-00544400 I feel like what I've learned is not even something I have words to share, words to express, like I don't know how to express ovBnJcwh-AE-00817-00544400-00545800 This aspect of my learning so I'm gonna call it more of a belief or a faith that I've developed through this practice and that is this kind of faith in contagion. ovBnJcwh-AE-00818-00545800-00546600 So my learning is happening on a let's say the inner scale learning. ovBnJcwh-AE-00819-00546600-00546800 Something inside of me is moving. ovBnJcwh-AE-00820-00546800-00548400 And when I'm sitting in a group with other people, there are things inside of them moving and in a way we're infecting each other with whatever that motion is or whatever that ovBnJcwh-AE-00821-00548400-00549000 Whatever that ovBnJcwh-AE-00822-00549000-00549100 Maybe it's the spell. ovBnJcwh-AE-00823-00549100-00549900 The spell of a story that we can share with each other, so in a way, it's not just my words, ovBnJcwh-AE-00824-00549900-00550600 It's not just his words, it's not just her words, it's how we are as we share them. ovBnJcwh-AE-00825-00550600-00550800 How we ovBnJcwh-AE-00826-00550800-00551300 act in the sharing. ovBnJcwh-AE-00827-00551300-00551600 And in the spaces in between, because it's not ovBnJcwh-AE-00828-00551600-00551900 It's not about anything that's prescribed, it's not about ovBnJcwh-AE-00829-00551900-00552300 Here's the design and you just take it and you replicate it and you do it. ovBnJcwh-AE-00830-00552300-00553300 There's something about genuinely wanting to learn to be better, and being in a space with other people who genuinely want ovBnJcwh-AE-00831-00553300-00553500 To learn to be better. ovBnJcwh-AE-00832-00553500-00554100 And when I say that it's in a sense that when you recognize how much of ovBnJcwh-AE-00833-00554100-00555200 What you really, truly believe and how you are programmed and automatically acting in the world are in contradiction. ovBnJcwh-AE-00834-00555200-00555500 This kind of ovBnJcwh-AE-00835-00555500-00556000 Sense of unease, of anxiety, of depression. ovBnJcwh-AE-00836-00556000-00556700 Of worry which is part of and parcel of modernity and how we live. ovBnJcwh-AE-00837-00556700-00557300 In this Uber fast, the world where we never get to process, we never get to reflect. ovBnJcwh-AE-00838-00557300-00557900 We never get to really even conceive of where we are in life before it ovBnJcwh-AE-00839-00557900-00558500 ends abruptly or maybe not so abruptly, but in the sense of ovBnJcwh-AE-00840-00558500-00558700 How do we slow down? ovBnJcwh-AE-00841-00558700-00559400 Like how do we really like slow down and take a moment ovBnJcwh-AE-00842-00559400-00559600 To reengage with ovBnJcwh-AE-00843-00559600-00560700 Where we are, who we are, who we're with, how we're being, what that looks like, what is it going to look like for future generations, for our children? ovBnJcwh-AE-00844-00560700-00560900 For their children? ovBnJcwh-AE-00845-00560900-00561300 I think these are just very basic things, they're so simple but ovBnJcwh-AE-00846-00561300-00561700 Sometimes the simplest things are the most difficult, really. ovBnJcwh-AE-00847-00561700-00563400 Sometimes we can theorize them quite well, but then when it comes to doing them the idea of between the gap, between practice and theories is usually very huge. ovBnJcwh-AE-00848-00563400-00563700 Again, it's a place of faith. ovBnJcwh-AE-00849-00563700-00564100 And ovBnJcwh-AE-00850-00564100-00564500 I really used to be a ovBnJcwh-AE-00851-00564500-00564900 functioning cog within the machine and the institution. ovBnJcwh-AE-00852-00564900-00565000 Because I truly believed, I really ovBnJcwh-AE-00853-00565000-00565600 Believed when I was in the NGO world that I was making the world a better place. ovBnJcwh-AE-00854-00565600-00565700 One word at a time. ovBnJcwh-AE-00855-00565700-00565900 That was really how I felt about what ovBnJcwh-AE-00856-00565900-00566100 I was doing. ovBnJcwh-AE-00857-00566300-00566500 And the Arab Spring ovBnJcwh-AE-00858-00566500-00566600 The Arab Spring was a movement. ovBnJcwh-AE-00859-00566600-00566800 It was that disruption. ovBnJcwh-AE-00860-00566800-00567000 It was that earthquake. ovBnJcwh-AE-00861-00567000-00567200 It was a pandemic. ovBnJcwh-AE-00862-00567200-00568500 It was the boom that makes you think, OK, wait, what's happening and you wake up and it's a moment and I feel like maybe the biggest challenge of modernity ovBnJcwh-AE-00863-00568500-00568800 And its greatest skill is that it's like this pendulum of ovBnJcwh-AE-00864-00568800-00569000 Putting us wee back to sleep. ovBnJcwh-AE-00865-00569000-00569200 And sleep and ovBnJcwh-AE-00866-00569200-00569300 You just slip right into it ovBnJcwh-AE-00867-00569300-00569400 cause it's... ovBnJcwh-AE-00868-00569400-00569500 Because there's no ovBnJcwh-AE-00869-00569500-00569600 Time to really think about it. ovBnJcwh-AE-00870-00569600-00569900 There's no time to, and it's always this ovBnJcwh-AE-00871-00569900-00570200 This rush and this run and ovBnJcwh-AE-00872-00570200-00570500 the answers, there are no answers and ovBnJcwh-AE-00873-00570500-00570600 The people we look ovBnJcwh-AE-00874-00570600-00570800 Up to are usually just as lost and confused ovBnJcwh-AE-00875-00570800-00571200 As we are and we're all learning really. ovBnJcwh-AE-00876-00571200-00571500 And I think it's ovBnJcwh-AE-00877-00571500-00571600 And Taghmees is a way of ovBnJcwh-AE-00878-00571600-00571800 Trying to stay woke. ovBnJcwh-AE-00879-00571800-00572800 It's a way of trying to stay connected, to really remind ourselves constantly because we're always forgetting. ovBnJcwh-AE-00880-00572800-00573100 And that's why it's a way of life. ovBnJcwh-AE-00881-00573100-00573500 It's a medium for learning as it's a medium of learning together. ovBnJcwh-AE-00882-00573500-00574200 But it's also a medium for being in this world that we feel is lacking wisdom. ovBnJcwh-AE-00883-00574200-00574600 It's full of information, full of information. ovBnJcwh-AE-00884-00574600-00574900 But really very little wisdom. ovBnJcwh-AE-00885-00574900-00575300 And that's what we're trying to harvest. ovBnJcwh-AE-00886-00575300-00575700 That's what we're trying to seed and because we wanna live. ovBnJcwh-AE-00887-00575700-00575900 We want to live with joy, ovBnJcwh-AE-00888-00575900-00576100 We want to celebrate. ovBnJcwh-AE-00889-00576100-00576300 We want to celebrate life. ovBnJcwh-AE-00890-00576300-00577000 We want to celebrate ourselves and our differences as well as our similarities. ovBnJcwh-AE-00891-00577000-00577300 And to be honest, again talking about context. ovBnJcwh-AE-00892-00577300-00578100 I mean I'm an Arab Muslim woman in a world that pretty much labels ovBnJcwh-AE-00893-00578100-00580000 Arabs and Muslims as terrorists and things to be feared or barbaric or backwards or even nonexistent because I would say I'm part Palestinian and I have other Palestinians friends here in the room and otherwise. ovBnJcwh-AE-00894-00580000-00580600 Some people don't even believe that they exist anymore or they exist in their lands anymore. ovBnJcwh-AE-00895-00580600-00581200 So the entire story of who we are and where we are in the world is slowly being ovBnJcwh-AE-00896-00581200-00581600 Retold or overrun or taken to a different ovBnJcwh-AE-00897-00581600-00581700 Place. So there's a ovBnJcwh-AE-00898-00581700-00582200 Lot of healing that needs to be done. ovBnJcwh-AE-00899-00582200-00582700 And that's what we're trying to do, so it's a matter of healing and ovBnJcwh-AE-00900-00582700-00582900 Healing not only in a personal ovBnJcwh-AE-00901-00582900-00584000 place, but healing together so I don't really know if that answers your question, because I feel like there's no real answer, but this is what we're ovBnJcwh-AE-00902-00584000-00584100 Trying and this is ovBnJcwh-AE-00903-00584100-00584300 Our path and that's what it's about ovBnJcwh-AE-00904-00584300-00585300 Learning, and again I hope that's something that we keep doing is to keep learning how to be better. ovBnJcwh-AE-00905-00585300-00585700 I'll leave it there. ovBnJcwh-AE-00906-00585700-00585900 Thank you. ovBnJcwh-AE-00907-00585900-00586000 I don't know if ovBnJcwh-AE-00908-00586000-00586300 We have time for a last question or ovBnJcwh-AE-00909-00586300-00586600 If you guys would like to... ovBnJcwh-AE-00910-00586600-00586700 Again, this is an open space ovBnJcwh-AE-00911-00586700-00587200 We usually give people the chance to share how they feel about where we are and what we're doing. ovBnJcwh-AE-00912-00587200-00587400 So we're gonna put that out there. ovBnJcwh-AE-00913-00587400-00588100 And if anybody has anything we're pleased to share that. ovBnJcwh-AE-00914-00588100-00588839 Otherwise, we can wrap it up. ovBnJcwh-AE-00915-00591700-00593800 OK, so I guess we can go into the music and we just want to say thank you very much for your time, for your stories, for listening, for being, and for this wonderful opportunity to share with you all. ovBnJcwh-AE-00916-00593800-00594700 We hope you enjoyed your experience and if you ever find yourselves in Jordan or anywhere where we happen to be ovBnJcwh-AE-00917-00594700-00595200 It would be lovely to share Taghmees with you ovBnJcwh-AE-00918-00595200-00595700 First hand and live and actually ovBnJcwh-AE-00919-00595700-00595900 Be able to have that ovBnJcwh-AE-00920-00595900-00596300 Connection and maybe also this is an invitation for everyone ovBnJcwh-AE-00921-00596300-00596700 We start creating our own meanings of things now. ovBnJcwh-AE-00922-00596700-00596800 In this session ovBnJcwh-AE-00923-00596800-00597700 We talked about care and planetary care and how to make meaning out of our personal stories, but also maybe it's interesting to think about other words. ovBnJcwh-AE-00924-00597700-00597800 That's shape the ovBnJcwh-AE-00925-00597800-00598100 Way you did and ovBnJcwh-AE-00926-00598100-00599200 Because we do have the right to make meaning and this is, I think the link between things of the movements that happened around us ovBnJcwh-AE-00927-00599200-00599300 We have the right. ovBnJcwh-AE-00928-00599300-00600200 And we can. And we have the responsibility, maybe even more, we do have the responsibility. ovBnJcwh-AE-00929-00600200-00600600 Thank you, thank you, Shukran. ovBnJcwh-AE-00930-00600600-00600900 Thank you very much. ovBnJcwh-AE-00931-00600900-00601000 Thanks a lot. ovWgtWWbMQk-00000-00000600-00002199 Coke shame star Tina Malone has been branded a selfish diva by ex pantomime colleagues, who claim she locked herself in the theatre's only toilet for hours. ovWgtWWbMQk-00001-00002349-00003963 The 54-year-old would barricade herself in the only working toilet backstage, leaving child actors so desperate they would wet themselves, a former cast member said. ovWgtWWbMQk-00002-00004113-00005878 Yesterday Shameless actress Tina was swiftly sacked from her role as wicked fairy godmother Carabosse at the Cloud Nine theatre in Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, after admitting cocaine possession. ovWgtWWbMQk-00003-00006028-00007428 She was arrested on Friday evening after police were tipped off she may be carrying the class A drug. She later accepted a caution. ovWgtWWbMQk-00004-00007578-00009806 A source told Mirror Online: 'She was an absolute nightmare. There was only one working toilet backstage and she would just sit in it for hours saying she was smoking. If you tried to go in she would scream and shout at you, even the kids were sworn at. ovWgtWWbMQk-00005-00009956-00011865 'With a cast of children the toilet needed to be available but Tina didn't care - she just wanted to stay in there. And when she wasn't in the toilet she was in her dressing room - surrounded by rolls of twenty pound notes.' ovWgtWWbMQk-00006-00012015-00013497 Shocked ­theatre staff also said she made no secret of her cocaine possession, adding she was heard asking for 'her little bag of snow' before going on stage. ovWgtWWbMQk-00007-00013647-00014850 Suspicious parents at the Sleeping Beauty pantomime also reportedly saw her with a white substance under her nose. ovWgtWWbMQk-00008-00015000-00016136 Tina Malone quizzed by police over claims she was taking cocaine during panto performances ovWgtWWbMQk-00009-00016286-00017597 A show source told the Sunday People: 'Tina had been asking ­people earlier in the evening if they had seen her 'little bag of snow'. ovWgtWWbMQk-00010-00017747-00019152 'She seemed concerned that it had gone missing. 'One of the parents at the panto noticed a white substance under her nose and asked what it was. ovWgtWWbMQk-00011-00019302-00021405 'She just winked and said 'It's showbiz snow'.' Liverpudlian Tina, best known for her role as foul-mouthed Mimi Maguire in Channel 4's Shameless, was pictured only hours before her arrest eating a takeaway burger in between shows. ovWgtWWbMQk-00012-00021555-00022833 Her four-year-old daughter Flame and husband Paul Chase, who is 19 years her junior, were in the theatre when police swooped. ovWgtWWbMQk-00013-00022983-00024157 She reportedly asked police not to handcuff her as she was led away while members of the audience were leaving. ovWgtWWbMQk-00014-00024307-00025513 Our source said: 'As she came off stage, she heard a rumour police had been tipped off she was using cocaine. ovWgtWWbMQk-00015-00025663-00026866 What did she come as? Tina Malone bares midriff in bizarre strapless bra and hotpants combo ovWgtWWbMQk-00016-00027016-00028606 'She tried to get a taxi, but police stopped her in time and took her inside the venue to search her. She begged the police not to handcuff her, and seemed very worried.' ovWgtWWbMQk-00017-00028756-00030208 A Cumbria police spokesman said: 'Police were called at 8:21pm on Friday to the report of a female being in possession of an illegal substance. ovWgtWWbMQk-00018-00030358-00031541 'A 54-year-old woman from Merseyside was arrested on suspicion of being in ­possession of a class A drug. ovWgtWWbMQk-00019-00031691-00032923 'The woman was detained whilst she helped police with their enquiries. She was later cautioned for the offence.' ovWgtWWbMQk-00020-00033073-00034353 After Tina's shock departure, production bosses drafted in a male stand-in, Alan French, for the final shows. ovWgtWWbMQk-00021-00034503-00036198 A spokesman for Joe Purdy Productions said: 'We and the ­artist involved have made a mutual ­decision to terminate contract with immediate effect as soon as we were made aware of the situation. ovWgtWWbMQk-00022-00036348-00037446 'The cast and crew were deeply shocked and ­saddened but in true panto spirit, the show must go on.' ovWgtWWbMQk-00023-00037596-00039181 But our source claimed the rest of the cast were pleased to see the back of 'diva' Tina, who has also appeared in Victoria Wood's sitcom Dinnerladies and C4 soap Brookside. ovWgtWWbMQk-00024-00039331-00041590 The source said: 'She was moody and always swearing, even at the kids.' Another show insider said: 'We had to move Tina from her original accommodation in a refurbished block of flats to one of the most expensive hotels in the area as she complained constantly. ovWgtWWbMQk-00025-00041740-00043385 'She didn't know the songs for the first show and one of the dancers had to sing it and she lost it with the kid and ­reduced her to tears. Tina didn't really mix with the rest of the cast.' ovWgtWWbMQk-00026-00043535-00044433 Tina was unavailable for comment despite repeated requests. oxxmDY9CVdu-00000-00000060-00001014 if you are a spring data developer you might know the spring data repository where with a single oxxmDY9CVdu-00001-00001014-00001842 interface where I define i define some methods then spring data will Implement that for me oxxmDY9CVdu-00002-00001842-00002856 this is a good sample of java proxy on the Jakarta EE Side we have CDI where it will be worn up a oxxmDY9CVdu-00003-00002856-00003786 bean lazily so only when it's necessary it's happened also because the Java proxy you can use Java proxy oxxmDY9CVdu-00004-00003786-00004626 on your site as well for example we want to custom any kind of cache on my entity manager when oxxmDY9CVdu-00005-00004626-00005736 I handle with uh JPA so use your imagination to explore the capabilities of proxy and Java oy7zaJYmHBE-00000-00001105-00001632 welcome back to dare to call him friend and today we're going to talk about the oy7zaJYmHBE-00001-00001632-00002616 breath of God and his holy wind during an extended time of corporate worship we oy7zaJYmHBE-00002-00002616-00003485 were encouraged to enter in and to ask the Lord how he would like to engage oy7zaJYmHBE-00003-00003485-00004371 with us during this time and God enticed me to draw closer to him my heart oy7zaJYmHBE-00004-00004371-00005025 responded and words flew from my fingers across my laptop keyboard because we oy7zaJYmHBE-00005-00005025-00005667 were encouraged to express what God was speaking to us through whatever creative oy7zaJYmHBE-00006-00005667-00006278 means that we felt like to create from and of course I'm an author oy7zaJYmHBE-00007-00006278-00006918 so my creativity comes across my keyboard when I was done I glanced up oy7zaJYmHBE-00008-00006918-00007497 towards the front of the church and I noticed something the spontaneous dance oy7zaJYmHBE-00009-00007497-00008433 of two worshippers enthralled me one dancer lifted the other one allowing her oy7zaJYmHBE-00010-00008433-00009206 partner to leap high into the air and then they've reversed so the other oy7zaJYmHBE-00011-00009206-00010131 dancer lifted her and she was able to lift high in the air as their worship oy7zaJYmHBE-00012-00010131-00010832 scarves and flakes and tangled around each other they drew closer I realized oy7zaJYmHBE-00013-00010832-00011736 something their dance was the physical expression of the poem that God had just oy7zaJYmHBE-00014-00011736-00012756 created with me on my laptop and I knew God was calling us all his beloved to oy7zaJYmHBE-00015-00012756-00013413 his heart and there was a corporate sense but there was also oy7zaJYmHBE-00016-00013413-00014250 and individual sense that we were being called Jeremiah 31 verse 3 I have loved oy7zaJYmHBE-00017-00014250-00015015 you with an everlasting love therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you oy7zaJYmHBE-00018-00015015-00015762 and this is the poem that the Lord helped me to create and remember I oy7zaJYmHBE-00019-00015762-00016260 wasn't looking up at the front my fingers were on the keyboard and I oy7zaJYmHBE-00020-00016260-00017100 entitled it holy wind holy wind whipping around me tugging at my tattered rags oy7zaJYmHBE-00021-00017100-00017835 entangling me in your wild passion immobilizing my ability to evade you oy7zaJYmHBE-00022-00017835-00018496 your crimson cord compels me to stay captured by your love lifted by your wind oy7zaJYmHBE-00023-00018496-00018970 I am carried into the heavenlies riding across your plains seeing far into your horizon oy7zaJYmHBE-00024-00018970-00019890 yet in one whispered gust I am oy7zaJYmHBE-00025-00019890-00020817 tossed as playfully as a feather is blowing in the air by a single breath oy7zaJYmHBE-00026-00020817-00021435 you remind me that I am yours too blessed and yours to kiss with your holy oy7zaJYmHBE-00027-00021435-00022410 kiss oh holy wind lover of my soul carry me away that sort of intimacy isn't just oy7zaJYmHBE-00028-00022410-00023397 for a few and the last few devotions we've been talking about developing a oy7zaJYmHBE-00029-00023397-00024761 good character obeying the Lord this means for his directions etc but if that oy7zaJYmHBE-00030-00024761-00025575 foundation of knowing that God desires to be in an intimate relationship isn't oy7zaJYmHBE-00031-00025575-00026451 there then all the rest is just kind of like a character development program oy7zaJYmHBE-00032-00026451-00027295 where we're learning how to behave in our walk with the Lord but we're oy7zaJYmHBE-00033-00027295-00028027 not really dealing with our heart issues the only way we can deal with the oy7zaJYmHBE-00034-00028027-00028702 things that are in our heart it's by allowing him close enough that we can oy7zaJYmHBE-00035-00028702-00029408 trust him with those areas of our heart that needs that reminder that needs to oy7zaJYmHBE-00036-00029408-00030418 be reminded that we are his and he created us just to bless us so allow him oy7zaJYmHBE-00037-00030418-00031502 to kiss you with his holy kiss allow the holy wind the Holy Spirit the lover of oy7zaJYmHBE-00038-00031502-00032449 your soul to carry you our way into the secret place today oz6v_CtQA_o-00000-00000162-00000246 In this video, oz6v_CtQA_o-00001-00000246-00000444 we're going to talk about regular languages, oz6v_CtQA_o-00002-00000444-00000798 which are used to specify the electrical structure of programming languages. oz6v_CtQA_o-00003-00001332-00001818 To briefly review the lexical structure of a programming language is a set of token classes. oz6v_CtQA_o-00004-00001851-00002241 And each one of the token classes consists of some set of strings. oz6v_CtQA_o-00005-00002285-00002738 Now we need a way to specify which set of strings belongs to each token class, oz6v_CtQA_o-00006-00002738-00003179 and the usual tool for doing that is to use regular languages. oz6v_CtQA_o-00007-00003179-00003251 So in this video, oz6v_CtQA_o-00008-00003251-00003725 we're going to present regular languages and define what they are. oz6v_CtQA_o-00009-00003725-00003881 And then in subsequent videos, oz6v_CtQA_o-00010-00003881-00004247 we're going to look at some examples using them in actual programming. oz6v_CtQA_o-00011-00004481-00004745 To define the regular languages we generally use. oz6v_CtQA_o-00012-00004791-00004998 Something called regular expressions. oz6v_CtQA_o-00013-00005293-00005621 And each regular expression denotes a set. There, oz6v_CtQA_o-00014-00005621-00005699 there are two basic, oz6v_CtQA_o-00015-00005699-00005810 regular expressions. oz6v_CtQA_o-00016-00005810-00006056 If I write the single character C, oz6v_CtQA_o-00017-00006056-00006203 that's an expression, oz6v_CtQA_o-00018-00006203-00006518 and what it denotes is a language. oz6v_CtQA_o-00019-00006578-00006743 Containing one string. oz6v_CtQA_o-00020-00006884-00006950 Which is. oz6v_CtQA_o-00021-00007036-00007315 The single character C. Okay, oz6v_CtQA_o-00022-00007315-00007426 that's one basic form. oz6v_CtQA_o-00023-00007426-00007645 So for any single character, oz6v_CtQA_o-00024-00007645-00008000 I get a language with a one string language, oz6v_CtQA_o-00025-00008000-00008293 with just the only string is that character. oz6v_CtQA_o-00026-00008293-00008384 Another basic. oz6v_CtQA_o-00027-00008511-00008925 Building block of regular languages is the regular expression. Epsilon. oz6v_CtQA_o-00028-00008964-00009131 Which is the language? oz6v_CtQA_o-00029-00009234-00009316 I contains, again, oz6v_CtQA_o-00030-00009316-00009442 just a single string, oz6v_CtQA_o-00031-00009442-00009606 this time the empty string. oz6v_CtQA_o-00032-00009651-00010053 And one thing that's important to keep in mind is that epsilon is not. oz6v_CtQA_o-00033-00010122-00010259 The empty language, ok. oz6v_CtQA_o-00034-00010259-00010653 So this is not correspond to the empty string and the empty set of strings. oz6v_CtQA_o-00035-00010720-00010978 It is a language that has a single string, oz6v_CtQA_o-00036-00010978-00011101 namely the empty strength. oz6v_CtQA_o-00037-00011409-00011606 Besides the two base regular expressions, oz6v_CtQA_o-00038-00011606-00011748 there are three compound, oz6v_CtQA_o-00039-00011748-00011859 regular expressions. oz6v_CtQA_o-00040-00011919-00012054 And we'll just go through them here, oz6v_CtQA_o-00041-00012054-00012162 in order. oz6v_CtQA_o-00042-00012162-00012368 The first is a plus b. oz6v_CtQA_o-00043-00012437-00012656 Which corresponds to the union of the language, oz6v_CtQA_o-00044-00012656-00012756 is a And B. oz6v_CtQA_o-00045-00012784-00012980 So this would be the set, oz6v_CtQA_o-00046-00012980-00013294 a such that a is in the language of big, oz6v_CtQA_o-00047-00013294-00013646 a little delays in language of big union. oz6v_CtQA_o-00048-00013646-00013990 Little b such that b is in the language of little beast. oz6v_CtQA_o-00049-00013990-00014228 So just the union of the two sets of strength. oz6v_CtQA_o-00050-00014358-00014625 Concatenation is like drinking cat nation. oz6v_CtQA_o-00051-00014625-00014750 So if I have two languages, oz6v_CtQA_o-00052-00014750-00014909 A And B or two regular expressions, oz6v_CtQA_o-00053-00014909-00014987 A And B. oz6v_CtQA_o-00054-00015055-00015322 Then the concatenation of A And B. oz6v_CtQA_o-00055-00015409-00016531 Is equal to all the strings little a concatenated with little b where a is drawn from the language big a and little b is drawn from the language big b. oz6v_CtQA_o-00056-00016566-00016741 And so this is a cross product operation. oz6v_CtQA_o-00057-00016741-00018012 She was a string from a choose a string from capital b And then combine them together with string from a first and and choose these strings at all possible ways for all possible, oz6v_CtQA_o-00058-00018012-00018084 combine strings. oz6v_CtQA_o-00059-00018084-00018237 And that's the language. oz6v_CtQA_o-00060-00018237-00018361 And Kent made with B. oz6v_CtQA_o-00061-00018428-00018533 And finally, oz6v_CtQA_o-00062-00018533-00018703 there's a kind of looping construct. oz6v_CtQA_o-00063-00018819-00018966 This is pronounced a star, oz6v_CtQA_o-00064-00018966-00019180 or it's called the cleaning iteration. oz6v_CtQA_o-00065-00019233-00019391 And the cleaning closure. oz6v_CtQA_o-00066-00019496-00019772 And a star is equal to the union. oz6v_CtQA_o-00067-00019856-00019988 Uh for I greater than, oz6v_CtQA_o-00068-00019988-00020436 or equal to zero of a to the I A to the 8th power, oz6v_CtQA_o-00069-00020436-00020646 and what's that mean? Well, age, oz6v_CtQA_o-00070-00020646-00021062 the eye power is just a concatenated with itself. oz6v_CtQA_o-00071-00021141-00021247 High times, oz6v_CtQA_o-00072-00021247-00021450 so this is av. I. oz6v_CtQA_o-00073-00021519-00021753 And note that because I can be equal to 0, oz6v_CtQA_o-00074-00021753-00022034 one of the possibilities here is a to the zero. oz6v_CtQA_o-00075-00022034-00022319 So a concatenated with itself zero times. oz6v_CtQA_o-00076-00022349-00022502 And what is that? Well, oz6v_CtQA_o-00077-00022502-00022706 that's the language. Epsilon, oz6v_CtQA_o-00078-00022706-00022937 so that's the language containing the empty string. oz6v_CtQA_o-00079-00022937-00023353 So the empty string is always an element of a star. oz6v_CtQA_o-00080-00023803-00024008 The summary is the last couple of slides, oz6v_CtQA_o-00081-00024008-00024590 the regular expressions over some alphabet sigma are the smallest set of expressions that include the following. oz6v_CtQA_o-00082-00024628-00024765 So what's define it? oz6v_CtQA_o-00083-00024765-00024969 So the regular expressions are, oz6v_CtQA_o-00084-00024969-00025150 are equal to. oz6v_CtQA_o-00085-00025150-00025338 Epsilon is always the regular expression. oz6v_CtQA_o-00086-00025458-00025872 Or another possibility is the single character C, oz6v_CtQA_o-00087-00025872-00026241 where c is an element of our alphabet. Okay, oz6v_CtQA_o-00088-00026241-00026418 so this is important. oz6v_CtQA_o-00089-00026418-00026714 The regular presence is defined with respect to some alphabet. oz6v_CtQA_o-00090-00026714-00027393 So we have to pick a family of characters that will form the base cases of the regular expression. oz6v_CtQA_o-00091-00027393-00027851 And here we have one base breaker expression for each character in the alphabet. oz6v_CtQA_o-00092-00027851-00028013 And then we have to compound expression. oz6v_CtQA_o-00093-00028013-00028187 So another possibility. oz6v_CtQA_o-00094-00028229-00028450 Is that a regular expression? oz6v_CtQA_o-00095-00028450-00028679 Is the union of few regular expressions? oz6v_CtQA_o-00096-00028679-00028736 Another one of those, oz6v_CtQA_o-00097-00028736-00028973 they concatenation of two regular expressions. oz6v_CtQA_o-00098-00029070-00029175 And the last one. oz6v_CtQA_o-00099-00029206-00029512 Is that it could be the iteration of a regular expression? oz6v_CtQA_o-00100-00029512-00029662 So these five cases. oz6v_CtQA_o-00101-00029707-00030299 Ur the set of regular expressions over a given alphabet. Now, oz6v_CtQA_o-00102-00030299-00030868 this syntax here for describing the regular expressions with these vertical bars. oz6v_CtQA_o-00103-00030917-00031223 And these different cases on the righthand side, oz6v_CtQA_o-00104-00031223-00031444 and this recursive definition of r. oz6v_CtQA_o-00105-00031444-00031564 If you haven't seen this before, oz6v_CtQA_o-00106-00031564-00031702 this is called a grammar. oz6v_CtQA_o-00107-00031761-00031925 And that's not important for this lecture. oz6v_CtQA_o-00108-00031925-00032231 It's not what this lecture is about. oz6v_CtQA_o-00109-00032231-00032355 But we'll be talking about grammars. oz6v_CtQA_o-00110-00032355-00032877 So when we get to parsing. Next, oz6v_CtQA_o-00111-00032877-00033225 I'd like to do a few examples of actually building regular languages, oz6v_CtQA_o-00112-00033225-00033288 writing them out, oz6v_CtQA_o-00113-00033288-00033511 and then thinking about what they mean. oz6v_CtQA_o-00114-00033511-00033604 And as we said, oz6v_CtQA_o-00115-00033604-00033766 whenever we're talking about a regular language, oz6v_CtQA_o-00116-00033766-00034006 we first have to say what the alphabet is. oz6v_CtQA_o-00117-00034006-00034125 And so for these examples, oz6v_CtQA_o-00118-00034125-00034393 let's just use the alphabets 0 and 1. oz6v_CtQA_o-00119-00034393-00034677 So these are going to be languages, oz6v_CtQA_o-00120-00034677-00034827 which consists of strings. oz6v_CtQA_o-00121-00034845-00034936 Zeros and ones. oz6v_CtQA_o-00122-00034963-00035137 And let's start with a very simple example. oz6v_CtQA_o-00123-00035137-00035360 Let's think about the language. oz6v_CtQA_o-00124-00035360-00035437 One star. oz6v_CtQA_o-00125-00035514-00035761 And what's language there to notes? oz6v_CtQA_o-00126-00035806-00036017 So well, oz6v_CtQA_o-00127-00036017-00036218 do we know the definition of star? oz6v_CtQA_o-00128-00036218-00036287 If we remember, oz6v_CtQA_o-00129-00036287-00036647 that was the union over I greater than, oz6v_CtQA_o-00130-00036647-00036700 or equal to, oz6v_CtQA_o-00131-00036700-00037118 zero of 1 to the eye. Okay, oz6v_CtQA_o-00132-00037118-00037331 and what does that equal to? Well, oz6v_CtQA_o-00133-00037331-00037513 that's just one. oz6v_CtQA_o-00134-00037560-00037676 Repeated I times, oz6v_CtQA_o-00135-00037676-00038472 that's what they concatenation of one went to the I means means one concatenated with itself, times. oz6v_CtQA_o-00136-00038472-00038991 And so this is going to be the empty string. oz6v_CtQA_o-00137-00038991-00039147 That's why you can't with itself. oz6v_CtQA_o-00138-00039147-00039239 Zero times. oz6v_CtQA_o-00139-00039268-00039391 Followed by one, oz6v_CtQA_o-00140-00039391-00039535 followed by 1 1, oz6v_CtQA_o-00141-00039535-00040042 followed by one with itself three times by one concatenated with itself four times, oz6v_CtQA_o-00142-00040042-00040643 followed by one concatenated with itself any number of times. Okay, oz6v_CtQA_o-00143-00040643-00040724 and so we can see, oz6v_CtQA_o-00144-00040724-00040994 this is just equal to all strings. oz6v_CtQA_o-00145-00041161-00041232 Of once. oz6v_CtQA_o-00146-00041488-00041605 All right. Yeah, oz6v_CtQA_o-00147-00041605-00041830 let's do a second example. oz6v_CtQA_o-00148-00041830-00042635 Let's think about the language. One. Plus, zero. oz6v_CtQA_o-00149-00042739-00043473 I concatenated with the language. One. Okay, and. oz6v_CtQA_o-00150-00043500-00043810 Remember how concatenation works is across products. oz6v_CtQA_o-00151-00043810-00044181 We take every string in the first expression, oz6v_CtQA_o-00152-00044181-00044457 and combined it with every string in the second expression. oz6v_CtQA_o-00153-00044457-00044958 So this is going to be equal to the strings. oz6v_CtQA_o-00154-00044958-00045085 A B, oz6v_CtQA_o-00155-00045085-00045489 where a is drawn from one plus 0. And. oz6v_CtQA_o-00156-00045531-00045926 B is drawn from what? Right, oz6v_CtQA_o-00157-00045926-00046074 and what can that be? Well, oz6v_CtQA_o-00158-00046074-00046323 there's two traces for A A could be one or 0, oz6v_CtQA_o-00159-00046323-00046461 and b could be one. oz6v_CtQA_o-00160-00046461-00046512 So in fact, oz6v_CtQA_o-00161-00046512-00046698 this is equal to the set. oz6v_CtQA_o-00162-00046745-00046966 I 1 1. oz6v_CtQA_o-00163-00046966-00047062 And the strings, --> 00:07:51,130 1 1, 166 oz6v_CtQA_o-00164-00047112-00047163 the second thing, oz6v_CtQA_o-00165-00047163-00047212 the strings, oz6v_CtQA_o-00166-00047232-00047506 1 1 and 1 0. oz6v_CtQA_o-00167-00047506-00047566 All right. oz6v_CtQA_o-00168-00047682-00047866 That's to another example, oz6v_CtQA_o-00169-00047866-00047998 slightly more complex. oz6v_CtQA_o-00170-00047998-00048667 Let's build up here to having two iterations in a union will have zero star plus one star, oz6v_CtQA_o-00171-00048667-00048807 and think about what that equal to, well, oz6v_CtQA_o-00172-00048807-00048868 we already know it. oz6v_CtQA_o-00173-00048868-00048949 One star is equal to, oz6v_CtQA_o-00174-00048949-00048973 I think, oz6v_CtQA_o-00175-00048973-00049135 well to all strings of ones. oz6v_CtQA_o-00176-00049135-00049168 And so, oz6v_CtQA_o-00177-00049168-00049297 by analogy, oz6v_CtQA_o-00178-00049297-00049516 zero star must be all strings of zeros. oz6v_CtQA_o-00179-00049516-00049656 And then we take the union. oz6v_CtQA_o-00180-00049675-00049743 Of those two things, oz6v_CtQA_o-00181-00049743-00050088 so this is actually really easy to write out. oz6v_CtQA_o-00182-00050088-00050250 Let's write them out in this notation. oz6v_CtQA_o-00183-00050250-00050629 So we have 0 to the eye for eye, oz6v_CtQA_o-00184-00050629-00050767 greater and equal to 0. oz6v_CtQA_o-00185-00050767-00050838 So that's 0. oz6v_CtQA_o-00186-00050838-00050980 Star union with. oz6v_CtQA_o-00187-00051026-00051350 1 did the eye for eye greater than equal to 0. oz6v_CtQA_o-00188-00051350-00051462 That's the strings of all ones. oz6v_CtQA_o-00189-00051462-00051803 So there's the set that this expression to notes. oz6v_CtQA_o-00190-00051891-00052054 And for our last example, oz6v_CtQA_o-00191-00052054-00052623 let's think about 0 plus 1. Now. oz6v_CtQA_o-00192-00052677-00052972 That iterated so, oz6v_CtQA_o-00193-00052972-00053337 we put the star around the union of the two individual characters, oz6v_CtQA_o-00194-00053337-00053824 instead of having the star in each character individually and taking the union of the two things. oz6v_CtQA_o-00195-00053824-00053896 So what is the, oz6v_CtQA_o-00196-00053896-00054199 what is this expression equal to? Well, oz6v_CtQA_o-00197-00054199-00054425 let's work with the definition of star. So, oz6v_CtQA_o-00198-00054425-00054504 we know. oz6v_CtQA_o-00199-00054629-00054720 That this is. oz6v_CtQA_o-00200-00054836-00054988 The union over I, oz6v_CtQA_o-00201-00054988-00055019 greater than, oz6v_CtQA_o-00202-00055019-00055475 or equal to zero of 0 plus 1 to the I. oz6v_CtQA_o-00203-00055475-00055666 And what does that look like? Well, oz6v_CtQA_o-00204-00055666-00055852 that looks like, oz6v_CtQA_o-00205-00055852-00055922 first of all, oz6v_CtQA_o-00206-00055922-00056057 there's the empty string. oz6v_CtQA_o-00207-00056163-00056640 And then another string in this language is. oz6v_CtQA_o-00208-00056691-00056785 Excuse me, oz6v_CtQA_o-00209-00056785-00057073 is drawn from 0 plus one, oz6v_CtQA_o-00210-00057073-00057303 and so I shouldn't say another string, oz6v_CtQA_o-00211-00057303-00057496 but another set of strings in the language, oz6v_CtQA_o-00212-00057496-00057634 0 plus 1, oz6v_CtQA_o-00213-00057634-00058123 and then zero plus 1 I concatenated with itself. Okay, oz6v_CtQA_o-00214-00058123-00058222 and in general, oz6v_CtQA_o-00215-00058222-00058737 it's going to be 0 plus 1 he patented with itself. oz6v_CtQA_o-00216-00058737-00059388 I times. Okay, oz6v_CtQA_o-00217-00059388-00059454 what does that mean? oz6v_CtQA_o-00218-00059454-00059584 That means that at every position, oz6v_CtQA_o-00219-00059584-00059707 if we have a string of length, oz6v_CtQA_o-00220-00059707-00059896 I at every position, oz6v_CtQA_o-00221-00059896-00060286 we can pick a 0 or a 1 to plug in. oz6v_CtQA_o-00222-00060286-00060448 And this is works for any length strength. oz6v_CtQA_o-00223-00060448-00060687 This is going to be true of strings of every length. oz6v_CtQA_o-00224-00060687-00060738 And so in fact, oz6v_CtQA_o-00225-00060738-00060799 this language, oz6v_CtQA_o-00226-00060799-00061375 it's just going to be all strings. Of. oz6v_CtQA_o-00227-00061437-00061565 Zeros and ones. oz6v_CtQA_o-00228-00061825-00061870 And in fact, oz6v_CtQA_o-00229-00061870-00061929 what that means is, oz6v_CtQA_o-00230-00061929-00061991 is it's the same. oz6v_CtQA_o-00231-00061991-00062098 If we look back at our alphabet, oz6v_CtQA_o-00232-00062098-00062325 or ultimately consists of 0 and 1. oz6v_CtQA_o-00233-00062325-00062763 And so this is the set of all strings that you can form over the entire alphabet. oz6v_CtQA_o-00234-00062763-00062904 And that has a special name. oz6v_CtQA_o-00235-00062904-00062976 When that happens, oz6v_CtQA_o-00236-00062976-00063412 when you have a regular expression that denotes the set of all strings, oz6v_CtQA_o-00237-00063412-00063566 you can form out of the alphabet. oz6v_CtQA_o-00238-00063566-00063887 We write that as sigma star. Ok, oz6v_CtQA_o-00239-00063887-00064310 so just meaning that all the strings of the alphabet iterated as many times as you like. oz6v_CtQA_o-00240-00064439-00064770 One last point I want to make on this app, oz6v_CtQA_o-00241-00064770-00064884 before we go on here, oz6v_CtQA_o-00242-00064884-00065271 is that there are actually lots of ways to write each of these different languages, oz6v_CtQA_o-00243-00065271-00065504 if not a unique way to write these. oz6v_CtQA_o-00244-00065504-00065559 So for example, oz6v_CtQA_o-00245-00065559-00065700 let's just take this language here. oz6v_CtQA_o-00246-00065700-00065832 The second one that we did, oz6v_CtQA_o-00247-00065832-00066062 and let me switch colors. oz6v_CtQA_o-00248-00066062-00066200 Another alternative way to write this, oz6v_CtQA_o-00249-00066200-00066312 since we know the meaning of it, oz6v_CtQA_o-00250-00066312-00066387 is these two strings. oz6v_CtQA_o-00251-00066392-00066510 Is 1 1 in 1 0? oz6v_CtQA_o-00252-00066510-00066902 I could have written it as 1 1 plus 1 0, oz6v_CtQA_o-00253-00066902-00067091 and that would mean exactly the same thing. oz6v_CtQA_o-00254-00067091-00067229 These two expressions. oz6v_CtQA_o-00255-00067312-00067507 Denote exactly the same set. oz6v_CtQA_o-00256-00067507-00067687 Similarly with one star. oz6v_CtQA_o-00257-00067687-00067960 I could write this as one star, oz6v_CtQA_o-00258-00067960-00068142 plus 1. oz6v_CtQA_o-00259-00068142-00068253 Because this wouldn't change anything. oz6v_CtQA_o-00260-00068253-00068359 Adding in the single string, oz6v_CtQA_o-00261-00068359-00068497 one wouldn't change anything. oz6v_CtQA_o-00262-00068497-00068686 Since one is already included in one star, oz6v_CtQA_o-00263-00068686-00069112 this might be kind of a silly way to write that set, oz6v_CtQA_o-00264-00069112-00069247 but it doesn't matter, oz6v_CtQA_o-00265-00069247-00069508 it has a meaning and it means exactly anything is one star. oz6v_CtQA_o-00266-00069508-00069619 And the point again, oz6v_CtQA_o-00267-00069619-00070099 is that there's more than one way to write down the same set. oz6v_CtQA_o-00268-00070113-00070258 Right to write. oz6v_CtQA_o-00269-00070258-00070336 You can write multiple, oz6v_CtQA_o-00270-00070336-00070845 regular expressions that you note the same set. Well, oz6v_CtQA_o-00271-00070845-00070998 we've come to the end of this video. oz6v_CtQA_o-00272-00070998-00071150 And to summarize, oz6v_CtQA_o-00273-00071150-00071358 we looked at regular expressions. oz6v_CtQA_o-00274-00071421-00071736 Which are used to define regular languages. oz6v_CtQA_o-00275-00071775-00072029 And the regular expressions are syntax. oz6v_CtQA_o-00276-00072029-00072116 That's the. oz6v_CtQA_o-00277-00072202-00072371 Expression that we write down, oz6v_CtQA_o-00278-00072371-00072589 and it denotes a set of strengths, oz6v_CtQA_o-00279-00072589-00072727 which is the regular language. oz6v_CtQA_o-00280-00072727-00073090 And that's that's the meaning of the regular. Expression. oz6v_CtQA_o-00281-00073148-00073586 And there are five kinds of regular expressions in the standard definition. oz6v_CtQA_o-00282-00073586-00073852 There's an expression for the empty string, oz6v_CtQA_o-00283-00073852-00074029 and that's denoted by epsilon. oz6v_CtQA_o-00284-00074029-00074254 And then we have all the one character strings. oz6v_CtQA_o-00285-00074288-00074544 And then there are three combat compound expressions, oz6v_CtQA_o-00286-00074544-00074736 ways of building new, oz6v_CtQA_o-00287-00074736-00074973 regular expressions from other regular expressions. oz6v_CtQA_o-00288-00074973-00075389 And these are union concatenation and iteration. ozF3ekcziB8-00000-00001136-00001532 Beloved Bruno, ozF3ekcziB8-00001-00001611-00002005 we were so young then, ozF3ekcziB8-00002-00002087-00002477 we didn't know what we were doing. ozF3ekcziB8-00003-00002576-00002979 We made a mistake ozF3ekcziB8-00004-00003049-00003451 that took your life. ozF3ekcziB8-00005-00003549-00003949 I completely forgot about it. ozF3ekcziB8-00006-00004534-00004940 Now, 23 years later, ozF3ekcziB8-00007-00005001-00005404 your brother has been born. ozF3ekcziB8-00008-00005501-00005898 That has made me remember ozF3ekcziB8-00009-00005950-00006344 and I won't forget you. ozF3ekcziB8-00010-00006478-00006865 Today I've buried you, ozF3ekcziB8-00011-00007044-00007445 my first son. ozF3ekcziB8-00012-00007989-00008288 Farewell, Bruno. ozF3ekcziB8-00013-00009539-00009845 Farewell. ozF3ekcziB8-00014-00010186-00010485 My best wishes are with you. ozF3ekcziB8-00015-00011437-00011839 Dedicated to those that didn't make it to life. ozF3ekcziB8-00016-00011865-00012268 To those that didn't dare to give life. ozF3ekcziB8-00017-00012293-00012692 To those that did dare. ozF3ekcziB8-00018-00012722-00013119 And to their children. ozF3ekcziB8-00019-00013144-00013541 To my family. ozF3ekcziB8-00020-00013571-00013969 To my friends. o-4W43eL75I-00000-00000143-00000403 It has been 18 days o-4W43eL75I-00001-00000403-00000663 since I have had a grain of salt. o-4W43eL75I-00002-00000665-00000894 And I am not waiting a minute longer. o-4W43eL75I-00003-00001055-00001175 Mmmm. o-4W43eL75I-00004-00001212-00001474 For the last 18 days, 100 percent of my food o-4W43eL75I-00005-00001474-00001634 has come from the land. o-4W43eL75I-00006-00001634-00001967 I am going to turn this salt water into salt. o-4W43eL75I-00007-00001967-00002284 Now, I know what a lot of you might be wondering o-4W43eL75I-00008-00002284-00002469 that is, "Am I not worried about o-4W43eL75I-00009-00002469-00002627 the pollutants in the ocean?" o-4W43eL75I-00010-00002627-00002950 That is why I chose the cleanest beach o-4W43eL75I-00011-00002950-00003088 that I can find in the area. o-4W43eL75I-00012-00003088-00003334 But to be honest, I am not more worried o-4W43eL75I-00013-00003334-00003509 about any pollutants in here, o-4W43eL75I-00014-00003509-00003669 than most of the food that o-4W43eL75I-00015-00003669-00003940 we are buying at the grocery store. o-4W43eL75I-00016-00003940-00004122 I am sure a lot of you are wondering, o-4W43eL75I-00017-00004122-00004332 how do I actually take this ocean water, o-4W43eL75I-00018-00004332-00004540 and turn it into salt for my meals? o-4W43eL75I-00019-00004540-00004690 I just take it home, o-4W43eL75I-00020-00004690-00004822 put it into a pot, o-4W43eL75I-00021-00004822-00004995 boil that water down, o-4W43eL75I-00022-00004995-00005265 then, once all the water is evaporated, o-4W43eL75I-00023-00005265-00005494 I am left with sea salt. o-4W43eL75I-00024-00005494-00005847 Hand foraged, home made sea salt. oAuC9k8gJ6o-00000-00000337-00000864 Hello and welcome to this documentary about oAuC9k8gJ6o-00001-00001174-00001374 A.s.m.r oAuC9k8gJ6o-00002-00001458-00001658 This movie aims not oAuC9k8gJ6o-00003-00001720-00002355 Only to tell you what ASMR is but to create an ASMR video itself oAuC9k8gJ6o-00004-00002407-00003009 You may know what ASMR is you may not know what it is. That's a good reason to watch a documentary oAuC9k8gJ6o-00005-00003067-00003272 Not knowing what something is oAuC9k8gJ6o-00006-00003403-00004155 But if you are a fan of ASMR, you can use this video itself as an ASMR video oAuC9k8gJ6o-00007-00004267-00004851 Or if you don't know what ASMR is this video will tell you what it is oAuC9k8gJ6o-00008-00004930-00005130 But don't be worried. It's nothing oAuC9k8gJ6o-00009-00005179-00005459 Strange and it's a little strange, but it's not oAuC9k8gJ6o-00010-00005521-00006014 Let's get to what it is. That way you can enjoy this documentary oAuC9k8gJ6o-00011-00006184-00006755 ASMR or audio sensory meridian response. It's an acronym oAuC9k8gJ6o-00012-00006882-00007226 ASMR stands for audio sensory meridian response oAuC9k8gJ6o-00013-00007374-00007766 this is definitively a garbage word or a oAuC9k8gJ6o-00014-00007845-00008135 made-up word or a pseudoscience word oAuC9k8gJ6o-00015-00008217-00008453 It took me less time to oAuC9k8gJ6o-00016-00008524-00008692 debunk this myth oAuC9k8gJ6o-00017-00008692-00009005 Than any other myth I have come across oAuC9k8gJ6o-00018-00009078-00009278 in my oAuC9k8gJ6o-00019-00009354-00009554 Documentary career oAuC9k8gJ6o-00020-00009600-00009800 The word is completely made-up oAuC9k8gJ6o-00021-00009802-00010227 it is not a scientific term but its acronym and use of oAuC9k8gJ6o-00022-00010270-00010625 big three syllable words makes you believe it is a oAuC9k8gJ6o-00023-00010734-00011051 scientific word, but if you actually look at the word, it's oAuC9k8gJ6o-00024-00011115-00011315 also in the wrong order oAuC9k8gJ6o-00025-00011352-00011552 audio sensory oAuC9k8gJ6o-00026-00011581-00011724 meridian response oAuC9k8gJ6o-00027-00011724-00012263 When you actually analyze that word isn't actually saying anything oAuC9k8gJ6o-00028-00012447-00012647 Audio sensory oAuC9k8gJ6o-00029-00012678-00012896 That's not really how we would oAuC9k8gJ6o-00030-00012977-00013161 say so oAuC9k8gJ6o-00031-00013161-00013361 You get it now oAuC9k8gJ6o-00032-00013563-00013819 Moving on to why this is a made-up word. I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00033-00013956-00014333 also consulted several experts in the mind oAuC9k8gJ6o-00034-00014385-00015094 They had never heard of this thing when I had them dig a little into it. They said it's made up oAuC9k8gJ6o-00035-00015159-00015776 One of the things that we'll learn in this is that there are no studies ever done on audio sensory meridian response oAuC9k8gJ6o-00036-00015872-00016240 What is that though to the ASMR community online? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00037-00016383-00016841 ASMR is mostly an Internet trend and a community on YouTube oAuC9k8gJ6o-00038-00016905-00017218 These videos are created not just as a relaxation oAuC9k8gJ6o-00039-00017289-00017466 but in the search oAuC9k8gJ6o-00040-00017466-00017968 For a sensation they call tingles or brain orgasms oAuC9k8gJ6o-00041-00018156-00018536 These videos are designed to be listened to to achieve oAuC9k8gJ6o-00042-00018624-00019043 Tingling in the back of the head. You may even know this as the chills oAuC9k8gJ6o-00043-00019445-00019909 The origins of the ASMR video are also fairly easy to track oAuC9k8gJ6o-00044-00019968-00020582 There was a disney film that was distributed in its parks and other strange places oAuC9k8gJ6o-00045-00020616-00020816 Called the virtual haircut oAuC9k8gJ6o-00046-00020883-00021629 This is not only an ASMR trigger for many people but continues to be a theme of ASMR virtual haircuts oAuC9k8gJ6o-00047-00021699-00021899 the other place that oAuC9k8gJ6o-00048-00021915-00022274 ASMR is a video art can be tracked to is oAuC9k8gJ6o-00049-00022377-00022838 the cranial nerve exam of Pat LaFontaine the Rangers player oAuC9k8gJ6o-00050-00022926-00023701 This was incredibly easy to track because the term cranial nerve exam is actually a very rare oAuC9k8gJ6o-00051-00023787-00023895 procedure oAuC9k8gJ6o-00052-00023895-00024229 one does not get a cranial nerve exam unless they've had a oAuC9k8gJ6o-00053-00024291-00024941 Severe brain injury as Pat LaFontaine did in 1990 when he was playing for the Rangers oAuC9k8gJ6o-00054-00025073-00025702 Pat suffered this injury and made very public his recovery from a concussion oAuC9k8gJ6o-00055-00025857-00026093 One of the things he did was to film his oAuC9k8gJ6o-00056-00026208-00026356 cranial nerve exam oAuC9k8gJ6o-00057-00026356-00027039 This video has been used many times by ASMR people and the word cranial nerve exam has come up in ASMR oAuC9k8gJ6o-00058-00027337-00028125 What we will do in this movie is track three-and-a-half, there's a secret one at the end oAuC9k8gJ6o-00059-00028351-00028551 ASMR artist is currently working oAuC9k8gJ6o-00060-00028858-00029011 Putting whispers oAuC9k8gJ6o-00061-00029011-00029388 Yes, Mon, waar and Jerry ASMR oAuC9k8gJ6o-00062-00029439-00029720 And the secret one is tingles ASMR oAuC9k8gJ6o-00063-00029824-00029950 now oAuC9k8gJ6o-00064-00029950-00030450 Our first person up is putting whispers as I've said oAuC9k8gJ6o-00065-00030658-00031076 ASMR is mostly a youtube trend of relaxation videos oAuC9k8gJ6o-00066-00031207-00031393 putting whispers oAuC9k8gJ6o-00067-00031393-00031875 represents the height of YouTube's success in the world of ASMR oAuC9k8gJ6o-00068-00031981-00032679 at the time of this recording of this documentary putting whispers has nearly seventy thousand subscribers on oAuC9k8gJ6o-00069-00032737-00032884 YouTube a oAuC9k8gJ6o-00070-00032884-00033185 Subscriber is of course not just someone who watches the video oAuC9k8gJ6o-00071-00033244-00033444 but someone who oAuC9k8gJ6o-00072-00033478-00034076 Subscribes to every single video that he makes he has many more views on his videos oAuC9k8gJ6o-00073-00034180-00034380 we now take you to oAuC9k8gJ6o-00074-00034534-00034811 My interview with pudding whispers oAuC9k8gJ6o-00075-00036216-00036416 Yeah, that's absolutely wonderful oAuC9k8gJ6o-00076-00036510-00036612 the oAuC9k8gJ6o-00077-00036612-00037123 The first question that I have on that regards is before we even start oAuC9k8gJ6o-00078-00037158-00037415 How do you want me to address you? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00079-00037425-00038138 Because we sort of have to deal with the issue of an internet an internet you and artist you, you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00080-00038138-00038377 And you so even though this is nonfiction oAuC9k8gJ6o-00081-00038388-00038701 I'm um you could you could either call me just oAuC9k8gJ6o-00082-00038718-00039247 Putting or just I mean Justin's you can address me as Justin like that's that's my I mean, that's my name oAuC9k8gJ6o-00083-00039247-00039754 But I'm I'm known as putting on the internet like but that's kind of like my internet oAuC9k8gJ6o-00084-00039915-00040117 Brand or persona, I guess oAuC9k8gJ6o-00085-00040241-00040723 I'm gonna I'm gonna start the interview calling you pudding and I think oAuC9k8gJ6o-00086-00040815-00040959 It'll naturally oAuC9k8gJ6o-00087-00040959-00041536 Transition into sort of where because I think pudding is that is the persona we want to answer the first few oAuC9k8gJ6o-00088-00041553-00041923 Sort of questions here, and then we'll just we'll switch into Justin later oAuC9k8gJ6o-00089-00042197-00042397 Because the way that I'm recording this oAuC9k8gJ6o-00090-00042420-00042537 I'm oAuC9k8gJ6o-00091-00042537-00042851 I've got like two headphones on right now, basically oAuC9k8gJ6o-00092-00042927-00043127 one two, yeah two oAuC9k8gJ6o-00093-00043203-00043847 Actual recording like what we're trying to actually report on the other one to actually hear your questions at the same time oAuC9k8gJ6o-00094-00043847-00044201 I am actually wearing the same ridiculous setup, so don't worry oAuC9k8gJ6o-00095-00044291-00044491 let me go ahead and hook up my oAuC9k8gJ6o-00096-00044643-00044843 My headphones oAuC9k8gJ6o-00097-00044997-00045197 Do this here make sure oAuC9k8gJ6o-00098-00045351-00045682 Cellphones off check check check check check check check oAuC9k8gJ6o-00099-00045807-00046276 You increase the volume on this check check check check check check check oAuC9k8gJ6o-00100-00046805-00047005 Check check check oAuC9k8gJ6o-00101-00047757-00048205 Check-check neither my house going. Okay. Yeah, that should be fine oAuC9k8gJ6o-00102-00048555-00048755 Yeah, you can enjoy this all you want oAuC9k8gJ6o-00103-00049062-00049262 Okay, put you to sleep there and I love you oAuC9k8gJ6o-00104-00049322-00050083 No, no. No, I drink far too much caffeine first. Yeah, even even your powers to put me to sleep oAuC9k8gJ6o-00105-00050271-00050918 So let's get started right away with putting putting could you introduce yourself? Hey what's up guys my name's oAuC9k8gJ6o-00106-00051069-00051269 On YouTube oAuC9k8gJ6o-00107-00051612-00051812 Videos on YouTube oAuC9k8gJ6o-00108-00051920-00052138 Now Justin I'm you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00109-00052139-00052885 We're gonna cover. I saw a pudding we're gonna cover the technical aspects and and other sort of definitions of this word oAuC9k8gJ6o-00110-00052886-00053167 but to you personally, what is oAuC9k8gJ6o-00111-00053238-00053438 ASM o oAuC9k8gJ6o-00112-00053949-00054391 Scientific term kind of describes like these Dingles that you get when you hear certain sounds oAuC9k8gJ6o-00113-00054483-00054805 now these sounds can vary from the sounds of oAuC9k8gJ6o-00114-00054905-00055510 Scissors cutting paper or the sound of somebody tapping like lleana a wooden table oAuC9k8gJ6o-00115-00055674-00056005 It could really be anything that triggers this sensation oAuC9k8gJ6o-00116-00056005-00056620 But yeah, I mean it pretty much is what the definition is to me personally. I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00117-00056772-00056972 Can tell you just one example oAuC9k8gJ6o-00118-00057162-00057902 One of my favorite triggers are sounds that would always cause this sensation was cutting of construction paper oAuC9k8gJ6o-00119-00057969-00058364 by some of my classmates when I was in kindergarten, you know, for example oAuC9k8gJ6o-00120-00058651-00058851 You know people list oAuC9k8gJ6o-00121-00058852-00059514 Cutting construction paper as one and I I do get tingles from ASMR, but I was very bad with scissors oAuC9k8gJ6o-00122-00059514-00059862 I I couldn't use them. I was just so oAuC9k8gJ6o-00123-00059932-00060618 Hopeless with them when I was a kid. So I I think I missed out on that ASMR opportunity when you make a video oAuC9k8gJ6o-00124-00060742-00061080 If we go further into that definition, you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00125-00061132-00061776 Are you looking for feedback from your fans or are you trying to trigger yourself? What in? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00126-00061829-00062029 your artistic vision oAuC9k8gJ6o-00127-00062138-00062622 Drives you to make the decision to include a sound or to include oAuC9k8gJ6o-00128-00065230-00065919 Items things that cause interesting sounds you never oAuC9k8gJ6o-00129-00066605-00066978 There are some people that say they can give you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00130-00066979-00067705 The trigger to themselves and some people that say they can't are you are you able to trigger yourself with your within the moment? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00131-00067967-00068169 This is a question that I get a lot oAuC9k8gJ6o-00132-00068233-00068997 Whatever. I do live streams people ask me whether or not I listen to my own videos. Do I help me? Relax and I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00133-00069074-00069390 Don't necessarily do that, but I definitely find myself oAuC9k8gJ6o-00134-00069476-00069696 Sometimes triggering my own oAuC9k8gJ6o-00135-00069944-00070124 Videos oAuC9k8gJ6o-00136-00070124-00070509 Usually that's kind of an indicator for me of whether a video is gonna be good or not oAuC9k8gJ6o-00137-00070574-00070920 At least in my own opinion. It's kind of one of those things where oAuC9k8gJ6o-00138-00071033-00071363 Many people like the Sun of their own voice. That's kind of crunchy oAuC9k8gJ6o-00139-00071493-00071912 But at the same time, you know if I can trigger my own self than yeah oAuC9k8gJ6o-00140-00071912-00072437 I figure the specific thing that I'm working on is gonna be effective. I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00141-00072592-00072760 Work with a lot of oAuC9k8gJ6o-00142-00072760-00073173 Entertainers and that's a common thing we hear is that they don't like the sound of their own voice oAuC9k8gJ6o-00143-00073173-00073937 But you're sort of in a strange position where like a I mean you are a voiceover actor oAuC9k8gJ6o-00144-00074001-00074591 In essence and so but even more than that, you have to love the sound of your voice. I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00145-00074686-00074886 mean oAuC9k8gJ6o-00146-00074889-00075089 I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00147-00075501-00075701 Know the oAuC9k8gJ6o-00148-00078102-00078341 Various ways to enjoy as Martin oAuC9k8gJ6o-00149-00078501-00078699 When oAuC9k8gJ6o-00150-00078699-00078995 Did you discover this culture of ASMR? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00151-00078995-00079706 And when did your set JooJoo yourself decide to step in and participate? Um, so I used to be oAuC9k8gJ6o-00152-00080601-00081155 And it was an amazing thing because like most people I've had oAuC9k8gJ6o-00153-00081939-00082277 Construction paper was one of my first triggers oAuC9k8gJ6o-00154-00082650-00082928 By different sounds whether I was sitting in a barber chair oAuC9k8gJ6o-00155-00083207-00083977 Waking up to the sound of my mother cooking just those specific sounds were always something that stuck with me so oAuC9k8gJ6o-00156-00084044-00084615 In early 2014 I had I was looking up something to do with spray painting oAuC9k8gJ6o-00157-00084671-00084773 and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00158-00084773-00085527 there was a tutorial video of guys spray paint just showing out spray paint a certain a particular piece of artwork and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00159-00085595-00086355 The way that he recorded the video it picked up the spraying sounds and it instantly triggered my ASMR oAuC9k8gJ6o-00160-00086383-00086583 and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00161-00086648-00087033 Previously to this point it had been a long time since I I had gotten triggered so oAuC9k8gJ6o-00162-00087737-00088420 Feeling whenever I hear these sounds and a simple quick search of you know feeling oAuC9k8gJ6o-00163-00088568-00089241 Sounds relaxing, etc. Any of those words it quickly brought up a smart and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00164-00089369-00089922 That's when I pretty much discovered the entire community on YouTube and from there oAuC9k8gJ6o-00165-00089923-00090331 like I said, I was about a few ER for about a year and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00166-00090404-00090952 Some time during 2015 and believe it was like around May. I made my first couple of videos oAuC9k8gJ6o-00167-00091028-00091228 Kind of just testing the waters oAuC9k8gJ6o-00168-00091268-00091468 because I felt like I had a oAuC9k8gJ6o-00169-00091487-00091687 pretty good understanding of oAuC9k8gJ6o-00170-00091763-00092010 what a smart is now - you oAuC9k8gJ6o-00171-00092072-00092174 created oAuC9k8gJ6o-00172-00092174-00092788 And so yeah, I just kind of put out a couple of test videos and got some positive feedback. The rest is history, I guess oAuC9k8gJ6o-00173-00092924-00093333 Were you making videos before then of any nature? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00174-00093333-00094002 Not just ASMR, you know, that's sort of a I see it in ASMR a lot. Well, there's this leap from doing oAuC9k8gJ6o-00175-00094064-00094422 you know, I'm not saying this is your case, but from doing oAuC9k8gJ6o-00176-00094508-00094821 almost nothing in the world of creativity or oAuC9k8gJ6o-00177-00094916-00095116 artistic output and then becoming you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00178-00095174-00095557 Putting out our videos every week. It's amazing actually oAuC9k8gJ6o-00179-00095608-00096225 But was what was your creative output or artistic output before you started doing? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00180-00096319-00096793 Oh, yeah, I completely agree. Like I see a lot of people just kind of popping up out of nowhere oAuC9k8gJ6o-00181-00096793-00097303 It's trying out a smart using that as a an outlet to give back, you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00182-00097304-00097582 a lot of a lot of creators were again just like me just oAuC9k8gJ6o-00183-00097629-00098113 Viewers and they kind of wanted to give back to the community that that has helped them so much oAuC9k8gJ6o-00184-00098237-00098479 You know, that's why they start to make videos, but for me oAuC9k8gJ6o-00185-00098598-00098824 I've always been a creator. I've always tried to oAuC9k8gJ6o-00186-00098922-00099295 Create some type of content whether it was artwork or video. I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00187-00099648-00100300 Can get into I would so my channel was actually in port slash oAuC9k8gJ6o-00188-00100433-00100633 fitness-related channel oAuC9k8gJ6o-00189-00100773-00100901 My oAuC9k8gJ6o-00190-00100901-00101245 Original name was fat-free pudding, you know, it's kind of like an oxymoron oAuC9k8gJ6o-00191-00101342-00101537 For a fitness channel, you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00192-00101537-00101767 That is a name. I thought it was kind of interesting oAuC9k8gJ6o-00193-00101819-00101961 but anyway oAuC9k8gJ6o-00194-00101961-00102161 That's kind of where my channel was oAuC9k8gJ6o-00195-00102242-00102775 before I started testing out a Samara and my channel wasn't big by any means I only had like maybe oAuC9k8gJ6o-00196-00103040-00103432 Maybe 25 or something subscribers noticed friends and family or whatever oAuC9k8gJ6o-00197-00104078-00104473 Everything just started kind of making up channel wise oAuC9k8gJ6o-00198-00104942-00105271 Very unique and interesting following behind me oAuC9k8gJ6o-00199-00105503-00105847 So you had already had the equipment in place to oAuC9k8gJ6o-00200-00105921-00106579 To go forth and do this this this other venture, but what do you think of you know? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00201-00106650-00107233 There are so many people out there that just decide to this is well how they're gonna join up in oAuC9k8gJ6o-00202-00107322-00107924 ASMR do you think you would have if you weren't I mean this is sort of an impossible question oAuC9k8gJ6o-00203-00107924-00107984 but oAuC9k8gJ6o-00204-00107984-00108670 Do you do you think if you weren't in the world of creative video that this is something you would have been drawn to give? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00205-00108671-00108861 back in oAuC9k8gJ6o-00206-00108861-00109061 Yeah, I think oAuC9k8gJ6o-00207-00109096-00109316 Cuz like I said Africa I've got a lot of friends that oAuC9k8gJ6o-00208-00109383-00109650 Even then them them they themselves oAuC9k8gJ6o-00209-00109720-00109967 started making videos because they wanted to give back and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00210-00110026-00110795 They don't have all of you know, the fancy equipment. They just you know, one of my favorite creators he makes videos with this iPad oAuC9k8gJ6o-00211-00110892-00111371 And that's a lot of people start, you know, they use simple equipment just kind of get into it oAuC9k8gJ6o-00212-00111465-00111950 but yeah, I think that even if I didn't have like all the crazy equipment that I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00213-00112014-00112400 Started off with and I realistically I only had a microphone oAuC9k8gJ6o-00214-00112663-00112898 Previously because like oAuC9k8gJ6o-00215-00113628-00114008 But yeah, I don't know I just yeah I feel like if oAuC9k8gJ6o-00216-00114082-00114635 Even if I didn't have all the crazy equipment I still would have tried to do what I could with what I had oAuC9k8gJ6o-00217-00114676-00114876 And that's what I really encourage oAuC9k8gJ6o-00218-00114925-00115425 New creators that kind of asked me you know, hey, how do I get into the community here? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00219-00115425-00115580 How do I get started with my youtube channel? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00220-00115580-00115964 I just tell them you know use what you've got in this day and age we all have oAuC9k8gJ6o-00221-00116178-00116783 You know a cell phone or some type of digital device with a camera and a microphone on it and that is exactly oAuC9k8gJ6o-00222-00116817-00117083 enough and all you need really to oAuC9k8gJ6o-00223-00117172-00117648 To make videos while they're there is some more videos or any other pen of content. I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00224-00117700-00118298 Always encourage people to just create go out create practice and that's how you get better oAuC9k8gJ6o-00225-00118659-00118910 The question of YouTube is oAuC9k8gJ6o-00226-00118972-00119172 Even though they are their own brand oAuC9k8gJ6o-00227-00119226-00119678 You know, it's unavoidable in talking about, you know, I know only a few oAuC9k8gJ6o-00228-00119800-00120327 Really months ago did ASMR start to crop up even in the world of? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00229-00120394-00121028 Podcasts, you know, why why YouTube for you was it simply because you saw other people there oAuC9k8gJ6o-00230-00121183-00121383 Yeah, pretty much um oAuC9k8gJ6o-00231-00121383-00121961 So far that I I know or anybody else knows this is the only place where a smart kind of exists oAuC9k8gJ6o-00232-00122021-00122171 um oAuC9k8gJ6o-00233-00122171-00122737 Miss Morris only been a thing that's come up recently within the past like five or six years oAuC9k8gJ6o-00234-00122737-00123025 I mean, of course it's been around for a while oAuC9k8gJ6o-00235-00123128-00123523 But these videos used to be known as simply whisper videos oAuC9k8gJ6o-00236-00123621-00124399 That's the reason why I'm whispering now and or why you may find a lot of people whispering in general oAuC9k8gJ6o-00237-00124484-00125062 Throughout ASMR videos, that's kind of where it started just a simple act of whispering oAuC9k8gJ6o-00238-00125123-00125395 in a calming manner brings like a level of oAuC9k8gJ6o-00239-00125537-00125708 intimacy and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00240-00125708-00126127 Not sexuality, but just intimacy, you know, I guess if you're your parent was you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00241-00126144-00126940 Kind of gently lulling you to sleep or just something like explaining something very softly. I'm that's kind of where it stems from. So I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00242-00127158-00127358 Don't know where I was going with that but yeah oAuC9k8gJ6o-00243-00127604-00127972 But yeah, that's pretty YouTube is primarily like where oAuC9k8gJ6o-00244-00128220-00128605 The community exists and kind of are it's a great outlet. Um oAuC9k8gJ6o-00245-00128771-00129127 YouTube itself is just yeah, it's just been amazing so far oAuC9k8gJ6o-00246-00129227-00129371 to oAuC9k8gJ6o-00247-00129371-00129649 Bring a samarth to people I know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00248-00129725-00130150 Twitch, which is a streaming website. Some people have tried to do oAuC9k8gJ6o-00249-00130322-00130522 I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00250-00130535-00130735 Think some people oAuC9k8gJ6o-00251-00130835-00131068 Told that they couldn't because it's oAuC9k8gJ6o-00252-00131660-00131914 Kind of pop culture and stuff like that. So oh oAuC9k8gJ6o-00253-00132125-00132535 But there are some people that do play video games and do a summer at the same time oAuC9k8gJ6o-00254-00132535-00132679 So, you know, there's little things like that oAuC9k8gJ6o-00255-00132679-00133405 but yeah a s'more spreading throughout a lot of different mediums right now and it's it's it's incredible to see I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00256-00133484-00133984 Think what's sort of important to the idea of it being on YouTube oAuC9k8gJ6o-00257-00133984-00134461 Is that a big part of people's reaction from outside and inside? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00258-00134562-00134683 is oAuC9k8gJ6o-00259-00134683-00134844 the reaction of others oAuC9k8gJ6o-00260-00134844-00135510 You know how you even said that you got some good feedback and you you're calling it a community oAuC9k8gJ6o-00261-00135510-00135944 Which I post things online, but it's often hard to find oAuC9k8gJ6o-00262-00136009-00136068 You know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00263-00136068-00136763 There's very few areas where I post that I feel as though when I post the community of people around it are engaging oAuC9k8gJ6o-00264-00136795-00137379 You know that seems like a pretty important aspect to it. How do you feel as though you know, I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00265-00137443-00137729 i've seen on your social posts, you know you get oAuC9k8gJ6o-00266-00137791-00138117 Recognized and take pictures with people and things like that oAuC9k8gJ6o-00267-00138145-00138615 But you know it what is that like the idea of having a community around? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00268-00138733-00138933 Whether or not you're big or small oAuC9k8gJ6o-00269-00141376-00141690 Gives me so much oAuC9k8gJ6o-00270-00143659-00144107 Like you said with taking pictures with people I started started a campaign to oAuC9k8gJ6o-00271-00144214-00144650 travel the world and meet my fans, you know meet my supporters and I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00272-00144724-00144924 just oAuC9k8gJ6o-00273-00146497-00146874 Reach out to their subscribers in that way, you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00274-00146980-00147353 Like I always say, you know, it's one thing to say. Thank you oAuC9k8gJ6o-00275-00147539-00147735 You in a video or in a message oAuC9k8gJ6o-00276-00147735-00148376 but it's all things actually like meet you in person and say that so like I'm personally I'm always trying to like oAuC9k8gJ6o-00277-00148420-00148778 strive to create a better connection between myself and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00278-00150895-00151109 Yeah, it's absolutely amazing oAuC9k8gJ6o-00279-00151686-00152036 California I'm about to put up about that trip and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00280-00152100-00152636 During the trip. I actually got together with I think four or five other creators oAuC9k8gJ6o-00281-00153048-00153575 Just opportunities like that just you know are rare, yeah oAuC9k8gJ6o-00282-00153798-00154265 You you mentioned before you sort of got caught up in it and I think it's a oAuC9k8gJ6o-00283-00154335-00154952 Genuine issue of the of the medium is you mentioned. It's intimate but not in a sexual way oAuC9k8gJ6o-00284-00155076-00155456 with sort of YouTube in general and especially ASMR oAuC9k8gJ6o-00285-00155535-00155768 there's you know a lot of oAuC9k8gJ6o-00286-00155886-00156659 Low-cut shirts off on on women and I think it is perceived by the outside people that don't use it to relax oAuC9k8gJ6o-00287-00156723-00156923 That it is something oAuC9k8gJ6o-00288-00156954-00157631 Sexual and I think some people would even say that there's almost no way to know that it isn't that for certain people oAuC9k8gJ6o-00289-00157632-00157832 You know, how does it how does that make you feel? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00290-00157887-00158543 So I'm I'm in the middle. I'm like, I'm pretty neutral when it comes to this subject, you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00291-00158721-00159467 And whether you know it's sexual or not sexual I can tell you for sure that is more the genre oAuC9k8gJ6o-00292-00159549-00159842 The medium itself is not inherently sexual oAuC9k8gJ6o-00293-00159928-00160419 However, there are people out there that do you sexualize it because I mean sex sells right? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00294-00160453-00160719 Um sex brings in the fuse, you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00295-00160719-00161291 That's why you'll see a lot of low-cut shirts a lot of very attractive females and males as well, you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00296-00161557-00161978 Just making videos that are similar to you know what ASMR videos are oAuC9k8gJ6o-00297-00162037-00162711 But you know adding a more kind of maybe erotic twisting. There are there are there is such a thing as erotic oAuC9k8gJ6o-00298-00163156-00163557 And I I don't I don't oAuC9k8gJ6o-00299-00163696-00163896 Say that they're wrong oAuC9k8gJ6o-00300-00164011-00164211 There's an audience I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00301-00165583-00166004 Know I've done some videos that are a little edgy oAuC9k8gJ6o-00302-00166135-00166376 You know more towards the fanservice oAuC9k8gJ6o-00303-00166435-00166994 But I always make sure to properly tag my videos and name them in a manner that oAuC9k8gJ6o-00304-00167065-00167849 Separates it from ASMR. So you'll know if you're watching an ASMR video or whether you're watching a fanservice kind of video oAuC9k8gJ6o-00305-00167926-00168449 In terms of the word ASMR - while we're sort of on the subject of things oAuC9k8gJ6o-00306-00168511-00169157 I don't I don't know how much you know about it. But you know ASMR is not oAuC9k8gJ6o-00307-00169267-00169836 Verified so it's it's it is sort of a name made up by the internet oAuC9k8gJ6o-00308-00169912-00170038 it's oAuC9k8gJ6o-00309-00170038-00170238 do you think that there's oAuC9k8gJ6o-00310-00170335-00170678 Why do you think that then the community sort of oAuC9k8gJ6o-00311-00170758-00171014 Adopts this word, even though you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00312-00171022-00171620 Obviously, I'm not doubting the the presence of the phenomena because I experienced it myself oAuC9k8gJ6o-00313-00171738-00171814 but oAuC9k8gJ6o-00314-00171814-00172119 What why why is this word so? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00315-00172174-00172908 Defended even though there you know there is it is, you know whole cloth sort of made up for this genre oAuC9k8gJ6o-00316-00172994-00173436 Yeah, so that's that's actually the funny thing. Is that that you mentioned that last part is that oAuC9k8gJ6o-00317-00173509-00173638 a oAuC9k8gJ6o-00318-00173638-00173838 smart oAuC9k8gJ6o-00319-00174119-00174408 It's it's still not like I said, it's still not verified oAuC9k8gJ6o-00320-00174408-00174900 Um, but it's one of those things worried if you get a smart, you know that it exists oAuC9k8gJ6o-00321-00174967-00175314 Because so forth so far the data that you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00322-00175314-00176112 guess kind of been collected over the years by our own selves is that you know, not everybody experiences a smart either that oAuC9k8gJ6o-00323-00176173-00176421 Everybody has found their specific trigger oAuC9k8gJ6o-00324-00176788-00176938 Tingly feeling oAuC9k8gJ6o-00325-00176938-00177138 um, and so oAuC9k8gJ6o-00326-00177148-00177627 Obviously a smart stands for this like really long term autonomous sensory meridian response oAuC9k8gJ6o-00327-00177703-00178095 And yeah, you know, there's a lot of people that are like what the hell does that even mean? I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00328-00178216-00178542 Myself, you know, I have no idea like what exactly those words oAuC9k8gJ6o-00329-00178762-00179109 Correlate to when it comes to describing that tingly feeling oh oAuC9k8gJ6o-00330-00179176-00179299 so oAuC9k8gJ6o-00331-00179299-00179832 when I whenever I usually and I tell everybody about it's more than I can because I try to bring as many people as I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00332-00179832-00180081 can into it so whenever I I I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00333-00180124-00180783 describe as smart as somebody I always just use the acronym rather than the you know full-on word because oAuC9k8gJ6o-00334-00180841-00181230 It's just it's just one of those words. That's you know hard to really oAuC9k8gJ6o-00335-00181295-00181554 Grasp what it's trying to describe oAuC9k8gJ6o-00336-00181652-00182412 Do you do you think there's any danger around sort of these these just to put a button on it, you know? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00337-00182489-00182689 You know, I see oAuC9k8gJ6o-00338-00182723-00183286 You know, obviously people I suffer from migraines and I know people who suffer from insomnia oAuC9k8gJ6o-00339-00183323-00183609 Enjoy ASMR, but do you yourself see any? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00340-00183686-00183817 danger oAuC9k8gJ6o-00341-00183817-00184047 from you know putting oAuC9k8gJ6o-00342-00184166-00184392 Scientific words around these videos, you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00343-00184392-00185016 Like like insomnia, like like migraines like headaches. Did you see any? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00344-00185096-00185296 Problem in doing that oAuC9k8gJ6o-00345-00187061-00187261 Doctors oAuC9k8gJ6o-00346-00189458-00189850 You don't possibly be addicting I think that's you know all better oAuC9k8gJ6o-00347-00189878-00190303 but at the same time, um, there are people that um, oAuC9k8gJ6o-00348-00190364-00190615 you know may have addictive personalities that will oAuC9k8gJ6o-00349-00190652-00191220 Kind of up you say is smart and get to a point where they they actually can't sleep at all oAuC9k8gJ6o-00350-00191252-00191583 Unless they watch an ASMR video because they watch them so often oAuC9k8gJ6o-00351-00191692-00191892 So, I mean it's just like with anything oAuC9k8gJ6o-00352-00191936-00192095 Moderation is key oAuC9k8gJ6o-00353-00192095-00192334 To much of anything as a bad thing as always oAuC9k8gJ6o-00354-00192921-00193463 Because we see these things on forums and stuff where people will ask, you know, hey, I don't I don't get the tingles anymore oAuC9k8gJ6o-00355-00193463-00193663 How do I fix it? And oAuC9k8gJ6o-00356-00193671-00194396 Almost every time they made the immediate response is to just stop watching ASMR videos for like a couple weeks oAuC9k8gJ6o-00357-00194448-00195181 Or you know as often as is that person might be watching them and usually after a little bit the tingles will come back oAuC9k8gJ6o-00358-00195264-00195637 Usually it'll take finding a new creator or some other oAuC9k8gJ6o-00359-00195768-00196153 person with a different audio setup that wall usually trigger that kind of oAuC9k8gJ6o-00360-00196215-00196735 Feeling back. I have a hot tip on that by the way. Um, oh, yeah. I kink oAuC9k8gJ6o-00361-00196736-00197003 I'll give this one to you cuz I don't post so much about oAuC9k8gJ6o-00362-00197085-00197238 ASMR oAuC9k8gJ6o-00363-00197238-00197623 but I bought a $20 stethoscope and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00364-00197793-00198364 Going around your apartment and listening to things that you normally really wouldn't be able to hear oAuC9k8gJ6o-00365-00198414-00198653 moving like a cable next to a oAuC9k8gJ6o-00366-00198705-00199435 Lecture on ik or you know turning on a faucet that that's a that's a pretty good way to try and find it oAuC9k8gJ6o-00367-00201567-00202276 It's very interesting because you can you know, you can sort of have this strangely high quality microphone only for you oAuC9k8gJ6o-00368-00202280-00202706 You know, you can run it through cushions. You can press it up against walls oAuC9k8gJ6o-00369-00202706-00203059 it's it's a it's a it is a little bit of detective work and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00370-00203091-00203596 We in this whole interview. We didn't even get to talk about puppets. So people will have to find you online oAuC9k8gJ6o-00371-00203706-00204206 To see all of the other strange things that make your channel incredibly unique. Oh oAuC9k8gJ6o-00372-00204300-00204583 Yeah, for sure. One of the biggest things is uh oAuC9k8gJ6o-00373-00204606-00205141 They're people maybe not even realizes that there's there is such a thing as visual oAuC9k8gJ6o-00374-00205254-00205454 so oAuC9k8gJ6o-00375-00205750-00206028 Can you hear me oAuC9k8gJ6o-00376-00206698-00206898 There's always oAuC9k8gJ6o-00377-00212407-00212915 Thanks so much Justin for the interview as a quick sign off for it, can you tell us what oAuC9k8gJ6o-00378-00212967-00213381 generally, if you are looking for someone else's ASMR, you know those terms that you oAuC9k8gJ6o-00379-00213435-00213815 That people use you know hand movements personal attention roleplay oAuC9k8gJ6o-00380-00213816-00214496 What are the keywords you personally seek out or most often seek out when you're looking for a SM or? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00381-00214594-00214932 so my personal favorite triggers are oAuC9k8gJ6o-00382-00215017-00215217 shaking oAuC9k8gJ6o-00383-00218098-00218463 Just amazing oAuC9k8gJ6o-00384-00221978-00222655 Yeah, hopefully I'll get to touch on that thank you so much Justin I'm gonna stop our recording here oAuC9k8gJ6o-00385-00222856-00223062 I'm gonna stop it over here oAuC9k8gJ6o-00386-00223238-00223756 The second person I interview is a creator named ASMR noir oAuC9k8gJ6o-00387-00223984-00224535 He is a creator who makes videos for the experience of making ASMR oAuC9k8gJ6o-00388-00224603-00224953 Himself a confusing statement that will become clear oAuC9k8gJ6o-00389-00225029-00225229 During my interview with him oAuC9k8gJ6o-00390-00225302-00225792 He was quite popular but does not use fancy effects in his video editing oAuC9k8gJ6o-00391-00225919-00226171 does not use expensive microphones oAuC9k8gJ6o-00392-00226282-00226439 but instead oAuC9k8gJ6o-00393-00226439-00226981 You'll hear him talk about the experience of making and using ASMR oAuC9k8gJ6o-00394-00227092-00227194 alright oAuC9k8gJ6o-00395-00227194-00227329 How about this? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00396-00227329-00227943 Is this working? That's a lot better. We're getting a lot less background room tone. Let me hear you oAuC9k8gJ6o-00397-00227944-00228186 Say ah Stoney my favorite food oAuC9k8gJ6o-00398-00228344-00229142 My favorite food that must be sushi I think you sound great over here. Okay, we're gonna start the interview right now oAuC9k8gJ6o-00399-00229294-00229769 Okay, so tell me first introduce oh it the question oAuC9k8gJ6o-00400-00229769-00230144 I have to ask of course is whether or not you want to say oAuC9k8gJ6o-00401-00230212-00230882 Your real name or whether you want to go by the name you use on YouTube or with your ASMR stuff? Oh oAuC9k8gJ6o-00402-00230956-00231162 That's fine. I always use my real name oAuC9k8gJ6o-00403-00231269-00231482 You know, so that's okay by me oAuC9k8gJ6o-00404-00231535-00232071 So introduce yourself and remember we're gonna keep whispering as we do this whole thing oAuC9k8gJ6o-00405-00232183-00232303 Okay oAuC9k8gJ6o-00406-00232303-00232913 Well, my name is Errol laughs - Bay, which is a Swedish name and my channel name oAuC9k8gJ6o-00407-00232992-00233202 Is ace Nord and water? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00408-00233394-00234116 So so Rolf tell me how you got what was when was the first time you came across ASMR oAuC9k8gJ6o-00409-00234310-00234513 Well, I have always been oAuC9k8gJ6o-00410-00234598-00234927 Let's say a nervous person. I have panic attacks and anxiety oAuC9k8gJ6o-00411-00235015-00235409 And I've tried a lot of different ways to deal with it oAuC9k8gJ6o-00412-00235410-00236117 But I think the first time I came in contact with it was with a good mythical morning to YouTube channel oAuC9k8gJ6o-00413-00236117-00236317 I think they kind of had like oAuC9k8gJ6o-00414-00236362-00236562 special on a you some more and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00415-00236629-00236888 I thought I was a little bit oAuC9k8gJ6o-00416-00237010-00237366 You know, I know guys I thought what's this you? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00417-00237505-00237705 excuse me, so oAuC9k8gJ6o-00418-00237748-00238184 Well, I looked up a couple of small channels and I was like oAuC9k8gJ6o-00419-00238255-00238755 It's the something kind of new thing. This is never going to work and but he did oAuC9k8gJ6o-00420-00238903-00239032 and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00421-00239032-00239146 to oAuC9k8gJ6o-00422-00239146-00239805 You what is ASMR, you know in another part of the film. We've defined sort of the technical meaning oAuC9k8gJ6o-00423-00239875-00240089 But what is ASMR to you? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00424-00240196-00240651 It is so many things really it's just isn't one oAuC9k8gJ6o-00425-00240703-00241406 Particular thing, you know, most people talking about they some are in tingles. I do get tingles, but I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00426-00241498-00241830 Often use it as kind of just a relaxation oAuC9k8gJ6o-00427-00241938-00242315 thing, you know when I'm stressed and I need to lay down and just oAuC9k8gJ6o-00428-00242454-00242654 Disconnect my brain for a little while oAuC9k8gJ6o-00429-00242682-00242882 Of course, there are so many jars oAuC9k8gJ6o-00430-00242921-00243616 Inside ASMR, so, you know if you just want to relax and maybe hopefully get to sleep you can listen to one oAuC9k8gJ6o-00431-00243617-00243817 that's just sound based, you know, like oAuC9k8gJ6o-00432-00243936-00244466 Skin stuff like that or if you just wanna relax, maybe not sleep. You can listen to a role play oAuC9k8gJ6o-00433-00244466-00244678 So it's so many things, you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00434-00244748-00244948 inside ASMR oAuC9k8gJ6o-00435-00244967-00245167 name oAuC9k8gJ6o-00436-00245298-00245665 Well while we're on that topic of oAuC9k8gJ6o-00437-00245853-00246410 Genres talk a little bit about mouth noises because it actually hasn't come up in the oAuC9k8gJ6o-00438-00246555-00246914 Interviews yet. Do you do a lot of mountain oysters? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00439-00247217-00247504 Well basically kind of oAuC9k8gJ6o-00440-00247644-00248041 Becomes mouth sounds we do in any case is when you're so close to the microphone oAuC9k8gJ6o-00441-00248136-00248575 It kind of picks up. I have done I think two or three oAuC9k8gJ6o-00442-00248703-00248971 genuine mouth sounds videos, but I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00443-00249039-00249277 Don't really know I'm not so calm oAuC9k8gJ6o-00444-00249315-00249869 I'm not confident enough to do that chat of videos, but I do enjoy them from time to time oAuC9k8gJ6o-00445-00250169-00250882 The term ASMR, you know as as you put it is anything that is relaxing now oAuC9k8gJ6o-00446-00251028-00251719 For for just sort of context, you know, the word ASMR is sort of a faux science term oAuC9k8gJ6o-00447-00251719-00252118 It's a not really a real word. It's sort of made up oAuC9k8gJ6o-00448-00252269-00252799 How does that make you feel in terms of you know using it for the genre oAuC9k8gJ6o-00449-00252963-00253453 Well, you're I guess you have to call it something right and I guess praying oAuC9k8gJ6o-00450-00253539-00253999 orgasm that I have heard being used at least for me doesn't really I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00451-00254088-00254773 Don't know. It doesn't suit to Jonah if you asking yeah, I think a is some more is it's pretty good, you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00452-00254979-00255502 What is in terms of you or favorite your go-to thing when you look it up oAuC9k8gJ6o-00453-00255509-00255883 What what do you generally look up for yourself? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00454-00256053-00256606 Well, I gotta say that I usually go for a roll place oAuC9k8gJ6o-00455-00256713-00257240 Actually, yeah, I would say that stuff. That's my that's my favorite as well oAuC9k8gJ6o-00456-00257303-00257599 In terms of without being you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00457-00257654-00258139 graphic language wise but you know, the term brain orgasm has come up and now oAuC9k8gJ6o-00458-00258269-00258469 We're talking about oAuC9k8gJ6o-00459-00258621-00259213 Role-playing, do you think that there is a problem with the terminology in ASMR? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00460-00259214-00259729 You know role play and brain orgasm are something people are going to generally associate oAuC9k8gJ6o-00461-00259773-00260248 With sex and yet there's a whole contingent of ASMR people oAuC9k8gJ6o-00462-00260309-00260623 Fighting against the idea that this is always sexual oAuC9k8gJ6o-00463-00260775-00260992 Well, let me put it like this I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00464-00261071-00261209 I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00465-00261209-00261619 I actually watched channels like hungry lips and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00466-00261734-00262528 Others such channels because I enjoy her voice and I got a saving people it comes it comes and tells me about you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00467-00262545-00262939 There's so much six in again soon, or I'm like, you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00468-00262958-00263374 we have a movie in the stream in all over the world and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00469-00263400-00263689 We made great action movies to great oAuC9k8gJ6o-00470-00263690-00264382 It may create comedy movies and horror films and they make poor movies. So in every genre oAuC9k8gJ6o-00471-00264460-00264667 Throughout history porn has always oAuC9k8gJ6o-00472-00264728-00265003 Really sell if you don't like it oAuC9k8gJ6o-00473-00265044-00265810 My opinion is you shouldn't watch it because there are so many other things you can watch, you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00474-00265810-00266392 And I know is more artists who like say the erotic a small art is shame oAuC9k8gJ6o-00475-00266418-00266621 It's so horrible that I do that oAuC9k8gJ6o-00476-00266670-00267313 but I I rarely think I hardly think that Steven Spielberg would stop making movies just because oAuC9k8gJ6o-00477-00267390-00267770 Someone makes a porno movie. It's different things, you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00478-00267857-00268153 If you ask me, that's a great way to put it oAuC9k8gJ6o-00479-00268235-00268657 When did you start making some are videos? Oh oAuC9k8gJ6o-00480-00268881-00269081 I think it was one half year ago oAuC9k8gJ6o-00481-00269166-00269410 Yeah, that's about it. I think oAuC9k8gJ6o-00482-00269490-00269863 what inspired you to make them as opposed to just oAuC9k8gJ6o-00483-00269933-00270133 relaxing oh oAuC9k8gJ6o-00484-00270153-00270610 This is I guess pretty boring answer. I think answer the same way oAuC9k8gJ6o-00485-00270618-00271291 I just felt that I wanted to give back today a small communicate because they they actually helped me oAuC9k8gJ6o-00486-00271353-00271606 Stop using sleep. Merry sleek oAuC9k8gJ6o-00487-00271671-00272456 Sorry what I recall. Sorry, I'm from sweet, you know, so see medication of sleeping pills sleeping aid, perhaps oAuC9k8gJ6o-00488-00272520-00272978 so I wanted to give back a little bit and I found it a very oAuC9k8gJ6o-00489-00273042-00273216 creative oAuC9k8gJ6o-00490-00273216-00273416 way to get oAuC9k8gJ6o-00491-00273468-00273668 To get to do stuff, you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00492-00273753-00274243 all of a sudden I could do role plays and have fun and I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00493-00274290-00274601 Kind of use that as therapy too, you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00494-00274701-00275119 So the feed cut out just a little but I'm gonna repeat your joke oAuC9k8gJ6o-00495-00275120-00275593 which I heard but I don't think the recording is gonna pick it up you were talking about how oAuC9k8gJ6o-00496-00275646-00275941 In Sweden sleeping is a very difficult thing oAuC9k8gJ6o-00497-00276008-00276117 right oAuC9k8gJ6o-00498-00276117-00276760 Because if no, no no no, no. No, I will say I was saying that I wanted to give back today oAuC9k8gJ6o-00499-00276760-00277057 It's a more community because it made me oAuC9k8gJ6o-00500-00277113-00277272 sleep without oAuC9k8gJ6o-00501-00277272-00277858 Sleeping aid like peels and stuff. That's why I wanted to give back. You know, it isn't especially oAuC9k8gJ6o-00502-00277910-00278155 Specifically hard to sleep. It's winter. I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00503-00278207-00278590 Think there's is a there is, you know, you cut out a little in the beginning there oAuC9k8gJ6o-00504-00278591-00278809 So I think I think there is a stigma oAuC9k8gJ6o-00505-00278809-00279586 You know with the the the winter Sun in Sweden in terms of sleep. There is a the truth not going to be true oAuC9k8gJ6o-00506-00279681-00280225 Yeah, but that's all that's in the northern part. So I think ok. I leave in the Mandal oAuC9k8gJ6o-00507-00280314-00281042 So I I want to say that it although it is the answer everyone gives or at least a lot of you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00508-00281042-00281567 I'm not an ASMR creator in any way. I'm just making this movie it is oAuC9k8gJ6o-00509-00281628-00282422 Sparkly unique to ASMR. It is a unique answer I make other movies and other films and I've never heard oAuC9k8gJ6o-00510-00282486-00282944 You know the consistency no other filmmaker says I'm making films to give back oAuC9k8gJ6o-00511-00282996-00283375 This is very it's it's it's not it's not onion oAuC9k8gJ6o-00512-00283515-00283831 Spiring in my opinion that almost happened oAuC9k8gJ6o-00513-00283992-00284584 You're absolutely right I think because I don't know it's all about give and take oAuC9k8gJ6o-00514-00284640-00284757 you know, I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00515-00284757-00285473 Take hell when I give out help to others and hopefully they will feel as good as I do when I watch their videos oAuC9k8gJ6o-00516-00285711-00286211 What what are your ambitions with ASMR in the future oAuC9k8gJ6o-00517-00286416-00286906 My ambitions with it is to continue for as long as I possibly can oAuC9k8gJ6o-00518-00286907-00287615 Which means I would probably do it from a weakness year if I have to you know, it makes off some sounds, you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00519-00287615-00287897 The wheels. Are you share? It's kind of cricket sucks oAuC9k8gJ6o-00520-00287961-00288521 Or I could correct my old bones. I hope people like it take know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00521-00288521-00288781 I'm sorry, but that's that's oAuC9k8gJ6o-00522-00288900-00289178 My ambition to continue doing it as far as long as I can oAuC9k8gJ6o-00523-00289284-00289579 You know for me one of the joys of this oAuC9k8gJ6o-00524-00289680-00290428 Community is that it is these little characters that live inside of the Internet in a very real way? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00525-00290514-00290899 It's an honor to get to talk to creators in doing this project oAuC9k8gJ6o-00526-00290922-00291562 but I think it's it's amazing to see that do you feel as though your oAuC9k8gJ6o-00527-00291600-00292325 Personality or the personalities you create live on the internet or could they exist in other formats as well? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00528-00292503-00293105 Well, that's a little bit hard to to answer because I often don't vant I or a whole place oAuC9k8gJ6o-00529-00293193-00293662 Perhaps they are better off in the internet so to speak oAuC9k8gJ6o-00530-00293727-00294173 But I can I can I'm sorry continue. Yeah oAuC9k8gJ6o-00531-00294174-00294224 No oAuC9k8gJ6o-00532-00294224-00294961 I was just going to say that as the person I have become a kinder person and I think a more helpful oAuC9k8gJ6o-00533-00294999-00295199 person since I started doing this oAuC9k8gJ6o-00534-00295229-00296023 So that's the positive way. It has changed my persona. So to speak my characters. I think they are better off staying on screen oAuC9k8gJ6o-00535-00296148-00296456 But what draws you to two vampires? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00536-00296616-00297071 Well, I've always been a huge fan of you know gothic little oAuC9k8gJ6o-00537-00297192-00297944 Movies and then I found this awesome role-playing games. It's called vampire the masquerade bloodlines oAuC9k8gJ6o-00538-00298032-00298342 And I loved that game. I basically oAuC9k8gJ6o-00539-00298413-00299023 Broke a CD for playing it and then I saw a friend of mine oAuC9k8gJ6o-00540-00299073-00299746 Indigo stars had made a small role play videos based on that universe oAuC9k8gJ6o-00541-00299907-00300520 That's was actually the way I came to contact mostly with Mouse with a small community through her oAuC9k8gJ6o-00542-00300570-00300838 Because I asked her I want to do an a small video oAuC9k8gJ6o-00543-00300839-00301256 do you think I can what do you think I should do when she said I know that you're a fan of oAuC9k8gJ6o-00544-00301275-00301475 vampire the masquerade try to do a oAuC9k8gJ6o-00545-00301503-00301653 roleplay video oAuC9k8gJ6o-00546-00301653-00301921 so that's why I started to just oAuC9k8gJ6o-00547-00302001-00302477 well amp, I do a lot of other videos too, but the vampire part I think is oAuC9k8gJ6o-00548-00302592-00302792 Part of that thing oAuC9k8gJ6o-00549-00302817-00303112 What's interesting to me is that there is a community of people oAuC9k8gJ6o-00550-00303216-00303527 You might know about this that consider themselves to be oAuC9k8gJ6o-00551-00303672-00303887 you know energy vampires and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00552-00303936-00304690 The relationship you're talking about with ASMR where you want to give back, but you also want to take this oAuC9k8gJ6o-00553-00304746-00305450 Goodwill is how a lot of energy vampires feel their philosophy it manifests itself in a non oAuC9k8gJ6o-00554-00305496-00305696 fantasy sci-fi way oAuC9k8gJ6o-00555-00305823-00306200 Hmm that's interesting going to you. Actually I don't have thought about oAuC9k8gJ6o-00556-00306399-00306599 You know, there's a lot of oAuC9k8gJ6o-00557-00306615-00306974 It hasn't been brought up yet, but there is a lot of natural connections oAuC9k8gJ6o-00558-00307026-00307577 between the idea of you a lot of people using this to sleep and the vampire is a oAuC9k8gJ6o-00559-00307629-00307829 creature of the night and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00560-00307857-00308057 there's you know using your oAuC9k8gJ6o-00561-00308115-00308315 voice to oAuC9k8gJ6o-00562-00308345-00308453 manipulate oAuC9k8gJ6o-00563-00308453-00308874 You know emotions in people is always one of the vampires skill oAuC9k8gJ6o-00564-00308918-00309370 there's an interesting connection here that I don't know if you've made but oAuC9k8gJ6o-00565-00309428-00309645 Just loving vampires, which I do oAuC9k8gJ6o-00566-00309683-00310410 Do you maybe think that there's a connection that you didn't maybe see before not one now when you were saying it? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00567-00310410-00310623 Of course, it is actually yes oAuC9k8gJ6o-00568-00310700-00311187 Because that's what we basically do. We manipulate people's emotions and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00569-00311390-00312028 How they fish it it sounds bad but it isn't bad it's in a good way at least I hope so oAuC9k8gJ6o-00570-00312443-00312757 Do you we've talked to other people on the oAuC9k8gJ6o-00571-00312848-00313633 Documentary about how they feel about their voices and liking their voices. What what do you think of your own voice? Oh, oAuC9k8gJ6o-00572-00313778-00314085 It's not your hard question. It's all about oAuC9k8gJ6o-00573-00314231-00314841 Alright, let's continue. No, it's it fits in perfectly every every artist we've also talked to has also oAuC9k8gJ6o-00574-00314935-00315135 talked about the stress of oAuC9k8gJ6o-00575-00315173-00315373 Finding a quiet recording space oAuC9k8gJ6o-00576-00315455-00315626 So yeah oAuC9k8gJ6o-00577-00315626-00315963 It's it's an ongoing struggle. I must tell you oAuC9k8gJ6o-00578-00316100-00316710 So real is what do you think of your own voice was the question we stopped there? Yeah. Yeah oAuC9k8gJ6o-00579-00316751-00317241 Well, I don't really I don't really like it or dislike it oAuC9k8gJ6o-00580-00317242-00317992 I just think think that the people have told me that is it's very calming and you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00581-00318035-00318717 Relaxing so I I hope they're right. I don't have a really an opinion. You know my own voice oAuC9k8gJ6o-00582-00318718-00318919 I haven't thought about it much really and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00583-00319073-00319614 I hate to keep bringing up vampires and things like that. But no problem. It's my favorite subject oAuC9k8gJ6o-00584-00319622-00319885 I don't know how much you know about oAuC9k8gJ6o-00585-00319970-00320185 American movies with vampires but oAuC9k8gJ6o-00586-00320249-00320449 even though I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00587-00320507-00321048 Attract cool and and the myth is set in Transylvania. A lot of times people do do oAuC9k8gJ6o-00588-00321134-00321269 more oAuC9k8gJ6o-00589-00321269-00321374 Dutch oAuC9k8gJ6o-00590-00321374-00321914 accents when they do vampires in in this country did that at all affect your oAuC9k8gJ6o-00591-00321957-00322223 Does that come up in doing your ASMR s? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00592-00322395-00322895 Well, when I I have a couple of characters where I have to one is of course oAuC9k8gJ6o-00593-00322959-00323687 Dracula himself, we say have done in a couple of videos and then I tried that I to use the Romanian accent oAuC9k8gJ6o-00594-00323862-00324403 And then I have another one called vladislav which is which I also used oAuC9k8gJ6o-00595-00324546-00324934 Transylvanian acts and welcome to my castle. Oh, well, you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00596-00325107-00325646 So III think I'm I'm usually I use I used to use oAuC9k8gJ6o-00597-00325785-00326024 Transylvanian kind of Romanian accent very much oAuC9k8gJ6o-00598-00326352-00326472 Do you oAuC9k8gJ6o-00599-00326472-00327052 Do you do you at all think about the idea of an ASMR Castle? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00600-00327075-00327481 you know, what what Dracula's ASMR Castle would be filled with oAuC9k8gJ6o-00601-00327666-00328288 And it would be filled with vampire, so just sooo with other people before drain oAuC9k8gJ6o-00602-00328593-00329005 It'd be a bad way to get them to relax and tilt their heads oAuC9k8gJ6o-00603-00329091-00329253 exactly oAuC9k8gJ6o-00604-00329253-00329453 Exactly would be perfect oAuC9k8gJ6o-00605-00329685-00330055 Though the last question that we have here is um oAuC9k8gJ6o-00606-00330228-00330719 What would you what would you say to people who have never seen ASMR I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00607-00330945-00331298 Would say that remember when you were a kid and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00608-00331362-00332090 Look teacher came up behind you and she was like can you know your shoulder and talked to things in the book? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00609-00332106-00332510 And perhaps some time during when she did that to Rory oAuC9k8gJ6o-00610-00332538-00333023 You might felt a little tingly no Nick. That's the first thing I say oAuC9k8gJ6o-00611-00333023-00333323 The other thing I say is you know when you're at the barber oAuC9k8gJ6o-00612-00333387-00333730 order to her hairdresser, and they kind of like massage your oAuC9k8gJ6o-00613-00333786-00334499 Scalp and then touching know him brush his shoe and stuff like that and you get this feeling of satisfaction oAuC9k8gJ6o-00614-00334647-00335252 Now think about that when you work in a summary because that's what we are trying to achieve oAuC9k8gJ6o-00615-00335293-00335496 Or just to make you fall asleep oAuC9k8gJ6o-00616-00335644-00335764 that's oAuC9k8gJ6o-00617-00335764-00335979 That's what I'm trying to say oAuC9k8gJ6o-00618-00335979-00336641 At least you know, or I just say it's in plus it's a relaxation taking it like like meditation oAuC9k8gJ6o-00619-00336649-00337179 But you have a guy that tries to guide you into a relaxed state so to speak oAuC9k8gJ6o-00620-00337333-00337706 Well, thank you so much Rolf, no problem oAuC9k8gJ6o-00621-00337791-00338298 That's it for the interview. I hope people can find you on the web at ASMR noir oAuC9k8gJ6o-00622-00338449-00338891 Yeah, I just type a some Anwar I'm vampire I should show up oAuC9k8gJ6o-00623-00338977-00339191 Or perhaps weird. Oh oAuC9k8gJ6o-00624-00339289-00339891 Yes kidding. I don't think I'm underwear who knows it's gonna be weird too rough. It's good being weird oAuC9k8gJ6o-00625-00340042-00340242 You know the best people are weird oAuC9k8gJ6o-00626-00340288-00340932 It's a good club. All right, and besides it's just not it's not we who are weird. It's the rest of the world oAuC9k8gJ6o-00627-00341598-00342383 And lastly I talked to Jerry ASMR Jerry is a true media professional oAuC9k8gJ6o-00628-00342522-00342926 he has an amazing scope of the landscape of online media and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00629-00343011-00343723 this film is made complete by his opinion on the state of YouTube in ASMR and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00630-00343764-00343920 videos in general oAuC9k8gJ6o-00631-00343920-00344132 Thank you so much. So oAuC9k8gJ6o-00632-00344229-00344415 Jerry oAuC9k8gJ6o-00633-00344415-00344798 Before I start the interview, I've said your name, of course oAuC9k8gJ6o-00634-00344859-00345359 Accidentally, I have asked everyone if they want to be called by the names that you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00635-00345363-00345964 I'm talking to them by or whether by their s Tamar handle or some other name oAuC9k8gJ6o-00636-00346041-00346241 Well, do you prefer? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00637-00346323-00346604 So matter whatever makes you feel comfortable oAuC9k8gJ6o-00638-00346782-00347213 Okay, I'm gonna call I'm gonna call you Jerry, all right, so oAuC9k8gJ6o-00639-00347457-00347668 Jerry how long have you been? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00640-00347745-00347925 making ASMR oAuC9k8gJ6o-00641-00347925-00348523 So I started my ASMR videos pretty recently probably in the last month or so oAuC9k8gJ6o-00642-00348558-00349072 But I've been following SMR videos for almost a year. So a oAuC9k8gJ6o-00643-00349122-00349403 month, and then I've been known I've known the oAuC9k8gJ6o-00644-00349458-00349658 community for about a year oAuC9k8gJ6o-00645-00349800-00349929 We oAuC9k8gJ6o-00646-00349929-00350381 we've talked so much about this this word community because oAuC9k8gJ6o-00647-00350415-00350882 So often on the internet, you hear the word trend you hear the word niche video oAuC9k8gJ6o-00648-00350943-00351126 but oAuC9k8gJ6o-00649-00351126-00351335 throughout my research I've oAuC9k8gJ6o-00650-00351429-00351673 heard most people calling it a oAuC9k8gJ6o-00651-00351738-00352120 Community what what inspired you to call it that word just now oAuC9k8gJ6o-00652-00352191-00352832 so I have a friend named beanie ASMR and he's the one that um oAuC9k8gJ6o-00653-00352911-00353186 Introduced me the ASMR back in 2014 oAuC9k8gJ6o-00654-00353370-00354059 So when he introduced it to me I thought like he said I thought it was just a trend but now two years later oAuC9k8gJ6o-00655-00354059-00354439 It's strong. If not even bigger the ASMR oAuC9k8gJ6o-00656-00354492-00355098 People than before and that's what I realize is here to stay and that's why I call it a community oAuC9k8gJ6o-00657-00355456-00356192 What you know two years of using ASMR is is is a very long time. I've only been listening for close to a year now oAuC9k8gJ6o-00658-00356257-00356457 and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00659-00356457-00357041 What what then why go from just listening to oAuC9k8gJ6o-00660-00357186-00357331 creating your own oAuC9k8gJ6o-00661-00357331-00357689 It's actually kind of a funny story. What happened was I? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00662-00357778-00358305 Used to experiment and doing product reviews on one of my main channels. Jerryliufilms oAuC9k8gJ6o-00663-00358402-00359096 So one time I was doing a product review and this video just shot up interviews so I couldn't figure out why oAuC9k8gJ6o-00664-00359176-00359894 So I looked everywhere and I found someone put my video on reddit on the ASMR subreddit oAuC9k8gJ6o-00665-00359917-00360117 Because apparently my voice oAuC9k8gJ6o-00666-00360157-00360295 unintentionally created oAuC9k8gJ6o-00667-00360295-00360584 ASMR so it was that point I realized hey oAuC9k8gJ6o-00668-00360589-00361085 Maybe I should do a scent mark because I'm kind of already unintentionally doing it yourself mark oAuC9k8gJ6o-00669-00361257-00362030 And at that point you were already a fan of ASMR aside from that that review project, um, honestly I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00670-00362133-00362251 I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00671-00362251-00362628 Only occasionally dabbled in the videos because my friend did them oAuC9k8gJ6o-00672-00362628-00363224 So at that point I wasn't a fan yet. It honestly was only the last few months when I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00673-00363277-00363908 Started working at my current company that I started becoming more fan of ASMR. What happened was I? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00674-00363970-00364343 Had a female co-worker named Isadora. She's Brazilian oAuC9k8gJ6o-00675-00364402-00364748 So the way she speaks English just has this natural oAuC9k8gJ6o-00676-00364806-00364993 sibilance type of oAuC9k8gJ6o-00677-00364993-00365173 Frison going on so oAuC9k8gJ6o-00678-00365173-00365882 every word she says would trigger a kind of mental orgasm in me and I kept telling her it's like your voice is so oAuC9k8gJ6o-00679-00365893-00366006 Naturally as a mom oAuC9k8gJ6o-00680-00366006-00366163 You should make an ASMR channel oAuC9k8gJ6o-00681-00366163-00366806 And because I said right next to her and her voice would tingle my mind and make me feel good at work everyday oAuC9k8gJ6o-00682-00366817-00367497 That's when I started delving more intense in my videos because I saw the positive effects of daily oAuC9k8gJ6o-00683-00367710-00368117 You are one of the first people that I've interviewed, but you're certainly not oAuC9k8gJ6o-00684-00368264-00368859 in this happening, but most people when they experience ASMR oAuC9k8gJ6o-00685-00369010-00369122 In oAuC9k8gJ6o-00686-00369122-00369901 You know real life. If as we as we call in internet terms IRL and they have it explained through the internet oAuC9k8gJ6o-00687-00369958-00370179 Mm-hmm. What was that like to be? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00688-00370234-00370449 sitting around and then all of a sudden oAuC9k8gJ6o-00689-00370627-00370827 You're you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00690-00370838-00371248 Having been tingles in the back ear. Hey, I'm getting the chills. So oAuC9k8gJ6o-00691-00371318-00371620 the best way I could describe it is some oAuC9k8gJ6o-00692-00371726-00372099 literally the back of my scalp would feel very very good and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00693-00372208-00372987 The way she taught like imagine kind of a hybrid between a Brazilian and an Italian accent with a very heavy emphasis oAuC9k8gJ6o-00694-00373009-00373296 On the sound. That's how she talked oAuC9k8gJ6o-00695-00373429-00373629 So so I wish I could oAuC9k8gJ6o-00696-00373729-00373901 Sorry going oAuC9k8gJ6o-00697-00373901-00374433 No, I wish I could a mimic it but I just I don't I don't think I'd be able to mimic it the right way oAuC9k8gJ6o-00698-00374536-00374736 the little I know about oAuC9k8gJ6o-00699-00374741-00375330 Portuguese is they have one noise that we very rarely use and it's actually quite difficult in my oAuC9k8gJ6o-00700-00375347-00375792 experience as an American to replicate it which is sort of a combination between oAuC9k8gJ6o-00701-00375856-00376425 like an SH and an Arabic sort of a good noise and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00702-00376469-00376860 It's it is in itself almost worth oAuC9k8gJ6o-00703-00376927-00377127 studying in terms of ASMR triggers oAuC9k8gJ6o-00704-00377458-00377588 When you oAuC9k8gJ6o-00705-00377588-00378285 Another aspect that we haven't really touched on is the idea of talking about ASMR to other people now oAuC9k8gJ6o-00706-00378328-00378579 When you told her about this did she have? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00707-00378658-00379359 An adverse reaction. Did she find it strange? Yes, she found it strange, but she was open-minded about it oAuC9k8gJ6o-00708-00379388-00379897 so what he did was I sent her some videos that gave me very big triggers and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00709-00379927-00380205 She listened to them and she said she couldn't hear them oAuC9k8gJ6o-00710-00380236-00380802 Like she couldn't get triggered by them and it would make sense that way because if her voice was so oAuC9k8gJ6o-00711-00380836-00381553 ASMR generating that her brain naturally would protect her or else she'd be on the couch all day just or as to our own voice oAuC9k8gJ6o-00712-00381734-00382021 Now when we use the reason that I asked about oAuC9k8gJ6o-00713-00382136-00382272 You know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00714-00382272-00382786 Telling people and find them finding it strange. You know, I think that ASMR has made oAuC9k8gJ6o-00715-00382917-00383049 several mistakes oAuC9k8gJ6o-00716-00383049-00383758 You know as a documentarian, I'm not usually allowed to insert opinions. So I'm I'm mostly asking you to comment on this opinion oAuC9k8gJ6o-00717-00383758-00384172 I think that there was a mistake in using the word oAuC9k8gJ6o-00718-00384273-00384784 Brain orgasm. I think it was a mistake even using the word ASMR oAuC9k8gJ6o-00719-00384956-00385156 Was off as oAuC9k8gJ6o-00720-00385188-00385421 scientific and then of course in the world of YouTube oAuC9k8gJ6o-00721-00385494-00385879 it's already a sort of you know, everyone's very good-looking that makes videos and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00722-00385955-00386365 Or you know, and those are become very popular good people that are very good-looking oAuC9k8gJ6o-00723-00386435-00386635 Did you were you worried that I? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00724-00386702-00387004 Mean or something a co-worker, especially a female co-worker oAuC9k8gJ6o-00725-00387213-00387791 Were you worried about these implications that had already been set up by the community? No, not at all she him oAuC9k8gJ6o-00726-00387827-00388027 she was pretty chill and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00727-00388031-00388741 Like I teach all the time about other things so saying her voice was a was really unique and cool oAuC9k8gJ6o-00728-00388742-00389089 I think she liked it but like compared to some of the other oAuC9k8gJ6o-00729-00389127-00389425 Things I said to tease her like I think it was very mild oAuC9k8gJ6o-00730-00389448-00389598 But I get what you mean oAuC9k8gJ6o-00731-00389598-00390152 the one thing I noticed and a lot of my friends who I try to introduce ASMR to notice is that oAuC9k8gJ6o-00732-00390302-00390538 Excuse me. I just don't swallow my spit sorry oAuC9k8gJ6o-00733-00390591-00391285 but there are a lot of channels that are like really gorgeous women who sometimes show a little cleavage so oAuC9k8gJ6o-00734-00391374-00391978 you wonder how many people watch it for they some are and how many people just watcher and roleplay and like have oAuC9k8gJ6o-00735-00392001-00392398 Fantasies in their mind and don't really get the sort of mental triggers oAuC9k8gJ6o-00736-00392435-00393016 So I totally understand what you mean about sort of the because of the way it's described oAuC9k8gJ6o-00737-00393024-00393457 There's almost like Oh weird kind of like sexual element to it. I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00738-00393618-00394216 Think Grill play is another word. That was a mistake the ASMR community made as well in terms of you oAuC9k8gJ6o-00739-00394290-00394429 from a personal story oAuC9k8gJ6o-00740-00394429-00394696 I had a similar experience where I showed it to someone oAuC9k8gJ6o-00741-00394740-00395240 They very much did not believe it wasn't sexual. And so now I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00742-00395292-00395460 Often will send them oAuC9k8gJ6o-00743-00395460-00395882 screenshots of of ASMR that I think are over the line in terms of they're oAuC9k8gJ6o-00744-00396013-00396513 Not not choosy to be sexual but there's particular trend of women that almost oAuC9k8gJ6o-00745-00396603-00397367 Just put the camera directly in their chest. And so yeah now we now bond over me sending this friend of mine oAuC9k8gJ6o-00746-00397422-00397581 pictures of these oAuC9k8gJ6o-00747-00397581-00397781 ridiculous screen grabs oAuC9k8gJ6o-00748-00398382-00399017 What would if it were you a create I guess you were a creative type person before you went into doing ASMR oAuC9k8gJ6o-00749-00399017-00399251 So that was a natural. That's right. Yeah oAuC9k8gJ6o-00750-00399303-00399503 What would have happened do you think? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00751-00399579-00399926 emotionally if you didn't start creating ASMR videos oAuC9k8gJ6o-00752-00400044-00400571 So, um at my company what my company does is we invest in YouTube oAuC9k8gJ6o-00753-00400635-00400913 Content so every day I would oAuC9k8gJ6o-00754-00400947-00401510 Take them company money and give it to youtubers. And so I would see all these oAuC9k8gJ6o-00755-00401583-00401978 brands all these amazing youtubers that were creating every day and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00756-00402003-00402608 I realized my existing channels were doing it for me and my audience I needed to branch out oAuC9k8gJ6o-00757-00402657-00402947 Because I'm the type of person that has a lot of ideas oAuC9k8gJ6o-00758-00402947-00403595 So I think if I didn't create this YouTube channel, I'm if I didn't create this ASMR YouTube channel oAuC9k8gJ6o-00759-00403595-00404078 I might have just given up on YouTube because I was honest loose in my motivation oAuC9k8gJ6o-00760-00404103-00404184 so oAuC9k8gJ6o-00761-00404184-00404915 creating this ASMR brain in addition to three or four the brand's that I just started kind of helped reinvigorate my oAuC9k8gJ6o-00762-00404938-00405155 digital media content creation journey oAuC9k8gJ6o-00763-00405456-00405980 For you personally what are the ASMR videos you would you look up? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00764-00406125-00406529 I hate to say this, but the ones that are with the cute girls oAuC9k8gJ6o-00765-00406791-00406991 So oAuC9k8gJ6o-00766-00407016-00407300 Do you use ASMR to sleep oAuC9k8gJ6o-00767-00407300-00407894 Do you use it to relax do you or do you mostly use it to figure out ASMR? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00768-00407894-00408561 I use it sometimes to relax at work. Um and mostly just to figure out ASMR oAuC9k8gJ6o-00769-00408661-00408770 my oAuC9k8gJ6o-00770-00408770-00408970 recommendation for anyone who oAuC9k8gJ6o-00771-00408982-00409677 needs to sleep is that there's actually a better way than ASMR which is to change the color temperature if your oAuC9k8gJ6o-00772-00409729-00409977 monitors at home because the color temperatures oAuC9k8gJ6o-00773-00410017-00410325 Are blue which correlates with daylight? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00774-00410325-00410877 So when you're using your computer late at night, it confuses your brain into thinking you're kind of in the daylight oAuC9k8gJ6o-00775-00410900-00411216 So there's a application you can download called flux oAuC9k8gJ6o-00776-00411268-00411606 FLE UX and this application ends up oAuC9k8gJ6o-00777-00411667-00412071 Changing the color temperature to match the color temperature of your lights at night oAuC9k8gJ6o-00778-00412075-00412590 so your brain by let's say 9 or 10 knows it's not you know wants to sleep and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00779-00412667-00413079 That's honestly what's helped me the most I never have ever had oAuC9k8gJ6o-00780-00413108-00413508 Trouble sleeping ever and it's because of the temp color temperature oAuC9k8gJ6o-00781-00413588-00413994 correction that I've done on all my monitors including iPhones iPhones have built-in oAuC9k8gJ6o-00782-00414052-00414555 Setting change you can do for the night that changes the color temperature towards called warm color temperature oAuC9k8gJ6o-00783-00414685-00414844 so oAuC9k8gJ6o-00784-00414844-00415533 This brings us to one of the more difficult areas of ASMR, which is you know, you're talking about oAuC9k8gJ6o-00785-00415600-00415800 our oAuC9k8gJ6o-00786-00415810-00416223 Temperatures on screens and I've always I have heard that as sort of oAuC9k8gJ6o-00787-00416402-00417004 We I would call it, you know pop psychology or or wives tale psychology no, I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00788-00417058-00417190 Of course oAuC9k8gJ6o-00789-00417190-00417513 While saying that because I have for my entire life oAuC9k8gJ6o-00790-00417560-00417915 falling asleep with the television on nice oAuC9k8gJ6o-00791-00417915-00418509 I've always I've always used a television as as white noise to fall asleep to I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00792-00418708-00419289 Think that that does help some people is that you know, I think we don't always focus on lighting oAuC9k8gJ6o-00793-00419306-00419595 We don't always focus on our environment oAuC9k8gJ6o-00794-00419596-00420235 Even ASMR brings the idea that your environment might be louder than you think. Yeah oAuC9k8gJ6o-00795-00420338-00420721 What what do you think about the use of the word ASMR? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00796-00420803-00421314 And you know, it's it is sort of also a pop psychology sort of term. It's not yeah oAuC9k8gJ6o-00797-00421396-00421596 You know, it's of course not verified by anyone oAuC9k8gJ6o-00798-00421670-00421810 Mm-hmm oAuC9k8gJ6o-00799-00421810-00422062 Suicide collapses they will have never heard of it oAuC9k8gJ6o-00800-00422164-00422342 exactly and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00801-00422342-00422725 honestly, and I don't know who invented the term but oAuC9k8gJ6o-00802-00422797-00422997 autonomous sensory meridian response oAuC9k8gJ6o-00803-00423020-00423231 That's is hard to remember in general oAuC9k8gJ6o-00804-00423254-00423825 So I feel like ASMR would honestly have more followers and more people oAuC9k8gJ6o-00805-00423910-00424360 Actively engaging in it if they had a better name. I know what this sounds cruel but oh oAuC9k8gJ6o-00806-00424433-00424592 No one's gonna remember oAuC9k8gJ6o-00807-00424592-00424745 autonomous sensory meridian response oAuC9k8gJ6o-00808-00424745-00424816 in fact oAuC9k8gJ6o-00809-00424816-00425085 It took me two months to remember what ASMR stands for oAuC9k8gJ6o-00810-00425114-00425730 so if you're a person just hearing ASMR it just it sounds exactly like you said like oAuC9k8gJ6o-00811-00425777-00426345 Vedic medicine or Ayurveda? It just sounds like something that maybe a bunch of oAuC9k8gJ6o-00812-00426446-00426985 American white people took from some some like traditional Eastern oAuC9k8gJ6o-00813-00427147-00427681 Philosophy and then made it, you know all hippy it definitely sounds like it could be branded as that oAuC9k8gJ6o-00814-00427681-00428379 So I agree with you like the term ASMR gives you all the same connotations as let's say oAuC9k8gJ6o-00815-00428432-00429096 like you said pop psychology or anything else that gets sort of adopted as a fad by hipsters in oAuC9k8gJ6o-00816-00429137-00429337 Brooklyn or whatever oAuC9k8gJ6o-00817-00429488-00430146 It's it's it's interesting because it is it is this community very rarely see negative oAuC9k8gJ6o-00818-00430280-00430705 People in the ASMR community there, isn't this an outsider Ness? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00819-00430868-00431068 It's my opinion oAuC9k8gJ6o-00820-00431114-00431424 hurting a lot of other cultures know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00821-00431507-00431668 that oAuC9k8gJ6o-00822-00431668-00432048 Reaction videos to something that people are enjoying. I'm not really sure oAuC9k8gJ6o-00823-00432143-00432645 Who that's helping and if you ever see we haven't talked about reaction videos yet oAuC9k8gJ6o-00824-00432646-00433041 but as a someone who's talked about doing other YouTube things we're gonna oAuC9k8gJ6o-00825-00433121-00433737 Defer to you on this. Sure. Do you have you seen reaction videos? And what do you think about that? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00826-00433901-00434435 So, um, can you give me one second let me let's go to a different place. So we shoot something outside oAuC9k8gJ6o-00827-00434435-00434635 So it might like to make the noise oAuC9k8gJ6o-00828-00434802-00435002 Like he's like so oAuC9k8gJ6o-00829-00435201-00435994 Don't worry Jerry every single person that we have interviewed has either talked about for we've had to deal with on air the oAuC9k8gJ6o-00830-00436083-00436307 difficulty of making an ASMR video and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00831-00436377-00436577 noise in your background oAuC9k8gJ6o-00832-00436602-00436814 Exactly. It's very own theme oAuC9k8gJ6o-00833-00436917-00437138 Exactly. Okay. So, um oAuC9k8gJ6o-00834-00437196-00437702 What I just did was just to let you know I went into my closet. So there's um oAuC9k8gJ6o-00835-00437763-00438415 There's a bunch of them a bunch of clothing and clothing absorb sounds so this should actually be better oAuC9k8gJ6o-00836-00438591-00438791 So we were on the topic of oAuC9k8gJ6o-00837-00438849-00439342 Jerry you are amazing, by the way for doing that and I absolutely I have I have oAuC9k8gJ6o-00838-00439368-00439888 Been I I don't want you to feel I want you to feel only camaraderie. I have absolutely been oAuC9k8gJ6o-00839-00439977-00440306 covered in a blanket inside of you know broom closets oAuC9k8gJ6o-00840-00440475-00440675 Perfect audio before oAuC9k8gJ6o-00841-00441030-00441289 In on the topic of reaction videos oAuC9k8gJ6o-00842-00441489-00442003 What what are your thoughts on them have you seen and could you maybe describe them a little bit? Yes oAuC9k8gJ6o-00843-00442071-00442457 reaction videos are when they played the whole video and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00844-00442512-00443057 then whoever is making the reaction video records his or her reactions and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00845-00443151-00443449 It's a very great area for the fair use oAuC9k8gJ6o-00846-00443472-00444172 Concept because for fair use if you want to make critique and use someone else's content without their express approval oAuC9k8gJ6o-00847-00444279-00444895 One of the causes of fair use is that the amount you use is not substantial enough that it would substitute oAuC9k8gJ6o-00848-00444954-00445505 For the actual content you're critiquing and the reaction videos definitely oAuC9k8gJ6o-00849-00445547-00445737 Do not fulfill that criteria oAuC9k8gJ6o-00850-00445737-00446351 they're basically giving themselves an excuse to upload the whole video on their channel and then just like oAuC9k8gJ6o-00851-00446382-00446938 Adding a few expressions and occasionally a one-minute response after they watch the whole video oAuC9k8gJ6o-00852-00446939-00447305 I think it's one of the worst things that happen to YouTube and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00853-00447378-00447640 If anyone ever did that to my videos oAuC9k8gJ6o-00854-00447641-00448296 I monetize their video because they're just taking my stuff and getting views and subscribers out of it oAuC9k8gJ6o-00855-00448296-00448644 so I totally am NOT happy with um oAuC9k8gJ6o-00856-00448723-00449373 The reaction videos and I think YouTube is starting to crack down on serious abuse anyways oAuC9k8gJ6o-00857-00449455-00450186 Yeah, you know one of the features that at least made that somewhat palatable years ago and you know, I'm an old internet user oAuC9k8gJ6o-00858-00450186-00450708 I'm actually celebrating 20 years on the Internet. Well this September um, and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00859-00450808-00451278 you know you used to have you used to have a feature called a response video and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00860-00451345-00451839 That would in a way link someone making a reaction video to you oAuC9k8gJ6o-00861-00451921-00452556 And that somewhat was a bit of a social network, but that's been long since eliminated in the way that it used to work oAuC9k8gJ6o-00862-00452556-00452682 I remember that oAuC9k8gJ6o-00863-00452682-00453195 Yeah, what YouTube said was that those videos never generated traffic? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00864-00453195-00453804 So you make a response video to a popular video and somehow it would not actually oAuC9k8gJ6o-00865-00453838-00454041 continue a watch session and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00866-00454117-00454228 I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00867-00454228-00454968 Disagree because I one time back when in 2013 made a response video to Justin Bieber's baby oAuC9k8gJ6o-00868-00455062-00455790 And I went out and serenaded girls with the song baby and I responded to him and it was the response video on oAuC9k8gJ6o-00869-00455824-00456480 The most popular song on YouTube and it definitely got me some views so I don't know what YouTube was talking about oAuC9k8gJ6o-00870-00456480-00457080 I think maybe in the grand scheme of things. It really wasn't generating additional watch time on YouTube oAuC9k8gJ6o-00871-00457216-00457704 Yeah, you know it's hard to know what they're aiming for when they say those things oAuC9k8gJ6o-00872-00457762-00457962 you know, but I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00873-00458017-00458201 think it's interesting that oAuC9k8gJ6o-00874-00458201-00458760 you know, and I'm glad I asked you about reaction videos because you you bring up fair use and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00875-00458818-00459312 Things like that. The ASMR community is not without guilt in this area oAuC9k8gJ6o-00876-00459373-00459523 using oAuC9k8gJ6o-00877-00459523-00459726 copyrighted characters as their oAuC9k8gJ6o-00878-00459799-00460149 characters in role plays and always saying that oAuC9k8gJ6o-00879-00460186-00460974 Accusing costumes that are you know, for the express purpose of you know, a Halloween costume and definitely not allowed to be shot on cam oAuC9k8gJ6o-00880-00461076-00461250 What do you think of? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00881-00461250-00461575 the flipside of the sort of fair using one, which is that oAuC9k8gJ6o-00882-00461721-00462275 ASMR videos are so long that it's almost impossible for YouTube to monitor or what they do, I think oAuC9k8gJ6o-00883-00462351-00463037 what I would say about sort of the costuming and the characters is that that would definitely fall into the oAuC9k8gJ6o-00884-00463148-00463873 Concept of parody and parody as long as it's transformative enough is definitely allowed under fair use oAuC9k8gJ6o-00885-00463956-00464231 No, but but parody is allowed oAuC9k8gJ6o-00886-00464231-00464860 Of course if I go and I want to let's use the Internet's favorite punching bag and friend Star Wars oAuC9k8gJ6o-00887-00465000-00465517 And you know Star Wars this actually Star Wars is a bad example. Let's let's use um oAuC9k8gJ6o-00888-00465651-00465851 Let's use Dragon Ball Z oAuC9k8gJ6o-00889-00465893-00466522 nice popular internet because actually Star Wars and and Harry Potter which was gonna be my second example have a oAuC9k8gJ6o-00890-00466560-00467212 Unique history of parody and to to say that to comment on it would actually be too long oAuC9k8gJ6o-00891-00467213-00467854 So I say if I take popular Japanese cartoon Dragonball Z and I want to draw oAuC9k8gJ6o-00892-00467901-00468101 the main character Goku I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00893-00468188-00468529 I can draw him in my own style and parody him oAuC9k8gJ6o-00894-00468563-00469324 But if you use a copyrighted costume or if if you you know, like for example a store-bought one oAuC9k8gJ6o-00895-00469388-00469615 From a Halloween store. Mmm-hmm oAuC9k8gJ6o-00896-00469618-00469721 It's your you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00897-00469721-00470113 That's not parrot what your copyright stealing is the costume oAuC9k8gJ6o-00898-00470160-00470566 If you were to parody the costume in your video or critique the costume oAuC9k8gJ6o-00899-00470634-00471310 That is in some way a parody, but I think you you're you're dancing on the line when you're just saying oAuC9k8gJ6o-00900-00471335-00471535 You know, here's Goku oAuC9k8gJ6o-00901-00471567-00471753 Talking to you oAuC9k8gJ6o-00902-00471753-00472142 don't you think if I were to say, I'm Jerry Liu, I'm oAuC9k8gJ6o-00903-00472230-00472712 And here's an you know at my channel and I said, oh, I'm Jerry Liu doing an ASMR oAuC9k8gJ6o-00904-00472721-00472966 It's a parody of Jerry Liu doing ASMR oAuC9k8gJ6o-00905-00473082-00473654 What would you think of that copyright was? Yeah, I think I'm at my company right now oAuC9k8gJ6o-00906-00473735-00474263 we deal with those issues all the time because if we're investing in channels we have to oAuC9k8gJ6o-00907-00474389-00474760 Look at channels that potentially are doing this stuff for taking oAuC9k8gJ6o-00908-00474852-00475014 characters or oAuC9k8gJ6o-00909-00475014-00475209 trademarked and copyrighted oAuC9k8gJ6o-00910-00475209-00475353 characters that oAuC9k8gJ6o-00911-00475353-00475472 potentially oAuC9k8gJ6o-00912-00475472-00476054 Have not the companies that parent companies have not given Express permission to be used in that way oAuC9k8gJ6o-00913-00476127-00476834 so at my company, we definitely run into these so I absolutely know where you're coming from and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00914-00477183-00477691 Honestly, I don't really have an opinion about ASMR and that because what I would say is oAuC9k8gJ6o-00915-00477771-00478055 even if they're not expressly making fun of or oAuC9k8gJ6o-00916-00478128-00478384 creating some just the fact that they're oAuC9k8gJ6o-00917-00478452-00478972 Taking this character and doing ASMR seems to be transformative enough oAuC9k8gJ6o-00918-00478972-00479695 It's like something that the studio whatever company then invented the character would have never thought about that's why I would still oAuC9k8gJ6o-00919-00479742-00479942 classify it under fair use oAuC9k8gJ6o-00920-00480075-00480338 To take to change things in a little bit oAuC9k8gJ6o-00921-00480495-00480695 Have have you oAuC9k8gJ6o-00922-00480771-00481001 Experienced ASMR outside of oAuC9k8gJ6o-00923-00481064-00481264 You know in the same way people oAuC9k8gJ6o-00924-00481329-00481622 discovered your ASMR I for example believe that oAuC9k8gJ6o-00925-00481743-00482357 radio stations that often use quieter voices are triggering people with ASMR and that oAuC9k8gJ6o-00926-00482406-00482695 That there are certain activities that are you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00927-00482766-00483136 triggering people have been in the same way your video, which was meant to be a oAuC9k8gJ6o-00928-00483228-00483803 Review, have you ever had that where you're watching a movie or or or doing something? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00929-00483810-00484451 You didn't expect it to be ASMR and all of a sudden you realize or after the fact you realize oAuC9k8gJ6o-00930-00484503-00484703 Yeah oAuC9k8gJ6o-00931-00484713-00484924 Music is usually what does it for me? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00932-00485097-00485389 The first time I got ASMR listening to a song oAuC9k8gJ6o-00933-00485442-00486170 Was um Angus & Julia Stone Julius Stone has an amazing voice that gives me frizzen oAuC9k8gJ6o-00934-00486222-00486381 so oAuC9k8gJ6o-00935-00486381-00486635 Music and then there's some Chinese synchrony Benxi oAuC9k8gJ6o-00936-00486696-00486872 every time I hear her oAuC9k8gJ6o-00937-00486872-00487052 Saying I just oh my god oAuC9k8gJ6o-00938-00487052-00487682 And then um one time I listened to jennie-o live in LA and her voice oAuC9k8gJ6o-00939-00487757-00488354 Just like has all the right here. Some are triggers. So for me, it's completely music oAuC9k8gJ6o-00940-00488354-00488831 I get it all the time when I not really on radio because sadly I don't listen to much radio oAuC9k8gJ6o-00941-00488831-00489076 but when I'm on YouTube listening to music oAuC9k8gJ6o-00942-00489213-00489889 And sadly, we're not gonna be able to play those songs. But what are these acapella or are they accompanied by me accompany? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00943-00489947-00490080 accompany don't oAuC9k8gJ6o-00944-00490080-00490280 the songs of oAuC9k8gJ6o-00945-00490284-00490496 Been she the Chinese singer are oAuC9k8gJ6o-00946-00490563-00490892 Mostly just like light accompaniment by a few instruments oAuC9k8gJ6o-00947-00490992-00491666 jennie-o has a pretty pretty um acoustic sound so you'll hear like the guitar and the bass and stuff and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00948-00491768-00492097 Julius Stone usually it's just her and her brother oAuC9k8gJ6o-00949-00492153-00492805 Angus and the two of them play an instrument and I think it's just two instruments maybe some backing instruments and then her oAuC9k8gJ6o-00950-00492858-00493041 singing oAuC9k8gJ6o-00951-00493041-00493801 Very interesting. Okay. So Jerry, we're coming to the end of our interview. So nothing. The last question I usually ask is oAuC9k8gJ6o-00952-00493989-00494249 What are your ambitions with ASMR oAuC9k8gJ6o-00953-00494328-00494526 ain't not just oAuC9k8gJ6o-00954-00494526-00495313 in the near future but in the far future as well, so my ambitions are to parted one is oAuC9k8gJ6o-00955-00495417-00495767 Honestly ASMR does kind of is not that good for their voice oAuC9k8gJ6o-00956-00495849-00496038 At least in my experience oAuC9k8gJ6o-00957-00496038-00496775 So if I find a way to do ASMR that doesn't tire and strain my voice then I will 100% oAuC9k8gJ6o-00958-00496956-00497456 Try my best to become a popular ASMR guy, but if I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00959-00497583-00498133 Cannot achieve that if I cannot find a way to do a samar without sort of feeling I'm hurting my voice oAuC9k8gJ6o-00960-00498210-00498410 then I'll just oAuC9k8gJ6o-00961-00498435-00498953 Learn what I can from this branding experiment and then move on I know that would really some oAuC9k8gJ6o-00962-00498996-00499502 really hardcore fans and some hardcore ASMR people would be mad at a person which is kind of oAuC9k8gJ6o-00963-00499545-00499820 experimenting with the ASMR brand but I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00964-00499875-00500276 Have to protect my voice too. I'm a singer. So it's singing is my passion oAuC9k8gJ6o-00965-00500346-00500797 so I face somehow it makes me it harder and harder for me to sing in the future because it oAuC9k8gJ6o-00966-00500820-00501037 ruins my voice then I will have to oAuC9k8gJ6o-00967-00501063-00501635 Put it on hold indefinitely until I figured out a way to do it properly or do it in a way oAuC9k8gJ6o-00968-00501635-00501807 That doesn't hurt my voice oAuC9k8gJ6o-00969-00501807-00502235 you know, I actually am really happy that we got this perspective Jerry like oAuC9k8gJ6o-00970-00502287-00502525 I think that you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00971-00502598-00503026 In in videos where and art forms when people are very passionate oAuC9k8gJ6o-00972-00503118-00503620 Often people feel outcasts if they want to look at it from a business point of view oAuC9k8gJ6o-00973-00503679-00504160 And I think that that sort of should be on its way out oAuC9k8gJ6o-00974-00504225-00504425 because you know oAuC9k8gJ6o-00975-00504446-00504820 film costs money to make and especially oAuC9k8gJ6o-00976-00504923-00505216 When you start to get a lot of you know attention oAuC9k8gJ6o-00977-00505338-00505538 people who want to entertain people oAuC9k8gJ6o-00978-00505557-00506114 Are going to be drawn to a potential audience. That's that's only natural oAuC9k8gJ6o-00979-00506114-00506420 I yeah, I know exactly the type of response oAuC9k8gJ6o-00980-00506442-00507148 Someone might give where they say, you know, oh you're just in it to do this. So you're just needed to do that. I oAuC9k8gJ6o-00981-00507239-00507596 Think that's a totally normal thing to just be in it to do but yeah oAuC9k8gJ6o-00982-00507596-00508295 I understand completely your your hesitancy to say if I don't figure out a way to make it work where I don't hurt my other oAuC9k8gJ6o-00983-00508395-00508970 You know creative outlets and I can actually make this a successful channel. No no move on oAuC9k8gJ6o-00984-00508989-00509518 Yeah, it's I definitely could see people reacting negatively to that, but I don't think you should be oAuC9k8gJ6o-00985-00509604-00509941 YouTube generates millions of dollars and this is a YouTube oAuC9k8gJ6o-00986-00510003-00510643 The enterprise and so to ignore monies to ignore sort of the the base of it exactly oAuC9k8gJ6o-00987-00510879-00511079 Jerry thank you so much and oAuC9k8gJ6o-00988-00511170-00511540 You you have how many videos up now? Um, I think oAuC9k8gJ6o-00989-00511632-00511856 seven or eight I believe honestly, it's oAuC9k8gJ6o-00990-00511938-00512371 I-i've been full. I have a vlog channel that has about 2,000 3,000 subscribers oAuC9k8gJ6o-00991-00512391-00512770 So that's my number one channel that I focus on oAuC9k8gJ6o-00992-00512771-00513523 So like I only check my ASMR channel like every other day, so I think I have about eight seven or eight videos right now oAuC9k8gJ6o-00993-00513621-00514085 Very cool and and then the name of that one is what again? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00994-00514128-00514679 Jerry is some and and how is the reaction been to the channel so far? oAuC9k8gJ6o-00995-00514722-00514887 It's 80% positive oAuC9k8gJ6o-00996-00514887-00515578 Most people just request that I make longer videos, which I've tried, but the longer videos aren't me speaking oAuC9k8gJ6o-00997-00515579-00515618 It's me oAuC9k8gJ6o-00998-00515618-00515799 making ASMR noises in oAuC9k8gJ6o-00999-00515799-00516469 Non-vocal ways and everyone wants me to speak for 20-30 minutes with ASMR and I just know that's gonna kill my voice oAuC9k8gJ6o-01000-00516470-00516670 So that's why I haven't done it yet oAuC9k8gJ6o-01001-00516696-00517358 It's very interesting. I wish I had researched the world of singing vocals because whispering is a very hard oAuC9k8gJ6o-01002-00517422-00518005 Thing to sustain so I would have had more information on that to ask you questions. Mm-hmm oAuC9k8gJ6o-01003-00518046-00518270 It's a it's it's it's a unique oAuC9k8gJ6o-01004-00518352-00518918 it's a unique problem because I think most ASMR artists consider their voice to be their their oAuC9k8gJ6o-01005-00518952-00519530 First instrument and ASMR Inc to be their first, you know outlet for that voice. So yeah oAuC9k8gJ6o-01006-00519708-00520243 Thank you so much Gerry, thank you so much. I really enjoy this interview oAuC9k8gJ6o-01007-00520688-00521017 Lastly enjoy the credits with some clips from oAuC9k8gJ6o-01008-00521159-00521902 This ASMR channel tingles ASMR who started a day before I interviewed them oBBWVjL7wPE-00000-00001000-00001800 Forced to strip while frisking at MIT Pune, allege students; govt orders probe oBBWVjL7wPE-00001-00001900-00002700 The strip-search was done on the pretext of preventing the students from carrying chits inside the examination centre. oBBWVjL7wPE-00002-00002800-00004800 NEW DELHI: Several female students appearing for Class 12 examination have alleged that they were asked to strip in the name of frisking before examination by the women staffer of Vishwashanti Gurukul, Maharashtra Institute of Technology in Pune. oBBWVjL7wPE-00003-00004900-00006300 The strip-search was done on the pretext of preventing the students from carrying chits inside the examination centre. The alleged search incidents took place between February 21 to 28. oBBWVjL7wPE-00004-00006400-00008000 An FIR has been registered against the women security guards of MIT College of Engineering, following the incident. Maharashtra Education minister Vinod Tawde has ordered an inquiry into the matter. oBBWVjL7wPE-00005-00008100-00008800 It is not correct to search girls in this manner. Board does not gave such order. oBBWVjL7wPE-00006-00008900-00010300 We are also planning to change the exam centre, said Tawde. There were reportedly 219 students from Prithviraj Kapoor Memorial Junior College who had appeared in the examination. oBBWVjL7wPE-00007-00010400-00011400 The complaint was lodged against MIT Vishwashanti Gurukul School at Loni Kalbhor police station by the parents of the students. oBBWVjL7wPE-00008-00011500-00012900 The accused female staffers have been booked under Section 354 (assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty) of the Indian Penal Code. oCGaDd62k3o-00000-00000072-00000680 i gained 30 subscribers over the last 16 and a half hours, mostly because i was promoting my oCGaDd62k3o-00001-00000680-00001336 videos, and this is something that you might not have seen before. it is one of the biggest growth oCGaDd62k3o-00002-00001336-00001920 spurts i've ever seen, and this was because i decided to leave it on the best video. oG8EihfilNI-00000-00000321-00001155 Aristocrats - I think I am becoming a god The noble horse with courage in his eye oG8EihfilNI-00001-00001155-00001848 clean in the bone, looks up at a shell burst: away fly the images of the shires oG8EihfilNI-00002-00001848-00002619 but he puts the pipe back in his mouth. Peter was unfortunately killed by an 88: oG8EihfilNI-00003-00002619-00003348 it took his leg away, he died in the ambulance. I saw him crawling on the sand; oG8EihfilNI-00004-00003348-00004146 he said It's most unfair, they've shot my foot off. How can I live among this oG8EihfilNI-00005-00004146-00004644 gentle obsolescent breed of heroes and not weep? oG8EihfilNI-00006-00004644-00005190 Unicorns, almost, for they are falling into two legends in which their oG8EihfilNI-00007-00005190-00005967 stupidity and chivalry are celebrated. Each, fool and hero, will be an immortal. oG8EihfilNI-00008-00005967-00006537 The plains were their cricket pitch and in the mountains the tremendous drop oG8EihfilNI-00009-00006537-00007281 fences brought down some of the runners. Here then under the stones and earth oG8EihfilNI-00010-00007281-00008271 they dispose themselves, I think with their famous unconcern. It is not gunfire oG8EihfilNI-00011-00008271-00008714 I hear but a hunting horn. oGTZ4fYVXxM-00000-00000119-00000618 Welcome to part two of the Habitable Zone Unplugged, a four part conversation oGTZ4fYVXxM-00001-00000618-00001170 about exoplanet science with Dr. Robert Hurt and Dr. Johanna Teske. I'm Calla oGTZ4fYVXxM-00002-00001170-00001896 Cofield. So these planets in this solar system were, you know, invented for oGTZ4fYVXxM-00003-00001896-00002340 this episode and to illustrate these science points. But could planets like oGTZ4fYVXxM-00004-00002340-00002805 this exist? You know, is a system like this within the realm of possibility? oGTZ4fYVXxM-00005-00002805-00003189 Yes, I would say it's in the realm of possibility. We don't actually know the oGTZ4fYVXxM-00006-00003189-00003846 densities of many small exoplanets. But I actually did a little bit of background oGTZ4fYVXxM-00007-00003846-00004386 reading, and one of the ones we do know the density of is LHS-1140b. oGTZ4fYVXxM-00008-00004386-00004935 It's in the habitable zone around its host star, so it seems to be the oGTZ4fYVXxM-00009-00004935-00005448 right temperature. But it's actually over twice as dense we think as the Earth. And oGTZ4fYVXxM-00010-00005448-00005880 so that's very similar to the the planet that Robert envisioned in this case oGTZ4fYVXxM-00011-00005880-00006088 in the video. oGTZ4fYVXxM-00012-00006088-00006387 So Robert, you created the visuals for this episode, and you've oGTZ4fYVXxM-00013-00006387-00006927 created a lot of visuals for NASA press releases about, you know, real exoplanets. oGTZ4fYVXxM-00014-00006927-00007320 But these are things that we don't actually know a lot about, that, you know, oGTZ4fYVXxM-00015-00007320-00007767 no one has really seen up close. So how do you create visuals about those things oGTZ4fYVXxM-00016-00007767-00008048 when we know so little about them? oGTZ4fYVXxM-00017-00008048-00008421 Well, this is very much art informed by oGTZ4fYVXxM-00018-00008421-00008900 science that we do it, right. When we go at trying to illustrate, say, a newly oGTZ4fYVXxM-00019-00008900-00009189 discovered exoplanet, there may be only two or three things we really know about oGTZ4fYVXxM-00020-00009189-00009653 it. Maybe its size, how long it takes to orbit the star, maybe its mass or not. And oGTZ4fYVXxM-00021-00009653-00010065 then there might be a handful of things that we can extrapolate from that based oGTZ4fYVXxM-00022-00010065-00010617 on theories and models. But everything else, right, that's guesswork. So when oGTZ4fYVXxM-00023-00010617-00011111 we want to illustrate something like that, we go in, we pick the core oGTZ4fYVXxM-00024-00011111-00011556 points that we know are true that may be, of the various models, one that maybe is oGTZ4fYVXxM-00025-00011556-00011931 most illustrative of what's interesting about this world. And then we make a oGTZ4fYVXxM-00026-00011931-00012261 piece of art that's consistent with that, but then, you know, fills in all the oGTZ4fYVXxM-00027-00012261-00012588 details. Audiences are very sophisticated in what they expect these days with all oGTZ4fYVXxM-00028-00012588-00012920 the, you know, beautiful sci-fi worlds. So we want to make something that still looks oGTZ4fYVXxM-00029-00012920-00013356 cool, but, you know, everything that we fill in you can almost think of as oGTZ4fYVXxM-00030-00013356-00013890 "artistic hypothesis" of a guess consistent with what we know, but you oGTZ4fYVXxM-00031-00013890-00014205 know may or may not hold up over time. Now in the case of the habitable zone oGTZ4fYVXxM-00032-00014205-00014544 planets, you know, we got to make up which bullet points we wanted to illustrate up oGTZ4fYVXxM-00033-00014544-00014808 front, because we're trying to really communicate some of these core ideas oGTZ4fYVXxM-00034-00014808-00015204 about habitability. But it's kind of the same process. oGTZ4fYVXxM-00035-00015204-00015413 So as a scientist, how do oGTZ4fYVXxM-00036-00015413-00015926 you feel about these visualizations, and having to fill in those gaps, and you oGTZ4fYVXxM-00037-00015926-00016216 know, these "artistic hypotheses"? oGTZ4fYVXxM-00038-00016216-00016396 And be honest, I can take it! oGTZ4fYVXxM-00039-00016396-00017133 So, I'm also a sci-fi fan myself, and so I really like the idea of taking oGTZ4fYVXxM-00040-00017133-00017622 something, kind of the facts that we've measured that we think are true, but oGTZ4fYVXxM-00041-00017622-00018042 bringing an aspect of creativity to it that then is exciting for me as a oGTZ4fYVXxM-00042-00018042-00018420 scientist to look at, and think about, and think about how I might test those oGTZ4fYVXxM-00043-00018420-00019001 artistic hypotheses. And then also for people who aren't necessarily doing the oGTZ4fYVXxM-00044-00019001-00019395 measurements, or who aren't scientists, it gets them excited about it too. And I oGTZ4fYVXxM-00045-00019395-00019800 like getting people excited about the science I'm working on. So I'm all for it. oGTZ4fYVXxM-00046-00019800-00020172 And we do run the art past...I mean, you actually got to review some of the oGTZ4fYVXxM-00047-00020172-00020472 planet looks as we're developing this. And, you know, again for press releases we oGTZ4fYVXxM-00048-00020472-00020795 do the same thing: we do get the scientists' feedback before we finalize oGTZ4fYVXxM-00049-00020796-00020950 any of the look. oGTZ4fYVXxM-00050-00021128-00021320 In our next video we'll talk about the oGTZ4fYVXxM-00051-00021320-00021791 current state of exoplanet science, and the surprising amount of information oGTZ4fYVXxM-00052-00021791-00022278 that astronomers can determine about distant worlds today. oH1RnWDUf98-00000-00000710-00001068 I’m very excited to share with you some hard core abdominal exercises oH1RnWDUf98-00001-00001068-00001651 Since it is an advanced exercise this requires upper and lower body coordinations oH1RnWDUf98-00002-00002453-00002905 This is similar to roll down but upside down and buttock pointing to the ceiling oH1RnWDUf98-00003-00002938-00003501 Your feet should be at shoulder length and don’t put too much pressure on your arms oH1RnWDUf98-00004-00003546-00004031 This exercise is more difficult with weaker spring so control the stregth of the spring while doing the exercise oH1RnWDUf98-00005-00004056-00004563 Be careful not to step on your own feet while standing on the hinge bar oH1RnWDUf98-00006-00004643-00005050 After repeating 5-6 times move onto the Knee up exercise oH1RnWDUf98-00007-00005068-00005395 Knee up will really burn your abs oH1RnWDUf98-00008-00005420-00005781 Make sure you use your abs to resist lower body dropping oH1RnWDUf98-00009-00005801-00006218 Bring up your knees towards the chest using your lower abs oH1RnWDUf98-00010-00006241-00006546 Be careful with your wrist oH1RnWDUf98-00011-00006868-00007375 Keep your upper body the same but turn your feet making them in a line oH1RnWDUf98-00012-00007388-00007723 Lift up the buttock as same as before oH1RnWDUf98-00013-00007736-00008340 This exercise really uses the oblique muscles oH1RnWDUf98-00014-00008451-00008788 Repeat 5-6 times then do the knee up oH1RnWDUf98-00015-00008830-00009188 Do not lock your elbow it can affect your wrist oH1RnWDUf98-00016-00009350-00009533 Let’s do some running oH1RnWDUf98-00017-00009561-00009860 Release each hinge bar and bring up the legs one at the time oH1RnWDUf98-00018-00009891-00010351 Some finds this really hard but so effective oH1RnWDUf98-00019-00010383-00010575 Let’s do the same on the other side oH1RnWDUf98-00020-00011025-00011300 Bring up the buttock while exhaling oH1RnWDUf98-00021-00011348-00011623 Knees towards the chest oH1RnWDUf98-00022-00011735-00011978 Let’s do some running with one leg at a time oH1RnWDUf98-00023-00012380-00012666 Be Lovely with Yeovely oHiyD-cdo6Y-00000-00000636-00000932 Hello! I'm Cris and today we are making super fucking awesome prank oHiyD-cdo6Y-00001-00000960-00001260 People will go crazy cause this is so fucking popular on Youtube right now oHiyD-cdo6Y-00002-00001314-00001582 Im going to rob people and see their reactions oHiyD-cdo6Y-00003-00001582-00001712 Come with me, its going to be awesome oHiyD-cdo6Y-00004-00001811-00001961 Okay so we begin our prank oHiyD-cdo6Y-00005-00002030-00002284 We are going to hide and wait for someone to come, it might work oHiyD-cdo6Y-00007-00003714-00003820 *gimme all ya moneyz* oHiyD-cdo6Y-00008-00005510-00005658 Is this some kind of prank? oHiyD-cdo6Y-00009-00005658-00005708 *thats correct* oHiyD-cdo6Y-00010-00005858-00006021 FUCK YOUR PRANK! oHiyD-cdo6Y-00011-00006294-00006454 *there's no video* oJNUByM15vM-00000-00000000-00000200 Dr.Apj Abdul kalams inspirational quotes oKEzt3yNfHI-00000-00000011-00000326 (Lindsay Gullifer) De Bortoli Wines is a family company started in 1928. oKEzt3yNfHI-00001-00000327-00000564 We have approximately 400 employees. oKEzt3yNfHI-00002-00000564-00000928 The catalyst for starting on the sustainability journey was oKEzt3yNfHI-00003-00000946-00001603 we had an environmental assessment in 2004 and we changed the oKEzt3yNfHI-00004-00001604-00002028 way the winery operates by going from a system where oKEzt3yNfHI-00005-00002028-00002350 wastewater was a product that just got put out and was oKEzt3yNfHI-00006-00002350-00002792 forgotten about to an idea that we could use wastewater to oKEzt3yNfHI-00007-00002792-00003064 create a sustainable agricultural system. oKEzt3yNfHI-00008-00003135-00003455 Business and sustainability are quite interesting because oKEzt3yNfHI-00009-00003455-00004006 a lot of people look at them as being apart but by looking oKEzt3yNfHI-00010-00004006-00004166 at where your business is waste and oKEzt3yNfHI-00011-00004167-00004381 reusing waste you can actually make money. oKEzt3yNfHI-00012-00004381-00004639 So from a business point of view it’s oKEzt3yNfHI-00013-00004639-00005016 very good to become sustainable because you can improve oKEzt3yNfHI-00014-00005016-00005346 your bottom line and if you improve the bottom line at oKEzt3yNfHI-00015-00005346-00005612 the start of a business you have to sell oKEzt3yNfHI-00016-00005613-00005800 a lot less to create the same profit. oKEzt3yNfHI-00017-00005800-00006212 My proudest achievement was putting in a large hot water system. oKEzt3yNfHI-00018-00006285-00006518 We’ve probably put in one of the biggest oKEzt3yNfHI-00019-00006518-00006681 hot water systems you would see around. oKEzt3yNfHI-00020-00006681-00007148 It’s a 3,000 tube... evacuated tube hot water system. oKEzt3yNfHI-00021-00007148-00007423 It really is an amazing little toy. oKEzt3yNfHI-00022-00007448-00007840 I think any sort of recognition is worth oKEzt3yNfHI-00023-00007840-00008005 applying for and worth trying for. oKEzt3yNfHI-00024-00008111-00008370 I think everyone, on that Green Globes night, oKEzt3yNfHI-00025-00008370-00008605 to listen to all the stories that happened there, oKEzt3yNfHI-00026-00008605-00009054 it’s amazing to see what people do. I think that’s what it’s all about. oKcd0qNftgM-00000-00000000-00001329 that's right I'm down 50 pounds in the last year what is up everybody this is oKcd0qNftgM-00001-00001329-00001752 Chris from the rewired salt where we talk about the problem but focus on the oKcd0qNftgM-00002-00001752-00002127 solution and if you are new to my channel my channel is all about oKcd0qNftgM-00003-00002127-00002528 improving your mental health and increasing awareness and for any of my oKcd0qNftgM-00004-00002528-00002922 loyal subscribers out there I'm taking a little break from diving deep into a oKcd0qNftgM-00005-00002922-00003329 specific mental health topic this week I just got back from vacation I'm still oKcd0qNftgM-00006-00003329-00003596 kind of all over the place so that will continue next week this oKcd0qNftgM-00007-00003596-00003885 week I'm just kind of putting up different videos and things that I've oKcd0qNftgM-00008-00003885-00004326 wanted to discuss on my channel so anyways as most of you know physical oKcd0qNftgM-00009-00004326-00004818 health and mental health they kind of go together alright and for those who oKcd0qNftgM-00010-00004818-00005361 haven't seen my older videos like I lost any motivation to lose weight in my oKcd0qNftgM-00011-00005361-00005957 active addiction and I focus so much on my mental health like for about four or oKcd0qNftgM-00012-00005957-00006387 five years that I I just didn't even care about my physical health and one of oKcd0qNftgM-00013-00006387-00006722 the reasons I've been on this weight-loss journey is just because part oKcd0qNftgM-00014-00006722-00007203 of recovery for me for the mind is also my body as well and I want to be around oKcd0qNftgM-00015-00007203-00007604 for my son I want to you know grow old and be there and see his high school oKcd0qNftgM-00016-00007604-00008109 graduation all that kind of stuff so I am trying to lose some weight so I do oKcd0qNftgM-00017-00008109-00008520 think that it's important to discuss that our mental health is as important oKcd0qNftgM-00018-00008520-00008886 if not more important than our physical health but physical health is huge oKcd0qNftgM-00019-00008886-00009272 all right so in this video I'm gonna just talk about how I've lost 50 pounds oKcd0qNftgM-00020-00009272-00009813 over the last year basically it started when I signed up for a gym membership I oKcd0qNftgM-00021-00009813-00010167 finally just bit the bullet I'm like you know what I'm gonna sign up for the gym oKcd0qNftgM-00022-00010167-00010622 and this was also actually almost two years ago okay because I was like a oKcd0qNftgM-00023-00010622-00011106 two-year contract and that's up this year but when I went in I was at about oKcd0qNftgM-00024-00011106-00011709 400 pounds and issues and stuff like that so like I had my ups and downs with oKcd0qNftgM-00025-00011709-00012213 the gym and most recently like the last time I fell off from going to the gym oKcd0qNftgM-00026-00012213-00012668 really regularly was back in November so I just started going back like a few oKcd0qNftgM-00027-00012668-00013130 months ago and for me the gym is something that I oKcd0qNftgM-00028-00013130-00013736 can do as much as I want because I have a flexible schedule but it's something oKcd0qNftgM-00029-00013736-00014116 that I have to motivate myself to do because I have so much other stuff going oKcd0qNftgM-00030-00014116-00014444 on and like sometimes it's just I gotta kick myself in the butt oKcd0qNftgM-00031-00014444-00014744 just say go the best thing I could recommend to you is having oKcd0qNftgM-00032-00014744-00015113 accountability partners okay so like my girlfriend she's been going to the gym oKcd0qNftgM-00033-00015113-00016004 lately and she's like hey you going to the gym the gym by the way not sponsored oKcd0qNftgM-00034-00016004-00016463 this is a great way to be accountable to like my friends on Fitbit as well and we oKcd0qNftgM-00035-00016463-00016832 do like the weekly challenges and competitions and things like that and oKcd0qNftgM-00036-00016832-00017285 it's important like I need people to hold me accountable like I need to do oKcd0qNftgM-00037-00017285-00017747 more videos on how important accountability is like real quick real oKcd0qNftgM-00038-00017747-00018203 quick if you're people pleaser like accountability is a great thing to have oKcd0qNftgM-00039-00018203-00018530 like if you want to improve your mental health like I'm a firm believer that you oKcd0qNftgM-00040-00018530-00018956 could take your people-pleasing mentality and shift it towards like oKcd0qNftgM-00041-00018956-00019331 holding up your commitments when you're accountable to other people so like when oKcd0qNftgM-00042-00019331-00019691 I tell people I'm gonna do something because I don't want them to be mad at oKcd0qNftgM-00043-00019691-00019886 me I do those things you know what I mean oKcd0qNftgM-00044-00019886-00020195 but there's more videos about setting healthy boundaries and stuff like that oKcd0qNftgM-00045-00020195-00020561 but if you need to start going to the gym like make sure you get an oKcd0qNftgM-00046-00020561-00020987 accountability buddy alright now as far as my diet and like what I've been oKcd0qNftgM-00047-00020987-00021812 eating I became a vegetarian last September yeah it was September I went oKcd0qNftgM-00048-00021812-00022048 on a trial basis because my best friend's a vegetarian oKcd0qNftgM-00049-00022048-00022429 my girlfriend's a vegetarian and I was like look I'll try it for a month right oKcd0qNftgM-00050-00022429-00022769 and like just so you all know like basically what happened in that first oKcd0qNftgM-00051-00022769-00023375 month was I lost like 20 pounds I'm like whoa so even though there are some oKcd0qNftgM-00052-00023375-00023741 ethical reasons like I'm not one of those like gung-ho like never leave me oKcd0qNftgM-00053-00023741-00024151 tied people like there are some ethical reasons but most of it was just health oKcd0qNftgM-00054-00024151-00024598 reasons like when I saw that I lost 20 pounds like after cutting out me like I oKcd0qNftgM-00055-00024598-00025061 was like sweet but and if any of you want me to recommend stuff leave it in oKcd0qNftgM-00056-00025061-00025403 the comments like but like there are so many meat substitutes and nobody oKcd0qNftgM-00057-00025403-00025629 believes us like I talked to my girlfriend oKcd0qNftgM-00058-00025629-00025993 all the time because I was like this too like there's so many meat substitutes oKcd0qNftgM-00059-00025993-00026445 that you can't even tell the difference my son even loves them like right now as oKcd0qNftgM-00060-00026445-00026916 I'm recording this video I am cooking a chicken sandwich a chicken sandwich and oKcd0qNftgM-00061-00026916-00027375 it's delicious it's amazing it tastes just like chicken so if any of you are oKcd0qNftgM-00062-00027375-00027645 interested like let me know in the comments I could recommend some stuff oKcd0qNftgM-00063-00027645-00028137 but amazing and especially restaurants that do it so like as far as that like oKcd0qNftgM-00064-00028137-00028590 one thing that I had to be mindful of was when I became vegetarian like my oKcd0qNftgM-00065-00028590-00028950 brain was immediately like oh well you can see still eat all the pasta you want oKcd0qNftgM-00066-00028950-00029322 all the potatoes and all these other things like my brain can get into a real oKcd0qNftgM-00067-00029322-00029787 unhealthy place so I have to really be mindful of what I'm eating the other oKcd0qNftgM-00068-00029787-00030288 good thing about this Fitbit is the food tracker I will admit I'm not the best at oKcd0qNftgM-00069-00030288-00030864 it but I do try to track my calories on a day-to-day basis and see how much I'm oKcd0qNftgM-00070-00030864-00031243 taking in and stuff like that and try to eat the last one on going to the gym now oKcd0qNftgM-00071-00031243-00031705 like on vacation I'll admit I screwed up but now it's time to go back to the gym oKcd0qNftgM-00072-00031705-00032358 and like really get back in that mode when I took that break from the gym I oKcd0qNftgM-00073-00032358-00032959 put on about 20 pounds okay like 20 pounds and like when I went back to the oKcd0qNftgM-00074-00032959-00033288 doctor and got on the scale because I'm the type of person who avoids this scale oKcd0qNftgM-00075-00033288-00033591 like and I got on the scale of the doctors I'm like oh my god I can't oKcd0qNftgM-00076-00033591-00033990 believe how much weight I put back on and like here's the thing like one thing oKcd0qNftgM-00077-00033990-00034468 that I love about mindfulness is just is constantly beginning again starting oKcd0qNftgM-00078-00034468-00034869 fresh starting fresh because you're staying in the moment and like rather oKcd0qNftgM-00079-00034869-00035313 than beating myself up for how bad I fell off and put 20 pounds back on like oKcd0qNftgM-00080-00035313-00035677 I just woke up I'm like today's a new day today's a fresh start and I started oKcd0qNftgM-00081-00035677-00036115 getting back into the habit of going back to the gym so the last thing I kind oKcd0qNftgM-00082-00036115-00036528 of want to talk about is like how much I go to the gym like when I develop a oKcd0qNftgM-00083-00036528-00036955 habit I can stick to it very well and I was going to the gym five or six days a oKcd0qNftgM-00084-00036955-00037353 week and something I hate about weight loss and I just do not enjoy about the oKcd0qNftgM-00085-00037353-00037709 human body is that they're so different they're so different there's not like a oKcd0qNftgM-00086-00037709-00038134 formula like there are ideas out there and things like that and recommendations oKcd0qNftgM-00087-00038134-00038390 but is different for everybody like the same oKcd0qNftgM-00088-00038390-00038681 with our mental health the reason why I give you so many tools is because oKcd0qNftgM-00089-00038681-00039017 different things help different people and what happened was when I was going oKcd0qNftgM-00090-00039017-00039548 to the gym five to seven days a week I wasn't losing weight right I plateaued I oKcd0qNftgM-00091-00039548-00039991 just wasn't losing weight anymore and so what I did was I just started oKcd0qNftgM-00092-00039991-00040415 experimenting and I started to cut down to like three days a week and my weight oKcd0qNftgM-00093-00040415-00040820 started to drop again like that's just how my body works like I don't know it's oKcd0qNftgM-00094-00040820-00041252 weird and like the thing is to like and most of you who have tried to lose oKcd0qNftgM-00095-00041252-00041621 weight like know this like you just get so many opinions from other people you oKcd0qNftgM-00096-00041621-00041987 need to do that seem to do that there's 50 billion opinions are like what I've oKcd0qNftgM-00097-00041987-00042377 had to do is just keep track of my weight keep track of what I eat and oKcd0qNftgM-00098-00042377-00042899 really see what my body wants what my body needs and that is what helps me the oKcd0qNftgM-00099-00042899-00043682 most with losing weight but I'm down 50 pounds so I'm at 350 pounds now and this oKcd0qNftgM-00100-00043682-00044095 journey is still going like every time I look at myself oh my god Chris you are oKcd0qNftgM-00101-00044095-00044690 huge right even though 50 pounds is like a lot of weight like my journeys still oKcd0qNftgM-00102-00044690-00045275 going like I am hoping to lose at least at least like another 125 pounds or so oKcd0qNftgM-00103-00045275-00045697 so we'll see how that goes but another reason I make these videos is so all of oKcd0qNftgM-00104-00045697-00046052 you can keep me accountable to I am giving you all permission I am giving oKcd0qNftgM-00105-00046052-00046516 you all permission right now so like when I post a video in the future feel oKcd0qNftgM-00106-00046516-00046966 like yo Chris looks like you're putting some pounds back on like if that's the oKcd0qNftgM-00107-00046966-00047336 case good because that keeps me accountable and I might be like dude I oKcd0qNftgM-00108-00047336-00047716 haven't been going to the gym and dad about a dot you know but I hope you guys oKcd0qNftgM-00109-00047716-00048020 all follow me on instagram because I try to post like hey I'm at the gym and oKcd0qNftgM-00110-00048020-00048443 stuff like that and like that's another way that I keep myself accountable but oKcd0qNftgM-00111-00048443-00048827 anyways I hope you like this video and like leave comments down below let me oKcd0qNftgM-00112-00048827-00049175 know about what your experience is with weight loss and stuff if you would like oKcd0qNftgM-00113-00049175-00049559 throw some tips down below I'm more than happy to try things I hope I didn't make oKcd0qNftgM-00114-00049559-00050027 it seem like I won't try things I'm more than happy to try things it's just that oKcd0qNftgM-00115-00050027-00050324 I try things out I see if it works and I see what doesn't and then I kind of oKcd0qNftgM-00116-00050324-00050741 filter the information so leave comments down below alright but anyways thank you oKcd0qNftgM-00117-00050741-00051062 so much for watching and if you like this video please give it a thumbs up oKcd0qNftgM-00118-00051062-00051344 and if you are new here I'm always making videos to help you out with your oKcd0qNftgM-00119-00051344-00051615 mental and physical I'll click that little round subscribe oKcd0qNftgM-00120-00051615-00052071 button and a big THANK YOU to everybody supporting me over on patreon if you oKcd0qNftgM-00121-00052071-00052334 would like to support the channel and what I'm trying to do by helping people oKcd0qNftgM-00122-00052334-00052691 with mental their mental health make sure you click on the patreon link right oKcd0qNftgM-00123-00052691-00053070 there alright thank you so so much for watching take care of your mental and oKcd0qNftgM-00124-00053070-00053491 physical health and I'll see you next time oLe7pbyUxEM-00000-00000000-00000189 Amelia Antrim: Welcome to series 23, and oLe7pbyUxEM-00001-00000189-00000549 to our first episode of 2020. We're really oLe7pbyUxEM-00002-00000549-00000822 excited about this series and about what oLe7pbyUxEM-00003-00000822-00000927 the new year will bring. oLe7pbyUxEM-00004-00001050-00001284 Ryan Boelter: We have scheduled our next oLe7pbyUxEM-00005-00001284-00001503 few recordings for the year and we can't oLe7pbyUxEM-00006-00001503-00001748 wait for you to hear what we are working oLe7pbyUxEM-00007-00001748-00002022 on. But we would love to hear from you as oLe7pbyUxEM-00008-00002022-00002253 well. We recently put out a call on oLe7pbyUxEM-00009-00002253-00002601 Twitter. But we want to ask here as well. oLe7pbyUxEM-00010-00002628-00002928 Is there any actual play podcasts that you oLe7pbyUxEM-00011-00002928-00003195 listen to that utilizes a unique system oLe7pbyUxEM-00012-00003204-00003378 that you want us to feature on the show? oLe7pbyUxEM-00013-00003438-00003669 Let us know about it. We are always oLe7pbyUxEM-00014-00003672-00004004 looking for awesome new and old games to oLe7pbyUxEM-00015-00004004-00004086 discuss. oLe7pbyUxEM-00016-00004116-00004275 Amelia Antrim: Similarly, we'd love to oLe7pbyUxEM-00017-00004275-00004410 hear about any concepts you want us to oLe7pbyUxEM-00018-00004410-00004704 feature in our evolution cast episodes. Is oLe7pbyUxEM-00019-00004704-00004836 there something you want to know more oLe7pbyUxEM-00020-00004836-00005031 about a concept you're struggling with as oLe7pbyUxEM-00021-00005031-00005298 a player, something that you as a GM wish oLe7pbyUxEM-00022-00005298-00005553 your players knew? Let us know and we'll oLe7pbyUxEM-00023-00005553-00005685 see about doing an episode on it. oLe7pbyUxEM-00024-00005862-00006039 Ryan Boelter: And finally, one Our oLe7pbyUxEM-00025-00006039-00006264 favorite things to hear from you is oLe7pbyUxEM-00026-00006267-00006387 reviews. oLe7pbyUxEM-00027-00006684-00006927 Amelia Antrim: fireworks. Fireworks with oLe7pbyUxEM-00028-00006927-00007038 my hands but people can't oLe7pbyUxEM-00029-00007038-00007179 Ryan Boelter: see that. So that's that's a oLe7pbyUxEM-00030-00007179-00007317 very good fully work over there. oLe7pbyUxEM-00031-00007320-00007389 Unknown: Yeah, thanks. oLe7pbyUxEM-00032-00007743-00007872 Ryan Boelter: Well, you can leave us a oLe7pbyUxEM-00033-00007872-00008175 review on Apple podcasts, probably the oLe7pbyUxEM-00034-00008175-00008496 most helpful one stitcher pod chaser or oLe7pbyUxEM-00035-00008496-00008694 anywhere else you showed into the void oLe7pbyUxEM-00036-00008718-00009060 about shows that you like, such as a oLe7pbyUxEM-00037-00009060-00009480 review from Blake Ryan 74 from Australia oLe7pbyUxEM-00038-00009504-00009909 on iTunes, titled, like a warm blanket. oLe7pbyUxEM-00039-00009948-00010251 These folks make every guest feel welcome oLe7pbyUxEM-00040-00010266-00010536 and have a good chat about the what's And oLe7pbyUxEM-00041-00010536-00010803 why's of their role playing games. Well oLe7pbyUxEM-00042-00010803-00011121 worth a listen. Short and sweet. Thank you oLe7pbyUxEM-00043-00011121-00011157 so much. oLe7pbyUxEM-00044-00011241-00011412 Amelia Antrim: Thank you so much. I like oLe7pbyUxEM-00045-00011412-00011586 that. I like being a warm blank. I can go oLe7pbyUxEM-00046-00011586-00011712 for a warm blanket right now. I'm really oLe7pbyUxEM-00047-00011712-00011739 cold oLe7pbyUxEM-00048-00011739-00011883 Ryan Boelter: actually. I don't think it oLe7pbyUxEM-00049-00011883-00012084 would be so cozy right now. Yeah, well I oLe7pbyUxEM-00050-00012084-00012267 guess if you want to be cozy continue oLe7pbyUxEM-00051-00012267-00012381 listening to the episode. oLe7pbyUxEM-00052-00016338-00016425 Amelia Antrim: Welcome to Character oLe7pbyUxEM-00053-00016425-00016653 Creation Cast, a show where we discuss and oLe7pbyUxEM-00054-00016653-00016842 create characters The best part of role oLe7pbyUxEM-00055-00016842-00017007 playing games with guests using their oLe7pbyUxEM-00056-00017007-00017235 favorite systems. I'm one of your hosts oLe7pbyUxEM-00057-00017238-00017517 Amelia, and this episode, my co host, Ryan oLe7pbyUxEM-00058-00017517-00017724 and I are thrilled to welcome Miguel and oLe7pbyUxEM-00059-00017724-00018054 Tom, creators of lanser an RPG of mechs oLe7pbyUxEM-00060-00018054-00018159 and their pilots. oLe7pbyUxEM-00061-00018201-00018291 Ryan Boelter: Welcome to Character oLe7pbyUxEM-00062-00018291-00018528 Creation Cast. We are really excited you oLe7pbyUxEM-00063-00018528-00018804 could join us. Really excited to be here. oLe7pbyUxEM-00064-00018849-00018912 Tom Parkinson Morgan: Thanks for having us oLe7pbyUxEM-00065-00018912-00018939 on. oLe7pbyUxEM-00066-00018975-00019077 Amelia Antrim: Let's go ahead and start by oLe7pbyUxEM-00067-00019077-00019272 introducing both of you to our audience. oLe7pbyUxEM-00068-00019314-00019464 Miguel, can you tell us a little bit about oLe7pbyUxEM-00069-00019464-00019665 yourself and any projects you're currently oLe7pbyUxEM-00070-00019665-00019746 involved in? oLe7pbyUxEM-00071-00019776-00019941 Miguel Lopez: Yeah, sure. So my name is oLe7pbyUxEM-00072-00019944-00020196 Miguel, I'm a writer based out of oLe7pbyUxEM-00073-00020214-00020511 Portland, Oregon. Tom and I have been oLe7pbyUxEM-00074-00020553-00020877 longtime collaborators, friends, we've oLe7pbyUxEM-00075-00020877-00021165 known each other forever. 17 years. oLe7pbyUxEM-00076-00021294-00021423 Unknown: Yeah, so oLe7pbyUxEM-00077-00021561-00021663 Miguel Lopez: which I'm sure we'll get to oLe7pbyUxEM-00078-00021663-00021816 down the line and talking a bit more about oLe7pbyUxEM-00079-00021816-00022131 Lancer but I'm currently working on Lancer oLe7pbyUxEM-00080-00022134-00022389 full time actually, prior to that I was oLe7pbyUxEM-00081-00022416-00022713 working a number of different different oLe7pbyUxEM-00082-00022713-00022962 jobs just food service, working actually oLe7pbyUxEM-00083-00022962-00023349 in radio production, which hopefully oLe7pbyUxEM-00084-00023349-00023598 explains how good I'll be on today's oLe7pbyUxEM-00085-00023598-00023775 podcast. Yeah, you have a beautiful radio oLe7pbyUxEM-00086-00023775-00024102 is that my great my great Control right oLe7pbyUxEM-00087-00024102-00024411 now my whole producers have been on the oLe7pbyUxEM-00088-00024411-00024660 engineering booth right now. I know so I'm oLe7pbyUxEM-00089-00024660-00024987 a writer, Avengers My only project and it oLe7pbyUxEM-00090-00024987-00025179 is a both on the creative side and on the oLe7pbyUxEM-00091-00025179-00025353 business side it is all that I'm working oLe7pbyUxEM-00092-00025353-00025593 on right now. Very nice. Yeah. oLe7pbyUxEM-00093-00025634-00025742 Ryan Boelter: And what about you, Tom? oLe7pbyUxEM-00094-00025923-00026136 Tom Parkinson Morgan: I am. Yeah, my name oLe7pbyUxEM-00095-00026136-00026304 is sorry, my name is Tom Parkinson Morgan. oLe7pbyUxEM-00096-00026424-00026714 I lunch lunch this started as the work oLe7pbyUxEM-00097-00026714-00026904 that I did to escape my other work which oLe7pbyUxEM-00098-00026904-00027222 was drawing comic books. So I you might oLe7pbyUxEM-00099-00027222-00027527 know me as the writer and artist of the oLe7pbyUxEM-00100-00027527-00027714 comic kill 6 billion demons, which you can oLe7pbyUxEM-00101-00027714-00027873 find on the web and published with Image oLe7pbyUxEM-00102-00027873-00028214 Comics. And I've been doing that for about oLe7pbyUxEM-00103-00028214-00028458 six years now. Formerly, I was a teacher oLe7pbyUxEM-00104-00028458-00028908 in Japan for a bit. And yeah, and then oLe7pbyUxEM-00105-00028911-00029055 halfway through, I decided to write a role oLe7pbyUxEM-00106-00029055-00029211 playing game for some reason. Not sure why oLe7pbyUxEM-00107-00029211-00029310 I did that. But oLe7pbyUxEM-00108-00029562-00029679 Ryan Boelter: that's how it usually starts oLe7pbyUxEM-00109-00029679-00029697 though. oLe7pbyUxEM-00110-00029700-00029763 Tom Parkinson Morgan: Oh, yeah, I know. oLe7pbyUxEM-00111-00029763-00029832 Yeah. Yeah. oLe7pbyUxEM-00112-00029835-00029943 Amelia Antrim: Yeah, you have an idea and oLe7pbyUxEM-00113-00029943-00030069 then it won't go away. way and you're oLe7pbyUxEM-00114-00030069-00030458 like, I have to make this. Yeah, yeah. oLe7pbyUxEM-00115-00030620-00030774 Miguel Lopez: It was definitely one of oLe7pbyUxEM-00116-00030774-00030960 those projects that started to steamroll oLe7pbyUxEM-00117-00030963-00031212 after we realized what we kind of had. And oLe7pbyUxEM-00118-00031212-00031520 then, yeah, it was a hobby that became a oLe7pbyUxEM-00119-00031524-00031722 bit more of a hobby and then it became oLe7pbyUxEM-00120-00031725-00032076 work. Yeah. Yeah. I'm really oLe7pbyUxEM-00121-00032076-00032183 Amelia Antrim: excited to talk about this oLe7pbyUxEM-00122-00032183-00032391 game. I've heard nothing but good things. oLe7pbyUxEM-00123-00032391-00032535 I haven't had the chance to play it yet. oLe7pbyUxEM-00124-00032535-00032748 So this is the closest I've come so far. oLe7pbyUxEM-00125-00032748-00032823 I'm so excited. oLe7pbyUxEM-00126-00032955-00033147 Tom Parkinson Morgan: Excellent. Me too. oLe7pbyUxEM-00127-00033150-00033291 I'm excited to delve into it. I love oLe7pbyUxEM-00128-00033291-00033609 talking about RPG stuff. So cut me off of oLe7pbyUxEM-00129-00033609-00033720 him talking too much. So oLe7pbyUxEM-00130-00033786-00033930 Amelia Antrim: not a thing. We can do that oLe7pbyUxEM-00131-00033933-00034392 we can fix it in post. Okay, good. Well, oLe7pbyUxEM-00132-00034392-00034566 let's go ahead and get into it. We're oLe7pbyUxEM-00133-00034566-00034719 going to start by discussing what this oLe7pbyUxEM-00134-00034719-00034827 game is all about. oLe7pbyUxEM-00135-00034890-00035109 Unknown: Sure. What's in a game? oLe7pbyUxEM-00136-00035147-00035312 Amelia Antrim: Wow. Since this is a new oLe7pbyUxEM-00137-00035312-00035516 game, yes. Can you give us a quick like oLe7pbyUxEM-00138-00035519-00035720 elevator pitch for the game, the genre, oLe7pbyUxEM-00139-00035720-00035873 the setting, that kind of thing. oLe7pbyUxEM-00140-00035877-00035946 Tom Parkinson Morgan: You know Miguel, oLe7pbyUxEM-00141-00035949-00036177 Miguel was does a pretty good job of this, oLe7pbyUxEM-00142-00036177-00036342 but I'll say he invented he invented the oLe7pbyUxEM-00143-00036342-00036657 term modern lasers, which I quite like oLe7pbyUxEM-00144-00036657-00036768 because it sounds like something that oLe7pbyUxEM-00145-00036768-00036942 already existed but it really didn't. I oLe7pbyUxEM-00146-00036942-00037203 think he actually made that up. But I hope oLe7pbyUxEM-00147-00037203-00037410 I did otherwise Chris you ever did, but I oLe7pbyUxEM-00148-00037410-00037446 know oLe7pbyUxEM-00149-00037500-00037671 Miguel Lopez: you I think I did. Yes, I'm oLe7pbyUxEM-00150-00037671-00037824 gonna say I did until someone in the oLe7pbyUxEM-00151-00037824-00038001 comments tells me that I did we like oLe7pbyUxEM-00152-00038001-00038112 Tom Parkinson Morgan: to say we like to oLe7pbyUxEM-00153-00038112-00038367 say lots is a is a modern blazes met game. oLe7pbyUxEM-00154-00038370-00038583 And it's about it's an RPG about oLe7pbyUxEM-00155-00038589-00038955 customizing and making terrifying war oLe7pbyUxEM-00156-00038955-00039189 machine. And the implications of that are oLe7pbyUxEM-00157-00039189-00039633 in and it combines very narrative just oLe7pbyUxEM-00158-00039723-00039921 outside combat stuff. And then tactical oLe7pbyUxEM-00159-00039921-00040260 combat, which is its main focus, I'd say. oLe7pbyUxEM-00160-00040380-00040626 And I know it has a heavy emphasis on on oLe7pbyUxEM-00161-00040626-00040830 customization and like building your mech oLe7pbyUxEM-00162-00040830-00041031 and making the mech, the mech you want to oLe7pbyUxEM-00163-00041031-00041226 pilot and you have like your relationship oLe7pbyUxEM-00164-00041226-00041361 with your mech and stuff. And that's kind oLe7pbyUxEM-00165-00041361-00041511 of how that's sort of what the game is. oLe7pbyUxEM-00166-00041511-00041631 But is that right, Michaela? Is that how oLe7pbyUxEM-00167-00041631-00041739 you pitch to somebody? oLe7pbyUxEM-00168-00041766-00041913 Miguel Lopez: Yeah, essentially, it's a oLe7pbyUxEM-00169-00041913-00042198 it's a it's a A rules light on the oLe7pbyUxEM-00170-00042198-00042459 narrative side and rules heavy on the oLe7pbyUxEM-00171-00042459-00042696 tactical side. And I think our intent oLe7pbyUxEM-00172-00042843-00043182 followed the germ of the idea, which was oLe7pbyUxEM-00173-00043209-00043467 a, you know, it began, I think, is a lot oLe7pbyUxEM-00174-00043467-00043836 of having had to do a lot of time catching oLe7pbyUxEM-00175-00043836-00044013 up in the next gen because I was not very oLe7pbyUxEM-00176-00044013-00044352 familiar with it at all. And probably a oLe7pbyUxEM-00177-00044352-00044511 year or so after we started writing oLe7pbyUxEM-00178-00044511-00044826 Lancer. I feel like it starts where some oLe7pbyUxEM-00179-00044901-00045267 mecha genre starts in that the we wanted oLe7pbyUxEM-00180-00045267-00045585 to do something that was cool. And then oLe7pbyUxEM-00181-00045585-00045915 the more we spent writing the the sort of oLe7pbyUxEM-00182-00045915-00046089 mechanical systems of it and certainly oLe7pbyUxEM-00183-00046089-00046251 speaking for myself on the narrative side, oLe7pbyUxEM-00184-00046263-00046458 we realized that we had something that was oLe7pbyUxEM-00185-00046548-00046674 we could say a lot with it. oLe7pbyUxEM-00186-00046686-00046788 Tom Parkinson Morgan: Yeah. Or at least oLe7pbyUxEM-00187-00046791-00047115 Yeah, at least set up a system and in a oLe7pbyUxEM-00188-00047115-00047331 setting that that players at their tables oLe7pbyUxEM-00189-00047331-00047541 could could start to unpack a lot. I mean, oLe7pbyUxEM-00190-00047544-00047877 we both like science fiction or McGill ins oLe7pbyUxEM-00191-00047877-00048114 in the sense of that, like Hard sci fi oLe7pbyUxEM-00192-00048114-00048315 like speculative fiction, but we also oLe7pbyUxEM-00193-00048315-00048654 quite like, we like we like we like weird oLe7pbyUxEM-00194-00048696-00049020 space fantasy. And, you know, we like Star oLe7pbyUxEM-00195-00049020-00049224 Wars and stuff. So that kind of appealed oLe7pbyUxEM-00196-00049224-00049647 to us a lot and we vibe on a lot of the oLe7pbyUxEM-00197-00049647-00049818 same things I'd say. Right, right, Lopez, oLe7pbyUxEM-00198-00049818-00050139 like you may have similar ideas about so. oLe7pbyUxEM-00199-00050211-00050424 So that's, you know, that's kind of we oLe7pbyUxEM-00200-00050424-00050592 like that sense of like discovery and oLe7pbyUxEM-00201-00050592-00051177 mystery. And I'd also like to say so, so oLe7pbyUxEM-00202-00051177-00051369 if you wonder the distinction what we oLe7pbyUxEM-00203-00051369-00051561 actually do, and I like I'm like, I'm oLe7pbyUxEM-00204-00051561-00051678 actually if you're listening, I'm actually oLe7pbyUxEM-00205-00051678-00051861 pointing to the other window where Miguel oLe7pbyUxEM-00206-00051861-00052089 is right now. And my screen doesn't make oLe7pbyUxEM-00207-00052089-00052263 any sense because it's a visual bit and no oLe7pbyUxEM-00208-00052263-00052503 one will get it. But Miguel Miguel is oLe7pbyUxEM-00209-00052505-00052929 basically handled like 90% of the writing oLe7pbyUxEM-00210-00052929-00053100 for the game like the the fluff and the oLe7pbyUxEM-00211-00053100-00053232 narrative and like all the other the oLe7pbyUxEM-00212-00053232-00053424 setting and all that stuff. And I've oLe7pbyUxEM-00213-00053424-00053613 handled maybe 90% of the mechanical side oLe7pbyUxEM-00214-00053613-00053916 of the game, and we kind of touched base oLe7pbyUxEM-00215-00053916-00054063 and we sort of have a comment. station oLe7pbyUxEM-00216-00054135-00054438 through the our respective mediums and oLe7pbyUxEM-00217-00054438-00054597 then sort of build the game that way. So, oLe7pbyUxEM-00218-00054633-00054816 a lot of the way the game got built would oLe7pbyUxEM-00219-00054816-00055079 be I would write some something in the, oLe7pbyUxEM-00220-00055095-00055257 you know, rules that were was named oLe7pbyUxEM-00221-00055257-00055515 something weird like, like para Kozel oLe7pbyUxEM-00222-00055529-00055707 blight cannon, and then Miguel will be oLe7pbyUxEM-00223-00055707-00055878 like, what does that mean? You have to oLe7pbyUxEM-00224-00055878-00056019 figure that out and put it in the story. oLe7pbyUxEM-00225-00056103-00056330 That's how the game got created. So, so oLe7pbyUxEM-00226-00056330-00056469 from that perspective, if you want, if you oLe7pbyUxEM-00227-00056469-00056598 want to think about that Miguel did a lot oLe7pbyUxEM-00228-00056598-00056832 of the setting stuff and we're both sort oLe7pbyUxEM-00229-00056832-00057027 of involved in in the creation of the game oLe7pbyUxEM-00230-00057027-00057324 originally. But I think it was also very oLe7pbyUxEM-00231-00057324-00057537 important to us to return to my original oLe7pbyUxEM-00232-00057537-00057759 point that Lance was fundamentally an oLe7pbyUxEM-00233-00057762-00058065 optimistic sci fi setting, because both of oLe7pbyUxEM-00234-00058065-00058536 us are quite tired of dystopias. And and oLe7pbyUxEM-00235-00058548-00058892 we think we think we got enough of it. So oLe7pbyUxEM-00236-00058892-00058986 we wanted to write something it was a oLe7pbyUxEM-00237-00058986-00059223 little more upbeat or not upbeat, but but oLe7pbyUxEM-00238-00059223-00059279 hopeful, I oLe7pbyUxEM-00239-00059279-00059424 Miguel Lopez: don't think yeah, I think oLe7pbyUxEM-00240-00059433-00059766 there's there's to say it's upbeat. And oLe7pbyUxEM-00241-00059766-00059997 that's what I break with Tom on that one. oLe7pbyUxEM-00242-00060000-00060225 But not It sounds like actually cut them oLe7pbyUxEM-00243-00060225-00060380 off as we're starting to agree on this. oLe7pbyUxEM-00244-00060416-00060537 No, I didn't mean I didn't Yeah, oLe7pbyUxEM-00245-00060552-00060617 Tom Parkinson Morgan: I didn't mean to be oLe7pbyUxEM-00246-00060617-00060846 I mean, I mean like hopeful optimistic, oLe7pbyUxEM-00247-00060866-00061185 you know, not not cynical about about not oLe7pbyUxEM-00248-00061185-00061229 cynical. oLe7pbyUxEM-00249-00061233-00061413 Miguel Lopez: Yeah. And certainly the oLe7pbyUxEM-00250-00061413-00061590 elevator pitch part of it is that it's oLe7pbyUxEM-00251-00061592-00061899 Lancers rules light and tactics heavy with oLe7pbyUxEM-00252-00061899-00062241 deep customization and and sort of oLe7pbyUxEM-00253-00062241-00062451 character prompting and story prompting or oLe7pbyUxEM-00254-00062451-00062571 built into the mechanics. oLe7pbyUxEM-00255-00062574-00062679 Tom Parkinson Morgan: Yeah, yeah, yeah, we oLe7pbyUxEM-00256-00062685-00062844 it's very important for us to that we put oLe7pbyUxEM-00257-00062879-00063279 a lot of flavor in the game mechanics oLe7pbyUxEM-00258-00063279-00063513 themselves, and and the character parts, oLe7pbyUxEM-00259-00063513-00063636 which you'll see if you read through the oLe7pbyUxEM-00260-00063636-00063858 game. We like to I like to joke with oLe7pbyUxEM-00261-00063858-00064079 people that last is the only RPG that puts oLe7pbyUxEM-00262-00064176-00064362 lore in the item descriptions, which is a oLe7pbyUxEM-00263-00064362-00064691 Dark Souls joke. But it does, it does do oLe7pbyUxEM-00264-00064691-00064752 that. So oLe7pbyUxEM-00265-00064827-00065115 Ryan Boelter: that's amazing. So what sort oLe7pbyUxEM-00266-00065115-00065279 of things do we need to play this game oLe7pbyUxEM-00267-00065279-00065316 then? oLe7pbyUxEM-00268-00065342-00065502 Tom Parkinson Morgan: d 20. And a D six. oLe7pbyUxEM-00269-00065508-00065733 And, you know, you can get a character oLe7pbyUxEM-00270-00065733-00065964 sheet or a sheet of paper or a cool free oLe7pbyUxEM-00271-00065964-00066150 app. Comic Con, and you can build a oLe7pbyUxEM-00272-00066150-00066213 character in it. oLe7pbyUxEM-00273-00066267-00066363 Miguel Lopez: And the book of life and the oLe7pbyUxEM-00274-00066363-00066489 rules, the rules. Yeah. oLe7pbyUxEM-00275-00066576-00066759 Amelia Antrim: The game game designers you oLe7pbyUxEM-00276-00066759-00066939 should like mentioned, there's a game oLe7pbyUxEM-00277-00066939-00066984 involved. oLe7pbyUxEM-00278-00067143-00067284 Miguel Lopez: There is there is a product oLe7pbyUxEM-00279-00067287-00067404 that you can buy. oLe7pbyUxEM-00280-00067530-00067716 Or you can get for free actually. Oh, oLe7pbyUxEM-00281-00067716-00067944 yeah, yeah, we have. So one of the things oLe7pbyUxEM-00282-00067944-00068193 that was very important for us is the oLe7pbyUxEM-00283-00068310-00068622 being able to offer this. So we knew early oLe7pbyUxEM-00284-00068622-00068805 on in the production process of lanser, oLe7pbyUxEM-00285-00068805-00068922 when it actually became a production oLe7pbyUxEM-00286-00068922-00069078 process and not something that was just a oLe7pbyUxEM-00287-00069078-00069345 hobby for us to work on that we would be oLe7pbyUxEM-00288-00069345-00069513 releasing it digitally. And if it was oLe7pbyUxEM-00289-00069513-00069660 going to be released digitally, that means oLe7pbyUxEM-00290-00069660-00069936 we control it basically, in up until the oLe7pbyUxEM-00291-00069936-00070053 point that we actually published it oLe7pbyUxEM-00292-00070053-00070314 online. So we figured both in the interest oLe7pbyUxEM-00293-00070317-00070689 of making the game accessible to folks oLe7pbyUxEM-00294-00070692-00071058 regardless of price point. And and oLe7pbyUxEM-00295-00071061-00071385 ensuring that basically everyone would be oLe7pbyUxEM-00296-00071385-00071583 able to play it and play the official oLe7pbyUxEM-00297-00071583-00071733 version that we'd always have the free oLe7pbyUxEM-00298-00071733-00072000 version. Now I am a strong believer in oLe7pbyUxEM-00299-00072000-00072153 putting things on the internet for free, oLe7pbyUxEM-00300-00072276-00072342 Tom Parkinson Morgan: which is kind of a oLe7pbyUxEM-00301-00072342-00072576 weird, I don't know, I could talk about it oLe7pbyUxEM-00302-00072576-00072864 at length. But I think that the nature of oLe7pbyUxEM-00303-00072864-00073059 the internet is one of the two strengths oLe7pbyUxEM-00304-00073059-00073263 is the ability to like people to oLe7pbyUxEM-00305-00073263-00073524 participate in things and to form oLe7pbyUxEM-00306-00073524-00073758 communities around games or media, what oLe7pbyUxEM-00307-00073758-00074031 have you. And so I thought it'd be really oLe7pbyUxEM-00308-00074031-00074154 important to us to have an open oLe7pbyUxEM-00309-00074154-00074349 development process. So we always had the oLe7pbyUxEM-00310-00074349-00074655 game available for free online. And even oLe7pbyUxEM-00311-00074655-00074865 today, the core rules of the game was oLe7pbyUxEM-00312-00074865-00075114 still free, completely free. And the only oLe7pbyUxEM-00313-00075114-00075270 thing that you have to pay for in the in oLe7pbyUxEM-00314-00075270-00075672 the full game is the MPC creation rules oLe7pbyUxEM-00315-00075678-00075912 and the setting stuff. So if you thinking oLe7pbyUxEM-00316-00075912-00076077 about it this way, if you have a game of oLe7pbyUxEM-00317-00076080-00076314 like five, five people in your group, only oLe7pbyUxEM-00318-00076314-00076680 one person needs to buy the game. And it oLe7pbyUxEM-00319-00076686-00076983 and it's a $25 PDF, is that right? Yeah. oLe7pbyUxEM-00320-00077055-00077217 So So think about it that way chip in five oLe7pbyUxEM-00321-00077217-00077454 bucks, you know, each person you get it, oLe7pbyUxEM-00322-00077457-00077583 you get a copy of the game, you'd be good oLe7pbyUxEM-00323-00077583-00077619 to go. oLe7pbyUxEM-00324-00077649-00077799 Ryan Boelter: Yeah, and this is a this is oLe7pbyUxEM-00325-00077799-00078084 a 400 Plus page PDF. It is Yes, I love it. oLe7pbyUxEM-00326-00078090-00078186 Amelia Antrim: And it's beautiful. Like oLe7pbyUxEM-00327-00078186-00078531 the art. The art. Oh my god. Thank you oLe7pbyUxEM-00328-00078531-00078600 very much. Okay, oLe7pbyUxEM-00329-00078603-00078720 Tom Parkinson Morgan: I did most of it. So oLe7pbyUxEM-00330-00078720-00078795 I you know, I have to go. oLe7pbyUxEM-00331-00079161-00079305 Yeah, oLe7pbyUxEM-00332-00079308-00079377 Unknown: cool. Love it. oLe7pbyUxEM-00333-00079524-00079713 Amelia Antrim: So part of having that open oLe7pbyUxEM-00334-00079713-00079965 development process is how you ended up oLe7pbyUxEM-00335-00079965-00080085 with Comic Con. Correct? oLe7pbyUxEM-00336-00080088-00080205 Tom Parkinson Morgan: Yeah, yeah. Well, so oLe7pbyUxEM-00337-00080205-00080418 basically we had this incredible community oLe7pbyUxEM-00338-00080418-00080649 that sort of appeared because Lopez and I oLe7pbyUxEM-00339-00080649-00080874 put it on the web on in Google Drive oLe7pbyUxEM-00340-00080874-00081015 actually, just for a long time. It's just oLe7pbyUxEM-00341-00081015-00081195 a link you could go grab it for him and oLe7pbyUxEM-00342-00081213-00081282 Unknown: his early days oLe7pbyUxEM-00343-00081285-00081624 Tom Parkinson Morgan: Yeah, and and yeah, oLe7pbyUxEM-00344-00081624-00081867 unformatted Yeah, just like really just oLe7pbyUxEM-00345-00081867-00082314 roll Expedia. Yeah, yeah. And people for oLe7pbyUxEM-00346-00082314-00082476 grabbing and playing it eventually we oLe7pbyUxEM-00347-00082476-00082728 found quite by accident like about year in oLe7pbyUxEM-00348-00082728-00082923 development process or or less than that, oLe7pbyUxEM-00349-00082923-00083127 even that people were playing the game to oLe7pbyUxEM-00350-00083127-00083358 a high degree and it was quite large disco oLe7pbyUxEM-00351-00083358-00083571 community was playing it. And so we oLe7pbyUxEM-00352-00083571-00083721 discovered lots of people through that and oLe7pbyUxEM-00353-00083730-00083871 did lots of play testing. Got lots of oLe7pbyUxEM-00354-00083871-00084117 feedback and One of the people in there oLe7pbyUxEM-00355-00084117-00084420 was making a free app for for use with oLe7pbyUxEM-00356-00084420-00084594 game called Comic Con. And so we ended up oLe7pbyUxEM-00357-00084594-00084771 bringing them on and officially funding oLe7pbyUxEM-00358-00084771-00084888 it, which is probably one of the best oLe7pbyUxEM-00359-00084888-00085131 decisions we've made, I think right? is oLe7pbyUxEM-00360-00085137-00085560 absolutely, yeah. Yeah. And it's Yes, it's oLe7pbyUxEM-00361-00085560-00085701 free. It's freely available. And it's an oLe7pbyUxEM-00362-00085701-00085839 excellent character builder app, and it oLe7pbyUxEM-00363-00085839-00086088 does make character building much easier oLe7pbyUxEM-00364-00086091-00086226 than just doing it by hands even though by oLe7pbyUxEM-00365-00086226-00086454 hand, it's not too complicated, but I oLe7pbyUxEM-00366-00086454-00086589 broke the game, so maybe it's easy if oLe7pbyUxEM-00367-00086706-00086790 Amelia Antrim: you've looked at it for a oLe7pbyUxEM-00368-00086790-00087255 long time. Yeah. What kind of themes and oLe7pbyUxEM-00369-00087255-00087447 stories did you want to explore with this oLe7pbyUxEM-00370-00087447-00087639 game? I know you've mentioned a little bit oLe7pbyUxEM-00371-00087642-00087864 that you want to kind of be hopeful more oLe7pbyUxEM-00372-00087864-00088200 than dystopian. Um, were there other oLe7pbyUxEM-00373-00088203-00088416 themes and like ideas that you you wanted oLe7pbyUxEM-00374-00088416-00088578 this game to really embody? oLe7pbyUxEM-00375-00088593-00088755 Tom Parkinson Morgan: I'll also briefly oLe7pbyUxEM-00376-00088755-00088890 and then Miguel will answer like because oLe7pbyUxEM-00377-00088890-00089265 he has more his jam. But um, we we went oLe7pbyUxEM-00378-00089265-00089490 through when we very first wrote the game, oLe7pbyUxEM-00379-00089490-00089625 we just had this crazy idea to write games oLe7pbyUxEM-00380-00089625-00089757 together. We think we wanted to think oLe7pbyUxEM-00381-00089757-00089997 about like, several core concepts that oLe7pbyUxEM-00382-00090000-00090345 game which was Yeah, it was like it was oLe7pbyUxEM-00383-00090345-00090768 optimistic that we didn't want a setting oLe7pbyUxEM-00384-00090771-00091008 that was going to be like sci fi where oLe7pbyUxEM-00385-00091008-00091122 there's a bunch of like rubber forehead oLe7pbyUxEM-00386-00091122-00091509 aliens in it. Like it's just people. We oLe7pbyUxEM-00387-00091509-00091752 don't like the way the other RPG handle oLe7pbyUxEM-00388-00091797-00092226 race stuff because it's very difficult to oLe7pbyUxEM-00389-00092226-00092538 talk about, you know, you know, and and so oLe7pbyUxEM-00390-00092538-00092649 we didn't like that we didn't like that. oLe7pbyUxEM-00391-00092649-00092820 So, you know, it just ends up being oLe7pbyUxEM-00392-00092820-00093027 different varieties of people you know, oLe7pbyUxEM-00393-00093027-00093243 with various rubber forehead makeup and oLe7pbyUxEM-00394-00093243-00093363 stuff. So I think we agree there'll be no oLe7pbyUxEM-00395-00093363-00093678 aliens in the setting. Mostly Right, oLe7pbyUxEM-00396-00093681-00093798 right. Life is like I was thought that was oLe7pbyUxEM-00397-00093801-00093957 Yeah, we can talk about that later. But oLe7pbyUxEM-00398-00093957-00094260 yeah, like, like, we decided that we oLe7pbyUxEM-00399-00094260-00094410 wanted to answer questions about like oLe7pbyUxEM-00400-00094410-00094728 people's relationship with technology, and oLe7pbyUxEM-00401-00094731-00095133 warfare. And it was also important to us oLe7pbyUxEM-00402-00095133-00095364 that the central power in the setting was oLe7pbyUxEM-00403-00095364-00095658 not like some kind of evil empire and was oLe7pbyUxEM-00404-00095658-00095841 actually like trying to do the right oLe7pbyUxEM-00405-00095841-00096108 thing. And the fundamental That there was oLe7pbyUxEM-00406-00096186-00096510 an element of like, of like, positivity oLe7pbyUxEM-00407-00096510-00096675 about that I think was was very important oLe7pbyUxEM-00408-00096675-00096822 early on. And those are the questions I oLe7pbyUxEM-00409-00096822-00097080 was interested in as like a fan of sci fi. oLe7pbyUxEM-00410-00097104-00097317 But mostly I just wrote cool cool names oLe7pbyUxEM-00411-00097317-00097461 and stuff and let Miguel figure a lot of oLe7pbyUxEM-00412-00097461-00097683 it out. But uh, but it was kind of a oLe7pbyUxEM-00413-00097683-00097833 conversation as we went because I would oLe7pbyUxEM-00414-00097833-00097950 write stuff then he would write stuff oLe7pbyUxEM-00415-00097950-00098079 based on that stuff. And then I'd go back oLe7pbyUxEM-00416-00098079-00098286 and adjust what I was working on based on oLe7pbyUxEM-00417-00098286-00098490 the themes that he was pulling out, but he oLe7pbyUxEM-00418-00098490-00098628 was the guy who lead the lead. So I'll let oLe7pbyUxEM-00419-00098628-00098817 him answer a bit more the that's my sort oLe7pbyUxEM-00420-00098817-00098937 of short shortlist. oLe7pbyUxEM-00421-00099063-00099288 Miguel Lopez: Yeah, sure. So I mean, to oLe7pbyUxEM-00422-00099288-00099510 echo sort of a lot of what Tom said we, oLe7pbyUxEM-00423-00099552-00099864 you know, Lancer, is an interesting thing oLe7pbyUxEM-00424-00099867-00100029 for me to work on. And that's often a oLe7pbyUxEM-00425-00100029-00100209 challenging thing for me to work on. I'm a oLe7pbyUxEM-00426-00100212-00100710 I'm a writer who's used to writing in like oLe7pbyUxEM-00427-00100710-00101088 short stories or novel length work. Prior oLe7pbyUxEM-00428-00101088-00101424 to Lancer, I was in an MFA. So my only oLe7pbyUxEM-00429-00101424-00101595 real I guess you could call it writing oLe7pbyUxEM-00430-00101595-00101925 experience was writing you know, things oLe7pbyUxEM-00431-00101925-00102168 that I had thought control over stories oLe7pbyUxEM-00432-00102168-00102324 that I well as much as you can have total oLe7pbyUxEM-00433-00102324-00102477 control of the story I had total control oLe7pbyUxEM-00434-00102477-00102900 over it. So when we, when you sat down to oLe7pbyUxEM-00435-00102900-00103239 work on Lancer, it began as something that oLe7pbyUxEM-00436-00103239-00103491 we thought was cool. And the more we oLe7pbyUxEM-00437-00103491-00103872 discussed, I guess the why behind, you oLe7pbyUxEM-00438-00103872-00104064 know why we thought certain aspects of it oLe7pbyUxEM-00439-00104064-00104253 were cool, we decided or I certainly oLe7pbyUxEM-00440-00104253-00104514 decided as someone who's going to be doing oLe7pbyUxEM-00441-00104514-00104735 the bulk of the writing, setting, that we oLe7pbyUxEM-00442-00104735-00105114 needed to have a setting that was aware of oLe7pbyUxEM-00443-00105114-00105546 the fact that basically war and Empire is oLe7pbyUxEM-00444-00105546-00105828 not good. Despite the fact that we are oLe7pbyUxEM-00445-00105828-00106158 asking our players to engage, you know, in oLe7pbyUxEM-00446-00106158-00106518 violence, generally, in relation to our oLe7pbyUxEM-00447-00106518-00106632 opposition to oLe7pbyUxEM-00448-00106758-00106886 Tom Parkinson Morgan: other you know, in a oLe7pbyUxEM-00449-00106886-00107220 setting like extent or extent, Imperial oLe7pbyUxEM-00450-00107223-00107510 aims. Yeah, we want we want people to get oLe7pbyUxEM-00451-00107510-00107796 him like cool robots. And then like, think oLe7pbyUxEM-00452-00107796-00108057 about wider and a cool robot, and And like oLe7pbyUxEM-00453-00108057-00108081 Yeah, oLe7pbyUxEM-00454-00108231-00108393 Miguel Lopez: because Lancers is I think oLe7pbyUxEM-00455-00108393-00108630 like, despite the sort of the very sort of oLe7pbyUxEM-00456-00108633-00108959 flash appearance of flashy appearance of oLe7pbyUxEM-00457-00108959-00109155 you know, the art and the machines and the oLe7pbyUxEM-00458-00109239-00109407 sort of hard science fiction aesthetic oLe7pbyUxEM-00459-00109407-00109680 with soft science fiction science and and oLe7pbyUxEM-00460-00109716-00109923 the sort of appeal and mystery and oLe7pbyUxEM-00461-00109923-00110166 excitement of it all at its core, in the oLe7pbyUxEM-00462-00110166-00110309 sense sort of sounds cliche, it sounds oLe7pbyUxEM-00463-00110309-00110445 like anything a novelist would say, or a oLe7pbyUxEM-00464-00110445-00110652 writer would say is such a writer whether oLe7pbyUxEM-00465-00110652-00110814 they're writing games or stories or oLe7pbyUxEM-00466-00110814-00110988 whatever, not to distinguish between the oLe7pbyUxEM-00467-00110988-00111168 two but it's the distinguish between oLe7pbyUxEM-00468-00111168-00111441 medium you know, Lancer is fundamentally a oLe7pbyUxEM-00469-00111441-00111758 story about people. And yeah, AND and OR oLe7pbyUxEM-00470-00111758-00111945 is a setting that is concerned about oLe7pbyUxEM-00471-00111945-00112356 people and sort of the systems of power oLe7pbyUxEM-00472-00112356-00112803 that they operate in. And and and the ones oLe7pbyUxEM-00473-00112803-00113205 that they operate in opposition to I think oLe7pbyUxEM-00474-00113205-00113580 there's there's a, it's hard for me to say oLe7pbyUxEM-00475-00113580-00113820 what Lancer is about, because it feels to oLe7pbyUxEM-00476-00113820-00114174 me like there's so much much room to tell oLe7pbyUxEM-00477-00114174-00114669 stories in it. Yeah. Stories Yeah. To ones oLe7pbyUxEM-00478-00114669-00114975 that are are much smaller we made sure oLe7pbyUxEM-00479-00114975-00115160 there was open for people to kind of do oLe7pbyUxEM-00480-00115160-00115371 their own thing and but we wanted to make oLe7pbyUxEM-00481-00115371-00115602 sure that the tone of the setting you know oLe7pbyUxEM-00482-00115602-00115773 set the expectations for the kind of game oLe7pbyUxEM-00483-00115773-00115950 is going to be it was your ambition wasn't oLe7pbyUxEM-00484-00115950-00116208 to us yeah yeah there's there's a baseline oLe7pbyUxEM-00485-00116210-00116445 tone to the setting that I hope sort of oLe7pbyUxEM-00486-00116445-00116727 defines Yeah. Through people reading oLe7pbyUxEM-00487-00116865-00117042 the optional behind the paywall oLe7pbyUxEM-00488-00117204-00117282 Tom Parkinson Morgan: what we have what we oLe7pbyUxEM-00489-00117282-00117509 have a lot of in the flavor sexy character oLe7pbyUxEM-00490-00117509-00117608 options to that Yeah, oLe7pbyUxEM-00491-00117645-00117780 Miguel Lopez: I guess it's my hope that oLe7pbyUxEM-00492-00117780-00117924 that in reading the setting people can oLe7pbyUxEM-00493-00117924-00118155 find out what I guess Tom and I want oLe7pbyUxEM-00494-00118155-00118455 Lancer to be about which is is is about a oLe7pbyUxEM-00495-00118455-00118784 fundamentally if there's a distinction to oLe7pbyUxEM-00496-00118784-00119082 be made between hopeful and optimistic, a oLe7pbyUxEM-00497-00119091-00119601 fundamentally hopeful setting where the oLe7pbyUxEM-00498-00119763-00120225 The only bad guys are Are are undeniably oLe7pbyUxEM-00499-00120225-00120699 human. And the only good guys so far are oLe7pbyUxEM-00500-00120702-00120822 also undeniably human. oLe7pbyUxEM-00501-00120836-00121002 Yeah. Yeah, we didn't, we didn't so oLe7pbyUxEM-00502-00121002-00121047 despite the oLe7pbyUxEM-00503-00121047-00121230 fact Yeah, that is again about giant oLe7pbyUxEM-00504-00121230-00121428 robots and how you build them and how you oLe7pbyUxEM-00505-00121431-00121845 highlight them. I think I would hope that oLe7pbyUxEM-00506-00121845-00122009 that we've written something that is still oLe7pbyUxEM-00507-00122009-00122145 concerned about the people inside the oLe7pbyUxEM-00508-00122145-00122505 machine. both literally and, and oLe7pbyUxEM-00509-00122580-00122643 somatically oLe7pbyUxEM-00510-00122649-00122769 Tom Parkinson Morgan: I guess, I think the oLe7pbyUxEM-00511-00122769-00122889 medically I think that's what we're kind oLe7pbyUxEM-00512-00122889-00123096 of going for. I think it's important oLe7pbyUxEM-00513-00123096-00123485 because a lot of RPG games out there today oLe7pbyUxEM-00514-00123485-00123761 to me, I think, to both of us, like, have oLe7pbyUxEM-00515-00123761-00124020 a lot of unexamined assumptions about you oLe7pbyUxEM-00516-00124020-00124497 know, colonialism and, and and, you know, oLe7pbyUxEM-00517-00124497-00124692 race and all kinds of weird stuff that are oLe7pbyUxEM-00518-00124692-00124992 kind of rooted in some interesting. Yeah, oLe7pbyUxEM-00519-00125028-00125268 we want our in economics in the in oLe7pbyUxEM-00520-00125268-00125490 everything. Yeah, we kind of wanted to oLe7pbyUxEM-00521-00125490-00125640 avoid that and make something that there oLe7pbyUxEM-00522-00125640-00125841 was an implicitly trying to ask you to be oLe7pbyUxEM-00523-00125841-00126059 a little bit self reflective about Getting oLe7pbyUxEM-00524-00126059-00126339 into a giant war machine but also have a oLe7pbyUxEM-00525-00126339-00126423 good time while doing it oLe7pbyUxEM-00526-00126642-00126792 Miguel Lopez: not only to not only place oLe7pbyUxEM-00527-00126792-00126911 people in the context of something where oLe7pbyUxEM-00528-00126911-00127152 there's like these massive powers that are oLe7pbyUxEM-00529-00127179-00127446 you know on the one hand unassailable and oLe7pbyUxEM-00530-00127449-00127680 and and all over the place and that you're oLe7pbyUxEM-00531-00127680-00128004 implicated in supporting by using their oLe7pbyUxEM-00532-00128007-00128304 equipment in the in the game right to oLe7pbyUxEM-00533-00128307-00128499 normally have have have that in there but oLe7pbyUxEM-00534-00128499-00128850 have you like be able to fight back and oLe7pbyUxEM-00535-00128958-00129258 and have that be be meaningful even if oLe7pbyUxEM-00536-00129264-00129525 ultimately the scale that individual no oLe7pbyUxEM-00537-00129525-00129768 matter how powerful they are can affect is oLe7pbyUxEM-00538-00129768-00129911 still relatively small oLe7pbyUxEM-00539-00129917-00130004 Tom Parkinson Morgan: The game also ask oLe7pbyUxEM-00540-00130004-00130178 you to think a lot about your goals I oLe7pbyUxEM-00541-00130178-00130388 think in the structure of the game and so oLe7pbyUxEM-00542-00130388-00130553 it's it's always asking like what do you oLe7pbyUxEM-00543-00130553-00130847 want to do with this like giant God like oLe7pbyUxEM-00544-00130850-00131081 walking death armory that you've oLe7pbyUxEM-00545-00131081-00131474 constructed? So and yeah, i think i think oLe7pbyUxEM-00546-00131477-00131597 i think it does a pretty decent job of oLe7pbyUxEM-00547-00131597-00131840 that. I've actually written a lot of games oLe7pbyUxEM-00548-00131879-00132059 and what I always found was the I tried to oLe7pbyUxEM-00549-00132059-00132221 make setting less games, but I actually oLe7pbyUxEM-00550-00132221-00132458 found that never works. Because setting to oLe7pbyUxEM-00551-00132458-00132635 me is very important because it sets a oLe7pbyUxEM-00552-00132635-00132806 degree of tone and expectation for the oLe7pbyUxEM-00553-00132806-00133007 game. Even if it doesn't have any oLe7pbyUxEM-00554-00133007-00133208 mechanical implications that the setting oLe7pbyUxEM-00555-00133208-00133355 itself will say, yeah, this is a game oLe7pbyUxEM-00556-00133355-00133697 about whatever. That's important. oLe7pbyUxEM-00557-00133740-00133806 Amelia Antrim: Yeah, it gives you like oLe7pbyUxEM-00558-00133806-00134058 that box to work within which I know for a oLe7pbyUxEM-00559-00134058-00134268 lot of people me included as a is oLe7pbyUxEM-00560-00134271-00134466 important because it's hard when you have oLe7pbyUxEM-00561-00134466-00134700 like this wide open thing. Right? Just oLe7pbyUxEM-00562-00134703-00134862 figure out where to even start. oLe7pbyUxEM-00563-00134892-00135030 Tom Parkinson Morgan: Yeah, I never got oLe7pbyUxEM-00564-00135030-00135102 into oLe7pbyUxEM-00565-00135240-00135552 games like fates, because it's just too oLe7pbyUxEM-00566-00135552-00135921 like unspecified from you. doesn't doesn't oLe7pbyUxEM-00567-00135921-00136083 give me anything to work with, you know? oLe7pbyUxEM-00568-00136122-00136197 Unknown: Absolutely. oLe7pbyUxEM-00569-00136269-00136374 Ryan Boelter: That makes a lot of sense. oLe7pbyUxEM-00570-00136404-00136746 So what do character specifically do then, oLe7pbyUxEM-00571-00136791-00136869 in this game? oLe7pbyUxEM-00572-00136923-00136989 Tom Parkinson Morgan: In the game, the oLe7pbyUxEM-00573-00136989-00137358 game mechanically is about building oLe7pbyUxEM-00574-00137361-00137562 building a giant robot and then running oLe7pbyUxEM-00575-00137562-00137769 missions with a giant robot. And that's oLe7pbyUxEM-00576-00137769-00137904 it. That's that's what the game is about. oLe7pbyUxEM-00577-00137904-00138144 It's very focused. Okay, and it has it has oLe7pbyUxEM-00578-00138144-00138459 a defined place structure, which is you go oLe7pbyUxEM-00579-00138459-00138669 on a mission, you have a goal in that oLe7pbyUxEM-00580-00138669-00138810 mission, you may may not accomplish it. oLe7pbyUxEM-00581-00138849-00139029 You get more resources after the mission oLe7pbyUxEM-00582-00139038-00139227 and you go into downtime and you figure oLe7pbyUxEM-00583-00139227-00139329 out what your character does during the oLe7pbyUxEM-00584-00139329-00139482 downtime then you answer the next mission. oLe7pbyUxEM-00585-00139482-00139881 So it's, it's, it tells you directly like, oLe7pbyUxEM-00586-00139881-00139995 this is the way the gameplay oLe7pbyUxEM-00587-00140055-00140280 Ryan Boelter: I'm getting. Like a mech oLe7pbyUxEM-00588-00140280-00140526 warrior, combined with night witches, oLe7pbyUxEM-00589-00140529-00140574 right? oLe7pbyUxEM-00590-00140595-00140694 Tom Parkinson Morgan: Oh, sure. Yeah, the oLe7pbyUxEM-00591-00140694-00140871 the most direct inspiration for it was oLe7pbyUxEM-00592-00140874-00141189 blades in the dark, actually. Because I oLe7pbyUxEM-00593-00141189-00141498 love how the game cycle in that game is oLe7pbyUxEM-00594-00141498-00141684 like, you're going to go in a heist, and oLe7pbyUxEM-00595-00141684-00141888 then you're going to go into downtime. And oLe7pbyUxEM-00596-00141888-00142011 that's going to lead back into a heist. oLe7pbyUxEM-00597-00142011-00142167 And we know that and so we can build a oLe7pbyUxEM-00598-00142167-00142302 narrative around that and I think Oh, oLe7pbyUxEM-00599-00142302-00142368 that's interesting. oLe7pbyUxEM-00600-00142371-00142524 Miguel Lopez: Yeah. Yeah, there's a oLe7pbyUxEM-00601-00142524-00142602 narrative cycle and oLe7pbyUxEM-00602-00142668-00142758 Tom Parkinson Morgan: there is very much oLe7pbyUxEM-00603-00142758-00142857 and that's the game that's what the game oLe7pbyUxEM-00604-00142857-00142896 is about. oLe7pbyUxEM-00605-00143052-00143178 Miguel Lopez: Yeah, as a system it's it's oLe7pbyUxEM-00606-00143178-00143385 it's fun because I think there's right oLe7pbyUxEM-00607-00143385-00143604 now's a great time for indie RPG us, oLe7pbyUxEM-00608-00143646-00143841 especially for RPG that do a ton of oLe7pbyUxEM-00609-00143841-00144093 different things and not necessarily only oLe7pbyUxEM-00610-00144093-00144375 combat so i think it's it's while we do oLe7pbyUxEM-00611-00144375-00144564 have narrative side we do have downtime oLe7pbyUxEM-00612-00144564-00144804 actions Lancer is definitely like, do a oLe7pbyUxEM-00613-00144804-00145014 lot of fighting in it. And yeah, it's it's oLe7pbyUxEM-00614-00145017-00145116 Tom Parkinson Morgan: Yeah, it's kind of oLe7pbyUxEM-00615-00145119-00145302 it's very much focused. I mean, the oLe7pbyUxEM-00616-00145305-00145500 majority of the rules and stuff are about oLe7pbyUxEM-00617-00145500-00145686 tactical combat so you know, I can't lie oLe7pbyUxEM-00618-00145686-00145785 to you and sell you the game is about oLe7pbyUxEM-00619-00145785-00145947 examining your feelings. It's about oLe7pbyUxEM-00620-00146007-00146088 destroying oLe7pbyUxEM-00621-00146124-00146262 Miguel Lopez: things with your giant room. oLe7pbyUxEM-00622-00146265-00146403 Not that that's a bad thing. There's a oLe7pbyUxEM-00623-00146418-00146694 can't swear on this podcast, no entire oLe7pbyUxEM-00624-00146694-00147084 quote. But there was a poet who told me oLe7pbyUxEM-00625-00147111-00147513 that you'll feel a whole lot better if you oLe7pbyUxEM-00626-00147513-00147777 can shoot off the and then bleep a lot of oLe7pbyUxEM-00627-00147777-00147927 this out but the oppressors head oLe7pbyUxEM-00628-00147927-00148299 basically. And and, you know, I'm thinking oLe7pbyUxEM-00629-00148299-00148770 about like, our game is very combat oLe7pbyUxEM-00630-00148770-00149001 focused, but I don't think necessarily oLe7pbyUxEM-00631-00149001-00149736 that that is a bad thing. Hopefully in the oLe7pbyUxEM-00632-00149736-00149928 setting and hopefully players oLe7pbyUxEM-00633-00150186-00150387 Amelia Antrim: We recently, we recently oLe7pbyUxEM-00634-00150387-00150615 released an episode but we covered the oLe7pbyUxEM-00635-00150615-00150855 concept of the eight kinds of fun. And one oLe7pbyUxEM-00636-00150855-00151059 of those kinds of fun is challenge which oLe7pbyUxEM-00637-00151059-00151230 is basically like you'd like to go into a oLe7pbyUxEM-00638-00151230-00151473 thing and you like to beat something sure oLe7pbyUxEM-00639-00151473-00151689 you want to go up against a monster or a oLe7pbyUxEM-00640-00151689-00151824 boss or something like that, and you want oLe7pbyUxEM-00641-00151827-00152085 you want to win. And there's this feeling oLe7pbyUxEM-00642-00152085-00152313 sometimes I think, especially in the indie oLe7pbyUxEM-00643-00152313-00152493 space that like RPG is are not for oLe7pbyUxEM-00644-00152493-00152835 winning, which, you know, I agree with, oLe7pbyUxEM-00645-00152862-00153096 but there's also the idea that like, oLe7pbyUxEM-00646-00153096-00153444 within that you can beat something and you oLe7pbyUxEM-00647-00153444-00153645 can beat the odds or you know, like have oLe7pbyUxEM-00648-00153645-00153816 your combat experiences and for a lot of oLe7pbyUxEM-00649-00153816-00154170 people, that is a thing that is really oLe7pbyUxEM-00650-00154170-00154326 satisfying to them like that is their oLe7pbyUxEM-00651-00154326-00154494 preferred type of fun. It's like go up oLe7pbyUxEM-00652-00154494-00154635 against this thing, and I beat the oLe7pbyUxEM-00653-00154635-00154704 challenge. oLe7pbyUxEM-00654-00154707-00154872 Tom Parkinson Morgan: Yeah. And you know, oLe7pbyUxEM-00655-00154902-00155256 violence and you know, giant mech fights oLe7pbyUxEM-00656-00155256-00155457 are very good source of drama. So I think oLe7pbyUxEM-00657-00155457-00155700 that's what we what we enjoy, but I also oLe7pbyUxEM-00658-00155700-00155883 like there's the aspect to which I enjoy oLe7pbyUxEM-00659-00155883-00156108 which is like the sense of like ownership oLe7pbyUxEM-00660-00156108-00156330 you have over this like giant war machine oLe7pbyUxEM-00661-00156330-00156516 you you inhabit because you've built oLe7pbyUxEM-00662-00156516-00156768 yourself and stuff. And in a sense, like oLe7pbyUxEM-00663-00156768-00156993 meck meck anime and mech like media is oLe7pbyUxEM-00664-00156993-00157179 always about, like being really empowered, oLe7pbyUxEM-00665-00157212-00157458 you know, and like learning how to how to oLe7pbyUxEM-00666-00157461-00157626 how to use those powers. And I think oLe7pbyUxEM-00667-00157626-00157764 that's that's also an aspect of it, which oLe7pbyUxEM-00668-00157764-00157920 is quite fun. Oh, yeah. oLe7pbyUxEM-00669-00158007-00158106 Amelia Antrim: What is something that you oLe7pbyUxEM-00670-00158106-00158361 feel is particularly unique about this oLe7pbyUxEM-00671-00158361-00158670 game that sets it apart from other games oLe7pbyUxEM-00672-00158670-00158961 about Mex even or just games in general. oLe7pbyUxEM-00673-00159000-00159057 Um, oLe7pbyUxEM-00674-00159180-00159351 Tom Parkinson Morgan: I think we've paid a oLe7pbyUxEM-00675-00159351-00159561 lot of attention to feel and flavor in oLe7pbyUxEM-00676-00159561-00159825 Luxor. And it's very important to me and oLe7pbyUxEM-00677-00159825-00159990 look as from the very beginning that the oLe7pbyUxEM-00678-00159990-00160191 again, we talked earlier about, like the oLe7pbyUxEM-00679-00160191-00160434 tone was communicated very clearly, but oLe7pbyUxEM-00680-00160434-00160617 also that when you picked character oLe7pbyUxEM-00681-00160617-00160794 options, and when you do stuff in monster, oLe7pbyUxEM-00682-00160836-00161136 it feels very satisfying, both in terms of oLe7pbyUxEM-00683-00161136-00161394 like, actually playing the game, but in oLe7pbyUxEM-00684-00161394-00161586 terms of like, even just picking gear for oLe7pbyUxEM-00685-00161586-00161769 your character or making character builds. oLe7pbyUxEM-00686-00161811-00162000 Like I've mentioned before, we have flavor oLe7pbyUxEM-00687-00162000-00162420 txt in almost every character option so oLe7pbyUxEM-00688-00162420-00162594 even if it's not just like you're picking oLe7pbyUxEM-00689-00162594-00162771 a choice from a list, like you're, you're oLe7pbyUxEM-00690-00162771-00162978 actually reading about the mech that oLe7pbyUxEM-00691-00162978-00163203 you're about to take parts from as you're oLe7pbyUxEM-00692-00163221-00163431 building your character. So we wanted to oLe7pbyUxEM-00693-00163431-00163590 really immerse people in that and I think oLe7pbyUxEM-00694-00163593-00163764 that's something that our game does does oLe7pbyUxEM-00695-00163767-00164025 very well compared to other games. And oLe7pbyUxEM-00696-00164025-00164289 also, I think we have a very well tested oLe7pbyUxEM-00697-00164289-00164646 games and it's very balanced. And the oLe7pbyUxEM-00698-00164646-00164925 sense of the combat and everything is like oLe7pbyUxEM-00699-00164925-00165129 very tactical, but it's pretty fast paced. oLe7pbyUxEM-00700-00165174-00165321 And I think a lot of a lot of games get oLe7pbyUxEM-00701-00165321-00165504 very bogged down in like my new detail oLe7pbyUxEM-00702-00165504-00165615 when it comes to that stuff and I think oLe7pbyUxEM-00703-00165615-00165741 you've done a fairly good job of for oLe7pbyUxEM-00704-00165741-00165972 finding a time so it's a nice experience oLe7pbyUxEM-00705-00165972-00166080 where you feel like you have a lot of oLe7pbyUxEM-00706-00166080-00166284 options and it's very satisfying to play. oLe7pbyUxEM-00707-00166332-00166491 Because I love the love of tactics games I oLe7pbyUxEM-00708-00166491-00166695 love ex con you guys played x comma two or oLe7pbyUxEM-00709-00166698-00166887 x comps one of my favorites. It sounds oLe7pbyUxEM-00710-00166887-00166992 like one of my favorite games ever and oLe7pbyUxEM-00711-00166992-00167157 Miguel knows I used to I used to play like oLe7pbyUxEM-00712-00167160-00167367 Iron Man and runs that and just like oLe7pbyUxEM-00713-00167370-00167739 carousel every five minutes, my favorite oLe7pbyUxEM-00714-00167739-00167991 guy got you know easily. Save scum. oLe7pbyUxEM-00715-00168027-00168117 Sometimes Yeah, oLe7pbyUxEM-00716-00168117-00168273 Miguel Lopez: yeah, that was my strategy. oLe7pbyUxEM-00717-00168276-00168348 Yeah, yeah. oLe7pbyUxEM-00718-00168468-00168618 Tom Parkinson Morgan: And I love that oLe7pbyUxEM-00719-00168618-00168780 stuff I love I like female like Fire oLe7pbyUxEM-00720-00168780-00168972 Emblem and with like tactics stuff I love. oLe7pbyUxEM-00721-00168972-00169131 I love games like that. So that was a oLe7pbyUxEM-00722-00169131-00169434 direct and I think not enough games an RPG oLe7pbyUxEM-00723-00169434-00169752 space aside from, you know games that are oLe7pbyUxEM-00724-00169764-00170130 d&d for he derived or inspires really pay oLe7pbyUxEM-00725-00170130-00170352 attention to that tactic side of the game oLe7pbyUxEM-00726-00170487-00170634 and try to refine it into something that oLe7pbyUxEM-00727-00170637-00170826 is like, balanced, playable, and like and oLe7pbyUxEM-00728-00170826-00171048 like very refined, you know? Yeah. Like, oLe7pbyUxEM-00729-00171051-00171234 like, if you're going to have a game in a oLe7pbyUxEM-00730-00171234-00171555 game, make it a game. And that sounds a oLe7pbyUxEM-00731-00171555-00171729 little redundant, but there are certain oLe7pbyUxEM-00732-00171729-00172065 games out there. I won't mention tnd fivey oLe7pbyUxEM-00733-00172302-00172572 that have a tactical combat components to oLe7pbyUxEM-00734-00172572-00172794 them, but don't really examine why that's oLe7pbyUxEM-00735-00172794-00172995 the case. And don't make any effort to oLe7pbyUxEM-00736-00172995-00173244 make it particularly interesting. Yeah. So oLe7pbyUxEM-00737-00173265-00173406 we've tried to try to do a good job of oLe7pbyUxEM-00738-00173406-00173580 that. I hope. I hope we have people have oLe7pbyUxEM-00739-00173580-00173736 certainly given us good feedback about it. oLe7pbyUxEM-00740-00173736-00173778 So yeah, oLe7pbyUxEM-00741-00173781-00173877 Miguel Lopez: yeah, I think one of the oLe7pbyUxEM-00742-00173877-00173988 things that's been really interesting is oLe7pbyUxEM-00743-00173988-00174165 that People are often confused about oLe7pbyUxEM-00744-00174165-00174336 Mansour because they come into it thinking oLe7pbyUxEM-00745-00174336-00174846 that the the I would say, I'd hope that oLe7pbyUxEM-00746-00174846-00175029 the setting is something that is unique oLe7pbyUxEM-00747-00175029-00175260 about an answer and the setting as seen oLe7pbyUxEM-00748-00175380-00175617 player facing options, which I find funny oLe7pbyUxEM-00749-00175617-00175884 because sometimes people certainly and oLe7pbyUxEM-00750-00175887-00176052 like new folks to the fan discord which we oLe7pbyUxEM-00751-00176052-00176244 can shout out at the end of this on oLe7pbyUxEM-00752-00176244-00176517 Twitter often gets confused about the oLe7pbyUxEM-00753-00176517-00176652 setting because they expected to be far oLe7pbyUxEM-00754-00176652-00176910 more grim. They do are far more cruel. oLe7pbyUxEM-00755-00176922-00177240 Yeah. Then Then I think either Tom or I oLe7pbyUxEM-00756-00177240-00177522 have written to be they really want to be oLe7pbyUxEM-00757-00177525-00177729 cynical. They really do oLe7pbyUxEM-00758-00177729-00177792 Tom Parkinson Morgan: so badly. oLe7pbyUxEM-00759-00177795-00178029 Miguel Lopez: Yeah. And yeah, I don't know oLe7pbyUxEM-00760-00178029-00178158 how to tell them other than to tell them oLe7pbyUxEM-00761-00178158-00178398 playing like it's not. If you're reading oLe7pbyUxEM-00762-00178398-00178551 something cynical into the setting, it's oLe7pbyUxEM-00763-00178551-00178956 either i think it's it's not a problem. I oLe7pbyUxEM-00764-00178956-00179265 would say I would say like having a at oLe7pbyUxEM-00765-00179265-00179535 least a non cynical setting is is oLe7pbyUxEM-00766-00179535-00179796 relatively unique when it comes to a game oLe7pbyUxEM-00767-00179799-00180129 that is you know, In many respects about oLe7pbyUxEM-00768-00180156-00180300 power struggle oLe7pbyUxEM-00769-00180315-00180564 or insightful in science fiction, oLe7pbyUxEM-00770-00180603-00180708 Amelia Antrim: especially something that oLe7pbyUxEM-00771-00180708-00180969 has such a focus on combat so yeah, oLe7pbyUxEM-00772-00180972-00181122 Miguel Lopez: yeah, yeah and like death is oLe7pbyUxEM-00773-00181122-00181293 a thing in our game too which is which is oLe7pbyUxEM-00774-00181293-00181458 another thing that like as a writer, you oLe7pbyUxEM-00775-00181458-00181854 know, thinking about how you know, form oLe7pbyUxEM-00776-00181854-00182019 following function I guess the sort of the oLe7pbyUxEM-00777-00182019-00182256 story and mechanics together the setting oLe7pbyUxEM-00778-00182256-00182487 and the mechanics together you know, oLe7pbyUxEM-00779-00182487-00182655 that's why I think I pause sometimes I say oLe7pbyUxEM-00780-00182655-00182799 I don't know if that answers an optimistic oLe7pbyUxEM-00781-00182799-00182898 game but it's a hopeful game oLe7pbyUxEM-00782-00183024-00183201 because you can still die oLe7pbyUxEM-00783-00183243-00183342 Tom Parkinson Morgan: Yeah, you can you oLe7pbyUxEM-00784-00183342-00183522 can find lots of it's fairly hard and we oLe7pbyUxEM-00785-00183522-00183642 actually had a conversation about this oLe7pbyUxEM-00786-00183642-00183822 because I had a I wanted to include a oLe7pbyUxEM-00787-00183822-00184062 mechanic in the game. I was like, I mean, oLe7pbyUxEM-00788-00184065-00184185 we need we need to have an option of oLe7pbyUxEM-00789-00184185-00184320 people who want to be able to bring a oLe7pbyUxEM-00790-00184320-00184581 character back it's died some like so we oLe7pbyUxEM-00791-00184581-00184824 have to bring cloning into this. And like oLe7pbyUxEM-00792-00184824-00184977 I was like, I don't want to include like, oLe7pbyUxEM-00793-00184980-00185133 like people come back from the dead I'm oLe7pbyUxEM-00794-00185133-00185268 like, well, doesn't have to be the oLe7pbyUxEM-00795-00185268-00185415 original character. So lots of has this oLe7pbyUxEM-00796-00185415-00185673 take where like, if you if you die for oLe7pbyUxEM-00797-00185673-00185928 character dies, the dead mean that person oLe7pbyUxEM-00798-00185928-00186141 is dead, but You could play a clone of oLe7pbyUxEM-00799-00186141-00186630 them just just once. But But then we also oLe7pbyUxEM-00800-00186630-00186888 talk about the impact that has in in the oLe7pbyUxEM-00801-00186888-00187044 world in a universe and the fact that oLe7pbyUxEM-00802-00187044-00187191 cluding exists and it's like really oLe7pbyUxEM-00803-00187191-00187347 sketchy and like, it's all kinds of oLe7pbyUxEM-00804-00187347-00187416 caught, you have to put on the oLe7pbyUxEM-00805-00187416-00187629 publication's chart, everything happens. oLe7pbyUxEM-00806-00187629-00187824 And like all this other stuff is spun off oLe7pbyUxEM-00807-00187824-00188217 from it. So, you know, we it. Yeah, we, I oLe7pbyUxEM-00808-00188217-00188367 guess I guess we tried to think about the oLe7pbyUxEM-00809-00188367-00188535 implications of things, certain things oLe7pbyUxEM-00810-00188538-00188730 existing or not existing in the game oLe7pbyUxEM-00811-00188730-00188856 universe as well, which is, oLe7pbyUxEM-00812-00188862-00189027 Miguel Lopez: in part why the book is like oLe7pbyUxEM-00813-00189027-00189396 450 pages. Yeah. Yeah. oLe7pbyUxEM-00814-00189447-00189762 Ryan Boelter: Yeah. That's amazing. So we oLe7pbyUxEM-00815-00189762-00190041 talked a lot about the history game here oLe7pbyUxEM-00816-00190041-00190239 in there throughout the conversation, but oLe7pbyUxEM-00817-00190299-00190527 wanted to dive a little bit further into oLe7pbyUxEM-00818-00190530-00190749 that a little bit more of the specifics. oLe7pbyUxEM-00819-00190848-00191295 So way back at the start, where did this oLe7pbyUxEM-00820-00191295-00191541 idea come from initially? oLe7pbyUxEM-00821-00191631-00191892 Tom Parkinson Morgan: Well, Lopez and I oLe7pbyUxEM-00822-00191895-00192150 playing d&d, Playing d&d and then we were oLe7pbyUxEM-00823-00192150-00192213 driving like oLe7pbyUxEM-00824-00192213-00192306 Amelia Antrim: this games Dhamma. oLe7pbyUxEM-00825-00192540-00192789 Unknown: d&d needs more Maxwell. Well, we oLe7pbyUxEM-00826-00192894-00193029 Tom Parkinson Morgan: actually met Miguel oLe7pbyUxEM-00827-00193032-00193353 playing d&d, third edition, middle and oLe7pbyUxEM-00828-00193353-00193416 middle school. oLe7pbyUxEM-00829-00193542-00193737 And we played a bunch of fourth edition in oLe7pbyUxEM-00830-00193737-00193911 college. And so like, it's always kind of oLe7pbyUxEM-00831-00193911-00194121 been a thing between us. And we were oLe7pbyUxEM-00832-00194121-00194403 driving to go get fitted for suits for a oLe7pbyUxEM-00833-00194403-00194742 friend's wedding. And in the car, he goes, oLe7pbyUxEM-00834-00194742-00194919 like, I want to play in that game, but on oLe7pbyUxEM-00835-00194919-00195153 any met games out there that aren't like, oLe7pbyUxEM-00836-00195204-00195411 proprietary games, or like apocalypse oLe7pbyUxEM-00837-00195411-00195642 world hacks. And I was like, well, we oLe7pbyUxEM-00838-00195642-00196221 could just write one. You know? Yeah. And oLe7pbyUxEM-00839-00196221-00196476 at the time, I just finished writing an oLe7pbyUxEM-00840-00196476-00196638 apocalypse world hack from my comic, I oLe7pbyUxEM-00841-00196638-00196890 made an RPG for my comic. The people will oLe7pbyUxEM-00842-00196890-00197022 ask me about, they were like, I want to oLe7pbyUxEM-00843-00197022-00197196 write a d&d hack your comic and I was oLe7pbyUxEM-00844-00197196-00197343 like, I'm not going to do that. But I will oLe7pbyUxEM-00845-00197343-00197652 do an apocalypse world ones. And I oLe7pbyUxEM-00846-00197652-00197871 actually published it on my Patreon and oLe7pbyUxEM-00847-00197880-00198030 you know, got laid out and everything. And oLe7pbyUxEM-00848-00198030-00198204 those like that was not too bad that was oLe7pbyUxEM-00849-00198204-00198417 pretty fun. So I ran it by Miguel was like oLe7pbyUxEM-00850-00198417-00198564 hey, let's just read the game Let's do it. oLe7pbyUxEM-00851-00198669-00198831 And I'd like an idiot I decided to write oLe7pbyUxEM-00852-00198831-00199050 it from scratch instead of like hacking oLe7pbyUxEM-00853-00199050-00199227 into the existing system. oLe7pbyUxEM-00854-00199263-00199278 Amelia Antrim: Oh oLe7pbyUxEM-00855-00199365-00199536 Tom Parkinson Morgan: yeah. years later oLe7pbyUxEM-00856-00199536-00199725 there we are. But it was very fun because oLe7pbyUxEM-00857-00199725-00199740 we oLe7pbyUxEM-00858-00199842-00200034 Miguel Lopez: did this specific process to oLe7pbyUxEM-00859-00200034-00200250 was was Tom wood right and we've we've oLe7pbyUxEM-00860-00200250-00200475 said it a couple times but but just for to oLe7pbyUxEM-00861-00200475-00200694 keep it concise in one section dealt with oLe7pbyUxEM-00862-00200694-00200973 post processing, Tom would write it would oLe7pbyUxEM-00863-00200973-00201108 often work in this way where Tom would oLe7pbyUxEM-00864-00201108-00201405 write a set of rules and a set of oLe7pbyUxEM-00865-00201411-00201696 equipment and pass it to me with just the oLe7pbyUxEM-00866-00201696-00201936 name just sometimes just or sometimes just oLe7pbyUxEM-00867-00201936-00202140 the the the sort of function of what it's oLe7pbyUxEM-00868-00202140-00202389 supposed to be. Yeah, and I would write oLe7pbyUxEM-00869-00202608-00202809 initially just fluff so just sort of like oLe7pbyUxEM-00870-00202839-00203088 dialogue or brief description about it. oLe7pbyUxEM-00871-00203163-00203370 Because I think both of us really thought oLe7pbyUxEM-00872-00203370-00203640 that initially having never played Dark oLe7pbyUxEM-00873-00203640-00203997 Souls, but Tom have Tom had I played with oLe7pbyUxEM-00874-00204000-00204252 floor and he sort of wanted that that sort oLe7pbyUxEM-00875-00204252-00204492 of sense of being able to find, again, oLe7pbyUxEM-00876-00204492-00204609 it's my understanding that it works in oLe7pbyUxEM-00877-00204609-00204810 this way. And the game you can you can oLe7pbyUxEM-00878-00204810-00204987 sort of find the lower season throughout oLe7pbyUxEM-00879-00204987-00205284 the world. And yeah, and if Lancer at that oLe7pbyUxEM-00880-00205284-00205440 early stage of the world was just oLe7pbyUxEM-00881-00205476-00205650 basically player options and rules, we oLe7pbyUxEM-00882-00205650-00205871 wouldn't we would stick the world in oLe7pbyUxEM-00883-00205871-00206148 those. Yeah. So development basically oLe7pbyUxEM-00884-00206148-00206583 continued like that for, for the whole at oLe7pbyUxEM-00885-00206583-00206781 least the whole first year of us working oLe7pbyUxEM-00886-00206781-00206979 on this because it was it was also a side oLe7pbyUxEM-00887-00206979-00207078 thing that we're working on. oLe7pbyUxEM-00888-00207081-00207144 Tom Parkinson Morgan: Yeah, it's very much oLe7pbyUxEM-00889-00207144-00207411 a secondary project for both. Yeah, yeah. oLe7pbyUxEM-00890-00207417-00207588 And sort of remains a secondary project oLe7pbyUxEM-00891-00207588-00207696 for me in a weird way. oLe7pbyUxEM-00892-00207834-00208062 But it's a Yeah, it was like a side thing oLe7pbyUxEM-00893-00208062-00208203 we're doing and then and then basically, oLe7pbyUxEM-00894-00208203-00208359 as soon as we found that there was a huge oLe7pbyUxEM-00895-00208359-00208515 community playing the game because we put oLe7pbyUxEM-00896-00208515-00208707 out for free, we began to collect a lot of oLe7pbyUxEM-00897-00208707-00208878 play testing feedback. And so we became oLe7pbyUxEM-00898-00208878-00209079 was serious about making our divisions in oLe7pbyUxEM-00899-00209079-00209283 the game and finishing up for it and oLe7pbyUxEM-00900-00209283-00209471 Miguel actually began to write like an oLe7pbyUxEM-00901-00209471-00209685 enormous amount of material for the for oLe7pbyUxEM-00902-00209685-00209921 the game and for like, like a lot of the oLe7pbyUxEM-00903-00209921-00210048 stuff we're gonna be talking In the oLe7pbyUxEM-00904-00210048-00210159 upcoming year, and the girl actually oLe7pbyUxEM-00905-00210159-00210378 wrote, like a year ago, and oLe7pbyUxEM-00906-00210516-00210569 Miguel Lopez: I think the earliest oLe7pbyUxEM-00907-00210569-00210831 versions are probably late 2017. Or we had oLe7pbyUxEM-00908-00210831-00210969 a number of stretch goals that we hit oLe7pbyUxEM-00909-00211026-00211230 during our Kickstarter that will, our goal oLe7pbyUxEM-00910-00211230-00211440 is to publish them sort of quarterly as oLe7pbyUxEM-00911-00211440-00211671 this year comes on. We'll see how these oLe7pbyUxEM-00912-00211671-00211892 were all written. Yeah, yeah. oLe7pbyUxEM-00913-00212019-00212160 Tom Parkinson Morgan: Yeah, yeah. Yes. And oLe7pbyUxEM-00914-00212160-00212342 then basically, it came to the point where oLe7pbyUxEM-00915-00212342-00212454 we were just like, Well, what do we want oLe7pbyUxEM-00916-00212454-00212696 to try to finish this properly and publish oLe7pbyUxEM-00917-00212696-00212844 it? And we decided, yeah, probably a good oLe7pbyUxEM-00918-00212844-00212967 idea. I mean, there's enough interest in oLe7pbyUxEM-00919-00212967-00213146 the game has a huge amount of buzz about oLe7pbyUxEM-00920-00213146-00213315 it. And it was actually for a long time. oLe7pbyUxEM-00921-00213351-00213537 Despite the game not even being properly oLe7pbyUxEM-00922-00213537-00213690 laid out or finished or anything. We had a oLe7pbyUxEM-00923-00213690-00213879 ton of people playing it. So we decided to oLe7pbyUxEM-00924-00213879-00214196 take its Kickstarter back in May. And that oLe7pbyUxEM-00925-00214196-00214389 was a very harrowing process, but it went oLe7pbyUxEM-00926-00214389-00214785 really well. So and the route Yeah, yeah. oLe7pbyUxEM-00927-00214821-00214977 And that was the that's the development oLe7pbyUxEM-00928-00214977-00215154 process pretty much a very open the kept oLe7pbyUxEM-00929-00215154-00215400 it very open. Huge amount of participation oLe7pbyUxEM-00930-00215400-00215634 from people on the discord. people oLe7pbyUxEM-00931-00215634-00215814 emailing us and saying it's messages being oLe7pbyUxEM-00932-00215814-00215988 like this is broken. This is wrong. This oLe7pbyUxEM-00933-00215988-00216138 is going okay oLe7pbyUxEM-00934-00216300-00216423 Miguel Lopez: one thing one thing I do oLe7pbyUxEM-00935-00216423-00216552 want to say about the development process oLe7pbyUxEM-00936-00216552-00216773 though is it was certainly something that oLe7pbyUxEM-00937-00216894-00217266 Tom and I had to make time for outside of oLe7pbyUxEM-00938-00217266-00217473 our main things because at the time I was oLe7pbyUxEM-00939-00217473-00217884 working food service and a radio job is oLe7pbyUxEM-00940-00217884-00218013 worried and I would write I would write oLe7pbyUxEM-00941-00218013-00218253 Lancer when I should have been like, doing oLe7pbyUxEM-00942-00218253-00218610 side work or paying paying attention to oLe7pbyUxEM-00943-00218610-00218991 my, to my, to my levels. And Tom would oLe7pbyUxEM-00944-00218991-00219204 find time outside of work, not as comic as oLe7pbyUxEM-00945-00219204-00219446 his main thing. So yeah, it was a it was a oLe7pbyUxEM-00946-00219446-00219813 risk that we that we took to take it more oLe7pbyUxEM-00947-00219813-00220014 seriously. And it was definitely a risk oLe7pbyUxEM-00948-00220014-00220319 that was supported by a healthy community oLe7pbyUxEM-00949-00220319-00220614 that actually invited us to join them at oLe7pbyUxEM-00950-00220614-00220815 that a server just which they already set oLe7pbyUxEM-00951-00220815-00220839 up. And oLe7pbyUxEM-00952-00220919-00221096 Tom Parkinson Morgan: I think to a degree, oLe7pbyUxEM-00953-00221096-00221280 like the kind of thing that I like to do, oLe7pbyUxEM-00954-00221316-00221502 which is to like be very public and let oLe7pbyUxEM-00955-00221502-00221712 people will consume stuff for free and oLe7pbyUxEM-00956-00221712-00221921 then participate and then ask them later oLe7pbyUxEM-00957-00221921-00222119 to support you. You can't really do that oLe7pbyUxEM-00958-00222119-00222282 as a primary gig for a while. That's the oLe7pbyUxEM-00959-00222282-00222477 one caveat I have to add is that you have oLe7pbyUxEM-00960-00222477-00222708 to be doing something else. Right? You oLe7pbyUxEM-00961-00222708-00222729 know? oLe7pbyUxEM-00962-00222879-00223050 Because Yeah, don't quit your day job. oLe7pbyUxEM-00963-00223196-00223281 It was fun though. oLe7pbyUxEM-00964-00223287-00223464 Amelia Antrim: Ask, like, how do you oLe7pbyUxEM-00965-00223467-00223673 maintain that momentum? Because like, oLe7pbyUxEM-00966-00223673-00223857 that's, that's the thing that I found oLe7pbyUxEM-00967-00223857-00224082 really hard like podcasting. Easy enough, oLe7pbyUxEM-00968-00224082-00224205 because you have a release schedule, oLe7pbyUxEM-00969-00224208-00224439 right? Like you've said, it's gonna come oLe7pbyUxEM-00970-00224439-00224766 out every week, right? Um, but I know as I oLe7pbyUxEM-00971-00224769-00224969 try and like dip my toes into game design, oLe7pbyUxEM-00972-00224969-00225210 I'm finding that like, making time for oLe7pbyUxEM-00973-00225210-00225381 that or keeping up the momentum of it, oLe7pbyUxEM-00974-00225381-00225576 especially when you're working with oLe7pbyUxEM-00975-00225582-00225753 someone else to have to have like, find oLe7pbyUxEM-00976-00225759-00226038 time to kind of collaborate on it's really oLe7pbyUxEM-00977-00226038-00226101 difficult. oLe7pbyUxEM-00978-00226104-00226271 Tom Parkinson Morgan: Well, collaboration oLe7pbyUxEM-00979-00226271-00226416 from the golden was fairly easy because we oLe7pbyUxEM-00980-00226416-00226619 actually live together so we literally do oLe7pbyUxEM-00981-00226619-00226851 things like go across the whole and like oLe7pbyUxEM-00982-00226869-00226994 banging on the door and be like, what do oLe7pbyUxEM-00983-00226994-00227444 you what do you think about this like, but oLe7pbyUxEM-00984-00227448-00227739 but like, in terms of finding time, might oLe7pbyUxEM-00985-00227739-00227940 be different from McGill? Because I am a oLe7pbyUxEM-00986-00227940-00228342 workaholic. And I've also been doing I've oLe7pbyUxEM-00987-00228342-00228473 been working for myself, like oLe7pbyUxEM-00988-00228480-00228717 independently self employed comic artist oLe7pbyUxEM-00989-00228717-00229152 for four years now. And so I'm used to oLe7pbyUxEM-00990-00229152-00229394 doing I'm used to doing that, like I am, oLe7pbyUxEM-00991-00229394-00229590 to a degree extremely self motivated, but oLe7pbyUxEM-00992-00229590-00229884 that's very, very difficult. Yeah. And oLe7pbyUxEM-00993-00229884-00230058 it's a very, very, it's like a very hard oLe7pbyUxEM-00994-00230058-00230262 lifestyle to like, adjust to and like not oLe7pbyUxEM-00995-00230262-00230451 have it be unhealthy. So I wouldn't oLe7pbyUxEM-00996-00230451-00230760 recommend it. That's essentially my, oLe7pbyUxEM-00997-00230796-00231003 that's essentially my, my explanation is oLe7pbyUxEM-00998-00231003-00231198 just like, and you know, the thing I'd say oLe7pbyUxEM-00999-00231198-00231390 is that you need to make it by making it a oLe7pbyUxEM-01000-00231390-00231591 public process, we automatically had an oLe7pbyUxEM-01001-00231591-00231894 audience that was waiting for updates on oLe7pbyUxEM-01002-00231894-00231948 things. So it oLe7pbyUxEM-01003-00232008-00232113 Amelia Antrim: sounds like that was like a oLe7pbyUxEM-01004-00232113-00232458 good motivating factor. Like checking in oLe7pbyUxEM-01005-00232458-00232614 with you like, when's more stuff gonna oLe7pbyUxEM-01006-00232614-00232725 come out? What are you gonna fix that oLe7pbyUxEM-01007-00232725-00232764 Tom Parkinson Morgan: if you want to oLe7pbyUxEM-01008-00232764-00232983 publish anything, you must do it to a oLe7pbyUxEM-01009-00232983-00233133 degree that people will read and oLe7pbyUxEM-01010-00233133-00233262 participate in your work. oLe7pbyUxEM-01011-00233385-00233457 Ryan Boelter: There's no other way to oLe7pbyUxEM-01012-00233484-00233567 myself right now. oLe7pbyUxEM-01013-00233787-00233886 Tom Parkinson Morgan: You can't You can't oLe7pbyUxEM-01014-00233886-00234114 keep it to yourself. I know. People who do oLe7pbyUxEM-01015-00234114-00234285 game development or comics whatever they oLe7pbyUxEM-01016-00234285-00234603 never published anything or put out even oLe7pbyUxEM-01017-00234606-00234966 for people to check out and and to me that oLe7pbyUxEM-01018-00234969-00235185 you know you're not actually doing oLe7pbyUxEM-01019-00235185-00235373 producing that until you expose it to oLe7pbyUxEM-01020-00235373-00235632 other people in my opinion I don't know oLe7pbyUxEM-01021-00235632-00235707 Miguel What do you think? oLe7pbyUxEM-01022-00235734-00235896 Miguel Lopez: What's your yeah I mean oLe7pbyUxEM-01023-00235914-00236076 let's see how to keep up the motivation to oLe7pbyUxEM-01024-00236076-00236646 work on Lancer when it wasn't my main full oLe7pbyUxEM-01025-00236646-00236901 time job which I have to fully acknowledge oLe7pbyUxEM-01026-00236901-00237369 is a combination of massive luck and and oLe7pbyUxEM-01027-00237369-00237633 and and hard work. When it wasn't my full oLe7pbyUxEM-01028-00237633-00237804 time job it was my escape oLe7pbyUxEM-01029-00237933-00238077 I so as oLe7pbyUxEM-01030-00238206-00238329 about the tenants are working in Lancer oLe7pbyUxEM-01031-00238329-00238635 was just in a in a sort of in the year oLe7pbyUxEM-01032-00238635-00238980 after I'd finished up with my MFA. So I oLe7pbyUxEM-01033-00238980-00239142 was very used to pulling long hours oLe7pbyUxEM-01034-00239142-00239403 writing and I was working I was waiting oLe7pbyUxEM-01035-00239403-00239709 tables and and working at a radio station oLe7pbyUxEM-01036-00239709-00240044 and sort of those two jobs. I would Work oLe7pbyUxEM-01037-00240044-00240258 all morning from there was a morning show oLe7pbyUxEM-01038-00240258-00240419 that I was working on. I said work on oLe7pbyUxEM-01039-00240419-00240567 morning for maybe five in the morning till oLe7pbyUxEM-01040-00240567-00240939 about usually 11 to noon. And then I'd run oLe7pbyUxEM-01041-00240939-00241341 to my restaurant job and work from about oLe7pbyUxEM-01042-00241452-00241938 four to 10 or 11 not kind of buffer not oLe7pbyUxEM-01043-00241938-00242205 counting close. So Lancer was my escape. oLe7pbyUxEM-01044-00242238-00242567 Lancer was the thing that I could write. A oLe7pbyUxEM-01045-00242567-00242706 lot of stuff got left on the cutting room oLe7pbyUxEM-01046-00242706-00242798 floor because there'd be a lot of oLe7pbyUxEM-01047-00242798-00243069 frustrations right into it. But it was oLe7pbyUxEM-01048-00243069-00243486 also my place to to continue one of the oLe7pbyUxEM-01049-00243486-00243596 things that I wanted to do, which is oLe7pbyUxEM-01050-00243596-00244092 right. Narrative fiction, and if I could oLe7pbyUxEM-01051-00244092-00244341 do it anywhere. Lancer seemed like a good oLe7pbyUxEM-01052-00244341-00244554 bet because, you know, I was working on it oLe7pbyUxEM-01053-00244554-00244782 with a friend of mine. Tom oLe7pbyUxEM-01054-00244967-00245169 Amelia Antrim: Yeah, these are friends. oLe7pbyUxEM-01055-00245355-00245562 That Tom guy I don't know. I know oLe7pbyUxEM-01056-00245652-00245996 Miguel Lopez: that all the time. So I love oLe7pbyUxEM-01057-00246000-00246167 But I oLe7pbyUxEM-01058-00246327-00246501 so it was basically it was my escape it oLe7pbyUxEM-01059-00246501-00246636 was my refuge it was the thing that I oLe7pbyUxEM-01060-00246636-00246828 could work on to feel like a human being. oLe7pbyUxEM-01061-00246939-00247169 My my radio job was was great and I cared oLe7pbyUxEM-01062-00247169-00247503 deeply about it, but it was incredibly oLe7pbyUxEM-01063-00247503-00247776 difficult. And it was all it was for a oLe7pbyUxEM-01064-00247776-00247830 news. oLe7pbyUxEM-01065-00247875-00248042 Tom Parkinson Morgan: They never was oLe7pbyUxEM-01066-00248042-00248123 crazy. Yeah. oLe7pbyUxEM-01067-00248148-00248412 Miguel Lopez: I was working working oLe7pbyUxEM-01068-00248571-00248925 for not a lot of money. paid for. Yeah. oLe7pbyUxEM-01069-00248961-00249351 For a second. Yeah, but Oh boy. So so it oLe7pbyUxEM-01070-00249351-00249398 was tough. oLe7pbyUxEM-01071-00249528-00249711 That was tough. And then Food Services is oLe7pbyUxEM-01072-00249711-00249852 food service. I mean, solidarity with oLe7pbyUxEM-01073-00249852-00249992 everyone out there punching the clock on oLe7pbyUxEM-01074-00249992-00250158 that I've worked that I've worked in oLe7pbyUxEM-01075-00250158-00250448 various restaurants ever since. All oLe7pbyUxEM-01076-00250448-00250644 through college, basically, and a little oLe7pbyUxEM-01077-00250644-00251004 bit in high school too. And it was you oLe7pbyUxEM-01078-00251004-00251235 know, it's hard to to to interact with oLe7pbyUxEM-01079-00251235-00251573 people while you're doing work that people oLe7pbyUxEM-01080-00251573-00252063 think is unskilled and labor was a place oLe7pbyUxEM-01081-00252063-00252252 that I could write out my frustrations, oLe7pbyUxEM-01082-00252285-00252684 with capitalism, with everything that I oLe7pbyUxEM-01083-00252684-00252957 saw on the news every day with everything oLe7pbyUxEM-01084-00253140-00253506 that made life hard for myself and for oLe7pbyUxEM-01085-00253506-00253737 people that I loved. And it was also a way oLe7pbyUxEM-01086-00253737-00254010 to write in that hope, you know, what does oLe7pbyUxEM-01087-00254010-00254325 a better world look like? What does an oLe7pbyUxEM-01088-00254325-00254475 optimistic and I know I said, it's not oLe7pbyUxEM-01089-00254475-00254604 optimistic, but hopeful. But what does the oLe7pbyUxEM-01090-00254661-00254973 future look like? Even one you know that oLe7pbyUxEM-01091-00254973-00255228 that is that is undeniably sort of couched oLe7pbyUxEM-01092-00255228-00255435 in a lot of fears and anxieties that I oLe7pbyUxEM-01093-00255435-00255729 think that I have about the present world oLe7pbyUxEM-01094-00255729-00255939 and then I think a lot of folks have about oLe7pbyUxEM-01095-00255939-00256278 the present world. Lancer, in the early oLe7pbyUxEM-01096-00256278-00256491 days, tend to bring this oLe7pbyUxEM-01097-00256491-00256542 Tom Parkinson Morgan: up. It's a real oLe7pbyUxEM-01098-00256542-00256731 millennial. It's a real millennial RPG oLe7pbyUxEM-01099-00256731-00256911 ism. It's pretty terrible. Yeah, I yeah. I oLe7pbyUxEM-01100-00256911-00256926 mean, oLe7pbyUxEM-01101-00256926-00257034 Miguel Lopez: yes. Yeah. oLe7pbyUxEM-01102-00257196-00257436 Yeah. So in the early days, it was it was oLe7pbyUxEM-01103-00257436-00257634 very much like it was it was it was oLe7pbyUxEM-01104-00257634-00257859 writing, writing at the mouth of a fire oLe7pbyUxEM-01105-00257859-00258057 hose, you know, like, it was actually Very oLe7pbyUxEM-01106-00258057-00258303 easy to write although it was not healthy, oLe7pbyUxEM-01107-00258306-00258519 I should have been sleeping. You know, I oLe7pbyUxEM-01108-00258519-00258765 should have been hydrating and going to oLe7pbyUxEM-01109-00258765-00258996 the gym or going outside, but I would oLe7pbyUxEM-01110-00258996-00259359 spend time writing Lancer instead. And and oLe7pbyUxEM-01111-00259359-00259619 I think the fact that both of us didn't oLe7pbyUxEM-01112-00259619-00259881 treat it as a project, but we treated it oLe7pbyUxEM-01113-00259881-00260448 as as as a hobby and as you know, a shared oLe7pbyUxEM-01114-00260448-00260775 labor of love until we we sort of realized oLe7pbyUxEM-01115-00260778-00260958 over the course of a couple conversations oLe7pbyUxEM-01116-00261036-00261600 towards the end of 2018 I want to say that oLe7pbyUxEM-01117-00261600-00261969 we actually had something that we had a oLe7pbyUxEM-01118-00261969-00262413 following and we had a little bit of time oLe7pbyUxEM-01119-00262512-00262749 to to try and make it be more than a oLe7pbyUxEM-01120-00262749-00263181 hobby. So I you know, I don't know I like oLe7pbyUxEM-01121-00263184-00263586 I hate to say that the process of writing oLe7pbyUxEM-01122-00263586-00264000 Lancer was one that was just a process oLe7pbyUxEM-01123-00264000-00264258 perseverance and grinding at it. Because oLe7pbyUxEM-01124-00264258-00264399 as someone who like there's oLe7pbyUxEM-01125-00264402-00264510 Amelia Antrim: something to be said for oLe7pbyUxEM-01126-00264510-00264645 that, though, because I think that that's oLe7pbyUxEM-01127-00264648-00264831 a thing that I've started getting out of oLe7pbyUxEM-01128-00264834-00265053 the projects that the couple of projects oLe7pbyUxEM-01129-00265053-00265335 that I've been working on is this like. So oLe7pbyUxEM-01130-00265335-00265557 like, obviously, if you have an MFA, like oLe7pbyUxEM-01131-00265557-00265710 you're very passionate about writing and oLe7pbyUxEM-01132-00265710-00265851 those kinds of part, like you don't do oLe7pbyUxEM-01133-00265851-00266049 that kind of thing, unless you are really oLe7pbyUxEM-01134-00266049-00266415 super into it. And I think, like, some of oLe7pbyUxEM-01135-00266415-00266565 what I've found that I'm getting out of oLe7pbyUxEM-01136-00266565-00266814 mine is like, I have a degree in political oLe7pbyUxEM-01137-00266814-00267210 science. Yeah, my job is, like, uses some oLe7pbyUxEM-01138-00267210-00267438 of those skills, but it doesn't deal with oLe7pbyUxEM-01139-00267438-00267615 like the politics part of it. But like, I oLe7pbyUxEM-01140-00267615-00267801 started doing like world building projects oLe7pbyUxEM-01141-00267801-00267960 and have pulled out like all of my oLe7pbyUxEM-01142-00267960-00268149 political science books to be like, okay, oLe7pbyUxEM-01143-00268149-00268281 here's what the government structure looks oLe7pbyUxEM-01144-00268281-00268437 like, and how these things interact. And oLe7pbyUxEM-01145-00268437-00268608 it's like, these are things that I'm oLe7pbyUxEM-01146-00268608-00268833 really passionate about, but I don't get oLe7pbyUxEM-01147-00268860-00269079 to deal with in my regular life. And so oLe7pbyUxEM-01148-00269163-00269367 part of that hobby, too, is just like, Oh, oLe7pbyUxEM-01149-00269370-00269556 right. These are things that I really love oLe7pbyUxEM-01150-00269559-00269799 and wants to participate in. oLe7pbyUxEM-01151-00269802-00269931 Tom Parkinson Morgan: Here's the problem. oLe7pbyUxEM-01152-00269934-00270216 Here's the problem. Is that I think oLe7pbyUxEM-01153-00270216-00270351 everyone that comes through a project with oLe7pbyUxEM-01154-00270351-00270618 this comes through out of passion. But oLe7pbyUxEM-01155-00270624-00270849 also there is a certain amount of oLe7pbyUxEM-01156-00270849-00271014 discipline you have to have about to make oLe7pbyUxEM-01157-00271014-00271191 a project like this, especially when the oLe7pbyUxEM-01158-00271191-00271395 slight edge, I think a lot of people fall oLe7pbyUxEM-01159-00271395-00271557 off and passion kind of exits the oLe7pbyUxEM-01160-00271557-00271860 situation and it becomes work. And, and oLe7pbyUxEM-01161-00271860-00272022 that's where the perseverance that McGill oLe7pbyUxEM-01162-00272022-00272226 is talking about actually does become very oLe7pbyUxEM-01163-00272226-00272661 important. But the huge one of the huge oLe7pbyUxEM-01164-00272661-00272799 things that kept us motivated, I guess, oLe7pbyUxEM-01165-00272799-00273126 was the fact that like, today, you can do oLe7pbyUxEM-01166-00273126-00273345 a thing you know, like, like work on a oLe7pbyUxEM-01167-00273345-00273525 game by yourself, take it to Kickstarter oLe7pbyUxEM-01168-00273525-00273732 and publish yourself with no intermediary. oLe7pbyUxEM-01169-00273780-00273984 And so there is no gatekeeping doesn't oLe7pbyUxEM-01170-00273984-00274353 exist. So you you're able to actually take oLe7pbyUxEM-01171-00274353-00274536 a project to completion. If you want to do oLe7pbyUxEM-01172-00274536-00274839 that. It's It's not easy to do. But the oLe7pbyUxEM-01173-00274842-00275019 venue been open for you is like a it's oLe7pbyUxEM-01174-00275019-00275190 like, it's always been a huge motivating oLe7pbyUxEM-01175-00275190-00275457 factor for me personally, that I can take oLe7pbyUxEM-01176-00275457-00275601 ideas that I have and turn them into oLe7pbyUxEM-01177-00275601-00275868 something that can become finished and oLe7pbyUxEM-01178-00275868-00276000 complete and people will participate. oLe7pbyUxEM-01179-00276000-00276261 reading stuff is like a massive motivating oLe7pbyUxEM-01180-00276261-00276573 factor for me. And it largely because of oLe7pbyUxEM-01181-00276573-00276687 the internet, I don't think you would have oLe7pbyUxEM-01182-00276687-00276951 this kind of, you know, flourishing of the oLe7pbyUxEM-01183-00276951-00277269 indie RPG scene that you see today. If oLe7pbyUxEM-01184-00277269-00277536 like a site like itch, itch didn't exist, oLe7pbyUxEM-01185-00277578-00277644 for example. oLe7pbyUxEM-01186-00277677-00277938 Miguel Lopez: Yeah, I think that to to oLe7pbyUxEM-01187-00277938-00278160 echo what Tom said, one of the things that oLe7pbyUxEM-01188-00278160-00278304 came around to to is there's there's a oLe7pbyUxEM-01189-00278304-00278472 certain amount of discipline that you need oLe7pbyUxEM-01190-00278472-00278838 and I think that that you know, to work oLe7pbyUxEM-01191-00278841-00279234 through when it's difficult or the oLe7pbyUxEM-01192-00279234-00279516 discipline to come back to something after oLe7pbyUxEM-01193-00279516-00279705 you've set it aside for a little while. oLe7pbyUxEM-01194-00279720-00280128 It's hard. Yeah, and and I you know, I oLe7pbyUxEM-01195-00280128-00280155 don't oLe7pbyUxEM-01196-00280374-00280485 Amelia Antrim: learn skill like it's a oLe7pbyUxEM-01197-00280485-00280695 life it's a life skill like same as like oLe7pbyUxEM-01198-00280695-00280851 time management or Yeah, like that. The oLe7pbyUxEM-01199-00280851-00281007 thing that you have to practice oLe7pbyUxEM-01200-00281085-00281205 Tom Parkinson Morgan: it's it's very cool. oLe7pbyUxEM-01201-00281216-00281372 Miguel Lopez: Yeah, yeah. I think if you oLe7pbyUxEM-01202-00281372-00281627 if you really do it, and and as your you oLe7pbyUxEM-01203-00281627-00281657 know, oLe7pbyUxEM-01204-00281802-00282303 the best advice that I hated to hear that oLe7pbyUxEM-01205-00282303-00282642 I've heard from every one who's finished a oLe7pbyUxEM-01206-00282642-00282918 project is the only way to do a thing is oLe7pbyUxEM-01207-00282918-00283257 just to do it. And it's a, you know, like, oLe7pbyUxEM-01208-00283290-00283641 it's hard to hear that. As someone who I oLe7pbyUxEM-01209-00283641-00283872 write, I tend to write more passionate, oLe7pbyUxEM-01210-00283872-00284163 focused. And disciplined is hard for me. oLe7pbyUxEM-01211-00284223-00284388 The discipline to return to a thing over oLe7pbyUxEM-01212-00284388-00284589 and over and over and push through when oLe7pbyUxEM-01213-00284589-00284733 it's difficult. I'm actually I'm oLe7pbyUxEM-01214-00284733-00284916 experiencing that now. I was just talking oLe7pbyUxEM-01215-00284916-00285177 about that today with a friend of mine oLe7pbyUxEM-01216-00285180-00285432 about current stuff or Lancer current oLe7pbyUxEM-01217-00285432-00285795 narrative stuff. But Dang it, the only way oLe7pbyUxEM-01218-00285795-00286131 to do something is to do it. Yeah, that's oLe7pbyUxEM-01219-00286131-00286485 true. Yeah. Yep. And people really have to oLe7pbyUxEM-01220-00286485-00286674 have a community to find a community and oLe7pbyUxEM-01221-00286698-00286926 have other other folks, whether it's on oLe7pbyUxEM-01222-00286926-00287217 the creative side or on the on the reader oLe7pbyUxEM-01223-00287217-00287463 side, that's one of the best things to do. oLe7pbyUxEM-01224-00287478-00287643 Yeah. And if you can't find that oLe7pbyUxEM-01225-00287643-00287826 community, to do what you can to try and oLe7pbyUxEM-01226-00287826-00287997 create it, I think is also very helpful. oLe7pbyUxEM-01227-00288024-00288144 Tom Parkinson Morgan: People often asked oLe7pbyUxEM-01228-00288144-00288330 me like how do you how'd you get how'd you oLe7pbyUxEM-01229-00288330-00288465 get into comics? Like how do you practice oLe7pbyUxEM-01230-00288465-00288588 comics and like publish comics oLe7pbyUxEM-01231-00288588-00288750 professionally? And how did you get the oLe7pbyUxEM-01232-00288750-00289170 point? You're like, well, I'm about 180 oLe7pbyUxEM-01233-00289170-00289422 pages in my comic right now. Because oLe7pbyUxEM-01234-00289514-00289619 that's how you were maybe a oLe7pbyUxEM-01235-00289685-00289808 Miguel Lopez: maybe a decade before and oLe7pbyUxEM-01236-00289808-00289997 yeah, that's how that's how you get good oLe7pbyUxEM-01237-00290226-00290283 yeah, oLe7pbyUxEM-01238-00290334-00290418 Tom Parkinson Morgan: that's pretty much oLe7pbyUxEM-01239-00290418-00290550 it. So the stuff oLe7pbyUxEM-01240-00290574-00290625 Ryan Boelter: that's awesome oLe7pbyUxEM-01241-00290769-00290904 Miguel Lopez: but that's a good thing is oLe7pbyUxEM-01242-00290904-00291165 that Sorry, sorry. To end on an optimistic oLe7pbyUxEM-01243-00291165-00291417 note that's I think that's that's the good oLe7pbyUxEM-01244-00291417-00291567 thing right is that it's not hard I mean, oLe7pbyUxEM-01245-00291567-00291819 the advice that you need to hear the tools oLe7pbyUxEM-01246-00291822-00292062 he had some some particularly difficult oLe7pbyUxEM-01247-00292062-00292236 there's no like course that you need to oLe7pbyUxEM-01248-00292236-00292401 buy there's no book that's going to teach oLe7pbyUxEM-01249-00292401-00292623 you how to be a good writer right? I mean, oLe7pbyUxEM-01250-00292623-00292812 read obviously read because reading makes oLe7pbyUxEM-01251-00292812-00293097 you a better a better writer, I think. But oLe7pbyUxEM-01252-00293097-00293499 but there's no secrets that the is there oLe7pbyUxEM-01253-00293502-00293697 no secret to unlock. It's just yeah, just oLe7pbyUxEM-01254-00293697-00293844 do it. The legendary oLe7pbyUxEM-01255-00293847-00293997 Amelia Antrim: barrier to entry is yeah oLe7pbyUxEM-01256-00294000-00294234 lower than it has ever been, I think oLe7pbyUxEM-01257-00294237-00294372 Miguel Lopez: Yeah, yeah. I mean, oLe7pbyUxEM-01258-00294408-00294558 Tom Parkinson Morgan: yeah, the legendary oLe7pbyUxEM-01259-00294558-00294939 Bob Ross said that talent is applied oLe7pbyUxEM-01260-00294939-00295029 experience, oLe7pbyUxEM-01261-00295143-00295218 Miguel Lopez: which is true. oLe7pbyUxEM-01262-00295293-00295401 Tom Parkinson Morgan: So you know, just oLe7pbyUxEM-01263-00295413-00295536 just keep at it, whatever you're doing. oLe7pbyUxEM-01264-00295641-00295749 You get there eventually. oLe7pbyUxEM-01265-00296253-00296346 Amelia Antrim: Thank you for joining us oLe7pbyUxEM-01266-00296346-00296529 for part one of this character creation oLe7pbyUxEM-01267-00296529-00296775 series. We'll be back in part two picking oLe7pbyUxEM-01268-00296775-00296895 up right where we left off. oLe7pbyUxEM-01269-00296934-00297105 Ryan Boelter: Character Creation Cast is a oLe7pbyUxEM-01270-00297105-00297357 production of the one shot Podcast Network oLe7pbyUxEM-01271-00297360-00297624 and can be found online at www dot oLe7pbyUxEM-01272-00297624-00297915 Character Creation Cast calm, head to the oLe7pbyUxEM-01273-00297915-00298101 website to get more information on our oLe7pbyUxEM-01274-00298101-00298383 hosts this show and even our press kit. oLe7pbyUxEM-01275-00298404-00298626 Character Creation Cast can also be found oLe7pbyUxEM-01276-00298626-00298947 on Twitter at Creation Cast Born on our oLe7pbyUxEM-01277-00298947-00299187 Discord server at discord Character oLe7pbyUxEM-01278-00299187-00299520 Creation i one of your hosts, oLe7pbyUxEM-01279-00299523-00299793 Ryan bolter, and I can be found on twitter oLe7pbyUxEM-01280-00299793-00300099 at Lord Neptune or on my At lordan Neptune oLe7pbyUxEM-01281-00300102-00300408 calm. Our other host Emily antrum can be oLe7pbyUxEM-01282-00300408-00300654 found on twitter at ginger reckoning. oLe7pbyUxEM-01283-00300687-00300888 Music for this episode is used with a oLe7pbyUxEM-01284-00300888-00301107 Creative Commons license, or with oLe7pbyUxEM-01285-00301107-00301266 permission from the podcast they oLe7pbyUxEM-01286-00301266-00301503 originated from. Further information can oLe7pbyUxEM-01287-00301503-00301737 be found within the show notes. Our main oLe7pbyUxEM-01288-00301737-00302043 theme music is hero remix by Steve combs, oLe7pbyUxEM-01289-00302067-00302232 and it's used with a Creative Commons oLe7pbyUxEM-01290-00302232-00302535 license. This podcast is owned by us under oLe7pbyUxEM-01291-00302535-00302811 Creative Commons. This episode was edited oLe7pbyUxEM-01292-00302811-00303111 by Ryan boltar. Further information for oLe7pbyUxEM-01293-00303111-00303339 the game systems used and today's guests oLe7pbyUxEM-01294-00303339-00303570 can be found in the show notes. If you'd oLe7pbyUxEM-01295-00303570-00303780 like to leave us a rating or review. We oLe7pbyUxEM-01296-00303780-00304035 have links to various review platforms out oLe7pbyUxEM-01297-00304035-00304299 there including Apple podcasts in our show oLe7pbyUxEM-01298-00304299-00304560 notes. Also, check the show notes for oLe7pbyUxEM-01299-00304560-00304776 links to our other projects. Thanks for oLe7pbyUxEM-01300-00304776-00305007 joining us. Remember, we find that the oLe7pbyUxEM-01301-00305007-00305241 best part of any role playing game is oLe7pbyUxEM-01302-00305241-00305469 character creation. So go out there and oLe7pbyUxEM-01303-00305469-00305703 create some amazing people. We will see oLe7pbyUxEM-01304-00305703-00305781 you next time. oM16tmeNZUc-00000-00000049-00000239 (BBOM) oM16tmeNZUc-00001-00000242-00000481 [CHICA BBOM SHOPPING] oM16tmeNZUc-00002-00000518-00000672 (This video contains exaggerated advertising and false advertising) oM16tmeNZUc-00003-00000675-00000833 (If you tend to take jokes seriously, viewer discretion is advised) oM16tmeNZUc-00004-00000907-00001122 It will heat up this winter oM16tmeNZUc-00005-00001124-00001242 Pink seduction! oM16tmeNZUc-00006-00001290-00001442 The first and last oM16tmeNZUc-00007-00001445-00001610 stylish shopping show oM16tmeNZUc-00008-00001612-00001766 "CHICA BBOM SHOPPING" oM16tmeNZUc-00009-00001870-00002010 As sweet as strawberry milk, oM16tmeNZUc-00010-00002010-00002144 (Sweet) (Cutie) the reincarnation of Cutie Honey, oM16tmeNZUc-00011-00002223-00002326 (Reincarnation of Cutie Honey) it's Simeez oM16tmeNZUc-00012-00002669-00002833 A Latina on stage oM16tmeNZUc-00013-00002835-00003001 and an angel off stage oM16tmeNZUc-00014-00003021-00003099 (V) (V) oM16tmeNZUc-00015-00003102-00003237 (Latina angel) It's Rian oM16tmeNZUc-00016-00003531-00003661 Unwavering calmness oM16tmeNZUc-00017-00003672-00003866 with hidden dark intentions oM16tmeNZUc-00018-00003897-00003953 (Mysterious) (Mysterious) oM16tmeNZUc-00019-00003959-00004054 (Buddha DNA) It's H_1 oM16tmeNZUc-00020-00004394-00004663 The volume that will dilate your pupils oM16tmeNZUc-00021-00004940-00005209 The volume that will hit your eardrums hard oM16tmeNZUc-00022-00005435-00005591 The street energetic fighters oM16tmeNZUc-00023-00005602-00005705 (The "Hey" preacher) It's Gabee oM16tmeNZUc-00024-00005709-00005809 (The "aegyo" genius) and Peanut oM16tmeNZUc-00025-00006008-00006158 It begins now! oM16tmeNZUc-00026-00006871-00007036 Hi, everyone oM16tmeNZUc-00027-00007051-00007212 (Hey!) We're today's show hosts oM16tmeNZUc-00028-00007215-00007428 - Gabee - And Peanut oM16tmeNZUc-00029-00007430-00007630 You've waited a very long time oM16tmeNZUc-00030-00007633-00007833 We have brought amazing items oM16tmeNZUc-00031-00007835-00008212 that will upgrade your style this winter oM16tmeNZUc-00032-00008224-00008529 (Up!) The Lachica merch line-up! oM16tmeNZUc-00033-00008531-00008804 (Dun-dun!) We will reveal them now oM16tmeNZUc-00034-00008842-00008995 It's coming up on the screen oM16tmeNZUc-00035-00008997-00009190 (Product lineup) Sold exclusively on the oround app, oM16tmeNZUc-00036-00009192-00009446 the first Lachica item is oM16tmeNZUc-00037-00009474-00009740 (Stay hip and hot this winter!) the comfortable Lachica hoodie oM16tmeNZUc-00038-00009743-00009905 in seven different designs oM16tmeNZUc-00039-00009930-00010033 suitable for men and women of all ages oM16tmeNZUc-00040-00010037-00010380 The second item is the two types of Lachica "HEY" slides oM16tmeNZUc-00041-00010383-00010623 (Walk confidently indoors and outdoors) that will make your feet hip oM16tmeNZUc-00042-00010625-00010973 What is the beauty of home shopping? oM16tmeNZUc-00043-00011016-00011192 Giveaway events! oM16tmeNZUc-00044-00011194-00011277 Events oM16tmeNZUc-00045-00011350-00011550 The giveaway prizes oM16tmeNZUc-00046-00011571-00011706 (Giveaway prize reveal!) that we have prepared is... oM16tmeNZUc-00047-00011723-00011920 Is... Is... oM16tmeNZUc-00048-00012119-00012183 (Shh!) It's a secret oM16tmeNZUc-00049-00012216-00012270 What? oM16tmeNZUc-00050-00012279-00012515 Let's not ruin the surprise oM16tmeNZUc-00051-00012517-00012702 We can't tell you when it'll be revealed or what it is yet! oM16tmeNZUc-00052-00012705-00012879 But we will reveal the events oM16tmeNZUc-00053-00012881-00013204 in the middle of the show here and there oM16tmeNZUc-00054-00013226-00013335 so don't skip oM16tmeNZUc-00055-00013337-00013537 (Stay tuned) Watch until the end oM16tmeNZUc-00056-00013541-00013737 (Of course) oM16tmeNZUc-00057-00013740-00013988 There is another reason you shouldn't miss this broadcast! oM16tmeNZUc-00058-00014000-00014091 What is it? oM16tmeNZUc-00059-00014094-00014204 (Curious) oM16tmeNZUc-00060-00014206-00014347 (Lachica merch reveal!) Because this is the world's first! oM16tmeNZUc-00061-00014377-00014561 O-o-o-o-o-h! oM16tmeNZUc-00062-00014569-00014865 The world's first reveal of Lachica merch oM16tmeNZUc-00063-00014867-00014948 One more thing! oM16tmeNZUc-00064-00014950-00015240 We have invited super famous celebrities oM16tmeNZUc-00065-00015242-00015565 (Special guests standing by!) for this broadcast oM16tmeNZUc-00066-00015639-00015803 Our first guest is the designer oM16tmeNZUc-00067-00015810-00016095 (Master designer) that created all of our merch one by one oM16tmeNZUc-00068-00016098-00016341 It's our merch designer Ms. Hyewon Kim oM16tmeNZUc-00069-00016357-00016595 Thank you for being here today oM16tmeNZUc-00070-00016598-00016798 (Merch master Hyewon Kim!) oM16tmeNZUc-00071-00016862-00016954 It's an honor oM16tmeNZUc-00072-00016989-00017302 (Stylish!) And our two stylish top models oM16tmeNZUc-00073-00017305-00017621 Rian and Simeez oM16tmeNZUc-00074-00017637-00018057 [Gabee] They're super busy with their gigs in Paris, but they've joined us today oM16tmeNZUc-00075-00018058-00018312 For active communication with you all oM16tmeNZUc-00076-00018314-00018597 (Friendly) we have a representative oM16tmeNZUc-00077-00018600-00018841 who will answer all of your questions with a gentle smile oM16tmeNZUc-00078-00018846-00019031 (She's quite but hilarious) (CHICA BBOM SHOPPING representative) oM16tmeNZUc-00079-00019034-00019354 Don't miss the abundant products and fun oM16tmeNZUc-00080-00019357-00019515 (If you miss it, it's your loss!) prepared by Lachica! oM16tmeNZUc-00081-00019535-00019865 (Stay hip and hot this winter!) (Seven types of Lachica hoodies) oM16tmeNZUc-00082-00019867-00020077 Sold exclusively on the oround app, oM16tmeNZUc-00083-00020081-00020178 (Coming soon!) the Lachica merch! oM16tmeNZUc-00084-00020181-00020330 The first product is oM16tmeNZUc-00085-00020332-00020634 the Lachica hoodie in seven different designs oM16tmeNZUc-00086-00020636-00020858 that will help you stay hip and hot this winter oM16tmeNZUc-00087-00020860-00020952 (S-boom) oM16tmeNZUc-00088-00020954-00021236 Why do we recommend Lachica hoodies? oM16tmeNZUc-00089-00021238-00021371 The first reason oM16tmeNZUc-00090-00021390-00021488 Dun-dun! oM16tmeNZUc-00091-00021493-00021776 You can't take away this warmth oM16tmeNZUc-00092-00021814-00021978 (So warm) It's so warm oM16tmeNZUc-00093-00021984-00022218 Warm fleece lining oM16tmeNZUc-00094-00022229-00022429 (Soft) [Peanut] The lining oM16tmeNZUc-00095-00022525-00022784 is very soft and warm oM16tmeNZUc-00096-00022786-00022903 It feels so... oM16tmeNZUc-00097-00022956-00023097 It feels like a baby's skin oM16tmeNZUc-00098-00023100-00023256 It's warm like my mom's hug oM16tmeNZUc-00099-00023359-00023477 [Peanut] She's in her mom's arms right now oM16tmeNZUc-00100-00023490-00023690 I've never worn anything snugger than this oM16tmeNZUc-00101-00023801-00023996 We've been introducing these hoodies oM16tmeNZUc-00102-00024014-00024205 for only a few minutes oM16tmeNZUc-00103-00024208-00024389 but inquiry calls are flooding in oM16tmeNZUc-00104-00024436-00024524 (Ring-ring! Ring-ring!) My goodness! oM16tmeNZUc-00105-00024526-00024687 Calls are flooding in, aren't they? oM16tmeNZUc-00106-00024690-00024914 (Rushing) (Quickly(?) answering calls) oM16tmeNZUc-00107-00024916-00025108 She can't put the receiver down oM16tmeNZUc-00108-00025110-00025296 (Let's hear it) What kind of questions are they asking? oM16tmeNZUc-00109-00025298-00025533 They're asking various questions oM16tmeNZUc-00110-00025545-00025842 "Does the fleece lining get too hot?" oM16tmeNZUc-00111-00025844-00025896 Not at all! oM16tmeNZUc-00112-00025899-00026066 "How does it feel when you wear it?" oM16tmeNZUc-00113-00026069-00026239 (Great feel!) (Great comfort!) [H_1] A lot of questions oM16tmeNZUc-00114-00026242-00026359 about how comfortable it is oM16tmeNZUc-00115-00026370-00026545 You may think oM16tmeNZUc-00116-00026548-00026710 that fleece lining will get too hot oM16tmeNZUc-00117-00026712-00027031 and that it will get damp when you sweat oM16tmeNZUc-00118-00027033-00027110 But! oM16tmeNZUc-00119-00027152-00027264 Dun-dun! oM16tmeNZUc-00120-00027286-00027611 There is another reason you shouldn't miss these Lachica hoodies oM16tmeNZUc-00121-00027614-00027728 (Wow! There's another reason?!) oM16tmeNZUc-00122-00027754-00028019 The Lachica hoodies oM16tmeNZUc-00123-00028022-00028196 are made with DRY fabric oM16tmeNZUc-00124-00028211-00028450 It can perfectly wick moisture oM16tmeNZUc-00125-00028455-00028648 And it's waterproof oM16tmeNZUc-00126-00028682-00028828 Ho! oM16tmeNZUc-00127-00028830-00028997 Can I go into the water in this hoodie? oM16tmeNZUc-00128-00028999-00029139 Like a swimsuit? oM16tmeNZUc-00129-00029141-00029234 Hahaha oM16tmeNZUc-00130-00029236-00029341 Should we go right now? oM16tmeNZUc-00131-00029344-00029409 (LOL) oM16tmeNZUc-00132-00029412-00029468 This feels like a scam... oM16tmeNZUc-00133-00029472-00029583 (This video contains exaggerated advertising and false advertising) oM16tmeNZUc-00134-00029585-00029668 Lastly, the third reason! oM16tmeNZUc-00135-00029671-00029813 Dun-dun! oM16tmeNZUc-00136-00029815-00030015 Excellent breathability oM16tmeNZUc-00137-00030096-00030300 Let's ask our designer oM16tmeNZUc-00138-00030302-00030375 (Fiddle fiddle) to tell us oM16tmeNZUc-00139-00030385-00030579 more about the fabric oM16tmeNZUc-00140-00030582-00030764 (Designer Hyewon Kim is back) oM16tmeNZUc-00141-00030769-00030897 O-o-o-o-o-h! oM16tmeNZUc-00142-00030904-00031091 Designer Kim oM16tmeNZUc-00143-00031097-00031259 She looks familiar, right? oM16tmeNZUc-00144-00031264-00031443 Yes, but I don't know why oM16tmeNZUc-00145-00031504-00031916 I heard that you had strongly recommended this fabric oM16tmeNZUc-00146-00031927-00032186 Why did you insist on using DRY fabric? oM16tmeNZUc-00147-00032230-00032520 We like to stay warm but not too hot oM16tmeNZUc-00148-00032525-00032812 (Designer Hyewon Kim's masterpieces♥) That was the most important factor oM16tmeNZUc-00149-00032868-00032964 You look beautiful oM16tmeNZUc-00150-00032967-00033278 (Endless praise) These hoodies are so fresh oM16tmeNZUc-00151-00033280-00033575 Thank you for designing such wonderful hoodies oM16tmeNZUc-00152-00033577-00033781 Even when you sweat oM16tmeNZUc-00153-00033783-00033888 it's very breathable oM16tmeNZUc-00154-00033890-00034084 I'm going to go swimming oM16tmeNZUc-00155-00034086-00034235 (This video contains exaggerated advertising) (LOL) oM16tmeNZUc-00156-00034238-00034330 (and false advertising) Is it waterproof? oM16tmeNZUc-00157-00034332-00034509 Umm... It's... oM16tmeNZUc-00158-00034512-00034700 (Splash resistant, yes/Swimsuit, no) It's waterproof but suitable for swimming oM16tmeNZUc-00159-00034707-00034891 I don't lie oM16tmeNZUc-00160-00034894-00035104 (Honest designer Hyewon Kim!) How wonderful oM16tmeNZUc-00161-00035106-00035216 You're incredible, Ms. Kim oM16tmeNZUc-00162-00035218-00035418 (DRY fabric was a great choice!) Thank you for using DRY fabric oM16tmeNZUc-00163-00035421-00035695 We will test how comfortable oM16tmeNZUc-00164-00035697-00035911 DRY fabric can be oM16tmeNZUc-00165-00035931-00036202 (Real-time experiment!) It's a store-bought fleece hoodie oM16tmeNZUc-00166-00036231-00036622 Simeez will wear the store-bought hoodie oM16tmeNZUc-00167-00036661-00036971 Rian will keep wearing the Lachica hoodie oM16tmeNZUc-00168-00037022-00037522 They will work up a sweat and see how comfortable they feel in each hoodie oM16tmeNZUc-00169-00037525-00037629 Got it! oM16tmeNZUc-00170-00037631-00037703 (Let's work up a sweat) oM16tmeNZUc-00171-00037705-00037843 Does this pay a lot? oM16tmeNZUc-00172-00037853-00037942 Hahahaha oM16tmeNZUc-00173-00037944-00038074 [CHICA BBOM SHOPPING] oM16tmeNZUc-00174-00038076-00038395 We'll check the effect of DRY fabric in just a bit oM16tmeNZUc-00175-00038417-00038605 - [Peanut] Let's continue - [Gabee] Yes oM16tmeNZUc-00176-00038608-00038685 (GO!) oM16tmeNZUc-00177-00038766-00038968 Are you sweating or not? oM16tmeNZUc-00178-00038970-00039179 Hahahaha oM16tmeNZUc-00179-00039183-00039485 ("The Girl Who Leapt Through Time" Rian) oM16tmeNZUc-00180-00039524-00039624 (Passing through!) oM16tmeNZUc-00181-00039626-00039805 Hahahaha oM16tmeNZUc-00182-00039837-00040091 (LOL) oM16tmeNZUc-00183-00040093-00040182 (The passionate model Rian is calming down) oM16tmeNZUc-00184-00040185-00040419 (Seven types of Lachica hoodies) There are different options oM16tmeNZUc-00185-00040422-00040824 The first design is the Lachica varsity logo hoodie in white oM16tmeNZUc-00186-00040827-00040932 Isn't it cute? oM16tmeNZUc-00187-00040936-00041139 (Still working up a sweat) This is a classic and cute color oM16tmeNZUc-00188-00041142-00041280 Rian, can we see how it fits? oM16tmeNZUc-00189-00041341-00041516 (Flashy appearance) oM16tmeNZUc-00190-00041524-00041693 Can you do a more innocent pose? oM16tmeNZUc-00191-00041695-00041831 (High anticipation) [Gabee] Because it's the color of milk oM16tmeNZUc-00192-00041912-00042281 Those who want to appear more innocent and clean oM16tmeNZUc-00193-00042283-00042567 Or those who want to be the campus goddess of 2022! oM16tmeNZUc-00194-00042569-00042742 We recommend the simple yet stylish oM16tmeNZUc-00195-00042754-00043033 (Pure white color of milk) white hoodie oM16tmeNZUc-00196-00043035-00043133 It's pure white oM16tmeNZUc-00197-00043137-00043223 You can go back oM16tmeNZUc-00198-00043281-00043400 - Back to perspiring - Oh, okay oM16tmeNZUc-00199-00043507-00043683 We just showed you the pure white hoodie oM16tmeNZUc-00200-00043685-00043943 Next, we'll show you the charismatic black hoodie oM16tmeNZUc-00201-00043959-00044066 (Still working up a sweat) We have one type of black hoodie oM16tmeNZUc-00202-00044069-00044452 that has the Lachica varsity logo oM16tmeNZUc-00203-00044455-00044692 This logo is so stylish oM16tmeNZUc-00204-00044762-00044973 And we have another type of black hoodie, oM16tmeNZUc-00205-00044975-00045120 the Lachica puzzle hoodie, oM16tmeNZUc-00206-00045126-00045374 that our representative is wearing oM16tmeNZUc-00207-00045401-00045678 I'm wearing this black hoodie in size 2XL oM16tmeNZUc-00208-00045682-00045751 What do you think? oM16tmeNZUc-00209-00045822-00045912 You look really cute oM16tmeNZUc-00210-00046054-00046195 And also... oM16tmeNZUc-00211-00046197-00046450 (Black color matches military-look pants) I've matched it with military-look pants oM16tmeNZUc-00212-00046457-00046691 (Hit!) Isn't it super stylish? oM16tmeNZUc-00213-00046718-00046822 Quiet! Quiet! oM16tmeNZUc-00214-00046871-00047000 (LOL) oM16tmeNZUc-00215-00047002-00047077 (Friendly Peanut :)) oM16tmeNZUc-00216-00047079-00047264 Rian and Simeez are doing something oM16tmeNZUc-00217-00047267-00047405 with our representative oM16tmeNZUc-00218-00047408-00047543 (Focused) No, here it is. "H1" oM16tmeNZUc-00219-00047628-00047834 (Doing the puzzle on the black hoodie) They're working on the puzzle oM16tmeNZUc-00220-00047836-00048036 (Rian is solving the puzzle) Here is it. "Rian" oM16tmeNZUc-00221-00048079-00048222 All of our names are in here oM16tmeNZUc-00222-00048308-00048449 All of our names are in there oM16tmeNZUc-00223-00048451-00048550 [Rian] Wow oM16tmeNZUc-00224-00048552-00048793 (This is the "Lachica puzzle") Lachica fans will love this oM16tmeNZUc-00225-00048796-00049086 If you don't prefer large logos, oM16tmeNZUc-00226-00049089-00049386 we recommend the fun and cool oM16tmeNZUc-00227-00049422-00049587 "Lachica puzzle" black hoodie oM16tmeNZUc-00228-00049623-00049730 By the way, oM16tmeNZUc-00229-00049733-00049823 our models oM16tmeNZUc-00230-00049826-00049958 are getting tired oM16tmeNZUc-00231-00049960-00050036 (Got caught sitting on the chair) oM16tmeNZUc-00232-00050068-00050225 (Exhausted) (LOL) [Peanut] Her eyes are out of focus oM16tmeNZUc-00233-00050344-00050413 Hahaha oM16tmeNZUc-00234-00050469-00050639 (Worn out) (The models are tired) [Gabee] They seem tired oM16tmeNZUc-00235-00050657-00050798 (We're doing a breathability experiment) Your mission is to work up a sweat oM16tmeNZUc-00236-00050800-00050971 You ran around a lot, oM16tmeNZUc-00237-00051004-00051142 but it seems like you cooled down a bit while you were solving the puzzle oM16tmeNZUc-00238-00051144-00051313 You should dance oM16tmeNZUc-00239-00051332-00051459 (Let's do it) Play any song oM16tmeNZUc-00240-00051467-00051528 "Bad Girl"? oM16tmeNZUc-00241-00051533-00051743 5, 6, 7, 8! oM16tmeNZUc-00242-00051746-00052375 (Chungha's "Bad Girl"') (Let's dance to sweat more!) oM16tmeNZUc-00243-00052401-00052656 (Applause!) oM16tmeNZUc-00244-00052666-00052970 Simeez, how are you feeling in that store-bought hoodie? oM16tmeNZUc-00245-00052975-00053162 I'm so hot oM16tmeNZUc-00246-00053164-00053304 (Stuffy) (Frustrated) I want to take it off oM16tmeNZUc-00247-00053383-00053653 (Store-bought hoodie) It's not breathable oM16tmeNZUc-00248-00053761-00054070 Rian, how do you feel in the Lachica hoodie? oM16tmeNZUc-00249-00054073-00054206 How do you feel? oM16tmeNZUc-00250-00054211-00054450 It feels like I'm not wearing anything oM16tmeNZUc-00251-00054551-00054692 Like you're not wearing anything? oM16tmeNZUc-00252-00054694-00054912 It feels like I'm standing naked at home oM16tmeNZUc-00253-00054914-00055073 You rarely wear clothes at home oM16tmeNZUc-00254-00055078-00055295 (Secret exposed) oM16tmeNZUc-00255-00055298-00055605 (Rian ran through the whole studio) She just swept the whole place oM16tmeNZUc-00256-00055608-00055876 Are you feeling hot and sweaty after all the running? oM16tmeNZUc-00257-00055881-00056007 I'm just out of breath oM16tmeNZUc-00258-00056010-00056177 I ran around for nothing oM16tmeNZUc-00259-00056197-00056339 This hoodie is heavy oM16tmeNZUc-00260-00056342-00056460 It's too hot oM16tmeNZUc-00261-00056504-00056690 She can move lightly oM16tmeNZUc-00262-00056692-00056837 (Stuffy) (Damp) But I'm like... oM16tmeNZUc-00263-00056935-00057011 (Fresh) (Light) oM16tmeNZUc-00264-00057014-00057107 I can't move oM16tmeNZUc-00265-00057162-00057327 Hahahahaha oM16tmeNZUc-00266-00057377-00057836 We can see how comfortable the DRY fabric is from your smile oM16tmeNZUc-00267-00057854-00058183 Rian and Simeez, thank you for working up a sweat oM16tmeNZUc-00268-00058185-00058434 Simeez, go and get changed into the comfortable Lachica hoodie oM16tmeNZUc-00269-00058437-00058575 (Wear the comfortable Lachica hoodie :)) Thank you so much oM16tmeNZUc-00270-00058604-00058729 I've saved your life oM16tmeNZUc-00271-00058784-00058989 The Lachica hoodie is made oM16tmeNZUc-00272-00058992-00059204 with fleece lining for warmth oM16tmeNZUc-00273-00059206-00059313 and DRY fabric for comfort oM16tmeNZUc-00274-00059315-00059523 The third and last color is pink oM16tmeNZUc-00275-00059527-00059850 This color reminds me of American high school movies oM16tmeNZUc-00276-00059853-00059959 You know what I mean? oM16tmeNZUc-00277-00059961-00060071 This is expensive pink oM16tmeNZUc-00278-00060074-00060242 I'm a cheerleader in an American high school oM16tmeNZUc-00279-00060250-00060381 I'm the head cheerleader oM16tmeNZUc-00280-00060402-00060573 I'm standing in the center in this hoodie oM16tmeNZUc-00281-00060579-00060910 (Cheering) Lachica! Lachica! oM16tmeNZUc-00282-00060931-00061131 This is that color oM16tmeNZUc-00283-00061135-00061307 We have various logo colors oM16tmeNZUc-00284-00061309-00061629 This is mint oM16tmeNZUc-00285-00061632-00061928 This is sky blue oM16tmeNZUc-00286-00061941-00062124 This is gray oM16tmeNZUc-00287-00062143-00062364 And we have lilac oM16tmeNZUc-00288-00062386-00062654 You can choose from these four colors oM16tmeNZUc-00289-00062823-00062864 (Fresh) (Dry) oM16tmeNZUc-00290-00062867-00063027 What do you think, guys? oM16tmeNZUc-00291-00063046-00063167 I'm wearing a 2XL pink hoodie oM16tmeNZUc-00292-00063170-00063467 with the logo in mint color oM16tmeNZUc-00293-00063495-00063588 Isn't it cute? oM16tmeNZUc-00294-00063600-00063730 You may think oM16tmeNZUc-00295-00063732-00063870 pink is oM16tmeNZUc-00296-00063872-00064002 too feminine oM16tmeNZUc-00297-00064005-00064159 or tacky oM16tmeNZUc-00298-00064183-00064388 (It's not tacky at all) It's not that shade of pink oM16tmeNZUc-00299-00064391-00064639 This color is cute baby pink oM16tmeNZUc-00300-00064642-00064830 Look at our model Simeez oM16tmeNZUc-00301-00064833-00065042 [Gabee] So cute and sexy oM16tmeNZUc-00302-00065125-00065340 You know how hard it is to be cute and sexy, right? oM16tmeNZUc-00303-00065364-00065757 With Lachica hoodie it's possible, everybody oM16tmeNZUc-00304-00065765-00066021 (Order now if you want to be like Lachica!) Wear these if you want to be like us oM16tmeNZUc-00305-00066031-00066262 Order these pink hoodies now! oM16tmeNZUc-00306-00066264-00066424 (Order it right now on the oround app) oM16tmeNZUc-00307-00066427-00066605 (Lachica hoodies in various colors) oM16tmeNZUc-00308-00066608-00066954 [Peanut] For those who are unsure about which color to choose oM16tmeNZUc-00309-00066956-00067183 our models are wearing all three colors oM16tmeNZUc-00310-00067225-00067353 [Gabee] The pink hoodie will make you feel like oM16tmeNZUc-00311-00067356-00067523 (#Pink hoodie) a head cheerleader, oM16tmeNZUc-00312-00067525-00067688 ("American high school vibe" pink) a popular girl at school oM16tmeNZUc-00313-00067794-00067938 The white hoodie will make you feel like oM16tmeNZUc-00314-00067941-00068047 (#White hoodie) the girl who is oM16tmeNZUc-00315-00068049-00068177 ("The innocence of first crush" white) every boy's first crush oM16tmeNZUc-00316-00068180-00068252 Every boy's first crush! oM16tmeNZUc-00317-00068255-00068312 Me! oM16tmeNZUc-00318-00068314-00068432 I wanted to be her! oM16tmeNZUc-00319-00068435-00068642 (Peanut feebly flying away) oM16tmeNZUc-00320-00068681-00068772 (#Black hoodie) The black color oM16tmeNZUc-00321-00068775-00069014 (Dark force black) makes your eyes look as if they're cursing oM16tmeNZUc-00322-00069017-00069100 As if they're swearing oM16tmeNZUc-00323-00069104-00069189 at you oM16tmeNZUc-00324-00069221-00069427 A dark force vibe oM16tmeNZUc-00325-00069436-00069577 You can order your favorites oM16tmeNZUc-00326-00069581-00069828 on the oround app right now oM16tmeNZUc-00327-00069871-00070174 As soon as the shot of our models wearing those hoodies aired oM16tmeNZUc-00328-00070176-00070413 inquiry calls started flooding again oM16tmeNZUc-00329-00070415-00070591 Thank you! oM16tmeNZUc-00330-00070605-00070758 What are they asking? oM16tmeNZUc-00331-00070793-00071096 They send their love and support oM16tmeNZUc-00332-00071117-00071372 And some asked oM16tmeNZUc-00333-00071375-00071550 for styling tips oM16tmeNZUc-00334-00071564-00071770 (We will answer your question) Let's ask our designer oM16tmeNZUc-00335-00071772-00071871 (Rushing) about styling tips oM16tmeNZUc-00336-00071942-00072027 (Fast) oM16tmeNZUc-00337-00072029-00072185 The preparation process is hilarious oM16tmeNZUc-00338-00072187-00072318 (She is very busy for some reason!) Why is she so busy? oM16tmeNZUc-00339-00072403-00072516 She's so busy oM16tmeNZUc-00340-00072521-00072606 (Transformation complete!!) Designer Kim oM16tmeNZUc-00341-00072635-00072776 (Designer Hyewon Kim is back) This way oM16tmeNZUc-00342-00072849-00073225 Can you give us some styling tips? oM16tmeNZUc-00343-00073227-00073365 You can match the hoodie with a pair of printed pants oM16tmeNZUc-00344-00073379-00073548 A simple yet stylish look oM16tmeNZUc-00345-00073585-00073861 Or you can match it with leggings, which is trending oM16tmeNZUc-00346-00073864-00073967 (Amazed) [Peanut] Oh, that's right oM16tmeNZUc-00347-00073970-00074186 You know, hoodie, leggins and boots oM16tmeNZUc-00348-00074198-00074365 (Amazed) oM16tmeNZUc-00349-00074373-00074577 (Infinite respect) I admire you oM16tmeNZUc-00350-00074579-00074681 I'm touched oM16tmeNZUc-00351-00074736-00074936 Thank you for the great tips oM16tmeNZUc-00352-00074943-00075108 (Hyewon Kim!) You're the best! oM16tmeNZUc-00353-00075111-00075277 Everyone, finally! oM16tmeNZUc-00354-00075279-00075503 (Coming soon!) We will reveal the first giveaway event! oM16tmeNZUc-00355-00075505-00075560 Reveal! oM16tmeNZUc-00356-00075562-00075819 (Excited) oM16tmeNZUc-00357-00075830-00075882 Alright! oM16tmeNZUc-00358-00075940-00076105 (Are you ready?) Are you ready for a quiz? oM16tmeNZUc-00359-00076137-00076243 Yes! oM16tmeNZUc-00360-00076245-00076360 You quiz? oM16tmeNZUc-00361-00076362-00076508 (The quiz will be revealed in the next episode!) oM16tmeNZUc-00362-00076515-00076638 (Next episode) Lachica merch oM16tmeNZUc-00363-00076640-00076747 The next item is oM16tmeNZUc-00364-00076757-00076981 Lachica "HEY" slides in two colors oM16tmeNZUc-00365-00076983-00077077 (What? They don't come off?) They don't come off oM16tmeNZUc-00366-00077079-00077239 (Slides that don't come off?) These slides don't come off? oM16tmeNZUc-00367-00077242-00077343 You can dance like this oM16tmeNZUc-00368-00077346-00077480 by just putting them on! oM16tmeNZUc-00369-00077483-00077569 (The most important feature!) Lastly, oM16tmeNZUc-00370-00077571-00077642 they will boost oM16tmeNZUc-00371-00077644-00077894 your confidence! oM16tmeNZUc-00372-00077897-00078002 (The secret to her powerful "HEY"!) Hey! oM16tmeNZUc-00373-00078005-00078166 (Never-seen-before sights!) I've never seen her like that before oM16tmeNZUc-00374-00078186-00078304 [CHICA BBOM SHOPPING] oP13MhU7EF8-00000-00000040-00000163 Hey, everybody, I'm Lance Goyke. oP13MhU7EF8-00001-00000163-00000530 And for some people, the shoulder is the sketchiest joint in the body. oP13MhU7EF8-00002-00000573-00000890 It might seem like no matter what you do, your shoulders never feel good. oP13MhU7EF8-00003-00000900-00001164 They range from okay to garbage. oP13MhU7EF8-00004-00001244-00001534 It's a complicated joint, for sure, but broad shoulders are one of the key oP13MhU7EF8-00005-00001534-00001908 features of an impressive physique, so we still need to train them. oP13MhU7EF8-00006-00001908-00002295 In this video, I'm going to give you a comprehensive breakdown of lateral oP13MhU7EF8-00007-00002295-00002569 raises, the best way we know to train the shoulders. oP13MhU7EF8-00008-00002609-00002969 We'll discuss the anatomy of the shoulder, how to execute the lateral raise, oP13MhU7EF8-00009-00002969-00003256 how to mess it up, and all the ways you can modify it. oP13MhU7EF8-00010-00003336-00003656 I'll be sure to leave you with what I believe to be the best exercises oP13MhU7EF8-00011-00003656-00003750 for training shoulders. oP13MhU7EF8-00012-00003750-00003893 And as a bonus, oP13MhU7EF8-00013-00003893-00004230 we'll talk about proper ways to force a few reps at the end of a set. oP13MhU7EF8-00014-00004284-00004361 Let's get at it. oP13MhU7EF8-00015-00004504-00004551 A brief oP13MhU7EF8-00016-00004551-00004941 overview of the shoulder joint, shoulder movement, and shoulder muscles oP13MhU7EF8-00017-00004964-00005268 will help you understand how to best perform lateral raises. oP13MhU7EF8-00018-00005342-00005595 The shoulder is comprised of three bones: oP13MhU7EF8-00019-00005618-00005849 the clavicle or collarbone, oP13MhU7EF8-00020-00005859-00006086 the scapula or shoulder blade, oP13MhU7EF8-00021-00006086-00006272 and the humerus or the arm bone. oP13MhU7EF8-00022-00006272-00006586 The shoulder is likened to a golf ball on a tee. oP13MhU7EF8-00023-00006589-00007056 The humerus — the ball — sits inside the glenoid of the scapula — the tee. oP13MhU7EF8-00024-00007056-00007504 Normal shoulder function requires this ball-on-tee spinning, oP13MhU7EF8-00025-00007504-00007911 but it also requires rotation of the shoulder blade. oP13MhU7EF8-00026-00007911-00008268 As the hand lifts up, the scapula upwardly rotates. oP13MhU7EF8-00027-00008288-00008661 This requires activation of the trapezius and serratus anterior muscles. oP13MhU7EF8-00028-00008698-00009095 Approximately one third of shoulder abduction or flexion is attributed oP13MhU7EF8-00029-00009095-00009252 to this scapula movement. oP13MhU7EF8-00030-00009252-00009679 Without this, shoulder impingement and injury are likely to occur. oP13MhU7EF8-00031-00009796-00010046 The rotator cuff is comprised of four muscles. oP13MhU7EF8-00032-00010083-00010557 The supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis. oP13MhU7EF8-00033-00010630-00010974 The two most superiorly positioned muscles — the supraspinatus oP13MhU7EF8-00034-00011007-00011351 and infraspinatus — are the most likely to be injured. Ow! oP13MhU7EF8-00035-00011351-00011531 When the arm bone rises up, oP13MhU7EF8-00036-00011531-00011891 the rotator cuff is pushed into the acromion process of the scapula. oP13MhU7EF8-00037-00011911-00012295 We classify this bony projection based on its shape. oP13MhU7EF8-00038-00012349-00012579 Type one is flat and safe. oP13MhU7EF8-00039-00012579-00012876 Type two has a mild curve and is most common. oP13MhU7EF8-00040-00012919-00013063 Type three has a sharp hook oP13MhU7EF8-00041-00013063-00013440 and is most problematic, while Type four is convex and safe. oP13MhU7EF8-00042-00013500-00013766 This shoulder impingement results in friction oP13MhU7EF8-00043-00013783-00014187 that can tear these rotator cuff muscles, especially with a type three acromion. oP13MhU7EF8-00044-00014290-00014354 *chimes* oP13MhU7EF8-00045-00014354-00014661 Contrary to their name, lateral raises do not work the lats. oP13MhU7EF8-00046-00014661-00014728 *error sound* oP13MhU7EF8-00047-00014728-00015004 The deltoid muscle gives mass to the shoulder. oP13MhU7EF8-00048-00015025-00015318 It's comprised of three sections: anterior or front, oP13MhU7EF8-00049-00015375-00015699 middle or lateral, and posterior or rear. oP13MhU7EF8-00050-00015809-00016086 The anterior deltoid brings the arm up and forward. oP13MhU7EF8-00051-00016086-00016479 It assists the chest during a bench press and looks a lot like the upper pectoralis oP13MhU7EF8-00052-00016493-00016589 major. oP13MhU7EF8-00053-00016623-00016933 The middle deltoid brings the arm purely up and out to the side. oP13MhU7EF8-00054-00016950-00017190 This is our main target during lateral raises. oP13MhU7EF8-00055-00017190-00017524 And the rear deltoid brings the arm up and backward. oP13MhU7EF8-00056-00017600-00017964 The force vector of the weights in a lateral raise can confuse the body. oP13MhU7EF8-00057-00018007-00018274 It's obvious to the lifter that we are targeting the deltoids, but oP13MhU7EF8-00058-00018274-00018615 the upper trapezius muscle is highly involved for two reasons. oP13MhU7EF8-00059-00018645-00019002 First, the upper trap helps upwardly rotate the shoulder blade, oP13MhU7EF8-00060-00019059-00019232 kind of not directly. oP13MhU7EF8-00061-00019232-00019572 And second, the upper trap helps elevate the shoulder blade. oP13MhU7EF8-00062-00019636-00019809 Both of these can create momentum oP13MhU7EF8-00063-00019809-00020103 that helps perform the lateral raise, but at a cost. oP13MhU7EF8-00064-00020196-00020557 Excess upper trap activity during the lateral raise stiffens the neck. oP13MhU7EF8-00065-00020557-00020890 *ow* It's best to keep tension on the deltoid instead. oP13MhU7EF8-00066-00020890-00021408 To perform the lateral raise, stand tall holding two dumbbells. oP13MhU7EF8-00067-00021408-00021918 Keeping the arms straight, slowly lift both weights out and up to shoulder level. oP13MhU7EF8-00068-00021985-00022342 Pause briefly and lower slowly under control. oP13MhU7EF8-00069-00022419-00022759 Lateral raises can be modified in any of the following ways. oP13MhU7EF8-00070-00024110-00024414 Hand orientation changes the degree of internal oP13MhU7EF8-00071-00024414-00024651 or external rotation at the shoulder. oP13MhU7EF8-00072-00024698-00024834 Turning the thumb down oP13MhU7EF8-00073-00024834-00025191 internally rotates the shoulder, placing more emphasis on the middle deltoid. oP13MhU7EF8-00074-00025218-00025495 This is desirable, but not without consequences. oP13MhU7EF8-00075-00025538-00025865 When the thumb points down while the arm raises up the humerus oP13MhU7EF8-00076-00025865-00026196 in the shoulder joint rises up, pushing the rotator oP13MhU7EF8-00077-00026196-00026529 cuff muscles into the acromion process we described earlier. oP13MhU7EF8-00078-00026529-00026573 *ow* oP13MhU7EF8-00079-00026573-00026916 This is called a shoulder impingement and can contribute to rotator oP13MhU7EF8-00080-00026916-00027000 cuff tears. oP13MhU7EF8-00081-00027000-00027374 In general, you shouldn't point the thumb down during lateral raises. oP13MhU7EF8-00082-00027394-00027724 The risk is not worth the reward. oP13MhU7EF8-00083-00027724-00028011 Lateral raises are traditionally done in the frontal plane, oP13MhU7EF8-00084-00028011-00028291 meaning both arms stay in line with the torso. oP13MhU7EF8-00085-00028388-00028511 The frontal plane, however, oP13MhU7EF8-00086-00028511-00028695 is not a neutral position oP13MhU7EF8-00087-00028695-00028785 for the shoulder. oP13MhU7EF8-00088-00028872-00029185 The scapular plane keeps the arm in-line with the shoulder oP13MhU7EF8-00089-00029185-00029499 blade and provides the most freedom of movement in the joint. oP13MhU7EF8-00090-00029562-00029669 This reduces wear and tear oP13MhU7EF8-00091-00029669-00029776 on the rotator cuff, oP13MhU7EF8-00092-00029799-00030206 but shifts muscle emphasis from the middle deltoid to the front deltoid. oP13MhU7EF8-00093-00030310-00030480 Initiating the movement, bringing the weights oP13MhU7EF8-00094-00030480-00030794 from the sides of the body to 15 degrees away from the body, oP13MhU7EF8-00095-00030807-00031157 is done by the supraspinatus rotator cuff muscle alone. oP13MhU7EF8-00096-00031217-00031601 Developing large shoulders does not require this 15 degrees of movement. oP13MhU7EF8-00097-00031668-00031988 If lateral raises are performed at roughly 105 degrees oP13MhU7EF8-00098-00031988-00032315 of abduction, mechanical load placed on the deltoid increases. oP13MhU7EF8-00099-00032315-00032389 *grunt* oP13MhU7EF8-00100-00032389-00032706 This extra movement, however, also pushes the rotator cuff oP13MhU7EF8-00101-00032709-00033006 toward the acromion and can create an impingement. oP13MhU7EF8-00102-00033123-00033513 The weights we train with create a torque around the joint we're training. oP13MhU7EF8-00103-00033513-00033897 When doing lateral raises with dumbbells, the lift gets really easy oP13MhU7EF8-00104-00033897-00034110 when the weight is close to the body. oP13MhU7EF8-00105-00034110-00034260 This is because the moment arm of the weight oP13MhU7EF8-00106-00034260-00034581 and therefore the torque required to oppose it is small. oP13MhU7EF8-00107-00034657-00034974 There are three ways we can challenge the muscle through a longer range of motion. oP13MhU7EF8-00108-00035028-00035422 First, we could use a machine designed to train this particular muscle group. oP13MhU7EF8-00109-00035528-00035829 Second, we could change how the external forces applied, oP13MhU7EF8-00110-00035829-00036199 like using a cable or band instead of a weight and gravity. oP13MhU7EF8-00111-00036252-00036629 Or three, we could change the orientation of the body during the lift. oP13MhU7EF8-00112-00036689-00037040 Most lifts that promote muscle gain are done bilaterally, oP13MhU7EF8-00113-00037040-00037287 where we're moving both sides at the same time. oP13MhU7EF8-00114-00037357-00037694 Unilateral movements can also be used to demolish the muscles, oP13MhU7EF8-00115-00037694-00037951 but they offer the added benefit of shoulder freedom. oP13MhU7EF8-00116-00037987-00038271 Slight twisting, turning, and bending of the torso oP13MhU7EF8-00117-00038271-00038621 promote proper shoulder and shoulder blade alignment. oP13MhU7EF8-00118-00038701-00038718 Okay. oP13MhU7EF8-00119-00038718-00039025 We've outlined that there are seemingly infinite ways to switch up oP13MhU7EF8-00120-00039025-00039339 the lateral raise, but some are better than others. oP13MhU7EF8-00121-00039399-00039636 Instead of showing you every possible variation. oP13MhU7EF8-00122-00039636-00039849 Here are the three best ones oP13MhU7EF8-00123-00040440-00040530 We will combine our oP13MhU7EF8-00124-00040530-00040834 variations to compose the most useful exercise oP13MhU7EF8-00125-00040834-00041147 for building the middle deltoids with only free weights. oP13MhU7EF8-00126-00041214-00041424 Set an incline bench to 80 degrees. oP13MhU7EF8-00127-00041494-00041568 Grab a light oP13MhU7EF8-00128-00041568-00042011 dumbbell and place the chest on the bench with the head just above the bench. oP13MhU7EF8-00129-00042011-00042295 Keeping the arms straight and palm facing down. oP13MhU7EF8-00130-00042308-00042412 Raise the dumbbell oP13MhU7EF8-00131-00042412-00042766 through the scapular plane roughly 30 degrees in front of the torso. oP13MhU7EF8-00132-00042879-00043156 Pause briefly once the arm hits parallel with the ground oP13MhU7EF8-00133-00043179-00043436 and lower the weight back down under control. oP13MhU7EF8-00134-00043530-00043750 The incline bench here supports the body oP13MhU7EF8-00135-00043750-00044000 replicating the stability you get from a machine. oP13MhU7EF8-00136-00044067-00044481 The incline bench also allows a slight forward torso lean, which intensifies oP13MhU7EF8-00137-00044481-00044768 the load placed on the deltoid through a longer range of motion. oP13MhU7EF8-00138-00044824-00045024 Moving through the scapular plane. oP13MhU7EF8-00139-00045024-00045308 Helps our shoulders stay healthy and allows us to keep the palm oP13MhU7EF8-00140-00045308-00045719 facing down to still hit the middle deltoid rather than the front deltoid. oP13MhU7EF8-00141-00046493-00046796 Set the cable as low as it will go and select a light weight. oP13MhU7EF8-00142-00046856-00047160 Grab the cable with the working arm and then grab the machine oP13MhU7EF8-00143-00047160-00047604 with the free arm and lean the body 15 degrees away from the machine, oP13MhU7EF8-00144-00047694-00047997 keeping the arm straight and palm facing down, raise the dumbbell oP13MhU7EF8-00145-00047997-00048318 through the scapular plane roughly 30 degrees in front of the torso. oP13MhU7EF8-00146-00048374-00048651 Pause briefly once the arm hits parallel with the ground oP13MhU7EF8-00147-00048691-00048958 and lower the weight back down under control. oP13MhU7EF8-00148-00048958-00049392 The deltoid has poor leverage at the top of a lateral raise. oP13MhU7EF8-00149-00049436-00049863 This is because the muscle fibers are too short to generate appreciable force. oP13MhU7EF8-00150-00049893-00050210 This lean away cable variation puts more load on the deltoid oP13MhU7EF8-00151-00050210-00050497 when it's strongest that is at the bottom of the movement oP13MhU7EF8-00152-00050517-00050810 and removes the challenge when it's weakest at the top. oP13MhU7EF8-00153-00051384-00051648 All machines will do fine here, but finding one that places oP13MhU7EF8-00154-00051648-00052125 the pad at the elbow reduces the forearm and upper arm involvement. oP13MhU7EF8-00155-00052141-00052345 Better isolating the deltoid. oP13MhU7EF8-00156-00052485-00052625 Now that we know the best variations. oP13MhU7EF8-00157-00052625-00052932 Let's talk about how people mess them up. oP13MhU7EF8-00158-00052932-00053219 It takes discipline to perform lateral raises correctly. oP13MhU7EF8-00159-00053253-00053646 It's important to keep tension on the deltoid even when it gets tired. oP13MhU7EF8-00160-00053690-00054050 This maximizes the growth response while minimizing the risk of injury. oP13MhU7EF8-00161-00054170-00054357 Shrugging during the lateral raise oP13MhU7EF8-00162-00054357-00054721 removes tension from the deltoid while promoting neck stiffness. oP13MhU7EF8-00163-00054751-00055301 It is best to be avoided shrugging will commonly occur in one of two places oP13MhU7EF8-00164-00055358-00055785 when starting the lateral raise in an effort to build momentum or when oP13MhU7EF8-00165-00055785-00056252 finishing the lateral raise in an effort to feel a stronger contraction at the top. oP13MhU7EF8-00166-00056426-00056596 Back arching during the lateral oP13MhU7EF8-00167-00056596-00056993 raise shifts the tension from the middle deltoid it to the front deltoid. oP13MhU7EF8-00168-00056993-00057310 Arching the back also promotes back and neck oP13MhU7EF8-00169-00057310-00057674 stiffness while reinforcing bad movement patterns. oP13MhU7EF8-00170-00057704-00057907 It's best to be avoided. oP13MhU7EF8-00171-00057907-00058438 Rushing through the lateral raise means less tension is placed on the muscle. oP13MhU7EF8-00172-00058491-00058952 Aim to pause briefly at the top of each rep to kill momentum. oP13MhU7EF8-00173-00058952-00059466 Momentum and bent elbows are often used to lift weights that are too heavy. oP13MhU7EF8-00174-00059502-00059876 If you can't do the lift without momentum or you need to keep the elbow bent, lower oP13MhU7EF8-00175-00059876-00059959 the weight. oP13MhU7EF8-00176-00059973-00060350 It's worth noting that the lateral raise is not an exercise where we routinely oP13MhU7EF8-00177-00060350-00060503 use heavier weights. oP13MhU7EF8-00178-00060503-00060683 This is for two reasons. oP13MhU7EF8-00179-00060683-00060960 First, most of the torque comes from the momentum, oP13MhU7EF8-00180-00060964-00061284 so slight changes in load have a large impact. oP13MhU7EF8-00181-00061334-00061758 And two, this deltoid isolation exercise is generally oP13MhU7EF8-00182-00061758-00062098 performed near the end of a workout when the muscles are already fatigued. oP13MhU7EF8-00183-00062225-00062549 Next, we'll talk about how to change your technique at the end of a set oP13MhU7EF8-00184-00062549-00062906 to force out a few more reps and really challenge the muscle oP13MhU7EF8-00185-00063016-00063233 when the deltoid is fatigued to nearly its limit. oP13MhU7EF8-00186-00063246-00063570 Slow and perfect technique might be unattainable. oP13MhU7EF8-00187-00063640-00063897 The muscle however, might not be fully fatigued. oP13MhU7EF8-00188-00063920-00064394 Forcing out fractions of a rep can provide an extra growth stimulus. oP13MhU7EF8-00189-00064394-00064864 To force extra reps and therefore more fatigue into the deltoid, oP13MhU7EF8-00190-00064864-00065291 you can start the movement with the legs to assist the raising of the weights. oP13MhU7EF8-00191-00065365-00065819 Once the weight reaches the top attempt to stop it briefly and lower it slowly. oP13MhU7EF8-00192-00065852-00066219 This uses momentum to assist a difficult part of the rep, the raising, oP13MhU7EF8-00193-00066242-00066573 while forcing pure technique on the easier part, the lowering. oP13MhU7EF8-00194-00066686-00066993 You can also instantly lower the torque required to lift the weights oP13MhU7EF8-00195-00066993-00067147 by bending the elbows. oP13MhU7EF8-00196-00067147-00067647 This can change where the emphasis on the muscle is placed, so be sure to target oP13MhU7EF8-00197-00067654-00067751 the middle deltoid. *success chime* oP13MhU7EF8-00198-00067881-00067997 All right. That's it. oP13MhU7EF8-00199-00067997-00068298 There is everything you need to know about lateral raises. oP13MhU7EF8-00200-00068368-00068648 To recap, lateral raises are the best oP13MhU7EF8-00201-00068648-00068932 isolation exercise we have for the middle deltoid, oP13MhU7EF8-00202-00068958-00069255 but we can modify them to be safer and more useful. oP13MhU7EF8-00203-00069332-00069639 We outlined how to perform them, mistakes to avoid, and ways oP13MhU7EF8-00204-00069639-00069966 to safely force out a few more reps at the end of a set. oP13MhU7EF8-00205-00070103-00070200 That's going to be it for me. oP13MhU7EF8-00206-00070200-00070303 If you learned something, hit oP13MhU7EF8-00207-00070303-00070603 the like button and subscribe to be notified when I release new videos. oP13MhU7EF8-00208-00070620-00070767 If you need something else to watch, oP13MhU7EF8-00209-00070767-00071067 maybe it's a good time to go back to the basics. oP13MhU7EF8-00210-00071107-00071408 Check out my video on the four MUST-DOs for muscle gain. oP13MhU7EF8-00211-00071438-00071538 There's a lot of training oP13MhU7EF8-00212-00071538-00071821 information out there and there are many ways to be successful, oP13MhU7EF8-00213-00071821-00072075 but there are a few things you cannot avoid doing. oP13MhU7EF8-00214-00072102-00072195 I think you'll like that one. oPCGgtwd8xI-00000-00000000-00000480 Charles Martel is a fan favorite commander in Rise of Kingdoms for both free to play players oPCGgtwd8xI-00001-00000480-00000953 and infantry players alike and as I'm sure many of you know his Relic recently got a buff to oPCGgtwd8xI-00002-00000953-00001416 give him even more stats for infantry So today we're gonna do a deep dive into the skills and oPCGgtwd8xI-00003-00001416-00001818 talents of Charles Martel now Charles Martel is one of my personal favorite commanders here in oPCGgtwd8xI-00004-00001818-00002316 Rise of Kingdoms and the fact that he comes round in gold keys in the first season and even before oPCGgtwd8xI-00005-00002316-00002814 the first season of kvk makes him super usable by a ton of different players now if you're a oPCGgtwd8xI-00006-00002814-00003186 new player to the game we're going to take a look at the different skills and talents so we can get oPCGgtwd8xI-00007-00003186-00003576 a better idea of exactly what Charles Martel is doing in the open field if you've been playing the oPCGgtwd8xI-00008-00003576-00003954 game for years I'm sure you already know that part but later in the video we're going to talk about oPCGgtwd8xI-00009-00003954-00004500 the pros the cons whether you should use Universal Commander sculptures on Charles Martel as well as oPCGgtwd8xI-00010-00004500-00004962 some of the best pairs for him for free to play players and pretty much anybody who plans on using oPCGgtwd8xI-00011-00004962-00005352 him in the open field so the first thing we have to do is take a look at his active skill that says oPCGgtwd8xI-00012-00005352-00005898 a rage requirement of a thousand and it deals 30 increased damage for 4 seconds and you also gain oPCGgtwd8xI-00013-00005898-00006522 a shield for those 4 seconds with a damage factor of 1200. this is a surprisingly good active skill oPCGgtwd8xI-00014-00006522-00007073 because 30 increased damage for 4 seconds is a really powerful buff there's no cool down here oPCGgtwd8xI-00015-00007073-00007614 so the faster you can pop your active skills the more often you're gonna have 30 bonus damage and oPCGgtwd8xI-00016-00007614-00007998 that's normal attack damage counter attack damage skill damage any sort of damage that you're doing oPCGgtwd8xI-00017-00007998-00008406 this is going to buff it all while making you a little bit more tanky now if we look at his oPCGgtwd8xI-00018-00008406-00009024 second skill before his expertise he gains 15 defense and 15 Health these are the two most oPCGgtwd8xI-00019-00009024-00009570 important stats for infantry in the open field in garrisons in even in rallies so the fact that oPCGgtwd8xI-00020-00009570-00010116 he's giving you 30 of super important infantry stats is really really good and it's on his oPCGgtwd8xI-00021-00010116-00010584 second skill which means it's very accessible for players who want to do something like a five five oPCGgtwd8xI-00022-00010584-00011190 one one configuration the third skill is really unfortunate it's 10 attack to your Garrison and oPCGgtwd8xI-00023-00011190-00011742 10 defense to your Watchtower but this is only applicable when Defending Your Own City so this oPCGgtwd8xI-00024-00011742-00012354 skill does nothing if he's in a flag or if he's is in a fort it is just for City defense and the oPCGgtwd8xI-00025-00012354-00012912 10 Garrison attack is nice because it is for any troop type so it's not just for infantry but the oPCGgtwd8xI-00026-00012912-00013452 Watchtower defense is basically negligible it doesn't really do anything at all at least in oPCGgtwd8xI-00027-00013452-00013932 the late game and if we take a look at his fourth skill this gives him a 30 increased counter-attack oPCGgtwd8xI-00028-00013932-00014586 damage this is a really good fourth skill it's basically just raw damage if people decide to oPCGgtwd8xI-00029-00014586-00015047 swarm down your Charles Martel this is the skill that makes him a little bit prickly and his active oPCGgtwd8xI-00030-00015047-00015497 skill in his second skill make him a little bit tanky so swarming him down really is it's gonna oPCGgtwd8xI-00031-00015497-00015960 hurt more than you might think especially because of that 30 all damage now if we take a look at his oPCGgtwd8xI-00032-00015960-00016416 expertise here what it does is it gives him even more stats on his second skill bumping the defense oPCGgtwd8xI-00033-00016416-00016962 in health up to 20 percent and then also giving him 20 March speed which makes Charles Martel oPCGgtwd8xI-00034-00016962-00017484 one of the fastest infantry commanders in Rise of Kingdoms which is honestly that's really unique oPCGgtwd8xI-00035-00017484-00018036 and it makes him really good even in the late game because even if you look at some of the new newest oPCGgtwd8xI-00036-00018036-00018528 infantry commanders like Tark for example in the open field he only gains 10 percent of infantry oPCGgtwd8xI-00037-00018528-00018930 March speed and that's only when outside of Alliance territory now the downside here is oPCGgtwd8xI-00038-00018930-00019308 that you do have to expertise him to get this so a lot of players aren't gonna have access to that oPCGgtwd8xI-00039-00019308-00019716 March speed which is unfortunate but it is quite good now there's a couple of different Talent oPCGgtwd8xI-00040-00019716-00020136 builds that you can use here for Charles Martel the one that you see here is actually one that I oPCGgtwd8xI-00041-00020136-00020628 use if I use a Herald behind him so we come all the way up here to testudo formation it has a 10 oPCGgtwd8xI-00042-00020628-00021234 chance of reducing all damage You Take by 15 it's only for one turn but it's a nice 15 damage taken oPCGgtwd8xI-00043-00021234-00021660 reduction I also came up here and grabbed balance which reduces the damage You Take by three percent oPCGgtwd8xI-00044-00021660-00022146 but it also reduces your own damage output this is a little bit of a give and take but honestly for oPCGgtwd8xI-00045-00022146-00022650 using Martel primary you probably are looking for the most tanky option anyway so this is probably oPCGgtwd8xI-00046-00022650-00023082 what you're looking for I also grabbed it Loose formation which is a no-brainer nine percent less oPCGgtwd8xI-00047-00023082-00023544 skill damage you take and medicinal supplies is really something that I only get if I plan on oPCGgtwd8xI-00048-00023544-00024072 pairing him with Herald because every time you use an active skill you gain 300 healing factor oPCGgtwd8xI-00049-00024072-00024528 and Herald as you know pops his active skill way more frequently than most commanders which means oPCGgtwd8xI-00050-00024528-00024984 he does actually get a little bit of nice healing here but I would say for most Commander pairs you oPCGgtwd8xI-00051-00024984-00025398 probably don't really need medicinal supplies because you can save eight Talent points here oPCGgtwd8xI-00052-00025398-00025877 by just avoiding it and you can put that somewhere else up here we grabbed iron spear because I think oPCGgtwd8xI-00053-00025877-00026274 you're going to deal a lot of damage to Cavalry anyway Cavalry are the open field Meadow right oPCGgtwd8xI-00054-00026274-00026742 now so dealing more damage to them is important undying Fury is also important because it's just oPCGgtwd8xI-00055-00026742-00027192 a little bit of a rage engine here we grab strong a body six percent Health just getting even more oPCGgtwd8xI-00056-00027192-00027600 health for Charles Martel is super important up on the top left here we grabbed Hold the Line oPCGgtwd8xI-00057-00027600-00028139 10 chance again to reduce damage taken by 20 for 2 seconds so another way to be a little bit more oPCGgtwd8xI-00058-00028139-00028644 tanky and then we grabbed one percent of Defense now if you're not using him with Heralds and we'll oPCGgtwd8xI-00059-00028644-00029064 talk more about the commander pairs later in the video this is a build that I think is pretty good oPCGgtwd8xI-00060-00029064-00029520 for most players you can see that we still grab burning blood and master armorer we skip the test oPCGgtwd8xI-00061-00029520-00029970 doodle formation because it's actually a lot of points just to gain one second of reduced damage oPCGgtwd8xI-00062-00029970-00030456 we grab loose formation no weakness and spiked armor and then we go all the way to the top of oPCGgtwd8xI-00063-00030456-00030894 the Infantry tree and literally fill this out entirely making sure to grab the extra Mark speed oPCGgtwd8xI-00064-00030894-00031338 off to the side here as well as the one point of health and defense and an elite soldiers is just oPCGgtwd8xI-00065-00031338-00031698 going to give you seven and a half percent of stats which is just going to give you even more oPCGgtwd8xI-00066-00031698-00032100 stats for your Charles Martel now if you wanted to you could remove a point from defense and put oPCGgtwd8xI-00067-00032100-00032514 it over here into the additional March speed or if you want to ignore this much speed entirely oPCGgtwd8xI-00068-00032514-00032910 and ignore some of the March speed over here you could come up and grab balance as well if you'd oPCGgtwd8xI-00069-00032910-00033306 rather have a little bit more tankiness than that March speed and finally if you're going to use him oPCGgtwd8xI-00070-00033306-00033786 for your city wall this is something that I would recommend now I don't typically recommend that you oPCGgtwd8xI-00071-00033786-00034236 take any rallies to your city especially if you're a free-to-play player and most players who have oPCGgtwd8xI-00072-00034236-00034656 Charles Martel on their wall are probably free to play but all you really need from the Garrison oPCGgtwd8xI-00073-00034656-00035214 tree is the first row of talents here okay you grab nowhere to turn impenetrable fortifications oPCGgtwd8xI-00074-00035214-00035724 empty Fortress stratagem and impregnable most of the points are gonna go over here into the oPCGgtwd8xI-00075-00035724-00036132 defense tree but you want to make sure to avoid the medicinal supplies you don't want to have any oPCGgtwd8xI-00076-00036132-00036570 healing on your wall because that is just going to fill your hospital even faster and of course oPCGgtwd8xI-00077-00036570-00037044 you grab a balanced to Studio formation and loose formation now here we only go a little bit into oPCGgtwd8xI-00078-00037044-00037434 the Infantry tree because when you're on your wall you're going to have a lot of other troops oPCGgtwd8xI-00079-00037434-00037938 that aren't infantry so bonus points to infantry all these little bubbles here these are not going oPCGgtwd8xI-00080-00037938-00038424 to do anything for a majority of your units when he's on your city wall but call of the pack does oPCGgtwd8xI-00081-00038424-00038952 actually Grant uh defense to all troop types not just infantry so that's really important to grab oPCGgtwd8xI-00082-00038952-00039480 normal attack damage of course is for all units extra rage is for all units and here this is of oPCGgtwd8xI-00083-00039480-00039966 course only for infantry but really you have three points left over and where else are you going to oPCGgtwd8xI-00084-00039966-00040494 put it there is literally like no better option there's March speed infantry health and then these oPCGgtwd8xI-00085-00040494-00040950 two talents are absolutely useless because they're for your Watchtower so this is in my opinion the oPCGgtwd8xI-00086-00040950-00041340 best city defense build for Charles Martel if you're going to use in that way now let's talk oPCGgtwd8xI-00087-00041340-00041892 about some of the pros of Charles Martel okay of course just like Yi Seong-Gye or Richard or mehmed oPCGgtwd8xI-00088-00041892-00042348 he is a very early game Commander that you're going to gain access to very quickly depending oPCGgtwd8xI-00089-00042348-00042834 on how lucky you are or if you are a spender but getting him from the gold keys means that he's oPCGgtwd8xI-00090-00042834-00043368 very free to play friendly okay using him at five five one one gives you a majority of his value I oPCGgtwd8xI-00091-00043368-00044022 would say probably about 80 75 of his value is at 5511 and that makes him again very free to play oPCGgtwd8xI-00092-00044022-00044520 friendly you can slap him behind pretty much any infantry commander and it's going to add a ton of oPCGgtwd8xI-00093-00044520-00044940 stats to them it's going to add if he's expertise a little bit of Mark speed that they desperately oPCGgtwd8xI-00094-00044940-00045462 need and it's going to make him a little bit more tanky and prickly if he is swarmed down as we just oPCGgtwd8xI-00095-00045462-00045876 talked about he's also somebody that you can use on your city wall without having to invest in an oPCGgtwd8xI-00096-00045876-00046332 actual Garrison Commander a lot of players are using like zenobia yss on their wall for example oPCGgtwd8xI-00097-00046332-00046764 but that is a massive investment for a city defense that you typically are not really going oPCGgtwd8xI-00098-00046764-00047244 to ever take so he's basically your best free City Garrison that you can get in the game which again oPCGgtwd8xI-00099-00047244-00047712 you shouldn't really be taking rallies but he does fill that role really nicely and like I mentioned oPCGgtwd8xI-00100-00047712-00048186 he's just a really good Universal Commander you can just slap him behind any infantry unit and oPCGgtwd8xI-00101-00048186-00048702 he's very useful now beyond that he also gains a really nice Relic here in the season of Conquest oPCGgtwd8xI-00102-00048702-00049284 which makes him even more usable as a free-to-play commander you see here when you just unlock this oPCGgtwd8xI-00103-00049284-00049842 Relic you gain 25 attack and five percent Health just giving him even more stats and especially oPCGgtwd8xI-00104-00049842-00050526 the attack which he didn't have before now with the New Relic he gets 35 percent of attack and 10 oPCGgtwd8xI-00105-00050526-00051138 percent health and honestly I think the extra attack here is very underrated I think 35 of oPCGgtwd8xI-00106-00051138-00051810 attack is a ton for a commander that has 30 bonus damage 30 bonus counter-attack damage and already oPCGgtwd8xI-00107-00051810-00052254 has a ton of the other tanky stats that you really would want so giving that infantry attack oPCGgtwd8xI-00108-00052254-00052848 to whoever the primary Commander is for Charles Martel is just a slam dunk and he's basically just oPCGgtwd8xI-00109-00052848-00053358 a super tanky stat stick that's what he is he's just giving you a ton of every single stat okay oPCGgtwd8xI-00110-00053358-00053958 we're looking at 35 percent of attack total of 30 infantry Health 20 infantry defense 20 percent oPCGgtwd8xI-00111-00053958-00054402 infantry Mark speed he's just giving you every single stat and he's giving you a really nice oPCGgtwd8xI-00112-00054402-00054917 amount of all of it which is super super good this Relic makes him in my opinion still relevant oPCGgtwd8xI-00113-00054917-00055338 in the season of Conquest especially now that he's gotten a little bit of an upgrade here as oPCGgtwd8xI-00114-00055338-00055770 well now there are some cons to Charles Martel of course uh one of the first ones being that because oPCGgtwd8xI-00115-00055770-00056154 he's a gold key Commander typically you don't want to put any legendary Commander sculptures oPCGgtwd8xI-00116-00056154-00056574 into him because you're just gonna get him for free over time if we take a look here I have oPCGgtwd8xI-00117-00056574-00057114 564 legendary Commander sculptures of Martel that are just sitting there doing nothing because I did oPCGgtwd8xI-00118-00057114-00057696 actually use some universals on him not too many but I did want to unlock his expertise and now oPCGgtwd8xI-00119-00057696-00058224 I do regret it a little bit because they're just those are wasted sculptures but if you are relying oPCGgtwd8xI-00120-00058224-00058734 on only gold keys to getting him it's gonna take a really long time to expertise him probably about oPCGgtwd8xI-00121-00058734-00059196 three to four years depending on how lucky you are yes you heard me correctly if you're only oPCGgtwd8xI-00122-00059196-00059634 using gold keys it will take between three and four years to expertise this Commander free to oPCGgtwd8xI-00123-00059634-00060270 play only and that is definitely disheartening but the good news again like I said 5511 is he's very oPCGgtwd8xI-00124-00060270-00060636 usable at that point so you don't really have to worry about it after that it'll probably take you oPCGgtwd8xI-00125-00060636-00061146 about a year or a year and a half to get him to that 5511 Mark another con of Charles Martel is oPCGgtwd8xI-00126-00061146-00061608 that he's not doing any skill damage and that is definitely the meta right now if you look at all oPCGgtwd8xI-00127-00061608-00062058 the most popular and most powerful commanders in the game they're all doing either massive skill oPCGgtwd8xI-00128-00062058-00062634 damage with debuffs or massive AOE damage just raw damage like uh Yi Seong-Gye for example and oPCGgtwd8xI-00129-00062634-00063084 unfortunately Charles Martel does not have that all right he's relying only on normal attack oPCGgtwd8xI-00130-00063084-00063588 damage and counter-attack damage and sort of just being a little bit tanky and in the late game in oPCGgtwd8xI-00131-00063588-00063990 late game season of Conquest that can definitely be a little bit underwhelming for players who are oPCGgtwd8xI-00132-00063990-00064554 looking for just massive DPS Charles Martel isn't really going to provide that so the damage output oPCGgtwd8xI-00133-00064554-00065105 on him is a little bit lackluster in the late game especially if you are a low spender or oPCGgtwd8xI-00134-00065105-00065556 even a well you're gonna have probably better options than Charles Martel eventually but he oPCGgtwd8xI-00135-00065556-00066084 is surprisingly good for a long period of time now I think everybody can use him at 5 5511 and oPCGgtwd8xI-00136-00066084-00066534 the wells I think you know of all of the gold key commanders if you're going to put universals into oPCGgtwd8xI-00137-00066534-00067008 any of them I would say mehmed is probably your first option and Then followed up by that would oPCGgtwd8xI-00138-00067008-00067446 be Charles Martel if not uh they're probably neck and neck to be completely honest with you in the oPCGgtwd8xI-00139-00067446-00067896 late game I think my meta is better in the early game I think Charles Martel is pretty much just as oPCGgtwd8xI-00140-00067896-00068286 good and a lot of you might be saying okay well if it takes three to four years to get him expertise oPCGgtwd8xI-00141-00068286-00068688 free to play why shouldn't I invest Universal Commander sculptures into him and the reason oPCGgtwd8xI-00142-00068688-00069174 for that is because after that 5511 Mark really you're not I mean it's not really going to move oPCGgtwd8xI-00143-00069174-00069618 the needle for the rest of your account right even though you might want him expertise those oPCGgtwd8xI-00144-00069618-00070110 Universal Commander sculptures are just better used on other commanders like CPO like guan yu oPCGgtwd8xI-00145-00070110-00070584 like boudica like nevsky like ysg like Alexander the Great right there's a ton of other commanders oPCGgtwd8xI-00146-00070584-00071046 in the game where like yes you know you could theoretically put them into Martel to get him oPCGgtwd8xI-00147-00071046-00071406 expertised but you don't really need it right you don't really need it it's not really going oPCGgtwd8xI-00148-00071406-00071790 to change the status of your account you're not going to be exponentially better even if oPCGgtwd8xI-00149-00071790-00072336 you have like a 5'3 E11 you know putting a couple of sculptures into him isn't really going to move oPCGgtwd8xI-00150-00072336-00072798 the needle in the long run and it's just kind of a waste of those sculptures so most players should oPCGgtwd8xI-00151-00072798-00073272 not be investing universals in him and should not be expertising him but pretty much everybody can oPCGgtwd8xI-00152-00073272-00073860 use him which is the big benefit of Charles Martel and also it's worth noting that and if you didn't oPCGgtwd8xI-00153-00073860-00074430 know this every Relic is usable without expertise in that Commander so even if he's 5-1-1 when you oPCGgtwd8xI-00154-00074430-00074928 get into season of Conquest you can unlock his Relic and boom you automatically get 45 bonus oPCGgtwd8xI-00155-00074928-00075426 stats for him which is just really nice that's literally more stats than his second skill okay oPCGgtwd8xI-00156-00075426-00075852 so just to put that into perspective okay now let's talk about some of the best commander oPCGgtwd8xI-00157-00075852-00076332 pairs for Charles Martel first let's talk about some of the best free to play pairs okay in the oPCGgtwd8xI-00158-00076332-00076812 early game honestly Sun Tzu is probably your best option for Charles Martel because he's obviously oPCGgtwd8xI-00159-00076812-00077262 an epic Commander so everybody's gonna have access to him and everybody will eventually expertise him oPCGgtwd8xI-00160-00077262-00077700 there's some really nice Synergy here there is also a couple of downsides unfortunately but both oPCGgtwd8xI-00161-00077700-00078210 of these commanders are just really solid okay Sun Tzu is providing the AOE that Charles Martel oPCGgtwd8xI-00162-00078210-00078642 does not have Okay it hits five targets which is very rare in the game most commanders do not oPCGgtwd8xI-00163-00078642-00079092 have a five Target AOE so that's very good it's a thousand damage factor for all of them and the oPCGgtwd8xI-00164-00079092-00079632 Damage factor is not reduced by each additional Target that you hit so this is literally a better oPCGgtwd8xI-00165-00079632-00080124 or I should say deals more damage than ethyl flood for example who is a legendary Commander so that's oPCGgtwd8xI-00166-00080124-00080610 insane but on top of that you gain 50 rage for each Target that's hit by this skill and that's oPCGgtwd8xI-00167-00080610-00081090 actually huge because Charles Martel has no rage engine at all so if you hit three targets that's oPCGgtwd8xI-00168-00081090-00081576 150 rage if you hit five targets that's 250 rage and that rage engine is just gonna pop oPCGgtwd8xI-00169-00081576-00082110 off his shield skill even more which I remember gives you 30 bonus damage and that's huge you're oPCGgtwd8xI-00170-00082110-00082650 also gaining 10 infantry healthier and reducing the damage You Take by 10 so this is even more oPCGgtwd8xI-00171-00082650-00083130 tanky okay this is just adding to those raw stats that Charles Martel already has and unfortunately oPCGgtwd8xI-00172-00083130-00083670 the 20 increased skill damage on Sun Tzu does not benefit Charles Martel at all so really all oPCGgtwd8xI-00173-00083670-00084096 he's doing here is nice AOE nice rage generation a little bit more tankiness and I think that's oPCGgtwd8xI-00174-00084096-00084612 a slam dunk I think Sun Tzu primary would be a higher damage output but the problem with that oPCGgtwd8xI-00175-00084612-00085086 is he's a purple Commander which means he's going to be super easy to swarm down so realistically oPCGgtwd8xI-00176-00085086-00085536 you're probably gonna use Charles Martel primary which is unfortunate because you know I think the oPCGgtwd8xI-00177-00085536-00085944 skill tree is better than the defense tree but that's just how it's gonna have to be and the oPCGgtwd8xI-00178-00085944-00086376 defense tree honestly isn't horrible if you're more interested in debuffing the enemy in the oPCGgtwd8xI-00179-00086376-00086862 early game then you could do a Bjorn behind him as well and this is going to do a very small single oPCGgtwd8xI-00180-00086862-00087276 Target damage but what it is gonna do when he's expertised is it's going to make the target you're oPCGgtwd8xI-00181-00087276-00087876 hitting and two other targets take 15 increased skill damage for 3 seconds which is honestly oPCGgtwd8xI-00182-00087876-00088482 pretty good he's giving you 20 of infantry stats and a 10 chance to instant proc 800 damage factor oPCGgtwd8xI-00183-00088482-00088914 which again more damage on Charles Martel is what he needs but I think Sun Tzu's probably oPCGgtwd8xI-00184-00088914-00089394 still a better pick as you can imagine you could slap an Athelflaed behind Charles Martel as well oPCGgtwd8xI-00185-00089394-00090012 if you want to hide your Athelflaed and also deal some nice really really powerful AoE damage and oPCGgtwd8xI-00186-00090012-00090540 also a super powerful debuff here you also take 20 percent less counter attack damage which is even oPCGgtwd8xI-00187-00090540-00090984 more tanky and you're going to be slowing down the target so your other marches can hit that Target oPCGgtwd8xI-00188-00090984-00091470 if you do this I would say go all in on Infantry remember you're gonna have Charles Martel primary oPCGgtwd8xI-00189-00091470-00091980 so you're gonna have that infantry tree so you can ignore the bonus attack over here on Athelflaed's oPCGgtwd8xI-00190-00091980-00092478 fourth skill and again 20 increase damage to slow targets is nice if it compounds especially oPCGgtwd8xI-00191-00092478-00093030 with the 30 increased damage on Charles martel's active skill or if one cast before the other then oPCGgtwd8xI-00192-00093030-00093420 it's 30 damage and then 20 damage by the time that's over you're probably gonna be dealing 30 oPCGgtwd8xI-00193-00093420-00093852 damage again but the same reason that you would use Athelflaed or Sun Tzu you could use mehmed oPCGgtwd8xI-00194-00093852-00094326 if you have him at any sort of usable level and again you're just hiding an AOE Commander behind oPCGgtwd8xI-00195-00094326-00094896 Charles Martel in the open field five Target AOE is huge 20 bonus attack for any troop type which oPCGgtwd8xI-00196-00094896-00095250 includes infantry which is nice and you're gonna bring more troops to the battlefield which makes oPCGgtwd8xI-00197-00095250-00095610 you even more tanky and you're gonna deal even more damage I think there's better pairs for oPCGgtwd8xI-00198-00095610-00096126 mehmed because he does want a rage engine and a skill tree but but unfortunately Martel doesn't oPCGgtwd8xI-00199-00096126-00096564 have that but you could still use him if you have no other options now once you get into season two oPCGgtwd8xI-00200-00096564-00096912 of kvk you're gonna have Alexander the Great and I think Alexander the Great with a Charles oPCGgtwd8xI-00201-00096912-00097428 Martel is an exceptionally good combination now again unfortunately there's no uh massive oPCGgtwd8xI-00202-00097428-00097836 AOE or skill damage on these commanders you do have some skill damage on the second skill from oPCGgtwd8xI-00203-00097836-00098376 Alexander the Great and the interesting thing is that you can flip these two around if you want a oPCGgtwd8xI-00204-00098376-00098802 more aggressive approach you could do Alexander the Great primary if you want a more defensive oPCGgtwd8xI-00205-00098802-00099366 and tanky approach you could do Martel primary with his defense tree the great part about this oPCGgtwd8xI-00206-00099366-00099912 pairing here is that you have double Shields now they don't perfectly stock but they are really oPCGgtwd8xI-00207-00099912-00100368 nice and this is a relatively supportive March in the open field as well because of Alexander the oPCGgtwd8xI-00208-00100368-00100818 Great's expertise enemy targets are going to take 30 increased damage and your Martel is going to oPCGgtwd8xI-00209-00100818-00101256 deal with 30 increase damage so that can stack really nicely you also can't reduce the damage oPCGgtwd8xI-00210-00101256-00101754 that Martel will be dealing with this second skill here on Alexander the Great and you're just gonna oPCGgtwd8xI-00211-00101754-00102354 gain a ton of attack so where as Martel gives you tanky stats Alex is giving you attack stats and oPCGgtwd8xI-00212-00102354-00102900 30 of March speed so in Alexander the Great with Charles Martel is going to be one of the fastest oPCGgtwd8xI-00213-00102900-00103440 March speed infantry marches that you can use in Rise of Kingdoms also you're gonna gain even more oPCGgtwd8xI-00214-00103440-00103752 benefit out of the fourth skill when you have this paired because you're gonna have a shield oPCGgtwd8xI-00215-00103752-00104220 up for longer because you have two Shields right so you're gonna gain even more defense here than oPCGgtwd8xI-00216-00104220-00104711 attack typically or it'll probably be actually about 50 50 but this pairing is exceptionally good oPCGgtwd8xI-00217-00104711-00105228 for kbk2 I do just want to note really quickly on Richard which I know is a kvk 1 commander but oPCGgtwd8xI-00218-00105228-00105714 this Commander I don't think is great for PVP neither Martel nor Richard are going to deal oPCGgtwd8xI-00219-00105714-00106194 a lot of damage they're just going to be sort of a punching bag in the open field but one use for oPCGgtwd8xI-00220-00106194-00106854 a Richard Martel is that uh it's extremely tanky for PVE content okay so whether you're doing Croc oPCGgtwd8xI-00221-00106854-00107328 ceremony or trial of the Kau Karuak or if you need just a tank for your early game Expedition oPCGgtwd8xI-00222-00107328-00107885 uh Richard Martel combination is probably going to be the way to go I would say you probably won oPCGgtwd8xI-00223-00107885-00108450 a Richard primary but it doesn't really matter that much it's a small benefit here of casting oPCGgtwd8xI-00224-00108450-00108935 Richard's active skill first because when he heals you're gonna have a little bit more troops for the oPCGgtwd8xI-00225-00108935-00109464 active skill of Martel which deals 30 more damage so 30 more damage to more troops is better than oPCGgtwd8xI-00226-00109464-00109859 less troops and also you're gonna slow them down with this active skill and so you're more likely oPCGgtwd8xI-00227-00109859-00110322 to stay connected with Charles martel's active skill popping second but again it's not a really oPCGgtwd8xI-00228-00110322-00110640 big deal if you don't want to spend all the experience it takes to get Richard to level oPCGgtwd8xI-00229-00110640-00111120 60 then you can just do Martel primary moving on to season of Conquest this is where Martel becomes oPCGgtwd8xI-00230-00111120-00111533 really flexible and you can literally slap him behind pretty much any commander in the game okay oPCGgtwd8xI-00231-00111533-00112133 CPO primary with Martel secondary is a really nice combination again CPO also is great with oPCGgtwd8xI-00232-00112133-00112554 pretty much anybody but Scipio is giving Charles Martel all the things that he desperately needs oPCGgtwd8xI-00233-00112554-00112961 he's giving him massive AOE he's giving him debuff he's giving him more March speed more oPCGgtwd8xI-00234-00112961-00113454 attack he's giving you another Shield some direct damage Factor some infantry Health he's giving him oPCGgtwd8xI-00235-00113454-00113946 the support tree which has rejuvenate for a little bit of a rage engine here so this comment nation oPCGgtwd8xI-00236-00113946-00114383 is great and again Scipio is good on his own so putting Martel behind him is just gonna make oPCGgtwd8xI-00237-00114383-00114804 him even more difficult to swarm down and it's going to make him even more tanky so those are oPCGgtwd8xI-00238-00114804-00115254 two things that you really want for your CPO to be honest with you because he is often uh targeted if oPCGgtwd8xI-00239-00115254-00115782 he is seen as a primary I think Harold is probably my favorite Commander pair with Charles Martel in oPCGgtwd8xI-00240-00115782-00116285 season of Conquest again if you want a more tanky build you would do Martel primary that I think is oPCGgtwd8xI-00241-00116285-00116676 more likely to be swarmed in season of Conquest so just be careful with that but if you want a more oPCGgtwd8xI-00242-00116676-00117126 aggressive damage dealing approach you would go with Harold primary for sure which I have oPCGgtwd8xI-00243-00117126-00117606 actually been leaning more towards uh in the past I've leaned more towards Martell primary but now oPCGgtwd8xI-00244-00117606-00118242 I do lean more towards a Herald primary because of the skill tree and really Martel and Harold are a oPCGgtwd8xI-00245-00118242-00118746 match being in heaven this is basically the poor man's version of a Pakal Herald Herald when he's oPCGgtwd8xI-00246-00118746-00119285 surrounded is gonna deal in some nice AOE damage and he gains 20 increased damage whenever this oPCGgtwd8xI-00247-00119285-00119808 skill is used he's gonna pop this skill a ton and if you remember the active skill on Martel also oPCGgtwd8xI-00248-00119808-00120324 gives you 30 bonus damage so with the skill tree and just the massive rage cycle here on Harold oPCGgtwd8xI-00249-00120324-00120738 you're going to be popping the active skills for both a ton which increases the uptime of the 30 oPCGgtwd8xI-00250-00120738-00121374 damage on Martel and the uptime of that uh Shield which is really nice also Harold is very squishy oPCGgtwd8xI-00251-00121374-00121896 a lot of players don't know this about him but he basically sacrifices his defense for an absolutely oPCGgtwd8xI-00252-00121896-00122424 ridiculous amount of infantry attack so the fact that you're gaining a bunch of defensive stats oPCGgtwd8xI-00253-00122424-00123011 on Charles Martel is exactly what Harold needs and also you're gaining even more of the attack oPCGgtwd8xI-00254-00123011-00123702 from his Relic 35 uh with the recent update is huge and the March speed is really important for oPCGgtwd8xI-00255-00123702-00124182 Harold because he only gets 10 so you're giving him 20 more I think this is really a match made oPCGgtwd8xI-00256-00124182-00124638 in heaven and it's very very good so all in all I do think that Charles Martel is still a commander oPCGgtwd8xI-00257-00124638-00125040 that you can use in season of conquest and the recent buff to his Relic pretty much guarantees oPCGgtwd8xI-00258-00125040-00125490 that unless you're a whale who just has access to even more high damage output commanders in which oPCGgtwd8xI-00259-00125490-00125988 case Charles Martel might find his way to the bench even with the recent Relic upgrade with oPCGgtwd8xI-00260-00125988-00126306 that being said guys if you enjoyed this video or you learned something drop a thumbs up on it oPCGgtwd8xI-00261-00126306-00126635 it really helps out the channel a Tana helps get this video out into the YouTube algorithm so other oPCGgtwd8xI-00262-00126635-00127050 Rise of Kings players might see it we're so close to 50 000 subscribers so consider subscribing and oPCGgtwd8xI-00263-00127050-00127422 clicking the Bell to be notified the next time that I upload a rise of Kingdoms video comment oPCGgtwd8xI-00264-00127422-00127806 down below your thoughts on Charles Martel are you still using him here in 2023 what do oPCGgtwd8xI-00265-00127806-00128124 you think of him do you like him or do you think that he's kind of fallen off with that being said oPCGgtwd8xI-00266-00128124-00128466 guys thank you so much for watching this has been Omniarch I will talk to you guys again soon peace oUXOFUmNoKg-00000-00000542-00001382 Cancer Psychic Tarot Reading | Weekly Horoscope January Week 05 2019 oUXOFUmNoKg-00001-00001988-00002702 This is the energy vibration reading for the Cancer Sun Moon & Rising signs and I hope this oUXOFUmNoKg-00002-00002702-00003701 is gonna pick up because I'm seeing that we have a little glitch.... pick up this oUXOFUmNoKg-00003-00003701-00004201 reading and then I can leave off okay for you Cancer's this week is the last week of oUXOFUmNoKg-00004-00004201-00004718 January begins from the 28th until the 3rd of February. I want to say thank you oUXOFUmNoKg-00005-00004718-00005111 to each and every person thank you for the wonderful positive energy that's oUXOFUmNoKg-00006-00005111-00005642 coming out and I want to say to each and every person please remember that this oUXOFUmNoKg-00007-00005642-00006037 is the last week of January to February reading is online, go and pick up your oUXOFUmNoKg-00008-00006037-00006536 February readings and the On-Demand is also online, its just $1.99 oUXOFUmNoKg-00009-00006536-00007034 go pick it up in this week you Cancer just have to have find some balance it oUXOFUmNoKg-00010-00007034-00007436 has to do with money okay so whatever the situation is and whatever that is oUXOFUmNoKg-00011-00007436-00007945 playing in this week you Cancer's need to find some balance it has to do with money now oUXOFUmNoKg-00012-00007945-00008722 we have a fine sign on Monday or Tuesday we have emotional day Wednesday we have oUXOFUmNoKg-00013-00008722-00009317 the earth sign of the ace of Pentacles in Reverse on Thursday we have the seven oUXOFUmNoKg-00014-00009317-00009865 of swords some lies and deception on Friday we have the prince of oUXOFUmNoKg-00015-00009865-00010382 Pentacles in Reverse and some of you are seeing the truth about this person okay oUXOFUmNoKg-00016-00010382-00010799 so some of you are realizing that this person has deceive you and you are oUXOFUmNoKg-00017-00010799-00011279 seeing the truth about this person so let's see what is transpiring why is oUXOFUmNoKg-00018-00011279-00011725 happening um whatever is hapening there's a new start that... oUXOFUmNoKg-00019-00011725-00012239 went to be coming for you Cancer okay so let's see this new start waves coming oUXOFUmNoKg-00020-00012239-00012736 in sure initiatives already there is a positive new starter is coming in oUXOFUmNoKg-00021-00012736-00013157 putting cancer so whatever the situation is or was there is definitely going to oUXOFUmNoKg-00022-00013157-00013637 see a positive you start as we look at the energy we have some regrets five of oUXOFUmNoKg-00023-00013637-00014432 copses in reverse and it has to do when three people who have tried to there is oUXOFUmNoKg-00024-00014432-00014843 no happiness and no joy with our situation there has to do with three oUXOFUmNoKg-00025-00014843-00015219 people so it could be three girlfriends that you and your girl oUXOFUmNoKg-00026-00015219-00015660 they're not seen eye-to-eye this could be the situation that is happening Mesa oUXOFUmNoKg-00027-00015660-00016169 Pentacles is in Reverse so let's check out what is going on you have a lot of oUXOFUmNoKg-00028-00016169-00016701 work to do a lot of work along work you're busy and that gives you the oUXOFUmNoKg-00029-00016701-00017133 energy of the three of Pentacles in Reverse a lot of work has to be done oUXOFUmNoKg-00030-00017133-00017727 okay seven of swords in the Secretary deception situation let's see what that oUXOFUmNoKg-00031-00017727-00018165 is all about you're turning your back on this really deception situation that oUXOFUmNoKg-00032-00018165-00018627 nice transpire ace of cups comes up on Friday so Friday and Monday it's going oUXOFUmNoKg-00033-00018627-00019293 to be the most positive days I offer is going to be coming in of love this is oUXOFUmNoKg-00034-00019293-00019659 going to be coming in on Friday this is good okay oUXOFUmNoKg-00035-00019659-00020091 on Saturday you're dealing with someone who is a Taurus Virgo or a Capricorn oUXOFUmNoKg-00036-00020091-00020574 this person is not really being honest you have to be careful why is that in oUXOFUmNoKg-00037-00020574-00020988 because obviously there's some dishonest feet with this person you have to be oUXOFUmNoKg-00038-00020988-00021498 careful this person is between the ages of 18 and 45 minutes of Taurus Virgo oUXOFUmNoKg-00039-00021498-00022014 Capricorn this person is working from out of an organization this person is a oUXOFUmNoKg-00040-00022014-00022518 dishonest person so you have to be careful as we look further you're seeing oUXOFUmNoKg-00041-00022518-00022998 the truth about something on Sunday so we're going to be looking to see what oUXOFUmNoKg-00042-00022998-00023394 your see you're seeing that there was a deception and you have overcome this oUXOFUmNoKg-00043-00023394-00023852 deception so that is good it could be a deception in love but it could be oUXOFUmNoKg-00044-00023852-00024417 someone off with you love you have to find balance and you're going to see the oUXOFUmNoKg-00045-00024417-00024837 truth about the situation whatever the situation and you're going to be oUXOFUmNoKg-00046-00024837-00025200 justified you're going to be really seeing the truth of the situation and oUXOFUmNoKg-00047-00025200-00025629 you're going to be justified now there is a lot that is going on but Monday is oUXOFUmNoKg-00048-00025629-00026031 a good day and Friday is a good day the weekend is a little bit you know off oUXOFUmNoKg-00049-00026031-00026430 because you're dealing with someone in the weekend is not being very armed oUXOFUmNoKg-00050-00026430-00026832 honest now this person could be someone in business that you're working with oUXOFUmNoKg-00051-00026832-00027282 when this person is really not being very honest some of you with friendship oUXOFUmNoKg-00052-00027282-00027624 this friendship is not really good some of you are having some regrets about oUXOFUmNoKg-00053-00027624-00028239 this friendship whatever is truly inspiring financial wise it is and not oUXOFUmNoKg-00054-00028239-00028744 Loen because there's a lot of work to be done the financial wise it's not flowing oUXOFUmNoKg-00055-00028744-00029169 whatever the deception is sub we're going to be looking at that because it's oUXOFUmNoKg-00056-00029169-00029569 as if the deception is being found out if you're going to be turning your back oUXOFUmNoKg-00057-00029569-00029974 and walk in a way so whatever that situation is and whatever the deception oUXOFUmNoKg-00058-00029974-00030564 situation what answer it comes there is an end that is coming so some of you oUXOFUmNoKg-00059-00030564-00031108 were dealing with some nasty deceptive situation you cancers and now this is oUXOFUmNoKg-00060-00031108-00031549 really coming to an end a positive engine is going to be coming out of oUXOFUmNoKg-00061-00031549-00032080 let's look at the slander you're dealing with it is someone between the ages of oUXOFUmNoKg-00062-00032080-00032647 18 to 45 it's a tourist verbal or a cane a Taurus Virgo or a Capricorn in an oUXOFUmNoKg-00063-00032647-00033097 organization let's see what he has the truth is going to be coming out about oUXOFUmNoKg-00064-00033097-00033496 this person whether this person is whatever he was doing definitely the oUXOFUmNoKg-00065-00033496-00033994 truth is going to be coming out about him let's see the situation with your oUXOFUmNoKg-00066-00033994-00034809 financial why your financial abundance and it's that there is power struggle oUXOFUmNoKg-00067-00034809-00035182 that is going on there's definitely follow struggles that is going on so be oUXOFUmNoKg-00068-00035182-00035611 aware of that there is a situation that you're seeing the truth about some lives oUXOFUmNoKg-00069-00035611-00036151 and so a situation that has transpired and you are going to be coming out on oUXOFUmNoKg-00070-00036151-00036493 top of this because you're going to be seeing the truth and letting people oUXOFUmNoKg-00071-00036493-00036907 understand what it has been transpiring so the energy of the Sun and the star is oUXOFUmNoKg-00072-00036907-00037434 a positive energy vibration new lab is going to be coming in off of Luna is oUXOFUmNoKg-00073-00037434-00037809 going to be coming in you need to be careful there is some decedent oUXOFUmNoKg-00074-00037809-00038259 situations around you so you need to be careful you love is coming out and off oUXOFUmNoKg-00075-00038259-00038761 of you love is coming out and here were to be receiving a message of this and oUXOFUmNoKg-00076-00038761-00039175 you're really going to be receiving a message of this this you love positive oUXOFUmNoKg-00077-00039175-00039721 love and positive energies coming out now some of you especially when it comes oUXOFUmNoKg-00078-00039721-00040246 on to work there you know you're going to be seen something that is playing out oUXOFUmNoKg-00079-00040246-00040768 at your work whenever the situation is some of you could be receiving a new oUXOFUmNoKg-00080-00040768-00041253 offer of work when this message could be coming in and this is going to be really oUXOFUmNoKg-00081-00041253-00041602 wonderful that very positive so overall it's not really oUXOFUmNoKg-00082-00041602-00042112 a bad week it depends on what energies are supporting you in this week but for oUXOFUmNoKg-00083-00042112-00042534 the rest you can see it as a week that is going to be making a lot of changes oUXOFUmNoKg-00084-00042534-00043041 because you have the five balanced in a balance in your life some of you are oUXOFUmNoKg-00085-00043041-00043359 going to be seen the truth about your financial situation some of you are oUXOFUmNoKg-00086-00043359-00043881 going to be seen the truth about the organization data someone who is a oUXOFUmNoKg-00087-00043881-00044390 Taurus verbal or a Capricorn that this person has lies and lie and deceive you oUXOFUmNoKg-00088-00044390-00045147 and the energy that you will receive is this crystal energy and it's crystal oUXOFUmNoKg-00089-00045147-00046096 that you can use in this week the angels and the angels and saints card that you oUXOFUmNoKg-00090-00046096-00046884 have is wonderful and this is going to be good have a faith okay so you need to oUXOFUmNoKg-00091-00046884-00047253 have faith in the sweet whatever the situation is going on you really really oUXOFUmNoKg-00092-00047253-00047683 need to have faith in this week because as you have fate the universe is going oUXOFUmNoKg-00093-00047683-00049207 to be opening up doors for you I want to say namaste until next time oV_7HyEOu34-00000-00000010-00000541 My operations commander and the other radio operator and I went up to the tower. Set everything up. oV_7HyEOu34-00001-00000542-00000819 The training conducted was essentially calling in for close air support, oV_7HyEOu34-00002-00000819-00001042 both CASEVAC and gun-runs. oV_7HyEOu34-00003-00001042-00001449 A CASEVAC 9-line is essentially what you're going to call in, when not just a Marine, oV_7HyEOu34-00004-00001449-00001714 but any military personnel goes down. oV_7HyEOu34-00005-00001714-00002200 We're working co-in-hand with one of the Navy squadrons, the helicopter squadrons. oV_7HyEOu34-00006-00002200-00002576 What it was is basically the forward air controllers was calling in gun-runs on targets, oV_7HyEOu34-00007-00002576-00003048 then you're going to run into the 9-line, which is where you are, oV_7HyEOu34-00008-00003048-00003166 what net they can reach you on, oV_7HyEOu34-00009-00003166-00003329 how they can reach you, oV_7HyEOu34-00010-00003329-00003479 what kind of enemies are in the area, oV_7HyEOu34-00011-00003479-00003586 and all kinds of things. oV_7HyEOu34-00012-00003586-00004019 It's basically the basics that a pilot is going to need to know before they can come oV_7HyEOu34-00013-00004019-00004119 into that area, oV_7HyEOu34-00014-00004119-00004482 so they have an idea of what they need to deal with and also so the medical personnel oV_7HyEOu34-00015-00004482-00004957 aboard that bird know what to bring and what they're preparing for. oV_7HyEOu34-00016-00004957-00005367 Being able to call in a 5-line gun-run for the first time is pretty sweet, oV_7HyEOu34-00017-00005367-00005684 being able to control the bird, tell the bird where to go, it was pretty awesome oV_7HyEOu34-00018-00005684-00006031 and I think that's going to not only help me and benefit me in the long run, but as oV_7HyEOu34-00019-00006031-00006149 well as everyone else there. oW3j65cHMLA-00000-00000000-00000200 Epicly presses the C button oW3j65cHMLA-00001-00000200-00000357 ... oW3j65cHMLA-00002-00000357-00000433 Luigi: WOW! *Gibberish* oW3j65cHMLA-00003-00000433-00000743 *Slower Gibberish* oW3j65cHMLA-00004-00000743-00000926 Uh oh Mario is here now oW3j65cHMLA-00005-00000926-00001259 Mario: Wait on-e *𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒐 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒏𝒐𝒘* oW3j65cHMLA-00006-00001264-00001344 𝙎𝙘𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚 oW3j65cHMLA-00007-00001351-00001503 𝑀𝑜𝓊𝓉𝒽 𝒪𝓅𝑒𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒩𝑜𝒾𝓈𝑒 (Ew) oXY0iRNt2Mk-00000-00000364-00000556 what if we rewrite the stars oXY0iRNt2Mk-00001-00000700-00001094 say you were made to be mine oXY0iRNt2Mk-00002-00001100-00001500 Nothing could keep us apart oXY0iRNt2Mk-00003-00001600-00002000 you'll be the one I was meant to find oXY0iRNt2Mk-00004-00002100-00002490 it's up to you, it's up to me oXY0iRNt2Mk-00005-00002500-00002982 no-one can say what we get to be... oXY0iRNt2Mk-00006-00003132-00003468 So, why don't we rewrite the stars(not literally) oXY0iRNt2Mk-00007-00003500-00004200 maybe the world could be OURS. oY9ZtGhPxsA-00000-00000012-00000270 (upbeat music) oY9ZtGhPxsA-00001-00000380-00000553 - During my time here at UA, I've been very blessed oY9ZtGhPxsA-00002-00000553-00000658 to meet several donors oY9ZtGhPxsA-00003-00000658-00000846 specifically through the Culverhouse College of Business. oY9ZtGhPxsA-00004-00000846-00000971 The generosity of the donors oY9ZtGhPxsA-00005-00000971-00001112 is absolutely inspirational for me. oY9ZtGhPxsA-00006-00001112-00001263 When I was picking schools, I wanted to pick a school oY9ZtGhPxsA-00007-00001263-00001371 that had a lot of state pride oY9ZtGhPxsA-00008-00001371-00001501 and a lot of pride within the university oY9ZtGhPxsA-00009-00001501-00001691 so absolutely Alabama stuck out. oY9ZtGhPxsA-00010-00001691-00001891 - So I think being able to have conversations with donors oY9ZtGhPxsA-00011-00001891-00002134 is very beneficial, hearing their stories oY9ZtGhPxsA-00012-00002134-00002363 and talking about their impact here at the university oY9ZtGhPxsA-00013-00002363-00002544 here at Culverhouse, but also throughout the world. oY9ZtGhPxsA-00014-00002544-00002646 - I've been really grateful oY9ZtGhPxsA-00015-00002646-00002892 for this brand new H.M. Comer as well, oY9ZtGhPxsA-00016-00002892-00003143 I give tours and I spend a lot of time in here, oY9ZtGhPxsA-00017-00003143-00003326 I've spent a lot of time in the new Cube. oY9ZtGhPxsA-00018-00003326-00003565 So just all the donors that made this possible, oY9ZtGhPxsA-00019-00003565-00003811 it's a beautiful building and I am so happy oY9ZtGhPxsA-00020-00003811-00004027 to be able spend time in here and work in here. oY9ZtGhPxsA-00021-00004027-00004527 - It's helped me pursue my grad-school education oY9ZtGhPxsA-00022-00004547-00004907 and then on top of that, play basketball at an elite level. oY9ZtGhPxsA-00023-00004907-00005033 - I wanna thank all the donors out there oY9ZtGhPxsA-00024-00005033-00005247 for making my four years here possible. oY9ZtGhPxsA-00025-00005247-00005410 If it weren't for your generosity and your impacts, oY9ZtGhPxsA-00026-00005410-00005557 I would not be here today. oY9ZtGhPxsA-00027-00005557-00005748 You've helped me create educational opportunity oY9ZtGhPxsA-00028-00005748-00006031 and make like long-lasting friendships. oY9ZtGhPxsA-00029-00006031-00006187 - Thank you so much for all your generosity, oY9ZtGhPxsA-00030-00006187-00006371 it's made so many things possible for me. oY9ZtGhPxsA-00031-00006371-00006525 I've had great opportunities oY9ZtGhPxsA-00032-00006525-00006650 within the college of engineering oY9ZtGhPxsA-00033-00006650-00006897 and I really feel like I'm set up to do good things oY9ZtGhPxsA-00034-00006897-00007029 after I graduate. oY9ZtGhPxsA-00035-00007029-00007381 And I can't wait to also donate back to the university. oY9ZtGhPxsA-00036-00007381-00007570 - I really appreciate what you've done for us, oY9ZtGhPxsA-00037-00007570-00007752 aside from the money just thank you for your time oY9ZtGhPxsA-00038-00007752-00007872 and being able to be here oY9ZtGhPxsA-00039-00007872-00008066 and wanting to pour into this great university. oY9ZtGhPxsA-00040-00008066-00008332 (upbeat music) oZgkmPPTswU-00000-00008422-00009472 Yes, and as the maestro already thought about it today I would like to wish a very, very, oZgkmPPTswU-00001-00009472-00009624 very, very oZgkmPPTswU-00002-00009624-00010840 Happy 55th birthday to Laura Dern, our legendary master fetish actress, great oZgkmPPTswU-00003-00010840-00011441 in all the roles in which she has acted, in particular for this reason I put that cover oZgkmPPTswU-00004-00011441-00011541 image oZgkmPPTswU-00005-00011541-00012421 of the video, the image of mr. Lynch with the cow: because that was a photo that referred oZgkmPPTswU-00006-00012421-00012597 to the fact that mr. oZgkmPPTswU-00007-00012597-00012945 Lynch was petitioning her to win the Academy Award for Best Actress oZgkmPPTswU-00008-00012945-00013301 starring for Inland Empre and in fact he wasn't all wrong. oZgkmPPTswU-00009-00013301-00013466 I must say that I have not seen she oZgkmPPTswU-00010-00013466-00013947 in other films apart from those of the master but in those of the master I confess that oZgkmPPTswU-00011-00013947-00014144 she actually is oZgkmPPTswU-00012-00014144-00014716 a great actress in all roles, in Blue Velvet, in Wild at Heart, in INLAND EMPIRE, in which oZgkmPPTswU-00013-00014716-00015191 I actually think there is one of the greatest performances of her of her career if not the oZgkmPPTswU-00014-00015191-00015291 greatest, oZgkmPPTswU-00015-00015291-00015565 and then of course the role of Diane in Twin Peaks. oZgkmPPTswU-00016-00015565-00015816 So what about her, a great actress. oZgkmPPTswU-00017-00015816-00016309 If you saw previews at the beginning of the video it is because last year I dedicated oZgkmPPTswU-00018-00016309-00016409 two pieces to her: oZgkmPPTswU-00019-00016409-00016870 one from Wild at Heart and it's Dark Spanish Symphony by Angelo Badalamenti and of which I recommend oZgkmPPTswU-00020-00016875-00017901 even the original version because it is truly extraordinary; and then Mysteries of Love, oZgkmPPTswU-00021-00017901-00018179 of which my interpretation dates back to November 2020. oZgkmPPTswU-00022-00018179-00018279 Piece of course oZgkmPPTswU-00023-00018279-00018519 sung by Julee Cruise, also composed by Angelo Badalamenti and taken from Blue Velvet oZgkmPPTswU-00024-00018519-00018925 and so I don't think I can say anything more about her, I think I've said it all. oa_77oCzBh0-00000-00000780-00001086 Whoa! Whoa! Guys, get in! I’ve just pressed something. oa_77oCzBh0-00001-00001304-00001591 Savv’s pistol slid out. Dude... Why? oa_77oCzBh0-00002-00002961-00003061 Er... OK. oa_77oCzBh0-00003-00003666-00003766 So much for the crate! oa_77oCzBh0-00004-00004853-00005033 You sons of bitches... oa_77oCzBh0-00005-00005829-00006022 We’re crawling over corpses. oa_77oCzBh0-00006-00006032-00006106 Oops. oa_77oCzBh0-00007-00006126-00006325 Alt-tabbed out for a second there. oa_77oCzBh0-00008-00007258-00007358 Thank you. oa_77oCzBh0-00009-00007657-00007897 I didn’t think you can even... oa_77oCzBh0-00010-00008030-00008130 That’s funny. oa_77oCzBh0-00011-00008454-00008594 Right, shall we go together? oa_77oCzBh0-00012-00008605-00008732 Fine, let’s try it. oa_77oCzBh0-00013-00009514-00009564 Fail. oa_77oCzBh0-00014-00009566-00009678 That was a bad idea. oa_77oCzBh0-00015-00011195-00011381 Spinning right round, I see? oa_77oCzBh0-00016-00013034-00013215 Did we leave a respawn point behind? oa_77oCzBh0-00017-00013230-00013330 Dunno. oa_77oCzBh0-00018-00013824-00014098 ...I think there is a mod that makes them work, but it’s probably not worth the hassle. oa_77oCzBh0-00019-00014125-00014200 Makes what work? oa_77oCzBh0-00020-00014222-00014502 Iron sights. The original never had those. oa_77oCzBh0-00021-00014839-00014939 Shit. oa_77oCzBh0-00022-00015589-00015689 Holy crap! oa_77oCzBh0-00023-00015736-00015836 Brilliant. oa_77oCzBh0-00024-00016101-00016201 Looks clear. oa_77oCzBh0-00025-00016211-00016391 Did anyone die? No one did. oa_77oCzBh0-00026-00016661-00016854 Gah. Couldn’t you have just... like this? oa_77oCzBh0-00027-00016868-00016965 I was healing myself. oa_77oCzBh0-00028-00016975-00017095 Wait, how do you actually... oa_77oCzBh0-00029-00017182-00017282 Fuck! oa_77oCzBh0-00030-00017550-00017646 That’s one way of saving ammo. oa_77oCzBh0-00031-00017655-00017962 Hey! Get me up! I'm still alive. Well, sort of. oaDpf9jMkAg-00000-00000000-00000158 - Hi, I'm Roy Mitchell. oaDpf9jMkAg-00001-00000158-00000425 I'm from OneTide Modular Systems. oaDpf9jMkAg-00002-00000425-00000634 I just wanna introduce you and give you some information oaDpf9jMkAg-00003-00000634-00000967 on the latest in microgrid technology. oaDpf9jMkAg-00004-00000967-00001349 This is a fully self-contained microgrid system, oaDpf9jMkAg-00005-00001349-00001646 designed for rural and off-the-grid, oaDpf9jMkAg-00006-00001646-00001871 really remote areas. oaDpf9jMkAg-00007-00001871-00002164 What it does, this system here takes in all inputs. oaDpf9jMkAg-00008-00002164-00002282 It takes in wind, oaDpf9jMkAg-00009-00002282-00002417 it takes in wave, oaDpf9jMkAg-00010-00002417-00002843 it takes in solar power, it can take a diesel generator in. oaDpf9jMkAg-00011-00002843-00003026 And it can also take the grid in. oaDpf9jMkAg-00012-00003026-00003295 It takes that power in and charges the battery up oaDpf9jMkAg-00013-00003295-00003720 which then provides clean power to your house. oaDpf9jMkAg-00014-00003720-00004057 Clean power will enable alarm systems, oaDpf9jMkAg-00015-00004057-00004143 computers, oaDpf9jMkAg-00016-00004143-00004344 anything that needs a really clean power source oaDpf9jMkAg-00017-00004344-00004567 will work very well with this. oaDpf9jMkAg-00018-00004567-00004853 The other thing to note is it's fully monitored. oaDpf9jMkAg-00019-00004853-00005142 We monitor the system from our offices in Perth, oaDpf9jMkAg-00020-00005142-00005519 so you don't have to worry about the system breaking down. oaDpf9jMkAg-00021-00005519-00005665 We'll tell you it's gonna break down oaDpf9jMkAg-00022-00005665-00005815 before you will know about it. oaDpf9jMkAg-00023-00006013-00006158 Solar panels here, oaDpf9jMkAg-00024-00006158-00006658 these are the latest in building-integrated photovoltaic. oaDpf9jMkAg-00025-00006670-00006844 A really aesthetic panel, oaDpf9jMkAg-00026-00006844-00007093 so it's designed to take away all the brackets oaDpf9jMkAg-00027-00007093-00007176 and things that go on a roof. oaDpf9jMkAg-00028-00007176-00007501 These solar panels are the actual roof. oaDpf9jMkAg-00029-00007501-00007751 Really nice design, European. oaDpf9jMkAg-00030-00007751-00007984 And they will be coming into Australia within oaDpf9jMkAg-00031-00007984-00008114 the next couple of months. oaDpf9jMkAg-00032-00008198-00008422 This is the very latest again, oaDpf9jMkAg-00033-00008422-00008650 in wind turbine technology. oaDpf9jMkAg-00034-00008650-00008785 So, this is the RidgeBlade. oaDpf9jMkAg-00035-00008942-00009144 It works on very, very low wind speed, oaDpf9jMkAg-00036-00009144-00009422 1.3 metres per second and it starts to turn. oaDpf9jMkAg-00037-00009422-00009533 It's cyclone rated, oaDpf9jMkAg-00038-00009533-00009745 it will work in a Cat-5 cyclone. oaDpf9jMkAg-00039-00009745-00010018 Fully modernised and these sit on the roof oaDpf9jMkAg-00040-00010018-00010409 of your house and 2 kilowatts of power. oaDpf9jMkAg-00041-00010409-00010561 Once the wind turbine's running oaDpf9jMkAg-00042-00010561-00010723 it basically charges your battery. oaDpf9jMkAg-00043-00010723-00010859 So, when there's no sun, oaDpf9jMkAg-00044-00010859-00011007 the wind turbine's running, oaDpf9jMkAg-00045-00011007-00011108 your battery's charged, oaDpf9jMkAg-00046-00011108-00011363 you'll always have then power for your house. oaDpf9jMkAg-00047-00011363-00011624 This system is really designed to make sure oaDpf9jMkAg-00048-00011624-00011758 that a remote community, oaDpf9jMkAg-00049-00011758-00012009 a rural property will have power oaDpf9jMkAg-00050-00012009-00012379 for the rest of your life with no more bills. oaDpf9jMkAg-00051-00012379-00012643 This system is the first of its kind in Australia. oaDpf9jMkAg-00052-00012643-00012797 Wind turbine, very latest. oaDpf9jMkAg-00053-00012797-00012965 If you want any more information on it, oaDpf9jMkAg-00054-00012965-00013102 please get in contact oaDpf9jMkAg-00055-00013102-00013511 through our website ocEFp3QYIKc-00000-00000000-00001810 [Music] i am jared from some guitar lessons and I absolutely love practicing I love it so much ocEFp3QYIKc-00001-00001810-00002281 that's why I teach it that's why I try to help others find that joy in playing an instrument ocEFp3QYIKc-00002-00002281-00002956 that I know is very possible for us to experience however what happens if we get injured along the ocEFp3QYIKc-00003-00002956-00003522 way and the very thing that we're trying to get enjoyment from is causing us pain it's a very ocEFp3QYIKc-00004-00003522-00004060 conflicting experience I've had it happen twice in my life two really serious injuries with my ocEFp3QYIKc-00005-00004060-00004651 left arm from practicing that were repetitive strain injuries or tendinitis and had to go ocEFp3QYIKc-00006-00004651-00005152 through a long kind of recovery process so a lot of times talking to other guitar players ocEFp3QYIKc-00007-00005152-00005632 about this is not the most informative thing to do because well we're just get our players ocEFp3QYIKc-00008-00005632-00006151 i I went to many workshops of guitar players and I've heard the question come up many times ocEFp3QYIKc-00009-00006151-00006676 where an audience member might say hey have you ever had issues with your arm and and pain what ocEFp3QYIKc-00010-00006676-00007095 do you do about it I remember two in particular one was David Russell the classical guitar player ocEFp3QYIKc-00011-00007095-00007695 and his answer was no you know sorry can't help you and another one was Pat Metheny the ocEFp3QYIKc-00012-00007695-00008203 jazz guitar player and same answer he's like no you know I'm lucky I'm grateful I never had any ocEFp3QYIKc-00013-00008203-00008722 arm issues it's like great what do you do well maybe we shouldn't be asking guitar players for ocEFp3QYIKc-00014-00008722-00009250 help with our arm injuries from playing maybe we should be asking professional physical therapists ocEFp3QYIKc-00015-00009250-00009928 and doctors and that is exactly what this episode of this sound guitar lessons channel is today we ocEFp3QYIKc-00016-00009928-00010540 have a special guest her name is Abbie helping and she is a physical therapist in Seattle where ocEFp3QYIKc-00017-00010540-00011194 I live and the second time I had an arm injury I went to her for some help and got some exercises ocEFp3QYIKc-00018-00011194-00011704 and feedback and treatment for my arm issues and it helped immensely and I've been in touch with ocEFp3QYIKc-00019-00011704-00012430 her since and she offered to offer some advice on the channel for people that are potentially ocEFp3QYIKc-00020-00012430-00013003 experiencing issues and even if you're not it's something that's very possible so we want ocEFp3QYIKc-00021-00013003-00013687 to be mindful of our bodies and our posture our breathing all of that and Abbie is the expert on ocEFp3QYIKc-00022-00013687-00014254 this stuff and she's she specializes in working with performing artists her business is called ocEFp3QYIKc-00023-00014254-00014804 Forte performance and physical therapy and she's awesome so turn it over to Abby and she's gonna ocEFp3QYIKc-00024-00014804-00015287 answer some questions that some of my students submitted for her about physical issues and ocEFp3QYIKc-00025-00015287-00015794 injuries around being a guitar player and playing the guitar so I hope you enjoy and thanks so much ocEFp3QYIKc-00026-00015794-00016418 hi there my name is Abbie Hoffman and then the physical therapist here in Seattle Jared asked ocEFp3QYIKc-00027-00016418-00016853 me to hop on here and give some thoughts on what I typically see guitarists coming in ocEFp3QYIKc-00028-00016853-00017336 with as physical therapists and then also some of his students submitted some really wonderful ocEFp3QYIKc-00029-00017336-00017798 questions and so I'm gonna put myself in the hot seat just right go right down the list and get you ocEFp3QYIKc-00030-00017798-00018305 the information the best that I can so the first thing that I want to do is do a little bit of a ocEFp3QYIKc-00031-00018305-00019028 myth buster there is no such thing as bad posture I think in performing arts we have this kind of ocEFp3QYIKc-00032-00019028-00019691 culture of there is a right way to sit or a right way to play and if you're not doing it the right ocEFp3QYIKc-00033-00019691-00020216 way you're more likely to get injured not the case the best thing that you can do is have a ocEFp3QYIKc-00034-00020216-00020933 really broad vocabulary a lot of variety in what's possible so if you are pigeon holing yourself into ocEFp3QYIKc-00035-00020933-00021407 one movement pattern think of it this way you are only using the same tissues over and over again ocEFp3QYIKc-00036-00021407-00022022 to play your instruments so if you can create options and have choice in your posture and ocEFp3QYIKc-00037-00022022-00022763 yes something is one of them and you are going to have more stamina during performance and practice ocEFp3QYIKc-00038-00022763-00023372 sessions you will have greater resilience over the course of your career as a musician and it'll ocEFp3QYIKc-00039-00023372-00024350 actually have less likely injuries in the path of your musicianship so the more that you can create ocEFp3QYIKc-00040-00024350-00024839 options in that what your body can do and still play well the better off you are going to be in ocEFp3QYIKc-00041-00024839-00025577 the long run there are a few things that I see more often in guitarists the the typical pattern ocEFp3QYIKc-00042-00025577-00026002 is essentially like if you're playing the guitar but then you put the guitar down and walked away ocEFp3QYIKc-00043-00026002-00026483 as though you were still playing the guitar that's a problem because again you're pigeon put it on ocEFp3QYIKc-00044-00026483-00027050 yourself into that guitar position right so what that looks like is ribcage that what shifts off to ocEFp3QYIKc-00045-00027050-00027611 the left slightly I'm exaggerating here the right shoulder and ribcage get depressed a little bit ocEFp3QYIKc-00046-00027611-00027983 and then the shoulder blade and the shoulder come around the front so that you can reach over your ocEFp3QYIKc-00047-00027983-00028379 instrument the also a lot of cervical rotation to the left because you have to look at your ocEFp3QYIKc-00048-00028379-00029042 left hand a lot when you're practicing right and none of this is inherently bad it's just if you ocEFp3QYIKc-00049-00029042-00029585 can't get out of it you're more likely to get sore injuries it's usually forearm elbow hand ocEFp3QYIKc-00050-00029585-00030206 and shoulders so there's a low back pain and neck pain as well it just kind of depends what else you ocEFp3QYIKc-00051-00030206-00030872 have going on in your life what you do for work outside of music etc um to get out of this pattern ocEFp3QYIKc-00052-00030872-00031400 is you essentially have to train up the opposite so let's do this together get your heels planted ocEFp3QYIKc-00053-00031400-00032075 on the floor if you're sitting at your sit bones planted in the seat and let your chest just relax ocEFp3QYIKc-00054-00032075-00032597 down a little bit and drop your left shoulder that's gonna shift your ribs off to the left ocEFp3QYIKc-00055-00032597-00033104 a little bit and then turn your head to the right you might notice this little strap muscle turn on ocEFp3QYIKc-00056-00033104-00033653 in here and just hang out there and breathe I will you'll notice is you have to breathe a little bit ocEFp3QYIKc-00057-00033653-00034157 more into the right side and expand into that side where you're playing the guitar typically ocEFp3QYIKc-00058-00034157-00034676 gets compressed so just again creating variety right we're getting into the opposite so that then ocEFp3QYIKc-00059-00034676-00035201 when you let go you kind of live somewhere in the middle which is more comfortable let's get to some ocEFp3QYIKc-00060-00035201-00035774 of these questions so the first question is are there proper ways to breathe that help being more ocEFp3QYIKc-00061-00035774-00036344 relaxed and how could I be more physically relaxed in general this is pretty important for performing ocEFp3QYIKc-00062-00036344-00037067 right let's talk about our nervous system before we get into being relaxed our nervous system ocEFp3QYIKc-00063-00037067-00037499 has a part of it called the autonomic nervous system it's in charge of anything that we don't ocEFp3QYIKc-00064-00037499-00037991 really have voluntary control over so things like our organs so maybe our heart rate blood ocEFp3QYIKc-00065-00037991-00038591 pressure that kind of stuff inside our autonomic nervous system there are two branches there's the ocEFp3QYIKc-00066-00038591-00039152 sympathetic parasympathetic the sympathetic is your fight-or-flight parasympathetic is ocEFp3QYIKc-00067-00039152-00039695 rest and digest this is where we want to live if we want to spend more time in a physically ocEFp3QYIKc-00068-00039695-00040406 relaxed posture and feel calmer while we play the way to trigger your rest and digest half of ocEFp3QYIKc-00069-00040406-00041030 your autonomic nervous system is to focus on your exhale if you want to ramp up focus on your inhale ocEFp3QYIKc-00070-00041030-00041732 so let's talk about rest and digest think about like your exhales so take a nice easy breath in ocEFp3QYIKc-00071-00041732-00042158 through your nose and then exhale for as long as you can until you feel like you're getting ocEFp3QYIKc-00072-00042158-00042761 the last little ounces of air out and then pause for two or three seconds and then nice and easy ocEFp3QYIKc-00073-00042761-00043262 breathe back in through your nose what you should notice from a movement perspective is that as you ocEFp3QYIKc-00074-00043262-00043748 get further into your exhale your chest will start to drop the front of your ribs will start to kind ocEFp3QYIKc-00075-00043748-00044318 of gather together you might notice your abs turn on as you really fully exhale and then hold that ocEFp3QYIKc-00076-00044318-00044777 for those couple of seconds and then nice and easy breathe in which is going to make you breathe into ocEFp3QYIKc-00077-00044777-00045284 your back a little bit more let maybe a little bit more into your chest not shoulders right ocEFp3QYIKc-00078-00045284-00045917 now not like the stress thing but just higher up in your ribcage so that would be a good just ocEFp3QYIKc-00079-00045917-00046391 breathing pattern to work with to get you more into that rest and digest part of the nervous ocEFp3QYIKc-00080-00046391-00046964 nervous system activity and postural e you can do kind of the same stuff that we talked about ocEFp3QYIKc-00081-00046964-00047471 at the beginning get your heels grounded on the floor or sit bones grounded on the seat or your ocEFp3QYIKc-00082-00047471-00048095 stool if you're sitting and let your chest just relax down and then focus on breathing into your ocEFp3QYIKc-00083-00048095-00048833 back into the sides of your ribs and just focus on some expansion and movement there the more ocEFp3QYIKc-00084-00048833-00049250 grounded you can feel in your heels and the more relaxed you can feel here the more likely you are ocEFp3QYIKc-00085-00049250-00050183 to essentially up-train your relaxation half of your autonomic nervous system and next question ocEFp3QYIKc-00086-00050183-00050780 what stretches might be good for guitarists yeah the most common ones that I tend to give out are ocEFp3QYIKc-00087-00050780-00051430 forearm stretches so elbow straight and then just a nice easy pull with you at your wrists the key ocEFp3QYIKc-00088-00051430-00051872 is easy this should be the amount of intensity that you could just hang out here all day and ocEFp3QYIKc-00089-00051872-00052448 feel totally comfortable and then you undo the opposite your palm up and nice and easy pull and ocEFp3QYIKc-00090-00052448-00052907 get a stretch on the front of your arm the last one isn't necessarily a stretch but more of like ocEFp3QYIKc-00091-00052907-00053609 an expansion practice so laying on your back with your feet up maybe on the wall or on the seat of ocEFp3QYIKc-00092-00053609-00054212 a chair with your knees bent to 90 degrees and then your arms out to the sides and just kind ocEFp3QYIKc-00093-00054212-00054691 of lay there and breathe and you want to focus on expanding into your upper chest and into your ocEFp3QYIKc-00094-00054691-00055379 back the upper chest part is where we tend to see guitarists from having to hold their instrument ocEFp3QYIKc-00095-00055379-00056084 live in a shorter position so we're just trying to create some elongation there okay give those ocEFp3QYIKc-00096-00056084-00056633 a try let me know how it goes okay so the next question is it true that some repetitive strain ocEFp3QYIKc-00097-00056633-00057304 injuries can be so bad that they never fully heal to their original strength great question ocEFp3QYIKc-00098-00057304-00058073 the answer is definitely no although it does happen and it's not because the Hat it has two ocEFp3QYIKc-00099-00058073-00058780 repetitive stress injuries happen when you ask your body to load more or accept more volume of ocEFp3QYIKc-00100-00058780-00059522 training than what you've built your resilience up for and the other way that this can happen is that ocEFp3QYIKc-00101-00059522-00059987 you're not having recovery time so if you're experiencing discomfort and that discomfort ocEFp3QYIKc-00102-00059987-00060500 sticks around until you are your next practice session you're not getting recovery in between ocEFp3QYIKc-00103-00060500-00061547 your sessions so the under recovery it can impact you just as much as over training um if you have a ocEFp3QYIKc-00104-00061547-00062198 repetitive stress or strain injury the best thing to do is have a movement professional apt help you ocEFp3QYIKc-00105-00062198-00062807 and guide you to work your way out of it because some people need a lot of rest some people need ocEFp3QYIKc-00106-00062807-00063290 a change in the way that they're doing something it just completely depends on who you are and what ocEFp3QYIKc-00107-00063290-00063950 you've been up to so I would highly recommend that for this question if someone's experiencing this ocEFp3QYIKc-00108-00063950-00064466 the end and we've been professional to help them out a PT is really good at figuring out why the ocEFp3QYIKc-00109-00064466-00064871 repetitive stress happened in the first place and it might not be just training it might be ocEFp3QYIKc-00110-00064871-00065513 your movement patterns and how you're showing up while you're playing the guitar the next question ocEFp3QYIKc-00111-00065513-00065933 is is it sometimes healthy to play a little bit to stay conditioned while recovering from ocEFp3QYIKc-00112-00065933-00066614 a repetitive injury or is it always best to just rest and wait it is often healthy to play a little ocEFp3QYIKc-00113-00066614-00067160 bit even when injured I tend to tell people that like pretend this is a forearm injury right your ocEFp3QYIKc-00114-00067160-00067859 forearm is in charge if it allows you to play 20 minutes a day play a twenty minutes a day you want ocEFp3QYIKc-00115-00067859-00068333 to keep as much of a base as possible so that you don't have a training error when you get back get ocEFp3QYIKc-00116-00068333-00068951 excited and start playing again the other thing that helps in terms of continuing to play is that ocEFp3QYIKc-00117-00068951-00069623 your brain gets messages about movements um that are nested reinforcement right you'd like to play ocEFp3QYIKc-00118-00069623-00070181 the guitar so you get some messages that aren't discomfort you get movement you get vibration ocEFp3QYIKc-00119-00070181-00070778 I mean all these other sensory experiences that can kind of diminish the danger signals and and ocEFp3QYIKc-00120-00070778-00071213 the discomfort that you're feeling with an injury again have somebody guide you through this because ocEFp3QYIKc-00121-00071213-00071819 everybody's going to be a little bit different the last question is what is carpal tunnel versus ocEFp3QYIKc-00122-00071819-00072443 tendinitis and how are they different yeah good question the mechanism of discomfort with these ocEFp3QYIKc-00123-00072443-00072941 two things are very different and the feelings and the way that you address them can be quite ocEFp3QYIKc-00124-00072941-00073544 similar so it's really hard to tell sometimes the carpal tunnel is an anatomical structure or ocEFp3QYIKc-00125-00073544-00074054 feature on the front of your wrist is a little piece of tissue that goes across here and there ocEFp3QYIKc-00126-00074054-00074492 are tendons and nerves that run under it so if you get compression on the front of your wrist either ocEFp3QYIKc-00127-00074492-00075047 from something external like something pressing on it or playing kind of funky and you get some ocEFp3QYIKc-00128-00075047-00075617 kind of movement movement way kind of compression on the front of your wrist your median nerve which ocEFp3QYIKc-00129-00075617-00076142 is in charge of these three fingers and a little bit of your ring finger can get squished and with ocEFp3QYIKc-00130-00076142-00076625 that feels like is sometimes pain sometimes numbness and tingling sometimes people get ocEFp3QYIKc-00131-00076625-00077168 weakness so they're like dropping things or they will find like their agility and their fingers is ocEFp3QYIKc-00132-00077168-00077927 down the tough part about carpal tunnel syndrome is that the median nerve can technically be and ocEFp3QYIKc-00133-00077927-00078572 often be impinged at other spots at the same time or it can be in pinched somewhere else and ocEFp3QYIKc-00134-00078572-00079058 be misdiagnosed as a carpal tunnel syndrome so make sure you have a good diagnostician either ocEFp3QYIKc-00135-00079058-00079499 a physical therapist or a physician who can help you figure out you know where that median ocEFp3QYIKc-00136-00079499-00080135 nerve might be compressed somewhere along the pathway tendonitis is when a tendon which is ocEFp3QYIKc-00137-00080135-00080852 what attaches a muscle to a bone gets inflamed so the tendons job is to essentially be the pulling ocEFp3QYIKc-00138-00080852-00081263 so the muscle contracts and it pulls on the bone so that your skeleton moves when your muscle ocEFp3QYIKc-00139-00081263-00082029 contracts tendonitis is a really calm repetitive stress injury and that that usually looks like ocEFp3QYIKc-00140-00082029-00082812 pain and swelling it usually hurts when you move it or maybe shortly thereafter so they can look ocEFp3QYIKc-00141-00082812-00083361 similar because they both can kind of have pain and swelling involved with both issues you need to ocEFp3QYIKc-00142-00083361-00083730 find someone to figure out why the thing happened in the first place if you don't have the health ocEFp3QYIKc-00143-00083730-00084342 care provider that's asking why did this happen in the first place find a different one both of ocEFp3QYIKc-00144-00084342-00084777 them have you know a certain amount of leg load issues if you get if you have too much load in ocEFp3QYIKc-00145-00084777-00085194 terms of compression if you have too much load in terms of work and so sometimes the treatment ocEFp3QYIKc-00146-00085194-00085686 approach can look similar but you need to have somebody who knows the difference and can figure ocEFp3QYIKc-00147-00085686-00086412 out what is specific to your case that you need to work through I hope that this was helpful please ocEFp3QYIKc-00148-00086412-00086853 submit further questions I would love to help out in the future and make sure that I'm serving you ocEFp3QYIKc-00149-00086853-00087402 in a way that works best for you and feel free to reach out to Jared directly you can also find me ocEFp3QYIKc-00150-00087402-00087972 on instagram at fort a performance PT you can also email me anytime Abby at Forte perform ocEFp3QYIKc-00151-00087972-00088686 its PT comm Google me whatever you can find me right thanks for having me and have a great day od8C6yCmDlY-00000-00000556-00000712 some od8C6yCmDlY-00001-00001905-00002047 would od8C6yCmDlY-00002-00003159-00003298 go od8C6yCmDlY-00003-00004237-00004372 their od8C6yCmDlY-00004-00005358-00005505 than od8C6yCmDlY-00005-00006314-00006459 he od8C6yCmDlY-00006-00007122-00007261 in od8C6yCmDlY-00007-00008036-00008186 had od8C6yCmDlY-00008-00009186-00009351 first od8C6yCmDlY-00009-00010320-00010463 do od8C6yCmDlY-00010-00011385-00011545 find od8C6yCmDlY-00011-00012404-00012550 see od8C6yCmDlY-00012-00013395-00013541 make od8C6yCmDlY-00013-00014477-00014633 was od8C6yCmDlY-00014-00015522-00015669 been od8C6yCmDlY-00015-00016654-00016803 you od8C6yCmDlY-00016-00017694-00017846 an od8C6yCmDlY-00017-00018703-00018841 they od8C6yCmDlY-00018-00019795-00019941 by od8C6yCmDlY-00019-00020798-00020930 her od8C6yCmDlY-00020-00021804-00021949 that od8C6yCmDlY-00021-00022807-00022966 use od8C6yCmDlY-00022-00023713-00023870 as od8C6yCmDlY-00023-00024729-00024867 each od8C6yCmDlY-00024-00025836-00025975 this od8C6yCmDlY-00025-00026992-00027137 will od8C6yCmDlY-00026-00028026-00028166 at od8C6yCmDlY-00027-00029120-00029282 sound od8C6yCmDlY-00028-00030461-00030604 many od8C6yCmDlY-00029-00031589-00031750 one od8C6yCmDlY-00030-00032623-00032767 then od8C6yCmDlY-00031-00033608-00033759 so od8C6yCmDlY-00032-00034570-00034707 up od8C6yCmDlY-00033-00035580-00035724 them od8C6yCmDlY-00034-00036677-00036805 with od8C6yCmDlY-00035-00037808-00037941 who od8C6yCmDlY-00036-00039008-00039159 come od8C6yCmDlY-00037-00040145-00040298 of od8C6yCmDlY-00038-00041155-00041304 him od8C6yCmDlY-00039-00042193-00042333 out od8C6yCmDlY-00040-00043509-00043657 people od8C6yCmDlY-00041-00044771-00044919 she od8C6yCmDlY-00042-00045698-00045828 the od8C6yCmDlY-00043-00046687-00046836 said od8C6yCmDlY-00044-00047839-00047983 write od8C6yCmDlY-00045-00048824-00048949 it od8C6yCmDlY-00046-00049760-00049908 may od8C6yCmDlY-00047-00050897-00051039 like od8C6yCmDlY-00048-00051962-00052110 did od8C6yCmDlY-00049-00053065-00053213 most od8C6yCmDlY-00050-00054376-00054516 which od8C6yCmDlY-00051-00055581-00055731 has od8C6yCmDlY-00052-00056749-00056901 know od8C6yCmDlY-00053-00058111-00058241 your od8C6yCmDlY-00054-00059356-00059482 have od8C6yCmDlY-00055-00060405-00060556 my od8C6yCmDlY-00056-00061367-00061512 to od8C6yCmDlY-00057-00062402-00062552 how od8C6yCmDlY-00058-00063762-00063907 could od8C6yCmDlY-00059-00064877-00065025 I od8C6yCmDlY-00060-00065755-00065901 were od8C6yCmDlY-00061-00066870-00067016 way od8C6yCmDlY-00062-00068114-00068259 long od8C6yCmDlY-00063-00069436-00069581 call od8C6yCmDlY-00064-00070567-00070720 no od8C6yCmDlY-00065-00071739-00071885 about od8C6yCmDlY-00066-00072952-00073105 side od8C6yCmDlY-00067-00073994-00074134 but od8C6yCmDlY-00068-00075167-00075315 from od8C6yCmDlY-00069-00076476-00076624 down od8C6yCmDlY-00070-00077563-00077689 if od8C6yCmDlY-00071-00078643-00078786 word od8C6yCmDlY-00072-00079725-00079876 be od8C6yCmDlY-00073-00080767-00080908 over od8C6yCmDlY-00074-00081780-00081924 is od8C6yCmDlY-00075-00082893-00083034 look od8C6yCmDlY-00076-00084132-00084267 hot od8C6yCmDlY-00077-00085187-00085341 can od8C6yCmDlY-00078-00086327-00086480 more od8C6yCmDlY-00079-00087577-00087710 other od8C6yCmDlY-00080-00088694-00088847 his od8C6yCmDlY-00081-00089672-00089808 or od8C6yCmDlY-00082-00090619-00090766 on od8C6yCmDlY-00083-00091658-00091814 now od8C6yCmDlY-00084-00092705-00092859 are od8C6yCmDlY-00085-00093606-00093747 we od8C6yCmDlY-00086-00094383-00094538 a od8C6yCmDlY-00087-00095301-00095455 these od8C6yCmDlY-00088-00096444-00096607 for od8C6yCmDlY-00089-00097611-00097751 day od8C6yCmDlY-00090-00098725-00098867 two od8C6yCmDlY-00091-00099839-00099982 there od8C6yCmDlY-00092-00100954-00101090 all od8C6yCmDlY-00093-00102222-00102373 number od8C6yCmDlY-00094-00103536-00103679 what od8C6yCmDlY-00095-00104617-00104766 and od8C6yCmDlY-00096-00105751-00105907 thing od8C6yCmDlY-00097-00107005-00107148 water od8C6yCmDlY-00098-00108183-00108336 when od8C6yCmDlY-00099-00109260-00109412 time od8C6yCmDlY-00100-00110336-00110489 when od8C6yCmDlY-00101-00111428-00111573 by od8C6yCmDlY-00102-00112446-00112594 him od8C6yCmDlY-00103-00113502-00113644 two od8C6yCmDlY-00104-00114664-00114807 water od8C6yCmDlY-00105-00115698-00115839 we od8C6yCmDlY-00106-00116667-00116803 all od8C6yCmDlY-00107-00117710-00117858 did od8C6yCmDlY-00108-00118794-00118931 they od8C6yCmDlY-00109-00119901-00120055 can od8C6yCmDlY-00110-00120959-00121103 then od8C6yCmDlY-00111-00122135-00122288 know od8C6yCmDlY-00112-00123385-00123534 how od8C6yCmDlY-00113-00124522-00124671 said 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od8C6yCmDlY-00476-00523618-00523775 thing od8C6yCmDlY-00477-00524792-00524937 that od8C6yCmDlY-00478-00525827-00525980 of od8C6yCmDlY-00479-00526902-00527048 make od8C6yCmDlY-00480-00528052-00528187 their od8C6yCmDlY-00481-00529139-00529289 had od8C6yCmDlY-00482-00530162-00530300 go od8C6yCmDlY-00483-00531158-00531309 my od8C6yCmDlY-00484-00532375-00532515 which od8C6yCmDlY-00485-00533551-00533698 she od8C6yCmDlY-00486-00534718-00534864 about od8C6yCmDlY-00487-00535930-00536084 side od8C6yCmDlY-00488-00536941-00537084 do od8C6yCmDlY-00489-00538086-00538239 know od8C6yCmDlY-00490-00539143-00539268 it od8C6yCmDlY-00491-00540078-00540206 with od8C6yCmDlY-00492-00541050-00541201 be od8C6yCmDlY-00493-00542061-00542225 for od8C6yCmDlY-00494-00543229-00543372 there od8C6yCmDlY-00495-00544295-00544443 and od8C6yCmDlY-00496-00545157-00545312 a od8C6yCmDlY-00497-00546025-00546175 has od8C6yCmDlY-00498-00547288-00547428 would od8C6yCmDlY-00499-00548496-00548641 to od8C6yCmDlY-00500-00549420-00549573 no od8C6yCmDlY-00501-00550465-00550605 day od8C6yCmDlY-00502-00551528-00551681 of od8C6yCmDlY-00503-00552588-00552737 said od8C6yCmDlY-00504-00553675-00553816 out od8C6yCmDlY-00505-00554626-00554777 be od8C6yCmDlY-00506-00555621-00555767 make od8C6yCmDlY-00507-00556882-00557029 about od8C6yCmDlY-00508-00558224-00558371 down od8C6yCmDlY-00509-00559452-00559601 how od8C6yCmDlY-00510-00560668-00560819 come od8C6yCmDlY-00511-00561836-00561971 hot od8C6yCmDlY-00512-00562876-00563016 but od8C6yCmDlY-00513-00563889-00564040 my od8C6yCmDlY-00514-00565152-00565294 would od8C6yCmDlY-00515-00566473-00566628 now od8C6yCmDlY-00516-00567679-00567843 first od8C6yCmDlY-00517-00568813-00568956 do od8C6yCmDlY-00518-00569798-00569946 and od8C6yCmDlY-00519-00570931-00571077 will od8C6yCmDlY-00520-00572351-00572498 people od8C6yCmDlY-00521-00573626-00573778 his od8C6yCmDlY-00522-00574619-00574768 has od8C6yCmDlY-00523-00575819-00575980 sound od8C6yCmDlY-00524-00577045-00577200 was od8C6yCmDlY-00525-00578123-00578277 these od8C6yCmDlY-00526-00579265-00579428 for od8C6yCmDlY-00527-00580479-00580620 over od8C6yCmDlY-00528-00581655-00581798 like od8C6yCmDlY-00529-00582864-00582997 other od8C6yCmDlY-00530-00584014-00584162 been od8C6yCmDlY-00531-00585195-00585340 call od8C6yCmDlY-00532-00586453-00586596 write od8C6yCmDlY-00533-00587629-00587767 they od8C6yCmDlY-00534-00588771-00588924 when od8C6yCmDlY-00535-00589958-00590107 you od8C6yCmDlY-00536-00591237-00591390 know od8C6yCmDlY-00537-00592294-00592419 it od8C6yCmDlY-00538-00593196-00593341 that od8C6yCmDlY-00539-00594199-00594347 on od8C6yCmDlY-00540-00595142-00595290 she od8C6yCmDlY-00541-00596341-00596492 number od8C6yCmDlY-00542-00597782-00597923 look od8C6yCmDlY-00543-00598911-00599062 an od8C6yCmDlY-00544-00599892-00600034 two od8C6yCmDlY-00545-00601100-00601246 long od8C6yCmDlY-00546-00602263-00602411 him od8C6yCmDlY-00547-00603269-00603417 did od8C6yCmDlY-00548-00604213-00604339 if od8C6yCmDlY-00549-00605135-00605287 time od8C6yCmDlY-00550-00606257-00606400 water od8C6yCmDlY-00551-00607528-00607672 word od8C6yCmDlY-00552-00608610-00608767 as od8C6yCmDlY-00553-00609515-00609668 are od8C6yCmDlY-00554-00610575-00610718 what od8C6yCmDlY-00555-00611721-00611846 have od8C6yCmDlY-00556-00612691-00612831 we od8C6yCmDlY-00557-00613532-00613678 see od8C6yCmDlY-00558-00614553-00614702 most od8C6yCmDlY-00559-00615672-00615817 by od8C6yCmDlY-00560-00616592-00616737 he od8C6yCmDlY-00561-00617578-00617724 way od8C6yCmDlY-00562-00618565-00618709 is od8C6yCmDlY-00563-00619373-00619514 at od8C6yCmDlY-00564-00620483-00620624 which od8C6yCmDlY-00565-00621738-00621886 than od8C6yCmDlY-00566-00622841-00622977 all od8C6yCmDlY-00567-00624157-00624302 could od8C6yCmDlY-00568-00625415-00625550 or od8C6yCmDlY-00569-00626422-00626561 this od8C6yCmDlY-00570-00627547-00627700 more od8C6yCmDlY-00571-00628654-00628816 one od8C6yCmDlY-00572-00629530-00629686 a od8C6yCmDlY-00573-00630415-00630569 side od8C6yCmDlY-00574-00631523-00631658 their od8C6yCmDlY-00575-00632789-00632920 your od8C6yCmDlY-00576-00633954-00634092 up od8C6yCmDlY-00577-00634918-00635051 her od8C6yCmDlY-00578-00635907-00636057 had od8C6yCmDlY-00579-00637011-00637149 each od8C6yCmDlY-00580-00638167-00638301 who od8C6yCmDlY-00581-00639193-00639338 to od8C6yCmDlY-00582-00639989-00640137 I od8C6yCmDlY-00583-00640865-00641009 them od8C6yCmDlY-00584-00642026-00642183 thing od8C6yCmDlY-00585-00643296-00643439 many od8C6yCmDlY-00586-00644456-00644609 can od8C6yCmDlY-00587-00645530-00645675 were od8C6yCmDlY-00588-00646629-00646772 there od8C6yCmDlY-00589-00647648-00647778 the od8C6yCmDlY-00590-00648669-00648825 some od8C6yCmDlY-00591-00649829-00649978 may od8C6yCmDlY-00592-00650869-00651028 use od8C6yCmDlY-00593-00651822-00651973 so od8C6yCmDlY-00594-00652799-00652937 go od8C6yCmDlY-00595-00653859-00653987 with od8C6yCmDlY-00596-00654813-00654951 in od8C6yCmDlY-00597-00655792-00655952 find od8C6yCmDlY-00598-00657049-00657198 from od8C6yCmDlY-00599-00658230-00658373 then odgMKC8xtZM-00000-00000000-00000474 what gangs from all over the world looks like do you really need it this will odgMKC8xtZM-00001-00000474-00000905 help you decide number one Connie from Spain it is anything but odgMKC8xtZM-00002-00000905-00001287 difficult to detect a southern Spanish hooligan they look as though they've odgMKC8xtZM-00003-00001287-00001926 quite recently robbed a secondhand store rings gold chains and so on number two odgMKC8xtZM-00004-00001926-00002433 med from Scotland Ned's live in the poorer zones of Scottish rural areas the odgMKC8xtZM-00005-00002433-00002828 similar to their English partners these respectable men are exceptionally odgMKC8xtZM-00006-00002828-00003247 forceful and they can drink colossal measures of liquor with almost no impact odgMKC8xtZM-00007-00003247-00003684 number three Rock Hill from France Raquel as genuine odgMKC8xtZM-00008-00003684-00004182 Frenchmen have a faultless style they inclined toward Lacoste where Lacoste odgMKC8xtZM-00009-00004182-00004646 belt packs and believe that the stature of style is pants tucked into socks odgMKC8xtZM-00010-00004646-00005178 number four white trash from us say low-class individuals are frequently odgMKC8xtZM-00011-00005178-00005739 called white junk they help one to remember old for all time alcoholic odgMKC8xtZM-00012-00005739-00006227 Scouts the vast majority of them are jobless and they live in trailer parks odgMKC8xtZM-00013-00006227-00006656 number five Yankee ID from Japan Yankee eyes regular odgMKC8xtZM-00014-00006656-00007188 workers Japanese adolescents they are not extreme folks like the yak as a odgMKC8xtZM-00015-00007188-00007625 obviously be that as it may they are popular for being uproarious odgMKC8xtZM-00016-00007625-00008153 discourteous and declining to partake in a strict conduct of Japanese culture odgMKC8xtZM-00017-00008153-00008593 manna mony thanks for watching oguWwrz6slc-00000-00000008-00000405 You've been searching in one of the library's databases and found an article that looks oguWwrz6slc-00001-00000405-00000505 interesting. oguWwrz6slc-00002-00000505-00001010 In many cases a link to the article will be visible, but sometimes the full text isn't oguWwrz6slc-00003-00001010-00001110 provided. oguWwrz6slc-00004-00001110-00001735 If that's the case, you need to look for the button or link that says "Check for full text." oguWwrz6slc-00005-00001735-00002284 Clicking the "check for full text" link searches through all the library's resources to see oguWwrz6slc-00006-00002284-00002484 if the full text is available. oguWwrz6slc-00007-00002484-00003057 If it is available, just click on the link that says "click here to get article" and oguWwrz6slc-00008-00003057-00003356 you will link directly to the full article. oguWwrz6slc-00009-00003356-00003772 Unfortunately we don't have access to every single article. oguWwrz6slc-00010-00003772-00004112 In some cases the full text isn't immediately available. oguWwrz6slc-00011-00004112-00004658 If that happens, you will see a message that says "sorry, no holdings found for this journal" oguWwrz6slc-00012-00004658-00005105 and you will see a link to submit a request by using interlibrary loan. oguWwrz6slc-00013-00005105-00005573 If the paper you are working on isn't due immediately, and you have some time, definitely oguWwrz6slc-00014-00005573-00005689 submit a request. oguWwrz6slc-00015-00005689-00006005 In many cases articles are delivered in a day or two. oguWwrz6slc-00016-00006005-00006509 For more information on requesting material from other schools or using the databases oguWwrz6slc-00017-00006509-00006650 check out some of our other videos. oguWwrz6slc-00018-00006650-00006964 And remember, you can always ask a reference librarian for help. ohpHArKiu78-00000-00000024-00000132 Comedy Store ohpHArKiu78-00001-00000165-00000429 It is my honor to present, ohpHArKiu78-00002-00000495-00000600 the one and only, ohpHArKiu78-00003-00000612-00001129 Mr. Maz Jobrani! ohpHArKiu78-00004-00004125-00004281 Wow, thank you ohpHArKiu78-00005-00004281-00004362 Oh my god ohpHArKiu78-00006-00004707-00004844 I'm gonna cry ohpHArKiu78-00007-00004846-00004908 Stop ohpHArKiu78-00008-00004989-00005070 Oh my god ohpHArKiu78-00009-00005217-00005329 You guys are so nice ohpHArKiu78-00010-00005332-00005406 How are you? ohpHArKiu78-00011-00005406-00005565 Hello, Mayor Jimmy Delshad ohpHArKiu78-00012-00005567-00005670 Good to see you ohpHArKiu78-00013-00005670-00005739 How are you? ohpHArKiu78-00014-00005769-00005942 Mayor of Beverly Hills showed up ohpHArKiu78-00015-00005944-00006024 motherfuckers! ohpHArKiu78-00016-00006099-00006205 That's right ohpHArKiu78-00017-00006207-00006387 I don't mess around ohpHArKiu78-00018-00006423-00006516 Thank you, sir ohpHArKiu78-00019-00006591-00006645 You guys ohpHArKiu78-00020-00006648-00006813 I'm so excited to be here ohpHArKiu78-00021-00006813-00006968 First of all, thank you so much ohpHArKiu78-00022-00006975-00007038 For all of you ohpHArKiu78-00023-00007050-00007093 For coming out ohpHArKiu78-00024-00007095-00007302 I dressed in my Miami Vice outfit ohpHArKiu78-00025-00007395-00007519 Just for you guys ohpHArKiu78-00026-00007521-00007608 Don Johnson ohpHArKiu78-00027-00007608-00007710 Look at me now ohpHArKiu78-00028-00008193-00008367 Oh my gosh, you guys listen ohpHArKiu78-00029-00008370-00008478 I'm so excited because ohpHArKiu78-00030-00008481-00008693 I this this comedy special ohpHArKiu78-00031-00008695-00008964 is about 23 years in the making ohpHArKiu78-00032-00009060-00009148 Yeah, I'll tell you what ohpHArKiu78-00033-00009150-00009237 that what I mean by that ohpHArKiu78-00034-00009240-00009406 23 years ago ohpHArKiu78-00035-00009409-00009710 is when I first came to the Comedy Store ohpHArKiu78-00036-00009711-00009891 and became a regular ohpHArKiu78-00037-00009907-00010020 and became a comedian ohpHArKiu78-00038-00010022-00010123 and disappointed ohpHArKiu78-00039-00010126-00010353 my Iranian immigrant parents ohpHArKiu78-00040-00010527-00010650 Because they didn't want this shit ohpHArKiu78-00041-00010650-00010722 You know what I'm saying? ohpHArKiu78-00042-00010779-00010823 Like who else ohpHArKiu78-00043-00010825-00010923 has immigrant parents here? ohpHArKiu78-00044-00010923-00011016 Who's got immigrant parents? ohpHArKiu78-00045-00011091-00011153 There we go ohpHArKiu78-00046-00011155-00011217 Of course ohpHArKiu78-00047-00011256-00011313 Of course ohpHArKiu78-00048-00011334-00011514 Like you what's what's your background? ohpHArKiu78-00049-00011514-00011604 What's your background? ohpHArKiu78-00050-00011664-00011745 You! Yes ohpHArKiu78-00051-00011787-00011808 Um, Egypt ohpHArKiu78-00052-00011823-00011961 Egypt! And what do you do? ohpHArKiu78-00053-00011961-00012036 What do you do? ohpHArKiu78-00054-00012104-00012168 Um, Executive Director ohpHArKiu78-00055-00012207-00012324 Executive Director ohpHArKiu78-00056-00012324-00012417 You see what I'm saying? ohpHArKiu78-00057-00012480-00012630 That's something to be proud about ohpHArKiu78-00058-00012630-00012681 Okay? ohpHArKiu78-00059-00012717-00012845 Her parents were proud ohpHArKiu78-00060-00012848-00013017 of being Executive Director ohpHArKiu78-00061-00013017-00013119 I don't even know what she directs, ohpHArKiu78-00062-00013122-00013155 but ohpHArKiu78-00063-00013347-00013536 I don't know, but good for you ohpHArKiu78-00064-00013554-00013731 Who else had immigrant parents? ohpHArKiu78-00065-00013731-00013784 There you go ohpHArKiu78-00066-00013786-00013839 What's your ohpHArKiu78-00067-00014009-00014080 I'm also Egyptian ohpHArKiu78-00068-00014082-00014250 Also Egyptian! Oh shit ohpHArKiu78-00069-00014373-00014515 Clearly it's Egyptian night ohpHArKiu78-00070-00014517-00014622 at the Comedy Store ohpHArKiu78-00071-00014793-00014916 And your Egyptian as well? ohpHArKiu78-00072-00014916-00014959 Look at ohpHArKiu78-00073-00014961-00015090 You look like Egyptian me ohpHArKiu78-00074-00015090-00015156 Look at you ohpHArKiu78-00075-00015288-00015465 You bald, beautiful man ohpHArKiu78-00076-00015465-00015537 Look at you! ohpHArKiu78-00077-00015660-00015714 Look at this ohpHArKiu78-00078-00015756-00015907 What a good looking Egyptian man ohpHArKiu78-00079-00015909-00015960 over there ohpHArKiu78-00080-00016038-00016173 What's your name Egyptian man ohpHArKiu78-00081-00016242-00016326 Mina! There you go ohpHArKiu78-00082-00016326-00016429 Oh, yeah, Mina, ohpHArKiu78-00083-00016431-00016533 how are you Mina? ohpHArKiu78-00084-00016564-00016636 What do you do again? ohpHArKiu78-00085-00016639-00016719 What do you do? ohpHArKiu78-00086-00016761-00016866 Engineer ohpHArKiu78-00087-00016983-00017178 You see I'm not even his parent ohpHArKiu78-00088-00017178-00017262 I'm proud of him ohpHArKiu78-00089-00017472-00017628 That's what they want Mina ohpHArKiu78-00090-00017727-00017841 Not comedian! ohpHArKiu78-00091-00018000-00018177 Mina 23 years ago ohpHArKiu78-00092-00018177-00018279 I came to the Comedy Store ohpHArKiu78-00093-00018279-00018357 A lot of people don't know ohpHArKiu78-00094-00018359-00018454 how you you become a regular ohpHArKiu78-00095-00018460-00018499 at the Comedy Store ohpHArKiu78-00096-00018531-00018627 The way it used to work ohpHArKiu78-00097-00018665-00018801 Mitzi Shore who is the owner ohpHArKiu78-00098-00018803-00018885 of the Comedy Store ohpHArKiu78-00099-00018890-00019006 She started the Comedy Store ohpHArKiu78-00100-00019008-00019161 She's now since passed away ohpHArKiu78-00101-00019161-00019240 But she was with us ohpHArKiu78-00102-00019242-00019358 and she started this club ohpHArKiu78-00103-00019367-00019438 50 years ago ohpHArKiu78-00104-00019440-00019596 give it up for Mitzi Shore, first of all ohpHArKiu78-00105-00020076-00020274 Now, Mina, the way you would become ohpHArKiu78-00106-00020281-00020377 a regular at the Comedy Store ohpHArKiu78-00107-00020379-00020461 You used to have to ohpHArKiu78-00108-00020464-00020589 go perform in front of Mitzi ohpHArKiu78-00109-00020598-00020678 In the original room ohpHArKiu78-00110-00020688-00020794 It's the room next door to here, ohpHArKiu78-00111-00020826-00020979 and you'd do three minutes in front of her ohpHArKiu78-00112-00020988-00021075 and if she liked you ohpHArKiu78-00113-00021087-00021267 she would get word back to you ohpHArKiu78-00114-00021276-00021486 that she wants to see you do 6 minutes ohpHArKiu78-00115-00021495-00021630 She wouldn't tell you herself ohpHArKiu78-00116-00021642-00021816 It was like mafia shit, okay? ohpHArKiu78-00117-00021909-00022063 I swear to God, you'd do your 3 ohpHArKiu78-00118-00022064-00022111 and if they liked you ohpHArKiu78-00119-00022143-00022227 somebody in the hallway, ohpHArKiu78-00120-00022227-00022279 would be like, ohpHArKiu78-00121-00022281-00022392 "Alright, come back for 6." ohpHArKiu78-00122-00022392-00022429 You'd be like, ohpHArKiu78-00123-00022431-00022518 "All right, I'll see you later." ohpHArKiu78-00124-00022596-00022721 And if they liked the 6, ohpHArKiu78-00125-00022723-00022848 they go come back for 10 ohpHArKiu78-00126-00022881-00023016 And then once you'd do the 10, ohpHArKiu78-00127-00023016-00023163 she would sit in the back seat ohpHArKiu78-00128-00023165-00023258 by the exit sign ohpHArKiu78-00129-00023281-00023409 and she would watch you ohpHArKiu78-00130-00023446-00023540 And as you're walking offstage ohpHArKiu78-00131-00023543-00023624 if she liked you ohpHArKiu78-00132-00023634-00023708 she would let you know ohpHArKiu78-00133-00023712-00023835 and she would make you a regular ohpHArKiu78-00134-00023847-00023928 Now for me! ohpHArKiu78-00135-00023934-00023973 this club, ohpHArKiu78-00136-00023976-00024087 all the legendary comedians ohpHArKiu78-00137-00024090-00024180 had gone through it ohpHArKiu78-00138-00024180-00024408 Richard Pryor, Robin Williams, ohpHArKiu78-00139-00024417-00024625 Jim Carrey, my hero Eddie Murphy ohpHArKiu78-00140-00024657-00024792 He'd been, oh my god ohpHArKiu78-00141-00025020-00025118 So I did my 3, ohpHArKiu78-00142-00025120-00025272 I did my 6, I did my 10 ohpHArKiu78-00143-00025272-00025407 Now I'm performing in front of Mitzi ohpHArKiu78-00144-00025407-00025452 Of course, ohpHArKiu78-00145-00025454-00025570 starting out I'm talking about ohpHArKiu78-00146-00025580-00025669 being Iranian ohpHArKiu78-00147-00025671-00025724 You know, ohpHArKiu78-00148-00025726-00025887 she realizes I'm Middle Eastern ohpHArKiu78-00149-00025905-00026028 So I finished my set ohpHArKiu78-00150-00026040-00026181 I walk off the stage ohpHArKiu78-00151-00026190-00026348 and I'm walking past her ohpHArKiu78-00152-00026349-00026438 and the whole time, ohpHArKiu78-00153-00026444-00026548 you want her to grab your arm ohpHArKiu78-00154-00026550-00026655 If she grabs your arm ohpHArKiu78-00155-00026664-00026809 that mean you're gonna be a regular ohpHArKiu78-00156-00026811-00026940 If she lets you walk through, ohpHArKiu78-00157-00026940-00027096 it's like, "Fuck you get out of here." ohpHArKiu78-00158-00027204-00027311 Go be an engineer. ohpHArKiu78-00159-00027313-00027384 No offense ohpHArKiu78-00160-00027666-00027783 No offense, Mina ohpHArKiu78-00161-00027924-00028128 Guys, it's about a 20 foot walk, ohpHArKiu78-00162-00028128-00028258 it felt like 10 miles ohpHArKiu78-00163-00028261-00028353 I'm walking by ohpHArKiu78-00164-00028485-00028647 I'm like, "Mitzi, please grab my arm ohpHArKiu78-00165-00028647-00028749 Please grab my arm. ohpHArKiu78-00166-00028809-00028941 I wanna be like Eddie Murphy ohpHArKiu78-00167-00028941-00029028 Grab my arm ohpHArKiu78-00168-00029078-00029178 As I'm walking by ohpHArKiu78-00169-00029182-00029264 her hand comes out ohpHArKiu78-00170-00029272-00029342 grabs my arm ohpHArKiu78-00171-00029347-00029580 I go, "Oh, my God, it's happening." ohpHArKiu78-00172-00029637-00029754 And then she pulls me close ohpHArKiu78-00173-00029754-00029916 She goes, "you're very funny". ohpHArKiu78-00174-00029916-00030042 I go"Thank you, Mitzi." ohpHArKiu78-00175-00030045-00030143 That's how she would talk ohpHArKiu78-00176-00030153-00030209 and then she goes ohpHArKiu78-00177-00030213-00030343 I'm gonna make you a regular ohpHArKiu78-00178-00030375-00030507 I go, "Thank you, Mitzi." ohpHArKiu78-00179-00030531-00030580 And she goes ohpHArKiu78-00180-00030588-00030669 have you ever thought about ohpHArKiu78-00181-00030672-00030779 wearing the outfit? ohpHArKiu78-00182-00031158-00031258 I go, "what outfit?" ohpHArKiu78-00183-00031258-00031366 She goes"you know, the outfit" ohpHArKiu78-00184-00031374-00031534 the hat and the gown ohpHArKiu78-00185-00031804-00031892 I go"hat and gown?" ohpHArKiu78-00186-00031924-00031994 She goes"you know, ohpHArKiu78-00187-00031995-00032163 the hat and the gown" ohpHArKiu78-00188-00032226-00032353 I realised "Oh shit!" ohpHArKiu78-00189-00032359-00032482 She wants me to wear a turban ohpHArKiu78-00190-00032485-00032665 and a dishdasha on stage ohpHArKiu78-00191-00032874-00032985 Because I'm Middle Eastern! ohpHArKiu78-00192-00033348-00033432 So I looked at her ohpHArKiu78-00193-00033432-00033613 I go "Yeah, sure. That's a good idea" ohpHArKiu78-00194-00033616-00033675 Why not? ohpHArKiu78-00195-00033930-00033999 I swear to God, ohpHArKiu78-00196-00034001-00034125 I walked into the hallway ohpHArKiu78-00197-00034125-00034256 I go, "What did I just agree to do?" ohpHArKiu78-00198-00034258-00034338 This is bullshit ohpHArKiu78-00199-00034494-00034604 And for two weeks, ohpHArKiu78-00200-00034606-00034695 I was finding ways ohpHArKiu78-00201-00034697-00034785 to get out of the outfit ohpHArKiu78-00202-00034791-00034903 and I thought she would forget ohpHArKiu78-00203-00034905-00035019 Because she was getting older then ohpHArKiu78-00204-00035026-00035126 I thought maybe she would forget ohpHArKiu78-00205-00035148-00035340 On Monday, the booker at the club ohpHArKiu78-00206-00035340-00035430 Her name was Cory ohpHArKiu78-00207-00035442-00035538 She called me up, She goes ohpHArKiu78-00208-00035541-00035681 Maz congratulations! ohpHArKiu78-00209-00035687-00035807 Mitzi told me you're a regular ohpHArKiu78-00210-00035807-00035928 I go, "Yes, I am." ohpHArKiu78-00211-00035970-00036012 And she goes ohpHArKiu78-00212-00036019-00036076 She also told me ohpHArKiu78-00213-00036079-00036166 you're gonna wear the outfit ohpHArKiu78-00214-00036169-00036273 I go, "Shit!" ohpHArKiu78-00215-00036423-00036521 I go, "Cory, what happens ohpHArKiu78-00216-00036523-00036636 if I don't wear the outfit? ohpHArKiu78-00217-00036636-00036682 She goes, ohpHArKiu78-00218-00036685-00036752 "Well, you're not gonna get ohpHArKiu78-00219-00036754-00036805 as many spots." ohpHArKiu78-00220-00036825-00036936 I go, "okay, alright." ohpHArKiu78-00221-00036972-00037063 So then I had to figure out ohpHArKiu78-00222-00037065-00037152 how to get through this ohpHArKiu78-00223-00037152-00037250 So then I realized ohpHArKiu78-00224-00037253-00037419 Mr Delshad, Jimmy Delshad ohpHArKiu78-00225-00037422-00037497 I remembered ohpHArKiu78-00226-00037557-00037803 I found out that there was this Iranian guy ohpHArKiu78-00227-00037803-00037950 who had been making fun of ohpHArKiu78-00228-00037952-00038070 the mullahs in Iran, ohpHArKiu78-00229-00038070-00038185 you know, the the turban, ohpHArKiu78-00230-00038187-00038301 the the leaders of Iran ohpHArKiu78-00231-00038328-00038508 And he would do it on Persian television ohpHArKiu78-00232-00038551-00038752 so word had gotten back their supporters ohpHArKiu78-00233-00038756-00038932 there was a guy making fun of them ohpHArKiu78-00234-00038935-00039044 So this guy was doing ohpHArKiu78-00235-00039047-00039191 some kind of live performance in LA ohpHArKiu78-00236-00039243-00039418 and some of the supporters of the regime ohpHArKiu78-00237-00039420-00039487 showed up ohpHArKiu78-00238-00039496-00039592 They threw a rock, ohpHArKiu78-00239-00039594-00039698 and they hit him in an eye ohpHArKiu78-00240-00039708-00039855 They blinded him in one eye ohpHArKiu78-00241-00039921-00040054 Yeah, and when I heard that ohpHArKiu78-00242-00040057-00040140 I go, "that it!" ohpHArKiu78-00243-00040383-00040499 I called the club ohpHArKiu78-00244-00040508-00040636 I go "hey, listen, Cory ohpHArKiu78-00245-00040643-00040856 I've been looking for the outfit ohpHArKiu78-00246-00040947-00041157 I got my eyes on some turbans ohpHArKiu78-00247-00041295-00041382 But I just want you to know ohpHArKiu78-00248-00041382-00041499 I just found out that ohpHArKiu78-00249-00041499-00041709 there was a guy who was wearing the outfit ohpHArKiu78-00250-00041709-00041904 and the supporters of the regime showed up ohpHArKiu78-00251-00041909-00042053 and they threw a rock, and blinded him ohpHArKiu78-00252-00042060-00042200 So I could wear the outfit ohpHArKiu78-00253-00042215-00042341 but they might come to the club ohpHArKiu78-00254-00042344-00042474 and go after me ohpHArKiu78-00255-00042492-00042556 And worse yet, ohpHArKiu78-00256-00042558-00042696 they might blow up the club." ohpHArKiu78-00257-00043347-00043470 And then Cory goes, ohpHArKiu78-00258-00043472-00043698 "Um, let me call you back." ohpHArKiu78-00259-00043938-00044079 She called me five minutes later, ohpHArKiu78-00260-00044082-00044173 she goes "Mitzi said ohpHArKiu78-00261-00044175-00044279 Wear something comfortable ohpHArKiu78-00262-00044284-00044396 you'll be fine ohpHArKiu78-00263-00045117-00045291 I got out of wearing the outfit ohpHArKiu78-00264-00045381-00045507 And now I'm Miami Vice ohpHArKiu78-00265-00045509-00045588 Look at this! ohpHArKiu78-00266-00045702-00045801 Shit, man ohpHArKiu78-00267-00045810-00045927 Oh my god ohpHArKiu78-00268-00045978-00046167 So the club turned 50 this year ohpHArKiu78-00269-00046167-00046341 I also turned 50 this year ohpHArKiu78-00270-00046341-00046494 I also, thank you ohpHArKiu78-00271-00046545-00046617 Thank you ohpHArKiu78-00272-00046668-00046728 Thank you ohpHArKiu78-00273-00046821-00046937 I just want to point out ohpHArKiu78-00274-00046940-00047031 I said I turned 50 ohpHArKiu78-00275-00047031-00047199 not want to be was like, "no way!" ohpHArKiu78-00276-00047199-00047250 So that's ohpHArKiu78-00277-00047376-00047493 It's a little fucked up people ohpHArKiu78-00278-00047631-00047757 When someone says their 50 ohpHArKiu78-00279-00047757-00047808 You're supposed to be like ohpHArKiu78-00280-00047845-00047945 ...You look 49 ohpHArKiu78-00281-00048051-00048102 But you guys were like ohpHArKiu78-00282-00048121-00048354 Oh you're gonna die soon, way to go ohpHArKiu78-00283-00048408-00048513 Who's in their 50s here? ohpHArKiu78-00284-00048513-00048663 Anybody in their 50s? Anybody else? ohpHArKiu78-00285-00048678-00048816 There you go, beautiful, young lady ohpHArKiu78-00286-00048816-00048870 There you go ohpHArKiu78-00287-00048873-00048972 What's your name? Sir? ohpHArKiu78-00288-00049041-00049182 Blake! Blake, Yes ohpHArKiu78-00289-00049230-00049284 The white man ohpHArKiu78-00290-00049286-00049365 How are you Blake? ohpHArKiu78-00291-00049509-00049617 Blake, the white man ohpHArKiu78-00292-00049713-00049800 Blake, how old are you? ohpHArKiu78-00293-00049802-00049866 How old are you? ohpHArKiu78-00294-00049957-00050132 59? You look great! ohpHArKiu78-00295-00050235-00050343 You see how that worked? ohpHArKiu78-00296-00050345-00050415 I did fucking ... ohpHArKiu78-00297-00050568-00050704 Couldn't you have done that to me ohpHArKiu78-00298-00050706-00050769 you assholes? ohpHArKiu78-00299-00050961-00051032 He looks horrible ohpHArKiu78-00300-00051035-00051165 But I told him he looks great ohpHArKiu78-00301-00051342-00051398 I'm kidding ohpHArKiu78-00302-00051400-00051522 You do look great Blake ohpHArKiu78-00303-00051561-00051643 Now, here is my question ohpHArKiu78-00304-00051645-00051699 You're 59 ohpHArKiu78-00305-00051701-00051864 Did you get the shingles shot? ohpHArKiu78-00306-00051864-00051993 Did you get the shingles shot? ohpHArKiu78-00307-00051996-00052008 I did ohpHArKiu78-00308-00052056-00052146 You did? Listen, ohpHArKiu78-00309-00052148-00052362 this is what 50 year olds talk about ohpHArKiu78-00310-00052515-00052608 I swear to God Blake ohpHArKiu78-00311-00052615-00052671 I didn't even know ohpHArKiu78-00312-00052674-00052752 what a shingles shot was ohpHArKiu78-00313-00052764-00052834 I swear to God ohpHArKiu78-00314-00052837-00052968 I was talking to some kid ohpHArKiu78-00315-00052968-00053099 The 20 year-olds have no idea ohpHArKiu78-00316-00053101-00053145 All right? ohpHArKiu78-00317-00053187-00053265 I told a 20 year-old ohpHArKiu78-00318-00053267-00053361 I got the shingles shot ohpHArKiu78-00319-00053370-00053409 He goes, ohpHArKiu78-00320-00053411-00053529 "shingles are on the roof, bro!" ohpHArKiu78-00321-00053802-00053973 I go, "No, it's a real thing!" ohpHArKiu78-00322-00054045-00054135 I don't even know what it, ohpHArKiu78-00323-00054137-00054213 I swear to God Blake, ohpHArKiu78-00324-00054213-00054336 I still don't know what shingles is ohpHArKiu78-00325-00054336-00054547 I just, I know as soon as I turned 50 ohpHArKiu78-00326-00054547-00054685 They started running that commercial ohpHArKiu78-00327-00054687-00054783 Have you seen the commercial? ohpHArKiu78-00328-00054843-00054996 It's the worst commercial ever ohpHArKiu78-00329-00055026-00055155 You're watching TV, it goes, ohpHArKiu78-00330-00055158-00055263 "Are you 50 or older?" ohpHArKiu78-00331-00055389-00055557 I was like, "Why yes, I am." ohpHArKiu78-00332-00055677-00055863 It goes, "You might get the shingles." ohpHArKiu78-00333-00055887-00055989 And then they show this guy ohpHArKiu78-00334-00055989-00056148 he's bent over in pain he's like ohpHArKiu78-00335-00056256-00056259 "Ughhhhh!" ohpHArKiu78-00336-00056376-00056499 And the voiceover is like ohpHArKiu78-00337-00056502-00056585 "You will not be able ohpHArKiu78-00338-00056587-00056709 to do anything with your life ohpHArKiu78-00339-00056712-00056832 You will stay home ohpHArKiu78-00340-00056877-00057012 You can't see your family." ohpHArKiu78-00341-00057012-00057094 And then it shows ohpHArKiu78-00342-00057096-00057222 the guy's skin is burning ohpHArKiu78-00343-00057288-00057336 I don't even know ohpHArKiu78-00344-00057338-00057414 what the fuck is happening ohpHArKiu78-00345-00057414-00057471 I go you know what? ohpHArKiu78-00346-00057471-00057549 I went right to the doctor ohpHArKiu78-00347-00057549-00057645 I go "Give me the shingles shot ohpHArKiu78-00348-00057645-00057723 I don't even know what it is ohpHArKiu78-00349-00057837-00057966 Give me the shingles shot." ohpHArKiu78-00350-00058098-00058225 I got the shingles shot ohpHArKiu78-00351-00058227-00058398 and I got my fourth Covid shot ohpHArKiu78-00352-00058401-00058458 Did you guys? ohpHArKiu78-00353-00058461-00058629 You got your fourth Covid, of course ohpHArKiu78-00354-00058671-00058807 I forgot I was 50 ohpHArKiu78-00355-00058809-00059049 until I was watching the news ohpHArKiu78-00356-00059049-00059120 and they were like, ohpHArKiu78-00357-00059123-00059250 "You know, if you're 50 or older, ohpHArKiu78-00358-00059265-00059389 you can now qualify ohpHArKiu78-00359-00059392-00059595 for your second Covid booster ohpHArKiu78-00360-00059595-00059679 And I was watching, and I go ohpHArKiu78-00361-00059697-00059820 "Wow! Good for them!" ohpHArKiu78-00362-00060111-00060309 And then I go, "Oh shit good for me!" ohpHArKiu78-00363-00060540-00060675 I got my fourth Covid ohpHArKiu78-00364-00060675-00060768 I got all my shots ohpHArKiu78-00365-00060771-00060900 and I still got Omicron! ohpHArKiu78-00366-00061035-00061125 Who here got Omicron? ohpHArKiu78-00367-00061125-00061191 Who got Omicron? ohpHArKiu78-00368-00061212-00061248 There you go ohpHArKiu78-00369-00061248-00061347 You got, you got Omicron ohpHArKiu78-00370-00061347-00061353 yeah ohpHArKiu78-00371-00061353-00061437 you got Omicron ohpHArKiu78-00372-00061455-00061529 When did you get it sir? ohpHArKiu78-00373-00061532-00061596 When did you get it? ohpHArKiu78-00374-00061596-00061698 When did, did you get it? ohpHArKiu78-00375-00061700-00061794 recently, or like back? ohpHArKiu78-00376-00061821-00061959 Like around the, when? ohpHArKiu78-00377-00061968-00062019 January! ohpHArKiu78-00378-00062022-00062136 January, There you go ohpHArKiu78-00379-00062136-00062244 What's your name? Sir? ohpHArKiu78-00380-00062274-00062310 Fred ohpHArKiu78-00381-00062319-00062379 Fred? ohpHArKiu78-00382-00062436-00062448 Yes ohpHArKiu78-00383-00062448-00062538 Yes, you got an accent? ohpHArKiu78-00384-00062538-00062670 Where's that accent from Fred? ohpHArKiu78-00385-00062716-00062775 Stockholm, Sweden ohpHArKiu78-00386-00062778-00062874 Stockholm, Sweden! ohpHArKiu78-00387-00062985-00063291 Wow! Hur Mar Du? ohpHArKiu78-00388-00063396-00063459 Mycket Bra ohpHArKiu78-00389-00063492-00063542 That, I don't know ohpHArKiu78-00390-00063544-00063636 what the fuck he just said back ohpHArKiu78-00391-00063888-00064000 All I learned is how to say ohpHArKiu78-00392-00064002-00064059 how are you? ohpHArKiu78-00393-00064059-00064144 And then he's like ohpHArKiu78-00394-00064147-00064260 I ... talk, ... party ohpHArKiu78-00395-00064260-00064326 I don't know what he said ohpHArKiu78-00396-00064326-00064425 I just was like, whatever ohpHArKiu78-00397-00064521-00064656 Fred, Good to see you ohpHArKiu78-00398-00064659-00064797 Do you live in Stockholm ohpHArKiu78-00399-00064799-00064908 or you live in LA? ohpHArKiu78-00400-00064938-00065043 You're just visiting ohpHArKiu78-00401-00065046-00065088 Yeah ohpHArKiu78-00402-00065091-00065163 Fantastic ohpHArKiu78-00403-00065163-00065289 And he still has his sunglasses, ohpHArKiu78-00404-00065289-00065351 because the sun ohpHArKiu78-00405-00065353-00065425 doesn't set till ohpHArKiu78-00406-00065428-00065499 late in Stockholm ohpHArKiu78-00407-00065688-00065865 He's clearly on Stockholm time ohpHArKiu78-00408-00065994-00066084 Fred's walking around, ohpHArKiu78-00409-00066084-00066194 "The sun will not go down ohpHArKiu78-00410-00066197-00066378 till at least 11 o'clock maybe tonight." ohpHArKiu78-00411-00066561-00066594 I'm sorry ohpHArKiu78-00412-00066596-00066696 That was like a German accent ohpHArKiu78-00413-00066696-00066795 I don't really know a Swedish ohpHArKiu78-00414-00066879-00066999 My only Swedish accent is ohpHArKiu78-00415-00067002-00067209 hurdu burdu hurdu burdu hurd durd durd durd ohpHArKiu78-00416-00067245-00067292 Swedish Chef ohpHArKiu78-00417-00067295-00067422 You know what I'm talking about? ohpHArKiu78-00418-00067557-00067821 Fred, I got it around the holidays as well ohpHArKiu78-00419-00067821-00067998 Last December I got Covid ohpHArKiu78-00420-00067998-00068217 At the time I got Omicron ohpHArKiu78-00421-00068220-00068460 And at the time I had Omicron ohpHArKiu78-00422-00068481-00068652 and I was triple vaccinated ohpHArKiu78-00423-00068691-00068856 So by the time I was done with it ohpHArKiu78-00424-00068856-00069096 I had the antibodies and triple vaccine ohpHArKiu78-00425-00069102-00069240 I felt invincible, ohpHArKiu78-00426-00069426-00069612 I was walking around Los Angeles ohpHArKiu78-00427-00069614-00069759 just licking everything ohpHArKiu78-00428-00070122-00070347 Was walking into Starbucks, "Hello. ohpHArKiu78-00429-00070482-00070999 I would like a Frappuccino and a cookie." ohpHArKiu78-00430-00071099-00071248 They go, "Why are you licking the counter?" ohpHArKiu78-00431-00071250-00071509 "I'm triple vaccinated, ohpHArKiu78-00432-00071511-00071690 and I got anti-bodies." ohpHArKiu78-00433-00072213-00072400 They say the symptoms for Omicron ohpHArKiu78-00434-00072402-00072561 was head cold, lower back pain ohpHArKiu78-00435-00072561-00072648 Did you feel that Fred? ohpHArKiu78-00436-00072648-00072708 Is that what you had? ohpHArKiu78-00437-00072708-00072777 What were your symptoms? ohpHArKiu78-00438-00072777-00072855 What were your symptoms? ohpHArKiu78-00439-00072924-00072963 Minor ohpHArKiu78-00440-00072975-00073038 Minor? ohpHArKiu78-00441-00073038-00073215 Look at you Swedish cocky motherfucker ohpHArKiu78-00442-00073374-00073446 This guy ohpHArKiu78-00443-00073647-00073872 My symptoms were minor like your penis ohpHArKiu78-00444-00074076-00074229 I got the undertones Fred ohpHArKiu78-00445-00074232-00074349 I got the undertones ohpHArKiu78-00446-00074436-00074559 He just called me a bitch ohpHArKiu78-00447-00074559-00074757 My symptoms were like that ohpHArKiu78-00448-00074838-00074982 Very little symptoms, ohpHArKiu78-00449-00075072-00075168 like your ding dong ohpHArKiu78-00450-00075396-00075529 Fred every variant ohpHArKiu78-00451-00075531-00075723 has had its own symptoms. ohpHArKiu78-00452-00075723-00075855 Like the original variant right, ohpHArKiu78-00453-00075855-00075923 you would lose ohpHArKiu78-00454-00075926-00076068 your smell and taste, right? ohpHArKiu78-00455-00076083-00076137 And then of course ohpHArKiu78-00456-00076140-00076212 there was the breathing ohpHArKiu78-00457-00076212-00076335 And then for Omicron ohpHArKiu78-00458-00076335-00076470 head cold, lower back pain ohpHArKiu78-00459-00076554-00076596 I wonder ohpHArKiu78-00460-00076598-00076686 what the symptoms are gonna be ohpHArKiu78-00461-00076686-00076794 for the next variant? ohpHArKiu78-00462-00076851-00076956 Like Shomicron? ohpHArKiu78-00463-00077154-00077238 What'll be the symptoms? ohpHArKiu78-00464-00077238-00077379 I'll be like, "I can't hear ohpHArKiu78-00465-00077529-00077663 out of my left ear ohpHArKiu78-00466-00077775-00077970 and I have no sensation in my right nut ohpHArKiu78-00467-00077973-00078059 I got nothing!" ohpHArKiu78-00468-00078309-00078744 "Oh you got Shomicron motherfucker!" ohpHArKiu78-00469-00078759-00078801 "How do you know?" ohpHArKiu78-00470-00078804-00078870 "I went to the doctor, ohpHArKiu78-00471-00078870-00078951 he got on his knees ohpHArKiu78-00472-00078951-00079083 just started flicking my right nut ohpHArKiu78-00473-00079083-00079149 I couldn't feel it ohpHArKiu78-00474-00079335-00079521 Told me I gotta quarantine it for 10 days ohpHArKiu78-00475-00079530-00079617 10 days! ohpHArKiu78-00476-00079716-00079869 I gotta quarantine my right nut." ohpHArKiu78-00477-00080172-00080481 Blake, when I got Omicron last holidays, ohpHArKiu78-00478-00080481-00080583 they used to say, you have to, ohpHArKiu78-00479-00080583-00080760 you have to quarantine for 10 days ohpHArKiu78-00480-00080790-00080871 I'll be honest with you ohpHArKiu78-00481-00080871-00081003 I have a wife and kids ohpHArKiu78-00482-00081027-00081279 Oh my God. It was the best 10 days ohpHArKiu78-00483-00081420-00081582 of my entire marriage ohpHArKiu78-00484-00081705-00081867 I got to sit in the back room and ohpHArKiu78-00485-00081867-00082035 watch everything on television ohpHArKiu78-00486-00082137-00082362 HBO, Netflix, Hulu ohpHArKiu78-00487-00082362-00082553 I subscribed to something called ohpHArKiu78-00488-00082555-00082644 Discovery Plus ohpHArKiu78-00489-00082854-00082943 I didn't even know what it was ohpHArKiu78-00490-00082945-00082992 I go, "Fuck it" ohpHArKiu78-00491-00082992-00083172 I got time, let me discover some shit." ohpHArKiu78-00492-00083529-00083715 And Omicron was so contagious, ohpHArKiu78-00493-00083715-00083815 when my wife and kids ohpHArKiu78-00494-00083817-00083916 would bring me my food ohpHArKiu78-00495-00083916-00084078 they would leave it outside the door, ohpHArKiu78-00496-00084135-00084213 and they would knock ohpHArKiu78-00497-00084213-00084312 and they would run away ohpHArKiu78-00498-00084765-00084913 And every time I opened the door ohpHArKiu78-00499-00084915-00084993 I had to pretend ohpHArKiu78-00500-00084993-00085200 like I was having a worse time alone ohpHArKiu78-00501-00085491-00085590 I swear, I'd open the door ohpHArKiu78-00502-00085599-00085755 "Oh my God, I love you guys ohpHArKiu78-00503-00085989-00086070 I miss you." ohpHArKiu78-00504-00086370-00086529 I'd close the door, get back in bed, ohpHArKiu78-00505-00086529-00086727 okay Succession Season Two ohpHArKiu78-00506-00087015-00087225 Let's see what happens to the Roy family ohpHArKiu78-00507-00087366-00087480 Narcos Mexico ohpHArKiu78-00508-00087480-00087633 Let's learn some Spanish! ohpHArKiu78-00509-00087714-00087945 Pendejo, puto, chingon, cocaina! ohpHArKiu78-00510-00088044-00088161 I'm fluente, Thank you very much ohpHArKiu78-00511-00088419-00088651 Halfway through my quarantine ohpHArKiu78-00512-00088654-00088797 the CDC came out, ohpHArKiu78-00513-00088812-00088845 they go ohpHArKiu78-00514-00088845-00088960 "You only need to quarantine ohpHArKiu78-00515-00088962-00089031 for five days. " ohpHArKiu78-00516-00089151-00089259 I told my wife, I said ohpHArKiu78-00517-00089259-00089379 "You can't trust the CDC! ohpHArKiu78-00518-00089643-00089799 10, 15 at least 20 days. ohpHArKiu78-00519-00089802-00089876 I'll see you in a month ohpHArKiu78-00520-00089879-00089946 I'll see you month." ohpHArKiu78-00521-00090090-00090162 Oh my God ohpHArKiu78-00522-00090324-00090429 I love you guys ohpHArKiu78-00523-00090575-00090655 We love you Maz! ohpHArKiu78-00524-00090677-00090773 Love you baby! ohpHArKiu78-00525-00091203-00091299 Thank you guys! ohpHArKiu78-00526-00091440-00091521 Thank you ohpHArKiu78-00527-00092091-00092214 Like I said I got the shot, ohpHArKiu78-00528-00092214-00092331 I got the shot, I got, ohpHArKiu78-00529-00092334-00092484 which one, you said you got the shot too ohpHArKiu78-00530-00092484-00092541 Which one did you get? ohpHArKiu78-00531-00092541-00092601 Which one did you get? ohpHArKiu78-00532-00092670-00092763 Which shot did you get? ohpHArKiu78-00533-00092814-00092841 I got all four ohpHArKiu78-00534-00092868-00092946 You got all four ohpHArKiu78-00535-00092946-00093069 but like the brand ohpHArKiu78-00536-00093078-00093123 Which? ohpHArKiu78-00537-00093246-00093267 Moderna ohpHArKiu78-00538-00093285-00093325 Maderna ohpHArKiu78-00539-00093327-00093402 There you go ohpHArKiu78-00540-00093402-00093472 Okay, there you go ohpHArKiu78-00541-00093474-00093543 I'm proud of you ohpHArKiu78-00542-00093543-00093573 You were, ohpHArKiu78-00543-00093585-00093744 you were like responding to me like ohpHArKiu78-00544-00093744-00093933 I was the LA City Health ohpHArKiu78-00545-00094041-00094176 They're fans of yours right there ohpHArKiu78-00546-00094176-00094237 There you go ohpHArKiu78-00547-00094239-00094299 There you go ohpHArKiu78-00548-00094332-00094434 Are those your doctors? ohpHArKiu78-00549-00094434-00094485 Who are they? ohpHArKiu78-00550-00094530-00094620 Oh your friends? ohpHArKiu78-00551-00094653-00094749 They're so proud of her ohpHArKiu78-00552-00094749-00094863 You got the four shots ohpHArKiu78-00553-00094863-00094953 we're proud of you ohpHArKiu78-00554-00095049-00095115 What's your name? ohpHArKiu78-00555-00095115-00095175 What's your name? ohpHArKiu78-00556-00095241-00095299 Homeira ohpHArKiu78-00557-00095307-00095445 That's a Persian name, Blake ohpHArKiu78-00558-00095445-00095745 Right there, Multiple syllables ohpHArKiu78-00559-00095793-00095835 HOMEIRA! ohpHArKiu78-00560-00096021-00096123 Holy shit ohpHArKiu78-00561-00096330-00096399 And what do you do? ohpHArKiu78-00562-00096401-00096459 What do you do? ohpHArKiu78-00563-00096504-00096549 Currently unemployed ohpHArKiu78-00564-00096576-00096696 Currently unemployed? ohpHArKiu78-00565-00096699-00096756 That's fine. ohpHArKiu78-00566-00096759-00096870 That's better than this shit ohpHArKiu78-00567-00097113-00097242 What were you doing before? ohpHArKiu78-00568-00097251-00097319 Pharmaceutical sales ohpHArKiu78-00569-00097335-00097473 Pharmaceutical sales ohpHArKiu78-00570-00097473-00097596 You go girl! There you go ohpHArKiu78-00571-00097596-00097658 Drug dealer ohpHArKiu78-00572-00097660-00097722 Fantastic ohpHArKiu78-00573-00097944-00098040 Homeira, you got Moderna ohpHArKiu78-00574-00098040-00098133 Listen, I'll be honest with you ohpHArKiu78-00575-00098133-00098259 I got, I got Pfizer ohpHArKiu78-00576-00098259-00098337 and you know people ohpHArKiu78-00577-00098337-00098475 yeah, people, yes ohpHArKiu78-00578-00098496-00098596 People who got Pfizer ohpHArKiu78-00579-00098598-00098688 are a little cocky ohpHArKiu78-00580-00098691-00098739 You know what I'm saying? ohpHArKiu78-00581-00098880-00098967 People who got Pfizer like ohpHArKiu78-00582-00098985-00099066 "Yes, I got Pfizer ohpHArKiu78-00583-00099072-00099136 I also have ohpHArKiu78-00584-00099139-00099333 an American Express Platinum Card ohpHArKiu78-00585-00099336-00099443 Thank you very much." ohpHArKiu78-00586-00099612-00099789 Like Homeira, I try not to judge, ohpHArKiu78-00587-00099791-00099873 but I judge ohpHArKiu78-00588-00100008-00100060 I swear to God, ohpHArKiu78-00589-00100063-00100161 people say "I got Moderna" ohpHArKiu78-00590-00100161-00100410 I go, "Oh good luck to you." ohpHArKiu78-00591-00100557-00100689 They go, "I got Johnson and Johnson." ohpHArKiu78-00592-00100689-00100857 I go, "You need better health insurance!" ohpHArKiu78-00593-00101085-00101217 They go, "I got AstraZeneca." ohpHArKiu78-00594-00101217-00101415 I go, "When is the funeral?" ohpHArKiu78-00595-00101799-00101913 No, I'm happy you got it ohpHArKiu78-00596-00101913-00102078 I'm happy anybody got their shot ohpHArKiu78-00597-00102078-00102189 You know some people we know, ohpHArKiu78-00598-00102189-00102330 some people don't wanna get their shot ohpHArKiu78-00599-00102330-00102422 We all have that friend ohpHArKiu78-00600-00102425-00102561 that didn't wanna get the shot ohpHArKiu78-00601-00102576-00102729 because he was afraid the government ohpHArKiu78-00602-00102750-00102891 was going to put a chip in him ohpHArKiu78-00603-00103113-00103197 I heard that, I go ohpHArKiu78-00604-00103197-00103374 "Who the fuck do you think you are, ohpHArKiu78-00605-00103557-00103779 that the government of the United States ohpHArKiu78-00606-00103833-00103929 is concerned with ohpHArKiu78-00607-00103932-00104142 what you're doing Tuesdays at two?" ohpHArKiu78-00608-00104361-00104433 Who do you think you are ohpHArKiu78-00609-00104436-00104520 the CIA is sitting around." ohpHArKiu78-00610-00104550-00104650 I wonder what Tommy does ohpHArKiu78-00611-00104653-00104753 every Tuesday at two? ohpHArKiu78-00612-00104865-00105021 Let's put a chip and find out." ohpHArKiu78-00613-00105159-00105337 You know how disappointed they would be ohpHArKiu78-00614-00105340-00105423 after two weeks ohpHArKiu78-00615-00105495-00105519 Be like, ohpHArKiu78-00616-00105543-00105595 "This motherfucker ohpHArKiu78-00617-00105597-00105678 has been sitting on a couch ohpHArKiu78-00618-00105678-00105849 watching TikTok videos ohpHArKiu78-00619-00105990-00106131 Can we get the chip back?" ohpHArKiu78-00620-00106524-00106572 By the way, ohpHArKiu78-00621-00106572-00106656 if you have a friend who thinks ohpHArKiu78-00622-00106656-00106755 they are going to put a chip in them ohpHArKiu78-00623-00106755-00106884 let them know they already have it ohpHArKiu78-00624-00106965-00107100 It's called your phone, right? ohpHArKiu78-00625-00107175-00107361 They know what we're doing, right? ohpHArKiu78-00626-00107403-00107550 If you don't believe me try buying ohpHArKiu78-00627-00107550-00107700 a pair of shoes on your phone, ohpHArKiu78-00628-00107700-00107790 see what happens ohpHArKiu78-00629-00107880-00107940 I swear to God, ohpHArKiu78-00630-00107943-00108050 Homeira, a year ago ohpHArKiu78-00631-00108053-00108273 I bought a pair of Nikes on my phone ohpHArKiu78-00632-00108309-00108439 Every time I turn on my phone ohpHArKiu78-00633-00108441-00108570 it asks me if I want a Nike ohpHArKiu78-00634-00108717-00108839 The other day I got on my phone, ohpHArKiu78-00635-00108841-00108897 went on Safari ohpHArKiu78-00636-00108897-00108951 right away it goes ohpHArKiu78-00637-00108954-00109029 "You want a Nike?" ohpHArKiu78-00638-00109134-00109199 I go, "No thanks, ohpHArKiu78-00639-00109201-00109293 I already have a Nike." ohpHArKiu78-00640-00109398-00109479 I did three scrolls ohpHArKiu78-00641-00109482-00109593 It goes, "How about now?" ohpHArKiu78-00642-00109743-00109811 I go, "Motherfucker, ohpHArKiu78-00643-00109813-00109871 I told you above, ohpHArKiu78-00644-00109873-00109959 I don't want the Nike." ohpHArKiu78-00645-00110058-00110223 Then every app got in on it ohpHArKiu78-00646-00110223-00110319 I checked the weather it goes, ohpHArKiu78-00647-00110322-00110475 "It's gonna be hot buy a Nike." ohpHArKiu78-00648-00110709-00110826 I got directions on Waze, ohpHArKiu78-00649-00110826-00110988 it goes, "Make a left, get a Nike!" ohpHArKiu78-00650-00111138-00111285 I got so worried I called my mom ohpHArKiu78-00651-00111285-00111427 I go, "Mom some weird stuff ohpHArKiu78-00652-00111429-00111570 is going on with my phone." ohpHArKiu78-00653-00111627-00111762 She goes, "You want a Nike?" ohpHArKiu78-00654-00112452-00112566 I go, "You too?" ohpHArKiu78-00655-00112639-00112696 She goes, "Maz." ohpHArKiu78-00656-00112699-00112791 I go, "What?" ohpHArKiu78-00657-00112791-00112902 She goes, "Just do it!" ohpHArKiu78-00658-00113349-00113508 That's The tagline for Nike ohpHArKiu78-00659-00113571-00113760 Yes, Thank you ohpHArKiu78-00660-00113760-00113880 Every time I do that joke, ohpHArKiu78-00661-00113883-00113979 I get $1 from Nike ohpHArKiu78-00662-00113979-00114264 Thank you very much ohpHArKiu78-00663-00114264-00114306 I'm kidding ohpHArKiu78-00664-00114387-00114531 So my mom had an accent ohpHArKiu78-00665-00114531-00114605 in that joke because ohpHArKiu78-00666-00114607-00114726 as you guys know, like I said, ohpHArKiu78-00667-00114726-00114889 I'm Iranian and my wife is Indian ohpHArKiu78-00668-00114892-00114945 Alright? ohpHArKiu78-00669-00114945-00115080 So are there any Indians tonight? ohpHArKiu78-00670-00115080-00115103 Any? ohpHArKiu78-00671-00115105-00115176 There we go ohpHArKiu78-00672-00115176-00115386 Thank you all 3, 4, 5 ohpHArKiu78-00673-00115407-00115515 That's how they multiply ohpHArKiu78-00674-00115518-00115599 You see how that worked? ohpHArKiu78-00675-00115707-00115851 We had 4, all of a sudden 5 ohpHArKiu78-00676-00115851-00115936 by the end of the show ohpHArKiu78-00677-00115939-00116079 1 billion will be in here you guys ohpHArKiu78-00678-00116184-00116307 My people right there ohpHArKiu78-00679-00116309-00116373 My cousins ohpHArKiu78-00680-00116478-00116575 So guys, check this out ohpHArKiu78-00681-00116578-00116709 I'm Iranian, my wife's Indian ohpHArKiu78-00682-00116712-00116829 Alright, now I got a theory ohpHArKiu78-00683-00116829-00116889 whoever else ohpHArKiu78-00684-00116889-00117147 who else here is in a mixed relationship? ohpHArKiu78-00685-00117162-00117222 There you go ohpHArKiu78-00686-00117282-00117348 What's the mix? ohpHArKiu78-00687-00117348-00117410 What's the mix? ohpHArKiu78-00688-00117412-00117474 What do we got? ohpHArKiu78-00689-00117489-00117558 Black and white ohpHArKiu78-00690-00117561-00117651 Thank you very much, sir ohpHArKiu78-00691-00117801-00117972 He looked at me like I'm so stupid ohpHArKiu78-00692-00118107-00118287 He goes, "Asshole. Black, white ohpHArKiu78-00693-00118821-00118974 You're so fucking stupid ohpHArKiu78-00694-00118974-00119046 You can't see?" ohpHArKiu78-00695-00119364-00119448 Are you guys married? ohpHArKiu78-00696-00119487-00119496 Yes ohpHArKiu78-00697-00119496-00119562 You have kids? ohpHArKiu78-00698-00119610-00119661 I have kids ohpHArKiu78-00699-00119670-00119730 You have kids ohpHArKiu78-00700-00119733-00119886 Okay, this is getting complicated now ohpHArKiu78-00701-00120015-00120126 You said I have kids ohpHArKiu78-00702-00120126-00120312 The white lady did not contribute at all ohpHArKiu78-00703-00120612-00120723 What's your name? my man? ohpHArKiu78-00704-00120753-00120774 Jonathan ohpHArKiu78-00705-00120792-00120918 Jonathan so here's my theory ohpHArKiu78-00706-00120918-00121140 My theory is if you if you have kids, ohpHArKiu78-00707-00121164-00121225 with your wife ohpHArKiu78-00708-00121227-00121410 when you're in an interracial relationship, ohpHArKiu78-00709-00121419-00121596 when it comes time to name your kids ohpHArKiu78-00710-00121608-00121791 there's a whole negotiation that begins ohpHArKiu78-00711-00121791-00121863 There's a compromise ohpHArKiu78-00712-00121863-00121911 You know I'm saying? ohpHArKiu78-00713-00121944-00122013 Like the example ohpHArKiu78-00714-00122015-00122145 I like to do usually is like, ohpHArKiu78-00715-00122145-00122264 I say let's say you're a Mexican guy ohpHArKiu78-00716-00122266-00122337 actually married to ohpHArKiu78-00717-00122337-00122505 like a Swedish woman let's say right? ohpHArKiu78-00718-00122538-00122658 Let's say you have a kid right? ohpHArKiu78-00719-00122661-00122820 You right away, your son, you go, ohpHArKiu78-00720-00122823-00122940 "I want to name him Jose." ohpHArKiu78-00721-00123066-00123195 The Swedish wife would be like ohpHArKiu78-00722-00123198-00123309 "I want to name him IKEA." ohpHArKiu78-00723-00123651-00123834 They compromise, Joskia ohpHArKiu78-00724-00124074-00124179 You see how that works? ohpHArKiu78-00725-00124332-00124468 So when my son was born ohpHArKiu78-00726-00124470-00124605 I went to my Indian wife, ohpHArKiu78-00727-00124605-00124669 out the gate ohpHArKiu78-00728-00124672-00124866 I start with a nice Persian Muslim name ohpHArKiu78-00729-00124866-00124947 Right out the gate ohpHArKiu78-00730-00124965-00125040 went to my wife ohpHArKiu78-00731-00125040-00125112 my Indian, wife I go, ohpHArKiu78-00732-00125112-00125373 "Hey, how about Mahmoud?" ohpHArKiu78-00733-00125583-00125745 That's strong, that's strong right? ohpHArKiu78-00734-00125766-00125913 She came back, It was a negotiation ohpHArKiu78-00735-00125913-00125985 She comes back, she goes, ohpHArKiu78-00736-00125988-00126813 "How about, Go fuck yourself? " ohpHArKiu78-00737-00126813-00126858 I said, ohpHArKiu78-00738-00126861-00126999 "Is that a very common Indian name?" ohpHArKiu78-00739-00127293-00127466 I go, "Would his nickname be go fuck ohpHArKiu78-00740-00127469-00127542 or yourself? ohpHArKiu78-00741-00127548-00127587 What would?" ohpHArKiu78-00742-00127983-00128088 Then it was a negotiation ohpHArKiu78-00743-00128088-00128166 I went back I go, ohpHArKiu78-00744-00128168-00128268 "How about Mohammed?" ohpHArKiu78-00745-00128370-00128610 She goes, "Asshole. I want him to travel." ohpHArKiu78-00746-00128613-00128727 I go, "Oh, okay ohpHArKiu78-00747-00128883-00128937 Yeah, Mohammed ohpHArKiu78-00748-00128939-00129078 is not a good name at the airport ohpHArKiu78-00749-00129078-00129147 That's not a good one" ohpHArKiu78-00750-00129267-00129441 So then I found a nice ohpHArKiu78-00751-00129441-00129609 neutral Persian named, Dara ohpHArKiu78-00752-00129612-00129846 D-A-R-A, Great name right? ohpHArKiu78-00753-00129891-00130059 Nobody knows what it is, right? ohpHArKiu78-00754-00130077-00130233 But then she wanted to Indianize it ohpHArKiu78-00755-00130233-00130512 so she added a silent H after the D ohpHArKiu78-00756-00130578-00130896 So now it's spelled D-H-A-R-A ohpHArKiu78-00757-00130923-00131097 Looks Indian, is Iranian ohpHArKiu78-00758-00131226-00131364 You see, right? ohpHArKiu78-00759-00131457-00131646 She's happy, I'm happy ohpHArKiu78-00760-00131682-00131736 That's it ohpHArKiu78-00761-00131736-00131886 That's how the negotiation works ohpHArKiu78-00762-00131895-00132048 But my favourite thing is ohpHArKiu78-00763-00132048-00132121 when we go to the ohpHArKiu78-00764-00132123-00132243 parent teacher conferences ohpHArKiu78-00765-00132246-00132324 Oh my God, ohpHArKiu78-00766-00132336-00132417 white people ohpHArKiu78-00767-00132573-00132723 You guys are so nervous ohpHArKiu78-00768-00132725-00132927 about messing up ethnic names ohpHArKiu78-00769-00133011-00133164 It's the most entertaining shit, ohpHArKiu78-00770-00133164-00133293 because his teachers don't know ohpHArKiu78-00771-00133293-00133518 what to do with the silent H in Dhara, ohpHArKiu78-00772-00133587-00133692 and they don't want to mess it up ohpHArKiu78-00773-00133692-00133779 They don't want to offend us ohpHArKiu78-00774-00133779-00133857 So we walk in ohpHArKiu78-00775-00133860-00134003 I see his white teachers ohpHArKiu78-00776-00134005-00134136 are sweating bullets ohpHArKiu78-00777-00134325-00134520 and they start saying his name hoping that ohpHArKiu78-00778-00134520-00134622 we'll help them out ohpHArKiu78-00779-00134694-00134724 They'll be like ohpHArKiu78-00780-00134724-00135363 "You know your son D-haaaaaa, ohpHArKiu78-00781-00135453-00135706 D-jaaaaaaa, ohpHArKiu78-00782-00135826-00135969 D-khaaaaa." ohpHArKiu78-00783-00136137-00136240 I go, "There's no khaaa!" ohpHArKiu78-00784-00136242-00136338 Where'd you see the khaaa? ohpHArKiu78-00785-00136347-00136449 The H is silent!" ohpHArKiu78-00786-00136560-00136665 White people every time you see ohpHArKiu78-00787-00136665-00136752 an H in a Muslim name ohpHArKiu78-00788-00136764-00136851 you start going Khhhhh ohpHArKiu78-00789-00136857-00137006 There's no Khaaa! ohpHArKiu78-00790-00137058-00137157 I told her, "Relax" ohpHArKiu78-00791-00137160-00137334 I did the H for my Indian wife ohpHArKiu78-00792-00137334-00137460 I wanted Mohammed." ohpHArKiu78-00793-00137583-00137727 She goes, "You mean Mokhaaamad?" ohpHArKiu78-00794-00137730-00137826 There's no Khaaa!!! ohpHArKiu78-00795-00138291-00138477 When the lockdown first happened ohpHArKiu78-00796-00138564-00138651 I went online and ohpHArKiu78-00797-00138651-00138763 I Googled to find out ohpHArKiu78-00798-00138765-00138957 if comedians are essential workers ohpHArKiu78-00799-00139332-00139518 That's not to joke you bastards ohpHArKiu78-00800-00139692-00139875 That's the set up to the punchline ohpHArKiu78-00801-00139968-00140070 How dare you laugh? ohpHArKiu78-00802-00140232-00140355 No, because we couldn't tour ohpHArKiu78-00803-00140355-00140427 We couldn't do anything ohpHArKiu78-00804-00140427-00140565 We had to come up with things to do ohpHArKiu78-00805-00140565-00140706 Like Blake we had to come up with like, ohpHArKiu78-00806-00140715-00140892 like I tried to become an influencer ohpHArKiu78-00807-00141057-00141165 I swear to God, I didn't even know ohpHArKiu78-00808-00141165-00141270 Mina, I didn't know what it was ohpHArKiu78-00809-00141270-00141399 I went and bought like a ring light ohpHArKiu78-00810-00141399-00141507 I didn't know what I was doing ohpHArKiu78-00811-00141645-00141824 I didn't know what an influencer was ohpHArKiu78-00812-00141826-00141934 until Dhara, my son ohpHArKiu78-00813-00141937-00142050 he told me about it ohpHArKiu78-00814-00142095-00142254 I was walking with him in the streets ohpHArKiu78-00815-00142254-00142470 He saw this influencer he lost his mind ohpHArKiu78-00816-00142494-00142569 We're walking, ohpHArKiu78-00817-00142569-00142707 Dhara sees the influencer ohpHArKiu78-00818-00142707-00142821 He's like, "Oh my God ohpHArKiu78-00819-00143022-00143163 That's Sven Svenson." ohpHArKiu78-00820-00143295-00143457 I go, "Who the hell is Sven Svenson?" ohpHArKiu78-00821-00143499-00143610 "He's an influencer ohpHArKiu78-00822-00143697-00143910 He's got 5 million followers on YouTube ohpHArKiu78-00823-00143910-00144123 He makes $10 million a year." ohpHArKiu78-00824-00144279-00144379 I go, "What does he do?" ohpHArKiu78-00825-00144381-00144515 "He opens boxes." ohpHArKiu78-00826-00144738-00144828 "What the fuck?" ohpHArKiu78-00827-00145170-00145291 And then Dhara said hi, ohpHArKiu78-00828-00145293-00145413 the guy says hi back ohpHArKiu78-00829-00145413-00145566 Dhara goes, "He's so nice!" ohpHArKiu78-00830-00145740-00145857 I go, "Of course he's nice ohpHArKiu78-00831-00145857-00146003 He's making 10 million a year ohpHArKiu78-00832-00146005-00146085 opening boxes ohpHArKiu78-00833-00146214-00146335 You want to see an asshole? ohpHArKiu78-00834-00146337-00146430 Go to the UPS store ohpHArKiu78-00835-00146430-00146631 There's a guy closing boxes right now ohpHArKiu78-00836-00146859-00146912 Pissed off ohpHArKiu78-00837-00146915-00147065 that he's doing the wrong thing ohpHArKiu78-00838-00147068-00147134 with boxes!" ohpHArKiu78-00839-00147369-00147505 Your package will get there ohpHArKiu78-00840-00147507-00147678 when it gets there, next in line ohpHArKiu78-00841-00147795-00147954 Go to Fedex! Get out of here ohpHArKiu78-00842-00148236-00148326 We didn't know what to do ohpHArKiu78-00843-00148326-00148437 We couldn't tour ohpHArKiu78-00844-00148458-00148566 My agents were like, ohpHArKiu78-00845-00148578-00148675 "Now, during the lockdown ohpHArKiu78-00846-00148678-00148767 is a good time for you ohpHArKiu78-00847-00148767-00148920 to build your social media. ohpHArKiu78-00848-00148965-00149115 You need to post more videos ohpHArKiu78-00849-00149117-00149202 on Instagram." ohpHArKiu78-00850-00149202-00149288 Who here's on Instagram? ohpHArKiu78-00851-00149290-00149361 Who's on Instagram? ohpHArKiu78-00852-00149415-00149466 There you go ohpHArKiu78-00853-00149502-00149694 Yes, I don't know about you guys, ohpHArKiu78-00854-00149694-00149829 but every time I post a video ohpHArKiu78-00855-00149831-00149895 on Instagram, ohpHArKiu78-00856-00149898-00150054 I lose 250 followers ohpHArKiu78-00857-00150240-00150348 I don't know where they're going ohpHArKiu78-00858-00150486-00150570 I'm like, "Where are you going? ohpHArKiu78-00859-00150570-00150692 Stay!" ohpHArKiu78-00860-00150936-00150989 What's your name? ohpHArKiu78-00861-00150991-00151044 What's your name? ohpHArKiu78-00862-00151141-00151279 Elizabeth? You have an accent too ohpHArKiu78-00863-00151287-00151392 Where are you from Elizabeth? ohpHArKiu78-00864-00151440-00151524 Venezuela ohpHArKiu78-00865-00151541-00151650 Bienvenudos! ohpHArKiu78-00866-00151788-00151965 I don't know why I became a bullfighter ohpHArKiu78-00867-00151965-00152037 That was weird ohpHArKiu78-00868-00152097-00152208 Hello, Venezuela ohpHArKiu78-00869-00152283-00152403 Are you also Venezuelan? ohpHArKiu78-00870-00152466-00152527 Persian? ohpHArKiu78-00871-00152529-00152600 Oh shit! ohpHArKiu78-00872-00152628-00152682 There you go ohpHArKiu78-00873-00152685-00152808 And you guys are a couple? ohpHArKiu78-00874-00152859-00153030 Fantastic! Way to go ohpHArKiu78-00875-00153030-00153234 Wow, you're both enemies of America, ohpHArKiu78-00876-00153234-00153318 and you got together ohpHArKiu78-00877-00153474-00153681 Yes, Yes ohpHArKiu78-00878-00153834-00154053 These two met at an oil embargo meeting ohpHArKiu78-00879-00154434-00154512 She saw him ohpHArKiu78-00880-00154515-00154576 "Are you also ohpHArKiu78-00881-00154579-00154776 gonna keep the oil for yourself?" ohpHArKiu78-00882-00154935-00154990 He's like ohpHArKiu78-00883-00154994-00155088 "Definitely, well, ohpHArKiu78-00884-00155100-00155236 I'm not gonna give it to America." ohpHArKiu78-00885-00155340-00155470 "Fantastic.,The prices will go up." ohpHArKiu78-00886-00155658-00155835 So Elizabeth and your name? ohpHArKiu78-00887-00155949-00156006 What is it? ohpHArKiu78-00888-00156051-00156128 Amir, Fantastic ohpHArKiu78-00889-00156131-00156234 There you go, buddy ohpHArKiu78-00890-00156282-00156380 But you guys aren't married? ohpHArKiu78-00891-00156382-00156414 Are you? ohpHArKiu78-00892-00156459-00156486 No ohpHArKiu78-00893-00156486-00156561 No, Okay, Have you guys, ohpHArKiu78-00894-00156561-00156671 so you know the names, ohpHArKiu78-00895-00156673-00156762 just keep in mind ohpHArKiu78-00896-00156810-00156888 It's gonna happen ohpHArKiu78-00897-00157062-00157115 I'm telling you ohpHArKiu78-00898-00157117-00157170 Now Elizabeth ohpHArKiu78-00899-00157170-00157368 you said you are on Instagram, right? ohpHArKiu78-00900-00157417-00157532 So what's that? ohpHArKiu78-00901-00157542-00157653 Oh, you see me on Instagram? ohpHArKiu78-00902-00157659-00157737 Oh, fantastic ohpHArKiu78-00903-00157737-00157902 Thank you for following on Instagram ohpHArKiu78-00904-00157968-00158043 Here's my question ohpHArKiu78-00905-00158043-00158138 Do you read the comments ohpHArKiu78-00906-00158140-00158235 when you post anything? ohpHArKiu78-00907-00158235-00158331 Do you read the comments? ohpHArKiu78-00908-00158331-00158343 Yes, ohpHArKiu78-00909-00158385-00158538 You do? These ladies are like, ohpHArKiu78-00910-00158553-00158682 "Yes, we read the comments goddamnit!" ohpHArKiu78-00911-00158832-00158918 Clearly they're the ones ohpHArKiu78-00912-00158920-00159016 who are writing, that, ohpHArKiu78-00913-00159024-00159101 "This is bullshit ohpHArKiu78-00914-00159104-00159213 Okay, I can't believe." ohpHArKiu78-00915-00159378-00159446 The key Fred, ohpHArKiu78-00916-00159449-00159645 the key is not to read the comments ohpHArKiu78-00917-00159645-00159765 because you'll be disappointed ohpHArKiu78-00918-00159840-00159918 I swear to god no, ohpHArKiu78-00919-00159918-00159998 because usually there's ohpHArKiu78-00920-00160000-00160125 the comments start pissing you off ohpHArKiu78-00921-00160140-00160227 Let me tell you what happened ohpHArKiu78-00922-00160227-00160287 This is what happened ohpHArKiu78-00923-00160290-00160405 I decided to eat right, ohpHArKiu78-00924-00160407-00160485 exercise, ohpHArKiu78-00925-00160487-00160612 lose a little bit of weight ohpHArKiu78-00926-00160617-00160675 Then I thought ohpHArKiu78-00927-00160677-00160847 maybe I will post the weight loss ohpHArKiu78-00928-00160878-00160995 on my Instagram page, ohpHArKiu78-00929-00160998-00161148 I can inspire my followers ohpHArKiu78-00930-00161151-00161289 to lose weight with me ohpHArKiu78-00931-00161313-00161541 So I ran, I ate right ohpHArKiu78-00932-00161556-00161677 I got on the scale ohpHArKiu78-00933-00161679-00161799 I took a picture ohpHArKiu78-00934-00161805-00161880 I posted it ohpHArKiu78-00935-00161928-00162072 Started reading the comments ohpHArKiu78-00936-00162078-00162209 First comment, ohpHArKiu78-00937-00162211-00162503 "Dude. Your toes are ugly!" ohpHArKiu78-00938-00162825-00162951 You motherfucker ohpHArKiu78-00939-00163191-00163287 Second comment, ohpHArKiu78-00940-00163308-00163446 "Why do you have purple shins? ohpHArKiu78-00941-00163446-00163584 You might have Coronavirus!" ohpHArKiu78-00942-00163584-00163653 I go, "What the fuck?" ohpHArKiu78-00943-00163974-00164172 Third comment, "Want a Nike?" ohpHArKiu78-00944-00164670-00164901 I go, "Mom! Get off my Instagram!" ohpHArKiu78-00945-00165369-00165544 Now I'm all over social media ohpHArKiu78-00946-00165544-00165643 I'm on Instagram ohpHArKiu78-00947-00165645-00165736 I'm on YouTube ohpHArKiu78-00948-00165738-00165845 I'm on Facebook ohpHArKiu78-00949-00165848-00165954 I'm on TikTok ohpHArKiu78-00950-00165957-00166005 I don't even know ohpHArKiu78-00951-00166007-00166083 what I'm doing on TikTok ohpHArKiu78-00952-00166227-00166413 TikTok is like three second videos ohpHArKiu78-00953-00166413-00166545 I don't know what I'm doing, Okay? ohpHArKiu78-00954-00166575-00166725 When I first started doing stand up ohpHArKiu78-00955-00166728-00166959 back in the day, 23, 24 years ago ohpHArKiu78-00956-00166959-00167027 they used to say ohpHArKiu78-00957-00167029-00167249 you need to film a one hour comedy special, ohpHArKiu78-00958-00167271-00167389 you put it on HBO, ohpHArKiu78-00959-00167391-00167509 people discover you ohpHArKiu78-00960-00167509-00167638 your career takes off ohpHArKiu78-00961-00167679-00167781 Then a few years later they go, ohpHArKiu78-00962-00167781-00167902 you gotta take 5 minutes ohpHArKiu78-00963-00167904-00167979 of the 1 hour, ohpHArKiu78-00964-00167985-00168083 you put it on YouTube, ohpHArKiu78-00965-00168085-00168183 people discover you, ohpHArKiu78-00966-00168192-00168309 career takes off ohpHArKiu78-00967-00168393-00168531 Then they go you gotta take 1 minute ohpHArKiu78-00968-00168534-00168615 of the 5 minutes, ohpHArKiu78-00969-00168615-00168717 you put it on Instagram, ohpHArKiu78-00970-00168741-00168840 people discover you, ohpHArKiu78-00971-00168842-00168930 career takes off ohpHArKiu78-00972-00169014-00169148 Now they say you gotta take 3 seconds ohpHArKiu78-00973-00169150-00169263 of the one minute, ohpHArKiu78-00974-00169407-00169573 you put it on TikTok, ohpHArKiu78-00975-00169625-00169740 people discover you, ohpHArKiu78-00976-00169740-00169842 career takes off ohpHArKiu78-00977-00169974-00170052 I told Dhara ohpHArKiu78-00978-00170052-00170163 I go, "Dhara, I don't even know ohpHArKiu78-00979-00170165-00170335 what to do in three seconds." ohpHArKiu78-00980-00170430-00170526 I told my son I go, ohpHArKiu78-00981-00170532-00170616 "For three seconds ohpHArKiu78-00982-00170618-00170781 all I can say is hello, goodbye." ohpHArKiu78-00983-00170934-00171075 He goes, "That's perfect!" ohpHArKiu78-00984-00171561-00171655 I go, "How low ohpHArKiu78-00985-00171657-00171939 is the attention span of your generation?" ohpHArKiu78-00986-00172032-00172131 He goes, "What?" ohpHArKiu78-00987-00172431-00172500 Didn't even last ohpHArKiu78-00988-00172617-00172650 Yeah ohpHArKiu78-00989-00173094-00173460 You guys, You guys are awesome ohpHArKiu78-00990-00173604-00173709 Oh my god ohpHArKiu78-00991-00173832-00174021 Been a crazy couple of years ohpHArKiu78-00992-00174066-00174351 Comedians had to do Zoom comedy shows ohpHArKiu78-00993-00174450-00174585 Yeah, holy shit ohpHArKiu78-00994-00174657-00174763 Who else? Who else? ohpHArKiu78-00995-00174763-00174897 You guys did business on Zoom? ohpHArKiu78-00996-00174897-00174957 Who else did? Yeah, ohpHArKiu78-00997-00174957-00175095 there you go, there you go ohpHArKiu78-00998-00175122-00175263 What was what's what's your name sir? ohpHArKiu78-00999-00175374-00175442 Josefa? ohpHArKiu78-01000-00175454-00175628 Oh wow what's your background? ohpHArKiu78-01001-00175713-00175782 Indian? ohpHArKiu78-01002-00175784-00175963 Shit, I've never heard Josefa ohpHArKiu78-01003-00176040-00176223 Was, was, did you have a Mexican parent? ohpHArKiu78-01004-00176559-00176667 What I said before ohpHArKiu78-01005-00176805-00177129 Clearly, clearly the negotiation happened ohpHArKiu78-01006-00177309-00177351 Right? ohpHArKiu78-01007-00177459-00177583 The father wanted Jose ohpHArKiu78-01008-00177583-00177682 the mother wanted Farooq, ohpHArKiu78-01009-00177684-00177768 they went Josefa ohpHArKiu78-01010-00177918-00178011 That's how that works ohpHArKiu78-01011-00178191-00178251 That's how, ohpHArKiu78-01012-00178350-00178395 Josefa ohpHArKiu78-01013-00178809-00178974 What was, what were you doing on Zoom? ohpHArKiu78-01014-00178974-00179106 What, what's your occupation? ohpHArKiu78-01015-00179149-00179232 I work for Johnson and Johnson ohpHArKiu78-01016-00179274-00179431 You work for Johnson and Johnson ohpHArKiu78-01017-00179433-00179484 Holy shit ohpHArKiu78-01018-00179610-00179754 Holy shit! ohpHArKiu78-01019-00179913-00179949 This guy ohpHArKiu78-01020-00180168-00180336 Moderna you can look down on him now, ohpHArKiu78-01021-00180338-00180403 there you go ohpHArKiu78-01022-00180537-00180630 You're like, "Josefa, ohpHArKiu78-01023-00180632-00180747 I don't know about this." ohpHArKiu78-01024-00180942-00181029 Josefa, I don't know ohpHArKiu78-01025-00181029-00181124 how many meetings ohpHArKiu78-01026-00181126-00181248 you had to do on Zoom ohpHArKiu78-01027-00181254-00181353 and what you do on Zoom ohpHArKiu78-01028-00181353-00181435 When I'm on Zoom ohpHArKiu78-01029-00181435-00181545 we had to do comedy shows, ohpHArKiu78-01030-00181545-00181704 alright? Every time I'm on Zoom, ohpHArKiu78-01031-00181707-00181881 I try to watch everybody else ohpHArKiu78-01032-00181899-00182025 who's in the Zoom meeting, ohpHArKiu78-01033-00182061-00182322 but inevitably my eyes work their way ohpHArKiu78-01034-00182324-00182454 back to my face ohpHArKiu78-01035-00182667-00182908 And I start noticing every fault ohpHArKiu78-01036-00182910-00183075 on this fucking face ohpHArKiu78-01037-00183087-00183160 I swear to god ohpHArKiu78-01038-00183160-00183334 I was, they were pitching a TV show to me, ohpHArKiu78-01039-00183339-00183400 I was listening, ohpHArKiu78-01040-00183403-00183534 all of a sudden I look over I go, ohpHArKiu78-01041-00183534-00183879 "Holy shit. When did I get so old?" ohpHArKiu78-01042-00184023-00184178 I go, "Look at these wrinkles ohpHArKiu78-01043-00184180-00184281 I got crow's feet ohpHArKiu78-01044-00184332-00184384 I didn't know, ohpHArKiu78-01045-00184386-00184492 where did my eyebrows go? ohpHArKiu78-01046-00184492-00184636 I have no eyebrows ohpHArKiu78-01047-00184731-00184863 I didn't know I was this bald ohpHArKiu78-01048-00184863-00184974 Holy shit! ohpHArKiu78-01049-00185085-00185196 That's a big nose ohpHArKiu78-01050-00185198-00185339 What the fuck? ohpHArKiu78-01051-00185466-00185600 I wonder if it's smaller, ohpHArKiu78-01052-00185602-00185730 it's bigger this way!" ohpHArKiu78-01053-00185967-00186127 Josefa, by the end of the meeting ohpHArKiu78-01054-00186130-00186204 the guy goes, ohpHArKiu78-01055-00186204-00186306 "What do you think is a TV show?" ohpHArKiu78-01056-00186306-00186501 I go, "I think I need plastic surgery." ohpHArKiu78-01057-00187155-00187222 And I thought about, ohpHArKiu78-01058-00187224-00187317 I thought about getting it. ohpHArKiu78-01059-00187317-00187398 I did because I found, ohpHArKiu78-01060-00187398-00187509 listen I found out if you want to like ohpHArKiu78-01061-00187509-00187633 if you want your eyelids to open ohpHArKiu78-01062-00187633-00187762 you go to the plastic surgeon, ohpHArKiu78-01063-00187764-00187830 they pull, ohpHArKiu78-01064-00187944-00188112 they pull your skin back ohpHArKiu78-01065-00188145-00188250 so your eyes open ohpHArKiu78-01066-00188250-00188304 I thought maybe ohpHArKiu78-01067-00188307-00188427 the guy could pull my skin back, ohpHArKiu78-01068-00188427-00188583 give me some thick eyebrows, ohpHArKiu78-01069-00188586-00188646 thin nose, ohpHArKiu78-01070-00188649-00188765 some white teeth, ohpHArKiu78-01071-00188768-00188925 some nice hair, Right? ohpHArKiu78-01072-00188925-00189054 And the key to getting work done, ohpHArKiu78-01073-00189054-00189196 I found out you're not supposed to admit ohpHArKiu78-01074-00189198-00189270 you had work done ohpHArKiu78-01075-00189396-00189448 Right? ohpHArKiu78-01076-00189451-00189599 So I'd be walking around Los Angeles ohpHArKiu78-01077-00189601-00189691 all shiny ohpHArKiu78-01078-00189810-00189856 People would be like ohpHArKiu78-01079-00189856-00189937 "Maz, did you get work done?" ohpHArKiu78-01080-00189939-00190041 I'd be like, "No. ohpHArKiu78-01081-00190266-00190407 I've been juicing." ohpHArKiu78-01082-00190797-00190921 "How come you have a big ass?" ohpHArKiu78-01083-00190921-00191032 "That's elderberry juice." ohpHArKiu78-01084-00191322-00191449 "Why do you have breasts?" ohpHArKiu78-01085-00191449-00191605 "That's Tumeric. Tumeric." ohpHArKiu78-01086-00192018-00192228 Oh my god ohpHArKiu78-01087-00192558-00192603 You know who ohpHArKiu78-01088-00192603-00192706 I was jealous of ohpHArKiu78-01089-00192708-00192834 during the pandemic ohpHArKiu78-01090-00192836-00192921 was doctors ohpHArKiu78-01091-00192924-00193051 Are there any doctors in the house? ohpHArKiu78-01092-00193051-00193123 Any doctors? ohpHArKiu78-01093-00193176-00193237 There we go ohpHArKiu78-01094-00193237-00193343 What kind of doctor are you, ohpHArKiu78-01095-00193346-00193390 young lady? ohpHArKiu78-01096-00193390-00193444 What kind? ohpHArKiu78-01097-00193460-00193538 Gastroenterologist ohpHArKiu78-01098-00193572-00193722 Gastroenterologist ohpHArKiu78-01099-00193722-00193884 So you go GI, right? ohpHArKiu78-01100-00193896-00194031 Fart doctor right? ohpHArKiu78-01101-00194169-00194250 It's the best ohpHArKiu78-01102-00194370-00194544 You got a lot of clients tonight ohpHArKiu78-01103-00194544-00194632 The Persians are here ohpHArKiu78-01104-00194632-00194752 We have a lot of gaseous ohpHArKiu78-01105-00194859-00194928 The Indians ohpHArKiu78-01106-00194930-00195055 You know the curries ohpHArKiu78-01107-00195055-00195118 You're gonna have a lot ohpHArKiu78-01108-00195120-00195304 Just start handing out business cards ohpHArKiu78-01109-00195306-00195387 on the way out ohpHArKiu78-01110-00195474-00195613 Venezuela yeah. Spicy? ohpHArKiu78-01111-00195615-00195684 Some shit ohpHArKiu78-01112-00195993-00196179 You know why I was jealous of doctors? ohpHArKiu78-01113-00196179-00196383 Doctors were doing Zoom consults ohpHArKiu78-01114-00196405-00196508 during the pandemic ohpHArKiu78-01115-00196518-00196635 Did you do Zoom consults? ohpHArKiu78-01116-00196648-00196725 No, I was there ohpHArKiu78-01117-00196738-00196812 You were there! ohpHArKiu78-01118-00196812-00196929 Look at you with the mask ohpHArKiu78-01119-00196929-00196996 You were brave ohpHArKiu78-01120-00196996-00197047 Look at you ohpHArKiu78-01121-00197047-00197133 Give it up for her ohpHArKiu78-01122-00197133-00197232 Saving lives ohpHArKiu78-01123-00197412-00197530 Yes ohpHArKiu78-01124-00197733-00197899 My friend told me you could get a ohpHArKiu78-01125-00197904-00198225 you get a zoom consult physical ohpHArKiu78-01126-00198234-00198381 And I was like how does that even happen? ohpHArKiu78-01127-00198468-00198589 Because usually the doctor has got ohpHArKiu78-01128-00198589-00198745 to touch you to make sure you're okay ohpHArKiu78-01129-00198795-00198873 How does that work? ohpHArKiu78-01130-00198873-00198955 What do you get on the Zoom ohpHArKiu78-01131-00198957-00199008 with the doctor? ohpHArKiu78-01132-00199008-00199036 He goes, ohpHArKiu78-01133-00199036-00199102 "Okay Maz ohpHArKiu78-01134-00199102-00199264 Welcome to your annual checkup ohpHArKiu78-01135-00199264-00199348 Let's get started ohpHArKiu78-01136-00199398-00199484 Okay, I need you ohpHArKiu78-01137-00199486-00199653 to grab your balls and cough ohpHArKiu78-01138-00200178-00200334 Are you feeling anything strange? ohpHArKiu78-01139-00200505-00200594 No? Okay ohpHArKiu78-01140-00200594-00200783 Stick your finger up your ass ohpHArKiu78-01141-00201147-00201237 Anything at all? ohpHArKiu78-01142-00201372-00201584 No? Okay, do the copay on the way out ohpHArKiu78-01143-00201584-00201671 You'll be fine." ohpHArKiu78-01144-00202089-00202161 I was so jealous ohpHArKiu78-01145-00202163-00202212 of doctors ohpHArKiu78-01146-00202215-00202310 I should have been a doctor ohpHArKiu78-01147-00202310-00202400 I should have been a doctor ohpHArKiu78-01148-00202479-00202546 Have you ever heard ohpHArKiu78-01149-00202549-00202662 anybody say that to you before? ohpHArKiu78-01150-00202725-00202911 People say stupid shit like that ohpHArKiu78-01151-00202953-00203064 I'm happy you haven't heard it, ohpHArKiu78-01152-00203064-00203125 because some people ohpHArKiu78-01153-00203127-00203199 will see like a doctor ohpHArKiu78-01154-00203202-00203250 in a nice car ohpHArKiu78-01155-00203250-00203361 They go, "I should have been a doctor." ohpHArKiu78-01156-00203460-00203673 Like it's a weekend extension course ohpHArKiu78-01157-00203988-00204071 What's your name Doc? ohpHArKiu78-01158-00204071-00204150 What's your name? ohpHArKiu78-01159-00204198-00204263 Melanie ohpHArKiu78-01160-00204263-00204458 I knew I couldn't be a doctor ohpHArKiu78-01161-00204461-00204608 from the fifth grade ohpHArKiu78-01162-00204720-00204894 Yeah, when they brought that frog out ohpHArKiu78-01163-00204894-00204975 Remember the frog? ohpHArKiu78-01164-00205041-00205122 You guys remember the frog? ohpHArKiu78-01165-00205122-00205220 In the fifth grade ohpHArKiu78-01166-00205220-00205367 they brought out a dead frog ohpHArKiu78-01167-00205413-00205653 Melanie it was pinned to a tray, ohpHArKiu78-01168-00205752-00205844 with his arms out ohpHArKiu78-01169-00205844-00205919 Just like Jesus ohpHArKiu78-01170-00205921-00205970 He's just ohpHArKiu78-01171-00206406-00206652 The most disgusting shit I've ever seen ohpHArKiu78-01172-00206706-00206907 And they doused him in formaldehyde ohpHArKiu78-01173-00206949-00207066 They put him in front of me ohpHArKiu78-01174-00207066-00207165 I raised my hand I go, ohpHArKiu78-01175-00207168-00207204 "Teacher, ohpHArKiu78-01176-00207206-00207365 what do you want me to do with a frog?" ohpHArKiu78-01177-00207371-00207422 She goes, ohpHArKiu78-01178-00207424-00207497 "Cut it open." ohpHArKiu78-01179-00207497-00207594 I go, "Fuck that ohpHArKiu78-01180-00207596-00207692 You cut it open." ohpHArKiu78-01181-00207909-00208008 That's the day I knew ohpHArKiu78-01182-00208010-00208161 I was not going to be a doctor ohpHArKiu78-01183-00208161-00208344 That's the day I became a comedian ohpHArKiu78-01184-00208485-00208578 I swear to god ohpHArKiu78-01185-00208623-00208767 I went to the other side of the room, ohpHArKiu78-01186-00208767-00208896 I just started telling jokes ohpHArKiu78-01187-00208983-00209071 Right away I go over ohpHArKiu78-01188-00209073-00209161 I go, "Knock knock." ohpHArKiu78-01189-00209163-00209259 They go, "Who's there?" ohpHArKiu78-01190-00209262-00209349 I go, "Not the frog" ohpHArKiu78-01191-00209652-00209718 He's dead ohpHArKiu78-01192-00209913-00210066 He's dead in formaldehyde." ohpHArKiu78-01193-00210471-00210564 I'll be honest with you ohpHArKiu78-01194-00210564-00210762 The pandemic also made me realize ohpHArKiu78-01195-00210762-00210867 I could never be a doctor ohpHArKiu78-01196-00210870-00210937 Okay? ohpHArKiu78-01197-00210939-00210988 Because ohpHArKiu78-01198-00210990-00211140 as soon as we could get those masks, ohpHArKiu78-01199-00211140-00211312 the, you know the the ohpHArKiu78-01200-00211314-00211485 disposable blue masks ohpHArKiu78-01201-00211497-00211596 We bought some of the ohpHArKiu78-01202-00211599-00211698 disposable blue mask ohpHArKiu78-01203-00211701-00211941 I put it on with my big ass ears ohpHArKiu78-01204-00211983-00212100 They got, those things ohpHArKiu78-01205-00212102-00212256 were hurting my ears so much ohpHArKiu78-01206-00212313-00212444 I couldn't last five minutes ohpHArKiu78-01207-00212447-00212526 in Whole Foods ohpHArKiu78-01208-00212526-00212644 My wife sent me to Whole Foods ohpHArKiu78-01209-00212647-00212709 to go shopping ohpHArKiu78-01210-00212721-00212880 Remember early on in the pandemic ohpHArKiu78-01211-00212892-00212987 You'd get dressed up ohpHArKiu78-01212-00212989-00213141 in like a homemade hazmat suit ohpHArKiu78-01213-00213315-00213458 Like dishwashing gloves ohpHArKiu78-01214-00213458-00213578 ski goggles, ohpHArKiu78-01215-00213651-00213861 and the fucking mask ohpHArKiu78-01216-00213879-00213963 I'd be walking around ohpHArKiu78-01217-00213963-00214070 I couldn't last five minutes ohpHArKiu78-01218-00214073-00214137 in Whole Foods ohpHArKiu78-01219-00214137-00214284 I was like, "This is bullshit ohpHArKiu78-01220-00214425-00214596 I'm just gonna get the dried mangoes ohpHArKiu78-01221-00214596-00214749 I will come back for the quinoa ohpHArKiu78-01222-00214752-00215106 This is bullshit my ears are hurting!" ohpHArKiu78-01223-00215298-00215409 I would run into the car, ohpHArKiu78-01224-00215409-00215500 take off all my gear, ohpHArKiu78-01225-00215503-00215637 start eating my dried mangoes ohpHArKiu78-01226-00215643-00215772 "Oh my god, my ears are hurting." ohpHArKiu78-01227-00215949-00216092 I couldn't last five minutes ohpHArKiu78-01228-00216094-00216180 in Whole Foods ohpHArKiu78-01229-00216180-00216321 Meanwhile doctors ohpHArKiu78-01230-00216323-00216456 will operate on somebody ohpHArKiu78-01231-00216459-00216579 for eight hours, ohpHArKiu78-01232-00216585-00216702 wearing the mask ohpHArKiu78-01233-00216771-00216815 Right? ohpHArKiu78-01234-00216817-00216917 They'll be in the operating room ohpHArKiu78-01235-00216919-00216951 Right? ohpHArKiu78-01236-00216951-00217048 They get started, ohpHArKiu78-01237-00217051-00217110 "Scalpel!" ohpHArKiu78-01238-00217113-00217251 They cut the guy open ohpHArKiu78-01239-00217341-00217578 And then a, "Hammer!" I don't know, ohpHArKiu78-01240-00217578-00217650 I don't know what you use ohpHArKiu78-01241-00218042-00218115 "Blender!" ohpHArKiu78-01242-00218118-00218208 I don't know ohpHArKiu78-01243-00218250-00218370 I'm cooking at this point ohpHArKiu78-01244-00218574-00218703 Halfway through the surgery ohpHArKiu78-01245-00218706-00218820 the nurse will be like, ohpHArKiu78-01246-00218820-00218952 "Doctor, do you want a mask break?" ohpHArKiu78-01247-00218955-00219110 "No god damn it ohpHArKiu78-01248-00219112-00219227 We're here to save a life ohpHArKiu78-01249-00219237-00219381 I'll be here for eight hours ohpHArKiu78-01250-00219383-00219492 My ears will suffer." ohpHArKiu78-01251-00219612-00219819 If I were the doctor five minutes in, ohpHArKiu78-01252-00219822-00219981 "Guys, he's not gonna make it ohpHArKiu78-01253-00219983-00220047 I gotta go. ohpHArKiu78-01254-00220047-00220116 This is bullshit ohpHArKiu78-01255-00220365-00220556 I have dried mangoes in the car ohpHArKiu78-01256-00220558-00220656 Let's go guys." ohpHArKiu78-01257-00221220-00221447 I also got a cold ohpHArKiu78-01258-00221450-00221652 during the Coronavirus ohpHArKiu78-01259-00221658-00221756 You can't get a cold ohpHArKiu78-01260-00221758-00221856 during the Coronavirus ohpHArKiu78-01261-00221856-00221961 because everyone would think ohpHArKiu78-01262-00221976-00222159 you had the Coronavirus ohpHArKiu78-01263-00222192-00222219 Right? ohpHArKiu78-01264-00222219-00222363 Like getting a cold during the Coronavirus ohpHArKiu78-01265-00222365-00222441 is what it felt like ohpHArKiu78-01266-00222441-00222615 being Muslim after September 11th ohpHArKiu78-01267-00222822-00223056 Yeah, everyone thought you're guilty ohpHArKiu78-01268-00223167-00223246 Right like, Asians, ohpHArKiu78-01269-00223248-00223398 it's what it felt like being Asian, ohpHArKiu78-01270-00223428-00223566 during the Coronavirus ohpHArKiu78-01271-00223644-00223773 They were blaming it on Asians, ohpHArKiu78-01272-00223776-00223818 right? ohpHArKiu78-01273-00223842-00223884 White people ohpHArKiu78-01274-00223884-00223957 it's what it felt like ohpHArKiu78-01275-00223959-00224123 being white after January 6th ohpHArKiu78-01276-00224421-00224577 That was your day motherfuckers ohpHArKiu78-01277-00224982-00225029 I remember ohpHArKiu78-01278-00225031-00225174 Blake I was watching the news ohpHArKiu78-01279-00225174-00225414 I go, "Oh shit, they got terrorists too!" ohpHArKiu78-01280-00225591-00225671 I'm sorry, I'm sorry ohpHArKiu78-01281-00225673-00225812 patriots, patriots, patriots. ohpHArKiu78-01282-00225971-00226041 White people ohpHArKiu78-01283-00226043-00226147 have very funny names ohpHArKiu78-01284-00226159-00226263 for their criminals ohpHArKiu78-01285-00226305-00226470 Your terrorists become patriots ohpHArKiu78-01286-00226473-00226556 Your drug dealers ohpHArKiu78-01287-00226558-00226695 become pharmaceutical reps ohpHArKiu78-01288-00227169-00227427 Your killers become lone wolves ohpHArKiu78-01289-00227520-00227642 Like what's a lone wolf? ohpHArKiu78-01290-00227644-00227766 He's a killer who's white ohpHArKiu78-01291-00227976-00228231 My favorite day was January 7th, ohpHArKiu78-01292-00228234-00228384 when they wouldn't let those motherfuckers ohpHArKiu78-01293-00228384-00228489 get on the airplanes ohpHArKiu78-01294-00228549-00228660 Don't know if you've seen the videos ohpHArKiu78-01295-00228660-00228771 Go home and watch the videos ohpHArKiu78-01296-00228771-00228912 These guys had the nerve ohpHArKiu78-01297-00228912-00229092 They attacked the Capitol on January 6th ohpHArKiu78-01298-00229104-00229185 They had the nerve ohpHArKiu78-01299-00229187-00229344 to go to the airport the next day ohpHArKiu78-01300-00229359-00229458 Try to get on the plane ohpHArKiu78-01301-00229458-00229623 They were at the airport crying ohpHArKiu78-01302-00229695-00229751 Did you see the videos? ohpHArKiu78-01303-00229753-00229794 They were like, ohpHArKiu78-01304-00229794-00229944 "This is bullshit, man ohpHArKiu78-01305-00230031-00230193 They won't let me on the plane, man ohpHArKiu78-01306-00230196-00230307 I have my boarding pass ohpHArKiu78-01307-00230309-00230415 and I chose my meal ohpHArKiu78-01308-00230415-00230604 They're not letting me on the plane, man." ohpHArKiu78-01309-00230709-00230813 I was watching, I go ohpHArKiu78-01310-00230813-00231041 "Welcome to my world motherfuckers ohpHArKiu78-01311-00231582-00231766 they haven't let my people on planes ohpHArKiu78-01312-00231769-00231881 for 20 years ohpHArKiu78-01313-00231990-00232084 My cousin Mahmoud ohpHArKiu78-01314-00232086-00232296 is still walking across the country." ohpHArKiu78-01315-00232641-00232739 I go, by the way ohpHArKiu78-01316-00232739-00232874 when they didn't let the Muslims ohpHArKiu78-01317-00232877-00232935 on the planes ohpHArKiu78-01318-00232935-00233016 We didn't cry ohpHArKiu78-01319-00233019-00233109 We didn't cry ohpHArKiu78-01320-00233111-00233145 Okay? ohpHArKiu78-01321-00233169-00233281 We just walked away we're like, ohpHArKiu78-01322-00233283-00233373 "Okay, fine. ohpHArKiu78-01323-00233529-00233718 I will just hijack the next plane!" ohpHArKiu78-01324-00234045-00234144 That's how you do it! ohpHArKiu78-01325-00234501-00234654 I've been following the whole January 6th ohpHArKiu78-01326-00234654-00234744 I don't know if you have heard ohpHArKiu78-01327-00234746-00234846 about it but they obviously, ohpHArKiu78-01328-00234846-00234978 they put a lot of the people ohpHArKiu78-01329-00234980-00235092 who stormed the Capitol, ohpHArKiu78-01330-00235092-00235200 they put them in jail, ohpHArKiu78-01331-00235218-00235295 and a lot of them, ohpHArKiu78-01332-00235298-00235392 when they were caught ohpHArKiu78-01333-00235392-00235461 they said that ohpHArKiu78-01334-00235464-00235630 they didn't mean to storm the Capitol, ohpHArKiu78-01335-00235662-00235839 they got caught up in the moment ohpHArKiu78-01336-00235980-00236160 What kind of stupid ass, ohpHArKiu78-01337-00236238-00236655 bullshit, white privilege excuse is that? ohpHArKiu78-01338-00236760-00236892 Because I don't know about you guys, ohpHArKiu78-01339-00236892-00237046 but I've never been outside of a bank ohpHArKiu78-01340-00237048-00237154 just using an ATM ohpHArKiu78-01341-00237399-00237475 Looked over, ohpHArKiu78-01342-00237477-00237642 seen a bank robber run by ohpHArKiu78-01343-00237714-00237828 Made eye contact, ohpHArKiu78-01344-00237831-00237975 "Let's do the shit motherfucker!" ohpHArKiu78-01345-00238665-00238767 Go in front of the judge, ohpHArKiu78-01346-00238776-00238917 "Your honor, I'll be honest with you ohpHArKiu78-01347-00238935-00239088 I got caught up in the moment ohpHArKiu78-01348-00239289-00239395 I was going for $20 ohpHArKiu78-01349-00239397-00239553 decided to go for $20,000 ohpHArKiu78-01350-00239553-00239598 What the hell? ohpHArKiu78-01351-00239706-00239852 These things happen your honor." ohpHArKiu78-01352-00240255-00240360 I've been following, ohpHArKiu78-01353-00240360-00240436 I've been watching ohpHArKiu78-01354-00240439-00240549 the January 6th hearings ohpHArKiu78-01355-00240549-00240681 I don't know if you guys have or not ohpHArKiu78-01356-00240729-00240800 But, I don't care ohpHArKiu78-01357-00240803-00240889 what side you're on ohpHArKiu78-01358-00240891-00240954 Right or left ohpHArKiu78-01359-00240954-00241036 You should watch them, ohpHArKiu78-01360-00241038-00241134 they're very entertaining ohpHArKiu78-01361-00241134-00241305 It's the best TV show on television ohpHArKiu78-01362-00241404-00241593 My favorite episode was that one ohpHArKiu78-01363-00241593-00241800 where that girl Cassidy Hutchinson came out ohpHArKiu78-01364-00241800-00241926 and she said, remember her? ohpHArKiu78-01365-00241950-00242025 She came out, ohpHArKiu78-01366-00242025-00242181 she said Trump tried to ohpHArKiu78-01367-00242184-00242394 choke his Secret Service agent ohpHArKiu78-01368-00242475-00242575 And the people on the right ohpHArKiu78-01369-00242578-00242655 were like, "No way!" ohpHArKiu78-01370-00242655-00242748 And the people on the left ohpHArKiu78-01371-00242750-00242835 were like, "Yeah, way!" ohpHArKiu78-01372-00242910-00242968 But I'm thinking, ohpHArKiu78-01373-00242970-00243069 you know what's interesting? ohpHArKiu78-01374-00243069-00243180 We all as a country, ohpHArKiu78-01375-00243180-00243296 we heard that Trump tried to ohpHArKiu78-01376-00243298-00243435 choke his Secret Service agent. ohpHArKiu78-01377-00243435-00243535 All of us were like, ohpHArKiu78-01378-00243537-00243636 "Yeah, it's possible." ohpHArKiu78-01379-00243876-00243996 That's how crazy he is ohpHArKiu78-01380-00244083-00244209 In the past, if you heard like, ohpHArKiu78-01381-00244209-00244325 President Eisenhower ohpHArKiu78-01382-00244327-00244518 choked his Secret Service agent ohpHArKiu78-01383-00244539-00244599 "No way, ohpHArKiu78-01384-00244601-00244782 He's very stately he would never do that." ohpHArKiu78-01385-00244887-00244986 But you hear Trump you're like, ohpHArKiu78-01386-00244989-00245052 "That could have happened? ohpHArKiu78-01387-00245052-00245121 Definitely could have happened." ohpHArKiu78-01388-00245283-00245366 If you heard Biden ohpHArKiu78-01389-00245369-00245517 choked his Secret Service agent ohpHArKiu78-01390-00245517-00245568 you'd be like ohpHArKiu78-01391-00245570-00245724 "How old was the secret service agent? ohpHArKiu78-01392-00245952-00246075 How old was the guy?" ohpHArKiu78-01393-00246411-00246513 Oh my god. ohpHArKiu78-01394-00246930-00247191 During the whole lockdown ohpHArKiu78-01395-00247193-00247293 I was trying to exercise ohpHArKiu78-01396-00247293-00247452 Running a lot, and now that I'm 50, ohpHArKiu78-01397-00247455-00247560 like I'm getting injuries, ohpHArKiu78-01398-00247560-00247719 so I got to start speed walking ohpHArKiu78-01399-00247905-00248091 You guys know speed walking, right? ohpHArKiu78-01400-00248136-00248328 A lot of immigrant dads speed walk ohpHArKiu78-01401-00248328-00248559 I don't know, I don't know if Mexican dads, ohpHArKiu78-01402-00248559-00248697 do Indian dad speed walk? ohpHArKiu78-01403-00248697-00248883 Yes. Speed walking is their thing. ohpHArKiu78-01404-00248886-00248988 All right? My dad, ohpHArKiu78-01405-00248991-00249156 speed walking for you guys ohpHArKiu78-01406-00249156-00249264 You know, it's like, it's like where like, ohpHArKiu78-01407-00249264-00249365 the lower body moves, ohpHArKiu78-01408-00249367-00249468 upper body's straight. ohpHArKiu78-01409-00249468-00249555 There's a lot of just ohpHArKiu78-01410-00249747-00249850 And they're very angry ohpHArKiu78-01411-00249852-00249954 Like, "This is bullshit ohpHArKiu78-01412-00249954-00250107 Why did I come to this country? ohpHArKiu78-01413-00250164-00250335 I had to leave my country to come here ohpHArKiu78-01414-00250335-00250461 and walk these streets ohpHArKiu78-01415-00250503-00250623 This is bullshit." ohpHArKiu78-01416-00250791-00250959 My dad used to speed walk ohpHArKiu78-01417-00250959-00251142 and used to take us with him ohpHArKiu78-01418-00251220-00251331 to go speed walking ohpHArKiu78-01419-00251331-00251528 When I was like eight years old ohpHArKiu78-01420-00251531-00251625 on a Saturday ohpHArKiu78-01421-00251628-00251739 I'd be asleep my dad, ohpHArKiu78-01422-00251742-00251798 "Come on, wake up, ohpHArKiu78-01423-00251801-00251895 We're gonna go speed walking." ohpHArKiu78-01424-00251976-00252013 I was like, ohpHArKiu78-01425-00252016-00252104 "Dad, I'm eight years old ohpHArKiu78-01426-00252104-00252161 I'm trying to sleep." ohpHArKiu78-01427-00252162-00252270 "We're gonna go speed walking." ohpHArKiu78-01428-00252342-00252474 We go out to speed walk ohpHArKiu78-01429-00252474-00252639 He was twice my size ohpHArKiu78-01430-00252675-00252858 So he would just walk away from me. ohpHArKiu78-01431-00253002-00253149 And I think that's how immigrant dads ohpHArKiu78-01432-00253149-00253305 spent quality time with their kids ohpHArKiu78-01433-00253476-00253667 Yeah, they would take you out ohpHArKiu78-01434-00253669-00253767 and walk away ohpHArKiu78-01435-00253767-00253896 because they wanted to tell you ohpHArKiu78-01436-00253898-00254015 that life is hard ohpHArKiu78-01437-00254139-00254216 Right? They'd be like, ohpHArKiu78-01438-00254218-00254295 "Come on son, keep up ohpHArKiu78-01439-00254295-00254406 There might be a revolution, ohpHArKiu78-01440-00254406-00254491 you have to escape ohpHArKiu78-01441-00254493-00254535 Let's go ohpHArKiu78-01442-00254601-00254678 Keep up ohpHArKiu78-01443-00254680-00254913 This is training for the next revolution ohpHArKiu78-01444-00254913-00254970 Keep up." ohpHArKiu78-01445-00255465-00255564 And then ohpHArKiu78-01446-00255567-00255732 I realized we weren't there ohpHArKiu78-01447-00255734-00255942 just to speed walk with our dads ohpHArKiu78-01448-00255942-00256083 and our immigrant dads ohpHArKiu78-01449-00256101-00256299 But also we were their therapists ohpHArKiu78-01450-00256392-00256538 Yes, because immigrant dads ohpHArKiu78-01451-00256540-00256647 don't go to therapy ohpHArKiu78-01452-00256647-00256761 They're macho men ohpHArKiu78-01453-00256815-00256926 I don't care where you're from; ohpHArKiu78-01454-00256926-00257199 Venezuela, Iran, India, Mexico ohpHArKiu78-01455-00257208-00257303 Immigrant dads ohpHArKiu78-01456-00257303-00257477 Immigrant dads ohpHArKiu78-01457-00257514-00257631 don't go to therapy ohpHArKiu78-01458-00257727-00257901 The kids are the therapists ohpHArKiu78-01459-00257973-00258036 Once in a while ohpHArKiu78-01460-00258036-00258101 we're walking ohpHArKiu78-01461-00258103-00258258 my dad would just unload on me ohpHArKiu78-01462-00258402-00258513 I swear to god ohpHArKiu78-01463-00258567-00258627 I'm telling you, ohpHArKiu78-01464-00258630-00258774 one time I was walking with my dad. " ohpHArKiu78-01465-00258774-00258900 Come on son keep up." ohpHArKiu78-01466-00258900-00258992 I go, "Dad wait up!" ohpHArKiu78-01467-00258994-00259065 "Keep up son." ohpHArKiu78-01468-00259067-00259137 "Dad wait up!" ohpHArKiu78-01469-00259137-00259255 "Son, son come here ohpHArKiu78-01470-00259257-00259362 Son, your mother... ohpHArKiu78-01471-00259389-00259464 Bitch!" ohpHArKiu78-01472-00259815-00259914 I go, "Oh shit ohpHArKiu78-01473-00260046-00260184 I think we just had a breakthrough ohpHArKiu78-01474-00260184-00260262 That was good ohpHArKiu78-01475-00260484-00260664 Your next session is going to be free ohpHArKiu78-01476-00260664-00260742 That was really good." ohpHArKiu78-01477-00261237-00261366 It was a different world ohpHArKiu78-01478-00261414-00261498 Different world ohpHArKiu78-01479-00261498-00261621 Parenting was different ohpHArKiu78-01480-00261651-00261779 Like our, our parents ohpHArKiu78-01481-00261782-00261996 didn't do like birds and the bees ohpHArKiu78-01482-00262065-00262242 Josefa did your Indian dad do? ohpHArKiu78-01483-00262244-00262302 No! ohpHArKiu78-01484-00262338-00262461 Didn't even know what it meant ohpHArKiu78-01485-00262518-00262653 I asked my Persian dad, I go, ohpHArKiu78-01486-00262653-00262761 "Can you do the birds and the bees?" ohpHArKiu78-01487-00262761-00262878 He goes, "Son, we don't have ohpHArKiu78-01488-00262881-00262977 birds and bees ohpHArKiu78-01489-00263055-00263208 We have lawyers and doctors ohpHArKiu78-01490-00263502-00263646 And I hope you be one." ohpHArKiu78-01491-00264258-00264329 You know how I learned ohpHArKiu78-01492-00264332-00264429 about the birds and the bees? ohpHArKiu78-01493-00264429-00264492 This is how I learned ohpHArKiu78-01494-00264492-00264621 When I was in the seventh grade, ohpHArKiu78-01495-00264621-00264708 my friend David ohpHArKiu78-01496-00264710-00264852 was walking home one day ohpHArKiu78-01497-00264854-00264930 from school ohpHArKiu78-01498-00264966-00265152 He found three grocery bags ohpHArKiu78-01499-00265154-00265305 filled with Playboys ohpHArKiu78-01500-00265350-00265515 Just outside, by the garbage ohpHArKiu78-01501-00265530-00265643 That's how they used to do it ohpHArKiu78-01502-00265646-00265707 back in the day ohpHArKiu78-01503-00265737-00265829 When the guy was done ohpHArKiu78-01504-00265832-00265941 he would pay it forward ohpHArKiu78-01505-00266199-00266339 Yeah, he was done with his Playboys ohpHArKiu78-01506-00266341-00266439 he'd leave it outside ohpHArKiu78-01507-00266439-00266625 He's like, "Some pervert will find this ohpHArKiu78-01508-00266718-00266832 and make use of it." ohpHArKiu78-01509-00266964-00267072 David came up to me, he goes, ohpHArKiu78-01510-00267072-00267208 "Listen, I've got three bags of Playboys, ohpHArKiu78-01511-00267210-00267267 you want one?" ohpHArKiu78-01512-00267267-00267341 I go, "Of course, ohpHArKiu78-01513-00267344-00267462 I want a bag of Playboys." ohpHArKiu78-01514-00267546-00267636 I took it home, ohpHArKiu78-01515-00267636-00267705 I taught myself ohpHArKiu78-01516-00267708-00267819 the birds and the bees ohpHArKiu78-01517-00267900-00268017 I was very good at it ohpHArKiu78-01518-00268017-00268119 Thank you very much ohpHArKiu78-01519-00268185-00268251 Thank you ohpHArKiu78-01520-00268449-00268585 But then also having the ohpHArKiu78-01521-00268587-00268797 immigrant entrepreneurial mentality, ohpHArKiu78-01522-00268827-00268914 six months later ohpHArKiu78-01523-00268916-00269052 I took the bag to school ohpHArKiu78-01524-00269052-00269223 and sold it to all the other boys ohpHArKiu78-01525-00269619-00269698 Made a profit, ohpHArKiu78-01526-00269700-00269829 bought my first house ohpHArKiu78-01527-00269829-00269892 Thank you very much ohpHArKiu78-01528-00270291-00270447 Nobody did birds and the bees ohpHArKiu78-01529-00270447-00270630 Now we got to do birds and bees ohpHArKiu78-01530-00270678-00270855 I stumbled into the birds and the bees ohpHArKiu78-01531-00270855-00270945 Who's got young kids here? ohpHArKiu78-01532-00270945-00271023 Who's got young kids? ohpHArKiu78-01533-00271023-00271065 Anybody? ohpHArKiu78-01534-00271101-00271134 There you go ohpHArKiu78-01535-00271134-00271254 How old, how old are your kids? ohpHArKiu78-01536-00271488-00271548 12 and 18 ohpHArKiu78-01537-00271548-00271572 12 and 18 ohpHArKiu78-01538-00271572-00271613 There you go ohpHArKiu78-01539-00271616-00271692 How old are your kids? ohpHArKiu78-01540-00271761-00271764 17 ohpHArKiu78-01541-00271764-00271840 17 ohpHArKiu78-01542-00271843-00271918 Did either of you ohpHArKiu78-01543-00271921-00272073 do birds and bees with your kids? ohpHArKiu78-01544-00272073-00272137 The sex talk? ohpHArKiu78-01545-00272139-00272202 Did you do it? ohpHArKiu78-01546-00272250-00272262 Yes ohpHArKiu78-01547-00272262-00272328 You did, right? ohpHArKiu78-01548-00272361-00272532 And you kind of did, Right? ohpHArKiu78-01549-00272532-00272591 You were like, ohpHArKiu78-01550-00272593-00272754 "Here let me get to get you started." ohpHArKiu78-01551-00272910-00272995 Right? You're like, ohpHArKiu78-01552-00272998-00273132 "Here's a man. Here's a woman ohpHArKiu78-01553-00273132-00273225 and here's a magazine ohpHArKiu78-01554-00273227-00273306 Go figure it out." ohpHArKiu78-01555-00273549-00273747 No, it's listen, I, I listen ohpHArKiu78-01556-00273747-00273930 I didn't I didn't even mean to ohpHArKiu78-01557-00273951-00274018 I didn't mean to do ohpHArKiu78-01558-00274020-00274101 the birds and the bees ohpHArKiu78-01559-00274113-00274200 I stumbled into it ohpHArKiu78-01560-00274200-00274306 Because we read books ohpHArKiu78-01561-00274309-00274389 as parents now ohpHArKiu78-01562-00274389-00274479 We read books ohpHArKiu78-01563-00274494-00274560 And the book says ohpHArKiu78-01564-00274562-00274710 if your kids ever ask you a question, ohpHArKiu78-01565-00274722-00274880 answer them honestly ohpHArKiu78-01566-00274880-00275023 That's what you got to do, Right? ohpHArKiu78-01567-00275028-00275124 So I was watching, ohpHArKiu78-01568-00275136-00275253 when my daughter was 8 ohpHArKiu78-01569-00275253-00275355 and my son was 10, ohpHArKiu78-01570-00275358-00275523 I was watching a TV show with them ohpHArKiu78-01571-00275541-00275712 First of all, as your boy ohpHArKiu78-01572-00275727-00275880 gets into his like teenage years, ohpHArKiu78-01573-00275880-00276027 boys get a little spaced out ohpHArKiu78-01574-00276111-00276249 Like Dhara is a smart guy ohpHArKiu78-01575-00276252-00276505 but he's a little just Uhhhh ohpHArKiu78-01576-00276681-00276834 And girls are sharp ohpHArKiu78-01577-00276837-00276922 sharp! ohpHArKiu78-01578-00276939-00277053 My daughter is like ohpHArKiu78-01579-00277056-00277291 CSI, FBI, CIA, all combined ohpHArKiu78-01580-00277581-00277740 She is paying attention ohpHArKiu78-01581-00277890-00278023 Guys, we were watching ohpHArKiu78-01582-00278025-00278157 the TV show Black-ish ohpHArKiu78-01583-00278160-00278253 Great show, right? ohpHArKiu78-01584-00278259-00278338 Black-ish ohpHArKiu78-01585-00278340-00278577 First episode of the whole show, ohpHArKiu78-01586-00278577-00278616 I didn't even, ohpHArKiu78-01587-00278619-00278727 I didn't know this was gonna happen ohpHArKiu78-01588-00278727-00278837 I'm watching with the kids, ohpHArKiu78-01589-00278839-00278949 first episode of the whole ohpHArKiu78-01590-00278949-00279141 First scene of the whole show ohpHArKiu78-01591-00279153-00279281 The father walks in ohpHArKiu78-01592-00279283-00279492 to his high school son's room ohpHArKiu78-01593-00279492-00279568 He opens the door ohpHArKiu78-01594-00279570-00279676 and the high school son ohpHArKiu78-01595-00279678-00279789 is about to masturbate ohpHArKiu78-01596-00279843-00279899 Like, he's about to ohpHArKiu78-01597-00279901-00279975 pull his underwear down ohpHArKiu78-01598-00279975-00280095 The dad opens the door ohpHArKiu78-01599-00280098-00280249 He sees it, He goes, "Oh!" ohpHArKiu78-01600-00280252-00280350 and he walks out ohpHArKiu78-01601-00280377-00280486 And the son goes, "Oh!" ohpHArKiu78-01602-00280488-00280596 And he jumps on the bed ohpHArKiu78-01603-00280638-00280803 My son doesn't even notice ohpHArKiu78-01604-00280974-00281211 My son he's just Uhhhh ohpHArKiu78-01605-00281457-00281600 My daughter, right away she goes ohpHArKiu78-01606-00281600-00281675 "What just happened?" ohpHArKiu78-01607-00282024-00282124 I go, "What just what just ohpHArKiu78-01608-00282127-00282207 what just happened? ohpHArKiu78-01609-00282207-00282299 Like, what just happened? ohpHArKiu78-01610-00282299-00282461 Like on TV or in the world? ohpHArKiu78-01611-00282462-00282519 In the world?" ohpHArKiu78-01612-00282765-00282820 She goes, ohpHArKiu78-01613-00282822-00283077 "No, what just happened on TV?" ohpHArKiu78-01614-00283107-00283200 And the whole time I'm like, ohpHArKiu78-01615-00283203-00283297 "Be honest, be honest, ohpHArKiu78-01616-00283299-00283392 be honest, be honest." ohpHArKiu78-01617-00283485-00283579 I go "Okay, I go, baby, ohpHArKiu78-01618-00283581-00283674 this is what happened ohpHArKiu78-01619-00283674-00283717 This what happened ohpHArKiu78-01620-00283719-00283788 Okay, this is what happened." ohpHArKiu78-01621-00283788-00283827 I go, "Okay, ohpHArKiu78-01622-00283881-00283965 what happened was, ohpHArKiu78-01623-00284019-00284232 you know, the kid is in high school ohpHArKiu78-01624-00284232-00284358 and the father walked in the room ohpHArKiu78-01625-00284370-00284469 and he was in his underwear ohpHArKiu78-01626-00284481-00284582 And it was embarrassing ohpHArKiu78-01627-00284582-00284750 So the father walked out." ohpHArKiu78-01628-00284796-00284858 And she goes, ohpHArKiu78-01629-00284860-00284922 "Oh, okay." ohpHArKiu78-01630-00284994-00285060 I go "Thank god ohpHArKiu78-01631-00285062-00285177 I just dodged a bullet." ohpHArKiu78-01632-00285309-00285418 Very next scene ohpHArKiu78-01633-00285420-00285597 the father goes to the mother ohpHArKiu78-01634-00285597-00285648 He goes, "Hey, ohpHArKiu78-01635-00285699-00285784 I just caught our son ohpHArKiu78-01636-00285786-00285870 playing with himself." ohpHArKiu78-01637-00286095-00286357 Again, my son just Uhhhh ohpHArKiu78-01638-00286578-00286694 My daughter she goes, ohpHArKiu78-01639-00286696-00286812 "What does that mean?" ohpHArKiu78-01640-00286977-00287067 I go, "What does that mean?" ohpHArKiu78-01641-00287067-00287093 She goes, ohpHArKiu78-01642-00287095-00287175 "Yeah, what does that mean?" ohpHArKiu78-01643-00287175-00287242 I go, "What is that? ohpHArKiu78-01644-00287244-00287334 What is that? Okay, okay." ohpHArKiu78-01645-00287337-00287475 "Be honest, be honest, be honest." ohpHArKiu78-01646-00287574-00287628 "Okay, what that means, ohpHArKiu78-01647-00287637-00287673 what that means, ohpHArKiu78-01648-00287675-00287727 playing with yourself, ohpHArKiu78-01649-00287727-00287773 what that means, ohpHArKiu78-01650-00287775-00287844 playing with yourself. ohpHArKiu78-01651-00287844-00287893 What that means, ohpHArKiu78-01652-00287895-00287943 what that means, ohpHArKiu78-01653-00287943-00288012 playing with yourself. ohpHArKiu78-01654-00288147-00288230 What that means is, ohpHArKiu78-01655-00288232-00288381 once in a while, once in a while, ohpHArKiu78-01656-00288381-00288480 when boys are in high school, ohpHArKiu78-01657-00288480-00288637 they just, they just they just ohpHArKiu78-01658-00288639-00288759 squeeze their pee-pee, ohpHArKiu78-01659-00288762-00288861 just a little squeeze ohpHArKiu78-01660-00288927-00289008 Just a pew pew pew pew ohpHArKiu78-01661-00289008-00289083 Just a pew pew pew pew ohpHArKiu78-01662-00289101-00289301 Just a little pew pew pew ohpHArKiu78-01663-00289301-00289346 Pew pew pew pew." ohpHArKiu78-01664-00289488-00289614 She looked at me like, ohpHArKiu78-01665-00289616-00289713 "What the fuck?" ohpHArKiu78-01666-00290082-00290355 I go, "No, it's just a little ... ohpHArKiu78-01667-00290355-00290510 just a pew pew pew ." ohpHArKiu78-01668-00290532-00290612 And then she goes, ohpHArKiu78-01669-00290614-00290694 "Did you do it?" ohpHArKiu78-01670-00290958-00291005 I go, "Listen, ohpHArKiu78-01671-00291007-00291108 we don't have birds and bees ohpHArKiu78-01672-00291108-00291218 We have lawyers and doctors ohpHArKiu78-01673-00291218-00291302 Stop asking questions!" ohpHArKiu78-01674-00291309-00291318 Shit ohpHArKiu78-01675-00292650-00292809 It's just ongoing ohpHArKiu78-01676-00292809-00292968 And in the middle of all that ohpHArKiu78-01677-00293049-00293211 we got a pandemic puppy ohpHArKiu78-01678-00293343-00293429 Anybody else here ohpHArKiu78-01679-00293431-00293547 get a pandemic puppy? ohpHArKiu78-01680-00293601-00293653 There you go ohpHArKiu78-01681-00293655-00293763 You got one? You got one? ohpHArKiu78-01682-00293775-00293871 Which kind did you get? ohpHArKiu78-01683-00294017-00294078 Chihuahua? ohpHArKiu78-01684-00294078-00294130 There you go ohpHArKiu78-01685-00294132-00294237 You guys live together? ohpHArKiu78-01686-00294264-00294405 Fantastic, You said no, ohpHArKiu78-01687-00294407-00294492 You said yes? ohpHArKiu78-01688-00294669-00294867 Some weird shit's happening right now ohpHArKiu78-01689-00294939-00295122 Because Amir thinks they live together ohpHArKiu78-01690-00295125-00295205 Elizabeth's like ohpHArKiu78-01691-00295205-00295282 "No motherfucker, ohpHArKiu78-01692-00295284-00295379 you don't pay rent." ohpHArKiu78-01693-00295935-00295997 You guys got a ohpHArKiu78-01694-00295999-00296151 chihuahua together though, right? ohpHArKiu78-01695-00296181-00296274 So here's the, check it ohpHArKiu78-01696-00296274-00296352 Was it your first dog ohpHArKiu78-01697-00296355-00296451 or you had a dog before? ohpHArKiu78-01698-00296451-00296466 Before ohpHArKiu78-01699-00296529-00296667 Yeah, see, I never had a dog ohpHArKiu78-01700-00296670-00296761 I never had a dog ohpHArKiu78-01701-00296763-00296853 before the pandemic ohpHArKiu78-01702-00296853-00296937 because again, ohpHArKiu78-01703-00296939-00297168 a lot of cultures aren't dog people ohpHArKiu78-01704-00297255-00297408 Like when I was a kid in Iran, ohpHArKiu78-01705-00297408-00297498 like I wanted a dog ohpHArKiu78-01706-00297498-00297696 Iranians weren't big dog people ohpHArKiu78-01707-00297696-00297772 when I was in Iran ohpHArKiu78-01708-00297774-00297849 Right, Mr. Delshad? ohpHArKiu78-01709-00297879-00297951 We weren't big ... ohpHArKiu78-01710-00297954-00298032 When I was a kid ohpHArKiu78-01711-00298034-00298161 I asked my dad for a dog, ohpHArKiu78-01712-00298164-00298278 he got me a rooster ohpHArKiu78-01713-00298530-00298608 I swear to god, ohpHArKiu78-01714-00298608-00298692 I'm not making it up ohpHArKiu78-01715-00298800-00298907 Every once in a while I'd here ohpHArKiu78-01716-00298907-00299030 "CooCooRooCooCoo." ohpHArKiu78-01717-00299133-00299184 And my dad, ohpHArKiu78-01718-00299187-00299271 "That's your dog ohpHArKiu78-01719-00299271-00299331 That's your dog." ohpHArKiu78-01720-00299532-00299610 I went to school, ohpHArKiu78-01721-00299610-00299694 they go draw a dog ohpHArKiu78-01722-00299694-00299784 I drew a rooster ohpHArKiu78-01723-00299889-00299926 They go ohpHArKiu78-01724-00299928-00300039 this guy's a fucking idiot ohpHArKiu78-01725-00300216-00300333 Then we came to America, ohpHArKiu78-01726-00300336-00300519 America, everybody's got a dog ohpHArKiu78-01727-00300519-00300642 Americans love their dogs ohpHArKiu78-01728-00300642-00300746 So when I came to America ohpHArKiu78-01729-00300746-00300833 we came when I was six ohpHArKiu78-01730-00300834-00300939 At the age of seven ohpHArKiu78-01731-00300954-00301068 I wanted a dog ohpHArKiu78-01732-00301089-00301195 So I went to my dad ohpHArKiu78-01733-00301198-00301275 Again, my dad, ohpHArKiu78-01734-00301275-00301395 I wanted a dog and again, ohpHArKiu78-01735-00301398-00301590 my dad, macho Persian man ohpHArKiu78-01736-00301626-00301701 Didn't even know ohpHArKiu78-01737-00301703-00301881 how he could go about getting a dog ohpHArKiu78-01738-00301917-00302007 So he had another friend ohpHArKiu78-01739-00302007-00302181 who was another macho Persian dude ohpHArKiu78-01740-00302187-00302304 who had two dogs ohpHArKiu78-01741-00302340-00302421 So he goes to that guy, ohpHArKiu78-01742-00302421-00302442 he goes, ohpHArKiu78-01743-00302445-00302562 "Hey, listen, you have two dogs ohpHArKiu78-01744-00302564-00302631 give me one dog." ohpHArKiu78-01745-00303093-00303184 And the guy's like, ohpHArKiu78-01746-00303186-00303267 "Sure take dog." ohpHArKiu78-01747-00303486-00303611 Not one of them thought ohpHArKiu78-01748-00303613-00303726 for one minute that ohpHArKiu78-01749-00303729-00303948 these two dogs have grown up together ohpHArKiu78-01750-00303948-00304074 They're gonna miss each other ohpHArKiu78-01751-00304155-00304353 Yeah, don't awww the dog awww me ohpHArKiu78-01752-00304443-00304605 I was seven years old ohpHArKiu78-01753-00304659-00304773 This dog showed up ohpHArKiu78-01754-00304773-00304896 It was the saddest dog ohpHArKiu78-01755-00304898-00304992 you've ever seen ohpHArKiu78-01756-00305019-00305070 Oh my god ohpHArKiu78-01757-00305070-00305148 You don't even know ohpHArKiu78-01758-00305151-00305304 I would try to take him for a walk ohpHArKiu78-01759-00305304-00305414 I'd be like, "Come on Lassie ohpHArKiu78-01760-00305414-00305519 Let's go for a walk." ohpHArKiu78-01761-00305592-00305634 He was like, ohpHArKiu78-01762-00305636-00305678 "Fuck you. ohpHArKiu78-01763-00305678-00305792 My name's not Lassie ohpHArKiu78-01764-00305949-00306042 I'm gonna stay home ohpHArKiu78-01765-00306044-00306171 and listen to sad music." ohpHArKiu78-01766-00306234-00306465 Hello darkness, my old friend ohpHArKiu78-01767-00306711-00306800 After two days, ohpHArKiu78-01768-00306802-00306879 my dad goes, ohpHArKiu78-01769-00306882-00307026 "Listen, dog doesn't like you, ohpHArKiu78-01770-00307028-00307104 give dog back." ohpHArKiu78-01771-00307320-00307445 I go, "But I like the dog." ohpHArKiu78-01772-00307445-00307532 "Don't, dog doesn't like you, ohpHArKiu78-01773-00307533-00307614 give dog back." ohpHArKiu78-01774-00307686-00307782 I go, "I want the dog." ohpHArKiu78-01775-00307782-00307880 He goes, "You're lucky ohpHArKiu78-01776-00307882-00307980 you can give dog back ohpHArKiu78-01777-00308031-00308196 Your mother doesn't like me ohpHArKiu78-01778-00308196-00308313 I can't give her back ohpHArKiu78-01779-00308481-00308586 Give dog back." ohpHArKiu78-01780-00308718-00308883 So we gave the dog back ohpHArKiu78-01781-00308955-00309078 And I didn't have a dog ohpHArKiu78-01782-00309081-00309210 until the pandemic ohpHArKiu78-01783-00309288-00309359 I was sitting there ohpHArKiu78-01784-00309361-00309450 with my wife and kids ohpHArKiu78-01785-00309453-00309534 I have a request ohpHArKiu78-01786-00309534-00309672 Wives, girlfriends, please ohpHArKiu78-01787-00309699-00309960 don't ask your husband's a question ohpHArKiu78-01788-00309969-00310044 when you've already ohpHArKiu78-01789-00310046-00310176 made up your mind on the answer ohpHArKiu78-01790-00310284-00310377 This is bullshit ohpHArKiu78-01791-00310377-00310512 You guys do this all the time ohpHArKiu78-01792-00310590-00310640 Right? ohpHArKiu78-01793-00310642-00310794 Like you'd be sitting around ohpHArKiu78-01794-00310809-00310840 Right? ohpHArKiu78-01795-00310842-00310935 Someone's a little, little, yeah, ohpHArKiu78-01796-00310968-00311020 there you go ohpHArKiu78-01797-00311022-00311140 Those two guys are upset ohpHArKiu78-01798-00311208-00311268 You know what I'm saying ohpHArKiu78-01799-00311268-00311355 You'll be sitting around ohpHArKiu78-01800-00311355-00311439 and then your wife will be like, ohpHArKiu78-01801-00311439-00311610 "Should we get sushi for dinner?" ohpHArKiu78-01802-00311841-00311887 Right? ohpHArKiu78-01803-00311910-00312020 And you'll be like, "You know, ohpHArKiu78-01804-00312030-00312189 I'm not in the mood for sushi." ohpHArKiu78-01805-00312204-00312253 They'll be like, ohpHArKiu78-01806-00312255-00312351 "You're never in the mood for ohpHArKiu78-01807-00312351-00312479 When are you ever in the mood?" ohpHArKiu78-01808-00312589-00312717 "If you want the sushi, ohpHArKiu78-01809-00312717-00312873 get the fucking sushi! ohpHArKiu78-01810-00312990-00313164 I'll eat whatever you give me." ohpHArKiu78-01811-00313275-00313418 My wife pulled that shit with the dog ohpHArKiu78-01812-00313542-00313663 We're watching TV ohpHArKiu78-01813-00313671-00313801 My wife goes, "Should we get a dog?" ohpHArKiu78-01814-00313803-00313921 I go, "Babe, I don't know ohpHArKiu78-01815-00313923-00314088 if it's the right time for a dog ohpHArKiu78-01816-00314115-00314212 There's a pandemic ohpHArKiu78-01817-00314215-00314306 There's protests ohpHArKiu78-01818-00314308-00314415 There's an election ohpHArKiu78-01819-00314415-00314529 It's not the right time." ohpHArKiu78-01820-00314616-00314662 She goes, ohpHArKiu78-01821-00314664-00314802 "You never say it's the right time ohpHArKiu78-01822-00314802-00314951 When is it ever gonna be the right time?" ohpHArKiu78-01823-00314978-00315030 I go, "Woman ohpHArKiu78-01824-00315032-00315129 if you already know you want the dog ohpHArKiu78-01825-00315159-00315231 then why are you asking my, ohpHArKiu78-01826-00315231-00315345 just get the fucking dog." ohpHArKiu78-01827-00315471-00315597 And then she pulls this bullshit ohpHArKiu78-01828-00315597-00315645 she goes, ohpHArKiu78-01829-00315647-00315792 "Let's just go look at the puppies." ohpHArKiu78-01830-00315993-00316113 What kind of bullshit, ohpHArKiu78-01831-00316251-00316496 wife negotiating tactic, ohpHArKiu78-01832-00316588-00316691 Indian negotiating ohpHArKiu78-01833-00316701-00316821 I don't know what that was ohpHArKiu78-01834-00316884-00317052 Who just looks at a puppy? ohpHArKiu78-01835-00317157-00317311 What kind of Disney villain ohpHArKiu78-01836-00317313-00317421 would I have to be ohpHArKiu78-01837-00317682-00317868 to just look at a puppy ohpHArKiu78-01838-00318168-00318303 and not bring it home? ohpHArKiu78-01839-00318399-00318507 Right? Who sees the puppy, ohpHArKiu78-01840-00318516-00318690 "I don't want the puppy ohpHArKiu78-01841-00318891-00319074 Destroy the puppy!" ohpHArKiu78-01842-00319242-00319329 Oh, hell no ohpHArKiu78-01843-00319329-00319406 We saw the puppy, ohpHArKiu78-01844-00319408-00319503 we brought her home ohpHArKiu78-01845-00319560-00319719 Little mini-goldendoodle ohpHArKiu78-01846-00319776-00319929 Yeah, I know ohpHArKiu78-01847-00319980-00320039 I know ohpHArKiu78-01848-00320102-00320201 My wife named ... ohpHArKiu78-01849-00320211-00320327 her color's apricot ohpHArKiu78-01850-00320329-00320445 Okay? She's cute ohpHArKiu78-01851-00320445-00320604 She looks like a little teddy bear ohpHArKiu78-01852-00320634-00320822 My wife named her Yasu ohpHArKiu78-01853-00320822-00320945 It's a Japanese name ohpHArKiu78-01854-00320946-00320984 Thank you ohpHArKiu78-01855-00320984-00321090 One person likes the name ohpHArKiu78-01856-00321090-00321129 Thank you ohpHArKiu78-01857-00321288-00321328 My wife, ohpHArKiu78-01858-00321330-00321452 so it's a Japanese name ohpHArKiu78-01859-00321452-00321581 It means peaceful ohpHArKiu78-01860-00321585-00321728 So now I'm Iranian ohpHArKiu78-01861-00321728-00321836 my wife is Indian ohpHArKiu78-01862-00321839-00321977 our dog is Japanese ohpHArKiu78-01863-00322077-00322235 our nanny is Guatemalan ohpHArKiu78-01864-00322235-00322361 our neighbour is Korean ohpHArKiu78-01865-00322362-00322471 I could run a goddamn ohpHArKiu78-01866-00322474-00322572 immigration office ohpHArKiu78-01867-00322575-00322695 out of my kitchen right now ohpHArKiu78-01868-00322872-00322961 And I've learned a lot ohpHArKiu78-01869-00322963-00323052 since we had the dog ohpHArKiu78-01870-00323052-00323130 For one thing I learned, ohpHArKiu78-01871-00323130-00323275 I learned Japanese and Koreans ohpHArKiu78-01872-00323277-00323358 don't get along ohpHArKiu78-01873-00323358-00323430 Did you know this? ohpHArKiu78-01874-00323511-00323607 I didn't know this ohpHArKiu78-01875-00323609-00323769 till I was walking with Yasu, ohpHArKiu78-01876-00323802-00323961 my little Japanese dog ohpHArKiu78-01877-00323997-00324132 Came upon my Korean neighbor, ohpHArKiu78-01878-00324135-00324180 she goes, ohpHArKiu78-01879-00324180-00324260 "What's your dog's name?" ohpHArKiu78-01880-00324260-00324359 I go, "It's Yasu. ohpHArKiu78-01881-00324372-00324534 In Japanese it means peaceful." ohpHArKiu78-01882-00324549-00324663 She goes, "That's interesting, ohpHArKiu78-01883-00324672-00324894 because Yasu in Korean means beast." ohpHArKiu78-01884-00325011-00325129 I go, "Well, that's interesting ohpHArKiu78-01885-00325131-00325245 because my dog is peaceful." ohpHArKiu78-01886-00325383-00325468 She goes, "You don't want beast? ohpHArKiu78-01887-00325470-00325554 I go" I'm good." ohpHArKiu78-01888-00325557-00325686 And she walked away angry ohpHArKiu78-01889-00325725-00325805 And I was like, what the hell? ohpHArKiu78-01890-00325805-00325866 Why was she upset? ohpHArKiu78-01891-00325866-00325922 I went to my wife ohpHArKiu78-01892-00325922-00326066 I go, "Why was the neighbor so upset?" ohpHArKiu78-01893-00326067-00326167 She goes, "You idiot ohpHArKiu78-01894-00326169-00326268 They don't get along ohpHArKiu78-01895-00326268-00326334 What do you care? ohpHArKiu78-01896-00326337-00326442 Just tell her it's beast." ohpHArKiu78-01897-00326523-00326643 So the next time I saw her I said, ohpHArKiu78-01898-00326643-00326718 "Listen, my bad ohpHArKiu78-01899-00326720-00326856 The dog is actually Korean ohpHArKiu78-01900-00326858-00326925 She's beast." ohpHArKiu78-01901-00327048-00327140 And my neighbor was like ohpHArKiu78-01902-00327140-00327188 "Oh, very good." ohpHArKiu78-01903-00327188-00327281 So she walked away. ohpHArKiu78-01904-00327345-00327465 And then I kept walking ohpHArKiu78-01905-00327468-00327630 and I ran into some Greek guy ohpHArKiu78-01906-00327669-00327813 He goes, "Oh your dog's name is Yasu? ohpHArKiu78-01907-00327813-00327895 You know in Greek, ohpHArKiu78-01908-00327897-00328048 Yasu means hello." ohpHArKiu78-01909-00328107-00328212 I go, "Jesus Christ" ohpHArKiu78-01910-00328212-00328367 We're going to start World War III ohpHArKiu78-01911-00328369-00328476 over this dog's name ohpHArKiu78-01912-00328581-00328647 I'm just trying to ohpHArKiu78-01913-00328649-00328737 get her to take a shit, ohpHArKiu78-01914-00328737-00328801 so I can go home ohpHArKiu78-01915-00328803-00328866 and take a nap." ohpHArKiu78-01916-00329046-00329170 So now her name is ohpHArKiu78-01917-00329173-00329352 Hello You Peaceful Beast ohpHArKiu78-01918-00329574-00329631 That's it ohpHArKiu78-01919-00329808-00329856 Yeah ohpHArKiu78-01920-00330132-00330273 And I'll be honest with you guys ohpHArKiu78-01921-00330276-00330417 I have, I've embraced, ohpHArKiu78-01922-00330417-00330548 I love my dog now ohpHArKiu78-01923-00330548-00330629 I'm telling you, Elizabeth ohpHArKiu78-01924-00330633-00330768 I walk that dog ohpHArKiu78-01925-00330795-00330919 When I pick up dog shit, ohpHArKiu78-01926-00330922-00331035 I feel more American ohpHArKiu78-01927-00331035-00331107 than I ever have ohpHArKiu78-01928-00331242-00331353 That's what we do in America ohpHArKiu78-01929-00331353-00331437 We pick up dog shit ohpHArKiu78-01930-00331437-00331517 I feel more American ohpHArKiu78-01931-00331519-00331599 picking up dog shit ohpHArKiu78-01932-00331599-00331761 than when I got my citizenship paper ohpHArKiu78-01933-00331908-00332022 I pick up the dog shit, ohpHArKiu78-01934-00332024-00332133 I hold it to the sky, ohpHArKiu78-01935-00332136-00332223 I talk to my dad, ohpHArKiu78-01936-00332226-00332404 "Father, I finally have a dog ohpHArKiu78-01937-00332504-00332657 I'm American father!" ohpHArKiu78-01938-00332775-00332888 Because let's face it, ohpHArKiu78-01939-00332890-00333033 Americans love their dogs, ohpHArKiu78-01940-00333033-00333167 right? They hate their parents, ohpHArKiu78-01941-00333169-00333285 but they love their dogs ohpHArKiu78-01942-00333438-00333564 A dog shits, they pick it up ohpHArKiu78-01943-00333564-00333641 The parent shits, ohpHArKiu78-01944-00333643-00333720 retirement home ohpHArKiu78-01945-00333897-00333963 Or Florida ohpHArKiu78-01946-00333965-00334031 Same shit ohpHArKiu78-01947-00334031-00334091 you know what I'm saying ohpHArKiu78-01948-00334638-00334725 So you guys, ohpHArKiu78-01949-00334725-00334908 so, so Yasu, so ohpHArKiu78-01950-00334911-00335178 Yasu has this little pet, ohpHArKiu78-01951-00335229-00335318 stuffed pet monkey ohpHArKiu78-01952-00335320-00335463 that she likes to play with ohpHArKiu78-01953-00335490-00335610 She'll put it in her mouth, ohpHArKiu78-01954-00335634-00335727 and she'll come to you ohpHArKiu78-01955-00335730-00335857 and she'll wag her tail, ohpHArKiu78-01956-00335859-00335970 and she'll whimper, ohpHArKiu78-01957-00335982-00336069 which means let's play ohpHArKiu78-01958-00336069-00336135 So she'll show up, ohpHArKiu78-01959-00336137-00336201 she'll be like ohpHArKiu78-01960-00336201-00336382 "Uhn uhn uhn uhn." ohpHArKiu78-01961-00336387-00336501 Which means "Chase me!" ohpHArKiu78-01962-00336564-00336723 So one night I was at home, ohpHArKiu78-01963-00336723-00336882 I was washing dishes ohpHArKiu78-01964-00336900-00336975 and Yasu walks in ohpHArKiu78-01965-00336977-00337110 with the monkey in her mouth ohpHArKiu78-01966-00337110-00337224 and she's walking slowly ohpHArKiu78-01967-00337224-00337344 She's not wagging her tail ohpHArKiu78-01968-00337370-00337415 And I'm looking ohpHArKiu78-01969-00337415-00337604 I go "Why is Yasu acting weird?" ohpHArKiu78-01970-00337641-00337707 Then I look closer ohpHArKiu78-01971-00337707-00337766 I go, ohpHArKiu78-01972-00337768-00337947 "Why is the monkey darker than normal?" ohpHArKiu78-01973-00337989-00338088 I go, "Oh shit ohpHArKiu78-01974-00338121-00338231 That's not a monkey ohpHArKiu78-01975-00338231-00338360 That's a dead squirrel!" ohpHArKiu78-01976-00338478-00338628 Yeah, I did the research ohpHArKiu78-01977-00338628-00338699 Goldendoodle ohpHArKiu78-01978-00338701-00338916 it's a golden retriever, poodle mix ohpHArKiu78-01979-00338916-00339090 They retrieve dead animals, ohpHArKiu78-01980-00339138-00339252 and they bring it to whoever ohpHArKiu78-01981-00339252-00339477 they worship the most in the house ohpHArKiu78-01982-00339588-00339738 Yeah, and up until then, ohpHArKiu78-01983-00339738-00339850 there had been a competition ohpHArKiu78-01984-00339853-00339900 between me, ohpHArKiu78-01985-00339900-00340005 my wife and the kids ohpHArKiu78-01986-00340008-00340127 "Oh, she loves me more ohpHArKiu78-01987-00340127-00340241 She loves me more." ohpHArKiu78-01988-00340284-00340446 And as she was walking towards me ohpHArKiu78-01989-00340448-00340569 with the dead hamster, ohpHArKiu78-01990-00340599-00340725 squirrel in her mouth ohpHArKiu78-01991-00340764-00340965 Slowly I go, "Oh my god ohpHArKiu78-01992-00341025-00341172 She loves me more." ohpHArKiu78-01993-00341409-00341580 And she's walking towards me like ohpHArKiu78-01994-00341580-00341781 it's a scene from Game of Thrones ohpHArKiu78-01995-00341922-00342066 And she's bringing me gold ohpHArKiu78-01996-00342066-00342294 She's like, "For Thee, my Lord ohpHArKiu78-01997-00342435-00342612 I bring The dead squirrel ohpHArKiu78-01998-00342615-00342756 for Thee, my Lord." ohpHArKiu78-01999-00342801-00342885 And she drops it ohpHArKiu78-02000-00342887-00343044 and just walks out backwards ohpHArKiu78-02001-00343149-00343251 And I'm washing the dishes ohpHArKiu78-02002-00343251-00343321 I go, "What the fuck ohpHArKiu78-02003-00343324-00343460 am I supposed to do with this?" ohpHArKiu78-02004-00343623-00343778 So I put on all kinds of gear, ohpHArKiu78-02005-00343778-00343895 wrapped it up, threw it away ohpHArKiu78-02006-00343974-00344027 Next morning, ohpHArKiu78-02007-00344029-00344169 I had to take the kids to school ohpHArKiu78-02008-00344169-00344409 The one thing I miss about Zoom school ohpHArKiu78-02009-00344411-00344520 is the commute ohpHArKiu78-02010-00344628-00344834 Remember, the commute was so easy ohpHArKiu78-02011-00344834-00344915 Oh my god ohpHArKiu78-02012-00344949-00345065 You'd just wake up in the morning, ohpHArKiu78-02013-00345065-00345140 you'd go to their room, ohpHArKiu78-02014-00345141-00345199 you'd wake them up ohpHArKiu78-02015-00345199-00345585 "Hey, wake up. Go to school." ohpHArKiu78-02016-00345647-00345726 They'd get out of bed ohpHArKiu78-02017-00345726-00345858 They just walk to their desk ohpHArKiu78-02018-00345918-00346044 I'd go downstairs, I'd tell my wife, ohpHArKiu78-02019-00346044-00346152 "Listen, I dropped them off ohpHArKiu78-02020-00346152-00346224 You pick them up." ohpHArKiu78-02021-00346692-00346814 Now you gotta drive them ohpHArKiu78-02022-00346816-00346996 through traffic again, Right? ohpHArKiu78-02023-00346998-00347172 And my son, like I told you, ohpHArKiu78-02024-00347172-00347334 smart kid, little spaced out ohpHArKiu78-02025-00347349-00347526 He has no sense of time ohpHArKiu78-02026-00347613-00347810 I was trying to get out of the house ohpHArKiu78-02027-00347812-00347877 by 7:30 ohpHArKiu78-02028-00347880-00348126 He walked downstairs a 7:29 ohpHArKiu78-02029-00348177-00348312 like no big deal ohpHArKiu78-02030-00348348-00348579 Like one shoe on one foot ohpHArKiu78-02031-00348660-00348769 Just starts telling me ohpHArKiu78-02032-00348772-00348966 about a dream he had the night before ohpHArKiu78-02033-00349035-00349190 He's like, "Hey, Dad, what's going on? ohpHArKiu78-02034-00349190-00349331 I had a dream last night ohpHArKiu78-02035-00349332-00349520 and there was a waterfall ohpHArKiu78-02036-00349520-00349599 but the waterfall ohpHArKiu78-02037-00349601-00349712 was going the wrong way ohpHArKiu78-02038-00349806-00349832 I don't know ohpHArKiu78-02039-00349835-00349981 why it was going the wrong way." ohpHArKiu78-02040-00350106-00350183 And I'm late, I'm like ohpHArKiu78-02041-00350183-00350303 "Hurry up get in, get in the car ohpHArKiu78-02042-00350307-00350392 Get in the car!" ohpHArKiu78-02043-00350409-00350508 He's like, "Alright, whatever, ohpHArKiu78-02044-00350510-00350648 calm down, whatever, alright." ohpHArKiu78-02045-00350796-00350845 And then ohpHArKiu78-02046-00350848-00350997 he started walking the wrong way ohpHArKiu78-02047-00351162-00351265 I go, "Where are you going? ohpHArKiu78-02048-00351268-00351359 The door's that way!" ohpHArKiu78-02049-00351423-00351494 He goes, "Alright ohpHArKiu78-02050-00351496-00351621 I'm gonna go say bye to Yasu ohpHArKiu78-02051-00351621-00351803 Calm down, whatever, alright" ohpHArKiu78-02052-00351930-00352126 So now he's saying bye to Yasu ohpHArKiu78-02053-00352126-00352217 All of a sudden I'm hear him, ohpHArKiu78-02054-00352220-00352318 I hear him, he goes, ohpHArKiu78-02055-00352320-00352503 "Oh no, she did it again!" ohpHArKiu78-02056-00352574-00352638 I go, "What?" ohpHArKiu78-02057-00352640-00352754 He goes, "Come look!" ohpHArKiu78-02058-00352769-00352871 So I go look ohpHArKiu78-02059-00352883-00353090 Now there's a dead rat on our lawn ohpHArKiu78-02060-00353183-00353310 Yeah, with his arms out ohpHArKiu78-02061-00353312-00353438 like he's waiting for CSI ohpHArKiu78-02062-00353438-00353576 to show up to draw the chalk ohpHArKiu78-02063-00353660-00353753 And I'm sitting there going, ohpHArKiu78-02064-00353753-00353800 "Oh my god, ohpHArKiu78-02065-00353802-00353945 are we living with a serial killer?" ohpHArKiu78-02066-00354095-00354230 Because she looks like a teddy bear ohpHArKiu78-02067-00354230-00354344 but I'm now getting worried ohpHArKiu78-02068-00354392-00354470 And the next day ohpHArKiu78-02069-00354472-00354638 I saw her walking in the backyard ohpHArKiu78-02070-00354638-00354780 with a little dead baby bird ohpHArKiu78-02071-00354782-00354857 in her mouth ohpHArKiu78-02072-00354908-00355002 I go, "Holy shit, ohpHArKiu78-02073-00355004-00355142 she's not a teddy bear ohpHArKiu78-02074-00355154-00355286 She's Teddy Bundy!" ohpHArKiu78-02075-00355697-00355895 So now I get the kids in the car ohpHArKiu78-02076-00355897-00356015 to drive them to school ohpHArKiu78-02077-00356015-00356095 The one good thing ohpHArKiu78-02078-00356098-00356248 about my son being spaced out ohpHArKiu78-02079-00356258-00356368 when we're driving to school, ohpHArKiu78-02080-00356371-00356438 he doesn't talk ohpHArKiu78-02081-00356558-00356672 He's in the backseat ohpHArKiu78-02082-00356674-00356866 just watching the trees go by ohpHArKiu78-02083-00356999-00357167 I have no idea what's on his mind ohpHArKiu78-02084-00357251-00357349 I have Yasu in the car ohpHArKiu78-02085-00357351-00357494 because she's a pandemic puppy ohpHArKiu78-02086-00357494-00357638 You gotta take her wherever you go ohpHArKiu78-02087-00357689-00357872 She's in the car pretending to sleep, ohpHArKiu78-02088-00357872-00358070 but definitely plotting her next kill ohpHArKiu78-02089-00358280-00358553 My daughter, Mila is in the front seat ohpHArKiu78-02090-00358555-00358739 It's 7:30 in the morning ohpHArKiu78-02091-00358739-00358901 She will not stop talking ohpHArKiu78-02092-00358903-00359172 about shit that I do not care about ohpHArKiu78-02093-00359339-00359478 7:30 in the morning, ohpHArKiu78-02094-00359481-00359632 I'm hungover from the night before ohpHArKiu78-02095-00359642-00359690 My daughter, ohpHArKiu78-02096-00359693-00359765 "Daddy did you know that ohpHArKiu78-02097-00359768-00359951 Ariana Grande was Italian? ohpHArKiu78-02098-00359951-00360034 I thought she was Latina ohpHArKiu78-02099-00360036-00360101 Did you know that? ohpHArKiu78-02100-00360128-00360224 Did you know that Billie Eilish ohpHArKiu78-02101-00360227-00360338 has a brother named Finnegy Eilish? ohpHArKiu78-02102-00360338-00360548 Billie Eilish, Finnegy Eilish, 18 Grammys! ohpHArKiu78-02103-00360569-00360602 Did you know ohpHArKiu78-02104-00360604-00360784 Ed Sheeran wrote a ..." ohpHArKiu78-02105-00360971-00361043 I'm driving, ohpHArKiu78-02106-00361043-00361106 I go, "I don't know ohpHArKiu78-02107-00361109-00361229 what the fuck you're talking about ohpHArKiu78-02108-00361304-00361400 But you're my daughter, ohpHArKiu78-02109-00361400-00361568 so I'll just keep smiling and nodding." ohpHArKiu78-02110-00361679-00361727 I don't know ohpHArKiu78-02111-00361730-00361835 where she gets the energy ohpHArKiu78-02112-00361835-00361943 I don't know if the night before, ohpHArKiu78-02113-00361943-00362051 when my daughter is sleeping, ohpHArKiu78-02114-00362051-00362260 somebody just winds her up ohpHArKiu78-02115-00362263-00362399 the whole night ohpHArKiu78-02116-00362441-00362552 So when she wakes up in the morning, ohpHArKiu78-02117-00362552-00362627 she's like, "Daddy did you know ohpHArKiu78-02118-00362629-00362816 there was a ..." ohpHArKiu78-02119-00363026-00363201 By the time we get to school, ohpHArKiu78-02120-00363203-00363311 I'm so exhausted ohpHArKiu78-02121-00363419-00363535 They get out of the car ohpHArKiu78-02122-00363538-00363638 I turn on the radio ohpHArKiu78-02123-00363638-00363734 The news says, ohpHArKiu78-02124-00363736-00363962 "The world is coming to an end." ohpHArKiu78-02125-00364079-00364195 I look in the sky, ohpHArKiu78-02126-00364197-00364313 I go, "Thank god!" ohpHArKiu78-02127-00364703-00364807 Oh my god ohpHArKiu78-02128-00364969-00365105 You guys are beautiful ohpHArKiu78-02129-00365576-00365681 I got one more story ohpHArKiu78-02130-00365681-00365762 I want to tell you ohpHArKiu78-02131-00365846-00365939 So this happened ohpHArKiu78-02132-00365939-00366033 We took the kids ohpHArKiu78-02133-00366035-00366158 to a sleepaway camp ohpHArKiu78-02134-00366158-00366275 Have you heard of sleepaway camp? ohpHArKiu78-02135-00366326-00366401 For those of you who don't know, ohpHArKiu78-02136-00366401-00366473 sleepaway camp is ohpHArKiu78-02137-00366473-00366629 where you get to drop your kids off ohpHArKiu78-02138-00366632-00366686 for a week ohpHArKiu78-02139-00366722-00366836 and just have a life ohpHArKiu78-02140-00366974-00367112 Oh, it's the best thing in the world ohpHArKiu78-02141-00367115-00367164 Alright? ohpHArKiu78-02142-00367166-00367313 And we signed them up for ohpHArKiu78-02143-00367313-00367431 what we thought was a ohpHArKiu78-02144-00367433-00367511 parkour camp ohpHArKiu78-02145-00367511-00367601 Have you heard of parkour? ohpHArKiu78-02146-00367661-00367685 Again, ohpHArKiu78-02147-00367687-00367760 for those of you who don't know, ohpHArKiu78-02148-00367760-00367869 Parkour is where kids ohpHArKiu78-02149-00367871-00368048 learn to climb up walls and shit, ohpHArKiu78-02150-00368048-00368145 okay? ohpHArKiu78-02151-00368147-00368307 Like tough kids learn to fight, ohpHArKiu78-02152-00368309-00368438 my kids learn to escape ohpHArKiu78-02153-00368606-00368663 I told them, ohpHArKiu78-02154-00368666-00368752 "You're ever in trouble, ohpHArKiu78-02155-00368754-00368869 hop, skip, jump, jazz hands ohpHArKiu78-02156-00368882-00368951 get out of there." ohpHArKiu78-02157-00369155-00369353 The jazz hands confuse the assailant ohpHArKiu78-02158-00369533-00369695 So guys, we got in the car ohpHArKiu78-02159-00369697-00369896 with our two kids, Dhara, Mila ohpHArKiu78-02160-00369896-00370085 We started driving out of LA, ohpHArKiu78-02161-00370087-00370217 10 East, East, East ohpHArKiu78-02162-00370232-00370317 one hour out ohpHArKiu78-02163-00370320-00370458 14 North Lancaster, ohpHArKiu78-02164-00370460-00370562 two hours out ohpHArKiu78-02165-00370577-00370676 All of a sudden I look around, ohpHArKiu78-02166-00370676-00370907 I go, "It's not very diverse out here." ohpHArKiu78-02167-00371069-00371141 Then I keep looking ohpHArKiu78-02168-00371141-00371215 I go, "There's a lot of ohpHArKiu78-02169-00371217-00371430 American flags out here." ohpHArKiu78-02170-00371513-00371599 Don't get me wrong, ohpHArKiu78-02171-00371602-00371720 I like the American flag ohpHArKiu78-02172-00371738-00371846 But when I see too many, ohpHArKiu78-02173-00371855-00371936 I get a little worried ohpHArKiu78-02174-00372098-00372135 Right? ohpHArKiu78-02175-00372138-00372186 Like if you guys, ohpHArKiu78-02176-00372188-00372251 you go to the airport ohpHArKiu78-02177-00372251-00372326 You see one Muslim, ohpHArKiu78-02178-00372326-00372380 you'll be like, ohpHArKiu78-02179-00372383-00372520 "Hey, buddy, what's going on?" ohpHArKiu78-02180-00372626-00372713 You see a bunch of us, ohpHArKiu78-02181-00372713-00372760 you'll be like, ohpHArKiu78-02182-00372763-00372886 "No really, what's going on?" ohpHArKiu78-02183-00373034-00373097 You know what I'm saying ohpHArKiu78-02184-00373145-00373226 You know what I'm saying Blake ohpHArKiu78-02185-00373451-00373610 Guys, we got to the camp ohpHArKiu78-02186-00373613-00373766 It wasn't a Parkour camp, ohpHArKiu78-02187-00373766-00373919 it was a skateboarding camp ohpHArKiu78-02188-00373991-00374252 Yeah, with Parkour as a side activity ohpHArKiu78-02189-00374267-00374450 So it's a bunch of white, skate rats ohpHArKiu78-02190-00374465-00374671 "Yeah, brah. Shaka shaka brah." ohpHArKiu78-02191-00374828-00374999 And I'm walking around with Dhara, ohpHArKiu78-02192-00374999-00375179 and Dhara has darker skin, right? ohpHArKiu78-02193-00375179-00375302 Because of his Indian background, ohpHArKiu78-02194-00375302-00375376 and Dhara's looking around, he goes ohpHArKiu78-02195-00375376-00375449 "Daddy ohpHArKiu78-02196-00375452-00375506 I think ohpHArKiu78-02197-00375508-00375673 I'm the only person of color here." ohpHArKiu78-02198-00375745-00375880 I go, "Don't worry about it buddy ohpHArKiu78-02199-00375883-00375976 You'll blend in ohpHArKiu78-02200-00376057-00376133 This is your chance ohpHArKiu78-02201-00376136-00376240 to make some new friends ohpHArKiu78-02202-00376261-00376335 This is your chance ohpHArKiu78-02203-00376337-00376489 to meet people you normally wouldn't." ohpHArKiu78-02204-00376513-00376648 I said, "We'll check in with you." ohpHArKiu78-02205-00376687-00376786 So we left him ohpHArKiu78-02206-00377224-00377323 I call him the next day I go ohpHArKiu78-02207-00377323-00377365 "Hey, buddy ohpHArKiu78-02208-00377368-00377428 How's it going?" ohpHArKiu78-02209-00377428-00377488 He goes, ohpHArKiu78-02210-00377490-00377782 "Ummm. They're calling me Abdul." ohpHArKiu78-02211-00377968-00378193 I go, "Oh, no." ohpHArKiu78-02212-00378196-00378260 I go, "Is that it?" ohpHArKiu78-02213-00378260-00378315 He goes, ohpHArKiu78-02214-00378317-00378482 "They told me to go back to Africa!" ohpHArKiu78-02215-00378615-00378768 I go, "That's the wrong continent." ohpHArKiu78-02216-00378870-00378970 And then I got so upset, ohpHArKiu78-02217-00378973-00379110 I started texting him comebacks ohpHArKiu78-02218-00379110-00379210 I go, "Go to the whitest kid ohpHArKiu78-02219-00379212-00379293 and be like whatever, ohpHArKiu78-02220-00379299-00379437 Casper the Friendly Ghost." ohpHArKiu78-02221-00379617-00379674 Dhara goes, ohpHArKiu78-02222-00379676-00379848 "Who's Casper the Friendly Ghost?" ohpHArKiu78-02223-00379893-00379956 My wife goes, ohpHArKiu78-02224-00379956-00380112 "You idiot You can't give him a comeback ohpHArKiu78-02225-00380114-00380202 from an 80s cartoon." ohpHArKiu78-02226-00380391-00380469 So then I asked him, ohpHArKiu78-02227-00380469-00380524 I said, "Dhara, ohpHArKiu78-02228-00380526-00380643 what did you say back to them?" ohpHArKiu78-02229-00380643-00380720 He goes, "I told them ohpHArKiu78-02230-00380722-00380853 I'm gonna blow up their house." ohpHArKiu78-02231-00381348-00381509 I go, "Way to go Abdul! ohpHArKiu78-02232-00381641-00381795 I'm proud of you." ohpHArKiu78-02233-00381837-00382020 Guys,I'm Maz Jobrani ohpHArKiu78-02234-00382071-00382173 That's the show ohpHArKiu78-02235-00382221-00382362 Thank you Comedy Store ohpHArKiu78-02236-00382395-00382539 Thank you Mitzi Shore ohpHArKiu78-02237-00382590-00382737 Thank you Comedy Store ohpHArKiu78-02238-00382776-00382953 Thank you guys, Beautiful people ohpHArKiu78-02239-00382953-00383094 Thank you, Thank you ohpHArKiu78-02240-00383160-00383211 Thank you ohpHArKiu78-02241-00384954-00385091 It's not even that big of a crowd ohpHArKiu78-02242-00385093-00385152 to get tape ohpHArKiu78-02243-00385182-00385257 If it were a good crowd, ohpHArKiu78-02244-00385257-00385356 I would want you guys to tape it, ohpHArKiu78-02245-00385356-00385445 so I could get that tape ohpHArKiu78-02246-00385447-00385529 to this Aspen guy ohpHArKiu78-02247-00385587-00385686 But it's not a big crowd ohpHArKiu78-02248-00385686-00385860 So I might have to like, ohpHArKiu78-02249-00385887-00386011 leave my material, ohpHArKiu78-02250-00386013-00386130 work the crowd, ohpHArKiu78-02251-00386130-00386283 do some butt jokes and stuff ohpHArKiu78-02252-00386430-00386515 And it won't necessarily ohpHArKiu78-02253-00386518-00386625 be my set about me, ohpHArKiu78-02254-00386646-00386681 which is ohpHArKiu78-02255-00386683-00386860 what I want the Aspen guy to see ohpHArKiu78-02256-00386868-00387063 So, and that's a gamble too ohpHArKiu78-02257-00387063-00387153 Maybe he comes out one night ohpHArKiu78-02258-00387153-00387246 and there's not a good crowd ohpHArKiu78-02259-00387246-00387324 Then I'm screwed again, ohpHArKiu78-02260-00387324-00387435 because I gotta work the crowd ohpHArKiu78-02261-00387474-00387549 I can't get up there ohpHArKiu78-02262-00387551-00387693 and just do my material about myself ohpHArKiu78-02263-00387738-00387813 People are just sitting there ohpHArKiu78-02264-00387815-00387882 looking at you, you know? ohpHArKiu78-02265-00387963-00388305 So, that's it ohpHArKiu78-02266-00388464-00388540 Good? ohpHArKiu78-02267-00388653-00388813 Let me go find out where they are ohpHArKiu78-02268-00388818-00388848 Who? ohpHArKiu78-02269-00388872-00389055 In terms of the lineup ohpHArKiu78-02270-00389058-00389157 and I think ... ohY4c6Y5ibI-00000-00000057-00000224 Alright so today Im going to show you ohY4c6Y5ibI-00001-00000224-00000573 How to make Acetylene ohY4c6Y5ibI-00002-00000573-00001155 All you need is water and Calcium carbide ohY4c6Y5ibI-00003-00001155-00001348 All you need to do is add the ohY4c6Y5ibI-00004-00001348-00001523 Calcium Carbide to the water ohY4c6Y5ibI-00005-00001523-00001827 And it's gonna react ohY4c6Y5ibI-00006-00001827-00002318 And it gonna make Acetylene gas ohY4c6Y5ibI-00007-00004400-00004700 And you can see it burns really violently ohY4c6Y5ibI-00008-00006500-00006800 There is a lot of smoke and soot ohY4c6Y5ibI-00009-00007200-00007400 It is pretty loud ohY4c6Y5ibI-00010-00008900-00009000 And then ohY4c6Y5ibI-00011-00009006-00009407 what is left behind inside of the water ohY4c6Y5ibI-00012-00009407-00010107 Is Calcium Hydroxide ohY4c6Y5ibI-00013-00013093-00013180 So yeah... ohY4c6Y5ibI-00014-00013180-00013407 Thanks for watching! ohY4c6Y5ibI-00015-00013407-00013787 Please Rate, Comment, and Subscribe! oimKMTie30Y-00000-00000087-00000535 Who the hell sold us the idea that you have to struggle your way to success? oimKMTie30Y-00001-00000536-00001160 The more you struggle the better you get at struggling. oimKMTie30Y-00002-00001160-00001714 But you've got to find your own balance in between that law of attraction. oimKMTie30Y-00003-00001823-00002026 And let that feeling turn into something. oimKMTie30Y-00004-00002026-00002606 Eventually, that feeling will grow and expand and multiply and that feeling will turn into oimKMTie30Y-00005-00002742-00003080 an idea. oimKMTie30Y-00006-00003082-00003879 And that idea, when it's coming from that place, like that intuitive right for you, oimKMTie30Y-00007-00003879-00004438 right now place that only you know about, only you can know if that feeling is right, oimKMTie30Y-00008-00004439-00005026 and when that idea comes from that place, that idea comes with batteries included. oimKMTie30Y-00009-00005026-00005522 And there's no more forcing yourself to do anything. oimKMTie30Y-00010-00005562-00005938 I haven't disciplined myself to do anything since 2011. ojqcQGDcKKA-00000-00000000-00000900 #Music# ojqcQGDcKKA-00001-00000900-00001601 When members of parliament want to research important issues in Australia, they form parliamentary committees. ojqcQGDcKKA-00002-00001601-00002410 Committees can be set up by the Senate or the House of Representatives—or by both houses together—to investigate issues in detail. ojqcQGDcKKA-00003-00002410-00002867 Senator for Tasmania: This committee has benefited from the support of the department in the conduct of our inquiry. ojqcQGDcKKA-00004-00002867-00003684 They help senators and members make informed decisions about law-making and policy and provide the Parliament with a range of community views. ojqcQGDcKKA-00005-00003735-00004218 They also help to keep an important check on the work of the government. ojqcQGDcKKA-00006-00004317-00004908 A committee is made up of a group of senators or members, who can receive written submissions, ojqcQGDcKKA-00007-00004908-00005165 take evidence by phone or video, ojqcQGDcKKA-00008-00005165-00005856 and travel across Australia to speak to individuals, organisations, experts and interest groups. ojqcQGDcKKA-00009-00005942-00006365 The Parliament gives its committees considerable powers of investigation ojqcQGDcKKA-00010-00006365-00006832 including the ability to question witnesses and collect evidence. ojqcQGDcKKA-00011-00006851-00007408 Senator for Victoria: I remind witnesses that in giving evidence to the committee, they are protected by parliamentary privilege. ojqcQGDcKKA-00012-00007423-00008399 Anyone who takes part in a committee is protected by parliamentary privilege, which means they can speak freely without any action being taken against them. ojqcQGDcKKA-00013-00008503-00008988 Senator for South Australia: Have you had a think about the types of costs you're going to be faced with when you go to university? ojqcQGDcKKA-00014-00009000-00009517 Student witness: The basic cost is about thirteen and a half thousand for board. ojqcQGDcKKA-00015-00009600-00010518 Several times a year, Senate committees investigate how the government is spending taxpayers’ money. These hearings are called Senate estimates hearings. ojqcQGDcKKA-00016-00010645-00011140 Senator for South Australia: It says volunteer payments 7.1 million, footnote 1: payments made by states. ojqcQGDcKKA-00017-00011140-00011887 Senator for South Australia: But I’m just confirming my understanding is that the 7.1 million has been paid from the Commonwealth to the states. ojqcQGDcKKA-00018-00011887-00012035 Witness: Correct. Senator for South Australia: Correct. Thank you. ojqcQGDcKKA-00019-00012035-00013039 After a committee has examined all evidence on an issue or proposed law, it prepares a report and presents its findings and recommendations to the Parliament. ojqcQGDcKKA-00020-00013134-00013420 Senator for Western Australia: On behalf of the Community Affairs Legislation Committee, ojqcQGDcKKA-00021-00013420-00014161 I present the report of the committee on the Human Services Amendment (Photographic Identification and Fraud Prevention) Bill 2019. ojqcQGDcKKA-00022-00014222-00014785 The research in these reports can result in changes to proposed laws or government policy. ojqcQGDcKKA-00023-00014785-00015533 It encourages discussion in the community and helps members and senators make better-informed decisions. ojqcQGDcKKA-00024-00015533-00016787 This is our Australian Parliament. To find out more, and how you can get involved, visit the Parliamentary Education Office website: ojqcQGDcKKA-00025-00016787-00016987 #Music# olRM7ycqY60-00000-00000000-00000066 There he is olRM7ycqY60-00001-00000066-00000171 the little do gooder. olRM7ycqY60-00002-00000171-00000250 Activate DUDE. olRM7ycqY60-00003-00000250-00000333 We're still working on him. olRM7ycqY60-00004-00000333-00000463 I worked on him myself. olRM7ycqY60-00005-00000463-00000533 He's perfect. olRM7ycqY60-00006-00000533-00000654 Drop in Dude now! olRM7ycqY60-00007-00000946-00001017 Who are you? olRM7ycqY60-00008-00001075-00001192 Catchphrase! olRM7ycqY60-00009-00001192-00001276 Catchphrase? olRM7ycqY60-00010-00001276-00001438 Well, I haven't had time to think one up yet. olRM7ycqY60-00011-00001438-00001576 Although, catchphrase as a catchphrase olRM7ycqY60-00012-00001576-00001739 is a pretty COOL catchphrase. olRM7ycqY60-00013-00002214-00002348 Am I a role model? olRM7ycqY60-00014-00002516-00002596 I don't know. olRM7ycqY60-00015-00002600-00002720 I mean, I do know that you olRM7ycqY60-00016-00002720-00002937 hear about actors complaining about how hard olRM7ycqY60-00017-00002937-00003096 their movie workouts are. olRM7ycqY60-00018-00003099-00003274 And, I'll tell you that I don't have time for that. olRM7ycqY60-00019-00003365-00003528 I've been at this one week. olRM7ycqY60-00020-00003551-00003689 And, I gotta tell ya. olRM7ycqY60-00021-00003841-00003978 It's coming in nicely. olRM7ycqY60-00022-00004371-00004621 I start everyday with a protein bomb. olRM7ycqY60-00023-00004621-00004872 It's made exclusively of human muscle. olRM7ycqY60-00024-00004939-00005072 It's completely organic olRM7ycqY60-00025-00005072-00005156 and illegal. olRM7ycqY60-00026-00005234-00005308 Acting olRM7ycqY60-00027-00005308-00005391 is olRM7ycqY60-00028-00005443-00005547 mind over matter olRM7ycqY60-00029-00005671-00005750 and judgement, olRM7ycqY60-00030-00005865-00005986 and common sense. olRM7ycqY60-00031-00006316-00006366 Sure olRM7ycqY60-00032-00006366-00006551 I don't fit into the Deadpool suit anymore. olRM7ycqY60-00033-00006656-00006811 But life is about growth olRM7ycqY60-00034-00006887-00007021 hormones. olRM7ycqY60-00035-00007190-00007307 I actually fathered olRM7ycqY60-00036-00007307-00007448 our youngest daughter olRM7ycqY60-00037-00007448-00007590 when I was this muscular. olRM7ycqY60-00038-00007703-00007857 The child was born olRM7ycqY60-00039-00007857-00007895 uh olRM7ycqY60-00040-00007907-00007987 full grown, olRM7ycqY60-00041-00008193-00008306 and wearing shoes olRM7ycqY60-00042-00008500-00008575 which was olRM7ycqY60-00043-00008668-00008780 weird for Blake. olRM7ycqY60-00044-00009146-00009238 Who is this? olRM7ycqY60-00045-00009238-00009320 I don't know! olRM7ycqY60-00046-00009320-00009454 I mean, he's just like you, olRM7ycqY60-00047-00009454-00009550 but way better. olRM7ycqY60-00048-00009550-00009637 Boobaadboobaadaboobadda. olRM7ycqY60-00049-00009672-00009743 I think he's gonna olRM7ycqY60-00050-00009852-00009902 hit you. olRM7ycqY60-00051-00009920-00010033 He punches so hard, olRM7ycqY60-00052-00010033-00010149 but yet his hands are so soft. posZvmtt87E-00000-00000115-00000911 I’m not sure how YouTube crashed while I was about to reload a channel page while I posZvmtt87E-00001-00000911-00001284 was checking the channel videos, and then when the page reloaded, it crashed for no posZvmtt87E-00002-00001284-00001296 reason. poyPgL83yD8-00000-00000031-00000587 Here's how you give students more time poyPgL83yD8-00001-00000242-00000756 on a quiz in Canvas. At the time of poyPgL83yD8-00002-00000587-00001095 this recording you can only do this for poyPgL83yD8-00003-00000756-00001332 one quiz at a time. So let's begin by poyPgL83yD8-00004-00001095-00001746 going to the quizzes tool and then poyPgL83yD8-00005-00001332-00001994 opening up the quiz. Check to be sure poyPgL83yD8-00006-00001746-00002190 that your quiz is published, you'll only poyPgL83yD8-00007-00001994-00002453 be able to allow more time on your quiz poyPgL83yD8-00008-00002190-00002598 if your quiz has been published, and yes poyPgL83yD8-00009-00002453-00002880 as we can see here this quiz is poyPgL83yD8-00010-00002598-00003171 published. The other thing to check here poyPgL83yD8-00011-00002880-00003510 is that I have a time limit set on this poyPgL83yD8-00012-00003171-00003861 quiz currently, and I do. The current time poyPgL83yD8-00013-00003510-00004170 limit is set to 30 minutes. In my poyPgL83yD8-00014-00003861-00004410 situation I need to extend that for two poyPgL83yD8-00015-00004170-00004773 of my students so that they have 90 poyPgL83yD8-00016-00004410-00005214 minutes on this quiz. So to do that we poyPgL83yD8-00017-00004773-00005457 click on "Moderate this quiz." You'll see a poyPgL83yD8-00018-00005214-00005625 list of the students in the class and if poyPgL83yD8-00019-00005457-00005823 students have already started taking poyPgL83yD8-00020-00005625-00006093 this quiz then those students names poyPgL83yD8-00021-00005823-00006344 would be hyperlinked to the information poyPgL83yD8-00022-00006093-00006522 about their quiz attempts, but in this poyPgL83yD8-00023-00006344-00006845 example no students have started taking poyPgL83yD8-00024-00006522-00007031 the quiz yet, so I check the box next to poyPgL83yD8-00025-00006845-00007247 the name of the student that needs the poyPgL83yD8-00026-00007031-00007497 extension if there's more than one poyPgL83yD8-00027-00007247-00008097 student I check the box next to multiple poyPgL83yD8-00028-00007497-00008313 names. So in my case Donna and Kelly need poyPgL83yD8-00029-00008097-00008595 more time on this quiz, so I've checked poyPgL83yD8-00030-00008313-00008775 the boxes next to their names, and I poyPgL83yD8-00031-00008595-00009071 click the link that says Change poyPgL83yD8-00032-00008775-00009336 Extensions for two selected students" and poyPgL83yD8-00033-00009071-00009465 while I'm here you know what, here's a poyPgL83yD8-00034-00009336-00009735 way that we'll be able to double check poyPgL83yD8-00035-00009465-00010242 our settings. While I'm here let's also poyPgL83yD8-00036-00009735-00010400 check the box for test student. So I'll poyPgL83yD8-00037-00010242-00010838 click the link that now says "Change poyPgL83yD8-00038-00010400-00010838 extensions for three selected students." poyPgL83yD8-00039-00010853-00011568 Here's where in my example I need to poyPgL83yD8-00040-00011163-00011742 give Kelly and Donna 90 minutes total it poyPgL83yD8-00041-00011568-00012032 reminds me that everyone is already poyPgL83yD8-00042-00011742-00012414 getting 30 minutes so it's asking me for poyPgL83yD8-00043-00012032-00012725 the extra time on the attempt that these poyPgL83yD8-00044-00012414-00013179 two students need, so in my case that's poyPgL83yD8-00045-00012725-00013368 going to be 60 minutes extra. So go ahead poyPgL83yD8-00046-00013179-00013787 and click on save. poyPgL83yD8-00047-00013368-00014162 I see the extra time allowed to my two poyPgL83yD8-00048-00013787-00014432 students along with my test student and poyPgL83yD8-00049-00014162-00014791 what I can do is go turn on my student poyPgL83yD8-00050-00014432-00015768 preview. I'll go to the home page click poyPgL83yD8-00051-00014791-00015993 on student view go find my quiz and poyPgL83yD8-00052-00015768-00016244 hopefully we see that this sample quiz poyPgL83yD8-00053-00015993-00016548 there we go, has a time limit of 90 poyPgL83yD8-00054-00016244-00016943 minutes. So we know that our test student poyPgL83yD8-00055-00016548-00017195 is getting the extra 60 minutes so Donna poyPgL83yD8-00056-00016943-00017495 and Kelly should be as well. So that's a poyPgL83yD8-00057-00017195-00017693 handy way of checking those settings. poyPgL83yD8-00058-00017495-00017948 I'll leave student view by clicking on poyPgL83yD8-00059-00017693-00018270 this button at the bottom, and I'm back poyPgL83yD8-00060-00017948-00018528 on my quiz. So that's how to give poyPgL83yD8-00061-00018270-00018837 students more time on a quiz in Canvas poyPgL83yD8-00062-00018528-00019193 and how to double-check it with the poyPgL83yD8-00063-00018837-00019438 student view option. Thank you for poyPgL83yD8-00064-00019193-00019438 watching. p0nGWGys-IQ-00000-00000176-00000521 I want to talk to you about some pain points p0nGWGys-IQ-00001-00000521-00000867 — one in particular — that I experienced recently, p0nGWGys-IQ-00002-00000867-00001193 when attempting to help someone get set up with Dash p0nGWGys-IQ-00003-00001193-00001366 for their very first time. p0nGWGys-IQ-00004-00001366-00001536 As you may have read in the article p0nGWGys-IQ-00005-00001536-00001852 I published in DashForceNews on Monday, p0nGWGys-IQ-00006-00001852-00002205 my uncle reached out to me, well actually he surprised me p0nGWGys-IQ-00007-00002205-00002513 with a sort of announcement in front of the whole family p0nGWGys-IQ-00008-00002513-00002782 that he wanted to get started with Dash. p0nGWGys-IQ-00009-00002782-00002997 And I was of course psyched. p0nGWGys-IQ-00010-00002997-00003198 And so I went to help him. p0nGWGys-IQ-00011-00003198-00003564 And I want to walk you a bit through our process. p0nGWGys-IQ-00012-00003564-00004174 We began by downloading the Jaxx wallet onto his iPad. p0nGWGys-IQ-00013-00004174-00004632 So awesome that Jaxx got Dash into the iOS store. p0nGWGys-IQ-00014-00004632-00004732 Super awesome. p0nGWGys-IQ-00015-00004732-00005667 But our first sort of mild pain point was that the balance of the Dash p0nGWGys-IQ-00016-00005667-00006112 did not update until one confirmation came in. p0nGWGys-IQ-00017-00006112-00006475 I don’t know if I’ve been out of the loop of mobile apps for a while p0nGWGys-IQ-00018-00006475-00006854 but I seem to remember that back in the day most wallets p0nGWGys-IQ-00019-00006854-00007123 would update your balance with a broadcast immediately. p0nGWGys-IQ-00020-00007123-00007856 But hey, maybe because of RBF Bitcoin that’s no longer standard practice. p0nGWGys-IQ-00021-00007856-00008340 Granted, all of this could be avoided if InstandSend p0nGWGys-IQ-00022-00008340-00008820 were supported on the iOS App Store for a Dash wallet. p0nGWGys-IQ-00023-00008820-00009193 You may think that this doesn’t seem like a totally big deal p0nGWGys-IQ-00024-00009193-00009343 because he trusted me, right? p0nGWGys-IQ-00025-00009343-00009859 He doesn’t think I’m going to like double spend him.However, think about this from a p0nGWGys-IQ-00026-00009859-00010014 newbies standpoint. p0nGWGys-IQ-00027-00010014-00010776 You’ve just installed your first magic electronic wallet. p0nGWGys-IQ-00028-00010776-00011406 And someone scans your QR code and says, “Boop, I’ve just sent it to you, there it is, p0nGWGys-IQ-00029-00011406-00011586 “the speed of the internet.” p0nGWGys-IQ-00030-00011586-00012063 And their balance doesn’t update for up to two and a half minutes. p0nGWGys-IQ-00031-00012063-00012381 It just — we’re more magical than that. p0nGWGys-IQ-00032-00012381-00012586 We can do better than that. p0nGWGys-IQ-00033-00012586-00012686 Moving on. p0nGWGys-IQ-00034-00012686-00013309 The second pain point came about when we went to buy some Dash. p0nGWGys-IQ-00035-00013309-00013612 Because my uncle wanted to buy with a credit card. p0nGWGys-IQ-00036-00013612-00013884 Now, this took me by surprise. p0nGWGys-IQ-00037-00013884-00014034 I knew he wanted to buy some Dash p0nGWGys-IQ-00038-00014034-00014497 but I thought he’d want to buy it from me or something,I didn’t realize — but now p0nGWGys-IQ-00039-00014497-00014756 I realize in retrospect that I should have — p0nGWGys-IQ-00040-00014756-00015143 that he would want to use a credit card.Of course he would want to use a credit card. p0nGWGys-IQ-00041-00015143-00015491 I didn’t realize this because I’m unbanked, right? p0nGWGys-IQ-00042-00015491-00015931 So in my mind all that exists is cash and crypto. p0nGWGys-IQ-00043-00015931-00016194 Most people are not unbanked. p0nGWGys-IQ-00044-00016194-00016837 Most people don’t carry very much cash, if any, on them, at all, ever. p0nGWGys-IQ-00045-00016837-00017048 And what they want to use is a credit card. p0nGWGys-IQ-00046-00017048-00017724 So we checked out the various sites that do sell Dash for credit cards p0nGWGys-IQ-00047-00017724-00018290 and I found three primary, I guess, barriers, p0nGWGys-IQ-00048-00018290-00018656 or problems that made the experience p0nGWGys-IQ-00049-00018656-00018927 — let’s just say that if he weren’t my uncle p0nGWGys-IQ-00050-00018927-00019173 and willing to listen to what I have to say — p0nGWGys-IQ-00051-00019173-00019420 I may have lost a sale there, right? p0nGWGys-IQ-00052-00019420-00019661 It might not have gone through at all. p0nGWGys-IQ-00053-00019661-00020273 Because what most of these sites had in common, they had,A) really, very high fees. p0nGWGys-IQ-00054-00020273-00020943 That could be gotten over if, B) there weren’t limits, buy limits — our buy limit p0nGWGys-IQ-00055-00020943-00021477 was set as low as $50 by this particular site. p0nGWGys-IQ-00056-00021477-00021959 And then C) even if someone is fine with the premium price, p0nGWGys-IQ-00057-00021959-00022262 even if they’re fine with the buy limit, p0nGWGys-IQ-00058-00022262-00022551 another thing that these sites want that I’d p0nGWGys-IQ-00059-00022551-00022922 never even heard of before a few days ago, p0nGWGys-IQ-00060-00022922-00023274 was like pre-authorization of your card p0nGWGys-IQ-00061-00023274-00023540 through the credit card company. p0nGWGys-IQ-00062-00023540-00023812 So like Visa, it’s called Verified by Visa. p0nGWGys-IQ-00063-00023812-00024069 It’s this process that you have to go through with them a p0nGWGys-IQ-00064-00024069-00024367 nd get like a special password or a special pin. p0nGWGys-IQ-00065-00024367-00024565 With MasterCard, our maybe with other cards, p0nGWGys-IQ-00066-00024565-00024749 it’s called 3DSecure. p0nGWGys-IQ-00067-00024749-00025031 And again it’s a process you have to go through ahead of time. p0nGWGys-IQ-00068-00025031-00025269 And we had not done this with my uncle’s card. p0nGWGys-IQ-00069-00025269-00025495 Like I said, we had not ever heard of it. p0nGWGys-IQ-00070-00025495-00025872 And so, our attempt at purchasing failed. p0nGWGys-IQ-00071-00025872-00026019 And we didn’t understand why it failed p0nGWGys-IQ-00072-00026019-00026335 until I did more research into it later. p0nGWGys-IQ-00073-00026335-00026802 And so, all in all, I just want to put across that this was, p0nGWGys-IQ-00074-00026802-00027397 it was a pretty negative experience and I felt pretty bad about it. p0nGWGys-IQ-00075-00027397-00027530 And so pain points. p0nGWGys-IQ-00076-00027530-00027630 Pain points. p0nGWGys-IQ-00077-00027630-00027737 In the U.S., p0nGWGys-IQ-00078-00027737-00028398 I would identify our number one pain point as the inability p0nGWGys-IQ-00079-00028398-00028933 to purchase Dash with a credit card without the very high premiums, p0nGWGys-IQ-00080-00028933-00029312 without the very low buy limits, and without the strange sort of p0nGWGys-IQ-00081-00029312-00029579 pre-authorization programs that I’d never heard of, p0nGWGys-IQ-00082-00029579-00029776 my uncle had never heard of. p0nGWGys-IQ-00083-00029776-00030233 Basically, we desperately need something like Coinbase p0nGWGys-IQ-00084-00030233-00030391 if not Coinbase, right? p0nGWGys-IQ-00085-00030391-00030817 We need something that is very much like Coinbase. p0nGWGys-IQ-00086-00030817-00031104 And so the purpose of this video is two-fold. p0nGWGys-IQ-00087-00031104-00031672 One is to impress upon any entrepreneurs or existing Dash contractors p0nGWGys-IQ-00088-00031672-00032033 out there this very pressing need for the U.S. market. p0nGWGys-IQ-00089-00032033-00032331 Because the U.S. market is huge for crypto, p0nGWGys-IQ-00090-00032331-00032736 as General Bytes marketing manager told me recently, p0nGWGys-IQ-00091-00032736-00033361 90% of General Bytes ATMs are now being shipped to the U.S. p0nGWGys-IQ-00092-00033361-00033614 So that’s not insignificant. p0nGWGys-IQ-00093-00033614-00033822 And then the second thing that I would like to achieve p0nGWGys-IQ-00094-00033822-00034329 with this video is I would like to know any pain points p0nGWGys-IQ-00095-00034329-00034622 you may be experiencing in your own regions. p0nGWGys-IQ-00096-00034622-00034722 Why? p0nGWGys-IQ-00097-00034722-00034837 Why would I want to know this? p0nGWGys-IQ-00098-00034837-00035209 Well, if you’ve been paying attention to Dash’s treasury lately p0nGWGys-IQ-00099-00035209-00035846 you’ll notice that for my next month of video work for Dash p0nGWGys-IQ-00100-00035846-00036009 I am switching things up. p0nGWGys-IQ-00101-00036009-00036171 Actually, rather considerably. p0nGWGys-IQ-00102-00036171-00036703 I’m moving from a sort of news update to a sort of p0nGWGys-IQ-00103-00036703-00037009 incentives-based outreach. p0nGWGys-IQ-00104-00037009-00037336 Which is to say, I intend to pay you p0nGWGys-IQ-00105-00037336-00037761 Dash to engage both locally — where you live — and p0nGWGys-IQ-00106-00037761-00038186 on your social media profiles for basically doing various tasks. p0nGWGys-IQ-00107-00038186-00038465 I give you the task, you perform it p0nGWGys-IQ-00108-00038465-00038865 and upload the proof to social media, I pay you. p0nGWGys-IQ-00109-00038865-00039487 So with that on the horizon, I would like to start the discussion, p0nGWGys-IQ-00110-00039487-00039755 or at least get the awareness out there p0nGWGys-IQ-00111-00039755-00040108 of what roadblocks that you think that you may run into. p0nGWGys-IQ-00112-00040108-00040499 Because it would be best if you were not surprised p0nGWGys-IQ-00113-00040499-00040800 when you go to share Dash with others p0nGWGys-IQ-00114-00040800-00041275 the way I was kind of surprised when I shared Dash last week. p0nGWGys-IQ-00115-00041275-00041796 So, if you would, over this next week, I would like you p0nGWGys-IQ-00116-00041796-00042272 to identify either pain points that you know of, p0nGWGys-IQ-00117-00042272-00042559 or pain points that you anticipate that you may come across p0nGWGys-IQ-00118-00042559-00042993 when sharing Dash with those in your community. p0nGWGys-IQ-00119-00042993-00043249 And I want to you go ahead and do so either on Twitter, p0nGWGys-IQ-00120-00043249-00043364 on Instagram, or on Facebook. p0nGWGys-IQ-00121-00043364-00043781 And yes, I have started both Instagram and Facebook accounts p0nGWGys-IQ-00122-00043781-00044068 so I can now interact with you there. p0nGWGys-IQ-00123-00044068-00044625 And use the hashtag #DashPainPoint to just basically let us — p0nGWGys-IQ-00124-00044625-00045140 the community — know what it is that you would most like to see solved. p0nGWGys-IQ-00125-00045140-00045522 Of course I can’t promise that any problem that you identify p0nGWGys-IQ-00126-00045522-00045674 will get solved. p0nGWGys-IQ-00127-00045674-00046108 But what I hope to achieve rather is that the p0nGWGys-IQ-00128-00046108-00046528 entrepreneurs out there who are familiar with Dash, and who p0nGWGys-IQ-00129-00046528-00047023 have the time and desire to solve our problems in exchange for pay, p0nGWGys-IQ-00130-00047023-00047311 I am hoping that they will follow this hashtag over the next p0nGWGys-IQ-00131-00047311-00047721 seven days — #DashPainPoint — and perhaps they’ll p0nGWGys-IQ-00132-00047721-00048309 see a problem that with the proper funding they could solve for you. p0nGWGys-IQ-00133-00048309-00048413 And for me. p0nGWGys-IQ-00134-00048413-00048867 So with that, I’d like to finish by thanking Cryptosteel p0nGWGys-IQ-00135-00048867-00049277 for sending me my own Cryptosteel unit. p0nGWGys-IQ-00136-00049277-00049852 I hope you can see this here. p0nGWGys-IQ-00137-00049852-00050220 So the reason Cryptosteel has sent me this unit is because p0nGWGys-IQ-00138-00050220-00050691 they’ve just created this special Dash-branded edition p0nGWGys-IQ-00139-00050691-00051128 where they engrave Dash right on it, and they’ll be selling, p0nGWGys-IQ-00140-00051128-00051441 I think, ten of these over the coming weeks and months. p0nGWGys-IQ-00141-00051441-00051724 It’s a private key storage thing. p0nGWGys-IQ-00142-00051724-00052166 It comes with these little numbers and letters. p0nGWGys-IQ-00143-00052166-00052516 You load your private key seed into this unit p0nGWGys-IQ-00144-00052516-00052879 and do something like, you know, bury it, p0nGWGys-IQ-00145-00052879-00053051 or something like that. p0nGWGys-IQ-00146-00053051-00053491 Because apparently it’s waterproof, fireproof, rust proof, these things. p0nGWGys-IQ-00147-00053491-00054076 And so it’s a very serious way of storing private keys. p0nGWGys-IQ-00148-00054076-00054238 So, thank you Cryptosteel p0nGWGys-IQ-00149-00054238-00054791 and best of luck with your Dash-specific sales campaign. p0nGWGys-IQ-00150-00054791-00054901 Alright my friends. p0nGWGys-IQ-00151-00054901-00055113 I thank you for tuning in today p0nGWGys-IQ-00152-00055113-00055566 and I intend to see you next week, same time, p0nGWGys-IQ-00153-00055566-00056229 Wednesday at noon Eastern time.Bye-bye. p2-sQQVi_lU-00000-00000003-00000456 till it was just announced that the charges against Jussie Smollett have been p2-sQQVi_lU-00001-00000456-00000957 dropped and it is seemingly dividing a nation so in this video we're gonna be p2-sQQVi_lU-00002-00000957-00001413 talking about it but hopefully along the way we'll learn some things that can p2-sQQVi_lU-00003-00001413-00002636 improve our own mental health what is up everybody this is Chris from the rewired p2-sQQVi_lU-00004-00002636-00003044 soul where we talk about the problem but focus on the solution and if you're new p2-sQQVi_lU-00005-00003044-00003345 to my channel my channel is all about mental health and sometimes what I like p2-sQQVi_lU-00006-00003345-00003789 to do is blend some social commentary into mental health to see what we can p2-sQQVi_lU-00007-00003789-00004121 learn from it so if you're into that stuff make sure you subscribe and bring p2-sQQVi_lU-00008-00004121-00004617 that notification about so it was just announced that the charges against Jesse p2-sQQVi_lU-00009-00004617-00004986 small light have been dropped now the FBI as well as the Department of p2-sQQVi_lU-00010-00004986-00005361 Justice are going to be looking into it and that's a whole thing in and of p2-sQQVi_lU-00011-00005361-00006048 itself but anyways in this video I want to talk about how our own minds play p2-sQQVi_lU-00012-00006048-00006506 these tricks on us through our life and it could be very difficult for our own p2-sQQVi_lU-00013-00006506-00007043 mental and emotional well-being so first let's start out with twists and turns p2-sQQVi_lU-00014-00007043-00007495 that this Jussie Smollett case has taken all right I'll give you a brief p2-sQQVi_lU-00015-00007495-00007950 TLDR of the situation so for those of you who don't know Jussie Smollett he is p2-sQQVi_lU-00016-00007950-00008550 an actor on the show Empire over on Fox and it was I believe what a month ago p2-sQQVi_lU-00017-00008550-00009240 where he was walking to a subway to get himself a 2 a.m. sandwich and yeah all p2-sQQVi_lU-00018-00009240-00009756 of a sudden he was confronted by two men allegedly wearing MAGAhats and they p2-sQQVi_lU-00019-00009756-00010089 jumped him and they said this is Maggie country and they beat him and assaulted p2-sQQVi_lU-00020-00010089-00010457 him to even try to rope around his neck and some things just started to not p2-sQQVi_lU-00021-00010457-00010857 lined out jesse small that reached out to the police I believe it was like 45 p2-sQQVi_lU-00022-00010857-00011150 minutes later something like that he still had the rope around his neck all p2-sQQVi_lU-00023-00011150-00011493 that type of stuff and Jesse small I was getting interviewed about this so I p2-sQQVi_lU-00024-00011493-00011861 wonder I want to take some pauses in this because we're going to be talking p2-sQQVi_lU-00025-00011861-00012275 about the very important subject of confirmation bias so when this happened p2-sQQVi_lU-00026-00012275-00013080 right a young black man a young gay black man was jumped by supposedly Trump p2-sQQVi_lU-00027-00013080-00013551 supporters okay aha got it right and they were like p2-sQQVi_lU-00028-00013551-00013911 this this is what I thought about these people this is what happened from there p2-sQQVi_lU-00029-00013911-00014193 the police started doing an investigation they started looking at p2-sQQVi_lU-00030-00014193-00014562 different cameras to follow the situation and what they found was the p2-sQQVi_lU-00031-00014562-00015116 two men were actually african-american men and these two men turned themselves p2-sQQVi_lU-00032-00015116-00015497 in and there were two brothers who were actually one of the brothers was p2-sQQVi_lU-00033-00015497-00016011 actually on the show empire and they were released pretty quickly and the p2-sQQVi_lU-00034-00016011-00016650 story came out that Jesse smaller actually paid these men to jump him so p2-sQQVi_lU-00035-00016650-00017094 he could you know sell this story that he was jumped by Trump supporters and p2-sQQVi_lU-00036-00017094-00017535 things like that and everybody on the other side was like aha p2-sQQVi_lU-00037-00017535-00018117 we knew it you guys your side was trying to set us up right so that's what p2-sQQVi_lU-00038-00018117-00018477 happened and then eventually Jesse Smollett turned himself in to the p2-sQQVi_lU-00039-00018477-00018939 authorities he maintained some level of innocence throughout it p2-sQQVi_lU-00040-00018939-00019380 do you know Fox you know they were gonna get rid of him off the show and so many p2-sQQVi_lU-00041-00019380-00019872 different things happen but dinner was just announced yesterday that he was p2-sQQVi_lU-00042-00019872-00020355 being released and all the charges were dropped he forfeited a $10,000 bond and p2-sQQVi_lU-00043-00020355-00020874 this is where we're at now and people are very divided and people are freaking p2-sQQVi_lU-00044-00020874-00021417 out so you have even like I believe it was the mayor of Chicago one of the p2-sQQVi_lU-00045-00021417-00021783 police chiefs of Chicago very disappointed and what happened with this p2-sQQVi_lU-00046-00021783-00022068 case you know based on you know the evidence that had and everything like p2-sQQVi_lU-00047-00022068-00022476 that and there's still not a full story behind it but then you also have people p2-sQQVi_lU-00048-00022476-00023178 like Jesse small that's coasts one of his you know co-stars on that show p2-sQQVi_lU-00049-00023178-00023652 Empire taraji P Henson she made an announcement like thank God truth p2-sQQVi_lU-00050-00023652-00024348 prevailed right and so we have to look at this and think about how we're p2-sQQVi_lU-00051-00024348-00025110 constantly looking for things to confirm an opinion that we already have and what p2-sQQVi_lU-00052-00025110-00025584 happens is is even in the face of facts it can put us in a state of denial right p2-sQQVi_lU-00053-00025584-00025995 and that's one of the reasons why everybody's divided so much but I wanted p2-sQQVi_lU-00054-00025995-00026311 to use this as some context to get into a conversation about p2-sQQVi_lU-00055-00026311-00026688 how this is affecting me how it's affecting you how it's affecting a lot p2-sQQVi_lU-00056-00026688-00027268 of people on an everyday basis so I pulled this clip from Psychology Today p2-sQQVi_lU-00057-00027268-00027724 and it talks about motivated reasoning which is confirmation bias so check this p2-sQQVi_lU-00058-00027724-00028302 out human beings are not always in fact probably not often the objective p2-sQQVi_lU-00059-00028302-00028825 rational creatures they think they are in the past few decades psychologists p2-sQQVi_lU-00060-00028825-00029302 have demonstrated the many ways people deceive themselves every step of the way p2-sQQVi_lU-00061-00029302-00029841 through the process of reasoning indeed cognitive faculties are a distinguishing p2-sQQVi_lU-00062-00029841-00030325 feature of humanity lifting humankind out of the caves and enabling the Arts p2-sQQVi_lU-00063-00030325-00030900 and Sciences nevertheless they're also rooted in and subject to influence or p2-sQQVi_lU-00064-00030900-00031450 bias by emotions and deeply ingrained instincts one of the most significant p2-sQQVi_lU-00065-00031450-00031806 ways information processing and decision-making becomes warped is p2-sQQVi_lU-00066-00031806-00032302 through motivated reasoning the bias towards a decision that confirms to what p2-sQQVi_lU-00067-00032302-00032809 a person already knows and it occurs outside of awareness that anything p2-sQQVi_lU-00068-00032809-00033306 sneaky is going on so what's that talking about what are these p2-sQQVi_lU-00069-00033306-00033972 psychiatrists talking about okay we could have belief ingrained in us and we p2-sQQVi_lU-00070-00033972-00034491 are not the logical reasoning creatures that we believe we are what they're p2-sQQVi_lU-00071-00034491-00034828 talking about in that article is our prefrontal cortex where our cognitive p2-sQQVi_lU-00072-00034828-00035350 thinking comes from our ability to reason okay and have logic and look at p2-sQQVi_lU-00073-00035350-00035794 evidence that is what separates us from the rest of the animals that's how we p2-sQQVi_lU-00074-00035794-00036346 rose to the beautiful top of the food chain but the problem is is that we p2-sQQVi_lU-00075-00036346-00036919 often don't access that prefrontal cortex in the face of evidence we allow p2-sQQVi_lU-00076-00036919-00037561 our emotions to tell us what is or isn't true all right so when we're looking at p2-sQQVi_lU-00077-00037561-00037965 the Jessie small light case like we are seeing this back and forth back and p2-sQQVi_lU-00078-00037965-00038406 forth back and forth with confirmation bias but you and me are doing this thing p2-sQQVi_lU-00079-00038406-00039055 every single day with ourselves with the people in our lives so let me give you p2-sQQVi_lU-00080-00039055-00039634 some more context of what I mean and use myself as an example and maybe maybe p2-sQQVi_lU-00081-00039634-00040115 you can relate to it alright so the first example think about depression p2-sQQVi_lU-00082-00040115-00040706 so my depressed mind right it it will tell me things that absolutely aren't p2-sQQVi_lU-00083-00040706-00041147 true it'll you know have negative self-talk Chris you're not good enough p2-sQQVi_lU-00084-00041147-00041434 Chris nobody likes you nobody loves you you're never gonna be anything right p2-sQQVi_lU-00085-00041434-00042028 these are the things my own mind tells me but if I look at the facts and the p2-sQQVi_lU-00086-00042028-00042515 evidence I do have people in my life who are very supportive and who love me and p2-sQQVi_lU-00087-00042515-00042899 things like that think about anxiety I was diagnosed not p2-sQQVi_lU-00088-00042899-00043133 only with depression but a generalized anxiety disorder p2-sQQVi_lU-00089-00043133-00043591 my anxiety disorder takes these small things that are not dangerous or p2-sQQVi_lU-00090-00043591-00044003 life-threatening and comes along out of proportion it'll say Chris that thing's p2-sQQVi_lU-00091-00044003-00044272 dangerous Chris that thing might kill you Chris you're never gonna get through p2-sQQVi_lU-00092-00044272-00044794 this thing right Chris this thing is equivalent to the end of the world right p2-sQQVi_lU-00093-00044794-00045449 and like we need to start realizing how our minds are one of the least p2-sQQVi_lU-00094-00045449-00046061 trustworthy things out there like we're so we like trust with other human beings p2-sQQVi_lU-00095-00046061-00046403 but what I like to do what I try to do with my mental health what I try to p2-sQQVi_lU-00096-00046403-00046790 teach others is we need to start figuring this thing out first before we p2-sQQVi_lU-00097-00046790-00047302 go around worrying about who we can and can't trust speaking of trust our brains p2-sQQVi_lU-00098-00047302-00047665 come up with all sorts of cognitive distortions and put these blanket p2-sQQVi_lU-00099-00047665-00048386 statements on people as a whole for example my brain will tell me Chris this p2-sQQVi_lU-00100-00048386-00048881 person screwed you over therefore all people are not trustworthy p2-sQQVi_lU-00101-00048881-00049465 right so think about that for a second is that true of course not but our minds p2-sQQVi_lU-00102-00049465-00049865 have this problem separating the truth from the false and when it comes to p2-sQQVi_lU-00103-00049865-00050387 confirmation bias it can put us into a state of denial and something that I've p2-sQQVi_lU-00104-00050387-00050768 opened up about on this channel before I've been in some terrible relationships p2-sQQVi_lU-00105-00050768-00051200 not the one I'm in now but in the past when I was a teenager in my early 20s I p2-sQQVi_lU-00106-00051200-00051614 was in a terrible relationship so a real quick story time this is a weird story p2-sQQVi_lU-00107-00051614-00052169 I'm gonna condense it but the first time that I was actually cheated on so this p2-sQQVi_lU-00108-00052169-00052639 is back in the day early 2000 before like we all had cell phones and p2-sQQVi_lU-00109-00052639-00052939 can text each other and everything like that but I was dating it I was in a p2-sQQVi_lU-00110-00052939-00053470 young woman and yeah like she had her own issues she had a drinking problem p2-sQQVi_lU-00111-00053470-00053869 too and things like that but those are the type of women I used to be attracted p2-sQQVi_lU-00112-00053869-00054376 to and there was one night when we didn't hang out and a day or two later I p2-sQQVi_lU-00113-00054376-00054698 got a message I think it was on like AOL or AOL Instant Messenger or whatever p2-sQQVi_lU-00114-00054698-00055066 we're using back in those ancient times somebody reached out to me is like hey p2-sQQVi_lU-00115-00055066-00055408 man you know I just want to reach out to you I saw your girlfriend at a party and p2-sQQVi_lU-00116-00055408-00055750 she slept with another guy you know which is like he's like I just want to p2-sQQVi_lU-00117-00055750-00056224 let you know that and I'm just like okay what like no right I love this girl p2-sQQVi_lU-00118-00056224-00056842 there's no way that she did this right and then like when I was in this state p2-sQQVi_lU-00119-00056842-00057289 of denial one of my friends one of my best friends came out to me and he's p2-sQQVi_lU-00120-00057289-00057718 like Chris that was me that was me who reached out to you I was at that party p2-sQQVi_lU-00121-00057718-00058247 I saw it happen right so even though my best friend who has never lied to me in p2-sQQVi_lU-00122-00058247-00058825 my entire life told me about this I was in this state of denial because of my p2-sQQVi_lU-00123-00058825-00059245 own bias towards a situation right I didn't want to believe the facts and p2-sQQVi_lU-00124-00059245-00059836 evidence that he was presenting to me because of this and yeah after you know p2-sQQVi_lU-00125-00059836-00060241 my own mind was just eating me out I finally confronted about confronted her p2-sQQVi_lU-00126-00060241-00060667 about this and guess what she cheated on me all right p2-sQQVi_lU-00127-00060667-00061073 and and yeah and that was like one of my first instances where I realize like oh p2-sQQVi_lU-00128-00061073-00061610 my god like I stayed in denial even though the evidence was there and it was p2-sQQVi_lU-00129-00061610-00062014 affecting me so with this whole case that we're looking at with Jesse's small p2-sQQVi_lU-00130-00062014-00062524 LED even though for the most part it doesn't affect us on a personal level I p2-sQQVi_lU-00131-00062524-00063029 want you to take these things happening in society and think about how they are p2-sQQVi_lU-00132-00063029-00063505 affecting you in your personal life right how does it affect who you judge p2-sQQVi_lU-00133-00063505-00063892 on what you think of other people and you know where your trust issues are p2-sQQVi_lU-00134-00063892-00064270 like I was talking about with our own anxiety and depression the tricks that p2-sQQVi_lU-00135-00064270-00064685 our own minds play on us right our brains have this issue separating the p2-sQQVi_lU-00136-00064685-00065066 truth and the false and it affects us on a daily basis these are the things that p2-sQQVi_lU-00137-00065066-00065455 I want you to think about so what's the solution for me I'm in therapy p2-sQQVi_lU-00138-00065455-00065958 Oh my therapist talks to me cognitive distortions and what my mind p2-sQQVi_lU-00139-00065958-00066354 is telling me and separating the truth from the false this is also something I p2-sQQVi_lU-00140-00066354-00066687 work on in 12-step programs and everything like that so if this is p2-sQQVi_lU-00141-00066687-00067032 something that you're like watching this video and you're like yo I got suppose p2-sQQVi_lU-00142-00067032-00067533 with this to like find a therapist see if you can work these things out even if p2-sQQVi_lU-00143-00067533-00067974 you can't find a therapist or you can't don't have the money for a therapist p2-sQQVi_lU-00144-00067974-00068508 something that I did quite a bit before I started therapy was in a notebook I p2-sQQVi_lU-00145-00068508-00069012 would separate true the truth from the false so what I would do is if a friend p2-sQQVi_lU-00146-00069012-00069477 or like a co-worker or if somebody did something to me and my mind started p2-sQQVi_lU-00147-00069477-00069902 racing and telling me all these you know lies I would take a notebook and I would p2-sQQVi_lU-00148-00069902-00070277 write down the situation I would write down what is true about the situation p2-sQQVi_lU-00149-00070277-00070680 and what is false about this situation typically I start with the false and p2-sQQVi_lU-00150-00070680-00071043 it's like this person hates me this person doesn't care about me this person p2-sQQVi_lU-00151-00071043-00071415 doesn't attention back right and then I would write down the truth oh wait no my p2-sQQVi_lU-00152-00071415-00071742 best friend has always been there for me my best friend you know does care about p2-sQQVi_lU-00153-00071742-00072006 me better you know all these other things and I could sit there and p2-sQQVi_lU-00154-00072006-00072531 objectively look at it on paper and say huh mind playing tricks on me again all p2-sQQVi_lU-00155-00072531-00072900 right so anyways let me know if you're somebody who struggles with this p2-sQQVi_lU-00156-00072900-00073185 confirmation bias and maybe what you do to work on it let's have a conversation p2-sQQVi_lU-00157-00073185-00073520 down below all right but anyways that's all I got for this video if you like p2-sQQVi_lU-00158-00073520-00073848 this video please give it a thumbs up if you're new make sure you subscribe and p2-sQQVi_lU-00159-00073848-00074220 ring that notification about because I make a ton of videos and a huge huge p2-sQQVi_lU-00160-00074220-00074487 thank you to everybody supporting the channel over on patreon you are all p2-sQQVi_lU-00161-00074487-00074757 amazing and if you would like to become a patron and get involved in our monthly p2-sQQVi_lU-00162-00074757-00075165 Q&A it's a matter perks of benefits feel free to click the top right there all p2-sQQVi_lU-00163-00075165-00075650 right thanks again so much for watching I'll see you next time p7x0HAdrg-g-00000-00000001-00000105 (male narrator) In this video, p7x0HAdrg-g-00001-00000105-00000405 we will solve a system of equations using substitution, p7x0HAdrg-g-00002-00000405-00000708 but we will substitute, rather than a number, an expression. p7x0HAdrg-g-00003-00000708-00001101 Just as we can replace a variable with a number, p7x0HAdrg-g-00004-00001101-00001405 we can also replace it with an expression. p7x0HAdrg-g-00005-00001902-00002102 However, whenever we substitute, p7x0HAdrg-g-00006-00002102-00002402 it's important to remember parentheses... p7x0HAdrg-g-00007-00002700-00003005 around whatever is replaced. p7x0HAdrg-g-00008-00003005-00003308 So for example, in this system of equations, p7x0HAdrg-g-00009-00003308-00003700 again, we see y is equal to something. p7x0HAdrg-g-00010-00003700-00004103 It's just equal to an expression: 5x minus 3. p7x0HAdrg-g-00011-00004103-00004309 This means the y in the other equation p7x0HAdrg-g-00012-00004309-00004807 is also equal to that expression: 5x minus 3. p7x0HAdrg-g-00013-00004807-00005307 So we can replace the y in that expression with 5x minus 3. p7x0HAdrg-g-00014-00005307-00005702 This gives us -x minus 5y, p7x0HAdrg-g-00015-00005702-00006301 which now becomes 5x minus 3, equals -11. p7x0HAdrg-g-00016-00006301-00006601 This gives us an equation we can solve p7x0HAdrg-g-00017-00006601-00006806 by first distributing the -5, p7x0HAdrg-g-00018-00006806-00007505 giving us -x minus 25x, plus 15, equals -11. p7x0HAdrg-g-00019-00007706-00008608 Combining like terms gives us -26x plus 15, equals -11. p7x0HAdrg-g-00020-00008802-00009704 Subtract 15 from both sides, and we get -26x is equal to -26. p7x0HAdrg-g-00021-00009704-00010008 Divide both sides by -26, p7x0HAdrg-g-00022-00010008-00010508 and we now know that x is equal to +1. p7x0HAdrg-g-00023-00010508-00010809 However, we still need to know what y is. p7x0HAdrg-g-00024-00010809-00011309 To find out what y is, we take this value of x we just found p7x0HAdrg-g-00025-00011309-00011606 and plug it back into that original point p7x0HAdrg-g-00026-00011606-00012402 where we said y equals stuff: y equals 5x minus 3. p7x0HAdrg-g-00027-00012402-00013006 Well, x, we just found out, is 1 minus 3; 5 times 1 is 5; p7x0HAdrg-g-00028-00013006-00013405 minus 3; y must equal 2. p7x0HAdrg-g-00029-00013600-00013804 We now know our x and y, p7x0HAdrg-g-00030-00013804-00014008 and we can express our final answer p7x0HAdrg-g-00031-00014008-00014601 as an ordered pair, x,y; 1,2. p7x0HAdrg-g-00032-00014800-00015108 Let's try another example where we can substitute an expression p7x0HAdrg-g-00033-00015108-00015605 in order to find what x and y equal. p7x0HAdrg-g-00034-00015605-00016205 In this problem, we find this x equals stuff equation. p7x0HAdrg-g-00035-00016205-00016703 This means in the other equation that x must be the same stuff, p7x0HAdrg-g-00036-00016703-00017100 and so, we can make a substitution to replace it: p7x0HAdrg-g-00037-00017100-00017803 2x now becomes 2 times; 5y minus 22, in parentheses; p7x0HAdrg-g-00038-00017803-00018302 minus 6y; equals -24. p7x0HAdrg-g-00039-00018302-00018705 We can now solve this equation by distributing the 2, p7x0HAdrg-g-00040-00018705-00019408 giving us 10y minus 44, minus 6y, equals -24. p7x0HAdrg-g-00041-00019609-00019904 Combining like terms on the y p7x0HAdrg-g-00042-00019904-00020502 gives us 4y minus 44, equals -24. p7x0HAdrg-g-00043-00020708-00021600 Adding 44 to both sides will give us 4y equals 20. p7x0HAdrg-g-00044-00021600-00022003 Finally, dividing by 4 will isolate the y, p7x0HAdrg-g-00045-00022003-00022302 which is equal to 5. p7x0HAdrg-g-00046-00022302-00022508 We now know y is 5, p7x0HAdrg-g-00047-00022508-00022906 but we still need to know what x is. p7x0HAdrg-g-00048-00022906-00023107 We can use another substitution p7x0HAdrg-g-00049-00023107-00023408 and go up to that x equals equation p7x0HAdrg-g-00050-00023408-00024202 to find out what x is equal to: x is equal to 5y, or 5 times 5, p7x0HAdrg-g-00051-00024202-00024605 because we know y is 5; minus 22. p7x0HAdrg-g-00052-00024605-00025006 x is equal to 25 minus 22. p7x0HAdrg-g-00053-00025006-00025600 By multiplying first, we find that x is equal to 3. p7x0HAdrg-g-00054-00025709-00026204 We now know our x, and so as an ordered pair, x,y; p7x0HAdrg-g-00055-00026204-00026609 3,5 becomes our solution. p7x0HAdrg-g-00056-00026904-00027209 By making a substitution and replacing the variable p7x0HAdrg-g-00057-00027209-00027602 with what it represents in parentheses, p7x0HAdrg-g-00058-00027602-00027809 we get an equation we can solve, p7x0HAdrg-g-00059-00027809-00028302 and then plug back in to find the other variable. p7EFg5fsl24-00000-00000598-00000697 Hi. p7EFg5fsl24-00001-00000697-00000801 My name is Brad Zdenek. p7EFg5fsl24-00002-00000801-00001084 I'm an Innovation Strategist with the Nittany AI Alliance. p7EFg5fsl24-00003-00001084-00001435 And welcome to the first of our Nittany AI Challenge Webinars p7EFg5fsl24-00004-00001435-00001747 to talk through this challenge that we run, p7EFg5fsl24-00005-00001747-00001989 give you some tips and tricks for how p7EFg5fsl24-00006-00001989-00002341 to perform very well within it, and to give you p7EFg5fsl24-00007-00002341-00002673 kind of a sense of what the whole thing is. p7EFg5fsl24-00008-00002673-00002911 You may or may not have heard of the Nittany AI Challenge p7EFg5fsl24-00009-00002911-00003222 before-- this is our third year running the program. p7EFg5fsl24-00010-00003222-00003411 But over the last three years, we've p7EFg5fsl24-00011-00003411-00003835 learned quite a bit about what makes a successful team, what p7EFg5fsl24-00012-00003835-00004324 makes a successful proposal, and we have tweaked the Challenge p7EFg5fsl24-00013-00004324-00004558 overall a number of times as we've p7EFg5fsl24-00014-00004558-00004726 improved it over the years. p7EFg5fsl24-00015-00004726-00004876 So this will be a really opportunity p7EFg5fsl24-00016-00004876-00005089 to kind of give a deep dive into that, p7EFg5fsl24-00017-00005089-00005452 and to answer your questions, to give you some tips and tricks, p7EFg5fsl24-00018-00005452-00005617 and to just kind of get to know you p7EFg5fsl24-00019-00005617-00005917 a little bit through the webinar and through the chat. p7EFg5fsl24-00020-00005917-00006349 So with that, there is a chat pod p7EFg5fsl24-00021-00006349-00006550 Depending on which version of Zoom you're using, p7EFg5fsl24-00022-00006550-00006751 if you click on the toolbar for Zoom, p7EFg5fsl24-00023-00006751-00006952 there should be a way of turning on your chat. p7EFg5fsl24-00024-00006952-00007204 There should be one message and it right now, me p7EFg5fsl24-00025-00007204-00007359 welcoming everybody here. p7EFg5fsl24-00026-00007359-00007555 But you can use that chat pod throughout p7EFg5fsl24-00027-00007555-00007784 to ask any questions you may have. p7EFg5fsl24-00028-00007784-00008053 And feel free to type those in as I go along, p7EFg5fsl24-00029-00008053-00008263 and as soon as I see a message pop up p7EFg5fsl24-00030-00008263-00008468 I'll try to address it right there. p7EFg5fsl24-00031-00008468-00008785 So feel free to use that and ask any questions you may like. p7EFg5fsl24-00032-00008785-00009067 My goal is to finish this a little bit early on my part p7EFg5fsl24-00033-00009067-00009411 so that we can have a little bit of Q&A and at the end, p7EFg5fsl24-00034-00009411-00009607 depending on whether or not you have some ideas p7EFg5fsl24-00035-00009607-00009901 you want to throw out or what your questions may be. p7EFg5fsl24-00036-00009901-00010346 So we'll get started first with the Nittany AI challenge p7EFg5fsl24-00037-00010346-00010510 and what it is. p7EFg5fsl24-00038-00010510-00010735 As I said, this is our third year running the program. p7EFg5fsl24-00039-00010735-00011068 But three years ago, we sat down as we p7EFg5fsl24-00040-00011068-00011515 formed our unit, which used to be called the Ed Tech Network-- p7EFg5fsl24-00041-00011515-00011888 we had a rebrand this past year to the Nittany AI Alliance. p7EFg5fsl24-00042-00011888-00012043 But when we were sitting down we were p7EFg5fsl24-00043-00012043-00012502 thinking to ourselves, what can we do for this university? p7EFg5fsl24-00044-00012502-00012760 What can we be doing for the students that p7EFg5fsl24-00045-00012760-00013000 aligns with our mission but can really p7EFg5fsl24-00046-00013000-00013294 help our university, the students that are here, p7EFg5fsl24-00047-00013294-00013677 and advanced the field of higher education? p7EFg5fsl24-00048-00013677-00013819 And so as we're thinking about it, p7EFg5fsl24-00049-00013819-00014013 the first thing that we started with p7EFg5fsl24-00050-00014013-00014256 was thinking about Penn State. p7EFg5fsl24-00051-00014256-00014382 We are here. p7EFg5fsl24-00052-00014382-00014619 We are actually located here in University Park. p7EFg5fsl24-00053-00014619-00015040 But as Penn State, no matter which campus we're going to, p7EFg5fsl24-00054-00015040-00015286 we're right there in the middle of higher education. p7EFg5fsl24-00055-00015286-00015601 We're a extremely large and successful institution, p7EFg5fsl24-00056-00015601-00015790 accomplished institution. p7EFg5fsl24-00057-00015790-00015949 And as you travel around the campuses, p7EFg5fsl24-00058-00015949-00016087 you may have different industries p7EFg5fsl24-00059-00016087-00016266 that are around each one of the campuses-- p7EFg5fsl24-00060-00016266-00016582 plastics and manufacturing up in Behrend and Erie, p7EFg5fsl24-00061-00016582-00016738 medical in Hershey. p7EFg5fsl24-00062-00016738-00016954 But what is the same across all of them p7EFg5fsl24-00063-00016954-00017231 is that we are all higher education. p7EFg5fsl24-00064-00017231-00017560 So what we thought is, OK, what if we look at Penn State p7EFg5fsl24-00065-00017560-00017764 and we try to find the problems that we have-- p7EFg5fsl24-00066-00017764-00018052 the challenges that we face? p7EFg5fsl24-00067-00018052-00018301 All of you should be able to look at Penn State p7EFg5fsl24-00068-00018301-00018616 and love it and appreciate it, but also p7EFg5fsl24-00069-00018616-00018893 recognize that there are things we can be doing better. p7EFg5fsl24-00070-00018893-00019095 There are things that we can improve. p7EFg5fsl24-00071-00019095-00019326 So the question is, how can we do that? p7EFg5fsl24-00072-00019326-00019564 Well, we thought, maybe we could put a challenge together p7EFg5fsl24-00073-00019564-00019938 that can help address the problems that Penn State faces p7EFg5fsl24-00074-00019938-00020239 and bring in a couple other elements together. p7EFg5fsl24-00075-00020239-00020617 One of the big ones there is bringing together students p7EFg5fsl24-00076-00020617-00020875 with the problems that we face here at Penn State. p7EFg5fsl24-00077-00020875-00021241 We really truly believe that the students here at Penn State p7EFg5fsl24-00078-00021241-00021520 are not only some of the most innovative individuals that p7EFg5fsl24-00079-00021520-00021811 are here, some of the most ambitious, p7EFg5fsl24-00080-00021811-00022288 and individuals with the greatest potential for changing p7EFg5fsl24-00081-00022288-00022462 Penn State. p7EFg5fsl24-00082-00022462-00022759 So what we thought is, if we have this underutilized p7EFg5fsl24-00083-00022759-00023116 resource at Penn State students who really know some p7EFg5fsl24-00084-00023116-00023453 of the problems, because you're directly impacted by them, p7EFg5fsl24-00085-00023453-00023602 well, what if we brought students p7EFg5fsl24-00086-00023602-00023903 together with the challenges here at Penn State? p7EFg5fsl24-00087-00023903-00024091 And then we thought, there is another element p7EFg5fsl24-00088-00024091-00024427 we have to bring together, and that's industry. p7EFg5fsl24-00089-00024427-00024637 As you know from our name, we're all p7EFg5fsl24-00090-00024637-00024941 about artificial intelligence and machine learning. p7EFg5fsl24-00091-00024941-00025170 So we thought, OK, let's bring together the problems p7EFg5fsl24-00092-00025170-00025471 at Penn State, the students that have the ability p7EFg5fsl24-00093-00025471-00025825 to create the solutions to those problems, p7EFg5fsl24-00094-00025825-00026098 and let's support them by bringing together p7EFg5fsl24-00095-00026098-00026413 major industry players in the artificial intelligence p7EFg5fsl24-00096-00026413-00026599 and machine learning space. p7EFg5fsl24-00097-00026599-00027112 This year we have at the table, Amazon Web Services, Google p7EFg5fsl24-00098-00027112-00027211 Cloud. p7EFg5fsl24-00099-00027211-00027379 As of this morning, it looks like we're p7EFg5fsl24-00100-00027379-00027643 going to have Microsoft Azure at the table, p7EFg5fsl24-00101-00027643-00027964 and our lead sponsor, which is Oracle. p7EFg5fsl24-00102-00027964-00028114 Each one of these companies is going p7EFg5fsl24-00103-00028114-00028441 to be bringing resources and people to the challenge p7EFg5fsl24-00104-00028441-00028819 to help participants in creating the solutions that they're p7EFg5fsl24-00105-00028819-00028983 going to create. p7EFg5fsl24-00106-00028983-00029314 And they all come together into this challenge. p7EFg5fsl24-00107-00029314-00029617 And this is it-- this is the bulk of it. p7EFg5fsl24-00108-00029617-00030145 The challenge is a scaffolded program with three phases all p7EFg5fsl24-00109-00030145-00030585 focused on creating solutions to problems we face at Penn State. p7EFg5fsl24-00110-00030585-00030856 And we'll get to those in a few minutes. p7EFg5fsl24-00111-00030856-00031080 But it's laser-focused on that. p7EFg5fsl24-00112-00031080-00031491 But we can't just tell you, hey, go fix something at Penn State. p7EFg5fsl24-00113-00031491-00031578 That's too much. p7EFg5fsl24-00114-00031578-00031641 That's too big. p7EFg5fsl24-00115-00031641-00031812 If it was that easy, quite honestly, p7EFg5fsl24-00116-00031812-00032148 this faculty and staff here would already be doing it. p7EFg5fsl24-00117-00032148-00032520 So we scaffold things a little bit and provide some supports. p7EFg5fsl24-00118-00032520-00032841 The first and most important point, deadline, p7EFg5fsl24-00119-00032841-00033233 whatever, for you is January 29, as you see on here. p7EFg5fsl24-00120-00033233-00033573 January 29 is the date by 5:00 PM p7EFg5fsl24-00121-00033573-00033887 that you will be submitting your idea p7EFg5fsl24-00122-00033887-00034304 for that solution to a problem we face here at Penn State. p7EFg5fsl24-00123-00034304-00034550 January 29, we will receive these ideas-- p7EFg5fsl24-00124-00034550-00034784 and there's an online forum, I'll show to you at the end p7EFg5fsl24-00125-00034784-00035147 of the webinar, where you will submit-- p7EFg5fsl24-00126-00035147-00035369 essentially, if you were to write it out on paper, p7EFg5fsl24-00127-00035369-00035579 it would be two pages double-spaced. p7EFg5fsl24-00128-00035579-00035762 But you'll submit your idea to us, p7EFg5fsl24-00129-00035762-00036086 which tells us, what is the problem, why p7EFg5fsl24-00130-00036086-00036284 do you think it's a problem, what's p7EFg5fsl24-00131-00036284-00036686 your solution to that problem, what types of AI tools would p7EFg5fsl24-00132-00036686-00037022 you use to solve that problem, and what's your team? p7EFg5fsl24-00133-00037022-00037091 That's it. p7EFg5fsl24-00134-00037091-00037326 Each one of those sections is limited to 300 words. p7EFg5fsl24-00135-00037326-00037526 And again, I'll show you the details on all this p7EFg5fsl24-00136-00037526-00037691 a little bit later. p7EFg5fsl24-00137-00037691-00037802 But that's it. p7EFg5fsl24-00138-00037802-00037883 What's the problem? p7EFg5fsl24-00139-00037883-00038004 Why is it a problem? p7EFg5fsl24-00140-00038004-00038129 What's your solution? p7EFg5fsl24-00141-00038129-00038243 How are you using AI? p7EFg5fsl24-00142-00038243-00038396 What's your team? p7EFg5fsl24-00143-00038396-00038765 Last year, we received about 79 proposals. p7EFg5fsl24-00144-00038765-00039068 In our first year of the challenge, we received 23. p7EFg5fsl24-00145-00039068-00039284 Last year we received 79. p7EFg5fsl24-00146-00039284-00039449 This year we're expecting to receive p7EFg5fsl24-00147-00039449-00039773 somewhere around 100 ideas. p7EFg5fsl24-00148-00039773-00040160 Now, you can submit more than one idea if you'd like. p7EFg5fsl24-00149-00040160-00040340 And this is pro-tip number one-- p7EFg5fsl24-00150-00040340-00040478 as we're going through this, I'll p7EFg5fsl24-00151-00040478-00040678 give you some tips and tricks that we've learned p7EFg5fsl24-00152-00040678-00040862 throughout this process-- p7EFg5fsl24-00153-00040862-00041019 you can submit more than one idea. p7EFg5fsl24-00154-00041019-00041219 So you can kind of hedge your bets a little bit. p7EFg5fsl24-00155-00041219-00041444 So you've got a couple of them, but you're not certain p7EFg5fsl24-00156-00041444-00041721 whether one idea may resonate or be selected. p7EFg5fsl24-00157-00041721-00041849 You can submit more than one. p7EFg5fsl24-00158-00041849-00042284 But I would highly recommend that you focus in p7EFg5fsl24-00159-00042284-00042677 on at maximum, let's say, three ideas. p7EFg5fsl24-00160-00042677-00043196 Last year we had a team that submitted 10 different ideas. p7EFg5fsl24-00161-00043196-00043537 And quite honestly, after having met with the team p7EFg5fsl24-00162-00043537-00043775 and talked with them, I feel like a couple of those ideas p7EFg5fsl24-00163-00043775-00043873 were gold. p7EFg5fsl24-00164-00043873-00044124 They would have done great. p7EFg5fsl24-00165-00044124-00044439 But they focused on doing so many of them p7EFg5fsl24-00166-00044439-00044652 that they didn't go a deep dive on any of them p7EFg5fsl24-00167-00044652-00044841 and really think them through. p7EFg5fsl24-00168-00044841-00045064 And I think that was to their detriment. p7EFg5fsl24-00169-00045064-00045309 So while, yes, you can submit more than one, p7EFg5fsl24-00170-00045309-00045684 I would highly caution you not to just throw as many at us p7EFg5fsl24-00171-00045684-00045949 as you possibly can and hope something sticks. p7EFg5fsl24-00172-00045949-00046101 Spend a little time. p7EFg5fsl24-00173-00046101-00046413 Go deep on that idea and think through it. p7EFg5fsl24-00174-00046413-00046674 You only have 300 words in each one of the sections p7EFg5fsl24-00175-00046674-00046953 that I told you about to write your proposal. p7EFg5fsl24-00176-00046953-00047064 That's hard. p7EFg5fsl24-00177-00047064-00047367 Spend some time crafting those 300 words p7EFg5fsl24-00178-00047367-00047688 to get me excited as a reviewer about what you're proposing p7EFg5fsl24-00179-00047688-00048075 and what you're trying to convince me is worthwhile. p7EFg5fsl24-00180-00048075-00048546 But out of all those teams-- let's say there are 100-- p7EFg5fsl24-00181-00048546-00048699 we are going to review those-- p7EFg5fsl24-00182-00048699-00048975 and I'll talk about the review in a little bit-- p7EFg5fsl24-00183-00048975-00049128 and we'll pick 20 of them. p7EFg5fsl24-00184-00049128-00049458 And we'll say, 20 teams, great job. p7EFg5fsl24-00185-00049458-00049665 Here's $500 each. p7EFg5fsl24-00186-00049665-00050069 Now, go build a prototype. p7EFg5fsl24-00187-00050069-00050378 Then we send you along, and we bring some resources p7EFg5fsl24-00188-00050378-00050517 to the table to help you. p7EFg5fsl24-00189-00050517-00050714 This is when the companies come in. p7EFg5fsl24-00190-00050714-00051023 So each one of those companies I mentioned-- p7EFg5fsl24-00191-00051023-00051529 Google, Amazon Oracle, Microsoft-- p7EFg5fsl24-00192-00051529-00051845 will provide access to their platforms-- free access p7EFg5fsl24-00193-00051845-00051977 to their platforms. p7EFg5fsl24-00194-00051977-00052328 They will provide direct webinars and assistance. p7EFg5fsl24-00195-00052328-00052520 They will provide direct communications p7EFg5fsl24-00196-00052520-00052760 with some of their software engineers and their software p7EFg5fsl24-00197-00052760-00052889 architects. p7EFg5fsl24-00198-00052889-00053315 And they will come here to University Park p7EFg5fsl24-00199-00053315-00053636 on February 20-- p7EFg5fsl24-00200-00053636-00053858 I believe I have that day right-- p7EFg5fsl24-00201-00053858-00054200 in order to hold an immersion day, where they will actually p7EFg5fsl24-00202-00054200-00054491 provide workshops throughout the day and opportunities p7EFg5fsl24-00203-00054491-00054841 to interact and work with those software architects p7EFg5fsl24-00204-00054841-00055079 and engineers from those companies p7EFg5fsl24-00205-00055079-00055436 so that you are not alone in trying to figure out how do you p7EFg5fsl24-00206-00055436-00055729 actually build this prototype. p7EFg5fsl24-00207-00055729-00055991 Those 20 teams build those prototypes. p7EFg5fsl24-00208-00055991-00056755 And then on April 3, those 20 teams will come together p7EFg5fsl24-00209-00056755-00056992 and they will present, either virtually p7EFg5fsl24-00210-00056992-00057452 or in person here at UP, their prototypes in front p7EFg5fsl24-00211-00057452-00057638 of an audience of judges. p7EFg5fsl24-00212-00057638-00057892 It will be a quick demonstration up on a stage. p7EFg5fsl24-00213-00057892-00058073 You'll show us what you've got, you'll p7EFg5fsl24-00214-00058073-00058439 tell us why you should be a team that we pick to move forward, p7EFg5fsl24-00215-00058439-00058823 and why the investment would be a good investment in you. p7EFg5fsl24-00216-00058823-00059141 And out of those 20 teams, we pick 10 of those teams, p7EFg5fsl24-00217-00059141-00059544 and we say, great job, here's $1,500. p7EFg5fsl24-00218-00059544-00059741 Now, go make your prototype better. p7EFg5fsl24-00219-00059741-00059921 Build a minimal viable product. p7EFg5fsl24-00220-00059921-00060374 Make this thing a real tool that can be used by people. p7EFg5fsl24-00221-00060374-00060554 Then we bring together more resources. p7EFg5fsl24-00222-00060554-00060869 Though those AI companies are still there. p7EFg5fsl24-00223-00060869-00061124 You get a little bit more in-depth access p7EFg5fsl24-00224-00061124-00061424 to their personnel and to their resources. p7EFg5fsl24-00225-00061424-00061739 If we need to, we can give you a little bit more free access p7EFg5fsl24-00226-00061739-00061976 on the platforms if you've exceeded the free tiers p7EFg5fsl24-00227-00061976-00062078 already. p7EFg5fsl24-00228-00062078-00062258 And we give you that support-- we give you p7EFg5fsl24-00229-00062258-00062507 some design thinking workshops. p7EFg5fsl24-00230-00062507-00062917 You get the pleasure of meeting with me every other week, p7EFg5fsl24-00231-00062917-00063185 where I help you walk through your solutions. p7EFg5fsl24-00232-00063185-00063590 And you have, throughout the summer, until August 2, p7EFg5fsl24-00233-00063590-00063769 to build your MVP-- p7EFg5fsl24-00234-00063769-00063967 your Minimal Viable Product. p7EFg5fsl24-00235-00063967-00064361 On August 2, you submit those minimal viable products to me, p7EFg5fsl24-00236-00064361-00064646 a small team of reviewers look at those 10, p7EFg5fsl24-00237-00064646-00064910 and we pick five of those 10 to move forward p7EFg5fsl24-00238-00064910-00065096 to our pitch contest. p7EFg5fsl24-00239-00065096-00065645 Five teams, on September 10, come to University Park, p7EFg5fsl24-00240-00065645-00065810 get up on stage at the hub-- p7EFg5fsl24-00241-00065810-00065969 I believe we're in Heritage Hall. p7EFg5fsl24-00242-00065969-00066197 So it's big stage, big lights, all of that. p7EFg5fsl24-00243-00066197-00066461 Really intimidating, but you can do it. p7EFg5fsl24-00244-00066461-00066638 You get up on stage and you present p7EFg5fsl24-00245-00066638-00066953 in front of a team of reviewers of senior executives p7EFg5fsl24-00246-00066953-00067298 from Penn State and executives from each one p7EFg5fsl24-00247-00067298-00067541 of those companies that I mentioned. p7EFg5fsl24-00248-00067541-00067770 So from Penn State you're talking at the vice president p7EFg5fsl24-00249-00067770-00068198 and vice provost, chancellor, dean level of leadership p7EFg5fsl24-00250-00068198-00068325 here at the University. p7EFg5fsl24-00251-00068325-00068471 And they get to sit in front of you p7EFg5fsl24-00252-00068471-00068903 while you tell us, here's the thing I built, and show it off. p7EFg5fsl24-00253-00068903-00069347 And to say, if I had a little bit more money and a little bit p7EFg5fsl24-00254-00069347-00069599 more time, this is what I can do with my idea. p7EFg5fsl24-00255-00069599-00069983 You pitch to us why we should invest in your idea. p7EFg5fsl24-00256-00069983-00070467 And to invest there is a pool of $25,000 available. p7EFg5fsl24-00257-00070467-00070832 Now, one of the first and most important things p7EFg5fsl24-00258-00070832-00071033 you have to do there is to form a team, p7EFg5fsl24-00259-00071033-00071326 because no individual can do this. p7EFg5fsl24-00260-00071326-00071564 That that's not even really a tip. p7EFg5fsl24-00261-00071564-00071978 You should know that to actually go through and build something, p7EFg5fsl24-00262-00071978-00072105 you can't do it alone. p7EFg5fsl24-00263-00072105-00072258 You need a team. p7EFg5fsl24-00264-00072258-00072722 So one of the teams, our top winner from this past year-- p7EFg5fsl24-00265-00072722-00073025 you can see the picture of right now, our Lion Planner Team-- p7EFg5fsl24-00266-00073025-00073397 this was a team of, I believe, entirely sophomores, p7EFg5fsl24-00267-00073397-00073655 but at most sophomores and juniors, p7EFg5fsl24-00268-00073655-00073796 that had come together. p7EFg5fsl24-00269-00073796-00074128 And at first, they didn't have a ton of experience. p7EFg5fsl24-00270-00074128-00074270 And in fact, I don't believe they p7EFg5fsl24-00271-00074270-00074549 had much of any experience in AI and machine learning. p7EFg5fsl24-00272-00074549-00074702 They were programmers. p7EFg5fsl24-00273-00074702-00074945 They were in comp-sci and engineering. p7EFg5fsl24-00274-00074945-00075164 So they had some coding experience, p7EFg5fsl24-00275-00075164-00075335 but they had almost no experience p7EFg5fsl24-00276-00075335-00075629 in artificial intelligence and machine learning. p7EFg5fsl24-00277-00075629-00075978 They formed a team, as well as having p7EFg5fsl24-00278-00075978-00076137 an individual on the left there you'll p7EFg5fsl24-00279-00076137-00076532 see, Christy, who is a graphic designer who p7EFg5fsl24-00280-00076532-00076703 was able to come to the challenge p7EFg5fsl24-00281-00076703-00076980 and provide not technical expertise, p7EFg5fsl24-00282-00076980-00077435 but user experience design, user interface design expertise. p7EFg5fsl24-00283-00077435-00077591 And each one of the other members p7EFg5fsl24-00284-00077591-00077734 had different areas of expertise. p7EFg5fsl24-00285-00077734-00078035 Some were very good at database, some of them p7EFg5fsl24-00286-00078035-00078239 were good at back end design, some of them p7EFg5fsl24-00287-00078239-00078482 were good at front end design, some of them p7EFg5fsl24-00288-00078482-00078845 worked well in the data science side of things. p7EFg5fsl24-00289-00078845-00079082 And they came together as a diverse team p7EFg5fsl24-00290-00079082-00079268 and were able to create a solution. p7EFg5fsl24-00291-00079268-00079568 Again, remember, sophomores were able to create p7EFg5fsl24-00292-00079568-00080075 a solution that in total won almost $40,000 in funding. p7EFg5fsl24-00293-00080075-00080369 In addition to that, they have since formed an LLC-- p7EFg5fsl24-00294-00080369-00080970 a limited company-- and they are now at Happy Valley LaunchBox p7EFg5fsl24-00295-00080970-00081269 and looking at pursuing that idea that they have. p7EFg5fsl24-00296-00081269-00081735 So they had this enormous amount of success. p7EFg5fsl24-00297-00081735-00082070 And one of the other things that we learned, not too long p7EFg5fsl24-00298-00082070-00082364 after they won their awards, was that they, p7EFg5fsl24-00299-00082364-00082559 along with some other teams, had actually p7EFg5fsl24-00300-00082559-00082811 thought about not submitting, because they thought, p7EFg5fsl24-00301-00082811-00082937 we can't do this. p7EFg5fsl24-00302-00082937-00083037 This is too much. p7EFg5fsl24-00303-00083037-00083124 It's too hard. p7EFg5fsl24-00304-00083124-00083279 There's no way that I'm going to win. p7EFg5fsl24-00305-00083279-00083522 There are too many people-- it's too competitive. p7EFg5fsl24-00306-00083522-00083696 And they've decided at the last minute p7EFg5fsl24-00307-00083696-00083855 to give it a shot anyway-- p7EFg5fsl24-00308-00083855-00084011 to go ahead intimate. p7EFg5fsl24-00309-00084011-00084376 And as I said, they were extremely successful. p7EFg5fsl24-00310-00084376-00084518 So one of the things that you have p7EFg5fsl24-00311-00084518-00085103 to do right at the outset is to think about, what is your team? p7EFg5fsl24-00312-00085103-00085424 I would recommend you really think about having diversity p7EFg5fsl24-00313-00085424-00085496 of roles. p7EFg5fsl24-00314-00085496-00085672 Now, notice I don't say people. p7EFg5fsl24-00315-00085672-00085847 One of the things I notice about this team p7EFg5fsl24-00316-00085847-00086109 is that there are six people in this photo-- there are actually p7EFg5fsl24-00317-00086109-00086249 seven people on the team. p7EFg5fsl24-00318-00086249-00086426 You don't need to have a team that big, p7EFg5fsl24-00319-00086426-00086678 but you do need a team that has representation p7EFg5fsl24-00320-00086678-00086897 from a number of different roles. p7EFg5fsl24-00321-00086897-00087125 One of those roles has to be someone p7EFg5fsl24-00322-00087125-00087335 who either has experience with or is p7EFg5fsl24-00323-00087335-00087656 willing to gain experience with data science, p7EFg5fsl24-00324-00087656-00088154 with finding, managing, collecting the data that you're p7EFg5fsl24-00325-00088154-00088388 going to need to power any sort of solution p7EFg5fsl24-00326-00088388-00088595 you might come up with. p7EFg5fsl24-00327-00088595-00088877 You need programmers-- primarily Python, p7EFg5fsl24-00328-00088877-00089153 but that's variable depending on what p7EFg5fsl24-00329-00089153-00089343 software platform you're using. p7EFg5fsl24-00330-00089343-00089552 But you need some programmers that can actually do p7EFg5fsl24-00331-00089552-00089743 the work of creating the thing. p7EFg5fsl24-00332-00089743-00089885 I would recommend you have someone p7EFg5fsl24-00333-00089885-00090224 who is experienced or has a talent in graphic design p7EFg5fsl24-00334-00090224-00090383 to think through, what is the solution p7EFg5fsl24-00335-00090383-00090576 going to actually look like? p7EFg5fsl24-00336-00090576-00090759 How's it going to be usable? p7EFg5fsl24-00337-00090759-00091028 You can have great technical talent p7EFg5fsl24-00338-00091028-00091271 but not be able to present it in a usable way, p7EFg5fsl24-00339-00091271-00091546 and your solution is not going to go very far. p7EFg5fsl24-00340-00091546-00091853 You'll peter out at the prototype phase. p7EFg5fsl24-00341-00091853-00092141 Because the ideas still good, but what you're showing us p7EFg5fsl24-00342-00092141-00092279 doesn't resonate. p7EFg5fsl24-00343-00092279-00092510 So having a graphic designer, or a user experience, p7EFg5fsl24-00344-00092510-00092717 or user interface design person on your team p7EFg5fsl24-00345-00092717-00092997 is really important. p7EFg5fsl24-00346-00092997-00093189 You need someone who can be a project manager. p7EFg5fsl24-00347-00093189-00093369 Who's going to hold everybody to task? p7EFg5fsl24-00348-00093369-00093621 Who is going to say, hey, this is due on Wednesday, p7EFg5fsl24-00349-00093621-00093903 you need to get it to me right now? p7EFg5fsl24-00350-00093903-00094101 You need those types of people on your team p7EFg5fsl24-00351-00094101-00094416 that are going to be the task masters in getting things done. p7EFg5fsl24-00352-00094416-00094593 And you also, need a team leader. p7EFg5fsl24-00353-00094593-00094779 Now, you'll notice, some of these people may be the same. p7EFg5fsl24-00354-00094779-00094924 Maybe you've got a graphic designer p7EFg5fsl24-00355-00094924-00095233 who's good at project management and can be a team leader. p7EFg5fsl24-00356-00095233-00095547 That's one person-- three roles, but one person. p7EFg5fsl24-00357-00095547-00095710 There are also roles for individuals p7EFg5fsl24-00358-00095710-00096100 who are in communications for helping you write the proposals p7EFg5fsl24-00359-00096100-00096580 and convince the reviewers that we should fund your proposal. p7EFg5fsl24-00360-00096580-00096886 One thing I often say is that, it is not p7EFg5fsl24-00361-00096886-00097180 necessarily the idea that is funded, p7EFg5fsl24-00362-00097180-00097397 it is the proposal that is funded. p7EFg5fsl24-00363-00097397-00097627 You can have a great idea, but if you don't write it up p7EFg5fsl24-00364-00097627-00097885 in the right way, if you don't convince me that that's p7EFg5fsl24-00365-00097885-00098140 a great idea, it's lost. p7EFg5fsl24-00366-00098140-00098506 If, however, you could have a decent idea, p7EFg5fsl24-00367-00098506-00098893 but you present it and write it up in a great, compelling way-- p7EFg5fsl24-00368-00098893-00099160 something that a communications type person can do-- p7EFg5fsl24-00369-00099160-00099415 then you may move forward in the competition, p7EFg5fsl24-00370-00099415-00099798 while an idea that may have a broader or deeper impact p7EFg5fsl24-00371-00099798-00100012 will be left on the table-- p7EFg5fsl24-00372-00100012-00100162 so communications person. p7EFg5fsl24-00373-00100162-00100396 Sometimes, for the idea side, people p7EFg5fsl24-00374-00100396-00100807 who are in business, the entrepreneur-type mindset, p7EFg5fsl24-00375-00100807-00101104 those individuals who are the idea people. p7EFg5fsl24-00376-00101104-00101302 And maybe they're not great on the execution, p7EFg5fsl24-00377-00101302-00101476 or the programming, or anything like that, p7EFg5fsl24-00378-00101476-00101710 but they can really help you with the ideas p7EFg5fsl24-00379-00101710-00101920 as you move through the process. p7EFg5fsl24-00380-00101920-00102163 As well as subject matter experts-- p7EFg5fsl24-00381-00102163-00102400 who actually knows about the problem? p7EFg5fsl24-00382-00102400-00102740 Who actually knows about the thing you're trying to create? p7EFg5fsl24-00383-00102740-00103065 So those are the types of people that you may want on your team. p7EFg5fsl24-00384-00103065-00103210 Now, there are a few different ways p7EFg5fsl24-00385-00103210-00103466 of putting those teams together. p7EFg5fsl24-00386-00103466-00103904 Usually what happens is you look across your group of friends, p7EFg5fsl24-00387-00103904-00104117 or within your frat or a sorority, p7EFg5fsl24-00388-00104117-00104408 or you look within your program for people, p7EFg5fsl24-00389-00104408-00104552 and there are people close to you p7EFg5fsl24-00390-00104552-00104744 that you already know and you bring them together. p7EFg5fsl24-00391-00104744-00104810 That's one way. p7EFg5fsl24-00392-00104810-00105092 And that can definitely work. p7EFg5fsl24-00393-00105092-00105314 If, however, you don't have some of these people, p7EFg5fsl24-00394-00105314-00105559 or you don't know where to go to find some of these people, p7EFg5fsl24-00395-00105559-00105890 or some people with experience in these roles, p7EFg5fsl24-00396-00105890-00106049 we've got a couple of different things p7EFg5fsl24-00397-00106049-00106247 that we're putting together for you. p7EFg5fsl24-00398-00106247-00106538 One of which is a Microsoft Teams space-- p7EFg5fsl24-00399-00106538-00106799 Teams, if you haven't used, it's like Slack. p7EFg5fsl24-00400-00106799-00107120 It's very much like Slack, but it's p7EFg5fsl24-00401-00107120-00107381 part of the Office 365 suite that we have here now p7EFg5fsl24-00402-00107381-00107513 at Penn State. p7EFg5fsl24-00403-00107513-00107888 So within Microsoft Teams, you can go into this space, p7EFg5fsl24-00404-00107888-00108183 and it's a place for people to say, hey, p7EFg5fsl24-00405-00108183-00108452 I'm a great Python programmer, but I have no idea p7EFg5fsl24-00406-00108452-00108559 to bring to the table. p7EFg5fsl24-00407-00108559-00108836 And someone else to go in there and send a message that says, p7EFg5fsl24-00408-00108836-00109007 hey, I've got this great idea, but I've p7EFg5fsl24-00409-00109007-00109172 got no technical expertise. p7EFg5fsl24-00410-00109172-00109400 And to help those people find one another. p7EFg5fsl24-00411-00109400-00109711 So Microsoft Teams is kind of an asynchronous digital way p7EFg5fsl24-00412-00109711-00109896 of finding each other. p7EFg5fsl24-00413-00109896-00110375 We're also doing something a little bit more traditional. p7EFg5fsl24-00414-00110375-00111083 On January 14-- and I'll point you to this on the website-- p7EFg5fsl24-00415-00111083-00111323 we are actually having an ideation session p7EFg5fsl24-00416-00111323-00111653 to help teams come up with ideas, as well as a team p7EFg5fsl24-00417-00111653-00111872 formation session immediately after, p7EFg5fsl24-00418-00111872-00112142 where we're going to be bringing people together in a room p7EFg5fsl24-00419-00112142-00112655 to say, hey, let's share our ideas and our expertise, p7EFg5fsl24-00420-00112655-00112885 and let's form some teams here. p7EFg5fsl24-00421-00112885-00113216 So January 14, we'll have that face-to-face, p7EFg5fsl24-00422-00113216-00113588 and the Microsoft Teams space is available whenever you want-- p7EFg5fsl24-00423-00113588-00113671 24/7. p7EFg5fsl24-00424-00113902-00114044 So one of the things people always p7EFg5fsl24-00425-00114044-00114283 ask me is, so give me some ideas. p7EFg5fsl24-00426-00114283-00114564 What ideas have been funded in the past-- p7EFg5fsl24-00427-00114564-00114815 someplace to start from. p7EFg5fsl24-00428-00114815-00115103 What I will say is, this year, we have expanded the challenge. p7EFg5fsl24-00429-00115103-00115258 So you'll notice, all these ideas p7EFg5fsl24-00430-00115258-00115578 I'm about to give you are all somewhat related to the student p7EFg5fsl24-00431-00115578-00115628 experience. p7EFg5fsl24-00432-00115628-00116000 So directly impacting students here at the University. p7EFg5fsl24-00433-00116000-00116192 That was the challenge always in the past, p7EFg5fsl24-00434-00116192-00116474 which was come up with the solution to improve the student p7EFg5fsl24-00435-00116474-00116648 experience at Penn State. p7EFg5fsl24-00436-00116648-00116945 We've broadened it this year, significantly if you really p7EFg5fsl24-00437-00116945-00117092 think about it. p7EFg5fsl24-00438-00117092-00117310 This year, we have said, come up with a solution p7EFg5fsl24-00439-00117310-00117648 to a challenge faced at Penn State, which can be anything. p7EFg5fsl24-00440-00117648-00117848 That can be student experience, that p7EFg5fsl24-00441-00117848-00118207 can be Penn State operations, it can be really broad. p7EFg5fsl24-00442-00118207-00118392 And I'll get to that in detail in a second, p7EFg5fsl24-00443-00118392-00118633 but I just wanted you to notice that in these ideas p7EFg5fsl24-00444-00118633-00118899 it's because they were more limited in the past. p7EFg5fsl24-00445-00118899-00119216 So these are all related to the student experience. p7EFg5fsl24-00446-00119216-00119860 The first was an idea in our first round called Collanote. It was this brilliant idea p7EFg5fsl24-00447-00119860-00120133 of having collaborative note-taking tool p7EFg5fsl24-00448-00120133-00120542 that multiple individuals across multiple sections of a course p7EFg5fsl24-00449-00120542-00120692 can all take notes. p7EFg5fsl24-00450-00120692-00121103 And the artificial intelligence would bring those notes p7EFg5fsl24-00451-00121103-00121379 and bring them into one authoritative set p7EFg5fsl24-00452-00121379-00121679 that they would provide to the faculty member to look through, p7EFg5fsl24-00453-00121679-00121880 and thumbs up and thumb down sections p7EFg5fsl24-00454-00121880-00122204 to create the best notes possible p7EFg5fsl24-00455-00122204-00122434 from any particular course. p7EFg5fsl24-00456-00122434-00122663 And then what it also did was it an p7EFg5fsl24-00457-00122663-00122942 added an AI agent to the side that p7EFg5fsl24-00458-00122942-00123320 allowed you to ask questions about concepts, and ideas, p7EFg5fsl24-00459-00123320-00123713 and portions of that course, and have the look through the notes p7EFg5fsl24-00460-00123713-00123914 and answer the questions for you, p7EFg5fsl24-00461-00123914-00124133 as well as to point you to where in those notes p7EFg5fsl24-00462-00124133-00124440 you could go to learn more about that topic. p7EFg5fsl24-00463-00124440-00124643 So you can think about how powerful p7EFg5fsl24-00464-00124643-00124933 that would be for studying for a course, studying for a final, p7EFg5fsl24-00465-00124933-00125149 in which, you're probably thinking about quite a bit p7EFg5fsl24-00466-00125149-00125480 right now, how to study for a final within a course. p7EFg5fsl24-00467-00125480-00125625 It was a great idea. p7EFg5fsl24-00468-00125625-00126008 Very elegant, well-designed, great interface, p7EFg5fsl24-00469-00126008-00126167 and it was one of the first tools that p7EFg5fsl24-00470-00126167-00126384 made it through our challenge. p7EFg5fsl24-00471-00126384-00126614 Another one is Lion Planner team that I just mentioned. p7EFg5fsl24-00472-00126614-00126767 That was the photo that showed you p7EFg5fsl24-00473-00126767-00127052 a second ago-- the team who won almost $40,000 p7EFg5fsl24-00474-00127052-00127220 in the challenge. p7EFg5fsl24-00475-00127220-00127510 They created this beautiful, again, p7EFg5fsl24-00476-00127510-00127892 elegant, beautiful way of creating an entire degree p7EFg5fsl24-00477-00127892-00128201 plan in a very intuitive drag and drop way. p7EFg5fsl24-00478-00128201-00128498 Where, basically, you would put in what p7EFg5fsl24-00479-00128498-00128710 your intended major was. p7EFg5fsl24-00480-00128710-00128876 It would sort out every course you p7EFg5fsl24-00481-00128876-00129409 had to take in the optimal order in this nice interface, p7EFg5fsl24-00482-00129409-00129692 and then you could drag and drop the classes around as well as p7EFg5fsl24-00483-00129692-00130127 substitute classes throughout your course plan. p7EFg5fsl24-00484-00130127-00130433 And it would warn you if you were taking things out of order p7EFg5fsl24-00485-00130433-00130711 or if you were missing requirements. p7EFg5fsl24-00486-00130711-00130970 And it also provided you recommendations. p7EFg5fsl24-00487-00130970-00131185 If you didn't like one of the courses that p7EFg5fsl24-00488-00131185-00131426 was included in your degree plan, p7EFg5fsl24-00489-00131426-00131750 it would provide intelligent suggestions p7EFg5fsl24-00490-00131750-00132056 as to what you should take as an alternate. p7EFg5fsl24-00491-00132056-00132425 Again, a really well-designed, functional tool p7EFg5fsl24-00492-00132425-00132602 that solved a real problem in making p7EFg5fsl24-00493-00132602-00132917 degree-planning much easier here at the University. p7EFg5fsl24-00494-00132917-00133316 Pathfinder was another one that allowed p7EFg5fsl24-00495-00133316-00133547 you to do a degree plan. p7EFg5fsl24-00496-00133547-00134465 But what it added was a way of predicting what your course p7EFg5fsl24-00497-00134465-00134660 grades would be in each one of those courses p7EFg5fsl24-00498-00134660-00134844 based on the order you took them. p7EFg5fsl24-00499-00134844-00135083 So say, for instance, you had a four-course sequence, p7EFg5fsl24-00500-00135083-00135402 but they didn't have to be in any particular order. p7EFg5fsl24-00501-00135402-00135707 You could move them around, and as you move them around, p7EFg5fsl24-00502-00135707-00136067 based on past student performance in that class, p7EFg5fsl24-00503-00136067-00136259 it would tell you what your likely grade would p7EFg5fsl24-00504-00136259-00136632 be in that course based on the order you took them. p7EFg5fsl24-00505-00136632-00136955 So again, a way of optimizing your degree plan. p7EFg5fsl24-00506-00136955-00137195 And last, there was one called Professor Nittany p7EFg5fsl24-00507-00137195-00137294 in our first round. p7EFg5fsl24-00508-00137294-00137549 It was a personalized Q&A chat tool p7EFg5fsl24-00509-00137549-00137987 that basically answered-- it was a 24/7 personal Penn State p7EFg5fsl24-00510-00137987-00138209 advisor that could answer questions p7EFg5fsl24-00511-00138209-00138453 that you had about the university in an automated p7EFg5fsl24-00512-00138453-00138503 format. p7EFg5fsl24-00513-00138503-00138860 So it was always there and always available to you. p7EFg5fsl24-00514-00138860-00139148 Those are some of the best ideas that have come through p7EFg5fsl24-00515-00139148-00139478 in the last two years. p7EFg5fsl24-00516-00139478-00139817 This year, one of the things to get you p7EFg5fsl24-00517-00139817-00140168 started to think more broadly outside the student experience, p7EFg5fsl24-00518-00140168-00140441 you think about some major buckets. p7EFg5fsl24-00519-00140441-00140777 One of them would be a solution in the prospective student p7EFg5fsl24-00520-00140777-00140876 services category. p7EFg5fsl24-00521-00140876-00141281 So say, go back a few years, imagine before you became p7EFg5fsl24-00522-00141281-00141470 a student here at Penn State. p7EFg5fsl24-00523-00141470-00141650 What did you struggle with? p7EFg5fsl24-00524-00141650-00141887 How did you pick Penn State? p7EFg5fsl24-00525-00141887-00142046 Once you picked Penn State, what were p7EFg5fsl24-00526-00142046-00142373 the problems you faced in trying to get into Penn State? p7EFg5fsl24-00527-00142373-00142577 What were the questions you may have had? p7EFg5fsl24-00528-00142577-00142889 What were the challenges that you faced in your process p7EFg5fsl24-00529-00142889-00143180 between saying I'm going to college p7EFg5fsl24-00530-00143180-00143504 and actually walking onto campus as an enrolled student? p7EFg5fsl24-00531-00143504-00143669 There are a lot of different challenges p7EFg5fsl24-00532-00143669-00143874 there that you could impact. p7EFg5fsl24-00533-00143874-00144144 High-impact learning-- so this is in the classroom, the stuff p7EFg5fsl24-00534-00144144-00144365 you do day-to-day as you're going into the classroom. p7EFg5fsl24-00535-00144365-00144477 How can you make it better? p7EFg5fsl24-00536-00144477-00144679 I guarantee you have ideas. p7EFg5fsl24-00537-00144679-00144890 I guarantee you have complaints. p7EFg5fsl24-00538-00144890-00145219 So if you have complaints, figure out the ideas p7EFg5fsl24-00539-00145219-00145484 to address those-- to make it better. p7EFg5fsl24-00540-00145484-00145582 What could you do? p7EFg5fsl24-00541-00145582-00145756 Collanote is a good example of that p7EFg5fsl24-00542-00145756-00146077 that I just gave-- that collaborative note-taking tool. p7EFg5fsl24-00543-00146077-00146323 Enrolled student services-- OK, you're here. p7EFg5fsl24-00544-00146323-00146446 Now what? p7EFg5fsl24-00545-00146446-00146752 How could you make the experience better p7EFg5fsl24-00546-00146752-00146929 for people who are here? p7EFg5fsl24-00547-00146929-00147124 So this is everything from, how do you p7EFg5fsl24-00548-00147124-00147556 find clubs, how do you get engaged, how do you register p7EFg5fsl24-00549-00147556-00147766 for your classes each semester? p7EFg5fsl24-00550-00147766-00148057 This can be, how do you get around campus, how p7EFg5fsl24-00551-00148057-00148306 do you find food and dining? p7EFg5fsl24-00552-00148306-00148663 This can be anything that directly impacts you p7EFg5fsl24-00553-00148663-00149059 as a student here at the University-- advising, p7EFg5fsl24-00554-00149059-00149494 transfer credit, all of those, like, financial aid-- p7EFg5fsl24-00555-00149494-00149623 all of those elements. p7EFg5fsl24-00556-00149623-00149854 There's a lot of potential there. p7EFg5fsl24-00557-00149854-00150023 New for this year is the next one, p7EFg5fsl24-00558-00150023-00150214 which is university operations. p7EFg5fsl24-00559-00150214-00150364 Sometimes it's a little challenging, p7EFg5fsl24-00560-00150364-00150547 because this is outside of what you probably p7EFg5fsl24-00561-00150547-00150727 interact with day-to-day. p7EFg5fsl24-00562-00150727-00151169 But this is the stuff that keeps this place running. p7EFg5fsl24-00563-00151169-00151466 Remember, Penn State is a business-- p7EFg5fsl24-00564-00151466-00151636 a sort of business. p7EFg5fsl24-00565-00151636-00152006 On top of just being an educational institution, p7EFg5fsl24-00566-00152006-00152147 we have to keep the lights on. p7EFg5fsl24-00567-00152147-00152365 We have to clear the sidewalks of snow. p7EFg5fsl24-00568-00152365-00152511 We have do all of those things-- we p7EFg5fsl24-00569-00152511-00152779 have to keep the buildings from falling down. p7EFg5fsl24-00570-00152779-00152968 So university operations-- a fiscal plan. p7EFg5fsl24-00571-00152968-00153118 That means the buildings that you're p7EFg5fsl24-00572-00153118-00153484 in, heating, venting, and air conditioning, lights. p7EFg5fsl24-00573-00153484-00153693 How do you optimize the HVAC system-- p7EFg5fsl24-00574-00153693-00153856 heating, venting, and air conditioning? p7EFg5fsl24-00575-00153856-00154090 How do you optimize that system in the buildings p7EFg5fsl24-00576-00154090-00154246 to lower costs? p7EFg5fsl24-00577-00154246-00154516 Because anything you can do to lower costs at this university p7EFg5fsl24-00578-00154516-00154789 translates into lower tuition down the road. p7EFg5fsl24-00579-00154789-00155122 How do you optimize the way we remove snow from the sidewalks p7EFg5fsl24-00580-00155122-00155561 so that it takes half the people and half the time to do it? p7EFg5fsl24-00581-00155561-00155869 How do you optimize the way that maintenance workers p7EFg5fsl24-00582-00155869-00156211 go into your dorm rooms to fix problems that you may have, p7EFg5fsl24-00583-00156211-00156529 so that they do it more quickly and they have the right tools p7EFg5fsl24-00584-00156529-00156689 when they get there? p7EFg5fsl24-00585-00156689-00156907 How can you fix those types of things? p7EFg5fsl24-00586-00156907-00157057 Development here at the University-- p7EFg5fsl24-00587-00157057-00157204 there's fundraising. p7EFg5fsl24-00588-00157204-00157540 Whenever you see those news stories about someone p7EFg5fsl24-00589-00157540-00157792 giving a $3 million gift to the University p7EFg5fsl24-00590-00157792-00158047 or starting a new scholarship, that's p7EFg5fsl24-00591-00158047-00158212 from our development people. p7EFg5fsl24-00592-00158212-00158542 How could you make their job easier? p7EFg5fsl24-00593-00158542-00158800 How could you optimize that process? p7EFg5fsl24-00594-00158800-00159142 Housing-- how do you find the right place to live? p7EFg5fsl24-00595-00159142-00159295 As I said, that maintenance worker, p7EFg5fsl24-00596-00159295-00159691 how do you get the maintenance out there in the optimal way? p7EFg5fsl24-00597-00159691-00159838 Can you use artificial intelligence p7EFg5fsl24-00598-00159838-00160219 to do that-- machine learning to learn and get better p7EFg5fsl24-00599-00160219-00160543 at sending people out to particular places? p7EFg5fsl24-00600-00160543-00160873 Or could you even find a way of anticipating problems p7EFg5fsl24-00601-00160873-00161148 before they become problems? p7EFg5fsl24-00602-00161148-00161429 There are a lot of potential applications there. p7EFg5fsl24-00603-00161429-00161816 Alumni relations-- so this is, you've already graduated. p7EFg5fsl24-00604-00161816-00162029 Penn State wants to stay in contact with you. p7EFg5fsl24-00605-00162029-00162314 Penn State wants to keep offering you services and doing p7EFg5fsl24-00606-00162314-00162413 things for you. p7EFg5fsl24-00607-00162413-00162668 Keeping you engaged, possibly turning you p7EFg5fsl24-00608-00162668-00163043 into one of those people who development talks too. p7EFg5fsl24-00609-00163043-00163562 What can you possibly do to help connect alumni? p7EFg5fsl24-00610-00163562-00163841 How could you provide some services to alumni p7EFg5fsl24-00611-00163841-00164141 that help them in their careers, or getting new jobs, p7EFg5fsl24-00612-00164141-00164413 or finding each other, or forming social groups? p7EFg5fsl24-00613-00164413-00164654 Again, a lot of potential there. p7EFg5fsl24-00614-00164654-00164792 Now, those are a couple buckets-- p7EFg5fsl24-00615-00164792-00164993 or a few buckets. p7EFg5fsl24-00616-00164993-00165231 Maybe you've got something that doesn't fit any of those. p7EFg5fsl24-00617-00165231-00165309 That's great. p7EFg5fsl24-00618-00165309-00165528 We also kind of have this wildcard category. p7EFg5fsl24-00619-00165528-00165665 Whatever you think of-- p7EFg5fsl24-00620-00165665-00166041 if you've got something that impacts Penn State, p7EFg5fsl24-00621-00166041-00166227 then it fits within this challenge. p7EFg5fsl24-00622-00166227-00166488 It's got to impact Penn State and use artificial intelligence p7EFg5fsl24-00623-00166488-00166631 or machine learning. p7EFg5fsl24-00624-00166631-00166731 Any of those would work. p7EFg5fsl24-00625-00166731-00166905 And that wild card is for anything p7EFg5fsl24-00626-00166905-00167214 that doesn't fit in one of those predefined buckets. p7EFg5fsl24-00627-00167214-00167429 There is no point value associated p7EFg5fsl24-00628-00167429-00167529 to any of these buckets. p7EFg5fsl24-00629-00167529-00167760 You will not be penalized if you go into wild card p7EFg5fsl24-00630-00167760-00167956 and not one of the others. p7EFg5fsl24-00631-00167956-00168118 One thing that I will say, though, p7EFg5fsl24-00632-00168118-00168511 is that the idea you come up with has to have meaning. p7EFg5fsl24-00633-00168511-00168713 It has to have potential for impact. p7EFg5fsl24-00634-00168713-00168973 That will be one of the criteria you see in a second. p7EFg5fsl24-00635-00168973-00169257 So one of the things with the buckets that I gave p7EFg5fsl24-00636-00169257-00169653 is that it's predefined that there is value there. p7EFg5fsl24-00637-00169653-00169991 We know that these are problems that we have at the university. p7EFg5fsl24-00638-00169991-00170223 We know these are things we need to do. p7EFg5fsl24-00639-00170223-00170436 If you go wild card, you run a little bit p7EFg5fsl24-00640-00170436-00170858 of a risk of doing something that will not p7EFg5fsl24-00641-00170858-00171042 be perceived as having value. p7EFg5fsl24-00642-00171042-00171151 So a way around that-- p7EFg5fsl24-00643-00171151-00171376 pro-tip, whatever number we're up to-- p7EFg5fsl24-00644-00171376-00171556 if you're doing something in the wild card, p7EFg5fsl24-00645-00171556-00171735 I would highly recommend that you reach out p7EFg5fsl24-00646-00171735-00171984 to who your end users would be. p7EFg5fsl24-00647-00171984-00172164 So say you're doing something that p7EFg5fsl24-00648-00172164-00172410 doesn't fit any of these buckets, p7EFg5fsl24-00649-00172410-00172932 but it has to do with student engagement of some way. p7EFg5fsl24-00650-00172932-00173157 You should reach out to the Student Engagement Network p7EFg5fsl24-00651-00173157-00173679 and talk to Mike Zeman, and see if you can talk to him p7EFg5fsl24-00652-00173679-00173856 and get his support, and maybe get p7EFg5fsl24-00653-00173856-00174150 a short couple of sentences letter of support p7EFg5fsl24-00654-00174150-00174333 to send in with your idea. p7EFg5fsl24-00655-00174333-00174619 That way you're conveying to us, hey, I've done my homework. p7EFg5fsl24-00656-00174619-00174852 I know this is a problem, and this is why p7EFg5fsl24-00657-00174852-00175178 I've come up with a solution. p7EFg5fsl24-00658-00175178-00175611 Once you've got your idea, then you refine that idea. p7EFg5fsl24-00659-00175611-00175773 One thing is what I just described, p7EFg5fsl24-00660-00175773-00176021 which is meeting with end users and soliciting feedback. p7EFg5fsl24-00661-00176021-00176171 Talk to the people who actually have p7EFg5fsl24-00662-00176171-00176576 this problem and the problems that you say you're p7EFg5fsl24-00663-00176576-00176684 going to solve. p7EFg5fsl24-00664-00176684-00176760 Talk to them. p7EFg5fsl24-00665-00176760-00176945 Find out you actually have a grasp p7EFg5fsl24-00666-00176945-00177152 on what the real problem is. p7EFg5fsl24-00667-00177152-00177294 You will also have the opportunity p7EFg5fsl24-00668-00177294-00177518 to meet with me whenever you want. p7EFg5fsl24-00669-00177518-00177899 You can reach out to me if you want to talk through your idea. p7EFg5fsl24-00670-00177899-00178247 At any point from now on you can reach out to me, p7EFg5fsl24-00671-00178247-00178424 and I will set up meetings with you p7EFg5fsl24-00672-00178424-00178568 and I'll talk through your idea. p7EFg5fsl24-00673-00178568-00178796 I will tell you that I'm already actively meeting p7EFg5fsl24-00674-00178796-00179249 with about 20 teams, so my schedule p7EFg5fsl24-00675-00179249-00179376 is getting a little cramped. p7EFg5fsl24-00676-00179376-00179618 So you'd want to reach out a little bit sooner than later. p7EFg5fsl24-00677-00179618-00179987 Definitely don't reach out to me three days before the due date. p7EFg5fsl24-00678-00179987-00180233 I probably won't have time at that point. p7EFg5fsl24-00679-00180233-00180600 But any anytime from now until January 29, p7EFg5fsl24-00680-00180600-00180887 let me know and I'll do what I can to listen to your idea p7EFg5fsl24-00681-00180887-00181218 and give you some feedback on it. p7EFg5fsl24-00682-00181218-00181370 And then you submit. p7EFg5fsl24-00683-00181370-00181661 Ideas are due January 29. p7EFg5fsl24-00684-00181661-00182004 All of the required format criteria and the review rubric p7EFg5fsl24-00685-00182004-00182167 are all on our website, which I'm going p7EFg5fsl24-00686-00182167-00182342 to show you in just a second. p7EFg5fsl24-00687-00182342-00182630 We are as transparent as we possibly can. p7EFg5fsl24-00688-00182630-00182831 We don't want anything to be a secret. p7EFg5fsl24-00689-00182831-00183077 Nothing is kept from you. p7EFg5fsl24-00690-00183077-00183425 We show you the exact forms that we give to our reviewers p7EFg5fsl24-00691-00183425-00183621 for reviewing your ideas. p7EFg5fsl24-00692-00183621-00183941 So there is no reason to be surprised as p7EFg5fsl24-00693-00183941-00184208 to what we are looking for-- it's all right there. p7EFg5fsl24-00694-00184479-00184785 So the criteria, and what do we look for? p7EFg5fsl24-00695-00184785-00184923 Here it is. p7EFg5fsl24-00696-00184923-00185166 In the first round, in the idea round, p7EFg5fsl24-00697-00185166-00185653 it is a 20-point scale split across four different criteria. p7EFg5fsl24-00698-00185653-00185901 Number one is impact. p7EFg5fsl24-00699-00185901-00186219 Is this thing actually going to matter? p7EFg5fsl24-00700-00186219-00186489 Is it going to have an impact at Penn State, p7EFg5fsl24-00701-00186489-00186741 and is that impact more than just a one-off, p7EFg5fsl24-00702-00186741-00187098 where it solves a problem but now the problem's gone p7EFg5fsl24-00703-00187098-00187377 and everything's OK now? p7EFg5fsl24-00704-00187377-00187794 Is it going to have a long-term impact on the university. p7EFg5fsl24-00705-00187794-00187966 Second, feasibility. p7EFg5fsl24-00706-00187966-00188224 So great, it's going to have an impact-- p7EFg5fsl24-00707-00188224-00188360 it's meaningful. p7EFg5fsl24-00708-00188360-00188535 Can you do it? p7EFg5fsl24-00709-00188535-00188841 That's going to be one of our questions, p7EFg5fsl24-00710-00188841-00189166 not about your team-- we'll get to that later-- p7EFg5fsl24-00711-00189166-00189552 but can you realistically actually build this thing p7EFg5fsl24-00712-00189552-00189864 without bringing magic into the equation? p7EFg5fsl24-00713-00189864-00190159 Very often, development ideas come with, well, here's p7EFg5fsl24-00714-00190159-00190209 the problem. p7EFg5fsl24-00715-00190209-00190287 Here's our solution. p7EFg5fsl24-00716-00190287-00190451 We're going to do this, this, and this, p7EFg5fsl24-00717-00190451-00190851 then magic happens, and then we'll have that. p7EFg5fsl24-00718-00190851-00191040 You have to be able to actually give us p7EFg5fsl24-00719-00191040-00191232 a guideline from beginning to end, how are you p7EFg5fsl24-00720-00191232-00191349 going to do this thing? p7EFg5fsl24-00721-00191349-00191526 How does it actually work? p7EFg5fsl24-00722-00191526-00191670 Do you have the data? p7EFg5fsl24-00723-00191670-00192054 Can you even get the data, or is it impossible? p7EFg5fsl24-00724-00192054-00192477 Can AI and learning actually do what you say it's going to do, p7EFg5fsl24-00725-00192477-00192804 or are you making up capabilities that p7EFg5fsl24-00726-00192804-00193107 are not feasible right now? p7EFg5fsl24-00727-00193107-00193317 So that's feasibility. p7EFg5fsl24-00728-00193317-00193590 Use of AI and machine learning-- do you actually p7EFg5fsl24-00729-00193590-00193802 use AI or machine learning within your solution? p7EFg5fsl24-00730-00193802-00193998 Again, remember, we're the Nittany AI Alliance, p7EFg5fsl24-00731-00193998-00194337 and this is all about combining artificial intelligence p7EFg5fsl24-00732-00194337-00194592 with the problems we have at Penn State. p7EFg5fsl24-00733-00194592-00194841 So you have to tell us, how are you going to use it. p7EFg5fsl24-00734-00194841-00194944 Not a ton of detail-- p7EFg5fsl24-00735-00194944-00195153 again, you only have 300 words. p7EFg5fsl24-00736-00195153-00195417 We're not looking for exactly which tools you're going p7EFg5fsl24-00737-00195417-00195570 to use or anything like that. p7EFg5fsl24-00738-00195570-00196061 But explain to us, where's AI or ML within your solution? p7EFg5fsl24-00739-00196061-00196475 And then, finally, your team capabilities-- who are you? p7EFg5fsl24-00740-00196475-00196650 Who are the people on your team? p7EFg5fsl24-00741-00196650-00196839 Can you actually do this? p7EFg5fsl24-00742-00196839-00197090 So go back to those roles that I talked about earlier. p7EFg5fsl24-00743-00197090-00197321 This is your place to tell us, yes, we've p7EFg5fsl24-00744-00197321-00197567 got someone who knows graphic design. p7EFg5fsl24-00745-00197567-00197807 Yes, we've got someone who's a programmer. p7EFg5fsl24-00746-00197807-00197982 And we've got a data scientist. p7EFg5fsl24-00747-00197982-00198258 And this person is going to be our project manager. p7EFg5fsl24-00748-00198258-00198470 We've got all these skill sets within our team. p7EFg5fsl24-00749-00198470-00198812 We can do this. p7EFg5fsl24-00750-00198812-00199199 If you're a team of one, or quite honestly a team of two p7EFg5fsl24-00751-00199199-00199421 without some really strong skills, p7EFg5fsl24-00752-00199421-00199641 this is where you'll have some problems. p7EFg5fsl24-00753-00199641-00199946 That said, last year one of our top three teams p7EFg5fsl24-00754-00199946-00200100 was a team of two. p7EFg5fsl24-00755-00200100-00200288 They just happened to be two individuals that p7EFg5fsl24-00756-00200288-00200521 had a diversity of skill sets. p7EFg5fsl24-00757-00200521-00200690 And they were able to convince us p7EFg5fsl24-00758-00200690-00200917 of that in their team capability section. p7EFg5fsl24-00759-00200917-00201155 They were able to say, here's my past experience p7EFg5fsl24-00760-00201155-00201272 and what I've done. p7EFg5fsl24-00761-00201272-00201461 This is my team member's past experience p7EFg5fsl24-00762-00201461-00201557 and what they've done. p7EFg5fsl24-00763-00201557-00201879 We cover all the roles between the two of us. p7EFg5fsl24-00764-00201879-00202088 And like I said, they were very successful. p7EFg5fsl24-00765-00202088-00202627 They won almost $20,000 in total throughout that challenge. p7EFg5fsl24-00766-00202627-00202857 So with that, we're almost done. p7EFg5fsl24-00767-00202857-00203074 I'm just going to take a second to actually show you p7EFg5fsl24-00768-00203074-00203407 the website and what's on the website to help you navigate p7EFg5fsl24-00769-00203407-00203606 through it. p7EFg5fsl24-00770-00203606-00203959 So the website is actually challenge-- whoops. p7EFg5fsl24-00771-00203959-00204114 I went back one too far. p7EFg5fsl24-00772-00204114-00204545 The website is actually p7EFg5fsl24-00773-00204909-00205040 There we go. p7EFg5fsl24-00774-00205040-00205233 This is the main website for the challenge p7EFg5fsl24-00775-00205233-00205509 and where you will be able to find all the information that I p7EFg5fsl24-00776-00205509-00205932 just gave you, as well as the materials that you need p7EFg5fsl24-00777-00205932-00206163 to be able to actually submit. p7EFg5fsl24-00778-00206163-00206405 You will notice, under Home and About, p7EFg5fsl24-00779-00206405-00206621 that's most of the information we just p7EFg5fsl24-00780-00206621-00206907 talked about-- the broad overview of things. p7EFg5fsl24-00781-00206907-00207150 Key Dates and Events, we'll get to in a second. p7EFg5fsl24-00782-00207150-00207594 Get Involved allows you to click on Compete in the Challenge. p7EFg5fsl24-00783-00207594-00207852 It doesn't look like I have a faculty p7EFg5fsl24-00784-00207852-00208060 or staff on the call right now. p7EFg5fsl24-00785-00208060-00208319 But if I do, you also have the possibility p7EFg5fsl24-00786-00208319-00208563 for mentoring a team, or being a sponsor, p7EFg5fsl24-00787-00208563-00208780 or being ambassador for the challenge. p7EFg5fsl24-00788-00208780-00209013 But Compete in the Challenge will bring you to the place p7EFg5fsl24-00789-00209013-00209206 where you actually submit your idea. p7EFg5fsl24-00790-00209206-00209394 What we're going to talk about, very quickly, p7EFg5fsl24-00791-00209394-00209655 is under the Resources for Participants. p7EFg5fsl24-00792-00209655-00209764 So a couple of things-- p7EFg5fsl24-00793-00209764-00210034 first, you'll notice, Discussion Forums and Team Formation. p7EFg5fsl24-00794-00210034-00210184 Remember, I told you that there will p7EFg5fsl24-00795-00210184-00210444 be a link to Microsoft Teams. p7EFg5fsl24-00796-00210444-00210736 This is where you will find that link. p7EFg5fsl24-00797-00210736-00210996 The site seems to be running very slow right now, p7EFg5fsl24-00798-00210996-00211239 so I apologize for that. p7EFg5fsl24-00799-00211239-00212051 But I have clicked on that link, and we wait. p7EFg5fsl24-00800-00212051-00212231 Wow. p7EFg5fsl24-00801-00212231-00212286 OK. p7EFg5fsl24-00802-00212286-00212545 I will see what we can do about figuring out p7EFg5fsl24-00803-00212545-00212669 what's going on with the site. p7EFg5fsl24-00804-00212669-00213009 It's possible that something is being updated right now and is p7EFg5fsl24-00805-00213009-00213225 what is causing the delay. p7EFg5fsl24-00806-00213225-00213462 And I'll pre-open a few tabs that we're p7EFg5fsl24-00807-00213462-00213953 going to need in order to get going here. p7EFg5fsl24-00808-00213953-00214212 So I'll just go ahead and I'll move to the submission criteria p7EFg5fsl24-00809-00214212-00214523 instead while that other page is loading up. p7EFg5fsl24-00810-00214523-00214703 So under Resources for Participants p7EFg5fsl24-00811-00214703-00214892 you'll see your submission criteria. p7EFg5fsl24-00812-00214892-00215191 Here you will see the details for each one of the phases. p7EFg5fsl24-00813-00215191-00215391 I've only talked about the idea phase right now, p7EFg5fsl24-00814-00215391-00215589 but you'll see the rest of them. p7EFg5fsl24-00815-00215589-00215790 You'll notice idea phase, the proposals p7EFg5fsl24-00816-00215790-00216081 are due by 5:00 PM on January 29. p7EFg5fsl24-00817-00216081-00216317 That's 5:00 PM Eastern Time. p7EFg5fsl24-00818-00216317-00216639 And we take about two weeks to do the review. p7EFg5fsl24-00819-00216639-00216909 And we'll announce on February 15. p7EFg5fsl24-00820-00216909-00217200 But most importantly, if you click on the view the idea p7EFg5fsl24-00821-00217200-00217613 phase submission criteria, you will notice p7EFg5fsl24-00822-00217613-00217853 that here has all the details. p7EFg5fsl24-00823-00217853-00218183 So there's the actual form that you will click on. p7EFg5fsl24-00824-00218183-00218423 I'll open that in a new tab so you can see it. p7EFg5fsl24-00825-00218423-00218579 And it tells you all the materials p7EFg5fsl24-00826-00218579-00218855 that you need before you actually open up that form. p7EFg5fsl24-00827-00218855-00219167 This is the idea format. p7EFg5fsl24-00828-00219167-00219410 First, you need demographic information p7EFg5fsl24-00829-00219410-00219527 on all of your team members. p7EFg5fsl24-00830-00219527-00219743 We need to know first and last name, Penn State user p7EFg5fsl24-00831-00219743-00220021 ID, campus, college, and major for each one of the team p7EFg5fsl24-00832-00220021-00220167 members. p7EFg5fsl24-00833-00220167-00220548 Then we have the actual content of the proposal. p7EFg5fsl24-00834-00220548-00220858 You give us a description-- what is the problem? p7EFg5fsl24-00835-00220858-00221214 You give us the solution that you're p7EFg5fsl24-00836-00221214-00221431 going to have-- what are you actually going to build p7EFg5fsl24-00837-00221431-00221712 to address that problem. p7EFg5fsl24-00838-00221712-00222041 Then team description, and then finally the use p7EFg5fsl24-00839-00222041-00222215 of AI technologies. p7EFg5fsl24-00840-00222215-00222634 You will notice, each one of these says 300 word maximum. p7EFg5fsl24-00841-00222634-00222967 So in total you've got a maximum of 1,200 words p7EFg5fsl24-00842-00222967-00223292 here across all the sections. p7EFg5fsl24-00843-00223292-00223463 Once you actually start to write this up, p7EFg5fsl24-00844-00223463-00223648 you'll find that is extremely limiting, p7EFg5fsl24-00845-00223648-00223854 and it's very difficult. So that's p7EFg5fsl24-00846-00223854-00224092 why I say you want to spend a little bit of time actually p7EFg5fsl24-00847-00224092-00224344 crafting these responses. p7EFg5fsl24-00848-00224344-00224537 Then we tell you about the review criteria. p7EFg5fsl24-00849-00224537-00224596 Here they are. p7EFg5fsl24-00850-00224596-00224833 These are the ones I just described for you-- p7EFg5fsl24-00851-00224833-00225052 each one of the four criteria and the data p7EFg5fsl24-00852-00225052-00225241 points under each one. p7EFg5fsl24-00853-00225241-00225498 The actual form looks like this. p7EFg5fsl24-00854-00225498-00225694 When you come in and you click on-- p7EFg5fsl24-00855-00225694-00225925 let's go back one-- p7EFg5fsl24-00856-00225925-00226251 the link, you will be taken to this form. p7EFg5fsl24-00857-00226251-00226435 We'll ask you for the title of your project. p7EFg5fsl24-00858-00226435-00226642 So we'll call this Project. p7EFg5fsl24-00859-00226642-00226998 You'll tell us how many members are on your team. p7EFg5fsl24-00860-00226998-00227458 Then you put in the details for each one of those members. p7EFg5fsl24-00861-00227458-00227723 So you'll notice, because I said, there are five members, p7EFg5fsl24-00862-00227723-00228112 there'll be spaces for details on all five members. p7EFg5fsl24-00863-00228112-00228427 We'll move that back to one just so I don't have to do as much. p7EFg5fsl24-00864-00228427-00228703 And we'll put in some names. p7EFg5fsl24-00865-00228703-00228883 There we go. p7EFg5fsl24-00866-00228883-00229219 You tell us what campus that person is from. p7EFg5fsl24-00867-00229219-00229539 You tell us what college they're in. p7EFg5fsl24-00868-00229539-00229883 And then you can tell us their major. p7EFg5fsl24-00869-00229883-00230264 And then, finally, do you have a faculty or staff advisor? p7EFg5fsl24-00870-00230264-00230696 This is not required, but it is recommended. p7EFg5fsl24-00871-00230696-00231026 It's one of those things that I recommend you to think about. p7EFg5fsl24-00872-00231026-00231326 If you're going to do something in the advising space, p7EFg5fsl24-00873-00231326-00231694 for instance, you want to create an artificial intelligence p7EFg5fsl24-00874-00231694-00231944 driven academic advisor. p7EFg5fsl24-00875-00231944-00232212 Go talk to an advisor. p7EFg5fsl24-00876-00232212-00232558 Trust me, if you reach out to an advisor and you say, hey, p7EFg5fsl24-00877-00232558-00232850 I want to build a solution to make your job easier, p7EFg5fsl24-00878-00232850-00233100 and I'd just like to talk to you for a few minutes about it, p7EFg5fsl24-00879-00233100-00233355 they will find the time and they will help you. p7EFg5fsl24-00880-00233355-00233544 So reach out to people. p7EFg5fsl24-00881-00233544-00233759 If you've got a faculty member that you p7EFg5fsl24-00882-00233759-00234017 think might be able to help you through some of the challenges p7EFg5fsl24-00883-00234017-00234307 you're inevitably going to run into, reach out to them p7EFg5fsl24-00884-00234307-00234561 and say, hey, would you be willing to help us with this. p7EFg5fsl24-00885-00234561-00234881 Put their name in here just so we know who that advisor is. p7EFg5fsl24-00886-00234881-00235044 Particularly if it's somebody that I've p7EFg5fsl24-00887-00235044-00235361 worked with in the past, I'll know who they are. p7EFg5fsl24-00888-00235361-00235623 And it means a little bit to me when I'm reading your proposal. p7EFg5fsl24-00889-00235623-00236148 I say, hey, if Lee Giles out of College of ISD is on this team, p7EFg5fsl24-00890-00236148-00236481 I know they've got their AI side of things pretty locked down. p7EFg5fsl24-00891-00236481-00236709 I can trust that, because he wouldn't have signed off p7EFg5fsl24-00892-00236709-00236919 on this otherwise. p7EFg5fsl24-00893-00236919-00237096 Once you submit that information then p7EFg5fsl24-00894-00237096-00237426 you will notice, problem description, 300 words, p7EFg5fsl24-00895-00237426-00237858 solution description, 300 words, team description, 300 words, p7EFg5fsl24-00896-00237858-00238126 and use of AI technologies, 300 words. p7EFg5fsl24-00897-00238126-00238280 You give us all that information. p7EFg5fsl24-00898-00238280-00238455 We've got to put in some content here just p7EFg5fsl24-00899-00238455-00238801 to be able to get through the validation. p7EFg5fsl24-00900-00238801-00239046 Once you do that, you will see the intellectual property p7EFg5fsl24-00901-00239046-00239125 agreement. p7EFg5fsl24-00902-00239125-00239292 This is one of the things that is p7EFg5fsl24-00903-00239292-00239542 required from Penn State legal. p7EFg5fsl24-00904-00239542-00239938 The very brief overview of it is that if you p7EFg5fsl24-00905-00239938-00240154 are an undergraduate student then p7EFg5fsl24-00906-00240154-00240586 you'll maintain control and ownership p7EFg5fsl24-00907-00240586-00240871 of your intellectual property all the way up to the point p7EFg5fsl24-00908-00240871-00241201 that you receive over $10,000 out of the challenge. p7EFg5fsl24-00909-00241201-00241537 Once you receive over $10,000, then it p7EFg5fsl24-00910-00241537-00241846 triggers a situation where Penn State then takes p7EFg5fsl24-00911-00241846-00242140 the intellectual property and then licenses it back to you p7EFg5fsl24-00912-00242140-00242380 to do with it as you will. p7EFg5fsl24-00913-00242380-00242747 But you have to sign off on this intellectual property agreement p7EFg5fsl24-00914-00242747-00242967 in order to be able to move forward on the challenge. p7EFg5fsl24-00915-00242967-00243277 So you'd say, yes, I agree to it, and you move forward, p7EFg5fsl24-00916-00243277-00243421 and you're done. p7EFg5fsl24-00917-00243421-00243581 And that's the end of it. p7EFg5fsl24-00918-00243581-00243757 You must complete this process. p7EFg5fsl24-00919-00243757-00244339 You must have this screen up by 5:00 PM on January 29. p7EFg5fsl24-00920-00244769-00245084 You will notice, under the Resources for Participants, p7EFg5fsl24-00921-00245084-00245321 there is also terms and conditions page. p7EFg5fsl24-00922-00245321-00245585 You can go through here to find all the different terms p7EFg5fsl24-00923-00245585-00245773 and conditions and eligibility-- here's p7EFg5fsl24-00924-00245773-00246046 that intellectual property agreement that I just clicked p7EFg5fsl24-00925-00246046-00246287 agree to on the form. p7EFg5fsl24-00926-00246287-00246452 It's all listed in here. p7EFg5fsl24-00927-00246452-00246827 The big overview-- number one, you p7EFg5fsl24-00928-00246827-00247217 have to be a student, graduate or undergraduate, p7EFg5fsl24-00929-00247217-00247529 as of January 29, 2019. p7EFg5fsl24-00930-00247529-00247986 You do not have to be a student on September-- p7EFg5fsl24-00931-00247986-00248071 what was the date-- p7EFg5fsl24-00932-00248071-00248617 10, when you actually pitch for your MVP. p7EFg5fsl24-00933-00248617-00248789 If you make it that far, it does not p7EFg5fsl24-00934-00248789-00248971 matter if you had already graduated. p7EFg5fsl24-00935-00248971-00249412 You just must be a student on January 29, 2019. p7EFg5fsl24-00936-00249412-00249748 There is no limit to the number of individuals on a team. p7EFg5fsl24-00937-00249748-00249956 When people ask me about ideal team size, p7EFg5fsl24-00938-00249956-00250340 my answer is usually one is too few, 70 is too many-- p7EFg5fsl24-00939-00250340-00250457 somewhere in there. p7EFg5fsl24-00940-00250457-00250814 Ideal size seems to be around six-- p7EFg5fsl24-00941-00250814-00251092 somewhere around there-- five or six. p7EFg5fsl24-00942-00251092-00251408 But like I said, we've had very successful teams of two, p7EFg5fsl24-00943-00251408-00251769 and we've had very unsuccessful teams of 12. p7EFg5fsl24-00944-00251769-00252128 So it depends more on the people and the idea p7EFg5fsl24-00945-00252128-00252615 than it does necessarily on the size of the team. p7EFg5fsl24-00946-00252615-00253113 If you are a person who happens to have some much needed skill p7EFg5fsl24-00947-00253113-00253479 sets, you can serve on more than one team if you like. p7EFg5fsl24-00948-00253479-00253748 That said, one of the things you saw in the criteria p7EFg5fsl24-00949-00253748-00253926 is, can the team do this? p7EFg5fsl24-00950-00253926-00254055 Is it feasible? p7EFg5fsl24-00951-00254055-00254348 If you are on all 20 of the teams p7EFg5fsl24-00952-00254348-00254733 that we want to move forward selected at the idea phase, p7EFg5fsl24-00953-00254733-00255009 it is not feasible at all that you're p7EFg5fsl24-00954-00255009-00255306 going to be able to do the work for 20 teams. p7EFg5fsl24-00955-00255306-00255555 So again, I would highly recommend p7EFg5fsl24-00956-00255555-00255906 that you look at a few strategic teams to be part of, p7EFg5fsl24-00957-00255906-00256053 but don't overextend yourself. p7EFg5fsl24-00958-00256053-00256251 Just like I said about writing the ideas, p7EFg5fsl24-00959-00256251-00256587 do two or three but not 10, not 15. p7EFg5fsl24-00960-00256587-00256919 Don't split yourself up that much. p7EFg5fsl24-00961-00256919-00257171 And one other element that we have in here p7EFg5fsl24-00962-00257171-00257448 is that you don't actually have to be p7EFg5fsl24-00963-00257448-00257836 selected in any particular phase to submit to the next phase. p7EFg5fsl24-00964-00257836-00258009 So say you submit an idea and you p7EFg5fsl24-00965-00258009-00258327 don't get picked as one of the 20, but you think, p7EFg5fsl24-00966-00258327-00258559 you know what, it's a good idea. p7EFg5fsl24-00967-00258559-00258711 I'm going to do this anyway. p7EFg5fsl24-00968-00258711-00258846 I think I have a shot. p7EFg5fsl24-00969-00258846-00259059 They just didn't see my vision. p7EFg5fsl24-00970-00259059-00259319 You can still create that prototype p7EFg5fsl24-00971-00259319-00259557 and then submit it to us in the next phase p7EFg5fsl24-00972-00259557-00259917 and be able to show off that prototype. p7EFg5fsl24-00973-00259917-00260133 You do not have to win in any particular phase p7EFg5fsl24-00974-00260133-00260342 to submit to the next phase. p7EFg5fsl24-00975-00260342-00260676 That said, the only exception to that is the final pitch. p7EFg5fsl24-00976-00260676-00260994 We only have five submitted to the final pitch. p7EFg5fsl24-00977-00260994-00261294 You can submit with the 10 that will be reviewed p7EFg5fsl24-00978-00261294-00261510 to be selected for that final five, p7EFg5fsl24-00979-00261510-00261921 but we will only pick five to be as part of that final pitch. p7EFg5fsl24-00980-00261921-00262110 And one last thing I want to bring up p7EFg5fsl24-00981-00262110-00262572 that is very important-- and this is a huge pro-tip for you p7EFg5fsl24-00982-00262572-00262893 having the best possibility of moving forward p7EFg5fsl24-00983-00262893-00263208 in the challenge-- is this Oracle challenge. p7EFg5fsl24-00984-00263208-00263511 So as I said, Oracle is our lead sponsor this year. p7EFg5fsl24-00985-00263511-00263847 And what Oracle has done is they have said, all right, what p7EFg5fsl24-00986-00263847-00264276 we want is for teams to use our technologies-- to use p7EFg5fsl24-00987-00264276-00264564 the Oracle technologies. p7EFg5fsl24-00988-00264564-00265110 We will guarantee that two teams that use the Oracle tools p7EFg5fsl24-00989-00265110-00265707 will move through to the minimal viable product stage. p7EFg5fsl24-00990-00265707-00265908 That means at least two teams that p7EFg5fsl24-00991-00265908-00266285 use the Oracle tools in the idea phase will be selected p7EFg5fsl24-00992-00266285-00266595 and at least two teams that use Oracle tools will p7EFg5fsl24-00993-00266595-00266949 be selected in the prototype phase to move through the MVP. p7EFg5fsl24-00994-00266949-00267201 So it gives you a huge leg up if you're p7EFg5fsl24-00995-00267201-00267540 using their tools that you will be p7EFg5fsl24-00996-00267540-00267756 part of a smaller subset that will be guaranteed p7EFg5fsl24-00997-00267756-00267922 of moving through. p7EFg5fsl24-00998-00267922-00268215 So again, that doesn't guarantee you as an individual p7EFg5fsl24-00999-00268215-00268419 that you'll be moving through, but it p7EFg5fsl24-01000-00268419-00268641 guarantees the two teams that use those tools will p7EFg5fsl24-01001-00268641-00268743 be moving through. p7EFg5fsl24-01002-00268743-00268956 So it's something you want to think about as you're p7EFg5fsl24-01003-00268956-00269163 looking at the technologies. p7EFg5fsl24-01004-00269163-00269466 In the idea phase you don't have to get too into detail as p7EFg5fsl24-01005-00269466-00269754 to what part of the technologies you're using, p7EFg5fsl24-01006-00269754-00270003 but you can indicate during the idea phase p7EFg5fsl24-01007-00270003-00270261 that you're using the Oracle technologies p7EFg5fsl24-01008-00270261-00270483 to be part of that kind of subchallenge p7EFg5fsl24-01009-00270483-00270804 within the challenge. p7EFg5fsl24-01010-00270804-00271098 And that is most of it. p7EFg5fsl24-01011-00271098-00271482 It seems like our discussion forum link is still not p7EFg5fsl24-01012-00271482-00271794 working, and I will see if I can get-- p7EFg5fsl24-01013-00271794-00271908 Oh, there we go. p7EFg5fsl24-01014-00271908-00272112 I'm not sure what was going on there. p7EFg5fsl24-01015-00272112-00272322 If you'll remember, this was under Resources p7EFg5fsl24-01016-00272322-00272541 for Participants and the Discussion Forum a Team p7EFg5fsl24-01017-00272541-00272670 Formation. p7EFg5fsl24-01018-00272670-00272985 You will see that you can click on this link right here, p7EFg5fsl24-01019-00272985-00273237 and will open up that Teams group p7EFg5fsl24-01020-00273237-00273643 to bring you into that central communication hub for saying, p7EFg5fsl24-01021-00273643-00274122 hey, I've got the skill set or I need this skill on my team. p7EFg5fsl24-01022-00274122-00274662 So with that, that's pretty much the overview of the challenge. p7EFg5fsl24-01023-00274662-00274821 A couple tips and tricks that I've p7EFg5fsl24-01024-00274821-00275164 given throughout, but things you might want to think about-- p7EFg5fsl24-01025-00275164-00275690 number one is convince me. p7EFg5fsl24-01026-00275690-00275951 So what you want to do is there two p7EFg5fsl24-01027-00275951-00276390 different wows that I can have when I read a proposal. p7EFg5fsl24-01028-00276390-00276557 And then there are the bulk of proposals p7EFg5fsl24-01029-00276557-00276839 that get very little reaction. p7EFg5fsl24-01030-00276839-00277094 You want one of those two types of wows. p7EFg5fsl24-01031-00277094-00277301 I can either look at your proposal and go, p7EFg5fsl24-01032-00277301-00277873 whoa, that doesn't even make sense, or the grammar p7EFg5fsl24-01033-00277873-00278131 is all over the place, spelling is wrong, p7EFg5fsl24-01034-00278131-00278569 they barely put any information into each one of the sections. p7EFg5fsl24-01035-00278569-00278761 This is one that I'm going to toss out and not p7EFg5fsl24-01036-00278761-00279037 even send to the reviewers-- which happens. p7EFg5fsl24-01037-00279037-00279442 Last year that happened with seven of our proposals. p7EFg5fsl24-01038-00279442-00279649 They had no chance, and they weren't even moved p7EFg5fsl24-01039-00279649-00279856 on to the reviewers. p7EFg5fsl24-01040-00279856-00280267 However, there's also a wow that I can have when I read that. p7EFg5fsl24-01041-00280267-00280547 When I read your proposal and I think to myself, p7EFg5fsl24-01042-00280547-00280747 I never thought about that before, p7EFg5fsl24-01043-00280747-00281134 or I never thought about a solution like that. p7EFg5fsl24-01044-00281134-00281578 Those wow-type submissions don't come from your first idea, p7EFg5fsl24-01045-00281578-00281813 I promise you that. p7EFg5fsl24-01046-00281813-00282140 Some people say take your first idea, write it down on paper, p7EFg5fsl24-01047-00282140-00282353 and then throw it in the trash can. p7EFg5fsl24-01048-00282353-00282516 I tend to see a little bit differently. p7EFg5fsl24-01049-00282516-00282818 I say, get your first idea, put it down on paper, p7EFg5fsl24-01050-00282818-00282983 and then start ripping it apart-- p7EFg5fsl24-01051-00282983-00283124 make it better. p7EFg5fsl24-01052-00283124-00283523 Take sections and cross them out and improve them. p7EFg5fsl24-01053-00283523-00283826 Your best ideas are going to come in your fourth or fifth p7EFg5fsl24-01054-00283826-00284045 iteration. p7EFg5fsl24-01055-00284045-00284312 Second part of that pro-tip is, when p7EFg5fsl24-01056-00284312-00284528 you get that idea written up, and you've p7EFg5fsl24-01057-00284528-00284691 gone through it a few variations, p7EFg5fsl24-01058-00284691-00285086 and you've made it better, give it to your friends. p7EFg5fsl24-01059-00285086-00285359 Give it to five or six different people and say, hey, p7EFg5fsl24-01060-00285359-00285485 can you read this for me? p7EFg5fsl24-01061-00285485-00285650 It's two pages, double-spaced. p7EFg5fsl24-01062-00285650-00285809 They can find the time. p7EFg5fsl24-01063-00285809-00286060 Ask them to read through it for you. p7EFg5fsl24-01064-00286060-00286219 Ask them for their feedback. p7EFg5fsl24-01065-00286219-00286513 And use that feedback to make your idea better. p7EFg5fsl24-01066-00286513-00286978 I am shocked, every year, when I have debriefs with teams that p7EFg5fsl24-01067-00286978-00287131 did not make it through, and I ask p7EFg5fsl24-01068-00287131-00287407 them, who looked at your idea before you p7EFg5fsl24-01069-00287407-00287828 submitted it, and no one outside the team looked at it. p7EFg5fsl24-01070-00287828-00287954 Take that opportunity. p7EFg5fsl24-01071-00287954-00288143 You have the criteria. p7EFg5fsl24-01072-00288143-00288368 Give your friends the criteria for review, p7EFg5fsl24-01073-00288368-00288711 and say, review my proposal for me. p7EFg5fsl24-01074-00288711-00288861 And get that feedback. p7EFg5fsl24-01075-00288861-00289284 I guarantee that will make a more successful and powerful p7EFg5fsl24-01076-00289284-00289716 proposal than if you just think that you've got it all right p7EFg5fsl24-01077-00289716-00289960 now and submitted it. p7EFg5fsl24-01078-00289960-00290104 Have people give you the feedback, p7EFg5fsl24-01079-00290104-00290392 and be open to the criticism that you're going to get. p7EFg5fsl24-01080-00290392-00290638 And use that to construct a better proposal. p7EFg5fsl24-01081-00290921-00291029 That's it. p7EFg5fsl24-01082-00291029-00291245 That's most of it. p7EFg5fsl24-01083-00291245-00291713 There are additional resources on the page here where you p7EFg5fsl24-01084-00291713-00292232 can see tools that each one of the AI companies p7EFg5fsl24-01085-00292232-00292409 have brought to the table. p7EFg5fsl24-01086-00292409-00292559 There are data sources where you can p7EFg5fsl24-01087-00292559-00293072 see some basic de-identified data sources you could p7EFg5fsl24-01088-00293072-00293357 use for creating your solution. p7EFg5fsl24-01089-00293357-00293564 This Grants page just gives you details p7EFg5fsl24-01090-00293564-00293852 of how we distribute the money. p7EFg5fsl24-01091-00293852-00294077 Short answer to that is we distribute the money p7EFg5fsl24-01092-00294077-00294296 to the team lead, and then the team p7EFg5fsl24-01093-00294296-00294608 is responsible for distributing it to the rest of the team. p7EFg5fsl24-01094-00294608-00294896 That is just the way that it works. p7EFg5fsl24-01095-00294896-00295052 We had problems our first year when p7EFg5fsl24-01096-00295052-00295377 we tried to give the money to each team member. p7EFg5fsl24-01097-00295377-00295640 There was fighting, and questions, and problems. p7EFg5fsl24-01098-00295640-00295891 And so this year and last year we simply p7EFg5fsl24-01099-00295891-00296033 give it to the team lead, and it's p7EFg5fsl24-01100-00296033-00296336 up to the team to distribute. p7EFg5fsl24-01101-00296336-00296717 And then, finally, a couple of things going on, p7EFg5fsl24-01102-00296717-00297110 I told you about the Competing in the Challenge, which p7EFg5fsl24-01103-00297110-00297512 is our next webinar, and the ideation and team formation p7EFg5fsl24-01104-00297512-00297755 workshop, which is on the 14th. p7EFg5fsl24-01105-00297755-00297962 So those are the next two big things p7EFg5fsl24-01106-00297962-00298331 that happen before the January 29 due date. p7EFg5fsl24-01107-00298331-00298594 So with that, questions? p7EFg5fsl24-01108-00298594-00298855 I haven't seen anything pop up in the group chat, p7EFg5fsl24-01109-00298855-00299191 so I haven't had anything that responded to yet. p7EFg5fsl24-01110-00299191-00299383 But if there are any questions that you have-- p7EFg5fsl24-01111-00299887-00300101 all right, I'll give it a couple minutes. p7EFg5fsl24-01112-00300101-00300594 But if you have no questions, what I'll do is I'll just say, p7EFg5fsl24-01113-00300594-00300718 thank you. p7EFg5fsl24-01114-00300718-00300885 Thank you for participating. p7EFg5fsl24-01115-00300885-00300985 Thank you for listening. p7EFg5fsl24-01116-00300985-00301347 I hope that you are interested in competing in the challenge. p7EFg5fsl24-01117-00301347-00301716 It's a great way to access some funding. p7EFg5fsl24-01118-00301716-00302154 It is a great way to access a opportunity. p7EFg5fsl24-01119-00302154-00302409 One of the things that we hear again and again p7EFg5fsl24-01120-00302409-00302856 and again is that this challenge and participation in it, p7EFg5fsl24-01121-00302856-00303117 whether you succeed it or not, has p7EFg5fsl24-01122-00303117-00303402 been the differentiator for individuals p7EFg5fsl24-01123-00303402-00303744 who are going out and looking for their jobs-- p7EFg5fsl24-01124-00303744-00304098 who are trying to get their first jobs out of college. p7EFg5fsl24-01125-00304098-00304335 It is a key differentiator that when they sit down p7EFg5fsl24-01126-00304335-00304548 with that interviewer, this is the thing p7EFg5fsl24-01127-00304548-00304728 that they want to talk about. p7EFg5fsl24-01128-00304728-00304908 Because it is a unique experience that you p7EFg5fsl24-01129-00304908-00305040 don't get anywhere else. p7EFg5fsl24-01130-00305040-00305415 You get to work with diverse teams actually creating p7EFg5fsl24-01131-00305415-00305724 a real thing, just like you will be doing p7EFg5fsl24-01132-00305724-00305919 when you move into industry. p7EFg5fsl24-01133-00305919-00306243 And so that is why interviewers focus in on this challenge. p7EFg5fsl24-01134-00306243-00306402 Not only do you get to actually work p7EFg5fsl24-01135-00306402-00306729 with people from Google, and Amazon, and Oracle, p7EFg5fsl24-01136-00306729-00306990 and Microsoft throughout the Challenge, p7EFg5fsl24-01137-00306990-00307434 but you get doors opened up for you for possible jobs p7EFg5fsl24-01138-00307434-00307623 down the line. p7EFg5fsl24-01139-00307623-00307989 And I often say, the $50,000 that p7EFg5fsl24-01140-00307989-00308346 is part of this challenge, the overall $50,000, that's p7EFg5fsl24-01141-00308346-00308490 one thing. p7EFg5fsl24-01142-00308490-00309150 But it's $50,000, and your total portion is about $27,000 p7EFg5fsl24-01143-00309150-00309788 altogether if you get the whole award at the end. p7EFg5fsl24-01144-00309788-00310101 But that is small compared to what p7EFg5fsl24-01145-00310101-00310743 it could mean if this helps you get to start your job at $5,000 p7EFg5fsl24-01146-00310743-00311050 or $6,000 more than you would have otherwise started p7EFg5fsl24-01147-00311050-00311100 that job. p7EFg5fsl24-01148-00311100-00311334 That salary offer that you get when you go out p7EFg5fsl24-01149-00311334-00311499 and you get your position, when you p7EFg5fsl24-01150-00311499-00311938 get your job, that compounds over your career into a much, p7EFg5fsl24-01151-00311938-00312218 much more than this money that's available right now. p7EFg5fsl24-01152-00312218-00312335 The money right now is nice. p7EFg5fsl24-01153-00312335-00312591 And it keeps you motivated and keeps you going. p7EFg5fsl24-01154-00312591-00312899 And it's nice to be recognized for what you're doing. p7EFg5fsl24-01155-00312899-00313140 But the real impact is what it's going p7EFg5fsl24-01156-00313140-00313488 to do for you for your career, and for your capabilities, p7EFg5fsl24-01157-00313488-00313689 and for your successes down the road. p7EFg5fsl24-01158-00313689-00313915 And that's really why we're doing this. p7EFg5fsl24-01159-00313915-00314244 We truly, deeply believe that AI and machine learning p7EFg5fsl24-01160-00314244-00314637 are going to impact every single discipline out there. p7EFg5fsl24-01161-00314637-00314976 Fine art-- I don't know if you saw the news story a few months p7EFg5fsl24-01162-00314976-00315333 ago, the first AI-generated piece of fine art p7EFg5fsl24-01163-00315333-00315510 was sold at auction. p7EFg5fsl24-01164-00315510-00315693 Marketing and communications-- most p7EFg5fsl24-01165-00315693-00315843 of the marketing that happens to you p7EFg5fsl24-01166-00315843-00316050 now is not being decided on by humans, p7EFg5fsl24-01167-00316050-00316419 it's been decided on by artificial intelligence. p7EFg5fsl24-01168-00316419-00316686 These types of disciplines are going to be impacted, p7EFg5fsl24-01169-00316686-00316933 and you have to have some sort of literacy. p7EFg5fsl24-01170-00316933-00317175 And that's why we're doing, this to give you that literacy p7EFg5fsl24-01171-00317175-00317458 and to give you that opportunity. p7EFg5fsl24-01172-00317458-00317723 So with that, I didn't see any questions come up-- p7EFg5fsl24-01173-00317723-00317979 oh, here we go. p7EFg5fsl24-01174-00317979-00318051 Sure. p7EFg5fsl24-01175-00318051-00318363 So the question is, a little confused about the $10,000 IP p7EFg5fsl24-01176-00318363-00318435 rule. p7EFg5fsl24-01177-00318435-00318780 How much does Penn State own for the most successful ideas? p7EFg5fsl24-01178-00318780-00319341 So the way it works right now is that up to $10,000, p7EFg5fsl24-01179-00319341-00319581 Penn State owns nothing if you're p7EFg5fsl24-01180-00319581-00319911 an undergraduate student. p7EFg5fsl24-01181-00319911-00320265 What actually happens is the IP policy that you're p7EFg5fsl24-01182-00320265-00320449 under right now stays in place. p7EFg5fsl24-01183-00320449-00320616 So for undergraduate students that means p7EFg5fsl24-01184-00320616-00320793 you own 100% of the IP. p7EFg5fsl24-01185-00320793-00321031 For graduate students it's a little bit more complicated. p7EFg5fsl24-01186-00321031-00321189 And if you want to about that offline, p7EFg5fsl24-01187-00321189-00321286 we can talk about that. p7EFg5fsl24-01188-00321286-00321570 But basically, we don't change anything from the way p7EFg5fsl24-01189-00321570-00321990 you're working right now in your relationship with Penn State up p7EFg5fsl24-01190-00321990-00322215 until that 10,000th dollar. p7EFg5fsl24-01191-00322215-00322491 If you accept over $10,000-- and that doesn't mean p7EFg5fsl24-01192-00322491-00322855 you're awarded, but you actually accept over $10,000-- p7EFg5fsl24-01193-00322855-00323193 what happens is your IP transfers to Penn State. p7EFg5fsl24-01194-00323193-00323524 Penn State then owns 100% of your IP. p7EFg5fsl24-01195-00323524-00323755 What Penn State then does is it licenses p7EFg5fsl24-01196-00323755-00324334 that IP back to you for what are called agreeable terms. p7EFg5fsl24-01197-00324334-00324685 So usually, what they do is they license it back to you p7EFg5fsl24-01198-00324685-00324955 for a nominal amount, like $1-- p7EFg5fsl24-01199-00324955-00325249 they license it back to you for $1 a year. p7EFg5fsl24-01200-00325249-00325642 And then once you earn a certain amount off p7EFg5fsl24-01201-00325642-00326101 that ideas-- so say you become the next Facebook or whatever. p7EFg5fsl24-01202-00326101-00326272 Once you start earning-- p7EFg5fsl24-01203-00326272-00326641 and I'm making up numbers right now, because this is negotiated p7EFg5fsl24-01204-00326641-00326867 on a team-by-team basis. p7EFg5fsl24-01205-00326867-00327067 But let's say the trigger is when p7EFg5fsl24-01206-00327067-00327358 you bring in your first million dollars of investment, p7EFg5fsl24-01207-00327358-00327865 then Penn State then gets access to 2% of that or 3% of that. p7EFg5fsl24-01208-00327865-00328204 That's usually the types of agreements that go into place. p7EFg5fsl24-01209-00328204-00328813 Now, that may seem strange or maybe even a bad deal at first, p7EFg5fsl24-01210-00328813-00329087 but if you haven't worked in this space before, p7EFg5fsl24-01211-00329087-00329242 one of the things you may not realize p7EFg5fsl24-01212-00329242-00329608 is how expensive it is to protect ideas. p7EFg5fsl24-01213-00329608-00329779 One of the huge benefits of having p7EFg5fsl24-01214-00329779-00330049 Penn State as the owner, not licensee, p7EFg5fsl24-01215-00330049-00330316 but the owner of the IP, is that Penn State then p7EFg5fsl24-01216-00330316-00330472 has a responsibility of protecting p7EFg5fsl24-01217-00330472-00330704 your IP in the marketplace. p7EFg5fsl24-01218-00330704-00330886 Which means all the legal costs to go along p7EFg5fsl24-01219-00330886-00331321 with that, including patenting, copywriting, trademarking, as p7EFg5fsl24-01220-00331321-00331726 well as enforcing any sort of patent infringement p7EFg5fsl24-01221-00331726-00331930 that may come out of intellectual property p7EFg5fsl24-01222-00331930-00332071 that you have. p7EFg5fsl24-01223-00332071-00332288 So Penn State takes care of all that. p7EFg5fsl24-01224-00332288-00332443 Now, I will say, we're in the process p7EFg5fsl24-01225-00332443-00332701 of trying to negotiate a slightly different IP p7EFg5fsl24-01226-00332701-00333089 agreement with Penn State, but that is not in place right now. p7EFg5fsl24-01227-00333089-00333403 What is in place right now is what I just described you. p7EFg5fsl24-01228-00333403-00333589 Does that help? p7EFg5fsl24-01229-00333589-00333893 IP can be very, very complicated and confusing. p7EFg5fsl24-01230-00333893-00334063 And if you have more questions about it p7EFg5fsl24-01231-00334063-00334264 and you want a deeper dive, you can p7EFg5fsl24-01232-00334264-00334408 feel to reach out to me directly, p7EFg5fsl24-01233-00334408-00334840 and we can have a one-on-one conversation about IP. p7EFg5fsl24-01234-00334840-00335092 But like I said, the description is written up p7EFg5fsl24-01235-00335092-00335391 on the website of the actual IP policy, p7EFg5fsl24-01236-00335391-00335910 and I can give you more details in person if you want. p7EFg5fsl24-01237-00335910-00336225 Any other questions? p7EFg5fsl24-01238-00336225-00336275 All right. p7EFg5fsl24-01239-00336275-00336422 Since I don't see anything up here, p7EFg5fsl24-01240-00336422-00336689 I will tell you you'll probably think of a question tomorrow p7EFg5fsl24-01241-00336689-00336956 or five minutes after we end this call. p7EFg5fsl24-01242-00336956-00337484 My email, I am putting in the chat right now. p7EFg5fsl24-01243-00337484-00337816 Feel free to shoot me an email, reach out to me. p7EFg5fsl24-01244-00337816-00337991 I'd be more than willing to meet with you. p7EFg5fsl24-01245-00337991-00338159 I'd be more willing to talk through your idea. p7EFg5fsl24-01246-00338159-00338300 I'd be more than willing to answer p7EFg5fsl24-01247-00338300-00338474 any questions that you have. p7EFg5fsl24-01248-00338474-00338709 That is completely up to you. p7EFg5fsl24-01249-00338709-00338966 I will help in any way that I possibly can. p7EFg5fsl24-01250-00338966-00339083 Oh, yeah, one more question. p7EFg5fsl24-01251-00339352-00339592 So if your experience in AI is limited, p7EFg5fsl24-01252-00339592-00339802 what resources help most to learn? p7EFg5fsl24-01253-00339802-00340051 So a couple of different things-- p7EFg5fsl24-01254-00340051-00340318 we bring as many resources to the table as we can. p7EFg5fsl24-01255-00340318-00340552 Each one of the companies that I talked about-- p7EFg5fsl24-01256-00340552-00340888 Google, Oracle, Amazon, Microsoft-- each one of them p7EFg5fsl24-01257-00340888-00341287 has actual curriculum online to teach you p7EFg5fsl24-01258-00341287-00341530 any of the components of the artificial intelligence you p7EFg5fsl24-01259-00341530-00341609 may need to learn. p7EFg5fsl24-01260-00341609-00341750 So, for instance, say you're going p7EFg5fsl24-01261-00341750-00341980 to be using natural language processing. p7EFg5fsl24-01262-00341980-00342445 There are entire NLP sections of anywhere from a few p7EFg5fsl24-01263-00342445-00342895 to a dozen videos that walk you through how to use their tools p7EFg5fsl24-01264-00342895-00343156 and what NLP is and what it does, everywhere p7EFg5fsl24-01265-00343156-00343405 from the stage of I don't even know what p7EFg5fsl24-01266-00343405-00343705 that is to I'm an expert now. p7EFg5fsl24-01267-00343705-00343918 So those resources are available. p7EFg5fsl24-01268-00343918-00344066 Teams usually end up supplementing p7EFg5fsl24-01269-00344066-00344368 a lot of those resources with YouTube videos p7EFg5fsl24-01270-00344368-00344491 to be blunt and honest. p7EFg5fsl24-01271-00344491-00344785 Very often there is an on demand need there, p7EFg5fsl24-01272-00344785-00345070 so just in time learning-- you have a problem, p7EFg5fsl24-01273-00345070-00345356 you need a solution, you go into YouTube, you search it, p7EFg5fsl24-01274-00345356-00345574 and you find the solution there. p7EFg5fsl24-01275-00345574-00345839 We also will have a number of webinar p7EFg5fsl24-01276-00345839-00346270 is actually held by the companies, kind of on-demand p7EFg5fsl24-01277-00346270-00346435 as we notice that there are certain p7EFg5fsl24-01278-00346435-00346654 needs, certain areas of confusion p7EFg5fsl24-01279-00346654-00346844 within the technologies. p7EFg5fsl24-01280-00346844-00347116 So the companies will be hosting webinars p7EFg5fsl24-01281-00347116-00347305 throughout the challenge. p7EFg5fsl24-01282-00347305-00347563 In addition to that, we have that immersion day, p7EFg5fsl24-01283-00347563-00347830 that I told you about, on February 20, p7EFg5fsl24-01284-00347830-00348001 where the companies will actually p7EFg5fsl24-01285-00348001-00348307 be here and be doing a full day of workshops p7EFg5fsl24-01286-00348307-00348769 to help teams create their prototypes. p7EFg5fsl24-01287-00348769-00349126 And then, finally, you also will have access p7EFg5fsl24-01288-00349126-00349702 directly to the software engineers and architects p7EFg5fsl24-01289-00349702-00349984 from each one of these companies. p7EFg5fsl24-01290-00349984-00350239 All of that-- well, not all that. p7EFg5fsl24-01291-00350239-00350488 All those really in-depth ones-- the direct access p7EFg5fsl24-01292-00350488-00351217 to the architects and engineers, the more specific webinars-- p7EFg5fsl24-01293-00351217-00351552 are triggered once the ideas are selected. p7EFg5fsl24-01294-00351552-00351790 So how do you access these. p7EFg5fsl24-01295-00351790-00352129 The rest of them-- the videos, the training resources-- p7EFg5fsl24-01296-00352129-00352304 those will be up on our website. p7EFg5fsl24-01297-00352304-00352546 They were supposed to be up there by the end of last week. p7EFg5fsl24-01298-00352546-00352738 I didn't see them today. p7EFg5fsl24-01299-00352738-00353137 So all those should be linked in the next day or two p7EFg5fsl24-01300-00353137-00353263 on our website. p7EFg5fsl24-01301-00353263-00353437 And basically, that will have links p7EFg5fsl24-01302-00353437-00353653 to all of those training programs p7EFg5fsl24-01303-00353653-00353875 from each one of the four companies. p7EFg5fsl24-01304-00353875-00354124 Those will be all be online, and they'll all p7EFg5fsl24-01305-00354124-00354394 be under the Resources for Participants. p7EFg5fsl24-01306-00354394-00354667 There'll be another item in this drop-down menu p7EFg5fsl24-01307-00354667-00355138 that that says something along the lines of Training p7EFg5fsl24-01308-00355138-00355436 Resources. p7EFg5fsl24-01309-00355436-00355816 The one-on-one, just because of the volume, if we get 100 ideas p7EFg5fsl24-01310-00355816-00356101 and let's say four people per team, that's 400 students. p7EFg5fsl24-01311-00356101-00356302 Obviously, we can't throw 400 students p7EFg5fsl24-01312-00356302-00356775 at Microsoft and Google and say, give direct interaction p7EFg5fsl24-01313-00356775-00356933 with that many people. p7EFg5fsl24-01314-00356933-00357368 So that's only triggered after the ideas are selected. p7EFg5fsl24-01315-00357368-00357501 OK. p7EFg5fsl24-01316-00357501-00357686 So with that, we're at time. p7EFg5fsl24-01317-00357686-00357905 If you have questions, send them out to me, p7EFg5fsl24-01318-00357905-00358121 and I'll be more than happy to answer anything p7EFg5fsl24-01319-00358121-00358358 that you think of. p7EFg5fsl24-01320-00358358-00358661 And I very much look forward to seeing your ideas. p7EFg5fsl24-01321-00358661-00358934 Thank you so much for the time and attention, p7EFg5fsl24-01322-00358934-00359196 and let me know if there's any way that I can help. p7EFg5fsl24-01323-00359196-00359284 Thanks so much. p7EFg5fsl24-01324-00359284-00359439 Bye. p9aJOxtNcnk-00000-00000220-00001264 Oh bit more energy. I am back in my hotel room, it's day 3, I'm doing daily stuff p9aJOxtNcnk-00001-00001264-00002010 But i just took a nap for two hours, just to sort of recharge my introvert batteries and my p9aJOxtNcnk-00002-00002010-00002703 spoons and I am at convergence and i wanted to talk about accessibility at p9aJOxtNcnk-00003-00002703-00002826 convergence p9aJOxtNcnk-00004-00002826-00003358 I have been to a bunch of cons I've been a pax east, I've been to Vidcon, I've been to p9aJOxtNcnk-00005-00003358-00003427 FanExpo, p9aJOxtNcnk-00006-00003427-00003943 ConBravo etc, etc, there's videos from all that stuff. Convergence is p9aJOxtNcnk-00007-00003943-00004102 super accessible p9aJOxtNcnk-00008-00004102-00004459 this is my Con badge, and on it is a pronoun sticker p9aJOxtNcnk-00009-00004459-00005002 that's new this year apparently. I've never been here before but in addition p9aJOxtNcnk-00010-00005002-00005359 to that there's always accessible seating at panels, p9aJOxtNcnk-00011-00005359-00006034 there's always signs everywhere for reminding people that not all p9aJOxtNcnk-00012-00006034-00006681 disabilities are visible, for including and reserving accessible washroom areas p9aJOxtNcnk-00013-00006681-00007395 for people with disabilities. Like, there's a huge amount of attention paid p9aJOxtNcnk-00014-00007395-00007717 to it here and from the sounds of it they've been sort of incrementally p9aJOxtNcnk-00015-00007717-00007867 improving things p9aJOxtNcnk-00016-00007867-00008605 year after year. Leaving all that aside even, there are conversations about p9aJOxtNcnk-00017-00008605-00009250 ability and accessibility happening in almost all the panels. p9aJOxtNcnk-00018-00009250-00009811 In addition to having specific panels on it, I have been on about four space panels p9aJOxtNcnk-00019-00009811-00010519 and every time we have wound up talking about ability and mental illness p9aJOxtNcnk-00020-00010593-00011202 other forms of sort of structural disadvantage that keep people from going p9aJOxtNcnk-00021-00011202-00011502 to space. When people say they want to send their best and brightest p9aJOxtNcnk-00022-00011580-00011907 usually those people get left out. p9aJOxtNcnk-00023-00011907-00012735 People like me get left out. Although I'm hardly the best and brightest, but it is simply the p9aJOxtNcnk-00024-00012735-00013356 case that they're the last ones that people think of, and it is interesting p9aJOxtNcnk-00025-00013356-00013595 that here is not the case. Not on panels, p9aJOxtNcnk-00026-00013595-00013922 not by the organizers, p9aJOxtNcnk-00027-00013922-00014640 this is a place where everyone is welcome and people are mindful of that. p9aJOxtNcnk-00028-00014703-00015288 the other cool thing about being here is the people are really patient about p9aJOxtNcnk-00029-00015288-00015525 things like anxiety, p9aJOxtNcnk-00030-00015525-00016073 introversion, physical contact, things like that. There's a lot of p9aJOxtNcnk-00031-00016073-00016497 signs and a lot of reminders going out all the time that cosplay is not consent, p9aJOxtNcnk-00032-00016497-00017160 that you shouldn't simply grab people, touch people, you know hug people, etc p9aJOxtNcnk-00033-00017160-00017412 always ask first. p9aJOxtNcnk-00034-00017412-00017994 and as somebody who has a bunch of physical anxiety stuff that is really p9aJOxtNcnk-00035-00017994-00018084 great. p9aJOxtNcnk-00036-00018084-00018704 again, it it matters even that they thought about it and that they are p9aJOxtNcnk-00037-00018704-00019119 making an effort to remind everyone hear about it p9aJOxtNcnk-00038-00019119-00019713 I think it's partly that I'm hanging out with a bunch of bloggers who are sort of p9aJOxtNcnk-00039-00019713-00020763 mindful of that because we've all got our own stuff going on up in here, but it is a nice thing and it p9aJOxtNcnk-00040-00020763-00021042 makes me feel safe. p9aJOxtNcnk-00041-00021042-00021276 it makes me p9aJOxtNcnk-00042-00021276-00021806 not worry, which I managed to go for like three days, four days hanging out with p9aJOxtNcnk-00043-00021806-00022464 people that I've never met before and sort of stay in character most of the p9aJOxtNcnk-00044-00022464-00022911 time without like completely just flipping my lid. p9aJOxtNcnk-00045-00022976-00023712 yeah. it's a weird feeling at cons pu3jMCVrUIu-00000-00000000-00001146 We know that all children are natural makers. But how do we unleash this pu3jMCVrUIu-00001-00001146-00001629 creativity in a system where you don’t have enough technology and you lack time pu3jMCVrUIu-00002-00001629-00002076 and you have a rigid curriculum map tied to a high-stakes test? pu3jMCVrUIu-00003-00002076-00002562 Well, here are two ideas. The first is called a maker project. pu3jMCVrUIu-00004-00002562-00003066 The second is a design challenge. Both projects allow students to experiment pu3jMCVrUIu-00005-00003066-00003579 and create and collaborate. However, each project fulfills a different role. pu3jMCVrUIu-00006-00003579-00004059 Maker projects are short-terms projects while design challenges are long-term. pu3jMCVrUIu-00007-00004059-00004647 Maker projects focus on rapid prototyping while design challenges involve the entire pu3jMCVrUIu-00008-00004647-00005064 design thinking cycle. Maker projects focus on an audience pu3jMCVrUIu-00009-00005064-00005673 of one while design challenges have a specific, larger audience in mind. pu3jMCVrUIu-00010-00005673-00006354 Now, here’s the beauty of it. These two ideas don’t require a ton of technology and they can pu3jMCVrUIu-00011-00006354-00007077 work within the standards you have to teach. So ultimately, they don’t require any extra time. pu3jMCVrUIu-00012-00007077-00007713 All they require is a little bit of imagination and a willingness to try something new. pvjieTD91Mo-00000-00000694-00000890 Stephanie Ortbals-Tibbs, ICI director of media relations: So many areas of the fund industry pvjieTD91Mo-00001-00000890-00001405 have responded to the global pandemic-related office shutdowns, and global operations has pvjieTD91Mo-00002-00001405-00001704 definitely been one of those that has seen many changes. pvjieTD91Mo-00003-00001704-00002324 Ahmed, as you think back on what the experience has been like, what are some of the key takeaways? pvjieTD91Mo-00004-00002324-00002534 Ahmed Elghazaly, ICI director of securities operations: Well, in a very interconnected pvjieTD91Mo-00005-00002534-00003026 world, the pandemic has tested the business resiliency limits of funds, and the industry pvjieTD91Mo-00006-00003026-00003300 has responded well and adapted successfully. pvjieTD91Mo-00007-00003308-00003728 Ortbals-Tibbs: You’ve indicated to me that some of that comes down to the two Cs: communication pvjieTD91Mo-00008-00003729-00003836 and continuity. pvjieTD91Mo-00009-00003836-00004164 Elghazaly: In terms of communication, it’s the flavor of the day. pvjieTD91Mo-00010-00004164-00004664 Internal coordination and collaboration within operational centers around the world to support pvjieTD91Mo-00011-00004664-00004953 the funds’ processing activities was key. pvjieTD91Mo-00012-00004953-00005405 Similarly, close communication with the funds’ counterparties and their service providers pvjieTD91Mo-00013-00005405-00005894 was important to manage the increased volumes and the transition to the new remote work pvjieTD91Mo-00014-00005894-00006051 environment. pvjieTD91Mo-00015-00006051-00006559 There was also heightened focus on funds’ business continuity and the ability to transfer pvjieTD91Mo-00016-00006559-00006890 work between different sites to support operations globally. pvjieTD91Mo-00017-00006890-00007391 Ortbals-Tibbs: One other tool in the toolbox over this time period has been trying to really pvjieTD91Mo-00018-00007391-00007852 smoothly transition from a lot of in-person interaction to more remote work. pvjieTD91Mo-00019-00007852-00008422 Elghazaly: Funds used more collaboration platforms, implemented workflow tools, moved to electronic pvjieTD91Mo-00020-00008422-00008931 signatures and electronic delivery of funds’ documents, and we’ve seen many capital markets pvjieTD91Mo-00021-00008931-00009382 move towards electronic copies of documents that open and operate trading accounts. pvjieTD91Mo-00022-00009382-00009834 At the same time, we’ve seen changes in how funds conduct oversight of their service pvjieTD91Mo-00023-00009834-00010323 providers, replacing on-site visits with remote, online due diligence visits. pvjieTD91Mo-00024-00010323-00010630 Ortbals-Tibbs: There continues to be so much uncertainty. pvjieTD91Mo-00025-00010630-00011069 But as you look ahead, do you think a few things are clear about how global ops will pvjieTD91Mo-00026-00011069-00011195 go forward from here? pvjieTD91Mo-00027-00011195-00011646 Elghazaly: Remote work is here to stay, and as folks have transitioned to working from pvjieTD91Mo-00028-00011646-00011975 home, we’ve seen a boom in productivity. pvjieTD91Mo-00029-00011975-00012428 For global operations staff, the main consideration should be how to maintain that productivity pvjieTD91Mo-00030-00012428-00012653 level while avoiding staff burnout. pvjieTD91Mo-00031-00012653-00013135 It is important to ensure flow of knowledge in the current remote environment, so firms pvjieTD91Mo-00032-00013135-00013722 are looking for ways to build formal knowledge management capabilities and are also assessing pvjieTD91Mo-00033-00013722-00013994 various tools needed to support the workforce of the future. pvS9xZ1R_T8-00001-00004281-00005181 noodle challenge so these are the noodles they're kimchi noodles vegetarian flavor product of Korea pvS9xZ1R_T8-00002-00005181-00005769 and we're gonna spice it up so we're gonna play this game it's called quiz up I have to pvS9xZ1R_T8-00003-00005769-00006588 play four rounds if I get any wrong I have to take the bite so each round is five questions pvS9xZ1R_T8-00004-00006588-00007256 for every question I get wrong I have to take a bite okay so let's get started there are a pvS9xZ1R_T8-00005-00007256-00008271 couple different categories to pick from so I'm going to pick logos so let's play pvS9xZ1R_T8-00006-00008721-00010542 big logos we're going to pick namely animal and we're going to pick one more it's a hard one just pvS9xZ1R_T8-00007-00010542-00011292 trying to go through the list see what else I can pick from here it's quite a bit of categories wow pvS9xZ1R_T8-00008-00011292-00012684 this is hard you know I don't want to eat too much Joe this increase of your increase of you pvS9xZ1R_T8-00009-00012684-00014160 know almost like our logo site cards okay you know that's price yes okay almost there yeah yeah yeah pvS9xZ1R_T8-00010-00014909-00015590 okay who's getting along again technical difficulties we're trying to log in there pvS9xZ1R_T8-00011-00015590-00016366 my assistant is just putting in the information until then just gonna try this you know what I'm pvS9xZ1R_T8-00012-00016366-00017522 gonna keep it as a surprise smells spicy my mini assistant she's getting hungry there think we're pvS9xZ1R_T8-00013-00017522-00019436 in let's go okay play starting the game single player hope you guys can see start what logo pvS9xZ1R_T8-00014-00019436-00020612 is this this mouse and letter are used as logo for which food check your cheese yes right okay pvS9xZ1R_T8-00015-00020612-00022631 next one okay what been used this as their logo oh man redo it ah got it wrong Oh five questions and pvS9xZ1R_T8-00016-00022631-00023801 we got one right just not going already Wow so it comes four bites trying to not get any of my eyes pvS9xZ1R_T8-00017-00024140-00024461 okay pvS9xZ1R_T8-00018-00025320-00026247 oh wow it's just like you eating fire that's it nothing else could describe it pvS9xZ1R_T8-00019-00026247-00027600 think there was only one I have backup here vanilla yogurt two pvS9xZ1R_T8-00020-00027600-00028416 of them and kind of coke I don't know is there any anything that helps with lava pvS9xZ1R_T8-00021-00029010-00030897 in this Chili's Wow how could people eat this I'm just trying to take a big bite pvS9xZ1R_T8-00022-00030897-00031149 so then I can finish it and that way I don't have to play any more games pvS9xZ1R_T8-00023-00031725-00033549 that was three bites guys this is the fourth one okay okay but I'm pvS9xZ1R_T8-00024-00033549-00033969 only sweating just a little bit not too much it's all good I can do this pvS9xZ1R_T8-00025-00033969-00035397 I knew you guys call men when one guys if I if you see me stop breathing okay pvS9xZ1R_T8-00026-00035397-00037314 see the fire oh okay second one oh gosh yay let's play Hey oh I'm sweaty pvS9xZ1R_T8-00027-00037314-00037926 my nose is starting to rise which car manufacturer has produced models pvS9xZ1R_T8-00028-00037926-00039636 called the Yeti Octavia and superb oh man Vlada oh five bikes great okay here comes pvS9xZ1R_T8-00029-00039831-00042192 yeah I don't feel that tip of my tongue anymore it's like it doesn't list okay pvS9xZ1R_T8-00030-00042192-00044478 nose won't bite okay here is the third one pvS9xZ1R_T8-00031-00045396-00046083 it's kicking it pvS9xZ1R_T8-00032-00047895-00049614 Wow I'm not even chewing anymore I'm just swallowing it have four pvS9xZ1R_T8-00033-00049614-00049926 more packs I'm gonna donate it if anybody's interested pvS9xZ1R_T8-00034-00050799-00053463 okay come on okay name the animal I don't have a good feeling about this pvS9xZ1R_T8-00035-00053463-00054474 one guys if I couldn't answer cars oh yeah that's easy moose moose thank you for more pvS9xZ1R_T8-00036-00054474-00055389 sea turtle ortus I think it's a trick one I think this might be a tortoise ah pvS9xZ1R_T8-00037-00055389-00056601 it was a teeth turtle I said sea turtle - I only got one right can't even speak pvS9xZ1R_T8-00038-00058574-00059789 earlier I lost sensation in my tongue now I'm slowly losing it in my lips pvS9xZ1R_T8-00040-00064597-00066190 it right next one what is this I think that's a water buffalo water buffalo koala bear koala pvS9xZ1R_T8-00041-00066190-00067531 bears feels good no burning is still getting worse though sea horse sea horse I got a good pvS9xZ1R_T8-00042-00067531-00069097 feeling oh so I finished it when I was a wild card I don't oh man that's a bonus window it's pvS9xZ1R_T8-00043-00069097-00070018 the sugar glider is known in which continent to Australia yes study my assistant is very pvS9xZ1R_T8-00044-00070018-00071161 good okay guys I did my part lost three games won one I don't know maybe as a bonus I might pvS9xZ1R_T8-00045-00071161-00071887 have another big pile called the day you guys like this video if you liked me going through pvS9xZ1R_T8-00046-00071887-00072595 this pain give a thumbs up subscribe if you want more food challenges put a comment section below pvS9xZ1R_T8-00047-00074070-00075726 by the way don't try this at home or anywhere after work it it's already was coming down my pvS9xZ1R_T8-00048-00075726-00076392 eyes those are tears of joy that I actually got to finish the channel I'm gonna wash this pvS9xZ1R_T8-00049-00076392-00076947 down with some sweet cold guys have yourself a wonderful day see you in the next one take care pBjjXEkiijo-00000-00001100-00001800 Proud to take 'Happy Bhag Jayegi' series ahead: Diana Penty pBjjXEkiijo-00001-00001900-00003800 Proud to take 'Happy Bhag Jayegi' series ahead: Diana Penty Diana Penty may not be the leading lady in "Happy Phir Bhag Jayegi", a series that was started with her in 2016, but she is happy to take it ahead with its sequel. pBjjXEkiijo-00002-00003900-00005200 Diana Penty may not be the leading lady in "Happy Phir Bhag Jayegi", a series that was started with her in 2016, but she is happy to take it ahead with its sequel. pBjjXEkiijo-00003-00005300-00006500 Diana says she is proud of the fact that "Happy Bhag Jayegi" is the first female-led comedy franchise in Bollywood. "It is an interesting fact. pBjjXEkiijo-00004-00006600-00007700 I makes me feel proud that the first film did well and it made the makers think of part two. It is a matter of great pride to take it forward. pBjjXEkiijo-00005-00007800-00009700 As an actor it makes me fulfilled," Diana told PTI. The sequel "Happy Phir Bhag Jayegi", for which the makers have roped in Sonakshi Sinha, is based on the case of mistaken identity and this time the story moves to China. pBjjXEkiijo-00006-00009800-00011500 "This film has two Happy. The first part was the story of Happy, the character that I played. The sequel is Sonakshi's film and we all help her take the film forward. Sonakshi plays the perfect Happy. pBjjXEkiijo-00007-00011600-00012600 I feel good about the film." Diana, 32, says the sequel just like the first part is a complete entertainer. pBjjXEkiijo-00008-00012700-00014600 "The second installment is keeping in line with the first part, that is, happy, fun and out-an-out sweet, endearing comedy film." The most special part in this series, according to Diana, is that the comedy is all there in the writing. pBjjXEkiijo-00009-00014700-00015500 "It is fun, pure and innocent and not something that was derogatory or poking fun at someone. pBjjXEkiijo-00010-00015600-00017900 The titular role is of Happy but it was the rest of the cast like Jimmy Shergill, Abhay Deol, Ali Fazal, Piyush Mishra sir, that made this film so lovable." For the "Parmanu" actor, it was relatively easy to reprise the role of Happy as she thinks it was "deeply embedded" in her. pBjjXEkiijo-00011-00018000-00019700 "When I came on the sets, I became Happy again, got into the character fast, maybe because it was deeply embedded in me. I did one drama film 'Lucknow Central' then I did 'Parmanu' that had bit of action in it. pBjjXEkiijo-00012-00019800-00021600 Coming back to this film was, organic for me." For Diana, who made her debut with Saif Ali Khan-Deepika Padukone starrer "Cocktail", the Aanand L Rai backed movie was an opportunity to showcase her versatility. pBjjXEkiijo-00013-00021700-00023200 "People were surprised to see me in this role. After 'Cocktail' everybody had put me into that compartment of shy, girl-next-door person and it is somewhere still ingrained in the minds of people. pBjjXEkiijo-00014-00023300-00024000 "People still remember me for my first film more than the other films. pBjjXEkiijo-00015-00024100-00026000 And which is why I felt doing 'Happy Bhag Jayegi' will help me break the mould and it did, as the audience was not expecting this from me." Directed by Mudassar Aziz, the film is set to release on August 24.. pBsuuCEOc9g-00000-00000208-00000467 It’s a pleasure to introduce learnitdown, pBsuuCEOc9g-00001-00000583-00000934 to Build an Integrated Teaching Environment for R. pBsuuCEOc9g-00002-00001213-00001827 There are many excellent component to make this platform like RStudio, pBsuuCEOc9g-00003-00001871-00002206 learnr tutorials, Shiny applications, pBsuuCEOc9g-00004-00002316-00002630 the areas the actual student could be managing pBsuuCEOc9g-00005-00002632-00002792 GitHub and GitHub Classroom. pBsuuCEOc9g-00006-00002845-00003127 And we can divide pBsuuCEOc9g-00007-00003202-00003536 the exercise using something like H5P, pBsuuCEOc9g-00008-00003666-00004014 JavaScript interactive system. pBsuuCEOc9g-00009-00004204-00004515 Overall there is no integration of those component. pBsuuCEOc9g-00010-00004608-00004914 There is no tracking of the activity of the student, pBsuuCEOc9g-00011-00004979-00005444 and there is no identification of those student in the system. pBsuuCEOc9g-00012-00005562-00005773 So learnitdown is there to fill the gap. pBsuuCEOc9g-00013-00005998-00006287 If we start from WordPress, pBsuuCEOc9g-00014-00006434-00006699 which is linked to MySQL database pBsuuCEOc9g-00015-00006702-00007039 to store the information of the users. pBsuuCEOc9g-00016-00007229-00007879 Learnitdown allows to integrate Bookdown pages inside the system, pBsuuCEOc9g-00017-00008001-00008135 and to record pBsuuCEOc9g-00018-00008408-00008645 the GitHub login of the student. pBsuuCEOc9g-00019-00008685-00008991 And also other information like the rules they follow, pBsuuCEOc9g-00020-00009062-00009504 from, there are some things like the Moodle platform, for instance. pBsuuCEOc9g-00021-00009574-00009882 And then all this information is transferred pBsuuCEOc9g-00022-00009884-00010081 from WordPress to Bookdown. pBsuuCEOc9g-00023-00010186-00010427 And inside the Bookdown pages pBsuuCEOc9g-00024-00010475-00010853 one can create GitHub Classroom assignment pBsuuCEOc9g-00025-00010954-00011550 and create GitHub project from MySQL and then track their activity pBsuuCEOc9g-00026-00011601-00012322 like statistics about their comits inside the MongoDB database. pBsuuCEOc9g-00027-00012439-00012925 One can also integrate those H5P exercise pBsuuCEOc9g-00028-00012927-00013198 within the server which is, again, WordPress. pBsuuCEOc9g-00029-00013256-00013653 To solve this exercise directly inside the Bookdown pages, pBsuuCEOc9g-00030-00013697-00014108 and again to record the activity in those exercise in the database. pBsuuCEOc9g-00031-00014187-00014470 And finally, in the same Bookdown page, pBsuuCEOc9g-00032-00014472-00014988 one can also integrate Shiny application or learnr tutorials. pBsuuCEOc9g-00033-00015070-00015308 Of course, we need a server for that. pBsuuCEOc9g-00034-00015327-00015673 R server and RStudio Connect pBsuuCEOc9g-00035-00015756-00016135 or R plus RStudio run locally. pBsuuCEOc9g-00036-00016218-00016499 And then activity in this application pBsuuCEOc9g-00037-00016507-00016797 is put on in the same MongoDB database, pBsuuCEOc9g-00038-00016840-00017455 and the same system can also be used to analyze this activity. pBsuuCEOc9g-00039-00017560-00017698 Here’s an example, pBsuuCEOc9g-00040-00017767-00018226 Biological Data Science course at the University of Mons. pBsuuCEOc9g-00041-00018344-00018485 This is the main page, pBsuuCEOc9g-00042-00018486-00018877 student that are registered just have to click on the blue button pBsuuCEOc9g-00043-00018927-00019160 to login in the system pBsuuCEOc9g-00044-00019227-00019505 and then they have access to different courses. pBsuuCEOc9g-00045-00019833-00020232 And, they can start to work with the teaching material. pBsuuCEOc9g-00046-00020382-00020665 And at the end of each chapter, pBsuuCEOc9g-00047-00020784-00021257 there is a summary of all the exercise in that chapter. pBsuuCEOc9g-00048-00021298-00021678 Here you have learnr tutorial, H5P exercise, pBsuuCEOc9g-00049-00021689-00022177 Shiny application, and GitHub Classroom as a method. pBsuuCEOc9g-00050-00022282-00022613 Just an example, with a Shiny application, pBsuuCEOc9g-00051-00022743-00023071 I just have to click on it to start the application. pBsuuCEOc9g-00052-00023359-00023850 As you can see, I am currently recognized by the system. pBsuuCEOc9g-00053-00023852-00023996 This is my GitHub login. pBsuuCEOc9g-00054-00024098-00024496 So I could start working with the application, pBsuuCEOc9g-00055-00024599-00024817 submit the answer. pBsuuCEOc9g-00056-00024818-00024962 I got direct feedback, pBsuuCEOc9g-00057-00025091-00025453 and I can change my mind, submit again. pBsuuCEOc9g-00058-00025527-00025803 Okay, it’s the correct answer, I save and quit. pBsuuCEOc9g-00059-00026161-00026262 Here is pBsuuCEOc9g-00060-00026395-00026840 what’s recorded in the MongoDB database pBsuuCEOc9g-00061-00026841-00027148 about the Shiny application, and as you can see, pBsuuCEOc9g-00062-00027283-00027935 all I did is recorded with lot of details. pBsuuCEOc9g-00063-00028278-00028378 Thank you. pC60o2hRr0k-00000-00000807-00000922 Hello, everyone. pC60o2hRr0k-00001-00000947-00001120 What we're going to introduce today is pC60o2hRr0k-00002-00001140-00001415 How to disassemble and maintain electric fan pC60o2hRr0k-00003-00001460-00001613 For those who don't have a subscription pC60o2hRr0k-00004-00001671-00001901 Please go to the bottom right corner and click subscribe pC60o2hRr0k-00005-00001927-00002106 We're ready to go. pC60o2hRr0k-00006-00002282-00002496 The tool materials are as follows pC60o2hRr0k-00007-00002612-00002797 A Phillips screwdriver. pC60o2hRr0k-00008-00002906-00003124 And a clean bottle of motor oil. pC60o2hRr0k-00009-00003847-00003917 first of all pC60o2hRr0k-00010-00003952-00004173 To remove the electric fan blade fan pC60o2hRr0k-00011-00004544-00004724 It has a grommet underneath. pC60o2hRr0k-00012-00004762-00004916 Press down a bit. pC60o2hRr0k-00013-00004999-00005178 There will be a curry sound. pC60o2hRr0k-00014-00006070-00006247 Push it down and it's up. pC60o2hRr0k-00015-00007348-00007527 Turn it clockwise again. pC60o2hRr0k-00016-00008519-00008743 The fan gently pulls out. pC60o2hRr0k-00017-00009037-00009204 And then there's the inner ring. pC60o2hRr0k-00018-00009428-00009594 Turn slowly against the clock. pC60o2hRr0k-00019-00010183-00010432 The wire mesh just came apart. pC60o2hRr0k-00020-00010548-00010644 Just dismantled. pC60o2hRr0k-00021-00010682-00010932 Just take it to the water and wash it off. pC60o2hRr0k-00022-00011060-00011316 The hardest part is the shaft inside. pC60o2hRr0k-00023-00011397-00011595 The oil in it will dry out. pC60o2hRr0k-00024-00011627-00011917 Dry it off. We'll have to oil it up a bit. pC60o2hRr0k-00025-00012120-00012244 To dismantle this institution. pC60o2hRr0k-00026-00012276-00012525 There is a screw and knob on the back. pC60o2hRr0k-00027-00012570-00012864 This knob is simple to pull up. pC60o2hRr0k-00028-00013421-00013607 And then there's the screwdriver. pC60o2hRr0k-00029-00013865-00014469 Plug it in and turn it counterclockwise. pC60o2hRr0k-00030-00015069-00015280 The oil dries up in there. pC60o2hRr0k-00031-00015392-00015520 That's why it needs to be torn down. pC60o2hRr0k-00032-00015994-00016327 Remember to press down on this spinning head first. pC60o2hRr0k-00033-00016687-00016942 And then we'll remove the screws. pC60o2hRr0k-00034-00018285-00018471 Remove these four screws. pC60o2hRr0k-00035-00022496-00022720 The next move is important. pC60o2hRr0k-00036-00022925-00023124 Pull away slowly. pC60o2hRr0k-00037-00025018-00025172 This is its axis. pC60o2hRr0k-00038-00025844-00025997 Let's put some oil on it. pC60o2hRr0k-00039-00026688-00026874 Principle of electric wind action pC60o2hRr0k-00040-00027015-00027213 It's a coiled wire and an electric pC60o2hRr0k-00041-00027284-00027488 Generate magnetic field and rotate pC60o2hRr0k-00042-00028359-00028628 Most electric fans do not turn. pC60o2hRr0k-00043-00028653-00028928 It's probably dried out here. pC60o2hRr0k-00044-00029197-00029511 But a few of them are starter capacitor failures. pC60o2hRr0k-00045-00029792-00030036 So we'll start with a little oil. pC60o2hRr0k-00046-00030618-00030740 A drop or two will do. pC60o2hRr0k-00047-00031565-00031828 Clean the shaft with paper. pC60o2hRr0k-00048-00034010-00034182 Wipe off the old oil. pC60o2hRr0k-00049-00035912-00036116 And then a little fresh oil on top. pC60o2hRr0k-00050-00038990-00039175 A little more oil on the shaft. pC60o2hRr0k-00051-00041526-00041705 A little more oil. pC60o2hRr0k-00052-00042490-00042791 When you're done, you put it back together. pC60o2hRr0k-00053-00042985-00043203 Let's put it back in order. pC60o2hRr0k-00054-00043235-00043465 I just took these four apart. pC60o2hRr0k-00055-00043568-00043875 There's a trick to these four locks. pC60o2hRr0k-00056-00044118-00044400 Don't lock up in one breath. pC60o2hRr0k-00057-00044611-00044809 The organization will be skewed. pC60o2hRr0k-00058-00044982-00045225 The fan won't turn smoothly. pC60o2hRr0k-00059-00045398-00045667 Remember, when you lock these four screws. pC60o2hRr0k-00060-00045795-00046057 This shaft needs to be turned by hand. pC60o2hRr0k-00061-00046155-00046294 It's smooth, smooth. pC60o2hRr0k-00062-00046377-00046518 If it's tight. pC60o2hRr0k-00063-00046655-00046934 That means these four screws are not locked. pC60o2hRr0k-00064-00047750-00047950 A four-way tap on the side lock. pC60o2hRr0k-00065-00048040-00048130 Let it run its course. pC60o2hRr0k-00066-00048752-00048950 It has a little tolerance. pC60o2hRr0k-00067-00050750-00050960 Don't rush to lock this. pC60o2hRr0k-00068-00053275-00053539 Let's lock the gears again. pC60o2hRr0k-00069-00054800-00054990 Go back the other way. pC60o2hRr0k-00070-00055363-00055561 And then there's the lid. pC60o2hRr0k-00071-00056848-00057040 There's a screw in the lid. pC60o2hRr0k-00072-00057050-00057179 Alignment lock pC60o2hRr0k-00073-00057897-00058102 Just pulled off the swivel head. pC60o2hRr0k-00074-00058128-00058275 Just press back. pC60o2hRr0k-00075-00058358-00058544 Put up the fence in front. pC60o2hRr0k-00076-00058608-00058825 The top two holes against the wire mesh. pC60o2hRr0k-00077-00059352-00059595 Clockwise Locking Loop pC60o2hRr0k-00078-00060700-00060867 Let's put the fan back on. pC60o2hRr0k-00079-00061628-00061840 Lock the lid counterclockwise. pC60o2hRr0k-00080-00062153-00062371 It's counterclockwise. pC60o2hRr0k-00081-00062505-00062800 Let's get the cover back on. pC60o2hRr0k-00082-00064060-00064240 Press the edges. pC60o2hRr0k-00083-00064395-00064592 There's a buckle underneath. "Press it." pC60o2hRr0k-00084-00064636-00064750 I'll "curry". pC60o2hRr0k-00085-00064784-00064929 That's it! pC60o2hRr0k-00086-00064950-00065140 Plug it in and see. pC60o2hRr0k-00087-00066090-00066240 Thank you all for watching. pC60o2hRr0k-00088-00066277-00066409 Like my videos. pC60o2hRr0k-00089-00066482-00066678 Remember to press subscribe in the bottom right corner pC60o2hRr0k-00090-00066710-00066927 We'll see you next time. pEOHyN8siGY-00000-00000064-00000776 i don't like the fact that gmail recently updated its web page design, so when you check your mail, pEOHyN8siGY-00001-00000776-00001392 instead of seeing the robot, so forty to see this new font, which was with the help center about ten pEOHyN8siGY-00002-00001392-00002216 months ago, and the beginning of september last year, which was first there. now, it's in gmail. pEOHyN8siGY-00003-00002216-00003176 seriously, why would they do this. i just don't like this new design, because not only that, it just pEOHyN8siGY-00004-00003176-00003976 makes your mail a bit weird, and it almost makes gmail look a little puny. it just isn't supposed to pEOHyN8siGY-00005-00003976-00005248 look like that, so i would like that to be changed. like, seriously gmail, why, why would you do this pEOHyN8siGY-00006-00005248-00005968 to everybody. and, i know it happened in the last two days, but why did it do this. pHCafCj2NSQ-00000-00000012-00000637 A learning Journey MOOC This is a set of courses developed by IT Sligo, pHCafCj2NSQ-00001-00000637-00001321 GMIT, University of Limerick, Letterkenny IT, Mary Immaculate College, LYIT and NUIG pHCafCj2NSQ-00002-00001321-00002042 Galway. The design and development of this set of courses has been funded by the National pHCafCj2NSQ-00003-00002042-00002426 Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Ireland. pHCafCj2NSQ-00004-00002426-00002962 This MOOC was designed to help students transitioning from 2nd to third pHCafCj2NSQ-00005-00002962-00003339 level education. The MOOC can be studied online at home or pHCafCj2NSQ-00006-00003339-00003794 in your school or college. Transitioning from second level to third level pHCafCj2NSQ-00007-00003794-00004433 can be a big jump.. but you are not alone.. students from all over Ireland are doing the pHCafCj2NSQ-00008-00004433-00005051 same thing and we want to connect you through this MOOC with other students who are also pHCafCj2NSQ-00009-00005051-00005149 transitioning. pHCafCj2NSQ-00010-00005149-00005744 The MOOC can be teacher facilitated or self-directed which means that you are participating on pHCafCj2NSQ-00011-00005744-00006223 your own or in class time. The MOOC is a journey so the first thing you will pHCafCj2NSQ-00012-00006223-00006820 do is to carry out an orientation which is similar to reading a map.. all the information pHCafCj2NSQ-00013-00006820-00007461 you need to know and how you make your way from the start of the MOOC to the end is contained pHCafCj2NSQ-00014-00007461-00007555 within the orientation. It doesn’t matter what pathway you take… pHCafCj2NSQ-00015-00007555-00007643 Teacher Facilitated or Self Directed… everyone works on activities together and ends their pHCafCj2NSQ-00016-00007643-00007944 journey in the same place…. Once you have completed the orientation pHCafCj2NSQ-00017-00007944-00008595 You will have access to all the MOOC modules. Discover Learning, Critical and Creative Thinking, pHCafCj2NSQ-00018-00008595-00009347 Digital Literacy and Communications, Responsible Citizenship after completing one or more of pHCafCj2NSQ-00019-00009347-00009974 these module a reflection area will open up to you where you can reflect on your learning pHCafCj2NSQ-00020-00009974-00010287 journey and document it in a blog. pHCafCj2NSQ-00022-00010373-00010740 A progress bar will display your progress in each module. pHCafCj2NSQ-00024-00010769-00011209 Check boxes will automatically tick once you have completed each part of pHCafCj2NSQ-00025-00011209-00011453 a lesson or activity. pHCafCj2NSQ-00026-00011453-00012050 An Emoderator is a type of online teacher who is there to support you while you complete pHCafCj2NSQ-00027-00012050-00012400 each module. They are just a click away if you need to ask a question pHCafCj2NSQ-00030-00012612-00012677 You will need a headset pHCafCj2NSQ-00031-00012677-00013227 the use a computer, a smartphone or a tablet. pHCafCj2NSQ-00032-00013227-00013765 E-tivities are online activities carried out in forums where you can discuss topics and pHCafCj2NSQ-00033-00013765-00014032 work together. pHCafCj2NSQ-00034-00014032-00014410 Be respectful within the e-tivities, this is a shared space pHCafCj2NSQ-00035-00014410-00014672 where you should help others. pHCafCj2NSQ-00036-00014672-00015678 Every module on this MOOC is made up of lessons, e-tivities and quizzes. pHCafCj2NSQ-00037-00015678-00016444 Badges are awarded at the end of each module and these badges can be displayed on your social media accounts and professional networks. pHCafCj2NSQ-00038-00016444-00017078 A digital badge is your proof of achievement and can be placed into a type of online backpack pHCafCj2NSQ-00039-00017078-00017596 which will store all your badges from this set of courses and other courses that you may pHCafCj2NSQ-00040-00017596-00018184 achieve in the future. Continue your journey after this MOOC and give links to your backpack pHCafCj2NSQ-00041-00018184-00018796 to potential employers who will be impressed with your achievements and your digital skills. pHCafCj2NSQ-00042-00018796-00019310 Share your success on social media and tell others about the MOOC and further your education pHCafCj2NSQ-00043-00019310-00019776 with other MOOCs and online courses which are freely available. pHCafCj2NSQ-00044-00019776-00020231 Transitioning from 2nd to third level is a journey and we hope that this Learning journey pHCafCj2NSQ-00045-00020231-00020440 MOOC is fun and enjoyable. pOh_U_bYwdy-00000-00002700-00002900 Playn you goin' crazy! pOVsC149K30-00000-00000302-00000779 do you ever wonder what happens when the police leave crime scene cleaners are pOVsC149K30-00001-00000779-00001278 private companies that handle to clean up after the police are gone Spaulding pOVsC149K30-00002-00001278-00001619 decon is one of the nation's largest cleanup companies handling the aftermath pOVsC149K30-00003-00001619-00002342 of homicides suicides decompositions Auden and much more pOVsC149K30-00004-00002721-00004029 these are stories we are at the scene of a decomp today as Friday and this person pOVsC149K30-00005-00004029-00004386 passed away well was discovered on Tuesday we don't know when he passed pOVsC149K30-00006-00004386-00004965 away based on the amount of medication I think he was probably pretty sick he pOVsC149K30-00007-00004965-00005529 lived alone the scene is rather small it's it's pretty contained so we got a pOVsC149K30-00008-00005529-00005957 little bit of clothing we got carpet we do have quite a bit of maggots the smell pOVsC149K30-00009-00005957-00006393 one of scale from 1 to 10 is probably about a seven seven and a half so it's pOVsC149K30-00010-00006393-00006839 really not too bad so we are going to get started working in this room here it pOVsC149K30-00011-00006839-00007233 is a bit cluttered there's a lot of big items but we'll take care of the odor pOVsC149K30-00012-00007233-00007863 and get rid of all of the nastiness we are going to be working in a pretty pOVsC149K30-00013-00007863-00008655 shitty environment it's hot already and the AC appears to be broken so I've got pOVsC149K30-00014-00008655-00009270 it on 67 and it's reading 86 degrees in here I open this up and it looks like pOVsC149K30-00015-00009270-00009884 this air conditioning system is duct-taped together and I think pOVsC149K30-00016-00009884-00010469 I can't even see the year on this thing but it's like ancient ancient old so pOVsC149K30-00017-00010469-00010922 it's gonna really be a crappy environment for us to work in it's pOVsC149K30-00018-00010922-00011475 pretty dirty too so oh well another day another dollar pOVsC149K30-00019-00011475-00012206 hey guys we are here in Tampa on the 31st of July we are doing a animal pOVsC149K30-00020-00012206-00012788 Beagle matter clean out if you follow me so the guy was known as a drug user a pOVsC149K30-00021-00012788-00013369 known drug user he has stolen out of another apartment a stove and a pOVsC149K30-00022-00013369-00013720 refrigerator we're actually taking this refrigerator with us today you can see pOVsC149K30-00023-00013720-00014773 it is leaking down here really gross so we are all animal lovers here the animal pOVsC149K30-00024-00014773-00015055 has been taken away pOVsC149K30-00025-00015127-00016038 he had his dog locked in the bathroom this is what we're here to clean today pOVsC149K30-00026-00016047-00016647 these are the situations in our heart for me not too bad we're gonna remove pOVsC149K30-00027-00016647-00017141 flooring we're removing base sports we're gonna sanitized seal the floor pOVsC149K30-00028-00017141-00017682 we're gonna call it a dad welcome to life asphalt line well it's not as bad pOVsC149K30-00029-00017682-00018650 as decomp but it'll be fun it'll be easy pOVsC149K30-00030-00018656-00018974 hold on pOVsC149K30-00031-00019626-00021165 is so bad yeah they tease bro so it's so so bad so hot Oh actually it's fast like pOVsC149K30-00032-00021165-00022545 August 11th look at that this is perfectly fine today oh my god maggots pOVsC149K30-00033-00022545-00023342 look it over so you know let me tell you something maggots are my best employees pOVsC149K30-00034-00023342-00023988 they never Chloe sick they never complain right you see they don't cuss pOVsC149K30-00035-00023988-00024548 me out they just do their jobs look at that that floor is gonna come pOVsC149K30-00036-00024548-00024761 out pOVsC149K30-00037-00026733-00027383 so we're removing the refrigerator it is full of food I don't want anything pOVsC149K30-00038-00027383-00028280 falling out of my fucking trailer it will have to be empty or I will call her pOVsC149K30-00039-00028280-00029011 a scrap after the fact when we get back pOVsC149K30-00040-00029014-00029698 it's fucking gross I didn't open em but the maybe supervisor Sonia's fuckin girl pOVsC149K30-00041-00029698-00030127 so I have nice together do you want me to open it all right pOVsC149K30-00042-00030127-00030535 that's a fucking challenge challenging pOVsC149K30-00043-00030639-00031493 there we go challenge accepted get all up in it you pOVsC149K30-00044-00031493-00032104 want to see the refrigerator smell anything pOVsC149K30-00045-00039591-00040453 hey we had a three-way maggot race and Kyle's maggot one that's kind of fast or pOVsC149K30-00046-00040453-00041391 fast what's wrong forest ruin what you know what let's set up a maggot race oh pOVsC149K30-00047-00041391-00042458 I want that one okay on the count of three pOVsC149K30-00048-00042458-00042938 one two mine's winning already here's this retargeting that's mine pOVsC149K30-00049-00042938-00043672 yes bottom aside this yeah this is what yeah mines waiting Oh yours went off pOVsC149K30-00050-00043672-00044486 track one what are you doing whoa oh he's going back at you whoa he smells pOVsC149K30-00051-00044486-00045506 the clouds no yeah my maggot did not win my maggot was in second place though pOVsC149K30-00052-00045506-00046394 it's just because Kyle was part of a three-way well we were cleaning it up I pOVsC149K30-00053-00046394-00046888 mean maggots were running and we thought what a better way to get them some pOVsC149K30-00054-00046888-00047336 exercise since they've done such a great job for us in the cleanup of course we pOVsC149K30-00055-00047336-00048034 did and Wan's maggot was semi disabled because he ran in the wrong direction pOVsC149K30-00056-00048034-00048725 okay and upside down and upside down so but in my defense my maggot was the pOVsC149K30-00057-00048725-00049363 fattest so that's why I came in second mine had the flattest ass or I mean hey pOVsC149K30-00058-00049363-00049771 yeah it was able to run with nothing pOVsC149K30-00059-00049809-00050377 she just called me sad and she called before all right we hate you pOVsC149K30-00060-00050377-00050812 we're leaving pOVsC149K30-00061-00051827-00052414 oh my god take that sweater off it's summer you know I need to shave or pOVsC149K30-00062-00052414-00052748 anything though I'll wax it for you though I've always wanted to get waxed pOVsC149K30-00063-00052748-00053458 Oh do it let me pull it oh my god see so you could see I'm somewhat dry he is pOVsC149K30-00064-00053458-00053902 soaking wet I'm dying even has butt sweat crunch no pOVsC149K30-00065-00053902-00054751 I have ball sweat my ball sweat has balls laughs well my flat by high school pOVsC149K30-00066-00054751-00055499 you got six right it's probably wait should we get a 95 degrees outside yeah pOVsC149K30-00067-00055499-00056099 86 inside yeah so it's really hot we're taking a break we're having to remove pOVsC149K30-00068-00056099-00056674 the subfloor because it went through which we weren't really surprised pOVsC149K30-00069-00056674-00057279 because filled up the padding pOVsC149K30-00070-00057313-00057937 so one lost the maggot race so he's got such a subway yeah everything about that pOVsC149K30-00071-00057937-00058710 you can hear in the background actually taking a break in the 95-degree heat pOVsC149K30-00072-00058710-00059281 argument yeah this was an elderly man that just honestly passed away from got pOVsC149K30-00073-00059281-00059548 out of college yeah there was nothing cranky about this pOVsC149K30-00074-00059548-00059929 at all there was a little bit of blood pOVsC149K30-00075-00060353-00061270 yeah deerfield stunk worse yeah well I thought I was like episode pOVsC149K30-00076-00061302-00061945 worse than that that's all economically so we are just trying to have a little pOVsC149K30-00077-00061945-00062677 bit of light humor here because if you don't it can be really bad the day's the pOVsC149K30-00078-00062677-00063196 day's can really get to you if you don't like take them lightly you know right pOVsC149K30-00079-00063196-00064039 yeah yeah you start dwelling on yeah exactly so we have to kind of have light pOVsC149K30-00080-00064039-00064663 humor about it it's it's the circle of life I mean it's really when it's your pOVsC149K30-00081-00064663-00064899 time to go pOVsC149K30-00082-00065171-00065597 we're not sensitive or just you know making pOVsC149K30-00083-00065597-00066051 a lot of Pacific if we didn't show pOVsC149K30-00084-00066602-00067066 I have my fogger with disinfectant in it I actually pOVsC149K30-00085-00067066-00067693 labeled a on top shockwave so that way nobody gets it confused I try to keep pOVsC149K30-00086-00067693-00068059 one for the stuff that I have for mold and then I try to keep one that has pOVsC149K30-00087-00068059-00068818 shockwave in it once a mold killer the other one is a disinfectant I'm just pOVsC149K30-00088-00068818-00069628 gonna go in everything before I start talking everything cleaned up the mess pOVsC149K30-00089-00069628-00070108 on the floor from the refrigerator so what we did here we literally stripped pOVsC149K30-00090-00070108-00070696 the bathroom down had to remove the toilet to get the sticky laminate pOVsC149K30-00091-00070696-00071224 flooring up I stopped at the threshold everything in here has been sanitized pOVsC149K30-00092-00071224-00071698 wipe down on inside cabinets I could lick them if I wanted to I'm just not in pOVsC149K30-00093-00071698-00072376 the mood inside the drawers here we're good to go there the tub build it by pOVsC149K30-00094-00072376-00073039 hand tub looks phenomenal I would actually take a bath in it I would sit pOVsC149K30-00095-00073039-00073561 on the toilet seat I probably would lick it since I'm the one that cleaned it pOVsC149K30-00096-00073561-00074251 move for that either that's essentially it today so what I'm going to do now I'm pOVsC149K30-00097-00074251-00074773 gonna follow my disinfectant gonna fuck with my disinfectant I'm gonna go ahead pOVsC149K30-00098-00074773-00075241 get all the walls I'm going to do a heavy fog in the air so that way it's pOVsC149K30-00099-00075241-00075901 inside crevices and things like that again this was a known drug user drug of pOVsC149K30-00100-00075901-00076309 choice was heroin I have a box of needles that I actually have to pick up pOVsC149K30-00101-00076309-00076771 it's already been sealed so I'm not gonna open it you guys unfortunately pOVsC149K30-00102-00076771-00077493 aren't going to be able to see it that's it pOVsC149K30-00103-00077658-00078251 okay here we are Bradenton Florida at the bio asset that we did older pOVsC149K30-00104-00078251-00078707 gentleman died of natural causes you can see here we actually removed all of the pOVsC149K30-00105-00078707-00079016 carpet I'm getting ready to set mine up goes down machine to get rid of the pOVsC149K30-00106-00079016-00079823 smell so if there was two layers on the floor here one one particle board the pOVsC149K30-00107-00079823-00080198 other ones plywood it actually feels like when you're walking but you're pOVsC149K30-00108-00080198-00080744 gonna fall through the flooring it's just everything is on swol because of pOVsC149K30-00109-00080744-00081182 moisture and things like that it's my hometown it was kind of nice to be home pOVsC149K30-00110-00081182-00081893 but it was kind of a fairly easy cleanup had to rip up all the carpet at 196 pOVsC149K30-00111-00081893-00082412 Caleb I go Ben maggots galore had a maggot race which is really cool this at pOVsC149K30-00112-00082412-00082927 my autozone machine we're gonna dip out of here so hope you guys enjoyed this pOVsC149K30-00113-00082927-00083522 episode with Laura Wong myself not very often the Laura and pOVsC149K30-00114-00083522-00083760 I work together but we always try to make it fun pOVsC149K30-00115-00083760-00084008 have a good progress pV7ePF02enu-00000-00000003-00000392 process is when your body paralyzes your muscles so that you don't act out your pV7ePF02enu-00001-00000392-00000687 dreams during the night but if you wake up during that process it can be pV7ePF02enu-00002-00000687-00001062 terrifying now in this video I'm gonna tell you ten things that you should pV7ePF02enu-00003-00001062-00001484 never do during sleep paralysis these are sleep paralysis dangers if you want pV7ePF02enu-00004-00001484-00001872 things you should avoid doing and you really need to pay attention to these pV7ePF02enu-00005-00001872-00002135 things and make sure that you don't do them because otherwise it's gonna be a pV7ePF02enu-00006-00002135-00002535 lot more scary than it needs to be it's gonna be terrifying okay now sleep pV7ePF02enu-00007-00002535-00002871 paralysis is actually nothing to worry about if you follow these steps and if pV7ePF02enu-00008-00002871-00003236 you make sure that you just don't panic but before we get into this video make pV7ePF02enu-00009-00003236-00003557 sure you do subscribe to the channel because I do share regular lucid pV7ePF02enu-00010-00003557-00003939 dreaming it's hips and tutorials as well as sleep hacks and methods as well so pV7ePF02enu-00011-00003939-00004280 number one the first thing you should never do during sleep paralysis is panic pV7ePF02enu-00012-00004280-00004734 it's so easy to just panic and think oh my god I'm stuck in a state I can't pV7ePF02enu-00013-00004734-00005157 escape it feels terrifying and you just want to be able to move but if you panic pV7ePF02enu-00014-00005157-00005637 you actually make it worse so just remember to stay calm stay focused on pV7ePF02enu-00015-00005637-00006287 just avoiding the panic stage and just remaining calm try not to move this pV7ePF02enu-00016-00006287-00006711 leads me nicely onto number two which is just don't move try not to move during pV7ePF02enu-00017-00006711-00007077 sleep paralysis if you wake up and the first thing you think is oh my god I pV7ePF02enu-00018-00007077-00007503 can't move and then you try in like a twitch of your hand or move your leg or pV7ePF02enu-00019-00007503-00007797 something like that and it doesn't move that's just gonna make you panic even pV7ePF02enu-00020-00007797-00008159 more and that's gonna keep you endlessly privacy to stay is gonna keep you in pV7ePF02enu-00021-00008159-00008724 that scared experience which nobody wants to really have so remember don't pV7ePF02enu-00022-00008724-00009182 try and move during sleep paralysis it's a big mistake number three and this is pV7ePF02enu-00023-00009182-00009593 kind of don't get too scared by this but try not to scream if you enter sleep pV7ePF02enu-00024-00009593-00010038 paralysis and your first thought is I can't move I want to escape this and you pV7ePF02enu-00025-00010038-00010506 then try and say something you try and shout out you know asking for help or if pV7ePF02enu-00026-00010506-00010842 you're sleeping with a partner or even just screaming out for somebody that's pV7ePF02enu-00027-00010842-00011223 in the house to try and help you that's just gonna reinforce the pV7ePF02enu-00028-00011223-00011562 scared experience that you're having it's gonna make it even more terrifying pV7ePF02enu-00029-00011562-00011982 than needs to be so don't try try not to say anything or try not to shout or pV7ePF02enu-00030-00011982-00012342 scream out or anything like that now in a couple of minutes I'll explain how you pV7ePF02enu-00031-00012342-00012726 can actually use sleep paralysis to lucid dream but let's just stick with pV7ePF02enu-00032-00012726-00012969 this for now so number four the fourth thing that you pV7ePF02enu-00033-00012969-00013440 should never do during sleep paralysis is to try and escape if you try and pV7ePF02enu-00034-00013440-00013788 escape the sleep paralysis state you're going to be fighting against your own pV7ePF02enu-00035-00013788-00014147 body in your own mind which is a losing battle you're not going to be able to do pV7ePF02enu-00036-00014147-00014625 it now there is actually a purpose to sleep paralysis is designed to help make pV7ePF02enu-00037-00014625-00015041 sure that you don't act out your dreams during the day and during the night by pV7ePF02enu-00038-00015041-00015402 trying to escape that state too soon you're going to be interfering with your pV7ePF02enu-00039-00015402-00015819 natural process and your natural sleep cycles so don't try and escape there's pV7ePF02enu-00040-00015819-00016326 no need to because it's not it shouldn't be scary it won't hurt you and it can't pV7ePF02enu-00041-00016326-00016671 do you any harm so there's no point trying to escape it especially when as pV7ePF02enu-00042-00016671-00017052 I'm going to explain in a minute you can actually turn it into a lucid dream very pV7ePF02enu-00043-00017052-00017478 easily so number five try not to stay in the sleep paralysis state for too long pV7ePF02enu-00044-00017478-00017853 okay I know this sounds a bit controversial but if you stay in the pV7ePF02enu-00045-00017853-00018365 sleep palaces for too long then you might find it increasingly scary and pV7ePF02enu-00046-00018365-00018831 uncomfortable as time goes on if you just stay in the state for a few minutes pV7ePF02enu-00047-00018831-00019212 you know you tell yourself that you will soon turn it into a lucid dream that's pV7ePF02enu-00048-00019212-00019642 fine but if you stay in it for 10 minutes or even 15 minutes it's gonna pV7ePF02enu-00049-00019642-00019887 start feeling more and more uncomfortable and you're gonna pV7ePF02enu-00050-00019887-00020271 experience things like the sleep paralysis demon and various other scary pV7ePF02enu-00051-00020271-00020673 things you know vibrations it can feel like there's a crushing feeling in your pV7ePF02enu-00052-00020673-00021106 chest you don't want any of that so try not to stay in the snake too long and pV7ePF02enu-00053-00021106-00021370 I'm gonna explain in a minute how you can escape that sleep paralysis pV7ePF02enu-00054-00021370-00021676 experience and just turn it into a normal lucid dream which is gonna be pV7ePF02enu-00055-00021676-00022084 much more fun by it so number six try not to get frustrated okay I know it can pV7ePF02enu-00056-00022084-00022488 be annoying it can be very frustrating but if you just try and stay calm and pV7ePF02enu-00057-00022488-00022834 just remind yourself that the sleep paralysis is a fairly normal thing pV7ePF02enu-00058-00022834-00023265 everybody experiences it and just try and remain calm if you're gonna have a pV7ePF02enu-00059-00023265-00023760 much better time it's really gonna be so much easier to deal with if you just try pV7ePF02enu-00060-00023760-00024084 not to get frustrated at it and just tell yourself that it's normal that you pV7ePF02enu-00061-00024084-00024351 can't move alright it's number eight try not to pV7ePF02enu-00062-00024351-00024732 lucid dream too soon at the end of this video I'm going to explain how you can pV7ePF02enu-00063-00024732-00025104 actually lucid dream as a result of sleep paralysis but if you try and lucid pV7ePF02enu-00064-00025104-00025504 dream too soon before you're ready then what's gonna happen is you're gonna be pV7ePF02enu-00065-00025504-00025929 unable to lucid dream you're going to be more aware of the fact that you're in pV7ePF02enu-00066-00025929-00026380 sleep paralysis and that's just gonna what that's gonna mean is if the whole pV7ePF02enu-00067-00026380-00026722 thing is going to be more uncomfortable for you so try not to lose the dream pV7ePF02enu-00068-00026722-00027169 immediately you can you can lose the dream but not straightaway what you need pV7ePF02enu-00069-00027169-00027600 to do is just let the sleep paralysis run its course and naturally shift into pV7ePF02enu-00070-00027600-00027937 a lucid dream this will take anywhere from one to ten pV7ePF02enu-00071-00027937-00028338 minutes it really depends on you know how deep you in the sleep paralysis how pV7ePF02enu-00072-00028338-00028880 much your mind is awake but as I said try not to lose the dream before pV7ePF02enu-00073-00028880-00029239 or its before it naturally feels like you can enter the lucid dream if you've pV7ePF02enu-00074-00029239-00029602 watched my other videos about techniques like the wild this is very similar to pV7ePF02enu-00075-00029602-00030103 that you want to try and wait until the perfect moment before you jump into the pV7ePF02enu-00076-00030103-00030541 lucid dream and actually enter that state and number eight this is quite an pV7ePF02enu-00077-00030541-00031015 important one and try not to forget that it's actually not real so the sleep pV7ePF02enu-00078-00031015-00031358 paralysis state can feel scary especially if you have an experience pV7ePF02enu-00079-00031358-00031669 with something like the sleep paralysis demon which is really just all in your pV7ePF02enu-00080-00031669-00032036 mind but if you forget that it's not real and you actually take it for real pV7ePF02enu-00081-00032036-00032575 and believe that it's actually happening to you it can feel scary it can feel pV7ePF02enu-00082-00032575-00032969 like you know it hurts in some cases if there's something pressing down on your pV7ePF02enu-00083-00032969-00033316 chest so try not to take it too seriously try and constantly remind pV7ePF02enu-00084-00033316-00033758 yourself that the sleep paralysis experience is not actually real it's pV7ePF02enu-00085-00033758-00034124 just in your mind and your mind is paralyzing your muscles so that you pV7ePF02enu-00086-00034124-00034447 don't act out your dreams there's nothing else to it you know there's no pV7ePF02enu-00087-00034447-00034784 secret hidden danger of sleep paralysis that I'm not telling you that's pV7ePF02enu-00088-00034784-00035122 literally it alright so number nine which you recognize this tip if you've pV7ePF02enu-00089-00035122-00035480 watched my other video about the wild technique try not to tense up your pV7ePF02enu-00090-00035480-00035906 throat too much if you're in an experience where mainly in sleep pV7ePF02enu-00091-00035906-00036196 paralysis but you know you can have this also when you're trying to do the wild pV7ePF02enu-00092-00036196-00036577 it can be very easy to tense up your throat and to try and say something or pV7ePF02enu-00093-00036577-00036896 to try and you know go as if you're going to move or breathe in a different pV7ePF02enu-00094-00036896-00037384 way but all that does is it makes the state even harder to escape and it's pV7ePF02enu-00095-00037384-00037637 just going to make the whole thing really frustrating and uncomfortable so pV7ePF02enu-00096-00037637-00038024 try not to tense your throat up too much we hold a lot of tension in our throats pV7ePF02enu-00097-00038024-00038534 in our neck and in our jaw as well so I'm just about to explain how to pV7ePF02enu-00098-00038534-00038875 actually turn it into a lucid dream but first I want to tell you the last thing pV7ePF02enu-00099-00038875-00039284 you should never do in sleep paralysis which is number 10 don't get discouraged pV7ePF02enu-00100-00039284-00039599 if you experience a regular sleep paralysis it can be very discouraging pV7ePF02enu-00101-00039599-00040013 and it can stop you from wanting to learn more around lucid dreaming it can pV7ePF02enu-00102-00040013-00040438 stop you from even being excited about dreams in general you know you might pV7ePF02enu-00103-00040438-00040829 even be scared to go to sleep which is really not what you want to be having as pV7ePF02enu-00104-00040829-00041174 an experience so try not to get discouraged remind yourself constantly pV7ePF02enu-00105-00041174-00041657 that the sleep paralysis state is natural it's safe it's not gonna hurt pV7ePF02enu-00106-00041657-00041999 you in any way and it's actually a good thing you know if you didn't have sleep pV7ePF02enu-00107-00041999-00042311 paralysis then you would be acting out your dreams you'd be doing things like pV7ePF02enu-00108-00042311-00042749 kicking the bed or rolling out of bed sleepwalking and causing harm to pV7ePF02enu-00109-00042749-00043190 yourself in the real world so sleep paralysis is actually a good thing and pV7ePF02enu-00110-00043190-00043637 so lastly I'll explain how you can turn sleep paralysis into a beautiful lucid pV7ePF02enu-00111-00043637-00043966 dream this is a really easy thing you can do and it basically you're just pV7ePF02enu-00112-00043966-00044336 going to follow the steps of the Wild's technique so the wake induced lucid pV7ePF02enu-00113-00044336-00044672 dreaming technique involves keeping your mind awake and what everybody goes to pV7ePF02enu-00114-00044672-00045119 sleep and actually one of the stages in that technique is to go through sleep pV7ePF02enu-00115-00045119-00045569 paralysis it's a very simple thing you can do so all you need to do is just pV7ePF02enu-00116-00045569-00046043 focus on not moving like we said not panicking but also not trying to wake pV7ePF02enu-00117-00046043-00046453 yourself up you know you want to keep yourself in that state to your mind so pV7ePF02enu-00118-00046453-00046865 your body is still asleep but your mind is going to be kept awake this is really pV7ePF02enu-00119-00046865-00047144 important and this is essentially how you do the world technique in the first pV7ePF02enu-00120-00047144-00047585 place you know you keep your mind awake throughout that so as you experience the pV7ePF02enu-00121-00047585-00048059 sleep paralysis you will slowly start seeing what's called hypnagogic imagery pV7ePF02enu-00122-00048059-00048512 this is this can be patterns it can be lines or shapes that can be colors it pV7ePF02enu-00123-00048512-00048965 could even be flashes of light that you see behind your eyelids but what happens pV7ePF02enu-00124-00048965-00049508 is if you keep yourself aware and awake during that stage slowly you'll start to pV7ePF02enu-00125-00049508-00050015 see pieces of a dream scene for me you know you might see like to quit a quick pV7ePF02enu-00126-00050015-00050531 flash of a skyline or a tree line or even you might see as if you're walking pV7ePF02enu-00127-00050531-00050863 down the street you'll just see a flash of a dream scene and then you'll go back pV7ePF02enu-00128-00050863-00051214 to seeing the shapes and colors now to actually enter a lucid dream pV7ePF02enu-00129-00051214-00051601 during that what you need to do is constantly remind yourself as we said in pV7ePF02enu-00130-00051601-00051984 the other tips that the speak paralysis stage is not real it's not going to harm pV7ePF02enu-00131-00051984-00052438 you and it will be over soon so remind yourself of those things but pV7ePF02enu-00132-00052438-00052849 then also keep telling yourself I will lose to dream any moment now I can't pV7ePF02enu-00133-00052849-00053188 control my dreams these positive affirmations which if you look around on pV7ePF02enu-00134-00053188-00053454 my channel you can find some other videos that I've made about this this pV7ePF02enu-00135-00053454-00053749 sort of thing but just keep reminding yourself that you're going to enter a pV7ePF02enu-00136-00053749-00054124 lucid dream you're going to be able to control it so if you enjoyed this video pV7ePF02enu-00137-00054124-00054508 guys please remoter subscribe to the channel internal notifications because I pV7ePF02enu-00138-00054508-00054841 make almost weekly lucid dreaming tutorials I make videos about all sorts pV7ePF02enu-00139-00054841-00055273 of sleep related topics and if you are one of my existing subscribers I'm sorry pV7ePF02enu-00140-00055273-00055608 about the noise I'm actually staying in Marbella right now as you can see from pV7ePF02enu-00141-00055608-00055839 this view pV7ePF02enu-00142-00055987-00056524 and unfortunately this is the best lit place sunlight the natural daylight is pV7ePF02enu-00143-00056524-00056904 coming in from this area so this is the best place to film videos and I will be pV7ePF02enu-00144-00056904-00057271 home in in a couple of weeks where I'll be able to use my proper recording stuff pV7ePF02enu-00145-00057271-00057736 but yeah this is it for now and remember to go and subscribe to my youtube pV7ePF02enu-00146-00057736-00058132 channel follow the Instagram which is how to loose it links to all this is in pV7ePF02enu-00147-00058132-00058392 the description and if you do want to see my travel vlogs I'm making quite pV7ePF02enu-00148-00058392-00058791 almost daily travel videos on transcend travel which is the link for that is in pV7ePF02enu-00149-00058791-00059166 the description as well now lastly just leave a comment let me know what you pV7ePF02enu-00150-00059166-00059494 think about it have you ever experienced sleep paralysis what did it feel like pV7ePF02enu-00151-00059494-00059896 and let me know if there's anything I missed if there's any warnings that you pV7ePF02enu-00152-00059896-00060301 would give leave a comment below and remember to subscribe I'll see you next pV7ePF02enu-00153-00060301-00060625 time thanks for watching guys this video and this channel was supported by my pV7ePF02enu-00154-00060625-00060958 patreon followers please consider giving just a dollar a month to support this pV7ePF02enu-00155-00060958-00061266 channel or just click the links in the description you'll find links to various pV7ePF02enu-00156-00061266-00061648 lucid dreaming products articles techniques and tutorials if you did pV7ePF02enu-00157-00061648-00061983 enjoy this video please click the notification bell and subscribe and I'll pV7ePF02enu-00158-00061983-00062320 see you next time why are you still watching this you pV7ePF02enu-00159-00062320-00062652 should have clicked one of my related videos by now right or subscribed or pV7ePF02enu-00160-00062652-00063005 gone onto my website and one of that pakrfMeUbyU-00000-00000451-00000876 Loki's beyond reason but he is of Asgard and he's my brother pakrfMeUbyU-00001-00000876-00001405 he killed 80 people in two days he's adopted pakrfMeUbyU-00002-00001405-00001882 monkeys do not understand I do pakrfMeUbyU-00003-00001969-00002406 I understood that reference pakrfMeUbyU-00004-00002406-00002726 you're a monster pakrfMeUbyU-00005-00002828-00003358 No, no, you brought the monster pakrfMeUbyU-00006-00003457-00004204 so banner that's your plan pakrfMeUbyU-00007-00004204-00004620 how are your friends having time for me when they're so pakrfMeUbyU-00008-00004620-00004910 busy fighting you pakrfMeUbyU-00009-00006880-00007470 I am a god you dumb creature and I will not be bullied by pakrfMeUbyU-00010-00008210-00008414 Puny god pakrfMeUbyU-00011-00008676-00008860 it was a holodeck audience pakrfMeUbyU-00012-00008860-00009056 they were programmed to laugh at everything paHH80AYshc-00000-00000142-00000988 Hi, this is Dr. Ruscio. paHH80AYshc-00001-00000988-00001664 Let’s discuss how prevalent is non-celiac gluten sensitivity or, said more simply, being paHH80AYshc-00002-00001664-00001780 gluten sensitive. paHH80AYshc-00003-00001780-00002379 And also, how commonly is being gluten sensitive associated to autoimmune conditions? paHH80AYshc-00004-00002379-00002735 And more specifically, we’ll discuss thyroid autoimmunity. paHH80AYshc-00005-00002735-00003300 Now, we’ve discussed bits and pieces of this multicenter Italian study in the past. paHH80AYshc-00006-00003300-00003811 But I wanted to tie together a few of the more important aspects of this to help provide paHH80AYshc-00007-00003811-00004469 you with a better understanding of how prevalent gluten sensitivity is to help give you a more paHH80AYshc-00008-00004469-00005056 realistically calibrated expectation regarding, do you have a problem with gluten, or do you paHH80AYshc-00009-00005056-00005272 not have a problem with gluten? paHH80AYshc-00010-00005272-00005717 And unfortunately, I think we’ll need to juxtapose what the science actually says, paHH80AYshc-00011-00005717-00006395 which will be somewhat contrasting to what popular belief may have you thinking. paHH80AYshc-00012-00006395-00006737 So let me start by putting the abstract up here on the screen. paHH80AYshc-00013-00006737-00007338 “An Italian Prospective Multicenter Survey on Patients Suspected of Having Non-celiac paHH80AYshc-00014-00007338-00007464 Gluten Sensitivity.” paHH80AYshc-00015-00007464-00008222 In this study a group of physicians worked to ascertain if patients had gluten sensitivity or not. paHH80AYshc-00016-00008322-00008756 This was certainly not a group of physicians who were looking to disprove gluten sensitivity. paHH80AYshc-00017-00008756-00009332 In fact, they came up with a very comprehensive, roughly 60-point examination looking at everything paHH80AYshc-00018-00009332-00010009 from lab testing to physical examination to subjective questioning to really get a good, paHH80AYshc-00019-00010009-00010171 accurate assessment. paHH80AYshc-00020-00010171-00010465 And let’s go through some of their findings. paHH80AYshc-00021-00010465-00010971 Three percent of the subjects were found to have non-celiac gluten sensitivity. paHH80AYshc-00022-00010971-00011092 Now, this was in Italy. paHH80AYshc-00023-00011092-00011854 And one of the most quick rebukes to this comment is, “Well, it’s different in the paHH80AYshc-00024-00011854-00011954 United States. paHH80AYshc-00025-00011954-00012135 There’s more glycophosphate use. paHH80AYshc-00026-00012135-00012486 There might be more genetically modified wheat.” paHH80AYshc-00027-00012486-00012586 Okay. paHH80AYshc-00028-00012586-00012686 So that’s fine. paHH80AYshc-00029-00012686-00012786 That’s certainly an argument. paHH80AYshc-00030-00012786-00012903 It’s a speculative argument. paHH80AYshc-00031-00012903-00013351 So we want to be careful not to just take a speculative point that has no data to support paHH80AYshc-00032-00013351-00013851 it and inflate that to mean something substantial. paHH80AYshc-00033-00013851-00014362 This same paper also cites that in the United States, the reported prevalence of non-celiac paHH80AYshc-00034-00014362-00015023 gluten sensitivity ranges from 0.6% up through 6%. paHH80AYshc-00035-00015023-00015412 So maybe more common in the United States. paHH80AYshc-00036-00015412-00016422 However, even if the data in the United States was underreporting at the 6% of the population paHH80AYshc-00037-00016422-00017218 and if you wanted to be as liberal with the assignment or the prevalence of non-celiac paHH80AYshc-00038-00017218-00017702 gluten sensitivity as you could be, let’s say for argument’s sake it was 10% of the population. paHH80AYshc-00039-00017802-00017993 In this case, we have data showing 0.6 to 6%. paHH80AYshc-00040-00017993-00018290 But for argument’s sake, let’s say 10%. paHH80AYshc-00041-00018290-00018853 That is likely still far less than one has been led to believe according to things that paHH80AYshc-00042-00018853-00019103 they may read or hear on the internet. paHH80AYshc-00043-00019103-00019292 And this may not be anyone’s fault. paHH80AYshc-00044-00019292-00020195 It may just be that the caution and the discerning language is often not used regarding conversations paHH80AYshc-00045-00020195-00020320 about gluten. paHH80AYshc-00046-00020320-00020812 We often see this very extreme language being used, or very vague language being used, leaving paHH80AYshc-00047-00020812-00021186 the health consumer to fill in the gaps in terms of, “Okay. paHH80AYshc-00048-00021186-00021442 I’ve heard gluten can be very problematic for some people. paHH80AYshc-00049-00021442-00021542 It can cause thyroid autoimmunity. paHH80AYshc-00050-00021542-00021642 It can cause inflammation. paHH80AYshc-00051-00021642-00021790 It can cause leaky gut.” paHH80AYshc-00052-00021790-00022614 But along with that narrative, very seldom do you have delivered the information educating paHH80AYshc-00053-00022614-00022804 you on the prevalence. paHH80AYshc-00054-00022804-00023440 So again, to say it simply, if you go on the internet and perform some reading, you may paHH80AYshc-00055-00023440-00023876 easily be led to believe that the vast majority of people have a problem with gluten. paHH80AYshc-00056-00023876-00024379 And that is a stark contrast to what we’re seeing reported in this study where up to paHH80AYshc-00057-00024379-00024675 6% of the population has a problem with gluten. paHH80AYshc-00058-00024675-00025131 So it’s very important to keep this in mind so that you can prevent yourself from being paHH80AYshc-00059-00025131-00025559 indoctrinated to think you have a problem with gluten in absence of any experiential paHH80AYshc-00060-00025559-00025706 data that supports that. paHH80AYshc-00061-00025706-00025806 Sponsored Resources paHH80AYshc-00062-00025806-00025985 We’ve discussed previously that your mouth is the first section of your gut. paHH80AYshc-00063-00025985-00026085 So in order to have a healthy gut, you have to have a healthy mouth. paHH80AYshc-00064-00026085-00026185 That’s why I like Quip’s Electric Toothbrush, which is ADA approved. paHH80AYshc-00065-00026185-00026285 That’s the American Dental Association. paHH80AYshc-00066-00026285-00026385 Quip provides an effective, two-minute cleaning with vibrations and guiding pulses that will paHH80AYshc-00067-00026385-00026485 alert you to when to switch sides. paHH80AYshc-00068-00026485-00026585 The timed guiding pulses combined with the soft bristles help prevent over-brushing, paHH80AYshc-00069-00026585-00026685 which can be a serious contributing factor to gum disease. paHH80AYshc-00070-00026685-00026785 And I can personally say that this has helped me. paHH80AYshc-00071-00026785-00026885 What I like about Quip also is that their electric toothbrush starts at $25, which is paHH80AYshc-00072-00026885-00026985 much cheaper than most electric toothbrushes. paHH80AYshc-00073-00026985-00027085 If you go to, you’ll get your first refill pack free with a purchase paHH80AYshc-00074-00027085-00027185 of Quip’s Electric Toothbrush. paHH80AYshc-00075-00027185-00027285 That’s your first refill pack free at paHH80AYshc-00076-00027285-00027385 Okay, continuing, regarding the association to autoimmunity. paHH80AYshc-00077-00027385-00027485 So of this 3% in this study sample—by the way, this study sample was 12,225 patients. paHH80AYshc-00078-00027485-00027585 So it’s a good sample size. paHH80AYshc-00079-00027585-00028017 Of the 3% that had the gluten sensitivity, 14% of those patients had autoimmunity in paHH80AYshc-00080-00028017-00028145 general of any type. paHH80AYshc-00081-00028145-00028416 So that’s definitely significant. paHH80AYshc-00082-00028416-00028981 And of that 14%, 9% had thyroid autoimmunity. paHH80AYshc-00083-00028981-00029622 So yes, there is legitimacy to the claim that you can have non-celiac gluten sensitivity paHH80AYshc-00084-00029622-00029857 in association with autoimmune conditions. paHH80AYshc-00085-00029857-00030152 And the thyroid seems to be the most prevalent of those. paHH80AYshc-00086-00030152-00030638 However, it’s very important to keep in mind that this was 9%. paHH80AYshc-00087-00030638-00031076 I routinely see patients who come in being led to believe that if you have thyroid autoimmunity, paHH80AYshc-00088-00031076-00031283 you can never have any gluten ever. paHH80AYshc-00089-00031283-00031901 And I am certainly all for being progressive and trying to find dietary methods of managing paHH80AYshc-00090-00031901-00032010 any condition. paHH80AYshc-00091-00032010-00032754 However, there is a cost to making overzealous dietary recommendations which is the psychosocial paHH80AYshc-00092-00032754-00033367 difficulty that is accompanied by a strict, 100% gluten-free diet where I think a gluten-reduced paHH80AYshc-00093-00033367-00033812 diet would be a much more practical endeavor for most people. paHH80AYshc-00094-00033812-00033933 You gain the benefit. paHH80AYshc-00095-00033933-00034580 And it seems that, again, not everyone needs to be fully gluten free as this study is supporting. paHH80AYshc-00096-00034580-00034975 Again, I am happy to look at data showing that everyone with thyroid autoimmunity must paHH80AYshc-00097-00034975-00035106 be 100% gluten free. paHH80AYshc-00098-00035106-00035522 But if you have an honest objective look at the data, I don’t think that’s there. paHH80AYshc-00099-00035522-00035654 Yes, it is legitimate. paHH80AYshc-00100-00035654-00036167 Yes, people with autoimmunity have an increased risk of being gluten sensitive. paHH80AYshc-00101-00036167-00036267 But is it everyone? paHH80AYshc-00102-00036267-00036367 No. paHH80AYshc-00103-00036367-00036891 In fact, it’s probably the minority of people rather than the majority. paHH80AYshc-00104-00036891-00037220 Should you go through a gluten elimination and then reintroduction? paHH80AYshc-00105-00037220-00037320 100%. paHH80AYshc-00106-00037320-00037586 I think that is totally a viable suggestion. paHH80AYshc-00107-00037586-00038138 However, it’s important to have a reasonable outlook so that you don’t self indoctrinate paHH80AYshc-00108-00038138-00038475 yourself into thinking that you have a problem with gluten when you actually don’t. paHH80AYshc-00109-00038475-00038769 You should be looking for a discernible reaction. paHH80AYshc-00110-00038769-00039481 And as this study also found, the majority—over 90% of patients—upon gluten reintroduction, paHH80AYshc-00111-00039481-00039887 will have a discernible, symptomatic reaction within 24 hours. paHH80AYshc-00112-00039887-00040596 So to the argument that you may have this thyroid autoimmunity that’s being fueled paHH80AYshc-00113-00040596-00041195 by gluten and it may never manifest symptomatically for weeks or months or years, again, I’m open. paHH80AYshc-00114-00041295-00041488 But I don’t see great data to support that. paHH80AYshc-00115-00041488-00041843 In fact, I think that hurts more people than helps people because I see people come in paHH80AYshc-00116-00041843-00041968 who are orthorexic. paHH80AYshc-00117-00041968-00042238 They’re afraid of food. paHH80AYshc-00118-00042238-00042744 And they’re avoiding gluten strictly 100% of the time even though when we have them paHH80AYshc-00119-00042744-00043140 go into a gluten reintroduction they seem to be okay with gluten. paHH80AYshc-00120-00043140-00043242 Some people are very reactive, yes. paHH80AYshc-00121-00043242-00043611 But there’s a number of people who actually feel better when they loosen up their diet paHH80AYshc-00122-00043611-00044277 a little bit and enjoy the ease of having fewer dietary restrictions. paHH80AYshc-00123-00044277-00044911 And that’s actually a nice segue to the next point which is that 30% of these non-celiac paHH80AYshc-00124-00044911-00045681 gluten sensitive patients were able to resolve their symptoms after addressing another issue paHH80AYshc-00125-00045681-00045781 in the gut. paHH80AYshc-00126-00045781-00046338 So essentially, they had another problem in the gut that was making them look or appear paHH80AYshc-00127-00046338-00046578 like they had gluten sensitivity. paHH80AYshc-00128-00046578-00047138 This includes SIBO, FODMAP sensitivity, colitis. paHH80AYshc-00129-00047138-00047684 And again, this is likely part of the reason why in the clinic we see people able to reintroduce paHH80AYshc-00130-00047684-00047870 gluten without much of a problem. paHH80AYshc-00131-00047870-00048059 Some people never had a problem to begin with. paHH80AYshc-00132-00048059-00048320 And they were indoctrinated into thinking that they do. paHH80AYshc-00133-00048320-00048943 Other people had an underlying gut imbalance, if you will, that was leading to what looked paHH80AYshc-00134-00048943-00049043 like gluten sensitivity. paHH80AYshc-00135-00049043-00049201 But they actually were not. paHH80AYshc-00136-00049201-00049597 And when they cleaned up that problem, they were able to tolerate gluten. paHH80AYshc-00137-00049597-00050576 So hopefully, this helps calibrate you more proximal to what the data actually shows regarding paHH80AYshc-00138-00050576-00050772 gluten sensitivity. paHH80AYshc-00139-00050772-00051314 And if you’re struggling with this, I would offer you the protocol that I outline in Healthy paHH80AYshc-00140-00051314-00051680 Gut, Healthy You, which is my book that walks you through a self help plan. paHH80AYshc-00141-00051680-00052277 It will help you navigate these confusing waters of rectifying your gut health. paHH80AYshc-00142-00052277-00052704 Gluten sensitivity is definitely something to consider as part of your dietary approach. paHH80AYshc-00143-00052704-00052917 But not everyone has a problem with gluten. paHH80AYshc-00144-00052917-00053145 Not everyone has to be 100% gluten free. paHH80AYshc-00145-00053145-00053769 And some people will have an underlying problem in the gut that’s presenting as what looks paHH80AYshc-00146-00053769-00053922 like gluten sensitivity. paHH80AYshc-00147-00053922-00054425 But they actually are able to eat gluten, at least to some degree, once they rectify paHH80AYshc-00148-00054425-00054554 that problem. paHH80AYshc-00149-00054554-00054724 So again, hopefully this is helpful. paHH80AYshc-00150-00054724-00054825 This is Dr. Ruscio. paHH80AYshc-00151-00054825-00055675 And I hope this information helps you get healthy and get back to your life. paHH80AYshc-00152-00055675-00055872 Thanks! pb32UWJSVnI-00000-00000016-00000584 High traders, first day of 2021 is over let's have a quick review of my trades today my pb32UWJSVnI-00001-00000584-00001032 live trades today first one is Boeing, now Boeing is starting with the gap down today when the market pb32UWJSVnI-00002-00001032-00001472 starting with the gap up today and the daily of Boeing which we will take a look at later does pb32UWJSVnI-00003-00001472-00001952 look to me like it's going to come down so i'm about to show it under $209.80 as I posted in the pb32UWJSVnI-00004-00001952-00002464 trading room just happened shorted 4,000 shares now take a quick look at what happened here pb32UWJSVnI-00005-00002464-00003424 that's a fast forward of what happened to Boeing notice the lows $207.63 and the way it comes down pb32UWJSVnI-00006-00003424-00003952 under you'll find a lot of sellers coming in right after it moved to a new low and it's just about to pb32UWJSVnI-00007-00003952-00004656 move to a new low and just did and I'm about to take my partial up six grand as you can see here pb32UWJSVnI-00008-00004656-00005224 now click the button took my partial left just 400 shares now often lots of people ask me why do pb32UWJSVnI-00009-00005224-00005864 I leave the last 400 shares well you know what I like to go for the longer term, the bigger move pb32UWJSVnI-00010-00005864-00006759 but my belief is that I should go for a 1:1 risk award ratio so I was risking pb32UWJSVnI-00011-00006759-00007223 one and something dollars one and a half dollars so my target was the same approximately one and pb32UWJSVnI-00012-00007223-00007864 a half dollar which Boeing gave me rather quickly now when you can put the risk behind you you know pb32UWJSVnI-00013-00007864-00008376 just get the partial where you are supposed to get your partial and put the risk behind you that pb32UWJSVnI-00014-00008376-00008880 gives me, I mean not necessarily you because we know you know mentally we're different everybody's pb32UWJSVnI-00015-00008880-00009512 different, that gives me the mental ability to carry on with another 400 shares and look pb32UWJSVnI-00016-00009512-00010144 for the bigger game that makes my 1:1 risk reward average a little bit better so I would say pb32UWJSVnI-00017-00010144-00010808 I would probably have 1:1.5 risk/reward probably better than 1:1, but anyway I do pb32UWJSVnI-00018-00010808-00011400 trade according to one to one risk award method and well maybe you should too that's your decision pb32UWJSVnI-00019-00011400-00011896 anyway traders if you like this video please give us a thumb up that will help our channel and pb32UWJSVnI-00020-00011896-00012344 maybe you know when YouTube sees more thumbs up it helps our channel and helps more people like you pb32UWJSVnI-00021-00012408-00012912 watch more trading videos and help them trade so now let's take a look at the rest of my trades pb32UWJSVnI-00022-00012912-00013416 today my second trade today was MRNA I have decided that MRNA is going to move higher today pb32UWJSVnI-00023-00013416-00013912 now let's take a look at what happened there well the first initial move is down let's talk about it pb32UWJSVnI-00024-00013912-00014488 really soon but I'm about to go long right now I'm believing that this would be the reversal pb32UWJSVnI-00025-00014488-00015088 point just went along 4,000 shares and you know I'm looking at MRNA and what I'm seeing here is a pb32UWJSVnI-00026-00015088-00015616 stock that started strong now I know you're seeing a downside momentum and a very strong one but you pb32UWJSVnI-00027-00015616-00016240 know when the stock is coming down in order to close a gap it's very very likely to reverse pb32UWJSVnI-00028-00016240-00016640 at the point of closing the gap which is right over there well it did continue a little bit more pb32UWJSVnI-00029-00016640-00017296 but then the reversal could be the change of direction of the day and in fact a stock like that pb32UWJSVnI-00030-00017296-00017856 could move over the highs. Stocks are coming down to close gaps because of institutional pb32UWJSVnI-00031-00017856-00018416 traders pressure, they're getting extra commission when the stock is gapping up and they can sell in pb32UWJSVnI-00032-00018416-00018920 the price which is higher than yesterday's close well that's something we learned in our courses pb32UWJSVnI-00033-00018920-00019408 we're not going to do it right now and it's not very complicated but the whole idea is pb32UWJSVnI-00034-00019408-00019968 a stock like that should in fact continue moving higher especially because I saw that on the daily pb32UWJSVnI-00035-00019968-00020368 but it's coming down a little bit too much for me right now and i'm moving out at a loss pb32UWJSVnI-00036-00020368-00021136 I just lost over 4,000 or so dollars in MRNA and that was a foolish mistake as you will see pb32UWJSVnI-00037-00021136-00021600 later i just didn't give it enough space we'll look at that one later and you'll see pb32UWJSVnI-00038-00021600-00022160 that in fact it has done nothing wrong just continue the uptrend this was a foolish mistake pb32UWJSVnI-00039-00022160-00022600 and I believe that happened because I had a good trade with Boeing, you know pb32UWJSVnI-00040-00022600-00023280 my trade in Boeing, my previous trade, was a bit better than this loss meaning I was still green pb32UWJSVnI-00041-00023280-00023816 after this trade and I felt like I don't want to get into red well you know this again this pb32UWJSVnI-00042-00023816-00024288 mental situation that you take a look at the previous trade and you say well you know i had pb32UWJSVnI-00043-00024288-00024720 a big loser or I had a big winner I don't want to ruin that or I don't want to have another pb32UWJSVnI-00044-00024784-00025512 you know the next trade has nothing to do with your previous trade that's the mistake I did right pb32UWJSVnI-00045-00025512-00025992 now with MRNA and we'll take a look at the results later to understand that a little bit better pb32UWJSVnI-00046-00026192-00026736 my third thread BLNK now in BLNK I'm looking at the very nice downside momentum but I'm pb32UWJSVnI-00047-00026736-00027152 also looking at the daily look at the way it just came down under this support level we're going to pb32UWJSVnI-00048-00027152-00027727 take a look at that later but look at the intraday momentum well probably the first entry should have pb32UWJSVnI-00049-00027727-00028344 been over there but I missed it I did not follow it, it was not a stock I was pre-market preparing pb32UWJSVnI-00050-00028344-00028856 to take so I'm about to short this one as it comes down because it looks to me like it already has pb32UWJSVnI-00051-00028856-00029383 a very nice intraday momentum and I'm thinking this could continue so I'm about to short 4,000 pb32UWJSVnI-00052-00029383-00029927 right here and again expecting a new low and I'm gonna fast forward so we pb32UWJSVnI-00053-00029927-00030512 don't spend too much time on that but look at the downside momentum it's beautiful downside momentum pb32UWJSVnI-00054-00030568-00031136 the downside momentum could have been expected because of this first move down here, that's what I pb32UWJSVnI-00055-00031136-00031624 liked about it but also the daily it looked to me overextended on daily it looked to me like it's as pb32UWJSVnI-00056-00031624-00032095 as if it should come down it looked to me like it's going to continue having a downside momentum pb32UWJSVnI-00057-00032095-00032632 it's a big move of course now it's consolidated a bit here as you can see just now move to a new low pb32UWJSVnI-00058-00032632-00033192 and again nice mover and I'm getting ready for partial I'm already up as you pb32UWJSVnI-00059-00033192-00033952 can see here close to $4,000 and now finding some kind of support here pb32UWJSVnI-00060-00034024-00034352 and at that point I was trying to take a look at the buyers of the sellers pb32UWJSVnI-00061-00034352-00035056 and see if it's going to bounce but then it came down for another low and right now took my partial. pb32UWJSVnI-00062-00035056-00035624 It was a great trade. So, again, it all starts with the daily we'll take a look at that later but the pb32UWJSVnI-00063-00035624-00036032 intraday momentum is something that you need to remember here look at the first move down and pb32UWJSVnI-00064-00036032-00036640 then the continuation again the entry probably should have been over there but you know that pb32UWJSVnI-00065-00036640-00037088 was not a stock that I got prepared pre-market time you could see that I did take a look at pb32UWJSVnI-00066-00037088-00037576 the daily I did not know how the day looks like, once I did, I was very quick to join this trade. pb32UWJSVnI-00067-00037832-00038336 Now here comes my last trade today BTBT and I just moved in to a short position quite a pb32UWJSVnI-00068-00038336-00038960 large one 8,000 shares under this line 30.80. Why? Because I think BTBT is about to come pb32UWJSVnI-00069-00038960-00039400 down so I'm taking a big risk here because I believe that there's a very good chance pb32UWJSVnI-00070-00039400-00039920 that BTBT will come down I was following this one for the past I don't know 30 minutes or so pb32UWJSVnI-00071-00039920-00040416 and I'm short 8,000 as you can see it's not going that great right now it's kind of playing around pb32UWJSVnI-00072-00040416-00040984 but i did think it's going to come down because the stock is up 35% and you know when the pb32UWJSVnI-00073-00040984-00041528 stock is up 35% now fast forwarding so you can see what happened it's likely to come pb32UWJSVnI-00074-00041528-00041928 down because there's usually some profit taking and again we're gonna take a look at the daily pb32UWJSVnI-00075-00041928-00042648 later now you do have to find out the the right point to short it and it's kind of tricky pb32UWJSVnI-00076-00042648-00043280 and I think I just found it because as you can see it's started to trend lower right now and I'm pb32UWJSVnI-00077-00043280-00043848 continuing to wait because I had approximately one and a half dollar stop loss and I was pb32UWJSVnI-00078-00043848-00044408 also looking for one half dollar profit target and maybe a bit more 180 i'm not sure right now pb32UWJSVnI-00079-00044408-00044872 but anyway as you can see now it is coming starting to come down finally here comes the pb32UWJSVnI-00080-00044872-00045544 breakdown that was what I was looking for my target was $29.50 it just touched it and under pb32UWJSVnI-00081-00045544-00046152 I'm up $8,000 and about take my partial and I just took my partial, well BTBT pb32UWJSVnI-00082-00046152-00046712 is under pressure and we're soon gonna take a look at the daily so you understand what happened there pb32UWJSVnI-00083-00046712-00047304 and again the fact is when the stock is up that much you don't usually look for a long although pb32UWJSVnI-00084-00047304-00047944 there were some very nice opportunities here to go long today but the most safe idea is pb32UWJSVnI-00085-00047944-00048400 to look for a short at the point where you think there will be a failure now let's take a look at pb32UWJSVnI-00086-00048400-00048816 the dailys and here's the daily of the stocks that I was trading today let's start with BLNK pb32UWJSVnI-00087-00048872-00049432 is if you see BLNK's highs here you can see that it's extremely extended now take a look at pb32UWJSVnI-00088-00049432-00049968 the way it came down from the highs well you could think that it may be just you know resting a pb32UWJSVnI-00089-00049968-00050496 bit and continues to move higher this could be the case but look at this downside momentum here pb32UWJSVnI-00090-00050496-00051136 once it came down under the support level which is quite a nice breakdown formation under this pb32UWJSVnI-00091-00051136-00051567 previous support now you would see the same in point look at Boeing, Boeing came down from the pb32UWJSVnI-00092-00051567-00052112 highs quite nicely and then broke down again under the support that's what happened today pb32UWJSVnI-00093-00052112-00052616 and that was pre-market time which which I watched Boeing and was ready to short it today posted it pb32UWJSVnI-00094-00052616-00053232 as one of my short picks today and Boeing did come down very nicely now here's BTBT take a look at pb32UWJSVnI-00095-00053232-00054024 BTBT this stock was just a few weeks ago at $4 now moved to $33 but you know this pb32UWJSVnI-00096-00054024-00054664 usually can't continue much and I was expecting BTBT to have some issue with the pb32UWJSVnI-00097-00054664-00055136 profit taking and it really did and I'm in fact still riding it and hoping it's going to come down pb32UWJSVnI-00098-00055191-00055904 and MRNA take a look at MRNA. MRNA had a support level here so I was expecting that MRNA would pb32UWJSVnI-00099-00055904-00056400 start consolidating here and again you know they should have some good reports recently pb32UWJSVnI-00100-00056400-00056855 they did develop the vaccine and everything so I was expecting it's kind of a combination of pb32UWJSVnI-00101-00056855-00057416 a fundamental in and daily and intraday so MRNA from this point I thought it should move higher pb32UWJSVnI-00102-00057416-00058191 and in fact it moved higher, unbelievably higher, and the the end result as you can see here is pb32UWJSVnI-00103-00058191-00058816 $14,000, I did have one loser with MRNA, again because I didn't give it enough space. pb32UWJSVnI-00104-00058872-00059384 So, thank you guys for watching this and if you do want to see more of this day trading content pb32UWJSVnI-00105-00059384-00059920 please subscribe to our channel and turn the notification bell which is right over here pb32UWJSVnI-00106-00059920-00060408 so you could see more future uploads when they come out and also if you want to trade pb32UWJSVnI-00107-00060408-00060864 with us, you'll find a lot of links right here below some of them are just pb32UWJSVnI-00108-00060864-00061424 free content. We'll be very happy if you join us and you know just stay green stay safe and pb32UWJSVnI-00109-00061424-00061928 give us a thumb up for this video if you liked it. Thanks a lot for joining. See you in the next video. pcdwFsS4r3I-00000-00000143-00000708 Introducing UCSF Profiles! Our expertise search and networking tool makes it easier than ever pcdwFsS4r3I-00001-00000708-00001075 to find experts and collaborators at UCSF. pcdwFsS4r3I-00002-00001075-00001734 Let's find an expert on "influenza"… pcdwFsS4r3I-00003-00001734-00001930 Here's our list… pcdwFsS4r3I-00004-00001930-00002291 Let's look at an expert pcdwFsS4r3I-00005-00002291-00002780 When you're looking at someone' profile, you can read their narrative, and see their list pcdwFsS4r3I-00006-00002780-00003286 of publications, which we keep automatically updated. pcdwFsS4r3I-00007-00003286-00003812 We also show you their networks. You can explore their co-authors, as well as people with similar pcdwFsS4r3I-00008-00003812-00004144 research experience. pcdwFsS4r3I-00009-00004144-00004649 Our team has been busy adding new tools. For example, let's try searching for a mentor pcdwFsS4r3I-00010-00004649-00005294 who's an expert in HIV. pcdwFsS4r3I-00011-00005294-00005453 Here are 9 results. Let's look at one. pcdwFsS4r3I-00012-00005453-00006712 …and here's her faculty mentoring experience. pcdwFsS4r3I-00013-00006712-00007140 Check it out for yourself, at pd_GY2pfqjc-00000-00000900-00001131 nuqneH. This is the second of two ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00001-00001131-00001507 videos in which we discuss the devices within the two ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00002-00001507-00001764 broad regions of a microprocessor. pd_GY2pfqjc-00003-00001764-00002089 In the previous video, we explored the memory ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00004-00002089-00002457 region (where the data is read from and written to). pd_GY2pfqjc-00005-00002457-00002825 Here we'll explore the processor region (where the ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00006-00002825-00002979 data is operated on). pd_GY2pfqjc-00007-00002980-00003245 The processor centers on the ALU, pd_GY2pfqjc-00008-00003245-00003633 or arithmetic-logic unit. As the name suggests, pd_GY2pfqjc-00009-00003633-00004040 this device can do arithmetic or logic operations. pd_GY2pfqjc-00010-00004040-00004314 You can think of it as a calculator. pd_GY2pfqjc-00011-00004314-00004674 There are two input values (here named A and B, pd_GY2pfqjc-00012-00004674-00005005 each with 4 bits) and one function select, pd_GY2pfqjc-00013-00005005-00005355 which together determine the 4 output bits. pd_GY2pfqjc-00014-00005356-00005782 This is a simple ALU example with just 8 possible functions, pd_GY2pfqjc-00015-00005782-00006072 listed here. The function number and its ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00016-00006072-00006354 operation are arbitrary. For example, pd_GY2pfqjc-00017-00006354-00006721 subtraction could be function 0 if I wanted it to be. pd_GY2pfqjc-00018-00006721-00007097 This is why clear labeling is critical--without it, pd_GY2pfqjc-00019-00007097-00007395 I would not know what the machine is doing. pd_GY2pfqjc-00020-00007395-00007698 The internal circuit of an ALU looks like this. pd_GY2pfqjc-00021-00007698-00007945 First, note that it is a combinational ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00022-00007945-00008185 circuit. There is no clock connected ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00023-00008185-00008379 to this, so the outputs change ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00024-00008379-00008712 immediately when the inputs change (following the ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00025-00008712-00008851 propagation delay). pd_GY2pfqjc-00026-00008852-00009114 Notice the tournament style approach. pd_GY2pfqjc-00027-00009114-00009520 All of the 8 possible functions are available at the front end ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00028-00009520-00009767 of the ALU, but then the multiplexers ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00029-00009767-00010109 decide which functions make it through each level, pd_GY2pfqjc-00030-00010109-00010443 until finally just one is selected for the output. pd_GY2pfqjc-00031-00010444-00010783 A common theme in this course has been the utility of ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00032-00010783-00011012 Muxes and I hope it is evident here. pd_GY2pfqjc-00033-00011012-00011264 They allow for this tournament-style ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00034-00011264-00011620 building-block approach, as opposed to a more direct ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00035-00011620-00011967 design approach (such as making a giant truth table, pd_GY2pfqjc-00036-00011967-00012220 converting to sum-of-products form, pd_GY2pfqjc-00037-00012220-00012448 and converting to all Nand gates). pd_GY2pfqjc-00038-00012448-00012827 That certainly could be done, but think of all those gates ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00039-00012827-00013135 and how difficult it would be to troubleshoot! pd_GY2pfqjc-00040-00013136-00013469 But in this more human-friendly approach, pd_GY2pfqjc-00041-00013469-00013932 we can build and test each of these functions individually. pd_GY2pfqjc-00042-00013932-00014238 Then we can drop them in to this pattern. pd_GY2pfqjc-00043-00014238-00014516 In fact, we could relatively easily ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00044-00014516-00014868 expand this ALU to 16 functions by adding more ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00045-00014868-00015165 devices (say a bit shifter, a divider, pd_GY2pfqjc-00046-00015165-00015591 or bitwise NAND). Compartmentalization is powerful. pd_GY2pfqjc-00047-00015591-00015935 Speaking of which, we can go further down the ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00048-00015935-00016139 rabbit hole. For example, pd_GY2pfqjc-00049-00016139-00016538 inside this multiplier device are a number of other ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00050-00016538-00016844 devices, which contain other devices, pd_GY2pfqjc-00051-00016844-00017159 which at the very end contain just gates. pd_GY2pfqjc-00052-00017159-00017391 Never lose sight of this fact. pd_GY2pfqjc-00053-00017392-00017801 We have done many layers of abstraction in this course, pd_GY2pfqjc-00054-00017801-00018166 but at the bottom of every computer are just logic ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00055-00018166-00018371 gates--simple Ands, Nots, pd_GY2pfqjc-00056-00018371-00018442 Ors, etc. pd_GY2pfqjc-00057-00018442-00018852 that operate on electrical signals which we think of as ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00058-00018852-00019191 individual bits. If you can understand those ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00059-00019191-00019583 basic logic operations, you can eventually build up ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00060-00019583-00019921 to these more complex, functional circuits. pd_GY2pfqjc-00061-00019921-00020331 Pause for a second and just reflect on the wonder of that ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00062-00020331-00020411 fact. Wow! pd_GY2pfqjc-00063-00020412-00020693 So that was the structure of our ALU, pd_GY2pfqjc-00064-00020693-00021012 or calculator. How does that fit into the ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00065-00021012-00021266 larger processor region. Well, pd_GY2pfqjc-00066-00021266-00021594 we need some way to pass in the data inputs. pd_GY2pfqjc-00067-00021594-00022054 This gets tricky because all the data is routed through the ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00068-00022054-00022327 data bus, which means A and B cannot ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00069-00022327-00022655 be accessed from memory simultaneously. pd_GY2pfqjc-00070-00022656-00023066 Registers to the rescue! This register in front of the B ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00071-00023066-00023369 inputs is known as the working register. pd_GY2pfqjc-00072-00023369-00023609 It is not part of our main memory, pd_GY2pfqjc-00073-00023609-00023939 but instead serves as temporary memory for B ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00074-00023939-00024331 while the processor is busy accessing the data for A. pd_GY2pfqjc-00075-00024332-00024656 Let's say we want to perform subtraction, pd_GY2pfqjc-00076-00024656-00024972 which this ALU is set up to perform as B-A. pd_GY2pfqjc-00077-00024972-00025380 During one clock cycle, we should access the desired ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00078-00025380-00025639 value for B from a memory address, pd_GY2pfqjc-00079-00025639-00026038 route it through this Demultiplexer to the working ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00080-00026038-00026363 register, and clock it in to that register ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00081-00026363-00026567 on the next positive edge. pd_GY2pfqjc-00082-00026568-00026820 Then during that next clock cycle, pd_GY2pfqjc-00083-00026820-00027228 access the desired A value and route it through the other ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00084-00027228-00027480 outlet of the demultiplexer. Now, pd_GY2pfqjc-00085-00027480-00027880 B and A are in their proper places and the subtraction is ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00086-00027880-00028132 performed. Since the demux and the ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00087-00028132-00028411 ALU are both combinational circuits, pd_GY2pfqjc-00088-00028411-00028793 this second half can all be done before the next clock ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00089-00028793-00029019 edge, which prepares the final ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00090-00029019-00029349 output to be clocked in to this next register, pd_GY2pfqjc-00091-00029349-00029523 named the accumulator. pd_GY2pfqjc-00092-00029524-00029877 The accumulator is a temporary holding place for ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00093-00029877-00030152 the ALU output. That result can then be ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00094-00030152-00030411 written to any of the RAM registers. pd_GY2pfqjc-00095-00030411-00030729 But it must first have access to the data bus. pd_GY2pfqjc-00096-00030729-00031091 That leads to this buffer. Most of the time (such as ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00097-00031091-00031324 when reading data from memory), pd_GY2pfqjc-00098-00031324-00031651 this accumulator buffer will be un-enabled, pd_GY2pfqjc-00099-00031651-00031987 thus blocking this data from reaching the bus. pd_GY2pfqjc-00100-00031988-00032293 Only when control determines that the ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00101-00032293-00032732 accumulator data is ready to be passed on is this buffer ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00102-00032732-00032923 enabled. At that point, pd_GY2pfqjc-00103-00032923-00033171 Write mode could be activated, pd_GY2pfqjc-00104-00033171-00033563 a RAM address selected, and the data clocked in to ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00105-00033563-00033715 that RAM register. pd_GY2pfqjc-00106-00033764-00034095 This entire process sounds complicated, pd_GY2pfqjc-00107-00034095-00034445 but it can all be done in three clock periods. pd_GY2pfqjc-00108-00034445-00034748 During period 1, the B data is read from ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00109-00034748-00035107 memory and stored into the working register. pd_GY2pfqjc-00110-00035107-00035410 During period 2, the A data is read from ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00111-00035410-00035637 memory, the ALU performs its ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00112-00035637-00035968 operation, and the result is stored in the ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00113-00035968-00036214 accumulator. During period 3, pd_GY2pfqjc-00114-00036214-00036583 the accumulator data is passed on to the bus and ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00115-00036583-00036791 then written into memory. pd_GY2pfqjc-00116-00036832-00037121 I hope you can begin to see how this example ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00117-00037121-00037484 microprocessor reflects this conceptual drawing. pd_GY2pfqjc-00118-00037484-00037831 I also hope you can see how the memory and processor ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00119-00037831-00038186 regions serve different roles, but work together, pd_GY2pfqjc-00120-00038186-00038508 united through the data bus. In the next video, pd_GY2pfqjc-00121-00038508-00038839 you will see it all come together with a complete ... pd_GY2pfqjc-00122-00038839-00038979 example operation.