1xJ2BN2FUWA-00000-00001763-00002475 Hello again! This is the last class of Data Mining with Weka, and we're going to step 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00001-00002475-00002907 back a little bit and take a look at some more global issues with regard to the data 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00002-00002907-00002985 mining process. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00003-00002985-00003840 It's a short class with just four lessons: the data mining process, pitfalls and pratfalls, 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00004-00003840-00004173 data mining and ethics, and finally, a quick summary. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00005-00004276-00004576 Let's get on with Lesson 5.1. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00006-00004576-00005057 This might be your vision of the data mining process. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00007-00005057-00005310 You've got some data or someone gives you some data. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00008-00005310-00005486 You've got Weka. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00009-00005486-00006072 You apply Weka to the data, you get some kind of cool result from that, and everyone's happy. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00010-00006282-00006550 If so, I've got bad news for you. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00011-00006550-00006850 It's not going to be like that at all. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00012-00006850-00007157 Really, this would be a better way to think about it. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00013-00007157-00007565 You're going to have a circle; you're going to go round and round the circle. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00014-00007565-00007977 It's true that Weka is important -- it's in the very middle of the circle here. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00015-00007977-00008606 It's going to be crucial, but it's only a small part of what you have to do. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00016-00008606-00009059 Perhaps the biggest problem is going to be to ask the right kind of question. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00017-00009059-00009738 You need to be answering a question, not just vaguely exploring a collection of data. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00018-00009842-00010468 Then, you need to get together the data that you can get hold of that gives you a chance 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00019-00010468-00010932 of answering this question using data mining techniques. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00020-00010932-00011095 It's hard to collect the data. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00021-00011095-00011667 You're probably going to have an initial dataset, but you might need to add some demographic 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00022-00011667-00012031 data, or some weather data, or some data about other stuff. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00023-00012031-00012507 You're going to have to go to the web and find more information to augment your dataset. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00024-00012507-00013181 Then you'll merge all that together: do some database hacking to get a dataset that contains 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00025-00013181-00013741 all the attributes that you think you might need -- or that you think Weka might need. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00026-00013741-00013906 Then you're going to have to clean the data. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00027-00013906-00014488 The bad news is that real world data is always very messy. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00028-00014488-00014961 That's a long and painstaking process of looking around, looking at the data, trying to understand it, 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00029-00014961-00015538 trying to figure out what the anomalies are and whether it's good to delete them or not. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00030-00015538-00015726 That's going to take a while. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00031-00015726-00016055 Then you're going to need to define some new features, probably. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00032-00016055-00016481 This is the feature engineering process, and it's the key to successful data mining. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00033-00016481-00016903 Then, finally, you're going to use Weka, of course. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00034-00016903-00017486 You might go around this circle a few times to get a nice algorithm for classification, 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00035-00017486-00018042 and then you're going to need to deploy the algorithm in the real world. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00036-00018042-00018334 Each of these processes is difficult. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00037-00018434-00018834 You need to think about the question that you want to answer. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00038-00018844-00019333 "Tell me something cool about this data" is not a good enough question. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00039-00019333-00019789 You need to know what you want to know from the data. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00040-00019789-00019966 Then you need to gather it. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00041-00019966-00020311 There's a lot of data around, like I said at the very beginning, but the trouble is 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00042-00020311-00021011 that we need classified data to use classification techniques in data mining. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00043-00021029-00021608 We need expert judgements on the data, expert classifications, and there's not so much data 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00044-00021608-00022281 around that includes expert classifications, or correct results. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00045-00022281-00022568 They say that more data beats a clever algorithm. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00046-00022568-00022991 So rather than spending time trying to optimize the exact algorithm you're going to use in 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00047-00022991-00023367 Weka, you might be better off employed in getting more and more data. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00048-00023367-00024057 Then you've got to clean it, and like I said before, real data is very mucky. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00049-00024057-00024465 That's going to be a painstaking matter of looking through it and looking for anomalies. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00050-00024465-00024800 Feature engineering, the next step, is the key to data mining. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00051-00024800-00025293 We'll talk about how Weka can help you a little bit in a minute. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00052-00025293-00025633 Then you've got to deploy the result. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00053-00025633-00025849 Implementing it -- well, that's the easy part. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00054-00025849-00026443 The difficult part is to convince your boss to use this result from this data mining process 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00055-00026443-00026962 that he probably finds very mysterious and perhaps doesn't trust very much. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00056-00026962-00027662 Getting anything actually deployed in the real world is a pretty tough call. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00057-00027706-00028337 The key technical part of all this is feature engineering, and Weka has a lot of [filters] 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00058-00028337-00028420 that will help with this. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00059-00028420-00028614 Here are just a few of them. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00060-00028614-00029314 It might be worth while defining a new feature, a new attribute that's a mathematical expression 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00061-00029452-00029612 involving existing attributes. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00062-00029612-00029989 Or you might want to modify an existing attribute. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00063-00029989-00030524 With AddExpression, you can use any kind of mathematical formula to create a new attribute 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00064-00030524-00030805 from existing ones. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00065-00030805-00031373 You might want to normalize or center your data, or standardize it statistically. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00066-00031373-00031820 Transform a numeric attribute to have a zero mean -- that's "center". 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00067-00031820-00032183 Or transform it to a given numeric range -- that's "normalize". 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00068-00032183-00032883 Or give it a zero mean and unit variance, that's a statistical operation called "standardization". 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00069-00033053-00033750 You might want to take those numeric attributes and discretize them into nominal values. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00070-00033750-00034344 Weka has both supervised and unsupervised attribute discretization filters. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00071-00034479-00034600 There are a lot of other transformations. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00072-00034600-00035148 For example, the PrincipalComponents transformation involves a matrix analysis of the data to 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00073-00035148-00035415 select the principal components in a linear space. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00074-00035415-00035892 That's mathematical, and Weka contains a good implementation. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00075-00035892-00036422 RemoveUseless will remove attributes that don't vary at all, or vary too much. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00076-00036422-00036780 Actually, I think we encountered that in one of our activities. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00077-00036780-00037480 Then, there are a couple of filters that help you deal with time series, when your instances 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00078-00037483-00037730 represent a series over time. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00079-00037730-00038108 You probably want to take the difference between one instance and the next, or a difference 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00080-00038108-00038768 with some kind of lag -- one instance and the one 5 before it, or 10 before it. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00081-00038768-00039365 These are just a few of the filters that Weka contains to help you with your feature engineering. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00082-00039365-00039925 The message of this lesson is that Weka is only a small part of the entire data mining 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00083-00039925-00040181 process, and it's the easiest part. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00084-00040181-00040631 In this course, we've chosen to tell you about the easiest part of the process! I'm sorry 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00085-00040631-00040678 about that. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00086-00040678-00041023 The other bits are, in practice, much more difficult. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00087-00041023-00041627 There's an old programmer's blessing: "May all your problems be technical ones". 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00088-00041627-00042117 It's the other problems -- the political problems in getting hold of the data, and deploying 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00089-00042117-00042661 the result -- those are the ones that tend to be much more onerous in the overall data 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00090-00042661-00042733 mining process. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00091-00042733-00042992 So good luck! 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00092-00042992-00043240 There's some stuff about this in the course text. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00093-00043240-00043781 Section 1.3 contains information on Fielded Applications, all of which have gone through 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00094-00043781-00044448 this kind of process in order to get them out there and used in the field. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00095-00044448-00044620 There's an activity associated with this lesson. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00096-00044620-00044918 Off you go and do it, and we'll see you in the next lesson. 1xJ2BN2FUWA-00097-00044918-00045618 Bye for now! 1yt00K5_t7U-00000-00000050-00000425 [ Silence ] 1yt00K5_t7U-00001-00000425-00000588 >> Janet Evans: [background noise] Thank you, Chairman Tennenbaum. 1yt00K5_t7U-00002-00000588-00000897 [phonetic] It's such an honor to be here for my second year 1yt00K5_t7U-00003-00000897-00001172 with the CPSC's Pool Safely Campaign. 1yt00K5_t7U-00004-00001172-00001510 I'm honored that it's here in my backyard in southern California 1yt00K5_t7U-00005-00001510-00001797 where I learned how to swim so many years ago. 1yt00K5_t7U-00006-00001797-00002363 And this is something, pool safety, I am so passionate about. 1yt00K5_t7U-00007-00002363-00002863 You know I learned how to swim when I was 17 months old because my mother does not know how 1yt00K5_t7U-00008-00002863-00003272 to swim and she still doesn't know how to swim and my father says that swimming is something 1yt00K5_t7U-00009-00003272-00003428 that you do when you fall off a boat. 1yt00K5_t7U-00010-00003428-00003872 So they moved to California, we had a pool in our backyard, they put us in the pool 1yt00K5_t7U-00011-00003872-00004197 and I learned how to swim, like I said, at 17 months. 1yt00K5_t7U-00012-00004197-00004687 I never thought that much about water safety because I knew how to swim. 1yt00K5_t7U-00013-00004687-00004782 I went to the Olympics. 1yt00K5_t7U-00014-00004782-00004898 I won medals. 1yt00K5_t7U-00015-00004898-00005278 Everything was great and then I decided to get married and have children. 1yt00K5_t7U-00016-00005278-00005694 And when I was pregnant with my little girl who is now 4 1/2, Johnny Johnson, 1yt00K5_t7U-00017-00005694-00006258 who is here with the NDPA, who is their teacher, approached me and said you need 1yt00K5_t7U-00018-00006258-00006618 to get your child, your unborn child, in the water as soon as possible. 1yt00K5_t7U-00019-00006618-00006931 And I couldn't believe it, you know, I was still pregnant. 1yt00K5_t7U-00020-00006931-00007584 And he convinced me to put her in at 5 months and she is now 4 1/2 and she is a good swimmer. 1yt00K5_t7U-00021-00007584-00008177 I made the mistake though, a few weeks ago, of saying to Johnny, she's pool safe, right? 1yt00K5_t7U-00022-00008177-00008529 And Johnny said, Janet, she is not pool safe. 1yt00K5_t7U-00023-00008529-00008741 In fact, Janet, you are not pool safe. 1yt00K5_t7U-00024-00008741-00008809 And I said what do you mean? 1yt00K5_t7U-00025-00008809-00008888 I have four gold medals. 1yt00K5_t7U-00026-00008888-00008953 I'm pool safe. 1yt00K5_t7U-00027-00008953-00009305 He said, no one is pool safe ever. 1yt00K5_t7U-00028-00009305-00009857 And I think that's a message to the CPSC and the pool safely campaign is trying to impart 1yt00K5_t7U-00029-00009857-00010259 to everyone out there, particularly in these states like California, like Chula Vista, 1yt00K5_t7U-00030-00010259-00010550 southern California, Florida, Texas, Arizona, 1yt00K5_t7U-00031-00010550-00010917 where drowning rates are really high, no one is ever safe. 1yt00K5_t7U-00032-00010917-00011385 Now my kids, I have a one year old now as well who is a boy, he is going in one direction. 1yt00K5_t7U-00033-00011385-00011556 My daughter is going the other direction. 1yt00K5_t7U-00034-00011556-00011736 I am a crazed parent. 1yt00K5_t7U-00035-00011736-00011933 I am trying to keep an eye on my children. 1yt00K5_t7U-00036-00011933-00012087 I take them to the swimming pool. 1yt00K5_t7U-00037-00012087-00012203 I have friends at the pool. 1yt00K5_t7U-00038-00012203-00012347 I might have a cell phone call. 1yt00K5_t7U-00039-00012347-00012538 I might want to talk to my friends. 1yt00K5_t7U-00040-00012538-00013110 I have learned never to take my eyes off of my children no matter what is going on. 1yt00K5_t7U-00041-00013110-00013272 I am vigilant about it. 1yt00K5_t7U-00042-00013272-00013775 I am so vigilant about it that I just tell all my friends, do not take your eyes off of them. 1yt00K5_t7U-00043-00013775-00014260 That is one thing we need to impart in this campaign to all people that are around children 1yt00K5_t7U-00044-00014260-00014599 in a pool, they need to have supervision at all times. 1yt00K5_t7U-00045-00014599-00014941 There always needs to be eyes on those children in the pool. 1yt00K5_t7U-00046-00014941-00015250 As an adult you need to know how to swim. 1yt00K5_t7U-00047-00015250-00015761 One thing that I am still on my mother about, who is, would not let me tell you her age, 1yt00K5_t7U-00048-00015761-00016188 my mother still does not know how to swim and she also babysits my grandchildren, 1yt00K5_t7U-00049-00016188-00016428 or her grandchildren, my children. 1yt00K5_t7U-00050-00016428-00016843 I'm not very happy about that because she never took the time to learn how to swim. 1yt00K5_t7U-00051-00016843-00017311 Adults need to learn how to swim because when their children are in the water they need 1yt00K5_t7U-00052-00017311-00017628 to learn how to get in there and get them if there's any problems. 1yt00K5_t7U-00053-00017628-00018033 Other steps that we can take to be safe around the pool, as the chairman mentioned, 1yt00K5_t7U-00054-00018033-00018440 we need to have fences, 4 foot tall fences, with self locking gates. 1yt00K5_t7U-00055-00018440-00018642 We need to have layers of protection. 1yt00K5_t7U-00056-00018642-00019012 We need to keep toys and kickboards and fins off of a pool deck. 1yt00K5_t7U-00057-00019012-00019194 A child can trip on those toys. 1yt00K5_t7U-00058-00019194-00019266 They can fall in. 1yt00K5_t7U-00059-00019266-00019382 They can hit their head. 1yt00K5_t7U-00060-00019382-00019585 As the chairmen mentioned, drowning is silent. 1yt00K5_t7U-00061-00019585-00019722 It takes two minutes. 1yt00K5_t7U-00062-00019722-00019915 We don't know it's happening. 1yt00K5_t7U-00063-00019915-00020167 We also need to keep the pool clear of toys. 1yt00K5_t7U-00064-00020167-00020563 You know I know my 1 year old little boy is the most curious person I've ever met 1yt00K5_t7U-00065-00020563-00021016 and I can just picture him seeing a colorful Buzz Lightyear toy floating in the pool 1yt00K5_t7U-00066-00021016-00021275 and running out to the pool to try to get that. 1yt00K5_t7U-00067-00021275-00021548 We need to learn CPR, know CPR. 1yt00K5_t7U-00068-00021548-00021995 We need to have a phone by the pool in case something does happen so we're not running 1yt00K5_t7U-00069-00021995-00022290 into the house or the building looking for a telephone. 1yt00K5_t7U-00070-00022290-00022545 These are all steps we need to take. 1yt00K5_t7U-00071-00022545-00023044 This is what makes pools safe, it's what keeps our children safe, what keeps our family safe 1yt00K5_t7U-00072-00023044-00023526 and allows us to have a wonderful time in and around the pool and have a wonderful summer. 1yt00K5_t7U-00073-00023526-00023984 So these are simple steps that save lives and drowning can be prevented. 1yt00K5_t7U-00074-00023984-00024294 Remember learning to swim is a lifesaving skill. 1yt00K5_t7U-00075-00024294-00024561 It's not a sport to get into to keep your kids in the Olympics. 1yt00K5_t7U-00076-00024561-00025092 I have no doubt that my children will not swim in the Olympics but they will be good swimmers 1yt00K5_t7U-00077-00025092-00025299 because that is very important to me. 1yt00K5_t7U-00078-00025299-00025820 So once again, to Mayor Cox, thank you for having us at this beautiful pool here today. 1yt00K5_t7U-00079-00025820-00026055 Chairmen Tennenbaum, thank you for allowing me to be, 1yt00K5_t7U-00080-00026055-00026311 once again to be a part of the Pool Safely Campaign. 1yt00K5_t7U-00081-00026311-00026508 It's an honor and I want to spread the message. 1yt00K5_t7U-00082-00026508-00026733 Everyone have a wonderful summer and be safe in the water. 1yt00K5_t7U-00083-00026733-00026770 Thank you. 1yt00K5_t7U-00084-00026770-00026858 [applause] 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00000-00000049-00000306 This is one of a series of presentations 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00001-00000306-00000911 about the Areas of Search (AoSs) that are being put forward in the Welsh Marine Protected Area network completion project. 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00002-00000977-00001428 This project is being run by Welsh Government, with technical support from Natural Resources(NRW) 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00003-00001428-00002039 Wales and the Joint Nature Conservation (WJNC) committee Areas of search are not Marine conservation zone(MCZ) 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00004-00002039-00002538 site proposals, but represent a step in the process towards designating marine conservation 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00005-00002538-00002934 zones in Welsh waters. 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00006-00002934-00003228 Here is an illustration of the phased process moving 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00007-00003228-00003492 towards selecting possible MCZs for consultation 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00008-00003552-00004056 We are currently between step 2 and step 3 in a period of wider engagement on the 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00009-00004056-00004518 areas of search to gather additional information on activities and interests 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00010-00004614-00005112 We are discussing the AoS with interested sectors, stakeholders and communities and 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00011-00005112-00005424 will use this information to help with determining suitable areas. 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00012-00005502-00006450 Once possible MCZs have been identified with the task and finish group JNCC and NRW will provide pre-consultation 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00013-00006450-00007098 advice ahead of WG’s 12 week public consultation. More information can be found on the project web 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00014-00007200-00007253 page. 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00015-00007253-00007686 Shortfall features in AoS are: • Ross worm reef where worms 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00016-00007686-00008184 cement grains of sand together to make a tube, when there are enough tubes, they form reefs 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00017-00008184-00008778 that can provide habitat to other animals, • Fragile sponge and anthozoans – community 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00018-00008778-00009186 of sponges that grow proud of the seabed and anthozoans – sea anemones, 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00019-00009186-00009786 soft corals and colonial anemones, some of these sponges are slow growing and can live for decades. 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00020-00009864-00010548 • Subtidal coarse sediment: – coarse sand, gravels, pebbles and cobbles, generally 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00021-00010548-00011022 thought to be a fairly mobile environment • Subtidal mixed sediment which is a 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00022-00011022-00011466 mixture of sediment types, but always with muds present, and generally less mobile. 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00023-00011688-00012630 The AoS is predominantly inshore and located North and west of Anglesey and is approx. 1,290 km2 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00024-00012630-00013344 The area is largely dominated by SCS in the south-west and north-east corners, 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00025-00013344-00013890 with patches of SMX dotted around The records of fragile sponge 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00026-00013890-00014363 and anthozoan communities and Ross worm reef are located in the western half of the area. 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00027-00014363-00015119 The area of search is the only option to address the shortfall for ross worm reef in the Irish Sea 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00028-00015119-00015600 and is one of two areas that are both required to address the shortfall for fragile sponge and anthozoancommunities. 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00029-00015600-00016482 There are opportunities to fully address the shortfall for sub-tidal core sediments and partially address shortfall for sub-tidal mixed sediments. 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00030-00016482-00017238 But because it’s inshore it doesn’t provide representation and improve connectivity in 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00031-00017238-00017497 deeper waters. 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00032-00017497-00017964 At the broad area of search stage, shortfall features that overlapped with 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00033-00017964-00018372 currently licensed activities and existing infrastructure were removed as they are 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00034-00018372-00018822 incompatible with an MCZ designation. The area of search overview document 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00035-00018822-00019230 shows these activities in more detail and can be found on the project webpage. 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00036-00019332-00019668 The map on the left show the currently licensed activities and existing 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00037-00019668-00020091 infrastructure for area of search A which include:  Marine licensing applications 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00038-00020091-00020466  Oil pipelines  Port of Holyhead and anchorage areas 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00039-00020466-00021000  Offshore Wind installation in the east  Two areas of consented offshore tidal stream 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00040-00021000-00021618 and another at the pre-planning application stage  There are also a number of NRW Marine Licensed dredge disposal sites. 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00041-00021618-00022170 For each AoS, data was collated on activities that cause pressures which the 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00042-00022170-00022692 shortfall features are sensitive to. However, we do not have comprehensive up to date data 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00043-00022692-00023232 on all activities to include at this point. We recognise that further discussions are needed to 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00044-00023232-00023730 establish key areas for other activities. One dataset that we do have - is the 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00045-00023730-00024180 fishing activity interpreted from the Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) data summedhere 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00046-00024180-00024858 for 2016-2018 – shown on the right. VMS data is only collected on vessels 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00047-00024858-00025494 over 12m (and some smaller scallop fishing boats). We are aware of other fishing activity of under 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00048-00025494-00026118 12m (e.g. potting, scalloping and boat charter angling) and recreational activities that occur 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00049-00026118-00026664 within the AoS. Again this will be part of the wider engagement - getting information to feed 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00050-00026664-00026945 into the process. 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00051-00026945-00027570 For more information about the process, this area of search, other areas that are put forward and 1-ne0OoPeoQ-00052-00027570-00028056 how you can have your say please visit the projects webpage noted on the screen here. Thank you 1CQ7LLVicV4-00000-00000000-00000458 ▶ The previous episode Hi. My name's Ju Tae-gyun. I am 22 years old (Eyes + Nose+ facial bone contouring) 1CQ7LLVicV4-00001-00000458-00001445 (Eyes + Nose+ facial bone contouring, Ju Tae-gyun, 22 years old★) 1CQ7LLVicV4-00002-00001450-00001916 ▶The 1st day after the surgery (Can't talk well) 1CQ7LLVicV4-00003-00001916-00002266 ▶ The 3rd day after the surgery Hi. It's been 3 days (His face is still swollen a lot) 1CQ7LLVicV4-00004-00002270-00002641 (His face is still swollen a lot) 1CQ7LLVicV4-00005-00002641-00002975 ▶ The 5th day after the surgery Hi. It's been 5 days 1CQ7LLVicV4-00006-00002975-00003283 I can talk now 1CQ7LLVicV4-00007-00003283-00003704 And I think I've lost quite of swelling 1CQ7LLVicV4-00008-00003708-00004225 Well, It's still swollen a lot. But It's getting better 1CQ7LLVicV4-00009-00004229-00004625 ▶ The 7th day after the surgery It's been 7 days since I took the surgery 1CQ7LLVicV4-00010-00004629-00004879 I was very afraid at first 1CQ7LLVicV4-00011-00004879-00005204 I was scared so much 1CQ7LLVicV4-00012-00005204-00005441 Because it's not that I am talking one surgery 1CQ7LLVicV4-00013-00005441-00005787 I took surgery on my eyes, nose, cheekbone, jawline, and chin at the same time 1CQ7LLVicV4-00014-00005791-00005966 I worried a lot 1CQ7LLVicV4-00015-00005966-00006137 Because I had to take all the surgeries in one day 1CQ7LLVicV4-00016-00006137-00006537 It feels like I woke up instantly after the anesthesia 1CQ7LLVicV4-00017-00006537-00007637 The best way to take care of the swelling after the surgery is taking the after care from the hospital 1CQ7LLVicV4-00018-00007637-00007925 And having a pumpkin juice 1CQ7LLVicV4-00019-00007925-00008112 I just drink pumpkin juice like water 1CQ7LLVicV4-00020-00008150-00008395 That's it for today 1CQ7LLVicV4-00021-00008395-00008795 (register) 1CQ7LLVicV4-00022-00008795-00009195 It's only been 6 days. His side face already looks amazing 1CQ7LLVicV4-00023-00009195-00009595 Going to take the dermatology skincare 1CQ7LLVicV4-00024-00009775-00010412 It feels like taking a good rest in spa 1CQ7LLVicV4-00025-00010412-00010662 ▶ the interview of the 6th day Q. How do your roommates react? 1CQ7LLVicV4-00026-00010662-00010979 They creeped out and got scared at first 1CQ7LLVicV4-00027-00010979-00011225 But they said the swelling has been reduced a lot now 1CQ7LLVicV4-00028-00011316-00011541 Q. What do you want to eat the most? 1CQ7LLVicV4-00029-00011541-00011875 Right now? Pork belly barbeque. With Kimchi 1CQ7LLVicV4-00030-00011875-00012037 Well, then shall we have some pork belly today? (I'm kidding) 1CQ7LLVicV4-00031-00012037-00012179 Lol 1CQ7LLVicV4-00032-00012208-00012804 Q. Is it hurt? The facial contouring surgery part is a bit hurt 1CQ7LLVicV4-00033-00012804-00013300 Q. What's uncomfortable? When I took the bandage off from my nose, I was able to breathe well 1CQ7LLVicV4-00034-00013300-00013779 But now, the inside of my nose got swollen as well. I can't breathe well right now 1CQ7LLVicV4-00035-00013779-00014458 They said it's not easy to breathe because some liquid is stagnant 1CQ7LLVicV4-00036-00014458-00014712 ...Is it hurt when they remove the thread? 1CQ7LLVicV4-00037-00014712-00014875 I am scared 1CQ7LLVicV4-00038-00014941-00015120 Customer number 97 1CQ7LLVicV4-00039-00015425-00015825 (Going to see the doctor) 1CQ7LLVicV4-00040-00015895-00016079 ▶Counsel with the doctor Hi 1CQ7LLVicV4-00041-00016100-00016337 I have a question 1CQ7LLVicV4-00042-00016337-00016600 I think this eye is bigger than other 1CQ7LLVicV4-00043-00016600-00016766 It's because of swelling 1CQ7LLVicV4-00044-00016770-00017012 It seems like you can open your left eyes better than the right eye 1CQ7LLVicV4-00045-00017012-00017204 Are they gonna be the same size later? 1CQ7LLVicV4-00046-00017208-00017337 Of course 1CQ7LLVicV4-00047-00017337-00017575 It's been only a week 1CQ7LLVicV4-00048-00017575-00017754 Will you close your eyes? 1CQ7LLVicV4-00049-00017754-00017962 The scars are clean and neat 1CQ7LLVicV4-00050-00017962-00018041 Really? 1CQ7LLVicV4-00051-00018041-00018295 I do feel the scar. It really feels like my eyes are wounded 1CQ7LLVicV4-00052-00018358-00018466 This part 1CQ7LLVicV4-00053-00018508-00018641 That will be disappeared later 1CQ7LLVicV4-00054-00018641-00018945 What you see right now will be gone later 1CQ7LLVicV4-00055-00018950-00019154 Does that mean that my eyes will get bigger later? 1CQ7LLVicV4-00056-00019170-00019404 They might become bigger a little bit than now 1CQ7LLVicV4-00057-00019408-00019845 The upper part of your eyes are swollen, not the underparts of your eyes 1CQ7LLVicV4-00058-00019845-00020183 Once that swelling gets reduced and the upper part gets lighter, 1CQ7LLVicV4-00059-00020183-00020325 your eyes will look more natural 1CQ7LLVicV4-00060-00020325-00020620 You know, you can't open your eyes when your eyes are swollen 1CQ7LLVicV4-00061-00020620-00020766 Yeah, my eyes feel heavy 1CQ7LLVicV4-00062-00020766-00020945 Once that the heavy feeling is gone, they will feel lighter 1CQ7LLVicV4-00063-00020945-00021179 It will feel fresher than now 1CQ7LLVicV4-00064-00021179-00021279 Thank you 1CQ7LLVicV4-00065-00021279-00021404 (Thank you) 1CQ7LLVicV4-00066-00021466-00021625 Hi 1CQ7LLVicV4-00067-00021733-00021962 You're handsome 1CQ7LLVicV4-00068-00021995-00022900 (removing the tape) 1CQ7LLVicV4-00069-00022900-00023095 We didn't use a prosthesis 1CQ7LLVicV4-00070-00023100-00023425 It wasn't easy to make a straight line only with cartilage 1CQ7LLVicV4-00071-00023429-00023620 Your nose was bent a lot originally 1CQ7LLVicV4-00072-00023620-00023804 Did you know that your nose was bent? 1CQ7LLVicV4-00073-00023804-00023945 Yeah, I did 1CQ7LLVicV4-00074-00023945-00024212 It was bent in S shape in this way 1CQ7LLVicV4-00075-00024212-00024466 So I cut this side of bone off 1CQ7LLVicV4-00076-00024470-00025025 The line is good. We transplanted cartilage to your nose 1CQ7LLVicV4-00077-00025029-00025358 It takes time for them to attached together 1CQ7LLVicV4-00078-00025358-00025516 Since I cut off this side of bone a little bit 1CQ7LLVicV4-00079-00025516-00025654 this side will take more time to get reduce the swelling 1CQ7LLVicV4-00080-00025654-00026095 The nose isn't bent anymore. And it's doesn't look droopy anymore 1CQ7LLVicV4-00081-00026095-00026225 That feels weird 1CQ7LLVicV4-00082-00026308-00026541 It feels like I have something in my nose 1CQ7LLVicV4-00083-00026541-00026704 This is so weird 1CQ7LLVicV4-00084-00026733-00026854 Everything's fine as long as you don't feel pain (messing with him) 1CQ7LLVicV4-00085-00026854-00027095 Lol 1CQ7LLVicV4-00086-00027100-00027358 It was too weird, I wasn't able to say that it hurt 1CQ7LLVicV4-00087-00027383-00027600 After that, he talked with the facial bone contouring doctor as well 1CQ7LLVicV4-00088-00027600-00028037 And they removed the thread 1CQ7LLVicV4-00089-00028037-00028787 The finished it by sterilizing inside of the mouth 1CQ7LLVicV4-00090-00028787-00029658 Stay tuned for the next episode★ I wanna eat cake 1CQ7LLVicV4-00091-00029658-00029916 What if you get cake stuck in your teeth? 1CQ7LLVicV4-00092-00030070-00030220 Why don't you wait for another week? 1CQ7LLVicV4-00093-00030220-00030366 Another week? 1CQ7LLVicV4-00094-00030491-00030800 Ha... (I have a lot to say but I won't) 1F_MMYlFtuk-00000-00000000-00001000 station Somovo 1F_MMYlFtuk-00001-00028500-00029501 platform Borovskaya 1F_MMYlFtuk-00002-00053501-00054501 station Otrozhka 1F_MMYlFtuk-00003-00088451-00089451 platform Berezovaya roshcha 1F_MMYlFtuk-00004-00121001-00122001 station Voronezh-1 1F_MMYlFtuk-00005-00131800-00132300 Electric EP1M-466 with fast train №033 Moscow - Vladikavkaz 1HtsciRaSKQ-00000-00000284-00000827 All the material deprivations and human rights dispossession that poor people 1HtsciRaSKQ-00001-00000827-00001344 suffered before the pandemic are becoming today more and more acute 1HtsciRaSKQ-00002-00001344-00002052 and critical. This is the case with poor ethnic Roma from Romania, too. 1HtsciRaSKQ-00003-00002052-00002717 Housing deprivations which is, and unfortunately was a characteristic even before, 1HtsciRaSKQ-00004-00002717-00003354 means that people who do not have a safe home cannot really respect the rule according to which we all have to stay at home. 1HtsciRaSKQ-00005-00003354-00003947 Plus, those people who do not 1HtsciRaSKQ-00006-00003947-00004553 have utilities, including water, running water in their house, they cannot respect 1HtsciRaSKQ-00007-00004553-00004964 the rule according to which we have to wash our hands in order to protect ourselves. 1HtsciRaSKQ-00008-00004964-00005664 The rule of social or physical distancing is 1HtsciRaSKQ-00009-00005664-00006397 something again that is impossible to be respected in overcrowded homes and in overcrowded areas. 1HtsciRaSKQ-00010-00006397-00007047 In addition, many poor Roma in Romania are living in polluted, toxic environments, 1HtsciRaSKQ-00011-00007047-00007743 for example as it happens in Cluj-Napoca, in my city, in the landfill area of Pata Rât. 1HtsciRaSKQ-00012-00007743-00008447 In what regards labor exploitation, let us think 1HtsciRaSKQ-00013-00008447-00008957 here only about the sanitation workers who cannot afford staying home and 1HtsciRaSKQ-00014-00008957-00009549 work from home, they have to continue to work, because they do a very 1HtsciRaSKQ-00015-00009549-00010217 important work for the city. And as we can see, they are not properly 1HtsciRaSKQ-00016-00010217-00010845 protected and their employers do not respect their duties in what 1HtsciRaSKQ-00017-00010845-00011520 regards these matters. Yet again, people who were making a living 1HtsciRaSKQ-00018-00011520-00012135 from one day to another by the means of informal labor, nowadays 1HtsciRaSKQ-00019-00012135-00012779 they cannot go out from their homes, so they do not have this income any more, 1HtsciRaSKQ-00020-00012779-00013298 so this means poverty becomes more and more acute in their case. 1HtsciRaSKQ-00021-00013298-00013720 People who do not have savings can 1HtsciRaSKQ-00022-00013720-00014395 hardly afford making a living out of their unemployment benefits that they receive nowadays. 1HtsciRaSKQ-00023-00014395-00015238 Racism, last but not least, racism is a factor which affects ethnic Roma, 1HtsciRaSKQ-00024-00015238-00016109 poor Roma, who are not only discursively blamed for spreading the virus, 1HtsciRaSKQ-00025-00016109-00016687 or blamed because they are threatening the whole society. 1HtsciRaSKQ-00026-00016687-00017429 Racism today is manifested in police brutality, 1HtsciRaSKQ-00027-00017429-00018092 in surveillance actions, raids done by police and military forces in ghettoized areas inhabited mostly by ethnic Roma. 1HtsciRaSKQ-00028-00018092-00018879 And very often, these raids are ending with violent attacks, 1HtsciRaSKQ-00029-00018879-00019401 physical attacks against Roma. 1HewcvGgkD0-00000-00001076-00001443 Hi, my name's Phelan Vendeville and I'm 1HewcvGgkD0-00001-00001443-00001851 a Systems Engineer in the Site Reliability Organization at Google. 1HewcvGgkD0-00002-00001851-00002197 I'm really excited to be your instructor for the next few lessons. 1HewcvGgkD0-00003-00002197-00002719 Before we jump in, I'll kick things off by telling you a little bit about myself. 1HewcvGgkD0-00004-00002719-00002985 My passion for technology began in high school, 1HewcvGgkD0-00005-00002985-00003385 which was located in a geographically isolated part of California. 1HewcvGgkD0-00006-00003385-00003599 This isolation meant that technology and 1HewcvGgkD0-00007-00003599-00003953 the internet played an important role in bringing the outside world to 1HewcvGgkD0-00008-00003953-00004247 students and connecting them with ideas and 1HewcvGgkD0-00009-00004247-00004691 opportunities via things like virtual field trips and promote learning. 1HewcvGgkD0-00010-00004691-00005249 For example, I remember preparing for the SATs through digital classroom sessions, 1HewcvGgkD0-00011-00005249-00005538 which would have been impossible to attend in person. 1HewcvGgkD0-00012-00005538-00005897 After high school, I enlisted in the US Navy as 1HewcvGgkD0-00013-00005897-00006113 an Information Systems Technician responsible 1HewcvGgkD0-00014-00006113-00006380 for maintaining computer and network systems. 1HewcvGgkD0-00015-00006380-00006744 I continued to witness the ways technology brings people together. 1HewcvGgkD0-00016-00006744-00006973 Whether that meant coordinating ship movements during 1HewcvGgkD0-00017-00006973-00007500 training exercises or connecting love ones on long deployments via video chat. 1HewcvGgkD0-00018-00007500-00007890 Lots of people use technologies in various ways every day, 1HewcvGgkD0-00019-00007890-00008229 but relatively few understand how it works. 1HewcvGgkD0-00020-00008229-00008435 A career in IT can be challenging, 1HewcvGgkD0-00021-00008435-00008620 as I can attest to personally. 1HewcvGgkD0-00022-00008620-00008927 I can still remember the horror I felt after 1HewcvGgkD0-00023-00008927-00009224 blowing up the power supply of a master ship's computer, 1HewcvGgkD0-00024-00009224-00009426 by using the wrong voltage switch. 1HewcvGgkD0-00025-00009426-00009743 But a career in IT can be incredibly rewarding, 1HewcvGgkD0-00026-00009743-00009936 when you can do things like recover 1HewcvGgkD0-00027-00009936-00010256 irreplaceable family photos from a failing hard drive. 1HewcvGgkD0-00028-00010256-00010469 As an IT Support Specialist, 1HewcvGgkD0-00029-00010469-00010968 you'll be in a position to not only know how a given piece of technology functions, 1HewcvGgkD0-00030-00010968-00011264 but also how to help fix it when it breaks. 1HewcvGgkD0-00031-00011264-00011516 This means you'll have a direct impact on the flow of 1HewcvGgkD0-00032-00011516-00011875 information going between people, which is pretty cool. 1HewcvGgkD0-00033-00011875-00012113 I'm excited to teach you about the third layer of 1HewcvGgkD0-00034-00012113-00012386 computer architecture known as software. 1HewcvGgkD0-00035-00012386-00012533 Software is how we, 1HewcvGgkD0-00036-00012533-00012913 as users, directly interact with our computer. 1HewcvGgkD0-00037-00012913-00013313 The operating system that we interact with is just software. 1HewcvGgkD0-00038-00013313-00013930 The music programs, word processors and more that we use every day are also software. 1HewcvGgkD0-00039-00013930-00014133 But what exactly is it? 1HewcvGgkD0-00040-00014133-00014555 If the hardware is the physical stuff that you can pick up and hold, 1HewcvGgkD0-00041-00014555-00015011 software is the intangible instructions that tell the hardware what to do. 1HewcvGgkD0-00042-00015011-00015141 In the next lesson, 1HewcvGgkD0-00043-00015141-00015522 we're going to deep dive more into what software is, 1HewcvGgkD0-00044-00015522-00015900 how we install it, and how it works. 1KnP60oL73A-00000-00001446-00001639 Wanna keep a dry roof over your heads, literally. 1KnP60oL73A-00001-00001639-00001923 When you need a reliable roofing solution. 1KnP60oL73A-00002-00001923-00002191 Our experienced team of professionals are ready 1KnP60oL73A-00003-00002191-00002335 to solve your needs. 1KnP60oL73A-00004-00002335-00002602 No job is to big or to small. 1KnP60oL73A-00005-00002602-00003025 Our experienced craftsman have years of experienced on all sorts of buildings. 1KnP60oL73A-00006-00003025-00003364 We are confident you will be completely satisfied. 1KnP60oL73A-00007-00003364-00003551 Don't delay and contact us today! 1KnP60oL73A-00008-00003551-00003844 Tile Roofing Los Angeles CA Hey there thanks for watching our video to 1KnP60oL73A-00009-00003844-00004122 get more fresh content regularly, the subscribe 1KnP60oL73A-00010-00004122-00004236 button below. 1KnP60oL73A-00011-00004236-00004722 And then also, like us on Facebook and engage with us through social media by clicking these 1KnP60oL73A-00012-00004722-00004869 icons that are popping up. 1Kvq6BuDvOY-00000-00000119-00000293 Let me convey my kind greetings to everyone. 1Kvq6BuDvOY-00001-00000379-00000813 My working relationship with Chong An Sunim spans more than a decade, 1Kvq6BuDvOY-00002-00000813-00001093 and he put us to a very ‘easy’ task. 1Kvq6BuDvOY-00003-00001110-00001575 Just like the other trades, we got the instructions 1Kvq6BuDvOY-00004-00001575-00002154 what Koreans do not traditionally do: putting electricity into a temple building. 1Kvq6BuDvOY-00005-00002170-00002430 He said that it should be neat, tidy and operational. 1Kvq6BuDvOY-00006-00002448-00002761 This is just what we have done. Thank you very much. 1NPrV5EhXrg-00000-00000057-00000363 My name is John Liliestrand and I'm the Safety Coordinator 1NPrV5EhXrg-00001-00000363-00000875 for Fish On Bass Club. We're the largest non federated bass club in Maryland. 1NPrV5EhXrg-00002-00000875-00001240 We're holding this event with the Coast Guard Auxiliary. 1NPrV5EhXrg-00003-00001240-00001635 It's a vessel inspection that they do. We've invited the Coast Guard Auxiliary 1NPrV5EhXrg-00004-00001635-00002001 to come to beautiful Black Hills Regional Park. The goal today is to make 1NPrV5EhXrg-00005-00002001-00002076 sure that 1NPrV5EhXrg-00006-00002076-00002384 all the boats in our fishing club have all the proper safety equipment 1NPrV5EhXrg-00007-00002384-00002818 and that we all know how to operate them safely. The Coast Guard Auxiliary is a 1NPrV5EhXrg-00008-00002818-00003301 civilian volunteer organization. Our primary emphasis is on recreational 1NPrV5EhXrg-00009-00003301-00003404 boating safety. 1NPrV5EhXrg-00010-00003404-00003721 A vessel safety check, it's a voluntary; it helps 1NPrV5EhXrg-00011-00003721-00004055 assure the boater that their boat is properly registered 1NPrV5EhXrg-00012-00004055-00004411 properly identified, they have all the requisite 1NPrV5EhXrg-00013-00004411-00004795 safety equipment for both the federal requirements as well as 1NPrV5EhXrg-00014-00004795-00005114 the state or locale that they're going to be boating in. 1NPrV5EhXrg-00015-00005114-00005503 To actually get the safety check is a relatively simple process. 1NPrV5EhXrg-00016-00005503-00005823 They go through and make sure that you have the basic things you're 1NPrV5EhXrg-00017-00005823-00006105 supposed to have: Do you have your life jackets? Do you have your 1NPrV5EhXrg-00018-00006105-00006551 registration? Are your lights working? The vessel safety check doesn't take long 1NPrV5EhXrg-00019-00006551-00007058 takes us typically 15 to 20 minutes at most. We try to maximize 1NPrV5EhXrg-00020-00007058-00007534 making sure folks are safe; we try to minimize the time required to 1NPrV5EhXrg-00021-00007534-00007965 to do that check so that we're not interfering with the goal of being out on 1NPrV5EhXrg-00022-00007965-00008034 the water. 1NPrV5EhXrg-00023-00008034-00008407 We do it for a number of reasons, primarily safety. It's is very important 1NPrV5EhXrg-00024-00008407-00008588 as a Safety Officer for the club, 1NPrV5EhXrg-00025-00008588-00008931 it's imperative that we do everything we can to make sure that the people are 1NPrV5EhXrg-00026-00008931-00009099 safe, that the boats are safe. 1NPrV5EhXrg-00027-00009099-00009497 A secondary benefit of this is that you're a lot less likely to get stopped on 1NPrV5EhXrg-00028-00009497-00009822 the water. They see the sticker and they know that you've done everything that 1NPrV5EhXrg-00029-00009822-00010032 you're supposed to do to be safe on the water. 1NPrV5EhXrg-00030-00010032-00010411 It's a one time deal so covers for a whole summer. They were very eager to 1NPrV5EhXrg-00031-00010411-00010514 come out. They were out here 1NPrV5EhXrg-00032-00010514-00010960 early. They're actually very instructive on tips to not only just passive safety 1NPrV5EhXrg-00033-00010960-00011089 exam, but also 1NPrV5EhXrg-00034-00011089-00011478 other tips that might make us operate just a little bit safer so it was great. We take 1NPrV5EhXrg-00035-00011478-00011722 a lot of pride in our membership. We've got a 1NPrV5EhXrg-00036-00011722-00012178 a perfect safety record, thank goodness, and it's in part due to making sure that our 1NPrV5EhXrg-00037-00012178-00012487 boats are good and that we take care our people and they have the right equipment 1NPrV5EhXrg-00038-00012487-00012805 on their boat. It's a quick easy process. 1NPrV5EhXrg-00039-00012805-00012955 I really suggest people do it. 1SUPwVuOUwM-00000-00000712-00001056 How to Be More Grateful for What Freedom You Already Have 1SUPwVuOUwM-00001-00001152-00001712 There‘s so much emphasis on getting ahead, being successful and striving for change that it can 1SUPwVuOUwM-00002-00001712-00002112 be hard to remember that you already have so much for which to be grateful. 1SUPwVuOUwM-00003-00002208-00002784 Even worse, the constant pushing to change your circumstances can lead to dissatisfaction, 1SUPwVuOUwM-00004-00002784-00003168 and keep you trapped in a cycle of always feeling you’re not good enough. 1SUPwVuOUwM-00005-00003256-00003672 Free yourself from the shackles of ‘must try harder’ by remembering to stop 1SUPwVuOUwM-00006-00003672-00004192 and appreciate what you’ve already achieved, what blessings you already have in your life. 1SUPwVuOUwM-00007-00004288-00004576 Keep in mind that you are free to be content right now. 1SUPwVuOUwM-00008-00004664-00005000 Here are some tips to help free you from the cycle of discontent. 1SUPwVuOUwM-00009-00005096-00005456 Change your focus Research has shown that the more 1SUPwVuOUwM-00010-00005456-00006016 you cultivate a habit of gratitude, the better able you are to weather the ups and downs of life. 1SUPwVuOUwM-00011-00006112-00006592 As you perceive life to be positive, you will come to expect more of the same. 1SUPwVuOUwM-00012-00006680-00007272 You can retrain your brain from negative self-talk to greater thankfulness, gratitude, and happiness. 1SUPwVuOUwM-00013-00007368-00007912 By practicing gratitude, you rewire the neural pathways in your brain so that it becomes your 1SUPwVuOUwM-00014-00007912-00008608 mindset’s default setting. You learn to look for the good in things instead of focusing on the bad. 1SUPwVuOUwM-00015-00008608-00009040 Step away from more stuff If you’re like most people, 1SUPwVuOUwM-00016-00009040-00009656 you have more than enough possessions. The current mantra is that spending brings happiness, 1SUPwVuOUwM-00017-00009656-00010232 but deep down you probably know that it doesn’t. Sure, buying yourself a new car 1SUPwVuOUwM-00018-00010232-00010744 or outfit makes you feel good at the time, but that spenders high wears off pretty quickly. 1SUPwVuOUwM-00019-00010840-00011416 Break the habit of buying the next shiny thing and appreciate what you’ve got right now. 1SUPwVuOUwM-00020-00011416-00011896 Develop a mindfulness practice Mindfulness and meditation can 1SUPwVuOUwM-00021-00011896-00012504 help you focus on the good that’s already in your life. By focusing on the present, you free 1SUPwVuOUwM-00022-00012504-00013119 yourself from that familiar yoyo-ing of brooding over past disappointments and future anxieties. 1SUPwVuOUwM-00023-00013208-00013824 You can easily integrate mindfulness into your day. Whatever you’re doing, pause and focus 1SUPwVuOUwM-00024-00013824-00014424 on your breath. Ask yourself: what are five things I’m grateful for in my life right now? 1SUPwVuOUwM-00025-00014528-00015032 Your five items can be anything from having a roof over your head to having a job, 1SUPwVuOUwM-00026-00015032-00015600 your partner or your health. Or you can be grateful for a comfortable chair or clean 1SUPwVuOUwM-00027-00015600-00016040 sheets! Chose anything that makes you feel good at that very moment. 1SUPwVuOUwM-00028-00016136-00016704 Choosing gratitude and contentment doesn’t mean being stagnant or giving up. It means 1SUPwVuOUwM-00029-00016704-00017136 stepping aside from judgment and freeing yourself from the bonds of negativity. 1UcdnIwZ7uM-00000-00000112-00000608 Hi. I'm Noah Stockwell and I am receiving my bachelor's from the School of Aeronautics 1UcdnIwZ7uM-00001-00000608-00001232 and Astronautics. My education in AAE has been characterized by three things learning tools to 1UcdnIwZ7uM-00002-00001232-00001728 design and better understand the nature of complex systems developing intuition for the underlying 1UcdnIwZ7uM-00003-00001728-00002288 physics we see and achievement through hard work. I have spent a few semesters over the last couple 1UcdnIwZ7uM-00004-00002288-00002736 years working in commercial airplane development where these skills are fundamental the most 1UcdnIwZ7uM-00005-00002736-00003247 interesting and valuable problems are the ones that have not been solved yet. In these situations 1UcdnIwZ7uM-00006-00003247-00003679 you have to question assumptions and dive into why previous experiments obtained the results they did 1UcdnIwZ7uM-00007-00003760-00004184 you have to take designs and look at them in new ways focusing on the physics first 1UcdnIwZ7uM-00008-00004184-00004808 and implementation second. I have had many fantastic professors in AAE who have imparted 1UcdnIwZ7uM-00009-00004808-00005400 these skills by focusing on the why other topics in addition to the how ranging from safety culture 1UcdnIwZ7uM-00010-00005400-00005968 to design optimization and fluid mechanics knowing the assumptions and physics of engineering enables 1UcdnIwZ7uM-00011-00005968-00006495 a more complete picture of the art of the possible of innovative designs and new opportunities. 1UcdnIwZ7uM-00012-00006608-00007048 These lessons don't come easily and AAE has continually challenged me to achieve 1UcdnIwZ7uM-00013-00007048-00007559 the next level to tackle harder and harder problems in increasing depth no matter the 1UcdnIwZ7uM-00014-00007559-00007984 size of the mountains I have yet to climb I am confident I have the tools I need to scale them. 1UcdnIwZ7uM-00015-00008104-00008680 This is what I'm taking away from AAE the tools to design aerospace systems the intuition to tackle 1UcdnIwZ7uM-00016-00008680-00009256 entirely new problems and the determination to achieve. I will be returning to Purdue next fall 1UcdnIwZ7uM-00017-00009256-00009720 to complete my master's degree and from there I plan on continuing my work in commercial aviation. 1UcdnIwZ7uM-00018-00009808-00010256 I have loved my time here and I look forward to the next big challenges that await 1VljSIktQ_c-00000-00000021-00000202 It’s that time again! 1VljSIktQ_c-00001-00000202-00000742 We have something very special for today’s Video Game Story Time Advent Calendar: a world 1VljSIktQ_c-00002-00000742-00001189 exclusive thanks to a little bit of genuine journalism on our part. 1VljSIktQ_c-00003-00001189-00001629 Ever wondered why Papyrus and Sans from Undertale are skeletons? 1VljSIktQ_c-00004-00001629-00002222 They’re actually a reference to the popular webcomic, Helvetica, which, as you might have 1VljSIktQ_c-00005-00002222-00002538 guessed, is about a skeleton that’s named after a font. 1VljSIktQ_c-00006-00002538-00003038 A couple of years ago we had the privilege of interviewing the extremely talented J.N. 1VljSIktQ_c-00007-00003038-00003494 Wiedle, creator of Helvetica, who has also worked on a variety of other projects you 1VljSIktQ_c-00008-00003494-00003929 may have heard of, such as the Sonic Mania Adventures animations. 1VljSIktQ_c-00009-00003929-00004448 When we spoke to them, they were kind enough to explain how and why Toby Fox designed Papyrus 1VljSIktQ_c-00010-00004448-00004739 and Sans: “Toby and I have became friends through 1VljSIktQ_c-00011-00004739-00004935 our mutual interest/involvement in Homestuck. 1VljSIktQ_c-00012-00004935-00005689 The details on this are muddy in my memory, but sometime in 2013 Toby was like "I'm making 1VljSIktQ_c-00013-00005689-00005923 a game" and I was like, "Oh cool! 1VljSIktQ_c-00014-00005923-00006023 I'm excited!" 1VljSIktQ_c-00015-00006023-00006606 I didn't know what to expect (lol) I remember when the demo dropped, and Sans and Papyrus 1VljSIktQ_c-00016-00006606-00006904 were included in it as a gesture from Toby to me. 1VljSIktQ_c-00017-00006904-00007205 “They were created as a joke on my character Helvetica. 1VljSIktQ_c-00018-00007205-00007859 For context, Helvetica (the font) is well-utilized by graphic designers because of its uniformity 1VljSIktQ_c-00019-00007859-00008011 and crispness. 1VljSIktQ_c-00020-00008011-00008550 Comic Sans and Papyrus, however, are very disliked and looked down upon- a lot of graphic 1VljSIktQ_c-00021-00008550-00008974 designers who are just starting out often go overboard in their hate of these fonts 1VljSIktQ_c-00022-00008974-00009668 (lol) So in a way, Sans and Papyrus were kind of like "cheap knockoffs" of Helvetica. 1VljSIktQ_c-00023-00009668-00009942 Of course, they became so much more!” 1VljSIktQ_c-00024-00009942-00010089 The full interview that J.N. 1VljSIktQ_c-00025-00010089-00010590 Wiedle gave us is absolutely fascinating, but we had to put it to one side and never 1VljSIktQ_c-00026-00010590-00010922 quite finished our video on their contributions to Undertale. 1VljSIktQ_c-00027-00010922-00011354 Perhaps we’ll try and get it done for the release of Deltarune Chapter 2, whenever that 1VljSIktQ_c-00028-00011354-00011454 happens. 1VljSIktQ_c-00029-00011454-00011840 In the meantime, we’ll see you tomorrow for the next tiny Advent Calendar video. 1VljSIktQ_c-00030-00011840-00012383 We’ll be covering the origin of Waluigi, and why he and Wario don’t have girlfriends. 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00000-00000010-00000093 PREVENT ADDICTION THROUGH 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00001-00000093-00000100 PREVENT ADDICTION THROUGH 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00002-00000100-00000577 PREVENT ADDICTION THROUGH PREVENTION PROGRAMS. 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00003-00000577-00000583 PREVENT ADDICTION THROUGH PREVENTION PROGRAMS. 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00004-00000583-00000984 PREVENT ADDICTION THROUGH PREVENTION PROGRAMS. >> DENNIS: LEAH FHIFER SAYS SHE 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00005-00000984-00000990 PREVENTION PROGRAMS. >> DENNIS: LEAH FHIFER SAYS SHE 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00006-00000990-00001114 PREVENTION PROGRAMS. >> DENNIS: LEAH FHIFER SAYS SHE WON'T RUN IN A CROWDED 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00007-00001114-00001121 >> DENNIS: LEAH FHIFER SAYS SHE WON'T RUN IN A CROWDED 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00008-00001121-00001374 >> DENNIS: LEAH FHIFER SAYS SHE WON'T RUN IN A CROWDED DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY TO REPLACE 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00009-00001374-00001381 WON'T RUN IN A CROWDED DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY TO REPLACE 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00010-00001381-00001488 WON'T RUN IN A CROWDED DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY TO REPLACE REPRESENTATIVE RICK NOLAN. 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00011-00001488-00001494 DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY TO REPLACE REPRESENTATIVE RICK NOLAN. 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00012-00001494-00001584 DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY TO REPLACE REPRESENTATIVE RICK NOLAN. SHE WAS AMONG THE FIRST 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00013-00001584-00001591 REPRESENTATIVE RICK NOLAN. SHE WAS AMONG THE FIRST 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00014-00001591-00001705 REPRESENTATIVE RICK NOLAN. SHE WAS AMONG THE FIRST CANDIDATES IN THE 8 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00015-00001705-00001711 SHE WAS AMONG THE FIRST CANDIDATES IN THE 8 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00016-00001711-00001835 SHE WAS AMONG THE FIRST CANDIDATES IN THE 8 CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT RACE, 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00017-00001835-00001841 CANDIDATES IN THE 8 CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT RACE, 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00018-00001841-00002015 CANDIDATES IN THE 8 CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT RACE, CHALLENGING NOLAN FOR THE PARTY 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00019-00002015-00002022 CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT RACE, CHALLENGING NOLAN FOR THE PARTY 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00020-00002022-00002228 CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT RACE, CHALLENGING NOLAN FOR THE PARTY NOMINATION BEFORE THIRD TERM 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00021-00002228-00002235 CHALLENGING NOLAN FOR THE PARTY NOMINATION BEFORE THIRD TERM 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00022-00002235-00002382 CHALLENGING NOLAN FOR THE PARTY NOMINATION BEFORE THIRD TERM LAWMAKER DECIDED TO RETIRE. 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00023-00002382-00002389 NOMINATION BEFORE THIRD TERM LAWMAKER DECIDED TO RETIRE. 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00024-00002389-00002572 NOMINATION BEFORE THIRD TERM LAWMAKER DECIDED TO RETIRE. SHE IS A FORMER 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00025-00002572-00002579 LAWMAKER DECIDED TO RETIRE. SHE IS A FORMER 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00026-00002579-00002689 LAWMAKER DECIDED TO RETIRE. SHE IS A FORMER COUNTER-TERRORISM ANALYST WHO 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00027-00002689-00002696 SHE IS A FORMER COUNTER-TERRORISM ANALYST WHO 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00028-00002696-00002906 SHE IS A FORMER COUNTER-TERRORISM ANALYST WHO RAN PRIMARILY ON ENVIRONMENTAL 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00029-00002906-00002912 COUNTER-TERRORISM ANALYST WHO RAN PRIMARILY ON ENVIRONMENTAL 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00030-00002912-00003056 COUNTER-TERRORISM ANALYST WHO RAN PRIMARILY ON ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES LIKE OPPOSING COPPER 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00031-00003056-00003063 RAN PRIMARILY ON ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES LIKE OPPOSING COPPER 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00032-00003063-00003216 RAN PRIMARILY ON ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES LIKE OPPOSING COPPER MINING PROJECTS ON THE IRON 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00033-00003216-00003223 ISSUES LIKE OPPOSING COPPER MINING PROJECTS ON THE IRON 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00034-00003223-00003263 ISSUES LIKE OPPOSING COPPER MINING PROJECTS ON THE IRON RANGE. 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00035-00003263-00003269 MINING PROJECTS ON THE IRON RANGE. 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00036-00003269-00003420 MINING PROJECTS ON THE IRON RANGE. SHE HAD BEEN CONSIDERED A 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00037-00003420-00003426 RANGE. SHE HAD BEEN CONSIDERED A 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00038-00003426-00003573 RANGE. SHE HAD BEEN CONSIDERED A FRONTRUNNER IN THE RACE BUT 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00039-00003573-00003580 SHE HAD BEEN CONSIDERED A FRONTRUNNER IN THE RACE BUT 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00040-00003580-00003700 SHE HAD BEEN CONSIDERED A FRONTRUNNER IN THE RACE BUT ANNOUNCED WEDNESDAY SHE WOULD 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00041-00003700-00003707 FRONTRUNNER IN THE RACE BUT ANNOUNCED WEDNESDAY SHE WOULD 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00042-00003707-00003937 FRONTRUNNER IN THE RACE BUT ANNOUNCED WEDNESDAY SHE WOULD NOT RUN IN THE PRIMARY. 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00043-00003937-00003943 ANNOUNCED WEDNESDAY SHE WOULD NOT RUN IN THE PRIMARY. 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00044-00003943-00004100 ANNOUNCED WEDNESDAY SHE WOULD NOT RUN IN THE PRIMARY. HER DECISION MAY BE WELCOMED 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00045-00004100-00004107 NOT RUN IN THE PRIMARY. HER DECISION MAY BE WELCOMED 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00046-00004107-00004240 NOT RUN IN THE PRIMARY. HER DECISION MAY BE WELCOMED NEWS TO SOME PARTY LEADERS WHO 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00047-00004240-00004247 HER DECISION MAY BE WELCOMED NEWS TO SOME PARTY LEADERS WHO 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00048-00004247-00004464 HER DECISION MAY BE WELCOMED NEWS TO SOME PARTY LEADERS WHO WORRIED THAT A FIVE-WAY 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00049-00004464-00004471 NEWS TO SOME PARTY LEADERS WHO WORRIED THAT A FIVE-WAY 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00050-00004471-00004624 NEWS TO SOME PARTY LEADERS WHO WORRIED THAT A FIVE-WAY DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY WOULD HOBBLE 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00051-00004624-00004631 WORRIED THAT A FIVE-WAY DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY WOULD HOBBLE 1Wtrg1mk9k8-00052-00004631-00004674 WORRIED THAT A FIVE-WAY DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY WOULD HOBBLE DEMOCRATS IN A COMPETITIVE 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00000-00000000-00000400 Hello friends and Welcome to the tutorial on 'Manipulating Lists'. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00001-00000500-00001600 At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to, Concatenate two lists Learn the details of slicing and striding of lists Sort and reverse lists. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00002-00001700-00002300 So, before beginning this tutorial,we would suggest you to complete the tutorial on "Getting started with Lists". 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00003-00002400-00002700 So let's start i python on our terminal 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00004-00002800-00003400 Type ipython and hit enter. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00005-00003500-00004700 We have already learn't about lists in Python, how to access individual elements in the list and some of the functions that can be run on the lists like max, min, sum, len and so on. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00006-00004800-00005300 Now let us learn some of the basic operations that can be performed on Lists. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00007-00005400-00005600 We already know how to access individual elements in a List. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00008-00005700-00006600 But what if we have a scenario where we need to get a part of the entire list or what we call as a slice of the list? 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00009-00006700-00006900 Python supports slicing on lists. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00010-00007000-00009200 Let us say I have the list, primes equal within bracket 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00011-00009300-00009400 Hit enter 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00012-00009500-00011000 To obtain all the primes between 10 and 20 from the above list of primes we say primes[4:8] 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00013-00011100-00012300 This gives us all the elements in the list starting from the element with the index 4, which is 11, up to the element with index 8 in the list but not including the eighth element. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00014-00012400-00012700 So we obtain a slice starting from 11 up to 19th. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00015-00012800-00013700 It is very important to remember that whenever we specify a range of elements in Python, the start index is included and end index is not included. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00016-00013800-00014800 So in the above case, 11, which is element with the index 4, was included but 23 which was the element with index 8 was excluded. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00017-00014900-00016400 Pause the video here, try out the following exercise and resume the video. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00018-00016500-00016600 So now switch to terminal for solution. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00019-00016700-00017600 Type primes within brackets 0 colon 4 and hit enter. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00020-00017700-00017900 It give us the primes below 10. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00021-00018000-00019600 Generalizing, we can obtain a slice of the list "p" from the index "start" up to the index "end" but excluding "end" with the syntax p[start:stop] 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00022-00019700-00020300 So by default the slice fetches all the elements between start and stop including start but not stop. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00023-00020400-00021000 So as to say we obtain all the elements between start and stop in steps of one. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00024-00021100-00021600 Python also provides us the functionality to specify the steps in which the slice must be obtained. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00025-00021700-00023800 So we have num is equal to within brackets 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00026-00023900-00025100 If we want to obtain all the odd numbers less than 10 from the list num we have to start from element with index 1 upto the index 10 in steps of 2 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00027-00025200-00026300 So we type num within square brackets 1 is to 10 is to 2 that is ,1 colon 10 colon 2 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00028-00026400-00026700 When no step is specified, it is assumed to be 1. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00029-00026800-00027300 Similarly, there are default values for start and stop in dices as well. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00030-00027400-00028500 If we don't specify the start index, it is implicitly taken as the first element of the list 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00031-00028600-00029100 So type num within square brackets colon 10. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00032-00029200-00029800 This gives us all the elements from the beginning upto the 10th element but not including the 10th element in the list. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00033-00029900-00030900 Similarly if the stop index is not specified, it is implicitly assumed to be the end of the list, including the last element of the list 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00034-00031000-00032000 So type num within square brackets 10 colon. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00035-00032100-00032900 This gives us all elements starting from the 10th element in the list "num" upto the final element including the last element. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00036-00033000-00034100 To get all the even numbers in the list "num", we do num in square brackets colon colon 2 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00037-00034200-00034700 So now pause the video here, try out the following exercise and resume the video. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00038-00034800-00035500 Obtain all the multiples of three from the list num 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00039-00035600-00035800 The solution is on your screen. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00040-00035900-00036400 num colon colon 3 gives us all the multiples of 3 from the list. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00041-00036500-00037300 Since every third element in this starting from zero is divisible by 3. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00042-00037400-00038100 The other basic operation that we can perform on lists is concatenation of two or more lists. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00043-00038200-00038500 We can combine two lists by using the "plus" operator. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00044-00038600-00040100 Say we have a is equal to within square brackets 1,2,3,4, b is equal to within square brackets 4,5,6,7 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00045-00040200-00040600 Then type a plus b and hit enter. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00046-00040700-00041100 When we concatenate lists using the "plus" operator we get a new list. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00047-00041200-00041700 We can store this list in a new variable,say c, 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00048-00041800-00042000 So c is equal to a plus b. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00049-00042100-00042500 Then type c. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00050-00042600-00043200 It is important to observe that the "plus" operator always returns a new list without altering the lists being concatenated in any way. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00051-00043300-00043500 We know that a list is a collection of data. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00052-00043600-00044100 Whenever we have a collection, we run into situations where we want to sort the collection. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00053-00044200-00044700 Lists support sort method which sorts the list in place 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00054-00044800-00045900 So type a is equal to 5,1,6,7,7,10. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00055-00046000-00046500 Then type a dot sort and closing brackets. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00056-00046600-00046900 Now the contents of the list a will be 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00057-00047000-00047100 Type a and hit enter. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00058-00047200-00047900 As the sort method sorts the elements of a list, the original list we had, is overwritten or replaced. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00059-00048000-00048200 We have no way to obtain the original list back. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00060-00048300-00048900 One way to avoid this is to keep a copy of the original list in another variable and run the sort method on the list. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00061-00049000-00049900 However Python also provides a built-in function called sorted which sorts the list which is passed as an argument to it and returns a new sorted list. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00062-00050000-00050500 We can store this sorted list into another list variable 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00063-00050600-00051800 so type a is equal to 5,1 6,7,7,10 and hit enter 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00064-00051900-00052600 then type sorted within brackets a, enter 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00065-00052700-00053100 Now,as we said we can store the sorted list into another list variable. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00066-00053200-00053800 So type sa is equal to sorted within brackets a. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00067-00053900-00054200 Python also provides the reverse method which reverses the list in place 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00068-00054300-00054900 so type a is equal to brackets 1,2,3,4,5 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00069-00055000-00055500 a dot reverse within closing brackets. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00070-00055600-00056600 the reverse method reverses the list "a" and stores the reversed list in place i.e. in "a" itself. Lets see the list "a" 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00071-00056700-00056900 So type a and hit enter. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00072-00057000-00057100 But again the original list is lost. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00073-00057200-00057600 To reverse a list, we could use striding with negative indexing. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00074-00057700-00058400 So type a within square brackets colon colon -1. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00075-00058500-00058800 We can also store this new reversed list in another list variable. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00076-00058900-00059300 Pause the video here, and try out the exercise and resume the video. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00077-00059400-00060000 Given a list of marks of students in an examination, obtain a list with marks in descending order. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00078-00060100-00060800 marks are 99, 67, 47, 100, 50, 75, 62. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00079-00060900-00061600 So now switch to terminal 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00080-00061700-00063500 and type marks is equal to within square brackets 99,67,47,100,50,75,62. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00081-00063600-00065300 Now, in terminal type sorted within brackets marks then in square brackets colon colon minus 1. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00082-00065400-00065600 Then or you can use another method 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00083-00065700-00066700 So sorted within brackets marks comma reverse is equal to True. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00084-00066800-00067000 So this brings us to the end of this tutorial. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00085-00067100-00067300 In this tutorial, we have learn't to, 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00086-00067400-00067600 obtain parts of lists using slicing and striding. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00087-00067700-00067900 Concatenate lists using the plus operator. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00088-00068000-00068100 3. Sort lists using the sort method. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00089-00068200-00068500 4. Use the method reverse to reverse the lists. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00090-00068600-00068900 Here are some self assessment questions for you to solve 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00091-00069000-00070000 1. Given the list primes, primes is equal to 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29 , How do you obtain the last 4 primes? 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00092-00070100-00071200 2. Given a list, p, of unknown length, obtain the first 3 (or all, if there are fewer) characteristics of it. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00093-00071300-00071700 3. reversed function reverses a list in place. True or False? 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00094-00071800-00072200 Let us look at the answers 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00095-00072300-00072400 And the answers are 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00096-00072500-00072800 1. The last four primes can be obtained from the given list as, 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00097-00072900-00073300 primes within brackets -4 colon. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00098-00073400-00073900 and 2. The first 3 characters can be obtained as, 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00099-00074000-00074300 p within square brackets colon 3. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00100-00074400-00074700 and the third and the final question the answer is False. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00101-00074800-00075100 The function reverse will reverse a list in place. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00102-00075200-00075400 Hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and found it useful. 1ZfYNSsHwIY-00103-00075500-00076000 Thank you! 1cRrPvJ1lxo-00000-00000059-00000177 Hi again. 1cRrPvJ1lxo-00001-00000177-00000539 Thank you so much for the very nice responses to my previous video - 1cRrPvJ1lxo-00002-00000539-00000824 - and for the many comments about where you are watching from. 1cRrPvJ1lxo-00003-00000824-00001219 It was great to feel your passion for both aviation and Greenland! 1cRrPvJ1lxo-00004-00001297-00001843 Last week I had planned to take you out on a little trip to show you some of our other airports. 1cRrPvJ1lxo-00005-00001843-00002357 But due to a storm warning, I was rebooked to an earlier flight with short notice so there wasn’t time to bring you with me, 1cRrPvJ1lxo-00006-00002357-00002638 and then the 2nd trip was canceled. 1cRrPvJ1lxo-00007-00002652-00003200 So, I owe you one and promise that I will bring you with me the next time I am traveling. 1cRrPvJ1lxo-00008-00003261-00003667 We often experience how the weather makes decisions for us. 1cRrPvJ1lxo-00009-00003722-00004473 It is demanding and sometimes unpredictable, but fun to operate airports in an arctic climate. 1cRrPvJ1lxo-00010-00004530-00005066 You will probably see more of this in my upcoming videos. 1cRrPvJ1lxo-00011-00005125-00005520 Have you noticed that we have upgraded the quality of the livestream cameras? 1cRrPvJ1lxo-00012-00005538-00005804 Some of you have already commented on the better quality - 1cRrPvJ1lxo-00013-00005804-00006307 - and some have said that they would like to see cameras in more airports, such as Kangerlussuaq. 1cRrPvJ1lxo-00014-00006381-00007045 I can tell you this much; I am working with the IT department on setting up cameras at all our airports in 2023. 1cRrPvJ1lxo-00015-00007100-00007481 Even some of our heliports and helistops will get them in the future. 1cRrPvJ1lxo-00016-00007577-00007777 I will keep you posted. 1cRrPvJ1lxo-00017-00007908-00008590 In the meantime, feel free to comment on which airports should get cameras first. 1cRrPvJ1lxo-00018-00008590-00009060 Which of the airports are you most interested in watching? 1cRrPvJ1lxo-00019-00009106-00009729 Speaking of livestreams, all kinds of feedback and questions are welcome. 1cRrPvJ1lxo-00020-00009729-00009902 Just add them in the comments. 1cRrPvJ1lxo-00021-00009902-00010594 I will read all of them and try to answer them in later videos. 1cRrPvJ1lxo-00022-00010704-00011267 Next time, I will show you more of the Sisimiut airport and hope you will look forward to that. 1cRrPvJ1lxo-00023-00011278-00011422 Takuss (Greenlandic for ‘see you’). 1egp5EHPgoI-00000-00008700-00009100 Tank commander thoroughly dislikes this building 1egp5EHPgoI-00001-00009200-00009700 but there are only a few shells left and battle task is above all. 1egp5EHPgoI-00002-00022300-00022900 Rocket has brushed an obstacle that the driver tried to hide the tank behind. 1egp5EHPgoI-00003-00022900-00023400 Detonator goes off a meter away from the tank and shaped-charge jet reaches it 1egp5EHPgoI-00004-00023400-00023700 but causes no significant harm. 1egp5EHPgoI-00005-00024900-00025300 Fire is returned immediately. 1egp5EHPgoI-00006-00027900-00028400 Control center reports that the tasks are completed with excellence, 1egp5EHPgoI-00007-00028400-00028800 all the targets were hit, tank damage is insignificant. 1egp5EHPgoI-00008-00029400-00029900 Out of shells, crew receives command to return. 1egp5EHPgoI-00009-00031800-00032200 A grenade launcher fires suddenly from the left. 1egp5EHPgoI-00010-00035100-00035500 Grenade goes above. 1egp5EHPgoI-00011-00036800-00037200 "Let the tank retreat quicker, observer, order to retreat quicker" 1egp5EHPgoI-00012-00038200-00038600 Tank retreats, others will take care of the grenade launcher. 1egp5EHPgoI-00013-00045500-00045900 "Hi dear, happy returning!" 1egp5EHPgoI-00014-00045900-00046300 "What happened, your ear is all smoke-black?" 1egp5EHPgoI-00015-00046300-00046600 "Fine" 1egp5EHPgoI-00016-00046800-00047100 "How did he hit us? Did you see where?" 1egp5EHPgoI-00017-00047100-00047300 "Side" 1egp5EHPgoI-00018-00048000-00048600 Shaped-charge jet energy was enough to fire up the reactive armour block 1egp5EHPgoI-00019-00048600-00049000 but not enough to detonate it. 1egp5EHPgoI-00020-00049000-00049400 Rocket tail splinter lies on the armour 1egp5EHPgoI-00021-00049400-00049700 with one part having stuck in the headlight case. 1egp5EHPgoI-00022-00051300-00051900 The fight around the college in the center nears its end in the mean time. 1egp5EHPgoI-00023-00054200-00054800 Vasily Pavlov, Igor Nadyrshin, Victor Kuznetsov, Marat Musin. ANNA-News. Syria. 1eoIFSvwIpk-00000-00000000-00000672 hi everybody welcome back let's talk about something that's controversial 1eoIFSvwIpk-00001-00000672-00001088 topic i don't know i don't know what you want to call it but i saw something 1eoIFSvwIpk-00002-00001088-00002016 that really upset me it truly truly upset me in columbus ohio i live in ohio but i still saw this 1eoIFSvwIpk-00003-00002016-00002712 on my facebook when i opened it up one of my friends had shared it and i'm like are you kidding 1eoIFSvwIpk-00004-00002712-00003368 me what what's wrong with people what what's wrong with people today i i was just appalled i messaged 1eoIFSvwIpk-00005-00003368-00004096 him and i'm i said do you care if i make a video about this because i'm i'm that upset i'm that 1eoIFSvwIpk-00006-00004096-00004856 upset in columbus in a neighborhood there was a limo parked outside of a man's house that said 1eoIFSvwIpk-00007-00004856-00005504 it's adam and eve not adam and steve i don't get it i don't get it and not only was it written 1eoIFSvwIpk-00008-00005504-00006200 on the front of the limo it was written in red like blood like running down letters what's wrong 1eoIFSvwIpk-00009-00006200-00006968 with people why why would you think that's okay to put that sign in your yard if you don't agree 1eoIFSvwIpk-00010-00006968-00007656 with gay marriage it's okay not to agree it's okay not to agree it's not okay to do this 1eoIFSvwIpk-00011-00007728-00008392 it's not okay to do this at all let me tell you a story somebody very very close to me 1eoIFSvwIpk-00012-00008520-00009280 told me they were gay it was really important for them to tell me that they were gay 1eoIFSvwIpk-00013-00009400-00010112 and i had a choice right then and there how am i going to react to this what am i going to do 1eoIFSvwIpk-00014-00010112-00010712 well for all of you out there that don't agree with gay marriage 1eoIFSvwIpk-00015-00010856-00011536 let me give you a life lesson here's a life lesson for you at that split second my reaction 1eoIFSvwIpk-00016-00011608-00012408 had to be christian like because i'm a christian christian like people don't go putting things like 1eoIFSvwIpk-00017-00012408-00012928 this on limos they don't they don't act like this they don't judge that's not what christians are 1eoIFSvwIpk-00018-00012928-00013752 supposed to do so in that split second i i had a choice so here's what i said i don't agree with 1eoIFSvwIpk-00019-00013752-00014696 gay marriage and you know that but i love you i love you so i'm not going to judge you for your 1eoIFSvwIpk-00020-00014696-00015216 decisions if you don't judge me for any of mine because believe me i've made some really really 1eoIFSvwIpk-00021-00015280-00015688 way out there decisions in my life it's your decision it's your life you live it 1eoIFSvwIpk-00022-00015768-00016408 let's still be friends i still love you over the course of years getting to know 1eoIFSvwIpk-00023-00016520-00017208 this person's partner i developed another friend and over the course of the years 1eoIFSvwIpk-00024-00017208-00017960 of knowing to these these people i was able to witness them to them not only 1eoIFSvwIpk-00025-00018064-00018680 from things i said which i never pushed religion don't think i did that when they asked questions 1eoIFSvwIpk-00026-00018680-00019392 i would answer but i lived the life of not judging you when i said i'm not going to judge you i'm not 1eoIFSvwIpk-00027-00019392-00020352 going to judge you i didn't i didn't so now i have two good friends two two they may choose to live 1eoIFSvwIpk-00028-00020352-00020976 their life differently than i choose to live mine i may not agree with the way they live their life 1eoIFSvwIpk-00029-00020976-00021392 you know what they might not even agree with some of the things that i do but we get along 1eoIFSvwIpk-00030-00021464-00022120 we get along and that's what god calls us to do he says love one another that's it love one another 1eoIFSvwIpk-00031-00022280-00023224 so i'm gonna love him just like i would want him to love me as a friend if i would have in that 1eoIFSvwIpk-00032-00023224-00023928 moment said oh you're gay you know what i don't want anything to do with you i'm sorry go away 1eoIFSvwIpk-00033-00023928-00024840 and then said rude remarks to him and a bunch of other stuff or wrote on a limousine it's adam and 1eoIFSvwIpk-00034-00024840-00025536 eve not adam and steve if i would have done that i would have lost a really good friend 1eoIFSvwIpk-00035-00025624-00026520 and i wouldn't have gotten to know their partner and their partner was one of this is one of the 1eoIFSvwIpk-00036-00026520-00027183 nicest people that i've ever met if you run into the situation somebody telling you they're gay 1eoIFSvwIpk-00037-00027183-00028080 whether it be a family member a friend a child of yours or a grandchild love them love them tell 1eoIFSvwIpk-00038-00028080-00028704 them i don't agree i don't agree let them know you it you're you have a right to have an opinion you 1eoIFSvwIpk-00039-00028704-00029464 don't have a right to judge them so love them love them because that love is going to overbound over 1eoIFSvwIpk-00040-00029664-00030088 abundance i i don't know what a word i'm looking for here okay but you're gonna be thankful that 1eoIFSvwIpk-00041-00030088-00030848 you did that instead of saying go away go away i don't want anything to do with you all right life 1eoIFSvwIpk-00042-00030848-00031264 lessons with michelle i don't know i don't know what we're going to call this but there you go 1eoIFSvwIpk-00043-00031376-00032416 love one another period no ifs ands love one another but love one another you know if it 1eoIFSvwIpk-00044-00032416-00034152 doesn't say that it says love one another all right i will see you in my next video bye you 1iEtB-Zvj8I-00000-00000900-00001300 Daryl Weber: So I anchor him down. A little transition, straight from the ankle. Forearm, 1iEtB-Zvj8I-00001-00001317-00002140 a lot of weight coming up. Now, I throw this uppercut; I can't, he's fighting it. So, palm 1iEtB-Zvj8I-00002-00002159-00002573 to the ceiling, the forearm's to the back of his head here, palm to the ceiling. I can't 1iEtB-Zvj8I-00003-00002573-00002953 get it, I'm going to grab that right there. It's going to lock. I'm going to use that 1iEtB-Zvj8I-00004-00002953-00003409 as my pry bar. Before I was throwing that uppercut to get that elbow forward. Well, 1iEtB-Zvj8I-00005-00003409-00003871 that didn't cut it. I got to use this pry bar. On my toes, driving with my hips; hips 1iEtB-Zvj8I-00006-00003871-00004347 are low. I drive forward, pry it up, pry it up. Now I can stick my hand deep enough to 1iEtB-Zvj8I-00007-00004347-00004400 read the watch. 1jRKV10mUKk-00000-00000361-00000919 Alignment and backward design are instructional strategies paramount for successful course 1jRKV10mUKk-00001-00000919-00001084 design. 1jRKV10mUKk-00002-00001084-00001573 An alignment is a condition in which all the counterparts within a group or relationship 1jRKV10mUKk-00003-00001573-00001750 work together. 1jRKV10mUKk-00004-00001750-00002253 Think of gears that turn together to cause the minute hand to move on a clock. 1jRKV10mUKk-00005-00002253-00002675 All the pieces must interlock in order for the clock to keep time. 1jRKV10mUKk-00006-00002675-00003221 In course design there are five counterparts that must be aligned to ensure student success. 1jRKV10mUKk-00007-00003221-00003790 They are: learning objectives, assessments, instructional activities, resources, and course 1jRKV10mUKk-00008-00003790-00003927 technology. 1jRKV10mUKk-00009-00003927-00004438 The way these five counterparts work together is referred to as alignment. 1jRKV10mUKk-00010-00004438-00005088 The instructional strategy called backward design stipulates the order of the alignment. 1jRKV10mUKk-00011-00005088-00005639 Backward design focus on what students need to learn rather than what we want to teach. 1jRKV10mUKk-00012-00005639-00006097 If you start at the end goal, meaning you start with what students should know and work 1jRKV10mUKk-00013-00006097-00006518 backwards, you are assured that your students finish your course with an understanding of 1jRKV10mUKk-00014-00006518-00006897 what is most important for them to learn. 1jRKV10mUKk-00015-00006897-00007426 Once course objectives are established, you must next decide how you want to assess student's 1jRKV10mUKk-00016-00007426-00007856 ability to successfully complete the objective. 1jRKV10mUKk-00017-00007856-00008321 In order for the objective and the assessment to be aligned, they must work together. 1jRKV10mUKk-00018-00008321-00008885 For instance, if the objective is for the learner to be able to "demonstrate the ability 1jRKV10mUKk-00019-00008885-00009503 to make a flaky crust," but the assessment is a multiple-choice test, the objective is 1jRKV10mUKk-00020-00009503-00009765 not aligned with the assessment. 1jRKV10mUKk-00021-00009765-00010384 Again working backwards, the third counterpart of an alignment map is the instructional activities 1jRKV10mUKk-00022-00010384-00010847 that prepare the student to achieve success on the assessment. 1jRKV10mUKk-00023-00010847-00011334 Using our pie crust example, aligned activities would be for students to weigh ingredients, 1jRKV10mUKk-00024-00011334-00011570 roll pie dough, etc. 1jRKV10mUKk-00025-00011570-00012007 Because it would not prepare the student to achieve the assessment, a misaligned activity 1jRKV10mUKk-00026-00012007-00012584 for this particular objective would be to read an article on the history of pies. 1jRKV10mUKk-00027-00012584-00013018 Still working backwards, the fourth step in our backwards alignment map is to provide 1jRKV10mUKk-00028-00013018-00013504 resources that will help the student do the instructional activities. 1jRKV10mUKk-00029-00013504-00014027 For instance, in order for a student to make a flaky crust, you may assign text to read 1jRKV10mUKk-00030-00014027-00014597 and pie crust demonstrations to watch to prepare them to successfully complete the activity. 1jRKV10mUKk-00031-00014597-00015081 Lastly, if you use technology in your course, it must also align. 1jRKV10mUKk-00032-00015081-00015565 Using our pie crust example, technology, such as a word processing program requiring a student 1jRKV10mUKk-00033-00015565-00015954 to write a paper would not align with the objective. 1jRKV10mUKk-00034-00015954-00016368 But a video demonstration of the student making the pie would. 1jRKV10mUKk-00035-00016368-00016958 Now you have it... backwards design and alignment working together for quality course design. 1k5bJKWUBZy-00000-00000380-00000729 Devine ce que c'est (Depuis le monde microscopique) 1k5bJKWUBZy-00001-00000777-00000972 Devinette Nᵒ13 1k5bJKWUBZy-00002-00000991-00001262 Vous avez 30 Secondes pour deviner ce que c'est 1k5bJKWUBZy-00003-00001276-00001576 Pret ? 1k5bJKWUBZy-00004-00002404-00002839 Besoin d'un indice? je viens du Mexique 1k5bJKWUBZy-00005-00003708-00004130 Besoin d'un indice? Je suis explosif 1k5bJKWUBZy-00006-00004563-00004782 Le temps est ecoule ! La reponse est... 1k5bJKWUBZy-00007-00004834-00005134 Le Maïs 1k5bJKWUBZy-00008-00005400-00005666 Merci d'avoir regardé, si vous avez aimé cette vidéo, laissez un pouce bleu 1k5bJKWUBZy-00009-00005748-00006419 N'oubliez pas de vous abonner. A bientot (sur Youtube ou Tik tok) -Une nouvelle video chaque semaine -Un quiz tous les mois 1ll6kBs9Iz8-00000-00000734-00000990 I'd seen Photo Kathmandu last year too. 1ll6kBs9Iz8-00001-00001136-00002126 Compared to Photo Kathmandu last year, this year’s festival has more international artists 1ll6kBs9Iz8-00002-00002150-00003012 and is broader in terms of its subjects since the last time. 1ll6kBs9Iz8-00003-00003028-00003572 That was an interesting perspective for me to watch. 1ll6kBs9Iz8-00004-00003694-00005142 Although curation was good last year, this just felt so much better in terms basic things like layout and placement. 1ll6kBs9Iz8-00005-00005478-00005950 I like the exhibitions so much that I want to keep looking at them. 1ll6kBs9Iz8-00006-00005964-00006402 Some are taking photographs, some have tall buildings and horses grazing... 1ll6kBs9Iz8-00007-00006418-00006618 They are all such beautiful scenes. 1ll6kBs9Iz8-00008-00006640-00007138 I wish these photographs were shown in other locations so more people get to see them. 1ll6kBs9Iz8-00009-00007138-00007580 We’re able to see a lot even though we haven’t travel. 1ll6kBs9Iz8-00010-00007618-00008188 They used to say we could see the world with a click of a button. 1ll6kBs9Iz8-00011-00008212-00008334 Turns out it’s very true! 1ll6kBs9Iz8-00012-00008384-00009000 Because Photo Kathmandu is out in the open, it really engages the people. 1ll6kBs9Iz8-00013-00009152-00009732 Common people walking down the street stop to take a look at the exhibitions. 1ll6kBs9Iz8-00014-00010094-00010834 For example, the exhibition at Labim Mall talks about class divide and 1ll6kBs9Iz8-00015-00010902-00011522 exhibitions like these allow people to reflect on and start conversations about such ideas. 1m2JlNhfAko-00000-00000000-00000200 Giriraj की परिक्रमा 1m2JlNhfAko-00001-00000200-00000400 World Record 20MpUSrS_yI-00000-00000056-00000450 I'm in your Ileheart ♥ 20MpUSrS_yI-00001-00000451-00000626 With that said... 20MpUSrS_yI-00002-00000626-00000908 I've done this pose for the first time in long time 20MpUSrS_yI-00003-00000987-00001383 I'm Compile Heart's Unofficial Virtual Youtuber, Ileheart! 20MpUSrS_yI-00004-00001416-00001586 This episode we'll... 20MpUSrS_yI-00005-00001680-00001754 Believe it or not! 20MpUSrS_yI-00006-00001782-00001961 The people in charge decided to, 20MpUSrS_yI-00007-00001962-00002330 as I've gotten to 20k subscribers 20MpUSrS_yI-00008-00002370-00002532 I've been allowed to 20MpUSrS_yI-00009-00002532-00002972 play a Compile Heart game!!! 20MpUSrS_yI-00011-00003247-00003710 And the game we'll be playing is... this one! 20MpUSrS_yI-00012-00003870-00004188 Arc of Alchemist! 20MpUSrS_yI-00013-00004250-00004358 Let's see... 20MpUSrS_yI-00014-00004358-00004840 It's the first time Ileheart ever read this title, but... (During TGS she was meant to promote the game and failed at it) 20MpUSrS_yI-00015-00004840-00004984 on first glance 20MpUSrS_yI-00016-00004984-00005510 It looks like a game where small cute chars are all giddy 20MpUSrS_yI-00017-00005510-00005920 So I think it's the genre of game Ileheart specializes in! 20MpUSrS_yI-00018-00005988-00006642 But when you think about, being able to play a game before it's released is, like, 20MpUSrS_yI-00019-00006650-00006969 Really official-like so I'm getting excited! 20MpUSrS_yI-00020-00006970-00007070 Anyway! 20MpUSrS_yI-00021-00007090-00007856 This is a rare, official job Ileheart doesn't often get, so she'll give her best! 20MpUSrS_yI-00022-00008033-00008607 After getting this far, Ileheart becoming Compile Heart's official Vtuber again 20MpUSrS_yI-00023-00008608-00009034 might be just a matter of time, I think! 20MpUSrS_yI-00024-00009082-00009398 Let's start the game now! 20MpUSrS_yI-00025-00009556-00009652 Staff: Alright, done! 20MpUSrS_yI-00028-00010234-00010398 Not that being official or not matters anymore though 20MpUSrS_yI-00029-00010620-00011026 I lo~ve Compile Heart! 20MpUSrS_yI-00030-00011256-00011466 Ok, let's get to Arc of Alchemist now 20MpUSrS_yI-00031-00011466-00011684 Quinn: I think about it whenever I travel the desert 20MpUSrS_yI-00032-00011816-00012221 The reason people continue to live regardless of how awful things might be 20MpUSrS_yI-00033-00012294-00012678 Is because they believe something good will happen tomorrow 20MpUSrS_yI-00034-00012728-00013122 However, ahead of that tomorrow... 20MpUSrS_yI-00035-00013171-00013439 If there was a future filled with nothing but despair... 20MpUSrS_yI-00036-00013560-00013878 How should people live the present? 20MpUSrS_yI-00037-00013882-00014191 Resources are scarce all around the world 20MpUSrS_yI-00038-00014274-00014656 Humans can only wait for a slow death 20MpUSrS_yI-00039-00014656-00014917 And exactly because the world is like this 20MpUSrS_yI-00040-00014966-00015084 We question how we want to live... 20MpUSrS_yI-00041-00015176-00015569 Or rather, how we want to die. 20MpUSrS_yI-00042-00015821-00015992 It looks really cute 20MpUSrS_yI-00043-00016054-00016286 But wasn't that a really somber way to start it? 20MpUSrS_yI-00044-00016404-00017088 The... stage? for this game is a desert, it seems 20MpUSrS_yI-00045-00017646-00017762 It's really pretty 20MpUSrS_yI-00046-00017762-00018162 The way the sand is flying and stuff 20MpUSrS_yI-00047-00019338-00019812 Axel: Milady Quinn, the territory ahead is a place called "The Abandoned City" Ileheart: There's a boy right from the start! 20MpUSrS_yI-00048-00019814-00019965 This is where it is... 20MpUSrS_yI-00049-00020022-00020416 The "Great Power" mentioned by Your Highness 20MpUSrS_yI-00050-00020482-00020806 We archeologists have spent many months 20MpUSrS_yI-00051-00020809-00021105 researching across ancient legends and materials. 20MpUSrS_yI-00052-00021140-00021604 We're certainly leading the investigation team towards the Great Power this time. 20MpUSrS_yI-00053-00021604-00022212 We'll prove the failure of 20 years ago wasn't for nothing 20MpUSrS_yI-00054-00022268-00022536 Ileheart: There's a lot of people here 20MpUSrS_yI-00055-00022536-00022681 I've scouted the area. There are many dangerous lifeforms. 20MpUSrS_yI-00056-00022681-00022876 However, no signs of an enemy country. 20MpUSrS_yI-00058-00022980-00023245 His name is Jester... He's got a really good voice. 20MpUSrS_yI-00059-00023270-00023927 I see. However, there's an even more troublesome group here on the "Desert of Beginnings" 20MpUSrS_yI-00060-00023998-00024158 Ileheart: "Desert of Beginnings, huh" Mika: You mean the Machine Dolls, right? 20MpUSrS_yI-00061-00024252-00024352 Correct. 20MpUSrS_yI-00062-00024423-00024738 They're also called the Great Force's guards 20MpUSrS_yI-00063-00024753-00024978 But nobody knows their raison d'etre 20MpUSrS_yI-00064-00024981-00025402 Many soldiers have lost their lives battling the Machine Dolls. 20MpUSrS_yI-00065-00025402-00025711 Ileheart: Oh, so the enemies are machines? Quinn: If you don't want to die, don't let your guard down. 20MpUSrS_yI-00066-00025711-00025874 Is that what we're doing this time? 20MpUSrS_yI-00067-00025874-00025935 Axel: Of course! 20MpUSrS_yI-00068-00025953-00026244 So Milady Quinn can give the best orders as a Captain 20MpUSrS_yI-00069-00026244-00026624 I'll give it my all to be of help to you! 20MpUSrS_yI-00070-00026649-00026898 He's got something that looks really heavy growing on his shoulders 20MpUSrS_yI-00071-00026898-00027053 You don't need to help me 20MpUSrS_yI-00072-00027053-00027530 Give it your all into finding the Great Power first. Alright? 20MpUSrS_yI-00073-00027530-00027732 Yes! As you wish! 20MpUSrS_yI-00075-00027891-00028067 (The Great Power, huh...?) 20MpUSrS_yI-00076-00028096-00028372 (We have no choice as it was a command from Your Highness, but 20MpUSrS_yI-00077-00028445-00028724 Does such a thing really exist?) 20MpUSrS_yI-00078-00028742-00028842 (Nevermind... 20MpUSrS_yI-00079-00028944-00029192 There's no point to thinking about such things. 20MpUSrS_yI-00080-00029252-00029513 Protecting my subordinates' lives, Ileheart: Who might be "Your Highness"? 20MpUSrS_yI-00081-00029514-00029644 Obeying Your Highness' orders [That's what I must do]) 20MpUSrS_yI-00082-00029644-00029898 (I'll live the present to the fullest. 20MpUSrS_yI-00083-00029920-00030311 The way of death I look for must lie beyond that) 20MpUSrS_yI-00084-00030448-00030804 Then, Jester, continue scouting. 20MpUSrS_yI-00085-00030808-00031042 Sharon, you proceed with the main army now. 20MpUSrS_yI-00086-00031042-00031140 Understood! 20MpUSrS_yI-00087-00031156-00031456 Axel and Mika, you help out with clearing up the dangerous lifeforms. 20MpUSrS_yI-00088-00031483-00031831 You'll come with me, get ready ASAP. (Ileheart: Dangerous Lifeforms) 20MpUSrS_yI-00089-00031845-00031933 Yes! 20MpUSrS_yI-00090-00031988-00032060 Understood. 20MpUSrS_yI-00092-00032789-00032925 Where do I have to go? 20MpUSrS_yI-00093-00032988-00033184 This moves her forward! 20MpUSrS_yI-00094-00033355-00033455 And this... 20MpUSrS_yI-00095-00033471-00033758 Moves the camera 20MpUSrS_yI-00096-00033796-00033963 Is that it? That's where I have to go. 20MpUSrS_yI-00098-00034320-00034710 ...There are many enemies around... 20MpUSrS_yI-00099-00035098-00035198 [The three states of enemies are]...Roaming... 20MpUSrS_yI-00100-00035216-00035352 ...Wary... 20MpUSrS_yI-00101-00035404-00035552 ...Aggro'd 20MpUSrS_yI-00102-00035680-00035772 Ok. 20MpUSrS_yI-00104-00036506-00036839 Basically, you just need to run away before they notice you 20MpUSrS_yI-00105-00036948-00037048 Ok 20MpUSrS_yI-00106-00037816-00038052 On the lower-right corner you can find 20MpUSrS_yI-00107-00038062-00038494 The battle actions and the Lunagear elements currently available 20MpUSrS_yI-00108-00038738-00039046 Circle and Square show the set actions 20MpUSrS_yI-00109-00039046-00039096 Ok 20MpUSrS_yI-00110-00039220-00039376 Okay! 20MpUSrS_yI-00112-00040030-00040257 (When you get a game over you can) Respawn from the Area's entrance 20MpUSrS_yI-00114-00040776-00040910 There they are! 20MpUSrS_yI-00115-00040910-00041083 Those things there! 20MpUSrS_yI-00117-00041414-00041726 These scorpion-like creatures...They're scorpions, right? 20MpUSrS_yI-00118-00041752-00041882 Oh damn, their eyes are shining! 20MpUSrS_yI-00120-00043022-00043285 I've seen this on Youtube 20MpUSrS_yI-00121-00043285-00043571 That thing you do on top of a grill 20MpUSrS_yI-00123-00043682-00043891 The videos I often watch 20MpUSrS_yI-00124-00043892-00044104 Lobsters being cooked alive 20MpUSrS_yI-00125-00044104-00044176 Axel: It's hard to believe... 20MpUSrS_yI-00126-00044176-00044360 What is, Axel? 20MpUSrS_yI-00127-00044397-00044652 According to the ancient legends, our world 20MpUSrS_yI-00128-00044652-00044907 was called the Earth, the aqueous planet, wasn't it? 20MpUSrS_yI-00129-00044908-00045108 Ileheart: This takes place on the Earth? Whaat? 20MpUSrS_yI-00130-00045118-00045246 Look at this scenery though. 20MpUSrS_yI-00131-00045308-00045490 Rather than an aqueous planet, it's just a sand planet. 20MpUSrS_yI-00132-00045580-00046082 Indeed, it's hard to believe the world was ever blessed with water 20MpUSrS_yI-00134-00046516-00046840 There's nothing humans can do about the ever-expanding desert. 20MpUSrS_yI-00135-00046840-00047054 Quinn: All we can do to survive Ileheart: Is this... that? 20MpUSrS_yI-00136-00047146-00047734 Quinn: Is stealing resources from one another. Ileheart: There's no water left on Earth? 20MpUSrS_yI-00137-00047741-00047841 Ileheart: Everyone got that much already 20MpUSrS_yI-00138-00047871-00048184 Quinn: Human hearts have dried up, just like this desert 20MpUSrS_yI-00139-00048214-00048478 Ileheart: And the desert is only growing larger or something? 20MpUSrS_yI-00140-00048484-00048714 Quinn: Look forward, you two 20MpUSrS_yI-00141-00048714-00048914 Mika: Those are... Ruins? 20MpUSrS_yI-00142-00048914-00049234 Axel: It's said The Great Power lies within ruins! As expected of Milady Quinn, this is a huge discovery! 20MpUSrS_yI-00143-00049234-00049766 Axel, drop the high spirits. If it were this easy to obtain the Great Power, someone would have it already 20MpUSrS_yI-00144-00049766-00050140 Ileheart: Quinn is a very... cool-type of woman. Axel. Ah, yes, indeed. I'm sorry. 20MpUSrS_yI-00145-00050140-00050411 Ileheart: Could it be because she's a big shot? Mika: Yeah, keep it in your pants 20MpUSrS_yI-00146-00050412-00050608 You're the vice captain after all 20MpUSrS_yI-00147-00050660-00051110 It's exactly because I'm the vice captain that I want to make the captain happy. What's wrong about that? (Ile: Oh, she's the captain) 20MpUSrS_yI-00148-00051162-00051541 Ile: And Axel is the vice captain. Mika: How bothersome it is, your infatuation for Major Quinn. 20MpUSrS_yI-00149-00051541-00051642 Major? 20MpUSrS_yI-00150-00051642-00051819 Which is higher, Captain or Major? 20MpUSrS_yI-00151-00051898-00052246 (According to the legends, the Great Power is something capable of saving the world... [But does such a convenient thing really exist]) 20MpUSrS_yI-00152-00052246-00052462 (No, I'll get nothing from doubting that.The Great Power is the only hope left for us, small as it may be) 20MpUSrS_yI-00153-00052496-00053044 Quinn: We must fight to support this hope. That's our obligation as soldiers. Ileheart: You ought to finish up that live-cooked lobster 20MpUSrS_yI-00154-00053044-00053305 Let's go, you two. We'll carefully approach the ruins. 20MpUSrS_yI-00155-00053648-00053934 She... talked something about ruins, so... 20MpUSrS_yI-00156-00054000-00054100 Over there. 20MpUSrS_yI-00157-00054158-00054458 Can you see it? There's something over there 20MpUSrS_yI-00160-00055088-00055238 I'm not lost 20MpUSrS_yI-00161-00055238-00055394 I mean it, I'm not lost. 20MpUSrS_yI-00162-00055712-00056050 Oh, you know, since it's a pre-release game 20MpUSrS_yI-00163-00056078-00056736 I'm trying to show you guys the scenery as much as I can 20MpUSrS_yI-00164-00056829-00057050 Strolling, I'm strolling! 20MpUSrS_yI-00165-00057336-00057467 Where should I go from here? 20MpUSrS_yI-00167-00057734-00057784 Wait! 20MpUSrS_yI-00168-00057910-00058064 Cut this just now 20MpUSrS_yI-00170-00058576-00058847 I have to go down first 20MpUSrS_yI-00172-00058980-00059199 Do I have to make like a roundtrip? 20MpUSrS_yI-00174-00059604-00059782 I can't fix the camera 20MpUSrS_yI-00175-00059982-00060078 Alright-o~! 20MpUSrS_yI-00176-00060180-00060325 Wait, I can't go from here as well... 20MpUSrS_yI-00179-00060926-00061155 Oooh, no way, no way, no waay 20MpUSrS_yI-00180-00061155-00061562 I can't possibly really be lost, right? 20MpUSrS_yI-00181-00061562-00061794 It's barely been 3 minutes since I started, hasn't it? 20MpUSrS_yI-00182-00061824-00062066 No way, this can't be... 20MpUSrS_yI-00184-00062382-00062560 Wait a little, this is not the way... 20MpUSrS_yI-00185-00062624-00062788 It's over here! 20MpUSrS_yI-00187-00062984-00063116 It's over here! 20MpUSrS_yI-00190-00065104-00065498 I properly read the menu, so I know I can burn it 20MpUSrS_yI-00191-00065678-00065754 Wrong button 20MpUSrS_yI-00193-00066188-00066418 What a good job! ...I can't get through... 20MpUSrS_yI-00194-00067212-00067414 It's been on my mind since I started the game 20MpUSrS_yI-00195-00067414-00067943 The guy on the right, what's that he's got on his shoulders? 20MpUSrS_yI-00196-00067968-00068102 These crown-like things 20MpUSrS_yI-00197-00068262-00068362 What could they be? 20MpUSrS_yI-00198-00068486-00068583 When he- 20MpUSrS_yI-00199-00068583-00068683 WHOA 20MpUSrS_yI-00200-00068994-00069094 I can't cut it down 20MpUSrS_yI-00201-00069284-00069579 When he walks on a narrow path, does it not hit his head? 20MpUSrS_yI-00202-00069696-00069896 Something popped up! 20MpUSrS_yI-00203-00070102-00070224 I can probably ignore these 20MpUSrS_yI-00205-00070930-00071084 You're on the way! 20MpUSrS_yI-00206-00071150-00071246 Dumbass! 20MpUSrS_yI-00208-00071507-00071607 Hm? This is? 20MpUSrS_yI-00209-00072318-00072434 Oh, I get it! 20MpUSrS_yI-00210-00072434-00072541 You have to... 20MpUSrS_yI-00213-00073176-00073452 I can do anything when I put my mind into it! 20MpUSrS_yI-00214-00073630-00073764 Stamina Ring 20MpUSrS_yI-00216-00074062-00074183 It's a... 20MpUSrS_yI-00217-00074236-00074456 HP-increasing item or something? 20MpUSrS_yI-00218-00074754-00074846 There's something here 20MpUSrS_yI-00220-00075074-00075238 It seems to be connected to some machine 20MpUSrS_yI-00221-00075326-00075460 Guess I can't use it yet 20MpUSrS_yI-00224-00076366-00076500 There's something shining over there 20MpUSrS_yI-00227-00077936-00078088 The shiny... There it is! 20MpUSrS_yI-00228-00078322-00078552 Could that be an item or something? 20MpUSrS_yI-00229-00078635-00078704 A pillar of light 20MpUSrS_yI-00231-00079744-00079844 Junk... 20MpUSrS_yI-00232-00079945-00080061 Debris... 20MpUSrS_yI-00233-00080172-00080272 What could it be for? 20MpUSrS_yI-00234-00080320-00080420 What's this? 20MpUSrS_yI-00235-00080460-00080526 Good afternoon- 20MpUSrS_yI-00236-00081804-00082052 Could it be that I have to avoid the red spot? 20MpUSrS_yI-00237-00082220-00082326 How cruel... 20MpUSrS_yI-00238-00082326-00082464 Isn't this cruelty? 20MpUSrS_yI-00242-00083822-00084236 I'd really like it if those would stop popping up out of the blue 20MpUSrS_yI-00243-00084238-00084498 Aaand figures. Stop that already. 20MpUSrS_yI-00244-00084535-00084635 I have to do that again 20MpUSrS_yI-00247-00085056-00085156 I failed... 20MpUSrS_yI-00249-00085466-00085566 It turned on 20MpUSrS_yI-00250-00085707-00085807 Did it just get turned on? 20MpUSrS_yI-00251-00085997-00086152 Cuuute 20MpUSrS_yI-00252-00086188-00086726 This is nice, being able to see your partners from the MC's POV 20MpUSrS_yI-00254-00087380-00087629 There's a stuffed animal there 20MpUSrS_yI-00255-00087629-00087778 What could it be, a baboon? 20MpUSrS_yI-00256-00087778-00087917 Isn't it a baboon? 20MpUSrS_yI-00257-00087944-00088044 How is it called? 20MpUSrS_yI-00258-00088119-00088219 What is it? 20MpUSrS_yI-00259-00088355-00088466 Ho**w? 20MpUSrS_yI-00260-00088698-00088818 Hey there, you! 20MpUSrS_yI-00261-00089156-00089492 Quietly be born from the inn's fireplace! 20MpUSrS_yI-00262-00089956-00090056 There are still some life 20MpUSrS_yI-00263-00090447-00090547 And there are more! 20MpUSrS_yI-00265-00090990-00091230 Most of my attacks probably didn't hit just now 20MpUSrS_yI-00266-00091430-00091662 I learned about this one already 20MpUSrS_yI-00267-00091662-00091886 If you get close... Look, I knew it! 20MpUSrS_yI-00269-00092274-00092424 Hm? What happened? 20MpUSrS_yI-00270-00092608-00092736 What should I do about this? 20MpUSrS_yI-00271-00092878-00092978 Are you ok? 20MpUSrS_yI-00272-00092978-00093072 Are you... Are you...! 20MpUSrS_yI-00273-00093252-00093328 She's K.O'd 20MpUSrS_yI-00274-00093650-00093888 I'm sorry, I'll retreat 20MpUSrS_yI-00275-00093956-00094078 Yes, please fall back 20MpUSrS_yI-00276-00094948-00095048 What was that? 20MpUSrS_yI-00277-00095142-00095342 He's really quick to notice enemies 20MpUSrS_yI-00278-00095342-00095556 What an excellent subordinate. 20MpUSrS_yI-00279-00095588-00095780 Sorry, I'll leave the rest to you 20MpUSrS_yI-00281-00096692-00096904 I heard a ribbit 20MpUSrS_yI-00282-00097570-00097736 There was something here after all! 20MpUSrS_yI-00283-00099076-00099176 It has a cute cry 20MpUSrS_yI-00284-00099524-00099624 Ribbit, ribbit 20MpUSrS_yI-00285-00099736-00099836 ribbitribbit 20MpUSrS_yI-00287-00101180-00101330 It opened its mouth, how nasty! 20MpUSrS_yI-00288-00101518-00101794 It's hard to see, but can you tell it has a huge mouth? 20MpUSrS_yI-00289-00101874-00101982 It's not even onscreen 20MpUSrS_yI-00290-00102500-00102590 I'm not damaging it at all 20MpUSrS_yI-00291-00102983-00103208 I have no idea what just happened 20MpUSrS_yI-00294-00103420-00103559 Ok, did I beat it? 20MpUSrS_yI-00295-00103559-00103656 What?! 20MpUSrS_yI-00296-00104114-00104258 I was defeated by a frog... 20MpUSrS_yI-00298-00104470-00104582 I was defeated by a frog... 20MpUSrS_yI-00301-00105124-00105294 Should I go with retry? 20MpUSrS_yI-00302-00105961-00106061 Over here? 20MpUSrS_yI-00303-00106150-00106602 I think I should be going towards the exclamation mark on the minimap 20MpUSrS_yI-00304-00106602-00106683 Oh, that there! 20MpUSrS_yI-00306-00106872-00107064 I didn't see anything! 20MpUSrS_yI-00307-00107106-00107264 I didn't hear anything! 20MpUSrS_yI-00309-00108250-00108408 Axel, do you have a moment? 20MpUSrS_yI-00310-00108464-00108608 Yeah, what is it? 20MpUSrS_yI-00311-00108638-00108848 I've been curious for a while now... 20MpUSrS_yI-00312-00108938-00109158 I'll have you say it clearly for me now 20MpUSrS_yI-00313-00109158-00109228 Hm? 20MpUSrS_yI-00314-00109228-00109704 Ileheart: I'm interested on the relationship of these two... Mika: I think you're trying to help the Major too much 20MpUSrS_yI-00315-00109704-00109817 I think you're trying to help the Major too much 20MpUSrS_yI-00316-00109908-00110509 What a foolish statement. To me, Milady Quinn is like a goddess. [It's natural to want to help her. In fact, I feel I'm not doing enough even, I must go further] 20MpUSrS_yI-00317-00110509-00110928 Mika: Hmm. But I think Quinn dislikes bothersome men that keep butting in to help. 20MpUSrS_yI-00318-00110928-00111172 Ileheart: What's this? 20MpUSrS_yI-00319-00111172-00111279 Ileheart: Don't you think there's a lot going on here? 20MpUSrS_yI-00320-00111280-00111670 Alex: What? That's no good. What should I do? Mika, tell me! 20MpUSrS_yI-00321-00111682-00111842 Don't ask ME that. 20MpUSrS_yI-00322-00111842-00112018 Hmm... This is great, isn't it? 20MpUSrS_yI-00325-00112892-00113185 Sorry, Mika's surprised face is so cute I just stopped. 20MpUSrS_yI-00326-00113185-00113281 What is it? 20MpUSrS_yI-00327-00113326-00113426 This is bad... [Major Quinn!] 20MpUSrS_yI-00328-00113608-00113709 Mika, what is it? 20MpUSrS_yI-00329-00113747-00113976 I spotted a Machine Doll ahead! 20MpUSrS_yI-00330-00113976-00114109 Ileheart: A Machine! The enemy they mentioned on the start! 20MpUSrS_yI-00331-00114109-00114286 Axel: What?! Milady Quinn, leave it to me! 20MpUSrS_yI-00332-00114286-00114600 Axel: No wait, I shouldn't try to be too helpful... Ileheart: Ooh, he's worried about it, how cute 20MpUSrS_yI-00333-00114688-00114930 Quinn: What is it, Axel? What are you mumbling? Ileheart: Their relationships are totally setting up 20MpUSrS_yI-00334-00114930-00115122 Ileheart: for later getting new developments 20MpUSrS_yI-00336-00115232-00115520 Ileheart: Or at least I'll play hoping they do! Axel: Mika, tell me what I should do! 20MpUSrS_yI-00337-00115520-00115742 I'm telling you not to ask me... 20MpUSrS_yI-00338-00115742-00115920 No more time for chit-chatting, you two. 20MpUSrS_yI-00339-00115920-00116011 Axel, Mika, Ileheart: Ok! 20MpUSrS_yI-00340-00116011-00116121 Everyone, we'll try approaching. Stay close to me. 20MpUSrS_yI-00341-00116122-00116216 Understood 20MpUSrS_yI-00342-00116250-00116435 What a good voice, really 20MpUSrS_yI-00343-00116533-00116628 Ok, understood! 20MpUSrS_yI-00344-00116714-00116936 That fancy mister has a fantastic voice, doesn't he? 20MpUSrS_yI-00346-00117368-00117602 The enemy... has thoughts? 20MpUSrS_yI-00348-00117766-00117976 It's that thing there 20MpUSrS_yI-00349-00118152-00118382 This thing could be in a ruin in Pokemon 20MpUSrS_yI-00350-00119276-00119580 Aaah, I'm going to die! 20MpUSrS_yI-00351-00119756-00119870 I'm dying, I'm dying! 20MpUSrS_yI-00352-00119870-00120206 Are there healing items? 20MpUSrS_yI-00353-00120206-00120302 No, no 20MpUSrS_yI-00354-00120302-00120404 Oh, here it is 20MpUSrS_yI-00355-00120859-00121054 That was close, really close! 20MpUSrS_yI-00356-00121054-00121192 Isn't that a stone? 20MpUSrS_yI-00357-00121331-00121431 Where did it go? 20MpUSrS_yI-00358-00121476-00121526 Found it 20MpUSrS_yI-00360-00122226-00122550 Aren't there any healing items around...? 20MpUSrS_yI-00362-00123168-00123395 I've only wounded the machine 20MpUSrS_yI-00363-00123396-00123518 I haven't beaten it, I'm sure 20MpUSrS_yI-00364-00123598-00124166 I think I'll be ending the first video by here, on the wounded Machine part 20MpUSrS_yI-00365-00124253-00124353 You know... 20MpUSrS_yI-00366-00124574-00124624 Ok 20MpUSrS_yI-00367-00124959-00125059 Like, you know... 20MpUSrS_yI-00368-00125119-00125219 The enemy... 20MpUSrS_yI-00369-00125376-00125652 Well, I didn't manage to say anything good 20MpUSrS_yI-00370-00125652-00125992 But I'll be finishing the first episode on this point 20MpUSrS_yI-00371-00126028-00126233 Please watch, ahem 20MpUSrS_yI-00372-00126240-00126590 Thank you for watching 20MpUSrS_yI-00373-00126590-00126696 With that said... 20MpUSrS_yI-00374-00126885-00127050 Sorry for talking for so long 20MpUSrS_yI-00375-00127130-00127561 To play it safe, I'll finish the video here! 20MpUSrS_yI-00376-00127561-00127742 Thanks for watching! 20MpUSrS_yI-00377-00127742-00128014 We'll resume on the next episode! 20MpUSrS_yI-00378-00128778-00128922 (What Sumo finisher does Ileheart like the most? Answer doing the move yourself) 20MpUSrS_yI-00379-00128922-00129352 What Sumo finisher does Ileheart like the most? 20MpUSrS_yI-00380-00129456-00129616 Answer doing the move yourself 20MpUSrS_yI-00383-00130240-00130361 Oshidashi! 20MpUSrS_yI-00384-00130361-00130461 Dosukoi! 23KrQwGT_bu-00000-00000000-00000400 When you get defensive and you have to defend your record of supporting 23KrQwGT_bu-00001-00000400-00001000 virtually every horrific trade agreement, you say things that are just not quite correct. 23KrQwGT_bu-00002-00001000-00002100 Last night, Secretary Clinton went out of her way to mischaracterize my history, as it relates to the 2008 auto industry bailouts 23KrQwGT_bu-00003-00002100-00003000 and let me be as clear as I can. There was one vote in the United States Senate on whether or not to support the auto bailout and 23KrQwGT_bu-00004-00003000-00003600 protect jobs in Michigan and around the country. I voted for the auto bailout. 24TLKnfbHXI-00000-00000090-00000186 SAMBAR RECIPE 251Qyus2MKE-00000-00000042-00000589 I went back to 44 subscribers after one hour of being on 45 subscribers. 251Qyus2MKE-00001-00000589-00000876 So many people are subscribing and unsubscribing. 251Qyus2MKE-00002-00000876-00001679 Is anything going to happen to our subscribers? 2slVpxAEX4E-00000-00000093-00000387 We want Julian Assange freed and released. 2slVpxAEX4E-00001-00000387-00000694 Because there's a conspiracy to have him killed in jail. 2slVpxAEX4E-00002-00000694-00000977 There's journalists that told the truth about these people 2slVpxAEX4E-00003-00000977-00001104 at Parliament. 2slVpxAEX4E-00004-00001104-00001458 Today, we're surrounding Parliament to let them know 2slVpxAEX4E-00005-00001458-00001568 that we ain't happy with 2slVpxAEX4E-00006-00001568-00001758 what they're doing with our tax money: 2slVpxAEX4E-00007-00001758-00001921 Is killing innocent people. 2slVpxAEX4E-00008-00001921-00002188 We have political prisoners in Belmarsh Prison now. 2slVpxAEX4E-00009-00002188-00002442 Assange has been in there three-and-a-half years. 2slVpxAEX4E-00010-00002442-00002689 And he's dying. And he's not convicted; 2slVpxAEX4E-00011-00002689-00002889 he's not been sentenced ... 2slVpxAEX4E-00012-00002889-00003129 America want to talk to him apparently, but 2slVpxAEX4E-00013-00003129-00003283 that's nothing to do with us. 2slVpxAEX4E-00014-00003283-00003500 He's done nothing but tell the truth. 2slVpxAEX4E-00015-00003500-00003707 Nothing but tell the truth. 2slVpxAEX4E-00016-00003707-00003950 And they've just locked him up, thrown away the key; 2slVpxAEX4E-00017-00003950-00004260 banned the BBC from talking about it; banned 2slVpxAEX4E-00018-00004260-00004591 all the corporate media from talking about it. 2slVpxAEX4E-00019-00004591-00004821 But look, there's thousands of people here. We know. 2slVpxAEX4E-00020-00004821-00005011 We know what they're up to. 2slVpxAEX4E-00021-00005011-00005205 The scum need to be stopped. 2slVpxAEX4E-00022-00005205-00005335 They need to be stopped. 2slVpxAEX4E-00023-00005352-00005752 #FreeAssangeNOW 2sPTMiGXWry-00000-00000520-00000620 - Werebeasts? 2sPTMiGXWry-00001-00000630-00000860 - It is good we did not get there in this case... 2sPTMiGXWry-00002-00000900-00000969 ... 2sPTMiGXWry-00003-00001000-00001300 - I am Obi Uliridi, friend of Ivethy. - Only a friend. 2sPTMiGXWry-00004-00001310-00001700 - You do not remember me, of course, but you saved my life in that battle with caped-ones. 2sPTMiGXWry-00005-00001700-00002100 Your wagon swept past at the very moment when I was on the verge of death. And for that, 2sPTMiGXWry-00006-00002100-00002230 I owe you one. 2sPTMiGXWry-00007-00002250-00002980 - Speaking of caped... Four of them looking for your caravan near Lodthakomage. I managed to kill two. 2sPTMiGXWry-00008-00003070-00003670 - Well, with the other two, our caravan will cope when their paths cross. But why would you risk your reputation? 2sPTMiGXWry-00009-00003700-00004130 - Likot is a hero. I told Obi about you, about feelings I feel... 2sPTMiGXWry-00010-00004130-00004430 (roaster roaster roaster...) Not everyone understandme this is usually no problem in our society, 2sPTMiGXWry-00011-00004430-00004630 (...roasterroasterroas...) I mean elves, dwarves - who cares, right? 2sPTMiGXWry-00012-00004630-00004800 (...hehe... sterroass...) But everybody disapprove my choice 2sPTMiGXWry-00013-00004800-00004950 because of the fact ... - Your father Muya! 2sPTMiGXWry-00014-00004950-00005050 - What? 2sPTMiGXWry-00015-00005050-00005400 - He's an alchemist, right? Can he cure the werebeast from disease? 2sPTMiGXWry-00016-00005400-00005780 - I do not know. This is not a disease but a curse imposed by the deity. 2sPTMiGXWry-00017-00005780-00006021 And againstsuch things alchemy powerless. 2sPTMiGXWry-00018-00006021-00006420 - Shorast controlled the transformation of werebeast with medications. 2sPTMiGXWry-00019-00006420-00006600 - It would be great to get his recipe. 2sPTMiGXWry-00020-00006600-00006950 - But for this ... we`ll have to go down. 2sPTMiGXWry-00021-00007000-00007450 We must either act very secretly, or gather a squad of elves and take the fortress by storm. 2sPTMiGXWry-00022-00007480-00007900 - The caravan has gone far. But even if we catch them, no one is going to take that risk for the sake of a dwarf. 2sPTMiGXWry-00023-00007900-00008350 I owe you my life, but I don`t want to die for rather dubious goal. 2sPTMiGXWry-00024-00008350-00008900 Therefore, I am for the most secretive option. Only warriors will go. Infected leave here. 2sPTMiGXWry-00025-00008900-00009100 - We can take Sinsot as a meat shield. 2sPTMiGXWry-00026-00009100-00009650 - I do not think that such a shield would stop the werebeast. And obviously Shorast do not care who will replace Sinsot. 2sPTMiGXWry-00027-00009650-00009900 He captures the four of us and will make the same werebeasts. 2sPTMiGXWry-00028-00010000-00010300 - Yeah ... Okay, let's go four. 2sPTMiGXWry-00029-00011900-00012150 - Shorast. Still, this is him. 2sPTMiGXWry-00030-00012150-00012250 - Come on! 2sPTMiGXWry-00031-00012300-00012500 - A little more! 2sPTMiGXWry-00032-00012600-00012850 - I suspected, but did not believe until the end. 2sPTMiGXWry-00033-00013250-00013450 - Prepare the nets! 2uxPsw8tYm0-00000-00000035-00000666 Solutions: Signature Colors, Copyright, and Reserving Rights (with UCC §3-402 (b)(1) 2uxPsw8tYm0-00001-00000666-00000930 versus §1-308) 2uxPsw8tYm0-00002-00000930-00001411 Our signature is one of the most important artistic works we make on a regular basis. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00003-00001411-00001802 With the current state of Lawfare, practical knowledge about our signature is more important 2uxPsw8tYm0-00004-00001802-00001905 than ever. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00005-00001905-00002501 Our signature is our consent, authentication, and agreement to contracts, terms and services, 2uxPsw8tYm0-00006-00002501-00002942 policies, presumptions, and can even compel performances by lethal force. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00007-00002942-00003383 This video goes over the natural meaning of various colors of signatures, why copyrighting 2uxPsw8tYm0-00008-00003383-00003818 our signature is so important, and how to reserve rights with a signature using Uniform 2uxPsw8tYm0-00009-00003818-00004536 Commercial Code §3-402 (b)(1) Signature by Representative versus UCC §1-308 Reservation 2uxPsw8tYm0-00010-00004536-00004661 of Rights. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00011-00004661-00005125 This is not legal advice and is provided only for educational purposes. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00012-00005125-00005569 Only fictitious lawyers calling themselves licensed attorneys are permitted to attorn 2uxPsw8tYm0-00013-00005569-00006216 and provide such legal fictional, voluntary, insubstantial, and dehumanizing advice. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00014-00006216-00006316 Part 1. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00015-00006316-00006434 Signature Colors 2uxPsw8tYm0-00016-00006434-00006904 The color of a signature has striking natural meaning, with colors like Gold, Green, Purple, 2uxPsw8tYm0-00017-00006904-00007105 Red, Blue, and Black. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00018-00007105-00007823 A Black ink signature means that the signer is dead, civiliter mortuus, civiliter mortuus. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00019-00007823-00008112 Civilly dead, Lost at the sea of commerce. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00020-00008112-00008597 Dead peoples’ names typically use all upper case lettering, as seen in cemeteries and 2uxPsw8tYm0-00021-00008597-00008811 on death certificates. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00022-00008811-00009482 Upper case names are described by Capitis Deminutio Maxima, Capitis Deminutio Maxima, 2uxPsw8tYm0-00023-00009482-00009928 as the maximal reduction of human status to that of a slave, without citizenship, and 2uxPsw8tYm0-00024-00009928-00010035 without freedom. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00025-00010035-00010486 In cartoons we see the "X" in the eyes to signify a character as dead. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00026-00010486-00010917 If there is an "X" to specify where to put a signature, that is also a marking of the 2uxPsw8tYm0-00027-00010917-00011017 dead. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00028-00011017-00011392 Cross out the "X", or make a circle around the "X" touching each end point, and then 2uxPsw8tYm0-00029-00011392-00011866 write “By” with a colon after to humanize the signature prefix. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00030-00011866-00012400 A black signature on a copy of a document, or on a replication, can make it a true copy. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00031-00012400-00013055 A Blue ink signature means acting in commence and at sea, in a form of admiralty, statutory, 2uxPsw8tYm0-00032-00013055-00013206 and commercial law. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00033-00013206-00013631 This is the signature color of a “legal presence” artificial person, because the 2uxPsw8tYm0-00034-00013631-00013944 legal presence is an incorporation in commerce. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00035-00013944-00014452 The other meaning of blue ink is of a proper authorized representative for the “legal 2uxPsw8tYm0-00036-00014452-00014883 presence” artificial person if signed correctly, but more on this shortly. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00037-00014883-00015380 I prefer blue ink for commercial matters with a copyright and reference to being the “authorized 2uxPsw8tYm0-00038-00015380-00015695 representative for” the legal presence. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00039-00015695-00016218 A Red ink signature mean flesh and blood, a living, breathing man or woman. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00040-00016218-00016655 There is no relation to the “legal presence” except as the authorized representative, and 2uxPsw8tYm0-00041-00016655-00016958 such relation must be made explicit in writing. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00042-00016958-00017452 A Purple ink signature means Royal and acting both in the commercial fiction at sea and 2uxPsw8tYm0-00043-00017452-00017762 as a living man or woman, on the land. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00044-00017762-00018012 This color bridges the gap between the living and commercial. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00045-00018012-00018337 There isn’t much to sign that requires such co-mingling. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00046-00018337-00018849 In most instances, I like to minimize and limit the domain of my signature color to 2uxPsw8tYm0-00047-00018849-00019004 only what is needed. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00048-00019004-00019550 A Green ink signature means Peace time, Law of peace, non-commercial, and eating from 2uxPsw8tYm0-00049-00019550-00019772 and living on the green land. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00050-00019772-00020263 When dealing with any legal or governmental matter, I prefer green because legal fictions, 2uxPsw8tYm0-00051-00020263-00020551 called governments, operate under Law of War. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00052-00020551-00021006 This is documented by the golden yellow fringe ornamentation on their flags, found in Army 2uxPsw8tYm0-00053-00021006-00021684 Regulation 840-10 “Flags, Guidons, Streamers, Tabards, and Automobile and Aircraft Plates”, 2uxPsw8tYm0-00054-00021684-00021976 §2-3, (b) and (c). 2uxPsw8tYm0-00055-00021976-00022478 As we can see here, the golden yellow fringe on flags in every so called US and State Court 2uxPsw8tYm0-00056-00022478-00022956 in America denotes that they are actually operating as “military courtroom” tribunals 2uxPsw8tYm0-00057-00022956-00023481 under Law of War (and as a franchise of the United Nations) rather than being Law of Peace 2uxPsw8tYm0-00058-00023481-00023719 Constitutional courts. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00059-00023719-00024387 Courts are not the same as courtrooms, and by Law of War we are owed Law of Peace. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00060-00024387-00024676 Green ink denotes such Peace time jurisdiction. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00061-00024676-00025067 A Gold ink signature means sovereign and from the godhead. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00062-00025067-00025610 It is most applicable to financial and legal instrument originals; their copies will not 2uxPsw8tYm0-00063-00025610-00026102 have such golden ink and may even have to be signed separately in black ink as true 2uxPsw8tYm0-00064-00026102-00026213 copies. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00065-00026213-00026643 Use Gold ink, for example with sparkles, as a security feature… 2uxPsw8tYm0-00066-00026643-00027052 A Financial security feature, just like microprint. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00067-00027052-00027572 Comment below on your interpretation of these or other colors, or color changing or glow 2uxPsw8tYm0-00068-00027572-00027906 in the dark inks, or maybe some other ink oddity. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00069-00027906-00028397 Do you do anything special for your personal financial security features? 2uxPsw8tYm0-00070-00028397-00028652 My favorite security feature is a… 2uxPsw8tYm0-00071-00028652-00028777 Part 2. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00072-00028777-00028927 Copyright 2uxPsw8tYm0-00073-00028927-00029364 Regardless of color, our signature is our primary authenticating artistic work and needs 2uxPsw8tYm0-00074-00029364-00029601 to be copyrighted, just like paintings. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00075-00029601-00029924 Remember, our signature IS artwork. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00076-00029924-00030456 A copyright on our signature also makes the document being signed into a copyrighted artistic 2uxPsw8tYm0-00077-00030456-00030891 work and reserves the right to authorize and authenticate its copies. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00078-00030891-00031439 With a copyright, copies of your signature and the document may not be made or used without 2uxPsw8tYm0-00079-00031439-00031645 your explicit permission. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00080-00031645-00032106 This is instant karma for anyone that does not respect the copyright on my signature. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00081-00032106-00032558 The United Nations Member-States’ Judicial Systems are the worst offenders of signature 2uxPsw8tYm0-00082-00032558-00032670 pirating. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00083-00032670-00033175 Color of Law Magistrates and judges re-use our signatures internally or sign for us, 2uxPsw8tYm0-00084-00033175-00033671 on the back end, like to sign off on things like warrants, bails, and other bonds, checks, 2uxPsw8tYm0-00085-00033671-00034039 and legal instruments without our knowledge or informed consent. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00086-00034039-00034505 If these military courtrooms posing as our local courts operated on the rule of law, 2uxPsw8tYm0-00087-00034505-00034925 the copyright would prevent many forms of judicial and banking fraud presently taking 2uxPsw8tYm0-00088-00034925-00035426 place, seemingly mandated by the United Nations of their Member-States’ judicial and banking 2uxPsw8tYm0-00089-00035426-00035526 systems. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00090-00035526-00035918 If you do not want other people ganking your signature artistic work, it is important to 2uxPsw8tYm0-00091-00035918-00036103 copyright it every time. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00092-00036103-00036497 Get in the habit of putting a copyright after your signature. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00093-00036497-00036774 [ meme: ] WOW!!!!! 2uxPsw8tYm0-00094-00036774-00036886 Part 3. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00095-00036886-00037224 UCC §1-308, without prejudice, under duress. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00096-00037224-00037508 [ whisper: ] It’s a trap. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00097-00037508-00037983 The US Social Security Administration doesn’t allow any alterations to a signature on their 2uxPsw8tYm0-00098-00037983-00038405 Form SS-5 Application for a Social Security Card. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00099-00038405-00039044 They are subtly referring to marking it with UCC §1-308 terms like "without prejudice", 2uxPsw8tYm0-00100-00039044-00039412 "under protest", "under duress", or "all rights reserved". 2uxPsw8tYm0-00101-00039412-00039888 These §1-308 alterations would prevent the fraud that the Social Security Administration 2uxPsw8tYm0-00102-00039888-00040396 and other companies require to work their legal fictitious debt instrument magick. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00103-00040396-00040820 This is why they reject all paperwork that properly has such alterations. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00104-00040820-00041347 Thus, we see the effectiveness of using terms like “without prejudice” and “all rights 2uxPsw8tYm0-00105-00041347-00041831 reserved” by the fact that the Social Security Administration explicitly rejects their use. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00106-00041831-00042537 However, the UN military courtrooms posing as our local courts relate to UCC §1-308 2uxPsw8tYm0-00107-00042537-00042993 in a different way because they do seem to be ignoring exercise of this code with complete 2uxPsw8tYm0-00108-00042993-00043093 impunity. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00109-00043093-00043338 Here’s what it is and why. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00110-00043338-00043928 Uniform Commercial Code §1-308 is titled: the Performance or Acceptance under Reservation 2uxPsw8tYm0-00111-00043928-00044028 of Rights. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00112-00044028-00044162 And it provides: Part (a). 2uxPsw8tYm0-00113-00044162-00044725 A party that with explicit reservation of rights performs or promises performance or 2uxPsw8tYm0-00114-00044725-00045281 assents to performance in a manner demanded or offered by the other party does not thereby 2uxPsw8tYm0-00115-00045281-00045511 prejudice the rights reserved. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00116-00045511-00046016 Such words as "without prejudice," (or) “under protest," or the like are sufficient. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00117-00046016-00046453 Using “without prejudice”, “under duress”, “all rights reserved”, and the like, has 2uxPsw8tYm0-00118-00046453-00046616 five problems. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00119-00046616-00047221 First - By using UCC §1-308, we are acknowledging and consenting to the commercial jurisdiction 2uxPsw8tYm0-00120-00047221-00047744 and being party to performance of a contract, with a specific manner demanded and offered. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00121-00047744-00048194 Second - By using it, we are acknowledging that we are the “legal presence” artificial 2uxPsw8tYm0-00122-00048194-00048643 person being presume, rather than being identified as a living man or woman. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00123-00048643-00049171 Third - The legal presence fictitious person doesn’t have any actual rights to reserve. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00124-00049171-00049742 It only has revokable privileges, and those, in legalese, can be referred to as rights, 2uxPsw8tYm0-00125-00049742-00050128 but they are not actual proper god-given reservable rights. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00126-00050128-00050735 Fourth - Confusing the legal presence artificial person as if it were you, is legally incompetent, 2uxPsw8tYm0-00127-00050735-00051397 making any so-called rights impossible to reserve using UCC §1-308 alone. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00128-00051397-00052127 And lastly, Subsection (b) of UCC §1-308 provides that "Subsection a does not apply 2uxPsw8tYm0-00129-00052127-00052526 to an accord and satisfaction." 2uxPsw8tYm0-00130-00052526-00053002 Especially when the accord, otherwise known as an agreement, and its satisfaction, or 2uxPsw8tYm0-00131-00053002-00053690 its performance, is for you to be the accommodation surety for and as a legal fictional artificial 2uxPsw8tYm0-00132-00053690-00054192 “person” that doesn’t have any reservable rights but, again, has only revokable privileges. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00133-00054192-00054687 That said, UCC §1-308 is a trap, by itself. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00134-00054687-00055241 If it works, it is selective and unlawfully unreliable and intermittent. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00135-00055241-00055676 However, if and when used, it should be in the context of… 2uxPsw8tYm0-00136-00055676-00055799 Part 4. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00137-00055799-00056380 UCC §3-402 (b)(1) Signature by (Authorized) Representative 2uxPsw8tYm0-00138-00056380-00056707 This is a very powerful Code to use with our signature. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00139-00056707-00057214 This code changes our relationship to agreements being made to that of an attorney-in-fact; 2uxPsw8tYm0-00140-00057214-00057729 where the default relation is not what we want, especially to reserve our rights. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00141-00057729-00058355 UCC §3-402 (b)(1) disavows that you, the living man or woman, are liable and party 2uxPsw8tYm0-00142-00058355-00058780 to the agreement or contract, even when the legal presence artificial person is still 2uxPsw8tYm0-00143-00058780-00059036 presumed to be liable and party. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00144-00059036-00059189 Pretty powerful, eh? 2uxPsw8tYm0-00145-00059189-00059702 By the way, this is a global solution because Uniform Commercial Code is universally adopted 2uxPsw8tYm0-00146-00059702-00060149 by all UN Member-States, just like international copyright. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00147-00060149-00060322 First some background. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00148-00060322-00060785 Have you ever noticed any microprinting below the signature location on checks or money 2uxPsw8tYm0-00149-00060785-00060885 orders? 2uxPsw8tYm0-00150-00060885-00061021 It looks like a line. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00151-00061021-00061264 But zooming in… 2uxPsw8tYm0-00152-00061264-00061832 It says “Authorized Signature”, over and over, in extremely fine microprint constituting 2uxPsw8tYm0-00153-00061832-00061957 the line itself. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00154-00061957-00062588 The meaning is found in UCC §3-402 subsection (a) providing: 2uxPsw8tYm0-00155-00062588-00063176 If the represented person is bound, The signature of the representative is the "authorized signature 2uxPsw8tYm0-00156-00063176-00063744 of the represented person" and the represented person is liable on the instrument, whether 2uxPsw8tYm0-00157-00063744-00064030 or not identified in the instrument. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00158-00064030-00064626 This implies that we, as representative, sign in place of and for the legal presence artificial 2uxPsw8tYm0-00159-00064626-00065055 person being made liable and compelled to perform without rights. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00160-00065055-00065613 Under subsection (b) (2), the code intends the authorized representative to also be liable 2uxPsw8tYm0-00161-00065613-00065850 on the instrument, by default. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00162-00065850-00066314 When the represented person is not identified in the contract or instrument, or when the 2uxPsw8tYm0-00163-00066314-00066819 signature does not show unambiguously that the signature is made in a representative 2uxPsw8tYm0-00164-00066819-00067180 capacity, the representative is liable. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00165-00067180-00067770 This is the opposite of subsection (b)(1), that provides: "The signature must show unambiguously 2uxPsw8tYm0-00166-00067770-00068297 that it is made in a representative capacity of the represented person identified, and 2uxPsw8tYm0-00167-00068297-00068652 then the representative is not liable on the instrument." 2uxPsw8tYm0-00168-00068652-00069166 Again, the representative is Not Liable on the instrument or agreement or its performance 2uxPsw8tYm0-00169-00069166-00069303 when specified. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00170-00069303-00069837 And the representative can be a living man or woman, particularly with non-legal identity 2uxPsw8tYm0-00171-00069837-00069949 papers. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00172-00069949-00070451 This divorces the living man or woman from the legal presence artificial person by making 2uxPsw8tYm0-00173-00070451-00070963 ourselves the authorized representative; acting on behalf of the Legal presence artificial 2uxPsw8tYm0-00174-00070963-00071424 person rather than appearing or manifesting as the legal presence artificial person. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00175-00071424-00072000 A Statutory General Durable Power of Attorney will do the same thing in paperwork. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00176-00072000-00072691 The consequences of signing with liability are documented in UCC §3-419. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00177-00072691-00073159 As you can see, it is a bit of a word salad, so I’ll summarize. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00178-00073159-00073774 In subsection (a), An “accommodation party” is an authorized representative who “…signs 2uxPsw8tYm0-00179-00073774-00074190 the instrument for the purpose of incurring liability on the instrument without being 2uxPsw8tYm0-00180-00074190-00074622 a direct beneficiary of the value given for the instrument…” 2uxPsw8tYm0-00181-00074622-00075122 And in subsection (c), As an Accommodation party, “…the signer is acting as surety 2uxPsw8tYm0-00182-00075122-00075677 or guarantor with respect to the obligation of another party to the instrument.” 2uxPsw8tYm0-00183-00075677-00076362 Without UCC §3-402 (b)(1) limiting liability, the fictional obligations of the legal presence 2uxPsw8tYm0-00184-00076362-00076950 artificial person become our real physical obligations upon us as living men and women. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00185-00076950-00077312 This is not the only legal device of entrapment and enslavement. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00186-00077312-00077513 But those are for another video. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00187-00077513-00077712 [Whisper:] Subscribe and like. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00188-00077712-00078351 As such, we want our signature to be as a representative but that is not called an autograph. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00189-00078351-00078885 According to Black’s Law Dictionary, 8th edition, page 83, The term Allograph means: 2uxPsw8tYm0-00190-00078885-00079230 "An agent’s writing or signature for the principal. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00191-00079230-00079516 This is the antonym of autograph." 2uxPsw8tYm0-00192-00079516-00079981 The "agent" is the authorized representative and the "principal" is the represented person 2uxPsw8tYm0-00193-00079981-00080286 as a legal presence artificial person. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00194-00080286-00080585 An allograph is the opposite of an autograph. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00195-00080585-00080875 An autograph being a Person’s own writing or signature. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00196-00080875-00081302 A "person" being the legal presence artificial person, of course. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00197-00081302-00081752 There are people who say that a signature is different than an autograph, and that a 2uxPsw8tYm0-00198-00081752-00082219 signature compels us into their legal system but an autograph does not…. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00199-00082219-00082790 However, given these legal definitions, an autograph is legally defined _a_s a signature 2uxPsw8tYm0-00200-00082790-00082963 and visa versa. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00201-00082963-00083491 An autograph is one of the two kinds of signatures, the other being an allograph. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00202-00083491-00083793 This is seen in the legal definition of signature being: 2uxPsw8tYm0-00203-00083793-00083893 "1. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00204-00083893-00084414 a person’s name or mark written by that person or at the person’s direction. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00205-00084414-00084532 And 2. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00206-00084532-00084632 Commercial law. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00207-00084632-00085049 Any name, mark, or writing used with the intention of authenticating a document." 2uxPsw8tYm0-00208-00085049-00085655 Due to using Uniform Commercial Code, definition 2 seems more applicable, but definition 1 2uxPsw8tYm0-00209-00085655-00086188 is also applied as well, in being the authorized representative at the direction of the represented 2uxPsw8tYm0-00210-00086188-00086682 principal “legal presence” person within commercial law UCC. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00211-00086682-00087218 What is interesting to note is that all autographs do compel legal presence by legal definition 2uxPsw8tYm0-00212-00087218-00087672 but allographs do not compel legal presence artificial personage upon the attorney-in-fact. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00213-00087672-00088385 An allograph, in meeting the requirements of UCC §3-402 (b)(1), provides that the authorized 2uxPsw8tYm0-00214-00088385-00088923 representative signer is not party nor liable to the instrument being signed, despite the 2uxPsw8tYm0-00215-00088923-00089380 represented fictitious legal presence person continuing to be party and liable. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00216-00089380-00089850 The alteration to make our signature into perfected allographs is by writing above, 2uxPsw8tYm0-00217-00089850-00090402 after, or under the signature or line the words “Agent”, or “Authorized Representative”, 2uxPsw8tYm0-00218-00090402-00090563 or “Attorney-In-Fact.” 2uxPsw8tYm0-00219-00090563-00090943 Any one of these three will work, as they are interchangeable. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00220-00090943-00091362 If the represented person’s name is not on the contract, document, or instrument, 2uxPsw8tYm0-00221-00091362-00091766 then append the word “for” and then add the name of the represented legal presence 2uxPsw8tYm0-00222-00091766-00092164 artificial person, in all upper case in most instances. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00223-00092164-00092868 So for instance, "Authorized Representative for JOHN DOE" or "Attorney-In-Fact for JANE 2uxPsw8tYm0-00224-00092868-00093026 DOE". 2uxPsw8tYm0-00225-00093026-00093673 Our signature must comply with UCC §3-402 (b)(1) for us to be considered legally competent 2uxPsw8tYm0-00226-00093673-00093851 and not liable. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00227-00093851-00094338 Other components of legal competency include a recorded Statutory General Durable Power 2uxPsw8tYm0-00228-00094338-00094913 of Attorney over their legal presence artificial person for us, knowing the phrase "Take constructive 2uxPsw8tYm0-00229-00094913-00095607 notice that I am competent to handle my affairs and over the age of 21" and making a "special 2uxPsw8tYm0-00230-00095607-00096193 appearance"; Using that phrase in court to challenge jurisdiction when asked for a name. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00231-00096193-00096705 One problem is that the exercise of proper legal knowledge, such as not identifying as 2uxPsw8tYm0-00232-00096705-00097294 a legal fictitious “person”, is unlawfully considered to be the legal fictitious “person”’s 2uxPsw8tYm0-00233-00097294-00097618 mental disease by courtrooms, judges, and attorneys. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00234-00097618-00097861 But that is for another video. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00235-00097861-00098249 Like, subscribe and click that notification bell for more. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00236-00098249-00098466 Part 5 Conclusion. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00237-00098466-00098831 There are many different colors we can use for our signature and the best color is going 2uxPsw8tYm0-00238-00098831-00098964 to be situational. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00239-00098964-00099208 I like green, blue, and gold. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00240-00099208-00099676 But regardless of color, always put a copyright on that signature and, where necessary, alter 2uxPsw8tYm0-00241-00099676-00100274 the signature under UCC §3-402 (b)(1) by adding the words “Authorized Representative 2uxPsw8tYm0-00242-00100274-00100768 for” and the name of the legal presence represented person to limit liability. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00243-00100768-00101231 In the context of being the Authorized Representative, we should be using “without prejudice” 2uxPsw8tYm0-00244-00101231-00101879 or “all rights reserved” under UCC §1-308 to show our lack of consent and reservation 2uxPsw8tYm0-00245-00101879-00102273 of rights but also because its negative aspects are mitigated. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00246-00102273-00102797 Social Security Administration will reject any application that has “without prejudice” 2uxPsw8tYm0-00247-00102797-00103274 or “all rights reserved” written on it and possibly a copyright, but they are required 2uxPsw8tYm0-00248-00103274-00103791 by their own law to accept signatures from "Authorized Representatives' that are unambiguously 2uxPsw8tYm0-00249-00103791-00103939 marked as such. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00250-00103939-00104575 I even caught the Social Security Administration practicing law in rejecting my status as "Authorized 2uxPsw8tYm0-00251-00104575-00105090 Representative" until I read them the Pennsylvania Statute requiring their compliance. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00252-00105090-00105385 See episode 2 in the card above. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00253-00105385-00106105 If you think UCC §1-308 is important, then you should study UCC §3-402, specifically 2uxPsw8tYm0-00254-00106105-00106596 subsection (b)(1) and have a Statutory General Durable Power of Attorney. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00255-00106596-00107011 The primary problem we have is that the very attorneys who enact the law are the people 2uxPsw8tYm0-00256-00107011-00107342 who refuse to honor these laws when it suits them. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00257-00107342-00107855 When it mattered, not one attorney, not one judge, not one sheriff would recognize my 2uxPsw8tYm0-00258-00107855-00108699 proper personal exercise of UCC §3-402 (b)(1) or 1-308, not even the defense attorneys. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00259-00108699-00109173 This shows that even when signing properly according to the law, it requires legal enforcement 2uxPsw8tYm0-00260-00109173-00109611 to act according to their own statutes, and they knowingly, willfully, intentionally, 2uxPsw8tYm0-00261-00109611-00109805 and maliciously do not…. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00262-00109805-00110279 In circumstance after circumstance, Legal Enforcers in UN Member-States refuse to honor 2uxPsw8tYm0-00263-00110279-00110904 our exercise of rights and the law, and violate and refuse to stop violating their own laws. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00264-00110904-00111422 Ignorance of the law is no excuse yet is the governments excuse in continuing their lawlessness, 2uxPsw8tYm0-00265-00111422-00111624 time and time again. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00266-00111624-00112054 The reason why the legal system in America seems to be lacking in justice is because 2uxPsw8tYm0-00267-00112054-00112561 not a single attorney is acting to honor our natural rights, but they are each engaged 2uxPsw8tYm0-00268-00112561-00113178 in a silent conspiracy to misrepresent us as legal presence non-human persons in military 2uxPsw8tYm0-00269-00113178-00113278 courtrooms. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00270-00113278-00113822 So be warned, following the law isn’t enough to prevent the government from being and acting 2uxPsw8tYm0-00271-00113822-00114378 lawlessly, especially color of law police, sheriffs, attorneys, magistrates, judges, 2uxPsw8tYm0-00272-00114378-00114882 child protective services, community mental services, and the like. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00273-00114882-00115304 Still, It is important to practice proper form even when the governments and attorneys 2uxPsw8tYm0-00274-00115304-00115576 are as lawless as they have been. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00275-00115576-00115965 Overstanding what they are doing helps us defend ourselves from their weaponization 2uxPsw8tYm0-00276-00115965-00116100 of law. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00277-00116100-00116796 Violations of UCC §3-402 (b)(1) by attorneys and even judges can and should be reported 2uxPsw8tYm0-00278-00116796-00117084 to the Attorneys’ State or Federal Bar. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00279-00117084-00117523 In my personal experience, State and Federal Bar Attorney Grievance Committees seem to 2uxPsw8tYm0-00280-00117523-00118045 be fellow legal cartel members covering up unlawful and criminal misrepresentation of 2uxPsw8tYm0-00281-00118045-00118628 living men and women as legal fictional artificial persons of their fellow co-conspirator attorneys 2uxPsw8tYm0-00282-00118628-00118734 at large. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00283-00118734-00119304 However, letting attorneys know that we are on to their legal person identity scam is 2uxPsw8tYm0-00284-00119304-00119760 an important message for us to voice even if the government and attorney grievance committees 2uxPsw8tYm0-00285-00119760-00120233 only give passes and pardon upon obvious misrepresentations and fraud. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00286-00120233-00120882 Here is a tip specifically for World Citizens regarding our signatures, include your World 2uxPsw8tYm0-00287-00120882-00121371 Citizen Identity P number after your signature for reference, just like attorneys do. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00288-00121371-00121933 And Lastly, an amusing rat fact: An autograph refers to the term Holograph in Black’s 2uxPsw8tYm0-00289-00121933-00122033 Law dictionary. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00290-00122033-00122478 A holograph is considered a document that is handwritten by its author. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00291-00122478-00122995 The only thing considered real in a legal fiction is what is written on paper, Legal 2uxPsw8tYm0-00292-00122995-00123310 fiction is created as a documented paper trail. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00293-00123310-00123821 Yet, real hand written documents are considered no more real than a synthetic imitation false 2uxPsw8tYm0-00294-00123821-00123972 light hologram. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00295-00123972-00124450 The legal system is a constructed system of pure fiction without substance, and yet it 2uxPsw8tYm0-00296-00124450-00124803 frames actual reality as the fabricated holograph. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00297-00124803-00124972 Talk about projection. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00298-00124972-00125233 Thank you for your attention and focus. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00299-00125233-00125515 Here are some other videos that may interest you. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00300-00125515-00125863 Click to continue the transmission. 2uxPsw8tYm0-00301-00125863-00126019 Like, subscribe, notify, and share 2uQ2g9y_feE-00000-00000066-00000516 Case 2: Writer's block: social issues on the inside 2uQ2g9y_feE-00001-00000516-00001236 After the success of the telescope other Kingston prison started their own newsletters. Although the format was similar in that most a sports column, 2uQ2g9y_feE-00002-00001236-00001719 humor section, and a census, each one had its own style and tone. 2uQ2g9y_feE-00003-00001720-00002556 Each newsletter was produced by the imates and most of the writing was done by the editors. The Joyceville Journal, from Joyceville Prison, or the 2uQ2g9y_feE-00004-00002556-00003396 "Villa on the Rideau" as the inmates refer to it was produced in the same format and carried many of the same features that one would find in a 2uQ2g9y_feE-00005-00003396-00004049 newspaper. Featured in this copy from March 1965 is an article on capital punishment. The C.B. diamond from Collins Bay 2uQ2g9y_feE-00006-00004050-00004703 penitentiary from July 1954 is open to a story from the Ottawa citizen 2uQ2g9y_feE-00007-00004703-00004919 entitled "Put them to work" 2uQ2g9y_feE-00008-00004920-00005456 that strongly supports inmates working for their keep. The editors of the diamond are in support of 2uQ2g9y_feE-00009-00005456-00005993 the suggestion and heartily endorse it. Another issue of the diamond from 1956 2uQ2g9y_feE-00010-00005993-00006463 asks the question "Do you feel you've lost or gained by your incarceration?" 2uQ2g9y_feE-00011-00006463-00006786 The answers given are quite thought provoking. 2uQ2g9y_feE-00012-00006786-00007346 The odyssey newsletter from Millhaven stands apart from the other newsletters in this case, in that the 2uQ2g9y_feE-00013-00007346-00007906 tone is much different. One can almost feel the tension coming off the pages. 2uQ2g9y_feE-00014-00007906-00008596 In a 1962 memo to the liaison officer for the K.P. Telescope, instruction is given to have all gossip and 2uQ2g9y_feE-00015-00008596-00009286 greeting columns removed from future publications as as they quote "do not serve any purpose". 2uQ2g9y_feE-00016-00009286-00009949 Around this time the style, the format and the editor committees of the newsletters start to change. 2uQ2g9y_feE-00017-00009950-00010476 Juxtapposed to these hard hitting articles are images on loan from the Canadian penitentiary 2uQ2g9y_feE-00018-00010476-00011003 museum, showing inmates from K.P. in 1962 enjoying recreational activities. 2xZP-dYzCQc-00000-00000014-00000422 (intro plays) 2xZP-dYzCQc-00001-00000422-00000500 UH-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H 2xZP-dYzCQc-00002-00000500-00000708 what's wrong with me? 2xZP-dYzCQc-00003-00000720-00000861 Alright, stop! 2xZP-dYzCQc-00004-00000861-00001322 hit it with a brick, hit it with a block, hit it with a brick, hit it with a block. 2xZP-dYzCQc-00005-00001322-00001450 Wasn't any better? 2xZP-dYzCQc-00006-00001466-00001542 Really? 2xZP-dYzCQc-00007-00001686-00001826 next source. 2xZP-dYzCQc-00008-00001836-00002752 one effect added 2xZP-dYzCQc-00009-00002866-00003052 Welcome back to Roblox's Wheel of Fortune. 2xZP-dYzCQc-00010-00003052-00003561 SEXUAL WHE--- I MEAN WHEEL SPINNING SOUND 2xZP-dYzCQc-00011-00003564-00004042 BANKRUPT 2xZP-dYzCQc-00012-00004082-00004252 it's your turn, player three. 2xZP-dYzCQc-00013-00004276-00004382 BUZZER SOUND IS NOT WORKING 2xZP-dYzCQc-00014-00004382-00004432 NOPE! 2xZP-dYzCQc-00015-00004474-00004716 Sorry. 2xZP-dYzCQc-00016-00004842-00005366 G-Major, but is pitched down... 2xZP-dYzCQc-00017-00005380-00005430 really? 2xZP-dYzCQc-00018-00005430-00005896 ANOTHER WHEEL SPINNING SOUND WITH A ROUND THROWBACK 2xZP-dYzCQc-00019-00005922-00006006 HEY! (staroving earrape also plays) 2xZP-dYzCQc-00020-00006012-00007450 LET'S BRING THE LOGOS BACK (added NET) 2xZP-dYzCQc-00021-00007456-00007720 Okay, you may end this craziness now. 2xZP-dYzCQc-00022-00008100-00008378 Channel-M Boston 2xZP-dYzCQc-00023-00009098-00009242 who's next after him? 2xZP-dYzCQc-00024-00009402-00009524 Subtitles by HMLE482. 2Dj74p6hEsE-00000-00000003-00000474 In this problem, we want to calculate the force exerted on the panel given the 2Dj74p6hEsE-00001-00000474-00000944 pressure distribution on both sides. What we're looking at is a window, say a 2Dj74p6hEsE-00002-00000944-00001320 window on the side of the swimming pool, and this window has; on the right side, 2Dj74p6hEsE-00003-00001320-00001947 air; and on the left side, water. Both of those fluids are applying pressure on 2Dj74p6hEsE-00004-00001947-00002468 each side, and those pressures are distributed differently in space. On the 2Dj74p6hEsE-00005-00002468-00002925 right side we have air, and air has a uniform pressure — a pressure that's the 2Dj74p6hEsE-00006-00002925-00003363 same everywhere in space. On the left side we have water, and water has a 2Dj74p6hEsE-00007-00003363-00003732 pressure distribution which is a little bit more complicated. And the question we 2Dj74p6hEsE-00008-00003732-00004176 want to answer precisely is: what is the force coming from the right due to 2Dj74p6hEsE-00009-00004176-00004602 pressure, and what is the force coming from the left due to pressure? 2Dj74p6hEsE-00010-00004602-00005025 So let me show you how to deal with this. I'll work it out step by step and put 2Dj74p6hEsE-00011-00005025-00005503 this [here] so we can keep the data in sight for our problem. I'm gonna start calculating. 2Dj74p6hEsE-00012-00005503-00006110 So what we have on the right side is a force due to the right side and the way 2Dj74p6hEsE-00013-00006110-00006509 we deal with this in fluid mechanics is by doing an integral. And we say the force 2Dj74p6hEsE-00014-00006509-00007079 is the sum everywhere of the pressure —the local pressure— multiplied by the 2Dj74p6hEsE-00015-00007079-00007647 area — the tiny bit of area where this pressure applies, dA, like so. 2Dj74p6hEsE-00016-00007647-00008034 And we do this integral over the whole area of the panel so it becomes the integral over 2Dj74p6hEsE-00017-00008034-00008718 the panel —over the whole window if you would like. This force here — this integral 2Dj74p6hEsE-00018-00008718-00009275 here is very easy to calculate because in this case p on the right side, p is 2Dj74p6hEsE-00019-00009275-00009693 just pressure due to the atmosphere, so it's a constant — it's just one number — it 2Dj74p6hEsE-00020-00009693-00010190 does not change according to A. And so we can get it out of the integral and this 2Dj74p6hEsE-00021-00010190-00010761 becomes just here p multiplied by the integral over the whole panel 2Dj74p6hEsE-00022-00010761-00011846 of dA, like so. And p being here p of the atmosphere. So this is of course 2Dj74p6hEsE-00023-00011846-00012693 p atmosphere multiplied by the integral of dA, that’s just A, the area of the panel. 2Dj74p6hEsE-00024-00012693-00013230 And so this is now just a matter of putting the right numbers in. P atmosphere 2Dj74p6hEsE-00025-00013230-00013650 is one. But, be careful: one bar is not SI units 2Dj74p6hEsE-00026-00013650-00014088 we need to convert this into Pascals to have SI units and get the correct 2Dj74p6hEsE-00027-00014088-00014766 numbers in the end. And one bar is 10 to the power 5 Pascals so it's 1 times 10 2Dj74p6hEsE-00028-00014766-00015549 to the power 5 Pascal as pressure, and the area is 3 meters by 3 meters like so, 2Dj74p6hEsE-00029-00015549-00016124 so that's 9 whoops sorry no "equal" here I should put here 2Dj74p6hEsE-00030-00016124-00016809 times 3 times 3. This is going to be Pascals, that's gonna 2Dj74p6hEsE-00031-00016809-00017274 be meters squared and the multiplication of those is going to be Newtons and so 2Dj74p6hEsE-00032-00017274-00017786 of course this is 3 times 3 — 9 times 10 to the power 5, 9 times 10 to the power 5 2Dj74p6hEsE-00033-00017786-00018294 Newtons as the force, the force on the right like so. We could leave it like so 2Dj74p6hEsE-00034-00018294-00018676 —whoops sorry I should move this up— We could leave it like so, but in practice 2Dj74p6hEsE-00035-00018726-00019906 in engineering we like to have Newtons, kilonewtons, or meganewtons. 2Dj74p6hEsE-00036-00019906-00019956 And so this turns out to be 900,000 Newtons, so 900 kilonewtons, yes. 2Dj74p6hEsE-00037-00019956-00020498 So this is the result that I'm going to highlight in the end. 2Dj74p6hEsE-00038-00020529-00020928 Just before we move on to water let's just pause and ask ourselves how big a 2Dj74p6hEsE-00039-00020928-00021372 force this is. And the measure I like to have for this is "what's an 2Dj74p6hEsE-00040-00021372-00021948 object that has a weight of 900 kilonewtons?" Well the answer to this is easy 2Dj74p6hEsE-00041-00021948-00022692 to calculate: 1 kilogram has a weight of approximately 10 Newtons and so 2Dj74p6hEsE-00042-00022692-00023247 900 kilonewtons (900,000 Newtons) corresponds to about 90 tons. I'll just 2Dj74p6hEsE-00043-00023247-00023832 put it here. And in comparison, 90 tons is the weight of 2 fully loaded 2Dj74p6hEsE-00044-00023832-00024381 trucks. That's a lot of force and this is the force that applies on a window that 2Dj74p6hEsE-00045-00024381-00024879 has 3 meters by 3 meters. A window that has 1 meter by 1 meter you would get 10 tons. 2Dj74p6hEsE-00046-00024879-00025440 Yeah so it's a lot of force that we have due to pressure of the atmosphere. 2Dj74p6hEsE-00047-00025440-00025814 Because 1 bar is a very high number and the reason for this is: that we 2Dj74p6hEsE-00048-00025814-00026281 live at the bottom of an ocean of air that's about 100 2Dj74p6hEsE-00049-00026281-00026662 kilometers high and so the pressure in which we live every day is very high, 2Dj74p6hEsE-00050-00026662-00027252 the atmospheric pressure. Okay so much for the right side, let's now look at the 2Dj74p6hEsE-00051-00027252-00027580 left side let's come back on this and have a look at this equation that we 2Dj74p6hEsE-00052-00027580-00028195 have here. We have pressure due to water is 1.2 times 10 to the power of 2Dj74p6hEsE-00053-00028195-00028843 5 this is the starting value and then every time you go down with X here 2Dj74p6hEsE-00054-00028843-00029266 so let's have a look at x — x goes down in this way so you start at 1.2 times 10 to 2Dj74p6hEsE-00055-00029266-00029938 the power 5 (1.2 bar yeah) and then you go down, every 1 meter you go down with x, 2Dj74p6hEsE-00056-00029938-00030493 you increase the pressure by a value of 9.81 times 10 to the power 3 (it's 2Dj74p6hEsE-00057-00030493-00031144 almost 10 to the power 4 okay). This, to us, is just magic — it's coming 2Dj74p6hEsE-00058-00031144-00031687 from the sky— but we'll see the reasons behind this equation — the physics 2Dj74p6hEsE-00059-00031687-00032035 behind this equation — in the chapter that's dedicated to pressure later on. 2Dj74p6hEsE-00060-00032035-00032572 By then we'll see probably that this looks suspiciously like gravity and 2Dj74p6hEsE-00061-00032572-00033001 this suspiciously like the density of water, but that’s a secret we keep for 2Dj74p6hEsE-00062-00033001-00033502 later yeah? At the moment to us this is just magic. And now what we want to do is 2Dj74p6hEsE-00063-00033502-00033919 calculate the force due to water on the left side with that pressure distribution 2Dj74p6hEsE-00064-00033919-00035194 so let's take a look at that. All right. Let’s go. So the force applying on the 2Dj74p6hEsE-00065-00035194-00036064 left side is again the integral of p dA the sum over the whole panel of the 2Dj74p6hEsE-00066-00036064-00036568 local pressure force multiplied by the local amount of area. And p, what is this 2Dj74p6hEsE-00067-00036568-00037126 time p? P is this whole big expression that we have written down here, so I'm 2Dj74p6hEsE-00068-00037126-00037591 just gonna be rigorous and just transcribe it over here. And so we have 2Dj74p6hEsE-00069-00037591-00038622 "panel" here, P becomes 1.2 times 10 to the power 5 plus 9.81 times 10 to the power 2Dj74p6hEsE-00070-00038622-00039349 3 x, yes. This is the value of p. and then I integrate P with respect to area dA 2Dj74p6hEsE-00071-00039349-00039949 Now from a mathematical point of view this is a bit problematic because we 2Dj74p6hEsE-00072-00039949-00040488 have an x inside the integral and then we have dA which specifies according to 2Dj74p6hEsE-00073-00040488-00040878 which properties we're doing the integral and we need to translate one 2Dj74p6hEsE-00074-00040878-00041391 into the other so let's take a look at dA now let's try to express dA as a 2Dj74p6hEsE-00075-00041391-00041833 function at least partly of x. I'm going to take the panel 2Dj74p6hEsE-00076-00041833-00042216 I'm just redrawing the panel that we have over here 3 meters by 3 meters and 2Dj74p6hEsE-00077-00042216-00042928 on this panel we take a little width, element of width here, and this element 2Dj74p6hEsE-00078-00042928-00043878 of width I'm gonna call it dz yeah it's because we are looking at the distance 2Dj74p6hEsE-00079-00043878-00044563 along this direction here which is a distance z here and I'm also going to 2Dj74p6hEsE-00080-00044563-00045481 look at a tiny bit of depth depth x so I'll call it dx yes and so I'm gonna 2Dj74p6hEsE-00081-00045481-00045996 look at a tiny bit of depth dx, a tiny bit of width dz here and the 2Dj74p6hEsE-00082-00045996-00046713 product of those this is going to be my dA yeah? So I can write that dA is equal 2Dj74p6hEsE-00083-00046713-00047488 to dx dz, a tiny piece of the window. I do not learn this by heart I find it 2Dj74p6hEsE-00084-00047488-00047784 out every time depending on the coordinates of the problem this is 2Dj74p6hEsE-00085-00047784-00048252 because sometimes you will have XYZ in different positions and you need to 2Dj74p6hEsE-00086-00048252-00048730 adapt to the coordinate coordinate system of your given problem to be able 2Dj74p6hEsE-00087-00048730-00049383 to figure out what your area is equal to in terms of infinitely small coordinates 2Dj74p6hEsE-00088-00049383-00050011 so now let's take dA as equal to dx dz and write it in here in place of the dA 2Dj74p6hEsE-00089-00050011-00050775 yeah so we have the integral over the whole panel of 1.2 times 10 to the power 2Dj74p6hEsE-00090-00050775-00051895 of 5 plus 9.81 times 10 to the power 3 x and then we have here DX DZ now I could 2Dj74p6hEsE-00091-00051895-00052400 leave here a single —whoop! I'm sorry about this, I forgot, always forget 2Dj74p6hEsE-00092-00052400-00053186 to move up the sheet of paper so you can keep an eye on on my paper— so what I did 2Dj74p6hEsE-00093-00053186-00053585 here is it's just dA from that equation here and I transcribe this into a dx and 2Dj74p6hEsE-00094-00053585-00054104 dz. I could leave a single integral here and write it as the integral for the 2Dj74p6hEsE-00095-00054104-00054770 whole panel, but now I have two infinitely small components over here so 2Dj74p6hEsE-00096-00054770-00055325 I could try to write it as a double integral. It's the integral of the integral 2Dj74p6hEsE-00097-00055325-00055958 of something yeah. The integral over DZ of the integral over DX of that piece 2Dj74p6hEsE-00098-00055958-00056534 here right there. Drom where to where do we evaluate these integrals? Well let's 2Dj74p6hEsE-00099-00056534-00056957 look back at the problem. we're gonna go in the Z direction in this direction 2Dj74p6hEsE-00100-00056957-00057527 here we're going to go at Z is equal to zero and we're going to start from zero 2Dj74p6hEsE-00101-00057527-00058202 and go to Z is equal to three so I write here for DZ 0 to 3 we're gonna do the 2Dj74p6hEsE-00102-00058202-00058703 same thing for the direction X so we started at zero here and we go down to 3 2Dj74p6hEsE-00103-00058703-00059615 over here for X so see every each time the integral from 0 to 3 over here ok 2Dj74p6hEsE-00104-00059615-00060058 this looks a little bit tricky to play with but you can see it mathematically 2Dj74p6hEsE-00105-00060058-00060698 is quite simple a double integral works as so that you do the first integral you 2Dj74p6hEsE-00106-00060698-00061079 hide the inside of the first integral and you do the first integral from 0 to 2Dj74p6hEsE-00107-00061079-00061763 3 of everything that's inside to dz. So a way of representing this in 2Dj74p6hEsE-00108-00061763-00062369 your mind is to go from 0 to 3 of a big bracket here and this big bracket inside 2Dj74p6hEsE-00109-00062369-00063098 is the number that is the integral from 0 to 3 of ta da da da da DX like so. I'm not 2Dj74p6hEsE-00110-00063098-00063413 rewriting it I'm just in my mind conceptually replacing the inner 2Dj74p6hEsE-00111-00063413-00064271 integral by just a pair of brackets and this I'm going to then use to figure out 2Dj74p6hEsE-00112-00064271-00064855 the trick. Everything that's inside this bracket here does not depend on that 2Dj74p6hEsE-00113-00064855-00065232 there is no z anywhere in this parenthesis 2Dj74p6hEsE-00114-00065232-00065870 dX does not depend on that either so what I can do is to say this is just the 2Dj74p6hEsE-00115-00065870-00066942 bracket that I had before multiplied by the integral from 0 to 3 of DZ like so. And so let me 2Dj74p6hEsE-00116-00066942-00067325 do it, let me just now replace the bracket by the inner integral. It is the 2Dj74p6hEsE-00117-00067325-00068363 integral from 0 to 3 of 1.2 times 10 to the power 5 plus 9.81 times 10 to the 2Dj74p6hEsE-00118-00068363-00069318 power 3 x dx, yes. And now I multiply this by the integral from 0 to 3 of DZ 2Dj74p6hEsE-00119-00069318-00069729 which I'm just right now going to call just Delta Z I could just replace it by 2Dj74p6hEsE-00120-00069729-00070041 3 meters that's also fine so you can keep it as an abstract representation 2Dj74p6hEsE-00121-00070041-00070781 right now and so now it's just a matter of here carrying out the integral 2Dj74p6hEsE-00122-00070781-00071247 because all I have now is X and DX with a single integral this should be doable. 2Dj74p6hEsE-00123-00071247-00072056 So let's let's go with this. The integral of 1.2 times 10 2Dj74p6hEsE-00124-00072056-00073230 to the power of 5 dx is going to be 1.2 times 10 to the power 5 X, so. Plus 9.81 2Dj74p6hEsE-00125-00073230-00074031 times 10 to the power 3 X DX will integrate as 1/2 of x squared yes and I 2Dj74p6hEsE-00126-00074031-00074391 now close my brackets and I evaluate this function, this integral function, 2Dj74p6hEsE-00127-00074391-00075054 here between the limits X maximum and X minimum which in this case is 0 to 3 yes? 2Dj74p6hEsE-00128-00075054-00076023 And also multiply this by dz, by, sorry, Delta z, and so now let's just put 2Dj74p6hEsE-00129-00076023-00076376 numbers in, write out the whole number thing before I type it into the 2Dj74p6hEsE-00130-00076376-00076974 calculator. So it's going to be here 1.2 times 10 to the power 5 multiplied by 3 2Dj74p6hEsE-00131-00076974-00077870 plus 9.81 times 10 to the power 3 multiplied by 0.5 x 3 squared multiplied 2Dj74p6hEsE-00132-00077870-00078230 by 3 like so. 2Dj74p6hEsE-00133-00078300-00078730 And so now just typing this into the calculator 2Dj74p6hEsE-00134-00078730-00079602 yeah I did it just previously for you I get this result here I get 1 point 4 8 2 2Dj74p6hEsE-00135-00079602-00080427 4 times 10 to the power 6 and I remember now we had calculated the whole time 2Dj74p6hEsE-00136-00080427-00080995 coming back at the very top here, a force. What is the unit of 2Dj74p6hEsE-00137-00080995-00081613 force? Newtons. So I write down Newtons at the bottom right here this is the 2Dj74p6hEsE-00138-00081613-00082114 force on the left side. And again in engineering we like kilonewtons, meganewtons 2Dj74p6hEsE-00139-00082114-00082579 and so on so forth, so I can write it here as F L is equal to 1 point 2Dj74p6hEsE-00140-00082579-00083220 4 8 2 4 megaNewton and this is what I'm going to highlight in my answer. Yes. 2Dj74p6hEsE-00141-00083220-00084001 Yeah? So this is how you deal with a pressure distribution that is not 2Dj74p6hEsE-00142-00084001-00084538 uniform, when you want to calculate the resulting force applying on a single panel. 2MV0NkXEsaI-00000-00000813-00001082 Wounded Warrior: For me a perfect race is a solid start. 2MV0NkXEsaI-00001-00001082-00001411 Sound Pop Really that makes the race for me. 2MV0NkXEsaI-00002-00001411-00001825 If I come off the blocks and my goggles stay on my face and I feel streamline, I feel like 2MV0NkXEsaI-00003-00001825-00002232 my body was tight, I feel like I’m moving through the water right before I break out 2MV0NkXEsaI-00004-00002232-00002724 of the surface for my first strokes that real does it for me. 2MV0NkXEsaI-00005-00002724-00003167 Sarah Evans is practicing her technique in the home of the 2012 Olympic Games, Queen 2MV0NkXEsaI-00006-00003167-00003740 Elizabeth Olympic Park in London, preparing for the first Invictus Games. 2MV0NkXEsaI-00007-00003740-00004581 Last year, Prince Harry came to Colorado Springs to observe and participate at the Warrior 2MV0NkXEsaI-00008-00004581-00004722 Games. 2MV0NkXEsaI-00009-00004722-00005347 And he got to visit many venues, he competed in volleyball I don’t know if he competed 2MV0NkXEsaI-00010-00005347-00006187 in anything else but I think he saw the benefit that all of the athletes were receiving through 2MV0NkXEsaI-00011-00006187-00006754 sports in their healing process. 2MV0NkXEsaI-00012-00006754-00007186 Now the United States Wounded Warriors made up of athletes from all the services, are 2MV0NkXEsaI-00013-00007186-00007434 here to compete against 12 other countries. 2MV0NkXEsaI-00014-00007434-00007892 Today, coaches like Missy are giving final tips before the games begin this week. 2MV0NkXEsaI-00015-00007892-00008388 A lot of the events that we do are going to be sprint distance so we want to maximize 2MV0NkXEsaI-00016-00008388-00008856 their power and efficiency off the start and off the turn. 2MV0NkXEsaI-00017-00008856-00009604 Up to this point we assume that their fitness level is what it is. 2MV0NkXEsaI-00018-00009604-00010068 We are not going to be able to change their fitness level knowing them or training them 2MV0NkXEsaI-00019-00010068-00010188 for a couple of days. 2MV0NkXEsaI-00020-00010188-00011027 So we want to give them the tips that are going to be the most effective the quickest. 2MV0NkXEsaI-00021-00011027-00011421 These athletes have been training for months and as the games draw closer and closer the 2MV0NkXEsaI-00022-00011421-00011556 tension begins to mount. 2MV0NkXEsaI-00023-00011556-00011886 Sarah: I’m waiting for the nerves to hit because I know there coming and I know on 2MV0NkXEsaI-00024-00011886-00012236 competition day when I walk in here and the crowd is full and I know that my friends are 2MV0NkXEsaI-00025-00012236-00012495 in the stands and I know that we are getting ready for real. 2MV0NkXEsaI-00026-00012495-00012916 And all the teams are in their gear I think it is going to hit me really hard. 2MV0NkXEsaI-00027-00012916-00013612 I’m trying to keep it in check because I know that I'll just be at a disadvantage but 2MV0NkXEsaI-00028-00013612-00013838 I know its coming. 2MV0NkXEsaI-00029-00013838-00014388 Many Wounded Warriors like Sarah will wear their nations colors and compete in many more 2MV0NkXEsaI-00030-00014388-00014610 Olympic style events throughout this week. 2MV0NkXEsaI-00031-00014610-00014972 Reporting from London England I’m Staff Sergeant Pete Ising. 2Ts8WYwmbgY-00000-00000792-00001318 You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger. Buddha 2Vcuj6qbp10-00000-00000020-00000211 - [Spokeswoman] Deciding to sell your property is the easy 2Vcuj6qbp10-00001-00000211-00000601 part, but how do you pick the best real estate agent? 2Vcuj6qbp10-00002-00000601-00000944 If you're looking to sell find out the 11 critical questions 2Vcuj6qbp10-00003-00000944-00001239 you need to ask when hiring a real estate agent. 2Vcuj6qbp10-00004-00001239-00001563 Visit 11questions.com.au 2Vcuj6qbp10-00005-00001563-00001817 courtesy of Madeleine Hicks Real Estate. 2Vcuj6qbp10-00006-00001817-00002083 Spoiler alert, most agents aren't prepared 2Vcuj6qbp10-00007-00002083-00002255 to answer these questions. 2Vcuj6qbp10-00008-00002255-00002518 Do it today, it could save you a lot of headaches, 2Vcuj6qbp10-00009-00002518-00002658 and a lot of money. 2Vcuj6qbp10-00010-00002658-00002908 11questions.com.au 2Y3SDq6Da4g-00006-00001336-00001479 Jalan mana 2Y3SDq6Da4g-00010-00002061-00002261 Karna tanggung Jawabnya 2Y3SDq6Da4g-00013-00002586-00002730 Seribu satu Macam cara Orang 2Y3SDq6Da4g-00017-00003122-00003214 Dari yang menjual koran sampai Menjual ke hormatan 2Y3SDq6Da4g-00022-00004194-00004344 Banyak orang Berkata 2Y3SDq6Da4g-00026-00004621-00004788 Jalan mencari nafka 2Y3SDq6Da4g-00030-00005190-00005246 Apa lagi yang halal 2Y3SDq6Da4g-00044-00008740-00008790 Cuma kamu Cintaku di 2Y3SDq6Da4g-00045-00008790-00008840 Dunia INi 2Y3SDq6Da4g-00049-00009164-00009214 Sayangku di dunia ini 2Y3SDq6Da4g-00053-00009726-00009834 Cuman kamu 2Y3SDq6Da4g-00054-00009951-00010151 Sayangku Di dunia Ini 2Y3SDq6Da4g-00057-00010644-00010844 Tanpa kamu hampa kurasa dunia 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00000-00000738-00001392 tell us with a comment you want to 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00001-00001123-00001744 let's analyze the value you like best in 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00002-00001392-00002182 the next video comments 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00003-00001744-00002371 hello everyone today is February 17 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00004-00002182-00002736 2020 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00005-00002371-00003096 and we will analyze a ticker company 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00006-00002736-00003346 cabbage which is a precious dike for a 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00007-00003096-00003632 gold related company as is 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00008-00003346-00003917 barrick gold 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00009-00003632-00004185 the first thing I wanted to do is dedicate 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00010-00003917-00004464 this video to the friend marcelo that very 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00011-00004185-00004598 kindly in a comment the video 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00012-00004464-00004802 previous 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00013-00004597-00004996 He asked us to analyze this 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00014-00004802-00005139 Well, that's what we're going to 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00015-00004996-00005400 do come on 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00016-00005139-00005775 on screen we have the weekly chart 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00017-00005400-00006035 of barrel and daily chart 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00018-00005775-00006384 and well I'm going to start throwing a lot 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00019-00006035-00006762 of operational concepts of analysis 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00020-00006384-00006927 technician a lot of things but I think that 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00021-00006762-00007284 you can see them well because it's a value 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00022-00006926-00007586 that as you are going to see is from the book of 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00023-00007284-00007934 base theory book 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00024-00007587-00008127 how to invest in the stock market so let's 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00025-00007934-00008375 take advantage of it to review a lot of 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00026-00008126-00008611 things and concepts and you have them 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00027-00008376-00008880 available at the warrior school 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00028-00008612-00009252 you have so much that it will bring us very hungry 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00029-00008879-00009484 Yes, like our courses you have all 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00030-00009251-00009769 this information available 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00031-00009484-00010123 but well let's go over the graph 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00032-00009770-00010409 weekly we see that it is a value in which 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00033-00010123-00010741 we can already be here the mind because 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00034-00010409-00010982 after a downtrend the 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00035-00010742-00011317 value made a floor by a figure 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00036-00010981-00011975 the most typical of soils that is 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00037-00011317-00012278 shoulder-head-inverted shoulder is the 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00038-00011975-00012445 typical figure the strongest of when a 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00039-00012278-00012867 sea ​​or in seasons 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00040-00012445-00013168 this bullish figure typical of when it 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00041-00012867-00013684 make up a ground was broken it was broken in 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00042-00013168-00013987 this bar from June 17, 2019 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00043-00013684-00014353 the value escaped and from that moment 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00044-00013987-00014584 this company is in an uptrend 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00045-00014353-00014919 so we are bought my 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00046-00014584-00015213 recommendation is to keep 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00047-00014919-00015438 we see that the leak at this time I don't know 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00048-00015213-00015795 did with a lot of volume good either 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00049-00015438-00015966 it's wrong we have 2 bars in a row in 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00050-00015795-00016170 which practically doubles that of the 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00051-00015966-00016386 previous week and if there is an increase 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00052-00016170-00016584 volume are not volume increments 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00053-00016387-00016836 brutal but well we see that there is a 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00054-00016584-00017090 volume increase 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00055-00016836-00017421 quite strong 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00056-00017090-00017706 the case is also with a certain volume not 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00057-00017421-00017856 as much as we would like when it comes 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00058-00017706-00018137 of a value of these that we are looking for 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00059-00017856-00018453 to be explosive but well if you know a 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00060-00018137-00018606 clearly bullish value but what you 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00061-00018453-00018906 I've counted so far is not the most 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00062-00018606-00019115 relevant the most relevant as well as 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00063-00018906-00019314 when we saw the gold leak of the pattern 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00064-00019115-00019535 gold that this company is super 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00065-00019313-00019880 related will be on the chart 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00066-00019536-00020127 monthly and I take advantage of the 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00067-00019881-00020331 gold standard of other companies in the sector 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00068-00020127-00020556 to tell you that 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00069-00020331-00020812 [Music] 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00070-00020556-00020994 and well, how the parrot escaped and 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00071-00020812-00021231 we talked in the previous video that a 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00072-00020994-00021498 good way would be to take advantage of that leak 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00073-00021231-00021795 buy in physical gold than if forex other 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00074-00021498-00022074 good way to do it is to invest in 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00075-00021795-00022221 gold related companies that is 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00076-00022074-00022462 what we are doing and what in 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00077-00022221-00022722 marcelo has proposed us and we think 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00078-00022462-00022965 also a good idea 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00079-00022722-00023316 oven related companies 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00080-00022965-00023496 all will replicate the index one hundred 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00081-00023316-00023763 percent and that's our job 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00082-00023496-00023956 personal make us as our game of 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00083-00023763-00024108 investment another way to do them is with 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00084-00023956-00024369 investment fund the fund manager 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00085-00024109-00024540 investment will select the 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00086-00024369-00024711 companies that you like and in this case 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00087-00024540-00024900 it is we who have to 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00088-00024712-00025093 select do that job and 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00089-00024900-00025263 select our companies and this 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00090-00025093-00025450 we can see it although not all replicate 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00091-00025263-00025653 well for example neutral size that 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00092-00025450-00025923 gold and silver work and yet 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00093-00025654-00026227 look how is this is a company that 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00094-00025923-00026493 is in a downtrend and also 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00095-00026226-00026658 uncontrolled is already ten cents 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00096-00026493-00026937 we want it to be close to the 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00097-00026658-00027258 bankruptcy then it can almost happen to us 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00098-00026937-00027507 these things and we see normal in 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00099-00027258-00027681 place of the Moorish pattern in the group of 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00100-00027507-00027924 dow jones 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00101-00027681-00028407 the one week chart the dow jones 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00102-00027924-00028612 gold and on the monthly chart we see what 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00103-00028407-00028791 but indeed this trend 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00104-00028612-00028989 bullish has broken the relative high 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00105-00028791-00029283 previous what is he going to do is going to 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00106-00028989-00029502 boot then the one that barrick yet 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00107-00029283-00029850 I haven't broken it let's put the barrel 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00108-00029502-00030162 monthly chart more clearly the one that 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00109-00029850-00030502 Barrick has not broken the relative maximum 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00110-00030162-00030708 above has a negative aspect and is 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00111-00030501-00030891 that the companies of the group because the most 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00112-00030708-00031212 strong are already being played and another day 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00113-00030891-00031350 it's playing and barrick still doesn't 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00114-00031212-00031545 has done 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00115-00031350-00031712 there must be a reason why not 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00116-00031544-00032033 I have done it we do not know this 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00117-00031712-00032477 motive in us as analysts 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00118-00032033-00032738 technicians we don't care why 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00119-00032477-00032936 what's happening besides we don't pretend 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00120-00032738-00033197 achieve it never because normally 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00121-00032937-00033395 this news stays in the hands 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00122-00033198-00033600 market strong those that have 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00123-00033395-00033806 access to this information that never go 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00124-00033600-00034052 to access the bulk of mortals that 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00125-00033806-00034352 it is us and also is that we 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00126-00034052-00034586 matter what we care about is 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00127-00034352-00034865 read what will happen to the company and 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00128-00034587-00035085 than the one that the why not and this is what 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00129-00034866-00035276 that will give us the technical analysis and 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00130-00035085-00035550 that's why I always beg you strongly 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00131-00035275-00035805 that you access a good manual of 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00132-00035550-00036014 technical analysis there are free if 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00133-00035805-00036246 you want to ask me with a link on 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00134-00036014-00036521 technician manual to learn the 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00135-00036245-00036890 more important figures at least because 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00136-00036522-00037101 the positive part of barrick on the one hand 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00137-00036891-00037511 is the figure you are drawing now 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00138-00037100-00037846 same who is a very pretty figure 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00139-00037511-00038183 bullish trend and that if the end is 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00140-00037847-00038537 confirm it is one of the figures of 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00141-00038182-00038702 stronger bullish explosion we have it 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00142-00038537-00038922 on screen with 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00143-00038702-00039197 diminished window that looks very 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00144-00038922-00039441 we clearly have a double floor very 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00145-00039198-00039879 clear and also a double floor with the 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00146-00039441-00040176 characteristic figure of cup and handle yes 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00147-00039879-00040315 this figure is confirmed is usually very 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00148-00040175-00040653 bullish 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00149-00040314-00040938 also another positive part of his 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00150-00040654-00041155 relationship with the group is that the rest of 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00151-00040938-00041457 companies and the general index and the 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00152-00041155-00041752 gold standard will anticipate what 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00153-00041457-00041970 going to happen with neighborhood then it's like a 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00154-00041751-00042234 crystal ball where I'm going to read the 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00155-00041970-00042423 future what has happened to them the most 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00156-00042235-00042787 it is likely that bardem will happen what 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00157-00042424-00043012 same then most likely and we will 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00158-00042787-00043281 get into what we believe will happen 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00159-00043012-00043551 Barrick is most likely 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00160-00043281-00043942 barrick to break the relative maximum 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00161-00043551-00044143 previous will confirm this upward 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00162-00043942-00044509 bullish figure of a double floor with 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00163-00044143-00044751 form of tafalla sa and is going to launch to 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00164-00044508-00045042 the previous resistance with which 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00165-00044751-00045308 found that it will be more or less in the 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00166-00045043-00045668 environment of the 50 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00167-00045308-00046031 that's what we think will happen 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00168-00045668-00046247 How do we take advantage of this information? 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00169-00046031-00046580 first temptation we can have is 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00170-00046247-00046920 the one of entering already in good boat if it happens 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00171-00046580-00047443 what we believe will happen 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00172-00046920-00047700 perfect but it doesn't happen because the good 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00173-00047443-00047947 of technical analysis or good thing not 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00174-00047700-00048325 let's say the theory of technical analysis 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00175-00047947-00048696 is not to trust 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00176-00048325-00048999 hunches of intuitions that would already be 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00177-00048695-00049238 thing of what we call in the 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00178-00048999-00049475 business warrior the way 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00179-00049238-00049763 operate the warrior someone who are already 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00180-00049475-00050006 so versed that what will happen but 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00181-00049763-00050291 we are not in that event 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00182-00050006-00050556 we are going to use strategies of 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00183-00050291-00050888 not warrior hunter yet then 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00184-00050556-00051182 My advice is that we use these 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00185-00050888-00051413 levels a hunter strategy because 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00186-00051182-00051620 Besides, the barrel is very close 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00187-00051413-00051890 previous relative maximum that will break 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00188-00051620-00052154 if it's going to be very bullish it can happen 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00189-00051890-00052331 buzzing and flying out break it from a 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00190-00052154-00052502 tremendously bullish way but what 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00191-00052332-00052872 normal is to stop along the way 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00192-00052502-00053085 to a setback we begin to enter 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00193-00052872-00053370 losses we are going to start putting 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00194-00053085-00053532 nervous and if in the end it doesn't happen and I don't know 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00195-00053370-00053748 confirm what we want to happen 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00196-00053532-00053973 well even among a downtrend 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00197-00053748-00054329 and let's start having 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00198-00053973-00054700 then the most professional way and that you 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00199-00054329-00054910 I recommend to enter the barrel is 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00200-00054700-00055097 an order that we will enter a little 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00201-00054911-00055426 in detail and that you can use all 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00202-00055097-00055646 to have our first operation in 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00203-00055426-00055823 bag if you have never had it and if 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00204-00055646-00056092 you have not had to take some 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00205-00055823-00056420 earnings is to operate as follows 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00206-00056092-00056704 form through a purchase order but 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00207-00056420-00056941 stopping for neophytes are now a 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00208-00056704-00057217 little to chinese but we don't always have to 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00209-00056941-00057583 buy to market or limit you can 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00210-00057217-00057868 buy also in stock when the value 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00211-00057584-00058145 exceed a price and that is what 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00212-00057869-00058441 I recommend doing to adapt this 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00213-00058145-00058825 previous relative maximum in this bar 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00214-00058441-00059122 had a maximum of 22 89 then just 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00215-00058825-00059359 we want to enter the value when 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00216-00059123-00059704 is playing beating that mana 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00217-00059359-00059957 then a purchase order on this 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00218-00059704-00060196 will only enter if the value exceeds a value 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00219-00059957-00060569 that we mark in this case you 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00220-00060197-00060892 I propose as input value 24 14 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00221-00060569-00061291 because the maximum was in were in 22 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00222-00060892-00061375 89 I would put it in 24 14 this is when 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00223-00061291-00061771 barry 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00224-00061375-00062141 new above 24 14 will jump the 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00225-00061772-00062445 stop and I will buy the value 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00226-00062141-00062789 and I would keep buying in value 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00227-00062445-00063153 or if you are more speculators 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00228-00062789-00063423 I would release it in 50 because it is in this 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00229-00063152-00063632 environment of 50 sure most likely 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00230-00063423-00064025 try to consolidate that 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00231-00063633-00064256 fiddling with this 50 environment 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00232-00064025-00064514 then we could go back in with another 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00233-00064256-00064721 stock order another system and if you are 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00234-00064514-00064970 more conservative that you don't like so much 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00235-00064722-00065254 enter and follow the market because you can 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00236-00064970-00065450 keep keeping it don't drop in 50 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00237-00065254-00065690 look at what the 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00238-00065450-00065867 gold pattern in the rest of graphics and the 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00239-00065690-00066041 out to union gold index for 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00240-00065867-00066299 anticipate if it will fall if it will continue 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00241-00066041-00066590 going up and has returned marc decisions to 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00242-00066299-00066793 later but in principle that is my 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00243-00066590-00067077 recommendation 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00244-00066792-00067356 would place a stop loss in case 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00245-00067077-00067636 Isn't the thing going like us? 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00246-00067357-00067816 we believe that it will always be possible and 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00247-00067636-00068080 we must contemplate all the support 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00248-00067815-00068300 all possibilities and then in 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00249-00068079-00068709 this relative minimum monthly chart 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00250-00068300-00068979 whose minimum was 9 46 if the value is 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00251-00068710-00069264 move below 946 break by 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00252-00068979-00069594 example 9 31 is a value that I like 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00253-00069264-00069953 to place this always numbers 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00254-00069595-00070422 integers if they are above 10 or 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00255-00069953-00070589 of 50 point 50 cents and are for 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00256-00070422-00070793 below 10 as below 10 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00257-00070589-00071112 946 the stop 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00258-00070792-00071360 so there are 931 would drop the value and 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00259-00071112-00071790 new and good is what I can tell you 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00260-00071361-00072102 from barrick gold that we like very much 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00261-00071790-00072300 that we believe will break 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00262-00072102-00072519 the minimum the previous relative maximum 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00263-00072300-00072750 thought forgive I'm going to wear again 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00264-00072520-00072898 the monthly chart for you to see that 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00265-00072750-00073087 will break the previous relative maximum 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00266-00072898-00073365 and that is going to be launched in the area of 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00267-00073087-00073660 the 50 personally I in the area of 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00268-00073365-00073866 the 50 drop and would welcome profits and 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00269-00073660-00074158 well I would try to enter later or 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00270-00073866-00074331 if you are more conservative we like it 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00271-00074158-00074509 both come and go as I think the 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00272-00074332-00074782 Gold is going to be bullish as I was saying in 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00273-00074509-00075007 the video of gold leakage for many years 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00274-00074782-00075265 you can endure and as long as it doesn't break a 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00275-00075007-00075448 relative or previous minimum and you can 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00276-00075264-00075759 keeping you in value is also a 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00277-00075448-00076013 good a good thing 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00278-00075759-00076206 in any case this value what 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00279-00076013-00076451 We will continue studying if you do not want 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00280-00076205-00076784 lose lose you no video follow the 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00281-00076451-00076998 link is at the bottom in the 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00282-00076785-00077169 text registered in our list of 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00283-00076998-00077382 mail keep you informed because 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00284-00077169-00077604 we will continue with new videos analyzing 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00285-00077382-00077796 the evolution of value will go the advice 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00286-00077603-00077969 to center go out and put different 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00287-00077796-00078216 possibilities for you to feel more 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00288-00077970-00078414 comfortable and safer and always being 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00289-00078215-00078675 in contact between different traders 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00290-00078413-00078912 between us well well I don't know 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00291-00078675-00079151 feel one alone and thinking that it will be 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00292-00078912-00079364 accepting failing 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00293-00079151-00079556 if you are definitely doing a 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00294-00079364-00079736 good train will always have opinions of 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00295-00079557-00079948 third-party friends who can 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00296-00079736-00080173 confirm 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00297-00079948-00080482 well marcelo I hope you liked it 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00298-00080173-00080658 our analysis that if you're not in a 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00299-00080482-00080958 company that you raise of the 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00300-00080658-00081189 entry by a stop order in 24-14 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00301-00080958-00081444 it can be a value and if you're already in it 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00302-00081189-00081799 Well, my recommendation is to keep 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00303-00081444-00081969 clearly thank you for your comment and 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00304-00081799-00082144 what I tell you any doubt then no 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00305-00081969-00082431 you doubt to ask us to be able to 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00306-00082144-00082842 try to clarify it and see you at the 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00307-00082432-00082842 next episode until the next friends 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00308-00082901-00083494 [Music] 2ZSFMg3xVSk-00309-00083704-00084749 [Music] 2e80-wbFUiA-00000-00001544-00002192 hello again how are you guys got willing to be all in good health today i will talk about 2e80-wbFUiA-00001-00002192-00003048 how women get their menstrual cycle in details let's start hypothalamus is located on the under 2e80-wbFUiA-00002-00003048-00003584 surface of the brain it is lies just below the thalamus and above the pituitary gland 2e80-wbFUiA-00003-00003640-00004136 the pituitary gland is divided into right pituitary gland and left pituitary glands 2e80-wbFUiA-00004-00004208-00004896 in the video we will focus on the anterior pituitary gland, first the hypothalamus secretes a 2e80-wbFUiA-00005-00004896-00005800 hormone called gonadotropin-releasing hormone gnrh and in turn stimulates the anterior pituitary gland 2e80-wbFUiA-00006-00005800-00006495 through the positive feedback by producing two important hormones namely follicle stimulating 2e80-wbFUiA-00007-00006495-00007304 hormone fsh and luteinizing hormone lh this process also occurs for males 2e80-wbFUiA-00008-00007359-00008016 but the difference is that each of these hormones affects the reproductive system whether in males 2e80-wbFUiA-00009-00008016-00008712 or females the question i want to ask is what is the effect of these hormones on the female body 2e80-wbFUiA-00010-00009088-00009584 first these hormones are transmitted through the blood from the anterior pituitary gland to 2e80-wbFUiA-00011-00009584-00010296 the ovaries where eggs are produced the ovaries are connected to the uterus by fallopian tube 2e80-wbFUiA-00012-00010376-00011064 inside our ovaries capillaries which in turn allow passage of hormones an important note 2e80-wbFUiA-00013-00011064-00011752 every female is born with a huge number of eggs up to 2 million but until the age of puberty 2e80-wbFUiA-00014-00011752-00012512 some of them are destroyed and a certain number of them remain, every month when ovulation occurs 2e80-wbFUiA-00015-00012512-00013376 some of eggs are mature but only one enters the ovulation stage and produces only one egg one 2e80-wbFUiA-00016-00013376-00014184 of the signs of a woman entering the ministerial cycle is that it's cheating of the uterine wall 2e80-wbFUiA-00017-00014360-00014736 before we continue let's look at the concentration of hormones in the blood 2e80-wbFUiA-00018-00014800-00015608 according to the following diagram the menstrual cycle is divided into two bars the first 14 days 2e80-wbFUiA-00019-00015608-00016400 is called follicular phase and from 14 to 28 days it is called luteal phase at the beginning of 2e80-wbFUiA-00020-00016400-00016960 the menstrual cycle the gonadotropin-releasing hormone which is responsible for stimulating 2e80-wbFUiA-00021-00016960-00017584 the secretion of luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone is increasing 2e80-wbFUiA-00022-00017824-00018288 we have a slight rise in the follicle stimulating hormone and then there is 2e80-wbFUiA-00023-00018288-00018920 a drop in its concentration but the luteinizing hormone is constant and i will explain the reason 2e80-wbFUiA-00024-00019144-00019896 during the ovulation process since the first day the follicle stimulating hormone rises and it 2e80-wbFUiA-00025-00019896-00020568 will enter the ovary and stimulate the primary follicle and then move to secondary follicle 2e80-wbFUiA-00026-00020672-00021184 then the estrogen hormone is secreted which has many effects 2e80-wbFUiA-00027-00021328-00021920 at the beginning of the menstrual cycle specifically the first 10 days the estrogen 2e80-wbFUiA-00028-00021920-00022560 hormone performs a process negative feedback on pituitary gland to stop the secretion of 2e80-wbFUiA-00029-00022560-00023168 luteinizing hormone in a lower concentration and this is the reason why the luteinizing hormone 2e80-wbFUiA-00030-00023168-00023968 remains stable in the blood when the estrogen concentration rises the proportion of luteinizing 2e80-wbFUiA-00031-00023968-00024760 hormone is constant in the blood estrogen is just as important for women as testosterone for men 2e80-wbFUiA-00032-00024864-00025664 the importance of estrogen is stimulates bone muscle growth and in turn prevents women from 2e80-wbFUiA-00033-00025664-00026408 developing osteoporosis stimulates the growth of endometrium maintains 2e80-wbFUiA-00034-00026408-00027360 female characteristics it also works to maintain the glands specifically the chest glands after 10 2e80-wbFUiA-00035-00027360-00028183 days of the period the estrogen hormones continues to rise and helps the growth of the ovary 2e80-wbFUiA-00036-00028392-00029008 this rise has a positive effect namely stimulating the secretion of luteinizing hormone 2e80-wbFUiA-00037-00029104-00029448 note that if the estrogen concentration decrease 2e80-wbFUiA-00038-00029448-00029752 the luteinizing hormone concentration in the blood will decrease 2e80-wbFUiA-00039-00029839-00030408 there is a case of change which is that when the rise of the gonadotropin releasing hormone 2e80-wbFUiA-00040-00030408-00031152 and the estrogen will stimulate the production of the luteinizing hormone and then concentrations 2e80-wbFUiA-00041-00031152-00031783 of hormones will rise and this helps to stimulate the ovulation of the most mature egg in the ovary 2e80-wbFUiA-00042-00032032-00032504 after the ovulation process the concentration of luteinizing hormone will decrease 2e80-wbFUiA-00043-00032504-00032864 and the gonadotropin-releasing hormone will gradually decrease 2e80-wbFUiA-00044-00032944-00033544 and there will be also as a slight increase in the follicle stimulating hormone as a side effect of 2e80-wbFUiA-00045-00033544-00034256 the process of strong secretion of luteinizing hormone a flutinizing hormone stimulates the 2e80-wbFUiA-00046-00034256-00034984 ovulation process of the egg and after the egg is released the follicle turns into corbus luteum 2e80-wbFUiA-00047-00035112-00035648 that's why the first 14 days of the ovulation phase are called follicle phase 2e80-wbFUiA-00048-00035808-00036616 after the 14 days it is called luteal phase the curbus lithium begins to decompose slowly 2e80-wbFUiA-00049-00036616-00037096 but it has the benefit of stimulating the secretion of hormones 2e80-wbFUiA-00050-00037440-00038184 the corpus luteum secretes three important hormones namely estrogen and progesterone 2e80-wbFUiA-00051-00038184-00039032 and inhibit estrogen rises until ovulation occurs and then its concentration begins to decrease 2e80-wbFUiA-00052-00039144-00039872 the hormone inhibin is not secreted until the ovulation process ends as it begins to rise 2e80-wbFUiA-00053-00039984-00040256 actually thanks to the corpus luteum 2e80-wbFUiA-00054-00040392-00041136 progesterone stays low until ovulation occurs and then rises during the luteal phase 2e80-wbFUiA-00055-00041960-00042720 until the 21 day of the cycle both hormones the inhibit and the progesterone also rise and the 2e80-wbFUiA-00056-00042720-00043384 estrogen hormones remains the credit goes to the corpus luteum who secretes these three hormones 2e80-wbFUiA-00057-00043528-00043768 actually what do these hormones do 2e80-wbFUiA-00058-00043960-00044592 the inhibin does negative feedback it inhibits the secretion of follicle stimulating hormone 2e80-wbFUiA-00059-00044656-00045360 because we are in the stage of the luteal phase we don't need more maturation of the eggs 2e80-wbFUiA-00060-00045480-00046096 progesterone is one of the most important hormones in the stage of luteal phase because 2e80-wbFUiA-00061-00046208-00046904 it has several functions one of them performs the operation of the negative feedback 2e80-wbFUiA-00062-00046904-00047512 on the hypothalamus to stop the production of the hormone of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone 2e80-wbFUiA-00063-00047672-00048344 after the process of ovulation in the stage of luteal phase the level of progesterone increases 2e80-wbFUiA-00064-00048344-00049120 slowly and estrogen will decrease somewhat and this is why the secretion of the granite treatment 2e80-wbFUiA-00065-00049120-00049840 hormone stopped since the progesterone will stop the secretion of the gonadotropin raising hormone 2e80-wbFUiA-00066-00049840-00050584 it will affect the secretion of the luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone 2e80-wbFUiA-00067-00050656-00051367 during luteal phase when the hormones inhibit and progesterone increases they will cause decrease 2e80-wbFUiA-00068-00051367-00052144 in all of the united troubling releasing hormone and luteinizing hormone the most important effect 2e80-wbFUiA-00069-00052144-00052855 of progesterone is to stimulate endometrial growth the growth of the endometrial means 2e80-wbFUiA-00070-00052855-00053672 that every last month either pleading occurs or the fertilized egg implants in the endometrium 2e80-wbFUiA-00071-00053912-00054728 suppose there is no fertilization the corpus luteum will disappear and the eggs that follow 2e80-wbFUiA-00072-00054728-00055272 are allowed to mature and the hormone secreted by the curbus luteum will decrease 2e80-wbFUiA-00073-00055455-00055984 when the carbus lutium disappears the progesterone will decrease and 2e80-wbFUiA-00074-00055984-00056584 this means that it will not be able to stop the secretion of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone 2e80-wbFUiA-00075-00056648-00057264 and rise the gonadotropin-releasing hormone which allows the occurrence of the minuscule cycle 2e80-wbFUiA-00076-00057448-00058255 the conclusion is that the lack of the hormone estrogen and the progesterone means that it will 2e80-wbFUiA-00077-00058255-00059264 not be preserved endometrium lining uterus this means that occurs and then a new cycle occurs 2e80-wbFUiA-00078-00059679-00060384 here in short i have drawn an illustration of how hormones are secreted 2e80-wbFUiA-00079-00060848-00060984 here is the second page 2e80-wbFUiA-00080-00061608-00062072 i hope that you have benefited from the information and whoever has any comments 2e80-wbFUiA-00081-00062072-00062464 please write it at the bottom of the video on menstrual cycle 2e80-wbFUiA-00082-00062464-00062960 and i will answer all the questions thank you for following up have a good day 2mBi1zjGp_M-00000-00000048-00000632 oh my god oh what oh my god what is happening 2mBi1zjGp_M-00001-00000992-00001592 oh man god damn 2mBi1zjGp_M-00002-00002696-00003264 hi guys yuri here again welcome to yb plays music today i'm reacting to another one from 2mBi1zjGp_M-00003-00003264-00003840 so young and this is arirang alone this is apparently also from immortal songs too 2mBi1zjGp_M-00004-00003840-00004368 there were a lot of other suggestions as well and don't worry guys i will do other ones from soyoung 2mBi1zjGp_M-00005-00004368-00004872 in future videos don't you worry in the last video that i've done from so young which 2mBi1zjGp_M-00006-00004872-00005320 was you raise me up if you haven't seen that video the link will be down in the description 2mBi1zjGp_M-00007-00005320-00005968 below or somewhere above here i got a lot of information there and apparently she had pneumonia 2mBi1zjGp_M-00008-00005968-00006544 she suffered from pneumonia in that video in that performance uh so it's really amazing what she 2mBi1zjGp_M-00009-00006664-00007231 was able to to perform right there you couldn't notice it if you didn't know also like it's 2mBi1zjGp_M-00010-00007231-00007800 because the first video that i saw from her so i didn't have anything else to compare it with and a 2mBi1zjGp_M-00011-00007800-00008520 lot of you guys said that there are some better ones than that so i'm very curious for that so 2mBi1zjGp_M-00012-00008520-00009384 arirang alone uh apparently it means my beloved one if if it's translated uh so is this about 2mBi1zjGp_M-00013-00009440-00010264 love feelings between two people let's let's see without any further ado guys let's go 2mBi1zjGp_M-00014-00011160-00011240 i don't know the song 2mBi1zjGp_M-00015-00012552-00012784 i like the major vibe here 2mBi1zjGp_M-00016-00013447-00013888 oh sorry to pause it already it's so nice to hear the major 2mBi1zjGp_M-00017-00013888-00014600 chords in here gives a really uplifting vibe and then you hear these kind of i think like this they 2mBi1zjGp_M-00018-00014600-00015168 give it some kind of asian vibe also the plucking string instrument in the background i don't know 2mBi1zjGp_M-00019-00015168-00015680 what it is but it's a stringed instrument uh which they are plucking with the fingers i 2mBi1zjGp_M-00020-00015736-00016432 assume uh it sounds very much like an eastern asian slash kind of uh 2mBi1zjGp_M-00021-00016432-00018384 vibe which i like let's just get back to the beginning from when she started singing 2mBi1zjGp_M-00022-00018800-00019784 oh this major chord fits so well here this instrument 2mBi1zjGp_M-00023-00021792-00022248 is that a place or is that a reference to what it means 2mBi1zjGp_M-00024-00022336-00022952 it sounds very playful this melody and this and this music it really has that 2mBi1zjGp_M-00025-00022952-00023984 kind of vibe i think let's just return a little bit and keep going 2mBi1zjGp_M-00026-00025176-00025384 so clear 2mBi1zjGp_M-00027-00027616-00028183 oh 2mBi1zjGp_M-00028-00028736-00029583 very strong wide open mouths 2mBi1zjGp_M-00029-00030824-00031504 oh there's a violin player here okay so sorry to pause guys uh but you also mentioned in the last 2mBi1zjGp_M-00030-00031504-00031944 reaction that i've done that uh she does all these arrangements herself 2mBi1zjGp_M-00031-00032120-00032720 that is crazy to me and it really hit me right now because there are there are some really 2mBi1zjGp_M-00032-00032720-00033512 nice moments already uh within the harmony of the musicians behind her and this kind of minor change 2mBi1zjGp_M-00033-00033576-00034184 within the the backing vocals right now just when they started singing and then the violin 2mBi1zjGp_M-00034-00034184-00035184 player here okay let's return a little bit that was an interesting change there 2mBi1zjGp_M-00035-00035792-00036584 here the minor change and a nice canoe effect 2mBi1zjGp_M-00036-00036800-00036832 yeah 2mBi1zjGp_M-00037-00037064-00037984 that's chilling 2mBi1zjGp_M-00038-00038136-00039384 oh my god 2mBi1zjGp_M-00039-00039488-00040784 oh my god 2mBi1zjGp_M-00040-00041096-00042184 oh my god what is happening 2mBi1zjGp_M-00041-00042672-00043168 guys sorry to pause but i want to hear that part again i'm sure you guys want to hear that part 2mBi1zjGp_M-00042-00043168-00044104 again as well wow okay yeah i i i can agree this is impressive this is more impressive already than 2mBi1zjGp_M-00043-00044104-00045048 uh then you raised me up in my opinion oh my god that change and like like you guys also said she 2mBi1zjGp_M-00044-00045048-00045880 used to sing in a gospel she's a gospel singer and i thought about that uh whilst i was reacting in 2mBi1zjGp_M-00045-00045880-00046448 the last video but i didn't mention it but that's a perfect description about the last performance 2mBi1zjGp_M-00046-00046448-00047072 and you raise me up and this is a little bit different like so far i think it starts very 2mBi1zjGp_M-00047-00047072-00047888 playful uh a very like some kind of very fairy tale like actually uh and now it's getting really 2mBi1zjGp_M-00048-00048016-00048656 like very powerful and and very grandiose i wanted to hear the whole part again 2mBi1zjGp_M-00049-00048656-00049240 jesus christ and then after that crazy part that she did the also the musicians and the violinist 2mBi1zjGp_M-00050-00049240-00050584 went to the next level just crazy okay let's hear that again here we go 2mBi1zjGp_M-00051-00051391-00051984 oh god 2mBi1zjGp_M-00052-00053791-00054784 me 2mBi1zjGp_M-00053-00055312-00056184 i want to say so much but i can't 2mBi1zjGp_M-00054-00058648-00058984 i 2mBi1zjGp_M-00055-00059864-00060384 oh 2mBi1zjGp_M-00056-00063176-00064584 god 2mBi1zjGp_M-00057-00066712-00067384 the arrangement and the what 2mBi1zjGp_M-00058-00069856-00070672 wow there is there is so much to say about this i just can't remember all these moments 2mBi1zjGp_M-00059-00070672-00071400 that was just crazy that was incredible and you guys are right just like this is this tops 2mBi1zjGp_M-00060-00071400-00071880 you raise me up like for sure and i was blown away by that one but this just stops it i want 2mBi1zjGp_M-00061-00071880-00072384 to hear some of these parts again actually let's just listen to it again and i will just pause 2mBi1zjGp_M-00062-00072384-00072904 when i want to say something we've heard it before right now so let's just do it like that let's just 2mBi1zjGp_M-00063-00072904-00074384 start like halfway just after the first really heavy part there or really build up part okay 2mBi1zjGp_M-00064-00075240-00075640 so this part like the mood is a little bit like the first part but more powerful but 2mBi1zjGp_M-00065-00075640-00076256 it's uplifting it's major it sounds good it sounds positive optimistic whilst the part that 2mBi1zjGp_M-00066-00076256-00076840 that comes before this is like more minor has a minor feel to it and so they switch between that 2mBi1zjGp_M-00067-00076840-00078584 and then they end at this really soft ending like they started as well let's just keep going 2mBi1zjGp_M-00068-00080624-00081288 so right here it sounds more gospel like than than the beginning and then the minor uh 2mBi1zjGp_M-00069-00081288-00081728 feeling part and the part that comes after this but here i get more of these gospel 2mBi1zjGp_M-00070-00081728-00082248 vibes in this part in this section of the of the video at least that's what i think 2mBi1zjGp_M-00071-00082248-00082784 uh they have this nice build up there as well 2mBi1zjGp_M-00072-00083736-00084016 did you hear that switch up to her head voice 2mBi1zjGp_M-00073-00084072-00085584 oh so smooth but such a big jump right up there let's hear that again 2mBi1zjGp_M-00074-00088264-00088712 this short moment when she just she doesn't hit the note right away we but she starts 2mBi1zjGp_M-00075-00088712-00089784 like the note just below that so she builds up too that better gives such a nice feeling there 2mBi1zjGp_M-00076-00089920-00091184 you hear that quick moment there let's hear that again sorry 2mBi1zjGp_M-00077-00092256-00092584 that's so high oh my god 2mBi1zjGp_M-00078-00094496-00095024 sorry this was again that powerful part uh that we had like before it's not the 2mBi1zjGp_M-00079-00095024-00095472 same part of course but i see it in my mind like it started very softly then it build 2mBi1zjGp_M-00080-00095472-00096160 up towards that minor feeling a powerful section there then it had a powerful major 2mBi1zjGp_M-00081-00096160-00096768 feeling section and then it builds up towards this part that we just had also a big powerful 2mBi1zjGp_M-00082-00096768-00098184 section and i think it now goes up to the last few moments which are really soft 2mBi1zjGp_M-00083-00100864-00101496 very nice that is crazy i i wanted to actually search for a moment where she went into 2mBi1zjGp_M-00084-00101496-00102088 a crescendo it's it was not really fading in because she started at a certain point but she 2mBi1zjGp_M-00085-00102088-00102544 she did a crescendo upwards so the volume went higher that's what i meant so that 2mBi1zjGp_M-00086-00102544-00103144 was also very nice to hear there are so many interesting moments here and very impressive 2mBi1zjGp_M-00087-00103264-00103935 arrangements and singing capabilities about her this this blew me away more than you raise me up 2mBi1zjGp_M-00088-00104008-00104511 definitely guys i hope you enjoyed my reaction to this one from so young i was about to say give me 2mBi1zjGp_M-00089-00104511-00105056 your suggestions in the comments below i got a lot of them already in the last one from so young but 2mBi1zjGp_M-00090-00105056-00105528 i mean doesn't doesn't matter you can always keep suggesting also guys you might have seen 2mBi1zjGp_M-00091-00105528-00106183 that i've done a live stream just my last video and that one got blocked but i will probably do 2mBi1zjGp_M-00092-00106256-00106840 more regular live streams like i don't know once a week or once every two weeks probably 2mBi1zjGp_M-00093-00106840-00107448 uh where you guys can give your suggestions and i'll see how many i can do during that 2mBi1zjGp_M-00094-00107448-00107872 live stream the live stream that i'd done was like one hour and 45 minutes 2mBi1zjGp_M-00095-00107872-00108496 something like that so we had quite a good time there and i did seven reactions i think i won't 2mBi1zjGp_M-00096-00108496-00109032 really count them but it depends on how much time i have of course so yeah i hope to see you guys in 2mBi1zjGp_M-00097-00109032-00109480 one of these live streams as well that said guys i hope you enjoyed it don't forget to subscribe 2mBi1zjGp_M-00098-00109480-00109968 like and share the video also don't forget to check out my other reactions i have music videos 2mBi1zjGp_M-00099-00109968-00110783 and tutorials for you guys to check out so thank you very much and see you guys next time bye 2mBi1zjGp_M-00100-00112568-00112792 it's just incredible you wouldn't know if you didn't 2mBi1zjGp_M-00101-00112880-00113583 you wouldn't know if you i think at least it's because like it's literally trans if this is some 2mBi1zjGp_M-00102-00113583-00114464 uh the the it feels like something it would fit in some kind of but in the past in an opt in and it's 2mBi1zjGp_M-00103-00114464-00115640 really uh struck to me of of the it's it's it's uh it's uh but looks uh so so more than ray in 3o3rAbuLuVo-00000-00000012-00000101 - Well, hello everybody. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00001-00000101-00000212 Welcome back to another vlog. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00002-00000212-00000511 It's about 5:00 pm I think. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00003-00000511-00000594 I just had a moment 3o3rAbuLuVo-00004-00000594-00000755 where I completely forgot what time it is. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00005-00000755-00000890 It is a Monday. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00006-00000890-00001088 So, you know, busy day around here. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00007-00001088-00001355 Drew is actually doing a bike ride like 3o3rAbuLuVo-00008-00001355-00001554 the fake Peloton pack thing upstairs. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00009-00001554-00001705 So, if you hear some huffing and puffing, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00010-00001705-00001789 that's what it is. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00011-00001789-00001886 It's quarter to five, I lied. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00012-00001886-00002189 And I think I'm gonna start dinner 3o3rAbuLuVo-00013-00002189-00002406 because number one, we're old and we eat early, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00014-00002406-00002602 number two, we're going to make, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00015-00002602-00002914 it's just a Stouffer's lasagna, like the classic one. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00016-00002914-00003161 It takes like 70 or 80 minutes 3o3rAbuLuVo-00017-00003161-00003294 or something like that to bake. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00018-00003294-00003532 So that's the reason I'm starting so early. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00019-00003532-00003690 Oh, I left my freezer open, cute. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00020-00003690-00003834 So, how's everyone doing? 3o3rAbuLuVo-00021-00003834-00004029 Let me know in the comments below what you've been up to. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00022-00004029-00004289 How many of you have gotten the vaccine yet? 3o3rAbuLuVo-00023-00004289-00004541 I am like literally so excited 3o3rAbuLuVo-00024-00004541-00004785 that people I know are starting to get it 3o3rAbuLuVo-00025-00004785-00004974 and I'm just it gives me so much hope. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00026-00004974-00005283 Okay 375, here we go. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00027-00005283-00005370 (cooker chiming) 3o3rAbuLuVo-00028-00005370-00005587 I don't know why I took this out. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00029-00005587-00005806 So while that's preheating, okay, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00030-00005806-00005910 what have I been up to today? 3o3rAbuLuVo-00031-00005910-00006294 Well, it's Groundhog Day, so every day is the fucking same. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00032-00006294-00006422 But I woke up this morning 3o3rAbuLuVo-00033-00006422-00006779 and I've tried to start like a new morning routine. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00034-00006779-00006948 My morning routine has always been like 3o3rAbuLuVo-00035-00006948-00007042 take care of the pets. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00036-00007042-00007300 Drew sleeps in just a little bit later because he works. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00037-00007300-00007564 So he's trying to get in that sweet, sweet sleep 3o3rAbuLuVo-00038-00007564-00007748 whereas my job I'm lucky enough to where 3o3rAbuLuVo-00039-00007748-00007956 if I wanna take a nap during the day 3o3rAbuLuVo-00040-00007956-00008081 I can schedule time for that. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00041-00008081-00008582 But he works from 8:00 to 4:30 so he needs extra sleep. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00042-00008653-00008866 So anyways, I wake up at about 7:00 with the animals, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00043-00008866-00009048 feed them, come downstairs, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00044-00009048-00009219 I'll usually empty the dishwasher, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00045-00009219-00009377 if there's any laundry I'll fold it, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00046-00009377-00009589 maybe pick up the dog poop in the backyard, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00047-00009589-00009823 open up the blinds, open up the house and stuff, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00048-00009823-00010077 maybe do a little bit of cleaning, not really like cleaning, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00049-00010077-00010291 but just like wiping off the counters, et cetera. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00050-00010291-00010535 Cause I'd know waking up and doing that first thing 3o3rAbuLuVo-00051-00010535-00010761 makes me feel like I've accomplished something. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00052-00010761-00010844 I know that's sad. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00053-00010844-00011068 And usually like Drew wake up shortly after 3o3rAbuLuVo-00054-00011068-00011373 and we'll have our coffee together and stuff, walk Layla. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00055-00011373-00011841 But, I have been trying to sort of re-do my morning routine 3o3rAbuLuVo-00056-00011841-00012201 because I feel like lately I was taking showers at night 3o3rAbuLuVo-00057-00012201-00012403 which was making me not wanna work out in the morning. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00058-00012403-00012530 'Cause I was like, I feel so clean, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00059-00012530-00012718 like I feel like I just got cleaned 3o3rAbuLuVo-00060-00012718-00012844 so why would I want to work out? 3o3rAbuLuVo-00061-00012844-00012927 It's preventing me 3o3rAbuLuVo-00062-00012927-00013149 because I can never find a time throughout the day. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00063-00013149-00013400 I am not an exercise at night person. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00064-00013400-00013587 You guys will have to let me know how you are down below 3o3rAbuLuVo-00065-00013587-00013876 but I just like, I don't vibe with exercising at night. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00066-00013876-00014150 It just, if I can help it I don't prefer it. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00067-00014150-00014369 I'm just much more like I just wanna wake up 3o3rAbuLuVo-00068-00014369-00014452 and get it done. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00069-00014452-00014863 So I woke up at 7:00 and I think by 7:30, I was on the bike. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00070-00014863-00014977 So that was pretty nice. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00071-00014977-00015136 And I'm gonna try to do that again 3o3rAbuLuVo-00072-00015136-00015341 because it made me feel really accomplished. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00073-00015341-00015706 Another thing that I'm trying to do is attempt to get ready 3o3rAbuLuVo-00074-00015706-00015922 even on days where I'm not gonna be on camera 3o3rAbuLuVo-00075-00015922-00016119 like today actually it wasn't even planning on vlogging 3o3rAbuLuVo-00076-00016119-00016297 which is why I didn't record any of the things 3o3rAbuLuVo-00077-00016297-00016381 I just mentioned. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00078-00016381-00016545 But I don't know, I feel I have this conversation 3o3rAbuLuVo-00079-00016545-00016812 quite often on camera where I, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00080-00016812-00017006 when I'm going through bouts of depression 3o3rAbuLuVo-00081-00017006-00017235 or anxiety or my mental health isn't doing great, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00082-00017235-00017545 I really struggle taking care of myself. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00083-00017545-00017816 I don't do a very good job of taking care of myself. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00084-00017816-00018128 I think I do great job of taking care of those around me, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00085-00018128-00018400 but putting care into myself 3o3rAbuLuVo-00086-00018400-00018555 is something that I struggle with. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00087-00018555-00018942 I find things like doing my nails a chore, or doing my hair 3o3rAbuLuVo-00088-00018942-00019260 or makeup or whatever, but I'm trying to reframe that 3o3rAbuLuVo-00089-00019260-00019431 because I really enjoy it. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00090-00019431-00019543 It makes me feel good. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00091-00019543-00019735 So I'm trying to like, just like I said, yeah 3o3rAbuLuVo-00092-00019735-00019856 put more care into myself. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00093-00019856-00020024 And one of those things is exercise 3o3rAbuLuVo-00094-00020024-00020333 because I genuinely love the way I feel afterwards. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00095-00020333-00020606 I didn't really love the way I feel during sometimes. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00096-00020891-00021235 Sometimes, I swear, I love having a YouTube channel 3o3rAbuLuVo-00097-00021235-00021421 but I'll go back and edit footage and I'm like, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00098-00021421-00021646 what are you even talking about? 3o3rAbuLuVo-00099-00021646-00021972 So anyways, exciting times in this house, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00100-00021972-00022224 I didn't manage to give Layla a walk today. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00101-00022224-00022475 So we might have to do that after we eat. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00102-00022475-00022584 How big baby? 3o3rAbuLuVo-00103-00022584-00022772 Wow look at those teeth. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00104-00022772-00023010 That is so beautiful. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00105-00023010-00023275 Somebody else's walking over too. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00106-00023275-00023533 Oh, head budding me in the back. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00107-00023689-00023934 Say hello to people. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00108-00023934-00024017 No? 3o3rAbuLuVo-00109-00024017-00024111 Okay. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00110-00024111-00024299 Now I'm just sitting on the floor but honestly it's fine. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00111-00024299-00024382 I'm a floor seater. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00112-00024382-00024530 I don't remember what I was saying. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00113-00024530-00024846 Oh yeah, so yesterday we cleaned the entire house 3o3rAbuLuVo-00114-00024846-00025091 and I mean like deep cleaned the entire house. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00115-00025091-00025310 Do you guys ever get in a mood like that where you're like 3o3rAbuLuVo-00116-00025310-00025708 I can not spend one more second 3o3rAbuLuVo-00117-00025708-00025845 with this house the way it is. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00118-00025845-00026123 One thing we've noticed upon living here 3o3rAbuLuVo-00119-00026123-00026431 as lovely as this house is, and it's like, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00120-00026431-00026721 wow, what a privilege to be like my house is too big. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00121-00026721-00027006 But literally, we can't manage. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00122-00027092-00027187 It's too big. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00123-00027187-00027355 You have to clean every day. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00124-00027527-00027781 We couldn't take it anymore so we vacuumed upstairs, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00125-00027781-00028194 downstairs, the stairs, I dusted, we cleaned the bathrooms, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00126-00028194-00028389 we cleaned all the counters, that kitchen, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00127-00028389-00028608 we did the dishes, we did the laundry, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00128-00028608-00028942 we wash every single blanket and dog toy, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00129-00028942-00029280 dog bed cover, like every little thing. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00130-00029422-00029667 Are you yelling at me 'cause I'm not petting you? 3o3rAbuLuVo-00131-00029883-00029967 Are you kidding? 3o3rAbuLuVo-00132-00029967-00030133 If you ever see me and I'm sitting next to Layla 3o3rAbuLuVo-00133-00030133-00030264 but she's not in the frame, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00134-00030264-00030505 I'm a hundred percent petting her just 3o3rAbuLuVo-00135-00030505-00030669 to get her to stop yelling at me. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00136-00030669-00030756 She's very needy. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00137-00030756-00031004 But yeah, we cleaned the whole house, which was wonderful. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00138-00031004-00031133 It was just such a nice Sunday. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00139-00031133-00031275 My mom came over, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00140-00031275-00031660 we watched some discovery network thing on Japan. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00141-00031660-00031743 That was cool. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00142-00031743-00031983 And I, for once this weekend really felt 3o3rAbuLuVo-00143-00031983-00032438 like I was kind of rested, which is strange because, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00144-00032438-00032627 I'm sorry for the bike squeaking up there 3o3rAbuLuVo-00145-00032627-00032710 if you can hear that. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00146-00032710-00033134 But it does sort of feel like every day is Groundhog day. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00147-00033134-00033602 Like I said, it can feel draining to get on social media 3o3rAbuLuVo-00148-00033602-00033936 and see yet another influencer who's had a birthday party 3o3rAbuLuVo-00149-00033936-00034184 or even people you know in your real life 3o3rAbuLuVo-00150-00034184-00034436 like getting together and going to brunch. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00151-00034436-00034585 'Cause you're just like, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00152-00034585-00034929 oh my God so much hair is coming off your leg. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00153-00034929-00035168 She needs to be groomed so bad 3o3rAbuLuVo-00154-00035168-00035395 but unfortunately the groomer we used to take her to 3o3rAbuLuVo-00155-00035395-00035618 isn't enforcing masks or something. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00156-00035618-00035813 I was reading some Yelp reviews of people 3o3rAbuLuVo-00157-00035813-00035997 saying that they don't really wear masks 3o3rAbuLuVo-00158-00035997-00036239 and that someone confronted them about it 3o3rAbuLuVo-00159-00036239-00036507 and they were like, we don't do that here. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00160-00036507-00036615 Just Arizona things. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00161-00036615-00036942 So anyways, I've doing a million things at once. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00162-00036942-00037204 This is the most boring start to a vlog ever 3o3rAbuLuVo-00163-00037204-00037439 but I'm just updating you on my life, you know. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00164-00038125-00038280 (machine beeping) 3o3rAbuLuVo-00165-00038280-00038399 See you in 70. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00166-00038399-00038646 Drew just finish up his workout and he's taking a shower 3o3rAbuLuVo-00167-00038646-00038766 which is in our bedroom 3o3rAbuLuVo-00168-00038766-00038966 which is where I would normally go hang out 3o3rAbuLuVo-00169-00038966-00039169 but I don't wanna obviously disturb his privacy. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00170-00039169-00039320 So I came up into the filming room. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00171-00039320-00039516 This actually gives me the perfect opportunity 3o3rAbuLuVo-00172-00039516-00039856 to clean this up because it is so messy. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00173-00039856-00040086 I feel honestly well, okay. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00174-00040086-00040377 Messy to me is different than messy to some people. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00175-00040377-00040660 So I'm fully aware of that, but it's not that bad. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00176-00040660-00040996 We do have a pile of clothes with a bra 3o3rAbuLuVo-00177-00040996-00041140 from another video that I filmed, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00178-00041140-00041271 I think a couple of videos, actually. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00179-00041271-00041430 We have random packages. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00180-00041430-00041661 I believe that was the plastic package 3o3rAbuLuVo-00181-00041661-00041860 with the TikTok leggings came in. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00182-00041860-00041995 Got to do something about that. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00183-00041995-00042216 We have all these random chords 3o3rAbuLuVo-00184-00042216-00042431 which just are part of my life right now. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00185-00042431-00042659 I am eventually gonna film the room makeover in here, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00186-00042659-00042839 we're going to figure out something with these curtains, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00187-00042839-00043111 either shorten them or get a different set of curtains 3o3rAbuLuVo-00188-00043111-00043335 to go in here and save these for something else. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00189-00043335-00043573 We also have this closet which I just really 3o3rAbuLuVo-00190-00043573-00043818 really don't want to talk about like, oh no. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00191-00043818-00044089 This is all post office packages that I use 3o3rAbuLuVo-00192-00044089-00044284 for when I ship my Poshmark orders, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00193-00044284-00044459 this is like random clothes that 3o3rAbuLuVo-00194-00044459-00044641 I've either set aside for videos 3o3rAbuLuVo-00195-00044641-00044836 or clothes that I've already worn in videos. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00196-00044836-00045134 These are just random shoes that have somehow 3o3rAbuLuVo-00197-00045134-00045222 made their way up here. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00198-00045222-00045599 I think that's like a random lens cleaning kit or something. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00199-00045599-00045949 We have some things to try on for future videos, sneak peak. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00200-00045949-00046140 We have some candles that I'll have to talk 3o3rAbuLuVo-00201-00046140-00046339 to you about that in a minute. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00202-00046339-00046580 And then we have clothes that either 3o3rAbuLuVo-00203-00046580-00046774 I wanna do some DIY in with these, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00204-00046774-00046972 and then these are all the clothes 3o3rAbuLuVo-00205-00046972-00047145 that I have left to be sold. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00206-00047145-00047278 It's so, so much. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00207-00047278-00047632 I'm thinking about upcycling this desk. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00208-00047632-00047828 You all will have to let me know your thoughts 3o3rAbuLuVo-00209-00047828-00048231 but I think I might actually try to tile this desk. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00210-00048231-00048351 Is a little bit of a sneak peek 3o3rAbuLuVo-00211-00048351-00048592 and I'd obviously leave the legs the way they are. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00212-00048592-00048965 But the only thing that concerns me is this part right here 3o3rAbuLuVo-00213-00048965-00049091 because there's like a little lip. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00214-00049091-00049475 So I don't know if I would just make the tiles taller 3o3rAbuLuVo-00215-00049475-00049670 and then they'd have to like stick out, I don't know. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00216-00049670-00049851 If you have any suggestions let me know 3o3rAbuLuVo-00217-00049851-00050027 but I'm thinking about like tiling over this, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00218-00050027-00050239 'cause this desk is in bad shape 3o3rAbuLuVo-00219-00050239-00050465 and I honestly don't want to get rid of it 'cause it's fine. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00220-00050465-00050550 It works fine. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00221-00050550-00050782 And why buy a new one when you have one that works? 3o3rAbuLuVo-00222-00050782-00051032 Not like wood you can't sand it down or anything, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00223-00051032-00051257 it's like that, I can't think of the word right now 3o3rAbuLuVo-00224-00051257-00051538 but it's like particle board that has a cover over it. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00225-00051538-00051885 So anyways, enough with the chitter chatter let's get clean. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00226-00051885-00052144 (upbeat music) 3o3rAbuLuVo-00227-00053735-00053950 Just realized that it is now five o'clock, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00228-00053950-00054276 so it is time for the babies to eat. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00229-00054276-00054496 Parsley, Layla, favorite time of day. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00230-00054496-00054704 Get fresh water. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00231-00054704-00055032 What is this cardboard in your water? 3o3rAbuLuVo-00232-00055032-00055324 He just opened a box, so sorry Layla. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00233-00055453-00055676 Of course can't forget the moopies and yes, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00234-00055676-00055947 we moved in with that thing looking like that. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00235-00055947-00056162 I don't want to talk about it. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00236-00056162-00056369 Little buddy are you hungry? 3o3rAbuLuVo-00237-00056369-00056545 You are? 3o3rAbuLuVo-00238-00056545-00056629 (cat meows) 3o3rAbuLuVo-00239-00056629-00056712 Okay. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00240-00056712-00057091 He has some inflammation in his digestive system. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00241-00057091-00057354 I honestly don't know the medical term for it 3o3rAbuLuVo-00242-00057354-00057690 but we basically have to feed him smaller amounts 3o3rAbuLuVo-00243-00057690-00058012 more frequently instead of large amounts a couple 3o3rAbuLuVo-00244-00058012-00058095 of times a day. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00245-00058095-00058316 Because of his tooth we started him on wet food 3o3rAbuLuVo-00246-00058316-00058540 and now we're having to give him those little 3o3rAbuLuVo-00247-00058540-00058726 like perfect portions things. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00248-00058726-00059010 Can any other cat people relate to this? 3o3rAbuLuVo-00249-00059010-00059134 Anyways, okay back upstairs 3o3rAbuLuVo-00250-00059134-00059525 'cause I wanted to show you one of the massive failures 3o3rAbuLuVo-00251-00059525-00059922 of my life that happened in me attempting to film a video 3o3rAbuLuVo-00252-00059922-00060090 but you'll just have to see it. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00253-00060090-00060173 All right. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00254-00060173-00060534 So I thought I'd show yes thing that happened 3o3rAbuLuVo-00255-00060534-00060753 because these actually were in the trash, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00256-00060753-00060962 but I just went and got them out of the bathroom trash 3o3rAbuLuVo-00257-00060962-00061192 because I was like I have to show them, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00258-00061192-00061394 like this is so embarrassing. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00259-00061394-00061629 So I filmed a video the other day 3o3rAbuLuVo-00260-00061629-00062128 and it was me attempting to make those twisted bendy 3o3rAbuLuVo-00261-00062128-00062459 TikTok candles, bitch. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00262-00062459-00062774 When I tell you it was the biggest hot mess of my life, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00263-00062774-00063094 I have never felt so incompetent. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00264-00063094-00063282 I've never felt so incapable. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00265-00063282-00063610 Basically I filmed an entire video 3o3rAbuLuVo-00266-00063610-00063824 of me making these TikTok candles. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00267-00063824-00063962 I was like, how hard can it be? 3o3rAbuLuVo-00268-00063962-00064145 You put some candles, if you aren't familiar 3o3rAbuLuVo-00269-00064145-00064312 this is what they're supposed to look like. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00270-00064312-00064466 Just wait until you see what mine looked like. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00271-00064466-00064566 But I was like, how hard can it be? 3o3rAbuLuVo-00272-00064566-00064754 You put some candles in the pot water and you bend them. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00273-00064754-00065004 I don't know, I had seen videos of people breaking theirs 3o3rAbuLuVo-00274-00065004-00065161 but I was like, they're just being careless. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00275-00065161-00065308 Like they don't know how to do it. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00276-00065308-00065532 My microphone, I started having some microphone issues, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00277-00065532-00065748 I've mentioned that in a couple main channel videos. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00278-00065748-00065963 I film on a different camera for vlogs 3o3rAbuLuVo-00279-00065963-00066096 than I do for main channel stuff, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00280-00066096-00066284 and my main channel camera 3o3rAbuLuVo-00281-00066284-00066571 I use an external microphone just 'cause the sound's better. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00282-00066571-00066801 And for some reason it just started like messing 3o3rAbuLuVo-00283-00066801-00066937 up when I was filming. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00284-00066937-00067222 And I thought that it was because it needed new batteries. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00285-00067222-00067327 So I changed the batteries, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00286-00067327-00067507 and I was like, cool everything's good. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00287-00067507-00067767 I filmed an entire day's worth of videos 3o3rAbuLuVo-00288-00067767-00068013 and all of the sound was just like shot. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00289-00068013-00068142 I don't know how to describe it, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00290-00068142-00068429 there was just an extremely loud white noise. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00291-00068429-00068593 And I tried to remove the white noise 3o3rAbuLuVo-00292-00068593-00068676 and it was just a mess. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00293-00068676-00068810 I talked about it in another video. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00294-00068810-00068915 This was one of those videos. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00295-00068915-00069046 So the sound was terrible, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00296-00069046-00069345 like it was when I tell you terrible, it wasn't usable. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00297-00069345-00069658 Like you can't put a video like that on the internet. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00298-00069658-00069803 Like you could barely hear me, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00299-00069803-00069996 it sounded like talking like this. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00300-00069996-00070278 And like the white noise was so, so loud. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00301-00070278-00070579 So anyways, that was the first problem with it. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00302-00070579-00070726 The second problem was I was filming 3o3rAbuLuVo-00303-00070726-00070911 on two angles at one time, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00304-00070911-00071237 and one of the times I guess I didn't press record, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00305-00071237-00071493 which was the majority of the video. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00306-00071493-00071820 So you could really only see the angle from down here, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00307-00071820-00072007 and I was doing stuff up here. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00308-00072007-00072125 So it was just like you were staring 3o3rAbuLuVo-00309-00072125-00072294 at my lap the entire time. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00310-00072294-00072496 It was just so bad. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00311-00072496-00072803 And then didn't even mention the fact that this. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00312-00072803-00072930 (chuckles) 3o3rAbuLuVo-00313-00072930-00073107 This is what the candles turned out like. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00314-00073107-00073270 So I'm gonna give you a little hall 3o3rAbuLuVo-00315-00073270-00073413 of what my candles turned out like. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00316-00073413-00073781 So in this candle, which from afar doesn't look too bad. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00317-00073781-00073864 Right? 3o3rAbuLuVo-00318-00073864-00073947 Like it looks okay. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00319-00073947-00074117 And then when you get up close, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00320-00074117-00074394 you see what it actually looks like. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00321-00074394-00074686 It's crusty, it has orange on it 3o3rAbuLuVo-00322-00074686-00075068 which I used an orange candle, a green candle, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00323-00075068-00075320 a pink, a blue and some white. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00324-00075320-00075820 And unfortunately the wax from all the other candles 3o3rAbuLuVo-00325-00075829-00075978 melted all over it. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00326-00075978-00076439 So these are just all broken, they're like peeling apart. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00327-00076439-00076556 I don't know if you can see that. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00328-00076556-00076997 It's just, this doesn't look very good. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00329-00076997-00077245 So I was like, okay the shape's not that bad 3o3rAbuLuVo-00330-00077245-00077419 but just the actual texture. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00331-00077419-00077798 These are so lumpy, trust me it gets better. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00332-00077798-00078212 So then I was like, okay, let's try it like the twist thing, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00333-00078212-00078418 you know, we do the actual twist. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00334-00078418-00078504 - [Drew] What you're doing? 3o3rAbuLuVo-00335-00078504-00078685 - Here, you can come check out my. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00336-00078685-00078870 - [Drew] Your candle candle poops? 3o3rAbuLuVo-00337-00078870-00078987 - Yeah. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00338-00078987-00079115 - Your weenies? 3o3rAbuLuVo-00339-00079115-00079435 - So here's the, here's the twisty guy. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00340-00079435-00079564 It looks really good. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00341-00079564-00079940 Like really professional, especially this part down here. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00342-00079940-00080341 I don't know what the hell I made me think 3o3rAbuLuVo-00343-00080341-00080446 that I can do this. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00344-00080446-00080641 We have another blue one which honestly 3o3rAbuLuVo-00345-00080790-00080936 it was going well, then it broke. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00346-00080936-00081202 And then you look at the actual, again, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00347-00081202-00081437 you just look at the actual freaking candle, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00348-00081437-00081663 this just so bad. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00349-00081663-00081856 I know this camera is having a hard time focusing, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00350-00081856-00081993 whatever, you get the picture. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00351-00081993-00082149 Then we move on to, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00352-00082149-00082531 I think I was going for a snake moment. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00353-00082531-00082891 It was like the ones that stand up like this, you know? 3o3rAbuLuVo-00354-00082891-00083391 But again, just the most texture, absolutely atrocious. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00355-00083463-00083696 I mean, it broke in like three places. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00356-00083696-00083972 And the last two, I like the shape of, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00357-00083972-00084188 but just when you see what they look like. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00358-00084188-00084413 We have this one, which wouldn't be bad. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00359-00084413-00084602 I thought about trying to like scrape it 3o3rAbuLuVo-00360-00084602-00084996 but I mean, so freaking ugly. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00361-00084996-00085274 Look at this, it's supposed to be a solid candle. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00362-00085274-00085497 And then last but not least. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00363-00085497-00085636 (man laughing) 3o3rAbuLuVo-00364-00085636-00085790 - [Man 1] No, no, no, no. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00365-00085790-00086150 - Just a huge bummer that they ended up looking like this. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00366-00086150-00086445 So I'm going to probably throw these back 3o3rAbuLuVo-00367-00086445-00086687 in the trash can because that's where they belong. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00368-00086687-00087014 So that was unfortunately a huge fail. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00369-00087014-00087266 Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00370-00087266-00087609 So this video will not live to see the face of the internet 3o3rAbuLuVo-00371-00087609-00088089 but you at least got to see it before they go in the trash. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00372-00088089-00088232 It's sad, it feels wasteful. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00373-00088232-00088573 Like I feel bad about it, like I genuinely tried. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00374-00088573-00088656 Oh, by the way 3o3rAbuLuVo-00375-00088656-00089009 I think the problem was I just put way too hot of water. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00376-00089009-00089199 So when I first put it in there, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00377-00089199-00089353 I was like these aren't bending at all 3o3rAbuLuVo-00378-00089353-00089484 so the water needs to be hotter. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00379-00089484-00089917 And then I over estimated and put way too hot of water 3o3rAbuLuVo-00380-00089917-00090152 and then they all just started melting. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00381-00090152-00090306 It was bad. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00382-00090306-00090578 Also, can I just mention how much I love my dad? 3o3rAbuLuVo-00383-00090578-00090670 We've been texting. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00384-00090670-00090934 We haven't seen each other in over a year now 3o3rAbuLuVo-00385-00090934-00091201 and we just really miss each other and things go on 3o3rAbuLuVo-00386-00091201-00091470 in my life behind the scenes that you guys don't know about. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00387-00091470-00091781 You know, anyways, and we were texting 3o3rAbuLuVo-00388-00091781-00091961 and he just sent me all these hearts. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00389-00091961-00092062 Hold on, can you see that? 3o3rAbuLuVo-00390-00092062-00092266 And he just sent me a bunch of hearts, and then he said, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00391-00092266-00092582 oops I forgot some and sent more. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00392-00092582-00092823 My heart, I love him so much. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00393-00092823-00093047 For those of you like, oh my God, I'm getting emotional. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00394-00093047-00093316 Nope, cut that off right now. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00395-00093316-00093432 Is that the Capricorn in me? 3o3rAbuLuVo-00396-00093432-00093574 Anyways, a lot of people ask, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00397-00093574-00093774 what's the first thing you're gonna do 3o3rAbuLuVo-00398-00093774-00094050 once you're vaccinated and people are safe 3o3rAbuLuVo-00399-00094050-00094303 and it's safe to travel, where are you gonna go? 3o3rAbuLuVo-00400-00094303-00094413 And I'm gonna go to Nashville. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00401-00094413-00094507 I'm gonna go see my dad. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00402-00094507-00094609 I miss him so much. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00403-00094609-00094846 I'm just really feeling the effects of that. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00404-00094846-00095180 Oh my God, I'm actually gonna cry. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00405-00095180-00095377 Oh my God, I did not expect your cry 3o3rAbuLuVo-00406-00095377-00095746 but I just I'm really missing my dad 3o3rAbuLuVo-00407-00095746-00095959 and it makes me sad because he's like 3o3rAbuLuVo-00408-00095959-00096236 one of the closest people to me in my life 3o3rAbuLuVo-00409-00096236-00096630 and is truly like my best friend. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00410-00096630-00096817 And it just makes me upset because 3o3rAbuLuVo-00411-00096817-00097065 of course I'm grateful that like he's still alive 3o3rAbuLuVo-00412-00097065-00097344 and he's still safe from the pandemic, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00413-00097344-00097547 and he's been really strict about it, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00414-00097547-00097656 but he lives by himself 3o3rAbuLuVo-00415-00097656-00097806 and he lives all the way out in Nashville. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00416-00097806-00098120 And you know, we were considering him coming out here 3o3rAbuLuVo-00417-00098120-00098394 in October, and then we were considering Christmas, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00418-00098394-00098604 and then obviously things just got crazy 3o3rAbuLuVo-00419-00098604-00098747 and we had to cancel it. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00420-00098747-00098908 And it just makes me so sad 3o3rAbuLuVo-00421-00098908-00099210 because when people are out partying and getting together 3o3rAbuLuVo-00422-00099210-00099504 in massive groups and stuff, it not only prevents us 3o3rAbuLuVo-00423-00099504-00099773 from being able to live normal life again, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00424-00099773-00099987 but it prevents some people from being able 3o3rAbuLuVo-00425-00099987-00100146 to see their family again. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00426-00100146-00100344 I mean, and some people permanently. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00427-00100344-00100584 This is coming from an experience of someone 3o3rAbuLuVo-00428-00100584-00100851 who just misses my dad because he lives in another state, 3o3rAbuLuVo-00429-00100851-00101102 not because COVID took him or, you know, whatever. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00430-00101102-00101302 And I don't want to try and get like too preachy 3o3rAbuLuVo-00431-00101302-00101663 but I did not expect it to be emotional. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00432-00101663-00101955 I'm definitely gonna start my period for sure. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00433-00101955-00102149 Like what the hell? 3o3rAbuLuVo-00434-00102149-00102604 Also there's a loose cat, a random cat in the street. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00435-00102604-00102892 Oh my God, he looks like he knows his way around. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00436-00102892-00102982 Anyways. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00437-00102982-00103215 Wow, just really love my dad 3o3rAbuLuVo-00438-00103215-00103518 and please stay home so I can see him again. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00439-00103518-00103601 I need a minute. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00440-00103601-00103684 Whew. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00441-00103684-00103792 Okay, wow. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00442-00103792-00103875 Ooh. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00443-00103875-00103958 I feel better. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00444-00103958-00104189 I just talked to my dad, cried it out a little bit. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00445-00104189-00104339 I'm definitely PMsing for sure. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00446-00104339-00104688 But also it's just, you know, times are the way they are. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00447-00104688-00104908 So if you're feeling the same way, you're not alone. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00448-00104908-00104992 You are not alone. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00449-00104992-00105075 You are not alone. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00450-00105075-00105158 You are not alone. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00451-00105158-00105491 And I am here to tell you that 3o3rAbuLuVo-00452-00105491-00105878 even though things may look like they're not turning out 3o3rAbuLuVo-00453-00105878-00106077 so great, things are going to be okay. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00454-00106077-00106160 They're gonna be okay. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00455-00106160-00106279 I love you all very much. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00456-00106279-00106526 I'm gonna end this vlog here and enjoy my evening. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00457-00106526-00106622 Hope you didn't mind 3o3rAbuLuVo-00458-00106622-00106947 that it was just sort of like a random afternoon vlog. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00459-00106947-00107102 Do you have any like vlog requests? 3o3rAbuLuVo-00460-00107102-00107293 Definitely leave them in the comments below 3o3rAbuLuVo-00461-00107293-00107614 because, you know, the content is few and far 3o3rAbuLuVo-00462-00107614-00107824 between when you're just at home all the time. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00463-00107824-00108050 But anyways, gonna go eat my lasagna. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00464-00108050-00108179 It's like almost done I think. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00465-00108179-00108285 Love you all very much. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00466-00108285-00108385 And I will see you very soon. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00467-00108385-00108468 Bye. 3o3rAbuLuVo-00468-00108468-00108727 (upbeat music) 35yfvx4JRWE-00001-00004046-00005957 #youtubeshorts #shorts 37Iv3A6KATu-00000-00000072-00000616 Hi Haskellings! For today's retrospective i was looking at some of yesterday's solutions 37Iv3A6KATu-00001-00000616-00001176 in other languages and i noticed that a lot of those languages have a translate function 37Iv3A6KATu-00002-00001240-00002120 which is able to translate using a mapping from certain strings to other strings and this would 37Iv3A6KATu-00003-00002120-00002768 allow us to get rid of this bin function and we could just do the translate directly like that 37Iv3A6KATu-00004-00002920-00003592 because it's a String we'll have to use digitToInt to convert the '0' or '1' character into an Int. 37Iv3A6KATu-00005-00003752-00004616 Let's write our tr function now and this function is going to take a [Char] but we're going to 37Iv3A6KATu-00006-00004616-00005472 make it generic so we're going to say a [a] and another [a] and then it's going to give us back 37Iv3A6KATu-00007-00005472-00006180 a translation function which can convert a String to another string so which is again a [a] -> [a] 37Iv3A6KATu-00008-00006472-00006752 we can call the lists that form our map 37Iv3A6KATu-00009-00006808-00007808 xs and ys and then we're going to use Data.Map and zip to create a Map from those two lists 37Iv3A6KATu-00010-00007984-00008928 we can use fromList from Data.Map combined with zip of xs and ys to create our Map once we have 37Iv3A6KATu-00011-00008928-00009984 the Map we then need to map across the lookup (M.!) function to create our translating function 37Iv3A6KATu-00012-00010120-00010904 so we M.! on that list each of the elements in turn from the String we're given to translate 37Iv3A6KATu-00013-00011304-00011720 digitToInt comes from Data.Char so we just import that 37Iv3A6KATu-00014-00011928-00012592 and another problem is that Data.Map requires the index to 37Iv3A6KATu-00015-00012592-00013263 have typeclass Ord so we add that type constraint and we have ourselves a nice tr function 37Iv3A6KATu-00016-00013376-00014208 this fold function is also a nice generic function which we can call readBin and we have ourselves 37Iv3A6KATu-00017-00014208-00014936 two functions which we can reuse in other places so we can actually put those functions into 37Iv3A6KATu-00018-00014936-00015584 our Advent of Code module and we have ourselves then a nice one liner at the end 37Iv3A6KATu-00019-00015672-00016168 okay so let's do that let's put those functions into our Advent of Code module 37Iv3A6KATu-00020-00016416-00016904 and we put the import with the other imports Data.Char is already there 37Iv3A6KATu-00021-00016904-00017208 and then we put those two functions just at the bottom of the file there 37Iv3A6KATu-00022-00017368-00018216 let's also add Data.List and Data.Char to our exporting modules this means that we don't 37Iv3A6KATu-00023-00018216-00018760 need to import those if we use functions from those modules in our other solutions 37Iv3A6KATu-00024-00018872-00019408 we still have a problem because readBin needs a type signature so let's just add one in 37Iv3A6KATu-00025-00019768-00020648 okay it seems that Data.List and Text.Parsec both export uncons so let's hide the one from Parsec 37Iv3A6KATu-00026-00020864-00021200 and now we should actually have a nice one liner 37Iv3A6KATu-00027-00021200-00021660 in our solution file just like the other languages! :-) 37Iv3A6KATu-00028-00021800-00022184 let's move on to day 6 and as you can see we have 37Iv3A6KATu-00029-00022184-00022584 input data once again that's in groups separated by blank lines 37Iv3A6KATu-00030-00022792-00023288 first we're going to fetch our input data and we have a quick look at it 37Iv3A6KATu-00031-00023656-00024240 just like the example it's in groups split by blank lines so we're going to use the 37Iv3A6KATu-00032-00024240-00025096 Data.List.Split module and specifically a function called splitOn in that module and we're going to 37Iv3A6KATu-00033-00025096-00025736 split on blank lines like this once again this is the interact function from our AOC library not the 37Iv3A6KATu-00034-00025736-00026895 Prelude interact so we have our [[String]] here so each of those [String] is one of the groups 37Iv3A6KATu-00035-00027080-00027752 all we have to do is actually concatenate those together and then use the Data.Set library 37Iv3A6KATu-00036-00027824-00028720 to ensure that we have only one of each letter in each group this will essentially combine the 37Iv3A6KATu-00037-00028720-00029424 questionnaires of the groups in such a way that we see only one of the letters for each group 37Iv3A6KATu-00038-00029520-00030216 so we then just sum the sizes of those groups and we should have our answer let's check that 37Iv3A6KATu-00039-00030472-00031136 and indeed we have our first gold star the second part is quite similar only this time 37Iv3A6KATu-00040-00031136-00031583 we need to find out how many questions everyone in the group answered "yes" to 37Iv3A6KATu-00041-00031656-00032200 this means we'll need to find the intersection across the group of those questions 37Iv3A6KATu-00042-00032280-00032928 and in that case we're going to need to have a set for each questionnaire and then get the 37Iv3A6KATu-00043-00032928-00033568 intersection of each of those sets so we map the Data.Set.fromList function across each 37Iv3A6KATu-00044-00033568-00034264 questionnaire then we intersect those together however the intersect function from Data.Set 37Iv3A6KATu-00045-00034376-00035040 only operates between two sets so we'll have to use fold again and once again we'll use the foldl' 37Iv3A6KATu-00046-00035120-00035912 variant of fold and we fold across those sets using intersection however we have to use a 37Iv3A6KATu-00047-00035912-00036488 different variant of fold because we don't have an initial set and fortunately there is a foldl1' 37Iv3A6KATu-00048-00036664-00037240 function that allows us to use the head of the list as the initial accumulator now that we've 37Iv3A6KATu-00049-00037240-00037784 done that we just again need to find the size of that resulting set and the sum of those should be 37Iv3A6KATu-00050-00037784-00038680 our answer okay let's try that and of course that works and we have our second gold star 37Iv3A6KATu-00051-00038832-00039176 we're going to jump straight into today's retrospective 37Iv3A6KATu-00052-00039256-00039952 and the only thing i can think that we might want to do is take out our splitOn function and make a 37Iv3A6KATu-00053-00039952-00040544 new version of interact and we're going to call this interactg and this is perhaps part of the 37Iv3A6KATu-00054-00040544-00041208 problem of having a big library of functions is that that name is probably going to be difficult 37Iv3A6KATu-00055-00041208-00042072 to remember in the future but let's do this anyway so we essentially just removed the splitOn 37Iv3A6KATu-00056-00042144-00043120 from each of these and we call our new interact function interactg so i think this split module 37Iv3A6KATu-00057-00043120-00043640 is going to be quite useful to us at some stage so let's add this to the exported module list 37Iv3A6KATu-00058-00043896-00044776 we can then import that module to make sure that the names are in our namespace and then 37Iv3A6KATu-00059-00044776-00045680 we create a new interact function and it's simply just going to call interact on f . splitOn [""] 37Iv3A6KATu-00060-00045944-00046576 the type signature of this function is going to be quite similar to our existing interact function 37Iv3A6KATu-00061-00046648-00047368 except f is going to take a [[String]] because when we do the splitOn it creates a list of lists 37Iv3A6KATu-00062-00047456-00048064 now we get a build error because Data.List.Split exports a few names that are also exported by 37Iv3A6KATu-00063-00048064-00048776 our Parsec library but we can simply hide those names in our import of Data.List.Split 37Iv3A6KATu-00064-00048912-00049336 This compiles nicely, so, until next time, happy Haskelling! 38rPl6dT1ao-00000-00000154-00000471 Okay welcome to another live stream guys and 38rPl6dT1ao-00001-00000619-00000926 We're playing roblox. I don't know that my stream 38rPl6dT1ao-00002-00001057-00001374 So we're here today with Wayne say hi Wayne 38rPl6dT1ao-00003-00001528-00001754 And a star see hi a star 38rPl6dT1ao-00004-00001932-00002151 And yes, we're playing some roblox 38rPl6dT1ao-00005-00002299-00002759 You can see a couple games. We play don't come all the stuff. We've done 38rPl6dT1ao-00006-00002941-00003375 Um you can see waiting in a game right now hey Wayne what game what game are you playing? 38rPl6dT1ao-00007-00004255-00004766 Mario 64 alright I'm gonna start by playing work out ups heats a place. There's a start 38rPl6dT1ao-00008-00005146-00005850 You have to me a scar alright, anyway, let's let's play some work out a pizza place and start with that why not 38rPl6dT1ao-00009-00007953-00008321 - anyway let's start some music 38rPl6dT1ao-00010-00008757-00009208 Wait I need to turn this up a little bit more 38rPl6dT1ao-00011-00010347-00010705 That good yeah, that looks about right, okay, okay? 38rPl6dT1ao-00012-00011193-00011393 Let's go 38rPl6dT1ao-00013-00011700-00011900 Yes 38rPl6dT1ao-00014-00012252-00012452 I'm just going to random server so 38rPl6dT1ao-00015-00013128-00013642 We'll start at our house, I think not only that's supplier. Oh well oh 38rPl6dT1ao-00016-00013713-00013948 We got 200 money straight from the start 38rPl6dT1ao-00017-00014157-00014357 Do a check 38rPl6dT1ao-00018-00014438-00014638 Are you in it 38rPl6dT1ao-00019-00014736-00015401 Looks like it you are so it's good. Hey star if you're if you're feeling up to joining you may 38rPl6dT1ao-00020-00015944-00016160 Let's just let's just get going I 38rPl6dT1ao-00021-00016593-00016868 May need to turn down the music club. Let me do that 38rPl6dT1ao-00022-00017367-00017624 Okay, let me turn off the music to do my own music 38rPl6dT1ao-00023-00018099-00018299 Come on 38rPl6dT1ao-00024-00018306-00018818 There we go that should do it so now I can do my own music right guys 38rPl6dT1ao-00025-00019056-00019256 I'm alright a star 38rPl6dT1ao-00026-00019329-00019529 All right, let's get this music underway 38rPl6dT1ao-00027-00021240-00021440 There we go that let's do it 38rPl6dT1ao-00028-00021648-00022087 So I don't really know people can hear this cuz only spent one second 38rPl6dT1ao-00029-00022790-00022990 All right, we're playing some roblox 38rPl6dT1ao-00030-00023890-00024090 My 38rPl6dT1ao-00031-00024745-00025008 It's not video setting for some reason 38rPl6dT1ao-00032-00025438-00025638 I'm not lagging either 38rPl6dT1ao-00033-00025988-00026188 Hey Wayne, where are you? Oh? 38rPl6dT1ao-00034-00026389-00026589 You're in your house 38rPl6dT1ao-00035-00027341-00027541 Give me a pizza deliver 38rPl6dT1ao-00036-00028188-00028421 Oh Karen, I'll just deliver this 38rPl6dT1ao-00037-00028758-00029114 There you go, buddy, he's gonna devour that he says oh 38rPl6dT1ao-00038-00030118-00030318 I see your housemaid 38rPl6dT1ao-00039-00030557-00030757 So wait how you feeling about today? 38rPl6dT1ao-00040-00031061-00031261 Lane 38rPl6dT1ao-00041-00031562-00032056 Wait are you over here hey buddy come outside oh? 38rPl6dT1ao-00042-00033650-00033898 Come on down your lane if you can 38rPl6dT1ao-00043-00035495-00035749 Here's mr. In the stream a star by the way I 38rPl6dT1ao-00044-00036434-00036634 Sure 38rPl6dT1ao-00045-00038955-00039155 Play again I 38rPl6dT1ao-00046-00039812-00040012 Can all see your comments right now 38rPl6dT1ao-00047-00040656-00040876 Wait let the viewers know today 38rPl6dT1ao-00048-00041796-00042196 Rain let the viewers know how you're doing today 38rPl6dT1ao-00049-00042572-00042772 Good 38rPl6dT1ao-00050-00042831-00043342 Guys also let's know if there's any levels in the stream and but if there is 38rPl6dT1ao-00051-00043383-00043733 Let me know guys if I can change the music you would like me to do that 38rPl6dT1ao-00052-00044069-00044296 I'm gonna say I started to sing the faded 38rPl6dT1ao-00053-00045180-00045380 There we go 38rPl6dT1ao-00054-00046945-00047145 Are you Barney Wayne Oh 38rPl6dT1ao-00055-00048181-00048420 Dr.. Pepper a dick has joined the game 38rPl6dT1ao-00056-00048901-00049455 Bowl bowl flames has joined the games, okay, but what? 38rPl6dT1ao-00057-00049693-00049940 Fun trouble I 38rPl6dT1ao-00058-00050140-00050375 Am even be no trouble from that person 38rPl6dT1ao-00059-00051704-00051964 People the artnet paying no attention to what I said how 38rPl6dT1ao-00060-00052722-00052922 Dare sated 38rPl6dT1ao-00061-00053345-00053545 Hey 38rPl6dT1ao-00062-00053999-00054199 There you go 38rPl6dT1ao-00063-00055772-00056520 Yeah, yes say how do you do pay that come on nobody say anything he's not 38rPl6dT1ao-00064-00057500-00057859 Hi and welcome to the stream, buddy 38rPl6dT1ao-00065-00058780-00059562 Second yes you are second Ian, oh, he said hey there we go. Hey says hi guys, so there you go 38rPl6dT1ao-00066-00059747-00059947 Hi a starts at the end 38rPl6dT1ao-00067-00060185-00060511 If you want me to change the music Ian, just let me know oh 38rPl6dT1ao-00068-00060914-00061114 Hello hi Wayne 38rPl6dT1ao-00069-00061445-00061645 Buddy 38rPl6dT1ao-00070-00062066-00062710 Me neither it's fine. I like it awesome. Thank thank you. You can't use music right 38rPl6dT1ao-00071-00064514-00065031 Okay, it is a long one with my voice. Can you hear my voice too and their voices? 38rPl6dT1ao-00072-00065155-00065409 Okay, it Wayne say hi. What long the music's going? 38rPl6dT1ao-00073-00065657-00066097 Wait on one wait hold on say it again 38rPl6dT1ao-00074-00066356-00067035 Say it again wing, hon. Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, so say hi a start oh 38rPl6dT1ao-00075-00067316-00067705 Come on manager really fine, I'll get to work then 38rPl6dT1ao-00076-00067952-00068152 Hello Wayne says Ian 38rPl6dT1ao-00077-00068276-00068476 Say hi to end 38rPl6dT1ao-00078-00068692-00068907 A little bit louder saying can you say it louder? 38rPl6dT1ao-00079-00069176-00069526 Yeah, hopefully they heard you Wayne 38rPl6dT1ao-00080-00069788-00069988 Take your time hoarder when you are ready 38rPl6dT1ao-00081-00070220-00070414 Foster 38rPl6dT1ao-00082-00070414-00070764 You're the best you are now past year. I am a cashier 38rPl6dT1ao-00083-00071375-00071592 How good you heard, I'm awesome you heard you 38rPl6dT1ao-00084-00072131-00072732 Our people another sausage well there you go. I'm starving I 38rPl6dT1ao-00085-00073181-00073381 Never miss a quick ride I 38rPl6dT1ao-00086-00074152-00074619 Love the pizza place on mailboxes so much fun since Ian he says so much fun to play 38rPl6dT1ao-00087-00074758-00074958 Wayne what do you wait? 38rPl6dT1ao-00088-00074969-00075429 Say wait, what's your opinion on the game lane? What do you like about the work that pizza place game? 38rPl6dT1ao-00089-00075430-00075630 What's your favorite thing about it? 38rPl6dT1ao-00090-00076010-00076452 Yeah, and uh, okay, so what makes play guys isn't character in the game 38rPl6dT1ao-00091-00076452-00077070 He just loves playing as it and also um a star. What's your favorite thing about the work at a pizza place game? 38rPl6dT1ao-00092-00077377-00077757 Well me if you did, what would be your first thing to do when you persuade it 38rPl6dT1ao-00093-00078099-00078299 Yeah, yeah like like start making pizzas 38rPl6dT1ao-00094-00078374-00078971 You know cookies that you get it feel to it. Maybe do some pizza pizza boxing delivering supplying 38rPl6dT1ao-00095-00079047-00079268 No, we got all that stuff that you boys oh 38rPl6dT1ao-00096-00079782-00080152 Hi, I was like you rock wait you're just taking orders 38rPl6dT1ao-00097-00080397-00080764 Also guys check this out he didn't notice this already check this out 38rPl6dT1ao-00098-00081519-00082307 It's so beautiful it's a panda guys and Wayne has a tiger oh my 38rPl6dT1ao-00099-00083922-00084122 What are you weighing on 38rPl6dT1ao-00100-00084435-00084751 Me Amy Oh 38rPl6dT1ao-00101-00085247-00085447 I don't know what you mean 38rPl6dT1ao-00102-00085911-00086555 Not not fully I don't see that 38rPl6dT1ao-00103-00087090-00087316 Well, maybe that's what you see that I do that 38rPl6dT1ao-00104-00087915-00088312 So yeah like I said you guys get tired of the music I can always change the music - 38rPl6dT1ao-00105-00089586-00090119 I'm not gonna do it if the manager does something horrible then yeah good 38rPl6dT1ao-00106-00090987-00091187 Okay, I probably shouldn't hold that anymore 38rPl6dT1ao-00107-00091905-00092171 Hey Wayne could you help me box of pizzas buddy? 38rPl6dT1ao-00108-00092970-00093398 Come to my office see if you want to be manager Wayne go for it 38rPl6dT1ao-00109-00093549-00093749 Say I'd like to do it oh 38rPl6dT1ao-00110-00093789-00094088 By the way Thetas employee of the day, that's cool. Oh 38rPl6dT1ao-00111-00094194-00094394 The man you gave me a bump in 38rPl6dT1ao-00112-00094567-00094769 The weed thanks manager 38rPl6dT1ao-00113-00095248-00095519 This bench is nice. I like this manager hey 38rPl6dT1ao-00114-00095850-00096050 Wait how about lanes you can join back 38rPl6dT1ao-00115-00096318-00096518 Yeah, I know, but you can come back 38rPl6dT1ao-00116-00097020-00097295 Let me know guys didn't care if I can't engineer account 38rPl6dT1ao-00117-00100218-00100696 I'm gonna say it appeared something I might tell paid something once though 38rPl6dT1ao-00118-00101079-00101279 David 38rPl6dT1ao-00119-00101420-00101923 Never faded alright, let's invite 38rPl6dT1ao-00120-00104330-00104530 Kathy 38rPl6dT1ao-00121-00105063-00105805 What do you guys think about the music if you guys can hear how are you? 38rPl6dT1ao-00122-00110652-00110852 Let's do this 38rPl6dT1ao-00123-00114135-00114335 How much is that 38rPl6dT1ao-00124-00116278-00116478 I don't know what just happened 38rPl6dT1ao-00125-00117508-00117856 That was weird guys happy to the call 38rPl6dT1ao-00126-00120317-00120517 Here we are 38rPl6dT1ao-00127-00121538-00121738 I'm right at like detune 38rPl6dT1ao-00128-00123236-00123481 You want the other details like I'm robot 38rPl6dT1ao-00129-00124608-00124794 I'll think about it 38rPl6dT1ao-00130-00124794-00125440 Let me know down in the car guys. We should play that that game. What wait what I said? 38rPl6dT1ao-00131-00129913-00130113 I cannot move it 38rPl6dT1ao-00132-00133025-00133635 There you go, you're welcome now, I gotta go get a pop 38rPl6dT1ao-00133-00136669-00136899 I'm probably I'm probably gonna play murder mystery 38rPl6dT1ao-00134-00137352-00137552 Jump 38rPl6dT1ao-00135-00137863-00138341 OMG, I starving you sure are are you Jeff you got that? 38rPl6dT1ao-00136-00140174-00140374 Yeah, yeah, hey Wayne 38rPl6dT1ao-00137-00140612-00141004 Let's wait till day time in this game, and then we'll go play murder mystery 38rPl6dT1ao-00138-00141413-00141724 Yeah, we have to wait till date time so we can get our paycheck 38rPl6dT1ao-00139-00142610-00142891 Wayne you do get your paycheck in the daytime them all right 38rPl6dT1ao-00140-00143129-00143329 Wait don't you 38rPl6dT1ao-00141-00143363-00143611 You don't you get a paycheck in the daytime? 38rPl6dT1ao-00142-00144459-00144659 When do you normally get a paycheck Wayne 38rPl6dT1ao-00143-00146838-00147038 I'm locking in here 38rPl6dT1ao-00144-00148179-00148379 Baited you're still in play the day - 38rPl6dT1ao-00145-00148740-00148994 Good job bait is you worked hard for that oh? 38rPl6dT1ao-00146-00149161-00149564 Hello Pabu welcome to the string everyone welcome for boot to the stream 38rPl6dT1ao-00147-00149802-00150197 Yes, yes mr. Game night demonic gamer guys say hello 38rPl6dT1ao-00148-00150448-00150648 Wayne say hello the game night 38rPl6dT1ao-00149-00150811-00151011 What wings I had a kite 38rPl6dT1ao-00150-00151164-00151364 In case they had a game night for me 38rPl6dT1ao-00151-00151704-00151904 And a star say hi 38rPl6dT1ao-00152-00152269-00152469 Come on don't do that to me game 38rPl6dT1ao-00153-00153025-00153407 Over here somewhere. Thank you for doing that 38rPl6dT1ao-00154-00154494-00154871 Yeah, yeah if you want me to change the music game night, let me know there on the chat 38rPl6dT1ao-00155-00155094-00155294 All right, I'm gonna play somebody mystery 38rPl6dT1ao-00156-00155426-00155626 Hey, hey Wayne 38rPl6dT1ao-00157-00155765-00155965 Hey Wayne, can you find us a little server 38rPl6dT1ao-00158-00156423-00156623 On murder mystery 38rPl6dT1ao-00159-00156936-00157136 You think this room is glitching 38rPl6dT1ao-00160-00157427-00157627 Wait are you on the murder mystery Wayne 38rPl6dT1ao-00161-00158600-00158800 Wayne are you on murder mystery? 38rPl6dT1ao-00162-00159471-00159671 Wait are you on Marisa's too? 38rPl6dT1ao-00163-00162671-00163066 Are you guys gonna call yes, we are again right we are a Skype call 38rPl6dT1ao-00164-00163571-00164098 Yeah type in the chat hashtag go in columns, and you'll be able to name them there you go 38rPl6dT1ao-00165-00164924-00165195 Never mind what I said I 38rPl6dT1ao-00166-00167078-00167280 Like this music c'mon, I don't know why 38rPl6dT1ao-00167-00167540-00167740 Do you like this music game night 38rPl6dT1ao-00168-00168063-00168365 I'm playing it in the indie scream 38rPl6dT1ao-00169-00169229-00169429 I'm trying to look for murder mystery 38rPl6dT1ao-00170-00171747-00171947 Alright 38rPl6dT1ao-00171-00173532-00174299 Alright then you can join us I need city hold on I'm waiting for Wayne 38rPl6dT1ao-00172-00175046-00175324 I'm wait. I'll land for when you do meet city game 38rPl6dT1ao-00173-00177215-00177543 You're playing murder mystery you are yeah 38rPl6dT1ao-00174-00177848-00178048 All right all 38rPl6dT1ao-00175-00178208-00178600 Right I'm gonna play a little tiny bit of bird of mystery guys, and then we'll move straight into 38rPl6dT1ao-00176-00178664-00179179 Maybe meet some meet city, maybe maybe some fashion friends. Eh who knows our your game solo by the way 38rPl6dT1ao-00177-00179438-00179638 Yeah, I tried join them maybe not 38rPl6dT1ao-00178-00180453-00180755 All right, I'm just gonna go play the what I was gonna play then you 38rPl6dT1ao-00179-00181728-00182422 Know I'm just gonna play this game that maybe I don't know maybe kid. I I don't know 38rPl6dT1ao-00180-00183012-00183212 Come on games 38rPl6dT1ao-00181-00184125-00184349 Oh, No Oh am I doing 38rPl6dT1ao-00182-00186119-00186634 Come on all right I must be what happened 38rPl6dT1ao-00183-00187335-00187727 Hey, what can I do here let me change the music I think 38rPl6dT1ao-00184-00189015-00189215 Yeah, I'm not gonna be doing 38rPl6dT1ao-00185-00191841-00192041 This maybe too quiet 38rPl6dT1ao-00186-00194151-00194548 There we go way too loud TV 38rPl6dT1ao-00187-00196052-00196579 All right, yeah 38rPl6dT1ao-00188-00197898-00198098 Come on let me find a game 38rPl6dT1ao-00189-00200649-00200849 I'm playing fashion frenzy 38rPl6dT1ao-00190-00210598-00211195 Note here if you guys did enjoy it was like a short tiny little spring, I don't think I can play any longer 38rPl6dT1ao-00191-00211257-00211648 So I hope you guys didn't enjoy it. Did you guys enjoy it? 38rPl6dT1ao-00192-00211980-00212180 Okay 38rPl6dT1ao-00193-00212261-00212461 Yeah 38rPl6dT1ao-00194-00212553-00213131 Yeah, yeah, there's not much I can do about it, but um if you guys did enjoy it 38rPl6dT1ao-00195-00213198-00213883 Make sure to let me know down in the comment section below and let me try and find my out for music wears on that 38rPl6dT1ao-00196-00214146-00214505 Nevermind sorry about that guys 38rPl6dT1ao-00197-00214967-00215167 Where is it? 38rPl6dT1ao-00198-00219509-00219727 Hold on guys one second 38rPl6dT1ao-00199-00221448-00222212 For some reason on this one hold on I'll find it for now I'm just gonna 38rPl6dT1ao-00200-00222577-00222777 Hey 38rPl6dT1ao-00201-00225217-00225852 Alright if you guys did enjoy it let me know down in the comment section below. Did you guys enjoy it? 38rPl6dT1ao-00202-00226507-00226707 Did you guys enjoy today 38rPl6dT1ao-00203-00227439-00227639 Please divide 38rPl6dT1ao-00204-00228363-00229085 25 everyone I love to buy Oh 38rPl6dT1ao-00205-00229744-00230282 And look you guys in the next one make sure to people like it subscribe, but you guys have been amazing 38rPl6dT1ao-00206-00230376-00230978 and this song is dedicated to Phoenix and me because Phoenix is awesome you guys can go check them out and 38rPl6dT1ao-00207-00231123-00231356 And a star you can go check them out to 38rPl6dT1ao-00208-00231486-00232136 Also, do be sure to check everyone else out ways and when you King you make them on a gamer and faders lie to you 38rPl6dT1ao-00209-00232176-00232475 So we shall see you guys in the next stream 38rPl6dT1ao-00210-00232572-00233003 And you guys have been amazing see you guys in the next one and peace out 3tQP9_0MCgg-00000-00000055-00000574 Hello, it’s Kei and I am an individual forex trader based in Tokyo, Japan, and welcome 3tQP9_0MCgg-00001-00000574-00000823 back to my another video. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00002-00000823-00001343 This is the part 3 of money management and in this video, I’ll be talking about the 3tQP9_0MCgg-00003-00001343-00002009 correct positioning and correct lot sizing to trade as well as the position sizing on 3tQP9_0MCgg-00004-00002009-00002742 each trade, because this is one of the most frequently asked questions, like “what is 3tQP9_0MCgg-00005-00002742-00003382 the correct position sizing?” or “what risk should I take on each trade?” and on 3tQP9_0MCgg-00006-00003382-00003482 and on. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00007-00003482-00004057 And to be honest, it depends on where you enter, and it also depends on how much you 3tQP9_0MCgg-00008-00004057-00004739 have, and I will be talking about the golden rules that I apply in my daily tradings, and 3tQP9_0MCgg-00009-00004739-00005262 no matter how much you have, this is something that you can still apply to your daily trades. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00010-00005262-00005742 So if you like this topic, please press a good button and make sure to subscribe and 3tQP9_0MCgg-00011-00005742-00006307 hit a bell so that you get notifications for my future forex educational videos and live 3tQP9_0MCgg-00012-00006307-00006634 streamings. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00013-00006634-00007612 So, let’s begin. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00014-00007612-00007786 Let me ask you a question. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00015-00007786-00008152 Are you trading with the correct position sizing? 3tQP9_0MCgg-00016-00008152-00008450 How you determine the position sizing on each trade? 3tQP9_0MCgg-00017-00008450-00008965 For example, when someone says “I bought GBPUSD with 0.1 lot.” 3tQP9_0MCgg-00018-00008965-00009358 And I ask “alright, so why you placed 0.1 lot?” 3tQP9_0MCgg-00019-00009358-00009958 Then he goes “I placed relatively smaller lot because that way I can avoid the risk.” 3tQP9_0MCgg-00020-00009958-00010459 And to me, it’s not how you avoid the risk because it’s not logical enough. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00021-00010459-00010626 So here is the logic I use. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00022-00010626-00010897 Let’s say when there’s a market like this. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00023-00010897-00011189 This is from the actual chart. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00024-00011189-00011914 It’s USDJPY in H1 timeframe and I am actually selling on this pair right now, so let me 3tQP9_0MCgg-00025-00011914-00012218 explain this from my real trade, alright? 3tQP9_0MCgg-00026-00012218-00012851 So, first of all, when you look at the market, is it in a trend? or in a range consolidation? 3tQP9_0MCgg-00027-00012851-00013461 Just by looking at this chart, which one is it? trend? or consolidation? 3tQP9_0MCgg-00028-00013461-00014356 Well, to me, this is in a range, you can draw resistance here, and support here. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00029-00014356-00014575 Also you can draw a line here also. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00030-00014575-00015176 So, first thing you want to recognize is that this is in a range market, you know, the candles 3tQP9_0MCgg-00031-00015176-00015761 are interacting with Kumo, and the price are resisted and supported by Bollinger bands 3tQP9_0MCgg-00032-00015761-00016470 upper side and lower side of deviations, and MA is going up and down. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00033-00016470-00017050 So you can see that basically, the price keeps bouncing up and down within the range, and 3tQP9_0MCgg-00034-00017050-00017488 that’s one thing you can instantly recognize when you see this chart. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00035-00017488-00018035 So most likely, when the price touches the upper line, then there will be a chance that 3tQP9_0MCgg-00036-00018035-00018529 the price will be resisted next time again, and comes back down. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00037-00018529-00019168 And when you actually look at the Daily timeframe, there’s a resistance here also in this July 3tQP9_0MCgg-00038-00019168-00019406 around this price level. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00039-00019406-00020033 And that’s why I placed sell here yesterday, and still holding it as of October 25th, which 3tQP9_0MCgg-00040-00020033-00020358 is the day that I’m recording this video right now. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00041-00020358-00020790 So, the next question is, what position size should I go for? 3tQP9_0MCgg-00042-00020790-00021195 Let me tell you how. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00043-00021195-00021716 First of all, it depends how much of risk you want to take for this particular trade. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00044-00021716-00022295 Let’s say you have $1,000 capital and trading this pair, and let’s say you want the risk 3tQP9_0MCgg-00045-00022295-00022514 on this trade to be 2%. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00046-00022514-00023278 Well, how you come up with 2% is, when you see this chart pattern and based on your knowledge 3tQP9_0MCgg-00047-00023278-00023923 and past experience, if you think the price will most likely drop from this price level, 3tQP9_0MCgg-00048-00023923-00024683 you can go aggressive, like taking 5% risk and go short, but if you think there’s a 3tQP9_0MCgg-00049-00024683-00025340 resistance here but still think that there is a possibility of breaking it upwards, then 3tQP9_0MCgg-00050-00025340-00026057 you need to cut the risk to 2% or even 1% because you also expect the price to go upwards. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00051-00026057-00026775 Well, to me, I think from this momentum and from this chart pattern, there’s a possibility 3tQP9_0MCgg-00052-00026775-00027443 of the price to break the line upwards, so the risk I’m taking is very low on this 3tQP9_0MCgg-00053-00027443-00027603 trade. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00054-00027603-00028166 So anyways, here is the rule 1st, determine how much of risk you want to take on that 3tQP9_0MCgg-00055-00028166-00028600 trade depending on the strategy you are using. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00056-00028600-00029274 When it’s your favorable chart pattern or signals, then you can go for up to like 5%, 3tQP9_0MCgg-00057-00029274-00029790 but if you are not confident enough, you drop the risk as low as like 1% or 2%, alright? 3tQP9_0MCgg-00058-00029790-00030377 And this should based on your chart reading techniques. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00059-00030377-00030891 So again, as I look at the chart and I think it’s a right timing for sell, but in this 3tQP9_0MCgg-00060-00030891-00031481 case, I still think the price to be breaking the line upwards as well, you know, it’s 3tQP9_0MCgg-00061-00031481-00031939 also in my expectation as far as I look at this market environment. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00062-00031939-00032519 So, let’s say I decide to take only 1% risk on this trade, alright? 3tQP9_0MCgg-00063-00032519-00032978 Now the next question is, how do I determine the lot sizing? 3tQP9_0MCgg-00064-00032978-00033528 Do I go for 0.1 lot? or 0.05 lot? or like 1 lot? 3tQP9_0MCgg-00065-00033528-00034138 Well, it depends on where you place the stop loss and it should be also done by the chart 3tQP9_0MCgg-00066-00034138-00034306 reading technique. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00067-00034306-00034803 This is also a very important step because if you cannot read the chart and spot the 3tQP9_0MCgg-00068-00034803-00035375 right place for your stop loss, then you cannot come up with the correct lot sizing. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00069-00035375-00035965 In this case, I placed the stop loss here and there are several reasons why it’s at 3tQP9_0MCgg-00070-00035965-00036102 this level. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00071-00036102-00036721 First of all, like I said there’s a resistance line here, right, so when the price touches 3tQP9_0MCgg-00072-00036721-00037237 at this level next time, there’s a chance that the price will be resisted at this level 3tQP9_0MCgg-00073-00037237-00037624 and comes back down again, and keeps going downwards. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00074-00037624-00038194 The second reason is that if you look at this wick pointing upwards, you can see that the 3tQP9_0MCgg-00075-00038194-00038949 resistance at the recent high is pretty strong, and not only it’s got the wick, from this 3tQP9_0MCgg-00076-00038949-00039466 candle, the I wave broke the recent low downwards, you see? 3tQP9_0MCgg-00077-00039466-00040118 And this is another proof from the chart, that the resistance here is quite strong because 3tQP9_0MCgg-00078-00040118-00040428 it broke the recent low downwards. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00079-00040428-00040987 And that’s the second reason why I think the price will be resisted when it touches 3tQP9_0MCgg-00080-00040987-00041152 this upper line. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00081-00041152-00042077 Also, if you look in the past, there were several rejections at these places, and this 3tQP9_0MCgg-00082-00042077-00042538 also makes me the price to be resisted at this level next time. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00083-00042538-00043308 So, based on those three reasons, I placed the stop loss slightly above the wick, because 3tQP9_0MCgg-00084-00043308-00043874 when the price breaks this resistance level upwards, most likely, it can be a start of 3tQP9_0MCgg-00085-00043874-00044696 a bullish trend, you know, so that means even when I lose this trade, it still teaches me 3tQP9_0MCgg-00086-00044696-00045303 and tells me it’s going to be a trend reverse, and because I can get that message from the 3tQP9_0MCgg-00087-00045303-00045856 market, even if the goes up afterwards6, I would think it’s a good loss, alright? 3tQP9_0MCgg-00088-00045856-00046078 So, I placed the stop loss here. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00089-00046078-00046546 And here is the third step how you come up with the correct lot sizing. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00090-00046546-00047028 Once you decide where to place the stop loss, then you measure the pips to the stop loss, 3tQP9_0MCgg-00091-00047028-00047612 you know, how many pips to the stop loss, and when I do, I found it’s 10 pips here. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00092-00047612-00047856 7 Now, you need to do some calculation. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00093-00047856-00048502 Let’s say you have $1,000 capital, and you only want to take a risk of 2% on this trade, 3tQP9_0MCgg-00094-00048502-00049077 and you set 10 pips to the stop loss, you know, that means you set the risk to be 10 3tQP9_0MCgg-00095-00049077-00049288 pips on this particular trade. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00096-00049288-00049984 So, what is the lot sizing you need to go for when your capital is $1,000? 3tQP9_0MCgg-00097-00049984-00050302 Let me explain step by step here politely, ok? 3tQP9_0MCgg-00098-00050302-00051011 When you have $1,000 capital and if you want to take a risk of 2% on this trade, then the 3tQP9_0MCgg-00099-00051011-00051475 risk of how much you are taking is going to be $20, right? 3tQP9_0MCgg-00100-00051475-00051844 2% of $1,000 is $20. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00101-00051844-00052539 Now, the next questions is, what is the lot sizing for 10 pips by $20? 3tQP9_0MCgg-00102-00052539-00053189 When the market moves 10 pips and when you lose $20 from that 10 pips, what the lot sizing 3tQP9_0MCgg-00103-00053189-00053483 is going to be on this USDJPY? 3tQP9_0MCgg-00104-00053483-00054026 To get this, you need to know the relationship between lot size, pips, and the amount of 3tQP9_0MCgg-00105-00054026-00054156 money. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00106-00054156-00054519 For those who are new, just remember this formula. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00107-00054519-00055060 When you have 1 lot, then you get $10 when the market moves 1 pip. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00108-00055060-00055732 In other words, when you have a position size of 1 lot, when the market moves 1 pip, then 3tQP9_0MCgg-00109-00055732-00055979 you get $10, alright? 3tQP9_0MCgg-00110-00055979-00056105 This is the basic formula. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00111-00056105-00056730 So what if you go for 0.1 lot and the market moves 1 pip? 3tQP9_0MCgg-00112-00056730-00057404 How much of value would that be when you go for 0.1 lot and the market moves 1 pip? 3tQP9_0MCgg-00113-00057404-00057719 It’s going to be a dollar, right? 3tQP9_0MCgg-00114-00057719-00058706 So, how about, when the market moves 10 pips and when you get $20, how many lots would 3tQP9_0MCgg-00115-00058706-00058806 that be? 3tQP9_0MCgg-00116-00058806-00059027 Here I will just tell you the answer. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00117-00059027-00059302 It’s going to be 0.2 lot. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00118-00059302-00060005 If you go for 0.2 lot, then when the price goes backwards to 10 pips, then you get $20 3tQP9_0MCgg-00119-00060005-00060555 loss and it’s going to be 2% of your $1,000 capital. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00120-00060555-00060779 Do you understand? 3tQP9_0MCgg-00121-00060779-00061194 If you don’t understand this, watch this part over and over again to fully understand 3tQP9_0MCgg-00122-00061194-00061694 this because this is very very important for your risk management. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00123-00061694-00062189 I will put the formula on the description below so you can apply it to yourself, alright? 3tQP9_0MCgg-00124-00062189-00062563 So, this is how you get the correct position sizing. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00125-00062563-00063260 Again, if you have $1000 and if you want to take 2% of risk on this particular trade, 3tQP9_0MCgg-00126-00063260-00063805 and when you find the stop loss to be 10 pips, then the correct lot sizing for you is going 3tQP9_0MCgg-00127-00063805-00064039 to be 0.2 lot. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00128-00064039-00064585 However, if you think the market is going down and if you are positive based on your 3tQP9_0MCgg-00129-00064585-00065305 knowledge and past experience, and when you decide to take a risk of 5%, let’s say, 3tQP9_0MCgg-00130-00065305-00065927 then that means you take a risk of $50 on this particular trade, and in that case, the 3tQP9_0MCgg-00131-00065927-00066406 correct lot sizing for that trade is going to be 0.5 lot. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00132-00066406-00067086 Or if you only want to take a risk of 1%, then it’s going to be 0.1 lot ok? 3tQP9_0MCgg-00133-00067086-00067588 So depending on the circumstance, your lot sizing should be changed and this is exactly 3tQP9_0MCgg-00134-00067588-00067913 how I manage my positions on each trade. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00135-00067913-00068476 Like I said on my previous video, usually I take 2% risk on each trade, and if you look 3tQP9_0MCgg-00136-00068476-00068894 at my positions in the past, you think they are relatively big, right? 3tQP9_0MCgg-00137-00068894-00069533 like sometime I go for 5 lots or 10 lots, or sometimes I even go for 50 lots. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00138-00069533-00070167 But now you know, that’s because I have a big capital of over $100,000 each month, 3tQP9_0MCgg-00139-00070167-00070831 and also, this is more important but also, the loss cut of my entries are very tight 3tQP9_0MCgg-00140-00070831-00070995 every time. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00141-00070995-00071610 Like I only look for where the loss cut can be only 10 pips or 20 pips at most, but still 3tQP9_0MCgg-00142-00071610-00072056 expect high reward of more than 80 pips in average. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00143-00072056-00072648 And that’s why I can go for big lot sizing because still, my loss is going to be just 3tQP9_0MCgg-00144-00072648-00073123 like 2% of my capital in average on each trade. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00145-00073123-00073735 If you do the math, then you know reasonably how small my each positions are. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00146-00073735-00074297 And it’s ok when I get loss as a result because it always tells me there is a change 3tQP9_0MCgg-00147-00074297-00074857 in momentum on the market every time I get loss cut, but the thing is, I manage the risk 3tQP9_0MCgg-00148-00074857-00075444 on each trade and by doing this, I grow my account each month and be able to 9make my 3tQP9_0MCgg-00149-00075444-00075563 living like this. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00150-00075563-00076070 And this is the reason why money management is so important because if you don’t know 3tQP9_0MCgg-00151-00076070-00076506 how to do all these, like how to come up with the correct lot sizing on each trade depending 3tQP9_0MCgg-00152-00076506-00077201 on your capital, no matter how good the strategy is, when you get loss, it’s going to be 3tQP9_0MCgg-00153-00077201-00077597 huge and you blow up your account 1 time. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00154-00077597-00078191 Remember, on my previous video on part 2, I explained by the example of green balls 3tQP9_0MCgg-00155-00078191-00078344 and red balls right? 3tQP9_0MCgg-00156-00078344-00078881 If you haven’t watched it, the link is on the upper right corner now or it will be on 3tQP9_0MCgg-00157-00078881-00079585 the description below, but even if your winning rate is like 80%, when you get a loss without 3tQP9_0MCgg-00158-00079585-00080147 this money management strategy, your account is going to be blown up easily because when 3tQP9_0MCgg-00159-00080147-00080697 you get loss, it’s going to be much bigger than the total amount of the gain you have. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00160-00080697-00081189 So, at first, this might be a bit of pain for you to calculate the lot sizing like this 3tQP9_0MCgg-00161-00081189-00081707 every time you take a position, but when you are used to this, then you can just do it 3tQP9_0MCgg-00162-00081707-00082356 automatically in your head like you breathe everyday, but it literally saves your life. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00163-00082356-00082907 So every time you look at a chart and every time you imagine where to place buy or sell, 3tQP9_0MCgg-00164-00082907-00083520 always, you know, always decide where to place stop loss first, then get that pips to the 3tQP9_0MCgg-00165-00083520-00084162 stop loss, and calculate the percentage risk you are taking based on your capital, and 3tQP9_0MCgg-00166-00084162-00084748 do this over and over, and get used to it, because you know what, this technique is truly 3tQP9_0MCgg-00167-00084748-00085231 much more important than all the technical analysis or winning rate because if you are 3tQP9_0MCgg-00168-00085231-00085876 good at position sizing and risk management, then even if your winning rate is like 30%, 3tQP9_0MCgg-00169-00085876-00086104 you can still grow your account. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00170-00086104-00086474 Actually there’s a statistic proof for that, and I will show it to you some time. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00171-00086474-00087004 And of course, if you combine it with your technical analysis, then you will not only 3tQP9_0MCgg-00172-00087004-00087601 be able to increase your winning rate and max profit, but you can also secure and grow 3tQP9_0MCgg-00173-00087601-00087830 your capital in a long run. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00174-00087830-00088087 Alright, thank you for watching until the end. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00175-00088087-00088562 If you liked today’s video, please press a good button so that it keeps me going, and 3tQP9_0MCgg-00176-00088562-00089069 from the next video, like I announced earlier, from the next video in November, I will be 3tQP9_0MCgg-00177-00089069-00089563 talking all about price actions, like candle sticks and chart patterns of the market. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00178-00089563-00090160 There will be 8 videos total, you know we have 4 Mondays and 4 Thursdays, so total 8 3tQP9_0MCgg-00179-00090160-00090725 videos, I will be explaining all about the price action trading strategies that I’m 3tQP9_0MCgg-00180-00090725-00090844 currently using. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00181-00090844-00091356 So if you don’t want to miss those videos, and I do live streaming every Tuesday and 3tQP9_0MCgg-00182-00091356-00091843 Friday, so if you don’t want to miss those lives, please make sure to subscribe and hit 3tQP9_0MCgg-00183-00091843-00092127 a bell so that you get notifications, alright? 3tQP9_0MCgg-00184-00092127-00092627 Again, thank you for watching till the end and thank you for your support as always. 3tQP9_0MCgg-00185-00092627-00093873 I will see you on next one.Stay Gold, 3tQP9_0MCgg-00186-00093873-00094427 Matane 3w5oxrYFY7U-00000-00000192-00000696 the Delta industrial automation makes equipment for managing assembly lines 3w5oxrYFY7U-00001-00000696-00001312 the equipment rely on uh tp editor which is an application for 3w5oxrYFY7U-00002-00001312-00001903 making stf files that determine what text would look like when displayed on 3w5oxrYFY7U-00003-00001903-00002240 the delta text panels 3w5oxrYFY7U-00004-00002392-00002792 this is a condensed snippet illustrating the code 3w5oxrYFY7U-00005-00002792-00003184 that parses the sta files 3w5oxrYFY7U-00006-00003192-00003620 take a moment to find the flaw 3xN2TTx9epY-00000-00000090-00000606 All right we'll go ahead and get started. Hello and welcome everyone to the first 3xN2TTx9epY-00001-00000606-00001122 of the Discovering our Ancestors and Preserving Historic Grave Sites webinar series Understanding 3xN2TTx9epY-00002-00001122-00001757 Site Ownership and access to grave sites my name is Mary Fernandez and I am a program outreach 3xN2TTx9epY-00003-00001757-00002256 coordinator for the National Trust for Historic Preservation The National Trust has prioritized 3xN2TTx9epY-00004-00002256-00002808 the preservation of historic cemeteries through several several initiatives and programs including 3xN2TTx9epY-00005-00002808-00003347 through Grant making the Hope Crew and other forms advocacy like our work at Shockoe Bottom and 3xN2TTx9epY-00006-00003347-00003906 through America's 11 Most Endangered Historic Places including Olivewood Cemetery in 2022 3xN2TTx9epY-00007-00003906-00004638 Morningstar Tabernacle number 88 Order of Moses Cemetery and Hall the Indigenous burial sites 3xN2TTx9epY-00008-00004638-00005238 at Rassawek in Virginia and at the West Berkeley Shellmound and Village site in California in 2020 3xN2TTx9epY-00009-00005298-00006150 the Ancestral Places of Utah which was in 2019 and as many of you all know the needs related to 3xN2TTx9epY-00010-00006150-00006659 preserving historic cemeteries is enormous and the National Trust is committed to continuing 3xN2TTx9epY-00011-00006659-00007223 to provide resources and tools to address that need such as this webinar series as well as an 3xN2TTx9epY-00012-00007223-00007728 in-person event this fall coordinating with our annual PastForward conference in Washington DC 3xN2TTx9epY-00013-00007806-00008406 I'd like to say that everyone has a cemetery whether it's one they love or one that is 3xN2TTx9epY-00014-00008406-00008892 the final resting place for their loved ones I myself came to be passionate about cemeteries 3xN2TTx9epY-00015-00008892-00009408 due to my professional background in museums and historic sites so next slide please 3xN2TTx9epY-00016-00009978-00010116 so thanks 3xN2TTx9epY-00017-00010320-00010878 so most recently before joining The National Trust I served as the director 3xN2TTx9epY-00018-00010878-00011340 of special events special projects and volunteers at historic Oakland Cemetery in Atlanta, Georgia 3xN2TTx9epY-00019-00011406-00012264 I'd also like to introduce my co-host for today Mr. Jason Church. Jason Church is the chief of 3xN2TTx9epY-00020-00012264-00012672 technical services at the national Center for Preservation Technology and Training with the 3xN2TTx9epY-00021-00012672-00013241 National Park Service and Jason divides his time between conducting in-house research organizing 3xN2TTx9epY-00022-00013241-00013758 various training events and teaching hands-on conservation workshops church is currently the 3xN2TTx9epY-00023-00013758-00014436 conservation chair of the Association for Graves Home Studies and he is the one of the best people 3xN2TTx9epY-00024-00014436-00015174 to know in the field of cemetery preservation so Jason if you'd like to hop on. Thanks Mary 3xN2TTx9epY-00025-00015174-00015738 so welcome everybody today as Mary said my name is Jason Church I'm with the National Center for 3xN2TTx9epY-00026-00015738-00016236 Preservation and Technology and Training and we're a National Park Service research and training 3xN2TTx9epY-00027-00016236-00016878 office located in Natchitoches Louisiana and I've been here working uh in our cemetery preservation 3xN2TTx9epY-00028-00016878-00017490 efforts for 18 years the center has been working with cemetery preservation longer than that 3xN2TTx9epY-00029-00017586-00018198 um and we're we're super excited to have you all join us um and you know Mary through her 3xN2TTx9epY-00030-00018198-00018762 her hat in how she got involved I will say I got involved in cemetery preservation in a 3xN2TTx9epY-00031-00018762-00019446 third grade North Carolina history project where I did a walking video tour of Oakdale Cemetery in 3xN2TTx9epY-00032-00019446-00020022 Wilmington, North Carolina and I've been hooked ever since uh so I'm really excited that you're 3xN2TTx9epY-00033-00020022-00020460 going to join us and please yeah we've got two more webinar series that we're going to 3xN2TTx9epY-00034-00020460-00021006 be doing uh we're really excited to uh to share what we are passionate about with you thank you 3xN2TTx9epY-00035-00021228-00021942 thank you so much Jason that's fantastic uh and if you'd like we can air that third grade uh tour 3xN2TTx9epY-00036-00021942-00022710 of the cemetery in one of the future webinars I actually have a digital copy of it laughs 3xN2TTx9epY-00037-00022956-00023310 um so in case y'all didn't know Preservation Leadership Forum where this webinar is being 3xN2TTx9epY-00038-00023310-00023802 hosted is the professional membership program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation this 3xN2TTx9epY-00039-00023802-00024282 webinar series is made possible by members of Preservation Leadership Forum and we sincerely 3xN2TTx9epY-00040-00024282-00024768 thank those of y'all who are with us today uh before we begin here are a few technical 3xN2TTx9epY-00041-00024768-00025356 logistics we will take questions from the audience throughout the webinar uh please 3xN2TTx9epY-00042-00025356-00025895 send questions via the Q&A function directly to panelists you're welcome to submit at any point 3xN2TTx9epY-00043-00025895-00026489 during the webinar but we will be waiting until the Q a section to answer questions you are also 3xN2TTx9epY-00044-00026489-00026892 encouraged to communicate to all participants you know throughout through the chat function 3xN2TTx9epY-00045-00026958-00027492 uh the closed captioning function is enabled for this webinar uh following the program we will be 3xN2TTx9epY-00046-00027492-00027882 sending out a recording of today's webinar directly to the email you used to register 3xN2TTx9epY-00047-00027882-00028380 you know I encourage you to please share the recording with your colleagues working to 3xN2TTx9epY-00048-00028380-00028950 preserve their historic cemeteries and you know please also feel free to introduce yourself and 3xN2TTx9epY-00049-00028950-00029472 your Cemetery in the chat and let us know what future topics or tools you'd like to see finally 3xN2TTx9epY-00050-00029472-00030468 all Forum webinars are archived in our Forum webinar Library and without any further ado 3xN2TTx9epY-00051-00030468-00031116 if you'll go to the next slide please I'd like to introduce uh our panelists today we're joined 3xN2TTx9epY-00052-00031116-00031620 by Christopher Cody with the National Trust for Historic Preservation Pam Bowman with the National 3xN2TTx9epY-00053-00031620-00032220 Trust for Historic Preservation as well as Everett Fly and Everett Fly Associates next slide please 3xN2TTx9epY-00054-00032460-00032928 first up we have Christopher Cody Christopher Cody is associate general counsel for the National 3xN2TTx9epY-00055-00032928-00033492 Trust for Historic Preservation working in the area of legal advocacy prior to the National Trust 3xN2TTx9epY-00056-00033492-00034020 Mr. Cody was a deputy State Historic Preservation Officer for the State of Arizona and manager 3xN2TTx9epY-00057-00034020-00034476 of advocacy and staff attorney for historic Charleston Foundation in Charleston South Carolina 3xN2TTx9epY-00058-00034548-00035088 hey Chris if you'd like to take it over thank you very much Mary uh next slide please 3xN2TTx9epY-00059-00035166-00035562 let's begin with a very brief overview of the legal framework for burial sites and 3xN2TTx9epY-00060-00035562-00036048 cemeteries followed by a discussion of legal issues in federal law so burial sites are a 3xN2TTx9epY-00061-00036048-00036414 special type of real property and there's an important distinction I'd like to make right 3xN2TTx9epY-00062-00036414-00036876 off the bat although we may refer to any real property containing human remains as a burial 3xN2TTx9epY-00063-00036876-00037482 site all burial sites are not cemeteries instead cemeteries are defined by state statutes That Vary 3xN2TTx9epY-00064-00037482-00037968 significantly from state to state statutory definitions of cemeteries often specifically 3xN2TTx9epY-00065-00037968-00038490 exclude individual marked and unmarked graves and burial places owned by restricted groups such 3xN2TTx9epY-00066-00038490-00039012 as families religious organizations or fraternal organizations individual state statutes and common 3xN2TTx9epY-00067-00039012-00039534 law contain these relevant legal definitions and distinctions now how the law deals with cemeteries 3xN2TTx9epY-00068-00039534-00039924 and burial sites has been a concern since the earliest days of our country the first Supreme 3xN2TTx9epY-00069-00039924-00040392 Court case on the subject was all the way back in 1829 and the quote at the bottom of this slide 3xN2TTx9epY-00070-00040392-00040914 from a 1926 case out of New York I think well summarizes the Law's respect for the dead and 3xN2TTx9epY-00071-00040914-00041430 burial sites "the dead are to rest where they have been laid unless a reason of substance is brought 3xN2TTx9epY-00072-00041430-00042030 forward for disturbing their repose." next slide please let's start our discussion of the legal 3xN2TTx9epY-00073-00042030-00042540 framework concerning descendants rights first of all and you'll hear me repeat this throughout this 3xN2TTx9epY-00074-00042540-00043092 presentation the laws in this area vary from state to state however universally descendants 3xN2TTx9epY-00075-00043092-00043530 have legal rights connected to their ancestors burial sites these rights are not ownership 3xN2TTx9epY-00076-00043530-00043986 rights rather they're typically more akin to an easement and gross which is a type of affirmative 3xN2TTx9epY-00077-00043986-00044514 easement that empowers a specific individual or entity with a specific right this notably differs 3xN2TTx9epY-00078-00044514-00045030 from an easement a pertinent that attaches to the property itself like an access easement 3xN2TTx9epY-00079-00045030-00045534 where one property is the dominant estate and the other the subservient the most common example of 3xN2TTx9epY-00080-00045534-00046002 an easement and gross is a utility easement now the way to determine whether or not any kind of 3xN2TTx9epY-00081-00046002-00046470 easement exists on a piece of property is through a detailed title examination check with your local 3xN2TTx9epY-00082-00046470-00046866 property records office to make sure that you've examined every possible piece of information about 3xN2TTx9epY-00083-00046866-00047298 your property and I know that other speakers are going to touch on this as well next slide please 3xN2TTx9epY-00084-00047706-00048126 let's now move to the legal framework for the private ownership of burial sites while 3xN2TTx9epY-00085-00048126-00048474 descendants do have the right to visit the burial sites of their ancestors those rights 3xN2TTx9epY-00086-00048474-00048954 are not unlimited again this varies from state to state but generally speaking the owners of burial 3xN2TTx9epY-00087-00048954-00049392 sites and cemeteries can require reasonable notice prior to a descended visit and can also 3xN2TTx9epY-00088-00049392-00049866 reasonably limit the hours open for visitation and even the frequency and duration of visits 3xN2TTx9epY-00089-00049866-00050250 I know that my colleagues are going to speak more about maintenance later but to quickly touch on 3xN2TTx9epY-00090-00050250-00050658 it from a legal perspective first of all many jurisdictions have no maintenance requirements 3xN2TTx9epY-00091-00050658-00051162 for the private owners of burial sites that being said if they're neglected they can potentially 3xN2TTx9epY-00092-00051162-00051582 rise to the level of being a nuisance if they diminish the value of neighboring properties 3xN2TTx9epY-00093-00051641-00052116 lastly in some cases private property owners are willing to provide some public access to burial 3xN2TTx9epY-00094-00052116-00052566 sites for non-descendants the images on this slide are from the burial site of Johnny Ringo 3xN2TTx9epY-00095-00052566-00053105 who famously was a villain in the shootout at the OK Corral in Tombstone Arizona it's located in a 3xN2TTx9epY-00096-00053105-00053610 remote area of Southeastern Arizona and the owners of the property faced with public interest in the 3xN2TTx9epY-00097-00053610-00054108 site built a turn off to help facilitate Public Access as you can see from the before slide in 3xN2TTx9epY-00098-00054108-00054617 the bottom left the site is by a picturesque River unfortunately the public began to abuse the site 3xN2TTx9epY-00099-00054617-00055050 leading to the direction of a sign establishing rules which you can see in the center and then 3xN2TTx9epY-00100-00055050-00055452 finally if you look closely at the image on the bottom right the owners head to erect a fence 3xN2TTx9epY-00101-00055452-00055920 all around the site to keep people from camping nearby and from hiking all over their private land 3xN2TTx9epY-00102-00055920-00056424 and generally trashing the area this is an example of the challenges of inviting the public to visit 3xN2TTx9epY-00103-00056424-00056934 privately owned burial sites and the cost that the owners sometimes have to bear next slide please 3xN2TTx9epY-00104-00057132-00057641 let's now move on from the legal framework to legal issues starting with relocation sometimes 3xN2TTx9epY-00105-00057641-00058026 the owners of burial sites and cemeteries wish for them to be relocated often to allow 3xN2TTx9epY-00106-00058026-00058602 for redevelopment this is usually possible if certain conditions are met now I again have 3xN2TTx9epY-00107-00058602-00059064 to the most common condition is the burial site or Cemetery has to be abandoned and now I again 3xN2TTx9epY-00108-00059064-00059538 have to mention that this differs from state to state but let's look at Virginia's requirements as 3xN2TTx9epY-00109-00059538-00060012 an example to be considered abandoned in Virginia there could not have been any new burials for the 3xN2TTx9epY-00110-00060012-00060467 past 25 years and there has to be evidence that no one has maintained the site for a substantial time 3xN2TTx9epY-00111-00060467-00060990 period Virginia requires a court hearing for the relocation of human remains and that hearing must 3xN2TTx9epY-00112-00060990-00061505 include public notes and while not required recommended actions prior to a court hearing 3xN2TTx9epY-00113-00061505-00061979 in Virginia include conducting a genealogical search for Descendants engaging an archaeologist 3xN2TTx9epY-00114-00061979-00062472 to determine the exact boundaries of the site and contacting the state historic preservation office 3xN2TTx9epY-00115-00062472-00063179 to evaluate the site for historic significance next slide please continuing our exploration 3xN2TTx9epY-00116-00063179-00063816 of legal issues let's now turn to the issue of intentional damage again our favorite refrain is 3xN2TTx9epY-00117-00063816-00064320 relevant here it differs from state to state however the intentional damaging of a burial 3xN2TTx9epY-00118-00064320-00064854 site is always a serious criminal offense in fact damage but damaging or relocating human remains 3xN2TTx9epY-00119-00064854-00065328 is typically a felony if you're concerned that a burial site or cemetery is potentially going to 3xN2TTx9epY-00120-00065328-00065886 suffer damage there are two important things you can do first notify the potential offender most 3xN2TTx9epY-00121-00065886-00066294 of the criminal statutes tied to the damaging of burial sites and cemeteries required that 3xN2TTx9epY-00122-00066294-00066834 the offender has the intent to commit the crime a record of notice stating that for example an area 3xN2TTx9epY-00123-00066834-00067290 slated for development has burial sites within it makes it more difficult for an offender to later 3xN2TTx9epY-00124-00067290-00067782 claim that they didn't intentionally disturb human remains also inform all relevant State 3xN2TTx9epY-00125-00067782-00068262 officials and local ones as well you'll see in the image on this slide a newspaper article it 3xN2TTx9epY-00126-00068262-00068664 concerns a development project that included a historic Cemetery outside of Charleston South 3xN2TTx9epY-00127-00068664-00069246 Carolina in this case in addition to defense map Cemetery for white people it was known locally 3xN2TTx9epY-00128-00069246-00069684 that an African American burial ground also existed just outside of the white cemetery's 3xN2TTx9epY-00129-00069684-00070218 boundaries in 2021 the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control halted work 3xN2TTx9epY-00130-00070218-00070662 at this site because of information that it had received in regards to those potential burials 3xN2TTx9epY-00131-00070662-00071082 demonstrating the effectiveness of providing notice to the appropriate State officials 3xN2TTx9epY-00132-00071082-00071604 lastly on this slide you'll see an example of Virginia's law that establishes the disinterminant 3xN2TTx9epY-00133-00071604-00072180 displacement of human remains as a Class IV felony again this is a serious crime next slide 3xN2TTx9epY-00134-00072426-00072798 let's take a look at some other examples of Virginia laws that deal with intentional damage 3xN2TTx9epY-00135-00072798-00073224 I find these two laws interesting now please note there are exceptions to them for regular 3xN2TTx9epY-00136-00073224-00073764 maintenance so first sub part one makes it a crime to remove cut, break, or injure any tree 3xN2TTx9epY-00137-00073764-00074370 shrub or plant within any Cemetery that's a very high level of protection second subpart 2 also 3xN2TTx9epY-00138-00074370-00074868 makes it a crime to damage or remove anything placed at essentially any burial site see the 3xN2TTx9epY-00139-00074868-00075414 expansive definition again this is a high level of protection with criminal penalties lastly these 3xN2TTx9epY-00140-00075414-00075894 two laws show how cemeteries are typically treated differently than other types of burial places by 3xN2TTx9epY-00141-00075894-00076332 the law often afforded higher protections even extending to their Landscaping in Virginia 3xN2TTx9epY-00142-00076392-00077040 next slide please here's one more example of a Virginia law that deals with intentional damage 3xN2TTx9epY-00143-00077040-00077622 to burial sites this law makes it a felony to destroy mutilate to face injure or remove any 3xN2TTx9epY-00144-00077622-00078204 element of virtually any burial site explicitly including the fencing or railing around it this 3xN2TTx9epY-00145-00078204-00078654 again underscores the serious nature of any molestation of burial sites the law clearly 3xN2TTx9epY-00146-00078654-00079194 demands respect for the dead and for their final resting places with high felony penalties for 3xN2TTx9epY-00147-00079194-00079920 violations next slide please next let's briefly discuss the legal issues surrounding the discovery 3xN2TTx9epY-00148-00079920-00080418 of human remains or funary objects the statute on this slide is from Arizona and includes a 3xN2TTx9epY-00149-00080418-00080910 couple important concepts related to discoveries first of all there is a virtually Universal duty 3xN2TTx9epY-00150-00080910-00081456 to report the discovery of any human remains no matter the circumstances in Arizona the 3xN2TTx9epY-00151-00081456-00081876 discovery of human remains funerary objects ceremonial objects or objects of national 3xN2TTx9epY-00152-00081876-00082344 tribal patrimony must be reported to the director of the Arizona State Museum note 3xN2TTx9epY-00153-00082344-00082752 that this particular law does not generally apply to private citizens on private property 3xN2TTx9epY-00154-00082752-00083154 but rather to state and local governments and permitted archaeological explorations 3xN2TTx9epY-00155-00083208-00083790 the director then has a responsibility to notify not only potential relatives but also any groups 3xN2TTx9epY-00156-00083790-00084246 or tribes that may have a cultural or religious Affinity with the remains or objects along with 3xN2TTx9epY-00157-00084246-00084654 relevant academics and the state historic preservation officer next slide please 3xN2TTx9epY-00158-00084834-00085446 this law includes the important concept of tribal notification Arizona has 22 federally recognized 3xN2TTx9epY-00159-00085446-00085950 tribes and for many of them the remains of their ancestors and Associated funerary objects are 3xN2TTx9epY-00160-00085950-00086424 highly sacred as you can see from the statute each tribe that wishes to receive notice of 3xN2TTx9epY-00161-00086424-00086904 discoveries must keep on file with the director a geographic area and list of cultural groups 3xN2TTx9epY-00162-00086904-00087342 for which they claim Affinity this is a very important concept as it relates to discoveries 3xN2TTx9epY-00163-00087342-00087876 Native American tribes historically often occupy different areas than they do now and the area in 3xN2TTx9epY-00164-00087876-00088308 which a tribe claims Affinity can be far more expansive than you might expect the evolution 3xN2TTx9epY-00165-00088308-00088764 of cultural groups is also important tribes that today are unrelated could sometimes have common 3xN2TTx9epY-00166-00088764-00089268 ancestors which creates an interest in the remains or objects associated with those ancient ancestors 3xN2TTx9epY-00167-00089322-00089850 next slide please the concept of tribal notification and respect for tribal remains and 3xN2TTx9epY-00168-00089850-00090348 objects is enshrined in federal law the federal law that provides these protections is nagpra 3xN2TTx9epY-00169-00090348-00090930 first passed in 1990. nagpra establishes federal protections for Native American burial sites human 3xN2TTx9epY-00170-00090930-00091470 remains and cultural items and both civil and criminal penalties for violations it requires 3xN2TTx9epY-00171-00091470-00091950 federal agencies and some recipients of Federal funds to undertake notification and repatriation 3xN2TTx9epY-00172-00091950-00092466 efforts and for more information the National Park services Service administers the national 3xN2TTx9epY-00173-00092466-00093000 NAGPRA program you can see a link to it on this slide I encourage you all to to look to that for 3xN2TTx9epY-00174-00093000-00093558 more information this is a very complex law and many states have state level laws that echo NAGPRA 3xN2TTx9epY-00175-00093558-00094068 like the Arizona law that we just reviewed on the previous two slides next slide please 3xN2TTx9epY-00176-00094284-00094866 finally I'd like to end by bringing up Section 106 of the National Historic preservation Act and how 3xN2TTx9epY-00177-00094866-00095232 it deals with burial places and cemeteries for those of you who are unfamiliar the 3xN2TTx9epY-00178-00095232-00095796 NHPA requires Federal undertakings uh consider historic resources via the Section 106 process 3xN2TTx9epY-00179-00095796-00096276 be aware that burial sites and cemeteries are not automatically considered historic 3xN2TTx9epY-00180-00096276-00096744 resources for the purposes of section 106. they must satisfy the criteria for listing 3xN2TTx9epY-00181-00096744-00097278 on the National Register of Historic Places to be so considered now there's a policy statement 3xN2TTx9epY-00182-00097278-00097752 that's been adopted by the President's Advisory Council on Historic Oreservation concerning burial 3xN2TTx9epY-00183-00097752-00098316 sites in section 106 there's a link to it on the slide here and this is an excellent resource for 3xN2TTx9epY-00184-00098316-00098892 understanding best practices as it relates to section 106 Imperial sites and finally I'd like 3xN2TTx9epY-00185-00098892-00099372 to highlight some ongoing National Trust work with Section 106 and historic burial sites and 3xN2TTx9epY-00186-00099372-00099930 cemeteries specifically at Shockoe Hill African burial ground in Virginia and at Morningstar 3xN2TTx9epY-00187-00099930-00100446 Tabernacle number 88 Prder of Moses Cemetery and Hall in Maryland both of these African American 3xN2TTx9epY-00188-00100446-00100878 from burial sites are threatened by proposed transportation projects that require Section 3xN2TTx9epY-00189-00100878-00101496 106 review and Moses Hall was actually previously damaged by a 1960s road project and was included 3xN2TTx9epY-00190-00101496-00102048 on our 2021 list of The 11 most Endangered Places in America so with that I conclude 3xN2TTx9epY-00191-00102048-00102678 my presentation thank you very much for your time thank you so much Chris 3xN2TTx9epY-00192-00102864-00103458 um moving on to our next panelist we are joined by Pam Bowman who is the senior director for 3xN2TTx9epY-00193-00103458-00103961 Public Lands policy and the government relations department at the National Trust uh where she 3xN2TTx9epY-00194-00103961-00104580 focuses on uh designing and implementing advocacy campaigns to secure passage of federal legislation 3xN2TTx9epY-00195-00104658-00105138 Pam has spent the last 20 years in Washington DC deeply engaged in the legislative process 3xN2TTx9epY-00196-00105138-00105611 including working for two members of Congress on their legislative teams and for non-profit 3xN2TTx9epY-00197-00105611-00106176 organizations as an advocate and lobbyist at the National Trust her work includes federal 3xN2TTx9epY-00198-00106176-00106632 funding advocacy and supporting legislation that would permanently protect historic places 3xN2TTx9epY-00199-00106632-00107424 Nationwide. Thank you Pam thanks Mary and hi everyone thanks for joining the webinar 3xN2TTx9epY-00200-00107424-00107909 today I am going to briefly share with you some background on a future Federal 3xN2TTx9epY-00201-00107909-00108318 funding opportunity for the preservation community and those who are working to 3xN2TTx9epY-00202-00108318-00108792 preserve African American burial grounds and we also have an opportunity to get involved in 3xN2TTx9epY-00203-00108792-00109392 advocacy for Federal appropriations to help support a new program um next slide please 3xN2TTx9epY-00204-00109709-00110232 The National Trust along with our partners for several years worked on the legislative effort 3xN2TTx9epY-00205-00110232-00110759 to establish a grant program to preserve African American burial grounds many of 3xN2TTx9epY-00206-00110759-00111342 you on this webinar may have taken action on our website in the past couple years to send 3xN2TTx9epY-00207-00111342-00111870 letters to your members of Congress supporting this bill or joining us for the virtual Hill 3xN2TTx9epY-00208-00111870-00112416 meetings that we had last fall as part of our pass forward conference and thank you again to 3xN2TTx9epY-00209-00112416-00112938 all those who got involved in this legislative effort all of your support involvement were 3xN2TTx9epY-00210-00112938-00113664 instrumental in the success of this legislation so in the last Congress bipartisan legislation 3xN2TTx9epY-00211-00113664-00114180 called the African-American Burial Grounds Preservation Act was broadly supported in 3xN2TTx9epY-00212-00114180-00114726 both the house and the Senate and after the midterm elections Congress needed to pass a 3xN2TTx9epY-00213-00114726-00115188 large spending package to fund the government and what we've seen in recent years is that 3xN2TTx9epY-00214-00115188-00115644 other bipartisan bills often get added to those large legislative spending packages 3xN2TTx9epY-00215-00115709-00116196 so we were definitely thrilled when the legislative provisions of this bill were 3xN2TTx9epY-00216-00116196-00116976 included as part of the fiscal year 2023 Omnibus spending package that was enacted in December 2022 3xN2TTx9epY-00217-00116976-00117635 just before the holidays and what this bill did it is it established the National Park Service 3xN2TTx9epY-00218-00117635-00118230 African American Burial Grounds Preservation Program by authorizing three million dollars 3xN2TTx9epY-00219-00118230-00118908 annually for five years and this grant program will aid efforts across the country to research 3xN2TTx9epY-00220-00118908-00119478 identify document preserve and interpret historic African American burial grounds 3xN2TTx9epY-00221-00119532-00120048 and another component to this legislation is that the Secretary of the Interior must engage in 3xN2TTx9epY-00222-00120048-00120533 consultation with the National Trust and members of the African American heritage community in 3xN2TTx9epY-00223-00120533-00121026 developing that grant program so we are definitely looking forward to collaborating with the National 3xN2TTx9epY-00224-00121026-00121709 Park Service and others in implementing this new initiative uh so while we're very excited about 3xN2TTx9epY-00225-00121709-00122220 this legislative success and the new program there's several steps between now and when the 3xN2TTx9epY-00226-00122220-00122730 program will be operational and as many of you know Federal funding and appropriations can be 3xN2TTx9epY-00227-00122730-00123311 a lengthy process and everything happens in a particular order so in the case for this bill 3xN2TTx9epY-00228-00123311-00123858 and this program it needs to be authorized then the federal dollars need to be appropriated and 3xN2TTx9epY-00229-00123858-00124344 then the National Park Service would have the funds available to carry out the program and 3xN2TTx9epY-00230-00124344-00124794 some of these programs uh in the federal budget are only authorized for a specific period of time 3xN2TTx9epY-00231-00124794-00125352 and for example this one is for five years so one of the first steps that since this legislation 3xN2TTx9epY-00232-00125352-00125868 authorized the appropriation Congress is still going to need to actually appropriate the money 3xN2TTx9epY-00233-00125868-00126480 as part of the fiscal year 2024 appropriation cycle and the great news is that we've already 3xN2TTx9epY-00234-00126480-00127296 seen support for that funding early in 2023. back in March President Biden's fiscal year 2024 budget 3xN2TTx9epY-00235-00127296-00127776 proposal to Congress included the full three million dollars to the National Park Service 3xN2TTx9epY-00236-00127776-00128274 for the grant program and several Senate offices have already led a letter to the Appropriations 3xN2TTx9epY-00237-00128274-00128826 Committee in support of fully funding the program at 3 million uh next slide please 3xN2TTx9epY-00238-00129216-00129726 so this is definitely an opportunity for all of us to engage in federal advocacy over the 3xN2TTx9epY-00239-00129726-00130224 next few weeks and months to show our support for fully funding the African American Burial Grounds 3xN2TTx9epY-00240-00130224-00130752 Program a big part of the government relations work at the National Trust is advocating for 3xN2TTx9epY-00241-00130752-00131268 federal funding including Grant programs uh the support the preservation and protection of 3xN2TTx9epY-00242-00131268-00131850 historic sites and cultural artifacts Nationwide this includes developing resources so that we can 3xN2TTx9epY-00243-00131850-00132372 collectively push for sustained Federal funding and here again on the slide is an ask that you 3xN2TTx9epY-00244-00132372-00132846 can make to your members of Congress in both the house and the Senate and that ask is to 3xN2TTx9epY-00245-00132846-00133434 support full funding at three million dollars for the new National Park Service African American 3xN2TTx9epY-00246-00133434-00134064 Burial Grounds Program we'll also add a link to the chat to our annual report called the 3xN2TTx9epY-00247-00134064-00134808 preservation budget select preservation priorities for fiscal year 2024 Appropriations and this is a 3xN2TTx9epY-00248-00134808-00135330 report we share with Congress and the preservation Community each year that recommends funding levels 3xN2TTx9epY-00249-00135330-00135888 for various programs and you'll see that it's a long report covers a wide variety of federal 3xN2TTx9epY-00250-00135888-00136410 funding issues and you may find a number of other programs you're interested in supporting but in 3xN2TTx9epY-00251-00136410-00136914 terms of this program there's a front and back page for the burial grounds preservation program 3xN2TTx9epY-00252-00136914-00137502 and that should be PDF page 25 to read more about the details for that advocacy 3xN2TTx9epY-00253-00137610-00138042 the trust government relations team has already been in contact with our partners and champions 3xN2TTx9epY-00254-00138042-00138564 on Capitol Hill about the annual appropriation and we definitely need your support so that members of 3xN2TTx9epY-00255-00138564-00139080 Congress are hearing directly from constituents about the importance of this community uh 3xN2TTx9epY-00256-00139080-00139692 Community program and what that would do for um burial grounds throughout the nation so whenever 3xN2TTx9epY-00257-00139692-00140220 possible when you're talking to the Congressional offices about this program really share as much 3xN2TTx9epY-00258-00140220-00140688 detail as you can about state and local examples that will resonate with Congressional offices 3xN2TTx9epY-00259-00140748-00141210 elected officials and their staff love to hear the personal stories and the 3xN2TTx9epY-00260-00141210-00141606 histories of places they represent and it really does make a big difference 3xN2TTx9epY-00261-00141606-00142032 in giving context and personalization to the asks that you're making of that office 3xN2TTx9epY-00262-00142134-00142728 so we're hoping to secure another win on this issue with full funding for the program and 3xN2TTx9epY-00263-00142728-00143136 then the National Park Service will launch their process for deciding and creating the new program 3xN2TTx9epY-00264-00143136-00143736 and one of the best ways for you to get updates on when that funding is secured and when this program 3xN2TTx9epY-00265-00143736-00144336 launches is by signing up to receive our monthly government relations email newsletter if you 3xN2TTx9epY-00266-00144336-00144876 don't already receive it um here's where we share updates throughout the year on federal advocacy 3xN2TTx9epY-00267-00144876-00145422 opportunities for you to get engaged and also upcoming dates for Grant application deadlines 3xN2TTx9epY-00268-00145494-00146112 and finally um I'll briefly mention um something about nagpra the previous presenter Chris Cody 3xN2TTx9epY-00269-00146112-00146664 spoke about uh NAGRPA and I wanted to briefly mention there's occasionally opportunities to 3xN2TTx9epY-00270-00146664-00147216 engage with Congressional offices about the law and its implementation in the house the committee 3xN2TTx9epY-00271-00147216-00147744 of jurisdiction is the house natural resources committee and in the Senate it's the Senate energy 3xN2TTx9epY-00272-00147744-00148296 and natural resources committee and there's often hearings and other bills and legislation that get 3xN2TTx9epY-00273-00148296-00148824 introduced throughout the year um and this issue is often mentioned during their deliberations and 3xN2TTx9epY-00274-00148824-00149316 they're generally good committees to follow if you're interested in learning more and 3xN2TTx9epY-00275-00149316-00149874 I'll also drop a link in the chat uh to one of our partners the National Association of 3xN2TTx9epY-00276-00149874-00150462 Tribal Historic Preservation Officers who have a page dedicated to NAGPRA and the advocacy work 3xN2TTx9epY-00277-00150462-00150978 that they've done and it shows some pretty good examples of advocacy opportunities that arise 3xN2TTx9epY-00278-00150978-00151518 around NAGPRA in addition to some of the other links that have been shared from the National Park 3xN2TTx9epY-00279-00151518-00152124 Service about the background of that particular law and I will stop there thanks everybody 3xN2TTx9epY-00280-00152520-00153414 thank you so much Pam uh moving on we are we are joined by Everett Fly who is a San 3xN2TTx9epY-00281-00153414-00154050 Antonio native and residence a licensed landscape architect and an architect he has more than 40 3xN2TTx9epY-00282-00154050-00154608 years of national experience preserving historic Black towns and settlements he is a fellow of the 3xN2TTx9epY-00283-00154608-00155220 American Society of Landscape Architects Awards include the 2014 National Humanities medal 2020 3xN2TTx9epY-00284-00155220-00155826 conservation Society of San Antonio Texas hero of preservation award 2021 Daughters of the American 3xN2TTx9epY-00285-00155826-00156432 Revolution historic preservation medal uh and the 2021 Harvard University graduate school of 3xN2TTx9epY-00286-00156432-00157026 design distinguished alumni award thank you so much for joining us today Everett thank you Mary 3xN2TTx9epY-00287-00157026-00157980 for having me and I want to thank Christopher and Pam for really setting up the stage of the uh the 3xN2TTx9epY-00288-00157980-00158628 ordinances the policies the guidelines uh that you would come in contact when you're dealing with a 3xN2TTx9epY-00289-00158628-00159636 historic cemetery I understand that it might seem like very overwhelming but there are ways that you 3xN2TTx9epY-00290-00159636-00160452 can gradually work your way into documenting and understanding the kind of resource that 3xN2TTx9epY-00291-00160452-00161034 you have and then of course as Christopher and Tam pointed out there are regulations 3xN2TTx9epY-00292-00161034-00161994 definitions criteria that you have to match as you go along so I'm going to try to highlight 3xN2TTx9epY-00293-00161994-00162744 some of those and see if I can tie some of the strings together for the for the participants 3xN2TTx9epY-00294-00162744-00163722 one of the thing things that both of them excuse me pointed out is excuse me that just a second 3xN2TTx9epY-00295-00164184-00165054 excuse me that that the burial grounds um may not be clearly defined and so what we have to 3xN2TTx9epY-00296-00165054-00165450 recognize and understand is that many of our burial grounds are what I would call 3xN2TTx9epY-00297-00165450-00166080 vernacular in nature in other words they they don't follow a a geometric grid they 3xN2TTx9epY-00298-00166080-00166806 don't follow a particular stylistic pattern um they kind of evolve organically in our American 3xN2TTx9epY-00299-00166806-00167940 landscape so next slide please foreign so I'd like to start just by setting out some uh thoughts of 3xN2TTx9epY-00300-00168006-00168684 um you know how do you document and how do you verify uh the context or ownership the 3xN2TTx9epY-00301-00168684-00169224 the Airship of ownership and uh as Christopher did a good job pointing out ownership itself 3xN2TTx9epY-00302-00169344-00169956 um one of the things that I've learned in working with these resources is that the context the 3xN2TTx9epY-00303-00169956-00170628 physical as well as the cultural context might give you a lot of Clues and and that's what you're 3xN2TTx9epY-00304-00170628-00171552 working for is to build up as many Clues and pieces of documentation as as possible genealogy 3xN2TTx9epY-00305-00171552-00172332 would seem like an obvious strategy and an obvious approach uh family genealogy including oral 3xN2TTx9epY-00306-00172332-00173022 history but one of the things that I've learned is how important uh Community genealogy is and I'll 3xN2TTx9epY-00307-00173022-00173856 give you a couple of examples it may not seem that oral history is you know really possible with some 3xN2TTx9epY-00308-00173856-00174642 of these older cemeteries but again one of the things that I've learned is that the the stories 3xN2TTx9epY-00309-00174642-00175218 and the experiences have been passed on from one generation to another and if you take a little 3xN2TTx9epY-00310-00175218-00175938 bit of time to sit down uh either with some of the folks or some of the representatives of religious 3xN2TTx9epY-00311-00175938-00176484 congregations or organizations uh you'll find out that somebody has a little threat of information 3xN2TTx9epY-00312-00176484-00177222 a little clue a piece of information that that will give you a clue and then documentation of 3xN2TTx9epY-00313-00177222-00178116 course is always important uh deed description a lot of times can be found it's tedious to 3xN2TTx9epY-00314-00178116-00178638 go through those deeds but I'll show you an example in a moment where there was actually 3xN2TTx9epY-00315-00178638-00179460 there's actually a mention of a deed and then of course a survey and the survey can be prepared by 3xN2TTx9epY-00316-00179460-00180306 a professional certified or licensed surveyor but there are things that you can do starting out uh 3xN2TTx9epY-00317-00180306-00181230 with your kind of a preliminary investigation um and I'll talk about that next slide please okay 3xN2TTx9epY-00318-00181548-00182256 of course here's an example of a family genealogy this is the genealogy chart and this family is 3xN2TTx9epY-00319-00182256-00183198 looking to see who's related to whom but one of the things as pointed out I think Chris did a 3xN2TTx9epY-00320-00183198-00184182 good job and one of the things that I've learned is that um families can be quite extended and uh 3xN2TTx9epY-00321-00184182-00184902 there may be in a seemingly a family plot there may be some neighbors that are buried there may 3xN2TTx9epY-00322-00184902-00185544 be some folks from completely different parts of the community or different parts of the County 3xN2TTx9epY-00323-00185544-00186396 uh buried for different cultural reasons so um when you're working with family genealogy 3xN2TTx9epY-00324-00186396-00187056 connected to a cemetery I would suggest that you try to find as broad of a genealogy 3xN2TTx9epY-00325-00187056-00187806 as possible and look for as many different connections as possible the next slide please 3xN2TTx9epY-00326-00188466-00189234 here are two examples of of what I'm talking about when I say community genealogy these are 3xN2TTx9epY-00327-00189234-00189744 two newspaper articles that I just wanted to show you as an example I'm not expecting you 3xN2TTx9epY-00328-00189744-00190800 to read the articles but um the one on the left is uh June 8th of 1900 and it's appeared in the 3xN2TTx9epY-00329-00190800-00191454 Waterbury evening Democrat uh newspaper in Connecticut and it explained that uh 3xN2TTx9epY-00330-00191580-00192354 prominent family Mr and Mrs Clarence Mackay um were building a home and discovered that there was 3xN2TTx9epY-00331-00192354-00193212 a Negro cemetery and the Mackay purchased uh land and made an arrangement for the bodies that were 3xN2TTx9epY-00332-00193212-00193968 buried in the cemetery to be reinterred so there's several clues in here the Mackay themselves so 3xN2TTx9epY-00333-00193968-00194520 you would be looking for the Deeds related to the Mackay's you would be looking for that land 3xN2TTx9epY-00334-00194520-00195000 that the Mackay's owned when they made the purchase and discovered the cemetery you would be looking 3xN2TTx9epY-00335-00195000-00195636 who did they purchase that land from and what was the history connected to that that burial 3xN2TTx9epY-00336-00195636-00196512 plot and those folks and then uh connect that for example to your to your genealogy and then where 3xN2TTx9epY-00337-00196512-00197574 was the uh the new burial ground or burial place located the one on the right is uh January 2nd 19 3xN2TTx9epY-00338-00197574-00198438 1914 in the it appeared in the Riverdale pointer newspaper in Illinois and you can see there at the 3xN2TTx9epY-00339-00198438-00199296 top it says new negro cemetery and it explains that the community of Thornton Illinois uh 3xN2TTx9epY-00340-00199296-00199962 purchased land for a new negro cemetery and they assigned a name to that new Cemetery it was called 3xN2TTx9epY-00341-00199962-00200712 it was to be called Mount Forest and it also explains that it says the deal was completed at 3xN2TTx9epY-00342-00200712-00201438 the Olivet Baptist Church it gives the address of the church and then it says that the contract was 3xN2TTx9epY-00343-00201438-00202188 signed by uh and it gives several people Reinhold R Hoke of Philadelphia and the Reverend E.J Fisher 3xN2TTx9epY-00344-00202188-00202932 and h.j Cali so you'd want to look look up all of those folks and all of those addresses you'd want 3xN2TTx9epY-00345-00202932-00203568 to look up the the church religious congregation and see if you can understand what the connect 3xN2TTx9epY-00346-00203568-00204144 action was and then what struck me one of the things that struck me that was interesting is that 3xN2TTx9epY-00347-00204144-00205080 it mentions that Reinhold Our Hope was uh from Philadelphia so what was his connection uh um you 3xN2TTx9epY-00348-00205080-00205710 know in this story um and of course what you're doing as you're going along is uh uh building 3xN2TTx9epY-00349-00205769-00206567 um historic information and possibly a case for historic significance you heard Christopher uh 3xN2TTx9epY-00350-00206567-00207366 in his discussion uh outline that every cemetery is not historic uh you would have to have the the 3xN2TTx9epY-00351-00207366-00208092 background and and the uh to explain the the significance uh in order to to receive that 3xN2TTx9epY-00352-00208092-00208644 designation so you would have to do extensive in either one of these cases you have to do 3xN2TTx9epY-00353-00208644-00209616 extensive community of research and genealogy work to to make those connections uh next slide please 3xN2TTx9epY-00354-00209873-00210606 uh a couple of a couple of experiences I've had in more than one place and again 3xN2TTx9epY-00355-00210606-00211212 you heard Christopher talk about uh uh public nuisance and that kind of thing 3xN2TTx9epY-00356-00211212-00212021 but a number of cases I've come across where cemeteries are have been taxed and 3xN2TTx9epY-00357-00212082-00213084 um the families that received the uh the tax bills were afraid to get involved because they thought 3xN2TTx9epY-00358-00213084-00213642 they would you know be liable for these taxes and of course this varies as Christopher pointed out 3xN2TTx9epY-00359-00213642-00214386 across the country but uh often if you can find one of these tax statements it'll give you the 3xN2TTx9epY-00360-00214386-00215178 name of the person associated or related so this may be an heir that's related to this Cemetery 3xN2TTx9epY-00361-00215178-00216060 it may be a trustee it may be a benevolent organization or a religious organization but 3xN2TTx9epY-00362-00216060-00216912 there are Clues once again in these kind of public records uh the one on the right is a citation uh 3xN2TTx9epY-00363-00216912-00217542 again Christopher mentioned this the one on the right is a citation Code Compliance Citation for 3xN2TTx9epY-00364-00217542-00218442 an overgrown cemetery and again when you read the fine print it gave the name of the person that was 3xN2TTx9epY-00365-00218442-00219360 our family that was uh supposedly had custody of this Cemetery or property and it gives you a way 3xN2TTx9epY-00366-00219360-00220523 to again you're connecting the dots and trying to determine that uh uh ownership or Airship advocacy 3xN2TTx9epY-00367-00220523-00221178 or whether somebody is just acting as an agent for that piece of property uh the next slide please 3xN2TTx9epY-00368-00221717-00222510 uh legal description um again we assume uh many times that there's there's no legal description 3xN2TTx9epY-00369-00222510-00223260 for these uh burial sites or cemeteries but here's an example that uh that actually includes 3xN2TTx9epY-00370-00223260-00224076 the meets and Bounds in other words the um the length and the orientation of of each boundary 3xN2TTx9epY-00371-00224076-00224814 of this particular cemetery and I made a larger image there on the right again I'm not expecting 3xN2TTx9epY-00372-00224814-00225444 you to read it but I just wanted you to see how detailed it is and uh I did underline there in 3xN2TTx9epY-00373-00225444-00226314 the slide on the right where it says that this was set up uh for a negro graveyard and it also in the 3xN2TTx9epY-00374-00226314-00226986 text of of this deed description it says that this the other lands surrounding this um graveyard was 3xN2TTx9epY-00375-00226986-00227808 being sold they even accept for the Negro Cemetery so they're not selling the cemetery in this uh in 3xN2TTx9epY-00376-00227808-00228564 this transaction and then it goes on to give these detailed meats and Bounds uh again the orientation 3xN2TTx9epY-00377-00228564-00229296 of the boundary uh boundaries of the property uh the length of the uh property and their 3xN2TTx9epY-00378-00229296-00229962 relationship to other adjacent property lines if you can find a meets and Bounds description 3xN2TTx9epY-00379-00229962-00230586 such as this I mean this is as they say this is a gold mine it's loaded with information 3xN2TTx9epY-00380-00230586-00231408 that helps you connect not only the genealogical dots but the physical dots you know where these 3xN2TTx9epY-00381-00231408-00232134 properties are located and how they related to to other adjacent properties a next slide 3xN2TTx9epY-00382-00232482-00233286 and then of course what you're hoping is um is that if if you can gather enough um public records 3xN2TTx9epY-00383-00233286-00234066 information you can come up with a physical survey land survey of the land of the property and even 3xN2TTx9epY-00384-00234066-00234767 if you don't um have access to a surveyor with our modern technology there are things that you can do 3xN2TTx9epY-00385-00234767-00235536 for example you can go out uh many of us with our smartphones and record the latitude and longitude 3xN2TTx9epY-00386-00235536-00236298 locations but in this particular case it was a project that I was working on we were able to 3xN2TTx9epY-00387-00236298-00237210 get a certified surveyor to essentially donate this survey and so you can see at the right the 3xN2TTx9epY-00388-00237269-00238038 um the kind of light grade line that shows the easement to the survey to the property 3xN2TTx9epY-00389-00238038-00239208 uh the the green Parcels represent the actual um Cemetery proper and then the kind of blue and uh 3xN2TTx9epY-00390-00239316-00240006 uh purple or pink areas represent there was a conflict in this particular survey 3xN2TTx9epY-00391-00240119-00240623 um the adjacent landowners had actually encroached into the survey uh when this 3xN2TTx9epY-00392-00240623-00241494 subdivision was planted uh and by having a certified survey we were able to compare uh 3xN2TTx9epY-00393-00241494-00242273 the subdivision track survey with this Cemetery survey and determined that there was there was 3xN2TTx9epY-00394-00242273-00243162 actually an encroachment we also used in this particular survey we we also used old aerial 3xN2TTx9epY-00395-00243162-00244067 photographs some of the photographs came from the Transportation Department uh say 1930s or 3xN2TTx9epY-00396-00244067-00244902 40s vintage we used aerial aerial photographs from the soil conservation service and we also 3xN2TTx9epY-00397-00244902-00246078 used old land grant um uh records and all these are overlaid to verify this survey um and and 3xN2TTx9epY-00398-00246078-00246636 again what you want to include is of course you want to include the boundaries uh the easements 3xN2TTx9epY-00399-00246636-00247236 you heard uh Chris talk about the easements uh whether they're utilities or access easements 3xN2TTx9epY-00400-00247332-00247860 um whether there were any markers and again you would be looking for vernacular markers 3xN2TTx9epY-00401-00247860-00248988 there simple uh piles of stones or simple um uh hand hewn Stones uh topography and uh vegetation 3xN2TTx9epY-00402-00249096-00249834 um I want to go back and talk for a moment about the the easements um one of my observations in um 3xN2TTx9epY-00403-00249834-00250704 these vernacular cemeteries and older cemeteries across the country is that many times the the 3xN2TTx9epY-00404-00250704-00251532 indigenous burials the Asian American burials the African American burials were not right on 3xN2TTx9epY-00405-00251532-00252569 the roadway and this seems to be have been done uh intentionally so don't assume that the the 3xN2TTx9epY-00406-00252569-00253373 cemetery is right on the uh the main road or the main path it may have been set off away from the 3xN2TTx9epY-00407-00253373-00254232 main road for uh defensive purposes to protect the cemetery the topography also plays an another role 3xN2TTx9epY-00408-00254346-00255054 uh in what you're looking for you you want to be again uh cognizant of whether it's uh it's 3xN2TTx9epY-00409-00255054-00255738 on a rise a high point a low Point uh many of these uh cemeteries are on high on rises in 3xN2TTx9epY-00410-00255738-00256421 other words uh the folks understood the um uh you know the natural patterns of drainage and and even 3xN2TTx9epY-00411-00256421-00257334 access and uh place these carefully and they don't always match our modern um uh community and and 3xN2TTx9epY-00412-00257334-00258023 urban layouts and then of course uh vegetation uh you're looking you want um especially the 3xN2TTx9epY-00413-00258023-00258714 larger vegetation you want that included in your survey because what you're looking for are uh 3xN2TTx9epY-00414-00258852-00259367 I think the National Park Service has a program they call witness trees uh you're looking for 3xN2TTx9epY-00415-00259452-00260016 um uh natural or a native vegetation that might have marked a corner or 3xN2TTx9epY-00416-00260016-00260652 might have marked a location of a significant family uh next slide please 3xN2TTx9epY-00417-00260760-00261780 uh so again um by identifying these uh physically you're looking to build 3xN2TTx9epY-00418-00261780-00262404 strategies for preservation conservation interpretation commemoration and maintenance 3xN2TTx9epY-00419-00262512-00263202 um you want to want these to all be as authentic as possible we understand all of us that are 3xN2TTx9epY-00420-00263202-00263844 involved in this how much pressure there can be in order to come up with a quick decision or a quick 3xN2TTx9epY-00421-00263844-00264774 solution or a quick way to protect a cemetery uh or a burial site but uh by careful documentation 3xN2TTx9epY-00422-00264774-00265560 uh careful field investigation and as I pointed out even the kind of preliminary note-taking that 3xN2TTx9epY-00423-00265560-00266334 you can do on foot uh you can you can begin to build a careful strategy because many times this 3xN2TTx9epY-00424-00266334-00267240 these take years in order to preserve and get a handle on them but without this kind of over 3xN2TTx9epY-00425-00267240-00268230 overlapping documentation of context Airship and ownership it makes your your work even 3xN2TTx9epY-00426-00268230-00269076 more difficult so I would just urge you to be careful uh be be complete and thorough 3xN2TTx9epY-00427-00269076-00269892 and overlap your strategies uh for this work uh thank you Mary and I'll turn it back to you 3xN2TTx9epY-00428-00270048-00270708 thank you so very much Everett we appreciate your expertise today 3xN2TTx9epY-00429-00270846-00271548 um we are going to transition over to our question and answer period within this webinar I I'd also 3xN2TTx9epY-00430-00271548-00272100 like to note that through the Q a session we will be joined by Simeon Warren who is the chief of 3xN2TTx9epY-00431-00272100-00272526 architecture and engineering with the national Center for Preservation Technology and Training 3xN2TTx9epY-00432-00272526-00273150 with the National Park Service to provide a little bit of biography he brings a wealth of knowledge 3xN2TTx9epY-00433-00273150-00273738 and experience to the ncpt and trade education building construction and environmental art 3xN2TTx9epY-00434-00273738-00274410 practice uh he is a trained Cathedral Stone Carver sculptor conservator and environmental artist and 3xN2TTx9epY-00435-00274410-00274812 was part of the formative team that developed the school of building Arts which became the American 3xN2TTx9epY-00436-00274812-00275232 College of the building arts in 2005. he was the founding dean of the college and helped 3xN2TTx9epY-00437-00275232-00275712 develop the college's interdisciplinary program that integrates trade and liberal arts education 3xN2TTx9epY-00438-00275712-00276198 alongside the lion fields and preservation architecture and building design we'll also be 3xN2TTx9epY-00439-00276198-00276726 joined by all of our other panelists we asked that you know as our panelists answer your questions 3xN2TTx9epY-00440-00276726-00277452 that they turn their cameras on so that everyone can see them in the webinar and without further 3xN2TTx9epY-00441-00277452-00278046 Ado I can jump into some of the Q a we have quite a few questions for our panelists today 3xN2TTx9epY-00442-00278166-00278844 uh starting out we have a question from Billy Follansbee is there a list of which offices or 3xN2TTx9epY-00443-00278844-00279426 sources to contact and or consult in each state where people can find out who owns or legally 3xN2TTx9epY-00444-00279426-00279966 controls cemeteries I often get questions from people who want me or my students to assist with 3xN2TTx9epY-00445-00279966-00280434 the conservation of a rural forgotten cemetery near them but they do not know who owns it and 3xN2TTx9epY-00446-00280434-00280872 cannot afford to hire a lawyer to find out for them my University will not allow us to work 3xN2TTx9epY-00447-00280872-00281322 there unless we have express permission from the owners or legal caretakers at the cemetery 3xN2TTx9epY-00448-00281394-00281748 if any of our panelists would like to chime in 3xN2TTx9epY-00449-00282210-00282882 hi this is Chris Cody and I'm happy to chime in I know that Everett also touched on this um but you 3xN2TTx9epY-00450-00282882-00283524 know really the best way to tell is to start with a thorough examination of the title and usually 3xN2TTx9epY-00451-00283524-00283986 the usually the local uh property records office or recorder you know there are a lot of different 3xN2TTx9epY-00452-00283986-00284496 names for them can help you with uh accessing that information and that's the best place to start 3xN2TTx9epY-00453-00284988-00285072 thank you Chris 3xN2TTx9epY-00454-00285294-00285480 would anyone else like to try 3xN2TTx9epY-00455-00286116-00286584 all right um we have a question from Ann Brockett which is can an owner 3xN2TTx9epY-00456-00286584-00287028 deny access to descendants whether or not there is an easement attached to the deed 3xN2TTx9epY-00457-00287550-00288408 well I'm happy to jump back in and answer this one as well um you know my general answer is that it 3xN2TTx9epY-00458-00288408-00288924 depends on on your jurisdiction I think you heard me say it differs from state to state repeatedly 3xN2TTx9epY-00459-00288984-00289566 um during my presentation but you know as I also said in general descendants do have 3xN2TTx9epY-00460-00289656-00290130 um an inherent right to access the burial places of their descendants although or if 3xN2TTx9epY-00461-00290130-00290694 their ancestors pardon me although the owner of the property is permitted to place uh reasonable 3xN2TTx9epY-00462-00290694-00291276 restrictions on that access depending again on on the local jurisdiction now if 3xN2TTx9epY-00463-00291276-00292128 um you know to the degree to which uh relation is required um for an easement and gross to 3xN2TTx9epY-00464-00292128-00292878 be implied uh usually depends on the specific local laws I've even in my research seen some 3xN2TTx9epY-00465-00292878-00293592 jurisdictions that create unimplied easement and gross even for those pursuing genealogy magical 3xN2TTx9epY-00466-00293592-00294174 research in uh privately owned burial places and cemeteries so there's a lot of variation 3xN2TTx9epY-00467-00294564-00295074 yeah that variation seems to be something of a theme when it comes to ownership and access 3xN2TTx9epY-00468-00295626-00296436 um we have several more questions related to ownership and titles but to shift over slightly 3xN2TTx9epY-00469-00296574-00297306 um we have a question from Ann cuss that says how does NAGPRA impact in in our HP 3xN2TTx9epY-00470-00297306-00297732 listed archaeological site connected to a federally unrecognized Native American 3xN2TTx9epY-00471-00297732-00298194 tribe what rights and resources impact Heritage management for these groups 3xN2TTx9epY-00472-00301074-00301668 just to read that again how does NAGPRA impact and NRHP 3xN2TTx9epY-00473-00301668-00302070 listed archaeological site connected to a federally unrecognized Native American 3xN2TTx9epY-00474-00302070-00302490 tribe what rights and resources impact Heritage management for these groups 3xN2TTx9epY-00475-00302838-00303288 well thank you for rereading that question I'll jump back in and just say that that is 3xN2TTx9epY-00476-00303288-00304044 a very complicated question especially given the unrecognized status of the tribe um you know I 3xN2TTx9epY-00477-00304044-00304506 I would really encourage you to refer that very specific question to the the National Park Service 3xN2TTx9epY-00478-00304506-00305124 into their NAGPRA program which they administer um as as for the specific best practices I I 3xN2TTx9epY-00479-00305124-00305664 wish I I knew the exact correct answer and I don't want to risk giving saying something that's wrong 3xN2TTx9epY-00480-00305754-00306384 um you know my gut instinct is that uh given that it's a national register site or listed site 3xN2TTx9epY-00481-00306468-00307098 um and you know the Productions of NAGPRA that any objects should fall under the protections 3xN2TTx9epY-00482-00307098-00307680 of NAGPRA um but for exactly how that then interfaces with an unrecognized tribe is not 3xN2TTx9epY-00483-00307680-00308148 a specific area that I'm familiar with um I would hope that because the involvement 3xN2TTx9epY-00484-00308148-00308694 of Section 106 that the state historic preservation officer would also have um 3xN2TTx9epY-00485-00308694-00309408 some say in ensuring that uh the responsibilities of the actor under nagpra were fully respected 3xN2TTx9epY-00486-00309768-00310254 thank you so much Chris uh we have a question for Pam uh the African American Burial Grounds 3xN2TTx9epY-00487-00310254-00310746 Protection Program was written to receive funding in fiscal year 2023. since we 3xN2TTx9epY-00488-00310746-00311190 know that's not happened until fiscal year 2024 will the funding be extended so we'll 3xN2TTx9epY-00489-00311190-00311682 indeed go for five years uh regardless of when first-year funding begins thanks 3xN2TTx9epY-00490-00311904-00312558 yeah that's a really good question um there's actually a line written into the legislation uh 3xN2TTx9epY-00491-00312558-00313146 that basically says um if there's any money that does not get spent in a particular fiscal year 3xN2TTx9epY-00492-00313146-00313788 it'll be available for subsequent fiscal years so what that means is while we're in fiscal year 3xN2TTx9epY-00493-00313788-00314400 2023 a lot of that time is ticking down while we're waiting for Congress to go through the 3xN2TTx9epY-00494-00314400-00314970 Appropriations process but what will happen is the money for fiscal year 2023 will be available 3xN2TTx9epY-00495-00314970-00315594 in the future and it's not lost money um so that money will still be able to be a part of the grant 3xN2TTx9epY-00496-00315762-00316350 yeah uh thank you uh what what do you see as the biggest obstacles for legislation 3xN2TTx9epY-00497-00316350-00316584 moving forward regarding burial site preservation 3xN2TTx9epY-00498-00316950-00317490 um currently this has been one of the two bills The National Trust has been focused on related to 3xN2TTx9epY-00499-00317490-00317916 some of the issues that we've been talking about on the webinar today and thankfully we had the 3xN2TTx9epY-00500-00317916-00318534 big legislation slate of win back in December 2022 that got this legislation enacted and I 3xN2TTx9epY-00501-00318534-00319164 think uh the hurdle that we face on this uh issue now is just uh waiting for Congress to go through 3xN2TTx9epY-00502-00319164-00319806 the appropriate steps uh for the appropriation cycle I think as I mentioned we've seen some good 3xN2TTx9epY-00503-00319806-00320352 indications so far that there's been support in the president's budget for having the full 3xN2TTx9epY-00504-00320352-00320934 um three million dollars for the first year and also already letters on Capitol Hill that have 3xN2TTx9epY-00505-00320934-00321480 signaled support to the Appropriations Committee so I definitely encourage all of you to use some 3xN2TTx9epY-00506-00321480-00322056 of the National Trust Appropriations resources and keep the drum beat going and no momentum 3xN2TTx9epY-00507-00322056-00322674 um on support for this funding we'll need to show that support um every year to make 3xN2TTx9epY-00508-00322674-00323310 sure that Congress appropriates the full amount absolutely thank you so much Pam 3xN2TTx9epY-00509-00323382-00323886 we have a question from John Allen uh if a historic burial ground is not a 3xN2TTx9epY-00510-00323886-00324534 quote contributing element to but lies within an historic district is it protected by federal law 3xN2TTx9epY-00511-00324948-00325398 so that question is is if if an historic building ground is not a contributing 3xN2TTx9epY-00512-00325398-00325806 element to but lies within a historic district is it protected by federal law 3xN2TTx9epY-00513-00326016-00326628 um I I'm happy to answer that one uh if it is not recognized as a contributing element of 3xN2TTx9epY-00514-00326628-00327222 that historic district then it is not considered a historic resource for the purposes of federal law 3xN2TTx9epY-00515-00327348-00328002 I think the question is uh oh yes yes it's not a contributing element yeah thank you 3xN2TTx9epY-00516-00328356-00328986 um let's see we have a question from Tanya Dubose in Texas there's a bill to allow 3xN2TTx9epY-00517-00328986-00329316 just internment without notification to descendants where can we find Federal 3xN2TTx9epY-00518-00329316-00329730 legislation to help us advocate for public notice I think we'd also extend 3xN2TTx9epY-00519-00329730-00330270 that question you know what are the resources uh might be available to address this issue 3xN2TTx9epY-00520-00331020-00331596 to repeat that in Texas there's a bill to allow disenterment without notification to descendants 3xN2TTx9epY-00521-00331596-00332214 where can we find uh Federal legislation or other resources to help us advocate for public notice 3xN2TTx9epY-00522-00332274-00333000 hi this is Pam um I can just say briefly um at the National Trust in our government 3xN2TTx9epY-00523-00333000-00333588 relations department we're primarily focused on federal legislation um I I can't think of 3xN2TTx9epY-00524-00333588-00334044 anything off the top of my head specifically related to that issue with pending legislation 3xN2TTx9epY-00525-00334140-00334602 um but I am happy to put my um email address in the chat and if you'd like to reach out to me 3xN2TTx9epY-00526-00334602-00335286 directly I can I can take a look and I can add to that answer that um and there was actually a 3xN2TTx9epY-00527-00335286-00335898 great comment in the webinar chat after my my last uh answer about NAGPRA and private lands 3xN2TTx9epY-00528-00335982-00336582 um that you know generally nagpra does not uh apply to private lands however if 3xN2TTx9epY-00529-00336582-00337218 there is a state bill that would I'm just imagining guessing change or eliminate the 3xN2TTx9epY-00530-00337218-00337926 notice requirement within state statute for disinterment the federal NAGPRA requirements 3xN2TTx9epY-00531-00337926-00338472 still exist and there can be other hooks for NAGPRA to apply such as the use of federal 3xN2TTx9epY-00532-00338472-00339114 funding or the granting of a federal permit for a project even if it's conducted on private land 3xN2TTx9epY-00533-00339402-00340146 thank you uh we have a question from Joseph latshaw what are ways to approach uh like 3xN2TTx9epY-00534-00340146-00340710 getting a professional survey of a cemetery with limited funds and Joseph I will say that 3xN2TTx9epY-00535-00340710-00341322 our third webinar uh will focus on strategies for fundraising uh especially towards preservation so 3xN2TTx9epY-00536-00341322-00341652 that's certainly something that we'll be able to talk about further in future parts of the 3xN2TTx9epY-00537-00341652-00342126 series uh but if anyone else would like to contribute to his to answering his question 3xN2TTx9epY-00538-00342282-00343104 so Mary I'll I'll start uh seems like I've had quite a few opportunities to to work with that 3xN2TTx9epY-00539-00343212-00343608 um one of the things that I've observed in working with the uh 3xN2TTx9epY-00540-00343608-00344130 the professional surveyors is again if you can provide some background information 3xN2TTx9epY-00541-00344250-00344562 um you know like showed you the the meets and Bounds description 3xN2TTx9epY-00542-00344706-00345636 um you can look for um old U.S Geological Survey Maps um you know any any kind of advanced footwork 3xN2TTx9epY-00543-00345636-00346590 that you can do um helps your case in approaching a surveyor so that survey that I showed in my uh 3xN2TTx9epY-00544-00346704-00347502 on the slide deck we were able to get the surveyor to um uh donate his Services because we had done 3xN2TTx9epY-00545-00347502-00347946 that uh you know early footwork in other words he didn't not have to go out and find that boundary 3xN2TTx9epY-00546-00347946-00348900 description uh we found surrounding uh uh property maps Etc so we gave him a really big head start 3xN2TTx9epY-00547-00349032-00350022 um there there are also um we were able to get uh different Advanced University classes 3xN2TTx9epY-00548-00350022-00350784 to work with the civil engineering uh can again A lot of times help civil engineering students 3xN2TTx9epY-00549-00350784-00351540 need field projects um geologic engineering students need field projects and then there are 3xN2TTx9epY-00550-00351540-00352566 also we've come across a kind of a community service groups uh you know whether they be 3xN2TTx9epY-00551-00352566-00353574 archaeologists or or civil engineers or civil engineering professional groups associations a 3xN2TTx9epY-00552-00353574-00354210 lot of times they have folks that are looking for community service work so it might seem 3xN2TTx9epY-00553-00354210-00354768 challenging but you know those are techniques that that I've used and have had pretty good success 3xN2TTx9epY-00554-00355098-00355218 thank you so much 3xN2TTx9epY-00555-00355422-00355938 uh we have a question from Kelly Christopher uh where there isn't a clearly defined owner 3xN2TTx9epY-00556-00355938-00356466 of a cemetery and the owners and organization that hasn't existed since the 1940s or the is 3xN2TTx9epY-00557-00356466-00356862 there any suggestions or way to move in a direction to change ownership of the 3xN2TTx9epY-00558-00356862-00357240 cemetery to preserve it from encroachment of the residential neighborhood built around it 3xN2TTx9epY-00559-00357456-00358242 so it's a cemetery without a clearly defined owner um if there are any recommendations on that 3xN2TTx9epY-00560-00358926-00359370 well I'll go ahead and jump in again man these are some really tough questions but you know I 3xN2TTx9epY-00561-00359370-00359796 think as we're discovering with cemeteries and burial sites that it's always complex and it's 3xN2TTx9epY-00562-00359796-00360456 always variable and uh you know not easy so with the case of you know there being no identified 3xN2TTx9epY-00563-00360456-00361116 owner I would want to know who the owner of the underlying parcel of land is and what 3xN2TTx9epY-00564-00361116-00361812 their intentions are I think I described the uh um the Virginia's process at least for how remains 3xN2TTx9epY-00565-00361812-00362508 could be relocated from an abandoned Cemetery but whether this place meets the definition of 3xN2TTx9epY-00566-00362508-00363240 abandon in that local jurisdictions laws is you know one question what the owner wants to do with 3xN2TTx9epY-00567-00363240-00363762 the land and you know the degree to which you can affect that decision-making process under 3xN2TTx9epY-00568-00363762-00364446 your local jurisdiction is is another question and you know then from there uh if you're able 3xN2TTx9epY-00569-00364446-00365208 to have the owner of the parcel agree to allow an organization to have some kind of ownership 3xN2TTx9epY-00570-00365208-00365784 interest be it uh the easement and gross as I described or you know even fee simple ownership 3xN2TTx9epY-00571-00365784-00366372 to try and protect it you know that's something that could then lead to an organization being able 3xN2TTx9epY-00572-00366372-00367062 to to preserve it in regards to having to deal with the development around it I did bring up 3xN2TTx9epY-00573-00367062-00367608 the example of the cemetery outside of Charleston South Carolina where you know if you think that 3xN2TTx9epY-00574-00367608-00368214 the boundaries of this Cemetery don't include all of the potential burials that's a very important 3xN2TTx9epY-00575-00368214-00368940 thing to note for uh and to inform the developer and any relevant state and local officials about 3xN2TTx9epY-00576-00369192-00369882 thank you uh Yolanda Boyd has a question about whether or not 3xN2TTx9epY-00577-00369882-00370608 cemeteries for enslaved people will fall under H.R 6805 section 3667 3xN2TTx9epY-00578-00372324-00372918 and which is the African-American Burial Grounds Preservation Act whether or not cemeteries for 3xN2TTx9epY-00579-00372918-00373572 enslaved people will fall under that protection sorry I missed the first part um the short answer 3xN2TTx9epY-00580-00373572-00374166 is that um written into the legislation there's a finding section at the top that describes some of 3xN2TTx9epY-00581-00374166-00374718 the history and reasoning for the bill and it specifically mentions uh slave burial grounds 3xN2TTx9epY-00582-00374778-00375084 um and that's certainly one of the topics and issues that is the National 3xN2TTx9epY-00583-00375084-00375540 Park Service is kind of building out the program criteria for the grant program 3xN2TTx9epY-00584-00375636-00376044 um they'll do some work around what types of sites would be included 3xN2TTx9epY-00585-00376236-00376908 great and I know uh on the National Trust And there's been some activity of 3xN2TTx9epY-00586-00376908-00377526 the African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund in support of the bill so 3xN2TTx9epY-00587-00377526-00378168 that's very exciting to see you know increasing support for um through legislation and funding 3xN2TTx9epY-00588-00378504-00379668 um next up uh we have um let's see uh what are the access rights if the gravestones 3xN2TTx9epY-00589-00379668-00380562 if gravestones have been relocated to another site but the graves have not been moved foreign 3xN2TTx9epY-00590-00380808-00381330 but the graves have not been removed 3xN2TTx9epY-00591-00381456-00382116 well I hate to sound like a broken record but it it depends on jurisdiction to jurisdiction 3xN2TTx9epY-00592-00382254-00383058 um you know I think it also depends on the nature of the gravestones or markers uh you know usually 3xN2TTx9epY-00593-00383058-00383820 the burial site itself and the remains are what is contemplated by the law in terms of 3xN2TTx9epY-00594-00383820-00384480 providing an implied easement and gross but I don't want to exclude the possibility that in 3xN2TTx9epY-00595-00384480-00385218 some places uh objects associated with that burial place are similarly uh similarly can 3xN2TTx9epY-00596-00385218-00385824 provide an implied easement and gross as well so it depends is again my final answer 3xN2TTx9epY-00597-00386058-00386676 understood uh send me I think this will be a good question for you a question from Paul 3xN2TTx9epY-00598-00386676-00387198 Smith we took over a cemetery with a stack of broken headstones with little to no record 3xN2TTx9epY-00599-00387198-00387696 of where they go what is it common result for this type of situation and what do we do with 3xN2TTx9epY-00600-00387696-00388452 all the broken headstones yeah so uh you know it's not uncommon that uh stones are moved uh 3xN2TTx9epY-00601-00388452-00389286 and uh obviously uh it's very hard and difficult to uh know exactly where the LIE unless uh there 3xN2TTx9epY-00602-00389286-00389958 were original Maps a lot of churches have original maps that uh you can kind of find if you can find 3xN2TTx9epY-00603-00389958-00390816 those then you can kind of re re reposition those back to their uh Originals um sites in terms of 3xN2TTx9epY-00604-00390936-00391842 you know mending Stones uh we have at ncpt developed page uh on our uh on the website 3xN2TTx9epY-00605-00391842-00392706 for MPS an area that uh you know talks about a lot of areas of of uh mending monuments 3xN2TTx9epY-00606-00392796-00393456 um and uh so I don't know whether someone can put that in chat uh uh while while we talk but 3xN2TTx9epY-00607-00393456-00394170 that's a good resource to kind of look at how how to uh mend monuments and how to clean monuments 3xN2TTx9epY-00608-00394254-00394770 um and again I think with stone uh it really depends on what the damage is 3xN2TTx9epY-00609-00394836-00395292 um there's many different types of repair uh sometimes the simplest thing 3xN2TTx9epY-00610-00395376-00396054 um is the easiest thing uh and also I think people need to remember that stone has been around for a 3xN2TTx9epY-00611-00396054-00396798 long time and it takes a long time for stone to Decay generally so kind of waiting to think uh 3xN2TTx9epY-00612-00396798-00397410 loudly about kind of what your objectives are and also going to if it's a complicated thing actually 3xN2TTx9epY-00613-00397410-00397956 go and investigating what the best methods are and if there's anyone local that does the kind 3xN2TTx9epY-00614-00397956-00398544 of work that you kind of need again it's really specific to what the damage is and how the stones 3xN2TTx9epY-00615-00398544-00399288 are kind of broken and how they go back together and so you know I've done last 30 years uh I've 3xN2TTx9epY-00616-00399288-00399942 been kind of working with stone and every time I find a new stone it's there's always a new way 3xN2TTx9epY-00617-00399942-00400572 to do something so uh it really depends on on what that damage is and what that stone is and 3xN2TTx9epY-00618-00400572-00401418 I do know that we'll be doing some of that uh uh kind of uh um those conversations in the next uh 3xN2TTx9epY-00619-00401418-00401976 programs coming up uh I think the third program is kind of about where to start with some of the 3xN2TTx9epY-00620-00401976-00402792 physical kind of uh work and so um uh that that you know I have to kind of tune in again to uh 3xN2TTx9epY-00621-00402792-00403560 find out some of those methods and methodologies I'd add to that the importance of reaching out to 3xN2TTx9epY-00622-00403560-00404118 families when able uh maybe something that they would be interested in in retaining themselves 3xN2TTx9epY-00623-00404316-00404868 um also Simeon we have someone vying for a position within the ncpt in the chat so 3xN2TTx9epY-00624-00404868-00405342 if you have uh any recommendations for where they can look about internship their job openings they 3xN2TTx9epY-00625-00405342-00405954 appreciate it yeah I mean now we're a governor agency so it's job openings we we have a new 3xN2TTx9epY-00626-00405954-00406674 landscape position coming up for ncpt pretty soon uh that's probably uh in full when that comes out 3xN2TTx9epY-00627-00406764-00407280 um but also we we do do internships uh and a lot of those are kind of uh 3xN2TTx9epY-00628-00407370-00408054 um uh done uh as a part of our projects and so kind of getting in touch with the Departments 3xN2TTx9epY-00629-00408054-00408558 that you're interested in and finding out what opportunities uh are available it's 3xN2TTx9epY-00630-00408558-00408996 probably the best way to do it is actually get in touch with those department heads 3xN2TTx9epY-00631-00408996-00409896 and uh seeing what opportunities are coming up and uh going out out there so thank you 3xN2TTx9epY-00632-00410154-00410700 ever we have a question directly for you uh from Tanya Dubose Mr. Fly has worked with many 3xN2TTx9epY-00633-00410700-00411102 of our historic Black towns and settlements to help identify historical and cultural resources 3xN2TTx9epY-00634-00411102-00411576 however it surprising with cemeteries are not automatically protected can you expound 3xN2TTx9epY-00635-00411576-00412289 on any work that you're doing to assist people dealing with enslaved burial sites uh well thank 3xN2TTx9epY-00636-00412289-00412980 you Tanya for the for the question um uh just in in my work with the with the communities 3xN2TTx9epY-00637-00413064-00413742 um I consider the the burial site's integral parts of the communities and so I'm I'm always looking 3xN2TTx9epY-00638-00413742-00414318 you know as a whole you know the burial site the church site the school side the residential sites 3xN2TTx9epY-00639-00414318-00415182 Etc um and I I see them as uh as Inseparable um you know from that um that whole picture 3xN2TTx9epY-00640-00415182-00415920 of preservation um and I'll say real quick I think Simeon gave you a good uh guidance 3xN2TTx9epY-00641-00415920-00416670 in that previous question about the uh the gravestones but um I'm also uh very concerned 3xN2TTx9epY-00642-00416670-00417497 about uh you know retaining the authenticity of the sites so removing uh fragments and 3xN2TTx9epY-00643-00417497-00417935 artifacts and that kind of thing I think it if there's any way that they can be retained on 3xN2TTx9epY-00644-00417935-00418422 site until you that's what I was getting at when I say you figure out your strategy and 3xN2TTx9epY-00645-00418518-00419214 um you know Advance your research um I think it would be uh you know really important but uh the 3xN2TTx9epY-00646-00419214-00419970 the burial sites in historic black communities are are very important and in many cases uh the 3xN2TTx9epY-00647-00419970-00420972 the only authentic uh representation of that uh culture and that community foreign absolutely 3xN2TTx9epY-00648-00421247-00421860 uh this is a question from Tom Bradshaw we also have another issue with the closure of churches 3xN2TTx9epY-00649-00421860-00422346 and some have graveyards on their property when they're sold and become private property how can 3xN2TTx9epY-00650-00422346-00422802 we ensure that there's access to our loved one uh our loved ones that have been buried there 3xN2TTx9epY-00651-00423228-00424338 so this is access to a burial site following the closure and sale of the church 3xN2TTx9epY-00652-00424439-00424908 thank you 3xN2TTx9epY-00653-00426006-00426408 well not not hearing anyone else jumping in I'll go ahead and weigh in again that 3xN2TTx9epY-00654-00426480-00427278 um you know even if the church closes all of the uh laws again the applied access easement 3xN2TTx9epY-00655-00427278-00428093 for the cemetery um will still exist for Descendants but also um one other group 3xN2TTx9epY-00656-00428093-00428760 that can enjoy those implied easements are groups with a demonstrated interest in in the cemetery 3xN2TTx9epY-00657-00429096-00429258 yeah thank you 3xN2TTx9epY-00658-00429762-00430314 um and just to note we're gonna have only a few more uh minutes per question answers 3xN2TTx9epY-00659-00430374-00430656 uh but I will be able to get to one or two more 3xN2TTx9epY-00660-00430788-00431543 um do most historic Cemetery designations follow the 50-year rule as structures or some places 3xN2TTx9epY-00661-00431543-00432042 uh designating cultural Landmark status to cemeteries this question comes from Jack Lynch 3xN2TTx9epY-00662-00432102-00432900 thank you okay 3xN2TTx9epY-00663-00433266-00433782 um again again I'll just go ahead and jump in here although I'd love to hear Mr. Fly's perspective 3xN2TTx9epY-00664-00433782-00434639 as well um most of them that I have seen recorded are recorded as uh above ground resources similar 3xN2TTx9epY-00665-00434639-00435138 to other built environment resources on the National Register however the criteria under 3xN2TTx9epY-00666-00435138-00435630 which cemeteries are listed are often uh you know different from built environment 3xN2TTx9epY-00667-00435738-00436097 um notably associations with uh famous people or 3xN2TTx9epY-00668-00436182-00436589 um episodes in American history are I think I believe are more frequently cited with cemeteries 3xN2TTx9epY-00669-00436589-00437070 than they are for buildings which primarily come in through architectural merit or contribution 3xN2TTx9epY-00670-00437070-00437639 to an architectural district the idea of of them being designated as sort of a cultural 3xN2TTx9epY-00671-00437639-00438156 landscape or some sort of traditional cultural property is an intriguing one 3xN2TTx9epY-00672-00438246-00438893 um I'm just more familiar with their inclusion on National register inventories in the same vein as 3xN2TTx9epY-00673-00438893-00439392 built environment resources but you know it's it's an interesting idea to think about them 3xN2TTx9epY-00674-00439392-00439889 uh probably an appropriate one as cultural landscapes as much as any kind of building 3xN2TTx9epY-00675-00440178-00440760 um Mary yes I would I would definitely agree with uh Chris um you know his interpretation 3xN2TTx9epY-00676-00440760-00441420 and uh this is kind of what I was touching on you know what I was talking about uh you know 3xN2TTx9epY-00677-00441420-00441924 building the history of the you know the congregation the culture and the people 3xN2TTx9epY-00678-00442038-00442782 um excuse me associated with it um so um you know I'm like like Chris said earlier you know 3xN2TTx9epY-00679-00442782-00443454 each place is a little bit different um and and so I would tell the the uh 3xN2TTx9epY-00680-00443454-00443939 person that asked the question you know do not automatically rule it out uh and again 3xN2TTx9epY-00681-00443939-00444576 that's where that extended Community genealogy would would come into play uh you know to see 3xN2TTx9epY-00682-00444654-00445170 um you know what the what the network of culture and history is related to that uh 3xN2TTx9epY-00683-00445170-00445980 to that site and uh you know even you know the physical form uh again the orientation 3xN2TTx9epY-00684-00446106-00446616 um uh the way the graves are laid out uh you know even the natural Landscaping could be 3xN2TTx9epY-00685-00446730-00447630 um a contributing factor to you know building your your case uh you know for significance thanks yeah 3xN2TTx9epY-00686-00447630-00448218 thank y'all um and I will also note that we've gotten several questions about some fundraising 3xN2TTx9epY-00687-00448218-00448806 uh for cemetery preservation I always encourage y'all to look at the funding opportunities that 3xN2TTx9epY-00688-00448806-00449484 are offered by The National Trust um there are many more out there and we'll have the opportunity 3xN2TTx9epY-00689-00449484-00450102 to speak further about that subject matter in our third webinar in the series in June uh looking at 3xN2TTx9epY-00690-00450102-00450732 different fundraising strategies and opportunities but otherwise uh this is the end of our question 3xN2TTx9epY-00691-00450732-00451224 and answer period unfortunately we don't have more time for you all today but this recording 3xN2TTx9epY-00692-00451224-00452046 will be sent out to all registrant uh of the uh program uh if you'll go to the next slide please 3xN2TTx9epY-00693-00452232-00452988 uh yeah as I mentioned uh for upcoming webinars we're going to be looking at uh investment 3xN2TTx9epY-00694-00452988-00453582 investigating documenting preserving grave sites on May 10th uh and all of the various elements 3xN2TTx9epY-00695-00453582-00454193 for beginning to care for a grave site including fundraising preservation interpretation uh on June 3xN2TTx9epY-00696-00454193-00454793 21st we're very excited to be talking with you all about those different areas next slide please 3xN2TTx9epY-00697-00455010-00455580 and you know we encourage you all to visit our website forum.savingplaces.org look out 3xN2TTx9epY-00698-00455580-00456192 for other webinars uh and to view the webinar archives which will include this uh recording 3xN2TTx9epY-00699-00456192-00456834 as well uh Beyond its it being sent out over email uh please feel free to contact us at 3xN2TTx9epY-00700-00456834-00457422 Forum Online at savingplaces.org and just join me in thanking our panelists and the 3xN2TTx9epY-00701-00457422-00457997 wonderful information that y'all were able to share with us today um and I hope that all of 3xN2TTx9epY-00702-00457997-00458454 our participants had a have a wonderful rest of your day thank you so much for joining us 3_-NeLZh9sA-00000-00000072-00000456 If you would like to browse articles from a publication you’ve found in Quick Search, 3_-NeLZh9sA-00001-00000456-00000869 first click the article title to view the full record. 3_-NeLZh9sA-00002-00001110-00001356 Then, scroll down to the bottom of the page. 3_-NeLZh9sA-00003-00001752-00002232 Under the More From this Journal heading, you can click the Explore articles from this issue 3_-NeLZh9sA-00004-00002310-00002910 or Explore articles from most recent issue to browse additional articles in the publication. 3BpjBEq4TLQ-00000-00000354-00000420 [EXPLOSION] 3BpjBEq4TLQ-00001-00000420-00001128 [music] 3IONO_yb_fE-00000-00001095-00001617 [Music] What is the foreground and what 3IONO_yb_fE-00001-00001617-00002769 Yes yes yes yes ah Oh, it’s a great teaching experience 3IONO_yb_fE-00002-00002769-00004425 The great and most fundamental crimes of the housekeeper are children of childcare. 3IONO_yb_fE-00003-00004425-00004993 Your Law Sword Box [Music] 3IONO_yb_fE-00004-00004993-00006498 I hate the most basic things and do the best in teaching the best things 3IONO_yb_fE-00005-00006498-00006804 Huh 3IONO_yb_fE-00006-00006848-00008114 That’s the case. Then the best I always said this. Oh, it’s a true religion. 3IONO_yb_fE-00007-00008114-00009189 I don’t know what I’m talking about 3IONO_yb_fE-00008-00009189-00010444 I love the truth. I said that. In fact, the best and greatest ever 3IONO_yb_fE-00009-00010444-00010876 What only acupuncture teaches 3IONO_yb_fE-00010-00010876-00012109 It will be easy to learn the truth. The book is a bit like that. So, I came to my mom looking for the real truth. 3IONO_yb_fE-00011-00012109-00012841 Or learning the real 7 things that he's the most fundamental 3IONO_yb_fE-00012-00012841-00013711 I realized I've been doing the best. Say so. So the truth is 3IONO_yb_fE-00013-00013711-00014622 Oh, in fact, you know the word elaborately. 3IONO_yb_fE-00014-00014622-00015251 Real best than chili on 5 5 3IONO_yb_fE-00015-00015251-00016449 Then the 7 is the best that teaches you the basic light Timon 3IONO_yb_fE-00016-00016449-00016841 There should be nothing else, right 3IONO_yb_fE-00017-00016863-00017633 Oh, if there are many kinds of best teachings, uh 3IONO_yb_fE-00018-00017633-00018121 So this world 3IONO_yb_fE-00019-00018162-00019063 It’s the same as if it’s just a mess, but now that religion is not countless. 3IONO_yb_fE-00020-00019063-00019662 So the world is messed up like this 3IONO_yb_fE-00021-00019699-00020686 So, from the point of view of some people, it's a lie, but they believe in that religion 3IONO_yb_fE-00022-00020686-00021065 Yes uh [music] 3IONO_yb_fE-00023-00021065-00021700 So that's over 2000 ending pounds in this world 3IONO_yb_fE-00024-00022058-00022559 Aha ha ha ha ha ha 3IONO_yb_fE-00025-00022559-00023295 What is the first teaching 3IONO_yb_fE-00026-00023304-00024434 Well, so the most fundamental truth is that when I come to realize, I can’t learn 3IONO_yb_fE-00027-00024459-00024939 Uh it's really 7 people 3IONO_yb_fE-00028-00024939-00026102 That should be the same for everyone living in the world 1 3IONO_yb_fE-00029-00026102-00027710 Now what's the same? Everyone 7 1 that can be equally applied to all humans living in this world. 3IONO_yb_fE-00030-00027711-00028007 What is it 3IONO_yb_fE-00031-00028049-00028545 Ah uh uh rfc just exported yeah 3IONO_yb_fE-00032-00028550-00029076 Okay yes now 3IONO_yb_fE-00033-00029087-00031027 There are all kinds of living things, including all of us, including Africans, North Koreans, Americans, etc. 3IONO_yb_fE-00034-00031027-00031438 All living things 3IONO_yb_fE-00035-00031442-00031970 I want to live 3IONO_yb_fE-00036-00031970-00032564 How do you all do it All should be the same, right 3IONO_yb_fE-00037-00032564-00033010 Huh ah 3IONO_yb_fE-00038-00033041-00033695 The principle of living like America 3IONO_yb_fE-00039-00033695-00034955 That's right, Google can't get tired of the funny thing about how genes work and how the Korean people's stomach electrons are different. 3IONO_yb_fE-00040-00034955-00036128 When we come to Anguk, our genes work like this. These oligos work, but the principle that one electron of those Koreans works is 3IONO_yb_fE-00041-00036128-00036823 American genes are different from how they live to work 3IONO_yb_fE-00042-00036840-00038402 There's no such thing as a rush, yes, so um, all living things, human beings, all living things 3IONO_yb_fE-00043-00038402-00039416 Originally applied, it should have only one principle of Tom 3IONO_yb_fE-00044-00039416-00039844 Yes, but this 3IONO_yb_fE-00045-00039910-00040544 This means there are thousands 3IONO_yb_fE-00046-00040544-00041256 So what does that mean, what does it mean 3IONO_yb_fE-00047-00041271-00042034 Oh, what it means is that people are the greatest true truth 3IONO_yb_fE-00048-00042034-00043361 It means that you don't know the truth about this religion. 3IONO_yb_fE-00049-00043361-00044209 Each one of their own thoughts and things are creating the truth 3IONO_yb_fE-00050-00044209-00045194 So there are all kinds of um ah religions. The most fundamental thing 3IONO_yb_fE-00051-00045194-00045727 I need to know 3IONO_yb_fE-00052-00045731-00046033 So 5 3IONO_yb_fE-00053-00046058-00046318 Indian people 3IONO_yb_fE-00054-00046336-00047099 Uh haeng teaching Hmm and what ah what a Buddhism holding a pack like China 3IONO_yb_fE-00055-00047099-00047452 5 oh what 3IONO_yb_fE-00056-00047577-00048555 03 The tape measurers believe in Marx-Leninism, 3IONO_yb_fE-00057-00048555-00050455 It is the most important 7th period. Oh, but the most fundamental principle right now is the field that is pursuing the truth 3IONO_yb_fE-00058-00050455-00051397 What is it? That's an excessive field. Science is 3IONO_yb_fE-00059-00051397-00051891 Unify, right uh 3IONO_yb_fE-00060-00052155-00053355 Yes, the cells that are input into our cells can live and the cells 3IONO_yb_fE-00061-00053355-00054464 The fact that the arrest is alive means that the one in the arrest is operating and being controlled. 3IONO_yb_fE-00062-00054464-00055800 That's right, how does the gene regulate, how does it run, 3IONO_yb_fE-00063-00055800-00056665 It’s like a hitting method, it’s like an ultra sound wave, yes, you’re pursuing that 3IONO_yb_fE-00064-00056665-00057875 It’s science. So I went into that gene and ate the [ __ ]. Finally ah 3IONO_yb_fE-00065-00057875-00059060 1 The law of operation of the former per gene has begun to appear. As you have seen in some of your seminars, 3IONO_yb_fE-00066-00059060-00060425 There are two things that one electron turns on and off. You have to control it well so that it can be exaggerated and degraded. 3IONO_yb_fE-00067-00060425-00061354 What happens to turn on and off by itself? 3IONO_yb_fE-00068-00061354-00062101 Oh, there is something of the gene, liquor Chae 5 Oh 3IONO_yb_fE-00069-00062116-00062899 The so-called 7 is charged, and every 7 gigabytes goes on and on, the more it gets 3IONO_yb_fE-00070-00062899-00063544 Uh, take it off and order the Sunja 3IONO_yb_fE-00071-00063544-00064651 It’s not bugs, it’s me, animals, and humans. 3IONO_yb_fE-00072-00064651-00065019 Original 3IONO_yb_fE-00073-00065154-00066523 Then, every seventh stage of the yellow substance can be accurately positioned and attached to and removed from any switch of the gene. 3IONO_yb_fE-00074-00066523-00067470 Oh, that's the exact thing because the gene varies depending on the location 3IONO_yb_fE-00075-00067470-00068980 That’s right, when it comes to the exact position, it goes at the exact time it is needed, and then it attaches, and when it’s time to turn the oil field back on again, 3IONO_yb_fE-00076-00068980-00069737 Everyone has to fall, who decides that 3IONO_yb_fE-00077-00069861-00070912 Those who follow the decision, we can't, it's not our will 3IONO_yb_fE-00078-00070929-00071708 That’s why you dare to lie 3IONO_yb_fE-00079-00071708-00072587 Oh, it’s not that we are alive according to our will 3IONO_yb_fE-00080-00072604-00073557 I’m talking about a very important principle in treating your disease 3IONO_yb_fE-00081-00074192-00074744 Cancer patients have weak spiritual power. 3IONO_yb_fE-00082-00074770-00075302 So I can’t kill the cancer cells 3IONO_yb_fE-00083-00075467-00076442 What is the reason why we are not giving it? Yes, 3IONO_yb_fE-00084-00076442-00077737 How many days of the gene that produces the substance that kills the cancer cell that is entered into the very best security is attached 3IONO_yb_fE-00085-00077737-00078569 Is it your will? What you don’t want to be able to do the field work 3IONO_yb_fE-00086-00078569-00079102 I don’t come, why are there so many 3IONO_yb_fE-00087-00079140-00079615 Provo 4 key is heavily blocked 2 4 3IONO_yb_fE-00088-00079615-00080223 Yes, what do you mean when you say you're so stunned 3IONO_yb_fE-00089-00080330-00080739 What [music] 3IONO_yb_fE-00090-00080763-00081364 That’s why I’m so excited 3IONO_yb_fE-00091-00081364-00082456 So, how did the oil supply of Joa work the one electron that he puts was blocked? 3IONO_yb_fE-00092-00082456-00083032 Uh, it’s not my will after that 3IONO_yb_fE-00093-00083032-00083776 No, that's what John will depend on 3IONO_yb_fE-00094-00083776-00084850 Okay, it’s not my will, but I write that phenomenon on my body 3IONO_yb_fE-00095-00084850-00085838 I hope that the genes are turned on so how to act 3IONO_yb_fE-00096-00085838-00087143 How can one person come in and block the energy of the vitality of the Holy Spirit, and my genes are turned off at the will of the evil spirit. 3IONO_yb_fE-00097-00087143-00088240 So, it took me the way the demon wanted me to go. Then, in the end, our fight 3IONO_yb_fE-00098-00088240-00089463 Because the fight with someone is with the glasses, but we humans cannot fight with that spiritual energy. 3IONO_yb_fE-00099-00089491-00090547 Then you want to erase us and you want us to be healthy 3IONO_yb_fE-00100-00090547-00091468 There is that way, so what are you supplying there, you are supplying vitality to 3IONO_yb_fE-00101-00091468-00092410 Oh how do we choose it How do we choose 3IONO_yb_fE-00102-00092410-00093120 You have to make a strong choice, you should definitely choose 3IONO_yb_fE-00103-00093120-00093692 Oh no, I'm gonna have to come out 3IONO_yb_fE-00104-00093962-00094294 Female thread 50 3IONO_yb_fE-00105-00094318-00095067 However, life is not strongly chosen 1 3IONO_yb_fE-00106-00095067-00095354 Golf tour 3IONO_yb_fE-00107-00095444-00095869 Our Hong Gyun Heung 3IONO_yb_fE-00108-00095996-00096586 I'm in this town right now, that of Seoraksan 3IONO_yb_fE-00109-00096692-00097588 3 The person who hates the mares the most is what kind of water is the same for a wild boar 3IONO_yb_fE-00110-00097649-00098005 Oh goah 3IONO_yb_fE-00111-00098005-00098676 Oh oh oh oh oh oh 3IONO_yb_fE-00112-00098676-00099194 Oh, you have to make a strong choice. 3IONO_yb_fE-00113-00099360-00100167 That's right So when I'm going to be down this drink How can I be when I'm a government static? 3IONO_yb_fE-00114-00100167-00101157 I can’t do this. I have to do a joint cup. Even if it sounds so strong, I came to the mountain. 3IONO_yb_fE-00115-00101157-00101360 uh 3IONO_yb_fE-00116-00101494-00102027 An archer who feels different once 3IONO_yb_fE-00117-00102105-00103214 But why can't a child shout like that even though there's no one next to me and I'm alone? 3IONO_yb_fE-00118-00103278-00103579 I am alone 3IONO_yb_fE-00119-00103625-00104325 How can he treat him well even if he is alone 3IONO_yb_fE-00120-00104325-00104836 Why humans should visit the dorm even when they are alone 3IONO_yb_fE-00121-00105333-00106380 I feel like I'm alone, but what's it? Something that makes me do like this is going to use it with me What is that 3IONO_yb_fE-00122-00106380-00106688 I told you to do that 3IONO_yb_fE-00123-00106733-00107630 Uh ah so I'm a little uh because the evil spirit is with me 3IONO_yb_fE-00124-00107634-00108558 I'm positive, I want to hear positively 3IONO_yb_fE-00125-00108558-00109870 In order to repress him from praying that please help God 3IONO_yb_fE-00126-00109870-00110407 It's transparent, it comes out worthily 4 3IONO_yb_fE-00127-00110407-00111484 Yes, I’m hitting it here. If I don’t overcome that dimension 3IONO_yb_fE-00128-00111513-00112171 Oh, it just needs to be no change a 3IONO_yb_fE-00129-00112573-00113375 So what is the most fundamental teaching mediastinum really 7 3IONO_yb_fE-00130-00113375-00114475 It teaches the look of this life. Yes I think. So what is the essence of that life? 3IONO_yb_fE-00131-00114476-00115802 Oh, what is the most fundamental essence of panel Chi, put in that vitality or life life force heresy? 3IONO_yb_fE-00132-00115802-00117076 Uh, that's not the energy power, where is that power? 3IONO_yb_fE-00133-00117076-00117899 [Music] Such a vocal bone control Yes it is 3IONO_yb_fE-00134-00117899-00118636 Well, so the snow starter is 2 The words I just said 3IONO_yb_fE-00135-00118636-00119915 It’s true for scientists and lotto. Yes, so it’s not exactly the same for everyone in the world. 3IONO_yb_fE-00136-00119915-00120217 Break through 3IONO_yb_fE-00137-00120311-00121259 This kind of teaching is this principle. The principle teaching of the New Star Dog is a little bit for Africans. 3IONO_yb_fE-00138-00121259-00121781 Even kill anyone. 3IONO_yb_fE-00139-00121897-00122223 * Applies to animals 3IONO_yb_fE-00140-00122517-00123382 What's the vacation ticket to the house, too? 3IONO_yb_fE-00141-00123382-00123588 Yes 3IONO_yb_fE-00142-00123608-00125742 The cartoon of love Why the love is a mixture of true practice, sadness, and beauty in it. 3IONO_yb_fE-00143-00125742-00126446 4 So what is it that people get on 3IONO_yb_fE-00144-00126556-00127583 It’s like this 5 So what’s really a religion? 3IONO_yb_fE-00145-00127583-00128235 Uh, love is not the only hanger Jinsunmi 3IONO_yb_fE-00146-00128235-00128816 Uh, rather than saying that we can't be empowered 3IONO_yb_fE-00147-00128819-00130014 How to get rid of that little thing that should be turned on genetically by blocking power 3IONO_yb_fE-00148-00130014-00130783 Ah ah ah yeah now yeah 3IONO_yb_fE-00149-00130783-00131933 Teaching principles is what Total Educational Assessment 0 That's Beneficial 7 3IONO_yb_fE-00150-00131933-00132913 Why not to anyone in the world to any animal 3IONO_yb_fE-00151-00132913-00133359 What do you say Oh 3IONO_yb_fE-00152-00133515-00134159 Plants also kicked candles with good music 3IONO_yb_fE-00153-00134159-00134810 5 Oh, then there are reports that it grows better 3IONO_yb_fE-00154-00134810-00135491 What is it when you make a sound like that? 3IONO_yb_fE-00155-00135491-00136475 Why is that sound and all good sounds, and wherever we are in the music, what is it? 3IONO_yb_fE-00156-00136475-00137275 I have alpha fur and beta 8 all look the same. This example 3IONO_yb_fE-00157-00137383-00138001 Know what's new start socks? 3IONO_yb_fE-00158-00138011-00138280 Religion 3IONO_yb_fE-00159-00138314-00139564 Closing What is the closest religion to that religion? 3IONO_yb_fE-00160-00139592-00140239 But how do you fight back 2 toner after the bible 3IONO_yb_fE-00161-00140239-00140983 Breakfast eel 3IONO_yb_fE-00162-00140983-00141657 That’s what happens. 3IONO_yb_fE-00163-00141720-00142492 So oh uh today 3IONO_yb_fE-00164-00142548-00143202 2 True Oh He in the Bible 3IONO_yb_fE-00165-00143202-00143809 There’s an amazing story. Many people are 3IONO_yb_fE-00166-00143809-00144011 Ah 3IONO_yb_fE-00167-00144057-00144654 2 12 write the Bible of the Jewish people 3IONO_yb_fE-00168-00144654-00145201 It’s probably because of the ethnic religion. Yes 3IONO_yb_fE-00169-00145201-00146569 So it’s something unique to have a lot of gold ethnicity that Israeli working people called Jews called Jewish people 3IONO_yb_fE-00170-00146569-00146951 I want to see left aligned 3IONO_yb_fE-00171-00146977-00147357 But when I come to work, 3IONO_yb_fE-00172-00147360-00148226 Yahweh Port An Haeng 1 Oh, what does the name hu-ah mean? 3IONO_yb_fE-00173-00148500-00149283 It’s not a name that you’re angry with, but it’s actually a name 3IONO_yb_fE-00174-00149283-00149957 It means that it’s really young. 3IONO_yb_fE-00175-00150124-00151367 That means, what it means to exist by itself, t means 3IONO_yb_fE-00176-00151640-00153059 It means that I am Wida that I have the hands that are open other than the English that I have, other than God. 3IONO_yb_fE-00177-00153059-00153346 You know 3IONO_yb_fE-00178-00153408-00154158 I'm not sure of that. 3IONO_yb_fE-00179-00154158-00155303 Volunteer, the atomic nucleus itself 27 Isn't it iron? 3IONO_yb_fE-00180-00155303-00156100 What prevents this explosion 3IONO_yb_fE-00181-00156133-00156992 I wonder if the atomic nucleus exists 3IONO_yb_fE-00182-00156992-00157827 The old tree, the old job, and the stone, our human, our hometown, ah 3IONO_yb_fE-00183-00157827-00158713 I made it with the original article, but uh, going back and forth without buffing there 3IONO_yb_fE-00184-00158713-00159842 How do you know how to make a person who is self unable to explode and exist for women? 3IONO_yb_fE-00185-00159842-00160225 Yeah person 3IONO_yb_fE-00186-00160285-00161122 And I pretended to put in each gene 3IONO_yb_fE-00187-00161122-00161679 It was to the Lord. Didn't you see much less? 3IONO_yb_fE-00188-00161679-00162887 It's a mistake We live in that love Then it will be the teaching 3IONO_yb_fE-00189-00163224-00163851 Oh, thank you so much this year 3IONO_yb_fE-00190-00163851-00164405 Oh oh it should be like this 5 3IONO_yb_fE-00191-00164419-00165637 He did not know the contents of the Bible well, and it was the people of the Israelite people. 3IONO_yb_fE-00192-00165637-00167233 That's why we, a very famous ah person in Korea, you know, that's why the Jews tell me to believe me Why we 3IONO_yb_fE-00193-00167233-00168255 Koreans believe in the Israeli religion. 5 Kenda is so expensive 3IONO_yb_fE-00194-00168255-00169233 If you touch the person’s story and listen to the lectures like this, what is the most basic knowledge about the Bible? 3IONO_yb_fE-00195-00169233-00170225 Don’t know what to teach people who don’t have so well 3IONO_yb_fE-00196-00170337-00170937 So, if you look here, 3IONO_yb_fE-00197-00170937-00171786 It’s not how you want to be served, but rather what 3IONO_yb_fE-00198-00171786-00172581 Serve what do you serve 3IONO_yb_fE-00199-00172581-00173205 How are you serving hard 3IONO_yb_fE-00200-00173277-00173630 Know your genes 3IONO_yb_fE-00201-00173785-00174604 You can adjust the period for a few days and keep you in the best condition. 3IONO_yb_fE-00202-00174604-00175402 And now so that you can get rid of nothing in your body 3IONO_yb_fE-00203-00175402-00175749 God only Oh 3IONO_yb_fE-00204-00175795-00176274 1 and serving 3IONO_yb_fE-00205-00176366-00176787 Oh so 5 3IONO_yb_fE-00206-00176851-00177520 What is the greatest filial piety of God 3IONO_yb_fE-00207-00177659-00178308 What is the best fire filial piety? 3IONO_yb_fE-00208-00178308-00178862 God says that he will serve me. Am I a live ammunition? 3IONO_yb_fE-00209-00178924-00179935 What if you don't like it? Tama Ah, I just wanted to drink and smoked a sour cigarette peel core 3IONO_yb_fE-00210-00179935-00180159 But 3IONO_yb_fE-00211-00180312-00181343 I want to put out what I want to do, what do I want to put up with? 3IONO_yb_fE-00212-00181440-00182570 If you find out, unconditional love is a little different, so live. 3IONO_yb_fE-00213-00182701-00183018 Soup food is right 3IONO_yb_fE-00214-00183328-00184036 Isn't it the best ride, yes it's a bell ride 3IONO_yb_fE-00215-00184036-00184624 It's taste now yeah ah 3IONO_yb_fE-00216-00184766-00185544 Let's look at this kind of person in October 3IONO_yb_fE-00217-00185807-00186766 The 5th Nae-soo says: The prophet Elisha 3IONO_yb_fE-00218-00186766-00187730 There was a lot of leprosy in Israel in this Silla's Rem Akmun 3IONO_yb_fE-00219-00187730-00189086 But none of them get clean, only I, the Surian 3IONO_yb_fE-00220-00189453-00190099 8 O LORD God 3IONO_yb_fE-00221-00190099-00190744 It’s known that all of Israel’s ang-anime 3IONO_yb_fE-00222-00190744-00191187 Jesus first chose the people 3IONO_yb_fE-00223-00191276-00191785 But in the days of the prophet Elisha 3IONO_yb_fE-00224-00191821-00192595 There were so many lepers versus Israel. 3IONO_yb_fE-00225-00192595-00192935 Oh but 3IONO_yb_fE-00226-00192935-00193515 One of the lepers of Israel 3IONO_yb_fE-00227-00193518-00194239 Said no one who received healing 3IONO_yb_fE-00228-00194239-00195222 But I only appeared in a certain movement. Suria people don't do that. 3IONO_yb_fE-00229-00195290-00196051 10 I do not speak Syria today. 3IONO_yb_fE-00230-00196102-00196503 From generation to generation, the people of Israel and what? 3IONO_yb_fE-00231-00196503-00196889 on Are you going to a bar in the woods? 3IONO_yb_fE-00232-00197164-00198361 This is the heart of Jesus. Among the words that indicate what kind of God Jesus is, for me, 3IONO_yb_fE-00233-00198361-00199474 Well, I think it’s the easiest thing to say. Then, Jesus who said this 3IONO_yb_fE-00234-00199474-00200559 28 It is proclaiming that it is not the only God of man. 3IONO_yb_fE-00235-00200559-00201690 It’s dangerous to humans. It’s not just humans. 3IONO_yb_fE-00236-00201690-00202682 Who created, cared for and served all living things 3IONO_yb_fE-00237-00202682-00203258 It means no. Look at this. 3IONO_yb_fE-00238-00203258-00204503 If you don’t know whether Jesus bet I’m in the Israeli ethnic scene or not, if you don’t know it 3IONO_yb_fE-00239-00204503-00205015 Because I’m busy, now the prophet Elisha Yes 3IONO_yb_fE-00240-00205015-00205878 Many people went to Mr. Lee, but none of them got clean and only 3IONO_yb_fE-00241-00205879-00206905 Suria people only saw me 3IONO_yb_fE-00242-00206912-00207734 No one among the Syrians hates the Israelites most 5 3IONO_yb_fE-00243-00207734-00208066 Well yes 3IONO_yb_fE-00244-00208305-00209054 Ah Aram Aram The age of me named Aram Yes 3IONO_yb_fE-00245-00209054-00209508 Remains of the army of the king of Aram 3IONO_yb_fE-00246-00209558-00210792 This Syrian and Korean pair of two hours filled the ceiling Oh, this South Korean general You are using the Syrian field and tapping on Israel 3IONO_yb_fE-00247-00210792-00211713 Beating, exploiting, and 5 times like this, so how do the Israelites take only me 3IONO_yb_fE-00248-00211713-00212315 Chuncho was the number of people who worked hard for Congressman 2 8 3IONO_yb_fE-00249-00212430-00212821 Why is el charm just killing me? 3IONO_yb_fE-00250-00212821-00213994 And because I grab it and hold it up, I do a lot of wars 3IONO_yb_fE-00251-00213994-00215119 So I know that 1o the king’s army commander, his master, the king, give me the Aramaic word “Ra,” and write it in front of the king of Aram. 3IONO_yb_fE-00252-00215119-00216223 Big boil 1 Very precious, important myth. 3IONO_yb_fE-00253-00216223-00217448 Many times before, the Lord has made me not alone to make Anam 20 ri when fighting against cancer. 3IONO_yb_fE-00254-00217448-00218476 Ooh, looking at this, whoever's opening 2 5 is only me 3IONO_yb_fE-00255-00218819-00219696 Well, what are the 800 floors and telling God that this season is our old God 3IONO_yb_fE-00256-00219696-00220673 I fainted and thought it was God, but how can I not listen to the 28th episode 3IONO_yb_fE-00257-00220673-00221729 Israelis think that Syrian me is the only Syrian people are preparing 3IONO_yb_fE-00258-00221729-00222928 I’m preparing for idols. Rimonina’s worshiping idols. So tomorrow there’s a shrine called What Yano and What? 3IONO_yb_fE-00259-00222928-00223830 So, there are almost no images of all the pictures, and the voice of God and it fly over 3IONO_yb_fE-00260-00223913-00224350 But I woke this 3IONO_yb_fE-00261-00224441-00224721 This number 3IONO_yb_fE-00262-00224746-00225669 Don't let anyone go when Syria and Israel go to war 3IONO_yb_fE-00263-00225669-00225990 Can only help me 3IONO_yb_fE-00264-00225997-00226449 What are all these words? 3IONO_yb_fE-00265-00226586-00226852 So 3IONO_yb_fE-00266-00226867-00227438 This Bible teaches a nation's only one 3IONO_yb_fE-00267-00227438-00228301 If you think it’s the story of God of the Israeli people, 3IONO_yb_fE-00268-00228301-00228867 I don’t even know that these words are true 3IONO_yb_fE-00269-00228878-00229710 Well, in lonely English, what is a motel? 3IONO_yb_fE-00270-00229716-00230327 Why so show now you answer 3IONO_yb_fE-00271-00230416-00231360 The Israelites think that the Lord God is on their side, but it is cute, so God is not on the issue-by-issue side. 3IONO_yb_fE-00272-00231360-00231853 Yeah yeah that's right 3IONO_yb_fE-00273-00231853-00232543 Why why? The Israelites think that Jehovah God is on our side. 3IONO_yb_fE-00274-00232543-00233452 W God sees Himself, God Himself, what is the 21r 100th floor? 3IONO_yb_fE-00275-00233452-00233784 No oh why 3IONO_yb_fE-00276-00233801-00234892 The unconditional love for you is God, but what are the Israelites? 3IONO_yb_fE-00277-00234894-00236223 I mean, no, so this chair is beneficial to Cain and Abel. How do you know that E and two sons born to the same parent and E are not one son? 3IONO_yb_fE-00278-00236223-00236977 I didn't see it sticky, Abel is Gahee is conditional Just what Abel is 3IONO_yb_fE-00279-00236977-00237513 Accept it because you are not good at the role unconditionally 3IONO_yb_fE-00280-00237513-00238636 Even though the name of God, saying Heo Heo, above the number of votes at all, has the same name, its personality is completely different. 3IONO_yb_fE-00281-00238917-00240076 Now that’s why you believe in Cain’s God, and who should I return to now? 3IONO_yb_fE-00282-00240076-00240840 As the God of Abel, so the history of this world is always 3IONO_yb_fE-00283-00240840-00241628 It's been a history of Cain killing Abel, you know. 3IONO_yb_fE-00284-00241909-00242998 Right now, the whole world, especially Korea and ah, how is Christianity now? 3IONO_yb_fE-00285-00243016-00243998 Well, it's going to be almost ruined and something like that 3IONO_yb_fE-00286-00244056-00245187 What is it like God is on the side? I don’t think God is on the side of the church. 3IONO_yb_fE-00287-00245187-00245453 Why 3IONO_yb_fE-00288-00245537-00246237 That's right, thorough pretend pretend that God sided 2 without adding 5 3IONO_yb_fE-00289-00246237-00247073 Oh, what is our boyfriend? 3IONO_yb_fE-00290-00247090-00248119 My husband's release capture, let me become a life operator. Let me pick the absolute evil. 3IONO_yb_fE-00291-00248119-00248688 It has nothing to do with a dangerous God. 3IONO_yb_fE-00292-00248688-00250171 No, but I believe in myself or a woman’s clothes, and this phenomenon was happening to the Israelites in the days of the prophet Elisha. 3IONO_yb_fE-00293-00250255-00250592 Then like this 3IONO_yb_fE-00294-00250805-00251579 Me, the Lord, before me, now me, who? 3IONO_yb_fE-00295-00251579-00252052 You are money 3IONO_yb_fE-00296-00252211-00253096 I'm the only one I know 3IONO_yb_fE-00297-00253096-00253582 Seven generations of lip work and war 3IONO_yb_fE-00298-00253741-00254554 What will the war be like at this time for South Korea? 3IONO_yb_fE-00299-00254554-00255403 All of them become slaves. So the people do how to prevent Aram from becoming slaves. 3IONO_yb_fE-00300-00255403-00256104 To save Adam, that is, to hear Garam. 3IONO_yb_fE-00301-00256255-00257069 If you ask me why you say this, I think the answer is 3IONO_yb_fE-00302-00257087-00258232 I can’t get to midnight, why, why, why did you leave the hearing to the Lord 3IONO_yb_fE-00303-00258329-00258773 I can't say anything to answer 3IONO_yb_fE-00304-00259069-00259350 Now then 3IONO_yb_fE-00305-00259556-00260117 Only me 3IONO_yb_fE-00306-00260232-00261409 I’m the only one in the country called Syria, an Aramaic tribe who believes in gods, an idol god called Mon. 3IONO_yb_fE-00307-00261409-00261948 I live in this 70,000 south port ah 3IONO_yb_fE-00308-00261948-00262693 I mean, how you thought it was different? It means that I only heard someone's voice. 3IONO_yb_fE-00309-00262693-00263652 Hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit What did the Holy Spirit say? 3IONO_yb_fE-00310-00263652-00264275 Believe that you are God and do books 3IONO_yb_fE-00311-00264278-00264633 You think so 3IONO_yb_fE-00312-00264756-00265116 Then Namwon 3IONO_yb_fE-00313-00265131-00265972 Uh, that choto is a little cheaper since I was a kid 3IONO_yb_fE-00314-00265994-00266419 Um raining disorder phenomenon I'm uh 3IONO_yb_fE-00315-00266419-00267495 It's been a year since we were younger, and I'm 7 years old and 8 v. 1950. 3IONO_yb_fE-00316-00267495-00268715 At that time, the Republic of Korea was hit. Oh, somebody got sick and got sick, something bad happened, and after that, what happened? 3IONO_yb_fE-00317-00268715-00269418 In the old house, the yard can be really sick 3IONO_yb_fE-00318-00269418-00270222 Even if you're good at night, you can't get it. Where's next door 9? 3IONO_yb_fE-00319-00270222-00270566 Uh yeah fear 8 3IONO_yb_fE-00320-00270686-00271249 And old people's train train 3IONO_yb_fE-00321-00271404-00272492 And if you have a ritual and something like this, even if you go to the general meeting like this, you put it out of the door. 3IONO_yb_fE-00322-00272521-00273154 I don’t have anything like that these days, so I like 80,000 won. 3IONO_yb_fE-00323-00273154-00274290 Well, superstition and even ourselves at that time when we were 7 digits, 8 ships, 9 years old, um 3IONO_yb_fE-00324-00274290-00275331 Without 5 We heard that we are also at that size Well, it’s clear, it’s too hot 3IONO_yb_fE-00325-00275331-00276122 Let’s write in saltwater, where are we going? 3IONO_yb_fE-00326-00276148-00276747 You have to choose, how do you like the sun, Paul 5 3IONO_yb_fE-00327-00276835-00277606 Seongdo's [ __ ] added 17 Why do you go to Songdo like that? 3IONO_yb_fE-00328-00277606-00277836 Choi Soo 3IONO_yb_fE-00329-00278039-00279089 I hit you with that thought, false thoughts, such a ridiculous thought 3IONO_yb_fE-00330-00279089-00279550 Oh then, for whoever evil spirits come 3IONO_yb_fE-00331-00279661-00280716 So it’s time to walk and wake up more 3IONO_yb_fE-00332-00280968-00281399 There are times when it's big, you know c5 3IONO_yb_fE-00333-00281634-00281927 So uh 3IONO_yb_fE-00334-00281965-00282495 King Araum's army storage remains 3IONO_yb_fE-00335-00282608-00283720 And I was only listening to the voice of what God was listening to by 3IONO_yb_fE-00336-00284131-00284752 So this guy is courageous 3IONO_yb_fE-00337-00284752-00285544 Why do you get strong, but what's in your mind? 3IONO_yb_fE-00338-00285544-00286085 I can’t go when I’m out. Why is my love affair in full swing again? 3IONO_yb_fE-00339-00286085-00286708 That’s why I heard God’s voice 3IONO_yb_fE-00340-00286739-00287963 As a servant of that king of Syria, uh, what now, yes, when the king took over the myth and had a meeting like ah 3IONO_yb_fE-00341-00287963-00288788 Uh, I am the only commander in the army 3IONO_yb_fE-00342-00288788-00289834 Uh, how do you feel about this idea of ​​Ijime? When you ask for advice 3IONO_yb_fE-00343-00289834-00290410 Each of the officials in the house is not going to announce their opinion 3IONO_yb_fE-00344-00290410-00291401 When the kings listened to the new son's opinion and looked at the character, it was said that his son was giving advice. 3IONO_yb_fE-00345-00291401-00292609 Listen, what's in the body, what's in the arc, and each car doesn't have them, so I'm going to disturb the body and change all the books 3IONO_yb_fE-00346-00292609-00293179 Changing the king’s mind and saying that he was outside the black house 3IONO_yb_fE-00347-00293179-00293430 Well 3IONO_yb_fE-00348-00293496-00294024 Military regime remains well 3IONO_yb_fE-00349-00294111-00294798 What are your thoughts? After listening to more, what are your greeds 3IONO_yb_fE-00350-00294798-00295814 No, I have to go straight to this country. 3IONO_yb_fE-00351-00295814-00297101 So, I’m the only one who’s the captain of the 2nd Army. When I read through this Bible later, I’ll find out what role he’s playing. 3IONO_yb_fE-00352-00297101-00298081 Now the king has to go and uh 2 I have to go and bow in front of the dominant castle that has been driven like this 4 3IONO_yb_fE-00353-00298081-00298975 Yes, it’s difficult to bend over like this, and how uncomfortable to get up after bowing again 3IONO_yb_fE-00354-00298975-00300031 How do somebody shorten that wide king, how does South Korea feel like the person who supports him? 3IONO_yb_fE-00355-00300031-00300597 Why is it so dangerous when the king is alone? 3IONO_yb_fE-00356-00300677-00301480 So when the king sees it, there are a lot of me and please 3IONO_yb_fE-00357-00301480-00302472 Why am I only talking to a lot of people because that person 3IONO_yb_fE-00358-00302781-00303310 I'm gonna yell my mad that there's a crocodile 3 3IONO_yb_fE-00359-00303310-00304782 So, no matter how much we look at the level of our 28 people, I want Jehovah to break the wind and break it. 3IONO_yb_fE-00360-00304873-00305872 That’s why I’m an older sister, a God of unconditional love that tells us to love even the conditional enemies of God’s terrifying words 3IONO_yb_fE-00361-00305872-00306560 If you say this Bible then 3IONO_yb_fE-00362-00306560-00307466 2 What from a religious standpoint 3IONO_yb_fE-00363-00307466-00307984 What to look at the bible 3IONO_yb_fE-00364-00308170-00309319 A. Ramen is a store with the Bible, but there is no law that says that you cannot hear the voice of God because there is no Bible. 3IONO_yb_fE-00365-00309319-00310033 The Holy Spirit can work on someone's heart 3IONO_yb_fE-00366-00310033-00311035 The Holy Spirit is looking for you 3IONO_yb_fE-00367-00311035-00311259 Well 3IONO_yb_fE-00368-00311290-00312175 Okay, that’s why he saved the beautiful. 3IONO_yb_fE-00369-00312175-00312756 Noun but how do you go 3IONO_yb_fE-00370-00312756-00313219 Then I reach the sick in normal exercise 3IONO_yb_fE-00371-00313219-00314160 Oh, this is the first time here in 2 Kings 5:1 3IONO_yb_fE-00372-00314160-00314965 It’s quite complicated. This deep meaning is far ahead of me. 3IONO_yb_fE-00373-00314965-00315646 When you fight war, who do you side with? 3IONO_yb_fE-00374-00315646-00316295 Well, so yes, I listen to one side and write 3IONO_yb_fE-00375-00316295-00317068 The solidarity of God in Israel's defeat 3IONO_yb_fE-00376-00317116-00318060 Why is there another purpose for God? There is nothing to defeat Israel What is that? 3IONO_yb_fE-00377-00318060-00319174 The 100 stories of Israel were made of stones, so why did the Lord give birth to the wind? 3IONO_yb_fE-00378-00319174-00319494 The country of the loser 3IONO_yb_fE-00379-00319652-00320235 And what's on our side? 3IONO_yb_fE-00380-00320246-00321139 In that case, uh, Israeli Mac Sunny, what should I think about? 3IONO_yb_fE-00381-00321370-00321786 oo ah ah huh ah 3IONO_yb_fE-00382-00321857-00322691 Why don't we stay together for a long time? 3IONO_yb_fE-00383-00322970-00323605 So, pray and find out the cause. 3IONO_yb_fE-00384-00323605-00324796 At that time, what should the prophet Elisha teach you? Why is the prophet Elisha yes? 3IONO_yb_fE-00385-00324796-00325600 How do I line up and why I am the only one who rules the entire army 3IONO_yb_fE-00386-00325600-00326019 What do you know 3IONO_yb_fE-00387-00326051-00327173 Oh, what if there is a premise that the God of so much unconditional love is the God of this world? 3IONO_yb_fE-00388-00327173-00327532 Is he love 3IONO_yb_fE-00389-00327790-00328025 And 3IONO_yb_fE-00390-00328122-00328774 Really, I will live all my feelings 3IONO_yb_fE-00391-00328785-00330163 It gives life, so what I have been pursuing since I was a child. 3IONO_yb_fE-00392-00330163-00331278 Add a true shooting The heart of pursuing this true whole school is from God to everyone 3IONO_yb_fE-00393-00331278-00332443 But how do humans do it? It's a good thing that many people follow rather than find a true religion. 3IONO_yb_fE-00394-00332443-00332756 Beggar religious 3IONO_yb_fE-00395-00332805-00333592 It’s a cold time now yeah everyone ah 3IONO_yb_fE-00396-00333623-00334051 Since I started Ryuwoon 3IONO_yb_fE-00397-00334079-00335528 2 It is a warm word to feel that there is no erasure in doing folk medicine or modern medicine. 3IONO_yb_fE-00398-00335528-00335731 Uh 3IONO_yb_fE-00399-00335735-00337023 It is for a disease that appears in my own body until 15 o'clock. That's another one of the members vs. medicine I learned. 3IONO_yb_fE-00400-00337023-00337577 I can't do bronchial asthma 3IONO_yb_fE-00401-00337578-00338299 That's 7 times the cotton for Alec, which is caused by a weak filling area. 3IONO_yb_fE-00402-00338318-00339559 But my weak immunity is that my regulation is turned off and I just threw it away. 3IONO_yb_fE-00403-00339559-00340311 Oh, my nickname was Nervous. 3IONO_yb_fE-00404-00340311-00341216 So what I don’t like is Lee’s 7-year-old from childhood. 3IONO_yb_fE-00405-00341641-00341993 What if you like reincarnation? 3IONO_yb_fE-00406-00342033-00342346 4 U 3IONO_yb_fE-00407-00342360-00342641 222 3IONO_yb_fE-00408-00342683-00343259 So always l 725 ah ah ah 3IONO_yb_fE-00409-00343259-00343816 Then turn it off a little more and keep going 3IONO_yb_fE-00410-00344138-00344520 People who ride 3IONO_yb_fE-00411-00344520-00345454 How 1 Oh how 4 steps What are you really doing What the world has done So far you can see Negative 3IONO_yb_fE-00412-00345454-00345654 Uh 3IONO_yb_fE-00413-00345663-00346734 So uh, so I can't tell you about that negative emotion, I have no choice but to put a bottle 3IONO_yb_fE-00414-00346734-00347960 And since all the genetics are turned off and the spicy area is weakened, it becomes an allergic constitution. 3IONO_yb_fE-00415-00347975-00348976 That’s why the bronchial tubes are hitting sensitive now. Well, it’s not that there’s a lot of dust or the air is sticky. 3IONO_yb_fE-00416-00348976-00349768 When I dance, my bronchial tubes will throw away all the fish cakes Why don't let this bad air get in 3IONO_yb_fE-00417-00349768-00350602 I'm going to get sensitive 5 Prey cold taking a job 5 Now and this time Jess's phlegm has been thinking about what's coming in and out now 3IONO_yb_fE-00418-00350602-00351175 I told you to open spring, so now, the texture of the stew is right angled and coughed and then there is a problem 3IONO_yb_fE-00419-00351175-00351882 What happens when the organ sin gets narrower Oh, Seung-cheol Lee 3IONO_yb_fE-00420-00352131-00352535 Oh immunity strengthening 3IONO_yb_fE-00421-00352543-00353295 There’s no, I have to eliminate the cause. 3IONO_yb_fE-00422-00353357-00354649 All the soldiers are nervous about this negative island road, they don’t know about this, and they have nothing to do with my illness. 3IONO_yb_fE-00423-00354649-00354966 I thought 3IONO_yb_fE-00424-00354982-00355979 So I’m going to skip it. Put on some cloth socks. 3IONO_yb_fE-00425-00355979-00356542 Example 2 for reverse reverse flow point by point again 3IONO_yb_fE-00426-00356655-00357233 All of those antacids, digestives, yes 3IONO_yb_fE-00427-00357413-00358307 Besides, what is it? Yes? Is your immunity weak? There are a lot of Park Tae-hwan in the air that helps this hurdle 3IONO_yb_fE-00428-00358307-00359489 Then, where the air goes, here the pupil is a lump of lante, there is a curfew here too, and what I saw here, uh, it seems like all this is going to make money. 3IONO_yb_fE-00429-00359489-00360292 When the bacteria of the moon float, how much bacteria live, and it is moist and thick. 3IONO_yb_fE-00430-00360292-00361176 The more I keep seeing the things that Park Dae-gi will get, the spicy spiritual power is good, and the charm of Seoul's m hot tax law 4 Write as destruction 3IONO_yb_fE-00431-00361176-00361935 That's what I can't kill. I'll put it. 3IONO_yb_fE-00432-00361935-00362250 [music] 3IONO_yb_fE-00433-00362358-00363462 Then that’s what it’s like. When the inflammation occurs, a bastard is created and the puddle piles up here and there. 3IONO_yb_fE-00434-00363462-00364178 Farming without knowing what the Middle Ages are like, sinusitis 3IONO_yb_fE-00435-00364217-00364858 Ah 3 years peasant society yes head hurts and fever 3IONO_yb_fE-00436-00364858-00365369 4 I always put 10 3IONO_yb_fE-00437-00365369-00366333 Lotion 11 low ah ah yes but that inflammation is a submersion of chronic inflammation like that 3IONO_yb_fE-00438-00366333-00366726 Let's be strict on the net 3IONO_yb_fE-00439-00366888-00368238 I can't be a descendant of Ga. Oh ah Chris 15 kinds of 7 diseases. 3IONO_yb_fE-00440-00368238-00369305 The healing earth is 1 for a while, what is the symptom? 3IONO_yb_fE-00441-00369313-00369519 Ah 3IONO_yb_fE-00442-00369606-00370023 But I found out about the news diet 3IONO_yb_fE-00443-00370088-00370330 Hwaah 3IONO_yb_fE-00444-00370456-00371050 Judging from that, I did not withdraw from the 5.0 membership job. 3IONO_yb_fE-00445-00371050-00371829 Uh, everyone becomes a member too. It’s a decision life. 3IONO_yb_fE-00446-00371933-00372682 The number of people who are sticking to each other even if it doesn't work 3IONO_yb_fE-00447-00372944-00373384 I found it yes 3IONO_yb_fE-00448-00373579-00374545 Oh, that’s why everyone else’s going 3IONO_yb_fE-00449-00374545-00375141 It’s not going to go, I mean [music] 3IONO_yb_fE-00450-00375141-00376593 However, I was the only one who thought about why I got leprosy on my own when others worshiped and poked a distant idol. 3IONO_yb_fE-00451-00376593-00377163 I'll give it to you, but I'm not worried about this. 3IONO_yb_fE-00452-00377163-00378675 What are you doing? What are you doing? 3IONO_yb_fE-00453-00378675-00379794 Similar heads, somehow very bizarre, they call it god, almost like Dante Jija pants pig vs. Paris 3IONO_yb_fE-00454-00379794-00379997 Uh 3IONO_yb_fE-00455-00380053-00381166 So at that time, well, when I was young, even if I couldn't sleep all the time 3IONO_yb_fE-00456-00381223-00381997 How about just sleeping? But when you hear 9, they just laugh and do it 3IONO_yb_fE-00457-00381997-00382684 Everyone walks nicely, b, it's really hard, so what's wrong with this inside 3IONO_yb_fE-00458-00382684-00383573 That means they’re sensitive now. Yes, kids, what if 7 or 8 years old are tired 3IONO_yb_fE-00459-00383573-00384307 Whatever it is, noisy or not, it's been gone 3IONO_yb_fE-00460-00384359-00384661 So my heart 3IONO_yb_fE-00461-00384680-00385456 How do you worry, ah conflict ah 3IONO_yb_fE-00462-00385551-00386415 So, I'm sorry hyung, I fell all over here and got a deal for leprosy 3IONO_yb_fE-00463-00386415-00386654 I mean 3IONO_yb_fE-00464-00386749-00387327 There were a lot of leprosy calls at that time in Israel, but ah 3IONO_yb_fE-00465-00387355-00388107 Who is the only movement sick among God's repairs? 3IONO_yb_fE-00466-00388204-00389111 So it’s not the Israeli people’s national god. 3IONO_yb_fE-00467-00389147-00389611 So let's think about it 3IONO_yb_fE-00468-00389747-00390253 Now so ah now 3IONO_yb_fE-00469-00390253-00390736 Well everyone on the farm 3IONO_yb_fE-00470-00390736-00392096 Also, the local color that the Syrians will follow is close to Shira-e, and the clock that I looted and shot by the c maker. 3IONO_yb_fE-00471-00392096-00392849 I went in to buy the looting, and then the town l Harts scholar's shoots and looks smart. 3IONO_yb_fE-00472-00392849-00393416 Should free one of the girls 3IONO_yb_fE-00473-00393416-00394298 Come with me, the very requirement is female, because they have an aunt, they all look good and seem to sell 3IONO_yb_fE-00474-00394298-00395033 Well, then, did I only do that because the general's son, who wasn't good enough, was so big? 3IONO_yb_fE-00475-00395033-00396260 I'm using it by hitting it, so it's something of our general as kids. As an errand worker at home. 3IONO_yb_fE-00476-00396260-00397241 Oh, especially the general's wife, I wish I could use the crystal lantern for each one. 3IONO_yb_fE-00477-00397241-00398351 So I just throw it away at the general's house on that day. 3IONO_yb_fE-00478-00398351-00399359 Smart and honest 5 uh, only me, even when my wife sees me 3IONO_yb_fE-00479-00399359-00400005 So good and everything is clear 3IONO_yb_fE-00480-00400005-00400813 Good Yes Before qualification, an Aramean grouped up and blocked a small girl on the ground for two hours. 3IONO_yb_fE-00481-00400813-00401478 Todd I presumed to be my own wife 3IONO_yb_fE-00482-00401832-00402140 I heard the crystal 3IONO_yb_fE-00483-00402166-00402966 Jam-geun-sama has leprosy. 3IONO_yb_fE-00484-00403258-00403518 This child 3IONO_yb_fE-00485-00403582-00404379 This 2 Kings 5 ​​This is an amazing chapter Ipay 5 What did you say 3IONO_yb_fE-00486-00404608-00404997 To the mother-in-law at this time 3IONO_yb_fE-00487-00405127-00405952 I just said to the mother-in-law like this, 3IONO_yb_fE-00488-00405952-00407128 The prophet Elisha in Samaria, and when he meets the grooming car, how can he get rid of leprosy? 3IONO_yb_fE-00489-00407128-00407695 Coach Will Fix Evil 4 3IONO_yb_fE-00490-00407695-00408531 But the forehead hmm you saw Do you know what this means 3IONO_yb_fE-00491-00409004-00409499 If it comes out like that, what are the people of this October? 3IONO_yb_fE-00492-00409505-00410179 And where have my own subordinates captivated them 3IONO_yb_fE-00493-00410423-00411880 So, from a girl's point of view, I was the only one who wasn't, but I couldn't do it. 3IONO_yb_fE-00494-00411881-00412641 Then this rumor girl 3IONO_yb_fE-00495-00412653-00413234 So-called qualitatively, how to always think about the top 5 3IONO_yb_fE-00496-00413413-00414271 Then the LORD our God, who bought the armament, went to the South Korean general 3IONO_yb_fE-00497-00414271-00414538 Chi 3IONO_yb_fE-00498-00414679-00415354 God of our Israel, how do you bring down punishment? 3IONO_yb_fE-00499-00415354-00415739 It's like getting leprosy 3IONO_yb_fE-00500-00415772-00416459 It would be normal to think, what kind of God is that normal thought? 3IONO_yb_fE-00501-00416459-00417685 Put two anti-cancer pieces on it, and God is the conditional person for all of us, so you have to escape from that summit as if I withdrew from modern medicine 3IONO_yb_fE-00502-00417685-00418413 Oh, if I withdraw, my bottle will also be eaten. 3IONO_yb_fE-00503-00418425-00418852 Oh, I can't be alive until now 3IONO_yb_fE-00504-00419292-00419946 Even if you raise me over 80 people right now, what are you still? 3IONO_yb_fE-00505-00419946-00420600 I did it, but now I have to do it. 3IONO_yb_fE-00506-00420600-00421208 The unconditional love to do 3IONO_yb_fE-00507-00421208-00422216 I am glad and thankful. 3IONO_yb_fE-00508-00422216-00422493 And what 3IONO_yb_fE-00509-00422634-00423257 Yes, but Lee Gi-ju is just a little bit 3IONO_yb_fE-00510-00423257-00424379 This is what the attendant of Ga is saying. It must be that he sees God as a kind of God. 3IONO_yb_fE-00511-00424379-00425324 The Lord, the God of our Israel, remains our enemy unconditionally 3IONO_yb_fE-00512-00425324-00426072 Did you love me? Just go out in front of him 3IONO_yb_fE-00513-00426109-00427189 Clearly, the omniscient Eli, who comes out first in the words of God # Completely or flying # Through the prophet 3IONO_yb_fE-00514-00427189-00428504 Massa pie, knowing unconditional love, enough to say that he loves me because he can’t only heal me. 3IONO_yb_fE-00515-00428504-00428897 Where are you going. [Applause] 3IONO_yb_fE-00516-00428897-00429806 Oh what you see 2 Because the unconditional applause appeared, the size of adultery is the key 4 3IONO_yb_fE-00517-00429806-00430303 Primitive Unaman Balaam's Punishment Line 3IONO_yb_fE-00518-00430548-00430962 I have a prayer to hear him 3IONO_yb_fE-00519-00431019-00431222 Ah 3IONO_yb_fE-00520-00431239-00432067 Then why did this girl get caught in the town 3IONO_yb_fE-00521-00432067-00432876 What do you think of the girl's parents in that neighborhood 3IONO_yb_fE-00522-00432931-00433656 Parents are not going to be in that hand. Yes, the damage has been taken. 3IONO_yb_fE-00523-00433756-00434885 Well, the reason why people would make you think 3IONO_yb_fE-00524-00434897-00435643 But I’m caught holding a ridicule to see what God’s like 3IONO_yb_fE-00525-00435668-00436264 Thoroughly family spiritual shooting that direct role 3IONO_yb_fE-00526-00436522-00436963 Look at Thailand. This Bible 3IONO_yb_fE-00527-00437084-00437964 I can see verse 1, verse 2 here, even if you come to verse 3, show me all 7 days of creation 3IONO_yb_fE-00528-00437964-00438429 How far is the world 1 3IONO_yb_fE-00529-00438621-00439046 I can't see this 3IONO_yb_fE-00530-00439335-00439904 Even if I read it, I did it once 3IONO_yb_fE-00531-00439935-00440892 What you need to know is that you don't finally understand, you need to know that unconditional love is 1 3IONO_yb_fE-00532-00440892-00441347 I can understand Lee Sun-kyung 3IONO_yb_fE-00533-00441400-00442233 So how hard and so are those parents 3IONO_yb_fE-00534-00442262-00442921 But what is the reason for this? What is the reason for wanting anyway? 3IONO_yb_fE-00535-00443066-00443900 If you come to the end of the story now, how do I end up with my own 3IONO_yb_fE-00536-00443900-00444839 Alicia Rahl's wife and child go to visit, and Elisha, the leprosy, gives birth to the sentence-type Bang. 3IONO_yb_fE-00537-00444839-00445468 Then, what if I'm alone 3IONO_yb_fE-00538-00445468-00446046 If Jehovah I am like this, then ah 3IONO_yb_fE-00539-00446114-00447107 Oh, what is that, no matter how much you don't, even if it's a far-off enemy 3IONO_yb_fE-00540-00447107-00448207 Those who are looking for a God who gives such hell relief and sticky love there is a must say to 3IONO_yb_fE-00541-00448207-00448873 That Man Must Meet God How 4 3IONO_yb_fE-00542-00448873-00449805 That person will be 1 to meet God and become a new person. 3IONO_yb_fE-00543-00449805-00450725 In the wind of Syria, the military commander, Kwon, asked me to use the cigar with me alone. 3IONO_yb_fE-00544-00450841-00451899 So, the Hulk is like a test so that God can take Giz by to take this girl. 3IONO_yb_fE-00545-00451914-00452207 What to do 3IONO_yb_fE-00546-00452235-00452572 Buy boy logo 3IONO_yb_fE-00547-00452977-00453871 So, everyone, now, about this unconditional love God 3IONO_yb_fE-00548-00453871-00455008 Hearing, learning, clapping, and achieving is that the true God cut you off and you cut it off and send it here. 3IONO_yb_fE-00549-00455008-00455454 It’s not raw. 3IONO_yb_fE-00550-00455459-00456182 Something ah it's not white at the end 3IONO_yb_fE-00551-00456182-00456881 Because I do this, why do I still have joy in 40 years 50 years 1? 3IONO_yb_fE-00552-00456881-00457984 Someone who admits that something is buried in the car 3IONO_yb_fE-00553-00458157-00459032 What is the result of shame 3IONO_yb_fE-00554-00459164-00459521 Isn't it? 3IONO_yb_fE-00555-00459593-00460252 So happy worth 1 ah ah tragic book huh ah 3IONO_yb_fE-00556-00460252-00460806 So everyone a little more ah 3IONO_yb_fE-00557-00460834-00461857 Attachment 2 When I think of this girl's story, I only think about it, and the curse girl is also amazing. 3IONO_yb_fE-00558-00461857-00462680 Yeah, how did you know that this girl or 3IONO_yb_fE-00559-00462709-00463130 Parents will find it right away. 3IONO_yb_fE-00560-00463257-00464360 So their parents were misunderstood by their lord's neighbors. 3IONO_yb_fE-00561-00464360-00465135 I let them get caught, but what would their parents think they would think positively? 3IONO_yb_fE-00562-00465135-00465728 My daughter went there 3IONO_yb_fE-00563-00465790-00466547 It is clear that there will be work of God to do 3IONO_yb_fE-00564-00466547-00466858 [music] 3IONO_yb_fE-00565-00466908-00467853 Oh, and what would that little daughter think she was always whining to hook music and not crying 3IONO_yb_fE-00566-00467853-00468756 Will it be my own swollen or looting? 3IONO_yb_fE-00567-00468756-00469370 When you become Lee Mun-dong and get caught, God will give birth to you 3IONO_yb_fE-00568-00469370-00470239 Oh, it’s a great person. Only 4 minutes must realize unconditional love. 3IONO_yb_fE-00569-00470239-00470699 Be a great person 3IONO_yb_fE-00570-00470699-00471304 Oh, he helps many people 3IONO_yb_fE-00571-00471322-00472135 It really can really have life and a friend you don't even know works 3IONO_yb_fE-00572-00472135-00472696 I want you to be like that 3IONO_yb_fE-00573-00472832-00473492 5 Oh, come on, give us congratulations 3IONO_yb_fE-00574-00473492-00474088 U all 5 3IONO_yb_fE-00575-00474380-00474930 Uh [music] 3IONO_yb_fE-00577-00478027-00478685 Uh now co co 3IONO_yb_fE-00578-00478708-00478910 5 3IONO_yb_fE-00579-00478939-00479142 5 3IONO_yb_fE-00580-00479188-00479613 h5 white 3IONO_yb_fE-00581-00479858-00480389 [music] 3IONO_yb_fE-00582-00480466-00480668 Ah 3IONO_yb_fE-00583-00480693-00481148 Ahh 4 3IONO_yb_fE-00584-00481260-00481805 Give Life to All of Us 1 No 3IONO_yb_fE-00585-00481805-00482946 Today at this time I learned what religion is the best teaching in shooting 3IONO_yb_fE-00586-00482946-00483545 5 of the most fundamental and problematic teachings 3IONO_yb_fE-00587-00483562-00484839 Yes, there is God 3IONO_yb_fE-00588-00484862-00485826 Because that love is unconditional love, that love becomes life. 3IONO_yb_fE-00589-00485826-00486816 That life made us alive, the manager of all living things 3IONO_yb_fE-00590-00486816-00487451 Stay healthy and make you happy [music] 3IONO_yb_fE-00591-00487451-00487992 There is no first edition meeting [music] 3IONO_yb_fE-00592-00487992-00488751 Please go and see that we are impressed by that a lot 3IONO_yb_fE-00593-00488751-00489377 Let's see that impression 5 The monster carol at the beginning of this year 3IONO_yb_fE-00594-00489377-00490200 Norwich 9 As the road to life 3IONO_yb_fE-00595-00490200-00491139 1 Even today, the offering has nothing to do with God. 3IONO_yb_fE-00596-00491139-00492063 Sidia remains among those 3 countless poems ah 3IONO_yb_fE-00597-00492063-00492967 Oh, maybe I met 10 and chose the whole school. 3IONO_yb_fE-00598-00492975-00493895 That little boy has been bringing a true whole school since childhood 3IONO_yb_fE-00599-00493895-00494500 There are many people who respect him. 3IONO_yb_fE-00600-00494500-00495154 But what kind of emergency do you want to choose the true religion? 3IONO_yb_fE-00601-00495154-00495664 Uh, so this whole school has oil 3IONO_yb_fE-00602-00495664-00496239 There is no narrow road 3IONO_yb_fE-00603-00496239-00497073 The total amount is really guild 2 3IONO_yb_fE-00604-00497073-00497882 The chance of life in this narrow world, oil is the depth of death 3IONO_yb_fE-00605-00497882-00498863 This is the book of punishment for the antagonism of life by giving birth to unconditional love. 3IONO_yb_fE-00606-00498863-00499610 Lead us to the end and the result 3IONO_yb_fE-00607-00499610-00500545 Heal us. We pray in Jesus name. 3IONO_yb_fE-00608-00500545-00501037 [Music] ah 3IONO_yb_fE-00609-00501037-00501938 [Music] Uh ver 3IONO_yb_fE-00610-00501993-00502427 [music] 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00000-00000200-00000800 Anodizing Aluminum The Secret of Apple's Durable Laptops & iPods EngineerGuy Series #4 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00001-00001000-00001300 I love the “unibody” design Apple uses in their laptops. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00002-00001300-00001600 They’re made from aluminum or titanium that’s processed 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00003-00001600-00001900 to give a polished and refined look with a tough surface. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00004-00001900-00002200 They use a similar process on their iPods as well. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00005-00002200-00002600 The colorful aluminum cases look painted, but the surface is actually a layer 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00006-00002600-00002900 of aluminum oxide grown into the aluminum with a dye locked into it. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00007-00002900-00003200 What’s really bizarre is that these layers come from 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00008-00003200-00003500 carefully controlled corrosion, in other words, rust. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00009-00003500-00004000 Every piece of aluminum develops an air-tight oxide coating on its surface 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00010-00004000-00004200 almost immediately when exposed to air. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00011-00004200-00004500 Now, while we think of corrosion as a force of destruction, 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00012-00004500-00004900 when used creatively by engineers it can yield incredible utility, 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00013-00004900-00005000 as seen in Apple’s products. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00014-00005100-00005300 To create the coating used on these products, 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00015-00005300-00005600 engineers enhance the growth of that oxide layer electrochemically. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00016-00005600-00005900 Let me show you with a piece of titanium. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00017-00007200-00007400 I’ve placed a strip of titanium in this solution, 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00018-00007400-00007600 hooked to a power supply. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00019-00007600-00007900 Don’t do this at home: This can be lethal. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00020-00007900-00008200 Watch what happens as I apply a voltage. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00021-00008300-00008500 We see bubbles coming off the electrodes. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00022-00008500-00008700 As I increase the voltages the color of the titanium changes. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00023-00008700-00009100 We call this process anodizing; Here’s what’s happening. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00024-00009100-00009300 I’m growing a layer of titanium dioxide. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00025-00009300-00009600 There’s a very thin layer there naturally, 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00026-00009600-00009900 but as I increase its thickness you can see the color changes as well. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00027-00009900-00010200 If we look at the strip I created from the side 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00028-00010200-00010300 and exaggerate the scale 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00029-00010300-00010500 we can see that each color corresponds 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00030-00010500-00010700 to an oxide layer of a different depth. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00031-00010700-00010900 The color comes from the interference of light rays 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00032-00010900-00011100 that bounce off the titanium surface at the bottom 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00033-00011100-00011500 of the transparent oxide and those that reflect from its surface. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00034-00011500-00011800 The thickness of the layer determines how those two rays interfere. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00035-00011800-00012300 For each thickness of the oxide layer two waves of a specific color 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00036-00012300-00012500 will be exactly a half wavelength out of phase and 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00037-00012500-00012900 so when they recombine at the surface they cancel each other. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00038-00012900-00013100 The color observed, then, if light source is white 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00039-00013100-00013300 will be the complement of that color. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00040-00013300-00013800 While titanium is fascinating, anodizing is of most importance for aluminum, 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00041-00013800-00014100 because the coating can be made thicker, more robust and protective. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00042-00014100-00014400 To get vivid colors, we dye the aluminum 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00043-00014400-00014600 and seal the surface to lock in the color. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00044-00014600-00014900 Anodizing aluminium starts out much like titanium. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00045-00014900-00015200 Using aluminum as the positive electrode, engineers first pass 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00046-00015300-00015500 enough current to grow a thin "barrier" layer 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00047-00015500-00015700 similar to that which forms naturally. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00048-00015700-00016100 Then, as the anodizing proceeds, the current pushes this 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00049-00016100-00016300 barrier deep down into the aluminum converting 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00050-00016300-00016600 the aluminum above into a very porous oxide layer. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00051-00016600-00017000 It isn't a layer being put on top, but instead the reaction 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00052-00017000-00017300 consumes and converts the aluminum; this is one of the reasons 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00053-00017300-00017500 it's so effective at preventing corrosion. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00054-00017500-00017900 The pores in this layer give the aluminum a unique characteristic 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00055-00017900-00018100 important for a consumer device 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00056-00018100-00018300 The ability to be colored. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00057-00018300-00018600 The pores formed on the surface have a honeycomb pattern. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00058-00018600-00018800 Inside these layers one can place dye of any color. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00059-00018800-00019100 Once the pores are filled engineers seal the layer 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00060-00019100-00019300 by boiling the aluminum in hot water. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00061-00019300-00019600 This closes the pores, locking the color in forever, 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00062-00019600-00019900 you cannot scrape it off without removing the aluminum. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00063-00019900-00020100 The toughness comes from the oxide being structurally 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00064-00020100-00020300 similar to tough gemstones. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00065-00020300-00020500 Sapphire is an aluminum oxide 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00066-00020500-00020800 with trace amounts of iron and titanium to give it a blue color 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00067-00020800-00021100 it's also the basis of ruby, the same crystal structure 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00068-00021100-00021300 with chromium that absorbs yellow-green. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00069-00021300-00021700 Both materials are very hard: Nine on the Mohs scale. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00070-00021700-00022000 In a typical iPod they use only soft anodizing so that 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00071-00022000-00022400 layer isn’t quite as hard, but still more durable than paint. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00072-00022400-00022500 I just love anodizing 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00073-00022500-00022900 The natural occurrence of corrosion made useful for everyday objects. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00074-00023000-00023200 I’m Bill Hammack, the engineer guy. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00075-00023200-00023400 This video is based on a chapter 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00076-00023400-00023700 in the book Eight Amazing Engineering Stories. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00077-00023700-00023900 The chapters features more information about this subject. 3NKxGGs-ppQ-00078-00023900-00024200 Learn more about the book at the address below. 3pFa0B6Wc-M-00000-00000411-00001016 We are installing the "Arts of the Islamic World" galleries at the Brooklyn Museum, and 3pFa0B6Wc-M-00001-00001016-00001501 we're about halfway through the installation so there are a lot of objects that haven't 3pFa0B6Wc-M-00002-00001501-00001752 gotten into the cases, but, as you can see, there's tape that holds some of the latrines 3pFa0B6Wc-M-00003-00001752-00002598 together. That's just to protect them while we put the latrines back on the cases, and 3pFa0B6Wc-M-00004-00002598-00002917 then we'll go through and take everything off and do all of our refining, finishing 3pFa0B6Wc-M-00005-00002917-00003017 touches. I don't know if you're familiar with the way 3pFa0B6Wc-M-00006-00003017-00003731 the space looked before, but there were some things architecturally about the room that, 3pFa0B6Wc-M-00007-00003731-00004937 to me, didn't accentuate the work that was in here. So what I've tried to do is, through 3pFa0B6Wc-M-00008-00004937-00005632 some various architectural details, to make it more specific to the Islamic work. I've 3pFa0B6Wc-M-00009-00005632-00006553 added some detailing here. The windows, as you may see, refer to Islamic mosaics or stained 3pFa0B6Wc-M-00010-00006553-00007169 glass in mosques, that sort of thing. Also the room was a very light color before we 3pFa0B6Wc-M-00011-00007169-00008000 began this renovation and the work sort of blended in, whereas what we tried to do by 3pFa0B6Wc-M-00012-00008000-00008620 making the gallery space a little darker and highlighting the work, I think hopefully in 3pFa0B6Wc-M-00013-00008620-00009183 the end the works will pop out and what you will see is not the space itself, but rather 3pFa0B6Wc-M-00014-00009183-00009565 the art. By June fifth, when our exhibition on truthism 3pFa0B6Wc-M-00015-00009565-00010033 opens just next door, all of these will be ready. It's just an exciting time to come 3pFa0B6Wc-M-00016-00010033-00010474 and look at the arts of the Islamic world and hopefully you can make it. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00000-00000101-00000913 Suddenly, I felt that my life lost its meaning again. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00001-00000913-00001379 I am not sure what I am doing, how my future will be. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00002-00001379-00002005 Buried myself in the mountain of work daily, I barely have time to do anything else. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00003-00002005-00002674 I spent way too much time for work which I thought I definitely need to reduce it somehow. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00004-00002674-00003456 My moto in life is that never involve anyone from work to completely separate my work life 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00005-00003456-00003597 and my personal life. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00006-00003597-00003918 But my mom questioned this moto. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00007-00003918-00004428 She was worried and wonder why I didn't have any friend from work. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00008-00004428-00005112 And she doesn't see I interact with someone else except for my sis's family members. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00009-00005112-00005441 She felt this is kind of wrong, a problem. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00010-00005441-00006159 What if I don't have a friend to invite when I get married (but I should plan to get married 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00011-00006159-00006422 before I care about this matter, right? 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00012-00006422-00006522 LOL). 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00013-00006522-00007146 She thought I should sometimes visit other relatives, especially from my Dad's side. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00014-00007146-00007564 I said I wasn't that familiar with them. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00015-00007564-00008097 She told me to at least bring along my phone while I am away. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00016-00008097-00008623 I told her bringing my phone means I have to work all the time, would she want that? 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00017-00008623-00008776 End of conversation. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00018-00008776-00009325 Maybe she would feel hard talking to me, but I can barely care. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00019-00009325-00010027 I spent this weekend at my sis's house, doing nothing special beyond playing with kids, 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00020-00010027-00010132 no phone. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00021-00010132-00010232 Is this meaningless? 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00022-00010232-00010554 Yes, kind of, kind of not. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00023-00010554-00011162 I lost taste on foods, maybe it is side effect on 3rd shot of vaccination. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00024-00011162-00011561 Tomorrow my crush (still have a crush on him?! 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00025-00011561-00011903 I am not sure, but he appears frequently on my mind LOL) will take a day off. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00026-00011903-00012805 I wonder if he just takes a vacation with friends, girlfriends, or some kind of preparation 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00027-00012805-00012978 for his resignation. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00028-00012978-00013406 If it is the last one, I would be sad. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00029-00013406-00013861 Maybe he is one of the reasons I felt this work is still worthy. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00030-00013861-00014526 But anyway, I never try to depend on others so it is what it is. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00031-00014526-00014740 If he needs to leave, he would. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00032-00014740-00015172 All I can do is wish all the bests for his departure. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00033-00015172-00015473 If he leaves, when could it be? 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00034-00015473-00016154 This September is the end of his contract, maybe it would be this or much more sooner. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00035-00016154-00016642 I have taken on my new position as an administrator for a month. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00036-00016642-00017386 It felt overload most of the time, and I still have not figured out how to resolve this situation, 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00037-00017386-00017869 so that I can come home when it is still sunny outside. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00038-00017869-00018504 At this rate, the possibility of me having a boyfriend is almost zero. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00039-00018504-00019740 Ms L, whose that I am taking on her position during her maternity leave, gave birth yesterday. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00040-00019740-00020195 This has another meaning which is she will stop supporting me. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00041-00020195-00020884 I admired her, she almost has all, she is beautiful, she has a handsome husband, she 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00042-00020884-00021523 can give birth that easily, she also has a high salary for her position. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00043-00021523-00022199 Currently I still haven't imagined when I would have a husband. 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00044-00022199-00022886 The war at Ukraine and Russia made people feel so anxious, every thing increase price 3SwoPUvGSDQ-00045-00022886-00022991 except for salary :((. 3Uz8zMceEkA-00000-00000000-00000400 Welcome to Dresden 3Uz8zMceEkA-00001-00000500-00000900 We are at the Central Station 3Uz8zMceEkA-00002-00001000-00001500 Dresden Hauptbahnhof is the largest passenger station in the city 3Uz8zMceEkA-00003-00001500-00001900 The halls are roofed with Teflon-coated glass fibre membranes 3Uz8zMceEkA-00004-00002500-00002900 We exit through Exit Number 2 3Uz8zMceEkA-00005-00003000-00003400 This exit leads to "Wiener Platz" 3Uz8zMceEkA-00006-00003500-00003900 The exit also gets us to "Prager Straße" 3Uz8zMceEkA-00007-00005000-00005700 Wiener Platz 3Uz8zMceEkA-00008-00008000-00008500 We plan on getting back here at the end of our walk 3Uz8zMceEkA-00009-00013500-00013900 We are now on the "Prager Straße" 3Uz8zMceEkA-00010-00015000-00015400 The "Prager Straße" connects the Central Station with the Altmarkt 3Uz8zMceEkA-00011-00015500-00015900 Built between 1851 and 1853, it quickly developed into an important shopping street 3Uz8zMceEkA-00012-00016500-00016900 The street became a pedestrian zone since the 1970s 3Uz8zMceEkA-00013-00018500-00018900 Now in late August people enjoy a warm late summer day 3Uz8zMceEkA-00014-00020500-00021200 Hotel Pullman Dresden Newa 3Uz8zMceEkA-00015-00022500-00022800 Bronze sculpture by Karl Schönherr († 1987) 3Uz8zMceEkA-00016-00022850-00023250 A boy on a donkey, which stands on a table under with a child is hiding. 3Uz8zMceEkA-00017-00023500-00024000 On the left side are three Ibis hotels 3Uz8zMceEkA-00018-00025000-00025500 Pusteblumenbrunnen (Dandelion fountain) 3Uz8zMceEkA-00019-00025500-00025900 The fountain was originally built in 1970 3Uz8zMceEkA-00020-00025900-00026300 In 2004 it was removed due to renovations 3Uz8zMceEkA-00021-00026300-00026700 Rebuilt in 2009 with a new form as seen here 3Uz8zMceEkA-00022-00026800-00027500 On the right side there are huge apartment buildings from GDR times 3Uz8zMceEkA-00023-00028300-00029000 Several shops here for mobile phones and clothing 3Uz8zMceEkA-00024-00031300-00032000 During the Elbe flood in 2002, Prager Straße was completely flooded 3Uz8zMceEkA-00025-00032200-00032900 During the renovation in 2004 the fountains were all removed 3Uz8zMceEkA-00026-00033000-00033700 The fountains provide some good atmosphere during summer 3Uz8zMceEkA-00027-00035600-00036300 We have finished the main area of the "Prager Straße" 3Uz8zMceEkA-00028-00037600-00038300 Here on the left is the GALERIA (Karstadt) Dresden Department store 3Uz8zMceEkA-00029-00038400-00039100 The "Völkerfreundschaft" sculpture 3Uz8zMceEkA-00030-00039800-00040200 Ufa-Kristallpalast 3Uz8zMceEkA-00031-00040200-00040600 A movie theatre with 8 screens 3Uz8zMceEkA-00032-00041200-00041900 The theatre also features the biggest screens with laser projectors in Saxony 3Uz8zMceEkA-00033-00043900-00044300 We are heading back to the center of the street 3Uz8zMceEkA-00034-00044900-00045300 The "Centrum Gallerie" Shopping mall 3Uz8zMceEkA-00035-00048400-00048800 Street artist creating a pig out of sand 3Uz8zMceEkA-00036-00049900-00050200 Living statue coming up... 3Uz8zMceEkA-00037-00050600-00051000 We're walking through here... 3Uz8zMceEkA-00038-00051000-00051400 ...to get to yet another fountain 3Uz8zMceEkA-00039-00052500-00052900 Cafés are popular everywhere on such warm day 3Uz8zMceEkA-00040-00054500-00054900 Fewer people as we move away from the centre 3Uz8zMceEkA-00041-00056000-00056400 Bicycles are also rather popular in Dresden 3Uz8zMceEkA-00042-00056500-00056900 This path is called "Trompeterstraße" 3Uz8zMceEkA-00043-00057000-00057700 The city has is mostly flat along the Elbe river 3Uz8zMceEkA-00044-00058500-00058900 There we are. Another fountain 3Uz8zMceEkA-00045-00058900-00059600 "Wasserspiele Dippoldiswalder Platz" 3Uz8zMceEkA-00046-00060400-00060800 Plenty of parking space for this area 3Uz8zMceEkA-00047-00061900-00062600 We have to get back a bit to get to the Old Town 3Uz8zMceEkA-00048-00062900-00063300 Good, that there is no traffic 3Uz8zMceEkA-00049-00064400-00064800 We are now at Reitbahnstraße / Budapester Straße 3Uz8zMceEkA-00050-00065400-00065800 Crossing Budapester Straße 3Uz8zMceEkA-00051-00066000-00066700 Playground Wallstraße 3Uz8zMceEkA-00052-00068000-00068400 Dippoldiswalder Platz 3Uz8zMceEkA-00053-00069000-00069400 The Budapester Str. turns into Dr.-Kült-Ring 3Uz8zMceEkA-00054-00070000-00070400 More traffic here 3Uz8zMceEkA-00055-00070500-00071200 We are now also in the Outer Old Town 3Uz8zMceEkA-00056-00071500-00071900 The posters on the lamp posts are for an election 3Uz8zMceEkA-00057-00073000-00073400 A party is advertising their candidates 3Uz8zMceEkA-00058-00074000-00074400 Since 1990 the CDU (Christian Democrats) won every state election in Saxony 3Uz8zMceEkA-00059-00074500-00074900 Every time their winning marging got smaller though 3Uz8zMceEkA-00060-00076000-00076400 We are going now to the "Altmarkt Gallerie" Shopping Center 3Uz8zMceEkA-00061-00078000-00078700 This shopping center has probably the largest variety of shops 3Uz8zMceEkA-00062-00082800-00083200 We leave the "Altmarkt Gallerie" to see more of the city 3Uz8zMceEkA-00063-00083800-00084200 Spielbank Dresden (Casino) 3Uz8zMceEkA-00064-00088800-00089200 Now we are at the Altmarkt 3Uz8zMceEkA-00065-00089200-00089900 Here the famous "Striezelmarkt" Christmas Market takes place in December 3Uz8zMceEkA-00066-00090700-00091100 The Striezelmarkt in Dresden was first mentioned in 1434 3Uz8zMceEkA-00067-00091100-00091800 The market is considered the first genuine Christmas market in the world 3Uz8zMceEkA-00068-00092600-00093000 Some stalls are probably left from some summer event 3Uz8zMceEkA-00069-00093000-00093500 The Dresden Kreuzkirche (Holy Cross Church) 3Uz8zMceEkA-00070-00093500-00093900 A look back to the Prager Straße 3Uz8zMceEkA-00071-00095700-00096400 The Old Town is ahead yet we go to the Zwinger first 3Uz8zMceEkA-00072-00096700-00097400 We are walking West along the Wilsdruffer Straße 3Uz8zMceEkA-00073-00098700-00099400 The street connects the Postplatz and Pirnaischer Platz 3Uz8zMceEkA-00074-00101700-00102100 We are approaching the Postplatz 3Uz8zMceEkA-00075-00102700-00103400 Dresden Postplatz is a busy transit stop for several lines 3Uz8zMceEkA-00076-00106700-00107100 On the right is still the "Altmarkt Gallerie" shopping mall 3Uz8zMceEkA-00077-00111200-00111600 We are looking North from the Postplatz 3Uz8zMceEkA-00078-00112200-00112900 The building on the left is a hotel (Motel One Dresden Zwinger) 3Uz8zMceEkA-00079-00113200-00113900 This ferris wheel is only here once in a while 3Uz8zMceEkA-00080-00115200-00115900 In German it is called "Riesenrad" - like "gigantic wheel" 3Uz8zMceEkA-00081-00116200-00116600 Bubbles 3Uz8zMceEkA-00082-00117700-00118100 Some water to cool off 3Uz8zMceEkA-00083-00118700-00119100 There it is visible already 3Uz8zMceEkA-00084-00119100-00119500 The Dresdner Zwinger 3Uz8zMceEkA-00085-00121500-00121900 Lovely horses 3Uz8zMceEkA-00086-00123900-00124300 Sightseeing buses park in the distance 3Uz8zMceEkA-00087-00124900-00125300 Nice to see couples walking together 3Uz8zMceEkA-00088-00126400-00127100 The water is from the lake at one side of the Zwinger 3Uz8zMceEkA-00089-00127800-00128200 We are seeing the Kronentor 3Uz8zMceEkA-00090-00128200-00128600 The Kronentor is 18th century Baroque gateway 3Uz8zMceEkA-00091-00128600-00129000 An ornate crown marking the entrance to a palace complex 3Uz8zMceEkA-00092-00129600-00130300 The figures surround the onion-shaped dome, on which four Polish eagles wear the Polish royal crown 3Uz8zMceEkA-00093-00130600-00131300 Decorative vase and sculptural decoration in the open passage 3Uz8zMceEkA-00094-00133100-00133500 There we are: at one of the main attractions in Dresden: 3Uz8zMceEkA-00095-00133500-00133900 The "Zwinger" 3Uz8zMceEkA-00096-00135000-00135700 The Dome is new and shows the "Zwinger Experience" - some multimedia show 3Uz8zMceEkA-00097-00136500-00137000 The Zwinger is one of the most famous Baroque buildings of Germany 3Uz8zMceEkA-00098-00137000-00137500 There are museums and also music concerts and theater performances 3Uz8zMceEkA-00099-00137500-00138200 Saxon Elector "Augustus the Strong" started developing the Zwinger from 1709 onwards 3Uz8zMceEkA-00100-00138200-00138600 Once it was an orangery 3Uz8zMceEkA-00101-00138600-00139000 soon it developed into an place of epresentation culture and court festivals 3Uz8zMceEkA-00102-00139600-00140000 Since 1728 the Zwinger also is home to impressive collections 3Uz8zMceEkA-00103-00140000-00140400 such as Porcelain Collection and 3Uz8zMceEkA-00104-00140400-00140800 the Royal Cabinet of Mathematical and Physical Instruments 3Uz8zMceEkA-00105-00140900-00141300 The Semper Wing now houses the paintings of the Old Masters 3Uz8zMceEkA-00106-00142100-00142800 Some of the important paintings are visible here on this wall 3Uz8zMceEkA-00107-00143100-00144100 We leave as there is more to see - check back soon for additional subtitles 3UB61LmS4OI-00000-00000000-00000279 questions being asked right now about what Americans should be prepping for 3UB61LmS4OI-00001-00000279-00000741 regarding stimulus checks that could be coming their way as well as mortgage 3UB61LmS4OI-00002-00000741-00001062 relief that could be out there as well for more on that I want to bring on 3UB61LmS4OI-00003-00001062-00001434 Jessica Menten from USA Today a reporter there 3UB61LmS4OI-00004-00001434-00001776 and Jessica and we look at this once should Americans know I mean we've 3UB61LmS4OI-00005-00001776-00002219 covered the stimulus checks in terms of how much you need to be making if you're 3UB61LmS4OI-00006-00002219-00002528 ranking more than about $100,000 you're probably not gonna be getting a check 3UB61LmS4OI-00007-00002528-00002871 but beyond that what else should Americans know about this 3UB61LmS4OI-00008-00002871-00003489 the coronavirus have swept the nation and the world and our Congress and 3UB61LmS4OI-00009-00003489-00004061 president have signed a bill to help people get relief and in this video I'm 3UB61LmS4OI-00010-00004061-00004446 gonna highlight everybody that can get some money and it's pretty much 3UB61LmS4OI-00011-00004446-00004893 everybody in the United States we'll break it down and I will leave links for 3UB61LmS4OI-00012-00004893-00005298 you in the video description if you're finding me for the first time please 3UB61LmS4OI-00013-00005298-00005739 subscribe to the channel this is the Lamont Tyson channel we make life games 3UB61LmS4OI-00014-00005739-00006470 up here and we cover finances and money Tesla Ted mu reviews TV show reviews we 3UB61LmS4OI-00015-00006470-00006900 do it all to help you get those life gains if you have any questions or 3UB61LmS4OI-00016-00006900-00007377 concern hit me on instagram because i'm able to get back with people pretty 3UB61LmS4OI-00017-00007377-00007806 quick on DMS on instagram well it's clearly a fluid situation right now 3UB61LmS4OI-00018-00007806-00008190 since it still needs to be signed by President Trump but from the tax experts 3UB61LmS4OI-00019-00008190-00008589 that I have spoken with it seems like those income levels that we're aware of 3UB61LmS4OI-00020-00008589-00008970 have remained the same but there are some technicalities that people should 3UB61LmS4OI-00021-00008970-00009404 really keep in mind so say you have direct deposits set up with the IRS you 3UB61LmS4OI-00022-00009404-00009888 should expect to get this refund in your account within the next three weeks but 3UB61LmS4OI-00023-00009888-00010275 there are some problems when you think of okay well what if I'm waiting on a 3UB61LmS4OI-00024-00010275-00010700 paper check to come in the mail and so there are some technicalities out 3UB61LmS4OI-00025-00010700-00011106 there's a lot of tax preparers I've spoken with have said if you haven't 3UB61LmS4OI-00026-00011106-00011543 filed your 2019 tax returns yet you should do that as soon as possible so 3UB61LmS4OI-00027-00011543-00012039 that they can have the IRS can have the most updated address and direct deposit 3UB61LmS4OI-00028-00012039-00012375 information because say for instance if you haven't filed yet and they were 3UB61LmS4OI-00029-00012375-00012836 going off of their 2018 returns they could have an old address or maybe a 3UB61LmS4OI-00030-00012836-00013147 deposit account that you didn't want to use so there's a lot of technicalities 3UB61LmS4OI-00031-00013147-00013516 when it comes to things like this if you haven't filed yet you should really get 3UB61LmS4OI-00032-00013516-00013958 on that as soon as possible first and foremost let me give you the rundown 3UB61LmS4OI-00033-00013958-00014453 it's a two trillion dollar bill that is going to basically say big corporation 3UB61LmS4OI-00034-00014453-00015137 and this time try to say big America they're going to be giving you $1,200 3UB61LmS4OI-00035-00015137-00015574 now how did you get that $1,200 ladies and gentlemen think about it like this 3UB61LmS4OI-00036-00015574-00016439 federal minimum wage in America it's $7.25 you do that times for our I mean 3UB61LmS4OI-00037-00016439-00017186 times forty hours a week and at $40 to it that gives you $1,200 and I want you 3UB61LmS4OI-00038-00017186-00017582 all to think about that the next time you get mad that we need an increase in 3UB61LmS4OI-00039-00017582-00017999 the minimum wage because there are people living places like California and 3UB61LmS4OI-00040-00017999-00018341 New York well that's all they're living off of and I can tell you right now 3UB61LmS4OI-00041-00018341-00018656 twelve hundred dollars in a month don't cover rent 3UB61LmS4OI-00042-00018656-00019268 however it's put in place to help people get by as we're suffering so if you are 3UB61LmS4OI-00043-00019268-00019733 a single person and you made seventy-five thousand or less and you 3UB61LmS4OI-00044-00019733-00020273 have filed your taxes as of 2018 you'll be getting a check if you're a couple 3UB61LmS4OI-00045-00020273-00020897 you made 150 thousand or less and file your taxes by 2018 you will be getting a 3UB61LmS4OI-00046-00020897-00021416 check if you are head of household and you filed one hundred and twenty one 3UB61LmS4OI-00047-00021416-00021941 hundred and twelve thousand dollars on your taxes or less five by 2018 you will 3UB61LmS4OI-00048-00021941-00022438 be getting a check now a lot of people think that that's it well that's not it 3UB61LmS4OI-00049-00022438-00022904 you will also be getting a reduced check if you're a single person who earn 3UB61LmS4OI-00050-00022904-00023351 between seventy five thousand and ninety nine thousand they're going to send you 3UB61LmS4OI-00051-00023351-00023770 a check but it's going to be reduced and they didn't say how much reduction it 3UB61LmS4OI-00052-00023770-00024203 would be if you're a couple and you made between one hundred and fifty thousand 3UB61LmS4OI-00053-00024203-00024601 to a hundred and ninety eight thousand you will get a check that would be 3UB61LmS4OI-00054-00024601-00025195 reduced five dollars for every $100 over seventy five thousand dollars for single 3UB61LmS4OI-00055-00025195-00025544 adults and one hundred and fifty for marriage so that's the reduction that 3UB61LmS4OI-00056-00025544-00025876 you're going to get laid and gentlemen and for those of you that 3UB61LmS4OI-00057-00025876-00026251 want to know who doesn't get a chat because there are some people that 3UB61LmS4OI-00058-00026251-00026749 aren't going to get anything single adults who make more than ninety nine 3UB61LmS4OI-00059-00026749-00027208 thousand married couples who earn more than ninety eight thousand won't get a 3UB61LmS4OI-00060-00027208-00027645 check basically we just highlighted that those without a Social Security number 3UB61LmS4OI-00061-00027645-00028327 and non-resident aliens those who aren't US citizens or US Nationals and don't 3UB61LmS4OI-00062-00028327-00028833 have a green car or have not passed the substantial presence test you're not 3UB61LmS4OI-00063-00028833-00029269 going to get a check you're also ineligible if your parents 3UB61LmS4OI-00064-00029269-00029683 claim you as a dependent so for you grown-ass twenty two year olds you won't 3UB61LmS4OI-00065-00029683-00030189 be getting anything and for those same individuals who are married or single 3UB61LmS4OI-00066-00030189-00030730 and you have kids that are 17 years of age or less you get five hundred dollars 3UB61LmS4OI-00067-00030730-00031239 for each kid so keke Wyatt she's about to be rich as hell because that chick 3UB61LmS4OI-00068-00031239-00031879 got like nine kids so she got to get paid for my 1099 people my hairstylist 3UB61LmS4OI-00069-00031879-00032485 my personal trainers my struggle youtubers my struggle rappers my 3UB61LmS4OI-00070-00032485-00033097 struggle IG models you are all 1099 filers and people who do over and over 3UB61LmS4OI-00071-00033097-00033625 eats of 1099 filers there's money in there for you as well in the form of 3UB61LmS4OI-00072-00033625-00033973 unemployment how much unemployment are you going to 3UB61LmS4OI-00073-00033973-00034408 get the federal government is going to give you six hundred dollars a week and 3UB61LmS4OI-00074-00034408-00034825 you're going to get a state unemployment check and it's all gonna last for 3UB61LmS4OI-00075-00034825-00035386 seventeen weeks and you have to apply for this under your state unemployment 3UB61LmS4OI-00076-00035386-00035827 program and I will leave links to all this in the video description for all 3UB61LmS4OI-00077-00035827-00036229 the Federals $1,200 money you don't have to do anything the government is gonna 3UB61LmS4OI-00078-00036229-00036901 find you next for people who run small business and a small business typically 3UB61LmS4OI-00079-00036901-00037459 is someone who has 500 or less employees the government has thought about you as 3UB61LmS4OI-00080-00037459-00037909 well because you all truly are the backbone of America there are more you 3UB61LmS4OI-00081-00037909-00038344 out there than any other business and they thought about you and they've got a 3UB61LmS4OI-00082-00038344-00038665 loan for you and I know I want to roll my eyes too 3UB61LmS4OI-00083-00038665-00039112 they on loan but you're gonna be giving away money to the bigger corporation it 3UB61LmS4OI-00084-00039112-00039535 makes me sick but some of you guys could use the help and we're gonna see if we 3UB61LmS4OI-00085-00039535-00039969 can help you get it so for small businesses they passed something called 3UB61LmS4OI-00086-00039969-00040675 the SBA 7a loan program now your credit union or your bank might be eligible for 3UB61LmS4OI-00087-00040675-00041097 it and the statistics are one and three banks are going to be able to get this 3UB61LmS4OI-00088-00041097-00041628 so if your bait doesn't have it keep digging to find someone who has the SBA 3UB61LmS4OI-00089-00041628-00042280 7a loan program how does it work the sealing for most businesses and what 3UB61LmS4OI-00090-00042280-00042772 you can apply for is you can apply for up to ten million dollars in alone from 3UB61LmS4OI-00091-00042772-00043341 this SBA program and over the first eight weeks of the program now this is 3UB61LmS4OI-00092-00043341-00043837 the part that makes it good for you all over the first eight weeks once you put 3UB61LmS4OI-00093-00043837-00044491 in your application you they're going to subtract your expenses in terms of your 3UB61LmS4OI-00094-00044491-00045078 mortgage or rent utilities and payroll from the loan but for the first eight 3UB61LmS4OI-00095-00045078-00045609 weeks you will not have to pay that money back think about that that's 3UB61LmS4OI-00096-00045609-00046033 really that just giving you that first that money for the first two months and 3UB61LmS4OI-00097-00046033-00046494 they put this in place so that you can hold on to employees pay your bills and 3UB61LmS4OI-00098-00046494-00046984 not leverage all these commercial properties going losing money because 3UB61LmS4OI-00099-00046984-00047215 people are having to move out because they can't pay their rent 3UB61LmS4OI-00100-00047215-00047647 however if you are a small business in this category you have to maintain 3UB61LmS4OI-00101-00047647-00048100 keeping your employees and some employees you let go you can bring them 3UB61LmS4OI-00102-00048100-00048603 back within that first eight weeks put them back on payroll and none of this is 3UB61LmS4OI-00103-00048603-00048946 going to count against the loan so you're basically getting free money for 3UB61LmS4OI-00104-00048946-00049255 eight weeks the minute you apply for the loan so you 3UB61LmS4OI-00105-00049255-00049728 all go out there and do some digging if you are a small business to see if you 3UB61LmS4OI-00106-00049728-00050247 can get the seven eight SBA program to help fortify your small business as we 3UB61LmS4OI-00107-00050247-00050677 go through this chaotic time next thing we're going to cover is student loans 3UB61LmS4OI-00108-00050677-00051141 student loans are deferred for six months and we're gonna have to wait to 3UB61LmS4OI-00109-00051141-00051619 see how our education secretary handles that because it goes to her desk next 3UB61LmS4OI-00110-00051619-00051936 and she's got to deal it out and I must say she hasn't done 3UB61LmS4OI-00111-00051936-00052382 best job ladies and gentlemen but the bill says you will not have to worry 3UB61LmS4OI-00112-00052382-00052854 about student loans or interest until October which will be six months for 3UB61LmS4OI-00113-00052854-00053252 those of you that haven't filed your taxes yet you don't have to worry about 3UB61LmS4OI-00114-00053252-00053748 your taxes until July the 15 they've moved it from April to July give you 3UB61LmS4OI-00115-00053748-00054116 some more time to get yourself around what has happened get your hands around 3UB61LmS4OI-00116-00054116-00054532 this situation and put everything in a better perspective as we try to recover 3UB61LmS4OI-00117-00054532-00055007 last point imma cover are those of you that are trying to get money back from 3UB61LmS4OI-00118-00055007-00055470 airplanes leisure trips that you might have planned months ago and they've been 3UB61LmS4OI-00119-00055470-00055866 giving you a hard time if you follow my channel for years you know I'm always 3UB61LmS4OI-00120-00055866-00056291 telling people to use a credit card to pay for things because you have 3UB61LmS4OI-00121-00056291-00056654 protections on the credit card that you don't have on a debit card or giving 3UB61LmS4OI-00122-00056654-00057194 people access to your bank account if someone you schedule the booking with 3UB61LmS4OI-00123-00057194-00057704 cancelled it and you can't get up with them or you for whatever reason can't 3UB61LmS4OI-00124-00057704-00057989 give them to give you a refund let's say that's trying to give you some damn 3UB61LmS4OI-00125-00057989-00058398 credit or something but you want your money because you're not going maybe 3UB61LmS4OI-00126-00058398-00058745 you're like me your wife is pregnant and you ain't planning on going on no 3UB61LmS4OI-00127-00058745-00059114 airplane or anywhere like that for the next month the next year anyway so 3UB61LmS4OI-00128-00059114-00059532 that's not gonna help you file a dispute on your credit card company they're 3UB61LmS4OI-00129-00059532-00059882 gonna give you your money back immediately and all you do is tell them 3UB61LmS4OI-00130-00059882-00060452 look they counsel my service I said I wanted my money back and the only thing 3UB61LmS4OI-00131-00060452-00060755 they said they would give me as an e credit well that's not a refund of your 3UB61LmS4OI-00132-00060755-00061176 money it's not gonna benefit you so hopefully most of you that had these 3UB61LmS4OI-00133-00061176-00061635 type of travel things in place you use your credit card because that protected 3UB61LmS4OI-00134-00061635-00061974 you from having your money taken away and being stuck in there cabal's in the 3UB61LmS4OI-00135-00061974-00062501 form of e credit so ladies and gentlemen post all your comments down below I hope 3UB61LmS4OI-00136-00062501-00062969 this video has helped you kind of understand where the money is and this 3UB61LmS4OI-00137-00062969-00063363 coronavirus bill that has been passed maybe it can help you guys start the 3UB61LmS4OI-00138-00063363-00063842 process of healing overcoming or getting in the right footing as we all try to 3UB61LmS4OI-00139-00063842-00064220 wait for them to lacs up these lock downs so that we can get back out and 3UB61LmS4OI-00140-00064220-00064676 get commerce going but more importantly we need people to heal we need people to 3UB61LmS4OI-00141-00064676-00065117 be safe and for those you affected by the coronavirus my heart is with you 3UB61LmS4OI-00142-00065117-00065533 first and formal here your family get healthy and 3UB61LmS4OI-00143-00065533-00066027 commerce comes after that that's going to do it for this video don't forget to 3UB61LmS4OI-00144-00066027-00066466 like my video please come and subscribe go get yourself that life game until 3UB61LmS4OI-00145-00066466-00066874 that next sexy as hell life game video helping you make those 3UB61LmS4OI-00146-00066874-00067248 games I'll see you 3UB61LmS4OI-00147-00068017-00068223 you 3W2tSg0SC3o-00000-00000000-00000200 no more mama 3WBq73bdV6Q-00000-00000122-00000596 PLEASE SUBSCRIBE FOR CHANNEL 3XVAb5XGRE0-00000-00000000-00002303 The true spiritual level of beings in Creation is given by their relation to the Prime Creator of all and everything, The Lord Jesus Christ. The true sense of nativity in human body is to reach the cognition of God, and if we simply turn to God, we'll find out that God has been waiting for us all the time. 3alJOIMxhkg-00000-00000000-00000333 hế lô:)mn thích hỏi gì thì hỏi 3alJOIMxhkg-00001-00000350-00000450 nhưng nếu như ko hỏi.... 3alJOIMxhkg-00002-00000501-00000801 super chiếc đa thấy hẻo team kiểu: 3alJOIMxhkg-00003-00001188-00001388 âu nâu đừng 3alJOIMxhkg-00004-00001516-00001610 ĐỪNG BẮT E ĐI TU:((((((( 3alJOIMxhkg-00005-00001631-00001831 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 3alJOIMxhkg-00006-00001913-00002163 *anh camera man còn sống nhưng cái camera thì...(insert nhạc astronomia) * 3alJOIMxhkg-00007-00002260-00003041 *nhắc lại một lần nữa,hỏi đi.* 3alJOIMxhkg-00008-00003524-00005023 insert outro của thằng thẳng niêu:))) 3c-udgEVUl0-00000-00000000-00000200 ( Happy Demon PILOT ) 3c-udgEVUl0-00001-00001000-00001733 Where i am? what am i? who am i? WHO ARE YOU? HOW DID I GET HERE? 3c-udgEVUl0-00002-00001733-00002520 HAHAHAHA LOSHARA SO YOU HEED IT! YOU CAN'T PLAY AT ALL! 3c-udgEVUl0-00003-00002720-00003120 That's Excelleht thieves l still lacked! 3c-udgEVUl0-00004-00003320-00003473 Happy Demon 3c-udgEVUl0-00005-00003573-00004046 Hey who's here? come out! AAAAAAAAA 3c-udgEVUl0-00006-00004346-00004660 AI DAMN SCUM, I HIT YOU BECAUSE OF YOU! 3c-udgEVUl0-00007-00004760-00005526 HELLO! I'M HAPPY, BUT YOU CAN CAII ME HAPPY! OH IT,S THE SAME THING. Yes? 3c-udgEVUl0-00008-00005626-00007216 - Well what,s your hame? - [ TOXI ] you can call me Toxi. - [ HAPPY ] OH wait, l have a present for you! - SO NOT THAT HOT THAH AHD HOT THAT - Here, hold on! - [ TOXI ] And wnat the hell is that? - AAAAAAAA 3c-udgEVUl0-00009-00007616-00008800 HEY TOXI? Like you? - [ TOXI ] It was quite painful. What happened to me? SHOWER BOT INSTRUCTIONS 3c-udgEVUl0-00010-00009000-00010606 Oh, l just now realized that it was a shower bot, and we can't leave each other, and if somethint happens to me you will die and go to hell and l,ll have to live with you for how. - [ TOXI ] FOR WNATOOOOOOOOOOOD [ SOLID MAT ] 3c-udgEVUl0-00011-00010906-00011220 Thanks for watching! Storyline: HLM TV - Animation: HLM TV - Voice acting: ALL SHARACTERS ARE VOICED BY HLM TV - stay tuned for the full series! Support the proeject! Your content for this project the best Happy Demon arts will be included in the series it has been in the making for quite some time! - i hope you liked the pilot episode, wait for full episodes or even a season - MUSIC: Worvid - THE PROJECT WAS CREATED BY THE AUTHOR: HorrorLego MaxTv 3c-udgEVUl0-00012-00011320-00012166 HEY HAPPY GIVE ME THE KNIFE! - [ HAPPY ] OK, NO PROBLEM - [ TOXI ] HAPPY NOOOOO!!!! -- Happy Demon 3lyyi96xGHy-00000-00000067-00000550 Every spring, Salthaven receives over 300 phone calls for human-wildlife conflict 3lyyi96xGHy-00001-00000550-00001077 involving raccoons. One of the most frequent calls for help come from homeowners who have 3lyyi96xGHy-00002-00001077-00001542 raccoons taking up residence in their attics. Calls often involve orphaned, 3lyyi96xGHy-00003-00001542-00001955 baby raccoons due to their mothers being trapped or removed. Trapping 3lyyi96xGHy-00004-00001955-00002457 and releasing adult animals in a new location is never a good idea at the best of times but 3lyyi96xGHy-00005-00002457-00002934 especially in the spring when they’re having their babies. A better plan would be to make 3lyyi96xGHy-00006-00002934-00003419 the denning site an uncomfortable place for mom. When things become too uncomfortable, 3lyyi96xGHy-00007-00003419-00003954 she’ll move the babies to a place that she knows will be suitable. This simple action will save 3lyyi96xGHy-00008-00003954-00004491 homeowners hundreds of dollars in pest control expenses. Creating an uncomfortable environment 3lyyi96xGHy-00009-00004491-00005133 for raccoons can involve bright lights, loud radios and a scent from a well-used dog blanket. 3lyyi96xGHy-00010-00005177-00005706 Once it has been determined that the raccoons have left, it is important to locate the entrance area 3lyyi96xGHy-00011-00005706-00006286 and seal it off, so mom and other raccoons won’t be encouraged to repeat this process next spring. 3nER-kwa4ju-00000-00000304-00000875 Steve: Ok, so, thank you very much for coming to the Brown Bag today. 3nER-kwa4ju-00001-00000875-00000994 Sky would you care to begin? 3nER-kwa4ju-00002-00000994-00001296 (Title slide: What is this ScienceBase -- and how does it relate to geospatial data?) 3nER-kwa4ju-00003-00001296-00001698 Sky: Great, thanks Steve, and thank you all for the opportunity to chat today. 3nER-kwa4ju-00004-00001698-00002733 I perhaps retitled things a little bit for this first slide, are the slides coming across 3nER-kwa4ju-00005-00002733-00002946 ok on this WebEx, Steve? 3nER-kwa4ju-00006-00002946-00003116 Steve: Yes, they are. 3nER-kwa4ju-00007-00003116-00003243 Sky: ok, great. 3nER-kwa4ju-00008-00003243-00003886 So we're going to focus on the geospatial aspects of ScienceBase and show a few demos, 3nER-kwa4ju-00009-00003886-00004239 kind of talk through some of that here today. 3nER-kwa4ju-00010-00004239-00004505 There are a lot of other aspects of ScienceBase and things there but we're going to really 3nER-kwa4ju-00011-00004505-00004777 just focus on the geospatial parts of things. 3nER-kwa4ju-00012-00004777-00005010 (Slide 1: Agenda) As an agenda for today I'm going to give a 3nER-kwa4ju-00013-00005010-00005592 quick introduction of the what why when and how of ScienceBase, sort of what it is, how 3nER-kwa4ju-00014-00005592-00006075 it's come about, show a slide that kind of walks through a number of the major architectural 3nER-kwa4ju-00015-00006075-00006360 pieces just to give you some context on everything. 3nER-kwa4ju-00016-00006360-00006950 I'm going to pass the ball over to Don Brown from there, he's going to take some time, 3nER-kwa4ju-00017-00006950-00007414 walk through the geospatial data repository and services aspects of things, show some 3nER-kwa4ju-00018-00007414-00008058 demos from that, talk about our GIS share capability, and really focus in on the ArcGIS 3nER-kwa4ju-00019-00008058-00008211 interactions in ScienceBase. 3nER-kwa4ju-00020-00008211-00008670 From there, he'll pass it back over to me and I'll talk a little bit about how ScienceBase 3nER-kwa4ju-00021-00008670-00009222 acts as a database and focus on the idea of collection services and how those are interfaced 3nER-kwa4ju-00022-00009222-00009709 with the spatial services that may be of interest and some things on discovery. 3nER-kwa4ju-00023-00009709-00010142 Tim Kern will pick it up from there, talk about some of our current challenges and thinking 3nER-kwa4ju-00024-00010142-00010566 about where we're going with some things here in the next little while and I'll do a little 3nER-kwa4ju-00025-00010566-00010965 bit of a wrap up, and open it up for discussion, amongst the group. 3nER-kwa4ju-00026-00010965-00011445 (Slide 2: ScienceBase Origins and History) So, a little bit on ScienceBase and its origins 3nER-kwa4ju-00027-00011445-00011545 and history. 3nER-kwa4ju-00028-00011545-00012010 Some of you may be very familiar with this because you're actively working with some 3nER-kwa4ju-00029-00012010-00012517 part of ScienceBase or you're part of a community and there are some of you may be tangentially 3nER-kwa4ju-00030-00012517-00013075 familiar because maybe you're part of something that's actually powered by ScienceBase, whether 3nER-kwa4ju-00031-00013075-00013526 you know it or not, behind the scenes in terms of some of that architecture being used. 3nER-kwa4ju-00032-00013526-00014098 But this really all started back in 2006, with a thing called the Bureau Science Thrust, 3nER-kwa4ju-00033-00014098-00014596 that some of you may know about, things like the integrated landscape modeling (or monitoring 3nER-kwa4ju-00034-00014596-00015191 I think as it was called at that time) thrust, the fire science thrust, there was a water 3nER-kwa4ju-00035-00015191-00015774 availability thrust in the Flint River area, and a couple of other efforts like that around 3nER-kwa4ju-00036-00015774-00016476 the Bureau and that was really the first opportunity that we had from what was the Geospatial Information 3nER-kwa4ju-00037-00016476-00016992 Office at that time, to sit down and start figuring out ok what kind of capabilities 3nER-kwa4ju-00038-00016992-00017484 do we need to put on the ground to support the interactions of Science Teams, what they're 3nER-kwa4ju-00039-00017484-00018006 doing and we had a vision for myUSGS at that time that included a couple things that ended 3nER-kwa4ju-00040-00018006-00018377 up morphing their way into what ultimately became ScienceBase. 3nER-kwa4ju-00041-00018377-00018756 We called it the Data Explorer and the Data Uploader. 3nER-kwa4ju-00042-00018756-00019187 And I think in my own personal space out in Confluence I've got some of the early seminal 3nER-kwa4ju-00043-00019187-00019751 documents that went in to some of that if you're interested. 3nER-kwa4ju-00044-00019751-00020304 Then over time, we kind of took those two ideas and we ended up coming up with this 3nER-kwa4ju-00045-00020304-00020931 idea of a science data catalog, which ultimately got called the Comprehensive Science Catalog, 3nER-kwa4ju-00046-00020931-00021315 there's a little bit of a bureaucratic story I could tell you on that, but I'll probably 3nER-kwa4ju-00047-00021315-00021415 skip that today. 3nER-kwa4ju-00048-00021415-00021884 But that first iteration of things was built on the National Map catalog technology that 3nER-kwa4ju-00049-00021884-00022523 Rick Brown, Jeff Wendell and quite a number of other folks out of the Rolla Center had 3nER-kwa4ju-00050-00022523-00023168 built for one thrust of the National Map at a time and I'm sure some of you may know a 3nER-kwa4ju-00051-00023168-00023658 lot more of that history than I do, but we really leveraged a bunch of that technology 3nER-kwa4ju-00052-00023658-00024193 we brought it into play and we started building out what we initially called the Science Data 3nER-kwa4ju-00053-00024193-00024799 Catalog or Scientific Data Catalog, you know at the time and then we started calling it 3nER-kwa4ju-00054-00024799-00025226 the Comprehensive Science Catalog because that was a little bit more palatable to some 3nER-kwa4ju-00055-00025226-00025401 folks to be thinking about. 3nER-kwa4ju-00056-00025401-00025813 All of that led then over time and kind of the evolution of a program and trying to really 3nER-kwa4ju-00057-00025813-00026348 work this thing out into what became ScienceBase 1 and now ScienceBase 2. 3nER-kwa4ju-00058-00026348-00027006 I throw this silly little term in here "everything is miscellaneous" in here because that's really 3nER-kwa4ju-00059-00027006-00027602 one of the sort of base level foundational concepts that we followed in the ScienceBase 3nER-kwa4ju-00060-00027602-00028085 world, is that at the end of the day, you get a science team together, they don't just 3nER-kwa4ju-00061-00028085-00028669 need a catalog of data, they need a catalog and a repository of a whole bunch of other 3nER-kwa4ju-00062-00028669-00028769 things. 3nER-kwa4ju-00063-00028769-00029147 They need their scientific publications and journal articles that are important from a 3nER-kwa4ju-00064-00029147-00029366 bibliographic sense to what they're doing. 3nER-kwa4ju-00065-00029366-00029788 They need records about projects that are going on, they need records about a lot of 3nER-kwa4ju-00066-00029788-00030073 different things brought together in one place. 3nER-kwa4ju-00067-00030073-00030597 And so that really formed a lot of the basis for the ScienceBase model and the ideas that 3nER-kwa4ju-00068-00030597-00031437 we come up there, that everything is an item, and an item can be data, an item can be different 3nER-kwa4ju-00069-00031437-00031863 kinds of data, an item can be a record about a project, an item can be a lot of different 3nER-kwa4ju-00070-00031863-00031972 things. 3nER-kwa4ju-00071-00031972-00032442 And so that really came together there, and now we're working toward what we've code-named 3nER-kwa4ju-00072-00032442-00032879 the "Constellation Edition" of ScienceBase, which will be building on a lot of lessons 3nER-kwa4ju-00073-00032879-00033365 learned from our ScienceBase 2 experience, things we've done with MongoDB and Elasticsearch 3nER-kwa4ju-00074-00033365-00034022 and some of the other capabilities there, and really building toward a different type 3nER-kwa4ju-00075-00034022-00034650 of architecture that brings together a lot of different kinds of databases into one overall 3nER-kwa4ju-00076-00034650-00034750 system. 3nER-kwa4ju-00077-00034750-00034850 But I'm not really going to go into too much of that. 3nER-kwa4ju-00078-00034850-00035054 (Addition to Slide 2: "Driven by user stories") The bottom line message that I want to give 3nER-kwa4ju-00079-00035054-00035786 you here is that ScienceBase has always been driven at the ground level by user stories. 3nER-kwa4ju-00080-00035786-00036137 We actually struggled for quite a while when we were sort of being pushed toward this idea 3nER-kwa4ju-00081-00036137-00036656 of a comprehensive science catalog, this place that would be the end-all be-all for everything, 3nER-kwa4ju-00082-00036656-00037320 we were going to catalog and bring together all the data that USGS has no matter where 3nER-kwa4ju-00083-00037320-00037420 it happens to be. 3nER-kwa4ju-00084-00037420-00037906 That's a really tall order and it's really not something that's even all that practical 3nER-kwa4ju-00085-00037906-00038319 in a lot of ways, although we're kind of being pushed toward that now, we're being slowly 3nER-kwa4ju-00086-00038319-00038784 moved along this path through things like the Open Data Initiatives from the White House 3nER-kwa4ju-00087-00038784-00039310 and OMB that are kind of pushing us down that track, but really ScienceBase is driven by 3nER-kwa4ju-00088-00039310-00039715 user stories that we get through the different communities that we interact with, from a 3nER-kwa4ju-00089-00039715-00040327 small project to a big initiative of some kind, both inside the USGS and connected to 3nER-kwa4ju-00090-00040327-00041233 the USGS, so we have partners that involve university folks, partners that involve other 3nER-kwa4ju-00091-00041233-00041567 Department of Interior organizations, other government organizations that are really a 3nER-kwa4ju-00092-00041567-00042083 part of the various communities that are working within ScienceBase realm in some way, and 3nER-kwa4ju-00093-00042083-00042555 our development is really much driven by the needs that are expressed by those users. 3nER-kwa4ju-00094-00042555-00043057 And so it's very much a grassroots kind of effort, as the whole thing moves forward. 3nER-kwa4ju-00095-00043057-00043446 So you'll see some things in ScienceBase sometimes that people scratch their heads and go "why'd 3nER-kwa4ju-00096-00043446-00044015 you do it that way?" or "you seem to be missing this one kind of piece with things, why is 3nER-kwa4ju-00097-00044015-00044115 that?" 3nER-kwa4ju-00098-00044115-00044310 It's really because of the development history. 3nER-kwa4ju-00099-00044310-00044706 And we've been fairly much an open book on this for a long time, if you have a myUSGS 3nER-kwa4ju-00100-00044706-00045331 account, you can get access to the ScienceBase JIRA project that has several thousand items 3nER-kwa4ju-00101-00045331-00045927 in it, that really track the development history and a lot of conservation back and forth on 3nER-kwa4ju-00102-00045927-00046356 why we did what we did and what has happened in that project over time. 3nER-kwa4ju-00103-00046356-00046677 (Slide 3: Overview of Major Components) So I'm not going to go into all the details 3nER-kwa4ju-00104-00046677-00046972 in this slide, obviously there's a lot of different things here, I'm going to mostly 3nER-kwa4ju-00105-00046972-00047593 focus on the aspects of the ScienceBase architecture that relate to geospatial that you're going 3nER-kwa4ju-00106-00047593-00048013 to see here in a couple of minutes, tee those up a little bit for Don to talk about, and 3nER-kwa4ju-00107-00048013-00048293 I'll talk about a couple of aspects of those, as well as Tim. 3nER-kwa4ju-00108-00048293-00049025 This is a slide I put together recently for a couple of different events with ESIP (Earth 3nER-kwa4ju-00109-00049025-00049602 Science Information Partners), laying out what ScienceBase is and what's really behind 3nER-kwa4ju-00110-00049602-00049702 that. 3nER-kwa4ju-00111-00049702-00050121 The major pieces of this are that we got over here on the left: data file inputs, there 3nER-kwa4ju-00112-00050121-00050927 are different ways of uploading data into ScienceBase, via files that can be uploaded 3nER-kwa4ju-00113-00050927-00051338 either via form interface or via an API. 3nER-kwa4ju-00114-00051338-00051802 There are different kinds of metadata item inputs, in terms of just bringing metadata 3nER-kwa4ju-00115-00051802-00051942 in. 3nER-kwa4ju-00116-00051942-00052367 Basically as I said earlier, everything is an item; an item can have data attached to 3nER-kwa4ju-00117-00052367-00052467 it as a file. 3nER-kwa4ju-00118-00052467-00053125 It can be pointing to data services somewhere else, or it can be metadata that describes 3nER-kwa4ju-00119-00053125-00053267 things in various ways. 3nER-kwa4ju-00120-00053267-00053705 We're dealing with a lot of different kinds of metadata and flavors of metadata and ways 3nER-kwa4ju-00121-00053705-00054412 of getting items into ScienceBase, via the API, via forms, via customized form applications, 3nER-kwa4ju-00122-00054412-00054699 there are a lot of ways of doing that and we talk about some of those here. 3nER-kwa4ju-00123-00054699-00055144 What Don's going to show you are some of the specifics around geospatial data and what 3nER-kwa4ju-00124-00055144-00055462 happens to those data coming in to ScienceBase. 3nER-kwa4ju-00125-00055462-00055844 This middle piece here, the ScienceBase tech stack, these are kind of the major components 3nER-kwa4ju-00126-00055844-00056429 of it, the MetaBase, based on a MongoDB base, the complex geometry store that we still use 3nER-kwa4ju-00127-00056429-00056819 PostGIS in there, although we're taking a look at some of the developments in the MongoDB 3nER-kwa4ju-00128-00056819-00057245 world in terms of dealing with more complex geometry. 3nER-kwa4ju-00129-00057245-00057675 A lot is based around what we can do in the search index, it'll be based on Elasticsearch 3nER-kwa4ju-00130-00057675-00058143 technology at this time, and then there are a number of other pieces in this stack, from 3nER-kwa4ju-00131-00058143-00058575 GeoServer, GeoTools, ArcGIS server (Don's going to hit on both of those), there's the 3nER-kwa4ju-00132-00058575-00059075 JAVA Image Library component, actually there are a number of other library components that 3nER-kwa4ju-00133-00059075-00059657 are used there and loosely coupled in right now, but working its way into deeper engineering 3nER-kwa4ju-00134-00059657-00060197 is THREDDS data server, dealing with OpenDAP grid data. 3nER-kwa4ju-00135-00060197-00060564 There's a whole service layer really built into the outbound API, the outbound piece 3nER-kwa4ju-00136-00060564-00061419 of things, that includes metadata services from our own ScienceBase REST API, to OGC-CSW, 3nER-kwa4ju-00137-00061419-00062104 PMH, OpenSearch, those standard methods of getting access to the metadata pieces, to 3nER-kwa4ju-00138-00062104-00062749 some data services from compressed downloads to some GIS specific services that Don will 3nER-kwa4ju-00139-00062749-00063242 show here in a few minutes as well, and again, loosely coupled in there but on its way toward 3nER-kwa4ju-00140-00063242-00063839 being engineered into the full stack is OpenDAP, the THREDDS data server. 3nER-kwa4ju-00141-00063839-00064239 We have a number of different interfaces then kind of downstream from all of this, we've 3nER-kwa4ju-00142-00064239-00064844 got our primary output of HTML landing pages, that we've done some things like imbed schema.org 3nER-kwa4ju-00143-00064844-00065436 metadata into, our own ScienceBase JSON, an ISO metadata output that we're continuing 3nER-kwa4ju-00144-00065436-00066137 to improve over time, that really takes the abstract metadata model of the ScienceBase 3nER-kwa4ju-00145-00066137-00066408 item and converts all of those to ISO metadata. 3nER-kwa4ju-00146-00066408-00067144 And then we also have outputs to ATOM, MODS, which is a library specific feed, a CSV option 3nER-kwa4ju-00147-00067144-00067681 that gets you certain metadata, and then CSDGM as an output as well. 3nER-kwa4ju-00148-00067681-00068236 There are quite a number of different downstream uses that are going on, from some Drupal sites 3nER-kwa4ju-00149-00068236-00068611 like the National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center and a few others that are cropping 3nER-kwa4ju-00150-00068611-00069155 up out there that are using some custom Drupal modules, Python and R methods that Tim is 3nER-kwa4ju-00151-00069155-00069319 going to hit on here in a little bit. 3nER-kwa4ju-00152-00069319-00069987 JQuery and some other kind of similar front-ends that can run anywhere, some CSW search things, 3nER-kwa4ju-00153-00069987-00070488 I'll mention here in just a bit, and some ArcGIS Desktop interactions that Don's going 3nER-kwa4ju-00154-00070488-00070688 to get into here in a couple minutes as well. 3nER-kwa4ju-00155-00070688-00071214 So we're going to kind of focus in this area of some of the inputs, what happens to those 3nER-kwa4ju-00156-00071214-00071776 in terms of how they're served out, and some of the downstream uses of those things as 3nER-kwa4ju-00157-00071776-00071876 we go through. 3nER-kwa4ju-00158-00071876-00072649 And I'm going to toss the ball over to Don here, who's going to do a demo and get into 3nER-kwa4ju-00159-00072649-00073723 the next pieces of things. 3nER-kwa4ju-00160-00073723-00074250 (WebEx shows Don's computer for the live demo) Don: All right I have it. 3nER-kwa4ju-00161-00074250-00074611 Thanks for the intro, Sky. 3nER-kwa4ju-00162-00074611-00074755 All right. 3nER-kwa4ju-00163-00074755-00075122 Can you see my desktop, with the ScienceBase landing page? 3nER-kwa4ju-00164-00075122-00075431 Steve: Yes, Don, go ahead. 3nER-kwa4ju-00165-00075431-00075680 Don: All right, thanks. 3nER-kwa4ju-00166-00075680-00076367 So for those who are not familiar with ScienceBase, here is the landing page of ScienceBase, so 3nER-kwa4ju-00167-00076367-00076688 we'll focus on the GIS capabilities of ScienceBase. 3nER-kwa4ju-00168-00076688-00077332 So, the main functionality of ScienceBase in that realm are, it kind of combines the 3nER-kwa4ju-00169-00077332-00078212 capabilities of like a Windows Explorer, an ArcCatalog, and a fancy FTP site, all in one. 3nER-kwa4ju-00170-00078212-00078630 And I'll just get started in showing you how to add items to ScienceBase and showing you 3nER-kwa4ju-00171-00078630-00078819 all the capabilities it has. 3nER-kwa4ju-00172-00078819-00079393 So right now I'm just in my own space, now I'll go in and add a new folder in my space 3nER-kwa4ju-00173-00079393-00079580 where I'll store all this demo data. 3nER-kwa4ju-00174-00079580-00079968 I'll just call it demo and create a new folder. 3nER-kwa4ju-00175-00079968-00080501 Folders are called items in ScienceBase, how Sky touched on everything is an item in ScienceBase 3nER-kwa4ju-00176-00080501-00080680 that you can add to. 3nER-kwa4ju-00177-00080680-00081299 So I'll go into my new item, and I'll say I want to add a new item inside of here, and 3nER-kwa4ju-00178-00081299-00081770 I'll say, you can do two choices, you can either import a file (this is a file you have 3nER-kwa4ju-00179-00081770-00082327 access to locally), actual data you're uploading, or you can say you want to create a new record, 3nER-kwa4ju-00180-00082327-00082789 which is a more of a metadata sort of record, where you point to data which is on some other 3nER-kwa4ju-00181-00082789-00082917 server. 3nER-kwa4ju-00182-00082917-00083343 So I'll import an actual file from my local system. 3nER-kwa4ju-00183-00083343-00084176 I will grab all of the files included in my shapefile here. 3nER-kwa4ju-00184-00084176-00084719 I'll say open and then it uploads my shapefiles into ScienceBase, you're probably familiar 3nER-kwa4ju-00185-00084719-00085055 with shapefiles, it consists of a lot of different files. 3nER-kwa4ju-00186-00085055-00085886 When you're done uploading, ScienceBase recognizes that it has an actual FGDC compliant metadata 3nER-kwa4ju-00187-00085886-00086299 attached to it, and it tries to parse some of the data out of that, and place it into 3nER-kwa4ju-00188-00086299-00086492 the ScienceBase's brand of metadata. 3nER-kwa4ju-00189-00086492-00086766 So I'll say that's fine and allow ScienceBase to do that. 3nER-kwa4ju-00190-00086766-00087423 So you can see that it takes those fields and puts it into ScienceBase. 3nER-kwa4ju-00191-00087423-00087905 So the only thing we require you to do when you upload an item to ScienceBase is give 3nER-kwa4ju-00192-00087905-00088062 it a title. 3nER-kwa4ju-00193-00088062-00088714 This should be a meaningful title that helps other users search for your data in the future. 3nER-kwa4ju-00194-00088714-00089602 This title is not very good I'm just doing one really quickly, but you get the idea. 3nER-kwa4ju-00195-00089602-00090216 After I click save, ScienceBase actually starts an instance of this, a GIS service of this 3nER-kwa4ju-00196-00090216-00090738 shapefile on what's called GeoServer, and that's how we're presenting a map of this 3nER-kwa4ju-00197-00090738-00090838 data. 3nER-kwa4ju-00198-00090838-00091467 GeoServer is an open source GIS server that ScienceBase utilizes. 3nER-kwa4ju-00199-00091467-00092150 So we started using it initially just to show a map of the shapefile you uploaded. 3nER-kwa4ju-00200-00092150-00092600 So ScienceBase displays that map and you can also click on the interactive mapper, and 3nER-kwa4ju-00201-00092600-00093032 you can get a small mapper where you can zoom in and out of your data so you can get a good 3nER-kwa4ju-00202-00093032-00093482 look at what you uploaded, and so other people can look at your data to see if that's what 3nER-kwa4ju-00203-00093482-00093661 they want to download or not. 3nER-kwa4ju-00204-00093661-00094276 So ScienceBase is kind of consuming its own services from GeoServer and then we have some 3nER-kwa4ju-00205-00094276-00094757 end user stories that say why don't you make these services available to other people, 3nER-kwa4ju-00206-00094757-00095339 so we created this "advanced services" link, where we make these service endpoints available 3nER-kwa4ju-00207-00095339-00095635 for people to use in 3rd party applications. 3nER-kwa4ju-00208-00095635-00096477 So GeoServer uses the open source GIS services format, it uses what's called WMS and WFS, 3nER-kwa4ju-00209-00096477-00096627 for vector format. 3nER-kwa4ju-00210-00096627-00097233 WMS stands for a Web Mapping Service, that is essentially pictures of your GIS data that's 3nER-kwa4ju-00211-00097233-00097626 not serving all the coordinates and everything behind the scenes, it's just serving a picture 3nER-kwa4ju-00212-00097626-00097986 of your data to display in a 3rd party application. 3nER-kwa4ju-00213-00097986-00098701 One way to consume this service is to copy the URL, and go into an ArcCatalog session, 3nER-kwa4ju-00214-00098701-00099183 you can say you want to add a WMS server. 3nER-kwa4ju-00215-00099183-00100311 You can paste in the URL, you see the layers in that WMS service, click OK, and you can 3nER-kwa4ju-00216-00100311-00101287 drill down and see your data right in ArcGIS client, and use it interactively. 3nER-kwa4ju-00217-00101287-00101710 And then the other service, the WFS service, stands for Web Feature Service, which actually 3nER-kwa4ju-00218-00101710-00102082 serves the data, it's not just pictures of the data, it's actual all the coordinates 3nER-kwa4ju-00219-00102082-00102765 and everything, so you can actually read it into geoprocessing services and other things. 3nER-kwa4ju-00220-00102765-00103578 So if you want to consume this in ArcGIS client, you would copy that URL, go back into ArcCatalog, 3nER-kwa4ju-00221-00103578-00105330 hit the interoperability connections tool, and you paste in your URL, and you go into 3nER-kwa4ju-00222-00105330-00105958 parameters, click the layers you're interested in, and then click OK, and then it will make 3nER-kwa4ju-00223-00105958-00106493 your connection, and then this is actually a live connection to the data, you can use 3nER-kwa4ju-00224-00106493-00107089 it interactively, it's not just pictures of the data. 3nER-kwa4ju-00225-00107089-00107584 And as it reads it in the first time you click on it, and so you get an actual picture of 3nER-kwa4ju-00226-00107584-00108116 your data and you can add this data to a session of ArcMAP, to combine it with other data you 3nER-kwa4ju-00227-00108116-00108216 have locally. 3nER-kwa4ju-00228-00108216-00108643 You an actually use this kind of locally as a shapefile, you can actually change the symbology 3nER-kwa4ju-00229-00108643-00108866 on it, and other things like that. 3nER-kwa4ju-00230-00108866-00109648 And you can also read it directly into geoprocessing toolboxes, say you want to do a clip on this 3nER-kwa4ju-00231-00109648-00110189 data, you can add this data directly to that tool, and read it interactively without having 3nER-kwa4ju-00232-00110189-00110467 to download the data to your computer. 3nER-kwa4ju-00233-00110467-00110917 And you can also read it into stand-alone Python scripts and other things like that, 3nER-kwa4ju-00234-00110917-00111493 to do any kind of processing you want on the data. 3nER-kwa4ju-00235-00111493-00112331 So, back into ScienceBase here, so that's open source services for vector datasets which 3nER-kwa4ju-00236-00112331-00113027 is the shapefile here, I'll now go demonstrate how you can use this functionality with raster 3nER-kwa4ju-00237-00113027-00113127 datasets. 3nER-kwa4ju-00238-00113127-00113921 So I go back in my demo folder here, click "add item" again, and I'll go find a raster 3nER-kwa4ju-00239-00113921-00114201 on my local file system here. 3nER-kwa4ju-00240-00114201-00114336 Click open. 3nER-kwa4ju-00241-00114336-00114913 Right now ScienceBase mainly just reads GeoTIFF format, there's talk in the future that we 3nER-kwa4ju-00242-00114913-00115505 will read other formats using the Gdal extension of GeoServer to read other formats. 3nER-kwa4ju-00243-00115505-00115903 But right now it's limited to TIFF files. 3nER-kwa4ju-00244-00115903-00116482 Let's call it "sample raster" for now, click save. 3nER-kwa4ju-00245-00116482-00117107 So once again, this starts up a GIS service on GeoServer and you can see a picture of 3nER-kwa4ju-00246-00117107-00117486 your raster here, you can use the interactive mapper just like you use with shapefiles, 3nER-kwa4ju-00247-00117486-00117975 and you can click on the advanced services link again, and you get the WMS service which 3nER-kwa4ju-00248-00117975-00118723 serves pictures of your raster data, and then in addition to what you've got with the vector 3nER-kwa4ju-00249-00118723-00119258 datasets, you also get what's called a WCS, which stands for Web Coverage Service, which 3nER-kwa4ju-00250-00119258-00119890 it's the way it serves the data behind the scenes for rasters instead of vectors so you 3nER-kwa4ju-00251-00119890-00120436 can consume that in all kinds of 3rd party applications also. 3nER-kwa4ju-00252-00120436-00121143 So with that, I think I'll go into how you can actually start a GIS service based on 3nER-kwa4ju-00253-00121143-00121305 the ESRI format now. 3nER-kwa4ju-00254-00121305-00121749 So ScienceBase also utilizes an ArcGIS server behind the scenes. 3nER-kwa4ju-00255-00121749-00123473 So to demo that I will go into ArcMAP, I'll start a new session here, find an ArcMAP session 3nER-kwa4ju-00256-00123473-00123723 that I already saved. 3nER-kwa4ju-00257-00123723-00124249 You can develop your map however you want, and when you get it to how you want it to 3nER-kwa4ju-00258-00124249-00125058 look, you go up to file, and click share as a service, save as service definition file, 3nER-kwa4ju-00259-00125058-00125484 you want to include all your data behind the scenes, (I'm just doing this really quick 3nER-kwa4ju-00260-00125484-00125789 to show you all the possibilities, you don't have to remember all of this). 3nER-kwa4ju-00261-00125789-00126318 Click analyze, this is a step that analyzes your ArcMAP document to make sure that it 3nER-kwa4ju-00262-00126318-00126804 doesn't have any capabilities that are not compatible with ArcGIS server. 3nER-kwa4ju-00263-00126804-00127433 So after you work through any errors there, you click stage, and what this does is create 3nER-kwa4ju-00264-00127433-00127824 what's called the service definition file, this is essentially your map document and 3nER-kwa4ju-00265-00127824-00128345 all the data behind the scenes and some configuration files all wrapped up into one file. 3nER-kwa4ju-00266-00128345-00129158 So after you add that service definition file, then you go back into ScienceBase and you 3nER-kwa4ju-00267-00129158-00129593 go back into "Add Item", and you just upload that service definition file to ScienceBase. 3nER-kwa4ju-00268-00129593-00130365 And here it is, it is a .sd extension, and I will click "open". 3nER-kwa4ju-00269-00130365-00131898 When it's done uploading, give it a title there and click save. 3nER-kwa4ju-00270-00131898-00132632 What ScienceBase is doing right now it is saving that service definition file, and it 3nER-kwa4ju-00271-00132632-00133241 is unzipping it and it is also making a call to the ArcGIS server to start an ArcGIS mapping 3nER-kwa4ju-00272-00133241-00133512 service instance behind the scenes. 3nER-kwa4ju-00273-00133512-00134082 While it takes a minute or two to develop that, in the meantime I can show you that 3nER-kwa4ju-00274-00134082-00134614 this service definition file is here for download just like any other file that you upload to 3nER-kwa4ju-00275-00134614-00134714 ScienceBase. 3nER-kwa4ju-00276-00134714-00135339 You can click on this service definition file, click you want to save the file, click anywhere 3nER-kwa4ju-00277-00135339-00135694 that you want to save it. 3nER-kwa4ju-00278-00135694-00136909 So if I were to save it on my local hard drive, I can actually unzip this service definition 3nER-kwa4ju-00279-00136909-00137562 file and then I have access to all the data that or all your end users have access to 3nER-kwa4ju-00280-00137562-00138075 everything you just uploaded, they have access to .mxd which they can open which will open 3nER-kwa4ju-00281-00138075-00138489 up all the data included with it, or that's just stand-alone data is in there too, and 3nER-kwa4ju-00282-00138489-00138815 available for people to use. 3nER-kwa4ju-00283-00138815-00139949 So it looks like it's still thinking about starting this ArcGIS service, after it completes 3nER-kwa4ju-00284-00139949-00140438 starting this ArcGIS service, you would go the advanced services link again. 3nER-kwa4ju-00285-00140438-00141203 I'll show you a sample of, after it actually completes starting that. 3nER-kwa4ju-00286-00141203-00141939 You would get an additional URL here called an ArcGIS REST service, in addition to those 3nER-kwa4ju-00287-00141939-00142307 open source links that I showed you already. 3nER-kwa4ju-00288-00142307-00142877 So you can copy that map server link from our ArcGIS server and you can also use this 3nER-kwa4ju-00289-00142877-00143365 in all sorts of 3rd party applications. 3nER-kwa4ju-00290-00143365-00143802 For example, you can use it in Data Basin, I don't know if any of you are familiar with 3nER-kwa4ju-00291-00143802-00144002 that, but you can import a dataset into Data Basin, you can just say import a map service 3nER-kwa4ju-00292-00144002-00144512 and paste in a URL there, and consume it there. 3nER-kwa4ju-00293-00144512-00145302 You can use it in ArcGIS Online mapper, by saying adding a layer from the web and paste 3nER-kwa4ju-00294-00145302-00145430 in the URL there. 3nER-kwa4ju-00295-00145430-00145919 Another example is the National Map, you can say you want to add data in here, say it's 3nER-kwa4ju-00296-00145919-00146380 an ArcGIS server and you paste in your URL there. 3nER-kwa4ju-00297-00146380-00146838 And you hit connect, and you can do all your data online there. 3nER-kwa4ju-00298-00146838-00147436 So you can consume it in any kind of 3rd party applications, and also consume this in ArcGIS 3nER-kwa4ju-00299-00147436-00148458 Desktop, and then that's most of the things for the ArcGIS service. 3nER-kwa4ju-00300-00148458-00148963 The other thing I wanted to explain is the GIS Share, which we are kind of labeling as 3nER-kwa4ju-00301-00148963-00149388 the functionality to be able to edit data through the Internet, through ArcGIS server, 3nER-kwa4ju-00302-00149388-00149925 so right now kind of a manual process people want to tell us if they want to be able to 3nER-kwa4ju-00303-00149925-00150381 do that and we make their services into a feature access service. 3nER-kwa4ju-00304-00150381-00151093 So after they tell us they want to be able to do that they can actually edit the data 3nER-kwa4ju-00305-00151093-00151887 online, you can edit data in ArcGIS Desktop, or you can make online applications or this 3nER-kwa4ju-00306-00151887-00152169 other 3rd party applications to edit that data. 3nER-kwa4ju-00307-00152169-00152879 Here's one example of an online data editor, it's kind of a crowd-sourcing technology to 3nER-kwa4ju-00308-00152879-00153417 get all different kinds of people to edit the same dataset and have access to it. 3nER-kwa4ju-00309-00153417-00153855 They wouldn't have to have any type of special client software all they would have to have 3nER-kwa4ju-00310-00153855-00154215 is an Internet browser and an Internet connection. 3nER-kwa4ju-00311-00154215-00154606 So, here's just some sample data of some well pads. 3nER-kwa4ju-00312-00154606-00155437 You can actually add new data to this, fill in data to complete the attribute table and 3nER-kwa4ju-00313-00155437-00155594 things like that. 3nER-kwa4ju-00314-00155594-00156171 You can see the attributes of old data, delete old data, add data and things like that. 3nER-kwa4ju-00315-00156171-00156921 This is not just drawing pretty pictures on your computer, this is actually editing an 3nER-kwa4ju-00316-00156921-00157501 FDE-enabled enterprise database behind the scenes, so it's a pretty powerful and a lot 3nER-kwa4ju-00317-00157501-00157978 of people can change datasets in a very quick period of time. 3nER-kwa4ju-00318-00157978-00158313 Steve: Don, do you mind if we pause for questions? 3nER-kwa4ju-00319-00158313-00158780 Don: Yep, this is a very good place to stop. 3nER-kwa4ju-00320-00158780-00159627 Steve: Ok, hang on, let me take it off lecture mode. 3nER-kwa4ju-00321-00159627-00160177 Alicia, did you have a question for Don? 3nER-kwa4ju-00322-00160177-00161699 Don, Alicia I think had a question for you, are coverages a data type that you can upload 3nER-kwa4ju-00323-00161699-00161901 to ScienceBase? 3nER-kwa4ju-00324-00161901-00162720 Don: Coverages are, well you can upload any file you want to ScienceBase, whether it makes 3nER-kwa4ju-00325-00162720-00163299 a map of that data and creates GIS services of that data, is another question. 3nER-kwa4ju-00326-00163299-00163768 Coverages is a file type that we would not be able to actually read and show a map of 3nER-kwa4ju-00327-00163768-00164336 or create GIS services from, that's kind of an older format. 3nER-kwa4ju-00328-00164336-00164726 I think, yeah, a lot of people still use it, but you could actually upload those data and 3nER-kwa4ju-00329-00164726-00165154 people could download it and use it locally, but yeah, we wouldn't be able to create GIS 3nER-kwa4ju-00330-00165154-00165397 services for that, currently. 3nER-kwa4ju-00331-00165397-00165683 But if there's a lot of user stories that want to be able to use it, that could always 3nER-kwa4ju-00332-00165683-00165841 be incorporated in the future. 3nER-kwa4ju-00333-00165841-00166051 Sky: Yeah, this is Sky. 3nER-kwa4ju-00334-00166051-00166645 I mean at some point in the not-too distant future, somebody, either us or some combination 3nER-kwa4ju-00335-00166645-00167000 of folks, and I'll talk a little bit about the collaborative development nature of this 3nER-kwa4ju-00336-00167000-00167298 in a while are going to deal with that. 3nER-kwa4ju-00337-00167298-00167912 You know we have a fairly large collection of published Arc coverage files that are sitting 3nER-kwa4ju-00338-00167912-00168625 out, say, in a NatWeb space, or from USGS series pubs and whatnot, that at some point, 3nER-kwa4ju-00339-00168625-00169180 someone needs to do kind of the forward migration work on those, get those in to a more accessible 3nER-kwa4ju-00340-00169180-00170081 format, maybe as services or as other kinds of downloads for broader use into the future. 3nER-kwa4ju-00341-00170081-00170477 And that's kind of a corporate question that I think USGS is going to have to answer at 3nER-kwa4ju-00342-00170477-00170679 some point. 3nER-kwa4ju-00343-00170679-00171651 Steve: Ok, Roland is asking whether ESRI grid format can be utilized by ScienceBase. 3nER-kwa4ju-00344-00171651-00172058 Don: That would be the same answer for that one. 3nER-kwa4ju-00345-00172058-00172870 Sky: Yeah, I mean, we've got a user story right now that's driving us toward the GeoServer 3nER-kwa4ju-00346-00172870-00173314 support for MrSID because we've got to get a number of files from a couple different 3nER-kwa4ju-00347-00173314-00174102 projects accessible via other services for that, but really right now, it's shapefiles, 3nER-kwa4ju-00348-00174102-00174684 service definitions, GeoTIFFs are really the major ones that are available there. 3nER-kwa4ju-00349-00174684-00175199 There is an image server capability that will basically take any kind of image file, almost 3nER-kwa4ju-00350-00175199-00175853 any kind of image file that you upload, and provide it back out to you via dynamic service 3nER-kwa4ju-00351-00175853-00176689 that will give you downscaling some image conversion, and you know, different formats 3nER-kwa4ju-00352-00176689-00177286 and different scales of that image from there, but really in terms of specialized file handling, 3nER-kwa4ju-00353-00177286-00177514 that's what ScienceBase ports currently. 3nER-kwa4ju-00354-00177514-00178152 Don: And let me add to that, with the service definition file upload, you can have, that 3nER-kwa4ju-00355-00178152-00178754 actually uses ArcGIS server, and anything that ArcGIS server can read can be uploaded 3nER-kwa4ju-00356-00178754-00178914 in your service definition files. 3nER-kwa4ju-00357-00178914-00179560 So, if a coverage or an ESRI grid is incorporated when you create your service definition, then 3nER-kwa4ju-00358-00179560-00180149 that is fine to upload, and that will be read by ArcGIS server and served as a mapping service. 3nER-kwa4ju-00359-00180149-00180469 Sky: Right, really good point. 3nER-kwa4ju-00360-00180469-00181248 Steve: Ok, I would encourage people to unmute their phones and stop chatting privately, 3nER-kwa4ju-00361-00181248-00181473 but let's see what else we have here. 3nER-kwa4ju-00362-00181473-00181689 Are there any storage limits in ScienceBase? 3nER-kwa4ju-00363-00181689-00182312 Sky: Yeah, I was going to address that at the end, but I'll answer that now. 3nER-kwa4ju-00364-00182312-00182822 I mean, yes, there are practical storage limits. 3nER-kwa4ju-00365-00182822-00183323 We're working toward a cloud-based version of this, as the department and everything 3nER-kwa4ju-00366-00183323-00183711 kind of gets their act together around what cloud services are going to look like. 3nER-kwa4ju-00367-00183711-00184455 We've got some early prototypes working out in that space, so for some intents and purposes 3nER-kwa4ju-00368-00184455-00184863 we should be able to grow as much as we need to over time. 3nER-kwa4ju-00369-00184863-00185276 The real question comes down to one of scope and scale. 3nER-kwa4ju-00370-00185276-00185934 You know, how big can we really reasonably make this thing, who's going to fund it over 3nER-kwa4ju-00371-00185934-00186509 time, ScienceBase is a part of the Core Science Analytics and Synthesis group, which is part 3nER-kwa4ju-00372-00186509-00187082 of the Core Science Systems mission area, it's a core component of our architecture, 3nER-kwa4ju-00373-00187082-00187684 we're using it to serve a lot of our own needs and capabilities within the Core Science Systems 3nER-kwa4ju-00374-00187684-00188340 mission area, as well as a lot of other partner projects beyond us in some ways. 3nER-kwa4ju-00375-00188340-00188732 We've been asked in different times to maybe come up with some kind of a subscription model 3nER-kwa4ju-00376-00188732-00189493 or some sort of a shared cost model, both by our management as well as by folks who 3nER-kwa4ju-00377-00189493-00189861 would like to be part of that subscription model and wouldn't mind paying a little bit 3nER-kwa4ju-00378-00189861-00190270 of money, say, to get some space and be part of all that. 3nER-kwa4ju-00379-00190270-00190746 We just haven't completely tackled that end of things, to come up with a reasonable model 3nER-kwa4ju-00380-00190746-00190846 for doing this. 3nER-kwa4ju-00381-00190846-00191652 At this point, we basically will take on new, interesting partners who have the need for 3nER-kwa4ju-00382-00191652-00192238 some capabilities here, who are maybe a part of something that we have going on, like our 3nER-kwa4ju-00383-00192238-00192842 support for the John Wesley Powell Center, or some of the other groups that are out there. 3nER-kwa4ju-00384-00192842-00193161 But it's kind of a case-by-case basis, at this point. 3nER-kwa4ju-00385-00193161-00193746 There's some work, sort of organizationally, to explore with a number of Science Centers 3nER-kwa4ju-00386-00193746-00194383 throughout the USGS this year, what a future business model might look like for this service, 3nER-kwa4ju-00387-00194383-00194912 and really carry forward a message to the executive leadership team, on "hey, we think 3nER-kwa4ju-00388-00194912-00195439 this is a capability that a lot of folks in the USGS could leverage", you know we would 3nER-kwa4ju-00389-00195439-00196081 like to see some solid Bureau support for this as well as folks who are willing to put 3nER-kwa4ju-00390-00196081-00196405 some money into the coffer to help pay for storage and operations and all those kind 3nER-kwa4ju-00391-00196405-00196807 of things and all kind of things that go on. 3nER-kwa4ju-00392-00196807-00196907 Steve: Ok. 3nER-kwa4ju-00393-00196907-00197007 Let's see, I think... 3nER-kwa4ju-00394-00197007-00197410 A listener: So, Sky, so what is the physical limit at this time? 3nER-kwa4ju-00395-00197410-00197967 Sky: Uh, well, I don't know, we've got a number of terabytes to grow into as necessary, I 3nER-kwa4ju-00396-00197967-00198422 mean we can't take on massive new collections at this point, but... 3nER-kwa4ju-00397-00198422-00198748 A listener: Right, but for like say for an individual file... 3nER-kwa4ju-00398-00198748-00199580 Tim: We're going to talk about that little later, but the individual file limit is, for 3nER-kwa4ju-00399-00199580-00200509 uploads, generally tied to the fact that we use http for our file upload through core 3nER-kwa4ju-00400-00200509-00200883 ScienceBase and that's about 4 gigs. 3nER-kwa4ju-00401-00200883-00201277 If we moved to, as Sky pointed out, that we have some pilots going on using some other 3nER-kwa4ju-00402-00201277-00202063 conventions, and there are other far fewer limits, far greater limits on that file transfer. 3nER-kwa4ju-00403-00202063-00202788 So, we will a slide on that a little later. 3nER-kwa4ju-00404-00202788-00203039 A listener: Ok, thanks Tim. 3nER-kwa4ju-00405-00203039-00203822 Listener 2: This is (Al Ray?), I have a question about access, ok, so is everything that you 3nER-kwa4ju-00406-00203822-00204523 put on here shared to everyone in the world, or do you have the ability to share with just 3nER-kwa4ju-00407-00204523-00204747 a group, or what? 3nER-kwa4ju-00408-00204747-00205341 Sky: Yeah, we built that in from the very beginning, is a security framework. 3nER-kwa4ju-00409-00205341-00205776 And I'm going to talk a little bit about the hierarchy here in just a minute. 3nER-kwa4ju-00410-00205776-00206223 That provides sort of an inheritance of permissions on down, but any given item in ScienceBase 3nER-kwa4ju-00411-00206223-00206871 can be locked down to you as an individual, or shared with your colleagues either inside 3nER-kwa4ju-00412-00206871-00207360 the USGS or outside the USGS as needed, it uses the active directory system for authentication 3nER-kwa4ju-00413-00207360-00207460 and access control. 3nER-kwa4ju-00414-00207460-00207933 Or all of the Department of Interior, just like myUSGS or any of the other systems that 3nER-kwa4ju-00415-00207933-00208121 we have out there. 3nER-kwa4ju-00416-00208121-00208796 Plus myUSGS space of external user accounts and there are several thousand of those that 3nER-kwa4ju-00417-00208796-00209111 have collaborated with us in various systems over time. 3nER-kwa4ju-00418-00209111-00209473 A method for, you know, requesting those new accounts and that sort of things. 3nER-kwa4ju-00419-00209473-00209904 There are a number of refinements that we look towards in the future in terms of tying 3nER-kwa4ju-00420-00209904-00210551 this to the data release process that is continuing to be refined in the USGS so that, say, when 3nER-kwa4ju-00421-00210551-00211067 you have something that's only available internally, and then you go to make it public, what actually 3nER-kwa4ju-00422-00211067-00211679 has to happen there in terms of you declaring that, you know, this thing has been through 3nER-kwa4ju-00423-00211679-00212271 appropriate review through your Science Center, or Bureau approval as needed for the materials 3nER-kwa4ju-00424-00212271-00212386 going out. 3nER-kwa4ju-00425-00212386-00212803 Right now that's part of why we're limiting this a little bit and not just making it a 3nER-kwa4ju-00426-00212803-00213248 free for all of, you know, everybody can come in here and participate because we kind of 3nER-kwa4ju-00427-00213248-00213652 need to understand who we're working with, have a little bit of a conversation on, you 3nER-kwa4ju-00428-00213652-00214206 know, what you need to make sure you're doing at your Science Center level to make sure 3nER-kwa4ju-00429-00214206-00214609 that any of the things that you're putting out publically really can be public. 3nER-kwa4ju-00430-00214609-00215203 But we've built in the architecture to support security all the way down to the individual 3nER-kwa4ju-00431-00215203-00215809 item level, either shared with you, shared with your colleagues, shared with the USGS, 3nER-kwa4ju-00432-00215809-00216284 there's a role for all of USGS, or shared publically beyond that. 3nER-kwa4ju-00433-00216284-00216587 A listener: Yeah, thanks. 3nER-kwa4ju-00434-00216587-00217273 A listener: This is Doug Freehafer in the New York Water Science Center. 3nER-kwa4ju-00435-00217273-00218521 I was wondering if this is a place for Water Science Centers to place published GIS datasets? 3nER-kwa4ju-00436-00218521-00219404 Sky: It certainly could be, I'll just mention there's a lot of work that's going on right 3nER-kwa4ju-00437-00219404-00220258 now through the Fundamental Science Practices Advisory Committee, I'm the CSS representative 3nER-kwa4ju-00438-00220258-00221013 to the FSPAC so I can speak about that a little bit, and the policy manual chapters on data 3nER-kwa4ju-00439-00221013-00221375 release and what's appropriate for that. 3nER-kwa4ju-00440-00221375-00221975 I was also involved in the recent response to the OSTP memo from Feb. that was pushing 3nER-kwa4ju-00441-00221975-00222471 government agencies, all science agencies that have a million dollars for more research, 3nER-kwa4ju-00442-00222471-00222886 to get their data out publically, so there's a lot of stuff that's swirling around in the 3nER-kwa4ju-00443-00222886-00223528 Bureau right now in terms of where are the appropriate repositories and, you know, what 3nER-kwa4ju-00444-00223528-00224182 needs to happen with those repositories in order for data to be public and secured and 3nER-kwa4ju-00445-00224182-00224394 managed and everything over time. 3nER-kwa4ju-00446-00224394-00224921 And we're a part of all of that, ScienceBase is certainly acting as a digital repository 3nER-kwa4ju-00447-00224921-00225569 for some groups as a primary store, an example is what I mentioned earlier, the John Wesley 3nER-kwa4ju-00448-00225569-00226048 Powell Center, so as a partner of the Powell Center and as kind of part of their informatics 3nER-kwa4ju-00449-00226048-00226700 arm, we're providing that capability for Powell Center groups to go through and release data. 3nER-kwa4ju-00450-00226700-00227263 But, you know we're also not wanting to preempt the other big repositories that are out there. 3nER-kwa4ju-00451-00227263-00227810 I mean there Science Centers that have good capabilities at that level there are obviously 3nER-kwa4ju-00452-00227810-00228475 the big centers that we have from EROS and the shared LP DAAC and the other capabilities 3nER-kwa4ju-00453-00228475-00228944 that are available from there, there's the NWIS system itself that handles a certain 3nER-kwa4ju-00454-00228944-00229509 portion of what the water discipline produces through time, so there are a lot of different 3nER-kwa4ju-00455-00229509-00229963 repositories out there, ScienceBase is certainly one of those options. 3nER-kwa4ju-00456-00229963-00230554 What we're working on this year is organizationally how do we really position it, how do we set 3nER-kwa4ju-00457-00230554-00231173 up what it is that ScienceBase can be responsible for, and how do we make sure that ScienceBase 3nER-kwa4ju-00458-00231173-00231935 as a repository is really something trusted and a known quantity moving forward. 3nER-kwa4ju-00459-00231935-00232417 So there's actually a whole ISO standard associated with trusted digital repositories and we're 3nER-kwa4ju-00460-00232417-00232966 taking a look at that in conjunction with our USGS library, figuring out what does that 3nER-kwa4ju-00461-00232966-00233571 look like for us and could we sort of move to that point of maturity in this capability. 3nER-kwa4ju-00462-00233571-00234178 So, the fundamental answer is probably yes, this could serve as a digital repository for 3nER-kwa4ju-00463-00234178-00234491 published data assets of a Water Science Center like yours. 3nER-kwa4ju-00464-00234491-00234871 I think we'd want to have a conversation with you a little bit about that first, about the 3nER-kwa4ju-00465-00234871-00235294 limitations of what we have, the limitations of what we're doing, so that you're aware 3nER-kwa4ju-00466-00235294-00235891 of that going in to this, and that we just kind of have full awareness of what we mean 3nER-kwa4ju-00467-00235891-00236031 by that moving forward. 3nER-kwa4ju-00468-00236031-00236671 Steve: Ok, I've got 3 more nuts and bolts questions. 3nER-kwa4ju-00469-00236671-00237203 Oh, sorry, go ahead. 3nER-kwa4ju-00470-00237203-00237648 I've got 3 more nuts and bolts questions, if you want to tackle those now or wait until 3nER-kwa4ju-00471-00237648-00237782 the end of the presentation? 3nER-kwa4ju-00472-00237782-00238148 Sky: Well actually if you wouldn't mind if we could just kind of get through a couple 3nER-kwa4ju-00473-00238148-00238333 of more quick things. 3nER-kwa4ju-00474-00238333-00238751 Some of your questions may be addressed through that, I'm going to show one other quick, unless, 3nER-kwa4ju-00475-00238751-00239016 Don, did you have anything else at this point? 3nER-kwa4ju-00476-00239016-00239183 Don: No, that was it. 3nER-kwa4ju-00477-00239183-00239740 Sky: Ok, why don't you pass me the ball back, I'll have one other quick technical capability 3nER-kwa4ju-00478-00239740-00240228 to talk to you about real quick, then Tim's going to talk about just a couple of the future 3nER-kwa4ju-00479-00240228-00240519 things, some of the challenges that we're thinking about, those may answer a couple 3nER-kwa4ju-00480-00240519-00240630 more of your questions. 3nER-kwa4ju-00481-00240630-00240984 And then we'll have a little bit more of your time for discussion there. 3nER-kwa4ju-00482-00240984-00242159 (WebEx shows computer for live demo) Drop over to Google Chrome again, here. 3nER-kwa4ju-00483-00242159-00242873 So, as I mentioned earlier in the discussion about permissions and all of that, we set 3nER-kwa4ju-00484-00242873-00243119 ScienceBase up in a hierarchy. 3nER-kwa4ju-00485-00243119-00243548 You can see that here from the little breadcrumb on this particular item that starts at this 3nER-kwa4ju-00486-00243548-00243707 community level. 3nER-kwa4ju-00487-00243707-00244156 There's community in there for the National Geospatial Program, a collection for the National 3nER-kwa4ju-00488-00244156-00244503 Map and then further sub-collection for the U.S. Topo. 3nER-kwa4ju-00489-00244503-00245029 If each one of these levels permissions can be set by whoever has write permissions on 3nER-kwa4ju-00490-00245029-00245273 these, to determine who can access these. 3nER-kwa4ju-00491-00245273-00245778 In this case, it's a public readable collection for the U.S. Topo. 3nER-kwa4ju-00492-00245778-00246330 It is manageable by a couple of service accounts and then Steve Skelton in the NGP in particular 3nER-kwa4ju-00493-00246330-00246760 has direct access to this particular collection to manage that. 3nER-kwa4ju-00494-00246760-00247501 ScienceBase is now the primary store for all of the metadata associated with what the National 3nER-kwa4ju-00495-00247501-00247816 Geospatial Program is calling their staged products. 3nER-kwa4ju-00496-00247816-00248466 And we're on our way to storing all 2.5 million or so of those products within ScienceBase, 3nER-kwa4ju-00497-00248466-00248960 at least the metadata for those, and in a few cases, the actual digits. 3nER-kwa4ju-00498-00248960-00249477 Although they're working right now on extending that storage out to the cloud based storage 3nER-kwa4ju-00499-00249477-00249871 that is being sanctioned for use. 3nER-kwa4ju-00500-00249871-00250246 But the metadata's coming together here and we're not using these collections to drive 3nER-kwa4ju-00501-00250246-00250741 things like the download framework through the National Map Viewer, other ways of interacting 3nER-kwa4ju-00502-00250741-00251319 with these services are being driven directly off of the ScienceBase API and the ScienceBase 3nER-kwa4ju-00503-00251319-00251517 services that are available behind this. 3nER-kwa4ju-00504-00251517-00252028 So I wanted to mention a couple things about this, so this collection has the 54,000 records, 3nER-kwa4ju-00505-00252028-00252708 54,365 current U.S. Topos, there's another collection for the historic topographic collection 3nER-kwa4ju-00506-00252708-00253321 map that has, you know, the really historic record that has been scanned and made available 3nER-kwa4ju-00507-00253321-00253421 there. 3nER-kwa4ju-00508-00253421-00253851 If you look at the underlying record here, this is the JSON view of this, this is really 3nER-kwa4ju-00509-00253851-00254094 how these records look in ScienceBase, natively. 3nER-kwa4ju-00510-00254094-00254759 They're stored in a JSON format, there's a section here at the bottom of every one of 3nER-kwa4ju-00511-00254759-00255210 these documents called Distribution Links, that really provides all of the different 3nER-kwa4ju-00512-00255210-00255771 ways that an item can be interacted with, in this case it's a collection item, so there 3nER-kwa4ju-00513-00255771-00256205 are a number of different ways that this collection can be interacted with, as a collection. 3nER-kwa4ju-00514-00256205-00256848 We provide similar to an upload of a shapefile, for anything that's a collection of geospatially 3nER-kwa4ju-00515-00256848-00257638 referenced items in ScienceBase, ScienceBase provides a KML service, a WMS, a WFS, for 3nER-kwa4ju-00516-00257638-00258123 those so that you can go interact with those similarly to how you would for any kind of 3nER-kwa4ju-00517-00258123-00258338 a data service there. 3nER-kwa4ju-00518-00258338-00259031 We also provide the native JSON way of interacting with the entire system through the API, there's 3nER-kwa4ju-00519-00259031-00259664 an atom method for interacting with all of those child items that are within this collection, 3nER-kwa4ju-00520-00259664-00260184 CSV method that gets you back a certain subset of the metadata that can be flattened out, 3nER-kwa4ju-00521-00260184-00260834 we've also now provided a PMH service which is a type of protocol for harvesting the original 3nER-kwa4ju-00522-00260834-00261390 metadata and in this case, it's actually giving you the ability to harvest that original CSDGM 3nER-kwa4ju-00523-00261390-00262014 metadata that came into ScienceBase to provide all of these particular items, and a CSW service 3nER-kwa4ju-00524-00262014-00262704 that's kind of a scaled down CSW search service, that gives you the ability to tie that in 3nER-kwa4ju-00525-00262704-00262860 with an OGC client in that way. 3nER-kwa4ju-00526-00262860-00263427 As well as an ability to download any of the attached files that are associated there. 3nER-kwa4ju-00527-00263427-00263984 So Don already really showed the basic functionality of tapping into these advanced services, pulling 3nER-kwa4ju-00528-00263984-00264556 something up in Google Earth, dropping your WMS into another platform, so I won't go into 3nER-kwa4ju-00529-00264556-00265345 that, but really these, what this means, essentially, is that, or certain kinds of things that ScienceBase 3nER-kwa4ju-00530-00265345-00266120 is bringing together into a collection concept, ScienceBase itself is acting as a database, 3nER-kwa4ju-00531-00266120-00266324 more than just a catalog. 3nER-kwa4ju-00532-00266324-00266795 So this comes into play for a number of different things that we're doing in terms of driving 3nER-kwa4ju-00533-00266795-00267188 say, an interactive mapping tool, off of some of the collections that are brought together 3nER-kwa4ju-00534-00267188-00267380 in ScienceBase in some way. 3nER-kwa4ju-00535-00267380-00267776 And there's a lot of functionality that we're starting to get into behind that. 3nER-kwa4ju-00536-00267776-00268447 But I just wanted to close the loop there on sort of the overall aspects of the geospatial 3nER-kwa4ju-00537-00268447-00268596 functionality that's out there. 3nER-kwa4ju-00538-00268596-00269071 So, Tim, did you want me to skip over to you, of did you want me to just start showing the 3nER-kwa4ju-00539-00269071-00269195 slides here? 3nER-kwa4ju-00540-00269195-00270247 Tim: Why don't you just show them the slides, that way we'll save a little time? 3nER-kwa4ju-00541-00270247-00270347 Sky: ok. 3nER-kwa4ju-00542-00270347-00270906 Tim: Anyway, what Sky and Don talked about, a lot of the capabilities that we have in 3nER-kwa4ju-00543-00270906-00271119 ScienceBase, we also have a few challenges. 3nER-kwa4ju-00544-00271119-00271586 (Slide 4: Geospatial Data Challenges) We touched on these in some of the questions, 3nER-kwa4ju-00545-00271586-00271970 but we also, some of these, I guess, we haven't talked about yet. 3nER-kwa4ju-00546-00271970-00272609 First one we've had to deal with is people have many datasets and metadata files. 3nER-kwa4ju-00547-00272609-00273253 So people have hundreds and thousands of datasets as part of a collection, and how do they put 3nER-kwa4ju-00548-00273253-00273628 those into a system, with any repository that's an awkward problem, you're trying to make 3nER-kwa4ju-00549-00273628-00274128 sure that you're documenting them properly, you're making sure that you're getting them 3nER-kwa4ju-00550-00274128-00274229 organized properly. 3nER-kwa4ju-00551-00274229-00274686 Also, the very large dataset issue that Mike talked about, asked about. 3nER-kwa4ju-00552-00274686-00274897 How do you upload large datasets? 3nER-kwa4ju-00553-00274897-00275579 We have some uses datasets between 70 and 200 gigs, and possibly more when we get into 3nER-kwa4ju-00554-00275579-00275682 the NetCDF world. 3nER-kwa4ju-00555-00275682-00276429 We also have distribution of those data once they're loaded in, once we're serving them 3nER-kwa4ju-00556-00276429-00276907 through a repository, how does somebody get to something like that. 3nER-kwa4ju-00557-00276907-00277612 The general file upload limits through a website is 4 gig and then download is about 17 gig, 3nER-kwa4ju-00558-00277612-00278041 I mean you're going to run into problems outside of those things. 3nER-kwa4ju-00559-00278041-00278527 So we're looking at unique ways to download. 3nER-kwa4ju-00560-00278527-00278886 There's also the question of metadata. 3nER-kwa4ju-00561-00278886-00279293 That a classic problem with everybody: redundancies, where we have multiple copies of the same 3nER-kwa4ju-00562-00279293-00279545 thing in a large repository. 3nER-kwa4ju-00563-00279545-00279749 ScienceBase has close to 3 million items. 3nER-kwa4ju-00564-00279749-00279984 You're bound to have potential redundancies in there. 3nER-kwa4ju-00565-00279984-00280770 And when we're addressing these challenges, Sky and Natalie Latysh and Ben Wheeler: "classic 3nER-kwa4ju-00566-00280770-00281299 need vs. capability vs. architecture", you can start out with a need, as Sky pointed 3nER-kwa4ju-00567-00281299-00281622 out, a user story defines what we build into ScienceBase and that's the need. 3nER-kwa4ju-00568-00281622-00282204 And you have to make a decision, is that just some services you're providing or is it an 3nER-kwa4ju-00569-00282204-00282480 actual capability you're going to design into the system. 3nER-kwa4ju-00570-00282480-00282904 And then once you're adding a capability you have to decide is that part of the core architecture 3nER-kwa4ju-00571-00282904-00283004 or is it a bolt-on? 3nER-kwa4ju-00572-00283004-00283794 And bluntly, Don pointed out the ArcGIS edit services that we have - that right now it's 3nER-kwa4ju-00573-00283794-00284082 kind of a bolt-on, it's not part of the core architecture yet. 3nER-kwa4ju-00574-00284082-00284608 So that's a decision, how long do we sustain it as a bolt-on and how much, and when do 3nER-kwa4ju-00575-00284608-00285008 we move it into the core architecture. 3nER-kwa4ju-00576-00285008-00285211 Ok, next slide, Sky. 3nER-kwa4ju-00577-00285211-00285744 (Slide 5: pySB -- ScienceBase Python Library) So the first thing we want to talk about is 3nER-kwa4ju-00578-00285744-00285844 the many datasets issue. 3nER-kwa4ju-00579-00285844-00286546 So the way we address this is, and this is Roland Viger and Dell Long came up with the 3nER-kwa4ju-00580-00286546-00287059 idea of the idea of a Python library for ScienceBase. 3nER-kwa4ju-00581-00287059-00287536 And this is basically pySB, it allows secure access to items, like Don pointed out to add 3nER-kwa4ju-00582-00287536-00288097 things to your personal repository, or your community repository, to get public items, 3nER-kwa4ju-00583-00288097-00288686 many or one, to create new items, or sets of items, to batch update some items, and 3nER-kwa4ju-00584-00288686-00289418 this is the way that we're using it to address: when I've uploaded a collection and now I 3nER-kwa4ju-00585-00289418-00289531 want to tag them all. 3nER-kwa4ju-00586-00289531-00289758 Well, so how do I do a batch tag? 3nER-kwa4ju-00587-00289758-00290051 This is one convenient way to do it. 3nER-kwa4ju-00588-00290051-00290688 It is an open project, we're soliciting new methods from people, and it's at, again, this 3nER-kwa4ju-00589-00290688-00291056 presentation is available to you, it's available through the myUSGS get repository stash, it's 3nER-kwa4ju-00590-00291056-00291757 under the ScienceBase Experiments project, and already a few groups have already started 3nER-kwa4ju-00591-00291757-00292190 working within it, and lets go to the next slide. 3nER-kwa4ju-00592-00292190-00292798 (Slide 6: Geospatial-Centric Client Tools) Racing through this to try to get us on time. 3nER-kwa4ju-00593-00292798-00293382 And the first is that there's a project that was completed last year, published this year, 3nER-kwa4ju-00594-00293382-00293988 the MODIS Phenology Toolbox, that was by Colin Talbert, and it's built on ArcGIS Image Services, 3nER-kwa4ju-00595-00293988-00294105 it, (unclear) it points out, ArcGIS toolbox. 3nER-kwa4ju-00596-00294105-00294750 And with pySB available, we're going to be looking in FY14 to basically expand some of 3nER-kwa4ju-00597-00294750-00295278 the capabilities on this, but it's available now through, and if you go to ScienceBase 3nER-kwa4ju-00598-00295278-00295866 and search on MODIS Phenology Toolbox, you'll find the public (unclear) and the attached 3nER-kwa4ju-00599-00295866-00296251 actual toolbox example, we're going to be re-tooling it. 3nER-kwa4ju-00600-00296251-00296672 The Metadata Wizard that was a CDI project, headed by Drew Ignacio and Colin Talbert as 3nER-kwa4ju-00601-00296672-00297416 well as the rest of the GIS group at FORT, and there's no upgrade in progress, or (unclear) 3nER-kwa4ju-00602-00297416-00297994 in progress, but they're also going to be looking at tying into the pySB library, as 3nER-kwa4ju-00603-00297994-00298482 far as metadata creation to work with different components. 3nER-kwa4ju-00604-00298482-00298967 And we have a couple, now this isn't just limited to pySB, but this is, we're seeing 3nER-kwa4ju-00605-00298967-00299520 a lot of mobile support collectors, a lot of collectors in fact, the ESRI collector, 3nER-kwa4ju-00606-00299520-00300161 some work in that respect, working against the ScienceBase REST API, thing to note, as 3nER-kwa4ju-00607-00300161-00300630 Don pointed out, ESRI collector just needs a transactional web feature service, which 3nER-kwa4ju-00608-00300630-00301365 ScienceBase provides, so it's a convenience you can load items into ScienceBase as your 3nER-kwa4ju-00609-00301365-00301779 base dataset to have your collector work against. 3nER-kwa4ju-00610-00301779-00302425 Other mobile support activities, are Forest Service is working with USGS on one that's 3nER-kwa4ju-00611-00302425-00302584 working right now against ScienceBase. 3nER-kwa4ju-00612-00302584-00302998 So these are a variety of (unclear), but we see some opportunities with some of the open 3nER-kwa4ju-00613-00302998-00303704 source libraries that we're going to be creating, to help these mobile groups actually do some 3nER-kwa4ju-00614-00303704-00303989 mobile technology in support of science. 3nER-kwa4ju-00615-00303989-00304089 Next slide. 3nER-kwa4ju-00616-00304089-00304416 (Slide 7: Geospatial-Centric Client Tools) Ok, we have a problem. 3nER-kwa4ju-00617-00304416-00304644 We have a problem with very large files. 3nER-kwa4ju-00618-00304644-00305014 So we don't really have a good answer. 3nER-kwa4ju-00619-00305014-00305414 This is, as Sky pointed out, some pilot work. 3nER-kwa4ju-00620-00305414-00306039 This is where we set up an Amazon S3 space, where you can use some 3rd party tools to 3nER-kwa4ju-00621-00306039-00306290 push datasets to those project spaces. 3nER-kwa4ju-00622-00306290-00306923 We still need to develop a programmatic way to register it when you stick it in to your 3nER-kwa4ju-00623-00306923-00307052 S3 community. 3nER-kwa4ju-00624-00307052-00307674 That's a technical issue, we haven't worked on that yet, right now everything's by hand. 3nER-kwa4ju-00625-00307674-00308172 We need to expose the ScienceBase tools to serve data from S3 like any other ScienceBase 3nER-kwa4ju-00626-00308172-00308272 item. 3nER-kwa4ju-00627-00308272-00308619 Now that isn't a technical issue, we know how to do that, we set that up; we can do 3nER-kwa4ju-00628-00308619-00308719 that just fine. 3nER-kwa4ju-00629-00308719-00309156 That's an administrative issue, as Sky pointed out, we're still wrestling with the cloud 3nER-kwa4ju-00630-00309156-00309384 contract, how we're going to handle that. 3nER-kwa4ju-00631-00309384-00309759 We have some new information today, so it looks like it's going to be a lot smoother 3nER-kwa4ju-00632-00309759-00310001 going, after, well, this week. 3nER-kwa4ju-00633-00310001-00310401 There is no solution for users with inadequate network topology. 3nER-kwa4ju-00634-00310401-00310973 They can send a hard drive, which is sort of lame, but that's all we've got. 3nER-kwa4ju-00635-00310973-00311074 Next slide. 3nER-kwa4ju-00636-00311074-00311327 (Slide 8: Crappy Metadata) Metadata. 3nER-kwa4ju-00637-00311327-00311811 We know that quality discovery depends on quality metadata. 3nER-kwa4ju-00638-00311811-00312456 And that's, your metadata stinks, nobody's going to find your stuff, and we do have that 3nER-kwa4ju-00639-00312456-00312556 issue. 3nER-kwa4ju-00640-00312556-00313054 Mike Frame in the CDI call today talked about some rubrics that they're going to be implementing, 3nER-kwa4ju-00641-00313054-00313426 some way to try to gage metadata. 3nER-kwa4ju-00642-00313426-00313966 The CDI data management team is really working through some process solutions, to go with 3nER-kwa4ju-00643-00313966-00314091 the technical solutions. 3nER-kwa4ju-00644-00314091-00314734 That includes not just the Metadata Wizard I just mentioned but also the CSAS metadata, 3nER-kwa4ju-00645-00314734-00315245 online metadata editor, and some different support concepts, that Viv Hutchison, Lisa 3nER-kwa4ju-00646-00315245-00315523 Zolly and some others are working on. 3nER-kwa4ju-00647-00315523-00316034 They're going to be developing with some other groups, some workflow examples for the data 3nER-kwa4ju-00648-00316034-00316406 management site that they've posted. 3nER-kwa4ju-00649-00316406-00316833 So, this is hopefully, we're going to be a combination of some technical solution and 3nER-kwa4ju-00650-00316833-00317452 some human factors solutions to try to get this solved. 3nER-kwa4ju-00651-00317452-00317586 Next slide. 3nER-kwa4ju-00652-00317586-00318059 (Slide 9: Redundancies) And finally, dealing with redundancies. 3nER-kwa4ju-00653-00318059-00318419 Mentioned earlier, you have a large catalog, you're going to end up with multiple entries 3nER-kwa4ju-00654-00318419-00318622 for the same item in a search. 3nER-kwa4ju-00655-00318622-00318722 It's frustrating. 3nER-kwa4ju-00656-00318722-00319253 We know that we have a lot of work to do in this regard; duplication does not always get 3nER-kwa4ju-00657-00319253-00319424 to where you need to be. 3nER-kwa4ju-00658-00319424-00319882 For queries, you may have some slightly altered metadata, checksums and file sizes; it's a 3nER-kwa4ju-00659-00319882-00320039 starting point. 3nER-kwa4ju-00660-00320039-00320653 The basic thing we see, this, like data management, has been a combination of technical and human 3nER-kwa4ju-00661-00320653-00320841 solution to try to work through. 3nER-kwa4ju-00662-00320841-00321302 There's a lot of items in ScienceBase, we expect a lot more this year, so this is going 3nER-kwa4ju-00663-00321302-00322078 to be an ongoing issue, but I just want to let you guys know that we don't have answers 3nER-kwa4ju-00664-00322078-00322211 to a few problems. 3nER-kwa4ju-00665-00322211-00322611 And we are looking to this community to help us with suggestions, with technologies, with 3nER-kwa4ju-00666-00322611-00322968 anything you guys have discovered that may help us with some of these answers. 3nER-kwa4ju-00667-00322968-00323351 So, turn it back to Sky... 3nER-kwa4ju-00668-00323351-00323451 Sky: Great, thanks Tim. 3nER-kwa4ju-00669-00323451-00323623 And I'll wrap up here real quick. 3nER-kwa4ju-00670-00323623-00324183 I think we've already hit on a lot of this in terms of the scope and scale kinds of issues 3nER-kwa4ju-00671-00324183-00324338 that I was going to mention. 3nER-kwa4ju-00672-00324338-00325041 But again, I just want to put this in context for you, that this is a core architectural 3nER-kwa4ju-00673-00325041-00325721 capability of the Core Science Systems mission area and managed by the Core Systems Analytics 3nER-kwa4ju-00674-00325721-00325992 and Synthesis program in particular. 3nER-kwa4ju-00675-00325992-00326561 We're using it for a lot of different things, and we're continuing to explore exactly how 3nER-kwa4ju-00676-00326561-00327115 it gets positioned in the USGS, as an enterprise capability. 3nER-kwa4ju-00677-00327115-00327592 And really move forward on that here in the next, we'll be moving forward with that pretty 3nER-kwa4ju-00678-00327592-00328083 quickly here in the next number of months in this fiscal year, as we solidify things. 3nER-kwa4ju-00679-00328083-00328559 A couple of other contacts, Tim mentioned there in particular Natalie Latysh is really 3nER-kwa4ju-00680-00328559-00329526 the project manager, product owner for ScienceBase, she really oversees the development backlog 3nER-kwa4ju-00681-00329526-00330066 and what goes in there is having a lot of the interactions with our communities that 3nER-kwa4ju-00682-00330066-00330275 are working in that world. 3nER-kwa4ju-00683-00330275-00330960 And then Ben Wheeler, who Tim also mentioned is leading an effort called the Science Data 3nER-kwa4ju-00684-00330960-00331589 Lifecycle Framework which is kind of the overall umbrella project that has things like the 3nER-kwa4ju-00685-00331589-00332075 metadata editor that Tim mentioned as well, the Science Data Catalog, data management 3nER-kwa4ju-00686-00332075-00332552 dashboard, a bunch of these other related pieces in the sort of data management cadre 3nER-kwa4ju-00687-00332552-00332990 of things that our Core Science Analytics and Synthesis group is working in. 3nER-kwa4ju-00688-00332990-00333644 I'm currently in a little bit of a different role, I was I think the original visionary 3nER-kwa4ju-00689-00333644-00334099 behind a lot of ScienceBase and have been driving an awful lot of the architecture for 3nER-kwa4ju-00690-00334099-00334691 quite some time and I'll continue consulting on the project moving forward, but there are 3nER-kwa4ju-00691-00334691-00335340 really a whole other cadre of folks that are leading this and moving along and CSAS is 3nER-kwa4ju-00692-00335340-00335793 very much in partnership on this with the Fort Collins Science Center, that is funded 3nER-kwa4ju-00693-00335793-00336339 by a number of different areas, but mainly the Ecosystems Mission Area, but also through 3nER-kwa4ju-00694-00336339-00336749 us and is a partner with us in moving this whole thing forward. 3nER-kwa4ju-00695-00336749-00337545 And the FORT group has been absolutely fantastic in getting the word out on what this whole 3nER-kwa4ju-00696-00337545-00337987 program is about and what we're trying to do here, interfacing with a lot of other groups 3nER-kwa4ju-00697-00337987-00338725 out there, who are using ScienceBase in various ways, integrating it into other programs and 3nER-kwa4ju-00698-00338725-00339377 projects that FORT is involved in, so we're very much partners in moving this whole thing 3nER-kwa4ju-00699-00339377-00339634 forward and figuring out where it's going to go. 3nER-kwa4ju-00700-00339634-00339917 And we're looking for other partners, involved in this. 3nER-kwa4ju-00701-00339917-00340474 One of the major things that we're trying to get done here this year, toward that Constellation 3nER-kwa4ju-00702-00340474-00341222 Edition that I've mentioned, is to get the ScienceBase code base much more modularized 3nER-kwa4ju-00703-00341222-00341867 and fully out into the open source space, beyond our myUSGS open source space out into 3nER-kwa4ju-00704-00341867-00342552 GitHub, so that we can really receive other commits back into that over time, have people 3nER-kwa4ju-00705-00342552-00343049 branch off, fork the code, go do some other things with one component or another, and 3nER-kwa4ju-00706-00343049-00343315 then weave that back into the trunk over time. 3nER-kwa4ju-00707-00343315-00343750 And so you'll see that coming about hopefully over the next while. 3nER-kwa4ju-00708-00343750-00344314 We're partnering with a number of different groups around USGS to kind of explore what 3nER-kwa4ju-00709-00344314-00344958 that looks like for us, what we really need to do to run this much more as an open source 3nER-kwa4ju-00710-00344958-00345058 project. 3nER-kwa4ju-00711-00345058-00345584 As opposed to just releasing our code which we've done a couple of times, you know we 3nER-kwa4ju-00712-00345584-00346007 certainly want to let people collaborate, pick up a component and work on it in some 3nER-kwa4ju-00713-00346007-00346420 way, but that means we need to componentize things a little bit better so that it makes 3nER-kwa4ju-00714-00346420-00346597 sense when that goes on. 3nER-kwa4ju-00715-00346597-00347259 So, I don't know what we have left in terms of time, Steve, but if is any time for further 3nER-kwa4ju-00716-00347259-00347577 conversation, we'd welcome your questions and discussion, comments. 3nER-kwa4ju-00717-00347577-00348084 (Slide 10: Wrap-Up and Discussion) Steve: All right, yeah if you don't mind, 3nER-kwa4ju-00718-00348084-00348600 the bridge is reserved for another 20 odd minutes, so there were some nuts and bolts 3nER-kwa4ju-00719-00348600-00349348 questions about ScienceBase, two people were asking about geoprocessing services. 3nER-kwa4ju-00720-00349348-00349851 For an example, a clip and ship type of service? 3nER-kwa4ju-00721-00349851-00350768 Sky: yeah, we've got some examples of that, Tim or Don, you want to jump in on the GPS 3nER-kwa4ju-00722-00350768-00350918 stuff? 3nER-kwa4ju-00723-00350918-00351750 Don: Sure, if you want to, Mike, it might be easier to share my desktop, Sky, if you 3nER-kwa4ju-00724-00351750-00351992 want to pass me the ball. 3nER-kwa4ju-00725-00351992-00352213 But, I can talk about it too. 3nER-kwa4ju-00726-00352213-00352931 That would be one of the things that Tim referred to as a bolt-on thing, if you want to, ESRI 3nER-kwa4ju-00727-00352931-00353497 geo... (sorry, I'm just setting up my desktop) ...if you want a geoprocessing service, that 3nER-kwa4ju-00728-00353497-00353798 would be something separate that we would set up. 3nER-kwa4ju-00729-00353798-00354509 If you're just talking able to download the actual data, then that kind of can already 3nER-kwa4ju-00730-00354509-00354914 be accomplished through ScienceBase just by clicking on the item that you uploaded to 3nER-kwa4ju-00731-00354914-00355214 ScienceBase, so that's one way to get it. 3nER-kwa4ju-00732-00355214-00355518 But we definitely set up... 3nER-kwa4ju-00733-00355518-00357117 (I can show you something for the modeling watersheds systems). 3nER-kwa4ju-00734-00357117-00358073 So, we did set up a special geoprocessing service for the modeling watershed systems 3nER-kwa4ju-00735-00358073-00358871 project, this is the way that we made the entire water catchments for the entire country 3nER-kwa4ju-00736-00358871-00359069 available online. 3nER-kwa4ju-00737-00359069-00359962 You can zoom in in this application, you can be interested in any catchment that you want, 3nER-kwa4ju-00738-00359962-00360697 you can find a stream gage that you're interested in, you can open a geoprocessing service and 3nER-kwa4ju-00739-00360697-00361100 you can essentially put in any of these numbers and what it does is calculate all the upstream 3nER-kwa4ju-00740-00361100-00362484 catchments from the one that you put in, and after you run this cycle through the whole 3nER-kwa4ju-00741-00362484-00363041 huge file geodatabase behind the scenes and that spits out a file database to the end 3nER-kwa4ju-00742-00363041-00363454 user of just those upstream catchments that you're interested in stream gage. 3nER-kwa4ju-00743-00363454-00363878 But yeah, you can also do simple clip and ships. 3nER-kwa4ju-00744-00363878-00364451 This is a complicated python scrip behind the scenes, but that would be kind of bolt-on 3nER-kwa4ju-00745-00364451-00364803 stuff to ScienceBase, like Tim was talking about. 3nER-kwa4ju-00746-00364803-00365506 Sky: Yeah, but it's actually one of the new item types that we've been considering and 3nER-kwa4ju-00747-00365506-00365940 thinking about what that means, so if you know, again, an item is an item is an item. 3nER-kwa4ju-00748-00365940-00367036 If an item is a processing service, or an algorithm or another type of packaged process 3nER-kwa4ju-00749-00367036-00367378 of some kind, and of course there's a lot of different flavors of that, if you look 3nER-kwa4ju-00750-00367378-00367957 across the spectrum of sort of what we deal with, how can we start treating those as items, 3nER-kwa4ju-00751-00367957-00368521 items that can interact with other items, be strung together into some sort of a work 3nER-kwa4ju-00752-00368521-00368621 flow. 3nER-kwa4ju-00753-00368621-00368830 There's a lot of things that we'd like to do there that are sort of in our research 3nER-kwa4ju-00754-00368830-00369328 pool right now in terms of thinking about how we fully integrate that into ScienceBase 3nER-kwa4ju-00755-00369328-00369428 back. 3nER-kwa4ju-00756-00369428-00369969 In the meantime as necessary and working with great partners like Roland and the MoWS Group, 3nER-kwa4ju-00757-00369969-00370395 we're certainly willing to take some things on because what they do is they help us, you 3nER-kwa4ju-00758-00370395-00370744 know, we might bolt it on for a little while, but what that does is it helps us explore, 3nER-kwa4ju-00759-00370744-00371258 all right, how would we go about integrating this into the core technology stack as something 3nER-kwa4ju-00760-00371258-00371778 that can be used much more writ large. 3nER-kwa4ju-00761-00371778-00372529 Steve: Speaking of Roland, Roland was kind of curious about geodatabases support. 3nER-kwa4ju-00762-00372529-00372820 Roland: ...as an uploaded file type. 3nER-kwa4ju-00763-00372820-00373582 Tim: Yeah, and as Don pointed out about other things, geodatabases as an uploaded file type, 3nER-kwa4ju-00764-00373582-00374172 by default it's just available for you know, download, again, it doesn't do anything with 3nER-kwa4ju-00765-00374172-00374272 it. 3nER-kwa4ju-00766-00374272-00375144 But, as Don also pointed out, we can, we know that anything that's renderable via an ESRI 3nER-kwa4ju-00767-00375144-00375727 ArcGIS server, defined service, is going to be available outside of just the download, 3nER-kwa4ju-00768-00375727-00376124 you'll be able to register a service there. 3nER-kwa4ju-00769-00376124-00376536 So again, as Don pointed out, kind of a bolt-on right now, something that's being considered, 3nER-kwa4ju-00770-00376536-00376953 we had a long time before answering at least the standard for geodatabases, so we didn't 3nER-kwa4ju-00771-00376953-00377260 catch up on that yet. 3nER-kwa4ju-00772-00377260-00377983 We're sort of waiting for the open source tools to get a little more reliable in handling 3nER-kwa4ju-00773-00377983-00378140 them before we do that programmatically. 3nER-kwa4ju-00774-00378140-00378642 Don: Right, but if, when you set up your service definition file upload to ScienceBase, if 3nER-kwa4ju-00775-00378642-00379140 one of your datasets actually references a file geodatabase here, you can create your 3nER-kwa4ju-00776-00379140-00379563 service definition file based on that, and that will get zipped up and get uploaded and 3nER-kwa4ju-00777-00379563-00379999 start a GIS service on ArcGIS server, so, you'll be able to serve pictures of your data 3nER-kwa4ju-00778-00379999-00380285 in file geodatabases no problem right now. 3nER-kwa4ju-00779-00380285-00380769 But if they're just uploaded as a standalone file in ScienceBase, then yeah, then ScienceBase 3nER-kwa4ju-00780-00380769-00380869 can't really read them. 3nER-kwa4ju-00781-00380869-00381251 Tim: Just a touch of indirection to get this to work. 3nER-kwa4ju-00782-00381251-00381742 You just have to package your geodatabases into a service definition file. 3nER-kwa4ju-00783-00381742-00382365 Sky: Yeah, I think what we'd want to do is explore some explicit user stories around 3nER-kwa4ju-00784-00382365-00382806 what would need to happen on the other side of a geodatabase upload, I mean a raw geodatabase 3nER-kwa4ju-00785-00382806-00382906 upload. 3nER-kwa4ju-00786-00382906-00383407 The advantage to putting it into an ArcMAP project, organizing exactly what that thing 3nER-kwa4ju-00787-00383407-00383773 looks like, providing some symbology work, and packaging and everything out of the service 3nER-kwa4ju-00788-00383773-00384339 definition, is that, you know, you get something at the end of that that is a fully functional 3nER-kwa4ju-00789-00384339-00384913 online ArcGIS REST service or WMS, WFS, whatever else is available behind that. 3nER-kwa4ju-00790-00384913-00385317 You know, but just doing a geodatabases means well, ok, what are you going to get out the 3nER-kwa4ju-00791-00385317-00385807 end of that, what do you want that thing to do, how do you want it to be served, can we 3nER-kwa4ju-00792-00385807-00386377 reliably provide some sort of across the board symbology that's going to make sense or not, 3nER-kwa4ju-00793-00386377-00386784 we kind of don't think so, so this is the method that we're supporting right now, but 3nER-kwa4ju-00794-00386784-00387178 it would be great to explore some specific user stories and some expectations for what 3nER-kwa4ju-00795-00387178-00387331 might happen with something like that. 3nER-kwa4ju-00796-00387331-00387806 Roland: And I got to say, I asked that question before Don introduced that service scripted 3nER-kwa4ju-00797-00387806-00388519 stuff, which I had not heard about, I think it's pretty darn interesting, and definitely 3nER-kwa4ju-00798-00388519-00388623 worth exploration. 3nER-kwa4ju-00799-00388623-00389232 So my question might have been moot. 3nER-kwa4ju-00800-00389232-00389736 Steve: Anybody else? 3nER-kwa4ju-00801-00389736-00390075 A listener: Is it possible to just give us kind of a quick clarification, we're struggling 3nER-kwa4ju-00802-00390075-00390647 just a little bit with the relationship between the Science Data Catalog and ScienceBase, 3nER-kwa4ju-00803-00390647-00391198 as far as use cases and just the interaction of those two. 3nER-kwa4ju-00804-00391198-00391505 Sky: yeah, sure thing I can do that. 3nER-kwa4ju-00805-00391505-00392180 So, the Science Data Catalog is really something that is still developing and moving forward 3nER-kwa4ju-00806-00392180-00392481 pretty rapidly in terms of what it is. 3nER-kwa4ju-00807-00392481-00393586 But it is the response really of the USGS to the open data directives, mostly the OMB 3nER-kwa4ju-00808-00393586-00394020 M13 directive from last year, an executive order and that, in terms of providing our 3nER-kwa4ju-00809-00394020-00394190 data inventory. 3nER-kwa4ju-00810-00394190-00394744 Technologically, the Science Data Catalog is a combination of two things, it's a combination 3nER-kwa4ju-00811-00394744-00395846 of ScienceBase, on the management side of, exposing, or, sort of registering a given 3nER-kwa4ju-00812-00395846-00396263 data sources for use by the Science Data Catalog. 3nER-kwa4ju-00813-00396263-00396459 And I'll tell you a little bit more about that in just a second. 3nER-kwa4ju-00814-00396459-00396971 And then the mercury technology from the Department of Energy Oak Ridge National Lab that we've 3nER-kwa4ju-00815-00396971-00397632 worked with for quite some time in terms of indexing those materials in a particular way 3nER-kwa4ju-00816-00397632-00398133 to provide the front end and search interface and output from that. 3nER-kwa4ju-00817-00398133-00398506 So we ended up putting a couple different technologies together to get to this Science 3nER-kwa4ju-00818-00398506-00399038 Data Catalog, so there's a data management dashboard piece which is where users come 3nER-kwa4ju-00819-00399038-00399556 in, register a given data set, or a given data source of some kind, it can be either 3nER-kwa4ju-00820-00399556-00400152 a Web Accessible Folder, a sitemap, or an existing ScienceBase collection. 3nER-kwa4ju-00821-00400152-00400713 What actually happens now then behind the scenes is that all 3 of those, if it's an 3nER-kwa4ju-00822-00400713-00401110 existing ScienceBase collection, maybe it's being managed through some other process within 3nER-kwa4ju-00823-00401110-00401740 ScienceBase, either via uploads or one of the other harvesting methods that we have, 3nER-kwa4ju-00824-00401740-00402271 then that's immediately pulled out into the Science Data Catalog index from that point, 3nER-kwa4ju-00825-00402271-00402839 if it's a WAF or a sitemap, we actually register that in ScienceBase, those are, the records 3nER-kwa4ju-00826-00402839-00403283 from those are harvested into ScienceBase, and then they're provided out to the catalog 3nER-kwa4ju-00827-00403283-00403635 from there, the catalog indexing process from there. 3nER-kwa4ju-00828-00403635-00404116 In all of those cases, we're actually using what I pointed to there earlier, that OAI-PMH 3nER-kwa4ju-00829-00404116-00404683 thing, the protocol for metadata harvesting, as the method of going from what's in ScienceBase 3nER-kwa4ju-00830-00404683-00405071 going out to the Science Data Catalog indexing process. 3nER-kwa4ju-00831-00405071-00405241 Does that help a little bit? 3nER-kwa4ju-00832-00405241-00405489 I mean, somebody, Cassadra Ladino, I think, asked... 3nER-kwa4ju-00833-00405489-00405559 (video ends). 4oqyCDOe7Xc-00000-00000337-00000756 Hello, I'm Mahalia and these are the week's top headlines from Pinksixty. 4oqyCDOe7Xc-00001-00000756-00001233 Daniel Zamudio, the young Chilean man beaten and scarred in a neo-nazi assault three weeks 4oqyCDOe7Xc-00002-00001233-00001524 ago has died in hospital from his injuries. 4oqyCDOe7Xc-00003-00001524-00001871 Four men have been arrested in connection with the murder. 4oqyCDOe7Xc-00004-00001871-00002273 The International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission have written to the Thai government 4oqyCDOe7Xc-00005-00002273-00002742 demanding an investigation into the murders of 15 women over the last six years. 4oqyCDOe7Xc-00006-00002742-00003161 All are suspected to be hate crimes based on the women's perceived sexuality. 4oqyCDOe7Xc-00007-00003161-00003657 A Malaysian MP has reported to the government that 3 out of every 10 men 4oqyCDOe7Xc-00008-00003657-00003760 in the country are gay.' 4oqyCDOe7Xc-00009-00003760-00004108 He's calling for 'rehabilitation centres' to be set up to try and 4oqyCDOe7Xc-00010-00004108-00004347 cure people of being homosexual. 4oqyCDOe7Xc-00011-00004347-00004667 Identical twin sisters have undergone the first female to male, 4oqyCDOe7Xc-00012-00004667-00004923 gender reassignment surgery in China. 4oqyCDOe7Xc-00013-00004923-00005288 One of the 25-year-olds said, ‘I’m willing to give everything up for a sex change'. 4oqyCDOe7Xc-00014-00005288-00005870 And finally, Daniel Radcliffe is to play gay poet Allen Ginsberg in a film about one of 4oqyCDOe7Xc-00015-00005870-00006098 the leading lights of the Beat Generation. 4oqyCDOe7Xc-00016-00006098-00006522 Entitled 'Kill Your Darlings' the film is due for release next year. 4oqyCDOe7Xc-00017-00006522-00006625 That's all from us today. 4oqyCDOe7Xc-00018-00006625-00006705 Join us again tomorrow. 413TqAj6wy0-00000-00008104-00008711 It always leads people who are not inside of it to get surprised 413TqAj6wy0-00001-00008712-00009080 and misunderstand how it’s working. 413TqAj6wy0-00002-00009079-00009416 Same for people who don’t try it, 413TqAj6wy0-00003-00009416-00009620 don’t have any experience in travel, 413TqAj6wy0-00004-00009620-00009772 and were never interested in it. 413TqAj6wy0-00005-00009772-00009952 Of course, for them it seems wild. 413TqAj6wy0-00006-00009952-00010168 Are you crazy? You came to the a new country, 413TqAj6wy0-00007-00010168-00010400 met someone there and you’re already going to another. 413TqAj6wy0-00008-00010400-00010524 We don’t have that in our world. 413TqAj6wy0-00009-00012828-00013251 This is not about love for travel. 413TqAj6wy0-00010-00013252-00013432 It's more like a lifestyle. 413TqAj6wy0-00011-00013432-00013756 I gained invaluable experience 413TqAj6wy0-00012-00013756-00014288 which helped me in general to open my eyes to the world. 413TqAj6wy0-00013-00019416-00019668 I remember how i went to my first spots, 413TqAj6wy0-00014-00019668-00019904 and i wanted to take pictures of everything. 413TqAj6wy0-00015-00019904-00020092 Now. i’m taking a new look at those archives and i’m thinking 413TqAj6wy0-00016-00020089-00020441 «God, what kind of bullshit did i shoot? 413TqAj6wy0-00017-00020444-00020708 Some king of balconies with flowers..." 413TqAj6wy0-00018-00020708-00020972 I remember that back in the days it inspired me a lot. 413TqAj6wy0-00019-00020972-00021540 I liked that everything was different, not like in Russia. 413TqAj6wy0-00020-00023344-00023552 Actually, you should't consider it 413TqAj6wy0-00021-00023552-00024080 like some kind of heavenly Eden. 413TqAj6wy0-00022-00024080-00024352 Where everything is ideal and good, 413TqAj6wy0-00023-00024352-00024616 and that trevalers are people without any problem. 413TqAj6wy0-00024-00024616-00024776 Of course, everyone has problems. 413TqAj6wy0-00025-00024776-00025048 It depends on what kind of person you are. 413TqAj6wy0-00026-00027288-00027648 In Bali i came to the girl 413TqAj6wy0-00027-00027644-00027952 and somebody stole my passport 413TqAj6wy0-00028-00027952-00028527 Where i had all my money and bank cards. 413TqAj6wy0-00029-00028527-00028744 There was everything. 413TqAj6wy0-00030-00035456-00035700 Different situations can happen, 413TqAj6wy0-00031-00035691-00035928 on which everybody can react differently. 413TqAj6wy0-00032-00035928-00035972 So 413TqAj6wy0-00033-00036052-00036356 There’s a right balance between good and bad. 413TqAj6wy0-00034-00036356-00036552 Question is what would you choose. 413TqAj6wy0-00035-00038028-00038216 So much good has been done, 413TqAj6wy0-00036-00038216-00038532 that I held my head and thought 413TqAj6wy0-00037-00038532-00039192 «My god, for which reason does the universe give me these moments and these people?» 413TqAj6wy0-00038-00048392-00048580 I always had a fear, 413TqAj6wy0-00039-00048580-00048752 but I had it, becouse I didn't know, 413TqAj6wy0-00040-00048752-00048904 I was always afraid about 413TqAj6wy0-00041-00048904-00049104 how I could hithhike and travel alone, 413TqAj6wy0-00042-00049104-00049399 about how people could build itineraries. 413TqAj6wy0-00043-00049399-00049588 But it's so ephemeral, 413TqAj6wy0-00044-00049588-00049940 because 3 months of travel showed me the opposite. 413TqAj6wy0-00045-00049940-00050148 I left without sleepping bag and tent, 413TqAj6wy0-00046-00050148-00050432 Sometimes i couln’t go to some cities. 413TqAj6wy0-00047-00050432-00050616 sometimes I couldn't hitchhike, 413TqAj6wy0-00048-00050616-00051144 sometimes dates changed, I was late and couldn’t reach anything. 413TqAj6wy0-00049-00051144-00051328 But in general I understood, 413TqAj6wy0-00050-00051328-00051467 that these fears are here 413TqAj6wy0-00051-00051467-00051652 and they don’t happen in reality. 413TqAj6wy0-00052-00054896-00055366 Hitchhiking is a different world. 413TqAj6wy0-00053-00055367-00055540 There might be fear, 413TqAj6wy0-00054-00055540-00055688 there might be danger, 413TqAj6wy0-00055-00055688-00055908 fun, adventure, 413TqAj6wy0-00056-00055908-00056076 crazy stories, 413TqAj6wy0-00057-00056076-00056244 wonderful people, 413TqAj6wy0-00058-00056244-00056428 discomfort, 413TqAj6wy0-00059-00056428-00056604 joy and happiness 413TqAj6wy0-00060-00056604-00056776 and anything else. 413TqAj6wy0-00061-00062708-00062891 Freedom is yourself ! 413TqAj6wy0-00062-00062891-00063096 The freedom is like. 413TqAj6wy0-00063-00063096-00063604 when you aren’t slagged with opinions and stereotypes, 413TqAj6wy0-00064-00063604-00063788 when you’re not afraid, 413TqAj6wy0-00065-00063788-00063920 when you are yourself, 413TqAj6wy0-00066-00063920-00064088 when you’re in harmony with yourself. 413TqAj6wy0-00067-00066076-00066268 Couchserfing is a website 413TqAj6wy0-00068-00066268-00066796 where you can meet with any person from any country 413TqAj6wy0-00069-00066796-00066984 and come to his place, 413TqAj6wy0-00070-00066984-00067480 plunge into his life, his culture 413TqAj6wy0-00071-00072524-00072924 But for me Couchsurfing became something bigger, 413TqAj6wy0-00072-00072924-00073488 becouse all my hosts became good friends. 413TqAj6wy0-00073-00073488-00073764 with who i’m still in touch 413TqAj6wy0-00074-00073764-00073952 and keep a close contact. 413TqAj6wy0-00075-00073952-00074308 We can always meet somewhere on neutral territories 413TqAj6wy0-00076-00074308-00074496 or visit each other. 413TqAj6wy0-00077-00074496-00074692 So it never happened this way : 413TqAj6wy0-00078-00074692-00075180 coming to somebody, exchanging my experience and then leaving. 413TqAj6wy0-00079-00076636-00076860 I’m probably this kind of traveler 413TqAj6wy0-00080-00076860-00077044 who’s not really proud about the amount of kilometers, 413TqAj6wy0-00081-00077044-00077244 who doesn’t build itineraries. 413TqAj6wy0-00082-00077604-00077796 I don't consider it like a race. 413TqAj6wy0-00083-00077796-00078156 I absolutely don’t care about who’s travelling more or less. 413TqAj6wy0-00084-00078156-00078540 I prefer quality to quantity. 413TqAj6wy0-00085-00081424-00081648 Because when you travel, 413TqAj6wy0-00086-00081648-00081868 all borders in your head are erased. 413TqAj6wy0-00087-00081868-00082036 About people, about places, 413TqAj6wy0-00088-00082036-00082404 about food, about money 413TqAj6wy0-00089-00082404-00082604 About absolutely everything. 413TqAj6wy0-00090-00082604-00082956 Everything is erasing and you start to see very widely. 413TqAj6wy0-00091-00082956-00083248 Your diapason is raising from this to this. 419Ws1jNmiA-00000-00000022-00000166 What is it called? 419Ws1jNmiA-00001-00000166-00000266 You'll see when I play the game. 419Ws1jNmiA-00002-00000268-00001158 He he he, he he Papa, just stay over here you'll listen 419Ws1jNmiA-00003-00001240-00001612 George's Planet Quest - George is headed to space! 419Ws1jNmiA-00004-00001660-00001844 Keep listening, Papa... 419Ws1jNmiA-00005-00001844-00002424 Scientists want him to explore all the planets in the solar system. 419Ws1jNmiA-00006-00002424-00002651 Select the planet you want to visit. 419Ws1jNmiA-00007-00002806-00002964 Listen now Papa! 419Ws1jNmiA-00008-00002984-00003196 Are you ready to help George complete his mission to explore - <garbled> 419Ws1jNmiA-00009-00003196-00003480 Did...did you hear that? 419Ws1jNmiA-00010-00003480-00003580 What? 419Ws1jNmiA-00011-00003580-00004258 Are you ready to explore George's mission to explore.... 419Ws1jNmiA-00012-00004285-00004549 URANUS! 419Ws1jNmiA-00013-00004567-00004747 Ooooohhh... 419Ws1jNmiA-00014-00004748-00004878 So it's not...what? 419Ws1jNmiA-00015-00004878-00005014 Mummy's Anus! 42Wl_dWkCSy-00000-00000000-00000200 A moment of silence....... 44mhlqLVEkY-00000-00000903-00000988 Hey everyone! 44mhlqLVEkY-00001-00000992-00001330 Today I have a really unique smartphone to look at. 44mhlqLVEkY-00002-00001386-00001710 The Blackview BV9900 Pro. 44mhlqLVEkY-00003-00001732-00001880 What makes it unique? 44mhlqLVEkY-00004-00001894-00002384 Well, it has the similar rugged construction as other phones you've seen me review, 44mhlqLVEkY-00005-00002412-00002900 but it also has something special- a thermal camera. 44mhlqLVEkY-00006-00002940-00003432 Everyone remembers the thermal camera I review last month for fever screening right? 44mhlqLVEkY-00007-00004106-00004762 Okay that's 99ºF. That's a bit of a fever, that's someone you definitely want to check out. 44mhlqLVEkY-00008-00004784-00005226 So aside from fever screening, what are thermal cameras good for? 44mhlqLVEkY-00009-00005246-00005980 Well, you can use them to save on heating and air-conditioning bills by spotting leaks, 44mhlqLVEkY-00010-00005980-00006668 or outdoors to find lost pets- or hiding kids, look for intruders, troubleshoot electronics 44mhlqLVEkY-00011-00006672-00006848 and lots of other things. 44mhlqLVEkY-00012-00006859-00007538 Cellphones have a pretty good sensor package already built-in and a thermal cam adds to that. 44mhlqLVEkY-00013-00007552-00008122 But, we won't know how much it adds until we take it out of the box and have a look. 44mhlqLVEkY-00014-00008724-00008882 Ok, they have the adapter. 44mhlqLVEkY-00015-00008882-00009334 They have earphones. 44mhlqLVEkY-00016-00009504-00009620 USB cable 44mhlqLVEkY-00017-00009884-00010178 And it has a screen protector. 44mhlqLVEkY-00018-00010178-00010442 This is our phone. 44mhlqLVEkY-00019-00010442-00010800 I wonder if they have put the protective sticker on. 44mhlqLVEkY-00020-00011078-00011390 Ah, yeah let's turn it on. 44mhlqLVEkY-00021-00013160-00013418 Okay, we can unlock it with fingerprint too. 44mhlqLVEkY-00022-00013460-00013726 It's on the side here. 44mhlqLVEkY-00023-00013726-00014018 So I am going to enroll my fingerprints now. 44mhlqLVEkY-00024-00015218-00015491 Fingerprint added, this is pretty quick, this fingerprint reader. 44mhlqLVEkY-00025-00016504-00017274 Alright, let's take a look at their interface 44mhlqLVEkY-00026-00017588-00018072 Allow my FLIR to access photos, media, and browsers on the device, okay. 44mhlqLVEkY-00027-00021218-00021516 Okay, now I'm filming with the FLIR camera 44mhlqLVEkY-00028-00021532-00022050 You can see that's my window the bright orange because it's hot outside 44mhlqLVEkY-00029-00022114-00022886 And on the other hand the air conditioner is dark because of course, it's blowing cool air 44mhlqLVEkY-00030-00022886-00023026 So it is dark 44mhlqLVEkY-00031-00023610-00023946 Those are my tools, my plastic bins 44mhlqLVEkY-00032-00024046-00024456 And my studio light is also is very... 44mhlqLVEkY-00033-00024666-00024902 How do you say this? Super orange? Super orange? 44mhlqLVEkY-00034-00025072-00025382 It's because it's sending off heat 44mhlqLVEkY-00035-00025410-00025686 Compare to the AC you can tell 44mhlqLVEkY-00036-00025776-00026060 Okay, now I have the Uni-T thermal scanner 44mhlqLVEkY-00037-00026074-00026298 side by side with the Blackview. 44mhlqLVEkY-00038-00026298-00026632 You can see the readings on that, it should be pretty close 44mhlqLVEkY-00039-00026694-00027018 I don't know if the Blackview can do fever screening 44mhlqLVEkY-00040-00027018-00027200 I have to do some more test 44mhlqLVEkY-00041-00027218-00027692 But if I use this the reading probably will be closer 44mhlqLVEkY-00042-00027858-00028295 It's 97.8F so it is pretty close 44mhlqLVEkY-00043-00028320-00028848 You see on the screen it says 97.8F, right 44mhlqLVEkY-00044-00028850-00029195 So it's pretty close or so 44mhlqLVEkY-00045-00029242-00030044 Okay this one is 99.1F 44mhlqLVEkY-00046-00030726-00030864 This one is 98F 44mhlqLVEkY-00047-00030900-00031300 Okay let's use the FLIR camera to take a look at it 44mhlqLVEkY-00048-00031468-00031938 Okay, this one says 102.7F 44mhlqLVEkY-00049-00031952-00032392 And this one is 99.8F 44mhlqLVEkY-00050-00032416-00033186 Okay, it does not do so well with the absolute number but I am going to scan a bunch of people 44mhlqLVEkY-00051-00033202-00033710 It can definitely tell the difference between these two temperatures 44mhlqLVEkY-00052-00033720-00034314 So relatively it can show you the temperature difference but it can't tell you the exact (absolute) number. 44mhlqLVEkY-00053-00034314-00034530 So you have to recalibrate it. 44mhlqLVEkY-00054-00034936-00035112 Please bring two bowls to this table 44mhlqLVEkY-00055-00035226-00035366 It's OK, I just use the plate 44mhlqLVEkY-00056-00035366-00035508 Alright then 44mhlqLVEkY-00057-00048856-00049038 Ok, here's my thoughts 44mhlqLVEkY-00058-00049064-00049856 The camera and video quality are excellent- but, I saw some difficulties with the auto-focus getting a lock. 44mhlqLVEkY-00059-00051426-00051779 I hope there's a firmware update coming to address that. 44mhlqLVEkY-00060-00051824-00052494 It's waterproof- which really is mandatory in my opinion, we all need to be cleaning our phones, 44mhlqLVEkY-00061-00052540-00053176 but the edges and corners are metal so even though it's shock-protected 44mhlqLVEkY-00062-00053176-00053560 and will survive a fall onto concrete, it's going to get scratched. 44mhlqLVEkY-00063-00053572-00054086 For a rugged phone, I really like to see rubber bumpers on all corners. 44mhlqLVEkY-00064-00054129-00054686 The FLIR camera worked a lot better than I expected and has a ton of features. 44mhlqLVEkY-00065-00054712-00055270 The way the app is configured it's clearly designed for engineering work and 44mhlqLVEkY-00066-00055270-00055760 I've already used it for troubleshooting several different things, it's very handy. 44mhlqLVEkY-00067-00055805-00056622 But the real killer app would be fever screening like my Uni-T. If a teacher could sweep a classroom, 44mhlqLVEkY-00068-00056622-00057112 or a nurse a hospital waiting room, even a birthday party full of kids 44mhlqLVEkY-00069-00057120-00057391 see if anyone is running a high temperature. 44mhlqLVEkY-00070-00057410-00057641 That would sell tons of these. 44mhlqLVEkY-00071-00057672-00058266 Blackview or someone should definitely make a fever screening app with a high-temperature alarm. 44mhlqLVEkY-00072-00058312-00059079 The phone also has a barometer and a humidity sensor- a little unusual and potentially useful 44mhlqLVEkY-00073-00059079-00059386 depending on what your work or hobbies are. 44mhlqLVEkY-00074-00059402-00060229 It has a 5.84-inch screen, not as large as some rugged phones, but definitely a bit more pocketable. 44mhlqLVEkY-00075-00060240-00060884 Overall I think this is as much a technical tool as it is a phone, and I'm comfortable 44mhlqLVEkY-00076-00060884-00061408 recommending it over a standard phone if those technical features are important to you. 44mhlqLVEkY-00077-00061432-00061605 Ok, that's it for today. 44mhlqLVEkY-00078-00061617-00062350 Remember YouTube often doesn't notify my subscribers so please check my channel a few times a month 44mhlqLVEkY-00079-00062350-00062552 to see if you missed anything. 44mhlqLVEkY-00080-00062564-00063360 Sponsorship is great, but really the best thing you can do for me is to post my links and tell your friends. 44mhlqLVEkY-00081-00063382-00063772 Until next time- if I can do it, anyone can do it! 4qA2ABJXK6Y-00000-00000100-00000618 Welcome to design 4:05 how to develop patent new market ideas 4qA2ABJXK6Y-00001-00000748-00001191 My name is Mark Ciotola. I was a student in this course years ago at SFSU 4qA2ABJXK6Y-00002-00001242-00001529 I've worked it and advised many startups over the years 4qA2ABJXK6Y-00003-00001529-00002249 I'm currently working an educational technology startup. I am also physicist and became involved with technology transfer at NASA 4qA2ABJXK6Y-00004-00002319-00002765 I'm currently an uprated residence at Singularity University in addition to my other work 4qA2ABJXK6Y-00005-00002961-00003725 Dear 4:05 is intended to help you take of your dreams closer to reality for those of you who have ideas 4qA2ABJXK6Y-00006-00003807-00004286 this course will give you a space and an opportunity to move your 4qA2ABJXK6Y-00007-00004323-00004601 Idea your dream your product your credit venture 4qA2ABJXK6Y-00008-00004627-00005189 From just the idea stage closer to the reality a stage for those of you without ideas 4qA2ABJXK6Y-00009-00005214-00005738 You'll receive a lot of knowledge and information and some skills that will help you better understand 4qA2ABJXK6Y-00010-00005785-00006558 Innovative businesses and be part of an innovative team. This course will begin during the first half with core knowledge such as an ethics, 4qA2ABJXK6Y-00011-00006628-00006739 accounting, 4qA2ABJXK6Y-00012-00006739-00007259 Intellectual property law and marketing then the second half will concern your own project 4qA2ABJXK6Y-00013-00007297-00007973 You'll essentially turn in four drafts of your project each time. You'll have a chance to improve and I'll give you extensive feedback 4qA2ABJXK6Y-00014-00008038-00008265 Your first draft will be just something rough 4qA2ABJXK6Y-00015-00008265-00008480 You'll put together a rough concept statement 4qA2ABJXK6Y-00016-00008509-00009120 Then you'll make it better and add sections Kengo again there a lot of information and finally you're gonna polish and tie it all together 4qA2ABJXK6Y-00017-00009181-00009543 This is a way a lot of real businesses and creative agencies work 4qA2ABJXK6Y-00018-00009550-00009851 You put together a concept pitch it to people 4qA2ABJXK6Y-00019-00009897-00010433 Get feedback get buy-in to make it better and make it irritably better and better and better 4qA2ABJXK6Y-00020-00010479-00010955 Till by the final part of the course when you train your final project, it should be really good 4qA2ABJXK6Y-00021-00010956-00011253 I hope you will enjoy to have some fun in this course 4qA2ABJXK6Y-00022-00011296-00011927 It can be very challenging but hopefully will be very worthwhile for you. So I encourage you to start reading Simon 1 4qA2ABJXK6Y-00023-00011928-00012189 What are you thinking caps on and start dreaming? 4s8fO5E4DlU-00000-00000000-00000666 All right, hi everybody, we're going to get started here. Welcome to the WRHA virtual library's 4s8fO5E4DlU-00001-00000000-00000706 October webinar on the topic of systematic reviews. My name is Nicole, I'm one of the librarians with 4s8fO5E4DlU-00002-00000000-00000680 the library. This session is going to be recorded and the recording will be made available to you 4s8fO5E4DlU-00003-00000000-00000620 afterwards along with the slides. Feel free to ask questions at any point throughout the 4s8fO5E4DlU-00004-00000000-00000700 webinar using the chat function in GoToWebinar. We will also have some dedicated time at the end for 4s8fO5E4DlU-00005-00000000-00000480 questions. This webinar is going to cover what are systematic reviews, how to find published 4s8fO5E4DlU-00006-00000480-00000976 systematic reviews, as well as the process used to create them, which is quite a lot of content 4s8fO5E4DlU-00007-00000976-00001488 for the time that we have available so it's going to provide a broad overview and hopefully it will 4s8fO5E4DlU-00008-00001488-00002008 answer any questions that you may have but if you, at the end you have time for questions or you're 4s8fO5E4DlU-00009-00002008-00002536 also welcome to get in touch with us and we're happy to discuss things in more detail with you. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00010-00002728-00003224 So to start off with I'd like to start with a brief introduction to the WRHA virtual library 4s8fO5E4DlU-00011-00003224-00003888 just in case anyone is not familiar with us. So the WRHA virtual library provides electronic 4s8fO5E4DlU-00012-00003888-00004696 access to resources and library services for free to WRHA staff, eligible community health agencies 4s8fO5E4DlU-00013-00004696-00005216 and eligible personal care homes. If you don't already have your access set up I'd encourage you 4s8fO5E4DlU-00014-00005216-00005848 to get in touch with us on our website. We provide access to an array of electronic resources, some of 4s8fO5E4DlU-00015-00005848-00006512 which we'll be talking about today. We also provide a number of services including literature searches, 4s8fO5E4DlU-00016-00006512-00007176 document delivery, education and training sessions like this one and also research services - and the 4s8fO5E4DlU-00017-00007176-00007720 important component of that for today's session is that we will actually do searches for systematic 4s8fO5E4DlU-00018-00007720-00008176 reviews, we actually get involved as part of the authorship team on those projects 4s8fO5E4DlU-00019-00008176-00008648 and if at the end of this you decide that pursuing a systematic review is something 4s8fO5E4DlU-00020-00008648-00009056 that you're interested in doing, please get in touch with us. Book an appointment with either 4s8fO5E4DlU-00021-00009056-00009456 myself or one of our other librarians and we'd be happy to help you with that process. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00022-00009776-00010368 So what are systematic reviews? You may be aware that the volume of published material 4s8fO5E4DlU-00023-00010368-00010880 makes it impractical for someone to keep up on all of the research on a particular topic area. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00024-00010936-00011608 Especially when studies are of varying quality, vary in size, it's very difficult 4s8fO5E4DlU-00025-00011608-00012152 to determine conclusively from a variety of studies whether an intervention is beneficial 4s8fO5E4DlU-00026-00012152-00012512 or not. So that's where systematic review comes in. Systematic reviews 4s8fO5E4DlU-00027-00012512-00013080 are a knowledge synthesis that is intended to take all of those varying studies, bring them together 4s8fO5E4DlU-00028-00013080-00013544 and draw conclusions about the best way forward with regards to particular interventions. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00029-00013784-00014320 So here's a definition from the Cochrane Handbook. Cochrane is an organization that's 4s8fO5E4DlU-00030-00014320-00014912 heavily involved in developing systematic reviews and systematic review methodology. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00031-00014912-00015400 I would definitely encourage you if you have further questions about aspects of systematic 4s8fO5E4DlU-00032-00015400-00015808 reviews after viewing this presentation that you check out the Cochrane Handbook, which I have 4s8fO5E4DlU-00033-00015808-00016360 linked here. It's really a great how-to guide on how to create a systematic review from start 4s8fO5E4DlU-00034-00016360-00016744 to finish and it's really viewed as the gold standard with regards to systematic reviewing. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00035-00016920-00017384 So as you can see from their definition here, a systematic review attempts to collate 4s8fO5E4DlU-00036-00017384-00017904 all empirical envelopes that fits pre-specified eligibility criteria in order to answer a 4s8fO5E4DlU-00037-00017904-00018456 specific research question. So I'm going to break this down a little bit: so what happens 4s8fO5E4DlU-00038-00018456-00019128 here is you start with a specific research question and pre-specify what sorts of studies 4s8fO5E4DlU-00039-00019192-00019840 would be eligible to answer that question, and then what you do is you attempt to collect all of the 4s8fO5E4DlU-00040-00019840-00020392 available evidence that fits those criteria to answer that question - so every study that's out 4s8fO5E4DlU-00041-00020392-00021152 there meeting your criteria. It uses explicit and systematic methods, so it's a very detailed process, 4s8fO5E4DlU-00042-00021152-00021896 it involves a lot of step-by-step systematic approaches to the search, to the development of 4s8fO5E4DlU-00043-00021896-00022512 the search question, to basically every component of the review process and it's also explicit 4s8fO5E4DlU-00044-00022512-00023088 which you can equate with being transparent. If you're handed a really well done systematic 4s8fO5E4DlU-00045-00023088-00023600 review you should not only be able to follow the methodology, you should actually yourself be able 4s8fO5E4DlU-00046-00023600-00024072 to replicate everything that was done from start to finish and come up with the same results. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00047-00024072-00024816 That's the intention of having a transparent, explicit, reproducible systematic review. The other 4s8fO5E4DlU-00048-00024816-00025344 important component of it is that it's designed to minimize bias and part of how it does that is 4s8fO5E4DlU-00049-00025344-00025920 by collecting all of the available evidence as I mentioned, but the other component is it performs 4s8fO5E4DlU-00050-00025920-00026480 a quality assessment of the available evidence and assesses how likely it is that an individual 4s8fO5E4DlU-00051-00026480-00027088 study that's included in the review is subject to bias. So that's a really important component in 4s8fO5E4DlU-00052-00027088-00027616 determining how appropriate it is to base conclusions off of a particular study. And then 4s8fO5E4DlU-00053-00027616-00028304 drawing together all of these different studies with their various level of quality into a concise 4s8fO5E4DlU-00054-00028304-00028864 conclusion from which decisions can be made with regards to particular interventions. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00055-00029072-00029392 So systematic reviews aren't the only review type out there. Here are 4s8fO5E4DlU-00056-00029392-00029864 some others that you might have heard of. A literature review for example - I could pull 4s8fO5E4DlU-00057-00029920-00030256 the five top sources from Google and call that a literature review. It's a general 4s8fO5E4DlU-00058-00030256-00030760 view of sources on a topic - it's probably not comprehensive, in fact it's almost always 4s8fO5E4DlU-00059-00030760-00031224 not comprehensive, it probably doesn't involve any of the practices that are involved in the 4s8fO5E4DlU-00060-00031224-00031784 systematic review that are attempting to minimize the potential for bias, and it probably only does 4s8fO5E4DlU-00061-00031784-00032296 a qualitative analysis if any analysis of at all of the literature that it pulls in. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00062-00032464-00033112 A rapid review is sort of similar to systematic review, it uses some of the same systematic methods 4s8fO5E4DlU-00063-00033112-00033648 but you could say that it cuts corners in order to reduce the amount of time taken to complete the 4s8fO5E4DlU-00064-00033648-00034224 review. For example it might not analyze things in as much detail, it might not search as many sources, etc. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00065-00034224-00034904 A scoping review, on the other hand, is intended to assess the size and scope of available 4s8fO5E4DlU-00066-00034904-00035560 literature on topic rather than answering a specific clinical question - so for example 4s8fO5E4DlU-00067-00035664-00036192 "is acetaminophen appropriate for a headache" would be a more systematic review type question whereas 4s8fO5E4DlU-00068-00036256-00036632 "what are the various treatments for headache" would be a scoping review type question. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00069-00036704-00037272 A scoping review typically does not involve any type of quantitative analysis except sometimes in terms 4s8fO5E4DlU-00070-00037272-00037872 of quantifying what types of studies exist and it also typically doesn't involve any type of quality 4s8fO5E4DlU-00071-00037872-00038456 assessment of the included studies, although again sometimes that does happen. There are other 4s8fO5E4DlU-00072-00038456-00038760 review types out there, we're not going to go into a lot more detail about those, but I 4s8fO5E4DlU-00073-00038760-00039120 just want you to be aware that systematic review is not the only thing out there. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00074-00039336-00039904 So in terms of where to look to find systematic reviews, there are a couple sources I would 4s8fO5E4DlU-00075-00039904-00040432 recommend and these are on, the first two of these are on our database list on the WRHA 4s8fO5E4DlU-00076-00040432-00040792 virtual library website, so you have access to these through the library. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00077-00040848-00041352 The first is the Cochrane database of systematic reviews and as I've mentioned Cochrane is kind 4s8fO5E4DlU-00078-00041352-00041792 of the gold standard for systematic reviewing so they have a large collection of systematic 4s8fO5E4DlU-00079-00041792-00042328 reviews on various clinical topics that detail the effectiveness of various interventions. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00080-00042480-00043048 Similarly JBI - which you might have been familiar with previously as Joanna Briggs, they've recently 4s8fO5E4DlU-00081-00043048-00043472 changed their name - is a collection of evidence-based medicine resources including 4s8fO5E4DlU-00082-00043472-00044424 systematic reviews. PROSPERO is a registry of current planned and underway systematic reviews so 4s8fO5E4DlU-00083-00044424-00044936 this is a place where you can register protocols for systematic reviews that you're either planning 4s8fO5E4DlU-00084-00044936-00045456 or are currently working on, so it's a good place to see, if you want to do a systematic review, 4s8fO5E4DlU-00085-00045512-00045824 whether someone else is already working on a systematic review on that topic. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00086-00045992-00046456 And then finally you can also search general biomedical databases like PubMed, like CINAHL, 4s8fO5E4DlU-00087-00046456-00046920 like several others, many of which have a filter available that will help you 4s8fO5E4DlU-00088-00046920-00047448 narrow your search to look for only systematic reviews. For example in PubMed if you look at 4s8fO5E4DlU-00089-00047448-00047880 the search results page this filter is found on the left hand side under "article type". 4s8fO5E4DlU-00090-00048280-00049032 So we've talked a little bit about the quality that underlies a typical systematic review; however, 4s8fO5E4DlU-00091-00049032-00049592 there are people that publish systematic reviews or what they call systematic reviews that don't 4s8fO5E4DlU-00092-00049592-00050048 really meet those quality standards. So if you're looking at a systematic review that's 4s8fO5E4DlU-00093-00050048-00050584 been published and you're hoping to apply that publication to your practice, it's really important 4s8fO5E4DlU-00094-00050584-00051104 that you look at critically assessing that systematic review to see whether it really meets 4s8fO5E4DlU-00095-00051104-00051624 the standard that you would expect for this type of publication. I've highlighted a couple of 4s8fO5E4DlU-00096-00051624-00052184 tools here that will help you to do that. These are both checklists that you can go through to assess 4s8fO5E4DlU-00097-00052184-00052752 whether a particular review has really met all of the various methodological criteria that it should: 4s8fO5E4DlU-00098-00052752-00053288 has it done a comprehensive search, has there been a risk of bias assessment, has it looked 4s8fO5E4DlU-00099-00053288-00053936 at minimizing bias in the publications? So that is a really helpful checklist approach to help you 4s8fO5E4DlU-00100-00053936-00054696 understand whether a systematic review can really be called a systematic review. And then if you're 4s8fO5E4DlU-00101-00054696-00055184 looking at perhaps doing a systematic review, assessment is another way to help you figure 4s8fO5E4DlU-00102-00055184-00055704 out whether a new systematic view is really needed. So you would want to think about, if there is an 4s8fO5E4DlU-00103-00055704-00056192 existing systematic review on the topic, first of all is it actually a systematic review, does it 4s8fO5E4DlU-00104-00056192-00056928 meet these checklist criteria that are set out, and if it does, how old is it? As we know, clinical 4s8fO5E4DlU-00105-00056928-00057488 research changes over time so an old systematic review on a particular intervention, there might 4s8fO5E4DlU-00106-00057488-00057992 have been clinical research since then that maybe it requires an update to the evidence. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00107-00058152-00058552 If you're considering doing a systematic review you should also consider whether there is a 4s8fO5E4DlU-00108-00058552-00059072 reasonable body of evidence out there available on the topic. So if I'm looking at a drug that 4s8fO5E4DlU-00109-00059072-00059480 was only recently developed and there's just one clinical trial that's currently recruiting, 4s8fO5E4DlU-00110-00059560-00059896 I might be interested in that drug but it's not really at the point yet where 4s8fO5E4DlU-00111-00059896-00060400 a systematic review would be possible. Similarly you'd want to think about 4s8fO5E4DlU-00112-00060400-00060704 whether there's a question here that is well suited to a systematic review. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00113-00060792-00061424 Typically you want to be focusing on intervention-type questions rather than just general "looking 4s8fO5E4DlU-00114-00061424-00061776 at the body of evidence" type questions which are more suited to a scoping review. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00115-00062240-00062816 So if you're thinking about "yeah I kind of do want to think about doing a systematic review", 4s8fO5E4DlU-00116-00062816-00063336 I'd like to dispel a couple major myths out there, which is one, that a systematic review is an easy 4s8fO5E4DlU-00117-00063336-00063984 publication credit, or two, that it's an appropriate one-term student project. Both of those things 4s8fO5E4DlU-00118-00063984-00064392 are really not true unless there's a lot of support underlying the process. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00119-00064456-00065024 It's really not possible to do a full systematic review by yourself in a short turnaround time. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00120-00065168-00065608 So we recommend that you involve experts in different parts of the process on the 4s8fO5E4DlU-00121-00065608-00066200 authorship team - that can include librarians like me but also statisticians, possibly subject matter 4s8fO5E4DlU-00122-00066200-00066664 experts, depending on your area of expertise and your familiarity with these methodologies, 4s8fO5E4DlU-00123-00066824-00067288 and we generally suggest that you plan at least a year between first thinking of the idea 4s8fO5E4DlU-00124-00067288-00067704 and actually publishing the review. There was a study that I looked at when preparing for 4s8fO5E4DlU-00125-00067704-00068472 this webinar that actually found the average time from idea development to publication was 62 weeks, 4s8fO5E4DlU-00126-00068472-00069024 so over a year between the two dates. So it can be done, if you're interested in doing it we're 4s8fO5E4DlU-00127-00069024-00069576 happy to support you in doing it, but don't look at it as an easy process because it really isn't. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00128-00069888-00070424 So thinking about the question, remember that you're wanting to find a very specific 4s8fO5E4DlU-00129-00070424-00070960 and structured question. Typically for systematic review it's structured with a framework like 4s8fO5E4DlU-00130-00070960-00071488 PICO for clinical type questions. So PICO stands for (1) problem or population- 4s8fO5E4DlU-00131-00071560-00071904 and it can be both, for example you could look at school children as a population, 4s8fO5E4DlU-00132-00071960-00072568 low back pain as a problem, or school children with low back pain is both; (2) an intervention, which 4s8fO5E4DlU-00133-00072568-00073384 can be a specific intervention like drug x or a broad intervention like drug class y or therapy 4s8fO5E4DlU-00134-00073384-00073896 approach b - but you want to make sure that the intervention is something that can be comparable, 4s8fO5E4DlU-00135-00073896-00074456 so if we're looking at two different drugs within the class, is it fair to compare the two directly; 4s8fO5E4DlU-00136-00074616-00075040 (3) a comparator can, in the case of a systematic review you're thinking about 4s8fO5E4DlU-00137-00075040-00075736 okay, is this intervention effective compared to what, so that can be a specific other intervention, 4s8fO5E4DlU-00138-00075736-00076336 you could directly compare drug x and drug y, that could be a placebo, that could be no intervention, 4s8fO5E4DlU-00139-00076392-00076744 or that could be whatever is routine care in your area of practice; 4s8fO5E4DlU-00140-00077120-00077824 and then finally (4) outcome - by what measure are you deciding the intervention works? We also sometimes 4s8fO5E4DlU-00141-00077824-00078440 include within PICO study design - a lot of times when you're doing a systematic review it's going 4s8fO5E4DlU-00142-00078440-00079000 to be focused almost exclusively on randomized controlled trials, although that can vary depending 4s8fO5E4DlU-00143-00079000-00079696 on the question at hand. So for a sample question: do cute cat pictures improve mood in webinar 4s8fO5E4DlU-00144-00079696-00080312 attendees compared to catless webinars? So in this case your population would be webinar attendees, 4s8fO5E4DlU-00145-00080376-00080992 your intervention would be cute cat pictures, your comparator would be no cute cat pictures, 4s8fO5E4DlU-00146-00080992-00081464 and then the outcome would be improved mood, and depending on what specifically you're interested 4s8fO5E4DlU-00147-00081464-00081992 in that could be self-reported improved mood, that could be based on a particular questionnaire, 4s8fO5E4DlU-00148-00081992-00082360 etc. You would want to be defining those things as part of developing 4s8fO5E4DlU-00149-00082432-00083096 your study plan. Some other types of questions might have other frameworks such as SPIDER 4s8fO5E4DlU-00150-00083096-00083632 for qualitative questions, ECLIPSE for policy evaluation, but PICO is generally the most common 4s8fO5E4DlU-00151-00083632-00084072 one for systematic reviewing just because it tends to be more focused on those clinical interventions. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00152-00084416-00084920 The next component of the systematic review is the predefined exclusion criteria. So this is 4s8fO5E4DlU-00153-00084920-00085472 where you're deciding, okay, if I'm looking at this question, what sort of studies will I accept as a 4s8fO5E4DlU-00154-00085472-00085984 potential answer to this question? So it's really super important that these criteria are set out 4s8fO5E4DlU-00155-00085984-00086520 explicitly and without making any assumptions. I like to say you can think about it as if you're 4s8fO5E4DlU-00156-00086520-00087008 a small child and just ask endless questions about it and look for any possible loophole. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00157-00087008-00087456 So for example if your population is older adults, well, what does older adult actually mean - does it 4s8fO5E4DlU-00158-00087456-00088072 mean 60 to 70, does it mean 65 to 100, what are you looking at? You want to specify, okay am I looking 4s8fO5E4DlU-00159-00088072-00088704 at adults humans only or adults of any species? You want to specify, okay, do all of the people 4s8fO5E4DlU-00160-00088704-00089128 in the study have to be of this age group or can we accept studies that include other age groups 4s8fO5E4DlU-00161-00089128-00089928 etc? So it's really setting out step by step in a very explicit way what sort of studies will be 4s8fO5E4DlU-00162-00089928-00090464 included. You can also consider restrictions that aren't in the PICO, so for example 4s8fO5E4DlU-00163-00090520-00091080 studies only in a particular date range or only English studies, but the thing to keep in mind 4s8fO5E4DlU-00164-00091080-00091672 here is that any decisions of that type that you make have the potential to introduce bias. So if 4s8fO5E4DlU-00165-00091672-00092360 I'm looking only at English-language studies am I possibly missing relevant content that's been 4s8fO5E4DlU-00166-00092360-00093032 published in other languages? Probably, but you have to balance the potential for bias against 4s8fO5E4DlU-00167-00093032-00093544 the practicality of "I speak English and I can't effectively look at studies in other languages". 4s8fO5E4DlU-00168-00093872-00094432 Once you've got that all set up then you're ready to write a protocol. So a protocol for a systematic 4s8fO5E4DlU-00169-00094432-00094984 review details all of the decisions made about the question and the inclusion exclusion criteria 4s8fO5E4DlU-00170-00095048-00095752 and also the plans for searching, screening, data analysis, data management, etc. As I mentioned 4s8fO5E4DlU-00171-00095752-00096304 PROSPERO exists as a registry of protocols so you can look there to look at what protocols 4s8fO5E4DlU-00172-00096304-00096736 typically look like as well as to register your own protocol if you're interested in 4s8fO5E4DlU-00173-00096736-00097344 pursuing a systematic review. And there's also the PRISMA guidelines - so PRISMA has a number of 4s8fO5E4DlU-00174-00097344-00097816 methodological tools related to systematic reviews, the one i've linked here is a protocol 4s8fO5E4DlU-00175-00097816-00098312 checklist of everything that should ideally be included in a systematic review protocol, 4s8fO5E4DlU-00176-00098312-00098864 but they have other resources as well so I definitely recommend checking out that website. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00177-00099032-00099456 So then you're actually ready to do the search and this is my part, this is where 4s8fO5E4DlU-00178-00099456-00099912 I come in. So ask a librarian for help - we always recommend that if you're doing any 4s8fO5E4DlU-00179-00099912-00100312 type of systematic search that you get the librarian involved early in the process 4s8fO5E4DlU-00180-00100312-00100808 to help deal with developing the search strategy, because a systematic review search 4s8fO5E4DlU-00181-00100808-00101232 is intended to be very comprehensive and therefore it's not sufficient to just say 4s8fO5E4DlU-00182-00101232-00101776 "I typed these words into Google and here's what I found" - it requires an in-depth search strategy, 4s8fO5E4DlU-00183-00101776-00102296 it's typically translated to several different databases, and it might also include non-database 4s8fO5E4DlU-00184-00102296-00102832 searches like grey literature which includes things like trial registries, reports, unpublished 4s8fO5E4DlU-00185-00102832-00103456 literature, or hand searching, which involves looking at the reference lists of published 4s8fO5E4DlU-00186-00103456-00103864 articles to see whether there might have been been any relevant results that were overlooked. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00187-00104032-00104520 Typically a systematic search strategy receives a peer review called a PRESS which is where we 4s8fO5E4DlU-00188-00104520-00105136 basically send it to another librarian and they review it for validity. And then when it comes 4s8fO5E4DlU-00189-00105136-00105648 time to actually doing the search, every step is recorded in a way that is reproducible. So there's 4s8fO5E4DlU-00190-00105648-00106088 a search log that's developed with all of the details of the search, the date, the interface, the 4s8fO5E4DlU-00191-00106088-00106648 number of results received for each line, and then that search log or at least 4s8fO5E4DlU-00192-00106648-00107192 a portion of it is typically included in an ultimate journal publication. So if you find 4s8fO5E4DlU-00193-00107192-00107616 a systematic review that's been published on a particular topic you should be able to 4s8fO5E4DlU-00194-00107616-00108152 look at it and see specifically what terms were entered into what database to find the results. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00195-00108384-00108984 That looks a little bit like this: so this is a search that I worked on that's recently been 4s8fO5E4DlU-00196-00108984-00109672 published related to anxiety disorders and mind body therapies. So don't freak out about 4s8fO5E4DlU-00197-00109672-00110064 this search too much because again this is the part that I do, this is not the part that you do, 4s8fO5E4DlU-00198-00110136-00110504 but i'm just helping you to understand a little bit about the comprehensiveness 4s8fO5E4DlU-00199-00110504-00110960 level that we're looking for. So when we're talking about mind-body therapies here 4s8fO5E4DlU-00200-00110960-00111488 that's including acupuncture, that's including manual manipulation, that's including aromatherapy, 4s8fO5E4DlU-00201-00111488-00112136 that's including art therapy - so you would have expected the question and the inclusion exclusion 4s8fO5E4DlU-00202-00112136-00112744 criteria steps to set out what exactly is meant by mind body therapies and that is what informs the 4s8fO5E4DlU-00203-00112744-00113328 development of the search strategy. So it's really important that you work closely with a librarian, 4s8fO5E4DlU-00204-00113328-00113816 whether that's me or someone else, when developing a search strategy because this is the sort of 4s8fO5E4DlU-00205-00113816-00114424 level of detail that's required for this type of search. And then again as I mentioned this 4s8fO5E4DlU-00206-00114424-00114896 is a Medline search but it will end up being translated into one or more additional databases. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00207-00115112-00115392 Once the search is done and compiled it moves 4s8fO5E4DlU-00208-00115392-00115848 into the screening stage of the process. So screening is basically 4s8fO5E4DlU-00209-00116072-00116592 usually two reviewers look at each article to decide whether it meets the inclusion exclusion 4s8fO5E4DlU-00210-00116592-00117136 criteria that have been set out, and you do two reviewers in order to improve the validity because 4s8fO5E4DlU-00211-00117136-00117792 that way you avoid one person's bias interfering with the process of the screening whether the 4s8fO5E4DlU-00212-00117792-00118360 material should be included or not. So this diagram here sort of gives you an idea of the sort of 4s8fO5E4DlU-00213-00118424-00119064 yield you're looking at in terms of numbers. So this search found 5600 4s8fO5E4DlU-00214-00119064-00119664 potentially relevant references of which 1400 were duplicates, so you can get rid of those right off- 4s8fO5E4DlU-00215-00119664-00120040 and the reason that there's so many duplicates is just because as I mentioned you're searching 4s8fO5E4DlU-00216-00120040-00120448 multiple databases and there's the potential for overlap between those two databases. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00217-00120624-00121088 So then of the 4280 citations screened by title/abstract 4s8fO5E4DlU-00218-00121088-00121576 4200 were excluded right off as not meeting eligibility. So the process here is first they 4s8fO5E4DlU-00219-00121576-00122008 look at title/abstract and see if it's obviously irrelevant, they can get rid of it right away, 4s8fO5E4DlU-00220-00122192-00122632 and then you only look at full text for the ones that maybe those are relevant. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00221-00122632-00123104 But you can see again even at the full text stage half of the articles included were 4s8fO5E4DlU-00222-00123104-00123656 eventually excluded and you can see that there's a breakdown of specifically why they were excluded- 4s8fO5E4DlU-00223-00123656-00124064 whether they had the wrong intervention, the wrong control, the wrong study design, etc. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00224-00124120-00124728 So out of 5600 potentially relevant references we ended up with 27 trials from the search that were 4s8fO5E4DlU-00225-00124728-00125320 included plus one that was found through a hand search so 28 total out of 5600 to begin with. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00226-00125320-00125936 So that kind of gives you a sense of the scope and the scale of the search and then narrowing it down 4s8fO5E4DlU-00227-00125936-00126440 to specifically what is relevant to the inclusion exclusion criteria that have been set out. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00228-00126752-00127240 Once the screen is done it then proceeds to data extraction and critical appraisal. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00229-00127304-00127704 So again this is usually done by at least two independent researchers 4s8fO5E4DlU-00230-00127704-00128360 using a review specific extraction form that lays out the study characteristics, the demographics of 4s8fO5E4DlU-00231-00128360-00128952 included subjects and the outcomes of the study. This is also the stage where critical appraisal 4s8fO5E4DlU-00232-00128952-00129448 happens. Now, I'm not going to go into a lot of detail about how critical appraisal happens 4s8fO5E4DlU-00233-00129448-00129904 because we have done a full webinar on that topic that I'd recommend that you check out, 4s8fO5E4DlU-00234-00129904-00130384 but typically it involves using a particular checklist, and there's several that were mentioned 4s8fO5E4DlU-00235-00130384-00130808 in that webinar, to assess the quality and risk of bias involved in the study. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00236-00130920-00131384 So where risk of bias can come in for example is if there's problems with the randomization, 4s8fO5E4DlU-00237-00131384-00131792 problems with the blinding, that sort of thing that could all potentially introduce bias to 4s8fO5E4DlU-00238-00131792-00132392 the study. So this is the stage at which the researchers would assess the quality of the 4s8fO5E4DlU-00239-00132392-00132944 studies that have been captured and whether there is any risk of bias associated with those studies. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00240-00133168-00133760 Following that we actually get to the analysis stage but the sort of analysis that is possible 4s8fO5E4DlU-00241-00133760-00134272 with a systematic review really depends on the data that's extracted. So you might have heard 4s8fO5E4DlU-00242-00134272-00134920 of a meta-analysis which is often combined with a systematic review in looking at similar studies to 4s8fO5E4DlU-00243-00134920-00135664 statistically estimate an overall treatment effect. A meta-analysis is great if it can be done given 4s8fO5E4DlU-00244-00135664-00136184 the heterogeneity of the study data, it can't always be done so it's not a requirement of 4s8fO5E4DlU-00245-00136184-00136664 a systematic review, it's just a nice to have and a good thing to do if it's possible to do. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00246-00136776-00137416 If the data is too heterogeneous analysis is typically more narrative in nature and that 4s8fO5E4DlU-00247-00137416-00137984 just basically means if you found some studies but maybe they're poor quality, 4s8fO5E4DlU-00248-00137984-00138528 maybe they don't have a strong treatment effect, maybe they don't really demonstrate 4s8fO5E4DlU-00249-00138688-00139304 a strong case for or against a particular intervention then you can't really draw any strong 4s8fO5E4DlU-00250-00139368-00139584 conclusions regarding the treatment effect from those. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00251-00139768-00140368 So then in reporting the results we have to conclude that either the 4s8fO5E4DlU-00252-00140424-00140920 case for a particular intervention can be made which is usually done if a meta-analysis was possible 4s8fO5E4DlU-00253-00140976-00141360 or maybe we can say that more focused research on this topic is needed. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00254-00141448-00141888 And again in reporting the results of a systematic review, so when you're writing out a manuscript 4s8fO5E4DlU-00255-00141888-00142488 looking for publication, at each step the process should be completely transparent. You should be 4s8fO5E4DlU-00256-00142488-00142976 able to hand a systematic review to someone who was completely uninvolved in the process 4s8fO5E4DlU-00257-00142976-00143376 and they should be able to replicate step by step exactly what was done and come to the 4s8fO5E4DlU-00258-00143376-00143952 same conclusions that the study did. That's really the key highlight of a systematic review versus a 4s8fO5E4DlU-00259-00143952-00144568 regular literature search is that replicability, that systematic approach, that way of saying that 4s8fO5E4DlU-00260-00144640-00145224 this is the most comprehensive and also the most transparent way that this study could be done. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00261-00145440-00145952 So that was a whirlwind tour of systematic reviewing. I'm going to pause now and see if 4s8fO5E4DlU-00262-00145952-00146488 anyone has any questions. You can type those in the chat box. Just a reminder we will be sharing 4s8fO5E4DlU-00263-00146488-00146840 the slides by email so you will have access to the links that were shared. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00264-00146896-00147384 And also if you would prefer not to ask your questions publicly, my email 4s8fO5E4DlU-00265-00147384-00147792 is up there as well as the general library email, please get in touch with me at any time. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00266-00147792-00148312 I'm happy to either answer specific questions or get involved in a systematic review search. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00267-00148496-00148792 So I'm just going to mute for a few minutes to see if anyone has any 4s8fO5E4DlU-00268-00148792-00149264 questions. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00269-00152848-00153368 There is a question here whether it's required for protocols to be published - no it is not a 4s8fO5E4DlU-00270-00153368-00153872 requirement. However it is recommended because it helps to avoid duplication of effort. So if 4s8fO5E4DlU-00271-00153872-00154248 I've published a protocol saying I'm planning on doing a systematic review on this topic, 4s8fO5E4DlU-00272-00154304-00154744 you can then know that a systematic review on that topic is ongoing, 4s8fO5E4DlU-00273-00154744-00154992 probably I should wait to see whether that actually comes to 4s8fO5E4DlU-00274-00154992-00156264 conclusion before deciding I need to do a systematic review on that exact same topic. 4s8fO5E4DlU-00275-00161704-00162040 Okay I'm not seeing any additional questions at this time 4s8fO5E4DlU-00276-00162040-00162536 so I will end the webinar now. Again these slides and recordings will be shared with you 4s8fO5E4DlU-00277-00162536-00163096 by email and please feel free to reach out to me at any point with any additional questions. 4tCh4ykYQng-00000-00000008-00000614 I would like to thank Prime Minister, Zoran Zaev, for our current talks. 4tCh4ykYQng-00001-00000762-00001438 We are two people who belong to a new generation, two progressive politicians 4tCh4ykYQng-00002-00001442-00001830 in an extremely difficult neighborhood. 4tCh4ykYQng-00003-00001860-00002558 And I believe that we are both fighting to bring to the fore front what brings our people together 4tCh4ykYQng-00004-00002672-00003176 while trying at the same time to find solutions to what divides us. 4tCh4ykYQng-00005-00005994-00007009 My deep conviction is that the Balkans have suffered greatly from nationalism and tensions. 4tCh4ykYQng-00006-00007009-00008020 Therefore, what is needed is to promote a cooperation and co-development agenda in order to strengthen 4tCh4ykYQng-00007-00008109-00008450 the European perspective of the Western Balkans. 4tCh4ykYQng-00008-00008504-00008656 so the region to move forward 4tCh4ykYQng-00009-00008680-00009594 and meet the major challenges of the 21st century, in the economy, security, and regional stability. 4tCh4ykYQng-00010-00013060-00014146 This is the position of Greece as a force of responsibility, stability and cooperation in the region. 4tCh4ykYQng-00011-00014200-00014841 For this reason, we have moved ahead to important initiatives in the Balkan region, 4tCh4ykYQng-00012-00014874-00015316 on a bilateral, trilateral and quadrilateral level. 4tCh4ykYQng-00013-00017576-00018454 I know that today many people are watching from both countries. 4tCh4ykYQng-00014-00018594-00019012 Some with skepticism and concern and others with genuine hope. 4tCh4ykYQng-00015-00019130-00020186 I want to assure them that both of us want to solve our actual differences with pragmatism 4tCh4ykYQng-00016-00020186-00020524 and a sense of responsibility. 4tCh4ykYQng-00017-00022922-00024052 And I say this because we do not only want to solve the name issue, but we want to place our bilateral relations 4tCh4ykYQng-00018-00024052-00024298 on solid foundations. 4tCh4ykYQng-00019-00024298-00024852 The foundations of mutual respect and good neighbor relations, which means 4tCh4ykYQng-00020-00024862-00025514 that first we must fight irredentism in all its forms 4tCh4ykYQng-00021-00025514-00026758 guarantees that we will not leave open any lop-whole that will allow similar challenges to emerge in the future. 4tCh4ykYQng-00022-00030338-00031450 Zoran, during today's meeting, informed me that he is ready to take important initiatives 4tCh4ykYQng-00023-00031539-00031812 immediately towards this direction. 4tCh4ykYQng-00024-00031994-00032876 For my part, I also announced that, on this basis, I am ready to support procedures 4tCh4ykYQng-00025-00032900-00033242 that my government has suspended. 4tCh4ykYQng-00026-00033298-00034044 For example, the candidacy of the neighboring country on the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative 4tCh4ykYQng-00027-00034202-00034704 and the promotion of the ratification of the second phase of the Association Agreement 4tCh4ykYQng-00028-00034780-00035026 between the country and the EU in the Greek Parliament. 4tCh4ykYQng-00029-00038514-00039636 So, in order for the European accession process and its membership to NATO of our neighboring country 4tCh4ykYQng-00030-00039638-00040182 to proceed, we must find a solution to all our pending issues. 4tCh4ykYQng-00031-00040278-00041408 In particular, I have made it clear that we must agree on a complex name with power against all. 4tCh4ykYQng-00032-00041936-00043082 And in this context, of course, we exchanged ideas and agreed to intensify the talks under our supervision 4tCh4ykYQng-00033-00043084-00043404 already taking place within the UN framework. 4tCh4ykYQng-00034-00047314-00048326 At the same time, we agreed with the Prime Minister, Zoran, that the talks on confidence-building measures 4tCh4ykYQng-00035-00048384-00049066 that we started, at the initiative of Greece in 2016, will be intensified. 4tCh4ykYQng-00036-00049124-00049888 Measures that are particularly important in the areas of energy, transport and cross-border contacts, 4tCh4ykYQng-00037-00049982-00050862 with the most important, perhaps, the opening of the Prespa's crossing, a project that is particularly important 4tCh4ykYQng-00038-00050870-00050920 I believe, for the region. 4tCh4ykYQng-00039-00053944-00055040 With these thoughts, therefore, I would like once again to thank the Prime Minister for our genuine discussion 4tCh4ykYQng-00040-00055302-00056634 and express my conviction that today's meeting, the first after almost seven years on a Prime Minister level, 4tCh4ykYQng-00041-00056634-00057132 will create new prospects for a better future for the relations of the two countries. 4tCh4ykYQng-00042-00064379-00065234 My Honorable fellow citizens, I would like first to express my pleasure for the first meeting 4tCh4ykYQng-00043-00065234-00065454 that we had with Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras. 4tCh4ykYQng-00044-00065454-00066416 We are committed to building trust between our countries, with the ultimate goal of working to overcome 4tCh4ykYQng-00045-00066462-00066992 the problems that exist between the people of our two countries. 4tCh4ykYQng-00046-00067024-00068200 We are all in a process throughout the region and we are at a time when we can build good-neighbor relations 4tCh4ykYQng-00047-00068202-00068660 and create a prosperous neighborhood in the Balkans. 4tCh4ykYQng-00048-00071134-00072272 The majority of citizens in both countries want to build close and friendly relations with mutual co-operation. 4tCh4ykYQng-00049-00072428-00073666 We want to be partners in the EU and we want to be allies in NATO, to face the difficulties 4tCh4ykYQng-00050-00073666-00073942 during the hard times, we live in. 4tCh4ykYQng-00051-00076972-00077640 We have pointed out in the past, when both countries faced serious challenges that we can work together 4tCh4ykYQng-00052-00077640-00077944 to serve our common interests. 4tCh4ykYQng-00053-00077946-00078784 We, as Prime Ministers, have the political vision, the sense of responsibility and the courage to find a solution 4tCh4ykYQng-00054-00078784-00079552 to such a long-standing problem that has existed for 25 years. 4tCh4ykYQng-00055-00079552-00080262 The time has come to find a solution, as it is vital for our prospect of joining NATO and the EU. 4tCh4ykYQng-00056-00083280-00083660 The final solution must be acceptable by both parties. 4tCh4ykYQng-00057-00083660-00084148 We must serve the interests of both sides. 4tCh4ykYQng-00058-00084248-00084800 The solution must respect the national dignity of our people. 4tCh4ykYQng-00059-00084944-00085520 In order to show practically that we are committed to finding a solution 4tCh4ykYQng-00060-00085728-00086294 I am announcing, that my country will change the name of the airport and the avenues. 4tCh4ykYQng-00061-00089126-00090036 Our action shows our good faith. This proves the fact that we have no irredentist attitude 4tCh4ykYQng-00062-00090064-00090272 towards our neighbor. 4tCh4ykYQng-00063-00090576-00091164 All this will help us to improve our relations and improve our relations with the EU 4tCh4ykYQng-00064-00091164-00091516 and other international organizations. 4tCh4ykYQng-00065-00091516-00091954 With Alexis, Prime Minister Tsipras, we have already discussed this. 4tCh4ykYQng-00066-00094938-00095752 Honorable citizens, we will remain committed to the process, under the UN and Mr. Nimetz. 4tCh4ykYQng-00067-00095834-00096762 We raise the level, our Foreign Ministers will be responsible for the process and for 4tCh4ykYQng-00068-00096776-00097256 all negotiations under our supervision. 4tCh4ykYQng-00069-00097256-00097670 Thank you very much. 4teDizxcBx4-00000-00000064-00000720 um so let's first introduce the concept of vocal identity by looking at uh the ana the anatomy of 4teDizxcBx4-00001-00000720-00001328 a vocal identity within a context of a single cloud so every cloud provider kind of handles 4teDizxcBx4-00002-00001328-00001976 uh local identity in a similar way so each of them have has an identity provider that comes in the 4teDizxcBx4-00003-00001976-00002672 form of a rid of trust or certificate authority this certificate authority then issues identities 4teDizxcBx4-00004-00002784-00003200 through the form of usually some kind of infrastructure service such as you know for 4teDizxcBx4-00005-00003200-00003976 aws example would be the aws metadata service so we then have a workload that's running on 4teDizxcBx4-00006-00003976-00004512 let's say kubernetes or openshift this container that wants to access a service such as a database 4teDizxcBx4-00007-00004568-00005024 what they have to do is then they have to talk to this service to obtain a local 4teDizxcBx4-00008-00005024-00005712 identity that comes in the form of usually a x509 certificate or jwpt token they then present this 4teDizxcBx4-00009-00005712-00006288 to the identity and access management on top of the cloud and because you know the cloud is well 4teDizxcBx4-00010-00006288-00006920 integrated with itself is able to authenticate the workload identity and provide access seamlessly 4teDizxcBx4-00011-00007159-00007672 so now let's talk about this in terms of multi-cloud in this scenario we have um an 4teDizxcBx4-00012-00007672-00008232 organization example where we have three different clouds we have ibm cloud we have s0 and aws 4teDizxcBx4-00013-00008304-00008904 and blue green and yellow respectively so we notice that if a workload kind of 4teDizxcBx4-00014-00008904-00009288 lives within its own silo we don't really have that much of a problem 4teDizxcBx4-00015-00009288-00009984 and in fact within a single cloud im identity access management is pretty much a solved problem 4teDizxcBx4-00016-00010152-00010672 however the difficulty comes in when we undo multi-cloud access when we want to 4teDizxcBx4-00017-00010672-00011472 access a resource from one cloud from a workload in another example of this is i want to access an 4teDizxcBx4-00018-00011472-00012408 aws s3 bucket from a workload in ibm cloud um so let's talk about how this is done today right so 4teDizxcBx4-00019-00012408-00012984 the first method is using long live credentials this is probably something that most have had 4teDizxcBx4-00020-00012984-00013776 done before myself included and what this involves is um you know for example if i want to access um 4teDizxcBx4-00021-00013776-00014496 azure cosmos eb as a resource for ibm cloud what i would do is i'll go up to the azure service say 4teDizxcBx4-00022-00014560-00015200 please create an api key for me or some long-lived credential and myself as an administrator would 4teDizxcBx4-00023-00015200-00015872 take this api key which is just a bunch of bytes i'm going to create a kubernetes secret 4teDizxcBx4-00024-00015872-00016296 i'm going to mount it into my workload and my workload will then be able to access the service 4teDizxcBx4-00025-00016440-00017064 so this technique is it's great because it's very simple it's really easy to get started 4teDizxcBx4-00026-00017136-00017768 unfortunately it comes with several caveats so one of which is we are using a long-lived credential 4teDizxcBx4-00027-00017768-00018240 that means that it's very difficult to manage the risk uh if there's a there's an incident 4teDizxcBx4-00028-00018240-00018816 that happens it's difficult to measure the blast radius the second part of this is that as we 4teDizxcBx4-00029-00018816-00019416 saw we kind of had to trust an administrator or component such as myself in order to handle these 4teDizxcBx4-00030-00019472-00020104 highly privileged credentials and therefore we are putting a lot of trust in a single admin 4teDizxcBx4-00031-00020104-00020552 or single component which in compliance cases can lead to a lot of complications 4teDizxcBx4-00032-00020760-00021320 so the next method of doing this is through cloud federation the idea behind federation 4teDizxcBx4-00033-00021320-00021864 is fairly simple it means that we want to teach an im system for one cloud how to 4teDizxcBx4-00034-00021928-00022192 interpret and how to authenticate identities from another 4teDizxcBx4-00035-00022296-00022768 this is usually done by protocols such as oidc or taking the trust bundles or 4teDizxcBx4-00036-00022768-00023360 certificate authorities and then moving them to the next cloud and this is great right because 4teDizxcBx4-00037-00023360-00023784 we are still using the short-lived credentials from the cloud we don't need administrators or 4teDizxcBx4-00038-00023784-00024360 any intermediaries that come and you know handle these credentials awesome talks over 4teDizxcBx4-00039-00024608-00025136 unfortunately that this is not the case um so there are several problems with federation today 4teDizxcBx4-00040-00025136-00025800 so the first is that federation support kind of varies within within the clouds 4teDizxcBx4-00041-00025800-00026480 if i want to access a gcp resource from aws with google cloud's identity pool service 4teDizxcBx4-00042-00026544-00027088 this can be done fairly easily however if you want to do the opposite this is a fairly 4teDizxcBx4-00043-00027088-00027600 involved process and this blog post linked here actually describes you know what you need to do 4teDizxcBx4-00044-00027600-00027936 it's you need to install a bunch of things in your company these cluster and so on 4teDizxcBx4-00045-00028104-00028864 um so besides that um secondly each cloud does workload identities or defines workflow identities 4teDizxcBx4-00046-00028864-00029424 slightly differently so every cloud provider has its own identity scheme it may contain 4teDizxcBx4-00047-00029424-00029895 a bunch of attributes it may contain policy ids security group ids and things like that 4teDizxcBx4-00048-00030039-00030552 the issue with this is that some of these fields may not have meaning in other clouds for example 4teDizxcBx4-00049-00030552-00031208 aws secure security group ids when we see it from in ibm cloud perspective or azure perspective 4teDizxcBx4-00050-00031264-00031976 don't really have any meaning and what this results in is it becomes difficult to manage 4teDizxcBx4-00051-00031976-00032480 identities or to create meaningful access policies across clouds within the organization 4teDizxcBx4-00052-00032695-00032944 and lastly comes the problem of scale so 4teDizxcBx4-00053-00033096-00033696 we are doing cloud to cloud federation so we can see that for example just with three individual 4teDizxcBx4-00054-00033696-00034296 clouds if we federate all of them we end up having to maintain six different trust relationships 4teDizxcBx4-00055-00034376-00034880 and this is not even considering you know what happens if one cloud provider decides to add 4teDizxcBx4-00056-00034880-00035392 something into its identity scheme or decides to change some attributes of its identity 4teDizxcBx4-00057-00035752-00036544 so to be able to solve this problem we don't have to look too far to draw inspiration in fact if we 4teDizxcBx4-00058-00036544-00037248 ask ourselves um if we look at user identities and ask ourselves how do we how do we address 4teDizxcBx4-00059-00037248-00037824 the problem of user identities and the answer to that is done organization-wide or globally 4teDizxcBx4-00060-00037968-00038544 when we think about a user john for example we don't think about john as john aws john 4teDizxcBx4-00061-00038544-00039344 ibm cloud john gcp we think about john from development he's a funny guy you know he he 4teDizxcBx4-00062-00039344-00039904 has access to this bunch of clouds right um and so the question is why don't we treat our 4teDizxcBx4-00063-00039904-00040600 identities the same way right applications and services are after all organizational constructs 4teDizxcBx4-00064-00040656-00041160 right why are we married to this idea that vocal identity has to be tied to the platform 4teDizxcBx4-00065-00041360-00042192 so how do we do that with workloads so to do this um we we say we want to have a universal or 4teDizxcBx4-00066-00042192-00042680 organization-wide workload identity so what this means is that first i need to define 4teDizxcBx4-00067-00042736-00043320 an identity scheme for my entire organization so one identity scheme in this example we take from 4teDizxcBx4-00068-00043384-00043992 the spiffy book we can see it has the name of the organization it has a region so maybe i 4teDizxcBx4-00069-00043992-00044560 use compliance or compliance controls whether it's dev staging prod and also the department 4teDizxcBx4-00070-00044560-00045232 or the project in which the workload belongs to another part of creating an organization a white 4teDizxcBx4-00071-00045232-00045760 vocal identity is you want to really minimize the points of federation so you have a single 4teDizxcBx4-00072-00045760-00046488 point of federation so this is great because it helps reduce risk of misconfiguration because 4teDizxcBx4-00073-00046488-00046912 operators only need to deal with one scheme and they only have to deal with one federation point 4teDizxcBx4-00074-00047128-00047904 so now that we want this how do we go about doing it and we're going to introduce this concept of 4teDizxcBx4-00075-00047960-00048768 a0 trust workload identity management platform um i know xero trust is like a very overused word 4teDizxcBx4-00076-00048768-00049256 um in this case when we say zero try to just mean that everything's authenticated and tested 4teDizxcBx4-00077-00049320-00050080 throughout so what do we need out of this platform in order to make universal vocal identity work 4teDizxcBx4-00078-00050144-00050632 so first of all we need to be able to define what the identity scheme is we need a way to 4teDizxcBx4-00079-00050632-00051279 enforce identity scheme through our organization um it is also as important that we make sure that 4teDizxcBx4-00080-00051336-00051824 our workloads get the correct credentials and the workloads with the correct credentials 4teDizxcBx4-00081-00051928-00052591 really have been attested and we can prove that it is they are who they say 4teDizxcBx4-00082-00052855-00053360 and last but not least because after all we want to alleviate the management 4teDizxcBx4-00083-00053360-00053872 problem we want to have a single point of federation to all the cloud services 4teDizxcBx4-00084-00054079-00054472 and how we're going to do this is we're going to use spiffy spire 4teDizxcBx4-00085-00054472-00055032 and tonyank so all right i'll give you a bit more there we go 4teDizxcBx4-00086-00055296-00055872 awesome so let's meet the technology so so these three projects are all on cncf projects under 4teDizxcBx4-00087-00055872-00056608 the spf umbrella uh uh won't have time to go too much into detail but so spiffy first off is um the 4teDizxcBx4-00088-00056608-00057184 secure production identity framework for everyone um it is kind of like the identity spec it defines 4teDizxcBx4-00089-00057184-00057912 how workflows can securely obtain their identities uh we have spire that is the implementation and 4teDizxcBx4-00090-00057912-00058479 implementation of spiffy in this case it provides the zero trust associations of the workloads and 4teDizxcBx4-00091-00058479-00059104 the infrastructure as well as together with eoidc discovery service provides a final federation 4teDizxcBx4-00092-00059240-00059696 and last but not least we have tonya which is a control plane slash ui 4teDizxcBx4-00093-00059696-00060248 for spire and together with the kubernetes workflow registrar it provides a way to define 4teDizxcBx4-00094-00060344-00060712 the universal workflow identity and enforce it 4teDizxcBx4-00095-00060952-00061504 so our claim is that if you install a zero trust football identity management platform 4teDizxcBx4-00096-00061504-00062000 and you can exercise this notion of organization-wide or universal workload identity 4teDizxcBx4-00097-00062096-00062464 you're going to get all the great stuff that we talked about and in 4teDizxcBx4-00098-00062464-00062944 in addition to that you're going to be able to centrally manage as well as audit 4teDizxcBx4-00099-00062944-00063560 all your workflow identities so with that i'm gonna pass it on to marius that is gonna show 4teDizxcBx4-00100-00063560-00063976 who is gonna show you a really cool demo okay thank you brendan for the great 4teDizxcBx4-00101-00064408-00064784 so let's take a look at our hypothetical scenario 4teDizxcBx4-00102-00065032-00065704 of several kubernetes clusters and they are deployed in different clouds we have microsoft 4teDizxcBx4-00103-00065704-00066608 here amazon ibm cloud then we deploy workloads that need to access the s3 storage bucket so 4teDizxcBx4-00104-00066608-00067384 we will demonstrate that using universal workload identity this task is very simple and very secure 4teDizxcBx4-00105-00067536-00068168 so first we need to stand up the identity management service with spire and thornyak 4teDizxcBx4-00106-00068232-00068816 to manage all the organization workloads and all the identities in the cluster 4teDizxcBx4-00107-00068976-00069880 then we deploy spire agents as demon sets with one agent per each node in every cluster 4teDizxcBx4-00108-00070008-00070712 then every igen agent is attested with the aspire server for at the station we 4teDizxcBx4-00109-00070712-00071416 are using cloud provider specific plugins or at the station that is based on kubernetes platform 4teDizxcBx4-00110-00071496-00072112 this solution is giving us zero trust at the station for underlying infrastructure 4teDizxcBx4-00111-00072288-00073064 next we use the kubernetes workload registrar that automates the process of creating universal 4teDizxcBx4-00112-00073064-00073808 workload identities for all the workloads in the organization all the agent attested workload 4teDizxcBx4-00113-00073808-00074504 identities can be easily viewed and managed from one location which is the tornado interface 4teDizxcBx4-00114-00074720-00075576 once we have the universal identity schema using the open id to federate these identities uh across 4teDizxcBx4-00115-00075576-00076448 we can use this rfo federating across all the all the clouds now we can create and manage policies 4teDizxcBx4-00116-00076528-00077368 uh that control access for the all organizational workloads for uh to access to 4teDizxcBx4-00117-00077552-00078408 storage for example so in our quick demo we will show you how to enable the identity provider in 4teDizxcBx4-00118-00078408-00079304 amazon how to set up the policy and role for guarding the access to s3 storage buckets and 4teDizxcBx4-00119-00079304-00079968 then we'll demonstrate the workload running in ibm cloud that is requesting the universal 4teDizxcBx4-00120-00079968-00080856 spf id for itself from the agent and then using this identity to request access to the storage 4teDizxcBx4-00121-00081152-00081848 so here is the example of the universal workload identity that we use for our organization is 4teDizxcBx4-00122-00081848-00082688 composed of the trust domain that represents the organization uh the name of the region cluster 4teDizxcBx4-00123-00082744-00083344 namespace service account and pad name so here's just the example 4teDizxcBx4-00124-00083568-00084288 just for fun we use the open shift in spacex that is running in east u.s east 4teDizxcBx4-00125-00084360-00085112 region the cluster name is tsi cube01 default namespace and elon musk 4teDizxcBx4-00126-00085248-00086016 service account so now we can define policies that would guard access to the s3 storage 4teDizxcBx4-00127-00086096-00086664 so in this example we want the region to be must be in u.s location 4teDizxcBx4-00128-00086760-00087624 and we can use any kubernetes cluster however the namespace must be mission and service account elon 4teDizxcBx4-00129-00087624-00088448 musk and the pod must start with the mars mission name okay so let's do a quick demo 4teDizxcBx4-00130-00089376-00090200 it's good okay so let's start with the tornadic interface so if you look at the navigation bar 4teDizxcBx4-00131-00090200-00091208 we have a management for clusters agents we can list and manage the entries there is a section for 4teDizxcBx4-00132-00091208-00092016 server information and the dashboard tourniquet dashboard so let me just go to the clusters and 4teDizxcBx4-00133-00092016-00092584 here we go we manage six different clusters and they are deployed in different locations different 4teDizxcBx4-00134-00092584-00093352 clouds so for example we have here amazon this is azure and there are a few in ibm cloud 4teDizxcBx4-00135-00093352-00094168 some of them are openshift and others are just the native kubernetes okay if we click here on tornack 4teDizxcBx4-00136-00094168-00095000 info you can see that this spire server is defined with node attesters and right here we have one for 4teDizxcBx4-00137-00095000-00095648 kubernetes there's one for amazon and azure okay if we click here on the dashboard 4teDizxcBx4-00138-00095800-00096512 sorry when you click here on dashboard we can view here agents workloads and all the 4teDizxcBx4-00139-00096512-00097256 clusters so let's go to one of the clusters we're going to use the tsi cube01 which is in ibm cloud 4teDizxcBx4-00140-00097360-00098080 right here details and here you go we have three nodes with three different agents they are all 4teDizxcBx4-00141-00098080-00098696 attested you can see here let's look at the entries so there is one entry here this is the 4teDizxcBx4-00142-00098696-00099440 workload registrar that automates the entries uh for all the workloads that would be created here 4teDizxcBx4-00143-00099440-00100120 okay so before i show the demo on the how we create the workloads and get the access 4teDizxcBx4-00144-00100120-00100712 let me just show you quickly what we've done on amazon site so here is our mars 4teDizxcBx4-00145-00100840-00101512 bucket it's called mars spire and there is a special file called mars txt 4teDizxcBx4-00146-00101512-00102192 which is the sensitive file that we want to protect so this is what we want to govern okay 4teDizxcBx4-00147-00102192-00103135 so next we go to identity management for amazon and right here i'm going to just copy this guy 4teDizxcBx4-00148-00103456-00103816 here okay 4teDizxcBx4-00149-00103816-00104504 thank you okay so we're going to create identity provider so let me just click on provider 4teDizxcBx4-00150-00104568-00105280 open id connect type i'm going to use the url of the spire server 4teDizxcBx4-00151-00105416-00106080 thumbprint okay here we go it works we define the audience let's say my s3 4teDizxcBx4-00152-00106232-00107040 i guess that's it add the provider okay done so we just created ourselves i our sales identity 4teDizxcBx4-00153-00107040-00107656 provider so let me look all of them you see all of them okay this is the guy spacex 03 4teDizxcBx4-00154-00107656-00108280 okay so we've done this already earlier so let me show you how we define policies so there's one xo5 4teDizxcBx4-00155-00108280-00109383 that we would be using further so let's click on the roles okay there's role called mars mission 4teDizxcBx4-00156-00109440-00109864 okay what roles do they basically tie the policies 4teDizxcBx4-00157-00109864-00110264 with the identity providers so let me show you how the policy looks like 4teDizxcBx4-00158-00110480-00111352 come on all right so there's a policy that defines read access to the mars spire bucket the one that 4teDizxcBx4-00159-00111352-00112183 i showed you earlier and let's look at the trust relationship for this identity provider 4teDizxcBx4-00160-00112392-00112824 here are the conditions so the conditions that we defined for this experiment 4teDizxcBx4-00161-00112824-00113688 are following it has to be open shift spacex organization the region must be us so it has to 4teDizxcBx4-00162-00113688-00114480 begin with the u.s prefix and the cluster name uh mars i'm sorry mission namespace elon musk 4teDizxcBx4-00163-00114480-00115328 service account and mars mission department okay so we're done here now let's go to the 4teDizxcBx4-00164-00115559-00115872 to the cluster so this is the blue cluster this is the ibm 4teDizxcBx4-00165-00115872-00116720 cluster so from here let me show you there's nothing running yet all right so let's create 4teDizxcBx4-00166-00117000-00117016 okay 4teDizxcBx4-00167-00117696-00118559 okay mars demo okay so what we just did we created a service account elon musk and then deployed a 4teDizxcBx4-00168-00118559-00120583 mars mission uh on this account okay so all right it's running right here okay let's now get inside 4teDizxcBx4-00169-00121183-00121696 all right and we have just quick script because i don't want to talk and type at the same time so 4teDizxcBx4-00170-00121768-00122696 let me just show demo script so the first operation we're going to retrieve the jwd token 4teDizxcBx4-00171-00122696-00123344 which is basically the identity of this container so let's do that and here is the identity in 4teDizxcBx4-00172-00123344-00124072 a text format let's take a look at edit so we have open shift space x that's the domain test 4teDizxcBx4-00173-00124072-00125088 organization region is running in us south cluster name tsi cube01 namespace mission elon musk as a 4teDizxcBx4-00174-00125088-00125640 service account and the patent okay so in theory that should comply with the policy that we created 4teDizxcBx4-00175-00125640-00126368 earlier and this chunk over here that's the jwt token so let's retrieve this guy into a file 4teDizxcBx4-00176-00126696-00127552 all right it's done now we can invoke the call to a aws to copy the file from 4teDizxcBx4-00177-00127552-00128376 this bucket so let's do this as you can see we are using the roll mars mission we passed the 4teDizxcBx4-00178-00128376-00129192 ident the jwd token that was captured a minute ago and we just simply asking for a file and copy it 4teDizxcBx4-00179-00129192-00129816 locally so let's see if it was delivered it's done let's just look what's inside and here you 4teDizxcBx4-00180-00129816-00130544 go you have a recipe for the concentrated dark matter from the rick and morty series okay so 4teDizxcBx4-00181-00130544-00131432 before i go i would like to show you quickly that we could now go back to our super cool tornak 4teDizxcBx4-00182-00131648-00132104 okay here we go where was it the clusters tsi couple one 4teDizxcBx4-00183-00132336-00132872 okay and here you go this is new identity that was created you can see you can 4teDizxcBx4-00184-00132872-00133536 easily see it from tarnick and so are the other ones okay back to the presentation 4teDizxcBx4-00185-00133816-00134656 okay so in our demo you could see how easy it is to get identities in one place from all the 4teDizxcBx4-00186-00134656-00135520 multiple clusters multiple different clouds and one policy allows access enforcement for several 4teDizxcBx4-00187-00135520-00136232 dynamically created workloads in fact in our multi-cluster organization if you invoke the 4teDizxcBx4-00188-00136232-00136880 same calls in any of the clusters you should get exactly the same results in theory assuming that 4teDizxcBx4-00189-00136880-00137896 policy complies with the identity of the workload okay so we also have a demo that shows the same 4teDizxcBx4-00190-00137896-00138552 uh concept but this time using vault and for retrieving secrets from vault so in interest 4teDizxcBx4-00191-00138552-00139104 of time i suggest going to the recording that will be listed at the end of the presentation 4teDizxcBx4-00192-00139192-00139888 so just to summarize the universal zero trust workload identity runs on everything that 4teDizxcBx4-00193-00139888-00140808 supports kubernetes it strengthens the security by executing cloud provider specific attestation 4teDizxcBx4-00194-00140808-00141520 as well as the platform at station and it can support uh different identity mechanisms like 4teDizxcBx4-00195-00141584-00142472 iam key cloak open standards like open id using consistent universal identity schema 4teDizxcBx4-00196-00142632-00143472 so brandon back to you um just a little little bit before we end so um the project that you 4teDizxcBx4-00197-00143472-00144144 saw the ui is tonya this is something that marish and i started working on um pretty recently uh we 4teDizxcBx4-00198-00144144-00144648 are both maintaining it but we're also looking for more maintainers that are not ibm as well i 4teDizxcBx4-00199-00144648-00145320 don't have the governance um it's very it's it's still in um development so there's a lot to do 4teDizxcBx4-00200-00145320-00145840 there's it's going really fast there's a lot of cool things too that we're going to work on 4teDizxcBx4-00201-00145840-00146360 such as you know integrating with the uh the policies as well as aggregating logs 4teDizxcBx4-00202-00146440-00147000 um we're open to a lot of feedback tell us what you think as well as if you liked what you saw 4teDizxcBx4-00203-00147000-00147488 in the demo the marriage gave we have helm charts to kind of like help you redeploy the whole thing 4teDizxcBx4-00204-00147544-00148088 um as well as we have a bunch of youtube videos that kind of show a little bit more than 4teDizxcBx4-00205-00148088-00148912 what we have time to show today so if not um yeah let's start sharpening our cloud native cattle 4teDizxcBx4-00206-00148912-00149672 um and i think there is one uh talk that that's after after this around 4teDizxcBx4-00207-00149672-00150680 um talking a little bit more about how to define those 50 ids if not thank you very much 4v379gJA_8Y-00000-00000459-00001047 Which of the following structures contributes to the right border 4v379gJA_8Y-00001-00001047-00001530 of the mediastinal shadow on PA radiographs of the chest? 4v379gJA_8Y-00002-00001530-00002235 Let's visualize a PA radiograph of the chest, part of the mediastinal shadow here is formed 4v379gJA_8Y-00003-00002235-00003009 by the superior vena cava and then we have the right atrium on the right side this small piece 4v379gJA_8Y-00004-00003009-00003722 here is found by the inferior vena cava, this is the right border of the mediastinal shadow. 4v379gJA_8Y-00005-00003722-00004530 On the left side, we have the apex of the heart and the left border here is formed by the left 4v379gJA_8Y-00006-00004530-00005253 ventricle and then there is a small area here which represents the auricle of the left atrium 4v379gJA_8Y-00007-00005253-00005907 and then another region for the pulmonary trunk and then as you can see the knuckle, 4v379gJA_8Y-00008-00005907-00006656 the aortic knuckle which represents the arch of the aorta. So this is the mediastinal shadow, 4v379gJA_8Y-00009-00006656-00007373 now let's go back to the question and see the options which structure contributes to 4v379gJA_8Y-00010-00007373-00007737 the right border of the mediastinal shadow we have just seen that the 4v379gJA_8Y-00011-00007737-00008292 structures here are the superior vena cava right atrium and the inferior vena 4v379gJA_8Y-00012-00008292-00008722 cava so the right atrium is correct but let's look at the other options. 4v379gJA_8Y-00013-00008722-00009042 The right ventricle, right ventricle does not 4v379gJA_8Y-00014-00009042-00009654 contribute to the right or left borders of the heart it touches the diaphragm. 4v379gJA_8Y-00015-00009654-00010113 The right main bronchus is formed behind the mediastinal shadow and 4v379gJA_8Y-00016-00010113-00010584 does not participate in the formation of the right border of the heart. 4v379gJA_8Y-00017-00010584-00011049 The pulmonary trunk as we have seen contributes to the formation 4v379gJA_8Y-00018-00011049-00011586 of the left border and the ascending aorta is not related to the borders, 4v379gJA_8Y-00019-00011586-00012237 the ascending aorta is present here in the middle and does not imprint itself 4v379gJA_8Y-00020-00012237-00012807 on the borders of the heart whether the right or left border of the heart so the correct answer 4v379gJA_8Y-00021-00012807-00013463 here is the right atrium that contributes to the right border of the mediastinal shadow. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00000-00000887-00001125 What have you been after? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00001-00002864-00003144 How long have you been here? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00002-00005111-00005420 That is all one can say about her. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00003-00007263-00007509 How did that help you? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00004-00009596-00009978 But if that is so, what is there to live for? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00005-00011838-00012057 Do it for me. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00006-00013366-00013603 Tell me all about it. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00007-00014922-00015142 He went to him. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00008-00016435-00016731 Take some, she said. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00009-00018021-00018285 Well, did he? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00010-00019672-00019941 Then will come our time. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00011-00021500-00021733 How did you get here? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00012-00023138-00023376 It is all the same. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00013-00025241-00025609 If you want to know, go and find out. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00014-00027482-00027728 All in good time. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00015-00029000-00029219 What is his name? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00016-00030559-00030797 You must come now. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00017-00032336-00032568 Are you here for good? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00018-00034363-00034708 That is right, said the old man. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00019-00036521-00036790 We are who we say we are. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00020-00038114-00038339 Here she is. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00021-00039804-00040084 What do they say was the cause? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00022-00041996-00042273 Where are we to turn for help? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00023-00043924-00044161 And what did he say? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00024-00045799-00046056 What will each of you give? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00025-00047662-00047876 Just look at her. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00026-00049221-00049478 He is at my house. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00027-00050995-00051309 Good day, one and all. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00028-00052908-00053145 What did he tell you? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00029-00054794-00055057 And have you been here long? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00030-00057194-00057526 Now what is it that you came to me to say? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00031-00059433-00059665 Why are you here? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00032-00061128-00061374 Where did he come from? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00033-00063048-00063296 And how did you find out? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00034-00065258-00065535 Do you want me to go and tell him? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00035-00067486-00067724 Where are they off to now? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00036-00069236-00069461 What does he mean? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00037-00070710-00070929 Is it all right? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00038-00072196-00072421 Where does he live? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00039-00073641-00073855 Such as what? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00040-00074939-00075146 Where are we? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00041-00076282-00076514 Tell me his name. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00042-00077823-00078068 And where is he now? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00043-00079356-00079581 Now come here. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00044-00081141-00081436 Well, and what do you think? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00045-00083575-00083894 It was now his turn to look about him. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00046-00085911-00086135 Do you want me to do it? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00047-00087932-00088246 Well then, what do you want? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00048-00089758-00089973 take them all. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00049-00091334-00091683 Why, what is it, then? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00050-00093100-00093379 Where to, now? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00051-00094622-00094902 Now, go home. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00052-00096239-00096535 After three, he said. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00053-00097728-00097935 Give it me. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00054-00099165-00099434 You think so, too? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00055-00100980-00101213 Will you come with me? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00056-00102681-00103026 One, two, three. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00057-00104575-00104839 You must take me with you. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00058-00107083-00107459 What you have just said is good, very good. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00059-00109551-00109765 How do you take it? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00060-00111398-00111644 What do you want me to do? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00061-00113365-00113603 How did you get me out? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00062-00115316-00115580 What did you say that for? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00063-00117190-00117453 This is the first act. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00064-00118700-00118906 Look at me. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00065-00120042-00120319 Well, go on. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00066-00121698-00121975 Now it was time to act. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00067-00123728-00124023 Come with me to the little house. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00068-00126108-00126387 How can you think of such a thing? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00069-00128114-00128347 It is very high. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00070-00129577-00129796 Will you try? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00071-00130982-00131207 For some man. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00072-00132526-00132758 Tell us all about it. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00073-00134185-00134417 Tell us your name. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00074-00135794-00136032 You are most kind. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00075-00137424-00137719 Read that, she said. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00076-00139007-00139214 But where is it? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00077-00140389-00140595 You think so? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00078-00141742-00142011 No, tell me. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00079-00143458-00143722 It must be where you put it. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00080-00145141-00145342 Why is that? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00081-00147034-00147411 You are a man, and it is a man we want. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00082-00149417-00149712 Why, what do you mean? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00083-00151515-00151833 And a very good thing, too. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00084-00153479-00153703 Too much of this. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00085-00155083-00155321 Then what kind is it? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00086-00156726-00156958 Get out of the way. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00087-00158709-00159035 Call me what you will, he said. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00088-00160741-00160965 What does she want? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00089-00162295-00162533 Give me my work. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00090-00163847-00164079 How old was she? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00091-00165299-00165514 She was right. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00092-00166629-00166893 No, mother. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00093-00168173-00168418 But this is the point. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00094-00170302-00170615 Where in the world did you come from? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00095-00172240-00172454 Here it is. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00096-00173698-00173967 There will just be time. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00097-00175408-00175633 You were near him. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00098-00177172-00177428 Much good that would be. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00099-00178972-00179191 What is your name? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00100-00180852-00181140 Is there no one who can help me? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00101-00183256-00183543 What do you want to ask these people? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00102-00185531-00185779 When will her mother come? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00103-00187391-00187704 And where is she, then? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00104-00189180-00189395 What do you play? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00105-00190625-00190839 He was here. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00106-00191970-00192234 Good, he said. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00107-00193556-00193804 We must come back. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00108-00195476-00195755 Can you help me find my way? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00109-00197459-00197723 There was no one near. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00110-00199183-00199431 But what does it mean? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00111-00200742-00200967 Turn this way. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00112-00202048-00202249 Where is he? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00113-00203459-00203705 He has more to give. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00114-00205037-00205269 Large or small? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00115-00206813-00207069 Then they will follow you? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00116-00208479-00208694 Hand it in. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00117-00209804-00210037 And off we go. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00118-00211528-00211792 What on earth do you mean? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00119-00213474-00213712 Why do you want water? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00120-00215535-00215849 Now, what do you want with me? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00121-00217408-00217615 Is that right? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00122-00219010-00219265 In what part of the house? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00123-00220713-00220927 They want more. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00124-00222298-00222546 That is just my point. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00125-00223860-00224075 Give him air. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00126-00225310-00225535 Where do you live? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00127-00226849-00227069 And why is that? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00128-00228609-00228887 That was a house to look at. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00129-00230624-00230869 How much do you want? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00130-00232685-00232962 It would be very kind of you. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00131-00234753-00235010 Were you here before me? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00132-00236601-00236870 Show me the way he went. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00133-00238317-00238554 This is my point. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00134-00239931-00240179 Only two there now. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00135-00241571-00241819 He said too much. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00136-00243194-00243439 Is there some for me? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00137-00244975-00245239 It is very kind of you. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00138-00247444-00247775 Would you now like to look round my place? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00139-00249831-00250064 And they went home. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00140-00251637-00251906 What does she think about me? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00141-00253405-00253651 Very well then. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00142-00254892-00255111 Can you take me? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00143-00256513-00256759 But why do you ask? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00144-00258525-00258813 What more could a man ask for? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00145-00260364-00260578 Just like me. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00146-00261712-00261926 Where are you? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00147-00263206-00263452 there are only two. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00148-00265233-00265534 They had all been very good to us. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00149-00267359-00267616 He was at work again. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00150-00269068-00269324 Now we see the light. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00151-00270743-00270991 She came up to them. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00152-00272399-00272623 How can you tell? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00153-00274342-00274650 But it is just so with the world. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00154-00276521-00276839 Follow me, said the man. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00155-00278574-00278875 There is no place like home. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00156-00280418-00280643 You must tell me. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00157-00282009-00282257 She had to tell him. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00158-00283872-00284120 Can you point it out to me? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00159-00285664-00285919 There she is again. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00160-00287437-00287670 What do you think of him? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00161-00289334-00289571 Why are you like this? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00162-00290911-00291126 Get to work. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00163-00292359-00292591 Where could he be? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00164-00294030-00294279 There was work to do. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00165-00295820-00296058 Do you think so now? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00166-00297641-00297954 Well then, tell him so. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00167-00299577-00299825 When will he come back? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00168-00301261-00301486 Is it any good? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00169-00302696-00302928 Why is he here? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00170-00304132-00304357 For how much? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00171-00306039-00306358 Some day you may ask me about it. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00172-00308110-00308406 Here it is, he said. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00173-00309696-00309966 Well, tell me. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00174-00311235-00311454 Did you tell him? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00175-00312823-00313048 Where have you been? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00176-00314563-00314809 Have you been here long? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00177-00316279-00316498 Why are they here? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00178-00317886-00318131 That was very good. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00179-00319416-00319641 He will live. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00180-00321005-00321229 And do you know why? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00181-00322695-00322901 Do you know me? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00182-00324275-00324523 And where is this man? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00183-00325822-00326041 Show it to me. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00184-00327295-00327520 But what about me? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00185-00328737-00328951 They are here. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00186-00330051-00330265 That is right. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00187-00331566-00331811 What is in your hand? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00188-00333355-00333601 Where did you place it? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00189-00335017-00335242 What did he say? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00190-00336574-00336798 Good day to you. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00191-00338298-00338543 And where was the place? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00192-00339978-00340210 What was his name? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00193-00341817-00342080 And what will they do with us? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00194-00343736-00343974 He went on his way. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00195-00345471-00345717 How can you find out? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00196-00347211-00347430 How much are they? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00197-00348661-00348885 Now tell me. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00198-00350345-00350625 Look at it other way round. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00199-00352192-00352469 All right, then. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00200-00353786-00354055 Well, all right. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00201-00355604-00355837 What do you think of her? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00202-00357477-00357723 Do you think she was? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00203-00359216-00359465 And what did she say? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00204-00360805-00361105 Move on, then. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00205-00362281-00362500 Think it over. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00206-00363723-00363968 Is he a good man? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00207-00365407-00365653 Too much for me now. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00208-00367058-00367283 Been back long? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00209-00368754-00369010 What is that in your hand? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00210-00370671-00370927 You can say what it is. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00211-00372570-00372858 There is no one here to see. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00212-00374378-00374610 Is it as good now? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00213-00375966-00376261 See, they are here. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00214-00377628-00377865 And it did me good. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00215-00379451-00379715 Tell me who made the world. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00216-00381679-00381993 Well, what do you think about it? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00217-00383868-00384124 When will it take place? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00218-00385668-00385914 You see it every day. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00219-00387267-00387544 this one, too? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00220-00388732-00388939 And where is it? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00221-00390441-00390759 Very well, show him to me. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00222-00392379-00392617 Are you at it again? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00223-00393912-00394127 You are right. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00224-00395396-00395629 Get out and play. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00225-00397170-00397418 What do you mean by that? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00226-00399014-00399260 Ask him to show up? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00227-00400879-00401112 What do you think of this? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00228-00402898-00403186 But he does so need a mother. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00229-00404873-00405093 Just look through it. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00230-00406723-00406979 And that was the end of it. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00231-00409113-00409450 Will you give this to the old man over there? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00232-00412013-00412363 You know, you see right through people. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00233-00414225-00414489 Well, read it. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00234-00415733-00416028 Well, here he is. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00235-00417355-00417603 It is the same thing. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00236-00419110-00419374 Think no more about that. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00237-00420787-00421033 This is the man. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00238-00422389-00422644 The first act was over. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00239-00424502-00424810 I would like to see her again in that. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00240-00426782-00427052 She was the cause of it all. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00241-00428778-00429073 There, that does me good. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00242-00430614-00430847 And what is her name? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00243-00432232-00432438 What do you want? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00244-00433903-00434149 What does all this mean? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00245-00435601-00435821 Do you think so? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00246-00437179-00437404 Who will tell her? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00247-00438856-00439102 Then why are you here? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00248-00440452-00440667 But you must. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00249-00442066-00442335 It will take a little time. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00250-00443707-00443921 Come with me. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00251-00444987-00445193 Is it large? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00252-00446303-00446523 Time to get out. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00253-00447704-00447929 Is this the man? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00254-00448981-00449188 Is he big? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00255-00450248-00450525 Three, he said. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00256-00452019-00452265 And what about your mother? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00257-00453691-00453911 She went on. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00258-00455222-00455454 And what do you think? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00259-00457040-00457272 How can you say that? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00260-00459150-00459459 It is now my turn to ask you why? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00261-00461222-00461441 How does he use it? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00262-00463105-00463406 Give me more than that We are here. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00263-00465250-00465496 But who was your mother? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00264-00467264-00467528 He said that that would help. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00265-00469051-00469283 Give me a light. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00266-00470420-00470634 To what end? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00267-00472100-00472376 You are all very kind to me. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00268-00473996-00474283 Read that, he said. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00269-00475762-00476007 Are they like each other? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00270-00477426-00477672 Here is my hand. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00271-00479012-00479236 What will you say? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00272-00480459-00480678 Try it on. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00273-00481961-00482256 Well, and is that all? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00274-00483917-00484197 Well, what do you think? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00275-00486255-00486574 And how in the world did you find them? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00276-00488314-00488546 Say no more. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00277-00489837-00490085 There is more to tell. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00278-00491550-00491796 And what was his name? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00279-00493207-00493421 What do you mean? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00280-00494878-00495124 You are a good boy. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00281-00496733-00496989 But why do you ask me? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00282-00498574-00498820 You can help me here. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00283-00500424-00500688 The world is before you. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00284-00502796-00503128 What could set you off in the first place? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00285-00505136-00505374 That is the end of her. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00286-00506860-00507130 Now, you know me. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00287-00508637-00508885 There is the little boy. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00288-00510562-00510818 How on earth do you know? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00289-00512247-00512461 Is she well? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00290-00513687-00513987 Give it to me, then. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00291-00515902-00516202 do you come from the end of the world? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00292-00518018-00518255 He was so kind. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00293-00519572-00519809 He will ask for it. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00294-00521638-00521975 She has been with him many long years. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00295-00524195-00524546 We will say no more about it, then. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00296-00526264-00526502 It was high time. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00297-00527727-00527952 Where is he now? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00298-00529339-00529595 But where are we to go? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00299-00531285-00531533 What would you have me do? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00300-00533093-00533318 Why did he come? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00301-00534694-00534995 Very well, he said. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00302-00536674-00536951 Now where did they come from? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00303-00538542-00538780 Is it you or me? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00304-00540008-00540240 And in she went. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00305-00541852-00542139 What did you say your name was? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00306-00543926-00544171 How does she use you? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00307-00545681-00545961 Well, how are you? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00308-00547531-00547776 Will you take me to her? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00309-00549480-00549743 What was it you said to me? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00310-00551240-00551473 Who is that man? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00311-00552799-00553032 Say what you want. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00312-00554430-00554675 Give me your hand. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00313-00556101-00556339 What does it all mean? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00314-00557684-00557922 She has a house? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00315-00559025-00559244 Put it on. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00316-00560394-00560681 Ask her, he said. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00317-00561966-00562199 He was there too. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00318-00563807-00564077 What a good thing it would be. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00319-00565686-00565900 Tell me about it. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00320-00567324-00567572 What does one live for? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00321-00569069-00569364 Come with me, then. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00322-00570944-00571221 What on earth does this mean? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00323-00572875-00573175 Well, how did it go? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00324-00574735-00574973 But what did you want? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00325-00576297-00576516 Go and try. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00326-00577812-00578050 Where do they get that? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00327-00579303-00579504 It is great. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00328-00580756-00580993 Think what you will. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00329-00582292-00582506 In what year? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00330-00584397-00584766 For now the only thing we can do is go home. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00331-00586699-00586986 See, here it is. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00332-00588545-00588825 You will get on in the world. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00333-00590455-00590688 Come and help me. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00334-00592082-00592346 That was a good time. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00335-00593765-00593990 How old are you? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00336-00595572-00595810 Why do you want to know? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00337-00597370-00597595 Which house is it? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00338-00598900-00599146 Take this and this. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00339-00600424-00600661 Who are these men? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00340-00601810-00602025 Where is she? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00341-00603386-00603624 And what are they made of? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00342-00605601-00605959 Show us where you live, said the man. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00343-00607905-00608161 where did she come from? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00344-00609652-00609890 And who is the man? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00345-00611319-00611567 Is that all you want? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00346-00613354-00613655 And how old were you at that time? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00347-00615300-00615525 But he is right. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00348-00616724-00616943 But where is he? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00349-00618563-00618858 How could she say such a thing. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00350-00620580-00620812 Where have they been? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00351-00622372-00622627 What could she mean by it? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00352-00624482-00624796 Here is the way we put in the time. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00353-00626648-00626904 That would be very good. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00354-00628333-00628547 Think of him. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00355-00630456-00630814 Look at it, and tell me what you think of it. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00356-00632922-00633170 Say no more about it. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00357-00634576-00634814 Show me the way. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00358-00636227-00636472 Where are you off to? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00359-00637773-00637987 This for me? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00360-00639132-00639346 Play with them. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00361-00640710-00640955 Too much in the way. 4yR3ItPBkkY-00362-00642420-00642645 Where are you from? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00363-00643962-00644176 At your house? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00364-00645451-00645670 What do they want? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00365-00647068-00647306 Are you back again? 4yR3ItPBkkY-00366-00648917-00649155 What do you think of that? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00000-00000039-00000450 Dan Roden: So, the next talk is from Gene Passamani, 4zh0BmPA5I0-00001-00000450-00001431 who has a long history of doing lots of stuff at NHLBI, NHGRI, physician education, and 4zh0BmPA5I0-00002-00001431-00001728 is going to talk about physician education programs. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00003-00001728-00002009 Gene Passamani: Well, good morning, and for those you who 4zh0BmPA5I0-00004-00002009-00002671 I haven't met, I spent two decades at NHLBI mostly designing and running clinical trials 4zh0BmPA5I0-00005-00002671-00003325 and trying to keep an extramural division together, a place where we could barely agree 4zh0BmPA5I0-00006-00003325-00004007 where to go to lunch together much less anything else, so, Eric, I feel your pain. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00007-00004007-00004517 The second two decades I spent in a community hospital as an executive, a director of cardiology 4zh0BmPA5I0-00008-00004517-00004729 initially and as a chief medical officer later. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00009-00004729-00005360 So I know the enemy, which is the practice community who are very, very different from 4zh0BmPA5I0-00010-00005360-00005700 Fruit Street in Boston or Monument Street in Baltimore. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00011-00005700-00006262 I've dealt with a thousand of them and they are a different bunch. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00012-00006262-00006590 I think it's appropriate that I come at the end of this meeting. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00013-00006590-00007069 Physician education is way, way down on Eric's strategic plan. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00014-00007069-00007305 It's way, way to the right. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00015-00007305-00008177 Lots of things have to happen before that can be done very well, although it seems like 4zh0BmPA5I0-00016-00008177-00008390 that's where we want to end up. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00017-00008390-00008887 That's where the rubber meets the road, where patients derive benefit from all your hard 4zh0BmPA5I0-00018-00008887-00008987 work. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00019-00008987-00009506 Now, a couple of light motifs in this presentation I'm going to make and my hope is that I can 4zh0BmPA5I0-00020-00009506-00009876 stimulate some discussion because we're going to have to grapple with this sooner or later, 4zh0BmPA5I0-00021-00009876-00010044 and sooner's better. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00022-00010044-00010813 One is that specialty -- specialties march through that strategic plan at different tempos. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00023-00010813-00011209 Infectious disease is really into this business, now I'm told. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00024-00011209-00011784 In fact, I have it from an expert in infectious disease that infectious disease fellows no 4zh0BmPA5I0-00025-00011784-00012017 longer do gram stains. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00026-00012017-00012501 They do genomes of bacterium to identify the organism and then treat it appropriately. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00027-00012501-00013265 So, the ID folks are really into this in a big way, and further along than, I think, 4zh0BmPA5I0-00028-00013265-00013365 most. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00029-00013365-00013696 Oncology seems like another one that's out in front as well. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00030-00013696-00014093 So, all doctors are not equal in terms of physician education. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00031-00014093-00014751 You've got to sort of temper your approach by where they are. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00032-00014751-00015529 The other part of that is, professional associations are really the way to get at practicing docs. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00033-00015529-00016138 And they have an ability to do both general literacy, which I think is really important 4zh0BmPA5I0-00034-00016138-00016772 to kind of at least have the sense of what's going on in genomics, and also they carefully 4zh0BmPA5I0-00035-00016772-00017682 draft guidelines, which Paul quite appropriately criticized, but some of them work pretty well. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00036-00017682-00018109 And I would assert that they're the better -- the best except -- or the worst except 4zh0BmPA5I0-00037-00018109-00018231 for all the rest. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00038-00018231-00018653 And sometimes they really work. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00039-00018653-00019120 I just recently rotated off a professional education committee for the American Heart 4zh0BmPA5I0-00040-00019120-00019456 Association, and I have some data from them. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00041-00019456-00020112 They have a professional education center, and for the fourth quarter of 2011, 50,000 4zh0BmPA5I0-00042-00020112-00020941 doctors went to that site, half of them cardiologists, another bunch neurologists for stroke, family 4zh0BmPA5I0-00043-00020941-00021150 practitioners and emergency doctors. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00044-00021150-00021538 So, they're doing something right and they have access to doctors. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00045-00021538-00022362 So I think we really have to think hard about professional associations in trying to support 4zh0BmPA5I0-00046-00022362-00022524 physician education. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00047-00022524-00023037 Also, timing for professional associations is really important. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00048-00023037-00023557 If they put something together for education of physicians and it's too early, they irritate 4zh0BmPA5I0-00049-00023557-00023896 their physicians and nothing happens. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00050-00023896-00024388 If they put it up too late, you've got an access problem, because you've got something 4zh0BmPA5I0-00051-00024388-00024559 that works that doctors aren't using. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00052-00024559-00025004 And so, they really try hard to time that just right. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00053-00025004-00025691 And I actually pitched them the notion of education in genomics with this group and 4zh0BmPA5I0-00054-00025691-00025829 that was their one concern. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00055-00025829-00026369 They didn't want to get into the game too early, but they also didn't want to get in 4zh0BmPA5I0-00056-00026369-00026469 too late. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00057-00026469-00027128 So anyway, that one, I think, is very important in terms of interacting with these professional 4zh0BmPA5I0-00058-00027128-00027308 folks. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00059-00027308-00027695 I'm not going to touch on training of students, residents, or fellows today. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00060-00027695-00028233 That's -- you know more about that than I do, certainly, and I think that our speaker, 4zh0BmPA5I0-00061-00028233-00028597 who didn't make it today, was going to talk about that and probably knows a lot about 4zh0BmPA5I0-00062-00028597-00028697 it. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00063-00028697-00029013 I hope when we finish that we'll have good discussion about opportunities, because I 4zh0BmPA5I0-00064-00029013-00029419 think we have to start this now. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00065-00029419-00029887 Because of what Eric said yesterday, this thing is really beginning to move and move 4zh0BmPA5I0-00066-00029887-00029987 very rapidly. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00067-00029987-00030138 Male Speaker: Sorry [inaudible] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00068-00030138-00030319 Gene Passamani: So, just a few -- 4zh0BmPA5I0-00069-00030319-00030419 Male Speaker: [inaudible] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00070-00030419-00030591 Gene Passamani: -- comments on the opportunity, and you all 4zh0BmPA5I0-00071-00030591-00031055 know this stuff, there are rapid advances in your science, astonishing reductions in 4zh0BmPA5I0-00072-00031055-00031517 costs and turnaround time, and increased public interest, and I think, as Pearl said, expectations 4zh0BmPA5I0-00073-00031517-00031780 are high and I think they're probably way too high. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00074-00031780-00032504 This is a long-term slog for us, I think, and patients aren't going to see this immediately. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00075-00032504-00032878 Seems like pharmacogenomics is approaching the clinical horizon. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00076-00032878-00033544 We've got good work going on in clinical decision support and medical leadership is very good, 4zh0BmPA5I0-00077-00033544-00033844 particularly at your centers. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00078-00033844-00034496 I think there's a genuine interest and apprehension in practicing doctors. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00079-00034496-00035201 And I'll tell you an anecdote we've put together with NHGRI, a lecture series at Suburban Hospital 4zh0BmPA5I0-00080-00035201-00035400 for clinicians. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00081-00035400-00036018 And at the start, the initial lecturer in that, David Valle, gave a wonderful talk, 4zh0BmPA5I0-00082-00036018-00036599 and the clinician sitting next to me at the end of it looked at me and said, "I don't 4zh0BmPA5I0-00083-00036599-00036893 understand anything. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00084-00036893-00037005 What's a SNP?" 4zh0BmPA5I0-00085-00037005-00037105 [laughter] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00086-00037105-00037583 David Valle: If anybody else wants to hire me, feel free. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00087-00037583-00037683 [laughter] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00088-00037683-00037896 Male Speaker: Get that recommendation onto your LinkedIn 4zh0BmPA5I0-00089-00037896-00037996 site, Dave. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00090-00037996-00038096 [laughter] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00091-00038096-00038283 Gene Passamani: I think it had to do with the reception rather 4zh0BmPA5I0-00092-00038283-00038546 than the delivery, David. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00093-00038546-00038646 [laughs] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00094-00038646-00039055 I guess the other thing you're all aware of is the successful and really informative New 4zh0BmPA5I0-00095-00039055-00039318 England Journal of Medicine's series on genomics. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00096-00039318-00039592 Those who read it probably know more than this clinician. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00097-00039592-00040175 But in fairness to clinicians, they knock it out hard every day and they're not reading 4zh0BmPA5I0-00098-00040175-00040486 everything in the medical literature, that's for sure. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00099-00040486-00041002 And yet they're the folks that are passing out this care to people that matter. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00100-00041002-00041577 The barriers, largely innocent of genetics and genomics. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00101-00041577-00041881 Multiple categories of physicians with different interests and needs. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00102-00041881-00042171 I think we need to really keep that in mind. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00103-00042171-00042687 And genomics transcends specialty areas so it stretches across a whole different bunch 4zh0BmPA5I0-00104-00042687-00043212 of folks, some of whom are really interested in this and sophisticated, others who aren't. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00105-00043212-00043584 And it seems to me it's really important that we keep that in mind. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00106-00043584-00044146 As I mentioned, professional associations worry about getting ahead of their members 4zh0BmPA5I0-00107-00044146-00044697 and this can cause an executive director his job if he's not too careful about that. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00108-00044697-00045041 We've got lots of people interested in education, no means to fund it. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00109-00045041-00045682 And it's difficult to monitor advances over so broad a piece of science. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00110-00045682-00046219 And it seems to me that's a really big problem and one that we have to deal with. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00111-00046219-00046424 A minute on physician statistics. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00112-00046424-00046896 There are 850,000 physicians licensed to practice in this country. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00113-00046896-00047428 624,000 of them do mostly clinical care. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00114-00047428-00048127 And of those, 209,000 are really primary care physicians; that is, they deal with the general 4zh0BmPA5I0-00115-00048127-00048449 run of what wanders into a doctor's office. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00116-00048449-00048994 I also wanted to mention, there is an estimated shortage coming up in the next 15 years of 4zh0BmPA5I0-00117-00048994-00049466 150,000 by some experts, so we've got a real problem there as well. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00118-00049466-00049890 The other piece about the general practitioners is, you all know that they slug it out in 4zh0BmPA5I0-00119-00049890-00050090 the office every day and it's really tough. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00120-00050090-00050584 Every 15 minutes a patient with three systems down, that's really -- that's really very 4zh0BmPA5I0-00121-00050584-00050684 difficult. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00122-00050684-00051074 So, a few thoughts on the way forward. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00123-00051074-00051833 I guess we could do nothing and let the traditional means of education sort of do their bit. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00124-00051833-00052271 It seems to me that's not very satisfying and I think it's really irresponsible. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00125-00052271-00052603 I think the first thing is, I think this has already been set in place, is to set up a 4zh0BmPA5I0-00126-00052603-00052865 process for review and consensus development. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00127-00052865-00053011 What matters, what doesn't? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00128-00053011-00053498 How big a deal is it, how accurate is it? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00129-00053498-00054208 And it seems to me that we ought to try for genomics literacy across the whole spectrum 4zh0BmPA5I0-00130-00054208-00054308 of practicing physicians. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00131-00054308-00054480 They ought to know what a SNP is. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00132-00054480-00054867 And they ought to have some sense of what's important, what's not important. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00133-00054867-00055325 They don't need to get into all the details, but they really ought to have a sense of what's 4zh0BmPA5I0-00134-00055325-00055649 important in this field. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00135-00055649-00056096 Seems like pharmacogenomics is going to be pretty close to what most physicians deal 4zh0BmPA5I0-00136-00056096-00056403 with since all of them use drugs. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00137-00056403-00056965 And I mentioned to some of you, it seems to me that doctors who are in practice respond 4zh0BmPA5I0-00138-00056965-00057254 to cases, that's where they live. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00139-00057254-00057807 And so I wondered whether it would be useful for us to collect a vignette, a series of 4zh0BmPA5I0-00140-00057807-00058292 vignettes about where genomics matters today in patients. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00141-00058292-00058888 And I think you all probably have some examples of that, and I would hope we could collect 4zh0BmPA5I0-00142-00058888-00059173 that and use it. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00143-00059173-00059832 I think we also have to rank order physician specialties and associations by the proximity 4zh0BmPA5I0-00144-00059832-00060329 of the science to the clinical horizon and the likely number of patients involved. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00145-00060329-00060888 That is, we ought to really focus on those where we have something really good to sell 4zh0BmPA5I0-00146-00060888-00061159 and that it involves a lot of people. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00147-00061159-00061801 I think you have to -- we have to interact with these professional societies, such that 4zh0BmPA5I0-00148-00061801-00062544 when a clinical science matures, that guidelines are prepared and delivered just in time. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00149-00062544-00063362 I think physicians are not ready to accept that this is going to be important someday. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00150-00063362-00063947 They need to have something that's important tomorrow. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00151-00063947-00064588 I think public education has to go on in parallel because patients and doctors have to see the 4zh0BmPA5I0-00152-00064588-00064688 same things. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00153-00064688-00064992 And I thought that New England Journal series was very good. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00154-00064992-00065545 I put this up just to sort of show you at least a partial list of these associations 4zh0BmPA5I0-00155-00065545-00066093 and the number of members they have, and they range from the biggest, which is the College 4zh0BmPA5I0-00156-00066093-00066761 of Physicians, a very important part, the Academy of Pediatrics, and then smaller associations. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00157-00066761-00067083 And I'm sure I left one out, I think I did leave out the Infectious Disease Society of 4zh0BmPA5I0-00158-00067083-00067183 America. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00159-00067183-00067574 But these are the folks that I think we're going to have to strike out and -- 4zh0BmPA5I0-00160-00067574-00067687 Female Speaker: Yeah. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00161-00067687-00067974 Gene Passamani: -- form some sort of communication relationship 4zh0BmPA5I0-00162-00067974-00068610 with now so that when we're in the -- at the point when we really need to deliver some 4zh0BmPA5I0-00163-00068610-00068969 of this stuff we've got the relationship. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00164-00068969-00069693 And I threw in these societies, which are big and not necessarily physician societies 4zh0BmPA5I0-00165-00069693-00070496 alone, they're very large organizations which have a different collection of practicing 4zh0BmPA5I0-00166-00070496-00070769 physicians and I think they're all really important. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00167-00070769-00071029 So, that concludes what I had to say. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00168-00071029-00071426 I was hoping that we would get discussion from this and I'll be happy to answer your 4zh0BmPA5I0-00169-00071426-00071722 questions or listen to your comments. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00170-00071722-00071947 Dan Roden: Good. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00171-00071947-00072098 So, comments? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00172-00072098-00072323 Okay, David, Howard. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00173-00072323-00072757 Male Speaker: Could you go back one slide? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00174-00072757-00073769 Yeah, so you don't have American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics, which recently 4zh0BmPA5I0-00175-00073769-00074487 renamed itself to reflect its interest in playing a major role in translating all of 4zh0BmPA5I0-00176-00074487-00074587 this into medicine. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00177-00074587-00075374 And it's tiny, and the experience of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics is 4zh0BmPA5I0-00178-00075374-00075887 the number of physicians entering our specialty is declining. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00179-00075887-00076491 But the number of master's degree genetic counselors is increasing nicely, although 4zh0BmPA5I0-00180-00076491-00076730 can't possibly meet the need. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00181-00076730-00077124 And the number of Ph.D. laboratory-trained people is increasing. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00182-00077124-00077708 So, the laboratory component and the genetic counseling component are growing but need 4zh0BmPA5I0-00183-00077708-00077868 to grow faster. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00184-00077868-00078263 The physician component is declining in the face of increased needs. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00185-00078263-00078964 So, I think all of these education discussions need to be much broader in terms of physicians, 4zh0BmPA5I0-00186-00078964-00079947 Ph.D.s, nurses, PAs, Pharm.D.s, all of the groups that need more genomic medicine education 4zh0BmPA5I0-00187-00079947-00080529 in order to address these needs, because it's just not going to come from current physician 4zh0BmPA5I0-00188-00080529-00080629 workforce. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00189-00080629-00080752 Gene Passamani: Thank you. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00190-00080752-00081148 I didn't include them, I know they're there and I know there very, very well aware of 4zh0BmPA5I0-00191-00081148-00081442 what's going on here. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00192-00081442-00081542 Other comments? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00193-00081542-00081676 Dan Roden: Okay. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00194-00081676-00081852 So, Howard, I think, was next. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00195-00081852-00082169 Howard McLeod: So, I'm wondering in the context of physician 4zh0BmPA5I0-00196-00082169-00082279 education. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00197-00082279-00082667 I'm wondering whether we're trying too hard? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00198-00082667-00083400 Because the radiology community didn't try to make generalists into biophysicists and 4zh0BmPA5I0-00199-00083400-00083910 we don't need to make generalists into microbiologists, or geneticists even. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00200-00083910-00084158 And so, certainly, knowing what a SNP is would be useful. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00201-00084158-00084582 But there are a lot of elements that can remain in the black box and they're just fine with 4zh0BmPA5I0-00202-00084582-00084682 that. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00203-00084682-00084967 It's more of the usage part of it that's important. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00204-00084967-00085452 You know, most generalists don't care how a bilirubin's measured, they want to use it. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00205-00085452-00085994 So, there are nuances that we get really jumpy about, I mean, but at the end of the day, 4zh0BmPA5I0-00206-00085994-00086735 I think if we maybe calibrated the need a little bit better, we might have more inroads, 4zh0BmPA5I0-00207-00086735-00086878 especially with the initial stuff. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00208-00086878-00087480 Now, ACMG needs something different from the American Academy of Pediatrics, but -- or 4zh0BmPA5I0-00209-00087480-00088035 some of these others, but, you know, I think in some ways we need to lower our goals to 4zh0BmPA5I0-00210-00088035-00088135 something more achievable. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00211-00088135-00088235 Gene Passamani: I think that's a good point. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00212-00088235-00088799 It does seem to me that that's a part of a point that all physicians aren't created equal 4zh0BmPA5I0-00213-00088799-00088899 in this. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00214-00088899-00089310 I mean, podiatrists are probably not much interested in it. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00215-00089310-00089867 But internists who deal with subspecialties of medicine I think are very interested in 4zh0BmPA5I0-00216-00089867-00090374 it and they really ought to know the pharmacogenomics pretty well, it seems to me, but I take your 4zh0BmPA5I0-00217-00090374-00090474 point. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00218-00090474-00090574 Other comments? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00219-00090574-00090734 Male Speaker: There's a long speaker's list. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00220-00090734-00090834 I'm watching you, don't worry. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00221-00090834-00090934 [laughter] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00222-00090934-00091034 Male Speaker: Okay, couple quick comments. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00223-00091034-00091385 First, having done this kind of education for about 15 years, recently the American 4zh0BmPA5I0-00224-00091385-00091812 College of Physicians has reached out to the American Society of Human Genetics, American 4zh0BmPA5I0-00225-00091812-00092197 College of Medical Genetics, and a couple of other groups and said they're interested. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00226-00092197-00092448 And that's the first thing I've found that's really, really helpful. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00227-00092448-00092622 It's now on their radar. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00228-00092622-00093051 And John Tooker, who is their former executive director, is actually charged with that. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00229-00093051-00093420 So, I think that's a huge opportunity there for us to reach out to them. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00230-00093420-00093843 The second, you probably noticed, or you may not have, in Joanne Armstrong's presentation 4zh0BmPA5I0-00231-00093843-00094290 yesterday, that Aetna has a focus on genetics education, actually has a budget for it. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00232-00094290-00094669 And I think we really need to figure out how to partner with them, because they can actually 4zh0BmPA5I0-00233-00094669-00095180 require the physicians in their system to do some Aetna education every year. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00234-00095180-00095725 And I believe they reach one in 10 U.S. physicians, so huge thing. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00235-00095725-00096059 And then my last comment is that there was a very successful program that the American 4zh0BmPA5I0-00236-00096059-00096500 College of Medical Genetics did, probably 10 years ago, with endocrinology. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00237-00096500-00096951 And what they did is they switched the paradigm a little bit in that they made the endocrinologists 4zh0BmPA5I0-00238-00096951-00097242 a patient and took them through genetic testing. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00239-00097242-00097692 So, they really saw the power of genetic testing and the effect that it could have on them 4zh0BmPA5I0-00240-00097692-00098261 and then took that back, and a lot of endocrinologists started using genetic testing who hadn't before. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00241-00098261-00098608 So, that's a model I think we could replicate in many professions. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00242-00098608-00098942 Male Speaker: Yeah, we could all have 23andMe on ourselves. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00243-00098942-00099042 [laughter] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00244-00099042-00099142 Male Speaker: Well, but, yeah, but, I mean, when they really 4zh0BmPA5I0-00245-00099142-00099440 -- what we did is, at their meeting, we set up where they had pre-testing and they had 4zh0BmPA5I0-00246-00099440-00099760 short genetic counseling sessions and it was just eye opening. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00247-00099760-00100088 I was one of the counselors there and talked to like 10 of these endocrinologists, and 4zh0BmPA5I0-00248-00100088-00100255 they didn't know what a genetic test was. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00249-00100255-00100587 They didn't -- but it really became powerful when you made it something that would apply 4zh0BmPA5I0-00250-00100587-00100947 to them and their family, and then used that in relation to their patients. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00251-00100947-00101164 Female Speaker: Just curious, what genetic testing did they 4zh0BmPA5I0-00252-00101164-00101264 have done? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00253-00101264-00101429 Like just some a couple candidate genes, or? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00254-00101429-00101704 Male Speaker: MEN2 and some other things that had an endocrinology 4zh0BmPA5I0-00255-00101704-00101804 basis -- 4zh0BmPA5I0-00256-00101804-00101904 Female Speaker: [inaudible] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00257-00101904-00102004 Male Speaker: So we had a whole work, but we picked like 4zh0BmPA5I0-00258-00102004-00102126 six conditions and -- 4zh0BmPA5I0-00259-00102126-00102271 Dan Roden: Did any of them have anything? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00260-00102271-00102439 Male Speaker: Actually, yes. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00261-00102439-00102606 Dan Roden: Oh, okay. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00262-00102606-00102751 Male Speaker: [laughs] So -- 4zh0BmPA5I0-00263-00102751-00102895 Dan Roden: Say no more on that. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00264-00102895-00103033 Male Speaker: Yeah. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00265-00103033-00103133 [laughter] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00266-00103133-00103233 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00267-00103233-00103333 Physician-client privileges. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00268-00103333-00103433 [laugher] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00269-00103433-00103729 But I do think that's a powerful -- and you can even do it in an abstract where you set 4zh0BmPA5I0-00270-00103729-00104193 up the whole process, but I think that would be something that would be really worth thinking 4zh0BmPA5I0-00271-00104193-00104633 about doing with some of these other groups, because they just don't put genetics on their 4zh0BmPA5I0-00272-00104633-00105051 radar and this got it on their radar. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00273-00105051-00105425 Dan Roden: Michael, Josh, Pearl, Geoff. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00274-00105425-00105563 Everybody wants to say something. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00275-00105563-00105663 So, Michael? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00276-00105663-00105763 Female Speaker: Wait, I have -- 4zh0BmPA5I0-00277-00105763-00105863 Dan Roden: Okay -- 4zh0BmPA5I0-00278-00105863-00105963 Female Speaker: I have to say something. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00279-00105963-00106063 Dan Roden: All right. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00280-00106063-00106163 Female Speaker: [laughs] So I just -- 4zh0BmPA5I0-00281-00106163-00106263 Dan Roden: I just didn't see a hand down there -- 4zh0BmPA5I0-00282-00106263-00106363 [laughter] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00283-00106363-00106463 Female Speaker: I know, I know, I just took over the mic. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00284-00106463-00106563 Dan Roden: Go ahead. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00285-00106563-00106663 [laughter] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00286-00106663-00106763 Female Speaker: So, I just spoke at the American College of 4zh0BmPA5I0-00287-00106763-00106863 Physicians. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00288-00106863-00107051 They invited us back for a second year. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00289-00107051-00107493 It was actually an ethics session, but all on genetics, genomics. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00290-00107493-00107933 And I'm invited to speak at the American Geriatric Society later this fall and I still haven't 4zh0BmPA5I0-00291-00107933-00108133 figured out what they want me to say. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00292-00108133-00108506 But, so I think we do, I bet there are lots of people in the room who get those types 4zh0BmPA5I0-00293-00108506-00108606 of invitations. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00294-00108606-00108743 And there is interest out there. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00295-00108743-00108875 Okay, go ahead, Michael. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00296-00108875-00109110 Oh and also I just have to say -- 4zh0BmPA5I0-00297-00109110-00109210 [laughter] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00298-00109210-00109625 In response to Dr. Ledbetter, that I was just on the American Board of Medical Genetics 4zh0BmPA5I0-00299-00109625-00110211 and actually the numbers of clinical geneticists and so forth has kind of leveled out. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00300-00110211-00110577 We're no longer declining in our numbers of enrollees in the programs. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00301-00110577-00110768 So that's good news for us. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00302-00110768-00111182 Male Speaker: I was going to say that the drivers of physician 4zh0BmPA5I0-00303-00111182-00112409 education are CME credits, board certification, maintenance examination content, and patient 4zh0BmPA5I0-00304-00112409-00112621 questions in the room. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00305-00112621-00113199 So, until those three things happen you're going to find a lot of physicians not interested. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00306-00113199-00114031 And the other comment would be that the new way to deliver physician education is in short, 4zh0BmPA5I0-00307-00114031-00114650 10- to 20-minute interactive web-based CME credits. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00308-00114650-00115197 So, people that are thinking about education and getting out to groups of practitioners, 4zh0BmPA5I0-00309-00115197-00115665 no matter doctors or others, that's one thing to really think about in your design. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00310-00115665-00115936 Gene Passamani: And those are really good ones for cases. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00311-00115936-00116066 Like short cases. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00312-00116066-00116215 Male Speaker: Right. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00313-00116215-00116458 Dan Roden: Okay, Murray then Josh. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00314-00116458-00116558 Murray Brilliant: At the -- 4zh0BmPA5I0-00315-00116558-00116658 Dan Roden: And Pearl and myself. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00316-00116658-00116919 Murray Brilliant: -- Marshfield Clinic we've done just exactly 4zh0BmPA5I0-00317-00116919-00117019 that. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00318-00117019-00117660 So, we have now a mandatory computer-based training in pain management that includes 4zh0BmPA5I0-00319-00117660-00118227 a module on pharmacogenetics, and it's really quite nice. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00320-00118227-00118976 And so our physicians, all of them now know about, you know, CYP2D6 and variants of that, 4zh0BmPA5I0-00321-00118976-00119261 so it's really nice. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00322-00119261-00119361 It's worked quite well. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00323-00119361-00119461 Male Speaker: [inaudible] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00324-00119461-00119744 Female Speaker: Murray, is it possible to get access to that? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00325-00119744-00119933 Murray Brilliant: I'm not sure if it's proprietary. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00326-00119933-00120342 I don't think it is, but I could ask. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00327-00120342-00121236 Gene Passamani: Sounds like a nice model. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00328-00121236-00122047 Female Speaker: Yeah, if there's a way to do that and there's 4zh0BmPA5I0-00329-00122047-00122313 information to try to facilitate it so that it's [inaudible] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00330-00122313-00122413 Murray Brilliant: Okay, great. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00331-00122413-00122513 Male Speaker: [inaudible] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00332-00122513-00122613 Male Speaker: So, I was just going to say -- [laughs] we 4zh0BmPA5I0-00333-00122613-00122713 should all raise our hands again. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00334-00122713-00122813 [laughter] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00335-00122813-00122913 The -- so, I think this is a real demonstration of a case where, you know, there's going to 4zh0BmPA5I0-00336-00122913-00123055 be, you know, there's a fire hydrant, it's just going to get worse. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00337-00123055-00123522 And it's one of those real opportunities that, as a representative informatics community 4zh0BmPA5I0-00338-00123522-00123969 for, I think, us to engage, as meaningful use comes on board, more and more EMRs are 4zh0BmPA5I0-00339-00123969-00124333 out there, that we can deliver that information just in time. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00340-00124333-00124769 And if you could -- and this is what we're trying to do, it's one of our prospective 4zh0BmPA5I0-00341-00124769-00125288 genotyping efforts in trying to, you know, test some of that in front of physicians, 4zh0BmPA5I0-00342-00125288-00125685 what kind of language looks good and how do they respond? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00343-00125685-00126203 With progressive -- enabling them to kind of click and learn more, just kind of as they 4zh0BmPA5I0-00344-00126203-00126303 need it. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00345-00126303-00126483 But we're never going to build support and educate around everything. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00346-00126483-00127019 We can support and educate around the concepts they need; then maybe we can do more and more 4zh0BmPA5I0-00347-00127019-00127176 just in time stuff with informatics. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00348-00127176-00127617 Gene Passamani: I wouldn't sell specialists and subspecialists 4zh0BmPA5I0-00349-00127617-00127717 short. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00350-00127717-00127979 Some of them are very smart and very able. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00351-00127979-00128558 And if you put it in front of them and it seems like it's useful, they'll look it up 4zh0BmPA5I0-00352-00128558-00128727 and I don't think there's any question about that. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00353-00128727-00128942 Male Speaker: And, in fact, we actually have a link off 4zh0BmPA5I0-00354-00128942-00129592 of our advisory on CYP2C19 where you can see all 60 articles that we've curated around 4zh0BmPA5I0-00355-00129592-00129794 clopidogrel if they want to read it. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00356-00129794-00129894 Gene Passamani: That's great. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00357-00129894-00129994 Pearl O'Rourke: I know -- 4zh0BmPA5I0-00358-00129994-00130349 Gene Passamani: Knowledge map for genome education. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00359-00130349-00130826 Pearl O'Rourke: I know that resident -- medical school and 4zh0BmPA5I0-00360-00130826-00131280 resident education wasn't part of your talk, but is there any evidence that the younger 4zh0BmPA5I0-00361-00131280-00131893 doctors are trained up adequately and, you know -- 4zh0BmPA5I0-00362-00131893-00132024 [laughter] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00363-00132024-00132838 I know, not a -- I mean, if -- you look at the curriculum and it is a little scary. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00364-00132838-00133425 And on one side there's a lot of concern that they're not being taught physical exams. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00365-00133425-00133905 And my one [laughs] -- like, what are they being taught instead? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00366-00133905-00134257 I know, just anecdotally, just going into the wards and seeing a person in shock and 4zh0BmPA5I0-00367-00134257-00134423 I thought, you know, I know how to deal with this. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00368-00134423-00134890 You know, Valium, Valium, Valium, and pressors, and immediately went off into what calcium 4zh0BmPA5I0-00369-00134890-00135176 channel blocker might be a mutation. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00370-00135176-00135439 And meanwhile, you know, the patient's dying of hypotension. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00371-00135439-00136094 So, my concern is, I mean, is there any data that the new wave can potentially educate 4zh0BmPA5I0-00372-00136094-00136547 the -- our geezers, or is everybody in the same bad boat? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00373-00136547-00136868 Gene Passamani: I guess I'll take -- I'll say a piece here. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00374-00136868-00137438 I do think we run the risk of having sort of an intergenerational tussle here, but my 4zh0BmPA5I0-00375-00137438-00137873 goodness, surgery is really suffering today. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00376-00137873-00138300 And the reason is that they're limited to 80 hours in the hospital. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00377-00138300-00138857 And I've seen residents in their second year who, I'm told, don't know how to tie knots. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00378-00138857-00139359 So what happens to those residents is they go out and make the mistakes while they're 4zh0BmPA5I0-00379-00139359-00139982 in practice that they should've made while they were in a more controlled setting. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00380-00139982-00140222 Anybody else know about what's going on in medical schools? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00381-00140222-00140630 Dan Roden: [inaudible] So, David and then [inaudible] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00382-00140630-00141090 Male Speaker: So, a couple comments. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00383-00141090-00141546 First of all, the online tools are great, but just a word of caution that our place, 4zh0BmPA5I0-00384-00141546-00142286 the current calculation of the total hours required to be spent on online exams of various 4zh0BmPA5I0-00385-00142286-00142690 things, responsible conduct of research, HIPAA, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00386-00142690-00143321 And it was estimated to take about one week of eight hours a day to complete the current 4zh0BmPA5I0-00387-00143321-00143427 online requirements. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00388-00143427-00144028 So, adding more may not be received favorably. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00389-00144028-00144437 That's not to say there's still not a niche to fill. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00390-00144437-00144574 We've changed our curriculum. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00391-00144574-00145355 We're trying to infuse a genetic thinking into the education of medical students. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00392-00145355-00146120 It's too early to -- for us to know whether or not we've achieved any kind of success. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00393-00146120-00146692 And the -- if you think about changing the curriculum as an experiment it's a very hard 4zh0BmPA5I0-00394-00146692-00147239 thing to gauge the success of an experiment because the controls are very difficult to 4zh0BmPA5I0-00395-00147239-00147409 come by. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00396-00147409-00148201 So, it may be in the category of an experiment that you just get all the opinions in one 4zh0BmPA5I0-00397-00148201-00148637 room and try to make your best choice, and go for it that way. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00398-00148637-00148967 The other thing that I'll say, though, is that it's clear that medical education has 4zh0BmPA5I0-00399-00148967-00149340 different challenges at different phases of the career. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00400-00149340-00149579 So you have the medical students and then you have the house staff. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00401-00149579-00150026 And the house staff do a lot of educating of the medical students in the third and fourth 4zh0BmPA5I0-00402-00150026-00150137 years. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00403-00150137-00150532 If you don't educate the house officers, anything you do to the medical students is likely to 4zh0BmPA5I0-00404-00150532-00150993 get beaten out of them in years three and four. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00405-00150993-00151492 And then you have to educate the practicing physicians and your academic colleagues. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00406-00151492-00152092 So I think it may be important to think about different strategies for different levels 4zh0BmPA5I0-00407-00152092-00152192 of medical education. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00408-00152192-00152842 And, in a way, I think they have to be taken on almost simultaneously so that you -- because 4zh0BmPA5I0-00409-00152842-00153190 the educational experience goes on for such a long period of time. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00410-00153190-00153317 Gene Passamani: Thank you, David. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00411-00153317-00154060 It seems to me that this machine is going to deliver wonderful results and we don't 4zh0BmPA5I0-00412-00154060-00154386 know exactly where. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00413-00154386-00154748 We're going to be in tough shape if we're not ready to deal with them. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00414-00154748-00155042 Male Speaker: [inaudible] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00415-00155042-00155412 Male Speaker: Two quick comments. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00416-00155412-00155715 One relative Andy's anecdote about the endocrinologists. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00417-00155715-00156284 Susanne Haga, who could not be here today, has published a paper that has shown, after 4zh0BmPA5I0-00418-00156284-00156955 surveying hundreds of primary care physicians, that those that actually had genetic testing 4zh0BmPA5I0-00419-00156955-00157487 on themselves were 10 times more likely to order a genetic for their patients. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00420-00157487-00157979 So that's a provocative piece of data that could be channeled constructively into some 4zh0BmPA5I0-00421-00157979-00158079 educational programs. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00422-00158079-00158278 Gene Passamani: We could offer it to our medical students. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00423-00158278-00158509 Male Speaker: It's being done. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00424-00158509-00158686 Male Speaker: Yeah, and so -- 4zh0BmPA5I0-00425-00158686-00158786 Male Speaker: But the -- 4zh0BmPA5I0-00426-00158786-00158886 Male Speaker: So -- 4zh0BmPA5I0-00427-00158886-00158986 Male Speaker: Okay, I have a second comment, do you want 4zh0BmPA5I0-00428-00158986-00159086 to -- 4zh0BmPA5I0-00429-00159086-00159186 Male Speaker: You make your -- so I, well, so let me -- 4zh0BmPA5I0-00430-00159186-00159286 [laughter] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00431-00159286-00159732 So, for the second year this year we engaged in an exercise at Vanderbilt, stolen from 4zh0BmPA5I0-00432-00159732-00160070 the Stanford experience, so I make no apologies for that. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00433-00160070-00160481 We managed to get it into the curriculum, they managed to get it as a summer optional 4zh0BmPA5I0-00434-00160481-00161042 course, where we offer, we offer 23andMe testing to the medical school class. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00435-00161042-00161753 And we go through a long sort of pre-test exercise where we discuss the ethical downsides 4zh0BmPA5I0-00436-00161753-00162097 and, you know, what an odds ratio of 1.2 actually means. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00437-00162097-00162527 And then they go and pick up their kits and spit. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00438-00162527-00162738 I don't think anyone's had their dog spit yet -- 4zh0BmPA5I0-00439-00162738-00162838 [laughter] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00440-00162838-00163038 -- but, you know, who knows? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00441-00163038-00163628 And then we have a session where we deliver the results to them and Josh actually organizes 4zh0BmPA5I0-00442-00163628-00163813 a survey that they fill out. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00443-00163813-00164356 And the survey is, sort of, what was your odds ratio for developing type 2 diabetes? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00444-00164356-00164517 What was your odds ratio for this and that? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00445-00164517-00165079 And then a whole session on ancestry and a whole session on rare things that 23andMe 4zh0BmPA5I0-00446-00165079-00165179 looks at. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00447-00165179-00165337 And, you know, would you do this again? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00448-00165337-00165480 Do you feel like you're smarter? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00449-00165480-00165580 Those kinds of things. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00450-00165580-00166109 But I think it comes back to the point that you made, that when you do this on yourself 4zh0BmPA5I0-00451-00166109-00166491 and you get the results it's sort of, "Oh, isn't that" -- there is sort of a resonance 4zh0BmPA5I0-00452-00166491-00166959 of some kind that I think Susanne would've told us about and, you know, and I've certainly 4zh0BmPA5I0-00453-00166959-00167117 felt when I looked at my own website. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00454-00167117-00167673 So, I think that's a tool and one of the things that I hope I'll be able to do is interrogate 4zh0BmPA5I0-00455-00167673-00168146 the medical students who had it last year and who are now coming into fourth year, and 4zh0BmPA5I0-00456-00168146-00168411 say, well, you know, "Do you remember that session at all? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00457-00168411-00168638 Do you remember anything about it? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00458-00168638-00168977 Does it make you think differently about a patient when you're sitting on the ward?" 4zh0BmPA5I0-00459-00168977-00169215 So, those are the kinds of things that I'd like to hear. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00460-00169215-00169851 And Josh participates when he's not travelling, which is not a criticism because I travel 4zh0BmPA5I0-00461-00169851-00170213 more, in delivering that kind of information to the medical students -- 4zh0BmPA5I0-00462-00170213-00170617 Gene Passamani: It seems like that might also populate our 4zh0BmPA5I0-00463-00170617-00170904 ranks with people who want to do this. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00464-00170904-00171378 Male Speaker: So, I think the idea of, sort of, you know, 4zh0BmPA5I0-00465-00171378-00171530 personalizing and somehow saying, "Remember?" 4zh0BmPA5I0-00466-00171530-00171925 And they know how it feels whether it's that way or your way or our way, I don't what the 4zh0BmPA5I0-00467-00171925-00172154 right way -- probably any one of those experiences is right. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00468-00172154-00172254 So, your other comment? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00469-00172254-00172371 Male Speaker: Oh yeah, and my other comment is that I think 4zh0BmPA5I0-00470-00172371-00172871 this guidelines topic, with all the caveats that Paul raised this morning, needs to be 4zh0BmPA5I0-00471-00172871-00173392 an agenda item at our next meeting when we engage these professional organizations, because 4zh0BmPA5I0-00472-00173392-00173938 my bias is that it's the equivalent of having primary care physicians review a genetics 4zh0BmPA5I0-00473-00173938-00174038 grant. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00474-00174038-00174536 I mean, how are -- just -- well, it came up in the EGAPP discussion yesterday about pharmacogenetics, 4zh0BmPA5I0-00475-00174536-00174971 I mean, the people that are making the guidelines are probably not in this room. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00476-00174971-00175076 It would be my guess. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00477-00175076-00175414 Except for the CPIC group, which is sort of an interesting way to approach it. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00478-00175414-00175904 And maybe we should even think about how CPIC could be a resource for the professional organizations 4zh0BmPA5I0-00479-00175904-00176098 instead of having them reinvent the wheel? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00480-00176098-00176378 Gene Passamani: I'm sure that most of them realize that they 4zh0BmPA5I0-00481-00176378-00176830 need help and that we might be able to give it to them. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00482-00176830-00177027 Dan Roden: Okay, there are lots of hands still. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00483-00177027-00177127 Behind you, yes. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00484-00177127-00177227 Male Speaker: So -- 4zh0BmPA5I0-00485-00177227-00177926 Dan Roden: Sorry, the Air Force goes first. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00486-00177926-00178061 This Air Force goes first. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00487-00178061-00178161 [laugher] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00488-00178161-00178261 Female Speaker: It's just Cecelia. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00489-00178261-00178776 I just had a quick comment about the National Coalition for Health Professional Education 4zh0BmPA5I0-00490-00178776-00178876 in Genetics. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00491-00178876-00179167 They were kind enough to work with us in our symposium last September. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00492-00179167-00179698 And, in terms of our enrollment strategy for our study, I made the decision to enroll people 4zh0BmPA5I0-00493-00179698-00180077 who are part of a health care team, because although it's physicians in theory we're the 4zh0BmPA5I0-00494-00180077-00180177 leader of that team. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00495-00180177-00180700 I wanted to try to start that genomic literacy effort for all of our providers, so in our 4zh0BmPA5I0-00496-00180700-00181122 system that's nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses of course, and then our 4zh0BmPA5I0-00497-00181122-00181544 medical technicians as well, because they do have increasingly independent roles, in 4zh0BmPA5I0-00498-00181544-00181725 terms of the that way they interact with patients. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00499-00181725-00181825 Thanks. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00500-00181825-00181934 Gene Passamani: And pharmacists. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00501-00181934-00182034 Very important. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00502-00182034-00182482 Male Speaker: Sorry, if I could just throw one thing in 4zh0BmPA5I0-00503-00182482-00182583 here real quickly. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00504-00182583-00182737 So, I surveyed -- 4zh0BmPA5I0-00505-00182737-00182837 Male Speaker: Yeah, okay -- 4zh0BmPA5I0-00506-00182837-00182937 Male Speaker: Oh -- 4zh0BmPA5I0-00507-00182937-00183037 Male Speaker: Go ahead. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00508-00183037-00183202 Male Speaker: So, in the [inaudible] I created an educational 4zh0BmPA5I0-00509-00183202-00183856 management system, and so I created -- I pulled up 400 concepts related to genetics and surveyed 4zh0BmPA5I0-00510-00183856-00184423 10 years of our curriculum, and it actually has increased. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00511-00184423-00185063 Twenty-two lectures, about hours of curriculum in 2002, and 147 in 2010. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00512-00185063-00185474 Gene Passamani: Wow, thank you. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00513-00185474-00185720 Welcome to an informatics-rich world. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00514-00185720-00186029 Male Speaker: All right, then, on the informatics note. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00515-00186029-00186488 So, clinical informatics was approved as a board-certified subspecialty last September, 4zh0BmPA5I0-00516-00186488-00186677 the first exams will be in 2013. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00517-00186677-00187178 So, a few places are designing fellowships and rotations for the residents. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00518-00187178-00187624 And so this is your chance to make sure that those rotations and fellowships include exposure 4zh0BmPA5I0-00519-00187624-00188027 to genomics, not just to Microsoft Excel and SQL database. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00520-00188027-00188309 Gene Passamani: So, clinical genomics is a subspecialty in? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00521-00188309-00188409 Male Speaker: Clinical informatics, pathology. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00522-00188409-00188509 Gene Passamani: Clinical informatics -- 4zh0BmPA5I0-00523-00188509-00188609 Male Speaker: In pathology. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00524-00188609-00188709 Gene Passamani: And so, there's -- 4zh0BmPA5I0-00525-00188709-00188870 Male Speaker: There's also -- biomedical informatics is 4zh0BmPA5I0-00526-00188870-00189197 a subspecialty in preventative medicine. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00527-00189197-00189605 Male Speaker: Yeah, that's right. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00528-00189605-00189967 Dan Roden: Okay, other comments? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00529-00189967-00190222 I saw lots of hands, but they all just disappeared. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00530-00190222-00190331 Okay, yes? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00531-00190331-00190576 Male Speaker: Okay, so two things. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00532-00190576-00191197 One is that one of the other ways to go about this is actually to get the fellows as specialists 4zh0BmPA5I0-00533-00191197-00191369 to get take a little bit of more interest in genetics. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00534-00191369-00191941 So, ACMG has worked on -- instead of going through a genetics residency or fellowship, 4zh0BmPA5I0-00535-00191941-00192086 is actually have like a one-year course. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00536-00192086-00192609 So, if somebody is a cardiologist and wants to specifically look at cardiovascular genetics, 4zh0BmPA5I0-00537-00192609-00192772 have a program like that. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00538-00192772-00193108 And so you don't need to train everybody to be a general geneticist; you just need to 4zh0BmPA5I0-00539-00193108-00193328 train them in a specialty that's applicable to them. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00540-00193328-00193698 And then hopefully they'll be the leader as it's going out. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00541-00193698-00194225 The other thing that -- doing student education, one of the things that I've started to do 4zh0BmPA5I0-00542-00194225-00194534 is, how to teach the students how to look at uncertainty. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00543-00194534-00194912 And so these variants of unknown significance, you know, these are common, we get them all 4zh0BmPA5I0-00544-00194912-00195012 the time. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00545-00195012-00195516 But, how do -- you get the students to think about how do you critically analyze information? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00546-00195516-00195756 And this is applicable to their regular life too. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00547-00195756-00196097 I mean, you get a lab result and you're like, "Well, what am I supposed to do with this," 4zh0BmPA5I0-00548-00196097-00196197 you know, "potassium? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00549-00196197-00196586 Do I watch it, do I repeat it, do I treat it right away?" 4zh0BmPA5I0-00550-00196586-00197155 But this is a good lifelong lesson, that if you can teach them how to look at uncertainty, 4zh0BmPA5I0-00551-00197155-00197573 how to evaluate it, and how to react to it, that it's not just hypo-genetics or genomics, 4zh0BmPA5I0-00552-00197573-00197854 but that it's everything else as well. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00553-00197854-00198121 Gene Passamani: David, one more. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00554-00198121-00198282 Male Speaker: Okay. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00555-00198282-00198816 Just to put in a plug, this summer will be the 53rd annual short course in experimental 4zh0BmPA5I0-00556-00198816-00199169 and medical genetics at the Jackson Labs in Bar Harbor. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00557-00199169-00200015 It's a two-week course, 53 lectures and eight workshops, lots of prominent speakers, it's 4zh0BmPA5I0-00558-00200015-00200750 really pegged at just the right level for fellows, Ph.D. students, and young assistant 4zh0BmPA5I0-00559-00200750-00201271 -- young faculty who are in various specialties but want to sort of get a two-week intensive 4zh0BmPA5I0-00560-00201271-00201390 experience in genetics. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00561-00201390-00201503 I highly recommend it. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00562-00201503-00201699 Gene Passamani: Thank you, David. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00563-00201699-00201879 Dan Roden: Okay. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00564-00201879-00202352 I think we'll stop this part of the discussion. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00565-00202352-00202854 The next discussion is for me, so you're going to have to bear with me while I transfer the 4zh0BmPA5I0-00566-00202854-00203433 slides that I've been working on all morning onto a stick. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00567-00203433-00204196 I have to remember where I put them first. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00568-00204196-00204324 Female Speaker: Let me make a comment while you're doing that? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00569-00204324-00204424 Dan Roden: Yes, please do. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00570-00204424-00204524 Do something to suck up the dead air. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00571-00204524-00204790 Female Speaker: Okay, in terms of, sort of an alternate thing. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00572-00204790-00205202 We're constantly looking, from the IRB world, in terms of how do you present, you know, 4zh0BmPA5I0-00573-00205202-00205341 probability, et cetera? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00574-00205341-00206014 And looking at recent literature on how numeracy in the U.S., it was something like 50 percent 4zh0BmPA5I0-00575-00206014-00206765 of the public cannot tell you if 10 out of a thousand is 1 percent or 10 percent. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00576-00206765-00207011 And then they went to medical students and they were not much better. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00577-00207011-00207111 Female Speaker: Really? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00578-00207111-00207283 Female Speaker: So, I think when we're talking about even 4zh0BmPA5I0-00579-00207283-00207832 beginning to, you know, talk about relative versus absolute risk, we're talking just percentages. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00580-00207832-00208407 I mean, so it's really scary that -- again, to end on a positive note. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00581-00208407-00208507 [laughter] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00582-00208507-00208790 Female Speaker: Someone's got to. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00583-00208790-00208890 [laughter] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00584-00208890-00209174 Female Speaker: It's our fault. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00585-00209174-00209494 Female Speaker: It's scary, yeah. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00586-00209494-00209752 Male Speaker: So what's the answer? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00587-00209752-00209852 Female Speaker: The -- 4zh0BmPA5I0-00588-00209852-00209952 [laughter] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00589-00209952-00210071 Dan Roden: The answer is for Eric to fix K through 12 4zh0BmPA5I0-00590-00210071-00210423 education, we already -- we established that yesterday. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00591-00210423-00210704 Female Speaker: So rather than watch Dan -- 4zh0BmPA5I0-00592-00210704-00210804 Dan Roden: Yeah. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00593-00210804-00211063 Female Speaker: -- struggle his way through this, just a quick 4zh0BmPA5I0-00594-00211063-00211230 question for folks. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00595-00211230-00211699 We will be talking about locations for meetings and that, but any thoughts about this particular 4zh0BmPA5I0-00596-00211699-00211799 hotel? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00597-00211799-00211899 Is this a positive? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00598-00211899-00212321 If we come to Chicago, would you rather be here, even though it tends to be a bit more 4zh0BmPA5I0-00599-00212321-00212421 expensive? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00600-00212421-00212844 Or, you know, we can go to an outlying hotel, but you have to take a shuttle to get to it 4zh0BmPA5I0-00601-00212844-00212971 and that -- any strong feelings? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00602-00212971-00213106 Male Speaker: The price was pretty good. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00603-00213106-00213206 Male Speaker: Yeah. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00604-00213206-00213306 Female Speaker: It's the convenience. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00605-00213306-00213406 Female Speaker: Okay. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00606-00213406-00213506 So, no strong feelings? 4zh0BmPA5I0-00607-00213506-00213606 Female Speaker: Yes, the O'Hare Hilton is my favorite place 4zh0BmPA5I0-00608-00213606-00213706 in the whole world for a meeting. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00609-00213706-00213806 [laughter] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00610-00213806-00213965 Female Speaker: Well, there you are. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00611-00213965-00214222 Male Speaker: It's my least favorite. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00612-00214222-00214322 [laughter] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00613-00214322-00214567 Male Speaker: [inaudible] is pretty nice, too. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00614-00214567-00214667 [laughter] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00615-00214667-00214767 Female Speaker: [inaudible] 4zh0BmPA5I0-00616-00214767-00214952 Female Speaker: Thank you, [unintelligible]. 4zh0BmPA5I0-00617-00214952-00215081 [end of transcript] 4zTdOXBCKIA-00000-00039286-00039486 Suab Nkauj Kho Siab 2019 - Suab Hais Lug Kho Siab Heev 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00000-00000944-00001648 hello and good evening and welcome to skip live today we're going to try it on my 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00001-00001648-00002064 best level ever so i don't need damage let's go 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00002-00002232-00003136 and this is not gonna be amazing this is this is happening you have 10 seconds more let's watch 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00003-00003304-00004288 here we go here we go here we go what what is this thing maru what is this oh my goodness 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00004-00004288-00004976 we weird reaction and this is my sister zoe and her my her nickname um 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00005-00005184-00006208 and my nickname on eton let's go here we go hide in the tree here we go this is gonna be great 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00006-00006808-00007400 perfect that's more like it get that paint 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00007-00007672-00007872 now there we go perfect 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00008-00008464-00008944 i'm coming that's right all right 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00009-00009192-00009464 now hi there we go that was more like it 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00010-00009736-00010352 this is gonna be great we are now reactions i'm coming all right 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00011-00010568-00011424 no no no no *screams* oh my god this is bad this is really bad oh my god 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00012-00011424-00011952 oh my goodness oh my god sorry officer okay sorry sorry guys 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00013-00012176-00013136 sorry guys oh my god that's that's one mistake one mistake just one mistake okay 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00014-00013136-00013663 that was so un unpredictable let's see it 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00015-00014063-00014184 there we go 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00016-00014416-00015208 and now dinosaurs and put it her yes this is no damage one mistake 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00017-00015352-00016296 one mistake yeah this actually get that cockroach and put it there nice 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00018-00016544-00016616 one mistake 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00019-00016912-00016984 okay 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00020-00017648-00018456 now hide perfect it was it was actually trying to do it guys there we go 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00021-00018568-00018728 and this is not actually great 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00022-00018992-00019872 bravo alright now get it fishing rod 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00023-00020192-00021008 yikes my god this is a mistake two mistakes two mistakes sorry sorry this is this is not 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00024-00021008-00021928 actually good this is bad i have no it's not everything i'm sorry be mistakes oh my god 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00025-00022080-00023144 no no no no no no no no no i'm sorry baby i wasn't mistaken that was so uh that was how 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00026-00023392-00023592 i should be careful next time 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00027-00023816-00024016 yes three mistakes 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00028-00024304-00025400 perfect oh my god this is so i got three mistakes three mistakes all 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00029-00025656-00025744 and there we go 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00030-00026200-00027144 it's this trying to do it guys all right get the money and fly perfect 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00031-00027360-00027656 and this is going to be awesome right guys 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00032-00027904-00028304 yes coming now get it 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00033-00029136-00029895 perfect that's more like it three we got three out of ten 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00034-00030200-00031200 okay eight over ten with my game that wasn't bad at all all right to the right 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00035-00031727-00032383 that's better here we go this is only nice and easy guys 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00036-00032552-00033832 and the girls run now run dude run boy yes okay get that cat and there you go 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00037-00034320-00035232 oh my god four mistakes oh no four mistakes four mistakes four mistakes that was not nice 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00038-00035232-00036000 not nice at all guys let's try again all right maybe i should try this all the time 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00039-00036272-00037272 that's better four mistakes four mistakes don't get all mistakes okay 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00040-00037760-00038672 don't get no come on come on why is it not working come on 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00041-00038776-00039384 no no what is this thing oh no oh my god she will be angry no no no 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00042-00039472-00040400 five mistakes five this is i got five mistakes this is my this is the worst thing i ever had 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00043-00040736-00040944 i do not want to do that 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00044-00041376-00042184 pennywise come on come on come on 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00045-00042352-00043584 it did not did not work guys ah no no i gotta cut my pennywise six mistakes six mistakes 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00046-00043888-00043960 got the balloon 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00047-00044912-00045400 come on why is it not working what did he do now 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00048-00045664-00046384 i should put it there nope come on what is it not working 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00049-00046640-00047904 um guys i don't know why it is not working oh no no no no no no this is not easy oh my god 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00050-00047992-00049184 seven mistakes it's a big mistake i should wanna do that i cannot do that anymore 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00051-00049704-00049760 come on 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00052-00049984-00050584 i'll be back i will be back for a second there we go guys 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00053-00050976-00051112 there we go yes 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00054-00051455-00051984 that's better all right perfect 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00055-00052248-00052298 okay 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00056-00053191-00053455 doesn't know what to work is don't 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00057-00053728-00053800 i got it 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00058-00054120-00055272 go perfect there we go there we go that's more like it give two bananas 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00059-00055944-00056688 i've been hit by a monkey eat mistakes sorry maybe i should get it more let's try again 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00060-00057160-00058024 now swing yeah better awesome 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00061-00058655-00058984 um 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00062-00059496-00060464 um i don't know why oh no i got a nine mistakes i'm so sorry let's try this again 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00063-00061272-00061784 there we go 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00064-00062232-00062282 okay 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00065-00062512-00063224 that was not bad though not print 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00066-00063224-00063767 huge mistake now put it there to the paper now hide 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00067-00063984-00064064 level 19 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00068-00064528-00064584 perfect 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00069-00064848-00065504 okay okay that's right let's try the right one 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00070-00065888-00066552 oh my god oh no 11 mistakes i got 11. 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00071-00066768-00067784 11 mistakes that was so there we go yes oh my god 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00072-00068000-00068050 all right 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00073-00068304-00068784 get that bone now knock into the door 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00074-00068840-00069072 got the bone no 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00075-00069344-00070456 i got 12 mistakes 12 mistakes that's not that's not a good idea where should i do this 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00076-00070712-00071760 don't put a dog i die yeah say thanks oh no 13 mistakes huge mistake this is not good 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00077-00071960-00072032 let's try again 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00078-00072768-00073824 okay he got the bones no that's 14 mistakes oh no come on let's do not good again 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00079-00074024-00074384 let's try it and and try this one 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00080-00074680-00075008 no okay this is not good oh no 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00081-00075448-00076144 don't oh my god 415 mistakes 15 mistakes oh my this is not deal 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00082-00076416-00076592 what the okay 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00083-00077056-00078136 yes no six no mistakes no 16 mistakes yeah that was only good and let's go oh no no no no 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00084-00078264-00079072 yeah oh no are you okay 16 mistakes let's try it 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00085-00079328-00080072 let's try one more time let's go on to the right that one perfect now wear it immediately and go 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00086-00080880-00081384 all right i'm coming 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00087-00081488-00082816 no i don't need the green bananas i will try yellow one yellow banana 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00088-00082816-00083408 there we go and then the gorilla's sleeping perfect 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00089-00084144-00084216 yes 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00090-00084496-00085664 okay let's go get the coins and send it to there perfect now drain it pour it yes 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00091-00086064-00086152 now hide under 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00092-00086440-00086984 let's zoom in 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00093-00087080-00087232 bravo yes 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00094-00087448-00087784 all right let's try how to make let's get the glasses first 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00095-00087872-00088520 don't get it don't get it all right let me get the glasses now wear it immediately 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00096-00088600-00089800 now wear it immediately and before yeah there we go that's better yes 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00097-00089800-00089850 yes 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00098-00090112-00091320 all right we're going to get let's go get the shark and put it there perfect and get another one 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00099-00092040-00092144 it did not work 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00100-00092512-00092584 all right 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00101-00092864-00093400 here she comes she's not here she's going around perfect 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00102-00093632-00094464 okay let's get that all right let's get the lion face no okay okay get the line face 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00103-00094784-00095384 and all you have to do is go to the left and try to scare her 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00104-00095576-00096832 and hide and tank roar boo yes good job yes 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00105-00096832-00097688 okay let's get the oil first one two three now get the box 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00106-00097856-00098672 one two three and go back rollerblades one oh no not the invitation 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00107-00098760-00099656 17 mistakes this is not good at all for no reason at all well let's try again 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00108-00100096-00100984 all right let's see one and two and three 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00109-00101352-00101936 there rollerblade wear it and let's go 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00110-00102208-00102384 yes 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00111-00102696-00102746 yes 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00112-00102968-00103800 all right let's get the money grab the hat 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00113-00103800-00104359 perfect that was a close one guys 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00114-00104632-00104832 all right that's perfect 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00115-00105104-00105248 all right that's the last one 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00116-00105720-00106008 there we go and hi 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00117-00106559-00107608 you there we go all right all levels are completed and that's it guys thank you for watching and 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00118-00107608-00108088 please subscribe to my channel if you did hit the like button make sure you comment down below share 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00119-00108088-00109383 with your friends click the link description box below i'll see you again tomorrow good bye 4-PKQWpmDnQ-00120-00109856-00109906 you