IAImBIn4XJ0-00000-00001000-00001200 Playn you goin' crazy! IAW21eNf2Rc-00000-00000529-00000953 Hey, and welcome to Comics Crash Course! So, today might seem straightforward, but IAW21eNf2Rc-00001-00000953-00001250 it's pretty important to getting everyone on the same page. I'm gonna IAW21eNf2Rc-00002-00001250-00001725 break down the terminology of the elements of the comics form. So just like IAW21eNf2Rc-00003-00001725-00001935 some of the stuff we've been doing the last two weeks regarding who makes IAW21eNf2Rc-00004-00001935-00002343 comics, it's pretty important to know what MAKES UP comics before you start IAW21eNf2Rc-00005-00002343-00002836 talking about what those elements can do. So let's start with comics themselves. IAW21eNf2Rc-00006-00002836-00003360 You'll notice that I call the form comics. Now people fight about the term IAW21eNf2Rc-00007-00003360-00003777 for the form on the whole. Some folks don't like the word comics, in part IAW21eNf2Rc-00008-00003777-00004227 because the word itself is connected to humor and has the connotation of comic IAW21eNf2Rc-00009-00004227-00004653 books, and hence you know, kids' stuff. Superheroes and that kind of thing. But IAW21eNf2Rc-00010-00004653-00005103 quite frankly, those elements are the foundation of the form. Without humor IAW21eNf2Rc-00011-00005103-00005564 magazines, satirical prints, caricature, and comic books we wouldn't have the comics IAW21eNf2Rc-00012-00005564-00006126 industry we have today-- mainstream or independent. Besides other terms folks IAW21eNf2Rc-00013-00006126-00006567 have put forward just don't really work. For example, a popular alternative term IAW21eNf2Rc-00014-00006567-00007050 is "sequential art," but there are lots of forms of sequential art that aren't IAW21eNf2Rc-00015-00007050-00007397 necessarily comics. So while comics are a form of sequential IAW21eNf2Rc-00016-00007397-00007898 art, not all sequential art is comics. "Graphic Novel," another popular IAW21eNf2Rc-00017-00007898-00008424 alternative, doesn't work either. See a graphic novel is a TYPE of comic. It IAW21eNf2Rc-00018-00008424-00009047 refers to a long-form fictional comics story, a novel in comics. Usually all IAW21eNf2Rc-00019-00009047-00009477 published at once, as opposed to a trade or collected volume, which is a IAW21eNf2Rc-00020-00009477-00009915 collection of material that had been previously published episodically--like IAW21eNf2Rc-00021-00009915-00010418 in monthly issues or magazines... or "floppies" or "flimsies," if you're being IAW21eNf2Rc-00022-00010418-00010986 informal. Technically a lot of graphic memoirs or graphic autobiographies get IAW21eNf2Rc-00023-00010986-00011445 called graphic novels, but, well, they're not novels at all.Tthey're memoirs or IAW21eNf2Rc-00024-00011445-00011861 autobiographies. And then there are works like Scott McCloud's UNDERSTANDING IAW21eNf2Rc-00025-00011861-00012270 COMICS or Nick Sousanis's UNFLATTENING which are well, graphic IAW21eNf2Rc-00026-00012270-00012759 essays. I may seem nitpicky, and I'm not going to beat you up for it, but it's good to IAW21eNf2Rc-00027-00012759-00013238 be precise about these kind of things. So normally terms like title, series, and IAW21eNf2Rc-00028-00013238-00013501 volume are pretty straightforward. But when it comes IAW21eNf2Rc-00029-00013501-00013919 to mainstream superhero comics they can get a little more complicated. When IAW21eNf2Rc-00030-00013919-00014284 people talk about the new "Superman" title, they might be talking about the new IAW21eNf2Rc-00031-00014284-00014854 Superman series, which might not be named Superman. Series, title, and even book are IAW21eNf2Rc-00032-00014854-00015352 all used to refer to a series and in superhero comics popular characters IAW21eNf2Rc-00033-00015352-00015835 might feature in several series with several titles. So if a friend recommends IAW21eNf2Rc-00034-00015835-00016759 that you read the new X-Men book... double-check which one. This is also IAW21eNf2Rc-00035-00016759-00017320 where volume comes in. In mainstream superhero comics especially, volume can IAW21eNf2Rc-00036-00017320-00017929 refer to both the iteration of a collected trade paperback: so, this is the IAW21eNf2Rc-00037-00017929-00018381 7th volume of Ultimate Spider-Man. But it can also refer to something that IAW21eNf2Rc-00038-00018381-00018973 happens when a series starts over, goes on hiatus, hits a milestone, or gets a new IAW21eNf2Rc-00039-00018973-00019920 #1. So this is the start of Volume 2 of Ultimate Spider-Man. It's Volume 2, IAW21eNf2Rc-00040-00019920-00020628 Volume 1, which picks up right where volume 1, Volume 23 left off. (I'm sorry) IAW21eNf2Rc-00041-00020628-00021160 This is frankly unnecessarily persnickety, but it's a thing that can IAW21eNf2Rc-00042-00021160-00021634 happen and if you want to know more ,you can email me I'm not going to get into IAW21eNf2Rc-00043-00021634-00022009 any more detail here! So, there are other formats of publication worth thinking IAW21eNf2Rc-00044-00022009-00022318 about too, or that get mentioned in conversations IAW21eNf2Rc-00045-00022318-00022801 about comics. "Digest" refers generally to a size, it's a smaller format of IAW21eNf2Rc-00046-00022801-00023137 publication that things like the Archie comics you'll find at the supermarket or IAW21eNf2Rc-00047-00023137-00023617 especially manga get published in. Then there are "Zines." These are usually IAW21eNf2Rc-00048-00023617-00024142 self-published in small numbers and independently sold. "Webcomics" are IAW21eNf2Rc-00049-00024142-00024589 published online and usually online first, but these days it's not uncommon for IAW21eNf2Rc-00050-00024589-00025132 really popular webcomics to then get published in trade volumes. Another IAW21eNf2Rc-00051-00025132-00025513 publishing format that's been popular recently, especially among a lot of IAW21eNf2Rc-00052-00025513-00026245 kick-started projects is the "Anthology." Ao an anthology is when, instead of the IAW21eNf2Rc-00053-00026245-00026642 entire volume being one story, it's a lot of short IAW21eNf2Rc-00054-00026642-00027052 unrelated stories being published together in a single volume. Now interestingly IAW21eNf2Rc-00055-00027052-00027520 this is kind of a throwback in the Golden Age. A lot of monthly magazines IAW21eNf2Rc-00056-00027520-00027995 were anthologies! Action Comics #1, for example, the first appearance of IAW21eNf2Rc-00057-00027995-00028532 Superman, was a pretty long issue. I think over 60 pages or so, but the Superman IAW21eNf2Rc-00058-00028532-00028943 story is only the first handful of pages--t's only about eight pages. The rest of IAW21eNf2Rc-00059-00028943-00029381 the issue was filled with short stories about other characters. Okay, so now we're IAW21eNf2Rc-00060-00029381-00029819 gonna move away from the books to what's IN the books themselves. So one of the IAW21eNf2Rc-00061-00029819-00030139 most important elements of comics and one that often gets ignored because it IAW21eNf2Rc-00062-00030139-00030635 seems really obvious is the PAGE. But the page is the fundamental unit of IAW21eNf2Rc-00063-00030635-00031124 storytelling, and it has its own compositional unity--something we'll talk IAW21eNf2Rc-00064-00031124-00031589 about later--as well as holding a bunch of little compositional units together IAW21eNf2Rc-00065-00031589-00032117 inside of it. So in printing you can be really fancy and refer to the recto, or IAW21eNf2Rc-00066-00032117-00032591 the front side of the page, and the verso. or the back side. So when a page is open IAW21eNf2Rc-00067-00032591-00033146 to a double spread, verso is going to be on the left and recto on the right. The IAW21eNf2Rc-00068-00033146-00033608 page turn is also a really important moment in comics; it's a key moment of IAW21eNf2Rc-00069-00033608-00034025 narrative reveal, a moment of surprise. And good comic artists know how to IAW21eNf2Rc-00070-00034025-00034610 manipulate that moment to full effect. So when an image goes across more than one IAW21eNf2Rc-00071-00034610-00035114 page, it's called a spread and the most common is the double page spread--I IAW21eNf2Rc-00072-00035114-00035492 refer to it just briefly a second ago-- and that's when it goes across two open IAW21eNf2Rc-00073-00035492-00035981 pages. Every so often there are spreads that go across more than two pages, like IAW21eNf2Rc-00074-00035981-00036485 this one by Jim Steranko which was four pages. For obvious reasons, it's pretty IAW21eNf2Rc-00075-00036485-00036989 uncommon because it requires some publishing trickery to get through, IAW21eNf2Rc-00076-00036989-00037394 including weird folded pages and that kind of thing. Oh, a thing that happens IAW21eNf2Rc-00077-00037394-00037751 more in mainstream comics and especially superhero comics than elsewhere is IAW21eNf2Rc-00078-00037751-00038303 what's called a splash or a splash page. This is the first page of a story and is IAW21eNf2Rc-00079-00038303-00038876 usually a full page or mostly full page illustration. So if pages are the IAW21eNf2Rc-00080-00038876-00039365 paragraphs of comics, panels are its words. Yes, that's what we call the boxes-- IAW21eNf2Rc-00081-00039365-00039806 not boxes, or frames. Inside the industry we call them panels. And we call them panels IAW21eNf2Rc-00082-00039806-00040016 whether there's actually a physical border IAW21eNf2Rc-00083-00040016-00040781 or it's an implied border. The space between panels is equally important. So IAW21eNf2Rc-00084-00040781-00041336 important it has its own name: the gutter. And again we talk about the gutter IAW21eNf2Rc-00085-00041336-00041840 whether there's an actual physical space, a white space, or it's implied by a line. IAW21eNf2Rc-00086-00041840-00042413 This separation between panels is like the space between words: how we make IAW21eNf2Rc-00087-00042413-00042818 sense of and differentiate between the individual units of the page, which are IAW21eNf2Rc-00088-00042818-00043388 as I mentioned, panels. So, layout or compositio, get used pretty IAW21eNf2Rc-00089-00043388-00044174 interchangeably to refer to the way that panels are arranged on a page. When a IAW21eNf2Rc-00090-00044174-00044612 panel doesn't have a border and the image runs to the end of the page IAW21eNf2Rc-00091-00044612-00045083 that's called a bleed. This is more of a publishing term than a formal term, but IAW21eNf2Rc-00092-00045083-00045542 you'll see them used occasionally. And if an image runs to the end of all four IAW21eNf2Rc-00093-00045542-00046307 edges of the page, it's called a full bleed. Now inside panels live a wealth of IAW21eNf2Rc-00094-00046307-00046949 objects. This here is called a caption box. It's used for text that's not spoken IAW21eNf2Rc-00095-00046949-00047552 speech. Spoken speech goes into a word balloon. Mow I have it on good authority IAW21eNf2Rc-00096-00047552-00048182 that the term "balloon" is what's preferred by industry insiders over "bubble," IAW21eNf2Rc-00097-00048182-00048616 which tends to get used by critics and readers. So I think we should make it IAW21eNf2Rc-00098-00048616-00049238 standard. Now if it's spoken speech it's a word balloon or a speech balloon, if IAW21eNf2Rc-00099-00049238-00049685 it's a thought it's a thought balloon. But balloon is just generally what it's IAW21eNf2Rc-00100-00049685-00050207 called. These things that designate sound they are super interesting and we're IAW21eNf2Rc-00101-00050207-00050762 gonna have a whole video on them. They are called sound effects. Now this kind of IAW21eNf2Rc-00102-00050762-00051209 stuff here isn't really a sound effect, but it's things that are used to mark stuff IAW21eNf2Rc-00103-00051209-00051602 that comes off people or things, emotions, smells...essentially anything IAW21eNf2Rc-00104-00051602-00052262 that's not sound. That's called emanata. Oh, and another word doesn't get used a IAW21eNf2Rc-00105-00052262-00052745 ton, but it's one of the great neologisms of English is the grawlix. It's the IAW21eNf2Rc-00106-00052745-00053341 word for typographical inserts to avoid swears. So if somebody's swearing but you IAW21eNf2Rc-00107-00053341-00053776 get the symbols instead: grawlixes. So there'll be IAW21eNf2Rc-00108-00053776-00054124 a lot more that comes up as we go, but I think this is a pretty good start. IAW21eNf2Rc-00109-00054124-00054567 Especially for a lot of the terms that I'll be using more regularly next week. IAW21eNf2Rc-00110-00054567-00055003 We're gonna start looking at the form itself and how it works. Just like I IAW21eNf2Rc-00111-00055003-00055675 promised three episodes ago. I'll see you then. IBl6L07LZMU-00000-00007738-00008084 Welcome my friends, welcome to a new episode of Koffea TV IBl6L07LZMU-00001-00008136-00008540 Koffea TV is a channel where we want to talk about Specialty Coffee IBl6L07LZMU-00002-00008606-00009090 but we are concentrating mostly on the production of the coffee grain IBl6L07LZMU-00003-00009218-00009710 Coffee moves an industry that is unimaginable IBl6L07LZMU-00004-00009878-00010170 not only when you see the green bean forward IBl6L07LZMU-00005-00010218-00010590 all the processes that are derived from a coffee grain IBl6L07LZMU-00006-00010716-00011288 but what we are concentrating on mostly is from the green bean backward IBl6L07LZMU-00007-00011314-00011892 the most important part of coffee, which is the growth of the grain, of the plant IBl6L07LZMU-00008-00012020-00012390 all the hardships that people must go through IBl6L07LZMU-00009-00012420-00012910 in order for us the consumers to have the best cup of coffee possible IBl6L07LZMU-00010-00012966-00013562 unfortunately in this big industry, multi-billion dollar industry IBl6L07LZMU-00011-00013610-00014168 those stories, those people...their efforts...are not known IBl6L07LZMU-00012-00014202-00014808 and the people who work mostly, are the ones who are making the least amount of money IBl6L07LZMU-00013-00014808-00015096 in this multi-billion dollar industry IBl6L07LZMU-00014-00015172-00015606 so the reason why we at Koffea TV are making these stories IBl6L07LZMU-00015-00015606-00015994 we are sharing them with you, is so that we as consumers IBl6L07LZMU-00016-00015994-00016352 become more aware of all these hardships IBl6L07LZMU-00017-00016352-00016648 of all this work, of everything that it entails IBl6L07LZMU-00018-00016648-00017172 for us in the morning to either grind or if the coffee is grounded already IBl6L07LZMU-00019-00017172-00017644 just put it in a machine, and put some boiled water IBl6L07LZMU-00020-00017644-00018240 and get a good cup of coffee... for them, the story is completely different IBl6L07LZMU-00021-00018240-00018758 they have to work for long hours...amongst the heat... IBl6L07LZMU-00022-00018792-00019318 in very steep hills...they have to work in between the plagues IBl6L07LZMU-00023-00019318-00019868 mosquitoes... black flies that are constantly biting them IBl6L07LZMU-00024-00019868-00020518 in order for them to have work, and get something to put on their tables IBl6L07LZMU-00025-00020590-00021048 We've been going around Colombia for the past four years, this is our fifth IBl6L07LZMU-00026-00021048-00021638 trip to Colombia...We've been visiting a lot of coffee plantations IBl6L07LZMU-00027-00021638-00022280 We've been seeing a lot of processes... how they are doing the traditional coffee growing IBl6L07LZMU-00028-00022312-00022718 and we are mostly concentrating on Specialty coffee IBl6L07LZMU-00029-00022766-00023244 the reason being Specialty coffee is the one that can enable them IBl6L07LZMU-00030-00023268-00023608 to have a decent means of income IBl6L07LZMU-00031-00023658-00024076 right at this moment, because of coffee is sold in the stock market IBl6L07LZMU-00032-00024114-00024432 they're barely making a dollar forty a pound IBl6L07LZMU-00033-00024470-00024906 that doesn't even cover the cost of producing the coffee IBl6L07LZMU-00034-00024944-00025424 they're loosing, yet we have other people, the intermediary people mostly, IBl6L07LZMU-00035-00025454-00025770 who are making thousands or even millions of dollars IBl6L07LZMU-00036-00025820-00026210 the idea here is for us as consumers to become more aware IBl6L07LZMU-00037-00026242-00026750 to understand that if we buy Specialty coffee IBl6L07LZMU-00038-00026782-00027212 if we ask our Specialty coffee stores, what treatment are IBl6L07LZMU-00039-00027212-00027652 they giving to the coffee growers...if we go to supermarkets IBl6L07LZMU-00040-00027652-00028208 our favorite supermarket, and look for the certified coffee IBl6L07LZMU-00041-00028208-00028864 we are helping these people make a decent means of income IBl6L07LZMU-00042-00028864-00029436 and a decent means...a very much deserved means for a better life IBl6L07LZMU-00043-00029544-00029995 so...we want to invite you to go with us through this journey IBl6L07LZMU-00044-00030050-00030270 that we have been doing for the past week IBl6L07LZMU-00045-00030302-00030916 in the Municipality of Bruselas... in the State of Huila...in the southern part of IBl6L07LZMU-00046-00030916-00031245 The State of Huila, in Colombia, South America ICIDXfAWUU0-00000-00002000-00002287 - Hi everyone, so for anyone who doesn't know me, ICIDXfAWUU0-00001-00002287-00002441 my name is Amy ICIDXfAWUU0-00002-00002441-00002725 and, oh, it's on automatic, I am very sorry. ICIDXfAWUU0-00003-00002725-00002920 I'll just quickly do an introduction. ICIDXfAWUU0-00004-00002920-00003158 So my name is Amy ICIDXfAWUU0-00005-00003158-00003395 and I've been in Commercial Fieldwork Archaeology ICIDXfAWUU0-00006-00003395-00003587 since 2012. ICIDXfAWUU0-00007-00003587-00004070 And earlier this year I took purpose with Arcus Consulting. ICIDXfAWUU0-00008-00004070-00004270 They're a Renewables Energy Consultancy ICIDXfAWUU0-00009-00004270-00004508 as a Heritage Consultant. ICIDXfAWUU0-00010-00004508-00005179 I started Seeing Red back in 2019 so it's not that old ICIDXfAWUU0-00011-00005179-00005445 because after, ICIDXfAWUU0-00012-00005445-00005587 six, seven years in the field, ICIDXfAWUU0-00013-00005587-00005941 I was absolutely fed up of all of us who menstruated, ICIDXfAWUU0-00014-00005941-00006295 just never having safe welfare, clean welfare, ICIDXfAWUU0-00015-00006295-00006762 or even just able to menstruate at all. ICIDXfAWUU0-00016-00006762-00006920 So yeah, so I sort of thought right, ICIDXfAWUU0-00017-00006920-00007066 something has got to be done. ICIDXfAWUU0-00018-00007066-00007150 And with the help ICIDXfAWUU0-00019-00007150-00007512 of Mentoring for Womxn in Archaeology and Heritage ICIDXfAWUU0-00020-00007512-00007841 BAJR Respect and Prospect, ICIDXfAWUU0-00021-00007841-00008204 we've been able to set it up. ICIDXfAWUU0-00022-00008204-00008654 Right, Slideshow. ICIDXfAWUU0-00023-00008654-00008850 These are all the amazing companies ICIDXfAWUU0-00024-00008850-00009095 who have been able to help me set up, Seeing Reds. ICIDXfAWUU0-00025-00009095-00009208 I'd like to give a big shout out here ICIDXfAWUU0-00026-00009208-00009500 to the Enabled Archaeology Foundation. ICIDXfAWUU0-00027-00009500-00009620 The late Theresa O'Mahoney was actually ICIDXfAWUU0-00028-00009620-00009879 one of the first people I contacted ICIDXfAWUU0-00029-00009879-00010145 when I had this mad idea to set up Seeing Red. ICIDXfAWUU0-00030-00010145-00010412 And she's actually the inspiration behind creating ICIDXfAWUU0-00031-00010412-00010787 the Accessible Period Packs for on site welfare. ICIDXfAWUU0-00032-00010787-00011054 So a huge, huge thank you ICIDXfAWUU0-00033-00011054-00011445 for the work from Enabled archaeology as well as to Theresa. ICIDXfAWUU0-00034-00011445-00011725 So everyone else who've got mentioned for welfare, ICIDXfAWUU0-00035-00011725-00011929 our little mascot is behind me, ICIDXfAWUU0-00036-00011929-00012258 BAJR Respect, Prospect archaeology who helped ICIDXfAWUU0-00037-00012258-00012716 launch Seeing Red at the 2019 TAG UCL. ICIDXfAWUU0-00038-00012716-00012929 So if anyone remembers me from that, ICIDXfAWUU0-00039-00012929-00013020 hello, ICIDXfAWUU0-00040-00013020-00013204 and as well as for BAJR Jobs ICIDXfAWUU0-00041-00013204-00013587 for enabling me to set up a free To Download Guide ICIDXfAWUU0-00042-00013587-00013758 as part of a bunch to guide series ICIDXfAWUU0-00043-00013758-00014329 on Menstrual Health and Welfare. ICIDXfAWUU0-00044-00014329-00014512 So what is Seeing Red? ICIDXfAWUU0-00045-00014512-00014733 Seeing Red is a grassroots movement designed ICIDXfAWUU0-00046-00014733-00014950 to create change within the Archaeological Industry ICIDXfAWUU0-00047-00014950-00015279 by ensuring safe, clean, accessible, menstrual hygiene ICIDXfAWUU0-00048-00015279-00015541 for anyone who needs it on site. ICIDXfAWUU0-00049-00015541-00015795 This is a campaign not just for Cis-women ICIDXfAWUU0-00050-00015795-00016062 because Trans-men, Gender Non-Binary individuals ICIDXfAWUU0-00051-00016062-00016266 can also menstruate. ICIDXfAWUU0-00052-00016266-00016387 There are many reasons an individual ICIDXfAWUU0-00053-00016387-00016604 may be unable to safely access supplies ICIDXfAWUU0-00054-00016604-00016783 prior to being on site, ICIDXfAWUU0-00055-00016783-00016958 I've written some of these down here, ICIDXfAWUU0-00056-00016958-00017283 but essentially periods happen. ICIDXfAWUU0-00057-00017283-00017562 Yeah, we can't help them at all. ICIDXfAWUU0-00058-00017562-00017708 And yeah, there's many reasons. ICIDXfAWUU0-00059-00017708-00018095 Period Poverty is a huge problem in the UK. ICIDXfAWUU0-00060-00018095-00018454 Periods as well are not very regular at all. ICIDXfAWUU0-00061-00018454-00018537 One of the biggest problems ICIDXfAWUU0-00062-00018537-00018683 of being a Fieldworker Archaeologist ICIDXfAWUU0-00063-00018683-00018908 is that staff are often caught out, ICIDXfAWUU0-00064-00018908-00019145 or have a heavier blood flow than normal. ICIDXfAWUU0-00065-00019145-00019454 It's often due to extra exercise that was unanticipated ICIDXfAWUU0-00066-00019454-00019758 or just quite frankly, having a bad day. ICIDXfAWUU0-00067-00019758-00019904 Yeah it happens to the best of us ICIDXfAWUU0-00068-00019904-00020162 no matter how well prepared we are. ICIDXfAWUU0-00069-00020162-00020425 A lot of staff also have invisible conditions ICIDXfAWUU0-00070-00020425-00020925 such as Endometriosis and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or PCOS. ICIDXfAWUU0-00071-00020958-00021254 These can have menstrual complications ICIDXfAWUU0-00072-00021254-00021745 and cause staff to be unable to work to a normal standard. ICIDXfAWUU0-00073-00021745-00021925 I actually have Endometriosis. ICIDXfAWUU0-00074-00021925-00022116 So if anyone wants to talk to me about it, ICIDXfAWUU0-00075-00022116-00022387 I'm more than happy to sort of give some tips ICIDXfAWUU0-00076-00022387-00022770 and advice on how I coped with it on site. ICIDXfAWUU0-00077-00022770-00023087 Now post-pregnancy menstruation and as well the menopause ICIDXfAWUU0-00078-00023087-00023316 they are complex and can also lead to an urgent need ICIDXfAWUU0-00079-00023316-00023466 for sanitary supplies. ICIDXfAWUU0-00080-00023466-00023658 Again, seeing Red aims to cater ICIDXfAWUU0-00081-00023658-00024275 to anyone who needs extra support, extra supplies ICIDXfAWUU0-00082-00024275-00024654 and also anyone experiencing complex symptoms, ICIDXfAWUU0-00083-00024654-00025145 related to menstruation, menopause and invisible illnesses. ICIDXfAWUU0-00084-00025145-00025466 So seeing Red fully supports everyone within ICIDXfAWUU0-00085-00025466-00025729 the LGBTIA+ community, ICIDXfAWUU0-00086-00025729-00025920 as well as the Black Lives Matter Movement ICIDXfAWUU0-00087-00025920-00026487 because it's not just white women who menstruate. ICIDXfAWUU0-00088-00026487-00026775 So I compiled a series of horror stories. ICIDXfAWUU0-00089-00026775-00027087 I have actually had to trim them down to only two slides ICIDXfAWUU0-00090-00027087-00027329 because when I put out a call, ICIDXfAWUU0-00091-00027329-00027720 I've had an inundated 50 plus examples ICIDXfAWUU0-00092-00027720-00028033 of some genuine horror. ICIDXfAWUU0-00093-00028033-00028337 So this is a fundamental reason ICIDXfAWUU0-00094-00028337-00028879 why menstruation campaign is needed within Archaeology. ICIDXfAWUU0-00095-00028879-00029204 So the fact that portaloos but no hand washing facilities ICIDXfAWUU0-00096-00029204-00029379 are standards. ICIDXfAWUU0-00097-00029379-00029600 That's still terrifying to read, ICIDXfAWUU0-00098-00029600-00029783 even though I'm used to that. ICIDXfAWUU0-00099-00029783-00030045 And I shouldn't be used to that. ICIDXfAWUU0-00100-00030045-00030233 The fact that I know ICIDXfAWUU0-00101-00030233-00030450 many women who've had to go on the pill ICIDXfAWUU0-00102-00030450-00030937 or take the Contraception Injections just to stop them ICIDXfAWUU0-00103-00030937-00031070 from having periods because ICIDXfAWUU0-00104-00031070-00031483 it's such a traumatically experience on sites. ICIDXfAWUU0-00105-00031483-00032041 No job should be forcing womxn to alter their bodies. ICIDXfAWUU0-00106-00032041-00032233 During a buildings recording job ICIDXfAWUU0-00107-00032233-00032437 I had to change a tampon behind a tree. ICIDXfAWUU0-00108-00032437-00032712 looking back it was unhygienic and degrading. ICIDXfAWUU0-00109-00032712-00032879 The horrifying thing about that statement ICIDXfAWUU0-00110-00032879-00033358 is the looking back out at the time, this is the norm. ICIDXfAWUU0-00111-00033358-00033641 The fact that for six years, that was normal. ICIDXfAWUU0-00112-00033641-00033779 That's actually not one of my quotes, ICIDXfAWUU0-00113-00033779-00034091 but that was one that was sent in to me. ICIDXfAWUU0-00114-00034091-00034558 Looking back is the horrifying aspects of that statement. ICIDXfAWUU0-00115-00034558-00034695 Another individual, ICIDXfAWUU0-00116-00034695-00034933 I had to change a tampon in a derelict building that was ICIDXfAWUU0-00117-00034933-00035108 in the process of being demolished ICIDXfAWUU0-00118-00035108-00035429 because there was no accessible toilets on site. ICIDXfAWUU0-00119-00035429-00035600 There was no door, oops sorry, excuse me ICIDXfAWUU0-00120-00035600-00035741 there was no door and I had to do it ICIDXfAWUU0-00121-00035741-00035970 as quick as possible before the builders came back in. ICIDXfAWUU0-00122-00035970-00036275 Then I had to carry around the used tampon around all day ICIDXfAWUU0-00123-00036275-00036479 because there was no bin. ICIDXfAWUU0-00124-00036479-00036687 Bins are a problem on site. ICIDXfAWUU0-00125-00036687-00037020 So there's often nowhere to even just pop, ICIDXfAWUU0-00126-00037020-00037225 you know, something, in a dog bag ICIDXfAWUU0-00127-00037225-00037391 and just pop it into normal bin ICIDXfAWUU0-00128-00037391-00037766 there's often nowhere for us to safely conceal ICIDXfAWUU0-00129-00037766-00038091 or change our menstrual products. ICIDXfAWUU0-00130-00038091-00038391 If even for those of us who are menstrual cup users ICIDXfAWUU0-00131-00038391-00038475 hello. ICIDXfAWUU0-00132-00038475-00038591 Again, if anyone wants to talk to me about that, ICIDXfAWUU0-00133-00038591-00039050 am more than happy to discuss, but even changing those ICIDXfAWUU0-00134-00039050-00039254 is an absolute nightmare on sites ICIDXfAWUU0-00135-00039254-00039362 where there's no toilets, ICIDXfAWUU0-00136-00039362-00039641 no running water, no doors, ICIDXfAWUU0-00137-00039641-00040120 nowhere safe. ICIDXfAWUU0-00138-00040120-00040350 Another quite, been plenty of people ICIDXfAWUU0-00139-00040350-00040470 who came on a period early ICIDXfAWUU0-00140-00040470-00040691 and had to leave site due to lack of supplies, ICIDXfAWUU0-00141-00040691-00041066 as well as many cases, the tampons being thrown into hedges. ICIDXfAWUU0-00142-00041066-00041245 This is quite an important statement here ICIDXfAWUU0-00143-00041245-00041412 where those who couldn't use tampons ICIDXfAWUU0-00144-00041412-00041575 suffer the most. ICIDXfAWUU0-00145-00041575-00041858 Everyone's body is different. ICIDXfAWUU0-00146-00041858-00042158 Some people can use tampons at some prefer mooncups, ICIDXfAWUU0-00147-00042158-00042304 some prefer pads. ICIDXfAWUU0-00148-00042304-00042533 Menstruation is so private. ICIDXfAWUU0-00149-00042533-00042708 And so individual. ICIDXfAWUU0-00150-00042708-00043029 There's no blankets just do this. ICIDXfAWUU0-00151-00043029-00043241 for the fact that there's so many individuals ICIDXfAWUU0-00152-00043241-00043650 who cannot safely menstruate at all on sites ICIDXfAWUU0-00153-00043650-00043929 is incredibly problematic. ICIDXfAWUU0-00154-00043929-00044183 I had to change a tampon behind a farmyard wall in sleet, ICIDXfAWUU0-00155-00044183-00044391 standing in sheep poo, I mean this just a nightmare ICIDXfAWUU0-00156-00044391-00044600 am going to be honest. ICIDXfAWUU0-00157-00044600-00044833 Still wearing gloves as it was too cold to remove them ICIDXfAWUU0-00158-00044833-00044991 and then had to carry the used tampon in my pocket ICIDXfAWUU0-00159-00044991-00045145 for the rest of the day ICIDXfAWUU0-00160-00045145-00045416 as I couldn't discard it anywhere. ICIDXfAWUU0-00161-00045416-00045604 I'm just going to leave that one there ICIDXfAWUU0-00162-00045604-00045862 and pretend I can hear the collective intake of, ICIDXfAWUU0-00163-00045862-00045979 oh my God breath. ICIDXfAWUU0-00164-00046083-00046420 Watching brief where all the staff based out of cars ICIDXfAWUU0-00165-00046420-00046612 and so the individual couldn't go to the loo ICIDXfAWUU0-00166-00046612-00046783 for eight to nine hours. ICIDXfAWUU0-00167-00046783-00046966 And here's the important part, ICIDXfAWUU0-00168-00046966-00047354 It was okay for the men as they could just wander off. ICIDXfAWUU0-00169-00047354-00047645 Women, LGBTQI individuals womxn ICIDXfAWUU0-00170-00047645-00047854 do not have the luxury of just being able to go ICIDXfAWUU0-00171-00047854-00048258 and hide behind a tree or hide behind a wall. ICIDXfAWUU0-00172-00048258-00048341 It is a huge, ICIDXfAWUU0-00173-00048341-00048520 for those of us who have to, you know, ICIDXfAWUU0-00174-00048520-00048862 go without going to the loo for eight to nine hours, ICIDXfAWUU0-00175-00048862-00048945 we've all been there. ICIDXfAWUU0-00176-00048945-00049041 We've all done it. ICIDXfAWUU0-00177-00049041-00049162 It's horrible. ICIDXfAWUU0-00178-00049162-00049375 Things need to change. ICIDXfAWUU0-00179-00049375-00049483 And then finally, ICIDXfAWUU0-00180-00049483-00049658 it's been quite a lot of problems ICIDXfAWUU0-00181-00049658-00049791 with water in the women's toilets. ICIDXfAWUU0-00182-00049791-00049933 It was on and off quite a bit. ICIDXfAWUU0-00183-00049933-00050075 And the principal contractor ICIDXfAWUU0-00184-00050075-00050329 wasn't bothered about getting things fixed quickly. ICIDXfAWUU0-00185-00050329-00050470 If anyone was on their periods, ICIDXfAWUU0-00186-00050470-00050675 they had to walk through hallways ICIDXfAWUU0-00187-00050675-00051045 opening doors to be able to wash hands in kitchen sinks. ICIDXfAWUU0-00188-00051045-00051229 I mean, that's it. ICIDXfAWUU0-00189-00051229-00051458 when you've just changed or done anything in the toilet ICIDXfAWUU0-00190-00051458-00051645 the first thing you have to do that you're taught ICIDXfAWUU0-00191-00051645-00051866 from the age of, two years old ICIDXfAWUU0-00192-00051866-00052166 is wash your hands, after going to the toilet, ICIDXfAWUU0-00193-00052166-00052483 the fact that we are unable to wash our hands ICIDXfAWUU0-00194-00052483-00052866 after going to the toilet is, is an absolute nightmare. ICIDXfAWUU0-00195-00052866-00053008 That's not okay. ICIDXfAWUU0-00196-00053008-00053212 And even though now with COVID protocols ICIDXfAWUU0-00197-00053212-00053450 there's a lot better emphasis on hand-washing ICIDXfAWUU0-00198-00053450-00053745 and anti-bac and hand wipes ICIDXfAWUU0-00199-00053745-00054070 it's, it shouldn't have taken COVID ICIDXfAWUU0-00200-00054070-00054650 to get hand-washing safe hygienic facilities in toilets. ICIDXfAWUU0-00201-00054650-00055150 They should already have been there. ICIDXfAWUU0-00202-00055150-00055737 So when I launched Seeing Red at the December TAG in 2019 ICIDXfAWUU0-00203-00055737-00056062 it's already been uptaken by all these units. ICIDXfAWUU0-00204-00056062-00056545 So a big shout outs here to CFA, AOC, ICIDXfAWUU0-00205-00056545-00056775 Historic England, MOLA, ICIDXfAWUU0-00206-00056775-00056900 Oxford Archaeology, ICIDXfAWUU0-00207-00056900-00057091 PCA archaeology, ICIDXfAWUU0-00208-00057091-00057354 at the university of Edinburgh Archaeological Society, ICIDXfAWUU0-00209-00057354-00057554 Wardell-Armstrong Archaeology, ICIDXfAWUU0-00210-00057554-00057845 Wessex Archaeology and York Archaeological Trust. ICIDXfAWUU0-00211-00057845-00058008 You are all so cool, ICIDXfAWUU0-00212-00058008-00058204 thank you so much for this. ICIDXfAWUU0-00213-00058204-00058345 Essentially with Seeing Red ICIDXfAWUU0-00214-00058345-00058529 because it's me doing it. ICIDXfAWUU0-00215-00058529-00058729 It's voluntary. ICIDXfAWUU0-00216-00058729-00058991 I'll happily send out a free period pack ICIDXfAWUU0-00217-00058991-00059204 as seen here in the screen ICIDXfAWUU0-00218-00059204-00059316 in the portlet, ICIDXfAWUU0-00219-00059316-00059462 that has all the basic supplies ICIDXfAWUU0-00220-00059462-00059837 but I do encourage units to create their own boxes. ICIDXfAWUU0-00221-00059837-00060233 So we have some fantastic examples a pair of ICIDXfAWUU0-00222-00060233-00060445 I can see large pads wriiten on there, ICIDXfAWUU0-00223-00060445-00060704 tampons as well in another one. ICIDXfAWUU0-00224-00060704-00060991 The fact that this site here has got some really ICIDXfAWUU0-00225-00060991-00061350 some really snazzy bins to pop them in. ICIDXfAWUU0-00226-00061350-00061675 It is so easy to create a Period First Aid Kit ICIDXfAWUU0-00227-00061675-00061845 for sites. ICIDXfAWUU0-00228-00061845-00062158 It's that there shouldn't be a problem ICIDXfAWUU0-00229-00062158-00062412 with staff being able to create it. ICIDXfAWUU0-00230-00062412-00062712 So again, I'd like to shout at here to Wessex, ICIDXfAWUU0-00231-00062712-00063012 for putting this very publicly on their website ICIDXfAWUU0-00232-00063012-00063350 and sent out to all staff, ICIDXfAWUU0-00233-00063350-00063475 that's fantastic to see. ICIDXfAWUU0-00234-00063475-00063787 So, thank you very much to all, all the individuals ICIDXfAWUU0-00235-00063787-00063920 and units as well, ICIDXfAWUU0-00236-00063920-00064129 who have currently adopted Seeing Red. ICIDXfAWUU0-00237-00064129-00064479 And I hope to see more of it. ICIDXfAWUU0-00238-00064479-00064695 So the financial costs ICIDXfAWUU0-00239-00064695-00064929 as every archaeological project manager ICIDXfAWUU0-00240-00064929-00065370 and also every consultants likes to say how much ICIDXfAWUU0-00241-00065370-00065641 so quick note here, I personally advocate ICIDXfAWUU0-00242-00065641-00066025 for environmental friendly options, such as cups and cloths. ICIDXfAWUU0-00243-00066025-00066433 However, these pair kits are for short-term emergency use. ICIDXfAWUU0-00244-00066433-00066791 Therefore hygiene is the imperative here. ICIDXfAWUU0-00245-00066791-00067254 So the fact that we are still paying tax ICIDXfAWUU0-00246-00067254-00067812 because tampons and pads are still luxury items. ICIDXfAWUU0-00247-00067812-00068116 I'm not even going to go too much in depth on that one ICIDXfAWUU0-00248-00068116-00068654 because it's a normal biological function. ICIDXfAWUU0-00249-00068654-00068858 It's, it's like being taxed at, ICIDXfAWUU0-00250-00068858-00068945 can you imagine what would happen ICIDXfAWUU0-00251-00068945-00069120 if toilet roll became a luxury? ICIDXfAWUU0-00252-00069120-00069637 I mean pre 2020 before everyone ran out of toilet roll. ICIDXfAWUU0-00253-00069637-00069929 You didn't think anything twice about it. ICIDXfAWUU0-00254-00069929-00070254 I'd love to see an end to the fact that tampons and pads, ICIDXfAWUU0-00255-00070254-00070787 we have to pay more for a normal biological function. ICIDXfAWUU0-00256-00070787-00071391 So for the units in the Theresa Mahoney designs, ICIDXfAWUU0-00257-00071391-00071591 Accessible Packs. ICIDXfAWUU0-00258-00071591-00071816 I've popped a little thing up here ICIDXfAWUU0-00259-00071816-00072016 about how much the standard boxes ICIDXfAWUU0-00260-00072016-00072179 of tampons, pads, ICIDXfAWUU0-00261-00072179-00072562 plastic bags, tissues, and things are , ICIDXfAWUU0-00262-00072562-00072900 for a rough period shopping session that's about 12 Pounds. ICIDXfAWUU0-00263-00072900-00073279 That'll do for a month, month and a half maybe ICIDXfAWUU0-00264-00073279-00073475 it depends on the individuals. ICIDXfAWUU0-00265-00073475-00073595 And then down here, ICIDXfAWUU0-00266-00073595-00073991 this is how much the Period Packs as a whole cost ICIDXfAWUU0-00267-00073991-00074316 five Pounds, 53, give or take where you go shopping. ICIDXfAWUU0-00268-00074316-00074525 I went to Superdrug. ICIDXfAWUU0-00269-00074525-00074750 But that was about standard price. ICIDXfAWUU0-00270-00074750-00074833 To be honest fair, ICIDXfAWUU0-00271-00074833-00075125 everything you need to get a Period Kit. ICIDXfAWUU0-00272-00075125-00075316 So I'll just quickly talk you through these, ICIDXfAWUU0-00273-00075316-00075495 I recommend, ICIDXfAWUU0-00274-00075495-00075745 a see-through easy-to-clean case ICIDXfAWUU0-00275-00075745-00075950 as we saw before, ICIDXfAWUU0-00276-00075950-00076116 two slides up ICIDXfAWUU0-00277-00076116-00076445 these fantastic fine cases here we'll also do ICIDXfAWUU0-00278-00076445-00076595 they have to be wiped down. ICIDXfAWUU0-00279-00076595-00076808 They have to be easily cleanable. ICIDXfAWUU0-00280-00076808-00076929 They have to be hygienic. ICIDXfAWUU0-00281-00076929-00077037 Having them see-through as well. ICIDXfAWUU0-00282-00077037-00077233 It just helps to make sure, ICIDXfAWUU0-00283-00077233-00077504 are they stocked up and are they full. ICIDXfAWUU0-00284-00077504-00077616 Pack of tissues, ICIDXfAWUU0-00285-00077616-00077900 Again, there's often a really spare shots of loo roll ICIDXfAWUU0-00286-00077900-00078045 in toilets, ICIDXfAWUU0-00287-00078045-00078266 loo roll importantly it often ends up in the floor. ICIDXfAWUU0-00288-00078266-00078520 It tends up covered in mud. ICIDXfAWUU0-00289-00078520-00078745 So just a clean pack of tissues, ICIDXfAWUU0-00290-00078745-00079137 hand sanitizer, and or pack of wet wipes. ICIDXfAWUU0-00291-00079137-00079458 Again, I put those as standards in the packs ICIDXfAWUU0-00292-00079458-00079691 just in case there's none in the toilets. ICIDXfAWUU0-00293-00079691-00079904 Obviously now with COVID protocols, ICIDXfAWUU0-00294-00079904-00080320 there's a lot better access to hand sanitizer, add wet wipes ICIDXfAWUU0-00295-00080320-00080462 waste bags, whether or not ICIDXfAWUU0-00296-00080462-00080637 this is just a small roll per person ICIDXfAWUU0-00297-00080637-00081075 or one large bag to just have as a bin. ICIDXfAWUU0-00298-00081075-00081250 It then saves the hustle of us having ICIDXfAWUU0-00299-00081250-00081508 to pop used tampons, used pads, used things ICIDXfAWUU0-00300-00081508-00081825 in our pockets and carrying them around all day. ICIDXfAWUU0-00301-00081825-00081954 That was normally quite good fun ICIDXfAWUU0-00302-00081954-00082129 whenever I was cleaning out my pockets ICIDXfAWUU0-00303-00082129-00082370 just throw my trousers in the wash and finding, you know, ICIDXfAWUU0-00304-00082370-00082641 my used tampons which is great, ICIDXfAWUU0-00305-00082641-00082929 regular tampons, super tampons like pads, ICIDXfAWUU0-00306-00082929-00083062 everyone is different. ICIDXfAWUU0-00307-00083062-00083325 Everybody is different. ICIDXfAWUU0-00308-00083325-00083720 it's to put in a range of menstrual supplies ICIDXfAWUU0-00309-00083720-00083979 would be so great for an individual. ICIDXfAWUU0-00310-00083979-00084162 essentially these packs are just set to get them ICIDXfAWUU0-00311-00084162-00084404 through a day, maybe two days ICIDXfAWUU0-00312-00084404-00084795 until they can get their own supplies back in. ICIDXfAWUU0-00313-00084795-00085241 So that's what I would recommend and to be put in each pack. ICIDXfAWUU0-00314-00085241-00085612 And ideally, I'd like to see when those packs go out ICIDXfAWUU0-00315-00085612-00085912 on every single site and all handed out ICIDXfAWUU0-00316-00085912-00086220 for all watching briefs and building recordings. ICIDXfAWUU0-00317-00086220-00086545 Even if there's just one individual on there. ICIDXfAWUU0-00318-00086545-00086729 It's you don't know, ICIDXfAWUU0-00319-00086729-00087058 it's no one else's business what their genitalia is ICIDXfAWUU0-00320-00087058-00087212 just because there's someone on site who ICIDXfAWUU0-00321-00087212-00087437 presents male, doesn't mean that again, ICIDXfAWUU0-00322-00087437-00087666 there not going to end up with no problems. ICIDXfAWUU0-00323-00087666-00087841 So just to reiterate, ICIDXfAWUU0-00324-00087841-00088004 these packs should be handed out ICIDXfAWUU0-00325-00088004-00088525 as standard to anyone who may be going on a job. ICIDXfAWUU0-00326-00088525-00088858 So next steps, I popped in some links here, ICIDXfAWUU0-00327-00088858-00089058 but I'm just going to read them anyways. ICIDXfAWUU0-00328-00089058-00089345 You can download the Seeing Reds guide from BAJR ICIDXfAWUU0-00329-00089345-00089525 So a huge thank you there David Connolly ICIDXfAWUU0-00330-00089525-00089695 for letting me do this. ICIDXfAWUU0-00331-00089695-00089862 You can make up your own up Seeing Red pack, ICIDXfAWUU0-00332-00089862-00090125 or order a free one, hello, ICIDXfAWUU0-00333-00090125-00090220 from me ICIDXfAWUU0-00334-00090220-00090362 I've popped in my email address ICIDXfAWUU0-00335-00090362-00090737 here amymentoringwomeninarch@gmail.com. ICIDXfAWUU0-00336-00090737-00091237 I also have Seeing Red stickers and badges for sale as well ICIDXfAWUU0-00337-00091254-00091425 so money from those goes straight to the ICIDXfAWUU0-00338-00091425-00091808 Bloody Good Period Charity ans Shelter for Homelessness ICIDXfAWUU0-00339-00091808-00092062 It'd be good to make sure that staff are aware. ICIDXfAWUU0-00340-00092062-00092441 There is a Seeing Red pack available to pick up ICIDXfAWUU0-00341-00092441-00092633 or that they've Seeing Red packs made up ICIDXfAWUU0-00342-00092633-00092866 and able to go out to for all sites. ICIDXfAWUU0-00343-00092866-00093075 And then you can relax some busk in the knowledge ICIDXfAWUU0-00344-00093075-00093416 your staff are able to menstruate safely. ICIDXfAWUU0-00345-00093416-00093700 So in terms of mobilisation, ideally, I'd like to try ICIDXfAWUU0-00346-00093700-00093945 and get this out to universities or field schools ICIDXfAWUU0-00347-00093945-00094504 whether it's commercial, academic, community, ICIDXfAWUU0-00348-00094504-00094587 any field school, ICIDXfAWUU0-00349-00094587-00094883 whether it may be someone who menstruates ICIDXfAWUU0-00350-00094883-00095166 also all non archaeological field work related careers ICIDXfAWUU0-00351-00095166-00095395 are encouraged to adopt these principles too. ICIDXfAWUU0-00352-00095395-00095479 So, you know, ICIDXfAWUU0-00353-00095479-00096062 ecology, environment, landscape, anthropology. ICIDXfAWUU0-00354-00096062-00096316 Anyone who may be going out in the field, ICIDXfAWUU0-00355-00096316-00096762 Seeing Red is for field work, not just for archaeology. ICIDXfAWUU0-00356-00096762-00097195 So I'd love to see us to make menstruation normal again. ICIDXfAWUU0-00357-00097195-00097595 And then I've just popped in a note here as well, ICIDXfAWUU0-00358-00097595-00097820 a menstrual hygiene management. ICIDXfAWUU0-00359-00097820-00098133 This is actually from the Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust. ICIDXfAWUU0-00360-00098133-00098262 So the fact that it's, ICIDXfAWUU0-00361-00098262-00098591 you've got big organisations such as these huge trusts ICIDXfAWUU0-00362-00098591-00098716 turning around and saying, ICIDXfAWUU0-00363-00098716-00098983 we need better menstrual hygiene management ICIDXfAWUU0-00364-00098983-00099162 across the world. ICIDXfAWUU0-00365-00099162-00099425 This isn't just a problem that's in archaeological field work ICIDXfAWUU0-00366-00099425-00099904 this is a worldwide issue. ICIDXfAWUU0-00367-00099904-00100212 So the Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust recommends ICIDXfAWUU0-00368-00100212-00100620 that women and girls I'll say including LGBTI+ ICIDXfAWUU0-00369-00100620-00100770 individuals there ICIDXfAWUU0-00370-00100770-00100933 should have clean material to absorb ICIDXfAWUU0-00371-00100933-00101116 or collect menstrual blood. ICIDXfAWUU0-00372-00101116-00101345 This material can be changed in privacy. ICIDXfAWUU0-00373-00101345-00101637 And as often as necessary, ICIDXfAWUU0-00374-00101637-00101841 and soap and water can be used to washing the body ICIDXfAWUU0-00375-00101841-00102033 and staying clean as required. ICIDXfAWUU0-00376-00102033-00102208 As well as access to facilities ICIDXfAWUU0-00377-00102208-00102579 for disposing of used menstrual management materials. ICIDXfAWUU0-00378-00102579-00102895 Those four basic hygiene managements. ICIDXfAWUU0-00379-00102895-00103200 The fact that even in the UK ICIDXfAWUU0-00380-00103200-00103416 on archaeological commercial sites, ICIDXfAWUU0-00381-00103416-00103754 It's taken me six years to create the Seeing Red Movement ICIDXfAWUU0-00382-00103754-00104104 because they do not exist. ICIDXfAWUU0-00383-00104104-00104337 It's like I said, it's got better with COVID ICIDXfAWUU0-00384-00104337-00104616 but it shouldn't have taken COVID to get ICIDXfAWUU0-00385-00104616-00105145 accessible toilets for menstruation. ICIDXfAWUU0-00386-00105145-00105233 I've just popped up here, ICIDXfAWUU0-00387-00105233-00105320 Some common questions and answers ICIDXfAWUU0-00388-00105320-00105775 that I frequently have been asked during my time. ICIDXfAWUU0-00389-00105775-00105933 These have been questions asked across Twitter, ICIDXfAWUU0-00390-00105933-00106266 in person at TAG, across emails, ICIDXfAWUU0-00391-00106266-00106837 and seen on social media pages as well. ICIDXfAWUU0-00392-00106837-00107050 It's, if there's only one person for the job ICIDXfAWUU0-00393-00107050-00107212 as it's a local build recording ICIDXfAWUU0-00394-00107212-00107375 Do I still need a pair of kit? ICIDXfAWUU0-00395-00107375-00107458 Yes. ICIDXfAWUU0-00396-00107458-00107650 Whether you are doing solo work, ICIDXfAWUU0-00397-00107650-00107750 it is imperative ICIDXfAWUU0-00398-00107750-00107945 or the colleague is able to reimburse ICIDXfAWUU0-00399-00107945-00108241 the pair product expenditure. ICIDXfAWUU0-00400-00108241-00108450 Allergies, Absolutely. ICIDXfAWUU0-00401-00108450-00108691 So cotton is an allergen however, ICIDXfAWUU0-00402-00108691-00109020 it's down to the individual to manage their allergies. ICIDXfAWUU0-00403-00109020-00109195 Quite frankly, ICIDXfAWUU0-00404-00109195-00109425 all the employer has to do is hand out a period pack, ICIDXfAWUU0-00405-00109425-00109575 if it gets used great, ICIDXfAWUU0-00406-00109575-00109879 If it doesn't get used, oh well. ICIDXfAWUU0-00407-00109879-00110129 I'll quickly make a note here about Toxic shock Syndrome. ICIDXfAWUU0-00408-00110129-00110304 So again, going back to the comment ICIDXfAWUU0-00409-00110304-00110437 about not be able to go to the toilet ICIDXfAWUU0-00410-00110437-00110595 for eight to nine hours, ICIDXfAWUU0-00411-00110595-00110808 this could potentially prove fatal ICIDXfAWUU0-00412-00110808-00111220 for people who menstruate Toxic Shock Syndrome is very real. ICIDXfAWUU0-00413-00111220-00111537 It is rare, but it's a fatal disease where your body goes ICIDXfAWUU0-00414-00111537-00111720 into instant shock. ICIDXfAWUU0-00415-00111720-00111966 And it is often caused by tampons. ICIDXfAWUU0-00416-00111966-00112154 I don't know about mooncups. ICIDXfAWUU0-00417-00112154-00112466 I'll have to look more into that one, but it's, ICIDXfAWUU0-00418-00112466-00112775 anyone who uses tampons is very wet, do not keep them in ICIDXfAWUU0-00419-00112775-00113066 for longer than eight hours due to increase risk ICIDXfAWUU0-00420-00113066-00113295 of Toxic Shock Syndrome. ICIDXfAWUU0-00421-00113295-00113620 So that is why it is imperative to always have toilets ICIDXfAWUU0-00422-00113620-00113929 for people who menstruate on site. ICIDXfAWUU0-00423-00113929-00114145 Again, what if your colleague don't use tampons or pads, ICIDXfAWUU0-00424-00114145-00114320 well it is up to the individual, ICIDXfAWUU0-00425-00114320-00114458 how they manage their periods ICIDXfAWUU0-00426-00114458-00114629 and their choice of supplies. ICIDXfAWUU0-00427-00114629-00114950 All you're doing by providing a Seeing Red period kit ICIDXfAWUU0-00428-00114950-00115316 is facilitating inability. ICIDXfAWUU0-00429-00115316-00115683 There's nothing more to that. ICIDXfAWUU0-00430-00115683-00115854 I've just popped up a note here, ICIDXfAWUU0-00431-00115854-00116258 Health and Safety Executive the HSE in 2007, ICIDXfAWUU0-00432-00116258-00116475 sanitary waste disposal should be provided ICIDXfAWUU0-00433-00116475-00116750 in all settings used by female workers. ICIDXfAWUU0-00434-00116750-00117016 It is therefore law for bins to have to be ICIDXfAWUU0-00435-00117016-00117458 in any toilets used by people who menstruate. ICIDXfAWUU0-00436-00117458-00117604 It's quite sad to say that, ICIDXfAWUU0-00437-00117604-00117845 I've worked for many companies now where ICIDXfAWUU0-00438-00117845-00118054 either they were not aware of the law ICIDXfAWUU0-00439-00118054-00118316 but that's, that's how it has to be. ICIDXfAWUU0-00440-00118316-00118504 So I'd love to see more companies ICIDXfAWUU0-00441-00118504-00118708 out to reading health and safety, ICIDXfAWUU0-00442-00118708-00119087 adopt to the same reference polls and going right. ICIDXfAWUU0-00443-00119087-00119491 If at the very least it's that's how it should've been. ICIDXfAWUU0-00444-00119491-00119641 I've got to put this in the presentation ICIDXfAWUU0-00445-00119641-00119954 but Brilliant Bins do pop-up sanitary bins. ICIDXfAWUU0-00446-00119954-00120216 So if you go onto the Brilliant Bins websites ICIDXfAWUU0-00447-00120216-00120525 you can order pop-up sanitary bins, which will fit ICIDXfAWUU0-00448-00120525-00120945 in both loos, which is, which is brilliant. ICIDXfAWUU0-00449-00120945-00121175 Some final, quite common questions and answers ICIDXfAWUU0-00450-00121175-00121412 like, say these are continuing on questions I've had ICIDXfAWUU0-00451-00121412-00121883 across emails, social media and in person. ICIDXfAWUU0-00452-00121883-00122083 So who, who supplies a period kit? ICIDXfAWUU0-00453-00122083-00122325 Well, whoever's dealing with the welfare considerations ICIDXfAWUU0-00454-00122325-00122550 and all the budgets. ICIDXfAWUU0-00455-00122550-00122712 It's up to the project manager ICIDXfAWUU0-00456-00122712-00122995 to make sure is there a first aid kit ICIDXfAWUU0-00457-00122995-00123387 and also, is there a Seeing Red kit. ICIDXfAWUU0-00458-00123387-00123575 Does this mean my colleagues have to be more open ICIDXfAWUU0-00459-00123575-00123712 with me about their periods? ICIDXfAWUU0-00460-00123712-00123795 No. ICIDXfAWUU0-00461-00123795-00124183 it is their body, their choice, their privacy, ICIDXfAWUU0-00462-00124183-00124470 your role is to enable a safe, supportive, ICIDXfAWUU0-00463-00124470-00124783 inclusive space where colleagues don't have to take time ICIDXfAWUU0-00464-00124783-00125041 off for periods which benefits you and them. ICIDXfAWUU0-00465-00125041-00125362 I'll just pop in a personal note there as well. ICIDXfAWUU0-00466-00125362-00125554 There's been so many sites where I've used ICIDXfAWUU0-00467-00125554-00125870 my entire annual leave, ICIDXfAWUU0-00468-00125870-00126329 during the course of a contract, just because of my periods. ICIDXfAWUU0-00469-00126329-00126583 I shouldn't be having to use my annual leave ICIDXfAWUU0-00470-00126583-00126945 for a normal biological function. ICIDXfAWUU0-00471-00126945-00127220 It's ridiculous. ICIDXfAWUU0-00472-00127220-00127483 So I don't want to be responsible for my colleagues periods ICIDXfAWUU0-00473-00127483-00127766 well periods happen to men and gender non-binary. ICIDXfAWUU0-00474-00127766-00127900 You are not responsible for their periods, ICIDXfAWUU0-00475-00127900-00128258 You enabling a supportive and inclusive environment. ICIDXfAWUU0-00476-00128258-00128366 I've only just noticed now ICIDXfAWUU0-00477-00128366-00128462 that's basically saying the same ICIDXfAWUU0-00478-00128462-00128604 as one of the other questions ICIDXfAWUU0-00479-00128604-00128916 but that says how often I get asked about that, ICIDXfAWUU0-00480-00128916-00129275 where people don't want to be responsible for it. ICIDXfAWUU0-00481-00129275-00129516 And then finally, what if the staff are working ICIDXfAWUU0-00482-00129516-00129783 far away from site compound where the toilet is, ICIDXfAWUU0-00483-00129783-00130062 again, it's a common problem in archaeology. ICIDXfAWUU0-00484-00130062-00130287 MWAH and Seeing Red recommends keeping the period kits ICIDXfAWUU0-00485-00130287-00130520 in the designated site vehicle for anyone to access, ICIDXfAWUU0-00486-00130520-00130754 or the nearest site hut. ICIDXfAWUU0-00487-00130754-00130975 Be prepared to give anyone a lift off site ICIDXfAWUU0-00488-00130975-00131275 to the nearest toilet, if, and when this is the case ICIDXfAWUU0-00489-00131275-00131433 whenever they need it. ICIDXfAWUU0-00490-00131433-00131750 Unfortunately, we've all been in that situation. ICIDXfAWUU0-00491-00131750-00132033 Those that menstruate were, there's no one available ICIDXfAWUU0-00492-00132033-00132208 to take us back to the site compound. ICIDXfAWUU0-00493-00132208-00132395 So we've just had to have ICIDXfAWUU0-00494-00132395-00132579 to deal with it or go home, ICIDXfAWUU0-00495-00132579-00132841 which is really horrible. ICIDXfAWUU0-00496-00132841-00133137 It's a horrible position to be in. ICIDXfAWUU0-00497-00133137-00133345 And my husband's actually on site today, ICIDXfAWUU0-00498-00133345-00133662 but he quite likes bragging that he's one of the few POs ICIDXfAWUU0-00499-00133662-00133825 who will happily throw people into cars ICIDXfAWUU0-00500-00133825-00133991 and throw them all over the site compounds ICIDXfAWUU0-00501-00133991-00134175 whenever they need it. ICIDXfAWUU0-00502-00134175-00134258 So, woo hoo, ICIDXfAWUU0-00503-00134258-00134591 married a feminist. ICIDXfAWUU0-00504-00134591-00135125 I mean, I'm very open to any of the questions, ICIDXfAWUU0-00505-00135125-00135558 So I'd like to just say a huge bloody thank you, Period Pun. ICIDXfAWUU0-00506-00135558-00135854 To FAME for inviting me to do this webinar, ICIDXfAWUU0-00507-00135854-00136120 Historic England of course to their continued support, ICIDXfAWUU0-00508-00136120-00136366 and also for funding this webinar series ICIDXfAWUU0-00509-00136366-00136550 a big thank you to CIfA, ICIDXfAWUU0-00510-00136550-00136870 for again, supporting, Seeing Red. ICIDXfAWUU0-00511-00136870-00137091 And I'd like to finish off by saying, ICIDXfAWUU0-00512-00137091-00137491 a huge thank you to Aisling Nash of Ashtree Heritage ICIDXfAWUU0-00513-00137491-00137729 who designed the fantastic logo ICIDXfAWUU0-00514-00137729-00138112 as well as designed and set the BAJR guide. ICIDXfAWUU0-00515-00138112-00138225 Thank you very much. ICIDXfAWUU0-00516-00138225-00138404 I'm now open to questions. IDxM-WGXuLy-00000-00002550-00002800 Well, in my professional communication IDxM-WGXuLy-00001-00002800-00003000 course, my students connect to IDxM-WGXuLy-00002-00003000-00003100 the community in various ways. IDxM-WGXuLy-00003-00003100-00003300 The main way that they connect is IDxM-WGXuLy-00004-00003300-00003500 they work with the organization for IDxM-WGXuLy-00005-00003500-00003700 the entire quarter and they work in IDxM-WGXuLy-00006-00003700-00004000 developing a communication workshop. IDxM-WGXuLy-00007-00004000-00004270 So, for example, this quarter a group did IDxM-WGXuLy-00008-00004270-00004450 a workshop on verbal and non-verbal IDxM-WGXuLy-00009-00004450-00004700 communication and how that is so important IDxM-WGXuLy-00010-00004700-00004920 in the workplace, to be able to observe IDxM-WGXuLy-00011-00004920-00005370 what your peers are saying at the workplace IDxM-WGXuLy-00012-00005370-00005700 by just eye contact or by the inflection of voice. IDxM-WGXuLy-00013-00005700-00006000 So in this class the students will get up IDxM-WGXuLy-00014-00006000-00006200 and they'll do a two hour workshop IDxM-WGXuLy-00015-00006200-00006500 for the organization in front of maybe 25 IDxM-WGXuLy-00016-00006500-00006700 or more professionals. IDxM-WGXuLy-00017-00006700-00006900 And what they’re teaching the organization IDxM-WGXuLy-00018-00006900-00007050 are what are some effective ways of IDxM-WGXuLy-00019-00007050-00007250 communicating in the workplace. IDxM-WGXuLy-00020-00007250-00007400 So the topics that they talk about are IDxM-WGXuLy-00021-00007400-00007670 listening, verbal communication, non-verbal IDxM-WGXuLy-00022-00007670-00008100 communication, agenda setting and the like. IDxM-WGXuLy-00023-00008100-00008400 For my students, this is such a remarkable IDxM-WGXuLy-00024-00008400-00008700 experience because this gives them 10 steps IDxM-WGXuLy-00025-00008700-00008900 ahead for when they actually get into IDxM-WGXuLy-00026-00008900-00009100 the workplace after graduation. IDxM-WGXuLy-00027-00009100-00009500 They’ll know all those specific key skills IDxM-WGXuLy-00028-00009500-00009700 of how to communicate in the work with IDxM-WGXuLy-00029-00009700-00009993 their other employees and with their bosses. IE1hadaolfy-00000-00000108-00000276 nihao wo shi chen laoshi. IE1hadaolfy-00001-00000362-00000642 let's practice lesson 2 what is your name. IE1hadaolfy-00002-00000806-00001448 qing wen, ni jiao shenme mingzi. IE1hadaolfy-00003-00001492-00001886 qing wen means may I ask you IE1hadaolfy-00004-00001886-00002356 qing wen IE1hadaolfy-00005-00002396-00002540 may I ask you IE1hadaolfy-00006-00002560-00002796 qing wen IE1hadaolfy-00007-00003136-00003934 nin gui xing IE1hadaolfy-00008-00004086-00004290 nin means respcetful you IE1hadaolfy-00009-00004374-00004672 nin gui xing is asking people's IE1hadaolfy-00010-00004704-00004960 last name usually age is older than you IE1hadaolfy-00011-00004972-00005124 status higher than you IE1hadaolfy-00012-00005318-00005904 ni xing shenme asking last name of people IE1hadaolfy-00013-00005922-00006200 same status ni xing shenme IE1hadaolfy-00014-00006340-00006464 ni xing shenme IE1hadaolfy-00015-00006554-00006672 to reply IE1hadaolfy-00016-00006780-00006912 My last name is IE1hadaolfy-00017-00006995-00007278 wo xing IE1hadaolfy-00018-00007409-00007530 nin gui xing IE1hadaolfy-00019-00007620-00007706 wo xing IE1hadaolfy-00020-00007780-00007830 chen IE1hadaolfy-00021-00008200-00008342 ni jiao shenme mingzi IE1hadaolfy-00022-00008378-00009138 ni jiao shenme mingzi IE1hadaolfy-00023-00009238-00009350 what is your name IE1hadaolfy-00024-00009456-00009506 mingzi IE1hadaolfy-00025-00009612-00009882 mingzi name IE1hadaolfy-00026-00009898-00010290 mingzi wode mingzi my name IE1hadaolfy-00027-00010358-00010494 nide mingzi IE1hadaolfy-00028-00010554-00010666 your name IE1hadaolfy-00029-00010878-00011224 wo jiao I am called IE1hadaolfy-00030-00011408-00011714 ta shi shei IE1hadaolfy-00031-00011746-00012002 shei means who IE1hadaolfy-00032-00012340-00012738 ta shi shei? ta shi wode tongxue IE1hadaolfy-00033-00012774-00012918 ta shi wode laoshi IE1hadaolfy-00034-00013030-00013102 ta shishei IE1hadaolfy-00035-00013258-00013386 ta shi wode tongxue IE1hadaolfy-00036-00013482-00013630 ta shi wode laoshi IE1hadaolfy-00037-00014090-00014497 wo xing wo jiao introduce myself IE1hadaolfy-00038-00014722-00014910 wo xing chen IE1hadaolfy-00039-00014950-00015047 wo jiao joanne IE1hadaolfy-00040-00015072-00015272 wo shi IVCde laoshi IFjdFJMLT_0-00000-00000176-00000408 Welcome to A Bill A Minute from GovTrack - IFjdFJMLT_0-00001-00000408-00000840 your 60 second breakdown of interesting bills in Congress. I'm Jesse Rifkin. IFjdFJMLT_0-00002-00000840-00001255 While the House of Representatives will remain constant at 435 members IFjdFJMLT_0-00003-00001255-00001592 unless Congress decides to change its own numbers, the shapes of the IFjdFJMLT_0-00004-00001592-00001960 individual Congressional districts are changed once a decade in response to IFjdFJMLT_0-00005-00001960-00002440 shifting populations both between states and within states. President Trump's July IFjdFJMLT_0-00006-00002440-00002816 21st Executive Order seeks to exclude undocumented immigrants IFjdFJMLT_0-00007-00002816-00003223 from House reapportionment. According to estimates by the Pew Research Center, IFjdFJMLT_0-00008-00003223-00003536 this change would lose one Congressional seat each for IFjdFJMLT_0-00009-00003536-00004015 California, Florida and Texas while gaining one Congressional seat IFjdFJMLT_0-00010-00004015-00004471 each for Alabama, Minnesota and Ohio. The No Funds for IFjdFJMLT_0-00011-00004471-00004800 Apportionment Exclusion Act would ban the use of federal dollars in carrying IFjdFJMLT_0-00012-00004800-00004992 out Trump's Executive Order on House IFjdFJMLT_0-00013-00004992-00005352 reapportionment. It was introduced by New York Democratic Representative IFjdFJMLT_0-00014-00005352-00005760 Grace Meng. Supporters argued that the Executive Order would deprive millions IFjdFJMLT_0-00015-00005760-00005976 of undocumented immigrants of representation; IFjdFJMLT_0-00016-00005976-00006392 despite, in many cases, living in the U.S. for years or even decades, IFjdFJMLT_0-00017-00006392-00006743 paying taxes, and educating their children in the public schools. IFjdFJMLT_0-00018-00006743-00007056 Opponents counter that including undocumented immigrants in IFjdFJMLT_0-00019-00007056-00007368 apportionment would create an incentive for more IFjdFJMLT_0-00020-00007368-00007664 illegal immigration and they also note that the Census IFjdFJMLT_0-00021-00007664-00008088 already excludes some classes of people who are physically within a state from IFjdFJMLT_0-00022-00008088-00008479 being counted such as tourists and visitors. In the IFjdFJMLT_0-00023-00008479-00008728 meantime, be sure to fill out your Census! The more IFjdFJMLT_0-00024-00008728-00009015 people that fill out their Census, the more money their district gets. IFjdFJMLT_0-00025-00009015-00009368 And the closest city to me as i speak is Hartford, Connecticut - IFjdFJMLT_0-00026-00009368-00009704 that way, uh, or maybe that way; not really sure. IFjdFJMLT_0-00027-00009704-00010024 Anyway, current estimates are that only 44% of the IFjdFJMLT_0-00028-00010024-00010336 Hartford population has filled out their Census, so IFjdFJMLT_0-00029-00010336-00010711 be sure to fill out yours! IF-9-cTX1-o-00000-00024771-00025464 Yoimiya's Obi and her age IGCl5uk0V20-00000-00000000-00000200 All languages II67NA9EsNU-00000-00000152-00000696 good morning youtube mine explorers good morning tom and julie here we're here at II67NA9EsNU-00001-00000696-00001360 the desert museum cactus garden behind julie there it's a beautifully manicured cactus garden II67NA9EsNU-00002-00001456-00002168 no not really that's just natural we're we're going up the road looking for a mine of course but II67NA9EsNU-00003-00002168-00003088 that is pretty cool little cactus garden there's some barrel cacti yucca uh cholla and other stuff II67NA9EsNU-00004-00003224-00003600 we're going this way we've been walking for an hour already II67NA9EsNU-00005-00003936-00004096 we should be coming up on something II67NA9EsNU-00006-00004096-00004968 soon still hiking along here we're hoping that around this next corner we'll see II67NA9EsNU-00007-00004968-00005440 something special it's the same old story like when you're mountain climbing just over this II67NA9EsNU-00008-00005440-00005960 next ridge is going to be the peak and then about five more after that you're at the peak II67NA9EsNU-00009-00006072-00006640 okay so we've been over a couple more curves and ridges and julie says it's just about another mile II67NA9EsNU-00010-00006928-00007368 that's what she says like that and then we'll go another mile she'll say well II67NA9EsNU-00011-00007368-00007992 it looks like it's still about a mile so we go another mile well it's about a half mile II67NA9EsNU-00012-00008336-00008976 now she says it's just around the corner here all right well this time she wasn't lying II67NA9EsNU-00013-00009328-00009736 it's a big hole in the ground that's for sure looks like it might be jammed up II67NA9EsNU-00014-00009880-00010016 oh yeah that's all jammed up II67NA9EsNU-00015-00010280-00010688 you're not gonna go in that one looks like a pretty big head works though II67NA9EsNU-00016-00010936-00011184 yeah there was a hoist pad up there II67NA9EsNU-00017-00011360-00011840 okay not so fast now there's a crack in the earth there let's go down and see what that was II67NA9EsNU-00018-00012064-00012784 come check it out see if there's another way in i think it's just an undercut it doesn't go anywhere II67NA9EsNU-00019-00013528-00014232 here i am above this hole it used to be a shaft which is now blocked there's another big II67NA9EsNU-00020-00014304-00014576 dark grey waste pile across the ravine there II67NA9EsNU-00021-00014791-00015008 here's where the hoist mounts were II67NA9EsNU-00022-00015232-00015584 the equipment pads II67NA9EsNU-00023-00015688-00015832 is probably all the way up here II67NA9EsNU-00024-00016328-00016648 would have been fun to see all these old places operating back in the day when it II67NA9EsNU-00025-00016792-00017120 all hustle bustle of the miners II67NA9EsNU-00026-00017504-00017656 buckets of ore going up and down II67NA9EsNU-00027-00017960-00018384 here's more of the waste pile from that shaft over here II67NA9EsNU-00028-00019072-00019944 well here we are an antique collar for an antique shaft we hiked way up the canyon here II67NA9EsNU-00029-00019944-00020800 looking for an adit but we didn't find it and that across the little wash here was the first II67NA9EsNU-00030-00020976-00021472 shaft that we came to that was plugged look at this cool dike goes across here there's rocks II67NA9EsNU-00031-00021472-00022320 standing up on edge here see all that there's a cliff down here kind of and then it goes across II67NA9EsNU-00032-00022320-00022896 to where that other shaft went in and i'm sure it's the same formation that this is on II67NA9EsNU-00033-00023120-00024136 and i don't want to get too close here but it's open no ladders ancient timbering II67NA9EsNU-00034-00024192-00024784 i'm going to attempt to go down this shaft this collar is in really rough shape so i'm not really II67NA9EsNU-00035-00024784-00025248 using that as an anchor just kind of a backup anchor we got a boulder back here that we're II67NA9EsNU-00036-00025248-00026016 wrapped around and so let's go down and see what happens Julie's gonna stau up top for a minute II67NA9EsNU-00037-00026672-00027256 always hard getting on the rope isn't it yes it is it's a little leap of faith there on and off II67NA9EsNU-00038-00027352-00027720 no it's not that it's just that you the way you have the anchors II67NA9EsNU-00039-00028064-00028320 it is also a leap of faith but that's not what i meant yeah II67NA9EsNU-00040-00028824-00029583 okay good luck go for it okay thank you hopefully i'll return in one piece II67NA9EsNU-00041-00030304-00030783 watch your back watch your back now you have one sticking out II67NA9EsNU-00042-00031016-00031183 a piece of lumber you're past it now II67NA9EsNU-00043-00032039-00032383 some nails on this one if you come down okay II67NA9EsNU-00044-00033336-00033784 it doesn't look too bad II67NA9EsNU-00045-00034728-00035384 okay i'm working my way down this shaft this is looking back up it it's not super deep II67NA9EsNU-00046-00036040-00036584 okay this is what the bottom of the shaft looks like it's really quite small II67NA9EsNU-00047-00037456-00039384 so this takes a right a big post here stull if you like II67NA9EsNU-00048-00039520-00039648 one way goes up here II67NA9EsNU-00049-00040480-00040944 and that stops right there this one goes down II67NA9EsNU-00050-00041784-00042184 well this comes to a little ladder II67NA9EsNU-00051-00042792-00042920 it just stops right here II67NA9EsNU-00052-00043408-00043752 and back up rough day of mine exploring II67NA9EsNU-00053-00044040-00044096 that's it II67NA9EsNU-00054-00044616-00046400 comes making his way back up you just start to see his legs II67NA9EsNU-00055-00046400-00047784 whew II67NA9EsNU-00056-00048968-00049184 there he is II67NA9EsNU-00057-00050048-00050416 all right so now we're back over here now II67NA9EsNU-00058-00050480-00050896 by this first shaft we came to look at that dike that goes all the way across this II67NA9EsNU-00059-00051040-00052032 uh wash both these shafts are right on that vertical outcropping and it comes right here too II67NA9EsNU-00060-00052208-00052512 and then that's where this shaft is this collapsed one II67NA9EsNU-00061-00052776-00053128 what a mess too bad it would have been fun to get under there II67NA9EsNU-00062-00053240-00053888 i'm guessing it went down and ran along this underground and this ridge here and II67NA9EsNU-00063-00053888-00054391 they may even be connected underneath there who knows but not anymore not for me anyway II67NA9EsNU-00064-00054696-00055152 this is look at this waste pile almost looks like there was a mill around here II67NA9EsNU-00065-00055152-00055728 that looks like tailings down there don't know much about this area or even when it was worked or II67NA9EsNU-00066-00055872-00056376 probably like the rest of the stuff in this area you know late 1800s early 1900s II67NA9EsNU-00067-00056896-00057616 time to go home once again after a day of mine exploring we can get by the cholla here II67NA9EsNU-00068-00057784-00058367 so thanks for watching the video you guys we'll find something again next week II67NA9EsNU-00069-00058655-00060288 julie's a pretty good mine hunter she'll find one for us so we'll see you next time Ipx2D0s2E4u-00000-00000196-00000346 Puppy Toys Ipx2D0s2E4u-00001-00000575-00000792 Let's learn numbers and colors Ipx2D0s2E4u-00002-00001705-00001789 Red Ipx2D0s2E4u-00003-00004375-00004454 One Ipx2D0s2E4u-00004-00004767-00004863 Green Ipx2D0s2E4u-00005-00007361-00007449 Two Ipx2D0s2E4u-00006-00007782-00007882 Pink Ipx2D0s2E4u-00007-00011194-00011286 Three Ipx2D0s2E4u-00008-00011565-00011653 Yellow Ipx2D0s2E4u-00009-00015965-00016070 Four Ipx2D0s2E4u-00010-00016257-00016345 Blue Ipx2D0s2E4u-00011-00018764-00018964 Learning numbers and colors Ipx2D0s2E4u-00012-00019677-00019778 White Ipx2D0s2E4u-00013-00020687-00020787 Five Ipx2D0s2E4u-00014-00023189-00023302 Six Ipx2D0s2E4u-00015-00023477-00023577 Brown Ipx2D0s2E4u-00016-00026242-00026413 Seven Ipx2D0s2E4u-00017-00026739-00026839 Orange Ipx2D0s2E4u-00018-00029696-00029800 Eight Ipx2D0s2E4u-00019-00029988-00030125 Purple Ipx2D0s2E4u-00020-00032069-00032169 Nine Ipx2D0s2E4u-00021-00032607-00032770 Pink Ipx2D0s2E4u-00022-00036949-00037024 Ten Ipx2D0s2E4u-00023-00037041-00037220 We learned numbers and colors Ipx2D0s2E4u-00024-00037328-00037437 Puppy Toys IO-qbwixyLy-00002-00000869-00001260 HELLO EVERYBODY N WELCOME BACK TO KHAI-CFNA !!! IO-qbwixyLy-00003-00001274-00001660 Today, I will review VSK-94 in HMX match IO-qbwixyLy-00004-00001876-00002062 Let me waste all of this 'Throwing Knife' IO-qbwixyLy-00005-00002086-00002258 Oh C'mon...WHY IS THERE A HACKER !! IO-qbwixyLy-00006-00002984-00003402 This is a "Semi-automatic sniper riffle" and it actually feel really good to shoot IO-qbwixyLy-00007-00003742-00004208 Hold up, let me fix the sound system real quick so you guys can hear better IO-qbwixyLy-00008-00004298-00004790 I'm not sure how clear you guys can even hear so I lower the effect volume IO-qbwixyLy-00009-00004992-00005200 Finally, some zombies starting to show up IO-qbwixyLy-00010-00006412-00006590 I better run for my life !! IO-qbwixyLy-00011-00007618-00007828 Ah Sh*t, that was careless of me ;( IO-qbwixyLy-00012-00007838-00008028 Let's move on to the next round !!! IO-qbwixyLy-00013-00008800-00009168 Since I'm making this video at late night, I'm trying to try my best to talk out loud IO-qbwixyLy-00014-00009248-00009728 If you guys sees that my commentary is not that good or very clear IO-qbwixyLy-00015-00009736-00010280 You guys can write down what you think about my work in the 'Comment Section' so I can take advice IO-qbwixyLy-00016-00010900-00011306 What all these mutants doing, standing in one place looking at each others? IO-qbwixyLy-00017-00011306-00011750 This damn hacker !!! Freaking already got knife 4 mutants IO-qbwixyLy-00018-00011948-00012244 Oh My Fcking GOD!! How can I even play now ?!?! IO-qbwixyLy-00019-00014088-00014491 Switch back between knife and this sniper riffle make it really hard to aim IO-qbwixyLy-00020-00014784-00015210 IF this gun were to aim at head, the damage is really HIGH IO-qbwixyLy-00021-00015416-00015619 See? Aim at head, only need 3 bullets and it goner for mutant IO-qbwixyLy-00022-00016482-00016584 Trying to follow me ? IO-qbwixyLy-00024-00017488-00017698 LOL, my Sub Gun didn't even finish reload yet? IO-qbwixyLy-00025-00018628-00018772 Just lose my Mutation jacket *__*.... IO-qbwixyLy-00026-00019498-00019654 Again? this gun reload is so slow IO-qbwixyLy-00027-00020262-00020368 Die b*tch !! IO-qbwixyLy-00028-00021138-00021272 Where's the last mutant go? IO-qbwixyLy-00029-00021404-00021776 You guys know why I'm making video in a room that have hacker? IO-qbwixyLy-00030-00021778-00022428 I wanted to make videos recording these hackers, then I will turn it into CF film IO-qbwixyLy-00031-00022448-00022986 After that, I will give the "Film of HACKERS" to GMs to tell them about hacking situation in CF IO-qbwixyLy-00032-00023022-00023532 There's no way I can't let these hackers do whatever they want !!! It will ruin my video if they still exist !! IO-qbwixyLy-00033-00023548-00023802 So I'm trying to persuade GMs to fix this problems IO-qbwixyLy-00034-00023816-00024141 I can't play well when there's a hacker in the room IO-qbwixyLy-00035-00024142-00024550 It really pissed me off and I'm getting tired of it, I'm sure you guys all know the feelings IO-qbwixyLy-00036-00024794-00024996 The hacks is very annoying !! IO-qbwixyLy-00037-00025570-00025772 Xeno think he can jump through *__*..... IO-qbwixyLy-00038-00026212-00026468 These mutants waiting for me to come? IO-qbwixyLy-00039-00026806-00026968 I don't like this music -_-.. IO-qbwixyLy-00040-00028181-00028334 This music is scary !!! IO-qbwixyLy-00041-00029337-00029491 1 vs 13 !! IO-qbwixyLy-00042-00030057-00030266 LET JUMP DOWN !! IO-qbwixyLy-00043-00030583-00030738 I WILL TAKE ON ALL Y'ALL !! IO-qbwixyLy-00044-00031374-00031648 Ah Sh*t, freaking Xeno IO-qbwixyLy-00045-00032089-00032556 Actually, what these hackers uses, it not really call a hack IO-qbwixyLy-00046-00032608-00032986 To be more accurate, these hackers uses "Mod Files" IO-qbwixyLy-00047-00033076-00033380 They changes these "Mod Files" IO-qbwixyLy-00048-00033484-00033790 They basically changes the codes that's written in the "Mod Files" IO-qbwixyLy-00049-00033820-00034684 However, it only work if they were holding Broken-Kukri Red Crystal, it doesn't work on other weapons IO-qbwixyLy-00050-00035418-00035902 IF you guys worries about these "1 shot 1 kill Hackers" using different weapon to play IO-qbwixyLy-00051-00035904-00036016 YOU GOT NOTHING TO BE WORRY IO-qbwixyLy-00052-00036062-00036484 I already saw these kind of "hack" in Youtube IO-qbwixyLy-00053-00036492-00036868 It a "Mod Files", It different from real Hacks IO-qbwixyLy-00054-00037354-00037606 Oh Damn, I fly too high ... IO-qbwixyLy-00055-00038628-00038848 Wanna run?!?! IO-qbwixyLy-00056-00039654-00040012 DIE !! don't even beg for mercy !! I'll kill all y'all !! IO-qbwixyLy-00057-00040108-00040308 Let keep moving to next round !! IO-qbwixyLy-00058-00040532-00041024 Since it already late, not so many people is play right now IO-qbwixyLy-00059-00041300-00041602 Also, there are hackers everywhere, it's really crazy IO-qbwixyLy-00060-00042684-00043012 Based on what I think, this gun is pretty OK IO-qbwixyLy-00061-00043046-00043230 Its bullet is kinda fast IO-qbwixyLy-00062-00043913-00044199 They're following me again IO-qbwixyLy-00063-00045402-00045602 Oh WT, I guessing it free kills? IO-qbwixyLy-00064-00047104-00047492 this sniper riffle is fast but its firepower is weak as hell IO-qbwixyLy-00065-00047608-00047722 It really weak !! IO-qbwixyLy-00066-00047802-00048094 Let me knife real quick !! IO-qbwixyLy-00067-00049390-00049530 This pistol's reload is so long IO-qbwixyLy-00068-00050550-00050736 These players don't want me to knife IO-qbwixyLy-00069-00052076-00052284 Did all mutants die? IO-qbwixyLy-00070-00052644-00052760 OMFG, where's is mutant ?!? IO-qbwixyLy-00071-00052840-00053024 Also, where's the hacker? IO-qbwixyLy-00072-00054135-00054408 Yep...the end of this round IO-qbwixyLy-00073-00054432-00054628 This mutant wanna hide, noob AF IO-qbwixyLy-00074-00054879-00055202 Let me see if this round have lots of mutant IO-qbwixyLy-00075-00055202-00055402 I'm trying to get "Multi-kills" IO-qbwixyLy-00076-00055705-00055966 This pistol look so ugly !! IO-qbwixyLy-00077-00056084-00056548 It look ugly but actually it's very strong, easy to shoot and aim IO-qbwixyLy-00078-00056724-00057138 I would place this pistol on the same speed as Colt but stronger IO-qbwixyLy-00079-00057486-00057720 If you shoot fast enough, the bullets get faster IO-qbwixyLy-00080-00058116-00058300 He's mine, OMFG IO-qbwixyLy-00081-00059396-00059708 Xeno looking at me like "I will kill U" IO-qbwixyLy-00082-00061858-00062110 WTF just happen !!! IO-qbwixyLy-00083-00062485-00062796 Dumbass hackers keep doing it again !! so tired IO-qbwixyLy-00084-00063138-00063346 This is so damn boring IO-qbwixyLy-00085-00063355-00063596 I never have peace ever since hackers shows up IO-qbwixyLy-00086-00063804-00064660 People created a idea where they can tell whether a person who's bad and who's good IO-qbwixyLy-00087-00064698-00065090 But I think hackers are worse than "Bad" IO-qbwixyLy-00088-00067208-00067400 FCK HACKER !! IO-qbwixyLy-00089-00068232-00068386 What's he standing there for? IO-qbwixyLy-00090-00068394-00068536 Cool, let me snipe real quick :) IO-qbwixyLy-00092-00069736-00069850 TF !! IO-qbwixyLy-00093-00069886-00070146 Xeno's 1 shot 1 kill is damn ass scary IO-qbwixyLy-00094-00070292-00070634 I think this is will the last round, I'm feeling so tired today ;( IO-qbwixyLy-00095-00070678-00070942 Plz, don't me mad or anything IO-qbwixyLy-00096-00070942-00071192 Tomorrow, I will make a proper HMX video IO-qbwixyLy-00097-00071192-00071600 Right now, I'm trying to make a "Crossfire Film" IO-qbwixyLy-00098-00071908-00072222 I'm planning for "Best story line" IO-qbwixyLy-00099-00072362-00072842 Remember to leave LIKES, SHARE, AND SUBSCRIBE !! IO-qbwixyLy-00100-00072872-00073174 Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE !! IO-qbwixyLy-00101-00073174-00073518 To who that haven't Subscribe to Khai-CFNA, plz subscribe :) IO-qbwixyLy-00102-00073518-00073916 ALSO, DON'T FORGET TO TURN UP THAT NOTIFICATION BELL SO YOU CAN KEEP UP WITH WHAT I'M DOING IO-qbwixyLy-00103-00074219-00074511 This is my last round, YET, there still so less mutants IO-qbwixyLy-00104-00075832-00076028 DIEEEEE !!! IO-qbwixyLy-00105-00076480-00076808 These soldiers already die...they don't wanna save me I guess IO-qbwixyLy-00106-00076818-00077150 C'mon mutants come here, let me show you true skill !! IO-qbwixyLy-00107-00078174-00078298 Ammo running out fast IO-qbwixyLy-00108-00079040-00079320 Shooting normal sniper riffle in HMX is so painful IO-qbwixyLy-00109-00079396-00079726 Only Barrett Vips have normal shooting power for mutant IO-qbwixyLy-00110-00081154-00081329 C'mon pistol !!! IO-qbwixyLy-00111-00081682-00081842 Ah Sh*t... IO-qbwixyLy-00112-00083788-00084284 BYE EVERYBODY !! I WILL SEE YOU AGAIN ON THE NEXT VIDEO !! IO-qbwixyLy-00113-00084284-00084906 LIKE !! SHARE!!! SUBSCRIBE !! THX U FOR SUPPORTING IVXi9tBIy-A-00000-00000000-00000746 We're gonna play some newer stuff Change the Standard and it goes as follows IVXi9tBIy-A-00001-00000746-00000876 Is it running again? IVXi9tBIy-A-00002-00001084-00001590 If you know the lyrics, join in, please And if you don't know, join in nonetheless IVXi9tBIy-A-00003-00001755-00001884 Coming right up IWgCjddJsgc-00000-00000000-00000200 Nylon-6,6 IX4aLmOzS9Y-00000-00002392-00002992 Well climate change, drought, and overuse are the primary stresses on the river. IX4aLmOzS9Y-00001-00002992-00003424 Earlier this year there was the first-ever water shortage declared IX4aLmOzS9Y-00002-00003424-00004304 on the Colorado River Basin, this means that some states and Mexico will receive less water in 2022, IX4aLmOzS9Y-00003-00004304-00004761 and with respect to climate change for example, the USGS has determined that for IX4aLmOzS9Y-00004-00004768-00005402 every one degree Celsius warming, there's a 9.3% reduction in flow in the Colorado River. IX4aLmOzS9Y-00005-00007112-00007704 We're looking at everything that's happening in the sky, so precipitation in the form of rain and snow. IX4aLmOzS9Y-00006-00007704-00008376 We're also looking at how much moisture is in the lower part of the atmosphere. IX4aLmOzS9Y-00007-00008376-00008968 Then we're also looking at things right on the surface and all of this affects runoff, IX4aLmOzS9Y-00008-00009064-00009544 which in the entire western United States, you know we kind of live and die by how IX4aLmOzS9Y-00009-00009544-00010100 much water we get in the snowpack and runoff, so we're measuring a lot of things in SPLASH. IX4aLmOzS9Y-00010-00012656-00013103 For SPLASH we're deploying a wide variety of different types of instruments IX4aLmOzS9Y-00011-00013128-00013656 this includes some basic sensors that we have sitting at the surface of the Earth, IX4aLmOzS9Y-00012-00013656-00014267 making measurements of temperature, and pressure, and winds, and humidity - things like that. IX4aLmOzS9Y-00013-00014267-00015101 We also have some advanced sensing systems that are setup to measure clouds things like radars, lidars, and IX4aLmOzS9Y-00014-00015160-00015802 radiation instrumentation. We have sensors in the ground then we're also deploying sensors IX4aLmOzS9Y-00015-00015824-00016448 in the air both on research aircraft, and uncrewed aircraft systems. And all these IX4aLmOzS9Y-00016-00016448-00017100 pieces together provide good spatial coverage of what is going on in the East River watershed. IX4aLmOzS9Y-00017-00020152-00020464 Well researchers will use the SPLASH data for years to come IX4aLmOzS9Y-00018-00020584-00021048 to further our understanding of hydrometeorological processes IX4aLmOzS9Y-00019-00021048-00021552 in this basin that can be applied to perhaps other basins in Colorado and elsewhere. IX4aLmOzS9Y-00020-00022008-00022672 So ultimately the the sort of end user of all this is the public right? So i think these forecasts and IX4aLmOzS9Y-00021-00022672-00023336 the models that we're going to be improving they serve basically a big variety of stakeholders IX4aLmOzS9Y-00022-00023336-00023984 all the way from you know, other federal agencies all the way down to individual people. IZADnbbC870-00000-00008831-00010835 Welcome IZADnbbC870-00002-00018378-00019984 TFT , IZADnbbC870-00003-00019984-00020255 Wish You Happy Movies IbAIc1qAp_M-00000-00000008-00000816 mark rover just made a bad video. it just happened about 30 minutes ago, that video was made, IbAIc1qAp_M-00001-00000896-00001504 sorry for my toes, but i think the video maybe didn't have enough time, and it needs a couple IbAIc1qAp_M-00002-00001504-00002480 of hours at most, if, if it had subtitles, so yeah, a little bit disappointed if it doesn't IbAIc1qAp_M-00003-00002480-00003215 have subtitles for at least another 24 hours, as like that, it would appear that mark rover IbAIc1qAp_M-00004-00003215-00003768 just made a bad video, and it actually has happened before, but here, it's a new example. IcXGyEsscaU-00000-00000000-00000501 Welcome to my video IcXGyEsscaU-00001-00000505-00001000 Thank you for this video view IcXGyEsscaU-00002-00001000-00001508 Like, sub, share, support my channel. IcXGyEsscaU-00003-00001516-00002000 Thank you very much IfctZZhjnqA-00000-00000011-00000700 You co-wrote centuries the father boy song centuries, which was on no fewer than 700 IfctZZhjnqA-00001-00000700-00000930 TV shows and movies and commercials. IfctZZhjnqA-00002-00000930-00001178 It was an insane experience. IfctZZhjnqA-00003-00001178-00001563 So tell me about because I think a follow up boy, you think about a band, you don't IfctZZhjnqA-00004-00001563-00001817 think about them inviting a co writer in. IfctZZhjnqA-00005-00001817-00002016 So tell me about that experience. IfctZZhjnqA-00006-00002016-00002505 So you know, that was actually a really, it was not a normal experience. IfctZZhjnqA-00007-00002505-00002643 Like where we would go in there. IfctZZhjnqA-00008-00002643-00003307 Actually, what happened was, um, Justin Tranter, who is very, very famous songwriter now, you IfctZZhjnqA-00009-00003307-00003777 know, he's written for Justin Bieber for Selena Gomez like she did sorry. IfctZZhjnqA-00010-00003777-00003919 I mean, like, it's endless. IfctZZhjnqA-00011-00003919-00004167 Sometimes he has seven songs battling in the top 10. IfctZZhjnqA-00012-00004167-00004432 Like now, but this was our first platinum. IfctZZhjnqA-00013-00004432-00004857 So he had he hadn't yet to take his his meteoric rise. IfctZZhjnqA-00014-00004857-00005363 So we used to write together a lot and myself, him and Jr. Rotem we were in we were working IfctZZhjnqA-00015-00005363-00005699 on some songs, and we just took about 15 minutes. IfctZZhjnqA-00016-00005699-00006109 We just had this idea Justin came in, he was like, what about this, Remember me for centuries, IfctZZhjnqA-00017-00006109-00006351 and I was like, Oh, I love that. IfctZZhjnqA-00018-00006351-00006664 And I started imagining, like being on a chariot of fire. IfctZZhjnqA-00019-00006664-00007120 And I think we wrote the hook in 10 minutes, you know, and I sang it. IfctZZhjnqA-00020-00007120-00007689 I legends sold some tons of duster to gold, you will remember me? IfctZZhjnqA-00021-00007689-00007922 Remember me centuries? IfctZZhjnqA-00022-00007922-00008647 Hey, whoa, hey, I mean, that's essentially an Indian melody. IfctZZhjnqA-00023-00008647-00009006 Hey, Remember me for centuries. IfctZZhjnqA-00024-00009006-00009113 So we sang it? IfctZZhjnqA-00025-00009113-00009347 And I was thinking, Okay, maybe we are not Jay Z. IfctZZhjnqA-00026-00009347-00009529 Like this could be like a Rihanna thing. IfctZZhjnqA-00027-00009529-00009636 You know. IfctZZhjnqA-00028-00009636-00010003 And I think within like a day are pumped, my publisher got it. IfctZZhjnqA-00029-00010003-00010207 And she just played it for their management. IfctZZhjnqA-00030-00010207-00010590 And I think at the time, they weren't planning on making an album, but they heard themselves IfctZZhjnqA-00031-00010590-00010700 in it. IfctZZhjnqA-00032-00010700-00011563 You know, and we had different lyrics I said, like, these something like words made of stones. IfctZZhjnqA-00033-00011563-00011847 Something about stone, some words turned to IfctZZhjnqA-00034-00011847-00012088 dust, like it wasn't exactly the lyrics they have there. IfctZZhjnqA-00035-00012088-00012525 These are weird just did you know, from their desires, but they heard themselves in it. IfctZZhjnqA-00036-00012525-00012793 And then they wrote their verses, they wrote the bridge, they played all the instruments, IfctZZhjnqA-00037-00012793-00013198 they just took the whole song and created but we had like, written that melody, you IfctZZhjnqA-00038-00013198-00013965 know, and watching that song, just I mean, this is a top 10 in the US. IfctZZhjnqA-00039-00013965-00014547 This is the synced on, like on, on NFL, like I was like all the espn college things. IfctZZhjnqA-00040-00014547-00014940 It was like, Yeah, but one of the biggest things, the biggest things that happened with IfctZZhjnqA-00041-00014940-00015375 that song for me that's always been important to me, was that Kobe Bryant walked out to IfctZZhjnqA-00042-00015375-00015859 his final game as a Laker two centuries, and you're an LA Girl. IfctZZhjnqA-00043-00015859-00016011 And I'm an LA Girl. IfctZZhjnqA-00044-00016011-00016163 And I was in India when this happened. IfctZZhjnqA-00045-00016163-00016534 I think I was going through whatever I was going through and to hear that that had happened IfctZZhjnqA-00046-00016534-00017005 that one of the greatest athletes of all time, thought that the song that we were a part IfctZZhjnqA-00047-00017005-00017521 of, was good enough to be the soundtrack of his incredible moment. IfctZZhjnqA-00048-00017521-00018045 I felt so fulfilled in that and I think being a songwriter on a song like that took a lot IfctZZhjnqA-00049-00018045-00018530 of pressure away because it wasn't like it was me, you know, that had to like, be in IfctZZhjnqA-00050-00018530-00018753 front of everybody like that at that time. IfctZZhjnqA-00051-00018753-00019004 But I saw what was possible with the song. IfctZZhjnqA-00052-00019004-00019512 You know, I saw you know what it's like if something goes top 10 so no matter what I IfctZZhjnqA-00053-00019512-00019973 do, no matter how indie or people don't think my music is going to be whatever they whatever IfctZZhjnqA-00054-00019973-00020073 the ideas they have. IfctZZhjnqA-00055-00020073-00020353 I still remember that feeling and I still know it's possible. IfctZZhjnqA-00056-00020353-00020508 You know, I still know it can happen again. IkvrDgvwbm4-00000-00000027-00000665 Hey psych to goers have you ever found yourself in a period of intense mental distress? IkvrDgvwbm4-00001-00000739-00000947 That's what a mental breakdown can feel like IkvrDgvwbm4-00002-00001005-00001391 Some experience that progressively while others can feel it very suddenly IkvrDgvwbm4-00003-00001440-00001992 You may even find yourself unable to perform daily tasks due to the feeling of being so overwhelmed IkvrDgvwbm4-00004-00002010-00002450 So here are seven signs. You may be having a mental breakdown IkvrDgvwbm4-00005-00002562-00002718 One IkvrDgvwbm4-00006-00002718-00002833 isolation IkvrDgvwbm4-00007-00002833-00003461 Do you find yourself constantly avoiding social gatherings while wanting to be alone from time to time is perfectly normal IkvrDgvwbm4-00008-00003535-00003819 Constant isolation may be a sign of a mental breakdown IkvrDgvwbm4-00009-00003907-00004553 according to Novotny premature mortality is often associated with social isolation and loneliness if IkvrDgvwbm4-00010-00004600-00005166 You find yourself avoiding all social situations like spending time with your friends or even going to work IkvrDgvwbm4-00011-00005191-00005462 It may be time for you to reach out for some help to IkvrDgvwbm4-00012-00005548-00005598 Two IkvrDgvwbm4-00013-00005680-00005832 Depressive symptoms IkvrDgvwbm4-00014-00005832-00006620 Do you find yourself losing interest in the things you used to enjoy? If you do you may be developing symptoms of depression IkvrDgvwbm4-00015-00006720-00007301 Symptoms of depression are usually associated with loss of interest as well as the inability to carry out daily tasks IkvrDgvwbm4-00016-00007345-00008100 These signs can be indicative of a change in mood or that you are mentally overwhelmed which could progressively lead to a mental breakdown IkvrDgvwbm4-00017-00008236-00008422 number three IkvrDgvwbm4-00018-00008422-00008554 absent-mindedness IkvrDgvwbm4-00019-00008554-00008831 Have you been really caught up in your thoughts lately? IkvrDgvwbm4-00020-00008902-00009174 mental distress can cause you to think a lot a IkvrDgvwbm4-00021-00009217-00009683 Person on the verge of a mental breakdown can seem preoccupied as if their mind is elsewhere IkvrDgvwbm4-00022-00009750-00010487 You may even look like you're silently staring blankly into an open space, which is actually commonly seen in adolescent breakdowns IkvrDgvwbm4-00023-00010636-00010786 four IkvrDgvwbm4-00024-00010786-00010986 unhealthy lifestyle changes IkvrDgvwbm4-00025-00010996-00011698 from sleep hygiene to eating habits severe unhealthy lifestyle changes can be a sign of a mental breakdown. IkvrDgvwbm4-00026-00011716-00012158 These can include suddenly sleeping really late, snacking too much or not IkvrDgvwbm4-00027-00012198-00012860 Exercising because of a sudden loss of motivation. If you find yourself having sudden unhealthy lifestyle changes IkvrDgvwbm4-00028-00012861-00013073 You might want to check on your mental well-being IkvrDgvwbm4-00029-00013234-00013363 Five IkvrDgvwbm4-00030-00013363-00013491 paranoia IkvrDgvwbm4-00031-00013491-00013814 Are you constantly worried that people are gonna hurt you? IkvrDgvwbm4-00032-00013896-00014476 paranoia is a thought process that causes you to have irrational suspicion or mistrust of others IkvrDgvwbm4-00033-00014538-00014960 As paranoia is also known for having constant anxiety related beliefs IkvrDgvwbm4-00034-00015019-00015627 Developing symptoms of paranoia may indicate that you are under severe stress which can lead to a mental breakdown IkvrDgvwbm4-00035-00015805-00015949 Six IkvrDgvwbm4-00036-00015949-00016149 slowing down of speech IkvrDgvwbm4-00037-00016216-00016643 Have you responded with, I don't know or I just don't feel right IkvrDgvwbm4-00038-00016644-00017229 When asked about your feelings one of the earliest signs of a mental breakdown is changes in speech patterns IkvrDgvwbm4-00039-00017242-00017714 Which can come in the form of hesitation or in the slowness of speech. IkvrDgvwbm4-00040-00017758-00018410 This could be due to the emergence of intrusive thoughts or strong feelings you may find difficult to express in IkvrDgvwbm4-00041-00018511-00018711 seven, panic attacks IkvrDgvwbm4-00042-00018784-00019329 Mental breakdowns are periods of intense mental distress associated with anxiety and depression IkvrDgvwbm4-00043-00019453-00019983 Experiencing panic attacks may serve as a critical warning or precursor to having a mental breakdown IkvrDgvwbm4-00044-00020119-00020474 Do you relate to any of these signs? Let us know in the comments below? IkvrDgvwbm4-00045-00020515-00020670 Remember you're not alone IkvrDgvwbm4-00046-00020670-00021233 and if you can relate to this video don't be afraid to reach out to professional or talk to someone you trust if IkvrDgvwbm4-00047-00021276-00021608 If you find this video helpful, be sure to like and share this video IkvrDgvwbm4-00048-00021609-00022047 With those who might benefit from it subscribe to psych to go for more psychology videos? IkvrDgvwbm4-00049-00022069-00022760 The references and studies used in this video are added in the description below. Thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next video IkOXwB7agLo-00000-00008344-00009308 With so little to be sure of, IkOXwB7agLo-00001-00009382-00010237 If there’s anything at all, IkOXwB7agLo-00002-00010309-00010757 If there’s anything at all, IkOXwB7agLo-00003-00010921-00012238 I’m sure of here and now and us together. IkOXwB7agLo-00004-00012329-00013198 All I’ll ever be I owe you, IkOXwB7agLo-00005-00013278-00014132 If there’s anything to be. IkOXwB7agLo-00006-00014172-00014636 Being sure enough of you IkOXwB7agLo-00007-00014712-00015542 Makes me sure enough of me. IkOXwB7agLo-00008-00015609-00016085 Thanks for everything we did, IkOXwB7agLo-00009-00016173-00016580 Everything that’s past, IkOXwB7agLo-00010-00016668-00017504 Everything that’s over too fast. IkOXwB7agLo-00011-00017585-00017984 None of it is wasted, IkOXwB7agLo-00012-00018096-00018488 All of it will last. IkOXwB7agLo-00013-00018544-00019912 Everything that’s here and now and us together. IkOXwB7agLo-00014-00019938-00020629 It is marvelous to know you IkOXwB7agLo-00015-00020734-00021518 And it isn’t really through. IkOXwB7agLo-00016-00021588-00022430 Crazy business this, this life we live in. IkOXwB7agLo-00017-00022470-00023344 Don’t complain about the time we’re given. IkOXwB7agLo-00018-00023437-00024516 With so little to be sure of in this world, IkOXwB7agLo-00019-00024622-00025186 We had a moment, IkOXwB7agLo-00020-00025225-00025742 A marvelous moment! IkOXwB7agLo-00021-00025817-00026737 We have a marvelous moment. ImhCj2bCMpA-00000-00000432-00000808 Today, one in every seven of us is a migrant. ImhCj2bCMpA-00001-00000818-00001084 People migrate for different reasons. ImhCj2bCMpA-00002-00001084-00001328 Some move in search of better opportunities, ImhCj2bCMpA-00003-00001328-00001538 others may flee from conflict, ImhCj2bCMpA-00004-00001538-00001748 natural disasters or violence. ImhCj2bCMpA-00005-00001748-00002140 Similarly, one may feel the need to return home ImhCj2bCMpA-00006-00002140-00002460 triggered by a desire to reunite with family, ImhCj2bCMpA-00007-00002460-00002718 by change conditions in either host and transit countries ImhCj2bCMpA-00008-00002718-00002904 or countries of origin ImhCj2bCMpA-00009-00002904-00003306 or by the lack of legal status or work opportunities. ImhCj2bCMpA-00010-00003306-00003586 Going back home can be a difficult decision. ImhCj2bCMpA-00011-00003586-00003824 Returning often means finding a job, ImhCj2bCMpA-00012-00003824-00004008 adjusting to a new lifestyle, ImhCj2bCMpA-00013-00004008-00004216 reconnecting with family and friends ImhCj2bCMpA-00014-00004216-00004528 and making plans for the future. ImhCj2bCMpA-00015-00004528-00004930 Since 1979, IOM the UN migration agency ImhCj2bCMpA-00016-00004930-00005240 has helped over 1 and a half million people ImhCj2bCMpA-00017-00005240-00005444 return to their countries of origin through its ImhCj2bCMpA-00018-00005444-00005760 Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration programs, ImhCj2bCMpA-00019-00005760-00006064 commonly known as AVRR. ImhCj2bCMpA-00020-00006064-00006250 In the last decade, the number of people ImhCj2bCMpA-00021-00006250-00006540 benefiting from AVRR has increased due to ImhCj2bCMpA-00022-00006540-00006822 growing global migration flows. ImhCj2bCMpA-00023-00006822-00007054 AVRR is an essential component ImhCj2bCMpA-00024-00007062-00007208 of migration governance ImhCj2bCMpA-00025-00007209-00007380 as the aspirations of migrants, ImhCj2bCMpA-00026-00007380-00007518 the needs of communities ImhCj2bCMpA-00027-00007518-00007672 and the concerns of governments ImhCj2bCMpA-00028-00007672-00007823 are all at stake. ImhCj2bCMpA-00029-00007823-00008092 But how does this translate into practice? ImhCj2bCMpA-00030-00008126-00008292 AVRR programs provide ImhCj2bCMpA-00031-00008292-00008586 administrative, logistical and financial support ImhCj2bCMpA-00032-00008586-00008794 to migrants who decide to return home ImhCj2bCMpA-00033-00008794-00008998 but lack the means to do so. ImhCj2bCMpA-00034-00008998-00009228 This includes individualized counseling ImhCj2bCMpA-00035-00009228-00009388 with IOM or its partners ImhCj2bCMpA-00036-00009388-00009702 and is often complemented by reintegration assistance ImhCj2bCMpA-00037-00009702-00009932 to help beneficiaries rebuild their lives ImhCj2bCMpA-00038-00009932-00010190 within the communities to which they return. ImhCj2bCMpA-00039-00010194-00010386 Tailored assistance is provided ImhCj2bCMpA-00040-00010386-00010554 to migrants in vulnerable situations ImhCj2bCMpA-00041-00010554-00010806 throughout the return and reintegration process. ImhCj2bCMpA-00042-00010806-00010984 Such assistance may include: ImhCj2bCMpA-00043-00010984-00011260 family tracing for unaccompanied migrant children, ImhCj2bCMpA-00044-00011260-00011510 risk assessment for victims of trafficking ImhCj2bCMpA-00045-00011510-00011866 or planning for health related needs during the journey. ImhCj2bCMpA-00046-00011936-00012200 Voluntariness is key for the preparation of the return, ImhCj2bCMpA-00047-00012200-00012378 thereby contributing to the ImhCj2bCMpA-00048-00012378-00012584 sustainability of reintegration. ImhCj2bCMpA-00049-00012584-00012841 It is important for migrants to understand ImhCj2bCMpA-00050-00012841-00013066 how AVRR works and know their options ImhCj2bCMpA-00051-00013066-00013258 to make an informed decision. ImhCj2bCMpA-00052-00013260-00013512 IOM counselors and qualified partners ImhCj2bCMpA-00053-00013512-00013713 accompany migrants throughout this process, ImhCj2bCMpA-00054-00013713-00013876 and beneficiaries can change their mind ImhCj2bCMpA-00055-00013876-00014116 at any time until departure. ImhCj2bCMpA-00056-00014324-00014656 Depending on the parameters of each a AVRR program, ImhCj2bCMpA-00057-00014656-00014904 IOM can take care of travel preparations ImhCj2bCMpA-00058-00014904-00015118 from arranging all necessary documents ImhCj2bCMpA-00059-00015118-00015397 and booking tickets, to helping migrants embark ImhCj2bCMpA-00060-00015397-00015588 on the scheduled day of departure. ImhCj2bCMpA-00061-00015596-00015806 Returnees usually travel on regular commercial ImhCj2bCMpA-00062-00015806-00016088 flights or buses, just like any other passenger ImhCj2bCMpA-00063-00016088-00016394 and can be assisted while in transit. ImhCj2bCMpA-00064-00016394-00016500 Whenever needed, ImhCj2bCMpA-00065-00016500-00017000 operational or medical escorts may also be organized. ImhCj2bCMpA-00066-00017000-00017232 Reintegration assistance is paramount ImhCj2bCMpA-00067-00017238-00017546 to support returnees economic self-sufficiency, ImhCj2bCMpA-00068-00017546-00017752 social stability within their communities ImhCj2bCMpA-00069-00017752-00017998 and psychosocial well-being. ImhCj2bCMpA-00070-00017998-00018330 However, there is no one-size-fits-all model. ImhCj2bCMpA-00071-00018330-00018538 Reintegration assistance depends on ImhCj2bCMpA-00072-00018538-00018680 the needs of beneficiaries, ImhCj2bCMpA-00073-00018680-00018894 the specificity of each program ImhCj2bCMpA-00074-00018894-00019204 and the available resources, among other factors. ImhCj2bCMpA-00075-00019204-00019476 Returnees can receive support to set up ImhCj2bCMpA-00076-00019476-00019648 income generating activities, ImhCj2bCMpA-00077-00019648-00019810 access basic services ImhCj2bCMpA-00078-00019810-00020144 or re-establish ties with their families and friends. ImhCj2bCMpA-00079-00020144-00020412 Continued follow-up with migrants plays an important ImhCj2bCMpA-00080-00020412-00020734 role assessing both successes and challenges, ImhCj2bCMpA-00081-00020734-00021002 which in turn helps IOM and its partners ImhCj2bCMpA-00082-00021002-00021296 adjust future AVRR interventions. ImhCj2bCMpA-00083-00021296-00021572 Today, IOM's vast network of offices ImhCj2bCMpA-00084-00021572-00021898 implements AVRR programs in over 170 ImhCj2bCMpA-00085-00021898-00022172 countries and territories through the mobilisation ImhCj2bCMpA-00086-00022172-00022358 of committed personnel. ImhCj2bCMpA-00087-00022358-00022656 To maximize the impact of AVRR programmes ImhCj2bCMpA-00088-00022656-00022900 IOM cooperates and facilitates dialogue ImhCj2bCMpA-00089-00022900-00023116 with a wide range of actors worldwide, ImhCj2bCMpA-00090-00023116-00023329 including governmental stakeholders ImhCj2bCMpA-00091-00023329-00023499 international organisations, ImhCj2bCMpA-00092-00023499-00023630 migrant associations ImhCj2bCMpA-00093-00023630-00023724 NGOs ImhCj2bCMpA-00094-00023724-00023838 and the private sector ImhCj2bCMpA-00095-00023838-00024124 to promote rights based and dignified solutions ImhCj2bCMpA-00096-00024124-00024290 for the benefit of all. J2L1or0byKQ-00000-00000000-00001000 og buda type beat,og buda type beat free,free og buda type beat,og buda free type beat,og buda type beat 2022,og buda type beat 2021,free og buda type beat 2022,type beat,free og buda type beat 2021,type beat og buda,og buda,163onmyneck type beat,scally milano type beat,mayot type beat,og buda free type beat 2021,detroit type beat,free mayot type beat,163onmyneck type beat free,free type beat og buda,платина type beat,soda luv type beat J3ys08pd_ek-00000-00000080-00000648 Welcome to the web tutorial "Introduction to The National Health and Aging Trends Study (or NHATS)." J3ys08pd_ek-00001-00000784-00001024 First, let's go over what you can expect to learn: J3ys08pd_ek-00002-00001024-00001584 We will start with some background on NHATS, followed by a description of the NHATS J3ys08pd_ek-00003-00001584-00001948 conceptual framework, the study design, and J3ys08pd_ek-00004-00001948-00002288 a brief overview of content areas covered in NHATS J3ys08pd_ek-00005-00002408-00002648 Let's start with some background about NHATS. J3ys08pd_ek-00006-00002760-00002984 The population worldwide is aging. J3ys08pd_ek-00007-00003040-00003560 The US Census Bureau projects that older adults will outnumber children by 2035. J3ys08pd_ek-00008-00003632-00003944 The risks of disability increase substantially with age. J3ys08pd_ek-00009-00004008-00004416 In the US, the large Baby Boom cohorts born between 1946 J3ys08pd_ek-00010-00004416-00004984 and 1964 are now beginning to reach ages when risks of disability are substantial. J3ys08pd_ek-00011-00005104-00005496 To foster research that will guide efforts to reduce disability, and enhance J3ys08pd_ek-00012-00005496-00006096 quality of life at older ages, the National Institute on Aging initiated NHATS in 2008. J3ys08pd_ek-00013-00006184-00006544 The vision for NHATS is to: Serve as a platform to guide J3ys08pd_ek-00014-00006544-00007031 efforts to reduce disability, maximize health and independent functioning, J3ys08pd_ek-00015-00007031-00007600 and enhance quality of life of older Americans. To support study of population-level disability J3ys08pd_ek-00016-00007600-00007895 trends and individual-level dynamics in older people, J3ys08pd_ek-00017-00007952-00008072 and J3ys08pd_ek-00018-00008072-00008584 To create the data infrastructure to enable study of disablement at older ages and its consequences. J3ys08pd_ek-00019-00008704-00009184 The study is led by investigators at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and J3ys08pd_ek-00020-00009184-00009696 the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research, with data collection by Westat. J3ys08pd_ek-00021-00009768-00010160 NHATS has been developed with substantial input from the scientific community through J3ys08pd_ek-00022-00010160-00010568 its interdisciplinary investigator team and multiple advisory groups J3ys08pd_ek-00023-00010680-00011064 Development of disability-related content for NHATS was guided by a J3ys08pd_ek-00024-00011064-00011392 conceptual framework developed for the study. J3ys08pd_ek-00025-00011392-00011768 The NHATS framework blends the language of the World Health Organization s J3ys08pd_ek-00026-00011768-00012208 International Classification of Functioning with the Nagi model of disablement. J3ys08pd_ek-00027-00012280-00012712 Here, the word capacity refers to an individual's physiological, J3ys08pd_ek-00028-00012712-00013208 cognitive, and sensory capabilities to carry out basic tasks in a controlled environment. J3ys08pd_ek-00029-00013280-00013600 The framework also recognizes that individuals accommodate, J3ys08pd_ek-00030-00013600-00014008 or change their behaviors in response to changes in capacity, such as doing J3ys08pd_ek-00031-00014008-00014528 an activity less frequently, using assistive devices or getting help from other person. J3ys08pd_ek-00032-00014591-00015184 This in turn influences an older adults ability to carry out self-care and domestic activities J3ys08pd_ek-00033-00015184-00015760 and the extent of participation in productive, generative, community, social, and civic life. J3ys08pd_ek-00034-00015824-00016352 The framework also recognizes that the environment can influence the entire disablement process. J3ys08pd_ek-00035-00016480-00016776 Next, let's take a closer look at the NHATS study design. J3ys08pd_ek-00036-00016848-00017208 The NHATS study population represents Medicare beneficiaries J3ys08pd_ek-00037-00017208-00017584 ages 65 and older living in the contiguous United States. J3ys08pd_ek-00038-00017688-00018008 NHATS uses a stratified three-stage sample design, J3ys08pd_ek-00039-00018008-00018376 and oversamples persons at older ages and Black individuals. J3ys08pd_ek-00040-00018376-00018824 The initial cohort was first interviewed in 2011. The sample is replenished J3ys08pd_ek-00041-00018824-00019240 periodically to maintain its ability to represent the older Medicare population. J3ys08pd_ek-00042-00019352-00019648 NHATS interviews participants annually in their homes. J3ys08pd_ek-00043-00019744-00020184 The primary data collection instrument is the Sample Person ("SP") Interview. J3ys08pd_ek-00044-00020184-00020800 - Most sample persons respond to the SP interview for themselves. A proxy who is familiar with the J3ys08pd_ek-00045-00020800-00021296 sampled person s routine, typically a family member, is interviewed in instances where the J3ys08pd_ek-00046-00021296-00021808 sample person cannot respond on their own. - As part of the SP interview, an Activity J3ys08pd_ek-00047-00021808-00022196 Booklet is used to record the results of the physical performance activities. J3ys08pd_ek-00048-00022196-00022728 * The Facility Questionnaire (or "FQ") is administered to a staff person J3ys08pd_ek-00049-00022728-00023056 when a sample person resides in a residential care setting, J3ys08pd_ek-00050-00023056-00023600 including a nursing home. The FQ collects information on type of facility and levels J3ys08pd_ek-00051-00023600-00024184 of care available; the service package where SP lives; and sources of payment for SP s care. J3ys08pd_ek-00052-00024184-00024784 * When a sample person is deceased, the Last Month of Life (or "LML") J3ys08pd_ek-00053-00024784-00025432 interview is administered to a proxy respondent, typically a close family member. J3ys08pd_ek-00054-00025432-00025680 Data collection is designed to be as consistent J3ys08pd_ek-00055-00025680-00025952 as possible across different settings and across rounds. J3ys08pd_ek-00056-00026039-00026488 Sample persons living in community settings are administered the Sample Person interview J3ys08pd_ek-00057-00026488-00027056 in the initial round and in follow-up rounds. For sample persons who die between rounds, J3ys08pd_ek-00058-00027056-00027576 a Last Month of Life (LML) Interview is conducted with a proxy respondent, usually a family member. J3ys08pd_ek-00059-00027672-00028032 Sample persons living in residential care settings other than nursing homes J3ys08pd_ek-00060-00028032-00028304 are administered the Sample Person interview in initial J3ys08pd_ek-00061-00028304-00028720 and follow-up rounds and are also eligible for the Last Month of Life Interview. J3ys08pd_ek-00062-00028792-00029183 In addition, a Facility Questionnaire interview is conducted at each round. J3ys08pd_ek-00063-00029280-00029760 Sample persons living in a nursing home in their initial round do not complete a sample J3ys08pd_ek-00064-00029760-00030216 person interview and are not eligible for a sample person interview in follow-up rounds. J3ys08pd_ek-00065-00030295-00030639 They are however eligible for the Last Month of Life Interview J3ys08pd_ek-00066-00030639-00031064 and a Facility Questionnaire interview which is conducted at each round. J3ys08pd_ek-00067-00031168-00031527 The unweighted response rate is 71% for Round 1, J3ys08pd_ek-00068-00031527-00032000 the initial round, and 77% in Round 5, the first replenishment year. J3ys08pd_ek-00069-00032064-00032495 Conditional response rates for other rounds range from 86% to 95%. J3ys08pd_ek-00070-00032616-00033072 Response rates are similar for living sample persons and last month of life interviews. J3ys08pd_ek-00071-00033160-00033576 For more recent waves, response rates are available in the NHATS User's Guide. J3ys08pd_ek-00072-00033704-00034080 Next, let's take a closer look at the content in the NHATS interviews. J3ys08pd_ek-00073-00034208-00034640 The content areas in NHATS flow directly from its conceptual framework and include: J3ys08pd_ek-00074-00034640-00035264 A section on health conditions, which asks about common diagnoses, hospital stays and surgeries J3ys08pd_ek-00075-00035264-00035704 and common clinical concerns * The impairments and symptoms section, J3ys08pd_ek-00076-00035704-00036272 which asks about impairments in several body systems, pain and fatigue, and sensory impairments J3ys08pd_ek-00077-00036272-00036880 Physical capacity, which is measured with both performance-based and self-reported items; J3ys08pd_ek-00078-00036880-00037320 cognitive capacity, which is measured with a series of activities related to memory, J3ys08pd_ek-00079-00037320-00037648 orientation and executive function. Proxy respondents J3ys08pd_ek-00080-00037648-00038160 complete an informant screener for dementia. For self-care and mobility activities, J3ys08pd_ek-00081-00038160-00038648 respondents are asked whether in the last month they used specific assistive devices J3ys08pd_ek-00082-00038648-00039120 while doing a particular activity, whether they had difficulty doing the activity by J3ys08pd_ek-00083-00039120-00039608 themselves when using named devices, frequencies compared with a year ago J3ys08pd_ek-00084-00039608-00040080 and whether they received help. For household and medical activities, J3ys08pd_ek-00085-00040080-00040440 respondents are asked how the activity was carried out in the last month J3ys08pd_ek-00086-00040440-00041000 and frequency compared with a year ago. If someone else was involved, whether help was received for J3ys08pd_ek-00087-00041000-00041528 health and functioning reasons is assessed. For social and productive activities, J3ys08pd_ek-00088-00041528-00042008 respondents are asked whether they participated in the last month, whether their health or J3ys08pd_ek-00089-00042008-00042512 functioning limited their participation and how important it was to be able to participate. J3ys08pd_ek-00090-00042512-00043000 NHATS also collects details about the environments in which older adults live, J3ys08pd_ek-00091-00043000-00043440 including the physical, social, technological and service environments. J3ys08pd_ek-00092-00043560-00043968 Other content areas include transportation, rehabilitation, J3ys08pd_ek-00093-00043968-00044288 household and family members and members of the social network, J3ys08pd_ek-00094-00044344-00044816 subjective and economic wellbeing and details about helpers and others shown here. J3ys08pd_ek-00095-00044872-00045328 Dried blood spots were collected in 2018 and four assays have been released. J3ys08pd_ek-00096-00045416-00045880 In most years, brief modules proposed by external investigators are included J3ys08pd_ek-00097-00045880-00046360 for a subset of participants. Geographic data and linked Medicare J3ys08pd_ek-00098-00046360-00046864 data are also available to qualified users upon completion of a data use application. J3ys08pd_ek-00099-00047000-00047528 Periodically, NHATS conducts the National Study of Caregiving, NSOC. NSOC is a J3ys08pd_ek-00100-00047528-00048024 nationally representative study of family and other unpaid caregivers to older persons J3ys08pd_ek-00101-00048024-00048568 living with limitations in daily activities. A separate tutorial presents details about NSOC. J3ys08pd_ek-00102-00048656-00049016 This tutorial was produced by Mengyao Hu, Sarah Patterson, J3ys08pd_ek-00103-00049016-00049384 and Vicki Freedman with funding from the National Institute on Aging. J3ys08pd_ek-00104-00049464-00049784 This ends the Introduction to the National Health and Aging Trends Study. J3ys08pd_ek-00105-00049840-00050320 Comments and questions may be sent to NHATSdata@westat.com. 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J6WorD1QVv4-00055-00006593-00006643 Why Kamal Nath's Ministers Demanded for Resignation J6WorD1QVv4-00056-00006648-00006848 Why Kamal Nath's Ministers Demanded for Resignation J6WorD1QVv4-00057-00006848-00006898 Why Kamal Nath's Ministers Demanded for Resignation J6WorD1QVv4-00058-00006898-00006948 Why Kamal Nath's Ministers Demanded for Resignation J6WorD1QVv4-00059-00006969-00007019 Why Kamal Nath's Ministers Demanded for Resignation J6WorD1QVv4-00060-00007019-00007069 Why Kamal Nath's Ministers Demanded for Resignation J6WorD1QVv4-00061-00007069-00007119 Why Kamal Nath's Ministers Demanded for Resignation J6WorD1QVv4-00062-00007119-00007169 Why Kamal Nath's Ministers Demanded for Resignation J6WorD1QVv4-00063-00007209-00007409 Why Kamal Nath's Ministers Demanded for Resignation J6WorD1QVv4-00064-00007409-00007459 Why Kamal Nath's Ministers Demanded for Resignation J6WorD1QVv4-00065-00007502-00007702 Why Kamal Nath's Ministers Demanded for Resignation J6WorD1QVv4-00066-00007702-00007752 Why Kamal Nath's Ministers Demanded for Resignation J9HI0Z9TPRU-00000-00000000-00000128 انگریزی میں بات چیت Jr3etG0FtG8-00000-00000120-00000216 foreign Jr3etG0FtG8-00001-00004308-00004584 foreign Jr3etG0FtG8-00002-00007914-00008868 thank you Jr3etG0FtG8-00003-00010596-00011532 take me Jr3etG0FtG8-00004-00013584-00013728 foreign Jr3etG0FtG8-00005-00018324-00018462 foreign Jspr9lS_uwQ-00000-00000081-00000625 That was so super weird, because I knew that GBM was working with the 495 driver, Jspr9lS_uwQ-00001-00000625-00001088 but I didn't know i could actually screencast with Flatpak OBS and Pipewire portal! Jspr9lS_uwQ-00002-00001212-00001612 So that won't only benefit me by taking advantage of Wayland capabilities, Jspr9lS_uwQ-00003-00001612-00001868 but also you too, because I can now share! Jspr9lS_uwQ-00004-00002002-00002293 And the screencast quality is actually fine! Jspr9lS_uwQ-00005-00002293-00002463 Take a look maybe? Js-jvkZyaU8-00000-00000710-00001036 Welcome to our after-school vocabulary exercises! Js-jvkZyaU8-00001-00001073-00001393 The first question in this section is Js-jvkZyaU8-00002-00001436-00001670 Please choose the correct pinyin Js-jvkZyaU8-00003-00002003-00002250 Let's think about what the answer is Js-jvkZyaU8-00004-00002333-00002610 Okay, the answer to this question is Js-jvkZyaU8-00005-00002700-00002750 Shi Js-jvkZyaU8-00006-00002803-00002936 Good! Second question Js-jvkZyaU8-00007-00003550-00003656 Did you choose the right one? Js-jvkZyaU8-00008-00003656-00003786 The answer is Nin Js-jvkZyaU8-00009-00003876-00003926 Nin Js-jvkZyaU8-00010-00004120-00004276 Look at the third question Js-jvkZyaU8-00011-00004300-00004480 What are these two words? Js-jvkZyaU8-00012-00004970-00005246 The answer is xiansheng Js-jvkZyaU8-00013-00005346-00005553 Okay, let's look at the last question Js-jvkZyaU8-00014-00006080-00006290 The answer to the last question is huanying Js-jvkZyaU8-00015-00006340-00006816 Welcome to the second part please choose the correct English Js-jvkZyaU8-00016-00006816-00007196 The first one is xiexie. Js-jvkZyaU8-00017-00007296-00007390 Thank you Js-jvkZyaU8-00018-00007716-00007890 Good! The answer is thank you Js-jvkZyaU8-00019-00007890-00008273 Let's look at the second question Js-jvkZyaU8-00020-00008286-00008386 Ni hao Js-jvkZyaU8-00021-00008450-00008533 Hello Js-jvkZyaU8-00022-00008813-00008916 Did you choose the right one? Js-jvkZyaU8-00023-00008916-00009233 All right. The answer is the first one Js-jvkZyaU8-00024-00009233-00009433 Let's look at the third question Js-jvkZyaU8-00025-00009476-00009566 Na li Js-jvkZyaU8-00026-00009656-00009736 Where Js-jvkZyaU8-00027-00010193-00010520 Good! The answer is the first one, where Js-jvkZyaU8-00028-00010706-00010963 Okay the last question Js-jvkZyaU8-00029-00011066-00011140 Dui ma? Js-jvkZyaU8-00030-00011656-00011896 The correct answer is the last one Js-jvkZyaU8-00031-00011933-00012116 The last one Js-jvkZyaU8-00032-00012116-00012390 Let's look at the last part of the exercise Js-jvkZyaU8-00033-00012390-00012543 The third part Js-jvkZyaU8-00034-00012576-00012856 Please select the correct word or phrase Js-jvkZyaU8-00035-00012986-00013156 Okay, let's look at the first question. Js-jvkZyaU8-00036-00013183-00013290 Are you ... Js-jvkZyaU8-00037-00013356-00013496 Where are you from? Js-jvkZyaU8-00038-00013686-00013736 Shei Js-jvkZyaU8-00039-00013793-00014013 Ye / Na li Js-jvkZyaU8-00040-00014390-00014600 Which is the correct answer? The answer is na li Js-jvkZyaU8-00041-00014623-00014833 Ni shi na li ren? Where are you from? Js-jvkZyaU8-00042-00014903-00015053 Good! The second question Js-jvkZyaU8-00043-00015080-00015496 Let me ... a friend Js-jvkZyaU8-00044-00015956-00016353 The answer is let me jie shao, introduce, a friend Js-jvkZyaU8-00045-00016356-00016540 The second one, introduce, is the answer Js-jvkZyaU8-00046-00016683-00016823 The third question Js-jvkZyaU8-00047-00016860-00017026 I am French... Js-jvkZyaU8-00048-00017090-00017360 ... is American? Js-jvkZyaU8-00049-00017860-00018260 The answer to this question is that he, ta, is an American Js-jvkZyaU8-00050-00018283-00018430 Did you choose the right one? Js-jvkZyaU8-00051-00018490-00018613 One last question Js-jvkZyaU8-00052-00018640-00018856 Welcome to Taiwan... Js-jvkZyaU8-00053-00019126-00019176 ...wan Js-jvkZyaU8-00054-00019303-00019353 ...jie Js-jvkZyaU8-00055-00019416-00019550 ...zhang da Js-jvkZyaU8-00056-00019706-00019970 Welcome to Taiwan! Have fun! Js-jvkZyaU8-00057-00020426-00020603 If you like our practice... Js-jvkZyaU8-00058-00020636-00020886 ...feel free to help us by subscribing! Js-jvkZyaU8-00059-00020943-00021036 Thank you! JvoAABh1xSE-00000-00000664-00000884 McCauley: Don't let her be alone. JvoAABh1xSE-00001-00000884-00001000 Be a hero for her. JvoAABh1xSE-00002-00001230-00001392 Be a hero, buddy. JvoAABh1xSE-00003-00001514-00001950 Let this community know that you're a hero, not a monster. JvoAABh1xSE-00004-00002320-00002548 Is she alive, Derek, or is she dead? JvoAABh1xSE-00005-00002726-00002826 Look at me. JvoAABh1xSE-00006-00002862-00002942 Is she alive? JvoAABh1xSE-00007-00002942-00003020 Saretzky: She's not alive. JvoAABh1xSE-00008-00003038-00003110 McCauley: OK. JvoAABh1xSE-00009-00003218-00003304 That's OK. JvoAABh1xSE-00010-00003544-00003629 That's OK. JvoAABh1xSE-00011-00003768-00003906 Where is she, buddy? JvoAABh1xSE-00012-00004061-00004174 McCauley: Where is she? JvoAABh1xSE-00013-00004174-00004408 Saretzky: The devil made me turn her into ashes. JvoAABh1xSE-00014-00004510-00004804 McCauley: OK. That's OK. JvoAABh1xSE-00015-00004912-00005104 That's OK. JvoAABh1xSE-00016-00005284-00005356 That's OK. JvoAABh1xSE-00017-00005404-00005816 (Saretzky crying) JvoAABh1xSE-00018-00005910-00005994 It's OK. JvoAABh1xSE-00019-00006272-00006698 McCauley: What did the Devil say when-- Why did the Devil tell you to kill Terry? JvoAABh1xSE-00020-00007080-00007390 Saretzky: He said he was a terrible father. JvoAABh1xSE-00021-00007654-00007884 McCauley: So what did you use to kill Terry? JvoAABh1xSE-00022-00008038-00008218 Saretzky: I used a knife. JvoAABh1xSE-00023-00008230-00008366 McCauley: A knife? Saretzky: Yeah. JvoAABh1xSE-00024-00008402-00008530 What kind of knife? JvoAABh1xSE-00025-00008904-00009104 Can you describe it please? JvoAABh1xSE-00026-00009266-00009594 Saretzky: It was just a normal, unseratted knife. JvoAABh1xSE-00027-00010278-00010424 McCauley: How big of a knife? JvoAABh1xSE-00028-00010430-00010646 You can just put it on the floor there, it's fine. JvoAABh1xSE-00029-00010672-00010830 Saretzky: It's in the fire pit now. JvoAABh1xSE-00030-00010864-00011308 McCauley: The same fire pit that you... you burned her in? JvoAABh1xSE-00031-00011366-00011526 Saretzky: Yeah. JvoAABh1xSE-00032-00011588-00011716 McCauley: OK. JvoAABh1xSE-00033-00011724-00011882 Saretzky: I didn't burn her alive. JvoAABh1xSE-00034-00011910-00012032 McCauley: You didn't? Saretzky: No. JvoAABh1xSE-00035-00012032-00012230 McCauley: No. You told me you choked her first, right? JvoAABh1xSE-00036-00012432-00012632 Saretzky: Yeah. I choked her first. JvoAABh1xSE-00037-00012720-00012962 McCauley: So take me back to when you get the van. JvoAABh1xSE-00038-00013182-00013438 Tell me what happens next. You get the van and what happens? JvoAABh1xSE-00039-00013652-00014080 Saretzky: I went in the van. Started the van... Drove the-- JvoAABh1xSE-00040-00014202-00014412 Drove over to uhh... JvoAABh1xSE-00041-00014510-00014800 ... Some person's backyard. JvoAABh1xSE-00042-00014944-00015228 Uhh... Their backyard driveway. JvoAABh1xSE-00043-00015332-00015638 Went over to the-- Went to his side door. JvoAABh1xSE-00044-00015638-00015912 I heard a train go past. JvoAABh1xSE-00045-00015940-00016162 So I figured that was a good time to... JvoAABh1xSE-00046-00016250-00016604 ... Check out the house. I had a flashlight on. JvoAABh1xSE-00047-00016628-00016804 I had a mask on. JvoAABh1xSE-00048-00016946-00017306 Decked Terry in the face. Just smashed him. JvoAABh1xSE-00049-00017370-00017718 Saretzky: Then I grabbed him with some rope JvoAABh1xSE-00050-00017978-00018212 Choked him and then cut his throat. JxIbJMeXWYM-00000-00000100-00000400 Welcome to this spoken tutorial on online train booking JxIbJMeXWYM-00001-00000500-00000700 My name is Kannan Moudgalya. JxIbJMeXWYM-00002-00000800-00001200 In this tutorial we will learn How to choose a ticket at irctc. JxIbJMeXWYM-00003-00001300-00001500 To select the sector to travel . JxIbJMeXWYM-00004-00001600-00001800 To select the train and the class of travel. JxIbJMeXWYM-00005-00001900-00002300 To enter user information and to decide E-ticket or I-ticket. JxIbJMeXWYM-00006-00002400-00003100 I will also demonstrate the first time use of a debit card and how to use this to purchase the ticket online. JxIbJMeXWYM-00007-00003200-00003500 What is needed to buy a ticket , Any one of the following for payment; JxIbJMeXWYM-00008-00003600-00003800 The bank account with an ATM card JxIbJMeXWYM-00009-00003900-00004200 The bank account with online transaction capability, JxIbJMeXWYM-00010-00004300-00004400 The credit card JxIbJMeXWYM-00011-00004400-00004700 And of course the computer with internet connection JxIbJMeXWYM-00012-00004800-00004900 The method i will choose is the following&#160;; JxIbJMeXWYM-00013-00005000-00005200 I have an ICICI ATM card JxIbJMeXWYM-00014-00005300-00005500 It is also a visa debit card . JxIbJMeXWYM-00015-00005600-00005800 So let us buy a ticket now. JxIbJMeXWYM-00016-00005900-00007100 The username I will type kannan underscore Mou, Password i will login here. JxIbJMeXWYM-00017-00007200-00008500 Suppose i want to go from Mumbai . So the moment i type 4 characters it suggest so i want to choose mumbai central SURA let me type 4 characters and wait for it. JxIbJMeXWYM-00018-00008600-00008700 So actually i want to go to Surat. JxIbJMeXWYM-00019-00008800-00009400 Notice the station code, BCT is for Bombay Central and ST is for Surat. JxIbJMeXWYM-00020-00009500-00010600 In the future i can type BCT and ST directly for e.g we delete this and type BCT leave this as it is. JxIbJMeXWYM-00021-00010700-00011400 Date let me choose 23rd December , Let me choose the remaining as they are E-ticket and general. JxIbJMeXWYM-00022-00011500-00011800 I will talk about E-ticket or I-ticket and what are the option; JxIbJMeXWYM-00023-00011900-00012100 What are the differnces i will explain later; JxIbJMeXWYM-00024-00012200-00012700 Let me find the place, Train name slide to the right and see that . JxIbJMeXWYM-00025-00012800-00013000 I have got lots of train. Let me make the font size likely smaller. JxIbJMeXWYM-00026-00013100-00013400 So that we can see all of them, JxIbJMeXWYM-00027-00013500-00013800 Suppose i want to go by this train number12935. JxIbJMeXWYM-00028-00013900-00014300 So let me check if i have tickets available under second sitting... two s' JxIbJMeXWYM-00029-00014400-00014800 Let me scrolldown a little bit it immiediately says that it is wait listed. JxIbJMeXWYM-00030-00014900-00015300 It doesn't matter even if it is Wait listed. I want to book it. JxIbJMeXWYM-00031-00015400-00016300 So let me click this i get the message The From station that i have selected does not exist on the route choose one of these. JxIbJMeXWYM-00032-00016400-00017600 So lets suppose that i want to choose Bandra Terminus. Let me go and book it JxIbJMeXWYM-00033-00017700-00019100 Ok let me type, My name Kannan Moudgalya, Age-53, Male, Berth preference â&euro;&ldquo; suppose i choose Window seat. JxIbJMeXWYM-00034-00019200-00020100 So it gives us button senior citizen and i get the message That passengers age should be 60 years or more i say okay. JxIbJMeXWYM-00035-00020200-00021000 And if i am female senior citizen, then it says that passengers age should be 58 years or more. JxIbJMeXWYM-00036-00021100-00021800 So for female it is 58 and for men it is 60 to be considered as senior citizens. JxIbJMeXWYM-00037-00021900-00022000 For a senor citizen their are discount . JxIbJMeXWYM-00038-00022100-00023700 So let me go back to male, window seat. JxIbJMeXWYM-00039-00023800-00024200 Let me press go . JxIbJMeXWYM-00040-00024300-00025000 It gives the details, ok and says the total amount is 99. JxIbJMeXWYM-00041-00025100-00025900 Now i have to make payment , Let me click this. JxIbJMeXWYM-00042-00026000-00026100 I can have any of this parts , JxIbJMeXWYM-00043-00026200-00026800 I can have a credit card, i can use the net banking facilities, I can use debit card ,cash card and so on. JxIbJMeXWYM-00044-00026900-00027700 In order to make it accessible to most people , i am going to demonstrate the use of debit card . JxIbJMeXWYM-00045-00027800-00028500 I need to choose one of these, unfortunately the card that i have namely ICICI bank card is not here. JxIbJMeXWYM-00046-00028600-00029400 But it says that for any other card not listed here if it happens to be visa or master debit card Click here. JxIbJMeXWYM-00047-00029500-00030800 So let me click here and i get the the message that the following banks visa / master debit cards can be used to make online transaction as on date. JxIbJMeXWYM-00048-00030900-00031500 So ICICI bank is listed. SO let me close this , so let me choose one of these. JxIbJMeXWYM-00049-00031600-00032200 I will choose this visa master, So card type is Visa. JxIbJMeXWYM-00050-00032300-00032600 I am not going to show the number of the ATM card that i have. JxIbJMeXWYM-00051-00032700-00033800 You have to Enter the 16 digit number that comes on your debit card and then credit card expiry date and then CVV number. JxIbJMeXWYM-00052-00033900-00034300 Which is the three digit number last three digits at the back of your card. JxIbJMeXWYM-00053-00034400-00035100 Next is your signature , After entering this information i have to press the buy button. JxIbJMeXWYM-00054-00035200-00035600 Let me do that now. I get the following messsage from ICICI bank. JxIbJMeXWYM-00055-00035700-00036300 I need to enter the validity date , Date Of Birth and then my ATM pin number. JxIbJMeXWYM-00056-00036400-00036800 To register this card for online transaction. JxIbJMeXWYM-00057-00036900-00037300 Let me make it bigger so that you can see what this is. JxIbJMeXWYM-00058-00037400-00038000 I will enter all this but i want to show you , JxIbJMeXWYM-00059-00038100-00038500 The moment i do that i get the message given here. JxIbJMeXWYM-00060-00038600-00039500 I am entering a 6 digit number now, I have to choose it properly, it should be easy for me to remember and not so easy for others. JxIbJMeXWYM-00061-00039600-00040400 I have to type it twice. This is to ensure that i created the password correctly .This will prevent typing mistakes. JxIbJMeXWYM-00062-00040500-00040700 Remember you have to create this password only once. JxIbJMeXWYM-00063-00040800-00041900 From now on you will use this password with your debit card to confirm it, let me submit . JxIbJMeXWYM-00064-00042000-00042500 I get the message Comgratulations!the ticket has been booked. JxIbJMeXWYM-00065-00042600-00043200 Note that all the information about the ticket are also given including the PNR number. JxIbJMeXWYM-00066-00043300-00044000 Which we will have to follow up to see whether our wait listed ticket gets confirmed before we begin the journey. JxIbJMeXWYM-00067-00044100-00044800 We are now looking at the automated email sent by IRCTC the ticket details are here. JxIbJMeXWYM-00068-00044900-00045500 You can take a print out if you wish, let us go back to the slides. JxIbJMeXWYM-00069-00045600-00045800 I have come back to the slides what to do next? JxIbJMeXWYM-00070-00045900-00046100 You can take a print out of the ticket . JxIbJMeXWYM-00071-00046200-00046600 Wait listed ticket has to get confirmed before you travel. JxIbJMeXWYM-00072-00046700-00047000 The print out taken while wait listed is good enough. JxIbJMeXWYM-00073-00047100-00047200 You don't have to print it again. JxIbJMeXWYM-00074-00047300-00047700 If the ticket is already confirmed their are no difficulties. JxIbJMeXWYM-00075-00047800-00048200 How general is the procedure that i have shown in this tutorial. JxIbJMeXWYM-00076-00048300-00048600 There could be minor variations in different ATM cards. JxIbJMeXWYM-00077-00048700-00049300 The method is similar for credit card, online bank transaction is similar. JxIbJMeXWYM-00078-00049400-00049900 But the overall procedure is identical in all the methods . JxIbJMeXWYM-00079-00050000-00050200 To enter card on account information JxIbJMeXWYM-00080-00050300-00051000 To enter the pasword some need a temporary code sent to your mobile phone. JxIbJMeXWYM-00081-00051100-00051500 The next question is should one buy E-ticket or I-ticket. JxIbJMeXWYM-00082-00051600-00052000 First we will begin with E-ticket one can buy this at the last minute also. JxIbJMeXWYM-00083-00052100-00052700 One needs a printer or a smart phone however, no worry about losing it. JxIbJMeXWYM-00084-00052800-00053000 If you lose it, we can always another print out. JxIbJMeXWYM-00085-00053100-00053400 You need identity proof at the time of travel however, JxIbJMeXWYM-00086-00053500-00054200 In case of I-Ticket it will be sent by a courier of course you have to pay for this about Rs-50. JxIbJMeXWYM-00087-00054300-00054600 You should have 2-3 days for postal delivery JxIbJMeXWYM-00088-00054700-00055000 The delivery is not available for all towns and villages. JxIbJMeXWYM-00089-00055100-00055400 The cancellation can be done at ticket counters only. JxIbJMeXWYM-00090-00055500-00056000 OF course you don't need an identity proof if you travel with an I-ticket. JxIbJMeXWYM-00091-00056100-00056213 What is an identity proof&#160;? JxIbJMeXWYM-00092-00056200-00056500 Any government issued card with photo it could be an; JxIbJMeXWYM-00093-00056600-00056700 Pan card JxIbJMeXWYM-00094-00056700-00056800 Election card JxIbJMeXWYM-00095-00056800-00056900 Driving license JxIbJMeXWYM-00096-00056900-00057200 or a passport it could be any of these . JxIbJMeXWYM-00097-00057300-00058000 I have now opened a website. That explains it, one of these with your photograph has to be carry. JxIbJMeXWYM-00098-00058100-00058200 Let us go back to the slides, JxIbJMeXWYM-00099-00058300-00058500 There are concessional rates available. JxIbJMeXWYM-00100-00058600-00059400 The list inside is given here. Let us visit this site now. JxIbJMeXWYM-00101-00059500-00060000 I have return to the slides, Senior citizens gets about 40% discount. JxIbJMeXWYM-00102-00060100-00060800 Who is a senior citizen? Men it is' 60 years and above, for women it is 58 years and above. JxIbJMeXWYM-00103-00060900-00061400 One needs the proof at travel time for any concession. JxIbJMeXWYM-00104-00061500-00062800 What to carry during travel ,if you book an E-ticket any one proof of your ticket and E-copy in your smart phone or a print out of the ticket and an identity card JxIbJMeXWYM-00105-00062900-00063100 Or take the i-ticket. JxIbJMeXWYM-00106-00063200-00063600 In case of I-Ticket as mentioned earlier, no identity proof is required. JxIbJMeXWYM-00107-00063700-00063900 I have the following usefull tips for you . JxIbJMeXWYM-00108-00064000-00064100 Please book in advance. JxIbJMeXWYM-00109-00064200-00064500 Book even if the chance of travel is small. JxIbJMeXWYM-00110-00064600-00065000 You can always cancel the tickets you will lose some money if you cancel however JxIbJMeXWYM-00111-00065100-00065400 this may be better than not having a ticket at all JxIbJMeXWYM-00112-00065500-00065600 You cannot buy a ticket in the last minute . JxIbJMeXWYM-00113-00065700-00066000 Book when the IRCTC websie is fast. JxIbJMeXWYM-00114-00066100-00066500 Typically mid afternoon or late night may be fast. JxIbJMeXWYM-00115-00066600-00066900 Avoid 8 to 10AM if you can. JxIbJMeXWYM-00116-00067000-00067700 In the next tutorial we will discuss how to manage the tickets booked through IRCTC. JxIbJMeXWYM-00117-00067800-00067900 How to view past booking. JxIbJMeXWYM-00118-00068000-00068200 How to check the PNR status. JxIbJMeXWYM-00119-00068300-00068400 AndHow to cancel the ticket.. JxIbJMeXWYM-00120-00068500-00068700 I will now talk about the spoken tutorial project. JxIbJMeXWYM-00121-00068800-00069400 Watch the video available at http://spoken-tutorial.org /What\_is\_a\_Spoken\_Tutorial JxIbJMeXWYM-00122-00069500-00069700 It summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project JxIbJMeXWYM-00123-00069800-00070200 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it JxIbJMeXWYM-00124-00070300-00070400 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team JxIbJMeXWYM-00125-00070500-00070700 Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials JxIbJMeXWYM-00126-00070800-00071000 Gives certificates to those who pass an online test JxIbJMeXWYM-00127-00071100-00071300 For more details, please contact us. JxIbJMeXWYM-00128-00071400-00071700 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project JxIbJMeXWYM-00129-00071800-00072200 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India JxIbJMeXWYM-00130-00072300-00073100 More information on this Mission is available at: http://spoken-tutorial.org/NMEICT-Intro JxIbJMeXWYM-00131-00073200-00073400 We have come to the end of this tutorial JxIbJMeXWYM-00132-00073500-00074000 Thanks for joining. This is kannan moudgalya signing off . Goodbye JyzYuZj6xAQ-00000-00000000-00001346 beautylacehair.com JyEuBCa5pM4-00000-00000008-00000600 this year has fell super super slow as far as auditions so when i saw my audition tracker JyEuBCa5pM4-00001-00000600-00001232 and i saw 67 auditions so far here this year i was really surprised i'm gonna do a full recap JyEuBCa5pM4-00002-00001232-00001976 of what each audition was for where i got it from and which ones i booked because i only booked 7.5% JyEuBCa5pM4-00003-00001976-00002456 of them which i'm not surprised because of where these auditions came from and the type JyEuBCa5pM4-00004-00002456-00003008 of auditions that they are but before we do that i want to give you guys a quick update on something JyEuBCa5pM4-00005-00003008-00003511 and an audition opportunity for you maybe if you don't know i'm a producer on a short film JyEuBCa5pM4-00006-00003511-00003992 called pizza monster we were doing a crowdfunding campaign for this short film and it officially JyEuBCa5pM4-00007-00004056-00004632 is funded we met our goal of ten thousand dollars so we are casting actors that can speak english JyEuBCa5pM4-00008-00004632-00005160 and spanish specifically mexican spanish we are looking for a mom and a dad 30s to 40s and then a JyEuBCa5pM4-00009-00005160-00005776 couple of kids that are eight to eleven this is a payed job and we will be releasing more information JyEuBCa5pM4-00010-00005776-00006240 on the pizza monster's ig if you want to check that out if you want to learn more about me and Javi JyEuBCa5pM4-00011-00006240-00006720 who is uh the writer creator director of pizza monster and all the other things we've worked JyEuBCa5pM4-00012-00006720-00007216 on together you can go to our imdb's or you can also go to bless stress his youtube channel where JyEuBCa5pM4-00013-00007216-00007640 he posts all of the shorts that we've done and while we were doing the crowdfunding campaign we JyEuBCa5pM4-00014-00007640-00008216 also did a monologue competition the winner of the revenge pizza monologue competition is Teresita Brimms JyEuBCa5pM4-00015-00008216-00008648 here's a short clip of the monologue so i looked around and i was about to open it but then JyEuBCa5pM4-00016-00008976-00009064 I had a change your heart JyEuBCa5pM4-00017-00009280-00009608 forget it i'm not going out this way i'm getting JyEuBCa5pM4-00018-00009608-00010336 my own pizza on my own terms so i went to my favorite spot and i got this revenge pizza JyEuBCa5pM4-00019-00010688-00011176 and that monologue was written by Javi we are going to continue to do monologue competitions JyEuBCa5pM4-00020-00011176-00011648 because Javi had a lot of fun and of course i always want to host opportunities for actors JyEuBCa5pM4-00021-00011648-00012104 to practice okay let's go back inside and i can show you my audition tracker JyEuBCa5pM4-00022-00012272-00012784 also are these not like the ugliest shoes you've ever seen but they're so comfortable JyEuBCa5pM4-00023-00014136-00015088 okay so here's my audition tracker I only booked 7.5 of my auditions so far i've been tracking my JyEuBCa5pM4-00024-00015088-00015840 audition since 2017 or so and I like to use google sheets it's just really easy to use as far as the JyEuBCa5pM4-00025-00015840-00016400 information that I choose to keep track of within my auditions I really add to it and take off JyEuBCa5pM4-00026-00016400-00016920 all of the time there's things I don't use as much like what headshot did i submit with because a lot JyEuBCa5pM4-00027-00016920-00017368 of these are for my agent and I don't know what they submitted with but i definitely keep track JyEuBCa5pM4-00028-00017368-00017832 of the date where I got it from if i know the casting director i put that information down JyEuBCa5pM4-00029-00017904-00018520 how much the pay is going to be if i got a call back what type it was and i do try to do an JyEuBCa5pM4-00030-00018520-00019008 audition recap the first saturday of the month so i can share with you guys what i'm currently JyEuBCa5pM4-00031-00019008-00019544 using to find auditions and if you didn't see my vlog from last week i have stopped self JyEuBCa5pM4-00032-00019544-00020216 submitting as much because i want to target more co-star roles and tv and film rather than smaller JyEuBCa5pM4-00033-00020216-00020760 commercials that i can easily submit to myself if you saw last week's vlog and you commented JyEuBCa5pM4-00034-00020760-00021200 like there were so many sweet comments thank you so much i'm so happy i made that video because JyEuBCa5pM4-00035-00021200-00021936 i was feeling really down and i didn't elaborate a lot on a lot of the things i was just expressing JyEuBCa5pM4-00036-00022040-00022624 like how unhappy i felt and i do feel so much better just because i got those words out and JyEuBCa5pM4-00037-00022624-00023280 i went outside and made the video but um yeah like as far as the day job it just wasn't a good JyEuBCa5pM4-00038-00023280-00023904 situation mentally but i am working towards having better opportunities in the future both in my day JyEuBCa5pM4-00039-00023904-00024480 job and in my acting career but um anyway thank you so much if you commented something last week JyEuBCa5pM4-00040-00024480-00025088 it really means a lot and um just thank you so here are all of the things i auditioned for this JyEuBCa5pM4-00041-00025088-00025720 year 67 auditions so far most of my auditions have come from casting networks and my agency in san JyEuBCa5pM4-00042-00025720-00026400 francisco mdt but i've also gotten some auditions through the academy of art earlier this year when JyEuBCa5pM4-00043-00026400-00026927 i was doing a lot of student scenes it's basically student directors learning how to direct and then JyEuBCa5pM4-00044-00026927-00027624 you're in their projects as well as um through aura casting which is an online casting company JyEuBCa5pM4-00045-00027704-00028224 they're mostly based in california but i've also seen they've done jobs in colorado so definitely JyEuBCa5pM4-00046-00028224-00028680 check them out to see if that's something you can use the other ones have been through word of mouth JyEuBCa5pM4-00047-00028680-00029183 like friends who recommended me or friends of friends who heard about me and wanted to have me JyEuBCa5pM4-00048-00029183-00029944 audition but for the most part it's been my agency mdt i've only booked five jobs out of the 67 jobs JyEuBCa5pM4-00049-00029944-00030400 and again if you saw my vlog last week you saw that i hadn't booked anything in months and months JyEuBCa5pM4-00050-00030400-00031032 but i totally forgot because this is a unique thing i did actually book something at the end JyEuBCa5pM4-00051-00031032-00031744 of june because i applied for a solo performance workshop with crowded fire and they accepted me JyEuBCa5pM4-00052-00031744-00032408 so that was a workshop right but then we created our own monologue like a one-man or one-woman show JyEuBCa5pM4-00053-00032408-00033040 and they invited us to either perform live on a zoom performance or film it and then send it in JyEuBCa5pM4-00054-00033040-00033520 and so i did get paid for that i was able to perform my monologue which you guys will see JyEuBCa5pM4-00055-00033520-00034080 soon and so i actually did book something so that was my fifth job this year so far so i booked the JyEuBCa5pM4-00056-00034688-00035392 out of the 67 32 of those have been voice over auditions through my agency that is what JyEuBCa5pM4-00057-00035392-00035824 is making me feel like there hasn't been that many auditions this year is because i've been JyEuBCa5pM4-00058-00035824-00036480 doing a lot of voice over and i haven't booked any voice over in so long definitely know that JyEuBCa5pM4-00059-00036480-00036936 i need to take more classes if this is something that i actually want to continue to audition for JyEuBCa5pM4-00060-00036936-00037592 and do and or tell my agency like look i'm i'm not booking anything like should we just stop JyEuBCa5pM4-00061-00037592-00038200 doing that until i get training should we only do specialty things like spanish or somebody who JyEuBCa5pM4-00062-00038200-00038656 really needs to sound like me because a lot of the time when i'm auditioning for voiceover JyEuBCa5pM4-00063-00038656-00039176 they want me to sound like rashida jones like they always put rashida jones as the voice that they JyEuBCa5pM4-00064-00039232-00039752 want to be like then i've auditioned for 20 commercials and i did book a commercial with JyEuBCa5pM4-00065-00039752-00040176 covered california i actually did two commercials with them which i'm just considering like JyEuBCa5pM4-00066-00040176-00040912 one audition in this sheet and three jobs i got auditions for print which i almost never get JyEuBCa5pM4-00067-00040912-00041424 auditioned for print print modeling like you know taking pictures for some kind of product i did not JyEuBCa5pM4-00068-00041424-00042112 book any of them no surprise there because i think i've done like one print job ever in my life and JyEuBCa5pM4-00069-00042112-00042712 i did one fit audition which was going to be for an athletics company i was really excited because JyEuBCa5pM4-00070-00042712-00043112 fit modeling if you don't know it's basically you're like a live mannequin where you need to JyEuBCa5pM4-00071-00043112-00043712 have perfect measurements for their standards and then i did one audition for user generated content JyEuBCa5pM4-00072-00043712-00044408 and i've really just tried to stay away from that unless it's through my agency because usually JyEuBCa5pM4-00073-00044464-00044944 and i should make another video about this but user generated content is basically commercials JyEuBCa5pM4-00074-00044944-00045400 that you'll see that it looks like somebody who made a review on their youtube channel or their JyEuBCa5pM4-00075-00045400-00045928 instagram or whatever they do not pay enough a lot of the user generated content jobs that i JyEuBCa5pM4-00076-00045928-00046528 see are like a hundred dollars or fifty dollars or just like giving you free products which JyEuBCa5pM4-00077-00046600-00047192 they're going to be making so much money off of that commercial that you help them film and act JyEuBCa5pM4-00078-00047192-00047688 in because you have to film it yourself most of the time so it was for a real estate company that JyEuBCa5pM4-00079-00047688-00048184 was gonna pay well and it was gonna be through my agency but ultimately i didn't end up getting it JyEuBCa5pM4-00080-00048184-00048776 because they decided to instead of paying a couple of actors thousands of dollars they'd rather just JyEuBCa5pM4-00081-00048776-00049368 get somebody full time to be a social media person for them i auditioned for one co-star role which JyEuBCa5pM4-00082-00049368-00049912 i was so excited because with my agents in san francisco we don't get that much theatrical work JyEuBCa5pM4-00083-00049912-00050472 at least i don't see that much theatrical work so i was able to audition for one co-star role didn't JyEuBCa5pM4-00084-00050472-00051008 get it but the fact that i even auditioned for it so excited i auditioned for four industrials and JyEuBCa5pM4-00085-00051008-00051664 four student projects and that was it 67 auditions on the first saturday of september i'll tell you JyEuBCa5pM4-00086-00051664-00052255 guys about all of my auditions for this month so now for my check-in of what i did this week i if JyEuBCa5pM4-00087-00052255-00052784 you didn't see vlogs in the past i've said if you want to be accountability buddies and um check in JyEuBCa5pM4-00088-00052784-00053288 with each other here in the comments and see what we've done this week to you know make our acting JyEuBCa5pM4-00089-00053288-00053888 careers better i've started a actor routine where i memorize every day i research agents and now JyEuBCa5pM4-00090-00053888-00054528 i've transitioned that also into researching the industry in general to learn more about it and um JyEuBCa5pM4-00091-00054528-00055152 i'm a reader for somebody else like actor friends or on an app like actor trade or we audition JyEuBCa5pM4-00092-00055152-00055872 and or i will work on scenes on my own so this week i memorized five days monday through friday JyEuBCa5pM4-00093-00055872-00056464 i memorized every day and you guys my brain is like yes i also started reading a few books about JyEuBCa5pM4-00094-00056464-00057072 memory like specifically about memory philosophy and how our memory works and experiments that JyEuBCa5pM4-00095-00057072-00057567 have been made anyways i'm like very into memorizing right now and i did agent research JyEuBCa5pM4-00096-00057567-00058264 twice this week and i was a reader slash worked on scenes three times this week as well as did a self- JyEuBCa5pM4-00097-00058264-00058879 tape practice i definitely did a lot um this week with my actor routine it's feeling really good JyEuBCa5pM4-00098-00058879-00059560 another acting-ish related thing because i really want to get cast in something where i skate maybe JyEuBCa5pM4-00099-00059560-00060208 a commercial maybe a tv show or film um i skated twice this week but those were some good sessions JyEuBCa5pM4-00100-00060208-00060704 i feel like i'm getting more comfortable on my skates which like about time because i've had JyEuBCa5pM4-00101-00060704-00061160 the skates for almost a year and a half but it's just really exciting what did you do this week let JyEuBCa5pM4-00102-00061160-00061672 me know in the comments your actor check-in if you want to at the end of every video i feature JyEuBCa5pM4-00103-00061672-00062232 another channel and i'm gonna feature active poet because he has a really really fun song JyEuBCa5pM4-00104-00062232-00062840 you guys go check out his new song close friends it's just like catchy and fun go check it out J--KXg0zGTc-00000-00000096-00000592 yes sir man i get a round of applause in the comments down below two things you guys missed J--KXg0zGTc-00001-00000592-00000992 the most the lyric pranks and also the teacher you know what we're about to do today we're about to J--KXg0zGTc-00002-00000992-00001520 do a song there prank on miss stacy now y'all know we have a history let's bring it back a little bit J--KXg0zGTc-00003-00001520-00001928 look at this thumbnail this thumbnail even this video right here as you can see we have a history J--KXg0zGTc-00004-00001928-00002360 today i decided let's go ahead and do a little prank on her and let's see how this turns out man J--KXg0zGTc-00005-00002360-00002704 make sure y'all like comment subscribe this boy roger johnson back in with another J--KXg0zGTc-00006-00002792-00003247 banger begins this man let's go so before we get to this video man you already know what song i'm J--KXg0zGTc-00007-00003247-00003664 gonna have to do if y'all haven't heard that new future album what are you doing if you have heard J--KXg0zGTc-00008-00003664-00004112 it let me know your favorite song down below but i'll be doing wait for you my future drake and J--KXg0zGTc-00009-00004112-00004600 tim's did i say that right hope i said that right as you can see on my right right here stacy you J--KXg0zGTc-00010-00004600-00004936 know i'm saying yes i still got the number saved why would i she's a teacher you know say knowledge J--KXg0zGTc-00011-00004936-00005184 you might be able to teach me something you know what i'm saying so basically i'm gonna hit it up J--KXg0zGTc-00012-00005248-00005928 first with the damn he's like hey now i'll be like damn this is all right all right hold on we J--KXg0zGTc-00013-00005928-00006240 back in the lyric pranks y'all know how this is every time you start hold on i'm like what's up J--KXg0zGTc-00014-00006344-00006616 now is that is that that's me though yeah like what's up J--KXg0zGTc-00015-00006928-00007304 with the two dots you know i'm saying because once again we're texting her probably what a year J--KXg0zGTc-00016-00007304-00007680 something later i don't even know it's been a minute it's been a minute but J--KXg0zGTc-00017-00007680-00008120 i'm gonna pull up the lyrics right here have them set anything like that until she texts us back but J--KXg0zGTc-00018-00008120-00008616 it's 1 38 saturday so i'm pretty sure if she still teaches i don't know what she still does now but J--KXg0zGTc-00019-00008616-00008976 we're going to see who's going to see you know i'm actually going to send her the first lyric right J--KXg0zGTc-00020-00008976-00009344 here actually just because she might not text back with just the what's up with the two dots i don't J--KXg0zGTc-00021-00009344-00010024 know what i was thinking with that one but be like oh wait for you you know i got pulled up over here J--KXg0zGTc-00022-00010024-00010408 on my left and then i'm like yeah i'm gonna do i'm like i'll wait for you and you know me with J--KXg0zGTc-00023-00010408-00011080 my emojis you know what i'm saying put the little smirk emoji you sent it you gonna see by the way J--KXg0zGTc-00024-00011080-00011432 bro what the what is this in the background with this ad but i put my video back on you know what J--KXg0zGTc-00025-00011432-00012200 i'm saying that's a banger make sure you go check that out but we can wait for a reply damn hey she J--KXg0zGTc-00026-00012200-00012640 said who is this she takes it back quick but so if can someone else get your old number J--KXg0zGTc-00027-00012640-00013040 i don't know someone us can get your old number if they change it i'm gonna have to say is this stacy J--KXg0zGTc-00028-00013040-00013736 no i'm gonna hit it with the next lyric actually if you get that early in the morning late at night J--KXg0zGTc-00029-00013936-00014391 you know what i'm saying so she doesn't know who this is she does not know who this is J--KXg0zGTc-00030-00014560-00014808 how y'all feeling about the lyric pranks if y'all want me to keep bringing them back J--KXg0zGTc-00031-00014896-00015168 like this video we're gonna see how this turns out though if it don't turn out good J--KXg0zGTc-00032-00015232-00015808 then i'm not posting it but if i post it yeah then it's a banger as usual man y'all know me how y'all J--KXg0zGTc-00033-00015808-00016336 been don't talk to me i'll say wait anyway see the new braids is in yeah so y'all messing with him J--KXg0zGTc-00034-00016712-00017192 she said who is this it's the afternoon i'm still not gonna say nothing i'm still not J--KXg0zGTc-00035-00017192-00017664 gonna say nothing i'm gonna say it don't matter oh that actually goes perfect oh my J--KXg0zGTc-00036-00017728-00018704 matter what time it is i'll wait for you smirk damn J--KXg0zGTc-00037-00018968-00019368 so far hey it's looking like a w right now everything is fitting how it should be J--KXg0zGTc-00038-00019368-00019904 hold on chad yes sir by the way if you're not tuning on my twitch the kid rj with two ds J--KXg0zGTc-00039-00019904-00020528 little pop-up right here you're keeping me out who is this she takes it back pretty quick now J--KXg0zGTc-00040-00020528-00021008 so we got it though you gotta keep her in this though hold on hold on i must keep a couple of J--KXg0zGTc-00041-00021008-00021416 the lyrics because it don't make no sense but i'ma say whenever i find time it's okay J--KXg0zGTc-00042-00021808-00022400 it's okay y'all know me and my dots i always put like two or three dots after like every sentence J--KXg0zGTc-00043-00022400-00022896 that's just me i don't know why i do that hit her again with the nah i'm awake i'm away a little bit J--KXg0zGTc-00044-00022896-00023272 i'm taking a little too quick my damn stuff but then again no we pranking it we pranking her chill J--KXg0zGTc-00045-00023272-00023744 i don't text back this quick i swear oh okay so then he says he prayed for my demons girl i got J--KXg0zGTc-00046-00023744-00024232 you every time i sip on codeine i get vulnerable instead of saying the codeine get my phone right J--KXg0zGTc-00047-00024232-00024784 she texts back too all right i'll block you if you don't say who this is oh actually acting J--KXg0zGTc-00048-00024784-00025432 brand new then again though someone was texting me this and i know i'm blocking him i'm like this is J--KXg0zGTc-00049-00025432-00025927 should i just say rj should i say i feel like she she knows both now i'm gonna say rodney you J--KXg0zGTc-00050-00025927-00026552 want to say rodney i'm like come on now am i why you playing am i why are you playing J--KXg0zGTc-00051-00026760-00027016 i'm like i'm gonna say this is rodney it's all i'm gonna say J--KXg0zGTc-00052-00027176-00027592 and i messed up how the hell did i not put the y come on now me always mess enough to let y'all J--KXg0zGTc-00053-00027592-00027976 know though that's the one thing i always do always mess up lyrics or some text message J--KXg0zGTc-00054-00027976-00028576 now she knows it's me damn i have to set the phone down oh i'm surprised to have my number J--KXg0zGTc-00055-00028968-00029464 okay so she knows who i am she didn't come off any you know bad way anything like that so she's J--KXg0zGTc-00056-00029464-00030048 yeah she's still messing with the kid kid rj you know saying happiness actually like why wouldn't i J--KXg0zGTc-00057-00030264-00030727 then again though all the [__] that she tried to do come on now with my information J--KXg0zGTc-00058-00030727-00031088 she tried to not give me another schools she's tripping but it's all right though J--KXg0zGTc-00059-00031088-00031560 forget forgive y'all know me that's my uh motto i go by forget and forgive man J--KXg0zGTc-00060-00031639-00032039 so far it's a w video so far man i ain't gonna lie i wasn't gonna think about doing a lyric prank but J--KXg0zGTc-00061-00032095-00032576 y'all told me to do him again so far hey i'm glad i did it so every J--KXg0zGTc-00062-00032760-00033496 you tell me oh now she's acting a little a little shady a little shady but every time J--KXg0zGTc-00063-00033552-00034056 i sip he says codeine but actually i would say i'ma just say codeine for the video J--KXg0zGTc-00064-00034208-00034624 code that's what i got in damn codeine i get vulnerable J--KXg0zGTc-00065-00034912-00035184 all right what J--KXg0zGTc-00066-00035576-00036224 i got to say hold on hold on now i gotta you know get some a little a little emotion in J--KXg0zGTc-00067-00036224-00036744 there see how she really feeling let's see how she's really feeling as you can see though she's J--KXg0zGTc-00068-00036744-00037240 not on the iphone though we're going back to step back she needs you on the iphone bro i J--KXg0zGTc-00069-00037240-00037688 told y'all every time i do i gotta get back right i've already [__] up alert J--KXg0zGTc-00070-00037792-00038168 everyone let's see what she says to that maybe she might get what i'm trying to say J--KXg0zGTc-00071-00038168-00038688 that's that autocorrect though i swear i did every time now i might as well fix it now cause then at J--KXg0zGTc-00072-00038688-00039288 least it makes it look like i'm like no i'm saying i'm sipping that codeine i'm moving slow right now J--KXg0zGTc-00073-00039344-00039880 let's see what she says though because right now we had her a little bit but she kind of J--KXg0zGTc-00074-00039880-00040808 stepping back a little bit she wanna know why i'm texting her again she said since when i'm like J--KXg0zGTc-00075-00040808-00041032 a lot of things you don't know about a lot J--KXg0zGTc-00076-00041032-00041296 of things you'll know about me i'm gonna sit now hold on boom J--KXg0zGTc-00077-00041584-00042048 she said is that so yeah that's so a lot of things y'all don't know about me a lot of things i keep J--KXg0zGTc-00078-00042048-00042424 private a lot of things don't need to be out there in the air so maybe you could teach me oh wait J--KXg0zGTc-00079-00042424-00042848 i didn't even see this other message wait this [__] maybe you could teach me a thing or whoa J--KXg0zGTc-00080-00042848-00043672 whoa whoa whoa you should be teaching me you the teacher how about you understand i can't take you J--KXg0zGTc-00081-00044000-00044224 everywhere i'm going J--KXg0zGTc-00082-00044440-00044832 i'm gonna say that if it's lucky i mean it doesn't kind of fits but then it kind of J--KXg0zGTc-00083-00044832-00045296 doesn't because like be kind two different lanes i do my online stuff she do our teacher stuff i J--KXg0zGTc-00084-00045296-00045656 can't teach her things you know i'm saying she could teach me something but she want to come to J--KXg0zGTc-00085-00045656-00045944 this side you know i said i could i could let's see what she says let's see what she says though J--KXg0zGTc-00086-00046208-00046880 she said then take me where you can i'd love to hang whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa J--KXg0zGTc-00087-00046992-00047304 i went from just texting you again now you know when it's me now you trying to hang out J--KXg0zGTc-00088-00047416-00047824 what's going on here stacy chill chill but she's always been like that y'all know since J--KXg0zGTc-00089-00047824-00048232 way back she's always been like that and she still has not learned her lesson then J--KXg0zGTc-00090-00048232-00048560 again though i'm older now so at this point it's really just doing a lyric J--KXg0zGTc-00091-00048560-00049032 prank i'm gonna teach it okay now i would be like oh it fits perfectly so she just said J--KXg0zGTc-00092-00049104-00049664 that you know take me where she'd love to hang i'ma say traveling around the world perfect J--KXg0zGTc-00093-00050048-00050336 over the phone dropping tears now obviously i'm not really on the phone J--KXg0zGTc-00094-00050336-00050912 dropping chairs but i'm gonna go ahead and just send that to the phone dropping tears J--KXg0zGTc-00095-00051128-00051944 boom see what she says it's low key at w so far though the fact that she doesn't realize that J--KXg0zGTc-00096-00051944-00052240 i'm doing a little prank on her but then again though you probably won't be able to tell either J--KXg0zGTc-00097-00052367-00052879 she's a heartbreaker question mark oh look chill chill every female always says that i honestly J--KXg0zGTc-00098-00052879-00053312 just want some just a love good relationship you know that's it that's it nothing extra J--KXg0zGTc-00099-00053312-00053744 all right next we'll say i get more vulnerable when i do pills that's all i say J--KXg0zGTc-00100-00054072-00054104 more J--KXg0zGTc-00101-00054655-00054800 i do pills J--KXg0zGTc-00102-00055128-00055712 you know what i'm saying go see what she says she gonna say now she seen a different side of the kid J--KXg0zGTc-00103-00055712-00056016 you tricking her though because obviously i ain't doing all goddamn pills i ain't gonna be itching J--KXg0zGTc-00104-00056104-00056464 and then after that i'm gonna say when you drunk you tell me exactly how you feel J--KXg0zGTc-00105-00056608-00057000 that's part of the lyrics though but actually you see what she says though you could go off of that J--KXg0zGTc-00106-00057064-00057312 tell me how many i said banger but y'all gotta check that out oh wait J--KXg0zGTc-00107-00057312-00057704 she takes it back she said is that is that why you were so out of it at tony's J--KXg0zGTc-00108-00058055-00058176 what the [__] J--KXg0zGTc-00109-00058488-00059064 nah nah nah nah nah nah wait hold on what the [__] what do you mean J--KXg0zGTc-00110-00059232-00059416 should buy when you get if i put it like that i'm like what J--KXg0zGTc-00111-00059728-00060408 what do you mean tony's tony's was that bar i went to the last time J--KXg0zGTc-00112-00060408-00060760 i haven't uploaded this video yet it's actually the process of getting it edited J--KXg0zGTc-00113-00061000-00061784 wait last week i might wait you was there J--KXg0zGTc-00114-00061952-00062008 like what J--KXg0zGTc-00115-00062216-00062584 wait hell no wait what nah do not J--KXg0zGTc-00116-00062584-00062920 tell me because i know she still stays here like you know i'm saying J--KXg0zGTc-00117-00063167-00063640 wait she didn't even look the same at all i don't even remember seeing her J--KXg0zGTc-00118-00063640-00063904 and if i would have seen her i would have seen her the thing was i was J--KXg0zGTc-00119-00064120-00064600 i was recording like when you see this video you know i was a little lady took a little shots J--KXg0zGTc-00120-00064600-00064976 outside before i went out on this night because i was doing a different type of video like how many J--KXg0zGTc-00121-00064976-00065496 girls i could pick up like while off shots so i wasn't you know all the way there but was she the J--KXg0zGTc-00122-00065776-00066144 that's my go two spot friends drink some music J--KXg0zGTc-00123-00066144-00066720 i like to have a good time there's no way that is her wait wait wait wait wait J--KXg0zGTc-00124-00066936-00066968 you was J--KXg0zGTc-00125-00067280-00067384 you that tony's J--KXg0zGTc-00126-00067728-00068288 almost gonna say that i'm actually confused right now because if she was there i got J--KXg0zGTc-00127-00068288-00068784 the clip because i recorded hold on i'm gonna double take real quick first wouldn't be like J--KXg0zGTc-00128-00068992-00069016 did J--KXg0zGTc-00129-00069240-00069360 i'm not you did not see me J--KXg0zGTc-00130-00069736-00070456 well my schedule is more free now so i try and go out more i'm like so you don't teach J--KXg0zGTc-00131-00070648-00071376 anymore is that why she's out having fun drinks and all that she might be hey i might you know J--KXg0zGTc-00132-00071376-00071680 say and say what's up sorry i i you know saying link up what it is that's the case J--KXg0zGTc-00133-00071912-00072352 oh i did bye wait wait whoa J--KXg0zGTc-00134-00072704-00073160 we might have to we might have to do something real quick because now if that was the case J--KXg0zGTc-00135-00073408-00073720 what hold on if this just can't be i'm actually one more question and this is it J--KXg0zGTc-00136-00073720-00074408 this is hurting she said i do by now teach first graders what have you been up to though i've J--KXg0zGTc-00137-00074472-00075160 still been i can't be telling like doing the video i don't even know nah i'm gonna go i'm J--KXg0zGTc-00138-00075160-00075784 gonna put a lyric in there i got a career that takes my time away from women that J--KXg0zGTc-00139-00076000-00076616 rear come on that takes uh i mean it fits it fits because he's asking what i do you know J--KXg0zGTc-00140-00076616-00077040 what i'm saying i got a career take my time away from women but then we go see we gonna J--KXg0zGTc-00141-00077040-00077488 see though cause now i'm a little i'm a little i'm a little shocked right now i'm not gonna lie J--KXg0zGTc-00142-00077488-00077952 to you because she said tony's i was there last week a video that's literally on the dashboard J--KXg0zGTc-00143-00077952-00078472 matter of fact i use this camera right here i'm gonna see what she says next though because i J--KXg0zGTc-00144-00078472-00078856 don't believe she was dying if this was really her if she's really at this place that we was at J--KXg0zGTc-00145-00079336-00079808 see you have a woman then so now okay i'm guessing she must be single because normally a girl that J--KXg0zGTc-00146-00079808-00080408 don't that has someone when asked that other question i feel like i might wait wait answer this J--KXg0zGTc-00147-00080672-00081640 you said tony's was you with the friend she was with a friend then this is her J--KXg0zGTc-00148-00081768-00082328 that means i ran into her and we got to do some detective [__] because if that was the case we J--KXg0zGTc-00149-00082328-00082896 gonna see right now so look while she's texting back as y'all can see i'm doing a video he was J--KXg0zGTc-00150-00082896-00083464 outside so the bottle right there you feel me hold on we was outside you know saying J--KXg0zGTc-00151-00083464-00083848 everybody was outside we was lady out there i was doing a video like how many J--KXg0zGTc-00152-00083848-00084248 girls i could pick up while being intoxicated being drunk whatever someone to do a video J--KXg0zGTc-00153-00084360-00085584 i was you asked me a few questions i had blonde hair oh i [__] knew it J--KXg0zGTc-00154-00085640-00086392 oh my so i knew okay because y'all know stacy had brown hair this teach this J--KXg0zGTc-00155-00086392-00086928 this girl that i went up to let me show y'all if that was the case hold on let me just show you J--KXg0zGTc-00156-00086928-00087472 a little clip right here then i might have to drop the full video because that means J--KXg0zGTc-00157-00087696-00088048 this text is back don't you remember talking to me at the bar J--KXg0zGTc-00158-00088112-00088384 or were you really that delirious that night J--KXg0zGTc-00159-00088720-00089744 what the actual what stuff so i ran into her i was talking so y'all know i couldn't even be a her J--KXg0zGTc-00160-00089744-00090032 like that because what she was trying to like do to me and all that stuff i said i'm done with her J--KXg0zGTc-00161-00090152-00090560 whole time hold on let me show you all this clip real quick hold up hold on bro J--KXg0zGTc-00162-00090792-00090824 bro J--KXg0zGTc-00163-00091616-00092112 i [__] knew it no J--KXg0zGTc-00164-00092376-00092584 chad y'all see this J--KXg0zGTc-00165-00092872-00094224 hold on hold on me oh my god her crazy ass is so manipulative she need me to like really even let J--KXg0zGTc-00166-00094224-00094632 me know i couldn't even tell as you can see i didn't even know that was her i couldn't even J--KXg0zGTc-00167-00094632-00095000 tell that was her looking at her now though damn she looks completely different it's been like J--KXg0zGTc-00168-00095000-00095888 almost a year or something now hey y'all want me to drop this fool face to face whole time J--KXg0zGTc-00169-00096032-00096408 hold on hell no i might have to go to the computer for this one to see the whole thing J--KXg0zGTc-00170-00096408-00096968 hey hold on i don't even know what to text her back i'ma just be like that was that was you J--KXg0zGTc-00171-00097184-00097768 you look completely diff she looks completely different and acts completely different J--KXg0zGTc-00172-00097768-00098480 i think cause now she's with first grade teachers so students kids you look different J--KXg0zGTc-00173-00098840-00099864 i couldn't even tell i really couldn't even tell so whole time this whole time J--KXg0zGTc-00174-00100064-00100368 she said i guess you aren't the only one who has changed J--KXg0zGTc-00175-00100624-00101016 we're in it we're going to the computer man imma catch off the computer J--KXg0zGTc-00176-00101088-00101528 so look we're at the computer now right this is the clip that i'm talking about so basically J--KXg0zGTc-00177-00101528-00101928 y'all can see i have a whole bunch of files on here there's a whole bunch of video i was doing J--KXg0zGTc-00178-00101928-00102304 this whole night still ending right now right so this is the clip that i'm talking about because J--KXg0zGTc-00179-00102304-00102640 y'all can't be seen on there hold on so basically look look check me out check me out turn it down a J--KXg0zGTc-00180-00102640-00103032 little bit cause y'all gonna watch this full video there if that's the case if that's the case this J--KXg0zGTc-00181-00103032-00103608 is a banger this is the teacher all those this is her i was asking him i said like i said i was J--KXg0zGTc-00182-00103608-00104224 doing the video asking talking to other females you know drunk or whatever turns to find out J--KXg0zGTc-00183-00104776-00105183 chat J--KXg0zGTc-00184-00105472-00106216 hold on hold on did she just say madison the thing is i never looked at her id i never really J--KXg0zGTc-00185-00106216-00106672 checked anything like that who she really actually stacy was like her teacher name J--KXg0zGTc-00186-00106672-00107272 as y'all know teachers don't use they what first real name last real name i don't know regardless J--KXg0zGTc-00187-00107744-00108104 see when she said teacher i was like wait that's when i kind of started noticing a little bit J--KXg0zGTc-00188-00108159-00108735 but then i was like no way but let's see what she said she said what do you do J--KXg0zGTc-00189-00109128-00109383 and then she said pueblo do you guys not realize how J--KXg0zGTc-00190-00109544-00109896 far that is it's not that far it's not that far at all so J--KXg0zGTc-00191-00110368-00111096 what the [__] is my god see she didn't have the tats though J--KXg0zGTc-00192-00111168-00111880 and she was with her friend he said you're married though now though wait wait wait J--KXg0zGTc-00193-00111880-00112183 what the all right like if y'all want to see this full let's see who said to this J--KXg0zGTc-00194-00112776-00113583 so i got it on snapchat now too oh [__] hey next video coming soon JCjGTa5oreU-00000-00000354-00000968 The JLTV - Joint Light Tactical Vehicle is an Army led Joint Acquisition Program with the Marine Corps. JCjGTa5oreU-00001-00000968-00001275 The significance is derived from the notion JCjGTa5oreU-00002-00001275-00001884 that it's going to close the critical capability gaps that exist within our light tactical fleet. JCjGTa5oreU-00003-00001998-00002416 The JLTV has several capabilities...I mean, its off-road mobility, JCjGTa5oreU-00004-00002416-00003042 its enhanced protection and its sheer power... it's only gonna help our war fighters excel in combat. JCjGTa5oreU-00005-00003134-00003420 The main focus of today's training was off-road operations. JCjGTa5oreU-00006-00003420-00003640 It makes the Marines more familiar with the vehicle JCjGTa5oreU-00007-00003640-00004090 so that way they can be more confident knowing that these vehicles can operate in several types of terrain JCjGTa5oreU-00008-00004252-00004806 Today I learned how smooth and how far it can really like push itself, you know. JCjGTa5oreU-00009-00004872-00005350 Bellows itself isn't really that difficult itself...it's an off-road scenario. JCjGTa5oreU-00010-00005350-00005708 I know it can go a lot further just because the way that the instructors JCjGTa5oreU-00011-00005708-00006304 were describing the San Diego terrains, but these vehicles took it easily no problem whatsoever. JCjGTa5oreU-00012-00006390-00006559 So the way you can apply all this knowledge, it's just JCjGTa5oreU-00013-00006561-00007031 like you learn its potential, you learn its limits maximums, that way when you do JCjGTa5oreU-00014-00007031-00007458 come to that moment, you know how far you can push it without, you know, double thinking about it. JCjGTa5oreU-00015-00007726-00008134 The mission of 3rd Marine Regiment Motor T is to provide mobility and transportation JCjGTa5oreU-00016-00008134-00008406 in support of our battalions and to maintain the JCjGTa5oreU-00017-00008406-00008853 highest state of readiness for all motor transport assets to ensure that we are ready to fight tonight. JDhKM0w4s2o-00000-00000000-00000302 There are 7 walls between those two JDhKM0w4s2o-00001-00000318-00000556 Each wall includes 7 questions JDhKM0w4s2o-00002-00000556-00000822 They listen to each other's question JDhKM0w4s2o-00003-00000822-00001060 And decide to open the walls or not JDhKM0w4s2o-00004-00001090-00001260 SUBSCRIBE & LIKE PLZ JDhKM0w4s2o-00005-00002150-00002458 Wall of Voice (Self Introduction) JDhKM0w4s2o-00006-00002582-00002852 Hello I'm In-Jae Kim, 24 JDhKM0w4s2o-00007-00002885-00002985 and I'm a model JDhKM0w4s2o-00008-00003022-00003321 Hi I'm Jimin Jeong, JDhKM0w4s2o-00009-00003321-00003610 I'm also a model JDhKM0w4s2o-00010-00003610-00003834 What kind of model? JDhKM0w4s2o-00011-00003834-00004140 I do various model works JDhKM0w4s2o-00012-00004184-00004386 Fitting, beauty, except fashion JDhKM0w4s2o-00013-00004386-00004552 Because I'm too short for that :( JDhKM0w4s2o-00014-00004566-00004690 I'm work with fashion... JDhKM0w4s2o-00015-00004726-00004896 I think you're tall :/ JDhKM0w4s2o-00016-00004896-00004966 Little bit? kk... JDhKM0w4s2o-00017-00004996-00005170 When did you start this job? JDhKM0w4s2o-00018-00005236-00005566 After SAT, I was scouted, so I just started JDhKM0w4s2o-00019-00005724-00006016 Wow so you were scouted? JDhKM0w4s2o-00020-00006034-00006184 Yes, from a shopping mall JDhKM0w4s2o-00021-00006190-00006592 I also started around high schooler, after school festival JDhKM0w4s2o-00022-00006706-00006856 Cool... 8I JDhKM0w4s2o-00023-00006888-00007070 I assume you have beautiful body :) JDhKM0w4s2o-00024-00007084-00007320 Not really :D Don't expect JDhKM0w4s2o-00025-00007342-00007459 You look cute JDhKM0w4s2o-00026-00007500-00007580 Thanks :) JDhKM0w4s2o-00027-00007594-00007722 I'm so nervous now :/ JDhKM0w4s2o-00028-00007730-00007988 I feel like I'm doing a Random Chatting JDhKM0w4s2o-00029-00007988-00008161 It's fun JDhKM0w4s2o-00030-00008214-00008438 and kind of something new :) JDhKM0w4s2o-00031-00008519-00008641 Please decide JDhKM0w4s2o-00032-00009998-00010185 I wanna talk more :) JDhKM0w4s2o-00033-00010298-00010398 Thank you :) JDhKM0w4s2o-00034-00010430-00010630 Wall of Taste (Tell me your Youtube History) JDhKM0w4s2o-00035-00010654-00010998 What's your recent History in Youtube? JDhKM0w4s2o-00036-00011036-00011144 :O( JDhKM0w4s2o-00037-00011186-00011472 It will be childish... JDhKM0w4s2o-00038-00011472-00011707 "What's the power of 1000 Siege Tanks (Starcraft)?" JDhKM0w4s2o-00039-00011707-00012038 "Happy nail care done by Kim Ah-Joong looking lady" JDhKM0w4s2o-00040-00012088-00012368 "One Punch Man S2", "Loopy's ability" JDhKM0w4s2o-00041-00012368-00012549 Sounds very cute lol :D JDhKM0w4s2o-00042-00012604-00012824 Seems like you like cartoons :) JDhKM0w4s2o-00043-00012876-00013155 YES :D Do you like animations? JDhKM0w4s2o-00044-00013155-00013430 I used to... not really nowadays JDhKM0w4s2o-00045-00013430-00013682 What is your favorite genre? JDhKM0w4s2o-00046-00013682-00013736 Romance <3 JDhKM0w4s2o-00047-00013736-00013822 I love romance too ;) JDhKM0w4s2o-00048-00013822-00013954 So CUTE :] JDhKM0w4s2o-00049-00013966-00014260 I think you have pure mind JDhKM0w4s2o-00050-00014260-00014526 People who like animations aren't really JDhKM0w4s2o-00051-00014553-00014653 bad people so... :) JDhKM0w4s2o-00052-00014741-00014892 Umm I will... JDhKM0w4s2o-00053-00015332-00015480 I decided! JDhKM0w4s2o-00054-00016297-00016533 Wall of Trauma (What if my lover talks back about me?) JDhKM0w4s2o-00055-00016533-00016883 Can you forgive your lover if she talks back about you? JDhKM0w4s2o-00056-00016926-00017060 I won't forgive her JDhKM0w4s2o-00057-00017060-00017122 WHY? JDhKM0w4s2o-00058-00017162-00017472 I assume that she talks back because of no trust JDhKM0w4s2o-00059-00017602-00017774 Right? I think the same :] JDhKM0w4s2o-00060-00017862-00018202 Have your lover talked back about you? JDhKM0w4s2o-00061-00018250-00018388 Yes... JDhKM0w4s2o-00062-00018434-00018784 Could you tell me what happened? JDhKM0w4s2o-00063-00018796-00019219 He was real jerk... He said JDhKM0w4s2o-00064-00019220-00019360 "I met her because of her look" JDhKM0w4s2o-00065-00019360-00019466 "Why the hell she wants to watch Cinderella?" JDhKM0w4s2o-00066-00019466-00019612 Did he really say that? JDhKM0w4s2o-00067-00019640-00019702 Yes :) JDhKM0w4s2o-00068-00019818-00019956 What's wrong about Cinderella? JDhKM0w4s2o-00069-00020083-00020224 He said it's boring JDhKM0w4s2o-00070-00020268-00020454 He doesn't have childlike mind JDhKM0w4s2o-00071-00020472-00020804 He's childlike mind must be destroyed JDhKM0w4s2o-00072-00020824-00021016 After that, because of that, JDhKM0w4s2o-00073-00021018-00021264 I didn't meet boyfriend JDhKM0w4s2o-00074-00021408-00021694 So, I want my future boyfriend to be JDhKM0w4s2o-00075-00021694-00021864 Someone that can support you? JDhKM0w4s2o-00076-00021864-00022084 Nah~ just a man who doesn't alk back :) JDhKM0w4s2o-00077-00022084-00022308 I think that man didn't even like you :( JDhKM0w4s2o-00078-00022414-00022722 I think he might have bad intention JDhKM0w4s2o-00079-00022741-00022990 by having you as a girlfriend... JDhKM0w4s2o-00080-00023057-00023285 I cannot understand :/ JDhKM0w4s2o-00081-00023480-00023608 I will choose to... JDhKM0w4s2o-00082-00024054-00024288 What do you think? JDhKM0w4s2o-00083-00024288-00024486 I think you decided to remove :) JDhKM0w4s2o-00084-00024522-00024694 Such a confident boy 8I JDhKM0w4s2o-00085-00025574-00025762 Wall of Dream (Can you continue your current job for next 10 years?) JDhKM0w4s2o-00086-00025810-00025989 What if you have to continue your job JDhKM0w4s2o-00087-00026056-00026164 For 10 YEARS? JDhKM0w4s2o-00088-00026232-00026476 If it makes money, YES JDhKM0w4s2o-00089-00026476-00026710 Is your dream and money making job JDhKM0w4s2o-00090-00026798-00026977 totally separated? JDhKM0w4s2o-00091-00026996-00027260 I care more about money making... JDhKM0w4s2o-00092-00027260-00027533 That's what I think :/ JDhKM0w4s2o-00093-00027533-00027826 What kind of life you want to have 10 years later? JDhKM0w4s2o-00094-00027856-00028174 I just wanna work in an office like everyone else JDhKM0w4s2o-00095-00028212-00028430 Ordinary life? JDhKM0w4s2o-00096-00028430-00028754 I still have alternatives than model job now, JDhKM0w4s2o-00097-00028876-00029142 Do you have some licenses or certifications? JDhKM0w4s2o-00098-00029158-00029406 I have 10 licenses :) JDhKM0w4s2o-00099-00029406-00029608 Actually 11 :] JDhKM0w4s2o-00100-00029608-00029798 Will you continue your job? JDhKM0w4s2o-00101-00029816-00030122 I want to continue, as long as people support me JDhKM0w4s2o-00102-00030188-00030420 That's what I think :/ JDhKM0w4s2o-00103-00030480-00030727 Thanks for your answer :] JDhKM0w4s2o-00104-00030778-00030976 Then I will choose to... JDhKM0w4s2o-00105-00031736-00031836 I decided! JDhKM0w4s2o-00106-00031871-00032047 What do you think? JDhKM0w4s2o-00107-00032189-00032308 Not sure... JDhKM0w4s2o-00108-00032552-00032672 I'm really not sure :P JDhKM0w4s2o-00109-00033513-00033613 I think it's boring JDhKM0w4s2o-00110-00033634-00033904 if we are perfect match :) JDhKM0w4s2o-00111-00034224-00034424 Wall of Career (Lifetime Chance vs. Lover's Accident) JDhKM0w4s2o-00112-00034448-00034732 A chance to walk in a worldwide show JDhKM0w4s2o-00113-00034732-00035012 or your lover's about to die after hit by a truck JDhKM0w4s2o-00114-00035166-00035752 I think... I will go to... the show JDhKM0w4s2o-00115-00035774-00035874 Worldwide show... JDhKM0w4s2o-00116-00035930-00036068 OK... :/ JDhKM0w4s2o-00117-00036227-00036487 I will go to my lover because JDhKM0w4s2o-00118-00036488-00036648 it's a matter of life and death JDhKM0w4s2o-00119-00036686-00036991 If I contact to the show JDhKM0w4s2o-00120-00036992-00037284 I'm sure that they will understand JDhKM0w4s2o-00121-00037284-00037622 But the thing about fashion is that JDhKM0w4s2o-00122-00037622-00037886 there aren't many 2nd chances JDhKM0w4s2o-00123-00037886-00038208 But there's no turning back of death JDhKM0w4s2o-00124-00038216-00038476 I won't regret my choice JDhKM0w4s2o-00125-00038478-00038807 I will never go to the show with that kind of JDhKM0w4s2o-00126-00038807-00038907 cruel show JDhKM0w4s2o-00127-00039012-00039138 I will decide to... JDhKM0w4s2o-00128-00039740-00039934 What do you think? JDhKM0w4s2o-00129-00039970-00040302 You sound firm... so you chose not to...? JDhKM0w4s2o-00130-00040358-00040534 Was I that firm? JDhKM0w4s2o-00131-00040534-00040752 With this question, YES JDhKM0w4s2o-00132-00041818-00042124 There were arguments, but why did you JDhKM0w4s2o-00133-00042124-00042314 decide to remove the wall? JDhKM0w4s2o-00134-00042361-00042674 Actually I won't be that sure as I mentioned, JDhKM0w4s2o-00135-00042683-00043023 if I face that situation JDhKM0w4s2o-00136-00043023-00043123 So I actually JDhKM0w4s2o-00137-00043131-00043359 kind of understand your feelings :) JDhKM0w4s2o-00138-00043769-00043980 If this final wall's removed JDhKM0w4s2o-00139-00044008-00044311 We can face each others' face so... JDhKM0w4s2o-00140-00044311-00044408 What's your JDhKM0w4s2o-00141-00044408-00044621 ideal type of look? JDhKM0w4s2o-00142-00044672-00044971 I prefer idol-like look JDhKM0w4s2o-00143-00044971-00045270 Someone like SAN from ATEEZ or LEO from VIXX JDhKM0w4s2o-00144-00045291-00045605 Like small eyes and kind of hot... o.O JDhKM0w4s2o-00145-00045714-00045934 What about you? JDhKM0w4s2o-00146-00045934-00046158 Long hair... and pale skin JDhKM0w4s2o-00147-00046200-00046414 like Seola from WJSN... JDhKM0w4s2o-00148-00046420-00046777 YES I'm her big fan 8I JDhKM0w4s2o-00149-00046777-00046964 :D JDhKM0w4s2o-00150-00047132-00047232 (Silence) JDhKM0w4s2o-00151-00047348-00047472 (NO WALL!) JDhKM0w4s2o-00152-00047594-00047900 HELLO JDhKM0w4s2o-00153-00047951-00048248 I'm In-Jae Kim, 24 years old JDhKM0w4s2o-00154-00048293-00048571 I'm Ji-Min Jeong, 22 years old JDhKM0w4s2o-00155-00048628-00048947 Nice meeting you :) JDhKM0w4s2o-00156-00048979-00049242 You have... such a big eyes :D JDhKM0w4s2o-00158-00049534-00049816 Wall of Visual (Are you Attracted to Each Other?) JDhKM0w4s2o-00160-00051002-00051270 Today I had... JDhKM0w4s2o-00161-00051345-00051576 a very good experience with you ;) JDhKM0w4s2o-00162-00051661-00051761 Ah.... JDhKM0w4s2o-00163-00051825-00052029 It was fun seeing you :) JDhKM0w4s2o-00164-00053170-00053270 ㅠㅠ JDhKM0w4s2o-00166-00053498-00054155 (See you again with more videos!) JJCCp4KSa4c-00000-00000078-00000732 thicker's lore the backstory and how we got to where we are now extracted from details from Maps JJCCp4KSa4c-00001-00000732-00001362 Cosmetics props args and now the cassettes has been a major focus of mine since I first picked JJCCp4KSa4c-00002-00001362-00001950 up this game and made a video about an Easter egg found in the old shelter now it's time for JJCCp4KSa4c-00003-00001950-00002574 us to review everything we have as of now sit back regardless if you're a new figure player curious JJCCp4KSa4c-00004-00002574-00003192 about the lore or a veteran of the lore who wants to watch the progress we've made I now present to JJCCp4KSa4c-00005-00003192-00004020 you all figures lore the complete timeline part one the war last episode didn't really have my JJCCp4KSa4c-00006-00004020-00004620 mic in it because my mic's been giving me some real problems it's not one to deal with me it's JJCCp4KSa4c-00007-00004620-00005292 like we finally found a fun interesting game that isn't Apex Legends and We're Not Gonna Let You JJCCp4KSa4c-00008-00005826-00006234 explain what led to the nuclear war foreign JJCCp4KSa4c-00009-00009426-00009972 to begin with our story we must first begin with history the quote war was a time period in history JJCCp4KSa4c-00010-00009972-00010590 where the capitalist West and the Communist East lean careful suspense over the proposition of JJCCp4KSa4c-00011-00010590-00011340 nuclear Annihilation the West Was United under the cause of NATO while they easily under the Soviet JJCCp4KSa4c-00012-00011340-00011982 Union and the Warsaw Pact in our timeline this conflict would never ask Gilly and eventually the JJCCp4KSa4c-00013-00011982-00012600 East would collapse under the desire for Liberal reforms leaving the West as the victor however JJCCp4KSa4c-00014-00012600-00013272 in vigor's case this is not true in the figure timeline the ward is escalate and to find where JJCCp4KSa4c-00015-00013272-00014094 we must turn to other Bohemian games to gather an idea so thus we enter armiverse in 1985 we find JJCCp4KSa4c-00016-00014094-00014844 Arma Flashpoint Cold War crisis a game that takes place on a small island called everon on this JJCCp4KSa4c-00017-00014844-00015510 island NATO has a military base which is attacked by Rogue Soviet soldiers under control of Juan JJCCp4KSa4c-00018-00015510-00016110 Alexi Cuba and a series of battles and engagements follow as both sides attempt to gain control JJCCp4KSa4c-00019-00016182-00016926 Cuba has conducted The Invasion under the goal of delegitimatizing the government back in Moscow and JJCCp4KSa4c-00020-00016926-00017550 to create a new leader for the Soviets to Rally around this being himself he also wished to throw JJCCp4KSa4c-00021-00017550-00018348 the world into a third world war attempting to use scud missiles to provoke a nuclear annihilation in JJCCp4KSa4c-00022-00018348-00018876 the Bad Endings of this game his plans are made into a reality in some form depending JJCCp4KSa4c-00023-00018876-00019464 on the ending and for quite some time it was believed among the Vigor theorists that this was JJCCp4KSa4c-00024-00019464-00020262 a point where we entered figure's timeline however recently Bohemia has released Arma reforger which JJCCp4KSa4c-00025-00020262-00020976 takes place in 1989. this game sees both major Powers again at blows on the island of everon JJCCp4KSa4c-00026-00020976-00021714 opening a second potential spa for the war to end all wars to begin regardless how the War Began we JJCCp4KSa4c-00027-00021714-00022224 can now transition over to what happened during the warm and really where the lore Vigor begins JJCCp4KSa4c-00028-00022278-00022878 by returning to Soviet War plans we can quickly understand what the Soviet goals for an invasion JJCCp4KSa4c-00029-00022878-00023472 of Norway would be as well as what the NATO response would be Soviets would invade through JJCCp4KSa4c-00030-00023472-00024174 the Finn Mark provenance and for the NATO Doctrine likely meant very little response as the Fallout JJCCp4KSa4c-00031-00024174-00024900 populated difficult to defend region would be given up to allow for defense lines to establish JJCCp4KSa4c-00032-00024900-00025518 further east going further east we reached the great traums region where vicker takes place JJCCp4KSa4c-00033-00025518-00026172 and the location of some of the battles we can see in the game so the Soviet line pushed from JJCCp4KSa4c-00034-00026172-00026982 finmark towards the NATO defenses and we know that at least initially they must have had some success JJCCp4KSa4c-00035-00027048-00027648 we see this in the form of the battle of drog a battle wherein the margins of the map we see JJCCp4KSa4c-00036-00027648-00028332 military failure as well as the fact that the map is completely occupied by Soviet armor this can JJCCp4KSa4c-00037-00028332-00029232 also be seen in the occupations of Vicki deferg and Grantham however this success wouldn't last JJCCp4KSa4c-00038-00029232-00029844 the first major battle where we can see the tides shifting against the Soviet line is in bridges JJCCp4KSa4c-00039-00029927-00030570 in this map we see that the Soviet line must have taken the north side of the river and wished to JJCCp4KSa4c-00040-00030570-00031230 push across the bridge and originally it was able to do so pushing into the fields just south of JJCCp4KSa4c-00041-00031230-00031806 the river however the success with non-love does needle reinforcements and partisan Fighters seem JJCCp4KSa4c-00042-00031806-00032412 to fight back forcing the Soviet line back over the river with the Soviets taking extremely high JJCCp4KSa4c-00043-00032412-00033078 casualties as large amounts of armor was destroyed the defeated Bridges wasn't a one-off though as it JJCCp4KSa4c-00044-00033078-00033636 seems the Soviet line as a whole was beginning to collapse turning over to deferg though thereia was JJCCp4KSa4c-00045-00033636-00034146 abandoned by NATO troops the Soviet faced heavy resistance from partisan Norwegian JJCCp4KSa4c-00046-00034146-00034770 fighters fighters who were able to reclaim entire sectors of the town and deal heavy casualties to JJCCp4KSa4c-00047-00034770-00035340 the attacking Soviet Army the Soviet line losing battles against random partisans isn't a good sign JJCCp4KSa4c-00048-00035340-00035856 for an army that is trying to occupy a country though they were losing on the front lines we JJCCp4KSa4c-00049-00035856-00036408 can also see how the war was unfolding for the poor citizens caught behind their war machine on JJCCp4KSa4c-00050-00036408-00036990 Fisk we see the Soviets established a base of operations and forcing the citizens living in JJCCp4KSa4c-00051-00036990-00037542 the area to leave however the defeats on the front lines was beginning to cause chaos and the loss of JJCCp4KSa4c-00052-00037542-00038238 morale this can first be seen on Viki as fighters in this situation seemed to be paranoid all aiming JJCCp4KSa4c-00053-00038238-00038712 their turrets out at the frozen lake having destroyed the tunnels that lead out of the city JJCCp4KSa4c-00054-00038766-00039396 they were ready for a needle offensive to retake their position despite the fact that Vicky was JJCCp4KSa4c-00055-00039396-00040146 quite far behind the front lines but in other areas this paranoia may have been apt seeing as JJCCp4KSa4c-00056-00040146-00040638 on snow deck the lighting is clear enough that on the water we can see what could easily be a JJCCp4KSa4c-00057-00040638-00041310 battleship waiting to perhaps signify that NATO was intending on retaking this lost land with JJCCp4KSa4c-00058-00041310-00041934 paranoia and loss morale an overstretched army and several major strategic losses the Soviets JJCCp4KSa4c-00059-00041934-00042492 still had one thing going for them the conquest of the majority of the major town of Gotham JJCCp4KSa4c-00060-00042588-00043182 the initial Battle of Gotham was a solid win for the Soviets having destroyed decent amounts of JJCCp4KSa4c-00061-00043182-00043686 needle armor added this that krauthheim is one of the largest towns shown in the game JJCCp4KSa4c-00062-00043686-00044154 and the Soviets holding it was a sign they could still stand a chance in this war but JJCCp4KSa4c-00063-00044154-00044826 then grotheim was the grotheim office the largest newspaper press in the area and with the silencing JJCCp4KSa4c-00064-00044826-00045426 of this the partisans couldn't spread rebellious propaganda as easily despite the fact that this JJCCp4KSa4c-00065-00045426-00046038 propaganda is seen everywhere across the town but this Gem of theirs was not said to last to JJCCp4KSa4c-00066-00046038-00046512 begin there was still a Detachment of NATO troops holding a tiny part of the town the JJCCp4KSa4c-00067-00046512-00047034 Soviets already busy enough dealing with the partisans were unable to finally destroy the JJCCp4KSa4c-00068-00047034-00047778 last pits of the NATO forces in the town but even worse slightly to the north lay the Kirsten Dam a JJCCp4KSa4c-00069-00047778-00048426 massive fortification held by Norway and NATO a fortification with massive amounts of NATO JJCCp4KSa4c-00070-00048426-00049062 reinforcements who were preparing to sweep South and Liberate crothine the first part of this JJCCp4KSa4c-00071-00049062-00049572 Liberation occurred in the Battle of Kirsten as Soviet forces were completely outgunned JJCCp4KSa4c-00072-00049572-00050124 and outnumbered and forced to retreat south of the area meaning that growth time was now on the front JJCCp4KSa4c-00073-00050124-00050592 lines while we don't know for sure who pressed the button first or why they made that choice JJCCp4KSa4c-00074-00050592-00051264 to meet the Lost of Kirsten right now seems to be the most likely reason for the Soviets to hit the JJCCp4KSa4c-00075-00051264-00051767 button seeing as it was now inevitable that they would lose grunt time a town they simply couldn't JJCCp4KSa4c-00076-00051767-00052386 afford to lose to add to this we see then Kirsten there are a lot of NATO troops in transit heading JJCCp4KSa4c-00077-00052386-00052979 south who never arrived at their final destination that is all we really know right now about the war JJCCp4KSa4c-00078-00053040-00053591 however there are some minor stories and more tidbits we can add in here and there that also JJCCp4KSa4c-00079-00053591-00054072 occurred before the nukes film one example is that before the work there was a mass murderer JJCCp4KSa4c-00080-00054072-00054564 who killed at least six people in the region this mass murderer is believed to have resided JJCCp4KSa4c-00081-00054564-00055062 in the murder Shack on Gotham we don't know much about them but there are hints that the murderer JJCCp4KSa4c-00082-00055062-00055548 may have been methodical in nature seeing as the Easter egg connected to them connected to JJCCp4KSa4c-00083-00055548-00056166 Pennywise also in the shock we see the murder Bearer who could possibly be the cause we JJCCp4KSa4c-00084-00056166-00056724 also know that the war that occurred accelerated technology to some degree as some of the guns seen JJCCp4KSa4c-00085-00056724-00057276 in the game were invented after the 91 occurrence date of the game and finally we know that sometime JJCCp4KSa4c-00086-00057276-00057798 before the start of the game the ship on Anakin was beached on the shore with some minor theories JJCCp4KSa4c-00087-00057798-00058350 stating that it could have been done by a ship in the region we can finish up with the little JJCCp4KSa4c-00088-00058350-00058884 details we know regarding what happened in the cassettes prior to the nukes we know that Adam JJCCp4KSa4c-00089-00058884-00059555 was stationed somewhere near Anakin and there was an incident where Ada conducted an experiment JJCCp4KSa4c-00090-00059555-00060167 that went wrong and killed lars's parents but that is everything that is known in the lore JJCCp4KSa4c-00091-00060167-00060672 of relevance that occurred before the nuclear apocalypse however we are only halfway done JJCCp4KSa4c-00092-00060732-00061278 in the next video I will cover all the lore following the nuclear apocalypse which focuses on JJCCp4KSa4c-00093-00061278-00061866 the seasonal lore as well as the cassette's lore hopefully you all enjoyed this and are excited for JJCCp4KSa4c-00094-00061866-00062748 part two until then this has been patter chips and I hope to see you all next time foreign JKET3bY3F9Q-00000-00001006-00001310 Birds fly outside the window JKET3bY3F9Q-00001-00001376-00001730 Chattering cat JKET3bY3F9Q-00002-00006274-00006504 To cat who likes bird Show cat TV JKET3bY3F9Q-00003-00006776-00007068 Concentration! JKET3bY3F9Q-00004-00020812-00021134 Sitting side by side is cute JL2I6K3Mqru-00000-00000131-00000556 Cyber defense is fundamentally different from physical defense. JL2I6K3Mqru-00001-00000556-00000942 In this book John Strand and his co-authors JL2I6K3Mqru-00002-00000942-00001249 offer creative ideas for cyber defense. JL2I6K3Mqru-00003-00001249-00001653 These types of ideas deserve more attention JL2I6K3Mqru-00004-00001653-00001947 in legal and public policy circles. JMZrR7KJOGy-00000-00000048-00000147 - Hi students! JMZrR7KJOGy-00001-00000147-00000635 Look, we will get through this unprecedented time together. JMZrR7KJOGy-00002-00000635-00000844 - Whether we're online or on site, JMZrR7KJOGy-00003-00000844-00000990 we're tied together. JMZrR7KJOGy-00004-00000990-00001195 - We're in an extraordinary time JMZrR7KJOGy-00005-00001195-00001457 that the world has never experienced before, JMZrR7KJOGy-00006-00001457-00001717 but I hope we will still be able to come together JMZrR7KJOGy-00007-00001717-00001901 as a community to learn. JMZrR7KJOGy-00008-00001901-00002045 - We are in this together. JMZrR7KJOGy-00009-00002045-00002404 We're a team, we're here for you, we love you, JMZrR7KJOGy-00010-00002404-00002663 and we are coming to a screen near you soon. JMZrR7KJOGy-00011-00002663-00002915 - We stay home, we stay safe, JMZrR7KJOGy-00012-00002915-00003322 but we keep our conversations rolling. JMZrR7KJOGy-00013-00003322-00003599 - I know this is not easy, I know it's hard, JMZrR7KJOGy-00014-00003599-00003953 but I also know we can do it, we can do it together. JMZrR7KJOGy-00015-00003953-00004178 - Stay well and stay strong. JMZrR7KJOGy-00016-00004178-00004509 - Until then, stay safe, take care. JMZrR7KJOGy-00017-00004509-00004761 I'll see you online, Roll Tide. JMZrR7KJOGy-00018-00004761-00004845 - Roll Tide. JMZrR7KJOGy-00019-00004845-00005046 - Roll Tide. JMZrR7KJOGy-00020-00005046-00005276 (beat music) JQoInEjSspo-00000-00000000-00000425 So if you asked Alice where both of these events happened, she'd say 'well I JQoInEjSspo-00001-00000425-00000977 was just standing along the origin the whole time'. So delta xA, the difference in JQoInEjSspo-00002-00000977-00001458 position between these two events is zero, because they both happened at the JQoInEjSspo-00003-00001458-00002175 same place, in Alice's coordinates. So what about in Bob's coordinates? Bob measured JQoInEjSspo-00004-00002175-00002781 some time delta tB between these two events, and in that time Alice was JQoInEjSspo-00005-00002781-00003275 traveling at a speed V. So the total spacing between these two events in JQoInEjSspo-00006-00003275-00003929 Bob's frame is three times delta tB. Lastly how do delta tA and delta tB JQoInEjSspo-00007-00003929-00004476 relate? So either delta tA equals gamma delta tB or delta tB equals gamma JQoInEjSspo-00008-00004476-00005048 delta tA. If you remember back to when we derived the time dilation formula, we JQoInEjSspo-00009-00005048-00005537 did it by having Bob on a platform watching Alice on a moving train holding JQoInEjSspo-00010-00005537-00005967 a light plug. From Bob's point of view the ticks of the light clock happened in JQoInEjSspo-00011-00005967-00006458 different locations, whereas from Alice's point of view the ticks happened in the JQoInEjSspo-00012-00006458-00006936 same location, and it was under this situation that we derived delta tB JQoInEjSspo-00013-00006936-00007568 equals gamma delta tA. Here the situation is similar; both events happen JQoInEjSspo-00014-00007568-00008103 in the same place in Alice's frame, but in different places in Bob's frame, and it's JQoInEjSspo-00015-00008103-00008703 under this situation that we have delta tB equals gamma delta tA. So we now JQoInEjSspo-00016-00008703-00009111 have a few different relations that we can stick into our Lorentz transforms. So JQoInEjSspo-00017-00009111-00009525 if you substitute these in and play around you should be able to solve for D JQoInEjSspo-00018-00009525-00009790 and F. JQb09NICUYA-00000-00000000-00000200 SASTRA FILM & BAYON TV JQb09NICUYA-00001-00000200-00000521 Present JQb09NICUYA-00002-00012884-00013106 Life Series JQb09NICUYA-00003-00013106-00013382 Malen- Malin JQb09NICUYA-00004-00013382-00014097 Previously JQb09NICUYA-00005-00014097-00014551 I'm sorry my beloved sister JQb09NICUYA-00006-00014551-00015093 I'm sorry that I left this letter as my last message to you JQb09NICUYA-00007-00015728-00015944 My sister! -Len? Yes! len JQb09NICUYA-00008-00015944-00016371 Malin! What are you doing? JQb09NICUYA-00009-00016371-00016862 Len! JQb09NICUYA-00010-00016862-00017307 Why is the woman in this photo is you? JQb09NICUYA-00011-00017906-00018074 Sister! Sister! JQb09NICUYA-00012-00018074-00018417 Life Series JQb09NICUYA-00013-00018417-00018782 Malen- Malin JQb09NICUYA-00014-00019070-00019367 Really, teacher? JQb09NICUYA-00015-00019367-00019651 Where is she right now? JQb09NICUYA-00016-00019651-00020418 She is... JQb09NICUYA-00017-00020418-00021920 Actually, the woman that I dream to meet. the person that helped me is my sister JQb09NICUYA-00018-00021920-00022236 that I sleep with everyday JQb09NICUYA-00019-00023298-00023691 She sacrificed everything for you but you looked down on her JQb09NICUYA-00020-00023691-00024174 She sacrificed everything for your future JQb09NICUYA-00021-00024174-00024595 and looked at what you have done to her JQb09NICUYA-00022-00024595-00025362 She might be afraid that I would be shamed of her JQb09NICUYA-00023-00034435-00034679 Malin! JQb09NICUYA-00024-00034679-00034971 Let me do it for you! JQb09NICUYA-00025-00035558-00036194 Don't worry too much! I think you should stop looking for her JQb09NICUYA-00026-00036747-00037286 We try our best to look for her but there is no news about her JQb09NICUYA-00027-00037872-00038108 Listen to me! JQb09NICUYA-00028-00038787-00039011 sister! Can you stop the bike? JQb09NICUYA-00029-00039011-00039346 I want to ask you something JQb09NICUYA-00030-00039346-00039610 Don't ask me! JQb09NICUYA-00031-00040915-00041292 How many have I told you? JQb09NICUYA-00032-00041292-00041778 You only make us ashamed JQb09NICUYA-00033-00041778-00042237 you are so stupid JQb09NICUYA-00034-00042237-00042807 Help me! Help me! JQb09NICUYA-00035-00042807-00043263 Help me! JQb09NICUYA-00036-00044233-00044969 Don't follow me! Whenever I saw you, i think of your dirt JQb09NICUYA-00037-00044969-00045352 It's disgusting JQb09NICUYA-00038-00046251-00046660 I hate you. get lost! JQb09NICUYA-00039-00046660-00047045 I hate you JQb09NICUYA-00040-00047858-00048065 Sister! JQb09NICUYA-00041-00050858-00051046 Are you excited until crying? JQb09NICUYA-00042-00051046-00051531 I have met many bride that excited until cry like you JQb09NICUYA-00043-00051531-00052122 Who is she? Is she your relative? JQb09NICUYA-00044-00052122-00052578 She look similar to you JQb09NICUYA-00045-00054305-00054732 It's done. I may go to the restroom a little bit JQb09NICUYA-00046-00054732-00055183 I will prepare another dress for you JQb09NICUYA-00047-00056705-00057037 Lin! JQb09NICUYA-00048-00057037-00057609 How are you now? JQb09NICUYA-00049-00058251-00058844 Lin! Do you know her? JQb09NICUYA-00050-00058844-00059932 She used to be Yuth's girlfriend. Her job isn't normal as others JQb09NICUYA-00051-00059932-00060332 Do you mean...? JQb09NICUYA-00052-00060332-00060853 Right! JQb09NICUYA-00053-00060853-00062284 I told Yuth on time. If not, I wouldn't get a good daughter-in-law like you JQb09NICUYA-00054-00063180-00063426 Lin! Where are you going? JQb09NICUYA-00055-00063426-00063960 She might not be able to accept the truth JQb09NICUYA-00056-00066482-00067356 Is the one that cheated on you is the one I'm marrying right now? JQb09NICUYA-00057-00067356-00067884 You might know that's why you left me, right? JQb09NICUYA-00058-00067884-00068474 When will you stop sacrificed for me? JQb09NICUYA-00059-00068474-00068945 Life Series JQb09NICUYA-00060-00068945-00069300 Malen- Malin JQb09NICUYA-00061-00072883-00073060 Life Series JQb09NICUYA-00062-00073060-00073388 Malen- Malin JQb09NICUYA-00063-00076199-00076855 No! I can't leave you alone and married the one who have no responsibility JQb09NICUYA-00064-00076855-00077514 I'm blind that I don't know the truth JQb09NICUYA-00065-00077514-00078415 I have everything today because of you. I'm a jerk JQb09NICUYA-00066-00078415-00079367 Although I see it in front of my eyes, I don't accept the truth that you sacrificed for me JQb09NICUYA-00067-00079367-00079834 I even overlooked your sacrificed JQb09NICUYA-00068-00083008-00083402 She left me JQb09NICUYA-00069-00083402-00083977 I deserve it JQb09NICUYA-00070-00083977-00084522 because I used to leave her sister JQb09NICUYA-00071-00084522-00085543 Don't think too much! You are a man. You don't need to worry JQb09NICUYA-00072-00085543-00085907 Let her go! JQb09NICUYA-00073-00085907-00086514 Because of you JQb09NICUYA-00074-00086514-00086928 If you don't refuse Len, i won't have today JQb09NICUYA-00075-00086928-00087228 What are you thinking about? JQb09NICUYA-00076-00087228-00087671 I just want you to have a good future JQb09NICUYA-00077-00087671-00088111 Do you want me to be good or yourself? JQb09NICUYA-00078-00088111-00088759 Stop it! Len ran away from home JQb09NICUYA-00079-00088759-00089317 She had no one JQb09NICUYA-00080-00089317-00090201 I was wrong that I believe you. You should understand her JQb09NICUYA-00081-00090201-00091242 See! Your son has been left JQb09NICUYA-00082-00091242-00091740 because I believe you JQb09NICUYA-00083-00094295-00094604 Sister! Sister JQb09NICUYA-00084-00094604-00094978 Sister! Sister! JQb09NICUYA-00085-00094978-00095401 Sister! JQb09NICUYA-00086-00096147-00096327 Sister! JQb09NICUYA-00087-00096327-00096597 Sister! JQb09NICUYA-00088-00096597-00096903 Sister! JQb09NICUYA-00089-00097773-00097991 Sister! JQb09NICUYA-00090-00098709-00098993 Sister! JQb09NICUYA-00091-00105191-00105539 Sister! JQb09NICUYA-00092-00106212-00106625 Sister! JQb09NICUYA-00093-00107999-00108189 Sister! JQb09NICUYA-00094-00108189-00108704 Sister! JQb09NICUYA-00095-00108704-00109277 Sister! JQb09NICUYA-00096-00109277-00109782 Please don't leave me! JQb09NICUYA-00097-00109782-00110293 Sister! JQb09NICUYA-00098-00111776-00111981 Sister! JQb09NICUYA-00099-00112732-00112978 I won't let you go again JQb09NICUYA-00100-00112978-00113258 Please don't leave me alone JQb09NICUYA-00101-00114875-00115074 Sister! JQb09NICUYA-00102-00118095-00118462 The nurse told you not to sit for long JQb09NICUYA-00103-00118462-00119314 How is it? Do you feel better or not? JQb09NICUYA-00104-00119314-00119900 Don't worry! Please rest! You will be better JQb09NICUYA-00105-00119900-00120451 Life Series JQb09NICUYA-00106-00120451-00120859 Malen- Malin JQb09NICUYA-00107-00124501-00124713 Life Series JQb09NICUYA-00108-00124713-00124990 Malen- Malin JQb09NICUYA-00109-00126487-00126795 It's not time to visit the patient JQb09NICUYA-00110-00127599-00127951 is she that sick? JQb09NICUYA-00111-00127951-00128455 Actually, If she agreed to cure on time, she won't be this serious JQb09NICUYA-00112-00128455-00128931 She doesn't want to cure it JQb09NICUYA-00113-00128931-00129508 Can she be back to normal again? JQb09NICUYA-00114-00129508-00130100 it's almost late to be back JQb09NICUYA-00115-00130100-00130583 Are you her relative? JQb09NICUYA-00116-00130583-00131036 I have never seen anyone come to visit her JQb09NICUYA-00117-00131792-00132135 I'm.... I'm... JQb09NICUYA-00118-00132135-00132601 I'm her sister JQb09NICUYA-00119-00132601-00133050 the useless sister ever JQb09NICUYA-00120-00133050-00134095 I'm so stupid. I stay with her everyday but I don't what wrong with her JQb09NICUYA-00121-00134095-00134670 I was just worry about my reputation JQb09NICUYA-00122-00134670-00136249 but she did everything for me until the end of her life JQb09NICUYA-00123-00136249-00136769 I'm an ungrateful sister JQb09NICUYA-00124-00137694-00137981 I'm the one who deserve it JQb09NICUYA-00125-00137981-00138473 because I'm useless JQb09NICUYA-00126-00138473-00139657 Why all of these happens to you? JQb09NICUYA-00127-00139657-00140641 I'm the one who deserve it JQb09NICUYA-00128-00143508-00144368 Do you know I feel so happy than ever JQb09NICUYA-00129-00144368-00144908 Me too! JQb09NICUYA-00130-00144908-00145512 It's warm to stay with you JQb09NICUYA-00131-00145512-00146235 we should have stayed together like this long time ago JQb09NICUYA-00132-00146235-00146592 Right! JQb09NICUYA-00133-00146592-00147806 but I didn't regret it. I did it because I love you JQb09NICUYA-00134-00147806-00148698 No matter what happen tomorrow, JQb09NICUYA-00135-00148698-00149213 I'm still happy JQb09NICUYA-00136-00149213-00149942 when you are happy JQb09NICUYA-00137-00150742-00151178 I want you to sing for me JQb09NICUYA-00138-00151178-00152025 I feel like I might not be able to listen next time JQb09NICUYA-00139-00152025-00152526 Why? JQb09NICUYA-00140-00152526-00152846 Why did you say that? JQb09NICUYA-00141-00152846-00153262 you still have more times JQb09NICUYA-00142-00153262-00153756 You should have hope JQb09NICUYA-00143-00153756-00154467 I won't let you go easily JQb09NICUYA-00144-00154467-00155271 You owned me. So, you can't leave me alone JQb09NICUYA-00145-00155271-00155566 Understand? JQb09NICUYA-00146-00155566-00156126 unless I let you go JQb09NICUYA-00147-00161323-00161521 I want to sit JQb09NICUYA-00148-00161521-00162131 Why can I ? JQb09NICUYA-00149-00162131-00162526 Why? JQb09NICUYA-00150-00162526-00163113 Why? WHy? JQb09NICUYA-00151-00164296-00164771 Sister! Sister! JQb09NICUYA-00152-00165458-00165690 What's worng? JQb09NICUYA-00153-00165690-00165975 Lin! Help me! JQb09NICUYA-00154-00165975-00166474 I can't move my legs JQb09NICUYA-00155-00166474-00166859 Why can't I JQb09NICUYA-00156-00166859-00167237 Please help me! JQb09NICUYA-00157-00167855-00168525 Don't worry! If you can't walk, I'll be your legs JQb09NICUYA-00158-00168525-00169244 I will bring you wherever you want to go JQb09NICUYA-00159-00169244-00169739 Don't cry! JQb09NICUYA-00160-00169739-00170780 I don't want to see you cry JQb09NICUYA-00161-00170780-00171209 Why? JQb09NICUYA-00162-00171209-00171776 Do you think i'm crying because I'm sad? JQb09NICUYA-00163-00172591-00172951 I know you are worried about me JQb09NICUYA-00164-00172951-00173429 I'm not worry about you JQb09NICUYA-00165-00173429-00173814 You are so healthy. JQb09NICUYA-00166-00173814-00174216 Why are you crying? JQb09NICUYA-00167-00174216-00174648 because I'm excited to stay with you JQb09NICUYA-00168-00174648-00175080 Life Series JQb09NICUYA-00169-00175080-00175445 Malen- Malin JQb09NICUYA-00170-00178729-00178992 Life Series JQb09NICUYA-00171-00178992-00179158 Malen- Malin JQb09NICUYA-00172-00179863-00180171 Please take some rest! JQb09NICUYA-00173-00181947-00182459 Should I be happy or sad? JQb09NICUYA-00174-00182459-00183208 I used to dream about today almost my life time JQb09NICUYA-00175-00183208-00183822 but I feel so sad that my time is coming to an end soon JQb09NICUYA-00176-00183822-00184300 I'm so useless JQb09NICUYA-00177-00184300-00184731 I make you feel shame JQb09NICUYA-00178-00184731-00185035 but you don't leave me alone JQb09NICUYA-00179-00185035-00185439 I feel lucky that you are my sister JQb09NICUYA-00180-00185439-00186153 I realized how much we love each other JQb09NICUYA-00181-00186153-00187006 I love you. I wish I would be your sister again next life JQb09NICUYA-00182-00187006-00187726 I wish I would be smart not stupid as this life JQb09NICUYA-00183-00191579-00191818 Why did you bring me here at night? JQb09NICUYA-00184-00191818-00192197 I just want to bring you the place you want to visit JQb09NICUYA-00185-00192197-00192565 The relax place which have only two of us JQb09NICUYA-00186-00192565-00192997 Are you bringing me to Angkor Wat? JQb09NICUYA-00187-00192997-00193336 Of course! JQb09NICUYA-00188-00193336-00193583 We almost arrive there JQb09NICUYA-00189-00193583-00194094 Really? JQb09NICUYA-00190-00194094-00194531 It's dark. That's why I can't see JQb09NICUYA-00191-00198487-00198633 Put me down, Malin! JQb09NICUYA-00192-00200051-00200310 We already arrived right? JQb09NICUYA-00193-00200310-00200764 Why is it still dark? JQb09NICUYA-00194-00202037-00202556 I want to see the sunrise JQb09NICUYA-00195-00202556-00203381 Here with you again JQb09NICUYA-00196-00204767-00204960 Lin! JQb09NICUYA-00197-00204960-00205871 I feel like.... I.... JQb09NICUYA-00198-00205871-00206326 I feel JQb09NICUYA-00199-00206326-00206736 there is a bright color in front of me JQb09NICUYA-00200-00209201-00209577 Do you want to take photo? JQb09NICUYA-00201-00209577-00209880 Of course! JQb09NICUYA-00202-00211055-00211248 Please smile! JQb09NICUYA-00203-00211248-00211655 Smile! JQb09NICUYA-00204-00211655-00212231 1 2 3 JQb09NICUYA-00205-00212231-00212735 We got it, sister JQb09NICUYA-00206-00217246-00217584 You all are lucky that you still breathing JQb09NICUYA-00207-00217584-00218092 You should manage your time for people you love JQb09NICUYA-00208-00218092-00219001 Whenever I breath, I feel like it a count down of my life JQb09NICUYA-00209-00220618-00220863 Sister! JQb09NICUYA-00210-00220863-00221312 Sister! JQb09NICUYA-00211-00222988-00223477 The End! JQb09NICUYA-00212-00226628-00227338 SASTRA FILM JQb09NICUYA-00213-00227338-00227789 Sponsored by: JQb09NICUYA-00214-00227789-00228857 Thanks for watching! JS2m1opln0U-00000-00000000-00000501 Welcome to my video JS2m1opln0U-00001-00000505-00001000 Thank you for this video view JS2m1opln0U-00002-00001000-00001508 Like, sub, share, support my channel. JS2m1opln0U-00003-00001516-00002000 Thank you very much JWoZesjlJh8-00000-00003290-00003804 [Victoria] Okay, places everybody. Cue the 2 entertain logo. JWoZesjlJh8-00001-00004006-00004740 Excuse me, this isn't supposed to be a muted or Noir or thresholded logo, and it was way too fast. JWoZesjlJh8-00002-00004740-00004896 Change it. JWoZesjlJh8-00003-00007038-00007473 This is not going to be the black and white logo. Change it. JWoZesjlJh8-00004-00009658-00010014 Now what? You just added a reversed subclip. JWoZesjlJh8-00005-00010014-00010352 What on earth are you anyways? I’ve had enough! JWoZesjlJh8-00006-00010352-00010840 This is your last chance, and if you screw up again, you're done. JWoZesjlJh8-00007-00010840-00011024 OK, go. JWoZesjlJh8-00008-00013184-00013594 Yes! We did it! Now go back to your business. JWoZesjlJh8-00009-00013594-00013794 See you next season! JaNzB8DNye0-00000-00000002-00000268 Good evening, warriors of light! JaNzB8DNye0-00001-00000268-00000701 Energetic people who are always ready to fight! JaNzB8DNye0-00002-00000701-00000947 Its 246th day is coming to an end. JaNzB8DNye0-00003-00000947-00001241 We continue our resistance. JaNzB8DNye0-00004-00001241-00001490 The aggressor continues his terror. JaNzB8DNye0-00005-00001490-00001881 We are again attacked from the sky by a flock of their crows. JaNzB8DNye0-00006-00001881-00002159 More than 30 drones were launched in two days. JaNzB8DNye0-00007-00002159-00002505 The defenders of our sky prevented the enemy's vultures JaNzB8DNye0-00008-00002505-00002733 from breaking into the rear of the country JaNzB8DNye0-00009-00002733-00002994 and downed 23 Shaheds. JaNzB8DNye0-00010-00002994-00003592 In addition, the Kh-59 guided air missile, JaNzB8DNye0-00011-00003592-00004005 two Ka-52 attack helicopters and another Su-25 JaNzB8DNye0-00012-00004005-00004280 attack aircraft were turned into scrap metal. JaNzB8DNye0-00013-00004280-00004509 In total, during this period, JaNzB8DNye0-00014-00004509-00004932 Russia carried out 4,500 missile strikes JaNzB8DNye0-00015-00004932-00005185 and more than 8,000 air raids. JaNzB8DNye0-00016-00005185-00005521 But we are fighting, we will shoot down more. JaNzB8DNye0-00017-00005521-00005778 I thank the guardians of our sky. JaNzB8DNye0-00018-00005778-00005922 I am grateful to everyone JaNzB8DNye0-00019-00005922-00006106 who participated in the fundraising JaNzB8DNye0-00020-00006106-00006419 for the "catchers" of such "Shaheds". JaNzB8DNye0-00021-00006419-00006914 Only on the U24 platform those are 665,000 people JaNzB8DNye0-00022-00006914-00007193 from 70 countries. JaNzB8DNye0-00023-00007193-00007662 Together, we will certainly clip the wings JaNzB8DNye0-00024-00007662-00007955 of all metal monsters, no matter how many of them JaNzB8DNye0-00025-00007955-00008426 and from where they fly in the direction of Ukraine. JaNzB8DNye0-00026-00008426-00008677 Enemy planes will fall. JaNzB8DNye0-00027-00008677-00008875 Enemy helicopters will fall. JaNzB8DNye0-00028-00008875-00009124 "Shaheds" will fall. JaNzB8DNye0-00029-00009124-00009390 It is only the Ukrainian people who will not fall! JaNzB8DNye0-00030-00009390-00009855 A heroic people who will definitely go down in world history. JaNzB8DNye0-00031-00009855-00010058 Actually, like this day. JaNzB8DNye0-00032-00010058-00010197 It is already history. JaNzB8DNye0-00033-00010197-00010431 It's already midnight on the clock. JaNzB8DNye0-00034-00010431-00010739 October 28 is already on the calendar. JaNzB8DNye0-00035-00010739-00011090 Every year on this day, we celebrate the liberation of Ukraine JaNzB8DNye0-00036-00011090-00011340 from the Nazi occupiers. JaNzB8DNye0-00037-00011340-00011596 We pay tribute to the Ukrainians who fought JaNzB8DNye0-00038-00011596-00011991 and defeated Nazism during World War II. JaNzB8DNye0-00039-00011991-00012522 Today we do it, holding not flowers in our hands, but weapons. JaNzB8DNye0-00040-00012522-00012902 Today, preserving the memory of the exploits of our ancestors JaNzB8DNye0-00041-00012902-00013199 means protecting their achievements. JaNzB8DNye0-00042-00013199-00013502 We remember the expulsion of the Nazis, JaNzB8DNye0-00043-00013502-00013762 approaching the expulsion of the Rashists. JaNzB8DNye0-00044-00013762-00014475 Evil, which seemed to have been finally defeated JaNzB8DNye0-00045-00014475-00014762 and burned to the ground in 1945, JaNzB8DNye0-00046-00014762-00015001 is reborn from the ashes 80 years later. JaNzB8DNye0-00047-00015001-00015212 Gets on its feet. JaNzB8DNye0-00048-00015212-00015396 It becomes possible. JaNzB8DNye0-00049-00015396-00015606 How did it turn out? Imperceptibly. JaNzB8DNye0-00050-00015606-00015721 And very quickly. JaNzB8DNye0-00051-00015721-00015948 Just as one day changes another. JaNzB8DNye0-00052-00015948-00016046 Instantly. JaNzB8DNye0-00053-00016046-00016341 A new day and a new evil are coming instantly. JaNzB8DNye0-00054-00016341-00016668 At the very moment when the world does not notice. JaNzB8DNye0-00055-00016668-00016936 Some are sleepy, some are fast asleep. JaNzB8DNye0-00056-00016936-00017132 Some are not paying attention. JaNzB8DNye0-00057-00017132-00017335 Some do not care. JaNzB8DNye0-00058-00017335-00017530 And in general, everyone is silent JaNzB8DNye0-00059-00017530-00017933 and thinks the same: I will not be affected. JaNzB8DNye0-00060-00017933-00018093 The war is somewhere far away. JaNzB8DNye0-00061-00018093-00018300 Somewhere in Transnistria. JaNzB8DNye0-00062-00018300-00018462 This is the problem of Moldovans. JaNzB8DNye0-00063-00018462-00018695 Somewhere in Abkhazia and Ossetia. JaNzB8DNye0-00064-00018695-00018839 This is the problem of Georgians. JaNzB8DNye0-00065-00018839-00019109 Somewhere in Crimea and Donbas. JaNzB8DNye0-00066-00019109-00019314 This is the problem of Ukrainians. JaNzB8DNye0-00067-00019314-00019502 We will not be affected. JaNzB8DNye0-00068-00019502-00019686 It will not cause damage to us. JaNzB8DNye0-00069-00019686-00019829 They will not come for us. JaNzB8DNye0-00070-00019829-00020255 Unfortunately, as a result, it becomes everyone's problem. JaNzB8DNye0-00071-00020255-00020572 Sooner or later, memories of a terrible war JaNzB8DNye0-00072-00020572-00020809 become a terrible reality. JaNzB8DNye0-00073-00020809-00021095 The neighbor becomes the aggressor. JaNzB8DNye0-00074-00021095-00021352 The aggressor becomes a terrorist. JaNzB8DNye0-00075-00021352-00021719 And Nazism becomes an example to follow. JaNzB8DNye0-00076-00021719-00022100 It may come in a new guise, with new slogans, JaNzB8DNye0-00077-00022100-00022311 but with the same goal. JaNzB8DNye0-00078-00022311-00022703 Unfortunately, it is not from books that we know about it. JaNzB8DNye0-00079-00022703-00023440 We know how evil can break into your house in the last century, JaNzB8DNye0-00080-00023440-00023727 eight years ago and eight months ago. JaNzB8DNye0-00081-00023727-00024120 Violate the western borders or come from the north, JaNzB8DNye0-00082-00024120-00024379 east and annexed Crimea. JaNzB8DNye0-00083-00024379-00024985 Attack peaceful cities with bombs or cruise missiles. JaNzB8DNye0-00084-00024985-00025506 Mine the Dnipro HPP or seize the Zaporizhzhia NPP. JaNzB8DNye0-00085-00025506-00026103 Drop bombs despite the red cross or the "Children" inscription. JaNzB8DNye0-00086-00026103-00026675 Steal grain according to the "Hunger Plan" or threaten JaNzB8DNye0-00087-00026675-00026966 the entire planet with hunger. JaNzB8DNye0-00088-00026966-00027499 Abduct and deport people. Abduct and deport children. JaNzB8DNye0-00089-00027499-00027755 The form of evil has changed, but the essence JaNzB8DNye0-00090-00027755-00027940 has remained unchanged. JaNzB8DNye0-00091-00027940-00028252 Evil always begins in the same way. JaNzB8DNye0-00092-00028252-00028634 The invaders call themselves liberators. JaNzB8DNye0-00093-00028634-00028906 The invasion of one's army is called self-defense. JaNzB8DNye0-00094-00028906-00029379 As 80 years ago, the Ukrainian people stand up JaNzB8DNye0-00095-00029379-00029644 for the defense of their native land. JaNzB8DNye0-00096-00029644-00029988 And the enemy's blitzkrieg plan becomes a failure. JaNzB8DNye0-00097-00029988-00030164 Evil always acts in the same way. JaNzB8DNye0-00098-00030164-00030823 Kills civilians, assuring that it hits military targets only. JaNzB8DNye0-00099-00030823-00031122 Arranges blockades and filtration camps. JaNzB8DNye0-00100-00031122-00031427 And Syrets becomes Olenivka. JaNzB8DNye0-00101-00031427-00031612 Destroys cities and villages. JaNzB8DNye0-00102-00031612-00031938 And Koryukivka becomes Bucha. JaNzB8DNye0-00103-00031938-00032321 But sooner or later war crimes become known. JaNzB8DNye0-00104-00032321-00032589 The reaction of the world becomes painful. JaNzB8DNye0-00105-00032589-00032987 The policy of appeasement becomes a tough countermeasure. JaNzB8DNye0-00106-00032987-00033287 The evil finds itself in a zugzwang. JaNzB8DNye0-00107-00033287-00033586 So evil always ends the same way. JaNzB8DNye0-00108-00033586-00033929 The occupier becomes a capitulator. JaNzB8DNye0-00109-00033929-00034160 The invader becomes a fugitive. JaNzB8DNye0-00110-00034160-00034434 War criminals become defendants, JaNzB8DNye0-00111-00034434-00034646 aggression becomes a sentence. JaNzB8DNye0-00112-00034646-00034931 Destruction becomes reparations. JaNzB8DNye0-00113-00034931-00035249 Enemy equipment becomes museum exhibits. JaNzB8DNye0-00114-00035249-00035763 The feats of grandfathers become the victories of grandchildren. JaNzB8DNye0-00115-00035763-00036109 The day of the liberation of Ukraine from the Nazis JaNzB8DNye0-00116-00036109-00036476 on the 247th day of our struggle becomes a symbol: JaNzB8DNye0-00117-00036476-00036714 the result of our struggle definitely becomes JaNzB8DNye0-00118-00036714-00037061 the liberation of our Ukraine. JaNzB8DNye0-00119-00037061-00037319 The captured territory becomes free. JaNzB8DNye0-00120-00037319-00037551 This has always been the case in the past, JaNzB8DNye0-00121-00037551-00037820 and will certainly be the case in the future. JaNzB8DNye0-00122-00037820-00038261 In the future of Kherson, Donbas, Luhansk, Crimea. JaNzB8DNye0-00123-00038261-00038548 Because our land always becomes free. JaNzB8DNye0-00124-00038548-00038769 Resistance becomes pride. JaNzB8DNye0-00125-00038769-00038954 Struggle becomes victory. JaNzB8DNye0-00126-00038954-00039329 And Ukraine becomes united! JaNzB8DNye0-00127-00039329-00039891 Today, Russia's only tactic has become terror. JaNzB8DNye0-00128-00039891-00040366 Defeat is the only possible outcome of such tactics. JaNzB8DNye0-00129-00040366-00040653 Terror became a proof of their weakness JaNzB8DNye0-00130-00040653-00040951 and a test of our resilience. JaNzB8DNye0-00131-00040951-00041148 We will not be broken by shelling. JaNzB8DNye0-00132-00041148-00041443 The enemy's rockets in our sky are less scarier JaNzB8DNye0-00133-00041443-00041814 than hearing the enemy's anthem on our land. JaNzB8DNye0-00134-00041814-00042098 We are not afraid of the dark. JaNzB8DNye0-00135-00042098-00042382 The darkest times for us are not without light, JaNzB8DNye0-00136-00042382-00042531 but without freedom. JaNzB8DNye0-00137-00042531-00042962 Our warriors are strong, volunteers are tireless, JaNzB8DNye0-00138-00042962-00043274 partners are reliable, and people are indomitable. JaNzB8DNye0-00139-00043274-00043568 The second army of the world will become smaller and smaller. JaNzB8DNye0-00140-00043568-00043879 The losses of the enemy will become bigger and bigger. JaNzB8DNye0-00141-00043879-00044246 I am confident that enemy propaganda does not work, JaNzB8DNye0-00142-00044246-00044665 provocations do not work, threats do not scare. JaNzB8DNye0-00143-00044665-00045042 Any hard winter will not scare us as well. JaNzB8DNye0-00144-00045042-00045450 We know that the darkest night comes before dawn. JaNzB8DNye0-00145-00045450-00045969 We know that all invaders flee our land in the same way. JaNzB8DNye0-00146-00045969-00046654 Gauleiters and self-appointed "governors" end up the same. JaNzB8DNye0-00147-00046654-00047249 Reichskommissariats and quasi-republics die equally. JaNzB8DNye0-00148-00047249-00047732 And all our cities will definitely have our flags. JaNzB8DNye0-00149-00047732-00048227 Both Junkers and kamikaze drones fall equally. JaNzB8DNye0-00150-00048227-00048599 And in our sky there will definitely be our birds, JaNzB8DNye0-00151-00048599-00048929 our blue sky, our "Mriya"! JaNzB8DNye0-00152-00048929-00049505 Glory to all who fought against Nazism during World War II! JaNzB8DNye0-00153-00049505-00049878 Glory to all who are fighting for Ukraine today! JaNzB8DNye0-00154-00049878-00050255 Glory to our people who will go down in history! JaNzB8DNye0-00155-00050255-00051055 Glory to Ukraine! JbWxaO7Suzy-00000-00000940-00001684 On August 10, 2020, Tern informed about the new GSD for the 2021 model year. JbWxaO7Suzy-00001-00001750-00002120 The innovative and versatile e-cargo bike got a reinforced frame JbWxaO7Suzy-00002-00002228-00002562 and can still lift a total weight of up to 200 kg. JbWxaO7Suzy-00003-00002772-00003164 At the front there is now a suspension fork for more comfort and driving safety. JbWxaO7Suzy-00004-00003446-00003824 A new, extra wide and stable center stand ensures easy loading and, JbWxaO7Suzy-00005-00003846-00004424 above all, more safety when young passengers get on and off. JbWxaO7Suzy-00006-00004462-00004754 Finally, two child seats can even be mounted on the bike. JbWxaO7Suzy-00007-00004848-00005452 All GSD versions are now equipped with the powerful Bosch Cargo Line Gen 4 motor, JbWxaO7Suzy-00008-00005500-00005836 which develops up to 85 Newton meters of torque. JbWxaO7Suzy-00009-00005888-00006481 The new Tern RearStop brake light system is also on board with all GSD versions. JbWxaO7Suzy-00010-00006506-00006823 It works independently of the normal lighting. JbWxaO7Suzy-00011-00006868-00007220 In the GSD top model there is also the new Ignis headlight JbWxaO7Suzy-00012-00007248-00007622 with 700 lumen light beam as well as high and low beam. JbWxaO7Suzy-00013-00007695-00008320 Full chain protection and rear wheel fairing are also new - so you are safe and clean on the road. JbWxaO7Suzy-00014-00008372-00008698 In addition, frame-mounted running boards are integrated at the rear for better comfort. JbWxaO7Suzy-00015-00008740-00009268 The Abus bicycle lock was attached very practically behind the new front suspension fork. JbWxaO7Suzy-00016-00009414-00009840 Incidentally, the practical option of standing the bike upright has remained - JbWxaO7Suzy-00017-00009864-00010094 ideal if you don't have a lot of space. JbWxaO7Suzy-00018-00010282-00010740 The GSD can be upgraded with a large number of useful accessories - JbWxaO7Suzy-00019-00010764-00011064 the suitability for everyday use can be greatly increased here. JbWxaO7Suzy-00020-00011176-00011854 Three versions of the GSD, which stands for GetStuffDone, are in the new program: JbWxaO7Suzy-00021-00011926-00012930 the GSD S10 with 10-speed Shimano Deore Shadow + derailleur and 500 Wh battery, from 4699 euros. JbWxaO7Suzy-00022-00013013-00013563 The GSD S00 with stepless Enviolo SP hub gear and Gates carbon belt JbWxaO7Suzy-00023-00013596-00014102 as well as a 500 watt-hour battery for 5499 euros JbWxaO7Suzy-00024-00014168-00014826 as well as the new premium top model GSD R14 with Rohloff Speedhub E-Shift gear hub JbWxaO7Suzy-00025-00014878-00015582 and Gates carbon belt and Bosch dualbattery 1000 for 8,299 euros. JbWxaO7Suzy-00026-00015616-00016094 According to Tern, the new GSD models should be available JbWxaO7Suzy-00027-00016113-00016438 from specialist retailers in the 4th quarter of 2020 this year. Jc5HD-GPNK8-00000-00000080-00000768 In most schools and undergraduate economics classes only one type of economics is taught Jc5HD-GPNK8-00001-00000832-00001008 neoclassical economics. Jc5HD-GPNK8-00002-00001072-00001376 Superficially this seems to make sense. Jc5HD-GPNK8-00003-00001376-00001616 Neoclassical economics has dominated Jc5HD-GPNK8-00004-00001616-00001960 academic research and top journals in the field for decades. Jc5HD-GPNK8-00005-00002023-00002520 However, it rests on shaky and unrealistic theoretical foundations Jc5HD-GPNK8-00006-00002520-00002824 and is very limiting in what can be studied and how. Jc5HD-GPNK8-00007-00002880-00003464 It focuses on deriving economic behavior based on a rational individual with no Jc5HD-GPNK8-00008-00003464-00004015 historical or social context and it focuses on markets almost exclusively Jc5HD-GPNK8-00009-00004015-00004584 ignoring non-market institutions including capitalist firms, treating them as if they Jc5HD-GPNK8-00010-00004584-00005088 were markets or just saying that they can be explained by a lack of complete markets. Jc5HD-GPNK8-00011-00005152-00005448 Many alternative schools of economic thought exist Jc5HD-GPNK8-00012-00005544-00006272 Marxist,, post-Keynesian, Feminist, Complexity and Ecological economics to name just a few. Jc5HD-GPNK8-00013-00006360-00006752 These have their own strong theoretical foundations, unique Jc5HD-GPNK8-00014-00006752-00007440 insights, and empirical work to back them up. H owever due to their marginalization within Jc5HD-GPNK8-00015-00007440-00007992 the field very few learning materials have been developed for them below a postgraduate level. Jc5HD-GPNK8-00016-00008048-00008608 Although there are some such as rethinking economics's introduction to pluralist economics Jc5HD-GPNK8-00017-00008728-00009152 blob metropolis is aimed at providing a simple explanation Jc5HD-GPNK8-00018-00009152-00009544 of many of the core concepts of these heterodox schools of economic thought, Jc5HD-GPNK8-00019-00009600-00009856 taking on the same role as a textbook, Jc5HD-GPNK8-00020-00009856-00010336 so that students can first get a grasp of the main themes of a school of thought Jc5HD-GPNK8-00021-00010336-00010680 before diving into academic journal articles, Jc5HD-GPNK8-00022-00010680-00011024 but it is also a tool for social justice activists Jc5HD-GPNK8-00023-00011024-00011480 who want to broaden their economic understanding in order to be more effective, Jc5HD-GPNK8-00024-00011480-00011848 and for students of mainstream economics who hesitate about Jc5HD-GPNK8-00025-00011848-00012096 fully embracing heterodox of schools of thought Jc5HD-GPNK8-00026-00012096-00012608 but are interested in hearing one or two of the main critiques of neoclassical economics Jc5HD-GPNK8-00027-00012608-00013232 subscribe to the blob metropolis youtube channel if that sounds like something you're interested in Jd2OzdaMABg-00000-00000072-00000680 i'm going to be reducing the amount of posts that i can scroll down on the community tab from Jd2OzdaMABg-00001-00000680-00001392 no limit down to only five times. that's up to five posts, because while i was getting to the Jd2OzdaMABg-00002-00001392-00002080 screenshot which i really loved the most, well, it caused a problem just by pure chance or something, Jd2OzdaMABg-00003-00002144-00002664 and this is what is causing the limit to be implemented. for the real time, the limit Jd2OzdaMABg-00004-00002664-00003464 will be increased up to 20 times a day up to any level, unless it's above five letters. Jd2OzdaMABg-00005-00003600-00004496 and for the old ones, you can now visit comments up to 20 times a day as well. i only visit five times. JfplHGYqtS4-00000-00004235-00004821 Thanks to strict regulations and technology advancement all most every car now days gets JfplHGYqtS4-00001-00004821-00005433 a 5 star rating on crash tests, With car only losing points on pedestrian crash impact and JfplHGYqtS4-00002-00005433-00005567 on the technology part. JfplHGYqtS4-00003-00005567-00006298 But back in the days of beautiful chrome bumpers And slick pillars, Safety wasn’t that important, JfplHGYqtS4-00004-00006298-00006648 With only a few carmaker taking driver safety seriously. JfplHGYqtS4-00005-00006648-00007353 Most of the carmakers didn’t even talked about safety of their car Because they didn’t JfplHGYqtS4-00006-00007353-00007693 want to show how dangerous their automobiles were. JfplHGYqtS4-00007-00007693-00008442 But through the late 40s and until the early 60s, A number of engineers, designers and JfplHGYqtS4-00008-00008442-00009175 people with an interest decided to change this, But since the technology and the knowledge JfplHGYqtS4-00009-00009175-00009842 just wasn’t there most of the time these cars, Turned out weird and, With a design JfplHGYqtS4-00010-00009842-00010377 that only the mother could love, And with no real proof that their cars were better JfplHGYqtS4-00011-00010377-00010531 than the rest. JfplHGYqtS4-00012-00010531-00011237 Called the worlds safest and most revolutionary car The 1957 Aurora is without a doubt one JfplHGYqtS4-00013-00011237-00011543 of the weirdest and most ridiculous Cars ever. JfplHGYqtS4-00014-00011543-00012089 The Aurora was the brain child of Father Alfred A. Juliano. JfplHGYqtS4-00015-00012089-00012783 born December 19, 1919 in Philadelphia, Alfred showed from young age a great interesting JfplHGYqtS4-00016-00012783-00013294 design, spending most of his time drawing a sketching cars. JfplHGYqtS4-00017-00013294-00013758 But things would start to change on his teens When he decided to devote his life to religion, JfplHGYqtS4-00018-00013758-00014083 Entering the local youth church. JfplHGYqtS4-00019-00014083-00014751 Despite this Alfred continued to practice his passion for design, And one lucky day, JfplHGYqtS4-00020-00014751-00015511 He awarded a scholarship to study automotive design with the king of fins Harley Earl. JfplHGYqtS4-00021-00015511-00016118 But Jualiano decided to stay in the cemetery and tor the schoorlship apart. JfplHGYqtS4-00022-00016118-00016743 Despite this Alfred continued designeing, and he even started studying physics in the JfplHGYqtS4-00023-00016743-00017238 meantime, Showing a great interests on aerodynamics and car safety. JfplHGYqtS4-00024-00017238-00017841 And seeing all the cars on market and lack of safety, He set the goal to built the worlds JfplHGYqtS4-00025-00017841-00018738 safest car, The started by buying a 1953 Buick Roadmaster Out of which he only kept the chassis JfplHGYqtS4-00026-00018738-00019363 and the engine, Named Aurora the design of the car was just weird, Looked like something JfplHGYqtS4-00027-00019363-00019591 that would come out of a cartoon movie. JfplHGYqtS4-00028-00019591-00020169 There were a number of reasons that the car looked this way according to Alfred, Such JfplHGYqtS4-00029-00020169-00020564 as the aerodynamics, and the pedestrian safety. JfplHGYqtS4-00030-00020564-00021187 The body was made out of fiberglass, While the windows and the roof were made out of JfplHGYqtS4-00031-00021187-00021287 plastic. JfplHGYqtS4-00032-00021287-00021840 Since the technology wasn’t there at the time, There were something primitive solutions, JfplHGYqtS4-00033-00021840-00022375 Such as the windshield, which was designed in such way that the driver and the passengers JfplHGYqtS4-00034-00022375-00022703 would avoid impact in the case of an accident. JfplHGYqtS4-00035-00022703-00023650 A number of other features were the roll cage, the ability to swivel the front seats in an JfplHGYqtS4-00036-00023650-00024289 accident, reinforced doors with shockproof bars and a number of padded buttons on the JfplHGYqtS4-00037-00024289-00024844 instrument panel, Which in sort of way were the airbags of the time. JfplHGYqtS4-00038-00024844-00025548 The Aurora was supposed to have it big debut on November 11, 1957 in front of the New Yorker JfplHGYqtS4-00039-00025548-00025648 Hotel. JfplHGYqtS4-00040-00025648-00026123 The plan was to take a tour across the US after the initial presentation. JfplHGYqtS4-00041-00026123-00026864 But this never happened since the Aurora probably had the worst debut ever, The car broke down JfplHGYqtS4-00042-00026864-00027529 at least 15 times, before arriving at the New Yorker, Dallying this way the presentation. JfplHGYqtS4-00043-00027529-00028163 the journalist just weren’t happy with this, plus the design of the car disappointed them. JfplHGYqtS4-00044-00028163-00028872 All the hopes of Alfred To find buys and potential investors did of immediately, Many questions JfplHGYqtS4-00045-00028872-00029545 were raised about the money behind the finances behind the Aurora, Alfred was investigated JfplHGYqtS4-00046-00029545-00030213 by the church and the IRS, But the guy had done nothing wrong , But Alfred had accumulated JfplHGYqtS4-00047-00030213-00031011 a ton of personal debt, And one year later he had to declare bankruptcy. JfplHGYqtS4-00048-00031011-00031617 He lost the car since he had left it as collateral for unpaid repair bills. JfplHGYqtS4-00049-00031617-00032027 Sadly the car was left abandoned for a many of years. JfplHGYqtS4-00050-00032027-00032643 Thankfully the car was bought and restored on its original condition by Andy Saunders JfplHGYqtS4-00051-00032643-00033065 a British car collector and tuner. JfplHGYqtS4-00052-00033065-00035135 Father Alfred died in 1989 in poverty and oblivion. JfplHGYqtS4-00053-00035135-00035438 So guys thank you for watching and see you next time. JfEfrGBlSNY-00000-00000689-00000931 Male Speaker 1: My name is David H. Armstrong. JfEfrGBlSNY-00001-00000931-00001285 I started on 5-5-53. JfEfrGBlSNY-00002-00001285-00001744 That was when I was hired. JfEfrGBlSNY-00003-00001744-00001844 What else was it? JfEfrGBlSNY-00004-00001844-00001944 Anything else? JfEfrGBlSNY-00005-00001944-00002202 Male Speaker 2: What job assignments do you have? JfEfrGBlSNY-00006-00002202-00002302 Male Speaker 1: Okay. JfEfrGBlSNY-00007-00002302-00002442 Well, one of the first ones. JfEfrGBlSNY-00008-00002442-00003140 I worked at 53 building and I was working on a TPS-10D radar. JfEfrGBlSNY-00009-00003140-00003373 It was my first job. JfEfrGBlSNY-00010-00003373-00004700 I worked on a standing wave ratio thing in electro what was the other thing? JfEfrGBlSNY-00011-00004700-00005382 The magnetron oscillator, which went with the radar. JfEfrGBlSNY-00012-00005382-00005785 I was only there about a year and then I went into Camden. JfEfrGBlSNY-00013-00005785-00006155 In Camden, I think my first job was ARC 34. JfEfrGBlSNY-00014-00006155-00006598 I work there in ARC 34 radio for a jet airplane. JfEfrGBlSNY-00015-00006598-00006870 That was the next job I worked on. JfEfrGBlSNY-00016-00006870-00007189 Male Speaker 2: Where was 53 building? JfEfrGBlSNY-00017-00007189-00007577 Male Speaker 1: East Camden. JfEfrGBlSNY-00018-00007577-00008028 It was a nice place back then in East Camden, very nice. JfEfrGBlSNY-00019-00008028-00008574 We had a little restaurant across the street from the building and it was pretty nice, JfEfrGBlSNY-00020-00008574-00008854 no air-conditioning though. JfEfrGBlSNY-00021-00008854-00009279 Anyway, the next place I worked with car phones. JfEfrGBlSNY-00022-00009279-00009693 I spent a good, maybe three, close to three, four years on that job. JfEfrGBlSNY-00023-00009693-00009943 Then I ended up in customer tuning. JfEfrGBlSNY-00024-00009943-00010846 We were producing car phones for radios for police, cabs, things like that, and two-way JfEfrGBlSNY-00025-00010846-00010963 radios for them. JfEfrGBlSNY-00026-00010963-00011089 Male Speaker 2: Okay. JfEfrGBlSNY-00027-00011089-00011552 You said car phones, are you talking about the police two-way radio? JfEfrGBlSNY-00028-00011552-00011797 Male Speaker 1: Yeah, that's exactly right. JfEfrGBlSNY-00029-00011797-00011988 That was a car phone job. JfEfrGBlSNY-00030-00011988-00012268 They had Male Speaker 2: What did you do on those projects? JfEfrGBlSNY-00031-00012268-00012982 Male Speaker 1: Well, I worked on individual receivers and tested them, troubleshoot, fix JfEfrGBlSNY-00032-00012982-00013413 them if there was something wrong... when it comes off the line it was always something JfEfrGBlSNY-00033-00013413-00013513 wrong. JfEfrGBlSNY-00034-00013513-00013613 Right? JfEfrGBlSNY-00035-00013613-00013740 So, I had to get them fixed and all. JfEfrGBlSNY-00036-00013740-00014479 Anyway we did that and as time went own, I got into final test. JfEfrGBlSNY-00037-00014479-00014597 I did the final test. JfEfrGBlSNY-00038-00014597-00015237 There was three receivers, a 50 megahertz, a 150 and a 450. JfEfrGBlSNY-00039-00015237-00015991 And I would set the oscillator for the... tune it for the customer frequency in the JfEfrGBlSNY-00040-00015991-00016091 end. JfEfrGBlSNY-00041-00016091-00016472 So that was the end job, the whole thing. JfEfrGBlSNY-00042-00016472-00016883 Male Speaker 2: What occupation did they hire you for? JfEfrGBlSNY-00043-00016883-00017579 Male Speaker 1: Actually in 53 building was a class B tester. JfEfrGBlSNY-00044-00017579-00017856 That was an entry tester. JfEfrGBlSNY-00045-00017856-00018983 Then when I got to Camden on the ARC 34 I was hired as a JfEfrGBlSNY-00046-00018983-00019140 Class A Tester. JfEfrGBlSNY-00047-00019140-00019976 In the car phones, I was still a Class A Tester and we finished that up. JfEfrGBlSNY-00048-00019976-00020939 In 59, I left car phones and I was hired for 501 computer. JfEfrGBlSNY-00049-00020939-00021418 That's when I made X-Tester in 1959. JfEfrGBlSNY-00050-00021418-00021854 Then after that let's see, what were the next jobs? JfEfrGBlSNY-00051-00021854-00022264 I had a couple jobs in between that weren't too long lived. JfEfrGBlSNY-00052-00022264-00022554 The COMLOG NET and AUTODIN. JfEfrGBlSNY-00053-00022554-00022922 That was 17-4 or 5. JfEfrGBlSNY-00054-00022922-00023206 It's a building. JfEfrGBlSNY-00055-00023206-00023668 There was another I'm trying to think. JfEfrGBlSNY-00056-00023668-00023789 After that, let's see. JfEfrGBlSNY-00057-00023789-00024578 That was in the early 60s, 50s, 60s. JfEfrGBlSNY-00058-00024578-00025151 Oh yeah, then I got hired on the Spectra 70 job. JfEfrGBlSNY-00059-00025151-00025327 That was one of the best jobs I ever worked. JfEfrGBlSNY-00060-00025327-00025427 I love that job. JfEfrGBlSNY-00061-00025427-00025598 That was a real good job. JfEfrGBlSNY-00062-00025598-00026358 I worked on four computers, 70-15, the 70-25, 70-45 and the 70-55. JfEfrGBlSNY-00063-00026358-00026776 That was the biggest and that's when I worked on, the 55. JfEfrGBlSNY-00064-00026776-00027030 Male Speaker 2: What was so good about that job? JfEfrGBlSNY-00065-00027030-00027183 Male Speaker 1: Troubleshooting. JfEfrGBlSNY-00066-00027183-00027430 I love to troubleshoot. JfEfrGBlSNY-00067-00027430-00027751 That was the best thing about the job, the whole job. JfEfrGBlSNY-00068-00027751-00027872 Troubleshooting. JfEfrGBlSNY-00069-00027872-00028133 That backplanes with wires and print circuits. JfEfrGBlSNY-00070-00028133-00028595 That was a huge machine, the big rack, huge rack. JfEfrGBlSNY-00071-00028595-00028720 I loved that job. JfEfrGBlSNY-00072-00028720-00029111 It was a good job and we became quite good at it. JfEfrGBlSNY-00073-00029111-00029211 Yeah. JfEfrGBlSNY-00074-00029211-00029627 Male Speaker 2: Talk to me about your co-workers for a little bit. JfEfrGBlSNY-00075-00029627-00029841 What was it like? JfEfrGBlSNY-00076-00029841-00030435 Male Speaker 1: Well, when I first started, a lot of World War II vets and I really liked JfEfrGBlSNY-00077-00030435-00030535 working with them guys. JfEfrGBlSNY-00078-00030535-00030818 They're a really great group of people. JfEfrGBlSNY-00079-00030818-00030977 I was a new kid on the block, of course. JfEfrGBlSNY-00080-00030977-00031464 I was just out of high school when I first started and all. JfEfrGBlSNY-00081-00031464-00031700 There were a lot of nice people. JfEfrGBlSNY-00082-00031700-00031911 I like the people. JfEfrGBlSNY-00083-00031911-00032142 People were important. JfEfrGBlSNY-00084-00032142-00032604 There's even the supervisors, and the ones I had were real good. JfEfrGBlSNY-00085-00032604-00032763 They were very nice people. JfEfrGBlSNY-00086-00032763-00032863 Yeah. JfEfrGBlSNY-00087-00032863-00033261 Male Speaker 2: When you first started, did you have a mentor or something like that to JfEfrGBlSNY-00088-00033261-00033426 help you out, to get you going? JfEfrGBlSNY-00089-00033426-00033554 Male Speaker 1: Well, they always. JfEfrGBlSNY-00090-00033554-00033999 When you're the new guy on the job, they always give you some break you in with a... they JfEfrGBlSNY-00091-00033999-00034487 give you another good tester or something to break you in on it. JfEfrGBlSNY-00092-00034487-00034851 There were always different ones. JfEfrGBlSNY-00093-00034851-00035364 You had to have someone show you the ropes and then you continue with the job and then JfEfrGBlSNY-00094-00035364-00035594 you use on the job training. JfEfrGBlSNY-00095-00035594-00035742 After that you teach yourself. JfEfrGBlSNY-00096-00035742-00036023 That's just what we did. JfEfrGBlSNY-00097-00036023-00036123 Yeah. JfEfrGBlSNY-00098-00036123-00036223 Anything else? JfEfrGBlSNY-00099-00036223-00036524 Male Speaker 2: No, that's good. JfEfrGBlSNY-00100-00036524-00037226 Male Speaker 1: Well, after Spectra 70, like I said that's the job that looked really great JfEfrGBlSNY-00101-00037226-00037434 and I looked like it was going places. JfEfrGBlSNY-00102-00037434-00038023 They were going to send us, me and a few other guys to Florida with Tom McIntyre, he was JfEfrGBlSNY-00103-00038023-00038231 the manager. JfEfrGBlSNY-00104-00038231-00038396 Then it fell through. JfEfrGBlSNY-00105-00038396-00038727 They went out of business, computer business. JfEfrGBlSNY-00106-00038727-00038931 When I come back, I was laid off a little while. JfEfrGBlSNY-00107-00038931-00040056 When I came back, I went on to the IVCS job, Interior Voice Communication System. JfEfrGBlSNY-00108-00040056-00040470 I worked on that, which just Clem Facchini . Do you remember Glen Facchini? JfEfrGBlSNY-00109-00040470-00040570 No? JfEfrGBlSNY-00110-00040570-00040676 Anyway, he worked there. JfEfrGBlSNY-00111-00040676-00040814 He was my supervisor. JfEfrGBlSNY-00112-00040814-00041358 He was a great guy. JfEfrGBlSNY-00113-00041358-00041968 He was a World War II vet. JfEfrGBlSNY-00114-00041968-00042234 He flew B17s over Berlin, 25 missions. JfEfrGBlSNY-00115-00042234-00042640 Then after the war he flew the Berlin Airlift. JfEfrGBlSNY-00116-00042640-00042952 I liked him a lot. JfEfrGBlSNY-00117-00042952-00043338 After that job what did I go in there? JfEfrGBlSNY-00118-00043338-00043806 That was in the early 80s. JfEfrGBlSNY-00119-00043806-00044476 Then after the 80s I'm trying to think. JfEfrGBlSNY-00120-00044476-00044762 Oh, I went to 17 building. JfEfrGBlSNY-00121-00044762-00045258 That's when I got hired in COMSEC and that's when I worked with Joe Christopher and Sam JfEfrGBlSNY-00122-00045258-00045763 Mortorano That was an NSA job. JfEfrGBlSNY-00123-00045763-00046271 They're all communications, encryption devices and things like that. JfEfrGBlSNY-00124-00046271-00046781 I worked through there for about four years or so. JfEfrGBlSNY-00125-00046781-00047307 Then we had another job came in, a space shuttle job. JfEfrGBlSNY-00126-00047307-00047881 Remember the backpack radios and the orbiter radio? JfEfrGBlSNY-00127-00047881-00048252 Well, I worked on both of them and I worked with John Sheldahl. JfEfrGBlSNY-00128-00048252-00048515 I did final test on both of those items. JfEfrGBlSNY-00129-00048515-00048870 The final test on the orbiter. JfEfrGBlSNY-00130-00048870-00049575 In fact, that's the first time I got back to transceivers since car phones. JfEfrGBlSNY-00131-00049575-00050246 Car phones and on this, the space shuttle job. JfEfrGBlSNY-00132-00050246-00050543 John Sheldahl is an old friend. JfEfrGBlSNY-00133-00050543-00050908 We made friends there and we're friends till this day, John Sheldahl. JfEfrGBlSNY-00134-00050908-00051384 He was a lead engineer on the job. JfEfrGBlSNY-00135-00051384-00051908 Anyway, I knew all them guys. JfEfrGBlSNY-00136-00051908-00052314 After that, let's see, where did I go from there? JfEfrGBlSNY-00137-00052314-00052439 I'm trying to remember. JfEfrGBlSNY-00138-00052439-00052862 I seem to remember 40 years ago better than just more recently. JfEfrGBlSNY-00139-00052862-00053178 Yeah, where did I go from there? JfEfrGBlSNY-00140-00053178-00053516 I was from there to there. JfEfrGBlSNY-00141-00053516-00053855 Oh, Irish Square. JfEfrGBlSNY-00142-00053855-00054255 I was on there for quite a while, yeah, in 3 building. JfEfrGBlSNY-00143-00054255-00055172 We had rack area where I'd perform test on racks, pre-ATP, ATP and final ATP. JfEfrGBlSNY-00144-00055172-00055459 There are three tests to make sure everything is right. JfEfrGBlSNY-00145-00055459-00056032 Then they integrated all their racks into the rack room where the engineers did the JfEfrGBlSNY-00146-00056032-00056204 final test. JfEfrGBlSNY-00147-00056204-00056521 That was IR-Square. JfEfrGBlSNY-00148-00056521-00056621 That was a good job. JfEfrGBlSNY-00149-00056621-00057041 That took me up to almost the time I retired. JfEfrGBlSNY-00150-00057041-00057374 I went into the new building after that. JfEfrGBlSNY-00151-00057374-00057687 IR-Square, that was the end of that job. JfEfrGBlSNY-00152-00057687-00057977 It wasn't really the end. JfEfrGBlSNY-00153-00057977-00058561 The one thing I want to mention about the radios, the space shuttle radios. JfEfrGBlSNY-00154-00058561-00058847 I was talking John Sheldahl about them. JfEfrGBlSNY-00155-00058847-00059141 He said, We never had a failure in 30 years. JfEfrGBlSNY-00156-00059141-00059415 That's how good they were done. JfEfrGBlSNY-00157-00059415-00059690 Never had a failure in 30 years. JfEfrGBlSNY-00158-00059690-00059951 I was glad to hear that. JfEfrGBlSNY-00159-00059951-00060051 Yeah. JfEfrGBlSNY-00160-00060051-00060328 My work was done well, then on them jobs. JfEfrGBlSNY-00161-00060328-00060571 Male Speaker 2: You have some pride in your work. JfEfrGBlSNY-00162-00060571-00060748 What about the work environment? JfEfrGBlSNY-00163-00060748-00060848 Male Speaker 1: Oh, they're fine. JfEfrGBlSNY-00164-00060848-00060948 Yeah, that was fine. JfEfrGBlSNY-00165-00060948-00061399 I mean it was a family sort of thing. JfEfrGBlSNY-00166-00061399-00061499 We had loyalty. JfEfrGBlSNY-00167-00061499-00061771 I had loyalty to the company and they had loyalty to me. JfEfrGBlSNY-00168-00061771-00061991 We were loyal to each other and everything. JfEfrGBlSNY-00169-00061991-00062315 Male Speaker 2: We hear a lot about the RCA family. JfEfrGBlSNY-00170-00062315-00062571 What does it mean to you? JfEfrGBlSNY-00171-00062571-00063516 Male Speaker 1: Well, you sometimes think it means that your family is there because JfEfrGBlSNY-00172-00063516-00063686 you have other family members working there. JfEfrGBlSNY-00173-00063686-00063839 But it's not just that. JfEfrGBlSNY-00174-00063839-00064502 It's a family because people care about you. JfEfrGBlSNY-00175-00064502-00064839 They care about you and you care about your work. JfEfrGBlSNY-00176-00064839-00065005 I mean I took pride in my work. JfEfrGBlSNY-00177-00065005-00065146 I really did. JfEfrGBlSNY-00178-00065146-00065595 I found out the best thing to do is keep busy as much as you can. JfEfrGBlSNY-00179-00065595-00065717 I always did. JfEfrGBlSNY-00180-00065717-00066182 I'd like keep busy and do my work and that's what it meant to me. JfEfrGBlSNY-00181-00066182-00066455 Male Speaker 2: You had family working in RCA also? JfEfrGBlSNY-00182-00066455-00066665 Male Speaker 1: My brother, George. JfEfrGBlSNY-00183-00066665-00066769 That's the only one. JfEfrGBlSNY-00184-00066769-00066869 Yeah. JfEfrGBlSNY-00185-00066869-00066970 George Armstrong. JfEfrGBlSNY-00186-00066970-00067070 Yeah. JfEfrGBlSNY-00187-00067070-00067535 Male Speaker 2: What about outside of work? JfEfrGBlSNY-00188-00067535-00068061 Male Speaker 2: We had our work day. JfEfrGBlSNY-00189-00068061-00068486 Did you ever associate with any of your co-workers outside of work? JfEfrGBlSNY-00190-00068486-00069178 Male Speaker 1: Mostly with the RCA tennis ladder. JfEfrGBlSNY-00191-00069178-00069556 I belonged to the tennis ladder with my brother, George. JfEfrGBlSNY-00192-00069556-00069919 Don Parker was in it. JfEfrGBlSNY-00193-00069919-00070336 Carl Smith and another fellow, I think you know him. JfEfrGBlSNY-00194-00070336-00070725 There were some other people. JfEfrGBlSNY-00195-00070725-00070947 I can't think of their names offhand now. JfEfrGBlSNY-00196-00070947-00071281 There were quite a few people in the ladder. JfEfrGBlSNY-00197-00071281-00071441 We associated that way. JfEfrGBlSNY-00198-00071441-00071821 I mean outside of work. JfEfrGBlSNY-00199-00071821-00072250 Not so much with anybody else, no. JfEfrGBlSNY-00200-00072250-00072646 We just went to work and came home again. JfEfrGBlSNY-00201-00072646-00072746 That's it. JfEfrGBlSNY-00202-00072746-00073187 Male Speaker 2: People have talked about the Christmas parties too. JfEfrGBlSNY-00203-00073187-00073451 Did you ever go to any of those? JfEfrGBlSNY-00204-00073451-00074058 Male Speaker 1: No, I heard about them, especially when I first started RCA. JfEfrGBlSNY-00205-00074058-00074392 They've had some wild parties there. JfEfrGBlSNY-00206-00074392-00074757 No, I never went to the Christmas party. JfEfrGBlSNY-00207-00074757-00075279 I just went home, that's it. JfEfrGBlSNY-00208-00075279-00075379 I was a good boy. JfEfrGBlSNY-00209-00075379-00075628 I got married at 21. JfEfrGBlSNY-00210-00075628-00075942 I decided to behave myself. JfEfrGBlSNY-00211-00075942-00076531 Male Speaker 2: You mentioned John Sheldahl as a friend outside of work? JfEfrGBlSNY-00212-00076531-00076663 Male Speaker 1: Yes. JfEfrGBlSNY-00213-00076663-00076763 Absolutely. JfEfrGBlSNY-00214-00076763-00076863 Male Speaker 2: Anyone else? JfEfrGBlSNY-00215-00076863-00077090 Male Speaker 1: Well, Don Parker, actually. JfEfrGBlSNY-00216-00077090-00077326 We played tennis even when we weren't on the ladder. JfEfrGBlSNY-00217-00077326-00077783 I used to play doubles with him with some guy Borgezi? JfEfrGBlSNY-00218-00077783-00077936 He was an engineer. JfEfrGBlSNY-00219-00077936-00078240 Ah Steve, what was his name? JfEfrGBlSNY-00220-00078240-00078376 Bill Borgezi? JfEfrGBlSNY-00221-00078376-00078580 I'm not sure. JfEfrGBlSNY-00222-00078580-00078718 I know his last name. JfEfrGBlSNY-00223-00078718-00079237 It was Borgezi and there was a couple of other guys we played with. JfEfrGBlSNY-00224-00079237-00079884 My brother, George, played with him in doubles outside of work. JfEfrGBlSNY-00225-00079884-00080079 Yeah. JfEfrGBlSNY-00226-00080079-00080414 That's the only ones there I can think of right now. JfEfrGBlSNY-00227-00080414-00080565 Yeah. JfEfrGBlSNY-00228-00080565-00081191 Male Speaker 2: The environment of the workplace was more a caring environment. JfEfrGBlSNY-00229-00081191-00081339 Is that the way you would summarize it? JfEfrGBlSNY-00230-00081339-00081439 Male Speaker 1: Yeah. JfEfrGBlSNY-00231-00081439-00081574 I would say so. JfEfrGBlSNY-00232-00081574-00081674 Yeah. JfEfrGBlSNY-00233-00081674-00081856 Most of the time, yeah. JfEfrGBlSNY-00234-00081856-00082569 I always run into a couple that aren't so hot but that's the way it goes. JfEfrGBlSNY-00235-00082569-00082763 We don't have any problems. JfEfrGBlSNY-00236-00082763-00082979 We had guys in 53 building. JfEfrGBlSNY-00237-00082979-00083641 They came back from the war and they had some problems, some of them. JfEfrGBlSNY-00238-00083641-00084063 We had a guy, one guy in 53 building he used to box on weekends. JfEfrGBlSNY-00239-00084063-00084263 His name is Eddie Giosa. JfEfrGBlSNY-00240-00084263-00084866 He was a boxer from Philadelphia and he would box on a weekends and come in on Monday and JfEfrGBlSNY-00241-00084866-00085106 he's kind of beat up. JfEfrGBlSNY-00242-00085106-00085421 It was an interesting place to be. JfEfrGBlSNY-00243-00085421-00085597 There are so many interesting people. JfEfrGBlSNY-00244-00085597-00086013 In fact, I don't know if you have figures on this, but during the 60s I think there JfEfrGBlSNY-00245-00086013-00086355 was close to 20,000 people in the plant. JfEfrGBlSNY-00246-00086355-00086493 There was a lot of people. JfEfrGBlSNY-00247-00086493-00086593 I don't know. JfEfrGBlSNY-00248-00086593-00087038 Male Speaker 2: That brings me to another point. JfEfrGBlSNY-00249-00087038-00087507 Several people have mentioned about RCA changing South Jersey. JfEfrGBlSNY-00250-00087507-00087792 Do you have any thoughts on that? JfEfrGBlSNY-00251-00087792-00088133 Male Speaker 1: Changing South Jersey. JfEfrGBlSNY-00252-00088133-00088233 Yeah. JfEfrGBlSNY-00253-00088233-00088594 It provided employment for a lot of people. JfEfrGBlSNY-00254-00088594-00089363 Campbell Soup was across the street and they provided a lot of work for people and everybody JfEfrGBlSNY-00255-00089363-00089796 could buy homes on that and raise families. JfEfrGBlSNY-00256-00089796-00090097 Yeah, it was a great thing to have. JfEfrGBlSNY-00257-00090097-00090560 I mean I don't know where I would have worked if I hadn't worked at RCA. JfEfrGBlSNY-00258-00090560-00090702 I mean everybody work there. JfEfrGBlSNY-00259-00090702-00091048 I seems like everybody neighbors... JfEfrGBlSNY-00260-00091048-00091148 I moved... JfEfrGBlSNY-00261-00091148-00091600 my first home I moved into, there was a manager working there, Bill Lyons . His name is Bill JfEfrGBlSNY-00262-00091600-00091700 Lyons. JfEfrGBlSNY-00263-00091700-00091807 He worked with Tom McIntyre. JfEfrGBlSNY-00264-00091807-00091968 He lived next door to me. JfEfrGBlSNY-00265-00091968-00092309 That was my first house in West Mount. JfEfrGBlSNY-00266-00092309-00092861 My second house was in Audubon and I lived there for 35 years and paid that house off JfEfrGBlSNY-00267-00092861-00093362 and lived there for a while and then we moved to Virginia. JfEfrGBlSNY-00268-00093362-00093462 Yeah. JfEfrGBlSNY-00269-00093462-00093912 It was a big impact on South Jersey, both companies. JfEfrGBlSNY-00270-00093912-00094667 I can remember coming down Market Street during one of the day shifts in the 50s, there's JfEfrGBlSNY-00271-00094667-00095159 be tomato trucks in front of me, you know piled full with tomatoes and they'd be falling JfEfrGBlSNY-00272-00095159-00095259 off. JfEfrGBlSNY-00273-00095259-00095714 The kids would be running the street and grabbing the tomatoes. JfEfrGBlSNY-00274-00095714-00096249 Then we go to work and the windows would be open and you could smell the soup. JfEfrGBlSNY-00275-00096249-00096349 Pretty unique. JfEfrGBlSNY-00276-00096349-00096832 Male Speaker 2: In your assessment, what was the best thing about working at RCA? JfEfrGBlSNY-00277-00096832-00097043 Male Speaker 1: My assessment? JfEfrGBlSNY-00278-00097043-00097325 A job I liked, enjoyed. JfEfrGBlSNY-00279-00097325-00097480 And troubleshooting was the main thing. JfEfrGBlSNY-00280-00097480-00097580 I loved to troubleshoot. JfEfrGBlSNY-00281-00097580-00097976 Male Speaker 2: What was the worst thing about working at RCA? JfEfrGBlSNY-00282-00097976-00098352 Male Speaker 1: Well, when I first started it was a noisy, noisy place. JfEfrGBlSNY-00283-00098352-00098455 I'll tell you that. JfEfrGBlSNY-00284-00098455-00098637 There was noisy, crowded. JfEfrGBlSNY-00285-00098637-00099259 It was close quarters. JfEfrGBlSNY-00286-00099259-00099423 I didn't care for that too much. JfEfrGBlSNY-00287-00099423-00100008 Other than that, that's the worst those were the worst things, I guess. JfEfrGBlSNY-00288-00100008-00100526 The crowds and I'm not really used to that, being around a lot of people like that, but JfEfrGBlSNY-00289-00100526-00100983 I got used to it. JfEfrGBlSNY-00290-00100983-00101262 The people were the main thing about it. JfEfrGBlSNY-00291-00101262-00101513 I met a lot of great people there. JfEfrGBlSNY-00292-00101513-00101977 Male Speaker 2: How do you think the rest of the world viewed RCA? JfEfrGBlSNY-00293-00101977-00102402 Male Speaker 1: Well, they still talk about it today, RCA, RCA. JfEfrGBlSNY-00294-00102402-00102569 I talk to people. JfEfrGBlSNY-00295-00102569-00103259 They still think it's in existence. JfEfrGBlSNY-00296-00103259-00103554 They made their mark on the world, I'd tell you. JfEfrGBlSNY-00297-00103554-00103666 They made it. JfEfrGBlSNY-00298-00103666-00103766 Yeah. JfEfrGBlSNY-00299-00103766-00104336 Male Speaker 2: How would you sum up your career at RCA? JfEfrGBlSNY-00300-00104336-00104498 Male Speaker 1: Well, it was great. JfEfrGBlSNY-00301-00104498-00104598 Great career. JfEfrGBlSNY-00302-00104598-00104698 I enjoyed it. JfEfrGBlSNY-00303-00104698-00105574 Like I said, I raised my family with it and bought a house and paid it off and lived a JfEfrGBlSNY-00304-00105574-00105914 good middle class life on it. JfEfrGBlSNY-00305-00105914-00106235 That was about it. JfEfrGBlSNY-00306-00106235-00107110 Like I said, I went to work wanting to go to work, which a lot of people don't do today. JfEfrGBlSNY-00307-00107110-00107382 It was good. JfEfrGBlSNY-00308-00107382-00107524 It was a good place to work. JfEfrGBlSNY-00309-00107524-00108144 Male Speaker 2: Anything else you'd like to say about your career, RCA, or anything that JfEfrGBlSNY-00310-00108144-00108352 we haven't touched on yet? JfEfrGBlSNY-00311-00108352-00108867 Male Speaker 1: No, I think I touched on a lot of it. JfEfrGBlSNY-00312-00108867-00109061 Interesting projects. JfEfrGBlSNY-00313-00109061-00109975 Like I said, the IR-Square, the space shuttle, the radios, I worked on there with John Sheldahl. JfEfrGBlSNY-00314-00109975-00110424 What was the other one? JfEfrGBlSNY-00315-00110424-00110524 Car phones. JfEfrGBlSNY-00316-00110524-00110624 That was tubes. JfEfrGBlSNY-00317-00110624-00110724 Everything was tubes. JfEfrGBlSNY-00318-00110724-00111936 I sold a whole transition from tubes to transistors, to integrated circuits, to micro miniature. JfEfrGBlSNY-00319-00111936-00112190 The COMSEC job was a beautiful job. JfEfrGBlSNY-00320-00112190-00112290 I enjoyed that. JfEfrGBlSNY-00321-00112290-00112735 I work with a lot of engineers, lots of those jobs, I work with engineers even though I JfEfrGBlSNY-00322-00112735-00112953 was just a technician. JfEfrGBlSNY-00323-00112953-00113279 It was always interesting. JfEfrGBlSNY-00324-00113279-00113745 I think the COMSEC group there was one of the nicest groups I ever worked with. JfEfrGBlSNY-00325-00113745-00113949 Male Speaker 2: How did the engineers treat you? JfEfrGBlSNY-00326-00113949-00114057 Male Speaker 1: Good. JfEfrGBlSNY-00327-00114057-00114166 Yeah, they're all good. JfEfrGBlSNY-00328-00114166-00114310 Very nice. JfEfrGBlSNY-00329-00114310-00114568 They were very nice people, gentlemen. JfEfrGBlSNY-00330-00114568-00114717 They're very good. JfEfrGBlSNY-00331-00114717-00114809 Yeah. JlrEWr-lgOI-00000-00000004-00000400 Basically, we talked this week about how you're dealing. JlrEWr-lgOI-00001-00000400-00000869 You've been dealing with pain, because you're going for surgery. JlrEWr-lgOI-00002-00000869-00001522 Can the surgery, rather than it being a symbol of JlrEWr-lgOI-00003-00001522-00001957 fear of healing, be actually, part of the plan to go deeper? JlrEWr-lgOI-00004-00002012-00002308 Yeah, I remember many, many years ago.... JlrEWr-lgOI-00005-00002308-00002868 Probably over 20 years ago, I went to "A Course in Miracles" group, and JlrEWr-lgOI-00006-00002926-00003270 I was sitting in the group. It was a large group, and JlrEWr-lgOI-00007-00003270-00003460 the facilitator was like JlrEWr-lgOI-00008-00003470-00003697 saying, "Oh, David, I'm so glad you're here! JlrEWr-lgOI-00009-00003697-00003936 We'd love to hear from you, and JlrEWr-lgOI-00010-00003936-00004256 you know, I really want to turn the group over to you and everything." JlrEWr-lgOI-00011-00004256-00004514 And I'm in this Course group, and JlrEWr-lgOI-00012-00004514-00004804 I kept hearing from the Holy Spirit, "Wait!" JlrEWr-lgOI-00013-00004882-00005234 And, I'm like, okay, because they're all in the room. JlrEWr-lgOI-00014-00005246-00005506 The facilitator's saying, "Take it away," JlrEWr-lgOI-00015-00005506-00005778 and the Holy Spirit kept saying, "Wait!" JlrEWr-lgOI-00016-00005782-00006056 And I'm saying, "Thank you, everybody. JlrEWr-lgOI-00017-00006056-00006362 I'm glad to be here. I'm going to talk to you about a few things." JlrEWr-lgOI-00018-00006362-00006540 But the Spirit's like, "Wait, wait, wait!" JlrEWr-lgOI-00019-00006540-00006708 And I didn't know what the waiting was for. JlrEWr-lgOI-00020-00006723-00006988 I'm ready to go, and it's like, "Wait, wait, wait!" JlrEWr-lgOI-00021-00006988-00007331 Then the door opens, and a woman comes in, JlrEWr-lgOI-00022-00007331-00007590 and she's got tears in her eyes. JlrEWr-lgOI-00023-00007590-00007886 And this Course study group was JlrEWr-lgOI-00024-00007886-00008216 all about what was going to happen next with the woman who came in. JlrEWr-lgOI-00025-00008216-00008416 I was like, wait, wait. JlrEWr-lgOI-00026-00008424-00008748 And she had just come from the doctor, JlrEWr-lgOI-00027-00008754-00009140 and she'd just been diagnosed with a terminal illness. JlrEWr-lgOI-00028-00009140-00009330 She's coming to her Course group, JlrEWr-lgOI-00029-00009330-00009622 she's got tears in her eyes, and she walks in the door JlrEWr-lgOI-00030-00009638-00010026 I could feel the whole energy shift, and Jesus is like, JlrEWr-lgOI-00031-00010026-00010340 "Yeah, this is what it's for. This is what the whole meeting's for." JlrEWr-lgOI-00032-00010340-00010528 That's what the "wait, wait, wait" was for. JlrEWr-lgOI-00033-00010528-00010794 And then she spoke up, and she said, JlrEWr-lgOI-00034-00010810-00011146 "I'm a Course student. I've been reading the book, JlrEWr-lgOI-00035-00011146-00011410 and it's telling me all problems are in my mind. JlrEWr-lgOI-00036-00011410-00011596 And all problems are my thoughts and beliefs, JlrEWr-lgOI-00037-00011596-00011724 and I've just come from the doctor, JlrEWr-lgOI-00038-00011724-00012158 and he told me I've got so long to live, and I've got a terminal illness. JlrEWr-lgOI-00039-00012158-00012322 I can't go home. JlrEWr-lgOI-00040-00012322-00012698 I've been preaching to my kids, my husband: JlrEWr-lgOI-00041-00012698-00013062 'There is no such thing as external sickness; it's all in the mind.' JlrEWr-lgOI-00042-00013062-00013378 And I've just been diagnosed with a terminal illness. JlrEWr-lgOI-00043-00013378-00013513 I can't even go home! JlrEWr-lgOI-00044-00013513-00014084 I feel too ashamed to walk into my family's house, JlrEWr-lgOI-00045-00014084-00014486 because I feel like I'm such a terrible Course in Miracles student." JlrEWr-lgOI-00046-00014516-00014816 And she said, so the doctor said, JlrEWr-lgOI-00047-00014816-00015156 Well, here's what the doctor said: JlrEWr-lgOI-00048-00015156-00015368 That I'm going to have to go through treatments, JlrEWr-lgOI-00049-00015368-00015650 and I need to go into the hospital. JlrEWr-lgOI-00050-00015650-00015991 I need to schedule a time in the hospital for some surgery. JlrEWr-lgOI-00051-00015994-00016472 Everybody just sat in silence as this woman JlrEWr-lgOI-00052-00016472-00016698 came into this Course group, and poured it all out. JlrEWr-lgOI-00053-00016698-00016930 "Here's what's going on for me," she said. JlrEWr-lgOI-00054-00016930-00017300 And then, after she, for ten, fifteen minutes JlrEWr-lgOI-00055-00017300-00017616 poured it all out, and everybody was completely quiet, JlrEWr-lgOI-00056-00017672-00017904 she looked over at me, and she said, JlrEWr-lgOI-00057-00018000-00018252 "Aren't I just giving into the ego JlrEWr-lgOI-00058-00018290-00018470 to go in for this surgery JlrEWr-lgOI-00059-00018470-00018646 that this doctor told me about? JlrEWr-lgOI-00060-00018646-00018818 It goes against all the teachings, JlrEWr-lgOI-00061-00018818-00019050 and I've been talking about this stuff for years. JlrEWr-lgOI-00062-00019050-00019230 And I feel like a fool! JlrEWr-lgOI-00063-00019230-00019640 And I feel embarrassed to even face my husband and my children!" JlrEWr-lgOI-00064-00019640-00020168 And I said, "Yes, you are to go to that hospital appointment. JlrEWr-lgOI-00065-00020188-00020504 But you can't think of it as going in JlrEWr-lgOI-00066-00020504-00020914 for treatment or surgery for an external illness, JlrEWr-lgOI-00067-00020914-00021152 because there is no external illness." JlrEWr-lgOI-00068-00021160-00021376 You know, the mind was sick, JlrEWr-lgOI-00069-00021376-00021622 Jesus says, that thought the body could be sick. JlrEWr-lgOI-00070-00021622-00021816 That's His line in the Course: JlrEWr-lgOI-00071-00021816-00022130 "The mind was sick that thought the body could be sick." JlrEWr-lgOI-00072-00022130-00022268 It's all mental. JlrEWr-lgOI-00073-00022286-00022556 But I said, "But, when you go in there, JlrEWr-lgOI-00074-00022556-00022994 you are a light worker; you are the Holy Spirit's agent. JlrEWr-lgOI-00075-00023020-00023244 You are to go into that hospital, JlrEWr-lgOI-00076-00023244-00023538 and you are to bless all the doctors, JlrEWr-lgOI-00077-00023538-00023686 all the nurses! (Jason asks, "How is that possible?") JlrEWr-lgOI-00078-00023686-00024012 Jesus is just using this situation JlrEWr-lgOI-00079-00024012-00024270 of what you believe, JlrEWr-lgOI-00080-00024270-00024494 just to go in there and shine the light." JlrEWr-lgOI-00081-00024502-00024750 And I said, "You can't think of it JlrEWr-lgOI-00082-00024778-00025092 as you going in there as a victim, JlrEWr-lgOI-00083-00025092-00025250 as somebody who's done something wrong, JlrEWr-lgOI-00084-00025250-00025404 as somebody who doesn't get it, JlrEWr-lgOI-00085-00025404-00025642 because how are you going to be the joy of the world? JlrEWr-lgOI-00086-00025642-00025964 How are you going to be the light of the world, if you believe that? JlrEWr-lgOI-00087-00025982-00026377 So you go into that hospital, and you keep that appointment! JlrEWr-lgOI-00088-00026377-00026694 And you shine your light, JlrEWr-lgOI-00089-00026695-00027052 and you don't forget the reason that you're there! JlrEWr-lgOI-00090-00027052-00027208 Don't forget the purpose: JlrEWr-lgOI-00091-00027208-00027683 That you're there because Spirit is counting on you to be used JlrEWr-lgOI-00092-00027683-00028010 to allow your body to be used, to be spoken through, JlrEWr-lgOI-00093-00028012-00028177 to be smiled through. JlrEWr-lgOI-00094-00028177-00028452 Your holy encounters with the receptionists, JlrEWr-lgOI-00095-00028452-00028944 with everybody at that hospital, is part of the script. JlrEWr-lgOI-00096-00028944-00029152 And you're going to use it for that purpose." JlrEWr-lgOI-00097-00029152-00029472 It's almost like you've got a mission, and it's an adventure. JlrEWr-lgOI-00098-00029472-00029877 Like, "Okay, Holy Spirit, let's go to San Francisco, JlrEWr-lgOI-00099-00029877-00030248 and let's shine the light! Let's shine the light! JlrEWr-lgOI-00100-00030516-00030744 It's so beautiful! You've got a purpose! JlrEWr-lgOI-00101-00030808-00030970 There's a purpose for it. JmptFxrBapE-00000-00000090-00000876 welcome Scorpio okay so Scorpio we are going to have a look at what is going on over the JmptFxrBapE-00001-00000876-00001440 next two weeks for you and what it is you need to work on or whatever comes up really okay so JmptFxrBapE-00002-00001440-00002436 uh we're using the enchanted map and the Gilda Terry okay let's get into it Scorpio uh we have JmptFxrBapE-00003-00002436-00003222 slow and steady interesting Scorpio um I've let me just show you I always like it into JmptFxrBapE-00004-00003222-00003761 the cards and then sometimes I don't even know if I show the camera you know show you guys anyhow JmptFxrBapE-00005-00003876-00004566 um I feel as though Scorpio this is it's like there's something moving slowly potentially JmptFxrBapE-00006-00004950-00005772 that you may want to rush through um I'm kind of like getting this feeling of um well I notice here JmptFxrBapE-00007-00005772-00006840 that who hands on her heart um and I just kind of wonder if there's something that oh okay so JmptFxrBapE-00008-00006840-00007356 it's like some of you may have been hurt and you just want to not feel that way and you just want JmptFxrBapE-00009-00007356-00007818 to rush through and feel better again but it's just not happening happening as quickly as you JmptFxrBapE-00010-00007818-00008364 would like uh which is understandable of course we don't want to feel like that but that it is really JmptFxrBapE-00011-00008364-00008946 important to heal properly so that it doesn't come back up later down the track right and the thing JmptFxrBapE-00012-00008946-00009672 is that Scorpio you see she has wings right so she could fly through this and ignore it but Scorpio JmptFxrBapE-00013-00009972-00010986 I feel as though it's you know you being you you it's like you hurt deeply but then you kind of JmptFxrBapE-00014-00010986-00011688 like close off in a sense and I feel as though maybe this is what you're doing but I want to JmptFxrBapE-00015-00011688-00012570 say that by healing proper properly and correctly you will um you will be able to open up again okay JmptFxrBapE-00016-00012570-00013140 when you don't do that is when you remain closed off I feel like some of you feel like you're being JmptFxrBapE-00017-00013140-00013769 watched as well um like these all eyes on you to see how you're dealing with this in a sense JmptFxrBapE-00018-00013884-00014418 um and that might it's it's kind of like you just want to maybe go into your shower and hide away JmptFxrBapE-00019-00014513-00015204 but for some reason you're standing tall Scorpio or maybe you're having to stand tall for some JmptFxrBapE-00020-00015204-00015846 reason anyway let's have a look into this more and see what the situation is for slow JmptFxrBapE-00021-00015846-00016434 and steady for Scorpio but you know Scorpio the thing is that this is going to leave lead JmptFxrBapE-00022-00016434-00017082 to a transformation okay and and maybe it's the transformation that is causing people to watch JmptFxrBapE-00023-00017082-00017736 maybe being more intrigued than anything you know maybe they're watching an admiration and JmptFxrBapE-00024-00017736-00018258 maybe you've already been through this and you're starting to transform now um because you've done JmptFxrBapE-00025-00018258-00018924 the healing that you need to do six of Wands yes see recognition getting recognition these people JmptFxrBapE-00026-00018924-00019680 are looking at this person who has made this progress may not be quite at the 10 years but JmptFxrBapE-00027-00019776-00020418 they're getting recognition for the journey they have made so far and and the progress that they JmptFxrBapE-00028-00020418-00021066 have made and this could very well be also Scorpio that you need to put yourself on the bag and say JmptFxrBapE-00029-00021066-00022062 hey you've done really well good on you you know um queen of Cups oh I love this yep so you know JmptFxrBapE-00030-00022062-00022818 this could be about a relationship that has ended it could be about um work or um or anything really JmptFxrBapE-00031-00022938-00023634 something didn't happen the way you wanted it to and it's caused you to to to kind of go within JmptFxrBapE-00032-00023634-00024570 okay um to to retreat you know retract a little bit um with the queen of cups I do want to say JmptFxrBapE-00033-00024570-00025362 Scorpio that she knows okay she knows what's in her cup no question okay she doesn't have to look JmptFxrBapE-00034-00025362-00026058 in her cut to check to see like oh you know is is that all right like what's in here like you JmptFxrBapE-00035-00026058-00026538 know and she knows she's filled it up with all the good stuff and I feel like this is what you know JmptFxrBapE-00036-00026538-00027077 this is part of this healing progress for you okay she's a really kind and thoughtful person as well JmptFxrBapE-00037-00027077-00027720 and so maybe this is um there could be someone around you helping you through this time um JmptFxrBapE-00038-00028416-00028782 I I feel like this is something that you possess within those Scorpio JmptFxrBapE-00039-00028889-00029754 um and maybe it is a case of honoring that that within yourself maybe it is that you don't really JmptFxrBapE-00040-00029754-00030510 look at yourself in that light and you need to start seeing the the good about yourself okay and JmptFxrBapE-00041-00030510-00031194 bringing that out to be seen because there's who you are okay hear all the ouch uh okay so it could JmptFxrBapE-00042-00031194-00031830 have been that you did bring that out and you may have handed that cup to somebody and they they JmptFxrBapE-00043-00031944-00032627 tipped it out like it was nothing and that may be where you are feeling like you know JmptFxrBapE-00044-00032627-00033102 you're you're taking a step back kind of thing um yeah heal that here without ouch JmptFxrBapE-00045-00033312-00033984 kill that taking your time to really heal the hurt that has occurred I mean what else do you JmptFxrBapE-00046-00033984-00034512 say about that you know and this this one of these could be this queen Queen of Wands helping you I JmptFxrBapE-00047-00034512-00035226 feel like I'm stuttering now which is very unusual like I know when I only do that like if I if I JmptFxrBapE-00048-00035226-00035688 don't know what to say but now I feel like I'm having trouble with my words so this could be the JmptFxrBapE-00049-00035688-00036360 case for you you could be having trouble with your words okay we've had too many cards flip out there JmptFxrBapE-00050-00036444-00037620 um yeah foreign tell me more about this for Scorpio seven cups seven of Cups Okay so it could JmptFxrBapE-00051-00037620-00038454 be that there are options you may have a choice to make him you um too many accounts again um JmptFxrBapE-00052-00038670-00038970 this card here though is the only one that flipped up and I've been JmptFxrBapE-00053-00038970-00039594 told to take it Ace of Pentacles okay you uh it's like having this choice JmptFxrBapE-00054-00039666-00040098 of this new beginning okay this could be in work it could be JmptFxrBapE-00055-00040332-00041112 something that you can grow okay something that can be um quite stable some of you may have had JmptFxrBapE-00056-00041112-00041880 some kind of payout for some reason I'm getting that interestingly enough okay but see this queen JmptFxrBapE-00057-00041880-00042420 cups here she has one cup and she knows what's in her cup and yet there's seven cups here with JmptFxrBapE-00058-00042420-00042840 different things in them and it's like having to choose maybe this is about you choosing what you JmptFxrBapE-00059-00042840-00043512 put in your cup and choosing what you exclude okay so that you can start this new beginning and have JmptFxrBapE-00060-00043512-00044064 it you know this is about stability and knowing what it is you want to grow so maybe that is what JmptFxrBapE-00061-00044064-00044928 it's about here Scorpio choosing what you put into your cup okay making a choice yeah there we go JmptFxrBapE-00062-00044928-00045852 making a choice are you gonna put in stormy cloudy negative things where are you gonna put in these JmptFxrBapE-00063-00045852-00046530 you know bright uplifting Positive Vibes what are you going to fill your cup with I also want to say JmptFxrBapE-00064-00046530-00047052 about the Scorpio is if this is a choice that you have to make in life especially with the seven of JmptFxrBapE-00065-00047052-00047844 Cups here um I want to say to you Scorpio to fill it with your heart feel it out okay um you could JmptFxrBapE-00066-00047844-00048522 have ipsite you have seven choices for example fill every single one of them in your heart if JmptFxrBapE-00067-00048522-00049056 I made this choice and this became a part of my life how would that feel how does that feel within JmptFxrBapE-00068-00049056-00049788 come out of here and into here into your hearts okay and and try and get out of your mind okay JmptFxrBapE-00069-00049860-00050508 um because I know that summer you Scorpios tend to overthink okay and um and this might just help JmptFxrBapE-00070-00050508-00051240 you a little bit to to get it a bit clearer for yourself Scorpio okay so then when you've narrowed JmptFxrBapE-00071-00051240-00052038 it down to two choices you can really look at those okay and and again go within your heart JmptFxrBapE-00072-00052140-00052632 um it may be difficult to make the choice because it could have been that the choice that you feel JmptFxrBapE-00073-00052632-00053340 in your heart is the one to make led to heartbreak for you and it led to a storm and it led to to you JmptFxrBapE-00074-00053340-00054024 know things really turning to custard but you could walk through that door Scorpio and the JmptFxrBapE-00075-00054024-00054534 clouds could clear and the sun could shine you just do not know and I do want to say about that JmptFxrBapE-00076-00054534-00055284 Scorpio every path has sunshine and Rain okay it has storm clouds and it has beautiful sunny days JmptFxrBapE-00077-00055362-00055794 look at this Scorpio very well could be about a relationship here JmptFxrBapE-00078-00056184-00056748 you want a stable relationship you want someone to lift you up and treat you like the god or the JmptFxrBapE-00079-00056748-00057600 Goddess that you are and that's what you deserve you deserve it who doesn't right and I really JmptFxrBapE-00080-00057600-00058152 feel like this is about you feeling this in your heart we can't expect someone to give to us what JmptFxrBapE-00081-00058152-00058704 we don't already give to ourselves so this is where it's so important Scorpio to be aware of JmptFxrBapE-00082-00058704-00059484 what are you filling your cup with okay because your own to only going to get that back right JmptFxrBapE-00083-00060041-00060582 we've got the Six of Pentacles here for some of you I feel like someone's breadcrumbing JmptFxrBapE-00084-00060582-00061776 you uh yeah I feel like there's foreign do you know why I say that because this is and it's JmptFxrBapE-00085-00061776-00062238 so funny because I know that so many people talk about the six o'clock collapse differently but I JmptFxrBapE-00086-00062238-00062838 have never had that that inkling about it like it's this even distribution because to me this JmptFxrBapE-00087-00062838-00063354 person has import he has more than enough and it's like he's dropping them down to people JmptFxrBapE-00088-00063354-00063864 it's like he puts himself above people and he's like well yeah well you're down there here you JmptFxrBapE-00089-00063864-00064482 go let me give you my pennies when he's got like a bag full of dollars you know like that's just JmptFxrBapE-00090-00064482-00065070 how I've always seen it and to be honest with you you deserve better than that Scorpio way better JmptFxrBapE-00091-00065184-00066384 see this is like this one right really coming up in my oh my heart the sun beaming Down On JmptFxrBapE-00092-00066384-00067074 It Like This Love This Golden Light Into Your Heart Right This is the transformation of your JmptFxrBapE-00093-00067074-00067824 heart this is like a transformation of in your heart knowing what you do you deserve and and JmptFxrBapE-00094-00067824-00068424 really living that not accepting people who are just gonna feed you just crummy bits you know JmptFxrBapE-00095-00068598-00069282 because sorry coming back to this again we look at choices here I'm making a choice what JmptFxrBapE-00096-00069282-00069648 are you going to choose you're going to choose this someone who lifts you up and treats you JmptFxrBapE-00097-00069648-00070260 like the god or the Goddess that you are or are you gonna choose this someone who just JmptFxrBapE-00098-00070260-00071400 feeds you bread crumbs thank you just hit day end anyway okay four of Swords yeah yeah see JmptFxrBapE-00099-00071604-00072216 of course Scorpio man or man oh man this is like intense messages here well not intense JmptFxrBapE-00100-00072216-00072780 just real strong you know the the intensity is the strength of the message is coming through JmptFxrBapE-00101-00072780-00073422 because it's like Spirits like tell them this and tell them that right like sure JmptFxrBapE-00102-00073476-00074352 okay let's count down now because I am getting real sweaty here okay so rest right that's it JmptFxrBapE-00103-00074352-00074856 and and you know when we're talking about slow and steady this is taking the time to take the rest JmptFxrBapE-00104-00074856-00075726 you need because okay these three swords here are like the Three of Swords okay the three of swords JmptFxrBapE-00105-00075726-00076476 and Tarot represent often heartbreak you know that ouch this is the ouch right Three of Swords but JmptFxrBapE-00106-00076560-00077178 we had this sword underneath here so it's kind of like cutting that out it's like cutting out JmptFxrBapE-00107-00077178-00077808 the crap okay and really standing in your truth but taking the time taking the time to soak up JmptFxrBapE-00108-00077874-00078552 um to make that transformation Scorpio so that you can stand and you can rise you can rise up JmptFxrBapE-00109-00078552-00079158 in your truth you know this lover lovers card doesn't have to represent a relationship if JmptFxrBapE-00110-00079158-00079560 that's not what you're ready for or not what you're after some of you could already be in JmptFxrBapE-00111-00079560-00080160 a relationship it could be the transformation of a relationship though that's a possibility right JmptFxrBapE-00112-00080262-00080904 um however what I want to say is it could be transforming you standing up and saying actually JmptFxrBapE-00113-00080904-00081444 this is what I deserve this is what I'm willing to give to you and this is what I expect in return JmptFxrBapE-00114-00081444-00082122 and that could be in a relationship and a job and a friendship and a family ship and a whatever ship JmptFxrBapE-00115-00082194-00082824 you could be on a ship and say mate give me the best lemon meal you've got I don't know JmptFxrBapE-00116-00082824-00083388 but anyway Scorpio I don't know why I went there with that I'm just like it just see JmptFxrBapE-00117-00083388-00083976 the [__] there and I'm like oh we're on a ship now but you know it is kind of like that thing JmptFxrBapE-00118-00083976-00084546 of like where do you want your ship to travel Scorpio where do you want it to land you know JmptFxrBapE-00119-00084546-00085110 that's it's that kind of thing and and wherever it lands it's like it's like your heart is steering JmptFxrBapE-00120-00085110-00085608 the ship through the waters and and how do you want those Waters to be do you want them to be JmptFxrBapE-00121-00085608-00086280 calm do you want them to be stormy do you want them to land on a snake-infested Islands or do JmptFxrBapE-00122-00086280-00086940 you want them to land on a tropical Sunny Islands you know like it's that kind of thing so really JmptFxrBapE-00123-00086940-00087816 going within and taking that time to heal their ouch yeah and um and knowing that that you you JmptFxrBapE-00124-00087816-00088386 will come out of that standing in your truth and you will know without doubt what it is that you JmptFxrBapE-00125-00088386-00089040 expect yep putting an end to all the crap Scorpio and absolute into it and I really love that this JmptFxrBapE-00126-00089040-00089706 has come up here okay because you're putting the end to these pinks of Joy just being Peaks JmptFxrBapE-00127-00089976-00090858 because when this card first came out although I got transformation that's the word pigs see I feel JmptFxrBapE-00128-00090858-00091542 like I mean I know that life is is a bit like this like there is this an old emotional roller coaster JmptFxrBapE-00129-00091542-00092316 but I just feel like you deserve more than just a peak you deserve a mountain you deserve more than JmptFxrBapE-00130-00092316-00093036 just peeking into Joy you deserve it to be more sustainable and more stable okay and that's what JmptFxrBapE-00131-00093036-00093876 I feel like this slow and steady is is is helping you to get okay it's going and this this isosaurus JmptFxrBapE-00132-00093876-00094488 here this one sword is gonna cut out everything in your life that does not serve you that doesn't JmptFxrBapE-00133-00094488-00095250 give you what it is that you are worth bam right there Scorpio right there Bone Collector JmptFxrBapE-00134-00095304-00095904 yeah it's like going around collecting bones like you want to mess with me I've got my sword JmptFxrBapE-00135-00095904-00096624 you better watch out mate right but it's like but but the thing with this card is JmptFxrBapE-00136-00096888-00097638 um it's kind of like sort of like having all these moments in your life where JmptFxrBapE-00137-00097716-00098214 endings have occurred and you know maybe you feel like you've been the JmptFxrBapE-00138-00098214-00098772 one who has been slain and so it's kind of like going around as you heal the JmptFxrBapE-00139-00098772-00099378 ouch and picking up all your bones that have been left behind in the past to put yourself JmptFxrBapE-00140-00099378-00099924 back together again you know this is healing yourself from all these past traumas that have JmptFxrBapE-00141-00099924-00100554 happened whether that be from relationships it could be childhood traumas traumas it could be JmptFxrBapE-00142-00100554-00101250 you know anything that has caused you that's a pain and putting it back together you know JmptFxrBapE-00143-00101250-00101988 and the thing is what helps with what happens then Scorpio is you tune into this Wise Old Soul JmptFxrBapE-00144-00102102-00102978 um yeah see no longer carrying that burden around bringing all parts of yourself back in together JmptFxrBapE-00145-00103116-00104009 um because yeah it has been heavy for you Scorpio real heavy and it's enough that's enough of that JmptFxrBapE-00146-00104009-00104759 we Scorpio is not not allowing that anymore we've got the king of Pentacles look at the JmptFxrBapE-00147-00104759-00105648 Scorpio look at this I love this this is someone who is successful right he he is successful you JmptFxrBapE-00148-00105648-00106061 know and this is like we've got the Ace of Pentacles here right this is the beginning JmptFxrBapE-00149-00106061-00106661 of a very successful Journey okay um it could be that for some of you you may need to get JmptFxrBapE-00150-00106661-00107292 some Financial advice that could be something that you need to do I'm just wondering if for JmptFxrBapE-00151-00107292-00107802 some of you maybe someone's ripped you off or taken advantage of you but that might be an idea JmptFxrBapE-00152-00107861-00108408 anyway okay uh the other thing I'm getting here for some reason is that some of you could be JmptFxrBapE-00153-00108408-00109044 receiving an inheritance and you may need someone to financially advise you as to what to you know JmptFxrBapE-00154-00109044-00109722 where to invest that money realistically it would be a wise idea to do that okay Scorpio strength JmptFxrBapE-00155-00110226-00111168 I love this card I love this card it's like it's okay I've got this I've got this I'm I'm taking JmptFxrBapE-00156-00111168-00111930 the next step forward it's hard it's a balancing act but I've got this you know it really does take JmptFxrBapE-00157-00111930-00112518 strength and and just the position she's in you know she's doing it with conviction but boy oh JmptFxrBapE-00158-00112518-00113394 boy it feels really not stable you know and um but it's also like climbing out of this kind of cocoon JmptFxrBapE-00159-00113394-00114035 that she's put herself in and look you know the world is in her hand it's not in her hands but it JmptFxrBapE-00160-00114035-00114702 is a new hand and she's she's balancing that right she is balancing that world it's like JmptFxrBapE-00161-00114702-00115506 you're balancing your world as you make this trans transformation is trying to balance everything um JmptFxrBapE-00162-00115758-00116532 but you know I just I kind of feel like Scorpio it's like no matter where your foot lands it's JmptFxrBapE-00163-00116532-00117011 not going to be wrong it's kind of like you can't put a foot wrong is what I'm hearing JmptFxrBapE-00164-00117090-00117635 and I love that look at this nine of Cups this is what you are heading towards okay JmptFxrBapE-00165-00117635-00118356 this is for you here Scorpio this is for you okay this is your happily ever after JmptFxrBapE-00166-00118428-00119208 you know and this is what you deserve you know man I love that I love that JmptFxrBapE-00167-00119622-00119964 you need the tuna cups but it's kind of like JmptFxrBapE-00168-00120222-00120672 it's a journey um but it's kind of like one that's worth walking JmptFxrBapE-00169-00121038-00121524 and it reminds me of the um the six of ones as well you know that real JmptFxrBapE-00170-00121524-00122135 celebration and like cheers is you know it's really it really really is JmptFxrBapE-00171-00122256-00123090 um about you not just not just celebrating but being celebrated JmptFxrBapE-00172-00123233-00123774 I love that but you know there's only one person in the thing here and it's kind of like getting JmptFxrBapE-00173-00123774-00124374 to that point where you don't need anyone else to pour the cups you've got it you know there's JmptFxrBapE-00174-00124374-00124950 that one cup again it's like it's all right I've got the goods let me pour all these cups for you JmptFxrBapE-00175-00125009-00125550 um but I do want to say about that it's not your responsibility to fill anyone else's cap so just JmptFxrBapE-00176-00125550-00126114 be mindful of that see three cups yeah celebration this could very well be marriage for some of you JmptFxrBapE-00177-00126114-00126678 this could be your king of Pentacles right coming in like hey how are you doing you know JmptFxrBapE-00178-00126744-00127752 who knows who knows everybody's story is different celebration the other thing is these cups are all JmptFxrBapE-00179-00127752-00128394 equal okay there is no cap everyone's filling and everyone's cut because it's all filled with the JmptFxrBapE-00180-00128394-00129168 same stuff and it's just like the nine of Cups here okay um and yeah because what's happened is JmptFxrBapE-00181-00129168-00129792 everyone has had to use this internal strength to pull themselves out of this cocoon so it's JmptFxrBapE-00182-00129792-00131112 really like this equal ground right ghost lands whoa a bit of a turn a bit of a turn ghostlands JmptFxrBapE-00183-00131232-00131934 interesting something from the past something old this could be the ouch it could be the ouch JmptFxrBapE-00184-00131934-00132618 just old stuff that needs to be healed in order to get to the nine of cups in the three of cats JmptFxrBapE-00185-00132744-00133536 um in the pink pentacle king of Pentacles did I say pinga King tickles I don't know I feel JmptFxrBapE-00186-00133536-00134340 like I did for anyhow ghost lens tell me more about ghostlands for Scorpio please ghostlands JmptFxrBapE-00187-00134598-00134796 I like going back to the past JmptFxrBapE-00188-00135168-00135498 it's like The Bone Collector you know because there's two clocks JmptFxrBapE-00189-00135552-00136572 there's a clock in here and there's a clock in here turning back the clock Maybe um what is this JmptFxrBapE-00190-00136974-00137718 ghostlands for Scorpio too many what are all them cards coming up here too many JmptFxrBapE-00191-00137808-00138696 too many cards ghostlands oh I feel like that we need some kind of music in the background now JmptFxrBapE-00192-00138966-00139164 why is nothing coming up Scorpio JmptFxrBapE-00193-00139266-00140376 why is nothing coming up tell me about ghostlands Scorpio okay Five of Swords and Temperance okay JmptFxrBapE-00194-00141366-00141840 why grosslands what's this got to do with ghost lens or is something in JmptFxrBapE-00195-00141840-00142278 the past he said maybe sorry there's a potentially JmptFxrBapE-00196-00142356-00142866 this could be old scars from a battle could be a battle that you fought JmptFxrBapE-00197-00143052-00143538 um could be a battle that you're still fighting in your mind and it could be done and dusted but it's JmptFxrBapE-00198-00143538-00144174 still going on in your mind and um it could be that you need to get some kind of balance JmptFxrBapE-00199-00144174-00144948 around that okay um maybe it is that someone who choose so badly Scorpio that it's been really hard JmptFxrBapE-00200-00144948-00145782 for you to let go um and maybe internally you're still fighting the battle as a way of feeling like JmptFxrBapE-00201-00145926-00146472 you hadn't been broken down as much as you had um JmptFxrBapE-00202-00146700-00147216 yeah but definitely healing healing from this battle and this could be a really something JmptFxrBapE-00203-00147216-00147726 that happened a long time ago so again I feel like we're going back to the top childhood JmptFxrBapE-00204-00147726-00148242 trauma here this could be unresolved trauma that hasn't been worked through JmptFxrBapE-00205-00148356-00148968 home home oh look at this this is this safety this place of safety right here's JmptFxrBapE-00206-00148968-00149538 the clock again here's the clock again um showing you the clock and I've got JmptFxrBapE-00207-00149538-00150054 my finger right over it so you can't see it but I feel like and I'm seeing the owl here JmptFxrBapE-00208-00150132-00150972 is the sense of wisdom about you see this is this wisdom that I was talking about earlier Scorpio JmptFxrBapE-00209-00151266-00151872 was I talking about it see what happened was I actually did record your video and then JmptFxrBapE-00210-00151968-00152670 I got a phone call during it and it stopped the video so like did I talk about that in this video JmptFxrBapE-00211-00152670-00153468 or the last one but yeah this a sense of wisdom here it's kind of um this thing from the past the JmptFxrBapE-00212-00153468-00154248 ghost lands um and The Bone Collector it's it's allowed you to grow into a wiser Soul than most JmptFxrBapE-00213-00154386-00155016 um could even be past lives um it could be something to do with ANSI straw as well but JmptFxrBapE-00214-00155016-00155952 I feel like this this whole thing it's like this is what you're heading towards this creating this JmptFxrBapE-00215-00155952-00156594 natural home for yourself and this could also be an internal space inside of you that's safe JmptFxrBapE-00216-00156594-00157422 that's cozy that's comfy that's all yours and that you know in in it's like this is your sanctuary JmptFxrBapE-00217-00157698-00157866 this is your sanctuary JmptFxrBapE-00218-00158142-00158898 tell me more about home Scorpio please more about home for Scorpio there's so many little flip bits JmptFxrBapE-00219-00158898-00159666 here it's all my little box they're life welcome welcome life it's like welcome to my life this JmptFxrBapE-00220-00159666-00160428 is this is a transformation maybe of your entire life yeah see this coming away from this Five of JmptFxrBapE-00221-00160428-00161226 Swords in this ghostlands here um and and turning around and seeing the two of Cups because there's JmptFxrBapE-00222-00161226-00161742 so much more for you if it's just a matter of you needing to change your position and JmptFxrBapE-00223-00161742-00162582 your perspective okay so that you can see that you can see this Cozy home here waiting for you okay JmptFxrBapE-00224-00162696-00163170 um was there another one that jumped out with that no I don't think there was okay so one more for JmptFxrBapE-00225-00163170-00163770 home for Scorpio please one more for home I really love this card for you Scorpio it's beautiful and JmptFxrBapE-00226-00163770-00164484 I feel like this is kind of like that safe safe place that you deserve because there is this real JmptFxrBapE-00227-00164484-00165252 sense of honorability for you and you kind of just need that Sanctuary to go to to refuel you know to JmptFxrBapE-00228-00165252-00166200 really lay down and rest and refuel okay Knight of Swords hmm see here's the owl again here's JmptFxrBapE-00229-00166200-00167034 this wisdom again right and um you know I feel like things may feel quite chaotic for you with JmptFxrBapE-00230-00167034-00167790 this you know um but it's almost as though it's kind of like there's just one more kind of Step JmptFxrBapE-00231-00167790-00168450 that you need to do before you can break it's this is like coming out of your shell ah Scorpio this JmptFxrBapE-00232-00168450-00169038 is like doing the healing that you need to do to come out of your shell that is very scary for you JmptFxrBapE-00233-00169104-00169596 um because the home is like you've been in here for so long it's all overgrown and you know but JmptFxrBapE-00234-00169596-00170364 it's really is it's your comfort zone Scorpio it's that comfort zone right um but slow and steady JmptFxrBapE-00235-00170364-00171102 step by step and it might feel like coming out of this home is like it's all happening too fast oh JmptFxrBapE-00236-00171102-00171648 my God I can't cope that the thing is you can cope because you do the healing that you need to do JmptFxrBapE-00237-00171780-00172296 um you're gonna have that wisdom really coming out and taking that lead because JmptFxrBapE-00238-00172296-00172758 it really is about stepping into that adult self because what happens is when we hear JmptFxrBapE-00239-00172854-00173340 um any Trauma from the past we're healing our inner child and if you really concentrate on JmptFxrBapE-00240-00173340-00173892 the inner child Scorpio you're going to and and nurture it and love it you're going to start JmptFxrBapE-00241-00173892-00174540 leading your life as the adult self rather than that scared in a child who's too afraid to really JmptFxrBapE-00242-00174540-00175062 go out of anywhere and doesn't even want to come out of the shell right so you know it could be JmptFxrBapE-00243-00175062-00175704 kind of a matter of like saying to you and his child hey don't worry I the adult I've got this JmptFxrBapE-00244-00175764-00176820 and and take the lead okay and then we have cleaning house ah wow so home and it's kind of JmptFxrBapE-00245-00176820-00177540 planning back cleaning up internally cleaning up all the stuff that no longer serves you this kind JmptFxrBapE-00246-00177540-00178464 of stuff this kind of stuff right healing the ouch okay getting this house all cleared up from the JmptFxrBapE-00247-00178464-00179022 dust and and the leaves the old leaves you know because it's pretty funny here because it's like JmptFxrBapE-00248-00179022-00179664 you see the owl looking out the window here but then inside is the cat right and it's kind of like JmptFxrBapE-00249-00179730-00180342 I feel like it's kind of saying that not everything is as it seems and if you just clean up JmptFxrBapE-00250-00180396-00180936 things are going to be a lot better um but you just don't realize that yet okay JmptFxrBapE-00251-00181062-00181848 um let's have a look cleaning house for Scorpio what else about planning house for Scorpio Justice JmptFxrBapE-00252-00182058-00182520 right there Scorpio right there Justice JmptFxrBapE-00253-00183000-00183678 I really like that for you like you know this is really you know it could be getting some legal JmptFxrBapE-00254-00183678-00184374 stuff sorted out especially if it's financially what's just everywhere um but getting things into JmptFxrBapE-00255-00184374-00185070 balance you know um and kind of like see this this strength here you know getting the balance JmptFxrBapE-00256-00185070-00185862 with that so that you can stand securely what else about um what was it cleaning house Scorpio please JmptFxrBapE-00257-00185862-00187284 cleaning house for Scorpio oh my gosh Scorpio no way Tina girls team of freaking cups wow JmptFxrBapE-00258-00187500-00187938 I didn't even just don't even think I need to say much more about that but this is what you're JmptFxrBapE-00259-00187938-00188736 heading to this is what is a possibility for you right it is totally disability JmptFxrBapE-00260-00188976-00189576 so it's up to you to do the work that you need to do to get there Scorpio to get there JmptFxrBapE-00261-00189630-00190230 clean that house of things that you do not need in your life like this okay JmptFxrBapE-00262-00190308-00191130 put an end to stuff that is not serving you okay put an end to the burden do the healing that you JmptFxrBapE-00263-00191130-00191682 need to do though remember do the healing you need to do okay and and everything in JmptFxrBapE-00264-00191682-00192102 moderation like cutting out anything that doesn't serve you doesn't have to be just JmptFxrBapE-00265-00192102-00192720 people it could be habits it could be you know anything that doesn't serve you um so that you JmptFxrBapE-00266-00192720-00193374 can really really clean that up man because you need to make room for this you need to make space JmptFxrBapE-00267-00193374-00194070 for this because this Scorpio is absolutely what is there in the vortex waiting for you JmptFxrBapE-00268-00194184-00194886 it's it's really just a matter of becoming a vibrational match for it okay and looking at JmptFxrBapE-00269-00194982-00195576 what it is you're filling you're cut with okay oh it's so exciting scorpion JmptFxrBapE-00270-00195576-00196254 so excited for you uh anyway please comment and subscribe and do all that jazz oh yeah JmptFxrBapE-00271-00196254-00196848 yeah comment tell us all about it and um yeah there was something else I was gonna say but JmptFxrBapE-00272-00196848-00197406 I'm I'm too excited I've forgotten okay Scorpio take care of your beautiful selves see you bye KoANO1F9hN8-00000-00000030-00000176 HERE WE HAVE A QUICK RELEASE VALVE KoANO1F9hN8-00001-00000184-00000410 THE PURPOSE OF THE QUICK RELEASE VALVE KoANO1F9hN8-00002-00000419-00000713 IS TO QUICKLY RELEASE AIR KoANO1F9hN8-00003-00000721-00001120 OUT OF A FRONT BRAKE CIRCUIT KoANO1F9hN8-00004-00001129-00001298 OR SERVICE BRAKE CIRCUIT KoANO1F9hN8-00005-00001306-00001641 SO WE HAVE A SUPPLY SIGNAL COMING IN HERE KoANO1F9hN8-00006-00001670-00001987 THIS CAN BE FROM A NUMBER OF SIGNALS KoANO1F9hN8-00007-00001995-00002287 SAY FOR EXAMPLE, YOUR TREADLE VALVE KoANO1F9hN8-00008-00002296-00002570 SECONDARY CIRCUIT WOULD COME IN HERE KoANO1F9hN8-00009-00002578-00002859 IF THIS IS ON THE FRONT BRAKES CIRCUIT KoANO1F9hN8-00010-00002871-00003034 IT WILL COME IN THROUGH THE VALVE KoANO1F9hN8-00011-00003042-00003304 AND BE DELIVERED OUT TO KoANO1F9hN8-00012-00003312-00003504 SERVICE BRAKES IN THE FRONT AXLE. KoANO1F9hN8-00013-00003512-00003668 AND THEN WHEN THE DRIVER KoANO1F9hN8-00014-00003677-00003868 LETS UP ON THE TREADLE VALVE KoANO1F9hN8-00015-00003877-00004148 THEN AIR IS RELEASED KoANO1F9hN8-00016-00004156-00004434 THROUGH THE QUICK RELEASE PORTION IN THE BOTTOM OF THE VALVE KoANO1F9hN8-00017-00004442-00004740 NOW HOW IT WORKS INSIDE IS VERY SIMPLE KoANO1F9hN8-00018-00004748-00005027 AS AN AIR SIGNAL COMES INTO THIS VALVE KoANO1F9hN8-00019-00005035-00005255 IT ACTS ON THIS DIAPHRAM KoANO1F9hN8-00020-00005263-00005502 AN IT PUSHES DOWN ON THE DIAPHRAGM KoANO1F9hN8-00021-00005510-00005715 AND YOU CAN SEE IT SEALS KoANO1F9hN8-00022-00005723-00005859 THE EXHAUST PORTION KoANO1F9hN8-00023-00005867-00006035 THIS IS THE EXHAUST PORTION KoANO1F9hN8-00024-00006044-00006192 SO AS AIR COMES IN KoANO1F9hN8-00025-00006201-00006445 IT SEALS OFF THE EXHAUST KoANO1F9hN8-00026-00006453-00006722 AND NOW IT ALLOWS AIR KoANO1F9hN8-00027-00006730-00007001 TO GO AROUND THE DIAPHRAGM HERE KoANO1F9hN8-00028-00007009-00007201 OUT TO THE DELIVERY. KoANO1F9hN8-00029-00007209-00007608 WHEN THE DRIVER REMOVES THE SIGNAL KoANO1F9hN8-00030-00007616-00007808 FROM THE SUPPLY PORT KoANO1F9hN8-00031-00007816-00008138 SUDDENLY WE HAVE HIGHER PRESSURE AIR KoANO1F9hN8-00032-00008146-00008387 COMING BACK FROM OUR DELIVERY CIRCUIT KoANO1F9hN8-00033-00008395-00008665 NOW THAT PUSHES THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION KoANO1F9hN8-00034-00008673-00008950 ON THE DIAPHRAGM TO SEAL THE SUPPLY KoANO1F9hN8-00035-00008958-00009174 SO IT PUSHES UP THIS WAY KoANO1F9hN8-00036-00009182-00009359 AND IT OPENS THE EXHAUST KoANO1F9hN8-00037-00009367-00009643 AND WE QUICKLY RELEASE THE AIR KoANO1F9hN8-00038-00009651-00009860 OUT OF THAT CIRCUIT KoANO1F9hN8-00039-00009868-00010085 SO WE CAN SUM UP BY SAYING KoANO1F9hN8-00040-00010093-00010439 THE QUICK RELEASE VALVE IS DESIGNED KoANO1F9hN8-00041-00010447-00010696 TO QUICKLY RELEASE AIR KoANO1F9hN8-00042-00010704-00011275 FROM CIRCUITS AS WELL AS ACT AS A TEE IN THE CIRCUIT KoANO1F9hN8-00043-00011294-00011441 A VERY SIMPLE VALVE KoANO1F9hN8-00044-00011449-00011803 USED IN A NUMBER OF AREAS ON THE VEHICLE. K05QcdaklC4-00000-00000608-00001128 There is a tendency in popular history to characterize famous rulers as either K05QcdaklC4-00001-00001128-00001896 unilaterally good or evil. Characters like Marcus Aurelius are often portrayed as virtuous and wise, K05QcdaklC4-00002-00001896-00002544 while characters like Nero are depicted as twisted and cruel. Rarely does a leader exist in K05QcdaklC4-00003-00002544-00003240 both camps, and yet, in the case of the Islamic world, one Caliph does. This man was Al-Hakim K05QcdaklC4-00004-00003240-00003920 bi-Amr Allah of the Fatimid dynasty: to some, the enlightened philosopher King of Shi’a Islam, K05QcdaklC4-00005-00003920-00004648 and to others, a mad tyrant responsible for untold cruelty and persecution. In this video, K05QcdaklC4-00006-00004648-00005240 we will examine the life of Caliph Al-Hakim, exploring the Ismaili society he was raised in, K05QcdaklC4-00007-00005240-00005792 and determining how the world remembers him both as the quintessential enlightened despot, K05QcdaklC4-00008-00005792-00006384 and tyrannical dictator of the Islamic world. Such absolute judgements are rarely accurate K05QcdaklC4-00009-00006384-00006895 in real history, but rulers of good and evil certainly exist in fantasy - where you might K05QcdaklC4-00010-00006895-00007408 just be able to become one yourself, with the sponsor of this video War and Order. K05QcdaklC4-00011-00007408-00007848 It’s a free to play mobile game in a fantasy middle ages, where you’re a lord of a kingdom K05QcdaklC4-00012-00007848-00008240 among many others, locked in battle with monsters and other players, K05QcdaklC4-00013-00008240-00008584 but also able to ally with those players to even the odds. K05QcdaklC4-00014-00008640-00009160 You’ll take huge armies into giant battles with various unit types, and if you succeed, K05QcdaklC4-00015-00009160-00009744 you and your allies will conquer an endless world of empire and imagination. You can work together K05QcdaklC4-00016-00009744-00010312 to stop attacks on your coalition, and plan the downfall of your enemies, and the stakes are high: K05QcdaklC4-00017-00010312-00010848 there’s an ongoing cross-server war for which player gets to be King, granting massive rewards. K05QcdaklC4-00018-00010928-00011216 Outside of battle you’ll be upgrading your castles, K05QcdaklC4-00019-00011216-00011784 acquiring resources, and training your soldiers, even adding beasts and angels to your forces. K05QcdaklC4-00020-00011784-00012416 You can also review replays of prior battles to analyze performance and search for new strategies. K05QcdaklC4-00021-00012416-00012928 Get the game now via our link in the description to score $60 worth of bonus gifts. K05QcdaklC4-00022-00013608-00014296 Today, the Twelver Shiism is the most widespread branch of Shia Islam. But during the apex of the K05QcdaklC4-00023-00014296-00014872 Fatimid Dynasty’s power, Ismailism, another branch of Shia Islam, was the most popular. K05QcdaklC4-00024-00014960-00015496 When the Fatimid state was established in 910, its primary goal was to promote the K05QcdaklC4-00025-00015496-00016088 spread of Ismailism. This was done in part by preaching the rise of a messianic figure, K05QcdaklC4-00026-00016088-00016688 al-Mahdi, who would destroy all tyranny in the world and establish a just and peaceful order. K05QcdaklC4-00027-00016760-00017312 This powerful message ensured significant support for the Fatimids in the Islamic world, K05QcdaklC4-00028-00017312-00017992 but also brought a huge burden of expectations. As various Fatimid rulers failed to dislodge K05QcdaklC4-00029-00017992-00018576 the Abbasid usurpers or defeat the Byzantine infidels, their Empire gradually turned into K05QcdaklC4-00030-00018576-00019136 an ordinary state with its own problems and challenges amidst unfulfilled expectations of K05QcdaklC4-00031-00019136-00019832 the return of al-Mahdi. Amongst these challenges was social and religious friction. The majority K05QcdaklC4-00032-00019832-00020384 of the people ruled by the Fatimids were still Sunni, and the influence of Christians and Jews K05QcdaklC4-00033-00020384-00020992 in the administration of the Empire was major causing discontent among them. Moreover, there K05QcdaklC4-00034-00020992-00021616 was a major rivalry between the al-Maghariba: the native Berbers of North Africa and al-Mashariga: K05QcdaklC4-00035-00021616-00022272 the Turks and Daylamites in the Fatimid army. It was amidst these troubles that the sixth Imam K05QcdaklC4-00036-00022272-00023072 Caliph, Al-Hakim, started his reign in 996 at the age of 11. Born as Al-Mansur, he was the first K05QcdaklC4-00037-00023072-00023624 Fatimid ruler to be born in Cairo, the seat of the Fatimid power since they had conquered Egypt. K05QcdaklC4-00038-00023696-00024256 Al-Hakim faced trouble right at the beginning of his reign. On the day of his coronation K05QcdaklC4-00039-00024256-00024880 the leader of Kutama Berbers, al-Hasan ibn Ammar, demanded the dismissal of the Christian wasita of K05QcdaklC4-00040-00024880-00025424 the Fatimid Empire, Isa ibn Nasturus, in favour of his own chosen appointment to the position. K05QcdaklC4-00041-00025496-00026064 Al-Hakim did not have any other choice but to accept this demand. During early Fatimid K05QcdaklC4-00042-00026064-00026560 expansion, the North African Berbers had been the principal power behind the state, K05QcdaklC4-00043-00026616-00027144 but later, they started facing competition from Turks and Daylamites in the Fatimid army K05QcdaklC4-00044-00027144-00027744 and Christians in the state administration. To restore his peoples’ lost influence, ibn K05QcdaklC4-00045-00027744-00028288 Ammar immediately started appointing his kin to important military and administrative positions. K05QcdaklC4-00046-00028352-00029008 Major privileges such as precedence at official ceremonies, vast sums of money, slaves, properties K05QcdaklC4-00047-00029008-00029639 and horses were granted by the state to the Kutama Berbers. This naturally caused discontent K05QcdaklC4-00048-00029639-00030232 among the rest of the Fatimid elite. One of those unhappy with the situation was Barjawan, K05QcdaklC4-00049-00030232-00030800 the tutor of Al-Hakim, and a eunuch with vast experience of governance and palace intrigue. K05QcdaklC4-00050-00030895-00031416 He contacted Manjutakin, the Turkic governor of Fatimid controlled Damascus, K05QcdaklC4-00051-00031416-00031968 persuading him to move against ibn Ammar and restore the Imam Caliph’s rule in the Empire. K05QcdaklC4-00052-00032032-00032695 Manjutakin moved towards Egypt with some 6,000 men. Ibn Ammar countered by sending the Berber K05QcdaklC4-00053-00032695-00033408 commander Sulayman ibn Falah with 10-15k men against Manjutakin. In the ensuing battle, K05QcdaklC4-00054-00033408-00034072 the Berbers were victorious. Despite this, seeing court intrigue slowly tilt against him, ibn K05QcdaklC4-00055-00034072-00034664 Ammar tried to make his political approach more inclusive, but this would prove to be his undoing. K05QcdaklC4-00056-00034744-00035336 When he dismissed Jaysh ibn al-Samsa, the Berber governor of Tripoli, Jaysh and several Kutama K05QcdaklC4-00057-00035336-00035944 chiefs allied with Barjawan against him. This was a crack in the united front of al-Maghariba. K05QcdaklC4-00058-00036000-00036688 Barjawan incited riots in Cairo in 997, which ultimately led to ibn Ammar going into hiding. K05QcdaklC4-00059-00036768-00037376 With his main political enemy eliminated, Barjawan restored stability in the Empire by pacifying K05QcdaklC4-00060-00037376-00038024 the Berber elite, ensuring the return of their looted property and promising security for them. K05QcdaklC4-00061-00038024-00038440 Thereafter, the eunuch became de-facto ruler of the Fatimid Empire. K05QcdaklC4-00062-00038512-00038968 But Al-Hakim was growing restless with the increased influence of his former teacher. K05QcdaklC4-00063-00039048-00039648 Several sources note that Barjawan continued treating Al-Hakim as a child and several times K05QcdaklC4-00064-00039648-00040312 disrespected him in the palace setting. In March of 1,000, Barjawan was killed in a plot organized K05QcdaklC4-00065-00040312-00041008 by Al-Hakim. Now 15 year old, Al-Hakim was ready to rule himself, which he would do unchallenged K05QcdaklC4-00066-00041008-00041704 for the next 21 years. To avoid civil turmoil like that caused by Barjawan and ibn Ammar, K05QcdaklC4-00067-00041704-00042336 the Caliph appointed 15 different wasitas in this period so no one vizier was in office long enough K05QcdaklC4-00068-00042336-00042968 to gain enough power to oppose him. These wasitas were drawn from the Empires’ Christian population, K05QcdaklC4-00069-00042968-00043416 or the Caliph’s personal slaves, so as to deny the influential position K05QcdaklC4-00070-00043416-00043792 to the caste of Fatimid Elites who had traditionally dominated it. K05QcdaklC4-00071-00043896-00044368 Before talking about various aspects of Al-Hakim’s reign in the Fatimid Empire K05QcdaklC4-00072-00044368-00044968 let us briefly describe his character according to his contemporaries. Chroniclers have described K05QcdaklC4-00073-00044968-00045744 him as both ruthless and generous. Both as brave and cowardly. Both as a tyrant and just ruler. K05QcdaklC4-00074-00045816-00046424 His voice was apparently so powerful that in one anecdote, he once shouted at a man K05QcdaklC4-00075-00046424-00047024 who died on the spot from fright. We need to approach all such accounts with a grain of salt K05QcdaklC4-00076-00047024-00047576 as often Shia chroniclers would glorify him, while Sunni and Christian accounts demonized him. K05QcdaklC4-00077-00047648-00048128 With that said, let us now examine deeds that created such a polarizing figure. K05QcdaklC4-00078-00048224-00048824 Ismaili Dawa, ergo proselytizing, was always a key factor behind Fatimid expansion, K05QcdaklC4-00079-00048824-00049432 but it gained more prominence during Al-Hakim’s reign. Previously Dawa was mostly assigned to K05QcdaklC4-00080-00049432-00050064 Qadi - the chief judge of the Empire, but Al-Hakim decided to establish a separate position for this K05QcdaklC4-00081-00050064-00050736 purpose called Da’i al-Duat. This person was in charge of training of Dai’s: Ismaili missionaries, K05QcdaklC4-00082-00050736-00051160 who would be sent to different corners of the Muslim world to spread the Ismaili K05QcdaklC4-00083-00051160-00051720 version of Islam and invite people to recognize Al-Hakim as the rightful ruler of the Ummah. K05QcdaklC4-00084-00051800-00052367 During Al-Hakim’s reign, the foundation of Dar al-Ulum or Dar al-Hikma (the House of Science K05QcdaklC4-00085-00052367-00052991 or the House of Wisdom) in 1005 enabled for an improved training of a higher number of Dai’s K05QcdaklC4-00086-00052991-00053600 and in general turned Cairo and the Fatimid Empire into one of the centers of education in the Muslim K05QcdaklC4-00087-00053600-00054272 world. While the primary purpose of Dar al-Hikma was to ensure a higher quality of Dai’s training, K05QcdaklC4-00088-00054272-00054824 it also became a major university attracting people from all over the Islamic world: K05QcdaklC4-00089-00054824-00055352 teaching subjects like medicine, astronomy, languages, mathematics, philosophy and Muslim K05QcdaklC4-00090-00055352-00055888 theology. Al-Hakim, who proved himself a consummate patron to scholars, would K05QcdaklC4-00091-00055888-00056472 sometimes attend the sessions of Dar al-Hikma personally and engage in discussions. The young K05QcdaklC4-00092-00056472-00057064 Imam Caliph took steps to enhance the knowledge on Ismaili Dawa among his own subjects as well, K05QcdaklC4-00093-00057064-00057655 who were still mostly Sunni. Special public sessions were held for ordinary people, including K05QcdaklC4-00094-00057655-00058224 women, who were given a chance to become Dai’s as well in order to proselytize among other women, K05QcdaklC4-00095-00058224-00058800 and perhaps more importantly, their children. During the reign of Al-Hakim it looked as if the K05QcdaklC4-00096-00058800-00059320 Dawa was the primary weapon of struggle against the traditional Sunni Caliphs- the Abbasids. K05QcdaklC4-00097-00059384-00059952 In 1010, the discontent of the Shia population in the heart of the Abbasid Empire - Iraq, K05QcdaklC4-00098-00059952-00060536 led the Uqaylid governor of Mosul, Anbar and Kufa, to recognize Al-Hakim as the sovereign of K05QcdaklC4-00099-00060536-00061224 these territories. In the same year, the chief of the Banu Asad tribe pledged allegiance to A-Hakim K05QcdaklC4-00100-00061224-00061776 and recognized him as the ruler of Hilla. But since Al-Hakim was unable to support these K05QcdaklC4-00101-00061776-00062320 developments with military force, the Abbasids quickly regained control over these areas. K05QcdaklC4-00102-00062400-00062991 Until the end of his reign, a cold war between the Fatimids and the Abbasids developed as Al-Hakim K05QcdaklC4-00103-00062991-00063520 struggled against his Sunni rivals to win the allegiance of various rulers in the Islamic World. K05QcdaklC4-00104-00063591-00064160 Diplomacy and bribery was employed by Al-Hakim on several occasions to reach his foreign policy K05QcdaklC4-00105-00064160-00064784 goals. For instance, when the Sharif of Mecca declared himself the Amir al-Muminin and refused K05QcdaklC4-00106-00064784-00065432 to read khutba in Al-Hakim’s name, the Imam Caliph used lavish gifts to persuade the dignitaries of K05QcdaklC4-00107-00065432-00065952 Mecca to support his claim over Mecca, which ultimately resulted in the deposition of the K05QcdaklC4-00108-00065952-00066616 Sharif and restoration of the Fatimid control over the area. But overall, during Al-Hakim, K05QcdaklC4-00109-00066616-00067112 the Fatimid Empire failed to ensure major geopolitical change in the Islamic World. K05QcdaklC4-00110-00067200-00067688 In the early period of his reign Al-Hakim took up an aggressive anti-Sunni stance. K05QcdaklC4-00111-00067752-00068416 In 1004 he ordered the public cursing of some of the Prophet’s companions, who he claimed usurped K05QcdaklC4-00112-00068416-00068968 Ali’s right to become the caliph, including the first three caliphs and Prophet’s wife Aisha. K05QcdaklC4-00113-00069040-00069592 Moreover, Al-Hakim instructed these curses to be etched on the walls of all mosques and available K05QcdaklC4-00114-00069592-00070152 public spaces. Obviously, this did not sit well with the majority Sunni population of K05QcdaklC4-00115-00070152-00070784 the Fatimid Empire. Dissatisfaction with these policies pushed some Fatimid subjects to support K05QcdaklC4-00116-00070784-00071488 Abu Rakwa’s rebellion in 1005, which almost toppled the Fatimid dynasty. Seeing this, K05QcdaklC4-00117-00071488-00072224 Al-Hakim reversed his anti-Sunni policy in 1008 and publicly praised the previously cursed Sahaba. K05QcdaklC4-00118-00072304-00072736 From then on, Sunnis were able to live in the Fatimid Empire without any fear. K05QcdaklC4-00119-00072808-00073424 But despite the reversal, Al-Hakim’s actions could not be undone, and they gave the Abbasids K05QcdaklC4-00120-00073424-00074152 an invaluable source of propaganda. In 1011, the Abbasid Caliph al-Qadir bi-’llah gathered Muslim K05QcdaklC4-00121-00074152-00074776 theologists to his court, Sunni and Twelver Shia alike, and ordered them to prepare a manifesto, K05QcdaklC4-00122-00074776-00075208 which accused the Fatimids of lying about their Alid descent. This was K05QcdaklC4-00123-00075208-00075824 called the Baghdad Manifesto, and was read at all mosques on Abbasid territory during sermons. K05QcdaklC4-00124-00075920-00076432 Just like the Abbasid Caliphate, the Fatimid Empire also had a considerable Christian K05QcdaklC4-00125-00076432-00076992 and Jewish population. Ahl al-Dhimma - the people of the book and their religious views K05QcdaklC4-00126-00076992-00077504 were generally tolerated in the Islamic realm, since they believed in the same Abrahamic God. K05QcdaklC4-00127-00077576-00078152 Al-Hakim, however, initiated a series of persecutions against his non-Muslim subjects K05QcdaklC4-00128-00078152-00078648 which ultimately would be what earned him his infamous moniker: ‘The Mad Caliph.’ K05QcdaklC4-00129-00078720-00079248 Despite being naturally disadvantaged on a societal level, Christians and Jews under K05QcdaklC4-00130-00079248-00079904 Islamic rule were often able to prosper. In Fatimid society, they engaged in medicine, K05QcdaklC4-00131-00079904-00080480 banking, financial and public administration, and had major experience in these fields often K05QcdaklC4-00132-00080480-00080920 making them best options for various high ranking positions in the Fatimid Empire. K05QcdaklC4-00133-00080984-00081488 The sources note that when Al-Hakim’s father Al-Aziz dismissed and arrested his Jewish K05QcdaklC4-00134-00081488-00082072 Vizier Yaqub ibn Killis, the administration of the state came to the brink of disaster, K05QcdaklC4-00135-00082072-00082704 causing the Imam Caliph to release and reappoint him. Employment of Jews and Christians in such K05QcdaklC4-00136-00082704-00083368 financially-rewarding positions made many of them rich. Hence, a general discontent among the Muslim K05QcdaklC4-00137-00083368-00083896 majority emerged regarding the prosperous life of the Christian minority living among them. K05QcdaklC4-00138-00083984-00084608 Some modern historian claim that Al-Hakim's anti-Christian and anti-Jewish policies started K05QcdaklC4-00139-00084608-00085176 right after he took full control over the state administration after the execution of Barjawan, K05QcdaklC4-00140-00085176-00085712 citing the execution of a high ranking Christian official named Fahd ibn Ibrahim, the arrest of K05QcdaklC4-00141-00085712-00086304 several Jewish and Christian clerks, and the destruction of two churches in Cairo in 1002. K05QcdaklC4-00142-00086400-00086928 Others argue that these were outlying incidents that do not represent systematic oppression, K05QcdaklC4-00143-00086928-00087568 and Al-Hakim continued the tolerant policies of his father at the beginning of his reign. However, K05QcdaklC4-00144-00087568-00088144 the year 1004 marked the beginning of Al-Hakim’s descent into persecution, K05QcdaklC4-00145-00088144-00088776 when he began visually segregating his subjects. He ordered almost all Jews and Christians to wear K05QcdaklC4-00146-00088776-00089304 a black garment with black belts in public, following this up with an order for Jews to K05QcdaklC4-00147-00089304-00090016 wear bells and for Christians to wear crosses. He prohibited slaves from being sold to non-Muslims, K05QcdaklC4-00148-00090016-00090616 and in 1007, confiscated all Church revenue, putting it under the supervision of the state. K05QcdaklC4-00149-00090688-00091264 It should be pointed out that the chronicler Ibn al-Muqaffa, who was himself a Christian bishop, K05QcdaklC4-00150-00091264-00091624 justifies this by pointing out the ubiquitous corruption and K05QcdaklC4-00151-00091624-00092184 nepotism in the Church. Another christian chronicler, Yahya of Antioch, states that K05QcdaklC4-00152-00092184-00092680 after the governance of churches was improved, the state returned the confiscated money. K05QcdaklC4-00153-00092792-00093384 In any case, the biggest anti-Christian decision by Al-Hakim was his order to destroy the Church K05QcdaklC4-00154-00093384-00093984 of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem in 1009, one of the holiest sites of Christianity. K05QcdaklC4-00155-00094048-00094512 According to Muslim laws, people of the book were prohibited from holding religious K05QcdaklC4-00156-00094512-00095032 ceremonies in public spaces, praying loudly, and ringing church bells loudly. K05QcdaklC4-00157-00095104-00095704 These rules were often ignored in the Fatimid Empire and not punished. Despite his orders K05QcdaklC4-00158-00095704-00096288 on the prohibition of religious parades during Easter and Epiphany, in 1007, the Christians of K05QcdaklC4-00159-00096288-00096880 Jerusalem held a large procession during that holy day. This happened amidst the backdrop of K05QcdaklC4-00160-00096880-00097552 continued social tension, as both wealthy and poor Muslims resented the prosperous life of Christians K05QcdaklC4-00161-00097552-00098208 in the Fatimid Empire. Therefore, anti-Christian policies were the easiest shortcut to popularity K05QcdaklC4-00162-00098208-00098928 for the Imam Caliph. The destruction of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in 1009 enabled Muslim mobs K05QcdaklC4-00163-00098928-00099584 to destroy many other churches on the Fatimid territory and to loot their possessions. In 1012 K05QcdaklC4-00164-00099648-00100240 Al-Hakim rubbed salt in the wound when he prohibited Jews and Christians from riding horses, K05QcdaklC4-00165-00100240-00100856 ordering them to use only donkeys or mules with undecorated saddles. They were also prohibited K05QcdaklC4-00166-00100856-00101472 from riding on boats with a Muslim crew on it or taking Muslim girls as concubines. Moreover, K05QcdaklC4-00167-00101472-00102152 the breeding of pigs, and selling of wine and beer was prohibited. These discriminatory policies and K05QcdaklC4-00168-00102152-00102696 most importanty, the destruction of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre won al-Hakim the moniker K05QcdaklC4-00169-00102696-00103311 Mad Caliph in the Christian World. With that said, it is interesting that despite his anti-Christian K05QcdaklC4-00170-00103311-00103840 policies, during Al-Hakim’s reign there was no military conflict with the Byzantines, K05QcdaklC4-00171-00103840-00104328 who had been fighting a border war with the Fatimids for decades. Even the destruction K05QcdaklC4-00172-00104328-00104840 of the Holy Sepulchre did not cause a conflict, as evidently neither side trusted K05QcdaklC4-00173-00104840-00105376 that their respective militaries were capable of achieving any major success against each other. K05QcdaklC4-00174-00105488-00106064 Meanwhile, in his religious fervor, or on the quest to gain more popularity among his Muslim K05QcdaklC4-00175-00106064-00106624 subjects Al-Hakim severely restricted access to barley, dates, honey, grapes, K05QcdaklC4-00176-00106624-00107192 raisins and any other fermentable fruits. Eating fish without scales was forbidden. K05QcdaklC4-00177-00107264-00107808 In attempt to curb prostitution he forbade women from going outside of their homes, K05QcdaklC4-00178-00107808-00108304 with widows, midwives, court witnesses, and women preparing for pilgrimage, K05QcdaklC4-00179-00108304-00108792 being some of the few exceptions to this rule. Some of the prohibitions ordered by K05QcdaklC4-00180-00108792-00109416 Al-Hakim were truly ridiculous. It is tough to see why he, for instance, banned playing chess. K05QcdaklC4-00181-00109488-00110056 On two occasions dogs were massacred in Cairo, possibly as an anti-rabies policy. K05QcdaklC4-00182-00110144-00110680 Towards the end of his reign Al-Hakim became more and more ascetic, which made him appear more K05QcdaklC4-00183-00110680-00111416 mysterious and down to earth, aiding his image as a just, but divine ruler. Before, Al-Hakim was a K05QcdaklC4-00184-00111416-00111968 very hands-on ruler, who would frequently walk in the city and talk to commoners, listening to K05QcdaklC4-00185-00111968-00112552 their grievances and petitions. But later on, his public appearances became extremely rare. K05QcdaklC4-00186-00112616-00113304 He refused to ride horses and only used donkeys for transportation. He wore ordinary clothes and K05QcdaklC4-00187-00113304-00113928 was accompanied only by a few servants. Al-Hakim would make frequent trips to Mount Muqatfam, K05QcdaklC4-00188-00113928-00114480 where he would pray alone through the night. It is on this somber note that the reign of the K05QcdaklC4-00189-00114480-00115359 Mad Caliph comes to a quiet end. On 13 February 1021, Al-Hakim went to Mount Muqatfam once more, K05QcdaklC4-00190-00115359-00115952 and this time, he never came back. The search party found his donkey and clothes, K05QcdaklC4-00191-00115952-00116632 but there was no trace of Al-Hakim. Some claim that he was killed by his half-sister Sitt al-Mulk K05QcdaklC4-00192-00116632-00117240 over the complex issue of succession, others look for more mysterious causes such as occultation. K05QcdaklC4-00193-00117311-00117616 We still don’t know the exact reason for his death. K05QcdaklC4-00194-00117711-00118272 Al-Hakim is the most prominent Fatimid Imam-Caliph. Such was the level of his reverence K05QcdaklC4-00195-00118272-00118904 among his supporters that after his death, some Ismailis created a new religion, the Druze Faith, K05QcdaklC4-00196-00118904-00119544 which saw Al-Hakim as the manifestation of God on Earth. Such was the level of hatred towards him K05QcdaklC4-00197-00119544-00120152 that he was called a Mad Caliph. He was a controversial ruler who would both discriminate K05QcdaklC4-00198-00120152-00120752 against Christians and Jews, and reward them for good public service and appoint them as Wasitas. K05QcdaklC4-00199-00120824-00121400 Where one day he would order the cursing of major personalities of the Sunni theology, another day K05QcdaklC4-00200-00121400-00121920 he would call for resolution of all religious disputes through civilized discussion and academic K05QcdaklC4-00201-00121920-00122592 argumentation. He was compared to Nero and was blamed for burning of Fustat, but he also turned K05QcdaklC4-00202-00122592-00123272 his capital Cairo into the center of science and academia in the Islamic World. His mysterious K05QcdaklC4-00203-00123272-00123888 death only added to the colorful personality of the Fatimid Imam Caliph Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah. K05QcdaklC4-00204-00124048-00124559 More videos on Islamic history are on the way, so make sure you are subscribed and have pressed the K05QcdaklC4-00205-00124559-00125104 bell button to see it. Please, consider liking, commenting, and sharing - it helps immensely. K05QcdaklC4-00206-00125104-00125608 Our videos would be impossible without our kind patrons and youtube channel members, K05QcdaklC4-00207-00125608-00126024 whose ranks you can join via the links in the description to know our schedule, K05QcdaklC4-00208-00126024-00126344 get early access to our videos, access our discord, K05QcdaklC4-00209-00126344-00127159 and much more. This is the Kings and Generals channel, and we will catch you on the next one. K2fwwm-OZGU-00000-00001150-00001300 one love for kids K61BIiaq9ck-00000-00000137-00000640 For lunch today, you had a turkey sandwich, a bag of sour cream and onion potato chips, K61BIiaq9ck-00001-00000640-00000894 an apple, and a cookie for dessert. K61BIiaq9ck-00002-00000894-00001376 It tasted good and you know, somehow, your body will turn it into the energy you need K61BIiaq9ck-00003-00001376-00001577 to get through your afternoon. K61BIiaq9ck-00004-00001577-00001792 But how exactly does that work? K61BIiaq9ck-00005-00001792-00002058 Let’s find out. K61BIiaq9ck-00006-00002058-00002679 Metabolism is the process your body uses to turn what you eat into the energy your body uses. K61BIiaq9ck-00007-00002680-00003356 It’s all the chemical reactions carried out by your cells to change food into energy. K61BIiaq9ck-00008-00003356-00003956 There are two main types of metabolic pathways: Catabolic and Anabolic. K61BIiaq9ck-00009-00003956-00004461 Catabolic reactions break large, complex molecules into simpler ones. K61BIiaq9ck-00010-00004461-00004725 This process usually releases energy. K61BIiaq9ck-00011-00004725-00005170 Digesting the turkey sandwich into usable sugars, fats, and proteins K61BIiaq9ck-00012-00005170-00005396 is a catabolic reaction. K61BIiaq9ck-00013-00005396-00005874 Anabolic reactions assemble complex molecules from simpler ones. K61BIiaq9ck-00014-00005874-00006165 This process requires using energy. K61BIiaq9ck-00015-00006165-00006708 Forming new cells, tissues, muscles, and revitalizing organs from the food you eat K61BIiaq9ck-00016-00006708-00007021 are all anabolic processes. K61BIiaq9ck-00017-00007021-00007533 The energy for anabolic reactions is provided by the catabolic reactions. K61BIiaq9ck-00018-00007533-00008179 This energy can also be stored in cells as Adenosine Triphosphate or ATP. K61BIiaq9ck-00019-00008179-00008447 Let’s practice what we’ve just covered. K61BIiaq9ck-00020-00008447-00008985 Look at each process and determine whether each is a catabolic or anabolic process. K61BIiaq9ck-00021-00008985-00009358 Feel free to pause the video if you need more time to decide. K61BIiaq9ck-00022-00009358-00009795 Synthesizing protein K61BIiaq9ck-00023-00009795-00010244 Digesting Food K61BIiaq9ck-00024-00010244-00010652 Replicating DNA K61BIiaq9ck-00025-00010652-00011067 Creating muscle K61BIiaq9ck-00026-00011067-00011590 Breaking down stored fats K61BIiaq9ck-00027-00011590-00012366 Here are the processes sorted into Catabolic and Anabolic processes. K61BIiaq9ck-00028-00012366-00012651 Humans, and nearly all other organisms, K61BIiaq9ck-00029-00012651-00013097 rely on breaking down glucose to provide energy for cells. K61BIiaq9ck-00030-00013097-00013628 An aerobic organism accomplishes this by using glycolysis and aerobic respiration K61BIiaq9ck-00031-00013628-00013979 including the Krebs cycle and the Electron Transport chain. K61BIiaq9ck-00032-00013979-00014273 Let’s see how this works in the human body. K61BIiaq9ck-00033-00014273-00014744 Glycolysis is the first step in digestion to turn food into energy. K61BIiaq9ck-00034-00014744-00015327 In this example, let’s drag a Glucose molecule to the first metabolic pathway – glycolysis K61BIiaq9ck-00035-00015327-00015629 – that’s used in aerobic organisms. K61BIiaq9ck-00036-00015629-00015826 Next is the Krebs cycle. K61BIiaq9ck-00037-00015826-00016302 Simply put, this is the major source of energy in all living organisms. K61BIiaq9ck-00038-00016302-00016809 What’s produced in the Krebs cycle are building blocks for other important body processes. K61BIiaq9ck-00039-00016809-00017246 Let’s drag the Pyruvic Acid to the metabolic pathway in the Krebs cycle K61BIiaq9ck-00040-00017252-00017569 where it will be processed in an aerobe. K61BIiaq9ck-00041-00017569-00017925 Then, we move on to the Electron Transport Chain. K61BIiaq9ck-00042-00017925-00018281 This takes place in the Mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell. K61BIiaq9ck-00043-00018281-00018847 It’s a cluster of proteins that transfer electrons, which drives the creation of ATP. K61BIiaq9ck-00044-00018847-00019249 As we’ve already stated, cells use ATP as energy. K61BIiaq9ck-00045-00019249-00019783 Watch as we drag the NADH and FADH2 to the metabolic pathway K61BIiaq9ck-00046-00019783-00020131 where they will be processed in an aerobe. K61BIiaq9ck-00047-00020131-00020714 In the presence of oxygen, aerobic metabolism includes glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, K61BIiaq9ck-00048-00020714-00020945 and the electron transport chain. K61BIiaq9ck-00049-00020945-00021481 This results in an energy gain of 38 ATP per glucose. K61BIiaq9ck-00050-00021481-00022168 When oxygen, or other electron acceptors aren’t available, an organism can’t complete respiration. K61BIiaq9ck-00051-00022168-00022599 Humans use fermentation when we need a large amount of energy in a hurry. K61BIiaq9ck-00052-00022599-00022934 Some organisms survive by fermentation alone. K61BIiaq9ck-00053-00022934-00023526 In this case, watch as a glucose molecule starts down the fermentation path. K61BIiaq9ck-00054-00023526-00023908 Now, we’ll move the pyruvic acid and NADH K61BIiaq9ck-00055-00023908-00024194 to the fermentation pathway. K61BIiaq9ck-00056-00024194-00024708 Depending on the fermentation pathway used, it can produce lactic acid, alcohol, K61BIiaq9ck-00057-00024708-00024997 or other end products. K61BIiaq9ck-00058-00024997-00025426 Fermentation only results in a gain of 2 ATP per glucose. K61BIiaq9ck-00059-00025426-00025726 It doesn’t require oxygen. K61BIiaq9ck-00060-00025726-00026213 The human body uses a number of processes to convert a turkey sandwich into the energy K61BIiaq9ck-00061-00026213-00026722 it needs to fuel your body, create new tissue, and repair any damage. K61BIiaq9ck-00062-00026722-00027168 This was a brief overview of how these processes work together to turn food K61BIiaq9ck-00063-00027168-00027570 into the ATP cells need. K6jXaxyDtig-00000-00000065-00000321 - Okay welcome to today's show, K6jXaxyDtig-00001-00000321-00000761 I have one of the most special episodes for you. K6jXaxyDtig-00002-00000761-00001243 I have Brock Pierce here who, if you don't know is, K6jXaxyDtig-00003-00001243-00001646 I consider you one of the OG's of cryptocurrency, K6jXaxyDtig-00004-00001646-00002078 bitcoin, he is the chairman of the Bitcoin Foundation, K6jXaxyDtig-00005-00002078-00002510 he's humble so there's about 30 titles I could give him K6jXaxyDtig-00006-00002510-00002818 but if you know anything about bitcoin and cryptocurrency. K6jXaxyDtig-00007-00002818-00003261 He is one of, maybe the most well known person in the world, K6jXaxyDtig-00008-00003261-00003364 number one expert, K6jXaxyDtig-00009-00003364-00003649 been into virtual currency since the 1990's, K6jXaxyDtig-00010-00003649-00003932 he is the cofounder of Blockchain Capital K6jXaxyDtig-00011-00003932-00004349 which is the biggest crypto blockchain venture fund, K6jXaxyDtig-00012-00004571-00004793 he's the cofounder of EOS K6jXaxyDtig-00013-00004793-00005131 which is the largest ICO in history. K6jXaxyDtig-00014-00005131-00005294 I did the math, it's probably K6jXaxyDtig-00015-00005294-00005552 over 700 million dollars raised K6jXaxyDtig-00016-00005722-00006139 and is it fair to say you're a crypto billionaire? K6jXaxyDtig-00017-00006336-00006555 - You asked me one of my sorta favorite questions. K6jXaxyDtig-00018-00006555-00006972 Lately I've been putting into all of my talks that K6jXaxyDtig-00019-00007095-00007491 a billionaire isn't someone with a billion dollars. K6jXaxyDtig-00020-00007491-00007724 A unicorn isn't a billion dollar company. K6jXaxyDtig-00021-00007724-00007943 A real billionaire in my opinion is K6jXaxyDtig-00022-00007943-00008086 someone that has positively impacted K6jXaxyDtig-00023-00008086-00008221 the lives of a billion people, K6jXaxyDtig-00024-00008221-00008359 a unicorn in my opinion is K6jXaxyDtig-00025-00008359-00008731 a community or an organization that has positively impacted K6jXaxyDtig-00026-00008731-00009004 the lives of a billion people. K6jXaxyDtig-00027-00009004-00009248 I think one of the misconceptions K6jXaxyDtig-00028-00009248-00009700 and a lot of what's leading to the world in which we live is K6jXaxyDtig-00029-00009700-00009852 this misunderstanding of money K6jXaxyDtig-00030-00009852-00010022 and I think money's a bad thing, it's just a tool K6jXaxyDtig-00031-00010022-00010384 but that people spend a lot of their lives in pursuit of it K6jXaxyDtig-00032-00010384-00010531 thinking it's going to make them happier K6jXaxyDtig-00033-00010531-00010720 and it's gonna provide them with something they need K6jXaxyDtig-00034-00010720-00010888 and all they have to do is ask themselves K6jXaxyDtig-00035-00010888-00011008 why do they need something K6jXaxyDtig-00036-00011008-00011378 and then they'll discover whether or not they really need it K6jXaxyDtig-00037-00011378-00011548 and so they'll go through a lot of their life K6jXaxyDtig-00038-00011548-00011758 thinking that money's gonna bring them happiness K6jXaxyDtig-00039-00011758-00011974 and then if they're lucky enough to eventually get it K6jXaxyDtig-00040-00011974-00012172 a lot of those people end up staying unhappy K6jXaxyDtig-00041-00012172-00012388 for the rest of their lives afraid to lose it. K6jXaxyDtig-00042-00012388-00012490 'Cause it's all about K6jXaxyDtig-00043-00012490-00012685 being in the present and living in the now K6jXaxyDtig-00044-00012685-00012768 and in the now you don't need very much K6jXaxyDtig-00045-00012768-00013076 and so I think as people are thinking about money K6jXaxyDtig-00046-00013076-00013471 and clearly we're attempting to reinvent it. K6jXaxyDtig-00047-00013471-00013797 So the old adages of like money is power, K6jXaxyDtig-00048-00013797-00013966 that paradigm is going to come to an end K6jXaxyDtig-00049-00013966-00014124 and it's gonna be technology is power K6jXaxyDtig-00050-00014124-00014227 and consciousness is power K6jXaxyDtig-00051-00014227-00014532 and all sorts of interesting changes to come. K6jXaxyDtig-00052-00014532-00014664 - So if you're watching, K6jXaxyDtig-00053-00014664-00014932 my target audience in this conversation. K6jXaxyDtig-00054-00014932-00015094 He's jetting to Columbia, K6jXaxyDtig-00055-00015094-00015500 he's speaking at the number one bitcoin conference K6jXaxyDtig-00056-00015500-00015730 at all South America so I wanna get as much, K6jXaxyDtig-00057-00015730-00016044 I wanna respect your time 'cause you're a super busy guy. K6jXaxyDtig-00058-00016044-00016193 - I got back into LA this morning. K6jXaxyDtig-00059-00016193-00016314 - He got in this morning. K6jXaxyDtig-00060-00016314-00016535 We were supposed to meet up on Friday and it was like K6jXaxyDtig-00061-00016535-00016773 we might have to helicopter him in and da da da K6jXaxyDtig-00062-00016773-00017076 and I was like alright let's put it off to today. K6jXaxyDtig-00063-00017076-00017468 So for people not familiar completely with K6jXaxyDtig-00064-00017468-00017748 cryptocurrency, blockchain, bitcoin, K6jXaxyDtig-00065-00017748-00018111 in one sentence if I have to explain to somebody K6jXaxyDtig-00066-00018111-00018292 what bitcoin cryptocurrency is, K6jXaxyDtig-00067-00018292-00018587 what do you say to them in one or two sentences? K6jXaxyDtig-00068-00018587-00018972 - Well the funny answer is it's magic internet money. K6jXaxyDtig-00069-00018972-00019074 (laughs) K6jXaxyDtig-00070-00019074-00019209 - There you go, magic internet money. K6jXaxyDtig-00071-00019209-00019473 - It represents something far greater than that K6jXaxyDtig-00072-00019473-00019798 and that is that it's a monetary system K6jXaxyDtig-00073-00019933-00020255 that is based on math and cryptography K6jXaxyDtig-00074-00020255-00020577 and it's open source and it's transparent K6jXaxyDtig-00075-00020577-00020778 so it's governed on a peer to peer basis K6jXaxyDtig-00076-00020778-00020988 so it's a system that can't be corrupted, K6jXaxyDtig-00077-00020988-00021425 it can't be cheated, it's a system kind of for the people. K6jXaxyDtig-00078-00021425-00021731 - Do you think big picture there is a potential K6jXaxyDtig-00079-00021731-00022125 that bitcoin cryptocurrencies, blockchain K6jXaxyDtig-00080-00022125-00022374 will take down the federal reserve, K6jXaxyDtig-00081-00022374-00022651 US dollars, Pounds, Euros, K6jXaxyDtig-00082-00022651-00022915 can you see that in a world in 20 years? K6jXaxyDtig-00083-00022915-00023124 Or does it compete? K6jXaxyDtig-00084-00023124-00023390 - No I think that there's uses for both K6jXaxyDtig-00085-00023390-00023587 and what bitcoin is isn't a currency, K6jXaxyDtig-00086-00023587-00023721 it's not a transactional currency, K6jXaxyDtig-00087-00023721-00023947 it's far too expensive to do transactions. K6jXaxyDtig-00088-00023947-00024312 What it is is it's a stored value meaning you're better off K6jXaxyDtig-00089-00024312-00024626 thinking of it as gold 2.0 or digital gold. K6jXaxyDtig-00090-00024626-00024871 And when you think about it from that perspective K6jXaxyDtig-00091-00024871-00025048 you have to ask yourself about the history of money K6jXaxyDtig-00092-00025048-00025229 and so for the last 5,000 years, K6jXaxyDtig-00093-00025229-00025450 the primary form of money was precious metals, K6jXaxyDtig-00094-00025450-00025587 gold, silver, and copper. K6jXaxyDtig-00095-00025587-00025687 And those three, K6jXaxyDtig-00096-00025687-00025979 after 95,000 years of experimenting with everything, K6jXaxyDtig-00097-00025979-00026296 were selected because they had specific attributes. K6jXaxyDtig-00098-00026296-00026451 It was sufficiently scarce so that K6jXaxyDtig-00099-00026451-00026694 you didn't need a truck load of it to buy a loaf of bread, K6jXaxyDtig-00100-00026694-00026807 you can transport it. K6jXaxyDtig-00101-00026807-00027057 It had to be maleable, you gotta be able to take it apart, K6jXaxyDtig-00102-00027057-00027211 put it back together again, K6jXaxyDtig-00103-00027211-00027337 it had to be fungable like diamonds, K6jXaxyDtig-00104-00027337-00027568 it has to all be the same, like diamonds. K6jXaxyDtig-00105-00027568-00027761 Non spoilable, you wouldn't want to put it in a safe, K6jXaxyDtig-00106-00027761-00027947 go get it in a year, it's rotten. K6jXaxyDtig-00107-00027947-00028239 So these precious metals had very specific attributes. K6jXaxyDtig-00108-00028239-00028439 Bitcoin possesses all of those attributes except for K6jXaxyDtig-00109-00028439-00028595 it's a lot better at all of them K6jXaxyDtig-00110-00028595-00028934 and the other big difference is gold is physical, K6jXaxyDtig-00111-00028934-00029089 bitcoin is intangible K6jXaxyDtig-00112-00029089-00029312 and the intangibility is a positive trait K6jXaxyDtig-00113-00029312-00029411 'cause you can send it K6jXaxyDtig-00114-00029411-00029746 from anywhere in the world instantaneously and it's just, K6jXaxyDtig-00115-00029746-00030051 gold actually it's easier to club you and take it off you. K6jXaxyDtig-00116-00030051-00030475 - Yeah Paypal, Western Union, may be a thing of the past. K6jXaxyDtig-00117-00030475-00030619 - It's more gold I think. K6jXaxyDtig-00118-00030619-00030708 - You think gold. K6jXaxyDtig-00119-00030708-00030885 Now number one question that we have, K6jXaxyDtig-00120-00030885-00031268 I asked just some beginners on the drive over here, K6jXaxyDtig-00121-00031268-00031428 is bitcoin a bubble? K6jXaxyDtig-00122-00031428-00031685 I know you're probably sick of being asked this. K6jXaxyDtig-00123-00031685-00031854 Everybody's been saying it's a bubble. K6jXaxyDtig-00124-00031854-00032078 You see big bankers saying this. K6jXaxyDtig-00125-00032078-00032293 The more they say it, China's banned ICOs, K6jXaxyDtig-00126-00032293-00032529 Russia's banned cryptocurrencies, K6jXaxyDtig-00127-00032529-00032733 the more it's going up right now. K6jXaxyDtig-00128-00032733-00032978 What's your answer to that is this a bubble? K6jXaxyDtig-00129-00032978-00033412 - Yeah of course it's a bubble but what are bubbles? K6jXaxyDtig-00130-00033412-00033801 Markets, and this one in particular, the price-- K6jXaxyDtig-00131-00033801-00034231 Sentiment is the primary barometer of the price right now K6jXaxyDtig-00132-00034231-00034589 and so when you think about it from that perspective K6jXaxyDtig-00133-00034589-00034716 it's gonna be an emotional market K6jXaxyDtig-00134-00034716-00034871 and you're gonna see emotional run ups K6jXaxyDtig-00135-00034871-00035130 and because it's scarce you can see these big movements K6jXaxyDtig-00136-00035130-00035231 and you're gonna see corrections K6jXaxyDtig-00137-00035231-00035484 and it's just like back in the internet bubble K6jXaxyDtig-00138-00035484-00035831 it wasn't all just straight up and to the right for years. K6jXaxyDtig-00139-00035831-00036182 We had lots of movements during that phase K6jXaxyDtig-00140-00036182-00036346 and so this is gonna be no different K6jXaxyDtig-00141-00036346-00036477 so the data point I would give you though K6jXaxyDtig-00142-00036477-00036647 that's most interesting, K6jXaxyDtig-00143-00036647-00036881 we'll call it a 300 billion, K6jXaxyDtig-00144-00037032-00037271 we can get 400 billion dollar market cap sector K6jXaxyDtig-00145-00037271-00037688 more or less right now and kinda doing this in this period. K6jXaxyDtig-00146-00037778-00038084 How big do you think the internet was during it's hay day? K6jXaxyDtig-00147-00038084-00038332 In 1999 it got to over seven trillion, K6jXaxyDtig-00148-00038332-00038663 the internet tech stocks and so seven trillion. K6jXaxyDtig-00149-00038663-00038763 - So this is nothing compared. K6jXaxyDtig-00150-00038763-00038905 - And that was when it was only a western phenomenon K6jXaxyDtig-00151-00038905-00039209 and this is not adjusting to inflation. K6jXaxyDtig-00152-00039209-00039310 So I could argue K6jXaxyDtig-00153-00039310-00039556 it'd be a 50 trillion or 100 trillion dollar market today K6jXaxyDtig-00154-00039556-00039765 so relative to that market K6jXaxyDtig-00155-00039765-00040037 that was betting on the future potential of a new technology K6jXaxyDtig-00156-00040037-00040512 which is inferior to what this is, this is ten times bigger. K6jXaxyDtig-00157-00040512-00040791 I think yeah we're in maybe a temporary one K6jXaxyDtig-00158-00040791-00040964 but we're far from being K6jXaxyDtig-00159-00040964-00041187 even anywhere close to where the internet got K6jXaxyDtig-00160-00041187-00041378 and so the thing that I would argue K6jXaxyDtig-00161-00041378-00041634 is the biggest bubble today is the stock market. K6jXaxyDtig-00162-00041634-00041990 - So you think cryptocurrencies, bitcoin, at 300 bill, K6jXaxyDtig-00163-00041990-00042214 three to 400 billion dollar market cap K6jXaxyDtig-00164-00042214-00042313 is not nearly the bubble K6jXaxyDtig-00165-00042313-00042640 as conventional SMP 500 regular stock market, K6jXaxyDtig-00166-00042640-00042826 what people have their 401(k)s in. K6jXaxyDtig-00167-00042826-00043034 - I think the stock market's more of a bubble. K6jXaxyDtig-00168-00043034-00043236 - So you could see that crashing a bigger crash K6jXaxyDtig-00169-00043236-00043382 than you could see crypto. K6jXaxyDtig-00170-00043382-00043483 - Of course. K6jXaxyDtig-00171-00043483-00043723 It's a bigger market too so obviously I mean. K6jXaxyDtig-00172-00043723-00043902 - So would you recommend people listening K6jXaxyDtig-00173-00043902-00044222 should be starting moving a little bit of their money K6jXaxyDtig-00174-00044222-00044522 from conventional stocks over K6jXaxyDtig-00175-00044522-00044874 into bitcoin, ether, things like this? K6jXaxyDtig-00176-00044874-00045156 - Yeah so I don't ever like to give anyone investment advice K6jXaxyDtig-00177-00045156-00045306 and I don't think that, K6jXaxyDtig-00178-00045306-00045413 if someone tries to tell you K6jXaxyDtig-00179-00045413-00045631 you should do this you should invest in that, K6jXaxyDtig-00180-00045631-00045770 always be very skeptical K6jXaxyDtig-00181-00045770-00046207 because a good teacher doesn't say you should do this. K6jXaxyDtig-00182-00046207-00046543 They give you information, they transfer knowledge to you K6jXaxyDtig-00183-00046543-00046888 so that you can be informed and get more informed K6jXaxyDtig-00184-00046888-00047111 if it's inspired you in some way K6jXaxyDtig-00185-00047111-00047316 and you should know what you're doing K6jXaxyDtig-00186-00047316-00047456 and then make decisions for yourself K6jXaxyDtig-00187-00047456-00047674 when you feel that you're adequately informed K6jXaxyDtig-00188-00047674-00047848 and I think that's what good teachers do, K6jXaxyDtig-00189-00047848-00047996 these are the types of people that you should listen to. K6jXaxyDtig-00190-00047996-00048234 People that are trying to hock something at you, K6jXaxyDtig-00191-00048234-00048536 normally that should put off the red flags. K6jXaxyDtig-00192-00048536-00048826 And so the information that I would give people is K6jXaxyDtig-00193-00048826-00049091 if you're doing what's called asset allocation. K6jXaxyDtig-00194-00049091-00049291 If you have assets you wanna try and figure out K6jXaxyDtig-00195-00049291-00049535 how they should be allocated and give some thought to it, K6jXaxyDtig-00196-00049535-00049741 have intention in the things that you do K6jXaxyDtig-00197-00049741-00050171 and so you can say okay I've now been informed enough K6jXaxyDtig-00198-00050171-00050546 due to my own research to inform my own opinion K6jXaxyDtig-00199-00050546-00050851 to have my own view 'cause I'm making a decision for myself, K6jXaxyDtig-00200-00050851-00051026 I am choosing to do this. K6jXaxyDtig-00201-00051026-00051278 Once you've done that you say how much do I wanna allocate K6jXaxyDtig-00202-00051278-00051384 and that's gonna be a matter of K6jXaxyDtig-00203-00051384-00051508 what level of knowledge you have K6jXaxyDtig-00204-00051508-00051660 and what level of conviction have. K6jXaxyDtig-00205-00051660-00051894 Your prediction of the future and you might say K6jXaxyDtig-00206-00051894-00052114 I want one percent of my assets in something like this, K6jXaxyDtig-00207-00052114-00052265 you might say I want more. K6jXaxyDtig-00208-00052265-00052428 I'm more or less mostly in K6jXaxyDtig-00209-00052428-00052761 blockchain and crypto related assets and real estate. K6jXaxyDtig-00210-00052761-00052922 - That's where you put your money, K6jXaxyDtig-00211-00052922-00053186 either in crypto or real estate. K6jXaxyDtig-00212-00053186-00053417 So real estate is your physical asset K6jXaxyDtig-00213-00053417-00053732 that if something happens you know you're balanced out here. K6jXaxyDtig-00214-00053732-00053889 - Well I think the real estate market's interesting K6jXaxyDtig-00215-00053889-00054085 because it's undervalued. K6jXaxyDtig-00216-00054085-00054203 Hugely undervalued because K6jXaxyDtig-00217-00054203-00054417 it's the second largest asset class K6jXaxyDtig-00218-00054417-00054841 and it doesn't have a matching engine or an order book, K6jXaxyDtig-00219-00054841-00055190 it's still running on real estate agents and, K6jXaxyDtig-00220-00055190-00055447 talk about some draconian infrastructure, K6jXaxyDtig-00221-00055447-00055556 a market of this size. K6jXaxyDtig-00222-00055556-00055855 So as soon as real estate title gets put on the blockchain K6jXaxyDtig-00223-00055855-00056172 and where it becomes digital title, it becomes fractional. K6jXaxyDtig-00224-00056172-00056277 The stuff that's gonna come out of that K6jXaxyDtig-00225-00056277-00056397 is gonna be utterly insane K6jXaxyDtig-00226-00056397-00056510 so imagine if you could say K6jXaxyDtig-00227-00056510-00056927 I wanna buy $100 in every house in the neighborhood K6jXaxyDtig-00228-00057015-00057202 or $1,000 and it's all fractionalized K6jXaxyDtig-00229-00057202-00057377 and it's a whole market that's trading all the time K6jXaxyDtig-00230-00057377-00057707 in fractions of home ownership, if you make it truly liquid, K6jXaxyDtig-00231-00057707-00058141 markets have liquidity discounts, bring liquidity to market K6jXaxyDtig-00232-00058141-00058457 and you will cause a huge increase in price. K6jXaxyDtig-00233-00058457-00058556 - So you think theoretically. K6jXaxyDtig-00234-00058556-00058737 So this is a whole thing for those of you who don't know. K6jXaxyDtig-00235-00058737-00058847 You have cryptocurrencies K6jXaxyDtig-00236-00058847-00059018 and they're built on a type of technology K6jXaxyDtig-00237-00059018-00059284 that's broadly called blockchain K6jXaxyDtig-00238-00059284-00059386 and there's different blockchains, K6jXaxyDtig-00239-00059386-00059684 there's bitcoin is one on technology K6jXaxyDtig-00240-00059684-00059831 and ether's on another one, K6jXaxyDtig-00241-00059831-00060119 you're the cofounder of potentially one of, K6jXaxyDtig-00242-00060119-00060507 Well EOS is going to be or is another technology. K6jXaxyDtig-00243-00060507-00061000 You're saying real estate is gonna go up on this technology K6jXaxyDtig-00244-00061000-00061340 and no longer just be realtors with titles K6jXaxyDtig-00245-00061340-00061670 in old fashioned 1800s methodologies. K6jXaxyDtig-00246-00061670-00061832 - Yeah I mean this is the technology K6jXaxyDtig-00247-00061832-00062109 that will have that big an impact, K6jXaxyDtig-00248-00062109-00062328 it's going to affect everything so to help-- K6jXaxyDtig-00249-00062328-00062543 - Yeah what else will it affect, what other huge things? K6jXaxyDtig-00250-00062543-00062792 - Let me take you down like to the foundation. K6jXaxyDtig-00251-00062792-00062974 So the internet itself, K6jXaxyDtig-00252-00062974-00063305 if I wanted to describe the internet in three words K6jXaxyDtig-00253-00063305-00063574 I would call it a data transport protocol. K6jXaxyDtig-00254-00063574-00063766 It's a system for moving information. K6jXaxyDtig-00255-00063766-00064108 Now the problem is it's an insecure data transport protocol K6jXaxyDtig-00256-00064108-00064209 and that's because K6jXaxyDtig-00257-00064209-00064402 back when the internet was first being designed K6jXaxyDtig-00258-00064402-00064545 we didn't have the processing power K6jXaxyDtig-00259-00064545-00064768 to run the types of cryptography necessary to do this K6jXaxyDtig-00260-00064768-00064986 and so the foundation of the internet was built wrong K6jXaxyDtig-00261-00064986-00065165 and then we just kept building on top of it K6jXaxyDtig-00262-00065165-00065433 but the problem is when the foundation of a system is wrong, K6jXaxyDtig-00263-00065433-00065669 meaning it's insecure, and the way that it was constructed, K6jXaxyDtig-00264-00065669-00066021 it'll never be secure, the internet is essentially broken. K6jXaxyDtig-00265-00066021-00066164 What the blockchain is doing is K6jXaxyDtig-00266-00066164-00066319 it's going to bring and create K6jXaxyDtig-00267-00066319-00066542 the secure data transport protocol K6jXaxyDtig-00268-00066542-00066718 and so the internet is only fulfilling K6jXaxyDtig-00269-00066718-00066932 one small part of it's potential K6jXaxyDtig-00270-00066932-00067153 because of this security flaw. K6jXaxyDtig-00271-00067153-00067311 When you fix security, K6jXaxyDtig-00272-00067311-00067524 the internet is gonna reach its full potential K6jXaxyDtig-00273-00067524-00067702 which is gonna be I think ten times greater, K6jXaxyDtig-00274-00067702-00067934 every industry in the world is going to be affected K6jXaxyDtig-00275-00067934-00068182 and it's going to be a beautiful beautiful thing. K6jXaxyDtig-00276-00068182-00068436 - So are you saying internet will be gone as we know it? K6jXaxyDtig-00277-00068436-00068670 - Yeah this is the new internet, it's the upgrade. K6jXaxyDtig-00278-00068670-00068770 - Huh. K6jXaxyDtig-00279-00068770-00068951 - The entire internet's gonna go I think. K6jXaxyDtig-00280-00068951-00069246 - So will websites like Amazon, like Google disappear, K6jXaxyDtig-00281-00069246-00069417 or they'll have to go on the blockchain? K6jXaxyDtig-00282-00069417-00069520 - They're gonna have to K6jXaxyDtig-00283-00069520-00069651 go through their process of upgrading K6jXaxyDtig-00284-00069651-00069967 and anytime you have a big transformational event like this, K6jXaxyDtig-00285-00069967-00070132 read the innovator's dilemma. K6jXaxyDtig-00286-00070132-00070356 You've got the incumbent and you've got the new entrants K6jXaxyDtig-00287-00070356-00070609 and there's gonna be a meeting of the minds there. K6jXaxyDtig-00288-00070609-00070711 But my view is K6jXaxyDtig-00289-00070711-00070957 I help the incumbent industry as much as I can K6jXaxyDtig-00290-00070957-00071169 and I help the start up community as much as I can K6jXaxyDtig-00291-00071169-00071445 because if anyone is successful in changing the world K6jXaxyDtig-00292-00071445-00071681 and making it a better place, we all win. K6jXaxyDtig-00293-00071681-00072035 So I help everyone, I don't ever ask for anything, K6jXaxyDtig-00294-00072035-00072257 I give everyone in the industry that I can help, K6jXaxyDtig-00295-00072257-00072448 every person that I have as much time in the day to do, K6jXaxyDtig-00296-00072448-00072814 I don't sleep because it's such an inspiring thing to do. K6jXaxyDtig-00297-00072814-00072914 - You're doing this free. K6jXaxyDtig-00298-00072914-00073013 Thank you for that. K6jXaxyDtig-00299-00073013-00073333 - I believe we have an incredible opportunity here K6jXaxyDtig-00300-00073333-00073505 to make the world a better place K6jXaxyDtig-00301-00073505-00073781 and back to that being a billionaire K6jXaxyDtig-00302-00073781-00073974 this is the opportunity to be a real billionaire K6jXaxyDtig-00303-00073974-00074094 and when you start to understand K6jXaxyDtig-00304-00074094-00074251 what's going to happen in the world K6jXaxyDtig-00305-00074251-00074411 you eventually wake up and you go K6jXaxyDtig-00306-00074411-00074745 wow what I'm working on right now K6jXaxyDtig-00307-00074745-00074945 isn't gonna matter in a little while K6jXaxyDtig-00308-00074945-00075144 and then you just, people, all of a sudden, K6jXaxyDtig-00309-00075144-00075377 I'm watching it happen in troves all over the world. K6jXaxyDtig-00310-00075377-00075539 Once they come to this realization it's like K6jXaxyDtig-00311-00075539-00075837 they can't get up and live the life that they had anymore K6jXaxyDtig-00312-00075837-00076021 because it's no longer inspiring K6jXaxyDtig-00313-00076021-00076219 because they realize that whole system is gonna change K6jXaxyDtig-00314-00076219-00076349 and now all of a sudden they're like K6jXaxyDtig-00315-00076349-00076565 okay I've gotta really rethink everything I'm doing K6jXaxyDtig-00316-00076565-00076714 and it may stay in that same industry K6jXaxyDtig-00317-00076714-00076898 using those same skills have but be the one to do it K6jXaxyDtig-00318-00076898-00077056 and that can be at the incumbent's level, K6jXaxyDtig-00319-00077056-00077242 that can be at the start up level. K6jXaxyDtig-00320-00077242-00077396 - When he says incumbents we're talking corporations, K6jXaxyDtig-00321-00077396-00077503 large companies. K6jXaxyDtig-00322-00077503-00077603 - Yeah the big companies, yeah. K6jXaxyDtig-00323-00077603-00077703 Yeah and the big companies K6jXaxyDtig-00324-00077703-00077918 are gonna also drive a lot of progress too. K6jXaxyDtig-00325-00077918-00078216 - So these big banks, should they be scared? K6jXaxyDtig-00326-00078216-00078618 I mean some of these banks are hiring huge groups of K6jXaxyDtig-00327-00078618-00078878 crypto, bitcoin, blockchain people K6jXaxyDtig-00328-00078878-00079176 to come in and consult with them, whether they be funds, K6jXaxyDtig-00329-00079176-00079524 whether they be banks, do you think they should be scared? K6jXaxyDtig-00330-00079524-00079679 - I mean I think they're doing the right thing. K6jXaxyDtig-00331-00079679-00079832 The analogy I like to use is K6jXaxyDtig-00332-00079832-00080131 we used to make our phone calls over twisted copper wires. K6jXaxyDtig-00333-00080131-00080420 And one day it switched to voice over IP K6jXaxyDtig-00334-00080420-00080596 and everyone said hey this is gonna be the end of the telcos K6jXaxyDtig-00335-00080596-00080798 and da da da da da, no, K6jXaxyDtig-00336-00080798-00080886 the telecom industry K6jXaxyDtig-00337-00080886-00081061 became the biggest beneficiary of the technology, K6jXaxyDtig-00338-00081061-00081320 massively cutting their costs in the middle and back offices K6jXaxyDtig-00339-00081320-00081561 and the banks are gonna do the same thing, they're smart. K6jXaxyDtig-00340-00081561-00081725 They can benefit greatly from this technology K6jXaxyDtig-00341-00081725-00081904 and yeah I mean K6jXaxyDtig-00342-00081904-00082173 when I was asked by banks early on in this space K6jXaxyDtig-00343-00082173-00082638 'cause I did a lot of introducing the ideas to them, K6jXaxyDtig-00344-00082638-00082965 they'd ask me is this gonna be good or bad for my business? K6jXaxyDtig-00345-00082965-00083151 I said it's gonna be both. K6jXaxyDtig-00346-00083151-00083477 It's gonna be balanced, you're gonna have some K6jXaxyDtig-00347-00083477-00083770 portions of your business are gonna be negatively impacted, K6jXaxyDtig-00348-00083770-00083917 maybe even go away. K6jXaxyDtig-00349-00083917-00084169 Some portions of your business will get better K6jXaxyDtig-00350-00084169-00084483 and it's innovate or die, you can't stop change, K6jXaxyDtig-00351-00084483-00084610 you can't stop innovation, K6jXaxyDtig-00352-00084610-00084792 we are living in exponential times. K6jXaxyDtig-00353-00084792-00084976 So you have to get with the program K6jXaxyDtig-00354-00084976-00085180 and that is you have to keep evolving K6jXaxyDtig-00355-00085180-00085354 and we're accelerating K6jXaxyDtig-00356-00085354-00085579 which means you have to evolve even faster K6jXaxyDtig-00357-00085579-00085765 than you ever evolved before K6jXaxyDtig-00358-00085765-00086041 and that's this really interesting thing K6jXaxyDtig-00359-00086041-00086290 about the period in time in which we live. K6jXaxyDtig-00360-00086290-00086695 There's this Japanese concept of kaizen K6jXaxyDtig-00361-00086695-00086935 which is to continually improve. K6jXaxyDtig-00362-00086935-00087189 Approach every situation and don't just get the job done, K6jXaxyDtig-00363-00087189-00087311 do it as well as you can K6jXaxyDtig-00364-00087311-00087602 and always strive to do it even better. K6jXaxyDtig-00365-00087602-00087861 Continual improvement, and if you start applying this K6jXaxyDtig-00366-00087861-00088023 to everything you do in your life, K6jXaxyDtig-00367-00088023-00088228 everything you do will become exceptional K6jXaxyDtig-00368-00088228-00088424 and you will be growing and evolving K6jXaxyDtig-00369-00088424-00088672 at a pace that you've never imagined. K6jXaxyDtig-00370-00088672-00088991 When you stop trying to live a life of mediocrity. K6jXaxyDtig-00371-00088991-00089240 When we came out of World War Two because we won K6jXaxyDtig-00372-00089240-00089526 because you have that pyramid of good, fast, cheap. K6jXaxyDtig-00373-00089526-00089859 And we won the war by being fast and cheap K6jXaxyDtig-00374-00089859-00090115 'cause we were able to mass produce and that won the war K6jXaxyDtig-00375-00090115-00090539 but post the war we kept just doing fast and cheap. K6jXaxyDtig-00376-00090539-00090694 And we've basically started to, K6jXaxyDtig-00377-00090694-00090843 we live in a world of mediocrity K6jXaxyDtig-00378-00090843-00091108 where people are not making things incredibly well. K6jXaxyDtig-00379-00091108-00091517 We don't need to be fast anymore, we can be good, K6jXaxyDtig-00380-00091611-00091798 or we can be good and fast but it won't be cheap K6jXaxyDtig-00381-00091798-00091979 I mean we can make it good, it should always be-- K6jXaxyDtig-00382-00091979-00092223 - The Japanese rose up, sure. K6jXaxyDtig-00383-00092223-00092325 - It should always be good K6jXaxyDtig-00384-00092325-00092532 and there's this other Japanese concept of ikigai K6jXaxyDtig-00385-00092532-00092745 which is when you figure out what you love, K6jXaxyDtig-00386-00092745-00093028 what you're passionate about, what you're good at, K6jXaxyDtig-00387-00093028-00093291 where you got the skills, I'm never gonna be the NBA player, K6jXaxyDtig-00388-00093291-00093494 figure out what you're actually good at too K6jXaxyDtig-00389-00093494-00093726 and then figure out what the world needs. K6jXaxyDtig-00390-00093726-00094008 In the center of that is the ikigai. K6jXaxyDtig-00391-00094008-00094153 - So what you're good at, what the world needs. K6jXaxyDtig-00392-00094153-00094254 - And what you love. K6jXaxyDtig-00393-00094254-00094386 And in the center of that is, K6jXaxyDtig-00394-00094386-00094802 what you'll find is your ikigai, that's your purpose. K6jXaxyDtig-00395-00094802-00094977 - What's your ikigai? K6jXaxyDtig-00396-00095121-00095487 - We've got multiple, I call them superpowers as well K6jXaxyDtig-00397-00095487-00095904 and so the superpower that I'm using most right now is K6jXaxyDtig-00398-00096278-00096501 I know how to take complex ideas and distill them down K6jXaxyDtig-00399-00096501-00096776 into words that are generally easy for people to understand K6jXaxyDtig-00400-00096776-00097110 and I make my objective being able to teach a child. K6jXaxyDtig-00401-00097110-00097294 And if you can do that K6jXaxyDtig-00402-00097459-00097739 you've started to hopefully master a skill K6jXaxyDtig-00403-00097739-00097996 and as the Japanese do, it's about mastery, K6jXaxyDtig-00404-00097996-00098262 ikigai is how you get to this point K6jXaxyDtig-00405-00098262-00098678 and so I'm a storyteller which makes me an evangelist, K6jXaxyDtig-00406-00098864-00099041 the first follower of Satoshi K6jXaxyDtig-00407-00099041-00099279 and the many other great creators K6jXaxyDtig-00408-00099279-00099696 like Vitalic and Larimer and Gavin Wood and many others, K6jXaxyDtig-00409-00099830-00100202 there's a lot of incredible engineers, K6jXaxyDtig-00410-00100202-00100351 incredible cryptographers, K6jXaxyDtig-00411-00100351-00100562 people that are making the code K6jXaxyDtig-00412-00100562-00100690 that's going to change the world K6jXaxyDtig-00413-00100690-00100996 and I just try to support these people K6jXaxyDtig-00414-00100996-00101281 that are operating from a place of good intention K6jXaxyDtig-00415-00101281-00101670 and so my purpose though is everything in my life K6jXaxyDtig-00416-00101670-00101877 from digital currency to everything I've done K6jXaxyDtig-00417-00101877-00102325 just uniquely positioned me to obviously do well in this. K6jXaxyDtig-00418-00102325-00102594 - You've been in virtual currency since when? 90's? K6jXaxyDtig-00419-00102594-00102680 - '99 yeah. K6jXaxyDtig-00420-00102680-00102952 - What virtual currency was back then? K6jXaxyDtig-00421-00102952-00103053 - It was gaming, K6jXaxyDtig-00422-00103053-00103436 so I was a teenager and I was a pro-ish gamer. K6jXaxyDtig-00423-00103681-00104147 - He was also, a lot of you remember him from Mighty Ducks. K6jXaxyDtig-00424-00104147-00104365 So he's also a child actor, K6jXaxyDtig-00425-00104365-00104518 we didn't put that in the initial, K6jXaxyDtig-00426-00104518-00104651 a lot of people know that. K6jXaxyDtig-00427-00104651-00104808 - Yeah, it doesn't, yeah, K6jXaxyDtig-00428-00104808-00105162 I'm still an actor, I just don't do scripted things anymore. K6jXaxyDtig-00429-00105162-00105376 - That's right you're a reality actor. K6jXaxyDtig-00430-00105376-00105583 - The world is but a stage. K6jXaxyDtig-00431-00105583-00105869 You don't stop performing once you become a performer, K6jXaxyDtig-00432-00105869-00106184 you don't stop using your superpowers K6jXaxyDtig-00433-00106184-00106491 once you've developed them they become part of your-- K6jXaxyDtig-00434-00106491-00106697 - Well now you're using them for more powerful purposes. K6jXaxyDtig-00435-00106697-00106907 - They become part of your toolkit of things, K6jXaxyDtig-00436-00106907-00107253 you just keep learning and you just kaizen everything. K6jXaxyDtig-00437-00107253-00107357 And you just keep showing up K6jXaxyDtig-00438-00107357-00107651 and give everything your best so yeah the gaming stuff, '99, K6jXaxyDtig-00439-00107651-00107955 it was collectible card games online K6jXaxyDtig-00440-00107955-00108200 and so I was becoming the main trader, K6jXaxyDtig-00441-00108200-00108436 and I called up the main seller K6jXaxyDtig-00442-00108436-00108574 and I called the game company I'm like K6jXaxyDtig-00443-00108574-00108746 I'd like to buy your virtual packs of cards. K6jXaxyDtig-00444-00108746-00108944 Think Pokemon or Magic The Gathering. K6jXaxyDtig-00445-00108944-00109226 And I said like comic book shops do or baseball card stores K6jXaxyDtig-00446-00109226-00109435 and I said that's what they do in the analog world K6jXaxyDtig-00447-00109435-00109535 they're like oh yeah that makes sense K6jXaxyDtig-00448-00109535-00109653 and so I did that first deal K6jXaxyDtig-00449-00109653-00109941 and small game that never got more than 5,000 users K6jXaxyDtig-00450-00109941-00110212 but then I came back when the first MMORPGs were emerging, K6jXaxyDtig-00451-00110212-00110358 Ultima Online and Everquest K6jXaxyDtig-00452-00110358-00110619 and then I built the whole market for that K6jXaxyDtig-00453-00110619-00110920 and I built up to buy and sell the digital currencies K6jXaxyDtig-00454-00110920-00111123 in games like World of Warcraft and Second Life K6jXaxyDtig-00455-00111123-00111443 and I became the primary market maker K6jXaxyDtig-00456-00111443-00111729 for the world's digital economies or virtual economies K6jXaxyDtig-00457-00111729-00112075 and I built up a supply chain of 400,000 people in China K6jXaxyDtig-00458-00112075-00112339 in my early 20's that were playing games professionally K6jXaxyDtig-00459-00112339-00112451 to mine digital currency, K6jXaxyDtig-00460-00112451-00112653 I did tens of billions of dollars of business, K6jXaxyDtig-00461-00112653-00113083 lived all over the world, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, so. K6jXaxyDtig-00462-00113083-00113360 - And we met, what, 10, we met probably 10 years ago K6jXaxyDtig-00463-00113360-00113699 through a mutual friend who was in Tiger 21 K6jXaxyDtig-00464-00113699-00113944 which is an investment group that you were in, K6jXaxyDtig-00465-00113944-00114088 we went to dinner K6jXaxyDtig-00466-00114088-00114357 and then we reconnected almost a decade later. K6jXaxyDtig-00467-00114357-00114623 When did you start with cryptocurrencies as we know it, K6jXaxyDtig-00468-00114623-00114740 the bitcoins? K6jXaxyDtig-00469-00114740-00114948 - Yeah so I got familiar, K6jXaxyDtig-00470-00115161-00115588 not as well probably as I should have very early on. K6jXaxyDtig-00471-00115588-00115847 But it wasn't until 2012 where, K6jXaxyDtig-00472-00115955-00116062 'cause when I was first approached K6jXaxyDtig-00473-00116062-00116415 and asked what my opinion was I was like bitcoin, K6jXaxyDtig-00474-00116415-00116565 this was something like it is the future K6jXaxyDtig-00475-00116565-00116835 I just don't know if the future is now or 25 years from now. K6jXaxyDtig-00476-00116835-00117286 Market timing is something that I try to be aware of K6jXaxyDtig-00477-00117286-00117568 'cause that's kinda the main thing you gotta get right. K6jXaxyDtig-00478-00117568-00117671 It's not hard to see the future, K6jXaxyDtig-00479-00117671-00117994 getting the timing right is the hardest part. K6jXaxyDtig-00480-00117994-00118277 And so I got in full-time in 2012, K6jXaxyDtig-00481-00118500-00118867 that's when I decided hey the future is now. K6jXaxyDtig-00482-00118958-00119103 - Good time to get in. K6jXaxyDtig-00483-00119103-00119206 - Done a lot of things then. K6jXaxyDtig-00484-00119206-00119436 - Let me ask you a practical question 'cause Zak is here, K6jXaxyDtig-00485-00119436-00119853 his uncle was given about $1,000 worth of bitcoin, K6jXaxyDtig-00486-00119986-00120251 a couple years ago, it's probably worth 500 grand K6jXaxyDtig-00487-00120251-00120430 and he cannot access it K6jXaxyDtig-00488-00120430-00120696 because he can't remember how to get to it. K6jXaxyDtig-00489-00120696-00120926 What do people know, in this lesson, K6jXaxyDtig-00490-00120926-00121424 this is a lesson on security, remembering your hash-- K6jXaxyDtig-00491-00121424-00121580 - This is why you have backups, yes, K6jXaxyDtig-00492-00121580-00121663 you need to write these things down, keep them safe. K6jXaxyDtig-00493-00121663-00121979 - So how do you think a beginner, what do they need to know? K6jXaxyDtig-00494-00121979-00122081 - Well in this specific case, K6jXaxyDtig-00495-00122081-00122391 does he know what wallet he had? K6jXaxyDtig-00496-00122391-00122649 - Probably... We will find out. K6jXaxyDtig-00497-00122767-00123054 - It's an investigation, what does he remember? K6jXaxyDtig-00498-00123054-00123246 Was he using a blockchain.info wallet, K6jXaxyDtig-00499-00123246-00123387 did he have a coin based account, K6jXaxyDtig-00500-00123387-00123556 try to figure out what that is, K6jXaxyDtig-00501-00123556-00123826 go through his emails, see if there's any-- K6jXaxyDtig-00502-00123826-00124019 - We calculated it's worth 500 grand. K6jXaxyDtig-00503-00124019-00124206 - Any account registered to that email address K6jXaxyDtig-00504-00124206-00124472 and with a little bit of research K6jXaxyDtig-00505-00124472-00124769 you may find that the answer is there. K6jXaxyDtig-00506-00124769-00124909 - Let's talk preemptively for someone K6jXaxyDtig-00507-00124909-00125255 who doesn't want this to happen to them, K6jXaxyDtig-00508-00125255-00125490 what's the basics of storing everything? K6jXaxyDtig-00509-00125490-00125596 - Yeah so when you set up, K6jXaxyDtig-00510-00125596-00125888 security is having two factor authentication, K6jXaxyDtig-00511-00125888-00125999 make sure that you've enabled that, K6jXaxyDtig-00512-00125999-00126168 use a Google two factor authenticator for everything. K6jXaxyDtig-00513-00126168-00126308 - Do you use the Google app? K6jXaxyDtig-00514-00126308-00126502 Better than SMS or anything like that? K6jXaxyDtig-00515-00126502-00126602 - Definitely don't use SMS, K6jXaxyDtig-00516-00126602-00126881 SMS is not secure for anything, never use SMS again. K6jXaxyDtig-00517-00126881-00127063 Google Authenticator is the easiest. K6jXaxyDtig-00518-00127063-00127168 - It's an app you download K6jXaxyDtig-00519-00127168-00127524 and it changes and gives you new codes all the time. K6jXaxyDtig-00520-00127524-00127771 - You gotta get the basics of security right K6jXaxyDtig-00521-00127771-00127944 and in the new world security is important K6jXaxyDtig-00522-00127944-00128062 'cause we now have secure systems K6jXaxyDtig-00523-00128062-00128257 but it does require learning a new skill. K6jXaxyDtig-00524-00128257-00128525 It's like learning to use email for the first time. K6jXaxyDtig-00525-00128525-00128772 It's just a new skill and it's gonna serve you well K6jXaxyDtig-00526-00128772-00129019 so put a little time into it 'cause it's important. K6jXaxyDtig-00527-00129019-00129121 And so yeah K6jXaxyDtig-00528-00129121-00129311 get the two factor authentication stuff figured out, K6jXaxyDtig-00529-00129311-00129721 do not use SMS, and then when you open up a wallet K6jXaxyDtig-00530-00129721-00129969 it normally has a pass phrase something of that nature K6jXaxyDtig-00531-00129969-00130419 or you're gonna get the two factor auth QR codes K6jXaxyDtig-00532-00130419-00130556 or whatever it might be. K6jXaxyDtig-00533-00130556-00130720 Make sure you get those numbers and things, K6jXaxyDtig-00534-00130720-00130867 store it down on a piece of paper. K6jXaxyDtig-00535-00130867-00130985 - [Tai] Would you do it on a piece of paper? K6jXaxyDtig-00536-00130985-00131157 - Put it on a piece of paper, put it in a safe. K6jXaxyDtig-00537-00131157-00131268 - [Tai] A safe in your house. K6jXaxyDtig-00538-00131268-00131399 - Yeah you don't wanna save it K6jXaxyDtig-00539-00131399-00131516 as a photo or a screen capture K6jXaxyDtig-00540-00131516-00131724 because if someone hacks into your photos K6jXaxyDtig-00541-00131724-00131948 you don't want those things-- K6jXaxyDtig-00542-00131948-00132169 - [Tai] What about something like LastPass? K6jXaxyDtig-00543-00132169-00132303 - Not for something like this K6jXaxyDtig-00544-00132303-00132482 I wouldn't use your private keys there K6jXaxyDtig-00545-00132482-00132709 unless it's a small account. K6jXaxyDtig-00546-00132709-00132874 If it's an inconsequential amount of money to you K6jXaxyDtig-00547-00132874-00133029 then take what risk-- K6jXaxyDtig-00548-00133029-00133166 - Piece of paper. K6jXaxyDtig-00549-00133166-00133292 - If you wanna do things well yeah K6jXaxyDtig-00550-00133292-00133495 just make sure you store that, put it offline, K6jXaxyDtig-00551-00133495-00133598 and if ever you have a problem K6jXaxyDtig-00552-00133598-00133758 you know you've got redundancy K6jXaxyDtig-00553-00133758-00134240 and that's why I say have multiple of the hardware keys. K6jXaxyDtig-00554-00134240-00134414 Have one and a backup. K6jXaxyDtig-00555-00134414-00134548 - So everything you're doing here. K6jXaxyDtig-00556-00134548-00134650 - Have redundancy. K6jXaxyDtig-00557-00134650-00134831 - You want something offline and multiple places K6jXaxyDtig-00558-00134831-00135046 especially if you have a lot of money K6jXaxyDtig-00559-00135046-00135234 'cause that's a nightmare. K6jXaxyDtig-00560-00135234-00135588 What percentage, I've read a percentage of crypto bitcoin K6jXaxyDtig-00561-00135588-00135810 that people can't access. K6jXaxyDtig-00562-00135810-00136022 It's a large amount K6jXaxyDtig-00563-00136022-00136224 that people have forgotten where they put it. K6jXaxyDtig-00564-00136224-00136427 - Yeah it's a large amount. K6jXaxyDtig-00565-00136427-00136534 - Tens of millions. K6jXaxyDtig-00566-00136534-00136681 - Probably 10%. K6jXaxyDtig-00567-00136681-00136838 - Hundreds of millions of dollars. K6jXaxyDtig-00568-00136838-00137008 - No billions. K6jXaxyDtig-00569-00137008-00137170 - Billion, oh man. K6jXaxyDtig-00570-00137170-00137546 I read an article, I gotta ask you this, it came out today. K6jXaxyDtig-00571-00137546-00137857 Theorizing that Elon Musk is K6jXaxyDtig-00572-00137857-00138141 the man of mystery behind bitcoin. K6jXaxyDtig-00573-00138279-00138696 You may know a lot more than you can say here on camera. K6jXaxyDtig-00574-00138854-00139044 Any comment on that? K6jXaxyDtig-00575-00139044-00139160 - I've never-- K6jXaxyDtig-00576-00139293-00139424 Elon is obviously doing K6jXaxyDtig-00577-00139424-00139626 some of the most extraordinary things in the world K6jXaxyDtig-00578-00139626-00139916 he's kinda like entrepreneur of the world K6jXaxyDtig-00579-00139916-00140265 kinda the man in being an inspiration, K6jXaxyDtig-00580-00140265-00140610 doing the most challenging out there K6jXaxyDtig-00581-00140610-00140887 dream big and remember there is no ceiling, K6jXaxyDtig-00582-00140887-00141168 it's all blue sky above you, anything you dream, K6jXaxyDtig-00583-00141168-00141381 anything you can imagine you can do. K6jXaxyDtig-00584-00141381-00141648 The power is within you. K6jXaxyDtig-00585-00141648-00141782 If you go from-- K6jXaxyDtig-00586-00141930-00142168 - They accept it. Bitcoin Tesla. K6jXaxyDtig-00587-00142168-00142280 You can buy a Tesla with bitcoin. K6jXaxyDtig-00588-00142280-00142552 - Yeah and so I mean doing what he's done for electric cars. K6jXaxyDtig-00589-00142552-00142692 Doing what he's doing for solar. K6jXaxyDtig-00590-00142692-00142993 Look at what he's doing for space K6jXaxyDtig-00591-00142993-00143247 and now look at what he's doing with hyper loops and boring K6jXaxyDtig-00592-00143247-00143393 I mean he's the man K6jXaxyDtig-00593-00143393-00143776 but I can't see that that has any possibility. K6jXaxyDtig-00594-00144056-00144182 - You don't think that's true. K6jXaxyDtig-00595-00144182-00144499 - Well no I mean as much as he's the man there's only, K6jXaxyDtig-00596-00144499-00144754 and SpaceX, I mean there's only so much one can do. K6jXaxyDtig-00597-00144754-00145010 And he's not been this guy K6jXaxyDtig-00598-00145010-00145268 but he obviously was part of Paypal K6jXaxyDtig-00599-00145268-00145713 and been a player in this overall broader spectrum K6jXaxyDtig-00600-00145713-00145862 at least the thin tech part and others K6jXaxyDtig-00601-00145862-00146204 and just being a great mind, inspiration. K6jXaxyDtig-00602-00146204-00146567 He's helped obviously many people, K6jXaxyDtig-00603-00146567-00146778 he's made a lot of entrepreneurs in the world K6jXaxyDtig-00604-00146778-00147011 the entrepreneurs today because he's inspired so many K6jXaxyDtig-00605-00147011-00147338 so obviously Paypal and things K6jXaxyDtig-00606-00147338-00147642 led and inspired some of these transformations. K6jXaxyDtig-00607-00147642-00147751 - [Tai] The transfer, right. K6jXaxyDtig-00608-00147751-00147936 - We had to go from the old world offline stuff K6jXaxyDtig-00609-00147936-00148036 to the online stuff K6jXaxyDtig-00610-00148036-00148193 and then figuring out how to continually upgrade it, K6jXaxyDtig-00611-00148193-00148399 how do things continue to evolve? K6jXaxyDtig-00612-00148399-00148610 - Yeah let me ask you this. K6jXaxyDtig-00613-00148610-00149080 One of the questions, I did this poll on the way over here. K6jXaxyDtig-00614-00149080-00149389 What coins, there's so many, there's thousands. K6jXaxyDtig-00615-00149389-00149504 There's the main coins, K6jXaxyDtig-00616-00149504-00149960 the bitcoin, the eth, the light coin, bitcoin cash. K6jXaxyDtig-00617-00149960-00150247 Are there other coins people should be watching? K6jXaxyDtig-00618-00150247-00150456 Do you see, is there gonna be a world K6jXaxyDtig-00619-00150456-00150586 where there's a million coins, K6jXaxyDtig-00620-00150586-00150820 every corporation, Apple will have a coin here. K6jXaxyDtig-00621-00150820-00151157 Every place you use for a beginning investor, K6jXaxyDtig-00622-00151157-00151339 let's start with this and then go big picture. K6jXaxyDtig-00623-00151339-00151636 For a beginning investor, would you recommend, K6jXaxyDtig-00624-00151636-00151928 that wants to put let's say $10,000 into crypto. K6jXaxyDtig-00625-00151928-00152162 Do you recommend a little bit of that K6jXaxyDtig-00626-00152162-00152374 into the main coins that have liquidity K6jXaxyDtig-00627-00152374-00152728 and then some of the alternative coins? K6jXaxyDtig-00628-00152728-00152993 - Well I'd say don't invest in anything you don't understand K6jXaxyDtig-00629-00152993-00153129 and so start with the big coins K6jXaxyDtig-00630-00153129-00153302 'cause those are the ones with the most liquidity, K6jXaxyDtig-00631-00153302-00153596 they're the safest, and just work your way down the list. K6jXaxyDtig-00632-00153596-00153844 Go to coin market cap or coin cap or any of these sites K6jXaxyDtig-00633-00153844-00154052 and start at number one K6jXaxyDtig-00634-00154052-00154169 and just work your way down K6jXaxyDtig-00635-00154169-00154414 from coin number one, three, five, 10 K6jXaxyDtig-00636-00154414-00154614 and as you keep learning them all K6jXaxyDtig-00637-00154614-00154814 you're gonna eventually get to the point K6jXaxyDtig-00638-00154814-00154939 that you can form your own opinions. K6jXaxyDtig-00639-00154939-00155041 I wouldn't recommend K6jXaxyDtig-00640-00155041-00155175 investing in anything you don't understand K6jXaxyDtig-00641-00155175-00155409 so start with the big stuff and then as you learn more, K6jXaxyDtig-00642-00155409-00155831 try to understand, the rabbit hole runs deep K6jXaxyDtig-00643-00155831-00155948 so just keep learning K6jXaxyDtig-00644-00155948-00156394 and you'll see amazing things emerging before your eyes. K6jXaxyDtig-00645-00156394-00156690 - Do you think people should trade coins actively? K6jXaxyDtig-00646-00156690-00156831 I see people that are-- K6jXaxyDtig-00647-00156831-00157097 - If you think you're a trader. K6jXaxyDtig-00648-00157097-00157327 If you're a Wall Street trader and that's your competency. K6jXaxyDtig-00649-00157327-00157822 I don't trade but if that's what you do I can see it, K6jXaxyDtig-00650-00157822-00158210 if you know how to make algorithms, if you're whatever, K6jXaxyDtig-00651-00158210-00158407 if you're good at it there is obviously money to be made, K6jXaxyDtig-00652-00158407-00158561 lots of money to be made in this space. K6jXaxyDtig-00653-00158561-00158662 I don't like trading K6jXaxyDtig-00654-00158662-00158826 because when I get involved in a project K6jXaxyDtig-00655-00158826-00159077 or I get behind a project K6jXaxyDtig-00656-00159077-00159227 I wanna be fully in support of it K6jXaxyDtig-00657-00159227-00159375 and to trade is actually to kinda K6jXaxyDtig-00658-00159375-00159586 short the project that you believe in K6jXaxyDtig-00659-00159586-00159914 because I can make a couple extra bucks by riding it down K6jXaxyDtig-00660-00159914-00160052 and actually causing it to go down more K6jXaxyDtig-00661-00160052-00160359 because I added to the negative pressure. K6jXaxyDtig-00662-00160359-00160459 - [Tai] Yes you were selling, yeah. K6jXaxyDtig-00663-00160459-00160558 - I was selling into the market K6jXaxyDtig-00664-00160558-00160719 and certainly as someone with influence K6jXaxyDtig-00665-00160719-00160876 I don't wanna be doing that K6jXaxyDtig-00666-00160876-00161159 and so I don't trade for that reason K6jXaxyDtig-00667-00161159-00161432 but I don't judge others for doing what they do K6jXaxyDtig-00668-00161432-00161740 if that's your talent do what you do. K6jXaxyDtig-00669-00161857-00162105 I wanna be behind a project until I'm not. K6jXaxyDtig-00670-00162105-00162262 - What do you think of Ethereum? K6jXaxyDtig-00671-00162262-00162486 - I love Ethereum, I've been a huge supporter of Ethereum, K6jXaxyDtig-00672-00162486-00162609 I'm friends with, K6jXaxyDtig-00673-00162609-00162921 very good friends with most of the founders, K6jXaxyDtig-00674-00162921-00163282 my firm was the first to invest in Ethereum, a venture deal. K6jXaxyDtig-00675-00163282-00163724 I've been one of the founding board members of Master coin K6jXaxyDtig-00676-00163724-00163835 which was the early iteration of K6jXaxyDtig-00677-00163835-00164047 what Ethereum in some ways evolved into, K6jXaxyDtig-00678-00164047-00164355 we did the first ICO in June of 2013. K6jXaxyDtig-00679-00164484-00164619 I'm a huge fan K6jXaxyDtig-00680-00164619-00165001 I mean Vitallic and Ethereum has done more for the market K6jXaxyDtig-00681-00165001-00165225 in the last couple years than anyone. K6jXaxyDtig-00682-00165225-00165426 - So for people listening that don't-- K6jXaxyDtig-00683-00165426-00165619 - Other than bitcoin and Ethereum has done other things K6jXaxyDtig-00684-00165619-00165972 to expand the market, more use cases. K6jXaxyDtig-00685-00165972-00166103 - Right the smart contracts. K6jXaxyDtig-00686-00166103-00166485 Bitcoin cash, bitcoin gold, the classic, K6jXaxyDtig-00687-00166485-00166634 someone listening that doesn't understand, K6jXaxyDtig-00688-00166634-00166975 you're a master of making complicated things simple. K6jXaxyDtig-00689-00166975-00167212 How do you make that simple for people? K6jXaxyDtig-00690-00167212-00167348 People are going what the heck do I buy, K6jXaxyDtig-00691-00167348-00167753 what is bitcoin cash, is it this, what-- K6jXaxyDtig-00692-00167753-00167978 - Forking, forking is good. K6jXaxyDtig-00693-00168125-00168300 Forking is evolution. K6jXaxyDtig-00694-00168405-00168657 We're all here because of forking, K6jXaxyDtig-00695-00168657-00169041 we are a fork of our parent's DNA and this is, K6jXaxyDtig-00696-00169238-00169488 forks are generally consensual K6jXaxyDtig-00697-00169736-00169929 and for that reason they're generally good K6jXaxyDtig-00698-00169929-00170103 but then you have contentious forks. K6jXaxyDtig-00699-00170103-00170205 And it's the contentious forks K6jXaxyDtig-00700-00170205-00170441 that create a lot of the problems K6jXaxyDtig-00701-00170441-00170627 because you have a big disagreement in a community K6jXaxyDtig-00702-00170627-00170867 and that contentious fork, watching it, K6jXaxyDtig-00703-00170867-00170974 because it's open source, K6jXaxyDtig-00704-00170974-00171211 you get to see how the sausage is made, it's messy. K6jXaxyDtig-00705-00171211-00171323 And it sometimes leads to extinction K6jXaxyDtig-00706-00171323-00171543 but that's sometimes progress too. K6jXaxyDtig-00707-00171543-00171763 I support all the forks where the people behind it K6jXaxyDtig-00708-00171763-00172105 are operating from a place of good intention. K6jXaxyDtig-00709-00172105-00172209 There are multi variant splits K6jXaxyDtig-00710-00172209-00172431 and if the community wants to split, so be it. K6jXaxyDtig-00711-00172431-00172580 If you own any of these fork tokens K6jXaxyDtig-00712-00172580-00172745 and you don't have a strong opinion K6jXaxyDtig-00713-00172745-00172948 I would highly recommend you don't sell them. K6jXaxyDtig-00714-00172948-00173140 Unless you have an informed opinion K6jXaxyDtig-00715-00173140-00173420 'cause you don't know if, bitcoin cash could be the winner. K6jXaxyDtig-00716-00173420-00173591 Certainly I'm not saying that's the case K6jXaxyDtig-00717-00173591-00173739 but until you have an opinion K6jXaxyDtig-00718-00173739-00173918 you shouldn't be doing anything. K6jXaxyDtig-00719-00173918-00174132 Hold, hold your tokens 'til you know. K6jXaxyDtig-00720-00174132-00174234 - Do you think there's a chance-- K6jXaxyDtig-00721-00174234-00174345 - You see the reoccuring theme. K6jXaxyDtig-00722-00174345-00174576 Learn to know, learn to know, learn to know, K6jXaxyDtig-00723-00174576-00174782 wake up, wake up. K6jXaxyDtig-00724-00174782-00174956 - Yeah which is kinda how we align, K6jXaxyDtig-00725-00174956-00175190 I'm all about knowledge and learning K6jXaxyDtig-00726-00175190-00175361 and you're a learning machine. K6jXaxyDtig-00727-00175361-00175671 Bitcoin theoretically the main bitcoin could go down K6jXaxyDtig-00728-00175671-00176001 and bitcoin cash could go up, bitcoin gold. K6jXaxyDtig-00729-00176001-00176101 Do you think there's a chance K6jXaxyDtig-00730-00176101-00176471 or very likely chance that all of them go down to nothing? K6jXaxyDtig-00731-00176471-00176638 Or do you think it'll be one could go down K6jXaxyDtig-00732-00176638-00176846 and the other would rise? K6jXaxyDtig-00733-00177047-00177185 - I mean yeah bitcoin could fail K6jXaxyDtig-00734-00177185-00177359 I mean I don't know if bitcoin's the Friendster, K6jXaxyDtig-00735-00177359-00177729 the MySpace, the Facebook, the Instagram, Snapchat. K6jXaxyDtig-00736-00177729-00177867 I think it's got K6jXaxyDtig-00737-00177867-00178180 a much greater chance of surviving than those did K6jXaxyDtig-00738-00178180-00178318 but something else could come along K6jXaxyDtig-00739-00178318-00178436 that's substantially better, K6jXaxyDtig-00740-00178436-00178836 I don't see it as of right now but I never say never. K6jXaxyDtig-00741-00178836-00178990 It'll be a binary outcome, K6jXaxyDtig-00742-00178990-00179249 bitcoin'll go to a million bucks if it succeeds K6jXaxyDtig-00743-00179249-00179460 and if it fails, yeah it's gonna go down K6jXaxyDtig-00744-00179460-00179624 but it'll take a very very long time. K6jXaxyDtig-00745-00179624-00179862 - You think it's conceivable bitcoin goes to a million? K6jXaxyDtig-00746-00179862-00180129 - Yeah I mean if it is used enough. K6jXaxyDtig-00747-00180129-00180350 - So let's talk, are people using bitcoin? K6jXaxyDtig-00748-00180350-00180508 Like I said Tesla is using, K6jXaxyDtig-00749-00180508-00180741 it's being used in countries in Africa, K6jXaxyDtig-00750-00180741-00181055 being used in Africa some cryptocurrencies. K6jXaxyDtig-00751-00181055-00181294 - [Brock] For like wire transfers and storing value. K6jXaxyDtig-00752-00181294-00181414 - Places like Zimbabwe. K6jXaxyDtig-00753-00181414-00181698 - And speculation, yeah, places where you've got currency. K6jXaxyDtig-00754-00181698-00181942 Well keep in mind there's three billion people on the planet K6jXaxyDtig-00755-00181942-00182112 that have no financial services, K6jXaxyDtig-00756-00182112-00182304 another two plus billion people on the planet K6jXaxyDtig-00757-00182304-00182578 with limited access to financial services. K6jXaxyDtig-00758-00182578-00182918 One aspect and it's almost a small aspect K6jXaxyDtig-00759-00182918-00183123 of what this technology is doing is K6jXaxyDtig-00760-00183123-00183370 it's going to democratize the global financial system K6jXaxyDtig-00761-00183370-00183558 in a way where every human being on the planet K6jXaxyDtig-00762-00183558-00183790 is gonna have equal access K6jXaxyDtig-00763-00183790-00184068 and the least fortunate billions of people on the planet K6jXaxyDtig-00764-00184068-00184352 are gonna be the biggest beneficiaries. K6jXaxyDtig-00765-00184352-00184674 Get involved and you will be a billionaire by my definition K6jXaxyDtig-00766-00184674-00185011 because that's the type of impact we're going to have. K6jXaxyDtig-00767-00185011-00185128 And if that's not a reason K6jXaxyDtig-00768-00185128-00185500 to make you wanna get up in the morning I mean come on. K6jXaxyDtig-00769-00185500-00185594 This is the sorta stuff K6jXaxyDtig-00770-00185594-00185984 that you wanna find joy in your life. K6jXaxyDtig-00771-00185984-00186096 And when you get all these things right K6jXaxyDtig-00772-00186096-00186272 and you find a way to give your gift K6jXaxyDtig-00773-00186272-00186471 and contribute to something beautiful K6jXaxyDtig-00774-00186471-00186648 I promise you the money and everything in life K6jXaxyDtig-00775-00186648-00186944 that you need and want will most likely come to you. K6jXaxyDtig-00776-00186944-00187073 - Yeah so these unbank people, K6jXaxyDtig-00777-00187073-00187209 there are people in third world countries, K6jXaxyDtig-00778-00187209-00187430 there's people in the US, my dad was unbanked, K6jXaxyDtig-00779-00187430-00187622 my dad's from Harlem, K6jXaxyDtig-00780-00187622-00187955 never had a bank account in his life or a credit card. K6jXaxyDtig-00781-00187955-00188222 He didn't trust the system, he kept money in his wallet, K6jXaxyDtig-00782-00188222-00188379 I took him to a trip to Puerto Rico once K6jXaxyDtig-00783-00188379-00188755 and he lost his sock that had $3,000 in it K6jXaxyDtig-00784-00188755-00189032 which is a problem with being unbanked K6jXaxyDtig-00785-00189032-00189374 that you can get robbed, you can have this happen to you. K6jXaxyDtig-00786-00189374-00189791 So you're saying this thing that we call cryptocurrency, K6jXaxyDtig-00787-00189944-00190084 bitcoin, blockchain, K6jXaxyDtig-00788-00190084-00190378 theoretically is gonna take these three billion people who, K6jXaxyDtig-00789-00190378-00190559 did you know right now the top ten men in the world K6jXaxyDtig-00790-00190559-00190964 have more money if they add their net worth together K6jXaxyDtig-00791-00190964-00191364 than the bottom 3.5 billion people in the world? K6jXaxyDtig-00792-00191364-00191606 You think crypto, blockchain K6jXaxyDtig-00793-00191606-00191809 has the potential to change that. K6jXaxyDtig-00794-00191809-00192038 - Yeah I mean this is one area where K6jXaxyDtig-00795-00192038-00192436 it's one of my only disappointments with bitcoin is K6jXaxyDtig-00796-00192436-00192745 there's still a lot of concentration. K6jXaxyDtig-00797-00192861-00193090 If bitcoin were to become that big thing K6jXaxyDtig-00798-00193090-00193383 I mean yeah I'd be one of the big guys in that world K6jXaxyDtig-00799-00193383-00193647 but that's the only thing that disappoints me. K6jXaxyDtig-00800-00193647-00194064 I really wanna build a system that's fairer to everyone. K6jXaxyDtig-00801-00194277-00194452 But I think that bitcoin K6jXaxyDtig-00802-00194452-00194718 is still a big improvement over what we have. K6jXaxyDtig-00803-00194718-00194933 The world can change in increments, K6jXaxyDtig-00804-00194933-00195221 you don't have to go from A to Z and it normally doesn't. K6jXaxyDtig-00805-00195221-00195340 Things normally have happened K6jXaxyDtig-00806-00195340-00195658 in more of a hybrid type of things. K6jXaxyDtig-00807-00195658-00195995 Evolution goes through phases yeah K6jXaxyDtig-00808-00195995-00196190 as you continually upgrade, leveling up, K6jXaxyDtig-00809-00196190-00196484 I like to think of life as kind of like a video game. K6jXaxyDtig-00810-00196484-00196743 - People ask me is it too late to get in? K6jXaxyDtig-00811-00196743-00196916 Bitcoins shot to $11,000 K6jXaxyDtig-00812-00196916-00197135 not too long ago it was at $4,000 K6jXaxyDtig-00813-00197135-00197354 and people go is it too late? K6jXaxyDtig-00814-00197354-00197718 - Oh it's, if anything you're too early. K6jXaxyDtig-00815-00197718-00197802 - [Tai] Really? K6jXaxyDtig-00816-00197802-00197885 - I wouldn't say you're too late, K6jXaxyDtig-00817-00197885-00198168 it's called don't get fear of missing out syndrome, K6jXaxyDtig-00818-00198168-00198388 don't feel the need to just dive in. K6jXaxyDtig-00819-00198388-00198563 Make sure you know what you're doing. K6jXaxyDtig-00820-00198563-00199009 Don't rush in and what I always tell people is K6jXaxyDtig-00821-00199009-00199144 when I'm giving talks these days I'm like K6jXaxyDtig-00822-00199144-00199327 if you wanna pitch me, K6jXaxyDtig-00823-00199588-00200044 don't walk up to me and just pitch me your deal. K6jXaxyDtig-00824-00200044-00200164 Don't just walk up to me K6jXaxyDtig-00825-00200164-00200581 and treat me like a street salesman trying to hock a watch. K6jXaxyDtig-00826-00200756-00200990 That's not like how-- K6jXaxyDtig-00827-00200990-00201195 Or tell me you can make me a bunch of money. K6jXaxyDtig-00828-00201195-00201461 That's not how I wanna transact. K6jXaxyDtig-00829-00201549-00201694 Establish a human connection. K6jXaxyDtig-00830-00201694-00201877 So I think if the world is a game K6jXaxyDtig-00831-00201877-00201995 and I'm the game master of my game K6jXaxyDtig-00832-00201995-00202147 and I can give you the first tip K6jXaxyDtig-00833-00202147-00202363 on how to get through level one. K6jXaxyDtig-00834-00202363-00202564 Level one is don't start out K6jXaxyDtig-00835-00202564-00202718 as the first thing you do pitch me. K6jXaxyDtig-00836-00202718-00202998 Don't just walk up and be rude and interrupt someone else K6jXaxyDtig-00837-00202998-00203148 that's in the middle of something talking K6jXaxyDtig-00838-00203148-00203345 'cause you want immediate attention. K6jXaxyDtig-00839-00203345-00203574 Don't be a person that's like what do you do? K6jXaxyDtig-00840-00203574-00203774 When you're at an event. K6jXaxyDtig-00841-00203878-00203993 All of those things are basically saying K6jXaxyDtig-00842-00203993-00204151 what can you give me? K6jXaxyDtig-00843-00204151-00204461 That's people that are just basically going around entitled K6jXaxyDtig-00844-00204461-00204614 and just trying to take from everyone K6jXaxyDtig-00845-00204614-00204780 versus doing what you're supposed to be doing K6jXaxyDtig-00846-00204780-00204977 so you fail like right out the gate. K6jXaxyDtig-00847-00204977-00205140 If you pitch me it's like dying K6jXaxyDtig-00848-00205140-00205529 the first press of button in Flappy Bird. K6jXaxyDtig-00849-00205529-00205612 (laughs) K6jXaxyDtig-00850-00205612-00205803 - Most people do that too. K6jXaxyDtig-00851-00205803-00205912 - And so if you walk up to me and you're like, K6jXaxyDtig-00852-00205912-00206130 yeah they do and that's why I don't invest K6jXaxyDtig-00853-00206130-00206356 but I'm telling them now this is a good lesson K6jXaxyDtig-00854-00206356-00206679 I'm giving you the cheat codes to my game anyway K6jXaxyDtig-00855-00206679-00207037 and this game is probably true for lots of other people K6jXaxyDtig-00856-00207037-00207176 whether they've thought it through K6jXaxyDtig-00857-00207176-00207335 and gamified it in their minds, K6jXaxyDtig-00858-00207335-00207672 it's a practice they've probably already put in place. K6jXaxyDtig-00859-00207672-00207775 No one wants to just have K6jXaxyDtig-00860-00207775-00208020 somebody in their face hocking you a deal. K6jXaxyDtig-00861-00208020-00208242 It's just not interesting to any of us. K6jXaxyDtig-00862-00208242-00208482 So instead like if you go to Burning Man come up to me K6jXaxyDtig-00863-00208482-00208623 and tell me you're a burner, boom, K6jXaxyDtig-00864-00208623-00208765 you just skipped to level 10. K6jXaxyDtig-00865-00208765-00208868 (laughs) K6jXaxyDtig-00866-00208868-00208996 - If you want to talk to Brock, K6jXaxyDtig-00867-00208996-00209325 first definitely go to Burning Man. K6jXaxyDtig-00868-00209325-00209458 I can tell you that. K6jXaxyDtig-00869-00209458-00209561 - I'm always burning. K6jXaxyDtig-00870-00209561-00209740 - You and your wife have gotten married at Burning Man K6jXaxyDtig-00871-00209740-00209869 how many years in a row? K6jXaxyDtig-00872-00209869-00210007 Remarried, or what is it? K6jXaxyDtig-00873-00210007-00210197 - Well we got married once there two burns ago. K6jXaxyDtig-00874-00210197-00210418 This year we got married in Ibiza. K6jXaxyDtig-00875-00210418-00210521 - Oh okay. K6jXaxyDtig-00876-00210521-00210737 - We get married every year but it's a different place. K6jXaxyDtig-00877-00210737-00210911 - So it's not always at Burning Man. K6jXaxyDtig-00878-00210911-00211014 What's the idea there? K6jXaxyDtig-00879-00211014-00211322 Is it redoing your vows, is it just-- K6jXaxyDtig-00880-00211434-00211851 - It's called I think it's always fun to celebrate. K6jXaxyDtig-00881-00212036-00212192 - So it's just another reason to party. K6jXaxyDtig-00882-00212192-00212657 - It's a reason to yeah throw an event to celebrate love K6jXaxyDtig-00883-00212657-00213004 and it's for your friends more than anything else and yeah. K6jXaxyDtig-00884-00213004-00213234 - And you bought a place in Ibiza, what is it, a farm? K6jXaxyDtig-00885-00213234-00213384 - Yeah. K6jXaxyDtig-00886-00213384-00213551 - Is it one of the big, you told me-- K6jXaxyDtig-00887-00213551-00213652 - 60 acres. K6jXaxyDtig-00888-00213652-00213940 So we're building something magical out there. K6jXaxyDtig-00889-00213940-00214354 I'm working on also building kind of a city, K6jXaxyDtig-00890-00214354-00214501 a big city somewhere else. K6jXaxyDtig-00891-00214501-00214664 - Will you say where it is or not yet? K6jXaxyDtig-00892-00214664-00214806 - Yeah I can say. K6jXaxyDtig-00893-00214893-00215041 Puerto Rico. K6jXaxyDtig-00894-00215041-00215413 The 51st state with 180 billion in debt, K6jXaxyDtig-00895-00215413-00215769 35% unemployment and now a hurricane hits K6jXaxyDtig-00896-00215769-00216003 I mean it's devastating what's happened there. K6jXaxyDtig-00897-00216003-00216185 I'm moving right now. K6jXaxyDtig-00898-00216185-00216287 - Really? K6jXaxyDtig-00899-00216287-00216398 - I'm gonna be moving down there K6jXaxyDtig-00900-00216398-00216681 with a bunch of my friends shortly K6jXaxyDtig-00901-00216765-00217125 'cause it might just be temporary for a moment K6jXaxyDtig-00902-00217125-00217257 but I wanna go roll up my sleeves K6jXaxyDtig-00903-00217257-00217404 and get some work done down there K6jXaxyDtig-00904-00217404-00217718 and help out I think those people need our help K6jXaxyDtig-00905-00217718-00218069 and I think that we're capable of so much. K6jXaxyDtig-00906-00218069-00218367 - Yeah and it's almost become a blank slate now. K6jXaxyDtig-00907-00218367-00218546 - Yeah and so in these times of crisis K6jXaxyDtig-00908-00218546-00218926 the phoenix can rise from the ashes, K6jXaxyDtig-00909-00218926-00219185 when you experience great loss K6jXaxyDtig-00910-00219185-00219403 it creates an opportunity to upgrade. K6jXaxyDtig-00911-00219403-00219503 Where you can make these K6jXaxyDtig-00912-00219503-00219746 giant trans quantum leaps of upgrades K6jXaxyDtig-00913-00219746-00220027 because you basically lost everything K6jXaxyDtig-00914-00220027-00220142 and so you have to start over K6jXaxyDtig-00915-00220142-00220289 and when you have to start over from scratch K6jXaxyDtig-00916-00220289-00220460 you would do it very differently K6jXaxyDtig-00917-00220460-00220564 than if you have this big thing K6jXaxyDtig-00918-00220564-00220787 that's kinda been building on top of itself K6jXaxyDtig-00919-00220787-00220959 for ages and ages. K6jXaxyDtig-00920-00220959-00221299 So in this horrible event that's occurred, K6jXaxyDtig-00921-00221299-00221531 there will be a great opportunity that emerges K6jXaxyDtig-00922-00221531-00221926 and I wanna be a part of helping the Puerto Rican people. K6jXaxyDtig-00923-00221926-00222251 Helping people that are in need. K6jXaxyDtig-00924-00222251-00222667 I'm here on this planet to live in service to humanity K6jXaxyDtig-00925-00222798-00223107 I see an opportunity to make a difference in the world K6jXaxyDtig-00926-00223107-00223347 and I'm devoting my life to these types of things K6jXaxyDtig-00927-00223347-00223582 and I'm an American and I love my country. K6jXaxyDtig-00928-00223582-00223719 I don't love everything K6jXaxyDtig-00929-00223719-00224075 but I feel incredibly blessed to have been born here K6jXaxyDtig-00930-00224075-00224188 and to be given the opportunities K6jXaxyDtig-00931-00224188-00224410 to be where I am sitting here today with you K6jXaxyDtig-00932-00224410-00224615 and eternally grateful, thank you. K6jXaxyDtig-00933-00224615-00224836 I'm glad that we've reconnected K6jXaxyDtig-00934-00224836-00225031 and been spending time together. K6jXaxyDtig-00935-00225031-00225262 You do great things I love who you are K6jXaxyDtig-00936-00225262-00225479 and I love what you're doing in the world K6jXaxyDtig-00937-00225479-00225622 getting the word out K6jXaxyDtig-00938-00225622-00225891 and sharing the knowledge and the wisdom K6jXaxyDtig-00939-00225891-00226155 in ways that you can connect with the masses K6jXaxyDtig-00940-00226155-00226276 is a wonderful thing K6jXaxyDtig-00941-00226276-00226540 you have one of those incredibly important roles K6jXaxyDtig-00942-00226540-00226675 and great responsibilities K6jXaxyDtig-00943-00226675-00227083 and from what I see you're doing great work, I commend you. K6jXaxyDtig-00944-00227083-00227306 - Well I appreciate that, I'm trying to, K6jXaxyDtig-00945-00227306-00227620 this is the next thing that I think needs to get out there K6jXaxyDtig-00946-00227620-00228037 and one of the things that people are asking me is K6jXaxyDtig-00947-00228235-00228573 these ICO's, you've done the biggest one, right? K6jXaxyDtig-00948-00228573-00228815 Isn't EOS the biggest by far? K6jXaxyDtig-00949-00228910-00229138 - I think that's what they say. K6jXaxyDtig-00950-00229138-00229303 - Brock's humble but it is the biggest K6jXaxyDtig-00951-00229303-00229495 'cause nothing's done over 500 million K6jXaxyDtig-00952-00229495-00229756 and you're not even done 'cause it goes 'til what, K6jXaxyDtig-00953-00229756-00229957 May or something of 2018? K6jXaxyDtig-00954-00229957-00230057 - June first. K6jXaxyDtig-00955-00230057-00230269 - June first, so. K6jXaxyDtig-00956-00230269-00230401 - Do you know what the logo is? K6jXaxyDtig-00957-00230401-00230596 - No. Oh yeah you showed me. K6jXaxyDtig-00958-00230596-00230751 - It's the chestahedron, K6jXaxyDtig-00959-00230751-00230972 it's the sacred geometry of the heart. K6jXaxyDtig-00960-00230972-00231111 - Yeah you actually, K6jXaxyDtig-00961-00231111-00231334 he was nice enough to give me, I have it. K6jXaxyDtig-00962-00231334-00231490 You gave me a necklace. K6jXaxyDtig-00963-00231490-00231743 Thank you for that, by the way. K6jXaxyDtig-00964-00231743-00231918 Are most ICO's scams? K6jXaxyDtig-00965-00232013-00232213 - I wouldn't say most of them are scams, K6jXaxyDtig-00966-00232213-00232316 there are a lot of scams. K6jXaxyDtig-00967-00232316-00232433 Any time you get this big of K6jXaxyDtig-00968-00232433-00232721 an asymmetry of information where the difference K6jXaxyDtig-00969-00232721-00232856 between the people that have the knowledge K6jXaxyDtig-00970-00232856-00233000 and those that don't is so great K6jXaxyDtig-00971-00233000-00233200 every cockroach and scumbag comes out there K6jXaxyDtig-00972-00233200-00233313 which is why I keep telling you K6jXaxyDtig-00973-00233313-00233486 don't invest in things you don't understand. K6jXaxyDtig-00974-00233486-00233593 You can't get scammed K6jXaxyDtig-00975-00233593-00233811 if you don't invest in things you don't understand. K6jXaxyDtig-00976-00233811-00234033 - But there are ICO's you think that are solid? K6jXaxyDtig-00977-00234033-00234146 - Yeah of course. K6jXaxyDtig-00978-00234146-00234557 Like all things there are good deals and there are bad deals K6jXaxyDtig-00979-00234557-00234662 and you need to do your research K6jXaxyDtig-00980-00234662-00234851 and that's why don't invest in things you don't understand K6jXaxyDtig-00981-00234851-00235033 you can't get scammed if you know what you're doing K6jXaxyDtig-00982-00235033-00235402 so make sure you learn to know, knowledge first. K6jXaxyDtig-00983-00235402-00235602 Get the knowledge first before you act, K6jXaxyDtig-00984-00235602-00235907 don't like rush in and let someone tell you what to do. K6jXaxyDtig-00985-00235907-00236352 Think for yourself, take responsibility for your life. K6jXaxyDtig-00986-00236352-00236579 - What about entrepreneurs that wanna raise capital? K6jXaxyDtig-00987-00236579-00236682 - I think it's fantastic. K6jXaxyDtig-00988-00236682-00236842 - You think an ICO could be for them. K6jXaxyDtig-00989-00236842-00236982 - So an ICO is basically, on Ethereum K6jXaxyDtig-00990-00236982-00237289 the ICO is essentially replacing most of venture capital. K6jXaxyDtig-00991-00237289-00237480 - Yes, it's bigger, what's the numbers? K6jXaxyDtig-00992-00237480-00237662 - We're crushing it, we're over three billion K6jXaxyDtig-00993-00237662-00237821 I mean we're doing like four, five times K6jXaxyDtig-00994-00237821-00238112 what the early stage venture is right now K6jXaxyDtig-00995-00238112-00238459 I mean this is gonna crush it all it's gonna crush, K6jXaxyDtig-00996-00238459-00238621 the world's changing K6jXaxyDtig-00997-00238621-00238976 and there's an opportunity to get involved. K6jXaxyDtig-00998-00238976-00239393 If you're interested in building the city of the future. K6jXaxyDtig-00999-00239730-00239914 Get to Puerto Rico and K6jXaxyDtig-01000-00240139-00240302 but I mean be a master and be ready K6jXaxyDtig-01001-00240302-00240532 to roll up your sleeves and build, we're gonna-- K6jXaxyDtig-01002-00240532-00240702 - I might come down there, I'm part Puerto Rican. K6jXaxyDtig-01003-00240702-00241019 - I mean we'll roll up our sleeves. K6jXaxyDtig-01004-00241019-00241135 We're burners. K6jXaxyDtig-01005-00241249-00241649 We're guys that can build cities in the middle of desert. K6jXaxyDtig-01006-00241649-00241881 We can do things that very few people in the world can do K6jXaxyDtig-01007-00241881-00242233 and why not go down there and construct something awesome K6jXaxyDtig-01008-00242233-00242435 that creates all sorts of opportunity K6jXaxyDtig-01009-00242435-00242635 for the Puerto Rican people K6jXaxyDtig-01010-00242635-00242851 to support the Puerto Rican people K6jXaxyDtig-01011-00242851-00243097 and any of the indigenous tribes and old ways of being K6jXaxyDtig-01012-00243097-00243249 and making sure that they have K6jXaxyDtig-01013-00243249-00243645 the freedoms that they need to still be respected K6jXaxyDtig-01014-00243645-00243912 with things like Standing Rock and such going on today K6jXaxyDtig-01015-00243912-00244062 I'm spending a lot of time thinking about K6jXaxyDtig-01016-00244062-00244481 the indigenous tribes, most of the world's resources, K6jXaxyDtig-01017-00244481-00244726 most of the world's minerals and water K6jXaxyDtig-01018-00244726-00245016 and things that we need to survive K6jXaxyDtig-01019-00245016-00245284 are on the lands of the indigenous people K6jXaxyDtig-01020-00245284-00245471 and we think in our big cities K6jXaxyDtig-01021-00245471-00245887 that we're somehow superior and that you have these people K6jXaxyDtig-01022-00246130-00246254 that have old ways of being K6jXaxyDtig-01023-00246254-00246496 that are just incredibly beautiful. K6jXaxyDtig-01024-00246496-00246691 - [Tai] Columbia too where you're going. K6jXaxyDtig-01025-00246691-00246868 - In all of these places such people K6jXaxyDtig-01026-00246868-00247039 that have been doing this for so long K6jXaxyDtig-01027-00247039-00247300 and doing it so well that K6jXaxyDtig-01028-00247300-00247423 because it looks primitive to us K6jXaxyDtig-01029-00247423-00247575 because we don't understand their ways K6jXaxyDtig-01030-00247575-00247745 and they've learned how to live in harmony. K6jXaxyDtig-01031-00247745-00248117 They have had their avatar, that's where they are. K6jXaxyDtig-01032-00248117-00248356 We're not necessarily the advanced ones. K6jXaxyDtig-01033-00248356-00248593 - For somebody who wants to do an ICO K6jXaxyDtig-01034-00248593-00249061 and they're educating themselves, do you think, K6jXaxyDtig-01035-00249061-00249385 number one, that this is a viable replacement K6jXaxyDtig-01036-00249385-00249703 of raising capital going up to Silicon Valley? K6jXaxyDtig-01037-00249703-00249858 You answered it as yes. K6jXaxyDtig-01038-00249858-00249959 - Absolutely. K6jXaxyDtig-01039-00249959-00250376 - Absolutely, so number two, do you raise outside of the US? K6jXaxyDtig-01040-00250471-00250847 Because the US, the FCC is coming down, I know you guys did, K6jXaxyDtig-01041-00250847-00251052 I think EOS is outside the US, right? K6jXaxyDtig-01042-00251052-00251169 You've excluded everybody. K6jXaxyDtig-01043-00251169-00251586 - Yeah we don't even talk about the sale in EOS, yes, K6jXaxyDtig-01044-00251709-00252040 we exclude the US but we do encourage US developers K6jXaxyDtig-01045-00252040-00252232 to build on EOS, you don't need the token K6jXaxyDtig-01046-00252232-00252411 to be able to use the software. K6jXaxyDtig-01047-00252411-00252539 The software is an open source software K6jXaxyDtig-01048-00252539-00252691 available to everyone. K6jXaxyDtig-01049-00252691-00252835 And so we encourage people-- K6jXaxyDtig-01050-00252835-00252942 - So do you recommend most people do that, K6jXaxyDtig-01051-00252942-00253077 raise outside of the US? K6jXaxyDtig-01052-00253077-00253327 - I mean again I love my country K6jXaxyDtig-01053-00253327-00253725 but our regulations are the most complex K6jXaxyDtig-01054-00253725-00254080 and the risks of making a mistake are really high K6jXaxyDtig-01055-00254080-00254416 and so I did it with the B cap deal K6jXaxyDtig-01056-00254416-00254623 but I generally don't recommend it K6jXaxyDtig-01057-00254623-00254893 because the US is where most of your risk comes from K6jXaxyDtig-01058-00254893-00255126 but only a small amount of your capital. K6jXaxyDtig-01059-00255126-00255332 Are you willing to leave some money on the table K6jXaxyDtig-01060-00255332-00255558 to sleep better at night? K6jXaxyDtig-01061-00255558-00255679 It's not that you would do anything wrong K6jXaxyDtig-01062-00255679-00255955 I mean most of the well intended ICO's are doing this K6jXaxyDtig-01063-00255955-00256086 to the best of their abilities K6jXaxyDtig-01064-00256086-00256281 and they're being as thoughtful as they can be K6jXaxyDtig-01065-00256281-00256498 but the risks are high so, K6jXaxyDtig-01066-00256625-00256831 you have to make that decision for yourself, K6jXaxyDtig-01067-00256831-00256956 I encourage people to do the US K6jXaxyDtig-01068-00256956-00257202 if they are doing it correctly K6jXaxyDtig-01069-00257202-00257387 and they're properly legally advised K6jXaxyDtig-01070-00257387-00257821 but if you're doing the US really know what you're doing. K6jXaxyDtig-01071-00257821-00258193 The risks of getting it wrong are severe. K6jXaxyDtig-01072-00258193-00258322 It's no joke. K6jXaxyDtig-01073-00258322-00258446 - Yeah FCC is not-- K6jXaxyDtig-01074-00258446-00258603 - I know the Orange is the New Black and all K6jXaxyDtig-01075-00258603-00258741 I know I wouldn't look good in that color K6jXaxyDtig-01076-00258741-00259144 and I don't do anything bad I look at everything I do K6jXaxyDtig-01077-00259144-00259436 and I try to also look at it in the future K6jXaxyDtig-01078-00259436-00259562 with the benefit of hindsight, K6jXaxyDtig-01079-00259562-00259783 if things go certain ways where K6jXaxyDtig-01080-00259783-00259893 even though I didn't do anything wrong K6jXaxyDtig-01081-00259893-00260120 it could eventually look bad because some, K6jXaxyDtig-01082-00260120-00260312 I try to think through all of the possibilities K6jXaxyDtig-01083-00260312-00260602 because I just don't ever want to do something K6jXaxyDtig-01084-00260602-00260848 that could be perceived as bad and it's hard. K6jXaxyDtig-01085-00260848-00261231 - Would you do it as a utility token versus, K6jXaxyDtig-01086-00261231-00261388 'cause you have to securitize it, K6jXaxyDtig-01087-00261388-00261551 in general do you think people should be K6jXaxyDtig-01088-00261551-00261703 trying to do utility tokens? K6jXaxyDtig-01089-00261703-00261829 - I mean it depends on your token, K6jXaxyDtig-01090-00261829-00262200 each token sale is different, each market is different K6jXaxyDtig-01091-00262200-00262340 and you have to look at each deal K6jXaxyDtig-01092-00262340-00262589 on its kind of individual basis. K6jXaxyDtig-01093-00262589-00263012 And so you have to ask yourself this is community building? K6jXaxyDtig-01094-00263012-00263220 In designing your token, are your users, K6jXaxyDtig-01095-00263220-00263479 is your community better suited K6jXaxyDtig-01096-00263614-00263889 if it's a security token or a utility token? K6jXaxyDtig-01097-00263889-00264053 And always do what's best for your users, K6jXaxyDtig-01098-00264053-00264237 always do what's best for your community. K6jXaxyDtig-01099-00264237-00264540 I like to call the ICO the initial community offering. K6jXaxyDtig-01100-00264540-00264781 - Okay, not just the initial coin. K6jXaxyDtig-01101-00264781-00264900 So you think in general K6jXaxyDtig-01102-00264900-00265117 there's a little bit too much greed right now? K6jXaxyDtig-01103-00265117-00265227 - Yeah but this is what happens K6jXaxyDtig-01104-00265227-00265388 when you get in these emotional cycles and that's why-- K6jXaxyDtig-01105-00265388-00265543 - And you need that greed though to get people in. K6jXaxyDtig-01106-00265543-00265752 - Yeah it's driving growth I mean K6jXaxyDtig-01107-00265752-00265954 these are the cycles of things, this is how it goes. K6jXaxyDtig-01108-00265954-00266055 - Yeah. Yeah. K6jXaxyDtig-01109-00266055-00266313 (chill music) K7fl5Aj6cuM-00000-00000035-00000535 Welcome to Holiday Storytime with LayRoots. K7fl5Aj6cuM-00001-00000551-00000722 'Twas the night before Christmas, K7fl5Aj6cuM-00002-00000722-00000981 when all through the house, K7fl5Aj6cuM-00003-00000981-00001445 only one creature was stirring, and it wasn't a mouse. K7fl5Aj6cuM-00004-00001445-00001879 The stockings were hung in disarray, but with care, K7fl5Aj6cuM-00005-00001879-00002325 in hope that St. Nicholas soon would be there. K7fl5Aj6cuM-00006-00002428-00002808 The children were nestled, all snug in their beds, K7fl5Aj6cuM-00007-00002808-00003201 while visions of sugar plums danced in their heads. K7fl5Aj6cuM-00008-00003302-00003725 My partner was annoyed, but in bed for the night, K7fl5Aj6cuM-00009-00003725-00004114 while I typed on my laptop, all in a fright, K7fl5Aj6cuM-00010-00004243-00004628 when out on the lawn there arose such a clatter. K7fl5Aj6cuM-00011-00004628-00005053 But I didn't even notice, so busy with business matters. K7fl5Aj6cuM-00012-00005053-00005365 Hurried emails were being sent in a flash. K7fl5Aj6cuM-00013-00005365-00005698 But my mind was telling me that soon I would crash. K7fl5Aj6cuM-00014-00005796-00006231 My head in my hands, how do I keep my business happy? K7fl5Aj6cuM-00015-00006231-00006567 But all of a sudden, our dog got yappy K7fl5Aj6cuM-00016-00006567-00007067 I softly let out a cuss as I got up to investigate the fuss. K7fl5Aj6cuM-00017-00007286-00007694 Oh well, I might as well steal milk and a cookie, K7fl5Aj6cuM-00018-00007779-00008045 my reward for not playing hooky. K7fl5Aj6cuM-00019-00008162-00008580 Much to my shock, a man lively and quick K7fl5Aj6cuM-00020-00008580-00008756 was eating the cookies. K7fl5Aj6cuM-00021-00008756-00009051 Could it be St. Nick? K7fl5Aj6cuM-00022-00009051-00009393 He shot me a wink, and up the chimney he flew. K7fl5Aj6cuM-00023-00009393-00009728 And up on the roof, I heard the fall of his shoe. K7fl5Aj6cuM-00024-00009864-00010151 Could what I had seen be true? K7fl5Aj6cuM-00025-00010151-00010253 But then I heard him. K7fl5Aj6cuM-00026-00010253-00010394 He whistled and shouted, K7fl5Aj6cuM-00027-00010394-00010601 and yelled names that I knew. K7fl5Aj6cuM-00028-00010601-00010945 Now Dasher, now Dancer now Prancer, and Vixen, K7fl5Aj6cuM-00029-00010945-00011324 on Comet, on Cupid, on Donner and Blitzen. K7fl5Aj6cuM-00030-00011324-00011480 To the top of the porch, K7fl5Aj6cuM-00031-00011480-00011673 to the top of the wall, K7fl5Aj6cuM-00032-00011673-00011978 now dash away, dash away, dash away all. K7fl5Aj6cuM-00033-00012104-00012379 Beneath the tree in the stockings there lay K7fl5Aj6cuM-00034-00012379-00012759 dozens more presents to brighten the day. K7fl5Aj6cuM-00035-00012759-00013138 I feel a tear well up from inside. K7fl5Aj6cuM-00036-00013138-00013580 And as I realized I almost missed the holiday, I cried. K7fl5Aj6cuM-00037-00013580-00013818 I thought I could run my business alone. K7fl5Aj6cuM-00038-00013818-00014157 But the truth is, that I was out of my zone. K7fl5Aj6cuM-00039-00014254-00014556 A customer had threatened to sue me for nothing. K7fl5Aj6cuM-00040-00014556-00014916 And I thought I could pay them and they would get trucking. K7fl5Aj6cuM-00041-00014916-00015176 I created my business online to save money. K7fl5Aj6cuM-00042-00015176-00015529 But it wasn't done right and now it wasn't funny. K7fl5Aj6cuM-00043-00015724-00015970 Seeing St. Nick, all merry and bright, K7fl5Aj6cuM-00044-00015970-00016352 with all of his reindeer to help him get through the night, K7fl5Aj6cuM-00045-00016352-00016615 I wished I had someone to call K7fl5Aj6cuM-00046-00016615-00016876 to help advise me through this all. K7fl5Aj6cuM-00047-00016876-00017219 Someone to trust, so I didn't have to worry, K7fl5Aj6cuM-00048-00017219-00017424 and could spend time with my family, K7fl5Aj6cuM-00049-00017424-00017593 and not be in a hurry K7fl5Aj6cuM-00050-00017593-00017887 to get back to my email, and business, and stacks, K7fl5Aj6cuM-00051-00017887-00018305 and instead, like St. Nick, I could focus on the task K7fl5Aj6cuM-00052-00018305-00018557 of building something which I could joyfully pass K7fl5Aj6cuM-00053-00018557-00018915 onto my children and partner to enjoy, K7fl5Aj6cuM-00054-00018915-00019231 no matter the time, no matter my employ. K7fl5Aj6cuM-00055-00019384-00019587 Happy holidays from LayRoots. K8dm2nr7wAI-00000-00000000-00000192 Hi! My name is Katie, K8dm2nr7wAI-00001-00000192-00000700 and I'm going to be teaching you how I teach young children about the life cycle K8dm2nr7wAI-00002-00000700-00000994 using mealworms that go through metamorphosis. K8dm2nr7wAI-00003-00000994-00001580 So, together in a group with my children, I will talk to them about how they grow, K8dm2nr7wAI-00004-00001580-00002266 and how they used to be babies, and how they get bigger and that's kind of how we'll start the process. K8dm2nr7wAI-00005-00002266-00002898 And then we'll move on to introducing insects to them. K8dm2nr7wAI-00006-00002898-00003322 In a small group, we'll sit together and we'll discuss what a larva is. K8dm2nr7wAI-00007-00003322-00003734 A larva is a small worm called a mealworm. K8dm2nr7wAI-00008-00003734-00004342 I will explain to the children that the mealworms do not have teeth and they cannot hurt them. K8dm2nr7wAI-00009-00004342-00004924 And if they'd like to touch them very gently, they may. if they don't want to touch them they don't have to. K8dm2nr7wAI-00010-00004924-00005478 I'll let the children observe the worms for a little while, and then after they've collected some thoughts, K8dm2nr7wAI-00011-00005478-00005896 I'll come back and I'll ask them what they've noticed about them, K8dm2nr7wAI-00012-00005896-00006262 and we'll make a chart labeled: Observations of Mealworms. K8dm2nr7wAI-00013-00006262-00006538 Then we'll move on and we'll talk about the pupae. K8dm2nr7wAI-00014-00006538-00006970 The pupae might be more familiar with them as a cocoon. K8dm2nr7wAI-00015-00006970-00007531 This is what the mealworms go into as they transform into a beetle. K8dm2nr7wAI-00016-00007531-00008016 We'll discuss that with the children for a little while, and I'll allow them to make their observations. K8dm2nr7wAI-00017-00008016-00008320 And then we'll also chart what they have learned. K8dm2nr7wAI-00018-00008320-00009054 Then we'll move on to the beetle. I'll tell the children that the beetle used to be a worm, K8dm2nr7wAI-00019-00009054-00009420 and we'll talk about how it transformed into a beetle. K8dm2nr7wAI-00020-00009420-00010382 I'll let them make some observations, and then we will have a discussion together and we'll chart what they've noticed. K8dm2nr7wAI-00021-00010382-00010694 Then, we'll come back and we'll revisit our chart, K8dm2nr7wAI-00022-00010694-00011286 and I'll also show them this flyer about how in the beginning stages, we have an egg. K8dm2nr7wAI-00023-00011286-00012100 And that egg then turns into the larvae, which is the meal worm, which then turns into the pupa, pupa or cocoon, K8dm2nr7wAI-00024-00012100-00012394 and then becomes the adult, which is the beetle. K8dm2nr7wAI-00025-00012394-00012838 So that's how I teach young children about the life cycle. K8WVOn9i8gQ-00000-00000000-00000200 السلام عليكم K8WVOn9i8gQ-00001-00000200-00000400 محاضرة اعلانات السوشيال K9EUGFcyl3k-00000-00000000-00000681 Reporter: Unfortunately you can't see HDTV's higher quality on regular TV, and for now HDTV K9EUGFcyl3k-00001-00000681-00001151 does suffer from high prices and scarce programming, but there's little doubt K9EUGFcyl3k-00002-00001151-00001467 that television signals are going digital. K9EUGFcyl3k-00003-00001467-00001748 Andy: But I think that the world of television for entertainment is K9EUGFcyl3k-00004-00001748-00002243 poised for explosion and that explosion comes about because television becomes K9EUGFcyl3k-00005-00002243-00002702 digital. Reporter: Andy Lippmann is associate director of MIT's Media Lab, one of K9EUGFcyl3k-00006-00002702-00003156 the premier technology think tanks in the world. The lab is supported by more K9EUGFcyl3k-00007-00003156-00003761 than 170 corporate sponsors, ranging from toy maker Mattel to chip maker Intel. All K9EUGFcyl3k-00008-00003761-00004491 agree to share the R&D costs and the discoveries made at the lab. K9EUGFcyl3k-00009-00004491-00004887 Those discoveries can range from creating animated creatures that think for K9EUGFcyl3k-00010-00004887-00005826 themselves, to sneakers that play music as you move in them. From his perch at the Lab, K9EUGFcyl3k-00011-00005826-00006458 Lippmann sees a digital explosion. Andy: And when television becomes digital it K9EUGFcyl3k-00012-00006458-00007038 becomes a lot more like the Internet and that means that instead of 100 or 500 or K9EUGFcyl3k-00013-00007038-00007379 a thousand channels you have to think of television in terms of two hundred and K9EUGFcyl3k-00014-00007379-00007806 forty three million channels and accessing channels from all around the K9EUGFcyl3k-00015-00007806-00008011 world. KzUctKG5G_o-00000-00000026-00000122 OFDGOTSKILLZ KzVE5v7OlfU-00000-00000088-00000624 vsauce has finally made a new video after more than two months, and it means that i KzVE5v7OlfU-00001-00000624-00000960 can subscribe to it as long as it has made at least 10 videos in the last 12 months, KzVE5v7OlfU-00002-00001016-00001360 and also, the links are still working there. i almost thought they stopped, KzVE5v7OlfU-00003-00001432-00001936 but no, they're still there and actually, nine minutes ago was the last thing that i found. this KzVE5v7OlfU-00004-00001936-00002968 will update, so please be attentive on when i did that, and also you can promote there if you want. K_c8rxzcAAU-00000-00000704-00001038 >> Thank you, Kim, that was very nice introduction. K_c8rxzcAAU-00001-00001038-00001405 Thank you all for coming to this session today. K_c8rxzcAAU-00002-00001442-00002256 I want to begin by making sure you have some materials that were up at the front. K_c8rxzcAAU-00003-00002256-00002512 So there are three things I'm hoping that you have. K_c8rxzcAAU-00004-00002512-00002871 Two of them, I'd like you to borrow, K_c8rxzcAAU-00005-00002871-00003054 and these are just pencils and note. K_c8rxzcAAU-00006-00003054-00003411 Excellent. So as you leave, K_c8rxzcAAU-00007-00003411-00003593 you can drop those off where you pick them up. K_c8rxzcAAU-00008-00003593-00003871 Then the third item I'm hoping you'll keep, K_c8rxzcAAU-00009-00003871-00004067 and this is the handout that I've made K_c8rxzcAAU-00010-00004067-00004415 that includes some of the main points from the session today. K_c8rxzcAAU-00011-00004415-00004703 We'll also be looking at some of the writing K_c8rxzcAAU-00012-00004703-00005015 prompts that are on the sheet and talking about them in small groups. K_c8rxzcAAU-00013-00005015-00005305 So do make sure that you have one of these. K_c8rxzcAAU-00014-00005305-00005514 If you're in an isolated position, K_c8rxzcAAU-00015-00005514-00005828 maybe squeeze closer to some friends so K_c8rxzcAAU-00016-00005828-00006261 that you have people to talk with when we get to that part of the assignment. K_c8rxzcAAU-00017-00006625-00007388 So this presentation today is based on the idea that having students K_c8rxzcAAU-00018-00007388-00007686 write in STEM courses can help them learn K_c8rxzcAAU-00019-00007686-00008126 course content and improve their critical thinking ability. K_c8rxzcAAU-00020-00008126-00008441 My goal for this is that you leave with K_c8rxzcAAU-00021-00008441-00008858 an idea for a writing prompt that you could use in a course that you teach, K_c8rxzcAAU-00022-00008858-00009159 and that you also feel armed with K_c8rxzcAAU-00023-00009159-00009711 some time-saving strategies that make assigning writing feel possible. K_c8rxzcAAU-00024-00009711-00010224 I'd like to begin by asking you a few questions. K_c8rxzcAAU-00025-00010224-00010841 I'm curious how many of you have assigned writing in a STEM course before? K_c8rxzcAAU-00026-00010841-00011130 Excellent. Thank you. K_c8rxzcAAU-00027-00011130-00011898 How many of you worry about the amount of time it takes to deal with student writing? K_c8rxzcAAU-00028-00011953-00012365 >> What do you mean? Writing or coaching? K_c8rxzcAAU-00029-00012365-00012821 >> Good questions. So I'm thinking in terms of how much time it takes you as K_c8rxzcAAU-00030-00012821-00013453 an instructor to give feedback on student writing, that's the question. K_c8rxzcAAU-00031-00013453-00013569 >> Yes. K_c8rxzcAAU-00032-00013569-00013827 >> Quite a few hands. All right. Thank you. K_c8rxzcAAU-00033-00013827-00014110 Then my third question is, K_c8rxzcAAU-00034-00014110-00014450 I'm curious how many of you have a recommendation K_c8rxzcAAU-00035-00014450-00014907 that you might like to share based on your experience assigning writing? K_c8rxzcAAU-00036-00015016-00015441 Excellent. So we'll try to have some time at the end K_c8rxzcAAU-00037-00015441-00015821 for you to share those tidbits. Thank you. K_c8rxzcAAU-00038-00015821-00016420 So much of what I will talk about today is from this book; K_c8rxzcAAU-00039-00016420-00016796 it's called "Engaging Ideas: The Professor's Guide to Integrating Writing, K_c8rxzcAAU-00040-00016796-00017072 Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom." K_c8rxzcAAU-00041-00017072-00017321 It's written by John Bean, K_c8rxzcAAU-00042-00017321-00017687 who's a Professor Emeritus at Seattle University. K_c8rxzcAAU-00043-00017687-00017972 He has studied writing across the curriculum for K_c8rxzcAAU-00044-00017972-00018343 several decades and has led many workshops on this topic. K_c8rxzcAAU-00045-00018343-00018681 I just like to recognize Neal Beckman, K_c8rxzcAAU-00046-00018681-00018804 who recommended this book to me, K_c8rxzcAAU-00047-00018804-00019126 and she's back there. Thank you. K_c8rxzcAAU-00048-00019502-00019842 So the talk today has five parts. K_c8rxzcAAU-00049-00019842-00020235 I'm going to start by reviewing the connection between writing and critical thinking. K_c8rxzcAAU-00050-00020235-00020527 I'm going to address some concerns that are common among K_c8rxzcAAU-00051-00020527-00021075 professors who are considering whether to incorporate writing in their course or not. K_c8rxzcAAU-00052-00021075-00021376 We'll look at some examples of short writing K_c8rxzcAAU-00053-00021376-00021685 prompts with the idea that a short writing prompt could be K_c8rxzcAAU-00054-00021685-00021970 a way to have your students to think critically but K_c8rxzcAAU-00055-00021970-00022313 not take quite so much of your time as an instructor. K_c8rxzcAAU-00056-00022313-00022594 We'll also look specifically at K_c8rxzcAAU-00057-00022594-00022906 some tips for how to efficiently deal with student writing, K_c8rxzcAAU-00058-00022906-00023201 especially in medium or large classes. K_c8rxzcAAU-00059-00023201-00023494 Finally, we'll look at a couple of examples from K_c8rxzcAAU-00060-00023494-00023885 USU professors who have incorporated these ideas. K_c8rxzcAAU-00061-00025031-00025670 So to begin, when writing is assigned in the STEM course, K_c8rxzcAAU-00062-00025670-00026058 it's often associated with two possible outcomes. K_c8rxzcAAU-00063-00026058-00026364 One might be that the students will learn K_c8rxzcAAU-00064-00026364-00026790 how to communicate in the style of that specific discipline. K_c8rxzcAAU-00065-00026790-00027205 A second purpose can be that the students could K_c8rxzcAAU-00066-00027205-00027653 learn how to think critically about questions in that discipline. K_c8rxzcAAU-00067-00027653-00028094 By thinking critically that I break down into a few parts. K_c8rxzcAAU-00068-00028094-00028378 One is that students are identifying assumptions, K_c8rxzcAAU-00069-00028378-00028639 one is that they are questioning their assumptions, K_c8rxzcAAU-00070-00028639-00029123 and three they're considering alternative perspectives. K_c8rxzcAAU-00071-00029123-00029450 So what we'll focus on today is more the second purpose. K_c8rxzcAAU-00072-00029450-00029744 We'll be looking at writing assignments that target K_c8rxzcAAU-00073-00029744-00030258 different aspects of critical thinking that students can practice in these courses. K_c8rxzcAAU-00074-00030979-00031451 One concern that's common among professors is that K_c8rxzcAAU-00075-00031451-00031970 incorporating writing could take time away from course content. K_c8rxzcAAU-00076-00032075-00032610 I like to counter this idea by remembering from K_c8rxzcAAU-00077-00032610-00032972 my personal experience as a student that there's K_c8rxzcAAU-00078-00032972-00033296 often a big difference between how much a professor might cover, K_c8rxzcAAU-00079-00033296-00033624 and how much I might actually learn in that course. K_c8rxzcAAU-00080-00033624-00033928 The idea is that by having students write, K_c8rxzcAAU-00081-00033928-00034293 we're having them think deeply about something and K_c8rxzcAAU-00082-00034293-00034809 that the learning that they do will potentially act longer for them. K_c8rxzcAAU-00083-00035119-00035663 Another concern, especially with more technical courses, K_c8rxzcAAU-00084-00035663-00036195 might be that writing isn't a suitable activity for what the learning objectives are. K_c8rxzcAAU-00085-00036266-00036734 That definitely can plan writing can be used in different ways. K_c8rxzcAAU-00086-00036734-00037279 What we will look at today though is a variety of different writing exercises. K_c8rxzcAAU-00087-00037279-00037742 So by opening our concept of what a writing assignment is, K_c8rxzcAAU-00088-00037742-00038229 we might see that writing could be useful even in some very technical courses. K_c8rxzcAAU-00089-00038498-00039015 Then there is this real concern K_c8rxzcAAU-00090-00039015-00039560 that assigning writing in a course can bury a perfect answer and paper grading. K_c8rxzcAAU-00091-00039560-00039798 So the question is, K_c8rxzcAAU-00092-00040036-00040506 how can we not make that an issue? K_c8rxzcAAU-00093-00040511-00041306 Fortunately, there is some research by the National Survey of Student Engagement that K_c8rxzcAAU-00094-00041306-00041537 shows that the quality of K_c8rxzcAAU-00095-00041537-00042020 the writing assignment matters more than how long the assignment is. K_c8rxzcAAU-00096-00042020-00042251 That's something that can really help us K_c8rxzcAAU-00097-00042251-00042524 because by having your students write something short, K_c8rxzcAAU-00098-00042524-00043139 you can potentially get them thinking way that they need to advance their skills, K_c8rxzcAAU-00099-00043139-00043322 and it doesn't take as much of your time. K_c8rxzcAAU-00100-00043322-00043803 We'll also talk a little bit today about some time saving strategies. K_c8rxzcAAU-00101-00044233-00044789 So we're going to look at a few categories of assignment types. K_c8rxzcAAU-00102-00044789-00045128 All of these are shorter assignment types based on K_c8rxzcAAU-00103-00045128-00045590 the idea that shorter assignments could take less Professor time. K_c8rxzcAAU-00104-00045590-00045923 I've grouped these into four categories. K_c8rxzcAAU-00105-00045923-00046743 There are formal writing assignments where students are working on formal essays. K_c8rxzcAAU-00106-00046743-00046991 Then there's also exploratory writing. K_c8rxzcAAU-00107-00046991-00047215 It's the main category. K_c8rxzcAAU-00108-00047215-00047505 Within each of those, K_c8rxzcAAU-00109-00047505-00047762 we have a range of assignment links K_c8rxzcAAU-00110-00047762-00048035 that are associated with less or more instructor time. K_c8rxzcAAU-00111-00048035-00048419 I'll begin by looking at an example of microtheme, K_c8rxzcAAU-00112-00048419-00049056 and then we'll discuss in small groups some ideas for short essay prompts. K_c8rxzcAAU-00113-00049358-00049569 This is a microtheme, K_c8rxzcAAU-00114-00049569-00049829 this is a short formal writing assignment where K_c8rxzcAAU-00115-00049829-00050156 students are writing less than a page in response to this prompt. K_c8rxzcAAU-00116-00050156-00050489 This is from a psychology course, and I'll read it to you. K_c8rxzcAAU-00117-00050489-00050951 "In the morning, when Professor Catlove opens a new can of cat food, K_c8rxzcAAU-00118-00050951-00051167 his cats run into the kitchen purring and K_c8rxzcAAU-00119-00051167-00051407 meowing and rubbing their backs against his legs. K_c8rxzcAAU-00120-00051407-00051753 What examples, if any, of classical conditioning, K_c8rxzcAAU-00121-00051753-00052155 operant conditioning, and social learning are at work in this brief steam. K_c8rxzcAAU-00122-00052155-00052358 Note that both the cats and K_c8rxzcAAU-00123-00052358-00052701 the professor might be exhibiting and conditioned behavior here. K_c8rxzcAAU-00124-00052701-00053084 You and some fellow classmates had been discussing this problem over coffee, K_c8rxzcAAU-00125-00053084-00053495 and you are convinced that some of your group are confused about the concepts. K_c8rxzcAAU-00126-00053495-00053877 Write a one-page essay to set them straight." K_c8rxzcAAU-00127-00053896-00054641 So I'm curious, what are some things that you think work well about this prompt? K_c8rxzcAAU-00128-00054641-00054851 I'm going to pass whoever wants to answer K_c8rxzcAAU-00129-00054851-00055251 this microphone so that we can hear you on the recording. K_c8rxzcAAU-00130-00055251-00055794 So what do you think works well in this short writing prompt? K_c8rxzcAAU-00131-00055794-00056671 Yes. Thank you. K_c8rxzcAAU-00132-00056671-00057032 >> One really obvious things is that it is very clear how K_c8rxzcAAU-00133-00057032-00057399 long you want it to be and what you want them answer. K_c8rxzcAAU-00134-00057399-00057963 >> Excellent, so it's clear how long it should be and what their task is. K_c8rxzcAAU-00135-00057963-00058482 Excellent. Does anyone else have something that they'd like to add? K_c8rxzcAAU-00136-00059574-00059794 >> Four hundred words. K_c8rxzcAAU-00137-00059794-00060133 >> Yes, so this could be less than a page like half a page. K_c8rxzcAAU-00138-00060133-00060328 >> So they're limited to 250 words? K_c8rxzcAAU-00139-00060328-00060538 >> Yes. In this assignment, yes. K_c8rxzcAAU-00140-00060538-00060884 It's very short. Yes. Good question. K_c8rxzcAAU-00141-00061428-00061721 >> I think what also works is that you've given them K_c8rxzcAAU-00142-00061721-00062072 a semi meaningful context in which to apply it. K_c8rxzcAAU-00143-00062072-00062296 So it's not just a recitation K_c8rxzcAAU-00144-00062296-00062590 of the meanings of the classical conditioning, operant conditioning, K_c8rxzcAAU-00145-00062590-00062953 and social learning but it's a way to give folks K_c8rxzcAAU-00146-00062953-00063373 a sense of why they might need to understand that or explain it to someone else. K_c8rxzcAAU-00147-00063373-00063634 >> Yes. That's really excellent. Thank you. K_c8rxzcAAU-00148-00063634-00064012 So there's context given in this that makes it seem meaningful. K_c8rxzcAAU-00149-00064012-00064279 Okay. Then, I saw another hand here. K_c8rxzcAAU-00150-00064314-00064621 >> I hate to say, it's going to be the same thing but the idea, K_c8rxzcAAU-00151-00064621-00064807 it's an interesting prompt. K_c8rxzcAAU-00152-00064807-00064987 So it's fun, playful. K_c8rxzcAAU-00153-00064987-00065416 >> Yeah. Excellent. Yeah, so I have a little bit of let's do it. K_c8rxzcAAU-00154-00065484-00066019 But yeah, so obviously they are being playful. Thank you. K_c8rxzcAAU-00155-00066019-00066346 So it's kind of a fun scenario also. K_c8rxzcAAU-00156-00066346-00066700 So that's one type of thing, K_c8rxzcAAU-00157-00066700-00066879 creating a small scenario, K_c8rxzcAAU-00158-00066879-00067317 and then having people write a short response could get them thinking. K_c8rxzcAAU-00159-00067317-00067993 Next, we're going to look at some short essay examples, K_c8rxzcAAU-00160-00067993-00068572 and this is where, there are three types that I'd like to highlight, K_c8rxzcAAU-00161-00068572-00068761 that I thought were interesting suggestions. K_c8rxzcAAU-00162-00068761-00069350 One is where students are given a thesis by the instructor, K_c8rxzcAAU-00163-00069350-00069673 and their task is in a short essay to support either the K_c8rxzcAAU-00164-00069673-00070069 positive or the negative side of this thesis statement. K_c8rxzcAAU-00165-00070069-00070465 Another possible prompt for a short essay could be to have K_c8rxzcAAU-00166-00070465-00070874 the students suggest a best solution to a problem in the discipline, K_c8rxzcAAU-00167-00070874-00071359 and a third would be to have a student walk-through in a short essay, K_c8rxzcAAU-00168-00071359-00071660 what their problem solving process was. K_c8rxzcAAU-00169-00071660-00072034 So on the handout that you got, K_c8rxzcAAU-00170-00072034-00072493 there's a section here where it has the short essays, K_c8rxzcAAU-00171-00072493-00072727 and there are three example prompts. K_c8rxzcAAU-00172-00072727-00073201 I'd like you to take a couple of minutes with those nearby you to read those prompts, K_c8rxzcAAU-00173-00073201-00073550 and to think about this question. K_c8rxzcAAU-00174-00073568-00074383 Which type of prompt would work best in a course that you teach and why? K_c8rxzcAAU-00175-00074383-00074861 Okay. So take a couple of minutes to look at those and talk about that with a partner. K_c8rxzcAAU-00176-00074861-00075185 Okay. Thank you for discussing that in groups. K_c8rxzcAAU-00177-00075185-00075479 I'd like you to send your attention back up here, K_c8rxzcAAU-00178-00075479-00076001 and we'll come back to where you are in your thought process in a little bit. K_c8rxzcAAU-00179-00076140-00076472 So the next type of writing K_c8rxzcAAU-00180-00076472-00077035 that I'd like to share with you is this expository writing genre. K_c8rxzcAAU-00181-00077035-00077704 So this is a type of exercise where students get to think out loud on paper. K_c8rxzcAAU-00182-00077704-00077858 It's much more free form. K_c8rxzcAAU-00183-00077858-00078133 They're not necessarily worried about whether K_c8rxzcAAU-00184-00078133-00078500 a reader will be able to follow what they're writing, K_c8rxzcAAU-00185-00078500-00079001 and yet it can be a really useful tool for them as thinkers, K_c8rxzcAAU-00186-00079001-00079315 and this was a quote that I found very inspiring. K_c8rxzcAAU-00187-00079315-00080102 It was said by a physics professor who published over 270 academic papers. K_c8rxzcAAU-00188-00080102-00080458 But I really liked this one quote which was, K_c8rxzcAAU-00189-00080458-00080932 "I'm never so clear about a matter as when I have just finished writing about it, K_c8rxzcAAU-00190-00080932-00081256 the writing process itself produces that clarity. K_c8rxzcAAU-00191-00081256-00081466 Indeed I often write memory, K_c8rxzcAAU-00192-00081466-00081904 and that's myself, solely for the purpose of clearing up my own thinking." K_c8rxzcAAU-00193-00081904-00082223 I really like that because I'm curious, K_c8rxzcAAU-00194-00082223-00082375 how many of you do this? K_c8rxzcAAU-00195-00082375-00082762 I do this. We are writing as we think, K_c8rxzcAAU-00196-00082762-00082969 we write for the purpose of thinking. K_c8rxzcAAU-00197-00082969-00083437 It's interconnected, it helps us clarify where we are, K_c8rxzcAAU-00198-00083437-00083824 and the idea of having an opportunity to show K_c8rxzcAAU-00199-00083824-00084283 a student that they have this tool available to them is so exciting to me, K_c8rxzcAAU-00200-00084283-00084893 and that can be done by having them do expository writing in a course. K_c8rxzcAAU-00201-00084893-00085475 So there are a couple of purposes, K_c8rxzcAAU-00202-00085475-00086017 specific ways that expository writing could be used in a classroom setting. K_c8rxzcAAU-00203-00086017-00086503 One might be, if there's a discussion going on that starting to lag, K_c8rxzcAAU-00204-00086503-00086738 maybe it's time to cut that down, K_c8rxzcAAU-00205-00086738-00087085 cut that, and have people write about the question for a moment. K_c8rxzcAAU-00206-00087085-00087359 So that they get more into their thoughts, K_c8rxzcAAU-00207-00087359-00087654 or if the discussion is becoming heated for K_c8rxzcAAU-00208-00087654-00088054 some reason that could be a very exciting time to have students write. K_c8rxzcAAU-00209-00088054-00088614 Another option would be to have students use writing in the class, K_c8rxzcAAU-00210-00088614-00088962 as a way of synthesizing information that you've just presented to them, K_c8rxzcAAU-00211-00088962-00089504 so they're imprinting that in their minds before they even leave. K_c8rxzcAAU-00212-00089504-00090082 Then another kind would be to use writing in the class, K_c8rxzcAAU-00213-00090082-00090508 so that the student is verbalizing questions or confusion that they have, K_c8rxzcAAU-00214-00090508-00090938 and that one really spoke to me because I was a physics major. K_c8rxzcAAU-00215-00090938-00091297 I was often very confused in lectures. K_c8rxzcAAU-00216-00091297-00091717 I got lost immediately every time within about one minute, K_c8rxzcAAU-00217-00091717-00092378 and this prompt could've been a salvation for me in those moments. K_c8rxzcAAU-00218-00092436-00092968 This is one way that writing prompts phrase which I really like, K_c8rxzcAAU-00219-00092968-00093110 and I feel that it's versatile, K_c8rxzcAAU-00220-00093110-00093341 for any time a lecture is given. K_c8rxzcAAU-00221-00093341-00093793 So if you've understood my lecture so far, K_c8rxzcAAU-00222-00093793-00094058 summarize my main points in your own words. K_c8rxzcAAU-00223-00094058-00094279 If you're currently confused about something, K_c8rxzcAAU-00224-00094279-00094517 please explain to me what is puzzling you. K_c8rxzcAAU-00225-00094517-00094805 Ask me the questions you need answered, K_c8rxzcAAU-00226-00094805-00095194 and the reason I like this prompt so much, K_c8rxzcAAU-00227-00095194-00095770 is because asking students to identify the root of their confusion, K_c8rxzcAAU-00228-00095770-00095882 where does that initiate, K_c8rxzcAAU-00229-00095882-00096173 and that's where they have to start to learn the next thing. K_c8rxzcAAU-00230-00096173-00096536 So this prompt was very exciting to me. K_c8rxzcAAU-00231-00096675-00097498 Next, there's three other short prompts for expository writing, K_c8rxzcAAU-00232-00097498-00098041 that's semi-structured, that are in your handout under the bottom of that first page. K_c8rxzcAAU-00233-00098041-00098377 So with your partners I'd like you to read those three examples, K_c8rxzcAAU-00234-00098377-00098567 and these are semi-structured prompts. K_c8rxzcAAU-00235-00098567-00098845 They could be used in class or outside of class, K_c8rxzcAAU-00236-00098845-00099292 and so take a look at those three short prompts, K_c8rxzcAAU-00237-00099292-00099823 and I would just like you and your partner to talk about, K_c8rxzcAAU-00238-00099823-00100138 what you think the purpose of each of those prompts would be? K_c8rxzcAAU-00239-00100138-00100552 What would a student gain by writing each of those? K_c8rxzcAAU-00240-00100552-00100862 Okay. So take a few minutes to do that. K_c8rxzcAAU-00241-00100899-00101248 Okay. Thank you for discussing. K_c8rxzcAAU-00242-00101248-00101677 Now we're going to go on to a different type of activity, K_c8rxzcAAU-00243-00101677-00101869 where hopefully you can incorporate, K_c8rxzcAAU-00244-00101869-00102352 what you talked about in these last two discussion times. K_c8rxzcAAU-00245-00102352-00102496 What I'd like you to do, K_c8rxzcAAU-00246-00102496-00102979 is use the note pad of paper that you got, and the pencil, K_c8rxzcAAU-00247-00102979-00103451 and I'm going to time you in doing a focus free, K_c8rxzcAAU-00248-00103451-00104171 right now, where you're tasked with writing a prompt for your course. K_c8rxzcAAU-00249-00104171-00104419 It could be formal or it could be expository, K_c8rxzcAAU-00250-00104419-00104695 something that you think would help your students, K_c8rxzcAAU-00251-00104695-00104846 and so take five minutes, K_c8rxzcAAU-00252-00104846-00105269 and come up with an idea that you like. K_c8rxzcAAU-00253-00105273-00105967 So now that you have a writing prompt that you might want to use in your class. K_c8rxzcAAU-00254-00105967-00106226 There's immediately this next problem which is, K_c8rxzcAAU-00255-00106226-00106809 how could you implement that without having too much of your time as an instructor? K_c8rxzcAAU-00256-00106809-00107131 So there are a few strategies that I'd like to mention, K_c8rxzcAAU-00257-00107131-00107606 and I go into a little bit more detail with some more ideas on the handout as well. K_c8rxzcAAU-00258-00107606-00108169 But a couple of strategies that I think can help are, K_c8rxzcAAU-00259-00108169-00108488 first to read a sample of student work, K_c8rxzcAAU-00260-00108488-00108796 and this might be in a situation, K_c8rxzcAAU-00261-00108796-00109340 where you're trying to figure out where your students are in their thinking, K_c8rxzcAAU-00262-00109340-00109519 not necessarily a situation, K_c8rxzcAAU-00263-00109519-00109817 where you are giving them specific feedback on what they've written. K_c8rxzcAAU-00264-00109817-00110312 But if a professor can read a random sample, K_c8rxzcAAU-00265-00110312-00110653 it's possible that common patterns, K_c8rxzcAAU-00266-00110653-00110835 and confusion could be identified, K_c8rxzcAAU-00267-00110835-00111166 or a model could be identified K_c8rxzcAAU-00268-00111166-00111583 that could be shared with the class and maybe discussed in class. K_c8rxzcAAU-00269-00111750-00112078 Then in situations where the purpose K_c8rxzcAAU-00270-00112078-00112442 is for students to receive feedback on their writing. K_c8rxzcAAU-00271-00112442-00113149 It can help a lot to focus those comments on one or two questions or suggestions. K_c8rxzcAAU-00272-00113149-00113527 Where the professor is thinking about, K_c8rxzcAAU-00273-00113527-00113956 what's the next thinking step I want this student to take? K_c8rxzcAAU-00274-00113956-00114529 How can I phrase a question that will help the student arrive at that place? K_c8rxzcAAU-00275-00114529-00114935 So that's something to keep in mind rather than giving K_c8rxzcAAU-00276-00114935-00115120 exhaustive feedback that takes a lot of K_c8rxzcAAU-00277-00115120-00115459 your time and that might be overwhelming to a student. K_c8rxzcAAU-00278-00115629-00116294 Finally, it's easier to read and evaluate better writing. K_c8rxzcAAU-00279-00116294-00116683 So here are a couple of tips that can help with that. K_c8rxzcAAU-00280-00116683-00117190 One is to make sure that the assignment description is clear. K_c8rxzcAAU-00281-00117190-00117558 One way to do that is to make sure that K_c8rxzcAAU-00282-00117558-00118045 the top three questions have very obvious answers in the assignment prompt. K_c8rxzcAAU-00283-00118045-00118364 So those are who is the student writing to? K_c8rxzcAAU-00284-00118364-00118705 What is the initial stance of that audience? K_c8rxzcAAU-00285-00118705-00119090 What is the students purpose and writing to that audience? K_c8rxzcAAU-00286-00119090-00119363 So the answers to those questions are K_c8rxzcAAU-00287-00119363-00119705 obvious that can really help the students know what to do. K_c8rxzcAAU-00288-00119705-00120314 Another strategy can be to provide a model response to a similar prompt. K_c8rxzcAAU-00289-00120314-00120877 That's something I think we do a lot as writers as we base what we're doing, K_c8rxzcAAU-00290-00120877-00121189 we learned from templates and so having students do K_c8rxzcAAU-00291-00121189-00121553 that is preparing them for writing later on as well. K_c8rxzcAAU-00292-00121553-00121876 Finally, I encourage you to use K_c8rxzcAAU-00293-00121876-00122251 the writing center and the Science writing center specifically as a resource. K_c8rxzcAAU-00294-00122251-00122484 So we meet with our tutors, K_c8rxzcAAU-00295-00122484-00122773 we have about 15 tutors and they can meet with students K_c8rxzcAAU-00296-00122773-00123125 one-on-one and it gives students a chance to talk through their thinking. K_c8rxzcAAU-00297-00123125-00123457 They also read their writing out loud during those sessions, K_c8rxzcAAU-00298-00123457-00124028 that can help a lot with students clarifying their ideas in their organization. K_c8rxzcAAU-00299-00124028-00124456 I recommend that having them come visit K_c8rxzcAAU-00300-00124456-00124723 the Science Writing Center before they submit to you and K_c8rxzcAAU-00301-00124723-00125117 during the revision process as well it can be very helpful. K_c8rxzcAAU-00302-00125325-00125610 Next I'd just like to touch on a couple of K_c8rxzcAAU-00303-00125610-00126083 examples from us you professors that I really liked. K_c8rxzcAAU-00304-00126158-00126509 This is an excerpt from a plant and K_c8rxzcAAU-00305-00126509-00126988 animal populations lab by a car crushing taught this last spring. K_c8rxzcAAU-00306-00126988-00127458 You are a state wildlife biologists who has been tasked with recommending which of K_c8rxzcAAU-00307-00127458-00127743 three possible actions should be used to reduce breeding K_c8rxzcAAU-00308-00127743-00128050 callibird populations that are a threat to an endangered species. K_c8rxzcAAU-00309-00128050-00128238 Be sure your recommendation includes K_c8rxzcAAU-00310-00128238-00128479 a description of the management challenging your objective, K_c8rxzcAAU-00311-00128479-00128731 a brief desertification and description of your methods a K_c8rxzcAAU-00312-00128731-00129011 comparison of the predicted outcomes under each scenario, K_c8rxzcAAU-00313-00129011-00129241 a figure showing the predicted trajectories K_c8rxzcAAU-00314-00129241-00129475 for the covered population under each scenario, K_c8rxzcAAU-00315-00129475-00129778 a specific management recommendation and K_c8rxzcAAU-00316-00129778-00130160 potential limitations or risks of that recommendation. K_c8rxzcAAU-00317-00130160-00130931 So what are some things that you think work well in this prompt? K_c8rxzcAAU-00318-00131340-00132284 >> I think the way they said have this to write more and clear, K_c8rxzcAAU-00319-00132284-00132544 so I like those steps. K_c8rxzcAAU-00320-00132544-00132823 >> Great, excellent. So having the steps laid out K_c8rxzcAAU-00321-00132823-00133202 really helps it's very clear what they are looking for. K_c8rxzcAAU-00322-00133290-00133654 >> I also feel like this steps could help you grade and the K_c8rxzcAAU-00323-00133654-00133967 unto because he you know what you're looking for throughout the paper. K_c8rxzcAAU-00324-00133967-00134284 >> Excellent. Yes, so this is like your rubric. K_c8rxzcAAU-00325-00134284-00134551 Okay anyone when there one other comment. K_c8rxzcAAU-00326-00134551-00134935 >> I think the whole role-playing setup to of imagining yourself in K_c8rxzcAAU-00327-00134935-00135253 the state wildlife biologists position is is pretty useful K_c8rxzcAAU-00328-00135253-00135649 to getting people out of their own sort of way of thinking of something as well. K_c8rxzcAAU-00329-00135649-00135968 >> Excellent. Yeah. So it feels like a real life situation. K_c8rxzcAAU-00330-00135968-00136897 Okay. Then the last example K_c8rxzcAAU-00331-00136897-00137144 I wanted to share for a different type of assignment, K_c8rxzcAAU-00332-00137144-00137783 this is from null Buckman's course that was taught in spring of 2018. K_c8rxzcAAU-00333-00137783-00138191 This was for a longer research paper and she broke it down into steps. K_c8rxzcAAU-00334-00138191-00138622 So those were where students identified a research topic, K_c8rxzcAAU-00335-00138622-00138875 they wrote an exploratory essay K_c8rxzcAAU-00336-00138875-00139268 about the topic early on in the process which I found very interesting. K_c8rxzcAAU-00337-00139268-00139504 Then she had them visit the Science Writing Center K_c8rxzcAAU-00338-00139504-00139784 during the drafting process and they did a peer review. K_c8rxzcAAU-00339-00139784-00140519 I just like to look in a little bit of detail about the prompt for the exploratory essay. K_c8rxzcAAU-00340-00140519-00141098 So she asks students to describe their process in generating and developing their ideas. K_c8rxzcAAU-00341-00141098-00141346 The purpose of this exploration is to stimulate, K_c8rxzcAAU-00342-00141346-00141758 thinking about your process into to discuss any difficulties. K_c8rxzcAAU-00343-00141758-00142129 These are questions to get their ideas flowing. K_c8rxzcAAU-00344-00142129-00142356 How did your thinking and ideas evolve? K_c8rxzcAAU-00345-00142356-00142600 What source helped you form the argument? K_c8rxzcAAU-00346-00142600-00142999 What were your strategies in finding sources? K_c8rxzcAAU-00347-00143081-00143412 So I'm curious. K_c8rxzcAAU-00348-00143412-00144031 What benefit do you think a writing prompt like this would have for students early on in K_c8rxzcAAU-00349-00144031-00144290 developing a research paper? K_c8rxzcAAU-00350-00144954-00145172 I'm not going to do it. K_c8rxzcAAU-00351-00145172-00145507 >> Accurately you would help them pinpoint exactly what they want to write K_c8rxzcAAU-00352-00145507-00145934 their essay about because I find that one of the hardest points. K_c8rxzcAAU-00353-00145934-00146200 They just spent a lot of time trying to figure out what K_c8rxzcAAU-00354-00146200-00146474 exactly their focus is going to be for their paper. K_c8rxzcAAU-00355-00146474-00146965 >> Excellent. Thank you. Yes. K_c8rxzcAAU-00356-00146965-00147523 >> I was just going say it gets them thinking early on about sources. K_c8rxzcAAU-00357-00147523-00147607 >> Yes. K_c8rxzcAAU-00358-00147607-00148076 >>Because many students think they know how to find K_c8rxzcAAU-00359-00148076-00148595 scientific articles but they don't know how to use them. K_c8rxzcAAU-00360-00148595-00149111 >> Yes. So it's really going into that process of finding resources early, excellent. K_c8rxzcAAU-00361-00149111-00149989 Okay, so we're going to skip ahead to questions but I K_c8rxzcAAU-00362-00149989-00150428 am interested in mentioning K_c8rxzcAAU-00363-00150428-00150562 just a couple of things that K_c8rxzcAAU-00364-00150562-00150917 the Science Writing Center offers to professors as a resource. K_c8rxzcAAU-00365-00150917-00151285 So we can help professors design assignments, K_c8rxzcAAU-00366-00151285-00151660 we can provide feedback on assignment descriptions. K_c8rxzcAAU-00367-00151660-00151939 We do in-class activities. K_c8rxzcAAU-00368-00151939-00152245 If you want students to reverse outline and K_c8rxzcAAU-00369-00152245-00152720 assignment we can come in and lead an activity like that for your class, K_c8rxzcAAU-00370-00152721-00153271 we also provide one-on-one sessions where students are working with a tutor. K_c8rxzcAAU-00371-00153271-00153782 I wanted to show you this list but also say that we are a new entity, K_c8rxzcAAU-00372-00153782-00154048 we're expanding, we're trying different things. K_c8rxzcAAU-00373-00154048-00154541 So if you have an idea of something that you'd like us to do to offer to you, K_c8rxzcAAU-00374-00154541-00154957 please jot that down on the notepad and there's a little bin by K_c8rxzcAAU-00375-00154957-00155431 the near the recording in the back where you can leave that for me. K_c8rxzcAAU-00376-00155431-00156005 I'll take a look at it and see if we can offer that as something that we do. K_c8rxzcAAU-00377-00156090-00156581 I'd like to just take a couple of minutes for questions, K_c8rxzcAAU-00378-00156581-00157057 if the professors who had recommendations to share would like to, K_c8rxzcAAU-00379-00157057-00157229 this would be a time for that as well. K_c8rxzcAAU-00380-00157229-00157630 Yes. K_c8rxzcAAU-00381-00157630-00157640 >> [inaudible] K_c8rxzcAAU-00382-00157640-00158105 >> Yeah. We can do it. K_c8rxzcAAU-00383-00158118-00158648 >> Can statewide campus faculty take advantage of the writing center? K_c8rxzcAAU-00384-00158648-00158821 >> Yes, great question. K_c8rxzcAAU-00385-00158821-00159517 Fantastic. So we do offer remote appointments through video chat for remote campuses. K_c8rxzcAAU-00386-00159517-00160037 So yes, that's a very simple answer and that's described on our website, yes. K_c8rxzcAAU-00387-00160037-00160235 >> Throw it. K_c8rxzcAAU-00388-00160260-00160442 >> Okay. K_c8rxzcAAU-00389-00160442-00160811 >> So do you have any recommendations for convincing K_c8rxzcAAU-00390-00160811-00161249 students that they're going to benefit from these exercises? K_c8rxzcAAU-00391-00161249-00161437 >> That's a great question. K_c8rxzcAAU-00392-00161437-00162151 I think by making the prompt simulate job experiences in K_c8rxzcAAU-00393-00162151-00162523 positions that they might be in helps with that so that they K_c8rxzcAAU-00394-00162523-00162935 can see themselves in that role and then they have a job to do. K_c8rxzcAAU-00395-00162935-00163247 That would be my first recommendation for that. K_c8rxzcAAU-00396-00163247-00163637 There might be others that will come to us later. K_c8rxzcAAU-00397-00163758-00164011 All right, that might be time. K_c8rxzcAAU-00398-00164011-00164264 Thank you so much for being here. KAh2J9gfwhY-00000-00000000-00000400 Hello Localguiders! Today we are going to tell you about the must-see of Gáldar. KAh2J9gfwhY-00013-00005112-00005632 One of the places that you have to visit in Gáldar is the House-museum Antonio Padrón KAh2J9gfwhY-00014-00005632-00005960 who was a well known Canarian painter from Gáldar KAh2J9gfwhY-00031-00014896-00015297 One of the mandatory visits in Gáldar old town is to the Painted Cave Museum (Cueva Pintada). KAh2J9gfwhY-00032-00015322-00015622 Here you will find paintings from the aborigines of Gran Canaria. KAh2J9gfwhY-00033-00015660-00016213 The museum visit takes around 50 minutes and on Sunday is free. During the week is around 6 euros (this may vary!). KAh2J9gfwhY-00041-00019268-00019904 Just 5 minutes drive from Gáldar old town you have the beach and natural pool of Bocabarranco. KAh2J9gfwhY-00042-00019904-00020284 As you can see it is perfectly conditioned for bathing KAh2J9gfwhY-00043-00020284-00020656 And now we are showing you the area of El Agujero which also has a lovely promenade KAh2J9gfwhY-00044-00020656-00020966 and everything is in a 100% local environment. KAh2J9gfwhY-00047-00022968-00023378 We are already at El Agujero. Here is the incredible pool. KAh2J9gfwhY-00048-00023378-00023840 As you can see swimming is completely safe as there is a seawall KAh2J9gfwhY-00049-00023926-00024510 Many locals come here to catch waves as it is an area of big waves. KAh2J9gfwhY-00050-00024612-00025026 Please, if you try surfing here, be careful and don't risk your life! KAh2J9gfwhY-00055-00026860-00027294 So this has been our route of today. We hope that you have loved Gáldar as we do KAh2J9gfwhY-00056-00027306-00027738 If you want to know more plans like this, visit www.localguidegrancanaria.com KAh2J9gfwhY-00057-00027756-00028139 Please, do not forget to suscribe to our channel, click like and share. KAh2J9gfwhY-00058-00028158-00028394 We see you next week around Gran Canaria! KCyzvfovXlo-00000-00000639-00001091 Trump Just Made HUGE Announcement At G7 That Will Forever Change America KCyzvfovXlo-00001-00001091-00001652 On June 16, 2015, Donald Trump announced that he was going to seek the GOP nominee. KCyzvfovXlo-00002-00001652-00002068 In his speech, Mr. Trump said “Sadly the American dream is dead,” “But if I get KCyzvfovXlo-00003-00002068-00002507 elected president I will bring it back bigger and better and stronger than ever before.” KCyzvfovXlo-00004-00002507-00002783 Now President Trump is doing just that. KCyzvfovXlo-00005-00002783-00003192 The G7 summit in Quebec, Canada has been an eventful one. KCyzvfovXlo-00006-00003192-00003673 The President has suggested that all tariffs, trade barriers, and industrialist subsidies KCyzvfovXlo-00007-00003673-00004008 should all be dropped in an order to facilitate free trade. KCyzvfovXlo-00008-00004008-00004468 This is a radical change to in an apparent reversal to his proposed tariff policy. KCyzvfovXlo-00009-00004468-00004972 This has raised some brows of many ReTrumplicans, but we still believe in the American dream, KCyzvfovXlo-00010-00004972-00005294 and believe the President knows exactly what he’s doing. KCyzvfovXlo-00011-00005294-00005691 From the get-go, the President has been playing Chess while the rest of the world is playing KCyzvfovXlo-00012-00005691-00005810 checkers. KCyzvfovXlo-00013-00005810-00006250 When you’re as successful as Donald Trump then you understand what it takes to win. KCyzvfovXlo-00014-00006250-00006537 America has never seen this much winning before. KCyzvfovXlo-00015-00006537-00006940 What the President has announced at the G7 summit will forever change the United States KCyzvfovXlo-00016-00006940-00007056 Of America. KCyzvfovXlo-00017-00007056-00007391 Now globalists will be pushed back on their heels. KCyzvfovXlo-00018-00007391-00007726 Billionaire George Soros admitted that he was living in a bubble that nothing was going KCyzvfovXlo-00019-00007726-00007881 the way he thought it would. KCyzvfovXlo-00020-00007881-00008418 When someone like Soros admits they’re losing, then you know something is going in our favor. KCyzvfovXlo-00021-00008418-00008862 President Trump didn’t specify how the US’s allies have responded to his proposals, but KCyzvfovXlo-00022-00008862-00009104 we can guess they weren’t too happy about it. KCyzvfovXlo-00023-00009104-00009550 The President went straight for the jugular by calling out Canada, and France before, KCyzvfovXlo-00024-00009550-00009957 and during the summit claiming they’ve been ripping off America for far too long. KCyzvfovXlo-00025-00009957-00010425 Macron asked if the President even cared about the US being isolated, and even suggests a KCyzvfovXlo-00026-00010425-00010656 summit without the US President. KCyzvfovXlo-00027-00010656-00010994 This is a classic example of Alpha males going toe to toe. KCyzvfovXlo-00028-00010994-00011306 At the end of the day, we all know who’s going to win. KCyzvfovXlo-00029-00011306-00011677 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had some words for the president as well. KCyzvfovXlo-00030-00011677-00011992 This time in a less Alpha, more Beta voice. KCyzvfovXlo-00031-00011992-00012488 Trudeau said he would with “absolute certainty” impose retaliatory measures on July 1 to answer KCyzvfovXlo-00032-00012488-00012717 Trump’s tariffs on steel and aluminum. KCyzvfovXlo-00033-00012717-00013088 He said the argument that Trump’s tariffs on steel and aluminum are a matter of national KCyzvfovXlo-00034-00013088-00013309 security are “kind of insulting.” KCyzvfovXlo-00035-00013309-00013678 Trudeau said Canadians are nice but added, “We will not be pushed around.” KCyzvfovXlo-00036-00013678-00014232 “I will always protect Canadian workers and Canadian interests,” Trudeau said. KCyzvfovXlo-00037-00014232-00014372 CNN. KCyzvfovXlo-00038-00014372-00014748 President Donald Trump revealed his preference for totally free trade to promote economic KCyzvfovXlo-00039-00014748-00015193 growth, confirming reports that he brought up the proposal at the G7 summit with world KCyzvfovXlo-00040-00015193-00015293 leaders. KCyzvfovXlo-00041-00015293-00015719 “That’s the way it should be, no tariffs, no barriers … and no subsidies,” Trump KCyzvfovXlo-00042-00015719-00016015 said, referring to his former college education. KCyzvfovXlo-00043-00016015-00016412 “That’s the way you learned at the Wharton school of finance, I mean that would be the KCyzvfovXlo-00044-00016412-00016565 ultimate thing.” KCyzvfovXlo-00045-00016565-00017074 Trump’s proposal reflected an entirely free-trade approach to economics, which he said the leaders KCyzvfovXlo-00046-00017074-00017212 discussed. KCyzvfovXlo-00047-00017212-00017673 He offered no significant updates on NAFTA negotiations, but suggested that perhaps the KCyzvfovXlo-00048-00017673-00018120 United States could negotiate unilateral deals with Canada and Mexico. KCyzvfovXlo-00049-00018120-00018570 Trump repeated that America’s allies had repeatedly won on trade deals, hurting American KCyzvfovXlo-00050-00018570-00018713 workers and jobs. KCyzvfovXlo-00051-00018713-00019063 “We’re the piggy bank that everybody is robbing,” Trump said. KCyzvfovXlo-00052-00019063-00019226 “And that ends.” KCyzvfovXlo-00053-00019226-00019702 Trump asked his economic adviser Larry Kudlow to comment on the discussions, who confirmed KCyzvfovXlo-00054-00019702-00020064 that the group of leaders had lengthy discussions about the proposal. KCyzvfovXlo-00055-00020064-00020605 “I, myself, was particularly gratified to hear my president talk about free trade,” KCyzvfovXlo-00056-00020605-00020862 Kudlow said, praising the president. KCyzvfovXlo-00057-00020862-00021306 The proposal comes following two days of testy back-and-forth comments on trade between the KCyzvfovXlo-00058-00021306-00021640 US president and Washington’s Canadian and European allies. KCyzvfovXlo-00059-00021640-00022154 “In other words, let’s say Canada, where … the United States pays tremendous tariffs KCyzvfovXlo-00060-00022154-00022784 on dairy as an example — 270% — nobody knows that … we don’t want to pay anything. KCyzvfovXlo-00061-00022784-00022918 Why should we pay? KCyzvfovXlo-00062-00022918-00023390 Ultimately that’s what you want – you want a tariff-free [zone], you want no barriers, KCyzvfovXlo-00063-00023390-00023759 and you want no subsidies because you have some cases where countries are subsidizing KCyzvfovXlo-00064-00023759-00023954 industries and that’s not fair.” KCyzvfovXlo-00065-00023954-00024121 -Business Insider. KCyzvfovXlo-00066-00024121-00024590 Blaming past US leaders for “decades and decades” of bad trade deals with the US’s KCyzvfovXlo-00067-00024590-00025090 G7 allies, which have led to hundreds of billions of dollars in trade deficits, Trump stressed KCyzvfovXlo-00068-00025090-00025440 that “those days are over” and promised to continue his hard-edged approach on trade KCyzvfovXlo-00069-00025440-00025632 to straighten out outstanding issues. KCyzvfovXlo-00070-00025632-00026024 “There is no reason we should have large trade deficits with virtually every country KCyzvfovXlo-00071-00026024-00026212 of the world,” he said. KCyzvfovXlo-00072-00026212-00026375 -SpitnikNews KCyzvfovXlo-00073-00026375-00026715 There has never been a doubt in my mind that the President has always kept “America First” KCyzvfovXlo-00074-00026715-00026929 at the top of his priorities. KCyzvfovXlo-00075-00026929-00027352 No matter what deal he’s negotiating, or what legislation he’s supported. KCyzvfovXlo-00076-00027352-00027680 The President has kept America his number one priority. KCyzvfovXlo-00077-00027680-00028092 The last administration would have never negotiated on behalf of America. KCyzvfovXlo-00078-00028092-00028533 Tax & Spend were the only thing on the minds of liberals during the Obama Era. KCyzvfovXlo-00079-00028533-00029905 America is seeing better days, and we owe it all to President Donald Trump. KDwp-IMQqq4-00000-00000216-00000824 are you yearning to bring more magic reunite the fire the passion and bring sacred sexuality KDwp-IMQqq4-00001-00000824-00001352 into the relationship would you like to get more sensual pleasure depth of love KDwp-IMQqq4-00002-00001352-00001968 playfulness friendship freedom tenderness trust and more intimacy back into your daily life KDwp-IMQqq4-00003-00002176-00002880 our tantra couple's retreat offers you ancient and juicy practices of sacred tantra KDwp-IMQqq4-00004-00002936-00003632 to continually awaken and deepen the love and unite the soul on fire KDwp-IMQqq4-00005-00003632-00004296 we would like to invite you to our online courses into our tropical paradise islands in thailand KDwp-IMQqq4-00006-00004384-00004832 as you learn more tools to solve your issues triggers challenges KDwp-IMQqq4-00007-00004904-00005784 as you learn more about erotic ecstasy spiritual love full body orgasm join us join us KE7bboJ5Ohg-00001-00000050-00000491 Here we will go over a basic refinery configuration. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00002-00000491-00001006 Again, the focus this time is on different refinery streams KE7bboJ5Ohg-00003-00001006-00001584 and what happens to them as they go through different processes. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00004-00001584-00001968 Now the four colors you see here represent four types KE7bboJ5Ohg-00005-00001968-00002341 of processes, as we have mentioned before. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00006-00002341-00002776 Blue represents separation processes. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00007-00002776-00003215 Light orange, or light pink, represents KE7bboJ5Ohg-00008-00003215-00003464 conversion processes. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00009-00003464-00003733 Green represents finishing. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00010-00003733-00004056 And the pink, at the bottom, represents KE7bboJ5Ohg-00011-00004056-00004354 supporting processes. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00012-00004354-00004598 The first treatment crude oil receives KE7bboJ5Ohg-00013-00004598-00005057 is desalting, to remove the salt that comes with the crude oil, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00014-00005057-00005471 and the desalted crude is sent to an atmospheric distillation KE7bboJ5Ohg-00015-00005471-00005730 column where we separate the crude KE7bboJ5Ohg-00016-00005730-00006005 into different boiling fractions. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00017-00006005-00006305 From the top, we produce the gases. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00018-00006305-00006686 These are essentially gases dissolved into crude oil. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00019-00006686-00007116 And from the bottom we have the distillation residue, or ADR, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00020-00007116-00007447 which is sent to vacuum distillation KE7bboJ5Ohg-00021-00007447-00007692 for further fractionation. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00022-00007692-00008106 Vacuum distillation units produce some vacuum fractions, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00023-00008106-00008516 vacuum distillate fractions, as well as the residue. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00024-00008516-00008903 This is the non-distillable residue from crude oil, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00025-00008903-00009346 that we call vacuum distillation residue, or VDR, which KE7bboJ5Ohg-00026-00009346-00009878 could be sent to solvent deasphalting to remove asphalt, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00027-00009878-00010134 and also to a conversion process, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00028-00010134-00010421 as we will see in the next section. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00029-00010421-00010761 This is the bottom of the barrel, in essence. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00030-00010761-00011161 You will see dewaxing is another separation process-- KE7bboJ5Ohg-00031-00011161-00011613 physical process, that takes the feed from the vacuum KE7bboJ5Ohg-00032-00011613-00011806 distillation fraction. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00033-00011806-00012076 So in the next section, we'll go over KE7bboJ5Ohg-00034-00012076-00012404 all these different fractions, separated KE7bboJ5Ohg-00035-00012404-00012707 into physical separation processes, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00036-00012707-00013050 and what happens to them in the conversion sequence KE7bboJ5Ohg-00037-00013050-00013210 that we will cover. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00038-00013210-00013641 Let's review the streams coming from the separation units, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00039-00013641-00013836 starting from the top. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00040-00013836-00014188 The gas fraction, or gas stream, goes KE7bboJ5Ohg-00041-00014188-00014574 through the finishing process, the green region, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00042-00014574-00014862 to become refinery products. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00043-00014862-00015191 As we go down, the light straight run naphtha KE7bboJ5Ohg-00044-00015191-00015483 coming from atmospheric distillation, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00045-00015483-00015955 could also partially go through a finishing process KE7bboJ5Ohg-00046-00015955-00016144 to become a product. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00047-00016144-00016587 And part of it could be sent to a conversion unit. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00048-00016587-00017197 Heavy straight naphtha has to be fed to a conversion unit, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00049-00017197-00017349 as we will see. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00050-00017349-00017785 Straight run kerosene and straight run gas oil KE7bboJ5Ohg-00051-00017785-00018024 could be sent to a finishing process KE7bboJ5Ohg-00052-00018024-00018331 to become, again, refinery products. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00053-00018331-00018765 Light vacuum gas oil needs to be treated in a conversion KE7bboJ5Ohg-00054-00018765-00018907 process. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00055-00018907-00019566 Heavy vacuum gas oil can be sent to dewaxing, to remove the wax. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00056-00019566-00020001 And the dewaxed oil could go through the finishing process KE7bboJ5Ohg-00057-00020001-00020439 to become a refinery product again. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00058-00020439-00020703 And part of the heavy vacuum gas oil KE7bboJ5Ohg-00059-00020703-00021016 could be sent to a conversion process. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00060-00021016-00021595 The VDR, as you see, coming from the separation units, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00061-00021595-00022143 could have two different options for conversion in this section. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00062-00022143-00022467 The white boxes represent the conversion units, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00063-00022467-00022871 or conversion processes we will cover in this course. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00064-00022871-00023203 And we will look at what streams are KE7bboJ5Ohg-00065-00023203-00023609 fed to these processes on the segment. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00066-00023609-00023999 You can see, again, starting from the top light straight run KE7bboJ5Ohg-00067-00023999-00024471 naphtha is fed to to catalytic isomerization. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00068-00024471-00025045 Heavy straight naphta is sent to catalytic reforming unit. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00069-00025045-00025447 Straight run gas oil, light vacuum gas oil, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00070-00025447-00025826 are fed to fluid catalytic cracking. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00071-00025826-00026106 By-products from fluid catalytic cracking KE7bboJ5Ohg-00072-00026106-00026647 are sent to polymerization inoculation units. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00073-00026647-00027031 At the bottom, you can see that the deasphalted oil, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00074-00027031-00027530 and heavy vacuum gas oil, goes through hydro cracking. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00075-00027530-00028086 And the VDR can go through this breaking or coking. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00076-00028086-00028487 You can see a byproduct from coking, a carbonaceous solid, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00077-00028487-00028763 is called coke or petroleum coke. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00078-00028763-00029158 Let's now look at the fate of all of the streams coming KE7bboJ5Ohg-00079-00029158-00029541 from the separation and conversion units KE7bboJ5Ohg-00080-00029541-00029887 as they go through the finishing processes KE7bboJ5Ohg-00081-00029887-00030333 to become the final products that leave the refinery. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00082-00030333-00030617 Starting from the top again, the gas product KE7bboJ5Ohg-00083-00030617-00030985 coming from gas operation, goes through a sweetening KE7bboJ5Ohg-00084-00030985-00031342 and blending to make LPG. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00085-00031342-00031718 The light straight run naphta, as well as KE7bboJ5Ohg-00086-00031718-00032057 the product from catalytic isomerization, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00087-00032057-00032448 are fed to a light distillate sweetening, hyrdotreating, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00088-00032448-00032672 or blending process. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00089-00032672-00033064 As well as the product from catalytic reforming, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00090-00033064-00033554 alkylation, polymerization, and fluid catalytic cracking, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00091-00033554-00034053 are fed through this light distillate finishing process KE7bboJ5Ohg-00092-00034053-00034574 to produce aviation gasoline, motor gasoline, and solvents KE7bboJ5Ohg-00093-00034574-00034971 like benzene, toluene, or xylene. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00094-00034971-00035379 The straight run gas oil and straight run kerosene KE7bboJ5Ohg-00095-00035379-00035822 are fed to the middle distillate hyrdotreatment, or blending, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00096-00035822-00036058 along with an intermediate product KE7bboJ5Ohg-00097-00036058-00036414 from fluid catalytic cracking and product KE7bboJ5Ohg-00098-00036414-00036940 from hydro cracking, to produce jet fuel, diesel fuel, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00099-00036940-00037372 solvents like kerosene, and distillate fuel oil. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00100-00037372-00037696 Heavy product from fluid catalytic cracking, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00101-00037696-00038017 along with the product from this breaking, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00102-00038017-00038281 could be sent to a heavy distillate hyrdotreatment, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00103-00038281-00038706 or blending, to make residual fuel oil. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00104-00038706-00039012 Coking-- the heavy product from coking KE7bboJ5Ohg-00105-00039012-00039455 could also contribute to the residual fuel oil KE7bboJ5Ohg-00106-00039455-00039850 pull here in this section. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00107-00039850-00040270 The dewaxed oil, coming from the dewaxing process, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00108-00040270-00040687 could be used to produce lubrication, oil base, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00109-00040687-00040913 as well as a grease. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00110-00040913-00041309 So this completes the whole scheme of separation, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00111-00041309-00041793 conversion, and finishing processes in an oil refinery. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00112-00041793-00042064 Finally, you see at the bottom of the plot, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00113-00042064-00042573 the support processes consist of waste water treatment-- KE7bboJ5Ohg-00114-00042573-00042794 treating all the waste water generated KE7bboJ5Ohg-00115-00042794-00043103 in the refinery, hydrogen production-- KE7bboJ5Ohg-00116-00043103-00043619 to produce hydrogen needed for hydrotreatment processes, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00117-00043619-00044091 and hydrogen sulfide from these hydrotreatment units, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00118-00044091-00044527 hydrotreatment processes, could go through a sulfur recovery KE7bboJ5Ohg-00119-00044527-00045030 unit to make elemental sulfur, as also a product coming out KE7bboJ5Ohg-00120-00045030-00045176 of a refinery. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00121-00045176-00045557 Now you may think that this is a very complicated scheme, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00122-00045557-00045693 and it is. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00123-00045693-00046167 But once you know what goes on in all these different units, KE7bboJ5Ohg-00124-00046167-00046617 then it will become pretty simple to draw this diagram. KE7bboJ5Ohg-00125-00046617-00047099 So that's what we're going to learn in this course. KIjXuO8pNGI-00000-00000006-00000658 like everyone else you were born into bondage, born into a prison for your mind KIjXuO8pNGI-00001-00000658-00001402 buckle your seatbelt door because Kansas is going bye-bye KIjXuO8pNGI-00002-00001642-00001946 you'll want to remember this moment as the last time you thought the Flat Earth KIjXuO8pNGI-00003-00001946-00003407 was stupid. hello everyone this is ODD and yes I'm finally admitting that KIjXuO8pNGI-00004-00003407-00004418 even though I don't like labels I'm a flat earther based on my research for KIjXuO8pNGI-00005-00004418-00004769 the past 10 months our world is very different from the model that we are KIjXuO8pNGI-00006-00004769-00005165 being taught by the authority on the matter it took me a while to come to KIjXuO8pNGI-00007-00005165-00005606 terms with this and it took even longer to gain the courage to talk about it it KIjXuO8pNGI-00008-00005606-00006029 can be pretty embarrassing to go against popular opinion but this is real it's KIjXuO8pNGI-00009-00006029-00006544 not a PSYOP it's not a distraction and it's not a bandwagon it's a reasonable KIjXuO8pNGI-00010-00006544-00007013 debate it's thousands of people taking what we've been told and comparing it to KIjXuO8pNGI-00011-00007013-00007529 what we see and experience only to find out that they do not match up once you KIjXuO8pNGI-00012-00007529-00007895 start digging into this it becomes clear that there is no evidence for the KIjXuO8pNGI-00013-00007895-00008294 speculated spinning ball that we supposedly live on and everything points KIjXuO8pNGI-00014-00008294-00008792 to a flat earth the Flat Earth is much more than just reasonable the one and KIjXuO8pNGI-00015-00008792-00009190 only reason that it's reasonable to argue against the Flat Earth is that KIjXuO8pNGI-00016-00009190-00009644 we've all been taught otherwise our whole lives we blindly believe something KIjXuO8pNGI-00017-00009644-00010253 that a has never been proven and B is pretty much fuckin impossible thanks to KIjXuO8pNGI-00018-00010253-00010697 people like Eric Dubay the Flat Earth has reemerged and it has more steam than KIjXuO8pNGI-00019-00010697-00011117 ever before I've ever even entertained the Flat Earth I knew not to trust the KIjXuO8pNGI-00020-00011117-00011528 space programs of the world closed examinations of NASA and other space KIjXuO8pNGI-00021-00011528-00011888 programs revealed that things aren't what they seem and that we the people KIjXuO8pNGI-00022-00011888-00012340 are being lied to we have no real pictures of the earth and no matter how KIjXuO8pNGI-00023-00012340-00012790 hard we try we just can't find the curvature not only that but flight paths KIjXuO8pNGI-00024-00012790-00013207 make more sense on a flat map and large bodies of water not being able to curve KIjXuO8pNGI-00025-00013207-00013676 into a giant ball completely resonates forensic ly speaking the globe model is KIjXuO8pNGI-00026-00013676-00014018 so very unlike that any good detective wouldn't believe KIjXuO8pNGI-00027-00014018-00014547 a fucking word the globe says the globe story is so full of circumstantial KIjXuO8pNGI-00028-00014547-00015163 impossible coincidences which only prove that the globe is a fucking liar KIjXuO8pNGI-00029-00015163-00015595 we'll be going over that in this video as well as other reasons why the world KIjXuO8pNGI-00030-00015595-00015953 isn't what we're led to believe I appreciate you tuning in let's get KIjXuO8pNGI-00031-00015953-00016759 started KIjXuO8pNGI-00032-00016777-00017212 our daily observations of the earth are consistent with the flattened stationary KIjXuO8pNGI-00033-00017212-00017653 surface most if not all ancient civilisations knew that the earth was KIjXuO8pNGI-00034-00017653-00018127 flat the people of today would say that ancient cultures were ignorant and KIjXuO8pNGI-00035-00018127-00018565 unaware yet they accomplished great feats that we still can't accomplish to KIjXuO8pNGI-00036-00018565-00019054 this day the truth is that they had real knowledge and some of us only have an KIjXuO8pNGI-00037-00019054-00019570 education but what is in education education is when you are told what to KIjXuO8pNGI-00038-00019570-00020017 think and how to think those that are able to remember and regurgitate what KIjXuO8pNGI-00039-00020017-00020443 they've been told on commands are considered well educated but there is a KIjXuO8pNGI-00040-00020443-00020896 big difference between being educated and being intelligent just because you KIjXuO8pNGI-00041-00020896-00021358 believe what you've been told doesn't make it true in fact the flat KIjXuO8pNGI-00042-00021358-00021799 versus spherical earth is a debate that has never really died it's been raging KIjXuO8pNGI-00043-00021799-00022384 for centuries it was a huge argument as recently as the early and mid 1900s but KIjXuO8pNGI-00044-00022384-00022939 with programs like NASA founded in 1958 the latter half of the 20th century was KIjXuO8pNGI-00045-00022939-00023320 a win for the spherical earth it wasn't a question for the average person KIjXuO8pNGI-00046-00023320-00023593 anymore though at the time the shape of the KIjXuO8pNGI-00047-00023593-00024013 earth was still up to be proven NASA claims that they went to the moon and KIjXuO8pNGI-00048-00024013-00024550 captured a shot of the spherical earth as if they always knew it was indeed KIjXuO8pNGI-00049-00024550-00025003 spherical those of you think this technical KIjXuO8pNGI-00050-00025003-00025371 difficulty was planned and think I'm scamming you go do it for yourself KIjXuO8pNGI-00051-00025371-00025735 because you're gonna find the exact same thing I got nothing to hide here this is KIjXuO8pNGI-00052-00025735-00026236 live on the air okay I'm gonna zoom in on the earth in Photoshop you see the KIjXuO8pNGI-00053-00026236-00026977 earth to image adjust levels and I'm going to bring the levels over here and KIjXuO8pNGI-00054-00026977-00027624 I'm gonna bring the levels up Oh what is that KIjXuO8pNGI-00055-00027624-00028306 why is your square box around the earth allegedly taken from the scientists on KIjXuO8pNGI-00056-00028306-00028845 the moon in Apollo 17 people wonder why I don't trust NASA that's why I don't KIjXuO8pNGI-00057-00028845-00029197 trust NASA I mean they're always out there saying you know you probably KIjXuO8pNGI-00058-00029197-00029494 everybody's trying to show you stuff from space and you won't you keep KIjXuO8pNGI-00059-00029494-00030220 rejected this is why I reject it these guys are liars you know what are some of KIjXuO8pNGI-00060-00030220-00030688 the basic observations someone can make to ascertain that the earth is neither a KIjXuO8pNGI-00061-00030688-00031072 globe or spinning we've been taught that burana KIjXuO8pNGI-00062-00031072-00031845 all spinning around the Sun and so to hear that you might be on a flat plane KIjXuO8pNGI-00063-00031845-00032311 motionless at the center of the universe with all the celestial bodies spinning KIjXuO8pNGI-00064-00032311-00032851 around you just as it appears actually comes as a surprise but it shouldn't KIjXuO8pNGI-00065-00032851-00033181 because our eyes experience and common sense KIjXuO8pNGI-00066-00033181-00033727 I'll tell us that the horizon is perfectly flat and we feel motionless we KIjXuO8pNGI-00067-00033727-00034102 don't hear ourselves whizzing by and thousands of miles per hour KIjXuO8pNGI-00068-00034102-00034675 no matter how high amateur Rockets or balloons have gone up the horizon Rises KIjXuO8pNGI-00069-00034675-00035119 through the eye of the observer all the way up and that's only consistent with a KIjXuO8pNGI-00070-00035119-00035707 flat plane their theory just gets more and more wild as time has gone on and so KIjXuO8pNGI-00071-00035707-00036003 yeah it began with the spinning earth going a thousand miles KIjXuO8pNGI-00072-00036003-00036546 our which has been circling around the Sun at 67,000 miles per hour which then KIjXuO8pNGI-00073-00036546-00036927 they decided the Sun wasn't it wasn't a heliocentric model but more of an a KIjXuO8pNGI-00074-00036927-00037261 centric model where they don't know where the center is and we're just KIjXuO8pNGI-00075-00037261-00038058 exploding out of the Big Bang so the the Sun we're spinning around the Sun and KIjXuO8pNGI-00076-00038058-00038758 then the Sun and are spinning around the Milky Way galaxy they say at 500,000 KIjXuO8pNGI-00077-00038758-00039246 miles per hour and then the entire Milky Way galaxy they say is shooting off from KIjXuO8pNGI-00078-00039246-00039927 the Big Bang 670 million miles per hour almost the speed of light so there's at KIjXuO8pNGI-00079-00039927-00040561 least four rip raging contradictory motions supposedly going at all times KIjXuO8pNGI-00080-00040561-00041139 yet you don't experience any of it nor can you measure any of it using the KIjXuO8pNGI-00081-00041139-00041686 Stars the flat motionless earth not only is it the greatest conspiracy of all KIjXuO8pNGI-00082-00041686-00042159 it's also the easiest to prove I mean it just is flat and motionless just as it KIjXuO8pNGI-00083-00042159-00042562 appears look into it more and more make it make it a thing to try and debunk it KIjXuO8pNGI-00084-00042562-00042915 if you will you know even if you want to do it that way negative reinforcement KIjXuO8pNGI-00085-00042915-00043431 works to try and you will you're only going to find proofs for the flat KIjXuO8pNGI-00086-00043431-00044308 motionless earth you're not going to confirm that you're on a spinning ball KIjXuO8pNGI-00087-00044794-00045253 the curvature of the earth eludes us either the earth is much larger in KIjXuO8pNGI-00088-00045253-00045775 circumference than we are told or the curve just doesn't exist people assume KIjXuO8pNGI-00089-00045775-00046111 that there is a curve but it's never really been proven beyond a reasonable KIjXuO8pNGI-00090-00046111-00046681 doubt cameras with fisheye lenses Hollywood movies and NASA CGI are the KIjXuO8pNGI-00091-00046681-00047263 closest we get to seeing curvature the deception and the lies are just so KIjXuO8pNGI-00092-00047263-00047650 pervasive and they're just so deep I swear it gives me a headache KIjXuO8pNGI-00093-00047650-00048229 the surface of water is always level just natural physics we know this that KIjXuO8pNGI-00094-00048229-00048931 water is unobstructed and uncontained will flow outward finding the easiest KIjXuO8pNGI-00095-00048931-00049594 course to maintain its own level right so but the ball earth model claims that KIjXuO8pNGI-00096-00049594-00050368 the oceans are huge 100-mile wall of curved water curving around the ball KIjXuO8pNGI-00097-00050368-00050806 that's ridiculous they say that gravity makes it this possible but you don't see KIjXuO8pNGI-00098-00050806-00051157 that you go to the beach you see completely flat horizon you see water KIjXuO8pNGI-00099-00051157-00051838 just ever so gently coming up on the shore so there's the pretty blue marble KIjXuO8pNGI-00100-00051838-00052447 that NASA claims we are living on with circumference of 24,000 901 and 3959 KIjXuO8pNGI-00101-00052447-00052966 radius so to find the curvature you take eight inches times your distance squared KIjXuO8pNGI-00102-00052966-00053437 that's eight inches times your distance squared and if you don't square the KIjXuO8pNGI-00103-00053437-00054034 distance you end up with this and this is not what nASA has shown us they have KIjXuO8pNGI-00104-00054034-00054642 given us a beautiful blue marble that we love so it ain't inches for one mile 32 KIjXuO8pNGI-00105-00054642-00055198 inches in two miles sixteen point six feet with five miles so on and so forth KIjXuO8pNGI-00106-00055198-00056055 so what I did is I shot this pier which is in Daytona Beach Florida and as you KIjXuO8pNGI-00107-00056055-00056560 can see between the water and the walkway of the pier is about twelve to KIjXuO8pNGI-00108-00056560-00057183 sixteen feet based on the height of the people and the railing so I started at KIjXuO8pNGI-00109-00057183-00057921 Granada which is 4.9 two miles away and I shot this and based on that distance KIjXuO8pNGI-00110-00057921-00058461 and the formula there should be 16 feet of curvature but obviously you can still KIjXuO8pNGI-00111-00058461-00059175 see the entire gap under the walkway there between that and the water so in KIjXuO8pNGI-00112-00059175-00059755 addition to that behind that pier is actually a lighthouse which you can see KIjXuO8pNGI-00113-00059755-00060402 right above the pier you can see the light that is 16 miles away from my KIjXuO8pNGI-00114-00060402-00061257 location and I shot that lighthouse now that lighthouse is 175 feet tall and the KIjXuO8pNGI-00115-00061257-00061860 curvature from 16 miles away should be 170 feet you can clearly see about the KIjXuO8pNGI-00116-00061860-00062382 entire lighthouse beyond that pier so like I said there should be a hundred KIjXuO8pNGI-00117-00062382-00062808 seventy feet of curvature but there's none and those hotels there are even KIjXuO8pNGI-00118-00062808-00063454 further those are in New Smyrna which is 20 miles if NASA is right and there is KIjXuO8pNGI-00119-00063454-00063912 and we do live on a ball they're gonna have to make up that curvature if it's KIjXuO8pNGI-00120-00063912-00064344 not in the 20 miles I'm shooting well then that means it's got to be made up KIjXuO8pNGI-00121-00064344-00064839 further on down the line so you can't have it both ways you can't say we live KIjXuO8pNGI-00122-00064839-00065241 on this ball and then say oh you can't detect the curvature well you got to KIjXuO8pNGI-00123-00065241-00065607 detect it somewhere because if it's not dropping here it's gonna have to drop KIjXuO8pNGI-00124-00065607-00066153 even more down the lines in order to make that circle that ball they say we KIjXuO8pNGI-00125-00066153-00066599 live on and it's pretty round that blue marble they give us is perfectly round KIjXuO8pNGI-00126-00066599-00067143 lighthouses are one great example the Isle of Wright lighthouse in England KIjXuO8pNGI-00127-00067143-00067554 it's a hundred and eighty feet high and can be seen up to 42 miles away a KIjXuO8pNGI-00128-00067554-00068037 distance at which modern astronomers say the light should fall 996 feet below the KIjXuO8pNGI-00129-00068037-00068469 line of sight why can you still see it another one worth mentioning that people KIjXuO8pNGI-00130-00068469-00068634 be familiar with is the Statue of Liberty KIjXuO8pNGI-00131-00068634-00069246 it stands 326 feet above sea level and on a clear day can be seen as far as 60 KIjXuO8pNGI-00132-00069246-00069571 miles away now if the earth was aglow but the dimensions that they KIjXuO8pNGI-00133-00069571-00070111 give us that would put Lady Liberty at an impossible 2074 feet below the KIjXuO8pNGI-00134-00070111-00070332 horizon KIjXuO8pNGI-00135-00071220-00072130 no not one picture of the earth imagine that 2016 and we still don't KIjXuO8pNGI-00136-00072130-00072693 have a picture of our home thousands of satellites supposedly orbiting the earth KIjXuO8pNGI-00137-00072693-00073363 why can't we get thousands of pictures one shot with the whole earth in it hell KIjXuO8pNGI-00138-00073363-00073902 we should have a channel on cable that shows the earth rotating 24 hours a day KIjXuO8pNGI-00139-00073902-00074491 every day nope let's listen the NASA's very own Robert Simmons talk about how KIjXuO8pNGI-00140-00074491-00075100 we get our fake pictures of Earth in 1972 we saw her home in a new way KIjXuO8pNGI-00141-00075100-00075760 Apollo 17 astronauts snapped this picture it gave people the first look at KIjXuO8pNGI-00142-00075760-00076414 their home planet as a single entity last week scientists at NASA released KIjXuO8pNGI-00143-00076414-00076973 this the shot is compiled from data from NASA's veers instrument which orbits the KIjXuO8pNGI-00144-00076973-00077452 earth about every hundred minutes taking measurements of light coming off the KIjXuO8pNGI-00145-00077452-00077911 planet that can be translated into ribbons of imagery like this and then KIjXuO8pNGI-00146-00077911-00078427 into one of these and this is just the latest in NASA's Earth from space album KIjXuO8pNGI-00147-00078427-00078982 which may be one of the most mind-expanding collections of images in KIjXuO8pNGI-00148-00078982-00079847 human history then in 2002 Blue Marble 2.0 NASA's Rob Simon made this Simmons KIjXuO8pNGI-00149-00079847-00080206 job is it's primarily taking data and making pictures out of it that's what KIjXuO8pNGI-00150-00080206-00080660 this is a composite of datasets from several different instruments translated KIjXuO8pNGI-00151-00080660-00081070 into a picture so we actually had to take clouds out they stashed the clouds KIjXuO8pNGI-00152-00081070-00081463 for later went onto the ocean that came from an instrument that measures KIjXuO8pNGI-00153-00081463-00081982 phytoplankton in the sea where it was low I colored it dark blue because KIjXuO8pNGI-00154-00081982-00082318 they're low mostly in mid-ocean z-- and then where's a little bit higher it was KIjXuO8pNGI-00155-00082318-00082753 like a little bit brighter green then add the clouds back in there's a small KIjXuO8pNGI-00156-00082753-00083368 problem with it because there's a very slight gap in between each orbit so some KIjXuO8pNGI-00157-00083368-00083760 of those are painted on it is photoshopped but it's it's KIjXuO8pNGI-00158-00083760-00084159 to be then there was another layer to sort of simulate the atmosphere and then KIjXuO8pNGI-00159-00084159-00084450 there's this little bright spot it's called the specular highlight so it's KIjXuO8pNGI-00160-00084450-00084822 the reflection of sunlight off of water those are the pieces but you can't just KIjXuO8pNGI-00161-00084822-00085254 slap them all together just didn't look realistic it looks kind of flat or the KIjXuO8pNGI-00162-00085254-00085650 clouds are sort of to see-through so I just take command Z a lot there's KIjXuO8pNGI-00163-00085650-00086094 artistry to creating the world what I imagined it to be KIjXuO8pNGI-00164-00086094-00086631 unfortunately I'm not an astronaut I've never been to space but I've looked at KIjXuO8pNGI-00165-00086631-00087099 these images over and over again trying to sort of get the essence of it it is KIjXuO8pNGI-00166-00087099-00087648 photoshopped but it's it's has to be it is photoshopped but it's it's has to be KIjXuO8pNGI-00167-00087648-00088230 it is photoshopped but it's it's has to be it is photoshopped but it's it's has KIjXuO8pNGI-00168-00088230-00089103 to be excuse me I'm allergic to bullshit not having one authentic picture of the KIjXuO8pNGI-00169-00089103-00089925 earth alone is a huge red flag Christoph let me ask you why do you think that KIjXuO8pNGI-00170-00089925-00090366 Truman has never come close to discovering the true nature of his world KIjXuO8pNGI-00171-00090366-00090831 until now we accept the reality of the world with which were presented with KIjXuO8pNGI-00172-00090831-00091145 it's as simple as that KIjXuO8pNGI-00173-00091945-00092486 the Flat Earth model is a working model it's by no means definitive due to the KIjXuO8pNGI-00174-00092486-00092951 nature of this massive cover-up for the past 500 years we've been completely KIjXuO8pNGI-00175-00092951-00093461 buying into the Copernicus heliocentric model but what we do know about the Flat KIjXuO8pNGI-00176-00093461-00093815 Earth is based on the azimuthal equidistant map that seems to be working KIjXuO8pNGI-00177-00093815-00094394 out this map goes as far back as the Year 1000 and possibly earlier now used KIjXuO8pNGI-00178-00094394-00094925 as an official map by the US Geological Survey and also as the official logo for KIjXuO8pNGI-00179-00094925-00095447 the United Nations is this our real home being hidden from us in plain sight I KIjXuO8pNGI-00180-00095447-00096029 think it is the first thing a lot of people say is where's the edge well look KIjXuO8pNGI-00181-00096029-00096545 at this map where Antarctica is a 360 degree ice barrier that holds the water KIjXuO8pNGI-00182-00096545-00097070 in these ice walls are real and they stand 150 feet above the surface of the KIjXuO8pNGI-00183-00097070-00097475 water then you need to understand that there is no independent access to KIjXuO8pNGI-00184-00097475-00098015 Antarctica average people can only go there on a guided tour it has no towns KIjXuO8pNGI-00185-00098015-00098600 no cities and no permanent residences what's past the 150 foot ice wall is KIjXuO8pNGI-00186-00098600-00099134 anyone's guess how far the ice extends how it terminates and what exists beyond KIjXuO8pNGI-00187-00099134-00099746 it the antarctic treaty signed in 1959 by 12 nations and more later on states KIjXuO8pNGI-00188-00099746-00100277 that Antarctica is for peaceful purposes only no military activities just KIjXuO8pNGI-00189-00100277-00100751 scientific research and government exploration expeditions by any party KIjXuO8pNGI-00190-00100751-00101180 must be discussed in advance it's the longest and most successful treaty KIjXuO8pNGI-00191-00101180-00101621 between nations the treaty also states that there are ships stations and KIjXuO8pNGI-00192-00101621-00101855 equipment to ensure compliance of the treaty KIjXuO8pNGI-00193-00101855-00102428 sounds like military activity to me anyway so this as a muscle equidistant KIjXuO8pNGI-00194-00102428-00102899 map appears to be correct for the most part over the centuries there's been KIjXuO8pNGI-00195-00102899-00103307 other maps that look pretty close to it as well let's look at an interesting KIjXuO8pNGI-00196-00103307-00103778 story that was recently in the news that supports this flat map a woman gave KIjXuO8pNGI-00197-00103778-00104213 birth on a flight from Bali to Los Angeles so the flight made an emergency KIjXuO8pNGI-00198-00104213-00104551 landing in Alaska here's what it would look like on a KIjXuO8pNGI-00199-00104551-00105244 globe KIjXuO8pNGI-00200-00105499-00106657 now here's what it would look like on a flat earth which one makes more sense KIjXuO8pNGI-00201-00106657-00107180 exactly a big issue I was having with the Flat Earth for the longest time was KIjXuO8pNGI-00202-00107180-00107744 the sunrise and sunsets I realized that it was a perspective issue first you KIjXuO8pNGI-00203-00107744-00108233 must understand that the Sun is not 93 million miles away if it was we would KIjXuO8pNGI-00204-00108233-00108896 never see anything like this here this is concentrated because it's closer it's KIjXuO8pNGI-00205-00108896-00109313 much more probable that the Sun is only a few thousand miles away and that it's KIjXuO8pNGI-00206-00109313-00109841 the same size as the moon once you comprehend this all of the sudden solar KIjXuO8pNGI-00207-00109841-00110528 eclipses make sense holy fucking shit something that makes sense okay so the KIjXuO8pNGI-00208-00110528-00111002 Sun is close which gives it the ability to spotlight the area that it's over and KIjXuO8pNGI-00209-00111002-00111449 when it leaves your view due to perspective it takes the light with it KIjXuO8pNGI-00210-00111449-00111878 there is a generous amount of light where the Sun is at but since it's so KIjXuO8pNGI-00211-00111878-00112285 close it doesn't spread its light like it would if it were bigger and further KIjXuO8pNGI-00212-00112285-00112916 the Sun circumnavigates the earth like a huge clockwork sometimes that takes a KIjXuO8pNGI-00213-00112916-00113441 while to sink in alright let's talk about the Coriolis effect the Coriolis KIjXuO8pNGI-00214-00113441-00113959 effect states that when a moving object leaves the ground the earth continues to KIjXuO8pNGI-00215-00113959-00114436 rotate meaning that when shooting a gun at a certain distance the bullet would KIjXuO8pNGI-00216-00114436-00114886 be a little off due to the Earth's rotation if that's the case then KIjXuO8pNGI-00217-00114886-00115328 airplanes would have to account for the Coriolis effect but they don't this is KIjXuO8pNGI-00218-00115328-00115757 only a few things that work better on a flat motionless earth do you need a KIjXuO8pNGI-00219-00115757-00116110 hundred excuses as to why you're not feeling any motion or seeing any KIjXuO8pNGI-00220-00116110-00116738 curvature are those excuses easier to believe or is it easier to use Occam's KIjXuO8pNGI-00221-00116738-00117215 razor and go with what our senses are telling us the earth is flat and not KIjXuO8pNGI-00222-00117215-00117711 spinning now real quick let's kind of just KIjXuO8pNGI-00223-00117711-00118197 explain the Coriolis effect in layman's terms the Coriolis effect is the effect KIjXuO8pNGI-00224-00118197-00118884 that when the bullet leaves the barrel of the gun it is actually leaving the KIjXuO8pNGI-00225-00118884-00119274 surface of the earth so as the bullet leaves the barrel of the gun KIjXuO8pNGI-00226-00119274-00119808 the earth is still rotating and the bullet is not rotating with the earth so KIjXuO8pNGI-00227-00119808-00120252 the earth will actually rotate out from underneath of the bullet while it is in KIjXuO8pNGI-00229-00128013-00128575 this one is a touchy subject this all fucking videos of touchy subjects so KIjXuO8pNGI-00230-00128575-00129004 anyway this one this one's hard to get across to people big time but outer KIjXuO8pNGI-00231-00129004-00129574 space is up for debate space programs are compartmentalized and most KIjXuO8pNGI-00232-00129574-00130048 astronauts are Freemasons that have to swear an oath of secrecy when dealing KIjXuO8pNGI-00233-00130048-00130558 with the so called missions the thing is that there is so much footage of NASA KIjXuO8pNGI-00234-00130558-00131101 and other space agencies making mistakes sometimes we could see bubbles in the KIjXuO8pNGI-00235-00131101-00131554 spacewalks sometimes we could see harnesses and wires on the people in the KIjXuO8pNGI-00236-00131554-00132001 International Space Station the permed hair that moves nothing like it would in KIjXuO8pNGI-00237-00132001-00132514 zero gravity these are huge red flags not to mention the Van Allen radiation KIjXuO8pNGI-00238-00132514-00133057 belt the Van Allen radiation belt is a layer of energetic charged particles KIjXuO8pNGI-00239-00133057-00133588 that is held in place around a magnetized planet such as Earth by the KIjXuO8pNGI-00240-00133588-00134077 planet's magnetic field sounds kind of like a dome if there is one oddly enough KIjXuO8pNGI-00241-00134077-00134548 one of NASA's employees admitted that this radiation belt needs to be figured KIjXuO8pNGI-00242-00134548-00135085 out before humans could pass through it listen closely as we get further away KIjXuO8pNGI-00243-00135085-00135534 from Earth we'll pass through the Van Allen belts an area of dangerous KIjXuO8pNGI-00244-00135534-00135834 radiation KIjXuO8pNGI-00245-00135952-00136349 radiation like this could harm the guidance systems onboard computers or KIjXuO8pNGI-00246-00136349-00136760 other electronics on Orion naturally we have to pass through this danger zone KIjXuO8pNGI-00247-00136760-00137248 twice once up and once back KIjXuO8pNGI-00248-00137346-00137863 but Orion has protection shielding will be put to the test as the vehicle cuts KIjXuO8pNGI-00249-00137863-00138310 through the waves of radiation sensors aboard will record radiation levels for KIjXuO8pNGI-00250-00138310-00138703 scientists to study we must solve these challenges before we send people through KIjXuO8pNGI-00251-00138703-00139234 this region of space let's talk about satellites we've already discussed how KIjXuO8pNGI-00252-00139234-00139831 there are no pictures of the earth so our satellites even real not likely KIjXuO8pNGI-00253-00139831-00140248 ground towers are built all over the world and are more than adequate to KIjXuO8pNGI-00254-00140248-00140883 relay our television radio and cell phone service all GPS has done through KIjXuO8pNGI-00255-00140883-00141445 land-based towers and things like Google Earth are taken with high altitude KIjXuO8pNGI-00256-00141445-00141835 planes and most of them are just done with cars on street level KIjXuO8pNGI-00257-00141835-00142330 did you know that satellites were actually invented by arthur c clarke the KIjXuO8pNGI-00258-00142330-00142942 science-fiction author I didn't know that they shortly became I in fact after KIjXuO8pNGI-00259-00142942-00143467 that yeah the geostationary satellite look it up it was created by a KIjXuO8pNGI-00260-00143467-00143944 science-fiction author and then within a decade NASA claims to have sent a real KIjXuO8pNGI-00261-00143944-00144202 one up there and ever since then that's where we get KIjXuO8pNGI-00262-00144202-00144595 all our communications from so satellites were real we would constantly KIjXuO8pNGI-00263-00144595-00145096 hear stories of them being hit by meteors or comets and that doesn't KIjXuO8pNGI-00264-00145096-00145366 happen no one's ever lost their direct tv feed KIjXuO8pNGI-00265-00145366-00145867 during the Perseids meteor shower because one of the meteors knocked out KIjXuO8pNGI-00266-00145867-00146308 one of the satellites doesn't happens never happened and it won't happen and KIjXuO8pNGI-00267-00146308-00146692 that to me tells me there is no satellites you would constantly be KIjXuO8pNGI-00268-00146692-00147067 worried about them and you would constantly hear about them having KIjXuO8pNGI-00269-00147067-00147741 something happen and it's so rare that you hear that KIjXuO8pNGI-00270-00148044-00148675 so you may or may not have heard the term cognitive dissonance cognitive KIjXuO8pNGI-00271-00148675-00149044 dissonance is when new information challenges your beliefs and you just KIjXuO8pNGI-00272-00149044-00149781 can't let go it's just like that scene in the matrix No KIjXuO8pNGI-00273-00149800-00150551 I don't believe it it's impossible stop let me out let me KIjXuO8pNGI-00274-00150551-00151249 out oh uh we have a rule we never free a mind once it's reached a certain age KIjXuO8pNGI-00275-00151249-00151707 it's not easy going through this kind of deception and then realizing that your KIjXuO8pNGI-00276-00151707-00152054 whole life was spent thinking and believing one thing when it's the KIjXuO8pNGI-00277-00152054-00152460 opposite nobody wants to feel like they've been fooled like they've been KIjXuO8pNGI-00278-00152460-00152898 had I'm a human just like you and I never would have thought in my wildest KIjXuO8pNGI-00279-00152898-00153369 dreams that I'd be on this kind of journey this journey of realization and KIjXuO8pNGI-00280-00153369-00153737 reckoning this journey of putting everything I know to the side so I can KIjXuO8pNGI-00281-00153737-00154304 absorb information that seems ridiculous yet so sensible it's time to say fuck it KIjXuO8pNGI-00282-00154304-00154799 it's not your fault that you were wrong it's not your fault that you fell for a KIjXuO8pNGI-00283-00154799-00155285 trick that the whole world also fell for I'm right here with you it's time to KIjXuO8pNGI-00284-00155285-00155654 take down your mental barrier and recognize that we have a lot of work to KIjXuO8pNGI-00285-00155654-00156120 do in order to find out what this place really is and why we're here it's not to KIjXuO8pNGI-00286-00156120-00156689 be slaves of the dollar it's not to be slaves of the clock our reality is being KIjXuO8pNGI-00287-00156689-00157209 manipulated and hidden from us please wake up and try to awaken those around KIjXuO8pNGI-00288-00157209-00157804 you KIjXuO8pNGI-00289-00157804-00158386 so how did this happen okay let's start in the classroom the first KIjXuO8pNGI-00290-00158386-00158911 time anybody enters a school classroom they are introduced to the globe model KIjXuO8pNGI-00291-00158911-00159346 of the earth this three-dimensional scale model of the earth that has never KIjXuO8pNGI-00292-00159346-00159979 been proven was invented in the 1400s fast forward to 1927 a big-budget movie KIjXuO8pNGI-00293-00159979-00160360 company called Universal Pictures came out with its movie intro and guess what KIjXuO8pNGI-00294-00160360-00160873 the spinning ball earth still hasn't been proven this is 30 years before NASA KIjXuO8pNGI-00295-00160873-00161386 was founded over the years Universal kept coming out with similar logo intros KIjXuO8pNGI-00296-00161386-00161878 and to this day we see the spinning ball earth before many of the movies that we KIjXuO8pNGI-00297-00161878-00162316 watch besides there are countless movies about outer space that used the same KIjXuO8pNGI-00298-00162316-00163012 model we have been indoctrinated and it's as simple as that for the spherical KIjXuO8pNGI-00299-00163012-00163507 earth to remain unproven after this long is a wake-up call to everybody that KIjXuO8pNGI-00300-00163507-00163783 lives here we need to shed this programming right KIjXuO8pNGI-00301-00163783-00164341 here right now and find out what the fuck is going on no more embracing this KIjXuO8pNGI-00302-00164341-00164758 sick illusion that was created by psychopaths I'm going to keep searching KIjXuO8pNGI-00303-00164758-00165268 for answers and trying to make something happen all I want to know is who's KIjXuO8pNGI-00304-00165268-00165857 coming with me KIjXuO8pNGI-00305-00167357-00167826 we don't have time for a meeting of the Flat Earth Society KIjXuO8pNGI-00306-00169036-00169801 I like to be an explorer like the great new gem oh you're too late there's KIjXuO8pNGI-00307-00169801-00170804 really nothing left to explore KIjXuO8pNGI-00308-00175959-00176477 right before your surgery I asked if you had packed your cell phone and you said KIjXuO8pNGI-00309-00176477-00177496 which one when Skyler I was medicated I mean I could have said the world was KIjXuO8pNGI-00310-00177496-00178198 flat you know what I think I think you accidentally told the truth the world KIjXuO8pNGI-00311-00178198-00178612 was flat to do it I think you accidentally told the truth the world KIjXuO8pNGI-00312-00178612-00180262 was flat really the evidence shows me this flat and stationary there is much KIjXuO8pNGI-00313-00180262-00182375 more evidence based on just pure analysis that it's flat and stationary KIjXuO8pNGI-00314-00182375-00182876 so it's not actually a sphere it's in its oblate and officially is an oblate KIjXuO8pNGI-00315-00182876-00183644 spheroid that's what we call it but not only that it's slightly wider below the KIjXuO8pNGI-00316-00183644-00184078 equator than a Mobius will chubby little chubbier yeah Chubby's are good way it's KIjXuO8pNGI-00317-00184078-00185003 like pear-shaped really we're a big trouble as far as lack of critical KIjXuO8pNGI-00318-00185003-00185387 thinking and lack of free thinking we are really are in big big trouble we KIjXuO8pNGI-00319-00185387-00185699 need to step it up as far as he awakened he goes you really need to put your KIjXuO8pNGI-00320-00185699-00186146 thinking cap on it really started to really need to start to look at these KIjXuO8pNGI-00321-00186146-00186694 things and look at them with a critical eye and with a critical mind KILMRBoeu7Q-00000-00014223-00015500 Thank you so much for listening! KMzfwqYPtVE-00000-00000000-00000200 free d block europe type beat,free d block europe type beat 2021,free d block europe type beat 2022,d block europe type beat 2021,d block europe type beat 2022,d block europe type beat,young adz d block europe type beat,dirtbike lb d block europe type beat,young adz type beat 2022,young adz type beat 2021,young adz type beat free,dirtbike lb type beat 2021,dirtbike lb type beat 2022,dirtbike lb type beat free,d block europe type beat free 2022,dbe type beat, melodic type beat 2022 #DBlockEuropeTypeBeat #DBlockEuropeTypeBeat2022 #MelodicTypeBeat2022 KSCgN_7UAoU-00000-00000003-00001497 we are a couple : sed a couple cliff divers pretty soon we're about 10 minutes early and KSCgN_7UAoU-00001-00001497-00002037 this is super happy some I it's not a big day here for the cliff diving not too many KSCgN_7UAoU-00002-00002037-00003153 people here point how the table here at the hotel mirador they said there's the other couple here KSCgN_7UAoU-00003-00003576-00004189 no one down below and our price of admission included not malt beverage KSCgN_7UAoU-00004-00004562-00005309 signatures famous and only half famous people there on the wall here we've got Bob Hope KSCgN_7UAoU-00005-00005398-00005809 my riders have got trigger here KSCgN_7UAoU-00006-00006149-00006170 nice KSCgN_7UAoU-00007-00006501-00006714 it's all Quincy Jones here somewhere KSCgN_7UAoU-00008-00008248-00009779 see someone you recognized which of stars berated stars Missy somewhat limited KSCgN_7UAoU-00009-00010079-00010313 there KSCgN_7UAoU-00010-00010727-00010961 work their way down and swim across the fire KSCgN_7UAoU-00011-00011516-00011696 working her way down KSCgN_7UAoU-00012-00012725-00013366 come on Bradford KSCgN_7UAoU-00013-00031091-00032213 so we said what do we do today well we're here in Acapulco for our last day of globe-trotting KSCgN_7UAoU-00014-00032213-00032831 it's a very long time we decided to make the most of it in as social isolated way as we KSCgN_7UAoU-00015-00032831-00033488 can yep yeah so it's the first thing we did was we went to see the cliff divers we saw five of KSCgN_7UAoU-00016-00033488-00034169 those guys and interesting you know I because I remembered from my days this kid with the ABC's KSCgN_7UAoU-00017-00034169-00034892 Wide World of Sports and it's always you know fabulous for the cliff divers and then well KSCgN_7UAoU-00018-00034892-00035504 for the cliff divers the place where they are is called La Quebrada and we sat in a restaurant and KSCgN_7UAoU-00019-00035504-00036011 had a lovely view and sipped alcoholic beverages which was nice and then we went to lunch and we KSCgN_7UAoU-00020-00036011-00037028 had lunch on apply' up called like a sofa it was a seafood restaurant right on the playa and it KSCgN_7UAoU-00021-00037028-00037730 was a very Mexican authentical authentic beach so that was really kind of funded it wasn't as KSCgN_7UAoU-00022-00037730-00038565 socially isolated as I would have preferred but or as you would expect yeah but nonetheless nice KSCgN_7UAoU-00023-00038565-00039324 and then what are we doing so right now we're at the where face and a San Diego San Diego KSCgN_7UAoU-00024-00039324-00040065 San Diego fort and this a fort that guarded the port of Acapulco in Acapulco was the the key port KSCgN_7UAoU-00025-00040065-00040767 and the you know the Far East trade of Spain you know so this is the port of entry for everything KSCgN_7UAoU-00026-00040767-00041463 from China and the Philippines and then it was all across the country on mules you know if the KSCgN_7UAoU-00027-00041463-00042093 Veracruz where always they ship to Spain so and this is actually like the southernmost one of the KSCgN_7UAoU-00028-00042093-00042588 southernmost points of Mexico yeah which and we've never been in this part of the country before get KSCgN_7UAoU-00029-00042588-00043212 an O state and it was just very interesting to learn about the Asian trade because and not just KSCgN_7UAoU-00030-00043212-00043869 trade but the influx of Asians into the society here it has a totally different flavor than any KSCgN_7UAoU-00031-00043869-00044786 of the other areas we've been and a different and in the reverse sort of outflux of mexican culture KSCgN_7UAoU-00032-00044786-00045458 and the Spanish culture into into the Philippines now so that was an issue but it's been nice day KSCgN_7UAoU-00033-00045458-00047033 playa shut the name up with their Lisa Mallika okay we read it on the menu KSCgN_7UAoU-00034-00047033-00048119 but I said tell like that but those things wrong like that so I was right interesting KSCgN_7UAoU-00035-00048713-00049400 and fish to go ahead fish for lunch so forget that we had free sure it KSCgN_7UAoU-00036-00049400-00050237 had something probably fresh caught this morning so we're at the fort KSCgN_7UAoU-00037-00050237-00050843 that protects the echo focal harbor from Pirates or used to protecting some parts KSCgN_7UAoU-00038-00050843-00051326 yeah we're day day yes on you actually KSCgN_7UAoU-00039-00051860-00052241 look at out Boober for the port here KSCgN_7UAoU-00040-00052873-00054191 work they invade San Diego yeah here's the moat mine's me of being in England don't you think KSCgN_7UAoU-00041-00054475-00055102 we're anything built it got a spare Kanan we're just going to broken can KSCgN_7UAoU-00042-00055102-00055603 ever just he'll let it sit here in the mulch this is the world carriage KSCgN_7UAoU-00043-00055817-00056022 your Netherlands from a key for you KSCgN_7UAoU-00045-00059635-00060088 I been around since the 16 hundreds KSCgN_7UAoU-00046-00060457-00060822 this is a model Spanish galleon KSCgN_7UAoU-00047-00061041-00061200 from Acapulco Camila KSCgN_7UAoU-00048-00061651-00061899 far astray for Spain KSCgN_7UAoU-00049-00063184-00064460 the Philippines in China on that Mexico therefore it's kitchen here KSCgN_7UAoU-00050-00066591-00067740 miss remar actually talking about this and all the trade that haven't KSCgN_7UAoU-00051-00069219-00069336 that's KSCgN_7UAoU-00052-00070719-00071438 Jack mark some pretty interesting costumes here must be some festival KSCgN_7UAoU-00053-00071759-00072260 like somebody's masks we actually had a home bothered by one person uh for KSCgN_7UAoU-00054-00072260-00072746 sale here but we find one to buy in our collection look at all these masks down KSCgN_7UAoU-00055-00072746-00073754 here we would definitely get a Jaguar bass we would definitely get one look at them all KSCgN_7UAoU-00056-00074986-00075433 that one right there is too big but a lot every one of the small ones KSCgN_7UAoU-00057-00076054-00076243 oh here we are on top of the fortune KSCgN_7UAoU-00058-00076642-00076873 five sides protecting the port KSCgN_7UAoU-00059-00077466-00078480 darn good view so let's go to the engine look out over the porch oh that here's the cruise KSCgN_7UAoU-00060-00078480-00079233 ship terminal no cruise ships here today don't expect any for a long time I guess KSCgN_7UAoU-00061-00079734-00080805 better perspective of port here and the hotel zone of Acapulco and out over the port here KSCgN_7UAoU-00062-00081647-00081962 a better view of porch KSCgN_7UAoU-00063-00082423-00083107 so here we are way back to the doctor and over in the distance KSCgN_7UAoU-00064-00084760-00084826 for sale KSCgN_7UAoU-00065-00085284-00085638 there's another bay here KSCgN_7UAoU-00066-00086370-00087071 as many hotels like some nice some nice deteriorate here KSCgN_7UAoU-00067-00087610-00087880 there we go KSCgN_7UAoU-00068-00088210-00088285 was called KSCgN_7UAoU-00069-00089964-00090192 right here we have sunset here over Acapulco KSCgN_7UAoU-00070-00102261-00103599 I'm still away I go thanks for watching and don't forget to bring that Bell so if you KSCgN_7UAoU-00071-00103599-00103995 notified won't put out new videos because we have a lot of a lot of raw footage that KSCgN_7UAoU-00072-00103995-00104421 we're going to be working on as we go into quarantine that's right so we'll try to keep KSCgN_7UAoU-00073-00104421-00104973 you entertained and just for a few minutes here and there on this channel take you out KSCgN_7UAoU-00074-00104973-00105858 of your home and visit somewhere else and until then may your suitcase always be messy adios KSCgN_7UAoU-00075-00106623-00106629 you KSCgN_7UAoU-00076-00106985-00106992 you KSekL6Ta5bQ-00000-00000000-00000200 Like and subscribe please 💯 KUtXqr6dE8I-00000-00000000-00000932 SCP-2171 autumn shepherds | object class safe KUtXqr6dE8I-00001-00001108-00001489 item #: SCP-2171 KUtXqr6dE8I-00002-00001489-00001763 object class: safe KUtXqr6dE8I-00003-00001763-00002414 special containment procedures: All areas affected by SCP-2171 are to be placed under KUtXqr6dE8I-00004-00002414-00002993 permanent video surveillance and / or botanical field supervision, on a case-by-case basis. KUtXqr6dE8I-00005-00002993-00003661 New instances of SCP-2171 should be subject to a thorough botanical analysis and, when KUtXqr6dE8I-00006-00003661-00004173 necessary, restored through environmental engineering operations conducted by Containment KUtXqr6dE8I-00007-00004173-00004604 Task Force ϱ-6 ("Green Gale") personnel. KUtXqr6dE8I-00008-00004604-00005344 During seasonal autumn and until the demanifestation of all SCP-2171-1 entities, areas affected KUtXqr6dE8I-00009-00005344-00005861 by SCP-2171 are to remain closed to all civilian transit. KUtXqr6dE8I-00010-00005861-00006629 Description: SCP-2171 is a seasonal phenomenon involving the fallen leaves of all deciduous KUtXqr6dE8I-00011-00006629-00007223 trees rooted within the confines of certain areas (henceforth, "the area"). KUtXqr6dE8I-00012-00007223-00007653 There seems to be no specific pattern that may be used to predict the potential occurrence KUtXqr6dE8I-00013-00007653-00008865 of new Locations of Interest affected by SCP-2171. (Ref: SCP-2171-Maps: LOI 2171-###.) KUtXqr6dE8I-00014-00008865-00009321 Leaves fallen within the area during seasonal autumn will invariably form large piles that KUtXqr6dE8I-00015-00009321-00009955 will remain unaffected by local weather until all deciduous trees are completely defoliated. KUtXqr6dE8I-00016-00009955-00010634 Piles of leaves affected by SCP-2171 will slide slowly, forming "windrows" of varying KUtXqr6dE8I-00017-00010634-00011387 width. These SCP-2171 windrows will eventually manifest instances of SCP-2171-1 at their KUtXqr6dE8I-00018-00011387-00011680 front end. KUtXqr6dE8I-00019-00011680-00012447 SCP-2171-1 are humanoid entities composed entirely of SCP-2171 affected leaves that KUtXqr6dE8I-00020-00012447-00013447 appear to "guide" the SCP-2171 windrows. SCP-2171-1 entities are fragile but capable of movement, KUtXqr6dE8I-00021-00013447-00014260 yet apparently impervious to hostile weather conditions. SCP-2171-1 emit repetitive vocalizations KUtXqr6dE8I-00022-00014260-00014944 that may involve speech in various languages (see Addendum 2171-02) and have a tendency KUtXqr6dE8I-00023-00014944-00015581 to hook dried leaves on tree branches across the perimeter of SCP-2171 areas or string KUtXqr6dE8I-00024-00015581-00015941 leaves between trees that delineate this perimeter. KUtXqr6dE8I-00025-00015941-00016926 Given their behavior, SCP-2171-1 instances are currently believed to be sapient. However, KUtXqr6dE8I-00026-00016926-00017444 SCP-2171-1 instances will only react when the integrity of the SCP-2171 windrows they KUtXqr6dE8I-00027-00017444-00017670 grow from is compromised in any way. KUtXqr6dE8I-00028-00017670-00018676 SCP-2171-1 will react violently against any element disrupting the SCP-2171 windrows. KUtXqr6dE8I-00029-00018676-00019436 Such reaction will include various vocalizations in a much lower pitch (see Addendum 2171-02), KUtXqr6dE8I-00030-00019436-00020048 a considerable growth in size by drawing mass from the SCP-2171 windrow to which the entity KUtXqr6dE8I-00031-00020048-00020636 pertains and persistent attempts at enveloping the disturbing element in a thick cover of KUtXqr6dE8I-00032-00020636-00021305 SCP-2171 affected leaves. Once covered, the element will appear to dematerialize, being KUtXqr6dE8I-00033-00021305-00021717 replaced by a similar volume of fallen leaves. KUtXqr6dE8I-00034-00021717-00022487 SCP-2171's anomalous properties will typically disappear after two or three days of continuous KUtXqr6dE8I-00035-00022487-00022609 activity. KUtXqr6dE8I-00036-00022609-00023429 Addendum 2171-01: Environmental status in Locations of Interest affected by SCP-2171. KUtXqr6dE8I-00037-00023429-00023659 SPECIAL SCP-2171 REPORT KUtXqr6dE8I-00038-00023659-00024440 To: Area 08 RARP and Archival personnel, pertinent Level 5 personnel. KUtXqr6dE8I-00039-00024440-00025198 From: ϱ-6 Field Commander. Ref: Environmental consequences of SCP-2171 KUtXqr6dE8I-00040-00025198-00025816 anomalous effects. Long-term analysis of areas affected by SCP-2171 KUtXqr6dE8I-00041-00025816-00026212 has confirmed that the anomaly seems to cause previously unforeseen anomalous effects in KUtXqr6dE8I-00042-00026212-00026531 the areas it affects, i. e.: KUtXqr6dE8I-00043-00026531-00027031 The local degradation of previously existing fauna and flora. This degradation most likely KUtXqr6dE8I-00044-00027031-00027758 occurs due to the effects of SCP-2171-1 in the indigenous populations of animal species KUtXqr6dE8I-00045-00027758-00028584 in the LOI-2171, which is causing a loss of biodiversity in the larger affected Locations. KUtXqr6dE8I-00046-00028584-00029293 The manifestation of anomalous flora of unknown origin. [REDACTED - DATA FILED] (See Addendum KUtXqr6dE8I-00047-00029293-00029972 2171-02 for a basic reference of anomalous plant life related to SCP-2171 manifestations. KUtXqr6dE8I-00048-00029972-00030935 See Document 2171/ϱ-6-10 for a more comprehensive list including all known SCP-2171 related KUtXqr6dE8I-00049-00030935-00031346 species.) The progressive substitution of local soil KUtXqr6dE8I-00050-00031346-00031849 materials. Substances atypical to the local parent material tend to appear in affected KUtXqr6dE8I-00051-00031849-00032427 areas. Among these substances, various calcite and quartz-derived crystals are usual in most KUtXqr6dE8I-00052-00032427-00032949 Locations. These materials do not demonstrate anomalous properties of their own. KUtXqr6dE8I-00053-00032949-00033605 The absence of any other anomalous activities in the SCP-2171 affected area. According to KUtXqr6dE8I-00054-00033605-00034333 Foundation records on those LOI-2171 historically affected by local anomalous events, such events KUtXqr6dE8I-00055-00034333-00035074 disappeared entirely in all regions affected by SCP-2171, with the exceptions of SCP-████ KUtXqr6dE8I-00056-00035074-00035725 and SCP-████. This remains an unexplained issue and thus a high priority for the Reality KUtXqr6dE8I-00057-00035725-00036515 Alteration Research Program (based on Area-08), both to improve SCP-2171's containment and KUtXqr6dE8I-00058-00036515-00037166 the possible exploitation of this effect. SCP-2171's containment procedures have been KUtXqr6dE8I-00059-00037166-00037527 adjusted to address these anomalous properties. KUtXqr6dE8I-00060-00037527-00038437 Addendum 2171-02: Registered vocalizations from SCP-2171-1 (extract). KUtXqr6dE8I-00061-00038437-00039125 A log of recurring SCP-2171-1 instances and their vocalizations follows. Recordings of KUtXqr6dE8I-00062-00039125-00039925 SCP-2171-1 vocalizations usually register as indistinct sounds of rustling leaves; therefore, KUtXqr6dE8I-00063-00039925-00040405 this log is composed entirely of accounts collected by field agents. KUtXqr6dE8I-00064-00040405-00040588 SCP-2171-1-004 KUtXqr6dE8I-00065-00040588-00041877 Location: LOI 2171-03 (Miguel Servet Park, Huesca, Spain.) No anomalous flora detected. KUtXqr6dE8I-00066-00041877-00042431 Language: Entity speaks in Fabla (regional Aragonian dialect). KUtXqr6dE8I-00067-00042431-00043065 Message: "It's so nice. So peaceful here. I'd like to stay here for a while, if you KUtXqr6dE8I-00068-00043065-00043443 don't mind, sweetie. Go to your mother." KUtXqr6dE8I-00069-00043443-00044050 Entity description: Instance manifests along a seat. Instance sits for a minute, then appears KUtXqr6dE8I-00070-00044050-00044584 to fall forward, making the windrow advance in the process. A smaller, silent instance KUtXqr6dE8I-00071-00044584-00045127 manifests alongside the first, kneeling beside it and interacting with it. Original instance KUtXqr6dE8I-00072-00045127-00045303 reforms. KUtXqr6dE8I-00073-00045303-00045480 SCP-2171-1-019; KUtXqr6dE8I-00074-00045480-00046672 Location: LOI 2171-009 (shores of Lake Tisza, Hortobágy National Park, Hungary). Anomalous KUtXqr6dE8I-00075-00046672-00047216 flora includes several orchid species with kinesonastic black flowers and highly-allergenic, KUtXqr6dE8I-00076-00047216-00047787 needle-like stamens connected to sacs of a volatile substance that acts as propellant. KUtXqr6dE8I-00077-00047787-00048295 kinesonastic means capacity for non-growth plant movements towards moving objects. KUtXqr6dE8I-00078-00048295-00048581 Language: Entity speaks in Old Hungarian. KUtXqr6dE8I-00079-00048581-00049033 Message: "Oh! I love it when they dance!" KUtXqr6dE8I-00080-00049033-00049543 Entity description: Instance resembles a young man aiming and shooting with bow and arrow KUtXqr6dE8I-00081-00049543-00049999 while walking backwards, apparently attacking the windrow. KUtXqr6dE8I-00082-00049999-00050187 SCP-2171-1-020 KUtXqr6dE8I-00083-00050187-00051399 Location: LOI 2171-013 (Abruzzo National Park, Italy). Anomalous flora includes Cupressaceae KUtXqr6dE8I-00084-00051399-00051900 trees that tend to root in circular groups of three to twenty instances. Trunks grow KUtXqr6dE8I-00085-00051900-00052351 extremely rapidly and mesh forming net-like patterns which result in large, structurally KUtXqr6dE8I-00086-00052351-00052875 stable cylindrical arrangements. Structures produced this way decay when the involved KUtXqr6dE8I-00087-00052875-00053372 trees die, leaving large superstructures of quickly petrified wood that measure up to KUtXqr6dE8I-00088-00053372-00053845 three hundred meters before reducing rate of growth to normal levels. These structures KUtXqr6dE8I-00089-00053845-00054364 possess windows, balconies, gates and stairs arranged in regular positions. KUtXqr6dE8I-00090-00054364-00054639 Language: Entity speaks in Etruscan. KUtXqr6dE8I-00091-00054639-00055170 Message: "They will pierce the skies. They will be the sole testament to our greatness KUtXqr6dE8I-00092-00055170-00055409 under that strange sky of yours." KUtXqr6dE8I-00093-00055409-00055983 Entity description: Instance holds what appears to be a large scroll and several unidentified KUtXqr6dE8I-00094-00055983-00056154 instruments. KUtXqr6dE8I-00095-00056154-00056324 SCP-2171-1-055 KUtXqr6dE8I-00096-00056324-00057591 Location: LOI 2171-011 (an elevation close to Lake McDonald, Glacier National Park, US). KUtXqr6dE8I-00097-00057591-00058000 Anomalous flora includes a terrestrial Nuphar species with a highly reflective material KUtXqr6dE8I-00098-00058000-00058508 covering the inside of its petals; petals open during nights with moonlight. KUtXqr6dE8I-00099-00058508-00058796 Language: Entity speaks in American English. KUtXqr6dE8I-00100-00058796-00059402 Message: "You are so beautiful, my sweet little Chica (sic.)! Like a little midnight rose… KUtXqr6dE8I-00101-00059402-00059928 like a blood-and-green opal. (Instance remains silent for ten to thirteen seconds.) I will KUtXqr6dE8I-00102-00059928-00060216 miss you when you're gone." KUtXqr6dE8I-00103-00060216-00060691 Entity description: Instance appears to be laying down on its windrow, looking at its KUtXqr6dE8I-00104-00060691-00061241 right side. Immediately after vocalized message, instance moves an arm to the right side and KUtXqr6dE8I-00105-00061241-00061561 seems to caress an unseen item. KUtXqr6dE8I-00106-00061561-00061744 SCP-2171-1-071 KUtXqr6dE8I-00107-00061744-00062926 Location: LOI 2171-090 (lone dead oak in the prison field of [REDACTED], Germany). Oak KUtXqr6dE8I-00108-00062926-00063233 generates dried leaves every autumn. KUtXqr6dE8I-00109-00063233-00063671 Language: Entity speaks in a language resembling Mozarabic. KUtXqr6dE8I-00110-00063671-00064362 Message: "I loved him. I loved him! Why did he go away? Why? Why did he have to go away? KUtXqr6dE8I-00111-00064362-00064877 I don't care about the world, I only care about him, why did he have to go to the other KUtXqr6dE8I-00112-00064877-00065421 court!? (sic) You are his friend, he will listen! Please go fetch him, Miguel. Please, KUtXqr6dE8I-00113-00065421-00065648 bring him back to me!" KUtXqr6dE8I-00114-00065648-00066160 Entity description: Instance cries for ten to thirteen minutes, vocalizing message during KUtXqr6dE8I-00115-00066160-00066712 the last fifty three seconds of the cycle. KUtXqr6dE8I-00116-00066712-00066911 SCP-2171-1-105 KUtXqr6dE8I-00117-00066911-00067594 Location: Entity detected when Agent ████ ██████ accidentally interacted with its windrow during a night KUtXqr6dE8I-00118-00067594-00068362 raid on the suspected residence of one "Miguel Cervato" (person of interest ███-███-████). Agent KUtXqr6dE8I-00119-00068362-00068939 withdrew to the perimeter of the area, from where instance delivered the following message. KUtXqr6dE8I-00120-00068939-00069695 Area reclassified LOI-2171-139 (part of the forest within the Ordesa y Monte Perdido National KUtXqr6dE8I-00121-00069695-00070203 Park, Spain). LOI currently undergoing botanical analysis. KUtXqr6dE8I-00122-00070203-00070664 Language: Entity speaks in what was later identified as Low Palacian. KUtXqr6dE8I-00123-00070664-00071311 Message: "We always feel cold, now that the Sun is gone. Cold under the rain and the shade KUtXqr6dE8I-00124-00071311-00072005 and the snow… We will never go back home, we don't belong. We don't sing, we don't clap, KUtXqr6dE8I-00125-00072005-00072723 our voices strong, our mouths shut; we drank daylight, but it was sawn. He left us crumbled KUtXqr6dE8I-00126-00072723-00073345 and snapped like brittle bone. We drop and rot and end eaten by insects, filth and worms, KUtXqr6dE8I-00127-00073345-00074111 stepped on, stepped on, so there may be a next fall… but heed me - you I came to warn: KUtXqr6dE8I-00128-00074111-00074466 let us bring to your land our masters' own." KUtXqr6dE8I-00129-00074466-00075023 Entity description: Entity repeated message from this point onward. Agent withdrew further KUtXqr6dE8I-00130-00075023-00075693 from area once she was certain that entity would not respond to her attempts at communication. KUtXqr6dE8I-00131-00075693-00075960 SCP-2171-1-107 KUtXqr6dE8I-00132-00075960-00077029 Location: Entity detected during a raid on LOI-2171-139. CTF ϱ-6 ("Green Gale") deployed KUtXqr6dE8I-00133-00077029-00077450 after a previous raid on Cervato's hiding place was called off due to the presence of KUtXqr6dE8I-00134-00077450-00077821 a number of SCP-2171 instances. KUtXqr6dE8I-00135-00077821-00078293 Language: Entity speaks in what was later identified as High Palacian. KUtXqr6dE8I-00136-00078293-00079063 Message: "Emotions, Miguel. Emotions are a link, a tie, a chain. We have to be strong KUtXqr6dE8I-00137-00079063-00079546 enough to use them as such when necessary, and to discard them when they tie us down. KUtXqr6dE8I-00138-00079546-00080134 For the example's sake; imagine you have to tear a continent apart from the others, make KUtXqr6dE8I-00139-00080134-00080764 them slide away, sailing over the ocean of clouds; how would you pry them open and separate KUtXqr6dE8I-00140-00080764-00081372 them? (Entity remains silent for three seconds.) With hatred. And how would you bring them KUtXqr6dE8I-00141-00081372-00082148 together? (Entity remains silent for thirteen seconds, then smiles.) Very good, child." KUtXqr6dE8I-00142-00082148-00082607 Entity description: Entity wears clothing similar to what seems to be traditional of KUtXqr6dE8I-00143-00082607-00082861 Palacian teachers. KUtXqr6dE8I-00144-00082861-00083483 For further information on the Palacian Schools, contact the Archive Sector of Area-08 (Incunabula KUtXqr6dE8I-00145-00083483-00083533 Analysis Group). KXI3XXG7828-00000-00002488-00002706 The corona is red KXI3XXG7828-00001-00002845-00003066 and the body is dying. KXI3XXG7828-00002-00003066-00003426 The meat is putrid KXI3XXG7828-00003-00003426-00003786 and the spirit flows KXI3XXG7828-00004-00003786-00004216 like sand in the wind. KXI3XXG7828-00005-00005356-00005775 In a tub thrown to the ground, KXI3XXG7828-00006-00005900-00006006 an eponymous sponge. KXI3XXG7828-00007-00006200-00006366 In the water, KXI3XXG7828-00008-00006366-00006699 dark mysteries and viscous fluids. KXI3XXG7828-00009-00006866-00007226 Few grains of bitter spices, KXI3XXG7828-00010-00007226-00007586 a candlestick off. Swirls of whispers. KXI3XXG7828-00011-00007586-00007945 Cries muffled rites are prepared. KXI3XXG7828-00012-00008101-00008517 Here a rosary, here a censer. KXI3XXG7828-00013-00008550-00008666 On a workbench, KXI3XXG7828-00014-00008666-00009026 the boards planed of a brand new coffin. KXI3XXG7828-00015-00009026-00009456 Hammering nails to come. KXI3XXG7828-00016-00009834-00010214 Catafalque catacomb, KXI3XXG7828-00017-00010214-00010660 still alive but already almost beyond... KXI3XXG7828-00018-00010781-00011010 The instinct watches the moment KXI3XXG7828-00019-00011099-00011294 when from the limbos beyond the grave KXI3XXG7828-00020-00011294-00011724 will the ferryman offer his services. KXI3XXG7828-00021-00012014-00012444 Closed eyelids ready to welcome change. KXI3XXG7828-00022-00012800-00013257 Marble of the tomb is engraved too soon. KXI3XXG7828-00023-00013454-00013813 Ivies, keep us in your coats KXI3XXG7828-00024-00013813-00014244 like the stone is slowly eroding. KXI3XXG7828-00025-00014397-00014758 Not tomorrow KXI3XXG7828-00026-00014758-00015118 or even in a year, KXI3XXG7828-00027-00015118-00015800 almost forever... KXI3XXG7828-00028-00015953-00016526 a filmpoem by bobie KXI3XXG7828-00029-00016900-00017246 text, sound and pictures KYwA2ApZFIg-00000-00000000-00000267 Drew Linsalata: Hey, I'm Drew and you are definitely listening KYwA2ApZFIg-00001-00000267-00000585 to because there's no video this episode, the anxious truth. The KYwA2ApZFIg-00002-00000585-00000795 anxious truth is the podcast that talks about all things KYwA2ApZFIg-00003-00000795-00001134 anxiety, anxiety disorders and anxiety recovery. So if you're KYwA2ApZFIg-00004-00001134-00001380 struggling with things like panic disorder, agoraphobia, KYwA2ApZFIg-00005-00001386-00001884 health, anxiety or OCD, this is the place for you. After 236 KYwA2ApZFIg-00006-00001884-00002187 podcast episodes in eight years, I'm finally going to talk about KYwA2ApZFIg-00007-00002187-00002478 anxiety symptoms. It's true. Let's go. KYwA2ApZFIg-00008-00003360-00003621 Hello, everybody. Welcome back to the anxious truth. This is KYwA2ApZFIg-00009-00003621-00003972 podcast episode number 237. We are recording in December of KYwA2ApZFIg-00010-00003972-00004353 2022. If you happen to be listening in the future, I am KYwA2ApZFIg-00011-00004353-00004668 Drew Linsalata, creator and host of the anxious truth. Thanks for KYwA2ApZFIg-00012-00004668-00004923 coming by. I appreciate that you are here and spending some time KYwA2ApZFIg-00013-00004923-00005346 today. As I mentioned in the cold open today, it's true. Hell KYwA2ApZFIg-00014-00005346-00005637 is freezing over we're going to talk about anxiety symptoms, KYwA2ApZFIg-00015-00005673-00005892 that you might be giggling right now. Because if you follow the KYwA2ApZFIg-00016-00005892-00006129 podcast for any length of time, or you follow me on social KYwA2ApZFIg-00017-00006129-00006417 media, or if you're reading any of my books, which by the way, KYwA2ApZFIg-00018-00006417-00006693 you can find all of the good stuff at the anxious truth.com. KYwA2ApZFIg-00019-00006693-00006959 Go check it out. So if you followed along for any amount of KYwA2ApZFIg-00020-00006959-00007248 time, you know that I never talk about anxiety symptoms, I get KYwA2ApZFIg-00021-00007248-00007569 asked about anxiety symptoms all the time every day, it's the KYwA2ApZFIg-00022-00007584-00007944 these are the most common questions. But what about insert KYwA2ApZFIg-00023-00007944-00008316 symptom here? How do you deal with insert symptom? Here? It is KYwA2ApZFIg-00024-00008316-00008631 the most common set of questions I get asked every single day and KYwA2ApZFIg-00025-00008631-00008895 all the time that I've been doing this thing that I do. So I KYwA2ApZFIg-00026-00008895-00009285 thought it was high time that I obliged you guys and talk about KYwA2ApZFIg-00027-00009285-00009570 symptoms a little bit because clearly, it is an important KYwA2ApZFIg-00028-00009570-00009867 topic near and dear to your hearts. And that's fine. I'm KYwA2ApZFIg-00029-00009867-00010131 sorry that it's taken me this long. But more than anything KYwA2ApZFIg-00030-00010131-00010416 else, I kind of like make a point about symptoms, because KYwA2ApZFIg-00031-00010419-00010782 why don't I talk about them? If this is your first time KYwA2ApZFIg-00032-00010782-00011082 listening to this podcast are you're kind of new to this, then KYwA2ApZFIg-00033-00011085-00011391 this might be a little weird to you like I don't understand why KYwA2ApZFIg-00034-00011391-00011631 this guy doesn't let me talk about my racing heart. Clearly KYwA2ApZFIg-00035-00011631-00011865 it's going to kill me. And clearly that's the problem. KYwA2ApZFIg-00036-00011895-00012177 Clearly this Nausea is the problem I have to fix that. KYwA2ApZFIg-00037-00012201-00012504 Clearly this dizziness or sense of unreality is the problem. I KYwA2ApZFIg-00038-00012504-00012810 have to fix that drew, why don't you talk about that stuff? Well, KYwA2ApZFIg-00039-00012810-00013224 because the basic assertion we are working from here is that it KYwA2ApZFIg-00040-00013224-00013557 is not the symptom that is the problem. It is your KYwA2ApZFIg-00041-00013557-00013935 interpretation of that symptom as being a danger or a threat KYwA2ApZFIg-00042-00013935-00014286 and a catastrophe. That is the problem when you learn to be KYwA2ApZFIg-00043-00014286-00014571 afraid of your own body when it's acting naturally. And KYwA2ApZFIg-00044-00014571-00014859 normally, we will talk about that shortly. That is the KYwA2ApZFIg-00045-00014859-00015183 problem. So I don't talk about symptoms, because it's simply KYwA2ApZFIg-00046-00015183-00015582 not productive. If you've ever been in an online support forum KYwA2ApZFIg-00047-00015582-00016026 from anxiety, you probably know that a huge amount of time is KYwA2ApZFIg-00048-00016026-00016452 spent talking about symptoms, and comparing symptoms does KYwA2ApZFIg-00049-00016452-00016950 anybody else get I hate it when it feels like and there are big KYwA2ApZFIg-00050-00016950-00017208 long discussions and threads that go on and on and on and get KYwA2ApZFIg-00051-00017208-00017424 repeated again and again and again. And nothing ever really KYwA2ApZFIg-00052-00017424-00017766 gets solved. Because all we get is Oh yes, I hate that I have KYwA2ApZFIg-00053-00017766-00018030 that too. Now there's some value. And I have that too. And KYwA2ApZFIg-00054-00018030-00018285 we're going to talk about that today. That's important. I'm all KYwA2ApZFIg-00055-00018285-00018570 for I have that too. Because understanding that you're living KYwA2ApZFIg-00056-00018570-00018888 a common experience with other people is really helpful. So I KYwA2ApZFIg-00057-00018888-00019248 do want to get that out today. But ultimately, if you are KYwA2ApZFIg-00058-00019248-00019548 trying to approach your anxiety disorder and your recovery by KYwA2ApZFIg-00059-00019548-00019872 treating the symptoms, or finding hacks, tips or tricks to KYwA2ApZFIg-00060-00019872-00020172 make them stop or go away, because you are convinced that KYwA2ApZFIg-00061-00020172-00020400 they are the problem, I will tell you that you're probably KYwA2ApZFIg-00062-00020400-00020841 going in the wrong direction. What we care about is not doing KYwA2ApZFIg-00063-00020841-00021174 that we care about learning to work with the symptoms so that KYwA2ApZFIg-00064-00021174-00021474 we learned that they are not actually dangerous, even though KYwA2ApZFIg-00065-00021474-00021852 we would stay keenly decided that they are. So in the end, KYwA2ApZFIg-00066-00021876-00022134 what we care about today. And the reason why I'm gonna go over KYwA2ApZFIg-00067-00022134-00022380 sentence today so that you can get an idea of number one, KYwA2ApZFIg-00068-00022380-00022755 you're not alone in this, it is true. And number two, that your KYwA2ApZFIg-00069-00022755-00023124 symptoms are following a very predictable pattern that you're KYwA2ApZFIg-00070-00023124-00023415 going to see repeated over a large number of people. And KYwA2ApZFIg-00071-00023415-00024027 number three, that in the end, this is a normal and natural KYwA2ApZFIg-00072-00024027-00024393 thing that your body is doing that it is just doing at the KYwA2ApZFIg-00073-00024393-00024684 wrong time. So those are the three reasons why I want to talk KYwA2ApZFIg-00074-00024684-00024954 about symptoms today to kind of illustrate those three points. KYwA2ApZFIg-00075-00024999-00025314 And I'm going to do it by going through a little thing I have KYwA2ApZFIg-00076-00025314-00025521 going on in my Facebook group right now. And if you guys are KYwA2ApZFIg-00077-00025521-00025773 in the group, but there's about 9500 people in the group, and KYwA2ApZFIg-00078-00025773-00026097 we've never had a symptom thread, never not ever in this KYwA2ApZFIg-00079-00026097-00026382 group. So for the first time ever, I broke the mold. And I KYwA2ApZFIg-00080-00026382-00026708 told everybody, Hey, tell me your anxiety symptoms. And that KYwA2ApZFIg-00081-00026708-00027000 post is now about two hours old. And there were over 100 comments KYwA2ApZFIg-00082-00027000-00027366 on it already. So as you can see, if you tell and if you ask KYwA2ApZFIg-00083-00027366-00027693 anxious people to tell you what they feel physically, they are KYwA2ApZFIg-00084-00027693-00027987 very happy to tell you. So I'm going to pretty much go through KYwA2ApZFIg-00085-00027987-00028370 that thread so that you can start to see how common your KYwA2ApZFIg-00086-00028370-00028652 symptoms really are. And so that you can start to see the KYwA2ApZFIg-00087-00028652-00028962 patterns and that you can start to understand like, oh, wow, I'm KYwA2ApZFIg-00088-00028962-00029289 not special. This happens to a lot of different people. And KYwA2ApZFIg-00089-00029292-00029508 yeah, this seems pretty predictable. So if it's KYwA2ApZFIg-00090-00029508-00029820 happening to all of these people, how could it be special KYwA2ApZFIg-00091-00029820-00030312 in my case? This is important, I want to talk about two things. KYwA2ApZFIg-00092-00030327-00030726 Number one is a little bit of a disclaimer, I am always speaking KYwA2ApZFIg-00093-00030726-00030960 into this microphone writing books and talking on social KYwA2ApZFIg-00094-00030960-00031245 media based on the assumption that you are advocating for your KYwA2ApZFIg-00095-00031248-00031617 own well being and your own health, and that you have KYwA2ApZFIg-00096-00031620-00032033 engaged qualified medical care, either you're doing that now, or KYwA2ApZFIg-00097-00032033-00032355 you've been doing that, and those qualified medical KYwA2ApZFIg-00098-00032355-00032652 professionals, because I'm not one of them, have told you that KYwA2ApZFIg-00099-00032652-00033018 you are okay. And that you are dealing with an anxiety problem. KYwA2ApZFIg-00100-00033045-00033510 I am always assuming that. So if your first stop is a podcast KYwA2ApZFIg-00101-00033510-00033855 like this one, and you have not seen a doctor, please do that, KYwA2ApZFIg-00102-00033864-00034212 like you should advocate for your own physical health also, KYwA2ApZFIg-00103-00034266-00034551 that is usually the first stop for people who start to have KYwA2ApZFIg-00104-00034551-00034869 anxiety problems would be their medical doctor. And that's KYwA2ApZFIg-00105-00034869-00035232 perfectly okay, it is a perfectly fine place to start KYwA2ApZFIg-00106-00035262-00035586 get checked out. My guess is that you may have already been KYwA2ApZFIg-00107-00035586-00035868 checked out if you're listening to this probably many, many KYwA2ApZFIg-00108-00035868-00036186 times. And that you have been told there is nothing wrong with KYwA2ApZFIg-00109-00036186-00036537 you, you are dealing with an anxiety problem. Alright, so if KYwA2ApZFIg-00110-00036537-00036768 you haven't done that, I am assuming that you are going to KYwA2ApZFIg-00111-00036768-00037080 go do that. So please, all of the discussion is based on you KYwA2ApZFIg-00112-00037080-00037452 having been given clearance from a qualified medical professional KYwA2ApZFIg-00113-00037452-00037716 or a team of medical professionals, please keep that KYwA2ApZFIg-00114-00037716-00038025 in mind. I am not a doctor, I cannot diagnose your body over KYwA2ApZFIg-00115-00038025-00038388 the internet. The second thing that I want you to think about KYwA2ApZFIg-00116-00038388-00038787 before we get into this is the concept of productive assurance. KYwA2ApZFIg-00117-00038811-00039039 And understanding that you're not alone. And that this is a KYwA2ApZFIg-00118-00039039-00039384 shared experience. Those are good things versus the concept KYwA2ApZFIg-00119-00039384-00039873 of repetitive, constant reassurance seeking. So if you KYwA2ApZFIg-00120-00039873-00040410 have in fact been told by a doctor, or doctors 1015 20 times KYwA2ApZFIg-00121-00040410-00040662 I know that's not unusual in this community, that there is KYwA2ApZFIg-00122-00040662-00040932 nothing wrong with you. I don't want to give you more tests KYwA2ApZFIg-00123-00040932-00041247 because you don't need them, you have an anxiety problem, and you KYwA2ApZFIg-00124-00041247-00041562 just don't believe them. And your anxiety keeps telling you KYwA2ApZFIg-00125-00041580-00041913 ask again, ask again. And since the doctor won't tell me again, KYwA2ApZFIg-00126-00041913-00042165 I'll go on the internet and get people to tell me again, if you KYwA2ApZFIg-00127-00042165-00042501 are in that loop, I am not going to try to perpetuate that loop KYwA2ApZFIg-00128-00042501-00042963 today. So I'm going to ask you to use this podcast as a way to KYwA2ApZFIg-00129-00042963-00043233 understand that you are living a common experience that many, KYwA2ApZFIg-00130-00043233-00043575 many people share. And to get that sort of one final bit of KYwA2ApZFIg-00131-00043575-00043875 like, yeah, here's another guy telling me that I have to stop KYwA2ApZFIg-00132-00043875-00044280 asking, and I have to start trusting that it is highly KYwA2ApZFIg-00133-00044280-00044703 likely that I am healthy. And that is just anxiety. Please do KYwA2ApZFIg-00134-00044703-00045054 not come back to this podcast again. And again. And again. KYwA2ApZFIg-00135-00045081-00045387 When your heart is racing, and you just want to hear my voice KYwA2ApZFIg-00136-00045387-00045777 tell you that you're okay. That would be not a good thing. And KYwA2ApZFIg-00137-00045777-00046023 this is why I don't necessarily want to talk about this stuff. KYwA2ApZFIg-00138-00046023-00046335 And I resisted this episode for a long time. Please do me a KYwA2ApZFIg-00139-00046335-00046623 favor and try to promise me as best you can, that you will not KYwA2ApZFIg-00140-00046623-00046989 keep returning to the favorite parts of this episode to soothe KYwA2ApZFIg-00141-00046989-00047379 you. When your brain says again. But what if the doctor was KYwA2ApZFIg-00142-00047379-00047715 wrong? Let's try not to use it that way. Alright, so let's try KYwA2ApZFIg-00143-00047715-00048102 to use this this podcast as a sense, as a way to help you KYwA2ApZFIg-00144-00048102-00048342 understand that you are living a shared experience that your body KYwA2ApZFIg-00145-00048342-00048705 is doing normal things that human bodies do when afraid, and KYwA2ApZFIg-00146-00048705-00048966 that you are living in experience that many, many KYwA2ApZFIg-00147-00048966-00049296 people are also living, which can be really useful to know KYwA2ApZFIg-00148-00049299-00049545 really useful. I'm not discounting that at all. So KYwA2ApZFIg-00149-00049545-00049872 we're gonna go through some of the responses on the thread that KYwA2ApZFIg-00150-00049872-00050202 I posted in my Facebook group, because I want you to see just KYwA2ApZFIg-00151-00050202-00050622 how frantic, urgent and voluminous the answers to what KYwA2ApZFIg-00152-00050622-00050934 is your anxiety symptoms look like really is you're going to KYwA2ApZFIg-00153-00050934-00051108 see patterns. I'm going to go through them, it's going to get KYwA2ApZFIg-00154-00051108-00051348 kind of comical, but you're going to see the patterns KYwA2ApZFIg-00155-00051348-00051648 develop. Before we do that, let's take about 90 seconds to KYwA2ApZFIg-00156-00051648-00051960 pay a bill. And I'll be right back. This week's episode of the KYwA2ApZFIg-00157-00051960-00052299 anxious Truth has a real life sponsor for the very first time KYwA2ApZFIg-00158-00052299-00052509 in the history of this podcast. The coolest thing is it has KYwA2ApZFIg-00159-00052509-00052797 nothing to do with anxiety, recovery or mental health. So KYwA2ApZFIg-00160-00052797-00053001 it's not some sort of crackpot cure, because I would never do KYwA2ApZFIg-00161-00053001-00053262 that to you guys. Today's episode of the podcast is KYwA2ApZFIg-00162-00053262-00053586 sponsored by my life in a book.com. It's just a cool, KYwA2ApZFIg-00163-00053586-00053816 thoughtful service that I thought was useful when I KYwA2ApZFIg-00164-00053816-00054132 thought you might too. This might be the most thoughtful KYwA2ApZFIg-00165-00054132-00054513 gift I've ever seen. For parents and grandparents, older members KYwA2ApZFIg-00166-00054513-00054810 of our family, especially as the winter holidays approach and we KYwA2ApZFIg-00167-00054810-00055154 get together to celebrate. It's a really powerful way to connect KYwA2ApZFIg-00168-00055154-00055449 on an emotional level with the older members of our family, and KYwA2ApZFIg-00169-00055449-00055701 to start to preserve their most precious memories, show them KYwA2ApZFIg-00170-00055701-00056100 that we really care. Best of all, it's an instantaneous gift. KYwA2ApZFIg-00171-00056105-00056358 I've tried it with my mom, she's really digging it she's having a KYwA2ApZFIg-00172-00056358-00056727 good time with it. And every week, my life in a book.com lets KYwA2ApZFIg-00173-00056727-00057017 us choose from a list of really thought provoking questions or KYwA2ApZFIg-00174-00057017-00057339 we can write our own. Those get emailed to our relatives, they KYwA2ApZFIg-00175-00057339-00057654 can answer those questions, and they can even attach meaningful KYwA2ApZFIg-00176-00057654-00057941 pictures and images to their answers. This happens once a KYwA2ApZFIg-00177-00057941-00058287 week and at the end of one year. Those stories are compiled and KYwA2ApZFIg-00178-00058287-00058653 combined into a really high quality beautiful keepsake book KYwA2ApZFIg-00179-00058677-00059007 that can preserve and store our relatives memories and be passed KYwA2ApZFIg-00180-00059007-00059301 down from generation to generation. You can request as KYwA2ApZFIg-00181-00059301-00059591 many copies of the book as you would like. You can even get the KYwA2ApZFIg-00182-00059591-00059865 book in audio format, which I think is a really cool feature KYwA2ApZFIg-00183-00059910-00060234 and with my life and book.com You can give those you love a KYwA2ApZFIg-00184-00060234-00060465 really a most precious gift that lets them know that they're KYwA2ApZFIg-00185-00060465-00060708 meaningful not only to you, but the generations that come after KYwA2ApZFIg-00186-00060708-00061149 you to save $10 off your first purchase, Use Discount Code t a KYwA2ApZFIg-00187-00061149-00061857 t 22. That's t a t 22 to get $10 off at my life and a book.com. KYwA2ApZFIg-00188-00061904-00062117 And thank you to my life and a book.com for sponsoring the KYwA2ApZFIg-00189-00062117-00062340 anxious truth being our first sponsor and supporting the work KYwA2ApZFIg-00190-00062340-00062409 that we do here. KYwA2ApZFIg-00191-00062571-00062879 Okay, we are back. Thank you so much for allowing me to do that. KYwA2ApZFIg-00192-00062879-00063189 I appreciate you guys. So here's what we're gonna do. We're about KYwA2ApZFIg-00193-00063189-00063546 10 minutes into the episode and for the next five full minutes, KYwA2ApZFIg-00194-00063549-00063819 and this is gonna get almost comical because I want it to be. KYwA2ApZFIg-00195-00063852-00064077 I'm gonna go through this thread in my Facebook group, there's KYwA2ApZFIg-00196-00064077-00064437 9500 people in this group, all of which share the same problems KYwA2ApZFIg-00197-00064437-00064638 that you have if you're listening to this podcast and KYwA2ApZFIg-00198-00064638-00065022 one way or the other. And here's what I asked. I said, from the KYwA2ApZFIg-00199-00065022-00065325 hell freezes over file, because nobody's gonna believe that I KYwA2ApZFIg-00200-00065325-00065640 asked this. Tell me your anxiety symptoms in the comments. Then I KYwA2ApZFIg-00201-00065640-00065907 had to qualify it by saying, This is not a trap, which KYwA2ApZFIg-00202-00065907-00066237 everybody thought was funny. And here is what I got two and a KYwA2ApZFIg-00203-00066237-00066633 half hours since the posting, I'm now up to 119 comments and KYwA2ApZFIg-00204-00066633-00066969 there are people typing even as I read. I'm not going to read KYwA2ApZFIg-00205-00066969-00067266 you all of them. But I am going to go for about four or five KYwA2ApZFIg-00206-00067266-00067557 minutes and I'm going to show you all of these symptoms and I KYwA2ApZFIg-00207-00067557-00067950 want you to notice what happens when I say them all ready. Here KYwA2ApZFIg-00208-00067950-00068481 we go. Hot and cold flushes racing thoughts, diarrhea, heart KYwA2ApZFIg-00209-00068481-00068886 palpitations, derealization depersonalization, brain fog, KYwA2ApZFIg-00210-00068889-00069234 sudden feelings of doom, unmotivated, feeling trapped in KYwA2ApZFIg-00211-00069234-00069663 my own body, chest pain, skipped beats, arm pain, sweating, KYwA2ApZFIg-00212-00069678-00070017 depersonalization, Dizzy, lightheaded, losing control, KYwA2ApZFIg-00213-00070020-00070482 emotional, angry, blurred vision, fast pulse, feeling like KYwA2ApZFIg-00214-00070482-00070842 I need to eat something sweet jelly legs can't walk in a KYwA2ApZFIg-00215-00070842-00071286 straight line, singleness and fingers and toes, racing heart KYwA2ApZFIg-00216-00071289-00071610 feeling hot or flushed shakiness, racing heart, KYwA2ApZFIg-00217-00071628-00072051 numbness in my hands or fingers, dizziness, DVDR racing thoughts KYwA2ApZFIg-00218-00072054-00072459 and impending sense of doom, cold, shallow breathing, heart KYwA2ApZFIg-00219-00072459-00072735 racing, numbness and hands shaking and tremors, KYwA2ApZFIg-00220-00072738-00073155 lightheaded, dizziness, palpitations bodies apps blurred KYwA2ApZFIg-00221-00073155-00073530 vision, nausea and vomiting burning sensations in my body, KYwA2ApZFIg-00222-00073557-00073932 tension and chest and stomach feelings of unreality the urge KYwA2ApZFIg-00223-00073932-00074304 to run or take cover. Heart racing can't swallow burning KYwA2ApZFIg-00224-00074304-00074712 sensation and body feeling of doom. Palpitations racing heart, KYwA2ApZFIg-00225-00074730-00075093 tight and heavy chest, shortness of breath, hot flashes, muscle KYwA2ApZFIg-00226-00075093-00075540 spasms and tremors, IBS nausea, dissociation. Let's keep going. KYwA2ApZFIg-00227-00075582-00076032 Fidgeting OCD rituals racing thoughts Dizzy sweating, KYwA2ApZFIg-00228-00076035-00076392 shaking, racing heart shallow breathing, feeling trapped, KYwA2ApZFIg-00229-00076395-00076884 Dizzy, intense need to run D realization, lightheaded, KYwA2ApZFIg-00230-00076890-00077271 nausea, fatigue, irrational overthinking feeling of KYwA2ApZFIg-00231-00077271-00077592 impending doom, feeling fearful and wanting to run away from the KYwA2ApZFIg-00232-00077592-00077904 feelings thoughts and sensations swallowing too much holding KYwA2ApZFIg-00233-00077904-00078381 breath clearing throat feeling dizzy nausea, Dreamworld heavy KYwA2ApZFIg-00234-00078381-00078717 chest worrying that my heart will stop or I will quit KYwA2ApZFIg-00235-00078720-00079176 breathing, rapid heartbeat lightheadedness, DVDR racing KYwA2ApZFIg-00236-00079176-00079464 heart Dizzy fainting upset stomach urge to go to the KYwA2ApZFIg-00237-00079464-00079875 bathroom bad allergy like congestion in my head, shaking KYwA2ApZFIg-00238-00079875-00080265 tremors, nausea dizziness racing thought dissociation tingling KYwA2ApZFIg-00239-00080271-00080634 hot flushes cold flashes, extreme fear urge to run KYwA2ApZFIg-00240-00080637-00080997 inability to move or speak racing heart hyperventilation, KYwA2ApZFIg-00241-00081000-00081309 Jelly legs intense feeling like I'm going to pass out KYwA2ApZFIg-00242-00081333-00081834 tearfulness needing to cry intrusive thoughts DVDR KYwA2ApZFIg-00243-00081837-00082164 increased heart rate feeling like I can't catch my breath KYwA2ApZFIg-00244-00082167-00082521 feeling like I need to run or grasp some sort of control KYwA2ApZFIg-00245-00082548-00082950 nausea chills, shaking, dissociation urge for something KYwA2ApZFIg-00246-00082950-00083382 to make it stop diarrhea, extreme fight flight and freeze KYwA2ApZFIg-00247-00083442-00083781 nausea tingling in my feet dizziness shortness of breath KYwA2ApZFIg-00248-00083784-00084093 heart flutter stomach flutters extreme hot or cold racing KYwA2ApZFIg-00249-00084093-00084522 thoughts obsessive thinking an urge to cry an urge to find safe KYwA2ApZFIg-00250-00084522-00084900 space and people bla revision. overwhelming fear that I will KYwA2ApZFIg-00251-00084900-00085266 lose control desperation to escape wanting to jump out of my KYwA2ApZFIg-00252-00085266-00085656 body. Heartbeat lightheadedness gpdr scared or my own shadow KYwA2ApZFIg-00253-00085656-00086052 feelings of doom allergies cluster headaches, IBS racing KYwA2ApZFIg-00254-00086052-00086463 heart waves of doom that instant stick to the stomach I am KYwA2ApZFIg-00255-00086463-00086877 seconds from dying feeling adrenaline surges PVCs P ACS KYwA2ApZFIg-00256-00086880-00087324 Doom feeling nausea not in stomach not in throat shaky legs KYwA2ApZFIg-00257-00087327-00087696 ringing ears loud and distorted thoughts impending doom vertigo KYwA2ApZFIg-00258-00087696-00088029 high adrenaline low blood sugar feeling me making me feel like KYwA2ApZFIg-00259-00088029-00088335 I'm going to pass out dissociation body changes from KYwA2ApZFIg-00260-00088335-00088683 hot to cold and back again. The great need to escape or go home KYwA2ApZFIg-00261-00088737-00089157 tinnitus palpitations feeling very warm a need to escape KYwA2ApZFIg-00262-00089160-00089448 feeling like I can't swallow complete lack of appetite KYwA2ApZFIg-00263-00089448-00089838 feeling like I want to crawl out of my skin. Oh no Dizzy I'm KYwA2ApZFIg-00264-00089838-00090183 going to pass out while driving. Hot flashes vertigo blurry KYwA2ApZFIg-00265-00090183-00090585 vision easily startled, racing heart Dizzy trembling short of KYwA2ApZFIg-00266-00090585-00091014 breath, chest pain, nauseous IBS crying feeling of passing out KYwA2ApZFIg-00267-00091017-00091356 lightheaded, Dream light state during clearing my throat, KYwA2ApZFIg-00268-00091386-00091674 burning and electric feeling shoots through my body, always KYwA2ApZFIg-00269-00091674-00092148 feeling like I am dying. existential dread, fatigue gpdr KYwA2ApZFIg-00270-00092151-00092580 hot heart pounding, intense fear, nauseous, short of breath, KYwA2ApZFIg-00271-00092583-00093009 chest is heavy, vertigo tingling all over heart pounding feeling KYwA2ApZFIg-00272-00093009-00093408 of doom, lump in throat blurry vision, heart palpitations, KYwA2ApZFIg-00273-00093411-00093702 impending doom, dissociation, derealization, trembling, KYwA2ApZFIg-00274-00093705-00094098 irritability, crying shortness of breath. I'll do a few more KYwA2ApZFIg-00275-00094119-00094404 intense head pressure and burning in my eye vision KYwA2ApZFIg-00276-00094404-00094734 changes, tingling and numbness in my face. intense feelings of KYwA2ApZFIg-00277-00094734-00095052 dread numbness and my lips tightness in my head and my jaw KYwA2ApZFIg-00278-00095064-00095466 skipped heartbeats. Dizzy, heart pounding heart feeling of doom KYwA2ApZFIg-00279-00095469-00095895 wanting to escape. Let's do two more brain zaps, body jerks, KYwA2ApZFIg-00280-00095898-00096264 racing heart feeling of endless Doom, no escape, feeling lump in KYwA2ApZFIg-00281-00096264-00096627 throat elephant sitting on my chest dizzy, hot shaking, throat KYwA2ApZFIg-00282-00096627-00097152 closing, feeling faint blackout, irritable. So what does this KYwA2ApZFIg-00283-00097152-00097503 tell us? That was an almost five full minutes of an entire KYwA2ApZFIg-00284-00097503-00097854 podcast episode, just reading anxiety symptoms, which is KYwA2ApZFIg-00285-00097857-00098208 really an it kind of an insane thing to do from a podcasting or KYwA2ApZFIg-00286-00098208-00098550 broadcasting perspective, because probably lost 30% of the KYwA2ApZFIg-00287-00098550-00098823 listeners halfway through that, maybe because you were being KYwA2ApZFIg-00288-00098823-00099063 triggered, maybe because it just got really boring and KYwA2ApZFIg-00289-00099063-00099378 monotonous. And I don't blame you. The boring and monotonous KYwA2ApZFIg-00290-00099378-00099681 part is the part that I care about. That's kind of where I KYwA2ApZFIg-00291-00099681-00100098 was going with this. So when you hear me read responses on that KYwA2ApZFIg-00292-00100098-00100596 thread, and by the way, as I was reading that we are now up to, KYwA2ApZFIg-00293-00100635-00101154 we were at 119 comments or 118 comments, we are now up to 136 KYwA2ApZFIg-00294-00101154-00101496 comments, okay? And I can tell you that if I look at the bottom KYwA2ApZFIg-00295-00101496-00101766 comments, they're just repeats of the ones I already read. And KYwA2ApZFIg-00296-00101766-00102273 what I read you was only from about 60 of those 119 comments KYwA2ApZFIg-00297-00102276-00102726 at the time. So they continue to come by, and they are literally KYwA2ApZFIg-00298-00102729-00103224 all the same. These are the same 15 or 20, symptoms repeated KYwA2ApZFIg-00299-00103227-00103602 again and again. And again, as I scroll through the thread, I see KYwA2ApZFIg-00300-00103602-00103998 people beginning to chime in here. Wow. Here's one person who KYwA2ApZFIg-00301-00103998-00104382 says I was going to post mine. But clearly I have nothing new KYwA2ApZFIg-00302-00104382-00104877 to add. So what does this tell us? The reason why I wanted to KYwA2ApZFIg-00303-00104877-00105351 go through this again, to recap is to let you know that what you KYwA2ApZFIg-00304-00105351-00105831 are experiencing in your body is so normal and so natural, KYwA2ApZFIg-00305-00105833-00106368 although timed poorly and inappropriate, that in a group KYwA2ApZFIg-00306-00106368-00106893 of 9500 people when asked 130 Something of them within a KYwA2ApZFIg-00307-00106893-00107283 couple of hours will repeat the same pattern of the same KYwA2ApZFIg-00308-00107283-00107817 symptoms again, and again. And again, you are not alone in KYwA2ApZFIg-00309-00107817-00108264 this. This is a common shared experience among people who are KYwA2ApZFIg-00310-00108264-00108659 struggling with various forms of anxiety disorders. And your KYwA2ApZFIg-00311-00108659-00109061 body. Although you are seeing it as dangerous and in need of KYwA2ApZFIg-00312-00109061-00109470 special attention is literally just doing what it has been KYwA2ApZFIg-00313-00109470-00110133 designed to do when you are afraid. That is why I spent five KYwA2ApZFIg-00314-00110133-00110442 minutes of my Saturday morning and wasted five minutes of your KYwA2ApZFIg-00315-00110442-00110889 valuable time in your life. Simply reading lists of symptoms KYwA2ApZFIg-00316-00110898-00111509 posted by anxious people. This matters, look at what symptoms KYwA2ApZFIg-00317-00111509-00111951 look like when you take yourself out of the center of the KYwA2ApZFIg-00318-00111951-00112395 universe. And instead insert yourself into a large group of KYwA2ApZFIg-00319-00112395-00112773 people that are sharing your same struggle. You see how it KYwA2ApZFIg-00320-00112773-00113139 starts to look different? Can you tell us feel a little bit KYwA2ApZFIg-00321-00113139-00113427 different about your special symptom now after hearing five KYwA2ApZFIg-00322-00113427-00113823 minutes of me drone on and repeat the same things again and KYwA2ApZFIg-00323-00113823-00114308 again and again. Now I am not trying to belittle or invalidate KYwA2ApZFIg-00324-00114308-00114819 your experience. Please remember that once upon a time I was used KYwA2ApZFIg-00325-00114819-00115215 to and I thought that my symptoms were the most important KYwA2ApZFIg-00326-00115215-00115716 thing in the universe. Every single person starts there. KYwA2ApZFIg-00327-00115722-00116208 Everybody starts there. It's okay to start there. It's the KYwA2ApZFIg-00328-00116208-00116660 natural first stop on the read the anxiety train, if you will, KYwA2ApZFIg-00329-00116688-00117093 the first station you pull into is symptom station. It's okay. KYwA2ApZFIg-00330-00117110-00117549 You're not doing anything wrong. But you're also not in danger. KYwA2ApZFIg-00331-00117621-00117911 If you ever been told again and again and again that yes, KYwA2ApZFIg-00332-00117927-00118275 anxiety can do this to you and that is what it is doing to you. KYwA2ApZFIg-00333-00118310-00118689 Then take heart in hearing it from more than just your doctor KYwA2ApZFIg-00334-00118692-00119169 ZIZ possibly right pleural doctors, and more than just some KYwA2ApZFIg-00335-00119169-00119459 dude in New York with a microphone and a podcast. Listen KYwA2ApZFIg-00336-00119463-00119943 to a group of your peers. Pile in and build a mountain of KYwA2ApZFIg-00337-00119943-00120485 symptoms. See, that look the same. They're all the same. So KYwA2ApZFIg-00338-00120485-00120945 when I glibly say, all symptoms are the same, and none are KYwA2ApZFIg-00339-00120945-00121569 special, here is why you're okay. Your body is doing things KYwA2ApZFIg-00340-00121569-00121938 that it is designed to do when you are afraid. You've just KYwA2ApZFIg-00341-00121938-00122346 learned to be afraid of them at the wrong time for the wrong KYwA2ApZFIg-00342-00122346-00122397 reason. KYwA2ApZFIg-00343-00122529-00122858 I know I have to wrap it up this way, because I wouldn't be doing KYwA2ApZFIg-00344-00122861-00123168 the right service if I didn't do this. But the next logical KYwA2ApZFIg-00345-00123168-00123444 question, especially if this is the very first podcast episode, KYwA2ApZFIg-00346-00123444-00123678 or video you've ever watched for me is well, then what the hell KYwA2ApZFIg-00347-00123678-00124080 do I do about that? What what we do about that is we start from KYwA2ApZFIg-00348-00124080-00124422 this premise, my body is does not have anything wrong with it, KYwA2ApZFIg-00349-00124479-00125106 I am just afraid of my own body. So now I must learn to stop KYwA2ApZFIg-00350-00125106-00125532 treating my body like it's an emergency, that is going to be KYwA2ApZFIg-00351-00125532-00125874 the key, that is not easy. That is a huge change of direction, KYwA2ApZFIg-00352-00125877-00126255 it is a huge shift. And if you have been trying to manage your KYwA2ApZFIg-00353-00126255-00126570 body and manage your symptoms, and micromanage them, and knock KYwA2ApZFIg-00354-00126570-00127047 them down, and medicate, or Herbalife, or whatever them all KYwA2ApZFIg-00355-00127047-00127368 individually, so they go away, and you're frustrated, I hear KYwA2ApZFIg-00356-00127368-00127827 you. And I see. And what I'm telling you here is that yes, in KYwA2ApZFIg-00357-00127827-00128214 my theoretical view of anxiety disorders, and you are free to KYwA2ApZFIg-00358-00128214-00128424 disagree and hit the eject button now that would be okay, KYwA2ApZFIg-00359-00128424-00128834 you won't hurt my feelings. The way to go forward now is to take KYwA2ApZFIg-00360-00128834-00129213 the information you have here and say, I'm going to have to KYwA2ApZFIg-00361-00129213-00129582 take a leap of faith that I am in fact safe, I have just KYwA2ApZFIg-00362-00129584-00130125 learned to believe, by mistake that I'm in danger. And the way KYwA2ApZFIg-00363-00130125-00130590 forward from there is I'm going to go at those symptoms. Now I'm KYwA2ApZFIg-00364-00130590-00130961 going to let them happen, I'm not going to stop them, I'm not KYwA2ApZFIg-00365-00130961-00131208 going to try to prevent them, I'm not going to try to sue KYwA2ApZFIg-00366-00131208-00131505 them, I'm not going to do body hacks, I'm not going to worry KYwA2ApZFIg-00367-00131505-00131847 about my gut health, I'm not going to worry about my diet, KYwA2ApZFIg-00368-00131871-00132132 I'm not going to try and find ways to make my heart slow down. KYwA2ApZFIg-00369-00132135-00132495 It's just trying to take care of me. So I'm going to have to let KYwA2ApZFIg-00370-00132495-00132843 my body do what it does. And I'm going to have to let it do that KYwA2ApZFIg-00371-00132843-00133341 without resistance. So I can see through experience that when I KYwA2ApZFIg-00372-00133341-00133707 do nothing about this, it always ends might come back in an hour, KYwA2ApZFIg-00373-00133710-00134004 because I'm really afraid that it's going to so it well. But KYwA2ApZFIg-00374-00134004-00134265 every time I do that, and I discovered that even if I don't KYwA2ApZFIg-00375-00134265-00134673 try to fix my body, it fixes itself because it just finishes KYwA2ApZFIg-00376-00134673-00135039 the routine and goes back to a baseline. Every time I see that KYwA2ApZFIg-00377-00135075-00135396 I learned something else and I feed my brain the experience KYwA2ApZFIg-00378-00135399-00135894 that it needs to start to change its opinion over time. This is I KYwA2ApZFIg-00379-00135894-00136236 cannot give you all of recovery in three minutes at the end of KYwA2ApZFIg-00380-00136236-00136653 one pod gasm. So I can't do that. But in general, if this is KYwA2ApZFIg-00381-00136653-00136857 the first time you've wandered into the anxious truth, and KYwA2ApZFIg-00382-00136857-00137100 you've listened this far, and thought, Okay, what's the next KYwA2ApZFIg-00383-00137100-00137445 step, and this is the next step. This is sort of an outline, this KYwA2ApZFIg-00384-00137445-00137835 is the foundation of where you go with this information. After KYwA2ApZFIg-00385-00137835-00138210 that there's another 236 podcast episodes that precede this one. KYwA2ApZFIg-00386-00138210-00138399 And if you're listening in the future, there's quite a few KYwA2ApZFIg-00387-00138399-00138651 after this one, there's three books, there's all kinds of KYwA2ApZFIg-00388-00138651-00138861 stuff that I do that talks about this, there are qualified KYwA2ApZFIg-00389-00138861-00139143 therapists, there are people like me online, there are places KYwA2ApZFIg-00390-00139143-00139446 to go to learn how to do this and learn the particulars, the KYwA2ApZFIg-00391-00139446-00139725 nuances, the details, and to learn how to apply it KYwA2ApZFIg-00392-00139725-00140277 specifically in your case. So that is it. That is 23 minutes, KYwA2ApZFIg-00393-00140283-00140595 and a ridiculous amount of anxiety symptoms and one podcast KYwA2ApZFIg-00394-00140595-00140892 episode that it's taking me eight years to make, maybe not KYwA2ApZFIg-00395-00140892-00141177 what you were expecting today, because as you can see, I did KYwA2ApZFIg-00396-00141177-00141513 not address your specific symptom, I only listed it and KYwA2ApZFIg-00397-00141513-00141819 only to illustrate the point that I'm trying to make, because KYwA2ApZFIg-00398-00141819-00142236 hopefully that helps inform a new direction for you. And a new KYwA2ApZFIg-00399-00142236-00142593 sense of understanding. We call this psychoeducation it's meant KYwA2ApZFIg-00400-00142596-00142878 to educate, it's meant to enlighten it's meant to KYwA2ApZFIg-00401-00142878-00143310 encourage and meant to inspire. It's meant to inform changes in KYwA2ApZFIg-00402-00143313-00143679 action. And hopefully I've been able to do that with you. So KYwA2ApZFIg-00403-00143679-00144039 that is it. That is episode 237 of the anxious truth rolling to KYwA2ApZFIg-00404-00144039-00144597 a close you know it's over because music that is as always KYwA2ApZFIg-00405-00144597-00144813 at the end of every podcast episode and the beginning of KYwA2ApZFIg-00406-00144813-00145089 most of them for the last several years that's afterglow KYwA2ApZFIg-00407-00145089-00145401 written and performed by my friend Ben Drake in the UK. You KYwA2ApZFIg-00408-00145401-00145761 can find more about Ben and his music at Ben Drake music.com Go KYwA2ApZFIg-00409-00145761-00146076 check them out and tell him I said hello. If you are listening KYwA2ApZFIg-00410-00146076-00146391 to the anxious truth on Spotify or Apple podcasts or any place KYwA2ApZFIg-00411-00146391-00146649 where you can rate and review this podcast leave us a five KYwA2ApZFIg-00412-00146649-00146955 star rating leave me a five star rating. And if you are digging KYwA2ApZFIg-00413-00146955-00147204 the podcast that is helping you maybe take a second and write a KYwA2ApZFIg-00414-00147204-00147495 review because it helps other people find the podcast and then KYwA2ApZFIg-00415-00147495-00147732 we can help as many people as we can together I appreciate your KYwA2ApZFIg-00416-00147732-00147975 help with that. If you're watching or listening on KYwA2ApZFIg-00417-00147975-00148236 YouTube, subscribe to the channel if you will. It's just a KYwA2ApZFIg-00418-00148236-00148512 click for you but it means a lot to me. Like the video leave a KYwA2ApZFIg-00419-00148512-00148743 comment you know what to do turn on the notification bell so you KYwA2ApZFIg-00420-00148743-00149055 know when I upload new episodes and that is it. Hopefully this KYwA2ApZFIg-00421-00149055-00149325 has helped in some small way. I appreciate you coming by and KYwA2ApZFIg-00422-00149325-00149541 spending your time with me. I will be back next week for KYwA2ApZFIg-00423-00149541-00149862 episode 238 I do not know when I'm going to talk about but I KYwA2ApZFIg-00424-00149862-00150180 will be here and remember as always this is the way KYwA2ApZFIg-00425-00150285-00150786 -: this is where your story begins you got the feeling that KYwA2ApZFIg-00426-00150786-00151242 you go yeah you're doing fine KYQhHUV68dY-00000-00000000-00000252 This beautiful beach property is for sale KYQhHUV68dY-00001-00000258-00000408 In Puerto Armuelles, Panama. KYQhHUV68dY-00002-00000416-00000668 It is just one of the 20 beautiful properties KYQhHUV68dY-00003-00000676-00000860 We have here at Corazon de Oro KYQhHUV68dY-00004-00000860-00001080 Stay to the end of the video, to see KYQhHUV68dY-00005-00001084-00001384 One of ourLiving In Panama Houses under construction. KYQhHUV68dY-00006-00001384-00001542 I'm Betsy from Living in Panama. KYQhHUV68dY-00007-00001550-00001712 The place for information and advice on KYQhHUV68dY-00008-00001723-00001880 Being an expat in Panama. KYQhHUV68dY-00009-00001884-00002020 Interested? Click subscribe, KYQhHUV68dY-00010-00002028-00002216 And hit the bell, so you don't miss a video. KYQhHUV68dY-00011-00002218-00002448 This property leads right down to this KYQhHUV68dY-00012-00002450-00002678 Beautiful beach. It is a rainy season KYQhHUV68dY-00013-00002678-00002902 Right now. So driftwood has accumulated KYQhHUV68dY-00014-00002908-00003080 On the beach for the time being. KYQhHUV68dY-00015-00003080-00003320 It is only a half an hour beach walk to town KYQhHUV68dY-00016-00003332-00003560 Or 5 minutes by car. You might want to KYQhHUV68dY-00017-00003560-00003752 Check out the video I made of my daughter KYQhHUV68dY-00018-00003765-00003940 and I walking on this beach into town. KYQhHUV68dY-00019-00003947-00004302 This is truly a beautiful place just to be. KYQhHUV68dY-00020-00004340-00004612 The prices here range from less than KYQhHUV68dY-00021-00004618-00004846 $100K for a beach front lot KYQhHUV68dY-00022-00004846-00005268 To as low as $32K. You can find out more about KYQhHUV68dY-00023-00005272-00005488 These 20 lots by clicking the link below. KYQhHUV68dY-00024-00005502-00005744 Best of all, come down to Puerto Armuelles. KYQhHUV68dY-00025-00005744-00005894 We'd be happy to show them to you. KYQhHUV68dY-00026-00005898-00006124 As you've probably heard, Puerto Armuelles is KYQhHUV68dY-00027-00006124-00006402 the charming beach town in the Chiriqui Province KYQhHUV68dY-00028-00006416-00006631 That Chiquita Banana built back in the 1920s. KYQhHUV68dY-00029-00006631-00006909 It a unique town in Panama. KYQhHUV68dY-00030-00006928-00007184 As you see here, you can have a house built for you KYQhHUV68dY-00031-00007195-00007398 Our Living in Panama Houses are designed KYQhHUV68dY-00032-00007416-00007758 Specifically for the tropics and for you to customize. KYQhHUV68dY-00033-00007759-00007980 Click the Living in Panama house link below, KYQhHUV68dY-00034-00007980-00008180 For more details or just contact us at KYQhHUV68dY-00035-00008188-00008454 LivinginPanama.com. KYQhHUV68dY-00036-00008454-00008654 Thanks for watching. KZjp_G-xh_y-00000-00000036-00000678 one of the biggest things is that I was always doing something else so I always had other KZjp_G-xh_y-00001-00000678-00001248 interests it wasn't the one thing that I relied on right maybe economically for a while in the KZjp_G-xh_y-00002-00001248-00002070 beginning but I was always doing other things uh I was always writing and I developed sort of this KZjp_G-xh_y-00003-00002070-00002796 special relationship with my fans I spent a lot of time like answering fan mail on social media and KZjp_G-xh_y-00004-00002796-00003294 writing blogs and doing all of these things that where I was very interactive with my fan base KZjp_G-xh_y-00005-00003354-00004020 uh so they they knew me for but they also knew me for all of these other interests KZjp_G-xh_y-00006-00004020-00004866 I had right so I think that I don't know maybe it gave me a more balls yeah when KZjp_G-xh_y-00007-00004866-00005436 it was time to leave to be like okay I I don't know what's gonna happen but I KZjp_G-xh_y-00008-00005436-00005832 know that I have all these other things going on so I can make something work KZlRrMnet3E-00000-00000000-00000333 hey what's happening everybody Robert the Leather Kawboi Muhammad KZlRrMnet3E-00001-00000333-00000951 right here at Premier Leather Crafters in the cold Durdy Durdy you guys see I'm KZlRrMnet3E-00003-00001001-00001488 out here in the shop grinding I got my winter gear on got my hoodie got my KZlRrMnet3E-00004-00001488-00001914 skully and I'm layered up because it is cold it KZlRrMnet3E-00005-00001914-00002574 has been dropping down into the 30s and 20s during the day sometimes it might KZlRrMnet3E-00006-00002574-00003323 get up to around 45 ish the mid 40s low 50s but a soon as the Sun go down you KZlRrMnet3E-00007-00003323-00003843 know the it is screeching cold so that's one of the reasons why I haven't been KZlRrMnet3E-00008-00003843-00004355 out here in the shop and I gotta get a new wick for my kerosene heater so shout KZlRrMnet3E-00009-00004355-00004878 out to those who have there's those shops where you have heat and air KZlRrMnet3E-00010-00004878-00005621 because even in the summertime man is hot as all get-out but you know we tried KZlRrMnet3E-00011-00005621-00006153 to remedy that and fix that but I do have to get another wick for my kerosene KZlRrMnet3E-00012-00006153-00006564 heater so we can get right back out here on the grind so shout out to those who KZlRrMnet3E-00013-00006564-00007233 who have heat and air in their shops and but also a shout out to those who are KZlRrMnet3E-00014-00007233-00007790 just like me really putting in that grit in that grind work to add to your KZlRrMnet3E-00015-00007790-00008372 success story when you finally get over the hump now but today I want to talk to KZlRrMnet3E-00016-00008372-00009268 you guys about something that is moving in the leather world as well as is a hot KZlRrMnet3E-00018-00009318-00010142 ticket item in the fashion world to today and this video again is small fun KZlRrMnet3E-00019-00010142-00010764 projects that can create you a lot of money or make you a lot of money that is KZlRrMnet3E-00020-00010764-00011149 what this video is stemming off so but you women out there you will know KZlRrMnet3E-00023-00011249-00011618 exactly what I'm talking about and for the men out there if you're trying to KZlRrMnet3E-00024-00011618-00012125 find something that you can utilize those scrap pieces of leather you know KZlRrMnet3E-00025-00012125-00012621 hey get with your wives your sisters your aunties your girlfriends or KZlRrMnet3E-00026-00012621-00013233 whatever get with them and get the opinions because and that's what KZlRrMnet3E-00027-00013233-00013925 there's happening in my side it's hard for a man to create something feminine KZlRrMnet3E-00028-00013925-00014490 for a woman because we're so masculine unless you that man who started KZlRrMnet3E-00029-00014490-00015083 Victoria's Secret but you know that's still a question mark for me but anyway KZlRrMnet3E-00030-00015083-00015702 get the opinions of some females that's in your cipher or in your surroundings KZlRrMnet3E-00031-00015702-00016166 just a conference and they can help you out with this and what this trend is is KZlRrMnet3E-00032-00016166-00016926 the big earrings these are very popular right now in the fashion world I know KZlRrMnet3E-00033-00016926-00017343 you guys are seeing a lot of people especially the celebrities they had KZlRrMnet3E-00034-00017343-00017868 these big saucer earrings or these big hula hoop earrings now back when I was KZlRrMnet3E-00035-00017868-00018504 younger that was a big trend back during the 80s the big hair days and so but KZlRrMnet3E-00036-00018504-00019071 what's happening is it's recycling back around now what makes that great for us KZlRrMnet3E-00037-00019071-00019851 as leather crafters is they didn't have the leather earrings back in the 80s so KZlRrMnet3E-00038-00019851-00020559 now that's what I'm telling you guys and we can create and design we have the KZlRrMnet3E-00039-00020559-00021102 ability to create and design anything on these earrings we have enough space to KZlRrMnet3E-00040-00021102-00021633 even do tooling and stamping and all of that great stuff and that's what I want KZlRrMnet3E-00041-00021633-00022317 to share with you guys today because I myself have several well not several and KZlRrMnet3E-00042-00022317-00022653 I don't want to make it sound like I'm out there Playboy you know what I'm KZlRrMnet3E-00043-00022653-00023169 saying but I do have some female friends that are into the big earrings and they KZlRrMnet3E-00044-00023169-00023943 let me trace the shape so I didn't have to go out and buy a cheap pair of KZlRrMnet3E-00045-00023943-00024516 earrings to just get the design off of you guys have those same females in your KZlRrMnet3E-00046-00024516-00025014 family or in your site for your surroundings that are into this trend KZlRrMnet3E-00047-00025014-00025812 and they will let you trace out the design now what I did I picked four one KZlRrMnet3E-00048-00025812-00026252 four different patterns that I liked trace them out on some poster board KZlRrMnet3E-00049-00026252-00026592 here's one for you guys and these are something KZlRrMnet3E-00050-00026592-00027008 because a lot of women don't really do man I want to be that these big huge KZlRrMnet3E-00051-00027008-00027620 ones and you can see the difference in the two but I have some for every female KZlRrMnet3E-00052-00027620-00028110 that's out there from the small ones all the way up to the large ones and then I KZlRrMnet3E-00053-00028110-00028827 have these two different shapes here one that's kind of like a little diamond as KZlRrMnet3E-00054-00028827-00029376 I think I've measured these at an inch and a quarter there we go we'll get back KZlRrMnet3E-00055-00029376-00030039 on the camera enter the quarter that's one then I have this over one these are KZlRrMnet3E-00056-00030039-00030608 very very cool and you're gonna Tracy's out just on your regular hey if you got KZlRrMnet3E-00057-00030608-00030993 the cereal box in the house or the macaroni and cheese box in the house or KZlRrMnet3E-00058-00030993-00031422 the grits box in the house whatever you don't even have to go out and buy poster KZlRrMnet3E-00059-00031422-00031845 boards now poster boy that Dollar Tree you get two white poster sheets for a KZlRrMnet3E-00060-00031845-00032327 dollar so if you want to spend that cool if you don't you guys already know my KZlRrMnet3E-00061-00032327-00032790 motto utilize what you have that home and to create your patterns nobody knows KZlRrMnet3E-00062-00032790-00033375 but you and then we have this little tear shape one and I really like these KZlRrMnet3E-00063-00033375-00033960 but the two that I chose and I want you guys to see and I went to the drawing KZlRrMnet3E-00064-00033960-00034779 board went to my handy sketch and I drew up some nice little simple patterns to KZlRrMnet3E-00065-00034779-00035358 put on to change them out hey you guys invest in you a drawing book you can KZlRrMnet3E-00066-00035358-00035790 keep these forever and then we'll probably do one video somewhere down the KZlRrMnet3E-00067-00035790-00036177 road where you can go back and take these prints and then you can turn KZlRrMnet3E-00068-00036177-00036504 around and sell them I'll tell you guys how you can sell your drawings and your KZlRrMnet3E-00069-00036504-00037092 prints on Amazon how you can get people to go to your website and purchase the KZlRrMnet3E-00070-00037092-00037515 print they and they already come with the patterns and all of that and it just KZlRrMnet3E-00071-00037515-00037911 gives the customers a little bit some more insight on how to do it if they KZlRrMnet3E-00072-00037911-00038367 want to do that but I really believe you guys are smart enough and capable enough KZlRrMnet3E-00073-00038367-00038916 to come up with your own designs but you can't come down and download the shapes KZlRrMnet3E-00074-00038916-00039540 if you don't know any females aren't around any females to where they'll let KZlRrMnet3E-00075-00039540-00040138 you trace their and if you really just to him the bill every woman that has KZlRrMnet3E-00076-00040138-00040733 these earrings they're her favorite and just like one woman it's ten at least KZlRrMnet3E-00077-00040733-00041246 ten I think it's more than that but I'm gonna say at least ten other ones that KZlRrMnet3E-00078-00041246-00041768 like the exact same thing that's why when you go to these retail stores these KZlRrMnet3E-00079-00041768-00042434 boutiques these shops they have five six seven eight ten pair of the same exact KZlRrMnet3E-00080-00042434-00042950 earring because they are banking on there are more women out there that like KZlRrMnet3E-00081-00042950-00043459 the same thing okay but needless to say let's get straight to this because I KZlRrMnet3E-00082-00043459-00044011 have already now I kind of jumped the gun because I was a little bit excited KZlRrMnet3E-00083-00044011-00044656 and I really wanted to see how this was gonna turn out now what I recommend KZlRrMnet3E-00084-00044656-00045032 because the biggest thing if you're talking with women KZlRrMnet3E-00085-00045032-00045887 the biggest thing is how heavy are they that is the biggest concern because KZlRrMnet3E-00086-00045887-00046421 women don't want to have those limiters back up so you guys can see what I'm KZlRrMnet3E-00087-00046421-00046738 talking about have you ever noticed seen any women KZlRrMnet3E-00088-00046738-00047159 that have that long rip or tear in their earlobe KZlRrMnet3E-00089-00047159-00047713 that's from one of two things either a the earring got caught and hung up on KZlRrMnet3E-00090-00047713-00048247 something and it kind of ripped the ear lobe a little bit the ear hole the KZlRrMnet3E-00091-00048247-00048983 piercing hole a little bit or the weight of the earring was too heavy and it KZlRrMnet3E-00092-00048983-00049828 stretched the earlobe which brings me to this vital point key of information I KZlRrMnet3E-00093-00049828-00050590 used for five hours four or five hours you can use either either use four ounce KZlRrMnet3E-00094-00050590-00051103 best hand eleven or five knots best hand leather now the reason why I chose this KZlRrMnet3E-00095-00051103-00051938 one the weight of them is phenomenal the 45 is not really heavy but is yet KZlRrMnet3E-00096-00051938-00052511 durable enough for you to carve and stamp and tool and put whatever type of KZlRrMnet3E-00097-00052511-00052738 design the shape in here and I want to show you KZlRrMnet3E-00098-00052738-00053383 guys what I'm talking about because now the two that I really like and we're KZlRrMnet3E-00099-00053383-00053739 going to use these for the sake of the video and what I really like them anyway KZlRrMnet3E-00100-00053739-00054105 I like these shapes and sizes so we're going to use the diamond and there's KZlRrMnet3E-00101-00054105-00054570 this just water drop shape and I think that's probably what I want to call them KZlRrMnet3E-00102-00054570-00054937 that is water drop but now I've already started and you KZlRrMnet3E-00103-00054937-00055432 guys have already seen the drawing so I just went ahead and carved this and this KZlRrMnet3E-00104-00055432-00055837 is the great part about best and you can't carve you can tool you can stamp KZlRrMnet3E-00105-00055837-00056239 and all of this in there and I went ahead and painted this let me give you KZlRrMnet3E-00106-00056239-00057010 guys drop this jewelry quick because the model that endorses my sandals she told KZlRrMnet3E-00107-00057010-00057639 me that rose gold is the color now no I don't know how far that's gonna carry KZlRrMnet3E-00108-00057639-00058285 over into the new year but rose gold is the color so you guys can already see KZlRrMnet3E-00109-00058285-00058912 how to start painting the background on that with that rose gold and we're gonna KZlRrMnet3E-00110-00058912-00059419 let this sit and then I'm going to come back with some Tam coat and resist this KZlRrMnet3E-00111-00059419-00059836 and then I'm going to come back with our nice probably throw a little couple of KZlRrMnet3E-00112-00059836-00060175 other colors in there maybe some baby blue or something KZlRrMnet3E-00113-00060175-00060766 for women to where they can wear this with multiple outfits and then I chose KZlRrMnet3E-00114-00060766-00061041 the diamond shape now this one is already KZlRrMnet3E-00115-00061041-00061507 I'm just want to resist this that's why you see the leather lace in here because KZlRrMnet3E-00116-00061507-00062029 I'm letting this dry this is the second coat but there it is right there KZlRrMnet3E-00117-00062029-00062505 not going to do anything else to that except antique it that's why you see KZlRrMnet3E-00118-00062505-00063100 that little shiny that's up there I'm just wanna antique this and then now KZlRrMnet3E-00119-00063100-00063798 where you get your hooks at cowboy to places that I recommend Hobby Lobby KZlRrMnet3E-00120-00063798-00064542 Michaels or jo-ann's fabric if you have any of these places in your area or KZlRrMnet3E-00121-00064542-00065142 where you can go where you can get to them real quick they have the hooks they KZlRrMnet3E-00122-00065142-00065662 also carry the hooks with the backs now the little plastic backs the retainer KZlRrMnet3E-00123-00065662-00066388 backs now I will tell you this they are a lot more expensive really KZlRrMnet3E-00124-00066388-00067069 expensive I'm talking about one pair may cost you $2 or unless you buy the little KZlRrMnet3E-00125-00067069-00067705 kit that they sell at Hobby Lobby we don't have a Michaels here in Gaston but KZlRrMnet3E-00126-00067705-00068431 we have a Hobby Lobby and it's like 21 bucks for a kit and you only get about KZlRrMnet3E-00127-00068431-00069252 30 different pairs well actually 15 pairs 30 pieces but the other place and KZlRrMnet3E-00128-00069252-00069669 you guys have see if you've been following me you know my seeing my other KZlRrMnet3E-00129-00069669-00070794 videos which app which app you can get 200 pieces which is a hundred pairs for KZlRrMnet3E-00130-00070794-00071544 a dollar and 76 cent now as of today the recording of this video which is January KZlRrMnet3E-00131-00071544-00072207 this is December 19 18 19 somewhere around up in there I put an order in KZlRrMnet3E-00132-00072207-00073060 yesterday on the 18th and it's projected to be here on the 4th of January so I KZlRrMnet3E-00133-00073060-00073660 knew that I was going to be making these so I utilizing my time went ahead and KZlRrMnet3E-00134-00073660-00074185 I'm gonna make up a bunch of these so when my hooks come in then all I have to KZlRrMnet3E-00135-00074185-00074926 do is just attach the hooks and they out the gate so but if you have really just KZlRrMnet3E-00136-00074926-00075538 want to test and see what's going on then ya go to Hobby Lobby Michaels or KZlRrMnet3E-00137-00075538-00076129 jo-ann's fabric they'll have those hooks and you can just play around with them KZlRrMnet3E-00138-00076129-00076726 now I would also tell you to check out Pinterest Pinterest just give you a lot KZlRrMnet3E-00139-00076726-00077127 of ideas and space well don't do Pinterest because Pinterest is going to KZlRrMnet3E-00140-00077127-00077907 connect you to Etsy so you can log onto etsy.com ets why.com and just type in KZlRrMnet3E-00141-00077907-00078663 leather custom made leather earrings and it will give you some ideas now the KZlRrMnet3E-00142-00078663-00079131 ideas of the craftsmanship which I don't I'm not telling you guys to copy any KZlRrMnet3E-00143-00079131-00079487 other but it'll give you an idea of what's KZlRrMnet3E-00144-00079487-00080129 being pushed out there into the the fashion world now nobody has a copyright KZlRrMnet3E-00145-00080129-00080615 on the shape but I'm not telling you to copy anybody's tooling work on it KZlRrMnet3E-00146-00080615-00081020 craftsmanship on armor like that unless you buy it or they trying to sell it and KZlRrMnet3E-00147-00081020-00081857 then hey do you and then also it gives you opportunity to see how much they are KZlRrMnet3E-00148-00081857-00082670 charging for these now I saw two sites on Etsy one lady was charging fifty five KZlRrMnet3E-00149-00082670-00083321 dollars for a pair of custom leather earrings now she did have some she did KZlRrMnet3E-00150-00083321-00083777 incorporate some of her earrings with some stones so if you guys know how to KZlRrMnet3E-00151-00083777-00084299 do stone inlays I think I did a video on strong in Lane you can go back to check KZlRrMnet3E-00152-00084299-00084869 that out but she was in lane the stones in there she was in Lane you're gonna KZlRrMnet3E-00153-00084869-00085589 attach Tandy I know sales a lot of the rhinestones and jewels and cubic KZlRrMnet3E-00154-00085589-00085991 zirconias and other things like that if you want to implement that into your KZlRrMnet3E-00155-00085991-00086606 craftsmanship and then there was another lady she was charging upwards upwards KZlRrMnet3E-00156-00086606-00087173 just looking at the first few pics pictures that she had on Etsy she was KZlRrMnet3E-00157-00087173-00087815 charging a hundred and fifteen dollars now she was that's the one that I was KZlRrMnet3E-00158-00087815-00088565 gonna tell you about earlier she incorporated us metal work metal works KZlRrMnet3E-00159-00088565-00089288 he had sterling silver going around those and around eleven now that's when KZlRrMnet3E-00160-00089288-00089816 you really getting jazzy but a hundred and fifteen dollars up went to two KZlRrMnet3E-00161-00089816-00090296 hundred and twenty five dollars for a pair of earrings you know hey like I KZlRrMnet3E-00162-00090296-00090971 said small projects that can create a lot of money so if you guys know KZlRrMnet3E-00163-00090971-00091568 somebody who's into doing metal work or jewelry custom-made jewelry give them a KZlRrMnet3E-00164-00091568-00092150 call you guys can do some collaboration right there don't just get so stuck on KZlRrMnet3E-00165-00092150-00092449 making other stuff for yourself it's enough KZlRrMnet3E-00166-00092449-00093417 money out here for all of us to eat so bring in some some other handcrafted KZlRrMnet3E-00167-00093417-00093955 business owners and incorporate see how that incorporates and how you can entire KZlRrMnet3E-00168-00093955-00094612 there intertwine that into leather it is a great thing because now you just KZlRrMnet3E-00169-00094612-00095071 opened up the market for somebody else who never probably even thought about KZlRrMnet3E-00170-00095071-00095647 adding another to their metal work but that is a thing so if you know somebody KZlRrMnet3E-00171-00095647-00095983 out there who's already doing custom-made jewelry you know a supply KZlRrMnet3E-00172-00095983-00096361 them with the pieces now before we get ready to get out of here because it's at KZlRrMnet3E-00173-00096361-00097039 the 16-minute mark and I got to get back to painting hey you guys I appreciate KZlRrMnet3E-00174-00097039-00097462 you thank you thank you thank you thank you for subscribing to the channel thank KZlRrMnet3E-00175-00097462-00097795 you for supporting the cowboy and familiar the crafters and what we have KZlRrMnet3E-00176-00097795-00098496 going on here and if you guys don't know I love to talk I love to share KZlRrMnet3E-00177-00098496-00099055 information because it was given to me I was blessed and fortunate enough to for KZlRrMnet3E-00178-00099055-00099832 a long time long term crafters who have been in this business 30 40 50 years you KZlRrMnet3E-00179-00099832-00100288 know and they're sharing the golden nuggets of information little little KZlRrMnet3E-00180-00100288-00101038 secrets that you won't find out there in the leather world because people try to KZlRrMnet3E-00181-00101038-00101461 keep it so tightly ok you know the depth they want to have the only one that can KZlRrMnet3E-00182-00101461-00101932 do this particular type of style you know but hey I like sharing the KZlRrMnet3E-00183-00101932-00102425 information with your cousin again it's enough bread out here for all of us to KZlRrMnet3E-00184-00102425-00102829 eat and for all of us to eat with so again thank you guys KZlRrMnet3E-00185-00102829-00103424 hats off stay tuned more videos is coming I don't tell you I'm getting the KZlRrMnet3E-00186-00103424-00103898 wig Touma kerosene heater sold more videos is coming thank you guys again KZlRrMnet3E-00187-00103898-00104476 and hey like always keep practicing keep tooling don't be afraid to take chances KZlRrMnet3E-00188-00104476-00104948 and get out there and do your thing so for every idea that you come up with KZlRrMnet3E-00189-00104948-00105261 it's um out there that wants to buy that KZlRrMnet3E-00190-00105261-00105694 particular piece is doing hey thank you guys for children with me these 17 and a KZlRrMnet3E-00191-00105694-00106132 half minutes I am Robert the leather cowboy Muhammad right here premier KZlRrMnet3E-00192-00106132-00106764 leather crafters in the dirty dirty see you guys on the other side KfdNJnMK0fM-00000-00000000-00000500 Dreams from the beyond original composition 2021 by Bekaa Ri KgwyiMNSJBc-00000-00000057-00000206 STEVAN SLIJEPCEVIC: I'm very honored KgwyiMNSJBc-00001-00000206-00000780 to receive this recognition from Purdue School of Aeronautics. KgwyiMNSJBc-00002-00000780-00001062 Let me start by thanking the faculty that KgwyiMNSJBc-00003-00001062-00001464 nominated and selected me for this recognition. KgwyiMNSJBc-00004-00001464-00001851 Also, a very special thanks to my parents KgwyiMNSJBc-00005-00001851-00002244 for supporting me and funding my college education. KgwyiMNSJBc-00006-00002244-00002670 Without their support, none of this may have been possible. KgwyiMNSJBc-00007-00002670-00003135 Also, very special thanks to Dr. Tom Ferris, KgwyiMNSJBc-00008-00003135-00003552 who gave me the opportunity to extend my stay at Purdue KgwyiMNSJBc-00009-00003552-00003858 and pursue a master's degree. KgwyiMNSJBc-00010-00003858-00004173 I'll always cherish my experience at Purdue, KgwyiMNSJBc-00011-00004173-00004560 both academically and socially. KgwyiMNSJBc-00012-00004560-00004908 I firmly believe that my six years at Purdue KgwyiMNSJBc-00013-00004908-00005352 provided a strong foundation for what has now been KgwyiMNSJBc-00014-00005352-00005739 a 25-year career in aerospace. KgwyiMNSJBc-00015-00005739-00006102 Not only did Purdue give me the technical tools KgwyiMNSJBc-00016-00006102-00006423 to succeed as an aerospace engineer, KgwyiMNSJBc-00017-00006423-00007008 it gave me the ability to think strategically, to analyze data, KgwyiMNSJBc-00018-00007008-00007523 to solve difficult problems, and make sound decisions. KgwyiMNSJBc-00019-00007523-00008073 Those tools and skills help me pursue an early career KgwyiMNSJBc-00020-00008073-00008499 as an engineer, and now to succeed today KgwyiMNSJBc-00021-00008499-00008796 as a global business leader. KgwyiMNSJBc-00022-00008796-00009219 While my career path has been very deliberate, KgwyiMNSJBc-00023-00009219-00009501 my journey to Purdue was not. KgwyiMNSJBc-00024-00009501-00009831 I grew up in Ohio, and although I KgwyiMNSJBc-00025-00009831-00010146 knew I wanted to be an aerospace engineer, KgwyiMNSJBc-00026-00010146-00010464 Purdue was not on my radar screen. KgwyiMNSJBc-00027-00010464-00010698 My high school guidance counselor KgwyiMNSJBc-00028-00010698-00011043 was promoting several in-state schools, KgwyiMNSJBc-00029-00011043-00011383 and I was inclined to stay in state. KgwyiMNSJBc-00030-00011383-00011889 However, I did my own research, and I came across Purdue KgwyiMNSJBc-00031-00011889-00011983 very quickly. KgwyiMNSJBc-00032-00011983-00012306 It was clearly one of the top aerospace KgwyiMNSJBc-00033-00012306-00012531 schools in the country. KgwyiMNSJBc-00034-00012531-00012810 I decided to apply but really didn't KgwyiMNSJBc-00035-00012810-00013025 think it was going to happen. KgwyiMNSJBc-00036-00013025-00013365 As fate has it, my guidance counselor KgwyiMNSJBc-00037-00013365-00013803 submitted my application late to my first pick, KgwyiMNSJBc-00038-00013803-00014063 which was an in-state school. KgwyiMNSJBc-00039-00014063-00014478 I was devastated but only for a moment. KgwyiMNSJBc-00040-00014478-00014841 When the acceptance letter came in from Purdue, KgwyiMNSJBc-00041-00014841-00015072 I knew it was where I belonged, and I'm KgwyiMNSJBc-00042-00015072-00015408 very grateful it turned out that way. KgwyiMNSJBc-00043-00015408-00015777 As I reflect back on my time at Purdue, KgwyiMNSJBc-00044-00015777-00016155 I think about the cutting edge technology, KgwyiMNSJBc-00045-00016155-00016692 the amazing laboratories, the engaging faculty. KgwyiMNSJBc-00046-00016692-00017040 I'm so happy to see that Purdue has maintained a first class KgwyiMNSJBc-00047-00017040-00017148 program. KgwyiMNSJBc-00048-00017148-00017556 I can only imagine what it's like to be there today. KgwyiMNSJBc-00049-00017556-00017844 I'm proud to be an alumni of Purdue, KgwyiMNSJBc-00050-00017844-00018240 and thanks again to the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics KgwyiMNSJBc-00051-00018240-00018632 for this recognition, and boiler up. KisuyZRgJhE-00000-00000000-00001200 Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on Post variable. Here I am going to use the same code as that of the 'get.php' page. The same one that I have done in my 'get' variable tutorial. KisuyZRgJhE-00001-00001300-00002000 If you have not seen that already, please do so and then go through this tutorial. You will be able to know all these codes about. KisuyZRgJhE-00002-00002100-00002700 If you already know these codes about and you have not seen the 'get' tutorial, you are welcome to join us. KisuyZRgJhE-00003-00002800-00003000 I have got my page with my 'get' as previous KisuyZRgJhE-00004-00003100-00003500 I have got a new file called 'post.php' KisuyZRgJhE-00005-00003600-00004300 Actually, what I want to do is change this as post and post it as a post variable. KisuyZRgJhE-00006-00004400-00005000 So quite simply and logically I will just go through this and change this to post KisuyZRgJhE-00007-00005100-00005600 and here is what we call 'post' instead of 'get' and this will work KisuyZRgJhE-00008-00005700-00005900 Let me show you my post page KisuyZRgJhE-00009-00006000-00006300 there is nothing here. There is no question mark KisuyZRgJhE-00010-00006400-00006800 Let me type alex and click here. But nothing has come up KisuyZRgJhE-00011-00006900-00007000 that is why KisuyZRgJhE-00012-00007100-00007800 do you remember if you are working with another file, you need to change the action KisuyZRgJhE-00013-00007900-00008100 let's refresh it KisuyZRgJhE-00014-00008200-00008700 I can see alex. Let me click here and this is hello alex KisuyZRgJhE-00015-00008800-00009200 next we are in the 'post.php' font and there is no question mark KisuyZRgJhE-00016-00009300-00009800 something has been taken across. It has been stored inside a post variable KisuyZRgJhE-00017-00009900-00010300 but why it is not showing two users KisuyZRgJhE-00018-00010400-00012100 this will be absolutely brilliant if we can say 'password' .Let's call this 'password' KisuyZRgJhE-00019-00012200-00013000 I'll say here 'thanks for your password' and let's go back KisuyZRgJhE-00020-00013100-00013400 and now, as you can see, this is a password field KisuyZRgJhE-00021-00013500-00014100 so I'll type 123 as my password and I click here KisuyZRgJhE-00022-00014200-00014400 it says, thanks for your password KisuyZRgJhE-00023-00014500-00015000 it has been stored. so it can be used. I can use it, if i want to KisuyZRgJhE-00024-00015100-00015600 I'll just change that. so it makes more sense KisuyZRgJhE-00025-00015700-00016100 let's do a refresh and resend the data KisuyZRgJhE-00026-00016200-00016800 123, click here and its not displaying. That's why KisuyZRgJhE-00027-00016900-00017300 you should check these things. It is easy to make mistakes KisuyZRgJhE-00028-00017400-00018500 Let me type 123. Let me click here and it says 'thanks for your password'. and it as given me my password KisuyZRgJhE-00029-00018600-00019100 It proves that it has been carried across it has been stored in a post variable KisuyZRgJhE-00030-00019200-00019500 but it hasn't shown the user, which could have made sense KisuyZRgJhE-00031-00019600-00020100 because there would be no point having these as blocks. They are not readable in any way. KisuyZRgJhE-00032-00020200-00020600 and here there would no point having it because people can read your password KisuyZRgJhE-00033-00020700-00021100 So it will be very easy for people to look through your internet history. KisuyZRgJhE-00034-00021200-00021700 and see you have typed your password. But people might get access to your account with that KisuyZRgJhE-00035-00021800-00022400 so you can see this post. These are used for functions, also the amount that can be sent through it KisuyZRgJhE-00036-00022500-00023100 so if for example, my password was really long say over 100 characters it will still be accepted KisuyZRgJhE-00037-00023200-00023600 but in the 'get' variable you have a hundred character limit KisuyZRgJhE-00038-00023700-00024700 so the post thus seem to be useful. But if you are evaluating things, like, trying to sort out some things, you can use the get variable KisuyZRgJhE-00039-00024800-00025000 just to see if your data is being passed through. KisuyZRgJhE-00040-00025100-00025300 so basically that's post variable KisuyZRgJhE-00041-00025400-00026100 you would be using it a lot on projects for form submissions. This brings us to the end of this tutorial KisuyZRgJhE-00042-00026200-00026700 This is Siddarth for the Spoken Tutorial Project. Thanks for watching. KmtTKVhupK0-00000-00000592-00001026 The samba will triumph KmtTKVhupK0-00001-00001072-00001358 when the people realizes KmtTKVhupK0-00002-00001358-00001754 they are the owners of the game KmtTKVhupK0-00003-00001754-00002094 The samba wil grow KmtTKVhupK0-00004-00002094-00002654 a great batucada will run trough the streets KmtTKVhupK0-00005-00002920-00003290 Samba won´t cry anymore KmtTKVhupK0-00006-00003479-00003679 all the people will sing KmtTKVhupK0-00007-00003838-00004268 The world will change KmtTKVhupK0-00008-00004336-00004616 And the people will sing KmtTKVhupK0-00009-00004728-00004982 A great samba in peace LotzszlBk1y-00000-00000026-00000348 Hi, I'm Maureen Feineman in the Geosciences Department LotzszlBk1y-00001-00000348-00000519 at Penn State. LotzszlBk1y-00002-00000519-00000786 I'm Heather McCune Bruhn in the Department of Art History LotzszlBk1y-00003-00000786-00000946 at Penn State. LotzszlBk1y-00004-00000946-00001370 In module one, we're gonna be talking about the ochers. LotzszlBk1y-00005-00001370-00001861 The ocher actually refers to a group of minerals LotzszlBk1y-00006-00001861-00002180 of brightly colored pigments that are formed, LotzszlBk1y-00007-00002180-00002680 take their color from oxides of iron and hydroxides of iron. LotzszlBk1y-00008-00002700-00003185 And these oxides and hydroxides are typically suspended, LotzszlBk1y-00009-00003185-00003644 or mixed with clay minerals, maybe some calcite, LotzszlBk1y-00010-00003644-00003845 or some gypsum. LotzszlBk1y-00011-00003845-00004205 Essentially, they're rusty brightly colored muds. LotzszlBk1y-00012-00004289-00004724 And these minerals, or these muds, then harden LotzszlBk1y-00013-00004724-00005044 into a colorful rock, LotzszlBk1y-00014-00005044-00005312 that can then be powdered, LotzszlBk1y-00015-00005312-00005594 and ground down into powder form, LotzszlBk1y-00016-00005594-00006001 cleaned up, and then used as the basis LotzszlBk1y-00017-00006001-00006280 for pigments for art materials. LotzszlBk1y-00018-00006280-00006363 As you can see, LotzszlBk1y-00019-00006363-00006683 some of the ochers are more yellowish in color. LotzszlBk1y-00020-00006683-00007183 Those are dominated by the iron oxyhydroxide limonite, LotzszlBk1y-00021-00007216-00007420 and give a more yellowish colored pigment. LotzszlBk1y-00022-00007420-00007864 Whereas others are more orangish or even redish in color. LotzszlBk1y-00023-00007864-00008320 Those are typically colored by hematite iron oxide, LotzszlBk1y-00024-00008320-00008749 and those yield a more red colored pigment. LotzszlBk1y-00025-00008927-00009371 So ochers is, for art history, LotzszlBk1y-00026-00009371-00009647 an extremely important material, LotzszlBk1y-00027-00009647-00010022 because it is really humankind's LotzszlBk1y-00028-00010022-00010321 first painting material. LotzszlBk1y-00029-00010321-00010629 We have evidence that early humans LotzszlBk1y-00030-00010629-00010913 were actually painting their bodies with ocher LotzszlBk1y-00031-00010913-00011198 as early 100,000 years ago. LotzszlBk1y-00032-00011326-00011668 In what as archeologists LotzszlBk1y-00033-00011668-00011950 and anthropologists call, LotzszlBk1y-00034-00011950-00012305 early symbolically motivated behavior, LotzszlBk1y-00035-00012305-00012739 by at least 40,000 years ago, possibly even earlier, LotzszlBk1y-00036-00012739-00013068 because the dates keep getting pushed every time they LotzszlBk1y-00037-00013068-00013388 find something new, and find a better, LotzszlBk1y-00038-00013388-00013528 more accurate dating system. LotzszlBk1y-00039-00013622-00013837 But as early as 40,000 years ago, LotzszlBk1y-00040-00013837-00014191 we have cave paintings in LotzszlBk1y-00041-00014191-00014537 areas of Spain, and in France. LotzszlBk1y-00042-00014537-00014846 Even earlier than that, we have cave paintings in, LotzszlBk1y-00043-00014846-00015346 and rock paintings in the African continent. LotzszlBk1y-00044-00015418-00015860 So this is a really important sort of historical material, LotzszlBk1y-00045-00015860-00016196 and it's one that still is used today. LotzszlBk1y-00046-00016196-00016671 It's incredibly plentiful, not that expensive, LotzszlBk1y-00047-00016671-00017043 and very very saturated, in terms of its color. LotzszlBk1y-00048-00017043-00017362 So it's quite valuable, not just for artists, LotzszlBk1y-00049-00017362-00017491 but also in industry. L0lrh6NDecY-00000-00000231-00000540 This is the last part of this series. L0lrh6NDecY-00001-00000540-00001429 Our discussion was about the five sides of our social life, about those we need to focus L0lrh6NDecY-00002-00001429-00001660 for healthier time ahead. L0lrh6NDecY-00003-00001660-00002007 We have already discussed three topics, i.e, respect & love, cleanliness and no hypocrisy L0lrh6NDecY-00004-00002007-00002108 and dirty politics. L0lrh6NDecY-00005-00002108-00002850 If you haven't seen those videos, kindly watch those by clicking on the top right corner L0lrh6NDecY-00006-00002850-00003003 links. L0lrh6NDecY-00007-00003003-00003503 Now, let's start today's video. L0lrh6NDecY-00008-00003503-00004278 No Religious and Caste Fighting: No need to say, that, riots are the most filthy incidents L0lrh6NDecY-00009-00004278-00004378 of human history. L0lrh6NDecY-00010-00004378-00005328 Whether its Syria or India, these events are very much grimy, and, shameful for the modern L0lrh6NDecY-00011-00005328-00005428 society. L0lrh6NDecY-00012-00005428-00005837 If we dip into the psychology of these happenings, you will understand that there are mainly L0lrh6NDecY-00013-00005837-00005937 two reasons behind it. L0lrh6NDecY-00014-00005937-00006037 First, hateful thoughts .... towards the other religious or cast. L0lrh6NDecY-00015-00006037-00006595 We are not against the religious activities, those are made to help our spiritual journey. L0lrh6NDecY-00016-00006595-00007820 And, although the path of spirituality is shown by different saints or holy persons L0lrh6NDecY-00017-00007820-00008329 are somewhat different, the ultimate destination is always same. L0lrh6NDecY-00018-00008329-00009127 So, we need to understand that, we, human beings, of different religions, caste are L0lrh6NDecY-00019-00009127-00009704 actually carrying the same DNA structure. L0lrh6NDecY-00020-00009704-00010442 Being the most intelligent creature of the earth, we can't fight with each others. L0lrh6NDecY-00021-00010442-00011027 Secondly, some selfish people, create riot for their own edge. L0lrh6NDecY-00022-00011027-00011552 They initiate this vicious activity and which leads to tremendous cruelty. L0lrh6NDecY-00023-00011552-00011868 So, what is the solution? L0lrh6NDecY-00024-00011868-00012929 Just we all need to be aware and conscious, about our activities, about our thoughts. L0lrh6NDecY-00025-00012929-00013606 Our mind is an angel and a devil at the same time. L0lrh6NDecY-00026-00013606-00013934 And it depends on us, to whom we will fed. L0lrh6NDecY-00027-00013934-00014471 So, take your decision by yourself, not by listening to any humbug. L0lrh6NDecY-00028-00014471-00015181 Follow any religion that you wish to, and, practicing self thinking, will definitely L0lrh6NDecY-00029-00015181-00015568 help you in your spiritual journey, as it increases your consciousness. L0lrh6NDecY-00030-00015568-00016216 Helpfulness and teamwork: Remember the game of soccer or volleyball or cricket you have L0lrh6NDecY-00031-00016216-00016316 played. L0lrh6NDecY-00032-00016316-00017508 A player alone can't won the game, or a game can't be lost due to a single mistake by a L0lrh6NDecY-00033-00017508-00017608 single player. L0lrh6NDecY-00034-00017608-00017771 The win or loss was determined by the performance of the team. L0lrh6NDecY-00035-00017771-00018447 And now, think about the game of chess, that you need to play alone, won or defeated by L0lrh6NDecY-00036-00018447-00018559 your own. L0lrh6NDecY-00037-00018559-00019399 Both of these have their own merits and demerits, but, if you want to understand the power of L0lrh6NDecY-00038-00019399-00019654 a team, then take an example of team game. L0lrh6NDecY-00039-00019654-00020339 Where you need to understand the strength and weakness of other players. L0lrh6NDecY-00040-00020339-00021170 You have to help a player when he needs and also you will get back help in return when L0lrh6NDecY-00041-00021170-00021350 you required it. L0lrh6NDecY-00042-00021350-00021787 And that's what is much important in the society. L0lrh6NDecY-00043-00021787-00022744 From the very first day of social community development, people are bounded by assisting L0lrh6NDecY-00044-00022744-00022891 each other. L0lrh6NDecY-00045-00022891-00023256 Undoubtedly, this coordination is the backbone of our social structure. L0lrh6NDecY-00046-00023256-00023522 But, nowadays, we are becoming so narrow minded, getting much busy with our own problems and L0lrh6NDecY-00047-00023522-00023773 gains and losses, that even we don't bother about the person sitting beside us. L0lrh6NDecY-00048-00023773-00023973 We don't know how our nearest neighbors' health. L0lrh6NDecY-00049-00023973-00024173 We don't care, what our colleagues are doing. L0lrh6NDecY-00050-00024173-00024450 The opposite is also true, no one care about us, no one mind whether you and I are feeling L0lrh6NDecY-00051-00024450-00024550 well or not. L0lrh6NDecY-00052-00024550-00024651 It doesn't matter whether we slept well, took our food or not. L0lrh6NDecY-00053-00024651-00025179 Nuclear family, metropolitan life, is enhancing this much more. L0lrh6NDecY-00054-00025179-00025795 So, to come out from this situation, we need to be sensitive with each other, we have to L0lrh6NDecY-00055-00025795-00027369 speak and smile to each other, we have to share moments together. L0lrh6NDecY-00056-00027369-00029200 Overall, social animal like human can't live alone, and moreover, happiness comes when L0lrh6NDecY-00057-00029200-00029683 you share your mind and heart with a living person. L0lrh6NDecY-00058-00029683-00030278 Wealth, money, can give you pleasure, but happiness, one of the most important thing L0lrh6NDecY-00059-00030278-00030644 of our life, can't be purchased with money. L0lrh6NDecY-00060-00030644-00030763 This is the end of the series. L0lrh6NDecY-00061-00030763-00030980 There are several other problems like; unemployment, education, immigration, etc., also exist in L0lrh6NDecY-00062-00030980-00031688 the society, but these five topics, are easy to handle by the common people. L0lrh6NDecY-00063-00031688-00032720 Which one of these five is most important according to you? L0lrh6NDecY-00064-00032720-00033308 Or do you think, any other aspect is more important? L0lrh6NDecY-00065-00033308-00033723 Let me know in the comment section. L0EszAgfhJ4-00000-00000933-00001096 [Rich] Hi I'm Rich Dana, L0EszAgfhJ4-00001-00001096-00001712 I'm very pleased, and honored, to be hosting a discussion between L0EszAgfhJ4-00002-00001800-00002432 two wonderful people; two experts in their field, and today we're going to be talking about L0EszAgfhJ4-00003-00002504-00002984 the role of Archives in the work of writers and researchers. L0EszAgfhJ4-00004-00003104-00003856 If you've never been to Special Collections or to an Archive, some of the stuff may surprise you. It L0EszAgfhJ4-00005-00003856-00004496 can be a real adventure finding primary source material for a project, and both these people L0EszAgfhJ4-00006-00004496-00005072 have a lot of experience with this topic. We're joined today by Marilyn Brookwood. L0EszAgfhJ4-00007-00005144-00005696 Marilyn is a psychologist who worked in public education to help adolescents improve academic L0EszAgfhJ4-00008-00005696-00006264 and personal competence. She was a member of the faculty at the College of New Rochelle in New L0EszAgfhJ4-00009-00006264-00006936 York, and wrote guides for teachers and counselors about adolescent challenges. In 2008 she L0EszAgfhJ4-00010-00006936-00007616 earned her third postgraduate degree in Harvard University's Mind, Brain, and Education program. L0EszAgfhJ4-00011-00007759-00008256 I'm also joined by David McCartney. David is the University of Iowa Archivist; L0EszAgfhJ4-00012-00008384-00008875 he's celebrating his 20th anniversary in that position this year, so congratulations David — L0EszAgfhJ4-00013-00008875-00008972 [Marilyn] Congratulations, David L0EszAgfhJ4-00014-00008972-00009064 [David] Thank you. L0EszAgfhJ4-00015-00009064-00009464 [Rich] — After receiving his Undergraduate Degree in Journalism L0EszAgfhJ4-00016-00009464-00010040 from University of Wisconsin-Madison, David was a reporter for radio stations; L0EszAgfhJ4-00017-00010040-00010800 both in and around the Midwest and in Alaska. He received an MA in History and a Master's Degree in L0EszAgfhJ4-00018-00010800-00011328 Library and Information Science, both from the University of Maryland at College Park, and he L0EszAgfhJ4-00019-00011328-00011848 is the past President of the Midwest Archives Conference, so welcome to both of you today. L0EszAgfhJ4-00020-00011848-00012040 [David] Thank you for having us! L0EszAgfhJ4-00021-00012040-00012276 [Marilyn] Thank you for having us, exactly. L0EszAgfhJ4-00022-00012276-00013224 [Rich] Marilyn has just completed a book called, "The Orphans of Davenport," and I'd like to just L0EszAgfhJ4-00023-00013224-00014040 introduce you to the topic by reading a brief blurb from Publishers Weekly. They write that, L0EszAgfhJ4-00024-00014040-00014544 "Psychologist Brookwood debuts with a lucid and immersive history of how researchers L0EszAgfhJ4-00025-00014544-00015080 in 1930s Iowa refuted prevailing notions about childhood development. L0EszAgfhJ4-00026-00015080-00015832 She focuses on Iowa Child Welfare Research Station psychologists Harold Skeels and Marie Skodak L0EszAgfhJ4-00027-00015896-00016160 and their studies comparing children who had L0EszAgfhJ4-00028-00016263-00016856 'barren, affectionless, detached childhoods' at a state orphanage in Davenport, Iowa, L0EszAgfhJ4-00029-00016856-00017352 with those who received individual attention, play, and encouragement as temporary awards at L0EszAgfhJ4-00030-00017352-00017624 an institution for the 'feeble-minded.' L0EszAgfhJ4-00031-00017792-00018328 The latter group of children showed a remarkable improvement in their IQ scores, buttressing the L0EszAgfhJ4-00032-00018328-00018944 Iowa researchers' argument that genetics was not the sole factor in intelligence. Brookwood L0EszAgfhJ4-00033-00018944-00019608 provides insight into the Iowa researchers' methods, and skillfully draws from primary sources L0EszAgfhJ4-00034-00019608-00020232 to explain how racist and classist attitudes and fierce criticism from the era's eugenicists L0EszAgfhJ4-00035-00020232-00020616 prevented the station's groundbreaking studies from initially gaining traction. L0EszAgfhJ4-00036-00020688-00021352 It wasn't until the 1960s that the findings by Skeels, Skodak, and other station researchers L0EszAgfhJ4-00037-00021352-00021768 entered the mainstream, helping to launch learning programs such as Head Start." L0EszAgfhJ4-00038-00022000-00022152 So. Marilyn, L0EszAgfhJ4-00039-00022152-00022264 [Marilyn] Yeah? L0EszAgfhJ4-00040-00022264-00022904 [Rich] Can you start by telling us a little bit about how you became aware of the story of the L0EszAgfhJ4-00041-00022904-00023384 orphans of Davenport, and how this relates to the work that you were doing at the time. L0EszAgfhJ4-00042-00023384-00024104 [Marilyn] Sure. You never know where the path is leading. You think you do, but L0EszAgfhJ4-00043-00024160-00024544 really, my experience is that you're not so sure; you're often wrong. L0EszAgfhJ4-00044-00024752-00025720 From the very beginning of my work in education, I became very very interested in children who L0EszAgfhJ4-00045-00025720-00026336 had learning disabilities and how their brains worked. And for reasons I still cannot understand, L0EszAgfhJ4-00046-00026456-00027208 my very first job in education was in a special school for kids with learning disabilities. I L0EszAgfhJ4-00047-00027208-00027752 was thrilled to get it, but I don't know why they hired me; I had no particular experience. L0EszAgfhJ4-00048-00027927-00028232 But it turned out to be just perfect for me. L0EszAgfhJ4-00049-00028327-00029152 But finally, I realized that I needed a different degree, and so I decided L0EszAgfhJ4-00050-00029232-00030439 the only program for me that I could find that would help me progress in this area and give me L0EszAgfhJ4-00051-00030439-00030983 the credentials that I needed was this program called Mind, Brain, and Education, which was at L0EszAgfhJ4-00052-00030983-00031856 Harvard University. And I entered that program and immediately, I realized, "Oh my goodness, L0EszAgfhJ4-00053-00031856-00032336 there's this whole other area I don't know anything about! And that's EARLY development." L0EszAgfhJ4-00054-00032336-00033032 I had a friend, who sadly isn't with us anymore, but who was a world-class scientist, L0EszAgfhJ4-00055-00033096-00033840 and I was explaining this new science of early development that links experience and heredity L0EszAgfhJ4-00056-00033896-00034528 in the outcomes, and I was explaining how that worked to him, and he remembered the Iowa story. L0EszAgfhJ4-00057-00034616-00035152 He'd been told the Iowa story by his mentor at Rockefeller University, L0EszAgfhJ4-00058-00035152-00035968 and now I had these two figures who I knew to be really first-class scientists, L0EszAgfhJ4-00059-00035968-00036728 who were telling me — one at a distance and Eric there — about the Iowa story, and I said, L0EszAgfhJ4-00060-00036728-00037008 "How come — I'm a psychologist — how come I don't know about this?" L0EszAgfhJ4-00061-00037288-00037640 So I decided I wanted to know more, and I started looking into it, L0EszAgfhJ4-00062-00037776-00038784 and at that point I realized that it was much more complicated than I ever thought and L0EszAgfhJ4-00063-00039040-00039760 that it would be quite an interesting journey to find out what had been going on. L0EszAgfhJ4-00064-00039760-00040696 [Rich] I think this would be a good point to fill in a little background. I'm guessing most viewers L0EszAgfhJ4-00065-00040696-00041592 have heard of eugenics; some may be more aware of the history of that than others. Maybe you could L0EszAgfhJ4-00066-00041592-00042272 just tell us a little bit about how eugenics came to be, what was going on with that at the L0EszAgfhJ4-00067-00042272-00042896 time of the story of the Orphans of Davenport and the role that it plays in this story. L0EszAgfhJ4-00068-00042896-00043368 [Marilyn] Sure. When I started this research, L0EszAgfhJ4-00069-00043776-00044344 I worked in 12 different archives. When I started this research, I did not have any idea L0EszAgfhJ4-00070-00044416-00045016 that eugenics — which of course I'd heard about, everybody's heard about it, what is it — I had L0EszAgfhJ4-00071-00045016-00046024 no idea that it would become what I think of now as the wallpaper for this story. Eugenics L0EszAgfhJ4-00072-00046136-00047144 was an effort that evolved in Great Britain around the middle of the 19th century L0EszAgfhJ4-00073-00047264-00048312 and it was thought then that people who had come from families of prominence, and of achievement, L0EszAgfhJ4-00074-00048416-00049160 could pass on their genes to their offspring, and the people who didn't come from those kinds L0EszAgfhJ4-00075-00049160-00049872 of families they were kind of out of luck, and they should be prevented from — or discouraged, L0EszAgfhJ4-00076-00049872-00050496 in Great Britain it was discouraged — from reproducing. And that would create L0EszAgfhJ4-00077-00050560-00051536 a society of the able. A kind of flourishing of ability, and nations that promoted that L0EszAgfhJ4-00078-00051536-00052191 would be in a good position in the world. And people in the US took a very different L0EszAgfhJ4-00079-00052191-00053064 view of eugenics that landed here. The eugenics in Great Britain was called positive eugenics, L0EszAgfhJ4-00080-00053064-00053616 let's just encourage people to have more children, you know, the right people — like L0EszAgfhJ4-00081-00053616-00054216 people like us — to have more children. The eugenics in the United States was called L0EszAgfhJ4-00082-00054272-00055248 negative eugenics, and it wanted to eliminate or segregate away people of lower — what they thought L0EszAgfhJ4-00083-00055248-00055848 were lower — abilities or lower achievement, and so they wanted to put them into institutions. L0EszAgfhJ4-00084-00055920-00057079 And by 1927 our Supreme Court had given permission to not just institutionalize but also to sterilize L0EszAgfhJ4-00085-00057167-00057952 people who were usually — sterilizing women, sterilizing people of lower social economic L0EszAgfhJ4-00086-00057952-00058879 status, of lower educational achievement, and every state in the United States did that. It had L0EszAgfhJ4-00087-00058879-00059744 a very profound effect on the early 20th century in the United States and especially in psychology. L0EszAgfhJ4-00088-00059879-00060776 It fueled the use of intelligence testing, because if you could test someone's intelligence and you L0EszAgfhJ4-00089-00060776-00061391 could find out that they had low intelligence, you made the assumption that they had bad genetics, L0EszAgfhJ4-00090-00061448-00062032 and then you took those people and you institutionalize them and/or sterilize them. L0EszAgfhJ4-00091-00062032-00063000 [Rich] And as we know, even worse than that when we look at the rise of the Third Reich in Germany. L0EszAgfhJ4-00092-00063000-00063148 [Marilyn] That's right. L0EszAgfhJ4-00093-00063148-00063744 [Rich] That's — that was the ultimate outcome of what was really bad science. L0EszAgfhJ4-00094-00063744-00063976 [Marilyn] Then we murdered — exactly. L0EszAgfhJ4-00095-00063976-00064536 [Rich] Wow. Well let's um let's bring David into the conversation L0EszAgfhJ4-00096-00064672-00065391 because at this point Marilyn is looking to find primary research material about L0EszAgfhJ4-00097-00065536-00066240 the studies that were done on the Orphans of Davenport and so she arrives your doorstep David, L0EszAgfhJ4-00098-00066336-00067208 literally or figuratively depending, so how — where did you direct Marilyn and L0EszAgfhJ4-00099-00067208-00067632 what are the Collections in the Archives that you were able to share with her? L0EszAgfhJ4-00100-00067724-00068320 [David] It seemed clear from the onset in my conversations with Marilyn that she would be L0EszAgfhJ4-00101-00068320-00069016 interested in consulting the records of the Iowa Child Welfare Research Station. Marilyn just gave L0EszAgfhJ4-00102-00069016-00069848 an excellent background of the impact of eugenics in the United States in the early 20th century, L0EszAgfhJ4-00103-00069848-00070416 and it was against this backdrop that the Iowa Child Welfare Research Station was L0EszAgfhJ4-00104-00070416-00071392 organized here at the University of Iowa. It was enacted by a law of the Iowa legislature in 1917 L0EszAgfhJ4-00105-00071448-00072168 and it was done so at the behest of what today would be the PTA, the National Congress of L0EszAgfhJ4-00106-00072168-00073240 Mothers was the name of the organization that really initiated this program at Iowa in 1917. L0EszAgfhJ4-00107-00073240-00074064 Cora Bussey Hillis was instrumental in the establishment of these programs and so L0EszAgfhJ4-00108-00074064-00074832 against that backdrop that Marilyn just described nationally, this program emerges at Iowa and the L0EszAgfhJ4-00109-00075032-00075784 t key players who were involved during that time were very much interested in developing the, L0EszAgfhJ4-00110-00075848-00076368 shall we say, the development of the study of child development. I didn't mean to use those L0EszAgfhJ4-00111-00076368-00076784 two words in different contexts in the same sentence but essentially that's what it was; L0EszAgfhJ4-00112-00076784-00077504 this was an emerging discipline and it was ripe at Iowa, because at the time, L0EszAgfhJ4-00113-00077504-00078184 the Dean of the Graduate College Carl Seashore, himself a psychologist, thought that it would be L0EszAgfhJ4-00114-00078256-00078712 absolutely appropriate to establish a program such as this in order to L0EszAgfhJ4-00115-00078792-00079696 further the discipline of of child development and all of its aspects. Now the first director L0EszAgfhJ4-00116-00079804-00080360 — Marilyn mentioned Harold Skeels, there were a number of other key players, I'll mention a L0EszAgfhJ4-00117-00080360-00080984 couple of them. The founding director was Bird Baldwin, who unfortunately died at a young age; L0EszAgfhJ4-00118-00080984-00081608 he died in 1928, barely 10 years after the research station had been founded. L0EszAgfhJ4-00119-00081608-00082368 But he really laid the groundwork for the Iowa Child Welfare Research Station to L0EszAgfhJ4-00120-00082368-00083024 begin to produce quantifiable research in the *physical* development of children. And L0EszAgfhJ4-00121-00083088-00083947 so the records that we have at the University Archives date to the those early years, pre-1928, L0EszAgfhJ4-00122-00084176-00085200 when Baldwin passed away. So we we do have in our collection, at the University Archives, L0EszAgfhJ4-00123-00085200-00086040 we have correspondence, we have subject files, and there are case records as well. All together L0EszAgfhJ4-00124-00086040-00086992 about 35 linear feet. Imagine a bookshelf that measures out to 30+ feet of document boxes. L0EszAgfhJ4-00125-00086992-00087376 And so we we had a substantial amount of material that L0EszAgfhJ4-00126-00087464-00088144 hopefully would have, and indeed proved that it was, of use to Marilyn's research. L0EszAgfhJ4-00127-00088232-00088792 I mentioned Harold — Marilyn already mentioned Harold Skeels, I mentioned Bird Baldwin; another L0EszAgfhJ4-00128-00088960-00089488 significant player in this period, throughout the 1930s, was Beth Wellman. L0EszAgfhJ4-00129-00089560-00090680 Beth Wellman was a PhD who was a Professor of Child Psychology at Iowa, and really initiated L0EszAgfhJ4-00130-00090904-00091632 the research in the Davenport study that Marilyn has already mentioned. And I think it gives rise L0EszAgfhJ4-00131-00091632-00092336 to what today I think we might use very casually or informally in conversation, L0EszAgfhJ4-00132-00092336-00093480 the ancient "nature versus nurture development." Y'know, which is it? And as if they are mutually L0EszAgfhJ4-00133-00093480-00094144 exclusive; I won't go into any of that, I'll leave that to the professionals in the field. L0EszAgfhJ4-00134-00094144-00094712 But this was a very exciting period at Iowa, throughout the 1930s this L0EszAgfhJ4-00135-00094712-00095480 emerging research was not without controversy, but in going through our biographical file of Dr. L0EszAgfhJ4-00136-00095480-00096304 Wellman, I came across this article reprint that appeared in Parents Magazine in 1939 L0EszAgfhJ4-00137-00096376-00097112 and the headline reads, "Can an IQ change?" and she writes of the impact of environmental L0EszAgfhJ4-00138-00097184-00097640 factors in the development of a child in terms of their intelligence; L0EszAgfhJ4-00139-00097640-00098144 this was very controversial at the time, and the fact that she shared this article L0EszAgfhJ4-00140-00098144-00098808 in popular literature like Parents Magazine in addition to the scholarly publishing that L0EszAgfhJ4-00141-00098872-00099336 she and her colleagues at Iowa had done at the time, tells me that it L0EszAgfhJ4-00142-00099336-00100148 was having quite a wide impact in not only in academic circles, but in family circles. L0EszAgfhJ4-00143-00100148-00101072 [Marilyn] Yeah, it leaped from academic understanding to the kitchen table, is really L0EszAgfhJ4-00144-00101072-00101688 what happened. And you know it's important to say that when Beth Wellman, in 1932, first discovered L0EszAgfhJ4-00145-00101744-00102384 that children who attended nursery school for more hours than other children had higher intelligence, L0EszAgfhJ4-00146-00102472-00103080 this was something she didn't believe could even happen. She and the other people in Iowa L0EszAgfhJ4-00147-00103080-00103600 in those years, early years, were just stumbling around in the dark; they were dancing in the dark, L0EszAgfhJ4-00148-00103704-00104264 and they — because they didn't understand what was going on, L0EszAgfhJ4-00149-00104328-00104904 they pushed and pushed for more research, to try and figure out L0EszAgfhJ4-00150-00104904-00104992 "How could that be?" L0EszAgfhJ4-00151-00105048-00105624 I mean it was just; intelligence was just not thought to change. It was hereditary and it was L0EszAgfhJ4-00152-00105624-00106048 "You got what you got, you got this amount," and that was it. L0EszAgfhJ4-00153-00106120-00106480 [Rich] David you mentioned the Child Welfare Research Station; L0EszAgfhJ4-00154-00106608-00106983 the documents and records of that organization, L0EszAgfhJ4-00155-00107096-00107764 but Marilyn you found you found materials in a lot of different Collections. There's L0EszAgfhJ4-00156-00107920-00108594 the Kent Photograph Collection, David maybe you could tell the viewers a little bit about that — L0EszAgfhJ4-00157-00108594-00108602 [David] Sure L0EszAgfhJ4-00158-00108602-00109016 [Rich] —and then of course the the infamous Vertical Files L0EszAgfhJ4-00159-00109159-00110080 which have been a treasure trove and an adventure for many of us, both patrons and employees alike. L0EszAgfhJ4-00160-00110192-00110400 Maybe you could tell us a little bit about those collections. L0EszAgfhJ4-00161-00110400-00110864 [David]: Sure. Well I'll take on the Kent Photo Collection first. L0EszAgfhJ4-00162-00110864-00111583 The Kent Collection is named for Frederick W Kent. Fred Kent was the University of Iowa L0EszAgfhJ4-00163-00111583-00112440 photographer for over a half century and he spent nearly his entire professional career L0EszAgfhJ4-00164-00112440-00113264 documenting events pertaining to the University, both on and off Campus; from about 1920 up until L0EszAgfhJ4-00165-00113335-00114111 the late 1960s/ early 1970s. The Collection today really forms the nucleus of additional L0EszAgfhJ4-00166-00114111-00114711 photographs that we have since received, that are thematically part of University History. L0EszAgfhJ4-00167-00114920-00115728 In Fred Kent's time it was not unusual for him to visit various programs on campus to take L0EszAgfhJ4-00168-00115728-00116472 photographs of people involved whether they were faculty, or perhaps human subjects; patients at L0EszAgfhJ4-00169-00116472-00117168 the University Hospitals. There were certainly a lot of other photographs pertaining to the Campus L0EszAgfhJ4-00170-00117168-00117840 landscape itself, but of a particular interest I think for Marilyn's book are photographs that L0EszAgfhJ4-00171-00117840-00118688 document what we have since realized are some misidentified photographs, some of L0EszAgfhJ4-00172-00118688-00119432 which identify the Davenport Orphanage. Others identify the University experimental schools L0EszAgfhJ4-00173-00119488-00120040 and we need to still need to clean that up. An archivist's work is never done; we have a lot of L0EszAgfhJ4-00174-00120144-00120776 a lot of backlog to do in processing collections and often in our very well-established collections L0EszAgfhJ4-00175-00120776-00121368 we have some mopping up to do, but we have our users to thank for that; Marilyn brought that to L0EszAgfhJ4-00176-00121368-00121983 my attention, and I promise Marilyn I will get to the bottom of it, I haven't yet but I will. L0EszAgfhJ4-00177-00121983-00122600 [Marilyn] (initially inaudible) —Because the Kent Collection really was taking pictures L0EszAgfhJ4-00178-00122600-00123224 of the *laboratory* school that the University was running, and it was very interesting to me L0EszAgfhJ4-00179-00123224-00123832 as a researcher to look at those children who were in the laboratory school, because they came from L0EszAgfhJ4-00180-00123832-00124208 middle and upper class homes, their hair was cut and shiny, L0EszAgfhJ4-00181-00124208-00124744 they were well dressed, they sat in circles, and you can see into the photographs L0EszAgfhJ4-00182-00124744-00125432 they're avidly listening. You can see them playing and being interested. But if you think about the L0EszAgfhJ4-00183-00125680-00126032 Preschool that was established on the Davenport Campus L0EszAgfhJ4-00184-00126232-00126616 those children weren't anything like these children, and no one really took too many L0EszAgfhJ4-00185-00126616-00127408 pictures of them because they weren't cute, you know, and they'd never played with anything; L0EszAgfhJ4-00186-00127408-00128048 they had no idea what to do with a toy or a book. In fact their first reaction to books was to rip L0EszAgfhJ4-00187-00128048-00128768 out the pages, and that's what they did for about six months when this day school was first started L0EszAgfhJ4-00188-00128768-00129992 at Davenport. So the contrast is so instructive, you know David, it's just a remarkable difference. L0EszAgfhJ4-00189-00129992-00130624 [David] It's a very important point of distinction, and it also, I think, illustrates L0EszAgfhJ4-00190-00130624-00131408 for us again what motivates a photographer or an author to create the work that they create. L0EszAgfhJ4-00191-00131408-00131912 I Fred Kent's case he was employed by the University and presumably was instructed or, L0EszAgfhJ4-00192-00132008-00132536 of his own volition, prepared photographs that cast the University in a positive light, L0EszAgfhJ4-00193-00132600-00133416 and you know that's marketing, I suppose and that's what we work with in terms of the types L0EszAgfhJ4-00194-00133416-00134176 of historical records we sometimes inherit, but O think it serves as a useful consumer warning that L0EszAgfhJ4-00195-00134328-00134944 these types of records sometimes are created with a particular goal or agenda in mind. And L0EszAgfhJ4-00196-00135008-00135616 unfortunately, that is the case with a number of our photographic holdings. L0EszAgfhJ4-00197-00135744-00136344 [Marilyn] But you know, one thing that's also, I think very interesting, that I did find in one L0EszAgfhJ4-00198-00136344-00137064 of the files — I don't remember exactly which one it was — I found a program from these conferences L0EszAgfhJ4-00199-00137064-00137760 that the Iowa station used to have every summer for educators. And in that, one of those L0EszAgfhJ4-00200-00137888-00138640 conference programs, I discovered that Harold Skeels was a photographer and that he L0EszAgfhJ4-00201-00138640-00139488 had created an eight millimeter film of the Orphan Children he had sent to Glenwood School, L0EszAgfhJ4-00202-00139616-00140352 and a film that was later lost, but it was shown at that conference. And also I discovered that L0EszAgfhJ4-00203-00140352-00141008 Grant Wood was at the University at that time, and he had given a talk at that very same meeting, L0EszAgfhJ4-00204-00141120-00141632 about the importance of art in children's lives. So, you know, if you just— L0EszAgfhJ4-00205-00141732-00142512 [David] —Yeah a lot of intersections, that happen and I guess that leads me to the second part of L0EszAgfhJ4-00206-00142512-00143088 your question, Rich: the Vertical Files. These are quite literally file cabinets; L0EszAgfhJ4-00207-00143088-00143688 we have rows of them in our secured stacks at the Department of Special Collections and Archives L0EszAgfhJ4-00208-00143688-00144232 and I think most Archives have one or two or more file cabinets like this, and these are L0EszAgfhJ4-00209-00144296-00144904 what I would call the incidental files that are arranged — well the clinical term for archivists L0EszAgfhJ4-00210-00144904-00145456 would be they are arranged artificially; they are an artificial collection. We receive material L0EszAgfhJ4-00211-00145456-00145936 that we drop into the appropriate folder because we think that it matches that topic, L0EszAgfhJ4-00212-00145936-00146824 and we indeed had a number of Vertical Files that proved useful for Marilyn's research. L0EszAgfhJ4-00213-00146824-00147552 [Marilyn] Yeah you very very much did, and it was in those Vertical Files that I found, L0EszAgfhJ4-00214-00147552-00148552 for example, a transcript of a meeting with the leading eugenicist journalist of the time, a guy L0EszAgfhJ4-00215-00148552-00149328 named Albert Wiggam who met; sat down, actually, and *met* with the people at the Iowa Station. L0EszAgfhJ4-00216-00149408-00150384 This meeting occurred in about 1938, and surprisingly, he was very very open to L0EszAgfhJ4-00217-00150384-00151440 hearing their ideas. And I was amazed; and it's a transcript of 17 pages, I mean really? Typed; L0EszAgfhJ4-00218-00151440-00152336 you know, there's obviously a stenographer there. Typed pages and some of the most important ideas L0EszAgfhJ4-00219-00152336-00152960 that I encountered about how the Iowa people were thinking, I learned from that transcript. L0EszAgfhJ4-00220-00153072-00153312 It was, you know, it was almost like being in the room. L0EszAgfhJ4-00221-00153544-00154068 So that was just an invaluable resource for me. L0EszAgfhJ4-00222-00154068-00154840 [Rich] So let's let's talk a little bit about how a researcher discovers these sorts of documents; L0EszAgfhJ4-00223-00154960-00155560 if there's someone out there who is doing research there; they could be a fiction writer and they L0EszAgfhJ4-00224-00155560-00156576 want to set their book in a certain time period, or someone who's doing genealogical research. L0EszAgfhJ4-00225-00156832-00157512 There are things called Finding Aids that aid the researchers in discovering L0EszAgfhJ4-00226-00157512-00158064 these kinds of documents, and David maybe you could start by talking a little bit about how L0EszAgfhJ4-00227-00158064-00158384 these Finding Aids are made and how people access them. L0EszAgfhJ4-00228-00158384-00159256 [David] Sure. Well a Finding Aid is another term for Collection Guide; it's a guide to materials L0EszAgfhJ4-00229-00159256-00160024 within a collection. It's no substitute for the material itself, but it is intended to serve as L0EszAgfhJ4-00230-00160024-00160584 an inventory and description of the material so that users can at least attempt to pinpoint L0EszAgfhJ4-00231-00160648-00161280 boxes — or even within boxes, certain folders — that they may wish to access in the course L0EszAgfhJ4-00232-00161280-00161952 of their research. Finding Aids come in many different styles; some are very detailed and L0EszAgfhJ4-00233-00161952-00162584 they may get down to the very granular level of description in a Collection, even down to the L0EszAgfhJ4-00234-00162680-00163264 Document level, if not Folder level. That's really unusual, we don't have the staff or L0EszAgfhJ4-00235-00163264-00163896 the resources to create Finding Aids across the board for all of our hundreds of collections to L0EszAgfhJ4-00236-00163992-00164520 accomplish that. We do have, I think more much more likely, we have Finding Aids that L0EszAgfhJ4-00237-00164520-00165016 are at a more general level; they give you a general sense of what the box contents are, L0EszAgfhJ4-00238-00165080-00165664 and they can still be useful in terms of guiding the user, but it may take L0EszAgfhJ4-00239-00165832-00166296 more than a little more time probably to pour through everything to get to what the L0EszAgfhJ4-00240-00166296-00167288 user may be seeking out. But the rationale for Collections, and the way that they are created L0EszAgfhJ4-00241-00167576-00168264 in the realm of Archives, is that we base Collections and their descriptions not so L0EszAgfhJ4-00242-00168264-00169032 much on their subject area, as we do with books, but rather with provenance. And so L0EszAgfhJ4-00243-00169032-00169584 you are, as a researcher; it's going to be up to you to use a little bit of L0EszAgfhJ4-00244-00169584-00170128 creativity to identify Collections that may be appropriate for for what you're seeking. L0EszAgfhJ4-00245-00170128-00170656 [Marilyn] I think that's a really important point David, because you know when you're a researcher L0EszAgfhJ4-00246-00170768-00171416 trying to make your way through, you know, mountains of material, you just never know L0EszAgfhJ4-00247-00171416-00172144 when you're going to come upon a gem. And so you kind of have to have the mindset that L0EszAgfhJ4-00248-00172144-00172488 "I'm just going to look at every every single piece of paper L0EszAgfhJ4-00249-00172488-00172912 that comes into my hand, and see what's there." L0EszAgfhJ4-00250-00172984-00173424 A lot of it won't be valuable, but then once in a while something will just light up, L0EszAgfhJ4-00251-00173488-00174032 and that happened to me multiple multiple times in in my research. L0EszAgfhJ4-00252-00174184-00175184 It was just, actually, very surprising to me how important just being assiduous L0EszAgfhJ4-00253-00175184-00175680 about every single piece of paper, because you just don't know what you're going to find. L0EszAgfhJ4-00254-00175680-00176208 [Rich] Marilyn can you tell us about some of the surprising things that you found L0EszAgfhJ4-00255-00176296-00176384 through this process? L0EszAgfhJ4-00256-00176384-00177240 [Marilyn] Sure, I can. For example, when I read the letters of Grant Wood to George L0EszAgfhJ4-00257-00177240-00177840 Stoddard and George Stoddard to Grant Wood, which are in the Vertical File and — L0EszAgfhJ4-00258-00177840-00178056 [Rich] Can you tell people? I don't think George L0EszAgfhJ4-00259-00178056-00178352 Stoddard has come up yet. Maybe you could just introduce him briefly. L0EszAgfhJ4-00260-00178352-00178680 [Marilyn] Thanks, Rich. George Stoddard was the L0EszAgfhJ4-00261-00178744-00179384 person who replaced Bird Baldwin as the director of the Iowa Station and he was L0EszAgfhJ4-00262-00179488-00180424 a very remarkable and different sort of person. He was extremely self-confident, he was brilliant, L0EszAgfhJ4-00263-00180424-00181088 he was very articulate. And when he was an under — just after he finished his L0EszAgfhJ4-00264-00181144-00181904 undergraduate studies, and speaking no French, he took himself to France, to the Sorbonne, L0EszAgfhJ4-00265-00181992-00182952 and he decided he wanted to study with the person who had been another very famous psychologist; L0EszAgfhJ4-00266-00183040-00183872 Alfred Binet's colleague. His name was Theodore Simon. Binet had died but L0EszAgfhJ4-00267-00183968-00184824 Simon took Stoddard on and allowed him to go through all — and I found this out from, L0EszAgfhJ4-00268-00184824-00185272 you know Stoddard wrote a book about it, but I also found it out from letters Stoddard wrote. L0EszAgfhJ4-00269-00185440-00186040 He allowed Stoddard to go through all of Binet's files. The important thing here is, Binet L0EszAgfhJ4-00270-00186144-00186792 believed that environment changed intelligence. And no one in America did, L0EszAgfhJ4-00271-00186792-00187456 but in France that wasn't an unusual idea, and Stoddard brought that back to the Iowa Station. L0EszAgfhJ4-00272-00187528-00188152 Then he went on to get his doctorate there; Bird Baldwin died and Stoddard was asked to become L0EszAgfhJ4-00273-00188152-00188952 the director of the Iowa Station. So now the Iowa Station is being led by somebody who is L0EszAgfhJ4-00274-00188952-00189360 very - not so — Bird Baldwin also had some of these ideas, L0EszAgfhJ4-00275-00189360-00189872 but Stoddard was much more outspoken than Bird Baldwin, and you see that in their letters. L0EszAgfhJ4-00276-00189992-00190688 And so Stoddard became a very very important person, and then when Grant Wood, L0EszAgfhJ4-00277-00190768-00191296 who was at the time the most famous American painter; the most recognized American painter, L0EszAgfhJ4-00278-00191520-00192032 got into some trouble and was being attacked by his own Iowa Department Chair, L0EszAgfhJ4-00279-00192176-00192928 a guy named Longwood, there developed a correspondence between those two people. L0EszAgfhJ4-00280-00192928-00193656 And you could see how empathic Stoddard was and how he helped Wood and how Wood L0EszAgfhJ4-00281-00193656-00194448 came to rely on him. That was a marvelous piece because someone in Stoddard's own department, L0EszAgfhJ4-00282-00194448-00195152 in the in the Iowa Station, was also very attacked, although not by somebody at Iowa, L0EszAgfhJ4-00283-00195152-00196296 and for the same reasons. So it was just an amazing sign of piecing together a story here, L0EszAgfhJ4-00284-00196360-00196912 that had never been told. And the only way I could do that was because I had these letters. L0EszAgfhJ4-00285-00197040-00197464 [Rich] I've read a review of your book that describes it as character driven, L0EszAgfhJ4-00286-00197536-00198272 which I think is really interesting for a book of this type, because you really do bring these L0EszAgfhJ4-00287-00198272-00198824 characters to life and you're able to do that through these sort of personal correspondences. L0EszAgfhJ4-00288-00198824-00198904 [Marilyn] Exactly. L0EszAgfhJ4-00289-00198904-00199640 [Rich] That sort of brings up an issue of of privacy, which a lot of people — L0EszAgfhJ4-00290-00199640-00200432 you know, it's a very contemporary issue with digital privacy, but by the same token much of L0EszAgfhJ4-00291-00200544-00201224 this correspondence, although the the characters are all primarily L0EszAgfhJ4-00292-00201320-00201936 passed away by this point — but David what are the — what can you tell us about the sort of L0EszAgfhJ4-00293-00201936-00202496 restrictions or how do you handle issues of privacy within the collections in the Archives? L0EszAgfhJ4-00294-00202680-00203280 [David] There are a number of aspects to this question; I'll address a couple of them. There L0EszAgfhJ4-00295-00203280-00204448 is a general rule of thumb that an individual's claim to privacy ceases upon death. That is a L0EszAgfhJ4-00296-00204448-00204952 very general rule, however, and it really doesn't address the matter of third-party rights. Let's L0EszAgfhJ4-00297-00204952-00205984 say that the person who received the letter, or an individual who is referred to in that letter, L0EszAgfhJ4-00298-00206136-00206823 what of those? And those are those are complicated issues at times. But in the case of the L0EszAgfhJ4-00299-00207048-00207992 Research Station records, the federal HIPAA law; HIPAA is an acronym for the uh Health, L0EszAgfhJ4-00300-00207992-00208823 Information, Portability, and Accountability Act. This is a law that was enacted back in 1996, to L0EszAgfhJ4-00301-00208823-00209352 mainly ensure that contemporary medical records not be divulged to third-parties L0EszAgfhJ4-00302-00209352-00209976 without the consent of the individuals involved; that's the the short answer, and the intent was L0EszAgfhJ4-00303-00210136-00210704 and is to curtail fraud in the healthcare industry. L0EszAgfhJ4-00304-00210704-00211264 But it also, of course, is intended to protect the privacy of individuals who may or may not have L0EszAgfhJ4-00305-00211264-00212671 consented to certain forms of experimentation. The complications arise, and in terms of HIPAA, again L0EszAgfhJ4-00306-00212671-00213944 the right to privacy for individuals who are in in some way named or identified in medical records; L0EszAgfhJ4-00307-00214056-00214928 those records cannot become public or or be publishable until 50 years after the death of that L0EszAgfhJ4-00308-00214928-00215496 individual. Now in the case of the Iowa Child Welfare Research Station records, these were L0EszAgfhJ4-00309-00215648-00216296 transferred to the University Archives back in the early 1980s, probably not very long after L0EszAgfhJ4-00310-00216296-00217023 the station had closed in 1974. By that time it was known as the Institute of Child Behavior L0EszAgfhJ4-00311-00217023-00218096 and Development. There is a gray area in terms of accessing those types of records, the individuals L0EszAgfhJ4-00312-00218096-00218776 very well might even today still be living; they are perhaps in their 90s, if they are, but the L0EszAgfhJ4-00313-00219152-00219919 provision of the law is such that so long as the identity of individuals is not divulged L0EszAgfhJ4-00314-00220192-00220816 we are not violating anyone's privacy, but I would defer to Marilyn in terms of ultimately L0EszAgfhJ4-00315-00220816-00221456 what her decision was with with regard to that. This is a collection that we had, as I said, had L0EszAgfhJ4-00316-00221623-00222492 for at least 40 years in our holdings and I saw no restrictions so noted at the time of a transfer. L0EszAgfhJ4-00317-00222492-00222896 [Marilyn] So Harold Skeels died in 1970 L0EszAgfhJ4-00318-00223071-00224319 which means as of 2020 50 years had passed since his death, and people at Norton and I discussed L0EszAgfhJ4-00319-00224440-00225119 some of this because I began to get an understanding of Harold Skeels that was L0EszAgfhJ4-00320-00225119-00226480 entirely different from the one I originally had and Skeels was very very targeted um by some of L0EszAgfhJ4-00321-00226480-00226976 American psychologists; the leading American psychologists, who were eugenicists, for his L0EszAgfhJ4-00322-00226976-00227856 views. He was more targeted even than the other people who were at distinction at the same time. L0EszAgfhJ4-00323-00228271-00229464 There's from Marie Skodak, there are comments that suggest that Harold might have been a closeted L0EszAgfhJ4-00324-00229464-00230296 homosexual, and she doesn't say that but one can't escape the idea that perhaps that had something L0EszAgfhJ4-00325-00230296-00230928 to do in the 1930s with his being targeted, since that was exactly what was going on with L0EszAgfhJ4-00326-00230928-00231871 Grant Wood at the same time — and with many other people. And so I looked for other evidence about L0EszAgfhJ4-00327-00231871-00232584 his sexuality, and about the fact that he might be hiding something, because if he admitted to this, L0EszAgfhJ4-00328-00232719-00233167 he would have lost his position, he would have lost his — no one would have taken his L0EszAgfhJ4-00329-00233167-00233919 work seriously, and I think George Stoddard really tried to protect him, and did protect him. And the L0EszAgfhJ4-00330-00233919-00234776 evidence that I found uh really had to do with how his behavior changed after these attacks began. L0EszAgfhJ4-00331-00234864-00235919 So here was a guy who was a ebullient, and who had a lot of friends, and who was able to organize all L0EszAgfhJ4-00332-00235919-00236608 kinds of research studies because people liked him and he could call together his relationships from L0EszAgfhJ4-00333-00236608-00237592 various parts of Iowa and the Iowa Station and other institutions, and he became very secretive. L0EszAgfhJ4-00334-00237680-00238328 And didn't talk about himself, and never let anyone know in the future what work he had done. L0EszAgfhJ4-00335-00238392-00239280 so he went on to NIMH and at NIMH he worked supervising someone by the name of Simon Oster, L0EszAgfhJ4-00336-00239392-00240080 and Simon was a psychiatrist. And Simon had no idea what Skeels had done in Iowa. L0EszAgfhJ4-00337-00240080-00240823 None. And we know that from Simon's letters to a very famous psychologist L0EszAgfhJ4-00338-00240823-00241496 in Great Britain who in fact this woman, Margaret Loewenfeld, invented child therapy. L0EszAgfhJ4-00339-00241623-00242528 Play therapy. And Simon — she asked Simon to get information for her about other psychologists and L0EszAgfhJ4-00340-00242528-00243112 he looked into Skeels, and he was no longer working with Skeels, but he was astonished L0EszAgfhJ4-00341-00243112-00243623 to discover what Skeels had done in Iowa. This was 30 years later and he had no idea. L0EszAgfhJ4-00342-00243623-00243819 [Rich] Wow. Amazing. L0EszAgfhJ4-00343-00243819-00244415 [Marilyn] And this is all in letters that he wrote and she wrote. Which I also found; I didn't find L0EszAgfhJ4-00344-00244416-00245088 those here.. I found those in another archive. So that opened up a whole area for me. Why did this L0EszAgfhJ4-00345-00245088-00246119 man hide? And then I found Simon and I was able to interview Simon Oster twice. And Simon told me L0EszAgfhJ4-00346-00246200-00246880 that he said he was just very private; it wasn't personal he didn't hold anything against you, L0EszAgfhJ4-00347-00246880-00247696 but he never talked about his own life. Marie Skodak said the same thing about him. So I said, L0EszAgfhJ4-00348-00247696-00247848 "Something's going on here." L0EszAgfhJ4-00349-00247848-00248536 I never come out and say he was a homosexual; I can't. You know, I consulted with another writer, L0EszAgfhJ4-00350-00248719-00249160 Tripp Evans, who wrote the Grant Wood biography, L0EszAgfhJ4-00351-00249296-00249696 and I told him that I just didn't know what to do, and he said, L0EszAgfhJ4-00352-00249696-00250344 "Marilyn, you have an obligation, on a responsibility to — this sounds like you L0EszAgfhJ4-00353-00250344-00250896 have enough evidence from that time. Nobody wrote that down then it was just a different time." L0EszAgfhJ4-00354-00250967-00251767 And so I went with it, but I can tell you that my editors at Norton weren't that happy about it. L0EszAgfhJ4-00355-00251767-00252184 They didn't stop me, and it went through their legal department, L0EszAgfhJ4-00356-00252319-00252884 and it's in my book; but it wasn't something they liked. L0EszAgfhJ4-00357-00252884-00253632 [David] This is a dilemma that researchers encounter in instances where there are L0EszAgfhJ4-00358-00253632-00254319 attempts to document the lives of people who are essentially sanctioned by the state. L0EszAgfhJ4-00359-00254319-00255271 They cannot, they must not, document the truth of themselves. And it was only really, fairly L0EszAgfhJ4-00360-00255271-00256167 recently, that the type of self-documented truth can be revealed. And it's it's tragic really but L0EszAgfhJ4-00361-00256167-00256767 it's also a consequence of the types of records that we have at our disposal to to work with. L0EszAgfhJ4-00362-00256852-00257600 [Rich] Well, we are rapidly running out of time, but I'd like to wrap up by asking each of you L0EszAgfhJ4-00363-00257767-00258432 if you can give a little advice to researchers. Marilyn maybe you could start by giving advice L0EszAgfhJ4-00364-00258432-00259144 to researchers who want to embark on a project for the first time using Archives, and David maybe you L0EszAgfhJ4-00365-00259144-00259919 could uh take a shot at that from the position of an Archivist and maybe tell users a little L0EszAgfhJ4-00366-00259919-00260596 bit about how they might use the University of Iowa Archives as an outside researcher. L0EszAgfhJ4-00367-00260596-00261328 [Marilyn] You know, the only place I think a researcher is going to find the fascinating trail, L0EszAgfhJ4-00368-00261480-00262504 that may reveal some truths, is in Archives. And no, I feel like if I could get up every day and L0EszAgfhJ4-00369-00262504-00263240 go to an Archive, that would be my very best life. The thrill of discovering something no L0EszAgfhJ4-00370-00263240-00264200 one else knew, no one else guessed, is something that's hard even to describe in any way that, L0EszAgfhJ4-00371-00264200-00265120 you know, won't make you sound like an idiot. But that really was one of the most wonderful parts L0EszAgfhJ4-00372-00265120-00265648 of working in the Archives, at Iowa and then all these others that I went to. L0EszAgfhJ4-00373-00265704-00266432 [Rich] That's a great description and it's that kind of passion is — it's what makes L0EszAgfhJ4-00374-00266432-00266832 uh what makes doing this kind of work fun on a day-to-day basis for sure. L0EszAgfhJ4-00375-00266952-00267256 David, would you like to wrap up with the comments? L0EszAgfhJ4-00376-00267256-00267712 [David] Well, I really appreciated hearing Marilyn's insights both L0EszAgfhJ4-00377-00267768-00268240 with regard to her experience here but also at other institutional repositories. L0EszAgfhJ4-00378-00268512-00269000 It can be a really amazing experience for a researcher to go into an Archive, L0EszAgfhJ4-00379-00269000-00269640 so I would invite people to look at our website, look at other institutions, websites, check out a L0EszAgfhJ4-00380-00269640-00270328 database called Archive Finder; there are research libraries which subscribe to this including the L0EszAgfhJ4-00381-00270328-00270888 University of Iowa if you have a HawkID or even if you don't, you can get a guest pass, and you L0EszAgfhJ4-00382-00270888-00271624 can access Archive Finder and identify literally thousands of collections across North America L0EszAgfhJ4-00383-00271624-00272272 that may be pertinent to the topic that you're researching. I just have to say that Archives are L0EszAgfhJ4-00384-00272272-00272904 for everyone; they're not only for academic researchers, but they're for genealogists, L0EszAgfhJ4-00385-00272904-00273504 historic preservationists who are researching property that they are seeking to get a grant for L0EszAgfhJ4-00386-00273608-00274232 to preserve, and I dare say it's for the sports trivia buff who wants to settle an argument. L0EszAgfhJ4-00387-00274304-00275080 We have all kinds of information and we're always ready to help, so reach out to us, ask any of us L0EszAgfhJ4-00388-00275080-00275580 on staff questions you might have and we'll do our best to steer you in that direction. L0EszAgfhJ4-00389-00275580-00276312 [Rich] Great. Well, this has been a great conversation, I thank you both, Marilyn Brookwood L0EszAgfhJ4-00390-00276312-00277024 author of the Orphans of Davenport and University of Iowa archivist David McCartney. Thank you both, L0EszAgfhJ4-00391-00277024-00277592 and I've really enjoyed this discussion, and I know our viewers will too so thank you very much. L0EszAgfhJ4-00392-00277592-00277784 [Marilyn] Thank you. Thank you so much. L0EszAgfhJ4-00393-00277784-00278320 [David] Thank you Rich L9j0Ieb4b0E-00000-00003450-00004134 Stacey Krim (she/her): Hello everyone, welcome to the Martha blakeney hodges special collections and university archives anniversary speaker series. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00001-00004179-00004719 Stacey Krim (she/her): My name is Stacy chrome and i'm the curator of manuscripts and special collections and university archives. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00002-00004776-00005682 Stacey Krim (she/her): Today, I have the honor of introducing our guest Aaron Laura Morris professor and university archivist at the University of North Carolina at greensboro borough. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00003-00005727-00006711 Stacey Krim (she/her): where she has served as university archivists since 2011 in this role, she is responsible for collecting preserving and promoting the history of unc. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00004-00006744-00007503 Stacey Krim (she/her): from its earliest create creation in this as the state normal and industrial school in 1891 through today. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00005-00007584-00009453 Stacey Krim (she/her): She is also the Co creator of well crafted and see our research project focused on documenting the history of beer and brewing in North Carolina for other research interests include Community engagement archival practice archival outreach and American archival history and development. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00006-00009600-00010578 Stacey Krim (she/her): Aaron holds a bachelor's degree in English from Duke and a masters of science and information studies from the University of Texas at Austin. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00007-00011394-00011496 Stacey Krim (she/her): looks like we have a. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00008-00011742-00011826 Stacey Krim (she/her): zoom bomber. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00009-00011964-00012903 Stacey Krim (she/her): She previously worked as assistant head curator a special collections and research collections research Center at North Carolina State University. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00010-00012969-00014688 Stacey Krim (she/her): And, as coordinator for acquisitions and processing at the University of Tennessee special collections library, she has been an active member of the society of American arc of this since 2001 and served on the organization's Council from 2016 to 2019. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00011-00014796-00015477 Stacey Krim (she/her): In today's presentation, bringing unc geez past to the present building and teaching with university archives. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00012-00015534-00016806 Stacey Krim (she/her): And we'll talk about how you mcg special collections and archives incorporates university history in the classroom instruction, as well as other aspects of campus life, thank you for speaking with us today Aaron. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00013-00017154-00017808 Erin Lawrimore: hi everybody I hate to turn my camera on, because then you don't get to see a picture of Jasper, in his backpack anymore, but. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00014-00017985-00018789 Erin Lawrimore: i'm going to like she said i'm going to talk today with you about um basically what we do here in your mercy archives in terms of instruction. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00015-00019092-00019821 Erin Lawrimore: And, and I am not going to read bethany comments in the chat because, as always, they are hilarious and distracting. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00016-00020109-00020808 Erin Lawrimore: So i'm going to share my screen with you because I do have some photos that i'd like to have you guys see along the way. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00017-00021195-00021345 Erin Lawrimore: y'all able to see that. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00018-00021576-00021780 Erin Lawrimore: Yes, awesome. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00019-00021834-00021897 um. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00020-00022383-00022482 Erin Lawrimore: So i'm. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00021-00022710-00023811 Erin Lawrimore: Bringing you with us past present what are we, what are we thinking about here totally we do this in a lot of ways, I mean it's the purpose of why we do what we do. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00022-00023907-00024519 Erin Lawrimore: And i'm certainly not the only person in our department, he does it in fact instruction actually is vital across our department. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00023-00024558-00025739 Erin Lawrimore: interval all of our jobs every single person in special collections in university archives and not just instruction in general but instruction that uses our universities, history and university archives. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00024-00025872-00027456 Erin Lawrimore: You know, we incorporate that in different ways, whether someone's teaching about the history of theater or the history of women veterans the university in a lot of ways, and the history of the university in the history of student life for the history faculty ties into that. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00025-00027582-00028749 Erin Lawrimore: Both in terms of subject matter, but also just as good exemplars of primary sources, I do want to give a shout out and i'm not sure if she's on here or not, but to Kathleen Smith, who is. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00026-00028818-00029427 Erin Lawrimore: She currently has like five job titles, she is but the one primarily related to this is. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00027-00029483-00030627 Erin Lawrimore: she's our instruction archivist and so Kathleen has done some excellent work coordinating instruction work across the department, but also between our department with other folks on campus. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00028-00030699-00032472 Erin Lawrimore: We do basically semester by semester scans of the course catalogs to identify classes, where we might be able to make an impact and might be able to work with faculty members to provide students with learning opportunities and resources that i'll talk a little bit more about in a bit. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00029-00032673-00034878 Erin Lawrimore: So just to give you a picture of our instruction and this is based on some will just say some loose data, but this is from fall of 2019 to spring of 2022 and there was a couple of Asterix five of those six semesters are pandemic times, where restrictions to our. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00030-00035028-00036372 Erin Lawrimore: How many people could be in our research room led to a lot of issues in terms of being able to physically bring larger classes and i'm also a lot of classes transition to online learning um. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00031-00036417-00038010 Erin Lawrimore: We certainly also transferred, a lot of our materials over are a lot of our instruction over to online learning, but you know there's been a lot of change and a lot of sudden change and a lot of change that probably will be sustained during these semesters but since follow. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00032-00038148-00039276 Erin Lawrimore: Our department has helped 376 instructional sessions and that only counts instructional sessions library instructional sessions, where we're working with a faculty Member to. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00033-00039345-00040344 Erin Lawrimore: Bring primary sources or bring our instructional practices into their classroom here on you and cgs campus and that's a lot of caveats to put on it, because we've also taught. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00034-00040383-00041217 Erin Lawrimore: instructional sessions at other colleges, I know personally during that time period i've also done some instructional sessions at Chapel hill. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00035-00041373-00041880 Erin Lawrimore: At guilford college and then for an online course at Georgia State University in Atlanta. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00036-00041916-00042732 Erin Lawrimore: It also doesn't include courses where school faculty were the instructor of record meaning they were the person who was the Faculty Member teaching the class. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00037-00042792-00043794 Erin Lawrimore: During that same time period we had 11 of those classes seven in the lie is program the library information sciences program So those are graduate level courses. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00038-00043854-00044619 Erin Lawrimore: Three that i've taught that i'll talk about in a bit in the honors program so undergraduate classes and then one that I actually just wrapped up a week ago. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00039-00044673-00046455 Erin Lawrimore: There was a graduate course in the history department, and so you know we're making this great impact and bringing not just our materials, but our resources and our expertise across campus in a number of different ways and impacting again over 8000 students during this time period. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00040-00046602-00047463 Erin Lawrimore: here's an example of some of the departments that we work with I think most people would kind of stereotypically think oh we're working with. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00041-00047496-00048768 Erin Lawrimore: History or English and we do those are kind of some of our heavy hitters along with library information sciences, but just for comparison say we taught during this time period 25 courses. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00042-00048837-00050109 Erin Lawrimore: sessions for the history department during that same time we also had 25 core sessions for residential colleges classes, we have 22 for African American and African diaspora studies we have 24 kinesiology. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00043-00050196-00050784 Erin Lawrimore: So this is an impact that is reaching across campus we're working with folks in. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00044-00050898-00051159 Erin Lawrimore: A lot of different ways, with a lot of different. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00045-00051264-00052347 Erin Lawrimore: goals in mind, and you know that necessitates a lot of you're shifting across the department obviously again everyone in the department is teaching these classes. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00046-00052379-00052860 Erin Lawrimore: But no, to class sessions are just alike um and so. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00047-00052902-00054171 Erin Lawrimore: You know, not only are you never teaching the same class twice, which might not ever be teaching, you know that at 100 students that you saw on the previous slide isn't necessarily the same class 10 times um. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00048-00054270-00055386 Erin Lawrimore: It may be a small number of students and African American studies and then some more in communication studies and then some more in educational leadership and then some honors college students it's a it's a wide it's a wide range. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00049-00055524-00057254 Erin Lawrimore: So to kind of dig down a little bit more to the topic at hand, we all want to stay on topic university history and university archives into curriculum, how do we, how do we bring that in what what does that mean and what do we do what are some examples of how we do that. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00050-00057392-00058146 Erin Lawrimore: So one of the things we do is we help our students learn about historical context, both here the university and in the local community. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00051-00058185-00058737 Erin Lawrimore: A lot of times this isn't exactly the students coming in and physically getting their hands on archival materials. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00052-00058794-00060027 Erin Lawrimore: it's not them learning research skills it's them learning content in a lot of ways, there were taking on the responsibility of being university historians, so not just the university archivist. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00053-00060092-00060222 Erin Lawrimore: But the person who's kind of. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00054-00060305-00061107 Erin Lawrimore: Teaching about the history, the university and the history, the university is an interesting it's an interesting topic to look at because. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00055-00061130-00062427 Erin Lawrimore: The history of the university sounds very narrow in scope, but if you start thinking about it, the university is really just a microcosm of our greater Community of greensboro of North Carolina of the United States and of the world. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00056-00062487-00063645 Erin Lawrimore: Global issues impact people here on campus and we can use university archives as a local way to introduce students to these broader concepts. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00057-00063744-00064452 Erin Lawrimore: It also teaches students teaching students about the history of the university also kind of helps them for distance of place and belonging. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00058-00064545-00065070 Erin Lawrimore: It positions, the students within a broader Community when they learn about. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00059-00065112-00066012 Erin Lawrimore: You know why the EU see is named the Elliot university Center which i'll be honest, some of them have didn't actually know it was called the elite universities that are they just knew you see. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00060-00066090-00067215 Erin Lawrimore: When they learned the story behind these places, though i've had multiple students flat out tell me I enjoyed my friends, all the time by telling them did you know that this event was held at the uc in 1968. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00061-00067407-00068907 Erin Lawrimore: They can identify these key events and people in university history and they understand the place they understand the people and they understand the way that these events in university history in these places in university history and these things they pass every single day. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00062-00069051-00070383 Erin Lawrimore: Both again have an impact on where we are today at the University, but also can have a broader impact on the local history state history, regional, national history and events. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00063-00070491-00070767 Erin Lawrimore: It allows them to make that connection, a little bit more easily. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00064-00070989-00071880 Erin Lawrimore: So beyond that we also work with students a lot on identifying and finding primary sources um a lot of our classes REACH. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00065-00071952-00072801 Erin Lawrimore: first year, students and introduce them to the ability to find information in particular sources primary source. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00066-00072879-00073827 Erin Lawrimore: document interpretation and analysis, some of the courses then build on that and go more into how to dig through an archival collection, which, if any of y'all have ever done. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00067-00073860-00075522 Erin Lawrimore: archival research, it can be an overwhelming process to just have a finding aid and know that there are five boxes and you have to come up with something from that it's not an easy task, and so we kind of scaffold this approach across. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00068-00075624-00077547 Erin Lawrimore: Across our instruction, yes, Patrick says here's 200 bucks it's a lot um you know we scaffold our approaches and introducing students to interpretation and research in this way, and so a lot of these courses kind of fall into English and history, but there are some other classes. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00069-00077694-00077967 Erin Lawrimore: That dig into this a little bit deeper. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00070-00078105-00078708 Erin Lawrimore: I work with a residential college class that i'll be talking about in a bit and we'll show some examples of how we dig in. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00071-00078777-00079761 Erin Lawrimore: To this interpretation side of things, how we focus on helping these first year students see a historical documents something that's not a published book or a journal article. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00072-00079791-00081498 Erin Lawrimore: Something that is a letter or a memorandum or a photograph or an oral history interview, how do you take that plus another thing like that plus and other things like that and stitch it together to develop a narrative and again we'll talk i'll talk more about that in a little bit. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00073-00081678-00082821 Erin Lawrimore: We also talked about examining the context of creation and bias So how do we critically question the motives behind the production of the records like. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00074-00082950-00083967 Erin Lawrimore: When this document was created what was going on what led to its creation, what, why did the person create it and what biases did the person who created it house. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00075-00084072-00085365 Erin Lawrimore: You know, one of the things that often pops up when we start talking with students about archives is inevitably there'll be a student who says well archives, are the truth there the raw history and that's not always. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00076-00085422-00086841 Erin Lawrimore: You know, to get hardcore postmodern that's not a thing um you know the truth that you find in archives most often is a person's interpretation of what they see or saw or felt or. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00077-00086892-00087684 Erin Lawrimore: What happened, but how I might experience something and describe it is going to be completely different from how Shelby might. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00078-00087717-00089157 Erin Lawrimore: Experience or see something we you know our personal backgrounds come into that and it really is going to affect how we're describing what we see how we're recording what we see whether we record what we see and then. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00079-00089226-00091059 Erin Lawrimore: You know 510 1550 years later, when that ends up in the archives how someone else who we don't know and he doesn't know us might interpret that so basically How does your individual background or position or biases impact the the documents in the archives that were say. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00080-00091167-00092286 Erin Lawrimore: um you know that's actually a really useful thing for the students, both in archival research, but it also comes into play when we're talking about like media literacy and being just a good citizen who can. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00081-00092337-00093087 Erin Lawrimore: Think through where your news is coming from and what you're seeing on Facebook and whether it's a reliable source it kind of falls into that larger. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00082-00093252-00093372 Erin Lawrimore: Larger category. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00083-00093519-00094146 Erin Lawrimore: So one of the things I also strongly emphasize to students, as the importance of understanding article silences. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00084-00094173-00095262 Erin Lawrimore: So this is kind of the thought of understanding that article collections are impacted by selection there's there's a human being involved in. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00085-00095298-00096585 Erin Lawrimore: Both creating the materials themselves, as well as getting the materials to the archives, as well as processing the materials to get before it ever even gets into your hands, it goes through a lot of different people. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00086-00096759-00097623 Erin Lawrimore: Things can happen along the way, either intentionally or unintentionally that affect what gets to you at the end you know we're archivists we're not hoarders. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00087-00097740-00098994 Erin Lawrimore: We don't collect every you know, like our goal our perfect goal is not to have every document ever created ordered in a box somewhere, you went through the materials, you have to see you know. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00088-00099039-00099660 Erin Lawrimore: it's a it's a forest for the trees approach we kind of call things down so that you can see, the big picture. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00089-00099726-00101208 Erin Lawrimore: You might not have every single detail and yeah it might state that in 10 years we realized that this one document that was created by a person who was a student at the time, but we didn't keep their you know. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00090-00101319-00102297 Erin Lawrimore: I don't know something that they wrote if they grew up to be Stephen King that might stink we might be like dang I wish i'd kept that but um. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00091-00102408-00103583 Erin Lawrimore: You know, we can get we have limited space and that's turning the digital role to you, we have made shifts to born digital archiving and keeping digital resources, but you know. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00092-00103674-00104445 Erin Lawrimore: There is not a magical cloud and place to put all things digital just like there's not a magical space to put all things physical. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00093-00104526-00105627 Erin Lawrimore: And so selections are made, but also we talked a lot about selections that are made on the other side of things before they ever even come to the archives I don't know if how many of y'all have seen Hamilton. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00094-00105741-00106701 Erin Lawrimore: there's a scene in Hamilton we're allies, I Hamilton burns the letters between her and Alexander she's removing herself from the narrative and. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00095-00106806-00107445 Erin Lawrimore: You know people do that, and they do it for numerous reasons they do that because. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00096-00107475-00108158 Erin Lawrimore: You know they do want to actually remove themselves from the narrative for their own personal purposes, sometimes they do that because. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00097-00108189-00109184 Erin Lawrimore: it's not safe for their history to be recorded in a way, where it can be held against them in you know, a court of law or by anyone else in the future. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00098-00109248-00110388 Erin Lawrimore: There power dynamics that come into play in terms of creating records and then they're just some cultures, where record creation and the way we think about it for archives just isn't how history is recorded. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00099-00110463-00111099 Erin Lawrimore: Their narrative cultures, where that's how stories and histories are passed down is through you know. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00100-00111134-00111927 Erin Lawrimore: You tell the next generation who tells the next generation and you're never physically sitting down and writing things into a you know, in a formal way. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00101-00111957-00112863 Erin Lawrimore: And so, thinking about these silences and how that impacts, the history and the story we're telling is also super important something that we emphasize to our students. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00102-00113009-00113660 Erin Lawrimore: And finally, we go into interpreting and integrating these primary sources into. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00103-00113823-00114201 Erin Lawrimore: papers presentations other types of things, and this. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00104-00114324-00115194 Erin Lawrimore: has a lot of complications that some of you some of you may not think of off the top of your head, but once I say then you'll go oh yeah i'm you know one piece of this is. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00105-00115263-00116013 Erin Lawrimore: Helping students learn how to read cursive handwriting um that's a challenge and i'll be honest it's. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00106-00116084-00117627 Erin Lawrimore: it's a challenge for any of us, I yeah as Patrick said he still struggles, I do too um you know there's there's some handwriting that's beautiful to read there's some handwriting that is not beautiful to read. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00107-00117822-00119070 Erin Lawrimore: there's some handwriting that is so tiny and chicken scratchy that no one can ever read it, and then there's even questions where Sean mentioned civil war letters, a lot of times during the civil war or other places and times when. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00108-00119256-00120222 Erin Lawrimore: There was, you know not ready access to paper people would actually right and then turn the paper 90 degrees and continue writing. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00109-00120315-00121644 Erin Lawrimore: So you even have writing on top of writing, and you have to kind of honestly use these paper another piece of paper kind of scroll over that to help read the lines it's it's not easy and it's not simply you know. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00110-00121704-00122364 Erin Lawrimore: Teach cursive and we'll all be cool um you know reading these documents can be can be a challenge. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00111-00122427-00123741 Erin Lawrimore: um, but we also want to teach them how to take these primary sources these these kind of raw documents from history and combine them with secondary sources textbooks other materials that are published. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00112-00123860-00124653 Erin Lawrimore: by other you know interpret other people's interpretations and kind of put them in a conversation with each other so that they can think about. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00113-00124784-00125609 Erin Lawrimore: You know, questioning a secondary source it one of the things that i've seen students realize that always kind of makes me smile. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00114-00125660-00126639 Erin Lawrimore: Is a lot of them will come in thinking Oh, I was told this official narrative is you know I read this on the official university website so it must be true, as the whole entire story. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00115-00126699-00128118 Erin Lawrimore: But then they start seeing these primary source documents and they start asking questions and they start realizing not only that there are questions that can be asked, but they're like they legitimately can be the people who asked them, it gives them that power to. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00116-00128313-00129054 Erin Lawrimore: to question what they might have considered some sort of authority like be all end all authority source. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00117-00129158-00130047 Erin Lawrimore: And then we also, of course, give them a lot of experience and lectures on acknowledging and citing sources of information. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00118-00130167-00130890 Erin Lawrimore: That can be it honestly that's tricky in any situation I there's nothing I hate more than having to think about like. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00119-00130980-00131784 Erin Lawrimore: How to format a footnote in whatever guidelines that particular journal is going to force me to use. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00120-00131868-00132717 Erin Lawrimore: It annoys me but i'm you know, citing your sources and tracking your sources as you're doing research, and this is particularly interesting. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00121-00132741-00133581 Erin Lawrimore: and important for students who are doing long term research and masters PhD students or even undergraduates who are working on independent research or. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00122-00133740-00134040 Erin Lawrimore: You know, some sort of honors paper or something like that. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00123-00134160-00135324 Erin Lawrimore: tracking as you do your research, where the materials are coming from and again it kind of all goes back to that context where did you get this and what was the context in which you found it. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00124-00135411-00136284 Erin Lawrimore: context is a really big thing to archivists we maintain context, at all times in terms of keeping collections together in terms of trying our best to. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00125-00136371-00138303 Erin Lawrimore: maintain and demonstrate how the person who created the collection kept it all of that gets factored into what we do and we teach the students about that and about how important that is both when again when they're using the information to to create their. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00126-00138423-00138651 Erin Lawrimore: narrative or whatever it is that they're developing. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00127-00138906-00140721 Erin Lawrimore: So an example, please um, this is one of my favorite classes, that I work with i've worked with Dr Sarah kalona, who is now i'm the assistant director of grogan residential oh hey Sarah sarah's here um so. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00128-00140838-00141348 Erin Lawrimore: She can correct me if I say anything wrong um so i've worked with Sarah for. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00129-00141459-00142203 Erin Lawrimore: Many, many, many, many years now going back to when she was working on her dissertation um but. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00130-00142272-00142887 Erin Lawrimore: One of my favorite classes that are work with every year is her residential college class in grogan. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00131-00142938-00143682 Erin Lawrimore: used to be 189 now it's 215 it's the same class, the theme of that was the question of of education and so. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00132-00143775-00144534 Erin Lawrimore: This is a class where Sarah has done some great work to kind of divided into three. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00133-00144621-00145422 Erin Lawrimore: chunks once focused on local one is focused on our personal one is focused on local and one is focused on global. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00134-00145458-00146391 Erin Lawrimore: And they're looking at questioning education and building their ability to question their education through these different lenses as they go along so. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00135-00146457-00147471 Erin Lawrimore: I come in during the local portion of that and we talked a lot about university history and how the university that hopefully they will graduate from. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00136-00147630-00148521 Erin Lawrimore: Is is kind of factoring into what to this bigger picture of their their education and education as a whole. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00137-00148641-00149187 Erin Lawrimore: So students began this section, with an exploration of unc geez past. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00138-00149316-00150477 Erin Lawrimore: First, begin subjected to a series of guest lectures probably not the most exciting piece to them, but it really is the part of the browns and build that foundation for building forward. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00139-00150558-00151416 Erin Lawrimore: So they first start with an initial introduction to campus history where they're given a very basic and broad overview of the development of the university. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00140-00151494-00152868 Erin Lawrimore: focus on the university from 1891 when it was initially chartered through now um I always tell them, it may replicate a lot of what they heard as part of the campus tour or during their orientation. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00141-00152964-00154008 Erin Lawrimore: Or what they read on the unc EDU website it's a story that's intentionally in some ways superficial it's just an overview and it's as straightforward as possible. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00142-00154059-00154683 Erin Lawrimore: Because, after we do that we move into two more sections where we're complicating that history. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00143-00154776-00155904 Erin Lawrimore: We build on it with to follow up lectures, the first of those is follow is focused on the history of African Americans that you mcg from its founding through the President, so that starts with a conversation of. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00144-00155973-00156600 Erin Lawrimore: African American workers who were here, well before the campus December eight and 1956. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00145-00156729-00158274 Erin Lawrimore: The students have to listen to me talk about as eq Robinson at length, but also all of the other people who are fundamental to making sure that this university honestly survived and just function on a day to day basis for its first 60 years. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00146-00158427-00159234 Erin Lawrimore: We talked about the student experience with Joanne smart and Betty tillman coming to campus as the first two black students and fall of 1956. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00147-00159273-00159792 Erin Lawrimore: We talked about student involvement in the civil rights movement, the history of any black society. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00148-00159858-00160767 Erin Lawrimore: The history of African American and African diaspora studies, these are all aspects with where, with the exception of campus desegregation. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00149-00160839-00161820 Erin Lawrimore: it's typically included in kind of a general discussion of university history, these are things that are normally talked about on the campus tour, and so we add on to that. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00150-00161925-00162660 Erin Lawrimore: And then, my colleague Stacy who popped up to do an introduction comes in, and does the second presentation i'm. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00151-00162765-00164250 Erin Lawrimore: University history, through an LGBT Q plus lens on both queer students and faculty and staff and so these are lectures that are intended not only to provide additional invaluable information to the students. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00152-00164397-00164952 Erin Lawrimore: but also to introduce them to the idea of perspective in historical research and storytelling. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00153-00165000-00166002 Erin Lawrimore: We actually start asking why are many of the key people, people and events that are included in the African American or LGBT Q plus presentation. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00154-00166041-00166539 Erin Lawrimore: Why are they not included on the general campus tour why aren't they talked about. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00155-00166635-00167787 Erin Lawrimore: whose voice viewpoints are included, whose viewpoints are talked about and here's your points her either intentionally or unintentionally silenced in kind of our popular history on campus. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00156-00167823-00168900 Erin Lawrimore: And so we start helping the students realize that there are multiple histories there's not like one right answer to history. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00157-00169038-00170469 Erin Lawrimore: And and and that multiple perspectives can lead to multiple histories and so that leads to a project called the three perspectives project, which is one of my favorite things um if you want see i'll put this in the. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00158-00170607-00170730 Erin Lawrimore: chat to. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00159-00170859-00172488 Erin Lawrimore: Assuming I typed it right um if you go to that link it's going to open up a PDF document that's actually a it's it's basically be packet of information that I put together for one of the groups of students on on this three perspectives project i'm. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00160-00172605-00173523 Erin Lawrimore: In this assignment students were divided in small groups of three or four somewhere around there and they're given a curated package package of documents on a single topic in university history. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00161-00173634-00174915 Erin Lawrimore: They have a wide range of topics that includes desegregation of the university in 1956 student participation in the World War citizens of 1960, which is the pocket that you have it, that link. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00162-00174960-00176292 Erin Lawrimore: And a student led protest of local businesses on tape street in 1963 each packet contains about a dozen or so primary source documents that I selected as well as one of our spark and stories. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00163-00176349-00177960 Erin Lawrimore: A short contextual essay that's around the designated event, these are all events that they heard about in one of the previous lectures, but you know it never hurts to have something written out in front of them, while they're going through the documents themselves and so these documents. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00164-00178104-00178296 Erin Lawrimore: represent three perspectives. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00165-00178401-00179472 Erin Lawrimore: perspectives of different individuals who typically impact or were impacted by the university's actions and decisions around this event or this topic. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00166-00179571-00181023 Erin Lawrimore: So they'll see the perspective of a student so here it's a clip they actually get a copy of an oral history interview with one of the white students from women's college who participated in the woolworth sedans. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00167-00181170-00181467 Erin Lawrimore: They get perspectives of campus administration. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00168-00181647-00182976 Erin Lawrimore: This is from a newspaper article talking about Chancellor blackwell he was urging the students to have a patient attitude and basically not to participate in the protest but to wait for other things to happen. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00169-00183105-00183882 Erin Lawrimore: And then the third perspective is someone who's not related to the university directly but is in some way, shape or form. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00170-00184041-00184380 Erin Lawrimore: involved in this event so here you have. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00171-00184599-00185817 Erin Lawrimore: A little picture from curly harris's he was poorly Harris was the manager of the wars, he was very much of the opinion that if people had just asked nicely, he would have happily let people come sit at his counter. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00172-00185871-00187374 Erin Lawrimore: um we have these diaries as part of the collection, and so the students have all of these documents, some of which are from the time, some of which are reflections on the time so poorly harris's report was written. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00173-00187413-00188838 Erin Lawrimore: His his personal screed was written, I want to say in early 80s, if I remember right the oral history interview was done and about 2010 so again, this was 1968 is when this event happened and. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00174-00188883-00190440 Erin Lawrimore: I tell students all the time that you know if you asked me about my experiences in high school now I probably have to give you a significantly different answer about whether or not I enjoyed high school than I would have given you in when I was 18 years old. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00175-00190581-00191589 Erin Lawrimore: You know i'm going to remember different things, and for better or worse i'm going to remember them in different ways, and so you know we start talking about all of these things and we start talking about. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00176-00191688-00192372 Erin Lawrimore: How, all of this comes together to just make it so that a narrative of students went. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00177-00192453-00193419 Erin Lawrimore: To the lunch counter and sat there and then everything magically was desegregated and now we're the most diverse campus in the unc system of historically white schools. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00178-00193467-00194214 Erin Lawrimore: it's it's more complicated than that, and so we work really hard to make sure students are able to kind of think through that. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00179-00194316-00195483 Erin Lawrimore: and use these packets to to practice their critical thinking and analysis skills, the students do a presentation at the end of this where they've been shared their efforts with. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00180-00195594-00196170 Erin Lawrimore: With their classmates they talked about the different perspectives that were in their pocket and they talk about. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00181-00196398-00197814 Erin Lawrimore: Why the perspectives differ so the second part of these students visit to university archives focuses around the creation of a biographical poem This is again another. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00182-00197925-00200004 Erin Lawrimore: kind of easy way i'm not necessarily easy, but I want to say user friendly way of getting students to dig into these documents and to think through the bigger picture questions it's not asking them to write you know, a 15 page historical analysis of something. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00183-00200130-00200970 Erin Lawrimore: it's focused on helping them to navigate an article collection and help them to use these resources to pull out various. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00184-00201108-00201861 Erin Lawrimore: Various bits and pieces and so you see there on the screen kind of the structure the pattern that they follow for their poem. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00185-00201945-00203199 Erin Lawrimore: For this, instead of the curated pocket that are provided the students for three perspectives they typically will either get a very small manuscripts collection, and by that I mean like one box not 200 boxes. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00186-00203304-00203877 Erin Lawrimore: or they get a few selected folders from an archival collection. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00187-00204051-00204753 Erin Lawrimore: But they are dealing with having to dig through things that weren't purposely selected, because they would. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00188-00204795-00205854 Erin Lawrimore: Help tell a story, they have to use these resources and they have to determine what helps to tell their story, and so you know again it's it's really kind of building them. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00189-00205938-00206751 Erin Lawrimore: The scaffolding, on top of what we've already done using the skills that they learned in terms of critical analysis and. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00190-00206886-00207189 Erin Lawrimore: You know, thinking about complicated histories. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00191-00207300-00208271 Erin Lawrimore: To, then you know start kind of the first phase of what we might think of as hardcore archival research on recognizing these critical things and making these instances. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00192-00208335-00209331 Erin Lawrimore: So, at the end of the Semester actually throughout the entire time daughter clone a house the students do some student reflections. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00193-00209457-00210609 Erin Lawrimore: Thinking about what they've learned and a lot of students reflect on how their deeper knowledge of university history helps them feel a greater sense of connection on campus others talk about. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00194-00210738-00212754 Erin Lawrimore: How the stories of these bold students who may substantive changes on campus in the in the local community how that really inspires them um you see some of the quotes here, these are some of my favorites but I will tell you my absolute favorite is one, and this is from way back. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00195-00212934-00213296 Erin Lawrimore: The students name was Maggie and she was studying to be a teacher. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00196-00213426-00214926 Erin Lawrimore: And she wrote that education is about recognizing the holes or half truths in our textbooks and seeking out the full story our local communities have a rich history that one digs deep enough holds truths and perspectives, one would not normally expect this was illustrated in. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00197-00215082-00216315 Erin Lawrimore: Perfectly by learning about many perspectives on segregation in the archives and learning unc geez history with different kinds of minorities, I learned, however, stopping at the things we are exposed to is a mistake. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00198-00216351-00217533 Erin Lawrimore: And so we must look further beyond our own school city state country and perspective, the student wins the prize for actually do a like basically. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00199-00217623-00218289 Erin Lawrimore: saying the thing that anyone teaching a class like this wants a student to say um you know it's. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00200-00218352-00219432 Erin Lawrimore: It really does kind of exemplify why we do our little instruction and why we're doing this is so important, but wait there's more. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00201-00219498-00220725 Erin Lawrimore: Yes, the group and students are amazing and I love them, but our experiences focus also on instruction and teaching students and providing them with. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00202-00220767-00221934 Erin Lawrimore: Experiences outside of the traditional classroom so one thing I love to talk about which again exemplifies like urban students are awesome is. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00203-00222015-00222951 Erin Lawrimore: How we function as a lab space, I always say we're a place for students to experiment and find ways to apply their classroom learning and personal experiences. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00204-00223035-00224085 Erin Lawrimore: In a research setting in the same way that Kim lab can do that we provide internships practical experiences and part time student employment opportunities there range. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00205-00224139-00224961 Erin Lawrimore: Experience from you know arriving arranging in describing article collections to curating physical exhibits digital exhibits. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00206-00224988-00226383 Erin Lawrimore: Managing social media and doing oral history interviews tons of opportunities for students to gain practical skills that they could then take out not only to work in another archives or cross cultural heritage institution, but like. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00207-00226431-00227187 Erin Lawrimore: Oral history interviewing, for example, is a skill that is useful if you're applying for a job and are doing oral history interviews. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00208-00227214-00228378 Erin Lawrimore: are doing interviews everybody interviews for a job, being able to ask questions and critical follow up and listening critically it's pretty useful skill to have when you're trying to sell yourself and get a job. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00209-00228498-00228900 Erin Lawrimore: You know it's useful if you want to be a journalist, if there are so many kind of. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00210-00229005-00229242 Erin Lawrimore: practical ways to apply. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00211-00229367-00230391 Erin Lawrimore: The experiences, they can first find here in the archives um so what you see there is actually a poster and a little photo from spring of 2019. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00212-00230427-00231921 Erin Lawrimore: um this was back when the campus had their big overarching topic that was focused on the 1960s exploring the limits, so we actually Sarah and I actually got some funding to. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00213-00232008-00232734 Erin Lawrimore: fund a graduate student in public history, who was assisted by to undergraduate students from grogan to build an exhibit in. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00214-00232769-00233619 Erin Lawrimore: hodges reading room, they were student curators and they were paid a stipend from the funds on a grant that was through that interdisciplinary collaboration committee. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00215-00233676-00234471 Erin Lawrimore: So what the students did was they combined reflections and poems from previous collaborations. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00216-00234531-00235448 Erin Lawrimore: In that instructional opportunity that I talked about earlier with brogan they combined all of this together, along with some primary sources original documents from the archives. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00217-00235494-00237255 Erin Lawrimore: To build an exhibit that they called unc greensboro back to the future, the story of the 1960s and the changes that impact us EG today, so they were really looking at kind of the enormous social changes that arose during the 1960s, but also looking at how you and CG students. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00218-00237378-00238239 Erin Lawrimore: reflect on the past, and have feel like you're building on it, so they explored things like campus desegregation the civil rights movement. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00219-00238266-00239417 Erin Lawrimore: And the Trans transition from women's college to unc greensboro so the Co educational aspects and so these students were able to again take what they learned in class. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00220-00239471-00240453 Erin Lawrimore: But have a product at the end have this exhibit we had an opening what you see there in the top corner is curtis visiting and learning from one of the students. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00221-00240603-00242028 Erin Lawrimore: One of the student curators about what is in the case they got the opportunity to talk to people one to one at a curator exhibit open and and really show off their work and to talk through everything. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00222-00242160-00243936 Erin Lawrimore: And so, on top of that, we also work a lot with students on independent research projects, these are student driven research projects, sometimes they're started in class and continued independently, but sometimes honestly we've got awesome students it's just a student who. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00223-00244065-00244581 Erin Lawrimore: Has a question that they want to answer, and they want to dig into it, they want to find an answer. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00224-00244721-00245925 Erin Lawrimore: So this summer we're actually hosting the first ever university libraries undergraduate research fellows, we have to undergraduate research fellows one is a first year student one is actually graduating in. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00225-00246030-00246837 Erin Lawrimore: In August um they're focusing on things related to university archives, but coming from completely different perspectives. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00226-00246873-00248723 Erin Lawrimore: One is looking at hidden histories and untold stories on campus and how we might commemorate those in a physical visible way, the other is actually looking at ways to gather and preserve student created means and other content that relates to student life on campus but. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00227-00248862-00249435 Erin Lawrimore: As someone who is twice the age of the students i'm not going to know anything about you know. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00228-00249542-00250380 Erin Lawrimore: What they're talking about or even where they're creating these resources and so she is looking at kind of how those can be gathered together to build something that. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00229-00250434-00251484 Erin Lawrimore: could in some ways, could serve as kind of like a digital version of a Yearbook um where it's documenting the year from a student's perspective in an unofficial way. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00230-00251529-00252690 Erin Lawrimore: But the picture that you see there is abigail night, and I think her work here i'm really exemplifies the way we can reach a lot of different students, as well as the way that. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00231-00252821-00253938 Erin Lawrimore: archives and university history can be super duper relevant even when we don't know it so in the fall of 2019 abigail began her research and the 1918 flu pandemic. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00232-00253998-00255192 Erin Lawrimore: On the state normal and industrial college campus and then all it honors college seminar that I was teaching she was awesome and she really wanted to go further into that so abigail is a nursing student who. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00233-00255300-00256167 Erin Lawrimore: Also, is interested in anthropology and history and so she has that interested she she's training to be a nurse but she's really interested in history and. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00234-00256200-00256788 Erin Lawrimore: How nursing got to where it is and so she wanted to go further with this, and she got funding from the. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00235-00256863-00257709 Erin Lawrimore: undergraduate research scholarship and creativity Office here on campus or Cisco and she began expanding her work in January of 2020. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00236-00257751-00258453 Erin Lawrimore: Basically, taking the resources, she found here about how state normal addressed the 1918 flu pandemic. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00237-00258492-00259719 Erin Lawrimore: And then go into Chapel Hill and to nc state and to see how the pandemic affected those campus those campuses and start to question you know why they were difference on. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00238-00259815-00260466 Erin Lawrimore: How to gender dynamics play into that how the class differences play into that location plan to that. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00239-00260517-00262344 Erin Lawrimore: So you know little did we know, once you started this further research in January of 2020 that we wouldn't get very far before the whole world shut down and facility closures and access limitations limited her ability to go to the archives at Chapel hill. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00240-00262461-00263586 Erin Lawrimore: But she wasn't able to do a significant amount of work, and she presented that we're at the Spring 2020 undergraduate research symposium here on campus and actually won first prize. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00241-00263637-00264264 Erin Lawrimore: In the humanities, for her work that she titled we're on the homefront responses to the influenza pandemic of. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00242-00264381-00264888 Erin Lawrimore: at three North Carolina colleges and that go link that you see in the corner, if you want to. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00243-00264972-00265983 Erin Lawrimore: See abigail's presentation it's it's there um you know currently it was really interesting to work with her on that because the campus all of a sudden in. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00244-00266025-00267261 Erin Lawrimore: late spring 2020 was really interested in publicizing information about how the canvas dealt with the previous massive pandemic that shut everything down 100 years before. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00245-00267390-00268683 Erin Lawrimore: Meanwhile, at the same time abigail was officially accepted into the school of nursing she was learning online how to you know take someone's blood pressure, in preparation for starting their hospital work in the fall. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00246-00268800-00269493 Erin Lawrimore: And she went from being a student who was publicized on the university website in front of the article stacks. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00247-00269535-00270411 Erin Lawrimore: doing her research or historical research to the following year in the spring, when we started giving vaccines on campus. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00248-00270447-00272106 Erin Lawrimore: Her picture was one of the first ones that showed up at one of the nursing students helping with the vaccination planet that was held here on campus so it really does demonstrate again this broad impact that we could have instruction in the classroom but also beyond. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00249-00272256-00272772 Erin Lawrimore: So that's what full spiel about that i'm happy to answer any questions that folks might have. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00250-00272859-00273828 Erin Lawrimore: You know, like I said, this is really a collective effort we've got so many people in our department, who work so hard to make sure that our faculty are supported in this work. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00251-00273909-00274926 Erin Lawrimore: But, also, that our students are supported and that our students are given opportunities to ask questions and to learn whether it's in a classroom or outside of the classroom and so. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00252-00274977-00275742 Erin Lawrimore: A number of those folks are also in this presentation, so they might can chime in with some answers to questions you may have to. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00253-00276867-00276966 Stacey Krim (she/her): Have a question. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00254-00277002-00277476 Stacey Krim (she/her): Okay um can you talk about you gave a few examples, but can you talk about. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00255-00277578-00278115 Stacey Krim (she/her): Any memorable experiences working side by side with students in classes. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00256-00278343-00279909 Erin Lawrimore: um I mean it's always it's always great to work with students and you know I one of the things that is one of my favorite experiences working as the instructor of record for an honors college class once a year. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00257-00280029-00280533 Erin Lawrimore: it's a class focused on university history and digital storytelling it's usually a very small class. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00258-00280599-00281766 Erin Lawrimore: somewhere between five and 10 students, so you know that's kind of a dream situation and a lot of ways to, but because of that class size, you really do get to know the students, personally, and we really can't tweak. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00259-00281868-00282660 Erin Lawrimore: Honestly, we tweak the syllabus as we go along, based on who's in the class and so it's always super exciting to watch the students, as we go through the Semester. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00260-00282735-00283992 Erin Lawrimore: You know, even in a semester like this, where you know that the students are struggling, we have a lot of students who are struggling in a lot of different ways and it's, not just because of coven um but. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00261-00284109-00284247 Erin Lawrimore: Even doing that. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00262-00284391-00284793 Erin Lawrimore: kind of knowing more about what's around them, and knowing more about what came before them. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00263-00284862-00286506 Erin Lawrimore: It excites them and these aren't history majors i've literally never had a history major in that class very few actual actually very few humanities students in that class at all, I get a lot of nursing students I get a lot of communication studies students. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00264-00286611-00287628 Erin Lawrimore: it's it's usually a nice hodgepodge of majors but watching them just get excited to learn about what's around them is. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00265-00287760-00288102 Erin Lawrimore: it's it's why bother doing it it's always falling. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00266-00288828-00289473 Stacey Krim (she/her): We have a question in chat or the materials, the students are producing being preserved in the archives. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00267-00289608-00289713 Erin Lawrimore: A. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00268-00289833-00289911 Stacey Krim (she/her): song. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00269-00289956-00289992 Erin Lawrimore: summer. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00270-00289998-00290793 Erin Lawrimore: Not there because honestly for would come into play with a lot of fun, so your produce materials can't necessarily can't really be. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00271-00290871-00291558 Erin Lawrimore: preserved without student consent, or at least are not supposed to be just like when we get a faculty members papers if. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00272-00291624-00292755 Erin Lawrimore: Their records if they have a bunch of old student papers we shouldn't be keeping those unless we have the consent to keep them so for my honors college class we produce a website every year. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00273-00292890-00293799 Erin Lawrimore: that's our kind of our final group project and we maintain that but I also have a conversation with the students about that and about. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00274-00294093-00295260 Erin Lawrimore: About honestly, the fact that they don't have to put their name on it and it doesn't have to be something that in 10 years when they're applying for a job and someone google's their name it shows up um So yes and no. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00275-00295935-00296064 Erin Lawrimore: Suzanne house question. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00276-00297198-00297687 Erin Lawrimore: Susan can't unmute yourself, do you want to just shout really loudly from your office and I can see if I hear it. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00277-00297708-00297867 Stacey Krim (she/her): you're unmuted Susan. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00278-00297957-00298218 Suzanne Sawyer (she/her): Thank you, sorry I kind of panicked. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00279-00298344-00299097 Suzanne Sawyer (she/her): I was just wondering Aaron, and this is just kind of more of a personal question for you as you prepared or as you. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00280-00299154-00300522 Suzanne Sawyer (she/her): got prepared for this job, did you have an experience like this as a student with archives like what kind of drew you into this work was it a great experience kind of recognizing history or wondered if you could share a little more about that. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00281-00300612-00300969 Erin Lawrimore: yeah So my first introduction to archives wasn't an undergraduate student. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00282-00301149-00301197 Erin Lawrimore: I. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00283-00301308-00301458 Erin Lawrimore: But not in a history class. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00284-00301593-00302805 Erin Lawrimore: The very first article, research, I actually did was as part of a first year writing course that we were all required to take, and so I wrote something about the Washington Duke statue that sits in front of the Chapel. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00285-00302892-00304668 Erin Lawrimore: I don't know I don't know why I remember that, but my junior year I believe it was I took a course with a professor named Kathy Davidson who I believe she's at Chicago now, but she does a lot of work with digital humanities, and she was an English Professor slaves who. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00286-00304854-00306306 Erin Lawrimore: Really context was really important, and so the course we were taking was one, where I was just focused on like every week we had a different novel from the Victorian era American novel from the Victorian era which is not my favorite conference novels. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00287-00306438-00307050 Erin Lawrimore: But she broke us into small groups, and how does go into the archives and it started each week started with. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00288-00307113-00307857 Erin Lawrimore: The the Tuesday of the week was actually a student led presentation on the historical context, using the resources in. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00289-00307938-00309681 Erin Lawrimore: what's now the rubens don library at Duke um you know my my group actually we we read the awakening patron hands the awakening and did a presentation about women's rights and women's suffrage at the turn of the century and. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00290-00309843-00310860 Erin Lawrimore: medicine and health care, it was kind of just looking looking at the state of women and all the topics that are hit on in the awakening other students were talking about the wilmington. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00291-00311007-00311565 Erin Lawrimore: uprising race riots horrible things that happened in 1898. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00292-00311688-00312192 Erin Lawrimore: Which when this happened in 1998 or 97. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00293-00312294-00312678 Erin Lawrimore: The City of wilmington wasn't really talking about this in any way, shape or form. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00294-00312786-00313623 Erin Lawrimore: And so the students actually went to wilmington just one weekend and started asking around and couldn't find anyone who has ever heard of. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00295-00313794-00314061 Erin Lawrimore: The horrible things that happened in wilmington. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00296-00314214-00314760 Erin Lawrimore: That said, when I finished undergrad I also the whole entire time was working in the athletic department. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00297-00314796-00315297 Erin Lawrimore: I worked in sports information which is basically the media relations and PR wing of an athletic department. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00298-00315336-00315897 Erin Lawrimore: And went to the University of Texas, I worked in the athletic department there, where I was the sports information director for. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00299-00315957-00317511 Erin Lawrimore: men's and women's swimming and diving volleyball and softball so it's not the most direct route that most folks take to working in archives, but while I was doing that we actually had an intern from the library school, who is now the state archivist for the State of Virginia. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00300-00317631-00318630 Erin Lawrimore: Who was working with us and I just started talking to Mike about what he was doing in the archives program and then I had the pleasure of meeting. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00301-00318705-00319794 Erin Lawrimore: Dr David gracie who was like I see I don't know if anyone else here has ever had the pleasure of hearing or meeting Dr gracie but he will. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00302-00319893-00321237 Erin Lawrimore: He passed away a couple years ago he could have convinced anyone that their ultimate dream job was to be an archivist and it was the most important job on earth, I always called him an article evangelist and so, once he had his hooks in me. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00303-00321387-00321504 Erin Lawrimore: I wasn't going anywhere. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00304-00321627-00322512 Erin Lawrimore: But yeah it was a little circuitous route, but you know i've actually found that having a public relations background. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00305-00322614-00323691 Erin Lawrimore: In archives and in the library feel it's not a background that most folks have and i'm not like a super extroverted person, but you want about strategic. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00306-00323820-00324132 Erin Lawrimore: Strategic ways to tell stories and to grab people's attention. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00307-00324276-00324690 Erin Lawrimore: And I add that comes in really handy in this field. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00308-00325083-00325335 Stacey Krim (she/her): Do we have any other questions. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00309-00326634-00326727 Stacey Krim (she/her): Thanks. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00310-00327459-00328473 Stacey Krim (she/her): Well alright, if you have questions, I want to thank Aaron for speaking with us today and talking about how integral archives and instructions has been. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00311-00328707-00328944 Stacey Krim (she/her): No, thank you, but then I think recovered for that. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00312-00329094-00329181 Stacey Krim (she/her): Thank you Erin. L9j0Ieb4b0E-00313-00329307-00329448 Erin Lawrimore: Thank you all have a good day. Lst40fI4l3I-00000-00003137-00003328 Hello friends! Welcome back to the channel Lst40fI4l3I-00001-00003328-00003658 and welcome to the city of Ceske Budejovice Lst40fI4l3I-00002-00003709-00003979 In english this is known as Budweis... Lst40fI4l3I-00003-00003979-00004231 and if you can draw some hints from its name, Lst40fI4l3I-00004-00004231-00004399 then you are right! Lst40fI4l3I-00005-00004399-00004774 This is the place where the Budweiser beer originates from. Lst40fI4l3I-00006-00004774-00005071 That we will show you a little later, Lst40fI4l3I-00007-00005071-00005317 but first I will start this episode Lst40fI4l3I-00008-00005317-00005695 with a local breakfast speciality of this place. Lst40fI4l3I-00009-00005695-00005802 So, come along! Lst40fI4l3I-00010-00006155-00006667 After Prague the next famous place of Czech Republic is Cesky Krumlov, Lst40fI4l3I-00011-00006667-00007028 and these places are only at a 2hrs distance from each other Lst40fI4l3I-00012-00007088-00007500 And on this very route is this hidden gem, Ceske Budejovice, Lst40fI4l3I-00013-00007500-00007840 which is only 25 mins away from Krumlov. Lst40fI4l3I-00014-00007840-00008182 So, to give your Czech trip a new flavour, Lst40fI4l3I-00015-00008182-00008363 I will highly recommend that, Lst40fI4l3I-00016-00008363-00008563 you do come to Ceske Budejovice. Lst40fI4l3I-00017-00009267-00009584 On the way to my breakfast place, Lst40fI4l3I-00018-00009584-00009883 was this iconic Black Tower Lst40fI4l3I-00019-00009883-00010155 and the ticket costs only 1 Euro, Lst40fI4l3I-00020-00010155-00010432 and after climbing 250 stairs, Lst40fI4l3I-00021-00010432-00010766 you will get a panoramic view of this city. Lst40fI4l3I-00022-00010851-00011208 Today being a Monday, this tower was closed, Lst40fI4l3I-00023-00011208-00011411 like some other businesses, Lst40fI4l3I-00024-00011411-00011717 so we got spared from some morning Cardio! Lst40fI4l3I-00025-00011961-00012180 And we headed straight to our business, Lst40fI4l3I-00026-00012180-00012505 which is this recommended hole in the cafe! Lst40fI4l3I-00027-00012588-00012949 that is also the literal translation of this cafe Czech name. Lst40fI4l3I-00028-00013275-00013758 This tiny cafe was loaded with freshly baked food options Lst40fI4l3I-00029-00014453-00014917 This bakery is a popular breakfast place, Lst40fI4l3I-00030-00014917-00015229 and it has a lot of breakfast options. Lst40fI4l3I-00031-00015229-00015494 For breakfast I have chosen, Lst40fI4l3I-00032-00015494-00015841 a local specialty called 'Zelňák' Lst40fI4l3I-00033-00015841-00016088 and it is sort of a cauliflower cracker Lst40fI4l3I-00034-00016088-00016249 I have never eaten this before, Lst40fI4l3I-00035-00016249-00016576 so let's try this and see how it is. Lst40fI4l3I-00036-00017011-00017419 This 'Zelňák' was so tasty that I went for for 5 more. Lst40fI4l3I-00037-00017972-00018189 This tasted a bit like Dosa to us, Lst40fI4l3I-00038-00018189-00018535 because it had a strong fermented taste, Lst40fI4l3I-00039-00018535-00018856 which comes from the fermented cabbage salad, Lst40fI4l3I-00040-00018856-00019093 which is called sauerkraut. Lst40fI4l3I-00041-00019411-00019597 After this light breakfast, Lst40fI4l3I-00042-00019597-00019765 we headed to the Town Hall building, Lst40fI4l3I-00043-00019765-00020060 which is a beautiful Baroque building, Lst40fI4l3I-00044-00020060-00020224 right at the main square. Lst40fI4l3I-00045-00020842-00021129 To the side of this Town Hall building is the, Lst40fI4l3I-00046-00021129-00021335 Information centre. Lst40fI4l3I-00047-00021335-00021708 And we got some information for today's activities. Lst40fI4l3I-00048-00023201-00023502 From the tourist centre we learnt that, Lst40fI4l3I-00049-00023502-00023898 to explore Ceske Budejovice, Lst40fI4l3I-00050-00023898-00024183 you can use these bike sharing bikes Lst40fI4l3I-00051-00024232-00024527 It is very simple to use these, Lst40fI4l3I-00052-00024527-00024772 you just need to download the app, Lst40fI4l3I-00053-00024772-00024962 and you just have to scan the code over here, Lst40fI4l3I-00054-00025014-00025377 and as you scan the bike unlocks itself. Lst40fI4l3I-00055-00025720-00026062 After eating Zelňák, we felt like having a nice coffee Lst40fI4l3I-00056-00026062-00026416 For that, we ventured though these narrow lovely streets, Lst40fI4l3I-00057-00026416-00026624 towards a recommended Cafe. Lst40fI4l3I-00058-00026836-00027050 Because it was a bit early in the day, Lst40fI4l3I-00059-00027050-00027237 people were just beginning their day. Lst40fI4l3I-00060-00028045-00028247 This coffee is indeed very good. Lst40fI4l3I-00061-00028326-00028661 The food recommendations that you see in this episode, Lst40fI4l3I-00062-00028661-00028987 have been obtained from the 'Honest Guide' channel. Lst40fI4l3I-00063-00029063-00029394 Do, check their channel out for more such recommendations. Lst40fI4l3I-00064-00030316-00030659 Ceske Budejovice is South Bohemia's largest city, Lst40fI4l3I-00065-00030659-00030943 and the major industry of this city is the, Lst40fI4l3I-00066-00030943-00031226 brewery of Budweiser beer. Lst40fI4l3I-00067-00031283-00031533 But there is one more popular factory here, Lst40fI4l3I-00068-00031533-00031762 which might also surprise you, Lst40fI4l3I-00069-00031762-00032033 and that was our next stop for the day. Lst40fI4l3I-00070-00032145-00032517 And that is the Koh-I-Noor stationery factory. Lst40fI4l3I-00071-00032517-00032832 It's name is inspired from the Koh-I-Noor diamond. Lst40fI4l3I-00072-00032982-00033236 It was not allowed to go inside the factory, Lst40fI4l3I-00073-00033236-00033505 but there was a Koh-I-Noor store close by and, Lst40fI4l3I-00074-00033505-00033926 which is a must stop for any stationery lover. Lst40fI4l3I-00075-00035041-00035352 Ceske B udejovice has a lot of green open spaces and gardens. Lst40fI4l3I-00076-00035352-00035819 The longest river of Czech 'Vltava' also flows through this town, Lst40fI4l3I-00077-00035827-00036140 where you can also do some water activities. Lst40fI4l3I-00078-00036182-00036436 Well, we had already walked a lot. Lst40fI4l3I-00079-00036436-00036708 And due to the heat my jacket was already off, Lst40fI4l3I-00080-00036737-00036942 and with perfect timing, Lst40fI4l3I-00081-00036949-00037252 we saw this cute place in the garden Lst40fI4l3I-00082-00037268-00037680 where we paused to have a refreshing chilled Lemonade. Lst40fI4l3I-00083-00038420-00038754 This gave us the much needed energy to continue our tour. Lst40fI4l3I-00084-00038824-00039239 In our Czech exploration we have noticed, Lst40fI4l3I-00085-00039239-00039710 that in majority of the cities there is a lot of food diversity. Lst40fI4l3I-00086-00039710-00040207 You will find a lot of restaurants, big and small, offering all types of cuisines. Lst40fI4l3I-00087-00040331-00040501 It was almost lunch time. Lst40fI4l3I-00088-00040515-00040791 But before lunch it was time for an appetizer! Lst40fI4l3I-00089-00040791-00041143 So we went to different soup restaurant, Lst40fI4l3I-00090-00041143-00041359 which is called 'Soup Culture'. Lst40fI4l3I-00091-00041669-00041998 Here I picked a vegetarian Tom Yum Soup. Lst40fI4l3I-00092-00041998-00042338 The soup was quiet thick in consistency, Lst40fI4l3I-00093-00042348-00042589 but was very tasty. Lst40fI4l3I-00094-00043412-00043819 So Ceske Budejovice has a lot of concept cafes and restaurants, Lst40fI4l3I-00095-00043819-00044141 'Soup Culture' is also one such concept joint, Lst40fI4l3I-00096-00044141-00044398 from where I got this soup, Lst40fI4l3I-00097-00044398-00044744 But what is unusual in this soup??? Lst40fI4l3I-00098-00046152-00046454 Soup was done, and now it was time for main course. Lst40fI4l3I-00099-00046454-00046657 We have been eating Czech cuisine for a while now, Lst40fI4l3I-00100-00046664-00046894 as part of covering the Czech series. Lst40fI4l3I-00101-00046894-00047236 So this time we thought of trying out Indian in Czech, Lst40fI4l3I-00102-00047236-00047627 and we went to a popular Indian restaurant here. Lst40fI4l3I-00103-00047975-00048417 I must admit that the staff here was very jovial and welcoming, Lst40fI4l3I-00104-00048423-00048687 and we enjoyed talking to them. Lst40fI4l3I-00105-00050819-00051210 As I mentioned, Ceske Budejovice has a lot of food options, Lst40fI4l3I-00106-00051210-00051668 and I am not surprised that there are a lot of Indian restaurants as well. Lst40fI4l3I-00107-00051668-00051951 So I am at 'Gateway of India', Lst40fI4l3I-00108-00051951-00052395 and now its time to satisfy my Indian taste buds. Lst40fI4l3I-00109-00052610-00052975 Here I ordered Kadhai Paneer, Naan and Keema Naan, Lst40fI4l3I-00110-00052975-00053306 and the food was actually very good. Lst40fI4l3I-00111-00054438-00054702 So, as I mentioned at the beginning of the episode, Lst40fI4l3I-00112-00054702-00054927 this is the speciality of Budeweis, Lst40fI4l3I-00113-00054927-00055157 and we will now tour this factory. Lst40fI4l3I-00114-00055398-00055671 The tour price was 6 Euros per person, Lst40fI4l3I-00115-00055671-00056016 and in my opinion this was absolutely worth it! Lst40fI4l3I-00116-00056227-00056514 This was quiet an informative tour, Lst40fI4l3I-00117-00056514-00056875 which is conducted in the actual Budweiser factory, Lst40fI4l3I-00118-00056875-00057183 where the first ever Budweiser was produced. Lst40fI4l3I-00119-00057183-00057719 But yes, today this is many folds bigger than that original factory. Lst40fI4l3I-00120-00058346-00058857 In this tour we got to see the dofferent stages of beer making, Lst40fI4l3I-00121-00058857-00059250 and we got to see different parts of the factory. Lst40fI4l3I-00122-00059710-00059878 And the best part was, Lst40fI4l3I-00123-00059878-00060096 here we got to sample, Lst40fI4l3I-00124-00060096-00060307 freshly brewed Budweiser, Lst40fI4l3I-00125-00060307-00060480 chiller from the cellar, Lst40fI4l3I-00126-00060480-00060932 and this you can only sample in this factory of Czech Republic. Lst40fI4l3I-00127-00060997-00061461 After this stage all the beer gets bottled, which you will see now. Lst40fI4l3I-00128-00062397-00062792 For me the most fascinating part of the factory was this bottling plant, Lst40fI4l3I-00129-00062792-00063194 where these green glass bottles were on a parade. Lst40fI4l3I-00130-00064211-00064633 From the cleaning of the bottle to the automatic inspection of the bottles, Lst40fI4l3I-00131-00064633-00064817 and then the filling of the bottle, Lst40fI4l3I-00132-00064817-00065284 and the packaging assemble line were all very interesting. Lst40fI4l3I-00133-00065284-00065820 Everything was almost automated and it was working like clockwork. Lst40fI4l3I-00134-00065820-00065995 Amazing! Lst40fI4l3I-00135-00067184-00067551 At the end of the tour I bought some Souvenirs, Lst40fI4l3I-00136-00067551-00067897 and we left the place with good memories. Lst40fI4l3I-00137-00068482-00068894 Ceske Budejovice is really a hidden gem of Czech, Lst40fI4l3I-00138-00068894-00069225 which gets overshadowed by other popular cities, Lst40fI4l3I-00139-00069225-00069513 but I will highly recommend this place to you. Lst40fI4l3I-00140-00070162-00070554 You will find fun activities for almost all age groups. Lst40fI4l3I-00141-00071085-00071392 And yes, as compared to Cesky Krumlov, Lst40fI4l3I-00142-00071392-00071764 this place has rather reasonably priced accommodations. Lst40fI4l3I-00143-00072214-00072383 Our last stop for today was, Lst40fI4l3I-00144-00072383-00072710 a popular restaurant 'Masné krámy', Lst40fI4l3I-00145-00072710-00073053 which is inside a 16th Century building, Lst40fI4l3I-00146-00073053-00073317 and this was originally a meat market. Lst40fI4l3I-00147-00073365-00073820 It has these family cabins that were originally meat shops. Lst40fI4l3I-00148-00074459-00074720 We ordered a vegetarian garlic soup, Lst40fI4l3I-00149-00074720-00074977 fried camembert cheese with salad, Lst40fI4l3I-00150-00074977-00075344 and a dish of smoked meat with bread dumplings, Lst40fI4l3I-00151-00075344-00075579 with a traditional sauce. Lst40fI4l3I-00152-00075579-00075759 And it was all amazing! Lst40fI4l3I-00153-00075790-00076203 With this dinner we will end the episode. Lst40fI4l3I-00154-00076287-00076522 So, till the time we meet again, Lst40fI4l3I-00155-00076522-00076748 do take very good care of yourself and, Lst40fI4l3I-00156-00076748-00076932 see you very very soon! Lvfs2eyyjtg-00000-00000019-00000495 Hi I'm Kevin Cronin, Cleveland Attorney and I have greetings for the Western Cuyahoga Lvfs2eyyjtg-00001-00000495-00001044 Audubon Society. I had a chance to review some things right and I think I shared Lvfs2eyyjtg-00002-00001044-00001424 some of those with you but I might recap them fairly quickly as well. Lvfs2eyyjtg-00003-00001424-00001827 Essentially the lawsuit is just a challenge to the Icebreaker plan and Lvfs2eyyjtg-00004-00001827-00002166 says that what's been done has been deficient. That they haven't done the Lvfs2eyyjtg-00005-00002166-00002627 that the agencies didn't do the research and didn't do the testing and didn't Lvfs2eyyjtg-00006-00002627-00003084 produce the data to justify what they're trying to do. And those challenges are Lvfs2eyyjtg-00007-00003084-00003567 common and but it's important that it's being done. So I applaud the group for Lvfs2eyyjtg-00008-00003567-00004010 that sort of activity. Essentially they are challenging three different laws Lvfs2eyyjtg-00009-00004010-00004560 that they're that under three different laws the first is the NEPA the Lvfs2eyyjtg-00010-00004560-00005114 environmental the main environmental law for America as that's one that requires Lvfs2eyyjtg-00011-00005114-00005700 agencies to do testing and do evaluation on major projects. Those could be highway Lvfs2eyyjtg-00012-00005700-00006189 projects, those could be energy pipeline projects, in this case it would be a wind Lvfs2eyyjtg-00013-00006189-00006753 turbine network of six turbines out of Lake Erie. The second issue is the Clean Lvfs2eyyjtg-00014-00006753-00007172 Water Act and that's the one that protects the water and promotes Lvfs2eyyjtg-00015-00007172-00007643 obviously clean water and protects against discharge and there are probably Lvfs2eyyjtg-00016-00007643-00008043 several levels of discharge that could happen with this project one is that Lvfs2eyyjtg-00017-00008043-00008532 it's an electronic you know it's a mechanical piece that requires oil and Lvfs2eyyjtg-00018-00008532-00008925 grease and things like that and there's been accusations that they can tend to Lvfs2eyyjtg-00019-00008925-00009417 leak I don't know about it on this project and what they'll they have the Lvfs2eyyjtg-00020-00009417-00009879 assurances that it won't but that obviously is was a problem. The second is Lvfs2eyyjtg-00021-00009879-00010307 that it's gonna be digging up an awful lot of ground in order to run power from Lvfs2eyyjtg-00022-00010307-00010754 the turbines to the shore and into the energy plant itself. Lvfs2eyyjtg-00023-00010754-00011139 Now that's disturbing an awful lot of sediment, we don't know what's in that Lvfs2eyyjtg-00024-00011139-00011609 sediment. There have been accusations that it includes dumping from the Lvfs2eyyjtg-00025-00011609-00012159 dredging of the Cuyahoga River which could involve hazardous metals - chromium, Lvfs2eyyjtg-00026-00012159-00012717 lead, things like that but you know it's those are things that have been out Lvfs2eyyjtg-00027-00012717-00013031 there for you know decades so we really don't have a good idea or Lvfs2eyyjtg-00028-00013031-00013440 grasp and certainly that was not a subject of the investigation by the Lvfs2eyyjtg-00029-00013440-00013910 agencies so that would be a claim that something was missing. The third claim is Lvfs2eyyjtg-00030-00013910-00014432 the Administrative Procedure Act and that's really a fallback law to try and Lvfs2eyyjtg-00031-00014432-00014976 see and it really assured the real goal of APA the Administrative Procedure Act Lvfs2eyyjtg-00032-00014976-00015456 is to see that the law is faithfully followed. That they're not doing things Lvfs2eyyjtg-00033-00015456-00015785 that Congress did prohibited and that they were doing things that Congress Lvfs2eyyjtg-00034-00015785-00016422 recommended. So it's less it's a weaker law in terms of environment but it Lvfs2eyyjtg-00035-00016422-00016901 really is a kind of a procedural one and one that probably is a little more Lvfs2eyyjtg-00036-00016901-00017651 easily enforced here. So, those that's the the basic argument, is that Lvfs2eyyjtg-00037-00017651-00018153 quite frankly the agencies just did not do their homework, did not do it the Lvfs2eyyjtg-00038-00018153-00018710 rigorous job that's expected, and in part because this is a demonstration project. Lvfs2eyyjtg-00039-00018710-00019203 We're not just talking about six turbines on the lake, you're setting the Lvfs2eyyjtg-00040-00019203-00019725 ground rules for evaluation for as many as fifteen hundred turbines out there Lvfs2eyyjtg-00041-00019725-00020343 and the first one that will be providing some guidance as they go forward so you Lvfs2eyyjtg-00042-00020343-00020718 want to make sure they're doing a good job on that first one. That's the state Lvfs2eyyjtg-00043-00020718-00021173 of it so I applaud that there is a lawsuit filed on this sort of thing and Lvfs2eyyjtg-00044-00021173-00021725 we'll just have to see where it all goes. You know I was an early supporter of the Lvfs2eyyjtg-00045-00021725-00022278 testing working as a volunteer on Green Energy Ohio and and Franklin was very Lvfs2eyyjtg-00046-00022278-00022781 supporting to the project but the agency's Department of Energy needs to Lvfs2eyyjtg-00047-00022781-00023409 do it's homework and to be able to fully evaluate it otherwise the public is left Lvfs2eyyjtg-00048-00023409-00023715 in the dark and that's one of the hallmarks of the environmental laws is they Lvfs2eyyjtg-00049-00023715-00024068 want the public to be involved and knowing and and they these sort of Lvfs2eyyjtg-00050-00024068-00024626 decisions are based on open and honest process. Well one obvious question now is Lvfs2eyyjtg-00051-00024626-00025154 what when does how does this all end? And that's a very good question they will Lvfs2eyyjtg-00052-00025154-00025707 and it will end in court. What basically your status is when people have disputes Lvfs2eyyjtg-00053-00025707-00025997 they go to federal court and try and ask them to solve these things and Lvfs2eyyjtg-00054-00025997-00026427 that's essentially where you're at right now. Is the court cases been filed like Lvfs2eyyjtg-00055-00026427-00026990 logging those three arguments that we reviewed and the court may make a ruling Lvfs2eyyjtg-00056-00026990-00027381 that at some point to say that the Department of Energy didn't do its Lvfs2eyyjtg-00057-00027381-00028058 homework and we need to start over. The LEEDCo, the people who are developing Lvfs2eyyjtg-00058-00028058-00028481 the wind turbine project have argued that they are blameless that they are Lvfs2eyyjtg-00059-00028481-00028931 the ones that have met every obligation that they've been asked so they it Lvfs2eyyjtg-00060-00028931-00029400 really is come in the Department of Energy's court at this point whether Lvfs2eyyjtg-00061-00029400-00029919 their conduct was deficient in doing a fairly weak environmental review called Lvfs2eyyjtg-00062-00029919-00030413 an environmental assessment rather than what's called a environmental impact Lvfs2eyyjtg-00063-00030413-00030863 study which is a much more strenuous sort of process. So the court case would Lvfs2eyyjtg-00064-00030863-00031391 go forward if the agency is ordered to start over, then there will be public Lvfs2eyyjtg-00065-00031391-00031881 hearings and there will be public processes, probably a hearing in in Ohio Lvfs2eyyjtg-00066-00031881-00032308 to try and gauge where people can contribute and can speak up. Lvfs2eyyjtg-00067-00032308-00032753 Letter-writing is can be helpful at that stage too. There is another proceeding Lvfs2eyyjtg-00068-00032753-00033144 that that is going on here in Ohio though as well that you should be aware Lvfs2eyyjtg-00069-00033144-00033688 of and that's called the Ohio Power Siting Board that reviews energy Lvfs2eyyjtg-00070-00033688-00034215 projects and where they're being developed and deployed. And Icebreaker Lvfs2eyyjtg-00071-00034215-00034677 the wind partner wind turbine project has an application that's pending and Lvfs2eyyjtg-00072-00034677-00035256 has been favorably reviewed by the staff of the Power Siting Board and but it's Lvfs2eyyjtg-00073-00035256-00035765 on the agenda but there is no date set for a review and apparently the Power Lvfs2eyyjtg-00074-00035765-00036308 Siting Board is in negotiations with other people about with environmental Lvfs2eyyjtg-00075-00036308-00036696 interest about how that goes forward and I have no insight about that at some Lvfs2eyyjtg-00076-00036696-00037187 point but at some point the Power Siting Board will also issue a have a hearing Lvfs2eyyjtg-00077-00037187-00037683 and that might involve public participation and letting people know Lvfs2eyyjtg-00078-00037683-00038218 that they believe that the Icebreaker project is deficient and Lvfs2eyyjtg-00079-00038218-00038734 and let them know why and how. So, the process is just beginning to start while Lvfs2eyyjtg-00080-00038734-00039136 it seems like it's been going on forever, the review is just where they were if Lvfs2eyyjtg-00081-00039136-00039649 there is there are critical steps ahead and we'll just have to get through those Lvfs2eyyjtg-00082-00039649-00040063 critical steps before we have any sort of prompt read final determination. I Lvfs2eyyjtg-00083-00040063-00040566 know that the Icebreaker people have been convinced that this is right and Lvfs2eyyjtg-00084-00040566-00041133 the right thing for Northeast Ohio but then there's the argument about going Lvfs2eyyjtg-00085-00041133-00041614 slowing down to make sure you have a more thorough review. As I said this is a Lvfs2eyyjtg-00086-00041614-00042305 6 wind turbine project but it's on the way to 1500's so those the scale Lvfs2eyyjtg-00087-00042305-00042781 and the lessons about approving a six turbine project need to be very Lvfs2eyyjtg-00088-00042781-00043071 carefully taken. LvBUx9K6HAQ-00000-00000420-00000560 Saegusa Kokoro & Aki-chan at Marunouchi Club 13-15H LvBUx9K6HAQ-00001-00000560-00000760 The previous video LvBUx9K6HAQ-00002-00000888-00001068 In this video LvBUx9K6HAQ-00003-00001686-00001955 K : Par 5! (A relatively straight, long hole) LvBUx9K6HAQ-00004-00002548-00002834 K : Oh it's still good, it's totally fine LvBUx9K6HAQ-00005-00002834-00003034 K : Use the cart path LvBUx9K6HAQ-00006-00004426-00004626 K : Yep! It's good LvBUx9K6HAQ-00007-00004636-00004836 K : No, don't go to the back of a weird spot LvBUx9K6HAQ-00008-00004836-00004962 K : Oh, it's out LvBUx9K6HAQ-00009-00006748-00006948 K : Oh, nice~! LvBUx9K6HAQ-00010-00007102-00007302 K : That was swung with your body there LvBUx9K6HAQ-00011-00007302-00007402 A : Thank goodness! LvBUx9K6HAQ-00012-00007495-00007842 K : This is about 20 yards? LvBUx9K6HAQ-00013-00009296-00009550 K : Oh, this is nice. The result will be good! LvBUx9K6HAQ-00014-00009600-00009860 K : Don't worry, it will settle. Nice on! LvBUx9K6HAQ-00015-00010906-00011264 K : Stop!! Bite! Settled! LvBUx9K6HAQ-00016-00011440-00011746 Uphill putt! Aiming for the inner left of the cup LvBUx9K6HAQ-00017-00012946-00013068 K : It's here! LvBUx9K6HAQ-00018-00013068-00013316 K : Aw, why does this always happens?! LvBUx9K6HAQ-00019-00013986-00014186 K : Nice shot there! LvBUx9K6HAQ-00020-00014274-00014474 K : It's good, good job! LvBUx9K6HAQ-00021-00014482-00014682 A : Yay, thank you very much! LvBUx9K6HAQ-00022-00015802-00016002 K : Oh, it's good! LvBUx9K6HAQ-00023-00016019-00016354 K : It's ok, it will go. Get on! LvBUx9K6HAQ-00024-00016478-00016778 K : Great shot! That was perfect LvBUx9K6HAQ-00025-00017004-00017204 K : It's uphill kay? A : Okay LvBUx9K6HAQ-00026-00018034-00018262 K : Hit it! Come on! LvBUx9K6HAQ-00027-00018268-00018498 A : I totally clinked it LvBUx9K6HAQ-00028-00018520-00018858 K : This is something you need to fix LvBUx9K6HAQ-00029-00020182-00020314 K : It's okay! LvBUx9K6HAQ-00030-00022454-00022836 K : That's close! You hit it at the edge, didn't you? LvBUx9K6HAQ-00031-00022894-00023042 K : Maybe the net LvBUx9K6HAQ-00032-00023064-00023398 A : It felt like it hit at the tip K : The tip huh? Don't mind LvBUx9K6HAQ-00033-00023486-00023760 An approach from a downhill lie LvBUx9K6HAQ-00034-00023760-00023996 Swinging the club according to the inclination LvBUx9K6HAQ-00035-00024708-00024944 K : Oh that's good! Nice on! LvBUx9K6HAQ-00036-00024944-00025052 A : Yay! LvBUx9K6HAQ-00037-00025346-00025506 K : That was a nice up! LvBUx9K6HAQ-00038-00025933-00026139 K : That's right! That's good! LvBUx9K6HAQ-00039-00026194-00026366 K : That was good! Sink! LvBUx9K6HAQ-00040-00026366-00026686 K : It went in!!! That was amazing!! LvBUx9K6HAQ-00041-00026810-00027010 K : Good par! LvBUx9K6HAQ-00042-00027074-00027374 This time’s score Next is 16H-18H Look forward to it! LvBUx9K6HAQ-00043-00027374-00027594 Looking for Golf Clubs and Golf Manufacturers who would like ringolf to film and introduce them For inquiries, please send them to toiawase@rin.golf LvBUx9K6HAQ-00044-00027689-00027972 Thank you very much for watching till the end! LvBUx9K6HAQ-00045-00028058-00028506 Those who are interested in the next video, check out the videos on the left LvBUx9K6HAQ-00046-00028588-00029004 To SUBSCRIBE to our channel, please click the button on the right LvBUx9K6HAQ-00047-00029200-00029526 We’ll be waiting for your comments and likes too! Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00000-00000020-00000852 Sadhguru: Once upon a time there was man in South India who wanted to get supernatural powers. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00001-00000852-00001452 Immediately our man set forth on a journey to Tibet. One week of intense practice, Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00002-00001452-00002250 he could not sit, stand or sleep. Now, he went back all the way back to Tibet once again. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00003-00002948-00003776 Many things in life seem to be romantic and magical. Right now the flowers are blossoming in the jasmine Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00004-00003776-00004678 plant out there, such nice fragrance. Looks magical, romantic; but there is a science and technology as to Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00005-00004678-00005578 how to make it happen. Yes or no? Hmm, one who knows what the plant needs and does the right thing, Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00006-00005578-00006162 only he will have maximum flower and maximum fragrance, isn’t it? Yes? Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00007-00006163-00006262 Audience: Yes. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00008-00006262-00006794 Sadhguru: So if you want flowers in your garden you want flowers in your garden, what do you do? Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00009-00006794-00008054 Flower, flower, flower, flower meditation (Laughter). Now, no flower meditation needed, you don’t even have Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00010-00008054-00008862 to think of a flower. You have to think of soil. You have to think of manure. You have to think of water. You have to Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00011-00008862-00009890 think of sunlight, no flowers. If you handle these things right, flowers will happen. Flower is a consequence. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00012-00009890-00010778 Fragrance is a consequence. It is not something that you do. Similarly, meditation is not something that you do. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00013-00010778-00011606 If you handle the body, the mind, the emotion, and the energy properly, you become meditative. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00014-00011606-00012394 If you try to meditate you will go crazy. Tch, I must tell you one story. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00015-00012394-00013994 Once upon a time (Laughter) there was a man in South India who wanted to get supernatural powers. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00016-00013994-00014691 What are supernatural powers you know? Supernatural powers, you know what they are? Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00017-00014691-00015300 Somebody wants to walk upon water, somebody wants to fly without an airplane. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00018-00015300-00016288 Everybody walks on the floor, so somebody wants to walk on the ceiling. Essentially circus. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00019-00016288-00017054 They want to do something that nobody can do. So the man wants supernatural powers. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00020-00017054-00018164 He went from guru to guru. So many gurus’ he saw, tch, everybody said, “No.” Then someone told him, Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00021-00018164-00019024 “these South Indian guru is no good, no good” because they’re too conservative, Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00022-00019024-00020070 they won’t give you all this. I know a monk in Tibet where he has all the supernatural powers Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00023-00020070-00020742 you want and he is willing to give it to you. Immediately, our man set forth on a journey to Tibet. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00024-00020742-00021504 From South India to Tibet walking across Himalayas. Not an easy journey, but our man is determined. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00025-00021504-00022564 He wants supernatural powers. So he went all the way. He went to this monastery, the Buddhist monastery. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00026-00022564-00023174 The culture in the Buddhist monastery is very different from what we know here in South India. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00027-00023174-00024134 Here people have been taught that “athithi devo bhava” that means “a guest is God.” Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00028-00024134-00025052 If somebody comes to your home as a guest, you must treat that person like a God. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00029-00025052-00025600 Even if he happens to be your enemy somewhere else when he comes to your home Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00030-00025600-00026274 you must treat him like a God. You must be saying in India people see you and they are doing this (Gestures) Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00031-00026274-00026730 because they want to treat you like a God, because you’ve come here. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00032-00026730-00027348 When they come to your place they’ll be different. But now that you’re here (Laughs) Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00033-00027348-00027889 they want to treat you like a God. But in the Buddhist monastery there is no such culture. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00034-00027889-00028788 If you go there nobody will ask you who you are? Tch, not because they don’t care for you Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00035-00028788-00029710 because in their life the most… the biggest thing about their life is to find out who am I? Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00036-00029710-00030677 If a new person comes just now, as soon as he comes you ask him “who are you?” It’s a very big question. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00037-00030677-00031520 Yes? Very big question, isn’t it? So they don’t want to embarrass you with such a big question. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00038-00031520-00032216 So a new person has come, if you do not ask him “who are you?” what is the next possibility? Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00039-00032216-00032984 Where do you come from? Do you know where you come from? Tch, now you came from China, Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00040-00032984-00033684 that’s not the point. Where do you really come from? Do you know? From where you came into this life, Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00041-00033684-00034634 do you know? Do you know? No (Laughter). Where is it? Mother. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00042-00034634-00035652 Okay to mother’s belly where did you come (Laughter)? You really don’t know where you came from, isn’t it? Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00043-00035652-00036342 So they don’t want to embarrass you with that question either. A new person has arrived, Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00044-00036342-00037090 you don’t ask him who you are, or where you come from? Tch… not much room for conversation. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00045-00037090-00037920 So they don’t talk to you. Lunch means there is a bell. If you want, you can go and eat. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00046-00037920-00038746 If you don’t eat, nobody will force you because fasting is an important part of Buddhist life. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00047-00038746-00039314 If you’re not eating, it is greatly respected. Nobody will come and say “come and eat” Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00048-00039314-00040346 because they think you’re fasting (Laughter). This is a strange situation for this man from South India Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00049-00040346-00041008 because in South India you must know this, if you go to somebody’s home, Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00050-00041008-00041980 it doesn’t matter at which time of the day you go. You must eat. You tell them “no, no, no, Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00051-00041980-00042620 I just had my dinner and came.” “Ah, it doesn’t matter, you’ve come to my home you must eat.” Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00052-00042620-00043390 Because this is hospitality. This is a sure way to the hospital. Nobody asked him who you are? Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00053-00043390-00043886 Where you come from? Come and eat. Nothing. He just hung around. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00054-00043886-00044800 When hunger overtook him he went and ate and just hung around. One day, two days, three days, Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00055-00044800-00046002 three weeks passed away, nobody spoke to him. After three weeks, the old monk who was there called him. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00056-00046002-00046750 He knows why this man has come. He said “what will you do with supernatural powers? Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00057-00046750-00047670 What will you do walking up on water? After three days a boat will be better you know. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00058-00047670-00048284 I will teach you the way of meditation with this you can live a fruitful life.” Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00059-00048284-00048896 Our man said, “no, no, no, I don’t want your meditation. You think to learn meditation I have to come to Tibet? Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00060-00048896-00049678 In India we know every kind of meditation. Don’t you forget Gautama, the Buddha is an export from India Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00061-00049678-00051034 (Laughter).” In many ways the monk tried to dissuade him, but our man was determined. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00062-00051034-00051941 I want supernatural powers. Then the monk said, “okay if you must have it, tomorrow morning 4 o’clock Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00063-00051941-00052794 take a dip in the river and come here. Let’s see what we can do. The secrets of supernatural I will give it to you.” Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00064-00052794-00053696 Our man went 4 o’clock in the morning, had a dip in the river, tch, this is not South India this is Tibet. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00065-00053696-00054896 The temperatures are all minus (Laughter). He took a dip turned half blue (Laughter), Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00066-00054896-00055841 he went and sat in front of the monk. The monk looked at his condition and his determination. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00067-00055841-00056666 He said, “see this is very simple. There are three mantras. You utter these three mantras three times over, Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00068-00056666-00057418 all the supernatural will be yours.” Tch, shall I reveal the mantras to you? Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00069-00057418-00058222 “Buddham saranam gachami”, “Dharmam saranam gachami”, “Sangam saranam gachami” Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00070-00058222-00058838 these three mantras three times over you utter, all the supernatural is yours. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00071-00058838-00059632 Only thing is when you’re uttering the mantra you should not think about a monkey. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00072-00059632-00060696 “Is that all?” “That is all.” “Can I go?” “Please.” Our man came out of the monastery really jumping with joy. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00073-00060696-00061208 “The fool of a monk revealed all the secrets of supernatural Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00074-00061208-00061791 and he tells me don’t think about a monkey. What is this? What does he know about my culture? Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00075-00061791-00062484 Here we think of Vedas, Upanishads, brahma sutras, these are all the great scriptures. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00076-00062484-00063102 Why will I think about a monkey, am I a hunter? I have not seen a monkey in the last ten years.” Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00077-00063102-00063838 Like this thinking about monkeys he came down to the Indian part of Himalayas. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00078-00063838-00064636 There is a sacred river in India, you’ve heard of this? Tch, he came down to the sacred river Ganga Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00079-00064636-00065778 had a dip in the river, sat down Buddham monkey (Laughter), monkey means another dip in the river, Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00080-00065778-00066460 sat down Buddham monkey, another dip in the river, Buddham monkey another dip in the river. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00081-00066460-00067242 In various yoga postures he tried. Boo means monkey comes. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00082-00067242-00068084 One week of intense practice he came to a place he does not have to do anything only monkeys, Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00083-00068084-00068914 inside monkeys, outside monkeys, a universe full of monkeys (Laughter). Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00084-00068914-00069704 Now, he could not sit, stand, or sleep. Monkeys everywhere inside, outside, everywhere monkeys. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00085-00069704-00070330 Now he went back, all the way back to Tibet once again. He went to the monk and said Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00086-00070330-00071242 “I don’t want your supernatural powers, first relieve me from these monkeys” (Laughter). Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00087-00071242-00071890 Now this is the nature of your mind. If you say, “I don’t want something” Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00088-00071890-00072464 only that will happen in your mind, isn’t it? Only monkeys? No, no, no now don’t think of a monkey. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00089-00072464-00073082 No. you cannot think of a monkey. Only monkey (Laughter). The more you do that Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00090-00073082-00073776 more monkeys will happen. Or what I am saying is without understanding the fundamental Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00091-00073776-00074636 nature of the mind, if you try to do something head on with it you will go crazy. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00092-00074636-00075258 So many things that you think you want to forget, you will never forget. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00093-00075258-00076508 Things that you want to remember you always forget, isn’t it? Yes or no? Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00094-00076508-00077148 Because without understanding the fundamentals of mind, we’re trying to operate the mind. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00095-00077148-00077974 This is the most sophisticated machine on the planet, but you’re going at it somehow. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00096-00077974-00078784 If you go at it somehow, sometimes it works. Most of the time unfortunately Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00097-00078784-00079434 most people’s minds are working against those people. When you were five years of age, Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00098-00079434-00080332 hmm, when you were only that much, how joyful you were and today how joyful you are? Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00099-00080332-00081280 Has it gone up or gone down? Hmm? That means your mind is working against you. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00100-00081280-00081956 It is working against you simply because without understanding the fundamentals of what it is, Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00101-00081956-00082872 you’re trying to operate it. If you have a sharp knife you must have a steady hand. Yes? Yes or no? Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00102-00082872-00083540 Hmm, if you have a very sharp knife you must have a very steady hand, unsteady hand. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00103-00083540-00084380 You will either cut yourself or cut somebody. Yes or no? That’s all that’s happening right now. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00104-00084380-00085210 Once you became a human being you have sharp knife, no steady hand. Tch, that’s why yoga. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00105-00085210-00086186 To create a very steady hand so this sharp knife can be used the way we want that it will not cut us all the time. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00106-00086186-00087066 Right now, all the misery that you see on the planet, all the human misery that is happening on this planet; Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00107-00087066-00088202 where is the manufacturing unit? Shanghai? Where is the manufacturing unit? In your mind. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00108-00088202-00089080 Every kind of misery is manufactured only here (Gestures). This should be manufacturing bliss for you, Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00109-00089080-00089672 ecstasy for you. But it’s manufacturing misery because there is no stable platform. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00110-00089672-00090644 It’s all over the place. Once this mind begins to work for you, once you’re blissful by your own nature; Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00111-00090644-00091172 there is no fear of suffering. Once you become like this within yourself Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00112-00091172-00091756 that your mind takes instructions from you, whatever happens I will keep this blissful. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00113-00091756-00092420 This will become magic. This will become a fantastic instrument of well-being. Lw-Ha8cGpTg-00114-00092420-00093178 Now you would like to explore the full depth and dimension of this life. LyaB6YzAkao-00000-00000000-00000266 Dear teachers and students, since a few years ago LyaB6YzAkao-00001-00000266-00000524 3D printing is prevalent in academia LyaB6YzAkao-00002-00000524-00000738 Many schools now have 3D printers. LyaB6YzAkao-00003-00000738-00000998 But have you seen such a small one? LyaB6YzAkao-00004-00001046-00001374 In fact, 3D printers don't have to be big. LyaB6YzAkao-00005-00001384-00001754 Small machines can also print very delicate objects LyaB6YzAkao-00006-00001754-00002058 Accessories like me LyaB6YzAkao-00007-00002080-00002654 You can even print the mouthpiece of recorder that we printed in school. LyaB6YzAkao-00008-00002698-00002974 Can also play the sound LyaB6YzAkao-00009-00003002-00003465 Many accessories are officially put into production before production LyaB6YzAkao-00010-00003465-00003944 Can really solve the problem of the first draft with 3D printing LyaB6YzAkao-00011-00003972-00004429 I am going to teach you today to start with painting parts. LyaB6YzAkao-00012-00004430-00004842 Even printing becomes a product LyaB6YzAkao-00013-00004886-00005336 Today I am going to teach you to use the platform of TinkerCad to paint parts. LyaB6YzAkao-00014-00005372-00005860 Enter tinkercad.com in your browser LyaB6YzAkao-00015-00005890-00006182 Press Enter to enter the tinkercad screen LyaB6YzAkao-00016-00006210-00006684 In the top right corner, select Login or Register. LyaB6YzAkao-00017-00006731-00007384 Teacher, student, or personal account by registration LyaB6YzAkao-00018-00007426-00007695 Can be selected according to identity LyaB6YzAkao-00019-00007718-00008131 If you already have an account, log in directly LyaB6YzAkao-00020-00008306-00008584 See the main screen after logging in LyaB6YzAkao-00021-00008654-00008954 Optional gallery in the upper right corner LyaB6YzAkao-00022-00009056-00009340 Design gallery LyaB6YzAkao-00023-00009647-00009969 And electronic circuit gallery LyaB6YzAkao-00024-00010232-00010534 Select the new one under the icon LyaB6YzAkao-00025-00010596-00010885 Add three-dimensional objects LyaB6YzAkao-00026-00010988-00011574 There is a viewports option on the right hand side of the new main screen. LyaB6YzAkao-00027-00011678-00012094 Is the front and rear left and right six vision LyaB6YzAkao-00028-00012168-00012560 There are also some zoom function keys LyaB6YzAkao-00029-00012768-00013362 On the right side of the screen, there are functions such as import, export, and transfer. LyaB6YzAkao-00030-00013446-00013844 Work planes and ruler tools LyaB6YzAkao-00031-00013941-00014278 There are some structural options down. LyaB6YzAkao-00032-00014332-00015063 Including basic shapes, text and numbers, characters, connectors, etc. LyaB6YzAkao-00033-00015138-00015846 There are also functions such as composition, cancellation, alignment, and mirroring. LyaB6YzAkao-00034-00015912-00016700 Looking back at the right side of the work platform, there are transparent and color objects on the basic shape. LyaB6YzAkao-00035-00016768-00017134 First choose a red cube LyaB6YzAkao-00036-00017186-00017482 To create our first three-dimensional object LyaB6YzAkao-00037-00017586-00018112 You can pay attention to the black and white dots on the four sides of the cube. LyaB6YzAkao-00038-00018134-00018578 These points are used to change the length, height and height of the cube. LyaB6YzAkao-00039-00018724-00019006 And when you change the three-dimensional size of the object LyaB6YzAkao-00040-00019006-00019284 You will see the appearance of numbers. LyaB6YzAkao-00041-00019288-00019844 You can change these directly to represent the true size of the number LyaB6YzAkao-00042-00019928-00020782 For example, now we create a small rectangular body with a length of 60mm, 濶50mm and a height of 20mm. LyaB6YzAkao-00043-00020828-00021282 Next we choose a transparent cube LyaB6YzAkao-00044-00021330-00021834 But changed the size of the transparent cube to LyaB6YzAkao-00045-00021888-00022442 55mm x 45mm x 18mm LyaB6YzAkao-00046-00022524-00023020 That is, smaller than the box LyaB6YzAkao-00047-00023124-00023736 The purpose of this is to hollow out the cuboid LyaB6YzAkao-00048-00023818-00024264 Put the transparent cuboid into the red rectangular body LyaB6YzAkao-00049-00024332-00024690 Select two objects together LyaB6YzAkao-00050-00024810-00025040 Then select the combination in the upper right corner LyaB6YzAkao-00051-00025074-00025516 You can get a hollow cuboid LyaB6YzAkao-00052-00025606-00026206 After learning the combination, try to combine other objects with each other. LyaB6YzAkao-00053-00026236-00026938 For example, this time creating a roof with a green triangular cylinder LyaB6YzAkao-00054-00027036-00027618 Then choose the transparent cube (hole) to create a door LyaB6YzAkao-00055-00027706-00028268 Recombining other configurations near the house LyaB6YzAkao-00056-00028339-00028786 TinkerCad automatically generates file names each time an object is created. LyaB6YzAkao-00057-00028816-00029126 We may wish to change the name to become House LyaB6YzAkao-00058-00029160-00029490 Supplemental features about alignment LyaB6YzAkao-00059-00029494-00030039 Select all spheres and cylinders, then select the alignment LyaB6YzAkao-00060-00030092-00030470 You can use black dots to align the center of both LyaB6YzAkao-00061-00030538-00030910 Now the prototype of the house has become LyaB6YzAkao-00062-00030920-00031798 Please don't forget to make 3D printing, you must connect all objects with the platform. LyaB6YzAkao-00063-00031842-00032252 So we use cubes to create the platform. LyaB6YzAkao-00064-00032302-00032606 Next, learn to use text objects LyaB6YzAkao-00065-00032650-00033244 Words and numbers can also become three-dimensional objects LyaB6YzAkao-00066-00033350-00033578 Characters can be modified at any time LyaB6YzAkao-00067-00033615-00033901 We entered Carlos House LyaB6YzAkao-00068-00034044-00034420 Use zoom and rotate functions LyaB6YzAkao-00069-00034470-00035086 Put Carlos House in front of the house LyaB6YzAkao-00070-00035164-00035610 Finally select all objects to combine LyaB6YzAkao-00071-00035702-00036266 Color uniformity represents a successful combination LyaB6YzAkao-00072-00036424-00036912 Successfully painted the first 3D work LyaB6YzAkao-00073-00036934-00037408 It’s time to learn how to export to a printable format. LyaB6YzAkao-00074-00037490-00038142 The most common 3D printing format is STL, so we choose STL LyaB6YzAkao-00075-00038220-00038942 At the bottom left of the screen, we see that House.stl has been generated. LyaB6YzAkao-00076-00039008-00039524 Double click on this file to go directly to the 3D printing software (Cura) LyaB6YzAkao-00077-00039576-00040052 We will detail how to use Cura for 3D printing in the next video. LyaB6YzAkao-00078-00040066-00040232 Don't miss it! L_iymA1uztM-00000-00000276-00000383 Hi, my name is Dexter. L_iymA1uztM-00001-00000393-00000650 Can I ask you guys, first of all, a question? L_iymA1uztM-00002-00000660-00000954 Do any of you know somebody who has a neuromuscular condition, L_iymA1uztM-00003-00000964-00001364 like ALS, MS, Parkinson's? L_iymA1uztM-00004-00001374-00001554 Actually these, are very terrible conditions. L_iymA1uztM-00005-00001564-00001778 For ALS, for example, my mother had ALS. L_iymA1uztM-00006-00001788-00001911 I was her primary caregiver. L_iymA1uztM-00007-00001921-00002005 And I took care of her. L_iymA1uztM-00008-00002015-00002148 And one of the problems I saw was L_iymA1uztM-00009-00002158-00002419 that all of the person's voluntary muscles L_iymA1uztM-00010-00002429-00002522 would go away. L_iymA1uztM-00011-00002532-00002645 So they would lose the ability to speak L_iymA1uztM-00012-00002655-00002766 and to be able to move. L_iymA1uztM-00013-00002776-00002869 So I came back to MIT. L_iymA1uztM-00014-00002879-00003016 I worked with MIT professors to create L_iymA1uztM-00015-00003026-00003236 the first new technology, an alternative L_iymA1uztM-00016-00003246-00003767 interface to be able to control a computer L_iymA1uztM-00017-00003777-00004324 fully using no motion or ability to speak at all. L_iymA1uztM-00018-00004334-00004431 So let me show you. L_iymA1uztM-00019-00004441-00004581 We were invited to the ALS International L_iymA1uztM-00020-00004591-00004881 Conference, where we tested our device on a lot of people. L_iymA1uztM-00021-00004891-00004998 Here is Hiroki. L_iymA1uztM-00022-00005008-00005321 He is president of ALS Association in Japan. L_iymA1uztM-00023-00005331-00005498 He actually has no ability to move at all. L_iymA1uztM-00024-00005508-00005745 We tested our sensors, our EMG sensors on his body, L_iymA1uztM-00025-00005755-00005972 where we put on the back of his calf-- L_iymA1uztM-00026-00005982-00006092 and he has very progressive-- L_iymA1uztM-00027-00006102-00006369 Here is, actually, a picture of his leg. L_iymA1uztM-00028-00006379-00006496 It's all skin and bone. L_iymA1uztM-00029-00006506-00006653 And our EMG sensors are the first ones L_iymA1uztM-00030-00006663-00006856 to ever capture a signal off his body. L_iymA1uztM-00031-00006866-00007100 Here's a clear signal off of him, thinking L_iymA1uztM-00032-00007110-00007290 about tapping his foot. L_iymA1uztM-00033-00007300-00007574 So we were awarded a top prize at this competition. L_iymA1uztM-00034-00007584-00007784 And as word got out about what we're doing, L_iymA1uztM-00035-00007794-00007964 one of the companies that reached out to us L_iymA1uztM-00036-00007974-00008121 was Microsoft Research. L_iymA1uztM-00037-00008131-00008301 They're looking at the future of computing. L_iymA1uztM-00038-00008311-00008455 They're looking at the future of, L_iymA1uztM-00039-00008465-00008828 how do you control VR and other consumer devices. L_iymA1uztM-00040-00008838-00008968 So they actually said they wanted L_iymA1uztM-00041-00008978-00009239 to buy $100,000 of our sensors, and they want us L_iymA1uztM-00042-00009249-00009379 to do co-development with them. L_iymA1uztM-00043-00009389-00009689 To be the first EMG solution for Microsoft. L_iymA1uztM-00044-00009699-00009969 So this is a quote that we had from a manager. L_iymA1uztM-00045-00009979-00010166 He said he was looking for an EMG device L_iymA1uztM-00046-00010176-00010383 exactly like ours for the last two years, L_iymA1uztM-00047-00010393-00010623 and that's what we are providing for them. L_iymA1uztM-00048-00010633-00010910 We are excited to work for them, as well-- at the same time, L_iymA1uztM-00049-00010920-00011101 we're partnering with MJH and Johns Hopkins L_iymA1uztM-00050-00011111-00011471 to be able to do clinical trials correlating EMG strength, L_iymA1uztM-00051-00011481-00011621 to actually physical strength. L_iymA1uztM-00052-00011631-00011835 We would provide the first real-time look L_iymA1uztM-00053-00011845-00012055 into a person's central nervous system L_iymA1uztM-00054-00012065-00012362 to provide possibly the biomarker for neuromuscular L_iymA1uztM-00055-00012372-00012459 conditions. L_iymA1uztM-00056-00012469-00012669 Over 200 million people in the world L_iymA1uztM-00057-00012679-00013019 have a condition that has no sort of biotracking at all. L_iymA1uztM-00058-00013029-00013199 We would provide the first one for that. L_iymA1uztM-00059-00013209-00013446 So we actually, you know, I don't have enough time to demo. L_iymA1uztM-00060-00013456-00013683 We actually have a demo in this corner over here. L_iymA1uztM-00061-00013693-00013867 Happy to show it to anybody at all. L_iymA1uztM-00062-00013877-00014057 And please reach out to us for partnering L_iymA1uztM-00063-00014067-00014280 with our revolutionary technology. L_iymA1uztM-00064-00014290-00014524 My email is Dexter@pisontechnology.com. L_iymA1uztM-00065-00014534-00014704 Thank you. LCP5-nfHRhu-00000-00001384-00001592 that's your place LCP5-nfHRhu-00001-00001904-00002984 wow LCP5-nfHRhu-00002-00008344-00008584 okay um LCP5-nfHRhu-00003-00011288-00011384 say hi LCP5-nfHRhu-00004-00011744-00011992 what'd you say that was LCP5-nfHRhu-00005-00012720-00014184 look like an dead honey LCP5-nfHRhu-00006-00015056-00015224 well what do you guys want to know LCP5-nfHRhu-00007-00017704-00017872 i don't know what you guys want to LCP5-nfHRhu-00008-00017872-00018736 say um you guys been enjoying his videos because i know LCP5-nfHRhu-00009-00018872-00019784 i sometimes don't because there's a lot of screaming okay LCP5-nfHRhu-00010-00020856-00021184 i'm stopping now i don't know LCP5-nfHRhu-00011-00022384-00022584 yes LCP5-nfHRhu-00012-00028144-00028239 one oh ten LCP5-nfHRhu-00013-00028512-00028544 ten LCP5-nfHRhu-00014-00033384-00033784 yeah LCP5-nfHRhu-00015-00035048-00035184 okay LCP5-nfHRhu-00016-00036312-00036584 that way LCP5-nfHRhu-00017-00037696-00037984 yes LCP5-nfHRhu-00018-00038168-00039384 um LCP5-nfHRhu-00019-00040712-00040784 is LCP5-nfHRhu-00020-00043360-00044984 let's put this back in the box sassy [__] yesterday LCP5-nfHRhu-00021-00045832-00046384 i hope you have a fun day LCP5-nfHRhu-00022-00048152-00049184 yes LCP5-nfHRhu-00023-00049576-00050584 is LCP5-nfHRhu-00024-00050944-00051984 okay LCP5-nfHRhu-00025-00052688-00053384 oh LCP5-nfHRhu-00026-00056008-00056104 i'm close i'm LCP5-nfHRhu-00027-00056552-00057584 hello LCP5-nfHRhu-00028-00062216-00063184 bye LCP5-nfHRhu-00029-00064072-00064584 hello hello LCP5-nfHRhu-00030-00065216-00065984 laptop LCP5-nfHRhu-00031-00066944-00067384 and we can do the time LCP5-nfHRhu-00032-00067696-00068784 oh LCP5-nfHRhu-00033-00072648-00072984 welcome welcome welcome to my LCP5-nfHRhu-00034-00074016-00074384 okay wait wait LCP5-nfHRhu-00035-00075600-00075784 let's go LCP5-nfHRhu-00036-00078256-00078584 is LCP5-nfHRhu-00037-00078808-00079984 is LCP5-nfHRhu-00038-00083848-00084184 oh LCP5-nfHRhu-00039-00086544-00086984 um LCP5-nfHRhu-00040-00089560-00089784 okay LCP5-nfHRhu-00041-00090776-00091184 sorry LCP5-nfHRhu-00042-00093448-00093984 hey LCP5-nfHRhu-00043-00094408-00095384 oh LCP5-nfHRhu-00044-00096704-00096784 okay LCP5-nfHRhu-00045-00099672-00100984 hmm LCP5-nfHRhu-00046-00101576-00102384 foreign LCP5-nfHRhu-00047-00102776-00103783 uh LCP5-nfHRhu-00048-00104920-00105183 so so come on LCP5-nfHRhu-00049-00107000-00107983 so LCP5-nfHRhu-00050-00112016-00112183 uh LCP5-nfHRhu-00051-00114896-00116383 oh LCP5-nfHRhu-00052-00118111-00119183 okay LCP5-nfHRhu-00053-00124256-00124783 okay LCP5-nfHRhu-00054-00127183-00127583 is LCP5-nfHRhu-00055-00127976-00128983 oh LCP5-nfHRhu-00056-00129808-00130383 so okay LCP5-nfHRhu-00057-00131600-00131784 okay LCP5-nfHRhu-00058-00133968-00134584 um LCP5-nfHRhu-00059-00135512-00135984 oh LCP5-nfHRhu-00060-00136600-00137384 oh LCP5-nfHRhu-00061-00138112-00138784 thank you so much for watching LCP5-nfHRhu-00062-00140352-00141584 oh LCP5-nfHRhu-00063-00141912-00142496 oh LCP5-nfHRhu-00064-00143472-00144384 oh LCP5-nfHRhu-00065-00144440-00145784 hey LCP5-nfHRhu-00066-00149984-00149992 foreign LCP5-nfHRhu-00067-00156264-00156984 so LCP5-nfHRhu-00068-00159568-00159784 is LCP5-nfHRhu-00069-00160824-00161184 wait LCP5-nfHRhu-00070-00161400-00162584 oh LCP5-nfHRhu-00071-00163120-00163832 this is LCP5-nfHRhu-00072-00163832-00163984 easy LCP5-nfHRhu-00073-00167152-00168184 so LCP5-nfHRhu-00074-00168736-00169584 um LCP5-nfHRhu-00075-00176400-00177984 uh LCP5-nfHRhu-00076-00182008-00183584 um LCP5-nfHRhu-00077-00185496-00186384 so LCP5-nfHRhu-00078-00187240-00187784 you really will LCP5-nfHRhu-00079-00188216-00189184 please LCP5-nfHRhu-00080-00193336-00194784 thank you for watching my video have you inscribed LCP5-nfHRhu-00081-00195816-00196184 so LCP5-nfHRhu-00082-00198864-00198984 me LCP5-nfHRhu-00083-00200368-00200384 yes LCP5-nfHRhu-00084-00204120-00205984 it because LCP5-nfHRhu-00085-00209696-00210184 so LCP5-nfHRhu-00086-00210792-00211584 so LCP5-nfHRhu-00087-00214760-00215784 do LCP5-nfHRhu-00088-00219784-00219984 oh LCP5-nfHRhu-00089-00220832-00221384 wear some clothes LCP5-nfHRhu-00090-00226408-00226984 oh LCP5-nfHRhu-00091-00228888-00229784 foreign LCP5-nfHRhu-00092-00230856-00231184 okay LCP5-nfHRhu-00093-00233784-00233984 is LCP5-nfHRhu-00094-00235256-00236784 what is that um LCP5-nfHRhu-00095-00237719-00238184 hmm LCP5-nfHRhu-00096-00240312-00240984 okay LCP5-nfHRhu-00097-00241592-00242384 okay LCP5-nfHRhu-00098-00244048-00245184 this is LCP5-nfHRhu-00099-00247880-00247984 is LCP5-nfHRhu-00100-00248423-00249384 is LCP5-nfHRhu-00101-00251712-00252184 foreign LCP5-nfHRhu-00102-00252504-00253584 watch this video LCP5-nfHRhu-00103-00255408-00256384 oh LCP5-nfHRhu-00104-00257512-00257784 i don't know what it is LCP5-nfHRhu-00105-00259767-00260584 thank you LCP5-nfHRhu-00106-00266712-00267584 is LCP5-nfHRhu-00107-00267936-00268984 is LCP5-nfHRhu-00108-00269040-00270384 a minute LCP5-nfHRhu-00109-00288080-00288088 you