8gOAZ3cMrnA-00000-00000042-00000506 I think one of our major problems as Christians is falling into apathy where we are tempted 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00001-00000506-00000978 to function or operate from a place of no longer expecting God to enlarge our capacity, 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00002-00000978-00001256 especially where we have been in the faith for a long time. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00003-00001256-00001782 But I have found these three truths to be revolutionary in helping to escape a passive 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00004-00001782-00002370 stance and renewing anticipation in the expectancy of faith in God as it relates to our future. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00005-00002370-00002852 The first being that God meets us at the level of our expectancy. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00006-00002852-00003290 So often in the ministry of Jesus, we see His pattern of meeting people at the level 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00007-00003290-00003597 of what they expected Him to do for them. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00008-00003597-00003920 Some of the instances are when Jairus's daughter was dying. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00009-00003920-00004241 He asked Jesus to come to his house and heal her. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00010-00004241-00004730 So Jesus went to the house, healed his daughter and she lived. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00011-00004730-00005089 Another example is when the Roman centurion's servant was very sick. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00012-00005089-00005714 But because this military man understood authority, he expected differently, that if Jesus spoke 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00013-00005714-00005919 a word, it would be executed. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00014-00005919-00006228 Jesus speaks and the servant is healed. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00015-00006228-00006648 Another example is that, a blind man in Jericho tells Jesus the desire of his heart. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00016-00006648-00006997 Jesus asks him, "what do you want Me to do for you?" 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00017-00006997-00007493 The blind man replies that he wants Jesus to restore his sight, and it is done. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00018-00007493-00008126 As you can see from these examples, Jesus did not follow a pattern in His miracles. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00019-00008126-00008606 Instead, when one of God's children placed a demand, God met it. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00020-00008606-00009119 This is true not only for individuals, but also corporately for communities. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00021-00009119-00009400 Even when Jesus goes to Nazareth—His birthplace. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00022-00009400-00009547 The people there disbelieved. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00023-00009547-00009739 They weren't sure about Him. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00024-00009739-00010186 The Bible says "Jesus did not do many miracles there because of their unbelief." 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00025-00010186-00010333 (Matthew 13:58). 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00026-00010333-00010854 So you see, even in unbelief, Jesus still met them at the level of their expectancy. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00027-00010854-00011181 I believe this should serve as a lesson to us. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00028-00011181-00011914 The second truth is that, expectancy depends on what God says, not on our own circumstances. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00029-00011914-00012435 When God speaks about your situation, it should change the very anticipation of your life. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00030-00012435-00013130 No matter the circumstances, crises or damage, when God speaks there is hope. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00031-00013130-00013484 Take Abraham for instance, he was well past childbearing age. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00032-00013484-00013771 But then, God speaks! 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00033-00013771-00014044 Hope is expectation. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00034-00014044-00014531 Faith works on the hope that we have that is birthed when we hear the voice of the Lord. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00035-00014531-00015043 God wants to speak into your heart and influence whatever situation you are facing. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00036-00015043-00015494 But you've got to hear God, and sense that He's speaking into your spirit. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00037-00015494-00016090 Like Abraham, listening to God's voice changed the pictures in his mind and gave him hope. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00038-00016090-00016559 The question is: are you living today simply as an extension of yesterday? 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00039-00016559-00016971 Or are you stirred and alive to the vision for your life? 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00040-00016971-00017724 Now the third and last truth is that expectancy creates an atmosphere for the supernatural. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00041-00017724-00018248 In 2 Kings 4:1-7, we read of a widow in crisis. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00042-00018248-00018675 The Prophet Elisha instructs her to go to all her neighbors and collect empty jars, 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00043-00018675-00018987 shut the door and pour oil into them. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00044-00018987-00019161 She did exactly as she was told. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00045-00019161-00019662 And as long as there were jars to be filled—the oil kept flowing. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00046-00019662-00020035 When the jars ran out, the oil then stopped flowing. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00047-00020035-00020473 Not only is this a beautiful story of God's provision in the life of a widow, but also 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00048-00020473-00020772 a powerful illustration of expectancy. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00049-00020772-00021223 The oil might still be flowing today if she had gathered an infinite number of jars! 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00050-00021223-00021398 How many jars do you have? 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00051-00021398-00021603 Or have you just settled? 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00052-00021603-00021707 Accepting your condition? 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00053-00021707-00022205 Or is there something in you that says "Father, I know what you can do. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00054-00022205-00022455 Grant me the capacity to create more jars?" 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00055-00022455-00023068 Now having said all this, I believe we need to talk about this also. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00056-00023068-00023615 We need to talk about how the unfolding will and blessing of God doesn't happen instantaneously; 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00057-00023615-00024088 and that it takes place through a process of time, and therefore, we must learn how 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00058-00024088-00024451 to be content while we wait on the Lord and not give up. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00059-00024451-00024801 This can be very important for our peace of mind. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00060-00024801-00025315 Just like the apostle Paul in Philippians 4:10, we need to be able to say that we have 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00061-00025315-00025739 learned to be content in whatever state we find ourselves, if we are going to succeed 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00062-00025739-00026085 in waiting on the Lord to fulfill His promises to us. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00063-00026085-00026639 It's important that we understand the role our earnest expectation has as it relates 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00064-00026639-00027136 to becoming content in whatsoever state we're in, gracefully waiting until the Lord's word 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00065-00027136-00027362 is performed in our lives. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00066-00027362-00028019 The Strong's Concordance tells us that earnest expectation means "intense anticipation". 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00067-00028019-00028578 Paul for instance was content because he eagerly expected or intensely anticipated his deliverance 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00068-00028578-00029050 and salvation in whatever circumstance he found himself whilst engaged in the Lord's 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00069-00029050-00029166 work. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00070-00029166-00029538 And he alludes to this in Philippians 1:19-20. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00071-00029538-00030025 He says, "For I know that this will turn out for my deliverance through your prayers and 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00072-00030025-00030568 the provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, according to my eager expectation and hope, 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00073-00030568-00031072 that I will not be put to shame in anything, but that with all boldness, Christ will even 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00074-00031072-00031686 now, as always, be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death." 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00075-00031686-00031991 In this context, what do you think would make a person ashamed? 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00076-00031991-00032339 Failing would, if they believed in the wrong thing. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00077-00032339-00032769 The apostle Paul had a handle on the fear of death and that made him unafraid. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00078-00032769-00033308 He was saying that it didn't matter if he lived or died, because to live is Christ, 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00079-00033308-00033460 and to die is gain. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00080-00033460-00033882 He hadn't invested his believing in something worthless is what he was saying. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00081-00033882-00034285 He believed this deal was going to turn to his salvation one way or the other. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00082-00034285-00034621 That is how you intensely anticipate. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00083-00034621-00035081 When you eagerly or earnestly expect the promise of God to be manifest, you know this is going 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00084-00035081-00035584 to turn to your salvation one way or another as God said in His word; and because He said 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00085-00035584-00035884 He never leaves you and never forsakes you. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00086-00035884-00036277 Then you rejoice in the Lord because you intensely anticipate your situation turning around tomorrow 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00087-00036277-00036469 according to His word. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00088-00036469-00036916 If tomorrow comes and nothing changes, then you build that eager expectation back up again 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00089-00036916-00037390 until you can walk out the door that day intensely anticipating the next day is going to be your 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00090-00037390-00037490 day. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00091-00037490-00037646 It's a daily process. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00092-00037646-00037888 This is what the fight of faith is about. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00093-00037888-00038349 Expectation is the final step to manifestation and it is how you become content while waiting 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00094-00038349-00038566 because you know God cannot fail. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00095-00038566-00039111 If you eagerly expect the answer will come tomorrow, it makes today enjoyable. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00096-00039111-00039419 This is the life of faith. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00097-00039419-00039866 Expectation makes you feel content in whatever state you're in because you know what's coming. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00098-00039866-00040072 It is an extension of faith. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00099-00040072-00040271 It's the final process of maturing of faith. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00100-00040271-00040743 You need to know however, that expectation isn't automatic. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00101-00040743-00041187 Faith is when you believe the word is true, but if you fail to personalize it, you won't 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00102-00041187-00041353 expect it. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00103-00041353-00041884 Some people have difficulty personalizing God's Word because they feel unworthy or condemned. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00104-00041884-00042331 Perhaps they feel condemned for their past lifestyles and don't feel worthy to receive 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00105-00042331-00042503 God's promises. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00106-00042503-00042915 Others have been in difficult situations all their lives, and now they have trouble seeing 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00107-00042915-00043321 their lives any other way; so they cannot personalize the Word of God. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00108-00043321-00043871 They say they believe the Word of God, but they have a hard time believing it for themselves. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00109-00043871-00044385 Expectation comes when you believe God's Word is His will for you. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00110-00044385-00044828 Expectation is the final maturation of your faith, it is the final step to manifestation. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00111-00044828-00045578 The Amplified Bible says in Proverbs 23:18, "For surely there is a latter end [a future 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00112-00045578-00046119 and a reward], and your hope and expectation shall not be cut off." 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00113-00046119-00046886 Now this is talking about an end of your battle, an end of your challenge, an end of your life, 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00114-00046886-00047068 whatever you are trying to overcome. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00115-00047068-00047525 That there is an end to whatever adversity you presently find yourself in. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00116-00047525-00048053 It says there is an end or consequence that goes with that end; "your hope and expectation 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00117-00048053-00048302 shall not be cut off." 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00118-00048302-00048603 So what are you expecting in your life? 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00119-00048603-00048813 That's what you are going to get. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00120-00048813-00049050 Some Christians expect the worst of everything in life. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00121-00049050-00049259 They expect unfavorable outcomes of everything. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00122-00049259-00049734 When there is a layoff, they expect to be fired because they are always one of the ones 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00123-00049734-00049834 to go. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00124-00049834-00050287 If they have been treated badly all their lives, they expect that will continue. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00125-00050287-00050511 Many people expect the worst. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00126-00050511-00050956 The Bible says that your hope and expectation will not be cut off. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00127-00050956-00051396 And as we have seen with the examples we cited in Jesus' ministry, you will get whatever 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00128-00051396-00051564 you expect. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00129-00051564-00052019 There are two kinds of expectations— positive and negative. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00130-00052019-00052315 Negative expectation is always rooted in past experiences. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00131-00052315-00052802 For example, a sick person who has been prayed for healing several times and never gets healed 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00132-00052802-00053176 becomes more disappointed each time they fail to receive healing. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00133-00053176-00053601 Eventually, they would no longer expect to ever get healed. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00134-00053601-00054024 Negative expectation is a product of repetitive past disappointments. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00135-00054024-00054519 In contrast, positive expectation is cultivated by what you focus your thinking on. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00136-00054519-00055161 For clarification, what we mean by positive expectation is in reference to having an expectation 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00137-00055161-00055429 of God's Word being manifest in your life. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00138-00055429-00055751 We are not referring to positive or optimistic thinking. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00139-00055751-00056161 You can turn around your negative expectation simply by changing your focus. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00140-00056161-00056570 Paul talks about this in 2 Corinthians 4:17-18. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00141-00056570-00057202 He says, "For our momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00142-00057202-00057786 far beyond all comparison, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00143-00057786-00058235 which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00144-00058235-00058523 not seen are eternal." 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00145-00058523-00058714 He saw his adversity as light and momentary. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00146-00058714-00059254 Would you like for your challenges and adversities to become light and momentary where they don't 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00147-00059254-00059551 rob you of your joy and the quality of your life? 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00148-00059551-00059654 It can happen. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00149-00059654-00059958 It all depends on where your focus is. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00150-00059958-00060307 Paul refers to two realms of truth—eternal and temporal. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00151-00060307-00060938 The "seen realm" or the temporal realm is the realm where truth can be empirically validated 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00152-00060938-00061367 through sensory perception, observation, and experimentation. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00153-00061367-00061874 But he says if you want your afflictions to be light and momentary, then you can't look 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00154-00061874-00062033 on that realm. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00155-00062033-00062464 The word "look" means to spy out, to study, to closely consider. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00156-00062464-00063286 We are not to focus on, to spy out, to study, to closely consider negative circumstances. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00157-00063286-00063713 Of course, this isn't saying that we don't have to take responsibility in the natural 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00158-00063713-00063813 arena. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00159-00063813-00064044 It is just saying you are not to be focused on it. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00160-00064044-00064483 Instead, it says we are to look at the "unseen realm." 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00161-00064483-00064788 The unseen realm is the realm of the spirit. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00162-00064788-00065107 So how do we look at something that we can't see naturally? 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00163-00065107-00065400 The Bible is a revelation of the unseen realm. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00164-00065400-00065836 Anything to do with heaven and hell, God and the devil, life and death are part of the 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00165-00065836-00065984 unseen realm. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00166-00065984-00066295 These are truths that are eternal and never change. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00167-00066295-00066644 So thinking on God's Word is how to look at the unseen realm. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00168-00066644-00067133 The temporal world is called "temporal" because it is subject to change. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00169-00067133-00067723 Anything you can see, taste, touch, or feel naturally is subject to change. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00170-00067723-00068270 Change in the temporal arena happens when you embrace, by faith, the spiritual truths 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00171-00068270-00068514 of who you are in Christ. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00172-00068514-00069038 Now, once you have gotten your mind off the natural circumstance, your next step is to 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00173-00069038-00069312 begin filling your mind with the Word. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00174-00069312-00069848 When you begin to fill your mind with what the Bible says instead of the negative situation, 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00175-00069848-00070188 then your affliction becomes light and momentary. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00176-00070188-00070631 You lessen its intensity and you can enjoy life while you are waiting. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00177-00070631-00071195 It's important that you learn how to cultivate a positive expectation because expectation 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00178-00071195-00071525 is the final step to mature faith. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00179-00071525-00072022 Expectation enables you to be content with today and helps you to wait gracefully. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00180-00072022-00072323 And this is what the fight of faith is all about. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00181-00072323-00072494 God bless you. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00182-00072494-00073038 May the Lord help us adopt an expectant posturing in our walk of faith all the time, knowing 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00183-00073038-00073354 that expectancy creates capacity for expansion. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00184-00073354-00073867 May we learn to enjoy the Lord and our lives in waiting, as He fulfills His promises to 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00185-00073867-00073983 us. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00186-00073983-00074457 May He increase our capacity for growth and our expectation for His blessing because we 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00187-00074457-00074929 know from Scripture that He desires to bless His children, in order to position ourselves 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00188-00074929-00075160 to receive His manifold blessing. 8gOAZ3cMrnA-00189-00075160-00075518 In Jesus' Mighty name I pray, Amen. 8hgpd63aqEu-00000-00000128-00000760 a singular new design a re-engineered tip and 5g 8hgpd63aqEu-00001-00000760-00001304 this is iphone 12 pro the vertical band is precision machined 8hgpd63aqEu-00002-00001304-00001807 from stainless the steel shield on the front is tougher 8hgpd63aqEu-00003-00001807-00002327 than any smartphone glass and tighter borders allow for even 8hgpd63aqEu-00004-00002327-00002759 larger super retina xdr displays 8hgpd63aqEu-00005-00002872-00003271 5g is set to change the world with radically faster speeds 8hgpd63aqEu-00006-00003271-00003607 the hardware and software have been optimized for the best 5g 8hgpd63aqEu-00007-00003607-00004207 experience a14 bionic has a smaller 5 nanometer transistor 8hgpd63aqEu-00008-00004207-00004552 which pushes the most powerful chip in the smartphone 8hgpd63aqEu-00009-00004552-00005128 generations ahead a new and improved pro camera system makes the 12 pro 8hgpd63aqEu-00010-00005128-00005616 the photographer's iphone the larger iphone 12 pro max 8hgpd63aqEu-00011-00005616-00006160 takes these innovations even further its bigger sensor dramatically increases 8hgpd63aqEu-00012-00006160-00006392 the detail capture and helps improve low light 8hgpd63aqEu-00013-00006392-00006751 performance by 87 8hgpd63aqEu-00014-00007023-00007464 the custom designed lidar scanner puts advanced depth mapping technology 8hgpd63aqEu-00015-00007464-00007831 in your pocket you can now take a night mode portrait 8hgpd63aqEu-00016-00007831-00008664 and unlock a new world of possibilities for augmented reality 8hgpd63aqEu-00017-00008664-00009375 iphone 12 pro smashes the benchmark for highest quality video in a smartphone 8hgpd63aqEu-00018-00009615-00010184 and the movie industry can now count on it as an essential piece of equipment 8hgpd63aqEu-00019-00010311-00010656 it is the world's first device able to capture playback 8hgpd63aqEu-00020-00010656-00011192 and edit 10-bit hdr footage with dolby vision 8hgpd63aqEu-00021-00011192-00011584 iphone 12 pro comes in two sizes and in four finishes 8hgpd63aqEu-00022-00011584-00011928 including new pacific blue 8hgpd63aqEu-00023-00012039-00012400 an integral part of this year's design is magsafe 8hgpd63aqEu-00024-00012400-00012890 an intelligent system of magnets that connect accessories in a whole new way 8hgpd63aqEu-00025-00012890-00013203 [Music] 8hgpd63aqEu-00026-00013208-00014384 all this and more make iphone 12 pro the most powerful iphone ever 8hgpd63aqEu-00027-00015176-00015384 you 924j-0YFEKk-00000-00001008-00001592 I'm Dorcas Kamuya, I'm a social scientist here at the KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme, 924j-0YFEKk-00001-00001655-00001928 I've been in the program for quite a number of years. 924j-0YFEKk-00002-00001928-00002696 I have various research interests and all of them are around empirical ethics on complex topics. 924j-0YFEKk-00003-00002696-00003288 The one specific one I'm going to talk about is biobanking: the sharing of samples for 924j-0YFEKk-00004-00003288-00004024 research purposes. Biobanking is well developed in developed countries, it's an emerging area in 924j-0YFEKk-00005-00004024-00004640 developing countries, there is real importance for research in biobanking, and some of the 924j-0YFEKk-00006-00004640-00005240 reasons why it has been promoted, for example, is because you can have a fast turnaround of results, 924j-0YFEKk-00007-00005352-00005704 you can compare samples across different timelines, 924j-0YFEKk-00008-00005704-00006376 across different contexts, across different generations, and to know how disease evolve, 924j-0YFEKk-00009-00006431-00006808 understand the molecular biology of what was happening in the bodies, 924j-0YFEKk-00010-00006808-00007312 there's a lot of scientific value in biobanking, and because it's an emerging area in developing 924j-0YFEKk-00011-00007312-00007808 countries, there are a lot of ethical issues, and that is the area that I'm exploring currently. 924j-0YFEKk-00012-00007912-00008560 I say complex because not many people know biobanking, it is unfamiliar even for research 924j-0YFEKk-00013-00008560-00009040 institutions, for staff who are working research institutions, and more so for the lay public. 924j-0YFEKk-00014-00009160-00009760 When it comes to sharing of samples there are a lot of values attached to it, there are views and 924j-0YFEKk-00015-00009760-00010208 perceptions that need to be considered, and those are the areas that I'm interested in. 924j-0YFEKk-00016-00010264-00010704 Some of the ethical issues, and I'll focus on their ethical issues, there's a scientific merit 924j-0YFEKk-00017-00010704-00011192 for biobanking, but I'll focus on the ethical issues because obviously that is my work, 924j-0YFEKk-00018-00011192-00011752 and there are issues around when samples are stored, do we have the right permissions for 924j-0YFEKk-00019-00011752-00012312 those storage, who gives the permission, so this is the biobank itself the setting up of a biobank. 924j-0YFEKk-00020-00012312-00012792 Why I say it is an ethical question is because you are investing that, that money could have been 924j-0YFEKk-00021-00012792-00013200 used for research, or for other research purposes, so that is where the ethical issues come in. 924j-0YFEKk-00022-00013256-00013808 The other thing, and that that question is tied to efficiency of biobanking but also 924j-0YFEKk-00023-00013808-00014328 efficiency of how many biobanks do you have to set up in any one country in any one setting, 924j-0YFEKk-00024-00014328-00014952 so there's a huge debate around that, the issues that are more focusing on are issues around, 924j-0YFEKk-00025-00014952-00015247 and which have emerged quite a lot, issues around consent. 924j-0YFEKk-00026-00015400-00015824 At the time that samples were collected, we used to have very specific consents, 924j-0YFEKk-00027-00015904-00016360 specific to the how that sample is going to be used for the purpose of that consent, 924j-0YFEKk-00028-00016480-00017296 over the last 10-15 years, we have moved to what you call 'broad' consent, in which participants 924j-0YFEKk-00029-00017296-00018000 in research are giving consent for samples to be used for future purposes unspecified, and also 924j-0YFEKk-00030-00018000-00018624 to be stalled indefinitely. Sometimes they can put limitations of how long they can be stored. 924j-0YFEKk-00031-00018688-00019240 There's been a lot of questions on whether broad consent is consent, whether when you give 924j-0YFEKk-00032-00019240-00019920 consent for somebody that is not specific, is that consent? So that is becoming both a philosophical 924j-0YFEKk-00033-00019920-00020576 debate but also for me more applied, what people think about that kind of consent, so that is one. 924j-0YFEKk-00034-00020576-00021264 There is a whole area of minors - when children's samples have been collected, 924j-0YFEKk-00035-00021264-00021520 when they're children, their parents often give consent. 924j-0YFEKk-00036-00022048-00022472 The current question is, and the debate, is when they reach maturity 924j-0YFEKk-00037-00022552-00023024 should they be reconsented to check whether the samples can continue being stored, or they 924j-0YFEKk-00038-00023024-00023664 can continue being used in biobanking, so that's another issue still very much related to consent. 924j-0YFEKk-00039-00023752-00023984 Very much tied to that is the issue of confidentiality, 924j-0YFEKk-00040-00024088-00024584 when the samples are shared we say they are shared with what you call pseudo-anonymised, 924j-0YFEKk-00041-00024584-00025136 so if you share some with no data it's not very helpful scientifically, there's some data that 924j-0YFEKk-00042-00025136-00025776 has got to be attached, when you attach some data it's very likely that people who know how to hack 924j-0YFEKk-00043-00025776-00026192 the systems and they can hack and get to know the individuals who are involved in studies, 924j-0YFEKk-00044-00026312-00026927 so how do we safeguard and how do we put limits to confidentiality, and do people have the right 924j-0YFEKk-00045-00026927-00027527 to withdraw their samples from being shared, so that is all on consent and permissions, 924j-0YFEKk-00046-00027527-00028072 who else needs to give permissions for biobanking to happen? Is it enough for 924j-0YFEKk-00047-00028072-00028639 the individuals? And often they say the research regulatory committees needs to come in place, 924j-0YFEKk-00048-00028768-00029248 but we know historically and up to now, inadequacies in ethics review committees, 924j-0YFEKk-00049-00029304-00029968 they have such a strong focus on the individual, yet biobanking opens up to what you call open 924j-0YFEKk-00050-00029968-00030504 science, where it is not about the individual, the individual is important but it's not a primary 924j-0YFEKk-00051-00030504-00031248 focus, the primary focus is how, within sharing platforms, data can be used for scientific value, 924j-0YFEKk-00052-00031248-00031888 and that is a complete different ethical thinking, ethical framework from what currently has been 924j-0YFEKk-00053-00031888-00032408 in place, and that is why my work fits into that because it's not just about listening 924j-0YFEKk-00054-00032408-00032888 to the people, but also critiquing the ethical frameworks that are in place and 924j-0YFEKk-00055-00032888-00033544 finding what can we do for biobanking, because the current frameworks don't currently suit. 924j-0YFEKk-00056-00033664-00034152 A huge area that is coming up, and especially now with the biobanking in low and middle 924j-0YFEKk-00057-00034152-00034832 income countries, issues of benefit sharing, issues of ensuring that developing countries don't 924j-0YFEKk-00058-00034832-00035496 become the sample suppliers without themselves having the intellectual and scientific capacity to 924j-0YFEKk-00059-00035496-00035968 ask questions that are important for this reason, and use those samples from anywhere in the world 924j-0YFEKk-00060-00036072-00036672 to answer those questions, that is a huge area of debate, how do we measure that biobanking doesn't 924j-0YFEKk-00061-00036792-00037416 increase the existing inequity between developed and developing countries, and that brings into 924j-0YFEKk-00062-00037416-00038032 mind how samples are shared, who is sharing, for what reasons, why are samples being requested for, 924j-0YFEKk-00063-00038032-00038944 what research questions are they going to address, who is going to benefit when the answer is found, 924j-0YFEKk-00064-00038944-00039280 so there's a lot of ethical issues - I'm just touching on some of them. 924j-0YFEKk-00065-00039344-00039928 Why should the people invest in biobanking, I will probably turn that a little bit and ask why should 924j-0YFEKk-00066-00039928-00040576 people invest in the ethics of biobanking, and there are many reasons, I've already talked 924j-0YFEKk-00067-00040576-00041104 about some of those - why biobank is important - but the specific work that I'm looking at, 924j-0YFEKk-00068-00041104-00041544 I've talked about all the ethical issues that we are dealing with, I think every 924j-0YFEKk-00069-00041544-00041960 community member who is contributing a sample has a say on how that sample should be used. 924j-0YFEKk-00070-00042064-00042432 If researchers go ahead and use samples without 924j-0YFEKk-00071-00042432-00042856 getting proper permissions from those who contributed the samples, 924j-0YFEKk-00072-00042856-00043408 there is going to be great implications, negative implications, for science and for research, 924j-0YFEKk-00073-00043408-00044000 so my work is looking at what are the community perceptions about biobanking, those perceptions 924j-0YFEKk-00074-00044000-00044472 can feed into policies, into guidelines, into ethical frameworks, and that's what I'm 924j-0YFEKk-00075-00044472-00045000 interested in strengthening, making sure the voices of those who wear the samples come from 924j-0YFEKk-00076-00045000-00046104 have got a huge contribution on how bio banking pans out in the next 20, 50, 100 years to come. 92gqLnVwPOI-00000-00000010-00000133 FEATURING THOSE SAME TEN TEAMS. 92gqLnVwPOI-00001-00000133-00000140 FEATURING THOSE SAME TEN TEAMS. 92gqLnVwPOI-00002-00000140-00000196 FEATURING THOSE SAME TEN TEAMS. THE LUMBERJACKS FINISHED 92gqLnVwPOI-00003-00000196-00000203 FEATURING THOSE SAME TEN TEAMS. THE LUMBERJACKS FINISHED 92gqLnVwPOI-00004-00000203-00000430 FEATURING THOSE SAME TEN TEAMS. THE LUMBERJACKS FINISHED IN THIRD PLACE. 92gqLnVwPOI-00005-00000430-00000437 THE LUMBERJACKS FINISHED IN THIRD PLACE. 92gqLnVwPOI-00006-00000437-00000760 THE LUMBERJACKS FINISHED IN THIRD PLACE. >> HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL ACTION, 92gqLnVwPOI-00007-00000760-00000767 IN THIRD PLACE. >> HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL ACTION, 92gqLnVwPOI-00008-00000767-00001281 IN THIRD PLACE. >> HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL ACTION, SECTION 7-3, HERMANTOWN HOSTING 92gqLnVwPOI-00009-00001281-00001287 >> HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL ACTION, SECTION 7-3, HERMANTOWN HOSTING 92gqLnVwPOI-00010-00001287-00001414 >> HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL ACTION, SECTION 7-3, HERMANTOWN HOSTING GRAND RAPIDS. 92gqLnVwPOI-00011-00001414-00001421 SECTION 7-3, HERMANTOWN HOSTING GRAND RAPIDS. 92gqLnVwPOI-00012-00001421-00001544 SECTION 7-3, HERMANTOWN HOSTING GRAND RAPIDS. TWO RUNS COME IN. 92gqLnVwPOI-00013-00001544-00001551 GRAND RAPIDS. TWO RUNS COME IN. 92gqLnVwPOI-00014-00001551-00001688 GRAND RAPIDS. TWO RUNS COME IN. GRAND RAPIDS TRYING TO COME BACK 92gqLnVwPOI-00015-00001688-00001695 TWO RUNS COME IN. GRAND RAPIDS TRYING TO COME BACK 92gqLnVwPOI-00016-00001695-00002212 TWO RUNS COME IN. GRAND RAPIDS TRYING TO COME BACK IN THE FOURTH INNING, OUT AT 92gqLnVwPOI-00017-00002212-00002218 GRAND RAPIDS TRYING TO COME BACK IN THE FOURTH INNING, OUT AT 92gqLnVwPOI-00018-00002218-00002589 GRAND RAPIDS TRYING TO COME BACK IN THE FOURTH INNING, OUT AT FIRST, BUT THE THUNDER HAWKS 92gqLnVwPOI-00019-00002589-00002595 IN THE FOURTH INNING, OUT AT FIRST, BUT THE THUNDER HAWKS 92gqLnVwPOI-00020-00002595-00002622 IN THE FOURTH INNING, OUT AT FIRST, BUT THE THUNDER HAWKS SCORES. 92gqLnVwPOI-00021-00002622-00002629 FIRST, BUT THE THUNDER HAWKS SCORES. 92gqLnVwPOI-00022-00002629-00002852 FIRST, BUT THE THUNDER HAWKS SCORES. GRAND RAPIDS BY A SCORE OF 98ndjowwKTM-00000-00002384-00003264 The capture filter can be: host camera.ip E.g: host 98U9mQnUS2Q-00000-00000496-00000968 We've all made New Year's resolutions, right whether it be money or probably dieting 98U9mQnUS2Q-00001-00000969-00001404 But what about our kids experts urged that perhaps this time of year 98U9mQnUS2Q-00002-00001441-00002082 Parents should make some parenting resolutions So here with some ideas on how to do that is Master Counselor Jane Fendelman Jane 98U9mQnUS2Q-00003-00002082-00002865 It's very good to have you here. We have your book Wonderful to be here Hello Also raising humane beings yes. Do you find that we've kind of 98U9mQnUS2Q-00004-00002916-00003447 Forgotten a lot of parents are so busy with their lives that we forget the basis of raising great kids 98U9mQnUS2Q-00005-00003450-00004180 Yes, we've forgotten to be humane we've forgotten to be kind to each other we've forgotten we're teaching reading writing arithmetic 98U9mQnUS2Q-00006-00004180-00004426 But I think we should have classes in school that our 98U9mQnUS2Q-00007-00004534-00004734 reverence 98U9mQnUS2Q-00008-00004737-00004970 valuing human beings ah 98U9mQnUS2Q-00009-00005130-00005486 Practicing ah for the universe and it is really basic 98U9mQnUS2Q-00010-00005542-00006110 Human joy and bliss that we don't teach in the schools right very spiritual aspect 98U9mQnUS2Q-00011-00006110-00006413 I found I don't know about you Lisa It's spiritual practical 98U9mQnUS2Q-00012-00006414-00006776 That sounds practical and I don't know about you with parenting other parents out there 98U9mQnUS2Q-00013-00006776-00007002 But sometimes I get in those moments where it's been a hard day bad day 98U9mQnUS2Q-00014-00007002-00007622 And I just ended a few snap and I forget to really put into practice so many things I know 98U9mQnUS2Q-00015-00007631-00008066 What do you do then? well right in the first chapter maybe in the first page 98U9mQnUS2Q-00016-00008066-00008342 I say it's your job as a parent 98U9mQnUS2Q-00017-00008374-00008649 To be happy yes and blissed out 98U9mQnUS2Q-00018-00008649-00009214 I mean, it's really you're responsibility to live a life of joy because if you're sad and overwrought and 98U9mQnUS2Q-00019-00009260-00009806 Frustrated or you're in an unhappy job or in an unhappy relationship right your fuse is going to be short with your children 98U9mQnUS2Q-00020-00009806-00010050 They don't deserve that and they pick up on our vibe too 98U9mQnUS2Q-00021-00010050-00010400 Yeah, I like what you said along the lines of practice what you preach 98U9mQnUS2Q-00022-00010400-00010722 You know tell your kids to do this do that, but you don't you're not showing them 98U9mQnUS2Q-00023-00010722-00011111 You're not a good model for what you want them to be you want you to be happy but you're not doesn't work 98U9mQnUS2Q-00024-00011111-00011603 But how about being real too yeah Jane because sometimes if you had a bad day sometimes they have a bad day 98U9mQnUS2Q-00025-00011604-00012096 Can you not let them see that side no good point you don't have to be have a smile 98U9mQnUS2Q-00026-00012114-00012314 pasted on your face all the time 98U9mQnUS2Q-00027-00012358-00012648 and feeling Suze there's a whole chapter called feelings 98U9mQnUS2Q-00028-00012730-00013028 That's the name of the chapter. Well, let's go we 98U9mQnUS2Q-00029-00013028-00013512 Pff yeah, it's okay to have your feelings right it's okay to have that we were talking about some of the parenting resolutions 98U9mQnUS2Q-00030-00013513-00013837 We actually kind of narrowed them down to a couple here Yes do we still have a 98U9mQnUS2Q-00031-00013837-00014319 I don't know if we do or not but what are some of the resolutions that we can make as parents? very good, okay 98U9mQnUS2Q-00032-00014378-00014857 Resolution number one if anybody has told you that you should drug your child call me first 98U9mQnUS2Q-00033-00014857-00015382 That should be your first resolution, but that's my before my number one but first resolution 98U9mQnUS2Q-00034-00015394-00015656 Don't repeat and don't punish 98U9mQnUS2Q-00035-00015658-00016324 Because when you repeat your teaching your children not to listen the first time and when you punish you're asking for a payback 98U9mQnUS2Q-00036-00016456-00017040 So if they don't do it when you tell them well I have a whole chapter called yes after you you ask for what you want 98U9mQnUS2Q-00037-00017086-00017596 Maybe twice to let them know this is very important. this morning. That was this morning 98U9mQnUS2Q-00038-00017612-00018145 Do you want breakfast time to eat breakfast I'm always like verbal response verbal response is good 98U9mQnUS2Q-00039-00018206-00018556 So okay, so say they don't you say honey how would you like a surprise? 98U9mQnUS2Q-00040-00018556-00018880 I have a big surprise for you, and they say and you say 98U9mQnUS2Q-00041-00018962-00019210 Meet me down in the kitchen and after breakfast 98U9mQnUS2Q-00042-00019210-00019792 I'll give you a big surprise, and maybe it's a dinosaur and maybe it's a hug and a kiss. I love you. Maybe it's a 98U9mQnUS2Q-00043-00019850-00020224 yu-gi-oh card, I mix it up some parents say I don't want to bribe my children, and I'm like 98U9mQnUS2Q-00044-00020282-00020482 Okay, well then I think you should work for free 98U9mQnUS2Q-00045-00020482-00020988 I think why do you get bribed to work people give you money to work your job is important 98U9mQnUS2Q-00046-00020989-00021480 you should do it for free but just keep it obvious things that you can handle like a sticker and a four year old that goes a 98U9mQnUS2Q-00047-00021481-00022201 Long way number two I like all of these they're very very good. Let's get to number two don't throw guilt balls 98U9mQnUS2Q-00048-00022201-00022884 Oh boy, you find a lot of divorced parents do that? Is that a high among everyone's list what are they yes 98U9mQnUS2Q-00049-00022885-00023277 Yes, when you throw a guilt ball. It's like saying to your young teenager 98U9mQnUS2Q-00050-00023278-00023863 Oh, you're going to be out with your friends on New Year's even not home with your mother ok I'm going under the table liked 98U9mQnUS2Q-00051-00023948-00024498 Bye everyone. I know what you really mean to say is what would be true. What would be authentic would be 98U9mQnUS2Q-00052-00024557-00025107 I love you so much, and I'm going to miss you so badly that would be the truth you can't argue them 98U9mQnUS2Q-00053-00025108-00025470 That's not a guilt ball, but we teach our children to throw guilt balls, too 98U9mQnUS2Q-00054-00025470-00025888 so if you've done something and you feel guilty about with your children do the 4 a's 98U9mQnUS2Q-00055-00025913-00026047 You x not 98U9mQnUS2Q-00056-00026047-00026634 Because what parents do is we feel guilty about something and they wind up having a covert agreement with their children to punish them right 98U9mQnUS2Q-00057-00026635-00026835 Ok so you do the 4 a's 98U9mQnUS2Q-00058-00026873-00027264 acknowledge apologize acknowledge that you hear the person apologize 98U9mQnUS2Q-00059-00027364-00027828 Asks for amends to make amends and ask for forgiveness all right let's get to the other one there 98U9mQnUS2Q-00060-00027829-00027970 There's so much to cover here 98U9mQnUS2Q-00061-00027970-00028492 We never have enough time for this yeah get eyeball to eyeball I like that I get that one 98U9mQnUS2Q-00062-00028514-00028734 get your kids out of the middle of your relationship 98U9mQnUS2Q-00063-00028820-00029295 Hello Let me just read the last one and find out what your children came here to teach you 98U9mQnUS2Q-00064-00029348-00029805 Let's talk about four really quick parents listen up get your kids out of the middle of your problem 98U9mQnUS2Q-00065-00029816-00030282 right yes does the kid sit in between you at movies in the car in your bed are they sleeping in your bed 98U9mQnUS2Q-00066-00030282-00030500 Whoever is next to the alpha female 98U9mQnUS2Q-00067-00030500-00031057 That's the lead female is the alpha male whether it's a boy child or a girl child that means that they're in charge of the household 98U9mQnUS2Q-00068-00031172-00031677 and if they're dividing you and your husband if there's if they're able to get in between you 98U9mQnUS2Q-00069-00031688-00031939 Then you and your husband might have a subconscious 98U9mQnUS2Q-00070-00031939-00032633 Agreement to distance yourself by using the children. Well does that happen with divorce. I mean that's like number one 98U9mQnUS2Q-00071-00032639-00033346 They do that all the time yep yep, and people also single people use their children as a distanter to set boundaries 98U9mQnUS2Q-00072-00033346-00033580 No one comes between me and my kids so you can't do that 98U9mQnUS2Q-00073-00033580-00033981 You have to learn to set healthy boundaries yourself and just so you know how jane knows all that 98U9mQnUS2Q-00074-00033982-00034648 She is a long long background and what counseling yeah so one of my first degrees was a bachelors of science in education 98U9mQnUS2Q-00075-00034648-00034886 so it was a teacher to start with and 98U9mQnUS2Q-00076-00035048-00035448 Psychotherapist for 12 years and I've been doing individual couples and child family therapy 98U9mQnUS2Q-00077-00035448-00036154 And I'm probably most famous for saying ADD and ADHD ADHD don't exist. They're made up 98U9mQnUS2Q-00078-00036188-00036612 Well moving on next show for all of you out there 98U9mQnUS2Q-00079-00036656-00036851 That's a great way to leave this 98U9mQnUS2Q-00080-00036851-00037336 This is Jane's book and you can learn more about a lot of things that we talked about in raising humane 98U9mQnUS2Q-00081-00037348-00037604 beings and we've got more information on our 98U9mQnUS2Q-00082-00037606-00038038 Hotline and on our website Jane I could probably talk to you for about 3 more hours here but 98U9mQnUS2Q-00083-00038038-00038383 I'm going to be your new patient so well I was reading this and I'm like oh boy 98U9mQnUS2Q-00084-00038383-00038712 And you know I would say that I'm pretty good when it comes to my kids 98U9mQnUS2Q-00085-00038713-00038878 And I fell like my husband and I are on the same page 98U9mQnUS2Q-00086-00038878-00039328 But you can learn so much from it and you can help all those with some of the information that's been here, too 98U9mQnUS2Q-00087-00039328-00039806 So thank absolutely thank you so much remember last one learn things your kids, too 9qLDziZ9xqk-00000-00000174-00000479 Welcome to this edition of Dental Connections brought to you by 9qLDziZ9xqk-00001-00000479-00000613 Dental of New Jersey. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00002-00000613-00000951 New Jersey's leading dental benefits company and its foundation. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00003-00000951-00001241 This series is designed to increase awareness regarding the connection 9qLDziZ9xqk-00004-00001241-00001496 between oral and overall health. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00005-00001496-00002196 Here is participating Delta Dental pediatric dentist Dr. Suzy Press. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00006-00002299-00002616 Chances are you brush with a fluoride toothpaste 9qLDziZ9xqk-00007-00002616-00002985 but you may not know exactly what fluoride is doing for you or where it comes from. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00008-00003116-00003667 Fluoride is actually reinforcing your teeth and making them more resistant to cavities. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00009-00003667-00003965 Our mouths naturally have bacteria. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00010-00003965-00004313 That bacteria breaks down the foods we eat into acid 9qLDziZ9xqk-00011-00004313-00004514 which attacks our teeth. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00012-00004514-00004981 Fluoride sticks to the surfaces of our teeth to protect them from the acid. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00013-00004981-00005359 Fluoride also attracts calcium that is present in our saliva. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00014-00005359-00005677 That helps keep our teeth strong, too. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00015-00005677-00006084 Fluoride is a natural substances. You can find it many rivers, 9qLDziZ9xqk-00016-00006084-00006399 private drinking wells and water aquifers. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00017-00006399-00006619 Adding fluoride to our oral health routine 9qLDziZ9xqk-00018-00006619-00006922 goes a long way towards preventing tooth decay. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00019-00006922-00007284 That's a good thing because tooth decay remains the number one 9qLDziZ9xqk-00020-00007284-00007551 chronic childhood disease in America. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00021-00007551-00007940 Did you know that dental cavities are five times more likely to be found in 9qLDziZ9xqk-00022-00007940-00008106 children than asthma? 9qLDziZ9xqk-00023-00008106-00008279 But unlike asthma, 9qLDziZ9xqk-00024-00008279-00008742 tooth decay is a preventable disease. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00025-00008742-00008902 Fluoridated water is helping fight tooth decay 9qLDziZ9xqk-00026-00008902-00009127 in many areas of our country. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00027-00009127-00009398 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 9qLDziZ9xqk-00028-00009398-00009551 named fluoridated water 9qLDziZ9xqk-00029-00009551-00010106 one of the top ten great public-health achievements of the twentieth century. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00030-00010106-00010642 Every dollar invested in fluoridation saves approximately thirty eight dollars 9qLDziZ9xqk-00031-00010642-00010970 in dental treatment costs according to the CDC. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00032-00010970-00011283 But what if your drinking water isn't fluoridated? 9qLDziZ9xqk-00033-00011283-00011688 You can still protect your teeth with fluoride. Here's how. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00034-00011688-00012228 Visit your dentist. Ask him or her about a topical fluoride treatment. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00035-00012228-00012645 The fluoride used in the dentist's office is much stronger than the one you can buy 9qLDziZ9xqk-00036-00012645-00012790 at the drug store. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00037-00012790-00013019 The treatment takes just a few minutes. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00038-00013019-00013211 You may be asked not to rinse, 9qLDziZ9xqk-00039-00013211-00013558 eat, or drink for at least thirty minutes after treatment. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00040-00013558-00013898 But that's so the fluoride can be absorbed into your teeth. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00041-00013898-00014333 Your dentist can tell you how often you need a professional fluoride treatment. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00042-00014333-00014526 It can be done every three, 9qLDziZ9xqk-00043-00014526-00014739 six, or twelve months. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00044-00014739-00015065 Fluoride treatments are beneficial for children and adults. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00045-00015065-00015402 Especially those with higher risk of dental carries. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00046-00015402-00015889 Even if you have fluoridated water ask about a professional fluoride rinse. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00047-00015889-00016147 Your dentist may recommend a fluoride mouth rinse 9qLDziZ9xqk-00048-00016147-00016562 or gel, or an antibacterial mouthwash, too. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00049-00016562-00016818 There is also another way to get fluoride 9qLDziZ9xqk-00050-00016818-00017091 that's by taking a dietary supplement. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00051-00017091-00017419 Ask your child's dentist or pediatrician about it. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00052-00017419-00017740 They can prescribe the proper dose for your child. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00053-00017740-00017893 Remember to ask about both 9qLDziZ9xqk-00054-00017893-00018044 types of fluoride. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00055-00018044-00018281 A combination of topical fluoride 9qLDziZ9xqk-00056-00018281-00018665 and dietary fluoride has been shown to have the greatest effect on fighting 9qLDziZ9xqk-00057-00018665-00018801 tooth decay. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00058-00018801-00019139 Fluoride it is part of a good oral health regimen. 9qLDziZ9xqk-00059-00019139-00019394 Think about that the next time you brush with a fluoride toothpaste. 9trXVvpQaUg-00000-00000497-00000802 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00001-00000802-00001002 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00002-00001002-00001052 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00003-00001083-00001133 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00004-00001133-00001183 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00005-00001201-00001401 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00006-00001401-00001451 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00007-00001467-00001517 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00008-00001517-00001567 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00009-00001567-00001617 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00010-00001617-00001667 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00011-00001709-00001909 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00012-00001909-00001959 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00013-00001979-00002029 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00014-00002029-00002079 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00015-00002079-00002129 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00016-00002129-00002179 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00017-00002208-00002408 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00018-00002408-00002458 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00019-00002458-00002508 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00020-00002514-00002714 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00021-00002714-00002764 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00022-00002764-00002814 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00023-00002820-00003020 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00024-00003020-00003070 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00025-00003111-00003311 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00026-00003311-00003361 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00027-00003391-00003441 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00028-00003441-00003491 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00029-00003531-00003581 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00030-00003581-00003631 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00031-00003631-00003681 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00032-00003681-00003731 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00033-00003774-00003974 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00034-00003974-00004024 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00035-00004048-00004248 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00036-00004248-00004298 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00037-00004298-00004348 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00038-00004356-00004556 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00039-00004556-00004606 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00040-00004608-00004808 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00041-00004808-00004858 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00042-00004880-00005080 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00043-00005080-00005130 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00044-00005148-00005348 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00045-00005348-00005398 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00046-00005447-00005647 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00047-00005647-00005697 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00048-00005697-00005747 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00049-00005750-00005950 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00050-00005950-00006000 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00051-00006000-00006050 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00052-00006050-00006250 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00053-00006250-00006300 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00054-00006300-00006350 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00055-00006358-00006558 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00056-00006558-00006608 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00057-00006655-00006855 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00058-00006855-00006905 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00059-00006942-00007142 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00060-00007142-00007192 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00061-00007213-00007413 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00062-00007413-00007463 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00063-00007503-00007703 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00064-00007703-00007753 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00065-00007799-00007999 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00066-00007999-00008049 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00067-00008049-00008099 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00068-00008103-00008303 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00069-00008303-00008353 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00070-00008392-00008592 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00071-00008592-00008642 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00072-00008655-00008705 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9trXVvpQaUg-00073-00008705-00008755 Reactions of People After Revocation of Article 370 9tCSFz81364-00000-00000000-00000500 To make and attach simple, sturdy shelves to the wall, perhaps for the basement, 9tCSFz81364-00001-00000507-00001033 all it takes is some spare time and a few simple tools such as a Parkside cutting guide, 9tCSFz81364-00002-00001041-00001530 Parkside wall drill bits, an Enkho rechargeable drill, a jigsaw, and an old wood planer. 9tCSFz81364-00003-00003000-00003882 Not to miss the upcoming videos, please subscribe to my channel, thank you. Bye bye. 9w6EtDxQGVM-00000-00000000-00000200 Video is Rec 0001.mp4 9w6EtDxQGVM-00001-00000329-00000395 Thanks for watching! 9w6EtDxQGVM-00002-00000395-00000595 Like and subscribe! 9xz6kY0BmsQ-00000-00000000-00000616 Hate will not be tolerated here. An initiative of SpatzInDerHand.de 9xz6kY0BmsQ-00001-00000704-00001120 We do not tolerate any discrimination, insults or provocations. 9xz6kY0BmsQ-00002-00001150-00001350 Also no hate against hate. 9xz6kY0BmsQ-00003-00001350-00001534 No whatsaboutism. 9xz6kY0BmsQ-00004-00001730-00001950 Please comment only on the topic. 9xz6kY0BmsQ-00005-00001950-00002160 Do not let yourself be remote controlled. 9xz6kY0BmsQ-00006-00002160-00002710 Your comment must be written by yourself or marked as a quote. 9xz6kY0BmsQ-00007-00002710-00002902 No advertisements. 9xz6kY0BmsQ-00008-00002974-00003190 There are laws on the Internet, too. 9xz6kY0BmsQ-00009-00003190-00003424 Violations are not accepted. 9xz6kY0BmsQ-00010-00003450-00003996 Whoever violates the netiquette must expect these consequences. 9ykwQnoqpC8-00000-00000307-00000716 This is Brandon Shibley from Toradex. I am going to show you how to use the serial console with 9ykwQnoqpC8-00001-00000716-00000925 your Toradex computer module. 9ykwQnoqpC8-00002-00000925-00001334 The serial console is useful for debugging modules, specially if you are not seeing 9ykwQnoqpC8-00003-00001334-00001428 anything on the display. 9ykwQnoqpC8-00004-00001428-00001739 It's also handy for accessing the bootloader 9ykwQnoqpC8-00005-00001739-00002208 and for flashing new images to the module. So, let's show you how to get started. 9ykwQnoqpC8-00006-00002208-00002611 For working with our Iris Carrier Board or Ixora Carrier Board, you can access the 9ykwQnoqpC8-00007-00002611-00002726 serial console 9ykwQnoqpC8-00008-00002726-00003167 at UART-A on these headers. That's X13 on the Iris Carrier Board, 9ykwQnoqpC8-00009-00003167-00003714 X22 on the Ixora Carrier Board. We often provide a little cable like this to 9ykwQnoqpC8-00010-00003714-00003879 give you a DB9 connector 9ykwQnoqpC8-00011-00003879-00004410 on that header and then you can connect the 9ykwQnoqpC8-00012-00004410-00004798 standard serial cable or USB-to-Serial adapter 9ykwQnoqpC8-00013-00004798-00005142 and of course, if you're connecting your host machine you want to be sure to use 9ykwQnoqpC8-00014-00005142-00005264 a null modem or 9ykwQnoqpC8-00015-00005264-00005456 a crossover cable. 9ykwQnoqpC8-00016-00005866-00006066 Now, if you're working with one of our 9ykwQnoqpC8-00017-00006067-00006539 evaluation boards, you can access the serial console on UART-A at the bottom, 9ykwQnoqpC8-00018-00006539-00007013 DB9 connector here or via the USB connector here 9ykwQnoqpC8-00019-00007013-00007514 which has an on-board USB-to-Serial converter. In either case you want to be 9ykwQnoqpC8-00020-00007514-00007870 sure to properly set jumper 17 and 19 here 9ykwQnoqpC8-00021-00007870-00008217 for either mode so that they are in one position to 9ykwQnoqpC8-00022-00008217-00008724 use the serial port and the other position for the USB port. 9ykwQnoqpC8-00023-00008724-00009281 So, let's go ahead and put our module in the carrier board. 9ykwQnoqpC8-00024-00009281-00009745 Let's connect our serial cable. 9ykwQnoqpC8-00025-00009745-00010149 Again, null modem and we're using the USB-to-serial converter 9ykwQnoqpC8-00026-00010432-00010554 Now with the hardware set up, 9ykwQnoqpC8-00027-00010554-00010925 let's setup the terminal on our host machine. I'm going to do this on Linux, 9ykwQnoqpC8-00028-00010925-00011511 but, you can also do this with the Windows operating system. Alright, so let's go and 9ykwQnoqpC8-00029-00011511-00011621 choose our favorite 9ykwQnoqpC8-00030-00011621-00011965 terminal program, in this case I'm using Minicom 9ykwQnoqpC8-00031-00011965-00012293 and let's go ahead and make sure that you have 9ykwQnoqpC8-00032-00012293-00012643 yours set up correctly. In this case 9ykwQnoqpC8-00033-00012643-00013033 under serial device some use in a USB Serial Device. 9ykwQnoqpC8-00034-00013033-00013625 Just go ahead and enter whatever's correct for your host machine setup 9ykwQnoqpC8-00035-00013625-00014033 and for the baud rate, make sure you are using a 115K baud, 9ykwQnoqpC8-00036-00014033-00014402 8-bit, no parity bit, 1 stop bit, 9ykwQnoqpC8-00037-00014402-00015058 and no full control. I am going to start with a Windows module here. 9ykwQnoqpC8-00038-00015058-00015362 This is going to have eboot as the bootloader. 9ykwQnoqpC8-00039-00015578-00015982 Go ahead and power this thing on 9ykwQnoqpC8-00040-00016431-00016852 Now, the operating system is loaded, but you can see that not very much came out on the 9ykwQnoqpC8-00041-00016852-00017169 serial console here, and 9ykwQnoqpC8-00042-00017169-00017627 that's because by default the bootloader is not outputting very much 9ykwQnoqpC8-00043-00017627-00017777 information on the serial 9ykwQnoqpC8-00044-00017777-00018147 console. Now, if we hold down space bar 9ykwQnoqpC8-00045-00018147-00018523 and reset the module or enter the 9ykwQnoqpC8-00046-00018523-00018837 bootloader, this is eboot and 9ykwQnoqpC8-00047-00018837-00019245 we are going to hit X to go into the command prompt. Type 'Help' here, and 9ykwQnoqpC8-00048-00019245-00019579 we will see some of the commands available to us. 9ykwQnoqpC8-00049-00019579-00020010 We type 'Set', we're going to see some of the 9ykwQnoqpC8-00050-00020010-00020564 bootloader config parameters here and if we type 9ykwQnoqpC8-00051-00020564-00021181 'set dbg', we will see that there is a debug serial output set to 0. 9ykwQnoqpC8-00052-00021181-00021703 We set this to 1 then we're going to get some more debug information on the 9ykwQnoqpC8-00053-00021703-00021802 serial console. 9ykwQnoqpC8-00054-00021802-00022266 Let's go ahead and do that. And, then we need to save 9ykwQnoqpC8-00055-00022266-00022627 this change to flash and 9ykwQnoqpC8-00056-00022627-00023114 of course from the bootloader we can change a variety of other parameters here, but for now 9ykwQnoqpC8-00057-00023114-00023620 let's go ahead and just see what we get when we enable debug output on the serial port. 9ykwQnoqpC8-00058-00023620-00023920 You don't have to reset the device. Let it load 9ykwQnoqpC8-00059-00023920-00024497 the OS. I am going to see some more information come out on the serial console here. 9ykwQnoqpC8-00060-00024497-00024895 So, it's a great way. If you're having any problems, boot the module. 9ykwQnoqpC8-00061-00024895-00025237 It is a good way to see if the OS is 9ykwQnoqpC8-00062-00025237-00025553 experiencing any trouble 9ykwQnoqpC8-00063-00025553-00025870 here with the debug output. Things look good 9ykwQnoqpC8-00064-00025870-00026339 and the module is successfully booted. Let's go and try our 9ykwQnoqpC8-00065-00026344-00026933 Linux module. I am going to go and swap the module. 9ykwQnoqpC8-00066-00027902-00028227 I am just going to go ahead and let this boot. Here, you are seeing a lot more output. 9ykwQnoqpC8-00067-00028228-00028606 That's because we have the entire 9ykwQnoqpC8-00068-00028606-00028928 Linux console 9ykwQnoqpC8-00069-00028928-00029327 by default is going to the serial port here. So, you can actually 9ykwQnoqpC8-00070-00029327-00029656 going to see all the output from the kernel 9ykwQnoqpC8-00071-00029656-00030094 and system startup, and there's a full 9ykwQnoqpC8-00072-00030094-00030550 system terminal available here, so we can actually log into the 9ykwQnoqpC8-00073-00030550-00030883 computer and use it over the serial port. 9ykwQnoqpC8-00074-00030883-00031237 Let's go ahead and reboot 9ykwQnoqpC8-00075-00031237-00031569 into the bootloader. 9ykwQnoqpC8-00076-00031569-00031966 We will have to hold down a key. In that case, it is holding down 'Enter'. 9ykwQnoqpC8-00077-00031966-00032311 So, we have got a few lines here but this is the 9ykwQnoqpC8-00078-00032311-00032818 command prompt for Uboot. We can type 'help' and see some available commands to us. 9ykwQnoqpC8-00079-00032818-00033162 We can type 'printend' and see the 9ykwQnoqpC8-00080-00033162-00033722 environment variables here in Uboot. Many of these parameters are used for 9ykwQnoqpC8-00081-00033722-00034122 are the boot parameters used when booting the operating system. 9ykwQnoqpC8-00082-00034122-00034515 So, if we're going to change whether we're booting from say the on-board 9ykwQnoqpC8-00083-00034515-00034906 Flash or MMC or to an SD card 9ykwQnoqpC8-00084-00034906-00035278 this is where we would do that. This is also where we would go to 9ykwQnoqpC8-00085-00035278-00035715 flash the module with a new image, and 9ykwQnoqpC8-00086-00035715-00036022 we can just go ahead and boot on into the OS by typing 'boot'. 9ykwQnoqpC8-00087-00036022-00036494 You now see the Linux booting and of course once it is loaded, you can access the 9ykwQnoqpC8-00088-00036494-00036709 terminal again via the serial console. 9ykwQnoqpC8-00089-00036709-00037184 And that covers the very basics of the serial console. 9ykwQnoqpC8-00090-00037184-00037575 For more information on how you can utilize the serial console with your 9ykwQnoqpC8-00091-00037575-00037713 Toradex Computer Module 9ykwQnoqpC8-00092-00037713-00038128 visit our developer website - developer.toradex.com 9ztJMk3xYY0-00000-00000039-00000986 Hi, this is Ryan Turner with Maker's Tool Works. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00001-00000986-00001449 Today I going to show you how to make and apply an ABS acetone solution to the printbed 9ztJMk3xYY0-00002-00001449-00001632 of your fused filament fabrication 9ztJMk3xYY0-00003-00001632-00001939 based 3D printer, like the MendelMax 2. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00004-00001939-00002400 This is especially useful for users wishing to print with ABS materials but finding that 9ztJMk3xYY0-00005-00002400-00002565 they are having difficulty with the first 9ztJMk3xYY0-00006-00002565-00003088 layer of their print adhering to the printbed, or conversly they may be having a level of 9ztJMk3xYY0-00007-00003088-00003188 warping that occurs. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00008-00003188-00003309 This can help that too. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00009-00003309-00003488 Now, there are a couple of users who 9ztJMk3xYY0-00010-00003488-00003911 have found that when they make this solution much too strong and print the first layer 9ztJMk3xYY0-00011-00003911-00004391 way too low, that they can't take the prints off of the glass -- it simply works to 9ztJMk3xYY0-00012-00004391-00004491 well. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00013-00004491-00004857 So make sure that you don't stray too far out of the norm, but terrible precision isn't 9ztJMk3xYY0-00014-00004857-00005055 really necessary here. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00015-00005055-00005549 So there're a couple of supplies that we will need, first thing being a measuring cup. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00016-00005549-00005986 You've gotta make sure that it's glass or HDPE though, and of course you can use 9ztJMk3xYY0-00017-00005986-00006374 something like a volumetric flask or graduated cylinder if you'd like to. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00018-00006374-00006828 One cup or a couple hundred mililtres is plenty of capacity for measuring. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00019-00006828-00006931 The important this is 9ztJMk3xYY0-00020-00006931-00007272 that the material does not dissolve in ABS. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00021-00007272-00007514 The second thing you will need is a measuring tape. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00022-00007514-00007997 I have a 16 foot long measuring tape that is much overkill for this -- just a regular 9ztJMk3xYY0-00023-00007997-00008259 1 foot or half a meter stick is 9ztJMk3xYY0-00024-00008259-00008370 plenty for this. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00025-00008370-00008650 So in terms of supplies that you will need for this there are a couple of things. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00026-00008650-00009069 The very first thing that you will need is a bottle, because there is not much sense 9ztJMk3xYY0-00027-00009069-00009397 in just making enough to use once when you're doing this. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00028-00009397-00009588 It takes a little bit of time 9ztJMk3xYY0-00029-00009588-00009761 for the ABS to dissolve. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00030-00009761-00010382 So, we like to make a solution in batch, put it in a bottle, and use it until it runs out, 9ztJMk3xYY0-00031-00010382-00010652 which should be a couple of months because this does not 9ztJMk3xYY0-00032-00010652-00010765 take that much. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00033-00010765-00011097 Now you can see this bottle that I am using may not be what you expected, and it's certainly 9ztJMk3xYY0-00034-00011097-00011369 not what I used for making my PVAc solution before. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00035-00011369-00011469 That's 9ztJMk3xYY0-00036-00011469-00011913 because, once again, it has to be a material that is not dissolvable in acetone. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00037-00011913-00012400 So, I'm recycling a rubbing alcohol bottle which is made out of HDPE. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00038-00012400-00012600 The important thing is 9ztJMk3xYY0-00039-00012600-00012825 once again that it does not dissolve. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00040-00012825-00013518 Things like canning jars tend to be problematic, because the seal on top of them dissolves 9ztJMk3xYY0-00041-00013518-00013618 in ABS. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00042-00013618-00013759 So you may have it cranked down all 9ztJMk3xYY0-00043-00013759-00014082 the way, but then knock the bottle over, and then suddenly you have acetone coming out 9ztJMk3xYY0-00044-00014082-00014454 the side because it has eaten through that rubber gasket. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00045-00014454-00014584 So, something made out of 9ztJMk3xYY0-00046-00014584-00015048 HDPE, or something made out of glass with and HDPE top is what you want. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00047-00015048-00015495 Now the second thing that you will need is ABS filament. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00048-00015495-00015751 Im using red Maker's Tool Works ABS. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00049-00015751-00016152 Now you can use things like natural or white, but then you cant quite see where 9ztJMk3xYY0-00050-00016152-00016337 the solution is applied. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00051-00016337-00016645 So I find that a bright color like red works best. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00052-00016645-00017154 Of course the down side to that is that you're going to have red on wherever you apply it. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00053-00017154-00017254 So if 9ztJMk3xYY0-00054-00017254-00017372 you spill the stuff it's going to be noticiable. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00055-00017372-00017856 And it may adhere a little bit to the first layer of your prints, so if that's really 9ztJMk3xYY0-00056-00017856-00018076 a concern then go with clear or white. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00057-00018076-00018431 But for me, I just want to make sure that I can see it's still there; I care about it 9ztJMk3xYY0-00058-00018431-00018531 working. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00059-00018531-00018631 So I'm going with red. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00060-00018631-00019134 Then the third that you will need is of course Acetone. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00061-00019134-00019674 You can see I went overkill here and got 1 gallon or 3.75 L worth of acetone, which is 9ztJMk3xYY0-00062-00019674-00019804 much more than I need to fill 9ztJMk3xYY0-00063-00019804-00019976 this little bottle. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00064-00019976-00020435 So you dont have to get the same size as me -- this only cost me about 20 USD at a home 9ztJMk3xYY0-00065-00020435-00020831 improvement store, but you can certainly go with a quart size, or 9ztJMk3xYY0-00066-00020831-00021104 quarter litre, or half litre, or whatever you have available. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00067-00021104-00021601 Though I recommend that you stay in the home improvement quality acetone and don't sort 9ztJMk3xYY0-00068-00021601-00021734 of stray out of that and 9ztJMk3xYY0-00069-00021734-00022420 go to a department store or to a beauty store, because the acetone that's used to nail polish 9ztJMk3xYY0-00070-00022420-00022826 remover tends to be much more expensive and you tend to get a lot less for your 9ztJMk3xYY0-00071-00022826-00022926 money. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00072-00022926-00023243 We dont need the purity and we dont need the additives and stabilizers, what have you; 9ztJMk3xYY0-00073-00023243-00023605 we just want pure straight-up acetone. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00074-00023605-00023765 Cheapest here is best. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00075-00023765-00023901 Going along those 9ztJMk3xYY0-00076-00023901-00024423 same lines, getting lab quality acetone really isn't necessary; we dont care for that sort 9ztJMk3xYY0-00077-00024423-00024523 of precision. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00078-00024523-00024801 So, with all of these things on hand, let's go ahead and start making the solution. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00079-00024801-00025199 It takes a little while for the ABS to get dissolved, so the sooner you get started, 9ztJMk3xYY0-00080-00025199-00025299 the 9ztJMk3xYY0-00081-00025299-00025399 better. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00082-00025399-00025526 So, let's get started. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00083-00025526-00025762 Work in a well ventilated area, preferably outside. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00084-00025762-00026227 We recommend wearing nitrile gloves and using eye protection to prevent exposure to spilled 9ztJMk3xYY0-00085-00026227-00026327 acetone. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00086-00026327-00026812 First, take your acetone, and pour 250 mL or 1 cup into your measuring cup. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00087-00026812-00027033 Be sure to put the top on your acetone after. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00088-00027033-00027553 Then, pour the 250 mL of acetone into your bottle. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00089-00027553-00028114 Soon thereafter make certain that you replace teh cap to prevent any sort of evaporation. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00090-00028114-00028836 Take your filament spool and measure out 30 cm or 12 in of 3 mm ABS filament. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00091-00028836-00029355 Snap or cut the filament free and tend to your spaghetti monster of a filament spool 9ztJMk3xYY0-00092-00029355-00029588 thereafter. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00093-00029588-00030191 Snap the filament into a few smaller pieces to make it more managable. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00094-00030191-00030983 Then uncap the bottle, and then drop the pieces into the bottle. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00095-00030983-00031118 Replace the cap on the bottle and 9ztJMk3xYY0-00096-00031118-00031624 shake repeatedly. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00097-00031624-00032181 Alternative you can leave it overnight, but we're impatient. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00098-00032181-00032697 Once there is no indication of solid filament being present, you're ready to apply the solution. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00099-00032697-00033155 Using a folded up sheet of paper towel, cover the bottle and simply tip over 9ztJMk3xYY0-00100-00033155-00033255 once. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00101-00033255-00033522 Once is really enough. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00102-00033522-00034200 Then, whipe over the printbed and watch as the acetone dissolves and you're left with 9ztJMk3xYY0-00103-00034200-00034508 a foggy coating of ABS on top. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00104-00034508-00034608 Note that if you cover the 9ztJMk3xYY0-00105-00034608-00035000 same area multiple times, all that ends up hapening is that you take the old stuff off 9ztJMk3xYY0-00106-00035000-00035434 and put new stuff on, so you dont end up doing an additional layer, you just whipe it 9ztJMk3xYY0-00107-00035434-00035541 away and then reapply it. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00108-00035541-00035641 That's really all there is to it! 9ztJMk3xYY0-00109-00035641-00035741 Generally after every print, it should be visually obvious that some of the coating 9ztJMk3xYY0-00110-00035741-00035841 has been removed, so you will want to reapply the 9ztJMk3xYY0-00111-00035841-00035941 solution to the bed. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00112-00035941-00036150 Also note that we recommend users apply the ABS solution on top of PET or window tint 9ztJMk3xYY0-00113-00036150-00036541 film instead of directly to glass to avoid issues of over-adhesion. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00114-00036541-00037924 Once again, I'm Ryan with Maker's Tool Works, and this has been 9ztJMk3xYY0-00115-00037924-00038153 Making and applying ABS Acetone Solution. 9ztJMk3xYY0-00116-00038153-00038469 If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them 9ztJMk3xYY0-00117-00038469-00039116 below, or visit our website at mtw.io; this month we launched a new web forum, and we're 9ztJMk3xYY0-00118-00039116-00039519 always available in our webchat and support ticket system to answer any of your questions. 9BBwgbdHMJU-00000-00001100-00001900 Priyanka Chopra And Nick Jonas' Roka: Parineeti Chopra, Arpita Khan Sharma 9BBwgbdHMJU-00001-00002000-00003400 Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas' roka ceremony, which was organised at the actress' Mumbai home on Saturday, was attended by only family and close friends. 9BBwgbdHMJU-00002-00003500-00004300 Nick Jonas' parents Denise and Kevin Jonas flew to Mumbai on Thursday to take part in the festivities. 9BBwgbdHMJU-00003-00004400-00006400 Priyanka's cousin Parineeti Chopra, who accompanied Nick and Priyanka on their Goa vacation in June, was the first one to arrive at the Chopra residence. Just like her sister, Parineeti was also seen sporting a yellow coloured Indian outfit. 9BBwgbdHMJU-00004-00006500-00008200 Arpita Khan Sharma, Anusha Dhandekar and Shrishti Behl Arya were some of the other guests who attended the ceremony. Priyanka wore a traditional yellow outfit for the ceremony while Nick opted for kurta pajama set. 9BBwgbdHMJU-00005-00008300-00009100 The only way to do this. with Family and God. Thank you all for your wishes and blessings . 9BBwgbdHMJU-00006-00009200-00010900 We got a glimpse of Parineeti arriving at the venue. She took a break from her professional commitments and especially flew to Mumbai, to be a part of her sister's roka ceremony. Parineeti Chopra arriving at the venue. 9BBwgbdHMJU-00007-00011000-00012000 Though Salman Khan was not present at the venue, his sister Arpita Khan Sharma made an appearance, dressed in a pink outfit. 9BBwgbdHMJU-00008-00012100-00013700 Arpita Khan Sharma arriving at the roka. Priyanka's The Legend of Drona producer Shrishti Behl Arya was dressed in a pink kurta and churidars. Shrishti greeted the shutterbugs with a bright smile. 9BBwgbdHMJU-00009-00013800-00014500 Shrishti Behl Arya was dressed in pink. 9BBwgbdHMJU-00010-00014600-00015500 Anusha Dandekar at Priyanka Chopra's house. Producer Mushtaq Sheikh were also invited to the roka. 9BBwgbdHMJU-00011-00015600-00016800 An engagement party was hosted in the evening in Mumbai. According to sources, over 200 hotel rooms were booked for guests at a Mumbai hotel. 9BBwgbdHMJU-00012-00016900-00018300 Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra and singer Nick Jonas met at Met gala in 2017. However, they reportedly started dating a few months ago. 9BBwgbdHMJU-00013-00018400-00019600 In June, Priyanka accompanied Nick to his cousin's wedding. On his visit to India in June, Nick accompanied Priyanka at an Ambai party. 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00000-00000055-00000865 [Music] 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00001-00001117-00001590 [Music] OK, let's look at some MLA examples of 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00002-00001590-00002264 how this style works. But what about multiple works by a single author? So 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00003-00002264-00002798 here we're looking at a very straightforward, very common example. The 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00004-00002798-00003577 author's name is Baron, and the first name is Naomi, the middle name is S. So in 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00005-00003577-00004308 the MLA, the last name we write out the surname. Then use a comma, then the first 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00006-00004308-00004863 name. You also write the whole name, not just a letter. But the middle name, you 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00007-00004863-00005333 can use just the initial, just the one letter. And you need to have this period 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00008-00005333-00005906 here. Next, we have the name of the research paper, and we put it inside 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00009-00005906-00006568 quotation marks. Remember one space before quotation, no space after here on 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00010-00006568-00007117 the opening quotation. "Redefining Reading: The Impact of Digital Communication 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00011-00007117-00007746 Media." Then we have a period at the end, and another quotation mark, closing 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00012-00007746-00008418 quotation. And that closing quotation, pay attention to that, that has no space 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00013-00008418-00009035 before, one space after. Very easy to get confused by this. Next, we have the name 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00014-00009035-00009488 of the journal, and the journal here is called PMLA. Now if that's what the 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00015-00009488-00009797 journal is called, we don't need to write it out, if that's the normal way that 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00016-00009797-00010234 journal uses their name. However, pay attention. We do use the 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00017-00010234-00010807 italics. That means we write the letters at that angle, which is what? what what does 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00018-00010807-00011209 that mean? It's the same as underline. Underlining is what you use for the 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00019-00011209-00011676 names of books, and for the names of journals, and magazines etc. And we have 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00020-00011676-00012357 another comma, and then volume, vol, period with a lowercase V. Then we have the 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00021-00012357-00013310 number, and look there one space in between, comma and n-o, number, period, space, 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00022-00013312-00014481 number one, comma again, space and then here we have January 2013, pages 193 to 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00023-00014482-00014912 200. Now, we don't always have this 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00024-00014912-00015430 January, but if the journal does use that approach, then you go ahead and put in 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00025-00015430-00015480 If they don't use it, 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00026-00015480-00015530 then you don't. 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00027-00015530-00015730 So MLA is very clear 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00028-00015999-00016386 about this. best to give the information to help the reader find what they are looking for. 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00029-00016386-00017023 So you try to copy what the journal does. And in this case, they have a volume and 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00030-00017023-00017463 a number and a month. OK, Well, then we do that. And the 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00031-00017463-00017832 year is right in there with pp, meaning pages. 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00032-00017834-00018402 If it's just one page, it's just one p. If it's two or more pages, then it's two p's. 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00033-00018402-00019056 Look at this next example here: Jacobs Allen, so surname, lastname, firstname, all 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00034-00019056-00019539 written out, not using initials. This is very tricky, because it's very normal. You 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00035-00019539-00020087 may have a article. You may have the person's name, but you only have the 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00036-00020087-00020483 letter. Why would you only have the letter of the first name as in this case? 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00037-00020483-00021349 This is Jacobs Allen, and maybe you only have Jacobs A. So the question is why do 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00038-00021349-00021901 you only have Jacobs A, and I know the reason why. Because you have a database 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00039-00021901-00022407 of EndNote or you have a database of Zotero-- Zotero is great by the way-- 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00040-00022407-00023046 and in there, you've already gotten this downloaded, but you don't have the name 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00041-00023046-00023579 for A. Why don't you? because when you downloaded it, you only grab the A. Maybe 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00042-00023579-00024191 automatically grab A, maybe you copied A, or maybe someone gave you this list, or 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00043-00024191-00024730 maybe what lots of students do is they copied this from another person's 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00044-00024730-00025198 reference list, and that person was using maybe APA, and an APA, you only need to 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00045-00025198-00025842 have the initial of the first name. Or maybe you copied it from someone who is 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00046-00025842-00026409 using MLA, but they were using MLA wrong, incorrectly. So in other words, somehow 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00047-00026409-00026864 you got a list, and that's all you got. Well, what's the answer to that? The 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00048-00026864-00027431 answer is very simple, very straightforward. Don't cheat, that is 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00049-00027431-00027917 cheating. You need to have the research paper. You need to have it. You need to 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00050-00027917-00028318 have read it. You cannot say you have read something and I'm using it as a 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00051-00028318-00028846 source, but you did not actually read it. That is cheating, so you should have the 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00052-00028846-00029463 paper. So what do you do? Just open up the PDF, or go into your google scholar, or go 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00053-00029463-00030177 to the website of the publisher and get the name. So here would be Jacob Alan, not 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00054-00030177-00030974 A. Now Alan does he have a middle name? This has no middle name, so we still use 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00055-00030974-00031334 a period here though. You see that's important. It's not just when it's a 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00056-00031334-00031957 middle name. We still have a period, key point. Now then: "The Pleasures of Reading 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00057-00031957-00032530 in an age of Distraction.." This is a book. How do we know it's a book? because we're 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00058-00032530-00033150 not using quotation marks, and it is italicized, written at the angle like 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00059-00033150-00033678 that, which means what? which means it's underlined same as underlined. What does 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00060-00033678-00034250 that mean? That means it's a title of a book. So here we're just citing the whole 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00061-00034250-00034601 book. We're not citing one chapter of the book or one part of the book. 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00062-00034601-00035057 This author Jacob Salman and his book called "The Pleasures of reading in an 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00063-00035057-00035868 age of distraction," and we have a period here. And then we have the location, 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00064-00035868-00036310 Oxford. Well, actually no it's not location. This is publisher. I'm sorry 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00065-00036310-00036813 publisher, UP publisher. You do not have location anymore. 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00066-00036813-00037401 MLA used to have location, but you do not use location in the newest edition of 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00067-00037401-00038123 MLA, and then UP is the abbreviation for the University publisher. How do you 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00068-00038123-00038657 know to use you UP. Check the MLA guidelines. It has a summary of the 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00069-00038657-00039142 the shortenings that you can use, the abbreviations you 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00070-00039142-00039658 can use, an U, capital P means University Press, Oxford University , 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00071-00039658-00040293 comma. And we have the year of the publication. So that's pretty straight 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00072-00040293-00040896 forward, and I think that lays out the most common case. This is the case of 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00073-00040896-00041852 what you would do most of the time in APA. Kinkaid Jamaica, so the surname is Kincaid. 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00074-00041852-00042470 The family name or surname or last name is called Kincaid. The first name or 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00075-00042470-00043018 given name is Jamaica. Again, no initial. We just have the first name here, spelled 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00076-00043018-00043710 out and then quotation marks. So what does quotation marks tell us? This tells 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00077-00043710-00044175 us that this is part of something bigger. This is a smaller piece 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00078-00044175-00044793 of a bigger part of maybe a article in a journal or a chapter in a book. In this 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00079-00044793-00045440 case, it's the article and the article is named "In History, and we have the period 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00080-00045440-00045890 there. After the period, we have the name of the journal, and the journal is 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00081-00045890-00046621 italicized again, written at that angle. A comma, a space, volume number. Pay 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00082-00046621-00047382 attention. The V is a lowercase v, and n for numbers is lowercase n, a comma. And then 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00083-00047382-00048261 Spring 2001. PP meaning pages, two or more pages, 620-26. So in this case, we've got 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00084-00048261-00048905 the Spring in there, why? because that's the way that journal chose their issues. 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00085-00048905-00049388 They have volume number. They have a volume number. They have an issue number, 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00086-00049388-00049996 and then they also have a time of year, spring number. Okay, well, if that's 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00087-00049996-00050430 the way to do it, then that's the way we follow. 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00088-00051850-00052253 [Music] What about the case of three or more 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00089-00052253-00052981 authors? What do we do in that case? Well, in the MLA it's a little bit confusing, 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00090-00052981-00053542 because it's quite different than maybe what we're used to in the APA. But let's 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00091-00053542-00054516 look at it here, very clearly. "Burdick, Anne,..." and and what happens? We just change 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00092-00054516-00054993 the other authors to et al. Now this is inside the reference list. We've already 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00093-00054993-00055604 looked at inside the citation, the inline citation. In the text, we can use the et 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00094-00055604-00055910 al., but here in the reference list, at the 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00095-00055910-00056360 end of your research paper, at the end of your dissertation, at the end of your 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00096-00056360-00056932 thesis, you have this list. And it's the same rule. If it's three or more names, 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00097-00056932-00057616 then you just condense it to et. al. So in this case, Burdick is the last name 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00098-00057616-00058221 and is the first name, comma, who are the authors there, et al., period. So 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00099-00058221-00058704 that's the end of that bit there. And this is "Digital Humanities," which must be 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00100-00058704-00059091 a book. How do I know it's a book? because there's no quotation marks, and it's 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00101-00059091-00060005 using italics at the angle, and then we have MIT P. And P must be what? That must 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00102-00060005-00060802 be press. Comma before, comma after that MIT press. 2012 is the year and with a 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00103-00060802-00061053 period. 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00104-00062484-00062966 Here we go. Let's take a look at some other examples that are fairly common. 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00105-00062966-00063530 We've already kind of looked at this, the single author, right? "Nunberg, Geoffrey, 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00106-00063530-00064259 surname, first name, comma, editor. Now in this case, this is a book that has an 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00107-00064259-00064805 editor. That means it's not just one book by one author, but rather it's a book 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00108-00064805-00065305 that has chapters in it. Those chapters have different authors or are made up by 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00109-00065305-00065698 different people. We may or may not know who those people are, but we do know the 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00110-00065698-00066426 editor in this case is Nunberg, Geoffrey, editor. Pay attention to that 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00111-00066426-00066975 lowercase e after the comma, and then a period there at the end. We always have 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00112-00066975-00067467 that period after we have the introduction of who is responsible for 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00113-00067467-00067910 writing this material, who's the source. "The future of the Book." Now this is in 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00114-00067910-00068360 italics, written at the angle. It is not in quotations. So we know this must be 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00115-00068360-00068890 the bigger container, not the smaller container, in this case a book. Where is it 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00116-00068890-00069256 from? It's from University of California P, meaning what? 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00117-00069256-00070092 press, University Press. And again that's a normal abbreviation of MLA guidelines 9C4fwpF0Ux4-00118-00070092-00070934 tell us. Comma, space, 1996. 1996 being a year of publication for that book. 9CCrOXIjG7Y-00000-00000000-00000618 The Amazon River Dolphin, also known as the Pink River Dolphin or Boto, is a freshwater dolphin 9CCrOXIjG7Y-00001-00000618-00001164 that is found in the Amazon and Orinoco river systems in South America. They are known for their 9CCrOXIjG7Y-00002-00001164-00001655 unique pink coloration, which comes from the blood vessels close to the surface of their skin. Amazon 9CCrOXIjG7Y-00003-00001655-00002184 River Dolphins are one of the largest species of freshwater dolphin, with males reaching lengths 9CCrOXIjG7Y-00004-00002184-00002796 of up to 8 feet and weighing over 300 pounds. They are social animals and can often be seen swimming 9CCrOXIjG7Y-00005-00002796-00003408 in groups of up to 15 individuals. Amazon River Dolphins are apex predators, feeding primarily 9CCrOXIjG7Y-00006-00003408-00004002 on fish, and play an important role in maintaining the health of their ecosystems. However, they are 9CCrOXIjG7Y-00007-00004002-00004572 also threatened by habitat loss and hunting, and are considered a vulnerable species by the IUCN. 9CCrOXIjG7Y-00008-00004572-00005070 Conservation efforts are underway to protect their populations and prevent further decline. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00000-00000177-00000401 Gary Huffnagle: All right, I'd like to start off by thanking 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00001-00000401-00000934 the -- Lita and the organizing committee for this invitation to speak. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00002-00000934-00001832 The goal of my presentation today is both included in my title, which is to bring the 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00003-00001832-00002600 audience here up to speed on this rapidly-changing field of the study of the microbial communities, 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00004-00002600-00003314 the microbes themselves that we're finding in lungs both during health and disease, but 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00005-00003314-00003875 then also identify the gaps, challenges, and needs. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00006-00003875-00004413 And so to start with, I would like to take you a little bit back in history because I 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00007-00004413-00004597 think this puts it in the context. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00008-00004597-00005142 And so this summer actually pushes, I was just thinking about this, this is the 10-year 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00009-00005142-00005636 anniversary of when my post‑doc Maury Nover [spelled phonetically] in my lab was finishing 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00010-00005636-00006608 studies that -- in which we were able to demonstrate using mice, that if you treated mice with 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00011-00006608-00007323 an oral, poorly-absorbed antibiotic, you could change immune responses in the lungs, a distal 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00012-00007323-00007475 site. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00013-00007475-00008356 And the importance of that set of observations is because, at that point, in this idea of 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00014-00008356-00009143 the study of the hygiene hypothesis, which, by the way, had its origins in the study and 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00015-00009143-00009474 -- of the etiology of allergic disease. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00016-00009474-00010110 One of the caveats is -- let's see if I got a pointer here -- is ‑‑ had something 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00017-00010110-00010322 to do with antibiotic use, so high antibiotic use, low antibiotic use. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00018-00010322-00010857 And this is coming on about 15 years or so of epidemiologic data that pointed stronger 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00019-00010857-00011390 and stronger and stronger that antibiotic use correlated with the development of allergic 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00020-00011390-00011886 disease, but not a single study that could actually demonstrate that that could be the 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00021-00011886-00011993 case. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00022-00011993-00012189 And so that's what that was. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00023-00012189-00012778 The -- interestingly, the results as I presented them were well received at the meetings I 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00024-00012778-00012878 was at. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00025-00012878-00013074 We were actually asked to write a review on the topic. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00026-00013074-00013438 Okay, a review on the topic that never existed. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00027-00013438-00013672 That was actually quite an interesting challenge to us. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00028-00013672-00014003 So we kind of made it more of an opinion piece back then, of like, "Okay, here's where the 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00029-00014003-00014456 field stands, here's the epidemiology; what are the possible mechanisms that could -- that 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00030-00014456-00014816 this -- that could drive this?" 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00031-00014816-00015286 Since the studies, there have been now a number of studies that have come out that are all 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00032-00015286-00015712 addressing the same issues and have shown the same sort of thing, that whether you use 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00033-00015712-00016378 poorly-absorbed antibiotics or you use germ-free mice, that if you disturb or alter the gut 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00034-00016378-00016986 microbiome, the microbial interactions in the GI tract, you can change immune response 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00035-00016986-00017391 in the lungs, not just allergic, which is on this slide, but on also immune responses 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00036-00017391-00017553 to viruses. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00037-00017553-00018065 So the question was, then, how's this work? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00038-00018065-00018873 And so just a little interesting side note, so as we put these studies out for publication, 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00039-00018873-00019301 Nature turned -- their response was, "These are not broadly applicable. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00040-00019301-00019401 Go away." 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00041-00019401-00019632 So it was a 39-hour rejection. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00042-00019632-00020070 Science did not send us out even for editorial review. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00043-00020070-00020559 And later on as we went through our review processes, this is the question that keeps 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00044-00020559-00020910 coming up again and again, "How's it work?" 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00045-00020910-00021010 Okay. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00046-00021010-00021487 And I love this slide actually from Jacque and Larry's studies. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00047-00021487-00021971 And so Jacque showed the other day, or yesterday, about the bouncing ball along trying to get 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00048-00021971-00022107 from one point to another. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00049-00022107-00022536 And this is basically how this field has moved for the past decade. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00050-00022536-00023146 Which is, as we try to go from one point here, to trying to get to the question, how do things 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00051-00023146-00023340 work, we've run into many obstacles. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00052-00023340-00023854 And when I say "we," it's not just us, it's many other laboratories as we bounce around. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00053-00023854-00024057 And what are those obstacles? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00054-00024057-00024693 Well, the gap is trying to understand it, and the option, the obstacle, is the type 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00055-00024693-00025115 of science we need to do when we're talking about distal site communication. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00056-00025115-00025663 And that's this idea that this is a complex in vivo system, and how do you get this by 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00057-00025663-00026151 study sections in which they're dominated by reductionist biologist? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00058-00026151-00026560 And so I know I'm preaching to the choir here because we deal with interdisciplinary research 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00059-00026560-00026706 all the time and things like that. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00060-00026706-00027433 But this has been a huge, huge challenge to this field. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00061-00027433-00027713 And so -- but we're not without ideas of how this works. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00062-00027713-00028477 And so the idea is that -- so as you inhale antigen we know a lot about how immune responses 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00063-00028477-00029077 develop in the lungs and their outcome of that pulmonary challenge. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00064-00029077-00029719 But studies showed many years ago that sampling itself, it's hard to deliver something directly 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00065-00029719-00030239 to the lungs, whether it's intranasally, inhalation, et cetera, things get swept up and swallowed, 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00066-00030239-00030774 and they go to the GI tract where the immune system in the GI tract picks it up, and now, 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00067-00030774-00031443 as a number of studies have been highlighted so far in this meeting about the potential 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00068-00031443-00031868 of immune regulation in the GI tract affecting sites, whether it be the lungs or the brain 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00069-00031868-00032153 or whatever, the idea you can move around. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00070-00032153-00032753 And then, of course, the idea that the microbiota might actually influence how immune responses 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00071-00032753-00032965 develop in the gut. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00072-00032965-00033525 We know that, or you know a lot of studies here are talking about this for local responses, 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00073-00033525-00033887 but then the potential that this could affect this immune regulation this way. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00074-00033887-00034441 But now there's more evidence coming out that microbial metabolites circulate. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00075-00034441-00034946 And so it opens the possibility that metabolites might also be affecting this response here. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00076-00034946-00035727 And there's actually a wonderful set of studies by Ben Marzlin in Switzerland that was on 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00077-00035727-00036405 -- that I've seen at meetings so far where he's looking at short-chain fatty acids and 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00078-00036405-00036815 their ability to affect pulmonary immune responses when delivered systemically. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00079-00036815-00037345 But one of the sets of reviews that came along during this whole process was, "Well, what 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00080-00037345-00037774 -- you know, are your antibiotics affecting the microbes in the lungs?" 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00081-00037774-00038119 Okay, well, besides the fact that these are poorly-absorbed antibiotics, and later on 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00082-00038119-00038709 we've shown that they actually would not have any effect even on an infection, what a stupidly 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00083-00038709-00039124 absurd questions, okay, 10 years ago, because look at a text book. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00084-00039124-00039546 The normal lung is free from bacteria, okay? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00085-00039546-00039971 And so, in fact, is that one of the drivers that when you look at the Human Microbiome 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00086-00039971-00040143 Project, there is nothing there in the lungs. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00087-00040143-00040587 There is no sampling of the lungs in the original surveys. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00088-00040587-00041241 And so the question about paradigm shifts is what I'm trying to focus on here. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00089-00041241-00041824 And so a few years ago, then, a landmark paper came out from Markus Hilty and Bill Cookson 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00090-00041824-00042277 over in England that actually showed that in asthmatic airways -- well, first off, they 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00091-00042277-00042848 showed that -- this is using clone libraries -- that in allergic disease, a) there was 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00092-00042848-00043299 ‑‑ you could isolate microbial signatures from the lungs of healthy individuals. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00093-00043299-00043480 They changed during asthma. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00094-00043480-00043924 There is also some COPD data in there. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00095-00043924-00044383 And so this was pretty fascinating. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00096-00044383-00044903 And so since that point in time, there have been a number of diseases in which lung microbiomes 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00097-00044903-00045011 have been reported to be altered. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00098-00045011-00045496 I put cystic fibrosis on here because, actually, that disease in and of itself has a really 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00099-00045496-00045788 long history of having microbial colonization of the airways. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00100-00045788-00045888 And it kind of -- it's cheating. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00101-00045888-00046421 It doesn't really count because we know that with all that mucous there, it really changes 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00102-00046421-00046728 the architecture, and you've been able to culture a lot of things out. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00103-00046728-00047391 But for a lot of other diseases, culture-based processes have been ‑‑ fell short. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00104-00047391-00048062 But now we know in asthma, COPD, and in bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome that follows lung transplantation, 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00105-00048062-00048450 that we can find altered microbial communities. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00106-00048450-00048841 So let me tell you a little bit, then, about airway anatomy, because this is very important 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00107-00048841-00049250 when we talk about where are the microbes or where could they be. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00108-00049250-00049953 And so you need to realize that for anything that's coming down here, this tube that starts 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00109-00049953-00050493 in the mouth and the nasal pharynx, so it's a fairly significant microbial load up in 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00110-00050493-00050637 the mouth and nose. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00111-00050637-00050921 And then it takes a 90-degree turn. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00112-00050921-00051021 Okay. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00113-00051021-00051380 And then you head down the throat, you get a split, whether you go down the esophagus 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00114-00051380-00051627 or into the lungs. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00115-00051627-00052024 And then the lungs begin to branch, and branch, and branch, and branch, and at the very end 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00116-00052024-00052397 of those branches are the alveoli. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00117-00052397-00052847 And so there is one little area here, so where the larynx is, I mean, could potentially serve 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00118-00052847-00053129 as kind of a dam between the upper and lower airways. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00119-00053129-00053528 We know that there is cilia, ciliad [spelled phonetically] epithelium that are pushing 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00120-00053528-00053802 the mucous up, and there's lots of turns and branches. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00121-00053802-00054122 And, in fact, it kind of -- this is what the lung looks like. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00122-00054122-00054792 So you get this tree, and you get things that are subject to gravity, some areas that are 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00123-00054792-00054896 not. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00124-00054896-00055378 And actually, if you look at a diseased lung, we later on published a study looking at explant 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00125-00055378-00055478 [spelled phonetically] lungs. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00126-00055478-00055697 These are lungs that are pulled out of individuals who had advanced COPD. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00127-00055697-00056190 We pulled the tissues sterilely, look at different regions, and you can actually see regional 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00128-00056190-00056867 heterogeneity in disease of actually the microbes that are growing there. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00129-00056867-00057147 So what are the potential sources of microbes in the lungs? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00130-00057147-00057928 They include nasopharyngeal aspiration, inhalation -- the air that is full of bacteria -- reflux 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00131-00057928-00058554 and aspiration, and then probably only if you're ‑‑ if there's a problem would you 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00132-00058554-00059052 actually get microbes coming into the lungs via the bloodstream. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00133-00059052-00059278 So can lungs be considered sterile? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00134-00059278-00059429 And if so, what do we mean by sterile? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00135-00059429-00059737 In other words, does it mean that they lack microbial exposure? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00136-00059737-00059837 Well, no way. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00137-00059837-00060579 I mean, they're at the end ‑‑ they're the cul-de-sac at the end of a very busy street. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00138-00060579-00060953 Of the microbes we find, is there actually microbial metabolism going on? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00139-00060953-00061121 Are they alive, are they metabolizing? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00140-00061121-00061654 That's a question that we're ‑‑ that is an active area of pursuit in this field. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00141-00061654-00061775 What about replication? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00142-00061775-00061875 We're finding microbes there. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00143-00061875-00062097 Are they actually replicating? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00144-00062097-00062327 So if they're alive, or are they just persisting. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00145-00062327-00062527 Again, an unanswered question. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00146-00062527-00062676 And what about colonizers? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00147-00062676-00063179 Like in health, certainly in disease we can find them, but at what point in transition 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00148-00063179-00063616 from health to disease do we actually now get colonization? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00149-00063616-00063822 So it really raises a question. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00150-00063822-00064186 If there's ‑‑ if the lungs, the healthy lungs, are exposed all the time to microbes 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00151-00064186-00064776 or microbial signatures, and there are live microbes going down there, what do we call 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00152-00064776-00065190 this constant, this persistent low-grade flow of microbial immigrants into the lungs? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00153-00065190-00065449 What do we call this microbial flux? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00154-00065449-00065945 The microbiome of the lungs? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00155-00065945-00066109 So now how do you sample the airways? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00156-00066109-00066283 This is another issue in this field. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00157-00066283-00066785 So, first off, you can get sputum, which is basically a mucous plug, in a sense. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00158-00066785-00066994 It's mucous from the sort of upper airways. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00159-00066994-00067412 It can come from a few branches down but you hack it up. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00160-00067412-00067652 And it can be spontaneous or induced. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00161-00067652-00067893 So spontaneous is usually if you're sick. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00162-00067893-00068375 Otherwise, you squirt some hypertonic saline in the back of your throat and you hack it 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00163-00068375-00068475 up. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00164-00068475-00068586 But then there's bronchial lavage. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00165-00068586-00069187 So sticking a tube down there to rinse out the airways, but in that, as you stick a bronchoscope 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00166-00069187-00069376 down there, you could put a protected brush. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00167-00069376-00069876 There's a little cap at the -- little waxy sort of plug that sort of pops out as you 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00168-00069876-00070235 get down there, and you can brush the epithelium. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00169-00070235-00070794 You could do a biopsy, either through a bronchoscope, or you could come, potentially, through the 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00170-00070794-00071027 chest cavity. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00171-00071027-00071704 And then there's the concept of sterile tissue sampling, which largely is only going to probably 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00172-00071704-00072539 occur in either cadaverous lungs or ones removed for lung transplant. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00173-00072539-00073123 So the gap is determining the degree of bacterial transience versus persistence versus colonization 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00174-00073123-00073262 in the lower airways. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00175-00073262-00073539 And the challenges are the types of sampling. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00176-00073539-00073835 To study the lung, everything is invasive. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00177-00073835-00073935 Okay? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00178-00073935-00074545 So the rules are just different right from the get-go of how we can handle samples. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00179-00074545-00075045 We can't do longitudinal sampling, I mean, when you stick bronchoscope down there, with 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00180-00075045-00075707 the exception of lung transplants where you do surveillance bronchoscopies, you can't 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00181-00075707-00076319 really go more than two or three samplings in an individual over a period of a couple 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00182-00076319-00076504 of years even. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00183-00076504-00076848 And then, of course, as I mentioned, the bronchoscopes go through the nose, they go through the mouth; 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00184-00076848-00077349 there's some potential for contamination samples from nasal or oral microbiota. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00185-00077349-00078115 And so a couple ‑‑ to deal with that last one, a couple of bioinformatic options have 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00186-00078115-00078363 been put forward which are very good. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00187-00078363-00079140 So one from Ric Bushman's lab on using a single-sided outlier test, and another one that Tom Schmidt 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00188-00079140-00079348 in our group is actively using. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00189-00079348-00079872 It's been published in the Lung HIV Microbiome Project, which is called the neutral community 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00190-00079872-00079972 model. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00191-00079972-00080282 Which is ‑‑ I mean, the idea is that you're at the end of a flow, okay, so how can you 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00192-00080282-00080684 tell the difference between a scope going down or just what naturally flows down? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00193-00080684-00080963 And then is there selective pressure in that site? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00194-00080963-00081169 But you want to know what's down there? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00195-00081169-00081388 Well, this gives you kind of an idea. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00196-00081388-00082281 And so if we do a rinse of the bronchoscope before it goes down, we get, using 16S PCR 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00197-00082281-00083138 ‑‑ QPCR in a 5 ml bronc sample, it's about 1,000 copies. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00198-00083138-00083563 In a healthy, non‑smoker it's about tenfold higher than what we see over base line, so 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00199-00083563-00083887 maybe about 104 copies per 5 ml of BAL. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00200-00083887-00084227 If you have disease, or interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, or lung transplant, you can see 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00201-00084227-00084498 the numbers go up. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00202-00084498-00085020 So to give you an idea what do these communities look like compared to, like, the mouth. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00203-00085020-00085730 And so this is from a study in our group in which we looked to the left BAL, right BAL, 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00204-00085730-00086043 and then other, and then the oral wash. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00205-00086043-00086158 And so they're color colored. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00206-00086158-00086644 So now here's the blue, which is the left BAL, and so is the centroid of all the BAL 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00207-00086644-00086779 samples from our subjects. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00208-00086779-00086919 Here's the black, this is the right BAL. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00209-00086919-00087322 You can see it doesn't matter if you're left or right, that the centroids are smack on 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00210-00087322-00087763 top of each other in terms of what the populations look like, but here's the mouth, and the centroids 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00211-00087763-00087863 are different. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00212-00087863-00088507 You can run statistics on it, and this, as a population, as a collection, is significantly 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00213-00088507-00088725 different than what you see. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00214-00088725-00089162 So the mouth is significantly different than the lavage. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00215-00089162-00089566 However, we talk about individual-to-individual variation. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00216-00089566-00090059 And so what we can also do is go back to these samples and measure a distance metrics. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00217-00090059-00090562 So Bray-Curtis, thetayc, morisitahorn, you name it, but in this case, we did a Bray-Curtis 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00218-00090562-00091037 distance between samples, so the oral wash of a single individual versus her left BAL, 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00219-00091037-00091382 or the oral wash versus the right BAL, and what you see is a spread. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00220-00091382-00091841 So you see some individuals in which a rinse of their mouth and what we get out of the 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00221-00091841-00092246 BAL is wickedly different, and you get some that are very similar. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00222-00092246-00092371 What does that mean? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00223-00092371-00092489 We don't know. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00224-00092489-00092900 But if we run some of these tests, like, for example, the single-sided outlier test with 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00225-00092900-00093484 it -- here's one with the low Bray Curtis dissimilarity, so therefore they're very similar. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00226-00093484-00093851 We go up here to the outlier test, and you can see most of what we find, this is oral 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00227-00093851-00094221 versus lung, is being found in both. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00228-00094221-00094387 And so here's another example. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00229-00094387-00094602 Okay, everything's falling along the line. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00230-00094602-00094783 But what about a sample up here? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00231-00094783-00095285 You can see that what we find in the oral and what we find in the lung are very different. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00232-00095285-00095493 There's another example of that. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00233-00095493-00096248 Okay, so we don't know what it means when a healthy individual comes in and their bronchoalveolar 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00234-00096248-00096744 lavage looks like an oral rinse, or if it doesn't look like an oral rinse. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00235-00096744-00097206 And again, we can't follow over time what that actually means. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00236-00097206-00097619 So what I think the field so far, the investigators are involved, because there's, obviously, 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00237-00097619-00098235 as you can imagine, there is some debate about sampling, about how to handle contamination 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00238-00098235-00098335 and things like that. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00239-00098335-00098672 But I think what we can all agree on at this point is that when healthy, the microbial 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00240-00098672-00099191 load in the lungs is low, and the BAL samples contain a predominance of bacterial taxa that's 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00241-00099191-00099356 also found in the mouth. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00242-00099356-00099607 We know the bacterial diversity in the lungs is very low. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00243-00099607-00099956 Actually, we can use that to our advantage because we can do pyrosequencing, and we don't 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00244-00099956-00100651 get that many types of OTUs, and we can actually take consensus sequences from those OTUs from 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00245-00100651-00101407 the 16S rRNA gene amplicons, blast them backwards, and really come up with only one genus that 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00246-00101407-00101507 it could be. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00247-00101507-00102052 And sometimes we can get as low as a species because there's no other options around it. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00248-00102052-00102454 And so it's actually very useful that way. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00249-00102454-00102741 So we -- again, and we know in some individuals there's some differences, suggesting that 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00250-00102741-00103077 selective pressures can exist in the lungs for elimination, persistence, colonization, 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00251-00103077-00103177 and growth. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00252-00103177-00103429 Now if we move to disease. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00253-00103429-00103714 So here's our healthy individuals in red. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00254-00103714-00104280 Here's individuals who had a lung transplant and these are bronchoalveolar lavages, and 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00255-00104280-00104729 this light green, hopefully you can all see it, is interstitial pulmonary fibrosis. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00256-00104729-00105097 And you can see that if we call this side the normal cluster, you can see there's some 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00257-00105097-00105253 lung transplants that are up in the normals. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00258-00105253-00105424 There are some IPFs that are up in the normals. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00259-00105424-00105776 But if we focus on interstitial pulmonary fibrosis for just a second -- so we'll call 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00260-00105776-00106279 this the IPF, the healthy group, and this is the other group that doesn't look healthy 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00261-00106279-00106565 -- and we actually ask who are the bugs that are there? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00262-00106565-00106893 Who are the bacteria that are there? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00263-00106893-00107328 What you can see is in healthy individuals, we get this signature that not only we get, 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00264-00107328-00107703 but they get it in Europe, they get it in labs all around the country, which is the 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00265-00107703-00108189 dominant organisms that are coming out of a bronchoalveolar lavage are prevotella, veillonella, 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00266-00108189-00108322 and streptococcus. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00267-00108322-00108759 And then, quite often, things like fusobacteria and neisseria. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00268-00108759-00109307 And so when we look at our, quote, unquote, "normal," or IPF1 group, we get the same sort 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00269-00109307-00109418 of organization. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00270-00109418-00110109 But if we look at this other group, suddenly we get pseudomonas, we get Escherichia. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00271-00110109-00110628 So we're suddenly getting some gammaproteobacteria, some Gram negatives that are coming in there. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00272-00110628-00111301 Now interestingly, if we go looking at the lung transplant recipients, or healthy controls, 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00273-00111301-00111930 we actually found, surprisingly, an OTU that when we blasted, it came back as pseudomonas 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00274-00111930-00112053 fluorescens. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00275-00112053-00112516 And interestingly, it was in our ‑‑ only in the lung transplant. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00276-00112516-00112783 We've never found it in our healthy controls. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00277-00112783-00113508 And what it ‑‑ we find it only when, in our lung transplants, when the number -- when, 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00278-00113508-00113960 basically, the relative ratio of prevotella reads is low. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00279-00113960-00114568 So in other words, when it stops looking kind of like that mouthy-lungy sort of pattern, 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00280-00114568-00115100 suddenly we get pseudomonas fluorescens there in a large number of individuals. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00281-00115100-00115599 And so pseudomonas fluorescens should perk the ears of a few people in the audience because, 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00282-00115599-00116001 like Baufer [spelled phonetically], and Jonathan Braun, and anyone else who works with Crohn's 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00283-00116001-00116577 disease because you make antibodies to it at a very high rate if you have Crohn's disease, 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00284-00116577-00116936 yet it's not a pathogenic organism, or at least it's not believed to be. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00285-00116936-00117040 So why is it there? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00286-00117040-00117402 Why is it in these lungs? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00287-00117402-00117848 And so to get to that question let me summarize this point and say that when diseased, the 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00288-00117848-00118291 microbial load in the lungs increases and BAL samples now often contain numerous bacterial 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00289-00118291-00118789 taxa that are not found in the mouth, indicating that there are selective pressures in diseased 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00290-00118789-00118908 lungs. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00291-00118908-00119468 So the challenge, now, to my question that I just asked you is that studies only involving 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00292-00119468-00119967 human subjects will never demonstrate causality, no matter how large the cohort. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00293-00119967-00120402 And so in vivo animal studies, model organisms, and in vitro experiments are needed delineate 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00294-00120402-00120502 the mechanisms. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00295-00120502-00120638 They have to work hand in hand. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00296-00120638-00120960 They've got to go ‑‑ so translational research is iterative. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00297-00120960-00121210 You go back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00298-00121210-00121636 And so we need support for animal models in the study of the human microbiome. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00299-00121636-00122146 Otherwise how do we get back to this whole thing about the hygiene hypothesis, and why 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00300-00122146-00122594 these elements are on the different tip or the balance? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00301-00122594-00123036 So to address the question, why is pseudomonas fluorescens there in the lungs? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00302-00123036-00123672 We've been working for a long time on a model in which you can generate allergic or airway 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00303-00123672-00124148 inflammation by multiple exposures to Aspergillus fumigatus spores. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00304-00124148-00124585 And so this shows you after four challenges, eight challenges, you get lots of leukocytes 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00305-00124585-00124911 in lungs, lots of inflammation, TH1, TH2, TH17. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00306-00124911-00125099 The lungs are kind of really messed up. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00307-00125099-00125488 Well, what we did is we went back and looked at those animals, say, I wonder what happened 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00308-00125488-00125754 to the lung microbiome of those mice? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00309-00125754-00126095 And if you go over here, this is, again, pyrosequencing. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00310-00126095-00126617 Look, we saw this bloom of gamma proteobacteria that happened after four and eight challenges, 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00311-00126617-00127022 this chronic inflammation that's going on in the lungs. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00312-00127022-00127564 And if we look, pull the OTUs out, the one that jumps out the pseudomonas fluorescens. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00313-00127564-00128000 Well, granted, we got lucky, okay, because we didn't -- that wasn't the point at this 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00314-00128000-00128100 point. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00315-00128100-00128493 We've actually gone and taken the inflamed lungs and put pseudomonas fluorescens in it, 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00316-00128493-00128801 and it does indeed like inflamed environments. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00317-00128801-00129297 And so it raises the question now, gammaproteobacteria ‑‑ so pseudomonas fluorescens is non pathogenic, 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00318-00129297-00129991 but the gammaproteobacteria, Escherichia is a gammaproteobacteria, Gram negatives, okay, 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00319-00129991-00130381 it's a common theme that we've actually seen also in the gut, that inflamed sites favor 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00320-00130381-00130751 the growth of Gram-negative organisms. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00321-00130751-00131262 So the final case that I want to show you here to show you how our paradigms are changing 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00322-00131262-00131733 and our thought process is changing, is we've known -- we've assumed for a long time that 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00323-00131733-00132119 Klebsiella pneumoniae is an etiologic agent of pneumonia. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00324-00132119-00132662 However, as studies from our labs and my collaborators, we can take two different strains of Klebsiella 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00325-00132662-00133132 pneumoniae that were isolated from patients with gram negative pneumonia that responded 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00326-00133132-00133326 to antibiotics, et cetera, put them into mice. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00327-00133326-00133717 One will kill the mice, and at the same dose, the other one, they'll walk away. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00328-00133717-00133851 And so the other way around. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00329-00133851-00133951 One will kill the mice. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00330-00133951-00134055 One will walk away. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00331-00134055-00134458 Yet they came from human beings that had disease that responded. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00332-00134458-00134667 So what is going on there? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00333-00134667-00135059 So an interesting thing popped out of our studies of the lung transplant recipients 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00334-00135059-00135580 if we actually looked -- so this is a single individual, two BALs over six months in time. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00335-00135580-00136077 At this point they had a pneumonia by CT, and they had all the clinical symptoms. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00336-00136077-00136245 They were put on Ciprofloxacin. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00337-00136245-00136367 They recovered. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00338-00136367-00136519 They did much better. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00339-00136519-00136984 The culture was negative the whole way along the way, but when we looked at it ‑‑ this 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00340-00136984-00137480 is from the pyrosequencing, you can see the -- sort of the normal cluster in here, and 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00341-00137480-00137746 when they first came in, they were way different. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00342-00137746-00138182 And, by the way, these individuals all have pseudomonas aeruginosa up here. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00343-00138182-00138606 And -- but after Ciprofloxacin, they had a microbiome of their lungs that looked kind 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00344-00138606-00138750 of normal. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00345-00138750-00139110 So what did that look like? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00346-00139110-00139285 Escherichia. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00347-00139285-00139796 Just dominated by Escherichia, but it didn't grow out. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00348-00139796-00139942 Okay. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00349-00139942-00140569 So we talk about unculturable bacteria, or difficult in the GI tract, and there are things 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00350-00140569-00140844 that you look at, and you say, "I don't recognize that name," you know? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00351-00140844-00141412 And so what about the ones whose names we do recognize, that suddenly, I'm going to 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00352-00141412-00141855 argue in the airways, there is something different about microbial growth in the lungs that they 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00353-00141855-00142786 are not able to be cultured under standard microbiological techniques that we use now, 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00354-00142786-00143287 which means that the gap is that we need to understand the implication of culturable and 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00355-00143287-00143536 non‑culturable states of bacteria in the lungs. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00356-00143536-00143878 And also, I've been talking of bugs; where are they? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00357-00143878-00143978 Okay. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00358-00143978-00144289 So there's some work that's coming out now, Bill Cookson and things like that. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00359-00144289-00144583 And so whose alive, whose dead, where are they? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00360-00144583-00145085 But I just gave you an example of somebody who clinically responded to the fact that 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00361-00145085-00145496 they've got a bug in their lung but we couldn't grow it out. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00362-00145496-00145818 And we've actually, now, we've got one set of pilot experiments where we've done, in 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00363-00145818-00145934 a sense, the same thing. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00364-00145934-00146536 We've taking a culturable bug, put it in an inflamed lung, and watch it become unculturable. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00365-00146536-00146662 I don't what it means, though. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00366-00146662-00147225 So the bottom line is we need new cultivation strategies when we start to study the airways. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00367-00147225-00147456 So the overall challenge of the field? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00368-00147456-00147921 Yeah, I can't underline this enough, okay? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00369-00147921-00148395 We need more consistent and supportive peer review of microbiome lung proposals. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00370-00148395-00149029 Granted, this is all aimed at my world, but my point is whether it's looking at the microbiome 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00371-00149029-00149377 that's in the lung, or the role that distal communication. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00372-00149377-00149987 So I guarantee that anyone who is trying to do microbiome, nervous system, or gut microbiome 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00373-00149987-00150601 nervous system, or gut microbiome, some other site other than locally, your proposals are 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00374-00150601-00151203 going to be open for a field day because there are so many things that can be poked holes 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00375-00151203-00151549 at, and it's hard for the field to move forward. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00376-00151549-00151906 We also have to accept that sampling of the lower respiratory track in humans will be 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00377-00151906-00152014 imperfect. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00378-00152014-00152572 I cannot even think of how we're going to solve that problem, okay, because of ethical 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00379-00152572-00152708 reasons. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00380-00152708-00153216 And so we are going to need to utilize animal models to close this gap. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00381-00153216-00153917 And so this is the research group that I showed some other work both in terms of in my laboratory, 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00382-00153917-00154401 but then also my wonderful group of collaborators at U of M. And so I thank you very much for 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00383-00154401-00154515 your time. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00384-00154515-00154616 [applause] 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00385-00154616-00155300 Female Speaker: Well, thanks, Gary, for that great talk, and 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00386-00155300-00155641 for so clearly articulating some of the gaps and challenges in this area. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00387-00155641-00155869 So we do have time for a couple of questions. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00388-00155869-00155991 We have -- over there? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00389-00155991-00156262 Male Speaker: So, just in the spirit of a little bit of 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00390-00156262-00156424 dialogue about this. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00391-00156424-00157072 I -- we -- none of us want to interfere with the exquisite NIH review process, but -- 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00392-00157072-00157372 [laughter] 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00393-00157372-00157530 And I meant that sincerely. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00394-00157530-00158104 But the -- I wonder if one of the things that we could talk about is the possibility of 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00395-00158104-00158828 sort of a trans-institute review panel that was microbiome-friendly, if -- I would just 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00396-00158828-00159079 introduce that idea. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00397-00159079-00159692 I've spoken to an awful lot of people that have related issues in terms of just, are 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00398-00159692-00159881 there panels out there that are sensitive to ‑‑ 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00399-00159881-00160064 Gary Huffnagle: So I'll throw my opinion out there, which 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00400-00160064-00160569 is that my first thought is that I like that idea, but then I realize it's a double-edged 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00401-00160569-00160675 sword, okay? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00402-00160675-00161051 And so, like, I sit on study section, so while we're not supposed to talk about the "F" word 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00403-00161051-00161299 when we review a grant, okay. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00404-00161299-00161787 You know the bottom line is, is that you know that when you sit study section that, if there 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00405-00161787-00162272 is a pile of 100 grants that come in and you know that the institutes are funding at around 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00406-00162272-00162691 10 percent-ish, you know that 90 of those grants are going to go home and 10 are going 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00407-00162691-00162791 to stay here. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00408-00162791-00163077 So now, what if we take everybody in this room, and take all your grants and put them 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00409-00163077-00163192 in one study section? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00410-00163192-00163403 That means that 90 of you are going home. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00411-00163403-00163998 So there is a danger by lumping everyone together as opposed to moving across, because if we 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00412-00163998-00164573 at least keep things spread, then you're looking within an area, within a discipline, what's 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00413-00164573-00165007 in a sense -- what's the relative important of microbiome research versus cell biology 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00414-00165007-00165247 versus an epidemiology, that sort of thing. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00415-00165247-00165976 But the problem is -- my big beef with the peer review system is since when is peers 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00416-00165976-00166076 three? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00417-00166076-00166176 Okay. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00418-00166176-00166721 You have a study section of 20-something people, and that very first pass to get through, you 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00419-00166721-00166915 have three people read? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00420-00166915-00167152 And then that's it, that can determine a fate? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00421-00167152-00167367 So basically, it's like the UN Security Council. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00422-00167367-00167622 One individual can trash something. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00423-00167622-00167976 That part needs to be adjusted a little bit, when you're dealing with interdisciplinary 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00424-00167976-00168337 or risky research, or discovery, okay? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00425-00168337-00168854 Because when it's not hypothesis testing and it's hypothesis generating, boy, it gets really 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00426-00168854-00168954 risky. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00427-00168954-00169298 But I do think an active conversation needs to be made -- needs to be put up. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00428-00169298-00169647 Female Speaker: That's probably a good topic for our later 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00429-00169647-00169747 discussion, too. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00430-00169747-00169957 We'll take one more question while our next speaker comes up. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00431-00169957-00170366 Male Speaker: So regarding your non‑culturable Escherichias, 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00432-00170366-00170793 since they came from a pneumonia which there may have been a biofilm -- so in the biofilm 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00433-00170793-00171026 field, people talk about persisters. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00434-00171026-00171212 Do you think it could be something like that? 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00435-00171212-00171323 Gary Huffnagle: Yes, I do. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00436-00171323-00171722 Actually, I think -- I definitely think that that's ‑‑ so there's two things at play 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00437-00171722-00171822 here. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00438-00171822-00172385 One is the idea of persisters, and then the other idea is that, you know, the microbial 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00439-00172385-00172853 load even in pneumonia is not necessarily high. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00440-00172853-00173269 And so what we may end up having is sort of, in terms of ecological sense -- terms, like 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00441-00173269-00173902 islands and, you know, or whatever, oases and desserts, okay, so within the lungs. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00442-00173902-00174398 But I do think that those are mechanisms, those viable but unculturable mechanisms, 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00443-00174398-00174555 are going to be at play here. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00444-00174555-00174913 Female Speaker: Thank you. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00445-00174913-00175013 [applause] 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00446-00175013-00175673 Female Speaker: Our next speaker is Dr. Vince Young at the 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00447-00175673-00175855 University of Michigan. 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00448-00175855-00176542 He's going to enlighten us with a talk entitled "The Microbiome in Infectious and Noninfectious 9IJ_U5ZZn0Q-00449-00176542-00176653 Gut Inflammation." 9JcMWskdyZQ-00000-00000020-00000322 They taste a bit like forest and a bit like nuts 9JcMWskdyZQ-00001-00000348-00000900 Truffles are a delicacy, which we rather associate with Italy or France 9JcMWskdyZQ-00002-00000926-00001456 There, the farmer walks with his pig into the forest and let it find the truffles 9JcMWskdyZQ-00003-00001482-00001857 Truffles are here in Germany too, but they are protected by law 9JcMWskdyZQ-00004-00001905-00002202 and may only collected for scientific purposes 9JcMWskdyZQ-00005-00002226-00002420 and definitely not with pigs, but… 9JcMWskdyZQ-00006-00002580-00002836 May I introduce to you Ayk van Deyk 9JcMWskdyZQ-00007-00002852-00003144 An Italian water dog with a special nose 9JcMWskdyZQ-00008-00003182-00003529 He is searching for truffles in the Eichsfeld for academic purposes 9JcMWskdyZQ-00009-00003579-00004010 His owner Doerte Engelkes holds a special permission for collecting wild truffles 9JcMWskdyZQ-00010-00004024-00004468 That means, that both go to selected places regularly for truffle hunting 9JcMWskdyZQ-00011-00004596-00004706 Here’s how it works: 9JcMWskdyZQ-00012-00004738-00005050 Ayk is finding and digging and is being stopped. 9JcMWskdyZQ-00013-00005080-00005424 To avoid him eating the truffle himself he get’s rewarded with goodies 9JcMWskdyZQ-00014-00005530-00005872 Then the dog owner identifies the species of the truffle 9JcMWskdyZQ-00015-00005966-00006258 Here we found a Tuber excavatum 9JcMWskdyZQ-00016-00006274-00006592 That’s a non-edible truffle, but a rarity too 9JcMWskdyZQ-00017-00006608-00006792 and it's native to this kind of area 9JcMWskdyZQ-00018-00006876-00007130 Truffles are mushrooms, which grow under the surface 9JcMWskdyZQ-00019-00007150-00007345 with an approximate depth of 5 centimetres 9JcMWskdyZQ-00020-00007378-00007564 They need deciduous trees 9JcMWskdyZQ-00021-00007580-00007808 and loose and limy soil 9JcMWskdyZQ-00022-00007842-00008206 In Germany are different species which are growing from summer to winter 9JcMWskdyZQ-00023-00008298-00008670 Ayk was trained for this job, which took 2 years 9JcMWskdyZQ-00024-00008734-00009098 A dog can smell much better than any human could 9JcMWskdyZQ-00025-00009120-00009476 He walks somewhere and even without getting any command for truffle searching 9JcMWskdyZQ-00026-00009492-00009738 he suddenly get's a breeze or an aromatic information 9JcMWskdyZQ-00027-00009752-00009920 and then he knows where to search 9JcMWskdyZQ-00028-00009966-00010224 He is able to smell truffles even under a cover of snow 9JcMWskdyZQ-00029-00010242-00010516 With pigs it's meanwhile forbidden to do truffle hunting 9JcMWskdyZQ-00030-00010532-00010754 because they destroy the forests’ surface too much 9JcMWskdyZQ-00031-00010768-00011218 and it's hardly possible to prevent them from eating the found themselves 9JcMWskdyZQ-00032-00011266-00011708 for example this summer truffle, in Latin Tuber aestivum 9JcMWskdyZQ-00033-00012002-00012280 The truffles have to be catalogued and examined 9JcMWskdyZQ-00034-00012314-00012564 Under a microscope, the species is identified easily 9JcMWskdyZQ-00035-00012700-00013210 The result of this research is, that here are more truffles than expected 9JcMWskdyZQ-00036-00013236-00013419 They are protected by law, and this is a good thing! 9JcMWskdyZQ-00037-00013440-00014022 They are rare, they used to be more rare and seem to recover slowly after the 2. World Wars’ deforestation 9JcMWskdyZQ-00038-00014091-00014452 That’s why it is forbidden for anybody to search for truffles! 9OkE5y2M_wu-00000-00002947-00003489 Please give a warm welcome to the game director of Bethesda Game Studios and my very good friend, Todd Howard 9OkE5y2M_wu-00001-00005333-00005887 (Badly Dubbed Over) We're very excited to announce Skyrim for the Don't Do Drugs Rap 9OkE5y2M_wu-00002-00009443-00009643 Where are you going Sonny? 9OkE5y2M_wu-00003-00009650-00010070 I- I'm just doing law-abiding good deeds tonight, sir. 9OkE5y2M_wu-00004-00010124-00010292 Ah. I see. 9OkE5y2M_wu-00005-00010364-00010564 Alright then, you have yourself a safe night 9OkE5y2M_wu-00006-00012160-00012362 Are you the drug dealer? 9OkE5y2M_wu-00007-00012408-00012686 I may be a drug dealer, but I'm also the chef. 9OkE5y2M_wu-00008-00013186-00013366 And I'm a pretty cool guy 9OkE5y2M_wu-00009-00013469-00013669 And I have a great sense of humor 9OkE5y2M_wu-00010-00013713-00013844 (Cameraman lightly chuckles) 9OkE5y2M_wu-00011-00014000-00014174 And, I don't need these gloves! 9OkE5y2M_wu-00012-00014304-00014568 Alright, whatever man, but do you have "the stuff"? 9OkE5y2M_wu-00013-00014608-00014732 Oh, it's somewhere in my stuff 9OkE5y2M_wu-00014-00015358-00016369 (Soft choir singing plays) 9OkE5y2M_wu-00015-00016468-00016620 Where's the money?! 9OkE5y2M_wu-00016-00016668-00016894 Don't worry about the money, I got the money 9OkE5y2M_wu-00017-00016940-00018246 (Same music plays) 9OkE5y2M_wu-00018-00018618-00019004 Alright man, thanks. Hey, be careful. I saw some cops around here. 9OkE5y2M_wu-00019-00019028-00019144 I know my way around cops 9OkE5y2M_wu-00020-00019558-00019758 I'm gonna need some backup 9OkE5y2M_wu-00021-00020692-00021208 Finally. I know just what to do with you 9OkE5y2M_wu-00022-00021336-00021996 (Grinding Salt onto Pizza) mmm I sure do love salt on my cheese pizza from Papa John's! 9OkE5y2M_wu-00023-00022044-00022214 What's poppin, Ben? 9OkE5y2M_wu-00024-00022240-00022410 (Still Grinding Salt) Oh, not much 9OkE5y2M_wu-00025-00022410-00023016 Emery: WOAH MAN! Are you... are you doin the drugs?! Ben: No man! I-It's just salt! I'm telling you, it's just salt! 9OkE5y2M_wu-00026-00023016-00023272 Emery: I'M NOT OKAY WITH THAT! Ben: It's just salt! It's just salt! 9OkE5y2M_wu-00027-00023274-00023358 Max! 9OkE5y2M_wu-00028-00023706-00024130 Emery: Listen, Ben, you're not far from saving, we can still help you out! Ben: It's just salt! 9OkE5y2M_wu-00029-00024130-00024382 But we have to do it... (claps) IN SONG! 9OkE5y2M_wu-00030-00024390-00024590 It's just some salt! 9OkE5y2M_wu-00031-00024613-00024813 Hit it, Max! 9OkE5y2M_wu-00032-00025398-00025858 Listen to me, Ben, I'll take you to where you need to know stuff 9OkE5y2M_wu-00033-00025906-00026298 I'm here to tell you what you should know Not doing drugs is the way to go! 9OkE5y2M_wu-00034-00026318-00026674 You may think doin drugs will get you fame But actually, it is very lame 9OkE5y2M_wu-00035-00026674-00027012 Doin drugs will bring you sorrow You won't live to see tomorrow! 9OkE5y2M_wu-00036-00027060-00027424 Your [friends and family] have got your back So you don't got to do no crack! 9OkE5y2M_wu-00037-00027436-00027732 Don't Do Drugs Don't duh duh duh da do Drugs 9OkE5y2M_wu-00038-00027766-00028108 Don't do Drugs Don't duh duh duh da do Drugs 9OkE5y2M_wu-00039-00028116-00028516 If you've been doing drugs everyday Jesus believes in you anyway 9OkE5y2M_wu-00040-00028538-00028888 You may think doin drugs is cool But in the end, you're just bein a fool 9OkE5y2M_wu-00041-00028908-00029260 If you just want to be popular, Just play a sport, how about soccer? 9OkE5y2M_wu-00042-00029260-00029626 So many things to do besides drugs Like swim in a lake, or adopt some pugs 9OkE5y2M_wu-00043-00029660-00030004 So smack them drugs right out of your hand Go back to school, and get a life plan! 9OkE5y2M_wu-00044-00030004-00030360 Don't do drugs Don't duh duh duh da do drugs 9OkE5y2M_wu-00045-00030388-00030748 Don't do drugs Don't duh duh duh da do drugs 9OkE5y2M_wu-00046-00030838-00031038 Yeaaaahhhh 9OkE5y2M_wu-00047-00031189-00031400 OH I GET IT! 9OkE5y2M_wu-00048-00031400-00031808 So don't do drugs, you'll just look like a thug Thugs aren't cool, so just stay in school 9OkE5y2M_wu-00049-00031820-00032006 Get a college degree, Because you're in the land of the free 9OkE5y2M_wu-00050-00032006-00032336 If you want to do drugs don't be too keen Instead read Phillipians 4:13 9OkE5y2M_wu-00051-00032362-00032730 So don't do drugs and lose some rest Because God loves you and he is the best 9OkE5y2M_wu-00052-00032730-00033066 Don't do drugs Don't duh duh duh da do drugs 9OkE5y2M_wu-00053-00033088-00033474 Don't do drugs Don't duh duh duh da do drugs 9OkE5y2M_wu-00054-00033474-00033646 Yeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaahhhh 9OkE5y2M_wu-00055-00033646-00034018 (Everyone) Don't do drugs Don't duh duh duh da do drugs 9OkE5y2M_wu-00056-00034042-00034374 Don't do drugs Don't duh duh duh da do drugs 9OkE5y2M_wu-00057-00034374-00034756 Don't do drugs Don't duh duh duh da do drugs 9OkE5y2M_wu-00058-00034756-00035182 Don't do hu fahksjfdlkabsfdlkhglsjfdkl 9OkE5y2M_wu-00059-00035524-00035892 You're right Emery, I shouldn't be putting meth on my pizza 9OkE5y2M_wu-00060-00036358-00036924 And the best part about all this is... there's no real-world consequence 9OkE5y2M_wu-00061-00037248-00037564 FBI OPEN UP! GO GO GO!!! 9OkE5y2M_wu-00062-00037748-00037948 Officer, look what I found! 9OkE5y2M_wu-00063-00037954-00038318 Just what I thought. Salt. 9OkE5y2M_wu-00064-00039030-00039158 (Emery from distance) Ay caramba! 9OkE5y2M_wu-00065-00039174-00039390 Don't you know that's against the law?! 9OkE5y2M_wu-00066-00039556-00040256 Oh but officer, you don't understand. You see, we've been rapping here all night, and we now know the error of our ways 9OkE5y2M_wu-00067-00040570-00040638 *Metallic SLAP* 9OkE5y2M_wu-00068-00041250-00041966 *Skyrim Opening Theme* 9OkE5y2M_wu-00069-00044450-00044800 Hey, you! You're finally awake! 9OkE5y2M_wu-00070-00044800-00045306 drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs 9OkE5y2M_wu-00071-00045330-00045570 This is the worst thing I've ever seen 9OkE5y2M_wu-00072-00047223-00047423 You 9RLbGMhKR3o-00000-00000003-00000387 There were a lot of good pass catchers in Alabama's offense this last year but the 9RLbGMhKR3o-00001-00000387-00000764 player who had the best production out of all of them was Jerry Jeudy because of 9RLbGMhKR3o-00002-00000764-00001149 that production Jeudy's production profile isn't flawless he ranks 11th 9RLbGMhKR3o-00003-00001149-00001599 among all combine invites and final season reception share and he was 26th in 9RLbGMhKR3o-00004-00001599-00001982 final season receiving yards share but market share numbers are going to look a 9RLbGMhKR3o-00005-00001982-00002388 little worse when you're competing with NFL talent considering Jeudy has a strong 9RLbGMhKR3o-00006-00002388-00002763 break out age of nineteen point four that his yards per team attempt rate is 9RLbGMhKR3o-00007-00002763-00003143 really good those are signs that we're looking at a very good prospect 9RLbGMhKR3o-00008-00003143-00003647 in fact his top comparable is Stefon Diggs that's how good he can be both 9RLbGMhKR3o-00009-00003647-00004055 Jeudy and Diggs had good breakout ages they're similar in size and their best 9RLbGMhKR3o-00010-00004055-00004500 yards per team attempt season was also really close that's the type of prospect 9RLbGMhKR3o-00011-00004500-00005042 that we're looking at with Jerry Jeudy expect big things 9S0qzTfR9BI-00000-00001304-00001717 In an interview published earlier this week and reported on by The Daily Caller, a black 9S0qzTfR9BI-00001-00001717-00002161 Hollywood actress who has become infamous for her racist views against anyone who isn’t 9S0qzTfR9BI-00002-00002161-00002586 black is now threatening to cancel her HBO comedy-drama series if she were to discover 9S0qzTfR9BI-00003-00002586-00002931 that our First Lady Melania Trump was a fan of it. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00004-00002931-00003434 Less than 24 hours later, First Lady Melania called actress Issa Rae’s bluff by releasing 9S0qzTfR9BI-00005-00003434-00003753 a statement through her spokeswoman, Stephanie Grisham. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00006-00003753-00004193 The statement confirmed that she does indeed like the low-rated show “Insecure.” 9S0qzTfR9BI-00007-00004193-00004627 But in the typical crying-wolf fashion that Hollywood liberals seem to engage in, as of 9S0qzTfR9BI-00008-00004627-00004896 this morning the series was still on the air. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00009-00004896-00005332 Issa Rae is the creator and star of the “black” HBO series “Insecure.” 9S0qzTfR9BI-00010-00005332-00005825 Back in 2017, she actually said she was rooting only for black people to win Emmys. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00011-00005825-00006082 “I’m rooting for everybody black!” 9S0qzTfR9BI-00012-00006082-00006328 Rae told Variety on the red carpet. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00013-00006328-00006803 If Rae wants an awards-show that only rewards blacks, she should stick to the BET Awards 9S0qzTfR9BI-00014-00006803-00006920 or the NAACP. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00015-00006920-00007370 Rae’s whole racist dilemma started when she recalled that during an interview with 9S0qzTfR9BI-00016-00007370-00007931 Glamour, former First Lady Michelle Obama raved about the Season 2 finale back in 2017. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00017-00007931-00008405 “She had just finished watching the finale, and she was like, ‘That fakeout — how 9S0qzTfR9BI-00018-00008405-00008536 could you do that? 9S0qzTfR9BI-00019-00008536-00008998 I thought you and Lawrence were going to live happily ever after,’” Rae recalled. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00020-00008998-00009381 Obama told Rae that daughters Malia and Sasha Obama put her on to the series. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00021-00009381-00009609 “It was like talking to my auntie. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00022-00009609-00010025 It bums me out that I will never have that feeling again of the first family f—king 9S0qzTfR9BI-00023-00010025-00010340 with us so hard and getting us,” Rae explained. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00024-00010340-00010801 The actress is also not afraid to express her views on President Donald Trump. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00025-00010801-00011297 Back in January of 2017, Rae slammed Trump on the Golden Globes red carpet. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00026-00011297-00011760 “Every single time I see a tweet from that man … every single time I see some of the 9S0qzTfR9BI-00027-00011760-00012225 staff and administration he’s bringing, it gets worse and worse,” she told Variety. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00028-00012225-00012553 “The scariest part is how normal it’s becoming to some people. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00029-00012553-00012991 I think we just have to keep calling things out like, ‘No, you’re lying! 9S0qzTfR9BI-00030-00012991-00013145 That’s not true! 9S0qzTfR9BI-00031-00013145-00013390 No, that doesn’t work that way!’ 9S0qzTfR9BI-00032-00013390-00013830 As long as we don’t continue to let him slide, there might be some hope, but it’s 9S0qzTfR9BI-00033-00013830-00013930 scary.” 9S0qzTfR9BI-00034-00013930-00014306 What remains unclear at this point in time is why the actress feels such a clear-cut 9S0qzTfR9BI-00035-00014306-00014544 revulsion toward our first lady. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00036-00014544-00014716 Could it be because of her race? 9S0qzTfR9BI-00037-00014716-00015119 It seems possible based on both the actress’ controversial past statements and what she 9S0qzTfR9BI-00038-00015119-00015450 had said to Glamour magazine in her Tuesday interview. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00039-00015450-00015629 Rae also responded to The Root. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00040-00015629-00016020 A rabid anti-white blog that for some reason commands respect among the racists in the 9S0qzTfR9BI-00041-00016020-00016180 media and Hollywood elites. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00042-00016180-00016726 “[D]on’t get it twisted: Creating something for us and by us—and maintaining ownership 9S0qzTfR9BI-00043-00016726-00017226 of it—is paramount in Rae’s mind, as she told Glamour,” the racist blog reported. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00044-00017226-00017431 “All I know is who I am. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00045-00017431-00017963 At the end of the day, all I know is my intentions, and no matter what you take out of context, 9S0qzTfR9BI-00046-00017963-00018301 no matter what pictures you post, I know what I am aligned with. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00047-00018301-00018565 I know what my truth is,” she said. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00048-00018565-00018754 Here is more on this via Bustle: 9S0qzTfR9BI-00049-00018754-00019201 “Some people may be confused by Rae’s sentiment — that is, her comments about 9S0qzTfR9BI-00050-00019201-00019459 ending Insecure if Melania watched it. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00051-00019459-00019818 But the writer explained that the show’s focal point is exploring blackness and that 9S0qzTfR9BI-00052-00019818-00020056 it’s primarily meant for such an audience. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00053-00020056-00020379 She gave an example from the show’s writing process as well. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00054-00020379-00020737 “Sometimes the white writers will be like, ‘I didn’t even know what that line meant 9S0qzTfR9BI-00055-00020737-00021190 until I watched the show,'” Rae said, “and I’m like, ‘That’s OK. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00056-00021190-00021429 There are some things that are just for us.'” 9S0qzTfR9BI-00057-00021429-00021748 So now white people aren’t allowed to watch certain shows? 9S0qzTfR9BI-00058-00021748-00022066 The truth in this matter is that this actress is a racist. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00059-00022066-00022562 Can anyone imagine this same exact thing being said by any white actress about Michelle Obama? 9S0qzTfR9BI-00060-00022562-00022898 There would be an uproar of epic proportions and that white actress would never be able 9S0qzTfR9BI-00061-00022898-00023080 to find work again. 9S0qzTfR9BI-00062-00023080-00023471 But because it’s okay to be racist against whites in today’s America this will largely 9S0qzTfR9BI-00063-00023471-00024745 go unmentioned. 9VqYWPCflD4-00000-00000056-00000832 i have gained a total of five subscribers since the night, and this means it's quite a big day 9VqYWPCflD4-00001-00000832-00001264 for me. i'm going to keep getting subscribers to write around 15 9VqYWPCflD4-00002-00001264-00001823 or so every day, assuming this continues, and this is just… 9a9GNg6aWFu-00000-00009302-00010497 "More Than Words" by Extreme (Original live) "videolink" is posted below in the mentioning's 9a9GNg6aWFu-00001-00010597-00011498 These videos are meant to be watched while "HIGH" and/or "STONED" wearing ear pods or headset, Lol. 9avEzp2vCCQ-00000-00000008-00000420 Hi everyone welcome back to my youtube channel it's me again Cazzy 9avEzp2vCCQ-00001-00000420-00000981 and this vlog is for those who loves online shopping 9avEzp2vCCQ-00002-00000981-00001593 but this time, it will be a new website, not like the usual that we 9avEzp2vCCQ-00003-00001593-00001991 see in the Philippines because this website is actually based in 9avEzp2vCCQ-00004-00001991-00002591 Singapore but they also cater for Southeast Asia so before I reveal 9avEzp2vCCQ-00005-00002591-00003086 this new website, I want you to know that you can actually 9avEzp2vCCQ-00006-00003086-00003651 shop earn and save at the same time. That's right, you can shop 9avEzp2vCCQ-00007-00003651-00004266 and earn at the same time so if you love online shopping that much, maybe this video 9avEzp2vCCQ-00008-00004266-00004604 is for you so please keep on watching 9avEzp2vCCQ-00009-00006426-00007069 alright without further ado, I will now reveal this newly discovered 9avEzp2vCCQ-00010-00007069-00007636 website. This is actually VMORE ASIA so you can access that if you're in 9avEzp2vCCQ-00011-00007636-00008181 the Philippines you can just access ph.vmoreasia.com 9avEzp2vCCQ-00012-00008181-00008740 VMore can be accessed in different countries like Singapore 9avEzp2vCCQ-00013-00008740-00009106 because it originated in Singapore and then they have also for Thailand 9avEzp2vCCQ-00014-00009106-00009697 Indonesia Malaysia Philippines mainland China Hong Kong and Taiwan but they also 9avEzp2vCCQ-00015-00009697-00010240 have a lot of affiliates. I'll tour you on the website.. so this one is 9avEzp2vCCQ-00016-00010240-00011066 like this so this is actually the website you can just log on in ph.vmoreasia.com 9avEzp2vCCQ-00017-00011066-00011404 they are actually available in different countries like 9avEzp2vCCQ-00018-00011404-00011899 Singapore Thailand Indonesia Malaysia Philippines mainland China Hong Kong and 9avEzp2vCCQ-00019-00011899-00012667 Taiwan. so here is the homepage of the website so they have things for shopping 9avEzp2vCCQ-00020-00012667-00013303 like they have a lot of affiliates like Nike Nautica HyperGear and so on and 9avEzp2vCCQ-00021-00013303-00014040 so forth they even have Zalora in here eBay GoBuy GearBest and many more and 9avEzp2vCCQ-00022-00014040-00014494 for travel they are also affiliated with Expedia 9avEzp2vCCQ-00023-00014494-00015238 Booking.com Agoda Hotels.com Trip.com my favorite one and even other 9avEzp2vCCQ-00024-00015238-00015940 airlines like Etihad Airways Malaysia Airlines for transport yeah they also 9avEzp2vCCQ-00025-00015940-00016416 have EasyRentCars and Klook 9avEzp2vCCQ-00026-00016579-00017026 okay so basically this is the home page 9avEzp2vCCQ-00027-00017042-00017584 and then next they also have vouchers but this one I think this is coming soon 9avEzp2vCCQ-00028-00017584-00018620 yeah so they will post the vouchers here soon and in the marketplace this one is 9avEzp2vCCQ-00029-00018620-00019375 where you can shop things or merch for different categories like this 9avEzp2vCCQ-00030-00019441-00020084 so this US dollar is actually converted into peso when you purchase one so upon 9avEzp2vCCQ-00031-00020084-00020435 checkout you will see the conversion they have an accurate conversion by the 9avEzp2vCCQ-00032-00020435-00020993 way and for the redemption, this is where you can redeem your points the 9avEzp2vCCQ-00033-00020993-00021631 points that you have earned so this one as you can see accepted redeem and 9avEzp2vCCQ-00034-00021631-00022361 everything so this one you don't have to pay for cash 9avEzp2vCCQ-00035-00022837-00023422 they actually have a lot of rebate program also so aside from earning 9avEzp2vCCQ-00036-00023422-00024111 points from your shopping you will also have a rebate campaigns and other promos 9avEzp2vCCQ-00037-00024111-00024770 this one they have 7% 3.5% and everything 9avEzp2vCCQ-00038-00024770-00025602 depending on the affiliate so the catch is when you access these websites through 9avEzp2vCCQ-00039-00025602-00026266 VMore, you can acquire promo codes and discounts 9avEzp2vCCQ-00040-00026266-00027229 so that is one one advantage of this VMoreAsia.com and also this website is accessible on 9avEzp2vCCQ-00041-00027229-00027649 the desktop and also accessible on your phones because you can download the 9avEzp2vCCQ-00042-00027649-00028170 mobile application through Google Play and App Store. It is available there 9avEzp2vCCQ-00043-00028170-00028930 just search VMore Asia. Alright, so this VMore Asia actually 9avEzp2vCCQ-00044-00028930-00029538 allows you to shop for free so like the usual like what we do in lazada in 9avEzp2vCCQ-00045-00029538-00030102 shopee, they are just the same but the difference is they have a 9avEzp2vCCQ-00046-00030102-00031231 membership program so if you apply for a full membership. Like how it is on membership shopping (SNR, etc) 9avEzp2vCCQ-00047-00031231-00031728 the process is like that so when you are a member then you will have more 9avEzp2vCCQ-00048-00031728-00032334 benefits like you can earn rewards from their shopping, whenever you shop 9avEzp2vCCQ-00049-00032334-00032733 you will earn points and those points can be used as coins which you can spend 9avEzp2vCCQ-00050-00032733-00033175 just like similar to the SM Advantage card or something like that 9avEzp2vCCQ-00051-00033175-00033745 like on the physical stores who offers rewards or reward cards. It just got digital you know 9avEzp2vCCQ-00052-00033745-00034266 and then they also have their referral program you can earn from your friends 9avEzp2vCCQ-00053-00034266-00034888 because this referral program is for those members only but before that 9avEzp2vCCQ-00054-00034888-00035366 how to be a member? to be a member, to be a "full member" for 9avEzp2vCCQ-00055-00035366-00036074 this VMore, you just have to sign up for as low as 10USD so it's 9avEzp2vCCQ-00056-00036074-00036506 just that simple but that membership fee is actually consumable 9avEzp2vCCQ-00057-00036506-00037022 just like the usual membership program on famous stores 9avEzp2vCCQ-00058-00037022-00037709 or membership shopping stores in the Philippines. and then 9avEzp2vCCQ-00059-00037709-00038228 Their referral program has a lot of ways to earn rewards. First is through your own 9avEzp2vCCQ-00060-00038228-00038678 shopping so just like what I have mentioned earlier, when you shop, 9avEzp2vCCQ-00061-00038678-00038990 there are equivalent points depending on how much you have spent 9avEzp2vCCQ-00062-00039000-00039608 and then the second one is through your friends shopping. This one is very nice 9avEzp2vCCQ-00063-00039618-00039940 because, for example I referred a friend, 9avEzp2vCCQ-00064-00039941-00040619 so somebody signed up using my link we can be connected like forever like when 9avEzp2vCCQ-00065-00040619-00041138 my friend shops, I will earn depending on how much my friend spends 9avEzp2vCCQ-00066-00041138-00041924 whenever they shop, I have an earnings on their earned points. So that's how it works. and then, 9avEzp2vCCQ-00067-00041924-00042604 you can earn even if your friend isn't a full member yet 9avEzp2vCCQ-00068-00042608-00043472 what more if your friend upgrades to be a full member. When he does, you will earn additional points 9avEzp2vCCQ-00069-00043472-00043961 you will have an earning from his upgrade 9avEzp2vCCQ-00070-00043961-00044440 Okay so, it's gonna be 10USD to upgrade for a full membership. It's all 9avEzp2vCCQ-00071-00044441-00044939 worth it. Actually, as I've said earlier, if you don't want 9avEzp2vCCQ-00072-00044939-00045362 to sign up to be a full member you can still use the website for free but with 9avEzp2vCCQ-00073-00045362-00045881 partial benefits. Don't miss the chance to be a full member 9avEzp2vCCQ-00074-00045881-00046295 don't waste the points that you will earn most especially to those who shops often 9avEzp2vCCQ-00075-00046295-00046619 when we shop through Lazada and Shopee, we don't earn points there. 9avEzp2vCCQ-00076-00046619-00047082 Aside from the voucher discounts and free shippings only. 9avEzp2vCCQ-00077-00047082-00047493 I was amazed because VMore has this program and it would really help because 9avEzp2vCCQ-00078-00047493-00048147 It's a bit similar to Klook.com but the difference is 9avEzp2vCCQ-00079-00048147-00048758 in Klook, those are for activities and tours, bookings, etc. But VMore is all in one. They have 9avEzp2vCCQ-00080-00048758-00049660 merchandise, hotels, travels, and they even have access to official stores 9avEzp2vCCQ-00081-00049660-00050072 so if you want to know more about this referral program 9avEzp2vCCQ-00082-00050073-00050300 please watch this video 9avEzp2vCCQ-00083-00059966-00060567 so basically that's it I guess the video explains it all and if you want to sign 9avEzp2vCCQ-00084-00060567-00061324 up please use my QR code here.. you just scan it and then it will just 9avEzp2vCCQ-00085-00061324-00061960 redirect you to the sign up link for the VMore Asia so this referral link 9avEzp2vCCQ-00086-00061960-00062485 this referral QR code is for free membership because it's your choice if you will 9avEzp2vCCQ-00087-00062485-00062899 upgrade for a full membership and everything's and it's actually not 9avEzp2vCCQ-00088-00062899-00063382 really a problem since they actually ship worldwide so wherever you 9avEzp2vCCQ-00089-00063382-00063895 are in Southeast Asia, they can ship your products 9avEzp2vCCQ-00090-00063895-00064360 actually I redeemed points recently 9avEzp2vCCQ-00091-00064360-00065071 I used my earnings to purchase a product. So I will wait for the shipment within 9avEzp2vCCQ-00092-00065071-00065473 this week maybe. That's just fast.I will update you once I receive it 9avEzp2vCCQ-00093-00065473-00066415 VMore works well mostly to those who loves branded merchandise. Like what I showed earlier, they have a lot of affiliates 9avEzp2vCCQ-00094-00066415-00066907 they have a lot of perks if you will just explore the website on your own then you can search 9avEzp2vCCQ-00095-00066907-00067348 for whatever shop you are looking for then it's all here so basically that's 9avEzp2vCCQ-00096-00067348-00067929 it again you can download the VMore Asia app in Google Play and Appstore 9avEzp2vCCQ-00097-00067929-00068356 but I guess they don't have a cash-on-delivery option but they do 9avEzp2vCCQ-00098-00068356-00069095 accept Mastercard Paypal Maestro American Express and so on so if 9avEzp2vCCQ-00099-00069096-00069708 you have any more inquiries just email merchant@vmoreasia.com or support@vmoreasia.com 9avEzp2vCCQ-00100-00069708-00070070 or simply call the hotline in Singapore 9avEzp2vCCQ-00101-00070084-00070541 +65 6521 6805 that's it for this video thank you for 9avEzp2vCCQ-00102-00070541-00070948 watching see you next trip, bye!! 9bM9tQFEITY-00000-00000008-00000216 January is done... 9bM9tQFEITY-00001-00000776-00001368 Ciao friends! Beth with ThimbleHooks; thanks for stopping by. January is done! Look, 9bM9tQFEITY-00002-00001464-00001888 isn't that awesome? This is the one that I've made for my Mom who lives in Minnesota. It 9bM9tQFEITY-00003-00001888-00002264 has been very cold, so you can see it's all the cool colors that I've made with 9bM9tQFEITY-00004-00002264-00002792 my temperature blanket and my palette of I Love This Yarn from Hobby Lobby, 9bM9tQFEITY-00005-00002792-00003408 and here's mine for our neck of the woods, and you can see it's been cold here too, 9bM9tQFEITY-00006-00003488-00003815 but it hasn't been as cold because we're getting a little bit of the "greens"... 9bM9tQFEITY-00007-00004040-00004472 see that? Isn't that fun? I just thought it was gonna be so much fun to see how different it 9bM9tQFEITY-00008-00004472-00005064 would look with the exact same stitches, the exact same pattern, the exact same color schemes in two 9bM9tQFEITY-00009-00005064-00005552 different places, and you know it gets pretty darn cold in Minnesota, and it's been really cold here, 9bM9tQFEITY-00010-00005552-00006216 which is not cool. This would not normally be this blue. So I'm going to tell you what I did here for 9bM9tQFEITY-00011-00006216-00006616 ending a month, so if you're keeping up with me, this is all January through... 9bM9tQFEITY-00012-00006840-00007352 here, through this light blue right here, this is all January, every day, all 31 days 9bM9tQFEITY-00013-00007352-00007856 of January. And then, to keep our stitch count, or a row count for each of our panels, because 9bM9tQFEITY-00014-00007856-00008240 there's three panels, remember this first panel is gonna be January, February, March and April, 9bM9tQFEITY-00015-00008240-00008904 I did all of January and then in between January and this is February, one, two, three and four, I 9bM9tQFEITY-00016-00008904-00009360 did three rows of Linen, so you can use that, any color you want I guess. You could, that was just 9bM9tQFEITY-00017-00009360-00010000 a color that doesn't have a month, but I thought it was a nice transition. It's almost gray, but 9bM9tQFEITY-00018-00010000-00010480 not quite gray, because here's a gray down here, you can see this is just a little bit off-white, 9bM9tQFEITY-00019-00010480-00011064 I thought that was nice, and this one you can see the fourth I put in the extra fine weight, extra 9bM9tQFEITY-00020-00011064-00011648 fine weight because it was my Mom's birthday, and this is her blanket, so that's really all you need 9bM9tQFEITY-00021-00011648-00012128 to do, and anybody who's snowbound right now, it's gonna be really easy to catch up You can hang out 9bM9tQFEITY-00022-00012128-00012680 and do this very, very easily. Someday we're gonna get into these colors, which would be really nice, 9bM9tQFEITY-00023-00012680-00013072 be really nice to not have any more purple, I'm running out of purples. I'm almost out of 9bM9tQFEITY-00024-00013072-00013600 periwinkle already, which is right here, is from 1 to 10 degrees. That's crazy cold. I don't like it, 9bM9tQFEITY-00025-00013600-00014184 and I've had to use it on my blanket too, but this is Minnesota temps, not surprising right? Right, 9bM9tQFEITY-00026-00014256-00014704 I hope you're enjoying my video and my channel. If so, please click that button to subscribe, 9bM9tQFEITY-00027-00014760-00015288 thanks. So, I'll remind you of the stitch that we use, otherwise you can go watch the very beginning 9bM9tQFEITY-00028-00015288-00015768 one that I showed you a couple of weeks ago when I first got started. I had gone through the eighth, 9bM9tQFEITY-00029-00015768-00016384 now I'm through February 4th. There's a chain one, return, and it's still connected, 9bM9tQFEITY-00030-00016384-00017016 because it's another cold day, very first stitch is a Single Crochet through both 9bM9tQFEITY-00031-00017016-00018384 loops at the end, and then after that we're going to go into back loop only, all the way down... 9bM9tQFEITY-00032-00018448-00018952 all the way down, and I will meet you at the other end of my blanket in just a couple of minutes. 9bM9tQFEITY-00033-00018952-00019616 This really goes pretty fast. It does go pretty fast, and there's my last couple of stitches, 9bM9tQFEITY-00034-00019728-00020160 let's see, left two stitches left, this one is back loop only, but then remember 9bM9tQFEITY-00035-00020160-00020760 on the edges you always go through both loops just to make a nice edge. Take out my marker, 9bM9tQFEITY-00036-00020760-00021360 I don't like this little marker. So my very last stitch is through both loops, 9bM9tQFEITY-00037-00021608-00022624 and that's the first pass for a day. Remember, there's two rows for each day. We're going to 9bM9tQFEITY-00038-00022624-00023144 chain one, turn our work, we'll do the Bar Stitch part, just as a reminder 9bM9tQFEITY-00039-00023200-00023920 first two are single crochets and the third one is a front post Double Crochet, just go underneath 9bM9tQFEITY-00040-00023920-00024696 that stitch from the previous row and complete your Double Crochet and then two singles... 9bM9tQFEITY-00041-00025112-00025384 and our front post Double Crochet... 9bM9tQFEITY-00042-00025727-00025816 two singles... 9bM9tQFEITY-00043-00026168-00026783 and that third sequence all the way down, that's our sequence for every day... 9bM9tQFEITY-00044-00026864-00027360 pull this out a little bit, so I can turn it and show how pretty this looks. See, 9bM9tQFEITY-00045-00027360-00027792 that's just a fun stitch, it's a little bit of interesting texture too, it 9bM9tQFEITY-00046-00027936-00028280 dips down a little bit, it's just fun, but this side is interesting too 9bM9tQFEITY-00047-00028360-00028992 in its own way it has just nice stripes without any extra texture from the, from our front posts, 9bM9tQFEITY-00048-00028992-00029512 but it still looks nice. It is reversible, it doesn't have anything back here, that's really 9bM9tQFEITY-00049-00029512-00030120 the wrong side, it still looks pretty so remember that, and you've got plenty of time if you're 9bM9tQFEITY-00050-00030120-00030888 snowbound like I have been since Wednesday you have plenty of time to catch up on this for all 9bM9tQFEITY-00051-00030888-00031504 of those people in the Midwest and the East Coast, and where you have crazy temperatures 9bM9tQFEITY-00052-00031504-00032200 you're gonna have a very interesting 2022 blanket. So get all your colors, plop down on the couch, 9bM9tQFEITY-00053-00032200-00032639 and go watch the Olympics, and catch up on your rows, and I will see you in a couple of weeks 9bM9tQFEITY-00054-00032639-00033080 and show you February. Thanks for stopping by. Thank you for supporting my small business, please 9bM9tQFEITY-00055-00033080-00033784 subscribe to ThimbleHooks, tell all your friends about us and stop back real soon. Thanks, bye! 9dmWg9H59ZY-00000-00001951-00002127 hello everyone how are you today this 9dmWg9H59ZY-00001-00002127-00002499 marc I'm doing great thanks for asking 9dmWg9H59ZY-00002-00002499-00002770 so what do these words have in common 9dmWg9H59ZY-00003-00002770-00003429 shoelace passerby sister-in-law seatbelt 9dmWg9H59ZY-00004-00003429-00003682 if you want to know the answer 9dmWg9H59ZY-00005-00003682-00003904 stay tuned because we're going to talk 9dmWg9H59ZY-00006-00003904-00004846 about compound nouns right we're going to 9dmWg9H59ZY-00007-00004846-00005223 talk about compound nouns and a noun is a 9dmWg9H59ZY-00008-00005223-00005578 word that names a person an animal a 9dmWg9H59ZY-00009-00005578-00006039 place an idea or a thing there can be 9dmWg9H59ZY-00010-00006039-00006343 concrete or abstract nouns 9dmWg9H59ZY-00011-00006343-00006613 a concrete noun is something that you 9dmWg9H59ZY-00012-00006613-00006992 can touch for example a table a 9dmWg9H59ZY-00013-00006992-00007575 whiteboard a house a fire an apple things 9dmWg9H59ZY-00014-00007575-00007881 that you can touch an abstract noun is 9dmWg9H59ZY-00015-00007881-00008461 for example nature love happiness they are 9dmWg9H59ZY-00016-00008461-00008797 feelings ideas emotions quantities 9dmWg9H59ZY-00017-00008797-00009181 things that you cannot touch they're 9dmWg9H59ZY-00018-00009181-00009509 usually introduced with articles 9dmWg9H59ZY-00019-00009509-00009834 indefinite or definite articles for 9dmWg9H59ZY-00020-00009834-00010281 example an apple house a computer the 9dmWg9H59ZY-00021-00010281-00010803 dog etc also they can be introduced 9dmWg9H59ZY-00022-00010803-00011041 with possessive adjectives like my 9dmWg9H59ZY-00023-00011041-00011572 suitcase his shirt etc and determiners 9dmWg9H59ZY-00024-00011572-00012075 for example this class that plant etc I 9dmWg9H59ZY-00025-00012075-00012264 said that we're going to talk about 9dmWg9H59ZY-00026-00012264-00012594 compound nouns it's a fixed expression 9dmWg9H59ZY-00027-00012594-00013089 made with more than one word so the 9dmWg9H59ZY-00028-00013089-00013356 first rule to follow is that the first 9dmWg9H59ZY-00029-00013356-00013831 part of the compound noun usually is a 9dmWg9H59ZY-00030-00013831-00014295 purpose or kind I will give you some 9dmWg9H59ZY-00031-00014295-00014634 examples later on the second part 9dmWg9H59ZY-00032-00014634-00015118 usually is who or what the stress is on the 9dmWg9H59ZY-00033-00015118-00015276 first syllable 9dmWg9H59ZY-00034-00015276-00015330 so 9dmWg9H59ZY-00035-00015330-00015791 WEEKend and not weekEND but WEEKend 9dmWg9H59ZY-00036-00015791-00016302 and you can sometimes omit the second 9dmWg9H59ZY-00037-00016302-00016752 word only after mentioning it first so 9dmWg9H59ZY-00038-00016752-00017082 for example how often do you use your 9dmWg9H59ZY-00039-00017082-00017400 personal computer ? personal computer here 9dmWg9H59ZY-00040-00017400-00017769 is a compound noun right ? and I can 9dmWg9H59ZY-00041-00017769-00018195 answer I use my computer every evening 9dmWg9H59ZY-00042-00018195-00018519 so I don't need to mention personal 9dmWg9H59ZY-00043-00018519-00018981 right so I just omit personal and I 9dmWg9H59ZY-00044-00018981-00019290 just mention computer don't 9dmWg9H59ZY-00045-00019290-00019620 forget that I used in this case the 9dmWg9H59ZY-00046-00019620-00019983 possessive adjective my to identify 9dmWg9H59ZY-00047-00019983-00020427 which computer I'm talking about now 9dmWg9H59ZY-00048-00020427-00020765 some compound nouns are written with 9dmWg9H59ZY-00049-00020765-00020880 hyphens 9dmWg9H59ZY-00050-00020880-00021249 for example baby-sitter and here we have 9dmWg9H59ZY-00051-00021249-00021702 a - or brother-in-law here we have - - 9dmWg9H59ZY-00052-00021702-00022266 and letter-box these are examples and 9dmWg9H59ZY-00053-00022266-00022595 there are a lot of them others can be 9dmWg9H59ZY-00054-00022595-00023010 written with or without - for example 9dmWg9H59ZY-00055-00023010-00023433 air conditioner you can write the - or 9dmWg9H59ZY-00056-00023433-00023901 you can omit it living room okay with or 9dmWg9H59ZY-00057-00023901-00024270 without the - some compounds that 9dmWg9H59ZY-00058-00024270-00024570 consist of more than two words are 9dmWg9H59ZY-00059-00024570-00025086 written partly with a hyphen and a space 9dmWg9H59ZY-00060-00025086-00025458 for example back-seat and here we have 9dmWg9H59ZY-00061-00025458-00025970 a - back-seat passenger no - we just 9dmWg9H59ZY-00062-00025970-00026402 add a space mother-tongue 9dmWg9H59ZY-00063-00026402-00026651 speaker for example 9dmWg9H59ZY-00064-00026651-00027069 now obviously compound nouns can be 9dmWg9H59ZY-00065-00027069-00027452 countable and uncountable and I listed 9dmWg9H59ZY-00066-00027452-00027891 some countable ones blood donor here we 9dmWg9H59ZY-00067-00027891-00028419 don't need a - blood donor bus stop car 9dmWg9H59ZY-00068-00028419-00028618 park 9dmWg9H59ZY-00069-00028618-00029060 uncountable ones further education so 9dmWg9H59ZY-00070-00029060-00029354 we don't say further educationS but we 9dmWg9H59ZY-00071-00029354-00029848 say further education do-it-yourself 9dmWg9H59ZY-00072-00029848-00030202 fast-food and then the last one toilet 9dmWg9H59ZY-00073-00030202-00030500 paper now I'm going to erase this and 9dmWg9H59ZY-00074-00030500-00030701 I'm going to show you other points about 9dmWg9H59ZY-00075-00030701-00030974 compound nouns actually I think is the 9dmWg9H59ZY-00076-00030974-00031314 most important point in this lesson 9dmWg9H59ZY-00077-00031314-00031639 right so we're back compound nouns are 9dmWg9H59ZY-00078-00031639-00031883 made of two words usually but sometimes 9dmWg9H59ZY-00079-00031883-00032339 more they're made up of a noun plus noun 9dmWg9H59ZY-00080-00032339-00032822 for example housewife classmate 9dmWg9H59ZY-00081-00032822-00033242 classroom etc then we have 9dmWg9H59ZY-00082-00033242-00033497 adjective plus noun for example high 9dmWg9H59ZY-00083-00033497-00034171 school old-age dining-room greenhouse 9dmWg9H59ZY-00084-00034171-00034697 or noun plus verb rainfall train 9dmWg9H59ZY-00085-00034697-00035281 spotting etc now plus adverb passer-by 9dmWg9H59ZY-00086-00035281-00035914 runner-up or verb plus noun driving license 9dmWg9H59ZY-00087-00035914-00036409 washing machine adverb plus noun 9dmWg9H59ZY-00088-00036409-00036863 bystander for example and adjective plus 9dmWg9H59ZY-00089-00036863-00037189 verb dry-cleaning 9dmWg9H59ZY-00090-00037189-00037646 so now let's recap in this lesson we 9dmWg9H59ZY-00091-00037646-00037883 talked about compound nouns but I first 9dmWg9H59ZY-00092-00037883-00038165 started by describing what a noun is the 9dmWg9H59ZY-00093-00038165-00038513 compound noun is a word made up of two 9dmWg9H59ZY-00094-00038513-00038797 or more words put together there can be 9dmWg9H59ZY-00095-00038797-00039131 noun plus noun adjective plus noun noun 9dmWg9H59ZY-00096-00039131-00039551 plus verb noun plus adverb etc just like 9dmWg9H59ZY-00097-00039551-00039824 nouns there can be countable or 9dmWg9H59ZY-00098-00039824-00040127 uncountable compound nouns well that's 9dmWg9H59ZY-00099-00040127-00040307 it for today thank you very much for 9dmWg9H59ZY-00100-00040307-00040577 watching please subscribe to my channel 9dmWg9H59ZY-00101-00040577-00040853 if you haven't subscribed yet you'll get 9dmWg9H59ZY-00102-00040853-00041111 a new lesson next week don't forget to 9dmWg9H59ZY-00103-00041111-00041351 share the lesson if you liked it and if 9dmWg9H59ZY-00104-00041351-00041694 you want you can write your own exam 9dmWg9H59ZY-00105-00041694-00041918 full of a compound noun under this video 9dmWg9H59ZY-00106-00041918-00042312 have a great day and see you next week take 9dmWg9H59ZY-00107-00042312-00042563 care bye bye 9hgAw47KEog-00000-00000090-00000438 live answer no 9hgAw47KEog-00001-00000708-00000750 yeah 9hgAw47KEog-00002-00000750-00001788 let's see what is your condition definitely we can see your condition is not good this 9hgAw47KEog-00003-00001788-00002334 side is higher this side is lower that means you bend on the left side yeah 9hgAw47KEog-00004-00002508-00002586 breathe out 9hgAw47KEog-00005-00002934-00003006 all right 9hgAw47KEog-00006-00003240-00004440 and breathe out relaxing breathe out nice easy one more easy 9hgAw47KEog-00007-00004620-00005028 okay looks so much tight here turn towards me 9hgAw47KEog-00008-00005658-00005754 blend this 9hgAw47KEog-00009-00006048-00006228 and relax 9hgAw47KEog-00010-00006462-00006984 easy let the shoulder fall back now and pelvis forward breathe out 9hgAw47KEog-00011-00007212-00008274 nice other side okay so till now I'm happy for what I'm achieving 9hgAw47KEog-00012-00008694-00009792 relax cross it yes yes breathe out without the healthy layer either 9hgAw47KEog-00013-00010440-00010836 nice straight go up 9hgAw47KEog-00014-00010836-00012120 look this is your shattika leg button which is not shattika it is extra weight on this 9hgAw47KEog-00015-00012366-00012912 now is your neck easy okay easy 9hgAw47KEog-00016-00012912-00013547 give me a hand don't give me this hand 9hgAw47KEog-00017-00013824-00014532 okay I'm going to do one more adjustment for you uh just get it Raise Your Head Up 9hgAw47KEog-00018-00014880-00014946 and down 9hgAw47KEog-00019-00015222-00015582 breathe out and breathe out 9hgAw47KEog-00020-00015804-00016104 breathe out and breathe out 9hgAw47KEog-00021-00016356-00016470 you breathe out 9hgAw47KEog-00022-00017070-00017904 you felt anything yeah a little bit of stretch in my lower back as well as on the neck yes yes yes 9hgAw47KEog-00023-00018630-00018954 so how's your trip till 9hgAw47KEog-00024-00019026-00020047 for the Chiropractic how do you feel guys that is my first ever actually I feel good okay [Music] 9jyArOKFsSY-00000-00000000-00000016 Not many cars could dust 9jyArOKFsSY-00001-00000016-00000319 the Lamborghini Aventador in price and speed. 9jyArOKFsSY-00002-00000319-00000621 But the Bugatti Veyron could do just that. 9jyArOKFsSY-00003-00000621-00000934 This high performance super car deserves 9jyArOKFsSY-00004-00000934-00001269 a high-performance drawing tutorial. 9jyArOKFsSY-00005-00001269-00001718 This video will turbo charge your knowledge of drawing by breaking down the Veyron 9jyArOKFsSY-00006-00001718-00002089 into simple easy steps. You don't need Geico! 9jyArOKFsSY-00007-00002089-00002418 You just need a pencil and paper. Let's begin! 9jyArOKFsSY-00008-00002418-00002854 Step one 9jyArOKFsSY-00009-00002854-00003274 make a rectangle thats eleven-inches' by six inches 9jyArOKFsSY-00010-00003274-00003600 then split the 11 each side 9jyArOKFsSY-00011-00003600-00003971 into two parts that are 5.5 inches 9jyArOKFsSY-00012-00003971-00004269 each 9jyArOKFsSY-00013-00004269-00004587 Step 2: Make the shape for the windshield 9jyArOKFsSY-00014-00004588-00004947 Observe (notice) its placement within the two squares. 9jyArOKFsSY-00015-00004947-00005329 Step 3: Add the shape that I just added. 9jyArOKFsSY-00016-00005329-00005905 Notice its placement within the rectangle. 9jyArOKFsSY-00017-00005905-00006099 step 4: Add 9jyArOKFsSY-00018-00006099-00006475 the oval shape. 9jyArOKFsSY-00019-00006475-00006701 Step 5: Is the most difficult step 9jyArOKFsSY-00020-00006701-00007147 there are six new shapes start with the headlight shape 9jyArOKFsSY-00021-00007147-00007608 which is even with the top the the oval shape damn 9jyArOKFsSY-00022-00007608-00008018 it the other shapes notice good only one shape 9jyArOKFsSY-00023-00008018-00008326 goes below the line at the bottom 9jyArOKFsSY-00024-00008326-00008704 the oval shape 9jyArOKFsSY-00025-00008704-00009151 step 6: make the rectangle below the oval shape 9jyArOKFsSY-00026-00009151-00009575 step 7 into shape 9jyArOKFsSY-00027-00009575-00009878 it looks like in people sign in bubble letters 9jyArOKFsSY-00028-00009878-00010294 with step eight were finally 9jyArOKFsSY-00029-00010294-00010636 over to the other box because the perspective 9jyArOKFsSY-00030-00010636-00010974 decisive shove the new shape is going to be bigger 9jyArOKFsSY-00031-00010974-00011649 can be equal Park and the other side the car 9jyArOKFsSY-00032-00011649-00011847 step 9 bid 9jyArOKFsSY-00033-00011847-00012292 the headlight 9jyArOKFsSY-00034-00012292-00012504 step 10 it the wheel 9jyArOKFsSY-00035-00012504-00012891 step 11 9jyArOKFsSY-00036-00012891-00013266 gave the door good perspective notice 9jyArOKFsSY-00037-00013266-00013622 that it gets more narrow as the shapes start going 9jyArOKFsSY-00038-00013622-00014141 back into the distance step 12 9jyArOKFsSY-00039-00014141-00014841 it to shape above the door step thirteen 9jyArOKFsSY-00040-00014855-00015555 it did thingies step 14 9jyArOKFsSY-00041-00015634-00015936 Eddie ice cream cone thing is that make 9jyArOKFsSY-00042-00015936-00016369 cargo really fast 9jyArOKFsSY-00043-00016369-00016716 take you time would step 15: 9jyArOKFsSY-00044-00016716-00017022 it's tricky but if you got the rest a few placements correct 9jyArOKFsSY-00045-00017022-00017498 you should be able to get this rather easily once again 9jyArOKFsSY-00046-00017498-00017885 use the box to gauge where you're going to put your lines 9jyArOKFsSY-00047-00017885-00018265 step 16 9jyArOKFsSY-00048-00018265-00018965 it the wheel and the sporty thingy hey welcome to the shading part I hope that 9jyArOKFsSY-00049-00019118-00019483 upkeep 16 steps before this were easy for you 9jyArOKFsSY-00050-00019483-00019805 I might never use the boxes before 9jyArOKFsSY-00051-00019805-00020192 job it's kind of an extension of the greeting technique up which of course is 9jyArOKFsSY-00052-00020192-00020265 effective 9jyArOKFsSY-00053-00020265-00020636 I'm you know I hope that that work for you as well as the steps 9jyArOKFsSY-00054-00020636-00021058 up so what I'm going to do here I know it looks like it's going super fast rate 9jyArOKFsSY-00055-00021058-00021101 now 9jyArOKFsSY-00056-00021101-00021441 I and that if it is I'll 9jyArOKFsSY-00057-00021441-00021773 upload a video that I will slow it down but 9jyArOKFsSY-00058-00021773-00022135 up what I want to do in this video is to 9jyArOKFsSY-00059-00022135-00022513 up I'm actually going to stop it I'm gonna go regular speed 9jyArOKFsSY-00060-00022513-00022855 in about five minutes but the start of 9jyArOKFsSY-00061-00022855-00023195 II wanna show you how I build up his regular toms 9jyArOKFsSY-00062-00023195-00023616 and I'm Guinea used the arm HB pencil 9jyArOKFsSY-00063-00023616-00024035 but to each pencil I'm really to start 9jyArOKFsSY-00064-00024035-00024438 now the HB pencils the same as a number two pencil I 9jyArOKFsSY-00065-00024438-00024849 to each pencil is like my new my new toy admit some 9jyArOKFsSY-00066-00024849-00025227 one dollar toy but it's a it's a really cool 9jyArOKFsSY-00067-00025227-00025592 Tom tool to use because you really can build up 9jyArOKFsSY-00068-00025592-00026048 tone slowly um where is you even if you press lately 9jyArOKFsSY-00069-00026048-00026452 with in HB pencil up you'll still see some of the 9jyArOKFsSY-00070-00026452-00026757 up you know the tones building up a little bit too fast 9jyArOKFsSY-00071-00026757-00027057 I'm going nice and super slow with the two which 9jyArOKFsSY-00072-00027057-00027513 I always ignored %eh pencils up for all the years that I've been drawn 9jyArOKFsSY-00073-00027513-00027895 but I'm you know I'm not making that mistake now 9jyArOKFsSY-00074-00027895-00028331 anyway let me describe what's going on I'm slowly building up the tones and 9jyArOKFsSY-00075-00028331-00028632 then when I get to the point where I'm doing the individual parts 9jyArOKFsSY-00076-00028632-00028995 ok the car I'm the wheels the the hood 9jyArOKFsSY-00077-00028995-00029373 now the doors you know I will slow it down 9jyArOKFsSY-00078-00029373-00029724 but you know I kinda want you to try at two 9jyArOKFsSY-00079-00029724-00030013 do exactly what I'm doing right now 9jyArOKFsSY-00080-00030013-00030267 it might take some practice if you have 9jyArOKFsSY-00081-00030267-00030600 a yeah a2h consular Justin H pencil 9jyArOKFsSY-00082-00030600-00031007 that would be fantastic but I'm slowly building up the tones 9jyArOKFsSY-00083-00031007-00031322 post the video at different points adjust to 9jyArOKFsSY-00084-00031322-00031666 um try to match what I'm doing but I'm not gonna get 9jyArOKFsSY-00085-00031666-00031988 super bold until I'm 9jyArOKFsSY-00086-00031988-00032550 until I stopped the video you have to see in other words the 9jyArOKFsSY-00087-00032550-00032851 the high maintenance cheating that's going to happen %uh 9jyArOKFsSY-00088-00032851-00033198 a little bit later up and that's gonna be at 8 9jyArOKFsSY-00089-00033198-00033576 very very slow speed so we're gonna go um 9jyArOKFsSY-00090-00033576-00033876 do the basics right now the up 9jyArOKFsSY-00091-00033876-00034178 you know the building above the tones at just 9jyArOKFsSY-00092-00034178-00034607 I'm not super fast speed then we're gonna stop it so 9jyArOKFsSY-00093-00034607-00034950 at you gonna see like the really detailed teaching them 9jyArOKFsSY-00094-00034950-00035376 arm thats 9jyArOKFsSY-00095-00035376-00035775 that shiny pencil it amusing that that is I'm 9jyArOKFsSY-00096-00035775-00036129 and that's also in HB pencil it's just the one where you can put the lead in 9jyArOKFsSY-00097-00036129-00036448 yourself I'm using the eraser with that I'm 9jyArOKFsSY-00098-00036448-00036757 I've tried a kneaded eraser over the years but I'm 9jyArOKFsSY-00099-00036757-00037123 that is a really small a racer nets help me carved out up 9jyArOKFsSY-00100-00037123-00037488 highlights in certain spots which I find to be 9jyArOKFsSY-00101-00037488-00037866 really helpful if you 9jyArOKFsSY-00102-00037866-00038338 do this successfully number even if you don't dad share to my facebook page 9jyArOKFsSY-00103-00038338-00038654 I'm you know I have a presence on Google+ now 9jyArOKFsSY-00104-00038654-00039095 and I'm trying to get now but it's like really that checked on you often so 9jyArOKFsSY-00105-00039095-00039460 you know I love to see the work that you guess Indian and it's always 9jyArOKFsSY-00106-00039460-00039850 motivating up so yet you wind up doing this please 9jyArOKFsSY-00107-00039850-00040429 I'm you know send it in okay so there I'm using a two-b_ pencil 9jyArOKFsSY-00108-00040429-00040794 and I'm just creating a shadow that i'm gonna edit a little bit 9jyArOKFsSY-00109-00040794-00041269 as we go on I'm so so far I've used three councils 9jyArOKFsSY-00110-00041269-00041612 I've used is 2h and HB 9jyArOKFsSY-00111-00041612-00042010 handed to be to be of course is the darkest 1-for-3 9jyArOKFsSY-00112-00042010-00042369 I am but I'm certain the Markov a 9jyArOKFsSY-00113-00042369-00042729 you know some the darker parts and we're about 9jyArOKFsSY-00114-00042729-00043200 up three minutes or so away from me going regular time 9jyArOKFsSY-00115-00043200-00043529 with the video when I really want you guys to see now I'm 9jyArOKFsSY-00116-00043529-00043864 you know someone that finishing techniques that I have anybody 9jyArOKFsSY-00117-00043864-00044241 anybody can build up tones I'll you know just by doing 9jyArOKFsSY-00118-00044241-00044597 cross hatching line next line next line but 9jyArOKFsSY-00119-00044597-00044904 um the real artistry in this happens 9jyArOKFsSY-00120-00044904-00045295 in the later part when you are you know moving stuff around and 9jyArOKFsSY-00121-00045295-00045645 like really trying to yeah at get the edges 9jyArOKFsSY-00122-00045645-00045973 I'm you know so we go from the tones at 9jyArOKFsSY-00123-00045973-00046395 I'm sorry we go from the shapes to the edges and this is a start 9jyArOKFsSY-00124-00046395-00046831 now I'm you know going towards the edges that's what I'm gonna stop the video 9jyArOKFsSY-00125-00046831-00047326 yes so right now I'm still protecting the form and I'm getting 9jyArOKFsSY-00126-00047326-00047703 basic tones just simple basic dones I 9jyArOKFsSY-00127-00047703-00048107 as we go on I'm you we we look to the edges 9jyArOKFsSY-00128-00048107-00048410 and week perfect the edges 9jyArOKFsSY-00129-00048410-00048740 I've been wanting to say this 9jyArOKFsSY-00130-00048740-00049141 I wanna thank you guys I get recently 15 million views 9jyArOKFsSY-00131-00049141-00049490 so up you know thank you guys for a coming back and 9jyArOKFsSY-00132-00049490-00049867 you leaving all those great comments that that motivate me to keep making 9jyArOKFsSY-00133-00049867-00049948 these videos 9jyArOKFsSY-00134-00049948-00050263 it also helps me to see yet what you guys want 9jyArOKFsSY-00135-00050263-00050692 up this was an old request I'm get to gotti have a run but 9jyArOKFsSY-00136-00050692-00051044 I'm every time that I look back I I tend to see 9jyArOKFsSY-00137-00051044-00051370 at this boarded-up up so 9jyArOKFsSY-00138-00051370-00051695 yet keep you know keep putting those requests in 9jyArOKFsSY-00139-00051695-00052013 job it might not be checked right away but it will be 9jyArOKFsSY-00140-00052013-00052337 checked especially in my more recent videos 9jyArOKFsSY-00141-00052337-00052645 up cuz I've got over 250 videos now 9jyArOKFsSY-00142-00052645-00053061 I'm I kinda need you guys to put your requests on the more 9jyArOKFsSY-00143-00053061-00053402 recent videos cuz I'm I wanna check as many 9jyArOKFsSY-00144-00053402-00053871 as I can but I'm obviously there's only so many hours in the day 9jyArOKFsSY-00145-00053871-00054316 alright so I actually thankfully changed the camera 9jyArOKFsSY-00146-00054316-00054666 um that camera was a he had been 9jyArOKFsSY-00147-00054666-00054970 pretty much like a webcam at that I had pointing downwards 9jyArOKFsSY-00148-00054970-00055334 but day you could see this better this is some the mighty 9jyArOKFsSY-00149-00055334-00055762 regular camera that I use looks a lot different 9jyArOKFsSY-00150-00055762-00056253 looks a lot emptier with this one 9jyArOKFsSY-00151-00056253-00056546 now a lot of this is up clap right now 9jyArOKFsSY-00152-00056546-00057010 and what you're going to see in real time in a few minutes 9jyArOKFsSY-00153-00057010-00057451 is how exactly to do this without flattening it 9jyArOKFsSY-00154-00057451-00057805 in is all these subtleties that you really have to see 9jyArOKFsSY-00155-00057805-00058202 so this is gonna be one my longer videos but I think it'll be worth it 9jyArOKFsSY-00156-00058202-00058529 goes forth 9jyArOKFsSY-00157-00058529-00059130 37 minutes and word about the 9jyArOKFsSY-00158-00059130-00059486 um the 10 minute mark great now but from 9jyArOKFsSY-00159-00059486-00059867 have about 11:45 all the way to the end 9jyArOKFsSY-00160-00059867-00060235 it is just going to be me shading at eight very 9jyArOKFsSY-00161-00060235-00060623 slow pace I'm and I did the narration rate what 9jyArOKFsSY-00162-00060623-00061035 while I was driving so you could know exactly what is going on in my mind 9jyArOKFsSY-00163-00061035-00061147 while I draw 9jyArOKFsSY-00164-00061147-00061500 I'm the chassis 9jyArOKFsSY-00165-00061500-00061919 at inside behind the windshield you know you don't really have to worry about 9jyArOKFsSY-00166-00061919-00062420 extreme details you have to worry about Leighton dark a biscuit me really 9jyArOKFsSY-00167-00062420-00062613 appreciate you for the designers 9jyArOKFsSY-00168-00062613-00063048 have the yeah boo got a bear on up its really got 9jyArOKFsSY-00169-00063048-00063434 so many East curves to it at Lake real subtleties 9jyArOKFsSY-00170-00063434-00063813 like if you notice the area over the tire that I'm leaving and I lied 9jyArOKFsSY-00171-00063813-00064198 I'm got just keeps going amigos 9jyArOKFsSY-00172-00064198-00064662 have towards the front the card turns and is all these crazy ridges that 9jyArOKFsSY-00173-00064662-00064723 happen 9jyArOKFsSY-00174-00064723-00065135 so now we're getting ready to go 9jyArOKFsSY-00175-00065135-00065494 slow speed and I'm gonna talk you through you know what I'm doing 9jyArOKFsSY-00176-00065494-00065890 you gonna see me out use different tools 9jyArOKFsSY-00177-00065890-00066209 such as that one up that was a totally in 9jyArOKFsSY-00178-00066209-00066640 I'm already out a blending style some people call it 9jyArOKFsSY-00179-00066640-00067021 in there I'm trying to get the Texters right 9jyArOKFsSY-00180-00067021-00067515 in the photo a reference that was 9jyArOKFsSY-00181-00067515-00067856 a it was event and 9jyArOKFsSY-00182-00067856-00068258 I don't want to get every single detail love that vent I'm that would be a 9jyArOKFsSY-00183-00068258-00068305 little 9jyArOKFsSY-00184-00068305-00068789 cray as they say but you know I want to get I want a hint 9jyArOKFsSY-00185-00068789-00069489 towards the texture 9jyArOKFsSY-00186-00069699-00070290 so right now in about 20 seconds it is going to go to the narration 9jyArOKFsSY-00187-00070290-00070706 that happened while I was sharing it you guys gonna have to let me know if you 9jyArOKFsSY-00188-00070706-00070774 like it 9jyArOKFsSY-00189-00070774-00071474 up fast were slow here we go 9jyArOKFsSY-00190-00071718-00071893 so this is a really important part 9jyArOKFsSY-00191-00071893-00072520 in here um it is right by the wheel and it turns we wanna make it believable 9jyArOKFsSY-00192-00072520-00073004 so I E why it looks kinda flat right now quite honestly so 9jyArOKFsSY-00193-00073004-00073511 um we can use tones I'm using it to age pencil right now 9jyArOKFsSY-00194-00073511-00073916 we can use tones to make it look grounded and what happens is 9jyArOKFsSY-00195-00073916-00074242 in here it kinda gets I a little bit 9jyArOKFsSY-00196-00074242-00074651 bent in com you note inverse now 9jyArOKFsSY-00197-00074651-00075067 this is pointing out and it's highlighted and we have the wheel 9jyArOKFsSY-00198-00075067-00075412 which is going to be very dark over here 9jyArOKFsSY-00199-00075412-00075831 so and be the switch to my to be pencil 9jyArOKFsSY-00200-00075831-00076405 slowly develop the tones and what we can do with the shadow 9jyArOKFsSY-00201-00076405-00076811 you will see on but I'm doing hatching 9jyArOKFsSY-00202-00076811-00077265 um it's tough because the wheel 9jyArOKFsSY-00203-00077265-00077599 um ends right about here 9jyArOKFsSY-00204-00077599-00077903 one plane at the tire 9jyArOKFsSY-00205-00077903-00078603 ends here and then the other plans eliminated Mizan high contrast 9jyArOKFsSY-00206-00080218-00080649 and I'm going to try to make it a little bit different and Tom 9jyArOKFsSY-00207-00080649-00081014 I'm trippin try to make the shuttle little bit different on I'm gonna try to 9jyArOKFsSY-00208-00081014-00081136 make a little bit later 9jyArOKFsSY-00209-00081136-00081836 even though this isn't highlight I could always go back with an eraser 9jyArOKFsSY-00210-00082112-00082481 so this is gonna be dark in here 9jyArOKFsSY-00211-00082481-00082843 know it's gonna be in high lately want it to be sharp 9jyArOKFsSY-00212-00082843-00083543 so this image needs to be sure it's not turned enough yet 9jyArOKFsSY-00213-00083918-00084518 so what I'm gonna do isn't gonna take me to a telly n 9jyArOKFsSY-00214-00084518-00085218 make a blonde 9jyArOKFsSY-00215-00085842-00086192 bottom of the car at least that's facing the late 9jyArOKFsSY-00216-00086192-00086892 is going to be in highly 9jyArOKFsSY-00217-00087406-00088106 and as it gets to overhear om we could put it back in to show 9jyArOKFsSY-00218-00088819-00089519 some gon do the show first under here and I'm using a two-b_ pencil for that 9jyArOKFsSY-00219-00090454-00091154 gonna try to make sure a nice solid edge there and 9jyArOKFsSY-00220-00091378-00091823 can take my to each I'm gonna hatcher over at this 9jyArOKFsSY-00221-00091823-00092131 and this is gonna push it back 9jyArOKFsSY-00222-00092131-00092831 see and some more 9jyArOKFsSY-00223-00094694-00095394 yes %uh that is pushed back just wanna sharpen the edge a little bit 9jyArOKFsSY-00224-00096630-00097264 and make it even push this back to 9jyArOKFsSY-00225-00097264-00097964 this is a totally different plane and nurse 9jyArOKFsSY-00226-00098113-00098475 I'm using it to each pencil I've come to really appreciate them 9jyArOKFsSY-00227-00098475-00099006 com I don't care what level artist you are you're always learning 9jyArOKFsSY-00228-00099006-00099488 and I would ignore the age pencils for the longest time but 9jyArOKFsSY-00229-00099488-00099907 a they're really helpful tools because the are so slow 9jyArOKFsSY-00230-00099907-00100323 a building up the tones whereas I was doing this with a 9jyArOKFsSY-00231-00100323-00100742 um say it for me pencil it would get lost right away 9jyArOKFsSY-00232-00100742-00101368 I'm gonna go to my six-b_ pencil 9jyArOKFsSY-00233-00101368-00101703 and I want some really dark dark same here 9jyArOKFsSY-00234-00101703-00102403 some girl wrote in 9jyArOKFsSY-00235-00102807-00103181 do like I said I wanted to be a slightly different shuttle 9jyArOKFsSY-00236-00103181-00103881 gonna pull this using the totally in 9jyArOKFsSY-00237-00104366-00105066 create an edge 9jyArOKFsSY-00238-00105244-00105767 you know zoom out let's see how it looks much better 9jyArOKFsSY-00239-00105767-00106467 yet so I'm gonna zoom into other parts later 9jyArOKFsSY-00240-00106502-00106967 in fact let me do the door 9jyArOKFsSY-00241-00106967-00107419 so the doors gonna be in 9jyArOKFsSY-00242-00107419-00107923 late compared to the front 9jyArOKFsSY-00243-00107923-00108226 first thing I'm gonna do 9jyArOKFsSY-00244-00108226-00108926 you can improve my slip sheet right under here me get the one dark area 9jyArOKFsSY-00245-00109999-00110617 make sure the shape is right this is the seat belt right here 9jyArOKFsSY-00246-00110617-00111317 this is a two-b_ pencil amusing 9jyArOKFsSY-00247-00111838-00112188 ships on the inside don't matter so much I'm just 9jyArOKFsSY-00248-00112188-00112624 if you give it a variety of tones that helps move the eye round 9jyArOKFsSY-00249-00112624-00113251 I just look at the general shape um and you see how I am 9jyArOKFsSY-00250-00113251-00113751 gonna go back to the d2h pencil 9jyArOKFsSY-00251-00113751-00114389 and I'm gonna try to push this back not in full I'll eighth 9jyArOKFsSY-00252-00114389-00114799 ok read too much contrast Tom 9jyArOKFsSY-00253-00114799-00115499 if I left it like that so I pushed that back 9jyArOKFsSY-00254-00115742-00116073 and for the door just gonna build it up a little bit more 9jyArOKFsSY-00255-00116073-00116374 anything that I had that's too much 9jyArOKFsSY-00256-00116374-00117074 I can just take away a little bit later and I'm shooting with me 9jyArOKFsSY-00257-00117080-00117474 2h pencil which is nice and slow 9jyArOKFsSY-00258-00117474-00118075 girl Eva highlighted the top at the door 9jyArOKFsSY-00259-00118075-00118550 but this is rounded so we have to deal with it like a rounded shape 9jyArOKFsSY-00260-00118550-00119139 at the top of there's going to be 9jyArOKFsSY-00261-00119139-00119478 darker area could come 9jyArOKFsSY-00262-00119478-00119820 in with my totally nth 9jyArOKFsSY-00263-00119820-00120418 not to press too hard not rounded that 9jyArOKFsSY-00264-00120418-00121118 and the bottom around this 9jyArOKFsSY-00265-00121705-00122405 and now I could go back with my research put some pilots 9jyArOKFsSY-00266-00123971-00124671 and these will be in line with the ones that we have on the wheels 9jyArOKFsSY-00267-00125350-00125629 and now I'm saying that I could even go 9jyArOKFsSY-00268-00125629-00125944 a little bit darker 9jyArOKFsSY-00269-00125944-00126644 on the door of 9jyArOKFsSY-00270-00126650-00127278 to really bring out that highlight so at the bottom will go darker 9jyArOKFsSY-00271-00127278-00127690 now I want to focus on this 9jyArOKFsSY-00272-00127690-00128050 area rate down here get back to the wheel 9jyArOKFsSY-00273-00128050-00128473 the wheel is really bothering me now yet let me know 9jyArOKFsSY-00274-00128473-00128790 do that lemme focus on this come 9jyArOKFsSY-00275-00128790-00129208 so this is a shape kinda turned in 9jyArOKFsSY-00276-00129208-00129908 some gonna take my racer 9jyArOKFsSY-00277-00131350-00132050 and we have a darker area the cause in like that like a triangle in here C 9jyArOKFsSY-00278-00132475-00133175 gon do the same thing in the bottom for the show be really careful here 9jyArOKFsSY-00279-00133641-00133831 same thing to each pencil 9jyArOKFsSY-00280-00133831-00134403 let me push summer this back me first 9jyArOKFsSY-00281-00134403-00135049 Canada edited out with darker pencil 9jyArOKFsSY-00282-00135049-00135349 to be should do 9jyArOKFsSY-00283-00135349-00135807 Thomas like a pinstripe that goes 9jyArOKFsSY-00284-00135807-00136236 across let's see how accurate I could be 9jyArOKFsSY-00285-00136236-00136555 mom /url don't screw this up 9jyArOKFsSY-00286-00136555-00137024 there we go 9jyArOKFsSY-00287-00137024-00137400 now that we have that pin straight there 9jyArOKFsSY-00288-00137400-00137729 now would take the 9jyArOKFsSY-00289-00137729-00138111 to each pencil push it back 9jyArOKFsSY-00290-00138111-00138811 of 9jyArOKFsSY-00291-00140021-00140721 and there's also a pin stripe on the top 9jyArOKFsSY-00292-00141704-00142404 so there we have that 9jyArOKFsSY-00293-00142625-00142923 of 9jyArOKFsSY-00294-00142923-00143245 okay so now let's do this we'll 9jyArOKFsSY-00295-00143245-00143945 look bother me gonna go a little higher with this 9jyArOKFsSY-00296-00144068-00144453 here's where you move away from the photo a reference 9jyArOKFsSY-00297-00144453-00144943 can put this in 9jyArOKFsSY-00298-00144943-00145363 and let's define the wheel little bit better 9jyArOKFsSY-00299-00145363-00146063 here's one plane 9jyArOKFsSY-00300-00147549-00147750 to make sure that this is in the circle 9jyArOKFsSY-00301-00147750-00148079 on all a cheap I guess 9jyArOKFsSY-00302-00148079-00148779 put that in 9jyArOKFsSY-00303-00149962-00150442 gonna outline that give them an edge let me take my 9jyArOKFsSY-00304-00150442-00150820 6p pencil and we are going in 9jyArOKFsSY-00305-00150820-00151520 extreme dark here so let me just 9jyArOKFsSY-00306-00151572-00152272 press hard put it in create an edge 9jyArOKFsSY-00307-00152844-00153544 and gets thinner on this side and then we deal with the contrast 9jyArOKFsSY-00308-00154669-00154860 okay now here's the problem we're having 9jyArOKFsSY-00309-00154860-00155307 this is not this light there's highlights too with their this late 9jyArOKFsSY-00310-00155307-00155818 but we could do the same thing 9jyArOKFsSY-00311-00155818-00156133 we will actually going with the 6p pencil 9jyArOKFsSY-00312-00156133-00156528 to some hatching rate in there 9jyArOKFsSY-00313-00156528-00156840 no first 9jyArOKFsSY-00314-00156840-00157307 let me change my mind on the let me do 9jyArOKFsSY-00315-00157307-00158007 the outline right at the edge of the RAM 9jyArOKFsSY-00316-00159729-00160145 now I'm going to my hatching 9jyArOKFsSY-00317-00160145-00160621 now take my racer right at the top here 9jyArOKFsSY-00318-00160621-00161321 pull I let up 9jyArOKFsSY-00319-00162147-00162836 also at the bottom hola I laid out 9jyArOKFsSY-00320-00162836-00163398 now I could take 9jyArOKFsSY-00321-00163398-00164098 2h pencil again pushing back 9jyArOKFsSY-00322-00165952-00166257 my can actually hatch over the wheel here 9jyArOKFsSY-00323-00166257-00166799 of the Rams that is of 9jyArOKFsSY-00324-00166799-00167146 patch again now 9jyArOKFsSY-00325-00167146-00167601 go back get my racer gonna pull out some parts 9jyArOKFsSY-00326-00167601-00168070 so this is going to be in full highlight can have a spot here 9jyArOKFsSY-00327-00168070-00168770 spot here spot there 9jyArOKFsSY-00328-00169306-00170006 spot there 9jyArOKFsSY-00329-00170258-00170548 now we go little bit better 9jyArOKFsSY-00330-00170548-00170931 for those of you who are hard-core who are watching this 9jyArOKFsSY-00331-00170931-00171280 I admit these are not perfect wheels but you know what 9jyArOKFsSY-00332-00171280-00171653 when you back up and you look at it um 9jyArOKFsSY-00333-00171653-00172036 looks a heck of a lot better bukar 9jyArOKFsSY-00334-00172036-00172349 so let's keep going on this I'm gonna keep it panned out for a little bit see 9jyArOKFsSY-00335-00172349-00172419 you can see 9jyArOKFsSY-00336-00172419-00172823 let things look up look a lot different up-close than they do far away 9jyArOKFsSY-00337-00172823-00173194 so we gotta keep that in mind arm 9jyArOKFsSY-00338-00173194-00173578 let me go in with my blender 9jyArOKFsSY-00339-00173578-00174021 Ste gonna push this down a little bit 9jyArOKFsSY-00340-00174021-00174721 I say this I mean this youth 9jyArOKFsSY-00341-00174783-00175483 see what that did 9jyArOKFsSY-00342-00176491-00177191 on over here 9jyArOKFsSY-00343-00177228-00177521 same thing on the other side let's really build this up 9jyArOKFsSY-00344-00177521-00178221 an area of contrast now if we want to get fancy 9jyArOKFsSY-00345-00178417-00178840 I'll take the yom slip sheet 9jyArOKFsSY-00346-00178840-00179356 which stops me from smudging it right along the edge gonna create a highlight 9jyArOKFsSY-00347-00179356-00179445 over in here 9jyArOKFsSY-00348-00179445-00179795 move the eye round 9jyArOKFsSY-00349-00179795-00180495 over in here and be delayed in this 9jyArOKFsSY-00350-00182237-00182866 push that back of 9jyArOKFsSY-00351-00182866-00183290 ignore what I just did yes I use my fingers find caught me 9jyArOKFsSY-00352-00183290-00183979 sometimes it's the best tool use 9jyArOKFsSY-00353-00183979-00184543 I actually have an edge here 9jyArOKFsSY-00354-00184543-00184845 right over here I'm gonna pull 9jyArOKFsSY-00355-00184845-00185545 so highlight 9jyArOKFsSY-00356-00186284-00186556 so my rule with using the fingers as you don't wanna do it 9jyArOKFsSY-00357-00186556-00187034 early initiating because the will secure and get into the page 9jyArOKFsSY-00358-00187034-00187509 really does she doing it on your last layer that's a little bit different 9jyArOKFsSY-00359-00187509-00187562 though 9jyArOKFsSY-00360-00187562-00188262 in this part on looking veteran 9jyArOKFsSY-00361-00189098-00189798 the little things are bothering me 9jyArOKFsSY-00362-00190081-00190441 com when you finishing something up you want edges to be right 9jyArOKFsSY-00363-00190441-00191141 so just adjusted that 9jyArOKFsSY-00364-00192502-00192848 alright so let's go in let's do the same thing we did for the other will 9jyArOKFsSY-00365-00192848-00193375 hopefully a little bit better conscription a few shapes 9jyArOKFsSY-00366-00193375-00193679 the same pattern 9jyArOKFsSY-00367-00193679-00194042 kinda 9jyArOKFsSY-00368-00194042-00194742 alternated shorten long circles this one's a little bit more for shortened 9jyArOKFsSY-00369-00196473-00197173 so gives us a little creative license 9jyArOKFsSY-00370-00197324-00197471 Michael really do 9jyArOKFsSY-00371-00197471-00198046 here in the shadows a little bit different goes right in 9jyArOKFsSY-00372-00198046-00198447 but there is an edge 9jyArOKFsSY-00373-00198447-00199147 we're going to have to account for which'll put in right there 9jyArOKFsSY-00374-00200962-00201662 console from the edge 9jyArOKFsSY-00375-00202686-00202836 I'm gonna go to teach 9jyArOKFsSY-00376-00202836-00203142 of 9jyArOKFsSY-00377-00203142-00203561 simple hatching of 9jyArOKFsSY-00378-00203561-00204261 up 9jyArOKFsSY-00379-00204945-00205645 to finish in the newspaper rush 9jyArOKFsSY-00380-00206194-00206894 kinda pushes everything together neutralizes 9jyArOKFsSY-00381-00208919-00209619 gonna take off the edge if that 9jyArOKFsSY-00382-00210196-00210609 you can use a bigger erasure now pull out some highlights 9jyArOKFsSY-00383-00210609-00211309 murder 9jyArOKFsSY-00384-00211521-00211885 AC there's a uniformity to where the highlights go 9jyArOKFsSY-00385-00211885-00212516 goes across the midsection right about here 9jyArOKFsSY-00386-00212516-00213096 strong light over in here 9jyArOKFsSY-00387-00213096-00213796 in the back 9jyArOKFsSY-00388-00214441-00215141 strong remove the times around giving her a few lance is just seen where I 9jyArOKFsSY-00389-00215465-00215513 could 9jyArOKFsSY-00390-00215513-00216213 make a few improvements 9jyArOKFsSY-00391-00217387-00218087 can go full highlight in here 9jyArOKFsSY-00392-00221059-00221759 in anything extra week ago 9jyArOKFsSY-00393-00223066-00223117 that's all folks 9kVEl6gbkLE-00000-00000110-00000735 OK, so in the last video I showed you how to enter the data and it all looks like this. What I'm 9kVEl6gbkLE-00001-00000735-00001271 going to do now is show you how to make a graph of it. What we need 9kVEl6gbkLE-00002-00001271-00002121 to plot is teaspoons of Ribena against the three sets of absorption values, so 9kVEl6gbkLE-00003-00002121-00002568 the way we can do that is if I put my cursor over there 9kVEl6gbkLE-00004-00002568-00003477 and I drag all the way down to select those squares there and if I go over here and 9kVEl6gbkLE-00005-00003477-00004082 I press the control button down I can click in square f2 and then drag that 9kVEl6gbkLE-00006-00004082-00004880 across and down and only let go of the mouse button and the control key when 9kVEl6gbkLE-00007-00004880-00005339 I've selected all of those as well so that allows me to select multiple parts 9kVEl6gbkLE-00008-00005339-00005884 of the spreadsheet using the control key like that. What I want to do now is 9kVEl6gbkLE-00009-00005884-00006357 to make a graph so if I go to the top and choose 'Insert', over here where it 9kVEl6gbkLE-00010-00006357-00006911 says 'Charts' I want one of these charts here so I'm gonna click there and select the 9kVEl6gbkLE-00011-00006911-00007775 first chart type there like that and you'll see it generates a chart with 9kVEl6gbkLE-00012-00007775-00008286 the three sets of data plotted - teaspoons of Ribena on the bottom and 9kVEl6gbkLE-00013-00008286-00008997 absorption values up the side here. So that's our basic chart - so let's work on 9kVEl6gbkLE-00014-00008997-00009443 prettifying it a bit. The first thing I want to do I'll put some titles on the 9kVEl6gbkLE-00015-00009443-00010250 axes. If I click on this plus sign at the side and click axis titles you'll 9kVEl6gbkLE-00016-00010250-00010764 see it's put 'Axis title' against each axis, so if I double click on the bottom I can 9kVEl6gbkLE-00017-00010764-00011825 select that and I can type in there 'Teaspoons of Ribena' 9kVEl6gbkLE-00018-00012061-00013058 and then if I double click on the other one there select it like that I can type 'Absorption'. 9kVEl6gbkLE-00019-00013308-00014083 OK so I've got my axis titles - that's good - what else would I like to do? So what I'd 9kVEl6gbkLE-00020-00014083-00014665 like to do really is to make my red data red, my green data green, and my blue data 9kVEl6gbkLE-00021-00014665-00015313 blue, so let's do that. If I click on a blue dot it selects all the blue 9kVEl6gbkLE-00022-00015313-00015769 dots for me and then over here on the right hand side it says 'Format data 9kVEl6gbkLE-00023-00015769-00016528 Series'. I want to format the markers so I click on 'Marker' and what I want to do is I want to make the 9kVEl6gbkLE-00024-00016528-00017190 fill - that's the color of the dot - red so I can select that here and choose red. 9kVEl6gbkLE-00025-00017271-00018163 I also want the border around the outside to be red so again I'm choosing red. 9kVEl6gbkLE-00026-00018163-00019453 Now I've made the red data red, let's do the same for the green one. So select ''Marker' and choose green and the border as well 9kVEl6gbkLE-00027-00019453-00020563 and this is the blue data series so I click on one of those. OK so the red data's red 9kVEl6gbkLE-00028-00020563-00020986 and the green data's green and the blue data's blue. What I'd like to do at the 9kVEl6gbkLE-00029-00020986-00021586 bottom here is change these to red green and blue. So if I go up to the top bar 9kVEl6gbkLE-00030-00021586-00022273 that's up here and go for 'Select Data' if I select the R series here and click 9kVEl6gbkLE-00031-00022273-00023345 Edit it allows me to type in a title so I'll type in 'Red' to the series name. 9kVEl6gbkLE-00032-00023345-00024295 The same for green so select that one there and go to Edit then type in 'Green' and the same for 9kVEl6gbkLE-00033-00024295-00025255 blue. You could also tell it to use whatever is in these cells up here so 9kVEl6gbkLE-00034-00025255-00025845 you could just type red green and blue as well so I click okay now 9kVEl6gbkLE-00035-00025845-00026333 you'll see it says Red, Green and Blue down there. I decided that I don't want a title on 9kVEl6gbkLE-00036-00026333-00026831 my chart. If I go over here I can click the plus sign there and then just 9kVEl6gbkLE-00037-00026831-00027856 unselect 'Chart Title'. The last thing I'd like to do is try and join up my dots, and 9kVEl6gbkLE-00038-00027856-00028499 we're going to do this using what's called a trendline and this is where 9kVEl6gbkLE-00039-00028499-00029006 the computer tries to put a line through the dots as best it can. So if I click 9kVEl6gbkLE-00040-00029006-00029600 here on where it says trendline let's do the red series first so I'm going to 9kVEl6gbkLE-00041-00029600-00030356 put a trendline through the red dots okay and in this chart elements menu 9kVEl6gbkLE-00042-00030356-00030931 here so if I click plus chart elements and then if I hit this little arrow on 9kVEl6gbkLE-00043-00030931-00031440 the right and then select more options 9kVEl6gbkLE-00044-00031515-00032314 it gives me a choice of formatting the trendline so I want to change that to 9kVEl6gbkLE-00045-00032314-00032950 red so I'm going to change the colour to red and then on this one here with the three 9kVEl6gbkLE-00046-00032950-00033536 bars if I select that I want to display the equation on the chart and display the 9kVEl6gbkLE-00047-00033536-00034009 R-squared value on the chart as well. As I've ticked those what you'll notice is 9kVEl6gbkLE-00048-00034009-00034571 that some text has appeared here. If I click on that it gives me a little box around 9kVEl6gbkLE-00049-00034571-00035284 it which I can then drag so it's somewhere where I can see it. You'll 9kVEl6gbkLE-00050-00035284-00036258 notice that I've made a cock-up here and I've accidentally added two trend lines 9kVEl6gbkLE-00051-00036813-00037233 I can get rid of that one there by selecting it and hitting 'Delete'. 9kVEl6gbkLE-00052-00037331-00038114 Let's do the same for the blue, so select the blue data - plus - trendline then select 9kVEl6gbkLE-00053-00038114-00039371 'More options' for the color here the paint can I can change that to blue using 9kVEl6gbkLE-00054-00039371-00039797 the three bars here I can make it display the equation, the R squared 9kVEl6gbkLE-00055-00039797-00041427 value. And finally for the green plus - trendline - more options - display 9kVEl6gbkLE-00056-00041427-00042878 equation and R squared and then change the color to green. Close this menu here 9kVEl6gbkLE-00057-00042878-00043769 now with the little X. There's my graph; I can make it a bit bigger using the handle at the bottom. Now I 9kVEl6gbkLE-00058-00043769-00044705 don't want all these 'Linear's so what I can do is I can double-click on 9kVEl6gbkLE-00059-00044705-00046109 that legend entry there I can just press my delete key to make it disappear. Notice that this 9kVEl6gbkLE-00060-00046109-00046972 is just deleting the text at the bottom of the graph here, it's not actually 9kVEl6gbkLE-00061-00046972-00047477 deleting the lines themselves. So there we are, a nice looking graph with all my 9kVEl6gbkLE-00062-00047477-00048071 data plotted on it. It's got my lines going through and it's got the equations 9kVEl6gbkLE-00063-00048071-00048713 on it. Now these equations here they tell me how well the straight line is going 9kVEl6gbkLE-00064-00048713-00049218 through the data points. The R-squared value here is a measure of how well it 9kVEl6gbkLE-00065-00049218-00049781 fits, and basically the closer to one it is the better. These two here aren't too 9kVEl6gbkLE-00066-00049781-00050628 far off; this one here isn't very good. Don't worry about those for the time being. 9nR1LUgPKQu-00000-00000159-00000616 The idea started off with something low-risk, just floated out there and have 9nR1LUgPKQu-00001-00000616-00001150 people react to it, and maybe have them ask you for what you had in mind to give 9nR1LUgPKQu-00002-00001150-00001650 to them. I think that's a that's a really excellent approach. So the next one is 9nR1LUgPKQu-00003-00001650-00002404 from Scotland, unfortunately Robert couldn't make it over here. Maybe at some 9nR1LUgPKQu-00004-00002404-00003105 future date. This is the Scottish Social Services Council and quite an innovative 9nR1LUgPKQu-00005-00003105-00003597 approach they have about two hundred thousand people in the sector, a lot of 9nR1LUgPKQu-00006-00003597-00004009 them back into the sector and then want to be able to scale up once they're in 9nR1LUgPKQu-00007-00004009-00004471 the sector with social services homecare etc. So I think you'll find this very 9nR1LUgPKQu-00008-00004471-00005386 interesting. I'd love to be sitting where you are today. At a start of a journey that 9nR1LUgPKQu-00009-00005386-00005809 has the potential to completely change the way your organization thinks about 9nR1LUgPKQu-00010-00005809-00006394 learning development. Five years ago, the Scottish Social Services Council was 9nR1LUgPKQu-00011-00006394-00006822 where you are now. We're the regulatory body for people who work in 9nR1LUgPKQu-00012-00006822-00007209 social services in Scotland and as well as requiring registrants to gain 9nR1LUgPKQu-00013-00007209-00007804 formal qualifications, we also require a dedication to continuous learning. 9nR1LUgPKQu-00014-00007804-00008172 We wanted to reward people for learning in a highly visible way. 9nR1LUgPKQu-00015-00008172-00008662 Digital badges were just what we were looking for. Although initially skeptical 9nR1LUgPKQu-00016-00008662-00009004 about badges, we found that they could be much more than just a short-term 9nR1LUgPKQu-00017-00009004-00009382 motivator. Instead they fill a gap between learning 9nR1LUgPKQu-00018-00009382-00009786 and practice and they help ignite positive learning cultures within 9nR1LUgPKQu-00019-00009786-00010207 organisations while at the same time, producing better informed and more 9nR1LUgPKQu-00020-00010207-00010876 capable learners. 6500 badges have been awarded to learners through the SS SCM 9nR1LUgPKQu-00021-00010876-00011377 badges platform. That may not sound like a lot, but each of those badges required 9nR1LUgPKQu-00022-00011377-00011929 a written account of between 100 to 300 words. Each account is assessed by a real 9nR1LUgPKQu-00023-00011929-00012538 person and the badge only awarded if it met the criteria. Think about what is more 9nR1LUgPKQu-00024-00012538-00013143 important, the badge or the evidence that the learner has produced? Over time 9nR1LUgPKQu-00025-00013143-00013604 people collecting our badges gain a portfolio of evidence that becomes more 9nR1LUgPKQu-00026-00013604-00014165 valuable to them and to the SSSC. That portfolio of attendance badges, of 9nR1LUgPKQu-00027-00014165-00014525 quest past badges, or automatically awarded badges from a learning 9nR1LUgPKQu-00028-00014525-00015172 experience platform. For those 6500 badges, learners submitted more than 9nR1LUgPKQu-00029-00015172-00015679 1.5 million words talking about how their learning is changing their 9nR1LUgPKQu-00030-00015679-00016243 practice. Challenge yourself to think of your open badges program not as a 9nR1LUgPKQu-00031-00016243-00016775 technology program, but something that's dedicated towards helping learners 9nR1LUgPKQu-00032-00016775-00017179 collect and produce the best evidence they can of their continuous learning. 9nR1LUgPKQu-00033-00017179-00017776 Think about it as 10% technology and 90% what we do ask LMD professionals already, 9nR1LUgPKQu-00034-00017776-00018190 which is counter evidence of learn and transfer and the impact this has on 9nR1LUgPKQu-00035-00018190-00018718 practice. I've asked my learners to complete an e-portfolio, 9nR1LUgPKQu-00036-00018718-00019165 only a small minority would be motivated to do this, but as soon as you add 9nR1LUgPKQu-00037-00019165-00019537 digital badges into the mix suddenly people were more motivated they're 9nR1LUgPKQu-00038-00019537-00019957 inspired and they're even happy to bring their co-workers and their peers along 9nR1LUgPKQu-00039-00019957-00020675 for the ride. The SSSC started by using badges to capture the stages with of the 9nR1LUgPKQu-00040-00020675-00021238 learning cycle. We used bronze, silver, and gold badges, with bronze badges typical 9nR1LUgPKQu-00041-00021238-00021676 attendance awards, silver for learners who could show that they understood and 9nR1LUgPKQu-00042-00021676-00022094 they planned and shared their learning, and gold badges awarded to learners who 9nR1LUgPKQu-00043-00022094-00022579 demonstrated the actual application of the learning in the real world. Going 9nR1LUgPKQu-00044-00022579-00022844 forward the SSSC is likely to adopt a more 9nR1LUgPKQu-00045-00022844-00023272 rigorous approach to evaluate and learn and transfer, but learning cycles are a 9nR1LUgPKQu-00046-00023272-00023815 good place to start. My advice to you is to use your digital badges to help your 9nR1LUgPKQu-00047-00023815-00024331 learners produce and collect excellent evidence. Slow them down and get him to 9nR1LUgPKQu-00048-00024331-00024740 think. Encourage them to have discussions in the real world with their peers or 9nR1LUgPKQu-00049-00024740-00025210 their managers and coworkers. This can help them understand and contextualize what 9nR1LUgPKQu-00050-00025210-00025723 they've learned. Provide tutorials and badges just about creating evidence for 9nR1LUgPKQu-00051-00025723-00026150 badges. You think about it, someone comes to university or college for the first 9nR1LUgPKQu-00052-00026150-00026570 time, we normally offer some form of study skill support and this is still 9nR1LUgPKQu-00053-00026570-00027127 absolutely essential when it comes to the world badges. At the SSSC, we access 9nR1LUgPKQu-00054-00027127-00027538 submissions for our badges. That's intensive, but it's necessary. 9nR1LUgPKQu-00055-00027538-00028027 Learners won't thank us if after several years of collecting badges, they realize 9nR1LUgPKQu-00056-00028027-00028454 that all their evidence is poor or non-existent. Those badges will have 9nR1LUgPKQu-00057-00028454-00029012 little value in the long-ter. So think about how evidence can be assessed for 9nR1LUgPKQu-00058-00029012-00029539 your badges. Doesn't need to be assessed by you it can be by peers, supervisors, or 9nR1LUgPKQu-00059-00029539-00029999 tutors, but it's vital that somewhere along the line the evidence the learner 9nR1LUgPKQu-00060-00029999-00030674 submits does get assessed. I just can be necessary to get learners motivated to 9nR1LUgPKQu-00061-00030674-00031073 start recording their learning in the here and now, but it's the evidence they'll 9nR1LUgPKQu-00062-00031073-00031550 thank you for not the badge in the long term. If I can give you one last piece of 9nR1LUgPKQu-00063-00031550-00032093 advice, don't ever give up. Your first experiments with badges are unlikely to 9nR1LUgPKQu-00064-00032093-00032638 return the results you want. At SSSC, it took us four years to get the results we 9nR1LUgPKQu-00065-00032638-00033365 wanted. Perseverance does pay off. Now Don has asked me to end this with a 9nR1LUgPKQu-00066-00033365-00033824 challenge and I'm going to leave you with the very same challenge that the 9nR1LUgPKQu-00067-00033824-00034499 SSSC set for me five years ago and that is how can we use open badges to turn 9nR1LUgPKQu-00068-00034499-00035096 passive consumers of content into self-motivated and capable learners in a 9nR1LUgPKQu-00069-00035096-00035621 world where self-directed to continuous learning is more essential than ever. Now 9nR1LUgPKQu-00070-00035621-00036113 that's a tough challenge and it's one that we face wherever we are in the 9nR1LUgPKQu-00071-00036113-00036494 world whether that's in Scotland or Canada, and only Learning and Development 9nR1LUgPKQu-00072-00036494-00036971 professionals like you hold a solution to that challenge. You're in the right 9nR1LUgPKQu-00073-00036971-00037553 place and at the right time. This is an incredibly exciting time to be part 9nR1LUgPKQu-00074-00037553-00037803 of this profession. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00000-00000092-00000483 Microbiology has had a long history and many individuals have made significant aoTl_Tgb1F0-00001-00000483-00000693 contributions to the field aoTl_Tgb1F0-00002-00000693-00001087 A few those important discoveries will be discussed in this video. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00003-00001087-00001456 To begin we will discuss aoTl_Tgb1F0-00004-00001456-00001999 the discovery of the microscope, exact origins at the microscope are debated aoTl_Tgb1F0-00005-00001999-00002408 however there are three key individuals, Zacharias Jansen aoTl_Tgb1F0-00006-00002408-00002730 is the first to use inverted lenses aoTl_Tgb1F0-00007-00002730-00003272 to make observations of his surroundings. More notably aoTl_Tgb1F0-00008-00003272-00003572 is Robert Hooke an English scientist aoTl_Tgb1F0-00009-00003572-00003945 make key observations of various organisms aoTl_Tgb1F0-00010-00003945-00004416 including fungi. One of Hooke's most significant contributions aoTl_Tgb1F0-00011-00004416-00005110 is he coined the term cell. Another notable scientist is Anton Van Leeuwenhoek. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00012-00005110-00005456 Leeuwenhoek also made key observations aoTl_Tgb1F0-00013-00005456-00005837 however he observed living microscopic organisms aoTl_Tgb1F0-00014-00005837-00006260 which refer to as animalcules. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00015-00006260-00006650 Leeuwenhoek is regarded as one of the first to provide accurate descriptions aoTl_Tgb1F0-00016-00006650-00006950 of protozoa, fungi and bacteria aoTl_Tgb1F0-00017-00006950-00007326 another key point aoTl_Tgb1F0-00018-00007326-00007865 in history microbiology is the debate over the spontaneous generation aoTl_Tgb1F0-00019-00007865-00008338 theory. The theory of spontaneous generation states that organisms aoTl_Tgb1F0-00020-00008338-00008651 in this case microorganisms, arise from non- aoTl_Tgb1F0-00021-00008651-00009065 living matter. However as science progressed aoTl_Tgb1F0-00022-00009065-00009372 this theory became more and more disputed aoTl_Tgb1F0-00023-00009372-00009795 One of the first to dispute the spontaneous generation aoTl_Tgb1F0-00024-00009795-00010129 was Francisco Redi. In aoTl_Tgb1F0-00025-00010129-00010640 sixteen hundred's Francisco Redi devised an experiment aoTl_Tgb1F0-00026-00010640-00011040 in order to disprove that decaying meat gave way aoTl_Tgb1F0-00027-00011040-00011479 to maggots. In order to disprove this theory aoTl_Tgb1F0-00028-00011479-00011861 he placed decaying meat in the bottom of several jars, aoTl_Tgb1F0-00029-00011861-00012297 some jars were left open as you can see here to the left aoTl_Tgb1F0-00030-00012297-00012796 and other jars were sealed with the lid to prevent the entry aoTl_Tgb1F0-00031-00012796-00013127 of the flies, as you can see here on the right. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00032-00013127-00013447 The next day aoTl_Tgb1F0-00033-00013447-00013747 Redi found the jars which aoTl_Tgb1F0-00034-00013747-00014090 had access to flies had maggots aoTl_Tgb1F0-00035-00014090-00014636 developed on the decaying meat, where as those in which the jars were sealed had aoTl_Tgb1F0-00036-00014636-00015212 no maggots developed. Supporters of the spontaneous aoTl_Tgb1F0-00037-00015212-00015662 generation theory disputed Redi's experiment claiming by sealing the aoTl_Tgb1F0-00038-00015662-00015769 jars with lids aoTl_Tgb1F0-00039-00015769-00016411 he prevented those vital forces needed for life. Therefore Redi revised his aoTl_Tgb1F0-00040-00016411-00016508 experiment. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00041-00016508-00016826 This time adding a third set of jars aoTl_Tgb1F0-00042-00016826-00017255 in which he sealed them with netting similar to gauze. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00043-00017255-00017840 The next day he came back and found that he had achieved very similar results aoTl_Tgb1F0-00044-00017840-00018156 the jars which had open lids aoTl_Tgb1F0-00045-00018156-00018512 and exposed to the flies had maggots on the decaying aoTl_Tgb1F0-00046-00018512-00018984 meat, those with the sealed lid and those with the netting or gauze aoTl_Tgb1F0-00047-00018984-00019442 did not have maggots on the meat. Thus he thought aoTl_Tgb1F0-00048-00019442-00020142 disproving spontaneous generation. But even by the seventeen hundred's aoTl_Tgb1F0-00049-00020162-00020595 the spontaneous generation debate was still in progress aoTl_Tgb1F0-00050-00020595-00020917 although by this time scientists agree aoTl_Tgb1F0-00051-00020917-00021267 larger animals, such as the flies, could not arise aoTl_Tgb1F0-00052-00021267-00021676 from spontaneous generation. However aoTl_Tgb1F0-00053-00021676-00022106 the debate was on the origin of the animalcules aoTl_Tgb1F0-00054-00022106-00022426 as described by Leeuwenhoek. Obviously aoTl_Tgb1F0-00055-00022426-00022794 those very small organisms had to arise aoTl_Tgb1F0-00056-00022794-00023312 from spontaneous generation. An English man named John aoTl_Tgb1F0-00057-00023312-00023728 Needham tried to advance the theory of spontaneous generation aoTl_Tgb1F0-00058-00023728-00024156 to do so he boiled beef gravy and plant infusions aoTl_Tgb1F0-00059-00024156-00024500 in flasks, boiling them to remove aoTl_Tgb1F0-00060-00024500-00025015 all life forms. After he boiled them he left some jurors have been aoTl_Tgb1F0-00061-00025015-00025326 and he sealed others with corks. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00062-00025326-00025647 After several days aoTl_Tgb1F0-00063-00025647-00026076 he found them both flask contained aoTl_Tgb1F0-00064-00026076-00026452 cloudiness and microscopic aoTl_Tgb1F0-00065-00026452-00026935 animals. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00066-00026935-00027436 Lazzaro Spallanzani disputed spontaneous generation aoTl_Tgb1F0-00067-00027436-00027914 and Needham's experiment. He said aoTl_Tgb1F0-00068-00027914-00028231 the broth was not properly boiled aoTl_Tgb1F0-00069-00028231-00028650 or sealed and that was the reason that Needham aoTl_Tgb1F0-00070-00028650-00028969 got growth in his broth. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00071-00028969-00029314 Therefore Spallanzani redesigned aoTl_Tgb1F0-00072-00029314-00029747 the experiment, he too boiled broth aoTl_Tgb1F0-00073-00029747-00030124 in flask but instead of using corks aoTl_Tgb1F0-00074-00030124-00030489 to seal his flask he heated the neck of the flask aoTl_Tgb1F0-00075-00030489-00031058 hot enough in order to seal the glass together. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00076-00031058-00031427 He found days later aoTl_Tgb1F0-00077-00031427-00031804 that the sealed flask did not contain growth aoTl_Tgb1F0-00078-00031804-00032394 nor did it contain microscopic animals. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00079-00032394-00032750 Not until the flask or the seal was broken aoTl_Tgb1F0-00080-00032750-00033175 did the broth get contaminated aoTl_Tgb1F0-00081-00033175-00033647 Spallanzani concluded that the microorganism actually existed in the aoTl_Tgb1F0-00082-00033647-00034002 air and when they were not seal properly aoTl_Tgb1F0-00083-00034002-00034419 would contaminate the experiments, and the growth was a result aoTl_Tgb1F0-00084-00034419-00034858 being contaminated. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00085-00034858-00035275 Although this made significant aoTl_Tgb1F0-00086-00035275-00035635 way for the spontaneous generation theory to be disproved aoTl_Tgb1F0-00087-00035635-00035975 the debate lingered until the eighteen hundred's aoTl_Tgb1F0-00088-00035975-00036475 and the work at Louis Pasteur. Louis Pasteur worked on numerous experiments aoTl_Tgb1F0-00089-00036475-00036650 during this time aoTl_Tgb1F0-00090-00036650-00037056 especially working with wine and the dairy industry to learn aoTl_Tgb1F0-00091-00037056-00037381 why their products spoiled so aoTl_Tgb1F0-00092-00037381-00037780 readily. He soon found that aoTl_Tgb1F0-00093-00037780-00038109 bacteria were to blame aoTl_Tgb1F0-00094-00038109-00038484 Due to his work with the wine and the dairy industry aoTl_Tgb1F0-00095-00038484-00038944 pasteur begin to conclude it bacteria could spoil aoTl_Tgb1F0-00096-00038944-00039257 milk and wine perhaps they were the cause aoTl_Tgb1F0-00097-00039257-00039616 of human illness as well aoTl_Tgb1F0-00098-00039616-00040119 In order for Pasteur to prove his theory he first had to disprove spontaneous aoTl_Tgb1F0-00099-00040119-00040369 generation. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00100-00040369-00040825 To do this he devised a new type of flask aoTl_Tgb1F0-00101-00040825-00041141 as seen here known as the swan-neck aoTl_Tgb1F0-00102-00041141-00041511 flask and as you can see the flask has aoTl_Tgb1F0-00103-00041511-00041936 a S or curved shaped in it. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00104-00041936-00042458 The curve in the neck prevents the microorganisms from the air aoTl_Tgb1F0-00105-00042458-00042844 from falling into the broth as they're heavier and will collect aoTl_Tgb1F0-00106-00042844-00043413 in that curvature. With his newly designed flask aoTl_Tgb1F0-00107-00043413-00043891 Pasteur filled the flask with broth and heated the broth aoTl_Tgb1F0-00108-00043891-00044400 to remove any pre-existing microorganisms that may be present aoTl_Tgb1F0-00109-00044400-00044856 and then he left the flask open to the air. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00110-00044856-00045180 after much time he found that the flask aoTl_Tgb1F0-00111-00045180-00045553 did not become contaminated. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00112-00045553-00045871 Thus proving that the microorganisms were actually aoTl_Tgb1F0-00113-00045871-00046244 in the air and disproving once and for all aoTl_Tgb1F0-00114-00046244-00046784 spontaneous generation. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00115-00046784-00047213 Pasteur in all of his experiments aoTl_Tgb1F0-00116-00047213-00047613 concluded that microorganisms aoTl_Tgb1F0-00117-00047613-00048030 maybe the cause of infectious disease, aoTl_Tgb1F0-00118-00048030-00048430 and therefore that got him to postulate what is known as the Germ aoTl_Tgb1F0-00119-00048430-00048809 theory of disease. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00120-00048809-00049234 As long as he tried Pasteur was still unable to prove aoTl_Tgb1F0-00121-00049234-00049575 his own theory. However aoTl_Tgb1F0-00122-00049575-00049959 German scientist Robert Koch did prove aoTl_Tgb1F0-00123-00049959-00050511 the germ theory of disease. He was able to do so by isolating the causative aoTl_Tgb1F0-00124-00050511-00050609 agent aoTl_Tgb1F0-00125-00050609-00051113 for anthrax which he named Bacillus anthracis. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00126-00051113-00051445 He was able to isolate the bacteria aoTl_Tgb1F0-00127-00051445-00051944 through an established sequence of experimental steps. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00128-00051944-00052309 These steps are known as Koch's postulates aoTl_Tgb1F0-00129-00052309-00052618 and are still used today to associate aoTl_Tgb1F0-00130-00052618-00053242 various microorganisms with diseases aoTl_Tgb1F0-00131-00053242-00053701 As the understanding of microbes and their relationship to diseases grew, aoTl_Tgb1F0-00132-00053701-00054098 it was important to learn more about disease transmission aoTl_Tgb1F0-00133-00054098-00054757 itself. Epidemiology is the study at the source, cause, mode of transmission of aoTl_Tgb1F0-00134-00054757-00055248 diseases. American scientist aoTl_Tgb1F0-00135-00055248-00055618 Oliver Wendell Holmes was the first aoTl_Tgb1F0-00136-00055618-00056049 to write about the spread of disease by healthcare workers. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00137-00056049-00056368 In particular he wrote about aoTl_Tgb1F0-00138-00056368-00056741 health care workers spreading childbirth aoTl_Tgb1F0-00139-00056741-00057066 fever amongst its patients. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00140-00057066-00057660 His work is what began field epidemiology. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00141-00057660-00058063 Through the work of Holmes and Pasteur aoTl_Tgb1F0-00142-00058063-00058379 new scientist such as Ignaz Semmelweis aoTl_Tgb1F0-00143-00058379-00058786 was inspired, and implemented hand-washing practices aoTl_Tgb1F0-00144-00058786-00059230 in the birthing ward in which he ran in order to aoTl_Tgb1F0-00145-00059230-00059693 prevent attending health care workers from spreading diseases aoTl_Tgb1F0-00146-00059693-00060093 amongst their patients. Joseph Lister aoTl_Tgb1F0-00147-00060093-00060479 an English surgeon also applied aoTl_Tgb1F0-00148-00060479-00060956 the germ theory of practice and started using phenol aoTl_Tgb1F0-00149-00060956-00061381 to clean wounds and dressings up his patients. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00150-00061381-00061780 Lister was the first to show microorganisms responsible for surgical aoTl_Tgb1F0-00151-00061780-00061852 wound aoTl_Tgb1F0-00152-00061852-00062158 infections. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00153-00062158-00062574 The work up these three scientists and Pasteur aoTl_Tgb1F0-00154-00062574-00063029 ultimately lead to aseptic techniques that we still used today aoTl_Tgb1F0-00155-00063030-00063490 and were the reason that we were able to halt epidemics aoTl_Tgb1F0-00156-00063497-00063854 as they were able to interrupt this spread of microorganisms aoTl_Tgb1F0-00157-00063854-00064336 by implementing many up their techniques. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00158-00064336-00064641 Despite the advances being made in microbiology aoTl_Tgb1F0-00159-00064641-00064981 and the relationship between microbes and disease aoTl_Tgb1F0-00160-00064981-00065291 it wasn't until the early nineteen hundred's aoTl_Tgb1F0-00161-00065291-00065614 that there was actually methods developed to help aoTl_Tgb1F0-00162-00065614-00066185 patients who were infected with these microbial diseases. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00163-00066185-00066517 Two significant events in medical microbiology aoTl_Tgb1F0-00164-00066517-00066913 need to be noted, first was in 1910 and the discovery aoTl_Tgb1F0-00165-00066913-00067249 of salvarsan, which is an arsenic derivative aoTl_Tgb1F0-00166-00067249-00067595 and Paul Ehrlich discovered salvarsan aoTl_Tgb1F0-00167-00067595-00068117 and used it to help treat patients who had syphilis aoTl_Tgb1F0-00168-00068117-00068519 The second is in 1928 when Alexander aoTl_Tgb1F0-00169-00068519-00069018 Fleming discovered penicillin when working with the fungus aoTl_Tgb1F0-00170-00069018-00069436 Penicillium notatum. This led to aoTl_Tgb1F0-00171-00069436-00070036 development antibiotics. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00172-00070036-00070360 Up until mid 1900s most of the discoveries aoTl_Tgb1F0-00173-00070360-00070679 in microbiology were working on aoTl_Tgb1F0-00174-00070679-00071079 the bacterium as work with the viruses could not be aoTl_Tgb1F0-00175-00071079-00071533 effectively performed due to the lack of proper instrumentation. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00176-00071533-00072011 However in the 1940s the electron microscope was developed aoTl_Tgb1F0-00177-00072011-00072537 soon after cultivation methods for viruses were also introduced aoTl_Tgb1F0-00178-00072537-00072880 With these two discoveries the knowledge on viruses developed aoTl_Tgb1F0-00179-00072880-00073238 rapidly and is continuing to grow. aoTl_Tgb1F0-00180-00073238-00073600 The field microbiology continues to grow and is now one of the fastest growing aoTl_Tgb1F0-00181-00073600-00073723 divisions aoTl_Tgb1F0-00182-00073723-00073875 in the biological sciences. a5iWjLCPxYI-00000-00000000-00000200 Activation of Goal Seek feature in Google sheet a8AYfIDYQZE-00000-00000710-00001134 On Blackboard each course will contain a navigation menu on the upper left. a8AYfIDYQZE-00001-00001276-00001616 By default, this menu includes links such as announcements, a8AYfIDYQZE-00002-00001650-00001928 course information, and course documents. a8AYfIDYQZE-00003-00002034-00002778 The default menu may differ from semester to semester, but as an instructor you have the ability to customize your course menu. a8AYfIDYQZE-00004-00002910-00003574 First, in order to make navigation more simple for students, remove any menu links that you are not going to use. a8AYfIDYQZE-00005-00003704-00004210 For example if you are not using the group tool. You should be removing it from the menu to a8AYfIDYQZE-00006-00004324-00004654 Do so hover your mouse on top of the link a8AYfIDYQZE-00007-00004718-00004918 and click on the arrow icon to the right. a8AYfIDYQZE-00008-00005238-00005574 On the drop down menu that pops up. click on delete. a8AYfIDYQZE-00009-00006740-00007256 On this drop down menu, you can also rename the link as well as hide the link from your students. a8AYfIDYQZE-00010-00007495-00007920 There may be some links that are not included in the default menu that you might want to add to a8AYfIDYQZE-00011-00008040-00008492 To add new links, hover your mouse over the plus button on the top left corner of the menu a8AYfIDYQZE-00012-00008602-00009110 From there, you can choose the type of link that you want to add and there are three that instructors generally use a8AYfIDYQZE-00013-00009228-00009710 These three links are content area where you can upload any types of course materials a8AYfIDYQZE-00014-00009758-00010188 tool links. which are direct links to specific tools on Blackboard, a8AYfIDYQZE-00015-00010260-00010584 and Web links, which are links to outside web sources. a8AYfIDYQZE-00016-00010806-00011228 For example, let's add a tool link, in this case, the blog tool. a8AYfIDYQZE-00017-00011320-00011600 Click on the plus sign above the menu and select tool link a8AYfIDYQZE-00018-00011918-00012020 Title your link a8AYfIDYQZE-00019-00012296-00012496 Select the type of tool. a8AYfIDYQZE-00020-00012720-00013204 Check the box labeled "available to users" and then click on submit. a8AYfIDYQZE-00021-00013666-00013912 You also have the option to reorder the links in the menu. a8AYfIDYQZE-00022-00014034-00014358 To do so, hover your mouse to the left side of the link. a8AYfIDYQZE-00023-00014434-00014863 Click on the icon to the left, and then you can drag and drop the link wherever you want. a9IXuAFL-HA-00000-00000000-00001000 [Beams Road (Carseldine and Fitzgibbon) rail crossing project – opening scene is an aerial shot of the full project, the camera pans around from looking towards Brisbane Central Business District with the new Beams Road overpass in the middle of the screen.] a9IXuAFL-HA-00001-00001050-00001334 [The extent of the project is Balcara Avenue and Beams Road intersection to the west and the intersection of Carselgrove Avenue, Golden Place and Beams Road to the east.] a9IXuAFL-HA-00002-00001335-00001783 [It shows the upgraded Carseldine station park ‘n’ ride facility and Carseldine station including the new access road to Balcara Avenue from the parking facility.] a9IXuAFL-HA-00003-00001783-00002100 [The flythrough then moves west to east along the new overpass, showing the Balcara Avenue and Beams Road intersection, with shared paths on either side of the overpass at ground level. There are also shared paths and dedicated cycle lanes on either side of the overpass. ] a9IXuAFL-HA-00004-00002100-00002300 [The upgraded Carseldine station park ‘n’ ride facility is to the left of the screen, and it shows trains moving under the new overpass. It moves to the intersection of Carselgrove Avenue, Golden Place and Beams Road, showing the new left turn lane into Carselgrove Avenue.] a9IXuAFL-HA-00005-00002300-00004901 [The flythrough then moves from east to west on the southern side of the overpass, starting at Carselgrove Avenue, Golden Place and Beams Road intersection and shows the at level shared path and underpass connecting south to north adjacent to the train line.] a9IXuAFL-HA-00006-00004902-00006299 [It travels over the train line and shows the at level shared path and underpass on the opposite side of the train line with the Carseldine station park ‘n’ ride facility and train station to the top left of the screen. There are buses, cars, trucks, pedestrian, and bike rider movements throughout the clip. The video then pans out at the Balcara Avenue and Beams Road intersection.] a9IXuAFL-HA-00007-00006303-00008499 [The next clip moves from the Balcara Avenue and Beams Road intersection over the Clock Corner Shops into the Carseldine station park ‘n’ ride facility, across to the train station and then moves towards the new overpass, highlighting the new bicycle locker and racks, travelling along the bus lane adjacent to the overpass looking towards Carseldine and the Clock Corner Shops.] a9IXuAFL-HA-00008-00008501-00010699 [The flythrough cuts to the bus stops and kiss ‘n’ ride facility inside the Carseldine station park ‘n’ ride, showing active transport users, pedestrians and commuters sharing the pathways. As it follows a bus around the outside of the park ‘n’ ride facility, you can see the bicycle lockers and the ‘end of trip’ bus driver facility near the Clock Corner Shops.] a9IXuAFL-HA-00009-00010701-00013101 [The camera then pans across the new Carseldine station park ‘n’ ride facility with the overpass to the top left of the screen, showing the new access road from the carpark onto Balcara Avenue, following a bus back towards the intersection of Balcara Avenue and Beams Road.] a9IXuAFL-HA-00010-00013102-00013600 [The flythrough moves to a close-up of the shared path on the new overpass, panning out to show the cycle lane and car movements with train lines underneath moving outwards and upwards to include the Carseldine station park ‘n’ ride facility and the at level shared path and underpass. ] a9IXuAFL-HA-00011-00013602-00014601 [Final view is an aerial, looking towards Bracken Ridge with the Balcara Avenue and Beams Road intersection to the left of the screen.] a9IXuAFL-HA-00012-00014603-00015099 [Search bar with Beams Road (Carseldine and Fitzgibbon), rail level crossing project displayed. Australian Government logo and Queensland Government logo.] a9IXuAFL-HA-00013-00015099-00015299 [Authorsied by the Queensland Government, William Street, Brisbane.] arZzhuDWZfc-00000-00000000-00000399 Good morning John Green. Hey there, and happy birthday. Sorry I didn't do anything. arZzhuDWZfc-00001-00000399-00000813 In the early days of vlogbrothers we did a lot of birthday stuff and it got... like arZzhuDWZfc-00002-00000813-00001167 kept trying to one-up each other until it was a lot of work. You may remember arZzhuDWZfc-00003-00001167-00001538 this guy, he was one of your birthday presents. We made a whole bunch of these; arZzhuDWZfc-00004-00001538-00001746 this one's broken arZzhuDWZfc-00005-00001746-00002030 you might be able to tell. And you were the only one with a bobblehead for a long arZzhuDWZfc-00006-00002030-00002460 time, until... I also now have one, and you can get a set of both. arZzhuDWZfc-00007-00002466-00002784 I gotta know who's still got any of these. Definitely a different level of quality arZzhuDWZfc-00008-00002784-00003075 in the new ones. I think these look better but you know, there's nothing arZzhuDWZfc-00009-00003075-00003411 wrong with this. If you were wondering what it looks like without the head as you'd arZzhuDWZfc-00010-00003411-00003789 spring. So in order to alleviate the blinding pressure of having to have an arZzhuDWZfc-00011-00003789-00004157 even better birthday present than the previous year we just stopped having arZzhuDWZfc-00012-00004157-00004284 birthday presents at all. arZzhuDWZfc-00013-00004284-00004650 What do you need? You got a beautiful family and a home and a Chevy Volt...what arZzhuDWZfc-00014-00004650-00005082 else could a man ask for? We're headed up to our 10th anniversary on Youtube. 10 years arZzhuDWZfc-00015-00005082-00005310 of doing this. That is very exciting. arZzhuDWZfc-00016-00005310-00005753 It's also perplexing, like I don't remember a lot of the stuff that we've arZzhuDWZfc-00017-00005753-00006264 done. We've done many stuffs...so many stuffs! This week Grace Helbig uploaded a arZzhuDWZfc-00018-00006264-00006800 video in which she put stuff on her head and then tagged me..."and I'm tagging the vlogbrothers, either one." arZzhuDWZfc-00019-00006800-00007152 as if I haven't already put stuff on my head. Grace, have arZzhuDWZfc-00020-00007152-00007900 you not seen all 1,427 of our videos? Grace, you are nine years behind us. Not that arZzhuDWZfc-00021-00007900-00008196 I mind, I have a bunch of stuff and I'm kind of an expert at this. arZzhuDWZfc-00022-00008196-00008535 I have so many more things that I did back in 2007. I can do this all day! arZzhuDWZfc-00023-00008535-00008882 This is actually the concept Chevy Volt. I was so excited about this car when I arZzhuDWZfc-00024-00008882-00009228 was writing for EcoGeek that i bought a die cast version. Na-haw! Other things I've arZzhuDWZfc-00025-00009228-00009672 been excited about my life and no longer am really...Assassin's Creed. That was arZzhuDWZfc-00026-00009672-00009984 fun, back in the day. It's okay to change your mind about what you're in to, arZzhuDWZfc-00027-00009984-00010713 but friends, I am still into this. Pwuh! Pyah! Peh! Egh! I got yeti in my mouth. Ten years later it arZzhuDWZfc-00028-00010713-00011181 remains very exciting and weird and always i'm learning stuff about the arZzhuDWZfc-00029-00011181-00011550 world than about myself. It's made me like people more. It's made me like myself more. I mean arZzhuDWZfc-00030-00011550-00011928 we've been able to do a bunch of cool stuff. Being able to launch things off of this arZzhuDWZfc-00031-00011928-00012479 and j'st try new things, and have ideas so great that this community has been so arZzhuDWZfc-00032-00012479-00012875 supportive of new things new ideas. and as long as they hit that mix of being arZzhuDWZfc-00033-00012875-00013308 like good for the world, fun, interesting, good for the community arZzhuDWZfc-00034-00013308-00013619 then I don't feel like I'm betraying any of what we've built here and that's the arZzhuDWZfc-00035-00013619-00013819 important thing, ultimately. What do you think, Yoshi? arZzhuDWZfc-00036-00013837-00014400 And I will say that a lot of the ideas for new things to do have been Hank ideas, have been my ideas, arZzhuDWZfc-00037-00014418-00014919 whereas the best ones have been your ideas, John. I'm thinking of two major ones. Ah, arZzhuDWZfc-00038-00014919-00015390 this in the first place. This was all your idea and I just followed your lead. arZzhuDWZfc-00039-00015390-00015843 I didn't know what we were doing but I was convinced that you were right, arZzhuDWZfc-00040-00015843-00016300 that online video was an amazing glorious thing, even though I wasn't into with the way that you were. arZzhuDWZfc-00041-00016300-00016650 And of course our upcoming Sports Network, which ah, remains arZzhuDWZfc-00042-00016650-00017037 unnamed at the moment...Grace? I hope that this counted as me putting things on my head. arZzhuDWZfc-00043-00017037-00017606 (ab-bis-sij-sta) This Snatoms molecule from Derek from Veritasium's new Snatoms kits. They're arZzhuDWZfc-00044-00017606-00018110 magnetic! They stick together, huh so cool. You can build molecules. I may be a arZzhuDWZfc-00045-00018110-00018520 bit of a dork. And John, happy birthday. Get ready to celebrate our 10th anniversary, arZzhuDWZfc-00046-00018520-00018880 which we're gonna do in the real world in Boston at NerdCon Nerdfighteria arZzhuDWZfc-00047-00018880-00019232 and if you can't do that and you're nearby Minneapolis, maybe you can go to NerdCon arZzhuDWZfc-00048-00019232-00019480 Stories instead where John will be but I will not, because... arZzhuDWZfc-00049-00019480-00019900 And maybe I haven't said this on this channel yet, I've said it a bunch of different places, arZzhuDWZfc-00050-00019900-00020595 I've alluded to it but i'm having a child, with Catherine in October, so I'm on travel arZzhuDWZfc-00051-00020595-00021003 moratorium, which is lovely though i do like, I help out with the content for arZzhuDWZfc-00052-00021003-00021323 NerdCon Stories and it does make me jealous every time I'm in one of those meetings arZzhuDWZfc-00053-00021323-00021687 I'm like, "This sounds like a really good conference..." But hey, do I do this for me arZzhuDWZfc-00054-00021688-00022048 or do I do it for other people as well? Other people as well, and also for me. arZzhuDWZfc-00055-00022070-00022470 Allright! This one didn't really have a point, did it? Ten years, it's comin'. I just did the arZzhuDWZfc-00056-00022472-00022859 math. People have spent over 50 lifetimes watching vlogbrothers videos. We're just arZzhuDWZfc-00057-00022859-00023350 killin' folks. Eatin up human lifetimes to left 'n' right. Hopefully, it's worth it. arZzhuDWZfc-00058-00023354-00023460 John, I'll see you on Tuesday. ast5A9BagfM-00000-00000000-00000170 Wait. No, that's not it. ast5A9BagfM-00001-00000170-00000300 Was I Team Ice? ast5A9BagfM-00002-00000300-00000409 What? Really? ast5A9BagfM-00003-00000409-00000503 Am I Team Fire? ast5A9BagfM-00004-00000543-00000822 [Date: Sep.14 /Deciding teams before TikTok Live] I'm going to be the judge and MC. ast5A9BagfM-00005-00000822-00000875 [Date: Sep.14 /Deciding teams before TikTok Live] Okay. ast5A9BagfM-00006-00000875-00000959 [Date: Sep.14 /Deciding teams before TikTok Live] And you guys can split into two teams. ast5A9BagfM-00007-00000959-00001075 And you guys can split into two teams. ast5A9BagfM-00008-00001075-00001165 In threes. ast5A9BagfM-00009-00001165-00001469 And we're going to decide it with this thing that brought relentlessly. ast5A9BagfM-00010-00001530-00001720 - Relentlessly! - And turn it relentlessly! ast5A9BagfM-00011-00001942-00002375 So we split in threes. And Team Ice is going to wear the red (?) uniform. ast5A9BagfM-00012-00002375-00002501 (Oh) ast5A9BagfM-00013-00002519-00002573 Well? ast5A9BagfM-00014-00002650-00002818 Wait, Team ICE is wearing red? ast5A9BagfM-00015-00002818-00002868 No. ast5A9BagfM-00016-00002868-00003022 Didn't bring it. Fire, fire, fire. ast5A9BagfM-00017-00003070-00003141 What? ast5A9BagfM-00018-00003200-00003400 Let's all take turns and choose. ast5A9BagfM-00019-00003400-00004106 [Taking turns and picking] ast5A9BagfM-00020-00004189-00004441 - Let's act it out on three. - Okay. ast5A9BagfM-00021-00004441-00004641 [Acting out which team they're in] On three, all of you act it out. ast5A9BagfM-00022-00004685-00004862 One, two, three! ast5A9BagfM-00023-00004862-00005258 Ohh! Hot! Hot! ast5A9BagfM-00024-00005258-00005380 Ice? Ice? ast5A9BagfM-00025-00005380-00005733 One, two, three. Brr... ast5A9BagfM-00026-00005733-00005881 What about us? ast5A9BagfM-00027-00005881-00006081 - Make one up for us. - We won this one. ast5A9BagfM-00029-00006651-00007106 - I used to wear this in school. It's been such a long time. - Okay, since I'm the judge... ast5A9BagfM-00030-00007106-00007224 I'm putting on the referee vest. ast5A9BagfM-00031-00007258-00007339 Are you the president? ast5A9BagfM-00032-00007339-00007547 - Hey, this is...! - Yellow card! ast5A9BagfM-00033-00007547-00007873 Wait, didn't you wear this during the "sage" season? ast5A9BagfM-00034-00007873-00008025 Wasn't this on the album jacket? ast5A9BagfM-00035-00008025-00008339 And please send lots of love to OnlyOneOf's Fall Sports Day... ast5A9BagfM-00036-00008339-00008735 - Lots of love. - Lots and love and support. ast5A9BagfM-00037-00008735-00009212 - The results would be in by the time this goes up. - Yes! We won! Yes! ast5A9BagfM-00038-00009212-00009568 Ice! Brr... ata--xFirQM-00000-00000000-00000516 Me: Hello, friends of the internet! Um, so before I get started on this interview, ata--xFirQM-00001-00000516-00001122 I wanted to preface and talk face-to-face with you. Um, the first thing you will ata--xFirQM-00002-00001122-00001746 notice in the interview that is to come, um, that I recorded about two weeks ago, ata--xFirQM-00003-00001818-00002514 um, is that there are some stops - some hard stops, and some weird edits going on. ata--xFirQM-00004-00002622-00003276 Um, to be fully transparent, um, what's going on there is that I was having some internet ata--xFirQM-00005-00003276-00004038 connection issues. I tried to rectify this by asking for the publicists' copy, ata--xFirQM-00006-00004140-00005088 um, of the interview because we both, um, recorded a version of the interview and ata--xFirQM-00007-00005190-00006102 both versions had these weird cutouts to where my entire question didn't get through. It (Zoom), it, ata--xFirQM-00008-00006102-00007092 didn't...it didn't record my whole question, so, um, I'll have subtitles onscreen, hopefully, uh ata--xFirQM-00009-00007145-00007470 during this. I'm still editing this interview, so, ata--xFirQM-00010-00007572-00008166 um, that...this is the fun part of the job is navigating around these issues. But, um, ata--xFirQM-00011-00008166-00008694 so, if you want to watch the following video, uh, just turn subtitles on, uh, there should be a CC, ata--xFirQM-00012-00008778-00009204 um, icon, right about here, um, on the bottom right on YouTube. ata--xFirQM-00013-00009330-00010098 Um, but another option you, you'll have, um...I don't normally do this, but since ata--xFirQM-00014-00010152-00011226 um, this interview is heavily edited to get around Zoom issues, um, what I've decided to do is ata--xFirQM-00015-00011226-00011952 publish a transcript of the interview over on my website, austinb.media, as well as on my Patreon. ata--xFirQM-00016-00011952-00012834 All that'll all be there for you to read and you can read along as well as using the subtitles. Um, ata--xFirQM-00017-00012894-00013584 but yeah, if you want to go read it rather than watch it - totally fine, you have that option. ata--xFirQM-00018-00013691-00014334 Um, another thing I wanted to preface is that because I recorded this two weeks ago, ata--xFirQM-00019-00014406-00015036 there's going to be some stuff I'm going to talk about like The First Step is just coming out. ata--xFirQM-00020-00015156-00015630 Um...well, it came out two weeks ago, and it's still expanding its theatrical rollout. ata--xFirQM-00021-00015768-00016482 Um, so, it's been out a few...um, it's had a few...uh, uh, theatrical screenings already, ata--xFirQM-00022-00016482-00016980 so just kind of keep that in mind as you watch the following interview. I'm gonna get out of ata--xFirQM-00023-00016980-00017652 your hair. Um, thanks again to the directors and producers of The First Step. It was a really ata--xFirQM-00024-00017652-00018042 enjoyable interview. But, with that, I'm gonna get out of here and let you watch the interview. ata--xFirQM-00025-00018042-00018174 Until next time! ata--xFirQM-00026-00018174-00018756 Me: Hello, friends of the internet! I am here with Brandon and Lance Kramer. One of them is uh, ata--xFirQM-00027-00018756-00019104 the director and one of them is the producer, I believe, uh, Lance, you're the director, ata--xFirQM-00028-00019176-00019632 um, of The First Step and Brandon, you're the producer. Let me know if I got that wrong. ata--xFirQM-00029-00019632-00019722 Lance: Other way around. ata--xFirQM-00030-00019722-00020442 Me: Other way around. Um, uh, and it was funny - I actually made the note, director and producer in ata--xFirQM-00031-00020442-00020934 that order, respectively, um, to make sure I got it right, but I still got it wrong, ata--xFirQM-00032-00020994-00021612 um, but we're here, uh, but we're here today to talk about the documentary, uh, The First Step, ata--xFirQM-00033-00021678-00022464 um, it-it's going to be in theaters in New York and LA this weekend-on February 17th. And then, ata--xFirQM-00034-00022464-00022986 I saw on the website that you're going to be expanding week by week, um, actually-actually ata--xFirQM-00035-00022986-00023616 coming pretty close to, uh, where I live. It think the closest one is Fayetteville, uh, in March. ata--xFirQM-00036-00023616-00023820 Lance: Where-where are you based? ata--xFirQM-00037-00023820-00025044 Me: Uh, the closest metro area would be, um, Branson, but um there are no theaters in Branson ata--xFirQM-00038-00025044-00025745 for - that'll play actual independent movies, so it's either going to Springfield, MO, or ata--xFirQM-00039-00025745-00026250 um, going to Little Rock (Arkansas) or Fayetteville (also Arkansas), um, so, ata--xFirQM-00040-00026424-00027060 um, it's-it's playing in theaters this weekend, and then...it's been kind of a journey. ata--xFirQM-00041-00027156-00028044 Um, I-I remember seeing The First Step constantly in my inbox. It's taken...gosh two years because I ata--xFirQM-00042-00028044-00029022 was covering Tribeca 2021, um, and I was covering AFI Docs 2021, and then Bentonville and you've ata--xFirQM-00043-00029022-00029676 showed up at like...what? 30 other film festivals, uh...in the meantime? Uh, in these, uh, two years? ata--xFirQM-00044-00029676-00030245 Lance: I think it's actually a little over. I think it's been 41 or 42. ata--xFirQM-00045-00030245-00031242 Me: Yeah, that makes sense. Um, but with that said...welcome both of you on this-on this long ata--xFirQM-00046-00031242-00031733 road, uh, to get it to theaters. I'm so glad it's actually getting a theatrical release. ata--xFirQM-00047-00031818-00032574 Um, when it debuted at Tribeca, I-I don't know why I always assume, um, the worst whenever something ata--xFirQM-00048-00032574-00033102 debuts at a festival, but I'm like, "Oh, it's just gonna get a streaming premiere like on HBO ata--xFirQM-00049-00033102-00033732 Max or something". Um, but I'm so glad you guys are actually getting a theatrical uh, debut. ata--xFirQM-00050-00033876-00034248 Um, for those who don't know about The First Step, uh, it's about, ata--xFirQM-00051-00034314-00034758 um...it's about two different things. I-I would say, uh, on one part, ata--xFirQM-00052-00034758-00035304 you're telling Van Jones's story, um, and how he, uh, became who he is today, ata--xFirQM-00053-00035304-00035940 and you're also telling the story about The First Step Act, which, uh, was a bill passed in 2018. ata--xFirQM-00054-00036078-00036570 Um, and it's insane - one of the better political documentaries I've seen, ata--xFirQM-00055-00036654-00036876 um, since Knock Down That House (I meant Knock Down the House). I believe, ata--xFirQM-00056-00036984-00037488 um, back in...when did that come out? 2019? 2018? 2019. Something like that on Netflix. ata--xFirQM-00057-00037680-00038820 Um, so I-I do want to start, um, with talking about the 2016 election. Um, so what were your ata--xFirQM-00058-00038820-00039570 feelings about-in regards to, uh, compared to the 2012 or 2008 election. How was that different? ata--xFirQM-00059-00039570-00039954 Brandon: The 2016 election was pretty different! ata--xFirQM-00060-00040278-00041214 Um, so you know, Donald Trump becoming elected president of the United States was, an uh, ata--xFirQM-00061-00041214-00042282 a horrific blow, um to at least myself, my-my family, all my friends, communities, ata--xFirQM-00062-00042282-00042684 um, you know a lot of communities that, I'm, you know, connected to. I know not ata--xFirQM-00063-00042684-00042960 for everybody, obviously. A lot of people were very happy on that day. ata--xFirQM-00064-00043122-00043548 Um, for-for me, it was a terrible moment, and it wasn't just ata--xFirQM-00065-00043608-00044568 what Trump stood for, but it was the growing divide and how that election just ripped it. As-as ata--xFirQM-00066-00044568-00045156 terrible as it was and as polarizing as it was, it just got a thousand times worse on that day. ata--xFirQM-00067-00045276-00045720 Um, and you know, we sat down with Van over a cup of tea, ata--xFirQM-00068-00045822-00046668 and you know, we had known Van for many years, and he basically told us that a lot of the ata--xFirQM-00069-00046668-00047220 people in his life were going to be opposing and fighting against this administration at all costs ata--xFirQM-00070-00047334-00048078 and he wanted to be one of the few people who was trying to reach across the aisle and see, ata--xFirQM-00071-00048078-00048852 is there any possibility that something bipartisan could happen on these issues that he's been ata--xFirQM-00072-00048852-00049572 fighting for his whole life and Lance and I, as documentary filmmakers, were very concerned about ata--xFirQM-00073-00049572-00050202 the divisions in the country. We felt like we had a relationship and access to a civil rights ata--xFirQM-00074-00050202-00050994 leader who was about to set off on a very perilous journey, um, in an incredibly divisive moment, and ata--xFirQM-00075-00050994-00051612 that would make for a very important historical document and story for the public to learn from. ata--xFirQM-00076-00051612-00052224 Jared Kushner and Van didn't know each other. The First Step bill did not exist at this point ata--xFirQM-00077-00052224-00053129 in time, but we knew that a film that shows what bridge building in action looks like in ata--xFirQM-00078-00053129-00053615 this moment in time would be incredibly instructive on some pathway forward. ata--xFirQM-00079-00053615-00054305 Me: What I loved about the film is how it, um, portrays both sides of a community. Specifically, ata--xFirQM-00080-00054305-00055008 you go into West Virginia, and you get to see...there's this, I think...it's a lunch scene, ata--xFirQM-00081-00055008-00055770 where these two opposing sides are just talking to one another, which is this kind of a rare sight. ata--xFirQM-00082-00055878-00056382 Um, and I kind of want to ask...what, um, what lessons (you learned) during ata--xFirQM-00083-00056382-00057048 that production, and how did it kind of influence, um, representation of, ata--xFirQM-00084-00057048-00057654 uh, people's political ideals in this era where it seems to be one side or the other? ata--xFirQM-00085-00057654-00057936 Lance: I think that one of the things-one of the things ata--xFirQM-00086-00057936-00058572 I hope that comes through in the film is that...so ata--xFirQM-00087-00058572-00059202 to speak, ordinary people, grassroots leaders, the people who aren't necessarily household names, ata--xFirQM-00088-00059388-00059910 um, but who are on the front lines of many of these, you know, ata--xFirQM-00089-00059910-00060167 issues-especially something like criminal justice reform, ata--xFirQM-00090-00060234-00061241 um, or the addiction crisis that leadership from them can be the model for how leadership ata--xFirQM-00091-00061344-00061884 from, you know, state or federal nationally elected officials should behave. I think a ata--xFirQM-00092-00061884-00062388 lot of the time, we expect maybe that we're going to have an example in The White House ata--xFirQM-00093-00062388-00063096 or in The Senate or Congress or these more very visible public offices and that-that is supposed ata--xFirQM-00094-00063096-00063648 to some-somehow ripple down and in theory, or in an ideal word, it maybe should be that way, ata--xFirQM-00095-00063648-00064332 but in practice, in the world that we're living in today, uh, we don't get that all the time. ata--xFirQM-00096-00064332-00065028 And so, then it really is incumbent on a community level to try and not just work through these ata--xFirQM-00097-00065028-00065568 kinds of really significant problems, and-and-and divisions, and differences, but also try to model ata--xFirQM-00098-00065706-00066120 how to do it differently, and I think that the beautiful thing about ata--xFirQM-00099-00066204-00066666 the people you were speaking to and speaking about in the film is that they're really doing the work. ata--xFirQM-00100-00066810-00067554 You see it right before your eyes in these very small, but I think beautiful and powerful moments ata--xFirQM-00101-00067554-00068076 like in the diner that you're talking about or in the home living room of someone's home. ata--xFirQM-00102-00068136-00069012 And then, they're building those relationships together and then taking that example to Congress ata--xFirQM-00103-00069012-00069756 to say, "If we can do this, you guys ought to be able to do it too", and I think that ata--xFirQM-00104-00069816-00070422 kind of bottom-up approach is something that, uh, I wish we could see more of, ata--xFirQM-00105-00070506-00071052 and I think that it can be amplified there's-there's a lot of potential ata--xFirQM-00106-00071052-00071610 to have tremendous change, and it's something that actually all of us, each one of us can do. ata--xFirQM-00107-00071696-00072534 Me: Yeah, even just, um, in another scene, you see Van Jones, which I'm envious of...you can ata--xFirQM-00108-00072534-00073218 tell Van this if you ever talk to him on a regular basis. I am jealous of the little, ata--xFirQM-00109-00073272-00073878 um, library he has where he can just stand on this little platform, and he just move horizontally. ata--xFirQM-00110-00073992-00074592 Um, I would that for um, a movie room. Just...here. Let me get The Silence of ata--xFirQM-00111-00074592-00074976 the Lambs. Let's just motor-get a motorized platform in here. ata--xFirQM-00112-00075066-00075906 Um, but you know, you see books by Che Guevara, um, and other political leaders and he makes this, ata--xFirQM-00113-00075906-00076398 um, statement where..."How are you going to understand somebody, your opponent, ata--xFirQM-00114-00076398-00076992 if you're not listening to them?", which I thought was so intriguing. ata--xFirQM-00115-00077118-00077562 Um, especially you know, you talk about Jared Kushner. There's a lot of him in here, and I'm ata--xFirQM-00116-00077562-00078072 like...the first time you see him, you're just like...Wait...what? He's-Van Jones is talking to ata--xFirQM-00117-00078072-00078780 Jared Kushner? And...wait...what? That's possible that two people who fundamentally, I think, ata--xFirQM-00118-00078780-00079380 disagree with one another can just be like...oh yeah, I believe this. I believe this, I can, ata--xFirQM-00119-00079458-00079824 um, agree with you on this as a human being, which I found fascinating. ata--xFirQM-00120-00079956-00080694 Um, kind of going backwards a little bit...um, let's talk a little bit about The First Step Act. ata--xFirQM-00121-00080904-00081570 What were your, um, what was your first encounter, for lack of a better term, ata--xFirQM-00122-00081570-00081942 with The First Step Act, or maybe even Van Jones? Whichever comes first. ata--xFirQM-00123-00081942-00082320 Brandon: Yeah. I mean, just to speak to your earlier point about...just ata--xFirQM-00124-00082320-00083064 the shock of seeing somebody like Van Jones sitting with Jared Kushner...once ata--xFirQM-00125-00083064-00083610 we identified that we were telling a story about bridge building, ata--xFirQM-00126-00083610-00084384 it became critical. Lance and I had conversations, and the conversation was ata--xFirQM-00127-00084444-00085068 we need to do an exceptional job. Not just representing Van, but all the different ata--xFirQM-00128-00085236-00085878 actors in the story...and I say actors, not people performing but people-they're real people, ata--xFirQM-00129-00085878-00086538 obviously. And that included people on the left that vehemently opposed ata--xFirQM-00130-00086538-00086970 The First Step Act because it did not go far enough and it wasn't comprehensive reform. ata--xFirQM-00131-00086970-00087384 Somebody like Patrisse Cullors, who is the co-founder of Black Lives Matter, ata--xFirQM-00132-00087462-00088128 and it meant sharing her point of view. Not just as...not just as somebody opposed to the bill, ata--xFirQM-00133-00088128-00088524 but really trying to understand what does it mean to be an abolitionist, but why does she ata--xFirQM-00134-00088524-00088998 oppose the bill and why is that important? She's not an antagonist in the film - she's ata--xFirQM-00135-00088998-00089610 a person with a point of view and uh, that included Jared Kushner as well as, ata--xFirQM-00136-00089610-00089874 you know, all the horrible things that the Trump Administration was doing. ata--xFirQM-00137-00089874-00090480 They're all in the film, but also there-you know, there are a lot of people...who were, ata--xFirQM-00138-00090480-00090864 you know, or not a lot, but some people that were telling Lance and I, you know, ata--xFirQM-00139-00090864-00091254 you can't-don't just really put Jared in the movie. Don't put Kellyanne (Conway) in ata--xFirQM-00140-00091254-00091578 the movie. Don't put Trump in the movie. It's going to be too alienating to people. ata--xFirQM-00141-00091578-00092226 And, but-that's the reality. These people did horrible things...and yet they still ata--xFirQM-00142-00092226-00092796 worked on this bill that get tens of thousands of people released from federal prison. Van, Jessica ata--xFirQM-00143-00092796-00093570 Lewis...all the advocates that worked on this bill had to sit with that discomfort in actually being ata--xFirQM-00144-00093570-00094164 in person with these people and building these relationships, and dealing with the blowback. ata--xFirQM-00145-00094164-00094866 So, if they can do that in person-if somebody like Tylo James, who's an organizer in South ata--xFirQM-00146-00094866-00095478 Central LA, whose brother is incarcerated right now for a life sentence can walk and have a ata--xFirQM-00147-00095478-00095802 conversation - walk into the Trump White House and have a conversation with Kellyanne Conway, ata--xFirQM-00148-00095802-00096420 audiences should have the stomach and the wherewithal to be able to sit with that experience ata--xFirQM-00149-00096420-00097086 in a movie theater, and be able to walk out. So, that's-that's the hope and the design of the film. ata--xFirQM-00150-00097086-00097686 It also has allowed the film to resonate with a very diverse audience base because, ata--xFirQM-00151-00097686-00098220 unlike many films on the left, where a conservative ata--xFirQM-00152-00098322-00098820 person would not typically watch it, we've screened the film in a lot of places like ata--xFirQM-00153-00098820-00099492 Arkansas and Mississippi, and Iowa, where people that don't like Van-people that don't like ata--xFirQM-00154-00099492-00099966 Cory Booker or Kamala Harris or Joe Biden, they've sat, and they've watched the film. ata--xFirQM-00155-00099966-00100566 And because people that they do like - Jared Kushner, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, are in the film ata--xFirQM-00156-00100566-00101232 and are given a fair representation - they're able to actually engage with the film, and ata--xFirQM-00157-00101232-00101442 um, that's been, you know, a really meaningful experience. ata--xFirQM-00158-00101442-00102306 Our first touch point with the bill. - I mean, we were there from the very beginning - of the - of ata--xFirQM-00159-00102306-00103140 the journey, um, I was with Van when he learned that Jared Kushner was trying to do something on ata--xFirQM-00160-00103140-00103680 Criminal Justice Reform. And you know, there's a lot of questions at that time. It's like...okay, ata--xFirQM-00161-00103680-00104448 is this just like, a smoke and mirror show? Is this - is this something genuine? And you know, ata--xFirQM-00162-00104448-00104808 Van, you know, it's his credit, he was like, "Look. I'm gonna go meet with Jared Kushner. A ata--xFirQM-00163-00104808-00105276 lot of people are giving me a hard time for doing it, but I'm gonna do it. I want to see if he's ata--xFirQM-00164-00105276-00105948 genuine on this, and if you guys want to capture that - you know, by all means...uh, you know, ata--xFirQM-00165-00105948-00106452 do that," and you know, at that first meeting, you know, you kind of like show up with a camera. ata--xFirQM-00166-00106452-00106806 You have no idea if you're gonna get access to anything because there's, ata--xFirQM-00167-00106806-00107244 you know, like a million different barriers to filming Jared Kushner, ata--xFirQM-00168-00107346-00107909 but you know, slowly, we were able to sort of work around that. Like that-for that scene where ata--xFirQM-00169-00107909-00108233 you see Van and Jared meeting for the first time - that was the first meeting. You know, ata--xFirQM-00170-00108233-00108654 we're like, we're there, they're shaking hands, they're meeting each other. That's like, you know, ata--xFirQM-00171-00108654-00109158 meeting number one and, you know, sometimes as a documentary filmmaker, ata--xFirQM-00172-00109158-00109764 you just kind of had to - you have to take a leap of faith and just show up and capture it. ata--xFirQM-00173-00109950-00110580 Let me just say also - everyone's expectations, including mine, was that this is going to be an ata--xFirQM-00174-00110580-00111306 attempt at passing Criminal Justice Reform, not a bill that would pass. So, it was literally up ata--xFirQM-00175-00111306-00111833 until the last minute. We all thought this bill was going to fail. I'm not saying - I mean, ata--xFirQM-00176-00111833-00112458 I think Van had hope, other people had hope, but, um, you know, it literally - until the day had ata--xFirQM-00177-00112458-00112859 passed, it was like, "Okay, this is going to be a story about people trying to get something done, ata--xFirQM-00178-00112859-00113502 and it's going to be an informative story, nonetheless.", and then, um, it literally ata--xFirQM-00179-00113502-00113940 passed the day before Christmas - right before the longest government shutdown in American history. ata--xFirQM-00180-00113940-00114582 It was one of the last things that occurred. And you know, Van calls, "It's a Christmas miracle!". ata--xFirQM-00181-00114582-00115092 I gotta say, like, you know, whatever your father is...like, I was in the room that day. It was - it ata--xFirQM-00182-00115092-00115788 was a wild thing that actually got accomplished because Trump was wavering, and then, you know, ata--xFirQM-00183-00115788-00116232 Kim Kardashian came in and helped, and the advocates helped it get over the finish line. ata--xFirQM-00184-00116232-00116885 It was - uh, it was a strange coalition of, you know, grassroots activists who've been fighting ata--xFirQM-00185-00116885-00117330 this for decades, political leaders - some of which have been fighting it for decades, ata--xFirQM-00186-00117330-00117624 some of which where you don't expect to be fighting for Criminal Justice ata--xFirQM-00187-00117624-00118263 Reform - celebrities. I mean...it was...it was a wild rollercoaster too, uh, to bear witness to. ata--xFirQM-00188-00118263-00119238 Me: Yeah, it was wild times. Um, and something you know - how long has it been since ata--xFirQM-00189-00119238-00119880 filming? Are there results on how this - The First Step Act is working? ata--xFirQM-00190-00119880-00120366 Lance: Yeah, well - the film took about three years. We were in production for ata--xFirQM-00191-00120366-00120780 about three years. We were in the edit for about two years, ata--xFirQM-00192-00120864-00121242 and it's been almost two years...it's been...you know. ata--xFirQM-00193-00121361-00122166 Well, the bill itself has passed, has been law for about four years, and um, ata--xFirQM-00194-00122340-00123161 when the film was completed, there were just over 10,000 people - the estimates were about ata--xFirQM-00195-00123161-00123690 just over ten thousand - who had come home. And now estimates are as high as, you know, ata--xFirQM-00196-00124020-00124883 75,000 people who have been - who are home through one aspect or another of the bill's provisions. ata--xFirQM-00197-00124883-00125046 Me: That's great. Um... ata--xFirQM-00198-00125046-00125682 Lance: I mean, that's like...tens of thousands of people that are home with their families, ata--xFirQM-00199-00125790-00126054 um, you know, we haven't met obviously, all of them, ata--xFirQM-00200-00126054-00126918 but we've met many, and just even meeting one person who's home...you ata--xFirQM-00201-00126918-00127422 know, years or decades early probably should have never been in prison in the first place. ata--xFirQM-00202-00127422-00127985 It's-it's pretty incredible, so then when you multiply that, it's-it's-it's-it's-it's profound. ata--xFirQM-00203-00127985-00128514 Me: Yeah, for sure. Um, I-I-I'm glad it's actually, ata--xFirQM-00204-00128622-00129288 um, doing something - um, and actually having an effect on lives with...you ata--xFirQM-00205-00129288-00129774 say ten thousand. I think that's roughly the number I think I saw at the end of the film. ata--xFirQM-00206-00129774-00129822 Lance: Yeah. ata--xFirQM-00207-00129822-00130776 Me: Um, um, but I'm so glad to hear it's working, uh, and I hope, uh, even if it's just for you ata--xFirQM-00208-00130776-00131208 know, maybe watching a new documentary or learning more about The First Step Act, ata--xFirQM-00209-00131316-00131910 um...I'd encourage those who have it - have the movie in a theater near you to ata--xFirQM-00210-00131910-00132516 go see The First Step. I'll have, uh, links to the screenings in the, um, description below. ata--xFirQM-00211-00132654-00133350 Um, and I-I hope, uh, people see it...uh, in theaters. Maybe even, I hope, ata--xFirQM-00212-00133350-00133776 um, I know some theaters are doing, I believe they're doing conversations, ata--xFirQM-00213-00133776-00134382 like Q&As. I saw that you're doing one this week that has a Q&A. Um... ata--xFirQM-00214-00134382-00134622 Lance: Actually, all the theaters. So, literally, ata--xFirQM-00215-00134622-00135186 every single screening of this movie will have a post-screening discussion ata--xFirQM-00216-00135336-00136014 that features either national leaders or leaders from the community where the film is ata--xFirQM-00217-00136014-00136608 being screened...and there is not a place you can see the film where that's not happening. ata--xFirQM-00218-00136608-00137088 So, every single presentation of the film is being programmed in partnership with ata--xFirQM-00219-00137088-00137628 organizations working on the front lines. Whether it's Criminal Justice Reform...the ata--xFirQM-00220-00137628-00138102 addiction crisis, or just trying to build bridges and find common ground on anything. ata--xFirQM-00221-00138330-00138888 There's plenty of opportunities that, if you see the film, you can plug in and get involved ata--xFirQM-00222-00138888-00139482 with any of the work that these organizations are doing that'll just continue as the film also just ata--xFirQM-00223-00139482-00139992 eventually finds its home on streaming, but just for now, in the theatrical experiences. ata--xFirQM-00224-00139992-00140226 That's the whole model. ata--xFirQM-00225-00140226-00140808 Brandon: And if you want to find if the film is playing in a city near you, go to ata--xFirQM-00226-00140808-00141456 firststepfilm.com and the entire list of all the theatrical screenings will be there and like Lance ata--xFirQM-00227-00141456-00142056 said, if it's not playing in a city near you, stay tuned by following the movie on @FirstStepMovie, ata--xFirQM-00228-00142056-00142692 and we'll be sharing information about where to see the film, uh, digitally, soon thereafter. ata--xFirQM-00229-00142692-00143268 Me: Well, thank you so much for your time, Brandon and Lance, on this uh, hectic morning, uh, busy ata--xFirQM-00230-00143268-00144156 morning after the Super Bowl. Um, I hope people see this, and um, thanks again for your time. ata--xFirQM-00231-00144156-00144426 Lance: Yeah, thank you so much for having us. Really appreciate it. awbcXyg30dy-00000-00000003-00000587 This is Adobe spark and Adobe spark is an online creative app that allows for awbcXyg30dy-00001-00000587-00001065 digital storytelling. It's great for students to get away from the awbcXyg30dy-00002-00001065-00001461 traditional methods of storytelling presentations and it's also good for awbcXyg30dy-00003-00001461-00001959 teachers to find what new ways to give lectures and things like that, but awbcXyg30dy-00004-00001959-00002424 overall you can really do anything with spark. You can create graphics, videos, or web awbcXyg30dy-00005-00002424-00003053 pages. For the types of learning that Adobe spark provides it's constructivism awbcXyg30dy-00006-00003053-00003552 and cognitivism. For the ease of use I gave it four out of five stars because awbcXyg30dy-00007-00003552-00004184 it is very easy to use. It's pretty self-explanatory and there are a lot of awbcXyg30dy-00008-00004184-00004546 tutorial sections with videos that are very helpful as well. awbcXyg30dy-00009-00004546-00005187 Privacy wise, Spark does have a privacy policy but there is quite a bit of awbcXyg30dy-00010-00005187-00005812 information a user provides when signing up as well as all of their stories that go awbcXyg30dy-00011-00005812-00006417 out on the web. With accessibility, they have an accessibility statement but in awbcXyg30dy-00012-00006417-00006995 that statement it says that captions are not able to be put on videos so that's awbcXyg30dy-00013-00006995-00007475 definitely a downfall for people that need to access videos with captions. awbcXyg30dy-00014-00007475-00008043 For class size, it's meant for one user but as I said it's great for teachers awbcXyg30dy-00015-00008043-00008536 finding new ways to give presentations like with the lesson plan video or a report. awbcXyg30dy-00016-00008536-00009075 There's a login required for Spark but it is very simple with either Google or awbcXyg30dy-00017-00009075-00009704 Facebook. For ISTE standards that it covers are the knowledge constructor, innovative awbcXyg30dy-00018-00009704-00010136 designer, and creative communicator. Students need to practice all three of those to awbcXyg30dy-00019-00010136-00010643 really use Spark to its fullest and it is COPPA and FERPA compliant so that's awbcXyg30dy-00020-00010643-00011178 great as well. Overall, Spark is just a great tool for students to use and get awbcXyg30dy-00021-00011178-00011553 away from traditional methods, but to also practice skills that are becoming awbcXyg30dy-00022-00011553-00012129 more prevalent in society as technology grows and grows at its rapid rate. So, I awbcXyg30dy-00023-00012129-00012503 really encourage everyone to use Spark. Just get out there you can really awbcXyg30dy-00024-00012503-00013077 customize anything, a video page or graphic, to the extent that you want. So, I awbcXyg30dy-00025-00013077-00013374 mean just get out there, try it out, practice, and awbcXyg30dy-00026-00013374-00013799 have fun doing it. Spark is a great tool. ayGnDNRm1dU-00000-00000524-00001148 In the post "Planetary Initiation" written by Cobra on August 12th, 2020, ayGnDNRm1dU-00001-00001148-00002558 we learnt that the Light Forces are finally able to reach the surface of the planet with their positive quantum Mjolnir technologies and assist the Lightworkers and Lightwarrors ayGnDNRm1dU-00002-00002558-00003112 A special Surface Task Force has been formed on the motherships of the Light Forces ayGnDNRm1dU-00003-00003112-00004162 with global teams working on the planetary energy grid, and personal teams working on assisting the individual Lightworkers and Lightwarriors ayGnDNRm1dU-00004-00004162-00005372 monitoring and evaluating their development and preparing them for Contact ayGnDNRm1dU-00005-00005476-00005986 If you wish a personal team to be formed for you and assist you ayGnDNRm1dU-00006-00005986-00007148 you need to say the following protocol aloud three times: “ Command 12 21” (pronounced Command Twelve Twenty one) ayGnDNRm1dU-00007-00007148-00007638 The first time you say this, a personal team will be formed ayGnDNRm1dU-00008-00007638-00008048 and each time you invoke the protocol after that ayGnDNRm1dU-00009-00008048-00008852 you personal team will check your status and help whenever and however they can ayGnDNRm1dU-00010-00008852-00009446 Please feel free to provide your testimonies in the comment section below ayGnDNRm1dU-00011-00009446-00009746 Next we are going to review Operation Mjolnir ayGnDNRm1dU-00012-00009746-00010488 Operation Mjolnir is a special operation of the Light Forces to enforce implementation of the Galactic Codex within quarantine Earth ayGnDNRm1dU-00013-00010488-00011672 Mjolnir, also called Hammer of Thor, is a special undisclosed technology of the Galactic Confederation that will make sure Galactic Codex is respected again in quarantine Earth sector ayGnDNRm1dU-00014-00011672-00013206 One aspect of Mjolnir technologyis detection of any dark being simply by measuring the amount of quantum anomaly that being emanates with negative thoughts, emotions and actions ayGnDNRm1dU-00015-00013206-00014508 Another aspect of Mjolnir technology is a foolproof containment and processing technology that can remove any dark being from its domain and process it according to the Galactic Codex ayGnDNRm1dU-00016-00014554-00015096 That processing usually takes place in Ganymede sort facility ayGnDNRm1dU-00017-00015096-00015554 Operation Mjolnir is in full effect azR3bf9ndju-00000-00000000-00000394 Title: Mr. Dinosaur’s Adventure Episode 7 Water Defense azR3bf9ndju-00001-00000806-00001234 Goldie: What can we do about you being a police officer. Can you make sure no one steals water? azR3bf9ndju-00002-00001290-00001923 Mr. Dinosaur: Yes. I will be able to do that right now. Hopefully I would not be able to catch anybody. azR3bf9ndju-00003-00002056-00002820 Goldie: Perfect! Okay, make sure you go there right now because you'll be able to do something useful for the police department even though you are the only member right now. azR3bf9ndju-00004-00003382-00003550 Cat: Hello Mr. Dinosaur. azR3bf9ndju-00005-00003708-00004426 Mr. Dinosaur: Do you want some water? I think someone else owns this section of water. We will have some lakes over there. azR3bf9ndju-00006-00004558-00004806 Cat: I will pour some water over that. azR3bf9ndju-00007-00004908-00005414 Blue Sheep: *ba* Ok. This is my water. Your job is done. *ba* azR3bf9ndju-00008-00005850-00006170 Goldie: Good job at protecting the section of water for the Blue Sheep. azR3bf9ndju-00009-00006276-00006522 Mr. Dinosaur: Thank you. I will take a rest. aAza9XsqtxY-00000-00002591-00002670 Campbell. aAza9XsqtxY-00001-00002671-00002790 Kirby so great to see you aAza9XsqtxY-00002-00002791-00002880 again. Nice to see you. aAza9XsqtxY-00003-00002881-00002960 Welcome back Huntsman. aAza9XsqtxY-00004-00002961-00003078 Yes. Well you know it's always aAza9XsqtxY-00005-00003079-00003150 a pleasure to be here in aAza9XsqtxY-00006-00003151-00003251 London. It's great to see you. aAza9XsqtxY-00007-00003376-00003532 I'm Kirby Allison and I love aAza9XsqtxY-00008-00003535-00003649 helping the well-dressed aAza9XsqtxY-00009-00003652-00003774 acquire and care for their aAza9XsqtxY-00010-00003775-00003875 wardrobes. aAza9XsqtxY-00011-00003879-00004050 Join me as we explore the world aAza9XsqtxY-00012-00004051-00004257 of quality craftsmanship aAza9XsqtxY-00013-00004288-00004388 and tradition. aAza9XsqtxY-00014-00005380-00005522 We appreciate you inviting us aAza9XsqtxY-00015-00005543-00005722 in and showing aAza9XsqtxY-00016-00005723-00005803 everyone this beautiful aAza9XsqtxY-00017-00005804-00005989 shopping. I just love strolling aAza9XsqtxY-00018-00005990-00006109 down Saville Row and kind of aAza9XsqtxY-00019-00006110-00006259 all the history and. aAza9XsqtxY-00020-00006293-00006436 You know Huntsman is as much a aAza9XsqtxY-00021-00006437-00006598 part of this street as any aAza9XsqtxY-00022-00006598-00006733 other firm here so aAza9XsqtxY-00023-00006789-00006883 it's such a pleasure it was aAza9XsqtxY-00024-00006884-00006973 such an honor to be here. aAza9XsqtxY-00025-00006973-00007057 You're welcome. You know aAza9XsqtxY-00026-00007058-00007144 Huntsman of course is one of aAza9XsqtxY-00027-00007145-00007270 the oldest firms here in the aAza9XsqtxY-00028-00007270-00007402 row. I mean certainly one of aAza9XsqtxY-00029-00007403-00007504 the most successful one of the aAza9XsqtxY-00030-00007505-00007605 most prolific. aAza9XsqtxY-00031-00007609-00007711 You guys just opened your aAza9XsqtxY-00032-00007712-00007903 cutting Theater in aAza9XsqtxY-00033-00007925-00007996 New York City. aAza9XsqtxY-00034-00007997-00008124 Yes. And so for those that aAza9XsqtxY-00035-00008156-00008306 might not be familiar with with aAza9XsqtxY-00036-00008318-00008468 the brand and the heritage aAza9XsqtxY-00037-00008503-00008605 you know help us understand a aAza9XsqtxY-00038-00008606-00008728 little bit about you know aAza9XsqtxY-00039-00008786-00008923 where Huntsman came from and aAza9XsqtxY-00040-00008933-00009098 how the cut really does differ aAza9XsqtxY-00041-00009127-00009226 from most of the other people aAza9XsqtxY-00042-00009227-00009327 here in the row. aAza9XsqtxY-00043-00009347-00009474 Henry Huntsman started the aAza9XsqtxY-00044-00009500-00009580 business, one of the businesses aAza9XsqtxY-00045-00009580-00009692 in 1849 aAza9XsqtxY-00046-00009785-00009936 and opened up shop on Albemarle aAza9XsqtxY-00047-00009980-00010072 Street. aAza9XsqtxY-00048-00010073-00010229 We moved here aAza9XsqtxY-00049-00010253-00010360 in 1919, so it was one aAza9XsqtxY-00050-00010412-00010512 hundred years, our cen tenary aAza9XsqtxY-00051-00010514-00010581 this year on this site, Savile aAza9XsqtxY-00052-00010581-00010741 Row. So in this aAza9XsqtxY-00053-00010742-00010848 location in this location. aAza9XsqtxY-00054-00011033-00011201 Henry Huntsman was a aAza9XsqtxY-00055-00011204-00011410 bespoke livery aAza9XsqtxY-00056-00011465-00011633 breeches maker livery aAza9XsqtxY-00057-00011655-00011827 and riding garments. aAza9XsqtxY-00058-00011848-00012004 So that's kind of where we aAza9XsqtxY-00059-00012229-00012364 align our Huntsman house cut aAza9XsqtxY-00060-00012365-00012559 from. Its a one button aAza9XsqtxY-00061-00012677-00012868 high waisted, Skirty aAza9XsqtxY-00062-00012875-00012980 jacket with a high arm hole. aAza9XsqtxY-00063-00012980-00013138 Yeah and very aAza9XsqtxY-00064-00013138-00013165 much. aAza9XsqtxY-00065-00013166-00013266 I mean the heritage is in aAza9XsqtxY-00066-00013271-00013371 equestrian riding aAza9XsqtxY-00067-00013433-00013533 exactly as a jacket it is aAza9XsqtxY-00068-00013562-00013672 highly structured almost aAza9XsqtxY-00069-00013672-00013772 militaristic Yeah. aAza9XsqtxY-00070-00013801-00013972 You know high armholes so that aAza9XsqtxY-00071-00013972-00014071 you can have freedom of aAza9XsqtxY-00072-00014071-00014198 movement and then a little aAza9XsqtxY-00073-00014246-00014365 bit of skirt so that when aAza9XsqtxY-00074-00014366-00014483 you're sitting it flares aAza9XsqtxY-00075-00014531-00014638 out a little bit over the hips. aAza9XsqtxY-00076-00014647-00014824 Exactly. And that house style aAza9XsqtxY-00077-00014825-00014944 really has you know aAza9XsqtxY-00078-00015019-00015166 is recognizable all across the aAza9XsqtxY-00079-00015179-00015279 globe. Yeah. aAza9XsqtxY-00080-00015334-00015476 Literally Madison Avenue Park aAza9XsqtxY-00081-00015515-00015619 Avenue. You can spot Huntsman aAza9XsqtxY-00082-00015619-00015757 jacket from from a mile away. aAza9XsqtxY-00083-00015881-00015976 It's an iconic look. aAza9XsqtxY-00084-00015977-00016114 And I think once people buy aAza9XsqtxY-00085-00016374-00016433 one suit. aAza9XsqtxY-00086-00016434-00016523 They're hooked. aAza9XsqtxY-00087-00016524-00016655 They're hooked. Well once you aAza9XsqtxY-00088-00016657-00016760 go to bespoke I mean it's a aAza9XsqtxY-00089-00016761-00016845 totally different world. aAza9XsqtxY-00090-00016846-00016977 I mean not just in terms aAza9XsqtxY-00091-00017028-00017150 of the relationship with the aAza9XsqtxY-00092-00017151-00017294 cutter I mean you know you're a aAza9XsqtxY-00093-00017295-00017395 head cutter here. aAza9XsqtxY-00094-00017402-00017477 I mean you've been here for a aAza9XsqtxY-00095-00017478-00017612 long time and will continue to aAza9XsqtxY-00096-00017613-00017735 be you know so being able aAza9XsqtxY-00097-00017787-00017963 to build that that meaningful aAza9XsqtxY-00098-00017964-00018102 and kind of deep relationship aAza9XsqtxY-00099-00018144-00018306 and then combining that with a aAza9XsqtxY-00100-00018309-00018455 garment that's made beautifully aAza9XsqtxY-00101-00018459-00018621 made for you, structured aAza9XsqtxY-00102-00018658-00018770 you know all the integrity aAza9XsqtxY-00103-00018771-00018996 behind the way it's constructed aAza9XsqtxY-00104-00019037-00019187 to really create something that aAza9XsqtxY-00105-00019255-00019399 is a lifetime garment right. aAza9XsqtxY-00106-00019419-00019439 Yeah. aAza9XsqtxY-00107-00019440-00019529 You guys have a lot of people aAza9XsqtxY-00108-00019530-00019619 that bring garments in from aAza9XsqtxY-00109-00019620-00019720 their father exactly aAza9XsqtxY-00110-00019739-00019871 grandfathers jacket and you aAza9XsqtxY-00111-00019875-00020012 know dinner suits that we aAza9XsqtxY-00112-00020079-00020179 refurbish the silk because its aAza9XsqtxY-00113-00020199-00020302 the silks that kind of wear out aAza9XsqtxY-00114-00020328-00020428 first. aAza9XsqtxY-00115-00020439-00020547 So it's great to be able to aAza9XsqtxY-00116-00020600-00020700 know if the aAza9XsqtxY-00117-00020763-00020914 relation is passed on, they can aAza9XsqtxY-00118-00020916-00021041 then wear that jacket with aAza9XsqtxY-00119-00021042-00021207 pride and we can alter it aAza9XsqtxY-00120-00021219-00021319 too so we can carry aAza9XsqtxY-00121-00021381-00021481 on wearing it and enjoying it. aAza9XsqtxY-00122-00021523-00021675 So the one button cut aAza9XsqtxY-00123-00021715-00021902 and the slanting pocket means aAza9XsqtxY-00124-00021903-00022045 that it's the most flattering aAza9XsqtxY-00125-00022059-00022159 of looks because the lapel aAza9XsqtxY-00126-00022221-00022321 rolls low and aAza9XsqtxY-00127-00022420-00022577 the pocket angle and aAza9XsqtxY-00128-00022578-00022727 the one button means that all aAza9XsqtxY-00129-00022731-00022856 the lines of the jacket are aAza9XsqtxY-00130-00022857-00022968 coming to the narrowest point. aAza9XsqtxY-00131-00022974-00023074 So it's the most flattering - aAza9XsqtxY-00132-00023082-00023162 and it's actually the most aAza9XsqtxY-00133-00023163-00023283 difficult cut to cut. aAza9XsqtxY-00134-00023295-00023423 I mean to get it perfectly just aAza9XsqtxY-00135-00023424-00023524 with one button. aAza9XsqtxY-00136-00023533-00023603 Mm hmm. aAza9XsqtxY-00137-00023604-00023729 I mean its quite difficult. aAza9XsqtxY-00138-00023729-00023831 Anyone who's tall and thin aAza9XsqtxY-00139-00023833-00023916 that's really important where aAza9XsqtxY-00140-00023917-00024026 you get that button on the aAza9XsqtxY-00141-00024027-00024162 waist. Quite often aAza9XsqtxY-00142-00024303-00024419 you're using your rock of eye aAza9XsqtxY-00143-00024502-00024647 you draft the pattern you fit aAza9XsqtxY-00144-00024648-00024756 the jacket but sometimes you're aAza9XsqtxY-00145-00024807-00024907 changing that button position aAza9XsqtxY-00146-00024915-00025071 just depending on you aAza9XsqtxY-00147-00025074-00025174 know tall the torso is. aAza9XsqtxY-00148-00025269-00025376 And so how many cutters are aAza9XsqtxY-00149-00025377-00025448 there. aAza9XsqtxY-00150-00025449-00025571 I mean it starts with the aAza9XsqtxY-00151-00025587-00025703 cutters right so the cutters aAza9XsqtxY-00152-00025704-00025793 are the ones that are really aAza9XsqtxY-00153-00025794-00025919 serving as the foundation of aAza9XsqtxY-00154-00025920-00026004 the relationship. aAza9XsqtxY-00155-00026005-00026129 Yeah I mean you travel quite aAza9XsqtxY-00156-00026130-00026260 extensively to America. aAza9XsqtxY-00157-00026295-00026429 Customers can meet you here aAza9XsqtxY-00158-00026461-00026561 and Dario Carnera aAza9XsqtxY-00159-00026685-00026848 is another co head Cutter with aAza9XsqtxY-00160-00026850-00026950 you - on the West Coast yup aAza9XsqtxY-00161-00026952-00027086 and he hits the West Coast and aAza9XsqtxY-00162-00027087-00027219 we have Ralph Fitzgerald in aAza9XsqtxY-00163-00027245-00027358 New York really kind of aAza9XsqtxY-00164-00027411-00027606 serving the Americas. aAza9XsqtxY-00165-00027768-00027868 Are there other cutters here? aAza9XsqtxY-00166-00027891-00027991 We have aAza9XsqtxY-00167-00028064-00028164 six other cutters here. aAza9XsqtxY-00168-00028242-00028381 My colleague Rob travels Asia. aAza9XsqtxY-00169-00028410-00028496 He's basically on the road aAza9XsqtxY-00170-00028497-00028623 constantly. If he's not here aAza9XsqtxY-00171-00028644-00028744 he's on the road. aAza9XsqtxY-00172-00028802-00028976 He does several aAza9XsqtxY-00173-00028977-00029144 cities in Asia for five weeks aAza9XsqtxY-00174-00029145-00029245 at a time. aAza9XsqtxY-00175-00029262-00029412 So he's really he aAza9XsqtxY-00176-00029420-00029520 travels a lot. aAza9XsqtxY-00177-00029556-00029656 Yes. aAza9XsqtxY-00178-00029673-00029836 But it's great to be able to aAza9XsqtxY-00179-00029837-00029939 you know hold your head high in aAza9XsqtxY-00180-00029939-00030041 that sense of pride that you're aAza9XsqtxY-00181-00030058-00030146 you're you're sure to give aAza9XsqtxY-00182-00030147-00030293 Huntsman all across the globe. aAza9XsqtxY-00183-00030362-00030461 Its incredible, an incredible business. aAza9XsqtxY-00184-00030462-00030575 Yeah well I mean in some ways aAza9XsqtxY-00185-00030576-00030717 it's a it's a real global brand aAza9XsqtxY-00186-00030720-00030862 because you know although you aAza9XsqtxY-00187-00030873-00031031 guys are based here and all the aAza9XsqtxY-00188-00031032-00031179 work is still exclusively done aAza9XsqtxY-00189-00031212-00031334 here on premises and that's aAza9XsqtxY-00190-00031335-00031435 never changed. Oh yeah. aAza9XsqtxY-00191-00031552-00031652 You know you guys travel out into aAza9XsqtxY-00192-00031656-00031802 the world and really meet your aAza9XsqtxY-00193-00031812-00031884 clients anywhere. aAza9XsqtxY-00194-00031885-00031952 Mm hmm. aAza9XsqtxY-00195-00031952-00032105 Absolutely. We go on day trips aAza9XsqtxY-00196-00032106-00032252 to see clients anywhere in the aAza9XsqtxY-00197-00032268-00032373 world. I've been to Cape Town aAza9XsqtxY-00198-00032373-00032499 for a day, LA for a day, Russia for a day - Yeah I mean some aAza9XsqtxY-00199-00032784-00032894 of whom send their planes for aAza9XsqtxY-00200-00032895-00032998 you right. Sometimes. aAza9XsqtxY-00201-00033044-00033144 A small bonus. aAza9XsqtxY-00202-00033249-00033353 I guess if you're going to be traveling aAza9XsqtxY-00203-00033354-00033454 it's a little bit easier. aAza9XsqtxY-00204-00033576-00033755 And so you know once a customer aAza9XsqtxY-00205-00033756-00033863 comes in and they commision aAza9XsqtxY-00206-00033906-00034053 something then that's whenever aAza9XsqtxY-00207-00034098-00034249 your work really begins because aAza9XsqtxY-00208-00034257-00034399 again the core the essence of aAza9XsqtxY-00209-00034404-00034556 bespoke is that you know the aAza9XsqtxY-00210-00034557-00034727 cutter is the one you know not aAza9XsqtxY-00211-00034728-00034802 only with the client aAza9XsqtxY-00212-00034803-00034928 relationship but taking the aAza9XsqtxY-00213-00034929-00035031 measurements drafting aAza9XsqtxY-00214-00035097-00035197 the pattern. aAza9XsqtxY-00215-00035205-00035342 And then actually coming back aAza9XsqtxY-00216-00035343-00035459 and fitting the garment to the aAza9XsqtxY-00217-00035460-00035529 customer. aAza9XsqtxY-00218-00035530-00035685 Yes yes we are aAza9XsqtxY-00219-00035715-00035916 looking at a process where aAza9XsqtxY-00220-00035988-00036161 we're using round about two aAza9XsqtxY-00221-00036162-00036257 or three fittings minimum of aAza9XsqtxY-00222-00036258-00036358 two aAza9XsqtxY-00223-00036420-00036576 usually three fittings to aAza9XsqtxY-00224-00036579-00036780 create a garment that evolves aAza9XsqtxY-00225-00036873-00036971 every time we are fitting the aAza9XsqtxY-00226-00036972-00037098 pattern and the aAza9XsqtxY-00227-00037170-00037313 garment evolve with each other aAza9XsqtxY-00228-00037332-00037475 so that when the aAza9XsqtxY-00229-00037491-00037637 garment walks out the door on aAza9XsqtxY-00230-00037638-00037775 customers back we have a two aAza9XsqtxY-00231-00037797-00037928 dimensional representation in aAza9XsqtxY-00232-00037929-00038051 the pattern of that three aAza9XsqtxY-00233-00038052-00038135 dimensional suit. aAza9XsqtxY-00234-00038136-00038306 So any subsequent orders aAza9XsqtxY-00235-00038330-00038430 are slightly easier. aAza9XsqtxY-00236-00038443-00038586 Yeah but that's the challenge. aAza9XsqtxY-00237-00038589-00038744 I mean and the real magic aAza9XsqtxY-00238-00038745-00038873 behind tailoring is that you're aAza9XsqtxY-00239-00038874-00038975 taking cloth aAza9XsqtxY-00240-00039045-00039137 I mean its a two dimensional aAza9XsqtxY-00241-00039138-00039305 fabric and you're really aAza9XsqtxY-00242-00039306-00039482 sculpting it to the body. aAza9XsqtxY-00243-00039524-00039605 So you're doing that with the aAza9XsqtxY-00244-00039606-00039770 pattern you know but the aAza9XsqtxY-00245-00039771-00039918 fittings are really you aAza9XsqtxY-00246-00039934-00040041 know what allow you as aAza9XsqtxY-00247-00040098-00040262 the cutter to see you aAza9XsqtxY-00248-00040263-00040391 know not only how that how that aAza9XsqtxY-00249-00040392-00040526 pattern drapes in the body aAza9XsqtxY-00250-00040569-00040669 but how the. aAza9XsqtxY-00251-00040671-00040836 Fabric interacts with the aAza9XsqtxY-00252-00040842-00040989 body also we also recommend at aAza9XsqtxY-00253-00040992-00041108 least one fitting even if the aAza9XsqtxY-00254-00041109-00041209 customer has had aAza9XsqtxY-00255-00041271-00041381 200 suits more aAza9XsqtxY-00256-00041430-00041549 because each cloth reacts aAza9XsqtxY-00257-00041550-00041683 differently with heat and aAza9XsqtxY-00258-00041688-00041872 moisture and you know hands aAza9XsqtxY-00259-00041892-00041992 being made by hand. aAza9XsqtxY-00260-00042016-00042069 Yeah. aAza9XsqtxY-00261-00042070-00042143 Well we'd love to see the aAza9XsqtxY-00262-00042144-00042263 cutting room can you take us aAza9XsqtxY-00263-00042264-00042423 back to show us - by all means aAza9XsqtxY-00264-00042428-00042528 yeah come ahead. Thank you. aAza9XsqtxY-00265-00043196-00043335 So of course the Colin aAza9XsqtxY-00266-00043361-00043438 Hammick room. aAza9XsqtxY-00267-00043439-00043581 Yes. Colin hammick was a aAza9XsqtxY-00268-00043604-00043726 quite formidable character by aAza9XsqtxY-00269-00043727-00043827 all accounts aAza9XsqtxY-00270-00043905-00044020 a real stalwart with Savile aAza9XsqtxY-00271-00044045-00044192 Row. You know it's a homage to aAza9XsqtxY-00272-00044195-00044326 his name so that he lives on aAza9XsqtxY-00273-00044327-00044392 forever. aAza9XsqtxY-00274-00044393-00044488 Yeah I mean he was a real aAza9XsqtxY-00275-00044489-00044589 iconic cutter aAza9XsqtxY-00276-00044648-00044756 for Huntsman and you know the aAza9XsqtxY-00277-00044762-00044905 20th century probably you know aAza9XsqtxY-00278-00044915-00045025 the most important Cutter aAza9XsqtxY-00279-00045135-00045286 you know that you know that you aAza9XsqtxY-00280-00045287-00045448 guys had and you know he really aAza9XsqtxY-00281-00045449-00045638 helped develop a lot of ways aAza9XsqtxY-00282-00045647-00045745 the Huntsman house style, is aAza9XsqtxY-00283-00045745-00045826 that right? aAza9XsqtxY-00284-00045827-00045901 That's right. Yes. aAza9XsqtxY-00285-00045902-00046060 His his own clothes aAza9XsqtxY-00286-00046088-00046220 you know he would aAza9XsqtxY-00287-00046271-00046426 famously change twice a day. aAza9XsqtxY-00288-00046519-00046639 And was a chain smoker so aAza9XsqtxY-00289-00046670-00046798 looked good in the Huntsman you aAza9XsqtxY-00290-00046799-00046899 know thin thin aAza9XsqtxY-00291-00046964-00047064 silhouette. aAza9XsqtxY-00292-00047097-00047128 Yeah. aAza9XsqtxY-00293-00047129-00047287 And aren't there stories of aAza9XsqtxY-00294-00047375-00047458 I mean aren't there stories of aAza9XsqtxY-00295-00047459-00047619 like you know Ash burns or like aAza9XsqtxY-00296-00047621-00047662 what's. aAza9XsqtxY-00297-00047663-00047767 Yes we have he's old cutting aAza9XsqtxY-00298-00047768-00047935 boards downstairs as aAza9XsqtxY-00299-00047936-00048041 part of our kitchen bench. aAza9XsqtxY-00300-00048101-00048273 And there's a cigarette burns aAza9XsqtxY-00301-00048284-00048384 all over the place. aAza9XsqtxY-00302-00048452-00048598 I wonder how many garments aAza9XsqtxY-00303-00048616-00048769 had to be thrown out because of aAza9XsqtxY-00304-00048850-00048950 cigarette burns aAza9XsqtxY-00305-00049009-00049109 you know gone astray. aAza9XsqtxY-00306-00049154-00049318 So this is still where today aAza9XsqtxY-00307-00049362-00049477 you know you guys do all of aAza9XsqtxY-00308-00049478-00049585 your fitting so if a customers aAza9XsqtxY-00309-00049589-00049708 coming to London aAza9XsqtxY-00310-00049758-00049846 and has the opportunity to aAza9XsqtxY-00311-00049847-00049999 visit this shop and aAza9XsqtxY-00312-00050006-00050146 then you know they get the same aAza9XsqtxY-00313-00050147-00050294 treatment today as you know as aAza9XsqtxY-00314-00050312-00050463 has been going on for a hundred aAza9XsqtxY-00315-00050483-00050542 years - correct. aAza9XsqtxY-00316-00050543-00050686 Yeah. This is the iconic aAza9XsqtxY-00317-00050692-00050792 fitting the number one. aAza9XsqtxY-00318-00050793-00050875 Yeah. aAza9XsqtxY-00319-00050876-00050976 Brilliant. aAza9XsqtxY-00320-00051314-00051414 So Kirby welcome to the aAza9XsqtxY-00321-00051419-00051503 Kingsman room. aAza9XsqtxY-00322-00051503-00051625 Wow. So this is from the movie? aAza9XsqtxY-00323-00051653-00051809 This is the inspiration that aAza9XsqtxY-00324-00051839-00051970 Matthew Vaughn had when he came aAza9XsqtxY-00325-00051971-00052097 here as a child to be dressed aAza9XsqtxY-00326-00052172-00052314 and clothed. This is the room aAza9XsqtxY-00327-00052354-00052465 that really inspired him to aAza9XsqtxY-00328-00052492-00052587 come up with the movie. aAza9XsqtxY-00329-00052588-00052688 Wow. aAza9XsqtxY-00330-00052784-00052874 So this is the second kind of, aAza9XsqtxY-00331-00052874-00052969 I guess you have the Colin aAza9XsqtxY-00332-00052970-00053110 Hammick room and the Kingsman aAza9XsqtxY-00333-00053111-00053199 room. aAza9XsqtxY-00334-00053200-00053278 And this is where all the aAza9XsqtxY-00335-00053279-00053353 fittings are done. aAza9XsqtxY-00336-00053354-00053500 All the movie is based on this aAza9XsqtxY-00337-00053501-00053572 one room. aAza9XsqtxY-00338-00053573-00053650 Luckily they didn't have to aAza9XsqtxY-00339-00053651-00053751 blow this one up for real - not aAza9XsqtxY-00340-00053765-00053905 quite. No you know for the aAza9XsqtxY-00341-00053905-00054022 movie. That was done in Warner aAza9XsqtxY-00342-00054023-00054126 Brothers Studios so they have aAza9XsqtxY-00343-00054127-00054244 an exact replica of this aAza9XsqtxY-00344-00054299-00054491 room done in plywood aAza9XsqtxY-00345-00054530-00054630 so it was really surreal walking onto that set. aAza9XsqtxY-00346-00054698-00054770 Had you seen it. aAza9XsqtxY-00347-00054771-00054865 Did you get to visit the set. aAza9XsqtxY-00348-00054866-00054966 Yep yep. aAza9XsqtxY-00349-00055004-00055180 Just finished the garments aAza9XsqtxY-00350-00055180-00055250 for the third one as well - Oh aAza9XsqtxY-00351-00055251-00055365 did you? For Kingsman 3. aAza9XsqtxY-00352-00055376-00055523 The outfit is due out late aAza9XsqtxY-00353-00055577-00055717 this year and they go back aAza9XsqtxY-00354-00055717-00055817 through 20- Uh sorry 1918. aAza9XsqtxY-00355-00055928-00056085 So it's a prequel and um aAza9XsqtxY-00356-00056163-00056305 all the clothes were really of aAza9XsqtxY-00357-00056305-00056405 that era. So it was great fun - aAza9XsqtxY-00358-00056416-00056512 so you're doing period pieces. aAza9XsqtxY-00359-00056513-00056674 Yeah. Great fun to work on that aAza9XsqtxY-00360-00056720-00056820 really iconic looks. aAza9XsqtxY-00361-00056829-00056950 Yeah. Yeah I'm really impressed aAza9XsqtxY-00362-00056951-00057082 with Huntsman. I mean you know aAza9XsqtxY-00363-00057088-00057253 just the variety aAza9XsqtxY-00364-00057254-00057391 of garments that you guys cut. aAza9XsqtxY-00365-00057398-00057551 I mean it's not just all suits aAza9XsqtxY-00366-00057588-00057727 and waist coats and overcoats. aAza9XsqtxY-00367-00057754-00057909 I mean you know you guys you aAza9XsqtxY-00368-00057911-00058075 know both male and female aAza9XsqtxY-00369-00058115-00058215 and wild stuff that aAza9XsqtxY-00370-00058274-00058378 I guess customers bring you aAza9XsqtxY-00371-00058379-00058517 guys? Driving suits, aAza9XsqtxY-00372-00058595-00058789 Capes, - siren suits - siren aAza9XsqtxY-00373-00058790-00058890 suits you know you aAza9XsqtxY-00374-00058954-00059113 name it. You know if we can cut aAza9XsqtxY-00375-00059114-00059251 it and make it then- how do you aAza9XsqtxY-00376-00059252-00059353 guys go and find those aAza9XsqtxY-00377-00059354-00059479 patterns. I mean especially for aAza9XsqtxY-00378-00059479-00059587 the historic stuff is that a aAza9XsqtxY-00379-00059588-00059695 part of your archive that aAza9XsqtxY-00380-00059696-00059796 you're able to go back into? aAza9XsqtxY-00381-00059813-00059902 We have an archive here that aAza9XsqtxY-00382-00059903-00060059 goes back 100 years. aAza9XsqtxY-00383-00060121-00060287 We recently went to the aAza9XsqtxY-00384-00060290-00060478 V&A to look at some period aAza9XsqtxY-00385-00060515-00060667 Huntsman pieces and literally aAza9XsqtxY-00386-00060669-00060788 they're wrapped in cellophane. aAza9XsqtxY-00387-00060822-00060910 You're not allowed to touch aAza9XsqtxY-00388-00060911-00061082 them with ungloved hands. aAza9XsqtxY-00389-00061229-00061329 Downstairs we have all that aAza9XsqtxY-00390-00061366-00061466 stuff just on hand. aAza9XsqtxY-00391-00061469-00061569 We should probably be taking a aAza9XsqtxY-00392-00061569-00061692 lot better care of it. Yea, whats it Like. I mean whenever aAza9XsqtxY-00393-00061787-00061879 you look at a garment that's aAza9XsqtxY-00394-00061879-00062011 been made you know almost 100 aAza9XsqtxY-00395-00062015-00062207 years ago you know as a cutter. aAza9XsqtxY-00396-00062279-00062379 You know who's been doing this aAza9XsqtxY-00397-00062380-00062528 I mean what how does it strike aAza9XsqtxY-00398-00062534-00062563 you? aAza9XsqtxY-00399-00062564-00062734 It's just so inspiring to go aAza9XsqtxY-00400-00062735-00062890 back and see how things were aAza9XsqtxY-00401-00062891-00063067 done when you realized aAza9XsqtxY-00402-00063067-00063205 back then the cloths were much aAza9XsqtxY-00403-00063205-00063314 heavier and much more structure aAza9XsqtxY-00404-00063359-00063430 because there's no central aAza9XsqtxY-00405-00063430-00063530 heating and aAza9XsqtxY-00406-00063590-00063730 therefore the cloths have aAza9XsqtxY-00407-00063782-00063923 lasted so well and aAza9XsqtxY-00408-00063948-00064024 worn so well. aAza9XsqtxY-00409-00064025-00064120 Yeah incredible. aAza9XsqtxY-00410-00064121-00064246 Have you drawn an inspiration aAza9XsqtxY-00411-00064247-00064318 from that have you like aAza9XsqtxY-00412-00064319-00064453 modified your patterns or your aAza9XsqtxY-00413-00064454-00064588 cut a little bit just based off aAza9XsqtxY-00414-00064589-00064706 of kind of your handling aAza9XsqtxY-00415-00064760-00064866 and interaction with these. aAza9XsqtxY-00416-00064871-00065017 Absolutely the the the outfits aAza9XsqtxY-00417-00065060-00065222 for the third kingsman movie aAza9XsqtxY-00418-00065223-00065392 you can you can aAza9XsqtxY-00419-00065392-00065554 see elements of what aAza9XsqtxY-00420-00065555-00065728 we have downstairs super high aAza9XsqtxY-00421-00065736-00065890 armhole and lots of fullness in aAza9XsqtxY-00422-00065891-00065989 the sleeve. aAza9XsqtxY-00423-00065990-00066102 So the arm hole and the sleeve aAza9XsqtxY-00424-00066104-00066205 really act like a hinge. aAza9XsqtxY-00425-00066218-00066318 You know the higher up the better. aAza9XsqtxY-00426-00066406-00066506 And it changes aAza9XsqtxY-00427-00066608-00066754 your way of cutting somewhat. aAza9XsqtxY-00428-00066847-00066947 And it's great fun. aAza9XsqtxY-00429-00066986-00067084 Yeah. Ralph was just kind of aAza9XsqtxY-00430-00067085-00067227 talking about how you know aAza9XsqtxY-00431-00067265-00067387 he's really tried to aAza9XsqtxY-00432-00067478-00067615 kind of draw inspiration from aAza9XsqtxY-00433-00067616-00067716 some of the old Colin Hammick aAza9XsqtxY-00434-00067730-00067852 pieces and come back into the aAza9XsqtxY-00435-00067853-00067965 office and seeing about aAza9XsqtxY-00436-00068021-00068149 how they did their dart or how aAza9XsqtxY-00437-00068150-00068273 they did a certain element of aAza9XsqtxY-00438-00068274-00068374 their pattern and. aAza9XsqtxY-00439-00068402-00068512 How he's enjoyed really aAza9XsqtxY-00440-00068513-00068660 incorporating that into aAza9XsqtxY-00441-00068711-00068853 his you know kind of standard aAza9XsqtxY-00442-00068891-00068944 pattern. aAza9XsqtxY-00443-00068945-00069077 Yeah. its a nice nod to the aAza9XsqtxY-00444-00069110-00069210 past and to these real aAza9XsqtxY-00445-00069302-00069450 Infamous cutters to to take aAza9XsqtxY-00446-00069452-00069564 elements of it. aAza9XsqtxY-00447-00069600-00069748 Colin Hammick sloping gorge aAza9XsqtxY-00448-00069843-00069943 the way he cut his double aAza9XsqtxY-00449-00069944-00070072 breasted slightly offset. aAza9XsqtxY-00450-00070096-00070196 OK. aAza9XsqtxY-00451-00070235-00070367 Little tweaks nuances like that aAza9XsqtxY-00452-00070368-00070505 to you know to the untrained aAza9XsqtxY-00453-00070507-00070652 eye would go unnoticed aAza9XsqtxY-00454-00070666-00070766 but to our aAza9XsqtxY-00455-00070856-00071033 Huntsman fans it's a real aAza9XsqtxY-00456-00071047-00071152 you know nod to the past. aAza9XsqtxY-00457-00071159-00071228 Yeah. aAza9XsqtxY-00458-00071229-00071329 Exciting. aAza9XsqtxY-00459-00072053-00072154 So this is your cutting aAza9XsqtxY-00460-00072155-00072253 theater. aAza9XsqtxY-00461-00072254-00072354 Exactly. Yes. This is aAza9XsqtxY-00462-00072461-00072586 one of the best. Cutting areas aAza9XsqtxY-00463-00072613-00072703 in the whole of the West End aAza9XsqtxY-00464-00072704-00072811 London. It's a beautiful aAza9XsqtxY-00465-00072812-00072880 natural light. aAza9XsqtxY-00466-00072881-00072979 Incredible. Which is hard to aAza9XsqtxY-00467-00072980-00073072 find here in these older aAza9XsqtxY-00468-00073073-00073141 buildings. aAza9XsqtxY-00469-00073142-00073219 The only problem as you can aAza9XsqtxY-00470-00073220-00073320 hear when it's raining aAza9XsqtxY-00471-00073431-00073568 you can really hear and feel aAza9XsqtxY-00472-00073595-00073631 the weather. aAza9XsqtxY-00473-00073632-00073757 But it's a lovely bright place aAza9XsqtxY-00474-00073764-00073912 to to be able to work in aAza9XsqtxY-00475-00073997-00074120 daylight when you're cutting aAza9XsqtxY-00476-00074132-00074232 really helps. aAza9XsqtxY-00477-00074315-00074401 You can see here some of our aAza9XsqtxY-00478-00074402-00074590 past customers aAza9XsqtxY-00479-00074591-00074716 who have passed on this if aAza9XsqtxY-00480-00074717-00074817 where you end up in the - aAza9XsqtxY-00481-00074819-00074919 really? - infamous place - So you go up into aAza9XsqtxY-00482-00075008-00075108 the atrium once they've.. aAza9XsqtxY-00483-00075194-00075320 Their patterns rise. aAza9XsqtxY-00484-00075323-00075415 Exactly. aAza9XsqtxY-00485-00075416-00075516 That's amazing - There forever. aAza9XsqtxY-00486-00075577-00075677 That's really special - A nice aAza9XsqtxY-00487-00075683-00075768 tribute. aAza9XsqtxY-00488-00075769-00075919 I mean that's again just one of aAza9XsqtxY-00489-00075920-00076027 the incredible things about a aAza9XsqtxY-00490-00076028-00076171 firm like Huntsman that got so aAza9XsqtxY-00491-00076172-00076272 much history is aAza9XsqtxY-00492-00076334-00076513 just that sense of tradition aAza9XsqtxY-00493-00076574-00076669 and. aAza9XsqtxY-00494-00076670-00076816 Heritage where you know aAza9XsqtxY-00495-00076847-00076984 your customers are so much a aAza9XsqtxY-00496-00076985-00077112 part of your firm and then aAza9XsqtxY-00497-00077153-00077285 you guys are so much a part aAza9XsqtxY-00498-00077332-00077428 of a lot of these family's aAza9XsqtxY-00499-00077429-00077566 histories. Yeah and I kind of aAza9XsqtxY-00500-00077567-00077725 see that multigenerational aAza9XsqtxY-00501-00077755-00077915 you know continuation is aAza9XsqtxY-00502-00077985-00078188 it's really special and unique aAza9XsqtxY-00503-00078190-00078364 to London aAza9XsqtxY-00504-00078365-00078481 Savile Row bespoke tailoring aAza9XsqtxY-00505-00078482-00078526 firms. aAza9XsqtxY-00506-00078527-00078620 It's quite a club to belong to, aAza9XsqtxY-00507-00078620-00078776 being a Huntsman customer. aAza9XsqtxY-00508-00078824-00078898 So this is something you're aAza9XsqtxY-00509-00078899-00079027 working on right now. This is aAza9XsqtxY-00510-00079029-00079150 yep it's almost finished this aAza9XsqtxY-00511-00079151-00079263 is what we call a finished bar aAza9XsqtxY-00512-00079263-00079429 holes finishing jacket aAza9XsqtxY-00513-00079450-00079654 just waiting for confirmation aAza9XsqtxY-00514-00079655-00079820 of one last fit to aAza9XsqtxY-00515-00079826-00079953 to try on it just for some aAza9XsqtxY-00516-00079970-00080117 minor tweaks all the lining is aAza9XsqtxY-00517-00080123-00080223 inside aAza9XsqtxY-00518-00080291-00080432 the jacket is nearly there. aAza9XsqtxY-00519-00080534-00080699 But this is one button aAza9XsqtxY-00520-00080735-00080854 slanting pocket as we were aAza9XsqtxY-00521-00080855-00080955 talking about earlier on. aAza9XsqtxY-00522-00080999-00081100 You can see here the aAza9XsqtxY-00523-00081191-00081359 the waistline really is the aAza9XsqtxY-00524-00081410-00081508 center of the. aAza9XsqtxY-00525-00081509-00081653 On this one button that's where aAza9XsqtxY-00526-00081686-00081774 your focus is on. aAza9XsqtxY-00527-00081774-00081979 Yeah Huntman's shoulders. aAza9XsqtxY-00528-00081989-00082093 is generally a strong but aAza9XsqtxY-00529-00082094-00082168 natural one. aAza9XsqtxY-00530-00082169-00082285 We don't try and build up aAza9XsqtxY-00531-00082346-00082446 the shoulder too much. aAza9XsqtxY-00532-00082455-00082555 OK. aAza9XsqtxY-00533-00082618-00082765 So you wouldn't have a ton of aAza9XsqtxY-00534-00082766-00082901 kind of roping all the way in. aAza9XsqtxY-00535-00082916-00083045 Not so much we use just aAza9XsqtxY-00536-00083082-00083227 a couple of plies of a cotton aAza9XsqtxY-00537-00083228-00083296 damet. aAza9XsqtxY-00538-00083297-00083477 OK. It's much more natural aAza9XsqtxY-00539-00083501-00083601 and finished sleeve head aAza9XsqtxY-00540-00083698-00083830 the lapel generally we cut in aAza9XsqtxY-00541-00083831-00083920 relation to these customer's aAza9XsqtxY-00542-00083921-00084088 shoulder width and height aAza9XsqtxY-00543-00084110-00084210 and stature. aAza9XsqtxY-00544-00084299-00084466 This particular client has aAza9XsqtxY-00545-00084467-00084559 quite wide shoulders so aAza9XsqtxY-00546-00084560-00084654 therefore the lapel is round aAza9XsqtxY-00547-00084654-00084754 about 3, 3 eighths and a half . aAza9XsqtxY-00548-00084839-00084916 OK. aAza9XsqtxY-00549-00084917-00084994 What does it halfway. aAza9XsqtxY-00550-00084995-00085090 Plus a little bit. aAza9XsqtxY-00551-00085091-00085252 How do you generally aAza9XsqtxY-00552-00085253-00085385 it starts off about two and aAza9XsqtxY-00553-00085415-00085489 seven eighths and goes all the aAza9XsqtxY-00554-00085490-00085612 way up to four and a half aAza9XsqtxY-00555-00085706-00085833 but it is amazing how much aAza9XsqtxY-00556-00085874-00085982 an eighth of an inch can make aAza9XsqtxY-00557-00086015-00086137 all the difference. Really the aAza9XsqtxY-00558-00086138-00086230 devil's in the details. aAza9XsqtxY-00559-00086231-00086300 OK. aAza9XsqtxY-00560-00086301-00086392 And is that something whenever aAza9XsqtxY-00561-00086393-00086505 you're taking someone's aAza9XsqtxY-00562-00086510-00086614 measurements for the first time aAza9XsqtxY-00563-00086615-00086719 you're kind of working in aAza9XsqtxY-00564-00086720-00086883 visually kind of taking aAza9XsqtxY-00565-00086885-00086996 mental note that as you're aAza9XsqtxY-00566-00086999-00087132 gonna draw your pattern and aAza9XsqtxY-00567-00087135-00087245 kind of strike the cloth. aAza9XsqtxY-00568-00087329-00087512 That's generally from the first aAza9XsqtxY-00569-00087581-00087681 the first draft of the pattern aAza9XsqtxY-00570-00087690-00087817 which we would strike the aAza9XsqtxY-00571-00087818-00087918 lapel. aAza9XsqtxY-00572-00087992-00088169 We use a centuries old aAza9XsqtxY-00573-00088181-00088281 draft. aAza9XsqtxY-00574-00088304-00088404 Pattern draft aAza9XsqtxY-00575-00088472-00088596 we use the measurements as coordinates. aAza9XsqtxY-00576-00088607-00088782 So we're using about 28 aAza9XsqtxY-00577-00088784-00088903 to 35 measurements aAza9XsqtxY-00578-00089009-00089109 to use. aAza9XsqtxY-00579-00089111-00089266 We adapt those measurements to aAza9XsqtxY-00580-00089267-00089386 a centuries old draft. aAza9XsqtxY-00581-00089561-00089701 Using the coordinates to come aAza9XsqtxY-00582-00089702-00089848 up with a rough outline of the aAza9XsqtxY-00583-00089849-00090009 pattern and then your aAza9XsqtxY-00584-00090041-00090164 natural eye,rock of eye, we aAza9XsqtxY-00585-00090164-00090283 call it takes over aAza9XsqtxY-00586-00090347-00090457 when you basically ignore the aAza9XsqtxY-00587-00090458-00090637 measurements and your aAza9XsqtxY-00588-00090638-00090787 instinct and intuition aAza9XsqtxY-00589-00090848-00091004 your trained eye takes over. aAza9XsqtxY-00590-00091017-00091117 That's amazing. aAza9XsqtxY-00591-00091118-00091243 Unfortunately you never stop aAza9XsqtxY-00592-00091244-00091360 looking. You know I was always aAza9XsqtxY-00593-00091361-00091461 taught to. aAza9XsqtxY-00594-00091508-00091636 Always look to improve. aAza9XsqtxY-00595-00091645-00091729 I always looked to better aAza9XsqtxY-00596-00091730-00091837 something. So you'll be walking aAza9XsqtxY-00597-00091838-00091915 down the street on your lunch aAza9XsqtxY-00598-00091916-00092016 break trying to switch off. aAza9XsqtxY-00599-00092048-00092137 You see something that doesn't aAza9XsqtxY-00600-00092138-00092245 ring true and you know - it aAza9XsqtxY-00601-00092245-00092345 jolts you - It jars. aAza9XsqtxY-00602-00092576-00092676 So what aAza9XsqtxY-00603-00092735-00092842 about the waist I mean so are aAza9XsqtxY-00604-00092843-00092965 you pinching the waist at all. aAza9XsqtxY-00605-00092969-00093076 I mean can you show us kind of aAza9XsqtxY-00606-00093077-00093219 the skirt the slight flair of aAza9XsqtxY-00607-00093221-00093315 the skirt. aAza9XsqtxY-00608-00093316-00093438 Yeah. We got quite a aAza9XsqtxY-00609-00093518-00093649 relatively long jacket here at aAza9XsqtxY-00610-00093671-00093771 Huntsman. aAza9XsqtxY-00611-00093802-00093946 And a longer vent as well. aAza9XsqtxY-00612-00093962-00094039 OK. aAza9XsqtxY-00613-00094040-00094140 That accentuates the aAza9XsqtxY-00614-00094232-00094383 waist even further So meaning a aAza9XsqtxY-00615-00094391-00094519 longer vent meaning that it's aAza9XsqtxY-00616-00094520-00094678 going to come up higher come up aAza9XsqtxY-00617-00094679-00094780 higher. And that's probably a aAza9XsqtxY-00618-00094781-00094881 little bit of equestrian aAza9XsqtxY-00619-00094895-00095007 tradition - exactly that. aAza9XsqtxY-00620-00095020-00095167 Yeah. Everything on the horse aAza9XsqtxY-00621-00095174-00095260 when you're on the saddle was aAza9XsqtxY-00622-00095261-00095341 meant to stay put. aAza9XsqtxY-00623-00095342-00095496 So that vent was cut higher to aAza9XsqtxY-00624-00095519-00095642 keep your jacket nice and still aAza9XsqtxY-00625-00095740-00095808 and tight. aAza9XsqtxY-00626-00095809-00095944 And so it's a longer jacket and aAza9XsqtxY-00627-00095945-00096046 then a slight pinch to the aAza9XsqtxY-00628-00096047-00096136 waist. aAza9XsqtxY-00629-00096137-00096253 Yes. We don't over accentuate aAza9XsqtxY-00630-00096254-00096354 the waistline here we aAza9XsqtxY-00631-00096443-00096523 know the structure through the aAza9XsqtxY-00632-00096524-00096691 chest is enough aAza9XsqtxY-00633-00096701-00096836 to give you know what aAza9XsqtxY-00634-00096953-00097091 an overcooked waist can be. aAza9XsqtxY-00635-00097104-00097283 You know quite aAza9XsqtxY-00636-00097310-00097448 feminine. You want to really. aAza9XsqtxY-00637-00097577-00097682 Keep it as natural as possible. aAza9XsqtxY-00638-00097695-00097837 And I guess really balance the aAza9XsqtxY-00639-00097838-00097949 body and not exaggerate it. aAza9XsqtxY-00640-00097964-00098056 Exactly. You know like I've got aAza9XsqtxY-00641-00098057-00098176 wide hips and if you pinch the aAza9XsqtxY-00642-00098177-00098351 waist too much it then aAza9XsqtxY-00643-00098375-00098475 accentuates the hips. aAza9XsqtxY-00644-00098629-00098719 Whereas you know a good jacket aAza9XsqtxY-00645-00098719-00098911 cut for me is aAza9XsqtxY-00646-00098912-00099061 going to really buffer that so aAza9XsqtxY-00647-00099062-00099213 that it's not you know visually aAza9XsqtxY-00648-00099272-00099372 obvious to the eye. aAza9XsqtxY-00649-00099374-00099443 Yes. aAza9XsqtxY-00650-00099444-00099517 Right and that really at the aAza9XsqtxY-00651-00099518-00099618 end of the day is going to be aAza9XsqtxY-00652-00099647-00099807 one of the elements of bespoke aAza9XsqtxY-00653-00099809-00099926 is you know we were just aAza9XsqtxY-00654-00099965-00100065 walking down aAza9XsqtxY-00655-00100165-00100276 the Piccadilly arcade and aAza9XsqtxY-00656-00100277-00100375 they've got the statue of Beau aAza9XsqtxY-00657-00100376-00100537 Brummel there and he's got aAza9XsqtxY-00658-00100538-00100689 a wonderful quote you know says aAza9XsqtxY-00659-00100702-00100840 something to the effect of is aAza9XsqtxY-00660-00100841-00101017 that you know the the aAza9XsqtxY-00661-00101018-00101140 true mark of a gentleman is to aAza9XsqtxY-00662-00101141-00101236 not be noticed. aAza9XsqtxY-00663-00101237-00101307 Exactly right. aAza9XsqtxY-00664-00101308-00101432 And that is true elegance. aAza9XsqtxY-00665-00101522-00101663 You know coming in and someone aAza9XsqtxY-00666-00101664-00101780 saying he looks good. aAza9XsqtxY-00667-00101827-00101903 Not really in an obviousl - aAza9XsqtxY-00668-00101903-00102074 showy- way- way like in aAza9XsqtxY-00669-00102075-00102215 a almost kind of like aAza9XsqtxY-00670-00102248-00102380 an intuitive way where they aAza9XsqtxY-00671-00102384-00102470 just think they look. aAza9XsqtxY-00672-00102471-00102548 They don't really know what aAza9XsqtxY-00673-00102549-00102629 they're looking at but they aAza9XsqtxY-00674-00102630-00102785 know it works. aAza9XsqtxY-00675-00102789-00102935 It's a natural elegance. aAza9XsqtxY-00676-00102947-00103047 Yeah. The clothes.. you're aAza9XsqtxY-00677-00103098-00103178 wearing the clothes not the aAza9XsqtxY-00678-00103179-00103279 other way around. aAza9XsqtxY-00679-00103281-00103361 And so how do you work that I aAza9XsqtxY-00680-00103361-00103454 mean you're you're building aAza9XsqtxY-00681-00103455-00103559 this incredible relationship aAza9XsqtxY-00682-00103559-00103659 with your clients. aAza9XsqtxY-00683-00103689-00103789 They trust you. aAza9XsqtxY-00684-00103813-00103904 You know you guys get to know aAza9XsqtxY-00685-00103905-00103988 each other. aAza9XsqtxY-00686-00103989-00104135 I mean how do you counsel aAza9XsqtxY-00687-00104202-00104372 new customers in terms of aAza9XsqtxY-00688-00104434-00104558 you know kind of helping really aAza9XsqtxY-00689-00104558-00104658 guide and guide them aAza9XsqtxY-00690-00104732-00104832 and kind of guide their aAza9XsqtxY-00691-00104925-00105025 fit and their cut? Obviously aAza9XsqtxY-00692-00105059-00105248 the name and the reputation aAza9XsqtxY-00693-00105249-00105414 goes for you aAza9XsqtxY-00694-00105420-00105481 before us. aAza9XsqtxY-00695-00105482-00105582 But you know aAza9XsqtxY-00696-00105639-00105741 nowadays in modern tastes and aAza9XsqtxY-00697-00105744-00105833 international tastes. aAza9XsqtxY-00698-00105833-00105933 We can't be aAza9XsqtxY-00699-00105996-00106143 forced feeding our house cut aAza9XsqtxY-00700-00106174-00106329 on on customers. aAza9XsqtxY-00701-00106332-00106432 So we are open to aAza9XsqtxY-00702-00106506-00106601 change. aAza9XsqtxY-00703-00106602-00106724 Softer shoulder line, shorter aAza9XsqtxY-00704-00106725-00106887 jacket you know its the aAza9XsqtxY-00705-00106895-00106995 modern times we've got to move aAza9XsqtxY-00706-00106996-00107048 the times. aAza9XsqtxY-00707-00107049-00107153 Absolutely. And then I guess at aAza9XsqtxY-00708-00107154-00107228 the end of the day it's got to aAza9XsqtxY-00709-00107229-00107329 work for the customer. They're the ones aAza9XsqtxY-00710-00107404-00107484 Who's paying. aAza9XsqtxY-00711-00107484-00107584 Yes of course. aAza9XsqtxY-00712-00108641-00108761 So this is I guess you're aAza9XsqtxY-00713-00108761-00108875 drafting patterns you still cut aAza9XsqtxY-00714-00108876-00109025 up here but this is another aAza9XsqtxY-00715-00109074-00109151 extension of the cutting aAza9XsqtxY-00716-00109152-00109241 theater. Yes. aAza9XsqtxY-00717-00109242-00109419 This is Jack. aAza9XsqtxY-00718-00109436-00109536 Striking out a job aAza9XsqtxY-00719-00109650-00109811 from the pattern that we've aAza9XsqtxY-00720-00109811-00109911 drafted. aAza9XsqtxY-00721-00110070-00110181 This pattern will remain. aAza9XsqtxY-00722-00110309-00110486 Immaculate throughout aAza9XsqtxY-00723-00110486-00110612 its life and we have patterns aAza9XsqtxY-00724-00110613-00110732 upstairs and around the office aAza9XsqtxY-00725-00110907-00111077 have been used for 20 30 aAza9XsqtxY-00726-00111078-00111178 40 years. aAza9XsqtxY-00727-00111204-00111272 Wow.. even if the customer aAza9XsqtxY-00728-00111272-00111377 changes shape this will be aAza9XsqtxY-00729-00111378-00111478 amended and altered. aAza9XsqtxY-00730-00111481-00111551 Okay. aAza9XsqtxY-00731-00111552-00111652 And so the rock of eye, I mean, aAza9XsqtxY-00732-00111705-00111818 Is that really coming into the aAza9XsqtxY-00733-00111819-00111959 pattern or is it also coming aAza9XsqtxY-00734-00111959-00112049 into the striking in the aAza9XsqtxY-00735-00112050-00112181 fabric? In the pattern only. aAza9XsqtxY-00736-00112208-00112308 Okay. aAza9XsqtxY-00737-00112344-00112460 So you're striking it. aAza9XsqtxY-00738-00112511-00112631 Per the pattern onto the aAza9XsqtxY-00739-00112632-00112732 fabric. aAza9XsqtxY-00740-00112791-00112887 Exactly that. Yes. aAza9XsqtxY-00741-00112888-00113012 You have to be as fastidious aAza9XsqtxY-00742-00113013-00113135 and neat at this stage as aAza9XsqtxY-00743-00113148-00113248 possible. aAza9XsqtxY-00744-00113290-00113404 That's for consistency? aAza9XsqtxY-00745-00113413-00113513 Consistency, and its aAza9XsqtxY-00746-00113616-00113711 more respectful to give a aAza9XsqtxY-00747-00113711-00113828 tailor a job that goes together aAza9XsqtxY-00748-00113829-00113961 well and all the pieces you aAza9XsqtxY-00749-00113988-00114095 know want to make their life as aAza9XsqtxY-00750-00114096-00114208 easy as possible so their aAza9XsqtxY-00751-00114308-00114420 skill is really focused. aAza9XsqtxY-00752-00114497-00114611 And so you're drafting the aAza9XsqtxY-00753-00114611-00114761 pattern. Are you striking and aAza9XsqtxY-00754-00114761-00114861 cutting it yourself also? aAza9XsqtxY-00755-00114919-00115018 Yes. aAza9XsqtxY-00756-00115019-00115075 Yes. aAza9XsqtxY-00757-00115076-00115178 Every cutter is really kind of aAza9XsqtxY-00758-00115179-00115298 taking care of those bits aAza9XsqtxY-00759-00115355-00115445 you know.. aAza9XsqtxY-00760-00115446-00115546 Every cutter here is a striker aAza9XsqtxY-00761-00115563-00115704 so they are a great help to us aAza9XsqtxY-00762-00115917-00116051 because we can focus on you aAza9XsqtxY-00763-00116052-00116194 know the bits we need to, the aAza9XsqtxY-00764-00116197-00116308 areas of the job we need to. aAza9XsqtxY-00765-00116313-00116413 The fitting. aAza9XsqtxY-00766-00116440-00116594 But really you work aAza9XsqtxY-00767-00116633-00116756 really quite closely with aAza9XsqtxY-00768-00116799-00116899 your aAza9XsqtxY-00769-00116991-00117091 under cutter and. aAza9XsqtxY-00770-00117188-00117270 The undercutter I guess, you aAza9XsqtxY-00771-00117270-00117370 know, you as aAza9XsqtxY-00772-00117457-00117602 is I guess the aAza9XsqtxY-00773-00117683-00117876 master tailor would have aAza9XsqtxY-00774-00117886-00117998 you know your own undercutter aAza9XsqtxY-00775-00117998-00118098 that works under you. aAza9XsqtxY-00776-00118101-00118221 Yeah that's taking the pattern aAza9XsqtxY-00777-00118222-00118406 that you draft, striking aAza9XsqtxY-00778-00118409-00118499 and then cutting. aAza9XsqtxY-00779-00118500-00118591 Exactly. aAza9XsqtxY-00780-00118592-00118692 Ok. aAza9XsqtxY-00781-00118774-00118938 You really become aAza9XsqtxY-00782-00118947-00119111 quite a team you have to aAza9XsqtxY-00783-00119111-00119222 think like a team and start aAza9XsqtxY-00784-00119223-00119321 thinking the same things so aAza9XsqtxY-00785-00119322-00119493 that the best job is aAza9XsqtxY-00786-00119532-00119632 the outcome. Yes. aAza9XsqtxY-00787-00119658-00119801 And then after it's cut I guess aAza9XsqtxY-00788-00119802-00119906 it bundled together aAza9XsqtxY-00789-00119960-00120134 and then sent downstairs where aAza9XsqtxY-00790-00120134-00120297 then the making begins. aAza9XsqtxY-00791-00120327-00120464 Yes well the canvases and the aAza9XsqtxY-00792-00120465-00120578 trimmings are put in the job aAza9XsqtxY-00793-00120591-00120641 just here. aAza9XsqtxY-00794-00120642-00120767 So that bundle goes downstairs aAza9XsqtxY-00795-00120768-00120926 to the coat makers but aAza9XsqtxY-00796-00120927-00120995 you guys are making your aAza9XsqtxY-00797-00120996-00121081 canvases I mean again totally aAza9XsqtxY-00798-00121081-00121189 from scratch. aAza9XsqtxY-00799-00121201-00121301 Yeah. All by hand. aAza9XsqtxY-00800-00121361-00121446 Which you know even in bespoke aAza9XsqtxY-00801-00121446-00121577 I mean you've got some bespoke aAza9XsqtxY-00802-00121578-00121678 tailors. aAza9XsqtxY-00803-00121689-00121851 I mean bespoke is such a wide aAza9XsqtxY-00804-00121896-00121991 range. aAza9XsqtxY-00805-00121992-00122069 It can mean so many different aAza9XsqtxY-00806-00122070-00122170 things and you know aAza9XsqtxY-00807-00122238-00122402 not only is the importance of aAza9XsqtxY-00808-00122403-00122544 the work going into the pattern aAza9XsqtxY-00809-00122569-00122639 and cutting the fabric aAza9XsqtxY-00810-00122640-00122798 important but the canvas aAza9XsqtxY-00811-00122799-00122899 is of course equally aAza9XsqtxY-00812-00122976-00123146 important because that's where aAza9XsqtxY-00813-00123161-00123245 all the structure of the aAza9XsqtxY-00814-00123246-00123346 garment is. aAza9XsqtxY-00815-00123366-00123488 And you know some bespoke aAza9XsqtxY-00816-00123489-00123621 tailors maybe put less work aAza9XsqtxY-00817-00123630-00123752 into their canvas than others aAza9XsqtxY-00818-00123807-00123935 you know maybe it's a premade aAza9XsqtxY-00819-00123935-00124122 canvas you know maybe. aAza9XsqtxY-00820-00124203-00124334 I mean certainly not on the row aAza9XsqtxY-00821-00124367-00124532 but. But you guys are really aAza9XsqtxY-00822-00124593-00124739 again constructing the canvases aAza9XsqtxY-00823-00124740-00124842 in the same way that you make aAza9XsqtxY-00824-00124843-00124874 the pattern. aAza9XsqtxY-00825-00124875-00125054 Absolutely. Centuries old aAza9XsqtxY-00826-00125064-00125186 methodology. That's that aAza9XsqtxY-00827-00125238-00125366 means there's no corner cutting aAza9XsqtxY-00828-00125367-00125468 and there's no shortcuts if aAza9XsqtxY-00829-00125502-00125602 that's what you're paying for. aAza9XsqtxY-00830-00125624-00125724 Yeah that's great. aAza9XsqtxY-00831-00125739-00125821 Let's go downstairs. aAza9XsqtxY-00832-00125822-00125922 Lets see some of the making. aAza9XsqtxY-00833-00128110-00128191 So quite a bit of activity down aAza9XsqtxY-00834-00128192-00128292 here. Yeah all done on site. aAza9XsqtxY-00835-00128393-00128491 This is where all the work is aAza9XsqtxY-00836-00128492-00128600 done. This is the engine room. aAza9XsqtxY-00837-00128611-00128683 Where they.. aAza9XsqtxY-00838-00128683-00128830 Yeah. And so you know I mean aAza9XsqtxY-00839-00128846-00128983 whereas a lot of you know aAza9XsqtxY-00840-00129008-00129122 bespoke work has done with aAza9XsqtxY-00841-00129122-00129222 outworkers. aAza9XsqtxY-00842-00129283-00129376 You know here at Huntsman aAza9XsqtxY-00843-00129377-00129490 everything is still kind of aAza9XsqtxY-00844-00129491-00129610 being done on site so even if aAza9XsqtxY-00845-00129610-00129682 it's an outworker, they're aAza9XsqtxY-00846-00129683-00129805 coming in to do the work. aAza9XsqtxY-00847-00129869-00129956 Why is that so important. aAza9XsqtxY-00848-00129957-00130037 I mean why do you think that.. aAza9XsqtxY-00849-00130038-00130204 Outworkers, We aAza9XsqtxY-00850-00130205-00130333 still have outworkers but the aAza9XsqtxY-00851-00130333-00130471 ones in here we really can aAza9XsqtxY-00852-00130574-00130740 literally drop downstairs aAza9XsqtxY-00853-00130748-00130898 and juggle things around aAza9XsqtxY-00854-00130952-00131035 because everything's one big aAza9XsqtxY-00855-00131035-00131113 production line. aAza9XsqtxY-00856-00131114-00131206 Yeah. And we all have to be aAza9XsqtxY-00857-00131207-00131334 speaking the same language. aAza9XsqtxY-00858-00131353-00131490 Yeah. And it's about control aAza9XsqtxY-00859-00131492-00131564 and consistency. aAza9XsqtxY-00860-00131565-00131659 And again with a garment at aAza9XsqtxY-00861-00131660-00131851 this level everything aAza9XsqtxY-00862-00131852-00131974 has to be on the same page. aAza9XsqtxY-00863-00132002-00132097 Yeah. Well. aAza9XsqtxY-00864-00132098-00132217 Yeah I mean literally the aAza9XsqtxY-00865-00132218-00132301 talent we've got here is aAza9XsqtxY-00866-00132302-00132449 incredible generations aAza9XsqtxY-00867-00132462-00132631 of talent and aAza9XsqtxY-00868-00132640-00132759 I'm blessed with quite quite aAza9XsqtxY-00869-00132761-00132844 young team here. aAza9XsqtxY-00870-00132845-00132938 Yes. aAza9XsqtxY-00871-00132939-00133013 It's an exciting place. aAza9XsqtxY-00872-00133013-00133042 You really do. aAza9XsqtxY-00873-00133043-00133150 I mean you're kind of seeing aAza9XsqtxY-00874-00133151-00133252 you guys on Instagram. aAza9XsqtxY-00875-00133298-00133402 You guys have a lot of really aAza9XsqtxY-00876-00133403-00133522 young tailors and it's great to aAza9XsqtxY-00877-00133523-00133635 see that energy kind of aAza9XsqtxY-00878-00133688-00133849 life blood coming back into it aAza9XsqtxY-00879-00133853-00133975 because you know 10 15 20 aAza9XsqtxY-00880-00134027-00134161 years ago you know it wasn't aAza9XsqtxY-00881-00134162-00134299 the case. When I started it was aAza9XsqtxY-00882-00134300-00134400 a real glut of aAza9XsqtxY-00883-00134462-00134551 basically in the 80s and the aAza9XsqtxY-00884-00134552-00134666 90s the tailors on Savile Row aAza9XsqtxY-00885-00134681-00134781 got greedy. aAza9XsqtxY-00886-00134787-00134869 and worked with only the aAza9XsqtxY-00887-00134870-00134970 resources they had. aAza9XsqtxY-00888-00134980-00135097 Whereas nowadays our chairman aAza9XsqtxY-00889-00135098-00135198 is really focused aAza9XsqtxY-00890-00135260-00135409 on maintaining and aAza9XsqtxY-00891-00135425-00135563 nourishing and nurturing aAza9XsqtxY-00892-00135593-00135693 the talent. aAza9XsqtxY-00893-00135737-00135888 And so how much I mean how many aAza9XsqtxY-00894-00135893-00136045 hours go into producing a aAza9XsqtxY-00895-00136046-00136163 garment once it gets down here. aAza9XsqtxY-00896-00136202-00136302 Gosh. aAza9XsqtxY-00897-00136355-00136506 Each garment we reckon is going aAza9XsqtxY-00898-00136517-00136632 to be eighty hours of handwork aAza9XsqtxY-00899-00136641-00136791 OK. 26000 stitches. aAza9XsqtxY-00900-00136849-00136949 A aAza9XsqtxY-00901-00137007-00137131 minimum of two fittings. aAza9XsqtxY-00902-00137168-00137268 So it's all got to be logged aAza9XsqtxY-00903-00137491-00137640 with production here and aAza9XsqtxY-00904-00137721-00137869 passed through the process as aAza9XsqtxY-00905-00137870-00137975 smoothly a s possible. Quality control everything aAza9XsqtxY-00906-00138029-00138105 else. aAza9XsqtxY-00907-00138106-00138217 And so why. I mean so for aAza9XsqtxY-00908-00138218-00138318 someone that. aAza9XsqtxY-00909-00138386-00138566 You know maybe doesn't know aAza9XsqtxY-00910-00138572-00138672 a lot about bespoke. aAza9XsqtxY-00911-00138762-00138847 You know why is all that aAza9XsqtxY-00912-00138848-00138964 handwork important and is it aAza9XsqtxY-00913-00138965-00139059 handwork for the sake of aAza9XsqtxY-00914-00139060-00139177 handwork because you can get a aAza9XsqtxY-00915-00139178-00139329 machine made garment that might aAza9XsqtxY-00916-00139355-00139455 look great. aAza9XsqtxY-00917-00139568-00139705 How do you how do you describe aAza9XsqtxY-00918-00139706-00139837 the essence of why that's still aAza9XsqtxY-00919-00139838-00139909 so important. aAza9XsqtxY-00920-00139910-00140042 It's the soul of the garment. aAza9XsqtxY-00921-00140054-00140236 You know it's the structure aAza9XsqtxY-00922-00140246-00140366 and the shape that will aAza9XsqtxY-00923-00140444-00140564 stay in the garment for life. aAza9XsqtxY-00924-00140628-00140734 If looked after the garment aAza9XsqtxY-00925-00140735-00140815 will still retain that aAza9XsqtxY-00926-00140816-00140916 silhouette. aAza9XsqtxY-00927-00140978-00141127 You know the manufacturing, aAza9XsqtxY-00928-00141188-00141355 mass manufacturing is catching aAza9XsqtxY-00929-00141356-00141448 up but you'll never quite be aAza9XsqtxY-00930-00141449-00141543 the same as a handmade bespoke aAza9XsqtxY-00931-00141544-00141668 Savile Row garment. aAza9XsqtxY-00932-00141712-00141808 And I guess its integrity aAza9XsqtxY-00933-00141809-00141965 because you know a lot of the. aAza9XsqtxY-00934-00142074-00142180 You know a lot of the work that aAza9XsqtxY-00935-00142181-00142300 goes into a garment aAza9XsqtxY-00936-00142360-00142483 you know is really about. aAza9XsqtxY-00937-00142530-00142684 You know ensuring that the aAza9XsqtxY-00938-00142685-00142817 garment isn't going to fall aAza9XsqtxY-00939-00142844-00143017 apart or isn't going to aAza9XsqtxY-00940-00143018-00143118 lose its shape. aAza9XsqtxY-00941-00143126-00143212 Yeah right. aAza9XsqtxY-00942-00143213-00143375 And even can survive aAza9XsqtxY-00943-00143378-00143500 the demands of just kind of aAza9XsqtxY-00944-00143501-00143572 everyday life. aAza9XsqtxY-00945-00143573-00143707 Yeah. You know bespoke garment aAza9XsqtxY-00946-00143708-00143797 you can kind of be a little rough aAza9XsqtxY-00947-00143798-00143887 with. I mean. aAza9XsqtxY-00948-00143888-00144019 All these stitches inside you aAza9XsqtxY-00949-00144020-00144157 see here all these aAza9XsqtxY-00950-00144194-00144317 padding stitches are basically aAza9XsqtxY-00951-00144380-00144532 training the canvases to take aAza9XsqtxY-00952-00144533-00144692 on that third dimension be aAza9XsqtxY-00953-00144809-00144887 you can't really achieve with aAza9XsqtxY-00954-00144888-00145099 fusing with with machinery, aAza9XsqtxY-00955-00145196-00145328 by hand is still the best way aAza9XsqtxY-00956-00145376-00145540 where the collar is aAza9XsqtxY-00957-00145580-00145683 drawn in and stretched in aAza9XsqtxY-00958-00145685-00145804 certain points and you just aAza9XsqtxY-00959-00145805-00145905 can't do that by machine. aAza9XsqtxY-00960-00145961-00146092 Well and you can make something aAza9XsqtxY-00961-00146093-00146296 look great on a static aAza9XsqtxY-00962-00146297-00146425 silhouette someone standing aAza9XsqtxY-00963-00146426-00146550 still or on a mannequin aAza9XsqtxY-00964-00146595-00146746 you know but it finely tailored aAza9XsqtxY-00965-00146777-00146857 garment is something that aAza9XsqtxY-00966-00146858-00146944 you're living in you've got to aAza9XsqtxY-00967-00146945-00147052 be able to move with it. aAza9XsqtxY-00968-00147101-00147211 And again that's all that aAza9XsqtxY-00969-00147212-00147359 handwork that really allows it aAza9XsqtxY-00970-00147365-00147514 to look great not just whenever aAza9XsqtxY-00971-00147515-00147622 you're standing still with your aAza9XsqtxY-00972-00147623-00147808 arms by your side but whenever aAza9XsqtxY-00973-00147809-00147909 you're working and living. aAza9XsqtxY-00974-00147911-00147979 Functioning. aAza9XsqtxY-00975-00147980-00148047 Exactly. aAza9XsqtxY-00976-00148048-00148135 Yeah. aAza9XsqtxY-00977-00148136-00148268 It's amazing. So this is aAza9XsqtxY-00978-00148342-00148483 looks like it's close to aAza9XsqtxY-00979-00148505-00148661 finished stage I mean the guess aAza9XsqtxY-00980-00148665-00148771 that collar still needs to be aAza9XsqtxY-00981-00148772-00148964 done it needs sleeves attached. aAza9XsqtxY-00982-00148985-00149085 Pockets are in. That's aAza9XsqtxY-00983-00149206-00149311 kind of once you know that aAza9XsqtxY-00984-00149311-00149444 everything's established in aAza9XsqtxY-00985-00149474-00149588 terms of the length you then aAza9XsqtxY-00986-00149589-00149689 put the pockets,the facings are on, pockets aAza9XsqtxY-00987-00149945-00150040 on the inside are in. aAza9XsqtxY-00988-00150041-00150208 And the sleeves are yet to go aAza9XsqtxY-00989-00150209-00150338 in but another aAza9XsqtxY-00990-00150428-00150559 20 hours of handwork still to aAza9XsqtxY-00991-00150560-00150688 go into this one garment and aAza9XsqtxY-00992-00150689-00150789 then it's got to be finished, and pressed. aAza9XsqtxY-00993-00150839-00151016 Yes. And so classic Huntsman aAza9XsqtxY-00994-00151031-00151175 I mean beautiful structure. aAza9XsqtxY-00995-00151241-00151341 You know. aAza9XsqtxY-00996-00151466-00151543 Peaked.. Uh.. Notched lapels, single aAza9XsqtxY-00997-00151544-00151711 button I mean it's aAza9XsqtxY-00998-00151712-00151783 a gorgeous.. - Double vents - aAza9XsqtxY-00999-00151783-00151881 Double vents . aAza9XsqtxY-01000-00151882-00151982 Yeah. aAza9XsqtxY-01001-00152134-00152234 So. aAza9XsqtxY-01002-00152291-00152389 High vents too. Right. aAza9XsqtxY-01003-00152390-00152490 As we discussed earlier. aAza9XsqtxY-01004-00152495-00152635 Yeah it's a beautiful cloth to aAza9XsqtxY-01005-00152636-00152736 be working with. aAza9XsqtxY-01006-00152843-00152943 Beautiful. aAza9XsqtxY-01007-00153128-00153228 So what else. I mean. aAza9XsqtxY-01008-00153419-00153558 A green velvet I imagine this aAza9XsqtxY-01009-00153559-00153718 is a smoking jacket. aAza9XsqtxY-01010-00153723-00153823 It is a shawl lapel. aAza9XsqtxY-01011-00153843-00153943 Shawl lapel dinner jacket? aAza9XsqtxY-01012-00154054-00154154 Ok. Beautiful aAza9XsqtxY-01013-00154211-00154291 cotton and silk velvet. aAza9XsqtxY-01014-00154292-00154337 OK. aAza9XsqtxY-01015-00154338-00154519 Really luxurious and rich. aAza9XsqtxY-01016-00154543-00154644 And so here we can see kind of aAza9XsqtxY-01017-00154645-00154792 the interior structure. aAza9XsqtxY-01018-00154794-00154899 I mean this is the canvas we aAza9XsqtxY-01019-00154900-00155000 spoke about. aAza9XsqtxY-01020-00155017-00155128 I mean how many layers will we aAza9XsqtxY-01021-00155131-00155233 have built into this? aAza9XsqtxY-01022-00155250-00155405 Umm through the aAza9XsqtxY-01023-00155416-00155553 body will have one that goes aAza9XsqtxY-01024-00155566-00155643 through the full length of the aAza9XsqtxY-01025-00155644-00155724 body. aAza9XsqtxY-01026-00155725-00155835 Through the chest, We'll have aAza9XsqtxY-01027-00155836-00155936 four layers of canvas. aAza9XsqtxY-01028-00155938-00156060 OK. Sometimes more if the aAza9XsqtxY-01029-00156094-00156261 customer has a tricky chest we aAza9XsqtxY-01030-00156262-00156372 have to mould around. aAza9XsqtxY-01031-00156403-00156489 And that's kind of again aAza9XsqtxY-01032-00156490-00156594 building up the structure of aAza9XsqtxY-01033-00156595-00156759 the chest to create shape. aAza9XsqtxY-01034-00156793-00156894 Yeah all these stitches, the aAza9XsqtxY-01035-00156895-00156997 padding stitches that are put aAza9XsqtxY-01036-00156998-00157113 in by hand are tensioned in aAza9XsqtxY-01037-00157114-00157220 such a way that it's training aAza9XsqtxY-01038-00157220-00157348 the canvases to take on that aAza9XsqtxY-01039-00157417-00157557 third dimension with shapes and aAza9XsqtxY-01040-00157558-00157638 cuts. aAza9XsqtxY-01041-00157639-00157801 You can put as much suppression aAza9XsqtxY-01042-00157804-00157932 in patterns in the pattern as aAza9XsqtxY-01043-00157933-00158040 you want but unless you've got aAza9XsqtxY-01044-00158041-00158199 the canvases occupying aAza9XsqtxY-01045-00158200-00158315 that structure on the inside aAza9XsqtxY-01046-00158343-00158445 you know that's that's key. aAza9XsqtxY-01047-00158502-00158602 Yeah. aAza9XsqtxY-01048-00158688-00158810 And so then I guess after aAza9XsqtxY-01049-00158869-00159016 this it would be you know kind aAza9XsqtxY-01050-00159019-00159132 of basted together with the aAza9XsqtxY-01051-00159133-00159201 other bits. aAza9XsqtxY-01052-00159202-00159302 Yeah the pockets are going into aAza9XsqtxY-01053-00159305-00159405 this stage. aAza9XsqtxY-01054-00159478-00159628 Outside pockets, out breast aAza9XsqtxY-01055-00159658-00159758 pocket down here. aAza9XsqtxY-01056-00159817-00159912 They're all put in by hand by aAza9XsqtxY-01057-00159913-00160013 Stavros here. aAza9XsqtxY-01058-00160144-00160227 And then it would go. aAza9XsqtxY-01059-00160228-00160370 And then I guess you know the aAza9XsqtxY-01060-00160390-00160551 lapel stitching again aAza9XsqtxY-01061-00160553-00160678 and kind of train- That's aAza9XsqtxY-01062-00160686-00160803 training the lapels to roll aAza9XsqtxY-01063-00160837-00160937 this way and never that way. aAza9XsqtxY-01064-00161014-00161114 Always have that tension. aAza9XsqtxY-01065-00161295-00161395 You can see here. aAza9XsqtxY-01066-00161435-00161586 I just feel that tension in the aAza9XsqtxY-01067-00161587-00161687 hand there. aAza9XsqtxY-01068-00161696-00161775 And that will stay in the aAza9XsqtxY-01069-00161776-00161907 garment for its lifetime. aAza9XsqtxY-01070-00162172-00162273 That's why it's always important aAza9XsqtxY-01071-00162274-00162390 to take your suits to aAza9XsqtxY-01072-00162437-00162554 a cleaner dry cleaner aAza9XsqtxY-01073-00162632-00162766 that will press it by hand and aAza9XsqtxY-01074-00162772-00162872 not on a Hoffman press. aAza9XsqtxY-01075-00162899-00162999 Because certain dry aAza9XsqtxY-01076-00163099-00163194 cleaners will get hold of all aAza9XsqtxY-01077-00163195-00163295 that shape and try and press it out. aAza9XsqtxY-01078-00163299-00163395 Press it out. aAza9XsqtxY-01079-00163396-00163548 I've seen garments ruined by.. aAza9XsqtxY-01080-00163561-00163655 Really? Yeah. aAza9XsqtxY-01081-00163656-00163770 I always say the lifetime of a aAza9XsqtxY-01082-00163771-00163918 garment can be measured in how aAza9XsqtxY-01083-00163921-00164028 many times it's gone to the dry aAza9XsqtxY-01084-00164029-00164129 cleaners. Yeah. aAza9XsqtxY-01085-00164149-00164271 And often times all it takes is aAza9XsqtxY-01086-00164272-00164372 once- Once! Exactly that. aAza9XsqtxY-01087-00164500-00164655 Yeah. You want to be taking aAza9XsqtxY-01088-00164662-00164765 your.. somewhere that will aAza9XsqtxY-01089-00164793-00164868 press it by hand. aAza9XsqtxY-01090-00164869-00164969 Yeah the traditional way. aAza9XsqtxY-01091-00165005-00165105 It's important. aAza9XsqtxY-01092-00166193-00166351 So you can see here the garment aAza9XsqtxY-01093-00166358-00166458 lapel being pressed. aAza9XsqtxY-01094-00166649-00166726 Its amazing to me. I mean you often aAza9XsqtxY-01095-00166727-00166828 think about all the work that's aAza9XsqtxY-01096-00166829-00166929 done in the you aAza9XsqtxY-01097-00166994-00167122 know just the pad stitching and aAza9XsqtxY-01098-00167123-00167248 the handwork and the sewing. aAza9XsqtxY-01099-00167306-00167423 But you know pressing is aAza9XsqtxY-01100-00167477-00167581 just as an important part of aAza9XsqtxY-01101-00167582-00167741 the garment as the aAza9XsqtxY-01102-00167744-00167891 handwork! Every single process aAza9XsqtxY-01103-00167894-00167994 the garment goes through. aAza9XsqtxY-01104-00168033-00168122 Keichi here will be aAza9XsqtxY-01105-00168123-00168263 underpressing the garment so aAza9XsqtxY-01106-00168281-00168381 it will. aAza9XsqtxY-01107-00168455-00168590 Pressing open the seams. aAza9XsqtxY-01108-00168708-00168808 Roll into the collar. aAza9XsqtxY-01109-00168815-00169003 It's all done Incrementally. aAza9XsqtxY-01110-00169067-00169231 And it's. And it's a real skill aAza9XsqtxY-01111-00169232-00169432 to be able to press properly aAza9XsqtxY-01112-00169433-00169544 too. And it takes time. aAza9XsqtxY-01113-00169559-00169669 There's no shortcuts you know aAza9XsqtxY-01114-00169724-00169871 to present garment properly aAza9XsqtxY-01115-00169880-00169980 when it's finished. aAza9XsqtxY-01116-00170021-00170121 Two hours. aAza9XsqtxY-01117-00170123-00170223 Really. Yeah. aAza9XsqtxY-01118-00170234-00170313 It's amazing. You have to aAza9XsqtxY-01119-00170313-00170395 allow- And thats after it's aAza9XsqtxY-01120-00170396-00170491 finished- after it's finished aAza9XsqtxY-01121-00170492-00170581 you have to allow each part aAza9XsqtxY-01122-00170582-00170682 you've pressed to dry out. aAza9XsqtxY-01123-00170689-00170821 Mm hmm. Because we're using aAza9XsqtxY-01124-00170828-00170949 moisture, heat, steam. aAza9XsqtxY-01125-00171004-00171148 It has to dry to aAza9XsqtxY-01126-00171166-00171323 be able to set and let to rest. aAza9XsqtxY-01127-00171407-00171511 And you were describing earlier aAza9XsqtxY-01128-00171512-00171631 I mean a beautiful aAza9XsqtxY-01129-00171674-00171777 bespoke suit can be ruined by aAza9XsqtxY-01130-00171890-00171990 it's pressing or aAza9XsqtxY-01131-00172070-00172171 it can be really kind of aAza9XsqtxY-01132-00172172-00172249 hampered. I mean you have aAza9XsqtxY-01133-00172250-00172372 something beautifully made but aAza9XsqtxY-01134-00172373-00172492 if not beautifully pressed it's aAza9XsqtxY-01135-00172493-00172615 not fully kind of showing aAza9XsqtxY-01136-00172667-00172814 through? Quite yeah the aAza9XsqtxY-01137-00172868-00173053 certain less expensive aAza9XsqtxY-01138-00173054-00173154 dry cleaners will get aAza9XsqtxY-01139-00173234-00173334 hold of the shape, aAza9XsqtxY-01140-00173396-00173533 that we've lovingly put into aAza9XsqtxY-01141-00173549-00173661 the garment and try and press aAza9XsqtxY-01142-00173661-00173761 it away. You know, I've seen garments aAza9XsqtxY-01143-00173840-00173940 ruined over aAza9XsqtxY-01144-00174005-00174105 the years. aAza9XsqtxY-01145-00174164-00174269 And then pressing also aAza9XsqtxY-01146-00174326-00174428 goes into the making where you aAza9XsqtxY-01147-00174431-00174546 press the shape into the aAza9XsqtxY-01148-00174578-00174678 trouser band. aAza9XsqtxY-01149-00174694-00174809 You know before it's sewn into aAza9XsqtxY-01150-00174823-00174919 the garment. Yep. aAza9XsqtxY-01151-00174920-00175030 Each trouser leg is also aAza9XsqtxY-01152-00175058-00175158 pressed into an A shape. aAza9XsqtxY-01153-00175178-00175278 Before we put together. aAza9XsqtxY-01154-00175343-00175433 So it really is key. aAza9XsqtxY-01155-00175434-00175613 You know you can, also aAza9XsqtxY-01156-00175656-00175745 manipulate the cloth to cater, aAza9XsqtxY-01157-00175745-00175845 like to myself, i've got a aAza9XsqtxY-01158-00175903-00175999 really prominent left hand aAza9XsqtxY-01159-00176000-00176107 shoulder blades, stretch the aAza9XsqtxY-01160-00176141-00176311 cloth to to go over aAza9XsqtxY-01161-00176312-00176412 that shoulder blade. aAza9XsqtxY-01162-00176478-00176563 It's amazing all the different aAza9XsqtxY-01163-00176564-00176752 bits that go in to aAza9XsqtxY-01164-00176772-00176881 you know making a beautiful aAza9XsqtxY-01165-00176912-00177044 bespoke garment. So it's no aAza9XsqtxY-01166-00177071-00177259 wonder why Huntsman is so well aAza9XsqtxY-01167-00177266-00177448 regarded as one of the best aAza9XsqtxY-01168-00177452-00177564 bespoke tailors in the world. aAza9XsqtxY-01169-00177569-00177669 So. aAza9XsqtxY-01170-00177685-00177784 You know. aAza9XsqtxY-01171-00177785-00177885 Campbell thank you so much. aAza9XsqtxY-01172-00177905-00178005 I can't tell you how much you aAza9XsqtxY-01173-00178027-00178129 know I've enjoyed seeing it. aAza9XsqtxY-01174-00178142-00178188 Thank you. Cheers. aHygz-2hbhE-00000-00000054-00000690 Hey there Astro space players! Are you wondering how to import your NFTs? It's easier than you aHygz-2hbhE-00001-00000690-00001296 might think first let's take a look at the bottom menu you will see the Refinery, Astrobot, Battle, aHygz-2hbhE-00002-00001296-00001836 Summon and Market tabs. Click on the Astrobot tab to check out your inventory. When you first aHygz-2hbhE-00003-00001836-00002334 download the game, you will have five Trainee Bots in your Astrobot inventory. But if you want aHygz-2hbhE-00004-00002334-00002994 to refine them into AST token, you will need more powerful Astrobots, so let's import some! Click on aHygz-2hbhE-00005-00002994-00003594 the refinery Tab and select the Astrobots you want to refine later but before you do, you'll need to aHygz-2hbhE-00006-00003594-00004092 import NFTs to the game. Click on the Solana icon in the top right corner of the screen to access aHygz-2hbhE-00007-00004092-00004584 your wallet, If you don't have any Astrobots in your wallet yet, don't worry! You'll need aHygz-2hbhE-00008-00004584-00005052 to import them from another wallet like Phantom. Open the Phantom wallet on your mobile devices aHygz-2hbhE-00009-00005130-00005556 like. Select the NFT that you want to send to your game wallet. Click 'Send' and paste your aHygz-2hbhE-00010-00005556-00006114 wallet address. Confirm the transaction details and Click Send when it's completed. Close the page aHygz-2hbhE-00011-00006114-00006612 and go back to your game. Click the wallet icon again you will see your Astrobot inventory has aHygz-2hbhE-00012-00006612-00007230 changed from zero to one. Click on the Astrobot wallet to see the NFT you just imported. Now it's aHygz-2hbhE-00013-00007230-00007709 time to transfer them to your in-game account, so you can use them to play the game. Click the aHygz-2hbhE-00014-00007709-00008208 transfer button to transfer the NFT to your in-game account. Remember you can't use them aHygz-2hbhE-00015-00008208-00008742 to play the game if they're just in your wallet, Confirm the transfer and your astrobot inventory aHygz-2hbhE-00016-00008742-00009288 will change to zero again. But don't worry the NFTs have been transferred to your in-game account aHygz-2hbhE-00017-00009606-00009792 Click on the Astrobot menu aHygz-2hbhE-00018-00010116-00010770 Select NFT to transfer check out its Rarity and capabilities then click the transfer button at aHygz-2hbhE-00019-00010770-00011226 the bottom of the page if you want to send it back to your wallet, make sure its durability aHygz-2hbhE-00020-00011226-00011784 is fully recovered first. Click the confirm button and there you have it. Congratulations aHygz-2hbhE-00021-00011784-00012378 you've successfully learned how to import and transfer your NFT in Astro Space. Go ahead and aHygz-2hbhE-00022-00012378-00012894 explore all the features of our games thanks for watching and have fun playing Astro Space aIJxtwoL0Zc-00000-00001368-00001872 Greetings from the National Archives flagship building in Washington DC which sits on the aIJxtwoL0Zc-00001-00001872-00002376 ancestral lands of the nakachtank peoples. I'm David Ferriero Archivist of the United aIJxtwoL0Zc-00002-00002376-00002832 States and it's my pleasure to welcome you to today's virtual author lecture with Peter aIJxtwoL0Zc-00003-00002832-00003464 Canellos author of the Great Dissenter a new book about Supreme Court Justice John Marshall Harlan. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00004-00003536-00004096 Before we begin I'd like to tell you about two upcoming programs you can view on our YouTube aIJxtwoL0Zc-00005-00004096-00004720 channel, on Tuesday June 22nd at noon author Les Standiford will tell us about his new book aIJxtwoL0Zc-00006-00004776-00005264 Battle for the Big Top, Standiford reveals the stories behind the three men, aIJxtwoL0Zc-00007-00005264-00005696 James Bailey, PT Barnum and John Ringling who created the American aIJxtwoL0Zc-00008-00005696-00006408 circus and on Thursday June 24th at noon Patrick K O'donnell will discuss The Indispensables aIJxtwoL0Zc-00009-00006408-00007040 his new book about the diverse soldier mariners from Marblehead and Beverly Massachusetts who aIJxtwoL0Zc-00010-00007040-00007584 rowed Washington's troops across the Delaware and formed the origins of the U.S. Navy. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00011-00007695-00008144 When Supreme Court decisions are announced attention is focused mainly on the majority aIJxtwoL0Zc-00012-00008144-00008736 opinion, the dissenting opinion though may end up having as great an influence on future law, aIJxtwoL0Zc-00013-00008816-00009384 Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes stated a dissent in a court of last resort is an appeal aIJxtwoL0Zc-00014-00009384-00009936 to the intelligence of a future day when a later decision may possibly correct the error into aIJxtwoL0Zc-00015-00009936-00010536 which the dissenting judge believes the court to have been betrayed. As an Associate Justice aIJxtwoL0Zc-00016-00010536-00011048 of the Supreme Court in the decades after the Civil War John Marshall Harlan, known as the aIJxtwoL0Zc-00017-00011048-00011672 great dissenter, was the sole dissenting voice in the landmark case Plessy versus Ferguson aIJxtwoL0Zc-00018-00011672-00012224 which established the principle of separate but equal. Time after time Harlan made an appeal to aIJxtwoL0Zc-00019-00012224-00012784 the future in his dissents and forcefully pointed out the misguided decisions of the majority aIJxtwoL0Zc-00020-00012847-00013208 though he was in the minority when the court heard the cases that weighed civil aIJxtwoL0Zc-00021-00013208-00013704 rights and labor protections his dissents laid the groundwork for later protections aIJxtwoL0Zc-00022-00013704-00014288 during the new deal and civil rights eras. Peter Canellos is editor-at-large at Politico aIJxtwoL0Zc-00023-00014288-00014880 where he oversees investigative journalism in major projects he has also been Politico's aIJxtwoL0Zc-00024-00014880-00015512 executive editor and the editorial page editor of the Boston Globe. He edited Last Lion the New York aIJxtwoL0Zc-00025-00015512-00016128 times best-selling biography of Ted Kennedy and has overseen two pulitzer prize-winning projects aIJxtwoL0Zc-00026-00016128-00016752 and five pulitzer finalists, among many other awards as a writer he was the recipient of the aIJxtwoL0Zc-00027-00016752-00017408 American Society for Newspaper Editors award for excellence in editorial writing. For the past aIJxtwoL0Zc-00028-00017408-00017936 12 years Peter has worked with the International Women's Media Foundation overseeing the Elizabeth aIJxtwoL0Zc-00029-00017936-00018552 Newfour fellowship given to a woman journalist to study human rights at MIT and internet at aIJxtwoL0Zc-00030-00018552-00019784 the Globe and the New York Times now let's hear from Peter Canellos, thank you for joining us. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00031-00020120-00020632 I'm Peter Cannellos author of the Great Dissenter the story of John Marshall Harlan, aIJxtwoL0Zc-00032-00020696-00021248 America's judicial hero, it's an honor to be here and it's especially an honor to be here aIJxtwoL0Zc-00033-00021248-00021760 with Anurima Bhargava who was a senior civil rights official in the Obama administration aIJxtwoL0Zc-00034-00021760-00022344 Justice Department, she's now chairman of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00035-00022344-00022912 Thank you so much Anurima for joining us and I look forward to your questions. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00036-00023024-00023544 >>Thanks so much Peter it's such an honor to be able to be here to talk about this extraordinary aIJxtwoL0Zc-00037-00023544-00024272 book that you've written about someone that I knew very little about and so I think that we both have aIJxtwoL0Zc-00038-00024272-00024920 such a long interest in the law and I wanted to just start by asking you what drew you to Justice aIJxtwoL0Zc-00039-00024920-00025800 John Marshall Harlan? Well I was a law student 30 years ago and uh as you know Anurima when you aIJxtwoL0Zc-00040-00025800-00026280 study law it can be a very dry exercise you know there's case books and you're just going through aIJxtwoL0Zc-00041-00026280-00026792 case by case and following this progression and Harlan's dissents really sort of leapt off the aIJxtwoL0Zc-00042-00026792-00027504 page they were uh written in with a with a sort of heightened sense of justice they were written with aIJxtwoL0Zc-00043-00027504-00028160 a recognition of how court decisions can affect life on the ground they reflected sensitivity to aIJxtwoL0Zc-00044-00028160-00028839 average Americans, in many cases African Americans which was extraordinary for its time. So I always aIJxtwoL0Zc-00045-00028839-00029712 had Harlan in my mind as a fascinating figure then in 2005 I was the Washington bureau chief for the aIJxtwoL0Zc-00046-00029712-00030320 Boston Globe and I was overseeing our coverage of the appointments of Justice Roberts and Alito the aIJxtwoL0Zc-00047-00030320-00031008 court and was looking through this giant sort of legal encyclopedia that we had in our old office aIJxtwoL0Zc-00048-00031008-00031704 back at the Boston Globe and I found a thumbnail biography of Harlan that made reference to Robert aIJxtwoL0Zc-00049-00031704-00032344 Harlan who I presumed at that time to be his half-brother and an African-American leader and aIJxtwoL0Zc-00050-00032344-00033120 civil rights figure in his own right uh who had some sort of mysterious influence over Harlan. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00051-00033208-00033664 A mysterious influence sounds a little more conspiratorial but had had real impact on Harlan's aIJxtwoL0Zc-00052-00033664-00034400 life and his perception of people of color um and that got me further intrigued so I started like aIJxtwoL0Zc-00053-00034400-00034832 trying to learn a little bit more about Harlan and kind of uh move on and I went from you know aIJxtwoL0Zc-00054-00034832-00035360 job to job in different places and it wasn't until 2017 that I felt like I had kind of the bandwidth aIJxtwoL0Zc-00055-00035360-00035968 to really dig in deeper on this subject and found that it was an even richer story than I imagined. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00056-00036152-00036832 >>Before we turn to the mysterious influence of Robert Harlan I wanted to ask you about those the aIJxtwoL0Zc-00057-00036832-00037224 decisions of Justice Harlan that you were familiar with the the one that obviously aIJxtwoL0Zc-00058-00037280-00037632 most people have heard of is his dissent in Plessy versus Ferguson aIJxtwoL0Zc-00059-00037688-00038240 I actually didn't know about many of his other dissents or any of them actually and and aIJxtwoL0Zc-00060-00038240-00038696 it's certainly I'm I'm a civil rights lawyer, someone who would have looked to those and so aIJxtwoL0Zc-00061-00038752-00039240 do you remember if there were other dissents that that struck you from law school or even in the aIJxtwoL0Zc-00062-00039240-00039840 intervening years of Justice Harlan or were you like me focused on Plessy? Well there clearly were aIJxtwoL0Zc-00063-00039840-00040352 others that I saw I can't say that they stood out in the way that the Plessy v Ferguson dissent did aIJxtwoL0Zc-00064-00040352-00040952 but certainly now that I have uh researched them more fully they they strongly stand out aIJxtwoL0Zc-00065-00040952-00041304 I think it was more in law school just a matter of when you would read some of these cases that aIJxtwoL0Zc-00066-00041304-00041784 were incredibly perplexing like the Pollock case which declared the income tax unconstitutional. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00067-00041784-00042200 The court right in the middle of the gilded age overturned 100 years of precedent to say aIJxtwoL0Zc-00068-00042200-00042752 no you can't tax incomes even though there had just been an income tax to fund the Civil War um aIJxtwoL0Zc-00069-00042856-00043528 you know if you read Harlan's forceful dissent you know it's the same person who is expressing a sort aIJxtwoL0Zc-00070-00043528-00044112 of heightened sense of justice sense of injustice in the case of these dissents and and concern for aIJxtwoL0Zc-00071-00044112-00044720 the average American. Let me just give sort of the thumbnail account of why Harlan was extraordinary. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00072-00044800-00045648 I would say that that period that he served from 1877 until 1911 was one of the most consequential aIJxtwoL0Zc-00073-00045648-00046096 periods on the Supreme Court because they were interpreting the post-Civil War amendments the aIJxtwoL0Zc-00074-00046096-00046656 13th 14th and 15th amendments for the very first time so it was almost a matter of first impression aIJxtwoL0Zc-00075-00046656-00047352 you know what do these amendments mean and in the case of civil rights they pretty much aIJxtwoL0Zc-00076-00047352-00048064 went through step by step and starting in 1883 invalidated the Civil Rights Act of 1875 which aIJxtwoL0Zc-00077-00048160-00048592 provided black people with access to inns and restaurants and transportation. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00078-00048592-00049248 The court invalidated that then you had cases including voting rights cases like Giles v Harris aIJxtwoL0Zc-00079-00049368-00049824 where the court essentially said the south wants to disenfranchise black people there's aIJxtwoL0Zc-00080-00049824-00050136 really nothing we can do about it, Harlan said yes there's something you can do about aIJxtwoL0Zc-00081-00050136-00050824 it you can order them to be registered and vote. Then you have Berrea v Kentucky aIJxtwoL0Zc-00082-00050824-00051504 which banned interracial education even in uh schools which were dedicated to that principle aIJxtwoL0Zc-00083-00051560-00052128 so during that period the court's treatment of African-Americans not only was abominable but it aIJxtwoL0Zc-00084-00052128-00052552 consigned the nation to 70 years of segregation and it meant that all of the adjustments aIJxtwoL0Zc-00085-00052616-00053040 could have been made in Harlan's time the social adjustment I mean it would never have been easy aIJxtwoL0Zc-00086-00053040-00053584 on the racial front anyway but essentially everything that happened after Brown v Board aIJxtwoL0Zc-00087-00053584-00054279 of Education in in 1954 could have happened after 1883 if the court had followed Harlan's advice. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00088-00054352-00054976 Separately during the same period of time you have uh this tremendous inequality in America aIJxtwoL0Zc-00089-00055079-00055720 an entire era that was marked by the creation of great fortunes people building these palaces aIJxtwoL0Zc-00090-00055720-00056416 that they modeled off of the castles of French kings uh in Long Island. In Newport on Fifth aIJxtwoL0Zc-00091-00056416-00056967 Avenue you know elsewhere and at the very same time and often in the same cities like New York aIJxtwoL0Zc-00092-00056967-00057536 you had immigrants living ten to a room in plainly unsanitary conditions, aIJxtwoL0Zc-00093-00057536-00058016 all working people because the wages were so low they couldn't even afford a room aIJxtwoL0Zc-00094-00058104-00058696 how did that happen why did that happen well it happened because the Supreme Court declared that aIJxtwoL0Zc-00095-00058696-00059112 the Sherman Anti-trust Act was unconstitutional, the income tax was unconstitutional and in aIJxtwoL0Zc-00096-00059112-00059736 Lochner v New York they said you can't regulate for labor, so um it extended the gilded age for aIJxtwoL0Zc-00097-00059736-00060136 20 years. What is the common thread between all these decisions we talked about, civil rights, aIJxtwoL0Zc-00098-00060136-00060976 voting rights, Plessy v Ferguson, the Berrea case the income tax case the anti-trust case, Lochner, aIJxtwoL0Zc-00099-00060976-00061600 John Marshall Harlan dissented in all of them so if people had listened to him in the first place aIJxtwoL0Zc-00100-00061679-00061991 the world would be very different it would have been different in his time and it would aIJxtwoL0Zc-00101-00061991-00062560 have been very different now. >> I want to ask you about the common right, so you talked about aIJxtwoL0Zc-00102-00062632-00063079 all of the different areas in which his dissents and and the ways in which he viewed the world as aIJxtwoL0Zc-00103-00063079-00063808 a place where uh equality did not you know did not tolerate caste or class or race, uh what aIJxtwoL0Zc-00104-00063808-00064391 were the through lines between these dissents when you think about this the principles that aIJxtwoL0Zc-00105-00064391-00065040 Harlan espoused in these dissents what are the ones that you turn to and and so and then I'll aIJxtwoL0Zc-00106-00065040-00065464 later on ask you how you think about those now. >>Sure, well one of them is that he believed in aIJxtwoL0Zc-00107-00065464-00066144 a national destiny, this was a man who uh grew up and came of age in a period of crisis in Kentucky aIJxtwoL0Zc-00108-00066200-00066760 just before the Civil War uh his family were admirers of Henry Clay, called the aIJxtwoL0Zc-00109-00066760-00067312 great compromiser because he was always trying to forge compromises between north and south to avoid aIJxtwoL0Zc-00110-00067312-00067952 a civil war. It's a very simple answer to why Kentuckians not just Clay but the Crittendens and aIJxtwoL0Zc-00111-00067952-00068448 the Breckenridges were always working very hard on these compromises it's because they believed aIJxtwoL0Zc-00112-00068448-00068920 that their state would be the battlefield and not only would it be the battlefield in terms aIJxtwoL0Zc-00113-00068920-00069384 of there being carnage in Kentucky but because it was half state, half slave and half free, aIJxtwoL0Zc-00114-00069472-00069944 in terms of political sentiment it would it would have this devastating breach aIJxtwoL0Zc-00115-00070024-00070640 it wouldn't know which side to be on essentially it would be a a tortured border state. So aIJxtwoL0Zc-00116-00070640-00071384 Harlan grows up under that uh that sense of pressure in the south everyone, was talking about aIJxtwoL0Zc-00117-00071384-00071960 states rights right in in South Carolina you know the state is the king the federal government is aIJxtwoL0Zc-00118-00071960-00072552 subservient to the state in the north it's abolition abolitionism as a moral principle. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00119-00072632-00073192 Harlan believed that whatever the solution would be it had to be a national solution he believed in aIJxtwoL0Zc-00120-00073192-00073696 the Constitution he believed in the Declaration of Independence he believed that those principles and aIJxtwoL0Zc-00121-00073696-00074392 those documents superseded state law it superseded state constitutions so when he got on the Supreme aIJxtwoL0Zc-00122-00074392-00075264 Court he was often more deferential to the ability of the federal government to tackle problems, so aIJxtwoL0Zc-00123-00075320-00075944 when the federal government the Congress and the White House approved the Civil Rights Act of 1875 aIJxtwoL0Zc-00124-00076032-00076736 Harlan saw that as a totally legitimate attempt to legislate and implement the post-Civil War aIJxtwoL0Zc-00125-00076736-00077464 amendment. He believed that it was democratic it was the democratic system working he felt the same aIJxtwoL0Zc-00126-00077464-00077976 way in places like Lochner v Kentucky when the state legislature of New York made a decision that aIJxtwoL0Zc-00127-00077976-00078616 limiting baker's hours to to 60 hours per week was a reasonable health and safety measure so he aIJxtwoL0Zc-00128-00078616-00079376 was very deferential to the legislature's ability to solve problems, by contrast the other justices aIJxtwoL0Zc-00129-00079376-00080056 pretty much to a man came from very different backgrounds, they tended to be northern attorneys aIJxtwoL0Zc-00130-00080056-00080776 who came of age during a time when lawyers went from being you know the the local person who who aIJxtwoL0Zc-00131-00080776-00081384 put a shingle up outside their house and helped people solve problems uh in in very simple ways to aIJxtwoL0Zc-00132-00081448-00081968 being these sort of adjuncts of corporate America where they would come up with legal theories that aIJxtwoL0Zc-00133-00081968-00082560 were designed to thwart government regulation. Many of them became extremely wealthy themselves aIJxtwoL0Zc-00134-00082560-00083120 representing the railroads that were at that time working hand-in-hand with a lot of corporations to aIJxtwoL0Zc-00135-00083120-00083792 try to control the means of production and control the you know dominate the certain industries. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00136-00083864-00084312 So these were very conservative people whether they were appointed by Democrats or Republicans aIJxtwoL0Zc-00137-00084368-00084920 um conservative for their time and they looked at the post-Civil War amendments very differently, aIJxtwoL0Zc-00138-00084984-00085536 they looked at that as a way to preserve what they saw as individual rights but you know in a aIJxtwoL0Zc-00139-00085536-00086080 way that was somewhat wrong-headed. You know they created for example the right to contract which aIJxtwoL0Zc-00140-00086080-00086616 was to say what about the baker who wants to work more than 60 hours this is the state of New York aIJxtwoL0Zc-00141-00086616-00087192 is is violating that person's right it was the sort of perversion of justice because everybody aIJxtwoL0Zc-00142-00087192-00087640 knew that the problem was that employers were demanding that people will work longer than 60 aIJxtwoL0Zc-00143-00087640-00088120 hours just because they could and they were paying them whatever they wanted just because they could aIJxtwoL0Zc-00144-00088120-00088528 and the state of New York was trying to solve that problem and enforce livable conditions. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00145-00088528-00088992 Conservatives were sort of trying out these theories of sort of individual rights and aIJxtwoL0Zc-00146-00088992-00089648 individual combination uh over uh over the government essentially at that time and they aIJxtwoL0Zc-00147-00089736-00090248 misused uh the post-Civil War amendments to that end and I think the proof is in the aIJxtwoL0Zc-00148-00090248-00090544 pudding that today's conservatives don't endorse those views at all. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00149-00090544-00091000 These conservatives view the Lochner decision as a disaster and nobody's going to say the aIJxtwoL0Zc-00150-00091000-00091392 Sherman Anti-trust Act is unconstitutional nobody's going to say that the income tax is aIJxtwoL0Zc-00151-00091392-00091880 unconstitutional because the constitutional amendment was passed to uh support it, so um aIJxtwoL0Zc-00152-00092032-00092672 it's a very interesting situation in both the race cases and the economic cases the decisions of the aIJxtwoL0Zc-00153-00092672-00093312 Supreme Court under Chief Justice Melville Fuller during the 1880s 90s and the first decade of the aIJxtwoL0Zc-00154-00093312-00093984 20th century have largely been discredited while Harlan's dissents have become the law of the land. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00155-00094096-00094440 >>In some ways one might say that the the sense in the economic cases were aIJxtwoL0Zc-00156-00094512-00094936 or more of a legacy of Harlan than those in the civil rights cases. I mean I certainly aIJxtwoL0Zc-00157-00094936-00095728 don't want to go down the road of trying to try to parse that out I do I I'm fascinated by Harlan's aIJxtwoL0Zc-00158-00095784-00096544 own evolution, and so he grows up uh with Henry Clay and the compromise of 1850, the man who who aIJxtwoL0Zc-00159-00096544-00097176 strikes the compromise of 1850 as being a model of of what he looks to us as as a compromiser one aIJxtwoL0Zc-00160-00097176-00097880 who brought people together but did so you know in by making certain concessions and and then you see aIJxtwoL0Zc-00161-00097880-00098720 him later in his life in the way that I read this as an advocate as someone who really be becomes uh aIJxtwoL0Zc-00162-00098904-00099928 a supporter of the rights of many. I'm uh to to the compromises that I you know many of his his aIJxtwoL0Zc-00163-00099928-00100368 fellow justices were making and frankly many in the political scene were making and so how do aIJxtwoL0Zc-00164-00100368-00100952 you think about that evolution and you know did he have some some some some some of the politicians aIJxtwoL0Zc-00165-00100952-00101520 or others around him who were making a parallel evolution at that time uh in terms of the the way aIJxtwoL0Zc-00166-00101520-00102136 in which they view the country and the rights of those who had recently uh come to be free. >>Well aIJxtwoL0Zc-00167-00102136-00102448 the interesting situation is that the rest of the country was moving in the opposite aIJxtwoL0Zc-00168-00102448-00103016 direction that he was moving but I think he came to view compromise as being unsuccessful aIJxtwoL0Zc-00169-00103016-00103600 and I think he found the moderation that he was defending and supporting in the 1850s to aIJxtwoL0Zc-00170-00103600-00104048 be untenable and he came to think that the reason those compromises failed though he probably would aIJxtwoL0Zc-00171-00104048-00104480 have said they were they were honorable attempts but the reasons that they failed is because they aIJxtwoL0Zc-00172-00104480-00104992 didn't take account of the great moral wrong of slavery and in his mind the moral wrong of slavery aIJxtwoL0Zc-00173-00104992-00105544 was two pronged, it was it was a moral wrong to treat people that way he came fully to that belief aIJxtwoL0Zc-00174-00105600-00106159 uh and believed strongly in the equality of of human beings but he also came to believe it as aIJxtwoL0Zc-00175-00106159-00106632 a violation of the core principles of the United States you know so he grew up in this heightened aIJxtwoL0Zc-00176-00106632-00107192 environment of patriotism you know believing in the Constitution and the Declaration of aIJxtwoL0Zc-00177-00107192-00107735 Independence and he came to believe that what what almost destroyed those documents and destroyed the aIJxtwoL0Zc-00178-00107735-00108432 whole American experiment in republican government was slavery which was a corrupt compromise aIJxtwoL0Zc-00179-00108432-00109016 that the founding fathers made so he abandoned compromise. You know compromise was no longer his aIJxtwoL0Zc-00180-00109088-00110016 uh preferred way of dealing with things after the Civil War or after a few years after the Civil War aIJxtwoL0Zc-00181-00110080-00110559 and certainly by the time he was on the court the most vivid illustration of this I think is aIJxtwoL0Zc-00182-00110559-00111216 the insular cases. uh in the first decade of the 20th century the United States became the aIJxtwoL0Zc-00183-00111216-00112008 sort of overlord of Hawaii the Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico very different you know slightly aIJxtwoL0Zc-00184-00112008-00112440 different arrangements in each of those cases but but the United States had power over those nations aIJxtwoL0Zc-00185-00112440-00112983 and they were part of the American sovereignty. Harlan took the position that the Constitution aIJxtwoL0Zc-00186-00112983-00113504 follows the flag that if people are living in the Philippines they have to be entitled to full aIJxtwoL0Zc-00187-00113504-00114144 Constitutional rights because the Constitution is supreme in this country, so he wrote very aIJxtwoL0Zc-00188-00114144-00114728 eloquent dissents when the Supreme Court tried to enact these sort of very unsatisfactory aIJxtwoL0Zc-00189-00114728-00115320 uh decisions that gave Congress all this power over people in those countries. Again with race aIJxtwoL0Zc-00190-00115320-00115808 being front and center, you know the opinions when you read them are full of racist stereotypes aIJxtwoL0Zc-00191-00115808-00116200 about who can who deserves democracy and who doesn't deserve democracy and those kinds of aIJxtwoL0Zc-00192-00116200-00117040 things but um Harlan was very eloquent in sort of saying you cannot have two systems under one aIJxtwoL0Zc-00193-00117040-00117568 flag you cannot have one set of rights where the Constitution is king and another set of rights aIJxtwoL0Zc-00194-00117568-00117976 that is cobbled together by Congress depending on who's in charge politically at any given time, aIJxtwoL0Zc-00195-00118064-00118424 that what you're hearing there is you're hearing John Marshall Harlan referencing aIJxtwoL0Zc-00196-00118424-00119128 his own mistakes from the 1850s and he's saying look you know we tried this once before one set aIJxtwoL0Zc-00197-00119128-00119472 of rights for black people one set of rights for white people, it doesn't work and it won't aIJxtwoL0Zc-00198-00119472-00119768 work if you're talking about the Philippines it won't work if you're talking about Puerto Rico, aIJxtwoL0Zc-00199-00119768-00120232 it won't work talking about Hawaii we have to stand up for the Constitution. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00200-00120576-00121280 >>So moving from that I mean I want to get to talking about the mysterious influence aIJxtwoL0Zc-00201-00121280-00122000 of Robert Harlan because I think for me um the the revelation of of reading this book was to be aIJxtwoL0Zc-00202-00122000-00122608 introduced to Robert Harlan a figure and person and and frankly entrepreneur and energy that I aIJxtwoL0Zc-00203-00122608-00123359 had not again knew anything about and um and I was just thinking about when you were when you aIJxtwoL0Zc-00204-00123359-00124144 were mentioning the insular cases um that in some ways Justice Harlan didn't really leave the United aIJxtwoL0Zc-00205-00124144-00124832 States, I mean he he was someone who spent his time really invested in Kentucky and invested in aIJxtwoL0Zc-00206-00124832-00125440 this idea of a national destiny and trying to bring the country together um and what I mean aIJxtwoL0Zc-00207-00125440-00126000 that by that is compared to his brother Robert Harlan who traveled the world and so in what aIJxtwoL0Zc-00208-00126000-00126840 ways um did did you have these two figures who who ended up meeting in in in so many different points aIJxtwoL0Zc-00209-00126840-00127296 in their lives and and i just want to start by asking you about Robert Harlan, who he was aIJxtwoL0Zc-00210-00127408-00127888 you know you talked about how you discovered him and to begin with but what did you learn aIJxtwoL0Zc-00211-00127888-00128464 about this extraordinary man um from from getting into this book about Justice Harlan. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00212-00128464-00129120 >>Well first of all we learned that that that he was extraordinary and he was not only uh you know aIJxtwoL0Zc-00213-00129120-00129688 extraordinary in the obstacles that he surmounted but he was a very prominent figure in his time aIJxtwoL0Zc-00214-00129688-00130224 he was a major political leader in the United States. he was a wealthy man he played key roles aIJxtwoL0Zc-00215-00130224-00130728 in the development of sort of a national identity for African Americans after the war national aIJxtwoL0Zc-00216-00130728-00131432 political identity for African Americans after the war. Robert Harlan was born in Virginia he aIJxtwoL0Zc-00217-00131432-00131952 was born in a place near where uh James Harlan, who was the father of John Marshall Harlan, aIJxtwoL0Zc-00218-00131952-00132800 had relatives. When Robert was eight he and his mother undertook a journey almost 500 miles from aIJxtwoL0Zc-00219-00132800-00133448 Virginia to Harlan's Station which was the small hamlet where the Harlan family lived in Kentucky aIJxtwoL0Zc-00220-00133448-00134088 near Danville, Kentucky, and news reports said that they were in search of his father and some aIJxtwoL0Zc-00221-00134088-00134728 of the news reports said his father his father was dead others said that his father was James Harlan aIJxtwoL0Zc-00222-00134728-00135304 who was John Marshall Harlan's father. Either way we know that James Harlan took ownership of Robert aIJxtwoL0Zc-00223-00135368-00135984 uh at a time when Robert was eight, James was only 24 and newly married and aIJxtwoL0Zc-00224-00136144-00136896 that began a very close and as we were saying mysterious and unusual relationship between aIJxtwoL0Zc-00225-00136896-00137408 James Harlan and Robert Harlan. Now to many people I think in Kentucky at that time they would look aIJxtwoL0Zc-00226-00137408-00137832 at it and knowing what happened in slave owning families. They would probably say well this is a aIJxtwoL0Zc-00227-00137888-00138304 person of mixed race who was enslaved in the house but who gets special privileges and it seems to aIJxtwoL0Zc-00228-00138304-00138696 be a special favor of the father, they're going therefore he's the father son and I think that is aIJxtwoL0Zc-00229-00138696-00139416 what people people assumed. Um but because he was mixed-race he wasn't able to go to school which uh aIJxtwoL0Zc-00230-00139416-00139936 the other Harlan boys including John, of course, were able to do. James Harlan was a leading aIJxtwoL0Zc-00231-00139936-00140584 the leading attorney in Kentucky he was a close confederate of Henry Clay's and he wanted Robert aIJxtwoL0Zc-00232-00140584-00141296 to be educated but because Robert wasn't educated and wasn't accepted in schools he got to from a aIJxtwoL0Zc-00233-00141296-00141904 very early age spot opportunities for African Americans that other people may not have seen aIJxtwoL0Zc-00234-00141960-00142592 the first was the horse racing industry because a lot of the original horse owners were sort of aIJxtwoL0Zc-00235-00142592-00143224 wealthy people in Kentucky and they had their enslaved men uh working as jockeys and fighters aIJxtwoL0Zc-00236-00143224-00143872 this was a field where African Americans both free and enslaved could make an impact and aIJxtwoL0Zc-00237-00143872-00144648 Robert did. He became a great expert at sizing up a horse he would barnstorm the state aIJxtwoL0Zc-00238-00144648-00145480 to arrange races he would take bets you know he was he was a real horse racing pioneer. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00239-00145552-00145952 When he got to be a little bit older he moved to Lexington, Kentucky and opened a store aIJxtwoL0Zc-00240-00146040-00146576 but the racial situation quickly got worse in Lexington there was a group called the Black aIJxtwoL0Zc-00241-00146576-00146944 Indians that, of course, were neither black nor Indians. They were white people dressed up who aIJxtwoL0Zc-00242-00146944-00147616 would harass people of color in Lexington. He was somewhat driven out then he senses aIJxtwoL0Zc-00243-00147616-00148168 that the gold rush is another place where you can have opportunity as an African-American because aIJxtwoL0Zc-00244-00148312-00148912 totally while northern California gold fields where you know there hadn't been time for aIJxtwoL0Zc-00245-00148912-00149432 prejudice to take root and everybody who went there was kind of a adventurer and a renegade aIJxtwoL0Zc-00246-00149432-00149856 so uh people weren't taking account of your your race and many of you are actually coming in from aIJxtwoL0Zc-00247-00149856-00150336 overseas also for the gold rush. So it was it was a very multi-racial situation in the gold rush aIJxtwoL0Zc-00248-00150336-00150712 so he goes to the gold rush and comes back with ninety thousand dollars for the equivalent of aIJxtwoL0Zc-00249-00150712-00151096 three or four million dollars a day which is enough to make him a very wealthy man. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00250-00151192-00151736 And then he saw his next opportunity in Cincinnati which was the terminus of the underground railroad aIJxtwoL0Zc-00251-00151736-00152304 it was it was the first large free city uh for people of color coming out of the south. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00252-00152304-00152920 He used his money to invest in black owned businesses uh he sensed again that photography aIJxtwoL0Zc-00253-00152920-00153432 which was then a brand new technology was another area where African Americans could succeed because aIJxtwoL0Zc-00254-00153432-00153912 there wasn't any white infrastructure to prevent them from succeeding so he invented he invested in aIJxtwoL0Zc-00255-00153912-00154504 photography studios. He also invested in the leading black hotel called the Dumas House aIJxtwoL0Zc-00256-00154504-00154968 that also served as a a place of protection on the underground railroad for for people coming aIJxtwoL0Zc-00257-00154968-00155584 up especially when the Fugitive Slave Act, then he sensed that as the situation got worse and aIJxtwoL0Zc-00258-00155584-00156168 worse on the eve of the Civil War he took his family to England along with American horses as aIJxtwoL0Zc-00259-00156168-00156840 a sort of showman trying to prove that American horses could compete with British thoroughbreds aIJxtwoL0Zc-00260-00156840-00157448 in the sport of kings. He became a celebrity in Europe not just in England, in Ireland, in France aIJxtwoL0Zc-00261-00157536-00158104 then after the Civil War comes back to Cincinnati and becomes the leading black politician in Ohio aIJxtwoL0Zc-00262-00158104-00158496 which was the most important state because it was it was a crucial state in determining aIJxtwoL0Zc-00263-00158496-00159000 the president. It was sort of the swing state of that of that era so Robert Harlan had tremendous aIJxtwoL0Zc-00264-00159000-00159656 clout. The black community was what allowed the Republicans to win the electoral votes of Ohio, aIJxtwoL0Zc-00265-00159656-00160144 he controlled a lot of the black votes so he was a very powerful person. He became personal friends aIJxtwoL0Zc-00266-00160144-00160792 with Ulysses S Grant, Rutherford Hayes, all these people and he used some of that power to help John aIJxtwoL0Zc-00267-00160792-00161432 Marshall Harlan get on the Supreme Court He helped him in several ways, one is there was an incident aIJxtwoL0Zc-00268-00161432-00161912 involving a shooting by a cousin of John Marshall Harlan's on his mother's side of the family, aIJxtwoL0Zc-00269-00162024-00162560 shooting of a black man that that really tarnished John Marshall Harlan's reputation in the black aIJxtwoL0Zc-00270-00162560-00163168 community. Robert Harlan went to Washington to sort of negotiate a settlement of the situation aIJxtwoL0Zc-00271-00163168-00163840 and protected John Marshall Harlan's political viability at that moment. They also work together aIJxtwoL0Zc-00272-00163840-00164296 in organizing helping to organize the 1876 Republican convention which was in Cincinnati, aIJxtwoL0Zc-00273-00164296-00164752 Robert's hometown and then afterwards Robert would send letters to John talking about how aIJxtwoL0Zc-00274-00164752-00165224 he was going to Washington and promoting John as a potential Supreme Court Justice, he, aIJxtwoL0Zc-00275-00165224-00165848 Robert being so much older knew that James Harlan the father in the family had wanted John, he named aIJxtwoL0Zc-00276-00165848-00166376 him John Marshall after the great Chief Justice, and wanted John to go to the Supreme Court. So aIJxtwoL0Zc-00277-00166464-00167136 here Robert is playing a significant role in John's success. We don't know whether they were aIJxtwoL0Zc-00278-00167192-00167520 they truly considered themselves brothers, we don't know whether they were aIJxtwoL0Zc-00279-00167520-00168080 conferring politically on other levels but we do know some things. We know that Robert liked and aIJxtwoL0Zc-00280-00168080-00168696 trusted uh and believed in John and was willing to stake his own political credibility on John. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00281-00168832-00169568 John also accepted this help from Robert in a spirit of equality he did not you know demand aIJxtwoL0Zc-00282-00169568-00170104 favors he never rejected Robert he didn't seem to be stigmatized by the idea that Robert would be aIJxtwoL0Zc-00283-00170104-00170704 his, you know, considered his half-brother so I think that adds up to at minimum a aIJxtwoL0Zc-00284-00170704-00171288 relationship of respect and a relationship of understanding but then when you project forward aIJxtwoL0Zc-00285-00171288-00171864 a decade or two and you have the these seminal cases the civil rights cases of 1883 aIJxtwoL0Zc-00286-00171864-00172472 taking away civil rights. Plessy v Ferguson endorsing the legal architecture of segregation aIJxtwoL0Zc-00287-00172592-00173024 all of these northern justices the same railroad attorneys we were talking about before aIJxtwoL0Zc-00288-00173120-00174016 were quick to accept the idea that um you know uh black people were really not necessarily deserving aIJxtwoL0Zc-00289-00174016-00174640 of these rights they claimed that the Civil Rights Act of 1865's special privileges to blacks aIJxtwoL0Zc-00290-00174640-00175224 was of course ludicrous at a time with this Ku Klux Klan was in its height uh they claimed in aIJxtwoL0Zc-00291-00175224-00175824 Plessy v Ferguson that the only possible stigma in having separate carriages on the railroad was aIJxtwoL0Zc-00292-00175824-00176208 uh uh because black people themselves would put that construction on it, aIJxtwoL0Zc-00293-00176280-00176664 which again was ridiculous because everybody everywhere knew that that law was passed to aIJxtwoL0Zc-00294-00176664-00177224 separate black people out. So the majority opinions were ridiculous they were terrible aIJxtwoL0Zc-00295-00177224-00177744 decisions and they were based on prejudice. Why did John Marshall Harlan alone among aIJxtwoL0Zc-00296-00177744-00178272 those justices refused to go along with those cases you have to surmise that on some level aIJxtwoL0Zc-00297-00178384-00178808 he saw Robert Harlan's face, he saw Robert Harlan's struggles and experiences aIJxtwoL0Zc-00298-00178880-00179720 when he heard about the importance or lack of importance about uh black rights he understood aIJxtwoL0Zc-00299-00179720-00180344 that even people born into slavery when their rights were protected after the Civil War aIJxtwoL0Zc-00300-00180344-00180736 or in Robert's case when he went to the gold rush when he was in England and things like aIJxtwoL0Zc-00301-00180736-00181280 that he succeeded spectacularly he succeeded far to a far greater extent than any of John's aIJxtwoL0Zc-00302-00181280-00181904 white brothers succeeded, uh he had more money than John you know so how can you when you're aIJxtwoL0Zc-00303-00181904-00182376 sitting in the room with these justices believe in black inferiority and you know the black aIJxtwoL0Zc-00304-00182376-00182896 problem and all of that. He didn't see any of it he was able to see individuals. I think that is aIJxtwoL0Zc-00305-00182896-00183448 the mysterious influence we want to call it that that Robert Harlan had over John Marshall Harlan aIJxtwoL0Zc-00306-00183448-00183856 and I want to say we haven't talked yet about about the effect of Harlan's defense in the future aIJxtwoL0Zc-00307-00183920-00184528 but that makes the relationship between John and Robert Harlan important in history because the aIJxtwoL0Zc-00308-00184528-00185112 fact that John dissented in these cases played a major role in keeping hope alive in the black aIJxtwoL0Zc-00309-00185112-00185744 community, it also provided a legal road map for pioneering black attorneys in the next century aIJxtwoL0Zc-00310-00185744-00186304 to adopt some of some of John Marshall Harlan's ideas and and use his dissents to to help try aIJxtwoL0Zc-00311-00186304-00187088 to overturn some of the some of the court rulings that John had argued against and so if we believe aIJxtwoL0Zc-00312-00187088-00187552 that it's very important to American history that those dissents existed. We have to believe it was aIJxtwoL0Zc-00313-00187552-00188024 also very important that Robert Harlan was there to provide a role model for John Marshall Harlan, aIJxtwoL0Zc-00314-00188208-00188512 sweeter I think of him not only as a role model I mean you could you could actually aIJxtwoL0Zc-00315-00188512-00188856 have that cut in a couple different ways, he could have looked at Robert and said he aIJxtwoL0Zc-00316-00188856-00189328 made it right he made it in a whole bunch of ways that that maybe the the realities aren't aIJxtwoL0Zc-00317-00189328-00189920 as difficult as as some might make them out to be right um but the way that I think I think the most aIJxtwoL0Zc-00318-00189920-00190528 important thing that he might have have understood from Robert Harlan is the realities of it right aIJxtwoL0Zc-00319-00190528-00191176 like and so part of what you get from Justice Harlan is a record a record in a legal context aIJxtwoL0Zc-00320-00191232-00191608 of the actual realities of what things were on the ground and so he was calling out his aIJxtwoL0Zc-00321-00191608-00192048 fellow justices who might have tried to contort themselves into different legal aIJxtwoL0Zc-00322-00192120-00192568 approaches frames structures to justify the kind of decisions they were making, aIJxtwoL0Zc-00323-00192632-00193016 and he's like that just doesn't it doesn't comport with the realities of what's actually going aIJxtwoL0Zc-00324-00193016-00193560 on. >>And and I wanted you to talk a little bit about how you think about Justice Harlan being a aIJxtwoL0Zc-00325-00193560-00194192 recorder in that way of what the actual realities were on the ground uh whether it be the civil aIJxtwoL0Zc-00326-00194192-00194784 rights uh cases of 1883 whether it be in in Plessy versus Ferguson and and probably most importantly aIJxtwoL0Zc-00327-00194840-00195176 in terms of the economic inequalities that so many were facing at that time aIJxtwoL0Zc-00328-00195272-00195904 and and he becomes the one who puts that into uh the the the very you know aIJxtwoL0Zc-00329-00195904-00196448 content and structure of of what the Supreme Court is dealing with. >>I think that's I think that's aIJxtwoL0Zc-00330-00196448-00196984 exactly right and I think it also shows it shows the importance of personal experience in judging aIJxtwoL0Zc-00331-00196984-00197448 you know there are many factors that go into a correct ruling and a proper ruling and aIJxtwoL0Zc-00332-00197448-00197992 obviously one of them is you know pure logic and legal analysis and fitting it into a framework of aIJxtwoL0Zc-00333-00198048-00198720 cases that exist and respecting precedent but the other way is understanding that you know aIJxtwoL0Zc-00334-00198720-00199416 justice isn't always clean and easy you know justice is something that needs to be innately aIJxtwoL0Zc-00335-00199416-00200144 credible right and understood, and I think that um Harlan came to understand that and believe aIJxtwoL0Zc-00336-00200144-00200776 that for several reasons. One is I think he he did believe that with the Dredd Scott decision in 1858 aIJxtwoL0Zc-00337-00200776-00201336 that was the final straw that pushed the country to civil war. Uh and he thought it was abominable aIJxtwoL0Zc-00338-00201336-00201944 it took away all black rights it took away any hopes in the future of black people having any aIJxtwoL0Zc-00339-00201944-00202536 anything like a state of equality short of a war. So he he understood how the Supreme Court aIJxtwoL0Zc-00340-00202536-00203136 can get it wrong and uh that getting it getting it right is not a matter of coming up with some grand aIJxtwoL0Zc-00341-00203136-00203648 theory that sort of somehow connects all the dots it's it's understanding what is right for aIJxtwoL0Zc-00342-00203648-00204000 the country and what is right for the people who are going to have to live under those decisions. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00343-00204088-00204600 Um his experience with Robert Harlan I think it's a true comment you were making that he could aIJxtwoL0Zc-00344-00204600-00205000 have just assumed well Robert forever can succeed why not others and probably some other aIJxtwoL0Zc-00345-00205000-00205471 people might have made that that assumption but I think he he was smarter than that and because aIJxtwoL0Zc-00346-00205471-00206008 Robert was there in the same home he knew that Robert was barred from legal practice, aIJxtwoL0Zc-00347-00206008-00206400 you probably believe look if Robert had been given a chance to go to school he would have aIJxtwoL0Zc-00348-00206400-00206928 succeeded in the law he knew Robert Harlan instead the only thing that Robert was given a fair shot aIJxtwoL0Zc-00349-00206928-00207384 at was horse racing and he succeeded in that you know and then he went to the gold rush you aIJxtwoL0Zc-00350-00207384-00208000 know the wild unlawful west uh and actually got a fair shake there and then he went to England aIJxtwoL0Zc-00351-00208000-00208632 and got a fair shake there uh and so I think it didn't take a lot of sureness to believe that aIJxtwoL0Zc-00352-00208632-00209176 Robert did succeed but only in situations where his rights were protected as they basically were aIJxtwoL0Zc-00353-00209176-00209760 in the first 10 years after the Civil War when Robert became very successful in Cincinnati as aIJxtwoL0Zc-00354-00209760-00210256 a political leader he also founded an all-black a battalion in the national guard which was a very aIJxtwoL0Zc-00355-00210256-00210704 shrewd move at the time because it built political support for the black community. It showed that aIJxtwoL0Zc-00356-00210760-00211256 uh these newly freed in some cases many of the people were newly freed slaves aIJxtwoL0Zc-00357-00211256-00211696 believed in sharing in the national defense they would share the burdens of citizenship aIJxtwoL0Zc-00358-00211696-00212223 and he very much framed it that way and talking about it he had also founded black schools he had aIJxtwoL0Zc-00359-00212223-00212736 also played a role himself in building support for the Civil Rights act of 1875 which then got aIJxtwoL0Zc-00360-00212736-00213408 overturned by the Supreme Court to John's uh inspire and and uh spark John's dissent um aIJxtwoL0Zc-00361-00213560-00213936 so I think that I think that you know Robert Harlan was a huge part of why he was in touch aIJxtwoL0Zc-00362-00213936-00214432 with what was going on with black people. I will note that John Harlan also uh reached aIJxtwoL0Zc-00363-00214432-00215056 out to black people who are not uh Robert uh he spoke at Metropolitan AME Church which is not aIJxtwoL0Zc-00364-00215056-00215488 that far from where we are now uh the largest church in in Washington, but he was a regular aIJxtwoL0Zc-00365-00215544-00216192 visitor there and spoke there, uh his daughter had worked in a school uh with the children of freed aIJxtwoL0Zc-00366-00216192-00216864 slaves and he and she died at a very young age and he believed that he was sort of um standing aIJxtwoL0Zc-00367-00216864-00217416 up for her rights and principles also and and and advancing her beliefs and some of these support aIJxtwoL0Zc-00368-00217416-00217936 when he went to Kentucky near the end of his life for sort of his final visit to Kentucky aIJxtwoL0Zc-00369-00217992-00218344 he offended his host by insisting on meeting with a group of black attorneys. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00370-00218408-00219160 Um there was a a case a horrendous lynching case in Tennessee um at a time when the Supreme aIJxtwoL0Zc-00371-00219160-00219608 Court had completely turned its back on the fact that southern uh criminal procedures aIJxtwoL0Zc-00372-00219608-00220167 were you know blatantly violating the federal Constitution and I think most of the justices aIJxtwoL0Zc-00373-00220167-00220488 believe there was really nothing they could do and they didn't want to pick a fight with the south. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00374-00220584-00221216 Harlan in his circuit capacity had the power to order order reviews of cases and and he on his own aIJxtwoL0Zc-00375-00221216-00221728 he ordered a review of a case that that led to a horrendous lynching when when aIJxtwoL0Zc-00376-00221728-00222160 the very leaders of Chattanooga the people who were supposed to be upholding the law aIJxtwoL0Zc-00377-00222160-00222648 left the jail unguarded and allowed a mob to take a black defendant who had been wrongly convicted aIJxtwoL0Zc-00378-00222704-00223471 and and and lynched him in in one of the most horrific dramatic uh illustrations aIJxtwoL0Zc-00379-00223471-00224232 of the the violent repression that was going on in in the south at that time. Only Harlan aIJxtwoL0Zc-00380-00224232-00224696 was willing to speak up for it then, Harlan after the lynching is so outraged that he demands that aIJxtwoL0Zc-00381-00224696-00225184 the Supreme Court, which has been unwilling to experience control over these state authorities, aIJxtwoL0Zc-00382-00225184-00226104 demands that they try those local officials for abetting this lynching uh and succeeded in in aIJxtwoL0Zc-00383-00226104-00226656 getting a conviction of a former confederate who was the uh according to better captain who was the aIJxtwoL0Zc-00384-00226656-00227504 local sheriff in Chattanooga, um interestingly today that case is the best documented lynching aIJxtwoL0Zc-00385-00227504-00227919 case in the country so you had this phenomenon where there were lynchings happening all the aIJxtwoL0Zc-00386-00227919-00228344 time but it was always you know people in hoods and the local officials were always saying oh aIJxtwoL0Zc-00387-00228344-00228808 we have no idea who it could possibly be this was a case where we know who it was, aIJxtwoL0Zc-00388-00228808-00229184 it was the leaders of Chattanooga it was the sheriff it was the judge it was other people aIJxtwoL0Zc-00389-00229304-00229936 who were in prominent positions and we can look at because it became a public case we can look aIJxtwoL0Zc-00390-00229936-00230423 at the level of responsibility in Chattanooga including for journalism as a long-time journalist aIJxtwoL0Zc-00391-00230423-00231016 it shows just how irresponsible the press was at that time and and they played a role in inciting aIJxtwoL0Zc-00392-00231016-00231584 that feeling there were a handful of histori of uh sort of sort of heroic uh white ministers aIJxtwoL0Zc-00393-00231584-00232032 there were many white ministers who were not heroic at all and and helped to stir up the mob aIJxtwoL0Zc-00394-00232032-00232719 so it was an indictment of an entire city the wonderful thing that has happened now is that aIJxtwoL0Zc-00395-00232719-00233344 because since uh Chattanooga is rediscovering this case it's prompted real discussions it aIJxtwoL0Zc-00396-00233344-00233767 is something that is talked about in public schools in Chattanooga. It's been a years long aIJxtwoL0Zc-00397-00233767-00234352 process in building a memorial to Ed Johnson who was the man who was lynched and and it's aIJxtwoL0Zc-00398-00234423-00234808 it's a joint effort from the black community in the white community in what had been aIJxtwoL0Zc-00399-00234888-00235567 a very segregated southern city. Uh what I think that shows is how a person like aIJxtwoL0Zc-00400-00235567-00235984 John Marshall Harlan can make a difference. If it were not Harlan ordering that review aIJxtwoL0Zc-00401-00236088-00236567 there would be no record of the injustice that occurred in the original case remember not Harlan aIJxtwoL0Zc-00402-00236640-00237271 holding local officials responsible for the lynching um there would be you know it would still aIJxtwoL0Zc-00403-00237271-00237928 be shrouded in that, oh well it was a mob you know it was uh riffraff did it uh you know, we we we aIJxtwoL0Zc-00404-00237928-00238456 certainly wouldn't support something like that in fact you know he was able to point his finger aIJxtwoL0Zc-00405-00238456-00238888 at the leaders of Chattanooga and say you did support it. Uh and that's very very significant to aIJxtwoL0Zc-00406-00238888-00239567 our understanding of the lynching problem through history. >> We haven't had a chance to talk about aIJxtwoL0Zc-00407-00239567-00240040 this but a very close friend of mine was a city attorney the black city attorney of Chattanooga aIJxtwoL0Zc-00408-00240040-00240736 and just ran for mayor uh and so this is so much a part of his history uh growing up in that town and aIJxtwoL0Zc-00409-00240736-00241336 and and almost being the leader of it right so uh it's um it's there's there's so much in the aIJxtwoL0Zc-00410-00241336-00241944 ways in which all this interplays. Uh I wanna complicate Justice Harlan a little bit because aIJxtwoL0Zc-00411-00242000-00242576 uh he he he evolved as we talked about but some of the ways in which he evolved was that he was not aIJxtwoL0Zc-00412-00242576-00243376 a fan of the 13th amendment and its passage and and yet the the language of the 13th amendment aIJxtwoL0Zc-00413-00243448-00243888 ending slavery but also talking about the badges of servitude is something that he so embraced aIJxtwoL0Zc-00414-00243888-00244656 later on uh he was a slave owner which people raise um and and how he came to be a slave owner aIJxtwoL0Zc-00415-00244656-00245096 and what that actually meant to him is something I think is really important to to try and unpack aIJxtwoL0Zc-00416-00245096-00245696 for Justice Harlan uh and and and sort of I think the very often what we see in history which is aIJxtwoL0Zc-00417-00245696-00246271 the ways in which there are seeming contradictions but maybe those are also extraordinarily important aIJxtwoL0Zc-00418-00246271-00246800 influences in terms of how someone gets to a place of under understanding the rights and and aIJxtwoL0Zc-00419-00246800-00247392 worth and dignity of others. >>Well I think those are all those are all excellent points aIJxtwoL0Zc-00420-00247392-00247848 and to just provide a little bit of context of his life and and I think this is an illustration aIJxtwoL0Zc-00421-00247848-00248232 that there are no you know there are no perfect people and people are dealing with very imperfect aIJxtwoL0Zc-00422-00248232-00248823 situations and very troublesome uh histories. In this case the state history and he was born aIJxtwoL0Zc-00423-00248823-00249688 into a family that had slaves he did not buy slaves himself uh he only became a slave owner aIJxtwoL0Zc-00424-00249688-00250319 in 1863 when his father died which was you know right at the very very end of slavery uh aIJxtwoL0Zc-00425-00250319-00250871 and he became the owner because his mother had a lot of debts the father left a lot of debts behind aIJxtwoL0Zc-00426-00250871-00251471 and um his mother would have had to sell the slaves to pay that he stepped in to aIJxtwoL0Zc-00427-00251584-00252048 take financial control of his mother and technically became the owners of these slaves aIJxtwoL0Zc-00428-00252048-00252512 but you know, we don't we again we don't know what any of the motivation was, I think that aIJxtwoL0Zc-00429-00252567-00253312 the significant um evidence to suggest that he regarded uh you know the slaves as being an aIJxtwoL0Zc-00430-00253312-00253712 adjunct of the family you know was a part of the family because I don't think there's anything like aIJxtwoL0Zc-00431-00253712-00254256 a sense of equality but I think that he could have been stepping in to prevent the slaves from being aIJxtwoL0Zc-00432-00254256-00254856 sold into what would be a potentially disastrous situation for them so if that puts a somewhat more aIJxtwoL0Zc-00433-00254856-00255567 benevolent you know uh cast on his motives. I think that is a reasonable uh assumption that aIJxtwoL0Zc-00434-00255567-00256208 people can make but you know again people can read the evidence many different ways and again aIJxtwoL0Zc-00435-00256208-00256688 as we talked about in the 1850s he was not a radical he was not an abolitionist he was not a aIJxtwoL0Zc-00436-00256767-00257448 uh a person who was standing on the uh street corners and and speaking of the ills of slavery aIJxtwoL0Zc-00437-00257504-00257976 uh you know again it's partly exculpatory that there were very few people like that in Kentucky aIJxtwoL0Zc-00438-00257976-00258560 and for somebody who was uh making a career in mainstream politics it was essentially uh aIJxtwoL0Zc-00439-00258616-00259152 you know impossible to make that decision and stay in mainstream politics. He chose to stay aIJxtwoL0Zc-00440-00259152-00259760 in mainstream politics and and uh so then you also mentioned the post-Civil War amendments aIJxtwoL0Zc-00441-00259864-00260576 he worked desperately hard to keep Kentucky neutral in the Civil War at a time when a aIJxtwoL0Zc-00442-00260576-00261160 lot of people felt that if Kentucky had joined the Confederacy it would have set off sort of a domino aIJxtwoL0Zc-00443-00261160-00261760 effect in border states and would have greatly imperiled the union. So he worked quite quite aIJxtwoL0Zc-00444-00261760-00262264 heroically like you know sleeping on the floors of offices in the state house because the Kentucky aIJxtwoL0Zc-00445-00262264-00262848 governor was a Confederate sympathizer and was sort of maneuvering to try to uh move Kentucky aIJxtwoL0Zc-00446-00262848-00263416 into the Confederacy or was perceived to be doing that and Harlan and his father and others you know aIJxtwoL0Zc-00447-00263528-00263952 worked desperately hard in a situation that required them to stand on street corners and aIJxtwoL0Zc-00448-00264008-00264560 speak you know all day long basically with bull horns in there in their uh in front of their aIJxtwoL0Zc-00449-00264560-00265136 faces to try to persuade people to remain neutral and not join the Confederacy. Um aIJxtwoL0Zc-00450-00265224-00265872 so he felt that part of his bargain with his state people that he persuaded them to stay neutral aIJxtwoL0Zc-00451-00265992-00266600 knowing that having had assurances that the union leadership would respect that aIJxtwoL0Zc-00452-00266600-00267080 and would give Kentucky its the right to control its own future after the war aIJxtwoL0Zc-00453-00267192-00267848 so then you know the war ends and essentially they're being forced to accept these uh amendments aIJxtwoL0Zc-00454-00267848-00268512 to the uh to the Constitution um one of which bans slavery. Slavery is a huge issue in Kentucky aIJxtwoL0Zc-00455-00268512-00268840 so a lot of people are coming to him and saying you know look you you know aIJxtwoL0Zc-00456-00268840-00269512 you forced us to go with the union and now the union is taking our control away so he initially aIJxtwoL0Zc-00457-00269512-00270024 opposed those amendments and opposed ratification of them, I don't think it was an honorable thing aIJxtwoL0Zc-00458-00270024-00270528 it's not it's not something I would particularly respect about uh John Marshall Harlan but it aIJxtwoL0Zc-00459-00270528-00270984 is ironic that once those uh amendments being part of the Constitution he became aIJxtwoL0Zc-00460-00271048-00271608 their greatest defender and he really was he was the uh the father of equal protection in this aIJxtwoL0Zc-00461-00271608-00272144 country and and there's no one else you could even remotely point to in that era as as supporting aIJxtwoL0Zc-00462-00272144-00272664 equality under the law. He was the he was the sole voice on the Supreme Court for equality. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00463-00272880-00273400 >>In the legal profession we spent a lot of time debating this idea of colorblindness and aIJxtwoL0Zc-00464-00273400-00273880 and and certainly the place where it at least I always think of it first showing up as in aIJxtwoL0Zc-00465-00273880-00274544 in in Justice Harlan's dissent and Plessy uh and so what do you think he he saw as this idea of our aIJxtwoL0Zc-00466-00274544-00275088 Constitution being color blind but also how that played out in in in terms of this understanding of aIJxtwoL0Zc-00467-00275088-00275528 colorblindness being a foundational principle to build on in terms of how he thinks about aIJxtwoL0Zc-00468-00275528-00276216 equal protection and the rights of so many at that time. >>Um well that phrase came from his aIJxtwoL0Zc-00469-00276216-00276752 dissent in Plessy v Ferguson uh which I think you know everybody who's watching this broadcast aIJxtwoL0Zc-00470-00276752-00277392 should should read it because it's it's one of the great civil rights documents of of our history aIJxtwoL0Zc-00471-00277392-00277928 um but among the things that he said he said the Constitution is colorblind and neither knows nor aIJxtwoL0Zc-00472-00277928-00278640 tolerates classes among citizens. He said the humblest is the pure the most powerful he said aIJxtwoL0Zc-00473-00278640-00279640 uh there is no caste here um a lot of people see that uh that dissent as a vital statement of sort aIJxtwoL0Zc-00474-00279640-00280080 of the purpose of the law the underlying purpose of the law and the heart and soul aIJxtwoL0Zc-00475-00280080-00280784 of the law so then you flash forward a hundred years and you have debates over affirmative action aIJxtwoL0Zc-00476-00280880-00281464 and some affirmative action opponents starting with the late William Bradford Reynolds during aIJxtwoL0Zc-00477-00281464-00281928 the Reagan administration started using Harlan's words to attack affirmative action you know if aIJxtwoL0Zc-00478-00281928-00282504 the Constitution is colorblind how can it tolerate uh remedial programs designed to aIJxtwoL0Zc-00479-00282608-00283296 combat discrimination. Um one of the best defenses of Harlan came from Thurgood aIJxtwoL0Zc-00480-00283296-00283800 Marshall who was truly a Harlan defender and he stood up in 1987 and gave a speech and said aIJxtwoL0Zc-00481-00283976-00284520 um the whole reason that we need affirmative action now is because the court didn't listen to aIJxtwoL0Zc-00482-00284520-00285000 Harlan if the court had listened to Harlan back in 1896 and Plessy v Ferguson aIJxtwoL0Zc-00483-00285056-00285664 uh we would have had a colorblind Constitution for 70 years. It was not colorblind that's why aIJxtwoL0Zc-00484-00285664-00286464 we need this corrective material um I do not think that any uh person seriously reading uh Harlan's aIJxtwoL0Zc-00485-00286464-00287256 words would believe that he was envisioning uh an attack on affirmative action, um I have no idea aIJxtwoL0Zc-00486-00287256-00287696 as a political proposition whether he would think affirmative action was a good idea or a bad idea aIJxtwoL0Zc-00487-00287824-00288400 maybe he would he certainly was attuned to the the lingering effects of discrimination um aIJxtwoL0Zc-00488-00288480-00288848 but I don't think that his phrase the Constitution is colorblind uh was meant aIJxtwoL0Zc-00489-00288848-00289392 to say under no circumstances can the federal government, uh and keep in mind he was very aIJxtwoL0Zc-00490-00289392-00289896 supportive of uh the rights of the democratic branches to address national problems so aIJxtwoL0Zc-00491-00289960-00290416 this whole other idea would have been working in his in his mind that if if Congress was aIJxtwoL0Zc-00492-00290416-00290832 approving these remedial programs he would have given them tremendous deference to support them aIJxtwoL0Zc-00493-00290832-00291240 uh so I don't think he's mine when he said the Constitution is colorblind he meant to say aIJxtwoL0Zc-00494-00291240-00291840 uh we can never take note of race in addressing uh legislation uh that comes out of Congress aIJxtwoL0Zc-00495-00291928-00292424 >>And indeed I think read his other business and you really do get a sense of the ways in which aIJxtwoL0Zc-00496-00292424-00292912 uh particularly in the civil rights cases of 1883 where you do get a sense of his understanding of aIJxtwoL0Zc-00497-00292912-00293680 the lingering at that point very recent but yet so deep um impact of of of slavery of segregation of aIJxtwoL0Zc-00498-00293680-00294264 of discrimination and the lack of opportunity and that that's a that's a theme throughout uh I think aIJxtwoL0Zc-00499-00294264-00295160 so much of his work, I also wanted to to give uh everyone a sense of of what that dissent aIJxtwoL0Zc-00500-00295160-00295912 meant for black communities at that time and so he writes this dissent that becomes not only a aIJxtwoL0Zc-00501-00295912-00296392 legal document but different from I think a lot of the ways and i mean maybe maybe similar to aIJxtwoL0Zc-00502-00296392-00296912 some of the ways in which brown the the decision in brown versus board of Education or other other aIJxtwoL0Zc-00503-00296912-00297568 parts of our history it becomes a moral compass a moral foundation in a different kind of way and so aIJxtwoL0Zc-00504-00297568-00298264 you know what was the reaction to his dissent in communities at that time and and how did people aIJxtwoL0Zc-00505-00298264-00298960 embrace or or not embrace it in what it what it represented. >>It's fascinating Anurima because aIJxtwoL0Zc-00506-00299040-00299600 unlike the civil rights cases of 1883 which was this this sort of national requiem you know aIJxtwoL0Zc-00507-00299600-00300240 everybody in America knew that these cases were being debated you know the galleries were packed aIJxtwoL0Zc-00508-00300240-00301072 when the arguments were made and things like that, in Plessy v Ferguson the difference between aIJxtwoL0Zc-00509-00301072-00301712 between 1883 and 1896. People both black and white had accepted the idea the Supreme Court was never aIJxtwoL0Zc-00510-00301712-00302392 going to support black people so a lot of black leaders led by Frederick Douglass discouraged aIJxtwoL0Zc-00511-00302392-00302760 anyone from bringing the case of Plessy v Ferguson they were saying you know no good could come of aIJxtwoL0Zc-00512-00302760-00303256 this, all that happens is a really bad precedent will result. And he was certainly right about it aIJxtwoL0Zc-00513-00303448-00303928 it wasn't it didn't even get its own headline when the decision came through in New Orleans aIJxtwoL0Zc-00514-00303928-00304360 that's how much of a sort of fait accompli it was. They thought it was that the court would aIJxtwoL0Zc-00515-00304360-00305104 would support separate but equal um so Harlan's dissent which was this this powerful aIJxtwoL0Zc-00516-00305104-00305632 condemnation of the court got no attention in the white community essentially it's it's known aIJxtwoL0Zc-00517-00305632-00306272 now because people have discovered it but whites in 1896 paid no attention. In the black community aIJxtwoL0Zc-00518-00306272-00307288 however we now know that it was immediately accepted as a truly important definitive statement aIJxtwoL0Zc-00519-00307288-00308048 of the values that that the black community saw in the US Constitution, only recently like in the aIJxtwoL0Zc-00520-00308048-00308712 last 10 years have African-American papers from that era been digitized so you can now go back and aIJxtwoL0Zc-00521-00308712-00309272 see stories and they were often separate stories about Harlan's dissenting Plessy v Ferguson. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00522-00309272-00309880 Also when Harlan died in 1911 you can see tributes, I mean we're not talking just aIJxtwoL0Zc-00523-00309880-00310208 a few tributes, we're talking about attributes in almost every black paper in the country aIJxtwoL0Zc-00524-00310208-00310808 we're talking about memorial services in far the far reaches of the of the country from people aIJxtwoL0Zc-00525-00310808-00311504 who never knew John Marshall Harlan but they were all black services to pray for his soul at aIJxtwoL0Zc-00526-00311504-00312048 Metropolitan AME, this is after they had already had three all black memorial services for Harlan aIJxtwoL0Zc-00527-00312144-00312752 they had a giant sort of ecumenical service where where people of all different branches of faith aIJxtwoL0Zc-00528-00312752-00313400 came together all black and and read Harlan's dissents aloud including the Plessy dissent. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00529-00313512-00314440 So we now know that black people across the board were intensely aware of this opinion, aIJxtwoL0Zc-00530-00314520-00315224 it was intensely meaningful to them that one justice alone was willing to take this stance. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00531-00315224-00316072 So when Thurgood Marshall in the 1940s and 50s is going around the country to try to get plaintiffs aIJxtwoL0Zc-00532-00316072-00316840 who are willing to challenge segregation in courts knowing that the Ku Klux Klan is organized aIJxtwoL0Zc-00533-00316840-00317240 in these states and is ready to come after them and that they're putting their families in danger aIJxtwoL0Zc-00534-00317336-00317872 he was able to use Harlan's dissent as a way of persuading people including his own legal aIJxtwoL0Zc-00535-00317872-00318528 colleagues that they had a chance for success you know the argument was like if if one white person aIJxtwoL0Zc-00536-00318528-00319144 can see things like this we can we can get more white people to see it this way and keep in mind aIJxtwoL0Zc-00537-00319144-00319656 that initially a lot of the civil rights decisions were decisions by one judge not decisions by aIJxtwoL0Zc-00538-00319872-00320504 the Supreme Court but when they finally were able to take segregation on front and center aIJxtwoL0Zc-00539-00320560-00320992 in Brown versus Board of Education the NAACP Legal Defense Fund brief which was Thurgood aIJxtwoL0Zc-00540-00320992-00321424 Marshall's brief and constant speaker Montlies brief had Harlan's words right in the heart of aIJxtwoL0Zc-00541-00321424-00322144 it and it declared that you know Justice Harlan not the court's majority properly defined the role aIJxtwoL0Zc-00542-00322144-00323088 of the 14th amendment in American life and the equal protection clause. So we now know that this aIJxtwoL0Zc-00543-00323088-00323840 dissent that nobody read in the white community had a powerful effect in overturning segregation. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00544-00324072-00324712 >>Here I became a young lawyer at the NAACP Legal Defense Fund you know nearly a century aIJxtwoL0Zc-00545-00324712-00325360 after after that dissent and I can say that it was still a moral compass for the work aIJxtwoL0Zc-00546-00325464-00325832 and at a time where I think we are you know when we think about school segregation aIJxtwoL0Zc-00547-00325904-00326392 worse than Plessy we're at separate and unequal in terms of our schools and and so many of the aIJxtwoL0Zc-00548-00326392-00327152 places in which we now engage, I also think about this history which we got a chance to talk about aIJxtwoL0Zc-00549-00327152-00327656 a little bit but I'm just going to reference which is you know one of the leading Supreme Court cases aIJxtwoL0Zc-00550-00327656-00328280 in the last you know two decades around this issue of of you know what do we want America to aIJxtwoL0Zc-00551-00328280-00328848 be do we want it to be a place where people grow up together do they grow up together across race aIJxtwoL0Zc-00552-00328848-00329272 and so there's a case coming out of Louisville, Kentucky and I didn't know that Justice Harlan aIJxtwoL0Zc-00553-00329344-00329960 was you know you know so much a Kentuckian and from that space and so when you think about aIJxtwoL0Zc-00554-00330032-00330560 this case coming out you know in 2007 trying to figure out like how do you you know whether or aIJxtwoL0Zc-00555-00330560-00331120 not people who want to bring their kids together can do so it's a it's a you think about this long aIJxtwoL0Zc-00556-00331120-00331856 line of Justice Harlan's influence and and that influences even in in the dissent in that case aIJxtwoL0Zc-00557-00331856-00332312 which was penned by Justice Breyer the longest dissent he had written at least at that time aIJxtwoL0Zc-00558-00332376-00332904 which very much echoes some of what Justice Harlan tried to bring about the the importance aIJxtwoL0Zc-00559-00332904-00333496 of the 13th 14th and 15th amendments and the and the privileges and and values that they that they aIJxtwoL0Zc-00560-00333568-00334144 were you know meant we were meant to live by right. But to to just to Justice Harlan aIJxtwoL0Zc-00561-00334232-00334760 one of the things that really strikes me about his politics I mean he ran for office many times and aIJxtwoL0Zc-00562-00334760-00335168 you know there's lots of things he was trying to do but his politics but also his worldview is that aIJxtwoL0Zc-00563-00335168-00335536 he wanted to bring people together so when I think of him as as being a unionist I think aIJxtwoL0Zc-00564-00335536-00335872 of it as being someone who wanted to have a union of people, right, like it was a aIJxtwoL0Zc-00565-00335872-00336320 it's like a sort of a deeper sense of that he wanted to bring people together across divides aIJxtwoL0Zc-00566-00336320-00336912 he did not like this idea of extra extremism and so I wanted to just get your sense of of aIJxtwoL0Zc-00567-00336912-00337736 what do you think he would, one, think of in terms of the way in which America is is currently headed aIJxtwoL0Zc-00568-00337736-00338376 and situated in a time of of extraordinary divide and then I want to ask you about sort of what he aIJxtwoL0Zc-00569-00338376-00338808 would think about the court's role in that too but so let's just just for a moment say like you know aIJxtwoL0Zc-00570-00338808-00339312 what how would you think if he was here now and and and looked at the ways in which divides have aIJxtwoL0Zc-00571-00339368-00339800 not only the divides he was trying to address but but certainly there are other ways in which we see aIJxtwoL0Zc-00572-00339800-00340376 divides emerging and and how would some of the principles that you think come out of his dissents aIJxtwoL0Zc-00573-00340376-00341104 help us today in thinking about those divides. >> Well he was a a fierce believer in the rule of law aIJxtwoL0Zc-00574-00341176-00341832 over politics for example so some of the actions of the last few years including the January 6th aIJxtwoL0Zc-00575-00341832-00342312 riot and some of the things that were said around that would have provoked a furious reaction in him aIJxtwoL0Zc-00576-00342400-00343256 in terms of racial divisions. He immediately perceived after the Civil War that this racial aIJxtwoL0Zc-00577-00343256-00343848 problem was not solved it was actually entering a a new and very dangerous sort of sort of state aIJxtwoL0Zc-00578-00343944-00344432 within the country and he predicted in the Plessy dissent that you know what can more aIJxtwoL0Zc-00579-00344432-00345000 surely through his words what can more surely sow the seeds of race hate than enactments that aIJxtwoL0Zc-00580-00345000-00345768 proceed upon the notion that one one portion of the country is so degraded they can't participate aIJxtwoL0Zc-00581-00345824-00346808 equally in in government life and in public life, civic life, I think he would have said that he aIJxtwoL0Zc-00582-00346808-00347456 predicted it that that the terrible court decisions of his era set the stage for the aIJxtwoL0Zc-00583-00347456-00348216 divisions that we're coping with today I think in some of the cases like you described where aIJxtwoL0Zc-00584-00348424-00349040 governments on their own were trying to wrestle with these problems and come up with desegregation aIJxtwoL0Zc-00585-00349040-00349640 plans I think the combination of his his deference to the legislature and his belief that aIJxtwoL0Zc-00586-00349640-00350448 the democratic system can solve these problems combined with his strong belief in the post-war aIJxtwoL0Zc-00587-00350448-00351240 amendments and that they created a special right of action for legislatures to in the US Congress aIJxtwoL0Zc-00588-00351240-00351896 to address racial inequities I think he would have supported them. I think that what you aIJxtwoL0Zc-00589-00351896-00352688 mentioned about Justice Breyer's dissent shows the the way that the law connects generations, aIJxtwoL0Zc-00590-00352752-00353512 I think it's entirely conceivable that Justice Breyer in writing that dissent was very aware of aIJxtwoL0Zc-00591-00353512-00354160 Harlan's dissent and Plessy and was in some sense channeling Harlan. Interestingly today aIJxtwoL0Zc-00592-00354160-00354664 some of the more conservative justices on the court on today's court also embrace Harlan and aIJxtwoL0Zc-00593-00354664-00355640 believe that his defense of black rights in those cases was being true to the original intent of aIJxtwoL0Zc-00594-00355640-00356304 the post-Civil War amendments and he was defending the plain language of those amendments. There's a aIJxtwoL0Zc-00595-00356376-00356952 professor in Texas who was saying he was trying to come up with like a legal club at his school aIJxtwoL0Zc-00596-00356952-00357616 that would sort of think tank that would embrace all viewpoints and they wanted to name it after a aIJxtwoL0Zc-00597-00357616-00358208 great justice of the Supreme Court and none of them were suitable to both sides except aIJxtwoL0Zc-00598-00358304-00358904 Harlan and Robert Jackson who was more acceptable because he was the prosecutor at Nuremberg aIJxtwoL0Zc-00599-00359024-00359816 so there we are that is the state of legal affairs today. There are only two people that both sides aIJxtwoL0Zc-00600-00359872-00360496 can endorse and and John Marshall Harlan is one of them which is a strong testament to his aIJxtwoL0Zc-00601-00360672-00361400 enduring legacy, it's a testament to the power of that sort of image of him as the principal figure aIJxtwoL0Zc-00602-00361400-00362192 standing against his colleagues and and his his deep faith in the Constitution aIJxtwoL0Zc-00603-00362192-00362768 and when you were talking about you know how he wanted to bring people together a unionist aIJxtwoL0Zc-00604-00362768-00363344 in sort of that larger sense you know he he grew up in a time where he really believed that aIJxtwoL0Zc-00605-00363472-00364008 American democracy was a fragile experiment but a great experiment. Everyone else in the world aIJxtwoL0Zc-00606-00364008-00364728 was living under some form of dictatorship and the United States was unique in this way, towards the aIJxtwoL0Zc-00607-00364728-00365320 end of his life he strongly came to understand and believed that it would be a multi-racial democracy aIJxtwoL0Zc-00608-00365472-00366200 this is probably a good note to end on too. In 1901 he was or 1902 he was celebrating the 25th aIJxtwoL0Zc-00609-00366200-00366648 anniversary of him joining the court and they had a big testimonial dinner and it was in the aIJxtwoL0Zc-00610-00366648-00367360 middle of the insular cases remember those cases involving Hawaii and the Philippines and Cuba and aIJxtwoL0Zc-00611-00367544-00368168 he's standing in the Willard Hotel with the new president Theodore Roosevelt on one side, aIJxtwoL0Zc-00612-00368168-00368664 the entire Supreme Court is there much of the Senate is there everybody's there everyone aIJxtwoL0Zc-00613-00368664-00369160 knows that these highly contentious cases are going on and he delivers in his speech aIJxtwoL0Zc-00614-00369160-00369800 a tribute to the Constitution and ends with you know, long may it live and long may it aIJxtwoL0Zc-00615-00370000-00370880 preside over people of all races who or protect people of all races who who live under its power. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00616-00371088-00371720 I think he intended that to be his his great sort of valedictory statement on the subject aIJxtwoL0Zc-00617-00371720-00372152 that he he saw America as a multi-racial democracy and thought that the aIJxtwoL0Zc-00618-00372224-00372736 ideas embedded in the Constitution articulated as well in the Declaration of Independence aIJxtwoL0Zc-00619-00372848-00373544 would carry the nation through that we can be a successful multi-racial democracy aIJxtwoL0Zc-00620-00373544-00374080 if we stay true to those values that's what he would want people today to remember. aIJxtwoL0Zc-00621-00374360-00374696 >>Yes and I think he'd also like people to remember that if you have a chance to aIJxtwoL0Zc-00622-00374752-00375272 become proximate to someone like he was to Robert Harlan that if there's a way in which aIJxtwoL0Zc-00623-00375272-00375856 you can inspire one another up close and to and to be able to learn from one another's past aIJxtwoL0Zc-00624-00375856-00376480 that that both you know both of them were stronger for it and were able to literally transform you aIJxtwoL0Zc-00625-00376480-00376984 know future of a country in so many ways because of it and and I think that's that's another of aIJxtwoL0Zc-00626-00376984-00377624 the extraordinary lessons of your book which was was such a revelation to me as someone who aIJxtwoL0Zc-00627-00377624-00378704 uh who has held on to Justice Harlan as as that kind of foundational moral vision that he provided aIJxtwoL0Zc-00628-00378704-00379440 for so many of us uh and and and also all the ways in which he is a story of evolution of what we aIJxtwoL0Zc-00629-00379440-00379952 need in these times to to bring us together to to actually be a different kind of unionist um aIJxtwoL0Zc-00630-00379952-00380672 in in in this moment so, thank you so much Peter for all of the the learnings that you and wisdom aIJxtwoL0Zc-00631-00380736-00381440 and detail and and I mean I love the story of him having writer's block and and and uh which I 'll aIJxtwoL0Zc-00632-00381440-00381824 tell everyone to go read in the book about what got him on a writer's block which takes you back aIJxtwoL0Zc-00633-00381920-00382496 not injustice funny and you you wouldn't believe that that's that's the way in which uh we get some aIJxtwoL0Zc-00634-00382496-00383144 of the the great decisions of the Harlan world so um so thank you so much for the time Peter, aIJxtwoL0Zc-00635-00383200-00383624 and and thank you Anurima I think I think Justice Harlan would be proud to know that there are aIJxtwoL0Zc-00636-00383680-00384160 uh young people like yourself who are uh picking up the cause leading the cause and aIJxtwoL0Zc-00637-00384296-00385064 carrying some of his values uh into a totally new century and um uh you know helping to aIJxtwoL0Zc-00638-00385144-00386684 to carry his values forward so thank you thank you very much, thank aIJxtwoL0Zc-00639-00389072-00389080 you. aJ0UAFVPV2o-00000-00006640-00006664 come aJ0UAFVPV2o-00001-00007095-00007184 good on aJ0UAFVPV2o-00002-00009736-00009984 get her to the bank aJ0UAFVPV2o-00003-00010096-00011384 hey grab your front legs aJ0UAFVPV2o-00004-00012280-00012784 i need to pick up her hips aJ0UAFVPV2o-00005-00016488-00016984 all the way up aJ0UAFVPV2o-00006-00018208-00018384 y'all aJ0UAFVPV2o-00007-00019144-00019784 oh aJ0UAFVPV2o-00008-00019984-00021184 now aJ0UAFVPV2o-00009-00022064-00022584 i'm getting here aJ0UAFVPV2o-00010-00023064-00023984 right here aJ0UAFVPV2o-00011-00024336-00025384 break back aJ0UAFVPV2o-00012-00029000-00029583 here aL7J_KQtE2I-00000-00000098-00000698 Hello, my name is Rina. In this video, I want to show to you Phuket FantaSea Show. aL7J_KQtE2I-00001-00000840-00001418 Park with entertainments for children and adults is not to far from Patong, in Kamala beach. aL7J_KQtE2I-00002-00001496-00002258 It includes a modern indoor theater, comfortable, air-conditioned banquet hall and more than five-acre entertainment and shopping. aL7J_KQtE2I-00003-00002344-00002890 Just before the entrance you are greeted colorful carp in the pond, here they sell fish food. aL7J_KQtE2I-00004-00003008-00003392 Fantasea street made in the style of Thai mythology and legends. aL7J_KQtE2I-00005-00003452-00003928 Here you will find craft workshops, where they make a picture of the buff, aL7J_KQtE2I-00006-00003961-00004592 blown glassware, create orchid of soap and create pictures with elephants from wood. aL7J_KQtE2I-00007-00004692-00005450 A variety of shops will please you with ornaments of precious stones and unusual souvenirs and gifts with the symbol of the park Fantasea. aL7J_KQtE2I-00008-00005646-00006186 Do not miss the adventure in the jungle, where the terrarium to see the albino and white tigers. aL7J_KQtE2I-00009-00006250-00006980 In the Similan entertainment center, shoot the ball or catch the right frog, you're sure to win a prize. aL7J_KQtE2I-00010-00007066-00007486 Youngest guests of the park like charming carnival village. aL7J_KQtE2I-00011-00007542-00008150 They can ride on the carousel while their parents are watching a colorful parade and art performance. aL7J_KQtE2I-00012-00008240-00008706 You can make professional photographs in Thai costumes. aL7J_KQtE2I-00013-00008802-00009468 There are a lot of restaurants with Thai and European dishes, snacks, ice cream and drinks. aL7J_KQtE2I-00014-00009548-00010170 In the square between the gold and stone palace, there are elephants walk, where you can ride or feed them. aL7J_KQtE2I-00015-00010258-00010676 Giant catfish imported from the Mekong River float in a pond near Golden Kinnaree restaurant. aL7J_KQtE2I-00016-00010788-00011590 If you bought a ticket with dinner, then immediately on arrival come to Golden Kinnaree restaurant. aL7J_KQtE2I-00017-00011678-00012286 The restaurant serves Thai and European cuisine, mainly represented by meat dishes and a few fish. aL7J_KQtE2I-00018-00012320-00012592 Vegetarian dinner is very pure. aL7J_KQtE2I-00019-00012718-00013316 Drinking water, tea and coffee are free, other drinks for an additional fee. aL7J_KQtE2I-00020-00013382-00013912 The restaurant opened a separate room with seafood, its value is higher than the standard dinner. aL7J_KQtE2I-00021-00014080-00014526 After dinner and a walk in the park go to the Fantasea stone palace, aL7J_KQtE2I-00022-00014546-00014868 which was built on the grounds of the ancient state of Sukhothai. aL7J_KQtE2I-00023-00014902-00015102 Show starts 9 pm. aL7J_KQtE2I-00024-00015282-00015960 No photo inside. Put your photo, video cameras and camera phones in storage. aL7J_KQtE2I-00025-00016052-00016278 And I'll tell you a little about the show. aL7J_KQtE2I-00026-00016354-00017042 The storyline of the Prince of Kamala based on ancient Thai epic Ramakiyana aL7J_KQtE2I-00027-00017072-00017908 and displayed in both English and Thai languages. aL7J_KQtE2I-00028-00017990-00018490 Show is not only about the Prince, the story is quite free are intertwined with Kinnaree Thai traditional dances, aL7J_KQtE2I-00029-00018532-00019030 magic illusions, aerial acrobats performances, pyrotechnic tricks at scenes of battles, aL7J_KQtE2I-00030-00019072-00019520 funny tricks of the Siamese twins, and more. aL7J_KQtE2I-00031-00019612-00020334 Where else can you see the scene so many elephants at one time? aL7J_KQtE2I-00032-00020428-00020802 Those who already watch the show Fantasea, remembered scene with running chicken. aL7J_KQtE2I-00033-00020860-00021254 Moreover, this view can not be called a circus. It is more like a theatrical production. aL7J_KQtE2I-00034-00021402-00021788 Show hall is quite large and is designed for 3,000 people. aL7J_KQtE2I-00035-00021904-00022400 In the center closer to the stage, there are some golden places can be booked in advance. aL7J_KQtE2I-00036-00022528-00022874 If my video turned out to be useful to you, click Like, share it with your friends aL7J_KQtE2I-00037-00022896-00023276 and do not forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel. aLAV_aawOV8-00000-00000000-00000540 Welcome to the Test-Y test. Here you will look at a few photos and pick what you think is good. aLAV_aawOV8-00001-00001614-00001884 You succeeded test number 1. Congratulations! aLAV_aawOV8-00002-00002250-00002471 Good going. Now for test number 2. aLAV_aawOV8-00003-00002471-00002544 Make your choice. aLAV_aawOV8-00004-00002544-00002646 Make your choice. aNOyGGcIvCY-00000-00000164-00000472 "0:00-4:59 - one of the benefit of this formal computer aNOyGGcIvCY-00001-00000472-00001006 simulation modelling approach is that it allows us to kind of like correct our own human intuition aNOyGGcIvCY-00002-00001006-00001551 our own human reasoning which is often very faulty our intuition leads us astray a lot aNOyGGcIvCY-00003-00001551-00002241 of time it’s why formal model of computer supported model are very good at sticking aNOyGGcIvCY-00004-00002241-00002696 to our assumptions and make sure that our human intuition doesn’t leave us astray aNOyGGcIvCY-00005-00002696-00003321 so let’s look at one very concrete example from one kind of computer simulation modelling aNOyGGcIvCY-00006-00003321-00003744 approach it’s called it’s agent-based modelling that’s bottom up modeling approach aNOyGGcIvCY-00007-00003744-00004401 and let’s look at one very famous model and noble prize winning model Schelling segregation aNOyGGcIvCY-00008-00004401-00004894 model professor Schelling was always very interested in the questions observation that aNOyGGcIvCY-00009-00004894-00005351 if you look at modern cities usually you can see a lot of segregation between different aNOyGGcIvCY-00010-00005351-00005864 segments of society you can see neighborhood of black and white people then you can see aNOyGGcIvCY-00011-00005864-00006504 for example different religious congregations over here and over here different cultural aNOyGGcIvCY-00012-00006504-00007178 belongings ethnic belongs here and there you can see the USC Trojans here and the UCLA aNOyGGcIvCY-00013-00007178-00007639 Bruins over here and so a lot of segregation is going on in cities if you really look at aNOyGGcIvCY-00014-00007639-00008234 it now the interesting thing that Professor Schelling observes is that once you ask people aNOyGGcIvCY-00015-00008234-00008868 they say well actually I don’t like living in purely white neighborhood I would love aNOyGGcIvCY-00016-00008868-00009359 to have a more multicultural setting here in my neighborhood now there are two ways aNOyGGcIvCY-00017-00009359-00010186 how you can explain this contradictions either people are just liars they really want to aNOyGGcIvCY-00018-00010186-00010754 live in a white neighborhood or there is a little bit more to it so professor Schelling aNOyGGcIvCY-00019-00010754-00011753 said maybe there’s more to it so he invented this kind of model check it out so here we aNOyGGcIvCY-00020-00011753-00012442 have our grid our plain grid with red and green citizens we have 2400 citizens and we aNOyGGcIvCY-00021-00012442-00013122 randomly distribute them on this grid and we have the following rule citizens say that aNOyGGcIvCY-00022-00013122-00013744 50% of my neighbors should be like me so the red ones said 50% of my neighbors should be aNOyGGcIvCY-00023-00013744-00014276 red and the green ones said 50% of my neighbors should be green we can right now see that aNOyGGcIvCY-00024-00014276-00014797 42% of them are unhappy that means for 42% of them this condition is not given for the aNOyGGcIvCY-00025-00014797-00015363 rest it is given and we give them one simple rule we program the rule here and the code aNOyGGcIvCY-00026-00015363-00016166 in the rule is very simple it says if you are unhappy move to the next free space and aNOyGGcIvCY-00027-00016166-00016684 then re-evaluate your situation if you are happy now if you are unhappy move to the next aNOyGGcIvCY-00028-00016684-00017295 free space and re-evaluates your situation so and we get going and that’s all we do aNOyGGcIvCY-00029-00017295-00018033 we program and we set up the game and we say go we see here the ticks are the time periods aNOyGGcIvCY-00030-00018033-00018454 that has passed and every time period people are re-evaluating we see that unhappiness aNOyGGcIvCY-00031-00018454-00019033 is going down very quickly so people they are ever more happier that means they fulfill aNOyGGcIvCY-00032-00019033-00019479 the criteria that 50% of their neighbors are like them but what happens to the level of aNOyGGcIvCY-00033-00019479-00020167 similarity to the level of segregation you can see an extreme level of segregation setting aNOyGGcIvCY-00034-00020167-00020844 so you see here that 85% percent of the red ones are next to red ones and 85% of the green aNOyGGcIvCY-00035-00020844-00021368 ones are next to the green ones the micro motive motivation at the individual level aNOyGGcIvCY-00036-00021368-00022072 was 50% but the macro pattern that emerges out of this collective dynamic is a much more aNOyGGcIvCY-00037-00022072-00022807 segregated society now that we reached equilibrium that everybody is now eventually happy we aNOyGGcIvCY-00038-00022807-00023323 can see well we have a very segregated society now nothing happens nothing moves anymore aNOyGGcIvCY-00039-00023323-00023840 everybody is happy but maybe it was just bad luck so let’s do that again we randomly aNOyGGcIvCY-00040-00023840-00024432 toss them again on our grid we have 50% similarity at the beginning we can do that several times aNOyGGcIvCY-00041-00024432-00025057 to get every time a little bit different initial conditions now unhappiness level always around aNOyGGcIvCY-00042-00025057-00025718 42% they can do that again and then we can see ok let’s start we let our agents move aNOyGGcIvCY-00043-00025718-00026198 around time passes here the ticks go by and when everybody’s happy we reach equilibrium aNOyGGcIvCY-00044-00026198-00026919 again 88% similarity let’s do that again and see what happens and this result again aNOyGGcIvCY-00045-00026919-00027412 88% always a little different it depends on the initial conditions but in general we find aNOyGGcIvCY-00046-00027412-00028258 50% on the individual level and we get a result over 80 85% on the macro level of segregation aNOyGGcIvCY-00047-00028258-00028724 so let’s change our condition a little bit let’s say our people they are much more aNOyGGcIvCY-00048-00028724-00029836 tolerant they now say we only want 26% of our neighbors to be like us so almost three aNOyGGcIvCY-00049-00029836-00030110 in four neighbors can be different to me aNOyGGcIvCY-00050-00030110-00030344 " 5:01-10:00 - A little bit more than one in aNOyGGcIvCY-00051-00030344-00030513 our four neighbors should be like me. aNOyGGcIvCY-00052-00030513-00031326 We set up and see that here that people are less unhappy because we distribute them on aNOyGGcIvCY-00053-00031326-00031992 the grid, while they are much more tolerant or less of them are unhappy and let’s see aNOyGGcIvCY-00054-00031992-00032239 what happens when I set go. aNOyGGcIvCY-00055-00032239-00032623 You can see the unhappy is going down very quickly. aNOyGGcIvCY-00056-00032623-00033304 They look for a location where they can achieve happiness and we can see the level of segregation aNOyGGcIvCY-00057-00033304-00033700 goes up to almost 70% or does it reach 70%. aNOyGGcIvCY-00058-00033700-00034050 When everyone is happy there is a level of segregation of 70%. aNOyGGcIvCY-00059-00034050-00034535 That’s better than before, but when we aimed for 26% on the individual level these people aNOyGGcIvCY-00060-00034535-00034996 have been extremely tolerant and they end up in a quite segregated society at 70%. aNOyGGcIvCY-00061-00034996-00035222 Let’s do that gain to see what we get. aNOyGGcIvCY-00062-00035222-00035821 Uh, we start like this and we get a result of again, 69%. aNOyGGcIvCY-00063-00035821-00036352 Let’s do that again to see if initial convictions vary a little bit. aNOyGGcIvCY-00064-00036352-00036645 Again, 67% is what we get. aNOyGGcIvCY-00065-00036645-00037232 Now let’s just change our micromoles by 1%. aNOyGGcIvCY-00066-00037232-00037547 So from 26, we go down to 25 percent. aNOyGGcIvCY-00067-00037547-00037703 I just changed it by 1%. aNOyGGcIvCY-00068-00037703-00038349 Now they say one in four neighbors should be like me. aNOyGGcIvCY-00069-00038349-00039424 Now we see the setup, people move around and we achieve a level of segregation of 56%. aNOyGGcIvCY-00070-00039424-00039989 That means, we just changed 1% our individual behavior here and our social outcome here aNOyGGcIvCY-00071-00039989-00040583 is more than 10% different from previously 70% now down to 56% down. aNOyGGcIvCY-00072-00040583-00041140 Let’s do that again just to make sure that there wasn’t a chance of error. aNOyGGcIvCY-00073-00041140-00041488 And again we get the result. aNOyGGcIvCY-00074-00041488-00042055 This phenomena has many names in tipping points. aNOyGGcIvCY-00075-00042055-00042806 So just by changing the logic by a little bit, we get a big effect on the micro level, aNOyGGcIvCY-00076-00042806-00042942 on the micro outcome. aNOyGGcIvCY-00077-00042942-00043468 We can do this on the other side as well now and we say now that these people are much aNOyGGcIvCY-00078-00043468-00043581 more demanding. aNOyGGcIvCY-00079-00043581-00044272 They say 75%, three of my four neighbors should be exactly like me. aNOyGGcIvCY-00080-00044272-00044544 So these people are much more demanding. aNOyGGcIvCY-00081-00044544-00045352 We have a setup up that 88% of them are basically unhappy and we keep running the simulation aNOyGGcIvCY-00082-00045352-00045654 and happiness goes down as time goes. aNOyGGcIvCY-00083-00045654-00045895 Time passes very quickly. aNOyGGcIvCY-00084-00045895-00046153 People, well they are so demanding. aNOyGGcIvCY-00085-00046153-00046559 So this is a fast forward version of how quickly they move. aNOyGGcIvCY-00086-00046559-00046925 While unhappiness goes down over time as well. aNOyGGcIvCY-00087-00046925-00047418 This here is actually, this works on a donut, this side here connects to this side and this aNOyGGcIvCY-00088-00047418-00047578 side up here connects to this side. aNOyGGcIvCY-00089-00047578-00047812 So people move out here and come back in here. aNOyGGcIvCY-00090-00047812-00048487 You can see here that this is one giant red community evolving. aNOyGGcIvCY-00091-00048487-00049086 Now after 270 periods, we can see almost complete segregation. aNOyGGcIvCY-00092-00049086-00049500 We can see an empty buffer zone between them. aNOyGGcIvCY-00093-00049500-00049800 Everyone is happy but look at the level of segregation, 99.8%. aNOyGGcIvCY-00094-00049800-00050406 Red with only reds and greens only with greens. aNOyGGcIvCY-00095-00050406-00051165 So let’s change this here by 1% from 75% to 76%. aNOyGGcIvCY-00096-00051165-00051583 Guess what happens now. aNOyGGcIvCY-00097-00051583-00051978 Let’s check it out. aNOyGGcIvCY-00098-00051978-00053357 We press go and what happens? aNOyGGcIvCY-00099-00053357-00053602 Never finds equilibrium. aNOyGGcIvCY-00100-00053602-00053952 These people are so racist that they are never satisfied. aNOyGGcIvCY-00101-00053952-00054322 They are always search around, but look at the results. aNOyGGcIvCY-00102-00054322-00054778 It is the most mixed society we have ever had. aNOyGGcIvCY-00103-00054778-00055096 The levels are similarity are impressively low, 50%. aNOyGGcIvCY-00104-00055096-00055925 So a bunch of racist now suddenly, turn out to live in a completely mixed society and aNOyGGcIvCY-00105-00055925-00056444 again we just changed our micro behaviors by only 1% and we had a completely different aNOyGGcIvCY-00106-00056444-00056544 outcome. aNOyGGcIvCY-00107-00056544-00057076 This society doesn’t settle down on equilibrium. aNOyGGcIvCY-00108-00057076-00057651 So this formal marvel gives us interesting insides that helps us to understand human aNOyGGcIvCY-00109-00057651-00057965 intuition and human reasoning often fails. aNOyGGcIvCY-00110-00057965-00058538 For example, the total is different and it is actually more than the sums of its parts. aNOyGGcIvCY-00111-00058538-00058742 This is often called emergence. aNOyGGcIvCY-00112-00058742-00059019 The total is different or more than the sum of its parts. aNOyGGcIvCY-00113-00059019-00059726 So for example a bunch of actually quite tolerant people ended up in a very segregated society aNOyGGcIvCY-00114-00059726-00060126 and a bunch of extreme racist ended up in a mixed society. aNOyGGcIvCY-00115-00060126-00060466 Our human intuition is not very good in detecting these kinds of things. aNOyGGcIvCY-00116-00060466-00060566 09:59-14:31- extreme racists ended up in a mixed society. aNOyGGcIvCY-00117-00060566-00060666 Our human intuition is not very good at detecting these kinds of things. aNOyGGcIvCY-00118-00060666-00061057 And also the former model allowed us to detect these phase transitions, so phase transitions aNOyGGcIvCY-00119-00061057-00061301 are what you’re actually interested in and what you want to detect. aNOyGGcIvCY-00120-00061301-00061549 For example when you do policy. aNOyGGcIvCY-00121-00061549-00061966 So there is something happening you can put a lot of money a lot of money a lot of money aNOyGGcIvCY-00122-00061966-00062320 into an effort but then suddenly it tips these tipping points. aNOyGGcIvCY-00123-00062320-00062744 So and then suddenly well you put in just a little bit more money and a big effect happens, aNOyGGcIvCY-00124-00062744-00062994 so you often want to detect these phase transitions. aNOyGGcIvCY-00125-00062994-00063453 Just by thinking about them it’s extremely difficult to detect them former model help aNOyGGcIvCY-00126-00063453-00063554 us. aNOyGGcIvCY-00127-00063554-00064097 So Schelling’s segregation model is simplistic as it seems, it actually was proven to be aNOyGGcIvCY-00128-00064097-00064569 empirically correct and empirical data from Los Angeles, Milwaukee, Cincinnati, Omaha, aNOyGGcIvCY-00129-00064569-00065021 and Kansas City show that the Schelling description of preferences is broadly correct but the aNOyGGcIvCY-00130-00065021-00065555 empirical curves of course less regular than the curve suggested by theoretical modeling aNOyGGcIvCY-00131-00065555-00066134 and you could make the model as complex and as reality truthful as you would like. aNOyGGcIvCY-00132-00066134-00066600 Usually there of course more than four neighbors that you’re interested in, that actually aNOyGGcIvCY-00133-00066600-00067023 networks maybe it’s the number of people in your expanded neighborhood that you’re aNOyGGcIvCY-00134-00067023-00067217 interested in into their preferences. aNOyGGcIvCY-00135-00067217-00067772 You can actually use the digital data footprint and make a model to specific cities. aNOyGGcIvCY-00136-00067772-00068054 And then it becomes increasingly more complex. aNOyGGcIvCY-00137-00068054-00068441 So these models allow you to understand very simply what’s the logic? aNOyGGcIvCY-00138-00068441-00068845 And that was proven to be correct and now you can go on and make it as sophisticated aNOyGGcIvCY-00139-00068845-00069368 as you like. aNOyGGcIvCY-00140-00069368-00069992 A big benefit of computer simulations is that they allow for an intuitive way to communicate aNOyGGcIvCY-00141-00069992-00070103 scientific results. aNOyGGcIvCY-00142-00070103-00070640 For example for when Professor Schelling, here he is with his Nobel prize came up with aNOyGGcIvCY-00143-00070640-00071158 his theory of segregation model in the 1970s there were no computers so actually he did aNOyGGcIvCY-00144-00071158-00071524 it with a couple of pennies on a chess board. aNOyGGcIvCY-00145-00071524-00071965 And he was actually going with pennies on a chess board back and forth and he still aNOyGGcIvCY-00146-00071965-00072458 claims in his book I cannot too strongly urge you to get the dimes and pennies and do it aNOyGGcIvCY-00147-00072458-00072874 yourself there’s nothing like tracing it through for yourself and seeing the thing aNOyGGcIvCY-00148-00072874-00073065 work it out. aNOyGGcIvCY-00149-00073065-00073683 In an hour or so you can do it several times and experiment with different rules of behavior, aNOyGGcIvCY-00150-00073683-00074192 sizes and shapes of boards, and if you turn some of the coins heads and some tails you aNOyGGcIvCY-00151-00074192-00074561 can even have subgroups of dimes and pennies and so forth. aNOyGGcIvCY-00152-00074561-00075083 Brilliantly genius and he had a lot of patience for an hour or so to sit there with dimes aNOyGGcIvCY-00153-00075083-00075584 and pennies, imagine doing all these movements but you also have to be a really big nerd, aNOyGGcIvCY-00154-00075584-00075892 in order to have the patience to do that. aNOyGGcIvCY-00155-00075892-00076323 But he got these very interesting insights that he called Micromotives to Macrobehaviors. aNOyGGcIvCY-00156-00076323-00076814 That’s where he got his Nobel prize for, now but imagine so I was working at the United aNOyGGcIvCY-00157-00076814-00077490 Nations Secretariat and I was working with Presidents, Ministers, secretaries and policy aNOyGGcIvCY-00158-00077490-00078031 makers of all different levels and now imagine I would sit down and say Mister President aNOyGGcIvCY-00159-00078031-00078232 or even Mister Mayor. aNOyGGcIvCY-00160-00078232-00078751 Could you sit down here with my pennies and chess board in an hour or so I could show aNOyGGcIvCY-00161-00078751-00079081 you several times how it works itself… aNOyGGcIvCY-00162-00079081-00079572 They would not sit down with me for an hour or so, it’s without computer it’s impossible aNOyGGcIvCY-00163-00079572-00079807 to communicate this complexity. aNOyGGcIvCY-00164-00079807-00080269 Well the other traditional way of communicating this complexity is through mathematical formulas aNOyGGcIvCY-00165-00080269-00080424 through summaries of this dynamic. aNOyGGcIvCY-00166-00080424-00080829 So Schelling also actually worked on these kind of mathematical summaries as you can aNOyGGcIvCY-00167-00080829-00081405 see here, in modern microeconomics textbooks also explain Schelling’s result with the aNOyGGcIvCY-00168-00081405-00081618 help of differential equations like this one here. aNOyGGcIvCY-00169-00081618-00082214 So it says the equation might be read as follows the expected fraction of greens next periods aNOyGGcIvCY-00170-00082214-00082685 is the fraction of greens this period minus any green who exchanged the place with the aNOyGGcIvCY-00171-00082685-00082997 blue, the second term on the right obviously on the right hand side. aNOyGGcIvCY-00172-00082997-00083371 Plus any blues who changed the place with the greens which is the third term. aNOyGGcIvCY-00173-00083371-00083818 And then you basically take the derivative you put it to zero, you look for the optimal aNOyGGcIvCY-00174-00083818-00084293 and voila mister president and mister mayor I only need a couple of million dollars and aNOyGGcIvCY-00175-00084293-00084751 we can have a policy that eliminates segregation in your city. aNOyGGcIvCY-00176-00084751-00085309 They wouldn’t give me a couple million of dollars just because nobody can follow that, aNOyGGcIvCY-00177-00085309-00085466 nobody can understand that. aNOyGGcIvCY-00178-00085466-00085929 So the benefit is now a days with these computer simulations you can now intuitively communicate aNOyGGcIvCY-00179-00085929-00086452 extremely complex and completely not intuitive results. aNOyGGcIvCY-00180-00086452-00086982 Deep insights about the working of the fabric of societies through a very visual and intuitive aNOyGGcIvCY-00181-00086982-00087049 way. ap1vk3uXEau-00000-00000723-00001046 Rad jestem, że spotkałem żywą duszę, w taką noc. ap1vk3uXEau-00001-00001233-00001529 Dwa miecze, zbroja... na wojnę jakąś idzie? ap1vk3uXEau-00002-00001746-00002246 Żaden ze mnie żołnierz. Zabijam potwory. ap1vk3uXEau-00003-00002296-00002946 Aaa, wiedźmin, słyszałem o Was. W tych stronach za dużo zlecań nie znajdziecie. ap1vk3uXEau-00004-00002952-00003339 Tu lidzie prości. Trzymają się domów jak życia. ap1vk3uXEau-00005-00003406-00003989 Więc, czemu nie śpisz za zamkniętymi drzwiami? Szukasz kłopotów? ap1vk3uXEau-00006-00004015-00004439 Kogoś innego... mojego syna. ap1vk3uXEau-00007-00004445-00005099 Posłałem go do stolicy, by sprzedał tegoroczne zbiory. Zabrał przeszło cały wóz. ap1vk3uXEau-00008-00005099-00005602 Dwa tygodnie minęły od kiedy go widziałem. ap1vk3uXEau-00009-00005632-00006032 W tej części lasu dzieją się złe rzeczy. ap1vk3uXEau-00010-00006082-00006755 Idąc dalej na pewno coś znajdziesz, ale wątpie, że swojego syna. ap1vk3uXEau-00011-00006892-00007548 Ja już swoje przeżyłem. Teraz chce zapewnić te same szanse Mirmirowi. ap1vk3uXEau-00012-00007871-00008591 Na pewno chcesz się poświęcić? Są gorsze sposoby na śmierć niż mógłbyś sobie wyobrazić ap1vk3uXEau-00013-00008635-00009321 Kilka wiosek stąd, niedaleko Daevon, monstrum nie z tego świata przekroczyło próg tawerny. ap1vk3uXEau-00014-00009334-00010104 Jakby gdyby nic weszło do środka, rozszarpało wszystkich. Głowy i ręce walały się po podłodze jak brudy. ap1vk3uXEau-00015-00010171-00010597 Z trudem rozpoznałbyś wśród zabitych własne dziecko. ap1vk3uXEau-00016-00010637-00010894 Dlatego zawędrowałeś aż tutaj? ap1vk3uXEau-00017-00010907-00011231 Z tego samego powodu powinieneś zawrócić póki możesz. ap1vk3uXEau-00018-00011237-00011714 Nie mogę wrócić z niczym. Czy żyję czy umarł, muszę wiedzieć. ap1vk3uXEau-00019-00011857-00012197 A Ty nie lękasz się tego stwora, którego szukasz? ap1vk3uXEau-00020-00012267-00012954 Ani potworów ni ludzi. Choć do niedawna myślałem, że jedno od drugiego można oddzielić. ap1vk3uXEau-00021-00012964-00013107 Jak to? ap1vk3uXEau-00022-00013114-00013677 Różnią się wyglądem, ale w sercach mają ten sam instynkt do czynienia zła. ap1vk3uXEau-00023-00013680-00014067 Uczył mnie o tym Vesemir, zanim opuściłem Kaer Morhen. ap1vk3uXEau-00024-00014073-00014210 Wtedy mu nie wierzyłem. ap1vk3uXEau-00025-00014283-00014743 Nie znam się na Waszych wiedźmińskich sprawach, ale wiem jedno... ap1vk3uXEau-00026-00014810-00015273 Ludzie nie rodzą się źli lub głupi. Tacy się stają. ap1vk3uXEau-00027-00015280-00015583 Przypominasz mi Vesemira. ap1vk3uXEau-00028-00015596-00015866 Zawsze miał do powiedzenia jakąś mądrość. ap1vk3uXEau-00029-00015940-00016263 Dobrze słyszeć, że są ludzie podobni do mnie. ap1vk3uXEau-00030-00016273-00016743 Któregoś dnia może i Ty będziesz nauczał życia, ale wtedy... ap1vk3uXEau-00031-00016770-00017003 Wiedźminie, dlaczego Twój medalion się rusza? ap1vk3uXEau-00032-00017016-00017483 Zamilcz! Coś się zbliża... ap1vk3uXEau-00033-00017846-00018356 Co to za diabelstwo? ap1vk3uXEau-00034-00021119-00021252 Ktoś jest w dobrym nastroju... ap1vk3uXEau-00035-00026921-00027241 Teraz wystarczy, że odetnę głowę bestii i zgarnę nagrodę. ap1vk3uXEau-00036-00029100-00029200 Graj muzyko! apl6BtJeI7M-00000-00000057-00000315 Membership site versus online course, apl6BtJeI7M-00001-00000318-00000666 which one is best by the end of this video, apl6BtJeI7M-00002-00000666-00001071 I am going to walk you through with an unforgettable gym apl6BtJeI7M-00003-00001074-00001533 metaphor so that you will be able to repeatedly answer this apl6BtJeI7M-00004-00001533-00001785 question any time you need to, apl6BtJeI7M-00005-00001788-00001898 for yourself, apl6BtJeI7M-00006-00001914-00002388 for the best business legal and Kajabi practical guidance, apl6BtJeI7M-00007-00002421-00002652 you are in the right place. apl6BtJeI7M-00008-00002673-00002817 Over the past decade, apl6BtJeI7M-00009-00002817-00003228 I have helped thousands of people just like you start grow apl6BtJeI7M-00010-00003228-00003411 and to sell their businesses. apl6BtJeI7M-00011-00003411-00003704 So let's get focused on you. apl6BtJeI7M-00012-00003726-00004152 There are five simple questions that we're going to use to apl6BtJeI7M-00013-00004152-00004611 help you gain confidence in determining whether a membership site or apl6BtJeI7M-00014-00004611-00004818 an online course is best for you. apl6BtJeI7M-00015-00004839-00005127 So let's get started by laying the foundation. apl6BtJeI7M-00016-00005148-00005235 First off, apl6BtJeI7M-00017-00005238-00005703 the gym that you are building is your business. apl6BtJeI7M-00018-00005757-00005880 Since it's your business, apl6BtJeI7M-00019-00005883-00006201 you get to decide what goes into the gym. apl6BtJeI7M-00020-00006204-00006354 When the gym is open, apl6BtJeI7M-00021-00006357-00006809 what are the customers and how involved or not involved you apl6BtJeI7M-00022-00006816-00006984 are, it's your gym. apl6BtJeI7M-00023-00006987-00007308 So that makes you the gym owner. apl6BtJeI7M-00024-00007329-00007748 Now I know that gyms have lots of equipment in them apl6BtJeI7M-00025-00007755-00008058 and different kinds of equipment and group classes, apl6BtJeI7M-00026-00008061-00008196 and some have swimming pools. apl6BtJeI7M-00027-00008232-00008454 We are going to keep this really simple. apl6BtJeI7M-00028-00008472-00008811 We're going to just focus in on a single weight set. apl6BtJeI7M-00029-00008820-00008868 All right, apl6BtJeI7M-00030-00008868-00009252 just a single weight set is inside of your business. apl6BtJeI7M-00031-00009285-00009525 And we're going to focus on a customer. apl6BtJeI7M-00032-00009549-00009951 What is that customer doing in relationship to you? apl6BtJeI7M-00033-00009978-00010257 The weight set and the gym itself, apl6BtJeI7M-00034-00010287-00010542 and also other customers, apl6BtJeI7M-00035-00010542-00010965 how they are playing a role in terms of interacting with apl6BtJeI7M-00036-00010968-00011073 the customer, apl6BtJeI7M-00037-00011097-00011310 the gym and yourself. apl6BtJeI7M-00038-00011322-00011682 We're going to get started with the first two of our apl6BtJeI7M-00039-00011682-00011817 five questions. apl6BtJeI7M-00040-00011820-00011994 Now, opening a gym. apl6BtJeI7M-00041-00012000-00012111 Isn't easy, apl6BtJeI7M-00042-00012138-00012264 starting a business. apl6BtJeI7M-00043-00012270-00012369 Isn't easy. apl6BtJeI7M-00044-00012375-00012777 And so it's really important to understand these first two questions apl6BtJeI7M-00045-00012804-00012924 when you're starting, apl6BtJeI7M-00046-00012927-00013380 because they play such a vital role in our businesses. apl6BtJeI7M-00047-00013383-00013668 Question. One has to do with, apl6BtJeI7M-00048-00013686-00013994 if you were going to go work out yourself, apl6BtJeI7M-00049-00014037-00014154 how does that happen? apl6BtJeI7M-00050-00014169-00014346 So I'm going to give you two examples. apl6BtJeI7M-00051-00014372-00014505 One is my husband, apl6BtJeI7M-00052-00014505-00014901 Chris, who could go to the gym pre pandemic whenever he apl6BtJeI7M-00053-00014901-00015084 wanted. He didn't take the kids with him. apl6BtJeI7M-00054-00015084-00015213 He didn't have me with him. apl6BtJeI7M-00055-00015234-00015558 He was really on his own schedule when it came to apl6BtJeI7M-00056-00015558-00015627 his gym, apl6BtJeI7M-00057-00015630-00015894 workout, contrast that with myself, apl6BtJeI7M-00058-00015924-00016281 I've been blending babies and business for a decade. apl6BtJeI7M-00059-00016281-00016356 At this point, apl6BtJeI7M-00060-00016380-00016584 when I go to the gym, apl6BtJeI7M-00061-00016608-00016905 I had an infant carrier or a toddler with me. apl6BtJeI7M-00062-00016935-00017139 I would drop them off in kids' zone. apl6BtJeI7M-00063-00017139-00017418 I had two hours go do my workout, apl6BtJeI7M-00064-00017421-00017511 finish the workout, apl6BtJeI7M-00065-00017511-00017595 pick up the kids, apl6BtJeI7M-00066-00017595-00017697 bring the kids home. apl6BtJeI7M-00067-00017721-00017968 Those are very different workout styles. apl6BtJeI7M-00068-00017971-00018514 Now, the reason that's important is that directly plays into the apl6BtJeI7M-00069-00018514-00018796 life cycle that you're in right now, apl6BtJeI7M-00070-00018832-00019357 someone that is single with no children with no responsibilities can apl6BtJeI7M-00071-00019357-00019762 make different decisions because they have different constraints on their time. apl6BtJeI7M-00072-00019786-00019987 They're in a certain lifecycle, apl6BtJeI7M-00073-00020011-00020188 contrast that with myself, apl6BtJeI7M-00074-00020206-00020623 with two small children and running a home and running a apl6BtJeI7M-00075-00020623-00021124 business, I have to be realistic about what I can and apl6BtJeI7M-00076-00021124-00021478 cannot do because of the constraints on my time. apl6BtJeI7M-00077-00021481-00021973 So when you're thinking about what is your life cycle look apl6BtJeI7M-00078-00021973-00022426 like? Are you really unencumbered where you have all the time apl6BtJeI7M-00079-00022426-00022483 in the world, apl6BtJeI7M-00080-00022510-00022699 you are the ultimate decision maker. apl6BtJeI7M-00081-00022720-00023149 Do you have other people that play into the decisions that apl6BtJeI7M-00082-00023149-00023257 you're able to make? apl6BtJeI7M-00083-00023278-00023521 Maybe you have constraints based on health. apl6BtJeI7M-00084-00023542-00023773 Maybe it's because of aging parents, apl6BtJeI7M-00085-00023773-00023923 maybe it's young children. apl6BtJeI7M-00086-00023944-00024166 We all have different responsibilities, apl6BtJeI7M-00087-00024169-00024400 but that is first and foremost. apl6BtJeI7M-00088-00024427-00024793 When you're deciding membership site or online course, apl6BtJeI7M-00089-00024811-00025156 please keep in mind the life cycle that you're in. apl6BtJeI7M-00090-00025183-00025255 And for me, apl6BtJeI7M-00091-00025255-00025516 it all comes down to how do I work out? apl6BtJeI7M-00092-00025519-00025672 Do I get to go by myself? apl6BtJeI7M-00093-00025675-00025954 And time is at my discretion, apl6BtJeI7M-00094-00025960-00026344 or do I need to make decisions on what I do apl6BtJeI7M-00095-00026347-00026872 based on other people and responsibilities that are impacting. apl6BtJeI7M-00096-00026875-00027004 When I work out, apl6BtJeI7M-00097-00027010-00027352 question number two has to do with, apl6BtJeI7M-00098-00027355-00027925 do you want day pass customers or membership card customers. apl6BtJeI7M-00099-00027961-00028089 For instance, apl6BtJeI7M-00100-00028108-00028405 when you purchase a day pass to a gym, apl6BtJeI7M-00101-00028423-00028591 usually you're traveling, apl6BtJeI7M-00102-00028594-00028687 you're visiting. apl6BtJeI7M-00103-00028705-00028999 You only need to attend for one day. apl6BtJeI7M-00104-00029023-00029530 Versus when you have a membership card to a business you're apl6BtJeI7M-00105-00029530-00029854 likely a loyal repeat customer. apl6BtJeI7M-00106-00029877-00030037 The frequency doesn't matter. apl6BtJeI7M-00107-00030039-00030313 It is the decision point between, apl6BtJeI7M-00108-00030343-00030682 do you find yourself being more excited, apl6BtJeI7M-00109-00030700-00031054 selling a lot of day passes to different people that are apl6BtJeI7M-00110-00031057-00031426 in town visiting just need a workout for the day? apl6BtJeI7M-00111-00031462-00031873 Or are you more excited with the thought of having membership apl6BtJeI7M-00112-00031873-00032122 card people where you know, apl6BtJeI7M-00113-00032127-00032230 Oh, hi Susan. apl6BtJeI7M-00114-00032230-00032329 So good to see you. apl6BtJeI7M-00115-00032329-00032455 How is Bob doing? apl6BtJeI7M-00116-00032482-00032617 What are the kids up to? apl6BtJeI7M-00117-00032617-00033187 Did you get your landscaping planted different kind of interactions when apl6BtJeI7M-00118-00033187-00033610 you're with your day pass customers or your membership card customers? apl6BtJeI7M-00119-00033613-00034087 So that's the second question you want to ask yourself about apl6BtJeI7M-00120-00034123-00034456 yourself, which is more exciting to you. apl6BtJeI7M-00121-00034480-00034597 We're all different. apl6BtJeI7M-00122-00034597-00034789 There's no wrong answer on this one. apl6BtJeI7M-00123-00034822-00034999 Since we're talking about this, apl6BtJeI7M-00124-00035002-00035170 what excites you more? apl6BtJeI7M-00125-00035170-00035350 When you're the person buying? apl6BtJeI7M-00126-00035374-00035710 Do you like buying a membership or do you like buying apl6BtJeI7M-00127-00035726-00035801 online course? apl6BtJeI7M-00128-00035825-00035900 Let me know. apl6BtJeI7M-00129-00035900-00036035 In the comments below, apl6BtJeI7M-00130-00036050-00036521 I'm really curious what you find exciting as a customer. apl6BtJeI7M-00131-00036563-00036893 And is it the same or different when you are the apl6BtJeI7M-00132-00036893-00036977 gym owner, apl6BtJeI7M-00133-00037007-00037094 the business owner. apl6BtJeI7M-00134-00037109-00037415 Now we're going to go through questions three, apl6BtJeI7M-00135-00037418-00037553 four, and five, apl6BtJeI7M-00136-00037598-00037748 and don't worry. apl6BtJeI7M-00137-00037748-00038105 I'm going to give you a whiteboard image for both the apl6BtJeI7M-00138-00038105-00038294 membership site decision, apl6BtJeI7M-00139-00038315-00038621 an online course and a bonus combo platter. apl6BtJeI7M-00140-00038624-00039263 So question three is how are you selling the weight set? apl6BtJeI7M-00141-00039296-00039497 Are you selling the, apl6BtJeI7M-00142-00039521-00039788 you can buy the weight set and take it home with apl6BtJeI7M-00143-00039788-00040271 you, or are you selling access to the weight set? apl6BtJeI7M-00144-00040321-00040765 Keep in mind with Kajabi you can choose either one to apl6BtJeI7M-00145-00040765-00040978 start and it is very, apl6BtJeI7M-00146-00040978-00041440 very easy to change it up or layer in something else. apl6BtJeI7M-00147-00041443-00041863 So if what excites you more is I want to sell apl6BtJeI7M-00148-00041863-00042016 the weight set from my gym. apl6BtJeI7M-00149-00042034-00042214 That is more of an online course. apl6BtJeI7M-00150-00042244-00042490 If you are more excited by, apl6BtJeI7M-00151-00042520-00042778 I want to sell access to my weight set. apl6BtJeI7M-00152-00042793-00043279 That is a membership site question number four has to do apl6BtJeI7M-00153-00043279-00043594 with how are you paid for the weight set? apl6BtJeI7M-00154-00043618-00044017 So are you paid in a lump sum or perhaps a apl6BtJeI7M-00155-00044017-00044113 payment plan? apl6BtJeI7M-00156-00044116-00044626 So one payment of a thousand dollars or 10 payments of apl6BtJeI7M-00157-00044629-00045205 $100 that is more of an online course decision versus I apl6BtJeI7M-00158-00045205-00045805 am paid $10 or a hundred dollars every month for access apl6BtJeI7M-00159-00045805-00045889 to that weight set. apl6BtJeI7M-00160-00045898-00046240 Now bonus legal tip here, apl6BtJeI7M-00161-00046240-00046606 because it's so important that you stay illegally zipped up. apl6BtJeI7M-00162-00046633-00046951 I just did a video on this for you. apl6BtJeI7M-00163-00046978-00047416 That is all about making sure that your Kajabi offers are apl6BtJeI7M-00164-00047416-00047512 legally zipped. apl6BtJeI7M-00165-00047572-00047896 So if that is news to you and no one has apl6BtJeI7M-00166-00047896-00047989 put that on your radar, apl6BtJeI7M-00167-00047992-00048520 please definitely check out that video because it is incredibly important. apl6BtJeI7M-00168-00048535-00048679 You can also, apl6BtJeI7M-00169-00048679-00048802 as you'll see in this image, apl6BtJeI7M-00170-00048820-00049024 have a combo deal. apl6BtJeI7M-00171-00049042-00049345 This is the Peloton arrangement, apl6BtJeI7M-00172-00049348-00049732 which I'm going to walk through an entire whiteboard image for apl6BtJeI7M-00173-00049732-00049930 you in just a few moments, apl6BtJeI7M-00174-00049957-00050221 but know that this also exists. apl6BtJeI7M-00175-00050233-00050491 You can have a combo deal, apl6BtJeI7M-00176-00050491-00051085 which is an online course followed or preceded by a recurring apl6BtJeI7M-00177-00051088-00051301 option, which is the membership site. apl6BtJeI7M-00178-00051330-00051625 That brings us to question number five, apl6BtJeI7M-00179-00051630-00052017 which is when can people join your gym. apl6BtJeI7M-00180-00052045-00052660 Now this answer has to do entirely with question number one. apl6BtJeI7M-00181-00052666-00052852 What lifecycle are you in? apl6BtJeI7M-00182-00052876-00053146 What quality of life are you aiming for? apl6BtJeI7M-00183-00053176-00053347 You'll see on this image, apl6BtJeI7M-00184-00053416-00053658 if you're open all the time, apl6BtJeI7M-00185-00053685-00053832 that is like to me, apl6BtJeI7M-00186-00053835-00054009 snap 24 hour fitness. apl6BtJeI7M-00187-00054041-00054294 I can come and go as a please. apl6BtJeI7M-00188-00054321-00054525 The cart is always open. apl6BtJeI7M-00189-00054549-00054720 That's an evergreen model. apl6BtJeI7M-00190-00054723-00054825 It has pros. apl6BtJeI7M-00191-00054828-00055299 It has cons versus a Y M C a model here apl6BtJeI7M-00192-00055299-00055521 is when we open here is when we close. apl6BtJeI7M-00193-00055545-00055809 That is an open closed model. apl6BtJeI7M-00194-00055869-00056366 Either one of those will apply to an online course or apl6BtJeI7M-00195-00056366-00056475 a membership site. apl6BtJeI7M-00196-00056502-00057066 It has to do with which one excites you more, apl6BtJeI7M-00197-00057099-00057341 which is right for you. apl6BtJeI7M-00198-00057348-00057546 After looking at these five questions, apl6BtJeI7M-00199-00057573-00057948 are you leaning more towards a membership site or an online apl6BtJeI7M-00200-00057948-00058110 course, and keep in mind, apl6BtJeI7M-00201-00058130-00058304 you don't have to go this alone. apl6BtJeI7M-00202-00058308-00058758 I have an entire free resource library that you can unlock apl6BtJeI7M-00203-00058758-00059141 for yourself by simply clicking the link in the description below. apl6BtJeI7M-00204-00059163-00059451 It has a wealth of resources, apl6BtJeI7M-00205-00059478-00059853 all nicely curated and organized to help you, apl6BtJeI7M-00206-00059879-00060309 as you are trying to figure out membership or online course, apl6BtJeI7M-00207-00060324-00060692 let's take a look first at the membership image. apl6BtJeI7M-00208-00060714-00060854 So the membership, apl6BtJeI7M-00209-00060858-00061224 if you've answered the questions and you are finding yourself saying, apl6BtJeI7M-00210-00061224-00061398 yes, I'm the gym owner. apl6BtJeI7M-00211-00061430-00061572 I have my weight set, apl6BtJeI7M-00212-00061572-00061986 and I want to sell access to my customers and be apl6BtJeI7M-00213-00061986-00062190 paid on our recurring basis. apl6BtJeI7M-00214-00062214-00062403 That is a membership site. apl6BtJeI7M-00215-00062427-00062751 That might be the best option for you. apl6BtJeI7M-00216-00062780-00063366 Keep in mind that memberships can be something as simple as apl6BtJeI7M-00217-00063384-00063894 accessing content or accessing a monthly call or incredibly involved. apl6BtJeI7M-00218-00063915-00064241 What matters is that it's uniquely tailored to you. apl6BtJeI7M-00219-00064269-00064896 I have this entire playlist that is all focused on Kajabi apl6BtJeI7M-00220-00064899-00065277 membership sites that you are welcome to check out any time. apl6BtJeI7M-00221-00065319-00065694 Now we can contrast the online course with the membership site. apl6BtJeI7M-00222-00065727-00065814 If you say, apl6BtJeI7M-00223-00065814-00065979 yes, I'm the gym owner. apl6BtJeI7M-00224-00066006-00066168 I want to sell my weight, apl6BtJeI7M-00225-00066171-00066354 set to my customer, apl6BtJeI7M-00226-00066354-00066756 have them pay me one time or perhaps a payment plan. apl6BtJeI7M-00227-00066780-00067137 Then you're looking at an online course model. apl6BtJeI7M-00228-00067203-00067392 Again, keeping in mind, apl6BtJeI7M-00229-00067395-00067884 you can always change this up when you're using Kajabi. apl6BtJeI7M-00230-00067908-00068127 We don't have to mess with our content. apl6BtJeI7M-00231-00068148-00068403 We simply mess with our offers. apl6BtJeI7M-00232-00068433-00068577 And like I already mentioned, apl6BtJeI7M-00233-00068583-00068964 we've got a whole video offers and making sure they're legally apl6BtJeI7M-00234-00068967-00069063 zipped up. apl6BtJeI7M-00235-00069096-00069390 So this is ideal for you. apl6BtJeI7M-00236-00069396-00069528 If you say yes, apl6BtJeI7M-00237-00069555-00069753 one time package it, apl6BtJeI7M-00238-00069756-00069855 they take it home. apl6BtJeI7M-00239-00069861-00070116 And it is in their court. apl6BtJeI7M-00240-00070149-00070407 That is an online course model. apl6BtJeI7M-00241-00070431-00070602 And if that excites you, apl6BtJeI7M-00242-00070605-00070821 then that is the best solution. apl6BtJeI7M-00243-00070842-00071419 Not forgetting that we can blend these two together. apl6BtJeI7M-00244-00071452-00071821 We can do the Peloton model for those of you that apl6BtJeI7M-00245-00071821-00072058 are also Peloton writers. apl6BtJeI7M-00246-00072091-00072574 I love my Peloton and Peloton is a great example of apl6BtJeI7M-00247-00072577-00072946 blending, an online course and a membership site. apl6BtJeI7M-00248-00072982-00073204 So we have our gym. apl6BtJeI7M-00249-00073207-00073645 We are the gym owner inside the gym is the weight apl6BtJeI7M-00250-00073645-00074074 set. We're going to call that the Peloton bike Peloton sells apl6BtJeI7M-00251-00074080-00074251 the bike for $2,000. apl6BtJeI7M-00252-00074287-00074377 You take it, apl6BtJeI7M-00253-00074383-00074497 it comes to your home. apl6BtJeI7M-00254-00074500-00074566 It's yours. apl6BtJeI7M-00255-00074569-00074626 You own it. apl6BtJeI7M-00256-00074626-00074749 That is your bike. apl6BtJeI7M-00257-00074785-00075250 Now in order to access the classes and the community that apl6BtJeI7M-00258-00075250-00075370 Peloton provides, apl6BtJeI7M-00259-00075403-00075631 you buy a monthly membership. apl6BtJeI7M-00260-00075661-00076090 So you can start by purchasing the bike and the membership. apl6BtJeI7M-00261-00076096-00076207 At the same time, apl6BtJeI7M-00262-00076237-00076729 you could start writing a different bike and simply purchasing the apl6BtJeI7M-00263-00076732-00077137 access to the online app and just do it that way. apl6BtJeI7M-00264-00077149-00077251 Or you can say, apl6BtJeI7M-00265-00077257-00077377 Oh, I'm loving this. apl6BtJeI7M-00266-00077407-00077593 I really want the Peloton bike. apl6BtJeI7M-00267-00077611-00077752 And they can add that on. apl6BtJeI7M-00268-00077758-00078310 So the Peloton to me is a very fluid model of apl6BtJeI7M-00269-00078316-00078571 blending. Online course, apl6BtJeI7M-00270-00078586-00078817 the one-time purchase fixed fee. apl6BtJeI7M-00271-00078820-00079390 You own something with access to a recurring payment model, apl6BtJeI7M-00272-00079408-00079627 which is the membership site. apl6BtJeI7M-00273-00079681-00079768 There, you have it, apl6BtJeI7M-00274-00079771-00080113 my gym metaphor for figuring out whether a membership site or apl6BtJeI7M-00275-00080113-00080242 online course is best. apl6BtJeI7M-00276-00080272-00080680 These next videos are just for you to help you keep apl6BtJeI7M-00277-00080683-00080881 learning and deciding, apl6BtJeI7M-00278-00080881-00081127 which is the best one for right now. aO3mEU71TP8-00000-00000000-00000200 Sirnica | BUREK SA SIROM (sir, crveni luk, so, ulje, jaja, povlaka) aOrLhAepiVE-00000-00000011-00000303 (intense music) aOrLhAepiVE-00001-00000303-00000513 - In the event of natural disaster, aOrLhAepiVE-00002-00000513-00000861 telecommunication companies will try to do their best, aOrLhAepiVE-00003-00000861-00001134 but we always need to have our plan in place aOrLhAepiVE-00004-00001134-00001320 so we can quickly act on it. aOrLhAepiVE-00005-00001320-00001425 And once we are safe, aOrLhAepiVE-00006-00001425-00001729 we can look after other people and make them safe. aOrLhAepiVE-00007-00001729-00002079 (intense music continues) aOrLhAepiVE-00008-00002221-00002352 When we had the bush fire, aOrLhAepiVE-00009-00002352-00002619 I was working in the telecom industry, aOrLhAepiVE-00010-00002619-00003066 and went around helping the community out there. aOrLhAepiVE-00011-00003066-00003461 With the telecom I was involved in managing incidents aOrLhAepiVE-00012-00003461-00003699 where the telecommunication network sites aOrLhAepiVE-00013-00003699-00003852 would be losing power, aOrLhAepiVE-00014-00003852-00004191 so we were looking at how we can get power across to them. aOrLhAepiVE-00015-00004191-00004557 People cannot always rely on their mobile, aOrLhAepiVE-00016-00004557-00004695 or their telecommunication. aOrLhAepiVE-00017-00004695-00004887 Working during natural disaster, aOrLhAepiVE-00018-00004887-00005256 you get very emotional when you see people hard earned money aOrLhAepiVE-00019-00005256-00005580 and whatever they've achieved in life just go up in flames, aOrLhAepiVE-00020-00005580-00005775 and when you hear those stories from them, aOrLhAepiVE-00021-00005775-00005934 you start thinking about, aOrLhAepiVE-00022-00005934-00006252 if this would have happened to me, what would I do? aOrLhAepiVE-00023-00006252-00006495 So in the event of natural disaster, aOrLhAepiVE-00024-00006495-00006837 telecommunication companies will try to do their best, aOrLhAepiVE-00025-00006837-00007184 and also what they do is they work with each other aOrLhAepiVE-00026-00007184-00007398 to provide the service to the community. aOrLhAepiVE-00027-00007398-00007770 But from our perspective as a community, aOrLhAepiVE-00028-00007770-00007956 what I would suggest the community members aOrLhAepiVE-00029-00007956-00008073 need to be prepared. aOrLhAepiVE-00030-00008073-00008439 People cannot always rely on their mobile aOrLhAepiVE-00031-00008439-00008562 or their telecommunication aOrLhAepiVE-00032-00008562-00008796 because if there is a major disaster, aOrLhAepiVE-00033-00008796-00009009 we might lose some coverage. aOrLhAepiVE-00034-00009009-00009120 There might be black spots aOrLhAepiVE-00035-00009120-00009339 and you might not be able to contact anybody. aOrLhAepiVE-00036-00009339-00009582 So my advice on that one would be aOrLhAepiVE-00037-00009582-00009837 always tune into your local radio station aOrLhAepiVE-00038-00009837-00010020 and listen in to what they are saying aOrLhAepiVE-00039-00010020-00010368 and advising you on which path you need to take. aOrLhAepiVE-00040-00010368-00010557 The other thing what I've also done aOrLhAepiVE-00041-00010557-00010728 is I've spoken to my neighbours aOrLhAepiVE-00042-00010728-00011022 and made them aware that if there's an emergency aOrLhAepiVE-00043-00011022-00011421 we should stick together and we keep an eye on each other aOrLhAepiVE-00044-00011421-00011694 so that support available for one another. aOrLhAepiVE-00045-00011694-00011892 During the last national disaster aOrLhAepiVE-00046-00011892-00012141 what we identified is that aOrLhAepiVE-00047-00012141-00012504 we had some telecommunication network sites aOrLhAepiVE-00048-00012504-00012621 that we could not reach, aOrLhAepiVE-00049-00012621-00012999 and those areas weren't able to be serviced aOrLhAepiVE-00050-00012999-00013413 and the damage that was caused also by them, aOrLhAepiVE-00051-00013413-00013653 it took a long time to get them repaired aOrLhAepiVE-00052-00013653-00013923 because it was very hard to reach to those locations. aOrLhAepiVE-00053-00014022-00014250 Another natural disaster comes our way, aOrLhAepiVE-00054-00014250-00014513 I and my family have sat together. aOrLhAepiVE-00055-00014513-00014813 We have made our emergency plan. aOrLhAepiVE-00056-00014813-00015180 Being prepared is for your family, your loved ones. aOrLhAepiVE-00057-00015180-00015357 Then you can help the community out there. aPJaqeOOito-00000-00000000-00000351 Birmingham was once considered a prime location for a major airport. aPJaqeOOito-00001-00000351-00000731 Why did Atlanta get it? That question was submitted as part of Ask Alabama and aPJaqeOOito-00002-00000731-00001019 I've heard this story before. About how Birmingham was supposed to get a big aPJaqeOOito-00003-00001019-00001454 airport but the city screwed up or got swindled and it went to Atlanta. But I aPJaqeOOito-00004-00001454-00001752 don't think it ever happened, at least not how most people think. aPJaqeOOito-00005-00001960-00002343 So there is an actual story of a time when the Birmingham Airport got swindled aPJaqeOOito-00006-00002343-00002764 by Atlanta. It was back in the 1920s but Birmingham wasn't up for a major airport. aPJaqeOOito-00007-00002764-00003034 The Commerce Department was just choosing which airports to include as aPJaqeOOito-00008-00003034-00003271 part of their airmail route between New York and Miami. aPJaqeOOito-00009-00003271-00003592 Birmingham made an early bid for a bunch of technical reasons was considered a aPJaqeOOito-00010-00003592-00003907 front-runner. But then-Atlanta alderman William Hartsfield, who was a big aPJaqeOOito-00011-00003907-00004261 proponent of early air travel, convinced an assistant Postmaster General to come aPJaqeOOito-00012-00004261-00004666 to his city to inspect his Airport for consideration. But when the guy from the aPJaqeOOito-00013-00004666-00004993 Postal Service arrived, the inspection was not high on the to-do list. Instead aPJaqeOOito-00014-00004993-00005328 the people in Atlanta treated him like a celebrity. They paraded him through the aPJaqeOOito-00015-00005328-00005655 streets they wined him and dined him with the governor and the mayor and aPJaqeOOito-00016-00005655-00005955 other rich people in town and put him up in a luxury hotel suite. aPJaqeOOito-00017-00005955-00006289 Now this representative from the postal service never documented his thoughts on aPJaqeOOito-00018-00006289-00006619 the city, at least not in a place anyone can find but after his visit the aPJaqeOOito-00019-00006619-00006975 decision was made to include Atlanta in the air mail route instead of Birmingham. aPJaqeOOito-00020-00006975-00007311 Now just becoming part of the air mail route may seem like a small deal but it aPJaqeOOito-00021-00007311-00007650 was actually huge. See, in the early days of commercial airlines, particularly in aPJaqeOOito-00022-00007650-00007956 the 30s during the Great Depression, passenger flights weren't enough to keep aPJaqeOOito-00023-00007956-00008302 big businesses afloat. So most major airlines made their money off of fat aPJaqeOOito-00024-00008302-00008689 government contracts to deliver the mail. Securing the airmail route meant Atlanta aPJaqeOOito-00025-00008689-00008997 was now flying mail for nearly every major American city in the country, while aPJaqeOOito-00026-00008997-00009406 Birmingham was just handling the mail going into her coming out of Alabama. So aPJaqeOOito-00027-00009406-00009732 when Delta Airlines moved its headquarters in 1941, it made sense to aPJaqeOOito-00028-00009732-00010060 set up in Atlanta because that's where most of the business already was. Now I aPJaqeOOito-00029-00010060-00010425 know a lot of people may be saying that's not the story I heard, but I don't aPJaqeOOito-00030-00010425-00010753 think the story you heard ever happened. Our asker thought the major airport was aPJaqeOOito-00031-00010753-00011128 given to Atlanta, but airports aren't given they're built. And Atlanta focused a aPJaqeOOito-00032-00011128-00011428 lot of effort on building and expanding their Airport and bringing in business. aPJaqeOOito-00033-00011428-00011746 Birmingham was never really focused on air travel because it was focused on the aPJaqeOOito-00034-00011746-00012097 steel industry. Some people thought Birmingham blew its shot to get a Delta aPJaqeOOito-00035-00012097-00012502 Hub when it raised tax on plane fuel in the 40s, but Delta didn't used the hub aPJaqeOOito-00036-00012502-00012864 and spoke system of air travel until the mid-1950s. So they weren't looking for a aPJaqeOOito-00037-00012864-00013243 hub in the 40s. Even more people have heard that racial tension stopped Delta aPJaqeOOito-00038-00013243-00013566 from placing their hub in Birmingham, but that didn't really become national news aPJaqeOOito-00039-00013566-00013920 into the late 50s early 60s after the Delta Hub had already been set up in aPJaqeOOito-00040-00013920-00014247 Atlanta. Finally, some people heard," well it wasn't Delta looking to set up a hub aPJaqeOOito-00041-00014247-00014566 at all. It was another airline." But bad news again because most other airlines aPJaqeOOito-00042-00014566-00014979 didn't use the hub and spoke model of air travel until nearly the 80s. So again aPJaqeOOito-00043-00014979-00015328 nobody was looking to make a hub in Birmingham. My gut wants to say aPJaqeOOito-00044-00015328-00015591 the story everybody has heard about Birmingham nearly getting a major report aPJaqeOOito-00045-00015591-00015945 is a complete fabrication, but I can't prove a negative. All I can say is I aPJaqeOOito-00046-00015945-00016225 can't find a shred of evidence to support those theories beyond just aPJaqeOOito-00047-00016225-00016531 people and message boards relaying a story they heard once with confidence. aPJaqeOOito-00048-00016531-00016885 And I'm not alone. We asked around. The only thing written on the subject is aPJaqeOOito-00049-00016885-00017251 a nearly 15-year old article by the Birmingham Business Journal and they aPJaqeOOito-00050-00017251-00017620 also couldn't find any evidence. So my best guess is this is an urban legend aPJaqeOOito-00051-00017620-00017965 that sort of grew out of that story about the time we lost an airmail route. aPJaqeOOito-00052-00017965-00018483 That's it. I'm Jonathan Sobolewski for Reckon. aQJhSAeqQ40-00000-00000352-00000946 I believe that projects like BONUS RETURN that is gathering a lot of aQJhSAeqQ40-00001-00000946-00001545 different actors really can contribute to the development of knowledge and aQJhSAeqQ40-00002-00001545-00002382 capacity within the Baltic Sea region we need new projects that can be fore-runners aQJhSAeqQ40-00003-00002382-00002698 for developing not only technologies but aQJhSAeqQ40-00004-00002698-00003290 also ways of meeting the challenges of the eutrophication of the Baltic Sea and we aQJhSAeqQ40-00005-00003290-00004018 also need projects that address the reuse of nutrients like phosphorus back to aQJhSAeqQ40-00006-00004018-00004288 agriculture aUJ9iMHbF8k-00000-00000200-00000816 So good day, My name is Arindam Basu. I am an Associate Professor of Health Sciences, aUJ9iMHbF8k-00001-00000816-00001456 and I am going to talk about my presentation on using computational text analysis aUJ9iMHbF8k-00002-00001568-00002336 to filter first pass title and abstracts in systematic reviews. So let's get started. aUJ9iMHbF8k-00003-00002544-00002904 Now one of the things that we know about systematic reviews is this that they're quite aUJ9iMHbF8k-00004-00002904-00003760 time consuming processes, although systematic reviews are excellent for generation of evidence aUJ9iMHbF8k-00005-00003760-00004376 and therefore there's a lot of interest, a lot of people do them. But one of the most aUJ9iMHbF8k-00006-00004376-00005232 important point where we spend a lot of time is in correct selection of primary studies. And aUJ9iMHbF8k-00007-00005232-00005960 selection of primary studies are essentially on the basis of titles and abstracts, but before you aUJ9iMHbF8k-00008-00005960-00006592 do that you need to have a protocol and then you need to have some sort of a way in which you can aUJ9iMHbF8k-00009-00006816-00007423 search the studies in literature databases and then you select the studies on the aUJ9iMHbF8k-00010-00007423-00007848 basis of which you want to build your systematic reviews and meta-analysis. aUJ9iMHbF8k-00011-00008016-00008928 But after you obtain the, your total number of primary studies it can often go up to hundreds, aUJ9iMHbF8k-00012-00008984-00009608 and sometimes I have seen in in my previous experiences about several thousand studies aUJ9iMHbF8k-00013-00009608-00010280 needs to be analyzed on the basis of their titles and abstracts. This process is time consuming aUJ9iMHbF8k-00014-00010352-00010768 and it is prone to errors. So one of the ways in which people do this is this that if aUJ9iMHbF8k-00015-00010864-00011632 many of us if a team is conducting the systematic reviews, then we have open our protocol, we aUJ9iMHbF8k-00016-00011776-00012168 select keywords from our inclusion and execution criteria, aUJ9iMHbF8k-00017-00012168-00012896 we read each title and abstract carefully, and on that basis we select whether the um the this is aUJ9iMHbF8k-00018-00012896-00013496 this this particular title and abstract it fits our purpose or we have to reject it. And on the aUJ9iMHbF8k-00019-00013496-00014184 basis of this we eventually create what is known as a PRISMA chart and and this goes into there. aUJ9iMHbF8k-00020-00014368-00015024 So can we use computational text analysis or quantitative text analysis where we can aUJ9iMHbF8k-00021-00015024-00015744 use a computer and algorithm to go through the process and make it faster? In this example, aUJ9iMHbF8k-00022-00015744-00016400 we will be using a particular type of quantitative text analysis software called quanteda, which was aUJ9iMHbF8k-00023-00016400-00017264 written by Ken Benoit. It is a free package which is which you can install in r software, and you aUJ9iMHbF8k-00024-00017264-00017960 can work. So we used a study where we wanted to see what is the effectiveness of mindfulness aUJ9iMHbF8k-00025-00017960-00018800 meditation for anxiety relief. We ran a search on the on on Pubmed, and this for this example aUJ9iMHbF8k-00026-00018800-00019400 we are only going to use Pubmed, and we found that there were 95 studies, they were all English aUJ9iMHbF8k-00027-00019400-00020160 language human studies, and we could we could we got that study in in the form of CSV file. aUJ9iMHbF8k-00028-00020400-00020888 So then what we did was this that we loaded quanteda, readtext packages, aUJ9iMHbF8k-00029-00020888-00021792 and tidyverse libraries onto r, and then we used this particular version, that readtext function, aUJ9iMHbF8k-00030-00021792-00022456 in order to read the base file which contained the URL of it, and we assigned a text field which was aUJ9iMHbF8k-00031-00022456-00023048 titled the text field will be the one which we processed. The next step was that we conducted, aUJ9iMHbF8k-00032-00023048-00023600 we converted that Pubmed object into a corpus, and the corpus contains all the aUJ9iMHbF8k-00033-00023600-00024112 essential information along with the text level, along with the document level variables in it. aUJ9iMHbF8k-00034-00024176-00024904 Then we converted the entire corpus into a set of tokens, which means that we split up aUJ9iMHbF8k-00035-00024976-00025648 the the individual sentences which were the title words titles essentially into individual words, aUJ9iMHbF8k-00036-00025752-00026392 and then what we did was this that we used several options so that we removed common words which were aUJ9iMHbF8k-00037-00026392-00027039 like stop words, English language words such as "a", "and" etc. Then we conducted, or then we aUJ9iMHbF8k-00038-00027039-00027656 created our own dictionary which contained all the terms that were included, that we wanted to aUJ9iMHbF8k-00039-00027656-00028327 include in our inclusion criteria, so that we could put together our inclusion and exclusion aUJ9iMHbF8k-00040-00028448-00028848 words that the software would then go and search in the titles, aUJ9iMHbF8k-00041-00028968-00029583 and then what we did was that that we created a document term matrix or document aUJ9iMHbF8k-00042-00029736-00030424 feature matrix in particular, in case of quanteda. These terms are referred to as features, and then aUJ9iMHbF8k-00043-00030424-00031072 we used a we use the dictionary that we created earlier with the document feature matrix, aUJ9iMHbF8k-00044-00031127-00031695 and then what we did was that we looked up the terms and classified them whether they belonged aUJ9iMHbF8k-00045-00031695-00032488 to the to the inclusion criteria that we set up earlier. So this, to two tables, one was a aUJ9iMHbF8k-00046-00032488-00033128 features table that you can see here, and so these are the terms mindfulness, randomized, meditation, aUJ9iMHbF8k-00047-00033128-00033536 anxiety, these are the statistics that you get to see, that you can see that aUJ9iMHbF8k-00048-00033688-00034184 from here we see that there were 46 studies that were randomized control trials, aUJ9iMHbF8k-00049-00034184-00034752 the ones that we wanted to see 55 out of 95 studies contain the term mindfulness, aUJ9iMHbF8k-00050-00034752-00035280 22 studies contain mindfulness-based. So there's a slew of around 77 studies aUJ9iMHbF8k-00051-00035280-00035704 that contain the terms mindfulness, but not all of them were randomized control trials. aUJ9iMHbF8k-00052-00035704-00036368 And we see that the outcome term anxiety was found only in 25 out of 95 studies. So you can see that aUJ9iMHbF8k-00053-00036368-00037016 very quickly, it helps us to narrow down on the on on the terms that we the studies that we want to aUJ9iMHbF8k-00054-00037160-00037672 see. In terms of the outputs, you can see that using combining these various terms, aUJ9iMHbF8k-00055-00037672-00038448 we are able to generate the outputs that we would like to see and select the studies aUJ9iMHbF8k-00056-00038448-00039104 that will be useful for us. This is only a header that I'm going to show you. So then aUJ9iMHbF8k-00057-00039104-00039584 you can export the outputs to filter studies based on the basis of titles. You can see how aUJ9iMHbF8k-00058-00039584-00040224 they can be rapidly narrowed down. You can use that on on the abstracts, not just on titles, aUJ9iMHbF8k-00059-00040320-00040952 and computational text analysis can be used for even full text articles such as pdfs. aUJ9iMHbF8k-00060-00041064-00041432 I must say that this is very much a work in progress, if you want to take aUJ9iMHbF8k-00061-00041432-00042184 a look at the github repository you can go here, and you can work with us. Thank you. aVEPWan-yzu-00000-00000448-00000950 현재 승호는 플로어타임 홈스쿨에서 홈스쿨 감각 프로그램을 하고 있는데요. aVEPWan-yzu-00001-00000950-00001416 매주 어머니께 아이 맞춤형 커리큘럼을 3-4개 정도 전달드리고 있습니다. aVEPWan-yzu-00002-00001416-00001979 이 커리큘럼에 맞춰서, 아동과 함께 매일 놀이 및 감각 경험을 하게 됩니다. aVEPWan-yzu-00003-00001979-00002305 이제 홈스쿨 감각을 한지 4개월 차가 된 승호는 aVEPWan-yzu-00004-00002305-00002557 커리큘럼을 통해 다양한 경험을 하면서 aVEPWan-yzu-00005-00002557-00002983 아이가 좋아하고 할 수 있는 것이 무엇인지 발견할 수 있었습니다. aVEPWan-yzu-00006-00002983-00003418 승호가 진행한 몇 가지 놀이법에 관한 영상을 보여드리겠습니다. aVEPWan-yzu-00007-00003418-00003696 Q. 물구나무 놀이는 어렵지 않았는지? aVEPWan-yzu-00008-00003696-00004077 아 그거는 의외로 잘하던데요~(웃음) aVEPWan-yzu-00009-00004077-00004196 아 그랬어요~? aVEPWan-yzu-00010-00004196-00004644 아주 어릴 때 발목 잡고 해준 적은 있는데 aVEPWan-yzu-00011-00004644-00004876 그때는 아이가 기겁을 했던 거 같은데 aVEPWan-yzu-00012-00004876-00005293 지금은 본인 신체에 자신감이 생겼는지 aVEPWan-yzu-00013-00005293-00005552 제가 다칠까봐 발목은 나중에 잡았는데 aVEPWan-yzu-00014-00005552-00005946 본인이 이렇게 하고~ 준비 자세같이 그렇게 하고 있더라고요. aVEPWan-yzu-00015-00005946-00006422 처음에는 몸 전체 잡아주면서 물구나무 자세처럼 해줬거든요. aVEPWan-yzu-00016-00006422-00006800 그때는 뭐하는 거지? 이렇게 보다가 다시 내려갔는데 aVEPWan-yzu-00017-00006800-00007158 나중에는 재밌는지 계속 해달라고 와서~ aVEPWan-yzu-00018-00007158-00007408 나중에는 팔도 지탱하려고도 하고 aVEPWan-yzu-00019-00007513-00007669 생각보다는 (물구나무) 어렵지 않았어요. aVEPWan-yzu-00020-00007669-00007850 (승호가) 잘했네요~ aVEPWan-yzu-00021-00007850-00007940 예~ aVEPWan-yzu-00022-00007940-00008225 스스로 하진 않지만 그래도 제가 잡아주면 aVEPWan-yzu-00023-00008225-00008467 그대로 형태를 유지하고 있으니까~ aVEPWan-yzu-00024-00008528-00008934 겁이 많을 줄 알았는데 의외로 괜찮더라고요. aVEPWan-yzu-00025-00008934-00009414 그렇죠. 이렇게 아이가 계속 변하는 것을 느낄 수가 있죠? aVEPWan-yzu-00026-00009414-00009847 (과거에는) 무서워하고 뭘 어떻게 넘어가야 될지 두려움이 컸다면 aVEPWan-yzu-00027-00009847-00009918 네네. aVEPWan-yzu-00028-00009918-00010361 지금은 훨씬 더 자신감이나 신체 조절 능력들이 더 생기다 보니까 aVEPWan-yzu-00029-00010361-00010733 더 스스로 하려고 하는 자발적인 모습들이 보인 것 같아요. aVEPWan-yzu-00030-00010733-00010870 아~ 그런 것 같아요. aVEPWan-yzu-00031-00010870-00011139 그다음에 (스타킹) 안에 뭐 넣어서 해주니까 aVEPWan-yzu-00032-00011139-00011255 (스타킹) 좀 비치는 걸 했거든요. aVEPWan-yzu-00033-00011255-00011709 원래도 비치는 거를 관찰하는 그런 성향이 좀 있었거든요. aVEPWan-yzu-00034-00011709-00012307 그물 같은 걸로 밑에 장난감을 놓고 보고 이런 게 있었는데 aVEPWan-yzu-00035-00012307-00012803 스타킹도 약간 비치니까 그런 모습이 보였거든요. aVEPWan-yzu-00036-00012803-00012999 비쳐서 보려고 하고~ 좀 그런 게 있던데 aVEPWan-yzu-00037-00012999-00013200 살색 스타킹이어서~ aVEPWan-yzu-00038-00013200-00013268 네 aVEPWan-yzu-00039-00013268-00013581 안에 공도 넣어주고 했거든요. aVEPWan-yzu-00040-00013581-00013884 선생님이 (스타킹으로) 요요 놀이 (말씀) 하셔서 aVEPWan-yzu-00041-00013884-00014044 그거 하니까 승호가 좋아했어요. aVEPWan-yzu-00042-00014044-00014186 승호가 가지고 놀던가요? aVEPWan-yzu-00043-00014186-00014269 아~예예! aVEPWan-yzu-00044-00014269-00014552 (스타킹이) 탄성이 있다 보니까 신기해 하더라고요. aVEPWan-yzu-00045-00014552-00014682 돌리고 그랬거든요. aVEPWan-yzu-00046-00014682-00014974 돌리고 이렇게 탐색하는 모습들이 보였나요? (네~) aVEPWan-yzu-00047-00014974-00015297 그다음에 신체 붓놀이 이건 좀 어떠셨어요? aVEPWan-yzu-00048-00015297-00015462 아~ 붓으로 하니까 aVEPWan-yzu-00049-00015462-00015779 그 전에도 간질간질하면서 (놀이) 하긴 했는데 aVEPWan-yzu-00050-00015779-00016111 반응이 뭐하는 거지? 좀 쳐다보기도 하고 aVEPWan-yzu-00051-00016111-00016758 나중에는 승호가 (붓을) 뺏어서 이렇게 손에도 해보고~ 만져보더라고요. aVEPWan-yzu-00052-00016758-00016845 음~ aVEPWan-yzu-00053-00016845-00017016 엄마 얼굴에도 (붓으로) 이렇게 해보고~ aVEPWan-yzu-00054-00017016-00017136 아~ aVEPWan-yzu-00055-00017136-00017421 그래서 붓으로 눈,코,입 하진 않았고 aVEPWan-yzu-00056-00017421-00017565 나중에 다 놀이 끝나고 aVEPWan-yzu-00057-00017565-00017862 손으로 가리키면서 눈,코,입 할 때는 있었거든요. aVEPWan-yzu-00058-00017862-00018122 아 손으로~ 노래 끝나고요? aVEPWan-yzu-00059-00018122-00018515 그래서 눈,코,입~ 손가락으로 짚으면서 aVEPWan-yzu-00060-00018515-00018822 눈,코,입 하는 게 있었고~ aVEPWan-yzu-00061-00018822-00019114 아빠랑 놀 때도 눈,코,입~ 이렇게 하기도 했고요. aVEPWan-yzu-00062-00019114-00019507 신체 이름에 대해서 인지를 조금 하고 있는 것 같아요. aVEPWan-yzu-00063-00019507-00019876 승호가 신체 포인팅하는 것들이 지속적으로 나오고 있죠? aVEPWan-yzu-00064-00019876-00019923 네! aVEPWan-yzu-00065-00020029-00020325 특히 짐볼을 좋아하였는데 짐볼을 통해서 aVEPWan-yzu-00066-00020325-00020551 평소 문제행동으로 인식되던 부분이 aVEPWan-yzu-00067-00020551-00020858 해소될 수 있는 좋은 창구가 되어주었습니다. aVEPWan-yzu-00068-00020858-00021069 짐볼은 탐색, 적응단계부터 aVEPWan-yzu-00069-00021069-00021248 공격적으로 시행하는 단계까지 aVEPWan-yzu-00070-00021248-00021475 단계적으로 구성이 되어 있습니다. aVEPWan-yzu-00071-00021475-00021629 (짐볼놀이) 계속 타려고 하더라고요. aVEPWan-yzu-00072-00021629-00021805 아~ aVEPWan-yzu-00073-00021805-00022160 하기 전에 승호가 루틴처럼 뭘 만들어서 aVEPWan-yzu-00074-00022160-00022442 소파에서 콩콩콩 뛰어서 aVEPWan-yzu-00075-00022442-00022806 점프를 해서 짐볼 위에 딱 올라오더라고요. aVEPWan-yzu-00076-00022806-00022880 아~그래요? aVEPWan-yzu-00077-00022880-00023306 되게 고도화되게 신체를 쓰면서~(웃음) aVEPWan-yzu-00078-00023306-00023494 본인만의 놀이인가봐요! aVEPWan-yzu-00079-00023494-00023725 제가 이렇게 하라고 안 시켰는데 aVEPWan-yzu-00080-00023725-00024094 자기가 콩콩콩 하더니 탁 뛰어서 올라왔거든요. aVEPWan-yzu-00081-00024094-00024171 아~ aVEPWan-yzu-00082-00024171-00024562 짐볼에 올라와서 이제 제가 손을 잡아주니까 aVEPWan-yzu-00083-00024562-00025066 처음에는 무릎으로 균형 잡고 배로도 밀고 이렇게 했는데 aVEPWan-yzu-00084-00025066-00025418 나중엔 서서 콩콩 뛰더라고요! aVEPWan-yzu-00085-00025418-00025518 아~ aVEPWan-yzu-00086-00025518-00026002 제가 숫자 하나,둘,셋 하니까~ 균형이 잘 맞춰지니까 aVEPWan-yzu-00087-00026002-00026213 한 100번 넘게 했거든요. aVEPWan-yzu-00088-00026213-00026393 (놀람) 많이 했네요 어머니~ aVEPWan-yzu-00089-00026393-00026435 예예. aVEPWan-yzu-00090-00026435-00026645 튕겨 나갈 때도 있었는데 aVEPWan-yzu-00091-00026645-00026957 다리 잡고 딱 끼워서 하니까 aVEPWan-yzu-00092-00026957-00027373 튕겨서 승호가 떨어져도 안전하다는 걸 아니까 aVEPWan-yzu-00093-00027373-00027702 크게 무서워하지 않고 계속 타려고 하더라고요. aVEPWan-yzu-00094-00027702-00027931 그걸 몇 번 반복했으니까 aVEPWan-yzu-00095-00027931-00028163 거의 한 300번 넘게 탄 것 같아요. aVEPWan-yzu-00096-00028163-00028394 와 정말 많이 탔네요~ aVEPWan-yzu-00097-00028394-00028477 예예(웃음) aVEPWan-yzu-00098-00028477-00028797 나중에는 안 잡아주면 불안한데 aVEPWan-yzu-00099-00028797-00029072 승호가 혼자 뛰려고 시도하다가~ aVEPWan-yzu-00100-00029072-00029261 조금 넘어지기도 하고~ 그러죠? aVEPWan-yzu-00101-00029261-00029829 예예. 떨어져서 좀 아야~ 하긴 했는데 재밌어 하는 거 같아요. 짐볼은. aVEPWan-yzu-00102-00029829-00030316 그런 모습은 오히려 승호가 도전적인 모습이 보이죠~ aVEPWan-yzu-00103-00030316-00030611 굉장히 조심스러운 승호인데 aVEPWan-yzu-00104-00030611-00031141 이제 짐볼을 타다 보니까 스스로 반복적이고 안정된다는 걸 느끼니까 aVEPWan-yzu-00105-00031141-00031318 넘어져도 괜찮은 거죠. aVEPWan-yzu-00106-00031318-00031558 예예. 울지는 않았거든요. aVEPWan-yzu-00107-00031558-00031824 그래서 되게 재밌게 탔어요. aVEPWan-yzu-00108-00031824-00032094 아~ 정말 (승호가) 잘했네요. 어머니가 많이 힘드셨겠어요. 정말 aVEPWan-yzu-00109-00032094-00032197 아~예예(웃음) aVEPWan-yzu-00110-00032197-00033392 짐볼을 충분히 탄 후, 뛰거나 도는 모습 다른 신체 활동이 나타났는지? aVEPWan-yzu-00111-00033392-00033723 아~ 그게 조금 충족이 돼서 그런지 aVEPWan-yzu-00112-00033723-00034176 그전보다 복도 뛰는 게 많이 없어진 것 같기도 하네요. aVEPWan-yzu-00113-00034176-00034527 제가 주의를 주기도 하고 그런 것도 있겠지만 aVEPWan-yzu-00114-00034527-00034995 승호가 신체를 많이 뛰어서 에너지가 소모가 됐는지 aVEPWan-yzu-00115-00034995-00035276 그전보다는 좀 덜 뛰는 것 같아요. aVEPWan-yzu-00116-00035425-00035666 책상이나 테이블 위에도 많이 안 올라가고요. aVEPWan-yzu-00117-00035666-00036055 홈스쿨 감각에서는 마사지도 알려드리고 있는데 aVEPWan-yzu-00118-00036055-00036362 마사지는 여러가지 측면에서 효과가 있습니다. aVEPWan-yzu-00119-00036362-00036694 부모와 아이 사이에 유대감, 애착 관계를 형성하고 aVEPWan-yzu-00120-00036694-00037128 신체 운동성과 근력 증가 및 고유수용성 발달에 도움이 되며 aVEPWan-yzu-00121-00037128-00037514 소화 기능과 장 기능의 강화로 배설 작용에 도움이 됩니다. aVEPWan-yzu-00122-00037514-00038015 아이의 긴장감과 불안감 해소와 정신적인 안정감으로 정서 발달에 도움이 되며 aVEPWan-yzu-00123-00038015-00038182 편안한 숙면을 유도하고 aVEPWan-yzu-00124-00038182-00038715 아이의 뇌파가 긍정적으로 바뀌며 세로토닌 호르몬 분비가 촉진되게 됩니다. aVEPWan-yzu-00125-00038715-00039125 마사지는 각 부위별로 총 19개의 마사지가 구성되어 있어, aVEPWan-yzu-00126-00039125-00039345 매주 각 부위의 마사지를 익히게 하고 aVEPWan-yzu-00127-00039345-00039690 쉽게 따라하실 수 있도록 동영상도 제공해드리고 있습니다. aVEPWan-yzu-00128-00039690-00040020 승호도 4개월 차 때부터 마사지를 하기 시작하여 aVEPWan-yzu-00129-00040020-00040259 마사지 3주 차가 지난 시점부터는 aVEPWan-yzu-00130-00040259-00040605 거부 반응 없이 점차 적응하기 시작했다고 합니다. aVEPWan-yzu-00131-00040605-00041101 지금까지 승호의 4개월 차 홈스쿨 감각 변화에 대한 영상을 보았습니다. aVEPWan-yzu-00132-00041101-00041200 감사합니다. aWSib5X9oWy-00000-00000000-00000518 Noize MC: can you see the streak of dazzling light, Striking the April sky over Pripyat? aWSib5X9oWy-00001-00000518-00001134 Noize MC: Soon the ashes like the birds will cover the ground: Red-faced May day, scary X-ray aWSib5X9oWy-00002-00001134-00001737 Noize MC: Skin blister and nausea. Evacuation. Dosimetrician, police, remidiation. aWSib5X9oWy-00003-00001737-00002312 Noize MC: Kitchen window with like-never-before illumination. Man-made Vesuveus splitting particles into the night. aWSib5X9oWy-00004-00002312-00002622 "26.04": https://noizemc.lnk.to/2604 aYdtXJV_Xwy-00000-00000012-00000520 previously and here's why Azealia Banks is a menace [Music] aYdtXJV_Xwy-00001-00001968-00002478 hey guys Don here your pop culture boy before we get into this video I want to say that this is aYdtXJV_Xwy-00002-00002478-00003000 not an exposing Azealia Banks video for being a horrible person or me holding Azealia Banks aYdtXJV_Xwy-00003-00003000-00003552 accountable like how can I do that I don't know Azealia Banks this is just a fun video because aYdtXJV_Xwy-00004-00003552-00004152 most times I am not taking her seriously to me Azealia Banks is the definition of aYdtXJV_Xwy-00005-00004152-00004668 an industry Menace She's Like a Villain that people roots for while other celebrities will aYdtXJV_Xwy-00006-00004668-00005160 keep quiet about things affecting them in the music industry things that can be aYdtXJV_Xwy-00007-00005160-00005628 detrimental to their career Azealia Banks doesn't care and she will sing like Mariah aYdtXJV_Xwy-00008-00005628-00006288 Carey Azealia Banks is a straight up Savage but not the edgy Savage but a literal Savage aYdtXJV_Xwy-00009-00006816-00007331 a lot of y'all seem to like part one and ask for part two so this is for you aYdtXJV_Xwy-00010-00007626-00008196 before we get into the meat and potatoes of Rihanna and azealia's beef let's dive deep into aYdtXJV_Xwy-00011-00008196-00008874 the history of Where it All Began anti Believe It or Not Azealia Banks was headed for a bright aYdtXJV_Xwy-00012-00008874-00009462 future in the culture but her being a [__] starter and the ability to hate always been aYdtXJV_Xwy-00013-00009462-00010146 on Deck it costs her career in the early 2010s azealia's name was circulated as an upcoming it aYdtXJV_Xwy-00014-00010146-00010770 girl in rap and many big name artists including Kanye West and Lady Gaga wanted to collaborate aYdtXJV_Xwy-00015-00010770-00011358 with her now in 2015 Azealia Banks was arrested for allegedly biting a female security guard on aYdtXJV_Xwy-00016-00011358-00012006 her titty yes people her titty the biting took place at the club up and down in New York and if aYdtXJV_Xwy-00017-00012006-00012480 you're wondering what does Rihanna have to do with this don't worry we'll get there side note Rihanna aYdtXJV_Xwy-00018-00012480-00013044 is a menace and a definite Savage in her own right but that's for another video if y'all want it let aYdtXJV_Xwy-00019-00013044-00013578 me know anyway it's alleged that azealia's name was not on the list to enter the club which was aYdtXJV_Xwy-00020-00013578-00014172 an infant edition only that cause an altercation outside Banks allegedly began screaming cursing aYdtXJV_Xwy-00021-00014172-00014790 and using racial slurs towards the bouncers the rapper did eventually get in the club after the aYdtXJV_Xwy-00022-00014790-00015366 owner got her in but we all know that was not enough drama for Azealia Banks azilla is like aYdtXJV_Xwy-00023-00015366-00015936 the equivalent of a vape addict she wants all the smoke Azealia Banks confronted the security guards aYdtXJV_Xwy-00024-00015936-00016482 again berated them and telling them that she is on Rihanna's upcoming album and they should have aYdtXJV_Xwy-00025-00016482-00016962 known who she was the female security guard would then attempt to remove Banks from the aYdtXJV_Xwy-00026-00016962-00017502 venue resulting in Banks spitting in her face and fighting the female security guard on her breast aYdtXJV_Xwy-00027-00017568-00018246 was arrested for a second-degree harassment for physical contact disorderly conduct for a fight aYdtXJV_Xwy-00028-00018246-00018822 and violent behavior and assaulting with the intent to cause physical injury now remember aYdtXJV_Xwy-00029-00018822-00019530 Azealia Banks being included on Rihanna's 2016 album anti well that ended up not happening in aYdtXJV_Xwy-00030-00019530-00020112 response Azealia Banks would release 90 seconds of the song on the internet anyway on January 27 aYdtXJV_Xwy-00031-00020112-00020832 2016 Rihanna would release work and Azealia Banks being petty would tweet this on her Twitter Work aYdtXJV_Xwy-00032-00020832-00021504 video reminds me of baby boy video with Sean Paul except not as fly the following year Rihanna would aYdtXJV_Xwy-00033-00021504-00022044 Express her disdain for Donald Trump on Twitter after news of the former president executive aYdtXJV_Xwy-00034-00022044-00022608 order to ban immigrants from seven countries from entering the United States Rihanna's tweet aYdtXJV_Xwy-00035-00022608-00023226 read disgusted the news is devastating America is being ruined right before our eyes what an aYdtXJV_Xwy-00036-00023226-00023778 immoral Pig you have to be to implement such BS so yeah Ariana tweeted that and here comes aYdtXJV_Xwy-00037-00023778-00024414 Azealia messy Banks responding with as far as Rihanna who isn't a citizen and can't vote and all aYdtXJV_Xwy-00038-00024414-00024948 the rest of these celebrities who are using their influence to stir the public you lot really really aYdtXJV_Xwy-00039-00024948-00025578 need to shut up and sit down stop chastising the president it's stupid and pathetic to watch all aYdtXJV_Xwy-00040-00025578-00026166 of these confused people confuse other confused people Brianna would respond posting a photo on aYdtXJV_Xwy-00041-00026166-00026633 Instagram blowing a kiss with the caption the face you make when you were immigrant hashtag aYdtXJV_Xwy-00042-00026633-00027258 stay away from the chickens hashtag I heart nuggets hashtag save our hands now with the aYdtXJV_Xwy-00043-00027258-00027954 hashtag it suggests re was addressing azealia's rituals where Azealia would sacrifice chickens aYdtXJV_Xwy-00044-00027954-00028650 then after that Azealia did The Unthinkable by dropping what appears to be Rihanna's number aYdtXJV_Xwy-00045-00028650-00029220 with the caption bombs away and Rihanna would pose an alleged screenshot of a message she aYdtXJV_Xwy-00046-00029220-00029820 received from Azealia with the caption weirdos which reads I don't have to do anything to you aYdtXJV_Xwy-00047-00029820-00030276 Miss Beyonce is already working heavy on you everything to stop and think that's aYdtXJV_Xwy-00048-00030276-00030954 why you have a drug and sex addiction LOL girly best of luck that message would also aYdtXJV_Xwy-00049-00030954-00031602 expose azealia's number so yeah Rihanna is the Menace too but not an unprovoked one aYdtXJV_Xwy-00050-00032472-00033042 former Disney star Sky Jackson who is best known for portraying the role of Zuri Ross aYdtXJV_Xwy-00051-00033042-00033612 at the time got into it with Miss banks on the friendly app Twitter in 2016. yes six aYdtXJV_Xwy-00052-00033612-00033984 years ago and I can't believe this happened like six years ago as it seemed like it was aYdtXJV_Xwy-00053-00033984-00034702 just yesterday wait a minute how old was Skai Jackson in 2016 14. [Music] aYdtXJV_Xwy-00054-00034896-00035526 remember when I said Azealia Banks is like a vapor as she wants all the smoke anyone can aYdtXJV_Xwy-00055-00035526-00036048 get it from Azealia whether you're a man woman non-binary and apparently children aYdtXJV_Xwy-00056-00036258-00037128 foreign it doesn't matter Skye and azealia's Twitter brawl started after a sky came to Zayn aYdtXJV_Xwy-00057-00037128-00037710 Malik's defense after he was getting disgustingly dragged on the platform by Azealia which I covered aYdtXJV_Xwy-00058-00037710-00038184 in part one go check it out but wait and watch this video first before you click off Sky would aYdtXJV_Xwy-00059-00038184-00038706 insert herself tweeting Azealia Banks need to simmer down a little now Azealia Banks being aYdtXJV_Xwy-00060-00038706-00039390 the queen of insults replied and you need to grow some hips and start your menses stay in a child's aYdtXJV_Xwy-00061-00039390-00039996 place but Skye was not having that disrespect for missilia and followed up with at Azealia aYdtXJV_Xwy-00062-00039996-00040710 Banks when a no hip having a 14 year old has more class than you worry about your career get one aYdtXJV_Xwy-00063-00040764-00041862 foreign [Applause] [Music] should have just bowed out gracefully but we all know that did aYdtXJV_Xwy-00064-00041862-00042390 not happen as Lilia would respond saying your mom's been pimping you out to Disney since you aYdtXJV_Xwy-00065-00042390-00043206 were a little girl let's see what you end up like at 21. bye now Azalea thought she did something aYdtXJV_Xwy-00066-00043206-00043884 but Skye ate that tweet and said at Azealia Banks I had a career before Disney and I'm sure I will aYdtXJV_Xwy-00067-00043884-00044784 after and I know I won't turn out like you bitter and miserable fix your life oh my God Sky Jackson aYdtXJV_Xwy-00068-00044784-00045546 is the Menace II this whole situation was crazy Azealia Banks would call Skye a meme and a nobody aYdtXJV_Xwy-00069-00045546-00046164 and Sky would say yeah I'm a meme a meme that's more relevant than you she would even call her aYdtXJV_Xwy-00070-00046164-00046914 Azealia thanks Sky Jackson basically tells Azealia shut your ass up and it got so bad that even aYdtXJV_Xwy-00071-00046914-00047580 Skye's mom chimed in and tagged team as elia's ass in an interview with Teen Vogue the magazine ax aYdtXJV_Xwy-00072-00047580-00048270 guy what made you even decide to send the first tweet about Azealia Banks Sky Jackson replied I aYdtXJV_Xwy-00073-00048270-00048834 know who Azealia Banks is and I would always see her trending on Twitter at first I would never aYdtXJV_Xwy-00074-00048834-00049272 really pay attention to it but then I realized she was trending because of all the negative aYdtXJV_Xwy-00075-00049272-00049836 things and all the racial slurs that she was saying to Zayn Malik I felt like it was totally aYdtXJV_Xwy-00076-00049836-00050394 offensive and not right to say at all she's a bully and I've been bullied when I was younger aYdtXJV_Xwy-00077-00050394-00050934 I'm against bullying I hate it because I've dealt with it I felt like I had to say something on my aYdtXJV_Xwy-00078-00050934-00051588 Twitter so yeah Skye might have been a kid but she bodied azealia's ass not too many people aYdtXJV_Xwy-00079-00051588-00052194 can say that and back then as a result of all of that chaos as Lilia Banks Twitter was suspended aYdtXJV_Xwy-00080-00053129-00053772 but you probably heard the term skeletons in your closet but uh your girl Azelia Banks has aYdtXJV_Xwy-00081-00053772-00054491 chicken in her closet in 2016 Azealia Banks went on Instagram to show her fans a really disgusting aYdtXJV_Xwy-00082-00054491-00055278 dirty ass closet which was the result of her performing buharia which is various types of aYdtXJV_Xwy-00083-00055278-00056022 witch and occult religious practices that exist in Latin America and afro-caribbean cultures the aYdtXJV_Xwy-00084-00056022-00056562 amount of crap that's about to come off my floor right now guys oh my God Azealia says in the aYdtXJV_Xwy-00085-00056562-00057155 video three years worth of pujeria yes you know I gotta scrape all this [__] up in the video aYdtXJV_Xwy-00086-00057155-00057666 it showed Azealia Banks wearing safety goggles and using a power sander to clean what appears aYdtXJV_Xwy-00087-00057666-00058296 to be feathers and Gunk off the floorboards real witches do real things she says before aYdtXJV_Xwy-00088-00058296-00058955 turning on the sander now can y'all imagine the smell remember this is is not outside or even an aYdtXJV_Xwy-00089-00058955-00059670 open area but in her house as I said in part one Azealia Banks is crazy and obviously attention aYdtXJV_Xwy-00090-00059670-00060288 seeking for this anyway the singer-songwriter Sia a supporter of animal rights later took the aYdtXJV_Xwy-00091-00060288-00060804 Twitter to call out Azealia Banks in a tweet that read sacrificing animal for your gain is aYdtXJV_Xwy-00092-00060804-00061416 the wackest [__] I've ever heard get ahead by being awesome kind and hardworking now who told aYdtXJV_Xwy-00093-00061416-00062064 Sia to say that azuda would fire back at the Chandelier singer on Instagram calling Sia an aYdtXJV_Xwy-00094-00062064-00062700 ugly pasty dry white lady as lilia's brother told Sia to have respect for her traditional aYdtXJV_Xwy-00095-00062700-00063438 African religion and also called Sia A pompous white b word Azealia Banks followed that up with aYdtXJV_Xwy-00096-00063438-00064146 another post saying see assists call me and let me crush up some Maravilla and some honey and aYdtXJV_Xwy-00097-00064146-00064740 saskaria and make a salve for that chapped face of yours don't you ever in your palm aYdtXJV_Xwy-00098-00064740-00065514 this white life ever don't you ever in your pompous white life ever fix your stupid chapped aYdtXJV_Xwy-00099-00065514-00066234 face to say anything sideways about my religious beliefs or practices this is your first warning aYdtXJV_Xwy-00100-00067242-00067890 in April 2013 rapper ASAP rocker okay some people did call me out for calling him ASAP aYdtXJV_Xwy-00101-00067890-00068370 rocker instead of ASAP Rocky in part one I'm just referencing the time when Miley Cyrus aYdtXJV_Xwy-00102-00068370-00068976 called him ASAP rocker at the VMAs in 2015 now they did correct it in post hence there aYdtXJV_Xwy-00103-00068976-00069690 is a video on YouTube of her saying Rocky but I watched it live and she actually said rocker aYdtXJV_Xwy-00104-00069690-00070278 that's why you could clearly see ASAP be pissed after she said his name anyway ASAP rocker gave aYdtXJV_Xwy-00105-00070278-00070830 an interview to the covertor which he suggested dark-skinned women shouldn't wear purple lipstick aYdtXJV_Xwy-00106-00070830-00071358 though his statement was not aimed directly at Banks she took it personally and responded on aYdtXJV_Xwy-00107-00071358-00072000 Twitter saying LOL at ASAP Rocky's lipstick advice some people should just come out the closet and aYdtXJV_Xwy-00108-00072000-00072636 Azealia wouldn't end it there as she would release more tweets that question ASAP Rocky's sexuality aYdtXJV_Xwy-00109-00073500-00073944 in June of this year Beyonce released break my soul the leading single from her latest aYdtXJV_Xwy-00110-00073944-00074562 LP Renaissance while many were hyped for the song or just neutral asila Banks was aYdtXJV_Xwy-00111-00074562-00075174 pissed that Beyonce was making house music in her stories on Instagram Azealia would post a aYdtXJV_Xwy-00112-00075174-00075690 series of videos claiming Beyonce is trying to erase her presence from the house scene aYdtXJV_Xwy-00113-00075690-00076416 and quoted a statement from a Metro UK article that claimed Beyonce used azealia's music for aYdtXJV_Xwy-00114-00076416-00076998 inspiration along with other black artists and DJs in the UK Beyonce has been trying to write aYdtXJV_Xwy-00115-00076998-00077706 me out of my own narrative for like years at this point like this is so [__] weird so aYdtXJV_Xwy-00116-00077790-00078396 early Azealia Banks records okay so what are you trying to do are you trying to encapsulate my aYdtXJV_Xwy-00117-00078396-00079350 music in time and say like you know uh like it's vintage or something as if I'm not as as if my aYdtXJV_Xwy-00118-00079350-00080064 last three releases have not whipped your ass like are you kidding as if I as if I'm not showing like aYdtXJV_Xwy-00119-00080124-00080898 major versatility and all of that like you want me to not be yamaya so [__] badly like you aYdtXJV_Xwy-00120-00080898-00081486 want it to be Solange you wanted to be like Chloe Bailey like do a Little Mermaid movie aYdtXJV_Xwy-00121-00081486-00082260 and you don't include Azealia Banks like oh my [__] God you are like you're a joke and now aYdtXJV_Xwy-00122-00082260-00083052 in addition you're like trying to like just with whatever like you're so sneaky you're trying to aYdtXJV_Xwy-00123-00083052-00083826 erase my contributions to like house music dance music electronic music and all of that and like aYdtXJV_Xwy-00124-00083826-00084606 make it as if I'm what Azealia Banks fans started to make mashup of Beyonce's break my soul because aYdtXJV_Xwy-00125-00084606-00085224 they liked it but your favorite girl Miss Banks was not feeling the mashups she took her Instagram aYdtXJV_Xwy-00126-00085224-00086046 stories and wrote please for the love of God stop to break my soul a b mashups they are horrible aYdtXJV_Xwy-00127-00086658-00087264 if you haven't seen part 1 of Azealia Banks is a menace to society go watch it it's really aYdtXJV_Xwy-00128-00087264-00087906 entertaining and uh Azealia Banks is the Menace that keeps on giving so if you guys want part aYdtXJV_Xwy-00129-00087906-00088620 three or maybe a Rihanna is the Menace video like the video and if this video gets I don't know 2 aYdtXJV_Xwy-00130-00088620-00089208 000 likes then I'll make part three and make the Rihanna version as well because a lot of us have aYdtXJV_Xwy-00131-00089208-00089832 forgotten Rihanna was the original Menace anyway like the video and in the comments tell me your aYdtXJV_Xwy-00132-00089832-00090420 favorite Azealia Banks song I am Don your pop culture boy and I will see you in the next one aYxc6imhU7U-00000-00000024-00000264 Do you want to get rid of some stuff that has value? aYxc6imhU7U-00001-00000264-00000528 Why not try selling it on Facebook Marketplace. aYxc6imhU7U-00002-00001192-00001639 Hi. My name is Kelly Vandever I'm a real estate agent in Alpharetta, Georgia with Keller Williams aYxc6imhU7U-00003-00001639-00002216 North Atlanta. My friend Mary was going from living in a big house to an adorable cottage aYxc6imhU7U-00004-00002216-00002744 in a senior living community. Problem was, she had a lot of furniture that wouldn't fit into aYxc6imhU7U-00005-00002744-00003288 her new home. I suggested she sell it on Facebook Marketplace, and she told me she wasn't aYxc6imhU7U-00006-00003288-00003776 on Facebook. Now, it's not because she's not technically savvy. She is. But she just chooses aYxc6imhU7U-00007-00003776-00004360 not to be on Facebook. So I said, "Okay. I'll help you with that, even though I never sold anything aYxc6imhU7U-00008-00004360-00004824 on Facebook Marketplace. Turns out, it's super easy. That's what we're going to talk about today. aYxc6imhU7U-00009-00004952-00005616 Let me show you how we do that here on my iPhone. I'll press my Facebook app. Down aYxc6imhU7U-00010-00005616-00006312 on the bottom right, I press those three lines and look for Marketplace. Click on that. Click on sell aYxc6imhU7U-00011-00006312-00006744 because that's what we're going to do. It gives you different options. We're selling an item. aYxc6imhU7U-00012-00006848-00007480 I had previously taken pictures on my cell phone of the item that I might want to sell. We'll see aYxc6imhU7U-00013-00007480-00008216 if anybody wants to buy it. You can upload up to 10 photos. I have this old couch in aYxc6imhU7U-00014-00008216-00008832 my house that I wouldn't mind getting rid of. So I've got the photos. I just select them... aYxc6imhU7U-00015-00009112-00010408 and they upload into it. Add a title. Add a price point and I could choose from a lot of aYxc6imhU7U-00016-00010408-00011000 different categories but if you notice down below, it sees what I typed so i'm going to go ahead and aYxc6imhU7U-00017-00011000-00011992 select sofa and love seats. And condition I'll change that to used. It's only in fair condition. aYxc6imhU7U-00018-00011992-00012432 In fact, some of the pictures I took are places where the leather is flaking off so I don't know aYxc6imhU7U-00019-00012432-00012847 if anybody's really going to want this thing. You can add the brand if that's important to you. aYxc6imhU7U-00020-00013104-00013624 It already put in the leather. It put the decor as modern. How does aYxc6imhU7U-00021-00013624-00013896 it know that? I'm not sure? It's a little scary. aYxc6imhU7U-00022-00014152-00014472 But it put brown as the color so I think we'll change that. aYxc6imhU7U-00023-00014560-00014968 Did I misspell gray let me go back and make that change. aYxc6imhU7U-00024-00015263-00016136 Okay and there's my location. That's my zip code. If i were helping a client or if you're helping a aYxc6imhU7U-00025-00016136-00016600 family member, you can always change that zip code. And I'm going to type in a description. aYxc6imhU7U-00026-00016912-00017264 When we were selling Mary's items, we had several different things and so we aYxc6imhU7U-00027-00017264-00017568 were going to have everybody come over at one time to purchase them. aYxc6imhU7U-00028-00017624-00018144 And I found one quick hack to make that easier to type in each time. I actually aYxc6imhU7U-00029-00018144-00018968 went over to my notes, typed in what I was going to repeat on every listing. Did a quick copy. aYxc6imhU7U-00030-00019184-00019736 Head back over to Facebook and did a paste. And that way I didn't have to aYxc6imhU7U-00031-00019736-00020256 retype it for each entry. With the product tags, it gives you options. aYxc6imhU7U-00032-00020600-00021168 Or you can just click in and type anything that might be missing. And hit return and that gets aYxc6imhU7U-00033-00021168-00021824 a new keyword. You have the option to list it as a single item or in stock. Since we're talking about aYxc6imhU7U-00034-00021824-00022632 just a personal item, we'll list it as a single item. And then hit next. At the top, you have aYxc6imhU7U-00035-00022632-00023296 options to post it into different groups, etc. I'm just gonna put it in Marketplace and publish. aYxc6imhU7U-00036-00023640-00023984 And there it is. There's my listing. aYxc6imhU7U-00037-00024776-00025176 In a minute I'll talk about what happens when you start getting notifications aYxc6imhU7U-00038-00025176-00025744 but before I do that, before I forget, there is a link to a document to give aYxc6imhU7U-00039-00025744-00026152 you some more tips on listing things on Facebook Marketplace. So after aYxc6imhU7U-00040-00026152-00026544 you post something you'll start getting notifications through Facebook Messenger aYxc6imhU7U-00041-00026752-00027160 This is an example of what you'll see. The first thing you'll probably see aYxc6imhU7U-00042-00027160-00027808 is this "Is this available?" That's one of the automatic replies that facebook gives you aYxc6imhU7U-00043-00027808-00028464 and then you can start having a conversation with somebody about selling it. Like I said, aYxc6imhU7U-00044-00028464-00028983 selling things on Facebook is easy peasy. So if you're trying to downsize to get rid of a aYxc6imhU7U-00045-00028983-00029527 few things around the house before you make that move, try Facebook Marketplace. And don't forget aYxc6imhU7U-00046-00029527-00029936 to follow the links so you can get some more tips on selling things on Facebook Marketplace ac2a0fuaa8M-00000-00001588-00002252 KAEMPF: ISIS’s warfare is in direct, deliberate, and oftentimes systemic violation of core ac2a0fuaa8M-00001-00002252-00003058 legal principles related to discrimination, civilian immunity, and Prisoner of War status. ac2a0fuaa8M-00002-00003058-00003729 The brutal and indiscriminate violence, torture, sexual exploitation, and enslavement directed ac2a0fuaa8M-00003-00003729-00004353 against religious minorities such as the Yazidis certainly stand out. ac2a0fuaa8M-00004-00004353-00004935 But so do the public beheadings or the burning of foreigners, the extensive use of child ac2a0fuaa8M-00005-00004935-00005539 soldiers, the enforced conversion to Islam, the destruction of cultural artifacts such ac2a0fuaa8M-00006-00005539-00006071 as temples, historic sites, and sculptures in museums. ac2a0fuaa8M-00007-00006071-00006725 Anyone or anything that does not belong to ISIS’s version of sharia-based Islam is ac2a0fuaa8M-00008-00006725-00007197 – in the eyes of the perpetrators – a legitimate target. ac2a0fuaa8M-00009-00007197-00007832 These violations are part of the ISIS strategy and serve multiple purposes: to frighten and ac2a0fuaa8M-00010-00007832-00008525 paralyse ISIS’s local enemies, to forewarn those in ISIS-controlled territory, and to ac2a0fuaa8M-00011-00008525-00008986 send shock waves across Western and Arab publics. ac2a0fuaa8M-00012-00008986-00009517 The level of angst and panic that has been generated by these horrific and deliberate ac2a0fuaa8M-00013-00009517-00010243 violations has led local forces to oftentimes abandon the fight against approaching ISIS ac2a0fuaa8M-00014-00010243-00010786 forces out of fear of the consequences that would await them. ac2a0fuaa8M-00015-00010786-00011572 In other words, the level of horrific and indiscriminate violence used serves to shock, ac2a0fuaa8M-00016-00011572-00011807 frighten and discipline. ac2a0fuaa8M-00017-00011807-00012434 The systematic and deliberate level of atrocity is deeply disturbing and has rightly been ac2a0fuaa8M-00018-00012434-00012861 condemned for its illegal and immoral practices. ac2a0fuaa8M-00019-00012861-00013531 And yet, what is fascinating in that regard is how this inherently immoral battleground ac2a0fuaa8M-00020-00013531-00014166 behaviour is actually reflected in and through ISIS’ media strategy. ac2a0fuaa8M-00021-00014166-00014866 Far from trying to hide, let alone publicly deny such acts, ISIS covers them with their ac2a0fuaa8M-00022-00014866-00015413 own media outlets and distributes them through its social media strategy. ac2a0fuaa8M-00023-00015413-00016108 The horrific and indiscriminate violence gets staged in front of running cameras and disseminated ac2a0fuaa8M-00024-00016108-00016244 through twitter feeds. ac2a0fuaa8M-00025-00016244-00017100 It is a virtual celebration of atrocity, aesthetically animated and shot in HD quality. ac2a0fuaa8M-00026-00017100-00017637 Here, the public execution videos are quite instructive: ac2a0fuaa8M-00027-00017637-00018251 Take for instance the execution of the captured Jordanian pilot: his execution (being burnt ac2a0fuaa8M-00028-00018251-00018964 alive in an iron cage) was staged on an elevated platform, with fans (to produce more dramatic ac2a0fuaa8M-00029-00018964-00019479 imagery) and filmed by three cameras (for better editing). ac2a0fuaa8M-00030-00019479-00020123 The release of the video, some four months after the actual execution, was deliberately ac2a0fuaa8M-00031-00020123-00020817 timed to achieve its biggest impact on enemies of the Islamic State. ac2a0fuaa8M-00032-00020817-00021540 Similar to public beheading videos, the intention was not primarily to execute the prisoner ac2a0fuaa8M-00033-00021540-00022315 but to brutally display and to turn the atrocity itself into a virtual weapon to discipline, ac2a0fuaa8M-00034-00022315-00022548 frighten and terrorise. ac2a0fuaa8M-00035-00022548-00023233 Here, the media production of a soft power weapon is paramount to the physical atrocity ac2a0fuaa8M-00036-00023233-00023344 being committed. ac2a0fuaa8M-00037-00023344-00024036 In other words, at some level, it is difficult to differentiate between the physical act ac2a0fuaa8M-00038-00024036-00024643 of execution and the mediatisation of the atrocity itself. ac2a0fuaa8M-00039-00024643-00025224 If the intent was just to kill a captured enemy fighter or a journalist, then this could ac2a0fuaa8M-00040-00025224-00025883 be accomplished much faster and in a more sanitised and ‘less’ painful way (for ac2a0fuaa8M-00041-00025883-00026147 instance, by shooting someone). ac2a0fuaa8M-00042-00026147-00026721 But to kill someone in the ways shown (through a sword or through burning them alive) is ac2a0fuaa8M-00043-00026721-00027101 using them as a media weapon. ac2a0fuaa8M-00044-00027101-00027854 The mediatisation of public beheading, therefore, became a tool of war, aimed at provoking and ac2a0fuaa8M-00045-00027854-00028124 scaring its adversaries. ac2a0fuaa8M-00046-00028124-00028746 It is the moment when the terrorist becomes auteur and media producer in one – and the ac2a0fuaa8M-00047-00028746-00029402 aim is to celebrate the shedding of blood in order to direct this violence virtually ac2a0fuaa8M-00048-00029402-00029650 to the outside world. ac2a0fuaa8M-00049-00029650-00030268 What this shows is that the ISIS media strategy deliberately places its indiscriminate warfare ac2a0fuaa8M-00050-00030268-00030591 practices and atrocities centre stage. ac2a0fuaa8M-00051-00030591-00031356 There is not much discrepancy between ISIS’s physical and virtual warfare strategies. ac2a0fuaa8M-00052-00031356-00032104 Far from hiding or denying violations to existing moral principles, it virtually demonstrates ac2a0fuaa8M-00053-00032104-00032407 its defiance of the latter. ac2a0fuaa8M-00054-00032407-00033004 The Islamic State provides a disturbing and yet fascinating example of the extent to which ac2a0fuaa8M-00055-00033004-00033238 war has gone viral. ac2a0fuaa8M-00056-00033238-00033819 Of the extent to which social media is being weaponised in today’s conflicts. ac2a0fuaa8M-00057-00033819-00034391 And while the Islamic State is not alone in these efforts, it has taken these efforts ac2a0fuaa8M-00058-00034391-00035101 to an unprecedented level: hardly a non-state armed group before it has invested this amount ac2a0fuaa8M-00059-00035101-00035748 of finances and professionalism in its media campaign; hardly anyone has tapped into social ac2a0fuaa8M-00060-00035748-00036001 media to the same extent. ac2a0fuaa8M-00061-00036001-00036634 And hardly anyone has interlinked warfare and social media at that level. ac2a0fuaa8M-00062-00036634-00037325 No matter how repulsive and gruesome, ISIS has been a trailblazer, an example of what ac2a0fuaa8M-00063-00037325-00037676 digital media can enable such groups to do. ac2a0fuaa8M-00064-00037676-00038316 This is the closest we have come to being able to glance into what the future holds, ac2a0fuaa8M-00065-00038316-00039184 a future where groups such as ISIS can now carve out and hold territory, not just physically, ac2a0fuaa8M-00066-00039184-00039276 but also virtually. acFhjFPisJu-00000-00000016-00000744 Welcome to this latest version of Mahara, Mahara 21.04, released on the 30th of April 2021. acFhjFPisJu-00001-00000832-00001392 I am Kristina Hoeppner, the project lead of the open source portfolio platform Mahara, acFhjFPisJu-00002-00001392-00001696 and will introduce some of the new features to you. acFhjFPisJu-00003-00001696-00002176 While the majority of the work was done by the Mahara project team at Catalyst IT acFhjFPisJu-00004-00002176-00002824 in Te Whanganui-a-Tara (Wellington), many other community members were involved in the design acFhjFPisJu-00005-00002824-00003247 and development of new features and the translation that we can present acFhjFPisJu-00006-00003247-00004024 to you. Individuals and organisations contributed their time and expertise or funded the development acFhjFPisJu-00007-00004024-00004760 of new functionality and bug fixes. Massive thanks to all of them. New features were funded acFhjFPisJu-00008-00004760-00005360 by Catalyst IT, Capital & Coast District Health Board, LearningWorks, and Pharmacy acFhjFPisJu-00009-00005360-00006232 Council - all in Aotearoa -, SWITCH and ZHAW in Switzerland, and Universität Bremen in Germany. acFhjFPisJu-00010-00006232-00006736 The focus of this release is on organisations and their use of portfolios at a large scale. acFhjFPisJu-00011-00006823-00007184 A number of challenges are involved there that have to be mastered, acFhjFPisJu-00012-00007256-00007688 amongst them the automatic provisioning of templates to many people at once acFhjFPisJu-00013-00007744-00008240 and on a schedule, the management of submissions, reporting around portfolio acFhjFPisJu-00014-00008240-00008808 completion, and the possibility to adjust the default configuration through site options. acFhjFPisJu-00015-00008936-00009456 As usual, we improved the usability of Mahara by adjusting functionalities acFhjFPisJu-00016-00009456-00009808 and workflows to get certain actions done more intuitively. acFhjFPisJu-00017-00009936-00010176 Let's take a look at some of these new features. acFhjFPisJu-00018-00010272-00010800 Many of them have a lot of settings and options that will be detailed in the Mahara manual. acFhjFPisJu-00019-00010920-00011152 Portfolio submission management acFhjFPisJu-00020-00011152-00011600 When you have a large class and ask every learner to submit their portfolio, acFhjFPisJu-00021-00011600-00012048 the submission management page is a great assistant. It allows you to access acFhjFPisJu-00022-00012048-00012736 all portfolios from one central place. You can search for a particular portfolio owner or title, acFhjFPisJu-00023-00012736-00013200 assign and filter for assessors who are either group tutors or group administrators, acFhjFPisJu-00024-00013296-00013672 access the portfolios, and also assess them from this page. acFhjFPisJu-00025-00013672-00013968 This new feature ties in with the portfolio submission to acFhjFPisJu-00026-00013968-00014304 groups and can also be used well with group plans acFhjFPisJu-00027-00014304-00014856 that allow you to create tasks that have associated portfolios for learners to choose from. acFhjFPisJu-00028-00014919-00015304 Access to an archive of submissions for group administrators acFhjFPisJu-00029-00015304-00015696 As group administrator you can access all submissions made to a group acFhjFPisJu-00030-00015696-00015959 via a report that allows you to downloaddetails about the submission via CSV as well as the submission itself. acFhjFPisJu-00031-00016544-00016696 Portfolio review acFhjFPisJu-00032-00016696-00017128 Portfolio review blocks are placed on to the portfolio completion page acFhjFPisJu-00033-00017128-00017424 to allow for an overall statement or feedback. acFhjFPisJu-00034-00017424-00018104 For example, as institution administrator you create a certification portfolio in which all acFhjFPisJu-00035-00018104-00018640 pages have a sign-off block and use the portfolio completion page as overview page. acFhjFPisJu-00036-00018736-00018976 You then turn the collection into a template. acFhjFPisJu-00037-00019056-00019648 That locks all instructions from editing when someone copies the portfolio and also prevents acFhjFPisJu-00038-00019648-00020128 portfolio authors from editing the review blocks on the portfolio completion page. acFhjFPisJu-00039-00020192-00020576 Now, you add a couple of review blocks to the portfolio completion page. acFhjFPisJu-00040-00020664-00021288 The first one contains a primary statement. This is used for reporting purposes. Other acFhjFPisJu-00041-00021288-00021832 statements are not tracked. The statement can also have a comment for feedback, acFhjFPisJu-00042-00021832-00022312 but it can also stay on its own. The name of the reviewer can be displayed, acFhjFPisJu-00043-00022312-00022744 and when the statement has been confirmed, the portfolio is locked from editing. acFhjFPisJu-00044-00022744-00023128 Next, you decide who shall be able to confirm their statement acFhjFPisJu-00045-00023128-00023712 and whether a notification is to be sent to the portfolio author when the statement was confirmed. acFhjFPisJu-00046-00023768-00024032 When you add the primary statement to a page, acFhjFPisJu-00047-00024032-00024512 you see that it looks visually different from the other blocks to stand out. acFhjFPisJu-00048-00024608-00024896 Let's also put a review comment block onto the page. acFhjFPisJu-00049-00024952-00025592 This time, the reviewer's name is not going to be shown and a review cannot be made before mid-year. acFhjFPisJu-00050-00025664-00026272 This allows you to share a portfolio with a group, for example, and not know who is the reviewer. acFhjFPisJu-00051-00026720-00027248 As portfolio author, you copy this collection or automatically receive it into your account. acFhjFPisJu-00052-00027352-00027952 Then share your portfolio with the reviewer, clicking the 'Manage access' link in the 'More acFhjFPisJu-00053-00027952-00028424 options' button, also a new feature, on every page when in 'Display' mode. acFhjFPisJu-00054-00028832-00029295 As a reviewer you browse the portfolio and then confirm your statement. acFhjFPisJu-00055-00029295-00029832 Since the configuration option to lock a page was selected, the page cannot be edited any more. acFhjFPisJu-00056-00029944-00030192 Remove yourself from a portfolio acFhjFPisJu-00057-00030192-00030712 If you do not want to have access to a portfolio any more that was shared with you personally, acFhjFPisJu-00058-00030712-00031192 you can remove yourself from it. A notification is sent to the portfolio author. acFhjFPisJu-00059-00031320-00031560 Delete a collection and all its pages acFhjFPisJu-00060-00031688-00032280 When you have a portfolio collection and wanted to delete all pages within it, you had to delete them acFhjFPisJu-00061-00032280-00032888 one at a time, but no more. You can delete an entire collection, including its pages. acFhjFPisJu-00062-00033048-00033320 Configurable 'Latest changes I can view' block acFhjFPisJu-00063-00033392-00033848 Decide which portfolios shall appear in the 'Latest changes I can view' block on your acFhjFPisJu-00064-00033848-00034536 dashboard and decide more granularly whether you only want to see portfolios shared with you acFhjFPisJu-00065-00034536-00034936 or also those shared publicly and with registered account holders. acFhjFPisJu-00066-00035000-00035184 Configurable peer role acFhjFPisJu-00067-00035184-00035440 By allowing this setting in your institution, acFhjFPisJu-00068-00035440-00036072 peers can see the entire portfolio content and refer back to it rather than doing a blind review. acFhjFPisJu-00069-00036128-00036776 These were but a few of the exciting new functionalities of Mahara 21.04. You can access acFhjFPisJu-00070-00036776-00037440 information about additional new features and bug fixes on our bug and wishlist item tracker. acFhjFPisJu-00071-00037440-00037776 The new features and changes to existing functionality will acFhjFPisJu-00072-00037776-00038248 be documented in the Mahara manual. We aim to update it in the month of May. acFhjFPisJu-00073-00038248-00038936 Now, head on over to https://mahara.org/download to get the new version of Mahara and install it on acFhjFPisJu-00074-00038936-00039552 your server. We recommend you upgrade a testing instance first before upgrading your real site. acFhjFPisJu-00075-00039656-00039880 Let us know what you think about the new features. aiICqmo73qI-00000-00000000-00001499 .... .- .. .-.. --..-- / ..-. ..- .-.. .-.. / --- ..-. / --. .-. .- -.-. . --..-- / - .... . / .-.. --- .-. -.. / .. ... / .-- .. - .... / - .... . . .-.-.- / -.. --- / -. --- - / -... . / .- ..-. .-. .- .. -.. --..-- / -- .- .-. -.-- .-.-.- / -.-- --- ..- / .... .- ...- . / ..-. --- ..- -. -.. / ..-. .- ...- --- .-. / .-- .. - .... / --. --- -.. .-.-.- aiICqmo73qI-00001-00001499-00002999 -.-- --- ..- / ... .... .- .-.. .-.. / -.-. --- -. -.-. . .. ...- . / .- -. -.. / -... . .- .-. / .- / ... --- -. --..-- / .- -. -.. / -.-- --- ..- / ... .... .- .-.. .-.. / -. .- -- . / .... .. -- / .--- . ... ..- ... .-.-.- / .... . / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -... . / --. .-. . .- - / .- -. -.. / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -... . / -.-. .- .-.. .-.. . -.. / - .... . / ... --- -. / --- ..-. / - .... . / .... .. --. .... . ... - .-.-.- aiICqmo73qI-00002-00002999-00004499 .- -. -.. / - .... . / .-.. --- .-. -.. / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / --. .. ...- . / ..- -. - --- / .... .. -- / - .... . / - .... .-. --- -. . / --- ..-. / .... .. ... / ..-. .- - .... . .-. / -.. .- ...- .. -.. / .- -. -.. / .-. ..- .-.. . / --- ...- . .-. / - .... . / .... --- ..- ... . / --- ..-. / .--- .- -.-. --- -... / ..-. --- .-. . ...- . .-. --..-- aiICqmo73qI-00003-00004499-00005999 .- -. -.. / --- ..-. / .... .. ... / -.- .. -. --. -.. --- -- --..-- / - .... . .-. . / ... .... .- .-.. .-.. / -... . / -. --- / . -. -.. .-.-.- aj78h6u-hWQ-00000-00001504-00001984 okay so hands down this has to be one of the most addicting games that i've played in quite aj78h6u-hWQ-00001-00001984-00002384 some time what is going on everybody welcome back my name is unreal royale and this is the aj78h6u-hWQ-00002-00002384-00002992 debut of among us on the channel i love this game only because literally you can go around and roam aj78h6u-hWQ-00003-00002992-00003456 around and the point of the game is to try to figure out which person among the group is a aj78h6u-hWQ-00004-00003456-00004192 traitor and let's see shush so who is the traitor okay uh we have one imposter among us all right so aj78h6u-hWQ-00005-00004192-00004560 by the way guys before we begin if you guys are new to the channel smash that subscribe button aj78h6u-hWQ-00006-00004560-00004984 give this video a big fat thumbs up i don't know what i'm going to do but you know what i'm going aj78h6u-hWQ-00007-00004984-00005440 to do i am actually going to try to see if i can dupe some people into believing that aj78h6u-hWQ-00008-00005440-00006032 my narrative is actually going to be true so i'm gonna lie and i'm going to try to get someone off aj78h6u-hWQ-00009-00006032-00006552 off of the ship and i'm going to do it in such a way that i need to because i want aj78h6u-hWQ-00010-00006552-00007040 to go ahead and press this button but i need to do it in a very strategic kind of way so aj78h6u-hWQ-00011-00007112-00007848 honestly i think okay this guy looks a little sus oh wait a minute oh no no no aj78h6u-hWQ-00012-00007944-00008784 uh oh uh oh okay so i don't think it's red oh oh there was a body reported holy crap okay there aj78h6u-hWQ-00013-00008784-00009984 were two bodies reported uh let's go on ahead and just see how do we play it's pink i saw him it's aj78h6u-hWQ-00014-00010080-00011072 pink all right so i'm gonna vote pink i saw him off the dude oh we got you aj78h6u-hWQ-00015-00011312-00011784 we got you all right so we're gonna we're gonna go ahead and vote pink off so we're aj78h6u-hWQ-00016-00011784-00012328 gonna go on ahead and vote pink hopefully enough this works uh because i pink was just aj78h6u-hWQ-00017-00012328-00013016 standing there so i want to see if we can actually do something it was you i saw you aj78h6u-hWQ-00018-00013104-00013632 oh my god all right let's see if i can get pink voted off uh blue guy is gonna aj78h6u-hWQ-00019-00013632-00014304 be the only guy that needs to vote uh it's definitely him i saw you you idiot aj78h6u-hWQ-00020-00014463-00015328 we got you you dog oh that's it come on vote him out vote him out vote him out come on boys aj78h6u-hWQ-00021-00015328-00016096 we have to vote this dude out we have to vote this dude out we have to vote this dude out why aj78h6u-hWQ-00022-00016232-00017896 it is if not pink it was pink we he was right next to the body all right all right it doesn't matter aj78h6u-hWQ-00023-00017896-00018472 because we're going to vote homeboy off uh pink is trying to stall pink is literally okay there we go aj78h6u-hWQ-00024-00018472-00019296 yeah i got pic kicked off i got pink kicked off i can't believe it that's so long pink oh there goes aj78h6u-hWQ-00025-00019296-00019984 pink i love it i love this game only because you get to lie and you oh crap we've been doppelganged aj78h6u-hWQ-00026-00019984-00020488 oh crap all right so if it's not pink it's probably black trump it's probably that dude aj78h6u-hWQ-00027-00020488-00020944 no this oh this dude looking extra sus that dude yeah we're gonna have to stand around aj78h6u-hWQ-00028-00020944-00021352 in the circle here we're gonna have to stand around in the circle because i don't trust oh aj78h6u-hWQ-00029-00021352-00022696 wait a minute what the hell just happened okay uh let's see nothing happened what was the point aj78h6u-hWQ-00030-00022928-00023016 wait a minute who aj78h6u-hWQ-00031-00023376-00024096 it's blue i blew let's go ahead and vote blue off real quick all right so we're aj78h6u-hWQ-00032-00024096-00024776 gonna we're gonna get blue off we're gonna get blue off he was being so sus super sus aj78h6u-hWQ-00033-00025000-00026016 blue no it's light blue you idiot or maybe it's you aj78h6u-hWQ-00034-00026208-00027624 you sound sus as [ __ ] oh wait a minute wait a minute so nobody was voted off nobody was aj78h6u-hWQ-00035-00027624-00028400 ejected all right so my guess it's red it's got to be red all right you know what i'm just gonna aj78h6u-hWQ-00036-00028400-00028992 oh crap no i don't trust black trump at all i don't trust that dude at all let's see cafeteria aj78h6u-hWQ-00037-00029183-00029680 all right uh let's see storage units what am i going to do if i press this lever okay so this aj78h6u-hWQ-00038-00029680-00030360 is not really for much for us to do um whoever is the imposter they can sabotage the entire ship aj78h6u-hWQ-00039-00030360-00030727 and if that happens and we're in trouble by the way guys i want to know some of aj78h6u-hWQ-00040-00030727-00031048 your experiences on this game if you guys had a great experience if you guys had aj78h6u-hWQ-00041-00031104-00031736 some freaking crazy i can't believe i voted pink off pink just got bodied is anybody up here aj78h6u-hWQ-00042-00031808-00032104 this is pretty uh this is pretty scary though i'm not gonna lie aj78h6u-hWQ-00043-00032272-00032808 let's see let's see where is everybody unless this dude is literally trying to sabotage aj78h6u-hWQ-00044-00032888-00033312 the entire ship all right what do we what are we doing can we blast anything out here okay aj78h6u-hWQ-00045-00033312-00033784 whatever that's that didn't serve a purpose to me all right let's let's just head out here aj78h6u-hWQ-00046-00033952-00034552 i have no i mean we don't have any tasks either so oh dead body reported whoa aj78h6u-hWQ-00047-00034680-00035464 who killed who wait a minute wait a minute where was the body aj78h6u-hWQ-00048-00036056-00037208 okay secure it's it's you blue you're sus as [ __ ] oh they're gonna kick me out they're gonna aj78h6u-hWQ-00049-00037208-00037728 kick me the hell out yet watch yep they kicked me out you son of a oh my god these aj78h6u-hWQ-00050-00037728-00038272 dudes actually booted me i can't believe it you know what i got what i had coming aj78h6u-hWQ-00051-00038400-00039024 unreal and was not the imposter there you go it's it's definitely dark oh it's black just i knew it aj78h6u-hWQ-00052-00039024-00039656 i knew it was black trump i just freaking news black trump dude oh black trump that son of a aj78h6u-hWQ-00053-00039656-00040320 okay of course he would be i i wonder why right all right let's see this is a fun game guys it aj78h6u-hWQ-00054-00040320-00040840 really is okay i'm brown let's see can i swap out my colors i want to see if i can actually aj78h6u-hWQ-00055-00040840-00041560 pick another color i want to be i want to be white no you know what i'm going to be black and let me aj78h6u-hWQ-00056-00041560-00042072 see can i choose that no i can't are you know what i'll be let's see what what other color can i be aj78h6u-hWQ-00057-00042072-00042576 i can't pick a color alright well i guess uh let me pick these are this little spacesuit we got aj78h6u-hWQ-00058-00042576-00043224 no pets now in terms of the hat let's see what we have here i have a person on my head how about no aj78h6u-hWQ-00059-00043224-00043656 i have a hat that's backwards this is uh oh yes this one this one this one aj78h6u-hWQ-00060-00043760-00044336 oh no we got moro's horns yes moro's horns i'm gonna choose my skin color i'm yeah i'm aj78h6u-hWQ-00061-00044336-00044888 gonna be purple i'm gonna be purple uh let's see if i can switch my s my skin a little bit aj78h6u-hWQ-00062-00044888-00045560 i guess this this matches right i'm literally goat moro oh there's nobody in here oh this sucks damn aj78h6u-hWQ-00063-00045560-00045992 it all right let me see i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to leave the game then that sucks let aj78h6u-hWQ-00064-00045992-00046656 me go ahead and find game uh if there's anybody for us to play with let's see find the public game aj78h6u-hWQ-00065-00046656-00047080 all right we're gonna come here all right the game is full this game is so addicting though guys like aj78h6u-hWQ-00066-00047080-00047648 it's so addicting only because there's so much you can do there i am goat moro we have two goats aj78h6u-hWQ-00067-00047720-00048288 all right so i i this is gonna be interesting if it does if it is if it does end up being me aj78h6u-hWQ-00068-00048352-00048872 then what i'm gonna do before this video closes off and i'm gonna just destroy everybody so aj78h6u-hWQ-00069-00048872-00049344 yo i my characters literally like i i swear to god i feel like i'm moral but in the comment aj78h6u-hWQ-00070-00049344-00049928 section below if you guys have steam let me know because i genuinely do want to engage with you aj78h6u-hWQ-00071-00049928-00050392 guys for this because this game is so addicting i didn't think it was going to be this addicting aj78h6u-hWQ-00072-00050480-00051391 but it's really really fun so we have juicy kiss bbg pastel ray ryan whatever flower me all right aj78h6u-hWQ-00073-00051391-00052072 so let's see are we going to are we going to start this because i think i think uh there's aj78h6u-hWQ-00074-00052072-00052455 nine of us on the ship unless you know unless we're actually waiting to get to our destination aj78h6u-hWQ-00075-00052455-00053096 see what this game reminds me of honestly this game reminds me so much of like alien but aj78h6u-hWQ-00076-00053216-00053791 it's interesting because like it it like there's no aliens it's just us right dude would even start aj78h6u-hWQ-00077-00053848-00054584 start the let's see start the game all right we need we definitely need to uh okay here we aj78h6u-hWQ-00078-00054584-00055440 go we're about to start so who is it who is it who is it who's it gonna be oh crap okay so i i aj78h6u-hWQ-00079-00055440-00055920 guess what i'll do is i'm gonna venture out here i don't want to be caught anywhere near anybody so aj78h6u-hWQ-00080-00055991-00056455 yo y'all are all sauce bro i mean i'm gonna have to put my faith into somebody so i think aj78h6u-hWQ-00081-00056536-00057160 it's probably juicy kiss maybe it's okay so i have to you know what i'm gonna have two hunches aj78h6u-hWQ-00082-00057160-00057784 i'm gonna say it's juicy kiss you better back up homie i would say it's a juicy kiss aj78h6u-hWQ-00083-00057879-00058496 and if all else what is this what is this gonna do for me can i use this by any chance i don't aj78h6u-hWQ-00084-00058496-00058984 think i can uh that looks like a freaking like a time machine from like freaking black ops right aj78h6u-hWQ-00085-00059160-00059488 all right so let me see if i can go in here is there anything i can use aj78h6u-hWQ-00086-00059488-00059784 in here this is the reactor so i'm assuming this is all in the ship aj78h6u-hWQ-00087-00059848-00060336 which is why like i said before this reminds me so much of alien right because those are the aj78h6u-hWQ-00088-00060336-00060991 vibes that i'm getting but what are the tasks though like oh you better back up homie you aj78h6u-hWQ-00089-00060991-00061464 better back up on me that dude looks us he's just standing there by the freaking computer aj78h6u-hWQ-00090-00061584-00061904 i don't want to get caught by nobody here so that's why i i need to figure out where the aj78h6u-hWQ-00091-00061904-00062391 hell everyone is uh what is this can i use this by any chance shields whoa what just aj78h6u-hWQ-00092-00062391-00063184 happened what just happened okay uh why would you sound the alarms though doesn't make any sense aj78h6u-hWQ-00093-00063432-00064064 nothing let's see nothing happened so why call for aj78h6u-hWQ-00094-00064288-00065064 for a meeting everyone just skip aj78h6u-hWQ-00095-00065472-00066544 actually you know what vote him off for trolling everyone vote brown aj78h6u-hWQ-00096-00066704-00067440 everyone vote brown yeah we're gonna vote this dude out get out of here everyone uh vote the aj78h6u-hWQ-00097-00067440-00067832 troll out yeah that's really look at him look at him he's like what you gotta jump with you guys aj78h6u-hWQ-00098-00067992-00068360 yeah that's right see i'm i'm responsible for getting heads kicked off the ship aj78h6u-hWQ-00099-00068448-00068784 all right is pastel gonna vote or is he did he just like completely lose ground aj78h6u-hWQ-00100-00068880-00069424 all right so yeah this uh this ray dude is gonna be the only person that needs to vote i mean it aj78h6u-hWQ-00101-00069424-00070112 doesn't matter he's about to get voted out anyway uh so it's either juicy kiss or it's i don't know aj78h6u-hWQ-00102-00070112-00070992 i want to say juicy kiss or victory okay well oh it was the blue dude it was the blue dude aj78h6u-hWQ-00103-00071120-00071816 okay that makes sense so the blue guy was the imposter this entire time you sneaky sneaky aj78h6u-hWQ-00104-00071816-00072328 little thing you let me go ahead and jump in here game is closed all right jump in here game aj78h6u-hWQ-00105-00072328-00073048 is closed obviously jump in here all right here i am we have hitachi uh let's oh wait oh so i do aj78h6u-hWQ-00106-00073048-00073512 have moral colors okay now i have moral colors all right who's the imposter who's the imposter aj78h6u-hWQ-00107-00073688-00074208 oh man all right i'm calling it right now it's either going to be itachi aj78h6u-hWQ-00108-00074208-00074760 or it's going to be purple so y'all need to get away from me i am not trying to catch aj78h6u-hWQ-00109-00074760-00075080 any smoke with you people i don't trust any of you oh what the hell aj78h6u-hWQ-00110-00075152-00075616 oxygen is depleting uh-oh quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly aj78h6u-hWQ-00111-00075616-00076040 quickly oh my god we're all running at the same spot we're gonna freaking lose oxygen damn it aj78h6u-hWQ-00112-00076168-00076576 all right i'm getting the hell out of dodge if anyone follows me that's how you know aj78h6u-hWQ-00113-00076648-00077408 they're gonna be the uh the criminals or the imposter what up dudes uh what is this aj78h6u-hWQ-00114-00077408-00077936 what is this oh okay this is this is basically so we're we're destroying asteroids okay let aj78h6u-hWQ-00115-00077936-00078584 me back up here i need to try to vote someone out i just don't know who the hell to vote out aj78h6u-hWQ-00116-00078752-00079104 what i need to do is personally hide but if i hide aj78h6u-hWQ-00117-00079240-00080040 then i don't know i mean i'm pretty sure by now oh whoa oh oh i thought i got killed by purple aj78h6u-hWQ-00118-00080200-00080696 okay was it was there a body uh let's see let's see if someone says something aj78h6u-hWQ-00119-00080944-00082192 let's see if someone says something it's hold on okay yeah yeah i i nothing really happened aj78h6u-hWQ-00120-00082288-00082840 nothing really happened you know what i'm about to do i'm about to vote out aj78h6u-hWQ-00121-00082840-00083376 alexa yeah i'm about to vote you know what i'm here that's exactly what i'm gonna do aj78h6u-hWQ-00122-00083624-00084288 let's see let's see let's see uh yeah i guess i'll vote i'll vote orange out too like wrong aj78h6u-hWQ-00123-00084432-00085128 oh damn oh damn did we imagine we voted the right person off that'd be hilarious aj78h6u-hWQ-00124-00085264-00085896 was not the imposter damn we just kicked out a random person for nothing aj78h6u-hWQ-00125-00086040-00086424 okay wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute i'm gonna follow alexa aj78h6u-hWQ-00126-00086608-00087200 i'm gonna follow alexa and i'm gonna try something aj78h6u-hWQ-00127-00087416-00087984 let's see let's see well this is kind of hard i can't really do anything right now aj78h6u-hWQ-00128-00087984-00088384 so as long as like this is happening damn it i was gonna vote her off aj78h6u-hWQ-00129-00088464-00088960 is she here with her lover wait a minute you know what i'm gonna vote for him aj78h6u-hWQ-00130-00089560-00090240 uh oh oh i i just saw yellow uh oh oh yeah no this is what i'm gonna do this aj78h6u-hWQ-00131-00090240-00090496 is what i'm gonna do watch this watch this watch this watch this watch this aj78h6u-hWQ-00132-00090552-00091648 watch this watch this watch this i'm gonna vote i'm gonna vote kim uh it's green it's kim aj78h6u-hWQ-00133-00091848-00093344 saw them cut the lights we got you oh that's it we're all gonna vote kim out it's green aj78h6u-hWQ-00134-00093576-00094336 it's it's you my god oh my god kim is so mad aj78h6u-hWQ-00135-00094544-00095464 it's green oh my god this is so horrible oh yeah i can't believe we just got her kicked aj78h6u-hWQ-00136-00095464-00095952 out oh my god kim is so probably freaking mad let me see did i make the right call aj78h6u-hWQ-00137-00096160-00096720 damn it oh my god yo this game is so easy to convince people that aj78h6u-hWQ-00138-00096720-00097304 like you know that they're horrible so damn some of these people are leaving though i i aj78h6u-hWQ-00139-00097304-00097704 guess it's because they realize like my uh persuasion skills are just a1 sauce aj78h6u-hWQ-00140-00097816-00098624 it's so it's so easy just to make up a lie and just be like it was them oh what the hell oh crap aj78h6u-hWQ-00141-00098768-00099376 oh crap all right let's see can i i need to fix these things whoa aj78h6u-hWQ-00142-00099544-00099872 is it is it purple is purple going to be the one to kill me let's find out aj78h6u-hWQ-00143-00099992-00100456 come on come on waiting for second user come on click it click it click it you idiot aj78h6u-hWQ-00144-00100632-00101504 oh my god we're gonna we're gonna die on the ship bro come on click it click it there we go defeat aj78h6u-hWQ-00145-00101504-00102184 oh it was so it was it was light blue damn yo people are just like leaving they're quitting they aj78h6u-hWQ-00146-00102184-00102735 got outed well either way everybody i really hope you guys enjoyed i think uh the betrayal aspect aj78h6u-hWQ-00147-00102735-00103216 for this game is just hilarious so i hope you guys tune back for more if you guys enjoyed hit that aj78h6u-hWQ-00148-00103216-00103720 like button down below subscribe if you guys are new and i'll be seeing each and every single one aj78h6u-hWQ-00149-00103720-00105183 of you guys down the comment section below have a great day everybody and take care damn peace alUQmUmj5FI-00000-00000060-00000863 椅子はどこだ?前回ペイジ戦の後に、 椅子を用意しろと言っただろ。 alUQmUmj5FI-00001-00000880-00001336 お前達をこんなにも楽しませてやってる 俺様に椅子の一つも用意できないのか! alUQmUmj5FI-00002-00001396-00001780 にも関わらず俺のコメントが欲しいだと? alUQmUmj5FI-00003-00001983-00002656 CHAOSは俺の言う通りにしておけば 何の問題も起こらない。 alUQmUmj5FI-00004-00002740-00003340 それなのにあいつら誰一人として 俺の言うことに聞く耳を持たない。 alUQmUmj5FI-00005-00003379-00003973 今年に入ってからの俺の活躍を 側で見てきたはずだろう。 alUQmUmj5FI-00006-00004029-00004693 しかしYOHもYOSHI-HASHIも俺には無視だ。 alUQmUmj5FI-00007-00004796-00005336 公式戦でもタイトルマッチでもない、 こんな試合を組んで何の意味があるんだ。 alUQmUmj5FI-00008-00005360-00005946 下らないファンのために俺たちを闘わせるな。 alUQmUmj5FI-00009-00006000-00006476 ネットで観てるオタクども、 お前らのことを言ってるんだ。 alUQmUmj5FI-00010-00006559-00006986 俺について来さえすれば、 CHAOSの未来は明るいぜ。 alUQmUmj5FI-00011-00007520-00007676 What’s your problem? alUQmUmj5FI-00012-00007786-00007970 It’s tough, having to team with him. alUQmUmj5FI-00013-00007980-00008626 Even when I ask him what he’s thinking, he never gives a clear answer. alUQmUmj5FI-00014-00008706-00009113 He wasted that CHAOS battle. alUQmUmj5FI-00015-00009436-00009976 I think that was it, no more facing SHO... alUQmUmj5FI-00016-00010093-00010503 SHO, let's set it off, and let's meet at next year’s SUPER Jr final. alUQmUmj5FI-00017-00011093-00011230 Jay White... alUQmUmj5FI-00018-00011586-00012120 I don’t get him. It seems like sometimes, the wins don't matter to him. alUQmUmj5FI-00019-00012566-00012680 But… alUQmUmj5FI-00020-00012876-00013203 Somehow, he always sees what's next, doesn't he? ame5mVEvGOA-00000-00000091-00000293 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ame5mVEvGOA-00001-00000293-00000493 نحمده و نصلي على رسوله الكريم أما بعد ame5mVEvGOA-00002-00000868-00001114 If we look at the Aakhirah and the, ame5mVEvGOA-00003-00001211-00001454 trials and tribulations, which would follow, ame5mVEvGOA-00004-00001485-00001805 then one would not sleep at night peacefully. ame5mVEvGOA-00005-00001882-00002028 It is said about Ahmed Ibn Harb. ame5mVEvGOA-00006-00002054-00002520 He used to say: يا عجبا لمن يعلم أن الجنة تُزَيَّنُ ame5mVEvGOA-00007-00002682-00002985 I am amazed at this Human being, ame5mVEvGOA-00008-00003011-00003431 that he knows that Jannah is being beautified above him. ame5mVEvGOA-00009-00003490-00003851 Your Jannah is being decorated and embellished, ame5mVEvGOA-00010-00003894-00003994 above you. ame5mVEvGOA-00011-00003994-00004294 وأن النار تسعَّرُ تحته ame5mVEvGOA-00012-00004337-00004582 and Jahannam is being ignited ame5mVEvGOA-00013-00004657-00005005 and the fuel for Jahannam, ame5mVEvGOA-00014-00005017-00005377 the fire of Jahannam is being prepared. ame5mVEvGOA-00015-00005402-00005645 كيف ينام بينهما ame5mVEvGOA-00016-00005677-00005920 How can you ever sleep. ame5mVEvGOA-00017-00005954-00006228 How can you ever be, ame5mVEvGOA-00018-00006282-00006642 in the comfort zone, when you knowing, ame5mVEvGOA-00019-00006665-00007097 very well, Jannah above you is being beautified, ame5mVEvGOA-00020-00007097-00007328 and Jahannam below you, being prepared. ame5mVEvGOA-00021-00007491-00007780 So one needs to prepare for Aakhirah. ame5mVEvGOA-00022-00007822-00008154 The movement, the walking , the talking, ame5mVEvGOA-00023-00008154-00008534 of those people who have Aakhirah in front of them are different. ame5mVEvGOA-00024-00008585-00008691 It is said about, ame5mVEvGOA-00025-00008717-00008891 Sila bin Ashyam., ame5mVEvGOA-00026-00008937-00009008 that ame5mVEvGOA-00027-00009114-00009171 his ame5mVEvGOA-00028-00009328-00009480 heels and his feet, ame5mVEvGOA-00029-00009548-00009862 and his calves would become swollen, ame5mVEvGOA-00030-00009862-00010100 due to the excessive standing, ame5mVEvGOA-00031-00010131-00010385 in front of Allah in Salaah ame5mVEvGOA-00032-00010460-00010545 and ame5mVEvGOA-00033-00010577-00010745 it has been written about him. ame5mVEvGOA-00034-00010768-00011271 وبلغ من الإجتهاد ما لو قيل القيامة غدا ame5mVEvGOA-00035-00011288-00011522 ما وجد مزيدا ame5mVEvGOA-00036-00011531-00011700 If it was told to him, ame5mVEvGOA-00037-00011725-00011977 that tomorrow is Qiyamah, ame5mVEvGOA-00038-00012025-00012177 tomorrow you will die, ame5mVEvGOA-00039-00012211-00012342 prepare for it, ame5mVEvGOA-00040-00012380-00012777 then he would not change any action in his life, ame5mVEvGOA-00041-00012808-00012977 his daily routine, ame5mVEvGOA-00042-00013013-00013391 and his daily pattern would not change one bit. ame5mVEvGOA-00043-00013437-00013580 فلا ينام ame5mVEvGOA-00044-00013631-00013937 and his daily routine was such, ame5mVEvGOA-00045-00013974-00014244 that he wouldn't sleep at all ame5mVEvGOA-00046-00014274-00014497 ومات وهو ساجد ame5mVEvGOA-00047-00014497-00014654 and he passed away ame5mVEvGOA-00048-00014708-00015057 while he was in the condition of Sajdah. ame5mVEvGOA-00049-00015082-00015222 وكان يقول ame5mVEvGOA-00050-00015254-00015541 اللهم إني أحب لقاءك ame5mVEvGOA-00051-00015597-00015791 فأحب لقائي ame5mVEvGOA-00052-00015834-00016171 Oh Allah, I long, ame5mVEvGOA-00053-00016180-00016534 I am avarice, I am desirous, ame5mVEvGOA-00054-00016554-00016797 to meet you. Ya Allah, ame5mVEvGOA-00055-00016822-00017105 please also have love and, ame5mVEvGOA-00056-00017142-00017380 anticipate my coming to you. ame5mVEvGOA-00057-00017417-00017520 So when a person, ame5mVEvGOA-00058-00017545-00017808 has a connection with Allah, ame5mVEvGOA-00059-00017825-00018062 and a connection with Aakhirah. ame5mVEvGOA-00060-00018082-00018217 Then their everyday, ame5mVEvGOA-00061-00018228-00018362 and their every night ame5mVEvGOA-00062-00018385-00018528 and their every moment, ame5mVEvGOA-00063-00018528-00018814 is a moment of reflection ame5mVEvGOA-00064-00018814-00019060 and restlessness to increase, ame5mVEvGOA-00065-00019094-00019365 this connection and this Ta'alooq ame5mVEvGOA-00066-00019365-00019565 with Allah (ﷻ). ame5mVEvGOA-00067-00019620-00019877 Point Number 3: which Imaam Ghazali was explaining, ame5mVEvGOA-00068-00019905-00020120 The Baatini, the hidden Sifaat, ame5mVEvGOA-00069-00020217-00020597 that a person should recognize, the virtue ame5mVEvGOA-00070-00020597-00020837 of the night and ame5mVEvGOA-00071-00020868-00021074 he should have hope ame5mVEvGOA-00072-00021120-00021328 of the rewards, ame5mVEvGOA-00073-00021328-00021500 from Allah (ﷻ), ame5mVEvGOA-00074-00021560-00021762 because a person, ame5mVEvGOA-00075-00021762-00022202 who realizes he has deficiency in the Aakhirah, will work more, ame5mVEvGOA-00076-00022217-00022348 like a person, ame5mVEvGOA-00077-00022348-00022508 in the worldly terms, ame5mVEvGOA-00078-00022534-00022708 works on over time, ame5mVEvGOA-00079-00022708-00022948 and he gives more effort. ame5mVEvGOA-00080-00022968-00023240 When he knows that there is a short fall, ame5mVEvGOA-00081-00023240-00023391 and his got a debt to pay, ame5mVEvGOA-00082-00023391-00023628 His got rent to pay, his got, ame5mVEvGOA-00083-00023654-00023860 different expenses to cover. ame5mVEvGOA-00084-00023885-00024251 So he takes a second job, he takes a third job. ame5mVEvGOA-00085-00024251-00024451 He does side line business. ame5mVEvGOA-00086-00024477-00024660 He does extra things in his life. ame5mVEvGOA-00087-00024688-00024937 Why? because he needs to cover the short fall ame5mVEvGOA-00088-00024962-00025108 and even the person, ame5mVEvGOA-00089-00025134-00025457 who has all the wealth in the world does not, ame5mVEvGOA-00090-00025457-00025711 stop working although it will be sufficient, ame5mVEvGOA-00091-00025711-00025911 for his generations. ame5mVEvGOA-00092-00025911-00026091 Yet he is restless. ame5mVEvGOA-00093-00026091-00026291 If the people of Dunya, ame5mVEvGOA-00094-00026317-00026517 who are so restless of Dunya. ame5mVEvGOA-00095-00026517-00026680 What has happened, ame5mVEvGOA-00096-00026680-00027105 to the people of Deen who are not restless for Aakihrah. ame5mVEvGOA-00097-00027251-00027537 So this Shawk for Jannah and this fear of Jahannam. ame5mVEvGOA-00098-00027574-00027768 A sahabi Abu Rayhana, ame5mVEvGOA-00099-00027797-00028042 once returned from battle, ame5mVEvGOA-00100-00028068-00028217 and he came home ame5mVEvGOA-00101-00028251-00028474 and after the wife had prepared supper. ame5mVEvGOA-00102-00028497-00028591 He ame5mVEvGOA-00103-00028702-00028854 consumed the meal. ame5mVEvGOA-00104-00028877-00029157 Then he said: "Give me permission to read Salaah." ame5mVEvGOA-00105-00029191-00029587 ثم دعَا بِوَضُوءٍ فَتَوَضَّأَ مِنْهُ ame5mVEvGOA-00106-00029642-00029760 He made Wudhu. ame5mVEvGOA-00107-00029777-00030002 ثم قام إلى مسجده ame5mVEvGOA-00108-00030027-00030217 Then he got ready for Salaah. ame5mVEvGOA-00109-00030245-00030692 فقرأ سورة ثم أخرى فلم يزل ذالك ame5mVEvGOA-00110-00030711-00031151 He read a Surah, then another Surah, then another Surah. ame5mVEvGOA-00111-00031208-00031491 فلم يزل ذالك حتي إذا أذَّن المؤذن ame5mVEvGOA-00112-00031522-00031780 until the Muathin ame5mVEvGOA-00113-00031808-00031980 gave the Athaan. ame5mVEvGOA-00114-00032120-00032374 The Muathin gave the Athaan. ame5mVEvGOA-00115-00032527-00032814 So he got ready to go to the Masjid. ame5mVEvGOA-00116-00032860-00033111 Can you imagine he was ready, ame5mVEvGOA-00117-00033128-00033391 performing Salaah, his wife ame5mVEvGOA-00118-00033414-00033642 next to him on the bed. ame5mVEvGOA-00119-00033740-00034140 and a person who comes from a long journey from a long distance, ame5mVEvGOA-00120-00034165-00034477 and we cannot imagine and perceive, ame5mVEvGOA-00121-00034514-00034754 the hardships and the difficulties, ame5mVEvGOA-00122-00034777-00035048 which Sahabah had undergone, ame5mVEvGOA-00123-00035065-00035317 in their journeys in the path ame5mVEvGOA-00124-00035322-00035520 of Allah (ﷻ). ame5mVEvGOA-00125-00035680-00035772 So the wife says: ame5mVEvGOA-00126-00035772-00036336 يا أبا ريحانة قد غَزَوْتَ فَتَعِبْتَ ame5mVEvGOA-00127-00036382-00036622 That, Masha Allah you went, ame5mVEvGOA-00128-00036622-00036822 out in the path of Allah. ame5mVEvGOA-00129-00036871-00037068 Allah gave you an opportunity ame5mVEvGOA-00130-00037082-00037431 and you are back now, you must be very tired, ame5mVEvGOA-00131-00037431-00037631 you must be very exhausted, ame5mVEvGOA-00132-00037642-00037794 you've returned now. ame5mVEvGOA-00133-00037880-00038265 With wisdom and Hikmah she says: (ألم يَكُنْ لِيْ مِنْكَ حَظٌّ) ame5mVEvGOA-00134-00038368-00038531 What about my share? ame5mVEvGOA-00135-00038602-00038731 تعبت ame5mVEvGOA-00136-00038768-00039071 you tired yourself, you exhausted yourself ame5mVEvGOA-00137-00039071-00039293 oh my beloved husband you need to rest ame5mVEvGOA-00138-00039400-00039468 and ame5mVEvGOA-00139-00039514-00039811 you and I, I haven't seen you for a long time. ame5mVEvGOA-00140-00039988-00040257 So he replied: بلى والله ame5mVEvGOA-00141-00040408-00040602 He said: by the oath of Allah. ame5mVEvGOA-00142-00040774-00041148 You have a right over me and if i remembered you. ame5mVEvGOA-00143-00041185-00041531 I would have spent every moment with you. ame5mVEvGOA-00144-00041662-00042053 She says: فما ألذي شغل لك يا أبا ريحانة ame5mVEvGOA-00145-00042062-00042288 So what made you so engrossed? ame5mVEvGOA-00146-00042440-00042620 So He said: لم يزل ame5mVEvGOA-00147-00042645-00043085 I continued to read the Ayaat of the Quraan it engrossed my heart. ame5mVEvGOA-00148-00043085-00043357 ما وصف الله في جنة ame5mVEvGOA-00149-00043400-00043668 When Allah (ﷻ) described, ame5mVEvGOA-00150-00043705-00043831 the bounties ame5mVEvGOA-00151-00043851-00044085 and the pleasures of Jannah. ame5mVEvGOA-00152-00044122-00044397 I had complete amnesia. ame5mVEvGOA-00153-00044437-00044725 I had complete amnesia. ame5mVEvGOA-00154-00044748-00045208 I forgot about Dunya I even forgot about you. ame5mVEvGOA-00155-00045251-00045494 The wife that is returning ame5mVEvGOA-00156-00045520-00045854 and the husband that has so much Shawk to meet this wife. ame5mVEvGOA-00157-00045877-00046054 He forgets his wife. ame5mVEvGOA-00158-00046102-00046185 Imagine. ame5mVEvGOA-00159-00046357-00046500 Number four: ame5mVEvGOA-00160-00046531-00046700 A person should look ame5mVEvGOA-00161-00046774-00047062 at whom he is standing before ame5mVEvGOA-00162-00047120-00047205 and ame5mVEvGOA-00163-00047240-00047437 every word that he is saying, ame5mVEvGOA-00164-00047437-00047637 he is speaking to Allah ame5mVEvGOA-00165-00047708-00047894 and that, ame5mVEvGOA-00166-00047940-00048171 he is secluded with Allah, ame5mVEvGOA-00167-00048294-00048465 and if a person thinks, ame5mVEvGOA-00168-00048517-00048871 somebody has beauty then we get enticed by their beauty. ame5mVEvGOA-00169-00048914-00049128 Likewise if they have good character, ame5mVEvGOA-00170-00049128-00049328 good habits, we are enticed by that, ame5mVEvGOA-00171-00049380-00049697 or number three: Somebody gives us gifts, ame5mVEvGOA-00172-00049731-00049928 then we are enticed by that. ame5mVEvGOA-00173-00050020-00050128 So likewise, ame5mVEvGOA-00174-00050165-00050260 Allah, ame5mVEvGOA-00175-00050297-00050597 is the greatest الله أكبر ame5mVEvGOA-00176-00050597-00050797 الله أجمل ame5mVEvGOA-00177-00050797-00050985 Allah is the most, ame5mVEvGOA-00178-00051014-00051185 beautiful creation on the earth. ame5mVEvGOA-00179-00051240-00051457 Allah is the most exalted. ame5mVEvGOA-00180-00051520-00051820 Allah is the one being that has given us the most. ame5mVEvGOA-00181-00051974-00052241 So if a person, ame5mVEvGOA-00182-00052282-00052508 has this in front of him. ame5mVEvGOA-00183-00052522-00052848 Then you will stand before Allah knowing, ame5mVEvGOA-00184-00052914-00052991 that, ame5mVEvGOA-00185-00053054-00053191 my Allah, ame5mVEvGOA-00186-00053228-00053391 is in front of me. ame5mVEvGOA-00187-00053434-00053734 So the Ulama explain, that if a person, ame5mVEvGOA-00188-00053762-00053934 is not seeing Allah, ame5mVEvGOA-00189-00053948-00054134 and he is not hearing Allah. ame5mVEvGOA-00190-00054160-00054440 Then how can a person get this ecstasy. ame5mVEvGOA-00191-00054540-00054682 The Ulama have explained: ame5mVEvGOA-00192-00054711-00054914 Imaam Ghazaali has given an explanation: ame5mVEvGOA-00193-00055022-00055414 That if your beloved is behind a curtain, in a dark room ame5mVEvGOA-00194-00055516-00055941 but you are speaking to them and they are listening to you, ame5mVEvGOA-00195-00056082-00056267 then how will you speak ame5mVEvGOA-00196-00056337-00056645 and what ecstasy and enjoyment would one get. ame5mVEvGOA-00197-00056682-00056991 When he knows the person is behind the curtain. ame5mVEvGOA-00198-00057011-00057314 Likewise we are speaking to Allah (ﷻ). ame5mVEvGOA-00199-00057314-00057554 On a chat or WhatsApp, ame5mVEvGOA-00200-00057554-00057704 when you send a message ame5mVEvGOA-00201-00057730-00058004 and it shows the delivered sign. ame5mVEvGOA-00202-00058016-00058182 You send an email you know the person, ame5mVEvGOA-00203-00058182-00058382 received it and it didn't bounce. ame5mVEvGOA-00204-00058382-00058662 Everything that we are saying ame5mVEvGOA-00205-00058662-00058837 and we are speaking. ame5mVEvGOA-00206-00058851-00059191 Allah (ﷻ) is more aware of that. ame5mVEvGOA-00207-00059254-00059377 So a person, ame5mVEvGOA-00208-00059402-00059751 who knows the value of Allah, will not ame5mVEvGOA-00209-00059779-00060079 miss out on the opportunity, ame5mVEvGOA-00210-00060102-00060351 to speak to Allah (ﷻ) ame5mVEvGOA-00211-00060351-00060471 at all. ame5mVEvGOA-00212-00060471-00060845 Actually the night will be too short. ame5mVEvGOA-00213-00061040-00061222 Some Mashaaik have said: ame5mVEvGOA-00214-00061240-00061554 فإن الليل يزورني قائما ame5mVEvGOA-00215-00061574-00061754 He says: If the night has come ame5mVEvGOA-00216-00061791-00062000 and when a visitor comes and you just greet them ame5mVEvGOA-00217-00062000-00062245 and they are standing and before you even tell them, ame5mVEvGOA-00218-00062282-00062408 come sit down. ame5mVEvGOA-00219-00062412-00062871 (ينصرف قبل أن أجلس) before you can even sit down ame5mVEvGOA-00220-00062871-00063071 and start the discussion. ame5mVEvGOA-00221-00063071-00063271 They need to leave. ame5mVEvGOA-00222-00063304-00063457 Ali Ibn Bakaar, ame5mVEvGOA-00223-00063497-00063822 used to say that: ame5mVEvGOA-00224-00063934-00064185 منذ أربعين سنة ame5mVEvGOA-00225-00064211-00064588 ما أَحْزَنَنِيْ شيء سوى طلوع الفجر ame5mVEvGOA-00226-00064688-00065165 That for forty years I was grieved about the coming of Fajr. ame5mVEvGOA-00227-00065191-00065516 Meaning that when I am informed and I know, ame5mVEvGOA-00228-00065528-00065757 that the night is over, ame5mVEvGOA-00229-00065785-00065931 that thing. ame5mVEvGOA-00230-00065974-00066131 that information, ame5mVEvGOA-00231-00066174-00066331 there is no worse, ame5mVEvGOA-00232-00066357-00066557 news on earth, ame5mVEvGOA-00233-00066631-00066905 worse than the coming, ame5mVEvGOA-00234-00066917-00067214 of Fajr and the ending of the night. ame5mVEvGOA-00235-00067262-00067465 Fudhail bin Ayaaz used to say: ame5mVEvGOA-00236-00067465-00067834 إذا غربت الشمس فرحت بالظلام ame5mVEvGOA-00237-00067834-00068091 لخلوتى بربي ame5mVEvGOA-00238-00068091-00068242 When the sun sets. ame5mVEvGOA-00239-00068277-00068594 There is no more ecstasy and pleasure I can get, ame5mVEvGOA-00240-00068617-00068762 with the darkness ame5mVEvGOA-00241-00068797-00069077 because its only me and my Allah. ame5mVEvGOA-00242-00069102-00069217 It is only me, ame5mVEvGOA-00243-00069237-00069417 and my Allah. ame5mVEvGOA-00244-00069431-00070001 وإذا طلعت الشمس حزنْتُ لدخول الناس عَلَيَّ ame5mVEvGOA-00245-00070025-00070202 Then when the sunrises, ame5mVEvGOA-00246-00070262-00070402 I have grief ame5mVEvGOA-00247-00070528-00070702 and I have remorse, ame5mVEvGOA-00248-00070848-00071091 that I was speaking to the creator, ame5mVEvGOA-00249-00071145-00071497 now I will have to leave the company of the creator ame5mVEvGOA-00250-00071497-00071697 and spend time, ame5mVEvGOA-00251-00071702-00071865 with the creation. ame5mVEvGOA-00252-00071911-00072180 Abu Sulaimaan Ad-Daraani used to say: ame5mVEvGOA-00253-00072180-00072428 اهل الليل في ليلهم ame5mVEvGOA-00254-00072554-00072731 The people of the night ame5mVEvGOA-00255-00072811-00072971 and in their nights ame5mVEvGOA-00256-00073002-00073251 ألذ من أهل اللهو ame5mVEvGOA-00257-00073251-00073400 في لهوهم ame5mVEvGOA-00258-00073428-00073600 They get more pleasure. ame5mVEvGOA-00259-00073642-00073845 They get more ecstasy. ame5mVEvGOA-00260-00073845-00074045 They get more enjoyment, ame5mVEvGOA-00261-00074077-00074220 in their nights. ame5mVEvGOA-00262-00074251-00074482 Then the people of negligence, ame5mVEvGOA-00263-00074505-00074682 get in their disobedience ame5mVEvGOA-00264-00074728-00074848 and their sinning. ame5mVEvGOA-00265-00074882-00075262 ولو لليل ما أحب البقاء في الدنياء ame5mVEvGOA-00266-00075308-00075440 If it was not, ame5mVEvGOA-00267-00075474-00075800 for the beauty and the enjoyment, ame5mVEvGOA-00268-00075828-00076091 of the nights I would have wished, ame5mVEvGOA-00269-00076128-00076331 that death come to me. ame5mVEvGOA-00270-00076351-00076617 I would have wished that death come to me. ame5mVEvGOA-00271-00076694-00077054 لو عوض الله أهل الليل من ثواب أعمالهم ame5mVEvGOA-00272-00077365-00077640 If Allah had to replace, ame5mVEvGOA-00273-00077682-00077928 the rewards of whatever goods we are doing, ame5mVEvGOA-00274-00077948-00078114 with the pleasure, ame5mVEvGOA-00275-00078134-00078314 and the enjoyment, ame5mVEvGOA-00276-00078348-00078491 of the night. ame5mVEvGOA-00277-00078540-00078894 Then just standing before Allah ame5mVEvGOA-00278-00078914-00079197 and the enjoying the company of Allah. ame5mVEvGOA-00279-00079228-00079440 I would have rather preferred that, ame5mVEvGOA-00280-00079485-00079965 than all the rewards that Allah had promised for standing up, ame5mVEvGOA-00281-00080002-00080400 in front, in the darkness of the night in front of Allah. ame5mVEvGOA-00282-00080482-00080651 The Ulama used to say: ame5mVEvGOA-00283-00080651-00081094 ليس في الدنيا وقت يشبه نَعِيْمَ أهل الجنة ame5mVEvGOA-00284-00081154-00081294 That if we had to look, ame5mVEvGOA-00285-00081351-00081820 at all the bounties that Allah would give in Jannah. ame5mVEvGOA-00286-00081871-00082085 Then there is no bounty, ame5mVEvGOA-00287-00082134-00082457 more greater and close, ame5mVEvGOA-00288-00082497-00082711 to the bounties of Jannah. ame5mVEvGOA-00289-00082711-00082911 Then the satisfaction ame5mVEvGOA-00290-00082922-00083160 and the gratification, ame5mVEvGOA-00291-00083197-00083360 that people get. ame5mVEvGOA-00292-00083360-00083634 في قلوبهم بالليل ame5mVEvGOA-00293-00083728-00084022 In their hearts in the darkness of the night. ame5mVEvGOA-00294-00084051-00084354 من حلاوة المناجات ame5mVEvGOA-00295-00084394-00084700 When a person speaks to Allah, ame5mVEvGOA-00296-00084771-00085277 ليست من الدنيا إنما هي من الجنة ame5mVEvGOA-00297-00085337-00085548 That in this Dunya. ame5mVEvGOA-00298-00085588-00085908 The pleasure of speaking to Allah. ame5mVEvGOA-00299-00085908-00086254 They can be no comparison in the world. ame5mVEvGOA-00300-00086297-00086602 Its as if you are in Jannah. ame5mVEvGOA-00301-00086622-00086857 Allah had given the special, ame5mVEvGOA-00302-00086880-00087111 gift to His friends ame5mVEvGOA-00303-00087142-00087377 and there is no other ame5mVEvGOA-00304-00087448-00087651 pleasure in Dunya, ame5mVEvGOA-00305-00087651-00087871 more better than the pleasure, ame5mVEvGOA-00306-00087902-00088217 of speaking to Allah in Tahajjud. ame5mVEvGOA-00307-00088260-00088480 Muhammed Ibn Munkadir used to say: ame5mVEvGOA-00308-00088497-00088880 ما بقي من لذات الدنيا إلّا ثلاث ame5mVEvGOA-00309-00088908-00089160 That if there was any enjoyment we would get. ame5mVEvGOA-00310-00089188-00089462 Then its only in three things: ame5mVEvGOA-00311-00089477-00089757 So there can be no pleasure like Qiyaamul Layl ame5mVEvGOA-00312-00089765-00090082 or no pleasure in spending time with the friends of Allah. ame5mVEvGOA-00313-00090111-00090368 No pleasure, than pleasure ame5mVEvGOA-00314-00090368-00090651 standing in front of Allah in Salaah, ame5mVEvGOA-00315-00090651-00090868 in the Masjid with Jamaah. ame5mVEvGOA-00316-00091034-00091208 The A'rifeen used to say: ame5mVEvGOA-00317-00091237-00091797 إن الله ينظر بالأسحار إلي قلوب المتييقظين<b></b> ame5mVEvGOA-00318-00091840-00092165 Allah (ﷻ) looks, ame5mVEvGOA-00319-00092165-00092565 at the hearts of those who are awake, ame5mVEvGOA-00320-00092588-00092834 at the time of Tahajjud. ame5mVEvGOA-00321-00092854-00093140 فيملئها أنوارا ame5mVEvGOA-00322-00093162-00093642 and like a container is empty and you need to fill water, ame5mVEvGOA-00323-00093677-00093948 the hearts of the friends of Allah. ame5mVEvGOA-00324-00093948-00094254 Allah fills it up with Noor. ame5mVEvGOA-00325-00094254-00094585 Allah fills their hearts with Noor. ame5mVEvGOA-00326-00094597-00094757 So this is a chance, ame5mVEvGOA-00327-00094780-00094957 where we can draw, ame5mVEvGOA-00328-00094977-00095157 from the Noor of Allah ame5mVEvGOA-00329-00095248-00095560 and not draw from the Ma'siyat ame5mVEvGOA-00330-00095588-00095848 and the disobedience of Allah. ame5mVEvGOA-00331-00095885-00096105 A person can pass the night ame5mVEvGOA-00332-00096128-00096434 and watching television, ame5mVEvGOA-00333-00096448-00096711 spending their time in watching Youtube, ame5mVEvGOA-00334-00096720-00096862 in chatting, ame5mVEvGOA-00335-00096868-00097094 in going to different platforms, ame5mVEvGOA-00336-00097114-00097271 in different worlds, ame5mVEvGOA-00337-00097271-00097505 in different avenues of Ma'siyat, ame5mVEvGOA-00338-00097525-00097705 and they can go ame5mVEvGOA-00339-00097751-00098108 centuries and billions of kilometers, ame5mVEvGOA-00340-00098128-00098468 away from Allah or it's an opportunity, ame5mVEvGOA-00341-00098485-00098931 to thread the path to get close proximity to Allah. ame5mVEvGOA-00342-00098994-00099245 Some Ulama have said that: ame5mVEvGOA-00343-00099348-00099600 إن لي عبادا من عبادي ame5mVEvGOA-00344-00099600-00099822 Allah says there are some servants, ame5mVEvGOA-00345-00099851-00100091 that love me and I love them. ame5mVEvGOA-00346-00100105-00100417 They seek me and they look for me ame5mVEvGOA-00347-00100434-00100745 and I have ambition for them to meet me. ame5mVEvGOA-00348-00100774-00100945 They remember me, ame5mVEvGOA-00349-00100945-00101145 and I remember them, ame5mVEvGOA-00350-00101185-00101385 as if I am seeing them, ame5mVEvGOA-00351-00101385-00101585 and they see me. ame5mVEvGOA-00352-00101585-00101785 If you thread their path. ame5mVEvGOA-00353-00101800-00102025 Then you will come close to me. ame5mVEvGOA-00354-00102060-00102322 So it was asked: What are the signs, ame5mVEvGOA-00355-00102345-00102522 of these people? ame5mVEvGOA-00356-00102554-00102845 They are the people who look at the time in the day, ame5mVEvGOA-00357-00102868-00103210 to see how they can use their day properly, ame5mVEvGOA-00358-00103233-00103394 and how ame5mVEvGOA-00359-00103394-00103659 at night they look at the time to see, ame5mVEvGOA-00360-00103684-00103842 how they can ame5mVEvGOA-00361-00103865-00104417 خلا كل حبيب بحبيبه ame5mVEvGOA-00362-00104433-00104825 every lover now secludes himself, ame5mVEvGOA-00363-00104845-00105025 with his beloved. ame5mVEvGOA-00364-00105051-00105317 نصبوا لي أقدامهم ame5mVEvGOA-00365-00105317-00105559 and they stand up in Salaah ame5mVEvGOA-00366-00105602-00105857 and they spend their nights in Salaah ame5mVEvGOA-00367-00105894-00106200 and they spend their nights in Tahajjud, ame5mVEvGOA-00368-00106236-00106514 crying to Allah (ﷻ), ame5mVEvGOA-00369-00106514-00106714 seeking Allah. ame5mVEvGOA-00370-00106714-00106942 This was the nights of the Ummah ame5mVEvGOA-00371-00106959-00107188 and these were the days of the Ummah, ame5mVEvGOA-00372-00107242-00107482 that they were on the Musallah at night ame5mVEvGOA-00373-00107502-00107765 and on the horse back in the day. ame5mVEvGOA-00374-00107765-00108065 Seeing how the Deen of Allah can come Alive. ame5mVEvGOA-00375-00108202-00108471 Maalik bin dinaar, ame5mVEvGOA-00376-00108494-00108780 He used to say that: ame5mVEvGOA-00377-00108782-00109105 إذا قام العبد يتهجد من الليل ame5mVEvGOA-00378-00109133-00109554 When a servant stands before Allah in the darkness of the night, ame5mVEvGOA-00379-00109614-00109825 prostrating to Allah, ame5mVEvGOA-00380-00109825-00110082 making Tilawat of Quraan, ame5mVEvGOA-00381-00110108-00110174 then ame5mVEvGOA-00382-00110188-00110465 قرب منه الجبار ame5mVEvGOA-00383-00110502-00110928 Allah (ﷻ) comes close to him, ame5mVEvGOA-00384-00111065-00111191 and ame5mVEvGOA-00385-00111233-00111391 the pleasure ame5mVEvGOA-00386-00111422-00111591 and the ecstasy ame5mVEvGOA-00387-00111640-00111833 and the Anwaraat (effulgence), ame5mVEvGOA-00388-00111868-00112033 which a person gets, ame5mVEvGOA-00389-00112074-00112310 in this close proximity, ame5mVEvGOA-00390-00112357-00112622 is incomparable, ame5mVEvGOA-00391-00112659-00112936 it cannot be fathomed, ame5mVEvGOA-00392-00112954-00113210 and he used to: Imaam Ghazaali says: ame5mVEvGOA-00393-00113254-00113514 This was the special secret, ame5mVEvGOA-00394-00113565-00113988 of the Saaliheen and the Friends of Allah (ﷻ) ame5mVEvGOA-00395-00114057-00114320 and it was on these moments where the Mashaaikh, ame5mVEvGOA-00396-00114320-00114520 used to encourage their Mureeds, ame5mVEvGOA-00397-00114605-00114780 to spend their nights. ame5mVEvGOA-00398-00114791-00114980 إن من الليل ساعة ame5mVEvGOA-00399-00114980-00115108 There is a moment, ame5mVEvGOA-00400-00115140-00115522 where you make a Dua your Dua is accepted ame5mVEvGOA-00401-00115522-00115722 and these are nights, ame5mVEvGOA-00402-00115757-00116048 whether its specific nights and Mubarak nights, ame5mVEvGOA-00403-00116048-00116197 or it is, ame5mVEvGOA-00404-00116197-00116457 specific opportunities and chances, ame5mVEvGOA-00405-00116480-00116740 where it is Ramadhaan we should not, ame5mVEvGOA-00406-00116740-00116991 lose these opportunities. ame5mVEvGOA-00407-00116991-00117157 The A'mal for today is, ame5mVEvGOA-00408-00117180-00117440 to spend on the creation of Allah. ame5mVEvGOA-00409-00117440-00117684 To help the creation of Allah. ame5mVEvGOA-00410-00117710-00118031 إن للّه أقواما there is a special group of people, ame5mVEvGOA-00411-00118031-00118231 where Allah showers wealth. ame5mVEvGOA-00412-00118254-00118517 So that they can benefit mankind, ame5mVEvGOA-00413-00118551-00118797 as long as they spend their wealth. ame5mVEvGOA-00414-00118828-00119014 Allah gives them more ame5mVEvGOA-00415-00119014-00119214 but the day they stop spending. ame5mVEvGOA-00416-00119245-00119431 Allah snatches that wealth, ame5mVEvGOA-00417-00119468-00119700 and gives it to somebody else. ame5mVEvGOA-00418-00119700-00120080 و آخر دعوانا أن الحمد لله رب العالمين b233Ycvtmwo-00000-00000012-00000127 - Sam. - Yeah. b233Ycvtmwo-00001-00000140-00000266 Rip her head off. b233Ycvtmwo-00002-00000453-00000754 Rip my head off? I'd love to see her try it. b233Ycvtmwo-00003-00000767-00001004 [screaming] b233Ycvtmwo-00004-00001404-00001554 Whoo! b233Ycvtmwo-00005-00002265-00002475 [cheering] b233Ycvtmwo-00006-00002655-00002759 You got 'er! b233Ycvtmwo-00007-00002772-00002862 Is that all you got? b233Ycvtmwo-00008-00002876-00003006 [cheering] b233Ycvtmwo-00009-00003029-00003226 Tap out! Tap out! b233Ycvtmwo-00010-00003283-00003446 [cheering] b233Ycvtmwo-00011-00003733-00003870 Get out of here! b233Ycvtmwo-00012-00004164-00004330 Out! b233Ycvtmwo-00013-00004501-00004654 [screaming] b233Ycvtmwo-00014-00004667-00004938 Oh, my gosh, Sam and Jade are gonna kill each other. b233Ycvtmwo-00015-00004951-00005168 Don't bleed on my bed! b233Ycvtmwo-00016-00005181-00005462 [grunting] b233Ycvtmwo-00017-00005475-00005638 Get down! Bleed! b233Ycvtmwo-00018-00005682-00005809 No, don't! b233Ycvtmwo-00019-00005895-00005992 Oh, hey. b233Ycvtmwo-00020-00006005-00006146 Oh, you regained consciousness. b233Ycvtmwo-00021-00006189-00006523 Yeah. I... I thought you guys were fighting. b233Ycvtmwo-00022-00006536-00006699 - Fighting? - Why would we be fighting? b233Ycvtmwo-00023-00006743-00006886 Okay, why am I dancing?! b233Ycvtmwo-00024-00006940-00007063 This shouldn't be happening! b233Ycvtmwo-00025-00007076-00007333 [music playing] b233Ycvtmwo-00026-00007347-00007504 I am not enjoying this! b233Ycvtmwo-00027-00007517-00007724 [music playing] b233Ycvtmwo-00028-00007737-00007894 When did I learn this moves?! b233Ycvtmwo-00029-00007907-00008144 [music playing] b233Ycvtmwo-00030-00008158-00008311 Someone tell me what's going on! b233Ycvtmwo-00031-00008324-00008501 [music playing] b233Ycvtmwo-00032-00008515-00008615 How am I doing this?! b233Ycvtmwo-00033-00008628-00008882 [music playing] b233Ycvtmwo-00034-00008895-00009112 How am I flexible?! Wait! b233Ycvtmwo-00035-00009185-00009679 If you think you can come between me and my Lewbert-- b233Ycvtmwo-00036-00010216-00010346 - Thanks, Sam. - Ah, no worries. b233Ycvtmwo-00037-00010360-00010543 I like hitting ladies with pineapples. b233Ycvtmwo-00038-00010900-00011010 [groaning] b233Ycvtmwo-00039-00011024-00011221 - Sorry! - Are you okay? b233Ycvtmwo-00040-00011624-00011795 I'm... I'm fine. b233Ycvtmwo-00041-00011828-00012025 Just next time, if you can throw the ball... b233Ycvtmwo-00042-00012038-00012175 a little higher, that's be great. b233Ycvtmwo-00043-00012529-00012655 Hi, there. b233Ycvtmwo-00044-00012669-00012769 Spider! b233Ycvtmwo-00045-00012782-00013006 Stop it, please! Please, would you-- b233Ycvtmwo-00046-00013019-00013129 Stop! b233Ycvtmwo-00047-00013203-00013336 Who are you? b233Ycvtmwo-00048-00013416-00013570 Your personal trainers. b233Ycvtmwo-00049-00013710-00013847 My personal train-- b233Ycvtmwo-00050-00013860-00013990 Come on, let's do some squat thrusts. b233Ycvtmwo-00051-00014003-00014130 Squat thrusts. [chuckles] b233Ycvtmwo-00052-00014194-00014317 There you go. b233Ycvtmwo-00053-00014330-00014457 - Okay. - Ready? b233Ycvtmwo-00054-00014471-00014604 - But I don't know-- - Just squat and thrust! b233Ycvtmwo-00055-00014617-00014704 Begin! b233Ycvtmwo-00056-00014717-00014964 One. Two. b233Ycvtmwo-00057-00014978-00015111 Do it! b233Ycvtmwo-00058-00015125-00015221 - One. - Three. b233Ycvtmwo-00059-00015235-00015335 Three. b233Ycvtmwo-00060-00015348-00015465 - Four! - Yeah, I can count. b233Ycvtmwo-00061-00015478-00015578 One! b233Ycvtmwo-00062-00015592-00015752 Good job. Oh, yeah, I'm liking that. b233Ycvtmwo-00063-00015832-00016096 Two. Oh, yeah. Keep working. b233Ycvtmwo-00064-00016109-00016329 Don't get lazy on me. One. Uh-huh. Good job. b233Ycvtmwo-00065-00016342-00016593 Okay. Come on, one, all the way down. b233Ycvtmwo-00066-00016606-00017017 Well... I hope your 30 friends can see in the dark. b233Ycvtmwo-00067-00017217-00017357 She shut off the lights! b233Ycvtmwo-00068-00017370-00017587 - I can't see nothing! - Where is she?! b233Ycvtmwo-00069-00017600-00017761 Get 'em, Sam! b233Ycvtmwo-00070-00017774-00018068 [screaming] b233Ycvtmwo-00071-00018081-00018244 [groaning] b233Ycvtmwo-00072-00018328-00018428 Take 'em out, Sam! b233Ycvtmwo-00073-00018441-00018578 - Do it! - Come on. b233Ycvtmwo-00074-00018591-00018995 [fighting] b233Ycvtmwo-00075-00019008-00019102 Ow! b233Ycvtmwo-00076-00019115-00019239 Sorry Gib! b233Ycvtmwo-00077-00019275-00019516 [groaning] b233Ycvtmwo-00078-00019529-00019869 [fighting] b233Ycvtmwo-00079-00019883-00020036 Oh, my butt! b233Ycvtmwo-00080-00020190-00020326 [screaming] b233Ycvtmwo-00081-00020430-00020570 Sam? b233Ycvtmwo-00082-00020583-00020800 Carly's brother calls this the Toilet Bowl Hole. b233Ycvtmwo-00083-00020877-00021144 And he calls this one the Crazed Toddler. b233Ycvtmwo-00084-00021157-00021494 [crying, mumbling] b233Ycvtmwo-00085-00021508-00021638 Let's putt the putt. b233Ycvtmwo-00086-00022135-00022262 Yes! b233Ycvtmwo-00087-00022315-00022452 Did you see that? Oh, yeah. b233Ycvtmwo-00088-00022465-00022652 You lost. Get out of here. b233Ycvtmwo-00089-00022962-00023076 You hear me, punk? b233Ycvtmwo-00090-00023089-00023203 - Excuse me. - I wanna rematch-- b233Ycvtmwo-00091-00023216-00023369 [groaning] b233Ycvtmwo-00092-00023386-00023493 [cheering] b233Ycvtmwo-00093-00023506-00023827 You like that? You like that? You like that? b233Ycvtmwo-00094-00023860-00024037 You like that? You like that? b233Ycvtmwo-00095-00024050-00024147 You like that? b233Ycvtmwo-00096-00024160-00024431 Get off! Get her off of me! b233Ycvtmwo-00097-00024567-00024677 All set. b233Ycvtmwo-00098-00024761-00025058 Okay, people, unless you're a bowling pin, b233Ycvtmwo-00099-00025071-00025178 move! b233Ycvtmwo-00100-00025685-00025895 [cheering] b233Ycvtmwo-00101-00026049-00026189 [groaning] b233Ycvtmwo-00102-00026653-00026759 What's in it? b233Ycvtmwo-00103-00026773-00027150 Uh. Just... [chuckles] b233Ycvtmwo-00104-00027197-00027313 ...this. b233Ycvtmwo-00105-00027327-00027437 Just a lollipop? b233Ycvtmwo-00106-00027450-00027600 Yeah. [chuckles] b233Ycvtmwo-00107-00027614-00027844 Except where I come from, we don't call it a lollipop. b233Ycvtmwo-00108-00027857-00028074 - Oh, well, what do you call it? - A sucker. b233Ycvtmwo-00109-00028087-00028198 What?! b233Ycvtmwo-00110-00028211-00028361 [screaming] b233Ycvtmwo-00111-00029112-00029349 [groaning] b233Ycvtmwo-00112-00029889-00030006 No! b233Ycvtmwo-00113-00030310-00030470 [screaming] b233Ycvtmwo-00114-00030630-00030987 [groaning] b233Ycvtmwo-00115-00031064-00031247 Yeah, baby! Mama wins! b233Ycvtmwo-00116-00031261-00031524 I am the ultimate assassin! b233Ycvtmwo-00117-00031538-00031688 [screaming] b233Ycvtmwo-00118-00031701-00031951 Now, which of you Americans would like to be the first b233Ycvtmwo-00119-00031965-00032138 to try a Canadian fat cake? b233Ycvtmwo-00120-00032152-00032282 Hey, I wouldn't mind-- b233Ycvtmwo-00121-00032295-00032449 [grunting] b233Ycvtmwo-00122-00032725-00032852 May I? b233Ycvtmwo-00123-00033016-00033133 Okay, Sam, take a bite-- b233Ycvtmwo-00124-00033146-00033283 Shut up! b3a4IUCQR18-00000-00000290-00000940 Hi, this is Ben. I work at TechImpact with SharePoint Online and Office 365. b3a4IUCQR18-00001-00000940-00001426 Today we’re going to take a look at how we can use SharePoint Online to collaborate b3a4IUCQR18-00002-00001426-00001999 with external parties. The first thing we can do is to share just an individual document b3a4IUCQR18-00003-00002000-00002400 with someone using what’s called an anonymous access link b3a4IUCQR18-00004-00002400-00002896 or an anonymous guest link. So I have my file here. I could select this, b3a4IUCQR18-00005-00002896-00003426 and I could just go into the ellipses menu here as well that I have to the right of the file name b3a4IUCQR18-00006-00003426-00004059 to get a set of options here. And we have this “Get a link” option. We see it up here as well. b3a4IUCQR18-00007-00004060-00004830 So I can click on that, and what it’s going to do is actually randomly create either an Edit link b3a4IUCQR18-00008-00004830-00005480 or a View link. So when we click on Get a link, this is going to allow us b3a4IUCQR18-00009-00005480-00006073 to create just a randomly generated link for this document. It’s a URL, a web address b3a4IUCQR18-00010-00006073-00006566 that someone can click on, and it will take them to this file. And we have two different options b3a4IUCQR18-00011-00006566-00007196 for the kind of link that we can make here; we can either make a View link or an Edit link, b3a4IUCQR18-00012-00007196-00007849 and both of these are no sign-in required. So what that means is, whoever has this link, b3a4IUCQR18-00013-00007850-00008403 that person now has some level of access to your document, either to view b3a4IUCQR18-00014-00008403-00009016 and download the file or to actually be making changes to the file that lives in SharePoint. b3a4IUCQR18-00015-00009016-00009506 One thing that’s really great about this option, though, if we create our Edit link here, b3a4IUCQR18-00016-00009506-00010169 and I click on Create, I can actually set an expiration for this link. b3a4IUCQR18-00017-00010170-00010650 I could turn off that access after a certain amount of time, so that I know b3a4IUCQR18-00018-00010650-00011220 that that’s definitely not going to be permanently out there for people to be able to get. b3a4IUCQR18-00019-00011220-00011920 After a day I can turn it off, a month, 60 days, or I can even use a custom amount of time b3a4IUCQR18-00020-00011920-00012420 and set. So 14 days if I want it to be two weeks or something like that. b3a4IUCQR18-00021-00012420-00012846 And you can always come in here and just remove the link manually as well. b3a4IUCQR18-00022-00012846-00013266 The link will not permanently give access to the file. b3a4IUCQR18-00023-00013266-00013896 So we can only use those links for individual documents. If I wanted to share a folder b3a4IUCQR18-00024-00013896-00014509 or even a document library or this entire communications site, b3a4IUCQR18-00025-00014510-00014996 I would actually have to share it via authenticated access. b3a4IUCQR18-00026-00014996-00015523 The person who I’m sharing it with is going to need to log in with some kind b3a4IUCQR18-00027-00015523-00015993 of Microsoft account in order for them to access what I’m sharing with them. b3a4IUCQR18-00028-00015993-00016616 I can do that with this folder. I can share this to someone. I’ll go ahead and invite b3a4IUCQR18-00029-00016616-00017223 my external email address. So it’s just telling me that this email address b3a4IUCQR18-00030-00017223-00017753 is someone who is outside of my organization. Just like I had with those links, b3a4IUCQR18-00031-00017753-00018163 I can actually choose whether this person is going to be able to edit this folder b3a4IUCQR18-00032-00018163-00018779 or the contents of this folder that I’m sharing with them or just be able to view and download b3a4IUCQR18-00033-00018780-00019200 the contents of that folder. I could put a little message in here if I wanted to. b3a4IUCQR18-00034-00019200-00019710 I can choose not to share everything in the folder. So if there are things b3a4IUCQR18-00035-00019710-00020280 that have unique permissions inside of that folder, I can make it so that they can’t see b3a4IUCQR18-00036-00020280-00020630 those items; they can only see the ones that are inheriting their permissions b3a4IUCQR18-00037-00020630-00021326 from the social media folder. Then if I wanted to I could choose not to send out an email invitation. b3a4IUCQR18-00038-00021326-00021746 In most cases you do want to send that, so that the person has a link. Let’s go ahead b3a4IUCQR18-00039-00021746-00022343 and share this. There we have that email from SharePoint saying that I shared a file b3a4IUCQR18-00040-00022343-00022896 with myself. Okay. So here is that message, and I can go ahead and open up b3a4IUCQR18-00041-00022896-00023486 this social media folder that Benjamin Williams shared with me. And when I click on that link b3a4IUCQR18-00042-00023486-00024126 it actually prompts me whether I want to use a Microsoft account or an organizational account. b3a4IUCQR18-00043-00024126-00024736 So if I already am using Office 365 with that email address, I can actually just sign in b3a4IUCQR18-00044-00024736-00025246 with that and be able to get in here. Otherwise I’m going to need a Microsoft account. b3a4IUCQR18-00045-00025246-00025856 So what I would use for this, if I don’t already have one, I can go ahead and create b3a4IUCQR18-00046-00025856-00026316 a Microsoft account right here, and I can just use the same email address b3a4IUCQR18-00047-00026316-00026859 that that folder was shared with. So even if I’m on Gmail or Yahoo or something like that, b3a4IUCQR18-00048-00026860-00027430 I can just sign up for a Microsoft account using that same email address and be able to log in b3a4IUCQR18-00049-00027430-00028010 here with that account and access the contents of that folder. So I can click on Social Media b3a4IUCQR18-00050-00028010-00028520 right here; that’s that folder that I shared, and I have access right here b3a4IUCQR18-00051-00028520-00028880 because I happened to already be logged into my Microsoft account. b3a4IUCQR18-00052-00028880-00029439 So I can now contribute to this folder, adding documents in here, b3a4IUCQR18-00053-00029439-00029823 uploading files I might already have. So those are the two ways b3a4IUCQR18-00054-00029823-00030209 that we can externally share within SharePoint Online. b3a4IUCQR18-00055-00030210-00030816 Thank you all for watching. Have a great day. b5F226ajDxE-00000-00000108-00000211 This place b5F226ajDxE-00001-00000211-00000450 By Merryn Thomas b5F226ajDxE-00002-00000450-00000745 This is not an aquarium. b5F226ajDxE-00003-00000745-00001099 There is no clamour of sound. b5F226ajDxE-00004-00001099-00001561 There are no children running, No riot of colour and banners. b5F226ajDxE-00005-00001561-00002099 I will not rush to the next exhibit To see manta rays with smiling mouths. b5F226ajDxE-00006-00002099-00002287 I have no map of the things I will see b5F226ajDxE-00007-00002287-00002651 - or my money back. b5F226ajDxE-00008-00002651-00003040 This, Is a window. b5F226ajDxE-00009-00003040-00003471 It is a portal to another place. b5F226ajDxE-00010-00003471-00003882 I am a guest in the fishes silent realm. b5F226ajDxE-00011-00003882-00004461 Temperate, murky and raw. b5F226ajDxE-00012-00004461-00004977 In a bunker beneath the surface, This art installation in the riverbank, b5F226ajDxE-00013-00004977-00005382 All is concrete and grey. b5F226ajDxE-00014-00005382-00005707 Through thick glass, the water lies unknown. b5F226ajDxE-00015-00005707-00006232 A grainy picture of the river beyond. b5F226ajDxE-00016-00006232-00006759 Passionate others look on in suspense, lingering. b5F226ajDxE-00017-00006759-00007742 Light on their faces, waiting, As leaves dance by in playful Autumn. b5F226ajDxE-00018-00007742-00008579 Then the barbel, inching upstream, enters stage right. b5F226ajDxE-00019-00008579-00009349 A connection, my friend, we observe each other. b5F226ajDxE-00020-00009349-00009598 This, Is your world. b8SkIjHh21Q-00000-00000048-00000672 Hello, my name is Anthony Bretaudeau, i'm from Rennes, France, and today we're going to see b8SkIjHh21Q-00001-00000672-00001304 together how we can use Galaxy to annotate the genome of a bacteria. So if you go to b8SkIjHh21Q-00002-00001304-00001960 https://training.galaxyproject.org you can go to the genome annotation section where b8SkIjHh21Q-00003-00001960-00002464 there are several slides and tutorials to annotate different kind of data. b8SkIjHh21Q-00004-00002552-00003232 And here we go to the genome annotation with Prokka tutorial which is specific to prokaryotic b8SkIjHh21Q-00005-00003232-00003847 genomes so bacteria mostly. So I just click on the hands-on icon here. b8SkIjHh21Q-00006-00004047-00004712 Okay, so I will run this tutorial on https://usegalaxy.eu b8SkIjHh21Q-00007-00004808-00005424 instance, which is the european instance of galaxy, this tutorial should also work b8SkIjHh21Q-00008-00005424-00006048 on other instances like the australian one or the main one at https://usegalaxy.org. b8SkIjHh21Q-00009-00006360-00007128 So, as you can see the title of the tutorial is general annotation with Prokka. So Prokka b8SkIjHh21Q-00010-00007128-00007672 is the software, the main software we will use that will take the sequence of the genome we b8SkIjHh21Q-00011-00007672-00008328 want to annotate, and look into the sequence to find all the features it can find, which b8SkIjHh21Q-00012-00008328-00009444 means mostly genes, but also things less common like tRNAs or ribosomal RNAs if it founds some. b8SkIjHh21Q-00013-00009616-00010232 Okay so it runs in two steps, Prokka, the first step is running another tool which is Prodigak b8SkIjHh21Q-00014-00010312-00010880 which will try to find, to identify, in the sequence all the genes that are b8SkIjHh21Q-00015-00010880-00011528 coding for protein and then the second step is to use all these predicted genes to b8SkIjHh21Q-00016-00011736-00012376 add functional annotation to them by comparing them to known sequences from other organisms b8SkIjHh21Q-00017-00012448-00012847 that are available in international databases. b8SkIjHh21Q-00018-00013088-00013880 So the first step for this tutorial is to import the data. So as you can see we will use this file b8SkIjHh21Q-00019-00013880-00014752 which is available on Zenodo. So you just have to copy the url of this file and then go into Galaxy, b8SkIjHh21Q-00020-00014752-00015280 create a new history if you haven't done so before, and just upload this new file b8SkIjHh21Q-00021-00015408-00016984 by clicking here, pasting the url. You can say that it's a fasta file here and click on Start. b8SkIjHh21Q-00022-00017248-00017552 Okay so now the file is uploaded to Galaxy, it’s green. b8SkIjHh21Q-00023-00017632-00018416 You can have a look at it by clicking on the eye. As you can see there are several sequences which b8SkIjHh21Q-00024-00018528-00019120 are DNA of course and each one is one of the scaffold that was assembled from b8SkIjHh21Q-00025-00019352-00020240 short reads probably so it's the genome of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, and that's it. b8SkIjHh21Q-00026-00020240-00020832 So we'll first rename the dataset to make it more obvious what it is. b8SkIjHh21Q-00027-00021080-00021992 Or we can even write “genome” like this, Save. Okay and if you look at the tutorial now b8SkIjHh21Q-00028-00021992-00022832 the next step is to run Prokka, and just select the file we uploaded before. So we will do it. b8SkIjHh21Q-00029-00023216-00024048 Prokka is here, it's in the annotation section and we select the genome dataset which is the b8SkIjHh21Q-00030-00024048-00024664 only one here, and there are a few options after that we will just leave them as is. b8SkIjHh21Q-00031-00025168-00025528 And so we just execute like this. b8SkIjHh21Q-00032-00025848-00026008 Okay now we just have to wait. b8SkIjHh21Q-00033-00026536-00027280 Okay so Prokka has finished working so the first thing we can look is the txt output here. b8SkIjHh21Q-00034-00027552-00028280 So as you can see, there are six contigs that were analyzed that were in the original b8SkIjHh21Q-00035-00028280-00029583 fasta file, which made around 180 000 bases and Prokka was able to find 149 b8SkIjHh21Q-00036-00029664-00030392 proteins, genes coding for proteins, and two tRNAs. So that's the general b8SkIjHh21Q-00037-00030448-00031816 statistics, and if you look at the gff output here, and if you look at it like this, so gff is a b8SkIjHh21Q-00038-00031816-00032520 file representing an annotation on the genome each line represents a feature position on a genome. b8SkIjHh21Q-00039-00032624-00033288 The first column here is the name of the contig where this feature is, b8SkIjHh21Q-00040-00033288-00033920 the second column is how it was found, so here it's Prodigal, which was launched by Prokka, b8SkIjHh21Q-00041-00034096-00034432 the third column is CDS which means coding sequence, b8SkIjHh21Q-00042-00034488-00035376 and the fourth and fifth columns are the start and end position on this contig. So in this line b8SkIjHh21Q-00043-00035376-00036240 you can see that Prodigal found the CDS between position 511 and 750 on this contig. b8SkIjHh21Q-00044-00036536-00037312 Some software can write a score corresponding to this feature, here Prodigal doesn't do it. But b8SkIjHh21Q-00045-00037312-00037984 here you have the strand colon which means this CDS was found on the forward strand of the genome. b8SkIjHh21Q-00046-00038152-00038976 Okay, and then on the rest of the line after that, you have a lot of text written, and every time b8SkIjHh21Q-00047-00038976-00040248 it's a key value pair so you have an ID which for this gene is KCBFIMOI_00001. So this is a unique b8SkIjHh21Q-00048-00040248-00041064 id of the gene on this genome. After this you have the method how it was predicted so it's an b8SkIjHh21Q-00049-00041064-00041688 ab initio prediction, so it's a software working only with the sequence of the genome that's what b8SkIjHh21Q-00050-00041688-00042352 means ab initio prediction, by prodigal in this version. And then you have the locus tag which is b8SkIjHh21Q-00051-00042352-00043264 quite similar to the id, and product which means what is the name of the protein which is b8SkIjHh21Q-00052-00043424-00043952 translated from this gene. So here we only see that it's a hypothetical proteins, but b8SkIjHh21Q-00053-00043952-00044624 for other genes like the number five here, we have more details so we have a name for the gene b8SkIjHh21Q-00054-00044680-00045408 which is “ble”, we have other external references we'll present this a bit later, b8SkIjHh21Q-00055-00045776-00046256 and we know that this gene is probably a gliomycin resistance protein b8SkIjHh21Q-00056-00046336-00046776 from comparison with external sequence databases. b8SkIjHh21Q-00057-00046992-00047816 Okay, so we are happy with this gff, if we look at the other results of Prokka you can look at the b8SkIjHh21Q-00058-00047816-00048648 genbank file here, gbk. So it's just the same information as gff written in another format b8SkIjHh21Q-00059-00048648-00049512 which is widely used in international databases so you should have the exact same content as the gff. b8SkIjHh21Q-00060-00049704-00050328 And if you look at the tutorial, they say here that the faa file contains the protein sequences b8SkIjHh21Q-00061-00050328-00051184 of the genes annotated, so if you look at it here you can see that each gene with the id coming b8SkIjHh21Q-00062-00051184-00052040 from the gff as a corresponding sequence of the protein so you can find the 149 sequences here. b8SkIjHh21Q-00063-00052248-00052888 And the last one is the ffn file here, which is if I remember well, b8SkIjHh21Q-00064-00052888-00053472 yes the nucleotide sequence of each gene, so not the protein sequence but nucleotide. b8SkIjHh21Q-00065-00053679-00054464 Okay that's great! So these are text files which are somewhat hard to read, b8SkIjHh21Q-00066-00054464-00054896 you don't want to print them but you want to visualize them a little bit, uh b8SkIjHh21Q-00067-00055088-00055752 to make it a little bit more visual. So in Galaxy you have a tool which is named JBrowse... b8SkIjHh21Q-00068-00056024-00056808 ...like this, which is in the graph display data section and if you click here, b8SkIjHh21Q-00069-00056888-00057584 you can select the genome of the species we are studying so it's the first b8SkIjHh21Q-00070-00057776-00058391 dataset we imported at the beginning, “genome” here. You can also select as b8SkIjHh21Q-00071-00058391-00059240 I said in the tutorial the fna output of Prokka which is the same which is here, b8SkIjHh21Q-00072-00059240-00059991 so if you compare this one with this one it's the same data. So we come back to JBrowse we select b8SkIjHh21Q-00073-00059991-00060767 genome from history we can take as it said fna in the tutorial if you want, then we know it's the b8SkIjHh21Q-00074-00060767-00061424 genome from a bacteria so we tell JBrowse that the genetic code of this species is bacterial. b8SkIjHh21Q-00075-00061528-00062296 And then the next step is to add tracks. So we had b8SkIjHh21Q-00076-00062296-00062712 first a track group which will name “annotation“ for example, b8SkIjHh21Q-00077-00062879-00063600 and then an annotation the track here which will be the gff file that was generated by Prokka. b8SkIjHh21Q-00078-00063776-00064584 And we'll leave everything, all the options, as in the defaults and we execute. b8SkIjHh21Q-00079-00064728-00065391 Okay, so JBrowse has finished it’s green here so I can preview it here with the eye. b8SkIjHh21Q-00080-00065616-00065896 So you see the genome browser displaying inside b8SkIjHh21Q-00081-00065952-00066536 Galaxy, but for a little bit of comfort i'm going to open a new tab here. b8SkIjHh21Q-00082-00066776-00067728 And we can see the full page for JBrowse. Okay so this is a genome browser which is named b8SkIjHh21Q-00083-00067800-00068632 JBrowse here on this part of the screen, you have represented the sequence of a genome from position b8SkIjHh21Q-00084-00068632-00069496 300 to 455, and here you have the list of all the contigs of the genome we are b8SkIjHh21Q-00085-00069496-00070088 viewing. So we have the full length of this contig here and we have zoomed on this b8SkIjHh21Q-00086-00070088-00070728 part of the contig and we are displaying its content here. If we zoom a little more b8SkIjHh21Q-00087-00070728-00071544 here, yes, so we have colors as before but now we have letters on these colors. In the middle b8SkIjHh21Q-00088-00071544-00072264 here you have the sequence of the genome. So the forward strain here and the reverse strand just b8SkIjHh21Q-00089-00072264-00072936 below. The six frame amino acid translation here, so the three first one for the forward strain b8SkIjHh21Q-00090-00073008-00074000 so this TAT sequence means tyrosine amino acid and the three below correspond to the reverse strand. b8SkIjHh21Q-00091-00074216-00075168 Okay so we can switch like this from this contig to a bigger one like this one here and on the left b8SkIjHh21Q-00092-00075168-00075752 you have a list of tracks that you can show. So we added one, you have always the reference sequence b8SkIjHh21Q-00093-00075752-00076512 track that you can always show, but if you click on the Prokka here it corresponds to the gff that b8SkIjHh21Q-00094-00076512-00077488 was generated by Prokka. So if you look at it, you have several arrows with uh with rectangles. b8SkIjHh21Q-00095-00077544-00078168 So if you zoom to one of them, so you just say that you want to zoom to this region for example, b8SkIjHh21Q-00096-00078312-00078912 and you can see the different genes that were predicting in this region of the genome. So you b8SkIjHh21Q-00097-00078912-00079664 can click on one gene for example this one udp-n etc... So if you just click on it you b8SkIjHh21Q-00098-00079664-00080192 have some details on this gene so you know the name that was predicted by Prokka here. b8SkIjHh21Q-00099-00080192-00080864 You know that it's a cds coding sequence. You know it's position so it's on the positive strand b8SkIjHh21Q-00100-00080864-00081528 of contig number one here “NODE-1”, between this position and this one b8SkIjHh21Q-00101-00081648-00082680 and it's almost a 1000 base pair. Here you have the sequence of the genes so if you b8SkIjHh21Q-00102-00082680-00083272 want to blast it you can do it just by taking it or even downloading it to your hard drive. b8SkIjHh21Q-00103-00083368-00084264 And here you have a list of attributes that were in the gff files that we saw a bit earlier. So b8SkIjHh21Q-00104-00084264-00084928 if you look at it you have for example ec number which is the enzyme classification number so if b8SkIjHh21Q-00105-00084928-00085800 you for example select it and copy it and then search for it maybe it will find it in google. b8SkIjHh21Q-00106-00086288-00087248 Okay so if you click on expazy.org you have here so this number is a specific number to b8SkIjHh21Q-00107-00087248-00088272 this udp-n acetyl-glucosamine 4-epimerase enzyme which is registered on this database b8SkIjHh21Q-00108-00088272-00088872 and so it's a very standard way to represent the activity of the gene. b8SkIjHh21Q-00109-00089128-00089656 You have the name, the standardized name, of this gene which is wbgU b8SkIjHh21Q-00110-00089752-00090032 you have an id which was decided by Prokka. b8SkIjHh21Q-00111-00090304-00090968 Also there is the “interference” so “how did Prokka name this gene like this?” b8SkIjHh21Q-00112-00091064-00091792 well it says that it used Prodigal in this version to predict this gene on this genome and it found b8SkIjHh21Q-00113-00091888-00092456 this predicted gene to be very similar to the amino acid sequence of a well-known protein b8SkIjHh21Q-00114-00092456-00093592 in UniProt which is this one. So if you copy this one and search for UniProt this id here b8SkIjHh21Q-00115-00093720-00094456 you will find this page which describes the function of this enzyme. b8SkIjHh21Q-00116-00094672-00095384 With a lot of details and other similar proteins in other species. b8SkIjHh21Q-00117-00095520-00096296 Okay and then the locus_tag is very similar to the id, the phase is not very relevant here, b8SkIjHh21Q-00118-00096392-00097144 we know that this gene will predict this udp-n acetyl acetylglucosamine 4-epimerase gene b8SkIjHh21Q-00119-00097328-00097720 and that's it mostly. So it's a lot of information b8SkIjHh21Q-00120-00097784-00098256 which is in the gff file and represented like this in JBrowse. b8SkIjHh21Q-00121-00098608-00099008 Okay so congratulations! You've just finished b8SkIjHh21Q-00122-00099064-00099448 this small tutorial on annotating a prokaryotic genome, so you can b8SkIjHh21Q-00123-00099504-00100360 do exactly the same for any genome of bacteria, for example, using Prokka. Thanks for listening! b9p7C0p73gy-00000-00000238-00000792 Lickety's Treefort Presents: Jack Grunsky! b9p7C0p73gy-00001-00000796-00001194 Oh boy, that was so much fun! I'm having such a good time! b9p7C0p73gy-00002-00001212-00001482 I just feel like... I feel like jumping! b9p7C0p73gy-00003-00001510-00001786 Have you ever feel like that? You do? b9p7C0p73gy-00004-00001816-00002148 Well, It's a good thing that Jack Grunsky is here! b9p7C0p73gy-00005-00002348-00002534 Jack Grunsky: Hi, Everybody. Hi. b9p7C0p73gy-00006-00002536-00002696 Yeah, cuz you know what? b9p7C0p73gy-00007-00002696-00002854 Jack know that great jumping song! b9p7C0p73gy-00008-00002854-00002962 Tell us about it, jack. b9p7C0p73gy-00009-00002962-00003452 Jack: Sure, I have a song called "Jumping beans", and I'm going to play it with my tambourine. b9p7C0p73gy-00010-00003490-00003886 Dusty: Oh, well, I'm ready to jump, i'm ready to hop! b9p7C0p73gy-00011-00003886-00004290 Janesaw: Ha! Go jump to the music and we just won't stop! b9p7C0p73gy-00012-00004290-00004800 Woodchip: Hey, I even got my tambourine! And I'll Jump like you've never seen! b9p7C0p73gy-00013-00004836-00005008 Ladies and gentlemen! b9p7C0p73gy-00014-00005008-00005206 boys and girls! b9p7C0p73gy-00015-00005206-00005536 It's Jack grunsky, singing, "Jumping beans"! b9p7C0p73gy-00016-00005536-00006324 (Tambourine jingling) b9p7C0p73gy-00017-00006372-00006822 Jack: Jumping Beans, Jumping Beans! Funniest game I've ever seen! b9p7C0p73gy-00018-00006828-00007252 Listen to my tambourine, playing Jumping Beans. b9p7C0p73gy-00019-00007262-00007628 Stand up, everybody. I'll show you what I mean. b9p7C0p73gy-00020-00007654-00008122 Did you ever see a chimpanzee? A chimpanzee? A chimpanzee? b9p7C0p73gy-00021-00008122-00008324 Swinging high, up in a tree. b9p7C0p73gy-00022-00008324-00008522 Chit-chat chattering noisily. b9p7C0p73gy-00023-00008542-00008934 Scratch, scratch. Swing your arms! Show us all your monkey charm! b9p7C0p73gy-00024-00008954-00009028 Do the monkey! b9p7C0p73gy-00025-00009038-00009394 Lickety Split: (Chattering) b9p7C0p73gy-00026-00009580-00009700 Dusty: Yeah, Go lickety! b9p7C0p73gy-00027-00009788-00010216 Did you ever see a bunny hop? A Bunny Hop? Bunny Hop? b9p7C0p73gy-00028-00010216-00010460 When bunnies hop, they just won't stop! b9p7C0p73gy-00029-00010460-00010664 let's go do the hop, let's hop! b9p7C0p73gy-00030-00010674-00010898 Let's go do the hop! (Go bunny!) b9p7C0p73gy-00031-00010898-00011118 Let's go do the hop! (Go bunny!) b9p7C0p73gy-00032-00011118-00011346 Let's go do the hop! (Go bunny!) b9p7C0p73gy-00033-00011346-00011534 Let's go do the hop! b9p7C0p73gy-00034-00011534-00011956 Did you ever hear a rattlesnake? A rattlesnake? A rattlesnake? b9p7C0p73gy-00035-00011956-00012380 A-wiggle his tail with shake, shake, shake! Doing the Rattlesnake! b9p7C0p73gy-00036-00012390-00012882 When you hear a rattler shaking, played it, find the exit right away! shake shake b9p7C0p73gy-00037-00013024-00013238 Rattlesnake! b9p7C0p73gy-00038-00013238-00013318 Shake shake b9p7C0p73gy-00039-00013474-00013641 Rattlesnake b9p7C0p73gy-00040-00013684-00014122 Did you ever see a dragon fly, A dragon fly? A Dragon fly? b9p7C0p73gy-00041-00014122-00014316 Spread your wings and zoom up high! b9p7C0p73gy-00042-00014354-00014546 Dragons flying by b9p7C0p73gy-00043-00014546-00014763 You can even stop in midair, b9p7C0p73gy-00044-00014763-00015082 your flutter wings will hold you there. Let's Fly! b9p7C0p73gy-00045-00015102-00015778 (Tambourine Scratching) b9p7C0p73gy-00046-00015791-00016278 Did you ever see a belly dance? a belly dance? a belly dance? b9p7C0p73gy-00047-00016278-00016684 Try it now, here's your chance, do the belly dance! b9p7C0p73gy-00048-00016684-00017188 A wriggle, wiggle, sway and swish. Like Jell-o pudding on a dish. Belly Dance! b9p7C0p73gy-00049-00017850-00018074 Dragon fly! Let's fly! b9p7C0p73gy-00050-00018706-00018906 Rattlesnake! Shake shake! b9p7C0p73gy-00051-00018992-00019102 Rattlesnake b9p7C0p73gy-00052-00019204-00019292 Shake shake b9p7C0p73gy-00053-00019422-00019528 Rattlesnake b9p7C0p73gy-00054-00019558-00019658 Bunny Hop! b9p7C0p73gy-00055-00019666-00020336 Let's go do the hop! (Go Bunny!) b9p7C0p73gy-00056-00020350-00020550 Let's go do the monkey! b9p7C0p73gy-00057-00021364-00021810 That's all there is, there ain't no more. Sit back down on the floor. b9p7C0p73gy-00058-00021822-00022240 Catch your breath. My oh my. That's all there is. Goodbye! b9p7C0p73gy-00059-00022272-00022446 All: (Cheering) b9p7C0p73gy-00060-00022474-00022784 Lickety Split: Wow-wee! Oh boy, that was fun! b9p7C0p73gy-00061-00022820-00023150 I'm all out of breath, you know, from all the jumping, b9p7C0p73gy-00062-00023166-00023474 yeah, I can see why they say you have ants in your pants. b9p7C0p73gy-00063-00023592-00023856 Woodchip: Oh, thank you jack. Thanks for the song. b9p7C0p73gy-00064-00023864-00024160 Boy, I hope you come back before it's too long b9p7C0p73gy-00065-00024178-00024684 Jack: Thanks woodchip. I hope so too. I sure did like singing with you. b9p7C0p73gy-00066-00024746-00025276 Lickety Split: Uh- Oh! You're rhyming too. Can you believe that happened to you? bqd9ghtt3oM-00000-00000000-00000080 Nonviolence and the New Story by the Metta Center Animation Team bqd9ghtt3oM-00001-00000080-00000290 Now, here’s a person. bqd9ghtt3oM-00002-00000290-00000750 She looks pretty ordinary, but did you know she has a secret superpower? bqd9ghtt3oM-00003-00000750-00001019 In fact, you do to, too. bqd9ghtt3oM-00004-00001019-00001460 Chances are you’ve already used it, without even knowing it. bqd9ghtt3oM-00005-00001460-00001780 Have you ever … Spoken up against something wrong? bqd9ghtt3oM-00006-00001780-00001939 Stopped a fight? bqd9ghtt3oM-00007-00001939-00002300 Shopped locally or supported ethical businesses? bqd9ghtt3oM-00008-00002300-00002670 Listened deeply to someone – even when you disagreed? bqd9ghtt3oM-00009-00002670-00002900 Well, there you have it. bqd9ghtt3oM-00010-00002900-00003229 You have been using ‘Nonviolence’, the ancient art of ahimsa bqd9ghtt3oM-00011-00003229-00003629 that Gandhi developed into a science and gifted to the modern world. bqd9ghtt3oM-00012-00003629-00003950 Nonviolence is not passivity. bqd9ghtt3oM-00013-00003950-00004090 It's not weakness. bqd9ghtt3oM-00014-00004090-00004240 It's not silence. bqd9ghtt3oM-00015-00004240-00004440 So what is it? bqd9ghtt3oM-00016-00004440-00004560 A power! bqd9ghtt3oM-00017-00004560-00004760 An incredible way of life! bqd9ghtt3oM-00018-00004760-00005220 A set of tools for making constructive, lasting change! bqd9ghtt3oM-00019-00005220-00005500 Nonviolence is love-in-action. bqd9ghtt3oM-00020-00005500-00005780 It's a capacity in every one of us. bqd9ghtt3oM-00021-00005780-00006080 It's the power that’s unleashed bqd9ghtt3oM-00022-00006080-00006570 when we convert our fear or anger into a positive force for change. bqd9ghtt3oM-00023-00006570-00006950 It's powerful, it's transformative bqd9ghtt3oM-00024-00006950-00007450 and it’s stronger than the injustices or the challenges we face. bqd9ghtt3oM-00025-00007450-00007870 When this understanding informs our thoughts, words, and deeds, bqd9ghtt3oM-00026-00007870-00008120 it unlocks a transformative power bqd9ghtt3oM-00027-00008120-00008560 that can change ourselves, our communities, and our world. bqd9ghtt3oM-00028-00008560-00009170 Instead of seeing people and nature as disconnected parts and resources to be used, bqd9ghtt3oM-00029-00009170-00009680 science and spirituality are telling us that we're connected to everything – bqd9ghtt3oM-00030-00009680-00010100 from our families to our communities to the Earth and all her creatures. bqd9ghtt3oM-00031-00010100-00010410 It shows us what life can be like for everyone, bqd9ghtt3oM-00032-00010410-00010700 creating a New Story of our shared humanity. bqd9ghtt3oM-00033-00010700-00011120 As people organize for rights, freedoms, and dignity, bqd9ghtt3oM-00034-00011120-00011730 nonviolence offers a set of time-tested tools to right wrongs and break the cycle of violence. bqd9ghtt3oM-00035-00011730-00012130 It's been found to be twice as effective as violence. bqd9ghtt3oM-00036-00012130-00012500 With its unlimited possibilities, people all over the world bqd9ghtt3oM-00037-00012500-00012810 are finding thousands of ways to transform injustice bqd9ghtt3oM-00038-00012810-00013200 without throwing punches or dropping bombs. bqd9ghtt3oM-00039-00013200-00013669 Activist/scholar Barbara Deming said that nonviolence has two hands. bqd9ghtt3oM-00040-00013669-00014280 We can reach out to others even as we put a stop to their harmful activities. bqd9ghtt3oM-00041-00014280-00014669 In nonviolence, you fight injustice, not people. bqd9ghtt3oM-00042-00014669-00015250 Nonviolence reminds us that "means are ends in the making". bqd9ghtt3oM-00043-00015250-00015769 It offers ways to reconcile communities and achieve a long-lasting peace bqd9ghtt3oM-00044-00015769-00016019 rooted in justice for all. bqd9ghtt3oM-00045-00016019-00016420 As we step out of the violence of the past, and into the New Story of Humanity, bqd9ghtt3oM-00046-00016420-00016780 nonviolence meets us at the heart of that journey. bqd9ghtt3oM-00047-00016780-00017030 You can be part of it. bq4n09I9gK4-00000-00000000-00000286 Battle of Golems Game process description bq4n09I9gK4-00001-00000620-00000786 You play with two robots - Golems bq4n09I9gK4-00002-00000818-00001238 Red and Blue bq4n09I9gK4-00003-00001264-00001598 You Golem will move forward and backward bq4n09I9gK4-00004-00001732-00001986 Also rotate on 90 degrees stay on place bq4n09I9gK4-00005-00001986-00002166 Turn Right bq4n09I9gK4-00006-00002176-00002424 Turn Left bq4n09I9gK4-00007-00002424-00002606 Different Golems has different Skils bq4n09I9gK4-00008-00002606-00002754 This is Sword Golem bq4n09I9gK4-00009-00002754-00002922 It's Attack Power equal to one bq4n09I9gK4-00010-00002934-00003134 Total Shield Power equal to three bq4n09I9gK4-00011-00003140-00003340 It's will understand 4 Commands bq4n09I9gK4-00012-00003354-00003554 And Attack for one cell before it bq4n09I9gK4-00013-00003560-00003760 Cracks from Attack mark with tokens bq4n09I9gK4-00014-00003804-00004004 That placed on Golem's Card bq4n09I9gK4-00015-00004074-00004274 If on Golem Card will more or equal Crack tokens... bq4n09I9gK4-00016-00004274-00004410 ...is equal of protection characteristic bq4n09I9gK4-00017-00004554-00004754 Golem will be destroyed and leave the game. bq4n09I9gK4-00018-00004776-00004976 Fortune Card using as rounds counter bq4n09I9gK4-00019-00005030-00005684 And as Bonus using tocken bq4n09I9gK4-00020-00005726-00005926 Bonus will be avalible as Bonus Card bq4n09I9gK4-00021-00006210-00006409 Loop or IF cards bq4n09I9gK4-00022-00006522-00006722 On Fortune Card you will see what Bonus you may use in current round. bq4n09I9gK4-00023-00006770-00006970 Command Card operate Golem bq4n09I9gK4-00024-00007052-00007252 in the current step bq4n09I9gK4-00025-00007252-00007406 The commands are executed in series bq4n09I9gK4-00026-00007462-00007662 Up to Down and all players in same time bq4n09I9gK4-00027-00008648-00008848 Bonus Card need for additional one or two Action Cards bq4n09I9gK4-00028-00009408-00009608 Battle command (Attack and Defence) bq4n09I9gK4-00029-00009706-00009868 Make Crack on enemy Golem or defence from it's attack bq4n09I9gK4-00030-00009878-00010066 Game Process. Round 1 bq4n09I9gK4-00031-00010066-00010260 Players setup game field and put they Golems on it bq4n09I9gK4-00032-00010260-00010410 Then count 10 Fortune Cards for each player and shuffle deck. bq4n09I9gK4-00033-00010520-00010720 Each player take from deck one Fortune Card. bq4n09I9gK4-00034-00010720-00010880 Red Golem has not Bonus. bq4n09I9gK4-00035-00010880-00011002 Blue too. bq4n09I9gK4-00036-00011074-00011274 Players take Action Cards on hands bq4n09I9gK4-00037-00011332-00011532 And the put needing command (face-down card) bq4n09I9gK4-00038-00011676-00011876 Positioning they to execute from up to down. bq4n09I9gK4-00039-00012228-00012428 Players do not have to spy on each other's cards bq4n09I9gK4-00040-00013116-00013376 Golem command line count described on his card bq4n09I9gK4-00041-00013697-00013897 You need to wait until all the players have finished the program bq4n09I9gK4-00042-00013916-00014116 The all players face-up first cards line of programm bq4n09I9gK4-00043-00014278-00014478 And then execute Command bq4n09I9gK4-00044-00014584-00014784 Then face-up next line bq4n09I9gK4-00045-00015256-00015456 and then bq4n09I9gK4-00046-00016146-00016346 In four line there are Battle and Movement cards. bq4n09I9gK4-00047-00016346-00016496 First need execute movements bq4n09I9gK4-00048-00016542-00016742 And then battle bq4n09I9gK4-00049-00016842-00017042 After that all cards return to players hands bq4n09I9gK4-00050-00017380-00017580 Round 2 bq4n09I9gK4-00051-00018186-00018386 In this round Blue may use Bonus card IF bq4n09I9gK4-00052-00018386-00018580 Blue takes "Is barrier?" card bq4n09I9gK4-00053-00018732-00019368 Programming Golem bq4n09I9gK4-00054-00020188-00020388 Face-up Command cards and execute it bq4n09I9gK4-00055-00021576-00021776 IF card need two Action cards (on "Yes" and "No" statment) bq4n09I9gK4-00056-00022708-00022908 Movement first bq4n09I9gK4-00057-00023512-00023712 Try statment. Golem is a barrier - using "Yes" way and card bq4n09I9gK4-00058-00024460-00024660 And execute "Attack" and crack the Red Golem bq4n09I9gK4-00059-00026174-00026374 Round 3 bq4n09I9gK4-00060-00026845-00027045 You will skip using Bonus on current round, but lost it. Blue decided not use Bonus. bq4n09I9gK4-00061-00027520-00027860 Not "Attack" - not "Defend" bq4n09I9gK4-00062-00027977-00028177 Golems will not move, that cell before they not empty bq4n09I9gK4-00063-00029472-00029672 Golems Attack and cracks each other bq4n09I9gK4-00064-00029886-00030086 Round 4 bq4n09I9gK4-00065-00030624-00030824 All players takes Bonus - Loop (repeat) bq4n09I9gK4-00066-00030856-00031056 Red will repeat Command 3 times bq4n09I9gK4-00067-00031726-00032198 Bonus and Command cards for it may put one below the other in different lines bq4n09I9gK4-00068-00034328-00034528 Or under each other bq4n09I9gK4-00069-00036264-00036464 Open Loop card and repeatable Action card for it bq4n09I9gK4-00070-00037018-00037198 Blue defend 2 times bq4n09I9gK4-00071-00037198-00037344 But Red Attack 3 times bq4n09I9gK4-00072-00037344-00037504 Blue miss 1 attack and has a 1 crack bq4n09I9gK4-00073-00037762-00037962 Red defended from Blue attack (1 attack point and 1 defend point). bq4n09I9gK4-00074-00038536-00038736 Round 5 bq4n09I9gK4-00075-00040856-00041056 Golems attack for 1 cell before, but it's empty bq4n09I9gK4-00076-00041484-00041684 Golems move in same time, but did not move on same cell on same time bq4n09I9gK4-00077-00041764-00042262 Movement firs and than... bq4n09I9gK4-00078-00042646-00042964 Winning Attack! bq4n09I9gK4-00079-00043166-00043574 Red WINS!!! butB2X2nCvI-00000-00000424-00000720 Hey there everyone, it's Tyler from Echo One Niner audio and thank you so butB2X2nCvI-00001-00000720-00000927 much for joining me in today's developer preview. butB2X2nCvI-00002-00001000-00001392 In this preview we'll be taking a look into our upcoming updates to the F-16 Viper and butB2X2nCvI-00003-00001392-00001855 F-18 Hornet mods, as well as a look into our upcoming CORE mod. Grab a pair of headphones, butB2X2nCvI-00004-00001855-00002256 or annoy your neighbors if you must, things are going to get loud! Let's roll the intro! butB2X2nCvI-00005-00002824-00003240 Before we get too far into today's video, I wanted to give a special shout out to everyone in butB2X2nCvI-00006-00003240-00003711 our growing community for the continued support and expressed interest in the work we produce. butB2X2nCvI-00007-00003711-00004032 While we know our work isn't perfect, we aim for excellence and are committed butB2X2nCvI-00008-00004032-00004312 to learning more about how we continue to push the envelope butB2X2nCvI-00009-00004312-00004776 with audio design and integration. Your support means the world to us, so thank you. butB2X2nCvI-00010-00005008-00005408 Firstly; I'd like to dive into the next iteration of our hornet audio overhaul. butB2X2nCvI-00011-00005408-00005816 In this next update we'll be making significant improvements to the overall butB2X2nCvI-00012-00005816-00006448 mix of the external audio providing a better 360 degree experience outside the aircraft. butB2X2nCvI-00013-00006448-00006959 Some of the new features you'll hear are the tweaked flyby effects in f3 and f11 views, butB2X2nCvI-00014-00006959-00007416 as well as featuring brand new internal audio. Without wasting any more time, butB2X2nCvI-00015-00007416-00008584 let's listen in to what to expect in version 5 of the f-18 hornet audio production for DCS. butB2X2nCvI-00016-00022640-00023048 Next is our second official iteration of the viper audio overhaul for DCS. butB2X2nCvI-00017-00023048-00023576 This next update provides a better representation of what the mighty F-16 sounds like in real life. butB2X2nCvI-00018-00023576-00024000 We've taken extra care to consider every angle, and every flying situation to make butB2X2nCvI-00019-00024000-00024544 sure that this next version favors both f2 and f3 and f11 flyby views. butB2X2nCvI-00020-00024624-00025120 Featuring new audio for externals is not the only thing we've done, we have also included butB2X2nCvI-00021-00025120-00025592 new and revised internal sounds for the viper as well. I've had the opportunity to sit behind the butB2X2nCvI-00022-00025592-00026104 scenes at a nearby airshow without PA, crowds or traffic - which allowed me a perfect vantage butB2X2nCvI-00023-00026104-00026648 point to record and recreate, the best of our ability, the Viper's unique audio footprint. butB2X2nCvI-00024-00026648-00028183 Let's take a listen in to the latest version of the viper's audio overhaul butB2X2nCvI-00025-00041960-00042280 Last, but certainly not least, is the upcoming CORE audio production. butB2X2nCvI-00026-00042336-00042808 With CORE, a lot of the core game audio elements have been tweaked or completely changed butB2X2nCvI-00027-00042808-00043248 from explosions to wind effects. It's not completely possible to fit everything we've butB2X2nCvI-00028-00043248-00043696 changed into this brief highlight video, but I can outline some of the features in this upcoming mod. butB2X2nCvI-00029-00043776-00044200 Aircraft that have been tweaked, adjusted or otherwise altered include - but are not limited butB2X2nCvI-00030-00044200-00044968 to, of course, all flaming cliffs 3 aircraft, the mig-21, av-8b harrier, mirage m2000, base butB2X2nCvI-00031-00044968-00045576 game helicopters and other base game aircraft. The A-10C and A-10A have also received new audio butB2X2nCvI-00032-00045576-00045960 and adjustments. Some of the big explosions and fire effects have also been reworked. butB2X2nCvI-00033-00046048-00046480 We also took time to enhance and replace the ambience sounds that are in game currently; butB2X2nCvI-00034-00046480-00047000 such as the wind noises when in a field, the sound of water, thunder, rain and even the butB2X2nCvI-00035-00047000-00047560 way urban areas sound. A full list of available features at launch will be included, however, butB2X2nCvI-00036-00047560-00049184 enough talk here's an uninterrupted sneak peek into CORE for DCS: World. butB2X2nCvI-00037-00066464-00066880 I hope you've enjoyed this developer preview. Remember to stop by our official Discord to stay butB2X2nCvI-00038-00066880-00067352 up to date on the latest news, announcements and updates. You'll also be able to meet our team, butB2X2nCvI-00039-00067352-00067752 provide suggestions and feedback and have an opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes look into butB2X2nCvI-00040-00067752-00068784 the work we do. That's all for now - remember to have fun and fly safe! This is Tyler, signing off. bvBUjhK8vkU-00000-00000517-00001038 The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre is working on introducing the principles of the Three Rs bvBUjhK8vkU-00001-00001038-00001710 Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of animal use for scientific purposes in primary and secondary education. bvBUjhK8vkU-00002-00001710-00002108 The lead teachers of the Three Rs Project, coordinated by European Schoolnet bvBUjhK8vkU-00003-00002108-00002628 have contributed to the co-creation of educational activities implemented throughout the Project. bvBUjhK8vkU-00004-00002628-00003327 Some of them shared their own experience and impressions about teaching the Three Rs materials and other project activities. bvBUjhK8vkU-00005-00003327-00004006 I've been involved in the Three Rs Project since its beginning, helping to test newly developed materials bvBUjhK8vkU-00006-00004006-00004636 as well as participating in workshops, MOOCs, and other Three Rs Project activities. bvBUjhK8vkU-00007-00004636-00005192 At first, when I introduced the topic, my students didn't know the meaning of the Three Rs. bvBUjhK8vkU-00008-00005192-00005908 But as we were discussing more about the topic, they were able to truly understand the meaning of the Three Rs principles. bvBUjhK8vkU-00009-00005908-00006898 They were able to gain new respect and awareness to promote the idea that all the animals used in science, also, have rights. bvBUjhK8vkU-00010-00006898-00007716 Students like to do their own research about the Three Rs topics, drawing the animals and also talking with experts. bvBUjhK8vkU-00011-00007834-00008846 I believe that with this Three Rs project students were able to better understand the connection that exists between the various subjects they study. bvBUjhK8vkU-00012-00008846-00009739 Even non-STEM subjects. Developing knowledge by linking various disciplines is the future of education. And it's here! bvBUjhK8vkU-00013-00009739-00010451 To teachers interested in implementing the Three Rs resources, I would recommend being open-minded, bvBUjhK8vkU-00014-00010451-00011148 work collaboratively between different classes and levels, as well as with other teachers. bvBUjhK8vkU-00015-00011148-00011757 Always try to look for additional resources to enrich the topic, bvBUjhK8vkU-00016-00011757-00012333 and most importantly, inspire your students to want to build their knowledge. bvBUjhK8vkU-00017-00012472-00013206 Personally, I found the Three Rs learning scenarios successful, and this was further supported by the positive comments of my students. bvBUjhK8vkU-00018-00013206-00013773 I felt that the concept is relevant to them, and I believe that communicating the Three R’s, bvBUjhK8vkU-00019-00013773-00014447 the improvements and development of technology can help students become more aware of the nature of science. bvBUjhK8vkU-00020-00014447-00015047 In this way, students realise that science changes and develops over time and scientists too bvBUjhK8vkU-00021-00015047-00015558 need to follow rules and regulations to try and be as fair or ethical as possible. bvBUjhK8vkU-00022-00015558-00016272 This therefore helps humanise the scientist while possibly generating further interest in science in general. bvBUjhK8vkU-00023-00016272-00017039 I think that students of different subjects and age groups could benefit from learning about different elements of the Three Rs. bvBUjhK8vkU-00024-00017152-00017705 For all the teachers who would like to try the Three Rs resources, my main recommendation is bvBUjhK8vkU-00025-00017705-00018069 when planning how to teach the Three Rs, it is important that you really understand bvBUjhK8vkU-00026-00018069-00018702 what the objectives of the Three Rs are and can give students good contexts of them in action. bvBUjhK8vkU-00027-00018702-00019215 Students need to understand how animals have been used in research and how these experiments have evolved through time. bvBUjhK8vkU-00028-00019215-00019980 Hopefully it will provide a fundamental appreciation for how scientific knowledge is developed and the challenges that scientists face. bAw4-xyQn-c-00000-00000000-00000376 Tinel - Towards Inclusive eLearning bAw4-xyQn-c-00001-00000408-00000827 Tinel project organized its first Universal Design in bAw4-xyQn-c-00002-00000827-00000964 eLearning, UDeL, bAw4-xyQn-c-00003-00000964-00001183 camp in Oslo in January 2020. bAw4-xyQn-c-00004-00001183-00001575 Let's hear participant experiences from the camp. bAw4-xyQn-c-00005-00001704-00001992 My name is Lars Harryson and I am senior lecturer at bAw4-xyQn-c-00006-00001992-00002096 Lund University. bAw4-xyQn-c-00007-00002160-00002510 I have my office in our campus in Helsingborg and bAw4-xyQn-c-00008-00002542-00003066 I'm working with social work and the education of social workers. bAw4-xyQn-c-00009-00003192-00003500 What brought you the the UDeL camp? bAw4-xyQn-c-00010-00003647-00004220 I've been working a lot on internet and education on internet. bAw4-xyQn-c-00011-00004340-00004520 We started our first courses in bAw4-xyQn-c-00012-00004672-00004968 the beginning of the 21st century. bAw4-xyQn-c-00013-00005188-00005540 Over the time I've learnt a lot of stuff but it's a few things bAw4-xyQn-c-00014-00005596-00005960 that sort of passes by without really thinking. bAw4-xyQn-c-00015-00006012-00006376 And you sit in a situation where bAw4-xyQn-c-00016-00006472-00006780 you believe that I'm doing the right thing, bAw4-xyQn-c-00017-00006780-00007088 I'm doing good things, I get good responses bAw4-xyQn-c-00018-00007223-00007348 and bAw4-xyQn-c-00019-00007420-00007484 but bAw4-xyQn-c-00020-00007564-00007744 I never really bAw4-xyQn-c-00021-00007964-00008372 When it comes to how each individual bAw4-xyQn-c-00022-00008508-00008774 receives and acts on what we do, bAw4-xyQn-c-00023-00008774-00009214 I have never really done that so the feedback or that bAw4-xyQn-c-00024-00009214-00009827 control when it comes to how different students actually participate. bAw4-xyQn-c-00025-00009884-00010136 in the course. That might sound strange ... bAw4-xyQn-c-00026-00010136-00010504 been working so long and it's not of course not completely bAw4-xyQn-c-00027-00010504-00010636 true, but to make it bAw4-xyQn-c-00028-00010812-00011168 a comprehensive and more thought through strategy. bAw4-xyQn-c-00029-00011168-00011494 How to figure this out, that made me quite bAw4-xyQn-c-00030-00011494-00011812 interested in. OK what sort of ideas and bAw4-xyQn-c-00031-00011812-00012023 strategies could be bAw4-xyQn-c-00032-00012136-00012356 possible to obtain and develop. bAw4-xyQn-c-00033-00012454-00012654 What did you learn during the camp? bAw4-xyQn-c-00034-00012784-00013393 We got a lot of fantastic examples during the Camp bAw4-xyQn-c-00035-00013393-00013719 that at least made me think bAw4-xyQn-c-00036-00013796-00013980 about bAw4-xyQn-c-00037-00014172-00014584 how much we have to be considerate to people's bAw4-xyQn-c-00038-00014584-00015176 differences to be able to perform well as teachers. bAw4-xyQn-c-00039-00015186-00015326 And I believe that the bAw4-xyQn-c-00040-00015344-00015644 camp opened a few bAw4-xyQn-c-00041-00015700-00016005 new options that I didn't have before because I simply bAw4-xyQn-c-00042-00016005-00016119 didn't know about them. bAw4-xyQn-c-00043-00016268-00016596 Would you recommend UDeL camps to future participants? bAw4-xyQn-c-00044-00016712-00016840 It's a good way to start. bAw4-xyQn-c-00045-00017168-00017619 It doesn't matter where exactly you are in your career bAw4-xyQn-c-00046-00017619-00018015 or if you are going start to teach and work on digital bAw4-xyQn-c-00047-00018016-00018414 platforms or if you have worked bAw4-xyQn-c-00048-00018426-00018660 like I have, for a very long time. bAw4-xyQn-c-00049-00018674-00018948 To me it was so fun because the group bAw4-xyQn-c-00050-00019104-00019196 we were different. bAw4-xyQn-c-00051-00019288-00019852 We were very different and it is also pronounced that we come from bAw4-xyQn-c-00052-00019924-00020285 slightly different contexts, in many ways very similar we bAw4-xyQn-c-00053-00020286-00020504 are all academic and so on. We come from different bAw4-xyQn-c-00054-00020510-00020692 contexts, we have bAw4-xyQn-c-00055-00020808-00021062 not only different subjects, but different nations. bAw4-xyQn-c-00056-00021064-00021332 That really ads bAw4-xyQn-c-00057-00021408-00021680 to the experience from that. bAw4-xyQn-c-00058-00021736-00022032 And exactly what you do with that, well that depends on bAw4-xyQn-c-00059-00022032-00022329 what you're working with, what your space is bAw4-xyQn-c-00060-00022330-00022720 where you can do things when you come home. I believe. bAw4-xyQn-c-00061-00022776-00023136 Sure you get a lot of bAw4-xyQn-c-00062-00023236-00023308 ideas, bAw4-xyQn-c-00063-00023364-00023824 options, comments and possibilities to develop. bAw4-xyQn-c-00064-00023944-00024400 Develop your ways of seeing things. Absolutely. bAw4-xyQn-c-00065-00024420-00024612 That I believe.That has happened. bAw4-xyQn-c-00066-00024728-00024900 And I'm trying to provoke bAw4-xyQn-c-00067-00024920-00025072 my colleagues bAw4-xyQn-c-00068-00025188-00025318 to think about it also. bAw4-xyQn-c-00069-00025354-00025676 So yes, the answer is yes. bAw4-xyQn-c-00070-00026044-00026124 Thank you Lars. bBS8ZcZ0vTM-00000-00001842-00002004 Did you all have a good time last night? bBS8ZcZ0vTM-00001-00002004-00002054 Yes. Yeah. bBS8ZcZ0vTM-00002-00002112-00002192 On another note... bBS8ZcZ0vTM-00003-00002198-00002438 Have you guys seen aslstorytelling instagram? bBS8ZcZ0vTM-00004-00002454-00002552 Wow look!! bBS8ZcZ0vTM-00005-00002700-00002878 It's full of Weird But True facts. bBS8ZcZ0vTM-00006-00002892-00002976 There are so many! bBS8ZcZ0vTM-00007-00003030-00003154 Look it's so good! bBS8ZcZ0vTM-00008-00003294-00003361 Awesome! bBS8ZcZ0vTM-00009-00003411-00003514 There is so many! bBS8ZcZ0vTM-00010-00003622-00003738 What account is that? bBS8ZcZ0vTM-00011-00003776-00004008 aslstorytelling bBS8ZcZ0vTM-00012-00004047-00004176 Okay I'm gonna follow. bBS8ZcZ0vTM-00013-00004282-00004372 Let me see! bBS8ZcZ0vTM-00014-00008434-00008908 Up until now ASL Storytelling has been doing all Weird But True videos. bBS8ZcZ0vTM-00015-00009042-00009398 We are now excited to announce that we will be expanding bBS8ZcZ0vTM-00016-00009452-00009680 to provide new facts and short stories. bBS8ZcZ0vTM-00017-00009796-00010022 It's coming soon! So keep an eye out! bCe1D-rELEA-00000-00001618-00002047 Fill me up With your smile bCe1D-rELEA-00001-00002047-00002241 Like the sunshine brings the light bCe1D-rELEA-00002-00002241-00002341 Fill me up With a flame bCe1D-rELEA-00003-00002341-00002441 I will let you win this game bCe1D-rELEA-00004-00002441-00002541 Take me up When I'm down bCe1D-rELEA-00005-00002541-00002641 Cause with you I'm safe and sound bCe1D-rELEA-00006-00002641-00002741 I'm safe and sound I'm safe and sound bCe1D-rELEA-00007-00002741-00003215 I'm safe and sound I'm safe and sound bCe1D-rELEA-00008-00003215-00003721 (I'm safe and sound) (I'm safe and sound) bCe1D-rELEA-00009-00003721-00004227 (I'm safe and sound) (I'm safe and sound) bCe1D-rELEA-00010-00004227-00004327 ••• bCe1D-rELEA-00011-00004327-00004606 Bring bring bring that beat back! bCe1D-rELEA-00012-00004606-00004706 ••• bCe1D-rELEA-00013-00004706-00004806 Ooh yes! bCe1D-rELEA-00014-00004806-00004906 ••• bCe1D-rELEA-00015-00004906-00007025 Fill me up With your smile bCe1D-rELEA-00017-00010422-00010540 Fill me up With a flame bCe1D-rELEA-00018-00010540-00010771 I will let you win this game bCe1D-rELEA-00019-00010771-00011003 Take me up When I'm down bCe1D-rELEA-00020-00011003-00011245 Cause with you I'm safe and sound bCe1D-rELEA-00021-00011245-00011509 I'm safe and sound I'm safe and sound bCe1D-rELEA-00022-00011509-00011772 I'm safe and sound I'm safe and sound bCe1D-rELEA-00023-00011772-00012035 (I'm safe and sound) (I'm safe and sound) bCe1D-rELEA-00024-00012035-00012167 (I'm safe and sound) bCe1D-rELEA-00025-00012167-00012431 (I'm safe and sound) (I'm safe and sound) bCe1D-rELEA-00026-00012431-00012562 (I'm safe and sound) bCe1D-rELEA-00027-00012562-00012662 ••• bCe1D-rELEA-00028-00012662-00012762 Bring bring bring that beat! bCe1D-rELEA-00029-00012762-00012862 ••• bCe1D-rELEA-00030-00012862-00012990 (I'm safe and sound) (I'm safe and sound) bCe1D-rELEA-00031-00012990-00013254 (I'm safe and sound) (I'm safe and sound) bCe1D-rELEA-00032-00013254-00013516 (I'm safe and sound) (I'm safe and sound) bCe1D-rELEA-00033-00013516-00013780 (I'm safe and sound) (I'm safe and sound) bE8-rnRs9rI-00000-00000474-00000685 Darcy Krueger: So my name’s Darcy Krueger. bE8-rnRs9rI-00001-00000685-00001087 I’m from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and I come from a perspective of non-genetics. bE8-rnRs9rI-00002-00001087-00001623 I’m a neurologist and I deal a lot with tuberous sclerosis which is not hard to diagnose bE8-rnRs9rI-00003-00001623-00002172 unless you’re on the fringes and so I deal less with establishing a diagnosis. bE8-rnRs9rI-00004-00002172-00002471 But I deal a lot with what do you do when you have a diagnosis? bE8-rnRs9rI-00005-00002471-00003216 And so I would like to start the questioning with starting with the idea that we are called bE8-rnRs9rI-00006-00003216-00003828 an Undiagnosed Diseases Network, but are we only a diagnostic network? bE8-rnRs9rI-00007-00003828-00004126 And I would posit that we’re not. bE8-rnRs9rI-00008-00004126-00004776 And so the question is where do you see, if we look at the perspective of make this a bE8-rnRs9rI-00009-00004776-00005432 translatable or a useable tool five years from now for the average clinician who is bE8-rnRs9rI-00010-00005432-00006094 proposed with a patient with a hard to establish diagnosis, you know, how do we deliver or bE8-rnRs9rI-00011-00006094-00006528 what is it that we want to deliver to clinicians and patients at that time point and make that bE8-rnRs9rI-00012-00006528-00006720 transition smoothly? bE8-rnRs9rI-00013-00006720-00007075 I mean we’ve heard a lot of things, a lot of different issues that come up along those bE8-rnRs9rI-00014-00007075-00008078 lines, but -- so let’s start with the simplest is how do we or how long should we follow bE8-rnRs9rI-00015-00008078-00008484 these patients if we want to know what comes of out that? bE8-rnRs9rI-00016-00008484-00008771 And knowing that these patients are coming from different directions and they’re going bE8-rnRs9rI-00017-00008771-00009236 different directions, and we are just a node in a lot of different trajectories. bE8-rnRs9rI-00018-00009236-00009389 Thoughts? bE8-rnRs9rI-00019-00009389-00010211 Bill Gahl: Well I’d say patients you want to follow bE8-rnRs9rI-00020-00010211-00010467 for a long time, some you don’t want to see again. bE8-rnRs9rI-00021-00010467-00010567 [laughter] bE8-rnRs9rI-00022-00010567-00010684 Okay and I think -- bE8-rnRs9rI-00023-00010684-00010802 Female Speaker: [inaudible] bE8-rnRs9rI-00024-00010802-00011172 Bill Gahl: Yeah, I know, but you have to [laughs]. bE8-rnRs9rI-00025-00011172-00011735 So the point is is that there’s some incredibly good cases that you want to know what’s bE8-rnRs9rI-00026-00011735-00012253 going to happen and you want to invest a lot in your own research and in follow up, but bE8-rnRs9rI-00027-00012253-00012497 it’s probably not true for all the individuals. bE8-rnRs9rI-00028-00012497-00012936 Because if you follow up cases that aren’t so good or, you know, have mainly subjective bE8-rnRs9rI-00029-00012936-00013369 findings, you’re really wasting time that could be spent on those other cases because bE8-rnRs9rI-00030-00013369-00013894 everything really is triage in this. bE8-rnRs9rI-00031-00013894-00014013 Darcy Krueger: And some of these patients, you are going bE8-rnRs9rI-00032-00014013-00014522 to be the first person that actually listen to them and actually gave them something that bE8-rnRs9rI-00033-00014522-00014669 was tangible to them. bE8-rnRs9rI-00034-00014669-00015435 And so despite all the best efforts to have a referring physician, some of these patients bE8-rnRs9rI-00035-00015435-00015927 are going to identify you as the person who figured them out, and they’re not going bE8-rnRs9rI-00036-00015927-00016236 to want to move on as well. bE8-rnRs9rI-00037-00016236-00016398 And that creates problems on two ends. bE8-rnRs9rI-00038-00016398-00017045 One is what you say, Bill exactly from a resource standpoint is that’s not our purpose. bE8-rnRs9rI-00039-00017045-00017701 And the second, it becomes problematic because of clinicians become alienated and so your bE8-rnRs9rI-00040-00017701-00018025 referral population also dries up. bE8-rnRs9rI-00041-00018025-00018184 Let’s go over here. bE8-rnRs9rI-00042-00018184-00018284 Susan? bE8-rnRs9rI-00043-00018284-00018659 Susan Berry: So the degree to which you can partner with bE8-rnRs9rI-00044-00018659-00019546 your referring physician, the better you have a mechanism by which you can facilitate that bE8-rnRs9rI-00045-00019546-00019848 engaged relationship with the patient. bE8-rnRs9rI-00046-00019848-00020318 If they’re your partner in making this happen well and exchanging information with the patients, bE8-rnRs9rI-00047-00020318-00020868 then when they come back, they’re part of your team in an indirect way. bE8-rnRs9rI-00048-00020868-00021301 That helps with some of the "nobody ever listened to them" piece and it also helps with the bE8-rnRs9rI-00049-00021301-00021688 -- if interesting information comes back, eventually you get it back too. bE8-rnRs9rI-00050-00021688-00021956 Calum MacRae: I was just -- I was just going to say that bE8-rnRs9rI-00051-00021956-00022544 Stanford Subspecialty Practice is co-management with the referring physician and so I don’t bE8-rnRs9rI-00052-00022544-00022719 think there’s anything unique about this. bE8-rnRs9rI-00053-00022719-00023057 It’s just the subset of cases is unique to me. bE8-rnRs9rI-00054-00023057-00023717 I think 50 or 60 percent of my practice comes from the outside the state and I am not involved bE8-rnRs9rI-00055-00023717-00024218 in their long term management and they almost all have rare inherited diseases that are bE8-rnRs9rI-00056-00024218-00024806 then managed -- co-managed with local referring physicians who maybe don’t have the expertise, bE8-rnRs9rI-00057-00024806-00025382 but nevertheless are able to manage the family on a local basis with our help and intermittent bE8-rnRs9rI-00058-00025382-00025490 involvement. bE8-rnRs9rI-00059-00025490-00025875 So I think it’s pretty, you know, this is going to be, as Bill said, based largely on bE8-rnRs9rI-00060-00025875-00026062 standard clinical assessment. bE8-rnRs9rI-00061-00026062-00026193 Darcy Krueger: Yeah? bE8-rnRs9rI-00062-00026193-00026652 Maren Scheuner: I would just also add that I mean if you were bE8-rnRs9rI-00063-00026652-00027411 to follow folks prospectively whether you want to or not [laughs] and had some kind bE8-rnRs9rI-00064-00027411-00028291 of a registry where you were gathering patient-centered outcomes, healthcare utilization, just general bE8-rnRs9rI-00065-00028291-00029033 health outcomes, then you might be in a better position to help prove the value of this diagnostic bE8-rnRs9rI-00066-00029033-00029671 service and so that it does have sustainability beyond the next phase of the UDN. bE8-rnRs9rI-00067-00029671-00029811 Darcy Krueger: Jonathan? bE8-rnRs9rI-00068-00029811-00030381 Jonathan Mink: I have two questions for the network sites bE8-rnRs9rI-00069-00030381-00030481 here. bE8-rnRs9rI-00070-00030481-00030924 First of all, is genetic counseling incorporated in part of the visit to the center? bE8-rnRs9rI-00071-00030924-00031718 And second of all, once a diagnosis is made, is there any effort to identify sites in the bE8-rnRs9rI-00072-00031718-00032208 U.S. or North America that have expertise in that particular disease? bE8-rnRs9rI-00073-00032208-00032827 So it may be that they go to a UDN site, a diagnosis is made, and there is -- there is bE8-rnRs9rI-00074-00032827-00033549 a program or there’s a clinic or a practitioner say in Chicago who has a particular focus bE8-rnRs9rI-00075-00033549-00033680 on that disease. bE8-rnRs9rI-00076-00033680-00034152 Is there an effort to not just say oh by the way, you can look up these things, but to bE8-rnRs9rI-00077-00034152-00034297 make a recommendation? bE8-rnRs9rI-00078-00034297-00034840 Eric Vilain: Well I can talk for our side at UCLA, but bE8-rnRs9rI-00079-00034840-00035305 I think it’s the -- it’s similar in many other sites is genetic counselors are really bE8-rnRs9rI-00080-00035305-00035808 integral parts of the -- of the evaluation of really being in the frontline of communication bE8-rnRs9rI-00081-00035808-00036058 with the patient. bE8-rnRs9rI-00082-00036058-00036671 Weeks prior to their visit, so they know exactly what to expect, pre and post, I think they bE8-rnRs9rI-00083-00036671-00037228 play the role of -- Bill has -- nurse practitioners are their genetic counselors. bE8-rnRs9rI-00084-00037228-00037768 You know, even our coordinator is a genetic counselor and we have another one on staff bE8-rnRs9rI-00085-00037768-00038253 so they do a tremendous job and even sort of putting together and pull information from bE8-rnRs9rI-00086-00038253-00038405 the medical records and so forth. bE8-rnRs9rI-00087-00038405-00039130 And the second part, we’re trying to, but that’s -- it really to get the resources bE8-rnRs9rI-00088-00039130-00039552 and so forth nationwide sometimes it’s so new that there is no such resources. bE8-rnRs9rI-00089-00039552-00040341 So that’s something that could be a goal of the UDN to actually just find the resources bE8-rnRs9rI-00090-00040341-00040512 to help create them. bE8-rnRs9rI-00091-00040512-00040853 Darcy Krueger: Wendy you had a comment? bE8-rnRs9rI-00092-00040853-00041124 Wendy Chung: So as along similar lines with the modest bE8-rnRs9rI-00093-00041124-00041456 numbers that are coming through the UDN with these rare disorders, it’s very likely that bE8-rnRs9rI-00094-00041456-00041912 many other patients are being identified around the world, but a handful in terms of those. bE8-rnRs9rI-00095-00041912-00042283 And so it’s the idea that you’re going beyond the diagnosis and we’ll start then bE8-rnRs9rI-00096-00042283-00042661 doing deep phenotyping, but perhaps bring those patients, there might be half a dozen bE8-rnRs9rI-00097-00042661-00043190 of them, into the UDN to establish what that phenotype is, start the research programs, bE8-rnRs9rI-00098-00043190-00043350 the parent support community. bE8-rnRs9rI-00099-00043350-00043990 Eric Vilain: I’m on this wavelength as -- because I think bE8-rnRs9rI-00100-00043990-00044637 it’s really important to actually have an idea of the spectrum of the phenotype. bE8-rnRs9rI-00101-00044637-00045668 At the last -- at the last case review committee there was this question of when there is already bE8-rnRs9rI-00102-00045668-00046161 a diagnosis or at least a variant that seems to be the right diagnosis, is it the goal bE8-rnRs9rI-00103-00046161-00046905 -- is it part of the purview of the UDN just to bring the patient to expand the phenotype? bE8-rnRs9rI-00104-00046905-00047265 I still don’t have a clear idea of what the answer to this is because I think that bE8-rnRs9rI-00105-00047265-00047365 that would be important. bE8-rnRs9rI-00106-00047365-00047740 Bill Gahl: So let me offer a perspective and some experience. bE8-rnRs9rI-00107-00047740-00048371 For example, when we saw a patient who had basal ganglia calcifications and symptoms bE8-rnRs9rI-00108-00048371-00048949 and called this Fahr’s disease, we acquired an interest in that enough that when other bE8-rnRs9rI-00109-00048949-00049483 patients came along with the same -- similar neurological problems, we accepted them readily. bE8-rnRs9rI-00110-00049483-00049605 Let’s put it that way. bE8-rnRs9rI-00111-00049605-00050128 We have that purview to do that and now we have 15 patients who have Fahr’s disease bE8-rnRs9rI-00112-00050128-00050578 within our cohort, and a couple of them actually do have a diagnosis, but most of them do not bE8-rnRs9rI-00113-00050578-00050718 have a molecular diagnosis. bE8-rnRs9rI-00114-00050718-00051361 When we saw a patient with facial loss sensory motor neuropathy which is really a type of bE8-rnRs9rI-00115-00051361-00051763 ALS, it begins with sensory problems in the mid-face, et cetera. bE8-rnRs9rI-00116-00051763-00051927 This is a poorly described disorder. bE8-rnRs9rI-00117-00051927-00052236 There are only five cases or ten cases or something. bE8-rnRs9rI-00118-00052236-00053075 We’ve now seen six or eight ourselves and some of them have a let’s say a molecular bE8-rnRs9rI-00119-00053075-00053625 basis, CSF1R mutations, et cetera, but we’re able to do that because there truly are not bE8-rnRs9rI-00120-00053625-00054176 diagnosed and we can do deep phenotyping of them just as you suggested Wendy. bE8-rnRs9rI-00121-00054176-00054777 And we also saw patients who had hereditary leukodystrophy with spheroids, et cetera. bE8-rnRs9rI-00122-00054777-00055275 So we’re able to do that and I think the other sites are able to do that and establish bE8-rnRs9rI-00123-00055275-00055447 some expertise. bE8-rnRs9rI-00124-00055447-00056001 And out of this might come a clinical protocol for a natural history study, and then perhaps bE8-rnRs9rI-00125-00056001-00056213 even a treatment study. bE8-rnRs9rI-00126-00056213-00056386 That would be a goal. bE8-rnRs9rI-00127-00056386-00057133 On the other hand, we can’t use the -- let’s say the plan for the Mendelian sequencing bE8-rnRs9rI-00128-00057133-00057560 course which is, you know, to say oh we’re going to see five, -- we’re going to see bE8-rnRs9rI-00129-00057560-00058233 30 patients or five families or 10 families with such and such a particular disease. bE8-rnRs9rI-00130-00058233-00058423 I think that’s really not the point of this. bE8-rnRs9rI-00131-00058423-00059101 We want to see patients who apply by themselves and have gone undiagnosed for a long time. bE8-rnRs9rI-00132-00059101-00059632 That’s the essence of this program as I see it, but it’s also true that we’re bE8-rnRs9rI-00133-00059632-00060082 all around the room to decide if it should be that way or if you want to morph it into bE8-rnRs9rI-00134-00060082-00060269 something else in the future. bE8-rnRs9rI-00135-00060269-00060672 Darcy Krueger: I would almost wonder coming back to the question bE8-rnRs9rI-00136-00060672-00061274 we had on the first question which was do we want to have subspecialty expertise. bE8-rnRs9rI-00137-00061274-00061763 And it creates certain efficiencies, but it comes at a cost of you break up these closer bE8-rnRs9rI-00138-00061763-00062119 collaborations between working physicians. bE8-rnRs9rI-00139-00062119-00062529 And then you also make it harder for patients to have access. bE8-rnRs9rI-00140-00062529-00063055 And so that will be a fundamental question that will have to be decided because there’s bE8-rnRs9rI-00141-00063055-00063563 pros and cons on each side of that that relate to what you’re saying. bE8-rnRs9rI-00142-00063563-00064067 And I almost wonder if, you know, when we think of protocols or algorithms of whether bE8-rnRs9rI-00143-00064067-00064721 there needs to be probably a two treed approach, you know, that those diagnoses for which there bE8-rnRs9rI-00144-00064721-00065166 are other resources available, either through regional centers of have expertise to that bE8-rnRs9rI-00145-00065166-00065754 patient specifically or at least within networks or within a specific institute or things like bE8-rnRs9rI-00146-00065754-00066242 the rare diseases clinical research network that has the clinical arm that would pair bE8-rnRs9rI-00147-00066242-00066731 with many, but obviously not all of the diseases that we deal with. bE8-rnRs9rI-00148-00066731-00067373 And then there’s those that still have further discovery or such rare that there is no expectation bE8-rnRs9rI-00149-00067373-00067875 for such a network to exist or such expertises as to where they’re kept in house. bE8-rnRs9rI-00150-00067875-00068225 I think it’s -- it might be very appropriate that we think along parallel lines because bE8-rnRs9rI-00151-00068225-00068411 these really are distinct populations. bE8-rnRs9rI-00152-00068411-00068867 Judith Hall: I’m very sympathetic to Bill’s response bE8-rnRs9rI-00153-00068867-00069245 that they should use their money most effectively. bE8-rnRs9rI-00154-00069245-00069819 And to do what you described really makes sense, but at the same time it seems as this bE8-rnRs9rI-00155-00069819-00070519 whole program is setting up a protocol or standard of practice for ten years from now. bE8-rnRs9rI-00156-00070519-00071080 And so it’s kind of like you’re keeping two things in mind at the same time and I bE8-rnRs9rI-00157-00071080-00071469 see the new sites as opportunities to experiment. bE8-rnRs9rI-00158-00071469-00072195 Maybe one of those new sites should just take results that need re-looking. bE8-rnRs9rI-00159-00072195-00072811 Maybe another site should just take things that are adult neurological or where they bE8-rnRs9rI-00160-00072811-00072932 have expertise. bE8-rnRs9rI-00161-00072932-00073543 So it seems like as the network has expanded there’s an opportunity to be running several bE8-rnRs9rI-00162-00073543-00074284 different experiments so to speak consciously so that you get to the point in five to 10 bE8-rnRs9rI-00163-00074284-00074894 years that you actually do have a protocol that can be then incorporated into standard bE8-rnRs9rI-00164-00074894-00074994 practice. bE8-rnRs9rI-00165-00074994-00075557 I particularly like the site -- having a site that reevaluates information. bE8-rnRs9rI-00166-00075557-00075949 Darcy Krueger: I think also -- I mean not only if you have bE8-rnRs9rI-00167-00075949-00076304 a standardized way that you’re looking at this, you can define superiority when you bE8-rnRs9rI-00168-00076304-00076806 have competing models, but also you have different models that may be more suitable for different bE8-rnRs9rI-00169-00076806-00077020 centers that can get to the same endpoint. bE8-rnRs9rI-00170-00077020-00077276 Judith Hall: I must say I’m really in favor of having bE8-rnRs9rI-00171-00077276-00077718 some kind of follow up, but I think it could be done by questionnaire and then pick out bE8-rnRs9rI-00172-00077718-00077891 the cool questionnaires for comeback. bE8-rnRs9rI-00173-00077891-00078116 Darcy Krueger: Yeah and I would say from my TSC experience bE8-rnRs9rI-00174-00078116-00078661 -- I’ll get to you Susan in just a second, but I would say from my TSC experience one bE8-rnRs9rI-00175-00078661-00079119 of the things is is that once you release them to a different center or a different bE8-rnRs9rI-00176-00079119-00079533 expertise, when you had them back to people, realize that the care delivery is going to bE8-rnRs9rI-00177-00079533-00079668 be very diverse. bE8-rnRs9rI-00178-00079668-00080216 And some are going to be up to date and what you would consider forward thinking, and some bE8-rnRs9rI-00179-00080216-00080612 are still going to be living in a pre-diagnostic era where you handed them back, but really bE8-rnRs9rI-00180-00080612-00080908 they were unprepared or the family just didn’t follow through. bE8-rnRs9rI-00181-00080908-00081476 And so you’re going to want to capture that in some standardized way as you look at these bE8-rnRs9rI-00182-00081476-00081820 trajectories of saying that it’s -- this program had impact and this is a way it impacted. bE8-rnRs9rI-00183-00081820-00082038 I thought some of the framing questions were very good. bE8-rnRs9rI-00184-00082038-00082226 We’ll go to Susan and then we’ll come over and Susan first. bE8-rnRs9rI-00185-00082226-00082388 Susan Berry: So two questions. bE8-rnRs9rI-00186-00082388-00082937 One of the things that a large center or network that’s available in terms of the potential bE8-rnRs9rI-00187-00082937-00083614 resources for re-contact and follow up is the CTSIs and the various academic centers. bE8-rnRs9rI-00188-00083614-00084316 Is there some way to leverage those, that network of centers or investigations that bE8-rnRs9rI-00189-00084316-00084804 might -- could be added on particularly follow up? bE8-rnRs9rI-00190-00084804-00085592 And in the same token, is there a way to identify or make an encyclopedia of or whatever experts bE8-rnRs9rI-00191-00085592-00086110 that you could -- I mean right now it’s I know this guy in Chicago that does a good bE8-rnRs9rI-00192-00086110-00086606 job with this, but is there a way to better codify that so that you can provide appropriate bE8-rnRs9rI-00193-00086606-00086858 follow up resources for identified patients? bE8-rnRs9rI-00194-00086858-00087262 Calum MacRae: I was just going to say I think a lot of the bE8-rnRs9rI-00195-00087262-00087626 questions that we’re talking about come back to the same fundamental truth. bE8-rnRs9rI-00196-00087626-00088064 It’s what Walter brought up at the start which is a lot of this is dependent on how bE8-rnRs9rI-00197-00088064-00088305 you get into the system and who you see. bE8-rnRs9rI-00198-00088305-00088429 There’s so much subjectivity. bE8-rnRs9rI-00199-00088429-00088901 You know, something that looks like it’s an undiagnosed disease to one person might bE8-rnRs9rI-00200-00088901-00089447 be a very obvious case to the next person over something as -- that’s phenotype expansion bE8-rnRs9rI-00201-00089447-00090067 in one setting may be actually completely interesting and de novo molecular insight bE8-rnRs9rI-00202-00090067-00090207 to another person. bE8-rnRs9rI-00203-00090207-00090820 So I think finding some way of having a minimal shared reality is important both as Wendy bE8-rnRs9rI-00204-00090820-00091335 said for the -- not just for the present, but also for extending it outside the network. bE8-rnRs9rI-00205-00091335-00091961 I think that’s one of the things I consistently feel is that if we don’t some sort of minimal bE8-rnRs9rI-00206-00091961-00092462 shared reality, we end up finding it very difficult to even relate perfectly between bE8-rnRs9rI-00207-00092462-00092964 sites, but particularly to relate between the network and the rest of the visible universe. bE8-rnRs9rI-00208-00092964-00093537 Darcy Krueger: All right, go ahead and then we’ll go back bE8-rnRs9rI-00209-00093537-00093637 there. bE8-rnRs9rI-00210-00093637-00093851 Cynthia Powell: It looks from the map that there’s nothing bE8-rnRs9rI-00211-00093851-00094381 really in the heartland of America in terms of a UDN site so I just think, as someone bE8-rnRs9rI-00212-00094381-00094927 brought up before, the potential for telemedicine, utilizing experts who have been identified bE8-rnRs9rI-00213-00094927-00095538 around the country who, you know, can weigh in on some of these cases because that’s bE8-rnRs9rI-00214-00095538-00095937 also going to improve diversity in the patient population. bE8-rnRs9rI-00215-00095937-00096385 I mean a lot of my patients they can barely make it into our clinic let alone, you know, bE8-rnRs9rI-00216-00096385-00097137 travel to D.C. or well maybe up to Duke for an evaluation, but, you know, I think that bE8-rnRs9rI-00217-00097137-00097449 there’s opportunities for diversification. bE8-rnRs9rI-00218-00097449-00097841 Darcy Krueger: Okay, two more comments so we’ll go here bE8-rnRs9rI-00219-00097841-00097982 and then to Christine. bE8-rnRs9rI-00220-00097982-00098312 Rachel Ramoni: So I have three brief comments. bE8-rnRs9rI-00221-00098312-00098807 One is on follow up, we do have a phone call with everybody after -- a couple of months bE8-rnRs9rI-00222-00098807-00099498 after their evaluation and then we follow up with them yearly via questionnaires and bE8-rnRs9rI-00223-00099498-00099856 those will be things that we will refine over time I’m sure. bE8-rnRs9rI-00224-00099856-00100093 Second is on identification of experts. bE8-rnRs9rI-00225-00100093-00100592 So the coordinating center is based at the Department of biomedical informatics and we’re bE8-rnRs9rI-00226-00100592-00101406 relying upon some CTSI developed technology that uses PubMed to identify sub-sub-experts. bE8-rnRs9rI-00227-00101406-00101911 And so we’re developing search strategies to leverage that technology to be able to bE8-rnRs9rI-00228-00101911-00102394 refer people to experts or draw upon those experts during the evaluation. bE8-rnRs9rI-00229-00102394-00102990 And then the final point is when Susan spoke, I understood there could be several definitions bE8-rnRs9rI-00230-00102990-00103338 of the transition of care and for us it does have a couple of meanings. bE8-rnRs9rI-00231-00103338-00103818 One is if they have a diagnosis and are transitioned back to their clinical team, but many of our bE8-rnRs9rI-00232-00103818-00104343 patients then also something we need to facilitate is a transition to research so finding expert bE8-rnRs9rI-00233-00104343-00104675 researchers who are interested in following up on cases like that. bE8-rnRs9rI-00234-00104675-00104826 Darcy Krueger: Excellent points. bE8-rnRs9rI-00235-00104826-00104940 Christine, final comment. bE8-rnRs9rI-00236-00104940-00105102 Christine Eng: Just one last point. bE8-rnRs9rI-00237-00105102-00105401 We are instituting a grand rounds series. bE8-rnRs9rI-00238-00105401-00105836 I think the first one is in a couple of months I believe and I think we are going to be mainly bE8-rnRs9rI-00239-00105836-00106355 highlighting our successes in terms of diagnosis, but I think we could also use it as a forum bE8-rnRs9rI-00240-00106355-00106840 for truly the undiagnosed patient and to use that as a way of building this network of bE8-rnRs9rI-00241-00106840-00106940 experts from the outside. bE8-rnRs9rI-00242-00106940-00107102 Female Speaker: Who’s the audience for that? bE8-rnRs9rI-00243-00107102-00107338 Christine Eng: It’s mainly network right now, but I think bE8-rnRs9rI-00244-00107338-00107499 that it can be an outreach. bE8-rnRs9rI-00245-00107499-00107833 Female Speaker: We plan to open it up, yeah. bE8-rnRs9rI-00246-00107833-00108064 Darcy Krueger: All right, you look desperate so we’ll let bE8-rnRs9rI-00247-00108064-00108222 you have one comment and then I’ll summarize. bE8-rnRs9rI-00248-00108222-00108322 [laughter] bE8-rnRs9rI-00249-00108322-00108422 Okay. bE8-rnRs9rI-00250-00108422-00108522 Vandana Shashi: I just wanted to -- I just wanted to respond bE8-rnRs9rI-00251-00108522-00108801 to Cyndi’s comment about patients not having access to travel. bE8-rnRs9rI-00252-00108801-00109396 One of the mandates of the UDN is to provide transportation and lodging to everybody free bE8-rnRs9rI-00253-00109396-00109520 of cost to the patient. bE8-rnRs9rI-00254-00109520-00109946 There’s also emergency medical angels that will provide transportation outside of our bE8-rnRs9rI-00255-00109946-00110460 own grant funds so access should be available to everybody even if there’s nobody in the bE8-rnRs9rI-00256-00110460-00110804 heartland that’s a center for the UDN. bE8-rnRs9rI-00257-00110804-00110983 Darcy Krueger: Yeah, so that’s a good point. bE8-rnRs9rI-00258-00110983-00111410 So to summarize, when we talk about transition to care, our primary focus, our primary mission bE8-rnRs9rI-00259-00111410-00111733 is diagnosis. bE8-rnRs9rI-00260-00111733-00112324 But I think the general consensus is is that that’s just one kind of key piece of what bE8-rnRs9rI-00261-00112324-00112740 we’re doing and that has certain obligations that if we talk about this program having bE8-rnRs9rI-00262-00112740-00113307 impact beyond its initial mission, it’s a how do you change the life of the patient? bE8-rnRs9rI-00263-00113307-00113417 That’s dependent on several things. bE8-rnRs9rI-00264-00113417-00113958 That’s dependent on effective use, utilization of resources and within in the network those bE8-rnRs9rI-00265-00113958-00114963 resources are insulated to some point to the current medical delivery systems, but not bE8-rnRs9rI-00266-00114963-00115544 real life limitations of distance and patient access and referrals. bE8-rnRs9rI-00267-00115544-00116035 But when we look at what models of how this would be translatable into a clinical setting, bE8-rnRs9rI-00268-00116035-00116709 that’s going to have impact on both research utilization, resource access, and then also bE8-rnRs9rI-00269-00116709-00117229 those collaborative networks that were identified that are kind of key both in continuing clinical bE8-rnRs9rI-00270-00117229-00117938 care as also advancing research in these disease areas both amongst ourselves as well as with bE8-rnRs9rI-00271-00117938-00118038 collaborators. bE8-rnRs9rI-00272-00118038-00118756 And then also we need to have a standardized plan on how we evaluate what happens after bE8-rnRs9rI-00273-00118756-00119151 we’ve made the diagnosis or when we’ve left the patient without a diagnosis. bE8-rnRs9rI-00274-00119151-00119623 And realize that within the network there is diversity and we should capture that and bE8-rnRs9rI-00275-00119623-00120205 evaluate that and refine that through the course of the network’s longevity, but also bE8-rnRs9rI-00276-00120205-00121227 that that’s going to also be important on how the future versions of this exist beyond bE8-rnRs9rI-00277-00121227-00121602 what is specifically funded at the moment. bE8-rnRs9rI-00278-00121602-00122333 And we have some efforts to go ahead and do that now, but as mentioned, I think we should bE8-rnRs9rI-00279-00122333-00122864 continue to look to refine that and ask ourselves how that can be best implemented and recognize bE8-rnRs9rI-00280-00122864-00123335 that there will be differences once we release patients on what they’ve had access to and bE8-rnRs9rI-00281-00123335-00123777 what the outcomes have been both in regards to research as well as clinical outcome. bE8-rnRs9rI-00282-00123777-00124267 And there may be existing resources and other funded opportunities that we can already leverage bE8-rnRs9rI-00283-00124267-00124833 to follow those patients in order to continue investigation and or treatment, but we may bE8-rnRs9rI-00284-00124833-00125330 also need to look to develop new resources that make that easier and more effective. bE8-rnRs9rI-00285-00125330-00125439 I think I’ll stop there. bE8-rnRs9rI-00286-00125439-00125484 [end of transcript] bFhxlPFMMsu-00000-00000000-00000200 enjoy watching guys bF_FiBmN_u4-00000-00000857-00001484 Ok. Hello, ladies in here. Maybe some gentle mans through the string. bF_FiBmN_u4-00001-00001484-00002184 Let me start my presentation for today. So, our second topic is about art. and I am bF_FiBmN_u4-00002-00002345-00002901 very glad to choose art because I am really interested in art and it just maybe fun thing bF_FiBmN_u4-00003-00002901-00003283 to say. So, today, what I brought up is, um, title bF_FiBmN_u4-00004-00003283-00003718 is Art in Life. So, let's get started. bF_FiBmN_u4-00005-00003718-00004570 Well. What is art? I looked up for the rigid definition of art, and it says this. bF_FiBmN_u4-00006-00004571-00005171 A diverse range of human activities and the products of those activities usually involving bF_FiBmN_u4-00007-00005171-00005950 imaginative or technical skills. When you hear this, big word. You cannot say bF_FiBmN_u4-00008-00005957-00006489 art. if you don't see the name art and just hear bF_FiBmN_u4-00009-00006489-00006955 this term, you may not guess this is the definition of art. bF_FiBmN_u4-00010-00006955-00007340 So, when you think about art, what do you think about? bF_FiBmN_u4-00011-00007340-00008210 We probably think this picture, van Gogh's Starry Night. Everyone loves it. Me Too. bF_FiBmN_u4-00012-00008213-00008913 So, and maybe Klimt. Also famous. Such a beautiful art work. bF_FiBmN_u4-00013-00008927-00009720 Mona Lisa, for sure. These are probably the main examples of art when we all hear about bF_FiBmN_u4-00014-00009720-00010247 art. But, I wanna raise a question that, "Does bF_FiBmN_u4-00015-00010247-00010892 art only include these masterpieces? Well, we talked about it earlier, but when bF_FiBmN_u4-00016-00010892-00011680 we think about art, we think art is such a classic, noble thing like it's way up in here, bF_FiBmN_u4-00017-00011689-00012590 it's such for high classes, whatever. But, does really art only include these masterpieces? bF_FiBmN_u4-00018-00012596-00013118 I will say no, and I wanna show you guys an example. bF_FiBmN_u4-00019-00013118-00013930 Well, art is for anyone, I think. This is an art work made by a kid in Korea. bF_FiBmN_u4-00020-00013935-00014578 And he posted it, his art in the elevator of his apartment. bF_FiBmN_u4-00021-00014578-00015278 And, you cannot maybe see it all way through, but it is a kind of like a letter. But they bF_FiBmN_u4-00022-00015307-00016050 moved just right away in the new apartment, and he just wanted to say "Hello." to bF_FiBmN_u4-00023-00016051-00016626 everyone in the apartment. And everyone was really shocked to see the bF_FiBmN_u4-00024-00016626-00017460 text because nowadays in so all everywhere in the world, they don't just know neighbors bF_FiBmN_u4-00025-00017463-00018122 anymore. They don't know anyone. I even don't know the person next to my door. bF_FiBmN_u4-00026-00018122-00018573 Even though we just share a thin wall, we don't know anything about them. bF_FiBmN_u4-00027-00018573-00019400 Well, when we see this, our hearts just melt things. It's so sweetie. bF_FiBmN_u4-00028-00019401-00020270 So, everyone wrote back to the art work on the wall and it became really famous because bF_FiBmN_u4-00029-00020273-00021050 it's just such a sweat thing to watch. When we see this, everyone was writing a message bF_FiBmN_u4-00030-00021057-00021840 back to them like, "Hello to our apartment. We are really happy to see you guys and because bF_FiBmN_u4-00031-00021841-00022365 you letter made my life, my day. You just made my day." bF_FiBmN_u4-00032-00022365-00023065 It made my day too just when I watched it through the window of the internet. It was bF_FiBmN_u4-00033-00023113-00023716 such a cool thing. And I think maybe because of his art, everyone bF_FiBmN_u4-00034-00023716-00024241 became so happy. and this is the power of art, I think. bF_FiBmN_u4-00035-00024241-00025330 And we cannot say that this art is the masterpiece, but it also makes our heart just so cheerful. bF_FiBmN_u4-00036-00025331-00026189 So, this is the replay from his parents, and they were really happy because they didn't bF_FiBmN_u4-00037-00026197-00026651 expect this much feedback and they were loved from everyone. bF_FiBmN_u4-00038-00026651-00027580 I think it's a perfect story to tell for everyone. And I wanna raise another question. "Do we bF_FiBmN_u4-00039-00027585-00027885 have to go to art school in order to create art?" bF_FiBmN_u4-00040-00027885-00028432 Well, the previous example also shows the answer of this question too. bF_FiBmN_u4-00041-00028432-00029339 But, well we think about, think about it, we tend to think people who do art, they maybe bF_FiBmN_u4-00042-00029344-00029823 from the art school for sure. But this is not true, too. bF_FiBmN_u4-00043-00029823-00030730 When you see this, do you think it's not art? It's a piece of drawing, which is art, I say. bF_FiBmN_u4-00044-00030736-00031489 I think everyone can make art because I made this one and my major is not art. It's a boring bF_FiBmN_u4-00045-00031497-00032639 social study, Communication and Media. But I will say I could make, create art and bF_FiBmN_u4-00046-00032647-00032978 anyone. Everyone can make art even though you don't bF_FiBmN_u4-00047-00032978-00033637 go to the art school. And this is another piece of my art work. bF_FiBmN_u4-00048-00033637-00034271 I did it, so everyone can do it too. You can just grab a pen and piece of paper, bF_FiBmN_u4-00049-00034271-00035030 and just draw things. Like this, the theme of this art work is like a kind of collage bF_FiBmN_u4-00050-00035038-00035557 of my favorite things. So, you can see my dog here, Moongchi, and bF_FiBmN_u4-00051-00035557-00036254 I love shoes. Anyone does, everyone..girls..You love shoes. You gotta admit it. bF_FiBmN_u4-00052-00036254-00037180 And you can see Starbucks' Frappuccino. I don't have to explain of it. bF_FiBmN_u4-00053-00037188-00037684 I like jewelry like right here, and I like my phone listening to music I love it. bF_FiBmN_u4-00054-00037684-00038450 And when you just see everything, it's not like I put things very accurately, but still bF_FiBmN_u4-00055-00038459-00039159 you can see this is a drawing. And I think that's the important part of it. bF_FiBmN_u4-00056-00039195-00039625 You don't have to be good at it, but you can do it too. bF_FiBmN_u4-00057-00039625-00040360 Also, this is another piece of my art work. It show,I will say, I don't know. bF_FiBmN_u4-00058-00040363-00041220 My priority in my life. It just shows that like I draw with the pen bF_FiBmN_u4-00059-00041224-00042540 and I care about the earth. I really do. And I am a buddhist, so I drew a lotus. bF_FiBmN_u4-00060-00042548-00042990 And I put my name on it, and I put my slogan 'for better world' and stuff. bF_FiBmN_u4-00061-00042990-00043690 And I just felt so happy when I draw this even though I was in midterm week when I drew bF_FiBmN_u4-00062-00043694-00044394 this and I was in school. It was 3 a.m. in the morning and I was in library. bF_FiBmN_u4-00063-00044424-00045300 But I still felt great because I was having fun. I was creating art and I didn't mean bF_FiBmN_u4-00064-00045301-00046001 it to show it to everyone or wanted to be really good masterpiece but I still do feel great bF_FiBmN_u4-00065-00046024-00046536 and I think that it's another important part of creating art. bF_FiBmN_u4-00066-00046536-00046996 And you don't have to go to the art school in order to create art for sure. bF_FiBmN_u4-00067-00046996-00047820 And also, I do calligraphy thing too as a my hobby. bF_FiBmN_u4-00068-00047823-00048523 You don't have to be good at it. In the first, who, no one is good at anything. bF_FiBmN_u4-00069-00048543-00049210 But you have to start. I started it when I was in high school, and I didn't really good bF_FiBmN_u4-00070-00049210-00049821 at it. But I just keep trying, and it gets better. bF_FiBmN_u4-00071-00049821-00050521 But people think that art is l ike you have to be born with it, you have to be talented, bF_FiBmN_u4-00072-00050521-00051097 but it's not. You can just start to do it. That's the important bF_FiBmN_u4-00073-00051097-00051501 part. Also you don't have to be creative. bF_FiBmN_u4-00074-00051501-00051952 people think that you have to be creative and imaginative in order to create art, but bF_FiBmN_u4-00075-00051952-00052247 it's not. I am just writing my favorite lyrics from bF_FiBmN_u4-00076-00052247-00052791 my favorite songs. It's not that hard and everyone does it too. bF_FiBmN_u4-00077-00052791-00053462 You have to put it on the paper in order to create art, which is such an easy thing to bF_FiBmN_u4-00078-00053462-00054064 do. Another piece that I wrote. the pen.. everyone bF_FiBmN_u4-00079-00054064-00055060 asked what pen I used..It's just 300 won like 30 cents color pencil..any pen you can use. bF_FiBmN_u4-00080-00055062-00055970 any on back of ppt slide that I used for my class, so it doesn't have to be fancy in bF_FiBmN_u4-00081-00055977-00056483 order to create art even though we think that are is noble thing for high class. bF_FiBmN_u4-00082-00056483-00057183 Well it is not for sure. Well this, I made bookmarks and I sold over bF_FiBmN_u4-00083-00057313-00057973 400 bookmarks for a week. It was cool I think. bF_FiBmN_u4-00084-00057973-00058790 In the first place, I wanted to make only 100, but calls kept coming in, so I raised bF_FiBmN_u4-00085-00058796-00059496 the number of my bookmarks. And I also gave away for charity. bF_FiBmN_u4-00086-00059504-00060310 I created this bookmarks with my friends and we donated the whole money. bF_FiBmN_u4-00087-00060316-00061370 And, again, I am not in major of art or I am not trained in art, I don't know, anywhere. bF_FiBmN_u4-00088-00061376-00062379 But I still do art for fun and I don't think that no one can have to be trained in order bF_FiBmN_u4-00089-00062386-00062725 to create art. And I think art is for everyone, and I did bF_FiBmN_u4-00090-00062725-00063460 it. So you can do it too. I think art is the easiest way to brighten bF_FiBmN_u4-00091-00063462-00064086 up the world because you don't need anything. You just need a pen and a piece of paper and bF_FiBmN_u4-00092-00064086-00064870 you just put your thoughts on paper. It's the easiest way to show yourself, express bF_FiBmN_u4-00093-00064870-00065191 yourself. And probably the easiest hobby in the world. bF_FiBmN_u4-00094-00065191-00065839 Anyone can draw. You can draw a person with just sticks and just circles. bF_FiBmN_u4-00095-00065839-00066560 anyone can do it like if you think about yourself, everyone says that I am not good at art. I bF_FiBmN_u4-00096-00066563-00066801 suck. But when you think about it, you actually bF_FiBmN_u4-00097-00066801-00067306 enjoyed doing art when you were really a little kid. bF_FiBmN_u4-00098-00067306-00067783 everyone's probably done it. But now you don't do it. bF_FiBmN_u4-00099-00067783-00068467 But why? why not? it is pretty much fun. I think it is the easiest bF_FiBmN_u4-00100-00068467-00069156 way and hobby in the world. And art is how fun it is. such a fun. bF_FiBmN_u4-00101-00069156-00069401 You don't need anything. You don't have to have skills. bF_FiBmN_u4-00102-00069401-00070101 You don't have to be educated or anything. But many people think there is a huge barrier bF_FiBmN_u4-00103-00070108-00070870 between yourself and art. You guys think that you are separated from bF_FiBmN_u4-00104-00070877-00071529 the world of art. It's actually art. So, I wanted to bring this topic up because bF_FiBmN_u4-00105-00071529-00072158 I want everyone to be familiar with art. And I don't want you to feel like you are bF_FiBmN_u4-00106-00072158-00072858 separated from the world art, which is awesome. And I just wanted to show you this. bF_FiBmN_u4-00107-00072858-00073652 The earth without art is just 'eh!' You know, you bF_FiBmN_u4-00108-00073652-00074352 The art also includes you, everyone. So maybe this time you can try art. bF_FiBmN_u4-00109-00074377-00074937 When somebody ask me what's your hobby, I always say my hobby is drawing. I do art for bF_FiBmN_u4-00110-00074937-00075419 fun. And they were like "Wow..you are cool" like bF_FiBmN_u4-00111-00075419-00075883 "You must be so good" and I say "No, I am not." bF_FiBmN_u4-00112-00075883-00076568 Many people think art is in that way, but in fact is not. bF_FiBmN_u4-00113-00076568-00077204 That's what I wanted to say. So, this is for everyone in here. bF_FiBmN_u4-00114-00077204-00077755 I want boys and girls to be ambitious in art and thank you for today. bFA4h0Jx-9A-00000-00000134-00000240 IGNITION bFA4h0Jx-9A-00001-00000338-00000527 Swinging between the stars bFA4h0Jx-9A-00002-00000586-00000804 between clouds into the sky bFA4h0Jx-9A-00003-00000846-00001046 and back in the arms of Earth. bFA4h0Jx-9A-00004-00001140-00001374 Every breath floats into the air bFA4h0Jx-9A-00005-00001464-00001664 mist of blow is vanishing bFA4h0Jx-9A-00006-00001664-00001860 shading into stardust bFA4h0Jx-9A-00007-00001926-00002156 I'm raging racing it's shooting me bFA4h0Jx-9A-00008-00002156-00002360 wind waving the storm bFA4h0Jx-9A-00009-00002360-00002570 my bicycle is an oldtimer bFA4h0Jx-9A-00010-00002570-00002878 creaking panting screechingly roars bFA4h0Jx-9A-00011-00002902-00003090 but still it races and I with it bFA4h0Jx-9A-00012-00003100-00003379 cutting through air with swallow's wings bFA4h0Jx-9A-00013-00003410-00003915 comet tails are twisting behind me exhaust is my Milky Way bFA4h0Jx-9A-00014-00003965-00004182 invisible for nihilists bFA4h0Jx-9A-00015-00004192-00004552 transparent for dogmatists and those who don't appreciate bFA4h0Jx-9A-00016-00004560-00004756 child gullibility bFA4h0Jx-9A-00017-00004756-00005077 in the world built of sharp stones. bFA4h0Jx-9A-00018-00005201-00005389 I sail past them bFA4h0Jx-9A-00019-00005456-00005769 their disabilities of perception bFA4h0Jx-9A-00020-00005770-00006100 radiantly redly piercing time and space bFA4h0Jx-9A-00021-00006180-00006398 explosions are echoes bFA4h0Jx-9A-00022-00006400-00006640 the ocean is my haven. bFFqRD8-Jh8-00000-00000000-00000200 New Viral Attitude best bgm Ringtone bHyYYGpwCN8-00000-00001776-00002189 ??: Our final presenter - calling him simply a bHyYYGpwCN8-00001-00002189-00002411 speaker does his pants a disservice - bHyYYGpwCN8-00002-00002411-00002998 hardly, he hardly needs an introduction. bHyYYGpwCN8-00003-00002998-00003181 In addition to being a Rails core team member, bHyYYGpwCN8-00004-00003181-00003686 he's an avid beard grower and meat connoisseur. bHyYYGpwCN8-00005-00003686-00004040 In addition to 90s fashion hoarder. bHyYYGpwCN8-00006-00004040-00004380 He, he's here, I actually got the, bHyYYGpwCN8-00007-00004380-00004526 I actually have the slip of paper. bHyYYGpwCN8-00008-00004526-00004694 He's here with written permission bHyYYGpwCN8-00009-00004694-00004869 from Garby Puff. I had to get that, bHyYYGpwCN8-00010-00004869-00005086 I had to make sure that it was OK. bHyYYGpwCN8-00011-00005086-00005271 And with that, I'd like to welcome up on bHyYYGpwCN8-00012-00005271-00005793 stage, Aaron Patterson. bHyYYGpwCN8-00013-00005793-00006493 AARON PATTERSON: Thank you. Thank you. bHyYYGpwCN8-00014-00006839-00007188 [laughter - applause] bHyYYGpwCN8-00015-00007188-00007707 Thank you. Thank you. I am very excited to bHyYYGpwCN8-00016-00007707-00007973 be here today. May I be the first person bHyYYGpwCN8-00017-00007973-00008428 to welcome you to RailsConf. If you notice any bHyYYGpwCN8-00018-00008428-00008911 typos in my slides, please let me know. So. bHyYYGpwCN8-00019-00008911-00009261 Just Tweet it at me. bHyYYGpwCN8-00020-00009261-00009478 I want to start my talk off with a bHyYYGpwCN8-00021-00009478-00009945 couple of quotes. The first one is, "My mom bHyYYGpwCN8-00022-00009945-00010353 has the Ferrari of sewing machines." This is from bHyYYGpwCN8-00023-00010353-00010656 Kate Heddleson. We were talking about her awesomely embroidered bHyYYGpwCN8-00024-00010656-00010877 jacket last night. You should follow her. bHyYYGpwCN8-00025-00010877-00011010 And the other quote I want to start with bHyYYGpwCN8-00026-00011010-00011524 is, "Dad Gummit," by Bill Dance. That's actually why bHyYYGpwCN8-00027-00011524-00011706 I have this hat is because I am a bHyYYGpwCN8-00028-00011706-00012209 fan of his. bHyYYGpwCN8-00029-00012209-00012588 I love that animated gifs work in keynote now. bHyYYGpwCN8-00030-00012588-00013163 Anyway. So my name is Aaron Patterson. If you bHyYYGpwCN8-00031-00013163-00013656 don't recognize me, this might help. I, that is bHyYYGpwCN8-00032-00013656-00013856 what I look like on the internet. I learned bHyYYGpwCN8-00033-00013856-00014131 from the sketchnote talk that I should put my bHyYYGpwCN8-00034-00014131-00014405 Twitter handle there. So hopefully you can remember it. bHyYYGpwCN8-00035-00014405-00014741 I have a cat, and that's, that's him. This bHyYYGpwCN8-00036-00014741-00015044 is him from a different angle. bHyYYGpwCN8-00037-00015044-00015363 So, if you like this talk, or if you bHyYYGpwCN8-00038-00015363-00015649 like anything, you should give it Tenderlove's seal of bHyYYGpwCN8-00039-00015649-00016625 approval. So I'm on the Rails, or, Ruby core bHyYYGpwCN8-00040-00016625-00016784 team, and I'm also on the Rails core team. bHyYYGpwCN8-00041-00016784-00016953 I think I'm the only one on both teams. bHyYYGpwCN8-00042-00016953-00017142 That doesn't mean I know what I'm talking about. bHyYYGpwCN8-00043-00017142-00017497 It just means I'm really terrible at saying no. bHyYYGpwCN8-00044-00017497-00017678 So. bHyYYGpwCN8-00045-00017678-00018117 So, I work for a very tiny start up bHyYYGpwCN8-00046-00018117-00018817 that's based in Dallas, Texas. AT&T. I actually do bHyYYGpwCN8-00047-00018869-00019484 work for AT&T. So. I have to say, I bHyYYGpwCN8-00048-00019484-00019657 really have to say thanks to them for employing bHyYYGpwCN8-00049-00019657-00020060 me to do nothing all day basically. So, I'm bHyYYGpwCN8-00050-00020060-00020315 an open source developer for AT&T and we're gonna bHyYYGpwCN8-00051-00020315-00020557 talk about stuff that I do. Anyway, my job bHyYYGpwCN8-00052-00020557-00020955 titles in the past, 2011, my job title was bHyYYGpwCN8-00053-00020955-00021382 Carey Haines. 2012, Senior Facebook Integration Engineer Elect. I bHyYYGpwCN8-00054-00021382-00021812 lost that election, unfortunately. Then I became a Senior bHyYYGpwCN8-00055-00021812-00022062 Software Architect, so I got like a drafting table bHyYYGpwCN8-00056-00022062-00022371 and all that stuff. It was very cool. bHyYYGpwCN8-00057-00022371-00022637 This year, this year I'm a Thought Leader, In bHyYYGpwCN8-00058-00022637-00022901 Training. That's. So. I want to get out of bHyYYGpwCN8-00059-00022901-00023154 development, and I've heard that, like, thinking is on bHyYYGpwCN8-00060-00023154-00023485 the rise, possibly. So, like, somebody needs to lead bHyYYGpwCN8-00061-00023485-00023779 those thoughts, so, I figured, like, that, you know, bHyYYGpwCN8-00062-00023779-00024056 it's a great market for me. bHyYYGpwCN8-00063-00024056-00024213 So I noticed there were some people around here bHyYYGpwCN8-00064-00024213-00024524 with Google Glass. Like that's, that's pretty exciting. I bHyYYGpwCN8-00065-00024524-00024704 also have a Google Glass. I did not bring bHyYYGpwCN8-00066-00024704-00025170 it. This is my Google Glass. I saw there bHyYYGpwCN8-00067-00025170-00025370 was a talk about, like, someone was giving a bHyYYGpwCN8-00068-00025370-00025800 talk about doing twenty-seven thousand hours of, or, twenty-seven bHyYYGpwCN8-00069-00025800-00026081 million hours of pair programming or something, and like, bHyYYGpwCN8-00070-00026081-00026275 ask them anything. I thought that was really cool. bHyYYGpwCN8-00071-00026275-00026675 I also do pair programming. But not for as bHyYYGpwCN8-00072-00026675-00026806 long. Like, here's, I want to show you a bHyYYGpwCN8-00073-00026806-00027058 couple action shots of me pair programming. I'm pair bHyYYGpwCN8-00074-00027058-00027490 programming there. This is a very close-up pear, pear bHyYYGpwCN8-00075-00027490-00027746 programming shot. I can't do it for twenty-seven thousand bHyYYGpwCN8-00076-00027746-00028262 hours. My pear goes bad after a couple days. bHyYYGpwCN8-00077-00028262-00028578 So I don't know how, I don't know how bHyYYGpwCN8-00078-00028578-00028949 he did it. Anyway, this is, like, the USB bHyYYGpwCN8-00079-00028949-00029137 interface on this is terrible. I couldn't, it was bHyYYGpwCN8-00080-00029137-00029355 very hard to figure out. bHyYYGpwCN8-00081-00029355-00029749 Anyway, I have two cats. This is my lesser bHyYYGpwCN8-00082-00029749-00030302 famous, my not-as-famous cat. Her name isSeaTac Youtube FaceBook bHyYYGpwCN8-00083-00030302-00030672 Instagram. But we call her TooToo for short. And bHyYYGpwCN8-00084-00030672-00031009 then this is Gorbachev Puff Puff Thunderhorse the Third, bHyYYGpwCN8-00085-00031009-00031246 and you can follow him on Twitter at gorbypuff. bHyYYGpwCN8-00086-00031246-00031577 That is his Twitter name, for those of you bHyYYGpwCN8-00087-00031577-00031784 sketchnoting. bHyYYGpwCN8-00088-00031784-00032168 This is me with my cat. I love them. bHyYYGpwCN8-00089-00032168-00032868 So. It's a Christmas card in the works, right bHyYYGpwCN8-00090-00033130-00033627 here. So. I, like I said, on the internet, bHyYYGpwCN8-00091-00033627-00033934 I am @tenderlove. I write a lot of puns bHyYYGpwCN8-00092-00033934-00034202 on my Twitter and I also give people hugs bHyYYGpwCN8-00093-00034202-00034455 and stuff, cause I hug, I work from home bHyYYGpwCN8-00094-00034455-00034699 and I get kind of lonely working from home, bHyYYGpwCN8-00095-00034699-00034952 so I hug the internet on the weekends. That's bHyYYGpwCN8-00096-00034952-00035213 why we did that thing, although I'm extremely shy bHyYYGpwCN8-00097-00035213-00035477 so I would not make you all do that. bHyYYGpwCN8-00098-00035477-00035622 So, let me give you, I want to give bHyYYGpwCN8-00099-00035622-00035824 you a breakdown of my Tweets. These are my bHyYYGpwCN8-00100-00035824-00036293 Tweets. It's 90% puns, hugs, cat photos, and sometimes bHyYYGpwCN8-00101-00036293-00036675 tech stuff. I also brought a bunch of stickers bHyYYGpwCN8-00102-00036675-00036843 with me that look like this. This is my, bHyYYGpwCN8-00103-00036843-00037146 this is stickers of my cat. And the thing bHyYYGpwCN8-00104-00037146-00037515 is, like, so, it, it has come to my bHyYYGpwCN8-00105-00037515-00037875 attention that people might know who I am. And, bHyYYGpwCN8-00106-00037875-00038105 and this concerns me very greatly, because I am bHyYYGpwCN8-00107-00038105-00038508 very introverted. So I'm really, really shy, and I'm, bHyYYGpwCN8-00108-00038508-00038662 like, I'm, you know, you might be saying to bHyYYGpwCN8-00109-00038662-00038887 yourself, you're talking in front of many, many people. bHyYYGpwCN8-00110-00038887-00039061 How is it possible that you're doing that, and bHyYYGpwCN8-00111-00039061-00039327 really shy? Well, the thing is, I'm actually incredibly bHyYYGpwCN8-00112-00039327-00039652 scared and I'm using that fear to, to say bHyYYGpwCN8-00113-00039652-00039946 stuff in front of you. Also I'm wearing a bHyYYGpwCN8-00114-00039946-00040183 ridiculous outfit, so if I mess up, it's like, bHyYYGpwCN8-00115-00040183-00040534 ah, look at these! Distraction! bHyYYGpwCN8-00116-00040534-00040983 Anyway. So, people have said to me, like, people bHyYYGpwCN8-00117-00040983-00041228 have said to me, like, Aaron, you're very famous bHyYYGpwCN8-00118-00041228-00041368 and I'm afraid to talk to you and I bHyYYGpwCN8-00119-00041368-00041630 want you to know that, this is why I bHyYYGpwCN8-00120-00041630-00041831 carry around a whole bunch of stickers with me, bHyYYGpwCN8-00121-00041831-00042009 is because, I am also afraid to talk to bHyYYGpwCN8-00122-00042009-00042291 you. I don't know what to say. So, if bHyYYGpwCN8-00123-00042291-00042425 you want to come talk to me, this is bHyYYGpwCN8-00124-00042425-00042583 like, a totally easy thing to do is just bHyYYGpwCN8-00125-00042583-00042811 say, hey, Aaron. I heard you have stickers. Can bHyYYGpwCN8-00126-00042811-00043015 I have one? And I will say, yes, I bHyYYGpwCN8-00127-00043015-00043190 do. I love my cat. Here is a sticker bHyYYGpwCN8-00128-00043190-00043544 of my cat. So please, you know, don't, don't bHyYYGpwCN8-00129-00043544-00043840 be afraid to approach me. bHyYYGpwCN8-00130-00043840-00044109 Now let's talk about some Chicago stuff. We're in bHyYYGpwCN8-00131-00044109-00044409 Chicago. I, I noticed, like, so people have told bHyYYGpwCN8-00132-00044409-00044596 me, you need to connect with your audience. Like, bHyYYGpwCN8-00133-00044596-00044846 it's important to connect with the audience. And I bHyYYGpwCN8-00134-00044846-00045036 didn't, I noticed that nobody really did this so bHyYYGpwCN8-00135-00045036-00045224 much in their presentations, but I'm gonna do it bHyYYGpwCN8-00136-00045224-00045418 now. I'm just gonna say a bunch of Chicago bHyYYGpwCN8-00137-00045418-00045756 stuff to, like, connect with all of you. Like, bHyYYGpwCN8-00138-00045756-00046193 the Bears. Da Bulls. Mike Ditka. bHyYYGpwCN8-00139-00046193-00046433 So now we're all, now we're all connected on bHyYYGpwCN8-00140-00046433-00046959 Chicago, right? OK. Perfect. So, last year, I want bHyYYGpwCN8-00141-00046959-00047118 to talk a little bit about what I did bHyYYGpwCN8-00142-00047118-00047275 in my keynote last year and then we're gonna bHyYYGpwCN8-00143-00047275-00047766 go into this year. Last year, I introduced my bHyYYGpwCN8-00144-00047766-00048466 consulting company. Here it is. Drr drrr drrrr, drrr bHyYYGpwCN8-00145-00048534-00048908 drrrrr. Bum bum bum. bHyYYGpwCN8-00146-00048908-00049299 So, there. This is my consulting company, Adequate. Adequate bHyYYGpwCN8-00147-00049299-00049674 Industries. I, you know, I did the same joke bHyYYGpwCN8-00148-00049674-00049878 last year, but I figured this would be good bHyYYGpwCN8-00149-00049878-00050578 enough. Like. It should work. bHyYYGpwCN8-00150-00050687-00051013 Figured that would be adequate. bHyYYGpwCN8-00151-00051013-00051415 Anyway, I also dropped a lot of F-bombs. It bHyYYGpwCN8-00152-00051415-00051658 was pretty sweet. bHyYYGpwCN8-00153-00051658-00052070 I also got into a really awkward situation. So, bHyYYGpwCN8-00154-00052070-00052435 before my keynote last year, like, I always, before bHyYYGpwCN8-00155-00052435-00052679 I give a talk, I always do one thing. bHyYYGpwCN8-00156-00052679-00052997 This one weird trick that I do. Which is, bHyYYGpwCN8-00157-00052997-00053194 I go to the bathroom before I give a bHyYYGpwCN8-00158-00053194-00053562 talk. And unfortunately I was very, very nervous, and bHyYYGpwCN8-00159-00053562-00053913 I went into the women's bathroom. But there was bHyYYGpwCN8-00160-00053913-00054129 nobody in there so I didn't know. I was bHyYYGpwCN8-00161-00054129-00054310 like, wow, there's a lot of stalls in here. bHyYYGpwCN8-00162-00054310-00054641 That's OK, I need to use a stall anyway. bHyYYGpwCN8-00163-00054641-00054828 All right! bHyYYGpwCN8-00164-00054828-00055054 Use the stall, come out, and then I'm like, bHyYYGpwCN8-00165-00055054-00055390 OK, there is a, there is a women janitor. bHyYYGpwCN8-00166-00055390-00055699 I'm OK with that. I am, you know, I'm bHyYYGpwCN8-00167-00055699-00055903 a progressive person. It's fine. I don't mind if bHyYYGpwCN8-00168-00055903-00056099 there's a woman in the bathroom. And then I bHyYYGpwCN8-00169-00056099-00056357 see that there's another woman washing her hands, and bHyYYGpwCN8-00170-00056357-00056597 then I'm like. Oh shit. bHyYYGpwCN8-00171-00056597-00057192 And the janitor's like get out of here, and bHyYYGpwCN8-00172-00057192-00057426 I'm like, ahh! And, of course, the only thing bHyYYGpwCN8-00173-00057426-00057735 running through my head is like, do I wash bHyYYGpwCN8-00174-00057735-00058171 my hands? Do I wash my hands? Like. bHyYYGpwCN8-00175-00058171-00058351 Anyway, last time, so last time I was in bHyYYGpwCN8-00176-00058351-00058584 Chicago was about ten years ago. This was before bHyYYGpwCN8-00177-00058584-00058879 I had an iPhone or anything. And this, so bHyYYGpwCN8-00178-00058879-00059251 this story is rated PG-13. So, like, I know bHyYYGpwCN8-00179-00059251-00059445 we're not, we're not in Prime Time yet, it's bHyYYGpwCN8-00180-00059445-00059932 only like, 4:30, so hopefully you'll forgive me. bHyYYGpwCN8-00181-00059932-00060241 Last time I was here, I accidentally went to, bHyYYGpwCN8-00182-00060241-00060489 well, not accidentally. I guess it was accidentally. I bHyYYGpwCN8-00183-00060489-00060804 ended up at a party at Cynthia Plaster Caster's bHyYYGpwCN8-00184-00060804-00061255 house. OK, I see, not, none of you know bHyYYGpwCN8-00185-00061255-00061459 who this is. If you Google her, like, only bHyYYGpwCN8-00186-00061459-00061904 click on the Wikipedia link. Please. Like. That's the bHyYYGpwCN8-00187-00061904-00062038 only one you want to click on. bHyYYGpwCN8-00188-00062038-00062232 So my friends, I, I was staying with some bHyYYGpwCN8-00189-00062232-00062427 friends, and they're like, hey Aaron, let's, we're gonna bHyYYGpwCN8-00190-00062427-00062572 go, let's go to a party. We're gonna go bHyYYGpwCN8-00191-00062572-00062776 to a party at Cynthia Plaster Caster's house, and bHyYYGpwCN8-00192-00062776-00063080 I was like, that sounds great. I'm, I'm hip. bHyYYGpwCN8-00193-00063080-00063399 I know artists. People who like to do things bHyYYGpwCN8-00194-00063399-00063567 with plaster. That's cool. bHyYYGpwCN8-00195-00063567-00063796 So, I didn't. Like, I didn't want to seem bHyYYGpwCN8-00196-00063796-00064242 uncool, so I didn't ask who this person was. bHyYYGpwCN8-00197-00064242-00064440 And we went to, we went to this party. bHyYYGpwCN8-00198-00064440-00064620 Went to the party. And it turns out that bHyYYGpwCN8-00199-00064620-00064965 Cynthia Plaster Caster is famous for, in the 70s bHyYYGpwCN8-00200-00064965-00065408 and 80s, making plaster casts of rock stars' penises. bHyYYGpwCN8-00201-00065408-00065749 And I did not know this in advanced. bHyYYGpwCN8-00202-00065749-00065869 So we go to this, we go to this bHyYYGpwCN8-00203-00065869-00066228 party, and at the time, a, a, an adult bHyYYGpwCN8-00204-00066228-00066460 video had just come out with Jimmy Hendricks in bHyYYGpwCN8-00205-00066460-00066693 it, but, allegedly Jimmy Hendricks. And they weren't sure bHyYYGpwCN8-00206-00066693-00066953 whether or not it was him. So she was bHyYYGpwCN8-00207-00066953-00067234 called in as an expert witness. bHyYYGpwCN8-00208-00067234-00067543 And, so she's there, and they had just come bHyYYGpwCN8-00209-00067543-00067736 out with the DVD, with her being the expert bHyYYGpwCN8-00210-00067736-00067889 witness, you know, and she, like, puts in the bHyYYGpwCN8-00211-00067889-00068306 DVD, and we're like, watching it. And I'm like, bHyYYGpwCN8-00212-00068306-00068600 what is going on? She's on the DVD, she's bHyYYGpwCN8-00213-00068600-00068976 like, yes, you see here and here. That's, that's bHyYYGpwCN8-00214-00068976-00069199 him. That's definitely him. And I lean over to bHyYYGpwCN8-00215-00069199-00069498 my friend and I'm like, who is this person? bHyYYGpwCN8-00216-00069498-00069657 Why are we here? bHyYYGpwCN8-00217-00069657-00069812 And so then she explains it to me and bHyYYGpwCN8-00218-00069812-00070187 I'm like, oh, I see. So it was incredibly bHyYYGpwCN8-00219-00070187-00070566 awkward and, like, the most, the most interesting part bHyYYGpwCN8-00220-00070566-00070672 of it to me was that there was a bHyYYGpwCN8-00221-00070672-00070904 guy there dressed in a hot dog costume, which bHyYYGpwCN8-00222-00070904-00071226 seemed most appropriate for the place where we were. bHyYYGpwCN8-00223-00071226-00071536 Anyway, so that was my last, my last encounter bHyYYGpwCN8-00224-00071536-00071794 in, in Chicago. And the moral of the story bHyYYGpwCN8-00225-00071794-00072140 is, like, if you don't know something, you shouldn't bHyYYGpwCN8-00226-00072140-00072426 be embarrassed to ask about it, because down the bHyYYGpwCN8-00227-00072426-00072868 line it could be potentially even more embarrassing. Anyway. bHyYYGpwCN8-00228-00072868-00073275 So, Rails is ten years old. And that's really bHyYYGpwCN8-00229-00073275-00073516 exciting. I was thinking about, like, OK, so Rails bHyYYGpwCN8-00230-00073516-00073718 is ten years old. What did I look like bHyYYGpwCN8-00231-00073718-00073974 when I was ten years old? And so I bHyYYGpwCN8-00232-00073974-00074140 decided to dress like that today. And that is bHyYYGpwCN8-00233-00074140-00074521 why, that is why I am dressed like this. bHyYYGpwCN8-00234-00074521-00074738 So, this is what, about what I looked like bHyYYGpwCN8-00235-00074738-00074882 when I was ten years old. Maybe twelve or bHyYYGpwCN8-00236-00074882-00075110 so. I'm not sure. Like, around in that ballpark. bHyYYGpwCN8-00237-00075110-00075344 And I know you, you probably can't see the bHyYYGpwCN8-00238-00075344-00075535 back of my t-shirt. I'll turn around here. It's bHyYYGpwCN8-00239-00075535-00075737 probably hard to read. But what it says is bHyYYGpwCN8-00240-00075737-00076066 this. It looks like this. It says, it says, bHyYYGpwCN8-00241-00076066-00076324 if you can't surf with the big dogs, stay bHyYYGpwCN8-00242-00076324-00076763 off the net. bHyYYGpwCN8-00243-00076763-00077040 And I love it. It's like, that's a dog bHyYYGpwCN8-00244-00077040-00077334 zooming, surfing by. It's like the literally interpretation of bHyYYGpwCN8-00245-00077334-00077596 the internet. And you know in the early 90s, bHyYYGpwCN8-00246-00077596-00077817 like, this is how most people thought the internet bHyYYGpwCN8-00247-00077817-00078136 worked. It was like these, these things going around bHyYYGpwCN8-00248-00078136-00078337 the globe with like, bubbles and stuff and there's bHyYYGpwCN8-00249-00078337-00078722 a dog flying by. And I'm just thinking to bHyYYGpwCN8-00250-00078722-00079011 myself, like, yeah, there's some guy sitting there clicking bHyYYGpwCN8-00251-00079011-00079357 his mouse, like, yeah. If you can't surf with bHyYYGpwCN8-00252-00079357-00079805 the big dogs you gotta get off the net. bHyYYGpwCN8-00253-00079805-00079897 Just kills me. bHyYYGpwCN8-00254-00079897-00080089 Anyway, so I think we, I think we've made bHyYYGpwCN8-00255-00080089-00080321 a lot of progress since then, because basically what bHyYYGpwCN8-00256-00080321-00080591 dogs look like on the internet now is this. bHyYYGpwCN8-00257-00080591-00080888 Like. I mean, this is surfing with the big bHyYYGpwCN8-00258-00080888-00081133 dogs right here. bHyYYGpwCN8-00259-00081133-00081670 Anyway. So ten years ago, ten years ago, like, bHyYYGpwCN8-00260-00081670-00082072 Rails, the Rails community started solving incredibly hard computer bHyYYGpwCN8-00261-00082072-00082405 science problems. So, ten years ago, we were able bHyYYGpwCN8-00262-00082405-00082833 to solve the problem of naming. Check. It's solved. bHyYYGpwCN8-00263-00082833-00083185 Say Rails generate new model or whatever. And we bHyYYGpwCN8-00264-00083185-00083641 got the names down. You use plural. Super exciting. bHyYYGpwCN8-00265-00083641-00083934 Last year, last year during DHH's keynote, it was bHyYYGpwCN8-00266-00083934-00084299 very exciting. Incredibly exciting. We solved caching. Boom. Russian bHyYYGpwCN8-00267-00084299-00084611 doll caching. Throw it in there. Don't worry about bHyYYGpwCN8-00268-00084611-00084719 it at all. bHyYYGpwCN8-00269-00084719-00084987 Also, in the last, in the previous year, like, bHyYYGpwCN8-00270-00084987-00085423 another insanely hard computer science problem solved was dependencies. bHyYYGpwCN8-00271-00085423-00085617 We solved that. In fact, I have a quote bHyYYGpwCN8-00272-00085617-00085693 about it here. bHyYYGpwCN8-00273-00085693-00086001 "The genius behind MPM is that it solves dependencies, bHyYYGpwCN8-00274-00086001-00086295 a long-time problem in computer science." bHyYYGpwCN8-00275-00086295-00086489 Boom. Solved. bHyYYGpwCN8-00276-00086489-00086934 Unfortunately, that was with MPM, so I just have bHyYYGpwCN8-00277-00086934-00087072 one thing to say. It's like, get your act bHyYYGpwCN8-00278-00087072-00087337 together, RubyGems. What is the deal? Why have we bHyYYGpwCN8-00279-00087337-00087624 not solved dependencies yet? bHyYYGpwCN8-00280-00087624-00087795 So this got me thinking, like, what's left in bHyYYGpwCN8-00281-00087795-00088157 computer science, right? I mean, we're doing, we're doing, bHyYYGpwCN8-00282-00088157-00088451 like, ground-breaking work here on the Rails core team. bHyYYGpwCN8-00283-00088451-00088728 It's, it's amazing. There's one thing left. bHyYYGpwCN8-00284-00088728-00089034 P equals NP. And you know what? I'm gonna bHyYYGpwCN8-00285-00089034-00089312 solve this one for you, on stage, tonight. I bHyYYGpwCN8-00286-00089312-00089468 don't even know why, I don't even know why bHyYYGpwCN8-00287-00089468-00089578 this is so hard. bHyYYGpwCN8-00288-00089578-00089732 You just divide both sides by P. bHyYYGpwCN8-00289-00089732-00090432 Done. We're done. Yeah! bHyYYGpwCN8-00290-00091001-00091132 I think we're done here. We can all go bHyYYGpwCN8-00291-00091132-00091307 home now. bHyYYGpwCN8-00292-00091307-00091605 Anyway, so this is my, this is my anti-keynote. bHyYYGpwCN8-00293-00091605-00092011 DHH opened. He gave the keynote. I am closing. bHyYYGpwCN8-00294-00092011-00092212 I will give the anti-keynote. Tonight we are going bHyYYGpwCN8-00295-00092212-00092843 to talk about coverage, speed, metrics, and hard effing bHyYYGpwCN8-00296-00092843-00093095 science. bHyYYGpwCN8-00297-00093095-00093659 So. So things I've learned at RailsConf. Yehuda taught bHyYYGpwCN8-00298-00093659-00093907 me that it is nearly five PM on a bHyYYGpwCN8-00299-00093907-00094203 Friday at the end of a very long conference, bHyYYGpwCN8-00300-00094203-00094498 so your batteries are, your cognitive batteries are probably bHyYYGpwCN8-00301-00094498-00095167 very low, which means that I am your default. bHyYYGpwCN8-00302-00095167-00095433 It means that you need to listen to me. bHyYYGpwCN8-00303-00095433-00096133 Science is good. TDD is great. Baratunde taught me bHyYYGpwCN8-00304-00096822-00097327 that I am white. I did not. Didn't realize bHyYYGpwCN8-00305-00097327-00097731 that until the other day. bHyYYGpwCN8-00306-00097731-00097902 Farrah taught me that I need to code hard bHyYYGpwCN8-00307-00097902-00098300 and code fast, so tonight I'm gonna troll fast bHyYYGpwCN8-00308-00098300-00098520 and troll furious. bHyYYGpwCN8-00309-00098520-00099220 So, DHH. DHH's presentation gave me a really awesome bHyYYGpwCN8-00310-00099356-00099788 workout for my eye muscles. You can see from bHyYYGpwCN8-00311-00099788-00100035 this diagram right here, this is the eye roll bHyYYGpwCN8-00312-00100035-00100735 muscle. I'm not. Had a lot of exercise back bHyYYGpwCN8-00313-00100860-00100940 there. bHyYYGpwCN8-00314-00100940-00101100 Super strong. bHyYYGpwCN8-00315-00101100-00101617 So, I'm like, OK, ah, man, we got this bHyYYGpwCN8-00316-00101617-00101819 person with a birth year on it. How do bHyYYGpwCN8-00317-00101819-00102015 we test this? Well, obviously we have to pass bHyYYGpwCN8-00318-00102015-00102373 in today. We modify the, we modify our API, bHyYYGpwCN8-00319-00102373-00102552 pass in today. And then we can test it, bHyYYGpwCN8-00320-00102552-00102781 and I just have to say one thing. Stop! bHyYYGpwCN8-00321-00102781-00103074 This is, this is not how you test it. bHyYYGpwCN8-00322-00103074-00103442 This is not dependency injection. I, like. So, let bHyYYGpwCN8-00323-00103442-00103578 me, let me show you the way I would bHyYYGpwCN8-00324-00103578-00103738 test this. The way I would test this is bHyYYGpwCN8-00325-00103738-00104060 I would use the API that we already have. bHyYYGpwCN8-00326-00104060-00104254 Your person has a constructor. You can give it bHyYYGpwCN8-00327-00104254-00104470 a birth year. So pass in the current year bHyYYGpwCN8-00328-00104470-00104658 and then test whether or not the current, birth bHyYYGpwCN8-00329-00104658-00104874 year is equal to that, and whether or not, bHyYYGpwCN8-00330-00104874-00105100 you know, then refute it as well. bHyYYGpwCN8-00331-00105100-00105286 What's really cool about this, what I think is bHyYYGpwCN8-00332-00105286-00105565 really, really awesome, is that there's now new API bHyYYGpwCN8-00333-00105565-00106183 necessary. Wow. Amazing. Constructors are pretty cool, I think. bHyYYGpwCN8-00334-00106183-00106433 I like constructors a lot. But the lesson from bHyYYGpwCN8-00335-00106433-00106674 this is that you need to make construction easy. bHyYYGpwCN8-00336-00106674-00106923 If you make construction of your objects easy than bHyYYGpwCN8-00337-00106923-00107058 they should be easier to test. bHyYYGpwCN8-00338-00107058-00107397 So, OK, we did, there was some trolling. I bHyYYGpwCN8-00339-00107397-00107526 want to start out, I want to start out bHyYYGpwCN8-00340-00107526-00107867 with my controversial opinions. These are my only, well bHyYYGpwCN8-00341-00107867-00108119 no. I'm gonna give you some controversial opinions now, bHyYYGpwCN8-00342-00108119-00108275 and then some at the end of the talk. bHyYYGpwCN8-00343-00108275-00108530 So I'm gonna start out with controversial opinions. bHyYYGpwCN8-00344-00108530-00108854 I am a software engineer. I am not a bHyYYGpwCN8-00345-00108854-00109409 software writer. I am sorry. I imagine, when I bHyYYGpwCN8-00346-00109409-00109698 hear, when I hear software writer, I imagine somebody bHyYYGpwCN8-00347-00109698-00110088 sitting in their villa in France at a winery. bHyYYGpwCN8-00348-00110088-00110473 Oh, look at how that brace lines up with bHyYYGpwCN8-00349-00110473-00110914 this other brace. It's beautiful. bHyYYGpwCN8-00350-00110914-00111290 So amazing. Look at how those methods are indented bHyYYGpwCN8-00351-00111290-00111990 just one underneath private. Oh, it's so readable. What bHyYYGpwCN8-00352-00112179-00112422 kills me about this is that beauty is in bHyYYGpwCN8-00353-00112422-00112686 the eye of the beholder. Like, if you, for bHyYYGpwCN8-00354-00112686-00112986 example, look at this ridiculous outfit I'm wearing. In bHyYYGpwCN8-00355-00112986-00113686 the 90s, this would have been acceptable. bHyYYGpwCN8-00356-00113734-00113973 Science is important. I can't believe I had to bHyYYGpwCN8-00357-00113973-00114578 say this. So, you may not have to be bHyYYGpwCN8-00358-00114578-00114948 a computer science, scientist to be a web developer, bHyYYGpwCN8-00359-00114948-00115173 but having some sort of scientific background might be bHyYYGpwCN8-00360-00115173-00115726 important for things like making money. Like, I mean, bHyYYGpwCN8-00361-00115726-00115954 sure any of us can sling out some html, bHyYYGpwCN8-00362-00115954-00116140 but can you make money with that? You need bHyYYGpwCN8-00363-00116140-00116444 to be able to measure things. Like, for example, bHyYYGpwCN8-00364-00116444-00116927 A/B testing. There is math. Money. More math. bHyYYGpwCN8-00365-00116927-00117271 I, it just. Anyway, yes. Science is important. To bHyYYGpwCN8-00366-00117271-00117473 me. bHyYYGpwCN8-00367-00117473-00117709 So I want to talk about mutable state. I bHyYYGpwCN8-00368-00117709-00117843 think I said in the title I was gonna bHyYYGpwCN8-00369-00117843-00118039 talk about mutable states, so I'm gonna do that. bHyYYGpwCN8-00370-00118039-00118139 I promised I would. bHyYYGpwCN8-00371-00118139-00118516 A. Matz sort of said in his talk, Rails bHyYYGpwCN8-00372-00118516-00118804 has many bugs. So we're gonna look at some, bHyYYGpwCN8-00373-00118804-00118944 we're gonna look at some bugs. These are my bHyYYGpwCN8-00374-00118944-00119380 favorite bugs recently. And I've actually, I've found two bHyYYGpwCN8-00375-00119380-00119598 of the three bugs we're gonna look at. And bHyYYGpwCN8-00376-00119598-00119894 all of these, all of these bugs have to bHyYYGpwCN8-00377-00119894-00120100 do with mutable state in one way or another, bHyYYGpwCN8-00378-00120100-00120252 and we're gonna see how. bHyYYGpwCN8-00379-00120252-00120709 The first one is inconsistent return values. Typically, I bHyYYGpwCN8-00380-00120709-00120971 assume that if I call a particular function twice, bHyYYGpwCN8-00381-00120971-00121195 it will return the same thing. I know this bHyYYGpwCN8-00382-00121195-00121619 is probably silly in Rails. SO I think that bHyYYGpwCN8-00383-00121619-00121863 those two, those two methods should return the same bHyYYGpwCN8-00384-00121863-00122008 thing. If you call that once, and this literally bHyYYGpwCN8-00385-00122008-00122199 happens today in your Rails code. If you do bHyYYGpwCN8-00386-00122199-00122391 these two particular lines of code, the first time bHyYYGpwCN8-00387-00122391-00122598 it'll return false and the second time it'll return bHyYYGpwCN8-00388-00122598-00122626 true. bHyYYGpwCN8-00389-00122626-00122839 And when I look at this, I, I feel bHyYYGpwCN8-00390-00122839-00123090 like this. I feel like I'm Bill Dance with bHyYYGpwCN8-00391-00123090-00123790 a dog going. Let me just watch that gif. bHyYYGpwCN8-00392-00124085-00124242 I love the dive. bHyYYGpwCN8-00393-00124242-00124554 Anyway. This, there's another problem with this too. It bHyYYGpwCN8-00394-00124554-00124717 also has a memory leak in it. Look at bHyYYGpwCN8-00395-00124717-00124923 that. So we actually, these are action control parameters. bHyYYGpwCN8-00396-00124923-00125150 This is the params thing that's in your controller. bHyYYGpwCN8-00397-00125150-00125326 That hash that you deal with in the controller. bHyYYGpwCN8-00398-00125326-00125514 There is a memory leak and if you do bHyYYGpwCN8-00399-00125514-00125748 this, if you do this particular code. Like, if bHyYYGpwCN8-00400-00125748-00125933 you write this, if you fetch a value and bHyYYGpwCN8-00401-00125933-00126117 then delete it and then assign a new one, bHyYYGpwCN8-00402-00126117-00126375 you'll get a memory leak and it'll look like bHyYYGpwCN8-00403-00126375-00126417 that. bHyYYGpwCN8-00404-00126417-00126690 So if you run that program, it'll just go bHyYYGpwCN8-00405-00126690-00127126 infinitely. And the reason is because we're doing a bHyYYGpwCN8-00406-00127126-00127374 conversion on the stuff that we pull out when bHyYYGpwCN8-00407-00127374-00127690 you do fetch. And that conversion gets shoved into bHyYYGpwCN8-00408-00127690-00128134 an array. And unfortunately, this parameter's hash, it allows bHyYYGpwCN8-00409-00128134-00128391 you to delete things from it. But when you bHyYYGpwCN8-00410-00128391-00128679 delete stuff from it, this internal array thing is bHyYYGpwCN8-00411-00128679-00128967 not updated. So it deletes from the hash but bHyYYGpwCN8-00412-00128967-00129261 doesn't delete from this other converted array value. And bHyYYGpwCN8-00413-00129261-00129716 this is something that was missed because the parameters bHyYYGpwCN8-00414-00129716-00130154 hash inherits from a hash with a different access, bHyYYGpwCN8-00415-00130154-00130424 and hash with a different access inherits from hash, bHyYYGpwCN8-00416-00130424-00130683 and hash implements a whole bunch of methods that bHyYYGpwCN8-00417-00130683-00130917 maybe you didn't think about. bHyYYGpwCN8-00418-00130917-00131212 For example, delete. bHyYYGpwCN8-00419-00131212-00131558 So, when you, when you inherit from something like bHyYYGpwCN8-00420-00131558-00131787 hash, you have to think about all these different bHyYYGpwCN8-00421-00131787-00132102 ways can, can interface with your code. And it's bHyYYGpwCN8-00422-00132102-00132342 similar to this. You're like, ah, oh, they, they bHyYYGpwCN8-00423-00132342-00132638 might call delete. They might update. They might replace. bHyYYGpwCN8-00424-00132638-00132804 What do we do about that? bHyYYGpwCN8-00425-00132804-00133086 So, this is one thing that is, I do bHyYYGpwCN8-00426-00133086-00133301 not like. It is not very fun, and I bHyYYGpwCN8-00427-00133301-00133536 mean, you can tell this is not done with bHyYYGpwCN8-00428-00133536-00133888 TDD, possibly. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. It bHyYYGpwCN8-00429-00133888-00133994 probably totally was. bHyYYGpwCN8-00430-00133994-00134300 So, another, another example here is an inconsistent return bHyYYGpwCN8-00431-00134300-00134551 value. So the first time we call size on bHyYYGpwCN8-00432-00134551-00134814 this one, on this relation, it'll return a hash. bHyYYGpwCN8-00433-00134814-00135036 And the second time, if you call to_a on bHyYYGpwCN8-00434-00135036-00135287 it, the second time it'll return a one. So bHyYYGpwCN8-00435-00135287-00135549 I, I would expect that both of these return bHyYYGpwCN8-00436-00135549-00135850 a hash or return a one. But they don't. bHyYYGpwCN8-00437-00135850-00136161 And the cause if because we have a mutated bHyYYGpwCN8-00438-00136161-00136411 state inside of the relation object, which is, if, bHyYYGpwCN8-00439-00136411-00136587 when we load the records from the database, we bHyYYGpwCN8-00440-00136587-00136792 shove that into an instance variable so that if bHyYYGpwCN8-00441-00136792-00136972 you try to reload them again, we don't actually bHyYYGpwCN8-00442-00136972-00137112 go hit the database. bHyYYGpwCN8-00443-00137112-00137417 So, if it's loaded, then we'll return the length bHyYYGpwCN8-00444-00137417-00137685 of the records that are in there, and if bHyYYGpwCN8-00445-00137685-00137917 it's not loaded then we'll actually do an, we'll bHyYYGpwCN8-00446-00137917-00138263 do a count on that. I'm not totally sure bHyYYGpwCN8-00447-00138263-00138492 how to fix that. These first two problems, I'm bHyYYGpwCN8-00448-00138492-00138673 not sure how to fix. I feel like, like bHyYYGpwCN8-00449-00138673-00138737 this one. bHyYYGpwCN8-00450-00138737-00139022 Another Bill Dance. Ah! I should probably tell you, bHyYYGpwCN8-00451-00139022-00139457 whenever we find issues like this, or mistakes, we bHyYYGpwCN8-00452-00139457-00139641 take one of these gifs and put them into bHyYYGpwCN8-00453-00139641-00139866 camp fire, which is why I own this hat. bHyYYGpwCN8-00454-00139866-00140146 I feel like I am screwing up all the bHyYYGpwCN8-00455-00140146-00140467 time, because it's probably my fault. bHyYYGpwCN8-00456-00140467-00140603 The next one we're gonna look at I like bHyYYGpwCN8-00457-00140603-00140908 to call wtf SQL. This one is courtesy of bHyYYGpwCN8-00458-00140908-00141380 @ilenecodes. She did not call it wtf SQL. That's bHyYYGpwCN8-00459-00141380-00141629 my name. bHyYYGpwCN8-00460-00141629-00141802 You can see her speak at Ruby Nation and bHyYYGpwCN8-00461-00141802-00142036 I highly encourage you to do so. Actually I bHyYYGpwCN8-00462-00142036-00142265 saw her present this, I saw her present this bHyYYGpwCN8-00463-00142265-00142475 bug at Mountain West Ruby Conference. She was giving bHyYYGpwCN8-00464-00142475-00142774 a talk on ActiveRecord stuff, like internals, and she's bHyYYGpwCN8-00465-00142774-00142919 going through all this stuff and she's like, if bHyYYGpwCN8-00466-00142919-00143290 you call it in this certain way, then it's bHyYYGpwCN8-00467-00143290-00143659 incredibly inefficient. Like, it does this weird stuff and bHyYYGpwCN8-00468-00143659-00143950 it's incredibly inefficient, and of course during Q&A I bHyYYGpwCN8-00469-00143950-00144584 was like, why don't they fix that? bHyYYGpwCN8-00470-00144584-00144974 And then I was like, oh, they is me. bHyYYGpwCN8-00471-00144974-00145242 OK. Anyway. So let's look at, let's look at bHyYYGpwCN8-00472-00145242-00145437 the bugs. So, we have a, we have a bHyYYGpwCN8-00473-00145437-00145654 object here. Like, this is just using pictures. We bHyYYGpwCN8-00474-00145654-00145995 have an author. The author is David. We create bHyYYGpwCN8-00475-00145995-00146211 a whole bunch of posts for it and then bHyYYGpwCN8-00476-00146211-00146441 call delete all. If we think about what the bHyYYGpwCN8-00477-00146441-00146614 SQL is for that, we would expect that it's, bHyYYGpwCN8-00478-00146614-00146969 like, OK, delete all from posts where the id bHyYYGpwCN8-00479-00146969-00147210 is whatever, and if you execute this, yes. That's bHyYYGpwCN8-00480-00147210-00147327 what happen. bHyYYGpwCN8-00481-00147327-00147617 Delete all from posts where author id equals one. bHyYYGpwCN8-00482-00147617-00147892 OK. Now, let's say you're messing around with this bHyYYGpwCN8-00483-00147892-00148298 thing in IRB. You say, OK, David dot posts, bHyYYGpwCN8-00484-00148298-00148469 and you inspect the return value of it. So bHyYYGpwCN8-00485-00148469-00148955 this, this test is simulating that. We're calling inspect bHyYYGpwCN8-00486-00148955-00149177 on that, because that's what IRB does to any bHyYYGpwCN8-00487-00149177-00149429 return value. It calls inspect and then shows you bHyYYGpwCN8-00488-00149429-00149559 the text below it. bHyYYGpwCN8-00489-00149559-00149684 So what do you think the SQL would be bHyYYGpwCN8-00490-00149684-00149861 for this? bHyYYGpwCN8-00491-00149861-00150105 If you thought it was the previous one, you bHyYYGpwCN8-00492-00150105-00150338 are wrong. Otherwise I wouldn't be showing this to bHyYYGpwCN8-00493-00150338-00150591 you. This, this is what the SQL looks like. bHyYYGpwCN8-00494-00150591-00151291 A giant IN statement. So yes. This is definitely bHyYYGpwCN8-00495-00151324-00151619 inefficient compared to the other one. Anyway, the cause bHyYYGpwCN8-00496-00151619-00151804 of this is exactly the same as the cause bHyYYGpwCN8-00497-00151804-00152040 of the previous one. We had state saved. We bHyYYGpwCN8-00498-00152040-00152280 said, OK, if this is loaded then we do bHyYYGpwCN8-00499-00152280-00152579 a different thing versus if it's not loaded. So bHyYYGpwCN8-00500-00152579-00152727 we're like, OK, if it's loaded then we're gonna bHyYYGpwCN8-00501-00152727-00152907 do a delete with an IN, otherwise we're just bHyYYGpwCN8-00502-00152907-00153186 gonna delete all the records, when actually we just bHyYYGpwCN8-00503-00153186-00153380 wanted to do a delete without the IN. bHyYYGpwCN8-00504-00153380-00153664 So, this is my, my next Bill Dance gif bHyYYGpwCN8-00505-00153664-00154364 that. Ah, I love this one. So the lesson bHyYYGpwCN8-00506-00155034-00155205 that I hope you all to take from this bHyYYGpwCN8-00507-00155205-00155695 is avoid subclassing built-in classes. They probably implement stuff bHyYYGpwCN8-00508-00155695-00156005 that you're not expecting. They're probably implementing an API bHyYYGpwCN8-00509-00156005-00156292 that you may not need or may not want. bHyYYGpwCN8-00510-00156292-00156520 You should be conservative about the API that you bHyYYGpwCN8-00511-00156520-00156884 implement. It's much easier to add a method than bHyYYGpwCN8-00512-00156884-00157009 it is to take one away. bHyYYGpwCN8-00513-00157009-00157217 If you take one away, you need to deprecate bHyYYGpwCN8-00514-00157217-00157320 it, and there's a lot more work. It's a bHyYYGpwCN8-00515-00157320-00157722 lot easier to introduce something new. The other thing bHyYYGpwCN8-00516-00157722-00158039 is that you should be extremely careful with mutations. bHyYYGpwCN8-00517-00158039-00158232 I'm not saying, like, don't mutate stuff, I'm just bHyYYGpwCN8-00518-00158232-00158498 saying be very careful about it. If you keep bHyYYGpwCN8-00519-00158498-00158825 a small API, then it's much easier to be bHyYYGpwCN8-00520-00158825-00159011 careful with your mutations. bHyYYGpwCN8-00521-00159011-00159345 So you might be asking yourself, Aaron. You find bHyYYGpwCN8-00522-00159345-00159561 all these bugs in the Rails and there's all bHyYYGpwCN8-00523-00159561-00159682 these bugs, why would you want to work on bHyYYGpwCN8-00524-00159682-00160004 this piece of code. And I'll tell you, the bHyYYGpwCN8-00525-00160004-00160264 reason I like working on Rails, the reason I bHyYYGpwCN8-00526-00160264-00160467 love being on the Rails core team is actually bHyYYGpwCN8-00527-00160467-00160846 because I love Ruby. bHyYYGpwCN8-00528-00160846-00161340 Is that weird? I just Googled for heart images. bHyYYGpwCN8-00529-00161340-00161995 I don't know if that's, like. Anyway. The reason bHyYYGpwCN8-00530-00161995-00162259 I love working on Rails is because Rails is bHyYYGpwCN8-00531-00162259-00162594 what gave me a job as a Ruby programmer. bHyYYGpwCN8-00532-00162594-00162911 So I want Rails to give everybody jobs. I bHyYYGpwCN8-00533-00162911-00163042 want to be able, I want everybody to be bHyYYGpwCN8-00534-00163042-00163188 able to work in Ruby on a day to bHyYYGpwCN8-00535-00163188-00163435 day basis. So it's really important to me to bHyYYGpwCN8-00536-00163435-00163654 make Rails a better place so that companies will bHyYYGpwCN8-00537-00163654-00163850 continue to adopt it and that people will be bHyYYGpwCN8-00538-00163850-00164278 able to have jobs and get paid using Ruby. bHyYYGpwCN8-00539-00164278-00164459 So the next portion of the presentation I want bHyYYGpwCN8-00540-00164459-00164636 to talk about is AdequateRecord. bHyYYGpwCN8-00541-00164636-00165111 This is a thing that I've been working on. bHyYYGpwCN8-00542-00165111-00165596 It's from Adequate Industries. So, what is, what is bHyYYGpwCN8-00543-00165596-00165946 AdequateRecord? AdequateRecord is a fork of ActiveRecord with some bHyYYGpwCN8-00544-00165946-00166169 performance improvements put on top of it, and I bHyYYGpwCN8-00545-00166169-00166473 want to talk about those performance improvements. But first bHyYYGpwCN8-00546-00166473-00166748 off, like, I gathered a whole bunch of quotes bHyYYGpwCN8-00547-00166748-00167100 about AdequateRecord. Like, what people are saying about it, bHyYYGpwCN8-00548-00167100-00167398 like, using it, using it on their applications and bHyYYGpwCN8-00549-00167398-00167522 how they find it. bHyYYGpwCN8-00550-00167522-00167696 So I want to share those quotes with you bHyYYGpwCN8-00551-00167696-00167899 just to, you know, so you know the quality bHyYYGpwCN8-00552-00167899-00168599 of the software. It's like ActiveRecord but more adequate. bHyYYGpwCN8-00553-00168647-00168929 I'm quoting myself. bHyYYGpwCN8-00554-00168929-00169317 That's how you know it's legit. It's all right, bHyYYGpwCN8-00555-00169317-00169805 but I've seen better. Thanks Jeremy. I appreciate that. bHyYYGpwCN8-00556-00169805-00170139 It was really good. Yehuda says, oh, it seems bHyYYGpwCN8-00557-00170139-00170732 to work. Josh Szmajda says, Sometimes good enough is bHyYYGpwCN8-00558-00170732-00170985 good enough. bHyYYGpwCN8-00559-00170985-00171180 I actually, I tried to get a quote from bHyYYGpwCN8-00560-00171180-00171661 Matz, and he just said, what? What is that? bHyYYGpwCN8-00561-00171661-00172080 So, why did I name it, like, why did bHyYYGpwCN8-00562-00172080-00172354 I actually name this library Adequate? I actually had bHyYYGpwCN8-00563-00172354-00172637 a motivation behind naming it AdequateRecord, and the reason bHyYYGpwCN8-00564-00172637-00173051 is humility. Like, I'm actually super tired of libraries bHyYYGpwCN8-00565-00173051-00173489 that are named, like, ActiveSomething and TerribleThis and all bHyYYGpwCN8-00566-00173489-00173764 that, like. Why? Why do we have to have bHyYYGpwCN8-00567-00173764-00174073 things that are named, like, super awesome whatever software? bHyYYGpwCN8-00568-00174073-00174229 Like I, I just want to know what your bHyYYGpwCN8-00569-00174229-00174515 software does. I don't care how awesome it is. bHyYYGpwCN8-00570-00174515-00174829 I just want something that works. bHyYYGpwCN8-00571-00174829-00175196 So, that's why I named it AdequateRecord. It's also, bHyYYGpwCN8-00572-00175196-00175548 it's another thing, like, I think it's an anti-marketing bHyYYGpwCN8-00573-00175548-00175779 term. I feel like a lot of software is bHyYYGpwCN8-00574-00175779-00175936 trying to be sold to me, and it really bHyYYGpwCN8-00575-00175936-00176104 bugs me. I don't like it when people try bHyYYGpwCN8-00576-00176104-00176328 to sell stuff to me. It's kind of like, bHyYYGpwCN8-00577-00176328-00176729 I don't know, the new version of people coming bHyYYGpwCN8-00578-00176729-00176945 to your door and trying to sell you stuff. bHyYYGpwCN8-00579-00176945-00177137 I want people to buy the software based on bHyYYGpwCN8-00580-00177137-00177435 its merits, not based on, like, how cool the bHyYYGpwCN8-00581-00177435-00177648 name is or whatever. bHyYYGpwCN8-00582-00177648-00177948 So, why did I fork? bHyYYGpwCN8-00583-00177948-00178171 The reason I forked is that I don't actually bHyYYGpwCN8-00584-00178171-00178482 want new features. SO this is a dirty little bHyYYGpwCN8-00585-00178482-00178842 secret of mine. I don't actually want new features bHyYYGpwCN8-00586-00178842-00179247 in Rails. Yet. I think that Rails accomplishes, like, bHyYYGpwCN8-00587-00179247-00179548 90% of the stuff that we need to have, bHyYYGpwCN8-00588-00179548-00179782 make great web apps. And I'm afraid that if bHyYYGpwCN8-00589-00179782-00180008 we try to keep going that extra ten percent, bHyYYGpwCN8-00590-00180008-00180225 we're just gonna be adding cruft that nobody wants bHyYYGpwCN8-00591-00180225-00180498 to use, or it's just, increasing the complexity of bHyYYGpwCN8-00592-00180498-00180663 the code that's there. bHyYYGpwCN8-00593-00180663-00180907 It actually makes me incredibly paranoid when we, when bHyYYGpwCN8-00594-00180907-00181151 we add new features to Rails, because, you know, bHyYYGpwCN8-00595-00181151-00181300 a lot of people think, like, hey, there's a bHyYYGpwCN8-00596-00181300-00181596 new feature there. This is really awesome. I can bHyYYGpwCN8-00597-00181596-00181844 do these super magical things, and I look at bHyYYGpwCN8-00598-00181844-00182188 it, and I'm like. Oh man. How many years bHyYYGpwCN8-00599-00182188-00182607 of refactoring is that gonna cost me? bHyYYGpwCN8-00600-00182607-00182829 So let's talk about, let's talk about Adequate's history, bHyYYGpwCN8-00601-00182829-00182912 so I can give you a little bit of bHyYYGpwCN8-00602-00182912-00183176 background about why I have opinions like that. bHyYYGpwCN8-00603-00183176-00183375 I've actually been working on this project for about bHyYYGpwCN8-00604-00183375-00183849 three years. So I've been refactoring the Rails code bHyYYGpwCN8-00605-00183849-00184174 base with this particular optimization in mind, and I, bHyYYGpwCN8-00606-00184174-00184462 it's taken me three years of refactoring this legacy bHyYYGpwCN8-00607-00184462-00184599 code just to get to the point where I bHyYYGpwCN8-00608-00184599-00184921 could actually add this stuff. If you look at bHyYYGpwCN8-00609-00184921-00185101 my talks for the past three years, I've been bHyYYGpwCN8-00610-00185101-00185389 talking about this stuff in theory, like talking about, bHyYYGpwCN8-00611-00185389-00185725 talking about doing prepared statement caching, talking about doing bHyYYGpwCN8-00612-00185725-00185764 yack shaving. bHyYYGpwCN8-00613-00185764-00186037 All these things are actually just leading up to bHyYYGpwCN8-00614-00186037-00186329 this. So, I, I'm actually very glad to have bHyYYGpwCN8-00615-00186329-00186551 all of you here today, because this is probably, bHyYYGpwCN8-00616-00186551-00186820 to me, the most important talk that I've given. bHyYYGpwCN8-00617-00186820-00187079 Because I've spent so much time on this. I've bHyYYGpwCN8-00618-00187079-00187269 had this idea in my head for three years bHyYYGpwCN8-00619-00187269-00187533 now and I really want to talk about it. bHyYYGpwCN8-00620-00187533-00187658 Adequate. bHyYYGpwCN8-00621-00187658-00187953 So, in order to talk about this, we need bHyYYGpwCN8-00622-00187953-00188286 to talk about how ActiveRecord works. So I'm gonna bHyYYGpwCN8-00623-00188286-00188525 just show like a brief overview of how ActiveRecord bHyYYGpwCN8-00624-00188525-00188753 works, and then we'll talk about the performance improvements bHyYYGpwCN8-00625-00188753-00188887 of AdequateRecord. bHyYYGpwCN8-00626-00188887-00189000 This is what it looks like when you say bHyYYGpwCN8-00627-00189000-00189286 post dot find ten, we go through a process bHyYYGpwCN8-00628-00189286-00189500 that looks similar to this. When you say post bHyYYGpwCN8-00629-00189500-00189860 dot find, we create new ActiveRecord relation object. Those bHyYYGpwCN8-00630-00189860-00190255 ActiveRecord relation objects eventually get translated into aRel SQL bHyYYGpwCN8-00631-00190255-00190676 nodes, into a SQL AST. That AST is then bHyYYGpwCN8-00632-00190676-00191030 transformed completely into a string. Literally a string. That bHyYYGpwCN8-00633-00191030-00191290 string is sent to the database. The database returns bHyYYGpwCN8-00634-00191290-00191555 a bunch of records. Those records are turned into bHyYYGpwCN8-00635-00191555-00191814 ActiveRecord base objects and then sent back to you bHyYYGpwCN8-00636-00191814-00191967 wherever you called that. bHyYYGpwCN8-00637-00191967-00192202 So this is basically the high-level overview of what bHyYYGpwCN8-00638-00192202-00192547 happens with ActiveRecord. bHyYYGpwCN8-00639-00192547-00192722 So the chance, the first change that we had bHyYYGpwCN8-00640-00192722-00193016 to go through was bind parameter introduction, and I'm bHyYYGpwCN8-00641-00193016-00193262 gonna show you why we need to do that. bHyYYGpwCN8-00642-00193262-00193460 If you looked at the, if you looked at bHyYYGpwCN8-00643-00193460-00193692 the logs in Rails many years ago, you'd see bHyYYGpwCN8-00644-00193692-00193904 something that looks like this. If you did post bHyYYGpwCN8-00645-00193904-00194145 dot find one or find three, you'd see these bHyYYGpwCN8-00646-00194145-00194363 SQL statements in your, in your logs. bHyYYGpwCN8-00647-00194363-00194604 And you may notice about them, the only thing bHyYYGpwCN8-00648-00194604-00194992 that changes is that number. The rest of the bHyYYGpwCN8-00649-00194992-00195370 string is constant. it does not change. So what bHyYYGpwCN8-00650-00195370-00195528 we did now, if you look in later versions bHyYYGpwCN8-00651-00195528-00195673 of Rails, you'll start to see something in your bHyYYGpwCN8-00652-00195673-00195886 logs that looks like this. Select star from post bHyYYGpwCN8-00653-00195886-00196098 where id equals question mark. And then some square bHyYYGpwCN8-00654-00196098-00196377 brackets there saying ID comma one. bHyYYGpwCN8-00655-00196377-00196592 And what the idea here is that we're trying bHyYYGpwCN8-00656-00196592-00196941 to separate static and dynamic content. Those are ids bHyYYGpwCN8-00657-00196941-00197274 are the only dynamic thing in that string, right. bHyYYGpwCN8-00658-00197274-00197510 We want to be able to generate something that's bHyYYGpwCN8-00659-00197510-00197983 always the same. The Adequate theory is that, in bHyYYGpwCN8-00660-00197983-00198450 this, in this diagram, if everything that generates that bHyYYGpwCN8-00661-00198450-00198797 string always generates the same thing, we should be bHyYYGpwCN8-00662-00198797-00199050 able to cache it. If you say post dot bHyYYGpwCN8-00663-00199050-00199307 find and it goes through all this stuff and bHyYYGpwCN8-00664-00199307-00199558 it generates a SQL statement that's always the same, bHyYYGpwCN8-00665-00199558-00199799 we should be able to cache that computation. bHyYYGpwCN8-00666-00199799-00199971 It means that we can say, OK, let's just bHyYYGpwCN8-00667-00199971-00200212 cache that. Then the next time you call post bHyYYGpwCN8-00668-00200212-00200394 dot find, we don't have to generate the SQL bHyYYGpwCN8-00669-00200394-00200623 statement. It's already there. Because we don't have any bHyYYGpwCN8-00670-00200623-00200952 dynamic values embedded in it. So this was done bHyYYGpwCN8-00671-00200952-00201185 quite awhile ago. bHyYYGpwCN8-00672-00201185-00201402 The next thing that we needed to do is bHyYYGpwCN8-00673-00201402-00201944 decouple our code. Now, separating the dynamic, the static bHyYYGpwCN8-00674-00201944-00202232 and dynamic content sounds, like, easy enough, but it bHyYYGpwCN8-00675-00202232-00202554 actually is not because it is embedded deep within bHyYYGpwCN8-00676-00202554-00202726 the Rails code. I am gonna show you where bHyYYGpwCN8-00677-00202726-00203066 it is. This is the worst part. Right here. bHyYYGpwCN8-00678-00203066-00203515 Yeah. You don't need to read that. Don't worry. bHyYYGpwCN8-00679-00203515-00203794 Those are, those three arrows are pointing at dynamic bHyYYGpwCN8-00680-00203794-00203986 values that are being inserted into your code. This bHyYYGpwCN8-00681-00203986-00204265 is deep within the call. Deep within the callstack. bHyYYGpwCN8-00682-00204265-00204651 This is actually inside the association's code. That's, and bHyYYGpwCN8-00683-00204651-00205102 that is one method. It is one method. bHyYYGpwCN8-00684-00205102-00205265 It is one method to rule them all and bHyYYGpwCN8-00685-00205265-00205660 in the legacy code bind them. bHyYYGpwCN8-00686-00205660-00205890 So this method defines how all the joins are bHyYYGpwCN8-00687-00205890-00206328 done inside of, inside of a relation. Like, basically bHyYYGpwCN8-00688-00206328-00206546 the problem with this method is if you have bHyYYGpwCN8-00689-00206546-00206996 specifically was, STI. So if you have single-table inheritance bHyYYGpwCN8-00690-00206996-00207275 and you need to insert that value for the, bHyYYGpwCN8-00691-00207275-00207446 the model name in there, that's what that was bHyYYGpwCN8-00692-00207446-00207594 handling. bHyYYGpwCN8-00693-00207594-00207908 So in order to simplify that, that, so that bHyYYGpwCN8-00694-00207908-00208180 code was, I think I said this was only bHyYYGpwCN8-00695-00208180-00208498 to do with associations. Like, has_many, has_many_through et cetera bHyYYGpwCN8-00696-00208498-00208733 et cetera. And I wanted to simplify that code, bHyYYGpwCN8-00697-00208733-00209131 so in Rails 4.1, I deleted has_and_belongs_to_many. It is bHyYYGpwCN8-00698-00209131-00209254 gone. bHyYYGpwCN8-00699-00209254-00209910 Thank you. I am extremely proud about this. And bHyYYGpwCN8-00700-00209910-00210109 don't, for those of you that haven't upgraded to bHyYYGpwCN8-00701-00210109-00210548 4 point 1 yet, it still works, OK? has_and_belongs_to_many, bHyYYGpwCN8-00702-00210548-00210917 the keyword is still there. You, you will be bHyYYGpwCN8-00703-00210917-00211098 able to upgrade your app and it will actually bHyYYGpwCN8-00704-00211098-00211209 work. And the way that I got it to bHyYYGpwCN8-00705-00211209-00211623 work is, has_and_belongs_to_many is actually a subset of has_many_through. bHyYYGpwCN8-00706-00211623-00211701 If you think about. bHyYYGpwCN8-00707-00211701-00211992 So, if you think about has_and_belongs_to_many, it's got three bHyYYGpwCN8-00708-00211992-00212430 tables. Has_many_through also has three tables. But has_many_through forces bHyYYGpwCN8-00709-00212430-00212815 you to define a middle model. So the, the bHyYYGpwCN8-00710-00212815-00213192 refactoring that I did is just on has, has_and_belongs_to_many, bHyYYGpwCN8-00711-00213192-00213657 it translates your, that call into a has_many_through with bHyYYGpwCN8-00712-00213657-00213927 an anonymous middle model. bHyYYGpwCN8-00713-00213927-00214184 So it should be completely transparent to you. And bHyYYGpwCN8-00714-00214184-00214308 because I was able to do that, I could bHyYYGpwCN8-00715-00214308-00214604 remove a bunch of code from that very complex bHyYYGpwCN8-00716-00214604-00214742 method, and I want to show you that I, bHyYYGpwCN8-00717-00214742-00214969 like, I don't expect you to read this diff. bHyYYGpwCN8-00718-00214969-00215186 I'm gonna show you a diff. I'm just showing bHyYYGpwCN8-00719-00215186-00215358 you a diff cause I'm very, very proud of bHyYYGpwCN8-00720-00215358-00215529 it. It, it's one of my favorite commits in bHyYYGpwCN8-00721-00215529-00215685 the Rails code base. bHyYYGpwCN8-00722-00215685-00215894 All you need to see that there are red bHyYYGpwCN8-00723-00215894-00216215 parts and no green parts. And there's a bunch bHyYYGpwCN8-00724-00216215-00216396 of commits that look like this. And the reason bHyYYGpwCN8-00725-00216396-00216727 I love these commits so much is because they're bHyYYGpwCN8-00726-00216727-00217134 removing stuff, not replacing it, and they're specifically removing bHyYYGpwCN8-00727-00217134-00217519 conditionals. There are if-statements in there that are just bHyYYGpwCN8-00728-00217519-00217759 getting pulled out and thrown away. bHyYYGpwCN8-00729-00217759-00218011 It makes me so happy, because when you look bHyYYGpwCN8-00730-00218011-00218190 at this code, you don't have to think about bHyYYGpwCN8-00731-00218190-00218469 those conditionals. Those conditionals are what tire you out. bHyYYGpwCN8-00732-00218469-00218591 You look at that and you're like, oh, if bHyYYGpwCN8-00733-00218591-00218821 it's this thing, then it does this, and you bHyYYGpwCN8-00734-00218821-00219034 think, well how did it get that way? bHyYYGpwCN8-00735-00219034-00219284 How, and you have to go figure out, how bHyYYGpwCN8-00736-00219284-00219508 did it get that way? So I felt very bHyYYGpwCN8-00737-00219508-00219684 happy about this. I was eating code out of bHyYYGpwCN8-00738-00219684-00219975 the Rails codebase. It made me super happy. bHyYYGpwCN8-00739-00219975-00220326 So, the next part. Wow, I'm actually making it bHyYYGpwCN8-00740-00220326-00220559 on time. I'm happy. OK. The next part, part bHyYYGpwCN8-00741-00220559-00220825 three, was to introduce a cache. This is finally bHyYYGpwCN8-00742-00220825-00220989 where we get to see our speed improvements. I'm bHyYYGpwCN8-00743-00220989-00221281 gonna show you the cache, what the caching API bHyYYGpwCN8-00744-00221281-00221650 looks like, but this is totally internals. Like, don't bHyYYGpwCN8-00745-00221650-00222003 use this. The API is unstable. But I'm just bHyYYGpwCN8-00746-00222003-00222241 gonna show you what it, what it looks like. bHyYYGpwCN8-00747-00222241-00222442 What, I'm gonna show you what it looks like bHyYYGpwCN8-00748-00222442-00222567 so that you know what the cache is or bHyYYGpwCN8-00749-00222567-00222702 what we're caching. bHyYYGpwCN8-00750-00222702-00222831 This is what the cache, this is a cache bHyYYGpwCN8-00751-00222831-00223142 code example. So, we can say, like, person dot bHyYYGpwCN8-00752-00223142-00223467 where, name, parameters dot bind, and then limit one. bHyYYGpwCN8-00753-00223467-00223671 And what that does is it caches the relation bHyYYGpwCN8-00754-00223671-00223934 that you created in there. And we can execute bHyYYGpwCN8-00755-00223934-00224234 that, we can execute that cached statement multiple times bHyYYGpwCN8-00756-00224234-00224379 with dynamic values. bHyYYGpwCN8-00757-00224379-00224608 So, wherever that params dot bind is, that's a bHyYYGpwCN8-00758-00224608-00225165 dynamic value. So, there's our normal, ActiveRecord relation object, bHyYYGpwCN8-00759-00225165-00225357 and that is where we execute it with different, bHyYYGpwCN8-00760-00225357-00225684 different values. Now, the thing about this is, the bHyYYGpwCN8-00761-00225684-00225877 reason I haven't exposed this to anybody, or one bHyYYGpwCN8-00762-00225877-00226173 reason I haven't exposed this to anybody is because, bHyYYGpwCN8-00763-00226173-00226409 the return value of that statement inside the block bHyYYGpwCN8-00764-00226409-00226892 must be an ActiveRecord relation object. And probably, I'm bHyYYGpwCN8-00765-00226892-00227210 figuring most people outside of the Rails core team bHyYYGpwCN8-00766-00227210-00227667 don't know which methods return ActiveRecord relation objects. bHyYYGpwCN8-00767-00227667-00227936 So, I know this, but probably not many other bHyYYGpwCN8-00768-00227936-00228109 people do. So I don't think it's a very bHyYYGpwCN8-00769-00228109-00228476 good interface for public consumption. So I want to bHyYYGpwCN8-00770-00228476-00228686 show the ob, cache object internals. This is what bHyYYGpwCN8-00771-00228686-00229007 the actual statement cache looks like. We have in, bHyYYGpwCN8-00772-00229007-00229267 from that previous example, we have the bind values. bHyYYGpwCN8-00773-00229267-00229584 These are the bind values. This keeps the offset. bHyYYGpwCN8-00774-00229584-00229804 It indicates the offset into the SQL statement where bHyYYGpwCN8-00775-00229804-00230052 that dynamic value is. And it also contains the bHyYYGpwCN8-00776-00230052-00230325 information for how to cast that dynamic value. bHyYYGpwCN8-00777-00230325-00230592 So, for example, when you get an id that bHyYYGpwCN8-00778-00230592-00230827 comes in from the request, that id is a bHyYYGpwCN8-00779-00230827-00230963 string, and we need to be able to cast bHyYYGpwCN8-00780-00230963-00231244 that to an integer. This contains that information. And bHyYYGpwCN8-00781-00231244-00231509 then down below is where the actual SQL statement bHyYYGpwCN8-00782-00231509-00231775 is cached and you can see it's just a bHyYYGpwCN8-00783-00231775-00231909 string. bHyYYGpwCN8-00784-00231909-00232167 So the next step after defining these cache, this bHyYYGpwCN8-00785-00232167-00232403 cache, was to update the internals and cache any bHyYYGpwCN8-00786-00232403-00232782 relation objects. And this is very interesting because, we bHyYYGpwCN8-00787-00232782-00232942 went through and looked through all the places in bHyYYGpwCN8-00788-00232942-00233283 ActiveRecord where relation objects are actually used. So, they're bHyYYGpwCN8-00789-00233283-00233431 used, these are the examples of things that are bHyYYGpwCN8-00790-00233431-00233759 used and I know it's a cardinal sin. Dots bHyYYGpwCN8-00791-00233759-00234041 with stuff to read. But I don't care. I've bHyYYGpwCN8-00792-00234041-00234482 been working on this forever so screw you guys. bHyYYGpwCN8-00793-00234482-00235091 So, all these things use ActiveRecord relations. Internally. Basically, bHyYYGpwCN8-00794-00235091-00235334 everything that you do with ActiveRecord uses relations and bHyYYGpwCN8-00795-00235334-00235744 relations internally. All of these are cacheable. So we bHyYYGpwCN8-00796-00235744-00235883 can add caches to all these things, and I'm bHyYYGpwCN8-00797-00235883-00236128 gonna show you an example of the cache that bHyYYGpwCN8-00798-00236128-00236407 we added internally. This is an example implementation. bHyYYGpwCN8-00799-00236407-00236584 So this is the implementation for find with an bHyYYGpwCN8-00800-00236584-00236860 id. You can see in there, we, we have bHyYYGpwCN8-00801-00236860-00237335 a key, and we say OK, create that relation. bHyYYGpwCN8-00802-00237335-00237578 So, in your Rails code, you may have typed bHyYYGpwCN8-00803-00237578-00237826 post dot where primary key arrow. That thing. We're bHyYYGpwCN8-00804-00237826-00238100 basically just doing that internally. So it's really not bHyYYGpwCN8-00805-00238100-00238269 much different than what you would do inside your bHyYYGpwCN8-00806-00238269-00238364 app code. bHyYYGpwCN8-00807-00238364-00238623 So that is our, that is our static values bHyYYGpwCN8-00808-00238623-00238782 for the SQL statement. And then here are our bHyYYGpwCN8-00809-00238782-00239102 dynamic values. That's the id that you actually passed bHyYYGpwCN8-00810-00239102-00239339 into find, so we just always call with that bHyYYGpwCN8-00811-00239339-00239434 id. bHyYYGpwCN8-00812-00239434-00239576 So I want to share a few, after looking bHyYYGpwCN8-00813-00239576-00239734 at that, it's really exciting. I want to share bHyYYGpwCN8-00814-00239734-00239982 a few fun facts. These are the different ways bHyYYGpwCN8-00815-00239982-00240159 that you can call post dot find. bHyYYGpwCN8-00816-00240159-00240353 I don't know if you knew this. You can bHyYYGpwCN8-00817-00240353-00240505 call with an array. You can call with an bHyYYGpwCN8-00818-00240505-00240731 array of arrays. You can call with a hash. bHyYYGpwCN8-00819-00240731-00240919 You can call with an ActiveRecord id. You can bHyYYGpwCN8-00820-00240919-00241073 call it with a block. You can call it bHyYYGpwCN8-00821-00241073-00241221 with scope. And you can call it with a bHyYYGpwCN8-00822-00241221-00241478 block and a scope with any of those combinations bHyYYGpwCN8-00823-00241478-00241658 above it. bHyYYGpwCN8-00824-00241658-00242198 So, only that one is cacheable. The rest of bHyYYGpwCN8-00825-00242198-00242391 these are, like, I have no idea why we bHyYYGpwCN8-00826-00242391-00242696 even support that. I don't even know what they bHyYYGpwCN8-00827-00242696-00242961 mean. So when I was trying to figure out bHyYYGpwCN8-00828-00242961-00243133 what we could cache and what we couldn't cache, bHyYYGpwCN8-00829-00243133-00243407 I felt like this. So if you go look bHyYYGpwCN8-00830-00243407-00243633 at the method, if you go look at the bHyYYGpwCN8-00831-00243633-00243851 method, I'm like, OK, this is all the stuff bHyYYGpwCN8-00832-00243851-00244128 that we can't cache. I don't know this, this, bHyYYGpwCN8-00833-00244128-00244390 any of these. So I'm gonna show you some bHyYYGpwCN8-00834-00244390-00244728 performance statistics for this. And if we could remove bHyYYGpwCN8-00835-00244728-00244957 all of that API, that would actually be super bHyYYGpwCN8-00836-00244957-00245271 nice. I would like that. Cause we could have bHyYYGpwCN8-00837-00245271-00245425 ActiveRecord even faster. bHyYYGpwCN8-00838-00245425-00245627 So let's talk about measuring performance, because we want bHyYYGpwCN8-00839-00245627-00245966 to see the performance of these things. I'm gonna bHyYYGpwCN8-00840-00245966-00246255 talk about some benchmarking tools. The way that I bHyYYGpwCN8-00841-00246255-00246569 benchmark this stuff and the way that you should bHyYYGpwCN8-00842-00246569-00246715 benchmarking things. The first tool I want to talk bHyYYGpwCN8-00843-00246715-00247085 about is benchmark/ips. This is a library that, actually, bHyYYGpwCN8-00844-00247085-00247334 Evan wrote. And I'm gonna compare this to the bHyYYGpwCN8-00845-00247334-00247630 normal benchmark library that's in, that comes shipped with bHyYYGpwCN8-00846-00247630-00247682 Ruby. bHyYYGpwCN8-00847-00247682-00247928 This is the normal benchmark library. So you say bHyYYGpwCN8-00848-00247928-00248158 like, OK, benchmark something, and then you need to bHyYYGpwCN8-00849-00248158-00248334 loop over something and see how long it takes. bHyYYGpwCN8-00850-00248334-00248494 That'll report to you how long it takes to bHyYYGpwCN8-00851-00248494-00248846 call that thing. The problem with this benchmark is, bHyYYGpwCN8-00852-00248846-00249201 like, we loop n-times, but how big should n bHyYYGpwCN8-00853-00249201-00249430 be? Have you ever written a benchmark and you bHyYYGpwCN8-00854-00249430-00249802 run it and it's like, oh, zero time? bHyYYGpwCN8-00855-00249802-00250133 Good job dude. So you have to sit there bHyYYGpwCN8-00856-00250133-00250358 and think, like, OK, I gotta increase the n. bHyYYGpwCN8-00857-00250358-00250573 Maybe decrease the n. And maybe you send the bHyYYGpwCN8-00858-00250573-00250779 benchmark off to somebody who has a faster machine bHyYYGpwCN8-00859-00250779-00250957 than you or a slower machine than you. Then bHyYYGpwCN8-00860-00250957-00251133 they have to, then they have to change the bHyYYGpwCN8-00861-00251133-00251542 n. What benchmark/ips does is it actually measures the bHyYYGpwCN8-00862-00251542-00251804 iterations per second. The number of times it can bHyYYGpwCN8-00863-00251804-00251986 call that method per second. bHyYYGpwCN8-00864-00251986-00252239 So you write a benchmark that looks like this. bHyYYGpwCN8-00865-00252239-00252469 And it will run that block as many times bHyYYGpwCN8-00866-00252469-00252703 as it can in five seconds. So it just bHyYYGpwCN8-00867-00252703-00252990 defaults to five seconds. And the output looks like bHyYYGpwCN8-00868-00252990-00253146 this. It says, OK, we can call it that bHyYYGpwCN8-00869-00253146-00253466 many times in five seconds. And the other thing bHyYYGpwCN8-00870-00253466-00253646 I really, really like about it, is it gives bHyYYGpwCN8-00871-00253646-00253898 you a standard deviation report. That plus or minus bHyYYGpwCN8-00872-00253898-00254046 three percent that's shown there. bHyYYGpwCN8-00873-00254046-00254282 The problem with the previous benchmarking tool is it bHyYYGpwCN8-00874-00254282-00254602 doesn't tell you standard deviation. So let's say you bHyYYGpwCN8-00875-00254602-00254833 write some code. Let's say you do some sort bHyYYGpwCN8-00876-00254833-00255161 of performance improvement. You think you've done a performance bHyYYGpwCN8-00877-00255161-00255419 improvement, and you compare your benchmark, you, you have bHyYYGpwCN8-00878-00255419-00255614 this benchmark. You compare your code to the old bHyYYGpwCN8-00879-00255614-00255838 code. And it looks like it's slightly faster. You're bHyYYGpwCN8-00880-00255838-00256057 like, great, it's slightly faster. But you didn't know bHyYYGpwCN8-00881-00256057-00256303 what the standard deviation was. If you don't know bHyYYGpwCN8-00882-00256303-00256516 what the standard deviation was, it could just be bHyYYGpwCN8-00883-00256516-00256979 noise. It could be other programs impacting your benchmark. bHyYYGpwCN8-00884-00256979-00257155 You don't really know that information. It's better if bHyYYGpwCN8-00885-00257155-00257371 you have the standard deviation, so you know, ah, bHyYYGpwCN8-00886-00257371-00257673 I'm one standard deviation outside, or I'm two standard bHyYYGpwCN8-00887-00257673-00257956 deviations outside. So, yes, this is definitely a performance bHyYYGpwCN8-00888-00257956-00258307 improvement. Getting standard deviation with your benchmarks is important. bHyYYGpwCN8-00889-00258307-00258591 The next tool that I use is GC dot bHyYYGpwCN8-00890-00258591-00258805 stat. I'm not sure what version of Ruby this bHyYYGpwCN8-00891-00258805-00259092 is in. I think 2 point 1. GC, this bHyYYGpwCN8-00892-00259092-00259434 is, in order to count object allocations when we're bHyYYGpwCN8-00893-00259434-00259854 doing queries. So this call will do a total bHyYYGpwCN8-00894-00259854-00260219 object allocation count. So this actually counts the number bHyYYGpwCN8-00895-00260219-00260465 of objects that have been allocated in your system bHyYYGpwCN8-00896-00260465-00260881 ever. Not, like, now, or not inside a loop, bHyYYGpwCN8-00897-00260881-00261181 but ever. Every time you allocate an object, this bHyYYGpwCN8-00898-00261181-00261319 value increases. bHyYYGpwCN8-00899-00261319-00261609 So, what we do, is I say, OK, I'm bHyYYGpwCN8-00900-00261609-00261821 gonna call, I'm gonna warm up this benchmark. I'm bHyYYGpwCN8-00901-00261821-00262089 gonna call person dot find. Then I'm gonna count bHyYYGpwCN8-00902-00262089-00262285 the total number of objects that were allocated in bHyYYGpwCN8-00903-00262285-00262585 the system. Then I'm gonna actually execute my benchmark bHyYYGpwCN8-00904-00262585-00262831 and say, OK, call, you know, find this person bHyYYGpwCN8-00905-00262831-00263333 so many times. Count the objects again. Subtract and bHyYYGpwCN8-00906-00263333-00263589 divide. And then we know the number of objects bHyYYGpwCN8-00907-00263589-00263976 that have been allocated per call. Science. bHyYYGpwCN8-00908-00263976-00264550 I should have put a slide of Jesse Pinkman bHyYYGpwCN8-00909-00264550-00264739 in here. bHyYYGpwCN8-00910-00264739-00264984 Anyway, so let's, let's actually look at some numbers. bHyYYGpwCN8-00911-00264984-00265373 Let's look at the performance of AdequateRecord. So let's, bHyYYGpwCN8-00912-00265373-00265541 we're gonna look at post dot find and post bHyYYGpwCN8-00913-00265541-00265680 dot find_by_name. bHyYYGpwCN8-00914-00265680-00266002 So, I wanted to benchmark these because they're, they're bHyYYGpwCN8-00915-00266002-00266250 essentially the same thing. One is just finding by bHyYYGpwCN8-00916-00266250-00266375 id the other one's finding by name. So they bHyYYGpwCN8-00917-00266375-00266683 should be approximately the same. And this is a bHyYYGpwCN8-00918-00266683-00267133 graph of their performance, essentially over time. The x-axis bHyYYGpwCN8-00919-00267133-00267417 along the bottom is the branch. So on the bHyYYGpwCN8-00920-00267417-00267791 left side is 2.3 stable to 3.0 stable, proceeding bHyYYGpwCN8-00921-00267791-00268079 to the right. The very right is AdequateRecord. bHyYYGpwCN8-00922-00268079-00268421 The bar along the y-axis is the calls per bHyYYGpwCN8-00923-00268421-00268776 second to the, to post dot find. So the bHyYYGpwCN8-00924-00268776-00269055 higher that is, the better. You can actually see bHyYYGpwCN8-00925-00269055-00269372 there around in 3.1 stable, it was tanking, like bHyYYGpwCN8-00926-00269372-00269566 super hard. I mean look at that. bHyYYGpwCN8-00927-00269566-00269814 What's also interesting here is that yellow line. That bHyYYGpwCN8-00928-00269814-00270159 yellow line represents mySQL, and I should say these, bHyYYGpwCN8-00929-00270159-00270376 along the bottom there, I say SQLite and mySQL bHyYYGpwCN8-00930-00270376-00270683 2 and mySQL and PostGres. That actually represents that bHyYYGpwCN8-00931-00270683-00271052 particular adapter that we were using. So, not exactly bHyYYGpwCN8-00932-00271052-00271278 mapping to the database. We were testing mySQL twice. bHyYYGpwCN8-00933-00271278-00271499 And I think this graph is interesting because you bHyYYGpwCN8-00934-00271499-00271790 can see, in 2.3 stable there was actually a bHyYYGpwCN8-00935-00271790-00272422 bias towards mySQL. MySQL was significantly faster in 2.3 bHyYYGpwCN8-00936-00272422-00272706 stable than PostGres was, but you'll see that those bHyYYGpwCN8-00937-00272706-00272908 actually even out along here. bHyYYGpwCN8-00938-00272908-00273231 Now, this is the same, same benchmark put with bHyYYGpwCN8-00939-00273231-00273550 post dot find_by_name, and you can see, basically, the, bHyYYGpwCN8-00940-00273550-00273741 the look of the graph is about the same bHyYYGpwCN8-00941-00273741-00273948 as the previous one. We started out faster in bHyYYGpwCN8-00942-00273948-00274331 2.3, it slowed down, and then over on AdequateRecord bHyYYGpwCN8-00943-00274331-00274544 we're going much faster. And I just wanted to bHyYYGpwCN8-00944-00274544-00274795 call out this one here. This is mySQL. This bHyYYGpwCN8-00945-00274795-00275142 is that same graph, but I specifically pulled out bHyYYGpwCN8-00946-00275142-00275552 mySQL to show you, like, exactly the performance, the bHyYYGpwCN8-00947-00275552-00275783 performance changes of mySQL over time. So you can bHyYYGpwCN8-00948-00275783-00276118 see it just tanked super hard at 3.1 and bHyYYGpwCN8-00949-00276118-00276391 then slowly came back up. bHyYYGpwCN8-00950-00276391-00276676 This is the percent faster that AdequateRecord is than bHyYYGpwCN8-00951-00276676-00277040 4.1 stable. So, let's see, what is that? Some bHyYYGpwCN8-00952-00277040-00277253 of these are over a hundred percent faster, so bHyYYGpwCN8-00953-00277253-00277573 it's two times faster. This is the percent faster bHyYYGpwCN8-00954-00277573-00277805 it is than 3.2 st- or, 2.3 stable. We bHyYYGpwCN8-00955-00277805-00278152 can see mySQL, it is faster on AdequateRecord but bHyYYGpwCN8-00956-00278152-00278449 not by much. So we are faster. bHyYYGpwCN8-00957-00278449-00278658 This is a graph of the object allocations. So bHyYYGpwCN8-00958-00278658-00278836 this is the number of objects that are allocated bHyYYGpwCN8-00959-00278836-00279098 per call. And you can see there around 3.1 bHyYYGpwCN8-00960-00279098-00279319 stable and 3.2, we're actually increasing the number of bHyYYGpwCN8-00961-00279319-00279630 objects that we allocate per call to this. bHyYYGpwCN8-00962-00279630-00280036 So it doesn't necessarily directly impact the calls per bHyYYGpwCN8-00963-00280036-00280223 second. It does have an impact on it, and bHyYYGpwCN8-00964-00280223-00280725 GC.pressure() does cause issues. But it's not, they're not bHyYYGpwCN8-00965-00280725-00281120 exactly aligned together. bHyYYGpwCN8-00966-00281120-00281429 Same issues with find_by_name. And you can see there, bHyYYGpwCN8-00967-00281429-00281844 again, on 2.3 stable a strong bias towards mySQL. bHyYYGpwCN8-00968-00281844-00282498 So AdequateRecord allocates 70% fewer objects than 4.1 stable bHyYYGpwCN8-00969-00282498-00282877 does per call. It allocates 55% fewer objects per bHyYYGpwCN8-00970-00282877-00283143 call than 2.3 stable. bHyYYGpwCN8-00971-00283143-00283306 Now I want to look at belongs_to. Like, I'm bHyYYGpwCN8-00972-00283306-00283459 gonna look at the, I'm gonna look at each bHyYYGpwCN8-00973-00283459-00283791 of the relations. So, belongs_to graph looks very similar bHyYYGpwCN8-00974-00283791-00284207 to those previous ones, except that SQLite3 is insanely bHyYYGpwCN8-00975-00284207-00284649 faster. So, again, along the bottom is time. Along bHyYYGpwCN8-00976-00284649-00284933 the y-axis is calls per second, so higher is bHyYYGpwCN8-00977-00284933-00285455 better. Percent faster than 2.3 stable and 4.1 stable. bHyYYGpwCN8-00978-00285455-00285764 The mySQL 2 bar doesn't have a 2.3 stable bHyYYGpwCN8-00979-00285764-00286048 one, because mySQL to that adapter didn't exist until bHyYYGpwCN8-00980-00286048-00286357 2.3 stable so I didn't test it. But we're bHyYYGpwCN8-00981-00286357-00286629 all, AdequateRecord is faster in all cases. bHyYYGpwCN8-00982-00286629-00286957 has_many :through. So I want to show has_many as bHyYYGpwCN8-00983-00286957-00287268 well as has_many :through. This is the performance graph bHyYYGpwCN8-00984-00287268-00287471 for that as well. You see exactly the same bHyYYGpwCN8-00985-00287471-00287668 thing. Started out fast. 2.3 stable, went down, and bHyYYGpwCN8-00986-00287668-00288111 now we're faster in AdequateRecord. Also, has_many :through call bHyYYGpwCN8-00987-00288111-00288264 speed over time. bHyYYGpwCN8-00988-00288264-00288722 So, again, we're also faster than 2.3 stable in bHyYYGpwCN8-00989-00288722-00289048 every case. Much faster than 4.1 stable in every bHyYYGpwCN8-00990-00289048-00289231 case. And the last thing I want to look bHyYYGpwCN8-00991-00289231-00289760 at is has_many :through growth. So caching these SQL bHyYYGpwCN8-00992-00289760-00290057 statements should give a, should give us constant time bHyYYGpwCN8-00993-00290057-00290409 performance with regard to generating the actual SQL statement bHyYYGpwCN8-00994-00290409-00290582 string. And that's what I want to demonstrate here bHyYYGpwCN8-00995-00290582-00290977 is show you that constant time performance compared to bHyYYGpwCN8-00996-00290977-00291126 actually any of the other branches. bHyYYGpwCN8-00997-00291126-00291320 So what I'm talking about with has_many :through growth bHyYYGpwCN8-00998-00291320-00291497 is, let's say we have a model that looks bHyYYGpwCN8-00999-00291497-00291952 like this. We say has_many :through one thing. What bHyYYGpwCN8-01000-00291952-00292184 I want to study here, in this case, is bHyYYGpwCN8-01001-00292184-00292499 what if we add another has_many :through. So what bHyYYGpwCN8-01002-00292499-00292673 if there's two of them? We go through two. bHyYYGpwCN8-01003-00292673-00292936 And then what happens if we go through three? bHyYYGpwCN8-01004-00292936-00293176 And what happens if we go through four? Et bHyYYGpwCN8-01005-00293176-00293460 cetera, et cetera, et cetera. So we keep increasing bHyYYGpwCN8-01006-00293460-00293671 the number of tables that we're joining against on bHyYYGpwCN8-01007-00293671-00293833 has_many :through, and this is what the graph looks bHyYYGpwCN8-01008-00293833-00293947 like. bHyYYGpwCN8-01009-00293947-00294249 So you can see, on master, well, actually, 4.1 bHyYYGpwCN8-01010-00294249-00294496 stable, actually, any of the, any of the branches bHyYYGpwCN8-01011-00294496-00294684 will look similar to this. Along the bottom is bHyYYGpwCN8-01012-00294684-00294969 the number of tables that we're actually joining against. bHyYYGpwCN8-01013-00294969-00295185 So that's the number of has_many :throughs that we're, bHyYYGpwCN8-01014-00295185-00295409 we're joining against. So at the very right hand bHyYYGpwCN8-01015-00295409-00295685 side, we're joining against sixteen tables. bHyYYGpwCN8-01016-00295685-00295836 And you can see on master we actually have bHyYYGpwCN8-01017-00295836-00296244 linear growth and on AdequateRecord we have constant time bHyYYGpwCN8-01018-00296244-00296443 growth. And it does grow just a little bit bHyYYGpwCN8-01019-00296443-00296678 there, and the reason, the reason it grow just bHyYYGpwCN8-01020-00296678-00296975 a little bit is because we're actually sending those bHyYYGpwCN8-01021-00296975-00297240 queries to the database, so database time is impacting bHyYYGpwCN8-01022-00297240-00297467 this. But the algorithm is constant time. bHyYYGpwCN8-01023-00297467-00297802 So, I am extremely, this is my favorite graph. bHyYYGpwCN8-01024-00297802-00298346 Aw yeah. Constant time! bHyYYGpwCN8-01025-00298346-00298876 So, this is, this is one of the things bHyYYGpwCN8-01026-00298876-00299105 that I'm talking about with why I think studying bHyYYGpwCN8-01027-00299105-00299771 computer science is important. OK? If you study this bHyYYGpwCN8-01028-00299771-00299996 stuff, you can say, you can look at these, bHyYYGpwCN8-01029-00299996-00300170 this performance, you can increase your code and you bHyYYGpwCN8-01030-00300170-00300449 can talk about it. You can quantify it. DHH bHyYYGpwCN8-01031-00300449-00300683 gave the example of, like, oh, I take a bHyYYGpwCN8-01032-00300683-00300845 lot of pictures, and now I've taken a lot bHyYYGpwCN8-01033-00300845-00301081 of pictures, so I'm just good at pictures. Which bHyYYGpwCN8-01034-00301081-00301485 is very nice. Except that, there is, I'm happy bHyYYGpwCN8-01035-00301485-00301732 that he takes pictures. That's cool. I like to bHyYYGpwCN8-01036-00301732-00302121 cure meats. I mean, we all have things. bHyYYGpwCN8-01037-00302121-00302475 But, even with, even with studying picture-taking, people are bHyYYGpwCN8-01038-00302475-00302627 like, OK, we have the rule of thirds. We bHyYYGpwCN8-01039-00302627-00302810 have the golden rules. There are these things that bHyYYGpwCN8-01040-00302810-00303055 we do that it, we can all talk about. bHyYYGpwCN8-01041-00303055-00303250 We have a common language and we also all bHyYYGpwCN8-01042-00303250-00303541 discovered that, hey, if we do these particular things, bHyYYGpwCN8-01043-00303541-00303932 our photographs turn out better. Generally speaking. bHyYYGpwCN8-01044-00303932-00304070 We have these things we can talk about, and bHyYYGpwCN8-01045-00304070-00304376 I think that's exactly what studying science brings to bHyYYGpwCN8-01046-00304376-00304596 the table. We can talk about this. I can bHyYYGpwCN8-01047-00304596-00304818 say to you, here is exactly why the performance bHyYYGpwCN8-01048-00304818-00305243 is much better. Generally constant time is better than bHyYYGpwCN8-01049-00305243-00305782 linear growth. bHyYYGpwCN8-01050-00305782-00306482 Anyway. TL;DR, 100% faster. bHyYYGpwCN8-01051-00306861-00307402 Thank you. bHyYYGpwCN8-01052-00307402-00308102 9001% better. It's over 9000. bHyYYGpwCN8-01053-00308106-00308255 So what I want to talk about now, is bHyYYGpwCN8-01054-00308255-00308889 I want to talk about the Adequate pricing model. bHyYYGpwCN8-01055-00308889-00309171 How much are you willing to pay for AdequateRecord? bHyYYGpwCN8-01056-00309171-00309638 $200? $300? Well, today I'm offering a very special bHyYYGpwCN8-01057-00309638-00309960 price. Today I'm offering it for $2.99 plus in-app bHyYYGpwCN8-01058-00309960-00310149 purchases. bHyYYGpwCN8-01059-00310149-00310448 I'm just kidding. bHyYYGpwCN8-01060-00310448-00310617 Let's talk about some the challenges, like some of bHyYYGpwCN8-01061-00310617-00310913 the issues with this thing, because we're not, like, bHyYYGpwCN8-01062-00310913-00311181 it's not all, you know, Unicorns and fairies and bHyYYGpwCN8-01063-00311181-00311365 all that stuff. Like, there are, there are definitely bHyYYGpwCN8-01064-00311365-00311520 trade-offs for this code, and I want to talk bHyYYGpwCN8-01065-00311520-00311706 about that. bHyYYGpwCN8-01066-00311706-00311988 We're trading memory for speed, obviously. Like, we can't bHyYYGpwCN8-01067-00311988-00312277 just get this speed from nowhere. We have to bHyYYGpwCN8-01068-00312277-00312569 cache this stuff. So we need to understand what bHyYYGpwCN8-01069-00312569-00312761 the cache size is, and I'm gonna give you bHyYYGpwCN8-01070-00312761-00313027 a little formula for the cache size. I'm sorry. bHyYYGpwCN8-01071-00313027-00313179 It's math. bHyYYGpwCN8-01072-00313179-00313511 So, we need to be, we need to count. bHyYYGpwCN8-01073-00313511-00313714 The cache size is equal to the number of bHyYYGpwCN8-01074-00313714-00314033 relations that you have, all those has_manys, and also bHyYYGpwCN8-01075-00314033-00314209 the number of find_bys that you have in your bHyYYGpwCN8-01076-00314209-00314401 system total. But it's bound by that, and it's bHyYYGpwCN8-01077-00314401-00314618 multiplied by the size of that cache object. So bHyYYGpwCN8-01078-00314618-00314766 I can't tell you exactly what the size of bHyYYGpwCN8-01079-00314766-00315264 the cache objects are, because they are variable depending bHyYYGpwCN8-01080-00315264-00315406 on the size of the SQL queries that you bHyYYGpwCN8-01081-00315406-00315621 have in there. But they're not very big. bHyYYGpwCN8-01082-00315621-00315926 So, we are definitely paying for memory. So these bHyYYGpwCN8-01083-00315926-00316166 will, this will actually increase the amount of memory bHyYYGpwCN8-01084-00316166-00316370 that your system is consuming. So we need to bHyYYGpwCN8-01085-00316370-00316595 study this. We need to study this because maybe bHyYYGpwCN8-01086-00316595-00316929 we should introduce an LRU cache to this and bHyYYGpwCN8-01087-00316929-00317192 expire, expire things as they go out. But since bHyYYGpwCN8-01088-00317192-00317533 the, since this particular cache is bound, I don't bHyYYGpwCN8-01089-00317533-00317726 think it's gonna be a problem. bHyYYGpwCN8-01090-00317726-00318049 The other issue is raw relations. So you're saying bHyYYGpwCN8-01091-00318049-00318204 to me, Aaron, you know, you might be saying bHyYYGpwCN8-01092-00318204-00318346 to me, Aaron, I'm really excited for you, you bHyYYGpwCN8-01093-00318346-00318607 increased the speed of all the stuff. But I bHyYYGpwCN8-01094-00318607-00319044 don't use find_by_name. I use this. Person dot where bHyYYGpwCN8-01095-00319044-00319382 and name. That thing. I use that. I don't bHyYYGpwCN8-01096-00319382-00319688 use find_by_name. Why don't you just make that faster? bHyYYGpwCN8-01097-00319688-00319842 And I say to you, why don't you make bHyYYGpwCN8-01098-00319842-00320414 it faster, jerk? bHyYYGpwCN8-01099-00320414-00320581 And the question is, so the question is, can bHyYYGpwCN8-01100-00320581-00320768 we, can we cache this? Like, can we cache bHyYYGpwCN8-01101-00320768-00321001 that thing? Can we make that thing faster? And bHyYYGpwCN8-01102-00321001-00321258 we can. It's true. We can do it. It's bHyYYGpwCN8-01103-00321258-00321509 possible. I have an experimental branch to do this. bHyYYGpwCN8-01104-00321509-00321846 This isn't in AdequateRecord right now. Where we take bHyYYGpwCN8-01105-00321846-00322121 those values and then generate a key from the bHyYYGpwCN8-01106-00322121-00322376 values that you passed to each of those relation bHyYYGpwCN8-01107-00322376-00322704 objects, and then cache the SQL query that's generated bHyYYGpwCN8-01108-00322704-00322927 from that. And we actually see a 30% speed bHyYYGpwCN8-01109-00322927-00322988 improvement. bHyYYGpwCN8-01110-00322988-00323407 This is person dot where, you know, name, to_a. bHyYYGpwCN8-01111-00323407-00323698 So blue is master and green is the experimental bHyYYGpwCN8-01112-00323698-00324065 branch with the caching built-in. So it's about 30% bHyYYGpwCN8-01113-00324065-00324338 faster. So that's good. The problem, though, is if bHyYYGpwCN8-01114-00324338-00324527 you take a look at the implementation, like, this bHyYYGpwCN8-01115-00324527-00324781 is, this is approximately the implementation. That blue part bHyYYGpwCN8-01116-00324781-00325082 is calculating the key for the cache, and then bHyYYGpwCN8-01117-00325082-00325339 the red part is actually executing the query. bHyYYGpwCN8-01118-00325339-00325623 Now, the problem with this code is that over bHyYYGpwCN8-01119-00325623-00325975 eleven different variables impact the cache key. So I bHyYYGpwCN8-01120-00325975-00326248 have to actually inspect eleven different variables and say, bHyYYGpwCN8-01121-00326248-00326425 like, is this, are we sure that we've seen bHyYYGpwCN8-01122-00326425-00326595 this query before? Are we sure we've seen this bHyYYGpwCN8-01123-00326595-00326842 query before? On eleven different variables. And in fact bHyYYGpwCN8-01124-00326842-00327210 that implementation that I showed you only handles two bHyYYGpwCN8-01125-00327210-00327567 forms of person dot where. I only cached like, bHyYYGpwCN8-01126-00327567-00327801 person dot where and person dot limit. Those two. bHyYYGpwCN8-01127-00327801-00328042 Cause I wanted to show some, I wanted to bHyYYGpwCN8-01128-00328042-00328265 show you one more experiment. bHyYYGpwCN8-01129-00328265-00328488 One more experiment is doing a finder comparison. So bHyYYGpwCN8-01130-00328488-00328774 let's say we have person dot where name Aaron, bHyYYGpwCN8-01131-00328774-00328972 like, what you might write in your controller and bHyYYGpwCN8-01132-00328972-00329234 then person dot find_by_name Aaron. These are both on bHyYYGpwCN8-01133-00329234-00329607 the experimental branch of AdequateRecord. So the person dot bHyYYGpwCN8-01134-00329607-00329773 where does have the speed improvements that I just bHyYYGpwCN8-01135-00329773-00330127 showed you. And if we benchmark these two, this bHyYYGpwCN8-01136-00330127-00330325 is what, this is what the results look like. bHyYYGpwCN8-01137-00330325-00330735 Where, compared to find_by_name. It's not even a contest. bHyYYGpwCN8-01138-00330735-00330996 Find_by_name is three times faster in this case, and bHyYYGpwCN8-01139-00330996-00331386 that's even with performance improvements to the where case. bHyYYGpwCN8-01140-00331386-00331625 And the reason is because every time we call bHyYYGpwCN8-01141-00331625-00331825 that person dot where, we're actually allocating a new bHyYYGpwCN8-01142-00331825-00332158 ActiveRecord relation object, and we can't get around that. bHyYYGpwCN8-01143-00332158-00332472 We're always gonna be allocating those objects. So, my bHyYYGpwCN8-01144-00332472-00332738 actual question is, like, should we, should we cache bHyYYGpwCN8-01145-00332738-00333179 these relations? Should we do this? I'm not sure. bHyYYGpwCN8-01146-00333179-00333369 I'm really not sure if we should do this. bHyYYGpwCN8-01147-00333369-00333805 It introduces some very complex code, and if you're bHyYYGpwCN8-01148-00333805-00334015 doing a bunch of, like, dot wheres and all bHyYYGpwCN8-01149-00334015-00334288 those things, I'm not sure exactly what you'll be bHyYYGpwCN8-01150-00334288-00334680 caching. In AdequateRecord today, the cache is bound. But bHyYYGpwCN8-01151-00334680-00334898 if you're doing a bunch of crazy stuff, like bHyYYGpwCN8-01152-00334898-00335067 all that wheres and stuff, maybe it will be bHyYYGpwCN8-01153-00335067-00335302 unbound, and you'll see unbounded memory growth and I bHyYYGpwCN8-01154-00335302-00335484 would not like that. bHyYYGpwCN8-01155-00335484-00336031 B-T-W, unmounted memory growth is bad. Science. bHyYYGpwCN8-01156-00336031-00336336 So, I want a new API. I want something bHyYYGpwCN8-01157-00336336-00336623 that looks like this. So, like, cached query, find bHyYYGpwCN8-01158-00336623-00336820 all by name, do name, and you pass in bHyYYGpwCN8-01159-00336820-00337004 a name. So you could define a method that bHyYYGpwCN8-01160-00337004-00337217 does this and we pass in the dynamic values bHyYYGpwCN8-01161-00337217-00337466 to that. So we build up a cached relation bHyYYGpwCN8-01162-00337466-00337704 in here, and then we can execute that cache bHyYYGpwCN8-01163-00337704-00337915 relation multiple times. bHyYYGpwCN8-01164-00337915-00338084 The reason I want that is because the cache bHyYYGpwCN8-01165-00338084-00338246 key is easy. The cache key is just that bHyYYGpwCN8-01166-00338246-00338522 thing you pass to me. And we're bound in bHyYYGpwCN8-01167-00338522-00338749 size. bHyYYGpwCN8-01168-00338749-00339030 The relation API is maintained as well. That's another bHyYYGpwCN8-01169-00339030-00339249 advantage of this thing. And you, I know you bHyYYGpwCN8-01170-00339249-00339505 might be thinking, Aaron, this looks like scope. We bHyYYGpwCN8-01171-00339505-00339855 can't use scope because people, in their applications today, bHyYYGpwCN8-01172-00339855-00340052 expect that the scope block will be executed multiple bHyYYGpwCN8-01173-00340052-00340315 times. I expect that there are many of you bHyYYGpwCN8-01174-00340315-00340463 in the audience who have a scope that are bHyYYGpwCN8-01175-00340463-00340968 like, today's posts, right. Where it generates a date. bHyYYGpwCN8-01176-00340968-00341147 It says, like, give me all the posts that bHyYYGpwCN8-01177-00341147-00341499 are after your, that happen today. And you expect bHyYYGpwCN8-01178-00341499-00341696 that that date is calculated every time that block bHyYYGpwCN8-01179-00341696-00341879 is executed. So we can't just go off of bHyYYGpwCN8-01180-00341879-00342045 the scope block. bHyYYGpwCN8-01181-00342045-00342447 All right. So I've got one more, one other bHyYYGpwCN8-01182-00342447-00342828 more thing. bHyYYGpwCN8-01183-00342828-00343198 I think, I think Steve Jobs said that, right? bHyYYGpwCN8-01184-00343198-00343693 So let's, let's merge AdequateRecord. Should we do that? bHyYYGpwCN8-01185-00343693-00344100 Yes? OK. bHyYYGpwCN8-01186-00344100-00344211 So I know this is, like, this is a bHyYYGpwCN8-01187-00344211-00344710 totally cardinal sin of presentations, but I'm gonna do, bHyYYGpwCN8-01188-00344710-00344955 do it live. Is that OK? Would you forgive bHyYYGpwCN8-01189-00344955-00345330 me? All right. bHyYYGpwCN8-01190-00345330-00346030 All right. So let's do this. All right. bHyYYGpwCN8-01191-00346332-00346980 Hold up. I'm not very good at typing. Sorry. bHyYYGpwCN8-01192-00346980-00347182 OK. OK. bHyYYGpwCN8-01193-00347182-00348004 OK. This'll work. This'll work. OK. So we're Git bHyYYGpwCN8-01194-00348004-00348315 pulling now. It's downloading from the internet. The internet bHyYYGpwCN8-01195-00348315-00348905 might be a little bit slow. Hopefully it'll work. bHyYYGpwCN8-01196-00348905-00349806 Please work. Ah. Ee. Maybe we won't be able bHyYYGpwCN8-01197-00349806-00350506 to do this live. Oh. Oh. OK. I think bHyYYGpwCN8-01198-00350506-00350972 it's there. Ah! Oh! bHyYYGpwCN8-01199-00350973-00351398 How do you merge? I don't know what I. bHyYYGpwCN8-01200-00351398-00351726 I don't know what I'm doing here. I mean, bHyYYGpwCN8-01201-00351726-00351938 don't you think that Git has really good documentation? bHyYYGpwCN8-01202-00351938-00352174 Isn't that, isn't that true? Like, we can read bHyYYGpwCN8-01203-00352174-00352516 through all the help pages there. That looks. Ah! bHyYYGpwCN8-01204-00352516-00352824 Oh! I didn't know about that one. OK. Ah. bHyYYGpwCN8-01205-00352824-00353117 Oh. Back to the merge. Back to the merge. bHyYYGpwCN8-01206-00353117-00353409 OK. We're merging it in. We merged it in. bHyYYGpwCN8-01207-00353409-00353806 Ah. All right. Let's commit the merge. Commit. OK. bHyYYGpwCN8-01208-00353806-00354097 Doing good. Good job Aaron. Oh. That was, that bHyYYGpwCN8-01209-00354097-00354590 was a wrong way. OK. Now let's merge it bHyYYGpwCN8-01210-00354590-00354909 in. Now let's merge it in. OK. Merged. Ah, bHyYYGpwCN8-01211-00354909-00354961 nice. bHyYYGpwCN8-01212-00354961-00355661 OK, that's master, right? Are we doing it right? bHyYYGpwCN8-01213-00356335-00357035 In the terminal? And. And. And. Ah. bHyYYGpwCN8-01214-00357642-00357828 Pushed. bHyYYGpwCN8-01215-00357828-00358015 OK. bHyYYGpwCN8-01216-00358015-00358715 AdequateRecord has been merged. bHyYYGpwCN8-01217-00358761-00359206 Three years of horrible stuff done. OK. So one, bHyYYGpwCN8-01218-00359206-00359569 this is my last, very, very strong opinion. My bHyYYGpwCN8-01219-00359569-00359820 last strong opinion of the evening. I think that bHyYYGpwCN8-01220-00359820-00360131 Rails 4.2 will be the fastest Rails ever. This bHyYYGpwCN8-01221-00360131-00360428 is what I am working for. I also think bHyYYGpwCN8-01222-00360428-00360638 that this is just the beginning. This is just bHyYYGpwCN8-01223-00360638-00360805 the beginning of the performance improvements that we can bHyYYGpwCN8-01224-00360805-00360918 do to Rails. bHyYYGpwCN8-01225-00360918-00361132 So thank you. bNt5efpvHvk-00000-00000001-00000105 (male narrator) In this video, bNt5efpvHvk-00001-00000105-00000306 we will look at how we can evaluate bNt5efpvHvk-00002-00000306-00000607 an expression with a rational exponent. bNt5efpvHvk-00003-00000607-00000808 To evaluate a rational exponent, bNt5efpvHvk-00004-00000808-00001108 what we will do is simply convert it... bNt5efpvHvk-00005-00001402-00001702 to a radical. bNt5efpvHvk-00006-00001904-00002206 Then, we will be able to simplify the radical bNt5efpvHvk-00007-00002206-00002603 using what we know about radical expressions. bNt5efpvHvk-00008-00002603-00003001 In this problem, we have 81 to the 3/4 power. bNt5efpvHvk-00009-00003001-00003300 We can convert it to a radical expression, bNt5efpvHvk-00010-00003300-00003902 remembering that the denominator is the index on the radical. bNt5efpvHvk-00011-00003902-00004400 The numerator remains an exponent on the entire thing. bNt5efpvHvk-00012-00004400-00004900 We have the 4th root of 81 risen to the 3rd power. bNt5efpvHvk-00013-00004900-00005100 We can quickly evaluate this bNt5efpvHvk-00014-00005100-00005405 by finding the prime factorization of 81 bNt5efpvHvk-00015-00005405-00005909 by dividing by 3, 27 times; by 3, 9 times; bNt5efpvHvk-00016-00005909-00006404 by 3, 3 times; and by 3, 1 time. bNt5efpvHvk-00017-00006404-00007000 We now have the 4th root of 3 to the 4th power, cubed. bNt5efpvHvk-00018-00007306-00007700 Three to the 4th power, under the 4th root, bNt5efpvHvk-00019-00007700-00008008 dividing the exponent by the index, gives us simply 3. bNt5efpvHvk-00020-00008300-00008503 Now that we've simplified the radical, bNt5efpvHvk-00021-00008503-00008806 we simply have to cube our final result: bNt5efpvHvk-00022-00008806-00009200 3 to the 3rd power is 27. bNt5efpvHvk-00023-00009308-00009903 This means 81 to the 3/4 power is equal to 27. bNt5efpvHvk-00024-00010005-00010302 Let's take a look at one more example bNt5efpvHvk-00025-00010302-00010503 where we use the rational exponent bNt5efpvHvk-00026-00010503-00010806 converting to a radical in order to evaluate. bNt5efpvHvk-00027-00011001-00011503 In this problem, we see we've got a negative exponent. bNt5efpvHvk-00028-00011503-00012103 A negative exponent means we have a fraction: 1 over the 125; bNt5efpvHvk-00029-00012103-00012404 and then, the denominator on the fraction bNt5efpvHvk-00030-00012404-00012807 will become the index on the radical. bNt5efpvHvk-00031-00012807-00013206 The numerator of 4 will remain as an exponent. bNt5efpvHvk-00032-00013401-00013603 We can now calculate the parentheses, bNt5efpvHvk-00033-00013603-00013901 which is the cube root of 125. bNt5efpvHvk-00034-00013901-00014202 We may be able to do that in our heads, bNt5efpvHvk-00035-00014202-00014501 or we can simply find the prime factorization bNt5efpvHvk-00036-00014501-00014907 by dividing by 5, 5; and 5. bNt5efpvHvk-00037-00014907-00015406 We now have 1 over the cube root of 5 to the 3rd, bNt5efpvHvk-00038-00015406-00015801 all of that risen to the 4th power. bNt5efpvHvk-00039-00015801-00016007 Cube root and cube are inverses-- bNt5efpvHvk-00040-00016007-00016505 we're left with just the 5 to the 4th power. bNt5efpvHvk-00041-00016704-00016907 Finally, to finish this problem off, bNt5efpvHvk-00042-00016907-00017407 we can calculate 5 to the 4th is 625, bNt5efpvHvk-00043-00017407-00018203 and our final answer for 125 to the -4/3 is 1/625. bNt5efpvHvk-00044-00018407-00018704 Rational exponents are easy to evaluate bNt5efpvHvk-00045-00018704-00019106 if we first convert them into a radical. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00000-00000713-00000752 >> Professor Perez: Hey! bSF6HpTuiSQ-00001-00000792-00001077 This is Professor Perez from Saddleback College. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00002-00001088-00001333 Today, we're going to work on square roots. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00003-00001371-00001435 Don't get scared! bSF6HpTuiSQ-00004-00001449-00001714 Anyway, before we get started, we've got to get Charlie out. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00005-00001743-00002062 He better be ready to go! bSF6HpTuiSQ-00006-00002143-00002254 Hey, Charlie, you ready to go? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00007-00002283-00002301 >> Charlie: Yeah. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00008-00002323-00002486 >> Professor Perez: We're doing square roots today! bSF6HpTuiSQ-00009-00002533-00002594 That's right. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00010-00002695-00002856 These problems are radical! bSF6HpTuiSQ-00011-00002998-00003167 Anyway, let's get started here. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00012-00003237-00003304 Right there. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00013-00003338-00003461 Okay, pay attention Charlie. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00014-00003510-00003808 What number do we square to get 16? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00015-00003867-00003897 >> Charlie: 4. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00016-00003969-00004008 >> Professor Perez: That's right. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00017-00004008-00004203 You just did a square root! bSF6HpTuiSQ-00018-00004256-00004277 >> Charlie: What? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00019-00004359-00004637 >> Professor Perez: Anyway...well pay attention Charlie. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00020-00004679-00005400 If somebody asks you what number do we square to get 16, it's 4, because 4 squared is 16. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00021-00005422-00005895 But it is also negative 4 because negative 4 squared is 16, right? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00022-00005993-00006220 Okay. Now let's talk about the square root. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00023-00006327-00006534 What is the square root of 16, Charlie? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00024-00006551-00006625 Well watch this. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00025-00006712-00006976 We have a 16 and we have our radical symbol there. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00026-00007027-00007567 That radical symbol with the 16 underneath is saying, what is the square root of 16? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00027-00007594-00008042 So, when somebody asks you, what is the square root of 16, bSF6HpTuiSQ-00028-00008061-00008542 you're thinking what number do you square to get 16, and it's 4, right? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00029-00008583-00008934 But we also saw that negative 4 squared equals 16. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00030-00008965-00009458 Well, when you use a radical symbol and say, what is the square root of 16, bSF6HpTuiSQ-00031-00009498-00009892 we give what we call the principal root which is always positive. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00032-00009943-00010248 One thing to remember, whenever you take the square root of a number, bSF6HpTuiSQ-00033-00010275-00010592 the answer will always be positive so keep that in mind. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00034-00010628-00011156 Okay, so the square root of 16 is 4 because 4 squared is 16 Charlie. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00035-00011189-00011235 All right. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00036-00011308-00011504 Let's look at some other square roots. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00037-00011596-00012033 Now, before we move on though, let's look at what we call perfect squares. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00038-00012095-00012364 Watch. Charlie, what's 0 squared? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00039-00012426-00012452 >> Charlie: 0. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00040-00012452-00012497 >> Professor Perez: 0. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00041-00012497-00012545 That's right. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00042-00012545-00012746 So 0's considered a perfect square. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00043-00012794-00013114 Which means when you're asked, what is the square root of 0, bSF6HpTuiSQ-00044-00013126-00013470 the answer will be 0 because 0 squared is 0. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00045-00013552-00013685 It's so easy it's confusing. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00046-00013718-00013812 Now watch this one, Charlie! bSF6HpTuiSQ-00047-00013900-00014592 1 is a perfect square because 1 squared is 1 therefore the square root of 1 will be 1, right? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00048-00014592-00014781 You've got to think about that one. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00049-00014797-00015032 Now, here's this one. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00050-00015079-00015460 4 is also a perfect square because 2 squared is 4. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00051-00015491-00016098 Therefore, Charlie, what is the square root of 4, what's the answer? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00052-00016155-00016189 >> Charlie: 2. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00053-00016218-00016271 >> Professor Perez: 2. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00054-00016276-00016335 That's right. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00055-00016390-00016778 And other perfect squares are 9 because 3 squared is 9, bSF6HpTuiSQ-00056-00016817-00017102 we have 16 because 4 squared is 16. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00057-00017136-00017524 25 is a perfect square because 5 squared is 25 bSF6HpTuiSQ-00058-00017577-00017889 and 36 is a perfect square because 6 squared is 36. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00059-00017889-00018062 And of course, there's a whole lot more, right? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00060-00018085-00018173 We'll stop there for now. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00061-00018265-00018414 All right, Charlie, let's do some problems. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00062-00018474-00018676 What is the square root of 36, Charlie? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00063-00018723-00018775 >> Charlie: 6. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00064-00018790-00019011 >> Professor Perez: 6, because 6 squared is 36. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00065-00019011-00019601 Remember, square roots we always give positive answers, the principal root. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00066-00019636-00019909 Okay Charlie, how about the square root of 49? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00067-00019945-00019980 >> Charlie: 7. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00068-00020039-00020255 >> Professor Perez: 7, because 7 squared is 49. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00069-00020294-00020592 Now Charlie, what's the square root of 144? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00070-00020677-00020703 >> Charlie: 12. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00071-00020813-00021054 >> Professor Perez: 12, because 12 squared is 144, right? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00072-00021124-00021340 Okay, we're dealing with perfect squares here. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00073-00021397-00021627 Charlie, what's the square root of 64? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00074-00021697-00021719 >> Charlie: 8. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00075-00021719-00021935 >> Professor Perez: 8, because 8 times 8 is 64. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00076-00021991-00022110 What's the square root of 100? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00077-00022169-00022204 >> Charlie: 10. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00078-00022250-00022453 >> Professor Perez: 10, because 10 squared is 100. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00079-00022459-00022578 Now pay attention to this one Charlie. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00080-00022578-00022677 Don't get scared! bSF6HpTuiSQ-00081-00022715-00022987 What's the square root of 10? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00082-00023009-00023177 Uh-huh, that's right. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00083-00023207-00023623 10 is not a perfect square, therefore we have to use a calculator. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00084-00023683-00024261 Now the square root of 9 is 3, so the square root of 10 should be a little bit more than 3, bSF6HpTuiSQ-00085-00024306-00024721 and Charlie, if you take your calculator out and calculate the square root of 10, bSF6HpTuiSQ-00086-00024755-00025170 you will get a number 3.162 which is a little bit bigger than 3, right? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00087-00025170-00025850 In this class at this time, we're only going to deal with square roots of perfect squares, okay? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00088-00025928-00026421 All right, now, Charlie, we're going to look at what we call a right triangle. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00089-00026490-00026685 This is a word problem. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00090-00026799-00027094 Now, a right triangle means it has a right angle. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00091-00027138-00027589 And the side length opposite the right angle, which is that 13, bSF6HpTuiSQ-00092-00027589-00027792 Charlie, is called the hypotenuse. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00093-00027853-00028248 And the 5 and that a are referred to as the legs of the triangle. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00094-00028300-00029013 Now, when you have a right triangle, we have a theorem which is called the Pythagorean Theorem. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00095-00029051-00029533 And it's only applied to right triangles like this and that theorem is up there. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00096-00029567-00029859 c squared equals a squared plus b squared. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00097-00029907-00030360 Now we're going to use that theorem to solve for that side length a, right? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00098-00030398-00030593 Find that side length a. Okay? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00099-00030671-00031452 Now, in the theorem, c represents the side length opposite the right angle bSF6HpTuiSQ-00100-00031473-00031764 which is called the hypotenuse, the longest side. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00101-00031781-00032179 The a and the b represent what we call the legs of the triangle. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00102-00032195-00032343 And here we have it labeled there. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00103-00032368-00033029 The hypotenuse is 13, Charlie, the legs are 5 inches and a and we're trying bSF6HpTuiSQ-00104-00033029-00033252 to find a. So here we go, Charlie. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00105-00033355-00033468 There's the theorem. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00106-00033468-00034321 c squared equals a squared plus b squared, our c is that 13, our a is that leg right there, bSF6HpTuiSQ-00107-00034321-00034522 and the other leg we'll call that 5 okay? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00108-00034559-00034769 Now, Charlie, what's 13 squared? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00109-00034769-00034924 >> Charlie: 169. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00110-00034940-00035275 >> Professor Perez: That's a tough one there, and 5 squared is 25. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00111-00035352-00035562 Now, we're going to solve for a squared. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00112-00035635-00035744 And so, what do we do? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00113-00035825-00035901 >> Charlie: Subtract 25. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00114-00035901-00036373 >> Professor Perez: That's right, and so we get 169 subtract 25 is? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00115-00036373-00036500 >> Charlie: 144. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00116-00036500-00036610 >> Professor Perez: 144. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00117-00036610-00036654 That's right. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00118-00036654-00036871 And on the right hand side, we're left with a squared. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00119-00036897-00037163 So 144 equals a squared, Charlie. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00120-00037163-00037606 So, Charlie, what number do you square to get 144? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00121-00037684-00037720 >> Charlie: 12. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00122-00037827-00037885 >> Professor Perez: That's right. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00123-00037885-00038340 So, 12 should equal a. Well, if 12 equals a, that means a equals 12 bSF6HpTuiSQ-00124-00038362-00038934 and so that's our missing side length, and you can see, if you take 12 squared bSF6HpTuiSQ-00125-00038934-00039604 which is 144 plus 5 squared which is 25 you'll get 169. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00126-00039630-00040113 And if you take the square root of 169, you get 13 so the theorem does work. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00127-00040291-00040428 That's a tough problem there, right? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00128-00040462-00040601 Okay, we're going to do more of those later. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00129-00040684-00040918 Anyway, let's do some square root problems now. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00130-00040971-00041049 Here we go, Charlie. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00131-00041062-00041289 The square root of 4 plus the square root of 9. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00132-00041289-00041441 We don't need calculators for this. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00133-00041495-00041587 What's the square root of 4? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00134-00041630-00041640 >> Charlie: 2. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00135-00041640-00041793 >> Professor Perez: And the square root of 9? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00136-00041809-00041846 >> Charlie: 3. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00137-00041917-00042027 >> Professor Perez: And what's 2 plus 3? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00138-00042056-00042095 >> Charlie: 5. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00139-00042095-00042191 >> Professor Perez: Very nice! bSF6HpTuiSQ-00140-00042191-00042302 Okay, here's another one. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00141-00042374-00042634 Square root of 16 subtract the square root of 25. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00142-00042634-00042765 What's the square root of 16? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00143-00042786-00042821 >> Charlie: 4. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00144-00042889-00043003 >> Professor Perez: Square root of 25? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00145-00043014-00043049 >> Charlie: 5. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00146-00043120-00043183 >> Professor Perez: Very nice. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00147-00043206-00043308 What's 4 subtract 5? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00148-00043334-00043413 >> Charlie: Negative 1. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00149-00043413-00043485 >> Professor Perez: Negative 1. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00150-00043498-00043654 No calculator required. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00151-00043728-00043926 Let's do another one Charlie, now don't get scared. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00152-00043983-00044503 3 square roots of 64 means 3 times the square root of 64. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00153-00044572-00045043 2 square roots of 49 means 2 times the square root of 49, Charlie. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00154-00045043-00045476 So, we have 3 times, what's the square root of 64? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00155-00045518-00045543 >> Charlie: 8. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00156-00045576-00046344 >> Professor Perez: 8, subtract 2 times the square root of 49 which is? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00157-00046387-00046429 >> Charlie: 7. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00158-00046429-00046480 >> Professor Perez: 7. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00159-00046492-00046547 There we go. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00160-00046615-00046749 And 3 times 8 is? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00161-00046782-00046832 >> Charlie: 24. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00162-00046850-00046932 >> Professor Perez: 2 times 7? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00163-00046965-00047010 >> Charlie: 14. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00164-00047043-00047200 >> Professor Perez: And 24 subtract 14? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00165-00047232-00047274 >> Charlie: 10. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00166-00047297-00047370 >> Professor Perez: Is 10. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00167-00047370-00047507 Very nice there Charlie! bSF6HpTuiSQ-00168-00047507-00047693 All right, let's do one more. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00169-00047706-00047784 Now, don't get scared. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00170-00047908-00048209 Notice we have fractions underneath the radical sign. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00171-00048227-00048758 So, what fraction do we square to get 25 over 9, Charlie? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00172-00048862-00048919 >> Charlie: 5 thirds? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00173-00048941-00049022 >> Professor Perez: That's right. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00174-00049022-00049438 A lot of people like to think, well the square root of 25 is 5 and the square root bSF6HpTuiSQ-00175-00049438-00049728 of 9 is 3, so that is 5 thirds, right? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00176-00049770-00050388 Because 5 thirds squared means 5 thirds times 5 thirds which is 25 over 9, right? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00177-00050427-00050715 So the square root of 25 over 9 is 5 thirds. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00178-00050762-00050978 What's the square root of 81 over 16, Charlie? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00179-00051032-00051094 >> Charlie: 9 over 4. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00180-00051153-00051254 >> Professor Perez: Very nice there! bSF6HpTuiSQ-00181-00051254-00051710 9 over 4. And here, we have to find the LCD which is? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00182-00051762-00051805 >> Charlie: 12. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00183-00051814-00052004 >> Professor Perez: Okay, now we're going to use some Kung-Fu. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00184-00052004-00052290 Now remember, I'll work this one for you. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00185-00052364-00052678 3 goes into 12 4 times, 4 times 5 is 20. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00186-00052777-00053207 4 goes into 12 3 times, 3 times 9 is 27. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00187-00053238-00053551 And remember, it's over 12 because these are twelfths. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00188-00053581-00053953 And 20 plus 27 is 47, and it's over 12. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00189-00054018-00054221 That's our answer, 47 twelfths. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00190-00054240-00054380 That was some good Kung-Fu there! bSF6HpTuiSQ-00191-00054380-00054613 Now notice, we did all of these without a calculator, right? bSF6HpTuiSQ-00192-00054644-00055188 So anyway, you better be ready to do these without a calculator on the next exam. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00193-00055227-00055338 Anyway, that's if for now. bSF6HpTuiSQ-00194-00055359-00055853 We'll see you again soon! ba4tBa44q4I-00000-00000000-00000003 . bc7_K0kgbHM-00000-00000003-00000362 Hey Kids, Here we have our working circuit. bc7_K0kgbHM-00001-00000362-00000760 Here is where the output is. bc7_K0kgbHM-00002-00000760-00001137 Here we have our inputs with our bc7_K0kgbHM-00003-00001137-00001473 X, Y, & Z. We're going to count. bc7_K0kgbHM-00004-00001473-00001914 Zero, one, bc7_K0kgbHM-00005-00001914-00002240 two, bc7_K0kgbHM-00006-00002240-00002611 three, four, bc7_K0kgbHM-00007-00002611-00002992 five, bc7_K0kgbHM-00008-00002992-00003376 six, and seven. bc7_K0kgbHM-00009-00003376-00003695 Now you can see it all, the whole thing. bc7_K0kgbHM-00010-00003695-00004027 Here we have: bc7_K0kgbHM-00011-00004027-00004394 zero, one, bc7_K0kgbHM-00012-00004394-00004735 two, three, bc7_K0kgbHM-00013-00004735-00005258 four, bc7_K0kgbHM-00014-00005258-00005645 five... bc7_K0kgbHM-00015-00005645-00006025 ... uh ... no .... bc7_K0kgbHM-00016-00006025-00006500 that's 6 ... and seven. bc7_K0kgbHM-00017-00006500-00007103 Done. bc7_K0kgbHM-00018-00007103-00007309 [Background conversation.] bc7_K0kgbHM-00019-00007309-00007669 [Background conversation.] bc7_K0kgbHM-00020-00007669-00008038 [Background conversation.] bc7_K0kgbHM-00021-00008038-00008358 [Background conversation.] bgHxS48mAmM-00000-00000018-00000352 Reading thoughts Leidsche Rijn: closing workshop Amaliapark bgHxS48mAmM-00001-00000352-00000580 Thanks to: District office & DistrictGreenPlan & Leidsche Rijn & Paintdocter bgHxS48mAmM-00002-00000900-00001100 Where do you think about with your neighbourhood? bgHxS48mAmM-00004-00002656-00003132 what comes to your mind when you think about your own living environment? bgHxS48mAmM-00005-00003162-00003306 cosiness bgHxS48mAmM-00006-00003347-00003674 nice! maybe we should put the word cosiness here bgHxS48mAmM-00007-00004398-00004678 what kinda words you think of? bgHxS48mAmM-00008-00004678-00004938 a lot of butterflies! bgHxS48mAmM-00009-00004976-00005158 there you have a lot of them bgHxS48mAmM-00010-00005230-00005522 that's kinda funny bgHxS48mAmM-00011-00005870-00006150 which color fits your neighbourhood? bgHxS48mAmM-00012-00006270-00006576 your word was green, right? bgHxS48mAmM-00013-00006576-00006884 that's funny, typically Leidsche Rijn, walking your dog by skating bgHxS48mAmM-00015-00007042-00007366 it's a really cosy feeling; all those colors here bgHxS48mAmM-00017-00007534-00007814 nice, would you come skate here more easily now? bgHxS48mAmM-00018-00007873-00008131 or come here with your friends.. bgHxS48mAmM-00019-00008131-00008434 yeah, it's a cleaner look bgHxS48mAmM-00020-00008756-00009066 at least that's what I think bgHxS48mAmM-00022-00009166-00009342 We put graffiti and words together in a neighbourhood poem bgHxS48mAmM-00023-00009342-00009500 safely cycling to school, getting lost in wisdom bgHxS48mAmM-00024-00009520-00009718 in space you find eachother, playing in freedom bgHxS48mAmM-00025-00009812-00010178 Would this be something for your neighbourhood? contact us bi015h0rZx4-00000-00000053-00000160 Welcome! bi015h0rZx4-00001-00000160-00000818 In this video, we discuss the relationship between selling price, cost and markup, with bi015h0rZx4-00002-00000818-00000918 examples. bi015h0rZx4-00003-00000918-00001446 Markup simply refers to the difference between what an item was purchased for an what it bi015h0rZx4-00004-00001446-00001643 was sold for. bi015h0rZx4-00005-00001643-00001961 That is, Markup = Selling Price – Cost. bi015h0rZx4-00006-00001961-00002631 Or M (for markup) = S (for selling price) minus C (for cost) bi015h0rZx4-00007-00002631-00003415 So, if you buy a watch for $10 and sell it for $15, your markup is $5. bi015h0rZx4-00008-00003415-00003890 Markup can also be seen as the amount you add to the cost of an item before selling bi015h0rZx4-00009-00003890-00004025 it. bi015h0rZx4-00010-00004025-00004415 That is, Selling Price = Cost + Markup. bi015h0rZx4-00011-00004415-00005220 So, for the watch that costs you $10 to buy, you add $5 on top and sell it for $15. bi015h0rZx4-00012-00005220-00005691 And that also means, Cost = Selling Price minus Markup. bi015h0rZx4-00013-00005691-00006088 Thus, Selling Price = Cost + Markup bi015h0rZx4-00014-00006088-00006711 Cost = Selling Price – Markup And Markup = Selling Price - Cost bi015h0rZx4-00015-00006711-00007340 Now, some businesses calculate their markup as a percent of cost while some calculate bi015h0rZx4-00016-00007340-00007579 it as a percent of selling price. bi015h0rZx4-00017-00007579-00007868 The rate of markup based on Cost, which we denote bi015h0rZx4-00018-00007868-00008256 RC is Markup divided by Cost. bi015h0rZx4-00019-00008256-00008594 And the rate of markup based on selling price, which we denote bi015h0rZx4-00020-00008594-00009045 RS is Markup divided by Selling Price. bi015h0rZx4-00021-00009045-00009602 And we often multiply these by 100% to convert them from decimal to percent. bi015h0rZx4-00022-00009602-00010347 So, if Markup is 60% of cost, for example, we write M = 0.6C. bi015h0rZx4-00023-00010347-00010933 And if Markup is given as 45% of Selling Price, we write M = 0.45S bi015h0rZx4-00024-00010933-00011296 Now, let’s solve some problems: bi015h0rZx4-00025-00011296-00012040 In number 1, a store sells a nail trimmer for $12.00 after adding a $6.40 markup. bi015h0rZx4-00026-00012040-00012583 In part a), we want the unit cost, which is selling price minus markup. bi015h0rZx4-00027-00012583-00013078 And that will be 12 – 6.4 which gives $5.60. bi015h0rZx4-00028-00013078-00013704 The rate of markup based on cost is therefore, 6.4 divided by 5.6. bi015h0rZx4-00029-00013704-00014619 And that will give 1.143 which when multiplied by 100% gives 114.3%. bi015h0rZx4-00030-00014619-00015368 In #2, we have a power bank that costs $18 and is marked up 40% of cost. bi015h0rZx4-00031-00015368-00015886 That is, the rate of markup based on cost is 40%, or bi015h0rZx4-00032-00015886-00016201 Markup is 0.4 times Cost. bi015h0rZx4-00033-00016201-00017188 Since cost is $18, then the amount of markup is 0.4 times 18, which gives $7.20. bi015h0rZx4-00034-00017188-00017609 The selling price can thus be found by adding cost and markup. bi015h0rZx4-00035-00017609-00017834 And that gives $25.20. bi015h0rZx4-00036-00017834-00018525 Let’s now calculate the missing values in this cost-markup-selling-price table. bi015h0rZx4-00037-00018525-00019315 In part a), we have a cost of $70 and the rate of markup based on selling price is 60%. bi015h0rZx4-00038-00019315-00019790 That is, markup is 0.6 of selling price. bi015h0rZx4-00039-00019790-00020191 Beginning with the formula, Selling Price = Cost + Markup, we have bi015h0rZx4-00040-00020191-00020909 S = 70 + 0.6S We can then solve for S by first bringing bi015h0rZx4-00041-00020909-00021251 0.6S to the left of the equal sign. bi015h0rZx4-00042-00021251-00021851 And we have S (or 1S) minus 0.6S equals 70. bi015h0rZx4-00043-00021851-00022157 That is, 0.4S equals 70. bi015h0rZx4-00044-00022157-00022771 So, dividing both sides by 0.4, the selling price will be $175. bi015h0rZx4-00045-00022771-00023618 We can then calculate the markup as selling price minus cost, which gives $105. bi015h0rZx4-00046-00023618-00024251 The rate of markup on cost is therefore markup divided by cost, which gives 1.5. bi015h0rZx4-00047-00024251-00024837 And that is 150%, not 1.5%. bi015h0rZx4-00048-00024837-00025731 In b), we have a selling price of 57.60 and rate of markup based on cost of 28%. bi015h0rZx4-00049-00025731-00026264 That is, Markup is 28% of cost or M = 0.28 C bi015h0rZx4-00050-00026264-00026623 So, from Selling Price = Cost + Markup, we have bi015h0rZx4-00051-00026623-00027551 57.6 =1C + 0.28C. So, 57.6 = 1.28C bi015h0rZx4-00052-00027551-00027982 And dividing both sides by 1.28 gives the Cost price of $45. bi015h0rZx4-00053-00027982-00028757 Now, the amount of markup is selling price minus cost, which is $12.6 . bi015h0rZx4-00054-00028757-00029230 The rate of markup based on selling price is therefore markup over selling price which bi015h0rZx4-00055-00029230-00029766 gives 0.2188 or 21.88%. bi015h0rZx4-00056-00029766-00030597 In part c), we have a markup of $270 and a rate of markup based on selling price of 37.5%. bi015h0rZx4-00057-00030597-00030897 That is, Markup = .375S bi015h0rZx4-00058-00030897-00031458 Or 270 = 0.375S bi015h0rZx4-00059-00031458-00032054 Dividing both sides by 0.375, we have a selling price of $720. bi015h0rZx4-00060-00032054-00032514 Cost is therefore Selling Price minus Markup which is $450. bi015h0rZx4-00061-00032514-00033416 And finally, the rate of markup based on cost is 270/450 which is 0.6 or 60%. bi015h0rZx4-00062-00033416-00034045 In the next video we will break markup into Expenses and Profit, and solve related problems. bi015h0rZx4-00063-00034045-00034141 Thanks for watching. bj6lIU_J0pE-00000-00000514-00000606 Hello, everyone bj6lIU_J0pE-00001-00000626-00000886 Today I want to teach you to do a small Studio. bj6lIU_J0pE-00002-00000903-00001194 Just use the gadgets around you bj6lIU_J0pE-00003-00001210-00001444 than you can make a simple and convenient little studio bj6lIU_J0pE-00004-00001452-00001562 That we go! bmTSPNceLry-00000-00000000-00001692 Wow so many pods !!! A small coconut that ripens in bmTSPNceLry-00001-00004392-00004400 clusters c0d1slr3MU0-00000-00000000-00000923 Hi, in this video I’m going to show you how to search through all of the library’s resources using our new search tool. c0d1slr3MU0-00001-00000923-00001689 Through this one search box you can connect to all the library’s books, articles, ebooks, and even our archives. c0d1slr3MU0-00002-00001689-00002526 Let’s say I’m interested in finding information about the Titanic—the real thing, not the movie. c0d1slr3MU0-00003-00002526-00003399 So I’m going to type in my keyword or words in this case, “Titanic.” Start with one or two words. You can always add more later. c0d1slr3MU0-00004-00003400-00003840 Hit enter on the keyboard or Find It!. c0d1slr3MU0-00005-00003840-00004913 This tool finds LOADS of information. 186,394 different articles, books and things. c0d1slr3MU0-00006-00004913-00005783 The tool sorts them by relevance, but looking quickly through this list I can tell the computer can’t really read my mind. c0d1slr3MU0-00007-00005783-00006449 Computers just search for letters in a row. We need to tell it exactly what we are looking for. c0d1slr3MU0-00008-00006450-00007220 Luckily this tool has lots of checkboxes on the left-hand side which can help find what I’m really looking for. c0d1slr3MU0-00009-00007220-00008106 You can refine your search, you can choose a type of content, search for particular subject terms, limit by publication date, c0d1slr3MU0-00010-00008106-00009033 search in a particular part of the library—Level 2 is where we keep most of our newer books, you can even limit by language. c0d1slr3MU0-00011-00009033-00009713 For my particular search I’m going to start limiting by subject. c0d1slr3MU0-00012-00009713-00010406 All of our books, articles etc. have been read by a librarian and “tagged” with what they are really about. c0d1slr3MU0-00013-00010406-00010849 So I can tell the tool that I want to find things on “history.” c0d1slr3MU0-00014-00010850-00011846 You’ll also notice the word “more” clicking on this word will give you even “more” ways to limit your search. c0d1slr3MU0-00015-00011846-00012993 I can now include subject terms like history and shipwrecks and exclude things that I'm not interested in like “motion pictures.” c0d1slr3MU0-00016-00012993-00014246 Click Continue. Now my list is smaller. I can continue to limit further—I can just look at journal articles. c0d1slr3MU0-00017-00014246-00014709 To actually see these articles just click on the title. c0d1slr3MU0-00018-00014710-00015526 You’ll get a screen which shows which databases link to the article and you should see the word “Article” that you can click on. c0d1slr3MU0-00019-00015526-00016596 Each database that opens will look slightly different. Here’s the article in Academic Search Elite. c0d1slr3MU0-00020-00016596-00017253 I can print, email, save, or even cite the article. c0d1slr3MU0-00021-00017253-00018109 Here’s the same article in the Proquest Research c0d1slr3MU0-00022-00018110-00018813 Library. I can print, email, cite it, or save it to a flashdrive. c0d1slr3MU0-00023-00018813-00019393 We hope that our new tool will help you to get to items in the library more easily. c3Cqawcva_8-00000-00000000-00000288 hello my chou chou family i'm your fun loving happy vlogger c3Cqawcva_8-00001-00000472-00001264 this time we're doing milk tea from tiger sugar this one is located in los angeles well rowland c3Cqawcva_8-00002-00001264-00001792 height so it takes a longer time for you to drive out here but let's see what they have for us c3Cqawcva_8-00003-00002720-00003096 all right i got their signature and um c3Cqawcva_8-00004-00003408-00004384 you gotta shake it you gotta shake it before you do the thing this is like an arm workout okay oops c3Cqawcva_8-00005-00004640-00005192 oh my gosh this pudding reminds me of like taiwanese pudding when i c3Cqawcva_8-00006-00005192-00005784 used to eat when i was younger c6cZtJNCWkU-00000-00000004-00000375 Tori, Jade; Tori and Jade; Jori. c6cZtJNCWkU-00001-00000383-00000617 Whatever you want to call them, these frenemies have seen c6cZtJNCWkU-00002-00000625-00000800 their fair share of ups and downs. c6cZtJNCWkU-00003-00000809-00000988 Wait! Are we fr... we're not even friends! c6cZtJNCWkU-00004-00000996-00001388 Here’s the full story of how Jade and Tori became best frenemies. c6cZtJNCWkU-00005-00001397-00001664 And I thought we were just starting to be friends. c6cZtJNCWkU-00006-00001672-00001989 Let's kick it back to the beginning, when Jaden Tory first met. c6cZtJNCWkU-00007-00001997-00002519 It wasn’t exactly an ideal start to a friendship. And Tory would learn that c6cZtJNCWkU-00008-00002527-00002882 the last thing anyone should do is rub Jade the wrong way. c6cZtJNCWkU-00009-00002890-00003103 Why you rubbing my boyfriend? c6cZtJNCWkU-00010-00003165-00003457 - I just… I spilled coffee on... - Get away from him. c6cZtJNCWkU-00011-00003465-00003670 Jade's jealousy got the best of her. c6cZtJNCWkU-00012-00003678-00004016 Which caused some serious tension between Tori and Jade. c6cZtJNCWkU-00013-00004024-00004504 But what better way to cool the heat than with a big old cup of ice coffee? c6cZtJNCWkU-00014-00004888-00005196 What's the prob... dog? c6cZtJNCWkU-00015-00005205-00005505 Woof! That was totally uncalled for. c6cZtJNCWkU-00016-00005513-00005905 Tori wouldn't let a little caffeine ruin her new high school experience, though. c6cZtJNCWkU-00017-00005956-00006218 Instead she decided to hit Jade where it really hurt. c6cZtJNCWkU-00018-00006231-00006498 - Kiss me. - Let's do it. c6cZtJNCWkU-00019-00006831-00007257 The lines were drawn and these two would continue down Frenemy Lane. c6cZtJNCWkU-00020-00007265-00007632 I can't wait for our fight... scene. c6cZtJNCWkU-00021-00007641-00007991 When Jade and Tori were chosen as partners to act in a fight scene, c6cZtJNCWkU-00022-00008041-00008258 - things inevitably went south. - Ow! c6cZtJNCWkU-00023-00008571-00008950 - Fight or not! Fight or not! - She's bleeding! c6cZtJNCWkU-00024-00008959-00009163 - Cut! - Let me see. Let me see. c6cZtJNCWkU-00025-00009171-00009446 - Are you okay? - No! Tori hit me in the face for real! c6cZtJNCWkU-00026-00009455-00009747 - No, I didn't! - Tell that to my bloody eye! c6cZtJNCWkU-00027-00009755-00010089 I don't know. Looked a little suspicious, don't you think? c6cZtJNCWkU-00028-00010097-00010443 Probably because Tori never actually hit Jade. Shocker. c6cZtJNCWkU-00029-00010447-00010714 Either way, Tori still had to pay for her actions, c6cZtJNCWkU-00030-00010731-00010935 even if she didn't really do them. c6cZtJNCWkU-00031-00010948-00011244 So, you're just going to let me get away with it? c6cZtJNCWkU-00032-00011344-00011736 You took detention and a lower grade and you're scraping, crusty, c6cZtJNCWkU-00033-00011745-00012049 pudding off the wall on a Friday night just so I won't get in trouble. c6cZtJNCWkU-00034-00012116-00012212 Pretty much. c6cZtJNCWkU-00035-00012316-00012641 Well, you can't be nice to me when I've been mean to you. c6cZtJNCWkU-00036-00012650-00012846 That's not how it works. c6cZtJNCWkU-00037-00012858-00013167 Well, then, try being nice to me sometime. Maybe that'll work. c6cZtJNCWkU-00038-00013188-00013734 Now go play. I gotta scrape this onion dip off the wall… or onion pus. c6cZtJNCWkU-00039-00014068-00014614 When all hope seemed lost, Jade surprised us all by putting the friend in frenemy. c6cZtJNCWkU-00040-00015231-00015678 The back and forth between these two would continue with Tori constantly coming c6cZtJNCWkU-00041-00015686-00015790 to Jade's aide. c6cZtJNCWkU-00042-00015803-00016178 We saw it first when Jade and Beck broke up, with Tori coming to the rescue c6cZtJNCWkU-00043-00016187-00016399 and saving the relationship. c6cZtJNCWkU-00044-00016403-00016712 - You love me again. - Who said I stopped? c6cZtJNCWkU-00045-00016720-00016883 Awe. c6cZtJNCWkU-00046-00016891-00017233 Then we saw it again when Jade needed help getting her play produced. c6cZtJNCWkU-00047-00017242-00017484 How much do you think it'd really cost to produce your play? c6cZtJNCWkU-00048-00017492-00017684 I don't know, two, three grand. c6cZtJNCWkU-00049-00017692-00018005 Okay. Well, then it shouldn't be that hard to find someone to put up the money. c6cZtJNCWkU-00050-00018347-00018601 You'd really find me someone to put up the money to produce my play? c6cZtJNCWkU-00051-00018610-00018843 - I meant th... - Hey! c6cZtJNCWkU-00052-00018902-00019281 Did she not say it shouldn't be that hard to find someone to put up the money? c6cZtJNCWkU-00053-00019457-00019598 [mumbling] c6cZtJNCWkU-00054-00019732-00019919 So you'll do that, right? c6cZtJNCWkU-00055-00020036-00020299 - Sure. - Good. c6cZtJNCWkU-00056-00020312-00020766 Jade, who's usually ungrateful when it comes to Tori's kindness, couldn't resist c6cZtJNCWkU-00057-00020774-00021062 feeling the love after getting her dad's approval on her play, c6cZtJNCWkU-00058-00021066-00021192 all because of Tori. c6cZtJNCWkU-00059-00021204-00021663 - I thought it was excellent. - Thanks. c6cZtJNCWkU-00060-00021688-00021888 - Anything else? c6cZtJNCWkU-00061-00021896-00022188 Would you please take that jewelry out of your face now by face? c6cZtJNCWkU-00062-00022197-00022626 - No. - Bye. c6cZtJNCWkU-00063-00022635-00022877 Bye. c6cZtJNCWkU-00064-00023185-00023456 Well, get what you wanted? c6cZtJNCWkU-00065-00023515-00023873 Mmm hmm. I've never seen him look that happy before. c6cZtJNCWkU-00066-00024057-00024324 Come on, give Tori a squeeze. c6cZtJNCWkU-00067-00024516-00024874 A truly groundbreaking moment in this duo's dynamic. c6cZtJNCWkU-00068-00024883-00025437 It was a hug the entire world embraced, but naturally it didn't last very long. c6cZtJNCWkU-00069-00025446-00025667 I'm gonna count to ten and then I'm go... c6cZtJNCWkU-00070-00025717-00025834 [screaming] c6cZtJNCWkU-00071-00025934-00026013 Yeah! c6cZtJNCWkU-00072-00026021-00026180 [cheering] c6cZtJNCWkU-00073-00026735-00027114 - You're ever so welcome. - I don't talk like that! c6cZtJNCWkU-00074-00027123-00027448 Look, I'm sure it could be argued that Jade was just trying to help c6cZtJNCWkU-00075-00027456-00027627 Tori conquer her fear of falling. c6cZtJNCWkU-00076-00027677-00027940 But did that push seem a little too diabolical? c6cZtJNCWkU-00077-00027957-00028390 Especially with Jade's jealousy looming in the dark, ready to spark any moment. c6cZtJNCWkU-00078-00028399-00029279 - Did you get the lead? - I don't think she got it. c6cZtJNCWkU-00079-00029421-00029612 So who's playing Suzy? c6cZtJNCWkU-00080-00030017-00030217 Me. c6cZtJNCWkU-00081-00030226-00030526 Yikes, this definitely wouldn't go over well with Jade, c6cZtJNCWkU-00082-00030576-00030847 especially since she was cast as Tori's understudy. c6cZtJNCWkU-00083-00030855-00031072 - What's an understudy? - Oh man! c6cZtJNCWkU-00084-00031393-00031710 Um, an understudy is like a backup actor. c6cZtJNCWkU-00085-00031714-00031986 So if you get sick or something, your understudy takes over for c6cZtJNCWkU-00086-00031994-00032094 your part in the play. c6cZtJNCWkU-00087-00032102-00032620 Yeah, if you get sick or go missing. Or get hit by a bus! c6cZtJNCWkU-00088-00032628-00032795 Sure Tori and Jade are frenemies. c6cZtJNCWkU-00089-00032803-00033208 But Jade wouldn't go as far as physically harming Tori in anyway. Right? c6cZtJNCWkU-00090-00033258-00033566 Or perhaps that earlier pushing premonition was onto something. c6cZtJNCWkU-00091-00033575-00033854 - I wonder who would have sent me flowers. - Oh Tori, those are bush daisies! c6cZtJNCWkU-00092-00033863-00034050 [screaming] c6cZtJNCWkU-00093-00034059-00034242 I am way allergic to Bush daisies. c6cZtJNCWkU-00094-00034250-00034530 Like if I get anywhere near them, my whole face starts swelling up c6cZtJNCWkU-00095-00034538-00034864 - and I start sweating and shaking. - Well. Who were sent to Bush Daisies? c6cZtJNCWkU-00096-00034880-00034964 I don't know. c6cZtJNCWkU-00097-00035185-00035339 Or maybe I do. c6cZtJNCWkU-00098-00035543-00035756 How did you know I was allergic to Bush Daisies? c6cZtJNCWkU-00099-00035764-00036148 - I do my research. - You looked at my medical records? c6cZtJNCWkU-00100-00036157-00036457 I'll answer that if you stick your face in those bush daisies. c6cZtJNCWkU-00101-00036574-00036891 Listen to me. I'm doing this play. c6cZtJNCWkU-00102-00036903-00037395 I auditioned, I got the lead and I'm doing it! c6cZtJNCWkU-00103-00037504-00037771 I don't care what you do! - Alright! c6cZtJNCWkU-00104-00037779-00038029 Wow, that's some next level enemy stuff. c6cZtJNCWkU-00105-00038038-00038380 And for a while it seemed as though that's how Jori would stay. c6cZtJNCWkU-00106-00038384-00038772 Jade is a mean, vicious person with deep psychological problems. c6cZtJNCWkU-00107-00038780-00039084 The tension between these frenemies had reached a boiling point. c6cZtJNCWkU-00108-00039097-00039381 But what's a true friendship without its ups and downs? c6cZtJNCWkU-00109-00039389-00039660 When Tori and Jade were cast in a play as husband and wife, c6cZtJNCWkU-00110-00039668-00039906 they had no choice but to get along. c6cZtJNCWkU-00111-00039914-00040665 I guess some people l might say that from certain angles you're pretty. c6cZtJNCWkU-00112-00040940-00041479 - You could say I'm pretty. - You are pretty. c6cZtJNCWkU-00113-00041487-00041904 Though forced together, Tori and Jade we're starting to see eye to eye. c6cZtJNCWkU-00114-00041916-00042062 Just in time too. c6cZtJNCWkU-00115-00042071-00042279 I bet we got us a couple of songbirds here, ahh? c6cZtJNCWkU-00116-00042288-00042467 - You guys sing songs? - Sing us a song. c6cZtJNCWkU-00117-00042475-00042809 Yeah. We want to hear a little songy song. Action. c6cZtJNCWkU-00118-00042859-00043088 They want to hear a little songy song action. c6cZtJNCWkU-00119-00043247-00043614 ♪ I am not your missing link Let me tell you what I think ♪ c6cZtJNCWkU-00120-00043618-00044110 ♪ I think you could use a mint Take a hint! Take a hint ♪ c6cZtJNCWkU-00121-00044160-00044311 How awesome is it? c6cZtJNCWkU-00122-00044319-00044644 Seeing Tori and Jade come together despite their differences. c6cZtJNCWkU-00123-00044653-00044944 And it would only get better once Jade finally realized c6cZtJNCWkU-00124-00044953-00045153 just how much Tori had her back. c6cZtJNCWkU-00125-00045170-00045691 Uh… oh… you. c6cZtJNCWkU-00126-00045996-00046308 - I'm sorry. - No! I'm sorry. I... c6cZtJNCWkU-00127-00046317-00046700 - I didn't... I didn't mean to... - No, No, you didn't. You... c6cZtJNCWkU-00128-00046817-00047359 - Then why can't we kiss? - ' Cause. Because of Jade. c6cZtJNCWkU-00129-00047460-00047618 Jade and I broke up. c6cZtJNCWkU-00130-00047626-00047931 Yeah, but kissing your friend's ex-boyfriend. c6cZtJNCWkU-00131-00047935-00048169 Wait. Wait. Since when are you and Jade friends. c6cZtJNCWkU-00132-00048252-00048665 Last week she took your hamburger. She just rubbed it against her bare foot. c6cZtJNCWkU-00133-00048840-00049153 What? I ate feet meat? c6cZtJNCWkU-00134-00049391-00049762 And she took your spot on the Platinum music awards. c6cZtJNCWkU-00135-00049879-00050392 Look, I mean, I guess Jade and I are really friends, friends, c6cZtJNCWkU-00136-00050396-00050742 but we're kind of friends, I think. c6cZtJNCWkU-00137-00050767-00051580 And kissing her ex-boyfriend. I can't do that to a friend. c6cZtJNCWkU-00138-00051710-00052002 After seeing this act of courage and loyalty, c6cZtJNCWkU-00139-00052010-00052314 Jade hung up her jealousy and decided to give Tori a chance, c6cZtJNCWkU-00140-00052319-00052585 Allowing these frenemies to become friends. c6cZtJNCWkU-00141-00052594-00053157 Everyone else was coming to cheer you on. So, figured I would too. c6cZtJNCWkU-00142-00053257-00053616 And you look way better in that than I would have. c6cZtJNCWkU-00143-00053966-00054112 This isn't right. c6cZtJNCWkU-00144-00054120-00054329 Yeah, it is a little tight around your... c6cZtJNCWkU-00145-00054337-00054458 No. c6cZtJNCWkU-00146-00054554-00054913 Not this stupid outfit. This! Me. c6cZtJNCWkU-00147-00055025-00055359 - I don't... - This is supposed to be your night. c6cZtJNCWkU-00148-00055492-00055905 This was your big chance. So for me to go out there and... c6cZtJNCWkU-00149-00056210-00056614 - And? - I can't do that to a friend. c6cZtJNCWkU-00150-00056873-00056986 Or even to you. c6cZtJNCWkU-00151-00056994-00057382 From then on out, Jade and Tori continued down the path of friendship c6cZtJNCWkU-00152-00057390-00057678 with a few classic, friendly jabs here and there. c6cZtJNCWkU-00153-00057686-00057937 - I wasn't done talking. -I was done listening. c6cZtJNCWkU-00154-00057945-00058145 These frenemies have been through the wringer, c6cZtJNCWkU-00155-00058195-00058487 but at the end of the day, their bond is so strong not even c6cZtJNCWkU-00156-00058496-00058959 a pair of scissors container can tear Jori apart, no matter how hard they might try. c6cZtJNCWkU-00157-00058975-00059275 - Do you have your new scissors with you? - No. c6cZtJNCWkU-00158-00059396-00059555 [sighing] c6cZtJNCWkU-00159-00059985-00060331 Those are my old scissors. cuwVNElT9l8-00000-00000001-00000202 (male narrator) In Part 1 of this video, cuwVNElT9l8-00001-00000202-00000505 we began looking at how streams and wind could affect a rate cuwVNElT9l8-00002-00000505-00000806 by adding and subtracting as we were going up- and downstream. cuwVNElT9l8-00003-00000806-00001103 Zoe's boat in still water, we found out, cuwVNElT9l8-00004-00001103-00001305 could be modeled with this equation. cuwVNElT9l8-00005-00001305-00001408 We can start solving cuwVNElT9l8-00006-00001408-00001608 by identifying the least common denominator cuwVNElT9l8-00007-00001608-00002000 is r plus 3, r minus 3. cuwVNElT9l8-00008-00002204-00002601 So we will multiply each term by this product: cuwVNElT9l8-00009-00002601-00002901 r plus 3, r minus 3. cuwVNElT9l8-00010-00003107-00003502 As we do, the r plus 3s will divide out, cuwVNElT9l8-00011-00003502-00004103 giving us 80, times r, minus 3, plus 12, times... cuwVNElT9l8-00012-00004103-00004407 notice these two binomials are a sum and a difference, cuwVNElT9l8-00013-00004407-00004604 which means we only need cuwVNElT9l8-00014-00004604-00004807 to multiply the first and last together cuwVNElT9l8-00015-00004807-00005306 to get r squared, minus 9, equals 80; cuwVNElT9l8-00016-00005306-00005809 with the r minus 3s dividing out, times r, plus 3. cuwVNElT9l8-00017-00005809-00006203 Distributing through the parentheses will give us: cuwVNElT9l8-00018-00006203-00007401 80r minus 240, plus 12r squared, minus 108, equals 80r, plus 240. cuwVNElT9l8-00019-00007506-00007906 You may notice we have 80r on both sides of the equation, cuwVNElT9l8-00020-00007906-00008209 so we can subtract it off of both sides cuwVNElT9l8-00021-00008209-00008500 to reduce the number of terms. cuwVNElT9l8-00022-00008500-00008608 And while we're at it, cuwVNElT9l8-00023-00008608-00009001 we will combine like terms on the left side. cuwVNElT9l8-00024-00009001-00009507 We now have 2r squared, minus 348, equals 240. cuwVNElT9l8-00025-00009704-00010000 Because we have r squared, but no r, cuwVNElT9l8-00026-00010000-00010204 we can simply isolate the r squared cuwVNElT9l8-00027-00010204-00010606 and use the even root property in order to solve. cuwVNElT9l8-00028-00010606-00011401 We will add 348 to both sides to get 12r squared, equals 588. cuwVNElT9l8-00029-00011401-00011602 Dividing both sides by 12 cuwVNElT9l8-00030-00011602-00012101 tells us that r squared is equal to 49. cuwVNElT9l8-00031-00012101-00012307 Taking the square root of both sides cuwVNElT9l8-00032-00012307-00012602 technically gives us plus or minus 7. cuwVNElT9l8-00033-00012602-00012907 However, r is equal to the rate Zoe rows, cuwVNElT9l8-00034-00012907-00013107 which would not be negative, cuwVNElT9l8-00035-00013107-00013600 so we will say Zoe rows 7 miles per hour. cuwVNElT9l8-00036-00013708-00014105 The second example we looked at was an airplane flying cuwVNElT9l8-00037-00014105-00014403 into the wind and out of the wind. cuwVNElT9l8-00038-00014403-00014606 We found out this could be modeled cuwVNElT9l8-00039-00014606-00014807 with the following equation. cuwVNElT9l8-00040-00014807-00015004 We can start solving cuwVNElT9l8-00041-00015004-00015208 by identifying the least common denominator cuwVNElT9l8-00042-00015208-00015605 to be r minus 10, times r, plus 10. cuwVNElT9l8-00043-00015605-00015805 And so, we'll multiply each factor... cuwVNElT9l8-00044-00015805-00016104 or I'm sorry, each term by the factors: cuwVNElT9l8-00045-00016104-00016401 r plus 10, r minus 10. cuwVNElT9l8-00046-00016700-00017002 When we do, we'll see a similar pattern unfold cuwVNElT9l8-00047-00017002-00017205 as we start to solve. cuwVNElT9l8-00048-00017205-00017700 The r minus 10s divide out, giving us 5,084; cuwVNElT9l8-00049-00017700-00018104 times r; plus 10; minus 20. cuwVNElT9l8-00050-00018104-00018308 Again, we have a difference of squares, cuwVNElT9l8-00051-00018308-00018609 so we'll multiply the first and last terms cuwVNElT9l8-00052-00018609-00018904 to get r squared, minus 100. cuwVNElT9l8-00053-00018904-00019203 And with the r plus 10s dividing out, cuwVNElT9l8-00054-00019203-00019600 we get 5,084; times r; minus 10. cuwVNElT9l8-00055-00019807-00020000 We continue solving cuwVNElT9l8-00056-00020000-00020202 by distributing through the parentheses cuwVNElT9l8-00057-00020202-00021105 to get 5,084r; plus 50,840; minus 20r squared; cuwVNElT9l8-00058-00021105-00022008 plus 2,000; equals 5,084r; minus 50,840. cuwVNElT9l8-00059-00022008-00022501 Again, with the 5,084r on both sides of the equation, cuwVNElT9l8-00060-00022501-00022904 we can subtract it out to reduce the number of terms. cuwVNElT9l8-00061-00022904-00023300 We'll also combine like terms on the left to give us: cuwVNElT9l8-00062-00023300-00024201 -20r squared; plus 52,840; equals -50,840. cuwVNElT9l8-00063-00024404-00024804 Subtracting the 52,840 from both sides cuwVNElT9l8-00064-00024804-00025102 to start isolating the r squared cuwVNElT9l8-00065-00025102-00025906 gives us -20r squared; equals -103,680. cuwVNElT9l8-00066-00025906-00026307 And dividing both sides by -20 cuwVNElT9l8-00067-00026307-00026900 tells us that r squared is equal to 5,184. cuwVNElT9l8-00068-00026900-00027300 To finish solving, we simply need to take the square root, cuwVNElT9l8-00069-00027300-00027701 telling us that r is equal to plus or minus 72. cuwVNElT9l8-00070-00027701-00028103 However, you wouldn't fly a plane at -72 miles per hour, cuwVNElT9l8-00071-00028103-00028602 so we must only have the +72 miles per hour cuwVNElT9l8-00072-00028602-00028900 that Darius is flying his plane.