kEyptcFrilo-00000-00000214-00001566 Today I'll read from Endtime November/ December 2018, and this is Irvin kEyptcFrilo-00001-00001566-00001927 Baxter. I think this is his son-in-law. kEyptcFrilo-00002-00001930-00002898 From the Editor's note. A Red Heifer. Last Step to the Third Temple. by Irvin kEyptcFrilo-00003-00002898-00003621 Baxter. Numbers 19 in the Bible teaches the Jewish people that if any person has kEyptcFrilo-00004-00003621-00004293 had contact with a dead body, he or she ritually is ritually impure and may not kEyptcFrilo-00005-00004293-00004845 go into the sanctuary of the Lord until being purified. This means, if a person kEyptcFrilo-00006-00004845-00005330 has walked through a cemetery, visited a funeral home, been in a hospital where kEyptcFrilo-00007-00005330-00005855 somebody has died, or been in the presence of human death in any form, he kEyptcFrilo-00008-00005855-00006353 is impure. If a person violates this commandment by entering the sanctuary kEyptcFrilo-00009-00006353-00006783 while impure, he is to be cut off from Israel. In other kEyptcFrilo-00010-00006783-00007401 words, the person is to be excommunicated from God's people. The commandment in kEyptcFrilo-00011-00007401-00007979 numbers 19 describes the only means of people under the law being purified from kEyptcFrilo-00012-00007979-00008329 contact with a dead body. A red heifer kEyptcFrilo-00013-00008329-00008697 without blemish and on which kEyptcFrilo-00014-00008697-00009027 a yoke has never been placed must be killed, kEyptcFrilo-00015-00009027-00009789 its body burned and the ashes mingled in water. The one to be purified must then kEyptcFrilo-00016-00009789-00010407 be sprinkled by the mixture in order to be cleansed from the curse of death. Only kEyptcFrilo-00017-00010407-00010832 after the prescribed treatment can a person then go into the sanctuary of the kEyptcFrilo-00018-00010832-00011400 Lord. The Jewish people today assume that all of them have had contact with kEyptcFrilo-00019-00011400-00012003 death and therefore the entire nation is impure. Consequently, it has become the kEyptcFrilo-00020-00012003-00012528 highest priority of religiously observant Jews to find a qualified red kEyptcFrilo-00021-00012528-00013031 heifer to cleanse the people from death. Until this is accomplished, they don't kEyptcFrilo-00022-00013031-00013694 believe they can build their longed-for Third Temple. The Temple kEyptcFrilo-00023-00013694-00014162 Institute in Jerusalem has been leading the drive toward building Israel's Third kEyptcFrilo-00024-00014162-00014704 Temple. The Institute has created all the furniture and the utensils necessary for kEyptcFrilo-00025-00014704-00015115 the resumption of temple worship. The only two things stopping the kEyptcFrilo-00026-00015115-00015965 construction of the temple kEyptcFrilo-00027-00015965-00016361 on the Temple Mount kEyptcFrilo-00028-00016361-00017195 are the disputes between Muslims and Jews about control over the Temple kEyptcFrilo-00029-00017195-00017698 Mount and the absence of the required red heifer. The Jews believe, when they acquire kEyptcFrilo-00030-00017698-00018344 the red heifer, God will resolve the political dispute. According to Jewish kEyptcFrilo-00031-00018344-00018895 tradition, there have been nine red heifers offered for purification from kEyptcFrilo-00032-00018895-00019373 death since the commandment was originally given to Moses. It is believed kEyptcFrilo-00033-00019373-00019856 the last red heifer was offered during the era of the Second Temple, which ended kEyptcFrilo-00034-00019856-00020695 with the Roman destruction of the temple in 70 AD. Since Israel took possession of kEyptcFrilo-00035-00020695-00021476 the Temple Mount during the 1967 Six-Day War, Jews, wanted to build their Third kEyptcFrilo-00036-00021476-00022190 Temple, began to search for a qualified red heifer. In 1996 a red heifer named kEyptcFrilo-00037-00022190-00022870 Melody was unexpectedly born on a farm in northern Israel. Hopes ran high that kEyptcFrilo-00038-00022870-00023212 this could be the red heifer that would restore the Jewish people back to a kEyptcFrilo-00039-00023212-00023734 state of purity. However, Melody developed some white kEyptcFrilo-00040-00023734-00024310 hairs in her tail and was disqualified by the rabbis. Then in June kEyptcFrilo-00041-00024310-00025084 1997 the Israel Post reported that Clyde Lott, a cattle raiser from Mississippi, and kEyptcFrilo-00042-00025084-00025729 Rabbi Chaim Richman, the executive director of the Temple Institute, were kEyptcFrilo-00043-00025729-00026290 working to bring red cattle from Mississippi to Israel. Somehow, this kEyptcFrilo-00044-00026290-00026689 effort never came to fruition. Israel National News kEyptcFrilo-00045-00026689-00027413 on July 15, 2015 reported the Temple Institute is partnering with kEyptcFrilo-00046-00027413-00028058 an expert Israeli rancher to raise a herd of red heifers for future use in kEyptcFrilo-00047-00028058-00028793 the temple in the Third Temple. They quoted the temple Institute as kEyptcFrilo-00048-00028793-00029336 saying, "Make no mistake, this project is no less than the first stage of the kEyptcFrilo-00049-00029336-00029902 reintroduction of Biblical purity into the world, a prerequisite for the kEyptcFrilo-00050-00029902-00030518 building of the Third Temple." As a result of this project, five red Angus cows kEyptcFrilo-00051-00030518-00031133 were carrying calves that will be born in 2018. The Institute is hopeful that one kEyptcFrilo-00052-00031133-00031781 of the calves will be a qualified heifer. If so, the sacrifice will be made, and the kEyptcFrilo-00053-00031781-00032327 mixture will be available for the purification of the people. They then kEyptcFrilo-00054-00032327-00032786 will be qualified to launch the building of Israel's Third Temple -- the first kEyptcFrilo-00055-00032786-00033530 Jewish temple in 2,000 years. The first calf born to this project in 2018 kEyptcFrilo-00056-00033530-00034127 was a male calf and therefore could not be the desired heifer. The second calf kEyptcFrilo-00057-00034127-00034396 was female, but possessed blemishes that kEyptcFrilo-00058-00034396-00035284 disqualified her. Rabbis Say Red Heifer Just Born is Qualified. On August 28, 2018 kEyptcFrilo-00059-00035284-00035849 one of the cows gave birth to a female cow. One week after its birth, the newborn kEyptcFrilo-00060-00035849-00036455 red heifer was certified by a board of rabbis fulfilling all the biblical kEyptcFrilo-00061-00036455-00036863 requirements. The rabbi's emphasized that the heifer kEyptcFrilo-00062-00036863-00037472 could, at any time, acquired blemish rendering it unsuitable. They will be kEyptcFrilo-00063-00037472-00038018 inspecting the calf periodically to verify its condition. Could this calf be kEyptcFrilo-00064-00038018-00038549 the one that will open the door to the building of Israel's Third Temple? Will kEyptcFrilo-00065-00038549-00039062 Israel Get its Third Temple? Two different prophecies foretell a temple kEyptcFrilo-00066-00039062-00039634 will stand on the Temple Mount in the end time. In 2 kEyptcFrilo-00067-00039634-00040315 Thessalonians 2:3-4, it prophesies the Antichrist will sit in the kEyptcFrilo-00068-00040315-00040966 temple of God claiming to be God. You can't sit in a temple if there is no kEyptcFrilo-00069-00040966-00041653 temple. In Revelation 11:1-2, the Apostle John was told to measure the kEyptcFrilo-00070-00041653-00042143 temple and those that worship therein. You can't measure a temple if there's no kEyptcFrilo-00071-00042143-00042911 temple to measure. It's obvious from these two prophecies Israel will get its kEyptcFrilo-00072-00042911-00043436 red heifer -- since the temple cannot be constructed without one. Do Christians kEyptcFrilo-00073-00043436-00043759 Need a Red Heifer? Some may wonder if Christians are still kEyptcFrilo-00074-00043759-00044237 under the law of the red heifer. Scripture clearly teaches us the Old kEyptcFrilo-00075-00044237-00044824 Testament law was merely a type and shadow of New Testament realities. The kEyptcFrilo-00076-00044824-00045343 Book of Hebrews says that this way: "For the law having a shadow of good things kEyptcFrilo-00077-00045343-00045999 to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those kEyptcFrilo-00078-00045999-00046493 sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers kEyptcFrilo-00079-00046493-00047122 thereunto perfect," (Hebrews 10:1) The Book of Colossians also kEyptcFrilo-00080-00047122-00047569 teaches many of the commandments of the Old Testament kEyptcFrilo-00081-00047569-00048322 are simply symbols of the New Testament realities . "Let no man therefore judge you kEyptcFrilo-00082-00048322-00049300 in meat, or in drink, or in respect of any holyday, or of the new moon, or of the kEyptcFrilo-00083-00049300-00049938 sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ," kEyptcFrilo-00084-00049938-00050643 (Colossians 2:16-17). In New Testament, Jesus is Our Red Heifer. kEyptcFrilo-00085-00050643-00051345 Hebrews 9 explains it this way: "But Christ being come an high priest of kEyptcFrilo-00086-00051345-00051922 good things to come, by a greater and more perfect Tabernacle, not made with kEyptcFrilo-00087-00051922-00052436 hands, that is to say, not of this building; Neither by the blood of goats kEyptcFrilo-00088-00052436-00053151 and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, kEyptcFrilo-00089-00053151-00053692 having obtained eternal redemption for us. For if the blood of kEyptcFrilo-00090-00053692-00054272 bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the kEyptcFrilo-00091-00054272-00054976 unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh: How much more shall the blood kEyptcFrilo-00092-00054976-00055651 of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, kEyptcFrilo-00093-00055651-00056508 purge your conscience from dead works to serving the living God," (Hebrews 9:11-14). kEyptcFrilo-00094-00056508-00057151 Jesus died to Deliver Us from the Curse of Death. "But we see Jesus, who was made a kEyptcFrilo-00095-00057151-00057551 little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory kEyptcFrilo-00096-00057551-00058307 and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man...Forasmuch kEyptcFrilo-00097-00058307-00058897 then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself kEyptcFrilo-00098-00058897-00059563 likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that kEyptcFrilo-00099-00059563-00060454 had the power of death, that is, the devil," (Hebrews 2:9,14) Baptism into Christ kEyptcFrilo-00100-00060454-00061270 Purifies Us from Death. "Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into kEyptcFrilo-00101-00061270-00061874 Jesus Christ were baptized into his death," (Romans 6:3)? Death Replaced With kEyptcFrilo-00102-00061874-00062194 Eternal Life! Finally, the Bible teaches us the curse kEyptcFrilo-00103-00062194-00062786 of death that was brought upon us by the disobedience of the first Adam has now kEyptcFrilo-00104-00062786-00063257 been replaced by eternal life through the obedience of the second Adam, Jesus kEyptcFrilo-00105-00063257-00064291 Christ. "For if by one man's offense death reigned by one; much more they which kEyptcFrilo-00106-00064291-00064789 receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by kEyptcFrilo-00107-00064789-00065688 one, Jesus Christ,"(Romans 5:17). And that's it. Irvin Baxter wrote that one. kEyptcFrilo-00108-00065688-00066033 Thanks for watching. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00000-00000000-00000624 질문1) 최근 자녀분의 소식이 궁금한데요! 변화 후 어떻게 생활하고 있나요? kEF-D6oJ5FI-00001-00000624-00001126 저희 아이가 미국에서 대학을 다녔는데, 컴퓨터 사이언스 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00002-00001126-00001543 ZOOM(화상)으로 수업을 들으면서 자기 적성하고 잘 안 맞다고 생각을 했던 것 같아요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00003-00001543-00002169 그러면서 아이에게 자폐와 상관없이 '콜린성 두드러기' 라는 증상이 생겼어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00004-00002169-00002818 그래서 그것을 미국에서 계속 치료하기도 어렵다보니 한국으로 들어오게 되었습니다. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00005-00002818-00003183 그것을 치료하기 위해서 이 병원 저 병원을 다녔는데, kEF-D6oJ5FI-00006-00003183-00003657 아주 급작스럽게 한 달 전쯤 갑자기 그 병이 나았어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00007-00003657-00004151 한약을 끊었을 때는, 작년 5월 ~ 6월이었거든요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00008-00004151-00004829 그때부터는 사실은 아스퍼거 증상보다 콜린성 두드러기 증상이 심했고, 굉장히 몸이 아프거든요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00009-00004829-00005374 그게 무산이 되어버렸던거예요. 그래서 그 병을 먼저 고치고 난 다음에 아스퍼거를 보자 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00010-00005374-00005660 그런데 제 느낌상 아스퍼거가 거의 나은 것 같아요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00011-00005660-00006206 그리고 (e-mail 상담) 비디오를 보여드렸을 때 원장님께서도 이제 거의 마지막 이렇게 이야기하셨거든요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00012-00006206-00006641 그래서 우선 그 한약에 대한 것보다도, 일단은 너무 아프니까 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00013-00006641-00007114 몸이 아프기 때문에 콜린성 두드러기 치료를 받았거든요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00014-00007114-00007584 콜린성 두드러기가 다 낫고 나니까 아이에게 어떤 변화들이 나타났냐면? kEF-D6oJ5FI-00015-00007584-00007956 바로 아스퍼거가 나아진 그 효과가 확 드러난 거죠. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00016-00007956-00008479 그동안은 콜린성 두드러기로 아파서 이것저것을 생각할 수 있는 겨를이 없었어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00017-00008479-00009006 콜린이 낫기 시작한 다음에, 아이가 알에서 깬 것 같은 그런 모습을 보였어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00018-00009006-00009200 모든 것을 막 다 하고 싶어하는 거예요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00019-00009200-00009646 그래서 오랫동안 하지 못했던, 자기가 하고 싶었던 그림 그리는 것부터 시작해서 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00020-00009646-00009832 컴퓨터로 뭔가를 시키려고 하더라구요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00021-00009832-00010448 그래서 은행에 가서 계좌를 만들고, 카드를 핸드폰에 넣는거며 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00022-00010448-00011008 자기 방에다가 컴퓨터, 모니터를 설치하고 이런 것들을 지금은 굉장히 열심히 하고 있어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00023-00011008-00011495 그러면서 그림을 그리고, 이제 나이가 있으니까 아르바이트를 하려고 하더라구요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00024-00011495-00011703 그래서 아르바이트 자리도 알아보고 있고, kEF-D6oJ5FI-00025-00011703-00012254 지금은 어떤 대학이나 이런 것 보다는 아이가 하고싶은 것을 그냥 하게 놔두고 있어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00026-00012254-00012863 그래서 학원 다니고, 그림 그리고, 동영상 같은 것도 만들고 싶어 하거든요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00027-00012863-00013147 그래서 지금 굉장히 바쁘게 다니고 있어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00028-00013147-00013493 그래서 제가 하나 권유를 했죠 아르바이트를 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00029-00013493-00014068 사실은 지금 서빙을 한다던가 그런 건 조금 어려울 거예요. 언어적인 부분의 문제도 있고 장애인 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00030-00014068-00014454 아직은 사람들과 대화하는 게 쉽지 않아서 제가 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00031-00014454-00015091 학원에 영어 채점 그런쪽이 어떠냐 해서 지금 인터뷰가 있다 하더라고요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00032-00015091-00015569 학원에 다니는 친구들하고 어떻게 사귈까 그거 생각하고 있어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00033-00015569-00016046 그런데 주로 여자 아이들이 많대요. 그러다보니까 자기도 이렇게 봤나봐요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00034-00016046-00016243 이 친구는 실력은 굉장히 뛰어나고, kEF-D6oJ5FI-00035-00016243-00016580 이 친구는 나랑 비슷하니까 얘랑도 이야기를 해봐야겠다 이런 생각을 했나봐요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00036-00016580-00016868 그러면서 제가 너무 조심스러운거예요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00037-00016868-00017204 남자애가 여자애한테 가서 그렇게 이야기해도 돼? 라고 하니까 "엄마 나 그정도는 다 알아요" kEF-D6oJ5FI-00038-00017204-00017352 이렇게 얘기를 하더라고요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00039-00017352-00017957 그래서 아이도 이제는 친구를 사귀어 보려는 그런 생각을 가지고 있어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00040-00017957-00018263 그리고 "인터뷰란 것을 하면 어떻게 해요?" kEF-D6oJ5FI-00041-00018263-00018572 "아르바이트 인터뷰를 가면 뭘 물어보죠?" kEF-D6oJ5FI-00042-00018572-00019092 경험이 없고, 사람과 대화가 잘 안되고, 그런 것들을 너무 두려워했지만 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00043-00019092-00019272 아이가 굉장히 적극적인 성격이예요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00044-00019272-00019469 그래서 시도를 하고 있더라고요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00045-00019469-00019764 조금은 좌절이 있을 수 있겠고 실망도 있을 수 있겠지만, kEF-D6oJ5FI-00046-00019764-00020071 그렇게 하나하나 부딪히게 그냥 놔두고 있어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00047-00020071-00020708 혼자 서울 가고, 지하철 타고 다니고, 저보다 더 잘 다녀요. 지금은 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00048-00020708-00021551 그래서 평일중 그림을 배우러 다니거든요. 왔다갔다하면서 아주 바쁘게 살고 있습니다. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00049-00021551-00022398 질문2) 자녀분의 동생 또는 가족이나 주위 지인분들께서 직접 느끼고 언급해주시는 자녀분의 변화가 있을까요 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00050-00022398-00023044 큰 아이 바로 밑에 연년생 동생이 있어서 어렸을 때는 제일 가까운 친구로 자랐어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00051-00023044-00023386 그러나 시간이 점점 지나면서 역전이 되었어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00052-00023386-00023711 이제 둘째가 형 같고, 큰 아이가 동생 같은 거죠. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00053-00023711-00024039 그러다보니까 아이는 동생이 모델이었어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00054-00024039-00024353 그래서 동생이 좋아하는 것을 같이 따라가고 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00055-00024353-00024802 동생의 친구가 자기의 친구가 되고, 그 근처에서 어울려서 놀고 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00056-00024802-00025178 보통 동생이 공부를 잘하면 자기도 공부를 잘 해야 될 것 같고, kEF-D6oJ5FI-00057-00025178-00025480 동생이 뭘 하면, "엄마, 동생은 이렇게 하잖아요. 나도 그렇게 할래요." kEF-D6oJ5FI-00058-00025480-00025686 이런 관계가 되어버렸어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00059-00025686-00026182 동생은 어렸을 때부터 형의 그런 모습을 봐왔기 때문에 익숙했지만, kEF-D6oJ5FI-00060-00026182-00026637 그런데 나중에 보니까, 같은 또래들 사이에서 형이 이상한 행동을 할 때 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00061-00026637-00026861 동생이 얼마나 힘들었겠어요. 그쵸? kEF-D6oJ5FI-00062-00026861-00027433 그러면서 (형이) 자신의 말을 잘 듣기 때문에, 형을 제재하기도 하고 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00063-00027433-00027733 자기가 이끌기도 하고, 이런 관계였거든요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00064-00027733-00028297 두 아이의 대화를 들어보면, 저보다는 굉장히 더 다양한 대화를 나눌 수 있고 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00065-00028297-00028577 서로 더 통할 수 있는 부분들이 있지만 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00066-00028577-00028947 일반적인 형제들이 가지고 있는 것과는 굉장히 달라요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00067-00028947-00029316 왜냐면 큰 아이의 그런 자폐적인 부분들 때문에 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00068-00029316-00029664 동생의 입장에서는 많이 힘들고 답답했던 부분들이 있죠. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00069-00029664-00029954 그래서 제가 지금도 물어봐요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00070-00029954-00030569 같이 밥 먹으면서 대화를 나눌때 "옛날하고 비교했을 때 어떠니?" 물어보면 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00071-00030569-00030908 동생은 그렇게 와~ 이런 반응을 보이지는 않아요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00072-00030908-00031750 "음, 예전에도 저런 대화를 했지. 하지만 이렇게 자연스럽게 한 적은 없었지." 이렇게 얘기를 해요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00073-00031750-00032242 동생은 이제 형의 모습을 보면서 굉장히 기쁘죠. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00074-00032242-00032632 굉장히 기쁜데, 남자 아이들의 특성상 그것을 막 드러내지는 않아요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00075-00032632-00033160 그러면서 형이 자기한테 다가와서 말을 하고, 대화를 하려는 그런 것들을 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00076-00033160-00033572 이제는 좀 커서 너그럽게 받아들이면서 주기도 하고 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00077-00033572-00033854 '형의 생각은 그게 잘못되었고, 이렇다' 라고 이야기하면 또 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00078-00033854-00034278 형이 귀 담아서 듣고, 또 생각을 하고 그런 모습을 보이더라구요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00079-00034278-00034662 그런데 이 치료 과정을 통해서 동생에게 제가 이야기를 해줬어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00080-00034662-00034998 어떤 이유 때문에 형의 자폐 현상이 나타났고, kEF-D6oJ5FI-00081-00034998-00035442 어떤 부분을 치료해서 형이 낫게 되었는가 이런 부분들을 설명해줬어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00082-00035442-00035608 동생이 그런 이야기를 하더라구요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00083-00035608-00036453 "엄마, 그런 치료법이라면, 이건 노벨 생화학상을 받을 만한 거예요." kEF-D6oJ5FI-00084-00036453-00036652 저도 정말 동의하거든요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00085-00036652-00036860 그런데 이제 동생도 인정을 하죠. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00086-00036860-00037278 (아이의 변화에 대해) 가장 크게 반응을 보이는 분은, 외할머니 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00087-00037278-00037843 외할머니가 코로나 직전에 미국에서 3개월을 저희와 함께 사셨어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00088-00037843-00038469 그래서 와계시는 3개월동안 그 당시의 아이의 모습들을 다 보셨죠. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00089-00038469-00038824 그리고 한국으로 돌아오셨고 그 다음 한국에 와서 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00090-00038824-00039284 치료결과가 나온 후의 아이의 모습을 보고 할머니는 그렇게 이야기하시죠. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00091-00039284-00039608 "이것은 완전히 다른 사람이다. 기적이다." 이렇게 표현을 하세요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00092-00039608-00040043 그러면서 이제 아이 딴에는 스스로 "뭐 내가 달라진 게 있냐~" 이러면 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00093-00040043-00040200 저희 어머니께서 이렇게 말씀하세요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00094-00040200-00040744 "너 자신을 아세요~" 이렇게 이야기를 하세요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00095-00040744-00041340 (아이의 변화를) 가장 크게 보고, 가장 큰 변화를 주변에서 느낄 수 있던 분은 외할머니세요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00096-00041340-00042051 한 3~4년 전에 오셔서 3개월을 계셨던 게 너무 다행이었고, 증인이 있잖아요. 그쵸? kEF-D6oJ5FI-00097-00042051-00042533 그리고 같이 미국에서 생활했던 교회 분들 중 어떤 자매님께서 이렇게 이야기 하세요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00098-00042533-00043151 "저는 5년동안 현동이 형제님들 봤지만, 이렇게 먼저와서 제게 말을 한 건 처음이예요." kEF-D6oJ5FI-00099-00043151-00043316 "저런 모습은 처음 봐요." kEF-D6oJ5FI-00100-00043316-00043834 그리고 같이 한 집을 나누어 사셨던 부부가 계세요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00101-00043834-00044467 그 분들도 굉장히 놀라세요. 너무 달라졌다고 이야기 하시죠. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00102-00044762-00045700 질문3) 자녀분들의 발달 문제로 비슷한 고민을 하고, 어려움을 느끼는 부모님들이 많으신데요. 그분들께 해드리고 싶은 조언이 있으신가요? kEF-D6oJ5FI-00103-00045700-00046192 자폐는 중증 & 경증의 문제를 떠나서 굉장히 본인뿐만 아니라 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00104-00046192-00046560 가족분들이 또 굉장히 버거울 수 있는 병이죠. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00105-00046560-00047082 그래서 그 아이를 바라보면서 가족들의 삶이 이렇게 무너지는 것들을 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00106-00047082-00047341 제가 주변에서 많이 경험을 했어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00107-00047341-00048027 그래서 결국은 이 자폐가 어떤 큰 그런 장애는 아니지만 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00108-00048027-00048326 제가 알게 된 지금 시점에서 볼 때, 큰 장애는 아니예요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00109-00048326-00048928 그런데 그게 정말 그 아이의 인생, 그 가족의 인생 자체를 허물어버리는 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00110-00048928-00049173 그런 아주 무서운 큰 병이거든요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00111-00049173-00049556 근데 제가 아이 치료를 하고 난 뒤에 느낀 것은 뭐냐면 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00112-00049556-00050269 자폐는 그 아이의 원래 모습에 보자기를 덮어놓은 듯한 그런 느낌이예요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00113-00050269-00050710 그래서 그 아이의 모습이 그 아이의 진짜 모습이 아니라는 거죠. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00114-00050710-00050952 그랬을 때 이 자폐를 걷어냈을 때 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00115-00050952-00051226 그 아이의 진짜의 모습이 나오는 거예요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00116-00051226-00051636 그 자폐라는 병이 이 아이의 진짜 모습을 가둬버리는 거죠. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00117-00051636-00052158 가장 놀라운 것은 그게 치료되고 난 다음의 그 아이의 모습을 바라보는 것.. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00118-00052158-00052615 너무너무 기쁜 그런.. 저에게 기쁨을 주었습니다. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00119-00052615-00053042 그래서 저는 주변에 있는 분들을 볼 때 너무 안타까워요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00120-00053042-00053424 치료라던가 이런 것들이 결코 낫지 않는 치료.. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00121-00053424-00053701 조금은 어떤 도움이 될지 몰라도 근본적으로 나을 수 있는 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00122-00053701-00054030 치료가 아닌 치료를 하고 있는 걸 보면 너무 안타깝거든요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00123-00054030-00054450 그래서 이게 나올 수 있는데, 사람들은 낫지 못하는 병이다 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00124-00054450-00054787 자폐는 불치병이라고 생각하고 있어요. 아직도 많은 사람들이.. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00125-00054787-00055290 그러나 치료를 속히 받아서 정말 가족들이 이 아이의 진짜 모습을 보고 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00126-00055290-00055579 그 가족들의 삶이 완전히 (달라지길..) 이거는 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00127-00055579-00055953 자폐가 있는 것과 없는 것은 완전히 다른 세상이거든요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00128-00055953-00056422 그래서 저는 속히 이런 치료가 많이 보급이 되었으면 좋겠어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00129-00056422-00056695 아직도 사람들이 가지고 있는 선입견이라든가 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00130-00056695-00056944 자폐에 대한 어떤 고정관념이 있기 때문에 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00131-00056944-00057338 이게 전파가 되지 못하지만, 원장님과 이야기하면서 원장님이 그러세요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00132-00057338-00058014 자폐가 나중에는 한약도 아니고, 조그만 알약 하나 먹으면 괜찮아지는 병이 될 거라고 얘기하시는데 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00133-00058014-00058154 저는 정말 그걸 믿어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00134-00058154-00058707 그래서 속히 많은 사람들에게 알려져서 이 치료법이 전파되고 해서 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00135-00058707-00059758 자폐라는 병 자체가 사전에서 이름이라는 게 없어지는 날이 빨리 왔으면 좋겠다는 생각이 들어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00136-00059758-00060166 이 아이의 군 문제를 해결하려고 대학병원을 알아보면서 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00137-00060166-00060933 자폐 전문 선생님한테 제가 예약을 2024년에나 가서 받을 수 있다는 얘기를 들었어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00138-00060933-00061266 사람들은 그런 전문가들을 그렇게 기다려서 찾아갔는데 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00139-00061266-00061522 그분들이 해줄 수 있는게 없다라는 거죠. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00140-00061522-00062002 근데 지금 우리나라 뿐만 아니라 전세계적으로 가지고 있는 그 지식에서 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00141-00062002-00062733 지금 원장님의 어떤 그 치료방법이라던가 이런 것을 말하자면 이단? kEF-D6oJ5FI-00142-00062733-00063149 의료업계의 이단이라고 그렇게 생각할 수 있는 부분이잖아요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00143-00063149-00063578 그래서 댓글이 올라오는 거 보면 정말 마음 아프고 그래요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00144-00063578-00064260 그래서 원장님께서 방향 진출을 크게 나가시는게 맞는 것 같아요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00145-00064260-00064498 제가 크게 뭘 해드릴 수는 없지만 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00146-00064498-00064984 제가 효과를 봤기 때문에 빨리 잘 됐으면 좋겠고, 그런 마음이예요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00147-00064984-00065329 근데 아이가 이제 어렸을 때부터 일본 만화를 좋아했기 때문에 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00148-00065329-00065632 좀 더 다양한 일본 만화랑 소설을 읽기 위해서 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00149-00065632-00065838 자기 스스로 일본어를 공부했습니다. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00150-00065838-00066076 그래서 미국에서 갑자기 일본어 학원을 보내야 되는데 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00151-00066076-00066265 미국에서 일본어 학원을 찾을 수가 없어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00152-00066265-00066511 그런데 자기 혼자서 (일본어) 공부를 했어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00153-00066511-00066879 자기 혼자서 찾아보고, 일본에서 막히는 부분이 한자거든요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00154-00066879-00067172 한자를 나중에는 자기가 다 쓰더라고요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00155-00067172-00067334 그것을 보여 드리고 싶어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00156-00067334-00068262 한문 필순을 하나하나 다 써서 모눈종이 같은곳에 빼곡하게 썼어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00157-00068262-00068773 쓰고도 필순도 조그맣게 다 써요. 이거를 이만큼 모아놨는데 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00158-00068773-00068987 제가 너무 신기해서 사진을 찍어놨거든요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00159-00068987-00069325 어느 날 보니까 이걸 다 버렸어요. 머리에 이렇게 다 들어간거예요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00160-00069325-00069786 그거를 이만큼 페이지를 쓰고 나중에 그것을 다 버리더라고요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00161-00069786-00069982 제가 알게된 것은 이 아이들은요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00162-00069982-00070355 이렇게 쓴 다음에 이렇게 착착 입력이 된대요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00163-00070355-00070788 그렇게 하면서 일본어로 3~4개월 정도에 자기가 독파를 해버렸어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00164-00070788-00071215 그러니까 그게 제가 나중에 알게 된 건데 아스퍼거 아이들의 장점이죠. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00165-00071215-00071320 시각화시키는 것. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00166-00071320-00071541 그리고 정말 사회성이 없다 라는 게 뭐냐면? kEF-D6oJ5FI-00167-00071541-00071806 학교에서 우수상을 받잖아요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00168-00071806-00072055 상을 상장을 받잖아요. (집안에) 돌아다녀요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00169-00072055-00072420 그리고 상장 뒤편 에다가 한문 연습을 해요. 그런 개념이 없어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00170-00072420-00072775 그래서 제가 혹시 나중에 다시 미국에서 대학을 갈 때 상장이 필요해서 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00171-00072775-00073227 학교 가서 다시 재발급을 받아왔어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00172-00073227-00073768 나중에 컴퓨터가 이상해서 "엄마 내가 한 2-3일 동안 이것만 열심히 해서 알아낸 거예요." kEF-D6oJ5FI-00173-00073768-00074327 근데 정말 컴퓨터 수리 기사님이 왔는데 너무나 전문적인 대화를 하더라고요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00174-00074327-00074761 그리고 컴퓨터 용량이 좀 이상하다 해서 얼마 전에 또 삼*에 갔었어요. 삼성의 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00175-00074761-00075110 근데 수리기사가 얘기하는 부분들을 너무나 전문적으로.. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00176-00075110-00075336 컴퓨터를 제대로 배운것도 아니잖아요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00177-00075336-00075678 하드웨어에 대해서 이런 부분들을 다 어떻게 하라고 하니까 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00178-00075678-00075907 "그러면 이거를 이렇게 이렇게 하나요?" 하고 물어보는데 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00179-00075907-00076413 이게 자기가 그냥 이것에 관심이 있고, 해야 된다 생각이 들면 그냥 파는 거예요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00180-00076413-00076976 그래서 콜린성 두드러기도 한국에 있는 병원들을 다 다니면서도 낫지 않겠다 싶으니까 싶으니까 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00181-00076976-00077308 영어, 일본어로 된 학술지를 다 찾아서 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00182-00077308-00077835 일본의 어떤 교토 대학에서 하고 있는 치료법을 하겠다고 졸라서 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00183-00077835-00078291 거의 갈 지경이 되었는데 나았어요. 다행히 감사하게도. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00184-00078291-00078637 그걸 다 뒤졌어요. 학습논문을 뒤진 거예요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00185-00078637-00079093 그런 걸 다 찾아서 처음에 제가 이제 얼토당토하지 않다고 생각하기 때문에 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00186-00079093-00079653 그걸 다 구글에 넣어서 저한테 보여주는 거예요. 하이라이트 부분만 뽑아서 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00187-00079653-00079863 "이렇게 하죠." 그러면서 쭉 다 보여주더라고요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00188-00079863-00080104 절실하니까. 아프니까. 고쳐야되겠으니까. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00189-00080104-00080298 그런 게 있어요 이 사람들이.. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00190-00080298-00080621 앞 뒤 안가리고 그냥 하는 거예요. 재지 않고.. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00191-00080621-00081072 질문4) 부모로써 성인이 된 자녀분에게 바라시는 게 있으신가요? kEF-D6oJ5FI-00192-00081072-00081367 아이가 그동안 못했던 부분들이 많잖아요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00193-00081367-00081950 자기가 가지고 있었던 장애때문에 하지 못했던 부분들을 마음껏 펼칠 수 있는 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00194-00081950-00082217 그런 시간들이 되었으면 좋겠어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00195-00082217-00082630 저희 아이에 대해서 제가 구체적인 계획이라든가 이런 걸 세우지 않고 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00196-00082630-00083149 물흐르듯이 그 아이가 하고 싶은 것들을 따라서 하게끔 놔두고 있거든요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00197-00083149-00083680 근데 그렇게 하다 보면은 정말 자기가 진정으로 하고 싶은 것과 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00198-00083680-00083953 좋아하는 것들을 하게 될 거예요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00199-00083953-00084223 그리고 여태까지 봐왔던 이 아이의 모습을 통해서 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00200-00084223-00084613 이 아이는 무엇을 하면, 그것에 대해서 굉장히 적극적으로, kEF-D6oJ5FI-00201-00084613-00084893 깊이 있게 하는 아이란 걸 알기 때문에 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00202-00084893-00085308 지금은 아직은 또래에 비해서는 좀 뒤쳐진 것 같은 그런 느낌이 들더라도 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00203-00085308-00085740 시간이 지나면 자기가 하고 싶은 것, 좋아하는 것을 찾아서 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00204-00085740-00086169 분명히 전문적으로 할 거라는 그런 믿음을 가지고 있습니다. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00205-00086169-00086630 그리고 이 아이가 어찌보면 장애를 가지고 있었지만 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00206-00086630-00087065 저는 그것을 아주 크게 생각하고 무겁게 생각하지 않았었어요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00207-00087065-00087709 제가 믿음이 있기 때문에 이런 모든 과정에서 나에게 주신 의미가 있고 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00208-00087709-00088102 이 아이를 하나님이 이끄신 방향이 있다라고 생각했기 때문에 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00209-00088102-00088626 그 장애를 크게 생각하지 않고 아이 그 자체를 받아들이면서 살아왔거든요. kEF-D6oJ5FI-00210-00088626-00088968 그런데 이렇게 놀라운 기적을 보여 주셨기때문에 kEF-D6oJ5FI-00211-00088968-00089413 이 아이에게 또 어떤 모습이 있을까 굉장히 기대가 되고, kEF-D6oJ5FI-00212-00089413-00089898 또 큰 소망을 가지게 됩니다. 네 kG1xPDuLbu8-00000-00000000-00000490 This scene is made up for your understand. (I thought you might wonder how it was laid.) kG1xPDuLbu8-00001-00000490-00001094 What is this?! kG1xPDuLbu8-00002-00001738-00001922 Hello, everyone. This is Bre. kG1xPDuLbu8-00003-00001922-00002232 The first scene was made up kG1xPDuLbu8-00004-00002232-00002374 but it's a real situation. kG1xPDuLbu8-00005-00002374-00002864 I got to work and there was a present at front of my office. kG1xPDuLbu8-00006-00002864-00003203 I haven't got any messages or notice yet kG1xPDuLbu8-00007-00003203-00003372 It's just a gift kG1xPDuLbu8-00008-00003372-00003727 it says that "Eat this for your health." kG1xPDuLbu8-00009-00003727-00003972 Last time, I got 2 eels for present. kG1xPDuLbu8-00010-00003972-00004292 I was back from lecture and there was 2 eels at the front kG1xPDuLbu8-00011-00004292-00004409 which was to eat kG1xPDuLbu8-00012-00004409-00004659 This one is much surprising. kG1xPDuLbu8-00013-00004825-00005096 It says "Eat this for your health." kG1xPDuLbu8-00014-00005096-00005301 from your subscriber kG1xPDuLbu8-00015-00005301-00005722 I haven't seen the small case yet kG1xPDuLbu8-00016-00005722-00006016 Ta-da. kG1xPDuLbu8-00017-00006362-00006842 I never thought I'd get a terrapin as a gift. kG1xPDuLbu8-00018-00006842-00007327 First, it's important to distinguish whether it's domestic or not. kG1xPDuLbu8-00019-00007327-00007878 Wow, it's domestic terrapin. kG1xPDuLbu8-00020-00007878-00008077 Subscriber gave me this terrapin to eat for my health. kG1xPDuLbu8-00021-00008077-00008563 From our ancestors until now, people eat terrapin soup called Yong-bong-tang. kG1xPDuLbu8-00022-00008563-00009008 Actually, I can't eat this cute little terrapin. kG1xPDuLbu8-00023-00009008-00009837 I appriciate that you gratefully thought of my health and gave me terrapin for food. kG1xPDuLbu8-00024-00009837-00010128 but I can't just kill this guy kG1xPDuLbu8-00025-00010128-00010329 it's better to release it. kG1xPDuLbu8-00026-00010329-00010640 Because it's rare to see terrapin in nature. kG1xPDuLbu8-00027-00010640-00010896 Non-native terrapins are plenty but kG1xPDuLbu8-00028-00010896-00011294 Native terrapins are rare kG1xPDuLbu8-00029-00011294-00011395 You should watch out for your hand. kG1xPDuLbu8-00030-00011395-00012060 In article, I saw a very big one. kG1xPDuLbu8-00031-00012060-00012330 Native terrapins get huge when they grow up. kG1xPDuLbu8-00032-00012330-00012726 Unfortunately, I don't think I can eat this guy. kG1xPDuLbu8-00033-00012726-00013243 I'll just keep it safe for now and release it later. kG1xPDuLbu8-00034-00013243-00013447 or just raise it in my office. kG1xPDuLbu8-00035-00013447-00013841 I'll put him in the aquatium for now. kG1xPDuLbu8-00036-00013841-00014525 I appreciate your kindness but I can't eat this. kG1xPDuLbu8-00037-00014525-00014883 I'll just put this in the aquarium for now. kG1xPDuLbu8-00038-00015035-00015116 oh gosh kG1xPDuLbu8-00039-00015369-00015728 get down there. kG1xPDuLbu8-00040-00015922-00016535 Wow, it looks prettier inside the aquarium. kG1xPDuLbu8-00041-00016535-00016646 It's digging down. kG1xPDuLbu8-00042-00016646-00017513 A week ago, I've watched some clips about terrapin and studied about it. kG1xPDuLbu8-00043-00017513-00017633 I've learned that he likes muddy water. kG1xPDuLbu8-00044-00017633-00018154 So the breeders put some mud inside the aquarium. kG1xPDuLbu8-00045-00018154-00018424 hmm, they don't get to fight. kG1xPDuLbu8-00046-00018424-00019072 I'll just keep it for now and make some clip releasing him. kG1xPDuLbu8-00047-00019072-00019795 Flowerhorn's very agressive so I'll put him in the aquarium which has much mud inside. kG1xPDuLbu8-00048-00019795-00019971 So it can just hide in mud. kG1xPDuLbu8-00049-00019971-00020220 Guess what this is. kG1xPDuLbu8-00050-00020220-00020492 I think this one is also from the subscriber. kG1xPDuLbu8-00051-00020492-00020652 Eat this for your health kG1xPDuLbu8-00052-00020652-00020845 I don't think there's anything to eat for my health from this size of animal. kG1xPDuLbu8-00053-00020845-00021046 Is it a snake? kG1xPDuLbu8-00054-00021046-00021455 It's a bit heavy. It's shaking. Do you hear that? kG1xPDuLbu8-00055-00021455-00021553 I don't think it's a snake. kG1xPDuLbu8-00056-00021553-00021862 We should be careful. kG1xPDuLbu8-00057-00021862-00021994 It makes me nervous. kG1xPDuLbu8-00058-00022192-00022518 What is this? A turtle? kG1xPDuLbu8-00059-00022518-00022717 In the brighter space.. What the.. kG1xPDuLbu8-00060-00022717-00023066 This is also a terrapin. kG1xPDuLbu8-00061-00023066-00023434 Don't tell me you send it to eat it. kG1xPDuLbu8-00062-00023434-00023782 It doesn't say that I should eat it for health. kG1xPDuLbu8-00063-00023931-00024153 Do you want me to raise it and then eat it? kG1xPDuLbu8-00064-00024153-00024321 Why did you send me a baby terrapin? kG1xPDuLbu8-00065-00024321-00024902 Maybe I can just shoot a video about how to raise him. kG1xPDuLbu8-00066-00024902-00025144 The big one was domestic terrapin but kG1xPDuLbu8-00067-00025144-00025402 this one is red-bellied terrapin. kG1xPDuLbu8-00068-00025402-00025639 or is it yellow? kG1xPDuLbu8-00069-00025639-00026106 By the way, if the belly isn't white then it's from abroad. kG1xPDuLbu8-00070-00026106-00026630 This one is from abroad. I can't eat this cute one. kG1xPDuLbu8-00071-00026630-00026939 I'm not going to eat either of 'em. kG1xPDuLbu8-00072-00026939-00027248 I'm going to raise both of 'em. kG1xPDuLbu8-00073-00027248-00027564 I can't let this guy go because it's from abroad. kG1xPDuLbu8-00074-00027564-00027744 I'll keep this one. kG1xPDuLbu8-00075-00027824-00027933 I'm gonna run away!! kG1xPDuLbu8-00076-00027933-00028054 sorry kG1xPDuLbu8-00077-00028054-00028394 The thing is, these terrapins are very smart. kG1xPDuLbu8-00078-00028394-00028782 They can last a year without food. kG1xPDuLbu8-00079-00028782-00029136 They eat anything but usually like to eat meat. kG1xPDuLbu8-00080-00029136-00029412 They live inside sand or mud. kG1xPDuLbu8-00081-00029412-00029932 I really appreciate your gift for me. Thank you :) kG1xPDuLbu8-00082-00029932-00030266 He got rounded eyes and kG1xPDuLbu8-00083-00030266-00030552 also healthy nails. It's pretty. kG1xPDuLbu8-00084-00030552-00030756 If you are sending a present.. kG1xPDuLbu8-00085-00030756-00031042 I can handle with these but kG1xPDuLbu8-00086-00031042-00031282 There are some other animals I can't handle with. kG1xPDuLbu8-00087-00031282-00031923 Please don't send me anything like crocodiles, bears, or baby lions. ;) kG1xPDuLbu8-00088-00031923-00032302 Just joking. :) So this is all for today. kG1xPDuLbu8-00089-00032302-00032783 I'll come back with videos raising or releasing these guys next time. kHd7uZSuytA-00000-00000002-00000588 [AUDIENCE] In the beginning of your presentation, you talked about predictable outcomes. kHd7uZSuytA-00001-00000588-00001308 There was a debate in Ethereum about the spirit of the rule versus letter of the law. kHd7uZSuytA-00002-00001308-00001848 If and when Bitcoin is in a situation where it needs a soft or hard fork, kHd7uZSuytA-00003-00001848-00002292 would you still stand by the predictable outcomes and immutability side [in that debate]? kHd7uZSuytA-00004-00002292-00003022 [ANDREAS] Yes, I would. I have repeatedly. We have seen a difference in the Bitcoin culture. kHd7uZSuytA-00005-00003022-00003734 The idea for a hard fork to recover the Mt. Gox and Bitfinex thefts [were shot down]. kHd7uZSuytA-00006-00003734-00004464 It was maybe discussed by a few people, but then immediately shot down by a majority of the community. kHd7uZSuytA-00007-00004464-00005304 I think it is fair to say that Ethereum has a mulligan. Because it is still in year one, kHd7uZSuytA-00008-00005304-00006090 maybe it will have no precedent-setting power and the culture will harden again. kHd7uZSuytA-00009-00006090-00006852 There is a problem with just saying "code is law," because law has centuries of refinement and iteration... kHd7uZSuytA-00010-00006852-00007656 to reach the point where it is today; every word in law carries two or three centuries of precedent decisions. kHd7uZSuytA-00011-00007656-00008176 The exceptions and parameters around words have been defined. kHd7uZSuytA-00012-00008176-00009362 If you want to make smart contracts, or rather contracts with hard promises, they will not be perfect. kHd7uZSuytA-00013-00009362-00010198 You must first put them into production, run them at scale against agents both benevolent and malicious, kHd7uZSuytA-00014-00010198-00010540 and with money at stake. Honey pots, effectively. kHd7uZSuytA-00015-00010540-00011234 They will be hacked, iterated, strengthened. Then hacked, iterated, and strengthened again. kHd7uZSuytA-00016-00011234-00011650 Eventually they won't be hacked; they will be robust. kHd7uZSuytA-00017-00011650-00012248 Just as law has advanced through iteration, code can advance through iteration. kHd7uZSuytA-00018-00012248-00013026 What does that mean? You [shouldn't] put $150 million in a contract that has never been tested in real terms! kHd7uZSuytA-00019-00013026-00013588 Because then you have just created a $150 million honey pot on a brand new platform. kHd7uZSuytA-00020-00013588-00014554 Someone will walk away with all the honey. But we learned a lot, right? [Laughter] kHd7uZSuytA-00021-00014554-00015263 "Investor beware" applies in these environments. We have a unique opportunity right now, kHd7uZSuytA-00022-00015263-00015918 to test a money system at scale, with real actors and real money, that has never been tested before. kHd7uZSuytA-00023-00015918-00016414 That is an incredible opportunity. Along the way, bad things will happen. kHd7uZSuytA-00024-00016414-00016892 You don't get to the moon without a few blown-up rockets. kHd7uZSuytA-00025-00016892-00017932 Failure is an option. If you remove the possibility of failure, you remove the possibility for success. kIbrfCyxy5A-00001-00000283-00000558 Thank you kIbrfCyxy5A-00002-00000558-00000860 my Patrons kIbrfCyxy5A-00003-00000860-00001198 from ! kIbrfCyxy5A-00004-00001200-00001378 Today we will kIbrfCyxy5A-00005-00001380-00001596 visit Leszno airfield kIbrfCyxy5A-00006-00001596-00001944 where Jaskółka was test flown. kIbrfCyxy5A-00007-00001989-00002282 This SZD-8 Jaskółka ter kIbrfCyxy5A-00008-00002282-00002578 had no water ballast. kIbrfCyxy5A-00009-00002578-00002836 Its serial number is 256. kIbrfCyxy5A-00010-00002836-00003116 It was delivered new kIbrfCyxy5A-00011-00003116-00003294 on 28 IV 1959 kIbrfCyxy5A-00012-00003296-00003540 and was exported kIbrfCyxy5A-00013-00003542-00003852 to Belgium, where kIbrfCyxy5A-00014-00003852-00004186 it flew as OO-ZSE. kIbrfCyxy5A-00015-00004196-00004340 Until 2002 kIbrfCyxy5A-00016-00004340-00004638 it had 780 hours on it. kIbrfCyxy5A-00017-00004642-00005012 Then Zbigniew Jezierski brought it to Poland. kIbrfCyxy5A-00018-00005014-00005174 In 2004 kIbrfCyxy5A-00019-00005188-00005560 the TSSZS club from Toruń kIbrfCyxy5A-00020-00005560-00005772 bought the glider kIbrfCyxy5A-00021-00005772-00006080 and (with crowdfunding help) kIbrfCyxy5A-00022-00006080-00006328 restored the glider. kIbrfCyxy5A-00023-00006328-00006595 You will see the rigging kIbrfCyxy5A-00024-00006612-00006842 and maiden flight kIbrfCyxy5A-00025-00006872-00007131 on August 6th, 2020. kIbrfCyxy5A-00026-00011304-00011604 Let's see the cockpit kIbrfCyxy5A-00027-00011604-00012032 lined in brown trim. kIbrfCyxy5A-00028-00012122-00012412 This is typical SZD dashboard. kIbrfCyxy5A-00029-00012412-00012594 It has kIbrfCyxy5A-00030-00012594-00012924 a modern radio. kIbrfCyxy5A-00031-00012924-00013224 This is a rare indttrument - kIbrfCyxy5A-00032-00013224-00013510 the pitch indicator. kIbrfCyxy5A-00033-00013510-00013919 The gyro was powered by two 4,5V batteries. kIbrfCyxy5A-00034-00013991-00014112 This is kIbrfCyxy5A-00035-00014112-00014312 spoiler lever kIbrfCyxy5A-00036-00014312-00014738 and flap lever behind it. kIbrfCyxy5A-00037-00014819-00015118 This is the microphone kIbrfCyxy5A-00038-00015118-00015391 and (below) gear lever. kIbrfCyxy5A-00039-00015391-00015628 Even the retracted wheel kIbrfCyxy5A-00040-00015630-00015872 stays well under the keel. kIbrfCyxy5A-00041-00015926-00016156 The stock has wooden handle kIbrfCyxy5A-00042-00016156-00016442 and next to it there is kIbrfCyxy5A-00043-00016442-00016752 rudder pedals adjustment knob. kIbrfCyxy5A-00044-00016754-00017044 Jaskółka has no elevator trimmer. kIbrfCyxy5A-00045-00017044-00017344 Under the seat there is kIbrfCyxy5A-00046-00017344-00017630 a device for urinating. kIbrfCyxy5A-00047-00017630-00017904 Behind the seat is the kIbrfCyxy5A-00048-00017904-00018144 place for oxygen cylinder, kIbrfCyxy5A-00049-00018144-00018348 main battery, kIbrfCyxy5A-00050-00018348-00018538 and also the id. plate. kIbrfCyxy5A-00051-00018568-00018924 Back support is adjustable. kIbrfCyxy5A-00052-00018986-00019286 Teardrop canopy rolls back kIbrfCyxy5A-00053-00019286-00019490 and has an integrated kIbrfCyxy5A-00054-00019490-00019648 headrest. kIbrfCyxy5A-00055-00019660-00020202 This is the cockpit vent. kIbrfCyxy5A-00056-00037638-00037834 Wings are rigged. kIbrfCyxy5A-00057-00037834-00038114 These are mounting kIbrfCyxy5A-00058-00038114-00038380 details. kIbrfCyxy5A-00059-00038380-00038670 Jaskółka has automatic kIbrfCyxy5A-00060-00038670-00038982 linkage of ailerons, spoilers kIbrfCyxy5A-00061-00039000-00039302 and flaps pushrods. kIbrfCyxy5A-00062-00039302-00039592 Today such solution is standard, kIbrfCyxy5A-00063-00039592-00039850 but the glider we watch kIbrfCyxy5A-00064-00039850-00040164 is 1950's design. kIbrfCyxy5A-00065-00040164-00040378 Horizontal stabilizer kIbrfCyxy5A-00066-00040386-00040626 folds up and kIbrfCyxy5A-00067-00040626-00040832 does not require kIbrfCyxy5A-00068-00040832-00041022 disassembly kIbrfCyxy5A-00069-00041026-00041256 for transport. kIbrfCyxy5A-00070-00041312-00041386 Jaskółka kIbrfCyxy5A-00071-00041386-00041630 could fly at night, kIbrfCyxy5A-00072-00041630-00041912 hence the rudder lamp. kIbrfCyxy5A-00073-00041912-00042096 The handle for kIbrfCyxy5A-00074-00042096-00042306 handling the glider kIbrfCyxy5A-00075-00042306-00042484 on the ground kIbrfCyxy5A-00076-00042484-00042698 can be rotated kIbrfCyxy5A-00077-00042702-00042914 to minimize drag. kIbrfCyxy5A-00078-00044842-00045144 Jaskółka is ready. kIbrfCyxy5A-00079-00045144-00045448 These are historic photos. kIbrfCyxy5A-00080-00045448-00045744 They show the condition kIbrfCyxy5A-00081-00045744-00046046 in which it came to Poland. kIbrfCyxy5A-00082-00050970-00051128 ... pitch, kIbrfCyxy5A-00083-00051150-00051322 altitude, airspeed... kIbrfCyxy5A-00084-00051355-00051529 one vario, kIbrfCyxy5A-00085-00051594-00051791 another for correction, kIbrfCyxy5A-00086-00051810-00051910 perfect! kIbrfCyxy5A-00087-00056958-00057158 (tug: PZL-104 Wilga) kIbrfCyxy5A-00088-00070024-00070422 ... everything is fine. kIbrfCyxy5A-00089-00070870-00071038 My thanks kIbrfCyxy5A-00090-00071038-00071352 to enthusiasts from Toruń kIbrfCyxy5A-00091-00071352-00071606 and to Leszno airfield kIbrfCyxy5A-00092-00071606-00071858 for allowing me to kIbrfCyxy5A-00093-00071858-00072144 share the emotions. kIbrfCyxy5A-00094-00072144-00072348 I also thank my top Patrons: kIbrfCyxy5A-00095-00072348-00072562 Michał Andrzejewski, Kuba Janowicz, Adam Śliwa, kIbrfCyxy5A-00096-00072562-00072812 Tomek Dudka and Marek Stróżyk. kIbrfCyxy5A-00097-00072812-00072922 Till next time! kJ7qDnmFudo-00000-00000103-00000229 [Lyrics] kJ7qDnmFudo-00001-00000229-00000419 [Hook] Baby kJ7qDnmFudo-00002-00000419-00000706 This liquor got me stuck up in my feelin’s (Huh) kJ7qDnmFudo-00003-00000706-00001173 Okay I’m gon' make that pussy pay for leavin’ kJ7qDnmFudo-00004-00001173-00001703 Okay Even if I gotta turn real evil (Huh) kJ7qDnmFudo-00005-00001703-00001899 I’m gon' make you fuckin’ feel it kJ7qDnmFudo-00006-00001899-00002347 Fuck your mom and fuck your grandma Both of those hoes should’ve never had ya kJ7qDnmFudo-00007-00002347-00002692 Big red bills I look like Santa I pull up on that bitch with no fuckin’ kJ7qDnmFudo-00008-00002692-00003014 manners oh yeah Throwin’ dirt up on my name and now it’s kJ7qDnmFudo-00009-00003014-00003184 filthy Treatin’ me like I’m Lil' Tory and I’m kJ7qDnmFudo-00010-00003184-00003428 guilty From the V where shit be gettin’ real chilly kJ7qDnmFudo-00011-00003450-00003706 And I’m prayin’ all this Henny don’t kill me kJ7qDnmFudo-00012-00003720-00003770 [Verse] (Yuh) kJ7qDnmFudo-00013-00003826-00004152 Did me wrong so I’m countin’ up the cash by my lonely lil' baby kJ7qDnmFudo-00014-00004152-00004364 Eleven for an hour’s what them pussy's used to pay me kJ7qDnmFudo-00015-00004364-00004745 You a low life gettin’ high on the daily Sippin’ Wild Turkey shorty thick like some kJ7qDnmFudo-00016-00004748-00004969 gravy You know Riddy finna hit that later kJ7qDnmFudo-00017-00005009-00005235 (Huh) Pussy be actin up thinkin’ that he be on kJ7qDnmFudo-00018-00005238-00005405 Broadway Pray I don’t pull up and push his shit back kJ7qDnmFudo-00019-00005405-00005617 right in broad day Puttin’ 20 holes inside my walls I’m movin’ kJ7qDnmFudo-00020-00005617-00005842 far away Look at all them lies, he talkin’ right kJ7qDnmFudo-00021-00005843-00006082 up out his prostate I upgraded the Visa kJ7qDnmFudo-00022-00006087-00006327 Next time I see ya I got amnesia kJ7qDnmFudo-00023-00006327-00006490 Yeah Keep on numbin’ that pain kJ7qDnmFudo-00024-00006490-00006810 Good weed and some pizza is good anesthesia yeah kJ7qDnmFudo-00025-00006810-00007178 Oh, Okay Even if I gotta be evil like Frieza kJ7qDnmFudo-00026-00007212-00007312 [Hook] Baby kJ7qDnmFudo-00027-00007412-00008101 This liquor got me stuck up in my feelin’s (Huh) Okay I’m gon' make that pussy pay for leavin’ kJ7qDnmFudo-00028-00008200-00008501 Okay Even if I gotta turn real evil (Huh) kJ7qDnmFudo-00029-00008652-00008702 Okay kJ7qDnmFudo-00030-00008785-00008838 Oh Okay kJ7qDnmFudo-00031-00008838-00009326 Fuck your mom and fuck your grandma Both of those hoes should’ve never had ya kJ7qDnmFudo-00032-00009326-00009724 Big red bills I look like Santa I pull up on that bitch with no fuckin’ kJ7qDnmFudo-00033-00009724-00009981 manners oh yeah Throwin’ dirt up on my name and now it’s kJ7qDnmFudo-00034-00009981-00010239 filthy Treatin’ me like I’m Lil' Tory and I’m kJ7qDnmFudo-00035-00010239-00010428 guilty From the V where shit be gettin’ real chilly kJ7qDnmFudo-00036-00010489-00010539 And I’m prayin’ all this Henny don’t kill me kK2Q74vvKhg-00000-00000657-00001399 Hello to everybody and to all my young brothers from Satır Arası. kK2Q74vvKhg-00001-00001399-00002340 This week, together with you we will evaluate the writings in the Urvetül Vusga journal that Cemalettin Afgani and Muhammed Abduh published in old times. kK2Q74vvKhg-00002-00002340-00002920 Why will we talk about Cemalettin Afgani today ? Briefly let me describe him. kK2Q74vvKhg-00003-00002920-00003770 When we look at the first term of Cemalletin Afgani’ s life ,we see that he had eccentric outbursts towards English kK2Q74vvKhg-00004-00003770-00004657 people and toher people’s efforts of manipulating of their religious existence, their understanding of religion , kK2Q74vvKhg-00005-00004657-00005152 , life styles of religious people, and we will see this in this book, too. kK2Q74vvKhg-00006-00005152-00005863 However, we observe that later in Cemalettin Afgani’s life , this situation starts to change gradually. kK2Q74vvKhg-00007-00005863-00006638 We will look for the origins of this change here. It is not clear but we are going to try to reach the origins of change. kK2Q74vvKhg-00008-00006638-00007056 The reason is that kK2Q74vvKhg-00009-00007056-00008100 Historical people commentary on the Koran, the meaningless of the understanding of islamic mysticism(sufism) even its being shirk kK2Q74vvKhg-00010-00008100-00009482 and from that point Cemalettin Afgani moves towards to radicalism, the prints of radicalism is not much seen in his this book. kK2Q74vvKhg-00011-00009482-00010733 However we see that the names in all of the processes tilting to here mention about Cemalettin Afgani with many positive results, affirmations . kK2Q74vvKhg-00012-00010733-00011783 Then , we are going to travel in history ; Cemalettin Afgani’s today’s Islamic mysticism competent’s or followers of sunnah consciousness , kK2Q74vvKhg-00013-00011783-00012833 when we look at these topics with today’s perspective, it is claimed that he saw these differently , smelled a little more foreigner apostleship , kK2Q74vvKhg-00014-00012833-00014333 why don’t they accept this claim and the crowd that has been trying to express the absurdity of today’s book translators who doesn’t assign a meaning , going to a journey with the people enemies to sufism together with guides of humans ; kK2Q74vvKhg-00015-00014333-00015649 trying to understand how they came to this point with the influence of French , we see that they always emphasize Cemalettin Afgani and we understand that he made an important place in their lives. kK2Q74vvKhg-00016-00015649-00016976 But why ? Including this,there is a journal that Cemalettin Afgani and his student Muhammed Abdul together published in 1884 . kK2Q74vvKhg-00017-00016976-00017805 That journal expresses Cemalettin Afgani’s first period of life very clearly . But we’re looking for that cores in it. kK2Q74vvKhg-00018-00017805-00018674 You know ,there is an event we always live in history. First a name comes forward among Muslims . kK2Q74vvKhg-00019-00018674-00019425 Everybody likes , respects and know as a wise person. Then he grows in importance in olur lives. He hides what is inside his mind until one day. kK2Q74vvKhg-00020-00019425-00019930 And the day he reveals it , he gives a serious damage to Muslims. kK2Q74vvKhg-00021-00019930-00020886 That book translator who doesn’t assign a meaning ,continuing to harm Muslim World these days, we will try to understand how Cemalettin Afgani kK2Q74vvKhg-00022-00020886-00021600 whose understanding depending on mutazila roots , seen as a leader , has come to this process . kK2Q74vvKhg-00023-00021600-00022297 One of the most important matter is that. And that explains why he named his journal. kK2Q74vvKhg-00024-00022297-00022728 He starts his writings, journal with the Bakara Sura 256 versicle of Quran. kK2Q74vvKhg-00025-00022728-00023548 A person denying Taghut , believing in Allah is sold with a solid handle ‘’ urvetil vusga’’ , he says. kK2Q74vvKhg-00026-00023548-00024695 Cemalletin Afgani, never mentioning about competent of sufism , Ahl’al Bayt and Ashabı Suffa who our great Prophet (a.s. ) kK2Q74vvKhg-00027-00024695-00026189 raised as seen as a solid handle throughout history , he takes Quran into the center , and designing The Practices of Muhammed upon his own mentality , kK2Q74vvKhg-00028-00026189-00027517 and helps us understand the process of today’s the movement of translating books without assigning a meaning, jihadi movement , even radicalism as an origin . kK2Q74vvKhg-00029-00027517-00028287 There are ,of course, pretty positive sides in this book. So we are going to try seeing both sides. kK2Q74vvKhg-00030-00028287-00029361 Two faces of Afgani . We are going to understand what is the foundation that brings ,Cemalettin Afgani in the middle, to this process , by looking at both sides. kK2Q74vvKhg-00031-00029361-00030672 People carrying this book to our time, as a printhouse, 1987 printing republished and renewed . kK2Q74vvKhg-00032-00030672-00032371 New printings cannot be much reached. In the first part as Afgani lovers while telling us how an important İslamic figure he is (Afgani ), we re reading and underlining important parts from the expressions they use. kK2Q74vvKhg-00033-00032371-00033003 It ‘s not without reading the whole book or evaluating it. kK2Q74vvKhg-00034-00033003-00033693 We re writing to you after reading the whole of the book and selecting important parts. kK2Q74vvKhg-00035-00033693-00034238 It would take long hours if we tried to read the whole book. The important thing is to see between lines. kK2Q74vvKhg-00036-00034238-00035397 His fans (lovers) use these words for Afgani; ‘’ Afgani is neither Egyptian, İranian (Persian) , Afghani, Iraki nor somewhere else. kK2Q74vvKhg-00037-00035397-00035983 He is a mujahid wise man from Esadabat, Kabil and İstanbul . We will see the mujahid values in this book. kK2Q74vvKhg-00038-00035983-00037124 But the elements lack in his fight(effort) for Allah , will be an important starting point provision after a while for metalsmith mentality. kK2Q74vvKhg-00039-00037124-00037983 His grandfather calling him a sent (received) İslamic protector , it has been mentioned that Cemalettin Afgani is a Sayyid. kK2Q74vvKhg-00040-00037983-00039058 However we haven’t reached a clear and distinct proof that Cemalettin Afgani is a Sayyid in historical records till this day. kK2Q74vvKhg-00041-00039058-00039865 Besides he also didn’t prefer using this name. Maybe his followers , fans wanted to call him this name . kK2Q74vvKhg-00042-00039865-00041221 He tells ; all Muslim’s common proof is Quran and the perspective they have to own must be Islamic Unity and revive Quran for public , kK2Q74vvKhg-00043-00041221-00042279 spreading its eternal principles and fundementals to the masses and rationalizing it must be emphasized that a person can be happy in this life and afterlife only with it , Afgani , kK2Q74vvKhg-00044-00042279-00043284 he says that despite the wicked pens(writings) of scientists being tool of devious(taghuti) regimes; it couldn’t be thought of the conscious Islam Youth and the place in its soul . kK2Q74vvKhg-00045-00043284-00044648 Well, we started to see the issue I was talking about in the first pages. While it is mentioned that the Muslim’s common proof is Quran and the perspective they have to own is İslamic Unity kK2Q74vvKhg-00046-00044648-00045291 ; the love of the Practices of Mohammed (Sunneti Seniyye) and Ahl-al Bayt is completely excluded. kK2Q74vvKhg-00047-00045291-00045682 The interesting side is what I was telling today is being lived in this book. kK2Q74vvKhg-00048-00045682-00046266 Although Cemalettin Afgani gave place to two or three events while telling about Allah , kK2Q74vvKhg-00049-00046266-00047181 book and prophet from The practices of Mohammed only in this book, people loving him had tried to take this fact away in next phase. kK2Q74vvKhg-00050-00047181-00049096 Then it brings to mind the possibility of Afgani being different while writing and being different while living. But we have too look what is written instead of possibilities to evaluate this matter. kK2Q74vvKhg-00051-00049096-00049777 It is said that Afgani decided to start this work from the center, I mean İstanbul. kK2Q74vvKhg-00052-00049777-00051073 Yes , in fact Afgani comes to İstanbul and is assigned to educational sciences. Moreover , one of his books is written against materialists in India and religious affairs publishes this book and distributes to the public. kK2Q74vvKhg-00053-00051073-00052248 But after some time, , we guess the ulama in Ottoman Empire perceives Afgani’s incorrect opinions, inadequacy, kK2Q74vvKhg-00054-00052248-00053324 or a war oriented religious understanding while carrying the community to jihad; so they send him away from İstanbul. kK2Q74vvKhg-00055-00053324-00053969 The issue is being told like this. Abdulhamit the second, hadn’t come to power yet. kK2Q74vvKhg-00056-00053969-00054893 İstanbul , at first welcomed Afgani with open arms. In a short time he was assigned to the membership of great education(information) council. kK2Q74vvKhg-00057-00054893-00055831 His field of thoughts were combined of saving Islam from inertia, cleansing it from superstitions and mentioning mental dimensions of Islamic thoughts. kK2Q74vvKhg-00058-00055831-00056520 For Afgani mentality was in the foreground and as recently as 1880s , kK2Q74vvKhg-00059-00056520-00057453 Afgani ,standing up against the destruction of Islam and change hands in English people and criticising English people severely , kK2Q74vvKhg-00060-00057453-00058358 we see that after writing these things, Afgani went to England and after that he came back to Paris continuing to publish this journal saying that kK2Q74vvKhg-00061-00058358-00059155 ‘’This is freedom in Paris life ‘’. Hence , Afgani constantly surprises us with his life. kK2Q74vvKhg-00062-00059155-00059938 So , my young brothers, we’re searching the cores in his writings. kK2Q74vvKhg-00063-00059938-00060457 This is the foreword. A part of the fruits composed of the cores in it. Let’s see . What it says in that fruit. kK2Q74vvKhg-00064-00060457-00061731 It’s decided that Afgani leaving the capital for a while because of Shaykh al-islam ‘s will , at least until the agitations smooths down. kK2Q74vvKhg-00065-00061731-00062970 In other words Afgani is sent away from Ottoman territories , at least from the capital. kK2Q74vvKhg-00066-00062970-00064031 After a short while Afgani founded the first and most important political party , homeland party- el hizbul Vataniyye. kK2Q74vvKhg-00067-00064031-00065593 You can see the details if you search what qualities this party has in the net. In fact here we come across a bit of a vein deriving from past roots of a jihadist understanding , stand of al-qaidaist. kK2Q74vvKhg-00068-00065593-00066021 We can talk about a atabegness. kK2Q74vvKhg-00069-00066021-00067071 In august 1879, Afgani , alone ,was taken from his home and took to the police station in one of Cairo’s hot nights. kK2Q74vvKhg-00070-00067071-00068247 In the harbour, He was fouled to the first ship leaving Egypt territories. Indeed what the foreigner king did in Egypt that night was an revolution targeting to sabotage the possible movements of Egyptian people . kK2Q74vvKhg-00071-00068247-00068744 However the revolution was not complete, it was lacking kK2Q74vvKhg-00072-00068744-00069807 As a matter of fact, only after two years later after this date, Afgani’s students effectuated the resistance that will enlighten the Modern Egypt history by revolting against King Tevfik. kK2Q74vvKhg-00073-00069807-00070745 An element revolting the state afterwards but showing the state as a fellow to himself during the process. kK2Q74vvKhg-00074-00070745-00071677 I think there is no need to use another name here to tell the issue i told living the 15 July history. kK2Q74vvKhg-00075-00071677-00072379 But actually Afgani’s this book pretty resembles the first periods of that names. kK2Q74vvKhg-00076-00072379-00073311 The English people being afraid of being supportive to the Egyptian people resisting to Afgani’s connection started to control more strictly. kK2Q74vvKhg-00077-00073311-00074119 It was transferred to the bomb. This time going to India by the hand of English. kK2Q74vvKhg-00078-00074119-00075087 Because there is something weird, we re constantly saying from the beginning that Afgani ,there is a French ecole supporting book translators who doesn’t assign a meaning. kK2Q74vvKhg-00079-00075087-00075854 We see through the book that he is supported by the French and distributed this journal to the world free , kK2Q74vvKhg-00080-00075854-00077225 trying not to mention much about Russians . I mean it is possible to see the some French effect in the root of school enemy against English and the interest of the modernism France wanted to bring in North Africa. kK2Q74vvKhg-00081-00077225-00078227 Afgani started to implement the great project in his mind when the news of England occupying Egypt territories had reached to him. kK2Q74vvKhg-00082-00078227-00078973 He founded an international Islamic organization named ‘’El Ulvetilvusga’’. This is that organization’s magazine. kK2Q74vvKhg-00083-00078973-00079769 We’re talking about the the first widespread organization centering jihad in history. Hejira (emigration) is mentioned to Paris. kK2Q74vvKhg-00084-00079769-00081379 The two words, hejira and Paris used together is abit ironic. Afgani chose his party center to run this kind of studies (works) because of the existence of a lot of factors blocking his political works in some places. kK2Q74vvKhg-00085-00081379-00082410 The only Islamic country that has the press freedom and runs the political works freely , conquered (captured) by English people, too. kK2Q74vvKhg-00086-00082410-00083067 Which one is the period of not having press freedom in Egypt? kK2Q74vvKhg-00087-00083067-00084087 Attention now, 1884. It’s the times of Ottoman’s influence is continuing that we will see Afgani’s antipathy to Ottoman Empire in his book. kK2Q74vvKhg-00088-00084087-00085038 But here it reminds me the smiliarities of some names mentioned in 15 th of July , when he compares Egypt Islam country in Paris, kK2Q74vvKhg-00089-00085038-00085692 here king came, English conquered here and saying that he breathes in France. kK2Q74vvKhg-00090-00085692-00087034 After all when a person starts to see himself as a Prophet , transforms, varies into something else while claiming he’s centring Quran. kK2Q74vvKhg-00091-00087034-00088041 Sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously . The organization took its name from a verse of Quran. We said above , Bakara Sura 256. Verse of Quran. kK2Q74vvKhg-00092-00088041-00088760 The organization would stick to Islam and struggle against taghuti (devilish) powers. kK2Q74vvKhg-00093-00088760-00089839 When you write this word taghut in a search engine in Youtube, you will see the journey of my young brothers then you will understand what i want to say. kK2Q74vvKhg-00094-00089839-00090651 A mentality that wants to fight constantly , wants to conflict constantly , waiting jihad constantly and saying let’s fight . kK2Q74vvKhg-00095-00090651-00091338 Don’t forget these territories always got tired with love and fondness. kK2Q74vvKhg-00096-00091338-00092078 We always have came to these days with sufism experts declaring love and affection and if Allah allows, it will go on until doomsday. kK2Q74vvKhg-00097-00092078-00092718 A mentality saying sufism is shirk , telling Muslims you voted for taghut(devil). kK2Q74vvKhg-00098-00092718-00093784 You went to taghut’s school. You became a soldier in taghut s system ; saying all these , unfortunately you see clearly that they are claiming them heretical . kK2Q74vvKhg-00099-00093784-00094516 At the same time, you will see unfortunately these people slaughtering Muslims with Allahu Ekber cries. kK2Q74vvKhg-00100-00094516-00095268 If this is a massacre, a savagery , we are talking about the people in the origins of this savagery. kK2Q74vvKhg-00101-00095268-00096435 The organization loves justice and established strong relationships with some Europians getting their minds tired because of various calamities . Europians. kK2Q74vvKhg-00102-00096435-00097653 ‘’ The secrecy of the organization as for, a secret working path was preferred as that day’s Eastern Islamic World’s conditions made this type of political pursuits harder. kK2Q74vvKhg-00103-00097653-00098222 Religious proclamation is not a confidential factor in Islam. kK2Q74vvKhg-00104-00098222-00099263 The words we are saying are clear , it is either from a verse of Quran or hadiths ( deeds, sayings of Mohammed ) from The Lofty Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammed , or a precious sayings from Ahl-al Bayt, sainthood and upon the evaluation of this . kK2Q74vvKhg-00105-00099263-00100096 There can’t be confidentiality or secret of this. Muslim is clear on matters, an explicit declarative of his words . kK2Q74vvKhg-00106-00100096-00100992 Well, we are getting to what Cemalettin Afgani, bringing his fans, wrote secretly in this magazine. kK2Q74vvKhg-00107-00100992-00101745 We are trying to be objective. We are not going to try deducing. Therefore it is a compelling book. kK2Q74vvKhg-00108-00101745-00104182 As he says for polisitcal works Cemalettin el hüsemi el Afgani , became the political chef of this magazine, Muhammed Abdul is assigned to chief writer position. kK2Q74vvKhg-00109-00104182-00105300 El urvetül vusga organization was financing the magazine economically. However we are not knowledgeable on what was this organizations’ financial methodology. kK2Q74vvKhg-00110-00105300-00106163 First issue comes out on 8th of March, 1984 and after 8 months it closes with that 8th issue. kK2Q74vvKhg-00111-00106163-00107343 ’Afgani attacks to English politics , too. He was constantly criticising the English officer , Sudan governor named Gordon General. kK2Q74vvKhg-00112-00107343-00108131 Meanwhile he is calling Ottoman Government for not helping English people’’ saying these at 30th page , kK2Q74vvKhg-00113-00108131-00109131 Cemalettin Afgani tells that Ottoman Empire was acting together with English, and in fact Ottoman must change. kK2Q74vvKhg-00114-00109131-00109896 ‘’English people called for Afgani to London to take his opinions when Mahdi movement increased.’’ Why kK2Q74vvKhg-00115-00109896-00110950 Because Afgani have supported the mahdi flow in Sudan. An organization , an army cannot be formed. In a conflicting mechanism . kK2Q74vvKhg-00116-00110950-00112111 And whoever believes in taghut, you can sometimes fill in with Ottoman , sometimes an wise amn, sometimes a sufism expert , he separates himself from sufism experts. kK2Q74vvKhg-00117-00112111-00113214 He is called to London about that matter. He is wanted to give a malignite fetwa showing Meghdit unjustified. kK2Q74vvKhg-00118-00113214-00114336 Offering him Sudan throne. But this is Afgani’s statement. After the offer of Sudan throne, English government knows the power of Afgani , kK2Q74vvKhg-00119-00114336-00115160 appreciates the opinions of him and wants to establish good relationship with Islam governments. kK2Q74vvKhg-00120-00115160-00116222 According to official documents Lord Salisbury said these words to Afgani. We’re offeringto send you to Sudan as a Sultan , because of the reasons above. kK2Q74vvKhg-00121-00116222-00117186 We are sure that you are going to root out Mahdi disorder and prepare an English ground there. kK2Q74vvKhg-00122-00117186-00118392 It is said that Afgani rejected this English hoax and ridiculed English mentality. Sudan is not an English property that they can give the throne to ansybody they wish . kK2Q74vvKhg-00123-00118392-00119355 Afgani , in another issue of magazine, stated that Ottoman Sultan is pleased with Mahdi Movement . kK2Q74vvKhg-00124-00119355-00121471 In this matter there is not an official information but the question is that. Do the English government offer Sudan throne over official documents, to a person ,for years ,thought of as a mujahid , convinced of a real Muslim ? You answer . kK2Q74vvKhg-00125-00121471-00122581 ‘’ Afgani talks about the reasons of Muslims’ being underdeveloped. Muslims falling apart , their powers weakening, sticking to a pedestal bowing to fate , kK2Q74vvKhg-00126-00122581-00123917 the ignorance of executives, not knowing the truth of Islam, ignoring the real wisdom struggling with delusions, ‘’ he says. In fact. kK2Q74vvKhg-00127-00123917-00125123 But the interesting thing is that , in later times he mentions about fate such that it is exactly the understanding of Ahl-al Sunnah (followers of Sunnah). Yes you say that fate mentality is true. kK2Q74vvKhg-00128-00125123-00126559 However, here while he is gathering young people, we don’t bow to fate now the way it goes , it is time to rebel, he says. In that situation some people can think that , a country like Egypt rebelled against the English in 1984, you can say that. kK2Q74vvKhg-00129-00126559-00127265 This is not a rebel , this is a defence of your homeland. kK2Q74vvKhg-00130-00127265-00127808 The touchstone for people when defending their homeland is Mohammed (A.s.) and His friends. kK2Q74vvKhg-00131-00127808-00128576 But Afgani preferred putting both Him , his companions and the people having the potential to go on that way to another pot . kK2Q74vvKhg-00132-00128576-00129778 A person possessing the first issue of El urvetilvusga receiving two years of prison and 100 sterling money punishment. Who was doing this ? It is said that they were the English. kK2Q74vvKhg-00133-00129778-00130871 ’ The english had a great success with forbidding the sealing the journal off to India and Egypt.’’ The success here is that , Afgani , kK2Q74vvKhg-00134-00130871-00132033 enemy against the English , publishing the journal throughout the demands and requests of the French in Egypt, publishing a journal in Paris and spread it to the world , how are we going to tell this. kK2Q74vvKhg-00135-00132033-00132962 Ultimately England telling neccessary words to France , could prevent this journal’s publishment and distribution even in France , but they didn’t do that. kK2Q74vvKhg-00136-00132962-00134182 Forbids in Egypt . This , again, reminds me an overlapping qualification of the efforts trying to villainize these books in 15 th of July story. kK2Q74vvKhg-00137-00134182-00135116 ’ He is in the consciousness of negative effects of election and nomination of Sultans by inheritance on Islamic ummah. kK2Q74vvKhg-00138-00135116-00136628 Even before meeting with Abdulhamit in Elurvetül Vusga he emphasizes that he supports the Ottoman Sultan and the neccesity of gathering around him , however he mentions some wrong attitudes of management.’’ kK2Q74vvKhg-00139-00136628-00137698 saying that Afgani, starts teaching his pupils the Ottoman’s stance against. And says that ‘’ Abdulhamit Sultan is a very faulty person.’’ kK2Q74vvKhg-00140-00137698-00138695 There it’s one of the tactful words of a sneaky approach. Both a good hearted person and very faulty. kK2Q74vvKhg-00141-00138695-00139597 A political sufism sheikh Ebul huda essegalani was coming first at the lead of this deceit. kK2Q74vvKhg-00142-00139597-00140137 This cult sheikh was leading the biggest of the conspirator groups in the capital . kK2Q74vvKhg-00143-00140137-00141369 Cult sheikhs were enemies for Afgani. According to him cult sheikhs had been dragging the state to outside of Islam. This understanding came from bottom. kK2Q74vvKhg-00144-00141369-00142494 It’s said that Afgani didn’t leave much as written. Really it is. The history of Afghanistan and Dehriyuna Reddiye are two works he left as written. It is said. kK2Q74vvKhg-00145-00142494-00143752 Now ‘’ If Ottoman State watched over west world and would not fall behind from technology from them and would assimilate material conquest with the power of science, kK2Q74vvKhg-00146-00143752-00144658 neither eastern issue nor the difference of the balance taking life right from the weak would appear.’’ kK2Q74vvKhg-00147-00144658-00145531 Afgani clearly tells the necessity of Ottomans’ going away from a civilization like France. kK2Q74vvKhg-00148-00145531-00146189 He tells that it became like that. So Afgani’s Ottoman hostility is elaborated slowly. kK2Q74vvKhg-00149-00146189-00147552 Afgani says about the Ottoman State’s and other Islamic countries’ objects of regression and downfall , he says if it tried to bring hearts close together with its all power , kK2Q74vvKhg-00150-00147552-00148430 Ottoman would be an irresistable force , an uncrushable castle and its authority would more be in its proper place and radical. kK2Q74vvKhg-00151-00148430-00149177 But this wasn’t done. Even going further it was thought that to be turkified. kK2Q74vvKhg-00152-00149177-00149720 Who were saying Ottoman State having a racist approach ? kK2Q74vvKhg-00153-00149720-00151007 The french and the English. It is like working on a clean and dirty dish in a bowl , swearing to the Ottoman while swearing to the English at the same time. kK2Q74vvKhg-00154-00151007-00152547 There all subtle sneaky play starts from here. They counter against you, talk nicey for years, at the end when one sentence is accepted after all these pleasent years, unfortunately you’re deceived. kK2Q74vvKhg-00155-00152547-00153685 ‘’ If you listen to my advice , if you give authorization to represent themselves ,allow public to elect proxies in a way making public associator to the administration of the country ‘’ kK2Q74vvKhg-00156-00153685-00154850 he mentions about democracy ‘’ and if the council constituted of these represantatives make the laws, these will strenghten your excellent throne , making your reign permanent.’’ kK2Q74vvKhg-00157-00154850-00155888 He says these for Iran (Persia) , because Afgani mentioned about his love of the roots of Irish Humeyni understanding . kK2Q74vvKhg-00158-00155888-00157343 At the end of 19th century , Afgani had died in İstanbul all alone but heaven knows why, he was taken from here and moved again. To Afghanistan. kK2Q74vvKhg-00159-00157343-00158279 These two factors are because of that: Deviation in the thought, resolution in emotions, dulling . Afgani mentions about feelings. kK2Q74vvKhg-00160-00158279-00159324 ‘’ And he declared as a sincere call in his thoughts. He was calling to reforms and unity. ‘’ saying that he always emphasizes reform word in his calling for Islam. kK2Q74vvKhg-00161-00159324-00159947 I guess you haven’t forgotten what a disruption the edict of reform caused in us afterwards. kK2Q74vvKhg-00162-00159947-00161084 Innovation means a person’s renewal in Islam. Islam is already reformatory. Always reformation. kK2Q74vvKhg-00163-00161084-00162287 ‘’ This power was moving from Iran where imperialists call a safety island. The biggest colonial castle was rocking. kK2Q74vvKhg-00164-00162287-00162902 This is a religious revolution. It is done in the guidance of a reverend.’’ saying that he talks about the importance of Iran Islam state. kK2Q74vvKhg-00165-00162902-00163683 He was claiming that every kind of problem that will emerge won’t be a problem in the future. kK2Q74vvKhg-00166-00163683-00164844 ‘’Look ‘’ he says. What does these two presumptions say. If a person wants to think Cemalettin belongs to a communion , he makes a mistake. Also that faith has a complicated structure. kK2Q74vvKhg-00167-00164844-00165960 Yes there is a weird situation. Even Cemalettin Afgani was born in a Shiah community , throughout the book we can’t see him as a Shi’a. kK2Q74vvKhg-00168-00165960-00166437 Wecan’t regard him as Sunni, too. Because there Afgani is in the most dangerous dimension. kK2Q74vvKhg-00169-00166437-00167008 He tells that we should put all the religious communions aside , in his book, in his writings in the journal. kK2Q74vvKhg-00170-00167008-00167982 It is how a ridiciluous claim that El Mecelle journal, Afgani had received money from French government.’’ he says. kK2Q74vvKhg-00171-00167982-00168788 ’If Afgani’s aim was money, he wouldn’t have gone to every place in Islam territories carrying weight of Muslims, and spend his life on this cause.’’ kK2Q74vvKhg-00172-00168788-00169472 The places he spent his life are two; India and Egypt. kK2Q74vvKhg-00173-00169472-00170266 He was already sent away from İstanbul. In India he was appointed to a ministry . I mean there is one hank he had throughout his life. kK2Q74vvKhg-00174-00170266-00171184 That is his exile from Egypt to India because of the English’s claiming that he won’t do what they want in Egypt. kK2Q74vvKhg-00175-00171184-00172014 But his being a minister in India. If a person tells lots of words to the English , does he be an enemy against them ? we should ask. kK2Q74vvKhg-00176-00172014-00172911 Now in the first years of this journal, the meeting of Afgani’s with mason societies embracing the flag of goodness and reform. kK2Q74vvKhg-00177-00172911-00173788 ‘’ For one thing, he talks about mason societies embracing goodness and reform meanings. ‘’ kK2Q74vvKhg-00178-00173788-00174739 But from first moment he noticed their secret aims and he explained that in fact these communities didn’t defend the public’s interest and worked with lapidation to Muslim Egyptians.’’ kK2Q74vvKhg-00179-00174739-00176227 Question is that ; does a mason governance invite a person who became an important figure again and again in religious life style like Cemalettin Afgani , if they believed they can’t deceive him? No. kK2Q74vvKhg-00180-00176227-00177340 There is not a method like this in mason settlement throughout the history. You are called with an invitation in the event that you can be masonic. kK2Q74vvKhg-00181-00177340-00179238 Secondly; the mason community you think of as a reform and goodness movement , was known by everybody that it had a terrible structuring in 1880 s, is it possible that Afgani didn’t know that ? You give the answer. kK2Q74vvKhg-00182-00179238-00180414 ’The conspiracy supported by eastern and western secret services and Zionist community , aims these ‘’ he says , kK2Q74vvKhg-00183-00180414-00181798 Afgani will warn Muslims against conspiracies and he says ‘’ becoming real after tainting Iran Islamic revolution owing a lot to Cemalettin Afgani because of Great Islamic thoughts and movements. kK2Q74vvKhg-00184-00181798-00183246 Trying to separate , detract Afgani from universal Islamic movements and Irani (Persian) Islam revolution and the spiritual and political relations conducted under the leadership of İmam Humeyni ; kK2Q74vvKhg-00185-00183246-00185011 trying to sabotage by tainting Afgani that Islamic movement being active in Egypt and especially the people armed struggling against the regime chose as a leader on the Islamic jihad cause. ‘’ I think everything is clear. kK2Q74vvKhg-00186-00185011-00186665 Who wrote? Seyyid Hadi Hüsrev Şahi wrote these in Rome, Italy in October, in 1985. Again the suspicion if sayyid word is true or not. kK2Q74vvKhg-00187-00186665-00187180 We’re coming to Afgani’s own words. kK2Q74vvKhg-00188-00187180-00187896 ‘’ Intellectual activation seen in eastern regions these days makes us pretty happy. Everybody wants freedom and liberation.’’ kK2Q74vvKhg-00189-00187896-00188701 Saying this Afgani talks about freedom in his first column , as they act on the same statement every period. kK2Q74vvKhg-00190-00188701-00189687 ’As Qu’ran being read’’ if you give attention , this root comes from that. They don’t say Al Quran, they always say Quran. ‘’ kK2Q74vvKhg-00191-00189687-00190773 As Quran being read and being concluded by his readers days won’t be able to disgrace them.’’ Quran is not a mental methodology, it is a transferable methodology. kK2Q74vvKhg-00192-00190773-00191483 So respondent is prior to heart, entreating upon heart, it is mind that will complete its combat. kK2Q74vvKhg-00193-00191483-00192241 However Afgani again with the emphasize of mind, has been doing prepared anchor to the people translating books but who doesn’t assign a meaning kK2Q74vvKhg-00194-00192241-00193404 These Muslim intelligentsias wanted to publish a journal with the most beautiful language ,Arabic , to convey their thoughts to everybody , kK2Q74vvKhg-00195-00193404-00194263 the journal should be published in a city whereabout the freedom of the press exists , like Paris. ‘’ he says. Cemalettin Afgani expresses that he chose Paris deliberately. kK2Q74vvKhg-00196-00194263-00195328 He elaborates such subtle that , you can’t even get between lines and pages, he tells you that religion is a true thing in a true way. kK2Q74vvKhg-00197-00195328-00196957 ‘’ Without comprehensing exactly the kinds of islamic ummah’s ilnesses, the traditions formed around these ilnesses , the religious cult mentality in their hearts and the location of its dogmas , kK2Q74vvKhg-00198-00196957-00198438 the place they ascended and the degree of downfall now, rolling between these two ; the medicine a person that is trying to correct , reform moral , turns into poision and destroys the social wisdom.’’ he says. kK2Q74vvKhg-00199-00198438-00198981 It means what you say an illness derives with religious cult. kK2Q74vvKhg-00200-00198981-00200118 ‘’ Even they are serious about the desire of serving to their countries , what can these people incapable of representing the knowledge (science), they are going to transfer, with truth? kK2Q74vvKhg-00201-00200118-00201227 ’’ saying this he talks about an Islam getting away from science. As todays people translating books but who doesn’t assign a meaning, say so. kK2Q74vvKhg-00202-00201227-00202051 As if Muslims, they, never dealt with science until people like Cemalettin Afgani appears. kK2Q74vvKhg-00203-00202051-00202514 Moreover, we will be seeing him talking about the rationalist names , in later times, that, he revaled with his own faith by destroying some great sufis completely. kK2Q74vvKhg-00204-00202514-00203541 We are seeing that he is talking about İmam Gazali but the possibility of each of them confronting us as a fishing line remains on the agenda again and again in every few pages. kK2Q74vvKhg-00205-00203541-00204607 ‘’If the reason of Ummah appearing , ascending is active religion , the downfall , disappearing is without doubt leaving religious principles going back and kK2Q74vvKhg-00206-00204607-00205423 putting it into not actually existed innovations( of worshipping)‘’ he says. Now attention, the ones jihadist harping on – kK2Q74vvKhg-00207-00205423-00206309 caling jihadist is not a true word but it is the common word of the ones want to abuse Islamic jihad for their goals. – You create innovations to worshipping. kK2Q74vvKhg-00208-00206309-00207181 ‘’Arts depend on the artist. A person is an art universe with his intellect and qualification.’’ Says Cemalettin Afgani. kK2Q74vvKhg-00209-00207181-00208237 Look you say he said words of wisdom and go on. And it comes like that ‘’ Thus we see these things in Bible : ‘’ kK2Q74vvKhg-00210-00208237-00209477 To hit your right cheek turn your left cheek, too. The ruling of kings belongs to mortal body. Immortal and real judgement is soul that it only belongs to Allah .’’ kK2Q74vvKhg-00211-00209477-00210446 Now the ruling of kings belongs to mortal body. The part after his word he talks about Christians so sweet that teling that it s necessary to remain close to Christians Afgani , kK2Q74vvKhg-00212-00210446-00211369 then comes and says this ‘’ Islam religion is looking for victory and greatness , conquering and preparing the necessary conditions to be the conqueror, not obeying any rules that is inappropriate for sharia, kK2Q74vvKhg-00213-00211369-00212238 whatever power it is , unless its judgements agree with Islam and unite religiosly , we shouldn’t comply with, Islam is founded on these principles. ‘ kK2Q74vvKhg-00214-00212238-00213633 No these principles are sharia reality of religion. All of these are true but the porblem is that; Muslimism ,Islam spreaded with love , not sword. kK2Q74vvKhg-00215-00213633-00214470 No these principles are sharia reality of religion. All of these are true but the porblem is that; Muslimism ,Islam spreaded with love , not sword. kK2Q74vvKhg-00216-00214470-00215384 ‘’ Kill who I want for Allah ‘’ , you got into slaughter of man. kK2Q74vvKhg-00217-00215384-00216400 Therefore this is not real İslam. Words are true. Now there sometimes will be comments. They will say ,What ? kK2Q74vvKhg-00218-00216400-00217221 Are you against this?. No, we are with this. But the place is wrong. There is its soup before the issue. kK2Q74vvKhg-00219-00217221-00217882 There it is in this work’s afterwards. And more, tens of important criterions are needed in order to realize this work. kK2Q74vvKhg-00220-00217882-00218905 However now another understanding takes over our young children, teens. There is a preparation in Turkey with Daesh supporters, other supporters saying‘’ kK2Q74vvKhg-00221-00218905-00219744 Come on to the streets, come on to the war ‘’. There is a demand that aims to stir up trouble these streets and the influential of the demanders is that man. kK2Q74vvKhg-00222-00219744-00220618 ‘’ Which unknown helping hand holded Christians’ hand and presented them a purpose that has not actually existed in their religion. kK2Q74vvKhg-00223-00220618-00221320 Which hit did Muslims take in their hearts that kept them away from the foremost duties in their religion , downgrading them .’’ kK2Q74vvKhg-00224-00221320-00221989 saying that our fundemental duty was cutting man ,according to him. Afgani is telling that in depth . kK2Q74vvKhg-00225-00221989-00223187 Look don’t get it wrong, here he is trying to soften people’s hearts and says ‘’ The English are shedding blood in Egypt, torturing . kK2Q74vvKhg-00226-00223187-00224051 But their brothers even they see the streaming blood , hear the screams swelling from their throats; they are sitting hands tied and putting their feet under themselves.’’ kK2Q74vvKhg-00227-00224051-00224851 Talking about Ottomans. Afgani claims that we re sitting taking our feet under us , on the territories that is blood- kK2Q74vvKhg-00228-00224851-00226037 drenched group group with the shahada of dervishs with their life, blood , army, soldiers , sufism competents in Egypt, in Algeria, in Tunisia . kK2Q74vvKhg-00229-00226037-00226850 ’Isn’t it weird that Ottomans and Morocco don’t have ambassadors in each other’s countries ? kK2Q74vvKhg-00230-00226850-00227917 ’’ It was 1884 ,it may be like a factor appearing to your mentality in this strangeness but need to ask why there you didn’t tell the circumstances in Morocco . kK2Q74vvKhg-00231-00227917-00228874 Abbasid caliphs ,instead of follow the example of first four great caliphs , taking the right way, acquiring religious manners and other enough wisdom, kK2Q74vvKhg-00232-00228874-00229814 they started to content themselves only with the name of caliphate. Because of this religious cults reproduced.’’ he says. kK2Q74vvKhg-00233-00229814-00230715 Look in the first part of the sentence you can see the criticism to Abbasids as a scientific criticism but the things he said in the next breath is a terrific disease and poision ; kK2Q74vvKhg-00234-00230715-00231317 religious cults reproduced(increased) .Why ? Because religious cults (sects) are unnecessary. kK2Q74vvKhg-00235-00231317-00231638 According to us , it is not like that. kK2Q74vvKhg-00236-00231638-00232351 ‘’ All together holding public’s hand , with them the Quran’s and the valid sunnah.’’ The valid (real) sunnah phrase comes from here. kK2Q74vvKhg-00237-00232351-00233143 You tell a sunna is it true, valid? Whereas an illiterate has no right to ask for source of the sunna or a value that is in the Mohammed’s sayings , the sunna. kK2Q74vvKhg-00238-00233143-00233710 They have to gather their commitment in a single center and in this center he must be chosen as a Beytullah as the most honorable of the sacred territories. kK2Q74vvKhg-00239-00233710-00234262 It is indicated that the the caliphet’s center taken away from Ottoman and given to the Mecca. kK2Q74vvKhg-00240-00234262-00234886 He has writings about India. Because he was running a ministry for a term there. kK2Q74vvKhg-00241-00234886-00235526 As i said before , he wrote a book about materialists. ‘’ Materialists , nonbelievers of any religion or book. kK2Q74vvKhg-00242-00235526-00236734 Moreover Godless people compete with believers about religiousness. ‘’ saying that Cemalettin Afgan is working subtly even putting sufism competent with materialists in the same equation . kK2Q74vvKhg-00243-00236734-00238011 ‘’ Raising your heads from your graves don’t you look to your daughters and sons behaviours that though they deny being committed to your religion , they are not leaving from your path ?’’ kK2Q74vvKhg-00244-00238011-00238760 saying that we slowly understand who the religious book translators(who don’t assign a meaning),not doing and denying grave visit took a leaf from . kK2Q74vvKhg-00245-00238760-00239946 ’Could Persian Keyhüsrev reach to victory if he didn’t believe in predestination and fate ? Thanks to his belief he wasn’t undaunted by any danger and no violence could be able to distrupt his determination. kK2Q74vvKhg-00246-00239946-00240824 Greek the great Alexander, the Mongol Cengizhan also had this belief. Otherwise they don’t obtain kK2Q74vvKhg-00247-00240824-00241606 the purpose of walkin all over publics with a small number of armies and gain victories. ‘’ Suddenly you get surprised of course. kK2Q74vvKhg-00248-00241606-00242061 Once you say did he praise Napolian. After a few scales he takes this back. kK2Q74vvKhg-00249-00242061-00243194 It should be told to the community (public) that as Gazali and similiar names put forward ,depending on predestination and trusting in Allah kK2Q74vvKhg-00250-00243194-00243988 can be actualized by work and movement not with idling and laziness, religion demands this; kK2Q74vvKhg-00251-00243988-00244768 not leaving fardhs of Allah and religious bindings of us with the excuse of trusting in Allah, instead it commands going all the way with these. kK2Q74vvKhg-00252-00244768-00245463 But he contradicts with the words he just said , and also he implies himself on this way using Gazali’s name in the palce he contradicted. kK2Q74vvKhg-00253-00245463-00245931 But Gazali can definetely not be expressed as a sufism competent . kK2Q74vvKhg-00254-00245931-00246804 ‘’ One of the unexpected sudden impacts is the attacks of Cengizhan and his sons from the East, the other is European Crusades from the West. kK2Q74vvKhg-00255-00246804-00247583 When they were in the first flush of victory , these two troubles coming one after another , weakened the morale of the Ummah . ‘’ he says. kK2Q74vvKhg-00256-00247583-00248423 The name he praised two pages ago, here he takes in another way. Going forwards and backwards , elaborately , without sects, kK2Q74vvKhg-00257-00248423-00249302 drifting apart from religion , living out of the lofty Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad that in the book if I don’t remember wrong , there are 3 or 4 hadiths ( the sayings/deeds of Muhammad). kK2Q74vvKhg-00258-00249302-00250049 Back to back there is a verse of the Quran in the head of every writing. He is forcing the hadiths ( the sayings/deeds of Muhammad) back. kK2Q74vvKhg-00259-00250049-00251475 Look ‘’ Ibn-i sina , Farabi, Razi etc. İn the East.’’ He said similiar names , in the west there were İbni Race, İbni Tufeyl and so on’’. These are the influentials of this man. The rest is up to you. kK2Q74vvKhg-00260-00251475-00252348 Well, I seek refuge in Allah from fault. Never given up hope from you that the territories longing from Edirne to Peşare , kK2Q74vvKhg-00261-00252348-00253115 candidates to become an Islamic State, the Quran uniting them and fifty million people possesing a common belief. kK2Q74vvKhg-00262-00253115-00255115 Why don’t they unify to move forward like other nations and defend themselves? Whereas uniting is the rudiments of their religion’’ he says , kK2Q74vvKhg-00263-00255115-00255916 ’Turn to your own nafs (self) and listen to your consciousness. You will see that your own there is a strong drift and lasting ambition. kK2Q74vvKhg-00264-00255916-00256608 And this ambition pushes you to desire the leadership of the community and a lofty position. ‘’ kK2Q74vvKhg-00265-00256558-00256608 saying this he tells the importance of ambition to the all youngsters. Even ambition is exactly and definitely rejected in İslam. kK2Q74vvKhg-00266-00256608-00258374 ‘’Suphanallah(May Allah be raised)’’ How the love of glory and honour fills up people’s hearts and controls their desires. Fame. kK2Q74vvKhg-00267-00258374-00259114 Cemalettin Afgani writes this explicitly. The necessity of one having a head (leader) and he deserves this , clearly. kK2Q74vvKhg-00268-00259114-00260182 ‘’ In various generations and different races thousands of people kills endangering themselves to defend their honour or esteem and to gain leadership ‘’ No Cemalettin Afgani . kK2Q74vvKhg-00269-00260182-00261053 People are running towards shahada (testimony) not for their honour for Islam (true religion). You may had lived differently. kK2Q74vvKhg-00270-00261053-00262208 ’As how elevation tendency is a innate practice, self reliance about endeavours will attain the aim is the requirement of the natality. ‘’ he says. kK2Q74vvKhg-00271-00262208-00262744 Thereis not such a tendency in our nature (natality) , it is clearly being stated in natality allegiance. kK2Q74vvKhg-00272-00262744-00263436 I mean when he interprets the faith to the Quran in his wisdom , Afgani starts to diversify. kK2Q74vvKhg-00273-00263436-00264520 ‘’ A person believing without doubt knows that in the situation of his/her strength is insufficient ,there is Allah’s mightiness more superior than any other mightiness . kK2Q74vvKhg-00274-00264520-00265225 Depends on Allah , take refuge in Allah . ‘’ Agreed and admitted (Saddakna) you say and turn the page. kK2Q74vvKhg-00275-00265225-00266340 I give this example for this. Who can deny this ? Nobody. All very fine, he gives great examples, give verses of the Quran. Now we’re coming to the point , look. kK2Q74vvKhg-00276-00266340-00267392 ‘’Why don’t they try to unify Muslims became sects.!! Okay this is fine, too. The answer ‘’ Yes, a group that Allah opened their hearts to faith stood up (revolted) in various places of Earth for this work. kK2Q74vvKhg-00277-00267392-00268297 What we expect from other Muslims is to join them and support their endeavour (revolt), so that help of Allah perches on them. ‘’ kK2Q74vvKhg-00278-00268297-00269040 It states that people not helping jihadists gets out of the truth of faith. Today don’t Daesh say the same thing? kK2Q74vvKhg-00279-00269040-00270242 These days , we’re avoiding from giving a channel’s name because we are not even remotely close but generally the ones denying sufism , calling sufism a shirk don’t they say the same thing today? kK2Q74vvKhg-00280-00270242-00271241 By saying Subhanallahi ve ta’la , Allahu Azze ve Celle ( Allah is great, superior, powerful ) , don’t they plant grudge and hate among pleasant words? kK2Q74vvKhg-00281-00271241-00272099 We are not working with hate, grudge and hostility. Our struggle is for revealing all the people who wants to plant hate and hostility as a seed, kK2Q74vvKhg-00282-00272099-00272793 manifesting the sufism competents that will eliminate this hate and hostility, to unite the Siyar Al-Nabi of the great and lofty Muhammed (a.s.-pbuh), kK2Q74vvKhg-00283-00272793-00273588 with the love of Ahl-al Bayt all of the Muslims from monotheism horizon with love. kK2Q74vvKhg-00284-00273588-00274326 So this book’s essence , reality in fact all the sentences of it always lead to the same way(place). It has such a dirty method. kK2Q74vvKhg-00285-00274326-00275146 If Allah willing, next week we thank to your questions to us maybe about opening up some subjects, clarify more. kK2Q74vvKhg-00286-00275146-00275851 You have contempts and insults. We are not here for contempt. We have not much business with the ones contempting . kK2Q74vvKhg-00287-00275851-00276786 But dear young people , write your questions. Write your insults, too. Next week we will delete your insults and answer your questions, if Allah pleases. kK2Q74vvKhg-00288-00276786-00277739 Whether from the scientific world or from the books we worked on, prepare your questions , and we answer them. kK2Q74vvKhg-00289-00277739-00278835 Because our respondents were never these simpleminded people in any of the videos we have presented till today, our respondents are you young people. kK2Q74vvKhg-00290-00278835-00280133 You, our respondents that will service to Islam, to serve this country, this nation, this Ummah, this world with the truth of the Quran,honour of Sünneti Seniyye , the love, affection of Ahl-al Bayt . kK2Q74vvKhg-00291-00280133-00280952 These ? These are all sneaky people that wants to withhold you from your path. Our job is to express slyness of these sneaky people. kK2Q74vvKhg-00292-00280952-00282084 Be careful while using subjective word, because we are not reading anything else except the writings in their books. kK2Q74vvKhg-00293-00282084-00282585 Take care of yourself. kK5GeTiy674-00000-00000984-00001224 Linh Thai: Hello, and thanks for joining me again on Climatic. kK5GeTiy674-00001-00001257-00001569 All innovation needs to be backed by some serious money. kK5GeTiy674-00002-00001596-00001818 That's even more true when trying to break into a kK5GeTiy674-00003-00001818-00002151 slow-moving, risk-averse sector such as grid tech. But this is kK5GeTiy674-00004-00002151-00002448 also an industry that's on the cusp of a paradigm shift in the kK5GeTiy674-00005-00002448-00002784 way it operates, which sounds to me like a great opportunity to kK5GeTiy674-00006-00002784-00003024 get in early on some exciting new investments. kK5GeTiy674-00007-00003459-00003761 To discuss where the smart money is going, I'm joined by Ramsay kK5GeTiy674-00008-00003761-00004107 Siegal, a partner at Earthshot Ventures, and Shyam Menon, kK5GeTiy674-00009-00004116-00004365 co-founder at the Bharat Innovation Fund and Infuse kK5GeTiy674-00010-00004365-00004665 Ventures. Thanks for joining me. Let's start with you, Shyam. kK5GeTiy674-00011-00004692-00004977 What is the current level of grid tech innovation in India? kK5GeTiy674-00012-00004984-00005329 Shyam Menon: What I've seen so far in grid tech is primarily kK5GeTiy674-00013-00005329-00005857 that you have startups that can do a lot of the sort of data kK5GeTiy674-00014-00005857-00006235 science work to help integrate renewables into the grid. That's kK5GeTiy674-00015-00006235-00006616 something that's happening. But a lot of the things like demand kK5GeTiy674-00016-00006616-00007045 response and stuff like that is not yet there in India, because kK5GeTiy674-00017-00007045-00007312 the smart metering infrastructure is still being kK5GeTiy674-00018-00007312-00007734 rolled out. And energy storage is just in the early days of kK5GeTiy674-00019-00007741-00008098 happening. The view is that give it another couple of years, once kK5GeTiy674-00020-00008098-00008485 the massive smart meter rollout is complete, it will unlock a kK5GeTiy674-00021-00008485-00008920 lot more potential. Being able to really have a lot of kK5GeTiy674-00022-00008944-00009346 interactive assets with the grid that can increase resiliency of kK5GeTiy674-00023-00009346-00009544 the grid. You're not there yet in India. kK5GeTiy674-00024-00009550-00009820 Linh Thai: So it's still early days in India, then. Ramsay, kK5GeTiy674-00025-00009823-00010081 what's the North American perspective? I imagine the kK5GeTiy674-00026-00010081-00010228 market's a lot more mature there. kK5GeTiy674-00027-00010236-00010530 Ramsay Siegal: Absolutely. So at Elemental, we've been investing kK5GeTiy674-00028-00010530-00010998 in grid type solutions for over 10 years. And I would say the kK5GeTiy674-00029-00010998-00011310 market is quite mature, there are quite a few VCs that are kK5GeTiy674-00030-00011310-00011745 focused in the area sort of across the capital stack. One kK5GeTiy674-00031-00011745-00012021 thing that's changed in the last 10 years is that the capital kK5GeTiy674-00032-00012021-00012279 stack is much more mature, so helping companies from idea kK5GeTiy674-00033-00012279-00012621 stage all the way through project finance and sort of kK5GeTiy674-00034-00012621-00013002 growth equity, there are more players, more philanthropy, and kK5GeTiy674-00035-00013002-00013397 more venture capital firms. In terms of the areas of focus in kK5GeTiy674-00036-00013397-00013635 North America right now, it's about renewable integration, kK5GeTiy674-00037-00013635-00014052 grid balancing, automation, sort of the digital layer over all of kK5GeTiy674-00038-00014052-00014403 the Internet of Things that are being distributed across the kK5GeTiy674-00039-00014403-00014447 grid. kK5GeTiy674-00040-00014472-00014727 Linh Thai: That's great to hear, Ramsay. Shyam, I have a question kK5GeTiy674-00041-00014727-00015051 for you. Being in Viet Nam during my investment years, I looked at kK5GeTiy674-00042-00015051-00015306 the US as kind of a time machine. You see what's kK5GeTiy674-00043-00015306-00015579 happening there, and then you say, well, can this really work kK5GeTiy674-00044-00015579-00015941 in Viet Nam? And a lot of times some of it can, with a twist. kK5GeTiy674-00045-00015975-00016215 What innovations have you seen that you think would work in kK5GeTiy674-00046-00016218-00016335 India, with a twist? kK5GeTiy674-00047-00016365-00016752 Shyam Menon: It's always that case. There is an Indianization kK5GeTiy674-00048-00016752-00017127 of all of these models for it to work in the country. So, what we kK5GeTiy674-00049-00017127-00017541 have seen is the most successful ones are the ones who are able kK5GeTiy674-00050-00017541-00017886 to take an idea that would have originated somewhere else, and kK5GeTiy674-00051-00017886-00018363 then build a ground-up product from India that is designed for kK5GeTiy674-00052-00018363-00018873 the Indian market. And rather than actually taking a larger kK5GeTiy674-00053-00018873-00019224 solution, and then stripping off a bunch of things and making it kK5GeTiy674-00054-00019224-00019647 suit a local market, actually something built ground-up. And kK5GeTiy674-00055-00019650-00019932 those are the ones that we've seen become very, very kK5GeTiy674-00056-00019932-00019989 successful. kK5GeTiy674-00057-00019996-00020173 Linh Thai: It sounds like there's some movement towards kK5GeTiy674-00058-00020173-00020512 grid tech solutions, but few people are ready or able to go kK5GeTiy674-00059-00020512-00020884 all in. Why is that, Ramsay? What's making people hesitate kK5GeTiy674-00060-00020884-00021055 when it comes to investing in this space? kK5GeTiy674-00061-00021000-00021252 Ramsay Siegal: I think that there's been a bit of a hangover kK5GeTiy674-00062-00021252-00021684 since Clean Tech 1.0 in North America and people remember kK5GeTiy674-00063-00021684-00022101 names like Solyndra and others that were failures. But I think kK5GeTiy674-00064-00022101-00022491 we should be, you know, venture is the business of taking risk, kK5GeTiy674-00065-00022491-00022899 and there will be failures. Only 10% of all startups are kK5GeTiy674-00066-00022899-00023343 successful and operating, meaning that 90% don't work out. kK5GeTiy674-00067-00023343-00023568 And that's okay. That's the business that we're in, and kK5GeTiy674-00068-00023568-00023931 those are the risks that we take. So, I think that it's time kK5GeTiy674-00069-00023931-00024285 that we move on and focus on the successes, like Tesla, which kK5GeTiy674-00070-00024285-00024597 changed the entire global automotive industry. There was kK5GeTiy674-00071-00024597-00024861 no electric vehicle available when they came out with their kK5GeTiy674-00072-00024861-00025254 Roadster, and now every single major auto manufacturer has kK5GeTiy674-00073-00025287-00025623 either an electric vehicle in the market or a roadmap to do kK5GeTiy674-00074-00025623-00025872 that, and they cannot be competitive without it. But I kK5GeTiy674-00075-00025872-00026199 think for folks who are hesitant to get in, it can be kK5GeTiy674-00076-00026199-00026552 intimidating. There are regulated industries, there's kK5GeTiy674-00077-00026552-00026829 large incumbents that are stuck in their ways that the startups kK5GeTiy674-00078-00026829-00027057 have to bump up against. They either have to work with them, kK5GeTiy674-00079-00027057-00027561 or try to beat them. And in that case, you know, investing in a kK5GeTiy674-00080-00027561-00027969 fund-of-funds structure can be a workaround. So there are kK5GeTiy674-00081-00028035-00028329 high-net worth individuals that want to be invested in climate, kK5GeTiy674-00082-00028350-00028644 but they don't feel quite qualified yet. So they give it kK5GeTiy674-00083-00028644-00028875 to us and then we invest it on their behalf. kK5GeTiy674-00084-00028887-00029120 Linh Thai: Talking of success stories, India's long been kK5GeTiy674-00085-00029120-00029442 talked about by investors as a country full of potential. But kK5GeTiy674-00086-00029442-00029748 now I think that potential is being realized. Sectors such as kK5GeTiy674-00087-00029751-00030102 edtech and crypto are arguably being led by very, very big kK5GeTiy674-00088-00030105-00030444 Indian companies. Shyam, do you see green technology as kK5GeTiy674-00089-00030444-00030693 potentially being as successful as those sectors? kK5GeTiy674-00090-00030723-00031050 Shyam Menon: Whether it is or not, it needs to be. I mean, the kK5GeTiy674-00091-00031050-00031595 reality is, this country with 1.3 billion people, if we don't kK5GeTiy674-00092-00031595-00031899 innovate on the green tech side - and you have, say, for kK5GeTiy674-00093-00031899-00032193 example, another couple of 100 million or 200 million, 300 kK5GeTiy674-00094-00032193-00032547 million more people move towards the middle class - I mean, kK5GeTiy674-00095-00032550-00032994 honestly, even if so many parts of the West may go to entire net kK5GeTiy674-00096-00032994-00033354 zero, all of that will get offset. But venture capital kK5GeTiy674-00097-00033354-00033708 early-stage for climate investing is still pretty kK5GeTiy674-00098-00033711-00034167 bare-bones. I mean, it needs to be 10x of what it is today, and kK5GeTiy674-00099-00034173-00034596 it is just starting. Because the returns requirements in India kK5GeTiy674-00100-00034599-00034959 being so high, most of the capital still tends to go kK5GeTiy674-00101-00034959-00035355 towards things like e-commerce, edtech, fintech, etc. A company kK5GeTiy674-00102-00035355-00035829 can even become a unicorn in six months to a year. So, when it's kK5GeTiy674-00103-00035829-00036213 such a pace of growth for the startups, unless climate tech kK5GeTiy674-00104-00036213-00036555 shows kind of companies that can do that, what happens is the kK5GeTiy674-00105-00036555-00036966 kind of high-net worth individuals, money, or banks, or kK5GeTiy674-00106-00036966-00037278 insurer money doesn't tend to come into something which may be kK5GeTiy674-00107-00037278-00037338 slower. kK5GeTiy674-00108-00037368-00037632 Linh Thai: This is the eternal battle with investments. When is kK5GeTiy674-00109-00037632-00037899 the right moment to put your money in, and when can you hope kK5GeTiy674-00110-00037899-00038238 to see a return? Let's hope that the conditions allow more people kK5GeTiy674-00111-00038238-00038562 to get into the grid tech space and really help drive the change kK5GeTiy674-00112-00038562-00038787 that's needed. Thank you, Ramsay and Shyam. kK5GeTiy674-00113-00039207-00039492 Any investor has to use a mixture of their heart and their kK5GeTiy674-00114-00039492-00039813 head when deciding where to put their money. However much you kK5GeTiy674-00115-00039813-00040146 know, investing in green grid tech is the right thing to do. kK5GeTiy674-00116-00040170-00040440 You have to wait for the right conditions before pulling the kK5GeTiy674-00117-00040440-00040794 trigger. For many of Asia Pacific's biggest markets, that kK5GeTiy674-00118-00040794-00041103 time might be fast approaching, and once the starting gun is kK5GeTiy674-00119-00041103-00041436 fired, the rate and range of change could be breathtaking. kK5GeTiy674-00120-00041478-00041760 But what does the future hold for our grids in the longer run? kK5GeTiy674-00121-00041790-00042096 Stay tuned to find out in our final installment of this series kK5GeTiy674-00122-00042096-00042144 of Climatic. kKfSU58lMAu-00000-00000000-00000200 COOKIES DECORATING IDEAS kKfSU58lMAu-00001-00000200-00000400 14 HEARTS SHAPES COOKIES IDEAS kKfSU58lMAu-00002-00000400-00000600 For the complete recipe, see description kKfSU58lMAu-00003-00000600-00000800 This video has 2 subtitles : Indonesia and English kKm0n6YVuv8-00000-00001477-00001775 It's beautiful here in Rocky Mountain National Park. kKm0n6YVuv8-00001-00001775-00002171 I teach a class in the Geology of National Parks and we talk kKm0n6YVuv8-00002-00002171-00002643 about questions like, why are those huge mountains there? kKm0n6YVuv8-00003-00002643-00003006 And why are they made of rocks that were deep in the earth kKm0n6YVuv8-00004-00003006-00003375 not that long ago where it was really hot and they were kKm0n6YVuv8-00005-00003375-00003653 sitting under some volcano. kKm0n6YVuv8-00006-00003653-00003963 Then we talk about volcanoes and earthquakes, and things kKm0n6YVuv8-00007-00003963-00004112 that matter to people. kKm0n6YVuv8-00008-00004112-00004499 And we talk about these great convection cells deep in the kKm0n6YVuv8-00009-00004499-00004871 mantle that drive the drifting continents and the tectonic kKm0n6YVuv8-00010-00004871-00005233 plates and that are ultimately responsible for the volcanoes, kKm0n6YVuv8-00011-00005233-00005471 and earthquakes that people worry about. kKm0n6YVuv8-00012-00005471-00005877 We talk about the sun heating that mountain and later in the kKm0n6YVuv8-00013-00005877-00006276 afternoon that heat will cause air to rise, and it will be kKm0n6YVuv8-00014-00006276-00006476 causing big puffy white clouds. kKm0n6YVuv8-00015-00006476-00006912 And those clouds may lead to hail storms and tornadoes and kKm0n6YVuv8-00016-00006912-00007134 things that matter to people. kKm0n6YVuv8-00017-00007134-00007430 And when we talk about these circulations in the earth or kKm0n6YVuv8-00018-00007430-00007748 the circulations in the air, most people say, yeah, yeah, kKm0n6YVuv8-00019-00007748-00008056 yeah, get on to the exciting stuff, the volcanoes and the kKm0n6YVuv8-00020-00008056-00008374 tornadoes that we're really interested in. kKm0n6YVuv8-00021-00008374-00008681 We also talk about the fact that the sun shines through kKm0n6YVuv8-00022-00008681-00008871 the air and heats the mountain. kKm0n6YVuv8-00023-00008871-00009194 But the mountain is radiating longer waves kKm0n6YVuv8-00024-00009194-00009404 infrared back to space. kKm0n6YVuv8-00025-00009404-00009793 And because there is CO2 and water vapor in the air, we are kKm0n6YVuv8-00026-00009793-00010045 warmer than we otherwise would be. kKm0n6YVuv8-00027-00010045-00010352 Because they are blocking some of that heat that the mountain kKm0n6YVuv8-00028-00010352-00010722 is sending back to space. kKm0n6YVuv8-00029-00010722-00011110 That CO2 in the air, we are raising because we're burning kKm0n6YVuv8-00030-00011110-00011339 fossil fuels. kKm0n6YVuv8-00031-00011339-00011743 And at that point, a whole lot of people who are very happy kKm0n6YVuv8-00032-00011743-00012118 with convection currents and the mantle in the atmosphere kKm0n6YVuv8-00033-00012118-00012327 start to say, wait a minute, how do we know kKm0n6YVuv8-00034-00012327-00012430 there's CO2 in the air? kKm0n6YVuv8-00035-00012430-00012675 How do we know that CO2 is blocking heat? kKm0n6YVuv8-00036-00012675-00013002 How do we know that humans are raising the CO2? kKm0n6YVuv8-00037-00013002-00013237 Does that matter to us at all? kKm0n6YVuv8-00038-00013237-00013535 And we get off on a discussion of kKm0n6YVuv8-00039-00013535-00013757 technical points of science. kKm0n6YVuv8-00040-00013757-00014150 People are very happy to accept similar things when it kKm0n6YVuv8-00041-00014150-00014485 doesn't matter to them as much. kKm0n6YVuv8-00042-00014485-00014997 Now the physics of the atmosphere are in many ways kKm0n6YVuv8-00043-00014997-00015376 easier than the physics of what's underneath our feet. kKm0n6YVuv8-00044-00015376-00015627 What's under our feet, our understanding of these kKm0n6YVuv8-00045-00015627-00016016 convection currents in the mountain building, is based on kKm0n6YVuv8-00046-00016016-00016334 work by 100s, 1000s of scientists working over kKm0n6YVuv8-00047-00016334-00016823 decades proposing new ideas, making predictions that differ kKm0n6YVuv8-00048-00016823-00017016 from predictions of other ideas, and kKm0n6YVuv8-00049-00017016-00017182 seeing which ones work. kKm0n6YVuv8-00050-00017182-00017512 Throwing away what doesn't work keeping, what's left as a kKm0n6YVuv8-00051-00017512-00017862 provisional estimate of the truth, and moving forward in kKm0n6YVuv8-00052-00017862-00018088 that science. kKm0n6YVuv8-00053-00018088-00018502 The physics of the atmosphere is based on work probably by kKm0n6YVuv8-00054-00018502-00018864 more scientists working longer. kKm0n6YVuv8-00055-00018864-00019329 The greenhouse effect of our CO2 has been understood for kKm0n6YVuv8-00056-00019329-00019497 more than a century. kKm0n6YVuv8-00057-00019497-00019890 And it's really based on physics, it was refined by the kKm0n6YVuv8-00058-00019890-00020156 air force right after World War II. kKm0n6YVuv8-00059-00020156-00020464 Now the Air Force wasn't doing global warming, they were kKm0n6YVuv8-00060-00020464-00020821 doing things such as heat seeking missiles. kKm0n6YVuv8-00061-00020821-00021168 You can see the infrared coming from the hot engine of kKm0n6YVuv8-00062-00021168-00021292 an enemy bomber. kKm0n6YVuv8-00063-00021292-00021551 And if you have the right sensor on your missile, you kKm0n6YVuv8-00064-00021551-00021866 can follow that and shoot down the enemy. kKm0n6YVuv8-00065-00021866-00022052 But if you have the wrong sensor, kKm0n6YVuv8-00066-00022052-00022363 CO2 blocks that radiation. kKm0n6YVuv8-00067-00022363-00022642 There's a little bit of radiation that comes down from kKm0n6YVuv8-00068-00022642-00022961 enemy bombers, there's much more that comes up from the kKm0n6YVuv8-00069-00022961-00023152 sun warmed earth. kKm0n6YVuv8-00070-00023152-00023523 The CO2 in the air doesn't care what made the radiation, kKm0n6YVuv8-00071-00023523-00023698 it interacts with it. kKm0n6YVuv8-00072-00023698-00024107 And so the physics of how greenhouse gases warm the kKm0n6YVuv8-00073-00024107-00024663 earth of how our CO2 warms the earth is really, really solid. kKm0n6YVuv8-00074-00024663-00024936 And has been known for a very long time. kKm0n6YVuv8-00075-00024936-00025365 And that, plus the fact that we in the US are putting up kKm0n6YVuv8-00076-00025365-00025918 some like 20 tons of CO2 per person per year, is really all kKm0n6YVuv8-00077-00025918-00026293 you need to know to realize that this matters. kKm0n6YVuv8-00078-00026293-00026664 So let's go and take a look at the really solid physics and kKm0n6YVuv8-00079-00026664-00026789 what it means. kMjOY6bMysU-00001-00008713-00009005 channel 4.0 kO1_k157NwQ-00000-00000776-00002298 [ASMR NO TALKING] Ice Eating ASMR - (Eat the whole word) / Ice Chewing #182 kOr8_56BPFY-00000-00000798-00000898 RIBS kOr8_56BPFY-00001-00000898-00001861 Man reached in the carcass of the Lord and tore Satan from the rib of God. kOr8_56BPFY-00002-00001861-00002313 The mountains of humility went silent, the rain of regency dried its eyes, kOr8_56BPFY-00003-00002313-00002559 and the clouds of unknowing began to know. kOr8_56BPFY-00004-00002559-00002969 Snow masquerading as kindness ballooned into bombast kOr8_56BPFY-00005-00002969-00003264 as the world washed its hands of worldliness. kOr8_56BPFY-00006-00003264-00004022 Then indifference, stiff as a wombat penis, stirred and woke from the dream of cascading kOr8_56BPFY-00007-00004022-00004123 penury. kOr8_56BPFY-00008-00004123-00004498 I am imbricated by the slabs of dead ideas. kOr8_56BPFY-00009-00004498-00004816 I am teased by vaults of no gold. kOr8_56BPFY-00010-00004816-00005139 Ghosts hold me to votes I disavow. kOr8_56BPFY-00011-00005139-00005409 There is a formidable hole in the latent sky. kOr8_56BPFY-00012-00005409-00005842 It takes all my strength not to worship it. kOyIF-Byl0y-00000-00000050-00000554 [ Music ] kOyIF-Byl0y-00001-00000604-00000655 Hello, students. kOyIF-Byl0y-00002-00000655-00001168 This is nonflowering plants, and today we're going to talk about the life cycle kOyIF-Byl0y-00003-00001197-00001912 of Marchantia which is what we're going to use as our example of a complex balanced liverwort. kOyIF-Byl0y-00004-00001970-00002352 Now these diagrams that I might say were given to me by Dennis Walker kOyIF-Byl0y-00005-00002358-00002636 who I took the class from, and now I'm giving them to you. kOyIF-Byl0y-00006-00002636-00002803 So it's like this heritage thing. kOyIF-Byl0y-00007-00002823-00003138 Let's take the overview first. kOyIF-Byl0y-00008-00003138-00003635 On the top half, we have the haploid stages of the life cycle that is one set of chromosomes. kOyIF-Byl0y-00009-00003691-00004165 And then at fertilization, what happens is eggs get together with sperm. kOyIF-Byl0y-00010-00004209-00004527 And an egg is haploid and a sperm is haploid. kOyIF-Byl0y-00011-00004539-00004807 So haploid plus haploid makes diploid. kOyIF-Byl0y-00012-00004807-00005287 And then in the bottom half of the diagram, we have the diploid stages kOyIF-Byl0y-00013-00005295-00005482 of the life cycle, the sporophytes. kOyIF-Byl0y-00014-00005602-00006251 What happens then is the sporophyte makes spores and the spores are made by miosis. kOyIF-Byl0y-00015-00006318-00006634 So they go from being diploid to being haploid. kOyIF-Byl0y-00016-00006757-00007070 The spores are the dispersal stage of the organism. kOyIF-Byl0y-00017-00007084-00007419 This is the stage that goes out and claims new ground. kOyIF-Byl0y-00018-00007464-00007664 And expands the population. kOyIF-Byl0y-00019-00007708-00007841 So it's a very important thing. kOyIF-Byl0y-00020-00007933-00008108 Now let's go into more detail. kOyIF-Byl0y-00021-00008165-00008578 So here in red, we have the egg and the sperm. kOyIF-Byl0y-00022-00008629-00008731 The egg and the sperm there. kOyIF-Byl0y-00023-00008817-00009101 And see that sperm's really trying hard to get to that egg. kOyIF-Byl0y-00024-00009126-00009432 And then at fertilization, they come together kOyIF-Byl0y-00025-00009432-00009918 and they make a zygote with a Z. Sort of like a zebra. kOyIF-Byl0y-00026-00010053-00010531 The zygote then undergoes some mitotic divisions and it makes an embryo. kOyIF-Byl0y-00027-00010614-00011248 And the embryo is the intermediate stage of this growing sporophyte. kOyIF-Byl0y-00028-00011248-00011454 Like it hasn't gotten yet to the point where it's going kOyIF-Byl0y-00029-00011454-00011717 to make spores, but it's growing in that way. kOyIF-Byl0y-00030-00011776-00012050 So then the next stage we eventually get a sporophyte, kOyIF-Byl0y-00031-00012050-00012220 and here's the capsule of the sporophyte. kOyIF-Byl0y-00032-00012220-00012481 And inside of it has the sporocytes. kOyIF-Byl0y-00033-00012542-00013260 There's also a seta which is the stalk of the capsule and a foot and it acts like a placenta. kOyIF-Byl0y-00034-00013478-00013889 Okay, so we have sporocytes there and then they undergo miosis. kOyIF-Byl0y-00035-00013943-00014618 So each sporocyte, it has two sets of chromosomes and then it will make four spores, kOyIF-Byl0y-00036-00014618-00014897 each of which have one set of chromosomes. kOyIF-Byl0y-00037-00014954-00015407 And the spores start out at tetrads, the four sister spores are all together. kOyIF-Byl0y-00038-00015428-00015725 And then they break apart and that's what disperses. kOyIF-Byl0y-00039-00015747-00016055 Part of the way that they disperse, is they get thrown kOyIF-Byl0y-00040-00016055-00016276 out of the capsule by these little springs. kOyIF-Byl0y-00041-00016307-00016512 And the springs are called elaters. kOyIF-Byl0y-00042-00016522-00016971 They go "boing, boing, boing" and throw the spores out. kOyIF-Byl0y-00043-00016999-00017304 Now the spores can be either male spores or female spores. kOyIF-Byl0y-00044-00017304-00017515 And we can't tell the difference just by looking at them. kOyIF-Byl0y-00045-00017575-00018243 They disperse, and they grow up to be either male gametophytes or female gametophytes. kOyIF-Byl0y-00046-00018345-00018903 And all the cells of this gametophyte barring a mutation are all genetically identical kOyIF-Byl0y-00047-00018903-00018973 to one another. kOyIF-Byl0y-00048-00019126-00019657 Now, in Marchantia, we have another structure that's called the gemma cup. kOyIF-Byl0y-00049-00019716-00020008 And it is a cup that contains gemmae. kOyIF-Byl0y-00050-00020064-00020536 Gemmae are these asexual propagules, they're multicellural and photosynthetic. kOyIF-Byl0y-00051-00020536-00020873 They don't live as long as spores, and they're much larger than spores. kOyIF-Byl0y-00052-00020873-00021333 And they also can disperse and claim new ground and make new gametophytes. kOyIF-Byl0y-00053-00021357-00021584 Those news gametophytes would be genetically identical kOyIF-Byl0y-00054-00021584-00021817 to the gametophyte that gemma came from. kOyIF-Byl0y-00055-00021926-00022161 When these things are ready to reproduce sexually, kOyIF-Byl0y-00056-00022180-00022364 then they grow up these little umbrellas. kOyIF-Byl0y-00057-00022414-00022953 And the umbrellas on the male gametophytes are called antheridia fours and the umbrellas kOyIF-Byl0y-00058-00022953-00023245 on the female gametophytes are called archegonia fours. kOyIF-Byl0y-00059-00023355-00023809 The archegonia fours are kind of fringed more than the antheridia fours. kOyIF-Byl0y-00060-00023859-00024376 On the top of the antheridia four, you'll see little pits, kOyIF-Byl0y-00061-00024376-00024604 and that's where the antheridia grow. kOyIF-Byl0y-00062-00024610-00024825 They're little sacks of sperm. kOyIF-Byl0y-00063-00024844-00025501 And then on the underside of an archegonia four, there are little flasks that are the archegonia. kOyIF-Byl0y-00064-00025554-00025870 Here's a close up of an archegonium. kOyIF-Byl0y-00065-00025925-00026258 You can see it has a venter. kOyIF-Byl0y-00066-00026297-00026516 That's the part that holds the egg. kOyIF-Byl0y-00067-00026576-00027099 And then there's a neck which consists of neck cells and canal cells. kOyIF-Byl0y-00068-00027128-00027442 Eventually, the canal cells will just sort of dissolve into goo kOyIF-Byl0y-00069-00027480-00027865 and that attracts the sperm down through the neck. kOyIF-Byl0y-00070-00028107-00028434 The antheridium consists of jacket cells, kOyIF-Byl0y-00071-00028434-00028803 and then inside of the jacket cells are produced the sperm. kOyIF-Byl0y-00072-00028833-00029272 When they're all mature and just right and there's just the right amount of water outside, kOyIF-Byl0y-00073-00029308-00029848 then the jacket will contract and squeeze and burst open and they'll squirt the sperm out. kOyIF-Byl0y-00074-00029894-00030521 Included along with the sperm is a kind of a soapy substance that allows them kOyIF-Byl0y-00075-00030521-00030764 to break the water tension a little bit. kOyIF-Byl0y-00076-00030775-00031110 And I guess the sperm just then will wiggle around in all directions. kOyIF-Byl0y-00077-00031154-00031768 If one is really lucky, then it will swim up an archegonia four, kOyIF-Byl0y-00078-00031863-00032383 and it'll get within smelling distance of an archegonium, and then it'll swim kOyIF-Byl0y-00079-00032383-00032770 through the canal and fertilize an egg. kOyIF-Byl0y-00080-00032770-00033041 And that's a super lucky sperm. kOyIF-Byl0y-00081-00033041-00033420 Okay. Let's go back to the review. kOyIF-Byl0y-00082-00033420-00033998 So the top half of the diagram are the gametophytic stages of a life cycle. kOyIF-Byl0y-00083-00034103-00034371 And then they result in making gemmae. kOyIF-Byl0y-00084-00034393-00034474 Eggs and sperm. kOyIF-Byl0y-00085-00034546-00034791 The bottom half of the diagram is the sporophytic stages kOyIF-Byl0y-00086-00034791-00035193 of the life cycle which results in making spores. kOyIF-Byl0y-00087-00035299-00035567 And the spores are haploid and they disperse. kOyIF-Byl0y-00088-00035567-00035992 And that is really all that I have to say about that. kOyIF-Byl0y-00089-00036001-00036200 [ Clapping ] kTkKOUApxxM-00000-00000051-00000189 Hi everyone, I'm Jose, kTkKOUApxxM-00001-00000200-00000681 and today we'll be talking about Wigner molecularization in asymmetric quantum dots. kTkKOUApxxM-00002-00000750-00001143 First of all, this is a talk about Coulomb interactions in quantum dots. kTkKOUApxxM-00003-00001143-00001732 And what I want to show you in this talk is that if you have a quantum dot and you fill kTkKOUApxxM-00004-00001732-00002454 it with multiple particles, unless this dot is very small and very isotropic, the way kTkKOUApxxM-00005-00002454-00002904 of thinking about this multiple particle states is not the one that we use to do kTkKOUApxxM-00006-00002904-00003432 with a single particle picture in mind. I will show you that, in reality, this kTkKOUApxxM-00007-00003432-00003921 multiple particle states tend to form what are called Wigner molecules. kTkKOUApxxM-00008-00003993-00004151 And this has some consequences. kTkKOUApxxM-00009-00004152-00004731 For instance, the singlet-triplet splitting decreases quite fast with the dot length in this kTkKOUApxxM-00010-00004731-00005166 in this Wigner molecules and the anisotropy only makes it faster. kTkKOUApxxM-00011-00005244-00005631 I will show you that silicon dots are much more affected than gallium arsenide and kTkKOUApxxM-00012-00005631-00006057 germanium dots, and this has some consequences on quantum computation. kTkKOUApxxM-00013-00006060-00006509 This complicates Pauli Spin Blockade readout and limits the exchange coupling. kTkKOUApxxM-00014-00006703-00007351 But before getting into details, I wanted to give first a very brief introduction and kTkKOUApxxM-00015-00007351-00007897 well, as you're probably seeing in some of these talks, in this field there are kTkKOUApxxM-00016-00007897-00008497 already very nice single qubit gate fidelities are already beyond 99 percent for kTkKOUApxxM-00017-00008497-00008701 both electron and holes qubits have been demonstrated. kTkKOUApxxM-00018-00008872-00009238 And we are starting to see very nice results also with two-qubit gates. kTkKOUApxxM-00019-00009341-00009809 And there's even a four-qubit processor with holes in germanium. kTkKOUApxxM-00020-00009869-00010430 So I would say that this field is growing quite fast, but if we want to go even kTkKOUApxxM-00021-00010487-00011015 farther, we actually need more qubits, so we actually need more and we want more. kTkKOUApxxM-00022-00011157-00011742 So to go beyond, we need to understand the many details that affect our qubits. kTkKOUApxxM-00023-00011769-00012549 One of them, which is the focus of this talk, is the Coulomb interaction or, more generally, kTkKOUApxxM-00024-00012549-00012765 multiparticle states. So why do they matter? kTkKOUApxxM-00025-00012765-00013365 There are already some theoretical works that show that if you have multiple electron kTkKOUApxxM-00026-00013365-00013965 states encoding a qubit since you have multiple particles, you may be able to screen kTkKOUApxxM-00027-00013965-00014301 part of the charge noise fluctuations that come from the environment. kTkKOUApxxM-00028-00014328-00014751 So that's a good thing you could improve potentially the coherence times of your qubit. kTkKOUApxxM-00029-00014907-00015465 Already in this paper, in which it seems that there could be a slightly enhanced kTkKOUApxxM-00030-00015466-00015894 dipolar coupling. In the end, if you put more electrons, the wavefunction tends to kTkKOUApxxM-00031-00015894-00016494 swell. So, you a larger wave function, which in turn gives you a larger dipole coupling kTkKOUApxxM-00032-00016560-00016776 for faster interactions. kTkKOUApxxM-00033-00016833-00017489 And it has already been shown experimentally that if you have multiple particle states, kTkKOUApxxM-00034-00017490-00018171 you may be able to find multiple levels that can be manipulated coherently to form a qubit. kTkKOUApxxM-00035-00018376-00018955 Our goal in this talk is going to be to understand the Coulomb effects in dots and its kTkKOUApxxM-00036-00018955-00019447 consequences on semiconductor materials, so we'll focus on the two particle problem, kTkKOUApxxM-00037-00019450-00019663 both for electrons and holes. kTkKOUApxxM-00038-00019726-00020254 And we will make use of a very, very simple model, which is called a Hooke's problem, kTkKOUApxxM-00039-00020332-00020728 which is basically the Coulomb repulsion plus the harmonic confinement of the dots. kTkKOUApxxM-00040-00020779-00021625 And we will do this in the 2D and single-band approximation, which basically means that we kTkKOUApxxM-00041-00021625-00022414 won't focus on valley physics or heavy-hole light-hole interactions for holes. kTkKOUApxxM-00042-00022474-00023089 And this is a very general model that can be applied to very different materials. kTkKOUApxxM-00043-00023251-00023821 So here we have this very simple model, which is called the Hooke's atom problem, and kTkKOUApxxM-00044-00023821-00024403 you have basically two particles in harmonic confinement with the Coulomb repulsion. kTkKOUApxxM-00045-00024463-00024847 As a general rule, we will take 'x' as the weakest confinement direction. kTkKOUApxxM-00046-00024940-00025586 The relevant characteristic length of our problem is going to be this harmonic kTkKOUApxxM-00047-00025588-00026308 confinement length along the weakest direction, which we call the l_x . If we go to the center of kTkKOUApxxM-00048-00026308-00026731 mass coordinates. We can actually separate our Hamiltonian in two parts, one for the kTkKOUApxxM-00049-00026731-00027219 center of mass, which is basically the harmonic oscillator problem which we all know kTkKOUApxxM-00050-00027223-00027852 how to solve. And we have another problem which we will need to solve numerically for kTkKOUApxxM-00051-00027852-00028239 the separation of the of the coordinates. kTkKOUApxxM-00052-00028297-00028602 So this is the problem we need to solve. kTkKOUApxxM-00053-00028612-00028987 And before that, it's useful to define a few quantities. kTkKOUApxxM-00054-00029113-00029602 So here you have the characteristic energy scales of our problem. kTkKOUApxxM-00055-00029664-00030305 First of all, we have the orbital confinement associated to the harmonic kTkKOUApxxM-00056-00030307-00031018 confinement, and we also have the Coulomb repulsion at the characteristic length of our kTkKOUApxxM-00057-00031018-00031816 problem. So, you know, with this, we can actually define a couple of other adimensional kTkKOUApxxM-00058-00031816-00032356 parameters, which are called the Wigner ratio, and this is basically the ratio kTkKOUApxxM-00059-00032356-00032941 between your electron-electron repulsion over the orbital splitting. kTkKOUApxxM-00060-00033034-00033589 This basically tells you how strong your electron interactions are. kTkKOUApxxM-00061-00033688-00034435 So, you know, the larger the this lambda_w the larger the length of the dot and the larger kTkKOUApxxM-00062-00034441-00035138 your interactions. The smaller lambda_w means the smaller the dot, the smaller the Coulomb kTkKOUApxxM-00063-00035145-00035782 interactions. And we also have the anisotropy associated to alpha, which is kTkKOUApxxM-00064-00035782-00036343 basically, you know, if alpha is equal to 1 we are in the isotopic case, if alpha is kTkKOUApxxM-00065-00036343-00036919 greater than one, we are in the anisotropic case and if it gets to infinity, we go to the 1D kTkKOUApxxM-00066-00036919-00037771 limit. So, we can take a step further and redefine our coordinates in terms of kTkKOUApxxM-00067-00037771-00038269 adimensional parameters in a way that we reduce our problem to this adimensional kTkKOUApxxM-00068-00038290-00038842 Hamiltonian, which we can solve numerically in terms of the strength of the interaction, kTkKOUApxxM-00069-00038842-00039085 the Wigner ratio, and the anisotropy. kTkKOUApxxM-00070-00039193-00039889 So we put our Schrödinger equation in a finite-element solver, kTkKOUApxxM-00071-00039910-00040450 and the first thing we notice is this spectral compression that can be summarized kTkKOUApxxM-00072-00040450-00040552 in this slide. kTkKOUApxxM-00073-00040588-00040918 So, first of all, let's take a look at the non-interacting case. kTkKOUApxxM-00074-00041007-00041177 You know, if there are no Coulomb interactions, kTkKOUApxxM-00075-00041329-00041785 and if you have two electrons and you put them in your quantum dot and they have kTkKOUApxxM-00076-00041785-00042493 opposite spins, they will tend to go to the harmonic ground state, to the s-orbitals kTkKOUApxxM-00077-00042493-00042643 let's say, and form a singlet state. kTkKOUApxxM-00078-00042677-00043358 If you have the same spin, one of the electrons will tend to go to a kTkKOUApxxM-00079-00043358-00044003 higher orbital, right, so you have a p-type two particle wavefunction. kTkKOUApxxM-00080-00044112-00044682 in the triplet state and your single-triplet splitting is basically your harmonic splitting. kTkKOUApxxM-00081-00044766-00045360 Now let's say we go back to reality and we have Coulomb interactions. kTkKOUApxxM-00082-00045360-00046113 So even if your two electrons have opposite spins, they would like to actually try to kTkKOUApxxM-00083-00046161-00046275 avoid each other. kTkKOUApxxM-00084-00046293-00046704 And this can already be seen in the density functions here of the singlet state. kTkKOUApxxM-00085-00046758-00047145 So you know you can see this already in the density wave function, you can actually see a kTkKOUApxxM-00086-00047145-00047595 node when the two particles tend to be at the same distance. kTkKOUApxxM-00087-00047661-00048213 And then these two particles tend to dance around one another. kTkKOUApxxM-00088-00048308-00048496 Avoiding each other, ok?. kTkKOUApxxM-00089-00048602-00049034 Moreover, the singlet and triplet, if you compare with the non-interacting case, kTkKOUApxxM-00090-00049034-00049451 the wavefunctions will tend to, the density wavefunctions will tend to swell kTkKOUApxxM-00091-00049499-00049898 basically because the electrons are trying to avoid each other. kTkKOUApxxM-00092-00049946-00050534 One consequence here is that you see the spectral compression and the single kTkKOUApxxM-00093-00050536-00051110 triple splitting is going to tend to be smaller than the confinement splitting. kTkKOUApxxM-00094-00051203-00051836 Now, we can go a step further and go to the anisotropic case, and in the end, in the anisotropic kTkKOUApxxM-00095-00051836-00052334 case there's a weaker confinement direction since the two electrons are trying to avoid kTkKOUApxxM-00096-00052334-00052889 each other. They will actually try to, instead of doing this kind of kTkKOUApxxM-00097-00052889-00053534 dance one around the other, they will tend to split apart along the weaker kTkKOUApxxM-00098-00053534-00053927 direction, forming what are the so-called Wigner molecules. kTkKOUApxxM-00099-00054019-00054598 So here you have your singlet state, which looks very similar to a p-type orbital kTkKOUApxxM-00100-00054679-00055237 and you have also your triplet states, and here the singlet-triplet splitting is even smaller, kTkKOUApxxM-00101-00055237-00055692 you can actually guess that from the shape of the wave functions you have here, kTkKOUApxxM-00102-00055704-00056050 that the density wave function of the single state and the triplet state is very, very kTkKOUApxxM-00103-00056050-00056624 similar. So, let's now take a closer look at the singlet triplet splitting reduction. kTkKOUApxxM-00104-00056676-00057304 You have here a plot of the singlet-triplet splitting in units of the confinement energy kTkKOUApxxM-00105-00057341-00057997 as a function of the inverse of the anisotropy and the Wigner ratio. And, you know, kTkKOUApxxM-00106-00057998-00058136 when the inverse of the anisotropy is one, kTkKOUApxxM-00107-00058136-00058652 you basically are in the very isotropic case kTkKOUApxxM-00108-00058652-00059084 when you're at zero, you are at the 1D limit. Everything in between is basically an kTkKOUApxxM-00109-00059144-00059666 anisotropic dot. And, you know, the Wigner ratio when it is zero, it means kTkKOUApxxM-00110-00059666-00059852 that your orbital energy is dominating kTkKOUApxxM-00111-00059945-00060203 your electron-electron repulsion. kTkKOUApxxM-00112-00060287-00060782 So, it basically means that you have a very very small dot, and as you increase this value, kTkKOUApxxM-00113-00060782-00061235 it basically means that your electron-electron interactions start to dominate. kTkKOUApxxM-00114-00061235-00061619 And this basically means that you have a larger and larger dot. kTkKOUApxxM-00115-00061801-00062320 And, well, what we find is that the singlet- triplet splitting kTkKOUApxxM-00116-00062320-00062602 actually decays quite fast, exponentially indeed, kTkKOUApxxM-00117-00062659-00063277 as a function of the Wigner ratio. Moreover, the more kTkKOUApxxM-00118-00063289-00064092 anisotropic your dot is. The stronger, the faster the exponent in the the exponential decay, so kTkKOUApxxM-00119-00064092-00064858 the stronger the effect. And well, so far, we are talking about adimensional qualities, but let's put kTkKOUApxxM-00120-00064858-00065416 some numbers and see how this translates into silicon, gallium arsenide and germanium kTkKOUApxxM-00121-00065416-00065776 dots. So, you know, this Wigner ratio kTkKOUApxxM-00122-00065944-00066490 We can find that it's proportional to the effective mass and of your electrons or holes kTkKOUApxxM-00123-00066544-00066673 and inversely proportional to the permittivity. kTkKOUApxxM-00124-00066796-00067300 And it's linearly proportional to the length of your dot on the weaker direction. kTkKOUApxxM-00125-00067417-00068185 So what we find is that you can translate, let's say, we take a quantum dot with kTkKOUApxxM-00126-00068185-00068860 length of 15 nanometers and we can translate this into a Wigner ratio for silicon gallium kTkKOUApxxM-00127-00068860-00068971 arsenide and germanium. kTkKOUApxxM-00128-00069059-00069632 And due to the differences in effective masses and the permittivities, we find that kTkKOUApxxM-00129-00069698-00069885 silicon is actually the most affected. kTkKOUApxxM-00130-00069887-00070583 So, you know, our 15 nanometer long silicon quantum dot is already around five in the kTkKOUApxxM-00131-00070583-00071228 Wigner ratio, so it's already around here, which means already a very dramatic kTkKOUApxxM-00132-00071228-00071651 reduction. The single triplet splitting in gallium arsenide and germanium, on the other kTkKOUApxxM-00133-00071651-00072410 hand, are much less affected. Well, so far we have taken a look at the very simple kTkKOUApxxM-00134-00072410-00072833 model, but how does it translate to more realistic devices? kTkKOUApxxM-00135-00072881-00073499 And to answer that, we actually performed simulations with more realistic nanowire dots kTkKOUApxxM-00136-00073499-00073867 and perfectly isotopic two dimensional dots. kTkKOUApxxM-00137-00073868-00074342 And, you know, we focused on holes, basically. kTkKOUApxxM-00138-00074426-00074879 And this was because, in the end, with electrons this becomes, due to the valley kTkKOUApxxM-00139-00074879-00075305 degree of freedom, this becomes a very disordered- dependent problem. kTkKOUApxxM-00140-00075362-00075817 So it goes beyond the scope of this work. kTkKOUApxxM-00141-00075818-00076328 But if you are interested about valleys and Coulomb actions, you can take a look at this paper kTkKOUApxxM-00142-00076328-00077057 here. So we solve the single hole wave functions and energies with KP be. kTkKOUApxxM-00143-00077167-00077725 And we extend our calculation to our two particle states using full configuration kTkKOUApxxM-00144-00077725-00078220 interaction, I won't get into details, but what I will say is that the very simple model kTkKOUApxxM-00145-00078220-00078883 agrees with the more realistic simulations and you have here a comparison with the kTkKOUApxxM-00146-00078883-00079522 the Hookes problem with the problem of the singlet-triplet splitting in units of their single kTkKOUApxxM-00147-00079522-00079690 particle orbital excitation. kTkKOUApxxM-00148-00079800-00079962 And it agrees pretty well. kTkKOUApxxM-00149-00080066-00080561 Now that we understand the Coulomb interactions in quantum dots, kTkKOUApxxM-00150-00080675-00081230 it's the moment of taking a look at the consequences for quantum computation. kTkKOUApxxM-00151-00081272-00081486 And we first focus on the Pauli Spin Blockade readout. kTkKOUApxxM-00152-00081602-00082121 So, you know, in this readout mechanism, you go in detuning near the (1,1)/(0,2) anti- kTkKOUApxxM-00153-00082121-00082424 crossing. And if you are in a single state. kTkKOUApxxM-00154-00082549-00083014 A singlet (1,1) state, as you go to the anti-crossing, you know, there's a moment in kTkKOUApxxM-00155-00083014-00083353 which you basically have a transition towards the (0,2) state. kTkKOUApxxM-00156-00083422-00084108 And this leaves a charg signature that you can detect, and you use that to say the qubit is kTkKOUApxxM-00157-00084109-00084262 in the singlet state. kTkKOUApxxM-00158-00084358-00084544 Now, if you are in the triplet state. kTkKOUApxxM-00159-00084650-00085235 and you are here, and as you go to the anti crossing in principle, you don't expect a kTkKOUApxxM-00160-00085235-00085361 charge transition. kTkKOUApxxM-00161-00085557-00085860 So you can distinguish your singlet from your triplet. kTkKOUApxxM-00162-00085944-00086359 Now what happens if you have a very, very low triplet state? kTkKOUApxxM-00163-00086385-00087042 This would be very similar to what happens when you have very low valley kTkKOUApxxM-00164-00087042-00087339 state in electrons, but this can apply also to holes. kTkKOUApxxM-00165-00087458-00088133 So what happens here is that, you know, this low-energy triplet may induce this anti-crossing kTkKOUApxxM-00166-00088133-00088724 in here, which basically allows you to find a charge signature even if you have a triplet kTkKOUApxxM-00167-00088724-00089180 state. So you may be assuming that the charge signature is basically a signature kTkKOUApxxM-00168-00089180-00089639 of a singlet state, while in reality, what you have is a triplet state. kTkKOUApxxM-00169-00089789-00090512 So we quantify this, and to do so, we basically find that there is an optimal readout kTkKOUApxxM-00170-00090513-00091094 point in detuning, we go to this optimal point and we calculate this optimal kTkKOUApxxM-00171-00091094-00091604 probability of finding a charge signature when you are in the singlet state. kTkKOUApxxM-00172-00091700-00092333 minus the probability of finding a charged signature if you are a kTkKOUApxxM-00173-00092333-00092729 triplet state. And you know, we want to maximize this quantity. kTkKOUApxxM-00174-00092850-00093456 So what we find is that if you have very low values of the singlet-triplet splitting in terms kTkKOUApxxM-00175-00093501-00094287 compared to the tunnel couplings, you basically have very reduced values of this probability. kTkKOUApxxM-00176-00094550-00095228 And another important effect for quantum computation is the exchange interaction, kTkKOUApxxM-00177-00095228-00095432 which is also affected by this state. kTkKOUApxxM-00178-00095459-00096185 So, you know, the main definition of the exchange coupling is just that it is the kTkKOUApxxM-00179-00096191-00096545 energy difference between the triplet state and the singlet state. kTkKOUApxxM-00180-00096645-00096858 And, you know, the single state is bent kTkKOUApxxM-00181-00096886-00097326 with respect to the triplet state, but by the presence of excited kTkKOUApxxM-00182-00097326-00097485 singlets, right? kTkKOUApxxM-00183-00097611-00097905 That is not supposed to happen to triplet state. kTkKOUApxxM-00184-00097977-00098646 But if it happens also to the triplet state then the relative bending of the levels is kTkKOUApxxM-00185-00098646-00098877 going to get reduced, let's say. kTkKOUApxxM-00186-00098904-00099570 So, you know, your expected exchange coupling is going to be limited by kTkKOUApxxM-00187-00099570-00099795 the presence of a low-lying triplet state. kTkKOUApxxM-00188-00099861-00100467 And you have here the formula for the real exchange coupling in terms of the exchange kTkKOUApxxM-00189-00100467-00100731 coupling for the triplet state at infinity. kTkKOUApxxM-00190-00100913-00101384 And so, you know, this can get reduced by a factor of two or four quite easily. kTkKOUApxxM-00191-00101471-00102044 Another relevant question related to the exchange coupling is what happens at the kTkKOUApxxM-00192-00102044-00102182 symmetric operating point. kTkKOUApxxM-00193-00102230-00102770 So this working point is far away from the charge anticrossings, so you may expect that kTkKOUApxxM-00194-00102770-00103210 the low-lying triplets are not very important. kTkKOUApxxM-00195-00103331-00103952 And we have here a plot of the energy of the singlet triplet energies as a function of kTkKOUApxxM-00196-00103952-00104297 detuning centered at the symmetric operating point. kTkKOUApxxM-00197-00104315-00104738 This is an important working point, basically because here the qubits are insensitive to kTkKOUApxxM-00198-00104738-00105131 charge. So it's a very promising working point for two-qubit gates kTkKOUApxxM-00199-00105133-00105314 with exchange coupling. kTkKOUApxxM-00200-00105401-00105965 And you know, when your triplet state, your excited triplet states are supposed to kTkKOUApxxM-00201-00105965-00106520 be at infinity. This triplet state is supposed to have no bending, to be at zero. kTkKOUApxxM-00202-00106606-00106769 So the exchange is pretty large. kTkKOUApxxM-00203-00106826-00107273 But in reality, if you have a low-lying triplet, you have this bending that you can kTkKOUApxxM-00204-00107273-00107381 see here clearly. kTkKOUApxxM-00205-00107399-00108038 And even if you have a 1 meV low-lying triplet state, it'll really kTkKOUApxxM-00206-00108038-00108332 affect a lot of your exchange interaction. kTkKOUApxxM-00207-00108358-00108958 It can reduce it by a large factor a factor of five or factor of 10, if you have an kTkKOUApxxM-00208-00108958-00109292 even smaller singlet-triplet splitting. kTkKOUApxxM-00209-00109333-00109759 So this can be very important, even at the symmetric operating point. kTkKOUApxxM-00210-00109846-00110425 So just to finish, we go back to our take-home messages, and I hope I have shown kTkKOUApxxM-00211-00110425-00110947 you that, you know, thinking in terms of a single particle picture is incorrect. kTkKOUApxxM-00212-00111019-00111553 The singlet-triplet splitting is strongly affected by the lengths of the dot in multi kTkKOUApxxM-00213-00111555-00111660 particle states. kTkKOUApxxM-00214-00111733-00112240 Silicon dots are more affected and this can complicate readout and exchange. kTkKOUApxxM-00215-00112340-00112883 And the way to go is basically to aim for smaller and isotropic dots. kTkKOUApxxM-00216-00112970-00113153 With that, I will thank you for your attention. kXDMxVpD4ey-00000-00000285-00000541 Noticeably, gondola also refers to the kXDMxVpD4ey-00001-00000541-00000761 boatsthat traverse the canals of Venice, kXDMxVpD4ey-00002-00000761-00000925 but also the enclosed cabins kXDMxVpD4ey-00003-00000925-00001052 used at skiing resorts kXDMxVpD4ey-00004-00001052-00001227 to transport passengers kYK_7yewYC8-00000-00000463-00000803 It took an awfully long time to be diagnosed. kYK_7yewYC8-00001-00000803-00001132 I remember in my early 20's going through kYK_7yewYC8-00002-00001132-00001543 periods of chronic fatigue and sleeping a lot. kYK_7yewYC8-00003-00001543-00001905 I saw several GPs along the way who basically kYK_7yewYC8-00004-00001905-00002133 would tell me it's a virus, or I needed to kYK_7yewYC8-00005-00002133-00002288 change my lifestyle. kYK_7yewYC8-00006-00002288-00002582 And then when I reached my late 30's, kYK_7yewYC8-00007-00002582-00003141 I still hadn't had a diagnosis and I felt very strongly kYK_7yewYC8-00008-00003141-00003319 that something was wrong. kYK_7yewYC8-00009-00003319-00003725 I was starting to get joint pain as well at that stage. kYK_7yewYC8-00010-00003725-00004078 And it just so happened that this GP's sister-in-law kYK_7yewYC8-00011-00004078-00004410 had recently been diagnosed with haemochromatosis kYK_7yewYC8-00012-00004410-00004656 so she knew exactly what to look for. kYK_7yewYC8-00013-00004656-00004985 She recognised all the symptoms and after a simple kYK_7yewYC8-00014-00004985-00005307 blood test I was diagnosed with haemochromatosis. kbpdUXqzaPo-00000-00000003-00000324 What do you do when you go to pull up your website and it just doesn't ever kbpdUXqzaPo-00001-00000324-00000774 show up? I'm going to show you today how to prevent your website from being kbpdUXqzaPo-00002-00000774-00002157 hacked and what to do if it does. So, you get an email or a call from a friend a kbpdUXqzaPo-00003-00002157-00002594 colleague, your website's down. The blood rushes from your face, you try to pull it kbpdUXqzaPo-00004-00002594-00003147 up yourself, nothing comes up. What do you do? Well, do this one thing to help kbpdUXqzaPo-00005-00003147-00003671 protect you from have this ever happening again as well as what do you kbpdUXqzaPo-00006-00003671-00004162 do when your website gets hacked or goes down? The first thing you need to do is kbpdUXqzaPo-00007-00004162-00004701 call your hosting company and get them to reset the password on the account or kbpdUXqzaPo-00008-00004701-00005114 do it through their website. The password is probably the most important thing. Now, kbpdUXqzaPo-00009-00005114-00005514 when my husband did a bunch of studies on password effectiveness and password kbpdUXqzaPo-00010-00005514-00006114 encryption, the simplest way to double down on a passwords effectiveness is to kbpdUXqzaPo-00011-00006114-00006564 put three dots at the end of your existing password. So, if it's cats and kbpdUXqzaPo-00012-00006564-00006965 dogs dot, dot, dot. Just put dot dot dot at the end of all of your existing kbpdUXqzaPo-00013-00006965-00007353 passwords to double down on the effectiveness of that password. So once kbpdUXqzaPo-00014-00007353-00007692 you get your password reset for your site, then you're going to have to ask your kbpdUXqzaPo-00015-00007692-00008031 host, "Do I have a backup?" So very important then you ask your hosting kbpdUXqzaPo-00016-00008031-00008421 provider, how often are you backing up my website so that you could immediately go kbpdUXqzaPo-00017-00008421-00008786 to them they've backed up the website and it can get you online right away. kbpdUXqzaPo-00018-00008786-00009293 Last one would be make sure you know how to get ahold of your webmaster 24/7. kbpdUXqzaPo-00019-00009293-00009711 Stuff happens. And if he's not available then you're going to have to know how to go kbpdUXqzaPo-00020-00009711-00010118 to your host directly. So, remember to always have a backup of your website. kbpdUXqzaPo-00021-00010118-00010490 Make sure to add dot dot dot to the back of all your passwords immediately or kbpdUXqzaPo-00022-00010490-00011157 change them all at one time. As well as make sure that you are ready to jump kbpdUXqzaPo-00023-00011157-00011561 quickly when the website does go down. So, you need to have those resources at your kbpdUXqzaPo-00024-00011561-00012057 fingertips. You know, your hosting number and what phone call and your logins. You kbpdUXqzaPo-00025-00012057-00012461 know, your website logins and you can get that you can get it shut out. Whoever's kbpdUXqzaPo-00026-00012461-00012816 gotten in there, you can shut it out. Your hosts can get all the new content back kbpdUXqzaPo-00027-00012816-00013209 on your website and you're back in business. What you just saw is just a kbpdUXqzaPo-00028-00013209-00013513 small taste, the kind of content that I create for my kbpdUXqzaPo-00029-00013513-00013891 YouTube channel subscribers. If you would like to continue to get this kind of kbpdUXqzaPo-00030-00013891-00014321 great content, make sure to subscribe to my channel. Hit the bell so that you get kbpdUXqzaPo-00031-00014321-00015032 notifications of my daily videos. kca_AOHQ7mg-00000-00000066-00000292 I love international conferences! kca_AOHQ7mg-00001-00000292-00000540 I was thinking that this might have been an kca_AOHQ7mg-00002-00000540-00000953 international ... but I guess it's more just Hong Kong language centres, but with an kca_AOHQ7mg-00003-00000953-00001505 international conference, it'll be much grander, we get a great variety of kca_AOHQ7mg-00004-00001505-00002124 speakers from different places, like the one I went to in Georgia ... very interesting kca_AOHQ7mg-00005-00002124-00002592 to see what different people are doing in different parts of the world, and you kca_AOHQ7mg-00006-00002592-00002754 get wonderful ideas ... kca_AOHQ7mg-00007-00002874-00003022 [Music] kfdx5eOY7mA-00000-00000000-00000398 North Shore commercial door com offer a wide selection of Garage Door Bottom kfdx5eOY7mA-00001-00000398-00001005 EPDM t rubber seals the stylus seal comes in three four six seven and nine kfdx5eOY7mA-00002-00001005-00001613 inch lanes and has a quarter inch T to fit the T type retainers the EPDM seals kfdx5eOY7mA-00003-00001613-00002076 are made from premium synthetic rubber to ensure longevity and any weather kfdx5eOY7mA-00004-00002076-00002552 condition visit Northshore commercial door comm for a wide selection of EPDM kfdx5eOY7mA-00005-00002552-00003200 rubber seals conveniently available by the foot thank you for watching this kfdx5eOY7mA-00006-00003200-00003594 video from north shore commercial door comm please subscribe to our channel so kfdx5eOY7mA-00007-00003594-00004076 we can continue to make content like this thank you kkGM-UnYf_g-00000-00000000-00000200 SHOXONA ORGANIZATION kl04yWPcpho-00000-00004310-00004504 ATTACK! kl04yWPcpho-00001-00007691-00008571 KIKAIDER 0I kl04yWPcpho-00002-00010904-00011077 Akira's that way! After him! kl04yWPcpho-00003-00011214-00011390 Over my dead body! kl04yWPcpho-00004-00015044-00015171 What the...?! kl04yWPcpho-00005-00015455-00015652 Wh- Who are you?! kl04yWPcpho-00006-00015825-00015938 Hold it! kl04yWPcpho-00007-00016109-00016242 Dammit! kl04yWPcpho-00008-00016893-00017003 Here they come! kl04yWPcpho-00009-00017003-00017093 Jiro! kl04yWPcpho-00010-00017854-00018020 Go! kl04yWPcpho-00011-00019929-00020035 What?! kl04yWPcpho-00012-00021501-00021650 Who are you? kl04yWPcpho-00013-00022108-00022214 Change! kl04yWPcpho-00014-00022345-00022435 Double-O! kl04yWPcpho-00015-00025178-00025377 Y- You're a Kikaider?! kl04yWPcpho-00016-00026363-00026599 Double-O. Rei. kl04yWPcpho-00017-00026599-00026793 Your younger brother. kl04yWPcpho-00018-00026963-00027079 Reverend Fuuten! kl04yWPcpho-00019-00027177-00027374 I've looked all over for you, Jiro. kl04yWPcpho-00020-00027374-00027570 My... younger brother?! kl04yWPcpho-00021-00027680-00027857 You mean, he's...?! kl04yWPcpho-00022-00027857-00028168 Correct. I completed him using one of... kl04yWPcpho-00023-00028168-00028541 ...the experimental units remaining in Komyoji's lab. kl04yWPcpho-00024-00028595-00028807 A new android. kl04yWPcpho-00025-00028932-00029145 One of Dr. Komyoji's...? kl04yWPcpho-00026-00029145-00029699 Like Ichiro, he is simple and does not have a conscience circuit like you do. kl04yWPcpho-00027-00029699-00029842 Double Slash. kl04yWPcpho-00028-00031678-00031804 BLOW UP! kl04yWPcpho-00029-00036733-00036996 Zadam's unit has been destroyed. kl04yWPcpho-00030-00036996-00037143 A third Kikaider...! kl04yWPcpho-00031-00037143-00037400 We never expected to run into something like that! kl04yWPcpho-00032-00037400-00037664 No matter. It doesn't affect the overall situation. kl04yWPcpho-00033-00037664-00037887 Is our other plan proceeding? kl04yWPcpho-00034-00037901-00038071 Yes. They've been successfully diverted. kl04yWPcpho-00035-00038071-00038264 Kikaider has moved into the area, as planned. kl04yWPcpho-00036-00038368-00038558 The Armageddon God is also nearly complete. kl04yWPcpho-00037-00038558-00038761 All we need now is Akira. kl04yWPcpho-00038-00038905-00039218 Soon... Very soon, we will settle everything! kl04yWPcpho-00039-00039275-00039472 Prepare to move out! kl04yWPcpho-00040-00039472-00039575 Sir! kl04yWPcpho-00041-00039592-00039722 Bijinder! kl04yWPcpho-00042-00039883-00040206 You come, too. I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself. kl04yWPcpho-00043-00040206-00040400 Don't waste it! kl04yWPcpho-00044-00041591-00041874 What is this? This pain...? kl04yWPcpho-00045-00041938-00042294 What's... What's wrong with me?! kl04yWPcpho-00046-00042936-00043255 There was no sign of Komyoji or his family in the mansion. kl04yWPcpho-00047-00043309-00043693 It looked like it's been abandoned for a long time. kl04yWPcpho-00048-00044280-00044497 No sign of pursuers. kl04yWPcpho-00049-00044497-00044834 We can't let our guard down, though. I'll take another look. kl04yWPcpho-00050-00045014-00045295 I understand. Be careful. kl04yWPcpho-00051-00045295-00045378 Right. kl04yWPcpho-00052-00045692-00045851 Keep an eye on her. kl04yWPcpho-00053-00046072-00046242 That girl... kl04yWPcpho-00054-00046519-00046963 Ichiro told me. There's a lot we don't know about her. kl04yWPcpho-00055-00047006-00047216 It's dangerous to trust her too much. kl04yWPcpho-00056-00047297-00047756 Maybe, but I just don't feel that way. kl04yWPcpho-00057-00048448-00048591 I'll get going. kl04yWPcpho-00058-00050600-00050770 How's Akira? kl04yWPcpho-00059-00050834-00051170 He's calmed down a lot, but he's still, well... kl04yWPcpho-00060-00051347-00051504 Where's Ichiro? kl04yWPcpho-00061-00051504-00051744 He's escorting Rev. Fuuten back to the foot of the mountain. kl04yWPcpho-00062-00052248-00052611 The reverend found this in Dr. Komyoji's house. kl04yWPcpho-00063-00052685-00052862 He said Akira might like it. kl04yWPcpho-00064-00052862-00053118 I see. Isn't that nice, Akira? kl04yWPcpho-00065-00053306-00053420 Now that I think about it... kl04yWPcpho-00066-00053420-00053713 ...we've been so busy running, we've had no time for books. kl04yWPcpho-00067-00054077-00054287 "Once upon a time, in a city far away... kl04yWPcpho-00068-00054287-00054544 "...there lived an old puppet maker named Geppetto." kl04yWPcpho-00069-00054544-00054891 "Geppetto had no children of his own." kl04yWPcpho-00070-00054891-00055381 "In place of one, he made a puppet he named Pinocchio." kl04yWPcpho-00071-00055839-00056002 Akira's... kl04yWPcpho-00072-00056002-00056308 He's been looking very sick lately. kl04yWPcpho-00073-00056656-00056940 Ever since he was born, this boy has been... kl04yWPcpho-00074-00056940-00057267 ...brought up in a cold laboratory. kl04yWPcpho-00075-00057267-00057543 All for Professor Gill's research. kl04yWPcpho-00076-00057784-00058217 So he's never moved around as much as this before. kl04yWPcpho-00077-00058251-00058514 I think it may be too much for him... kl04yWPcpho-00078-00059105-00059272 I'm sorry. kl04yWPcpho-00079-00059272-00059622 I wish there was a safer place for him to relax. kl04yWPcpho-00080-00059622-00059795 But, in this situation... kl04yWPcpho-00081-00059969-00060175 I think I could help with that. kl04yWPcpho-00082-00060333-00060640 I know a place around here. kl04yWPcpho-00083-00060640-00060833 A place we can hide Akira. kl04yWPcpho-00084-00061748-00062054 Whoa! Now that's what I call a perfect view! kl04yWPcpho-00085-00062305-00062578 It's also a perfect place to set a trap. kl04yWPcpho-00086-00062702-00062878 On top of the dam. kl04yWPcpho-00087-00062889-00063183 There should be a shrine in those mountains. kl04yWPcpho-00088-00063183-00063276 Where is this? kl04yWPcpho-00089-00063276-00063613 My grandmother's house used to be below the reservoir. kl04yWPcpho-00090-00063613-00063903 I came here a few times when I was little. kl04yWPcpho-00091-00063903-00064180 I just remembered while we were running away yesterday. kl04yWPcpho-00092-00064180-00064440 I thought I recognized this area... kl04yWPcpho-00093-00064501-00064694 Nobody knows about this place. kl04yWPcpho-00094-00064694-00064910 Professor Gill shouldn't know about it, either. kl04yWPcpho-00095-00064984-00065231 This is a place from your memories, Rieko? kl04yWPcpho-00096-00065268-00065377 Yes... kl04yWPcpho-00097-00065441-00065725 It's a place with a lot of memories. kl04yWPcpho-00098-00065822-00066005 How I fell in the river... kl04yWPcpho-00099-00066005-00066185 Going to festivals... kl04yWPcpho-00100-00066229-00066492 The time a local boy gave me a beetle... kl04yWPcpho-00101-00066673-00067173 I want Akira to make lots of his own memories, too. kl04yWPcpho-00102-00067173-00067476 And to feel all sorts of things... kl04yWPcpho-00103-00067554-00067890 Don't worry. I'm sure he will. kl04yWPcpho-00104-00068057-00068503 I'll... All of us will protect you both, Rieko. kl04yWPcpho-00105-00069369-00069752 Over there! There should be a stairway leading up! kl04yWPcpho-00106-00069823-00070049 They hid it pretty well, but... kl04yWPcpho-00107-00071498-00071594 Rei... kl04yWPcpho-00108-00071594-00071791 Hey, Rei! What's up? kl04yWPcpho-00109-00072035-00072345 Look Rei, I'm the oldest brother here, right? kl04yWPcpho-00110-00072345-00072672 When your older brother asks you what's up, you should answer... kl04yWPcpho-00111-00072959-00073106 Rieko! Stay with Akira! kl04yWPcpho-00112-00073106-00073275 Wha...? Uh, right. kl04yWPcpho-00113-00074871-00075004 LOOK OUT! kl04yWPcpho-00114-00075618-00075738 Jiro! kl04yWPcpho-00115-00077197-00077400 Too bad for you, Kikaider! kl04yWPcpho-00116-00077400-00077756 Your bodies won't function within that barrier! kl04yWPcpho-00117-00077801-00077927 Wh- What?! kl04yWPcpho-00118-00078501-00078650 This is... kl04yWPcpho-00119-00078725-00079134 Jiro, it's a trap! I knew it... I knew that girl was...! kl04yWPcpho-00120-00079369-00079529 Brother! kl04yWPcpho-00121-00079529-00079845 No! You're wrong! I... I...! kl04yWPcpho-00122-00079896-00080129 What a sorry sight, Kikaider! kl04yWPcpho-00123-00081141-00081227 Gill! kl04yWPcpho-00124-00081448-00081614 Gill! How can you be alive?! kl04yWPcpho-00125-00081681-00082021 You don't need to know. Very shortly, you'll be dead! kl04yWPcpho-00126-00082128-00082381 In any case, well done, Rieko. kl04yWPcpho-00127-00082502-00082665 I knew we couldn't trust you! kl04yWPcpho-00128-00082665-00082909 It's not true! I don't know anything about this! kl04yWPcpho-00129-00082909-00083169 I just... I just want to protect Akira! kl04yWPcpho-00130-00083169-00083513 You knew nothing. You suspected nothing. kl04yWPcpho-00131-00083513-00083765 Not even what you really are. kl04yWPcpho-00132-00083890-00084149 And yet you brought Akira here. kl04yWPcpho-00133-00084184-00084557 And lured the Kikaiders here as well. kl04yWPcpho-00134-00084711-00084858 No! No! kl04yWPcpho-00135-00084858-00085217 I just... I just wanted Akira to have a place to rest! kl04yWPcpho-00136-00085391-00085671 In this place full of memories, right? kl04yWPcpho-00137-00085728-00085872 H- How...?! kl04yWPcpho-00138-00086012-00086152 Rieko, run! kl04yWPcpho-00139-00087133-00087350 I know all about you. kl04yWPcpho-00140-00087350-00087630 I know how you once fell in the river. kl04yWPcpho-00141-00087630-00087796 Stop it! kl04yWPcpho-00142-00088324-00088597 How you got lost on the mountain and couldn't get home! kl04yWPcpho-00143-00088932-00089037 Rieko! kl04yWPcpho-00144-00089799-00089958 Stop it, Gill! Stop it! kl04yWPcpho-00145-00090386-00090796 I know it was snowing on the night your grandmother died. kl04yWPcpho-00146-00090904-00091116 How? How do you know?! kl04yWPcpho-00147-00091217-00091470 Because I created those memories for you. kl04yWPcpho-00148-00091584-00091861 They're all memories copied from a real person... kl04yWPcpho-00149-00091861-00092084 ...which I then inputted into you. kl04yWPcpho-00150-00092178-00092378 You still don't understand? kl04yWPcpho-00151-00092378-00092632 You're a robot. kl04yWPcpho-00152-00092632-00092948 I built you to protect Akira. kl04yWPcpho-00153-00093606-00093997 Your meeting Kikaider was all part of my plan. kl04yWPcpho-00154-00093997-00094277 I knew you'd eventually bring him here if I just pushed a bit. kl04yWPcpho-00155-00094277-00094464 I never expected it would work so perfectly! kl04yWPcpho-00156-00094464-00094777 No... You're lying! It can't be... kl04yWPcpho-00157-00094858-00094974 That's all a lie! kl04yWPcpho-00158-00094974-00095271 It didn't all go completely to plan, though. kl04yWPcpho-00159-00095271-00095578 I didn't expect your electronic brain to interact with... kl04yWPcpho-00160-00095578-00095882 ...Jiro's conscience circuit to produce feelings of love. kl04yWPcpho-00161-00095882-00096259 I'm... I'm human! I remember everything! kl04yWPcpho-00162-00096259-00096526 My life in this village! The day I met you! kl04yWPcpho-00163-00096526-00096746 I... I...! kl04yWPcpho-00164-00096746-00097036 You, too, are originally based on one of Komyoji's designs. kl04yWPcpho-00165-00097076-00097327 I guess your similarities drew you to each other. kl04yWPcpho-00166-00097327-00097807 Still, it allowed you to trick Kikaider in the end. kl04yWPcpho-00167-00098331-00098661 Your feelings for Akira are just a program as well. kl04yWPcpho-00168-00099112-00099218 RIEKO! kl04yWPcpho-00169-00101828-00102224 Now you understand. That is your true form! kl04yWPcpho-00170-00102342-00102585 It can't be... It can't be... kl04yWPcpho-00171-00102585-00102846 No... No... kl04yWPcpho-00172-00102846-00103089 NO!!! kl04yWPcpho-00173-00103453-00103579 Gill...! kl04yWPcpho-00174-00103993-00104163 Akira... kl04yWPcpho-00175-00104697-00104894 And so ends our little farce... kl04yWPcpho-00176-00105188-00105438 Rieko! No! Run! kl04yWPcpho-00177-00105438-00105601 Farewell. kl04yWPcpho-00178-00105825-00105984 RIEKO!!! kl04yWPcpho-00179-00107570-00107764 Bijinder?! You little...! kl04yWPcpho-00180-00107874-00107993 After them! kl04yWPcpho-00181-00108595-00108708 You... kl04yWPcpho-00182-00108708-00109028 Shut up! I don't know what's going on, either! kl04yWPcpho-00183-00110460-00110503 What?! kl04yWPcpho-00184-00110780-00110957 Try and cage us, huh?! kl04yWPcpho-00185-00110957-00111187 You're gonna pay big time for that! kl04yWPcpho-00186-00111294-00111508 Shadow Knight! Deal with them! kl04yWPcpho-00187-00111508-00111731 Come back here, Brain-Bucket! kl04yWPcpho-00188-00111764-00111865 Rieko! kl04yWPcpho-00189-00111865-00112034 No, you don't! kl04yWPcpho-00190-00113259-00113526 Shit... Come on, help me fight! kl04yWPcpho-00191-00113693-00113880 So what if you're a robot?! kl04yWPcpho-00192-00113880-00114114 Didn't you want to protect that boy?! kl04yWPcpho-00193-00114114-00114276 Get a hold of yourself! kl04yWPcpho-00194-00115942-00116148 Hm, not bad. kl04yWPcpho-00195-00116763-00116926 Go on! Hurry! kl04yWPcpho-00196-00117046-00117263 Yeah! We'll handle things here! kl04yWPcpho-00197-00117263-00117630 You go and help Rieko. And tell her I'm sorry... kl04yWPcpho-00198-00117630-00117804 ...for suspecting her, okay? kl04yWPcpho-00199-00117804-00117991 Rei... Brother... kl04yWPcpho-00200-00117991-00118134 Let's go, Rei! kl04yWPcpho-00201-00118134-00118224 Right! kl04yWPcpho-00202-00118224-00118454 Thanks, Big Brother! Rei! kl04yWPcpho-00203-00118505-00118625 You won't escape! kl04yWPcpho-00204-00118625-00118758 You're fightin' us, pal! kl04yWPcpho-00205-00120627-00120723 Rieko...! kl04yWPcpho-00206-00122665-00122871 I won't fall for that again! kl04yWPcpho-00207-00130540-00130653 Where is she? kl04yWPcpho-00208-00131417-00131537 Found it! kl04yWPcpho-00209-00131888-00132114 Wait here while I get the book. kl04yWPcpho-00210-00133009-00133202 Look, Akira! I found it... kl04yWPcpho-00211-00136796-00136972 Akira...! kl04yWPcpho-00212-00137527-00137733 Ji... ro... kl04yWPcpho-00213-00138478-00138564 Wh- What was...?! kl04yWPcpho-00214-00138755-00139048 Wh- What is this...? kl04yWPcpho-00215-00142262-00142461 It seems you've awakened... kl04yWPcpho-00216-00142662-00142845 son. kl04yWPcpho-00217-00143389-00143616 Are you going to play with them all day, Shadow Knight? kl04yWPcpho-00218-00143616-00143880 They're irrelevant now! Let's go! kl04yWPcpho-00219-00143880-00143993 Right! kl04yWPcpho-00220-00144761-00144960 Come back here, you bastard! kl04yWPcpho-00221-00148044-00148191 You! kmqaSM3d6J4-00000-00000000-00000200 Petrovsko-Razumovskoe --> Ostankino kmqaSM3d6J4-00001-00003224-00003424 Moskva --> Ostankino kmqaSM3d6J4-00002-00005832-00006032 Moskva, evening train with premier minister of Russian Federation, V.V. Putin lo79kr8BvIc-00000-00000022-00000289 The Bible mentions seven deadly sins. lo79kr8BvIc-00001-00000333-00000551 In this unit, we will look at these seven sins. lo79kr8BvIc-00002-00000553-00000941 [MUSIC] lo79kr8BvIc-00003-00001042-00001234 Pride is considered the most serious lo79kr8BvIc-00004-00001236-00001411 and the source of all the other sins. lo79kr8BvIc-00005-00001454-00001711 Corrupt selfishness makes a person commit lo79kr8BvIc-00006-00001714-00001935 crimes by ignoring the welfare of others. lo79kr8BvIc-00007-00002050-00002243 Covetousness, also called greed, lo79kr8BvIc-00008-00002261-00002418 arises out of desire. lo79kr8BvIc-00009-00002448-00002638 Most evils in society like theft, lo79kr8BvIc-00010-00002661-00002925 robbery, and cheating are rooted in covetousness. lo79kr8BvIc-00011-00003000-00003277 Lust is an intense, uncontrollable desire, lo79kr8BvIc-00012-00003280-00003490 which is usually sexual in nature. lo79kr8BvIc-00013-00003626-00003871 Anger or wrath is an intense emotion to seek lo79kr8BvIc-00014-00003873-00004173 revenge on a person who has committed something wrong. lo79kr8BvIc-00015-00004287-00004519 Gluttony is showing excess interest lo79kr8BvIc-00016-00004521-00004664 in eating and drinking, lo79kr8BvIc-00017-00004666-00004866 which is also called overconsumption. lo79kr8BvIc-00018-00004972-00005280 Envy or jealousy is a feeling of hatred towards the wealth, lo79kr8BvIc-00019-00005322-00005594 possessions, or the overall happiness of someone else. lo79kr8BvIc-00020-00005710-00005885 Sloth means laziness. lo79kr8BvIc-00021-00005913-00006087 People who are overwhelmed lo79kr8BvIc-00022-00006090-00006349 by this sin do not show any interest in worldly affairs, lo79kr8BvIc-00023-00006351-00006578 and spend most of their time sleeping. lo79kr8BvIc-00024-00006694-00007003 The seven deadly sins are similar to the lo79kr8BvIc-00025-00007020-00007274 Arishadvargas listed in Hindu scriptures. lo79kr8BvIc-00026-00007345-00007687 They are the passions of the mind or desire, and are six in number. lo79kr8BvIc-00027-00007747-00007803 Firstly lo79kr8BvIc-00028-00007808-00007924 kama — lust. lo79kr8BvIc-00029-00007971-00008047 Second is lo79kr8BvIc-00030-00008067-00008240 krodha — anger. lo79kr8BvIc-00031-00008302-00008395 The third one is lo79kr8BvIc-00032-00008426-00008580 lobh — greed. lo79kr8BvIc-00033-00008642-00008753 Fourth is Moha lo79kr8BvIc-00034-00008764-00008891 or a delusory lo79kr8BvIc-00035-00008918-00009111 emotional attachment or temptation. lo79kr8BvIc-00036-00009157-00009404 mada which is pride or hubris. lo79kr8BvIc-00037-00009411-00009498 and the last one is lo79kr8BvIc-00038-00009518-00009745 matsarya — envy, jealousy. losOxphTyAA-00000-00000152-00000400 Hi, I'm Leonie from Spines & Splines. losOxphTyAA-00001-00000544-00000992 Recently I've made a bunch of videos showing you how to make and cover different kinds of books, losOxphTyAA-00002-00001064-00001392 and I've mentioned something called book cloth in a few of those projects. losOxphTyAA-00003-00001528-00001839 You can buy commercially made book cloth from specialty stores, losOxphTyAA-00004-00001928-00002424 but if you have some fabric with a cool patternon it, you can use that to make your own book cloth. losOxphTyAA-00005-00002544-00003168 Today i'm going to show you how I made this bookcloth from an old bed sheet. losOxphTyAA-00006-00003168-00003784 You'll need a starchyglue for this project and rice paste and wheatpaste both work pretty well. losOxphTyAA-00007-00003784-00004392 You can make yourown glue from scratch if you want to, but i'm usingthis Japanese rice paste that I have. losOxphTyAA-00008-00004392-00004848 I thinned it down a little bit with some water before I began because it was just a little bit too thick. losOxphTyAA-00009-00005040-00005472 The other bits and pieces that you'll need tomake your book cloth are some pre-washed anddried fabric, losOxphTyAA-00010-00005472-00006328 some strong thin acid-free paper,a glue brush, a roller and a couple of pieces ofperspex plastic or glass. losOxphTyAA-00011-00006328-00007295 You'll also need to ironyour fabric to get rid of any wrinkles. losOxphTyAA-00012-00007295-00007856 I cut myfabric down so that it was slightly smaller than the piece of perspex that I'm using, then I cut a losOxphTyAA-00013-00007856-00008520 piece of my paper slightly bigger than the fabric. The paper that I'm using is a Japanese hosho paper losOxphTyAA-00014-00008520-00009088 and any type of thin washi paper will work well. You can also use acid-free tissue. losOxphTyAA-00015-00009200-00009736 Tissue isn't as strong as washi or hosho paper, soyou'll just need to be a bit more careful when youhandle it. losOxphTyAA-00016-00009736-00010360 While I iron my fabric I'd like to letyou know that I have a Patreon and you can go and support it. losOxphTyAA-00017-00010360-00010944 I've got a bunch of different rewardlevels and every little bit adds up, so click the losOxphTyAA-00018-00010944-00011384 link in the description if you enjoy my videos and would like to help make them even better. losOxphTyAA-00019-00011696-00012248 The next step is to glue up your paper. My paper has a rough side and a smooth side losOxphTyAA-00020-00012248-00012863 and I like to add the glue on the rough side with a soft wide brush. I start in the center losOxphTyAA-00021-00012863-00013391 and work my way out to the edges, making sure that the whole sheet of paper is covered in glue. losOxphTyAA-00022-00013536-00014032 I do this on one of my pieces of perspex, but if you don't have glass or perspex losOxphTyAA-00023-00014032-00015584 you can do this on top of some non-stick waxed kitchen paper. losOxphTyAA-00024-00020336-00020624 I use my second piece of perspex to lay out the fabric, losOxphTyAA-00025-00020696-00021320 and again if you don't have flat glass or perspex you can use a window for this next step. losOxphTyAA-00026-00021320-00021792 To do this, you'll need to wet your fabric with a spray bottle and drape the damp fabric up against the window, losOxphTyAA-00027-00021872-00022320 and the surface friction from the water willhold the fabric in place until you can coverit with your glued paper losOxphTyAA-00028-00022320-00022936 You can also wetyour fabric with a spray bottle of water if losOxphTyAA-00029-00022936-00023456 you're making it flat on a piece of plasticlike I am, but it's not entirely necessary. losOxphTyAA-00030-00023800-00024256 Lay the fabric out flat on your glass or perspex with the reverse side of the fabric face up losOxphTyAA-00031-00024336-00024688 and drape your paper with the glue side down over the fabric losOxphTyAA-00032-00024688-00025192 so that the paper covers the fabric completely with a small paper border around all the edges. losOxphTyAA-00033-00025360-00025888 Flatten the paper as best you can with your hands and then use a small roller or a second losOxphTyAA-00034-00025888-00026783 clean and dry brush to gently smooth out anyair bubbles. You don't need to push too hard here. losOxphTyAA-00035-00028776-00029088 When you're done leave everything to dry overnight losOxphTyAA-00036-00029088-00029583 and then the next day you can peel away the finished book cloth from the glass or the perspex. losOxphTyAA-00037-00030824-00031072 Starch glue won't permanently stick to the plastic losOxphTyAA-00038-00031136-00032383 so you should be able to pull up a corner and then the rest of the edges will easily pull away. losOxphTyAA-00039-00032720-00033136 And that's how you make book cloth! You canmake bigger pieces if you have enough space losOxphTyAA-00040-00033200-00033536 and you can trim away the paper edges if you want to, or just leave losOxphTyAA-00041-00033536-00033784 them until you're ready to make your book cover. losOxphTyAA-00042-00034368-00034856 If you enjoyed this video please like, subscribe and share it, and if you've got any questions or losOxphTyAA-00043-00034856-00035416 suggestions for future videos please leave me a comment. I've listed all the materials I've used losOxphTyAA-00044-00035416-00036032 in the description, and you'll also find linksthere for my website, my Patreon my Facebook, losOxphTyAA-00045-00036032-00036664 Instagram and some affiliate links to art stores where you can buy materials. Thanks for watching! losOxphTyAA-00046-00036664-00037088 Cheers. loNTnLA7gy4-00000-00000048-00000306 (gentle music) loNTnLA7gy4-00001-00001558-00001780 - This last year I turned 40 loNTnLA7gy4-00002-00001903-00001997 and one of the things loNTnLA7gy4-00003-00001997-00002237 I have been wondering for quite some loNTnLA7gy4-00004-00002363-00002541 is whether or not loNTnLA7gy4-00005-00002541-00002876 I am slowly losing my hair. loNTnLA7gy4-00006-00003083-00003368 And let me just stop for a second and say, loNTnLA7gy4-00007-00003368-00003756 I know that to be 40 years old loNTnLA7gy4-00008-00003756-00003968 and have this set of hair, loNTnLA7gy4-00009-00003968-00004101 is pretty lucky. loNTnLA7gy4-00010-00004101-00004358 I don't wanna complain here loNTnLA7gy4-00011-00004358-00004534 and I know there's plenty of guys out there loNTnLA7gy4-00012-00004534-00004775 who are saying, "Colin, your hair looks great, loNTnLA7gy4-00013-00004775-00005061 "I love your hair, I wish I had your hair, loNTnLA7gy4-00014-00005061-00005504 "I wish I could run my fingers through your wonderful hair." loNTnLA7gy4-00015-00005617-00005736 I know that's a fact, loNTnLA7gy4-00016-00005838-00005921 but loNTnLA7gy4-00017-00006051-00006319 there are a couple of reasons loNTnLA7gy4-00018-00006319-00006567 that I do not want to lose my hair. loNTnLA7gy4-00019-00006653-00006943 'Cause there is a lotta guys out there who, loNTnLA7gy4-00020-00006943-00007309 upon balding, they get to shave that head, loNTnLA7gy4-00021-00007309-00007494 shave that hair down, loNTnLA7gy4-00022-00007494-00007727 grow in a nice luscious beard, loNTnLA7gy4-00023-00007727-00007890 and they look fantastic. loNTnLA7gy4-00024-00007890-00008033 I have friends like that loNTnLA7gy4-00025-00008033-00008143 and whenever I see them, loNTnLA7gy4-00026-00008143-00008557 I say, "Man, I wish I had their not-hair, loNTnLA7gy4-00027-00008557-00008848 "so that I had this, you know, loNTnLA7gy4-00028-00008848-00009070 "didn't have to put anything in my hair, loNTnLA7gy4-00029-00009070-00009246 "didn't have to worry about it, loNTnLA7gy4-00030-00009246-00009493 "had the nice beard going on." loNTnLA7gy4-00031-00009493-00009818 but those are not options for me. loNTnLA7gy4-00032-00009818-00010144 So for one, I can't shave my head, ever, loNTnLA7gy4-00033-00010144-00010294 it's gonna look terrible. loNTnLA7gy4-00034-00010294-00010512 I have this gigantic, loNTnLA7gy4-00035-00010626-00010813 abnormally shaped head, loNTnLA7gy4-00036-00010813-00011080 I mean my bicycle helmet is literally loNTnLA7gy4-00037-00011080-00011220 a size XXL, loNTnLA7gy4-00038-00011424-00011637 it's huge, all right, loNTnLA7gy4-00039-00011637-00011970 it's not gonna look great completely shaved. loNTnLA7gy4-00040-00011970-00012070 Second thing, loNTnLA7gy4-00041-00012159-00012396 I can't grow a beard, my beard, loNTnLA7gy4-00042-00012396-00012622 my facial hair, looks terrible. loNTnLA7gy4-00043-00012622-00013000 We are two weeks into self-quarantine loNTnLA7gy4-00044-00013000-00013101 and this is all I got, loNTnLA7gy4-00045-00013101-00013296 this is all I got going on, loNTnLA7gy4-00046-00013296-00013501 man, I got patches over here, it's just, loNTnLA7gy4-00047-00013501-00013776 it doesn't really grow, it's scraggly, loNTnLA7gy4-00048-00013776-00013939 it's never going to look good. loNTnLA7gy4-00049-00014096-00014260 In my research loNTnLA7gy4-00050-00014260-00014705 into anti-balding solutions loNTnLA7gy4-00051-00014705-00015194 I discovered that the process of fighting hair loss loNTnLA7gy4-00052-00015194-00015491 is actually quite similar loNTnLA7gy4-00053-00015491-00015800 to asset protection planning, loNTnLA7gy4-00054-00015800-00016177 they are similar in a number of ways. loNTnLA7gy4-00055-00016265-00016454 One of the most important things loNTnLA7gy4-00056-00016454-00016698 for preventing hair loss loNTnLA7gy4-00057-00016698-00016932 is starting earlier. loNTnLA7gy4-00058-00016932-00017335 The earlier you start, the better off you're gonna be. loNTnLA7gy4-00059-00017335-00017754 It's easier to prevent the hair loss loNTnLA7gy4-00060-00017754-00018004 than to try to get the hair back loNTnLA7gy4-00061-00018004-00018185 after you've lost it. loNTnLA7gy4-00062-00018185-00018540 I mean, it's very similar to asset protection planning, loNTnLA7gy4-00063-00018540-00018844 right, you set it up as early as possible loNTnLA7gy4-00064-00018844-00019077 when there is no danger loNTnLA7gy4-00065-00019077-00019355 or, you know, pending litigation loNTnLA7gy4-00066-00019355-00019512 or especially after you've, loNTnLA7gy4-00067-00019512-00019728 you know, already got in an accident loNTnLA7gy4-00068-00019728-00019969 or gone into a lawsuit or something like that. loNTnLA7gy4-00069-00019969-00020258 It's kind of like insurance, loNTnLA7gy4-00070-00020258-00020409 fire insurance for you home, right? loNTnLA7gy4-00071-00020409-00020639 You get it before your house burns down, loNTnLA7gy4-00072-00020639-00020908 you don't call after it's burned down loNTnLA7gy4-00073-00020908-00021100 and try to get a policy. loNTnLA7gy4-00074-00021100-00021243 The same with hair loss, loNTnLA7gy4-00075-00021243-00021442 you wanna start as early as possible loNTnLA7gy4-00076-00021442-00021672 to get the best results. loNTnLA7gy4-00077-00021794-00022070 Another way that asset protection planning loNTnLA7gy4-00078-00022070-00022393 and hair loss prevention are similar, loNTnLA7gy4-00079-00022393-00022797 is that it can be a multi prong approach, loNTnLA7gy4-00080-00022797-00023055 there's multiple things you could do, loNTnLA7gy4-00081-00023055-00023475 there's multiple steps in the process, loNTnLA7gy4-00082-00023475-00023618 you know, for example, loNTnLA7gy4-00083-00023618-00023886 if you're looking towards the, loNTnLA7gy4-00084-00023886-00024098 I guess, the standard, loNTnLA7gy4-00085-00024098-00024349 don't lose my hair protocol, loNTnLA7gy4-00086-00024349-00024577 you know, you're looking at things like loNTnLA7gy4-00087-00024577-00024829 living a healthy lifestyle, loNTnLA7gy4-00088-00024829-00025174 eating a well-balanced diet, loNTnLA7gy4-00089-00025174-00025602 getting plenty of sleep, avoiding anxiety, loNTnLA7gy4-00090-00025602-00025842 all that sort of thing, good mental health, loNTnLA7gy4-00091-00025842-00026142 all of those things can help you keep your hair. loNTnLA7gy4-00092-00026142-00026489 Next, you know, you can start adding in loNTnLA7gy4-00093-00026489-00026933 vitamins and add-in some sort of special shampoo loNTnLA7gy4-00094-00026933-00027316 that's gonna make your hair follicles just thrive loNTnLA7gy4-00095-00027316-00027564 and feel great about themselves. loNTnLA7gy4-00096-00027564-00027824 Then you can start to kick it up a notch loNTnLA7gy4-00097-00027824-00028202 and you start getting into medication. loNTnLA7gy4-00098-00028202-00028404 Medication that prevents loNTnLA7gy4-00099-00028404-00028641 whatever happens that makes your hair go away, loNTnLA7gy4-00100-00028641-00028814 medication that stops that. loNTnLA7gy4-00101-00028814-00029062 I don't know what it does, I'm not a doctor, loNTnLA7gy4-00102-00029062-00029288 it does something, it blocks something, loNTnLA7gy4-00103-00029288-00029523 the point is, it keeps your hair there, loNTnLA7gy4-00104-00029523-00029686 another layer to it, loNTnLA7gy4-00105-00029686-00029929 add-in some sort of grease to your hair loNTnLA7gy4-00106-00029929-00030364 that is meant to stimulate the hair follicles loNTnLA7gy4-00107-00030364-00030495 that are already gone loNTnLA7gy4-00108-00030495-00030714 to try to grow back the hair loNTnLA7gy4-00109-00030714-00030933 that you don't have anymore. loNTnLA7gy4-00110-00030933-00031075 Anyway, the point is, loNTnLA7gy4-00111-00031075-00031358 is it's a comprehensive approach loNTnLA7gy4-00112-00031358-00031577 to preventing that hair loss loNTnLA7gy4-00113-00031577-00031833 and same with asset protection, right? loNTnLA7gy4-00114-00031833-00031993 You have your, loNTnLA7gy4-00115-00031993-00032189 you have your insurance, loNTnLA7gy4-00116-00032189-00032629 you can rely on state protections like a homestead exemption loNTnLA7gy4-00117-00032629-00032908 and retirement accounts that are protected, loNTnLA7gy4-00118-00032908-00033143 then you can start layering-in loNTnLA7gy4-00119-00033143-00033639 LLC business planning to segregate the different risks, loNTnLA7gy4-00120-00033639-00033962 then you can add-in that asset protection trust loNTnLA7gy4-00121-00033962-00034196 and you just, you build, loNTnLA7gy4-00122-00034196-00034544 on that plan, you have all of these different options loNTnLA7gy4-00123-00034544-00034827 to make a comprehensive approach, loNTnLA7gy4-00124-00034827-00035064 a comprehensive strategy loNTnLA7gy4-00125-00035064-00035347 in order to prevent you loNTnLA7gy4-00126-00035347-00035811 from losing your money assets loNTnLA7gy4-00127-00035811-00036044 just like preventing losing your hair. loNTnLA7gy4-00128-00036044-00036214 It's very similar. l03X8FXfI7u-00000-00000054-00001134 if you enjoyed to use fluent API even a test AssertJ is for you you can use this to make the l03X8FXfI7u-00001-00001134-00002076 test even more readable for example using the asserted on assert you can check the items l03X8FXfI7u-00002-00002076-00002766 still on the list the size using the assets that by reference you can check the type of l03X8FXfI7u-00003-00002766-00003624 reference and so on so ssj make really easier and readable your test code is it worth to try l1rWrUn173U-00000-00000000-00000200 Hi everyone l1rWrUn173U-00001-00000200-00000400 Crude oil 1 minute chart Tips Performance Analysis l1rWrUn173U-00002-00000400-00002006 Daily u will receive calls like this in Live market l1rWrUn173U-00003-00002006-00003453 Now a Sell call generated so red color candle opens l1rWrUn173U-00004-00003453-00006253 Daily in Live market u will receive calls like this l1rWrUn173U-00005-00006253-00008390 daily we analyze after 12 pm market only l1rWrUn173U-00006-00008390-00009136 19 Point 1st Target l1rWrUn173U-00007-00009136-00010490 Within 6 Minute target breakout l1rWrUn173U-00008-00010490-00012135 WhatsApp - 9488462166 l6-NvV1EEVA-00000-00000000-00000710 A Roman walks into a bar. He holds up two fingers and says: give me five beers, please! l6-NvV1EEVA-00001-00000826-00001059 Five beers. You got it? Five beers! l6-NvV1EEVA-00002-00003163-00003620 Hi, everyone! Thank you for watching my videos and thank you for subscribing to my channel. l6-NvV1EEVA-00003-00003682-00004175 Well, I would like to say hello to Elvira Vélez who is right now in Pennsylvania! l6-NvV1EEVA-00004-00004176-00004375 I would like to say hi to Danna, l6-NvV1EEVA-00005-00004375-00005061 Deiber, who is my student at La Libertad High School and Yizak, at the Experimental and many others! l6-NvV1EEVA-00006-00005061-00005324 Two bats were hanging upside down their cave: One asks: l6-NvV1EEVA-00007-00005355-00005936 What was the worst day in your life? The other replies: when I got diarrhea. l6-NvV1EEVA-00009-00006400-00007052 I don't really know why sometimes I tell this kind of jokes well anyway, I'm happy with that. I'm sure l6-NvV1EEVA-00010-00007111-00007311 And I hope you're happy, too l6-NvV1EEVA-00011-00007323-00008051 Well, at least you mock at me. Well, at least you bully me. We need to laugh. We will die anyway. l6-NvV1EEVA-00012-00008113-00008233 Some day... l6-NvV1EEVA-00013-00008233-00008810 Almost 100 people have subscribed to my channel. So thank you very much. That makes me happy. l6-NvV1EEVA-00014-00008840-00009294 Sixteen sodium atoms enter a bar......followed by Batman. l6-NvV1EEVA-00015-00009520-00009957 Sodium, you know, the symbol, right? N-A Na and N-A l6-NvV1EEVA-00016-00010024-00010356 Na Na Na so I would say like Na Na Na Na Na Na l6-NvV1EEVA-00017-00010360-00010622 Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na ... l6-NvV1EEVA-00018-00010622-00010736 Batman! l6-NvV1EEVA-00019-00010928-00011062 That's why! l6-NvV1EEVA-00020-00011168-00011494 It was really funny l6-NvV1EEVA-00021-00011558-00012052 Na Na Na Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na Na Na l6-NvV1EEVA-00022-00012070-00012286 Batman l6-NvV1EEVA-00023-00012869-00013069 Don't forget to subscribe lrpJ-FdLGU0-00000-00000960-00001352 Hi everybody, today we're in Martinique.. lrpJ-FdLGU0-00001-00001376-00001576 and I wanna try something different lrpJ-FdLGU0-00002-00001636-00001992 we're going to film hummingbirds in slow motion... lrpJ-FdLGU0-00003-00002046-00002508 sadly the quality won't be as great, sorry for that... lrpJ-FdLGU0-00004-00002508-00002636 let's go! lrpJ-FdLGU0-00005-00022438-00022670 So I hope you enjoyed that slightly different video lrpJ-FdLGU0-00006-00022694-00023254 If you want to see more don't forget to comment, like and share... lrpJ-FdLGU0-00007-00023254-00023414 See you soon! l-0TNGi-9gI-00000-00000000-00000050 MAIN BASKET DENGAN KOMUNITAS BASKET DI GROGOL JAKARTA l-KSUNie66E-00000-00000000-00000434 Lewisville Party Bus Rental l-KSUNie66E-00001-00000434-00000946 LewisvillLlimousine.Com l-KSUNie66E-00002-00000946-00001400 If you are looking for the best Lewisville party bus rental...then look no further! l-KSUNie66E-00003-00001400-00002014 Lewisville Limousine has the best selection of limo's and party bus rental! l-KSUNie66E-00004-00002014-00002508 972-829-0878 l-KSUNie66E-00005-00002508-00003176 lB0daUktOL8-00000-00000000-00002100 I have been working abroad for several years. In 2005 I established small design studio in Osh city. In 2009 together with my partner we opened "Saimaluu Tash" art gallery. lB0daUktOL8-00002-00006000-00008200 I make designs by myself, choose colors and girls make embroidery and sew patchwork parts. lC2hMKt9UbI-00000-00000332-00000682 (upbeat digital music) lC2hMKt9UbI-00001-00000866-00001295 - [Announcer] The Global Cyber Threat Environment, Module 12: lC2hMKt9UbI-00002-00001295-00001557 Iranian Cyber Intelligence. lC2hMKt9UbI-00003-00001652-00001800 Objectives: lC2hMKt9UbI-00004-00001800-00002137 Once you have completed the readings, lecture, activity, lC2hMKt9UbI-00005-00002137-00002398 and assessment, you will be able to lC2hMKt9UbI-00006-00002510-00003010 describe how the IRGC uses cyber capabilities to lC2hMKt9UbI-00007-00003056-00003425 ensure the survival of the Islamic Republic, lC2hMKt9UbI-00008-00003606-00004075 articulate the connection between the IRGC and the lC2hMKt9UbI-00009-00004075-00004333 terrorist organization Hezbollah. lC2hMKt9UbI-00010-00004483-00004804 - Welcome to the Global Cyber Threat Environment, lC2hMKt9UbI-00011-00004804-00004899 Module 12. lC2hMKt9UbI-00012-00005001-00005292 As you have discovered from previous lectures, lC2hMKt9UbI-00013-00005292-00005625 the Iranian cyber capability lags far behind lC2hMKt9UbI-00014-00005625-00005791 Russia's and China's. lC2hMKt9UbI-00015-00005791-00006245 However, it is advancing rapidly due to robust research lC2hMKt9UbI-00016-00006245-00006552 and development on behalf of the Iranian government. lC2hMKt9UbI-00017-00006645-00007005 Stringent economic sanctions had previously hindered lC2hMKt9UbI-00018-00007005-00007284 Iran's ability to import sophisticated lC2hMKt9UbI-00019-00007284-00007487 information technology. lC2hMKt9UbI-00020-00007487-00007987 But the majority of those sanctions ended in January 2016, lC2hMKt9UbI-00021-00007989-00008369 allowing Iran to more easily research and develop lC2hMKt9UbI-00022-00008369-00008562 sophisticated cyber weaponry. lC2hMKt9UbI-00023-00008695-00009050 Iran's cyber strategy involves two pillars. lC2hMKt9UbI-00024-00009050-00009438 One pillar includes ensuring regime survival lC2hMKt9UbI-00025-00009438-00009763 through surveillance and blocking public access to what the lC2hMKt9UbI-00026-00009763-00010156 government deems as subversive information. lC2hMKt9UbI-00027-00010156-00010580 The other pillar relies on training a cyber workforce lC2hMKt9UbI-00028-00010580-00011015 specialized in developing both offensive and defensive lC2hMKt9UbI-00029-00011015-00011501 capabilities to ensure the domestic and national security lC2hMKt9UbI-00030-00011501-00011753 of the Iranian Islamic Republic. lC2hMKt9UbI-00031-00011851-00012273 The Iranian government includes a number of organizations lC2hMKt9UbI-00032-00012273-00012535 with significant cyber missions, lC2hMKt9UbI-00033-00012535-00012884 but this lecture will focus primarily on the cyber lC2hMKt9UbI-00034-00012884-00013383 capabilities and organization of the Islamic Revolutionary lC2hMKt9UbI-00035-00013383-00013650 Guard Corps, or IRGC. lC2hMKt9UbI-00036-00013913-00014354 The IRGC is an organization of elite military personnel lC2hMKt9UbI-00037-00014354-00014718 with the capability to conduct various types of special lC2hMKt9UbI-00038-00014718-00015143 warfare tactics on ground and in cyber space. lC2hMKt9UbI-00039-00015238-00015547 Although initial training in computer science and malware lC2hMKt9UbI-00040-00015547-00015888 takes places within Iran's universities, lC2hMKt9UbI-00041-00015888-00016466 the IRGC cultivates select individuals into highly skilled lC2hMKt9UbI-00042-00016466-00016872 offensive and defensive cyber warriors conducting such lC2hMKt9UbI-00043-00016872-00017279 operations as the intrusion into a flood control dam lC2hMKt9UbI-00044-00017279-00017531 in New York noted in the last lecture. lC2hMKt9UbI-00045-00017642-00018103 Media reports have speculated that the IRGC cyber warfare lC2hMKt9UbI-00046-00018103-00018582 program employs nearly 2,400 people. lC2hMKt9UbI-00047-00018582-00018933 These personnel are believed to be involved with creating lC2hMKt9UbI-00048-00018933-00019241 specialized forms of malicious code for lC2hMKt9UbI-00049-00019241-00019631 computer surveillance, developing electronic warfare systems lC2hMKt9UbI-00050-00019631-00020051 capable of disrupting radar, and space communications, lC2hMKt9UbI-00051-00020051-00020347 and spoofing GPS systems. lC2hMKt9UbI-00052-00020347-00020847 During the 2009 popular uprising in Iran to protest lC2hMKt9UbI-00053-00020867-00021196 fraudulent election results, the Iranian government lC2hMKt9UbI-00054-00021196-00021595 mobilized the IRGC to increase digital surveillance lC2hMKt9UbI-00055-00021595-00022020 of Iranian citizens and compose digital dossiers lC2hMKt9UbI-00056-00022020-00022194 of protestors. lC2hMKt9UbI-00057-00022194-00022563 These dossiers were later used to support interrogations. lC2hMKt9UbI-00058-00022652-00023085 IRGC interrogators sifted through private messages lC2hMKt9UbI-00059-00023085-00023440 from social media sites to embarrass and blackmail lC2hMKt9UbI-00060-00023440-00023706 arrested protestors into silence. lC2hMKt9UbI-00061-00023835-00024307 The IRGC would also use arrested protestors social media lC2hMKt9UbI-00062-00024307-00024729 credentials to target suspected protest organizers lC2hMKt9UbI-00063-00024729-00025067 with spear-fishing attacks aimed at allowing Iranian lC2hMKt9UbI-00064-00025067-00025510 officials to access their smartphones and computers. lC2hMKt9UbI-00065-00025510-00026010 One IRGC chief charged with putting down the 2009 protests lC2hMKt9UbI-00066-00026074-00026427 later wrote about the need to impede protesters use lC2hMKt9UbI-00067-00026427-00026657 of the internet or cell phones, lC2hMKt9UbI-00068-00026657-00027007 as they had become so critical in mobilizing lC2hMKt9UbI-00069-00027007-00027174 protester activities. lC2hMKt9UbI-00070-00027385-00027757 Although normally tight lipped about its cyber capabilities lC2hMKt9UbI-00071-00027757-00028070 the Iranian government has admitted to conducting cyber lC2hMKt9UbI-00072-00028070-00028464 operations to disrupt internal opposition forces lC2hMKt9UbI-00073-00028464-00028610 in two instances. lC2hMKt9UbI-00074-00028735-00029123 The first instance was in March 2010, lC2hMKt9UbI-00075-00029123-00029430 when the Iranian government announced that a branch lC2hMKt9UbI-00076-00029430-00029920 of the IRGC had successfully disrupted websites connected lC2hMKt9UbI-00077-00029920-00030333 to the organization Human Rights Activists in Iran. lC2hMKt9UbI-00078-00030448-00030919 The second instance occurred in 2013 and involved the lC2hMKt9UbI-00079-00030919-00031419 IRGC's disruption of several websites of organizations lC2hMKt9UbI-00080-00031433-00031785 tied to independent media and human rights groups. lC2hMKt9UbI-00081-00031945-00032445 The IRGC has also been known to co-opt Iranian citizens lC2hMKt9UbI-00082-00032524-00032838 with hacking skills into an entity called lC2hMKt9UbI-00083-00032838-00033104 The Iranian Cyber Army. lC2hMKt9UbI-00084-00033104-00033604 The IRGC organizes and funds the Iranian Cyber Army, lC2hMKt9UbI-00085-00033624-00034089 and many of the army's hacker members previously belonged lC2hMKt9UbI-00086-00034089-00034407 to Iranian nationalist hacking collectives lC2hMKt9UbI-00087-00034407-00034808 who disrupted pro-Western websites or websites thought lC2hMKt9UbI-00088-00034808-00035162 to be opposed to the Islamic Revolution in Iran. lC2hMKt9UbI-00089-00035280-00035780 Additionally the Basij, a subordinate force to the IRGC, lC2hMKt9UbI-00090-00035919-00036283 has been known to engage in cyber operations against lC2hMKt9UbI-00091-00036283-00036505 opponents of the Iranian regime. lC2hMKt9UbI-00092-00036589-00036989 The Basij might be considered an all-volunteer lC2hMKt9UbI-00093-00036989-00037360 paramilitary force, with branches in nearly every lC2hMKt9UbI-00094-00037360-00037550 Iranian city. lC2hMKt9UbI-00095-00037550-00037882 It is known to create pro-regime propaganda lC2hMKt9UbI-00096-00037882-00038276 for dissemination on social media and develop sophisticated lC2hMKt9UbI-00097-00038276-00038760 hacking tools for subsequent use by IRGC forces. lC2hMKt9UbI-00098-00038871-00039206 Finally, Iran supports Hezbollah, lC2hMKt9UbI-00099-00039206-00039410 an organization comprising more than lC2hMKt9UbI-00100-00039410-00039629 50,000 fighters. lC2hMKt9UbI-00101-00039629-00040025 Hezbollah, which the U.S. State Department has identified lC2hMKt9UbI-00102-00040025-00040461 as a terrorist group, was founded in 1980 with support lC2hMKt9UbI-00103-00040461-00040861 from Iran and a mission to resist the Israeli occupation lC2hMKt9UbI-00104-00040861-00040980 of southern Lebanon. lC2hMKt9UbI-00105-00041064-00041363 The group has since expanded its charge to promote lC2hMKt9UbI-00106-00041363-00041695 Iranian interests throughout the Middle East, lC2hMKt9UbI-00107-00041695-00041920 including Syria and Yemen. lC2hMKt9UbI-00108-00042076-00042430 The organization has a well- developed psychological lC2hMKt9UbI-00109-00042430-00042862 operations unit that specializes in producing sophisticated lC2hMKt9UbI-00110-00042862-00043316 anti-Israel and anti-US propaganda. lC2hMKt9UbI-00111-00043316-00043626 It has also attained sophisticated electronic warfare lC2hMKt9UbI-00112-00043626-00044038 capabilities that were quite successful in jamming Israeli lC2hMKt9UbI-00113-00044038-00044482 communications during the 2006 Israeli incursion lC2hMKt9UbI-00114-00044482-00044617 into southern Lebanon. lC2hMKt9UbI-00115-00044773-00045245 Like Iran, Hezbollah relies on patriotic civilian hackers lC2hMKt9UbI-00116-00045245-00045529 to conduct cyber attacks while maintaining lC2hMKt9UbI-00117-00045529-00045767 plausible deniability. lC2hMKt9UbI-00118-00045767-00046267 For instance, hackers called Islamic Cyber Resistance lC2hMKt9UbI-00119-00046277-00046769 targeted Israeli critical infrastructure in 2013 lC2hMKt9UbI-00120-00046769-00047024 and were thought to be civilian hackers lC2hMKt9UbI-00121-00047024-00047291 funded by Hezbollah militants. lC2hMKt9UbI-00122-00047398-00047749 One of the most concerning aspects of Iranian lC2hMKt9UbI-00123-00047749-00048169 cyber capability is the country's apparent ability lC2hMKt9UbI-00124-00048169-00048611 to research and develop sophisticated tools indigenously. lC2hMKt9UbI-00125-00048704-00049204 Iran has masterfully used a robust system of well- lC2hMKt9UbI-00126-00049207-00049647 funded universities to cultivate students with a propensity lC2hMKt9UbI-00127-00049647-00049818 for computer technology. lC2hMKt9UbI-00128-00049920-00050241 Many experts expect Iran lC2hMKt9UbI-00129-00050241-00050573 to quickly become a true cyber rival lC2hMKt9UbI-00130-00050573-00050815 of the United States in the coming years. lC2hMKt9UbI-00131-00051052-00051235 - [Announcer] Quiz question 1: lC2hMKt9UbI-00132-00051235-00051441 True or False. lC2hMKt9UbI-00133-00051441-00051933 During the post-2009 presidential election turmoil, lC2hMKt9UbI-00134-00051933-00052433 the IRGC was mobilized to help conduct digital surveillance lC2hMKt9UbI-00135-00052498-00052896 of Iranian citizens suspected of supporting lC2hMKt9UbI-00136-00052896-00053116 anti-government protests. lC2hMKt9UbI-00137-00053337-00053551 A true, B false. lC2hMKt9UbI-00138-00053689-00053924 The answer is A, true. lC2hMKt9UbI-00139-00054132-00054377 Quiz question 2: lC2hMKt9UbI-00140-00054377-00054861 Which of the following is not a reason that Iran is known lC2hMKt9UbI-00141-00054861-00055030 to support Hezbollah? lC2hMKt9UbI-00142-00055136-00055636 A- Iran assesses Hezbollah to be an organization lC2hMKt9UbI-00143-00055672-00055968 that can bring democracy to the Middle East. lC2hMKt9UbI-00144-00056183-00056592 B- Hezbollah is an organization that provides charitable lC2hMKt9UbI-00145-00056592-00056997 services to Shia populations in Lebanon. lC2hMKt9UbI-00146-00057299-00057735 C- Iran sees Hezbollah as a proxy military organization lC2hMKt9UbI-00147-00057735-00058080 helpful in confronting the Israeli military. lC2hMKt9UbI-00148-00058302-00058720 D- Hezbollah provides Iran with a formidable paramilitary lC2hMKt9UbI-00149-00058720-00059005 capability throughout the Middle East. lC2hMKt9UbI-00150-00059295-00059503 The answer is A. lC2hMKt9UbI-00151-00059503-00059866 Iran assesses Hezbollah to be an organization that can lC2hMKt9UbI-00152-00059866-00060137 bring democracy to the Middle East. lC2hMKt9UbI-00153-00060333-00060490 Activity: lC2hMKt9UbI-00154-00060490-00060877 Visit the United States Department of Justice homepage, lC2hMKt9UbI-00155-00060877-00061299 and search for the terms "Iran and Bowman Dam." lC2hMKt9UbI-00156-00061299-00061633 You should find a federal indictment against seven lC2hMKt9UbI-00157-00061633-00062133 Iranians working on behalf of the IRGC who were convicted lC2hMKt9UbI-00158-00062152-00062562 of illegally accessing the controls of a dam in lC2hMKt9UbI-00159-00062562-00062690 upstate New York. lC2hMKt9UbI-00160-00062827-00063264 Write a one-page reflection on how the attackers were lC2hMKt9UbI-00161-00063264-00063724 able to access the dam controls and what the government lC2hMKt9UbI-00162-00063724-00064056 believed they were ultimately trying to do. lC2hMKt9UbI-00163-00064462-00064796 (upbeat digital music) lCM3DPfrL_Q-00000-00000000-00000200 SPYCE lCM3DPfrL_Q-00001-00000200-00000400 Robotic Kitchen lCM3DPfrL_Q-00002-00000400-00000600 Boston - America lCM3DPfrL_Q-00003-00000600-00000800 American food lCcJEMSlWMu-00000-00000259-00000434 Hello everyone, I'm Zhou Zhennan lCcJEMSlWMu-00001-00000470-00000760 ="Youth Rap Project" has been recorded up to now, what impressed you more?= lCcJEMSlWMu-00002-00000768-00001200 maybe I'm more impressed with contestants at my age. lCcJEMSlWMu-00003-00001215-00001548 I feel that they have given me some new inspirations lCcJEMSlWMu-00004-00001569-00001924 It’s like I’ve gotten a lot of friends around me lCcJEMSlWMu-00005-00001953-00002239 =Is there anything impressive or special when you get along with other tutors on the show?= lCcJEMSlWMu-00006-00002253-00002659 I think it may be that other teachers are different from what I imagined lCcJEMSlWMu-00007-00002673-00002974 Then I will learn a lot because I used to be in a boy group, lCcJEMSlWMu-00008-00002974-00003382 and this is my first time participated in a program that is very much related to rap lCcJEMSlWMu-00009-00003382-00003673 =What are the characteristics that are generally valued when selecting contestant in the show?= lCcJEMSlWMu-00010-00003685-00004028 I personally think that passion is important first. lCcJEMSlWMu-00011-00004028-00004450 Whether it’s rap or hiphop, lCcJEMSlWMu-00012-00004450-00004898 I think it’s important to have enthusiasm first and then pay more attention to their personality. lCcJEMSlWMu-00013-00004925-00005305 I feel that when they have their own personality, they will have their own things they want to express. lCcJEMSlWMu-00014-00005312-00005613 =As a senior, what advice do you have for the contestants who want to stand out in the show?= lCcJEMSlWMu-00015-00005626-00005943 In fact, what I personally think is its sincerity. lCcJEMSlWMu-00016-00005962-00006440 Then you should think clearly about your own light points or what you want others to see. lCcJEMSlWMu-00017-00006445-00006745 =In your mind, what are the similarities or differences between the standards of rapper and idols?= lCcJEMSlWMu-00018-00006753-00006957 Actually, my standards are the same. lCcJEMSlWMu-00019-00006964-00007502 Because I think whether it's a rapper or an idol, lCcJEMSlWMu-00020-00007545-00007919 he needs to have a high standard to demand himself. lCcJEMSlWMu-00021-00007919-00008572 it doesn’t matter what you do, but I think there may be some strict requirements. lCcJEMSlWMu-00022-00008594-00009161 Because I think rap or idols are different, but you are still an artist. lCcJEMSlWMu-00023-00009166-00009457 =Do you feel that this year is a year of changes in your role compared to before? How to respond to these changes?= lCcJEMSlWMu-00024-00009457-00009819 Actually, it’s not because I think maybe the boy group is over, lCcJEMSlWMu-00025-00009838-00010040 and now I’m going to participate in the rap show. lCcJEMSlWMu-00026-00010040-00010526 But I think no matter what my identity is, I’m still the same as me. lCcJEMSlWMu-00027-00010531-00010824 =When you're still in R1SE, what is the biggest gain and growth for yourself?= lCcJEMSlWMu-00028-00010841-00011140 I think R1SE represents too many things. lCcJEMSlWMu-00029-00011148-00011544 I think it’s the most important part of my youth. lCcJEMSlWMu-00030-00011550-00011842 =After finishing the R1SE activities, is there any difference between work and life?= lCcJEMSlWMu-00031-00011865-00012415 Actually, we often meet in private or make a phone call. lCcJEMSlWMu-00032-00012433-00012699 It's just that maybe we're not together at work. lCcJEMSlWMu-00033-00012736-00013254 At first, I still feel a little uncomfortable, and I feel that the stage is empty. lCcJEMSlWMu-00034-00013259-00013491 because there used to be eleven people and now there is only one person. lCcJEMSlWMu-00035-00013491-00013779 =As a singer-songwriter, where do you usually find inspiration?= lCcJEMSlWMu-00036-00013800-00014321 I think the movie or my own story is good or chat with friends, such as usual. lCcJEMSlWMu-00037-00014355-00015030 Hey~ After talking about a story, I think, wow~ this is a story that is quite difficult to see, or a story that is quite novel, may just bring it. lCcJEMSlWMu-00038-00015030-00015321 =Can you look forward to your music works next?= lCcJEMSlWMu-00039-00015332-00015406 Soon lCcJEMSlWMu-00040-00015443-00015593 Haha soon lCcJEMSlWMu-00041-00015621-00015908 =Is there anything else you want to try besides music?= lCcJEMSlWMu-00042-00015959-00016177 Chef~ I like to cook more recently. lCcJEMSlWMu-00043-00016219-00016419 I saw that recipe on the Internet and followed it. lCcJEMSlWMu-00044-00016428-00016615 don't say whether it tastes good or not, but they all look good. lCcJEMSlWMu-00045-00016615-00016910 =What do you most often do to relax after work?= lCcJEMSlWMu-00046-00016923-00017095 I want to play games more lCcJEMSlWMu-00047-00017095-00017279 I want to live in the mountains lCcJEMSlWMu-00048-00017288-00017465 I want, but it has not been executed yet. lCcJEMSlWMu-00049-00017470-00017768 =Is there anything else you want to do this year? What do you want to say to your fans?= lCcJEMSlWMu-00050-00017768-00018043 I want a sausage grilling machine and I haven't got it yet. lCcJEMSlWMu-00051-00018095-00018273 I hope everyone will buy a sausage grilling machine. lCcJEMSlWMu-00052-00018332-00018832 The swimming pool used to sell grilled sausages, which was very cheap and delicious. lCcJEMSlWMu-00053-00018832-00018926 Thank you lIxwyzxE-py-00000-00000578-00001102 When faced with a cavalry charge, English longbowmen had an effective countermeasure. lIxwyzxE-py-00001-00001103-00001548 They would construct palings to stop enemy horsemen in their tracks. lIxwyzxE-py-00002-00001549-00001989 These sharp wooden defenses were deployed quickly, and when used strategically lIxwyzxE-py-00003-00001991-00002184 could turn the tide of battle. lIRxCiLmA8Q-00000-00000000-00000200 Manny's revelation on why he chose Errol Spence. Interview by boxing vlogger Elie Setback. lKn3M6XmKPo-00000-00000706-00001290 Today, lord, we choose to honor those who perished. lKn3M6XmKPo-00001-00001290-00001898 We choose to honor those who were injured, both physically and in their spirits. lKn3M6XmKPo-00002-00001898-00002818 And we choose to honor those who have survived and continue to process this terrible event. lKn3M6XmKPo-00003-00002818-00003486 Welcome to Command Fleet Activities Yokosuka's 9/11 15th annual remembrance ceremony. lKn3M6XmKPo-00004-00003486-00003801 I am Chief select Steven Wilson, your master of ceremonies. lKn3M6XmKPo-00005-00003801-00004268 (The Star Spangled Banner begins) In remembrance of American Airlines Flight lKn3M6XmKPo-00006-00004268-00004368 one one. lKn3M6XmKPo-00007-00004368-00004871 (Bell toll, bell toll) This ceremony today was not just about remembering lKn3M6XmKPo-00008-00004871-00005314 those who fell at the weight of the towers upon their backs and the souls and planes lKn3M6XmKPo-00009-00005314-00005518 used as weapons. lKn3M6XmKPo-00010-00005518-00005900 In remembrance of United Airlines Flight one seven five. lKn3M6XmKPo-00011-00005900-00006420 (Bell toll, bell toll) It was not just about remembering the brave lKn3M6XmKPo-00012-00006420-00006936 souls who went into the collapsing towers to hold, guide and support the people who lKn3M6XmKPo-00013-00006936-00007134 worked there. lKn3M6XmKPo-00014-00007134-00007458 In remembrance of American Airlines Flight seven seven. lKn3M6XmKPo-00015-00007458-00007909 (Bell toll, bell toll) This ceremony encompasses these people and lKn3M6XmKPo-00016-00007909-00008047 more. lKn3M6XmKPo-00017-00008047-00008517 It also lets those who've lost and who continue to lose friends and family to terrorism a lKn3M6XmKPo-00018-00008517-00009082 chance to share their pain and burden in an effort to lift a fraction of the weight that lKn3M6XmKPo-00019-00009082-00009289 rest on our hearts and souls. lKn3M6XmKPo-00020-00009289-00009509 For we all are affected. lKn3M6XmKPo-00021-00009509-00009832 In remembrance of United Airlines Flight nine three. lKn3M6XmKPo-00022-00009832-00010320 (Bell toll, bell toll) That day will forever be seared in our minds lKn3M6XmKPo-00023-00010320-00010675 and we will always remember the day of September the 11th, 2001. lKn3M6XmKPo-00024-00010675-00010763 (The Star Spangled Banner ends) lLi6u61tV_4-00000-00000926-00001601 It is the city’s most famous track and one of the world’s biggest mountains by the shore. lLi6u61tV_4-00001-00003029-00003468 Erosion led to legends about ancient Phoenician inscriptions and sculptures. lLi6u61tV_4-00002-00004308-00004793 It is a long and difficult hike, and going through the carrasqueira requires the help of hands. lLi6u61tV_4-00003-00004884-00005295 Get prepared before climbing; bring water, food and hire the services of an expert guide. lPV550CJtVy-00000-00000000-00000050 ትዳር በማዲባ ፒክቸርስ ድምቅ ሲል እንዲህ ነው - ኢትዮጵያዊነት ሁሌም ያብባል - Ethiopian Wedding lXn8w2CJyEQ-00000-00000044-00000475 Do you ever hear of something that seems too good to be true turns out to be true? Likethere lXn8w2CJyEQ-00001-00000475-00000907 is a sugar substitute that tastes like sugar, behaves like sugar when used in baking, and lXn8w2CJyEQ-00002-00000907-00001401 chemically speaking it is sugar but have virtually no calories and also does not raise blood lXn8w2CJyEQ-00003-00001401-00001856 sugar level? How can that be possible? Let's find out, with people also ask. lXn8w2CJyEQ-00004-00002400-00002800 Hi, I am Shao Chieh Lo, Welcome to what people also ask, where I search something seemingly obvious lXn8w2CJyEQ-00005-00002800-00003240 and share with you some of its PAA, aka People Also Ask, which is a feature telling you what lXn8w2CJyEQ-00006-00003240-00003635 other people are searching on Google that relates to your query. Today's keyword is Allulose. lXn8w2CJyEQ-00007-00003635-00004090 We will talk about what is it, and some current researches about it. Usually, lXn8w2CJyEQ-00008-00004090-00004573 I willuse the article that Google algorithmically extractedto answer our PAA, butI believe lXn8w2CJyEQ-00009-00004573-00005144 this episode's keyword is related to YMYL contents aka contents that would potentially lXn8w2CJyEQ-00010-00005144-00005689 affect your decision on their health or money. So in this episode, I will also make lXn8w2CJyEQ-00011-00005689-00006330 sure that all medical information mentioned has peer review researches to back it up too. lXn8w2CJyEQ-00012-00006330-00006734 That being said, you should still consult your doctor before you make any change in lXn8w2CJyEQ-00013-00006734-00007211 your diet, I am just a random person on the internet who knows how toGoogle. So let's lXn8w2CJyEQ-00014-00007211-00007666 start with our first PAA: Is Allulose good for you? Google's auto-generated answer is lXn8w2CJyEQ-00015-00007666-00008185 linked to an article titled "Is Allulose a Healthy Sweetener?" written byFranziska Spritzler lXn8w2CJyEQ-00016-00008185-00008700 whois a registered dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator. This article lXn8w2CJyEQ-00017-00008700-00009186 is published by Healthline, which is anAmerican website providing health information headquartered lXn8w2CJyEQ-00018-00009186-00009650 in San Francisco, CA. This website's articles are usually written by medical professionals lXn8w2CJyEQ-00019-00009650-00010235 and are usually backed by peer-reviewed researches. They do, however, face some controversy concerning lXn8w2CJyEQ-00020-00010235-00010889 the neutrality of some of their pieces in 2018 and 2019, I will include relevant articles lXn8w2CJyEQ-00021-00010889-00011439 in the further reading. That being said, their articles are usually well-curated and informative lXn8w2CJyEQ-00022-00011439-00011924 and can be a good starting point for information gathering before you talk to your doctor. lXn8w2CJyEQ-00023-00011924-00012449 Just make sure you actually talk to your doctor before making any medical decision after reading their article lXn8w2CJyEQ-00024-00012449-00012770 This article compiled a lot ofpeer-reviewed studies regarding lXn8w2CJyEQ-00025-00012770-00013500 allulose from 2009 to 2015. And here are some summaries of this article: 1.Allulose is a lXn8w2CJyEQ-00026-00013500-00014094 rare sugar with the same chemical formula as fructose. 2.It delivers few calories because lXn8w2CJyEQ-00027-00014094-00014613 the majority of theallulose you consumewill not bemetabolized and will be eliminated lXn8w2CJyEQ-00028-00014613-00015306 in the urine without being used as fuel according to research published in 2010 on Journal Metabolism. lXn8w2CJyEQ-00029-00015306-00015853 3.Allulose has been shown in animal and human trials to lower blood sugar levels, improve lXn8w2CJyEQ-00030-00015853-00016602 insulin sensitivity, and protect insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells. 4. Allulose maypromote lXn8w2CJyEQ-00031-00016602-00017126 fat burning,reduce the risk of fatty liver disease and help prevent obesity. lXn8w2CJyEQ-00032-00017126-00017665 There is an especially interesting study in 2012 published inthe Journal of food science. lXn8w2CJyEQ-00033-00017665-00018200 In this study, obese rats were fed a high-fat dietwith supplements of either allulose, lXn8w2CJyEQ-00034-00018200-00018729 sucrose, or erythritol for eight weeks. Like allulose, erythritol provides virtually no lXn8w2CJyEQ-00035-00018729-00019201 calories and does not raise blood sugar or insulin levels. Nevertheless, the rats given lXn8w2CJyEQ-00036-00019201-00019788 allulose gained less belly fat than the rats fed erythritol or sucrose. This suggestsallulose lXn8w2CJyEQ-00037-00019788-00020224 might not only be a sugar substitute, it might actually help to prevent fat accumulation. lXn8w2CJyEQ-00038-00020299-00020789 However, since most of those studies are based on animal models or small-scale human trials, lXn8w2CJyEQ-00039-00020789-00021261 more high-quality human research is still needed. So here's the question: What is the catch? lXn8w2CJyEQ-00040-00021261-00021669 It's just too good to be true, a real sugar, taste like sugar but withvirtually lXn8w2CJyEQ-00041-00021669-00022188 no calories, and at the same time might promote fat burning? Are you kidding me, it must have lXn8w2CJyEQ-00042-00022188-00022796 someterrible hiddenside effects, isn't it? right? Let's talk about our next PAA: How safe is Allulose? lXn8w2CJyEQ-00043-00022796-00023195 Google's auto-generated answer is linked to an article titled "Is allulose a lXn8w2CJyEQ-00044-00023195-00023727 healthful alternative to sugar?" published by MedicalNewsToday, which is a website actually lXn8w2CJyEQ-00045-00023727-00024320 has been acquiredby Healthline Media since 2016. According to this article, the FDA has lXn8w2CJyEQ-00046-00024320-00024873 approvedAllulose for use in humans and classified them as GRAS, aka generally recognized as lXn8w2CJyEQ-00047-00024873-00025470 safe. And based on current studies we actually haven't found any serious side effects yet lXn8w2CJyEQ-00048-00025470-00025944 other than someabdominal discomfortwhen consuming large quantities, and even this lXn8w2CJyEQ-00049-00025944-00026556 side effect is not toxic and usually temporary. However,more high-quality research to lXn8w2CJyEQ-00050-00026556-00027061 confirm the long-term safety of allulose is still needed. I don't know...Maybe one day we will discover lXn8w2CJyEQ-00051-00027061-00027536 allulose' skeletons in the closet, but currently there is no evidence that allulose will cause lXn8w2CJyEQ-00052-00027536-00028150 serious side effects when consuming moderately. So next question: Does Allulose bake like lXn8w2CJyEQ-00053-00028150-00028677 sugar? Google's auto-generated answer is linked to an article comparing the differences between lXn8w2CJyEQ-00054-00028677-00029233 erythritol and allulose in the baking process published by Sweet Logic, which is a US company lXn8w2CJyEQ-00055-00029233-00029766 that specializes in low-carb bakery products. According to this article, erythritol is easy lXn8w2CJyEQ-00056-00029766-00030283 to crystallize, and it does not caramelize the way real sugar does. And because erythritol lXn8w2CJyEQ-00057-00030283-00030722 is a sugar alcohol, there will be a strange cooling sensation when you eat it. Allulose lXn8w2CJyEQ-00058-00030722-00031247 does not have the above problem at all. But note that the sweetness of Allulose is only lXn8w2CJyEQ-00059-00031247-00031783 70% of that of sucrose, so to achieve the same sweetness, more Allulose needs to be lXn8w2CJyEQ-00060-00031783-00032210 added, and it may also increase the volume of the finished product. I searched for some lXn8w2CJyEQ-00061-00032210-00032625 food science researches on the use of allulose as baking sugar and found some interesting studies. lXn8w2CJyEQ-00062-00032625-00033147 A study published in the Journal of Food Processing and Preservation in 2020, lXn8w2CJyEQ-00063-00033147-00033937 baked 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% allulose pound cakes, and a 100% sucrose pound cake as control group lXn8w2CJyEQ-00064-00033937-00034393 , and found that as the proportion of allulose increases, the crumb of pound cake lXn8w2CJyEQ-00065-00034393-00034938 caramelizes faster, but there is no significant difference in the texture of these five-pound cakes. lXn8w2CJyEQ-00066-00034938-00035501 Another study published in the journal “LWT” in 2021 compared cupcakes made with lXn8w2CJyEQ-00067-00035501-00035979 allulose and sucrose got similar results. Interestingly, this study also found that lXn8w2CJyEQ-00068-00035979-00036457 allulose cakes lost water slower in the baking process than sucrose cakes, and it usually lXn8w2CJyEQ-00069-00036457-00036957 takes a longer time to bake to achieve the same texture. But at the same time, allulose lXn8w2CJyEQ-00070-00036957-00037469 cake is also easier to burn because it caramelizes faster. So for the bakers, managing the baking lXn8w2CJyEQ-00071-00037469-00037933 temperature and time will be a challenge when using allulose as sugar, but if it is handled lXn8w2CJyEQ-00072-00037933-00038375 well, the taste and texture of the finished product can be very similar to ordinary cakes. lXn8w2CJyEQ-00073-00038375-00038888 Okay, let's recap. Today we learned that Allulose is a rare sugar with the same chemical formula lXn8w2CJyEQ-00074-00038888-00039476 as fructose but it delivers few calories because the majority of theallulose you consumewill lXn8w2CJyEQ-00075-00039476-00039963 not bemetabolized. Allulose might potentially help lowering blood sugar levels, improving lXn8w2CJyEQ-00076-00039963-00040490 insulin sensitivity, and promoting fat burning. It's classified as generally recognized as safe lXn8w2CJyEQ-00077-00040490-00041180 by FDA and we actually haven't found any serious side effects yet other than someabdominal discomfort. lXn8w2CJyEQ-00078-00041180-00041635 However,more high-quality research to confirm the long-term safety of lXn8w2CJyEQ-00079-00041635-00042078 allulose is still needed. Allulose behaves very similarly to regular sugar when used lXn8w2CJyEQ-00080-00042078-00042600 in baking. However, it tends to caramelize faster and is more likely to burn. If you lXn8w2CJyEQ-00081-00042600-00043050 made it to the end of the video, chances are that you enjoy learning what people also ask lXn8w2CJyEQ-00082-00043050-00043536 on Google. But let's face it, reading PAA yourself will be a pain. So here's the deal, lXn8w2CJyEQ-00083-00043536-00043966 I will do the reading for you and upload a video compiling some fun PAAs once a week, lXn8w2CJyEQ-00084-00043966-00044016 all you have to do is to hit the subscribe button and the bell icon so you won't miss lXn8w2CJyEQ-00085-00044016-00044787 any PAA report that I compile. So just do it right now. Bye! lXw24fq5mWM-00000-00000294-00000750 Are you tired of your motorcycle intercom system's battery dying halfway through your ride? lXw24fq5mWM-00001-00000869-00001302 Well, in this video, we're going to share some tips on how to extend the battery life lXw24fq5mWM-00002-00001302-00001757 of your motorcycle intercom system and keep you connected with your riding partner all day long. lXw24fq5mWM-00003-00001866-00002142 Tip #1: Turn Off Unused Features: lXw24fq5mWM-00004-00002238-00002700 To maximize your intercom system's battery life, you can start by turning off any lXw24fq5mWM-00005-00002700-00003114 unused features such as the FM radio or Bluetooth connection when not in use. lXw24fq5mWM-00006-00003215-00003588 These features drain the battery faster, even if they are not in use. lXw24fq5mWM-00007-00003684-00004140 By turning them off, you can significantly increase your intercom system's battery life. lXw24fq5mWM-00008-00004236-00004458 Tip #2: Adjust the Volume: lXw24fq5mWM-00009-00004554-00004818 Another way to save your intercom system's battery lXw24fq5mWM-00010-00004818-00005220 life is by adjusting the volume of your intercom system to a comfortable level. lXw24fq5mWM-00011-00005334-00005694 High-volume settings use more battery power than low-volume settings. lXw24fq5mWM-00012-00005814-00006270 So, reducing the volume can help you conserve the battery life of your intercom system. lXw24fq5mWM-00013-00006270-00006702 Tip# 3: Turn Off the Intercom System When Not in Use: lXw24fq5mWM-00014-00006786-00007128 It's essential to turn off the intercom system when not in use. lXw24fq5mWM-00015-00007223-00007506 Leaving it on even when not in use can drain the battery. lXw24fq5mWM-00016-00007566-00007895 Turning it off will help you save battery life and ensure that your lXw24fq5mWM-00017-00007895-00008123 intercom system is ready to use when you need it. lXw24fq5mWM-00018-00008208-00008622 By following these simple tips, you can significantly extend the battery life lXw24fq5mWM-00019-00008622-00009072 of your motorcycle intercom system and enjoy uninterrupted communication while on your rides. lXw24fq5mWM-00020-00009312-00009588 Visit our blog for more gear 4 riderz tips! lZ6es48656o-00000-00000062-00000314 Hello plant lovers, my names Rich. lZ6es48656o-00001-00000314-00000764 Today we're going to take a cutting and make a clone. lZ6es48656o-00002-00000764-00001575 If you have a plant that you like or an expensive plant that you want to reproduce this is a lZ6es48656o-00003-00001575-00002161 cheap and easy method to use. lZ6es48656o-00004-00002161-00002708 Most any plant can be reproduced through this method. lZ6es48656o-00005-00002708-00003086 today we're going to use the Golden Dewdrop. lZ6es48656o-00006-00003086-00003329 Cuban Gold it's a very pretty bush. lZ6es48656o-00007-00003329-00003830 An example of something you can't clone is this hosta. lZ6es48656o-00008-00003830-00004137 They put off pups. lZ6es48656o-00009-00004137-00004705 Another example of something you can clone but it's not real hard to do. lZ6es48656o-00010-00004705-00005132 You cut it off, set it aside, let it dry. lZ6es48656o-00011-00005132-00005715 Let the ends dry, stick it in some dirt and these things well out of this plant it's about lZ6es48656o-00012-00005715-00006094 three feet tall, you can cut a few pieces. lZ6es48656o-00013-00006094-00006545 and get three or four plants. lZ6es48656o-00014-00006545-00007265 another plant that you can't take a clone or make a clone of is one of these here. lZ6es48656o-00015-00007265-00007525 I've tried, no good. lZ6es48656o-00016-00007525-00007855 What you need to do get your bush. lZ6es48656o-00017-00007855-00008132 In this case it's our Golden Dewdrop. lZ6es48656o-00018-00008132-00008604 You want to get a green going to. lZ6es48656o-00019-00008604-00009409 There's one there and you cut it, oh, in this case about four inches down. lZ6es48656o-00020-00009409-00009699 What you want is plenty of nodes. lZ6es48656o-00021-00009699-00010211 That's where each leaf section is coming off. lZ6es48656o-00022-00010211-00010387 Each one of those is a node. lZ6es48656o-00023-00010387-00010615 What we want is several of them. lZ6es48656o-00024-00010615-00010779 We've got one, two, three. lZ6es48656o-00025-00010779-00011050 We'll take all these on the bottom off. lZ6es48656o-00026-00011050-00011716 We're gonna take a razor blade and cut just below one of those nodes. lZ6es48656o-00027-00011716-00012484 Because right there where that node is is where all the magic happens. lZ6es48656o-00028-00012484-00013095 That's where the roots are gonna come out and you want to cut just below that because lZ6es48656o-00029-00013095-00013304 at the node there's a stop. lZ6es48656o-00030-00013304-00013940 So, if you get some sort of bacteria or virus you don't get much rot here. lZ6es48656o-00031-00013940-00014340 If you took and cut at the top of the node and had all this stem you could get rot and lZ6es48656o-00032-00014340-00014605 lose your plant so you want to cut just below that node. lZ6es48656o-00033-00014605-00015007 It doesn't have to be at an angle or anything like that. lZ6es48656o-00034-00015007-00015597 You can take and scrape a little bit on the side of the node. lZ6es48656o-00035-00015597-00016157 I usually don't I just stick it into rooting hormone. lZ6es48656o-00036-00016157-00017193 A little rooting hormone and put it in a glass that I have cleaned with hydrogen peroxide. lZ6es48656o-00037-00017193-00017355 never use bleach. lZ6es48656o-00038-00017355-00018062 Always use hydrogen peroxide to clean, a little bit of bleach will kill your plants dead. lZ6es48656o-00039-00018062-00018456 Just a little bit of rooting hormone. lZ6es48656o-00040-00018456-00019086 You don't want to use water out of the tap, it's got chlorine in it it's that too. lZ6es48656o-00041-00019086-00019884 It's no good for the biosphere of the roots and of the growing. lZ6es48656o-00042-00019884-00019984 it's meant to kill things. lZ6es48656o-00043-00019984-00020137 It's chlorine, it's bleach. lZ6es48656o-00044-00020137-00020303 It's the same thing. lZ6es48656o-00045-00020303-00021220 You take that rooting hormone and you stick it right in there and let it soak that up. lZ6es48656o-00046-00021220-00022384 Then what I do instead of taking a plastic cover over the cuttings so it keeps the moisture lZ6es48656o-00047-00022384-00022484 in. lZ6es48656o-00048-00022484-00023121 Instead of that and you can use that as well, I use a product called anti-wilt. lZ6es48656o-00049-00023121-00024129 Just take the cutting and in this case it's one part of the product and seven parts water. lZ6es48656o-00050-00024129-00025159 Just stick your leaves in there and it coats them with a wax or some products are an acrylic. lZ6es48656o-00051-00025159-00025707 and this way the plant will not expire out it's moisture. lZ6es48656o-00052-00025707-00026336 Then I just take the cheapest potting soil I can find. lZ6es48656o-00053-00026336-00026545 This is the cheap and dirty mehod. lZ6es48656o-00054-00026545-00027788 I just take that cutting and stick it in there and water it with some of that rooting hormone.I lZ6es48656o-00055-00027788-00028424 have great success with this method and I hope you have success with it. lZ6es48656o-00056-00028424-00028918 If you need to know what kind of plants you can clone, you'll have to do some research lZ6es48656o-00057-00028918-00029276 on that butit's most plants. lZ6es48656o-00058-00029276-00029895 you can have a veritable garden of eden for veritably nothing. lZ6es48656o-00059-00029895-00029995 Good luck. lZ6es48656o-00060-00029995-00030092 Have a good day. lc45_w8JPRu-00000-00000938-00001284 Your ready to go on the body clock lc45_w8JPRu-00001-00001400-00001744 So casual for having your heart in deadlock lc45_w8JPRu-00002-00001870-00002318 I still remember the night that we were Lost in translation lc45_w8JPRu-00003-00002362-00002756 You were speaking my language with perfect dictation lc45_w8JPRu-00004-00002836-00003142 Hey you've got nothing to say lc45_w8JPRu-00005-00003142-00003732 When I mention his name You look at me in this way lc45_w8JPRu-00006-00003815-00004136 Hey you've got nothing to say lc45_w8JPRu-00007-00004136-00004626 When I mention his name You look at me in this way lc45_w8JPRu-00008-00004676-00004786 You got me in lc45_w8JPRu-00009-00004786-00004950 Hot hot water lc45_w8JPRu-00010-00004950-00005640 Girl I can't afford ya I'd be wasting all my loving on you lc45_w8JPRu-00011-00005660-00005748 You got me in lc45_w8JPRu-00012-00005748-00006142 Hot hot water Girl I'm running over you lc45_w8JPRu-00013-00006142-00006652 Your only human I’m only human too lc45_w8JPRu-00014-00006680-00006984 Girl I ain't gonna be on your body count lc45_w8JPRu-00015-00007128-00007459 And the way your feeling should let you down lc45_w8JPRu-00016-00007614-00008090 What would your man say if he saw this conversation lc45_w8JPRu-00017-00008090-00008510 I bet a million dollars it would cause you tension lc45_w8JPRu-00018-00008596-00008906 So do you have something to say lc45_w8JPRu-00019-00008906-00009134 When I mention his name lc45_w8JPRu-00020-00009134-00009408 You look at me in this way lc45_w8JPRu-00021-00009546-00009860 So do you have something to say lc45_w8JPRu-00022-00009860-00010096 When I mention his name lc45_w8JPRu-00023-00010096-00010404 You look at me in this way lc45_w8JPRu-00024-00010428-00010546 You got me in lc45_w8JPRu-00025-00010546-00010728 Hot water lc45_w8JPRu-00026-00010968-00011168 Hot water lc45_w8JPRu-00027-00011386-00011492 You got me in lc45_w8JPRu-00028-00011492-00011706 Hot water lc45_w8JPRu-00029-00011972-00012172 Hot water lc45_w8JPRu-00030-00012566-00012996 So forgive me for saying lc45_w8JPRu-00031-00013047-00013434 You got me in hot water lc45_w8JPRu-00032-00013510-00013919 Your drowning in deception lc45_w8JPRu-00033-00013919-00014368 I can't provide attention babe lc45_w8JPRu-00034-00014469-00014782 Hey you've got nothing to say lc45_w8JPRu-00035-00014782-00015010 When I mention his name lc45_w8JPRu-00036-00015010-00015326 You look at me in this way lc45_w8JPRu-00037-00015441-00015718 Hey you've got nothing to say lc45_w8JPRu-00038-00015718-00015940 When I mention his name lc45_w8JPRu-00039-00015940-00016226 You look at me in this way lc45_w8JPRu-00040-00016286-00016418 You got me in lc45_w8JPRu-00041-00016418-00016618 Hot water lc45_w8JPRu-00042-00016888-00017088 Hot water lc45_w8JPRu-00043-00017276-00017364 You got me in lc45_w8JPRu-00044-00017364-00017542 Hot water lc45_w8JPRu-00045-00017826-00018026 Hot water lc45_w8JPRu-00046-00018246-00018344 You got me in lc45_w8JPRu-00047-00018344-00018744 Hot hot water Girl I can't afford ya lc45_w8JPRu-00048-00018744-00019216 I'd be wasting all my loving on you lc45_w8JPRu-00049-00019222-00019478 You got me in Hot hot water lc45_w8JPRu-00050-00019478-00019724 Girl I'm running over you lc45_w8JPRu-00051-00019724-00019896 Your only human lc45_w8JPRu-00052-00019896-00020186 I’m only human too lcnTrYz6fi4-00000-00000000-00000341 The University Libraries at Virginia Tech, lcnTrYz6fi4-00001-00000341-00000603 we have been checking out equipment for some time now. lcnTrYz6fi4-00002-00000603-00000894 And we're always trying think of what something else we can check out that lcnTrYz6fi4-00003-00000894-00001168 students would be interested in that maybe they just don't have access to. lcnTrYz6fi4-00004-00001168-00001507 We've always felt like our job at the university is to help students lcnTrYz6fi4-00005-00001507-00001897 get the education they need for jobs that maybe don't exist yet. lcnTrYz6fi4-00006-00001897-00001987 And so, what's next? lcnTrYz6fi4-00007-00001987-00002154 And so, drones, it's just a huge part of that. lcnTrYz6fi4-00008-00002154-00002365 So we thought, how can we get drones out there? lcnTrYz6fi4-00009-00002365-00002631 And the best way to do it was to partner with the Drone Park. lcnTrYz6fi4-00010-00002631-00002912 The partnership between the Drone Park and lcnTrYz6fi4-00011-00002912-00003404 the library, we did our homework and we looked at the regulatory environment and lcnTrYz6fi4-00012-00003404-00003760 we looked at what the F.A.A. will allow for that. lcnTrYz6fi4-00013-00003760-00004022 And so we're like "We're good at lending." And they're like, "And we have the place lcnTrYz6fi4-00014-00004022-00004234 where you can fly it," and so it just kind of it just kind of worked. lcnTrYz6fi4-00015-00004234-00004292 It kind of fit. lcnTrYz6fi4-00016-00004292-00004444 Someone just had to put it together. lcnTrYz6fi4-00017-00004444-00004735 We just realized what a fantastic opportunity this, lcnTrYz6fi4-00018-00004735-00005046 is not only for individuals in the university but just for lcnTrYz6fi4-00019-00005046-00005354 the university as a whole if you just look at it economically. lcnTrYz6fi4-00020-00005354-00005656 We have over 30 different organizations and lcnTrYz6fi4-00021-00005656-00005978 labs that used unmanned aircraft here on campus. lcnTrYz6fi4-00022-00005978-00006213 If every one of those labs had to go out and lcnTrYz6fi4-00023-00006213-00006546 buy some of these aircraft, tremendous cost to the university. lcnTrYz6fi4-00024-00006546-00007003 We have over 6 different types of drones that we, that we can fly. lcnTrYz6fi4-00025-00007003-00007317 I've been able to see history kind of being made, it's law changing. lcnTrYz6fi4-00026-00007317-00007688 And I think it's a center it's kind of the intersection of innovation. lcnTrYz6fi4-00027-00007688-00007920 It is a game changer. lcnTrYz6fi4-00028-00007920-00008249 Completely changes the way that students and faculty and lcnTrYz6fi4-00029-00008249-00008531 staff can go about their projects. lcnTrYz6fi4-00030-00008531-00008701 The drones are not at the Media Design Studio. lcnTrYz6fi4-00031-00008701-00008917 The drones are here at the Drone Park. lcnTrYz6fi4-00032-00008917-00009203 The way you can see what they have and the way you check them out is you actually go lcnTrYz6fi4-00033-00009203-00009653 to the media design studio's website and use connect-to and check it out. lcnTrYz6fi4-00034-00009653-00010006 And then it says on there, "Go get it at the Drone Park." We're making history here lcnTrYz6fi4-00035-00010006-00010201 and it's really amazing to be a part of that. lg2NdWfohZg-00000-00000664-00001050 When we’re presented with a huge list of numbers, it’s difficult to make sense of lg2NdWfohZg-00001-00001050-00001150 them. lg2NdWfohZg-00002-00001150-00001802 Even when data is organised in a table it is often difficult to see trends. lg2NdWfohZg-00003-00001802-00002100 This is when a graph can be very useful. lg2NdWfohZg-00004-00002100-00002684 In this module we will focus on making predictions based on trends of data. lg2NdWfohZg-00005-00002684-00003121 Let's say we carry out an experiment to see if there is a correlation between the growth lg2NdWfohZg-00006-00003121-00003533 of a plant and amount of fertiliser added. lg2NdWfohZg-00007-00003533-00003979 We would conduct the experiment and record the results in a table. lg2NdWfohZg-00008-00003979-00004432 A scatter plot would help to show if there is a correlation between the amount of fertiliser lg2NdWfohZg-00009-00004432-00004690 added and growth. lg2NdWfohZg-00010-00004690-00005108 Scatter plots are similar to line graphs in that they start with mapping quantitative lg2NdWfohZg-00011-00005108-00005269 data points. lg2NdWfohZg-00012-00005269-00005758 The difference is, that with a scatter plot, the decision is made that the individual points lg2NdWfohZg-00013-00005758-00006451 should not be connected directly together with a line but, instead express a trend. lg2NdWfohZg-00014-00006451-00007076 With a scatter plot, a mark, usually a dot, a cross or small circle, represents a single lg2NdWfohZg-00015-00007076-00007275 data point. lg2NdWfohZg-00016-00007275-00007814 With one for every data point a visual distribution of the data can be seen. lg2NdWfohZg-00017-00007814-00008308 Depending on how tightly the points cluster together, you may be able to discern a clear lg2NdWfohZg-00018-00008308-00008608 trend in the data. lg2NdWfohZg-00019-00008608-00009150 A line of best fit can often be drawn to indicate a correlation. lg2NdWfohZg-00020-00009150-00009650 We often see a line of best fit in scatter plots extended or extrapolated beyond the lg2NdWfohZg-00021-00009650-00009949 data range to make predictions. lg2NdWfohZg-00022-00009949-00010345 So how accurate are predictions made in this way? lg2NdWfohZg-00023-00010345-00010842 In this case we can assume that the experiment outlined in this video was carried out in lg2NdWfohZg-00024-00010842-00011434 a laboratory where it is easy to control other variables such as sunlight, temperature and lg2NdWfohZg-00025-00011434-00011609 available water. lg2NdWfohZg-00026-00011609-00012142 So the predictions made by extrapolating this line may be a true reflection of what might lg2NdWfohZg-00027-00012142-00012270 happen. lg2NdWfohZg-00028-00012270-00012847 However, data presented is not always collected under controlled conditions. lg2NdWfohZg-00029-00012847-00013376 If the same care is not made in recording each data point then predictions made beyond lg2NdWfohZg-00030-00013376-00013672 the data range may be meaningless. lg2NdWfohZg-00031-00013672-00014193 In this module we will plot the winning times in two Olympics events and make predictions lg2NdWfohZg-00032-00014193-00014754 of future winning times based on extending lines of best fit or mathematical models. liQb4auq6Hy-00000-00000836-00001196 Snuper's Useful Tips liQb4auq6Hy-00001-00001352-00001688 (Snuper gathered for White Day) SH_ It's almost White Day liQb4auq6Hy-00002-00001688-00001773 WS_ Is there Black Day? liQb4auq6Hy-00003-00001773-00001850 SH_ There is liQb4auq6Hy-00004-00001888-00001989 CSH_ I want Jjajangmyeon (black bean noodles) liQb4auq6Hy-00005-00001989-00002102 SH_ Black Day is for Jjajangmyeon liQb4auq6Hy-00006-00002226-00002632 SH_ Since it's White Day, we have to prepare something for our fans liQb4auq6Hy-00007-00002632-00002682 CSH_ That's right liQb4auq6Hy-00008-00002682-00002924 SH_ Something like candies WS_ So we prepared you, as a White Day gift liQb4auq6Hy-00009-00002924-00003010 SH_ Me? As a gift? CSJ_ ME too liQb4auq6Hy-00010-00003010-00003086 SH_ Me?? liQb4auq6Hy-00011-00003168-00003284 SB_ You're a candy? liQb4auq6Hy-00012-00003284-00003461 SH_ I'm too big as a gift actually SB_ It looks delicious! liQb4auq6Hy-00013-00003572-00003679 SH_ What the... liQb4auq6Hy-00014-00003729-00004492 SH_ How about each of us take a selfie and give it to our fans. I think that's more meaningful liQb4auq6Hy-00015-00004728-00005118 SI_ So you mean selfie instead of candy? liQb4auq6Hy-00016-00005118-00005226 SH_ Yes yes yes liQb4auq6Hy-00017-00005278-00005672 SB_ Or we can take selfies with flowers or candies liQb4auq6Hy-00018-00005672-00005746 SH_ Yes yes yes liQb4auq6Hy-00019-00005896-00006102 SH_ Let's take pictures like that liQb4auq6Hy-00020-00006132-00006208 WS_ Yes yes yes liQb4auq6Hy-00021-00006220-00006523 SB_ Then lets start, who's going first? liQb4auq6Hy-00022-00006523-00006594 SH_ You liQb4auq6Hy-00023-00006594-00006800 SB_ Okay. The youngest goes first as always liQb4auq6Hy-00024-00006800-00006884 SH_ Yes yes yes liQb4auq6Hy-00025-00006992-00007336 SB the youngest going first taking photos SB_ Holding flowers and taking a photo like this looks boring. liQb4auq6Hy-00026-00007338-00007712 SB_ Should I take a pose like i'm giving flowers to Swings? liQb4auq6Hy-00027-00007856-00008256 SB_ But then I can't see my face. What should I do? liQb4auq6Hy-00028-00008270-00008408 SB wants to take pictures with flowers.. liQb4auq6Hy-00029-00008408-00008552 But no hands and members are not here.. liQb4auq6Hy-00030-00008602-00008716 THEN! liQb4auq6Hy-00031-00008990-00009218 SB's tip for taking a selfie! liQb4auq6Hy-00032-00009354-00009590 Needs : Paper cup, scissor, earphone liQb4auq6Hy-00033-00011280-00011506 Cut one side of the paper cup liQb4auq6Hy-00034-00011580-00011720 And cut the other side of the paper cup the same way liQb4auq6Hy-00035-00011910-00012156 Then fix the smart phone on the paper cup liQb4auq6Hy-00036-00012388-00012632 Now connect the earphone! liQb4auq6Hy-00037-00013010-00013247 If you're ready, pose for the photo liQb4auq6Hy-00038-00013247-00013496 Press the volume button on the earphone and take photos! liQb4auq6Hy-00039-00014106-00014430 Now CSH's tip for taking a selfie! SH_ Umm.. That's so simple liQb4auq6Hy-00040-00014724-00014966 CSH setting the camera for a dynamic photo liQb4auq6Hy-00041-00015084-00015366 Stick the camera on somewhere and record a video instead of taking pictures liQb4auq6Hy-00042-00015368-00015628 Then play the video and capture the part you want! liQb4auq6Hy-00043-00016480-00016744 Another pose this time! liQb4auq6Hy-00044-00017264-00017488 CSH's great tip liQb4auq6Hy-00045-00017518-00018464 SH_ Well I tried my best to show Swings the word LOVE by panorama by myself liQb4auq6Hy-00046-00018662-00018890 But there has to be someone to help liQb4auq6Hy-00047-00019418-00019684 Take a pose in the opposite direction of the camera's movement liQb4auq6Hy-00048-00020088-00020354 If the person taking the photo gives a sign, it can be more easier taking the photo liQb4auq6Hy-00049-00020938-00021122 WS_ Since it's almost White Day liQb4auq6Hy-00050-00021168-00021278 WS_ And the view is so nice liQb4auq6Hy-00051-00021320-00021582 WS_ I can take nice photos of you here liQb4auq6Hy-00052-00021642-00021928 WS_ And you can give that photos to our fans as a gift. How do you think? liQb4auq6Hy-00053-00021928-00022010 SI_ It's a great idea liQb4auq6Hy-00054-00022010-00022066 WS_ It is. Right? liQb4auq6Hy-00055-00022066-00022132 SI_ Yeah it's a great idea liQb4auq6Hy-00056-00022132-00022354 WS_ Okay then, stand over there liQb4auq6Hy-00057-00022354-00022436 WS_ Then I'll take awesome photos of you liQb4auq6Hy-00058-00022438-00022654 WS trying to take photos of SI with his own tip liQb4auq6Hy-00059-00022654-00022724 SI_ Wait, liQb4auq6Hy-00060-00022752-00022992 SI_ I have a really nice tip for taking a photo liQb4auq6Hy-00061-00023444-00023510 WS_ It's okay I know liQb4auq6Hy-00062-00023510-00023580 SI_ Alright liQb4auq6Hy-00063-00023596-00023694 WS_ Are you ready? liQb4auq6Hy-00064-00023734-00024060 WS_ SI you need to step forward liQb4auq6Hy-00065-00024060-00024426 Now WS's tip for taking a photo WS_ A step more. That's it liQb4auq6Hy-00066-00024502-00024794 Set SI's foot at the end of the camera liQb4auq6Hy-00067-00024794-00025138 WS_ Then gather your legs to look more taller You need to gather instead of putting your legs apart liQb4auq6Hy-00068-00025140-00025384 WS_ Then tiptoe a little bit. That's right liQb4auq6Hy-00069-00025384-00025506 WS_ Now I'm counting 1,2,3 liQb4auq6Hy-00070-00025508-00025752 WS_ One.. Are you just staying still? liQb4auq6Hy-00071-00025754-00025966 Pose a simple pose! liQb4auq6Hy-00072-00025966-00026074 WS_ One two three! liQb4auq6Hy-00073-00026074-00026333 WS_ That was cute. One more time! liQb4auq6Hy-00074-00026336-00026562 WS_ One two three! liQb4auq6Hy-00075-00026562-00026674 WS_ Great! liQb4auq6Hy-00076-00026795-00027133 SI_ I should take a photo like a 'boyfriend-look' since it's White Day liQb4auq6Hy-00077-00027554-00027845 But SI looks unsatisfied liQb4auq6Hy-00078-00027989-00028098 SI_ Something's wrong liQb4auq6Hy-00079-00028142-00028208 SI_ SB~ liQb4auq6Hy-00080-00028312-00028395 SI_ SB~ liQb4auq6Hy-00081-00028460-00028588 SI_ Can you help me? liQb4auq6Hy-00082-00028748-00028876 SB_ I'm ready liQb4auq6Hy-00083-00028954-00029064 SI_ Okay, please count 1,2,3 liQb4auq6Hy-00084-00029094-00029289 SB_ One two three liQb4auq6Hy-00085-00029436-00029514 SB_ Something more... liQb4auq6Hy-00086-00029608-00029712 SB_ You look a bit awkward liQb4auq6Hy-00087-00029712-00029808 SB_ One more time liQb4auq6Hy-00088-00029845-00030026 SB_ One two three liQb4auq6Hy-00089-00030158-00030274 SB_ Um.... (SB unsatisfied with SI's pose) liQb4auq6Hy-00090-00030274-00030374 SB_ That's not nice liQb4auq6Hy-00091-00030374-00030526 SI_ How about this? liQb4auq6Hy-00092-00030526-00030692 SB_ NO. Come on.. liQb4auq6Hy-00093-00030692-00030830 SB_ I'll show you liQb4auq6Hy-00094-00030938-00031058 SB_ I'll show you liQb4auq6Hy-00095-00031058-00031212 SI_ Not so good? SB_ Not so good liQb4auq6Hy-00096-00031227-00031518 SB trying to show how to pose for SI liQb4auq6Hy-00097-00032004-00032066 SB_ Look liQb4auq6Hy-00098-00032068-00032289 Using materials makes it easier to take natural photos liQb4auq6Hy-00099-00032398-00032627 Place one leg on each stair liQb4auq6Hy-00100-00032796-00032998 Cup your chin to look cool liQb4auq6Hy-00101-00033142-00033286 SI_ That was cute m1GKROmfRGg-00000-00000110-00000574 I am Jim Smirniotopoulos, and today we're talking about ring enhancing lesions m1GKROmfRGg-00001-00000574-00001105 and this is the 101 class. We have no significant conflicts of interest nor m1GKROmfRGg-00002-00001105-00001253 financial disclosures. m1GKROmfRGg-00003-00001253-00001675 There are many different patterns of contrast enhancement morphology. m1GKROmfRGg-00004-00001675-00002082 we can have homogeneous enhancement, heterogeneous enhancement, m1GKROmfRGg-00005-00002082-00002424 and superficial or serpentine enhancement (on the surface). m1GKROmfRGg-00006-00002424-00002950 We can also have ring enhancing lesions. Tthey may be uni-locular or complex and multilocular. m1GKROmfRGg-00007-00002950-00003304 They can be smooth in them fic an irregular m1GKROmfRGg-00008-00003304-00003795 there may be an incomplete ring of enhancement; or, remove enhancement and we can also have m1GKROmfRGg-00009-00003795-00003869 a cyst with a mural nodule. m1GKROmfRGg-00010-00003869-00004350 Ring-enhancing lesions are a very common differential m1GKROmfRGg-00011-00004350-00004437 diagnosis in neuroimaging. m1GKROmfRGg-00012-00004437-00004777 Here we see four different patterns m1GKROmfRGg-00013-00004777-00005205 of ring lesions. Many people use the mnemonic: m1GKROmfRGg-00014-00005205-00005507 "magic doctor" or "magical doctor" m1GKROmfRGg-00015-00005507-00005935 to remind themselves about the many different kinds ring-enhancing m1GKROmfRGg-00016-00005935-00005998 lesions. m1GKROmfRGg-00017-00005998-00006391 Metastatic disease and Multiple sclerosis, an Abscess, m1GKROmfRGg-00018-00006391-00006813 Glioblastoma multiforme, sub-acute Infarcts, m1GKROmfRGg-00019-00006813-00007334 Cerebritis and Contusion, the V is for Vascular malformations, m1GKROmfRGg-00020-00007334-00007786 Lymphoma, demyelination - including tumefactive demyelination m1GKROmfRGg-00021-00007786-00007872 lesions (TDL), m1GKROmfRGg-00022-00007872-00008258 and radiation necrosis or resolving hematoma. m1GKROmfRGg-00023-00008258-00008625 So, how do we sort out these many different kinds of lesions? m1GKROmfRGg-00024-00008625-00009021 A ring enhancing lesion has peripheral or marginal enhancement m1GKROmfRGg-00025-00009021-00009397 that surrounds a usually central non- enhancing region. m1GKROmfRGg-00026-00009397-00009807 There is often times surrounding vasogenic edema. m1GKROmfRGg-00027-00009807-00010225 We can evaluate the margin of enhancement to see if it is thick or thin, and a m1GKROmfRGg-00028-00010225-00010686 smooth versus a shaggy inner margin. We can look at the extent of m1GKROmfRGg-00029-00010686-00011053 surrounding signal change often called vasogenic edema, m1GKROmfRGg-00030-00011053-00011417 and we can evaluate the Center for possible restricted diffusion - which is common in abscess. m1GKROmfRGg-00031-00011417-00011875 If we go back to the same four different types of ring-enhanceing lesions - m1GKROmfRGg-00032-00011875-00012265 we can see one of them is round and smooth suggesting an abscess; m1GKROmfRGg-00033-00012265-00012677 one of them is very irregular and has a shaggy inner margin, m1GKROmfRGg-00034-00012677-00013255 suggesting in a necrotic neoplasm; one of them shows in incomplete or "open-ring" of enhancement. m1GKROmfRGg-00035-00013255-00013679 This is often times seen in fluid secreting tumors which can also produce m1GKROmfRGg-00036-00013679-00014134 the cyst in Euro large or morphology when they occur in the posterior fossa m1GKROmfRGg-00037-00014134-00014222 cerebellum. m1GKROmfRGg-00038-00014222-00014640 We may see surrounding vasogenic edema could email when we have m1GKROmfRGg-00039-00014640-00014831 abscesses and neoplasms m1GKROmfRGg-00040-00014831-00015159 are both types the fluid secreting as well as democratic m1GKROmfRGg-00041-00015159-00015520 but when we have to move fact if the myelination what are the critical m1GKROmfRGg-00042-00015520-00015722 features is to identify m1GKROmfRGg-00043-00015722-00016212 and incomplete RAM have enhancement and that would be suggestive oven at dancing m1GKROmfRGg-00044-00016212-00016268 zone m1GKROmfRGg-00045-00016268-00016744 inflammation so these four different types of lesions can be sorted out by m1GKROmfRGg-00046-00016744-00016962 looking at the characteristics of the center m1GKROmfRGg-00047-00016962-00017405 and the pair delivering or I'm enhancement so abscesses are usually m1GKROmfRGg-00048-00017405-00017656 round and smooth with the thin rim m1GKROmfRGg-00049-00017656-00018134 you kneel ocular surrounding days agenda good team it's typically very extensive m1GKROmfRGg-00050-00018134-00018656 the rim may be high pollen 1022 and they will be restricted diffusion on a m1GKROmfRGg-00051-00018656-00018856 diffusion weighted image or eighty map m1GKROmfRGg-00052-00018856-00019239 abscesses characteristically have a smooth inner margin because m1GKROmfRGg-00053-00019239-00019633 pathologically we're looking at the rim a granulation tissue surrounding the m1GKROmfRGg-00054-00019633-00019684 past m1GKROmfRGg-00055-00019684-00020206 and the coagulation necrosis the hypo intensity of the rim is oftentimes m1GKROmfRGg-00056-00020206-00020790 described as being due to macrophages that have free radicals or atomic oxygen m1GKROmfRGg-00057-00020790-00021173 and of course we look for the characteristic pattern a DW m1GKROmfRGg-00058-00021173-00021547 eyebright hyper intensity due to the presence m1GKROmfRGg-00059-00021547-00022103 have restricted diffusion in the past so abscesses classically have restricted m1GKROmfRGg-00060-00022103-00022181 diffusion m1GKROmfRGg-00061-00022181-00022537 in a hypo intense rim and they typically comdex m1GKROmfRGg-00062-00022537-00022993 all the way around if we look at this pathologic example we can see it has a m1GKROmfRGg-00063-00022993-00023512 very very smooth margin we can see the white cell mass and coagulation necrosis m1GKROmfRGg-00064-00023512-00023723 in this manner m1GKROmfRGg-00065-00023723-00024147 when we have a neoplasm in a chronic neoplasm which is typically very high m1GKROmfRGg-00066-00024147-00024273 grade will have a fic m1GKROmfRGg-00067-00024273-00024636 an irregular wall a very shaggy inner margin m1GKROmfRGg-00068-00024636-00025067 and if you do delayed scanning you can oftentimes see heterogeneous fill-in m1GKROmfRGg-00069-00025067-00025168 within the centre m1GKROmfRGg-00070-00025168-00025540 democratic RAM so these are the characteristics we look for m1GKROmfRGg-00071-00025540-00025851 in a crowded neoplasm irregular fic m1GKROmfRGg-00072-00025851-00026277 and variable wall shaggy inner margin complex shape m1GKROmfRGg-00073-00026277-00026819 visa Jenica de amor and the rim may or may not be hyperlinked n72 m1GKROmfRGg-00074-00026819-00027197 and they're typically is increased diffusion because I've sell lexus and m1GKROmfRGg-00075-00027197-00027324 necrosis m1GKROmfRGg-00076-00027324-00027741 here's a classic glioblastoma multiforme in the falamos with a very thick m1GKROmfRGg-00077-00027741-00028222 and shagging margin have enhanced mint and it has central necrosis m1GKROmfRGg-00078-00028222-00028708 necrosis is bad in a neoplasm whereas fluid secreting tumors m1GKROmfRGg-00079-00028708-00029166 fluid is good if we look at a different case we can see in this m1GKROmfRGg-00080-00029166-00029516 diffusion-weighted image other glioblastoma m1GKROmfRGg-00081-00029516-00029902 a partially thin RAM and yet a lateral think gramm m1GKROmfRGg-00082-00029902-00030413 but we have in increase in diffusion and not restricted diffusion and that's very m1GKROmfRGg-00083-00030413-00030531 suggestive m1GKROmfRGg-00084-00030531-00030905 that we have micro sis and not plus in an abscess m1GKROmfRGg-00085-00030905-00031233 to the diffusion here is not restricted necrosis m1GKROmfRGg-00086-00031233-00031786 is had if we compare an abscess have toxoplasmosis m1GKROmfRGg-00087-00031786-00032335 with a similar lesion that is in a chronic neoplasm a GBM we can see m1GKROmfRGg-00088-00032335-00032708 how different the rims are one is thin and smooth and one is thick m1GKROmfRGg-00089-00032708-00033190 and irregular if we compare the diffusion-weighted imaging side by side m1GKROmfRGg-00090-00033190-00033391 we can see in the GBM m1GKROmfRGg-00091-00033391-00033713 we have a multi lock your appearance a complex m1GKROmfRGg-00092-00033713-00034086 parent every min Hansmann and we have increased diffusion m1GKROmfRGg-00093-00034086-00034597 from the crosses if we look at at the abscess we have restricted diffusion m1GKROmfRGg-00094-00034597-00034985 from parts and the primary cause of the restricted diffusion m1GKROmfRGg-00095-00034985-00035424 is viable cells which are typically macrophages in an abscess m1GKROmfRGg-00096-00035424-00035822 now when addition to in a chronically applies them cystic neoplasms me also m1GKROmfRGg-00097-00035822-00035893 produce m1GKROmfRGg-00098-00035893-00036353 a ring enhancing appearance or some pattern a peripheral rim enhancement m1GKROmfRGg-00099-00036353-00036769 we could have a mural Nigel part of the wall may not enhance a missus the m1GKROmfRGg-00100-00036769-00037110 characteristic suggesting a fluid secreting process m1GKROmfRGg-00101-00037110-00037515 rather than democratic process we may have a smooth inner margin m1GKROmfRGg-00102-00037515-00037928 the fluid rarely enhances we may see a fluid fluid level m1GKROmfRGg-00103-00037928-00038300 here's a classic example of a pilot City castro Saitama m1GKROmfRGg-00104-00038300-00038778 on Mr with gadolinium in CT with iodine we can see a mural Nigel m1GKROmfRGg-00105-00038778-00039311 and two 9 enhancing fluid lock yours that are not rimmed in or surrounded by m1GKROmfRGg-00106-00039311-00039488 contrast enhancement m1GKROmfRGg-00107-00039488-00039858 so if we look carefully we do not see any enhancement forming m1GKROmfRGg-00108-00039858-00040361 the rim around the fluid-filled spaces this is fluid and not necrosis m1GKROmfRGg-00109-00040361-00040847 fluid is good here's another example of a pilot City castro Saitama m1GKROmfRGg-00110-00040847-00041253 we can see the Nigel there's a small fluid collection within the Nigel shown m1GKROmfRGg-00111-00041253-00041384 by the white Aero m1GKROmfRGg-00112-00041384-00041772 but the most important characteristic feature is that we have a m1GKROmfRGg-00113-00041772-00042206 rearm surrounding the fluid that is not show any contrast enhancement m1GKROmfRGg-00114-00042206-00042558 this is fluid secretion and not necrosis fluid m1GKROmfRGg-00115-00042558-00042894 is good the last thing we want to discuss m1GKROmfRGg-00116-00042894-00043315 are tumor fact if the myelinated lesions which characteristically have the m1GKROmfRGg-00117-00043315-00043697 open ringside or partial remove contrast enhancement m1GKROmfRGg-00118-00043697-00044091 and classically they are not surrounded by Visa Jenica team m1GKROmfRGg-00119-00044091-00044461 the signal abnormality on flair a proton density weighted imaging m1GKROmfRGg-00120-00044461-00044822 ends at the edge of the contrast enhancement so the the m1GKROmfRGg-00121-00044822-00045137 are the characteristics we look for into my effective m1GKROmfRGg-00122-00045137-00045677 beam island nation the opener incomplete ringside was described in 1996 and in m1GKROmfRGg-00123-00045677-00045953 2000 and is very suggestive for the mileage m1GKROmfRGg-00124-00045953-00046488 disease but may also be present in some fluid secreting or cystic neoplasms m1GKROmfRGg-00125-00046488-00046811 so when we have to my fact if the myelination we expect there to be m1GKROmfRGg-00126-00046811-00047150 relatively little Mass Effect for the size of the lesion m1GKROmfRGg-00127-00047150-00047569 we may have an incomplete or open remove enhancement and the period lesional m1GKROmfRGg-00128-00047569-00047780 white matter signal abnormality m1GKROmfRGg-00129-00047780-00048188 usually is limited or not present at all m1GKROmfRGg-00130-00048188-00048681 spreading Vaser Jenica team is uncommon in tumor fact to be my limiting lesions m1GKROmfRGg-00131-00048681-00049062 people have also suggested that you may see vessels passing through the lesion m1GKROmfRGg-00132-00049062-00049337 on susceptibility weighted imaging which would not occur m1GKROmfRGg-00133-00049337-00049766 any other entities that we have discussed this last case the tumor m1GKROmfRGg-00134-00049766-00049975 effective the myelination shows m1GKROmfRGg-00135-00049975-00050278 that the edge above the signal abnormality ends m1GKROmfRGg-00136-00050278-00050640 at the aged the enhancement and the enhancement pattern is forming in m1GKROmfRGg-00137-00050640-00050856 incomplete or open ringside m1GKROmfRGg-00138-00050856-00051286 and again these are very suggestive up to my fact that the myelination m1GKROmfRGg-00139-00051286-00051701 so if we look very very carefully and we see the incomplete ring sign in a m1GKROmfRGg-00140-00051701-00052042 specially if we see satellite white matter lesions were thinking about m1GKROmfRGg-00141-00052042-00052514 but the mylan eating process so when we examine a ring enhancing lesions we look m1GKROmfRGg-00142-00052514-00052877 for these characteristic patterns round and smooth for an abscess m1GKROmfRGg-00143-00052877-00053283 shaky inner margin thick wall for an acrostic neoplasm m1GKROmfRGg-00144-00053283-00053723 incomplete or nine in hand saying room for a fluid secreting tumor m1GKROmfRGg-00145-00053723-00054148 and a partial roof enhancement can occur also into effect could be my eliminating m1GKROmfRGg-00146-00054148-00054220 lesions m1GKROmfRGg-00147-00054220-00054686 so abscess neoplasm with necrosis fluid secreting tumor m1GKROmfRGg-00148-00054686-00055004 and tumor fact if the myelination other causes love m1GKROmfRGg-00149-00055004-00055362 the myelination can all have a characteristic pattern m1GKROmfRGg-00150-00055362-00055745 I've enhancement this is Jim Sweeney a topless and I want to thank you for your m1GKROmfRGg-00151-00055745-00055983 kind attention and I approve this message m4wboR-WWwU-00000-00000088-00000765 (music playing) m4wboR-WWwU-00001-00000775-00001407 Hi, my name is Debby Sneed I'm an archaeologist at California State University, Long Beach and welcome to Peopling the Past. m4wboR-WWwU-00002-00001575-00002279 "What topic are you talking about today?" Today i'm talking to you about my research on physical disability in ancient Greece. m4wboR-WWwU-00003-00002448-00003176 My research is primarily guided by three research questions. First, what evidence do we have for disabled people in ancient Greece. m4wboR-WWwU-00004-00003239-00003999 My base assumption here is that there definitely were disabled people in ancient Greece. Before they were anything ancient Greeks were humans m4wboR-WWwU-00005-00004007-00004735 and they had human bodies, and as such we can expect that they experienced illnesses, injuries, and disabilities just like we do. m4wboR-WWwU-00006-00004800-00005184 The specifics of those including their causes would have been different of course m4wboR-WWwU-00007-00005248-00005336 but m4wboR-WWwU-00008-00005336-00005832 I work first of all on finding the evidence that we have for the disabilities that they experienced. m4wboR-WWwU-00009-00005920-00006076 My second question is, m4wboR-WWwU-00010-00006094-00006559 how can we know whether disabled people were accepted in their communities and societies or not? m4wboR-WWwU-00011-00006559-00007098 So once we find disabled people in our evidence, I want to know whether disabled people met with prejudice m4wboR-WWwU-00012-00007128-00007340 as they do in our modern society m4wboR-WWwU-00013-00007352-00007720 or if they were perhaps accepted or something else entirely. m4wboR-WWwU-00014-00007720-00008154 Finally, I wonder how disabled people lived and worked in ancient Greek society. m4wboR-WWwU-00015-00008200-00008550 What was life like for somebody with a mobility impairment for example, m4wboR-WWwU-00016-00008550-00008750 or for somebody with impaired vision? m4wboR-WWwU-00017-00008904-00009256 "What sources or data do you look at?" My research is m4wboR-WWwU-00018-00009272-00009648 interdisciplinary, meaning that I look at a lot of different kinds of evidence. m4wboR-WWwU-00019-00009704-00010375 It's important to remember that with different kinds of evidence. Each one will provide a different perspective on my research questions. m4wboR-WWwU-00020-00010384-00010672 That is, they will provide a different answer to my questions, m4wboR-WWwU-00021-00010696-00011242 and I need to make sure that I understand the context in which each piece of evidence was produced and used. m4wboR-WWwU-00022-00011432-00011770 The primary categories of evidence for my work include literature, m4wboR-WWwU-00023-00011796-00012240 art, ceramics, architecture, inscriptions, and human remains. m4wboR-WWwU-00024-00012320-00012432 Within literature, I m4wboR-WWwU-00025-00012432-00012936 look at almost every genre including the homeric epics, The Iliad and The Odyssey, m4wboR-WWwU-00026-00012936-00013163 the histories of Herodotus and Thucydides, m4wboR-WWwU-00027-00013184-00013450 the law court speeches of Lysias and Demosthenes, m4wboR-WWwU-00028-00013484-00013994 medical treatises by the hippocratic physicians, and Athenian comedies and tragedies. m4wboR-WWwU-00029-00014080-00014416 In art evidence for disability can be found in vase painting m4wboR-WWwU-00030-00014447-00014913 as well as in large and small scale sculpture from temple reliefs to terra cotta figurines m4wboR-WWwU-00031-00014984-00015489 like this one in Geneva showing a man with both of his legs and one of his arms perhaps amputated. m4wboR-WWwU-00032-00015616-00015736 I look at ceramics, m4wboR-WWwU-00033-00015736-00016408 that is the specific shapes of vessels (pottery) and architecture to consider the possibility that ancient Greeks may have incorporated m4wboR-WWwU-00034-00016437-00016737 accessibility into the design of some of their objects or spaces. m4wboR-WWwU-00035-00016845-00017439 Inscriptions can provide information about things like laws that affected or governed people with disabilities, m4wboR-WWwU-00036-00017487-00017841 or inscriptions that may otherwise be for or about people with disabilities. m4wboR-WWwU-00037-00017976-00018600 And finally using human remains I can look not just at the kinds of physical disabilities that ancient Greeks had, m4wboR-WWwU-00038-00018640-00018934 but also look at things like how they were treated in their burials, m4wboR-WWwU-00039-00018934-00019252 what kinds of gifts they were buried with, and so on. m4wboR-WWwU-00040-00019294-00019840 Altogether this evidence helps me reconstruct something of the lives of disabled ancient Greeks. m4wboR-WWwU-00041-00020015-00020489 A good way to explain how different kinds of evidence can come together is by way of example. m4wboR-WWwU-00042-00020559-00021279 One of my specific research questions is this: if we acknowledge that there were people who lived with mobility impairments in ancient Greece, m4wboR-WWwU-00043-00021328-00021536 how did they navigate their environments? m4wboR-WWwU-00044-00021600-00021879 We know of mobility aids like crutches and canes, m4wboR-WWwU-00045-00021895-00022295 you can see an old man here leaning on a staff that could have helped him as he walked, m4wboR-WWwU-00046-00022336-00022745 but do we have other evidence about accessibility or any other kinds of accommodations? m4wboR-WWwU-00047-00022951-00023425 I decided that the best place to look was somewhere we know there were a lot of people with disabilities: m4wboR-WWwU-00048-00023487-00023753 the healing sanctuary of Asclepius at Epidaurus. m4wboR-WWwU-00049-00023837-00024447 Asclepius was the greek god of medicine and healing and this was the most famous healing sanctuary in ancient Greece. m4wboR-WWwU-00050-00024487-00024687 You can see where it's located here on this map. m4wboR-WWwU-00051-00024776-00025215 People came here to ask the god for healing their illnesses injuries and disabilities. m4wboR-WWwU-00052-00025295-00025951 The sanctuary then attracted large numbers of people with impairments of all kinds including mobility impairments, m4wboR-WWwU-00053-00025983-00026488 and if there are going to be accessibility features anywhere, this is where we would expect to find them. m4wboR-WWwU-00054-00026719-00026845 When I was looking at the m4wboR-WWwU-00055-00026845-00027360 organization of the sanctuary, I started to notice that there were a lot of buildings with ramps built onto them. m4wboR-WWwU-00056-00027432-00027954 I remembered ramps from my classes where I learned that they're a feature of what's called "doric" architecture m4wboR-WWwU-00057-00028024-00028216 and that actually they're pretty rare. m4wboR-WWwU-00058-00028216-00028967 A recent study of ramps on temple buildings showed that there are 18 temples with ramps in the Greek world. So that's not very many. m4wboR-WWwU-00059-00029024-00029639 Well, when I counted how many there were at this healing sanctuary there are 11 and they aren't just on temples m4wboR-WWwU-00060-00029639-00029839 they're on a lot of different kinds of buildings. m4wboR-WWwU-00061-00029895-00030679 So I wondered okay if most sanctuaries have no ramps or just one ramp, why would this sanctuary have 11 ramps? m4wboR-WWwU-00062-00030752-00031432 The explanation has to be something that applies at other sanctuaries, because some non-healing sanctuaries do have ramps, m4wboR-WWwU-00063-00031463-00031761 but that applies especially so at this sanctuary. m4wboR-WWwU-00064-00031847-00032057 The answer that I came up with was disability. m4wboR-WWwU-00065-00032152-00032762 Unlike other sanctuaries this healing sanctuary was specifically built to attract people with disabilities. m4wboR-WWwU-00066-00032888-00033560 In this reconstruction, you can see the Temple of Asclepius (right) and the enigmatic round building called the "Tholos" (left) with their ramps out front. m4wboR-WWwU-00067-00033680-00034164 The next thing is I had to prove that people with mobility impairments specifically m4wboR-WWwU-00068-00034164-00034586 would have come here to this sanctuary and that the ramps would have helped them. m4wboR-WWwU-00069-00034616-00035184 Thankfully, there are a number of inscriptions from this site called "the iamata" that describe the people who came here. m4wboR-WWwU-00070-00035256-00035825 We learned for example about a woman named Sostrata who came to Epidaurus from her homeland in Thessaly. m4wboR-WWwU-00071-00035903-00036465 She was so impaired in her mobility, we're told, that she had to be carried to the sanctuary on a litter. m4wboR-WWwU-00072-00036656-00037023 And we can see a representation of something similar to that on this stone relief. m4wboR-WWwU-00073-00037072-00037447 You can see a man lying on a litter that's being carried by other people. m4wboR-WWwU-00074-00037512-00037912 We know that they're on their way to a healing sanctuary because of this snake in the tree. m4wboR-WWwU-00075-00037976-00038308 Snakes are very associated with the healing god Asclepius m4wboR-WWwU-00076-00038308-00038672 and it's included in our modern medical imagery. You can see in the bottom right. m4wboR-WWwU-00077-00038696-00038976 That's sort of the logo for medicine in the modern period. m4wboR-WWwU-00078-00039040-00039650 So this man can't walk and he has to be carried on a litter as he tries to get access to healing from Asclepius. m4wboR-WWwU-00079-00039847-00040583 Further evidence that people came to healing sanctuaries for help with mobility impairments comes in the form of what we call anatomical motives. m4wboR-WWwU-00080-00040631-00040839 These are representations of body parts. m4wboR-WWwU-00081-00040847-00041447 They're usually made out of terra cotta (clay) and people would dedicate them to Asclepius as they asked him to heal them. m4wboR-WWwU-00082-00041503-00041999 If you wanted Asclepius to heal your leg, for example, you dedicated a representation of a leg. m4wboR-WWwU-00083-00042096-00042722 Many of these anatomical votives are of legs and feet so we know that a large number of people came to these sanctuaries m4wboR-WWwU-00084-00042752-00043407 looking for help with their lower body and presumably at least some of them had impaired mobility in these limbs. m4wboR-WWwU-00085-00043544-00044072 So the combination of architectural evidence, that's the ramps themselves, the inscriptions m4wboR-WWwU-00086-00044096-00044378 describing the kinds of people who visited Epidaurus, m4wboR-WWwU-00087-00044440-00044969 artistic representations of people with impaired mobility traveling to a sanctuary of Asclepius, m4wboR-WWwU-00088-00045031-00045407 and votives that represent people asking for help with their legs and feet, m4wboR-WWwU-00089-00045447-00045857 it all comes together to help show that the preponderance of ramps at healing sanctuaries m4wboR-WWwU-00090-00045903-00046527 is because the ramps were intended to help people with mobility impairments get access to the buildings that they needed to enter m4wboR-WWwU-00091-00046544-00046744 in order to get healing from the god. m4wboR-WWwU-00092-00046800-00047345 Just like how sanctuaries that hosted athletic games and lots of athletes had stadiums and gymnasiums, m4wboR-WWwU-00093-00047408-00048074 the healing sanctuary of Asclepius hosted people with disabilities and had architectural features to help people with disabilities. m4wboR-WWwU-00094-00048240-00048631 "How does this topic or material tell us about real people in the past?" m4wboR-WWwU-00095-00048719-00049367 This topic is great for understanding the people who lived in ancient Greece because we're not just talking about famous generals or philosophers. m4wboR-WWwU-00096-00049408-00049816 We're talking about people like a nameless man living in 4th century BCE m4wboR-WWwU-00097-00049824-00050537 Athens who tells us that he walked with the aid of two crutches, or our friend Sostrata who was carried to Epidaurus on a litter. m4wboR-WWwU-00098-00050640-00051215 We tend to think about ancient Greeks looking like this line of Athenian women on this fragment of the Parthenon frieze, m4wboR-WWwU-00099-00051255-00051559 as if all ancient Greeks had these idealized forms. m4wboR-WWwU-00100-00051615-00052295 But actually ancient Greeks were humans. They had human bodies and their bodies were subject to many of the same things that ours are, m4wboR-WWwU-00101-00052352-00052596 including physical and mental disability. m4wboR-WWwU-00102-00052596-00053110 This kind of research can help us embody the ancient Greeks and think about them as real people m4wboR-WWwU-00103-00053128-00053312 not as idealizations. m4wboR-WWwU-00104-00053312-00053512 Thank you. m4eTkv6F5Hu-00000-00000000-00000200 Chris Brown - Under The Influence (Sped up version) mu5vZzJk2YE-00000-00000090-00000202 Video doesn't work. mu5vZzJk2YE-00001-00000202-00000542 That's right, "single" video doesn't work now. mu5vZzJk2YE-00002-00000542-00000771 Hi I'm Rucha Armarkar, from AnimationPlanet. mu5vZzJk2YE-00003-00000771-00001038 Your outsourced Video Marketing Partner. mu5vZzJk2YE-00004-00001038-00001314 One video for all doesn't work now. mu5vZzJk2YE-00005-00001314-00001587 If you create only one video, you'll put everything mu5vZzJk2YE-00006-00001587-00001828 from introducing your product, to display it's demo, mu5vZzJk2YE-00007-00001828-00002173 to show its benefits, to have customer testimonial, and have a call mu5vZzJk2YE-00008-00002173-00002504 to action all cramped into that single video. mu5vZzJk2YE-00009-00002504-00002817 These several messages will become confusing for your audience. mu5vZzJk2YE-00010-00002817-00003200 They might appreciate your work, but will not become your customer. mu5vZzJk2YE-00011-00003200-00003740 In contrast, if you create a one video with one message, the chances of your customer mu5vZzJk2YE-00012-00003740-00004095 going through your marketing funnel increase tremendously. mu5vZzJk2YE-00013-00004095-00004660 For that, we at AnimationPlanet came up with the idea of SVMP. mu5vZzJk2YE-00014-00004660-00005055 What is SVMP, it's a systematic video marketing plan. mu5vZzJk2YE-00015-00005055-00005635 Here we create strategic videos placed at every stage of your marketing funnel. mu5vZzJk2YE-00016-00005635-00006158 These strategically placed videos become a guide for your audience to know about you, mu5vZzJk2YE-00017-00006158-00006644 learn more from you, build trust on you and ultimately buy from you. mu5vZzJk2YE-00018-00006644-00007229 So next time, when you are doing your marketing planning, Invest in SVMP to get you the results. mu5vZzJk2YE-00019-00007229-00007581 To know more about how to implement SVMP in you business mu5vZzJk2YE-00020-00007581-00007962 then, drop me a message on the number below, and I'll be glad to help you. mu5vZzJk2YE-00021-00007962-00008083 Thank you. mu8bFb-Tdyk-00000-00000000-00000222 Neil P. Chue Hong: My name is Neil Chue Hong, I'm director of something called mu8bFb-Tdyk-00001-00000222-00000468 the software Sustainability Institute. And I'm based at mu8bFb-Tdyk-00002-00000468-00001005 University of Edinburgh. And I'm also involved in a group, which mu8bFb-Tdyk-00003-00001005-00001494 is developing fair principles for software. So this is part of mu8bFb-Tdyk-00004-00001494-00001782 the research software Alliance, the research data Alliance and mu8bFb-Tdyk-00005-00001785-00002148 the FORCE11 groups, they're going to be talking a little bit mu8bFb-Tdyk-00006-00002154-00002664 about what FAIR means in the context of software, and then mu8bFb-Tdyk-00007-00002664-00003048 giving you some possible advice to follow on how you can make mu8bFb-Tdyk-00008-00003048-00003570 your software FAIR. One of the things we've noticed in this mu8bFb-Tdyk-00009-00003570-00004233 last year is that lack of access to different things to data to mu8bFb-Tdyk-00010-00004233-00004626 people to resources makes research more difficult. But mu8bFb-Tdyk-00011-00004626-00004887 this is something that's been going on for a long time, I mu8bFb-Tdyk-00012-00004887-00005325 often use this quote from the creator of a piece of software mu8bFb-Tdyk-00013-00005325-00005886 called PyMOL, because it's way back in the early 2000s. He was mu8bFb-Tdyk-00014-00005889-00006357 talking about the challenges to effective research because of mu8bFb-Tdyk-00015-00006357-00006734 the lack of access to software. And he was one of the pioneers mu8bFb-Tdyk-00016-00006734-00007290 of, of research software being open, and transparent, and mu8bFb-Tdyk-00017-00007290-00007704 reusable are all of the things which are the principles of mu8bFb-Tdyk-00018-00007704-00008211 FAIR. One thing is that increasingly, the research mu8bFb-Tdyk-00019-00008211-00008556 community relies on software. So we did some work at the software mu8bFb-Tdyk-00020-00008556-00008943 Sustainability Institute now, seven years ago, it's it's crazy mu8bFb-Tdyk-00021-00008943-00009183 to think it's seven years ago now, where we were polling mu8bFb-Tdyk-00022-00009183-00009597 people to find out how much software effective their work. mu8bFb-Tdyk-00023-00009624-00010095 And I think the key thing that came up for us is that even back mu8bFb-Tdyk-00024-00010095-00010611 then, there was about 70%, of researchers who said it wouldn't mu8bFb-Tdyk-00025-00010611-00011034 be practical to conduct their work without using software. So mu8bFb-Tdyk-00026-00011034-00011436 software is everywhere. It's everywhere in each part of the mu8bFb-Tdyk-00027-00011436-00011817 research lifecycle, from the software you use to start mu8bFb-Tdyk-00028-00011817-00012171 planning your experiments or your research or to generate mu8bFb-Tdyk-00029-00012171-00012450 ideas for research, collecting and capturing different mu8bFb-Tdyk-00030-00012450-00012840 information from data from experiments, but also things mu8bFb-Tdyk-00031-00012840-00013221 like references and other reading material, organizing and mu8bFb-Tdyk-00032-00013221-00013599 storing it, backing it up, interpreting and analyzing it, mu8bFb-Tdyk-00033-00013665-00014141 publishing it, and making sure that it is available for others mu8bFb-Tdyk-00034-00014141-00014588 to discover and reuse. So software is everywhere. But it's mu8bFb-Tdyk-00035-00014588-00014991 often not treated in the same way as other types of research mu8bFb-Tdyk-00036-00014994-00015393 output. And that's, that's interesting, because the FAIR mu8bFb-Tdyk-00037-00015393-00015684 principles are not just for data in the original FAIR guiding mu8bFb-Tdyk-00038-00015684-00016068 principles paper. There's this line that says all scholarly mu8bFb-Tdyk-00039-00016068-00016590 Digital Research objects from data and analytic pipelines, to mu8bFb-Tdyk-00040-00016590-00016995 benefit from the application of the FAIR principles. So what mu8bFb-Tdyk-00041-00016995-00017562 they're saying is that FAIR is is important because you need to mu8bFb-Tdyk-00042-00017562-00017877 be able to have trust in the research process, you need to be mu8bFb-Tdyk-00043-00017877-00018237 able to ensure that there's transparency, reproducibility, mu8bFb-Tdyk-00044-00018240-00018855 and reusability. So how does software fit into this? The mu8bFb-Tdyk-00045-00018855-00019356 challenges that software is not just data. So if you look at it, mu8bFb-Tdyk-00046-00019356-00019821 from a purely theoretic point of view, software is just a special mu8bFb-Tdyk-00047-00019821-00020373 subset of data. But in practice, the way that it's used means it mu8bFb-Tdyk-00048-00020373-00020730 needs to be treated differently from data. And the third mu8bFb-Tdyk-00049-00020730-00021156 principles applied in a slightly different way. So there's some mu8bFb-Tdyk-00050-00021156-00021471 things that are similar. Both data and software are not mu8bFb-Tdyk-00051-00021471-00021933 commonly cited. You can assign identifiers like DOI to both of mu8bFb-Tdyk-00052-00021933-00022314 them, you often have multiple versions that exist, that might mu8bFb-Tdyk-00053-00022314-00022614 be incrementally changing, or they might be very different. mu8bFb-Tdyk-00054-00022659-00022965 And the reuse of both software and data is typically controlled mu8bFb-Tdyk-00055-00022965-00023571 for licenses. There are some things which are at one level mu8bFb-Tdyk-00056-00023571-00023874 quite similar. But when you look at the details are a bit mu8bFb-Tdyk-00057-00023874-00024282 different. So the way that you build on software and data and mu8bFb-Tdyk-00058-00024282-00024711 link them together. Obviously, we do that with both software mu8bFb-Tdyk-00059-00024711-00025335 and data. But quite often, it's different. So software tends to mu8bFb-Tdyk-00060-00025335-00025749 be in the middle of the of the sort of tree of a research mu8bFb-Tdyk-00061-00025758-00026268 workflow, whereas data tends to be at the edges of it. In both mu8bFb-Tdyk-00062-00026268-00026757 cases, it may depend on hardware and, and software. So the data mu8bFb-Tdyk-00063-00026757-00027075 that's generated might be dependent on the sensors, for mu8bFb-Tdyk-00064-00027075-00027483 instance, or the experimental machinery. And likewise, the mu8bFb-Tdyk-00065-00027483-00027770 software may depend on the machines that you're working on. mu8bFb-Tdyk-00066-00027924-00028323 And in many cases, it's replaced by newer alternatives. So the mu8bFb-Tdyk-00067-00028326-00028692 evolution of both software and data means that except in mu8bFb-Tdyk-00068-00028692-00029124 particular fields, you'll always have new things coming along mu8bFb-Tdyk-00069-00029127-00029414 with similar or better functionality that can be mu8bFb-Tdyk-00070-00029414-00029645 swapped into the work they do. mu8bFb-Tdyk-00071-00029775-00030081 But there are also a number of differences. They are important mu8bFb-Tdyk-00072-00030081-00030516 when we consider FAIR for software. And the key ones are mu8bFb-Tdyk-00073-00030527-00030908 that software typically has a larger number and more complex mu8bFb-Tdyk-00074-00030908-00031593 set of dependencies. So the way that it changes over time is mu8bFb-Tdyk-00075-00031595-00032226 more dramatic, you'll find that software is isn't reusable, much mu8bFb-Tdyk-00076-00032226-00032661 faster, and also that the reuse might come in a lot of different mu8bFb-Tdyk-00077-00032661-00033093 flavors. So when we think of reuse of data, we're typically mu8bFb-Tdyk-00078-00033093-00033567 thinking of the same way that another person would have used mu8bFb-Tdyk-00079-00033567-00033948 the data in the past. The only difference might be if it's mu8bFb-Tdyk-00080-00033948-00034269 being used in a different field, or for a different problem, it's mu8bFb-Tdyk-00081-00034269-00034656 still being used in the same way generally. Whereas for software, mu8bFb-Tdyk-00082-00034656-00034983 we might be thinking about rerunning or, or executing the mu8bFb-Tdyk-00083-00034983-00035451 software, we might be thinking of reading it to understand the mu8bFb-Tdyk-00084-00035451-00035784 decisions and the design decisions in the software, we mu8bFb-Tdyk-00085-00035784-00036228 might be using it to reproduce an experiment, or we might be mu8bFb-Tdyk-00086-00036231-00036636 reusing it through extending or deriving something from it. So mu8bFb-Tdyk-00087-00036636-00037002 reuse for software has a much wider set of options then for mu8bFb-Tdyk-00088-00037002-00037551 data in general. And it can also be connected via workflows. And mu8bFb-Tdyk-00089-00037554-00038145 there we have challenges for FAIR, because the FAIR data mu8bFb-Tdyk-00090-00038145-00038529 principles, although they talk about interoperability, they mu8bFb-Tdyk-00091-00038529-00038826 talk mostly around interoperability of formats, mu8bFb-Tdyk-00092-00038829-00039129 whereas for software, we're also talking about interoperability mu8bFb-Tdyk-00093-00039162-00039615 of API's, and interoperability of semantic understanding as mu8bFb-Tdyk-00094-00039615-00039648 well. mu8bFb-Tdyk-00095-00039798-00039861 So mu8bFb-Tdyk-00096-00040107-00040467 how is this evolved, the fair guiding principles were mu8bFb-Tdyk-00097-00040467-00040845 developed and finally published in 2016. And over the last few mu8bFb-Tdyk-00098-00040845-00041193 years, the community has been exploring what it means to make mu8bFb-Tdyk-00099-00041193-00041496 software FAIR. So we've had a number of different workshops mu8bFb-Tdyk-00100-00041496-00041808 run by different groups, including some of the people who mu8bFb-Tdyk-00101-00041808-00042243 are attending this call, looking at how FAIR might be applied to mu8bFb-Tdyk-00102-00042243-00042651 software. And this has resulted in a number of different things. mu8bFb-Tdyk-00103-00042723-00043056 In 2020, there are a large number of different resources mu8bFb-Tdyk-00104-00043056-00043398 published, where the community was putting down its thoughts mu8bFb-Tdyk-00105-00043401-00043917 about how FAIR should be applied to software, including a paper mu8bFb-Tdyk-00106-00043917-00044349 called towards FAIR principles for research software, but also mu8bFb-Tdyk-00107-00044421-00044808 tools that some of which are referenced later on about how mu8bFb-Tdyk-00108-00044808-00045294 you might see how FAIR your software is. And understanding mu8bFb-Tdyk-00109-00045306-00045897 this, the way that FAIR is used in practice for software. And so mu8bFb-Tdyk-00110-00045897-00046080 this has led to the establishment of the FAIR for mu8bFb-Tdyk-00111-00046080-00046449 research software Working Group, which I'm a co chair of. And at mu8bFb-Tdyk-00112-00046449-00046710 this moment, in fact, we have the second last of our drafting mu8bFb-Tdyk-00113-00046710-00047352 meetings tonight, we are looking at drafting a new set of FAIR mu8bFb-Tdyk-00114-00047352-00047640 principles for research software, which will be going mu8bFb-Tdyk-00115-00047640-00048171 into community consultation. So the way forward after this is mu8bFb-Tdyk-00116-00048210-00048420 the publishing of these principles and getting community mu8bFb-Tdyk-00117-00048420-00048828 feedback and approval on them. But then it's going on with to mu8bFb-Tdyk-00118-00048828-00049131 understanding all the other things that happen once you have mu8bFb-Tdyk-00119-00049197-00049611 the FAIR principles. So how does that feed into things like mu8bFb-Tdyk-00120-00049611-00049917 indicators and metrics into career profiles and reward mu8bFb-Tdyk-00121-00049917-00050298 structures, making it machine readable in output management mu8bFb-Tdyk-00122-00050298-00050709 plans and ultimately changing policy to ensure that research mu8bFb-Tdyk-00123-00050712-00051300 is more transparent, reproducible and reusable. So mu8bFb-Tdyk-00124-00051336-00051636 this is this is kind of like all background information, but mu8bFb-Tdyk-00125-00051636-00051894 you're probably interested in knowing what you can actually do mu8bFb-Tdyk-00126-00051894-00052386 right now. So I'm just going to finish off with one slide on mu8bFb-Tdyk-00127-00052386-00052752 what I think is good enough practices for FAIR software mu8bFb-Tdyk-00128-00052752-00053361 whilst you're waiting on us to finish off the principles. So, mu8bFb-Tdyk-00129-00053405-00053855 to make your software, findable, make sure it's easy to mu8bFb-Tdyk-00130-00053855-00054246 discover by using descriptive metadata. So things like making mu8bFb-Tdyk-00131-00054246-00054651 sure that it's got a descriptive title, making sure that people mu8bFb-Tdyk-00132-00054651-00055154 can understand who the authors are providing keywords, publish mu8bFb-Tdyk-00133-00055154-00055466 a citation for your software, so people know how they should mu8bFb-Tdyk-00134-00055466-00055815 credit you, and add it to a community registry if one mu8bFb-Tdyk-00135-00055815-00056241 exists. And I'll admit that that's one area that a lot of mu8bFb-Tdyk-00136-00056241-00056646 communities don't have a community registry yet. To make mu8bFb-Tdyk-00137-00056646-00057066 it accessible. Put your source code in a code repository. So mu8bFb-Tdyk-00138-00057066-00057498 something like GitHub is a good choice there. And then deposit mu8bFb-Tdyk-00139-00057498-00057779 major versions and activation repositories. So if you're mu8bFb-Tdyk-00140-00057779-00058029 publishing something that you expect to be shared with someone mu8bFb-Tdyk-00141-00058029-00058454 else, or it's in relation to a paper, make sure it's going into mu8bFb-Tdyk-00142-00058454-00058805 your institution's digital repository, or into something mu8bFb-Tdyk-00143-00058805-00059373 like Zenodo or Figshare to get a DOI. Make it interoperable by mu8bFb-Tdyk-00144-00059373-00059622 making sure you describe the functionality of your software. mu8bFb-Tdyk-00145-00059682-00060000 Use open data formats that meet domain relevant community. mu8bFb-Tdyk-00146-00060000-00060404 Standards provide references to other research objects like mu8bFb-Tdyk-00147-00060404-00060767 papers and the datasets that you're using. And modularize mu8bFb-Tdyk-00148-00060767-00061158 your code and documents design so people understand how they mu8bFb-Tdyk-00149-00061166-00061620 can connect it to other things. And finally, to make your mu8bFb-Tdyk-00150-00061620-00061947 software reusable, choose a license and apply it to your mu8bFb-Tdyk-00151-00061947-00062229 software. There's nothing worse than a piece of software where mu8bFb-Tdyk-00152-00062229-00062547 people can't understand how to reuse it, document the mu8bFb-Tdyk-00153-00062547-00062922 dependencies that's required. And ensure that others can mu8bFb-Tdyk-00154-00062922-00063270 understand and execute your code. And often think the best mu8bFb-Tdyk-00155-00063270-00063495 way of doing that last thing is just give it to one of your mu8bFb-Tdyk-00156-00063495-00063854 colleagues or friends to try and rerun if they can't rerun it. mu8bFb-Tdyk-00157-00063858-00064215 And that might be either by building the source code, or by mu8bFb-Tdyk-00158-00064215-00064671 running the executable or by using the binder or Docker mu8bFb-Tdyk-00159-00064671-00065112 container, then go back and have a look at it because it probably mu8bFb-Tdyk-00160-00065112-00065370 means that you won't remember how to reuse it in six months mu8bFb-Tdyk-00161-00065370-00065760 time either. So these are all what I would consider good mu8bFb-Tdyk-00162-00065760-00066084 enough practices for research software. And I think the key mu8bFb-Tdyk-00163-00066084-00066594 thing here is I I'm a pragmatic implementer of FAIR principles. mu8bFb-Tdyk-00164-00066597-00066861 I think it's all about making sure that you're doing things mu8bFb-Tdyk-00165-00066861-00067278 better and incrementally getting better. And so I would say if mu8bFb-Tdyk-00166-00067278-00067635 you can do any of these things, then you're on the road towards mu8bFb-Tdyk-00167-00067635-00068022 FAIR software. And if you're interested in getting involved mu8bFb-Tdyk-00168-00068022-00068265 in FAIR research software, I put some information in the mu8bFb-Tdyk-00169-00068265-00068475 slides and you can find out more mvSEzV7E3Xg-00000-00000008-00000329 So I wanna start by offering you a free, mvSEzV7E3Xg-00001-00000329-00000492 no-tech life hack mvSEzV7E3Xg-00002-00000492-00000696 and all it requires of you is this mvSEzV7E3Xg-00003-00000696-00001042 that you change your posture for two minutes. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00004-00001042-00001259 Do you remember the power pose craze mvSEzV7E3Xg-00005-00001259-00001405 from about a decade ago? mvSEzV7E3Xg-00006-00001405-00001664 In the second most popular TED Talk ever, mvSEzV7E3Xg-00007-00001664-00002077 psychologist Amy Cuddy told over 60 million viewers mvSEzV7E3Xg-00008-00002077-00002293 that they can change their life outcomes mvSEzV7E3Xg-00009-00002293-00002527 by simply changing their body language. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00010-00002527-00002848 Tiny tweaks can lead to big changes. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00011-00002848-00003182 This is two minutes, two minutes, two minutes, two minutes. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00012-00003182-00003415 Cuddy sparked a movement supposedly rooted mvSEzV7E3Xg-00013-00003415-00003699 in science around the idea that changing your posture mvSEzV7E3Xg-00014-00003699-00003916 can change everything around you. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00015-00003916-00004216 By striking power poses in tough situations, mvSEzV7E3Xg-00016-00004216-00004537 women could even gain equality in corporate board rooms. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00017-00004537-00004746 The problem is none of it was true, mvSEzV7E3Xg-00018-00004746-00004934 says science writer Jesse Singal mvSEzV7E3Xg-00019-00004934-00005221 even according to Cuddy's own research. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00020-00005221-00005372 One of Cuddy's two co-authors, mvSEzV7E3Xg-00021-00005372-00005672 a woman named Dana Carney who's at UC Berkeley. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00022-00005672-00005872 She posted a thing to her faculty website saying, mvSEzV7E3Xg-00023-00005872-00006160 I think we made some methodological errors in this study. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00024-00006160-00006381 I think the effect is totally false. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00025-00006381-00006656 So even one of the people who discovered power posing mvSEzV7E3Xg-00026-00006656-00006890 has come out and said, there's nothing there. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00027-00006890-00007086 Singal is the author of, 'The Quick Fix mvSEzV7E3Xg-00028-00007086-00007465 "Why Fad Psychology Can't Cure Our Social Ills' mvSEzV7E3Xg-00029-00007465-00007549 Which looks at how, mvSEzV7E3Xg-00030-00007549-00007707 academics and policy makers mvSEzV7E3Xg-00031-00007707-00008041 routinely oversell their pet projects mvSEzV7E3Xg-00032-00008041-00008450 as the one easy way to address some major social problem. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00033-00008450-00008679 The goal of this book is to explain to people mvSEzV7E3Xg-00034-00008679-00009100 why we keep falling for the ideas that psychologists tell us mvSEzV7E3Xg-00035-00009100-00009355 about the ways they gonna help fix society. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00036-00009355-00009776 And these ideas have had a really good time mvSEzV7E3Xg-00037-00009776-00009868 in the 21st century. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00038-00009868-00009972 They've gone viral. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00039-00009972-00010206 TED-Talks culture is doing quite well. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00040-00010206-00010343 Over and over and over, mvSEzV7E3Xg-00041-00010343-00010568 I've noticed that these ideas will burst onto the scene, mvSEzV7E3Xg-00042-00010568-00010894 they'll offer some incredible new way to fight racism mvSEzV7E3Xg-00043-00010894-00011052 or to improve education mvSEzV7E3Xg-00044-00011052-00011290 or to improve gender equity in the workplace. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00045-00011290-00011498 There's a rush of attention. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00046-00011498-00011669 Often a rush of research dollars. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00047-00011669-00011795 Everyone gets really into them. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00048-00011795-00012087 There's the NPR and New York Times coverage. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00049-00012087-00012312 And then a few years later, more research comes out. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00050-00012312-00012733 We realized the idea was barely true if that, mvSEzV7E3Xg-00051-00012733-00012937 and it ends up having wasted a lot of time mvSEzV7E3Xg-00052-00012937-00013129 Singal Points to other fad ideas mvSEzV7E3Xg-00053-00013129-00013338 that have had long lasting impacts, mvSEzV7E3Xg-00054-00013338-00013471 the self-esteem movement mvSEzV7E3Xg-00055-00013471-00013671 which sought to boost academic achievement mvSEzV7E3Xg-00056-00013671-00013884 by making students feel good about themselves, mvSEzV7E3Xg-00057-00013884-00014038 regardless of performance mvSEzV7E3Xg-00058-00014038-00014214 dominated public school curriculum mvSEzV7E3Xg-00059-00014214-00014376 starting in the 1980s. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00060-00014376-00014722 This idea was championed by a powerful California legislator mvSEzV7E3Xg-00061-00014722-00014973 who believes that praising kids and even criminals mvSEzV7E3Xg-00062-00014973-00015198 would help them to overcome obstacles. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00063-00015198-00015469 The problem is the claim that improving self-esteem mvSEzV7E3Xg-00064-00015469-00015699 can fix all these negative societal outcomes mvSEzV7E3Xg-00065-00015699-00015911 which there was never really any evidence for it. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00066-00015911-00016032 There's not a harm to like, mvSEzV7E3Xg-00067-00016032-00016324 making people feel like they're loved to have worth. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00068-00016324-00016558 The harm is like partly opportunity costs. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00069-00016558-00016687 I think with a lot of these ideas mvSEzV7E3Xg-00070-00016687-00016929 people really like get a little bit fixated on them mvSEzV7E3Xg-00071-00016929-00017112 at the expense of other more important things. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00072-00017112-00017421 So if you really think criminals are committing crimes mvSEzV7E3Xg-00073-00017421-00017650 as a result of low self-esteem, mvSEzV7E3Xg-00074-00017650-00017876 that might distract you from actual things mvSEzV7E3Xg-00075-00017876-00018026 that contribute to high crime rates. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00076-00018026-00018239 Singal says, one of the most influential mvSEzV7E3Xg-00077-00018239-00018410 and pernicious quick fixes mvSEzV7E3Xg-00078-00018410-00018601 has to do with implicit bias mvSEzV7E3Xg-00079-00018601-00018831 especially with regard to racism. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00080-00018831-00019164 He points to the Implicit Association Test or IAT , mvSEzV7E3Xg-00081-00019164-00019431 a free online quiz that supposedly shows mvSEzV7E3Xg-00082-00019431-00019669 how takers are unconsciously biased mvSEzV7E3Xg-00083-00019669-00019965 with regard to overweight people, gays women, mvSEzV7E3Xg-00084-00019965-00020236 and especially blacks and other minorities. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00085-00020236-00020478 The test received glowing media attention mvSEzV7E3Xg-00086-00020478-00020758 from the likes of Malcolm Gladwell and Nicholas Kristof. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00087-00020758-00020875 It routinely used mvSEzV7E3Xg-00088-00020875-00021129 in all sorts of diversity training programs mvSEzV7E3Xg-00089-00021129-00021438 and educational settings from K through 12 through college, mvSEzV7E3Xg-00090-00021438-00021634 yet there's at least two major problems mvSEzV7E3Xg-00091-00021634-00021813 with the IAT says Singal. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00092-00021813-00022047 You got very different tasks on the IAT mvSEzV7E3Xg-00093-00022047-00022401 in a short, period if you retake it, that's one problem. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00094-00022401-00022522 The other problem is validity, mvSEzV7E3Xg-00095-00022522-00022664 which is basically proof mvSEzV7E3Xg-00096-00022664-00022939 that the test is measuring something out in the real world. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00097-00022939-00023156 So the claim for a long time was that mvSEzV7E3Xg-00098-00023281-00023510 you get a high score on the Black white IAT mvSEzV7E3Xg-00099-00023510-00023882 that predicts you're going to discriminate against people. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00100-00023882-00024053 It doesn't seem to really, mvSEzV7E3Xg-00101-00024053-00024220 except in the tiniest way. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00102-00024220-00024399 I mean, it's statistically significant mvSEzV7E3Xg-00103-00024399-00024687 but it's almost certainly not relevant to the real world. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00104-00024687-00024833 The best estimate we have is that mvSEzV7E3Xg-00105-00024833-00025333 your IAT score, IAT score explained about 1% of the variance mvSEzV7E3Xg-00106-00025362-00025638 in people's discriminatory behavior in lab settings mvSEzV7E3Xg-00107-00025638-00025884 which is just a fancy way of saying that mvSEzV7E3Xg-00108-00025884-00026005 it predicts very well. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00109-00026005-00026138 One of the goals of 'The Quick Fix' mvSEzV7E3Xg-00110-00026138-00026372 is to make people more aware of our willingness mvSEzV7E3Xg-00111-00026372-00026664 to believe that, all our problems can be cured easily mvSEzV7E3Xg-00112-00026664-00026885 by focusing on one thing. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00113-00026885-00027110 Yeah I think humans just by dint of our brains mvSEzV7E3Xg-00114-00027110-00027310 we're always can be susceptible to mvSEzV7E3Xg-00115-00027310-00027560 less than rigorous mana causal accounts. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00116-00027560-00027715 So like power posing was like, mvSEzV7E3Xg-00117-00027715-00027948 Oh, we just got to make women feel more powerful. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00118-00027948-00028094 They never bothered to prove that mvSEzV7E3Xg-00119-00028094-00028332 that's really, what's driving these discrepancies. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00120-00028332-00028557 I think these ideas like take these big, mvSEzV7E3Xg-00121-00028557-00028782 complicated, tangled problems mvSEzV7E3Xg-00122-00028782-00029062 and just zoom in on a little bit of it mvSEzV7E3Xg-00123-00029062-00029195 and it would be nice mvSEzV7E3Xg-00124-00029195-00029391 if addressing that bit could address a whole thing mvSEzV7E3Xg-00125-00029391-00029525 but there's often not a lot of evidence. mvSEzV7E3Xg-00126-00029525-00029604 That's the case. mwUJkNO7w7Y-00000-00000016-00000463 in this session we're going to talk about multi-tenancy support uh with our back and mwUJkNO7w7Y-00001-00000463-00001088 namespace my name is michael and this is fred and we're working on a team to bring mwUJkNO7w7Y-00002-00001088-00001872 a kubernetes cluster to a vsphere environment so and we also have a team working on upstream mwUJkNO7w7Y-00003-00001872-00002464 in terms of various areas in terms of clustering scheduling and the various areas mwUJkNO7w7Y-00004-00002712-00003232 okay so what we're going to cover in this session is we're going to talk about the basic namespace mwUJkNO7w7Y-00005-00003232-00003856 how can namespace offer isolations between different users and then how can you use rbac mwUJkNO7w7Y-00006-00003856-00004640 to enforce policies and permissions to provide additional controls for those users and then mwUJkNO7w7Y-00007-00004704-00005304 we're going to talk about how do you put namespace and rbac together so to offer multi-tenancy to the mwUJkNO7w7Y-00008-00005304-00006224 users with some level of control i we certainly understand that there is a way to uh for user mwUJkNO7w7Y-00009-00006224-00006856 to create multiple clusters to offer that kind of level of isolation but you're going to essentially mwUJkNO7w7Y-00010-00006856-00007431 spending a lot of resource you're going to have a lot closer to match and that's not ideal for mwUJkNO7w7Y-00011-00007431-00007944 most of the environment therefore we're talking we're talk when we talk about multi-tenancy here mwUJkNO7w7Y-00012-00007944-00008488 we're really talking about multi-tenancy within the with inside a single cluster and the threat mwUJkNO7w7Y-00013-00008488-00009096 is going to follow up with that demo okay so this is a pretty general environment you have iis under mwUJkNO7w7Y-00014-00009096-00009720 the cover uh it can be aws can be a vsphere it can be a google cloud so and then you put mwUJkNO7w7Y-00015-00009784-00010328 kubernetes environment on top and your application is running on top and the identity management for mwUJkNO7w7Y-00016-00010328-00011040 the most part is an external component of it and then you use a different ways to hook up mwUJkNO7w7Y-00017-00011040-00011728 your identity management to it and it will be ideal that your ias hookup your user from your mwUJkNO7w7Y-00018-00011728-00012440 ias can be translated into the kubernetes layer and that we believe have multiple ways you can mwUJkNO7w7Y-00019-00012512-00013232 integrate them together it's possible okay we create a couple personas for our use case mwUJkNO7w7Y-00020-00013296-00014096 so for most of you guys if you start working on kubernetes a year ago your task is a lot of things mwUJkNO7w7Y-00021-00014096-00014568 you need to do as an application developer so you not only need to worry about your how do you mwUJkNO7w7Y-00022-00014632-00015184 write your application you also need to worry about how to monitoring uh scale your cluster mwUJkNO7w7Y-00023-00015184-00015736 you also have to worry about how to create your cluster and it does a lot of cluster management mwUJkNO7w7Y-00024-00015824-00016552 as times goes on we believe there's additional persona going to be created in the future mwUJkNO7w7Y-00025-00016632-00017608 or it's already starting form and so basically um we're thinking about there can be a devops admin mwUJkNO7w7Y-00026-00017608-00018344 person who can help you to help the developers to kind of scale up scale down the cluster and mwUJkNO7w7Y-00027-00018344-00019104 kind of monitoring the cluster and this person can be very much on the same application team but just mwUJkNO7w7Y-00028-00019104-00019664 have a little bit special additional special tasks but the most important part we think mwUJkNO7w7Y-00029-00019720-00020512 is going to be the cluster creation the cluster management uh is going to be uh outsourced uh to a mwUJkNO7w7Y-00030-00020512-00021272 cloud admin right a specialized cloud ami to help you create the cluster but also does a lot of user mwUJkNO7w7Y-00031-00021272-00022024 level management and i think if you go to some other sessions one of the sessions talking about mwUJkNO7w7Y-00032-00022024-00022968 is how do you increase your team's efficiency if your application team try to develop applications mwUJkNO7w7Y-00033-00023032-00023800 one of the best practices is essentially outsource your cluster your user management to administrator mwUJkNO7w7Y-00034-00023800-00024312 to administrator team to help you to manage that um so that's what we're talking about here mwUJkNO7w7Y-00035-00024416-00025000 and uh friday is going to talk about the remaining right okay uh friends michael for the introduction mwUJkNO7w7Y-00036-00025000-00025576 the problem right so i'm an engineer and try to solve that problem of course uh so mwUJkNO7w7Y-00037-00025576-00026312 um before actually i can go to uh two two actually topics i'm actually covered one is actually you mwUJkNO7w7Y-00038-00026312-00026904 know what what what like well definitely i'm using outback and namespace to solve the multi-tenancy mwUJkNO7w7Y-00039-00026904-00027392 problem and also actually i would talk about you know the models we support and you know some model mwUJkNO7w7Y-00040-00027392-00027927 actually we will support in the future um so let's talk about the kubernetes namespace and now back mwUJkNO7w7Y-00041-00027927-00028352 how many actually actively using kubernetes right now wow there's a lot of people good mwUJkNO7w7Y-00042-00028448-00029072 i probably fight through it because different audiences i need to introduce some terminology mwUJkNO7w7Y-00043-00029152-00029592 so basically i'm just actually introduced some terminology series i don't have to go through mwUJkNO7w7Y-00044-00029592-00030064 these slides you probably know what a kubernetes just an open source platform designed to automate mwUJkNO7w7Y-00045-00030064-00030448 deploying scaling and operating application containers i'll put the link there if it's mwUJkNO7w7Y-00046-00030448-00031056 not family just go to the link and and look it up i think you will be excited to read that mwUJkNO7w7Y-00047-00031112-00031600 uh the next thing is actually uh the reason i have to uh just roughly go through the concept mwUJkNO7w7Y-00048-00031600-00032208 because um that's actually how i use the uh uh outback namespace actually to you know support the mwUJkNO7w7Y-00049-00032208-00033024 multi-tenancy so uh in the kubernetes terminology a note is just like either a physical machine or mwUJkNO7w7Y-00050-00033024-00033656 just virtual machines right and namespay is you know it's a virtual cluster actually provide mwUJkNO7w7Y-00051-00033656-00034408 isolations of resources we lead name spaces because yes basically that's how we can do mwUJkNO7w7Y-00052-00034408-00035200 this multi-tenancy when tenants actually cannot see the other attendance resources port unit mwUJkNO7w7Y-00053-00035200-00035776 of deployment a single insert verification in kubernetes is one or more containers right and mwUJkNO7w7Y-00054-00035896-00036592 surface is basically the abstraction how you actually expose your surfaces to the outsides mwUJkNO7w7Y-00055-00036592-00037088 right and of course our back is the root based access control you know we are using mwUJkNO7w7Y-00056-00037088-00037824 uh to do the enforcement right okay um so i'm just actually quickly going through that um mwUJkNO7w7Y-00057-00037824-00038192 so that's the way actually i look at it right kubernetes is actually mwUJkNO7w7Y-00058-00038192-00038768 is called a cow platform neutral so um it doesn't actually really dictate a particular mwUJkNO7w7Y-00059-00038768-00039384 security model uh that's good and bad i mean but but that's actually what it is at least for now mwUJkNO7w7Y-00060-00039544-00039968 the there's two category of users right so it's actually there's a service account users mwUJkNO7w7Y-00061-00040056-00040808 um so um managed by kubernetes cells you actually go to kubernetes created users and then also um mwUJkNO7w7Y-00062-00040808-00041184 there's normal user actually managed by outside management outside means actually it's like mwUJkNO7w7Y-00063-00041184-00041672 okay you may actually have a database somewhere or you may actually have idm or you may have you know mwUJkNO7w7Y-00064-00041672-00042304 you know ldap whatever right uh so the the users is managed by outside that's that's what i mean um mwUJkNO7w7Y-00065-00042392-00042856 nice thing about that is actually uh kubernetes actually allow you to extend the mwUJkNO7w7Y-00066-00042928-00043376 office authentication plug-in and then authorization plug-in so actually you can mwUJkNO7w7Y-00067-00043440-00044040 basically connected to you know outside sources to do the authorization and authentication mwUJkNO7w7Y-00068-00044200-00045128 okay um so inside the toolbox right so what i can use to do my job right okay uh so let's take mwUJkNO7w7Y-00069-00045128-00045840 a look at the namespace i uh basically this slide just showed that you know how the uh isolation can mwUJkNO7w7Y-00070-00045840-00046472 happen right so um in kubernetes actually you will always create a default namespace for you in this mwUJkNO7w7Y-00071-00046472-00046992 case i i simplify it right there's more different type of resources actually in the namespace i only mwUJkNO7w7Y-00072-00046992-00047456 actually talk about the port and and services here because just you know simple typical mwUJkNO7w7Y-00073-00047456-00048072 application actually lead to a container to run your what a port to run your connect container mwUJkNO7w7Y-00074-00048072-00048616 your application right and then you use services to export it that's one way services right so i'm mwUJkNO7w7Y-00075-00048616-00048992 just showing there like their three name spaces actually they're the port actually is different mwUJkNO7w7Y-00076-00048992-00049752 name spaces so it's isolated you know um basically the one port we if you within a namespace you can mwUJkNO7w7Y-00077-00049752-00050400 see the uh the port in other namespace okay so that's the foundation you know the isolation id to mwUJkNO7w7Y-00078-00050472-00051328 provide the user the multi-tenancy okay so for our back uh just again touch about the concept mwUJkNO7w7Y-00079-00051328-00052120 again um so so basically uh the outback the way set up is actually there based on rules right mwUJkNO7w7Y-00080-00052120-00052808 and then um there's two types of uh row they use the object called row like that's a cluster mwUJkNO7w7Y-00081-00052808-00053520 row and row and i'm actually going to give exam some example uh later right and then i'm um to mwUJkNO7w7Y-00082-00053520-00054064 granting a permission actually the way it works the outback in kubernetes is actually you do a mwUJkNO7w7Y-00083-00054064-00054664 either cluster row binding or row binding right uh row binding is actually for a particular in mwUJkNO7w7Y-00084-00054664-00055096 space and then you know customer binding is actually for cluster y and all namespaces mwUJkNO7w7Y-00085-00055288-00056088 yes it's a separate thing this is actually kubernetes what could kubernetes provide okay mwUJkNO7w7Y-00086-00056088-00056752 so yeah uh of course i have talked about subject basically you know when you grant a permission mwUJkNO7w7Y-00087-00056752-00057232 you grant to a subject the subject actually can be a user a group and a service account right mwUJkNO7w7Y-00088-00057360-00058032 okay so i'm just actually quickly go through the the you know the the things i actually i mwUJkNO7w7Y-00089-00058032-00058672 can define right in if a cluster role uh of course is your phone name is a kubernetes uh basically mwUJkNO7w7Y-00090-00058672-00059616 i just do a dumb using um the output right the dumping the the object itself so the um so they mwUJkNO7w7Y-00091-00059616-00060232 have a kind basically it's the customer role and then api version yeah you know what api version mwUJkNO7w7Y-00092-00060296-00061152 are you using that to talk to the the kubernete kubernetes to to retrieve objects uh metadata uh mwUJkNO7w7Y-00093-00061152-00061784 you need to specify name so this is actually note reader and review read the rules uh below actually mwUJkNO7w7Y-00094-00061840-00062328 it would make more sense right it actually don't don't uh limit it to any api groups mwUJkNO7w7Y-00095-00062384-00063064 uh the resources actually we are interested to to define uh to specify is just a notes right mwUJkNO7w7Y-00096-00063064-00063591 and then basically action you can do is either get watch and list so that's why it's a dog mwUJkNO7w7Y-00097-00063591-00064184 reader so actually that's how you control the you know what a particular subject can do mwUJkNO7w7Y-00098-00064296-00065055 um so then actually we go to the row uh the only things actually make the differences is actually mwUJkNO7w7Y-00099-00065055-00065544 uh the row actually will ask you to specify namespace as well in here i'm just saying that mwUJkNO7w7Y-00100-00065544-00066224 using default and then you look at the rules it's very similar i i don't specify practical ai groups mwUJkNO7w7Y-00101-00066224-00066696 api groups right but the resource in in the process actually inside the mwUJkNO7w7Y-00102-00066696-00067488 um the name space right so actually i say well okay inside that default name space you can re mwUJkNO7w7Y-00103-00067488-00068032 you you can do this works like get watch lists on the ports so basically again that's why it's mwUJkNO7w7Y-00104-00068032-00068824 called port reader row in this case right uh so the next thing is actually i have is customer role mwUJkNO7w7Y-00105-00068896-00069432 binding right so uh remember i said that you know in order to grant permission actually using row mwUJkNO7w7Y-00106-00069432-00070128 binding to doing that uh in this case like if you go to the uh the like the first thing against is mwUJkNO7w7Y-00107-00070128-00070632 the kai typical right i mean all the objects says this type api question is let's forget that the mwUJkNO7w7Y-00108-00070632-00071272 name is actually where you specify the row binding name and then um you now actually refer to the mwUJkNO7w7Y-00109-00071272-00071880 subject subject right now is the kais group i'm actually saying that all manager group can do the mwUJkNO7w7Y-00110-00071880-00072496 following right so what the foreign can do is the rule reference saying that hey the guy is customer mwUJkNO7w7Y-00111-00072496-00073008 and then you know that's the one i specify you know previously the note reader so basically all mwUJkNO7w7Y-00112-00073008-00073968 the group manager can read the read the notes okay so let me quickly go to the row binding as well mwUJkNO7w7Y-00113-00074192-00074840 again this this time actually i basically grant a user called james right if you go mwUJkNO7w7Y-00114-00074840-00075256 go down to the subject and of course i miss something it's actually because it's this row mwUJkNO7w7Y-00115-00075256-00075664 binding it's actually it's about particular name space i'm actually specified namespace mwUJkNO7w7Y-00116-00075664-00076440 default and then you know the user actually is james actually he can read the written ports so mwUJkNO7w7Y-00117-00076512-00077200 that's actually the outback you know give me the crafty the granular control like who can mwUJkNO7w7Y-00118-00077200-00077840 do what right so that's pretty much actually what we built on top of it okay mwUJkNO7w7Y-00119-00078032-00079552 yes yes i have a problem uh when we connected to ldap and we have issues um so mwUJkNO7w7Y-00120-00079680-00080280 the authentication actually works um but when it comes back it's actually is um mwUJkNO7w7Y-00121-00080360-00080928 it's a lowercase so we ask the customer to basically say that sorry you have to mwUJkNO7w7Y-00122-00080928-00081416 you know when you specify the uh going through our interface you have to specify the user in our case mwUJkNO7w7Y-00123-00081536-00081952 that's a temporary get around right now we will address that probably later mwUJkNO7w7Y-00124-00082640-00083312 yeah you can add all the user and you can also group them right so we support like you know mwUJkNO7w7Y-00125-00083312-00083800 group user and service account so actually you can like like for example the exam the people example mwUJkNO7w7Y-00126-00083800-00084424 the group is the manager is not a single person right okay so the other way you can do it is mwUJkNO7w7Y-00127-00084424-00085088 you can also link you to your backend ldap right so if you link to and to your backend ldap all mwUJkNO7w7Y-00128-00085088-00085752 the users automatically put in right yeah if you guys don't mind i'm just like do a time check i mwUJkNO7w7Y-00129-00085752-00086312 probably will defer the question at the end or you know but let me finish the uh presentation mwUJkNO7w7Y-00130-00086432-00087024 so i quickly go through like the the flow right i mean probably curious actually how you know mwUJkNO7w7Y-00131-00087024-00087432 the difference works so when a request coming if you look at from the left hand side right when mwUJkNO7w7Y-00132-00087432-00088064 the request coming to the um kubernetes api server right so actually first actually saying that hey mwUJkNO7w7Y-00133-00088064-00088800 you know make sure that user is a valid user right so actually you go to a kx authentication plugin mwUJkNO7w7Y-00134-00088800-00089464 um you can specify your own plugin right so uh let's make sure that the user is authenticated mwUJkNO7w7Y-00135-00089464-00090064 it's actually we know that we who he is right and then um the next thing is actually based on our mwUJkNO7w7Y-00136-00090064-00090736 so actually you're based on operation you will ask the um oh sorry actually i i skipped too fast mwUJkNO7w7Y-00137-00090736-00091176 i'm actually the authentication in this case actually go to the idm right so it doesn't have mwUJkNO7w7Y-00138-00091176-00091672 to be like a local database file right so actually can go go to ibm and then you know i'm saying that mwUJkNO7w7Y-00139-00091672-00092112 okay good you know this is this users authenticate right the next thing is actually based on the mwUJkNO7w7Y-00140-00092112-00092784 operation right you will actually defer to the kx object of the of authorization plugin mwUJkNO7w7Y-00141-00092784-00093360 right so um you will actually make sure that okay that person right can be mwUJkNO7w7Y-00142-00093456-00094168 authorized to do that operation and after that so you can process the request and return the result mwUJkNO7w7Y-00143-00094168-00094624 so so i'm actually pretty you know generic you know basically what kubernetes does but mwUJkNO7w7Y-00144-00094624-00095624 it does help me to be able to uh create a multi-density environment in our case okay mwUJkNO7w7Y-00145-00095936-00096672 uh so i'm talking about the user security model we support and we move my support in the mwUJkNO7w7Y-00146-00096776-00097344 but again since a lot of time the user model really depends on your organization right i mean mwUJkNO7w7Y-00147-00097344-00098160 actually so but this is actually we support so far okay so uh just quickly refresh the screen i'm not mwUJkNO7w7Y-00148-00098160-00098728 going to go through it because micro actually will give a very good description already so uh mwUJkNO7w7Y-00149-00098728-00099352 developer devops is actually in the application development team so basically they are developer mwUJkNO7w7Y-00150-00099352-00100096 in a sense right and then the cloud mean is kind of like two rows but we actually have customers mwUJkNO7w7Y-00151-00100096-00100816 really want to actually have uh some basically me want to delegate some fun privilege to the mwUJkNO7w7Y-00152-00100880-00101440 uh particular developer so actually like michael mentioned you know you can scale up the scale mwUJkNO7w7Y-00153-00101440-00101912 down uh the cluster or do a bit more like you know things look at the law of things like that mwUJkNO7w7Y-00154-00101984-00103224 okay so uh this is the the the first model um we call exclusive cluster uh let me explain using the mwUJkNO7w7Y-00155-00103224-00103872 way i interpret it okay the exclusive cluster here means is actually i have a cluster is exclusively mwUJkNO7w7Y-00156-00103872-00104656 used by a group of users so that's exclusive me so okay uh so in this case it's like um mwUJkNO7w7Y-00157-00104792-00105456 it's the simplest model it's pretty much like you know when you first time you know uh create your mwUJkNO7w7Y-00158-00105456-00106040 your cluster right you just let your you know uh co-worker to use it right it's a single tendency mwUJkNO7w7Y-00159-00106040-00106616 right um uh what i did here also is actually basically collapse the rows of dev ops and i mean mwUJkNO7w7Y-00160-00106616-00107352 and developer so no such things actually they just all developer and the cloud admin has full control mwUJkNO7w7Y-00161-00107352-00108096 right have user access have cluster resources uh any authorization user can create a namespace mwUJkNO7w7Y-00162-00108096-00108783 and and just like you probably you when you first time create the the mwUJkNO7w7Y-00163-00108783-00109280 kubernetes cluster right and all namespaces are resources are visible to all authorized user means mwUJkNO7w7Y-00164-00109280-00109928 actually if that's you know you allow your your co-worker to use your cluster basically you would mwUJkNO7w7Y-00165-00109928-00110552 he can or he or she can delete your namespace as well because the cluster resource is invisible to mwUJkNO7w7Y-00166-00110552-00111135 all the users so in this case again it's only the the um uh their mean actually can do it mwUJkNO7w7Y-00167-00111311-00112016 so uh this is a bit more uh supporting the different basically depth of the mean you know mwUJkNO7w7Y-00168-00112152-00112904 model right so the the light blue colors is the things actually got changed from the mwUJkNO7w7Y-00169-00112904-00113535 exclusive cluster itself so uh you actually have the two distinct rows now we preserve mwUJkNO7w7Y-00170-00113535-00114080 that right and account the cloud admin actually then dedicate some controls to the devops right mwUJkNO7w7Y-00171-00114135-00114759 and then um basically devs can do some admins job like you know in the cluster level resources mwUJkNO7w7Y-00172-00114759-00115200 right and the last thing is actually the cluster resources are the mwUJkNO7w7Y-00173-00115200-00115711 the color change the the the change ones is the results are not reasonable to all the authorized mwUJkNO7w7Y-00174-00115711-00116400 developers it's the same actually developers still actually bound by that uh same rule so mwUJkNO7w7Y-00175-00116400-00117008 let's go to the share cluster and then we will do the demo hopefully it's more interesting uh the mwUJkNO7w7Y-00176-00117135-00117464 the share cluster right so share cluster the idea is actually mwUJkNO7w7Y-00177-00117464-00118424 really the support the multi-tenancy within a cluster okay so the the way you you do is mwUJkNO7w7Y-00178-00118424-00118880 against this model is simplified model we collapse the dev ops amine and the developer mwUJkNO7w7Y-00179-00118880-00119424 right and then um basically against calamine is a full control so if you look at the right diagram mwUJkNO7w7Y-00180-00119568-00120248 the pictures on the right right so what it does is actually we assign uh the user within the mwUJkNO7w7Y-00181-00120248-00120800 namespace so we use the namespace to isolate you know what they can do right what resource mwUJkNO7w7Y-00182-00120800-00121504 actually they can see so that's actually that the model is and also of course is they are this mwUJkNO7w7Y-00183-00121504-00122280 developer they cannot you know see the cluster resource as user uh so let's do the actually mwUJkNO7w7Y-00184-00122424-00122944 okay so the picture might be a little bit confusing what i mean what we mean by each mwUJkNO7w7Y-00185-00122944-00123600 column is it's a different set of development teams uh that they can use different set of mwUJkNO7w7Y-00186-00123600-00124216 namespace but they're uh cannot see each other's namespace so that's the difference so it's not the mwUJkNO7w7Y-00187-00124216-00124848 same to developer go to different namespace yeah it's a persona it's not like it's not the user mwUJkNO7w7Y-00188-00124848-00125504 well they can but you know this depends on your trade is more like persona than a row okay mwUJkNO7w7Y-00189-00125504-00126088 uh so the next one is actually against is you know gifted this distinguished no row again uh so it's mwUJkNO7w7Y-00190-00126088-00126944 not much different from you know um well i mean it is the the main differences is actually against mwUJkNO7w7Y-00191-00126944-00127624 the um the the default means actually has a bit more privilege to deal with the cluster level mwUJkNO7w7Y-00192-00127688-00128200 stuff right uh look at the dashboard look at the log right i mean uh scale scale up down mwUJkNO7w7Y-00193-00128200-00129064 the the cluster okay so let's okay perfect right so this is the product we create to support the mwUJkNO7w7Y-00194-00129152-00129904 the exclusive cluster and then the share cluster without the variation so the the the basic model mwUJkNO7w7Y-00195-00129904-00130432 right uh i already create two cluster but i just want to show you that um you know when mwUJkNO7w7Y-00196-00130432-00130992 you know how do you create a cluster did how does this help to you know doing the demonstration uh mwUJkNO7w7Y-00197-00130992-00131400 so let's pretend i'm actually when i'm not gonna create one because it takes some time mwUJkNO7w7Y-00198-00131400-00132312 um because i have 10 minutes like less than 10 minutes now okay so um oh okay so let me try to mwUJkNO7w7Y-00199-00132312-00132864 uh pretend i'm creating a exclusive cluster so actually i can you know continue to do my demo mwUJkNO7w7Y-00200-00132864-00133536 so um so first actually i picked the provider right provided in the senses you know the mwUJkNO7w7Y-00201-00133616-00134248 treat as the the ias we talk about so it's a it's just an object you know presented mwUJkNO7w7Y-00202-00134424-00134752 so i picked a provider iss right and then i mwUJkNO7w7Y-00203-00134752-00135320 actually just quickly go through it i can specify like the cluster name right oh mwUJkNO7w7Y-00204-00135528-00136064 okay so let's let's say i just call it exclusive cluster so let's say i have mwUJkNO7w7Y-00205-00136064-00136768 three master nodes and three work nodes and then um let's buy the dns so actually i can access mwUJkNO7w7Y-00206-00136936-00137608 outside so then you have choice yes thank you so by default actually it's exclusive mwUJkNO7w7Y-00207-00137608-00138112 cluster so actually i picked the exclusive cluster in this case so next thing is actually mwUJkNO7w7Y-00208-00138112-00138680 as administrator so i would see you know a bunch of users right so i can pick the user i would mwUJkNO7w7Y-00209-00138680-00139200 like to add you know allow to access the cluster so in this case actually let's say i picked the mwUJkNO7w7Y-00210-00139200-00139840 uh that one the user i'm the only only allowed him to doing it but for the dev2 i didn't actually mwUJkNO7w7Y-00211-00139840-00140384 check it so just next right and then you just click finish you will try to create a custom mwUJkNO7w7Y-00212-00140472-00141096 uh so uh so i'm not going to create this actually just close this window and then i mwUJkNO7w7Y-00213-00141096-00141584 already create exclusive cluster for this so actually just quickly go into there mwUJkNO7w7Y-00214-00141680-00142216 look at the user and group so the user is already like what i you know try to create mwUJkNO7w7Y-00215-00142216-00143032 right is actually uh the development one user is there okay so uh let's do a demo uh mwUJkNO7w7Y-00216-00143120-00143856 i messed up the window a little bit so i probably so this is the dev one uh user right i assume mwUJkNO7w7Y-00217-00143856-00144680 actually that one log user log into that right so if we just do a uh coup control right i get mwUJkNO7w7Y-00218-00144824-00145808 name space right yeah you you he can see all the name space well by default actually the kubernetes mwUJkNO7w7Y-00219-00145808-00146344 web 2 will create some the default name space and then some system level namespace as well mwUJkNO7w7Y-00220-00146344-00147224 okay so the user can see all the namespace and the user also can create namespace right mwUJkNO7w7Y-00221-00147824-00148416 okay so let's say i create the namespace def right so it's good right so mwUJkNO7w7Y-00222-00148528-00149120 the user can can can you know basically just like a developer set up their own mwUJkNO7w7Y-00223-00149120-00149560 you know a cool kubernetes cluster actually can create namespace you know do whatever mwUJkNO7w7Y-00224-00149560-00150528 uh basically he or she wants right and then let me find the def two user in this case uh mwUJkNO7w7Y-00225-00150736-00151616 now this step for okay this step two um so deaf do users say well i want to actually assess your mwUJkNO7w7Y-00226-00151672-00152112 kubernetes cluster as well so so let's actually doing that right so mwUJkNO7w7Y-00227-00152112-00152840 when uh freda created the cluster um he only add dev one to the cluster he never add dev to user mwUJkNO7w7Y-00228-00152840-00153448 to his cluster right so that's why right so it was you will actually coming back saying that uh let mwUJkNO7w7Y-00229-00153448-00154216 me move the screen a bit center uh basically there's no policy allow you doing that so mwUJkNO7w7Y-00230-00154288-00154928 basically that's you know to demonstrate how the um the exclusive cluster you know uh mwUJkNO7w7Y-00231-00155000-00155696 can do right i mean the user actually using the exclusive cluster so um just want to show mwUJkNO7w7Y-00232-00155696-00156640 that um actually just show that we actually create the namespace successfully right mwUJkNO7w7Y-00233-00156752-00157416 okay so you can see the def one is it's there okay so this is good right so mwUJkNO7w7Y-00234-00157416-00158184 as us um exclusive cluster right i can use by a group of people right and and then they can mwUJkNO7w7Y-00235-00158184-00158896 actually create namespaces extra like that right and then let's go to the uh the second model mwUJkNO7w7Y-00236-00158896-00159432 is the share namespace so i'm actually going through the just roughly going through the mwUJkNO7w7Y-00237-00159584-00160088 equation again so the difference is actually actually very similar uh i'm going to quickly mwUJkNO7w7Y-00238-00160088-00161008 go through that right so actually i select that um actually let's say i'm say share cluster mwUJkNO7w7Y-00239-00161096-00162216 right and then i say three three okay and then i have to select the share cluster so the the mwUJkNO7w7Y-00240-00162216-00162624 things change on the left hand side is actually that's the name space actually you it used to mwUJkNO7w7Y-00241-00162624-00163216 be it's user and groups but now i'm actually showing the namespace if i click next okay so mwUJkNO7w7Y-00242-00163216-00163728 you asked me to actually you know you want you do you want to create a namespace right so actually i mwUJkNO7w7Y-00243-00163728-00164384 say well sure i want to create that namespace and then in this case i allow the dev3 to use it okay mwUJkNO7w7Y-00244-00164472-00164992 so i just say next is very similar i'm not going to create it again just like the last one but i mwUJkNO7w7Y-00245-00164992-00165720 show you the the one actually i already pre-create in this case right so um in the shared cluster the mwUJkNO7w7Y-00246-00165720-00166144 you see the tabs a little bit different for the exclusive one you see the user in groups mwUJkNO7w7Y-00247-00166144-00166808 here actually as you saw the namespace so i click the namespace i i create a name okay mwUJkNO7w7Y-00248-00166808-00167304 i created a namespace called daf right and then you know the only user there is dev3 mwUJkNO7w7Y-00249-00167304-00168688 okay um so let's switch to the depth three okay so this is the three okay so uh depth three is mwUJkNO7w7Y-00250-00168808-00169816 uh if so okay so let's show what uh he or she can do right the dev three right so you've actually mwUJkNO7w7Y-00251-00169816-00170608 tried to get ports right uh within the name space because actually he assigned to the depth right mwUJkNO7w7Y-00252-00170808-00171296 so i haven't created any results but basically just say hey no resource right now because i mwUJkNO7w7Y-00253-00171296-00171800 actually didn't create any applications i should say right so there's no pause actually create but mwUJkNO7w7Y-00254-00171800-00172432 it does actually show it works right and then uh if i try to do the same thing like that one mwUJkNO7w7Y-00255-00172432-00173608 do let me try to create a namespace uh def three right whatever um okay so you would say you won't mwUJkNO7w7Y-00256-00173608-00174168 allow do it because this is multi-multi-tenancy environment you cannot actually do the name space mwUJkNO7w7Y-00257-00174168-00175024 yourself okay and the of course same things i want to actually quickly go through the dev 4 right and mwUJkNO7w7Y-00258-00175136-00175888 the expectation is he cannot do he cannot even see the namespace right so if i do a coupon mwUJkNO7w7Y-00259-00175968-00177560 i get parts right okay um namespace uh def you will say no policy yeah yeah so basically show mwUJkNO7w7Y-00260-00177560-00178360 you use outback namespace actually create you know two type of cluster one actually is is a cluster mwUJkNO7w7Y-00261-00178360-00178880 can use by a group of people and then also you know the other clusters actually can support mwUJkNO7w7Y-00262-00178880-00179536 like multi-tenancy uh the user actually belongs to attendance attendance cannot see the other tenants mwUJkNO7w7Y-00263-00180176-00180840 sorry sure sure sure okay yeah so i you will say okay uh get mwUJkNO7w7Y-00264-00181320-00181784 you would say no par of no policy right because there's no policy allow you to mwUJkNO7w7Y-00265-00181784-00182496 to doing that okay so that's our back policy under the cover the branch the kubernetes outback i make mwUJkNO7w7Y-00266-00182496-00183568 it very specific so yeah great thank you very much so i'm gonna skip out the other slides go mwUJkNO7w7Y-00267-00183568-00184056 to the summary slide yeah i have a whole bunch of slides just in case like my live table won't work mwUJkNO7w7Y-00268-00184360-00185000 you'll never know the wi-fi so uh fred did a good job to create the essentially mwUJkNO7w7Y-00269-00185000-00185376 the multi tendency and to create multi-tenancy with the namespace and mwUJkNO7w7Y-00270-00185376-00186032 our back concept was the pure kubernetes name spins and our our back policy right mwUJkNO7w7Y-00271-00186032-00186656 so there if you go to the multi-tenancy talk this afternoon there are many other things mwUJkNO7w7Y-00272-00186656-00187248 a multi-tenancy seg this afternoon there are many other things the group is talking about mwUJkNO7w7Y-00273-00187360-00188056 they're talking about dns separation code separation and then there's a potential of mwUJkNO7w7Y-00274-00188056-00188688 the network isolation so we are working on those things and eventually we should be able to offer mwUJkNO7w7Y-00275-00188688-00189552 that level um in the future right so for reference uh i put we put down the link to the r back um the mwUJkNO7w7Y-00276-00189552-00190072 the product we create uh to uh so you can take a look at the product if you want to give it a shot mwUJkNO7w7Y-00277-00190072-00191000 and then we are also hiring for vr um so that's it that's all we have any questions go ahead mwUJkNO7w7Y-00278-00191912-00192248 uh mapping user role is actually depends uh the mwUJkNO7w7Y-00279-00192248-00192744 uh the authentication plugin right depends what authentication plugin of course in our mwUJkNO7w7Y-00280-00192744-00193984 case we we using uh openstack in that particular implementation so yeah oh sorry i i correct me mwUJkNO7w7Y-00281-00193984-00194416 if i didn't actually say say the question all right the question is can you actually mwUJkNO7w7Y-00282-00194416-00194960 hand the mic oh yeah yeah yeah maybe actually i i i asked the question again sorry my bad mwUJkNO7w7Y-00283-00195208-00195808 since kubernetes doesn't come by default with uh an authentication solution i was wondering which mwUJkNO7w7Y-00284-00195808-00196544 one you used and once you you get the username how you mapped the user to a specific uh whole mwUJkNO7w7Y-00285-00196776-00197544 yeah uh we we we actually using the openstack you know authentication in this case yes mwUJkNO7w7Y-00286-00197544-00198288 so basically we have a plug-in on the back end so to pull the user from all the mwUJkNO7w7Y-00287-00198288-00198856 back-end app and then when we put them in we just map them there we don't do anything mwUJkNO7w7Y-00288-00198856-00199552 filtering or anything which is pulled to me that's all yeah yeah yeah we the the bridge mwUJkNO7w7Y-00289-00199552-00200008 the plug-in it doesn't really matter just so we have a plug-in too yeah to pull out the user so mwUJkNO7w7Y-00290-00200008-00200608 so if you want to go to detail basically the the authentication plugin will will implement a few mwUJkNO7w7Y-00291-00200608-00201168 things right so actually once you authenticate you will actually put the user and role in the context mwUJkNO7w7Y-00292-00201248-00201752 so then actually when you pass to the outback outback will basically pick up the user and mwUJkNO7w7Y-00293-00201752-00202256 and and group or whatever right in the context and then you you do further processing mwUJkNO7w7Y-00294-00202576-00203184 okay any other questions mwUJkNO7w7Y-00295-00203992-00204608 yeah that's the limitation right now uh basically again the model we have mwUJkNO7w7Y-00296-00204608-00205423 is against this is have limitation right uh right now we don't either you actually have to limit by mwUJkNO7w7Y-00297-00205423-00205880 name space there's only two models is bipolar right either actually you're bound by the one mwUJkNO7w7Y-00298-00205880-00206448 single namespace or actually you will assign to a cluster to create any namespace you want mwUJkNO7w7Y-00299-00206448-00206919 i understand you know sometimes you want to actually delegate to you know some user mwUJkNO7w7Y-00300-00206919-00207504 actually can create extra namespace we can't touch about that like you know we introduced mwUJkNO7w7Y-00301-00207504-00208071 the depth of a mean right so a person actually can have a developer have a bit higher you know mwUJkNO7w7Y-00302-00208071-00208784 privilege to to doing that but we are not implement that in in this release mwUJkNO7w7Y-00303-00209064-00210184 uh mwUJkNO7w7Y-00304-00210488-00211056 right so um well we i'm talking something about future right so okay it's not that mwUJkNO7w7Y-00305-00211176-00211632 we have an implement out there so remember michael said it's actually it's per cluster mwUJkNO7w7Y-00306-00211632-00212232 so i i the again is actually the authentication part is if you look at that very simple right well mwUJkNO7w7Y-00307-00212312-00212832 i'm talking about the the isolation of resource per user i'm not even touching the network you mwUJkNO7w7Y-00308-00212832-00213256 know the story things actually let let's be honest i'm actually not covered there but mwUJkNO7w7Y-00309-00213256-00213728 let's say using the outback let's play a play with the outback again right so what you need mwUJkNO7w7Y-00310-00213728-00214288 to do is actually the authentication right you have to coming to some source right so as let's mwUJkNO7w7Y-00311-00214288-00214840 say if you can aggregate that right and basically you know that the user coming in is the same user mwUJkNO7w7Y-00312-00214840-00215471 right so what you need to do is actually you have to push down the outback rules to all the cluster mwUJkNO7w7Y-00313-00215536-00215856 right that's one way to do that you use using outback but mwUJkNO7w7Y-00314-00215856-00216392 you know if you go through some other talks there's many different ways to enforce it yeah m_KVGf7Ykoo-00000-00000000-00000200 Pisces August 2019 Horoscope mC5f0haR2bk-00000-00000003-00000863 My goal is to make you popular and if you are not raising your hand right now then you are lying! mC5f0haR2bk-00001-00000863-00001641 Welcome everybody, basically high energy ,high impact, high tech! So all the things are mC5f0haR2bk-00002-00001641-00003026 wild and free and I'm here to tell you to be wild , to be free.Be who you are. Do you see the difference? Let's dig a little deeper. mC5f0haR2bk-00003-00003026-00003374 the biggest fear is that you're gonna be yourself and you're gonna put it out there, you're vulnerable at that point. mC5f0haR2bk-00004-00003838-00004546 My message to you is, "Who cares?" You accept yourself. It's called self-esteem! mC5f0haR2bk-00005-00004560-00005282 Ok, You are not alone. You are not alone! Somebody has always told every one of us in the room that we are not good enough to do something mC5f0haR2bk-00006-00005286-00005782 and I am here to tell you that, YOU ARE! mD5Dfmy8q1k-00000-00000655-00000884 Dewo - Cold Bottom mD5Dfmy8q1k-00001-00001134-00001383 ♪ It is cold on the bottom ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00002-00001445-00001679 ♪ Do you know where i come from ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00003-00001748-00002005 ♪ Yeah the Bottom ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00004-00002005-00002256 ♪ I want to go yeah to the exit ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00005-00002256-00002561 ♪ It rains shawty wanna dance it ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00006-00002561-00002820 ♪ It it feels great great great ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00007-00002879-00003127 ♪ Yeah That's my babe babe babe ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00008-00003127-00003482 ♪ Eh I'm in the wave let me show you how i get it ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00009-00003482-00003811 ♪ I got pain but i'm tryna forget it ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00010-00003811-00004040 ♪ The flat line ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00011-00004040-00004184 ♪ Now that I've been trained ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00012-00004184-00004494 ♪ I got change And and i feel less the pain ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00013-00004494-00004810 ♪ Wanna dance shawty teach me how forget the pain ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00014-00004810-00005125 ♪ They talks behind my back But i'm live m'y life ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00015-00005125-00005437 ♪ I got to go rap Look me in my eyes ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00016-00005437-00005756 ♪ I got to get up Living my cold life ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00017-00006312-00006823 ♪ Let's drive I let hem hate i'm on the vibes ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00018-00006964-00007197 ♪ I let hem hate i'm on the vibes ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00019-00007326-00007551 ♪ It is cold on the bottom ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00020-00007629-00007895 ♪ Do you know where i come from ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00021-00007939-00008177 ♪ Yeah the Bottom ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00022-00008228-00008471 ♪ I want to go yeah to the exit ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00023-00008471-00008752 ♪ It rains shawty wanna dance it ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00024-00008752-00009018 ♪ It it feels great great great ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00025-00009077-00009337 ♪ Yeah That's my babe babe babe ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00026-00009337-00009680 ♪ Eh I'm in the wave let me show you how i get it ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00027-00009680-00009999 ♪ I got pain but i'm tryna forget it ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00028-00009999-00010337 ♪ I got to go sorry amigo ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00029-00010337-00010628 ♪ I got to make some flows OHhh Rico ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00030-00010628-00010950 ♪ You wanna wanna see me back yeah rico ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00031-00010950-00011208 ♪ i just i just taket a nap yeah sleept in ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00032-00011208-00011537 ♪ Forget about the past i'ts a test yeah think it ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00033-00011537-00011875 ♪ You want cash fast Okay make it ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00034-00011875-00012144 ♪ I Switch the flow Yeah i got to test It ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00035-00012144-00012518 ♪ It's cold on the bottom I'm looking for the Exit ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00036-00012591-00012791 ♪ Shawty really like to dance yeah ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00037-00012881-00013100 ♪ I give a dance and she like yeah ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00038-00013200-00013517 ♪ Okay okay okay okay ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00039-00013517-00013770 ♪ It is cold on the bottom ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00040-00013770-00014103 ♪ Do you know where i come from ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00041-00014103-00014351 ♪ Yeah the Bottom ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00042-00014412-00014664 ♪ I want to go yeah to the exit ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00043-00014664-00014944 ♪ It rains shawty wanna dance it ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00044-00014944-00015229 ♪ It it feels great great great ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00045-00015229-00015519 ♪ Yeah That's my babe babe babe ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00046-00015519-00015866 ♪ I'm in the wave let me show you how i get it ♪ mD5Dfmy8q1k-00047-00015866-00016218 ♪ I got pain but i'm tryna forget it ♪ mHiHFfVLvq4-00000-00000003-00000417 There are some men's style topics that really tend to divide people and this is mHiHFfVLvq4-00001-00000417-00000803 definitely one of those. What's up, guys? I'm Brian Sacawa, you're watching He mHiHFfVLvq4-00002-00000803-00001086 Spoke Style, and today we're talking about whether or not you should wear a mHiHFfVLvq4-00003-00001086-00001324 watch with a tuxedo. mHiHFfVLvq4-00004-00001324-00002152 [MUSIC] mHiHFfVLvq4-00005-00002152-00002528 First, want to tell you this video is presented in partnership with Crown and mHiHFfVLvq4-00006-00002528-00002915 Caliber. Crown and Caliber is the number one place to buy and sell pre-owned mHiHFfVLvq4-00007-00002915-00003347 luxury watches online. He Spoke Style viewers can save $150 off mHiHFfVLvq4-00008-00003347-00003725 their first watch purchase at Crown and Caliber. All you have to do is use code mHiHFfVLvq4-00009-00003725-00004292 HSS150. So, wearing a watch with a tuxedo. Some people say it's okay. Some mHiHFfVLvq4-00010-00004292-00004787 people say no way. So this is one of those topics in menswear that never mHiHFfVLvq4-00011-00004787-00005240 goes away. People have been arguing about it, debating it for a very long time. And mHiHFfVLvq4-00012-00005240-00005687 the thing is, as is often the case, there are two sides to the story here. And I mHiHFfVLvq4-00013-00005687-00006065 have to say that both sides make some very valid points. So what I'm going to mHiHFfVLvq4-00014-00006065-00006451 do is to talk through some of the reasons that are generally given against mHiHFfVLvq4-00015-00006451-00006836 wearing a watch with the tuxedo as well as some of those that say wearing a mHiHFfVLvq4-00016-00006836-00007289 watch with a tuxedo is totally fine. And by the end of this video you will mHiHFfVLvq4-00017-00007289-00007831 definitely know exactly where I stand on this. So there are two popular arguments mHiHFfVLvq4-00018-00007831-00008183 against wearing a watch with a tuxedo and the first one is very simple. It's mHiHFfVLvq4-00019-00008183-00008543 just that it doesn't look right. And to be perfectly honest with you, I think mHiHFfVLvq4-00020-00008543-00008993 that's somewhat of a fair point. A tuxedo is a very simple garment. It's mHiHFfVLvq4-00021-00008993-00009395 minimalistic. And it has very clean and elegant lines. And I'd be lying to you if mHiHFfVLvq4-00022-00009395-00009860 I didn't say that there have been times that I've put on my own tux, added a mHiHFfVLvq4-00023-00009860-00010253 watch and then thought that the watch peeking out from under my shirt cuff and mHiHFfVLvq4-00024-00010253-00010634 jacket sleeve just kind of threw the whole thing off balance. Reason number mHiHFfVLvq4-00025-00010634-00011069 two is more concerned with etiquette and being a proper gentleman. So the thinking mHiHFfVLvq4-00026-00011069-00011399 goes that if you are attending a black tie event, that the event is mHiHFfVLvq4-00027-00011399-00011756 obviously being hosted by someone and wearing a watch would signal that you mHiHFfVLvq4-00028-00011756-00012212 are concerned with the time, which would then be construed as an insult to the mHiHFfVLvq4-00029-00012212-00012620 host. Like, I invited you to this fancy party. Why do you need to know what time mHiHFfVLvq4-00030-00012620-00012947 it is? Do you have someplace else to be other than this fancy party that I'm mHiHFfVLvq4-00031-00012947-00013301 throwing? So I think both of these arguments are fairly reasonable, mHiHFfVLvq4-00032-00013301-00013730 especially if you consider that black tie in its purest form is a pretty mHiHFfVLvq4-00033-00013730-00014150 strict and prescriptive dress code. There are those things that definitely need to mHiHFfVLvq4-00034-00014150-00014497 be right, like wearing a cummerbund, you have to do that. And there are those mHiHFfVLvq4-00035-00014497-00014848 things that you should definitely stay away from. So all those things combined mHiHFfVLvq4-00036-00014848-00015094 together sort of make black tie like the ultimate mHiHFfVLvq4-00037-00015094-00015662 style troll dress code. But the thing is there is not just one way to do black mHiHFfVLvq4-00038-00015662-00016020 tie. There are many different alternatives, like black tie optional, mHiHFfVLvq4-00039-00016020-00016534 creative black tie, and I would even throw cocktail attire into that mix. mHiHFfVLvq4-00040-00016534-00016865 So with all those variations, it only makes sense to me that some people would mHiHFfVLvq4-00041-00016865-00017588 entertain wearing a watch with a tuxedo. But for the ultimate, definitive, answer mHiHFfVLvq4-00042-00017588-00017966 of all answers to the question should you wear a watch with black tie, I think mHiHFfVLvq4-00043-00017966-00018293 it is appropriate to consult the man who literally wrote the book on men's style. mHiHFfVLvq4-00044-00018293-00018719 Of course, I'm talking about Alan Flusser. So, submitted for your approval, this mHiHFfVLvq4-00045-00018719-00019120 relevant passage from Mr. Flusser's Dressing The Man: Mastering the Art of mHiHFfVLvq4-00046-00019120-00019643 Permanent Fashion. And it reads: Simplicity should govern the choice of mHiHFfVLvq4-00047-00019643-00020020 jewelry for formalwear. Studs and matching cuff links can be made of plain mHiHFfVLvq4-00048-00020020-00020573 gold, black enamel, or semi-precious stone. Mother-of-Pearl, also handsome, is mHiHFfVLvq4-00049-00020573-00020969 perhaps more appropriate for white tie. Fine sets of studs and matching cuff mHiHFfVLvq4-00050-00020969-00021344 links can be found in antique shops that specialize in old jewelry. The most mHiHFfVLvq4-00051-00021344-00021731 interesting examples are those made between 1890 and 1930. You might also mHiHFfVLvq4-00052-00021731-00022173 look for a gold pocket watch and chain. If you choose to wear a wristwatch, mHiHFfVLvq4-00053-00022173-00022601 remember that the thinner the watch, the more tasteful it is. Black bands are mHiHFfVLvq4-00054-00022601-00022994 recommended. So, mic drop. I'm certainly not going to mHiHFfVLvq4-00055-00022994-00023320 argue with Alan Flusser. And the thing I want to point out most from that quote mHiHFfVLvq4-00056-00023320-00023704 is that he does not have any sort of aversion to wearing a watch with a mHiHFfVLvq4-00057-00023704-00024148 tuxedo. Again, and I cannot stress this enough, it's that the rules of style are mHiHFfVLvq4-00058-00024148-00024598 guidelines. I have always been a proponent of whenever a rule of style is mHiHFfVLvq4-00059-00024598-00025013 invoked, that I turn to the one rule which I consider to be the golden rule of mHiHFfVLvq4-00060-00025013-00025397 style, which is that if it looks right and it feels right to you, then it is mHiHFfVLvq4-00061-00025397-00025888 right. You know, you can know the quote, unquote "rules" better than anyone mHiHFfVLvq4-00062-00025888-00026207 else. You can read more books on men's style than everyone else. But the thing mHiHFfVLvq4-00063-00026207-00026687 is that book smarts and what works in theory does not always translate into a mHiHFfVLvq4-00064-00026687-00027088 real world success. You know, there's something to be said about going by feel mHiHFfVLvq4-00065-00027088-00027514 instead of making a decision based on what you've been told you should or mHiHFfVLvq4-00066-00027514-00027845 should not do. Alright, so I've laid all my cards on the mHiHFfVLvq4-00067-00027845-00028313 table. Obviously, I think it's fine to wear a watch with a tuxedo, but it mHiHFfVLvq4-00068-00028313-00028667 needs to be the right watch. Now, what is the right watch to wear with a mHiHFfVLvq4-00069-00028667-00029213 tuxedo? For me, there are a few criteria. Number one: it should be time-only. Number mHiHFfVLvq4-00070-00029213-00029589 two: I think a watch with a tuxedo should be in either yellow or rose gold. mHiHFfVLvq4-00071-00029589-00029969 Three: it should have a leather strap, preferably black, as Mr. Flusser mHiHFfVLvq4-00072-00029969-00030449 recommends. And finally, the watch should be on the thinner side. Now, what are the mHiHFfVLvq4-00073-00030449-00030983 best specific watches to wear with a tuxedo? Here are five of my picks. First, I mHiHFfVLvq4-00074-00030983-00031370 have to go with the watch that I wore with my wedding tuxedo. Obviously, not a mHiHFfVLvq4-00075-00031370-00031817 very economical option, but one of the most beautiful formal watches in the mHiHFfVLvq4-00076-00031817-00032381 entire world. This is the Vacheron Constantin Historiques Ultra-Fine 1955. A mHiHFfVLvq4-00077-00032381-00032909 very classic and elegant 36 millimeter case size. A thickness of just over four mHiHFfVLvq4-00078-00032909-00033368 millimeters. Black alligator strap. And a beautiful gold movement visible through mHiHFfVLvq4-00079-00033368-00033908 a display caseback. This watch is pure beauty in its simplicity and one of the mHiHFfVLvq4-00080-00033908-00034391 most elegant watches that could be worn with a tuxedo. Next, is a simple and mHiHFfVLvq4-00081-00034391-00034724 beautiful watch from one of my all-time favorite brands this is the A. Lange & mHiHFfVLvq4-00082-00034724-00035219 Söhne Saxonia Thin. It's a time only watch. There is a pink gold example, though it mHiHFfVLvq4-00083-00035219-00035801 also comes in white gold. Dial is silver. Case size, 37 millimeters. And 5.9 mHiHFfVLvq4-00084-00035801-00036260 millimeters thick. The pink gold version does come with a brown alligator strap, mHiHFfVLvq4-00085-00036260-00036644 though that is easily swapped out for a black strap if you wanted to wear it mHiHFfVLvq4-00086-00036644-00036962 with a tuxedo. Next, an all-time classic. The Cartier mHiHFfVLvq4-00087-00036962-00037418 Tank Solo. Again, this is a time-only watch. Case size is thirty-four point mHiHFfVLvq4-00088-00037418-00037871 eight by twenty-seven point four millimeters. It is five point five mHiHFfVLvq4-00089-00037871-00038219 millimeters thick. This watch has a quartz movement, which means that it's mHiHFfVLvq4-00090-00038219-00038621 going to cost a lot less than an automatic movement. So if you are looking mHiHFfVLvq4-00091-00038621-00039071 for a classic, timeless, and very versatile watch in pink gold at a fairly mHiHFfVLvq4-00092-00039071-00039425 reasonable price point, I would definitely put the Cartier Tank Solo at mHiHFfVLvq4-00093-00039425-00039929 the top of your list. Next watch is another very, very simple, and classic mHiHFfVLvq4-00094-00039929-00040361 time-only watch from Vacheron Constantin. This is the Patrimony. Now, at mHiHFfVLvq4-00095-00040361-00040742 40 millimeters, it is on the larger side compared to the previous three, but you mHiHFfVLvq4-00096-00040742-00041213 know, for some people, 35 to 37 millimeters will feel a little too small mHiHFfVLvq4-00097-00041213-00041654 on the wrist. This is, again of course, an investment piece that would definitely mHiHFfVLvq4-00098-00041654-00041986 become an heirloom the family. My final pick is the Patek mHiHFfVLvq4-00099-00041986-00042528 Philippe Calatrava. So, do not assume that because it is a Patek Philippe that the mHiHFfVLvq4-00100-00042528-00042931 price is going to be completely out of reach. I have seen pre-owned Calatravas mHiHFfVLvq4-00101-00042931-00043399 in great condition for as low as five thousand dollars. This watch is very old mHiHFfVLvq4-00102-00043399-00043791 school in terms of size. The newest version is 36 millimeters, though the mHiHFfVLvq4-00103-00043791-00044181 older ones that you'll see frequently on the pre-owned market generally are mHiHFfVLvq4-00104-00044181-00044731 around 33 millimeters. This watch does have a small seconds indicator, which mHiHFfVLvq4-00105-00044731-00045130 would seemingly disqualify it from my tuxedo watch criteria, but you know, you mHiHFfVLvq4-00106-00045130-00045649 really cannot argue with the elegance of the Patek Philippe Calatrava. I will put mHiHFfVLvq4-00107-00045649-00046000 pricing information for all the watches mentioned in this video as well as links mHiHFfVLvq4-00108-00046000-00046338 to some of the watches that I think are very fine choices from Crown and Caliber. mHiHFfVLvq4-00109-00046338-00046794 Reminder, once again, that He Spoke Style viewers can save $150 off their first mHiHFfVLvq4-00110-00046794-00047305 watch purchase from Crown and Caliber with code HSS150. So having watched this mHiHFfVLvq4-00111-00047305-00047590 video and heard both sides of the argument, I want to know what you guys mHiHFfVLvq4-00112-00047590-00047991 think. Is it okay to wear a watch with a tuxedo? Leave your comments below. mHiHFfVLvq4-00113-00047991-00048337 Thumbs up if you like this video. Hit that subscribe button. And until next mHiHFfVLvq4-00114-00048337-00048762 time, thanks for watching and stay tailored. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00000-00000000-00000360 Biblioteca del Congreso, Washington D.C. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00001-00000850-00001880 Esta pelicula fue preservado por la Biblioteca del Congreso "Motion Picture Conservation Center" mHvZ3zP-5MA-00002-00002000-00002260 BIBLIOTECA DEL CONGRESO Notas sobre la Reconstrucción: mHvZ3zP-5MA-00003-00002260-00002634 'Within Our Gates' (1919), de Oscar Micheaux -el film más antiguo que se mHvZ3zP-5MA-00004-00002634-00003043 conserva dirigido por un africano americano- fue preservado por la mHvZ3zP-5MA-00005-00003043-00003451 Library of Congress' Motion Picture Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division mHvZ3zP-5MA-00006-00003451-00003860 en 1993 de la única copia que se conserva, encontrada en España y retitulada LA NEGRA. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00007-00003860-00004268 Este nitrato fue tratado para hacer una copia de seguridad por la Filmoteca mHvZ3zP-5MA-00008-00004268-00004677 Española, Madrid, y adquirido para la Library por el National Center for Film mHvZ3zP-5MA-00009-00004677-00005075 and Video Preservation en el American Film Institute. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00010-00005075-00005494 Los intertítulos originales ingleses se han perdido, excepto en cuatro casos mHvZ3zP-5MA-00011-00005494-00006004 donde pocos fotogramas de los títulos ingleses fueron dejados inadvertidamente mHvZ3zP-5MA-00012-00006005-00006515 cuando se creó la copia española, quizá a principios de los años veinte. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00013-00006515-00007026 Los intertítulos de esta versión solo se aproximan a los originales de Micheaux. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00014-00007026-00007536 Son una traducción de español a inglés, con información para audiencias españolas mHvZ3zP-5MA-00015-00007536-00008047 y con dicción inglesa, jerga, y sintaxis sacada cuando ha sido posible de tres mHvZ3zP-5MA-00016-00008047-00008558 novelas de Micheaux de 1913-17 o de 'Body and Soul' (1925), su único film mHvZ3zP-5MA-00017-00008558-00009068 mudo conservado con intertítulos originales. (Los nuevos los reconstruyó Scott Simmon, mHvZ3zP-5MA-00018-00009068-00009579 con ayuda hispanoparlante de Alex Vargas y una traducción previa de Kathleen Newman. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00019-00009899-00011040 Oscar Micheaux presenta DENTRO DE NUESTRAS PUERTAS Con la renombrado artista Evelyn Preer mHvZ3zP-5MA-00020-00011200-00011910 Escrita, dirigida y producida por Oscar Micheaux mHvZ3zP-5MA-00021-00012030-00012663 Al principio del drama, estamos en el Norte, donde los prejuicios y odios del mHvZ3zP-5MA-00022-00012663-00013596 Sur no existen... aunque esto no impide el ocasional linchamiento de un Negro. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00023-00014407-00014900 Sylvia Landry, una maestra del Sur que visita a su primo del Norte, ejemplo mHvZ3zP-5MA-00024-00014900-00015418 típico del Negro inteligente de nuestros tiempos. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00025-00017207-00017493 Canadá, Junio de 1920 Mi querida Sylvia: mHvZ3zP-5MA-00026-00017493-00018208 No puedo describir mi alegría al recibir la carta en la que aceptas ser mi esposa. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00027-00018208-00018923 En el mismo correo también se me comunica mi traslado a Brasil. Haré todo lo que mHvZ3zP-5MA-00028-00018923-00019638 pueda para que este mes estemos juntos. Te enviaré un telegrama cuando salga mHvZ3zP-5MA-00029-00019638-00020002 de aquí. Con cariño, Conrad. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00030-00020102-00020510 Alma Prichard, una divorciada, está secretamente enamorada de Conrad y mHvZ3zP-5MA-00031-00020510-00020912 preparada para darle al matrimonio otra oportunidad. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00032-00023236-00023593 Conrad Drebert, prometido de Sylvia. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00033-00026537-00026989 Larry Prichard, hermanastro de Alma, que anda atras de Sylvia. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00034-00032150-00032648 Perdón por la interrupción-- pero olvidé esto... mHvZ3zP-5MA-00035-00034770-00035747 Lo siento, pero... yo... no te amo... y la verdad es que ya estoy comprometida. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00036-00038261-00038595 Philip Gentry, un detective. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00037-00040677-00041102 Larry Prichard, alias "La Sanguijuela", cuya fotografía se le ha enviado, es uno mHvZ3zP-5MA-00038-00041102-00041615 de los miembros más conocidos del hampa y dejó esta ciudad, con destino desconocido. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00039-00041615-00042126 Si apareciese en sus inmediaciones, manténgalo bajo estricta vigilancia. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00040-00042126-00042441 Atentamente, el Jefe de Policía. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00041-00047806-00048720 Sylvia Landry: Salgo hoy. Llego Jueves 8 p.m. Besos. Conrad Drebert. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00042-00050808-00050958 Esa noche. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00043-00058612-00058793 Red, un jugador profesional. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00044-00072088-00072258 ¡He tenido una terrible pesadilla... mHvZ3zP-5MA-00045-00074900-00075340 ... en mi sueño le vi matar a un hombre! mHvZ3zP-5MA-00046-00075977-00076167 Conrad llega a la ciudad. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00047-00081341-00081553 Y una hora más tarde. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00048-00085260-00085553 Cualquier explicación es inútil. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00049-00091286-00091551 ¡Conrad! ¡Te ruego que escuches! mHvZ3zP-5MA-00050-00091887-00092198 ¡Dios mío! ¡Y yo la amaba! mHvZ3zP-5MA-00051-00092238-00092687 (En una breve secuencia desaparecida, Conrad aparentemente abandona deprisa mHvZ3zP-5MA-00052-00092687-00093244 la habitación y deja la ciudad, sin esperar una explicación de Sylvia.) mHvZ3zP-5MA-00053-00093245-00093576 (Algún tiempo después) Lejos de toda civilización y en las mHvZ3zP-5MA-00054-00093576-00094086 profundidades de los bosques del Sur, donde reinan los linchamientos, mHvZ3zP-5MA-00055-00094086-00094647 encontramos la aldea de Piney Woods y la escuela para Negros. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00056-00096125-00096425 El reverendo Wilson Jacobs, fundador de la escuela y mHvZ3zP-5MA-00057-00096425-00096834 apóstol de la educación de la raza negra. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00058-00097021-00097426 Constance, su hermana, la única aliada del reverendo en su desigual lucha mHvZ3zP-5MA-00059-00097426-00097867 contra la ignorancia de los Negros. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00060-00099686-00100171 Y en respuesta a su pequeño anuncio vino Sylvia. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00061-00101994-00102265 ... y otros... que no sabían leer. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00062-00102379-00102983 Los gorgojos devoran el algodón... y viendo que yo no podía pagar mHvZ3zP-5MA-00063-00102983-00103460 la renta, se llevaron mi mula. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00064-00103747-00104632 Oí sobre su escuela... y salimos de casa porque mis hijos no hacen nada, pero mHvZ3zP-5MA-00065-00104632-00105260 dicen, 'Papá, sin estudios nunca saldremos adelante'. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00066-00105424-00106109 ... así que aquí estoy, dispuesto a trabajar día y noche para que mis hijos tengan mHvZ3zP-5MA-00067-00106109-00106687 una educación que les permita ser útiles a la sociedad. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00068-00106855-00107106 Y entonces... los problemas de dinero aparecen. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00069-00107904-00108404 La escuela tiene demasiados estudiantes, el dinero escasea, y Wilson no tiene mHvZ3zP-5MA-00070-00108404-00108930 corazón para dejar fuera a los nuevos alumnos que vienen cada día. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00071-00109512-00110099 El estado solo paga 1'49$ al año para educar a cada niño negro... mHvZ3zP-5MA-00072-00110099-00110796 y la gente de color que vive aquí es demasiado pobre para ayudarnos. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00073-00111760-00112387 Y durante esa insomne noche solo podía pensar en la eterna lucha de su raza mHvZ3zP-5MA-00074-00112387-00112850 y en cómo podría elevarla. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00075-00114700-00114900 Mientras tanto, en la ciudad... mHvZ3zP-5MA-00076-00115509-00116125 Es raro, pero cada vez que paso por esta casa de empeños, me acuerdo de Red. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00077-00116580-00116793 Me pregunto dónde estará Red. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00078-00117741-00117949 Sylvia se decide. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00079-00119518-00120100 Es mi deber y el de cada miembro de nuestra raza ayudar a destruir la ignorancia y mHvZ3zP-5MA-00080-00120100-00120550 la superstición. Voy al Norte a intentar conseguir el dinero que necesitamos. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00081-00120550-00120895 ¡Que Dios esté con nosotros! mHvZ3zP-5MA-00082-00123500-00123659 En Boston. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00083-00124502-00125000 El doctor V. Vivian, apasionadamente comprometido en cuestiones sociales. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00084-00131153-00131770 El rev. Thurston ha empezado una activa campaña por la educación de la raza negra. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00085-00131770-00132434 Pide que el gobierno federal contribuya, así los niños negros de EEUU podrán mHvZ3zP-5MA-00086-00132434-00133156 recibir una educación adecuada. Llamó a senadores y congresistas con el fin de... mHvZ3zP-5MA-00087-00137630-00138139 El doctor Vivian toma un atajo para atrapar al ladrón. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00088-00146271-00146885 Mrs. Geraldine Stratton, una rica sureña que pasaba por Boston. Una acérrima enemiga mHvZ3zP-5MA-00089-00146885-00147600 del sufragio femenino, porque le horroriza que las mujeres negras pudieran votar. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00090-00148541-00149080 Ley Propuesta para Despojar a los Negros del Voto mHvZ3zP-5MA-00091-00149080-00149683 El Senador Vardeman ha introducido un nuevo proyecto de ley contra la raza negra. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00092-00149683-00150193 "De pies a cabeza, los negros son, indudablemente, seres inferiores. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00093-00150193-00150677 Por lo tanto, cómo podemos, en conciencia, permitirles... mHvZ3zP-5MA-00094-00150940-00151449 Después de una semana, Sylvia no ha sido capaz de hablar mHvZ3zP-5MA-00095-00151449-00151761 con ninguno de los ricos de la ciudad. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00096-00153568-00153936 Mrs. Elena Warwick, una filántropa. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00097-00156255-00156402 En el hospital. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00098-00158642-00159333 Ahora que se está recuperando, ¿puede decirme qué problemas tiene? mHvZ3zP-5MA-00099-00161351-00162055 Y si no consigo 5.000 dólares en poco tiempo, tendremos que cerrar la escuela. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00100-00166366-00167054 Sylvia Landry Boston Sin fondos. Cerraremos escuela mHvZ3zP-5MA-00101-00167054-00167461 en pocos días. Wilson Jacobs mHvZ3zP-5MA-00102-00167742-00168589 Venga a visitarme cuando pueda, y veremos qué se puede hacer por esa escuela. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00103-00177225-00178180 Estoy muy interesada en la causa de su raza, y encontraré los medios para ayudar. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00104-00184861-00185635 He decidido dar mi ayuda a esa chica, y estaría muy agradecida si, como Sureña, mHvZ3zP-5MA-00105-00185635-00186173 Geraldine, me aconsejara el mejor modo de hacerlo. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00106-00187147-00188002 Leñadores y campesinos. Permíteme que te diga... es un error intentar educarlos. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00107-00188593-00189301 Además, no quieren educación. ¿No ves que pensar solo podría producirles dolor de cabeza? mHvZ3zP-5MA-00108-00189810-00190331 Su ambición es pertenecer a una docena de cabañas, consumir religión sin mHvZ3zP-5MA-00109-00190331-00190749 restricción, y, cuando mueren, ir directo al cielo. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00110-00193822-00194320 Gastar 5.000 dólares en una escuela es una estupidez cuando podrías dar 100 mHvZ3zP-5MA-00111-00194321-00194715 al viejo Ned, el mejor predicador de color del mundo... mHvZ3zP-5MA-00112-00195220-00195885 ... y que hará más por mantener a los negros en su lugar que cualquier escuela. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00113-00196520-00196805 El viejo Ned, tal como es. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00114-00197190-00197866 El texto de mi sermón esta mañana será 'Abraham y el Cordero'. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00115-00198350-00198850 ¡Escuchad, yo preveo que la gente negra serán los primeros... mHvZ3zP-5MA-00116-00198927-00199183 ... y serán los últimos! mHvZ3zP-5MA-00117-00199250-00199780 ¡Mientras los blancos, con toda su educación, toda su riqueza, todos mHvZ3zP-5MA-00118-00199780-00200251 sus pecados, la mayoría de ellos caerá dentro del perpetuo infierno! mHvZ3zP-5MA-00119-00200450-00201055 ¡Mientras nuestra raza, exenta de esos vicios y con almas más puras, mHvZ3zP-5MA-00120-00201055-00201450 la mayoría iremos al cielo! ¡Aleluya! mHvZ3zP-5MA-00121-00206509-00206770 Y después... la ofrenda. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00122-00207374-00208071 Y ahora, mis queridos hermanos y hermanas, os pido una pequeña contribución. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00123-00209913-00210467 Pero antes de aceptar vuestra ofrenda, quiero relatar un deplorable suceso mHvZ3zP-5MA-00124-00210467-00211020 que sucedió mientras estábamos en íntima conversación con Nuestro Señor. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00125-00212004-00212418 Alguien ha robado dinero del plato. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00126-00213354-00214368 No quiero discutir el asunto, pero la persona que lo robó... debería devolverlo. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00127-00214891-00215091 ¡Lo sabía! mHvZ3zP-5MA-00128-00216527-00217055 Lunes... y el viejo Ned hace una visita a sus amigos blancos. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00129-00220094-00220886 Escucha, Tío Ned, eres un buen hombre de color. ¿Qué te parece? mHvZ3zP-5MA-00130-00222204-00222804 Es sobre el derecho de los negros a votar. Estamos a favor de tu gente... mHvZ3zP-5MA-00131-00222804-00223215 pero no podemos tener negros votando. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00132-00223644-00224244 Todos saben lo que siempre predico. Ésta es una tierra para el hombre blanco y mHvZ3zP-5MA-00133-00224244-00224654 los negros tienen que saber cuál es su sitio. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00134-00225682-00226451 Que los blancos vayan al infierno con su política, riqueza y pecados. ¡Dadme a Jesús! mHvZ3zP-5MA-00135-00227295-00227821 Déjenmelo a mí, caballeros, siempre predico que los vicios y pecados de mHvZ3zP-5MA-00136-00227821-00228434 los blancos les llevarán al infierno. Cuando llegue el Día del Juicio, mHvZ3zP-5MA-00137-00228434-00228813 más negros que blancos irán al cielo. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00138-00231308-00231516 Y entonces... mHvZ3zP-5MA-00139-00232727-00233054 ¡Síseñor, los blancos son muy finos! mHvZ3zP-5MA-00140-00234090-00234650 Otra vez he vendido mis raíces. Todo por un miserable 'plato de lentejas'. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00141-00234650-00235246 Negros y blancos... son todos iguales. Pero para mí, miserable pecador, el infierno. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00142-00237680-00238373 Y además, querida, no necesitas complicarte con esa ilusión de educar negros. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00143-00238373-00238956 Deja eso para los que los conocen... o los que saben lo que necesitan. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00144-00240514-00240998 Sylvia, con esperanzas renovadas, va a visitar a Mrs. Warwick. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00145-00250152-00250413 Mientras tanto, el doctor Vivian continúa su estudio. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00146-00250828-00251489 El negro es un ser humano. Su naturaleza no es diferente de otra naturaleza humana. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00147-00251489-00252033 Debemos reconocer sus derechos como ser humano. Así es la enseñanza cristiana. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00148-00256730-00257412 Wilson Jacobs Piney Woods No cerrar escuela. Mujer de clase alta mHvZ3zP-5MA-00149-00257413-00257849 promete ayuda. Detalles por carta. Sylvia. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00150-00259393-00259981 ¿Por qué no me has dicho que estuviste en el hospital? mHvZ3zP-5MA-00151-00260377-00260638 Iré enseguida. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00152-00261862-00262560 He pensado mucho en lo que me dijiste sobre los negros. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00153-00263336-00264000 Pero debo decirte que no estoy de acuerdo con tu modo de pensar. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00154-00264460-00265072 De hecho, estoy convencida de que la petición de esa joven es justa. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00155-00265072-00265669 He decidido enviarle a la escuela 50.000 dólares en lugar de 5.000. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00156-00270750-00271392 Sylvia, logrado su objetivo, regresa al sur a la escuela Piney Woods. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00157-00272922-00273570 Eres la mujer más divina del mundo, y... como mi esposa... mHvZ3zP-5MA-00158-00278571-00278982 Larry, por razones que él (y la policía) conocían, decidió un cambio de paisaje... mHvZ3zP-5MA-00159-00278982-00279276 y se fue al sur, a Vicksburg. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00160-00282252-00282565 ¿Qué piensas de todo esto? mHvZ3zP-5MA-00161-00282862-00283400 ¡No está mal! El sábado es día de pago. Iremos a la planta de trementin cerca de la mHvZ3zP-5MA-00162-00283400-00283901 escuela de Piney Woods y los descargaremos en esos negros tontos mHvZ3zP-5MA-00163-00285212-00285530 Sábado... el gran negocio. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00164-00289848-00290264 Por esta razón, Larry merodeaba por allí cada sábado. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00165-00290869-00291522 La escuela y el gran servicio a tu gente son mi felicidad. Este lugar no es para mHvZ3zP-5MA-00166-00291522-00291900 alguien como tú... y te ruego que nunca vuelvas. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00167-00293640-00294000 ¡Oh, nunca lo haré! ¡Ladrón! ¡Asesino! mHvZ3zP-5MA-00168-00294442-00295110 Lo harás el próximo sábado... o la escuela sabrá qué clase de persona eres. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00169-00295394-00295665 ¡Embustero! ¡Eres un miserable embustero! mHvZ3zP-5MA-00170-00297040-00297190 Por la noche. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00171-00305800-00306120 Larry regresa al norte con su hermanastra Alma. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00172-00307217-00307960 ¡Oh, Larry, nunca deberías haber vuelto! La alta sociedad ha cercado la casa. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00173-00309629-00310320 Al saber que Sylvia regresó al norte, el doctor Vivian la busca por todas partes. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00174-00310971-00311464 Mientras, Larry, sin dinero, regresa a su antigua ocupación. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00175-00321844-00322285 Como consecuencia de atender la herida fatal de Larry, el doctor Vivian se mHvZ3zP-5MA-00176-00322285-00322733 encuentra con Alma. Oye un extraordinario cuento de labios mHvZ3zP-5MA-00177-00322733-00323100 de la mujer que se ha arrepentido de sus actos pasados. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00178-00323466-00323910 Sylvia es mi prima, pero se crió con una familia llamada Landry... mHvZ3zP-5MA-00179-00323910-00324200 todos fueron linchados hace años. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00180-00324817-00325244 Primero debo confesar... que estaba enamorada del prometido de Sylvia. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00181-00325244-00325653 Intercepté un telegrama que él le envió... y arreglé para que la mHvZ3zP-5MA-00182-00325654-00326032 descubriera en una situación comprometida. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00183-00326681-00327225 La Historia de Sylvia: Hace años, en la profundidad del bosque, pero no tan lejos mHvZ3zP-5MA-00184-00327225-00327683 como para no oír al final de la tarde el sombrío eco de los cencerros de las mHvZ3zP-5MA-00185-00327684-00328169 vacas que se movían lentamente a través del valle desde la finca Gridlestone... mHvZ3zP-5MA-00186-00329022-00329352 ... vivía el obrero Jasper Landry. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00187-00329770-00330309 Típico de los miles de trabajadores negros pobres en el Gran Delta, que carecen mHvZ3zP-5MA-00188-00330309-00330700 de educación y voto, pero en cuyo corazón ardía una eterna esperanza: mHvZ3zP-5MA-00189-00331722-00332140 ... un hogar para su familia, unos acres de tierra, una iglesia para mHvZ3zP-5MA-00190-00332140-00332540 asistir, y una educación para sus hijos. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00191-00333499-00333900 Su hija adoptiva, Sylvia, que había estado en la escuela. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00192-00334790-00335277 Su esposa, que amaba a Sylvia como una madre. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00193-00340020-00340524 ¡Es maravilloso! Juntos, tú y Emil habéis ganado 625 dólares. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00194-00340524-00341024 Eso saldará nuestras deudas, y quedará suficiente para que yo vuelva a la mHvZ3zP-5MA-00195-00341024-00341378 escuela. ¡Pero esta vez llevaré a Emil conmigo! mHvZ3zP-5MA-00196-00343002-00343300 Mientras tanto, en la casa grande. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00197-00343834-00344480 Philip Gridlestone, terrateniente, aristócrata y dueño de las tierras vecinas. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00198-00345290-00346040 Era un Nerón moderno, temido por los negros, envidiado y odiado por los blancos. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00199-00346450-00346726 Efrem, su chismoso criado. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00200-00347115-00347870 Un incorregible "cotilla", cuyo único placer era ir con cuentos de un lado a otro. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00201-00350628-00351360 Emil Landry, que veía a su hermana Sylvia como la chica más perfecta del mundo. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00202-00352400-00353100 La chica Landry ha estado en la escuela y se encarga de los libros del padre... mHvZ3zP-5MA-00203-00353100-00353470 ya no podrá engañarle. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00204-00353900-00354110 Justo como imaginé: mHvZ3zP-5MA-00205-00354931-00355530 Ella es tan educada como las chicas blancas ahora... así, cuando vayas mHvZ3zP-5MA-00206-00355530-00355747 a pagar al jefe, dile eso. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00207-00356110-00356410 Pero lo que realmente dijeron fue: mHvZ3zP-5MA-00208-00356600-00357300 Deberías tener un registro de todas las compras, ventas, y deudas para que... mHvZ3zP-5MA-00209-00357630-00358463 ... cuando vayas a Gridlestone puedas llevar el registro y resuelvan sin problemas. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00210-00360584-00361200 Y a la tarde siguiente Jasper Landry fue a hacer sus pagos. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00211-00364570-00364760 Mientras el espía... mHvZ3zP-5MA-00212-00365880-00366350 Te crees muy listo, ¿verdad? Pero no te pierdo de vista. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00213-00366620-00367267 ¡Y recuerda que los blancos hacen las leyes en este país! mHvZ3zP-5MA-00214-00368692-00369361 Sí, Gridlestone le había engañado, también, y cuando quiso exponer sus mHvZ3zP-5MA-00215-00369362-00369872 argumentos, se rió en su cara, llamándole "pobre basura blanca, peor que un negro", mHvZ3zP-5MA-00216-00369872-00370134 con lo que él había jurado... mHvZ3zP-5MA-00217-00371636-00372241 Siempre he tratado bien a los negros... pero recuerdo que mi padre, que era mHvZ3zP-5MA-00218-00372241-00372649 dueño de mil esclavos, tenía callos en sus manos de... mHvZ3zP-5MA-00219-00373361-00374060 ... y me enseñó que éste era el único modo de mantenerlos a raya. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00220-00378419-00378740 ¡Jesús! ¡Landry ha matado a Gridlestone! mHvZ3zP-5MA-00221-00380570-00380900 Y Efrem se apresuró a propagar la noticia. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00222-00383020-00383800 Sé que te reirás, pero presiento que ha sucedido algo terrible. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00223-00385155-00385603 Por esta razón fue llamado el amigo de los blancos. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00224-00385934-00386253 ¡Deprisa! ¡Jasper Landry ha matao al señó Gridlestone! mHvZ3zP-5MA-00225-00387010-00387332 ¡Landry ha matao al señó Gridlestone! mHvZ3zP-5MA-00226-00389400-00389640 A los pantanos. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00227-00391210-00391500 Por la noche amenaza tormenta. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00228-00392830-00393400 La tormenta oscureció la luna que iluminaba la huida de los desdichados. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00229-00396172-00396420 Todas las evidencias están contra él. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00230-00399100-00399426 Una semana después... continúa la caza. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00231-00405390-00405651 La Justicia Divina castiga al verdadero asesino. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00232-00410000-00410277 Efrem está en la gloria. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00233-00410480-00411030 No tengo duda al respecto... me quieren los blancos. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00234-00411342-00411600 La gente se está impacientando. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00235-00412247-00413041 Aquí estoy entre los blancos, mientras otros se esconden en el bosque. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00236-00414000-00414500 Mientras esperamos, ¿dices que vamos a atrapar a ese muchacho? mHvZ3zP-5MA-00237-00414733-00415547 Pe... pero ya me conoce, señó John... fui yo quien dijo que Landry era el asesino. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00238-00417730-00417960 Humo acusador. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00239-00419889-00420680 Armand Gridlestone, hermano del asesinado, acaba de llegar y se une a la pandilla. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00240-00422080-00422632 Lo que los periódicos dijeron: El asesino LANDRY logra huir. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00241-00423139-00423691 Detalles del crimen: Efrem, criado de confianza de Gridlestone, y víctima de mHvZ3zP-5MA-00242-00423691-00424100 muerte accidental a manos desconocidas, había descrito los hechos: Landry, mHvZ3zP-5MA-00243-00424700-00425000 completamente bebido, entró en la oficina de Gridlestone, quien, mHvZ3zP-5MA-00244-00425000-00425479 con sus acostumbrados buenos modales, le recibió. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00245-00426339-00427232 El asesino persiguió por la habitación a su víctima que, herida, pedía clemencia, mHvZ3zP-5MA-00246-00427516-00428200 cayendo al suelo sin vida, mientras el salvaje negro continuaba su ataque... mHvZ3zP-5MA-00247-00428500-00429289 Mientras, en lo profundo del bosque, una mujer, aunque negra, era un SER HUMANO. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00248-00430469-00431118 ¡Justicia! ¿Dónde estás? ¡Respóndeme! ¿Hasta cuándo? Gran Dios, ¿HASTA CUÁNDO? mHvZ3zP-5MA-00249-00431646-00432423 PROCLAMA Ahorcamiento de los asesinos negros de Philip Gridlestone. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00250-00432423-00433138 El asesino Jasper Landry, capturado y confesado el crimen, será llevado mHvZ3zP-5MA-00251-00433138-00433760 por los ciudadanos de Lawrence al lugar de ejecución. El Comité. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00252-00434000-00434233 Domingo. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00253-00445042-00445274 Y esa misma tarde. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00254-00446772-00447300 Sylvia, escondida por la noche con parientes que habían prometido ayudar mHvZ3zP-5MA-00255-00447300-00447560 a sus padres, permanece ignorante de su destino. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00256-00449910-00450450 No satisfecho con las pobres víctimas incineradas en la hoguera, mHvZ3zP-5MA-00257-00450450-00450734 Gridlestone ha venido a buscar a Sylvia. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00258-00460520-00461201 Una cicatriz en su pecho la salvó porque, una vez fue revelada, Gridlestone supo mHvZ3zP-5MA-00259-00461202-00461712 que Sylvia era su hija, su legítima hija del matrimonio con una mujer de su raza, mHvZ3zP-5MA-00260-00461712-00462113 que fue adoptada después por los Landrys. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00261-00463407-00464143 Y fue él quien pagó su educación. Pero mientras estaban juntos en esa mHvZ3zP-5MA-00262-00464143-00464589 habitación, no reveló que era su verdadero padre. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00263-00466889-00467200 Y así el doctor Vivian encontró a Sylvia. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00264-00467739-00468220 Debes estar orgullosa de nuestro país, Sylvia. Nunca deberíamos olvidar lo mHvZ3zP-5MA-00265-00468220-00468554 que nuestra gente hizo en Cuba bajo el mandato de Roosevelt. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00266-00469720-00469900 Y en Carrizal en Méjico. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00267-00470645-00471300 ¡Y en Francia, de Bruges al Chateau-Thierry, de Saint-Mihiel a los Alpes! mHvZ3zP-5MA-00268-00471830-00472100 Nunca fuimos inmigrantes. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00269-00472530-00472879 ¡Orgullosos de nuestro país, siempre! mHvZ3zP-5MA-00270-00473400-00473947 Y tú, Sylvia, has estado pensando mucho sobre esto, lo sé... mHvZ3zP-5MA-00271-00473947-00474165 pero desafortunadamente tus pensamientos han sido deformados. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00272-00474630-00475300 A pesar de tus desgracias, siempre serás una patriota... y tierna esposa. ¡Te amo! mHvZ3zP-5MA-00273-00475800-00476350 Y poco después vemos que Sylvia comprendió que quizá el doctor Vivian mHvZ3zP-5MA-00274-00476350-00476608 tenía razón después de todo. mHvZ3zP-5MA-00275-00478739-00479260 Fin Una producción de Micheaux mHenBKrxAbE-00000-00000378-00000855 Okay today I'm going to show you how to get started with the Python Programmingusing the mHenBKrxAbE-00001-00000855-00001068 Integrated Develpoment Enviroment Thonny. mHenBKrxAbE-00002-00001068-00001333 So first, launch a browser of your choice. mHenBKrxAbE-00003-00001333-00001726 I'm going to be using Brave. mHenBKrxAbE-00004-00001726-00002553 Type in your address bar. mHenBKrxAbE-00005-00002553-00002737 Select the Operating System of Choice. mHenBKrxAbE-00006-00002737-00003058 I'm selecting Windows. mHenBKrxAbE-00007-00003058-00003586 This will download the Windows executable. mHenBKrxAbE-00008-00003586-00003933 Select a location you want to store that file. mHenBKrxAbE-00009-00003933-00004637 Click "Save". mHenBKrxAbE-00010-00004637-00005260 Once it is downloaded browse to the location it is and launch it. mHenBKrxAbE-00011-00005260-00005819 Or you can optionally, select "Open when done" from your browser. mHenBKrxAbE-00012-00005819-00006096 Okay, now it is started. mHenBKrxAbE-00013-00006096-00006663 We're going to click "Next>" Accept the agreement. mHenBKrxAbE-00014-00006663-00007125 Click "Next>" Select a location to install it to. mHenBKrxAbE-00015-00007125-00007345 I'm using the default location. mHenBKrxAbE-00016-00007345-00007886 Then click "Next>" Click "Create desktop icon" if you desire. mHenBKrxAbE-00017-00007886-00008364 And click "Next>" Click "Install" mHenBKrxAbE-00018-00008364-00009304 Okay, go ahead and click "Finish" And there you have it. mHenBKrxAbE-00019-00009304-00009404 It's installed. mHenBKrxAbE-00020-00009404-00010080 Double click on the icon on your desktop. mHenBKrxAbE-00021-00010080-00010297 Okay you'll notice there are three areas. mHenBKrxAbE-00022-00010297-00010767 On the top left there an editor for editing files. mHenBKrxAbE-00023-00010767-00011334 On the bottom left is a shell and on the right is an assistant. mHenBKrxAbE-00024-00011334-00011650 So you can type Python commands directly into the shell. mHenBKrxAbE-00025-00011650-00012099 For example we can do a print world. mHenBKrxAbE-00026-00012099-00012660 Hello World. mHenBKrxAbE-00027-00012660-00012871 And you can see it does the command. mHenBKrxAbE-00028-00012871-00013747 We can also do, start writing a program in the file editor. mHenBKrxAbE-00029-00013747-00014905 We can save that. mHenBKrxAbE-00030-00014905-00015334 And you can run that command and it will run it in the editor. mHenBKrxAbE-00031-00015334-00016187 And if you have an error in your code, when you try to run that, the assistant will help mHenBKrxAbE-00032-00016187-00017059 you giving you an error message to help you discover what you did wrong. mHenBKrxAbE-00033-00017059-00017458 Also down in the shell it will give you an error message with the line number indicated. mHenBKrxAbE-00034-00017458-00018429 And there you have it. mHenBKrxAbE-00035-00018429-00018495 Its that easy. mIl2RjEzMWM-00000-00000044-00000237 Hi! mIl2RjEzMWM-00001-00000237-00000919 Chris from the today talking about hydrating our bodies. mIl2RjEzMWM-00002-00000919-00001509 I had a little bit of fruit left over, and I had some free time today, took a break from mIl2RjEzMWM-00003-00001509-00001829 working and I made some infused water. mIl2RjEzMWM-00004-00001829-00002608 What I did was I added orange slices, lemon slices, and I squeezed a little bit of lemon mIl2RjEzMWM-00005-00002608-00002810 in the water for taste. mIl2RjEzMWM-00006-00002810-00003012 And then some apples. mIl2RjEzMWM-00007-00003012-00003286 And also, I added spices. mIl2RjEzMWM-00008-00003286-00004021 I added lemon balm, rosemary, basil, because those are my favorite herbs. mIl2RjEzMWM-00009-00004021-00004678 Herbs and infused water really, really help us cleanse our bodies. mIl2RjEzMWM-00010-00004678-00004778 Cleanse the liver. mIl2RjEzMWM-00011-00004778-00004967 It is really healthy. mIl2RjEzMWM-00012-00004967-00005832 And it's really appealing to the eye thinking about wow, this is going to taste good! mIl2RjEzMWM-00013-00005832-00006533 As opposed to - eh- okay, kind of plain. mIl2RjEzMWM-00014-00006533-00006633 That is okay. mIl2RjEzMWM-00015-00006633-00007311 I wanted to share that little tidbit with you today and to let you know that we have mIl2RjEzMWM-00016-00007311-00007789 a YouTube channel now along with our Facebook and we have an Instagram. mIl2RjEzMWM-00017-00007789-00008136 I've been fooling around with photography. mIl2RjEzMWM-00018-00008136-00008785 That was on my bucket list if you read my post about my bucket list, it's quite extensive. mIl2RjEzMWM-00019-00008785-00009675 And I wanted to share with you that we have some articles that are coming up, that hopefully, mIl2RjEzMWM-00020-00009675-00009995 you will be interested in learning about. mIl2RjEzMWM-00021-00009995-00010668 My -- my son and my daughter are co-contributors to the, and we have a lot mIl2RjEzMWM-00022-00010668-00011416 to say and we hope that you are hungry for different articles to read throughout the mIl2RjEzMWM-00023-00011416-00011521 week. mIl2RjEzMWM-00024-00011521-00011820 See you on Facebook or YouTube. mIl2RjEzMWM-00025-00011820-00011953 Thank you for watching! mI_6_5zACz4-00000-00000100-00000451 Okay, here's what I want you to do... mI_6_5zACz4-00001-00000451-00000828 Imagine that you're sitting in front of an auditorium, and you're asked to perform mI_6_5zACz4-00002-00000828-00001328 for a roomful of people by tapping out of tune for everyone to hear. The tune should mI_6_5zACz4-00003-00001328-00001526 be something that you think everyone would know. mI_6_5zACz4-00004-00001526-00002007 A few examples that most people would know from North America, Australia, or the UK might mI_6_5zACz4-00005-00002007-00002708 be "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," mI_6_5zACz4-00006-00004100-00005100 "Baa, Baa, Black Sheep," mI_6_5zACz4-00007-00005280-00005980 or "Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head." mI_6_5zACz4-00008-00006965-00007389 Now imagine that you're standing in Matt's position and that there's a hundred people mI_6_5zACz4-00009-00007389-00007979 watching you perform in front of this auditorium. I want you to estimate how many of the 100 mI_6_5zACz4-00010-00007979-00008475 listeners would be able to name the tune that you're tapping. mI_6_5zACz4-00011-00008475-00009069 Okay? So go to the next section and enter a number between 0 and 100. mJRSIW8QgN8-00000-00000040-00000840 morning we're walking over to national monument guayabo we have a mJRSIW8QgN8-00001-00000840-00001616 little campsite down the road at a hotel so we're just walking a kilometer up it should be some mJRSIW8QgN8-00002-00001616-00002248 ruins up here yeah this is a pre-columbian ruin so before columbus came and screwed up everything mJRSIW8QgN8-00003-00002392-00003048 but i'm half spanish so you know the national park is five dollars each to enter i guess it mJRSIW8QgN8-00004-00003048-00003704 doesn't really have like big pyramids like zero actual structures it's just foundations but it's mJRSIW8QgN8-00005-00003704-00004184 pretty cool we spent the night right here might as well check it out you know something super old mJRSIW8QgN8-00006-00004184-00004648 so we got our ticket here there's not much parking here so i think you gotta find a mJRSIW8QgN8-00007-00004648-00005168 spot to park and then come here it's over 3000 years old here according to that guy mJRSIW8QgN8-00008-00005288-00006064 so apparently this region has been populated for over 12 000 years and i can imagine back then the mJRSIW8QgN8-00009-00006064-00006576 natives probably love the cool temperatures compared to the rest of costa rica and mJRSIW8QgN8-00010-00006664-00007400 all the countries this far south yeah it's pretty nice up here they've found tools and ceramic mJRSIW8QgN8-00011-00007400-00008304 pieces dating almost 12 000 years ago so here's our first thing here looks like a petroglyph wow mJRSIW8QgN8-00012-00008304-00008672 it looks kind of like a monkey face upside down hanging from a tree like a monkey face mJRSIW8QgN8-00013-00008792-00009488 it says monolith of the jaguar well looks like this place is not super visited mJRSIW8QgN8-00014-00009864-00010176 we made it up to the mirror door here i'll show you guys the view in a sec but here's mJRSIW8QgN8-00015-00010232-00010800 like the overview of the place so just a ton of foundations from pre-columbian ruins mJRSIW8QgN8-00016-00010872-00011776 and down here there it is nothing as impressive as palenque or you know you can feel the energy here mJRSIW8QgN8-00017-00011776-00012408 an ancient presence it's just cool to be places where people used to live you know 3 000 years ago mJRSIW8QgN8-00018-00012504-00012991 we're in the rain forest and it's also rainy season now we're down by the structures the mJRSIW8QgN8-00019-00012991-00013696 foundation for the ruins definitely a cool little thing to check out while we're on our way to the mJRSIW8QgN8-00020-00013696-00014224 river to do some whitewater rafting if it's on the way it's only five bucks to get in different set mJRSIW8QgN8-00021-00014224-00014704 of ruins than what we're used to but we haven't seen any ruins since guatemala so we're stoked mJRSIW8QgN8-00022-00014704-00015440 so this road is actually a thoroughfare that the indigenous people would use to get in and out of mJRSIW8QgN8-00023-00015440-00016104 the site and we've already seen one like this over in quintana roo there is another cobblestone road mJRSIW8QgN8-00024-00016104-00016528 that you can take all throughout quintana roo in the yucatan peninsula it goes to a whole bunch mJRSIW8QgN8-00025-00016528-00017096 of different cenotes but it's not completely uncovered there's parts of it that are still mJRSIW8QgN8-00026-00017152-00017704 deep deep in the jungle the natural world really demands respect you can go to alaska and get there mJRSIW8QgN8-00027-00017704-00018248 when it's on fire and never see anything because of the haze the smoke you could come here and mJRSIW8QgN8-00028-00018248-00018640 never see the volcano because it's cloudy and it's raining that's just another thing about mJRSIW8QgN8-00029-00018640-00019096 the van you're not just wandering around doing everything as quick as you can but at a time mJRSIW8QgN8-00030-00019504-00020040 so we're heading over to the campsite where we're gonna do some white water rafting mJRSIW8QgN8-00031-00020040-00020360 raining but we're getting excited mJRSIW8QgN8-00032-00020576-00021160 when we were skiing you get so excited to see fresh snow and now that it's raining for so mJRSIW8QgN8-00033-00021160-00021504 many days i feel kind of the same way about white water rafting should be pretty good mJRSIW8QgN8-00034-00021752-00021848 is that how it works mJRSIW8QgN8-00035-00022056-00022840 so after spending a couple days in the beautiful cold mountains of costa rica we're heading down to mJRSIW8QgN8-00036-00022840-00023776 rio park to go white water rafting with our good friend curt we're super stoked this river is one mJRSIW8QgN8-00037-00023776-00024416 of the best in the world to go whitewater rafting i've never gone before we'll see how this goes i'm mJRSIW8QgN8-00038-00024416-00025032 sure it'll be fine so we're almost to the campsite stone and curt are already here so they gave us a mJRSIW8QgN8-00039-00025032-00025576 lowdown on where to go i'm happy this would all be just one big mud pit all the way to the river it's mJRSIW8QgN8-00040-00025576-00026232 not even wet here hasn't been raining here today here we go river crossing made it no problemo mJRSIW8QgN8-00041-00026648-00026936 and the surface makes it so even rain mJRSIW8QgN8-00042-00027208-00027576 after checking with a bunch of companies i found one that said we could camp out right mJRSIW8QgN8-00043-00027576-00028127 at the rafting put in point so we get to sleep an extra hour here at the beautiful rio paquare mJRSIW8QgN8-00044-00028127-00028512 and then have another peaceful night after without having to move our tired bodies mJRSIW8QgN8-00045-00028583-00029583 waking up in the van right next to an adventure is the best mJRSIW8QgN8-00046-00030856-00032383 yeah made some vegan quesadillas here sitting by the water perfect place mJRSIW8QgN8-00047-00032992-00033784 this is a beautiful place here and there's a line of leaf cutter ants we got a bottleneck here mJRSIW8QgN8-00048-00033944-00034408 maybe a strike here are you removing all the bottlenecks to make a more mJRSIW8QgN8-00049-00034408-00035096 a more efficient community maybe you can be their new leader he moves giant lease with a single move mJRSIW8QgN8-00050-00035152-00036584 i am a benevolent guy not in the way it's like magic he's a giant are you stepping on him dude mJRSIW8QgN8-00051-00036784-00037296 so what happened emily i just heard the noise when i was getting out of the van and a tree mJRSIW8QgN8-00052-00037296-00038024 just like fell right then it was like crack crack crack crack yeah i heard a little bit of that mJRSIW8QgN8-00053-00039104-00039432 i wonder what made it do that you think there's a elephant up there mJRSIW8QgN8-00054-00039432-00040784 mega sloths the size of a dinosaur man they must eat so much mJRSIW8QgN8-00055-00043488-00044064 we're going white water rafting today they are class 3 and 4 rapids i'm kind of mJRSIW8QgN8-00056-00044064-00044520 nervous of falling out of the boat because i've never gone before but i'm excited to mJRSIW8QgN8-00057-00044520-00046384 head out there we've got helmets and life jackets so i feel pretty safe here we go mJRSIW8QgN8-00058-00055696-00056184 wow mJRSIW8QgN8-00059-00080192-00080912 so wow what a crazy time we just had a white water rafting that was insane mJRSIW8QgN8-00060-00081024-00081448 we none of us fell out i'm glad i didn't fall out are you glad you didn't fall out mJRSIW8QgN8-00061-00081608-00082256 i mean we jumped out that one time to swim through yeah we did jump out to swim but as for i'm glad i mJRSIW8QgN8-00062-00082256-00082768 didn't fall out yeah oh my gosh i was like super scared i was gonna fall out but i'm glad i did it mJRSIW8QgN8-00063-00082768-00084184 so while they're making lunch we're gonna go for a little walk over to a little waterfall mJRSIW8QgN8-00064-00084848-00085584 so mJRSIW8QgN8-00065-00087424-00087752 i'd really recommend this company tico river he heard about it from mJRSIW8QgN8-00066-00087824-00088424 high overlander random post nearby said they spent the night there at this hotel mJRSIW8QgN8-00067-00088424-00088776 that came with this company and it was actually written by the mJRSIW8QgN8-00068-00088776-00089784 founder of ioverlander it's a really good company good price good lunch good times mJRSIW8QgN8-00069-00108768-00109128 thanks so much for watching our whitewater rafting video mJRSIW8QgN8-00070-00109272-00109848 okay guys for the next 10 days we're super excited to be starting a van life series with snow & curt mJRSIW8QgN8-00071-00109911-00110320 tomorrow head over to their channel for the first video and then the next day mJRSIW8QgN8-00072-00110320-00110944 head back to this channel for our alternating day in the van life series we'll be doing this mJRSIW8QgN8-00073-00110944-00111328 for the next couple weeks while we travel the incredible caribbean coast together mJRSIW8QgN8-00074-00111328-00112183 giving you a feel for what it's really like to live in a van see you guys tomorrow mKWCNX-6K0c-00000-00000131-00000536 Unknown: And now, it's a great honour to introduce Steve Jobs. mKWCNX-6K0c-00001-00000638-00001082 Steve is chairman and CEO of Pixar, the Academy Award winning mKWCNX-6K0c-00002-00001082-00001490 Computer Animation Studios, which he co founded in 1986. mKWCNX-6K0c-00003-00001580-00001961 Pixar, its first feature film Toy Story was released by Walt mKWCNX-6K0c-00004-00001961-00002474 Disney Pictures in November 1998 and became the highest grossing mKWCNX-6K0c-00005-00002474-00002846 domestic film released that year and the third highest animated mKWCNX-6K0c-00006-00002846-00003395 film of all time. Before Pixar, Steve co founded Apple Computer mKWCNX-6K0c-00007-00003395-00003719 Incorporated, where he co designed the apple two computer mKWCNX-6K0c-00008-00003779-00004076 led the development and marketing of the Macintosh mKWCNX-6K0c-00009-00004076-00004505 computer and oversaw the growth of apple into a $2 billion mKWCNX-6K0c-00010-00004544-00005021 company. Steve also co founded next software, which was mKWCNX-6K0c-00011-00005021-00005447 recently acquired by Apple. Steve was awarded the National mKWCNX-6K0c-00012-00005447-00005900 Medal of Technology by President Reagan in 1985. The Jefferson mKWCNX-6K0c-00013-00005900-00006365 Award for public service in 1987, and was named Entrepreneur mKWCNX-6K0c-00014-00006365-00006722 of the decade in 1989, by Inc Magazine. mKWCNX-6K0c-00015-00007673-00008156 Here's the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, mKWCNX-6K0c-00016-00008295-00008367 the troublemakers, mKWCNX-6K0c-00017-00008490-00009201 The round pegs in the square holes, ones. They're not fun. mKWCNX-6K0c-00018-00009315-00009894 They have no respect status quo. You can quote them, disagree mKWCNX-6K0c-00019-00009894-00010356 with them, glorify or vilify them, about the only thing you mKWCNX-6K0c-00020-00010356-00010782 can do. Ignore them because they change. mKWCNX-6K0c-00021-00011295-00012165 And while some may see them as the crazy people who are crazy mKWCNX-6K0c-00022-00012165-00012396 enough to think they can change the world. mKWCNX-6K0c-00023-00015063-00015501 Steve Jobs: So when we got the invitation to come speak to you mKWCNX-6K0c-00024-00015501-00015984 today from Brian. We asked him if he'd like us to bring a real mKWCNX-6K0c-00025-00015984-00016347 razzmatazz presentation up. And while he said, No, what I'd mKWCNX-6K0c-00026-00016347-00016791 really like you to do is come up and do a fireside chat, come up mKWCNX-6K0c-00027-00016791-00017202 and just answer people's questions. Apple is a part of mKWCNX-6K0c-00028-00017214-00017517 the higher education experience. What is Apple doing? Apple's mKWCNX-6K0c-00029-00017517-00017862 obviously had some troubled times, can you shed some light mKWCNX-6K0c-00030-00017862-00018144 on where Apple is and where Apple's going. And I agreed to mKWCNX-6K0c-00031-00018144-00018588 do that. In order to get here this morning, I had to get up at mKWCNX-6K0c-00032-00018588-00019296 about 4:30am. And so your job this morning is to ask questions mKWCNX-6K0c-00033-00019296-00019707 that wake me up. And and my job is giving you answers that don't mKWCNX-6K0c-00034-00019707-00020205 put you to sleep. So what I'd love to do is just get right mKWCNX-6K0c-00035-00020205-00020496 into it. And start off. And I think we'll cover a lot of mKWCNX-6K0c-00036-00020496-00020709 different things. But start off with some of your questions. And mKWCNX-6K0c-00037-00020709-00020964 I know that some of you have them. I started getting emails mKWCNX-6K0c-00038-00020964-00021363 about a week ago with questions. So let's just get right into it. mKWCNX-6K0c-00039-00021423-00021696 And I'll try to answer anything I can. I'm very happy to be up mKWCNX-6K0c-00040-00021696-00022005 here in Seattle. It's the home of one of our key partners, mKWCNX-6K0c-00041-00022005-00022761 Microsoft that we work very closely with. You laugh? I'm not mKWCNX-6K0c-00042-00022761-00023400 just saying no, actually. It's really interesting. When I got mKWCNX-6K0c-00043-00023400-00023694 to Apple, there was a relationship that a lot of mKWCNX-6K0c-00044-00023694-00023916 people at Apple thought and a lot of our customers thought mKWCNX-6K0c-00045-00023916-00024312 that for Apple to win Microsoft had to lose, which seems like a mKWCNX-6K0c-00046-00024312-00024864 crazy proposition. And we've been working to change that. And mKWCNX-6K0c-00047-00024864-00025212 I think we've we've, we have changed that. So some of the mKWCNX-6K0c-00048-00025212-00025437 best software, the Macintosh actually does come from mKWCNX-6K0c-00049-00025437-00025761 Microsoft, we believe we have the best browser in the world on mKWCNX-6K0c-00050-00025761-00026076 the Macintosh, which is Internet Explorer. And it's even better mKWCNX-6K0c-00051-00026079-00026292 than the version of IE on Windows. There's a whole bunch mKWCNX-6K0c-00052-00026292-00026511 of stuff you get in IE for Mac and you don't get an IE for mKWCNX-6K0c-00053-00026511-00026754 Windows. We think we have the best version of Microsoft mKWCNX-6K0c-00054-00026754-00026945 Office. How many of you use Microsoft Office? Raise your mKWCNX-6K0c-00055-00026945-00027426 hands? Okay, the best version of Office is on the Macintosh. Now mKWCNX-6K0c-00056-00027429-00027888 who would have thought it a year ago, right? But it's true. So, mKWCNX-6K0c-00057-00027927-00028218 we work very closely with Microsoft and it's a good mKWCNX-6K0c-00058-00028218-00028488 relationship. We have our differences from time to time, mKWCNX-6K0c-00059-00028545-00029043 but we work things out in a very professional way. Okay, any mKWCNX-6K0c-00060-00029043-00029811 questions? No questions. There's microphones over there. If you mKWCNX-6K0c-00061-00029811-00030114 want to go to mics. There's microphones on all the islands. mKWCNX-6K0c-00062-00030435-00030677 Unknown: Pleasure for you to be here for us to be here. mKWCNX-6K0c-00063-00030795-00031491 I've used Apple software for, I guess, since 77. But one thing I mKWCNX-6K0c-00064-00031491-00032019 miss, especially in the Office Suite is a database like access, mKWCNX-6K0c-00065-00032019-00032414 which is available on the PC. And I know there are other mKWCNX-6K0c-00066-00032414-00032790 alternatives I can apply. Finally, I'd like something mKWCNX-6K0c-00067-00032790-00033144 that's sort of like access available. What's in the future? mKWCNX-6K0c-00068-00033246-00033480 Steve Jobs: You know, I think the answer on the Macintosh is mKWCNX-6K0c-00069-00033480-00033846 FileMaker. And FileMaker is consistently rated above Access mKWCNX-6K0c-00070-00033846-00034173 by all the reviewers in the magazines. So I will take a mKWCNX-6K0c-00071-00034173-00034413 strong look at it, but I'll pass your comments on to Microsoft mKWCNX-6K0c-00072-00034413-00034611 about a version for access for the Mac. Although if I were mKWCNX-6K0c-00073-00034611-00034902 Microsoft, I wouldn't do it because finally FileMaker mKWCNX-6K0c-00074-00034902-00035214 continually beats them. So I'm not sure if its worth the mKWCNX-6K0c-00075-00035214-00035556 engineering to come up with a a me too product and filemaker so mKWCNX-6K0c-00076-00035556-00036243 strong on the Mac. Yeah. Yes. Anybody else? mKWCNX-6K0c-00077-00036417-00036747 Unknown: What can you tell us about your plans for portable mKWCNX-6K0c-00078-00036747-00037386 computers before January 5. Andthat's essentially mKWCNX-6K0c-00079-00037422-00038151 Steve Jobs: okay. We, we love portable computers. And as you mKWCNX-6K0c-00080-00038151-00038610 know, Apple really invented the modern portable computer years mKWCNX-6K0c-00081-00038610-00039096 ago with their power book, which everybody since copied. And mKWCNX-6K0c-00082-00039096-00039429 Apple has not distinguished itself and portables for a mKWCNX-6K0c-00083-00039429-00039792 number of years, until last year, when Apple came out with a mKWCNX-6K0c-00084-00039792-00040173 new PowerBook, the PowerBook U three, which is the fastest mKWCNX-6K0c-00085-00040173-00040737 portable in the world. And it's also in sort of the mid range. mKWCNX-6K0c-00086-00040755-00041028 Probably the most cost effective Apple was the first company to mKWCNX-6K0c-00087-00041028-00041400 standardise on 14 inch screens, you can now buy a 14 inch screen mKWCNX-6K0c-00088-00041424-00041748 PowerBook G three for about 2500 bucks. And they're very, very mKWCNX-6K0c-00089-00041748-00042159 strong. But that doesn't help out most students just too mKWCNX-6K0c-00090-00042159-00042555 expensive. Students can't afford 14 inch screens right now. And mKWCNX-6K0c-00091-00042555-00043137 so just like Apple designed the iMac, as a consumer product mKWCNX-6K0c-00092-00043143-00043713 that's also being used a lot in education. We are designing a mKWCNX-6K0c-00093-00043716-00044154 education slash consumer portable. And we are designing mKWCNX-6K0c-00094-00044154-00044478 it around a design centre that's primarily education based, but mKWCNX-6K0c-00095-00044478-00044934 we also think hopefully consumers will like it. And we mKWCNX-6K0c-00096-00044934-00045090 think it'd be pretty hot. I mean, it's gonna be very mKWCNX-6K0c-00097-00045090-00045417 affordable. And we've said that we're going to announce it and mKWCNX-6K0c-00098-00045417-00045891 ship it the first half of calendar year 1999, which starts mKWCNX-6K0c-00099-00045894-00046395 soon. But we will not be be announcing it at Macworld. So mKWCNX-6K0c-00100-00046398-00046578 you'll see something a little bit later on in the year. And I mKWCNX-6K0c-00101-00046578-00047115 think it'd be very pleased. portable computing is really mKWCNX-6K0c-00102-00047115-00047418 important. As you know, it's got a long ways to go because you've mKWCNX-6K0c-00103-00047418-00047736 got two things that are fighting each other. One is the desire mKWCNX-6K0c-00104-00047736-00048120 for mobility. But the other is the desire to be always mKWCNX-6K0c-00105-00048120-00048456 connected to the internet, right? You find that these mKWCNX-6K0c-00106-00048456-00048888 things really are tugging at each other. And there's a series mKWCNX-6K0c-00107-00048888-00049131 of problems to be solved over the next few years. So we can mKWCNX-6K0c-00108-00049131-00049476 have both. And we're really working on those problems. And I mKWCNX-6K0c-00109-00049476-00049686 think you'll see those start to get solved over the next few mKWCNX-6K0c-00110-00049686-00050007 years, where you can really have some very hot, very affordable mKWCNX-6K0c-00111-00050007-00050502 mobile devices that are constantly connected to the mKWCNX-6K0c-00112-00050502-00051090 internet. Yes, Steve, mKWCNX-6K0c-00113-00051162-00051252 Unknown: thank you for being here. mKWCNX-6K0c-00114-00051413-00052118 And one of the problems I'd face as an IT manager is that we look mKWCNX-6K0c-00115-00052151-00052559 around and we can see that people can build a Wintel mKWCNX-6K0c-00116-00052559-00052955 machine for about 800 bucks. It's got a 300 megahertz mKWCNX-6K0c-00117-00052955-00053366 processor, yadda, yadda, yadda together. And it's very hard for mKWCNX-6K0c-00118-00053366-00054341 me to, to to support both platforms. And it's very hard mKWCNX-6K0c-00119-00054341-00054662 for me to go in and say, yep, we can get these Wintel machines mKWCNX-6K0c-00120-00054662-00055085 for 800 bucks. And we can get Apple equipment for mKWCNX-6K0c-00121-00055121-00055463 significantly more than that. One of the things that I think mKWCNX-6K0c-00122-00055463-00056093 would help that is if I can put the Mac OS on the Wintel machine mKWCNX-6K0c-00123-00056096-00056588 or an Intel machine. The other thing would might be a clone. mKWCNX-6K0c-00124-00056705-00056930 Return to cloning and, and I don't mKWCNX-6K0c-00125-00056954-00057152 Steve Jobs: want to watch you go to the heart of the matter. The mKWCNX-6K0c-00126-00057152-00057383 right thing would be if our computers were cheaper, even mKWCNX-6K0c-00127-00057386-00057476 filled in our right mKWCNX-6K0c-00128-00057914-00057992 Unknown: It wasn't our mKWCNX-6K0c-00129-00057992-00058358 computer is not a piece of junk. It's your right, I know. mKWCNX-6K0c-00130-00058536-00058809 Steve Jobs: But it looks really attractive, right? By the way mKWCNX-6K0c-00131-00058809-00059115 that $100 With or without a display. That's actually is mKWCNX-6K0c-00132-00059115-00059429 witnesses to display some of that. So here's what I see out mKWCNX-6K0c-00133-00059429-00059823 there. What I see is from the white box manufacturers and by mKWCNX-6K0c-00134-00059823-00060017 the way, what we call the white box manufacturers in I'm sure mKWCNX-6K0c-00135-00060017-00060309 you all know, this is the non brand name PCs, read the three mKWCNX-6K0c-00136-00060309-00060840 guys in a garage, PC companies. And you can buy a white box. No, mKWCNX-6K0c-00137-00060840-00061278 it's true. The average white box computer company makes about 35 mKWCNX-6K0c-00138-00061278-00061541 computers a month. You know, there's nothing wrong with that. mKWCNX-6K0c-00139-00061541-00061794 I'm not saying that's wrong, I'm just saying that's what it is. mKWCNX-6K0c-00140-00061959-00062310 Those computers, you can get a decent one for somewhere in the mKWCNX-6K0c-00141-00062310-00062586 neighbourhood of 800 bucks for the display, the brand name mKWCNX-6K0c-00142-00062586-00062814 computers, you know, the contacts, the HPS, and stuff mKWCNX-6K0c-00143-00062814-00063132 like that there are for the most part about $1,000 with a display mKWCNX-6K0c-00144-00063132-00063336 for their lower end models. Some of those don't include mKWCNX-6K0c-00145-00063336-00063675 networking, so you'd have to add that on and stuff. And where mKWCNX-6K0c-00146-00063675-00064179 we're at for education is typically around somewhere mKWCNX-6K0c-00147-00064179-00064674 between around 1100 bucks. Right. Loving 1150 That's where mKWCNX-6K0c-00148-00064674-00064998 we are for, for education with with the IMF destroyed with that mKWCNX-6K0c-00149-00065004-00065361 poster district? Well, yeah, I thought you guys were really mKWCNX-6K0c-00150-00065361-00065784 into the internet. Thought you're into the internet here. mKWCNX-6K0c-00151-00065915-00066224 Unknown: We're dealing with a lot of people who, who still mKWCNX-6K0c-00152-00066227-00066788 believe in the value of a property, right? It's mKWCNX-6K0c-00153-00066791-00067079 Steve Jobs: their belief, right may not be ours. In any event, mKWCNX-6K0c-00154-00067178-00067526 what we got to do is clearly, you know, get the cost of an mKWCNX-6K0c-00155-00067526-00067856 iMac down to under $1,000 At some point, so that we can mKWCNX-6K0c-00156-00067856-00068204 compete with the other brand name guys out there. I don't mKWCNX-6K0c-00157-00068204-00068600 know if we'll ever track the white box, guys. Because we mKWCNX-6K0c-00158-00068600-00068858 don't believe in making products at that quality level. And mKWCNX-6K0c-00159-00068858-00069128 again, I'm not saying they're bad, I'm just saying they're not mKWCNX-6K0c-00160-00069128-00069443 what we want to do, we don't want to make something that the mKWCNX-6K0c-00161-00069443-00069764 breaks, because we'll end up spending more to fix it. You mKWCNX-6K0c-00162-00069764-00069986 know, if you're not around next year, you don't spend more to mKWCNX-6K0c-00163-00069986-00070373 fix it. So we'd rather make a higher quality product we'd mKWCNX-6K0c-00164-00070373-00070637 rather build in the networking, we'd rather build in a display mKWCNX-6K0c-00165-00070637-00070874 that's not going to drive you blind, when you look at it for a mKWCNX-6K0c-00166-00070874-00071132 few hours a day, you know very high quality, we'd rather build mKWCNX-6K0c-00167-00071132-00071468 in stuff like that to make a make of a very high quality mKWCNX-6K0c-00168-00071468-00071969 product. So what we're trying to do is get the cost delta between mKWCNX-6K0c-00169-00071984-00072326 sort of a lower quality product and a much higher quality mKWCNX-6K0c-00170-00072326-00072761 product to be to be a lot less. And I think the iMac for Apple mKWCNX-6K0c-00171-00072761-00073022 represents a breakthrough. People have been paying mKWCNX-6K0c-00172-00073022-00073454 1700 1800 $1,900 For that functionality from Apple. And mKWCNX-6K0c-00173-00073454-00073721 all of a sudden, in higher ed, as an example. It's like, you mKWCNX-6K0c-00174-00073721-00074219 know, 1100 bucks, right. And our goal is to drive that lower and mKWCNX-6K0c-00175-00074219-00074657 lower every single year to where maybe there will be, you know, mKWCNX-6K0c-00176-00074657-00075107 $100 delta over the white box, guys, but you'll gladly pay that mKWCNX-6K0c-00177-00075107-00075605 $100. So that's our strategy. And I think we're gonna get mKWCNX-6K0c-00178-00075605-00075959 there a lot faster than worrying about trying to run Mac OS on mKWCNX-6K0c-00179-00075959-00076331 these white box Intel machines. I think the problem is, the mKWCNX-6K0c-00180-00076331-00076757 problem is that the problem is ours in terms of compressing mKWCNX-6K0c-00181-00076757-00077081 that price filter down. And we have a lot of very smart people mKWCNX-6K0c-00182-00077081-00077393 working on that. And I think you'll see results continuously mKWCNX-6K0c-00183-00077393-00077675 over time. And you'll see that that pricing gap erode. Having mKWCNX-6K0c-00184-00077675-00078179 said that, we're actually as cheap or cheaper than equivalent mKWCNX-6K0c-00185-00078179-00078491 function computers from Compaq and HP and other people. I mean, mKWCNX-6K0c-00186-00078491-00078902 the iMac is already as cheap or cheaper than computers with the mKWCNX-6K0c-00187-00078902-00079121 same functionality from these folks. And of course, the G mKWCNX-6K0c-00188-00079121-00079415 three is much faster than the Pentium chips that you find in mKWCNX-6K0c-00189-00079415-00079733 these things. So I think we're doing pretty doggone well. Right mKWCNX-6K0c-00190-00079733-00080162 now we're selling IMAX, you know, by the bushel. And I think mKWCNX-6K0c-00191-00080162-00080522 our goal is to continue to drive the prices down even as we add mKWCNX-6K0c-00192-00080522-00080891 more features in these products to where that delta gets to be mKWCNX-6K0c-00193-00080891-00081362 so low that you just can't resist. Thank you, sir. mKWCNX-6K0c-00194-00081462-00081846 Unknown: Thank you, Steve. As someone who has obviously been a mKWCNX-6K0c-00195-00081846-00082308 major part of the computer revolution, I'd really like to mKWCNX-6K0c-00196-00082308-00082776 know your comments on the recent announcement by Netscape, AOL mKWCNX-6K0c-00197-00082776-00083091 and sun and what kind of ramifications you think that has mKWCNX-6K0c-00198-00083091-00083463 for E commerce in general education in specific and also mKWCNX-6K0c-00199-00083463-00083520 for Apple? mKWCNX-6K0c-00200-00083808-00084108 Steve Jobs: Well, you as you know, net, Netscape was acquired mKWCNX-6K0c-00201-00084108-00084726 by AOL. AOL has had a philosophy in place for several years, that mKWCNX-6K0c-00202-00084729-00085023 basically said looking in from the outside appear to basically mKWCNX-6K0c-00203-00085023-00085362 say, We got to get as big as possible as fast as possible, mKWCNX-6K0c-00204-00085362-00085695 because this thing is going to be huge. And size is worth more mKWCNX-6K0c-00205-00085695-00085914 than everything else, which I happen to agree with that mKWCNX-6K0c-00206-00085914-00086163 philosophy in their case, and they've executed on it mKWCNX-6K0c-00207-00086163-00086484 brilliantly. And I think what they bought Netscape for it was mKWCNX-6K0c-00208-00086484-00086919 net centre, right net centre represented a tremendous number mKWCNX-6K0c-00209-00086919-00087372 of new customers, for them, that are getting to the internet, not mKWCNX-6K0c-00210-00087372-00087921 necessarily through their access method, their ISP, the AOL AOL mKWCNX-6K0c-00211-00087921-00088191 service, they're getting there another way but they want those mKWCNX-6K0c-00212-00088191-00088404 eyeballs, they want those customers, they want those mKWCNX-6K0c-00213-00088404-00088728 transaction fees, they want that advertising and they want to mKWCNX-6K0c-00214-00088728-00089073 eventually have a lot of those customers that don't come in mKWCNX-6K0c-00215-00089082-00089463 through a corporate on ramp to the internet, but who come in mKWCNX-6K0c-00216-00089493-00089865 through some ISP to move over to the AOL ISP because as you know, mKWCNX-6K0c-00217-00089865-00090171 they're the largest ISP in the world. Roll with over 50% of the mKWCNX-6K0c-00218-00090171-00090558 ISP accounts in the whole world are AOL, right. So they would mKWCNX-6K0c-00219-00090558-00091029 like to pull those customers in what they get appears from the mKWCNX-6K0c-00220-00091029-00091371 outside. Though when AOL looked at Netscape there was a part of mKWCNX-6K0c-00221-00091371-00091659 Netscape that they really didn't want to buy. And that was the mKWCNX-6K0c-00222-00091659-00091941 part of Netscape that happened to be making all the money. And mKWCNX-6K0c-00223-00091941-00092238 that part was to sell, you know, all their enterprise software. mKWCNX-6K0c-00224-00092238-00092580 And so they got a son to agree to guarantee to kind of take mKWCNX-6K0c-00225-00092580-00092841 that business over from them. Even though son doesn't own it, mKWCNX-6K0c-00226-00092841-00093156 sons made some massive guarantees to resell, you know, mKWCNX-6K0c-00227-00093198-00093417 billion billion and a half dollars worth of the software mKWCNX-6K0c-00228-00093417-00093885 over the next few years. And so they kind of got rid of the part mKWCNX-6K0c-00229-00093885-00094164 that they that wasn't really what they were after. And I mKWCNX-6K0c-00230-00094164-00094425 think it was a very smart move on AOL as part, it was a very mKWCNX-6K0c-00231-00094425-00094779 smart move on Netscape support. So I think it's a very good mKWCNX-6K0c-00232-00094779-00095328 thing. And I think you're gonna see continued consolidation in mKWCNX-6K0c-00233-00095328-00095754 this industry. So we have a very good relationship with AOL. And mKWCNX-6K0c-00234-00095817-00096276 we think it's just fine. In terms of education and the mKWCNX-6K0c-00235-00096276-00096627 Internet, of course, most educational institutions are mKWCNX-6K0c-00236-00096654-00096936 getting direct on ramps onto the internet, as you know, they mKWCNX-6K0c-00237-00096936-00097191 don't go through an ISP, they don't pay 20 bucks a month per mKWCNX-6K0c-00238-00097191-00097527 person, they just get a nice big T one or T three on to the mKWCNX-6K0c-00239-00097527-00097794 internet. And higher ed, of course, has led the way higher mKWCNX-6K0c-00240-00097794-00098073 ed, of course, basically invented the internet along with mKWCNX-6K0c-00241-00098076-00098529 DARPA. So higher ed, pretty much, you know, this is this is mKWCNX-6K0c-00242-00098529-00098763 something that's far from higher ed's concerns, I think, mKWCNX-6K0c-00243-00098903-00099374 because higher authority on the internet. Once you agree, or you mKWCNX-6K0c-00244-00099374-00099530 think there is some, some mKWCNX-6K0c-00245-00099530-00099920 Unknown: No, but at home, students are now beginning to mKWCNX-6K0c-00246-00099920-00100208 get on the internet, or education right outside the mKWCNX-6K0c-00247-00100208-00100247 system. mKWCNX-6K0c-00248-00100320-00100464 Right? Yeah, mKWCNX-6K0c-00249-00100464-00100794 Steve Jobs: that's a good point. I know one of the other things mKWCNX-6K0c-00250-00100800-00101160 that we're looking at very seriously and of course AOL is mKWCNX-6K0c-00251-00101160-00101484 looking at very seriously and others are to is how do we mKWCNX-6K0c-00252-00101484-00101877 provide users in the home a much higher on ramp to the internet. mKWCNX-6K0c-00253-00101913-00102207 And the two competing technologies right now are cable mKWCNX-6K0c-00254-00102207-00102549 modems, and sort of a consumerized form of something mKWCNX-6K0c-00255-00102549-00103125 called DSL called G light, which is fundamentally a technology mKWCNX-6K0c-00256-00103125-00103286 that would give you approximately a megabit and a mKWCNX-6K0c-00257-00103286-00103872 half download 3d Fourcade back up, and very, very simple to mKWCNX-6K0c-00258-00103872-00104091 plug into, it's your home, run over the same wires as your mKWCNX-6K0c-00259-00104091-00104268 telephone, you could have a telephone conversation mKWCNX-6K0c-00260-00104268-00104607 simultaneously with computer data flowing back and forth. And mKWCNX-6K0c-00261-00104607-00105000 that's going to start to become real around this coming summer. mKWCNX-6K0c-00262-00105051-00105531 So with cable modems and DSL coming out, and starting to get mKWCNX-6K0c-00263-00105531-00105870 robust around this coming summer, I think for about $50 a mKWCNX-6K0c-00264-00105870-00106122 month, you're gonna get to be able to get a much higher speed mKWCNX-6K0c-00265-00106122-00106353 internet connection from your home. And I think that's going mKWCNX-6K0c-00266-00106353-00106698 to be be offered by a lot of the regional Bell operating mKWCNX-6K0c-00267-00106698-00107435 companies, as well as through companies like AOL. Yes, sir. mKWCNX-6K0c-00268-00107558-00107715 Unknown: From one point of view, it seems like we're moving mKWCNX-6K0c-00269-00107715-00107997 backwards in the internet arena. I don't know if you've heard the mKWCNX-6K0c-00270-00107997-00108311 term balkanization of the internet. It's a fairly new term mKWCNX-6K0c-00271-00108311-00108597 where, in a sense, a lot of the major players in the major mKWCNX-6K0c-00272-00108597-00108921 carriers are forming close groups and not peering with each mKWCNX-6K0c-00273-00108921-00109353 other. And we're losing this public benefit the internet that mKWCNX-6K0c-00274-00109353-00109692 we had early on. Do you see any that you have any comments on mKWCNX-6K0c-00275-00109692-00109707 that? mKWCNX-6K0c-00276-00109934-00110241 Steve Jobs: No, I'm actually ignorant of this phenomenon. mKWCNX-6K0c-00277-00110309-00110435 Unknown: Wow, man, easy questions. mKWCNX-6K0c-00278-00110486-00110778 Steve Jobs: Yeah, I'm sorry. I don't see that. I know that a mKWCNX-6K0c-00279-00110778-00111461 lot of people are building their own their own backbones, to move mKWCNX-6K0c-00280-00111474-00111858 heist, you know, to move some form of data or another around mKWCNX-6K0c-00281-00111858-00112140 the country in a way that is more predictable than the mKWCNX-6K0c-00282-00112140-00112446 internet. So as an example, if you want to broadcast mKWCNX-6K0c-00283-00112446-00113055 multimedia, it is it is not particularly the internet does mKWCNX-6K0c-00284-00113055-00113403 not do multicasting yet. So if I want to broadcast something, mKWCNX-6K0c-00285-00113427-00113802 with video streaming over the internet, I can't broadcast it mKWCNX-6K0c-00286-00113802-00114243 from one place in a multicast way and have a bunch of people mKWCNX-6K0c-00287-00114243-00114582 receive the same stream, I have to send it to each one mKWCNX-6K0c-00288-00114582-00115020 individually. Right now I have to unicast. So if I've got 5000 mKWCNX-6K0c-00289-00115020-00115470 people listening to a multimedia broadcast, I have to have 5000 mKWCNX-6K0c-00290-00115470-00115824 different conversations going on. And to have 5000 mKWCNX-6K0c-00291-00115824-00116181 conversations from all over the country get to one server in one mKWCNX-6K0c-00292-00116181-00116544 place on the public Internet backbone is an unpredictably mKWCNX-6K0c-00293-00116544-00116973 reliable thing. So some companies are taking matters mKWCNX-6K0c-00294-00116973-00117233 into their own hands and building kind of phantom mKWCNX-6K0c-00295-00117233-00117618 networks that intersect the internet at various places, mKWCNX-6K0c-00296-00117618-00117918 let's say around the country around the world, but deliver mKWCNX-6K0c-00297-00117918-00118593 that bandwidth with dedicated infrastructure. And I think if mKWCNX-6K0c-00298-00118593-00118773 that's what she's that kind of what you're talking about. mKWCNX-6K0c-00299-00118797-00119154 Right? Yeah, I see that simply as a crutch to the backbone of mKWCNX-6K0c-00300-00119154-00119472 the internet. It doesn't prevent anyone from getting anywhere to mKWCNX-6K0c-00301-00119472-00119786 anywhere. And I think it's a matter of time before the mKWCNX-6K0c-00302-00119786-00120110 internet improves. was the backbone of the internet mKWCNX-6K0c-00303-00120110-00120444 improves in this case with multicasting, to obsolete those mKWCNX-6K0c-00304-00120444-00120747 crutches. So I'm not worried about the balkanization of the mKWCNX-6K0c-00305-00120747-00120930 internet, this thing's going too far, it's not going to mKWCNX-6K0c-00306-00120930-00121290 balkanize. What I am concerned with is that some of the basic mKWCNX-6K0c-00307-00121290-00121620 technological issues that are holding back some kinds of mKWCNX-6K0c-00308-00121620-00121917 things on the internet, get resolved in the next 12 months mKWCNX-6K0c-00309-00121917-00122265 or so. So that these crutches are no longer necessary. Yeah. mKWCNX-6K0c-00310-00122403-00122445 Yes. mKWCNX-6K0c-00311-00122475-00122967 Unknown: Hi, can you hear me? I can. There we go. I'll stand on mKWCNX-6K0c-00312-00122967-00123492 my toes. Steven, you've been asked a lot of technical mKWCNX-6K0c-00313-00123492-00123873 questions. And I'm more interested in giving this as an mKWCNX-6K0c-00314-00123873-00124107 education conference. A more? mKWCNX-6K0c-00315-00124233-00124551 I guess, I would call it a philosophical question. I've mKWCNX-6K0c-00316-00124551-00125046 always thought that one of the great powers of computing is the mKWCNX-6K0c-00317-00125046-00125517 ability to eliminate illiteracy. You know, because you can mKWCNX-6K0c-00318-00125517-00125964 control the content, you can control the quality, and you can mKWCNX-6K0c-00319-00125964-00126282 spread it out all over everywhere. And I have a lot of mKWCNX-6K0c-00320-00126282-00126654 people ask me all over the world if that were possible. And many mKWCNX-6K0c-00321-00126654-00127017 years ago, it wasn't. Right now it is. And I think that that mKWCNX-6K0c-00322-00127017-00127446 issue has tremendous social, political and economic mKWCNX-6K0c-00323-00127449-00127961 implications. Now I come from Canada. So like our currency mKWCNX-6K0c-00324-00127961-00128565 these days, I feel like a third world country. That's true. But mKWCNX-6K0c-00325-00128565-00128919 the fact is, if I looked at our Native population, or, or even mKWCNX-6K0c-00326-00128919-00129300 some of the provinces that are not as advanced as Ontario, I mKWCNX-6K0c-00327-00129300-00129675 know that we could take computing power and improve the mKWCNX-6K0c-00328-00129675-00130061 literacy of our children. And I'm very interested in your mKWCNX-6K0c-00329-00130061-00130443 personal opinion about that. And also the opinion of Apple as a mKWCNX-6K0c-00330-00130443-00130848 company that's been involved in the education business for a mKWCNX-6K0c-00331-00130848-00130872 while. mKWCNX-6K0c-00332-00131064-00131421 Steve Jobs: You know, there is some, some software, there's mKWCNX-6K0c-00333-00131421-00131775 many kinds of software approaches to teaching, reading. mKWCNX-6K0c-00334-00131877-00132405 And some of them have proven to be moderately successful. And we mKWCNX-6K0c-00335-00132405-00132699 probably sell lots of computers to have that software run on mKWCNX-6K0c-00336-00132699-00133041 since most of it was written and continues to be advanced on mKWCNX-6K0c-00337-00133056-00133767 Macintosh OS. But after seeing a lot of schools, and travelling a mKWCNX-6K0c-00338-00133767-00134220 lot of places and having some kids myself and watching them mKWCNX-6K0c-00339-00134220-00134724 learn how to read, I do not believe it is a problem that has mKWCNX-6K0c-00340-00134724-00135084 a technological answer. I believe it's a problem that has mKWCNX-6K0c-00341-00135084-00135876 a human answer. And and I think that I think when we all attack mKWCNX-6K0c-00342-00135876-00136323 this problem, especially in K to 1220 years ago, with computers, mKWCNX-6K0c-00343-00136350-00136803 we really thought the technology was going to be a miraculous mKWCNX-6K0c-00344-00136803-00137250 substitute for for parents and teachers and augment them. And mKWCNX-6K0c-00345-00137250-00137700 it turns out, the more you look, the more you see the fundamental mKWCNX-6K0c-00346-00137700-00138063 basics of the situation, or really what's important, you mKWCNX-6K0c-00347-00138063-00138387 know, the fundamental basics of how much time do kids get to mKWCNX-6K0c-00348-00138387-00138810 spend with their parents day in and day out? How much time the mKWCNX-6K0c-00349-00138810-00139173 kids get to spend with their teachers day in and day out? mKWCNX-6K0c-00350-00139257-00139707 These very simple things a student teacher ratios, right? mKWCNX-6K0c-00351-00139746-00140352 of parent, parent kid ratios, you know, these are the basic mKWCNX-6K0c-00352-00140352-00140832 things that our society has to tackle. I've been to villages in mKWCNX-6K0c-00353-00140832-00141168 the outskirts of India that had higher literacy rates than some mKWCNX-6K0c-00354-00141168-00141705 of our cities. You know. So it's not a technological problem that mKWCNX-6K0c-00355-00141705-00142050 we face here. And I think we, we do a disservice to our, to mKWCNX-6K0c-00356-00142050-00142461 ourselves, and to some extent, to our technology, if we, if we mKWCNX-6K0c-00357-00142461-00142923 try to make it be so simple, it's not so simple. And I don't mKWCNX-6K0c-00358-00142923-00143316 have any magic answers. But But I know that it's not as simple mKWCNX-6K0c-00359-00143316-00143550 as we thought it was 20 years ago, and the computers are not mKWCNX-6K0c-00360-00143550-00143943 going to charge in and solve those fundamental problems mKWCNX-6K0c-00361-00143943-00144306 because I don't think they can. Once those problems are solved, mKWCNX-6K0c-00362-00144306-00144846 I think computers can take us to amazing places. But, but they're mKWCNX-6K0c-00363-00144846-00145212 not going to substitute for those basic things, that we as a mKWCNX-6K0c-00364-00145212-00145668 society have to figure out how to provide in a better way in mKWCNX-6K0c-00365-00145668-00145815 many places than we're doing right now. mKWCNX-6K0c-00366-00146427-00146775 Steve are very interested in finding out your you know, the mKWCNX-6K0c-00367-00146775-00147327 motto for Apple is Think different. And in what do you mKWCNX-6K0c-00368-00147327-00147897 see as Apple's vision of how they, how Apple can change mKWCNX-6K0c-00369-00147897-00148248 society and higher education in a way that is distinctly mKWCNX-6K0c-00370-00148248-00148386 different from your competitors? mKWCNX-6K0c-00371-00148473-00148761 Well, you know, I mean, Apple had to think different because mKWCNX-6K0c-00372-00148761-00149235 it had a near death experience, right? I mean, Apple, Apple was mKWCNX-6K0c-00373-00149235-00149784 gonna think bankrupt if it didn't think different. So and, mKWCNX-6K0c-00374-00149790-00150198 and believe me near death experiences tend to prioritise, mKWCNX-6K0c-00375-00150255-00150600 you know, your, your, your, your values, and they tend to mKWCNX-6K0c-00376-00150600-00151008 prioritise what, what you're going to do. And that's what mKWCNX-6K0c-00377-00151008-00151272 happened with Apple, a lot of stuff that people thought was mKWCNX-6K0c-00378-00151272-00151680 important, just completely crumble. And we had to ask mKWCNX-6K0c-00379-00151680-00152127 ourselves what's really important to us, and to the mKWCNX-6K0c-00380-00152127-00152448 folks running apple and all the folks working hard at Apple mKWCNX-6K0c-00381-00152448-00152853 really now, right now, the thing that's really, really important mKWCNX-6K0c-00382-00152853-00153324 to us, is making great computer tools. That's what we want to mKWCNX-6K0c-00383-00153324-00153756 do. And that spans hardware and software and communications, and mKWCNX-6K0c-00384-00153756-00154257 you name it, but making great computer tools. And greats, you mKWCNX-6K0c-00385-00154257-00154671 know, a complicated word, right? Doesn't mean great at any cost, mKWCNX-6K0c-00386-00154671-00154974 there's balances, but we want to make the best computers in the mKWCNX-6K0c-00387-00154974-00155403 world. And a corollary to that is, we think computers ain't so mKWCNX-6K0c-00388-00155403-00155736 good right now. You know, it's just at the beginning of this mKWCNX-6K0c-00389-00155736-00156006 whole thing, we tend to think it's very mature industry, but mKWCNX-6K0c-00390-00156006-00156396 it's not it's right at the beginning. And, and the products mKWCNX-6K0c-00391-00156396-00156606 that we have right now, and you know, I mean, Windows, mKWCNX-6K0c-00392-00156606-00157197 Macintosh, all of them, they're, they're okay, they could be so mKWCNX-6K0c-00393-00157197-00157635 much better. And so we're starting out to make them that mKWCNX-6K0c-00394-00157635-00157962 much better. And we're starting, of course, with the physical mKWCNX-6K0c-00395-00157962-00158208 computers themselves, because that's the fastest thing to mKWCNX-6K0c-00396-00158208-00158598 change software takes longer. And we're saying, well, Apple mKWCNX-6K0c-00397-00158598-00159027 was slapped in communications built into its computers, you mKWCNX-6K0c-00398-00159027-00159312 know, 18 months ago, right, Apple was last, if you stack mKWCNX-6K0c-00399-00159312-00159705 rank, everybody, the stuff that Apple had available and built mKWCNX-6K0c-00400-00159705-00160260 into its computers, was was probably the worst, we now are mKWCNX-6K0c-00401-00160347-00160842 equal or better than anyone, and within another year will clearly mKWCNX-6K0c-00402-00160842-00161250 be the best. Because we felt that computers, in addition to mKWCNX-6K0c-00403-00161250-00161568 being computational devices are enablers of communication more mKWCNX-6K0c-00404-00161568-00161886 than anything these days. And building in communication mKWCNX-6K0c-00405-00161886-00162357 technology, and seamless technology is going to be very, mKWCNX-6K0c-00406-00162357-00162588 very important, we're putting a lot of energy into that, we mKWCNX-6K0c-00407-00162588-00162990 decided that what computers look like, and how they work mKWCNX-6K0c-00408-00162990-00163320 mechanically was really important to people. So we've mKWCNX-6K0c-00409-00163320-00163704 tried to invest a lot in starting to make computers look mKWCNX-6K0c-00410-00163728-00164157 much better, and function much better, and not have 300, cables mKWCNX-6K0c-00411-00164157-00164547 coming out the back, etc, etc. We believe in ease of use always mKWCNX-6K0c-00412-00164547-00164856 have. And we've done a lot of things on the physical side, mKWCNX-6K0c-00413-00164856-00165228 you'll see us do even more on the software side, the whole mKWCNX-6K0c-00414-00165228-00165636 ease of use revolution kind of stalled. And everybody's just mKWCNX-6K0c-00415-00165636-00165903 doing what we did 10 years ago. Matter of fact, it's gotten more mKWCNX-6K0c-00416-00165903-00166137 complicated, because as the functionalities gotten more mKWCNX-6K0c-00417-00166137-00166446 complex, we've just stuck warts on the side of what we had 10 mKWCNX-6K0c-00418-00166446-00166770 years ago, instead of rethinking everything. You know, when the mKWCNX-6K0c-00419-00166770-00167103 UIs that are used today were thought out at Apple, you know, mKWCNX-6K0c-00420-00167103-00167403 dozen years ago or longer. I mean, their communications mKWCNX-6K0c-00421-00167436-00167886 wasn't a reality. You know, local area networks weren't a mKWCNX-6K0c-00422-00167886-00168189 reality, much less the Internet, what does this mean for user mKWCNX-6K0c-00423-00168189-00168516 interface, you know, and you have people attempting to mKWCNX-6K0c-00424-00168516-00168762 describe what that might mean Microsoft trying to merge the mKWCNX-6K0c-00425-00168762-00169029 browser and this and that, and we don't think any of its really mKWCNX-6K0c-00426-00169029-00169482 any good yet. So I think we have a chance to really continue that mKWCNX-6K0c-00427-00169482-00170097 ease of use revolution as we go forward. And lastly, were really mKWCNX-6K0c-00428-00170097-00170865 big on making computers, our friends can afford, and and not mKWCNX-6K0c-00429-00170865-00171162 all our friends are Larry Ellison. So we've got to make mKWCNX-6K0c-00430-00171162-00171480 computers that are really affordable. And I think that's mKWCNX-6K0c-00431-00171480-00171714 another place that Apple got really off track. And we are mKWCNX-6K0c-00432-00171714-00172170 just driving that really hard. So we've got great operational mKWCNX-6K0c-00433-00172173-00172356 excellence coming back to the company. I don't know if you mKWCNX-6K0c-00434-00172356-00172617 know, but last quarter, we actually have better inventory mKWCNX-6K0c-00435-00172617-00172923 management than Dell, which is considered to be the best in the mKWCNX-6K0c-00436-00172923-00173334 industry. So and then you'll see that continue, I think. So I mKWCNX-6K0c-00437-00173334-00173625 think we are bringing back excellence in a lot of areas in mKWCNX-6K0c-00438-00173625-00173985 the company, and focusing on making the best computation mKWCNX-6K0c-00439-00173985-00174276 products, we can not just ourselves with our partners, you mKWCNX-6K0c-00440-00174276-00174609 know, like Microsoft, like Adobe, like, you know, 10,000 mKWCNX-6K0c-00441-00174609-00174915 other software developers out there, and with some hardware mKWCNX-6K0c-00442-00174915-00175374 partners as well. So that's what we're trying to do. And I've mKWCNX-6K0c-00443-00175374-00175680 always believed that if you manage I mean, I was told this mKWCNX-6K0c-00444-00175680-00175920 by one of the wisest business people I've ever met in my life. mKWCNX-6K0c-00445-00176004-00176343 Early on in my my career, he said, if you manage the top mKWCNX-6K0c-00446-00176343-00176808 line, which is the quality of your people, the quality of your mKWCNX-6K0c-00447-00176808-00177210 partners and the quality of your strategy, the bottom line will mKWCNX-6K0c-00448-00177210-00177783 follow. And I believe that and so I have tremendous faith that mKWCNX-6K0c-00449-00177783-00178170 if we do the right stuff, Apple will be very successful mKWCNX-6K0c-00450-00178170-00178752 financially. But what happened at Apple, to be honest, over the mKWCNX-6K0c-00451-00178752-00179094 years was the goal used to be to make the best computers in the mKWCNX-6K0c-00452-00179094-00179589 world. And that was goal one, goal two we got from Hewlett mKWCNX-6K0c-00453-00179589-00179955 Packard actually which was we have to make a profit because if mKWCNX-6K0c-00454-00179955-00180378 we don't make a profit. We can't do goal one. So yeah, we I mean, mKWCNX-6K0c-00455-00180378-00180606 we enjoyed making a profit. But the purpose of making a profit mKWCNX-6K0c-00456-00180606-00180867 was so we can make the best computers in the world. Along mKWCNX-6K0c-00457-00180867-00181239 the way, somewhere, those two got reversed. The goal is to mKWCNX-6K0c-00458-00181239-00181407 make a lot of money and wealth, we have to make some good mKWCNX-6K0c-00459-00181407-00181695 computers well, okay, we'll do that. Because we can make a lot mKWCNX-6K0c-00460-00181695-00182088 of money doing that. And it's very subtle. It's very subtle at mKWCNX-6K0c-00461-00182088-00182499 first. But it turns out, it's everything. That one little mKWCNX-6K0c-00462-00182499-00182937 subtle flip takes five years to see us. But that one little mKWCNX-6K0c-00463-00182937-00183471 subtle flip in five years means everything. And so we've put mKWCNX-6K0c-00464-00183471-00183819 those things in their proper order again. Yes, yes. mKWCNX-6K0c-00465-00183939-00184137 Unknown: To be turned into material of your introductory mKWCNX-6K0c-00466-00184149-00184410 media clips, I was wondering if you could speak to how you mKWCNX-6K0c-00467-00184410-00184857 encourage creativity. And in particular, how you help people mKWCNX-6K0c-00468-00184857-00185139 to overcome the fear that might be a blocked creativity? mKWCNX-6K0c-00469-00185529-00185748 Steve Jobs: You know, I don't know the answer that question, mKWCNX-6K0c-00470-00185751-00186330 what I can tell you is just what I tried to do. And the I mKWCNX-6K0c-00471-00186336-00186804 observed very early on that, you know, like in most things in mKWCNX-6K0c-00472-00186804-00187428 life, what's a good example? I don't know, the car you drove mKWCNX-6K0c-00473-00187428-00187761 here in the hotel room, you stayed in the aeroplane you mKWCNX-6K0c-00474-00187761-00188121 might have taken to get here. In most things in life, the dynamic mKWCNX-6K0c-00475-00188121-00188745 range between average and best is around 30%. Right? You know, mKWCNX-6K0c-00476-00188745-00189117 the average taxi versus the best taxi, maybe the best taxi didn't mKWCNX-6K0c-00477-00189117-00189342 smell and it got you there a little faster, you know, maybe mKWCNX-6K0c-00478-00189342-00189771 give us 50%, the average plane ride versus the best plane ride, mKWCNX-6K0c-00479-00189807-00190062 you know, first class, well, the meals aren't any good there mKWCNX-6K0c-00480-00190062-00190488 either. But first class versus coach, maybe it's 50%. Very mKWCNX-6K0c-00481-00190488-00190824 rarely in life, you even come across something that's twice as mKWCNX-6K0c-00482-00190824-00191418 good as the average right? Would you agree in general? What I mKWCNX-6K0c-00483-00191421-00191781 what I saw very early on, I saw this first in hardware design mKWCNX-6K0c-00484-00191874-00192462 was that the best engineer, the best hardware engineer in this mKWCNX-6K0c-00485-00192462-00192993 case, was the one that was 50 times better than the average. mKWCNX-6K0c-00486-00193104-00193584 The dynamic range was 50, to one. And as we started hiring mKWCNX-6K0c-00487-00193584-00193917 people over the years, it became clear that it wasn't really mKWCNX-6K0c-00488-00193917-00194274 hard. It's hard. But it wasn't really hard to hire people at mKWCNX-6K0c-00489-00194274-00194628 least 10x better than average. So you can hire people in the 10 mKWCNX-6K0c-00490-00194643-00195303 to 50x range. And that, in general, all those kinds of mKWCNX-6K0c-00491-00195303-00195756 people got along fine with each other. And all those kinds of mKWCNX-6K0c-00492-00195756-00196083 people were very creative. And a really interesting thing mKWCNX-6K0c-00493-00196083-00196374 happened, which is all those people, it those were the only mKWCNX-6K0c-00494-00196374-00196686 kind of people you tried to hire all these people got so excited mKWCNX-6K0c-00495-00196686-00196962 about working with other people that good that it became kind of mKWCNX-6K0c-00496-00196962-00197268 self policing in a way. They didn't. They didn't they didn't mKWCNX-6K0c-00497-00197268-00197529 want to let people into the group that made it less fun to mKWCNX-6K0c-00498-00197529-00197955 come to work in the morning. Right? So that's what I've tried mKWCNX-6K0c-00499-00197955-00198405 to do. And is the hire those kinds of people in everything we mKWCNX-6K0c-00500-00198405-00198933 do. And some and I believe that that creativity isn't just mKWCNX-6K0c-00501-00198933-00199209 something that's, you know, visual, I mean, it's very mKWCNX-6K0c-00502-00199209-00199437 technical. You can have technically creative people, you mKWCNX-6K0c-00503-00199437-00199734 can have artistically creative people at Pixar. We actually mKWCNX-6K0c-00504-00199734-00200076 call them creative. We call them creative artists and technical mKWCNX-6K0c-00505-00200076-00200433 artists, right? Because we don't know the words we make, you mKWCNX-6K0c-00506-00200433-00200739 know, those are the words we make up. But but but Creativity mKWCNX-6K0c-00507-00200739-00201267 course spans anything you do. And I just find that that that mKWCNX-6K0c-00508-00201273-00201600 top group of people are by far the most creative, so I go out mKWCNX-6K0c-00509-00201600-00201936 and seek them out rather than trying to, you know, turn water mKWCNX-6K0c-00510-00201936-00202509 into wine. Yes. Well, mKWCNX-6K0c-00511-00202671-00202878 Unknown: first of all, congratulations for what you've mKWCNX-6K0c-00512-00202878-00203391 done for the past year for Apple. So when you're writing mKWCNX-6K0c-00513-00203391-00203691 this year's Christmas, bonus, please think very hard about mKWCNX-6K0c-00514-00203691-00204198 your loan. Textbook seemingly loner that support person Melek mKWCNX-6K0c-00515-00204198-00204684 grunin in Apple, QuickTime, which makes me for all the mKWCNX-6K0c-00516-00204684-00205137 abuses that he's taken so far. Anyway, I hope to be surprised mKWCNX-6K0c-00517-00205194-00205638 in January, when QuickTime streaming introduced. mKWCNX-6K0c-00518-00205761-00206058 Specifically, I'm referring to QuickTime support. I think that mKWCNX-6K0c-00519-00206058-00206529 this is a very, very key area that is causing a lot of pain mKWCNX-6K0c-00520-00206529-00206723 for QuickTime users as well as mKWCNX-6K0c-00521-00206763-00206988 authors. So if you have any, mKWCNX-6K0c-00522-00207033-00207180 Steve Jobs: what's causing a lot of payments are mKWCNX-6K0c-00523-00207228-00207510 Unknown: seemingly inadequate support for QuickTime the what mKWCNX-6K0c-00524-00207513-00207684 seemingly inadequate support mKWCNX-6K0c-00525-00207687-00207906 Steve Jobs: for quick seemingly inadequate support for mKWCNX-6K0c-00526-00207906-00208134 QuickTime? I'm not I don't know what your mKWCNX-6K0c-00527-00208182-00208557 Unknown: QuickTime there is right now with time a QuickTime mKWCNX-6K0c-00528-00208557-00208919 list on Apple's site. And it seems like there's this one mKWCNX-6K0c-00529-00208919-00209016 person reporting mKWCNX-6K0c-00530-00209088-00209471 Steve Jobs: on the website. Yes. Oh, yeah. We have 100 people mKWCNX-6K0c-00531-00209471-00209796 doing engineering. You just want us to move one or two more to mKWCNX-6K0c-00532-00209796-00210681 the website. Got it. I Do we could do that? Actually in mKWCNX-6K0c-00533-00210681-00211041 January, I shouldn't be saying this, but in January, we are mKWCNX-6K0c-00534-00211041-00211488 going to roll out QuickTime four, and QuickTime four has mKWCNX-6K0c-00535-00211488-00211761 live internet streaming that's better than you've ever seen mKWCNX-6K0c-00536-00211761-00212100 before. And you're gonna, you're gonna be really happy. I think mKWCNX-6K0c-00537-00212136-00212238 it's really good. Yeah, hopefully mKWCNX-6K0c-00538-00212238-00212598 Unknown: it'd be the improvement will reduce the number of help mKWCNX-6K0c-00539-00212598-00212985 support calls to. Thanks. mKWCNX-6K0c-00540-00213248-00213573 Steve Jobs: Yes, Stephen, one of the hot new buzzwords that we're mKWCNX-6K0c-00541-00213573-00213831 hearing and a lot of different industries, not immediate mKWCNX-6K0c-00542-00213831-00214401 industries, and it information technology is convergence. I'm mKWCNX-6K0c-00543-00214401-00214800 interested in finding out what you make of this term. What you mKWCNX-6K0c-00544-00214800-00215184 see is convergence in the future. I converge myself last mKWCNX-6K0c-00545-00215184-00215723 week, actually. I don't know what it means. Here's what it mKWCNX-6K0c-00546-00215723-00215921 means. What it means is your television is going to make mKWCNX-6K0c-00547-00215921-00216054 toast you know. mKWCNX-6K0c-00548-00216585-00217014 I don't know what the what is the most successful consumer mKWCNX-6K0c-00549-00217014-00217383 products in the last 10 years? Microwave? I heard that what mKWCNX-6K0c-00550-00217383-00218121 else? What's that? Cell phone? VCR? No, you're all wrong. Thank mKWCNX-6K0c-00551-00218121-00218829 you for playing. It's a PC. Okay. And here's all these PC mKWCNX-6K0c-00552-00218829-00219207 companies running around looking for a consumer product one, mKWCNX-6K0c-00553-00219210-00219561 that's what they make. Right now. Dell does and they sell on mKWCNX-6K0c-00554-00219561-00219801 the corporate America and mostly, but some other people do mKWCNX-6K0c-00555-00219801-00220053 Compaq does Hewlett Packard does Packard Bell does, of course mKWCNX-6K0c-00556-00220053-00220434 Apple does. It's the most successful consumer product of mKWCNX-6K0c-00557-00220434-00220973 the last 10 years. So naturally, we want to combine it with the mKWCNX-6K0c-00558-00220973-00221580 television. I've spent enough time now in entertainment with mKWCNX-6K0c-00559-00221580-00221814 with with Pixar, and working with Disney, who's just a mKWCNX-6K0c-00560-00221814-00222510 terrific company to work with, by the way is that people go to mKWCNX-6K0c-00561-00222510-00222996 their television primarily to turn their brain off. You know, mKWCNX-6K0c-00562-00222998-00223314 I used to think like many of you maybe might used to think, might mKWCNX-6K0c-00563-00223314-00223617 have thought that, that there was this giant conspiracy of the mKWCNX-6K0c-00564-00223617-00223935 network's to put mediocrity on television and dumb us down. mKWCNX-6K0c-00565-00223935-00224253 Right? Do you ever think that I thought that I there was a giant mKWCNX-6K0c-00566-00224253-00224679 conspiracy to rob the American populace of their their mind, if mKWCNX-6K0c-00567-00224679-00225138 not their soul. But I then found out the truth, which is far more mKWCNX-6K0c-00568-00225138-00225687 depressing. Which is the network's give people precisely mKWCNX-6K0c-00569-00225687-00226314 what they want. And the reason people want this stuff as they mKWCNX-6K0c-00570-00226314-00226764 come home from a long day, you know, they, they, they have mKWCNX-6K0c-00571-00226764-00226994 dinner with their kids, and they're fighting and they get mKWCNX-6K0c-00572-00226994-00227232 into bed and they just want to turn on the television and turn mKWCNX-6K0c-00573-00227232-00227538 their brain off for half an hour. Right? Do you ever do mKWCNX-6K0c-00574-00227538-00227919 that? I mean, I must admit, I don't watch much TV. But I do mKWCNX-6K0c-00575-00227919-00228228 that every once a while, after a long, hard day, I will turn on mKWCNX-6K0c-00576-00228228-00228486 the TV for half an hour. And it really does turn your brain off. mKWCNX-6K0c-00577-00228521-00228885 And so people go to their TV to turn their brain off. For the mKWCNX-6K0c-00578-00228885-00229344 most part, people go to their PC to turn their brain on. These mKWCNX-6K0c-00579-00229344-00229653 things aren't going to be together. They perform mKWCNX-6K0c-00580-00229653-00230169 completely different functions. So I think it's about as crazy mKWCNX-6K0c-00581-00230169-00230436 as, as other kinds of combinations that you can mKWCNX-6K0c-00582-00230436-00230792 imagine. And I don't think it's going to happen. You know, I mKWCNX-6K0c-00583-00230792-00231009 also think people want to interact with their computers a mKWCNX-6K0c-00584-00231009-00231317 lot more keyboards, mice up close, better resolutions, they mKWCNX-6K0c-00585-00231317-00231630 want to sit back from their television sets. You know, web mKWCNX-6K0c-00586-00231630-00231984 TV has been an utter failure so far. So I just don't see it mKWCNX-6K0c-00587-00231984-00232362 happening. Now. Sure, everybody would like a better online TV mKWCNX-6K0c-00588-00232362-00232944 Guide. Okay. Sony should build in an internet based online TV mKWCNX-6K0c-00589-00232944-00233367 guide into their television sets. I grant you that. But is mKWCNX-6K0c-00590-00233367-00233948 this digital convergence? That's what I think about it. And and, mKWCNX-6K0c-00591-00234006-00234300 and so I Yeah, that's what I think about. mKWCNX-6K0c-00592-00235161-00235458 Unknown: I wanted to ask you a question about education, higher mKWCNX-6K0c-00593-00235458-00235742 education, in particular in intellectual property. I work mKWCNX-6K0c-00594-00235742-00236055 with librarians and faculty every day and we're trying to do mKWCNX-6K0c-00595-00236055-00236451 things that will realise the potential of technology that we mKWCNX-6K0c-00596-00236451-00236826 hear so much about. One of the things that is a barrier for mKWCNX-6K0c-00597-00236826-00237336 this is in fact, the Times crippling is what's perceived as mKWCNX-6K0c-00598-00237446-00237848 decreasing space in the public domain and in fair use. Now, mKWCNX-6K0c-00599-00237848-00238179 this wasn't much of an issue when faculty were getting paper mKWCNX-6K0c-00600-00238179-00238473 handouts for their students when they're creating course websites mKWCNX-6K0c-00601-00238473-00238892 and trying to spontaneously incorporate, say images from a mKWCNX-6K0c-00602-00238892-00239298 Disney film in a critique of that film perhaps making that mKWCNX-6K0c-00603-00239298-00239841 part of you know, this becomes an obstacle to the real vigorous mKWCNX-6K0c-00604-00239841-00240092 incorporation of technology. Now you are Some interesting hats. mKWCNX-6K0c-00605-00240144-00240537 One of them, of course, is as a creator and owner of mKWCNX-6K0c-00606-00240537-00240852 intellectual property, we also hear words like visionary and mKWCNX-6K0c-00607-00240852-00241182 leader attached to your name. I wonder if this issue is on your mKWCNX-6K0c-00608-00241182-00241710 radar, and whether or not you think there's any hope of people mKWCNX-6K0c-00609-00241710-00242238 like yourself, really trying to make it clear that it's a public mKWCNX-6K0c-00610-00242238-00242723 good, that Fair Use is relatively broadly defined? mKWCNX-6K0c-00611-00242829-00243051 Steve Jobs: Well, I guess I guess my take is a little mKWCNX-6K0c-00612-00243051-00243369 different than yours, maybe my take is that people spend a lot mKWCNX-6K0c-00613-00243369-00243606 of money creating intellectual property, and other people mKWCNX-6K0c-00614-00243606-00243969 shouldn't rip it off. So that's the first thing. And I've always mKWCNX-6K0c-00615-00243969-00244185 felt that because if you, if you deprive people of that mKWCNX-6K0c-00616-00244185-00244440 protection, they, they can't attract capital to invest to mKWCNX-6K0c-00617-00244440-00244686 create in the first place, everybody loses. You go back, mKWCNX-6K0c-00618-00244686-00244994 and you read Thomas Jefferson, you go back and read Edwin Land mKWCNX-6K0c-00619-00244994-00245361 on the patent, the philosophy of patents and, and they're very mKWCNX-6K0c-00620-00245361-00245669 clear in a very compelling arguments. However, I've also mKWCNX-6K0c-00621-00245669-00245937 always believed that you've got to let young people horse mKWCNX-6K0c-00622-00245937-00246344 around, and you got to not take him to task for it. So you know, mKWCNX-6K0c-00623-00246348-00246630 we've always tried with everything we did to say, hey, mKWCNX-6K0c-00624-00246644-00247086 education, do what you want with it. Have fun. But that doesn't mKWCNX-6K0c-00625-00247086-00247548 mean you say broadly, you know, go make money off. It doesn't mKWCNX-6K0c-00626-00247548-00247866 say broadly, you know, all you other companies out there, go do mKWCNX-6K0c-00627-00247866-00247929 what you want with it. mKWCNX-6K0c-00628-00247944-00248117 Unknown: I mean, if I could just, I'm not talking about mKWCNX-6K0c-00629-00248117-00248492 patents. I'm talking primarily about copyrights, copyrights the mKWCNX-6K0c-00630-00248492-00248754 same thing. Well, apart from the young people fooling around, I mKWCNX-6K0c-00631-00248754-00249192 think that what what faculty are running into, is a desire to mKWCNX-6K0c-00632-00249198-00249702 take snippets of material not, you know, not whole films, not mKWCNX-6K0c-00633-00249702-00249992 things that would compete on the market. And we're talking not mKWCNX-6K0c-00634-00249992-00250236 about faculty that are out there, you know, getting getting mKWCNX-6K0c-00635-00250236-00250523 paid per student, necessarily the faculty working in typical mKWCNX-6K0c-00636-00250523-00251037 institution, and they're finding increasingly, publishers and mKWCNX-6K0c-00637-00251037-00251321 others, you know, coming down on them. Now, I mKWCNX-6K0c-00638-00251321-00251559 Steve Jobs: don't, well, it's in the same way that if they Xerox mKWCNX-6K0c-00639-00251562-00251921 textbooks, they come down on them when they mean intellectual mKWCNX-6K0c-00640-00251921-00252384 property is owned by people. copyrights are a form of mKWCNX-6K0c-00641-00252384-00252869 ownership. And I think the real issue is that there has been no mKWCNX-6K0c-00642-00252873-00253431 good Clearing House mechanism. To get people paid the small mKWCNX-6K0c-00643-00253431-00253713 amounts of money, they would want to extract from users of mKWCNX-6K0c-00644-00253713-00254013 small amounts of their material, mean ASCAP, some model that mKWCNX-6K0c-00645-00254013-00254478 could be applied. But that's the issue. The issue is not should mKWCNX-6K0c-00646-00254478-00254835 owners of intellectual property have the have the choice to get mKWCNX-6K0c-00647-00254835-00255096 paid for it? Because they should? It's theirs? This is mKWCNX-6K0c-00648-00255096-00255462 America, at least, you know, currently. So you got to you got mKWCNX-6K0c-00649-00255462-00255846 to respect that. The issue is most people wouldn't want very mKWCNX-6K0c-00650-00255846-00256196 much money, if any, if there was a very simple vehicle for them mKWCNX-6K0c-00651-00256196-00256512 to collect a few cents here and there. And that vehicle is not mKWCNX-6K0c-00652-00256512-00256917 in place. And I think until that vehicle gets in place, we're mKWCNX-6K0c-00653-00256917-00257198 going to have these kinds of contentions. I think once that mKWCNX-6K0c-00654-00257198-00257565 vehicle is in place, it's going to, it's going to really drain mKWCNX-6K0c-00655-00257565-00257913 the the hostility out of these kinds of confrontations, because mKWCNX-6K0c-00656-00257913-00258246 you're going to be talking a very small amount of money. I mKWCNX-6K0c-00657-00258246-00258792 can most cases I think. So. That's the biggest problem. The mKWCNX-6K0c-00658-00258792-00259176 problem is the Clearinghouse the mechanism for these things to mKWCNX-6K0c-00659-00259176-00259544 get trapped and paid. No one a radio station plays a song and mKWCNX-6K0c-00660-00259544-00260013 artists gets a few cents, right? I mean, you know, I think that's mKWCNX-6K0c-00661-00260013-00260337 fair, don't you? I think when somebody takes time away from mKWCNX-6K0c-00662-00260337-00260529 their family and their children to write a book, how many of you mKWCNX-6K0c-00663-00260529-00260844 written books here? Yeah, how many of you get paid a little mKWCNX-6K0c-00664-00260844-00261129 bit of money for writing books? Do you think it's fair that mKWCNX-6K0c-00665-00261129-00261375 somebody just stops paying you? Because we have this thing mKWCNX-6K0c-00666-00261375-00261606 called the internet, instead of the printing press? I don't mKWCNX-6K0c-00667-00261606-00261894 think so. You know, I think somebody's gonna take time away mKWCNX-6K0c-00668-00261894-00262089 from the rest of their life to write a book that they think is mKWCNX-6K0c-00669-00262089-00262437 a value and somebody else thinks it's a value. And the person mKWCNX-6K0c-00670-00262437-00262620 that owns it doesn't want to give it away, they should mKWCNX-6K0c-00671-00262620-00263019 receive a little something for that. And I think our problem is mKWCNX-6K0c-00672-00263019-00263523 a constipation, in how the buyer and the seller interact on very mKWCNX-6K0c-00673-00263523-00263952 small quantity of intellectual property transactions. mKWCNX-6K0c-00674-00264210-00264411 Unknown: Yes, I've been mKWCNX-6K0c-00675-00264411-00264714 around the administrative computing longer than I'd like mKWCNX-6K0c-00676-00264714-00265290 to admit. But during that time, I've seen telnet. I've seen dumb mKWCNX-6K0c-00677-00265290-00265740 terminals. I saw the desktop computer and the first one I mKWCNX-6K0c-00678-00265740-00266334 bought was a Mac Plus, but I use telnet. Then we heard about mKWCNX-6K0c-00679-00266334-00266637 client server and client server came and we discovered that it mKWCNX-6K0c-00680-00266637-00267066 was impossible to really service all those clients. And now we're mKWCNX-6K0c-00681-00267066-00267585 headed back to the thin client. And the Larry says, I guess he mKWCNX-6K0c-00682-00267585-00267957 may not be correct, but Network Computing, but we're looking at mKWCNX-6K0c-00683-00267957-00268368 perhaps a browser being the operating system and that's the mKWCNX-6K0c-00684-00268368-00268728 way we access information. One of the ideas that's out there, mKWCNX-6K0c-00685-00268728-00268863 what's your reaction to all that? mKWCNX-6K0c-00686-00269070-00269238 Steve Jobs: When you were telling me this, I remember the mKWCNX-6K0c-00687-00269238-00269409 dumb channels where I was thinking was that over the mKWCNX-6K0c-00688-00269409-00269640 years, the terminals have gotten smarter than users have gotten mKWCNX-6K0c-00689-00269640-00271050 dumber. The constant to content I'm so that's a joke. The the mKWCNX-6K0c-00690-00271050-00271980 trade off one makes is, in terms of interaction, one can have a mKWCNX-6K0c-00691-00271989-00272262 thin, quote unquote, thin client. And we'll explore that mKWCNX-6K0c-00692-00272262-00272619 in a minute today. And one can get some benefits from that mKWCNX-6K0c-00693-00272673-00273054 having an application run only on the server is a plus, in some mKWCNX-6K0c-00694-00273054-00273351 cases, you don't have to administer a zillion copies on mKWCNX-6K0c-00695-00273351-00273873 the clients, etc, etc. And the clients can be anything. And mKWCNX-6K0c-00696-00273876-00274335 they can be things we haven't thought of. And basically, mKWCNX-6K0c-00697-00274398-00274854 there's some real advantages to that. However, if the client mKWCNX-6K0c-00698-00274854-00275232 really is going to be thin, the interaction is going to be not mKWCNX-6K0c-00699-00275232-00275841 very dynamic. And so the more interactive you want to make mKWCNX-6K0c-00700-00275841-00276282 these applications, the more that approach doesn't work. And mKWCNX-6K0c-00701-00276282-00276708 the more you have to go to a thicker clients, all law windows mKWCNX-6K0c-00702-00276708-00277284 all on Macintosh. Now, what the thin client guys are doing about mKWCNX-6K0c-00703-00277284-00277593 that, since of course, they lust after more dynamic user mKWCNX-6K0c-00704-00277593-00277977 interfaces, is they're making their thin clients thicker, mKWCNX-6K0c-00705-00278031-00278316 right? I mean, the Java release that just came out, they call it mKWCNX-6K0c-00706-00278316-00278643 Java two, it's like five times bigger than the release before, mKWCNX-6K0c-00707-00278643-00279309 it's huge now. So, you know, you can, I don't know how you call mKWCNX-6K0c-00708-00279309-00279741 it a thin client with 15 pounds of stuff in the bag. You know, mKWCNX-6K0c-00709-00279774-00280113 so it's just when does a thin client stop being a thin client? mKWCNX-6K0c-00710-00280152-00280755 I think we're on the verge of that now. And so I think that's, mKWCNX-6K0c-00711-00280785-00281244 that's the technical and user interface trade offs there. And mKWCNX-6K0c-00712-00281244-00281727 I think that for some types of applications, it's worth the mKWCNX-6K0c-00713-00281727-00282201 trade off to give up a great user interface. Right? Like on mKWCNX-6K0c-00714-00282201-00282699 the internet. It's worth it. For a lot of things, in mKWCNX-6K0c-00715-00282699-00283020 corporations, some of its worth it. Some of your administrative mKWCNX-6K0c-00716-00283020-00283335 apps are simple enough that you don't need a dynamic interface. mKWCNX-6K0c-00717-00283428-00283662 And they're used repetitively enough that you know, you can mKWCNX-6K0c-00718-00283662-00284043 afford to train people how to use these things, which is one mKWCNX-6K0c-00719-00284043-00284472 of the consequences of having a less robust user interface. But mKWCNX-6K0c-00720-00284472-00285030 for most things people want to use these days, the thin clients mKWCNX-6K0c-00721-00285033-00285510 aren't quite sick enough. And that's the challenge. That is mKWCNX-6K0c-00722-00285510-00285972 the challenge. Yes, mKWCNX-6K0c-00723-00286122-00286350 Unknown: I would endorse what you said about the computer not mKWCNX-6K0c-00724-00286350-00286542 being the way to learn to read. mKWCNX-6K0c-00725-00286671-00287322 There's another technology for that. Books. And actually, I'd mKWCNX-6K0c-00726-00287322-00287580 be interested in the complementary nature of the mKWCNX-6K0c-00727-00287580-00287895 internet as a way to follow on to things children have become mKWCNX-6K0c-00728-00287895-00288267 interested in. And adults get interested interested in for mKWCNX-6K0c-00729-00288267-00288903 continuing the gate pays you, how do you look at the future, mKWCNX-6K0c-00730-00288942-00288990 excuse me, mKWCNX-6K0c-00731-00289095-00289167 gateways, mKWCNX-6K0c-00732-00289245-00289536 and the various types of shopping mall approaches to mKWCNX-6K0c-00733-00289536-00289641 finding out about things? mKWCNX-6K0c-00734-00289680-00289995 Steve Jobs: Well, first of all, the internet is phenomenal. I mKWCNX-6K0c-00735-00289995-00290397 mean, the internet will clearly go down as the most important mKWCNX-6K0c-00736-00290397-00290802 thing of the last 20 years of the century, in terms of mKWCNX-6K0c-00737-00290802-00291039 computing, and maybe even in terms of things beyond mKWCNX-6K0c-00738-00291039-00291390 computing. It's huge. And I don't know if how many of you mKWCNX-6K0c-00739-00291390-00291702 have sat down with your kids in front of a computer and actually mKWCNX-6K0c-00740-00291702-00292083 explored a topic on the internet. But for all of those, mKWCNX-6K0c-00741-00292095-00292500 you've done that it's phenomenal. It's really mKWCNX-6K0c-00742-00292500-00292962 phenomenal. And it's a case chaos, but it's it's good stuff, mKWCNX-6K0c-00743-00292962-00293268 sort of wonderful chaos. And it takes a little longer to find mKWCNX-6K0c-00744-00293268-00293574 stuff than you'd like and, but that's okay. Especially if mKWCNX-6K0c-00745-00293574-00293829 you're sitting there with, you know, one of your kids or mKWCNX-6K0c-00746-00293829-00294321 somebody else's kids. So that part's Great. What's not so mKWCNX-6K0c-00747-00294321-00295314 great, is that it's it's in that free for all, there is no mKWCNX-6K0c-00748-00295314-00295686 trusted advisor. You know, if you if you go out and ask well, mKWCNX-6K0c-00749-00295686-00296232 what is the New York Times mean, I can get all of the news that's mKWCNX-6K0c-00750-00296232-00296529 in the New York Times for the most part now from other sources mKWCNX-6K0c-00751-00296529-00296739 on the Internet. Why would I ever get the New York Times? mKWCNX-6K0c-00752-00296739-00297276 Well, because not only do they edit it for him, not only do mKWCNX-6K0c-00753-00297276-00297801 they sort of condense it for me, but more importantly, they judge mKWCNX-6K0c-00754-00297801-00298257 what's important, they have an editorial point of view that I mKWCNX-6K0c-00755-00298260-00298575 let's say trust, or the white trust the Wall Street Journal, I mKWCNX-6K0c-00756-00298575-00298989 trust them to tell me what's important in a concise way. And mKWCNX-6K0c-00757-00298989-00299394 I trust them even more important to get rid of the stuff that mKWCNX-6K0c-00758-00299394-00299649 they think is not important so that I can focus on what's mKWCNX-6K0c-00759-00299649-00300039 important. It's an editorial point of view that I As a mKWCNX-6K0c-00760-00300039-00300687 consumer trust, those editorial points of view have not emerged mKWCNX-6K0c-00761-00300687-00301197 much on the internet yet. As an example, for a parent's where mKWCNX-6K0c-00762-00301197-00301671 can I go for an editorial point of view that I trust? I don't mKWCNX-6K0c-00763-00301671-00302085 want my kids seeing certain sites. I want things organised mKWCNX-6K0c-00764-00302085-00302394 in certain ways, and that those things haven't emerged. And I mKWCNX-6K0c-00765-00302394-00302610 believe they will emerge, because I believe people will mKWCNX-6K0c-00766-00302610-00302895 have I believe there's value in them. And I think you're mKWCNX-6K0c-00767-00302895-00303111 starting to see that on a small scale. And I think you'll see mKWCNX-6K0c-00768-00303111-00303333 that on some larger scales, as some of the big players get into mKWCNX-6K0c-00769-00303333-00303717 this in the next few years. And so that's where I think we are mKWCNX-6K0c-00770-00303717-00304023 today. But of course, it's incredibly fantastic. Right now. mKWCNX-6K0c-00771-00304044-00304353 It's like the Wild West. You know, but some people got killed mKWCNX-6K0c-00772-00304353-00304578 in the wild west. So mKWCNX-6K0c-00773-00304704-00305103 Unknown: the gateway, so for instance, as Yahoo improves, or mKWCNX-6K0c-00774-00305103-00305778 elaborates itself, same with AOL. Same with anybody who's got mKWCNX-6K0c-00775-00305805-00306147 the front page attention of mKWCNX-6K0c-00776-00306249-00306504 Steve Jobs: searchers, you know, I actually think we're entering mKWCNX-6K0c-00777-00306504-00306804 an entering a period where it's gonna get boring, in that, from mKWCNX-6K0c-00778-00306804-00307092 that point, have you noticed all of these portal sites? Do they mKWCNX-6K0c-00779-00307092-00307464 look the same to you? You go from one to the next to the next mKWCNX-6K0c-00780-00307464-00307782 to the next, they all look exactly the same. So what's the mKWCNX-6K0c-00781-00307782-00307971 future the market? What's that? mKWCNX-6K0c-00782-00307974-00308115 What's the future of that market? mKWCNX-6K0c-00783-00308124-00308400 I don't know. But I know it's not having seven things that all mKWCNX-6K0c-00784-00308400-00308904 look the same. You know, I think there's going to be some real mKWCNX-6K0c-00785-00308904-00309249 opportunity as a first wave of this thing consolidates, and mKWCNX-6K0c-00786-00309249-00309525 everybody thinks is maturing, same as the computer industry. mKWCNX-6K0c-00787-00309585-00309765 And yet, everything's going the same same as the computer mKWCNX-6K0c-00788-00309765-00310050 industry, it's gonna be the same as everybody making beige mKWCNX-6K0c-00789-00310050-00310524 rectangular computers. You know, I just slap a Dell logo on or a mKWCNX-6K0c-00790-00310524-00310809 compact logo or on or a gateway logo on or HP logo on the wall mKWCNX-6K0c-00791-00310809-00311145 with the same they all do the same thing? We the world doesn't mKWCNX-6K0c-00792-00311145-00311586 need that. So I think we're starting to see that same thing mKWCNX-6K0c-00793-00311586-00311820 with internet portals. And I don't think the world needs mKWCNX-6K0c-00794-00311820-00312033 that. So I think there's gonna be an opening for some more mKWCNX-6K0c-00795-00312033-00312321 interesting things to emerge over the next few years. mKWCNX-6K0c-00796-00312456-00312831 Unknown: Yes. Thank you. First of all, congratulations on your mKWCNX-6K0c-00797-00312831-00313224 successes at Pixar Toy Story and A Bug's Life. I recommend mKWCNX-6K0c-00798-00313224-00313572 anybody who sees A Bug's Life to be sure to watch the closing mKWCNX-6K0c-00799-00313572-00314115 credits. As someone who's been using the Macintosh since day mKWCNX-6K0c-00800-00314115-00314610 one, I'm very happy to see the recent successes at Apple. But mKWCNX-6K0c-00801-00314610-00314982 it's hard for me to completely restore my faith in a company mKWCNX-6K0c-00802-00314982-00315528 that doesn't have a permanent CEO yet. What's on your business mKWCNX-6K0c-00803-00315528-00315636 card? Have you gotten mKWCNX-6K0c-00804-00315642-00315816 permit yet? You know, mKWCNX-6K0c-00805-00316077-00316296 Steve Jobs: I don't have any business cards. No, I don't. And mKWCNX-6K0c-00806-00316296-00316638 forgive me if I'm a taboo subject. No, it's not a taboo mKWCNX-6K0c-00807-00316638-00317259 subject. You know, I was hounded with this, early this all mKWCNX-6K0c-00808-00317259-00317493 through last year, the second half of last year in early this mKWCNX-6K0c-00809-00317493-00317871 year. And, you know, there's been a lot of issues and mKWCNX-6K0c-00810-00317871-00318303 challenges on our plate. And, you know, you go to work at mKWCNX-6K0c-00811-00318309-00318693 seven in the morning, you come back at eight at night, you're mKWCNX-6K0c-00812-00318693-00319020 drained. And then, you know, you get 10 emails talking about mKWCNX-6K0c-00813-00319020-00319461 what's your title. And I decided I was I was actually up and I mKWCNX-6K0c-00814-00319461-00319692 was brushing my teeth. One morning, I looked in the mirror, mKWCNX-6K0c-00815-00319713-00320337 and I decided, Steve, this is not your problem. Right? Now I mKWCNX-6K0c-00816-00320337-00320760 talk to myself, sometimes. This is not your problem, this is mKWCNX-6K0c-00817-00320760-00321144 somebody else's problem. I have enough problems right now. So I mKWCNX-6K0c-00818-00321144-00321396 decided that I wasn't gonna think about this for a year. mKWCNX-6K0c-00819-00321459-00321759 Right? That was in late January, and I'm not going to think about mKWCNX-6K0c-00820-00321759-00322056 it. until sometime early next year, I'm just not gonna think mKWCNX-6K0c-00821-00322056-00322281 about it. And if other people have a problem with that, I mKWCNX-6K0c-00822-00322281-00322788 apologise. But it's not my problem. And so I'm doing I mKWCNX-6K0c-00823-00322788-00323028 mean, we all do the best we can. The other thing I really want to mKWCNX-6K0c-00824-00323028-00323403 say here, though, is, you know, everything I've done in my mKWCNX-6K0c-00825-00323403-00323763 career is a team sport. There's two types of things you can do mKWCNX-6K0c-00826-00323778-00324165 to try to go be Michelangelo and you know, but or you can try to mKWCNX-6K0c-00827-00324165-00324696 be part of a team and do things as part of a team. And I pick mKWCNX-6K0c-00828-00324696-00325116 the latter one, and I get to go to work every morning and hang mKWCNX-6K0c-00829-00325116-00325347 out with these really great people. Most of them are much mKWCNX-6K0c-00830-00325347-00325716 smarter than me, and we get to collectively try to do things. mKWCNX-6K0c-00831-00325746-00326199 Right. So people tend to focus on symbols. And, and you know, mKWCNX-6K0c-00832-00326199-00326559 the contrast ratio between Apple's recent CEOs and stuff mKWCNX-6K0c-00833-00326559-00327168 is, you know, high, so but, but believe me, there's an mKWCNX-6K0c-00834-00327168-00327585 incredible team at Apple. Now when I got there. I expected mKWCNX-6K0c-00835-00327585-00328017 most of the good people to have left to be honest. And I was mKWCNX-6K0c-00836-00328020-00328605 incredibly surprised that a third of the people were like a mKWCNX-6K0c-00837-00328605-00328926 plus players. I mean, the kind of people these these 10 to 50x mKWCNX-6K0c-00838-00328926-00329277 people, the kind of people that you kill, to hire. I mean, mKWCNX-6K0c-00839-00329277-00329517 seriously, you just you do anything to hire these people. mKWCNX-6K0c-00840-00329517-00329784 They come along once, once in a blue moon, a third of the mKWCNX-6K0c-00841-00329784-00330249 company A third of the company was at, let's just say the other mKWCNX-6K0c-00842-00330249-00330510 end of the spectrum. And they weren't bad people, they were mKWCNX-6K0c-00843-00330510-00330726 people that have just been burnout. Or maybe they weren't mKWCNX-6K0c-00844-00330726-00331038 so good in the first place. Who knows, but there were barnacles. mKWCNX-6K0c-00845-00331092-00331725 And, and to be honest, you know, we help them find the jobs, you mKWCNX-6K0c-00846-00331725-00332370 know, outside of Apple. And, and so apples got some incredibly mKWCNX-6K0c-00847-00332370-00332748 talented people, we promoted some some very strong people mKWCNX-6K0c-00848-00332748-00332961 from inside. And once we got rid of the barnacles, which, mKWCNX-6K0c-00849-00332961-00333375 frankly, were in the upper man in the several top layers, for mKWCNX-6K0c-00850-00333375-00333774 the most part, things got a lot better. And we let some of the mKWCNX-6K0c-00851-00333774-00334101 talent really start to shine. We brought in some talent, we mKWCNX-6K0c-00852-00334101-00334413 promoted some talent. And so there's some incredibly, not mKWCNX-6K0c-00853-00334413-00334713 only good people, great people, but passionate people at Apple mKWCNX-6K0c-00854-00334713-00335115 running the place now. And anything that we've been able to mKWCNX-6K0c-00855-00335115-00335712 accomplish is due almost entirely to their efforts. So I mKWCNX-6K0c-00856-00335712-00335892 wouldn't lose too much sleep over over that. mKWCNX-6K0c-00857-00336048-00336444 Yes, moving from the sublime to the ridiculous or unpleasant mKWCNX-6K0c-00858-00336444-00336954 anyway, I was very disappointed last week to I was all excited mKWCNX-6K0c-00859-00336954-00337344 to go buy a new Mac. And then I discovered you only have one mKWCNX-6K0c-00860-00337344-00338163 display for the G three. Team point one one visible area. And mKWCNX-6K0c-00861-00338163-00338526 we have three displays three, not for the educational mKWCNX-6K0c-00862-00338526-00338979 purchase. The flat panels is not as that makes perfect that trip. mKWCNX-6K0c-00863-00339102-00339399 Yep. Now, we have all three displays in the education mKWCNX-6K0c-00864-00339399-00339708 priceless. Yeah, we've all put your website, mKWCNX-6K0c-00865-00339753-00340074 you go on the website and the only video monitor this mKWCNX-6K0c-00866-00340074-00340527 available to ordinary run of the mill How exciting. That's really mKWCNX-6K0c-00867-00340527-00340593 dumb, isn't it? mKWCNX-6K0c-00868-00340782-00341250 So we'll go fix that. But on the educational price list, there mKWCNX-6K0c-00869-00341250-00341595 should be three we there's a really, really good, it's what I mKWCNX-6K0c-00870-00341595-00342063 use myself a 15 inch flat panel display 10 by seven. And it's mKWCNX-6K0c-00871-00342063-00342333 pretty stunning. It's probably the highest quality on the mKWCNX-6K0c-00872-00342333-00342780 marketplace. And then there's the 17 inch 16.1 viewable and mKWCNX-6K0c-00873-00342780-00343086 then there's a 21 inch which has callers thinking I called the mKWCNX-6K0c-00874-00343086-00343311 100 number because I was so disappointed and he said it mKWCNX-6K0c-00875-00343311-00343971 wasn't available either. What a stupid company. I will try to go mKWCNX-6K0c-00876-00343971-00344499 fixed. Thank you. By the way, we appreciate these things very mKWCNX-6K0c-00877-00344499-00345048 much because you can't fix what you don't know. So yes, yeah, mKWCNX-6K0c-00878-00345048-00345318 kudos on A Bug's Life. I was wondering if A Bug's Life in mKWCNX-6K0c-00879-00345318-00345624 some ways analogous to certain product development cycles or mKWCNX-6K0c-00880-00345645-00346179 channels of distribution? I have a question as far as the high mKWCNX-6K0c-00881-00346179-00346539 end development of content authoring tools, and your mKWCNX-6K0c-00882-00346539-00346851 motivation to make some of those tools easy to use. And what are mKWCNX-6K0c-00883-00346851-00347115 some of your plans, especially as we start working with faculty mKWCNX-6K0c-00884-00347115-00347469 who want to get into the next wave, multimedia simulation, mKWCNX-6K0c-00885-00347469-00348159 streaming media, and things of that sort. We are clearly doing mKWCNX-6K0c-00886-00348159-00348513 a lot in the multimedia streaming media space. And mKWCNX-6K0c-00887-00348513-00348918 you'll I can't really talk about that until you see some stuff mKWCNX-6K0c-00888-00348918-00349266 announced early next year. But we're doing a lot in that space. mKWCNX-6K0c-00889-00349266-00349551 We've got some of our best people on it. And I think you'll mKWCNX-6K0c-00890-00349551-00349965 be pleasantly surprised with what we do. In terms of the mKWCNX-6K0c-00891-00349965-00350199 other kinds of things. I mean, we get asked all the time at mKWCNX-6K0c-00892-00350199-00350550 Pixar. You know, can we commercialise Pixar head? How mKWCNX-6K0c-00893-00350550-00350979 many of you saw ABC Bug's Life here? Some of you? The rest of mKWCNX-6K0c-00894-00350979-00351690 you need to go see it. Soon this weekend, I think A Bug's Life is mKWCNX-6K0c-00895-00351690-00351978 a wonderful, wonderful computer animated film The second mKWCNX-6K0c-00896-00351978-00352221 computer animated film from a little studio called Pixar mKWCNX-6K0c-00897-00352236-00352500 Animation Studios that has a great partnership with the Walt mKWCNX-6K0c-00898-00352500-00352944 Disney Studios. They help us they mentor us. We work with mKWCNX-6K0c-00899-00352944-00353196 some great guys, Peter Schneider and Tom Schumacher, down there mKWCNX-6K0c-00900-00353196-00353406 with Michael Eisner and all the marketing and distribution mKWCNX-6K0c-00901-00353406-00353907 folks. And we created this movie called A Bug's Life, these films mKWCNX-6K0c-00902-00353907-00354180 take four years to make. And they're done entirely on mKWCNX-6K0c-00903-00354180-00354426 computers. So there's no hand drawing or anything, of course, mKWCNX-6K0c-00904-00354426-00354705 people make them. But they use these very, very powerful mKWCNX-6K0c-00905-00354705-00354999 pencils that we've developed, and we had to invent this whole mKWCNX-6K0c-00906-00354999-00355488 field. And we wrote all this proprietary software, and we're mKWCNX-6K0c-00907-00355488-00355668 sort of the only people in the world that can do it at this mKWCNX-6K0c-00908-00355668-00355980 level. And we get asked a lot about commercialising those mKWCNX-6K0c-00909-00355980-00356481 products for the Mac and stuff. But as an example, to make A mKWCNX-6K0c-00910-00356481-00356937 Bug's Life, we had five terabytes of data. five mKWCNX-6K0c-00911-00356937-00357570 terabytes the workstations that we used to animate the film has mKWCNX-6K0c-00912-00357576-00358113 1.5 gigabytes of memory in each workstation. That's on its way mKWCNX-6K0c-00913-00358113-00358605 to going to three for the next movie. So we're a little beyond mKWCNX-6K0c-00914-00358605-00359175 what we can do an iMac. Let's quickly move from the tools to mKWCNX-6K0c-00915-00359175-00359430 the content creation. There were some questions about fair use. mKWCNX-6K0c-00916-00359502-00359811 I'm wanting to write a critique of cultural products using A mKWCNX-6K0c-00917-00359811-00360171 Bug's Life and I got a few bucks If you give me permission to use mKWCNX-6K0c-00918-00360171-00360693 some of your screen grabs actually, I believe the Disney mKWCNX-6K0c-00919-00360696-00361023 website for Bug's Life does have a lot of screen grabs, and you mKWCNX-6K0c-00920-00361023-00361557 can download for free. Yes, sir. Any more questions? And I did mKWCNX-6K0c-00921-00361641-00361893 a number of years ago, you had an opportunity to go to Xerox mKWCNX-6K0c-00922-00361893-00362250 PARC and see some really innovative people. Doug mKWCNX-6K0c-00923-00362250-00362586 Engelbart over on the design side, the mouse, the user mKWCNX-6K0c-00924-00362586-00363021 interface, and so on. That part of the revolution seems to me mKWCNX-6K0c-00925-00363021-00363363 making some progress. It's not done yet. But the software side mKWCNX-6K0c-00926-00363363-00363822 seems to have been ignored or paid halfway attention to. I'm mKWCNX-6K0c-00927-00363822-00364164 talking about Alan Kay, and objects. And the fact that Alan mKWCNX-6K0c-00928-00364164-00364392 Kay still thinks nobody's figured out what objects are mKWCNX-6K0c-00929-00364392-00364893 yet. And yet, he's right, I think he's right. But you were mKWCNX-6K0c-00930-00364893-00365202 saying you have to move things into the software arena, in mKWCNX-6K0c-00931-00365202-00365472 order to catch up with what the hardware has been doing? Well, mKWCNX-6K0c-00932-00365472-00365724 how are we gonna get people make that paradigm shift and look at mKWCNX-6K0c-00933-00365724-00366072 something like squeak and so the Java or similar kinds of mKWCNX-6K0c-00934-00366072-00366138 technologies? mKWCNX-6K0c-00935-00366363-00366822 Well, the hallmark of real object oriented technology is is mKWCNX-6K0c-00936-00366825-00367281 is runtime binding. It's for things to be able to just make mKWCNX-6K0c-00937-00367281-00367740 decisions at runtime, as autonomous elements, rather than mKWCNX-6K0c-00938-00367740-00368154 a programmer having decided what should happen, you know, months, mKWCNX-6K0c-00939-00368154-00368529 days years ago, and the minute you accept that you can do all mKWCNX-6K0c-00940-00368529-00368961 sorts of wonderful things in the object space. The the only, mKWCNX-6K0c-00941-00368964-00369204 there's been a few commercial systems that have tried to do mKWCNX-6K0c-00942-00369204-00369633 it. But it's very hard to get the kind of performance you need mKWCNX-6K0c-00943-00369633-00370011 out of that next specialised in that and did a pretty good job, mKWCNX-6K0c-00944-00370011-00370344 in my opinion on some of that stuff. And you will see sort of mKWCNX-6K0c-00945-00370344-00370737 a next generation of that technology from Apple, you know, mKWCNX-6K0c-00946-00370737-00371118 sometime in the coming year. So I think Apple is very committed mKWCNX-6K0c-00947-00371118-00371541 to that. But as you know, software moves more glacially mKWCNX-6K0c-00948-00371541-00371901 than hardware. And there's a lot of money invested in lots of mKWCNX-6K0c-00949-00371901-00372174 apps that are not going to change overnight, even to use a mKWCNX-6K0c-00950-00372174-00372531 new technology. So you're talking about a longer term mKWCNX-6K0c-00951-00372531-00372873 process. And that doesn't mean that education can't take mKWCNX-6K0c-00952-00372873-00373224 advantage of that stuff instantly. They can. But you mKWCNX-6K0c-00953-00373224-00373641 have to have software systems capable of running the giant mKWCNX-6K0c-00954-00373641-00373881 investment that's been made in applications that people also mKWCNX-6K0c-00955-00373881-00374298 want to run, right? As well as run the new stuff. And that's, mKWCNX-6K0c-00956-00374301-00374571 that's the hard part. Just putting something new out on the mKWCNX-6K0c-00957-00374571-00374823 market with no bridge to the past doesn't succeed, in my mKWCNX-6K0c-00958-00374823-00375285 opinion. Put it this way, it succeeded a few times in this mKWCNX-6K0c-00959-00375285-00375651 industry and Macintosh was one of them. But it's become mKWCNX-6K0c-00960-00375651-00375906 increasingly more difficult to do that. mKWCNX-6K0c-00961-00376101-00376419 Yes, I find that a little curious. None of us is mKWCNX-6K0c-00962-00376419-00376698 introducing ourselves to us. So let me do that. I'm Greg Jackson mKWCNX-6K0c-00963-00376698-00376974 from University of Chicago. I want to give you seven mKWCNX-6K0c-00964-00376974-00377259 statistics, one story and something I heard from Apple mKWCNX-6K0c-00965-00377259-00377490 person this morning and asked you to help me reconcile them. mKWCNX-6K0c-00966-00377571-00377934 The statistics are these we just survey of our students last year mKWCNX-6K0c-00967-00377994-00378372 of our seniors, about two thirds were Mac users of our freshman mKWCNX-6K0c-00968-00378372-00378894 15%. We did a slightly different survey which reconciles well of mKWCNX-6K0c-00969-00378894-00379224 our freshmen this year, which is down to 10% named Mac users mKWCNX-6K0c-00970-00379224-00379512 after the introduction of the iMac, we look at installed mKWCNX-6K0c-00971-00379512-00379803 desktops at the university somewhere between half and two mKWCNX-6K0c-00972-00379803-00380181 thirds, probably our Macintosh is where a major Macintosh site, mKWCNX-6K0c-00973-00380223-00380535 if we look at institutional purchases of new machines, over mKWCNX-6K0c-00974-00380535-00381102 80% of them are Windows machines. Yes. If we look at how mKWCNX-6K0c-00975-00381102-00381390 many IMAX we've actually sold, and if someone's gonna buy an mKWCNX-6K0c-00976-00381390-00381585 iMac anywhere near as they should come to us, because it's mKWCNX-6K0c-00977-00381585-00381909 cheaper, we've sold 22 of them. Now they shouldn't, they mKWCNX-6K0c-00978-00381909-00382071 probably don't buy them from you, they probably buy them mKWCNX-6K0c-00979-00382071-00382374 before they come now, most they don't. Nobody bought an iMac mKWCNX-6K0c-00980-00382374-00382794 with him or her this year, that may be zero. And wait, there's mKWCNX-6K0c-00981-00382794-00383097 $100 cheaper. So if you're there, they buy, we sold 22 of mKWCNX-6K0c-00982-00383097-00383502 them, of those 12 are at our K 12 school that we own, of those mKWCNX-6K0c-00983-00383502-00383748 12. Six had been dead since the day they were installed and mKWCNX-6K0c-00984-00383748-00384171 they're out of service. Those are the statistics. The story is mKWCNX-6K0c-00985-00384171-00384549 that I have a son who has been using his Mac avidly ever since mKWCNX-6K0c-00986-00384552-00384894 he was six or seven. And he's gone through all of my old Macs mKWCNX-6K0c-00987-00384942-00385230 over the years. And I really wanted to bring an iMac home mKWCNX-6K0c-00988-00385230-00385449 because I wanted to play with it. And since I already had a mKWCNX-6K0c-00989-00385449-00385668 computer, I couldn't persuade myself to do it. So I tried to mKWCNX-6K0c-00990-00385668-00385989 persuade him that this was a perfect thing to do. He wanted mKWCNX-6K0c-00991-00385989-00386280 nothing to do with it. And what he wanted was a Windows machine mKWCNX-6K0c-00992-00386280-00386655 because that's where everything he wanted was. Those are the mKWCNX-6K0c-00993-00386655-00386988 statistics in the story on the escalator on the way up, we were mKWCNX-6K0c-00994-00386988-00387291 riding up with someone who is senior in the higher education mKWCNX-6K0c-00995-00387291-00387642 channel. And she said two things. One is that in her view, mKWCNX-6K0c-00996-00387648-00387921 things are going great in higher education and that they're way mKWCNX-6K0c-00997-00387921-00388248 up and that Apple is selling more stuff than ever. And mKWCNX-6K0c-00998-00388248-00388563 secondly, that her perception is that among school kids of my mKWCNX-6K0c-00999-00388563-00388839 son's age, that the same thing is happening and I have trouble mKWCNX-6K0c-01000-00388839-00388965 reconciling and I wonder mKWCNX-6K0c-01001-00388965-00389580 if I can tell you the situation is very easy. Apple forgot some mKWCNX-6K0c-01002-00389580-00389997 things for some numbers of years. And you know in many ways mKWCNX-6K0c-01003-00390000-00390348 His wife is like an intestine, right? You know, like the it's mKWCNX-6K0c-01004-00390348-00390699 like this snake that ate the rat. You know, you just gotta mKWCNX-6K0c-01005-00390759-00391008 there's no way to get that rat through that snake faster and mKWCNX-6K0c-01006-00391008-00391530 it's gonna go. And Appalachian rat, what can I say? Apple? mKWCNX-6K0c-01007-00391848-00392610 Apple stop apple, but it was unclear to name your apple. The mKWCNX-6K0c-01008-00392610-00392922 company Apple's the company that invented consumer computing, mKWCNX-6K0c-01009-00392922-00393465 right? Apple forgot to make a good computer under $2,000 for mKWCNX-6K0c-01010-00393465-00394044 several years. Apple forgot the gains were important. Right now mKWCNX-6K0c-01011-00394044-00394446 how many of the top 10 games last year ran on Mac? Last mKWCNX-6K0c-01012-00394446-00395373 Christmas? 00. Can you believe that? What were they thinking? mKWCNX-6K0c-01013-00395421-00396000 Zero. Okay, this is not good. Because people like your son, mKWCNX-6K0c-01014-00396024-00396276 the number one thing your son may or may not be in this mKWCNX-6K0c-01015-00396276-00396564 category, we do a lot of market research, the number one thing mKWCNX-6K0c-01016-00396585-00396969 they buy computers for is to run games. They want to trade them mKWCNX-6K0c-01017-00396969-00397173 with their friends, they want to talk about them with their mKWCNX-6K0c-01018-00397173-00397509 friends. And if you don't have any of the top 10 games on your mKWCNX-6K0c-01019-00397509-00397935 computer, you are absolutely the most unhip computer in the world mKWCNX-6K0c-01020-00397941-00398487 to kids. Right. That's what's happened. Okay, massive efforts mKWCNX-6K0c-01021-00398487-00398904 are underway. So it is true by the way that Apple is selling mKWCNX-6K0c-01022-00398907-00399174 more computers than ever in higher ed and more computers mKWCNX-6K0c-01023-00399177-00399606 than ever to kids right now. But that's not what you're talking mKWCNX-6K0c-01024-00399606-00399870 about. What you're talking about is something more fundamental. mKWCNX-6K0c-01025-00399885-00400218 That scares all of us. What scares all of us is is that mKWCNX-6K0c-01026-00400218-00400773 Apple got unhip with kids for several years. And we got to mKWCNX-6K0c-01027-00400773-00401067 bring that back. It's not about better marketing. It's about mKWCNX-6K0c-01028-00401067-00401433 better products. And so what you're going to see is this mKWCNX-6K0c-01029-00401433-00401859 Christmas, right, this Christmas, about four, or I mKWCNX-6K0c-01030-00401859-00402117 think it's about four of the top that we don't know which games mKWCNX-6K0c-01031-00402117-00402369 will be the top ones, but my guess is four of the top 10 mKWCNX-6K0c-01032-00402369-00402837 games will run on Mac. Okay. Really hot, that affects better mKWCNX-6K0c-01033-00402837-00403182 than in many cases better than their PC counterparts. Next mKWCNX-6K0c-01034-00403182-00403617 Christmas, we think we'll be up to nine of the top 10 games and mKWCNX-6K0c-01035-00403644-00403908 the graphics that are going to be offered in Mac's, it's going mKWCNX-6K0c-01036-00403908-00404385 to blow the PC stuff away. So we are absolutely coming back. But mKWCNX-6K0c-01037-00404385-00404796 we got a rat inside this snake. Okay, I don't know how to say it mKWCNX-6K0c-01038-00404796-00405123 any other way. And we're gonna go through a few years where the mKWCNX-6K0c-01039-00405123-00405426 kind of thing you're talking about happens. But if we make mKWCNX-6K0c-01040-00405426-00405795 better products, we will be the cool computer with kids again in mKWCNX-6K0c-01041-00405795-00406419 a few years. I promise you that. Okay, so stay tuned, is going to mKWCNX-6K0c-01042-00406419-00406875 come back? Yes, two more questions. And I think we gotta mKWCNX-6K0c-01043-00406875-00406899 go mKWCNX-6K0c-01044-00406922-00407360 hold on to that snake for a second. Even during the time of mKWCNX-6K0c-01045-00407360-00407696 the rat, yet, the Mac OS has consistently masked the mKWCNX-6K0c-01046-00407696-00408050 complexity of the underlying technology of computing. And to mKWCNX-6K0c-01047-00408050-00408359 that end, but that's good. The visual of the Macintosh never mKWCNX-6K0c-01048-00408359-00408791 faltered, at least in that aspect of the Mac. There are a mKWCNX-6K0c-01049-00408791-00409136 couple of products however, that have forever in the process of mKWCNX-6K0c-01050-00409136-00409601 being digested by the snake. And, and I'm really, and I'd mKWCNX-6K0c-01051-00409601-00410069 like to use some of those rat parts, like what well like, like mKWCNX-6K0c-01052-00410072-00410456 email or on a consistent basis, like Apple works on a consistent mKWCNX-6K0c-01053-00410459-00410936 and expanding basis. And, boy, I'd really like to know what to mKWCNX-6K0c-01054-00410936-00411170 do with my Newton's Oh, mKWCNX-6K0c-01055-00411365-00411593 well, I could tell you what to do with them after come up. mKWCNX-6K0c-01056-00411893-00412163 Nunes I can't help you with Apple works is getting a mKWCNX-6K0c-01057-00412163-00412385 sustained investment, you're gonna be very happy with future mKWCNX-6K0c-01058-00412385-00412709 releases of Apple, we're doing a lot of Apple work. But I must mKWCNX-6K0c-01059-00412709-00413099 also say that we're also working with Microsoft pretty closely, mKWCNX-6K0c-01060-00413123-00413579 because they want to sell you all office. Right, which is also mKWCNX-6K0c-01061-00413579-00413792 I mean, which is, as you know, better than Apple works right mKWCNX-6K0c-01062-00413792-00414080 clearly cost a lot more, but it's better. So we're trying to mKWCNX-6K0c-01063-00414080-00414323 work with him to come up with some, you know, some even more mKWCNX-6K0c-01064-00414323-00414647 affordable ways for all of you to use Office. And I think I mKWCNX-6K0c-01065-00414647-00414914 think we will be successful in that as well. So you'll see mKWCNX-6K0c-01066-00414914-00415220 better and better Apple works. It's a great works product for mKWCNX-6K0c-01067-00415220-00415547 what it does. It's very high value. But I also think you're mKWCNX-6K0c-01068-00415547-00415934 gonna see us trying to help Microsoft make office more mKWCNX-6K0c-01069-00415934-00416204 available because offices, you know, it is the premier product mKWCNX-6K0c-01070-00416204-00416660 in the category, email or email or I don't know, I'm not mKWCNX-6K0c-01071-00416660-00416999 familiar with the future of email. There's also been some mKWCNX-6K0c-01072-00416999-00417224 rumours about us cancelling HyperCard which a total of mKWCNX-6K0c-01073-00417224-00417818 bullshit. Thank you. Okay, one last thing I'd like to say that mKWCNX-6K0c-01074-00417818-00418448 I think we probably need to break is, again, the reason that mKWCNX-6K0c-01075-00418448-00419057 we ran the Think Different campaign that you saw, and by mKWCNX-6K0c-01076-00419057-00419381 the way we have, we have some books for you outside. We mKWCNX-6K0c-01077-00419381-00419792 printed these up with some of the heroes that we use the net mKWCNX-6K0c-01078-00419792-00420416 campaign, you might want to grab one on the way out The reason we mKWCNX-6K0c-01079-00420416-00420845 ran that campaign was because when a lot of us got back to mKWCNX-6K0c-01080-00420845-00421565 Apple A little over a year ago, 15 months ago, not only had mKWCNX-6K0c-01081-00421565-00422039 Apple forgotten who it was, but we felt a lot of our customers mKWCNX-6K0c-01082-00422039-00422540 had forgotten who we were. And we thought, how do we tell mKWCNX-6K0c-01083-00422540-00423077 people who we are and what we stand for. And we thought about mKWCNX-6K0c-01084-00423077-00423539 this a lot, it's not an easy problem. And we decided that the mKWCNX-6K0c-01085-00423539-00424163 best way, or one really good way anyway, to find out a lot about mKWCNX-6K0c-01086-00424163-00424757 somebody is to ask them who their heroes are. You can learn mKWCNX-6K0c-01087-00424757-00425123 a lot about somebody by learning who their heroes are. And mKWCNX-6K0c-01088-00425168-00425666 because what that tells you is what they value. So we decided mKWCNX-6K0c-01089-00425666-00426029 that the best way we could think of to tell people who we were mKWCNX-6K0c-01090-00426029-00426539 and what we stand for, is to tell people who are heroes. And mKWCNX-6K0c-01091-00426539-00426803 that's what the thing different campaign has been about. And we mKWCNX-6K0c-01092-00426803-00427025 actually went to these people and we have permission to use mKWCNX-6K0c-01093-00427058-00427460 that image of Gandhi from Mahatma Gandhi's grandson, Jim mKWCNX-6K0c-01094-00427460-00427892 Henson's children said, Our father would want to be in this mKWCNX-6K0c-01095-00427892-00428306 campaign, we want you to use him. Yoko Ono personally gave me mKWCNX-6K0c-01096-00428306-00428813 the picture that we use of her and John. person after person mKWCNX-6K0c-01097-00428813-00429164 loses a wonderful story, we went to Lucie Arnaz, Jr, with a mKWCNX-6K0c-01098-00429164-00429446 wonderful picture of Lucille Ball, he said, we want to use mKWCNX-6K0c-01099-00429446-00429869 this. And she said, I would love you to use my mother in your mKWCNX-6K0c-01100-00429869-00430196 campaign. But I want you to use a picture of my mother and mKWCNX-6K0c-01101-00430196-00431009 father together because my father was a genius too. So we mKWCNX-6K0c-01102-00431009-00431555 put a lot of time into this, to try to tell you, who we admire, mKWCNX-6K0c-01103-00431570-00431921 in hopes that you will understand a little more about mKWCNX-6K0c-01104-00431924-00432407 us. And what drives us is we don't, we don't look at mKWCNX-6K0c-01105-00432407-00432830 education as a market. You know, what we look at it as an mKWCNX-6K0c-01106-00432830-00433262 opportunity to make some great products together. And to do mKWCNX-6K0c-01107-00433262-00433649 some cool things together with them. And we're excited about mKWCNX-6K0c-01108-00433649-00434039 education, we're trying to wade back out into education, rather mKWCNX-6K0c-01109-00434039-00434453 than just sell computers, which is what I'm afraid things mKWCNX-6K0c-01110-00434453-00434834 degenerated to for a while. And, and we're really excited about mKWCNX-6K0c-01111-00434834-00435134 it. So we're constantly interested in new things we mKWCNX-6K0c-01112-00435134-00435362 could be doing. Most of the great ideas in computing have mKWCNX-6K0c-01113-00435362-00435884 come from higher education. We want more, we want to wait back mKWCNX-6K0c-01114-00435884-00436265 out into higher education, higher your best students. You mKWCNX-6K0c-01115-00436265-00436691 know, we want to do the coolest projects with you. We want to mKWCNX-6K0c-01116-00436691-00437006 make the coolest computers for you. And we have to know what mKWCNX-6K0c-01117-00437006-00437381 they are in order to do that. So I hope you're going to see more mKWCNX-6K0c-01118-00437381-00437762 of us a hope we're going to be more curious. I hope that when mKWCNX-6K0c-01119-00437762-00438110 you tell us something's broken, we listen better. And I hope mKWCNX-6K0c-01120-00438116-00438761 that you know that what's driving us is not to make $1 and mKWCNX-6K0c-01121-00438761-00439082 go home. What's driving us is we want to make the best computers mKWCNX-6K0c-01122-00439082-00439370 in the world with you. So thank you very much for a chance to be mKWCNX-6K0c-01123-00439370-00439646 with you today. It's a real privilege and mQQV1bZChBu-00000-00000000-00000200 funny cat mQbuH5qieAo-00000-00000088-00000968 after two hours it ended up with 90 views, 1.21 k subscribers on my channel, one new comment, mQbuH5qieAo-00001-00000968-00001536 and two likes. more than usual. wow. wow, that's, that's a lot. mReXozIcl9A-00000-00000103-00000928 You know, when I was putting some thoughts together about today and this whole week, mReXozIcl9A-00001-00000928-00002233 a number kept popping in my head, RA18846904 and it's interesting in the fact that why mReXozIcl9A-00002-00002233-00003118 my head kept going back to that and I think it is because it's kind of a major dividing mReXozIcl9A-00003-00003118-00003729 line, the end of maybe from part one to part two in a book or something to that effect, mReXozIcl9A-00004-00003729-00004601 because up until that point, I had been a student, you know, a kid on the block. mReXozIcl9A-00005-00004601-00005753 I had the opportunity to live in a neighborhood where most of the adult males and even several mReXozIcl9A-00006-00005753-00006313 of the mothers had actually been nurses in the second World War, and then of course, mReXozIcl9A-00007-00006313-00007240 my good dear friend, who I still think, almost 70 years after his passing, Mr. Clepper, and mReXozIcl9A-00008-00007240-00007863 sir, I appreciate you mentioning the gentleman, he was ... In fact, a little interesting fact mReXozIcl9A-00009-00007863-00008507 about him, when he returned from the trenches of the first World War, his first job was mReXozIcl9A-00010-00008507-00008870 selling buggy whips and horse tack. mReXozIcl9A-00011-00008870-00009499 (laughter) And he went on to sell a lot of things in his lifetime, and he was a humble mReXozIcl9A-00012-00009499-00010243 man and he always took time to talk to that little kid on the block, and it's amazing mReXozIcl9A-00013-00010243-00010946 sometimes the people that cross your lives, that get to a certain point. mReXozIcl9A-00014-00010946-00011959 I remember Mrs. Clark, my fourth grade teacher, God bless her, she gave me the love of reading, mReXozIcl9A-00015-00011959-00012440 and then there was Mrs. Smith, who pounded the idea that you gotta use proper grammar, mReXozIcl9A-00016-00012440-00013206 not only in what you write, but what you speak, Mr. Sam Perry, a junior high school teacher mReXozIcl9A-00017-00013206-00014131 introduced me to the idea and the love of history, and Mr. Thomas, a high school teacher, mReXozIcl9A-00018-00014131-00014926 he took that further in the fact the he developed a sense of not only history, but the idea mReXozIcl9A-00019-00014926-00015647 of American history, and the more I read and talked to people who had participated in places mReXozIcl9A-00020-00015647-00016734 like Guadalcanal, Munda, Taiwan, Normandy, it gave me a really, a probate sense that mReXozIcl9A-00021-00016734-00017634 man, I met these giants, these heroes, at least they were my heroes. mReXozIcl9A-00022-00017634-00018223 And then, that number was given to me by a Sergeant at the Avi station there in Los Angeles mReXozIcl9A-00023-00018223-00018979 and it's my first experience where he said that, "By the time you get off this bus," mReXozIcl9A-00024-00018979-00019839 and I'm sure it wasn't as calm and collected as that, (laughter) "That number, beginning mReXozIcl9A-00025-00019839-00020234 with RA should be embedded in the back of your eyeballs." mReXozIcl9A-00026-00020234-00020489 or something to that effect. mReXozIcl9A-00027-00020489-00021570 (laughter) And so that began a journey that lasted almost 20 years on April 4th, 1967. mReXozIcl9A-00028-00021570-00022570 I credit how I got to 11 September 1970, not so much to my doing, but those drill sergeants mReXozIcl9A-00029-00022570-00023317 I had at basic training and AIT, the instructors I had for so many months in Special Forces mReXozIcl9A-00030-00023317-00023862 training, and then the opportunity to be part of the Seventh Special Forces group for awhile mReXozIcl9A-00031-00023862-00024385 where we trained and trained and trained, I thought, "My God, that's all we do is train." mReXozIcl9A-00032-00024385-00024868 And then I went to Thailand and not only did we train, but then we became instructors for mReXozIcl9A-00033-00024868-00025429 the Thai Army and later, I worked at the Thai National Police Force, where we developed mReXozIcl9A-00034-00025429-00026402 a basic medical training course for the Thai Police, the 'Tummels' as they call them. mReXozIcl9A-00035-00026402-00027353 And all that gave me the skills and the knowledge and the purpose of why I was there, and you mReXozIcl9A-00036-00027353-00027891 get a sense of accomplishment when you can walk away from an assignment and know that mReXozIcl9A-00037-00027891-00028533 that school was done and there were young Thai's that're gonna go out there and they're mReXozIcl9A-00038-00028533-00028950 gonna act as medics and they're gonna help, because Thailand at the time, in the North mReXozIcl9A-00039-00028950-00029580 and the South was just being ravaged by, well, in the North supposedly communists and they mReXozIcl9A-00040-00029580-00029989 called them that in the south, but to be honest with you, I think we find they were really mReXozIcl9A-00041-00029989-00030675 just pirates, because they had been doing that for five or 600 years. mReXozIcl9A-00042-00030675-00031320 But the 46 Company trained them and trained them well, and the Thai Police Force and it mReXozIcl9A-00043-00031320-00032008 just wasn't me, but it's all the people that have been involved in training, not only the mReXozIcl9A-00044-00032008-00032825 individuals, but the units and the people that provide the equipment and the materials mReXozIcl9A-00045-00032825-00033218 on a continuous basis. mReXozIcl9A-00046-00033218-00033678 And then the idea I've always considered a very great privilege just to be a member of mReXozIcl9A-00047-00033678-00034435 the United States Army, and to be even part of Special Forces is a privilege that if I mReXozIcl9A-00048-00034435-00035025 had walked away with at the end of my three or four years with a National Defense Ribbon mReXozIcl9A-00049-00035025-00035916 and a Good Conduct Medal, I would've been the proudest young man that could be. mReXozIcl9A-00050-00035916-00036819 And I've always felt that I've been way over-recognized for just doing what I think that I owed to mReXozIcl9A-00051-00036819-00037206 my fellows in my unit. mReXozIcl9A-00052-00037206-00037769 And then you come back to that mission, those four days. mReXozIcl9A-00053-00037769-00038656 It's not just me, but my fellows in B Company, but those Air Force crews, and those Marine mReXozIcl9A-00054-00038656-00039806 Corp crews that were returning, they were going back to their unit, rearming, refueling, mReXozIcl9A-00055-00039806-00040297 getting out to do their business, and take a sandwich and cup of coffee, and get back mReXozIcl9A-00056-00040297-00041209 in there and fly those crates that were so full of holes that I'm surprised the aerodynamics mReXozIcl9A-00057-00041209-00041761 alone would've kept 'em on the ground. mReXozIcl9A-00058-00041761-00042554 And then, when I left Vietnam and I continued to serve, run into veterans of the Vietnam mReXozIcl9A-00059-00042554-00042772 War, most of us were. mReXozIcl9A-00060-00042772-00043360 My good friend who is sitting out here, Don Williams who served two tours, charlie model mReXozIcl9A-00061-00043360-00044313 gunships, and a covert pilot, and you get to serve with these men and you serve and mReXozIcl9A-00062-00044313-00045205 you get that idea of service and the ideas of continuing to be things, that make not mReXozIcl9A-00063-00045205-00045715 the whole country or the state you live in or the base you live on, because you can't mReXozIcl9A-00064-00045715-00046265 fix it as an individual, but you can go out and take all that stuff that the Army has mReXozIcl9A-00065-00046265-00047058 taught ya, all that stuff by just good association with good, decent people and you can help mReXozIcl9A-00066-00047058-00047548 fix your neighborhood and your little local community. mReXozIcl9A-00067-00047548-00048396 And when you do that, you make the city a little better, the state a little better, mReXozIcl9A-00068-00048396-00048496 and the country a little better. mReXozIcl9A-00069-00048496-00049062 And when I look out here with all these uniforms and all these old, I guess the word old and mReXozIcl9A-00070-00049062-00049466 veteran could be implied, I guess, to most of us, many of us here. mReXozIcl9A-00071-00049466-00050115 (laughter) And it does my heart good to see so many of you young people, and no offense mReXozIcl9A-00072-00050115-00050422 sir, but you are. mReXozIcl9A-00073-00050422-00051485 (laughter) Unfortunately ... (applause) Even the Secretaries and those people sitting here mReXozIcl9A-00074-00051485-00052049 with four stars on their shoulder are somewhat youngsters. mReXozIcl9A-00075-00052049-00052976 (laughter) So, but the thing is that this institution here and the locations we have mReXozIcl9A-00076-00052976-00053767 around the world, they function and they function well and it is a legacy that I am proud of mReXozIcl9A-00077-00053767-00054508 in the fact that we, the Vietnam veteran had a hand in. mReXozIcl9A-00078-00054508-00055204 And I am so grateful that all of you sitting here today continue to carry on that legacy mReXozIcl9A-00079-00055204-00055880 that we have a piece of paper called the Constitution of the United States and when I go out and mReXozIcl9A-00080-00055880-00056488 I talk to children, I talk in reference to the fact that you have a Constitution that's mReXozIcl9A-00081-00056488-00057388 230 years old, it's a piece of paper, and a piece of paper can be shredded or burned, mReXozIcl9A-00082-00057388-00057945 but because of the people that are sitting here in this room now and those of us who mReXozIcl9A-00083-00057945-00058978 served earlier, that piece of paper is going to be here for me and my grandchildren and mReXozIcl9A-00084-00058978-00059732 hopefully my great, great, great grandchildren and it all goes back to one thing, the courage mReXozIcl9A-00085-00059732-00060829 of a bunch of people, men and women, who regardless of the consequences or what they face, are mReXozIcl9A-00086-00060829-00061633 going to do it because they know there is a better world out there as long as they keep mReXozIcl9A-00087-00061633-00061904 on going down the road. mReXozIcl9A-00088-00061904-00062475 And I would like to thank all of you active duty members for all the things that you do mReXozIcl9A-00089-00062475-00063378 for this country today and I know that you deserve every credit and every accolade that mReXozIcl9A-00090-00063378-00063551 you come about. mReXozIcl9A-00091-00063551-00064783 So, with that, I think I have exhausted my time here at this podium and again, sir, Secretaries mReXozIcl9A-00092-00064783-00065538 and Sergeant Major, I, with that, will say thank you and have a good day. mReXozIcl9A-00093-00065538-00065539 (applause) mU0rz0bcXrM-00000-00000480-00000635 Amy: Hello, everyone. mU0rz0bcXrM-00001-00000635-00001117 I'm just going to share my screen here. mU0rz0bcXrM-00002-00001117-00001616 Just a second. mU0rz0bcXrM-00003-00001616-00002086 All right, so welcome to the Adult Programming Ideas for Your Library webinar. mU0rz0bcXrM-00004-00002086-00002501 Of course we couldn't fit all of the adult programming ideas mU0rz0bcXrM-00005-00002501-00002909 that are out there into a single hour long webinar mU0rz0bcXrM-00006-00002909-00003331 so today Katrina and I will be focusing on some art space programs. mU0rz0bcXrM-00007-00003331-00004129 But first we're going to just introduce ourselves really quickly here. mU0rz0bcXrM-00008-00004129-00004331 Katrina: Hi, I'm Katrina Harkness. mU0rz0bcXrM-00009-00004331-00004769 I'm the Adult Learning Consultant. mU0rz0bcXrM-00010-00004769-00004923 Amy: And I'm Amy Tipler. mU0rz0bcXrM-00011-00004923-00005347 I'm the Continuing Education Coordinator here in the Bureau of Library Development. mU0rz0bcXrM-00012-00005347-00005699 And today like I said, Adult Programming Ideas so Katrina and I mU0rz0bcXrM-00013-00005699-00006067 are going to go over just a couple of ideas that we've found mU0rz0bcXrM-00014-00006067-00006262 that we thought were really great mU0rz0bcXrM-00015-00006262-00006552 and then we're going to also turn things over to Ellen India. mU0rz0bcXrM-00016-00006552-00006697 She's the Adult Services Coordinator from mU0rz0bcXrM-00017-00006697-00007043 Sarasota Public Libraries and Historical Resources. mU0rz0bcXrM-00018-00007043-00007305 And she'll be sharing some unique adult programming mU0rz0bcXrM-00019-00007305-00007774 ideas as well that they do at their library system. mU0rz0bcXrM-00020-00007774-00008229 So today like I said we'll be going over the arts. mU0rz0bcXrM-00021-00008229-00008557 And one thing that we found that was really cool, we thought it was a great idea, mU0rz0bcXrM-00022-00008557-00008785 and I know there've been a couple libraries in Florida mU0rz0bcXrM-00023-00008785-00009187 that have done something similar to this is a Poet-in-Residence. mU0rz0bcXrM-00024-00009187-00009771 It's actually something that a library in Wisconsin has done. mU0rz0bcXrM-00025-00009771-00010128 I'm putting the link in the chat to their news article about it. mU0rz0bcXrM-00026-00010128-00010424 But they found a published poet in their community, mU0rz0bcXrM-00027-00010424-00011109 and they offered her a residence for the month of April which is poetry month. mU0rz0bcXrM-00028-00011109-00011467 But this could be a year-round program or done in honor of another month mU0rz0bcXrM-00029-00011467-00011955 or if there's a local poet that writes about nature, maybe it's for Earth Day. mU0rz0bcXrM-00030-00011955-00012297 So there's lots of different options out there. mU0rz0bcXrM-00031-00012297-00012777 So you could choose an English teacher or someone from a local writing organization mU0rz0bcXrM-00032-00012777-00013326 or have a new adult poet that's out there that's just been published as well. mU0rz0bcXrM-00033-00013326-00013608 And something that they did in Wisconsin which was really cool mU0rz0bcXrM-00034-00013608-00013923 was they had the Poet-in-Residence actually create workshops and events mU0rz0bcXrM-00035-00013923-00014429 for all ages based on different skill levels, mU0rz0bcXrM-00036-00014429-00014977 read the poet's works in a poetry class or a poetry slam, mU0rz0bcXrM-00037-00014977-00015381 so really highlight their work but also have the poet help others mU0rz0bcXrM-00038-00015381-00015688 to develop their own work as well. mU0rz0bcXrM-00039-00015688-00016318 And so there are some other ideas out there, so poetry classes and slams, mU0rz0bcXrM-00040-00016318-00016891 how to become published, and poetry for readers of all abilities, you know, really mU0rz0bcXrM-00041-00016891-00017177 focusing on different age groups but also ability level. mU0rz0bcXrM-00042-00017177-00017521 Some people, pen to paper isn't the best for them. mU0rz0bcXrM-00043-00017521-00018027 I know Leon County a couple years ago, they had people submit poetry mU0rz0bcXrM-00044-00018027-00018691 and then they were created into short videos with relevant graphics attached to it, mU0rz0bcXrM-00045-00018691-00018933 and they posted them on their Instagram. mU0rz0bcXrM-00046-00018933-00019235 Having poets submitting them in different mediums and different forms mU0rz0bcXrM-00047-00019235-00019728 really helped open up to have better inclusion with the program. mU0rz0bcXrM-00048-00019728-00020480 And there also could be some art inspired poetry contests or even a poetry walk. mU0rz0bcXrM-00049-00020480-00020806 There are story walks. mU0rz0bcXrM-00050-00020806-00020995 Why not have a Poet-in-Residence write a poem about mU0rz0bcXrM-00051-00020995-00021256 the library or the community or town that you're in? mU0rz0bcXrM-00052-00021256-00021544 Sometimes story walks are at local parks. mU0rz0bcXrM-00053-00021544-00022152 The poet could write a poem about the local park or even the history of the area. mU0rz0bcXrM-00054-00022152-00022411 So it kind of gives that double element of getting people out mU0rz0bcXrM-00055-00022411-00022981 and about but also highlighting poetry and the Poet-in-Residence's work as well. mU0rz0bcXrM-00056-00022981-00023261 And you get a unique poem out of it. mU0rz0bcXrM-00057-00023261-00023467 You could also have a publication in house. mU0rz0bcXrM-00058-00023467-00023688 There are creative writing clubs. mU0rz0bcXrM-00059-00023688-00023875 Assign an editor in chief. mU0rz0bcXrM-00060-00023875-00024070 Have people submit poems. mU0rz0bcXrM-00061-00024070-00024512 Publish like a little mini booklet that you have for checkout in your local library. mU0rz0bcXrM-00062-00024512-00024752 So there's a lot of ways to engage poetry, mU0rz0bcXrM-00063-00024752-00025046 such a unique way to engage with the community. mU0rz0bcXrM-00064-00025046-00025504 It can really speak to patrons of all ages, reading levels and backgrounds. mU0rz0bcXrM-00065-00025504-00025925 And to move on, we're just going really quick. mU0rz0bcXrM-00066-00025925-00026270 Here at Bureau of Library Development we haven't talked about adult programming mU0rz0bcXrM-00067-00026270-00026769 in a while so we wanted to talk about some inclusivity and just kind of a refresher. mU0rz0bcXrM-00068-00026769-00027173 We know everyone is really good at this, but of course getting back to in person mU0rz0bcXrM-00069-00027173-00027592 after the last couple of years, spacing between chairs and walkways. mU0rz0bcXrM-00070-00027592-00027896 Having a variety of supplies on hand if you're doing an art class mU0rz0bcXrM-00071-00027896-00028181 or something with crafting. mU0rz0bcXrM-00072-00028181-00028523 Having adaptive tools and grips, larger paintbrushes or needles mU0rz0bcXrM-00073-00028523-00028771 or whatever it is that you're using. mU0rz0bcXrM-00074-00028771-00029017 Having some options for people that might need them mU0rz0bcXrM-00075-00029017-00029341 as well as premade examples and instruction sheets. mU0rz0bcXrM-00076-00029341-00029603 Some people are better at listening and following along. mU0rz0bcXrM-00077-00029603-00029862 Some people need it written on a piece of paper. mU0rz0bcXrM-00078-00029862-00030125 And some people just like to look at examples and kind of go off of what mU0rz0bcXrM-00079-00030125-00030742 they think is the best route to take for the order of how it should be created. mU0rz0bcXrM-00080-00030742-00030968 And also having alternative craft on hand. mU0rz0bcXrM-00081-00030968-00031286 Sometimes I know when I worked in a library we would have arts and crafts mU0rz0bcXrM-00082-00031286-00031569 and some people would be like, I just made that last week or oh, mU0rz0bcXrM-00083-00031569-00031804 I don't know that I want to create that. mU0rz0bcXrM-00084-00031804-00032112 And then having that alternative on hand, just something quick and easy, mU0rz0bcXrM-00085-00032112-00032392 not that's going to take a lot of staff time or anything, or that could be mU0rz0bcXrM-00086-00032392-00032904 used from a prior month and having that as an alternative option sometimes mU0rz0bcXrM-00087-00032904-00033201 will really help patrons who feel a little stuck. mU0rz0bcXrM-00088-00033201-00033640 And of course with virtual events, live captioning or captioning for recordings, mU0rz0bcXrM-00089-00033640-00034064 easy to read slides, making sure presenters are talking at a good volume. mU0rz0bcXrM-00090-00034064-00034384 I know a lot of libraries do trivia. mU0rz0bcXrM-00091-00034384-00034651 Having interactive quizzes but also alternative options. mU0rz0bcXrM-00092-00034651-00035037 Having the slides on the screen that have the same questions, mU0rz0bcXrM-00093-00035037-00035438 and patrons can message their answers to the hosts or having mU0rz0bcXrM-00094-00035438-00035934 a written alternative as well just to kind of have that universal design mU0rz0bcXrM-00095-00035934-00036296 for people who might not be so tech savvy but still want to go. mU0rz0bcXrM-00096-00036296-00036777 Have that interactive option as well. mU0rz0bcXrM-00097-00036777-00037249 And we will be sharing some resources and websites for checking contrast on websites mU0rz0bcXrM-00098-00037249-00037621 and materials to make sure that they're easy to read as well as mU0rz0bcXrM-00099-00037621-00037981 some other resources for inclusion with programming. mU0rz0bcXrM-00100-00037981-00038669 And so now I'm going to turn it over to Katrina. mU0rz0bcXrM-00101-00038669-00038832 Katrina: Hi, this is Katrina. mU0rz0bcXrM-00102-00038832-00039089 So we wanted to share a specific programming example, mU0rz0bcXrM-00103-00039089-00039528 and this is from the ALA's Programming Librarian website. mU0rz0bcXrM-00104-00039528-00039897 And Amy will share the link with you chat so that you can read it. mU0rz0bcXrM-00105-00039897-00040145 I know that you can't read the screenshot there. mU0rz0bcXrM-00106-00040145-00040702 But in 2020 ALA awarded its first Libraries Transform Communities Engagement Grant mU0rz0bcXrM-00107-00040702-00041149 to the Milwaukee Public Library for their Deaf StorySlam. mU0rz0bcXrM-00108-00041149-00041400 The StorySlam is a free community event. mU0rz0bcXrM-00109-00041400-00041843 Deaf participants share their personal stories and experiences with a broader community. mU0rz0bcXrM-00110-00041843-00042145 Workshops are led by deaf storytelling coaches, mU0rz0bcXrM-00111-00042145-00042675 and stories are told in an American sign language and interpreted into English and Spanish. mU0rz0bcXrM-00112-00042675-00043059 Being intentional about inclusion from the very start of the program mU0rz0bcXrM-00113-00043059-00043672 was key to its success as was having their community partners. mU0rz0bcXrM-00114-00043672-00044096 So this article is on the website, but if you go to the page, mU0rz0bcXrM-00115-00044096-00044776 if you follow the link at the bottom, they also have a specific program model module mU0rz0bcXrM-00116-00044776-00045205 on where they're laid out how they budgeted, how they marketed, mU0rz0bcXrM-00117-00045205-00045753 all the component pieces of putting together that program. mU0rz0bcXrM-00118-00045753-00046405 The next thing I want to talk about are State Library Resources for Library Staff. mU0rz0bcXrM-00119-00046405-00047118 So it is part of our collection policy to collect and provide mU0rz0bcXrM-00120-00047118-00047376 materials for professional development. mU0rz0bcXrM-00121-00047376-00047794 Recently we had a request for more information on programming mU0rz0bcXrM-00122-00047794-00048065 for adults with developmental disabilities mU0rz0bcXrM-00123-00048065-00048486 so we acquired this book for our collection. mU0rz0bcXrM-00124-00048486-00048797 This is an actual photograph I took of the book. mU0rz0bcXrM-00125-00048797-00049203 This is not a stock image. mU0rz0bcXrM-00126-00049203-00049611 This is the real book that you will receive if you borrow this through interlibrary loan. mU0rz0bcXrM-00127-00049611-00049883 And Amy will put that in chat. mU0rz0bcXrM-00128-00049883-00050598 And I wanted to kind of remind people that if you are looking for expert speakers, mU0rz0bcXrM-00129-00050598-00050979 particular topics that you want to hear about, discussion groups that you have, mU0rz0bcXrM-00130-00050979-00051297 we're here to help facilitate that. mU0rz0bcXrM-00131-00051297-00051622 Please let us know in the chat or in the follow-up survey that mU0rz0bcXrM-00132-00051622-00052013 you're going to get or anytime send us an email mU0rz0bcXrM-00133-00052013-00052523 and just let us know what you'd like to see. mU0rz0bcXrM-00134-00052523-00053101 The next thing I want to talk about is our new Express Reads collection. mU0rz0bcXrM-00135-00053101-00053560 We've recently added 62 titles to the Express Reads collection. mU0rz0bcXrM-00136-00053560-00054088 These are books for literacy and ESOL learners that mU0rz0bcXrM-00137-00054088-00054696 are short, engaging, mini mysteries, some romances. mU0rz0bcXrM-00138-00054696-00055128 And they're also good general interest books. mU0rz0bcXrM-00139-00055128-00055536 So right now I'm looking for some folks from libraries mU0rz0bcXrM-00140-00055536-00055925 that want to pilot some ideas on how to use these programs. mU0rz0bcXrM-00141-00055925-00056507 Some ideas I've gathered from the field already are for literacy programs. mU0rz0bcXrM-00142-00056507-00056734 Sometimes students and tutors like to read the same mU0rz0bcXrM-00143-00056734-00057077 book, and this is an opportunity for them to do that. mU0rz0bcXrM-00144-00057077-00057416 For individual reading as well. mU0rz0bcXrM-00145-00057416-00057565 Instant Book Clubs. mU0rz0bcXrM-00146-00057565-00057880 If you had 10 copies of the same book, you could; mU0rz0bcXrM-00147-00057880-00058301 they're so short you can sit down and let everybody read mU0rz0bcXrM-00148-00058301-00058741 for half an hour and get started and come back together and discuss the book. mU0rz0bcXrM-00149-00058741-00060065 I found that a lot of folks have been struggling with focus, lack of time to read. mU0rz0bcXrM-00150-00060065-00060592 I was working with a friend's grandmother who had had some health issues mU0rz0bcXrM-00151-00060592-00060909 and had pretty much given up on reading, mU0rz0bcXrM-00152-00060909-00061160 not because she can't read or she can't see but just she was having mU0rz0bcXrM-00153-00061160-00061707 a hard time with the focus, and it was really painful for her to admit. mU0rz0bcXrM-00154-00061707-00062102 Being a reader is a big part of her self-image. mU0rz0bcXrM-00155-00062102-00062436 And I brought some books for her to test, and she read mU0rz0bcXrM-00156-00062436-00062838 the first three in the first week and asked me for some more. mU0rz0bcXrM-00157-00062838-00063125 And then she read those and asked me for some more. mU0rz0bcXrM-00158-00063125-00063563 And then while she was returning to those, her daughter-in-law had an exchange student, mU0rz0bcXrM-00159-00063563-00064203 a 19-year-old who's here because she wants to practice her English and she, mU0rz0bcXrM-00160-00064203-00064435 before the books could be returned grabbed them and said, mU0rz0bcXrM-00161-00064435-00064683 Can I read a few of those? mU0rz0bcXrM-00162-00064683-00065085 So I think I'm really excited to be offering this. mU0rz0bcXrM-00163-00065085-00065478 And so some of the things, like we could use them for mU0rz0bcXrM-00164-00065478-00065773 literacy programs, just book displays, book clubs. mU0rz0bcXrM-00165-00065773-00066254 So if you'd like to give them a test drive as I like mU0rz0bcXrM-00166-00066254-00066837 to say, our collection is kind of an Airbnb for books. mU0rz0bcXrM-00167-00066837-00067214 We would love to have our books come and vacation in your library. mU0rz0bcXrM-00168-00067214-00067504 So go ahead and check those out. mU0rz0bcXrM-00169-00067504-00067833 Amy's put a link into our catalog into the chat. mU0rz0bcXrM-00170-00067833-00068221 Or you can send me an email later if you're interested in learning more. mU0rz0bcXrM-00171-00068221-00068885 The next thing I want to talk about is, this is not mU0rz0bcXrM-00172-00068885-00069289 our resource but this is the Florida Braille and Talking Book Library. mU0rz0bcXrM-00173-00069289-00069672 The Florida Bureau of Braille and Talking Book Library mU0rz0bcXrM-00174-00069672-00069901 is the largest library of its kind in the U.S. mU0rz0bcXrM-00175-00069901-00070390 with a collection of more than 2.4 million items in Braille and audio format. mU0rz0bcXrM-00176-00070390-00070803 A big shout out right now to Pinellas Talking Book Library. mU0rz0bcXrM-00177-00070803-00070979 They are this year's winner of the mU0rz0bcXrM-00178-00070979-00071382 National Library Service Subregional Library of the Year Award. mU0rz0bcXrM-00179-00071382-00071504 Congratulations! mU0rz0bcXrM-00180-00071504-00071925 And I think we've got some folks from Pinellas here today. mU0rz0bcXrM-00181-00071925-00072411 And also I'd like to invite you to join us for an upcoming discussion Monday, mU0rz0bcXrM-00182-00072411-00072854 June 20, at 3:00 about the Florida Braille mU0rz0bcXrM-00183-00072854-00073564 and Talking Book Library with Maureen Dersinski who's going to be here with us mU0rz0bcXrM-00184-00073564-00074114 and talk about how your patrons can access and use these resources, mU0rz0bcXrM-00185-00074114-00074629 how to be certified, how your patrons can be certified to be eligible for these, mU0rz0bcXrM-00186-00074629-00075193 that librarians are qualified to certify patrons, so how you would go mU0rz0bcXrM-00187-00075193-00075463 about getting one of your patrons certified. mU0rz0bcXrM-00188-00075463-00075789 And these are for, services are available for blind patrons mU0rz0bcXrM-00189-00075789-00076229 and also those who are print-disabled who are not blind mU0rz0bcXrM-00190-00076229-00077207 but have trouble holding or reading a print book. mU0rz0bcXrM-00191-00077207-00077988 And now I'd like to turn things back over to Amy. mU0rz0bcXrM-00192-00077988-00078287 Amy: Yeah, so here are just some resources like we've mentioned before, mU0rz0bcXrM-00193-00078287-00078586 the Braille Talking Book Library and the professional development books. mU0rz0bcXrM-00194-00078586-00078815 We've put the links in the chat. mU0rz0bcXrM-00195-00078815-00079285 I know it was mentioned before that for the Deaf StorySlam there's a checklist of sorts mU0rz0bcXrM-00196-00079285-00079754 to get started if you wanted to build a program like that on that article. mU0rz0bcXrM-00197-00079754-00080154 So what we did for the Poet-in-Residence one because there isn't one for that mU0rz0bcXrM-00198-00080154-00080466 as we kind of built our own checklist for that one. mU0rz0bcXrM-00199-00080466-00080818 So you'll be getting in an email later an adult programming checklist mU0rz0bcXrM-00200-00080818-00081111 for the things that we've talked about as well as some links mU0rz0bcXrM-00201-00081111-00081360 and some other resources as well. mU0rz0bcXrM-00202-00081360-00081745 But now we'd like to turn it over to Ellen India and she's just going to mU0rz0bcXrM-00203-00081745-00082352 be sharing some of their wonderful, really exciting programs that they do there. mU0rz0bcXrM-00204-00082352-00082481 Ellen: Thanks, Amy. mU0rz0bcXrM-00205-00082481-00082612 Good morning, everybody. mU0rz0bcXrM-00206-00082612-00082786 Happy to see everyone kind of, sort of and get together mU0rz0bcXrM-00207-00082786-00083138 and chat a little bit about adult programming in libraries. mU0rz0bcXrM-00208-00083138-00083623 Let me go down here and share my screen and get started here. mU0rz0bcXrM-00209-00083623-00084159 Can everybody see that okay? mU0rz0bcXrM-00210-00084159-00084538 Amy: Yes, it's perfect. mU0rz0bcXrM-00211-00084538-00084767 Ellen: Okay, good, all right. mU0rz0bcXrM-00212-00084767-00085189 So the title of my presentation is New & Enhanced Adult Programming mU0rz0bcXrM-00213-00085189-00085561 because of course in the last few years we've had to kind of, mU0rz0bcXrM-00214-00085561-00086068 we've had to re-envision all of our services and programs at the library. mU0rz0bcXrM-00215-00086068-00086496 And so we had to kind of take a hard look at everything mU0rz0bcXrM-00216-00086496-00086900 and see what we wanted to change and how we wanted to change it. mU0rz0bcXrM-00217-00086900-00087305 I'm going to talk a little bit about us. mU0rz0bcXrM-00218-00087305-00087788 We are Sarasota County Library and Historical Resources. mU0rz0bcXrM-00219-00087788-00088069 So we do have The History Center, all of the historical mU0rz0bcXrM-00220-00088069-00088476 resources and archives under our same umbrella. mU0rz0bcXrM-00221-00088476-00088858 And then we'll talk a little bit about partner programs. mU0rz0bcXrM-00222-00088858-00089229 So there are about 419,000 residents in Sarasota County. mU0rz0bcXrM-00223-00089229-00089564 We do have 10 library locations, and then we also have mU0rz0bcXrM-00224-00089564-00090231 The History Center as I mentioned with approximately 189 employees total. mU0rz0bcXrM-00225-00090231-00090469 And that's me, Ellen India. mU0rz0bcXrM-00226-00090469-00090698 I'm the Adult Services Coordinator. mU0rz0bcXrM-00227-00090698-00090913 I'm at an outreach event there. mU0rz0bcXrM-00228-00090913-00091885 And so I help work with library staff that primarily work with patrons 18 and up. mU0rz0bcXrM-00229-00091885-00092106 So I thought before we talk about programming I'd like to talk about mU0rz0bcXrM-00230-00092106-00092642 programming funding support because I realize that everybody has a different setup. mU0rz0bcXrM-00231-00092642-00092985 And that's really important when you think about your programming mU0rz0bcXrM-00232-00092985-00093263 and when you plan your programming. mU0rz0bcXrM-00233-00093263-00093586 Of course all of our libraries have a Friends group, mU0rz0bcXrM-00234-00093586-00093887 but the Friends group is not, mU0rz0bcXrM-00235-00093887-00094381 the programming funding I should say is not equitable throughout the library system. mU0rz0bcXrM-00236-00094381-00094784 We do have a couple of community foundations here in Sarasota which is great. mU0rz0bcXrM-00237-00094784-00095322 And we do, we're very, very fortunate to have our own library foundation. mU0rz0bcXrM-00238-00095322-00095877 So we try really hard to use supplemental funds from the community foundations mU0rz0bcXrM-00239-00095877-00096364 whenever we can for the funding because especially if mU0rz0bcXrM-00240-00096364-00097199 we're doing system wide programming we want it to be equitable throughout the system. mU0rz0bcXrM-00241-00097199-00097477 So of course in the last couple of years the first thing we thought mU0rz0bcXrM-00242-00097477-00097874 was really important is to try to connect with people mU0rz0bcXrM-00243-00097874-00098484 but also provide a place for them to de-stress. mU0rz0bcXrM-00244-00098484-00098767 And so we had a variety of different ways that we did that. mU0rz0bcXrM-00245-00098767-00099183 We had some live sessions with chair yoga, adult coloring mU0rz0bcXrM-00246-00099183-00099655 lounge, Yak & Yarn which I think is just, it's funny. mU0rz0bcXrM-00247-00099655-00099823 It's a funny name. mU0rz0bcXrM-00248-00099823-00100106 But you know, sometimes it's not about the numbers. mU0rz0bcXrM-00249-00100106-00100351 It's just about people coming together and feeling like mU0rz0bcXrM-00250-00100351-00100818 they're in a safe space and building community. mU0rz0bcXrM-00251-00100818-00101199 We also had some live poetry sessions through Zoom. mU0rz0bcXrM-00252-00101199-00101596 But some of these in-person ones were really fun. mU0rz0bcXrM-00253-00101596-00102015 This is a crystal bowl sound bath meditation. mU0rz0bcXrM-00254-00102015-00102192 Who doesn't want to do that? mU0rz0bcXrM-00255-00102192-00102607 That sounds nice at almost any point in time. mU0rz0bcXrM-00256-00102607-00102909 We had some on-demand programs of course as well. mU0rz0bcXrM-00257-00102909-00103364 None of us really, here in Florida we're prepared for hurricanes mU0rz0bcXrM-00258-00103364-00103690 for the most part, but we certainly didn't know that COVID mU0rz0bcXrM-00259-00103690-00104092 was on the horizon and we hadn't really prepared for it. mU0rz0bcXrM-00260-00104092-00104604 But some of the things that COVID kind of forced us into as far as programming mU0rz0bcXrM-00261-00104604-00105101 is looking at how we can reach more people virtually, mU0rz0bcXrM-00262-00105101-00105402 which is great, which is something we really needed to do. mU0rz0bcXrM-00263-00105402-00105799 And now we always have some on-demand programming. mU0rz0bcXrM-00264-00105799-00106100 So we were able to provide some on-demand poetry readings, mU0rz0bcXrM-00265-00106100-00106457 yoga and stretching, some basic cooking classes, mU0rz0bcXrM-00266-00106457-00106772 essential pantry and a variety of others. mU0rz0bcXrM-00267-00106772-00107679 They were very popular and we're going to continue to do that. mU0rz0bcXrM-00268-00107679-00108250 So Sarasota County is an arts driven older community in general, mU0rz0bcXrM-00269-00108250-00108714 and so anything involving live music is always going to be very popular. mU0rz0bcXrM-00270-00108714-00109121 So we have done some in the last couple of years, Blues on the Lawn mU0rz0bcXrM-00271-00109121-00109393 where we bring in some different blues groups and people mU0rz0bcXrM-00272-00109393-00109745 can space themselves out here on the lawn. mU0rz0bcXrM-00273-00109745-00110236 Cine Selby is a very interesting program that we have traditionally done. mU0rz0bcXrM-00274-00110236-00110608 It took a while to kind of gain some tractions, but basically mU0rz0bcXrM-00275-00110608-00111212 we were just pulling foreign films from our collection to show as mU0rz0bcXrM-00276-00111212-00111465 part of a foreign film series. mU0rz0bcXrM-00277-00111465-00111901 And after a while, you know, after maybe six months, eight months, mU0rz0bcXrM-00278-00111901-00112132 something like that, word kind of spread and now everybody mU0rz0bcXrM-00279-00112132-00112479 really wants to come to the next Cine Selby mU0rz0bcXrM-00280-00112479-00112930 and see what other foreign film they might be interested in watching. mU0rz0bcXrM-00281-00112930-00113442 And then it brings a little bit more attention also to our collection as well. mU0rz0bcXrM-00282-00113442-00113972 We did do some Zoom adult trivia and Dungeons and Dragons. mU0rz0bcXrM-00283-00113972-00114365 Art in Common Places, again we are very much an arts driven community mU0rz0bcXrM-00284-00114365-00114744 so Art in Common Places allowed us to bring in artists mU0rz0bcXrM-00285-00114744-00115020 to talk about their work in the libraries, mU0rz0bcXrM-00286-00115020-00115492 and they also provided the same lecture through Zoom. mU0rz0bcXrM-00287-00115492-00115885 We are fortunate to have some really, very talented librarians mU0rz0bcXrM-00288-00115885-00116517 who offer sketch classes, and they say they have a lot of people show up. mU0rz0bcXrM-00289-00116517-00116777 I think that's probably very therapeutic too. mU0rz0bcXrM-00290-00116777-00117212 And so the Let's Get Crafty and Let's Sketch programs are very popular. mU0rz0bcXrM-00291-00117212-00117562 Also I think probably, maybe most of you out there are mU0rz0bcXrM-00292-00117562-00117906 familiar with the NASA Space Ambassadors here in Florida. mU0rz0bcXrM-00293-00117906-00118412 We do have that connection with having a launch facility nearby. mU0rz0bcXrM-00294-00118412-00118818 Those programs are always very, very well attended. mU0rz0bcXrM-00295-00118818-00119343 People love to hear about the different space programs that are going on. mU0rz0bcXrM-00296-00119343-00119808 One of the fun ones that I like is this group called the Downton Abbey Support Group. mU0rz0bcXrM-00297-00119808-00120221 And this is an older group of women who were, they were library users, mU0rz0bcXrM-00298-00120221-00120821 very regular library users but they didn't really know the technology. mU0rz0bcXrM-00299-00120821-00121268 For example, even though they'd been coming to the library very regularly for years, mU0rz0bcXrM-00300-00121268-00121597 they'd never really used the online catalog. mU0rz0bcXrM-00301-00121597-00121948 They were still like hard catalog people at heart. mU0rz0bcXrM-00302-00121948-00122287 And so they kind of approached staff and said, hey, mU0rz0bcXrM-00303-00122287-00122612 we're just people who want to get together in one of your meeting rooms mU0rz0bcXrM-00304-00122612-00122805 and talk about Downton Abbey. mU0rz0bcXrM-00305-00122805-00122929 Can we do that? mU0rz0bcXrM-00306-00122929-00123215 And the librarian kind of said, you know, this might make a great opportunity mU0rz0bcXrM-00307-00123215-00123756 to have some sort of a library program where we can really have mU0rz0bcXrM-00308-00123756-00124183 a chance to showcase what the library resources are. mU0rz0bcXrM-00309-00124183-00124514 And so that's what that has become. mU0rz0bcXrM-00310-00124514-00124871 They were a Downton Abbey Support Group because Downton Abbey ended, mU0rz0bcXrM-00311-00124871-00125351 but I'm thinking that when Bridgerton came around they probably are still meeting, I know. mU0rz0bcXrM-00312-00125351-00125793 So they probably were starting to watch Bridgerton as well. mU0rz0bcXrM-00313-00125793-00126284 But we were able to introduce different resources into their meetings mU0rz0bcXrM-00314-00126284-00126796 to let them know how they could learn more things about Downton Abbey mU0rz0bcXrM-00315-00126796-00127156 and about Highclere Castle and what databases they could use, mU0rz0bcXrM-00316-00127156-00127487 and we helped them learn about resources at the library mU0rz0bcXrM-00317-00127487-00128029 that they were not familiar with all through their love of Downton Abbey mU0rz0bcXrM-00318-00128029-00128268 which is what kept them going. mU0rz0bcXrM-00319-00128268-00128613 So that's just kind of a fun group. mU0rz0bcXrM-00320-00128613-00129120 Also very important ongoing work that we do with our literacy organizations. mU0rz0bcXrM-00321-00129120-00129455 They're some of our strongest partners in libraries of course. mU0rz0bcXrM-00322-00129455-00130205 So having French conversations at the library or ESOL classes are always well attended. mU0rz0bcXrM-00323-00130205-00130645 On Demand, again we had a variety of different things that we offered. mU0rz0bcXrM-00324-00130645-00131015 Simple and fun adult crafts, different Creation Station mU0rz0bcXrM-00325-00131015-00131385 projects where people could see how different items worked. mU0rz0bcXrM-00326-00131385-00131957 Looking forward to having those in-person Creation Station programs coming up again soon. mU0rz0bcXrM-00327-00131957-00132490 We also partner with the Sarasota County Arts and Cultural Alliance, mU0rz0bcXrM-00328-00132490-00132916 and we have a contract with them where we bring in different artists mU0rz0bcXrM-00329-00132916-00133370 to provide a series of workshops where people can actually participate mU0rz0bcXrM-00330-00133370-00133879 in creating something along with the artists as their tutor. mU0rz0bcXrM-00331-00133879-00134431 And very popular program, and we have a whole variety of different artists mU0rz0bcXrM-00332-00134431-00134698 that provide a lot of different kinds of programs. mU0rz0bcXrM-00333-00134698-00134965 And the staff at each location kind of picks the one mU0rz0bcXrM-00334-00134965-00135423 that they want for the different age group that they think is best suited for that. mU0rz0bcXrM-00335-00135423-00135764 So we provide artists and the library programs for all ages. mU0rz0bcXrM-00336-00135764-00136378 We have youth programs, teen and adult. mU0rz0bcXrM-00337-00136378-00136917 So I am always looking for some way to make our community mU0rz0bcXrM-00338-00136917-00137524 read program which is called One Book One Community. mU0rz0bcXrM-00339-00137524-00137717 I oversee that program. mU0rz0bcXrM-00340-00137717-00137975 And of course hearing the author is great. mU0rz0bcXrM-00341-00137975-00138285 Book discussions, you know, everybody does book discussions mU0rz0bcXrM-00342-00138285-00138849 so it's like what else can we do to kind of promote our community read program? mU0rz0bcXrM-00343-00138849-00139188 So a couple of years ago we decided to make an escape mU0rz0bcXrM-00344-00139188-00139785 room kit with the theme of that year which was The Radium Girls. mU0rz0bcXrM-00345-00139785-00140304 And I don't know how many of you are familiar with these breakout EDU escape kits. mU0rz0bcXrM-00346-00140304-00140677 But basically you have five different locks, five or mU0rz0bcXrM-00347-00140677-00141148 six different locks, and you have all different kinds of clues. mU0rz0bcXrM-00348-00141148-00141781 We give them information from the book and other information as well. mU0rz0bcXrM-00349-00141781-00142170 Some of it is just kind of a fake information to throw them off. mU0rz0bcXrM-00350-00142170-00142397 If you have read the book, it's great. mU0rz0bcXrM-00351-00142397-00142625 You'll probably get the clues faster, but you don't have to have mU0rz0bcXrM-00352-00142625-00143013 necessarily read the book before. mU0rz0bcXrM-00353-00143013-00143372 You can kind of learn the story along the way and figure it out. mU0rz0bcXrM-00354-00143372-00143796 For example, for the book Radium Girls, we had the chart mU0rz0bcXrM-00355-00143796-00144429 but now I can't remember the name of the chart with all the elements and everything. mU0rz0bcXrM-00356-00144429-00144756 And if you looked at that and saw the number for radium mU0rz0bcXrM-00357-00144756-00145089 and then went to one of the locks, it would work mU0rz0bcXrM-00358-00145089-00145453 and it would open up one of the locks. mU0rz0bcXrM-00359-00145453-00145968 So we have like three letters or numbers and then four numbers and three letters, mU0rz0bcXrM-00360-00145968-00146303 and so we have a variety of different ways that you can use the various clues mU0rz0bcXrM-00361-00146303-00146816 to get into the locks and eventually solve the whole kit. mU0rz0bcXrM-00362-00146816-00147244 And these are just so much fun and they're very, very popular, mU0rz0bcXrM-00363-00147244-00147530 and we're going to do it every year now for our One Book mU0rz0bcXrM-00364-00147530-00147732 because it brings people together. mU0rz0bcXrM-00365-00147732-00148103 It's intergenerational so you have a whole family here playing the game together. mU0rz0bcXrM-00366-00148103-00148357 You have some seniors who came in who did not know each mU0rz0bcXrM-00367-00148357-00148791 other but now they all do because they solved the puzzle together. mU0rz0bcXrM-00368-00148791-00149090 And it's just a lot of great fun. mU0rz0bcXrM-00369-00149090-00149399 It brings people together and they also learn about the One Book program mU0rz0bcXrM-00370-00149399-00149705 and specifically about the book that we've chosen. mU0rz0bcXrM-00371-00149705-00149945 So it's a lot of fun. mU0rz0bcXrM-00372-00149945-00150221 Last year or actually this year our book was The Boy mU0rz0bcXrM-00373-00150221-00150562 Who Harnessed the Wind, and this is the author, William Kamkwamba. mU0rz0bcXrM-00374-00150562-00151042 And we actually got to show him the kit that we had created for his book. mU0rz0bcXrM-00375-00151042-00151396 So here he is looking at his life story, you know, mU0rz0bcXrM-00376-00151396-00151713 looking at these various clues trying to solve the case mU0rz0bcXrM-00377-00151713-00152095 so he can unlock the lock and get into the box. mU0rz0bcXrM-00378-00152095-00152413 And he just was, he just thought that was so much fun. mU0rz0bcXrM-00379-00152413-00152581 He thought that was just great. mU0rz0bcXrM-00380-00152581-00152783 And he said, Can I take a picture of this? mU0rz0bcXrM-00381-00152783-00152911 And so we said yeah. mU0rz0bcXrM-00382-00152911-00153071 So it was just great fun. mU0rz0bcXrM-00383-00153071-00153384 Again these are very, it's just a way to turn a literary event mU0rz0bcXrM-00384-00153384-00153778 into you kind of gamify it. mU0rz0bcXrM-00385-00153778-00154416 It adds a different twist to it so it's just a lot of fun. mU0rz0bcXrM-00386-00154416-00154762 Adulting 101 is also something that's important to us. mU0rz0bcXrM-00387-00154762-00155066 We're always talking about ways that we can kind of reach mU0rz0bcXrM-00388-00155066-00155394 the emerging adult population. mU0rz0bcXrM-00389-00155394-00155680 It's kind of tricky as you probably know. mU0rz0bcXrM-00390-00155680-00156343 This particular series, Adulting 101, was designed by a teen librarian mU0rz0bcXrM-00391-00156343-00156708 specifically for ages 13-22. mU0rz0bcXrM-00392-00156708-00157192 And he brought in subject matter experts on all of these various categories here. mU0rz0bcXrM-00393-00157192-00157538 It was a series of eight programs on basically independent living, mU0rz0bcXrM-00394-00157538-00157757 and he had a great turnout. mU0rz0bcXrM-00395-00157757-00158063 And most attendees made all eight sessions which was mU0rz0bcXrM-00396-00158063-00158474 really incredible when you're looking at a young adult population. mU0rz0bcXrM-00397-00158474-00158698 So they had Registering to Vote. mU0rz0bcXrM-00398-00158698-00159018 They had Finding a Job, all about College Grants and Admissions. mU0rz0bcXrM-00399-00159018-00159293 We had Budgeting, Financial Literacy. mU0rz0bcXrM-00400-00159293-00159746 We've also put on Job and Career Fairs at the library. mU0rz0bcXrM-00401-00159746-00160170 The Job and Career Fairs is a little bit of work, mU0rz0bcXrM-00402-00160170-00160561 but if you can partner with the schools to bring the kids over mU0rz0bcXrM-00403-00160561-00160985 and you partner with other community organizations that kind of mU0rz0bcXrM-00404-00160985-00161546 helps build your community network for partners and programs, mU0rz0bcXrM-00405-00161546-00161797 and so that's great too. mU0rz0bcXrM-00406-00161797-00162041 The New Adult Summit is interesting. mU0rz0bcXrM-00407-00162041-00162561 Probably most libraries have the teen advisory board where you bring the teens in mU0rz0bcXrM-00408-00162561-00163109 and you say you want them to help you create the programs mU0rz0bcXrM-00409-00163109-00163569 because of course it doesn't make sense for somebody who's not a teen mU0rz0bcXrM-00410-00163569-00163868 to sit around and try to figure out what teens might want. mU0rz0bcXrM-00411-00163868-00164129 You want to let them figure it out. mU0rz0bcXrM-00412-00164129-00164513 So same idea with the New Adult Summit. mU0rz0bcXrM-00413-00164513-00165425 Basically what they said is, hey, if you're between the ages of 18 and 25, come on in. mU0rz0bcXrM-00414-00165425-00165677 We'll play some trivia and then we'll ask your input mU0rz0bcXrM-00415-00165677-00166140 for improving our area's offerings for adults like you. mU0rz0bcXrM-00416-00166140-00166381 And so it's really great again to get the community, mU0rz0bcXrM-00417-00166381-00166852 the patrons' input on what programs they want to see. mU0rz0bcXrM-00418-00166852-00167649 So partnerships are a very important source for everything we do. mU0rz0bcXrM-00419-00167649-00168202 We were really lucky in that for The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind. mU0rz0bcXrM-00420-00168202-00168636 We partnered with our local Extension Services and Sustainability, mU0rz0bcXrM-00421-00168636-00168932 and it was just a great partnership. mU0rz0bcXrM-00422-00168932-00169378 This particular book had so many topics in it that really related to mU0rz0bcXrM-00423-00169378-00169866 the different programs that Extension Services and Sustainability offered mU0rz0bcXrM-00424-00169866-00170149 so it was just a perfect partnership. mU0rz0bcXrM-00425-00170149-00170532 So sometimes in the past what we have done is we've worked with them mU0rz0bcXrM-00426-00170532-00170938 on creating items that are actually in our library system now. mU0rz0bcXrM-00427-00170938-00171343 This is the Do It Yourself Home Energy Audit Kit which is great. mU0rz0bcXrM-00428-00171343-00171535 You can check out this backpack. mU0rz0bcXrM-00429-00171535-00171709 It has all this different equipment, and you can do your mU0rz0bcXrM-00430-00171709-00172186 home energy audit kit at home and see how you're doing with your electricity, mU0rz0bcXrM-00431-00172186-00172360 how you're doing with your water. mU0rz0bcXrM-00432-00172360-00172735 And of course as we know, the prices are going up with everything now. mU0rz0bcXrM-00433-00172735-00173239 This is an important tool for people to assess how they maybe can do better at home. mU0rz0bcXrM-00434-00173239-00173620 So we worked out programming with this kit, mU0rz0bcXrM-00435-00173620-00174031 and so we had home energy savings workshops where we showed people mU0rz0bcXrM-00436-00174031-00174426 how to use the kit, and then they could check it out from the library. mU0rz0bcXrM-00437-00174426-00174813 We also partnered with them on living sustainably, making savvy decisions mU0rz0bcXrM-00438-00174813-00175301 at the grocery store, solar energy for homeowners, edible gardens, mU0rz0bcXrM-00439-00175301-00175552 composting and a lot more. mU0rz0bcXrM-00440-00175552-00176170 And so they've really been great partners for us. mU0rz0bcXrM-00441-00176170-00176396 I encourage everybody to try them if you haven't yet mU0rz0bcXrM-00442-00176396-00176888 because they usually have a lot of great programs that you can have right there. mU0rz0bcXrM-00443-00176888-00177378 I think what we were thinking about is that typically when the libraries are open, mU0rz0bcXrM-00444-00177378-00178121 we have them in our libraries providing for example a plant clinic mU0rz0bcXrM-00445-00178121-00178434 where you can bring in a plant and say this is what's happening to it, mU0rz0bcXrM-00446-00178434-00178802 and they can give you ideas as to how to treat if it's a particular disease mU0rz0bcXrM-00447-00178802-00179106 or a particular pest that you're worried about. mU0rz0bcXrM-00448-00179106-00179701 And so we wanted to try to recreate what was happening in the libraries online as well. mU0rz0bcXrM-00449-00179701-00180641 And so we wanted to provide partner programs with Extension Services whenever we could. mU0rz0bcXrM-00450-00180641-00181247 So we did have, as many of you probably did also, some takeaway kits mU0rz0bcXrM-00451-00181247-00181653 because in the early days when we were closed or people mU0rz0bcXrM-00452-00181653-00182111 just weren't comfortable coming into the library even after we reopened, mU0rz0bcXrM-00453-00182111-00182821 we wanted to be able to give people a way to interact with us. mU0rz0bcXrM-00454-00182821-00183261 We wanted to maintain that connection with people that we had built up over the years. mU0rz0bcXrM-00455-00183261-00183589 And so it was a way for us to kind of keep that connection mU0rz0bcXrM-00456-00183589-00183970 going and keep providing resources for them. mU0rz0bcXrM-00457-00183970-00184404 Me and my counterpart who's the Youth and Family Services Coordinator mU0rz0bcXrM-00458-00184404-00184898 provided and put together these kits for system wide distribution. mU0rz0bcXrM-00459-00184898-00185189 So we had Boredom Busters for all ages. mU0rz0bcXrM-00460-00185189-00185433 We had take-home crafts for all ages. mU0rz0bcXrM-00461-00185433-00185735 We had DIY storytime for the kids. mU0rz0bcXrM-00462-00185735-00185951 It was a variety of different like brainteasers and mU0rz0bcXrM-00463-00185951-00186228 games that we put together for the Boredom Busters. mU0rz0bcXrM-00464-00186228-00186543 And we had a whole bunch of different crafts that we did. mU0rz0bcXrM-00465-00186543-00186865 So we continued to provide system wide materials and mU0rz0bcXrM-00466-00186865-00187588 crafts and take-home bags throughout 2020 and 2021. mU0rz0bcXrM-00467-00187588-00187976 Now we're kind of transitioning into custom location bags. mU0rz0bcXrM-00468-00187976-00188200 We're not providing it system wide, but we know some mU0rz0bcXrM-00469-00188200-00188673 libraries are still, their patrons really enjoyed it. mU0rz0bcXrM-00470-00188673-00189141 So it might be something that is a standalone like movie and popcorn mU0rz0bcXrM-00471-00189141-00189461 that goes in the Family Movie Night custom bag, mU0rz0bcXrM-00472-00189461-00189780 or it might be a supplement to something that they're doing. mU0rz0bcXrM-00473-00189780-00190117 So if they're doing a virtual program online, you might come into the library mU0rz0bcXrM-00474-00190117-00190458 to pick up your supplies and then you follow along at home mU0rz0bcXrM-00475-00190458-00190817 when they do the virtual program and the craft, mU0rz0bcXrM-00476-00190817-00191199 and you can follow along and see how it's done that way. mU0rz0bcXrM-00477-00191199-00191407 So again I think this is something that we hadn't really mU0rz0bcXrM-00478-00191407-00191713 ever done before, but now we think this is great. mU0rz0bcXrM-00479-00191713-00191823 People love it. mU0rz0bcXrM-00480-00191823-00192469 We will continue to offer it in a variety of different ways. mU0rz0bcXrM-00481-00192469-00193079 So our county centennial was last year and it was, it was very fun. mU0rz0bcXrM-00482-00193079-00193615 It was the perfect time for us to showcase historical resources. mU0rz0bcXrM-00483-00193615-00193994 And we were able to offer these. mU0rz0bcXrM-00484-00193994-00194242 I put together these trolley rides. mU0rz0bcXrM-00485-00194242-00194493 There were actually already some trolley rides downtown mU0rz0bcXrM-00486-00194493-00194837 and they were looking at historical things so we kind of mU0rz0bcXrM-00487-00194837-00195356 branded it as a centennial trolley tour. mU0rz0bcXrM-00488-00195356-00195653 And so the trolley would pick you up at the library, mU0rz0bcXrM-00489-00195653-00195946 and you can see there's everybody there. mU0rz0bcXrM-00490-00195946-00196157 We would go to a variety of different places. mU0rz0bcXrM-00491-00196157-00196447 We did three trolley tours in three different neighborhoods mU0rz0bcXrM-00492-00196447-00196825 in Sarasota County, and they were all very, very popular. mU0rz0bcXrM-00493-00196825-00197074 And we had goody bags for everybody too. mU0rz0bcXrM-00494-00197074-00197639 And in this case we had this lady who was a re-enactor so she was a theatrical person, mU0rz0bcXrM-00495-00197639-00198287 and she was in character as somebody who was one of our early founders of Sarasota County. mU0rz0bcXrM-00496-00198287-00198589 So it gave people a chance to participate in a library program mU0rz0bcXrM-00497-00198589-00198969 without coming into the library, and they could distance themselves. mU0rz0bcXrM-00498-00198969-00199255 We made sure we didn't have the registration too high mU0rz0bcXrM-00499-00199255-00199812 so they could distance themselves and space out accordingly on the trolleys. mU0rz0bcXrM-00500-00199812-00200191 We had other people in The History Center who were archival specialists mU0rz0bcXrM-00501-00200191-00200681 or archaeologists who provided a lot of great programming online mU0rz0bcXrM-00502-00200681-00201097 about preserving your family's history, Sarasota suffragettes, mU0rz0bcXrM-00503-00201097-00201418 the architects and architecture of Sarasota County, mU0rz0bcXrM-00504-00201418-00201970 the spring training in Sarasota and Sarasota's remarkable impact mU0rz0bcXrM-00505-00201970-00202300 on the game of golf, which in case you didn't know, mU0rz0bcXrM-00506-00202300-00202711 one of the first people to come and settle in Sarasota was Scottish and mU0rz0bcXrM-00507-00202711-00202969 he brought the game of golf to Sarasota County. mU0rz0bcXrM-00508-00202969-00203143 And I think it was the first time it was introduced mU0rz0bcXrM-00509-00203143-00203829 to Florida, and so now of course golf is known all over the place. mU0rz0bcXrM-00510-00203829-00204380 Now all of these slides did not come out, but these are all of our On Demand slides. mU0rz0bcXrM-00511-00204380-00204868 And one thing that we did say that we were going to mU0rz0bcXrM-00512-00204868-00205405 do and we kept to it is we offered 100 programs in 100 days. mU0rz0bcXrM-00513-00205405-00206180 And so On Demand, we had a whole channel of centennial programming available mU0rz0bcXrM-00514-00206180-00206412 that people could watch. mU0rz0bcXrM-00515-00206412-00206620 Sometimes they were standalone programming. mU0rz0bcXrM-00516-00206620-00206956 Sometimes it was programming that we did that we just reported. mU0rz0bcXrM-00517-00206956-00207413 But it was a whole variety, and I think there's 68 different programs there. mU0rz0bcXrM-00518-00207413-00207668 There's walking tours of Sarasota County. mU0rz0bcXrM-00519-00207668-00208175 But we did also create these oral histories called 100 Years, 100 Stories. mU0rz0bcXrM-00520-00208175-00208613 And we're still in the process of final editing and captioning for that mU0rz0bcXrM-00521-00208613-00208983 because we did want to make sure that everything that we do online virtually mU0rz0bcXrM-00522-00208983-00209388 as a program we offer captioning for people. mU0rz0bcXrM-00523-00209388-00209810 And so the 100 Years, 100 Stories is all these different people mU0rz0bcXrM-00524-00209810-00210436 and how they came to Sarasota County and how it's changed through the years. mU0rz0bcXrM-00525-00210436-00210817 So very, very interesting and we're glad we were able to do that mU0rz0bcXrM-00526-00210817-00211066 because some of the programs that we created, mU0rz0bcXrM-00527-00211066-00211423 a lot of these will now be part of our archives here mU0rz0bcXrM-00528-00211423-00212002 in our own History Center as well. mU0rz0bcXrM-00529-00212002-00212442 Our community read for the centennial was aligned with that theme mU0rz0bcXrM-00530-00212442-00212991 so we picked Suncoast Empire which was about an early founder of ours, Bertha Palmer. mU0rz0bcXrM-00531-00212991-00213447 And you know, you have the author come and speak, and mU0rz0bcXrM-00532-00213447-00213735 you usually get a pretty good amount of people showing up. mU0rz0bcXrM-00533-00213735-00213858 That's great. mU0rz0bcXrM-00534-00213858-00214369 But the other twist that we did is again we had somebody in the theater. mU0rz0bcXrM-00535-00214369-00214809 This is actually the same actress, and now she's in character as Bertha Palmer. mU0rz0bcXrM-00536-00214809-00215362 And so it was great because you had the author, Frank Castle, mU0rz0bcXrM-00537-00215362-00215749 Dr. Castle talking about Bertha's life, and then you'd have Bertha. mU0rz0bcXrM-00538-00215749-00216028 And you can kind of see her over here kind of saying, mU0rz0bcXrM-00539-00216028-00216271 well, Frank, it wasn't really exactly like that. mU0rz0bcXrM-00540-00216271-00216480 Let me tell you the real story, you know. mU0rz0bcXrM-00541-00216480-00216826 So when you add a theatrical component to any program mU0rz0bcXrM-00542-00216826-00217248 like this, it's just a little bit more interesting. mU0rz0bcXrM-00543-00217248-00217685 And in our community especially, as I said, we're an arts driven older community. mU0rz0bcXrM-00544-00217685-00218106 You really get a lot more people who are interested in coming to hear and author mU0rz0bcXrM-00545-00218106-00218561 or learn about a book when you have a theatrical twist. mU0rz0bcXrM-00546-00218561-00218856 The other thing that we did for this particular program with the author mU0rz0bcXrM-00547-00218856-00219409 and with Bertha here herself is another interesting thing about Bertha Palmer is mU0rz0bcXrM-00548-00219409-00219725 she's kind of responsible for the invention of the brownie. mU0rz0bcXrM-00549-00219725-00220303 And so I made Bertha Palmer brownies and we had Bertha Palmer tea, mU0rz0bcXrM-00550-00220303-00220589 not Arnold but Bertha Palmer tea. mU0rz0bcXrM-00551-00220589-00220927 So again of course whenever you add food, people want to come as well. mU0rz0bcXrM-00552-00220927-00221132 So another little twist. mU0rz0bcXrM-00553-00221132-00221791 Along the same lines every year for the One Book, I talk to these books here. mU0rz0bcXrM-00554-00221791-00222041 They're the Asolo Play Readers and they are retired mU0rz0bcXrM-00555-00222041-00222429 actors, and they do theatrical readings from the book. mU0rz0bcXrM-00556-00222429-00222669 Again always well attended and it brings attention to mU0rz0bcXrM-00557-00222669-00223127 a program that we're doing at the library and to the book itself. mU0rz0bcXrM-00558-00223127-00223496 And it's just always well attended and fun. mU0rz0bcXrM-00559-00223496-00224348 And I think probably my time is up so I will say thank you mU0rz0bcXrM-00560-00224348-00225149 and we will see if there's any questions. mU0rz0bcXrM-00561-00225149-00225325 Amy: Yes, thank you so much, Ellen. mU0rz0bcXrM-00562-00225325-00225476 I always get real excited when you talk about some of mU0rz0bcXrM-00563-00225476-00225789 these, especially the actor and the New Adult Summit. mU0rz0bcXrM-00564-00225789-00226242 Those are such great programs and such a great twist to regular programs. mU0rz0bcXrM-00565-00226242-00226988 Ellen: Yeah, thank you. mU0rz0bcXrM-00566-00226988-00227157 Katrina: I have one question. mU0rz0bcXrM-00567-00227157-00227540 How did you find the authors for your One Book One Community, mU0rz0bcXrM-00568-00227540-00227962 particularly The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind? mU0rz0bcXrM-00569-00227962-00228285 Ellen: Yes, we have a One Book selection committee mU0rz0bcXrM-00570-00228285-00228636 and so we look at a variety of different books. mU0rz0bcXrM-00571-00228636-00228948 So we start with 20-something books in the beginning mU0rz0bcXrM-00572-00228948-00229146 and then we just keep filtering it down. mU0rz0bcXrM-00573-00229146-00229666 But one of the parameters in our search is that the author has to be alive, mU0rz0bcXrM-00574-00229666-00229935 engaging and affordable. mU0rz0bcXrM-00575-00229935-00230477 And so those are all real important things we've learned from cost, mU0rz0bcXrM-00576-00230477-00230717 One Book selections that didn't work out mU0rz0bcXrM-00577-00230717-00231063 because we couldn't get the author for whatever reason. mU0rz0bcXrM-00578-00231063-00231835 And so for William Kamkwamba we knew that we really wanted to have an uplifting book mU0rz0bcXrM-00579-00231835-00232168 so that was kind of an important focus for us. mU0rz0bcXrM-00580-00232168-00232479 And that book is very uplifting. mU0rz0bcXrM-00581-00232479-00232882 The other really neat thing about it is it's available in picture book, mU0rz0bcXrM-00582-00232882-00233599 YA and adult formats so that really added to the reasons why mU0rz0bcXrM-00583-00233599-00233965 that book kept rising up to the top. mU0rz0bcXrM-00584-00233965-00234459 And we knew also that somebody, our library director had had him mU0rz0bcXrM-00585-00234459-00234824 at her previous library system, mU0rz0bcXrM-00586-00234824-00235189 and so she was able to tell us how well he did, mU0rz0bcXrM-00587-00235189-00235504 how he was just as comfortable with students as he was with adults mU0rz0bcXrM-00588-00235504-00236087 and that he was just the right person for this particular year. mU0rz0bcXrM-00589-00236087-00236498 And so all of those factors helped in the selection, and it was close. mU0rz0bcXrM-00590-00236498-00236693 We had some other ones that were close, mU0rz0bcXrM-00591-00236693-00237224 but that was the one that we eventually selected. mU0rz0bcXrM-00592-00237224-00237356 Katrina: That was cool. mU0rz0bcXrM-00593-00237356-00237615 Did he enjoy doing the escape room on his own book? mU0rz0bcXrM-00594-00237615-00237741 Ellen: Yeah. mU0rz0bcXrM-00595-00237741-00238058 You know, it was all very daunting to him, mU0rz0bcXrM-00596-00238058-00238759 but because he was somebody who built his first windmill at 14 without reading English, mU0rz0bcXrM-00597-00238759-00239429 just using a book and going through junkyards to find parts of things mU0rz0bcXrM-00598-00239429-00239727 that he might be able to use, not having tools, mU0rz0bcXrM-00599-00239727-00240157 I knew that he was somebody who enjoyed solving a puzzle in general, you know. mU0rz0bcXrM-00600-00240157-00240751 So I figured he would really get a kick out of it, and he did. He did. mU0rz0bcXrM-00601-00240751-00241044 Katrina: So the life after Downton Abbey, the Downton mU0rz0bcXrM-00602-00241044-00241472 Abbey Support Group sounds like something I could've used. mU0rz0bcXrM-00603-00241472-00241967 And you said, so it sounds like it expanded beyond the original intent. mU0rz0bcXrM-00604-00241967-00242429 Did the folks get interested in checking out other books? mU0rz0bcXrM-00605-00242429-00242792 Did they follow other avenues once they found the research material? mU0rz0bcXrM-00606-00242792-00243212 Ellen: Yes, so originally like I said, they had kind of approached the reference librarian mU0rz0bcXrM-00607-00243212-00243583 and had said, Can we just use a meeting room to get together mU0rz0bcXrM-00608-00243583-00243812 and talk about Downton Abbey? mU0rz0bcXrM-00609-00243812-00244007 Well, our meeting room doesn't really allow for people to just have mU0rz0bcXrM-00610-00244007-00244229 like a little social event. mU0rz0bcXrM-00611-00244229-00244640 It's more of a nonprofit group or educational setting. mU0rz0bcXrM-00612-00244640-00244768 We were like, well. mU0rz0bcXrM-00613-00244768-00245405 But she saw that potential there with these ladies of how we could engage them mU0rz0bcXrM-00614-00245405-00246007 in what the library could do to help enhance their knowledge about Downton Abbey. mU0rz0bcXrM-00615-00246007-00246456 And once they found out that we had all these other great tools mU0rz0bcXrM-00616-00246456-00247010 and resources at their disposal, yes, they started using the online catalog. mU0rz0bcXrM-00617-00247010-00247443 They started requesting things and using databases, mU0rz0bcXrM-00618-00247443-00247863 and so it was really a great kind of progression, you know, mU0rz0bcXrM-00619-00247863-00248323 where it's kind of an example of the reference question. mU0rz0bcXrM-00620-00248323-00248696 People don't always know what it is that they're asking for. mU0rz0bcXrM-00621-00248696-00248930 They think they're asking for one thing but we thought, no, mU0rz0bcXrM-00622-00248930-00249144 maybe they could use a little more. mU0rz0bcXrM-00623-00249144-00250047 And so it's kind of grown from there, and yeah, I think they really enjoyed it. mU0rz0bcXrM-00624-00250047-00250239 Amy: That's so great. mU0rz0bcXrM-00625-00250239-00250359 We don't. mU0rz0bcXrM-00626-00250359-00250563 I don't see any questions in chat. mU0rz0bcXrM-00627-00250563-00251005 I'll just give it a couple more minutes in case someone has thought of one just now. mU0rz0bcXrM-00628-00251005-00251480 But I'll go ahead and share Katrina's and my contact information mU0rz0bcXrM-00629-00251480-00251823 in case people do think of questions later or they want more information mU0rz0bcXrM-00630-00251823-00252208 or they've got suggestions and ideas of their own. mU0rz0bcXrM-00631-00252208-00252653 And I'll put our contact information in the chat too. mU0rz0bcXrM-00632-00252653-00252988 And I also would just like to thank Ellen for coming mU0rz0bcXrM-00633-00252988-00253362 and sharing, I mean so many ideas that are great. mU0rz0bcXrM-00634-00253362-00253704 And you've had them implemented for a while and you know they work mU0rz0bcXrM-00635-00253704-00253960 so it's really awesome to see that the community comes together mU0rz0bcXrM-00636-00253960-00254496 for such a wide variety of programming, all different topics. mU0rz0bcXrM-00637-00254496-00254693 It's great. mU0rz0bcXrM-00638-00254693-00255280 And I will mention and put it in the chat we've got a post webinar survey. mU0rz0bcXrM-00639-00255280-00255640 We'd love to hear some feedback about our webinar, what mU0rz0bcXrM-00640-00255640-00255890 things worked, didn't work, what you took away from it. mU0rz0bcXrM-00641-00255890-00256171 There's also a Suggestions portion on there. mU0rz0bcXrM-00642-00256171-00256680 If there are certain webinar topics you'd like to hear or different programming ideas mU0rz0bcXrM-00643-00256680-00256955 you'd like to hear, please share with us. mU0rz0bcXrM-00644-00256955-00257250 This is how we kind of build on our webinars and our mU0rz0bcXrM-00645-00257250-00258143 trainings and get feedback for IMLS to do our reports. mU0rz0bcXrM-00646-00258143-00258432 So we'd love to hear from you. mU0rz0bcXrM-00647-00258432-00258944 But I don't see any questions in chat so thank you, everyone for coming. mU0rz0bcXrM-00648-00258944-00259418 It was great and we again thank Ellen for her time. mU0rz0bcXrM-00649-00259418-00259516 Ellen: Thank you very much. mU0rz0bcXrM-00650-00259516-00259634 I've enjoyed it. mU0rz0bcXrM-00651-00259634-00259821 Bye, everybody. mU0rz0bcXrM-00652-00259821-00259927 Amy: Thank you, Ellen. mU0rz0bcXrM-00653-00259927-00260189 Bye, bye, everybody. mU8BT7Odbs0-00000-00000907-00001225 Hi. I'm Don Balluch. I'm the Construction Technology instructor mU8BT7Odbs0-00001-00001225-00001441 for Kansas City Kansas Community College. mU8BT7Odbs0-00002-00001468-00001742 Today, we're going to review mU8BT7Odbs0-00003-00001742-00001914 wall layout. mU8BT7Odbs0-00004-00002042-00002500 When we're dealing with wall layout, we have to consider one principle, mU8BT7Odbs0-00005-00002500-00002928 and that is what's the wall gonna be laid out in as far as on center. mU8BT7Odbs0-00006-00002976-00003247 For our purposes here, we're gonna lay out mU8BT7Odbs0-00007-00003276-00003570 a wall that 16-inch on center. mU8BT7Odbs0-00008-00003642-00003718 Okay? mU8BT7Odbs0-00009-00003752-00003964 When we lay out a wall mU8BT7Odbs0-00010-00004188-00004451 the primary purpose for the layout mU8BT7Odbs0-00011-00004451-00004721 is so that the sheathing mU8BT7Odbs0-00012-00004764-00005220 will fit without having to cut it on our layout. mU8BT7Odbs0-00013-00005234-00005808 So, when we have 16-inch centers, we're going to hook a tape measure on the edge of our board mU8BT7Odbs0-00014-00005808-00006142 and we are going to measure over so that we know mU8BT7Odbs0-00015-00006143-00006450 what the edge of our next mU8BT7Odbs0-00016-00006450-00006616 stud is going to be. mU8BT7Odbs0-00017-00006728-00006981 When we say 16-inch on center, mU8BT7Odbs0-00018-00006981-00007461 that means from this point, to the center of this two-by (2x4) mU8BT7Odbs0-00019-00007461-00007751 needs to be 16 inches on center. mU8BT7Odbs0-00020-00007984-00008236 And so forth down the line. mU8BT7Odbs0-00021-00008352-00008464 So the next mU8BT7Odbs0-00022-00008768-00009420 stud will once again be 16-inch on center. mU8BT7Odbs0-00023-00009540-00009752 For layout purposes, mU8BT7Odbs0-00024-00009752-00010224 when we lay our tape measure down we want to mark a line mU8BT7Odbs0-00025-00010224-00010660 so that we can mark where the studs are going to go. mU8BT7Odbs0-00026-00010770-00011190 So when I lay them for my first marked down mU8BT7Odbs0-00027-00011190-00011464 this mark is actually gonna be mU8BT7Odbs0-00028-00011465-00011965 at 15 and a quarter, which is three-fourths less mU8BT7Odbs0-00029-00011965-00012510 than the 16, because we want it to land 16-inch on center. mU8BT7Odbs0-00030-00012602-00012997 So if I continue to draw this layout the way it is mU8BT7Odbs0-00031-00012998-00013319 my next mark to my next stud mU8BT7Odbs0-00032-00013319-00013703 will actually fall at thirty one and a quarter, mU8BT7Odbs0-00033-00013856-00014052 so that 32 mU8BT7Odbs0-00034-00014053-00014299 will land in the center of that stud. mU8BT7Odbs0-00035-00014340-00014569 The reason behind that is a standard sheath mU8BT7Odbs0-00036-00014570-00014665 of plywood mU8BT7Odbs0-00037-00014665-00014865 measures 4x8. mU8BT7Odbs0-00038-00014960-00015419 So what we want is when we put the plywood on this particular wall mU8BT7Odbs0-00039-00015450-00015854 we want the plywood to actually break mU8BT7Odbs0-00040-00016162-00016412 on a stud. mU8BT7Odbs0-00041-00016568-00016866 So our next layout would come to mU8BT7Odbs0-00042-00016934-00017154 47 and a quarter, mU8BT7Odbs0-00043-00017234-00017492 which means that at the center mU8BT7Odbs0-00044-00017493-00017835 of that stud, it will be at 48. mU8BT7Odbs0-00045-00017884-00018252 So that when we go to sheath this particular wall mU8BT7Odbs0-00046-00018253-00018547 I will lay a piece of sheathing on here mU8BT7Odbs0-00047-00018588-00018906 And that piece of sheathing that measures 4ft mU8BT7Odbs0-00048-00018942-00019104 will break mU8BT7Odbs0-00049-00019254-00019584 on that stud so that I have something to nail mU8BT7Odbs0-00050-00019584-00020035 to before I put the next piece of sheathing. mU8BT7Odbs0-00051-00020106-00020370 on to continue on that wall. mU8BT7Odbs0-00052-00020396-00020660 So that's the principle you need to think about mU8BT7Odbs0-00053-00020661-00021137 and that would be part one for this particular segment on wall layout mV-WsW_Ir4k-00000-00000137-00000237 Click pens. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00001-00000237-00000450 You click them on, you click them off. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00002-00000450-00000627 How do they work? mV-WsW_Ir4k-00003-00000627-00000866 And what creates that distinctive click? mV-WsW_Ir4k-00004-00000866-00001091 There are many types of click-to-write pens. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00005-00001091-00001574 A simple latch mechanism locks this ink cartridge in place; it’s released by pressing a button. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00006-00001574-00001934 And in this pen an angled-tooth cam locks or releases the ink mV-WsW_Ir4k-00007-00001934-00002048 cartridge. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00008-00002048-00002306 And here a triangular cam that tilts from side-to-side mV-WsW_Ir4k-00009-00002306-00002507 to lock and release the cartridge. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00010-00002507-00002930 In this video I detail the operation of this pen: a Parker mV-WsW_Ir4k-00011-00002930-00003088 Jotter, introduced in 1954. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00012-00003088-00003407 It’s one of the first retractable pens. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00013-00003407-00003789 Now, listen carefully and you’ll notice that it emits four clicks. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00014-00003789-00004071 A click when I push the button ... a second mV-WsW_Ir4k-00015-00004071-00004469 click when I release it …And then when I push the button to retract the mV-WsW_Ir4k-00016-00004469-00004921 ink cartridge, a third click ... and release… a fourth click. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00017-00004921-00005235 To understand why these clicks occur let’s look inside. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00018-00005235-00005499 The pen’s barrel houses an ink cartridge with mV-WsW_Ir4k-00019-00005499-00005821 the ballpoint tip, two springs—one at the top and one at the mV-WsW_Ir4k-00020-00005821-00006187 bottom—and a plastic tube which is press fit inside the metal barrel mV-WsW_Ir4k-00021-00006187-00006514 of the pen so that it is fixed in place. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00022-00006514-00006786 Inside that tube is where all the action happens. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00023-00006786-00007248 A Parker Pen Company patent describe the three parts that produce the pen’s click: the mV-WsW_Ir4k-00024-00007248-00007618 cam body, the tubular plunger and the stop members. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00025-00007618-00007964 The cam body is affixed to the top of the replaceable ink cartridge. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00026-00007964-00008377 During operation this cam body rotates and slides up and down. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00027-00008377-00008789 The tubular plunger does not rotate; it only slides up or down. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00028-00008789-00009022 The stop members are shown as separate pieces here, mV-WsW_Ir4k-00029-00009022-00009356 but keep in mind they’re part of the press-fit plastic tube and so mV-WsW_Ir4k-00030-00009356-00009498 never move. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00031-00009498-00009845 The pen can be in either of two positions: the retracted, mV-WsW_Ir4k-00032-00009845-00010134 non-writing position where the tip of the cartridge is inside the mV-WsW_Ir4k-00033-00010134-00010234 barrel. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00034-00010234-00010535 Or, in the extended, writing position where the cartridge’s mV-WsW_Ir4k-00035-00010535-00010719 tip projects from the barrel. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00036-00010719-00011142 To see how the plunger, cam body and stop members interact I’ve broken the cam mV-WsW_Ir4k-00037-00011142-00011370 movements into eight steps. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00038-00011370-00011766 First, push the button to drive the plunger and the cam body down the mV-WsW_Ir4k-00039-00011766-00012111 barrel until the top of the cam body drops below the fixed stop mV-WsW_Ir4k-00040-00012111-00012219 members. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00041-00012219-00012513 Second, remember that the spring at the bottom of the pen mV-WsW_Ir4k-00042-00012513-00012955 pushes the cam body up and so keeps it in contact with the plunger. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00043-00012955-00013351 That axial spring force shoves the cam body up the barrel, but also mV-WsW_Ir4k-00044-00013351-00013683 rotates the cam body because it mates with the plunger at an mV-WsW_Ir4k-00045-00013683-00013783 angle. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00046-00013783-00014040 The cam body rotates 45 degrees until it strikes the surface of mV-WsW_Ir4k-00047-00014040-00014154 the plunger. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00048-00014154-00014445 That very fast motion creates the first click. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00049-00014445-00014687 Third, I release the button and a spring between the mV-WsW_Ir4k-00050-00014687-00015029 plastic tube and the lip of the plunger forces it to the top of the mV-WsW_Ir4k-00051-00015029-00015129 pen. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00052-00015129-00015428 When the tips of the plunger’s fingers clear the cam body, the mV-WsW_Ir4k-00053-00015428-00015831 cam body rotates another 45 degrees until it strikes the blue stop members. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00054-00015831-00016070 That’s the second click of the pen! mV-WsW_Ir4k-00055-00016070-00016372 Fourth, I release the button completely and now the mV-WsW_Ir4k-00056-00016372-00016627 cam body remains locked in place. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00057-00016627-00017038 It cannot rotate nor move upward and so the pen is ready to write. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00058-00017038-00017450 To retract the pen I press the button to drive the plunger into the cam body, and to mV-WsW_Ir4k-00059-00017450-00017667 push it past the stop members. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00060-00017667-00017960 The cam body rotates until it strikes the plunger. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00061-00017960-00018161 That’s the third click. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00062-00018161-00018446 I release the button so the top spring forces the plunger mV-WsW_Ir4k-00063-00018446-00018546 upward. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00064-00018546-00018781 When the plunger fingers clear the cam body, it slides and mV-WsW_Ir4k-00065-00018781-00019149 rotates 45 degrees until it strikes into the stop members. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00066-00019149-00019338 That’s the fourth click. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00067-00019338-00019577 Once the button is completely released stop members slot mV-WsW_Ir4k-00068-00019577-00019920 into the cam body so that when the plunger moves up, the cam body mV-WsW_Ir4k-00069-00019920-00020193 moves with it to retract the ink cartidge. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00070-00020193-00020631 In extending and retracting the ink cartridge the cam body rotates 45 mV-WsW_Ir4k-00071-00020631-00021025 degrees four times — or 180 degrees total. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00072-00021025-00021421 The cam body has 180 degree rotational symmetry so the mV-WsW_Ir4k-00073-00021421-00021877 next extend/retract cycle repeats the same sequence of steps. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00074-00021877-00022201 This particular model of pen has sold over three-quarters mV-WsW_Ir4k-00075-00022201-00022440 of a billion units since its debut. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00076-00022440-00022751 It took a team of sixty-six people to design this pen. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00077-00022751-00022977 And although it’s a mechanical marvel, the Parker company mV-WsW_Ir4k-00078-00022977-00023382 worried that this retractable ballpoint ink pen would damage their mV-WsW_Ir4k-00079-00023382-00023855 reputation — Parker pens were fountain pens — and so the company left mV-WsW_Ir4k-00080-00023855-00024062 off their iconic “arrow” clip. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00081-00024062-00024415 But within four years the pen earned its arrow. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00082-00024415-00024685 And inspired other pen makers to design click and lock mV-WsW_Ir4k-00083-00024685-00025038 mechanisms — all different to avoid patent infringement. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00084-00025038-00025345 The clicking of a pen demonstrates how a single engineering mV-WsW_Ir4k-00085-00025345-00025801 problem can have many engineering solutions ranging from robust, mV-WsW_Ir4k-00086-00025801-00025906 to cost efficient, to unique. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00087-00025906-00026369 I’m Bill Hammack, the EngineerGuy. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00088-00026369-00026602 Subscribe to the channel for more engineering videos. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00089-00026602-00026963 And if you want to help us make better videos become an advance viewer! mV-WsW_Ir4k-00090-00026963-00027362 Go to to sign up. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00091-00027362-00027631 Our advanced viewers help refine a draft of this video in a much mV-WsW_Ir4k-00092-00027631-00027731 better product. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00093-00027731-00027929 We greatly appreciate all of your responses. mV-WsW_Ir4k-00094-00027929-00027958 Thanks. mX97awCK1D4-00000-00002312-00002542 Hello everyone, welcome back to my channel. mX97awCK1D4-00001-00002542-00002776 For anyone who has been following my channel, mX97awCK1D4-00002-00002776-00003132 you might notice that I recently uploaded a lot of makeup tutorials. mX97awCK1D4-00003-00003132-00003346 And I have seen lots of comments mX97awCK1D4-00004-00003346-00003648 requesting for video on my skincare routine, like a lot. mX97awCK1D4-00005-00003648-00003771 That's right, everyone. mX97awCK1D4-00006-00003771-00004317 If you want fine makeup, it should start with healthy skin. mX97awCK1D4-00007-00004317-00004461 If you already have good skin, mX97awCK1D4-00008-00004461-00004597 no matter how you put on your makeup, it will look just fine. mX97awCK1D4-00009-00004597-00004707 Especially in this video, mX97awCK1D4-00010-00004707-00004907 I’m going to do a no-makeup makeup tutorial. mX97awCK1D4-00011-00004907-00005177 I will create a natural makeup look. mX97awCK1D4-00012-00005177-00005500 And I won’t apply any foundation on this look. mX97awCK1D4-00013-00005500-00006039 Therefore, the skincare that I use recently is very important. mX97awCK1D4-00014-00006039-00006406 It must be skincare that truly nourishes my skin, mX97awCK1D4-00015-00006406-00006842 so it appears brighter and I don’t have to hide anything. mX97awCK1D4-00016-00006842-00007228 These are skincare products that I use these days. mX97awCK1D4-00017-00007228-00007512 I love it. It’s doing a very good job. mX97awCK1D4-00018-00007512-00007753 I can feel that it truly restores my skin. mX97awCK1D4-00019-00007753-00007982 If we take good care of our skin, mX97awCK1D4-00020-00007982-00008197 we don’t need to put on lots of makeup. mX97awCK1D4-00021-00008197-00008390 And we don't have to apply thick foundation anymore, mX97awCK1D4-00022-00008390-00008621 just light touch of makeup will do the job. mX97awCK1D4-00023-00008621-00008873 This brand is called “Her Hyness”. mX97awCK1D4-00024-00008873-00009202 They have a very good concept which caught me. mX97awCK1D4-00025-00009202-00009368 Their concept is mX97awCK1D4-00026-00009368-00009876 “We want every woman to have the most beautiful skin without any side effects" mX97awCK1D4-00027-00009876-00010146 A concept like this is very important. mX97awCK1D4-00028-00010147-00010558 These days, many people want to have good and clear skin, mX97awCK1D4-00029-00010558-00011145 so they would use something strong, something that might cause damage to the skin. mX97awCK1D4-00030-00011145-00011463 You might have achieved beautiful and clear skin faster, mX97awCK1D4-00031-00011463-00011829 but in the long run, it may damage our skin, mX97awCK1D4-00032-00011830-00012093 and also makes our skin more sensitive. mX97awCK1D4-00033-00012093-00012402 I then came to study and look into this brand seriously. mX97awCK1D4-00034-00012402-00012720 This is a truly Clean Beauty brand mX97awCK1D4-00035-00012720-00013128 since they mainly focus on Sustainable Beauty. mX97awCK1D4-00036-00013128-00013328 Their products are very clean, mX97awCK1D4-00037-00013328-00013904 it doesn’t contain 1500 types of harmful ingredients that may irritate our skin, mX97awCK1D4-00038-00013904-00014212 which is following the standards of the European Union. mX97awCK1D4-00039-00014212-00014646 This product also passed the irritation test from a dermatologist. mX97awCK1D4-00040-00014646-00015008 It can be said that it is very safe and worth a try. mX97awCK1D4-00041-00015008-00015314 The reason I want everyone to look at Clean Beauty is mX97awCK1D4-00042-00015314-00015704 that nowadays many substances in general cosmetics mX97awCK1D4-00043-00015704-00015904 may not be friendly to our skin. mX97awCK1D4-00044-00015904-00016319 we may not feel it right away, mX97awCK1D4-00045-00016319-00016578 but in the long run, it will continue to accumulate. mX97awCK1D4-00046-00016578-00016967 Our skin may gradually become more irritated and inflamed. mX97awCK1D4-00047-00016967-00017284 This is the reason why I am quite in with Clean Beauty these days. mX97awCK1D4-00048-00017284-00017513 It is skincare that doesn’t accumulate in our skin mX97awCK1D4-00049-00017513-00017731 and provide a better result in the long run. mX97awCK1D4-00050-00017731-00018077 And the skincare that I will review today is this one, mX97awCK1D4-00051-00018077-00018246 which I think it’s fantastic, mX97awCK1D4-00052-00018246-00018605 Double Ampoule Intensive Care Glow & Repair Set. mX97awCK1D4-00053-00018605-00018753 This one is an Ampoule. mX97awCK1D4-00054-00018753-00019168 An ampoule is 10 times more concentrated than a serum. mX97awCK1D4-00055-00019168-00019556 Mainly this one is to boost and solve your skin problems urgently. mX97awCK1D4-00056-00019556-00020252 The goodness of this one is that it is very safe and doesn’t contain any harmful substances. mX97awCK1D4-00057-00020252-00020783 As I said, there is no alcohol, no color, no fragrance, and 0% preservatives. mX97awCK1D4-00058-00020786-00020927 Let think about this. mX97awCK1D4-00059-00020927-00021127 Since they didn’t’ add any of the harmful substances as mentioned, mX97awCK1D4-00060-00021128-00021606 meaning that it has more space for various skin nutrients. mX97awCK1D4-00061-00021606-00021883 And if you ask, since they didn't add any preservatives, mX97awCK1D4-00062-00021883-00022201 how can these products last for a long time? mX97awCK1D4-00063-00022201-00022544 Well, let’s take a look at the package. This is a very cute package mX97awCK1D4-00064-00022544-00022745 It comes in a syringe shape like this. mX97awCK1D4-00065-00022745-00022941 These are package using a vacuum system, mX97awCK1D4-00066-00022941-00023240 so it will prevent any air or germs to get, mX97awCK1D4-00067-00023240-00023614 maintaining the freshness of the cream inside. mX97awCK1D4-00068-00023614-00023845 They come as a pair like this. mX97awCK1D4-00069-00023845-00024041 It will be perfect for your skin If you use them together. mX97awCK1D4-00070-00024041-00024334 One of them is Ampoule Hya to recover damaged skin. mX97awCK1D4-00071-00024334-00024688 The other one is Ampoule Vit C to boost the skin to glow. mX97awCK1D4-00072-00024688-00025146 I will review them one by one to see how it is and how good they are. mX97awCK1D4-00073-00025146-00025328 Let's start with the first one. mX97awCK1D4-00074-00025328-00025700 The first one is this one, Vit C to boost the skin to glow. mX97awCK1D4-00075-00025700-00026000 This one is unique and unlike any other vitamin C, mX97awCK1D4-00076-00026000-00026230 it is Liposome Vitamin C. mX97awCK1D4-00077-00026230-00027000 Liposome Vitamin C is highly stable and can nourish 62% deeper than normal vitamin C. mX97awCK1D4-00078-00027000-00027195 Why is this important? mX97awCK1D4-00079-00027195-00027549 Many people understand that the higher percentage of vitamin C is the better. mX97awCK1D4-00080-00027549-00027979 But not many people know that vitamin C is very easy to break down. mX97awCK1D4-00081-00027979-00028469 Just like being exposed to water, air, or light, vitamin C is all worn out. mX97awCK1D4-00082-00028469-00028768 And on the top of our skin water is the main component. mX97awCK1D4-00083-00028768-00029365 Vitamin C in general may have a chance to break down on top of the skin without nourishing it. mX97awCK1D4-00084-00029365-00029524 But Liposome Vitamin C mX97awCK1D4-00085-00029524-00029758 has the technology to encapsulate the vitamin C mX97awCK1D4-00086-00029758-00030143 with the same fat on our skin. mX97awCK1D4-00087-00030143-00030487 This makes it possible to nourish deeper into our skin, mX97awCK1D4-00088-00030487-00030723 causing those acne marks, mX97awCK1D4-00089-00030723-00030986 any dark spots, freckles, and blemish to appear lighter. mX97awCK1D4-00090-00030986-00031344 The result can be clearly and rapidly seen too. mX97awCK1D4-00091-00031344-00031609 And because it is in Liposome Vitamin C form, mX97awCK1D4-00092-00031609-00031843 it won’t make our skin become more fragile. mX97awCK1D4-00093-00031843-00032320 If anyone wants to use vitamin C but has sensitive skin, mX97awCK1D4-00094-00032320-00032635 I suggest that this product can definitely be used without any allergy. mX97awCK1D4-00095-00032635-00032818 My usage result, mX97awCK1D4-00096-00032818-00033744 I have noticed that dark spots from very old acne scars have faded rapidly. mX97awCK1D4-00097-00033744-00033951 And for those freckles and blemish, mX97awCK1D4-00098-00033951-00034469 since I don’t really have one, I can’t see a clear result on that yet. mX97awCK1D4-00099-00034469-00034740 But in the matter of acne scars, dark spots, red spots, mX97awCK1D4-00100-00034740-00035052 I can confirm that it heals really quickly. mX97awCK1D4-00101-00035052-00035256 And also help our skin to appear brighter, mX97awCK1D4-00102-00035256-00035626 skin tone looks more even, more radiant, and so on. mX97awCK1D4-00103-00035626-00035758 For another one. mX97awCK1D4-00104-00035758-00036061 This one is Ampoule Hya to recover damaged skin. mX97awCK1D4-00105-00036061-00036374 Well, this one helps restore the fragile skin, mX97awCK1D4-00106-00036374-00036754 especially sensitive to make your skin look stronger. mX97awCK1D4-00107-00036754-00037000 Hyaluronic Serum is very popular these days, mX97awCK1D4-00108-00037000-00037171 almost all brands have it. mX97awCK1D4-00109-00037171-00037489 We are very familiar with the word “add more water to the skin”, mX97awCK1D4-00110-00037489-00037952 “add moisture to the skin”, and the skin will look healthier. mX97awCK1D4-00111-00037955-00038525 But first, let me explain to you what the foundation of healthy skin is like. mX97awCK1D4-00112-00038525-00039252 Strong and healthy skin must contain water and fat in its balance. mX97awCK1D4-00113-00039252-00039631 So, it might not be enough for you to only nourish your skin with hyaluronic acid. mX97awCK1D4-00114-00039633-00040079 Since it only adds water to your skin mX97awCK1D4-00115-00040079-00040464 and may not cover the skin restoration in all dimensions. mX97awCK1D4-00116-00040467-00041038 This Ampoule Hya has a completed component of healthy skin. mX97awCK1D4-00117-00041038-00041440 So, it will be able to help make our skin to restore and strengthen it. mX97awCK1D4-00118-00041440-00041810 The highlight of this Ampoule Hya is that it contains 9 types of Hyaluronic acids. mX97awCK1D4-00119-00041810-00041892 I can say that mX97awCK1D4-00120-00041892-00042132 it is the highest of all brands that are available now. mX97awCK1D4-00121-00042132-00042681 And each type of Hyaluronic acid has different molecules that act on different layers of skin. mX97awCK1D4-00122-00042683-00043191 Briefly describe as the one with a larger molecule that will take care of our outer skin. mX97awCK1D4-00123-00043191-00043824 The ones with smaller molecules will nourish the deeper layer of the skin. mX97awCK1D4-00124-00043824-00044141 Besides the Hyaluronic acids that add water to the skin, mX97awCK1D4-00125-00044141-00044460 it also has a plant-derived Ceramide Complex, mX97awCK1D4-00126-00044460-00044765 which helps replenish the skin's essential fat. mX97awCK1D4-00127-00044765-00045366 Also, an Organic Squalene from plants helps trap moisture under the skin. mX97awCK1D4-00128-00045366-00045838 Lastly, a royal jelly that stimulates the production of Collagen and Elastin under your skin. mX97awCK1D4-00129-00045838-00046246 In conclusion, this product nourishes your skin in all dimensions, mX97awCK1D4-00130-00046246-00046460 and really strengthen your skin. mX97awCK1D4-00131-00046460-00046714 After using this product, the result can be seen rapidly. mX97awCK1D4-00132-00046714-00047093 If you got a sunburn, red skin, burning, or itchy skin, mX97awCK1D4-00133-00047093-00047398 your skin will start to recover over the night. mX97awCK1D4-00134-00047398-00047537 And if you continue using the product, mX97awCK1D4-00135-00047537-00047749 you feel that your skin is stronger, mX97awCK1D4-00136-00047749-00047949 not really allergic to anything anymore mX97awCK1D4-00137-00047949-00048256 When going to other places, there is less to none of the allergic reaction, mX97awCK1D4-00138-00048256-00048560 like allergic to unfamiliar water that causes itchy skin, etc. mX97awCK1D4-00139-00048561-00048824 For how to apply both of the Ampoule, mX97awCK1D4-00140-00048824-00049114 it should the first step before applying the serum. mX97awCK1D4-00141-00049114-00049284 This will help them do their job better, mX97awCK1D4-00142-00049284-00049850 and the serum that followed will show a better result. mX97awCK1D4-00143-00049850-00050306 For this set, which comes together like this, they cost 1790Baht mX97awCK1D4-00144-00050306-00050939 This is an exclusive set that you can only find at EVEANDBOY. mX97awCK1D4-00145-00050939-00051108 But if you want them separately, mX97awCK1D4-00146-00051108-00051429 they also can be found at WATSON and EVEANDBOY. mX97awCK1D4-00147-00051429-00051655 And if you prefer online shopping, mX97awCK1D4-00148-00051655-00052025 just go to their page at “Her Hyness Beauty”. mX97awCK1D4-00149-00052152-00052334 Let's start doing the makeup. For this look, mX97awCK1D4-00150-00052334-00052534 I won’t apply any foundation. mX97awCK1D4-00151-00052534-00052770 But instead, I will use a Tinted Primer mX97awCK1D4-00152-00052770-00053091 that will help my skin to look brighter and clearer. mX97awCK1D4-00153-00053931-00054150 Next, I will collect all the details on my skin mX97awCK1D4-00154-00054150-00054303 by using a concealer instead. mX97awCK1D4-00155-00054303-00054562 I will warm up the concealer using the fingers, mX97awCK1D4-00156-00054562-00054832 then use the brush to gradually tap onto the skin. mX97awCK1D4-00157-00054832-00055000 Only apply under the eyes, mX97awCK1D4-00158-00055000-00055186 on the sides of the nose, on acne marks, mX97awCK1D4-00159-00055186-00055366 and between the eyebrows. mX97awCK1D4-00160-00056445-00056605 I have very visible lip edges; mX97awCK1D4-00161-00056605-00056974 therefore, I will apply the concealer to conceal the lip edges as well. mX97awCK1D4-00162-00057425-00057745 Then I will use a sponge to collect all the details again. mX97awCK1D4-00163-00057745-00058180 Collect concealers that might not be smooth onto your skin. mX97awCK1D4-00164-00058180-00058521 This will make your skin look very smooth and very natural. mX97awCK1D4-00165-00058564-00058929 Next, I will use nude lipstick to apply onto my check as a blush. mX97awCK1D4-00166-00058929-00059227 This color is very natural, very beautiful, mX97awCK1D4-00167-00059227-00059464 provide a rosy and healthy look. mX97awCK1D4-00168-00060240-00060303 After that, mX97awCK1D4-00169-00060303-00060607 I will apply the loose powder using a translucent powder. mX97awCK1D4-00170-00060607-00060916 I will put some of the powder into the lid, mX97awCK1D4-00171-00060916-00061100 then use the brush to dip the powder. mX97awCK1D4-00172-00061100-00061601 Then sperate it out on your palm to get the even amount of powder throughout the brush. mX97awCK1D4-00173-00061601-00061847 Then gradually apply it onto your skin. mX97awCK1D4-00174-00061847-00062059 You will achieve a smooth, juicy mX97awCK1D4-00175-00062059-00062325 and natural, and not too matte look. mX97awCK1D4-00176-00062449-00062576 For eyebrows in this look, mX97awCK1D4-00177-00062576-00062911 I will use the spoolie brow brush to line them up first. mX97awCK1D4-00178-00062911-00063141 Then, I will just use the brown mascara mX97awCK1D4-00179-00063141-00063395 to brush out my eyebrows to make them look natural. mX97awCK1D4-00180-00063568-00063851 Then use the same spoolie brow-brush brush it over one more time. mX97awCK1D4-00181-00063851-00064288 So, the brows line up beautifully and the mascara doesn't clump together. mX97awCK1D4-00182-00064728-00064828 As for Eyeshadow, mX97awCK1D4-00183-00064828-00065078 I will choose a very natural eyeshadow shade. mX97awCK1D4-00184-00065078-00065588 Use only one color applied all over the eyelids and a little under the eyes. mX97awCK1D4-00185-00065588-00066017 Then use brown eyeliner to draw onto the inner line. mX97awCK1D4-00186-00066017-00066272 And then curl the eyelashes and apply the mascara. mX97awCK1D4-00187-00066272-00066644 Only apply a thin layer of mascara, so don't clump together. mX97awCK1D4-00188-00066644-00067199 And it is not necessary to long and curvy. Make it look as natural as possible. mX97awCK1D4-00189-00067199-00067331 For lipstick, mX97awCK1D4-00190-00067331-00067517 I will use a colored lip balm. mX97awCK1D4-00191-00067517-00067897 This color looks so natural and very beautiful. mX97awCK1D4-00192-00068144-00068401 Then it will be shading my face frame. mX97awCK1D4-00193-00068401-00068685 Add a little bit of color to the cheek to make it look rosy and healthy. mX97awCK1D4-00194-00068685-00068885 And then you have it, this look is complete. mX97awCK1D4-00195-00069298-00069589 Thank you all very much to watch until the end of this video. mX97awCK1D4-00196-00069589-00070011 If you like my video, please don’t forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE. mX97awCK1D4-00197-00070011-00070243 See you next time. Bye-bye. mb6z1HmkzOy-00000-00000048-00000390 - Let's talk about PE, which is percent extraction, mb6z1HmkzOy-00001-00000390-00000540 percent TDS coffee, mb6z1HmkzOy-00002-00000540-00000840 which is percent total dissolved solids coffee, mb6z1HmkzOy-00003-00000840-00001032 and brewing control. mb6z1HmkzOy-00004-00001032-00001227 And I found this picture on the internet mb6z1HmkzOy-00005-00001227-00001427 at the site that's listed on the bottom. mb6z1HmkzOy-00006-00001617-00001995 I can imagine taking a pickaxe to a giant bean. mb6z1HmkzOy-00007-00001995-00002165 Anyway, thought it was pretty cool. mb6z1HmkzOy-00008-00002379-00002838 Now these are scanning electron microscope images mb6z1HmkzOy-00009-00002838-00003189 of green and roasted coffee beans. mb6z1HmkzOy-00010-00003189-00003456 And I don't know, it's a little tough to see mb6z1HmkzOy-00011-00003456-00003665 but maybe it shows up on your copy. mb6z1HmkzOy-00012-00003665-00004078 But down here there's a little scale bar mb6z1HmkzOy-00013-00004179-00004392 and it says 20 micron, mb6z1HmkzOy-00014-00004392-00004797 20 micrometers mb6z1HmkzOy-00015-00004797-00005244 where this lowercase Greek letter mu stands for micro, mb6z1HmkzOy-00016-00005244-00005550 just like C stands for centimeters, mb6z1HmkzOy-00017-00005550-00005751 and 20 micrometers. mb6z1HmkzOy-00018-00005751-00006024 Well, there's 1 times 10 mb6z1HmkzOy-00019-00006024-00006360 to the sixth micrometers mb6z1HmkzOy-00020-00006360-00006801 or 1 million micrometers equal to one meter. mb6z1HmkzOy-00021-00006912-00007212 So that little scale bar mb6z1HmkzOy-00022-00007212-00007581 is 20 times 10 mb6z1HmkzOy-00023-00007581-00007950 to the minus sixth meters mb6z1HmkzOy-00024-00007950-00008250 or 2.0 times 10 mb6z1HmkzOy-00025-00008250-00008520 to the minus fifth meters. mb6z1HmkzOy-00026-00008520-00008793 So this is an extreme closeup mb6z1HmkzOy-00027-00008793-00008958 and scanning electron microscopes mb6z1HmkzOy-00028-00008958-00009156 are fascinating instruments mb6z1HmkzOy-00029-00009156-00009567 but mostly beyond the scope of what we're doing. mb6z1HmkzOy-00030-00009567-00009792 If you want, I have used one mb6z1HmkzOy-00031-00009792-00010086 before multiple times and I'm happy to talk more mb6z1HmkzOy-00032-00010086-00010326 about them if you're interested in office hours. mb6z1HmkzOy-00033-00010527-00010713 So then here's the green coffee bean. mb6z1HmkzOy-00034-00010713-00011103 Notice how it compares to the roasted coffee bean. mb6z1HmkzOy-00035-00011103-00011454 The roasted coffee bean has a lot of holes in it mb6z1HmkzOy-00036-00011454-00011954 and those holes are where the coffee mb6z1HmkzOy-00037-00011961-00012217 has been roasted and there's been reaction mb6z1HmkzOy-00038-00012456-00012753 that has created gases, mb6z1HmkzOy-00039-00013029-00013197 or reactions, I should say, mb6z1HmkzOy-00040-00013197-00013608 reactions created gases such as carbon dioxide. mb6z1HmkzOy-00041-00013983-00014178 CO2 is carbon dioxide. mb6z1HmkzOy-00042-00014178-00014325 That's in the gas phase. mb6z1HmkzOy-00043-00014415-00014850 And those gases expand as it heats up. mb6z1HmkzOy-00044-00014850-00015274 So goes which expand mb6z1HmkzOy-00045-00015413-00015526 as they get heated mb6z1HmkzOy-00046-00016198-00016677 to eventually crack or pop these holes. mb6z1HmkzOy-00047-00016971-00017175 And I'll use the term crack instead of pop mb6z1HmkzOy-00048-00017175-00017307 but either one works mb6z1HmkzOy-00049-00017307-00017559 because we call them first crack and second crack mb6z1HmkzOy-00050-00017559-00017824 while we're roasting to crack open mb6z1HmkzOy-00051-00018012-00018117 these holes. mb6z1HmkzOy-00052-00018318-00018818 Or really they're cavities because they're not, mb6z1HmkzOy-00053-00018837-00019143 well, the gas has to get out, I guess. mb6z1HmkzOy-00054-00019143-00019467 So let's call 'em holes, in the beans. mb6z1HmkzOy-00055-00019788-00020037 And I've got the link down here mb6z1HmkzOy-00056-00020037-00020382 at the bottom for those, the images that I found. mb6z1HmkzOy-00057-00020382-00020778 Pretty cool images, yeah. mb6z1HmkzOy-00058-00020778-00021195 So this right here is what the bean mb6z1HmkzOy-00059-00021195-00021414 looks like in extreme closeup. mb6z1HmkzOy-00060-00021414-00021600 This one has the same scale bar, mb6z1HmkzOy-00061-00021600-00021817 20 micrometers is that distance mb6z1HmkzOy-00062-00021903-00022137 The same scale bar for both these images, mb6z1HmkzOy-00063-00022137-00022350 though it is not the exact same spot. mb6z1HmkzOy-00064-00022350-00022761 I can tell you from doing scanning electron microscopy mb6z1HmkzOy-00065-00022761-00023244 that you can't, it's very hard to get the same spot. mb6z1HmkzOy-00066-00023244-00023494 You have to take pretty serious measures to do it. mb6z1HmkzOy-00067-00023733-00023832 So now let's talk mb6z1HmkzOy-00068-00023832-00024105 about percent extraction more specifically. mb6z1HmkzOy-00069-00024105-00024393 And what you might imagine is if you take this bean mb6z1HmkzOy-00070-00024393-00024804 and you're going to, on some level, mb6z1HmkzOy-00071-00024804-00025138 place it into water and then that water mb6z1HmkzOy-00072-00025377-00025752 is going to try and get into all these surfaces mb6z1HmkzOy-00073-00025752-00026061 and it might get to this surface first, right? mb6z1HmkzOy-00074-00026061-00026238 Or any of these surfaces. mb6z1HmkzOy-00075-00026238-00026520 And then it would have to sink into the beans. mb6z1HmkzOy-00076-00026607-00026778 But the surface, mb6z1HmkzOy-00077-00027150-00027366 or each of these surfaces, mb6z1HmkzOy-00078-00027366-00027539 is where it is easiest mb6z1HmkzOy-00079-00027539-00027906 for the water to reach the beans. mb6z1HmkzOy-00080-00027906-00028047 In fact, I might say mb6z1HmkzOy-00081-00028047-00028404 that this sort of looks like a closeup of a sponge too. mb6z1HmkzOy-00082-00028404-00028727 And the sponge has holes and you can get water in them mb6z1HmkzOy-00083-00028727-00029133 but then the water soaks into, mb6z1HmkzOy-00084-00029133-00029436 but the water is the, so the surface, mb6z1HmkzOy-00085-00029436-00029575 is where the water starts mb6z1HmkzOy-00086-00030239-00030486 and looking at this bean, mb6z1HmkzOy-00087-00030486-00030750 and there's just a cross section of the bean, mb6z1HmkzOy-00088-00030750-00031048 then what we can say is that mb6z1HmkzOy-00089-00031202-00031445 the more surface area there is, mb6z1HmkzOy-00090-00031445-00031881 the more water can get to the different parts of the bean. mb6z1HmkzOy-00091-00031881-00032131 So more surface area mb6z1HmkzOy-00092-00032580-00032893 allows the water to get to more parts of the bean mb6z1HmkzOy-00093-00033705-00033955 allows the water to get to more parts of the bean. mb6z1HmkzOy-00094-00034704-00035190 And now let's talk and revisit percent extraction. mb6z1HmkzOy-00095-00035190-00035690 So PE is going to be percent extraction mb6z1HmkzOy-00096-00035787-00036157 and it is the grams of coffee solids mb6z1HmkzOy-00097-00036528-00036850 divided by grams of dry grounds mb6z1HmkzOy-00098-00037329-00037526 times 100%. mb6z1HmkzOy-00099-00037626-00038126 And so what you might imagine is that if you had 20 grams mb6z1HmkzOy-00100-00038550-00039015 of dry grounds and that through this water interacting mb6z1HmkzOy-00101-00039015-00039429 with your coffee grounds, it was able to get 3.0 grams mb6z1HmkzOy-00102-00039429-00039723 of coffee solids out of this, mb6z1HmkzOy-00103-00039723-00040044 we can run our calculator and do this, mb6z1HmkzOy-00104-00040044-00040398 it'd be three mb6z1HmkzOy-00105-00040398-00040641 divided by 20 times 100. mb6z1HmkzOy-00106-00040752-00041049 That would be 15% extraction. mb6z1HmkzOy-00107-00041733-00042189 Extraction, or PE percent extraction, mb6z1HmkzOy-00108-00042189-00042371 equals 15%. mb6z1HmkzOy-00109-00042504-00042798 So, and then what I want to emphasize here mb6z1HmkzOy-00110-00042798-00043191 is that the coffee solids that end up in your coffee mb6z1HmkzOy-00111-00043191-00043425 that you drink come from a very real place. mb6z1HmkzOy-00112-00043425-00043692 They come from these places, mb6z1HmkzOy-00113-00043779-00044070 from water basically getting into, mb6z1HmkzOy-00114-00044070-00044244 absorbing into the beans mb6z1HmkzOy-00115-00044244-00044556 and dissolving those coffee solids, mb6z1HmkzOy-00116-00044556-00044781 those different molecules that are in there. mb6z1HmkzOy-00117-00045210-00045710 Now the next thing I just wanna tackle is how it gets so, mb6z1HmkzOy-00118-00045723-00046143 percent extraction deals with how you get the coffee solids mb6z1HmkzOy-00119-00046143-00046299 out of the beans. mb6z1HmkzOy-00120-00046299-00046621 And then percent TDS solids mb6z1HmkzOy-00121-00046776-00046983 deals with getting those coffee solids mb6z1HmkzOy-00122-00046983-00047130 into the cup of coffee. mb6z1HmkzOy-00123-00047586-00047959 So percent TDS coffee mb6z1HmkzOy-00124-00048162-00048578 is getting those coffee solids into the cup of coffee. mb6z1HmkzOy-00125-00048578-00048892 And so percent TDS coffee mb6z1HmkzOy-00126-00049125-00049516 equals grams of coffee solids mb6z1HmkzOy-00127-00049989-00050215 divided by grams of brew mb6z1HmkzOy-00128-00050403-00050658 or coffee brew or however you wanna do it. mb6z1HmkzOy-00129-00050658-00050849 Times 100%. mb6z1HmkzOy-00130-00050958-00051366 And this time let's assume that we have the same 3.0 grams mb6z1HmkzOy-00131-00051366-00051771 of coffee solids, but now we're going to have, mb6z1HmkzOy-00132-00051771-00052012 let's say, 300 grams of brew mb6z1HmkzOy-00133-00052314-00052509 times 100%. mb6z1HmkzOy-00134-00052509-00052854 And this time I have three mb6z1HmkzOy-00135-00052854-00052980 divided by 300 mb6z1HmkzOy-00136-00053279-00053451 times 100 mb6z1HmkzOy-00137-00053451-00053891 and I get 1%, and I'm just gonna put 1.0%, mb6z1HmkzOy-00138-00054150-00054303 TDS coffee. mb6z1HmkzOy-00139-00054603-00054798 And we've been working with some of these numbers before mb6z1HmkzOy-00140-00054798-00055298 but just wanted to really bring it home so the coffee solids mb6z1HmkzOy-00141-00055302-00055671 come out of the coffee beans mb6z1HmkzOy-00142-00055671-00055818 and end up in our coffee cup. mb6z1HmkzOy-00143-00056129-00056516 Now in the coffee beans, mb6z1HmkzOy-00144-00056516-00057016 so broadly speaking, there are 20% good solubles. mb6z1HmkzOy-00145-00057033-00057300 Those are the parts that you want in your coffee. mb6z1HmkzOy-00146-00057300-00057449 So I want in coffee mb6z1HmkzOy-00147-00057750-00058044 and here they're pictorially represented mb6z1HmkzOy-00148-00058044-00058391 as red being acids and caffeine, mb6z1HmkzOy-00149-00058391-00058638 yellow being lipids and fats, mb6z1HmkzOy-00150-00058638-00059030 and blue being melanoidins, mb6z1HmkzOy-00151-00059030-00059445 and green being carbohydrates and fiber, mb6z1HmkzOy-00152-00059445-00059727 those are going to be the bad solubles. mb6z1HmkzOy-00153-00059727-00059934 And then there's 70% of the coffee bean mb6z1HmkzOy-00154-00059934-00060123 that is just insoluble, mb6z1HmkzOy-00155-00060123-00060354 not gonna dissolve in water, right? mb6z1HmkzOy-00156-00060354-00060621 So let's just make sure, let's revisit that. mb6z1HmkzOy-00157-00060621-00060862 Soluble in water mb6z1HmkzOy-00158-00060999-00061290 Means that it will dissolve in water. mb6z1HmkzOy-00159-00061290-00061391 Okay? mb6z1HmkzOy-00160-00061391-00061891 So our process and what we wanna optimize mb6z1HmkzOy-00161-00061944-00062199 is we want all of these things, mb6z1HmkzOy-00162-00062199-00062526 the good solubles, to dissolve mb6z1HmkzOy-00163-00062526-00062751 in the water to make our coffee. mb6z1HmkzOy-00164-00062751-00063092 And we don't want to have the 10% mb6z1HmkzOy-00165-00063092-00063396 of the carbohydrates and fiber parts. mb6z1HmkzOy-00166-00063396-00063663 And the good news is, in general, mb6z1HmkzOy-00167-00063663-00064079 the carbohydrates and fiber parts, they are soluble, mb6z1HmkzOy-00168-00064079-00064416 but they tend to dissolve more slowly. mb6z1HmkzOy-00169-00065115-00065532 So if you allow your coffee to brew, mb6z1HmkzOy-00170-00065532-00065889 say, in a clever dripper for a long period of time, mb6z1HmkzOy-00171-00065889-00066042 that's when you start to see these. mb6z1HmkzOy-00172-00066042-00066288 And so we get this idea that you want to mb6z1HmkzOy-00173-00066288-00066534 get all the good stuff out, right? mb6z1HmkzOy-00174-00066534-00066804 If you do it too short, you won't get all the- mb6z1HmkzOy-00175-00066804-00066987 too short of an extraction time. mb6z1HmkzOy-00176-00066987-00067251 You won't get all of the good stuff out, mb6z1HmkzOy-00177-00067251-00067470 too long of an extraction time, mb6z1HmkzOy-00178-00067470-00067797 you'll get all the good stuff and some of the bad stuff. mb6z1HmkzOy-00179-00067797-00068151 So, and again, these are broad terms mb6z1HmkzOy-00180-00068151-00068544 and everybody has a different perspective on what is good mb6z1HmkzOy-00181-00068544-00068946 to them, but these have been broadly agreed upon. mb6z1HmkzOy-00182-00068946-00069270 And then, but again, 70% of the coffee bean, it's, mb6z1HmkzOy-00183-00069270-00069411 you could leave it in there forever mb6z1HmkzOy-00184-00069411-00069621 and you're still, you're, right? mb6z1HmkzOy-00185-00069621-00069962 If you forget about your coffee, come back 10 minutes, 20, mb6z1HmkzOy-00186-00069962-00070263 30 minutes later, there's still grounds there. mb6z1HmkzOy-00187-00070263-00070461 It didn't all dissolve, of course. mb6z1HmkzOy-00188-00070596-00070779 I think that's what I want to say about that. mb6z1HmkzOy-00189-00070779-00070941 Yep. mb6z1HmkzOy-00190-00070941-00071133 Okay, so, mb6z1HmkzOy-00191-00071676-00071847 this one's supposed to have a title on it. mb6z1HmkzOy-00192-00071847-00072129 I'm not sure what happened to my titles mb6z1HmkzOy-00193-00072129-00072291 but I can write them on. mb6z1HmkzOy-00194-00072291-00072579 So this is gonna say grinding coffee beans. mb6z1HmkzOy-00195-00073071-00073230 One way to control brewing. mb6z1HmkzOy-00196-00074118-00074601 And we've seen this, we've done the grinding activity. mb6z1HmkzOy-00197-00074601-00075101 So when you take represented by blue, we might see mb6z1HmkzOy-00198-00075153-00075543 is a simple representation of the surface area mb6z1HmkzOy-00199-00075543-00075657 of the whole bean, mb6z1HmkzOy-00200-00076263-00076389 even if it was cut in half. mb6z1HmkzOy-00201-00076389-00076824 But the idea is water might be trying to get into this bean mb6z1HmkzOy-00202-00076824-00076938 from the outside. mb6z1HmkzOy-00203-00076938-00077073 If it was cut in half, mb6z1HmkzOy-00204-00077073-00077295 it could get to this surface right there. mb6z1HmkzOy-00205-00077394-00077673 But when we grind the bean up, we get, mb6z1HmkzOy-00206-00077955-00078213 let me just make sure I'm using this term properly, mb6z1HmkzOy-00207-00078213-00078331 exponentially mb6z1HmkzOy-00208-00078675-00078822 more surface area. mb6z1HmkzOy-00209-00079482-00079800 And so for example, if a coffee bean mb6z1HmkzOy-00210-00079800-00080235 has a diameter, or a rough length, mb6z1HmkzOy-00211-00080235-00080697 of one centimeter and the- mb6z1HmkzOy-00212-00080697-00080980 so the water's coming in from the outside mb6z1HmkzOy-00213-00081102-00081498 and it has to go all the way in here mb6z1HmkzOy-00214-00081498-00081738 to get to the good coffee-tasting parts mb6z1HmkzOy-00215-00081738-00081885 in the center of the bean, mb6z1HmkzOy-00216-00081885-00082272 it might have to travel 0.5 centimeters, mb6z1HmkzOy-00217-00082272-00082494 and it's gonna take a long time to do that. mb6z1HmkzOy-00218-00082494-00082761 So we grind it up all of a sudden now, mb6z1HmkzOy-00219-00082761-00082917 at least in this picture, mb6z1HmkzOy-00220-00082917-00083265 maybe we say that our size is mb6z1HmkzOy-00221-00083265-00083718 0.1 centimeter? mb6z1HmkzOy-00222-00083877-00084219 And then to get into the inside of this, mb6z1HmkzOy-00223-00084219-00084564 it only has to travel 0.05 centimeters, mb6z1HmkzOy-00224-00084840-00085041 Which takes a lot longer time. mb6z1HmkzOy-00225-00085041-00085347 The water is coming from the outside mb6z1HmkzOy-00226-00085347-00085530 and you get a lot better, mb6z1HmkzOy-00227-00085737-00085905 a lot of the good stuff outta the coffee mb6z1HmkzOy-00228-00085905-00086046 a lot more quickly. mb6z1HmkzOy-00229-00086046-00086310 So grinding definitely, as we've seen, mb6z1HmkzOy-00230-00086310-00086730 as you've experienced, a great way to control brewing. mb6z1HmkzOy-00231-00086730-00087039 And you can see that we've got all kinds of grinds. mb6z1HmkzOy-00232-00087039-00087459 We've got fine, we've got medium, we've got coarse, mb6z1HmkzOy-00233-00087459-00087837 we've got different, you know, those are just the easy ones. mb6z1HmkzOy-00234-00087837-00088314 But you can do sort of a coarse medium or a coarse fine. mb6z1HmkzOy-00235-00088314-00088437 There's lots of different ways to do this. mb6z1HmkzOy-00236-00088437-00088611 And this is what we're trying to do, mb6z1HmkzOy-00237-00088611-00088761 is we're trying to control it. mb6z1HmkzOy-00238-00088761-00089034 Now, if you're using a blade grinder, mb6z1HmkzOy-00239-00089034-00089355 you're going to have a particle size distribution. mb6z1HmkzOy-00240-00089448-00089940 You will generally have some fine particles, mb6z1HmkzOy-00241-00089940-00090147 some medium particles, mb6z1HmkzOy-00242-00090147-00090486 and then some larger particles as well. mb6z1HmkzOy-00243-00090486-00090750 But we try and shake the grinder, at least I do, mb6z1HmkzOy-00244-00090750-00091250 in order to evenly grind the particles as much as possible. mb6z1HmkzOy-00245-00091305-00091425 It's a process, right? mb6z1HmkzOy-00246-00091581-00091854 Now this whole slide, it deals mb6z1HmkzOy-00247-00091854-00092031 with extraction time, mb6z1HmkzOy-00248-00092664-00093033 and extraction time is another way to control brewing. mb6z1HmkzOy-00249-00093126-00093567 For example, let's assume we had three. mb6z1HmkzOy-00250-00093567-00093783 So these are now- mb6z1HmkzOy-00251-00093873-00094128 Each of these is a ground coffee particle. mb6z1HmkzOy-00252-00094956-00095271 And we might call this coarsely ground. mb6z1HmkzOy-00253-00095772-00096108 And what you can see is that over time, mb6z1HmkzOy-00254-00096108-00096357 the water comes from the outside mb6z1HmkzOy-00255-00096357-00096741 and it is able to dissolve the solubles, mb6z1HmkzOy-00256-00096741-00096954 the good solubles that is. mb6z1HmkzOy-00257-00097047-00097467 But, in 30 seconds, it can't get anywhere near the center. mb6z1HmkzOy-00258-00097467-00097749 This would be what's called underextracted, mb6z1HmkzOy-00259-00097971-00098373 pretty severely by the way, 120 seconds. mb6z1HmkzOy-00260-00098373-00098634 So still underextracted, mb6z1HmkzOy-00261-00099015-00099363 and at least here, mb6z1HmkzOy-00262-00099363-00099750 we have fully extracted perfectly, mb6z1HmkzOy-00263-00099885-00100047 although I'm not quite sure mb6z1HmkzOy-00264-00100047-00100230 this is accurately representative mb6z1HmkzOy-00265-00100230-00100392 of the fact that we could get, mb6z1HmkzOy-00266-00100392-00100629 well, we would get some water mb6z1HmkzOy-00267-00100629-00100914 into all of the parts of the bean. mb6z1HmkzOy-00268-00101913-00102189 And one of the beautiful things about the clever dripper mb6z1HmkzOy-00269-00102189-00102689 is that we can control these times in a much clearer way mb6z1HmkzOy-00270-00102744-00103029 than if you're using some of the other pour over methods. mb6z1HmkzOy-00271-00103368-00103578 Now, we can combine the two mb6z1HmkzOy-00272-00103578-00103776 and of course this is what we're doing. mb6z1HmkzOy-00273-00103776-00104214 We're combining grind size with extraction time. mb6z1HmkzOy-00274-00104214-00104520 You can see that if you have a fine grind, mb6z1HmkzOy-00275-00104622-00105003 you can perhaps extract fully mb6z1HmkzOy-00276-00105003-00105363 in 30 seconds, or a significantly shorter time. mb6z1HmkzOy-00277-00105363-00105807 Whereas if it's a medium grind, you're gonna need longer. mb6z1HmkzOy-00278-00105807-00106149 And a coarse grind, you're gonna need even longer. mb6z1HmkzOy-00279-00106149-00106353 But it's not as simple as that. mb6z1HmkzOy-00280-00106476-00106722 Oh, there's a little bit of a title there. mb6z1HmkzOy-00281-00106722-00107043 So if you have small particles mb6z1HmkzOy-00282-00107043-00107166 and you do- mb6z1HmkzOy-00283-00107258-00107727 sort of small or fine, medium, and coarse particles, mb6z1HmkzOy-00284-00107727-00108209 what we tend to see is that you can have overextracted here mb6z1HmkzOy-00285-00108209-00108657 for 120 seconds and this orange area would represent mb6z1HmkzOy-00286-00108657-00108822 we are getting some of that fiber mb6z1HmkzOy-00287-00108924-00109096 and some of those carbohydrates mb6z1HmkzOy-00288-00109377-00109572 that are the bad solubles. mb6z1HmkzOy-00289-00109794-00109956 We have optimal extraction mb6z1HmkzOy-00290-00109956-00110283 for a medium grind and then we have underextracted. mb6z1HmkzOy-00291-00110424-00110865 And what we're trying to do is we're trying to balance, mb6z1HmkzOy-00292-00110865-00111162 it says extraction is a balance between, mb6z1HmkzOy-00293-00111522-00111942 oh, yes, is a balance between well, mb6z1HmkzOy-00294-00111942-00112116 over and underextracting. mb6z1HmkzOy-00295-00112116-00112290 So setting the right grind size, mb6z1HmkzOy-00296-00112290-00112770 and setting the right extraction time, right? mb6z1HmkzOy-00297-00112770-00112941 You can have longer extraction times mb6z1HmkzOy-00298-00112941-00113082 if you have bigger beans, mb6z1HmkzOy-00299-00113214-00113511 but you do risk overextracting them in some ways. mb6z1HmkzOy-00300-00113733-00114114 And finally, an example of sort of putting some mb6z1HmkzOy-00301-00114114-00114284 of these variables together mb6z1HmkzOy-00302-00114284-00114519 using the coffee brewing control chart. mb6z1HmkzOy-00303-00114738-00115136 And here's some of the key variables. mb6z1HmkzOy-00304-00115136-00115299 So our brew, mb6z1HmkzOy-00305-00115650-00115958 is the ratio, R is for ratio, mb6z1HmkzOy-00306-00115958-00116367 of grams of water, mb6z1HmkzOy-00307-00116478-00116661 two grams of dry grounds. mb6z1HmkzOy-00308-00116982-00117153 So our absorbance, mb6z1HmkzOy-00309-00117390-00117651 and everybody gets a slightly different mb6z1HmkzOy-00310-00117651-00118017 R absorbance value, but minus 1.75 mb6z1HmkzOy-00311-00118017-00118485 R absorbance is grams of water retained, mb6z1HmkzOy-00312-00118698-00119088 or trapped, in grounds, mb6z1HmkzOy-00313-00119304-00119607 per gram of dry grounds. mb6z1HmkzOy-00314-00120201-00120432 And percent TDS coffee, mb6z1HmkzOy-00315-00120432-00120597 we've already talked about that. mb6z1HmkzOy-00316-00120744-00121136 And let's see, those are right. mb6z1HmkzOy-00317-00121136-00121466 And we make the coffee and the percent TDS coffee is 1.7%. mb6z1HmkzOy-00318-00121559-00121890 So we use our handheld refractometer, mb6z1HmkzOy-00319-00121890-00122034 we measure this number. mb6z1HmkzOy-00320-00122609-00122769 And the question is, where are you? mb6z1HmkzOy-00321-00122769-00122868 Where am I? mb6z1HmkzOy-00322-00122868-00123138 Where are we on the brewing control chart? mb6z1HmkzOy-00323-00123138-00123504 What can you do to get to the ideal part of the chart? mb6z1HmkzOy-00324-00123504-00124004 And the coffee control chart has percent TDS coffee mb6z1HmkzOy-00325-00124101-00124344 and percent extraction on it. mb6z1HmkzOy-00326-00124344-00124557 So we're gonna use these values mb6z1HmkzOy-00327-00124557-00125057 to get to the percent extraction. mb6z1HmkzOy-00328-00125169-00125565 And let's suppose that when we made our coffee, mb6z1HmkzOy-00329-00125967-00126050 ah yes. mb6z1HmkzOy-00330-00126050-00126496 So we made, we started with 20 grams mb6z1HmkzOy-00331-00126678-00127107 of coffee and therefore we started with, let's see, mb6z1HmkzOy-00332-00127107-00127572 so 15 equals grams of water, mb6z1HmkzOy-00333-00127707-00128022 over 20 grams of dry grounds. mb6z1HmkzOy-00334-00128364-00128529 We would expect, then, mb6z1HmkzOy-00335-00128529-00128898 So if we cross multiply, 15 times 20 mb6z1HmkzOy-00336-00128898-00129153 equals one times the grams of water, mb6z1HmkzOy-00337-00129474-00129618 that means that we would wanna start mb6z1HmkzOy-00338-00129618-00129795 with 300 grams of water. mb6z1HmkzOy-00339-00130365-00130794 And we can also figure out mb6z1HmkzOy-00340-00130794-00131182 that if we have grams of dry grounds is still 20 grams mb6z1HmkzOy-00341-00131325-00131784 we can figure out with our minus 1.75 mb6z1HmkzOy-00342-00131784-00132198 minus 1.75 equals mb6z1HmkzOy-00343-00132198-00132399 20 grams of dry grounds. mb6z1HmkzOy-00344-00132963-00133371 And our X will be our grams of water trapped in the grounds. mb6z1HmkzOy-00345-00133542-00133821 This is gonna be cross multiply mb6z1HmkzOy-00346-00133821-00134307 minus 1.75 times 20 equals X. mb6z1HmkzOy-00347-00134529-00134850 I got my minus 1.75 times 20, mb6z1HmkzOy-00348-00134850-00135049 that's minus 35 mb6z1HmkzOy-00349-00135564-00135862 of water trapped mb6z1HmkzOy-00350-00136044-00136206 in the grounds. mb6z1HmkzOy-00351-00136476-00136866 And now will allow us to calculate our grams of coffee, mb6z1HmkzOy-00352-00136866-00137130 our grams of brew that we're expecting to get. mb6z1HmkzOy-00353-00137130-00137335 So 300 minus 35 mb6z1HmkzOy-00354-00137634-00137827 is 265 grams mb6z1HmkzOy-00355-00138159-00138276 of brew. mb6z1HmkzOy-00356-00138522-00138792 And the last thing we need to do, mb6z1HmkzOy-00357-00138792-00139203 and I have another page here for us, side says continued. mb6z1HmkzOy-00358-00139203-00139608 So let's see is calculate our percent extraction. mb6z1HmkzOy-00359-00139809-00139929 No, we can do it in red. mb6z1HmkzOy-00360-00140121-00140322 Remember our percent extraction mb6z1HmkzOy-00361-00140322-00140590 is going to be grams of coffee solids mb6z1HmkzOy-00362-00140913-00141413 over our grams of dry grounds, mb6z1HmkzOy-00363-00141864-00141984 times a hundred percent. mb6z1HmkzOy-00364-00142287-00142503 We know our grams of dry grounds, mb6z1HmkzOy-00365-00142503-00142797 but we do not know our grams of coffee solids. mb6z1HmkzOy-00366-00142947-00143268 We have to fill in for the percent TDS first. mb6z1HmkzOy-00367-00143493-00143712 For percent TDS, mb6z1HmkzOy-00368-00143712-00143986 it's going to be grams of coffee solids mb6z1HmkzOy-00369-00144348-00144630 over grams of brew mb6z1HmkzOy-00370-00144630-00144918 which we do know at least theoretically, right? mb6z1HmkzOy-00371-00144918-00145092 We're doing some calculations mb6z1HmkzOy-00372-00145092-00145320 based on our best guesses, mb6z1HmkzOy-00373-00145320-00145610 our grams, oh, and that's times 100%. mb6z1HmkzOy-00374-00145737-00146237 So our grams of brew that we estimate was 265 grams of brew. mb6z1HmkzOy-00375-00146814-00147177 We know that our percent TDS that we measured was 1.7% mb6z1HmkzOy-00376-00147384-00147664 and we can cross multiply again mb6z1HmkzOy-00377-00147864-00148236 to, oh, and this 100% will be on the top. mb6z1HmkzOy-00378-00148236-00148395 So let me write this one out. mb6z1HmkzOy-00379-00148479-00148618 This is going to be 1.7 mb6z1HmkzOy-00380-00148902-00149076 times 2 65. mb6z1HmkzOy-00381-00149352-00149574 Right, equals one mb6z1HmkzOy-00382-00149574-00149946 from down here, times grams of coffee solids, mb6z1HmkzOy-00383-00150315-00150432 times 100. mb6z1HmkzOy-00384-00150432-00150582 So that's gonna be on the top. mb6z1HmkzOy-00385-00150714-00150897 If we can multiply all this out, mb6z1HmkzOy-00386-00151002-00151182 1.7 times 265, mb6z1HmkzOy-00387-00151347-00151794 I get four 50.5 equals mb6z1HmkzOy-00388-00151794-00152064 one times grams of coffee times 100 mb6z1HmkzOy-00389-00152064-00152415 that's just gonna be 100 times grams of coffee solids. mb6z1HmkzOy-00390-00152820-00152956 Divide by 100 mb6z1HmkzOy-00391-00153171-00153423 to get grams of coffee solids by itself. mb6z1HmkzOy-00392-00153900-00154287 So that's gonna be 450.5 divided by 100. mb6z1HmkzOy-00393-00154287-00154404 I get four point. mb6z1HmkzOy-00394-00154404-00154514 Let's just go with 4.5 mb6z1HmkzOy-00395-00154821-00155172 grams of coffee solids, mb6z1HmkzOy-00396-00155172-00155415 which we can put back in here. mb6z1HmkzOy-00397-00155550-00156036 Remember, we have 20 grams of dry grounds, mb6z1HmkzOy-00398-00156036-00156516 we have 4.5 grams of coffee solids, mb6z1HmkzOy-00399-00156621-00156826 and our percent extraction mb6z1HmkzOy-00400-00157185-00157685 is 4.5 divided by 20 times 100, mb6z1HmkzOy-00401-00157842-00158077 22.5%. mb6z1HmkzOy-00402-00158421-00158715 So let's put that back on the screen there. mb6z1HmkzOy-00403-00158715-00159120 22.5% is our PE mb6z1HmkzOy-00404-00159120-00159546 and our percent TDS is 1.7. mb6z1HmkzOy-00405-00159861-00160311 So we're gonna be at 22.5. mb6z1HmkzOy-00406-00160311-00160524 So that's gonna be right about there. mb6z1HmkzOy-00407-00160524-00161012 22, so a quarter of the way between 22 and 24. mb6z1HmkzOy-00408-00161012-00161421 And then we got 1.7, let's read this line right here. mb6z1HmkzOy-00409-00161607-00161952 So we have located our coffee on this chart mb6z1HmkzOy-00410-00161952-00162207 and it is right at this green dot right there. mb6z1HmkzOy-00411-00162297-00162738 And we are not in the ideal spot conventionally. mb6z1HmkzOy-00412-00162738-00163119 We have gone beyond the percent extraction by a little bit mb6z1HmkzOy-00413-00163119-00163239 and we have gone beyond mb6z1HmkzOy-00414-00163239-00163596 the percent TDS coffee a little bit. mb6z1HmkzOy-00415-00163596-00163770 And what we would love to do is we would like mb6z1HmkzOy-00416-00163770-00164082 to bring this back down into the ideal region. mb6z1HmkzOy-00417-00164226-00164604 We might call this overextracted mb6z1HmkzOy-00418-00164604-00165015 and overconcentrated as well mb6z1HmkzOy-00419-00165015-00165153 and ways in which we can do that, mb6z1HmkzOy-00420-00165153-00165468 well, if you've got too high a percent extraction mb6z1HmkzOy-00421-00165468-00165639 so PE too high, mb6z1HmkzOy-00422-00166032-00166423 what you might think is that you can use a shorter time mb6z1HmkzOy-00423-00166920-00167355 because less time will extract less of those solubles. mb6z1HmkzOy-00424-00167451-00167635 You could use a larger grind mb6z1HmkzOy-00425-00167973-00168186 because that will allow you mb6z1HmkzOy-00426-00168186-00168561 to get less of that stuff that's in the beans. mb6z1HmkzOy-00427-00168651-00168993 And those are two simple ways. mb6z1HmkzOy-00428-00168993-00169155 So you can do other things with temperature. mb6z1HmkzOy-00429-00169155-00169647 You can do, if you stirred it using the clever dripper mb6z1HmkzOy-00430-00169647-00169773 then you wouldn't wanna stir it mb6z1HmkzOy-00431-00169773-00170064 'cause stirring helps get more of those solids out. mb6z1HmkzOy-00432-00170316-00170685 And then here, oh, and the opposite of P is too low. mb6z1HmkzOy-00433-00170685-00170859 You'd wanna use a longer time mb6z1HmkzOy-00434-00170859-00171069 and a smaller grind size potentially. mb6z1HmkzOy-00435-00171168-00171553 And let's see, percent TDS coffee mb6z1HmkzOy-00436-00171744-00171993 was also too high. mb6z1HmkzOy-00437-00172305-00172410 Well, the biggest thing you can do mb6z1HmkzOy-00438-00172410-00172620 for that is use more water. mb6z1HmkzOy-00439-00172620-00172812 So you use more water, mb6z1HmkzOy-00440-00173139-00173631 and the more water will essentially dilute mb6z1HmkzOy-00441-00173631-00173829 the coffee solids that you're getting out. mb6z1HmkzOy-00442-00173829-00174058 It's not perfect because more water mb6z1HmkzOy-00443-00174144-00174624 can tend to extract a little bit more as well. mb6z1HmkzOy-00444-00174624-00174732 But in the end, mb6z1HmkzOy-00445-00174732-00175038 you will tend to lower your percent TDS coffee. mb6z1HmkzOy-00446-00175131-00175482 And of course you could also just add water mb6z1HmkzOy-00447-00175482-00175692 to your coffee after you make it. mb6z1HmkzOy-00448-00175692-00175908 That is, as you've seen in the videos, mb6z1HmkzOy-00449-00175908-00176148 an acceptable method mb6z1HmkzOy-00450-00176148-00176610 to get into the ideal region here mb6z1HmkzOy-00451-00176610-00176781 although typically, hmm. mb6z1HmkzOy-00452-00176781-00176952 I've seen people make very good coffee mb6z1HmkzOy-00453-00176952-00177207 by adding water after it. mb6z1HmkzOy-00454-00177207-00177351 You might want to try it, mb6z1HmkzOy-00455-00177351-00177657 you might want to just add more water from the beginning. mb6z1HmkzOy-00456-00177657-00177771 But just to be clear, mb6z1HmkzOy-00457-00177771-00178014 what I'm saying is you make your coffee, mb6z1HmkzOy-00458-00178014-00178218 you have your coffee in your cup, mb6z1HmkzOy-00459-00178218-00178404 and then you just add water to it. mb6z1HmkzOy-00460-00178488-00178605 Also an acceptable way mb6z1HmkzOy-00461-00178605-00178869 of doing things, although somewhat unconventional. mb6z1HmkzOy-00462-00178953-00179337 And that's a little bit more about percent extraction, mb6z1HmkzOy-00463-00179430-00179886 percent TDS solids and how to control your brew. mbLM4YrbiBg-00000-00000246-00000956 New Japan Pro-Wrestling has returned to Fuji-shi! mbLM4YrbiBg-00001-00001853-00002073 Thank you for your support. mbLM4YrbiBg-00002-00002433-00002626 Good! mbLM4YrbiBg-00003-00002640-00003146 I will keep making New Japan bigger, so, stick with me. mbLM4YrbiBg-00004-00003156-00003350 Thank you for today. mbLM4YrbiBg-00005-00003403-00003863 He’s not done yet. mbLM4YrbiBg-00006-00003966-00004163 Milano, he’s not leaving, is he? mbLM4YrbiBg-00007-00004170-00004296 We’re only about 30% done. mbLM4YrbiBg-00008-00004323-00004800 He’s not intending to leave the ring, huh? mbLM4YrbiBg-00009-00005020-00005593 When you eat, don’t get completely stuffed. He’s still hungry. mbLM4YrbiBg-00010-00005953-00006116 And... mbLM4YrbiBg-00011-00006140-00006400 Ah, Oka goofed. mbLM4YrbiBg-00012-00006423-00006770 He threw it too high. mbLM4YrbiBg-00013-00006873-00007226 So high. Can he catch it? mbLM4YrbiBg-00014-00007233-00007550 He’s got it! mbLM4YrbiBg-00015-00007893-00008336 He’s got it and he's plugged in. mbLM4YrbiBg-00016-00008343-00008523 Shizuoka! mbLM4YrbiBg-00017-00008866-00009046 Shizuoka! mbLM4YrbiBg-00018-00009173-00009440 Shizuoka! mbLM4YrbiBg-00019-00009510-00009623 Shizuoka! mbLM4YrbiBg-00020-00009670-00009806 Tanahashi is calling them out. mbLM4YrbiBg-00021-00009813-00009990 Let’s rock! mbLM4YrbiBg-00022-00010080-00010253 Now it begins. mbLM4YrbiBg-00023-00012023-00012286 They're still not leaving. mbLM4YrbiBg-00024-00012566-00012890 Encore! Encore! mbLM4YrbiBg-00025-00012893-00013190 The fans in Shizuoka are demanding. mbLM4YrbiBg-00026-00013193-00013569 His knee is hurting from that match. mbLM4YrbiBg-00027-00013666-00014206 You know he’s hurting, but he’s still jumping. mbLM4YrbiBg-00028-00014213-00014630 He’s doing it to himself, now. mbLM4YrbiBg-00029-00015876-00016069 It’s not quite tuned. mbLM4YrbiBg-00030-00016116-00016443 It’s a little off. He’s probably tired. mbLM4YrbiBg-00031-00016490-00016656 Fatigued? mbLM4YrbiBg-00032-00016690-00017003 Even though he denies it, he has to be. mbLM4YrbiBg-00033-00017146-00017363 He broke one. mbLM4YrbiBg-00034-00017390-00017740 The pressure on the knee is tough. mbLM4YrbiBg-00035-00017750-00017990 Shizuoka is tough. mbLM4YrbiBg-00036-00018076-00018576 Tanahashi must want to leave by now. mbLM4YrbiBg-00037-00018593-00018913 This is what happens when he tries to leave. mbLM4YrbiBg-00038-00019060-00019370 Do any of them have a guitar to lend him? mbLM4YrbiBg-00039-00019386-00019650 Don’t they only have tea in Shizuoka? mbLM4YrbiBg-00040-00019663-00020220 No, they have YAMAHA. They should have plenty of instruments. mbLM4YrbiBg-00041-00020240-00020553 Many of them had guitars, huh? mbLM4YrbiBg-00042-00020873-00021230 He’s got a second wind. mbLM4YrbiBg-00043-00021866-00022083 He’s playing while lying down. mbLM4YrbiBg-00044-00022140-00022306 Sounds good. mbLM4YrbiBg-00045-00023203-00023463 That’s all he’s got, huh? mbLM4YrbiBg-00046-00023476-00023840 The pressure on his knee is too much. mbLM4YrbiBg-00047-00024036-00024330 He’s limping. mbLM4YrbiBg-00048-00024340-00024473 He’s tired, Milano? mbLM4YrbiBg-00049-00024483-00024686 Yes, fatigue and damage to his knee. mbLM4YrbiBg-00050-00024770-00025240 Say whichever you like, ‘Tanahashi’s awesome’ or ‘Go Ace’… mbLM4YrbiBg-00051-00025583-00025839 Thank you, again. mbLM4YrbiBg-00052-00026010-00026286 Definitely... mbLM4YrbiBg-00053-00026360-00026470 Wait... mbLM4YrbiBg-00054-00026526-00026963 I will win the NEW JAPAN CUP, handily. mbLM4YrbiBg-00055-00027493-00027956 Finally… Everyone… mbLM4YrbiBg-00056-00027980-00028339 I love you! mcDWpGMHR_M-00000-00000691-00000961 RAW SALT mcDWpGMHR_M-00001-00000961-00001403 I poured bleach on the bloody moon and turned it scalding white. Then I mcDWpGMHR_M-00002-00001403-00001561 wrote my autobiography on it in ash. When the bill came due, I joined the mcDWpGMHR_M-00003-00001561-00001773 cowboys who navigate by fear. They locked me in a cabin inhabited by mcDWpGMHR_M-00004-00001773-00002473 moles. I escaped through the mirror and landed in a lake. I baked for weeks mcDWpGMHR_M-00005-00002850-00003511 in seaweed and lost a lot of flesh. Hittites picked the barnacles off me mcDWpGMHR_M-00006-00003511-00004175 and packed me in raw salt. I healed in time to see the airmen welcomed home. mcDWpGMHR_M-00007-00004175-00004200 A tall barker was hawking condo lots. It was Gatlinburg in mid July. mdmy9Ux8bhu-00000-00000000-00000404 How to alphabetize your reference list in Microsoft Word mdmy9Ux8bhu-00001-00000404-00000788 The first thing to do is highlight all of your references, mdmy9Ux8bhu-00002-00000798-00001464 then under the "Home" tab, go to the "A-to-Z Sort" icon button. mdmy9Ux8bhu-00003-00001464-00002140 Leave the "Sort By" drop-down as "Paragraphs" and click OK. mdmy9Ux8bhu-00004-00002140-00003068 Now all of your references are in alphabetical order. mdJWmIprC5o-00000-00002118-00002282 Mihaly is back. mdJWmIprC5o-00001-00002986-00003400 The Kingdom of Erusea declared war on the Osean Federation. mdJWmIprC5o-00002-00003414-00003684 But isn't that country a whole continent away from here? mdJWmIprC5o-00003-00003915-00004068 Yet, what is a nation? mdJWmIprC5o-00004-00004688-00004878 The suit was ineffective. mdJWmIprC5o-00005-00004878-00005180 It still wouldn't allow him to fly with his full potential. mdJWmIprC5o-00006-00005280-00005584 My grandfather tossed a magazine to me that read: mdJWmIprC5o-00007-00005584-00005970 "Soon there will be no one gripping a control stick and taking to the skies" mdJWmIprC5o-00008-00005984-00006112 Here comes the UAVs! mdJWmIprC5o-00009-00006112-00006306 Quit dicking around and get the hell out of there! mdJWmIprC5o-00010-00006356-00006759 Amidst the swirling clouds, the fighter squadron was trying to help its allies to reach safety. mdJWmIprC5o-00011-00006772-00006872 It's right behind me! mdJWmIprC5o-00012-00006872-00007073 He really is foolish, isn't he ? mdJWmIprC5o-00013-00007073-00007228 Yep, he sure is. mdJWmIprC5o-00014-00007278-00007373 Trigger, engage. mdJWmIprC5o-00015-00007386-00007570 Caution! Bandits inbound! mdJWmIprC5o-00016-00007570-00007664 I'll act as a lure. mdJWmIprC5o-00017-00007664-00007798 The enemy is in the clouds. mdJWmIprC5o-00018-00007800-00007856 Damn it! mdJWmIprC5o-00019-00008030-00008176 All squadrons, be advised. mdJWmIprC5o-00020-00008176-00008326 Destroy the Arsenal Bird! mdJWmIprC5o-00021-00008330-00008420 Here it comes! mdJWmIprC5o-00022-00008426-00008536 Tch, come on! mdJWmIprC5o-00023-00008536-00008620 I'm going in first. mdJWmIprC5o-00024-00008620-00008732 Cool it, convicts. mdJWmIprC5o-00025-00008732-00008974 I decide whether you live or die. mdJWmIprC5o-00026-00008976-00009352 Sure, I'm probably heading straight into hell, but, whatever. mdJWmIprC5o-00027-00009352-00009582 You know what Trigger? Why don't you lead and I'll follow. mdJWmIprC5o-00028-00009884-00010178 Adios, you damn fool. mgmAMYahs_g-00000-00000006-00000426 today we got some of the most bizarre videos hit those lights drop a thumbs up subscribe mgmAMYahs_g-00001-00000426-00000818 if you're new and let's check out the sky in general and I keep asking myself if it's mgmAMYahs_g-00002-00000818-00001415 really just us human beings as a rational and intelligent race uh no way I don't believe mgmAMYahs_g-00003-00001415-00001957 that we there has to be someone more for sure in the universe thoughts you agree disagree mgmAMYahs_g-00004-00001957-00002717 most of the times lots of people ask themselves this exact question mgmAMYahs_g-00005-00002717-00003320 it makes it ridiculously hard to see stars mgmAMYahs_g-00006-00003320-00003779 or is there maybe something else out there mgmAMYahs_g-00007-00003779-00004282 I'm just not recently the internet has been completely baffled by this topic for some mgmAMYahs_g-00008-00004282-00004719 reason and there have been several videos popping up on social media and many other mgmAMYahs_g-00009-00004719-00005543 places that may be evidence of something else out there mgmAMYahs_g-00010-00005543-00006048 yo what I've never seen anything like it is that a bunch of uh one of the most recent mgmAMYahs_g-00011-00006048-00006461 videos that happened yo that looks like a ship floating internet users all over social mgmAMYahs_g-00012-00006461-00007081 media was supposedly recorded in Everett in Washington this is what was seen check this mgmAMYahs_g-00013-00007081-00007181 out mgmAMYahs_g-00014-00007181-00008782 and it has a hot what Chinese Lantern Chinese lantern what you think man the excuse gonna mgmAMYahs_g-00015-00008782-00009406 be but we're living in a in an age where it's just ridiculously hard to believe stuff imagine mgmAMYahs_g-00016-00009406-00009921 it's legit but it's like you're gonna have doubts I'm having doubts as well it's fascinating mgmAMYahs_g-00017-00009921-00010512 stuff but is it real you know what it means what it looks like I've never seen anything mgmAMYahs_g-00018-00010512-00011135 like it it had a bunch of uh sparkling lights on and stuff at first what appears to be a mgmAMYahs_g-00019-00011135-00011739 balloon hovering very slowly over ever it can be seen then when the person Zooms in mgmAMYahs_g-00020-00011739-00012311 we can observe several tiny spots of light shining all over the object whatever this mgmAMYahs_g-00021-00012311-00012922 thing is it's not producing any sound as in a drone so it's not one and it might just mgmAMYahs_g-00022-00012922-00013786 not be a balloon so what is it there and things just get even Stranger in Bogota when a couple mgmAMYahs_g-00023-00013786-00014406 of weeks ago Lucas villafoyes captured something chilling while working at his home now Lucas mgmAMYahs_g-00024-00014406-00015022 has a very interesting social media profile but he usually posts things about his daily mgmAMYahs_g-00025-00015022-00015503 life it has absolutely nothing to do with mysterious strange or creepy things caught mgmAMYahs_g-00026-00015503-00016108 on camera but in one specific occasion Lucas noticed something really strange hovering mgmAMYahs_g-00027-00016108-00016625 just next to him and he was able to capture it all on camera in this is what he saw that mgmAMYahs_g-00028-00016625-00017013 looked like a like a Twinkie mgmAMYahs_g-00029-00017013-00018017 [__] it looks like a cigar shape right like a Sig Maybe type object can be seen hovering mgmAMYahs_g-00030-00018017-00018742 just next to Luca's property in the video we can see it flying Straight Into the Woods mgmAMYahs_g-00031-00018742-00019303 and disappear you got thoughts on this one man completely baffled by what he just saw mgmAMYahs_g-00032-00019303-00019719 Lucas stay there and recorded more videos in hopes of capturing it again mgmAMYahs_g-00033-00019719-00021035 [Music] I just saw something flying over the mountain mgmAMYahs_g-00034-00021035-00021353 there's nothing there mgmAMYahs_g-00035-00021353-00021834 it will probably show up again now I don't think so after posting the video to his account mgmAMYahs_g-00036-00021834-00022326 it amassed millions of views and thousands of comments internet users were divided and mgmAMYahs_g-00037-00022326-00022795 baffled while some state that this could be a drone oh of course the internet would be mgmAMYahs_g-00038-00022795-00023578 baffled because we're living in a time where it's just ridiculously hard to believe because mgmAMYahs_g-00039-00023578-00024070 yeah and or maybe a cable wave of some sort others left comments saying that this could mgmAMYahs_g-00040-00024070-00024692 actually be a mysterious object going into a cave and this is the reason the object disappears mgmAMYahs_g-00041-00024692-00025239 Straight Into the Woods now Lucas did his best and he went over to that mountain to mgmAMYahs_g-00042-00025239-00025982 find out more and this is what he captured on camera mgmAMYahs_g-00043-00025982-00026231 look at the size of them mgmAMYahs_g-00044-00026231-00027377 that strange object was really bad if I know we're there that way mgmAMYahs_g-00045-00027377-00028208 as you can see there are no cables there's a lot of echo in these mountains the same mgmAMYahs_g-00046-00028208-00029020 for an RC airplane too noisy there's only trees here no place to land it appears that mgmAMYahs_g-00047-00029020-00029625 whatever this thing was it probably wasn't a drone and it's not a cable way so what is mgmAMYahs_g-00048-00029625-00030263 it yeah it's it's not a cable that's continues climbing the mountain and he finds a cave mgmAMYahs_g-00049-00030263-00030872 it could maybe answer why the object simply disappears but I don't know the cave doesn't mgmAMYahs_g-00050-00030872-00031550 seem to be as large as the object is in your opinion what do you think is going on here mgmAMYahs_g-00051-00031550-00032255 could it be that this object went into a cave of some sort and vanished inside the mountain mgmAMYahs_g-00052-00032255-00032800 first of all I would say like it's just hard to believe this right like the yeah you can mgmAMYahs_g-00053-00032800-00033162 we're living in a town where you can throw like 20 tons of evidence but it's gonna be mgmAMYahs_g-00054-00033162-00033708 like nah man it's fake that's fake and I mean I'm also having a hard time believe this one mgmAMYahs_g-00055-00033708-00034263 as well I don't know man thoughts either gonna have like hundreds and hundreds of people mgmAMYahs_g-00056-00034263-00034866 there and all of them post the same clip that's when I feel like a lot of people would believe mgmAMYahs_g-00057-00034866-00035280 right let's just say there were like 100 people down on the ground and all of them put their mgmAMYahs_g-00058-00035280-00035819 cell phone started recording different angles same video same footage same object but different mgmAMYahs_g-00059-00035819-00036216 angles and 100 different people saying the same thing and seeing the same thing and posting mgmAMYahs_g-00060-00036216-00036656 it online that's when it would be like okay you know what that's legit but if it's like mgmAMYahs_g-00061-00036656-00037294 one person only then it's just hard to believe what did these objects come from what's your mgmAMYahs_g-00062-00037294-00037653 take mgmAMYahs_g-00063-00037653-00038094 that's my take that's my take these kinds of mysterious phenomena just keep occurring mgmAMYahs_g-00064-00038094-00038748 and last week during Halloween a video went viral of what appears to be a glitch in the mgmAMYahs_g-00065-00038748-00039122 sky the video was captured in China and the source is unknown mgmAMYahs_g-00066-00039122-00040181 their own moon no like they want to have a second move unfortunately the video is really mgmAMYahs_g-00067-00040181-00040761 short maybe suggesting that this could be faked or something like that however if we mgmAMYahs_g-00068-00040761-00041156 pay attention to it and watch it over and over we can see that the people on the street mgmAMYahs_g-00069-00041156-00041768 are all observing this that's probably like a QR code right understand that the government's mgmAMYahs_g-00070-00041768-00042187 gonna scan that and be like the minus two million social credits for you right now same mgmAMYahs_g-00071-00042187-00042416 thing mgmAMYahs_g-00072-00042416-00042818 this is the real teal whatever this thing is it could be maybe a fleet of fluminous mgmAMYahs_g-00073-00042818-00043440 objects drones or not it's very difficult to say well maybe an unexplained glitch or mgmAMYahs_g-00074-00043440-00043858 sword those Morphers are really advancing technology they're trying to make a second mgmAMYahs_g-00075-00043858-00044400 move I don't believe anything that comes from there Brad like it's probably like a technology mgmAMYahs_g-00076-00044400-00044929 or new something new man yeah that's my take some I don't know man but but what's your mgmAMYahs_g-00077-00044929-00045365 team I don't know about you but during summer time I really enjoy traveling with my family mgmAMYahs_g-00078-00045365-00045994 or friends to the beach and just stay for as long as I can enjoy the summer the Sun mgmAMYahs_g-00079-00045994-00046654 the smell of the rain the beach and everything else it's just wonderful but there's one thing mgmAMYahs_g-00080-00046654-00047497 about summer that really bugs me and I guess to the bugs everyone literally those are mosquitoes mgmAMYahs_g-00081-00047497-00048059 and I guess that no one actually likes mosquitoes and the fact that they spread lots of diseases mgmAMYahs_g-00082-00048059-00048601 amongst humans they are part of Nature and I guess that madly around with their genetics mgmAMYahs_g-00083-00048601-00049259 isn't exactly the best of ideas in the long term in my opinion however recently a video mgmAMYahs_g-00084-00049259-00049853 went viral on social media of a man that supposedly found a mosquito and there was something really mgmAMYahs_g-00085-00049853-00050200 wrong about it this is what he saw mgmAMYahs_g-00086-00050200-00051570 is there like a chip in the video a man holds a live mosquito and in it we can see imprinted mgmAMYahs_g-00087-00051570-00052404 somehow the number 36. the video was posted by Reddit user dank Pepe boy and he said any mgmAMYahs_g-00088-00052404-00052950 theories about what this is I somehow doubt that the explanation is as simple as someone mgmAMYahs_g-00089-00052950-00053704 wrote a tiny 36 on it needless to say internet users were completely divided about this video mgmAMYahs_g-00090-00053704-00054251 some say that this is a natural pattern that the number 36 is just a coincidence While mgmAMYahs_g-00091-00054251-00054732 others State the companies yeah I do agree there are certain things you know sometimes mgmAMYahs_g-00092-00054732-00055166 you see some objects for example in the cloud and it looks like a like a face but it's not mgmAMYahs_g-00093-00055166-00055657 a face it's just uh your brain is trying to make sense of it right you're you're in brain mgmAMYahs_g-00094-00055657-00056165 your brain is sling like patterns and whatnot so I I do agree with that but but damn like mgmAMYahs_g-00095-00056165-00056620 damn coincidence I don't know man I don't know I've been studying on a genetically modifying mgmAMYahs_g-00096-00056620-00057232 mosquitoes so I immediately began to research the topic and I found tons of Articles actually mgmAMYahs_g-00097-00057232-00057849 stating that companies indeed are genetically modifying mosquitoes for several reasons damn mgmAMYahs_g-00098-00057849-00058448 you know God knows what else they're doing man like anyways in your opinion what do you mgmAMYahs_g-00099-00058448-00059025 think is really going on here does this mosquito actually have a number 36 tagged on it and mgmAMYahs_g-00100-00059025-00059494 why so it's very bizarre it kind of to me it looks like 38 right now you know what I mgmAMYahs_g-00101-00059494-00059923 mean but okay this is probably six but what I believe is that I do believe that they're mgmAMYahs_g-00102-00059923-00060332 probably doing something with mosquitoes and whatnot that I do believe in but I'm not sure mgmAMYahs_g-00103-00060332-00060904 if this per se is legit or not like I'm inclined to believe it it's very fascinating very intriguing mgmAMYahs_g-00104-00060904-00061445 for sure but I do believe in the fact that Yep they're likely doing some demonic stuff mgmAMYahs_g-00105-00061445-00061877 that maybe not demonic per se but they're trying to reverse engineer or genetically mgmAMYahs_g-00106-00061877-00062407 modify them or or is it just some coincidence like a pattern in nature where we see the mgmAMYahs_g-00107-00062407-00063023 number 36 because we want to what are the but what are the odds of that actually happening mgmAMYahs_g-00108-00063023-00063569 and someone like holding holding it in their in their fingers recording it putting it over mgmAMYahs_g-00109-00063569-00064029 on Tick Tock and that going viral I mean on Tick Tock if you post something that's in mgmAMYahs_g-00110-00064029-00064520 intriguing it will go while yeah it will go viral so but other than that what are the mgmAMYahs_g-00111-00064520-00065166 odds of you actually catching something like that you know mgmAMYahs_g-00112-00065166-00065676 the odds would be point zero zero zero zero zero zero one percent man and that happened mgmAMYahs_g-00113-00065676-00066104 every once in a while people travel to a small City in the woods or in the mountains to have mgmAMYahs_g-00114-00066104-00066664 a good time relax forget about their daily chores and that kind of thing lucky then like mgmAMYahs_g-00115-00066664-00067129 I said this is exactly what Daniel Whitehead did when he traveled to Baxter in Tennessee mgmAMYahs_g-00116-00067129-00067908 near Silver Point on October 26 2022. now Baxter being a very small town with a population mgmAMYahs_g-00117-00067908-00068457 of only 1500 people is nasiled among the hills and mountainous terrain of the Cumberland mgmAMYahs_g-00118-00068457-00069226 Plateau so on one side of Baxter you have this beautiful place full of Wildlife and mgmAMYahs_g-00119-00069226-00069960 in the other side you have Cookeville a city where in the 1960s strange things happen around mgmAMYahs_g-00120-00069960-00070616 this witch graveyard where students of the Baptist Student Union used to take freshmen mgmAMYahs_g-00121-00070616-00071254 to this specific place to tell them stories strange stories about this mysterious graveyard mgmAMYahs_g-00122-00071254-00072088 [Applause] [Music] damn close yeah don't look behind you boys and it was somewhere around mgmAMYahs_g-00123-00072088-00072613 Baxter near Silver Point that Daniel Whitehead captured what appears to be a humanoid creature mgmAMYahs_g-00124-00072613-00073920 you're this hard that looks like uh or like a not a beer I mean shivama perhaps it looks mgmAMYahs_g-00125-00073920-00074928 like a Bigfoot honestly what he's being man like a monkey right monkey oh my God mgmAMYahs_g-00126-00074928-00075622 she's looking at it maybe throw like a banana or something mgmAMYahs_g-00127-00075622-00076375 what appears to be a Sasquatch or a Bigfoot can be seen on a camera and Daniel is completely mgmAMYahs_g-00128-00076375-00076888 baffled by it some internet users believe that this could actually be just a human being mgmAMYahs_g-00129-00076888-00077669 CGI geez come on people I think I'm sorry but I don't buy it maybe I'm wrong uh wrong mgmAMYahs_g-00130-00077669-00078236 Maybe I'm Wrong using some sort of suit however if you take a look closely in the video you'll mgmAMYahs_g-00131-00078236-00078836 see that these creature's arms are too long yeah whatever this thing is it might just mgmAMYahs_g-00132-00078836-00079484 be something else other than a human being trying to fake a situation yeah other internet mgmAMYahs_g-00133-00079484-00080025 users suggest that this could actually be Bigfoot oh one of the real real sharks are mgmAMYahs_g-00134-00080025-00080682 down but this isn't the only video this week that portrays something really odd captured mgmAMYahs_g-00135-00080682-00081582 on camera in terms of Cryptids and strange creatures wow I feel like uh what this next mgmAMYahs_g-00136-00081582-00082343 video was posted by Phantom 88 on Reddit and he writes weird artifact in CCTV camera you'll mgmAMYahs_g-00137-00082343-00082783 be literally reacted to a ghost video I believe that was my last video definitely check that mgmAMYahs_g-00138-00082783-00083257 out after this one that actually had my dad's work I feel like which we're about to watch mgmAMYahs_g-00139-00083257-00083779 next is one of the strangest videos that I've ever seen in regards to Cryptids check this mgmAMYahs_g-00140-00083779-00084416 out yeah I think about the video if it has then it's probably that video similar similar mgmAMYahs_g-00141-00084416-00085404 deja vu deja vu I'm getting that deja vu yay [Applause] yup that's the one that's one I mgmAMYahs_g-00142-00085404-00085894 don't get it man you got like two legs there two legs that's amounts that's a face and mgmAMYahs_g-00143-00085894-00086579 got like a T-Rex like hands but but it's not hands it's like a person is four four legs mgmAMYahs_g-00144-00086579-00087189 walking however you say that at first what appears to be a three-legged creature can mgmAMYahs_g-00145-00087189-00087856 be seen in the video some internet users suggest that this is a three-legged dog or some sort mgmAMYahs_g-00146-00087856-00088513 of crooked entity one that you can see in The Conjuring 2 the movie in my opinion whatever mgmAMYahs_g-00147-00088513-00089201 this thing is it's a very solid creature it is not a ghost others state that this could mgmAMYahs_g-00148-00089201-00089775 be for example camera artifact coming from the fact that this is a security camera with mgmAMYahs_g-00149-00089775-00090475 a certain encoding now even so other internet users agree that being a camera artifact or mgmAMYahs_g-00150-00090475-00091087 not it is quite impossible to make out what this is and it doesn't look like it's a human mgmAMYahs_g-00151-00091087-00091763 being at all yeah so whatever is going on here it is a complete mystery what if it was mgmAMYahs_g-00152-00091763-00092375 just a cow but what if it was just a cow you know that is glitching out that's why we're mgmAMYahs_g-00153-00092375-00093076 kind of like seeing two-faced it doesn't stop there I know my child 95 posted a very strange mgmAMYahs_g-00154-00093076-00093732 videos of what appears to be something very similar by what was posted by Phantom 88 on mgmAMYahs_g-00155-00093732-00094756 Reddit check this out oh damn wow mgmAMYahs_g-00156-00094756-00095236 video of What appears to be a person walking down the street this is until he decided to mgmAMYahs_g-00157-00095236-00095808 take a picture which indeed bro like someone is probably trying to go to their house to mgmAMYahs_g-00158-00095808-00096250 their home to their loved ones man damn man probably after work that's very much better mgmAMYahs_g-00159-00096250-00096702 quality at least at night but it's kind of scary in this picture we can see what appears mgmAMYahs_g-00160-00096702-00097397 to be some sort of Fresno night crawler or something like that it's completely baffling mgmAMYahs_g-00161-00097397-00097933 that all of these videos were published basically in the same week and they portray something mgmAMYahs_g-00162-00097933-00098626 really similar and to make it even weirder these videos were taken in very different mgmAMYahs_g-00163-00098626-00099281 places sometimes even in different countries for instance in Mexico Dano Tafoya captured mgmAMYahs_g-00164-00099281-00099827 something chilly at her workplace mgmAMYahs_g-00165-00099827-00100295 something really strange happened here at my workplace this is the parking lot at the mgmAMYahs_g-00166-00100295-00100476 building I work mgmAMYahs_g-00167-00100476-00101006 let me show you Yoshi she's looking like a snag though this is it mgmAMYahs_g-00168-00101006-00102075 check this place out now let me show you the video work it was about 11 p.m and there was mgmAMYahs_g-00169-00102075-00102900 absolutely no one in the building besides the security guards this is what Daniel Tafoya mgmAMYahs_g-00170-00102900-00103541 captured on camera mgmAMYahs_g-00171-00103541-00104678 in the video we can see what appears to be a crooked man with long arms and long legs mgmAMYahs_g-00172-00104678-00105603 oh five of these videos show basically the same thing and Long Legs what is going on mgmAMYahs_g-00173-00105603-00106035 here I emptied out my entire clip and you're telling me that it was still walking is it mgmAMYahs_g-00174-00106035-00106676 just a coincidence maybe a hoax or is there something to it something may be far more mgmAMYahs_g-00175-00106676-00107405 Sinister I'll leave it up to you what is your take my pick is strange videos it might be mgmAMYahs_g-00176-00107405-00108077 just a cow you know what I mean I'm joking I'm joking but but it's wild it's bizarre mgmAMYahs_g-00177-00108077-00108495 it's bizarre I'm not a scientist so I don't know though usually when people are sitting mgmAMYahs_g-00178-00108495-00109082 down with friends or family during dinner time and start talking about unexplained topics mgmAMYahs_g-00179-00109082-00109789 it's very interesting how everyone has an unexplained story to tell the thing is most mgmAMYahs_g-00180-00109789-00110471 of the times there is a really good explanation to unexplained things caught on camera sometimes mgmAMYahs_g-00181-00110471-00111202 what there isn't what bro what the [__] is this what the hell mgmAMYahs_g-00182-00111202-00112295 yeah I'm not sure if you guys saw that one two times mgmAMYahs_g-00183-00112295-00113032 most of the times there is a really good explanation to unexplained things caught on camera that mgmAMYahs_g-00184-00113032-00113615 ball just goes up though you know what I mean run five seconds okay check this out really mgmAMYahs_g-00185-00113615-00114560 good explanation to unexplained things caught on camera sometimes there isn't bro what the mgmAMYahs_g-00186-00114560-00114877 [__] is this mgmAMYahs_g-00187-00114877-00115766 thank you probably uh The Undertaker no defina The Undertaker what mgmAMYahs_g-00188-00115766-00116692 I mean it's a normal man Normal Man who's his face mgmAMYahs_g-00189-00116692-00117836 okay he's right I thought he was just like he's just freaking out for over none bro he mgmAMYahs_g-00190-00117836-00118971 disappeared bro bro bro bro bro bro bro what dog no way and I guess this is exactly the mgmAMYahs_g-00191-00118971-00119555 case with a social media account by the name of pro Hood Winker she was casually recording mgmAMYahs_g-00192-00119555-00120007 a moment in her life during the afternoon when she noticed something really strange mgmAMYahs_g-00193-00120007-00120753 something that neither her or anyone on the internet could explain what the this is what mgmAMYahs_g-00194-00120753-00121488 you caught on camera what's up guys I'm watching this video on repeat your guys's comments mgmAMYahs_g-00195-00121488-00122109 are amazing and someone just pointed something out that I cannot believe what I am seeing mgmAMYahs_g-00196-00122109-00123008 all right you see homeboys walk up to me with the dogs home boys the strange dog right but mgmAMYahs_g-00197-00123008-00123621 check this out right here at 42 seconds you can see through dude with the glasses as he's mgmAMYahs_g-00198-00123621-00124102 walking past the tree you can see the tree through him watch this right here here we mgmAMYahs_g-00199-00124102-00124597 go hold up mgmAMYahs_g-00200-00124597-00125702 almost where where as he's walking away right there you see through the tree oh definitely mgmAMYahs_g-00201-00125702-00126255 Pro Hood Winker was recording a moment in her afternoon when these two guys come up mgmAMYahs_g-00202-00126255-00126830 to her and start arguing about something well she posted the video to her account and this mgmAMYahs_g-00203-00126830-00127449 is when one of her subscribers noticed that the guy in glasses is actually see-through mgmAMYahs_g-00204-00127449-00128085 I think she's basically impossible yeah some internet users are stating I'm trying to make mgmAMYahs_g-00205-00128085-00128683 like sense in my head because uh even if it's a bad bad quality camera you will still not mgmAMYahs_g-00206-00128683-00129035 be able to see through right because that's just like impossible with that it's just a mgmAMYahs_g-00207-00129035-00129605 light bending LOL yeah this is my guy got the Chad back bruh probably taking stolen mgmAMYahs_g-00208-00129605-00130429 image from Google right first a camera sunlight being contrary to the camera lens however mgmAMYahs_g-00209-00130429-00131011 even if that were to be a good explanation it would not explain how we can actually see mgmAMYahs_g-00210-00131011-00131715 through the guy in glasses yeah yeah after the video went viral many internet users were mgmAMYahs_g-00211-00131715-00132297 divided some believe that this could actually be a glitch in the camera lens While others mgmAMYahs_g-00212-00132297-00133156 think this is a glitch in the simulation and that there is no explanation to it is it possible mgmAMYahs_g-00213-00133156-00133755 to be able to record something and be able to see uh see through a person because your mgmAMYahs_g-00214-00133755-00134164 camera is faulty or you have a low quality camera I don't think so because even if a mgmAMYahs_g-00215-00134164-00134607 if it's a low quality camera you're not going to be able to see through your probably there mgmAMYahs_g-00216-00134607-00135078 will be Distortion and low quality if your lens is broken or camera is broken whatever mgmAMYahs_g-00217-00135078-00135465 the case might have been right like there will be Distortion maybe the person would mgmAMYahs_g-00218-00135465-00135862 be like vigly or what now but you won't be able to see through that if that that makes mgmAMYahs_g-00219-00135862-00136359 sense you reply to many internet users that were in doubt posted another video now in mgmAMYahs_g-00220-00136359-00136810 the second video there has to be an explanation what she's talking about and it's very clear mgmAMYahs_g-00221-00136810-00137377 we can actually see through the guy in glasses pause that maybe somewhere let's see if we mgmAMYahs_g-00222-00137377-00137944 can pause it now pausing would be really hard to see because right now it's working normally mgmAMYahs_g-00223-00137944-00138599 I think look at that line no that's many internet users were left completely baffled by this mgmAMYahs_g-00224-00138599-00139115 video and some suggest that this could actually be a legit glitch in The Matrix I'm not too mgmAMYahs_g-00225-00139115-00139651 sure about this what do you think is it actually possible that we're living inside some sort mgmAMYahs_g-00226-00139651-00140324 of digital simulation that this video for instance is evidence of such thing what if mgmAMYahs_g-00227-00140324-00141094 uh the light is hitting on his face from the other side uh in a weird way to make us feel mgmAMYahs_g-00228-00141094-00141529 that way that we're able to see through but it's not it's just the light reflection hitting mgmAMYahs_g-00229-00141529-00142335 him hitting it on his face from the other side that's a weird thing that's like a you mgmAMYahs_g-00230-00142335-00143014 know shot in the dark or is it maybe just camera illusion or maybe something else yeah mgmAMYahs_g-00231-00143014-00143560 that's a shot in the dark mgmAMYahs_g-00232-00143560-00144125 yeah definitely definitely suspect on October 31st millions of people all over the world mgmAMYahs_g-00233-00144125-00144721 celebrate Halloween a date where the dead are remembered and celebrated it's as if in mgmAMYahs_g-00234-00144721-00145317 this specific date a mysterious connection between them I've seen uh What's this called mgmAMYahs_g-00235-00145317-00146298 like a mono Vision like not long ago and the non-living world somehow takes place there mgmAMYahs_g-00236-00146298-00146683 are people that when I was there are people that actually do that kind of stuff right mgmAMYahs_g-00237-00146683-00147267 younger I used to go trick or treating and I used to ask myself do ghosts actually exist mgmAMYahs_g-00238-00147267-00148056 [Music] like a ghost mgmAMYahs_g-00239-00148056-00148349 oh damn I gotta lower the volume boys boys mgmAMYahs_g-00240-00148349-00149410 a father and a son feel bothered by something in the basement they go to check it out and mgmAMYahs_g-00241-00149410-00149583 this is what happens wow mgmAMYahs_g-00242-00149583-00151821 I know I know yo my hand's shaking my hands shaking see my hands [Music] [Applause] [Music] mgmAMYahs_g-00243-00151821-00152664 hey is that something in front of me I know that's uh mgmAMYahs_g-00244-00152664-00152773 [Music] mgmAMYahs_g-00245-00152773-00154805 stop somewhere they're not that scary break there's nothing there Stand By Me stay right mgmAMYahs_g-00246-00154805-00155889 yo okay Dad is like yo stay by me they're gonna take it again it's not there still there mgmAMYahs_g-00247-00155889-00156504 it's still there what appears to be a shadow figure can be seen in the video you don't mgmAMYahs_g-00248-00156504-00156977 know what a shadow person is it's a perception of a patch of Shadow as a living humanoid mgmAMYahs_g-00249-00156977-00157544 figure and interpreted as the presence of a spirit or other entity by Believers in the mgmAMYahs_g-00250-00157544-00158399 Paranormal or Supernatural and officially because experts have not been able to replicate mgmAMYahs_g-00251-00158399-00159282 a ghost in a laboratory they are not recognized as something that exists mgmAMYahs_g-00252-00159282-00159605 so you're telling me that if you cannot replicate something that doesn't exist so it's like mgmAMYahs_g-00253-00159605-00160324 me saying I have never been to Japan does that mean Japan don't exist I I don't okay mgmAMYahs_g-00254-00160324-00160819 uh crazy analogy out here but I mean damn bro like why you want to try why are you trying mgmAMYahs_g-00255-00160819-00161284 to replicate that Ghostbuster however there are thousands of people if not Millions which mgmAMYahs_g-00256-00161284-00161840 will report their experience with something paranormal something that they can't explain mgmAMYahs_g-00257-00161840-00162466 and some of these experiences in paranormal events will make anyone scratch their heads mgmAMYahs_g-00258-00162466-00162948 and there are some videos out there which will do the same bruh and this is the case mgmAMYahs_g-00259-00162948-00163334 with this now I'm not just scratching my head right now I'm scratching my balls as well mgmAMYahs_g-00260-00163334-00163927 don't tell you that we're about to watch that was published by Joseph and jovu Joseph is mgmAMYahs_g-00261-00163927-00164027 what he caught on camera mgmAMYahs_g-00262-00164027-00164813 episode three five mgmAMYahs_g-00263-00164813-00165417 three four let's just say or three three or three almost three five okay I'm getting that mgmAMYahs_g-00264-00165417-00166158 bad kind of wire from this one bruh I'ma shoot it just in case if something's behind it you mgmAMYahs_g-00265-00166158-00166258 know hey mgmAMYahs_g-00266-00166258-00167469 [Music] nothing where are we baby come and see maybe maybe is he calling his dog or her mgmAMYahs_g-00267-00167469-00169494 baby what what what's that what what [Music] No Cap that's fake that's sweet that's sweet mgmAMYahs_g-00268-00169494-00170177 like in the video Joseph and JoJo seem to seems to be worried about something he looks mgmAMYahs_g-00269-00170177-00170822 at the clock as 3am in the morning he looks outside there is what appears to be very humanoid mgmAMYahs_g-00270-00170822-00171361 they're staying whatever it is is reflecting on the car window which made me think at first mgmAMYahs_g-00271-00171361-00171874 this video could be real oh damn if I did the comments there are dozens of people who mgmAMYahs_g-00272-00171874-00172535 think the video is real and there are others who think that the video is in part CGI or mgmAMYahs_g-00273-00172535-00173176 special effects especially fake nah man but yeah but if it's a special effect it's a very mgmAMYahs_g-00274-00173176-00173604 well done not too sure the reflection whatever this thing is it's reflecting itself in the mgmAMYahs_g-00275-00173604-00174202 car window so if it is especially fact it's really well done yeah what's your take on mgmAMYahs_g-00276-00174202-00174717 this video and the other one that was shown before and have you ever yourself had the mgmAMYahs_g-00277-00174717-00175370 second I saw like those glowing eyes I was like night's fake that's that that was my mgmAMYahs_g-00278-00175370-00175857 first indicator I don't know why I said that way because I feel like that we're all really mgmAMYahs_g-00279-00175857-00176458 like programmed in a way uh because if you see like those eyes kind of glowing you have mgmAMYahs_g-00280-00176458-00176922 seen that in movies and stuff like that so if you see that uh you know through video mgmAMYahs_g-00281-00176922-00177353 is like that you you are programmed to believe it's fake and that's why I was like instantly mgmAMYahs_g-00282-00177353-00177774 that's fake it's still scary though I'm like it freaked me out there but uh yeah you know mgmAMYahs_g-00283-00177774-00178364 what I mean right like a normal experience I can believe this one more but I know this mgmAMYahs_g-00284-00178364-00178811 can also be like fake though right there could be another person with some black cloth on mgmAMYahs_g-00285-00178811-00179314 black robon and this could be fake easily the other one probably would require a lot mgmAMYahs_g-00286-00179314-00179959 more stuff to fake that one out but I'm inclined to believe this more than the other one thoughts mgmAMYahs_g-00287-00179959-00180312 when I was younger living at my parents house I remember having these bunch of toys and mgmAMYahs_g-00288-00180312-00180987 Dolls spread all over the house I used to play with them no problem at all oh my at mgmAMYahs_g-00289-00180987-00181499 night I used to avoid him at all costs yo if you're a parent like are you really gonna mgmAMYahs_g-00290-00181499-00182077 buy your kids those dolls don't do that many don't do that me it just creeped me out and mgmAMYahs_g-00291-00182077-00182676 I don't know why yay and it still kinda does the thing is In some cultures It is believed mgmAMYahs_g-00292-00182676-00183246 that dolls and toys can carry some sort of evil spirit or something like that I'm not mgmAMYahs_g-00293-00183246-00183658 sure if this is the case with certain videos that we see but recently there was a video mgmAMYahs_g-00294-00183658-00184254 uploaded to the internet of what appears to be a doll movie on its own and this isn't mgmAMYahs_g-00295-00184254-00185333 the only video of such phenomenon yeah I've seen it you know we I mgmAMYahs_g-00296-00185333-00186489 this was the clip I've seen it I'm not gonna spoil it just check it out mgmAMYahs_g-00297-00186489-00186915 the video we can observe what appears to be the doll blinking and the person that is recording mgmAMYahs_g-00298-00186915-00187525 this is completely baffled by it I've observed and watched this video over and over again mgmAMYahs_g-00299-00187525-00187958 thinking that this might actually be a person pretending to be at all which would actually mgmAMYahs_g-00300-00187958-00188660 make sense but I don't think it's the case which makes this even more mysterious but mgmAMYahs_g-00301-00188660-00189162 even creepier is the fact that this isn't the first time that this happens in a video mgmAMYahs_g-00302-00189162-00189736 posted by a dimensional paranormal YouTube channel in 2016 we can see something very mgmAMYahs_g-00303-00189736-00190159 similar caught on camera check this out okay this one I have not seen mgmAMYahs_g-00304-00190159-00190690 okay so I started hey yo what am I looking at mgmAMYahs_g-00305-00190690-00192105 what am I looking at [Music] is this gonna turn mgmAMYahs_g-00306-00192105-00192389 it up mgmAMYahs_g-00307-00192389-00193052 [Applause] in this video is this really I was okay listen for the longest amount of mgmAMYahs_g-00308-00193052-00193479 time I thought that the eyes were here and it was looking at this direction right like mgmAMYahs_g-00309-00193479-00194110 it's like that you know like that it's looking at this direction and I was not seeing that mgmAMYahs_g-00310-00194110-00194779 the second I saw those eyes and that face you know I got it be clear the statue closes mgmAMYahs_g-00311-00194779-00195400 its eyes or moves its eyes on its own I'm pretty sure there might be an explanation mgmAMYahs_g-00312-00195400-00196225 for this but even so it is as creepy as it can get yeah homie probably wanted to sleep mgmAMYahs_g-00313-00196225-00196815 bruh but it doesn't stop there and Venezuela there is a certain statue that is known for mgmAMYahs_g-00314-00196815-00197637 sometimes crying on its own this for instance is the video of a statue known as Jose Gregorio mgmAMYahs_g-00315-00197637-00197796 Hernandez check this out mgmAMYahs_g-00316-00197796-00199030 you're so close he's my boy crying yo you watch him like blink and he's gonna get scared mgmAMYahs_g-00317-00199030-00199794 dog the statue appears to be crying and at first I thought that the video could be fake mgmAMYahs_g-00318-00199794-00200236 that maybe some people out there are throwing water in his eyes and making it look like mgmAMYahs_g-00319-00200236-00201078 he's crying but it is a known fact in this specific town in Unidad educativa Jose Gregorio mgmAMYahs_g-00320-00201078-00201659 Hernandez and travelave so whatever's going on here I can't seem to find an explanation mgmAMYahs_g-00321-00201659-00202092 for it everybody trying to record mgmAMYahs_g-00322-00202092-00202540 damn homie crying though mgmAMYahs_g-00323-00202540-00203410 is all very unique is the fact that there are countless videos out there of dolls moving mgmAMYahs_g-00324-00203410-00204025 on their own and statues moving on their own and I guess that most of the times the explanation mgmAMYahs_g-00325-00204025-00204720 would be a change of temperature in the room or something like that room temperature there's mgmAMYahs_g-00326-00204720-00205208 something more to it and I guess that to this day experts can't find a good explanation mgmAMYahs_g-00327-00205208-00205760 for it there's got to be an explanation right have you ever seen something like this happening mgmAMYahs_g-00328-00205760-00206427 and what do you think about it never ladies and gentlemen click on this video on the screen mgmAMYahs_g-00329-00206427-00206888 man if you enjoyed this video I'm telling you man this is uh the sequel man the sequel mgmAMYahs_g-00330-00206888-00207132 that's correct click on it subscribe and I'll see you there mkzaNgaItOo-00000-00000072-00000688 they used to be getting about 30 views per hour, but it turned out that it was short-lived. mkzaNgaItOo-00001-00000744-00001632 it lasted only an hour after this the view rate dropped even further, which is pretty sad, you know. mkzaNgaItOo-00002-00001632-00002072 it should have made a little more, so this means my 40 links mkzaNgaItOo-00003-00002176-00002608 were making less than usual after the first hour. mlsxULI9K4Q-00000-00000382-00000968 You and I been waiting enough So tell me why we're waiting for love mlsxULI9K4Q-00001-00001132-00001702 Day and night, I'm craving the rush So tell me why we're waiting for love mlsxULI9K4Q-00002-00001889-00002488 All I need is to feel alive So tell me why we're waiting for love mlsxULI9K4Q-00003-00002658-00003236 1 2 3, our time's running out So tell me why you're waiting for love mlsxULI9K4Q-00004-00003292-00003479 Waiting for love, love mlsxULI9K4Q-00005-00003658-00003842 Waiting for love, love mlsxULI9K4Q-00006-00004029-00004214 Waiting for love, love mlsxULI9K4Q-00007-00004494-00004734 So tell my why we're waiting for love mlsxULI9K4Q-00008-00006222-00006370 Why we're waiting for mlsxULI9K4Q-00009-00007504-00007744 So tell my why we're waiting for love mlsxULI9K4Q-00010-00007744-00007870 Why we're waiting for love mlsxULI9K4Q-00011-00007870-00008476 You and I been waiting enough So tell me why we're waiting for love mlsxULI9K4Q-00012-00008476-00009216 Day and night, I'm craving the rush So tell me why we're waiting for love mlsxULI9K4Q-00013-00009386-00010024 All I need is to feel alive So tell me why we're waiting for love mlsxULI9K4Q-00014-00010146-00010720 1 2 3, our time's running out So tell me why you're waiting for love mlsxULI9K4Q-00015-00010772-00010976 Waiting for love, love mlsxULI9K4Q-00016-00011160-00011400 Waiting for love, love mlsxULI9K4Q-00017-00011564-00011764 Waiting for love, love mlsxULI9K4Q-00018-00011974-00012214 So tell me why we're waiting for love mlsxULI9K4Q-00019-00013741-00013886 Why we're waiting for mlsxULI9K4Q-00020-00013888-00014040 You and I mlsxULI9K4Q-00021-00014262-00014426 Day and night mlsxULI9K4Q-00022-00014630-00014760 You and I mlsxULI9K4Q-00023-00014990-00015230 So tell me why we're waiting for love mlsxULI9K4Q-00024-00015230-00015400 Why we're waiting for love mm0NXkaSjPQ-00000-00000977-00001878 hi everybody does God really answer prayer are you on your knees praying and praying and praying mm0NXkaSjPQ-00001-00001878-00002385 and nothing's happening you think like you're wasting your time you think like God are you mm0NXkaSjPQ-00002-00002385-00003084 really listening to me do you do you really hear me are you really there I'm here to tell you that mm0NXkaSjPQ-00003-00003084-00003819 he got us God really does answer prayer I remember when my kids were young it was Christmas time my mm0NXkaSjPQ-00004-00003819-00004542 kids were little yeah little little little little and I was buying them Christmas presents well mm0NXkaSjPQ-00005-00004542-00005514 I was fifty dollars short fifty dollars short I needed 50 more dollars to finish shopping to make mm0NXkaSjPQ-00006-00005514-00006321 everything even I was shopping for four kids and I wanted to keep it even wanted to keep it fair and mm0NXkaSjPQ-00007-00006321-00007086 I was short fifty dollars I needed fifty dollars just to make it fair well nobody knew this nobody mm0NXkaSjPQ-00008-00007086-00008055 knew this at the time only me my mom didn't know my dad didn't know my husband didn't yeah I didn't mm0NXkaSjPQ-00009-00008055-00008748 even know I didn't tell him at the time either so fifty dollars short I'm like bummin like dang I mm0NXkaSjPQ-00010-00008748-00009228 don't know what we're gonna do I don't want to I don't want to hurt the kids feelings I don't mm0NXkaSjPQ-00011-00009228-00009858 want to make it I don't I don't want to do that it needs to be fair and I'm praying God I don't mm0NXkaSjPQ-00012-00009858-00010431 know what we're gonna do but I just need 50 more dollars just to make it fair I don't want anybody mm0NXkaSjPQ-00013-00010431-00011238 to hurt I don't I don't want to upset anybody and you know what I prayed that for a while every day mm0NXkaSjPQ-00014-00011238-00011802 I was like I don't know then my heart was breaking because it I wanted it to be even I wanted it to mm0NXkaSjPQ-00015-00011802-00012582 be even for for my kids so wouldn't you know one day I went on got the mail you know and just mm0NXkaSjPQ-00016-00012582-00013140 a normal day wasn't thinking about anything just doing it went and got the mail brought in and open mm0NXkaSjPQ-00017-00013140-00013853 him like there's a letter here it was addressed to me but there was no return address on it no mm0NXkaSjPQ-00018-00013853-00015152 nothing so I'm like open the letter do you know what was in that letter $50 there was a $50 bill mm0NXkaSjPQ-00019-00015152-00016274 in that letter and I'm like oh my gosh where did this come from nobody knew I needed $50 to buy one mm0NXkaSjPQ-00020-00016274-00017195 more thing to make everything even for my kids and nobody knew nobody knew but me and as soon mm0NXkaSjPQ-00021-00017195-00018059 as I opened that and I saw it and I knew I just knew and like thank you thank you Jesus somebody mm0NXkaSjPQ-00022-00018059-00018989 out there listened to you and sent me $50 because I needed it for something else and I was like uh mm0NXkaSjPQ-00023-00019194-00020061 Wow isn't that amazing isn't that amazing somebody listened to God and that answered mm0NXkaSjPQ-00024-00020061-00020871 my prayer amazing that was amazing so I was able to go by that one more gift to mm0NXkaSjPQ-00025-00020871-00021900 make everything even on Christmas morning then here's another one about seven eight mm0NXkaSjPQ-00026-00021900-00022602 years ago I started frying God I wouldn't love story I've been through some really crap in my mm0NXkaSjPQ-00027-00022602-00023214 life and you know I just want to be happy and I hear these people talking about all these mm0NXkaSjPQ-00028-00023214-00024048 love stories and how they met their husband and how nice it was and how nice it sounded mm0NXkaSjPQ-00029-00024048-00024753 and it's like I want a love story God I want a love story of my life I'm gonna wait until mm0NXkaSjPQ-00030-00024753-00025719 you give me that love story so one day I was living at my mom's at the time my mom and dad mm0NXkaSjPQ-00031-00025719-00026564 and I was on Facebook and all of a sudden just out of the blue I've came recommended mm0NXkaSjPQ-00032-00026564-00027699 Robert my husband well Robert a schoolmate that I went that I knew now not only did I mm0NXkaSjPQ-00033-00027699-00028364 go to school with him and graduate with him he was my very first boyfriend he was I just felt mm0NXkaSjPQ-00034-00028364-00029016 fell head over heels for him you know your first love you always just kind of just have mm0NXkaSjPQ-00035-00029016-00029770 that feeling you know that love feeling and I'm thinking oh wonder what he's doing now these days mm0NXkaSjPQ-00036-00029770-00030577 hmm iDate that was my first boyfriend I was his first girlfriend and it was like 7th 8th mm0NXkaSjPQ-00037-00030577-00031175 7th and 8th grade maybe some in 9th grade and then we broke up and went our separate ways but mm0NXkaSjPQ-00038-00031175-00031826 I always still had this place in my heart for him because you know it's your first love so anyway I mm0NXkaSjPQ-00039-00031826-00032816 thought wonder what he's doing I don't know so I just thought what should I friend him oh why not mm0NXkaSjPQ-00040-00032816-00033458 I friended him and I'm sitting there within 10 minutes he accepted my friend request and then mm0NXkaSjPQ-00041-00033458-00034034 he messaged me hi have you been and I'm like oh I'm okay and we got to talking back and forth mm0NXkaSjPQ-00042-00034034-00035240 and I found out he was single he was oh yeah yay for me and I'm single too so I thought oh this is mm0NXkaSjPQ-00043-00035240-00035885 exciting this is exciting because that was my very first love and I still had a little place in my mm0NXkaSjPQ-00044-00035885-00036509 heart for him and I just thought oh this is cool so we talked that night and we talked to the next mm0NXkaSjPQ-00045-00036509-00037028 night on Facebook and we talked the next night on Facebook and then he said hey can I call you and mm0NXkaSjPQ-00046-00037028-00038084 I went okay okay so I gave him my phone number so the next day just doing my thing you know and my mm0NXkaSjPQ-00047-00038084-00038879 phone rings and it was him and I'm like oh we're check the tipping tip I'm thinking oh my gosh oh mm0NXkaSjPQ-00048-00038879-00039362 my gosh oh my gosh what do i do what do i do what do i do I did not answer the phone I didn't answer mm0NXkaSjPQ-00049-00039362-00040153 it I didn't answer I'm holding the phone in my hand and I'm like a niche I didn't answer didn't mm0NXkaSjPQ-00050-00040153-00040894 answer so he left a voicemail and I listened to the voicemail I'm like so excited I was so excited mm0NXkaSjPQ-00051-00040894-00041704 so then I called him back I called him back and we talked for a little bit he's like do you wanna um mm0NXkaSjPQ-00052-00041704-00042424 you want to go out or you want to do something I'm like I was so nervous why was I so nervous I'm the mm0NXkaSjPQ-00053-00042424-00043165 old I am alright I was so nervous I'm like yeah we do that okay he's like what about this Friday mm0NXkaSjPQ-00054-00043165-00043879 night and I'm like okay oh okay we could we could do something I'm so nervous I'm sorry he's like mm0NXkaSjPQ-00055-00043879-00044371 what do you want to do I said I don't know let me let me get back with you so I called my oldest mm0NXkaSjPQ-00056-00044371-00044893 daughter told her I said oh my gosh Amy you're not gonna believe this this she's like oh that's cool mm0NXkaSjPQ-00057-00044893-00045544 and she's like well I said Friday night she's like oh well I'm gonna go to the bowling alley mm0NXkaSjPQ-00058-00045544-00046009 and her cuz her husband at the time worked at the bowling alley she said I'll be there and I said mm0NXkaSjPQ-00059-00046009-00046768 okay um I'll have him meet me at the bowling alley you're gonna be there yes mom I'll be there I said mm0NXkaSjPQ-00060-00046768-00047422 all right would you stay with me I was so scared I was so nervous I don't know why and she's like mom mm0NXkaSjPQ-00061-00047422-00048115 are you serious she's like oh I got your back what am I like your wing me and what is this and I said mm0NXkaSjPQ-00062-00048115-00049252 yeah yeah yeah you are so my daughter fried Friday night came around and it was like at the bowling mm0NXkaSjPQ-00063-00049252-00049931 alley we went to the polling I like my daughter got there then I got there and I'm talking to mm0NXkaSjPQ-00064-00049931-00050717 my daughter and I'm so nervous and she's laughing at me because I'm so nervous and he walks in and mm0NXkaSjPQ-00065-00050717-00051557 I'm like there it is there is so he came over to the table and he sat down and we started talking mm0NXkaSjPQ-00066-00051557-00052112 and everything then was okay and he met you got to meet my daughter my granddaughter that night mm0NXkaSjPQ-00067-00052112-00052772 because I went literally and you the night went well so my daughter finally said mom I have to mm0NXkaSjPQ-00068-00052772-00053273 go and I said okay so we ended the night then we went out and we talked for a little bit in mm0NXkaSjPQ-00069-00053273-00053861 the parking lot and then he got in his truck and I got my car away and we went out so that that's mm0NXkaSjPQ-00070-00053861-00054572 all I can handle like that I was so nervous that was it that's all I can handle well the next day mm0NXkaSjPQ-00071-00054572-00055214 came along and actually he called me that night he when did you get home okay yeah I'm okay we talked mm0NXkaSjPQ-00072-00055214-00055799 for a little while on the phone that night and it was okay so then the next day I think he came over mm0NXkaSjPQ-00073-00055799-00056654 he came over to my mom and dad's house to see me and that and then the rest is history here we are mm0NXkaSjPQ-00074-00056654-00057635 baby we got married isn't that exciting so God he answered my prayer I wanted a love story I got a mm0NXkaSjPQ-00075-00057635-00058508 love story I married my very very very very first boyfriend that I still had a place in my heart mm0NXkaSjPQ-00076-00058605-00059466 and he is just absolutely awesome he loves me unconditionally he helps take care of me when I'm mm0NXkaSjPQ-00077-00059466-00060265 sick and can't move very well because that happens he loves my children like their hands he treats my mm0NXkaSjPQ-00078-00060265-00060855 kids like their kids and my grandkids too in fact my grandkids will walk in the room where's gee pop mm0NXkaSjPQ-00079-00060855-00061699 where's gee Paolo buzz right past me because they want gee pop all right so God does he mm0NXkaSjPQ-00080-00061699-00062299 answer prayer he does hang in there and prayed for something reasonable I mean don't you can't pray mm0NXkaSjPQ-00081-00062299-00063054 for a million dollars you know that's not that's not reasonable you know pray from your heart mm0NXkaSjPQ-00082-00063054-00063736 whatever's in your heart and that's what you need it'll happen it may not be in your time in fact mm0NXkaSjPQ-00083-00063736-00064438 it won't be in your time but it'll be in God's time and it'll happen all right if you like the mm0NXkaSjPQ-00084-00064438-00065134 video come back for more subscribe like the video give me a thumbs up and I'll see you next time n1WC4f5XQkI-00000-00000484-00000810 Hi, my name is Rachel Berggren and I'm the Editor-in-Chief n1WC4f5XQkI-00001-00000810-00001170 of Paperbark Magazine. UMass is closely associated n1WC4f5XQkI-00002-00001174-00001616 with the work that Paperbark does. Paperbark Magazine is n1WC4f5XQkI-00003-00001626-00002046 a literary magazine on campus. We've received funding and support n1WC4f5XQkI-00004-00002058-00002470 from multiple faculty, staff, and different departments. n1WC4f5XQkI-00005-00002600-00003084 Paperbark is different from other magazines because it tries to incorporate n1WC4f5XQkI-00006-00003098-00003444 multiple disciplines. So it's a it's a science magazine that n1WC4f5XQkI-00007-00003454-00003656 actually also incorporates the arts and the humanities. n1WC4f5XQkI-00008-00003776-00004122 The theme of issue one was 'Emergence' and issue two's theme is going to n1WC4f5XQkI-00009-00004126-00004478 be more about strength and, and growing on an emergence. n1WC4f5XQkI-00010-00004514-00004824 So we really would love for any students to think about n1WC4f5XQkI-00011-00004826-00005122 submitting to the magazine because you might have the chance n1WC4f5XQkI-00012-00005128-00005358 to be published alongside some really renowned artists n1WC4f5XQkI-00013-00005370-00005580 and professional writers. So it's a great n1WC4f5XQkI-00014-00005580-00005812 opportunity to get your work out there. n7ZLcEkjKXA-00000-00000000-00000200 I found that 36 of those displays were off. Could you ind them. nqZER2ownE4-00000-00000000-00000996 *2 Days Left until its Christmas! OwO* nyPhvyylmpQ-00000-00001040-00001440 hello everyone i am rohit and welcome you all in the third episode of learning with nyPhvyylmpQ-00001-00001440-00001912 fun using python on my youtube channel ai era .so guys in this video we are nyPhvyylmpQ-00002-00001912-00002408 sending an email using python script sounds really interesting right? so let's directly nyPhvyylmpQ-00003-00002408-00002880 jump into our jupyter notebok. but before starting coding we have to first understand nyPhvyylmpQ-00004-00002880-00003232 the process of sending an email using python programming language nyPhvyylmpQ-00005-00003296-00003904 to send emails with python we need to manually go through the steps of connecting to an email server nyPhvyylmpQ-00006-00003904-00004544 confirming connection setting a protocol logging on and sending a message fortunately the built-in nyPhvyylmpQ-00007-00004544-00005304 smtp library in python makes this text very simple it's only a functions call each major nyPhvyylmpQ-00008-00005304-00006088 email provider has their own smtp server the SMTP is stand for simple mail transaction here i am nyPhvyylmpQ-00009-00006088-00006800 enlisted some providers and their smtp server domain we will go over the process with a gmail nyPhvyylmpQ-00010-00006800-00007608 account for gmail user we will need to generate an app password instead of our normal gmail password nyPhvyylmpQ-00011-00007608-00008256 and how to generate app password i will tell you as we proceed with the code this lets a gmail know nyPhvyylmpQ-00012-00008256-00008872 that the python script are attempting to access your account is authorized so without doing any nyPhvyylmpQ-00013-00008872-00010104 delay let's just start a code first of all i have to import a smtp library by writing import smtplib nyPhvyylmpQ-00014-00010368-00011576 after that i have to create a smtp object such as smtp object is equal to smtplib nyPhvyylmpQ-00015-00011760-00012944 dot smtp and here in braces i have to give its server domain name such as smtp dot nyPhvyylmpQ-00016-00013040-00013776 for executing this particular cell i have to press shift enter see over here the nyPhvyylmpQ-00017-00013776-00014440 asteroid is get converted into number so this particular cell is run successfully in the nyPhvyylmpQ-00018-00014440-00015176 next step i just greet the a gmail server by writing a command such as smtp_object nyPhvyylmpQ-00019-00015447-00016240 object which is my object that i have created and i can use ehlo with curly braces nyPhvyylmpQ-00020-00016392-00017112 this particular command are greet my gmail server and it will give you output such like that nyPhvyylmpQ-00021-00017328-00017736 in the next step i have to start the tls nyPhvyylmpQ-00022-00017928-00019256 i just simply write my object name and i just write start tls and it will give you a output and nyPhvyylmpQ-00023-00019256-00020080 a statement such as ready to start here after that i have to create a password we can create nyPhvyylmpQ-00024-00020080-00021280 a password by normal method such as password is equal to input and here i can write enter the nyPhvyylmpQ-00025-00021496-00022472 password but the problem here is if i write any password such as my name rohit123 you can see over nyPhvyylmpQ-00026-00022472-00023184 here the password is visible for everyone and we don't want to show our password to everyone nyPhvyylmpQ-00027-00023184-00023928 because then it is the problem of data breach and so many problems are arises so therefore here to nyPhvyylmpQ-00028-00023928-00024720 hide our user id credentials such as login id our login id or email id and password we use another nyPhvyylmpQ-00029-00024720-00025520 library called a get pass so we can import the particular library by calling it import gate pass nyPhvyylmpQ-00030-00025880-00026656 we imported it and i can show you the example how it works so i can again call it nyPhvyylmpQ-00031-00026656-00027688 a password then i can call the particular library such as pass dot get pass and i have to write nyPhvyylmpQ-00032-00027904-00028512 a password please and now you can observe the difference nyPhvyylmpQ-00033-00028639-00029288 the password which i writing over here it is not visible to anyone you can see nyPhvyylmpQ-00034-00029416-00030176 our gate pass library is hide the password which i have written here so this kind of get bus library nyPhvyylmpQ-00035-00030176-00030912 we use to hide our email id and password so for sending an email using python script we nyPhvyylmpQ-00036-00030912-00031624 did not use our normal gmail password instead of we have to create a app password by using a nyPhvyylmpQ-00037-00031624-00032383 gmail account or a google account so i show you the steps how you can generate that app password nyPhvyylmpQ-00038-00032527-00033104 first of all in google you just go and type how to generate a password it will also show you the nyPhvyylmpQ-00039-00033104-00033992 steps so i can duplicate this tab and we follow the particular command in the in our duplicate tab nyPhvyylmpQ-00040-00034176-00034648 so it shows to go to your google account so here is my google account nyPhvyylmpQ-00041-00034648-00035352 select the security i just click on manage your google account and then signing in google account nyPhvyylmpQ-00042-00035632-00036584 here my google account is loaded here you can see the security tab nyPhvyylmpQ-00043-00036744-00037736 just click on security and after that you have to followed by two-step verification if nyPhvyylmpQ-00044-00037736-00038256 you are not done with two-step verification i already done with two-step verification nyPhvyylmpQ-00045-00038256-00038976 so on next step what is it under signing google select app password you may need to sign in at nyPhvyylmpQ-00046-00038976-00039640 bottom choose select app and choose app you select device and choose the device url okay so next step nyPhvyylmpQ-00047-00039744-00040248 i have to select or i have to click on app password nyPhvyylmpQ-00048-00040600-00041520 and it will ask me again to sign in here you have to login with your gmail password nyPhvyylmpQ-00049-00041672-00042752 i have to enter it on next step it will ask me to select app and device you want nyPhvyylmpQ-00050-00042752-00043584 to generate the app password so here i can select other and here i can write a script nyPhvyylmpQ-00051-00043848-00043896 python nyPhvyylmpQ-00052-00044352-00045072 and i just click on generate so here you can see my app password is generated successfully nyPhvyylmpQ-00053-00045072-00045544 so again i can open here and jupiter notebook and just type nyPhvyylmpQ-00054-00045744-00046728 email or have to create an email object such as email is equal to get pass dot get pass nyPhvyylmpQ-00055-00047136-00047176 email nyPhvyylmpQ-00056-00047624-00048080 after that password is equal to nyPhvyylmpQ-00057-00048296-00048576 get pass dot get pass nyPhvyylmpQ-00058-00049040-00049184 password nyPhvyylmpQ-00059-00049432-00050168 okay and in next i just have to login by using this email and password so i can call nyPhvyylmpQ-00060-00050168-00051216 my smtp object dot login and in circular braces i just pass my two variables such as emails and nyPhvyylmpQ-00061-00051360-00051776 password and i have to run this particular cell i have to press and shift nyPhvyylmpQ-00062-00051912-00052367 so here it will ask me email just write my email nyPhvyylmpQ-00063-00052824-00053384 so i can again hide it after that i have to press and enter the last new password i just nyPhvyylmpQ-00064-00053448-00054079 go over here copy paste this particular password copy nyPhvyylmpQ-00065-00054360-00055464 and paste over here and after that press and enter okay so i can nyPhvyylmpQ-00066-00055648-00056344 login through my email and by using app password and this particular cell is executed successfully nyPhvyylmpQ-00067-00056344-00057120 and it shows a message that has accepted and in next step i have to send an email with a subject nyPhvyylmpQ-00068-00057120-00058088 and with a message body for that i have required some parameter such as from address nyPhvyylmpQ-00069-00058191-00058472 from which address i have to send an email to address nyPhvyylmpQ-00070-00058608-00059320 to whom i have to send an email subject and then message body so first we define a from address nyPhvyylmpQ-00071-00059688-00060872 here i can use my email only for testing and then in to address also i can use the my email only nyPhvyylmpQ-00072-00060960-00061784 okay after that subject i have to mention input nyPhvyylmpQ-00073-00062208-00062544 enter the subject line nyPhvyylmpQ-00074-00062967-00063384 after that i have to write a message in message body nyPhvyylmpQ-00075-00063384-00063872 such as by creating a message variable and placing an input nyPhvyylmpQ-00076-00064312-00064584 enter the message message nyPhvyylmpQ-00077-00065328-00065984 subject nyPhvyylmpQ-00078-00066200-00066356 subject plus nyPhvyylmpQ-00079-00067320-00067384 message nyPhvyylmpQ-00080-00067960-00068280 then to executing this particular cell i have to nyPhvyylmpQ-00081-00068280-00068856 press shift enter okay enter the subject line i just write test nyPhvyylmpQ-00082-00069152-00070232 the message body i just have to write this is the test message nyPhvyylmpQ-00083-00070232-00070264 thanks! nyPhvyylmpQ-00084-00070648-00071408 okay then i have completed till yet and i mentioned over here nyPhvyylmpQ-00085-00071408-00072184 from address as well address and subject and message body the next i have to send an email so nyPhvyylmpQ-00086-00072184-00072984 therefore i have to use again my object and write a command such as send mail nyPhvyylmpQ-00087-00073224-00073752 and in send mail i have to pass a variable such as from address and to address nyPhvyylmpQ-00088-00073968-00074384 with a message nyPhvyylmpQ-00089-00075520-00076120 to auto complete it you can use a tab over here from address nyPhvyylmpQ-00090-00076344-00077488 to address and then message and to execute this particular cell i have to press and shift enter nyPhvyylmpQ-00091-00077696-00078256 if it shows these empty curly braces means the mail is sending successfully nyPhvyylmpQ-00092-00078312-00078880 so we can verify it by logging into our gmail account so guys i have successfully logged into nyPhvyylmpQ-00093-00078880-00079640 my gmail account and you can see the mail over here the subject is test sending by me that is nyPhvyylmpQ-00094-00079832-00080440 and this is the particular body this is the text message thank you and nyPhvyylmpQ-00095-00080504-00081120 we again move towards our jupiter notebook this connection is open till you manually doesn't nyPhvyylmpQ-00096-00081120-00082184 close it for closing the connection we can use smtp object again and write a quit command over nyPhvyylmpQ-00097-00082184-00082896 there and to execute this command we have to press shift+enter and now the closing uh now nyPhvyylmpQ-00098-00082896-00083520 it shows the closing connections means the watery connection is established earlier it get closed uh nyPhvyylmpQ-00099-00083520-00084272 successfully so this is the method how you can send a particular mail using a python script by nyPhvyylmpQ-00100-00084368-00085088 using a different smtp server domain you can configure your daily email with your python script nyPhvyylmpQ-00101-00085144-00085592 so yeah this is from my site hope you like this video if you like this video nyPhvyylmpQ-00102-00085592-00087317 please share with your friends subscribe my youtube channel thank you one and all. nCx9udJgj3k-00000-00000488-00001184 if you're in Banff there's a really cool hike through Johnston Canyon into the nCx9udJgj3k-00001-00001184-00001589 Lower Falls that you're not going to want to miss so let's go check it out nCx9udJgj3k-00002-00001589-00002267 this is Johnston Canyon we're going to take the hike to the Lower Falls nCx9udJgj3k-00003-00002267-00002773 A prospector by the name of Johnston discovered this Creek in the 1880s nCx9udJgj3k-00004-00002773-00003227 it's said that during the Frontier era miners sought their fortunes along the nCx9udJgj3k-00005-00003227-00003689 newly laid tracks of the Canadian Pacific Railway historians aren't really nCx9udJgj3k-00006-00003689-00004058 sure exactly what happened to Johnston but they speculate he just moved on nCx9udJgj3k-00007-00004058-00004406 leaving only his name behind. nCx9udJgj3k-00008-00004766-00004966 Still on our way to the lower falls nCx9udJgj3k-00009-00005454-00005800 Wow, this is pretty awesome nCx9udJgj3k-00010-00008410-00008870 Oh my gosh you guys we hiked along the catwalk with the rapids below nCx9udJgj3k-00011-00008932-00009106 That was so pretty nCx9udJgj3k-00012-00009556-00010038 I'm standing on the bridge that leads to the cave right across the way there nCx9udJgj3k-00013-00010804-00011400 That's what we came here to see! Gorgeous waterfall! nCx9udJgj3k-00014-00012514-00013018 we're waiting in line to go inside this tunnel nCx9udJgj3k-00015-00013018-00013247 To get to the falls nCx9udJgj3k-00016-00013322-00013658 Not sure what it's like in here nCx9udJgj3k-00017-00014384-00014854 you can see once you get through the cave there's only a small viewing platform nCx9udJgj3k-00018-00014918-00015147 But what a view! nCx9udJgj3k-00019-00015346-00015546 It was really pretty and wet! nCx9udJgj3k-00020-00015710-00016036 You can really feel the powerful spray of the water from the Falls from here nCx9udJgj3k-00021-00016460-00016884 If you choose you can go farther and hike to the Upper Falls that's also pretty as well nCx9udJgj3k-00022-00016994-00017222 It's about another mile past this nCx9udJgj3k-00023-00017372-00017572 We're on our way back now nCx9udJgj3k-00024-00017600-00018086 And one thing that makes this such a nice hike is that it's mostly shaded and nCx9udJgj3k-00025-00018086-00018242 it's not too strenuous nCx9udJgj3k-00026-00018302-00018560 so if you have small children or seniors nCx9udJgj3k-00027-00018578-00019043 you really don't have to hike the whole trail to see how pretty it is nCx9udJgj3k-00028-00019043-00019476 There's plenty of places along the way to stop and rest or take pictures nCx9udJgj3k-00029-00019494-00019938 I would put it on my list as one of the hikes to do if you're in the area nCx9udJgj3k-00030-00019962-00020644 Well we finished the Lower Falls hike, that was a lot of fun so we're on our way back to the truck now nCx9udJgj3k-00031-00020684-00021102 And I think I think that's the end of our exploring for the day nCx9udJgj3k-00032-00021202-00021598 Talk to you tomorrow 😊 Don't forget to hit Like and Subscribe! nCa3saqEJV8-00000-00000024-00000522 so coming into college and specifically ECSU I had quite a few expectations about nCa3saqEJV8-00001-00000524-00000853 what I learned as a biology major I didn't have much experience in nCa3saqEJV8-00002-00000855-00001215 laboratories so I really wanted to get that hands-on experience learn about nCa3saqEJV8-00003-00001215-00001607 different careers in my majors different paths that I could take and all those nCa3saqEJV8-00004-00001607-00001980 expectations were met and exceeded especially as I've had the opportunity nCa3saqEJV8-00005-00001980-00002477 to participate in research programs however I did not have the expectation nCa3saqEJV8-00006-00002477-00002951 of learning through opportunities like student leadership so I've had lots of nCa3saqEJV8-00007-00002951-00003321 personal growth and personal development and professional development through nCa3saqEJV8-00008-00003321-00004014 those opportunities and that's been the greatest but most rewarding surprise my nCa3saqEJV8-00009-00004014-00004452 first day on campus was an interesting one immediate least walking on the yard nCa3saqEJV8-00010-00004452-00004935 I was approached by several fresh different return 'ti people wanted to nCa3saqEJV8-00011-00004935-00005423 see if I was interested on what year I was with GPA I transferred in with if I nCa3saqEJV8-00012-00005423-00005903 was eligible to even attend interest meetings and things like that meant a nCa3saqEJV8-00013-00005903-00006369 lot of football players basketball players and cheerleaders as well and nCa3saqEJV8-00014-00006369-00006918 just mingle with a lot of people it was very interesting to know that I'll be nCa3saqEJV8-00015-00006918-00007290 living in in the same area where these people opposed to having to commute back nCa3saqEJV8-00016-00007290-00007661 and forth to school when I was at the Community College so it was a very nCa3saqEJV8-00017-00007661-00008217 interesting experience I'm different to be living on campus I decided to come to nCa3saqEJV8-00018-00008217-00008654 ECSU because it was a smaller campus and they have many different clubs and nCa3saqEJV8-00019-00008654-00009229 organizations for me to join such as marching band and ROTC nFjurVgnRQI-00000-00000560-00001684 Cancer February 2019 Psychic Tarot Reading nFjurVgnRQI-00001-00002758-00003497 This is the energy vibration reading for the Cancer signs. It is the month of February for you nFjurVgnRQI-00002-00003497-00004100 Cancer's and we're going to be looking at what is happening for you Cancer's. Please nFjurVgnRQI-00003-00004100-00004894 like, share these videos. This video is going to take 45 minutes and, oh my gosh nFjurVgnRQI-00004-00004894-00005333 you guys have a new start so this is good in the month of February. What is happening nFjurVgnRQI-00005-00005333-00005744 with you Cancer. A new start is coming up for you Cancer signs which is nFjurVgnRQI-00006-00005744-00006167 wonderful it's beautiful [sound] Please like & share these videos. If nFjurVgnRQI-00007-00006167-00006620 this is the first time thank you for being on my channel. Please subscribe nFjurVgnRQI-00008-00006620-00007334 and use notification bell, that's when I'm LIVE then you guys will know because I'm nFjurVgnRQI-00009-00007334-00007958 going back to going LIVE..! I have been receiving so much messages so finally nFjurVgnRQI-00010-00007958-00008936 going to do LIVE again yeah.... Okay so you Cancer's you're about to start nFjurVgnRQI-00011-00008936-00009359 a new journey in February and that is good you Cancer. So let's see what's nFjurVgnRQI-00012-00009359-00009863 that like what is happening for you Cancer what has transpired for the nFjurVgnRQI-00013-00009863-00010529 Cancer's now month of February is a month of water energy okay so there is some nFjurVgnRQI-00014-00010529-00011222 emotional situations there are going to be informations coming out and that it's nFjurVgnRQI-00015-00011222-00011786 going to be something else so cancers let's see what's a plinth for nFjurVgnRQI-00016-00011786-00012278 you guys to first week it's going to be in here sign to last week it's going to nFjurVgnRQI-00017-00012278-00012686 be good for you guys okay cuz this the zodiac of water so that it's going to be nFjurVgnRQI-00018-00012686-00013262 gotta you know you cancers what is that going to be happening for you guys nFjurVgnRQI-00019-00013262-00013923 please remember that on-demand is just a dollar ninety-nine mmm at 30 minutes nFjurVgnRQI-00020-00013923-00014551 we'll be on on Dumond okay so for you PI see you cancers the nFjurVgnRQI-00021-00014551-00014936 first week you have the energy of the lovers whatever the situation is as a nFjurVgnRQI-00022-00014936-00015529 past life situation you could be reconnecting with your soul family or it nFjurVgnRQI-00023-00015529-00016012 has something to do with a family member that you're dealing with in the first nFjurVgnRQI-00024-00016012-00016592 week okay so it's it can be emotional but we're nFjurVgnRQI-00025-00016592-00017081 going to be seen there is going to be a new start to what the son of once okay nFjurVgnRQI-00026-00017081-00017762 so if you're Pisces and you have um your son is an Aries Leo Sagittarius there's nFjurVgnRQI-00027-00017762-00018512 would be a new start with this person so um this is wonderful this is a mother nFjurVgnRQI-00028-00018512-00019163 and a son that has had some Rick that is going to be real and for some of you nFjurVgnRQI-00029-00019163-00019991 this could be that you your soul mate is a Aries Leo or Sagittarius and you guys nFjurVgnRQI-00030-00019991-00020630 could be reconnecting third week there is a situation with an organization nFjurVgnRQI-00031-00020630-00021206 where we're seen that um there is definitely a child custody battle or nFjurVgnRQI-00032-00021206-00021737 something that to do with a child so whatever s transpire um you're nFjurVgnRQI-00033-00021737-00022343 dealing with a legal issue with a child this person is an Aries Leo and nFjurVgnRQI-00034-00022343-00023510 Sagittarius okay so um Wow let's see what else is coming up in the four week nFjurVgnRQI-00035-00023510-00024002 in the fourth week um you have the energy of the four of Pentacles okay so nFjurVgnRQI-00036-00024002-00024575 there is needs to be some balance in your financial worlds of balance with nFjurVgnRQI-00037-00024575-00025088 the organization now as I look at this you have two major arcana and the two nFjurVgnRQI-00038-00025088-00025708 major arcana comes up where is the lovers so obviously this is a child nFjurVgnRQI-00039-00025708-00026414 custody situation that is going on for you cancers you cancers have to balance nFjurVgnRQI-00040-00026414-00027161 out to child custody some of you um you could be divorced in and going back and nFjurVgnRQI-00041-00027161-00027617 forth with this divorce um the energy of the lovers is here and nFjurVgnRQI-00042-00027617-00028045 if you're connected with an heiress to your Sagittarius obviously there's of a nFjurVgnRQI-00043-00028045-00028589 sort of information and communication because something needs to happen energy nFjurVgnRQI-00044-00028589-00029216 of the lover and you have to make a decision about and if you have a child nFjurVgnRQI-00045-00029216-00029477 that is an Aries thing or Sagittarius you nFjurVgnRQI-00046-00029477-00029933 definitely have to make a decision about this person if it's not that child is a nFjurVgnRQI-00047-00029933-00030631 family member and you have to make a decision about this person as we look nFjurVgnRQI-00048-00030631-00031408 the son of Wands with organization is that there is information that is coming nFjurVgnRQI-00049-00031408-00031912 out so obviously some of you are dealing with a custody battle and we are going nFjurVgnRQI-00050-00031912-00032458 to be seen where this is going and seen some of you um it could be eight and nFjurVgnRQI-00051-00032458-00033178 something with chiming in and Ospital okay it's all about something with the nFjurVgnRQI-00052-00033178-00033953 child in a hospital you could be the one that is also sick Wow the daughter of nFjurVgnRQI-00053-00033953-00034678 swords okay so Wow so what ifs inspiring here is that nFjurVgnRQI-00054-00034678-00035413 definitely definitely there are some issues that is going on here you guys nFjurVgnRQI-00055-00035413-00036019 are dealing with the Aquarian Gemini or Nibiru peep and they're young people so nFjurVgnRQI-00056-00036019-00036559 it could be your daughter and son no your son is not very well and he's in a nFjurVgnRQI-00057-00036559-00037418 is in the hospital through some of you your son now your daughter is here it nFjurVgnRQI-00058-00037418-00037825 could be your son or your daughter that is an Aquarian Gemini or liberals in a nFjurVgnRQI-00059-00037825-00038369 hospital now whatever the situation is you're trying to figure out how you're nFjurVgnRQI-00060-00038369-00039178 going to pay for this okay the star comes out in the second week so nFjurVgnRQI-00061-00039178-00039902 the energy of the star is that whatever it is there that is transpiring and nFjurVgnRQI-00062-00039902-00041024 happening you're dealing with an Aries Leo Sagittarius okay this person was nFjurVgnRQI-00063-00041024-00041855 sent to you by the universe okay it's as if there was some whatever the nFjurVgnRQI-00064-00041855-00042859 transition is because this is the energy of the four nFjurVgnRQI-00065-00042859-00043903 once under star there's gonna be some unexpected help coming in for you you nFjurVgnRQI-00066-00043903-00044362 know your spirit guides is going to be all castrating some unexpected elta is nFjurVgnRQI-00067-00044362-00045008 coming in for you now whoever out there has a son that is nFjurVgnRQI-00068-00045008-00046006 a whoever out there that has a son that is a Aquarius Gemini or nibaran he's not nFjurVgnRQI-00069-00046006-00046819 well but he will be okay okay he's not well but he will be okay nFjurVgnRQI-00070-00046819-00048080 how it comes as the energy of the tower okay so there is some of you have to nFjurVgnRQI-00071-00048080-00049049 make a decision about your relationship and if you don't make justice is ready nFjurVgnRQI-00072-00049049-00049720 late with this decision um it's gonna come to an end anyway okay so if whether nFjurVgnRQI-00073-00049720-00050368 or not you make the decision it's gonna be coming to an end anyway so you have nFjurVgnRQI-00074-00050368-00051895 to make this decision okay at our moment is coming up some of you ladies at work nFjurVgnRQI-00075-00051895-00052606 is dealing with an Aquarius Gemini or deeper person at work but you have a nFjurVgnRQI-00076-00052606-00053087 strong foundation against this person whatever she's trying to do the tower nFjurVgnRQI-00077-00053087-00053739 moment has come that means this verse that has no more power over you nFjurVgnRQI-00078-00053739-00054304 there's a lot that is happening to your kids people who have children nFjurVgnRQI-00079-00054304-00055179 be aware cuz I'm seen whoever has a son that is an Aquarius Gemini or libram nFjurVgnRQI-00080-00055179-00055606 there is definitely a situation that is coming in there's a tower moment that's nFjurVgnRQI-00081-00055606-00056085 about to come in so you need to understand this nFjurVgnRQI-00082-00056085-00057064 some he's not well now apparently he is also a girlfriend that's is an Aquarius nFjurVgnRQI-00083-00057064-00057566 Gemini or libera I'm up you know nFjurVgnRQI-00084-00058320-00058980 take your son back home once he can't comes out of the hospital because I'm nFjurVgnRQI-00085-00058980-00059449 seeing his spirit guides here that is helping him and he's gonna be okay nFjurVgnRQI-00086-00059449-00060220 take him back home um I'm not liking his partner for him right now he needs to be nFjurVgnRQI-00087-00060220-00060540 back home with you nFjurVgnRQI-00088-00060566-00061321 okay some of you who are dealing with an Aries Leo and Sagittarius definitely I nFjurVgnRQI-00089-00061321-00061840 think the child custody battle it could be you or divorce in this person there's nFjurVgnRQI-00090-00061840-00062383 a lot of communication that is going back and forth and you need to make a nFjurVgnRQI-00091-00062383-00062782 decision with this person what are he's your son or your partner nFjurVgnRQI-00092-00062782-00063361 or a family member or a friend or at work okay I want you guys to do nFjurVgnRQI-00093-00063361-00063877 something call upon the angels and guides and ancients of collector seals nFjurVgnRQI-00094-00063877-00064621 to come and clear the energies around you guys in this month okay it is just nFjurVgnRQI-00095-00064621-00065272 call upon the angels of collectorate seals and and what of Mary and her nFjurVgnRQI-00096-00065272-00065800 unique coins to come in and clear your energy and energy in your house and all nFjurVgnRQI-00097-00065800-00066288 around you ever really not the house call upon Archangel Michael and please nFjurVgnRQI-00098-00066288-00066748 accept angel Michael to seal all doors and windows so that nothing that is not nFjurVgnRQI-00099-00066748-00067336 a part of the light will come through okay release yourself from there it's nFjurVgnRQI-00100-00067336-00067834 what is coming up for you guys love is the only thing that is real release nFjurVgnRQI-00101-00067834-00068641 yourself from fear that is coming up only love is real so call upon your nFjurVgnRQI-00102-00068641-00069265 angels and guides um acts Archangels aquiline Center means to come in and nFjurVgnRQI-00103-00069265-00069784 clear the images around you ask them to stand in your aura acts Archangel nFjurVgnRQI-00104-00069784-00070441 Michael and Master L more to come up and stand in your hair your or and in each nFjurVgnRQI-00105-00070441-00070993 and every room in your house cleansing the energy and caring the situation's nFjurVgnRQI-00106-00070993-00071449 around you that is going to be good for you guys moving on because there's a lot nFjurVgnRQI-00107-00071449-00071807 that is going to be happening I've seen a lot of people Ospital I'm nFjurVgnRQI-00108-00071807-00072527 seeing a lot of people or off balance in your life there's a lot of off balance a nFjurVgnRQI-00109-00072527-00072980 lot of people in hospitals a lot of people that are off balance and that nFjurVgnRQI-00110-00072980-00073552 sort of an energy that is around you you yourself could be having a health issue nFjurVgnRQI-00111-00073552-00074270 that is coming up where you cancers okay go for your dreams no matter what is in nFjurVgnRQI-00112-00074270-00074726 your way go for your dreams whatever is transpiring and whatever is happening go nFjurVgnRQI-00113-00074726-00075248 for your dreams okay so you cancers whatever the situation and whatever is nFjurVgnRQI-00114-00075248-00075836 transpiring go for it because you're going to be receiving because um the nFjurVgnRQI-00115-00075836-00076526 star with a strong foundation means your dreams and wishes will come true just nFjurVgnRQI-00116-00076526-00077087 keep on working it because it's going to be happening for you guys so remember nFjurVgnRQI-00117-00077087-00077660 use the images that I've just told you call upon the universal energies your nFjurVgnRQI-00118-00077660-00078176 guiding angels and the spirit guides to come in until Clare the energies release nFjurVgnRQI-00119-00078176-00078716 yourself up there okay replace their would love and pure nFjurVgnRQI-00120-00078716-00079850 light so call upon Jesus and and there is a lot today an affirmation is that I nFjurVgnRQI-00121-00079850-00080465 now involve the love wisdom Ellen and protection of the golden ray of Christ I nFjurVgnRQI-00122-00080465-00080930 asked for it to flow to you and surrounds you and cleanse you it is so nFjurVgnRQI-00123-00080930-00081776 and it will be it as done so call upon these energies to work with you at this nFjurVgnRQI-00124-00081776-00082202 time because seriously this Lent is going to be a month that is going to be nFjurVgnRQI-00125-00082202-00083008 throwing you off guard so be aware you cancers I want to say thank you for nFjurVgnRQI-00126-00083008-00083468 being here if you want to see the extended of the reading you can use the nFjurVgnRQI-00127-00083468-00083981 link below and it will take you to under mom it's just a dollar ninety-nine you nFjurVgnRQI-00128-00083981-00084740 can service it's a dollar ninety-nine so whatever the situation it's and whatever nFjurVgnRQI-00129-00084740-00085064 that is transpired it's just a dollar ninety-nine you nFjurVgnRQI-00130-00085064-00086077 cancers okay I am going to say namaste and I'll see you on on the mall okay nFjurVgnRQI-00131-00086077-00086561 welcome to all of you and on demand there some heartbreaks there's a lot of nFjurVgnRQI-00132-00086561-00086992 art breaks there's some shifting of energy nFjurVgnRQI-00133-00087795-00088001 you nJljzWizes8-00000-00000006-00000387 In this Engineering Manager 8020 shorts I have with these Civil Engineering nJljzWizes8-00001-00000387-00000803 superstar Peyton Gibson. Peyton you're a bit of a superstar because you're all nJljzWizes8-00002-00000803-00001113 over the place in the industry and you've done so much through association nJljzWizes8-00003-00001113-00001529 work for civil engineers the question I have for you today is what is your nJljzWizes8-00004-00001529-00002048 favorite aspect of being a civil engineer nJljzWizes8-00005-00002359-00002927 what I love about being a civil engineer is that me like literally physically nJljzWizes8-00006-00002927-00003563 connect people and that's why I became a civil engineer and that's why I don't nJljzWizes8-00007-00003563-00003965 really work on the technical side of engineering anymore I work on I I think nJljzWizes8-00008-00003965-00004352 I work on like the social civil engineering side um the social side of nJljzWizes8-00009-00004352-00004766 me loves to connect people and the engineering side of me is able to do nJljzWizes8-00010-00004766-00005390 that and like a physical manner so just seeing our work as civil engineers bring nJljzWizes8-00011-00005390-00005869 communities together and bring lives together that wouldn't be connected nJljzWizes8-00012-00005869-00006941 without the infrastructure it's just it means a lot as as an engineer nJljzWizes8-00013-00007679-00007884 you nJm_IPlTMnQ-00000-00000000-00000200 Praying with an Attitude nKI8pJ-21Q4-00000-00000000-00001009 Uh ah yeah ah what? Then it became the first motel business nKI8pJ-21Q4-00001-00001048-00001905 Oh, it’s our water supply. In the meantime, the next leader’s growth will continue to be eaten in the 5 nKI8pJ-21Q4-00002-00001905-00002380 Now go ahead and really good yes bad yes but nKI8pJ-21Q4-00003-00002380-00003844 Uh 2 Like this, I'm going to start thinking of thank you for our work these days. nKI8pJ-21Q4-00004-00003844-00004523 I wish I was in pain for a long time. People vs. uh what nKI8pJ-21Q4-00005-00004612-00005448 Do you need to know? A lot ah, you're doing so well, ah ah, sincerely nKI8pJ-21Q4-00006-00005448-00006178 Are you going to suck in the Flex 3 group? Oh, a new touch nKI8pJ-21Q4-00007-00006684-00007743 Well, I hope you can talk about it as well as it is now, so well, it will start again now nKI8pJ-21Q4-00008-00007743-00008442 I hope you don’t get tired and do well nKI8pJ-21Q4-00009-00008638-00009280 As a child, yes, yes, Asterisk 2 What is this nKI8pJ-21Q4-00010-00009280-00010159 Uh, use the original ring nKI8pJ-21Q4-00011-00010159-00011049 Uh my room don't lose it right now. nKI8pJ-21Q4-00012-00011516-00011794 4 and going nKI8pJ-21Q4-00013-00011817-00012542 I wonder if I should buy you something to become Asa Kim Sarang Mullis nKI8pJ-21Q4-00014-00012650-00012902 Mouth investment nKI8pJ-21Q4-00015-00013203-00013956 Once you're careful about the damage, it's something that our team needs to eat, so to speak. nKI8pJ-21Q4-00016-00013956-00014551 I think there must have been a poem that can be found, after all 5 nKI8pJ-21Q4-00017-00014644-00015012 Ah ah do you see it nKI8pJ-21Q4-00018-00015146-00016118 I'm going to see all of them uh ah ah these days web 10 episodes aren't pretty good nKI8pJ-21Q4-00019-00016118-00016886 It's perfect for this day, but I think it's good to go out and do it well. nKI8pJ-21Q4-00020-00016886-00017458 I'll loosen it well and take it out of the inside of the person who will ride in the area nKI8pJ-21Q4-00021-00018227-00018859 Oh yes, more ah, happily for a long time, 2 NATO nKI8pJ-21Q4-00022-00018859-00020134 Oh, let's meet exactly at the time of liberation. We loved the middle school because it was bad. nKI8pJ-21Q4-00023-00020134-00020869 I don’t have much to say nKI8pJ-21Q4-00024-00020869-00021490 I'm going to do it. Yeah, it looks too thin, but I think that I'm restraining it. nKI8pJ-21Q4-00025-00021490-00022152 5 The baby is covered and tied 4 Yes nKI8pJ-21Q4-00026-00022152-00023110 Uh, when g2 specs qing discoloration can rest, I try to watch North Korean songs, while 9 elements are cool nKI8pJ-21Q4-00027-00023110-00023404 List country nKI8pJ-21Q4-00028-00023542-00023934 Yes, I was so impressed nKI8pJ-21Q4-00029-00023980-00024584 Also, even the security is not lost, so even if you put it all over the jeep nKI8pJ-21Q4-00030-00024868-00025685 Uh ah seoul, it's hard because it's 40 4 9 nKI8pJ-21Q4-00031-00025685-00026513 Oh, it was so strange that it was the fourth first, but it’s still annoying. nKI8pJ-21Q4-00032-00026513-00027277 It's been your 4th time to get rid of it when you're touching the bag ah ah nKI8pJ-21Q4-00033-00027655-00028444 What is this xeon Oh, it will be 10 3 and 3 days nKI8pJ-21Q4-00034-00028444-00029052 3 Oh, that's why you're doing 10 chapters. nKI8pJ-21Q4-00035-00029052-00029547 [Music] It’s really embarrassing. Yes nKI8pJ-21Q4-00036-00029547-00030288 Brightly ah, weak and weak, the flesh wanted to hear more water, uh, I wanted to hear that, well done nKI8pJ-21Q4-00037-00030358-00030943 So why did all of our moments happen? nKI8pJ-21Q4-00038-00030943-00031517 A lot of sleep, judgment reverberates yes ah nKI8pJ-21Q4-00039-00031540-00032232 Oh, it’s yours. I’ll see you with the case. nKI8pJ-21Q4-00040-00032232-00032888 I can do it a little while ago. Come on, this is pizza nKI8pJ-21Q4-00041-00033069-00033669 At that moment, I hope this activity is also inferior nKI8pJ-21Q4-00042-00033669-00034353 Ju also did that, but we made a lot of areas. We are together with this 8t activation. nKI8pJ-21Q4-00043-00034353-00034914 Master thinks how precious it is, and once again, let's make good memories nKI8pJ-21Q4-00044-00034914-00035604 Yes, let’s do it well, should we do it once [Applause] nKI8pJ-21Q4-00045-00035655-00036231 It will make you know if you have heard the news that you have a new ring. nKI8pJ-21Q4-00046-00036231-00036632 Something like this nKI8pJ-21Q4-00047-00037496-00038169 It's usually like this. I saw it. It's a vitamin book from 5 to 8. nKI8pJ-21Q4-00048-00038169-00039088 I thought it was 4 times I wish I wouldn't be publicly stance I'm 1 I won't do this nKI8pJ-21Q4-00049-00039111-00039640 I was able to get rid of it with dandruff, and I knew it, so suddenly nKI8pJ-21Q4-00050-00039640-00040137 I scored a goal in nKI8pJ-21Q4-00051-00040177-00040446 bitterness nKI8pJ-21Q4-00052-00040530-00040733 Ah nKI8pJ-21Q4-00053-00041713-00042025 What's missing nKI8pJ-21Q4-00054-00042116-00043124 It’s already shortened after the fourth and fourth payments, but the time seems to start very quickly, and the whole team nKI8pJ-21Q4-00055-00043124-00043793 I heard the special light of the light on this day, but the population died before that time. nKI8pJ-21Q4-00056-00043793-00044795 Thanks to Som, Dan Matt Chicago is a great model Betty. Well, this terror is now devoted to that meaning. nKI8pJ-21Q4-00057-00044795-00045605 Now, I was more happy to deliver this meaningful ring. nKI8pJ-21Q4-00058-00045605-00046370 Thank you so much for the drum than g, and I hope you will continue to install it in the future so that you can get along well. nKI8pJ-21Q4-00059-00046370-00047210 Once pasted, it's a little bit time for the new ebon to come out, and then we're going to write one more time nKI8pJ-21Q4-00060-00047210-00048347 Principle Elegance I think I feel that there is such energy, blemishes, power, and every time I change the ring in the living room, my mindset is alive. nKI8pJ-21Q4-00061-00048347-00048914 There is never a new start after 5 and something new is what I want to show you nKI8pJ-21Q4-00062-00048914-00049558 I thought of good energy step by step to everyone nKI8pJ-21Q4-00063-00049558-00049856 Yes again like this nKI8pJ-21Q4-00064-00049856-00050708 After 10 months like this, we are leaving the whole school again, but we haven’t really had a way to go yet. nKI8pJ-21Q4-00065-00050708-00051419 He joined forces with the members, and he just became like he's been doing so far. nKI8pJ-21Q4-00066-00051419-00052492 I hope you can see this activity well, but I hope that all of you who have also been banned from activities in the heart of business will follow me nKI8pJ-21Q4-00067-00052492-00052825 I'll do it when we broadcast. nMtA3nqBQZE-00000-00000023-00000310 ♪ nMtA3nqBQZE-00001-00000310-00000613 ♪ nMtA3nqBQZE-00002-00000613-00000924 ♪ nMtA3nqBQZE-00003-00000924-00001227 ♪ nMtA3nqBQZE-00004-00001227-00001531 ♪ nMtA3nqBQZE-00005-00001531-00001835 Lakeland Currents your public affairs nMtA3nqBQZE-00006-00001835-00002138 program for north central Minnesota. Produced by nMtA3nqBQZE-00007-00002138-00002445 Lakeland PBS with host, Ray Gildow. nMtA3nqBQZE-00008-00002445-00002746 Production funding for Lakeland Currents is made possible by Bemidji nMtA3nqBQZE-00009-00002746-00003049 Regional Airport. Serving the region with daily flights to Minneapolis nMtA3nqBQZE-00010-00003049-00003353 St. Paul International Airport. More information available at nMtA3nqBQZE-00011-00003353-00003656 Closed captioning for Lakeland nMtA3nqBQZE-00012-00003656-00003960 Currents is sponsored by Nisswa Tax Service. Tax nMtA3nqBQZE-00013-00003960-00004267 preparation for businesses and individuals. Online nMtA3nqBQZE-00014-00004267-00004574 at Ray: Hello again nMtA3nqBQZE-00015-00004574-00004878 everyone and welcome to Lakeland Currents. Where this evening nMtA3nqBQZE-00016-00004878-00005185 we have the unique opportunity to visit with a person nMtA3nqBQZE-00017-00005185-00005492 who works around the world. It'll be interesting nMtA3nqBQZE-00018-00005492-00005795 to see how many countries she's actually visited nMtA3nqBQZE-00019-00005795-00006102 and worked in. But it's a company called Catalyst. This is nMtA3nqBQZE-00020-00006102-00006409 non-profit organization that helps organizations nMtA3nqBQZE-00021-00006409-00006713 provide better work places for women. nMtA3nqBQZE-00022-00006713-00007020 And it's a very timely topic I think nMtA3nqBQZE-00023-00007020-00007323 because it's something that we're talking about across the United nMtA3nqBQZE-00024-00007323-00007634 States. In fact, Catalyst got its original beginning nMtA3nqBQZE-00025-00007634-00007944 it is an American company with a European nMtA3nqBQZE-00026-00007944-00008251 arm so to speak. So my guest this evening is nMtA3nqBQZE-00027-00008251-00008561 Allyson Zimmermann who is the executive nMtA3nqBQZE-00028-00008561-00008872 director of the Europe model of nMtA3nqBQZE-00029-00008872-00009182 Catalyst. Or model is probably not the right word but of the organization. nMtA3nqBQZE-00030-00009182-00009496 Welcome to Minnesota. I know you are a nMtA3nqBQZE-00031-00009496-00009803 native Minnesotan. Allyson: Yes, I am. [laughing] Ray: And so we can let people know nMtA3nqBQZE-00032-00009803-00010120 that. But, I want to thank you for taking time out of your busy nMtA3nqBQZE-00033-00010120-00010433 schedule to come in to....the area nMtA3nqBQZE-00034-00010433-00010747 and do this show. And then you're not here long and you're back on the plane [Yeah] nMtA3nqBQZE-00035-00010747-00011050 and heading back to your home which is Zurich, nMtA3nqBQZE-00036-00011050-00011364 Switzerland. [Exactly] And what is the temperature running nMtA3nqBQZE-00037-00011364-00011668 this time of the year in Zurich? [laughing] Allyson: It's not as cold as nMtA3nqBQZE-00038-00011668-00011981 it is definitely here. [laughing] It's much warmer. nMtA3nqBQZE-00039-00011981-00012298 It's probably 20 degrees warmer. nMtA3nqBQZE-00040-00012298-00012615 I think, yeah. [Wow, wow] But thank you for having me. Ray: Well, tell nMtA3nqBQZE-00041-00012615-00012936 us a little bit about first of all, what Catalyst is. nMtA3nqBQZE-00042-00012936-00013239 And as I mentioned in the opening, it's been around since nMtA3nqBQZE-00043-00013239-00013543 1962 so it's been here a long time. But I know you nMtA3nqBQZE-00044-00013543-00013850 work with really large corporations. nMtA3nqBQZE-00045-00013850-00014154 [Exactly] I think I read on your website companies totaling nMtA3nqBQZE-00046-00014154-00014464 over a trillion and a half dollars in nMtA3nqBQZE-00047-00014464-00014768 revenue. Which is an incredible amount of money. nMtA3nqBQZE-00048-00014768-00015075 Allyson: Absolutely. It' Catalyst is a nMtA3nqBQZE-00049-00015075-00015381 research and advisory organization. And our nMtA3nqBQZE-00050-00015381-00015692 focus is largely on gender equality. nMtA3nqBQZE-00051-00015692-00016002 But we've been around since nMtA3nqBQZE-00052-00016002-00016306 1962. It was a woman in the U.S. who opened nMtA3nqBQZE-00053-00016306-00016613 it. And she really wanted to nMtA3nqBQZE-00054-00016613-00016923 bring to the country.... nMtA3nqBQZE-00055-00016923-00017233 the needs of having more women in the nMtA3nqBQZE-00056-00017233-00017547 workforce. And....and so nMtA3nqBQZE-00057-00017547-00017857 we're largely known for the research. nMtA3nqBQZE-00058-00017857-00018171 Around what are the myths about women nMtA3nqBQZE-00059-00018171-00018478 in the workplace. Why aren't women advancing? nMtA3nqBQZE-00060-00018478-00018792 But we're also focused on the solutions. nMtA3nqBQZE-00061-00018792-00019109 It's not enough to know that there's a nMtA3nqBQZE-00062-00019109-00019426 challenge, we all know that. But how do you shift nMtA3nqBQZE-00063-00019426-00019743 and create impact? Especially in a corporation. nMtA3nqBQZE-00064-00019743-00020060 But also in a government. And so we nMtA3nqBQZE-00065-00020060-00020363 are.... Ray: And you do work with governments, too, right? Allyson: We do, we do. We've been nMtA3nqBQZE-00066-00020363-00020680 asked by various governments nMtA3nqBQZE-00067-00020680-00020997 they ask us to come in as a thought leader. nMtA3nqBQZE-00068-00020997-00021304 Because of the sound research we do. nMtA3nqBQZE-00069-00021304-00021621 But they also want advice. nMtA3nqBQZE-00070-00021621-00021928 So we have isolated nMtA3nqBQZE-00071-00021928-00022228 incidences. I remember, I oversee our European nMtA3nqBQZE-00072-00022228-00022532 arm and we were brought into nMtA3nqBQZE-00073-00022532-00022836 France for a discussion. nMtA3nqBQZE-00074-00022836-00023143 So we're often tapped into for the nMtA3nqBQZE-00075-00023143-00023446 knowledge. But more importantly as nMtA3nqBQZE-00076-00023446-00023750 well even with the European Commission nMtA3nqBQZE-00077-00023750-00024053 we've given advice on what to do. nMtA3nqBQZE-00078-00024053-00024357 Going forward for their next five nMtA3nqBQZE-00079-00024357-00024661 years. And so, this is something nMtA3nqBQZE-00080-00024661-00024964 that while...I would say nMtA3nqBQZE-00081-00024964-00025268 our wheel house is largely corporations. nMtA3nqBQZE-00082-00025268-00025572 It trickles into other arenas nMtA3nqBQZE-00083-00025572-00025892 as well. Ray: I know just as a side this is not the most nMtA3nqBQZE-00084-00025892-00026196 seen TV show you've been on nMtA3nqBQZE-00085-00026196-00026516 because you said you were on BBC [laughing] [yeah] with nMtA3nqBQZE-00086-00026516-00026820 how many viewers worldwide on that? Allyson: There was nMtA3nqBQZE-00087-00026820-00027137 300 million. Ray: 300 million viewers. That's a little bit bigger nMtA3nqBQZE-00088-00027137-00027440 than we are. Allyson: Well who knows? Who knows? Ray: Yeah, who knows. Allyson: Let's send nMtA3nqBQZE-00089-00027440-00027747 this out. [laughing] Ray: So to make a distinction you don't focus so much nMtA3nqBQZE-00090-00027747-00028064 you don't focus on harassment nMtA3nqBQZE-00091-00028064-00028378 issues as much as barriers to nMtA3nqBQZE-00092-00028378-00028681 providing opportunities for women to grow. [yeah] nMtA3nqBQZE-00093-00028681-00028988 Roughly how many countries do you think you personally nMtA3nqBQZE-00094-00028988-00029292 worked in? Allyson: How I ...well nMtA3nqBQZE-00095-00029292-00029596 so Europe, you know it's not the United States of nMtA3nqBQZE-00096-00029596-00029899 Europe. So we have you know ranging 24 nMtA3nqBQZE-00097-00029899-00030203 to 27 countries. nMtA3nqBQZE-00098-00030203-00030507 I personally have worked with nMtA3nqBQZE-00099-00030507-00030817 Catalysts across Europe. From nMtA3nqBQZE-00100-00030817-00031120 Slovenia to Sweden. So that means nMtA3nqBQZE-00101-00031120-00031427 it doesn't mean that the bulk that nMtA3nqBQZE-00102-00031427-00031735 I'm always in every country. nMtA3nqBQZE-00103-00031735-00032042 But I've lived in 4 countries across Europe, nMtA3nqBQZE-00104-00032042-00032348 Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Scotland. nMtA3nqBQZE-00105-00032348-00032649 And I but I also now live in nMtA3nqBQZE-00106-00032649-00032952 Switzerland again and yeah. Ray: So... nMtA3nqBQZE-00107-00032952-00033256 Allyson: So we cover a lot. Ray: We're dealing with really significant nMtA3nqBQZE-00108-00033256-00033560 different cultures. [yeah] Not only the governmental nMtA3nqBQZE-00109-00033560-00033863 culture structure [mmhmm] but companies. You said nMtA3nqBQZE-00110-00033863-00034167 a lot of the big companies you work with are family owned nMtA3nqBQZE-00111-00034167-00034477 businesses. Allyson: Oh actually no that was Slovenia nMtA3nqBQZE-00112-00034477-00034778 when we were talking previously. Ray: Oh okay in that country, okay. Allyson: And some of the nMtA3nqBQZE-00113-00034778-00035084 countries like in eastern Europe are more family owned. The nMtA3nqBQZE-00114-00035084-00035388 corporations that we work with are large, large nMtA3nqBQZE-00115-00035388-00035702 multi-national corporations. So if you think of the big nMtA3nqBQZE-00116-00035702-00036019 names like Proctor & Gamble. nMtA3nqBQZE-00117-00036019-00036332 In Europe, UVS, Barclays. You think of these nMtA3nqBQZE-00118-00036332-00036639 big companies. Those are the ones we work primarily nMtA3nqBQZE-00119-00036639-00036956 with. The large cap. nMtA3nqBQZE-00120-00036956-00037273 But the impact, the reason why we nMtA3nqBQZE-00121-00037273-00037594 do is because they're all struggling. nMtA3nqBQZE-00122-00037594-00037901 While the country's definitely add in nMtA3nqBQZE-00123-00037901-00038204 a context that is different. What's nMtA3nqBQZE-00124-00038204-00038508 fascinating is they're all nMtA3nqBQZE-00125-00038508-00038812 struggling with the same issues. It's nMtA3nqBQZE-00126-00038812-00039115 globally. And we're a global nonprofit. nMtA3nqBQZE-00127-00039115-00039419 And so whether we're in Japan nMtA3nqBQZE-00128-00039419-00039726 all the way to the US there's vast differences nMtA3nqBQZE-00129-00039726-00040026 in those countries obviously, India nMtA3nqBQZE-00130-00040026-00040330 and Canada. But nMtA3nqBQZE-00131-00040330-00040633 the reality is those issues nMtA3nqBQZE-00132-00040633-00040937 can really come down to nMtA3nqBQZE-00133-00040937-00041241 key themes that we see. nMtA3nqBQZE-00134-00041241-00041544 Particularly around advancing women. nMtA3nqBQZE-00135-00041544-00041848 And so when I look at nMtA3nqBQZE-00136-00041848-00042155 I'll give an example, unconscious nMtA3nqBQZE-00137-00042155-00042459 bias. One of the reasons, one of the barriers nMtA3nqBQZE-00138-00042459-00042762 of why women aren't advancing is they're nMtA3nqBQZE-00139-00042762-00043069 always running against this unconscious bias. nMtA3nqBQZE-00140-00043069-00043376 The biggest bias is think nMtA3nqBQZE-00141-00043376-00043680 leader, think male. And that is nMtA3nqBQZE-00142-00043680-00043987 universal. We see that. All you have to do is look at the nMtA3nqBQZE-00143-00043987-00044294 numbers globally. In the United States alone nMtA3nqBQZE-00144-00044294-00044597 95% of the Fortune 500 nMtA3nqBQZE-00145-00044597-00044904 companies CEO's are men. [Wow] nMtA3nqBQZE-00146-00044904-00045208 And how long have we been doing this work? Looking nMtA3nqBQZE-00147-00045208-00045512 at gender equality. So there's this perception nMtA3nqBQZE-00148-00045512-00045829 that because we're talking about it or nMtA3nqBQZE-00149-00045829-00046142 because it's been there for a long time or because nMtA3nqBQZE-00150-00046142-00046456 you go into a work place and you see women everywhere nMtA3nqBQZE-00151-00046456-00046770 that you think, well it's not so bad. nMtA3nqBQZE-00152-00046770-00047087 And we our point of view is yes nMtA3nqBQZE-00153-00047087-00047403 advances have happened since the 1960's nMtA3nqBQZE-00154-00047403-00047720 absolutely. And we want to celebrate that. nMtA3nqBQZE-00155-00047720-00048041 But the fact that of the top nMtA3nqBQZE-00156-00048041-00048361 corporations you have a leadership of the nMtA3nqBQZE-00157-00048361-00048665 CEO, you only have 5% women in nMtA3nqBQZE-00158-00048665-00048968 one of the most advanced countries in the world? That nMtA3nqBQZE-00159-00048968-00049269 ...should be shocking to many people. Ray: You know I think nMtA3nqBQZE-00160-00049269-00049579 one of the perceptions that people have when I've worked in the nMtA3nqBQZE-00161-00049579-00049883 world of the corporations is it when women nMtA3nqBQZE-00162-00049883-00050186 do get to the top they're ruthless. nMtA3nqBQZE-00163-00050186-00050490 Allyson: I hear that a lot. Ray: You don't ever hear that much about when men get to the nMtA3nqBQZE-00164-00050490-00050794 top. But I mean there's that perception that if a [yeah] nMtA3nqBQZE-00165-00050794-00051111 women has had the skills to get to the top. nMtA3nqBQZE-00166-00051111-00051428 And there are some large corporations now with women nMtA3nqBQZE-00167-00051428-00051741 in leadership roles. That's nMtA3nqBQZE-00168-00051741-00052061 gotta be a real barrier too doesn't it? nMtA3nqBQZE-00169-00052061-00052365 Absolutely because okay what you have at the top is nMtA3nqBQZE-00170-00052365-00052672 what you'll continue to get. So if you have a nMtA3nqBQZE-00171-00052672-00052976 dominant style that is ruthless nMtA3nqBQZE-00172-00052976-00053286 and you have a dominant style that's being rewarded nMtA3nqBQZE-00173-00053286-00053593 and being expected that's what you're going to nMtA3nqBQZE-00174-00053593-00053900 continue to get. So you have to change the top nMtA3nqBQZE-00175-00053900-00054210 to change what you're demanding the talent looks like. nMtA3nqBQZE-00176-00054210-00054521 And it goes back, you know when I said think leader nMtA3nqBQZE-00177-00054521-00054824 think male. It could be think leader, think assertive or nMtA3nqBQZE-00178-00054824-00055134 ruthless or this. Something nMtA3nqBQZE-00179-00055134-00055448 very maybe dominant nMtA3nqBQZE-00180-00055448-00055759 behavior. The problem with that nMtA3nqBQZE-00181-00055759-00056069 is when you look at gender. nMtA3nqBQZE-00182-00056069-00056379 Even if women, let me say nMtA3nqBQZE-00183-00056379-00056693 it differently. Assertiveness nMtA3nqBQZE-00184-00056693-00057010 let's say that's valued. Assertiveness, nMtA3nqBQZE-00185-00057010-00057323 can be admired in men but hated in women. nMtA3nqBQZE-00186-00057323-00057640 And we see that. All you have to do is turn on the news. nMtA3nqBQZE-00187-00057640-00057957 Turn on any show. You will see that. That double nMtA3nqBQZE-00188-00057957-00058278 standard. So what we did is we did research nMtA3nqBQZE-00189-00058278-00058595 called "double buying, damned if you do, nMtA3nqBQZE-00190-00058595-00058915 damned if you don't." And what we found and it's still relevant nMtA3nqBQZE-00191-00058915-00059219 today is that when women nMtA3nqBQZE-00192-00059219-00059526 behave in ways that are stereotypically nMtA3nqBQZE-00193-00059526-00059833 considered feminine, they're often seen as being nMtA3nqBQZE-00194-00059833-00060136 too soft to be a leader. If they nMtA3nqBQZE-00195-00060136-00060440 behave in ways that are not stereotypically nMtA3nqBQZE-00196-00060440-00060743 feminine that might be rougher or tougher nMtA3nqBQZE-00197-00060743-00061050 they are actually are seen as being too masculine, nMtA3nqBQZE-00198-00061050-00061354 too tough or ruthless. And this nMtA3nqBQZE-00199-00061354-00061658 ...double bind is kind of like you can't be nMtA3nqBQZE-00200-00061658-00061965 too..soft or too tough. You have nMtA3nqBQZE-00201-00061965-00062272 to kind of find this middle ground nMtA3nqBQZE-00202-00062272-00062575 in order to be respected. So nMtA3nqBQZE-00203-00062575-00062882 the way I often describe it is women nMtA3nqBQZE-00204-00062882-00063189 often have to walk a tight rope in how they're nMtA3nqBQZE-00205-00063189-00063493 being perceived. Why they're either being nMtA3nqBQZE-00206-00063493-00063800 respected or being liked. nMtA3nqBQZE-00207-00063800-00064110 Men by and large have a larger margin nMtA3nqBQZE-00208-00064110-00064417 of error with how they can behave. So that nMtA3nqBQZE-00209-00064417-00064724 assertiveness is on the spectrum nMtA3nqBQZE-00210-00064724-00065038 much broader in terms of how nMtA3nqBQZE-00211-00065038-00065338 it's being received by those perceiving it, nMtA3nqBQZE-00212-00065338-00065658 maybe more positive. Ray: It's interesting isn't it that in Great Britain and nMtA3nqBQZE-00213-00065658-00065979 Germany, Theresa May and Merkel nMtA3nqBQZE-00214-00065979-00066282 are women leaders in nMtA3nqBQZE-00215-00066282-00066586 countries that you would think that culture would be nMtA3nqBQZE-00216-00066586-00066890 resistant to electing women leaders but they've nMtA3nqBQZE-00217-00066890-00067193 ... overcome that obstacle haven't they? Allyson: Yeah. nMtA3nqBQZE-00218-00067193-00067497 And well you know there are still challenges nMtA3nqBQZE-00219-00067497-00067807 [Oh, sure] right now obviously. I wouldn't say they've overcome, nMtA3nqBQZE-00220-00067807-00068121 I mean, did you...see nMtA3nqBQZE-00221-00068121-00068431 Ray: To be elected I meant. At least to be elected. Allyson: Yeah, yeah, absolutely, nMtA3nqBQZE-00222-00068431-00068735 absolutely, so they definitely when you see that. nMtA3nqBQZE-00223-00068735-00069052 The fact I mean many countries have had nMtA3nqBQZE-00224-00069052-00069365 women at the most senior levels being nMtA3nqBQZE-00225-00069365-00069682 elected. Ray: South American countries that have... Allyson: Yeah. South American. nMtA3nqBQZE-00226-00069682-00069989 It will be nice when it's no longer something we nMtA3nqBQZE-00227-00069989-00070300 have to highlight and disguise. nMtA3nqBQZE-00228-00070300-00070607 You know, that it's just normal. We, our point of view nMtA3nqBQZE-00229-00070607-00070917 is let's get beyond the first, the first nMtA3nqBQZE-00230-00070917-00071227 female chancellor, the first prime minister. nMtA3nqBQZE-00231-00071227-00071538 But also lets look at how are we judging nMtA3nqBQZE-00232-00071538-00071851 the women. We are holding them often to these higher nMtA3nqBQZE-00233-00071851-00072162 standards than men in the nMtA3nqBQZE-00234-00072162-00072475 workplace. But we can see it in government. We can see it in other nMtA3nqBQZE-00235-00072475-00072779 ways. One of nMtA3nqBQZE-00236-00072779-00073093 our research, we've been tracking 10,000 nMtA3nqBQZE-00237-00073093-00073409 NBA graduates, to see, men and women alike, nMtA3nqBQZE-00238-00073409-00073723 to test out some myths why women aren't advancing nMtA3nqBQZE-00239-00073723-00074043 and why they are. And what they're nMtA3nqBQZE-00240-00074043-00074360 doing to do that and what not. And what we nMtA3nqBQZE-00241-00074360-00074681 found is that one of the studies we looked nMtA3nqBQZE-00242-00074681-00074988 at on the myth of the ideal worker nMtA3nqBQZE-00243-00074988-00075291 is that women must prove performance. nMtA3nqBQZE-00244-00075291-00075595 They're promoted based on that proven nMtA3nqBQZE-00245-00075595-00075902 performance. Whereas men are promoted based nMtA3nqBQZE-00246-00075902-00076206 on potential. So how we evaluate nMtA3nqBQZE-00247-00076206-00076506 talent is ... really nMtA3nqBQZE-00248-00076506-00076816 rooted deep down into... Ray: That's very interesting. nMtA3nqBQZE-00249-00076816-00077123 You know does she have what it nMtA3nqBQZE-00250-00077123-00077433 does she have enough experience? Less likely to nMtA3nqBQZE-00251-00077433-00077737 take a risk on a man who they might nMtA3nqBQZE-00252-00077737-00078041 perceive has that experience. Or they look for nMtA3nqBQZE-00253-00078041-00078348 the potential. So there a lot of there are various nMtA3nqBQZE-00254-00078348-00078651 barriers but this is one of the nMtA3nqBQZE-00255-00078651-00078955 biases I run into the most. Ray: So when you nMtA3nqBQZE-00256-00078955-00079262 work with a large company and if a large company asks nMtA3nqBQZE-00257-00079262-00079566 your organization to come in [mmhmm] nMtA3nqBQZE-00258-00079566-00079876 do you ...get to work with the boards? Because I would guess that's it the nMtA3nqBQZE-00259-00079876-00080183 boards that really are the decision nMtA3nqBQZE-00260-00080183-00080490 maker to get that person to that next level. Are those boards nMtA3nqBQZE-00261-00080490-00080797 usually receptive to what you have to say? Allyson: Oh that's a good nMtA3nqBQZE-00262-00080797-00081107 question. They are. And what's interesting... nMtA3nqBQZE-00263-00081107-00081424 by the time we are coming in to that board nMtA3nqBQZE-00264-00081424-00081728 they're usually... The board is nMtA3nqBQZE-00265-00081728-00082031 much more open to this than the layer below. nMtA3nqBQZE-00266-00082031-00082338 [really?] Or the layers below. The reason being nMtA3nqBQZE-00267-00082338-00082645 there are many reasons for that I guess. nMtA3nqBQZE-00268-00082645-00082949 One of the things that we have noticed is nMtA3nqBQZE-00269-00082949-00083253 when you know often times nMtA3nqBQZE-00270-00083253-00083556 what engages...well let me say it differently. nMtA3nqBQZE-00271-00083556-00083860 The boards are largely made up of men. That's a given. nMtA3nqBQZE-00272-00083860-00084164 That's not a stereotype. We see it across the board. nMtA3nqBQZE-00273-00084164-00084470 That you know they're largely nMtA3nqBQZE-00274-00084470-00084774 usually one or two women are on the boards globally. nMtA3nqBQZE-00275-00084774-00085078 But what we know is what engages nMtA3nqBQZE-00276-00085078-00085381 what blocks men from nMtA3nqBQZE-00277-00085381-00085688 engaging, now I'm talking about the middle layers, not the board. nMtA3nqBQZE-00278-00085688-00085995 Is this fear. This fear of nMtA3nqBQZE-00279-00085995-00086299 if I help her advance. Or if I if I nMtA3nqBQZE-00280-00086299-00086606 you know support gender equality nMtA3nqBQZE-00281-00086606-00086913 somehow I'm going to lose out. It's almost nMtA3nqBQZE-00282-00086913-00087220 like they see it as a pie. nMtA3nqBQZE-00283-00087220-00087527 And when and it's not a pie because nMtA3nqBQZE-00284-00087527-00087834 it's kind of like if I take one piece out and a woman gets piece nMtA3nqBQZE-00285-00087834-00088144 what will happen to me? Well who said that was your nMtA3nqBQZE-00286-00088144-00088454 piece of pie to begin with? But nMtA3nqBQZE-00287-00088454-00088765 what the challenge is if you want to think about a pie nMtA3nqBQZE-00288-00088765-00089078 companies have to think about the pie ever expanding. nMtA3nqBQZE-00289-00089078-00089392 That the more women nMtA3nqBQZE-00290-00089392-00089699 and the more diverse women, not only women but nMtA3nqBQZE-00291-00089699-00090016 white women, women of color that we have. nMtA3nqBQZE-00292-00090016-00090330 It is directly tied to better nMtA3nqBQZE-00293-00090330-00090643 performance of a corporation. So the boards coming back nMtA3nqBQZE-00294-00090643-00090947 to your question, the boards get that. They nMtA3nqBQZE-00295-00090947-00091264 usually get that. Much earlier than before we come in. nMtA3nqBQZE-00296-00091264-00091581 The challenge is and this happened I won't say nMtA3nqBQZE-00297-00091581-00091898 what country in Europe but I was invited to sit with nMtA3nqBQZE-00298-00091898-00092202 the CEO and the board. And to sit there nMtA3nqBQZE-00299-00092202-00092522 and do kind of a session on unconscious nMtA3nqBQZE-00300-00092522-00092826 bias. To find out what is going on. nMtA3nqBQZE-00301-00092826-00093126 And they had some real ahas and it was a nMtA3nqBQZE-00302-00093126-00093436 really powerful session at how open they nMtA3nqBQZE-00303-00093436-00093740 were with why they were nMtA3nqBQZE-00304-00093740-00094043 cautious about the topic. But they were much nMtA3nqBQZE-00305-00094043-00094347 more open to it then the level nMtA3nqBQZE-00306-00094347-00094651 below. So I also had a session with the levels nMtA3nqBQZE-00307-00094651-00094954 below... largely male... nMtA3nqBQZE-00308-00094954-00095268 Ray: And that's where the resistance is isn't it? Allyson: Whoa. I thought it was going to be nMtA3nqBQZE-00309-00095268-00095582 tarnished and thrown out of the room. [laughing] I mean it was nMtA3nqBQZE-00310-00095582-00095885 but once they understood that this is nMtA3nqBQZE-00311-00095885-00096189 not about giving anybody a hand up. nMtA3nqBQZE-00312-00096189-00096492 This is just about looking beyond the usual suspects nMtA3nqBQZE-00313-00096492-00096796 of who you deem as being as the best nMtA3nqBQZE-00314-00096796-00097100 talent. So one example I nMtA3nqBQZE-00315-00097100-00097403 would use with that group of leaders is I would say nMtA3nqBQZE-00316-00097403-00097707 okay. You know let's say you're in the group "Ray". nMtA3nqBQZE-00317-00097707-00098011 Ray, we have a group of 100 people here in the room. nMtA3nqBQZE-00318-00098011-00098314 You and I are going create nMtA3nqBQZE-00319-00098314-00098621 a super all-star team. You get to nMtA3nqBQZE-00320-00098621-00098922 chose from the whole room your nMtA3nqBQZE-00321-00098922-00099229 all-star team. And I get to chose from half the nMtA3nqBQZE-00322-00099229-00099532 room. Whose going to have the best team? nMtA3nqBQZE-00323-00099532-00099849 You are. Because you are looking nMtA3nqBQZE-00324-00099849-00100166 broader and wider. That is all. nMtA3nqBQZE-00325-00100166-00100490 That is not all but that is what we're asking companies to do nMtA3nqBQZE-00326-00100490-00100794 is look beyond nMtA3nqBQZE-00327-00100794-00101097 the usual suspects. Stop picking people nMtA3nqBQZE-00328-00101097-00101401 like you. It's unconscious. It doesn't mean nMtA3nqBQZE-00329-00101401-00101708 even if you're really intentional and very supportive nMtA3nqBQZE-00330-00101708-00102011 of this you need to have other nMtA3nqBQZE-00331-00102011-00102315 mechanisms in place to ensure nMtA3nqBQZE-00332-00102315-00102619 that your unconscious bias isn't coming in and nMtA3nqBQZE-00333-00102619-00102922 filtering through your decision making. nMtA3nqBQZE-00334-00102922-00103226 The heart of it is you cannot nMtA3nqBQZE-00335-00103226-00103530 possibly believe that you have the nMtA3nqBQZE-00336-00103530-00103836 best talent and ultimately are super nMtA3nqBQZE-00337-00103836-00104140 innovative if they all look and think like you. nMtA3nqBQZE-00338-00104140-00104447 Because to serve the market you need to.. [diversity] you need nMtA3nqBQZE-00339-00104447-00104751 that diversity. You cannot nMtA3nqBQZE-00340-00104751-00105058 and so the board, they get that. [mmhmm] nMtA3nqBQZE-00341-00105058-00105365 They know. The way the status quo is nMtA3nqBQZE-00342-00105365-00105675 right now it is not sustainable for their nMtA3nqBQZE-00343-00105675-00105989 business. Ray: So if a company, a large company nMtA3nqBQZE-00344-00105989-00106289 asks your organization to come in. And you nMtA3nqBQZE-00345-00106289-00106593 show the research and you show the barriers that nMtA3nqBQZE-00346-00106593-00106896 people have, what's the next step that most nMtA3nqBQZE-00347-00106896-00107203 of these companies do? Do they still work with you or do they nMtA3nqBQZE-00348-00107203-00107507 connect to someone else that does nMtA3nqBQZE-00349-00107507-00107810 training for this? Or what's the next stage? Allyson: Well the stage is the nMtA3nqBQZE-00350-00107810-00108127 solutions. So what we...are known nMtA3nqBQZE-00351-00108127-00108431 for our research and our content and knowledge nMtA3nqBQZE-00352-00108431-00108751 we have also have the solutions that we've learned nMtA3nqBQZE-00353-00108751-00109055 from working with over you know 800 large nMtA3nqBQZE-00354-00109055-00109375 corporations. And...really seen nMtA3nqBQZE-00355-00109375-00109679 not only what worked but what sometimes you learn nMtA3nqBQZE-00356-00109679-00109983 a lot more from what hasn't worked. There's not nMtA3nqBQZE-00357-00109983-00110290 a one size fits all. Often nMtA3nqBQZE-00358-00110290-00110597 times so going to your question. The solution nMtA3nqBQZE-00359-00110597-00110900 would be looking at where is your biggest nMtA3nqBQZE-00360-00110900-00111204 pain point? Where's your biggest challenge? nMtA3nqBQZE-00361-00111204-00111511 Awareness is only a small part of it. nMtA3nqBQZE-00362-00111511-00111814 In this day and age it's really nMtA3nqBQZE-00363-00111814-00112118 got to be yes. We're going to be aware there's a challenge. nMtA3nqBQZE-00364-00112118-00112422 And that's the foundation but how do you nMtA3nqBQZE-00365-00112422-00112729 create change? You create change in nMtA3nqBQZE-00366-00112729-00113032 a number of ways. Absolutely one example I nMtA3nqBQZE-00367-00113032-00113339 shared already, work with leaders. nMtA3nqBQZE-00368-00113339-00113643 You need leaders to understand that nMtA3nqBQZE-00369-00113643-00113947 this is in their best interest. In the nMtA3nqBQZE-00370-00113947-00114257 companies best interest. That progress nMtA3nqBQZE-00371-00114257-00114564 for women is progress for everyone. nMtA3nqBQZE-00372-00114564-00114871 On the other hand nMtA3nqBQZE-00373-00114871-00115178 it may be that there's that pocket of resistance nMtA3nqBQZE-00374-00115178-00115485 that you really need to work with. And nMtA3nqBQZE-00375-00115485-00115788 one thing that we've been doing that across globally that nMtA3nqBQZE-00376-00115788-00116095 was really I nMtA3nqBQZE-00377-00116095-00116406 it doesn't sound humble but I would say it's very cutting edge because nMtA3nqBQZE-00378-00116406-00116716 it's not not a lot are doing this at the moment. nMtA3nqBQZE-00379-00116716-00117026 But we do engage in nMtA3nqBQZE-00380-00117026-00117340 men workshops where we work with men directly. nMtA3nqBQZE-00381-00117340-00117650 That middle layer, that resistance. nMtA3nqBQZE-00382-00117650-00117964 In Europe, they call it the marzipan layer. nMtA3nqBQZE-00383-00117964-00118278 Which I think can be derogatory because it makes nMtA3nqBQZE-00384-00118278-00118595 it sound negative. But it's that...layer nMtA3nqBQZE-00385-00118595-00118908 that really you need to engage. nMtA3nqBQZE-00386-00118908-00119225 And so for years of you know nMtA3nqBQZE-00387-00119225-00119542 companies looking at this topic they were nMtA3nqBQZE-00388-00119542-00119863 unconsciously looking at women. Okay women we nMtA3nqBQZE-00389-00119863-00120180 need to fix the women. Women need to become more confident, nMtA3nqBQZE-00390-00120180-00120480 more assertive. You need to do this. It's the wrong way to nMtA3nqBQZE-00391-00120480-00120790 go about it. You need to focus on the system. nMtA3nqBQZE-00392-00120790-00121094 Fix the workplace. So that not only nMtA3nqBQZE-00393-00121094-00121397 women can benefit but men too. So nMtA3nqBQZE-00394-00121397-00121701 when we do engage in men workshops it's called nMtA3nqBQZE-00395-00121701-00122008 MARC. It stands nMtA3nqBQZE-00396-00122008-00122312 for Men Advocating for Real Change. nMtA3nqBQZE-00397-00122312-00122619 And we have had big CEO's go through nMtA3nqBQZE-00398-00122619-00122919 it. Such as Michael Dell from Dell nMtA3nqBQZE-00399-00122919-00123226 went through it. Dell has done a lot. Proctor & Gamble nMtA3nqBQZE-00400-00123226-00123529 has done a lot on it. As have nMtA3nqBQZE-00401-00123529-00123833 other companies. What they do is they nMtA3nqBQZE-00402-00123833-00124140 go through this really experiential nMtA3nqBQZE-00403-00124140-00124444 workshop. No PowerPoint. Maybe there's a PowerPoint but nMtA3nqBQZE-00404-00124444-00124751 not much on it. nMtA3nqBQZE-00405-00124751-00125058 Really for them to experience nMtA3nqBQZE-00406-00125058-00125365 what it means first to feel like the other. nMtA3nqBQZE-00407-00125365-00125668 To feel like the oddball. Because many men don't nMtA3nqBQZE-00408-00125668-00125972 feel like they belong to that dominant group. nMtA3nqBQZE-00409-00125972-00126279 Bu the next layer has seen the nMtA3nqBQZE-00410-00126279-00126589 unconscious bias that's happening. How the nMtA3nqBQZE-00411-00126589-00126896 workplaces are being experienced by women verses nMtA3nqBQZE-00412-00126896-00127206 men. And then finally nMtA3nqBQZE-00413-00127206-00127514 really this is the kicker nMtA3nqBQZE-00414-00127514-00127824 for many is understanding that they nMtA3nqBQZE-00415-00127824-00128134 have a privilege. And the most men you ask them... nMtA3nqBQZE-00416-00128134-00128448 if I ask you Ray, what's your privilege? You might be able to nMtA3nqBQZE-00417-00128448-00128751 list maybe I mean you're more self aware, maybe nMtA3nqBQZE-00418-00128751-00129055 10. But most people can list maybe 3 nMtA3nqBQZE-00419-00129055-00129362 privileges that they might have or 5. nMtA3nqBQZE-00420-00129362-00129669 Most men when they go through this workshop nMtA3nqBQZE-00421-00129669-00129976 they really experience their nMtA3nqBQZE-00422-00129976-00130283 privilege. And that for nMtA3nqBQZE-00423-00130283-00130590 the leaders is the biggest shock. nMtA3nqBQZE-00424-00130590-00130897 And they go home to their nMtA3nqBQZE-00425-00130897-00131201 families and their partners or their children nMtA3nqBQZE-00426-00131201-00131511 and they have conversations like do you really need nMtA3nqBQZE-00427-00131511-00131815 to think, do you think about this? You know, do you worry nMtA3nqBQZE-00428-00131815-00132118 about your safety? Where you park? nMtA3nqBQZE-00429-00132118-00132425 Do you you know some things you never think about. They nMtA3nqBQZE-00430-00132425-00132729 never maybe think about. nMtA3nqBQZE-00431-00132729-00133032 It kind of opens a door. And then the nMtA3nqBQZE-00432-00133032-00133353 it's a bit shocking in a positive way. nMtA3nqBQZE-00433-00133353-00133656 But it I guess nMtA3nqBQZE-00434-00133656-00133973 the heart of the most effective kind of nMtA3nqBQZE-00435-00133973-00134294 workshop with a MARC nMtA3nqBQZE-00436-00134294-00134597 is that you have awareness. nMtA3nqBQZE-00437-00134597-00134904 And a lot of companies want to go awareness to nMtA3nqBQZE-00438-00134904-00135208 action. But if you don't get that acceptance nMtA3nqBQZE-00439-00135208-00135511 piece the heart of what it's really nMtA3nqBQZE-00440-00135511-00135815 about. You're not going to make change. So it's nMtA3nqBQZE-00441-00135815-00136125 really getting at the heart of it. nMtA3nqBQZE-00442-00136125-00136436 Ray: Obviously there's some significant nMtA3nqBQZE-00443-00136436-00136746 differences between working with the leadership companies, nMtA3nqBQZE-00444-00136746-00137056 corporations and governments. [Oh yes] I'm kind of nMtA3nqBQZE-00445-00137056-00137367 I'm interested to know what kind of governments nMtA3nqBQZE-00446-00137367-00137674 have approached your organization? I know some nMtA3nqBQZE-00447-00137674-00137981 governments that should but I don't think they are. Allyson: Yeah. I know. So nMtA3nqBQZE-00448-00137981-00138288 we can I can't share any company nMtA3nqBQZE-00449-00138288-00138598 names, I can't share other than the ones that have gone [sure] nMtA3nqBQZE-00450-00138598-00138908 public. I shared Dell and Proctor & Gamble only because nMtA3nqBQZE-00451-00138908-00139212 they've talked publicly in certain nMtA3nqBQZE-00452-00139212-00139519 ways about MARC. But there was I can nMtA3nqBQZE-00453-00139519-00139822 say that there was a European government agency. nMtA3nqBQZE-00454-00139822-00140136 That's the most I can say. nMtA3nqBQZE-00455-00140136-00140450 It is different nMtA3nqBQZE-00456-00140450-00140770 because we nMtA3nqBQZE-00457-00140770-00141087 I remember...that you know you have to have thick skin nMtA3nqBQZE-00458-00141087-00141387 sometimes with this topic. Because when you nMtA3nqBQZE-00459-00141387-00141708 tap into fairness, people feel oh it's unfair. nMtA3nqBQZE-00460-00141708-00142025 No it's not about... it is nMtA3nqBQZE-00461-00142025-00142345 really... it is about fairness. But it's really... nMtA3nqBQZE-00462-00142345-00142662 much more than that. nMtA3nqBQZE-00463-00142662-00142966 What happened with the government, I remember going in. nMtA3nqBQZE-00464-00142966-00143273 I we didn't even talk about nMtA3nqBQZE-00465-00143273-00143576 gender. We talked about inclusive leadership. How nMtA3nqBQZE-00466-00143576-00143880 to get the most out of a diverse group. nMtA3nqBQZE-00467-00143880-00144184 Long story short, there were a row of nMtA3nqBQZE-00468-00144184-00144490 hecklers in the back of the room. [hecklers?] Hecklers. Never had hecklers nMtA3nqBQZE-00469-00144490-00144791 in my life before. [laughing] I do a lot of speaking nMtA3nqBQZE-00470-00144791-00145098 and a row of hecklers. And they were very nMtA3nqBQZE-00471-00145098-00145401 angry. [At you?] I never nMtA3nqBQZE-00472-00145401-00145708 talked about women. I talked about inclusive leadership. They were nMtA3nqBQZE-00473-00145708-00146015 angry about the topic. And I nMtA3nqBQZE-00474-00146015-00146332 remember during a break, going what's going on? nMtA3nqBQZE-00475-00146332-00146649 And I found out, governments are different. They nMtA3nqBQZE-00476-00146649-00146953 usually have quotas. They usually have that so for them nMtA3nqBQZE-00477-00146953-00147257 it was all about the quota. nMtA3nqBQZE-00478-00147257-00147557 And we don't take the position that there... Ray: Quota meaning the nMtA3nqBQZE-00479-00147557-00147860 number of women Allyson: Quota, like you need to have a number of women and you need to [okay] nMtA3nqBQZE-00480-00147860-00148171 have another. [right] So it was in their eyes very much a nMtA3nqBQZE-00481-00148171-00148474 token way of thinking. And then I nMtA3nqBQZE-00482-00148474-00148791 understood it. The heart of the push back there nMtA3nqBQZE-00483-00148791-00149095 is men don't want to be nMtA3nqBQZE-00484-00149095-00149399 left out. The opposite, women nMtA3nqBQZE-00485-00149399-00149716 push back too. Women don't want be nMtA3nqBQZE-00486-00149716-00150019 singled out. Women don't want to be seen as nMtA3nqBQZE-00487-00150019-00150323 a token. Who does? Nobody does. nMtA3nqBQZE-00488-00150323-00150627 But rarely do we ask ourselves when that man got that job nMtA3nqBQZE-00489-00150627-00150930 or that new CEO, that he was a token. nMtA3nqBQZE-00490-00150930-00151234 We often assume it's a woman. nMtA3nqBQZE-00491-00151234-00151538 So the government nMtA3nqBQZE-00492-00151538-00151841 often it becomes political. And it often becomes nMtA3nqBQZE-00493-00151841-00152145 it's so tied to. Is it this? Is it about politics? nMtA3nqBQZE-00494-00152145-00152455 Or is it about this? No. This is nMtA3nqBQZE-00495-00152455-00152762 really about good business and nMtA3nqBQZE-00496-00152762-00153066 this is about creating nMtA3nqBQZE-00497-00153066-00153369 a better workplace so that women can nMtA3nqBQZE-00498-00153369-00153676 succeed but men can succeed nMtA3nqBQZE-00499-00153676-00153977 and businesses can succeed. Ray: So one of your big nMtA3nqBQZE-00500-00153977-00154284 challenges is to go into these organizations nMtA3nqBQZE-00501-00154284-00154594 in a non-threatening way [yes] to get this information nMtA3nqBQZE-00502-00154594-00154898 to people isn't it? I can see that's a challenge...Allyson: Yeah. Well what nMtA3nqBQZE-00503-00154898-00155201 inspires people is not feeling nMtA3nqBQZE-00504-00155201-00155505 shamed and blamed. You've got to come into nMtA3nqBQZE-00505-00155505-00155822 it and the work especially with nMtA3nqBQZE-00506-00155822-00156139 engaging the dominant group. Men are part of the nMtA3nqBQZE-00507-00156139-00156456 solution. We can't make them be the nMtA3nqBQZE-00508-00156456-00156776 problem. That's not... the solution. [right] nMtA3nqBQZE-00509-00156776-00157076 But they have...they're making up the upper nMtA3nqBQZE-00510-00157076-00157380 echelon. So they have a lot of power to create change. Ray: We are almost nMtA3nqBQZE-00511-00157380-00157687 out of time. [okay] But if you can tell us how nMtA3nqBQZE-00512-00157687-00157991 would someone get information? I know you have a website. [yeah] nMtA3nqBQZE-00513-00157991-00158294 And I think you also have information on the things you do nMtA3nqBQZE-00514-00158294-00158598 on that website in video format. Do you not? Allyson: Yeah, nMtA3nqBQZE-00515-00158598-00158902 many. We have online trainings for free. You don't have nMtA3nqBQZE-00516-00158902-00159219 to be a member of Catalyst. The website is nMtA3nqBQZE-00517-00159219-00159539 nMtA3nqBQZE-00518-00159539-00159842 And nMtA3nqBQZE-00519-00159842-00160146 Catalyst or just google Catalyst and nMtA3nqBQZE-00520-00160146-00160453 so you'll find our website. Ray: And you are nMtA3nqBQZE-00521-00160453-00160947 international but it is a headquartered technically in America. nMtA3nqBQZE-00522-00160947-00161251 [in America] Is it in New York City? [yeah] nMtA3nqBQZE-00523-00161251-00161554 Your director is a woman? Allyson: Yeah. nMtA3nqBQZE-00524-00161554-00161858 Our CEO is a woman and nMtA3nqBQZE-00525-00161858-00162165 we have nMtA3nqBQZE-00526-00162165-00162468 ..boards made of CEO's. Our nMtA3nqBQZE-00527-00162468-00162772 BOD is a board of CEO's of the biggest corporations. nMtA3nqBQZE-00528-00162772-00163079 So if you'd look. If you go to Catalyst, you will see a nMtA3nqBQZE-00529-00163079-00163383 list of all the CEO's that are on the board. Ray: Very nMtA3nqBQZE-00530-00163383-00163686 interesting topic. [Thank you] Very timely. Thank you for taking the time nMtA3nqBQZE-00531-00163686-00163990 to jump on board with us. We appreciate it Allyson. Allyson: Great. Thank you for having nMtA3nqBQZE-00532-00163990-00164297 me. Thank you. Ray: You bet. You've been watching Lakeland Currents, nMtA3nqBQZE-00533-00164297-00164607 where we're talking about what you're talking about. I'm Ray nMtA3nqBQZE-00534-00164607-00164918 Gildow. So long until next time. nMtA3nqBQZE-00535-00164918-00165225 ♪ nMtA3nqBQZE-00536-00165225-00165325 ♪ npvX_vCL0qQ-00000-00000700-00003691 Gippsland Groovers Club is an Non Profit Orgasaation for People with A disbities or without a disbities npvX_vCL0qQ-00001-00003691-00003791 our Media Centre is only Online many based Here In here in Warragul npvX_vCL0qQ-00002-00003791-00004033 which media Rep Glenn VanDord is Baw Baw Rep for Gippsland Groovers Club we Cover The Latrobe npvX_vCL0qQ-00003-00004033-00004278 Valley Betwween Longwarry towards to Rosedale area if want to Know About our Event find npvX_vCL0qQ-00004-00004278-00004538 us type Gippsland Groovers Club click on Events or printbale event caledars can be found thought npvX_vCL0qQ-00005-00004538-00005580 button called Files it under Gippsland Groovers if u want to Join us though gippsland Groovers npGXwTnCtWc-00000-00000019-00000647 Your son is affected by the pulmonary disease because of being a passive smoker since he was a kid npGXwTnCtWc-00001-00002499-00002822 Quit smoking! Your smoke is killing the dreams of the people around you nOzMiU-ZGOM-00000-00000570-00000770 Here is a famous place as Nepalese/Indian/Tibetan. nOzMiU-ZGOM-00001-00001018-00001520 It seems to be a famous music video. nOzMiU-ZGOM-00002-00001604-00001944 I don't know what it is but fun vibe tho nOzMiU-ZGOM-00003-00001944-00002440 Table setting nOzMiU-ZGOM-00004-00002538-00002840 Order this and order what you want bro nOzMiU-ZGOM-00005-00002842-00003200 I order a curry for me separately(Koreans love to share food together) nOzMiU-ZGOM-00006-00003218-00003510 There are too many food what we wanna try nOzMiU-ZGOM-00007-00003600-00003900 If they are not enough.. nOzMiU-ZGOM-00008-00003988-00004180 H: I don't think so.. nOzMiU-ZGOM-00009-00004240-00004490 We could order more nOzMiU-ZGOM-00010-00004490-00004750 H: We just take the menu and then order more later nOzMiU-ZGOM-00011-00004864-00005260 What the noodles here! There are noodle dishes too nOzMiU-ZGOM-00012-00005534-00005830 Chao mi en?!(He speaks in Chinese suddenly) nOzMiU-ZGOM-00013-00006120-00006330 So similar!~ nOzMiU-ZGOM-00014-00006430-00006650 Too similar to Mandarin Chinese nOzMiU-ZGOM-00015-00007050-00007250 Lassi here!(cheap and so good) nOzMiU-ZGOM-00016-00007930-00008220 Nan! nOzMiU-ZGOM-00017-00008228-00008450 Rice here!(Just ordinary Korean rice, not Indian rice) nOzMiU-ZGOM-00018-00008490-00008700 The first Curry! nOzMiU-ZGOM-00019-00008794-00009000 Maybe Looks like a vege curry nOzMiU-ZGOM-00020-00009210-00009410 Tandoori Chicken! nOzMiU-ZGOM-00021-00009418-00009610 Squeezing Lemon nOzMiU-ZGOM-00022-00009784-00009990 Ah..It's gonna be delicious nOzMiU-ZGOM-00023-00010040-00010400 They gave us typical soups which are the same things in oldschool Tonkatsu restaurant in Korea. nOzMiU-ZGOM-00024-00010428-00010620 Pepper boombbom! nOzMiU-ZGOM-00025-00012900-00013110 Both of us have tried curry in diverse places so many times because we love it so far nOzMiU-ZGOM-00026-00013110-00013319 But Here is really too delicious nOzMiU-ZGOM-00027-00013469-00013700 Um.. I have to have Curry tonight as dinner because of It made me hungry nOzMiU-ZGOM-00028-00016074-00016269 Just eating without any talkings nOzMiU-ZGOM-00029-00016754-00017040 Let's bite a soft piece of cheese which has the texture just like.. tofu nOzMiU-ZGOM-00030-00017040-00017240 Ummmm It's cheese! cheese!~ nOzMiU-ZGOM-00031-00021724-00021950 The food were so good, we weren't able to talk each other. just eating nOzMiU-ZGOM-00032-00027922-00028120 Here is better than the place (where we usually go to) nOzMiU-ZGOM-00033-00028127-00028330 It's way too better than there! nOzMiU-ZGOM-00034-00028338-00028539 Delicious! nOzMiU-ZGOM-00035-00028850-00029350 To sum up, We are talking here is much cheaper and good than the place where we used to go. nOzMiU-ZGOM-00036-00033238-00033430 Now, Tandoori Chicken! nOzMiU-ZGOM-00037-00035170-00035470 Tandoori chicken is much more good here nOzMiU-ZGOM-00038-00035910-00036310 It's naturally too compared between here and the place where we went often nOzMiU-ZGOM-00039-00038240-00038450 It's too over the top to use a spoon as a knife nOzMiU-ZGOM-00040-00038634-00038840 Looks so hard nOzMiU-ZGOM-00041-00038990-00039200 What's wrong with you nOzMiU-ZGOM-00042-00039314-00039520 Un~~comfortable~~ nOzMiU-ZGOM-00043-00040348-00040550 Chicken = Use your hands please nOzMiU-ZGOM-00044-00042044-00042250 I tell you again "Chicken = Hands" please nOzMiU-ZGOM-00045-00042500-00042750 And I am gonna answer you man, "Nopeee, I don't like to be oily hands ^오^" nOzMiU-ZGOM-00046-00044498-00044700 Again nOzMiU-ZGOM-00047-00044770-00044840 Edit it because of it's uncomfortable nOzMiU-ZGOM-00048-00044840-00045240 We ordered an extra dish which is Nepalese fried pancake "Pakoda" nOzMiU-ZGOM-00049-00047420-00047620 It tastes just... not that bad and not good nOzMiU-ZGOM-00050-00048114-00048350 We finished with Nepali Milk tea which is called zzia(?!) nOzMiU-ZGOM-00051-00049758-00049970 It looks so cute the patterns and designs nOzMiU-ZGOM-00052-00050690-00050900 Cheers!(suddenly!?) nOzMiU-ZGOM-00053-00050944-00051132 (Because I wanted to drink it, dude) nOzMiU-ZGOM-00054-00051732-00051979 It tastes milk tea, but it's much thicker than my expectation. nOzMiU-ZGOM-00055-00060428-00060629 Did they make those things by themselves? nOzMiU-ZGOM-00056-00060724-00061090 checking the bottoms. the mark, "Made in China" nOzMiU-ZGOM-00057-00061138-00061340 Right, There are no marks by certain factories?! nOzMiU-ZGOM-00058-00061455-00061800 The cup and saucer looked like some handcraft by themselves. nOzMiU-ZGOM-00059-00061879-00062090 It was a satisfied dinner. nOzMiU-ZGOM-00060-00062834-00063034 The end. Thanks for watching nW0CII-jWkA-00000-00000000-00000606 foreign nW0CII-jWkA-00001-00001106-00001206 [Music] nW0CII-jWkA-00002-00001206-00001788 I nW0CII-jWkA-00003-00001788-00002394 no Grant very well even though I don't have a Scottish accent I have lived here in Edinburgh nW0CII-jWkA-00004-00002394-00003270 for 25 years so um I'm a board member of the Scottish Association I did not know James and nW0CII-jWkA-00005-00003270-00003804 Marianne but I have just met them this morning so I will let them introduce themselves afterwards nW0CII-jWkA-00006-00003804-00004644 and after we are a small group I know that not everybody feels comfortable asking questions out nW0CII-jWkA-00007-00004644-00005340 loud so we do have the app for if you want to ask a question but if you are comfortable since it's nW0CII-jWkA-00008-00005340-00006456 a small intimate group we can just ask questions on a personal basis so thank you thank you Jim's nW0CII-jWkA-00009-00006456-00007158 joint to start because your slide's already uplined it yeah I'll still see it if that's nW0CII-jWkA-00010-00007158-00007644 okay um yeah I'm James James O'Connor and I run the youth service for the Huntington's Disease nW0CII-jWkA-00011-00007644-00008310 Association covering England and Wales um so sort of very briefly without going into lots nW0CII-jWkA-00012-00008310-00008940 of detail we have two main branches within our association we have our specialist Huntington's nW0CII-jWkA-00013-00008940-00009720 disease advisor service they work with anybody who has Huntington's anyone sort of with a connection nW0CII-jWkA-00014-00009720-00010236 to Huntington's carers professionals family members whatever it might be and that tends nW0CII-jWkA-00015-00010236-00010860 to be over the phone telephone and advice service also offering face-to-face stuff and covid sort of nW0CII-jWkA-00016-00010860-00011298 had a little bit of an impact on that as you can appreciate but it is it's going back to that model nW0CII-jWkA-00017-00011400-00011934 and then um there is our youth Service as well so we offer emotional practical support to anyone nW0CII-jWkA-00018-00011934-00012570 it's 25 also working with parents if they're wanting to curious to know how to start having nW0CII-jWkA-00019-00012570-00013019 the conversation about Huntington's when's a good time good use of language that sort of nW0CII-jWkA-00020-00013019-00013584 stuff we also try and ingratiate ourselves with any professional networks schools quite a good nW0CII-jWkA-00021-00013584-00014250 entry point to try and work with people as well as sort of cams Social Services whoever it might be nW0CII-jWkA-00022-00014346-00015168 um yes that's a little bit about us I'll pass on to Marianne hello everybody my name is Marion I nW0CII-jWkA-00023-00015168-00015624 am manager of Youth and community services at the Huntington's disease Society of America nW0CII-jWkA-00024-00015756-00016212 um so I probably started getting involved with the National Youth Alliance which is the youth nW0CII-jWkA-00025-00016212-00016908 branch of hdsa about 10 years ago as a volunteer and I sort of dove in head first thinking like nW0CII-jWkA-00026-00016908-00017616 this is exactly where I belong I wanted to make sure that as a volunteer that no one felt alone nW0CII-jWkA-00027-00017616-00018366 in their HD journey and that's exactly what we do what we try to do so since then I say nW0CII-jWkA-00028-00018366-00019128 I'd say the Nya started a doing different sessions at our annual convention about 15 nW0CII-jWkA-00029-00019128-00019704 20 years ago and that's where it sort of was born and since then we've been able to do we nW0CII-jWkA-00030-00019704-00020340 do four Retreats every year and they're just a smaller groups in different regions of the country nW0CII-jWkA-00031-00020406-00020964 we also have five youth social workers that work around the country do one-on-one services for nW0CII-jWkA-00032-00020964-00021630 young people impacted by HD and they also provide support and education to Health Care Providers any nW0CII-jWkA-00033-00021630-00022284 schools parents things like that about any kind of array of topics of talking to their kids about nW0CII-jWkA-00034-00022284-00023082 HD or how to just explain what HD is right to maybe somebody their Professor or teacher we also nW0CII-jWkA-00035-00023082-00024000 do support groups every month and we do we hold bi-weekly sort of topic specific support groups nW0CII-jWkA-00036-00024000-00024660 they're sort of just we pick different topics based on what the community's needs are um yeah nW0CII-jWkA-00037-00025296-00025866 don't you worry nobody to tell welcome nW0CII-jWkA-00038-00026112-00026633 back so I'm Grant Walker I'm the youth service lead for the Scottish Huntington's Association nW0CII-jWkA-00039-00026633-00027348 and we also support children young people from the age of eight right through to 25 for that 25 nW0CII-jWkA-00040-00027348-00028080 can something be 35 and sometimes be 40. and so and we work in a very similar model to James and nW0CII-jWkA-00041-00028080-00028692 Marianne we are we kind of three prongs to our support and the big one being for young people nW0CII-jWkA-00042-00028692-00029327 so it's bespoke individual support for their situation so we'll go into their schools we'll nW0CII-jWkA-00043-00029327-00029766 take them to McDonald's we'll take them whatever and talk about what's happening for them where nW0CII-jWkA-00044-00029766-00030377 they can just have a chance to offload or moan or cry or whatever they want to share and it's nW0CII-jWkA-00045-00030377-00030810 about giving them the information and empowering them to have the information and knowledge and nW0CII-jWkA-00046-00030810-00031422 understanding that their parents and grandparents didn't have so try to reduce that stigma and just nW0CII-jWkA-00047-00031422-00031908 try to bring Huntington's out into the open so that families can talk about it more openly and nW0CII-jWkA-00048-00031908-00032520 share in what's happening for them and we also provide age-appropriate grip work and nW0CII-jWkA-00049-00032520-00033054 opportunities for them to learn and meet other young people in a very similar situation so we nW0CII-jWkA-00050-00033054-00033774 do 8 to 12 year old groups 13 17 and then are over 18s group where they get to do cool fun nW0CII-jWkA-00051-00033774-00034386 stuff that they don't normally have a chance to um and then we have our young youth ambassadors nW0CII-jWkA-00052-00034386-00034932 where they will meet other young people and share stories and connect that way and the peer support nW0CII-jWkA-00053-00034932-00035460 aspect we also do what James touched upon where we work with parents so we will empower the parent nW0CII-jWkA-00054-00035460-00035952 to have that conversation about what Huntington's is and that's also very bespoke because obviously nW0CII-jWkA-00055-00035952-00036294 the way you would explain Huntington's to an eight-year-old and they were able to explain nW0CII-jWkA-00056-00036294-00036750 it to an 18 year old it's very different so we'll spend sessions giving them the language and the nW0CII-jWkA-00057-00036750-00037272 tools where they feel confident to have that chat with them and then we also do with professionals nW0CII-jWkA-00058-00037272-00037908 so teacher social workers healthcare providers because so it's accessible for young people to nW0CII-jWkA-00059-00037908-00038442 um to be involved and to be part of that discussion um so yeah that's kind of what nW0CII-jWkA-00060-00038442-00038964 we do and we kind of try to do what this Congress has done we try to spread out over over our time nW0CII-jWkA-00061-00038964-00039558 so I have worked with an eight-year-old and right through to their like 9 20. I don't admit how old nW0CII-jWkA-00062-00039558-00040056 they are but like that whole journey of like 12 13 years where they've actually went through their nW0CII-jWkA-00063-00040056-00040560 own testing process and so we build up really strong really strong relationships with them nW0CII-jWkA-00064-00040560-00041334 so so what we were thinking was we would cover a topic of what we try to empower and then if there nW0CII-jWkA-00065-00041334-00041904 are any questions we would really like it to be interactive and if we can give you any tips and nW0CII-jWkA-00066-00041904-00042342 hints or any skills that you maybe want to take back to your own countries if this is something nW0CII-jWkA-00067-00042342-00043164 that you're thinking about setting up we're definitely happy to share whatever we can to yeah nW0CII-jWkA-00068-00043266-00044130 cool so we thought we'd start by just sort of asking ourselves some questions so nW0CII-jWkA-00069-00044130-00044748 um we we were talking well we met about two weeks ago I think and we were talking about what is nW0CII-jWkA-00070-00044748-00045204 the most important parts of our service from our perspective so this is sort of our Viewpoint from nW0CII-jWkA-00071-00045204-00045954 it not necessarily the people we work from uh work with but the I would say for for me personally nW0CII-jWkA-00072-00045954-00046356 from my perspective I think the most important part of our service is that one-to-one support nW0CII-jWkA-00073-00046470-00047058 um it's a difficult question because all our services is very sort of Broad and for good nW0CII-jWkA-00074-00047058-00047394 reason and a lot of it is so important for different people in different ways nW0CII-jWkA-00075-00047454-00047952 but I think from my perspective just being able to open up some of those conversations nW0CII-jWkA-00076-00047952-00048570 with young people who don't necessarily have a space to talk about Huntington's haven't felt nW0CII-jWkA-00077-00048570-00048990 comfortable talking about Huntington's because within the family it might be tricky Dynamics nW0CII-jWkA-00078-00048990-00049590 outside of the family people don't know they don't understand so that's always been something that nW0CII-jWkA-00079-00049590-00050070 I've really sort of valued with it within our service that one-to-one support and giving nW0CII-jWkA-00080-00050070-00050550 people that space and opportunity to talk and and to access some information because we you nW0CII-jWkA-00081-00050550-00050994 know we try we won't necessarily say we're experts but we know we try to know as much as nW0CII-jWkA-00082-00050994-00051467 we possibly can so that we can share that with young people so they feel that they're getting nW0CII-jWkA-00083-00051467-00052098 accurate information which of course is hugely significant I think we would say that they are nW0CII-jWkA-00084-00052098-00052524 the expert but we're the guide that can help them take them through from stage to stage nW0CII-jWkA-00085-00052626-00053046 think about like the share probably carries the backpack while working they're doing the journey nW0CII-jWkA-00086-00053532-00053982 um I would say I mean like you said there's a very broad range of nW0CII-jWkA-00087-00054054-00054600 things that we do but one of the things that I think is most important is yes we provide nW0CII-jWkA-00088-00054600-00055194 support and we provide platforms where you could learn a lot of stuff but it's making giving that nW0CII-jWkA-00089-00055194-00055578 opportunity to make those connections with other young people that are impacted by this disease nW0CII-jWkA-00090-00055578-00056082 because that peer support I think is most beneficial and those relationships that you nW0CII-jWkA-00091-00056082-00056928 make do really last forever honestly and some things that just stay with you peer connection nW0CII-jWkA-00092-00056928-00057450 and sharing your story and having young people explain that they're not the only person in this nW0CII-jWkA-00093-00057450-00057828 in the world that's going through what they've been through because that is a huge benefit on nW0CII-jWkA-00094-00057828-00058278 their mental health and their well-being to know that they're not alone so that's really nW0CII-jWkA-00095-00058278-00058932 what we see in the Sha that they bond and those those are those acts whatever don't they yeah so nW0CII-jWkA-00096-00059190-00059850 so specifically focusing on a topic Grant you we're going to talk a little bit about reducing nW0CII-jWkA-00097-00059850-00060341 isolation for young people so when I first started 12 years ago one of the things we're trying to do nW0CII-jWkA-00098-00060341-00060917 was um everybody industry knows about the stigma that's associated with HD and people really nW0CII-jWkA-00099-00061008-00061416 um don't like to talk about Huntington's and one of the things we really try to do is break down nW0CII-jWkA-00100-00061416-00062064 that barrier and we started a DVD called out in the open and the goal was to have Empower nW0CII-jWkA-00101-00062064-00062604 families to chat about Huntington's to not be afraid of even saying the name of the disease and nW0CII-jWkA-00102-00062604-00063191 to start to explore and how that is and how have people talk about your attending their family and nW0CII-jWkA-00103-00063191-00063846 households um and that's what we've seen as we are now seeing a generation of young people and that nW0CII-jWkA-00104-00063846-00064332 are not afraid that are changing that narrative that are pushing the boundaries and being able nW0CII-jWkA-00105-00064332-00064950 to to share their story where grandparents we aren't even allowed technology and it's one of nW0CII-jWkA-00106-00064950-00065490 these huge things that we're really proud of that now we don't have that same level of shame that nW0CII-jWkA-00107-00065490-00066102 maybe was in previous generations and it's it's kind of mind-blowing to me where this generation nW0CII-jWkA-00108-00066102-00066630 or their children might be taking the disease in the future so it's one of things that we're nW0CII-jWkA-00109-00066630-00067374 hoping that that will kind of pyramid and go go across go across other countries and I know many nW0CII-jWkA-00110-00067374-00068106 other countries have doing similar things as well which is good too good to see cool Marianne you're nW0CII-jWkA-00111-00068106-00068520 going to talk a little bit about mental health and well-being yeah absolutely so I think a lot nW0CII-jWkA-00112-00068520-00069138 what we see in young people that are impacted is a lot of mental health issues right like whether nW0CII-jWkA-00113-00069138-00069606 that's depression or anxiety just from different traumas that might have happened or how they're nW0CII-jWkA-00114-00069606-00070302 coping with what they're going through and I think that providing that one-on-one support and that nW0CII-jWkA-00115-00070302-00070746 Foundation of support just knowing that it's okay to talk about it and sort of breaking down that nW0CII-jWkA-00116-00070746-00071352 stigma is really important and knowing that it's okay and validating like what you're going through nW0CII-jWkA-00117-00071352-00071958 and what you're feeling and being able to provide that support and platforms to talk about it out nW0CII-jWkA-00118-00071958-00072540 loud right and that non-judgment right and just being able to do it in such a comfortable setting nW0CII-jWkA-00119-00072786-00073338 um we've all talked a little bit about sort of working with other professionals and and that's nW0CII-jWkA-00120-00073338-00073914 something I've quite I really value when I came into this job um 2017 I think so not quite as long nW0CII-jWkA-00121-00073914-00074604 as long as Grant but I'm working towards it I came from education and when I first took on the role nW0CII-jWkA-00122-00074604-00075144 a lot of the sort of challenges and some of the professionals that involve support and families nW0CII-jWkA-00123-00075144-00075654 seemed quite familiar to me they seemed like it was something that I'd worked a lot in before and nW0CII-jWkA-00124-00075654-00076056 as I started to understand more and more about Huntington's and got to meet more people and and nW0CII-jWkA-00125-00076128-00076632 hear people's stories people's Journeys people's experiences I started to sort of very quickly see nW0CII-jWkA-00126-00076632-00077178 actually how Huntington's was at the center of so many of the the challenges that young people were nW0CII-jWkA-00127-00077178-00077760 facing and so one of the big things that I really wanted to do coming out from sort of as I say from nW0CII-jWkA-00128-00077760-00078384 school perspective was to try and give them more space and more people who understood so working nW0CII-jWkA-00129-00078384-00078828 with schools I think it's it's an easy one to go to because most of the people we work with nW0CII-jWkA-00130-00078828-00079578 I'd say in school and you've got a trusted adult a safe space where kids can readily access some nW0CII-jWkA-00131-00079578-00080220 level of support and so that that was a really important part of our service for me to to start nW0CII-jWkA-00132-00080220-00080736 to change that so that young people didn't have to just rely on on us you know we want to be nW0CII-jWkA-00133-00080736-00081336 there as much as we can but um I am one person you know we have little teams but we can't be nW0CII-jWkA-00134-00081336-00081822 there all the time and so having somebody close at hand another professional person that they nW0CII-jWkA-00135-00081822-00082326 trust that they feel comfortable talking with and sharing with who understood so again we've taught nW0CII-jWkA-00136-00082326-00082872 quite a lot already about stigmas and barriers and actually sort of talking about Huntington's nW0CII-jWkA-00137-00082872-00083310 for a lot of young people is quite a daunting Prospect because if the first question question nW0CII-jWkA-00138-00083310-00083772 that there comes back to the matter they've just shared how they're feeling is what is Huntington's nW0CII-jWkA-00139-00083832-00084426 where they can get very easily lost sometimes and understandably so same with mental health nW0CII-jWkA-00140-00084426-00085002 professionals and social workers they can come in and it's sort of quick fire responses a lot nW0CII-jWkA-00141-00085002-00085488 of the time but actually this is nuanced you know some of the the Huntington's does like nW0CII-jWkA-00142-00085488-00085938 the center and does run alongside a lot of the challenges that young people face and families nW0CII-jWkA-00143-00085938-00086520 face so giving them that level of understanding and that sort of more in-depth knowledge allows nW0CII-jWkA-00144-00086520-00086976 them to be able to put the right support in place for for families and young people nW0CII-jWkA-00145-00087288-00088026 so I'll come to you grant what are um what are the benefits of talking about Huntington's nW0CII-jWkA-00146-00088434-00088986 um I think it is just but we all know about the benefits of talking about hunting because that's nW0CII-jWkA-00147-00088986-00089442 why we're here you break down barriers you meet other people that are connected and you can make nW0CII-jWkA-00148-00089442-00089982 friendships don't you and it reduces that that fear that I don't want to talk about that it's nW0CII-jWkA-00149-00089982-00090486 okay you have permission to just talk about it if you wish if you don't want to you're gonna have nW0CII-jWkA-00150-00090486-00091182 to and it's really up to that person how they wish to talk about it and it's that whether people come nW0CII-jWkA-00151-00091182-00091686 with us they're not asked what is Huntington's right is that affect your family they just know nW0CII-jWkA-00152-00091686-00092226 they have that connection and they just start to chat about you know straight a lot about so nW0CII-jWkA-00153-00092304-00092868 um we would thoroughly recommend just having that open conversation just sharing how you're nW0CII-jWkA-00154-00092868-00093462 feeling and being honest with your own emotions and then seeing where that takes you because nW0CII-jWkA-00155-00093612-00093888 that's the only way we're going to bring it out of the shadows nW0CII-jWkA-00156-00093888-00094356 and be okay to talk about it I'll be okay with that by sharing actually nW0CII-jWkA-00157-00094752-00095514 the benefits of talking about hunting so you're going to say of your personal experience what nW0CII-jWkA-00158-00095514-00096246 else am I going to say um sorry um so personally I wanted to share a little bit so when I was so nW0CII-jWkA-00159-00096246-00096822 just a little bit of background my mom passed away from Huntington's disease 12 years ago and nW0CII-jWkA-00160-00096822-00097344 so I knew what Huntington's disease well I didn't know what it was my whole life but she was sick nW0CII-jWkA-00161-00097344-00097902 my whole life but it was like sort of the elephant in the room growing up until she was diagnosed and nW0CII-jWkA-00162-00097986-00098658 it was to protect me and my family right my family was like don't talk about it but that really took nW0CII-jWkA-00163-00098658-00099132 a toll on my mental health right growing up and I took it I'm an extremist if anybody knows me I nW0CII-jWkA-00164-00099132-00099714 do everything to the extreme and so I never told anyone and I didn't actually say out loud that my nW0CII-jWkA-00165-00099714-00100308 mom had Huntington's disease until I was 19 years old and she was diagnosed when I was nine so it nW0CII-jWkA-00166-00100308-00100860 took me a long time to actually feel comfortable saying it out loud and talking about it and it nW0CII-jWkA-00167-00100860-00101544 wasn't until after she passed that I was like you know I'm not gonna be scared of this elephant nW0CII-jWkA-00168-00101544-00102048 in the room and I'm going to talk about it and you know my family sometimes is against things nW0CII-jWkA-00169-00102048-00102594 that I do or how I talk about it on different platforms but I need to do it for myself I don't nW0CII-jWkA-00170-00102672-00103133 push them to do anything that they don't want to do but they know where to go when they do nW0CII-jWkA-00171-00103133-00103866 want to talk about it or want to seek support or whatever they might need so from a personal level nW0CII-jWkA-00172-00103950-00104790 I wish that I had Youth Services when I was younger I felt so alone despite my mom was nW0CII-jWkA-00173-00104790-00105468 in a long-term care facility for 10 years and with 50 other individuals with Huntington's nW0CII-jWkA-00174-00105468-00105888 disease but I still thought I was the only person in this world that knew what this was nW0CII-jWkA-00175-00105942-00106428 I didn't know there was other young people I remember my first convention my first walk and nW0CII-jWkA-00176-00106428-00106974 just looking around and just being like Oh my gosh I don't have to explain anything to anyone nW0CII-jWkA-00177-00106974-00107526 and I never felt more comfortable in my entire life and that's where I dove in head first and nW0CII-jWkA-00178-00107526-00108114 was like I need to be part of this and make sure that nobody else feels like how I felt growing up nW0CII-jWkA-00179-00108378-00108761 rather usefully for my notes I wrote down I'll just repeat whatever Grant says but nW0CII-jWkA-00180-00108761-00109198 in an accident that everyone can understand so [Laughter] nW0CII-jWkA-00181-00109290-00109890 um yeah I I think um I know you have actually so yeah definitely nW0CII-jWkA-00182-00109974-00110609 um but I think mental health awareness over the last few years has been sort of really really nW0CII-jWkA-00183-00110754-00111204 pushed and come to the Forefront which is a hugely significantly an important thing nW0CII-jWkA-00184-00111294-00112080 um and the sort of the strap line for most of it is talk it's the Gateway is the start for nW0CII-jWkA-00185-00112152-00112620 all sorts of other support it may be that peer connection is the bit that's most important nW0CII-jWkA-00186-00112733-00113298 um but actually just by starting that conversation being able to so I said Marianne said there nW0CII-jWkA-00187-00113298-00113754 was 10 years until you until you found that confidence to start talking about Huntington's nW0CII-jWkA-00188-00113808-00114330 once that happened I mean look at Marianne now you know I can't shut up nW0CII-jWkA-00189-00114618-00115230 um but all because of that that first small step and it it does seem very small but actually nW0CII-jWkA-00190-00115302-00115733 starting that conversation being able to talk to being able to share how we're feeling Grant nW0CII-jWkA-00191-00115733-00116232 said earlier sort of being honest with ourselves and with our emotions is is quite a scary thing nW0CII-jWkA-00192-00116232-00116922 no matter what's going on in the world um and yeah I think that's why talking nW0CII-jWkA-00193-00116922-00117252 about Huntington's is quite so significant because it is it's a it's a starting point nW0CII-jWkA-00194-00117252-00117606 and everything that comes afterwards is because that conversation happened nW0CII-jWkA-00195-00117761-00118266 and some of the best conversations I've had with young people hasn't been on a one-to-one nW0CII-jWkA-00196-00118266-00118788 it's maybe been in a group of residential you know doing something silly we once lived in a nW0CII-jWkA-00197-00118788-00119166 clarity-based audience The Apprentice you know the TV show The Apprentice where they nW0CII-jWkA-00198-00119166-00119628 have to make a product and we ask them to make a product for Huntington's and the young people nW0CII-jWkA-00199-00119628-00120150 come up with a sticky shoes so they didn't have as many followers as they did they came out with nW0CII-jWkA-00200-00120209-00120702 um uh I'll be a chair that was there for younger people rather than an older wheelchair with nW0CII-jWkA-00201-00120702-00121404 flashing lights and streamers and families and stuff and they come up with a you know loads are nW0CII-jWkA-00202-00121404-00121800 excellent ideas they just give a weak lump sense of what was going on in their house and how things nW0CII-jWkA-00203-00121800-00122285 were going on and that's a spark that you can then take and you can then discuss when you don't know nW0CII-jWkA-00204-00122285-00122778 when touring or if you're stuck on a paddle boat with a young person all day and you're going to nW0CII-jWkA-00205-00122778-00123216 think it came up and he talked to them about whatever you can then take that back so the nW0CII-jWkA-00206-00123216-00123732 really good thing about energy everything is don't guarantee so they can dip in and out they can come nW0CII-jWkA-00207-00123732-00124320 different points when they sits them um and you know somebody can come at eight and then not come nW0CII-jWkA-00208-00124320-00124835 back until they're like 18 19 20 thinking about something else so they have another part of it nW0CII-jWkA-00209-00125028-00125483 I think I would like to hear if there's any questions or anything that would be nW0CII-jWkA-00210-00125483-00125994 helpful for you because we've all rambled on I know it's a Sunday morning after a nW0CII-jWkA-00211-00125994-00126659 party night in platform last night is there anything that's any questions anybody go or nW0CII-jWkA-00212-00126659-00127332 yes how do you reach younger people that are not necessarily willing to talk or hesitance nW0CII-jWkA-00213-00127446-00128820 that were here that were here and we can we can it's okay to talk I think it's what they learn nW0CII-jWkA-00214-00128820-00129216 what they grow up with and what happened with their mom and dad or what happened with their nW0CII-jWkA-00215-00129216-00129846 granddad for the grandkids so it's just about having sharing the fact that we're here and I nW0CII-jWkA-00216-00129846-00130350 think I think I don't know what you guys would say but making it feel that it's whatever it's nW0CII-jWkA-00217-00130350-00130848 on the appearance it's whatever they want to come and talk to us about it's okay so I can nW0CII-jWkA-00218-00130848-00131352 send chat to a young person for an hour but only five minutes that can be about HD because that's nW0CII-jWkA-00219-00131352-00131736 what they mean and it's usually the last five minutes discipline before you leave nW0CII-jWkA-00220-00131736-00132384 the door they drop like this huge button yeah okay right that's okay but yeah I think it's nW0CII-jWkA-00221-00132384-00132798 about on their terms and what they want to ask and what they want to come to you about nW0CII-jWkA-00222-00132918-00133446 um the actual hard-hit every Sunday if we don't know you exist but if you're not you don't know nW0CII-jWkA-00223-00133446-00134046 yeah so maybe it's just a bit reason that I'll be honestly even more yeah I was gonna uh just nW0CII-jWkA-00224-00134130-00134760 um jump on that definitely spreading the awareness that the services are there right because I talked nW0CII-jWkA-00225-00134760-00135282 to healthcare providers all the time and different HD specific clinics and I'm like they're like but nW0CII-jWkA-00226-00135282-00135636 we don't have any young people that come in and I'm like but you have people that have nW0CII-jWkA-00227-00135636-00136332 children yeah um that's who I'm here for right they are also impacted by this and that's why nW0CII-jWkA-00228-00136332-00136932 we're here to help them right we see that the parents protect the children a lot of times oh nW0CII-jWkA-00229-00136932-00137646 my child has no questions they don't want this yeah but I think it might be different if you nW0CII-jWkA-00230-00137646-00138036 can reach the children themselves and that's where like social media and things like that nW0CII-jWkA-00231-00138036-00138570 and if they're going to walks if they're going to you know different conferences and just being nW0CII-jWkA-00232-00138570-00139110 present is really important and so when they're ready they'll know where to go kind of thing nW0CII-jWkA-00233-00139656-00140052 but you just touched on the fact that you do residentials are you able to expand on nW0CII-jWkA-00234-00140052-00140772 that before so we do raise the insurance for eight to twelve they're 10 to 17 and 18 plus nW0CII-jWkA-00235-00140772-00141366 and they would come away with us for um two or three night residential and they're definitely nW0CII-jWkA-00236-00141366-00141870 territories different learning opportunities it's just an opportunity for them to get recipes from nW0CII-jWkA-00237-00141870-00142566 their home and come and share their story with other people um and yeah so I'm in my experience nW0CII-jWkA-00238-00142644-00143304 when children find out earlier they just accept it so eight nine year old should be like yep that's nW0CII-jWkA-00239-00143304-00143730 my dad that's my granddad that's what's going on it's when they found out later in life but they nW0CII-jWkA-00240-00143730-00144216 have even more difficulty they struggle a little bit more uh particularly if it's been kept it's nW0CII-jWkA-00241-00144216-00144738 like a secret it's like why why haven't I been included in this family thing that's going on and nW0CII-jWkA-00242-00144738-00145152 it really has a big impact on me so that's what we try to do we tried to make sure that it's okay nW0CII-jWkA-00243-00145212-00145818 sort of asking questions and so yeah so if you have anybody yeah we could sit and have a chat nW0CII-jWkA-00244-00145818-00146310 because it's brilliant and then we have young people who are maybe like 18 19 here and I go nW0CII-jWkA-00245-00146310-00146706 into the world of work and they're like oh my files will never be white water rafting nW0CII-jWkA-00246-00146706-00147240 but I've been with them and with them with them people and it was a different thing nW0CII-jWkA-00247-00147240-00147690 so they don't have a chance at all because they're too basically caring for their moment nW0CII-jWkA-00248-00147906-00148320 it's a really really valuable Chinese and it's all covered it's all paid for nW0CII-jWkA-00249-00148320-00148608 so we're fully funded so there's no cost either so nW0CII-jWkA-00250-00148998-00150300 early [Music] and obviously when I got um tested I was actually really surprised that regardless nW0CII-jWkA-00251-00150300-00150948 of testamental positive I didn't come away with a book that that said right you're in the UK you've nW0CII-jWkA-00252-00150948-00151722 got this services and you've got htyo it's just something that I wanted to kind of see in your nW0CII-jWkA-00253-00151722-00152154 experience obviously of course what do you've got HDA and obviously you've got International and nW0CII-jWkA-00254-00152238-00152664 do you find that there's a bit of a difficulty sometimes giving you passing your information nW0CII-jWkA-00255-00152664-00153540 over to clinics sometimes and obviously I got tested in Wales and again Scotland hea covers nW0CII-jWkA-00256-00153540-00154050 England and Wales but obviously Wales is a lot smaller than England and sometimes it nW0CII-jWkA-00257-00154050-00154572 feels like there's so much going on up there and to the side in which is kind of like literally nW0CII-jWkA-00258-00154572-00155118 changes something to happen and yeah kind of do you find that there's a struggle trying to reach nW0CII-jWkA-00259-00155118-00155826 professionals and health professionals in genetic clinics it varies some clinics are fantastic and nW0CII-jWkA-00260-00155826-00156330 some genetic centers are brilliant and I take a lot of referrals and do a lot of referrals so it's nW0CII-jWkA-00261-00156330-00157278 very much a two-way street and and some and if I'm honest um I recently a couple months ago gave a nW0CII-jWkA-00262-00157278-00157932 presentation at the genetic testing Consortium which was at the the Barbary in Birmingham and nW0CII-jWkA-00263-00157998-00158514 I'm assuming in somewhere another most genetic centers and Clinics where we're sort of tuned in nW0CII-jWkA-00264-00158514-00159276 and tapped into that so it's not that they're not aware um I guess it's just it it some of nW0CII-jWkA-00265-00159276-00159870 them don't always push what you'd expect them to push sometimes and if I'm honest you know I've nW0CII-jWkA-00266-00159870-00160374 I've missed stuff myself you know it's hard to sort of get give everything over in one go nW0CII-jWkA-00267-00160476-00161220 um but yeah I think for those that are well connected with us is very good they do publicize nW0CII-jWkA-00268-00161220-00161778 they do promote they do push they do encourage um but there are some that just don't seem to nW0CII-jWkA-00269-00161778-00162474 quite as much um and yeah a card if I think I've worked with a couple of people not not many so I nW0CII-jWkA-00270-00162474-00163068 don't know if that's the bit of a gap in but it does it does feel unusual for me that that isn't nW0CII-jWkA-00271-00163068-00163500 the sort of go-to thing for for everyone who's in touch with Huntington's clinic or genetic Center nW0CII-jWkA-00272-00163572-00164358 as well and just the idea of like the collaborative bookflow and I nW0CII-jWkA-00273-00164358-00164688 know that obviously then someone will change their contact details and things nW0CII-jWkA-00274-00164688-00165174 like but a generic one which you could go right it covers young people and uh nW0CII-jWkA-00275-00165174-00165636 whatever colors you know way or family even like before residential in case nW0CII-jWkA-00276-00165636-00166014 people who've like what's it accessible just wondered if that's happening in the pipeline nW0CII-jWkA-00277-00166248-00166728 so in Scotland we only we have four genetic testing centers and I think because there's nW0CII-jWkA-00278-00166728-00167244 four youth advisors we all link into our own and we make really strong connections with the team nW0CII-jWkA-00279-00167244-00167706 that's in that local area so they would know about us and they would know about our lecture packs nW0CII-jWkA-00280-00167706-00168288 and the stuff that we can and we would always be like don't forget that we're here but I suppose nW0CII-jWkA-00281-00168288-00168912 like maybe in America it's a you know it's such a bigger scale that you maybe can't reach everybody nW0CII-jWkA-00282-00168912-00169416 in that in that same situation so in Scotland there may be in England we're very lucky with nW0CII-jWkA-00283-00169416-00170136 our geography that we can do that but in Australia they'll probably just know what but yeah I think nW0CII-jWkA-00284-00170136-00170622 I think that um that's a good idea and it's something that we consider so that there is nW0CII-jWkA-00285-00170622-00171282 a follow-on because yeah exam for sometimes you get one full operation and that's you so whether nW0CII-jWkA-00286-00171282-00171888 you're after that after that time you know yeah I would just say like for America it's nW0CII-jWkA-00287-00171888-00172596 too big to reach every genetic counselor or neurologist or somebody or a primary care nW0CII-jWkA-00288-00172596-00173154 physician where somebody might be getting going through the testing process for HD even specific nW0CII-jWkA-00289-00173154-00173646 clinics that are in universities or institutions sometimes it's even hard because they're so big nW0CII-jWkA-00290-00173646-00174138 and sometimes I'll call and they'll be like we don't have an HD Clin I'm like yes you do you know nW0CII-jWkA-00291-00174138-00174792 and I will give them information sometimes that's like the call center so it is really challenging nW0CII-jWkA-00292-00174792-00175350 but I love when I get those calls from the random neurologists in the middle of nowhere and they're nW0CII-jWkA-00293-00175350-00175866 they're like I just got somebody that wants to test for this and I don't feel comfortable nW0CII-jWkA-00294-00175866-00176502 doing it and it's those providers that want to be vulnerable and ask for help right but sometimes nW0CII-jWkA-00295-00176592-00177224 I wish I had a few extra letters after my name um but yeah it's difficult nW0CII-jWkA-00296-00177224-00177324 [Music] nW0CII-jWkA-00297-00177324-00178704 you know for many years and I'm with HBO since the Inception we have tried to break up as all nW0CII-jWkA-00298-00178704-00179124 volunteers break up all the list of all the centers we could possibly think about and try nW0CII-jWkA-00299-00179124-00179574 to make connections so if I knew Nando in Italy I'd reach out or if I know somebody in Denver nW0CII-jWkA-00300-00179574-00180108 Colorado we reach out a lot of times the stuff happens to go at the bottom of the pile because nW0CII-jWkA-00301-00180108-00180570 they are overwhelmed they're overworked and they're afraid they're afraid to overburden nW0CII-jWkA-00302-00180570-00181182 people so if you are all Health Care Professionals I see some younger people here as well go back to nW0CII-jWkA-00303-00181182-00181602 your centers and especially the voice of the younger people to say what would have been nW0CII-jWkA-00304-00181602-00182136 really helpful is for you to give us information about HDO and I have to challenge Charlie a tiny nW0CII-jWkA-00305-00182136-00182670 bit not at the time after a diagnosis because my feeling is I don't need to overburden you with all nW0CII-jWkA-00306-00182670-00182988 that stuff after I've just told you whether you're positive or negative or intermediate nW0CII-jWkA-00307-00182988-00183492 but as soon as you walk in the door when I say tell me about your family that's when I say do nW0CII-jWkA-00308-00183492-00184086 you know about these resources and I keep asking those questions because I know what HDO can do so nW0CII-jWkA-00309-00184086-00184566 you know we've tried you know Mary I believe we've tried and a lot of the times the stuff nW0CII-jWkA-00310-00184566-00185046 that's to the bottom of Ohio or the clinicians and the healthcare providers that themselves are nW0CII-jWkA-00311-00185046-00185532 just too afraid and they don't know what HDO is to be able say you know oh it's just for nW0CII-jWkA-00312-00185532-00186084 people who have johd it's incorporating that but this is a really good resource so if you nW0CII-jWkA-00313-00186084-00186540 guys can go back and if that can be part of your mission to say you know I learned about this and nW0CII-jWkA-00314-00186540-00186888 you should really tell other people about this I think that that would be a really you know nW0CII-jWkA-00315-00186888-00187290 that would be something that you can do to empower yourselves as well as your health care centers and nW0CII-jWkA-00316-00187746-00188244 we run out of time yes oh man all right sorry nW0CII-jWkA-00317-00188688-00189443 um this has been a fantastic session I think so thank you thank you [Applause] [Music]